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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-06-08 12:08:42

1998 Summer - To Dragma

Vol. LXVII, No. 11

To Dragma of
AlphaQmicron Pi
| SllMHER 19
New Additions to Our Archives
"A Chapter onTrial" - Your Opinions
Fraternrty Membership Survey 1999 Convention Preview

a message from our President
Tell Us What You Think!
Is AOII headed in the right direction? We need your help to make sure that as our Fraternity moves into its second century of existence, AOII will contin- ue to have relevance for ALL its members, both collegiate and alumnae. The leadership of AOF1 needs your help. We need to make sure we are in touch with the reality of being a woman in today's world. We need to know what your concerns are, what kinds of things are most important to you, and the things your Fraternity could do to better meet your needs.
To do this, we need information that only you can pro- vide. The Executive Board, together with the Fraternity Development Committe has developed the survey that is enclosed i n this issue o f To Dragma. Won't you please take a few moments to complete th e survey: Your input a n d ideas will help o u r Fraternity develop programs to meet the current and future needs of AOII women. Your responses will be com- pletely anonymous, so please tell us what you really think.
To encourage your participation, we are offering a spe- cial bonus: a chance to win a $100 gift certificate to the AOII Emporium. Here's how it works. Complete the anonymous survey and send it to us in the
attached self-mailer. Then, fill out the contest postcard and mail it to AOII Headquarters. Your completed postcard enters you in the drawing for the gift certificate. Again, you are mailing the survey and the postcard separate- ly, so th e anonymity o f your survey is guaranteed! W e appreciate your
y Linda1Peters Collier International President
To Dragma/SUMMER .1998
Survey results will be featured in a future Thank you for your contribution to the future of AOF1.
FAX 615/371-9736
E-MAIL [email protected] WEBSITE
(USPS631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi,
9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood. TN. Periodical class postage paid at Brentwood, TN,
and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy.
response by September 30, 1998. issue of To Dragma.
On the cover:
The A O n Historical Poster by artist Jill Ferree is available through the A O n Emporium. It is a collection of historical memorabiliafromtheAOnArchives,Theitemsfeaturedclockwisefromtheupperleftinclude:I)Bookswrittenby Stella;2)ConventionProgram-1927;3)ConventionNametag-1925;4)Founders'photo;5)OmicronChapter
banner; 6) Foundation gift-Jefferson Cup given to Second Soaety members; 7) AOII Engraved spoon - a wedding gifttoMarthaLouiseMcLemorePekon,Omicron1927;8)RhoChapterchina;9)AlphaChapterRollBook-wheat $3.00pervear.
artdesignbyStella;10)DresswombyThetoChartermemberat1907installation;11)AOnlavaliere-1960; 12) Rose wreath; 13) Chi Delta dance card - 1937; 14) Stella's president ring 15) Omicron Chapter photo album; 16) A O n beanie; 17) Historical ornament - Barnard College; 18) Peart charm bracelet made with Upsilon Alphacolonypins 19)MetalboxusedbyStellaforholdingeariyAOU records,20)PictureofAlphaChapterroom- early1900s,21)OffaalMcCauslandCup-1946;22)ColumbiaUniversityLibrary,23)SigmalotaChaptergavel; 24)ToDragma-firstpresscopy-1905;25)Autographbook-Convention1931;26)FoundationLimogesbox- Stella'sTrunk 27) first "AO.Pizette"-Convention Newsletter- 1923; 28) Saddle Oxfords; 29) Tau Delta's volleyball teamchampions-1945;30)ToDragma-March1938;31)PictureofLambdaChaptermembers-1968;32)
Life subscription: $81.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: TO DRAGM4.of Alpha Omicron Pi. 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Addressalleditorialcommunicationstothe Editor at the same address.
AOnsweatshirt-/959;33)AOnSutton;34)PandaBear;35)Founders'Badges;36)InvitationtoAlpha MEMBER
Chapter Cotillion -AOTIs first social funtJon; 37) Pledge pin - 1903. COLLEGE FRATERNITY EDITORS ASSOCIATION
®Printed on recycled paper Printed in the U.S.A.

To Dragma
AA contents
A Message From our President Keepsakes become AOTT Treasures Your Opinions - One More Shot
Start an Alumnae Chapter 1998Alumnae Chapter Presidents
An InsidersTake on Spring Break '98
AOTT Travel Opportunities 22 Emporium
24 AOT1 Magazine Program
25 Valued AOTT - Membership Survey
29 Volunteer to be a Member of theTeam
30 VolunteerApplication Fomn
31 Convention '99 -AWorld of Possibilities
36 Collegiate News
42 Alumnae News
46 Power of Friendship. AOTT
48 Notables
50 Salutetoour75YearMembers 51 Change ofAddress
2 4 9
15 17 19 21
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998

Personal Become AOII
The mention of the word Of*c/uae& often brings visions of dusty
Edith Huntington Anderson, Beta Phi, 1917, served AOn in many ways. Among them was helping a local sorority at Pennsylvania State University become a chapter of AOil which was named Epsilon Alpha to honor her. Edith served as AOITs Grand Secretary and Grand President in the 1930s. In the 1980s, she helped with the organiza- tion of AOITs archival materi- als and her knowledge of our Fraternity's early years answered endless questions and added valuable informa-
tomes and ancient objects. True, in some cases —but AOITs Archives tion to our records. The year 1897 was both the year of
are another story. There are tOOflc/effal'things from the 19th cen- AOITs founding and, as well, the year Edith was born. All
tury and even more from the 20th century and all are exciting because of
who knew her hoped she either could attend the
the <$fOfY(j& they tell and the surprising ways they have come to the Centennial Celebration or be awareofit Tooursorrow,
collection. Shown here are examples of a few of the items currently on
display or in safe keeping with the Fraternity. Our recent Centennial Celebration has added many artifacts and documents to Archives and, that occasion turned out to be a time when we received more unex-
Edith died in February 1997. However, Edith was part of the celebration in spirit through the presence of one of her three AOII daughters, Mary Eldrid Anderson Hilton, Epsilon Alpha, 1944, an A O n WomanofAchievement Mary- brought to the Celebration and
pected ^ ^ / / / ^ f r o m AOlTs past Here are a few of their stories. presented to Archives, a letter her sister, Rebecca, had
received from Founder Stella George Stern Perry. This is surely but one of many letters exchanged in the correspon- dence between Stella and the Anderson family, because for many years Stella and Edith worked closely to benefit our Fraternity. The letter and its envelope bear Stella's distinc- tive, flourishing penmanship and, in the exchange of opinions about AOII affairs, conveys the devoted friendship between them. We are grateful to Mary for adding this document to AOfl Archives.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998

x f a m a k P l a t i n u m &: Q ) t a / f / o / t c / h & a d a e
Two other AOI1 daughters broughtartifactsforArchives. These ladies are Margaret Young Whitlock. Omega 1944, and her sister, Katherine Young Casebere-Kudreiko, Omega 1947. Their mother is Katherine Graham Young, Rho 1920 who, after her initi- ation at Northwestern University, wore an AOI1 badge of platinum set with diamonds and the traditional ruby in the apex. In time, her two daughters wore their mother's badge following dieir initiations at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Their moth- er, Katherine, was unable to attend the Celebration, but urged her daughters to go and deliver die badge to Archives.
« i f e f f a k £/?o#e Q$oio/
Katherine gave another arti- fact to Archives, a cut crystal rose bowl that had belonged to Stella George Stern Perry . Of course, it has an interesting story. In her later years, Stella lived in Brooklyn Heights overlooking New York harbor. At that time, Katherine Graham Young lived on Staten Island in New York harbor and, living in Manhattan was Margaret Boothroyd Rasmusses, Tau 1916, Past President of AOfl. Katherine
and Margaret
knew Stella very <sm well and were lov-
ingly attentive to her needs, among them being cer-
tain Stella attended New York CityFounders' Day gatherings. Stella's attendance made Founders' Day special for all
bowl as a loving remembrance of their friendship. Katherine asked her daughters to present this rose bowl to AOFI Archives. It is gratefully acceptedasasymbolofthe friendship shared by Katherine Graham Young and Stella
George Stern Perry.
These items have been added to our Archives in an effort to keep the memory of AOFI alive.
By Nancy Moyer McCain,
Rho (Northwestern U), International Historian
These items are being preserved in an effort to keep the
memory of Aon alive. Every item in thearchiveshasa unique importance. From
creative scrapbooks, to historical memorabilia, these items tell the
our Fraternity's early
To Dragma/SIMMER 1998
who attended and the high- light was her being presented red roses for the occasion. In true Victorian custom, Stella saved the petals from the roses, put them in the crystal rose bowl to enjoy for a year until they were replaced by petals from the following Founders' Day roses. Stella wanted Katherine to have her rose

at some of the
t / H i a M l / H ^ ondisplay
£i'ery ite»n tn t/w archives has a unique importance. From beautiful, creative scrapbooks, to historical memorabilia, these items tell the story ofour Fraternityearly Jiistory. Ifyou have any items of significance that should be added to the AOTI archives, please send to Colleen Caban, Archives Adnumstrator, AOnInternational Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brenhvood, TN 37027, (615)3700920. Hease include details about tlie item s significance and any related stories.
AT out- t> IUNI C
AOFI scrapbook from 1928 made by the members of Nu Kappa (Southern Methodist Li). The adorable place cards pictured were used for a formal dinner on September 28, 1928 for the chapter mem- bers and their dates. Archives contains dozens of chapter scrapbooks dating from the turn of the cen- tury. They tell the stories of the social functions, engagements, weddings, and triumphs of our chapters and members.
The Phi Chapter (L. of Kansas) piano currendy sits in the downstairs foyer of the International Headquarters building in Brentwood, Tennessee.
To Dragma printing plates from 1919. This particular plate features three photos that
still reveal the ink build-up from the old printing processes.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998

The chandelier from Pi Chapter (Newcomb College, Tulane) is on display in the foyer of International Headquarters. This beautiful treasure from AOITs second chapter has been carefully restored to its original grandeur. The crystal base features delicate rose and sheaf of wheat etchings and adds an elegant touch to the two-story foyer.
Alpha Chapter Roll Book, 1897. This book is the first of its kind and features illustrations by Stella George Stern Perry of sheaves of wheat on each page. The roll book lists all of Alpha Chapter's initiates.
Momentos from Gamma Chapter (U of Maine), Delta Chapter (Tuffs U), and Beta Chapter (Brown U). These three former Delta Sigma collegiate chapters were chartered by AOil in 1908 when our Fraternity absorbed this national organization.
Collection of works by and about Margaret Bourke-White, Omicron Pi (U of Michigan) a renowned photographer whose works regular- ly graced the cover of Fortune, Time, and Life magazines, including Lifes first issue.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998

at some of the treasurer ondisplay
Barnard College \earbook from 1898. Our Founders were all members of the yearbook staff and were praised for redesigning
the old fashioned Barnard Annual into the "vivacious and sparkling Mortarboard.'* The class of '98 brought "wit and
charm" to its pages.
Editors note: Special thanks to Colleen Caban, Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State L) and
Annie Little, Tau Omicron (I of 77V -Martin)for their assis-
tance with this article.
The Centennial Commemorative Painting "Reflections of Sisterhood" by Ann Cushing Gantz, Pi (Tulane U) is on the left The painting was sold as a lithograph for
our Centennial and features the reflections of three women symbolizing different ages of the members of Alpha Omicron Pi. Gantz also donated to the Fraternity a second painting hanging to the right. Both are on dis- play in Brentw ood.
Dinner program used at the 1937 Convention held at Canyon Hotel, Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. The card opens to reveal a handwritten agenda and the menu for the evening.
Example of works written by Stella Perry. Tire
A O n library is filled with books written by many notable AOff authors.
To Drapna/SUMMER (998

y o u r opiixLons
one more s.
WeaskedourreadersinthespringissueofT o D r a g m a , tobecome members of the jury in a case involving the tragic death of a sorority coed. Jury ballots from "A Chapter on Trial" still arrive daily at AOII Headquarters by mail, fax or electronically through the web site. The decisions were as diverse as those who made them. Responses came from people ranging in age from 18 to 76 and who lived all over the US and Canada. Most were AOIT members, but several were members of other Greek organizations, including a handfulof men.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998 9

There was a cornmori thread that wove through nearly all of the responses. Over and over it was stated emphatically that, as individuals, we must start accepting responsibility for our own actions. We are thrilled to hear you are ready to assume more personal responsibility.
If it were only that easy. If all individu- als accepted responsibility for their own actions, the need for the court system would be diminished and AOII could spend considerable more money on programming and chapter enhancement, and less on costly liability insurance.
If that perfect world existed, next year A O n could rest easier knowing we
would not receive a call from a universi- ty administrator notifying us of an inex- cusable alcohol violation by one of our chapters. Parents will never again receive a middle of the night phone cail from a hospital emergency room con- cerning their daughter's alcohol over- dose. And A O n would be spared embarrassing headlines in local city newspapers. Dramatic statements per- haps, but AOn dealt with each of these situations at least once during the last semester of the past school year.
Most people who chose to become members of the jury took the time to jot notes in the margins or even attach letters of explanation to their ballots. Those responding feel we are a society too quick to sue our neighbors and
assign blame to anyone else that hap- pens to be available. Thirty percent said Karen's death was her fault and no one else's. Even many who assigned liability to one or more parties did so only because they felt that was what
the law would determine, not because they agreed with it. Still, many more did assign blame.
The defendant found fiable most often was the off campus bar and owner. Sixty-six percent of the surveys held
the bar liable in varying degrees from 5% to iOO°/o. Interestingly, in a couple of surveys, the bar was the only defen- dant not found accountable due to the fact an employee checked IDs before people entered the establishment. Others disagreed, stating the fact that Karen was over-served liquor, thus cre- ating the problem that led to her death.
Following with a close second to the bar and owner, respondents laid liabili- ty at the feet of Karen's best friends, Macv and Lee. The highlv sensitive issue of faulting her best friends, no doubt, started many people thinking. How could Macy and Lee be found liable when they "took care of her" by getting her safely home? How were they supposed to know that she could die? Sixty-two percent seemed to look past the emotional issue and acknowl- edge that we must have a responsibility to follow through when a life threaten- ing situation arises. And, we must edu- cate ourselves as to what constitutes a life threatening situation.
Those responding felt we are
a society too quick to sue Our neighbors and assign
blame to anyone else that happens to "be available.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1908
There was a common thread that wove through nearly all of the responses. Over and over it was
stated emphaticallythat, as
individuals, we mUSt Start
accepting responsibility for our own actions.

"The problem is not fraternity/ sorority life. The problem is immaturity, inexperience and irresponsibility regarding alcohol Consumption. Ifstudents could be made to see how
unattractive drinking really iS,they would be far less inclined to over-indulge. After all, brilliant conversation
is hard to recognize when it's garbled and slurred. And
that great-looking guy
at a social isn't really that appealing when he's barfing in the corner.."
The next most named defendant was Mike, the fraternity social chairman, also Macy's boyfriend. Mike was the party's organizer and, most importantly, the one who supplied Karen with the fake ID. Actually, it is a kttle surprising that only 60% of the responses found him liable. Some noted that Mike could also face criminal charges for his role in providing a fake ID to a minor.
The next most often named defendants were the local fraternity and local sorority chapters. A significant number of responses also indicated responsibil- ity should be shouldered by the chap- ter officers and advisers in both organi- zations. Fifty-one percent, or more than half, voted to assign liability of varying degrees to the sorority's social chairman and the sorority's chapter adviser. Neither actually had a hand in Karen's death, but several felt they should have exercised better leader- ship to prevent this tragedy. Interestingly, however, fewer people faulted the local sorority chapter presi- dent than the social chairman and chapter adviser.
The least likely to be faulted were the National Organizations, their Executive Boards and Executive Directors, and the University - the very entities often considered to have the deepest pockets. Perhaps this could relate back to the personal responsibility issue again, where each member, officer, and advis- er should be expected to follow the established rules.
To Dragma/SUMMER L998

"Karen broke the law and is responsible for her own actions. I am tired of everyone suing everyone else. Education is the answer and
I applaud your efforts to educate AOI and others."
Because this is a jury trial, there are obviously no right or wrong answers What might be determined by one jury, might be completely different with another set of 12 individuals. Bringing a jury to agreement on this case would not be an easy task. Below is a list of the percentage of total responses that indicated any level of liability with each defendant.
30% found no one liable
55% found the Sorority chapter liable
30% found the National Sorority liable
17% found the National Sorority's Executive Director liable
15% found the National Sorority's Executive Board Members liable 57% found the Fraternity chapter liable
30% found the National Fraternity liable
17% found the National Fraternity's Executive Director liable
15% found the National Fraternity's Executive Board Members liable
17% found the State University liable
66% found the off campus bar and owner liable
62% found Sorority members, Macy & Lee, liable 40% found Sorority Chapter President, Ashley, liable 51% found Sorority Social Chairman, Suzie, liable 51% found Sorority Chapter Adviser, Ann, liable 43% found Fraternity chapter President, Jeff, liable 60% found Fraternity Social Chairman, Mike, liable 43% found Fraternity Chapter Adviser, Bill, liable
The comments were outstanding and expressed individual opinions better than statistics.
Here is what our respondents had to say.
A 61 year old female
"Karen, herself, bears some responsibility for her choices, but she paid with her life." Regarding the individual sorority and fraternity members liability, she noted, "all demonstrated immature lack of responsibility regarding drinking and observing campus rules." She awarded liability to each, along with the bar, the University, and the National organizations."
A 52 year old female
In finding no one liable, this respon- dent stated, "We have to begin to accept responsibility and therefore consequences for our own actions. Blaming others and resultant law suits do not solve the problems. If binge drinking is an illegal act, then let's see some students charged."
A 22 year old female
Also in finding no one liable, this stu- dent noted, "The campaign directed at binge drinking should be changed to a campaign for living with prudence, humility, chastity, obedience, faith, hope and love in the real world where alcohol, drugs and promiscuity are abstained from."
A 39 year old female
"Karen broke the law and is responsible for her own actions. I am tired of every- one suing everyone else. Education is the answer and 1 applaud your efforts to educate AOFI and others."
A 26 year old female
In assigning liability to every defendant listed, she states, "No 'one' person is responsible. Everyone should have
done a better job! The local chapters and organizations needed to better com- municate the dangers of alcohol and the university should have mandated alco- hol workshops." To justify the sorority chapter president's liability, she states "she should have been an active role model", and for the sorority social chair- man, she notes, "she should look out for her sisters' welfare at events."
A 35 year old female
In a two page typed letter accompany-
ing her ballot, this AOFI eloquently writes, "The problem is not
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998

fraternity/sorority life. The problem is immaturity, inexperience, and irrespon- sibility regarding alcohol consumption. If students could be made to see how unattractive drinking really is, they would be far less inclined to over- indulge. After all, brilliant conversation is hard to recognize when it's garbled and slurred. And that great-looking guy at a social isn't really that appealing when he's barfing in the corner-
Greek life has so many more positive aspects than negative. College students have the opportunity to establish friendships that can last a lifetime. A lone newcomer to campus is suddenly part of an almost family-like group. A sorority or fraternity house provides a nurturing environment in what can be a very stressful time... The notion of holding responsible those not directly involved in the alcohol abuse is ridicu- lous and dangerous. Seeking to cast blame on corporate entities for the poor choices made by individuals fur- thers a dangerous precedent and undermines the strength of the group... Those of us who have been privileged to experience the many positive aspects of the Greek system have a responsibil- ity to those who come after us. It is up to us to insure that the fraternity/soror- ity experience survives to nurture and train future generations."
A 26 year old female
This member shared liability equally among the sorority and fraternity local chapters, the bar, and all the individu- als involved. Her answer was appar- ently based on what a jury might decide, but she made one personal reservation known by noting to the side, "However, how do we teach peo- ple to take responsibility for their own actions if we are continually looking for someone else to blame?"
realized that it would take more to change college campuses. It is my responsibility, not only as an AOn, but as a mother, to teach my own daughter about alcohol and drinking responsibly and not wait until she is 21 or going away to college. I will have no one to blame but myself for not teaching her to value her own life and to be pre- pared to handle herself."
To Dra«ma/SUMMER 1W8
A £9 year old female
She writes, "Thank you for writing the article on drinking. I finished the arti- cle feeling angry at the fact that the chapter and chapter adviser were irre- sponsible and did not follow proce- dures nor use guidelines or common sense. The storv could have been about me or someone in my chapter or another woman on campus. Finally, I
"...I realized that It WOllld take more to change college campuses, itismy responsibility, not only as
an AOII,but as a mother,to teach my own daughter about alcohol and drinking responsibly and not wait until she is 21 or going away to college. I Will have
no one to blame but myself for not teaching her to Value
her own life and to be prepared to handle herself."

Have you ever considered the ramifications of your actions on others? Could you really he held liable for the death of a friend
just because you did nothing to prevent it? Has yOUT OWT1
irresponsible behavior
ever put someone else in danger?
was a recovered alcoholic who drank only in college after joining A Oil.)
A 55 year old female
"AOFI should send clear, firm directives to every adviser and officer in chapters and follow up with CC visits, etc. When chapters ignore rules, it gives all of us a bad name and reputation."
A 57 year old female
"Yes, 1 drank illegally. Yes, I used a fake ID. Yes, I was very careful knowing I was illegal. Yes, it was my own responsibility. No one else was at fault. Yes, we raised our sons with the same values."'
A 20 year old female
"I think all would be found accountable!"
You have just read, the OpilliOnS ofseveral ofthose who elected to become members of our jury, ^hile most were adamant on the issue of accepting personal responsibility, even more were willing to assign liability to the individuals and organizations named in our case.
If this article and survey does nothing more than make you keep thinking through the complicated issues surrounding alcohol abuse and binge drinking, it will fulfill its objective. Have you ever considered the ramifications of your actions on others? Could you really be held liable for the
death of a friend just because you did noth- ing to prevent it? Has your own irresponsi- ble behavior ever put someone else in dan- ger? For our alumnae, do you realize what is happening? Are you educating your own children? Are these problems limited to college campuses?
You've told us that it is time for everyone to start taking responsibility for their own actions. Fantastic! So,thistime,let'spose our two previous binge drinking questions this way, "Are YOU willing to admit it's a problem?" and 'Are YOU willing to do something about it?"
A 61 year old female
"The problem with people today is they don't take responsibility for their actions - whereby, blaming others! That's why we have such problems with society and why the court system is bogged down."
A 33 year old female
"All of AOITs efforts towards reducing alcohol abuse are based on a "don't" message. No one is doing anything to fill the vacuum that will hopefully be left. The weak link is not the individual's right to choose to drink... it is today's culture, on campus and off, that tells us drinking is fun. What else is fun? Where are the replacement activities?"
A 39 year old female
"No one forced Karen to drink alcohol. Encouraged, maybe, but no one poured alcohol down her throat - that was her own decision. The bar owner held a sec- ondary responsibility which was not to serve Karen when she appeared not in charge of her own faculties."
A 26 year old female "Unfortunate and tragic as it may be, Karen knowingly and willingly put alco- hol into her body. She is ultimately responsible for herself. And if she passes that hulking responsibility on to another, possibly less competent individual, that is of her own faulty judgement."
A 46 year old female
"I feel strongly about this issue and couldn't resist comments... After work- ing briefly with a local chapter, it is my opinion that we, as the adults, are
being totallv irresponsible when heads turn and we pretend it doesn't exist... If we turn our heads and ignore the problem, we are guilty."
A 72 year old female
Found 100% liability with the bar and owner "for serving to an underage minor."
A 31 year old male
Primarily sited Macy and Lee responsi-
ble because they "should have taken her to the hospital, not home," and social chairman Mike, "due to providing the fake ID."
A 43 year old female
"We have the deep pockets problem
here. The national organizations are the ones who have tried for years to stop this, but they are the ones with the money. Training, articles, etc. have been provid- ed, but [the members in this article] chose to ignore it. Juries know this and will sock it to the ones I left blank [the national organizations and leaders], instead of those responsible. I will not allow my children to pledge unless a real change is made at the chapter level!" (note: this respondent also indicated she
by Mariellen
Editor, Alpha Delta (I of Alabama)
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998

LefsStartan Alumnae Chapter...
Denton County Alumnae Chapter
Easy as 1-2-3-Celebrate!
Haveyou recently:
•graduatedfromcollegeand wanttocontinueyourAOIIsisterhood?
• moved to a new town and want to meet other AOITs?
• had some changes in your life enabling you to redevelop your involvement in AOII?
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
Denton County Alumnae Chapter
These are just a few of the reasons AOns decide to become active alumnae mem- bers of our Fraternity. Throughout the United States and Canada, alumnae with different backgrounds, ages and collegiate chapter experiences are finding a com- mon bond—AOn alumnaechapters. Because of opportunities and benefits available to these chapters, members share fun, fruitful and interesting gather- ings as career, family and community- spirited women of the 90's.
Interest in alumnae chapter membership is at an all time high. AOFI is constandy receiving mquiries from alumnae who wish to continue their AOil experiences. The Alumnae Department is available to work with alumnae in order for them to pursue their interest. B this is appealing to you, all you need to do is call our Alumnae Services Administrator (ASA),
Ann Griesmer, at International Headquarters and ask her what is avail- able. If there is an active alumnae chapter in the area where you live, she will direct you to the president. If your area does not have an alumnae chapter, the fun begins!
We continually seek AOFIs who will serve as contacts in areas where there is alum- nae chapter interest. If you are willing to be the contact, a Start Up Kit will be sent to you. You will be assigned an Alumnae Network Extension Specialist (ANES) who will work closely with you to complete the establishment of an alumnae chapter. You will be asked to provide zip codes of your local area. A complimentary printout of all A O n alumnae (with addresses and telephone numbers) living in your area generated from Headquarters data base will be furnished to you.

The Start Up Kit will include step by step instructions and sample materials lor your use. Here is the easy way to proceed:
1. Where to begin: Enlist several local AOFls to assist in getting things started. It's always more fun with help. Invite AOIls to an organizing event to enable those who are interested in getting togeth- er to meet one another and plan on how to proceed. Don't be surprised as you start out if you have more ideas and vol- unteers than needed.
2. What's Next: Select a chapter name. Secure signatures of prospective members on the Petition for Alumnae Chapter Charter and forward for approval. A
petition may be submitted with as few as three signatures. Establish a chairman or elect a president and enlist additional volunteers. Next complete the interest survey and decide the date and location of the next gathering.
4. Celebrate: Following approval of all paperwork, the Executive Board will vote to install your chapter and select the date. An installing officer will be assigned by the Internationa] President Six weeks prior to the event, AOFI will prepare and mail invitations to your installa-
tion with information supplied
by you. On your big day, your
chapter will be installed with an
AOFI Ritual for the occasion.
Your members will proudly sign
the chapter charter.
Photographs will be taken for
publicity, and an announcement
prepared for To Dragma. The
installing officer will conduct an
officer's workshop to assure that
the chapter has a good founda-
tion for success. She will provide
an update and share information
about AOFI. Fetters of greetings and con- gratulations also will be enjoyed.
Central Maryland
That's it! You are now an official AOil Alumnae Chapter and a member of Council. You now follow AOITs Governing Documents and are entitled to receive all alumnae mail- ings and assistance from the Alumnae Department.
Do YOLI choose to become involved? The reasons are many and the time is now. Be proud of AOn andletyour
Chapter size categories are: 3-10 members, 11-20 members,
21-45 members and 46+ members.
A gathering
3. Getting it Together: The group contin- ues to meet, getting to know one another. \ou begin to feel strong bonds with these new found sisters. An election of officers is held and committees work developing bylaws, a program calendar and budget. (Your Alumnae Network Extension Specialist will be a special help at this time.) Select two possible installation dates and plan the type of event you wish to have to celebrate your installation.
of Mississippi
Many AOFls are involved in alumnae chapter formations. Here are some of the current areas:
Recent Installations: Kentucky Fakes; Northeast Alabama; Oxford, Mississippi; Williamsburg, Virginia; Napa, California; Madison, Wisconsin; Northwest Montana; Denton County, Texas; Fee County, Florida; Greenville, North Carolina; Hattiesburg, Mississippi; and Suburban Maryland.
Petitions Approved:
Central Maryland, San Francisco, Central New Mexico, Greater Hartford and Bucks County.
Forming Chapters: Alexandria, Fouisiana; Blacksburg, Virginia; Jackson, Tennessee; Fynchburg, Virginia; Naples/Collier County, Florida; Richmond, Virginia; Billings, Montana; Southern, New Jersey; Pasadena, California; Central Oregon; Akron, Ohio; Gulfport, Mississippi; and Chattanooga, Tennessee.
by Bonnie Berger.Tau (U of Minnesotn).AIumnae Network Extension Specialist and Dolores Rhodes, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) Alumnae Network Extension Specialist
To Dragma/SliMMER 1998
light shine. Alumnae chapters offer oppor- tunities for members to develop personally and professionally, make connections, forge new friendships and rediscover old friendships. When you come together as alumnae, you meet as strangers and depart as sisters. You will be surprised at how much you have in common.
Membership numbers determine require- ments for the number of meetings, officers and programs, enabling most groups to become chapters.

1998 Alumnae Chapter Presidents List
Alberta Calgary
Lesley Ruault (403) 689-3926
British Columbia V ancouver
Diane Fuhrer-Reeve (604) 734-9463
Mary Jane Refausse Jacobsen
(613) 837-3361
Toronto Kristina Hunt (416) 481-8048
Montreal Yvonne Kaine (514) 697-0863
United States
Anchorage Area Deborah Griffith Foster (907) 338-4453
Alabama Birmingham Kelly Wright (205) 491-7401
Vicki Kretzsehmar (256) 534-0632
Elizabeth Chandler (334) 450-0556
Montgomery Vonda Farris Wood (334) 279-8510
Northeast Alabama Marcella Williams (205) 435-7544
T uscaloosa
Krista Whited Poole (205) 750-0892
Elesha Johnson Reid (870) 930-9466
Little Rock
Jane Kenner Prather (501) 663-2473
Northwest Arkansas Kathi Walker
(501) 521-5727
Arizona Phoenix
Lisa Ffopsicker (602) 755-1069
T ucson
Chris Flores (520) 795-2396
Califonia Diablo Valley Kathy Rager (510)946-9698
East Bay Jocelynn Herrick (415) 831-7178
Napa Valley Priscilla Kannarr (707) 255-9515
Northern CA Council Judith Lacina West (510) 537-0149
Northern Orange Co. Carole Bloom Dovala (714) 970-5711
Palo Alto
Lisa Shemwell (415) 965-2041
Sacramento Valley Nancy Willis Griffiths (916) 887-8274
San Diego Laurel Latto (619) 587-9768
San Fernando Valley Marta Tansley Pemberton
(805) 498-1799
San Francisco Heather Reidy (415) 921-6469
Beth Clarke Russel (408) 374-2071
San Mateo
Jo Tartaul Hawley (650) 342-7085
South Bay/Palos Verdes Mary Floryan
(310) 374-2720
Southern CA Council Ann Schmidt Lampe (310) 275-3327
Southern Orange County Carin Sieff Adler
(714) 248-7983
Ventura County
Genie Tripp Lownsdale (805) 498-1876
West Los Angeles Jennifer Dalessandro (818) 981-2049
Ginger Mylander Swift (303) 355-5272
Connecticut Greater Hartford Kerry Dutkus (860) 747-6955
Southern Connecticut Alice Smith
(203) 329-1163
Alisia Reedy Carnovsky (302) 834-8007
Boca Raton Area Donna Fleming Jenner (561) 997-6151
Fort Lauderdale
Mia Fabiochi Ahmed (954) 792-4648
Gainesville Janet Kellar (352)332-2143
Greater Lee County Christi Sparrow Roos (941) 542-3339
Greater Miami
Lauren Turner Mehalik (305) 443-1645
Greater Pensacola Karen Cory Stewart (904) 434-1259
Greater Pinellas Betty Wright Dyer (813) 360-9831
Okaloosa County Cecelia Byrd (850) 302-0441
Victoria Hammack (904) 750-0499
Palm Beach County Nancy Roberts Munson (561) 694-9984
Sarasota .Area Mary Riendeau Leininger
(941) 727-8746
Tampa Bay Jennifer Carito (813) 960-5556
Pamela Mathis Thomas (706) 788-3771
Laura Brown McHan (770) 279-9820
Augusta Area Charlotte Tolliver Carr (706) 863-9914
Chicago South Suburban Catherine Brennan (312) 424-4151
Chicago West Suburban Elizabeth Hafner Pietsch (630) 357-6974
Linda Prothero Munson (815) 756-3366
Lake County of 111 Jennifer Steininger (847) 816-0361
Quad City Area Michele Leftwich Sapp (309) 797-1874
Dora May Meredith (815) 399-5349
Indiana Bloomington Angela Scott (812) 339-1774
Evansville Tri-State Shana Stuntz Brownlee (812) 471-7187
Karen Trimpl Brewer (317) 877-6061
Milli'cent Mitchell (765) 743-2054
Judith McFarland (765) 284-9449
Terre Haute Karin Grunden (217) 463-3519
Greater Kansas City Katherine Swingle (913) 469-1211
Topeka-Lawrence Rhonda Beardsheard (913) 841-6850
Bowling Green Cynthia Stark Hines (502) 781-9982
Hopkinsville Area Carrie Joy Welborn Brookshire
(502) 466-5589
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
Malisa Word (515) 836-4486
Des Moines Shelby Smith (515) 225-3398
Boise Valley Renee Knudsen (208) 344-9917
Kathleen Donnelly Willecke
(208) 232-8359
Illinois Bloomington-Normal Sheila Starkey Kaurin (309) 263-1434
Champaign-Urbana Kathleen Rippel Holmes (217) 235-4317
Chicago Area Council Lisa Hahn O'Reilly (708) 852-2237
Chicago City Andrea Phillips (773) 334-2421
Chicago NW Suburban Michelle Hogan
(847) 397-0748

Karen Tierney Toombs (502) 244-5310
Kentucky Lakes Dorothy Kraemer (502) 759-1850
Lexington LeaAnne Box (606) 271-8959
Northern Kentucky Angela Ziegehneyer (606) 727-4577
Baton Rouge
Susan Gourdain Mele (504) 752-4638
Greater Lafayette Annis Beard Shields (318) 988-3077
Hammond Area Janin Boos Johnston (504) 764-1319
Evelyn Redding Zagone (318) 323-0167
New Orleans Alysia Sutton (504) 733-6412
Jodi Epstein Harger (978) 250-9186
Margaret Ann Stoddard (410) 276-3870
Central Maryland Mary Pohanka Parr (410) 531-2874
Suburban Maryland Jill Cantor
(301) 519-2609
Greater Portland Michelle Conner Neal (207) 375-4607
Ann Arbor
Donna Miles McCollum (734) 429-8103
Nora Hankinson (313) 278-4557
Detroit N Suburban Mary Jane Palo Levi (810) 645-5471
Grand Rapids Jennifer Moak Wolffis (616) 847-6084
Stacie Dietrich Phillips (616) 323-8535
Macomb County Robin Lee Beltramini (248) 828-1775
Minneapolis/St. Paul Theresa Jones
(612) 379-2780
St. Louis Melania Harris (314) 530-7608
Greater Hattiesburg Area Michele Keen
(601) 477-2494
Greater Jackson Bethany Culley Harless (601) 956-6356
Oxford Mississippi Kimberly Austin (601) 236-3897
Heidi Pfeil Dougherty (406) 585-0237
Northwest Montana Aimee Heap Dugan (406) 257-7366
North Carolina
Amy Weyand Rawson (704) 522-8390
Greater Greenville Angel Byrd
(919) 752-0168
Piedmont - NC Patricia Breider Floyd (910) 623-4487
Mary Ann Smith (919) 460-9877
Winston-Salem Barbara Hill (336) 722-4455
Nebraska Kearney
Lori Moore (308) 234-1935
Lois Heniger Clinton (402) 467-3271 Omaha
Emily Stevens
(402) 491-0175
New Jersey
Central New Jersey Laurie Slenker Stauffer (908) 754-9063
Jersey Shore
Kathryn Kwaak Conte (908) 919-1272
New Mexico
Central New Mexico Jana Serwat Kading
(505) 899-9681
Las Vegas Cynthia Graves (702) 657-9092
New York
Heidi Schmalheiser (716) 839-1202
Long Island
Nancy Stefanik Elliott (516) 588-2919
New York City Area Heather Lynch (212) 535-3957
NY/NJ Metro
Kay Kettering Welch (718) 966-3585
Rochester Valerie Murphy (716) 872-2796
Syracuse Elizabeth Wright Perrotta
(315) 622-4275
Diane Baugh Fraser (513) 528-0485
Cleveland Area Elizabeth Barry Kaufman
(216) 247-3406
Cleveland West Chris Magill Wieland (216) 521-5519
Jenney Knight Seely (614) 764-8971
Kathleen Carder (937) 845-0505
Toledo Area
Lisa DiClemente (419) 536-5778
Oklahoma City Kathleen Raney Sands (405) 340-4972
Erica Felix Warwick (918) 369-3530
Susan Saunders Dalrymple (503) 774-5472
Bucks County Kathleen Power Kuffel (215) 321-4193
Greater Harrisburg Marian Peifer (717) 774-3944
Lehigh Valley Shawn Mengel (610) 588-8915
Amy Hoffstetter Toth (215) 393-5376
Karen Snyder Galehan (412) 695-8474
Reading Area Adele Miskie (610) 796-0490
State College
Anne Hinkel Rohrbach (814) 237-1920
York/Lancaster County Katy Smith
(717) 767-4168
South Carolina
Hilton Head
Helen Marschat Rush (803) 363-5773
Sally Sprott Pace (423) 673-6145
Memphis Area Mary O'Ryan (901) 454-9659
Nashville Area
Donna Nellums Kumar (615) 333-0651
Arlington/Mid-Cities Linda Cultice Webb (817) 468-4862
Karma Robertson (512) 832-6924
Janet Shackelford (409) 722-2996
Marcia Granade Wehrle (972) 304-4317
Denton County J Paige Callaway (940) 566-3458
Karen Moody Roush (713) 890-4765
N Houston Suburban Lynn Koenig Martin (409) 321-3559
San Antonio Evangeline Loh (210) 342-4973
Northern Virginia Ami Cwalina (703) 352-6595
Virginia Tidewater Jennifer Byrd Arthur (757) 853-7194
Williamsburg Audrael Chiricotti (757) 259-9229
Washington Palouse Washington Nancy Shrope
(509) 332-6253
Alyson Turner (206) 525-3188
Jamie Seiler Gunter (414) 473-7332
Milwaukee Kathleen Battles (414) 542-6866
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998

An insiders take on
rn Break'98
Over a five week period, thousands of college students descended on the white sandy beaches of Panama City ready to party. Working for the MTV Spring Break Radio Station, Island 106, I was witness to the "event". This year, I'm pleased to say that no one died, no one overdosed, only three people fell from balconies, and we had only one report- ed rape. This may sound gruesome, but after watching young people on drink- ing binges, it's amazing that nothing worse happened.
Now, there's no doubt that Spring Break was truly a great time. And certainly not everyone came to get drunk and crazy - well, maybe a little crazy!
Spring breakers arrived according to college schedules. The first week belonged mostly to the Canadian schools. Many of these folks traveled 43 hours on a bus! The temperatures here were still chilly, but that didn't stop the girls from wearing their bikinis. For the most part, week one was pretty quiet.
Week two was primarily comprised of students from the Northeastern schools. The third week belonged mostly to the midwest colleges. A group from Penn State was selected for the MTV Undercover series. Cameras followed them to Club Lavela, the largest night club in the world. The club features dance rooms, bars, pools, and all types
by Linda Scott Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
of music including MTV Show tapings and the WCW Monday Nitro. Then the Southern schools arrived.
This year there was something new - Spring Break Court. Any underage drinking, stripping, balcony climbing or general brawling sent Spring Breakers to a modified court on the beach. They were required to be there at 8 a.m., and if they didn't arrive on time, their fines were doubled. If they didn't show up at all, a warrant was issued for their arrest. If they pled "not guilty" they'd be put on a court docket and would have to come back to Panama City for the court hearing. I f they pled "guilty" they had two options, pay a fine of $270 or work
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998

from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. picking up litter on the beaches and roads. Even though wearing huge orange vests wasn't too cool, many folks chose this option. The county still collected
$60,000 in fines. Now, that's a lot of Spring Break "fun."
By the way, anyone
who spent Spring
Break in Panama City
and went to Sharkey's
on a Tuesday, will
want to beware. There
are video tapes of some pretty embarrass- ing activities that happened in broad daylight on the beach. Those video tapes were sent to HBO for a Spring Break Undercover Feature. Anyone who partic- ipated in the "Sex on the Beach" contest, will want to cancel their parents' cable subscription.
Don't get me wrong, only a handful of students really caused trouble, and 98% of the students had a great time! I don't want to fail to mention the Christian college students who orga- nized free transportation in their cars and vans so that other students would- n't drink and drive.
Panama City still remains the city with the "world's most beautiful beaches" with sand that's as white and fine as snow, emerald green waters, and invit- ing sunshine. And as we've discovered over the decades, Spring Breakers return time and time again with their wives, husbands, children, and eventu- ally, even with their grandchildren.
One of the most won- derful moments for me this year was meeting AOil sisters from all over the United States and Canada. It's been 30 years since I left college. I have to admit that for years I never gave much thought to being an AOFI. When I saw the AOFI t-shirts and car decals again, 1 was reminded I belonged to a very spe- cial group of women who I couldn't walk past without speaking. They still stood for the same ideals. Even though they may be younger, they still face the same difficult choices that all of us have had to make in our lives. On one level, these young women were strangers, but on another there existed an invisible bond that not time or change could ever take away. In sharing with them, I found myself remembering the words of a song that immediately came to me and we would all sing in the lobby of a motel. The words are as important today as they have been over decades of generations... how dear to my heart right in the middle of Spring Break with chaos all around to hear... Alpha Omicron Pi, friends as the years go by, Loving sisters are we, Loyal,
forever, Alpha to thee.'
Linda Scott (inset photo left), Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia) is currently the drive time morning personality on WILN, Island 106 in Panama City, Florida, the areas #1 radio show. Previously she anchored the news for 20 years; hosted the syndicated TV show, PM Magazine, in Tampa, Florida and Birmingham, Alabama; and was stationed in Saudi Arabia with the Airforce 33rd Fighter Wing serving as the onlyfemale journalist to cover the invasion of Haiti. This former NY City stage actress has also toured nationally with the likes of Shirley Jones, Tony Dow and Jerry Mathers, the latter two of "Leave it to Beaver"fame.
Linda has hosted over 25 telethons and helped raise close to $2,000,000 for charities. She has also developed and hosted docu- mentaries of the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Lake Tahoe and Florida Vacation getaways. In her personal life, she is happily married to an Austrian and considers her 14 year old son, Geoffrey, her greatest blessing.
To Dragma/ SUMMER 1998
.how dear to my heart right in the middle of Spring Break with chaos all around t o hear.. 'Alpha Omicron Pi, friends as the years go by,
Loving sisters are we, Loyal, forever, Alpha to thee'."

AOlf Travel Opportunities
The NewYorkTheatre Extravaganza
Back by Popular Demand! AOPI participated in a successful the-
atre trip a couple years ago, and we will be joining Kappa Kappa Gamma and Delta Gamma this year on a five night/three show trip. The tour will include the hottest new show on Broadway, The Lion King; Art (with Alan Alda); and the Rockette's Christmas Show. Scheduled for December 6-11, 1998, the price includes transfers, tickets and accommodations at the luxurious Warwick Hotel just off 5th Avenue. The cost starts around
$1,650 and airfare is additional. For
more information contact Nancy Grow,
Alumni Travel Group (800) 654-4934
or (713) 975-6116.
Paris in the Springtime
Join your AOFI sisters, March 23-30, 1999, for a 6-night travel package to beautiful Paris for just $1545, double occupancy. This trip includes round trip air by Air France from New York, accommodations at a four-star, first class hotel, daily breakfast buffet, transfers, and more. For more information on details, contact Nancy Grow, Alumni Travel Group (800) 654-4934 or (713) 975-6116.
The DisneyMagiC
The perfect follow-up to AOFI Convention would be a cruise aboard the Disney Cruise Line's new ship, the Disney Magic. The ship sets sail on Monday, June 28, 1999, from Port Canaveral, the day after convention ends on June 27. This four-day cruise sails to Nassau and Castaway Key and rates start around $1,027.50 per person for adults and $583.50 for children. For more information, contact Disney Cruise Line Reservations at (800) 511-1333.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998 21

I Man
110F not
• HOA White Cap, cotton. Embroidered front & back. '14.00 • TIOC Black Watch PlaidCap,flannel.'l&6ff'12.00SALE• HODWhiteCap,redbardesign. '18.00• 110E Forest Cap w/mustard bill. '15.00 • 110F f Flag Cap, US & Canada design.
8.00 • HOC Khaki Cap w/circle design.'l 8.00 • 110R Red "Sport" Cap. '18.00
< l 10R Red "Sport" Cap. '18.00 • 218F Forest Polar Fleece Pullover. Oversized. M, L '60.00 • 315 Champion Sweatshirt Oversized. L X L '52.00 • 348 Navy Flannel Lined Anorak w/white stripe. L X L '48.00 • 351 Red Sweatshirt w/plaid letters. L XL'38.00 • 352 Navy Sweatshirt w/red checked letters. L, XL '38.00
• 123S f Stadium Blanket colorfast knit. 50x50 inches. '50.00
Classic St les
• 4 0 u3 Historical Poster. Memorabilia collage from AOn Archives.l 8x24 inches. Information key included. '12.00
Order Toll Free:
Monday thai Friday, 9to5 est.
Or Call: 615-370-0920 Fax To: 615-371-9736
Mail Order To:
AOn International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, T N 37027

Name: Address: Cityx
• check
^ | Mastercard
Exp. Date: Card # :
Daytime Phone: ( Evening Phone: (
Q ty .
State/Prov: Description
'Shipping & Handling $0to$5 $3.50 $5.01 t o $25 $5.50 $25.01 t o $50 $6.50 $50.01 to $75 $7.50 $75.01 t o $100 $8.50 Please add $1.50 for every $25 after $100.
'Canadian customers please double amounts for shipping & handling charges.
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TN residents add 8^25% sales tax
Total Price
Order Online!
5 6 >j) Centennial Brass Ornament. Centennial Logo. Collector's Ornament gift boxed w/Centennial informa- tion card. '16.00 • 56A f Historical Brass Ornament. Barnard College/Columbia University. Depicts Old Columbia U. Library, the site of AOITs founding. Collector's Ornament gift boxed w/historical informa- tion card. '14.00
Friendly, prompt service. Ask about our express delivery.
Shipping & Handling (see chart)
Total amount enclosed
•Visa [Discover
two shirts in one!
•4187 f Reversible Sweatshirt Heavyweight cotton. Charcoal and red design outside w/navy athletic design inside. L X L '36.00
Thankyou! Emporium sales benefitAOFI!

Sister,—close.-, HH ffltfU kind
• 3 7 A j|) Insulated Mug w/offi- cial logo. Microwave and dish- washer safe. 20 oz. '4.00 • 37C
SS Thermo Travel Tumbler, 12 oz. '10.00 «43A f White Party Cup w/panda, 16 oz. '1.00 • 43C Panda Mascot Mug, 34 oz. '5.00 • 43P Panda Tumbler, 30 oz '2.50»43Rf RedParty Cup w/roses, 16 oz. '1.00 • 43S Stadium Cup, 22 oz. '1.25 • 68P Panda Stoneware Mug. '8.00 • 121 Panda Squeeze Bottle. 32 oz. '3.50 »121A Kool Kan Huggie. '4.50
A 1 7 4 Forest Flannel Lined Anorak w/navy stripe. Navy & white embroidered letters. L, XL. '48.00 • 356 Navy Flannel Lined Anorak w/forest stripe. Forest & white embroidered letters. L XL. '48.00
things to remember
A33LWooden"LoveIs"Frame.'25.00•33SWooden"Sisters" Frame. '22.00 • 3 8 Bright Star Design's 3-D Art Hand painted. '50.00 • S3 Flowerpot Hand painted ceramic. '10.00

1 7
alpha omicron pi
209 Indigo T-shirt w/khaki embroidery. L, XL. '22.00 • 230 Burgundy T-shirt w/black & khaki plaid letters. L, XL '22.00 • 346 Khaki T-shirt w/red & navy plaid let- ters. L, XL '22.00 • 353 Navy T-shirt w/burgundy checked letters. L XL. '22.00
• 22P f Panda Balloons.'.30 22R 0 Rose Balloons. '.30
B ck to the Basics
• •HOCBlackWatchPlaidCap,flannel.U&efr'12.00SALE•HOWWhiteCap,cottonw/mixedplaidAPR'14.00•124Navy Wmdbreaker. L XL '36.00 • 131A Red Stewart Plaid Boxers. Oversized. M, L XL. '16.00 • 131B Black Watch Plaid Boxers. Oversized. M, L XL '16.00 • 131C Campbell Plaid Boxers. Oversized. M, L XL '16.00 • 131D Grey Stewart Plaid Boxers. Oversized. M, Lonry.
' J A W ' 10.00 SALE » T42A Long Sleeve T-Shirt w/campbell plaid letters. L,XL '28.00 • 176 Grey Classic Sweatshirt w/flannel black watch plaid letters. L XL'38.00 • 186 Forest Classic Sweatshirt w/campbell plaid letters. L XL'38.00 » 223 Navy Long Sleeve T-shirt w/patch plaid letters. L XL '28.00 • 224 Red T-shirt w/plaid letters. L XL '22.00 • 333T f Barnard-Columbia T-shirt. L, XL.
'1 3.00* 356 Navy Flannel Lined Anorak w/forest stripe. Forest & white embroidered letters. L XL. '48.00
• 97-98 Chapter Consultants
|enn White, U of Washington; Ali Skaar, Montana State U; Hannah Jacobs, U of Alabama/Birmingham; Sarah Cross, Washington State U; Angie Hammerli, U of Mississippi; Ali Amatulli, U of Evansville; Jen Curley, Tufts U; & Kristen Austin, U of Tennessee/Martin

9<* ;

AOII Magazine Program
Just by renewing your subscriptions,
you can help AOII.
This fall, we will kick off our fourth year of participation in the AOII Magazine Program. By the end of September, collegiate and participating alumnae chapters will receive the 1998-99 magazine booklets and the Magazine Development Manual. Once again ordering magazines will be easy with the Pay Later Plan order forms and more appealing booklets to shop for all your favorite items! QSP will still be processing AOfl orders, so your chapter's Magazine Chairman should send the chapter's orders direcdy to QSP via postage paid envelopes provided by QSP.
AOfl is challenging all chapters once again to start the year off with a contest for each member to reach $50.00 in sales orders by October 31, 1998. Those who meet this deadline will be eligible for the Bonus Giveaway cash prize!
AOLl urges every member to participate because revenues will support AOLl programming, Leadership Institute, adviser training, collegiate services, and Fraternity development. If you are an alumna call your alumnae chapter or you may call AOfl Headquarters directly to have a packet of information mailed to you. For every $50.00 in sales. AOII receives $20.00, so you can see that much of the money you would spend renewing subscriptions can easily be returned to AOLl, plus the subscription rates are as low as you can find any- where. If every current collegian and dues paying alumna par- ticipated at the $50 level, the Fraternity has the potential of receiving $220,000 from QSP. We have not reached that level yet, but gross sales from the 1997-98 school year were $42,619. After receipts are collected, AOLl will receive 40% of that total. We have continued to make progress since this program began and, through each member's effort, AOFI will continue to ben- efit even more. If you have any questions about the program, contact Angela Mills at AOII Headquarters (615) 370-0920.
AOII urges every member to participate because revenues will support
AOII programming, Leadership Institute, adviser training, collegiate services,
and Fraternity development.
Coming Soon!
AOFI has arranged for Harris Publishing to produce our next Alumnae Directory. In April, you should have received a questionnaire through the mail request- ing updated information on your name, address,employment,etc. Thisinforma- tion is pertinent to help keep our data- base at Headquarters up to date and to help reduce future costs in mailings. It is also the information that will enable Harris Publishing to produce our direc- tory. We will not have another full update such as this until 2004. Therefore, it is very important that you send in your survey to Harris or contact AOn Headquarters, at (615)370-0920, for another copy. Should you wish, there will be an option to update your personal information with Headquarters, but not have your name appear in the directory. You will also be given the option to purchase a directory between August and November. It is currently scheduled to be released in February of 1999.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998

Valued AOn Sister,
You can help our Fraternity in a very important way. All you have to do is spend a few minutes completing the following survey. Your responses will be completely anonymous, so please tell us what you really think. Your candid feedback will help us shape the future of A O R
To encourage your participation, we are offering a chance to win a $ 100 gift certificate to the AOn Emporium. Simply complete the anonymous survey and drop it in the mail. Then,fillout the contest postcard and mail it to AOIl Headquarters.Yourcompleted postcard enters you inthe drawingforthe gift certificate.
Personal Information:
AOIl Status? Collegian Your Age?
Which best describes where you live?
Northeast US Southeast US
Northwest US Southwest US Academic Degrees Earned: (check all completed)
Bachelors Masters Doctorate
2. Please indicate what percentage of an average week you spend doing the following % Eating/Sleeping
% CaringforChildren %Caringforparents/family % Time with friends
% Time with spouse/partner % AOn Involvement
% Professional pursuits
% Academic pursuits
°%/ Recreation/Hobbies (specify),
% Exercise/Spirituality/Personal
% Community Service/volunteer work
% Leadership (Committees and Boards) (specify)
_% Hands-on service/e.g. crisis-line, soup kitchen (specify),
_% Other (specify)
Thank you for your t i m e and input
Central US Overseas

3. If you responded affirmatively to any of the shaded items in the previous question, please answer the following questions:
A. What motivated you to get involved?
B. How long have you been involved? C. What keeps you involved?
4. If you wanted to or could spend your time differently than you do now, what activities/groups would get your attention the most?
5. What do you consider to be the three most pressing issues for women today?
6. Do these issues apply to you specifically? (Yes or No) If yes, in what ways?
7. What organizations, publications, or legislation do you feel best address these issues?
8. Which of these organizations, publications or legislation have impacted you personally? In what ways?
9. How do you feel AOII has addressed or failed to address these issues?
10. What are your personal strengths?
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
11. What life skills has AOII helped to foster?
12. Which of your life needs/expectations, if any, has AOII failed to address?
13. What and/or who influenced your decision to join AOfl?
14. If you had an extra 2-3 hours/week for reading, what would you read?
15. How often do you read 7b Dmgma? 12345
Very Often Occasionally Never

How well does the information in To Dragma address your needs? 1234
Not atAll Somewhat VeryWell
17. Please indicate the top five things you would like to see more of in To Dragma.
Alumnae News:
• Personal news by collegiate chapter.
• Personal news by initiation year
• Other (specify below)
Feature Articles:
• Ritual
• Human Interest
• Women's Health
• Other (specify below)
Arthritis Research Collegiate News Emporium Merchandise AOP Foundation
Member Profiles NPC/NIC/NPHC Photographs
Suggestions (PR, rush, etc.) Volunteer Openings
Other (specify).
18. Do you use a computer at home or at work? (Yes or No) If yes, what software do you use?
19. Do you subscribe to any magazines (Yes or No) If yes, which ones?
20. Please indicate the type of travelling you do and how long the average trips are. (check any that apply)
Domestic International Ski Trips
Beach Trips Historical Tours
Bed and Breakfast Museum/Art Tours Other (specify below)
Weekend Trips Week-long Trips
Two-Week Trips Longer than 2 weeks
21. If you would be interested in travelling to any of these destinations with other AOIIs, please indicate, (check ail that apply)
Domestic International Ski Trips
Beach Trips Historical Tours
Bed and Breakfast Museum/Art Tours Other (specify below)
Weekend Trips W eek-long Trips Two-Week Trips
Longer than 2 weeks
22. If you do not travel as much as you would like to, what are the primary reasons that you are unable to travel?
Family Responsibilities Job
Lack of Companion(s)
Litde knowledge about options Other
23. Are you currently involved in AOFI? If yes, in what capacities?
24. Do you envision future involvement in AOFI?
25. What can AOTI do to help you share your talents with us?

Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity 9025 Overlook Boulevard Brentwood.TN 37027
Thank you for your time and input.
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity 9025 Overlook Boulevard Brentwood,TN 37027
Attn: Editor

Volunteer to be a member of the TEAM
By Lisa Hauser, Upsfon Alpha (U of Arizona), Human Resource Committee Oiairman
Each collegiate chapter is assigned a weU-trained, experienced team of specialists with a member from each of the four colegiate net- works: AAC, Corporation/Finance, Prograrnming and Rush. The members of the Network Specialist Team work closely with each other to comprehensively address a variety of chapter problems and concerns while keeping their respective Network Directors informed of situations which may affect their chapters. Each team is assigned as many as five collegiate chapters. Most importantly, the team members work closely with the Alumnae Advisory Committees (AACs) of those chapters, and sometimes the chapter officers, to guide, support, empower and reinforce the advisers.
Are you intrigued? Do you find it difficult to imagine how a team would pull together in a real situation? The following hypothetical scenario is an example of how a team can be called on to pull together. It is a fictional account of an exaggerated event, merely to illustrate the interaction between the team, the chapter and
the advisers.
The chapter and its advisers jump into action with the assistance of their Network Specialist Team The Chapter President immediately recalls AOFFs Crisis Management Procedures outlines in the Collegiate Chapter Operations Manual The Chapter President is officially "in charge" of every emergency situation. Once the chap- ter members are all safe and accounted for, the house has been sealed off and the fire department and campus police have respond- ed, she contacts the Chapter Adviser, the Campus Panhellenic Adviser, the Corporation Board President and AOFI Headquarters. The Chapter Adviser notifies the other members of the AAC as well as the l¥ograrnniing Network Specialist After reviewing the Risk Management and Crisis Management Procedures with the Chapter Adviser, the Programming Network Specialist contacts the other members of her team Their goal is to assist the AAC, Corporation Board and Leaders Council in developing an emergency action plan.
Here's how:
• Hie AAC Network Specialist (AACNS) will work with the Chapter Adviser to develop a plan for the AAC to share the tasks and responsibilities needed to keep the chapter focused on their immediate needs;
• Hie Collegiate Corporation/Finance Network Specialist (CCFNS) will work with the Corporation Board President to develop a plan for obtaining temporary housing, reporting losses to the insurance company and repairing the damage;
Imagine for a moment that there is an Alpha Zeta Chapter of Alpha
Omicron PL Our Alpha Zetas are going through Rush. As you
might expect, this has been one of the most exciting, hectic, fun-filled
and sleep-deprived times for the chapter. After two sets of parties, all
is going well for the Alpha Zetas. Their efforts have been rewarded
bythehighestrateofreturnoncampus!Norusheewantstomissa •TheCollegiateProgrammingNetworkSpecialist(CPNS)willwork partyatAlphaZeta Itisthenightofmethirdsetofparties.The withtheRiskManagementAdviseronaplantopreventfutureinci- skits, songs, conversation and rushees have been perfect There is dents and will work with the Chapter Relations Adviser to develop everyreasontobelievethatpreferencenightwillbepackedwith waystokeepchaptermoralehigh;and
many wonderful potential sisters. • The Collegiate Rush Network Specialist (CRNS) will work with the Rush Adviser to develop alternate plans for preference ceremony
Moreexcitementisbrewing.Itseemsthatoneofthechaptermem- andwiththePanhellenicAdvisertoensurethatthePanhellenic
bers has just become engaged. The Chapter President is notified and a candle lighting is planned to take place after the last part of the evening just before membership selection. After afl, the chapter members have worked so hard - a little reward is in order.
Council works with AOFI during this difficult time.
The chapter members have eagerly gathered still dressed in their variouscostumes.Asthecandlepassesfromonemembertothe Allplansarethensuccessfullyimplemented. next and the excitement builds, it reaches one of the cast members of
"Pandas on Parade." With the extra warmth generated by the
crowded room and the light from the candle, she has removed the
head from her panda costume and is holding it under her arm.
Suddenly, the passing candle ignites the panda head. Usually calm,
she screams andflingsthe head away from her. It flies into the cur-
tains. Suddenly,theroomisinflamesandfilledwithsmoke.
Fortunately, this chapter has conducted regular fire drills and all
members are successfully evacuated. Thefireis quickly extin-
guished, but the chapter's living room has sustained a great deal of
damage and the house will have to be closed temporarily for repairs.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
The Network Directors, and appropriate Executive Board members, are notified by the Network Specialist Team and advised of the plans that have been made. Hie Chapter President calls an emergency Leaders Council meeting at which the action plans are finalized.
The Alpha Zeta's preference round is conducted in a beautiful room in the Student Union reserved for VIP receptions and other special occasions, and the chapter pledges quota! After a couple
of weeks in temporary housing at various locations on campus, including in other sorority houses that generously postponed filling vacancieswiththeirownnewmembers,theAlphaZetasmove back to their own home. They return more united with each
other, their campus, other Panhellenic groups, their Advisers and their Network Specialist Team as a result of successfully working through this crisis as a TEAM!

Name: Address:
City Phone: (home)_
Maiden Name:
Alpha Omicron Pi Application for Volunteer Position
Chapter and year of Initiation:.
Member # ( 7 digit number found on your To Dragma Do you have the following available for your use:
Please rank in order your major areas of interest:
Alumnae Chapter:.
mailing label)
computer (if so, IBM or
Advising Collegiate Chapters (AAC) Alumnae
Collegiate Finance
Collegiate Programming Rush
Training & Education Extension
Long Range Planning (fiat Dev. Com.) Panhellenic (NPQ
Human Resources
Please explain why you are interested in those areas of service.
List any AOII collegiate and alumnae experience related to the areas you indicated. Position/Chapter Term Dates Position/Chapter
List other applicable volunteer or employment experience/training. Position/Organization Dates Position/Organization
List members of Alpha Omicron Pi familiar with your activities.
Name Phone Name
Term Dates
Zip/Postal Code
Macintosh ) Internet access
Optional: Attach a resume or additional information as necessary. (Please umit to 3 additional pages)
Send completed form to:
Alpha Omicron Pi, ATTN: Human Resources Committee
9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood, T N 37027
phone: (615) 370-0920 fax: (615) 371-9736 email: [email protected]
fax machine
Date Acknowledged:

To Pragma/SIMMER 1W8
June 23-27, 1999, Coronado Springs Resort, Walt Disney World, Florida
AOTIConvention 1999
©1997 The Walt Disney Company
So bring the whole family, or a friend, to Alpha Omicron Pi's 48th Biennial Convention, June 23-27, 1999. Disney's newest resort, Coronado Springs, will host our 1999 convention in a setting that is reminiscent of sunny Mexico and the great American Southwest

AOFIs will love the magnificent resort which is centered around the crescent- shaped Lago Dorado, a 15-acre lagoon bordered by three different neighbor- hoods featuring guest accommodations. From the three and four story urban- style villas called Casitas, to the three story Ranchos, to the two story Cabanas, the guest rooms in each are designed to be a family-friendly convention resort. Each neighbor has its own quiet pool.
but most guests will love the giant pool near Lago Dorado called the Dig Site. This pool has enormous tropical fish stat- ues, a playground, snack bar, gift shop and a waterslide that twists down the face of a 46 foot tall Mayan pyramid. AOITs opening convention event will be a pri- vate outdoor evening reception held in this beautiful location. Appropriately, Mickey and friends will be on hand to greet each arriving AOFI and guest.
In true Disney imagination, there is a "'backstory" about the resort. As the story goes, Coronado Springs was founded by the decedents of a Spanish explorer, Juan Francisco, who originally discovered the ruins of a Mayan pyra- mid in 1569. Several hundred years later, relatives found his charts, mount- ed an expedition and fell in love with the area so much that they built a com- munity around the pyramid ruins.
The real story reveals a 1,967 room hotel complex that proudly claims to be the largest convention facility in all the world - Walt Disney World that is, and the 1.3 acre Coronado Ballroom is the largest hotel ballroom in the United States. While many of AOITs sched- uled convention activities center around delicious meals, you will have several opportunities to dine at one of the resorts' two restaurants. The Maya Grill is an upscale sit-down restaurant featuring steaks, chops and swordfish prepared over a wood-burning grill. The impressive Pepper Market is a fes- tive food court modeled after a Mexican market square, and serves everything from hamburgers to pasta to enchiladas. Some of your vacation's most difficult decisions will be deciding what you want to eat in this fun setting.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998

e> of every
convention is the Panhellenic Luncheon. AOFI has arranged for our members and invited NPC guests to step back into the ancient Greek era with a Hercules setting and be treated to a dynamic presentation by our Keynote speaker, Cathy Rigby. This former Olympic gymnast won the hearts of millions during the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games and helped change the course of women's gymnastics in the United States. She is currently touring the country in the stage production of Peter Pan, having won a coveted Best Actress Tony nomination and rave reviews for her
performance. She is a wile, a mother of four, a highly-acclaimed actress, and an incredibly motivating speaker. Cathy will deliver a story of determination, having overcome several obstacles in her own life, including a life threatening battle with anorexia and bulimia. Just like Peter Pan, Cathy will motivate us to soar higher than we ever thought possible.
The Coronado Springs Resort can
boast as being the closest resort to Disney's newest park, The Animal Kingdom, which is located nearby, as is Blizzard Beach, a fabulous water amusement park. But just a short dis- tance further up the road lies The Magic Kingdom, Epcot, MGM Studios, and Downtown Disney, the newly renamed entertainment complex that includes The Marketplace (formerly the Village Marketplace), Pleasure Island, and yet another new addition, The West Side. There are countless activities for the entire family to enjoy, including championship golf courses, the Disney Institute, shopping, and the water sport activities available right at the Coronado Resort.
And to answer the big question - YES, free time has been built into the conven- tion schedule for the entire afternoon and evening on Friday to allow attendees time to visit some of their favorite parts of the world. Reduced hotel rates have also been arranged for before and after con- vention to give you additional time to enjoy all the possibilities.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
The Walt
D isney

The same old run of the mill convention activities will certainly not be a part of this conference. From The Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Opening Brunch, to the Disney in the Park themed Dinner and Awards Banquet, to the magnificent Beauty and the Beast themed Rose Banquet, the events will be fun and memorable. Belle and the Beast will even join us for the opening of our Rose Banquet for yet another ter- rific photo opportunity. If there is an
A O n legacy in your family of any age, we hope you will consider bringing her to this beautiful banquet. Of course, boys are also welcome!
Another special activity has been arranged just for the children early on Sunday morning. Before the rest of the family heads out for the day, the kids are invited to Mickey's Club House for refreshments and a privately arranged function with the main mouse himself, Mickey, and his favorite girl, Minnie.
The children will love it - and so will their families. For other activities during the week, the Coronado also provides excellent baby sitting services.
Alpha Omicron P i has contracted with Convention Planning Services to arrange for tours and reduced price tickets to all the major attractions. 1999 ticket prices can not be confirmed until October, but will be available on AOn ConventionRegistrationmaterials.For information on any of these tickets or tours,contactCPSdirectlyat1-800-
Passes will be offered which add the new Animal IGngdom Park plus one visit to Pleasure Island to the other three admissions. Ticket orders must
be placed thirty (30) days prior to the start date of convention to allow
enough time to receive your tickets by certified mail. After this time, ticket orders will be held onsite forpick-up or purchase. Tickets are valid ten (10) days after first use and can be used on non-consecutive days.
Q^qisv Ttek^d opfa&W'sZ
CPS will also offer a special half day admission ticket to Epcot and MGM Studios, perfect for the free time arranged on Friday afternoon and evening. Additional Discount attraction tickets will be available for purchase to Sea Vtarld and Universal Studios.
10:15 a.m.-4:00 pm
(Date to be determined)
Catch the bus to the quaint "Little Europe" shopping district. A relaxing, 45-minute scenic open-air boat ride offers a unique waterway tour of historic Winter Park. This cruise travels over five
777-5333 and specifically
ask for
''''Tours and
A Walt Disney World Convention Ticket allows you to park- hop from one Disney park to another. A Two Day Park Hopping Disney Pass will be offered that includes privileges to the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and MGM Studios. Three and Four Day Park Hopping Disney
To Dragma/Sl'MMER 1Q98

beautiful lakes and canals. Visit the exclusive boutiques filled with one-of-a- kind treasures, as well as stores bearing thenamesofyourfavoritedesigners. On Park Avenue visit the famous Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art which features the largest collection of Louis B. Tiffany glass in the world.
Make plans now to spend next June in Orlando with your AOf! sisters. Registration materials with detailed costs will be available for distribution in November. Members of council will have materials mailed to them, others are encouraged to contact AOI1 Headquarters at (615)370-0920 to request registration materials.
Y&Grpq&£y 'Space
G&q&ev "totev
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
(Date to be determined) The dream and commit- ment of space exploration is alive at the Space Center! Kennedy Space Center visitor Complex is growing by leaps and bounds. Guests begin their space journey on a bus tour of the secured area that includes visiting the new Apollo/Saturn V Center, the Launch Complex Observation Tower and the International Space Station Center. Also view- two new lifelike theater presentations: "The Firing Room" and the "Lunar Surface Theater".
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
_ 99

collegiate news
Idea Exchange:
BestThemed Social Event
In this issue, we gave our collegiate chapters the opportunity to tell us about their best themed social functions. These ideas represent the fun part of sorority life!
The fall issue will spot- light touching sisterhood stories. If your chapter has a story to share, please submit copy and photo to the editor by Julyl4,199R
Alpha Chi
W estern
Kentucky U
This year we were unable to
sponsor our famous AOIT Mud Volley Ball Tournament As a result we developed the idea of a Rose Bowl Bowling Tournament Each sorority and fraternity organized a bowling team for intense competition. The winners received a trophy and free t-shirts.
Alpha Delta
U of Alabama
During Double Trouble, our chapter had a wonderful time not only with our dates, but also with the sisters of Phi Mu sorority and their dates. The purpose of this party was to promote better relations within our Greek system. The party was such a suc- cess that other sororities have followed our leadandplannedsimilarjointdateparties.
Alpha Psi
Defta Delta (Auburn U)
Bowling Green State U Every year, Alpha Psi holds a date party known as Destination Unknown. None of our sisters know where we are going until we get there. This year, we ended up at the
Beta Lambda's best themed social event is Pineapple Party, our fall informal, planned by our new members. It is a great opportu- nity for everyone to wear a Hawaiian shirt or skirt and leis that have been hiding in their closets and show off their island spirit An escape from the cold weather and mid- semester work load, Pineapple Party is a favoriteeventforall.
Chi Delta
To Dragma/SUMMER 1W8
horse races. Everyone had a great time as they relaxed, and we even had a race named after Alpha Psi. When the race was over, all of our sisters were able to get pic- tures taken with the winning horse.
Chi Lambda
Beta Lambda
U of Evansville
Chi Lambda's social events are always exciting, but one of the best was our Mardi Gras date party last September. Sisters and their dates created masks to be judged in a competition lor prizes. Dress was semi-for- mal, and many couples dressed in the fes- tive attire of New Orleans. Our date party came after the real Mardi Gras in the south, and sisters who had gone brought back beads galore. A DJ provided music and lights that produced a crazy mood, much like that of the real Mardi Gras. Many thanks to Amy Mclntyre, our social chair- man,forawonderfultime.
Northeastern State U We organized a Phi Pi Party. The Alpha Omicron Pi ladies took a pie of their choice to our beautiful city park. The gendemen of Phi Lambda Chi brought a picnic lunch. And to the theme of Rogers and
Illinois Wesleyan U
U of Colorado
We had a fun masquerade formal. Eirst, we held a sisterhood event to make the masks for the party, then had a great night danc- ing with our formal date in disguise.

Hammerstein's Oklalwma, the gentlemen selected their favorite dessert and along with it many new friendships were made during our picnic.
Tufts U
Every year around Halloween, Delta Chapter holds our traditional crush party. Each sister invites 3 male friends to the party, 3 crushes of their own, or another sister. Last year, we also decorated pump- kins and donated them to a local hospital's children's ward.
Delta Beta
U of Southwestern
Tipsy Taxi/Crazy Cabbie is a theme party we hold each year to promote not drinking and driving.
Delta Delta
Auburn U
Jamaica Me Crazy is one of our favorite socials. Each spring, sisters grab a date and dress up in Hawaiian-style clothes. A reg- gae band plays while sisters and their dates dance the night away.
Delta Omega
Murray State U
Our best themed social event was our Birthday Bash with the brothers of Sigma Pi Fraternity. The Sigma Pi's were also cele- brating their Fraternity's centennial year. The social included all the usual standards of
the birthday party - and of course, who can have a real birthday party without a cake? It was a wonderful chance to have fun, spread Greek unity on campus, and appreciate one another's successful centuries.
Delta Psi
State U of NY - Albany The sisters of the Delta Psi Chapter feel that our best themed social event is the annual Greek Week competition held each spring. Four teams are chosen from all of the fraternities and sororities on campus. For one week the teams participate in manyevents. Sports,talentcompetition, fund-raising activities and spirit builders were just a lew of the activities which made our members not only closer to each other but also to our fellow Greeks on campus.
Delta Rho
We had a great time at our scavenger hunt in which we were paired with a fraternity on campus. We were divided into teams and each given a polaroid camera. As we raced around downtown Chicago to find different landmarks, which were answers to clues, we bonded and learned more about Chicago's history. Because of its success, we plan to make this an annual event
Texas Woman's U
Our best social event would have to be our semi-formal. The whole night was a mys- tery and we based the formal alter the
collegiate news
movie Que. There were pieces all over the table and the people had to put the puzzle together to get the first clue. It was a fun filled night of mystery.
Delta Upsilon
Duke U
Delta Lpsilon's most entertaining social event, our pride and joy, is the annual Polyester Prom. For this event, each sister and her date sport crazy TO's attire and dance the night away. Polyester Prom is by far one of the most hilarious and enthusias- tically attended events of the year.
Epsilon Chi
Elon College
In the spring we hold our annual semi-for- mal. The night was a Mardi-Gras spectacle. Rirple, green and gold balloons lined the floor and ceiling. Bead necklaces were given out as sisters and their dates arrived and masks were take-home favors. The night was beautiful and we all danced the night away.
Gamma Delta
U of South Alabama One of our favorite events is our annual swap themed Prisoners of War. At this swap, we all dress up in camouflage costumes and have a water war with the fraternity men.
U of South Florida
Our best themed event is Caribbean Cupid. This is a date social that we have once a year near Valentine's Day. Everyone dresses up for the theme, wearing flower dresses and lcis around their necks. One sister and her boyfriend even wore grass skirts. The whole group enjoyed Caribbean food and music.
U of Illinois
lota's best themed sisterhood event
was a skating party at a focal roller skating rink. This was an event to get better acquainted with our new members. Our best themed
To Dragma/SUMMER
Delta Omega (Murray State U)

collegiate news
exchange was a Casino Night Each AOEI was given money at the beginning of the night to gamble. There were poker, black- jack, roulette and craps tables set up. At the end of the night, those who had money left got to participate in an auction. They were able to buy various items such as t-shirts, candy, hats and gift certificates.
Kappa Rho
Western Michigan U
The best themed social event at Kappa Rho would be a Greek ice-cream social. The ice-cream social was held the week of Valentines Day. The sisters of Kappa Rho invited a number of sororities and fraternitiesoverforheart-shaped cookies
and ice-cream. It was a great PR event
Kappa Tau
Louisiana U
Kappa Tau Chapter has always been active in many social activities. Our most recent and successful social event was a picnic organized with another sorority. The members of Theta Phi Alpha sorority and Kappa Tau enjoyed a day outdoors with
plenty of food, friends, and fun. The theme was the Panda/Penguin Picnic. Not only was it a great way to increase Panhellenic relations, it exemplified friendship and strong Greek bonds.
Lambda Beta
California State U -
Long Beach
The best themed social for us is our Pie Night That is when we celebrate our chapter's birthday. It is a chance for the fraternities on campus and special guests to see AOn as a whole and how it has changedsincethelasttimetheywerethere. Each girl brings a different kind of pie to serve our guests. Everyone loves the event and it brings great relations to everyone.
Lambda Chi
LaGrange College
Lambda Chi's best social has been Casino Night with the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. We had tables set up for Casino style card games. At the end of the night the people with the most chips won prizes.
Lambda lota
U of California -
San Diego
Our Rose Formal every spring is our most popularevent Itisaformaleventsimilar to prom. We all dress in beautiful formal dresses, bring a date, enjoy a fabulous din- ner and have a great time dancing.
lota (U of Illinois) Indiana State U
Last year, our chapter held a Flash Back to the '80's dance. Our sisters enjoyed this because it gave us a chance to relive our grade school years.
Kappa Chi
Northwestern State
U of Louisiana
Kappa Chi's first themed social in the fall was Bash. Previously, our theme was Pandamonium. Each sister and her date were asked to bring a stuffed Panda Bear. The next week, all of the pandas were donated to the city police department for children in times of crisis. The fall Bash was an exciting way to kick off the year.
We also gained good PR with an article and pictures of the exchange of pandas in the city newspaper. Each year Bash is the most exciting of the socials and all the sisters happily look forward to the next
Kappa Alpha
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U)

Lambda Sigma
Nu Omicron
U of Georgia
Lambda Sigma definitely knows how to have a great time. All our social events are eagerly anticipated, but no one would dare miss the annual
Dukes of Hazard social.
Great effort and plenty of
laughter is given while every-
one dresses up exactly like
characters from the TV show.
There is even a car painted as
the General Lee parked in
the front yard. Our Eighties
and Casino Night socials are
also favorites.
Miami U
Our favorite and best themed social is something our chapter looks forward to all
Nu Omicron
collegiate news
Recently, Omicron had a whitewater raft- ing mixer. This all day event took place on the Ocoee River. Each raft was divided into three girls and three guys. After this excit- ing adventure, everyone ate dinner togeth- er. Because of its success and popularity, this trip is becoming an annual event
Phi Beta
East Stroudsburg U
A themed social event that is held in October is our Halloween social. This social is meant to bring our Phi Beta's Halloween spirit and a great opportunity to gettoknowournewmembers. The
Halloween social is a change for the sisters to bring a date and have a great time with the chap- ter without alcohol.
Pi Alpha
U of Louisville
Our best themed social event was a hayride which was titled, "Ain't goin down till the sun comes up." All members put on their blue
jeans, roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, sang songs around the campfire and cuddled with our dates
w h jje e n jo y i n g a riae
Vanderbilt U
Our best themed social event is Harley Heaven, our fall party. AOft sisters and their dates enjoyed dressing like bikers. There were bandannas, lots of denium and lot of black leather and tattoos.
Lambda Tau
Louisiana U
Graffiti social was the best
themed sociaLThe AOils and
the fraternity wore white t-shirts
and we wrote on each other's shirts. This was alot of fun and we were able to meet each other. This also helped us bond closer together as sisters.
Nu lota
Northern Illinois U
The girls at Nu Iota are helping the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon with a haunted house. They are turning their house into a maze of scary and frightening rooms. We help out by selling tickets and dressing up to get a few screams. The haunted house ends with a party for the two chapters.
RhoDelta(Samford U)
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
year. Every spring, the Omegas hold their semi-formal, AOPirate. AOITs and their dates dress up as pirates - bandannas, eye patches, swords hoop earrings - everyone is all decked out We dance the night away on a Riverboat traveling down the Ohio River. The senior AOFIs even have the opportunity to norninate their dates for the prestigious "Captain Hook" award.
Omega Omicron
Lambuth University
The ladies of Omega Omicron and the gen- tlemen of Kappa Alpha Order participated in a swap themed "Pushing Up Daisies." Each member was asked to dress as their favorite dead person. We all had a blast
through a local farm. It was a fun time enjoyed by all.
Rho Delta
Samford U
A popular event is our AOn Lnderground Party. We rented several buses to take us to Desoto Caverns
in northern Alabama to party in an underground cave. Besides dancing
to the music of a DJ, we explored by following the trails that ran throughout the cavern, sometimes with nothing more than an Indiglo watch. We also got to enjoy the light and water
shows that made the evening
very memorable.

Our best themed social event is the for- mal we have in the fall. The theme is Destination Unknown. We will all load up in buses and head off to an unknown destination. The only person who knows where we are going is our Social Chairman. It is a fun and exciting time.
IT of California -
We hosted a Murder Mystery dinner with a fraternity. Everyone dressed up in 1920's costumes. Clues were given throughout the dinner and scenes were acted out by some members of each chapter. We all had a great time, especially the drama queens.
Sigma Delta
Huntingdon College
Our swap with the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity called "Mafia Wedding" is our best themed social event. We all dress u p in our gangster garb on Halloween and have a mock wedding and wedding reception.
Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U)
Sigma Omicron
Arkansas State U
Sigma Omicron has scheduled many event for the current semester, it is hard to choose just one that's the best However, "Jamaican' me crazy," is the theme of a drop-in scheduled with Sigma Phi Epsilon. Everyone is supposed to dress in crazy tie- dye clothing. The drop-in will take place at their fraternity house.
Sigma Phi
California State U -
Using the theme, "Be all you can be" we had an exchange with Phi Delta Theta fra- ternity. It was an army theme that featured balloon fights, bubble guns, capture the flag and war games. We had a great time and grew closer to everyone.
U of Minnesota
Tau Chapter'sfavoriteevent each year is our Rose Ball held in January. Last year
the theme was "Masquerade BalL" Each member made herself a mask to wear at
the ball. The girls dates got wrapped up in the excitement and made themselves
masks too. The evening was a huge success full of food, fun and dancing.
Tau Gamma
Eastern Washington U
Tau Gammas best themed social is our annual Bob Ross. Bob Ross is an artist that often stars on PBS. At this social we tape paper to all of the walls have have various contests. For example we assemble into teams and then see who can do the best
job painting a Bob Ross picture using finger painting.
Tau Lambda
Shippensburg U
Tau Lambda had a very successful Disco Date Party. Sisters and their dates dressed in retro costumes complete with bell bot- toms, butterfly collars, and platform shoes. The DJ played all the hits from the 1970s and everyone danced the night away, Saturday Night Fever style.
Tau Omega
Transylvania U
Tau Omega has had loads of fun with our Mystery Date Informals. It started in 1995 and was called "My Tie." Boys were called from lists submitted to the social committee and told to send a necktie to the social chair. The ties were distributed to the appropriate girls and on the night of infor-
Epsllon Chi(Bon College)
Rho Omicron
Middle T ennessee
State U
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998

Wagner College
The sisters of Theta Pi had a social/mixer
with the brothers of Theta Chi. The theme was that sisters had to dress like the guys, and the guys dressed like AOITs. It was a great time with some fun look-alikes.
Zeta Pi
U of Alabama -
With pigtails, freckles, and overalls; Zeta Pi dressed as hillbillies to celebrate UAB's vic- torious Homecoming against rival Western Kentucky Hilltoppers. Zeta Pi represented AOn well by country line dancing then- way to the top by bringing home first prize in the parade competition and second
place in the overall spirit competition for the entire week. AOn also brought home the prestigious bonfire spirit stick UAB fans were definitely awed to see those hillbilly Pi's during Homecoming.
collegiate news
Tau O m icron (V mal, the boys found their dates by looking
for their ties. This year, hats and caps were used instead of ties. Some boys got very creative with their hats! It's a very nervous and exciting time for all involved.
Tau Omicron
U of Tennessee -
One of the most exciting themed events that we had was a mixer with Pi Kappa Alpha, where we dressed up in clothes from the 1980s. We listened to 80's music, and everyone had a great time.
Theta Chi
Morningside College
Theta Chi had a Hawaiian theme party for Christmas Cozy-. For decorations, we used palm trees, had flowered leis, and dressed in Hawaiian type clothing. We also had dinner and danced with a DJ.
Theta Omega
Northern Arizona U
A date dash complete with hypnotist has definitely been Theta Omega's best themed social event. Although com- pletely spontaneous, our chapter had a blast as we frantically tried to find a
date in an hour and make it to the bus to head for an unknown destination. We ended up at a local arcade and indoor mini-golf course, but were sur- prised to find our own personal hypno- tist waiting to entertain us. The chapter
Theta Pi
made the event totally dry so we could have a great time and enjoy our sisterhood without the pressures that come with serving alcohol. As a result, Theta Omega was presented with a special award from the NAU Greek system, recogniz- ing our choice to hold a voluntarily dry function.
ofTennessee -
Upsilon Lambda
U of Texas -
San Antonio
Our best themed event had to be our "Hillbilly Hoedown" mixer with the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. You should have seen our costumes and heard our accents.
U of Nebraska -
Zeta's best themed social event was "A-0- Pirate" which was first held in the spring of
1997. A-O-Pirate is a non-alcoholic date party where all AOITs and their dates dressed up as pirates and had a greattimedancing and being together. We won some great door prizes, too. The party showed members, their dates, and the entire campus that alcohol was not needed to have a good time.
Zeta Pi (U
of Alabama-Birmingham)
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
Tau Delta (Birmingham Southern College)
Upsilon Epsilon
St. Louis U
The best themed social event so far was our Flashback to the 80's skating party. We had authentic 80's clothing, music, and skating games like couples dances and limbo con- tests to complete the evening.

alumnae news
Idea Exchange:
Collegiate Rush Support Ideas
Alumnae involvement is essential for our collegiate chapters during rush. In this issue, alumnae chapters located near a collegiate chapter offer several ideas on how to help the collegians, but help should not be limited
to just those alumnae chapters with a col-
legiate chapter nearby. Many of our chapters start rush in just a few weeks and it is not too late to adopt a chapter or get more involved with the one you already support. At the very least, every AOn can take a few moments to fill out a Membership Information Form (MIF) on someone you know attending a college where we have a chapter. Blank MIF's were printed in the Spring To Dragma, are available on the AOil website, or you can call A O n Headquarters to have a form mailed to you. Commit yourself and your chapter to the future of AOFI by helping a collegiate chapter with rush.
Atlanta offers rush support to each of Georgia's four collegiate chapters. Members enjoy helping before, during and after rush parties. We provide hundreds of MIF's each year, are visi- ble during rush parties, and assist
behind the scenes compiling rush scores or doing whatever is needed.
We also make financial contributions to each chapter to use as needed during rush and make an additional monetary gift to our closest chapter, Gamma
Austin supports the Zeta Kappa Chapter by donating time and money for meals during rush work week. The women of Zeta Kappa appreciate the donations for rush expenses and chapter meals. If alumnae arc unable to be there during rush, many send cards and call to find out how things are going. Also, during the summer the chapter honors area collegians with a dessert social. This is a great way for alumnae to find out what the chapter needs help with for rush.
Sigma, for their rush retreat. Many of our members are pen pals to Gamma Sigma new members and the chapter makes donations of hoods to each chapter during the year.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
Austin Alumnae

Traditionally, the first meeting of the year for our chapter is a mock rush with the women of Beta Lambda. We play the role of the rushees and allow the collegians to brush up on their rush skills, songs, and skits for a five audi- ence. At the end of our party, we offer praise and suggestions to the collegians. We all then celebrate with refreshments. A floral arrangement and good luck note is also sent to the chapter before rush begins and several members help out during Preferential Party.
Our chapter supports Nu Delta at Canisius College with rush. We have a rush adviser who works with the colle- giate rush chair all year round. In addi- tion, the local alumnae chapter is hav- ing a pot-luck dinner with the colle- giates. This will be a great way to brain- storm rush ideas, rush themes and rush strategies. Also, it is a great way to get to know the collegiates because we want the chapter to know us and fill comfort- able calling on us for help.
The Calgary Alumnae Chapter is proud to support the ladies of Kappa Lambda Chapter during rush at the U of Calgary.
This year each alumna wrote a letter of welcome to our newest sisters and we presented it to them at the bid-pick-up dinner that we host. We each also wrote another letter that was presented to the new initiate during Inspiration Week with a box for their badges.
Chicago City
Members of our chapter have attended the rushes of both DePaul U (Delta Rho) and U of Chicago (Phi Chi). Some members are on the AAC and others just came to help out. A few members brought cookies and apples
Hills Alumnae
alumnae news
to Delta Rho for the girls to eat after- ward. Since this is only Delta Rho's second year, all of the Chicago Area Alumnae chapter tried to contribute to the fall rush program for them. The Chicago Area Council contributed to DePaul rush also. The Chicago City chapter was able to help financially for both Delta Rho and Phi Chi. We pro- vide people, food and money and we consider ourselves lucky to be centrally located near both chapters.
Chicago West Suburban
The women of the Chicago West Suburban Chapter are wonderful bak- ers and have been known to assist nearby chapters with their rush by pro- viding home baked goodies. They
have also helped in other ways, deco- rating the room, preparing plates of food, cleaning up and providing moral support. Of course, having extra voices for the rush songs are always appreci- ated. For those chapters that are not so close, we have sent a bouquet of red roses to brighten the room and fill it with fragrance.
Each year, our chapter serves dinner to the collegiate chapter after a long night
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
Lake County Alumnae

of rush. By arriving early, the alumnae help in the kitchen filling water cups and passing out mints to the collegians between rounds of rush. We also assist with any preparations for rush that evening so the collegiates can stay focused on" the rushees.
We help out in rush by doing all the odd and messy jobs during rush, shov- eling the sidewalks, washing dishes, taking coats or making copies.
Lake County
Our chapter takes every opportunity to remind the collegians that AOil is for- ever. From writing MIFs to preparing exam survival bags to writing letters for senior kits, that is always a top priority.
Our chapter provides advisers to assist both local collegiate chapters, Rho Omicron (MTSU) and Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U). We also provide a meal for each during rush. This
could be pot luck, pizza, giant subway sandwiches or whatever to feed a chapter full of hungry, tired, girls after a hard day.
NC Piedmont
In addition to leading moral support and pouring punch at rush parties, the Piedmont Alumnae of North Carolina provide a dinner for the chapter after the second round of parties and help purchase a bouquet of roses large enough for each anticipated new mem- ber to receive a rose during their pref- erence party.
New Orleans
We do not have a close collegiate chapter, but many alumnae in our chapter drive to Hammond (Kappa Tau) or Lafayette (Delta Beta) or even further to
Natchitoches (Kappa Chi) or Monroe (Lambda Tau) to help out with rush. Since we have a more "'long distance" relationship with these collegiate chap- ters, we find it really helpful to simply pool resources to help provide food and new faces at rush parties. We also like to send good luck and/or congratulations notes to these four chapters in Louisiana.
New York City
New York City Alumnae members came up with some great ideas for sup- porting collegiate rush. If alumnae know someone going through rush we believe that a MIF is an ideal way to show support. We also spend time vol- unteering support for a local collegiate chapter's day of rush. Even little notes of encouragement can mean a lot.
New York -
New Jersey Metro Area
We usually bring food or other items the collegiates request. We provide guidance as advisers during the stress- ful time and offer encouragement and praise when they need it.
Triangle Alumnae
Northern Orange County
We join other area alumnae chapters, Southern Orange County and Palos Verde/South Bay to provide lunches and support for Kappa Beta Chapter at California State U - Long Beach.
Our alumnae chapter sponsors a rush workshop retreat early in September for the Gamma Chi Chapter (Carleton U). This year Kappa Phi (McGill U) joined us lor the weekend where we exchanged ideas and practiced rushing techniques. I t was an exciting, uplift- ing and inspiring weekend so much so that we hope to make it a yearly occur- rence- The Power of AOFI.
San Fernando Valley
The San Fernando Valley Alumnae group makes regular personal visits to each of our local collegiate chapters for support. We assist them both financial- ly and through offering a hand around their respective houses. Each year, we ask each chapter to provide us with a wish-list and we do our best to see that those wishes are met.
To Drufjma/SUMMER 1998

St. Louis
Our chapter was on hand lor Upsilon Epsilon's first rush after moving to St. Louis U. Alumnae attended rush par- ties and we assisted with serving and any other way we could help.
State College
Each year the State College alumnae plan and prepare food for the Epsilon Alpha collegiate chapter rush prefer- ence parties. Alumnae each prepare their own finger food specialty and deliver to the suite the night of the parties. While collegians are greeting the rushees, a team of alumnae (using the residence hall laundry room!) ele- gantly arrange food on trays to be sam- pled later. We have a great time catch- ing up on news about each other and catching a glimpse of the soon to be new members.
Everyone brings something they wish they had during membership selection like candy, waterguns, etc. We gather all the items together, put them in a basket and send them to our local chapter for rush.
Tampa Bay
Each year we host the bid day party for the University of South Florida. This allows the collegiate members
to place most of their focus on rush activities rather than on planning the bid day festivities. In addition, we get to meet the newest members of AOIT and show them that AOn sisterhood is for a lifetime. Also during the chapter rush retreat, some of our alumnae work with the chapter on their rush conversation, songs and
on mock rushing skills.
aluiraiae news
our cases it was over 50 years ago. To support our collegiate sisters, we join the Tidewater Panhellenic Council and stuff good bags for selection night. Goodies include small perfumes, snacks, pens, and words of encourage- ment for our future sisters about to join our Fraternity.
Toronto Area
In the fall edition of the Toronto Area Alumnae newsletter, "The Rosevine," we let everyone know about the dates of Beta Tau's (U of Toronto) rush and give them the CA's phone number so they can call to find out what the chapter needs. We also send flowers. In addition, individual alumnae send flowers, donate food and paper prod- ucts, time and loan their silver serving pieces to the chapter for rush parties.
Our chapter provides lunch for the Delta Upsilon women during a rush break. Because they have no house, we prepare sandwiches, fruit, munchies and cookies for the break in the day where they entertain rushees all day. They appreciate their "mom" style lunch very much.
Ventura County
We make rush survival kits for members. Each members' kit con- sists of 10 everyday items: a safety pin, an after-dinner mint, a band- aid, etc. Accompanying each red ribboned baggie of goodies is a description of each article and its symbolic use to be remembered in the stress of rush. Reminders to be patient, forgiving, circumspect, etc.
South Bay/PalosVerdes
Our chapter designates our August meeting as rush survival night.
San FernandoValley Alumnae Chapter
Tidewater Area
Rush is an exciting albeit hectic time and the Tidewater Alumnae Chapter remembers rush as though it were yesterday, even though in some of
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998

A message from the Arthritis Foundation
As a young man, Mack Newton was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and despite his athletic con- ditioning, the degenera- tion to his hip joints pro- gressed. At the age of 42, he began to consider hip replacement "At that time, my future did- n't look bright because the only people receiving artificial hips were peo- ple in their 70s, 80s or older," he says. "Ifinally found a doctor who thought Imight be able to get an artificial hip and go back to practicing tae kwon do."
Newton offers the following tips to young people for life and work
1) Keep active. Activity, without a doubt, slows down the degen- eration of arthritis and keeps you well balanced mentally.
2) Take charge of your life. Get a vision of what you want to do, and don't lose sight of those dreams.
A O n through their support of Arthritis
Council Founders' Day event this past February.
My husband Alan, our 9-year old son, Nathan and I had a wonderful two week vacation in March to Guam, Saipan and Palau. The Winter 1997 To Dragma had an article about Kimberly McCormick
the world. The girls vol- unteered for two days at the Aid Stations hand- ing out water and food to racers.
Founders' Day Tea Vancouver Alumnae
chapter hosted their annual Founders' Day Tea at the Arbutus Village Recreation Center. AOITs from Beta Kappa, Kappa Phi, and Beta Tau
1he rower01rrie
Kimberly McCormick Class (left) and Maraa Knox Ritter in Saipan. Class, Alpha Sigma, (U attended. A silver charm
Research helps people with arthritis realize their dreams. W ith research comes new and innovative treatments... and one day together we'll find a cure.
To receive additional information on arthritis or how you can get involved with your local Arthritis Foundation chapter, simply call 800- 283-7800.
Letter to the Editor: "Several days ago I received ToDragma and
read it from cover to cover. It had a list of 50 year members - no men- tion of 70+ members! I
Southern California Council Founders' Day.
graduated from Northwestern's School of Speech in 1925 and was initiated in 1921. I'm an elderly "oldie" (95 years old!) and a widow for four years. The AOITs have contacted me here in Arkansas but having several disabilities, (hearing and walking), I haven't joined up. I do appreciate receiving the magazine. Your article about alcohol drinking is certainly OK. Iagree - tho' Ido drink one small glass of wine at the Easter and Christmas dinner spent at my daughters home in Kansas Gt/.'
Fraternally & Fondly, Marion W.Miller
Founders' Day Celebration
Alumnae Extension Network Specialist Bonnie Berger; Alumnae Network Specialist Barbara Goll; and Collegiate Programming Network Director, Kim Ditmar were all smiles during the Southern California
of Oregon). I thought Ishould say"'hi" when we got there. Icalled her at her office and she offered to pick me up at our hotel and take me
to lunch. Then she gave Alan and me a grand tour of the island, point- ing out historical, scenic and scuba diving sites. That afternoon was a highlight of our trip.
Therefore, with thanks to A O n for mak- ing it possible to meet each other and with thanks to Kimberly for taking time out of her work day to host us around her beautiful island, I'm enclosing an order for a brick in the Inspiration Walkway in her honor. The photo is of Kim (left) and me.
Sincerely, Marcia Knox Ritter
Phi Omicron Hanover College,'68
Chi Psi volunteers Over 50 members of
Chi Psi (California Polytechnic) volunteered for theWildflower Triathlon at Lake San Antonio, the second
from the Centennial Rose Banquet was pre- sented to Alice Porter, Beta Tau, in recognition of her constant support and commitment to AOIT. A raffle was held and the big winner of the Founders' Day raffle was Eileen Scott Beta Kappa, who walked off with an AOIT sweatshirt which, as she put it was large enough to fit her and her husband at the same time!
Kappa Kappa contributes time The members of
Kappa Kappa Chapter (Ball State U) con- tributed over 559 com- munity service hours to their campus and univer- sity last year. Their ser- vice benefitted Habitat for Humanity, the Pediatric Dept of Ball Memorial Hospital and Muncie Schools.
Nothing Better than Sisters
Sigma Omicron Chapter (Arkansas State U) determined that improving sisterhood
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998

ship. AOIL
was a goal that their chapter wanted to improve upon. Events are scheduled at least once a month and the last one was a combined effort between public relations and chapter relations. It was an out- door hide and seek game with the use of waterguns, shaving cream and lots of laughs. By the end of the game no one was dry and some of the girls were using shaving cream as shampoo. The members who attended the events said it was the best one this year because it was such a stress reliever
organization which helps homeless and bettered women and children get off the streets and back on their feet The AOlIs volunteered their time as score keepers at the city and nation wide tournament on Feb. 28- March I. The chapter received wonderful PR at the event and had a good time helping oth- ers less fortunate.
Dear Editor:
It was a sad day for me, and I'm sure many other sorority sisters, when Rho Chapter closed its doors at Northwestern U. After that going back
couple of my AOFI sis- ters. Even though our bodies and mirrors say differently, in our hearts we are still N U coeds. And though our chapter closed, we'd still love to hear something about it It's gone, but not forgot- ten. Please don't dismiss it like it never existed. It was a strong, vital chap- ter for many decades and produced some great national officers, Peg Miller and Nancy Mover come to mind, but there were others. Rho will always live in our hearts, so please keep it alive on your pages once in awhile.
Phi Chi members, Jesse Way-Grimm, Chris Grave and Lisa Hackbart
Other sisterhood events were skating, movies & dinner, and pasta night
Bread and Roses
This past winter, Zeta
Pi Chapter (U of Alabama-Birmingham) participated in the Birmingham Ultimate Frisbee Tournament ben- efiting Bread and Roses. Bread and Roses is an
to visit the campus never was the same, for my college home was gone. So many wonder- ful memories were made there, but not being able to visit the house left a big void.
But the closing of Rho didn't end my ties to AOn. Although its 56 years since I graduated, I'm still in touch with a
Fraternally with aloha, Dorothy Toman Stone
Rho'42 (Northwestern U)
Editors note:
Following is a poem also submitted by Dorothy Stone as a tribute to reaching life's Golden Years. Dorothy is also a tribute to the wonderful
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
Vancouver Alumnae
legacy of Rho Chapter in the history of our Fraternity.
The Golden Years You are really feeling
tired and your energy is fully spent; in addition, your "get up and go", just got up and went
In your mind you still feel youthful, you still feel young at heart, but your engine goes much slow- er and takes longer just to start
Aches and pains are your companions, they're with you night and day; and sometimes you can't remember what you were about to say.
Life's no longer easy, it's become a real rat race; pills, powders and prescriptions take up much of your space.
But just don't fret about it throw away your fears; and remem- ber what has happened, you've reached the Golden Years!
Dorothy Toman Stone Rho (Northwestern U)
To Dragma Editor: I have read my
(spring) To Dragma from cover to cover and I
think it is wonderful. I even heard from Virginia Walker in Wilmington, NC. As a member of RT&J,Iwasparticularly impressed with the number of times the Ritual was mentioned in the "Collegiate News." W e have tried very hard, during the past
few years, to impress on the collegians (and alumnae, too) the need to live by our Ritual and the Centennial Celebration evidently has done just that!
I have also been con- cerned about binge drinking among college students and Iam most impressed by your arti- cle (and the rest of the magazine also). Ihope the collegians were as impressed as Iwas and that you got a good response from "the members of the jury."
Jo Beth Heflin Member, RT& J, Pi Kappa (U ofTexas-Austin)

Georgia) has their scholarship program on the right track. The chapter awards $ 100 checks to any new mem- ber who achieves a 4.0 for their first quarter in AOIT. Other members are also eligible if they have maintained a 4.0 for three or more quarters. This spring 12 checks were presented to the following new members: Katie Beall, Carrie Brady, Katie Dowis,Whitney Fletcher,Sarahlyn Graham,and Betsy Richwine. Other mem- bers awarded were
Natalie Balyo, Holly Gooding,Jennifer House, Rebecca Heard, Kelly Roundtree,Sarah SchmittAmy VanderGhenstandAnna KayWiggins. As the chapter continues to improve their GPAthey will replace their long used scholarship slogan "strive for pi" which is a 3.14. Now that the chapter average has reached 3.21,so they need a new slogan!
e> GreekAwards were presented at the annual IFC/PHA banquet at Georgia Southern College, Alpha Lambda Chapter was pleased to be recognize with the Most Improved Chapter award.
e> Lehigh University Assistant Dean of Students, Scott Walter, congratulated the women of Lambda Upsilon chapter for achieving the overall Greek Review Score for sororities during the pre- vious fall semester. As a reward from the
Our Collegians
ejanelle Milodragovich.a collegiate member of Alpha Gamma (Washington State
U) was appointed by Governor Gary Locke
to the Board of Regents for Washington State University. She was nominated for the posi- tion by the president of theWSU student body and becomes the first student to receive this appointment After near- ly three decades of lob- bying for the appoint- ment,theWSU student body now has a voting member on the Board.
The 20-year old
senior, majoring in English and pre-law is from Missoula, Montana. This former chief of staff for the student body presi- dent served asVice President of her AOIT chapter and as a mem-
ber of the Panhellenic Peer Review Board. During this one year term,Janelle believes key student issues will include tuition increases, campus diversity and cli- mate, university funded child care, and alcohol use and abuse.
• LambdaTau (Northeast Louisiana U) is proud of Keli Brian who was recently crowned Miss Northeast Louisiana University.
o> Likewise,(California State U-Northridge), Sigma Phi Chapter is honored to have Joanne "Jo Jo" Jones represent them as Homecoming Queen.
Our Chapters
e» Congratulations to Omega Upsilon (Ohio U ) for their awards duringthe cam-
pus GreekAwards Banquet The chapter walked off with the Outstanding Leadership Award, the Outstanding Service Award, the Outstanding Sportsmanship Award and the Margaret Deppen Award for Outstanding Greek Leadership,which went to Carly Bella. Keep up the good work.
e»The U ofToledo Panhellenic awards were presented this spring and Theta PsiChapter were among those highly recognized. They were honored to receive the Chapter Excellence Award, as well as first place in scholarship, first place in campus involve- ment and third place in community service.
e> It's no wonder that Lambda Sigma (U of
Andrea C
r. Alpha
(U ofAlabama)
University, the chapter received $750 as a "meaningful reward" to be used for their chapter. Congratulations on the good work.
e> During The University of Florida GreekAwards Banquet Gamma Omicron Chapter received three special honors including the William Rion Award for Campus Involvement Member Renee Ross received the MarnaV. Brady Scholarship and Debbie Branson was selected as Outstanding Chapter Adviser of the year. AOITs Pamela Sherman is currently serving as President of the UF Panhellenic Council representing over 2,500 women.
«s>lnApril,Tau Chapter (U of Minnesota-Twin Cities) was awarded several prestigious hon- ors, including the Outstanding Chapter award for the 1997-98 school year. Additionally, Kim Alexander.Tau Chapter President received the Outstanding Contributor Award for service to her chapter: The chapter also
received the Outstanding Educational Programming Award, the Outstanding Alumnae
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)

Relations Award, Outstanding External Relations Award, and Honorable mention in Scholarship and Philanthropy.
Alpha Delta ( U of Alabama) received
two chapter awards dur- ing the Annual Greek Leadership Awards ban- quet inApril. They were honored forMost Progressive Scholarship and Most Improved Sorority. Additionally, Chapter Adviser, Mary Lynn Hanily received the award for Outstanding SororityAdviser and Andrea Carver was named as the Outstanding Greek Freshman Woman.
ProjectAward for the most volunteer hours (334 in all) and the pres- tigious Chapter ProficiencyAward.
Lisa D. Magnas, Phi Chi ( U of Chicago) has been chosen to receive a distinguished award from the U of Chicago this year for her leadership as ayoung alumnae. She is one of only two alumni to receive this citation. This award recognized out- standing achievements in promoting the
University through vol- unteer support of such organizations and activi- ties as the alumni associ- ation,alumniclubs,class
Alumnae Chapter and worked on the local convention committee for Centennial Convention.
e> One ofAOFIs most accomplished alumnae, Margaret Bourke- White,OmicronPi (U of Michigan ) was honored by the St Louis Center for Photography this pastwinter.Anout- standing exhibit of her work was on display that revealed insight into the past century, as well as into the photographer's enormous talent Bourke-White's career lasted from the late 1920'stothelate I950's and her work graced the covers ofFortune and
Rho Delta (Samford U)
Pi (U of Michigan)
B> Upsilon Epsilon ( S t Louis U ) Chapter is excited to announce the receipt of the University's Most Improved Sorority Chapter Award.
e> Rho Delta (Samfbrd U ) Chapter received several awards during their Greek Awards Banquet They came away with the Panhellenic Service
reunions, fund-raising, and student recruitment Lisa qualifies because of her style of leadership and her service as presi- dent of the NewYork alumni club and chair of the Manhattan Alumni Schools Committee.
She is also chairman of the Class of I988's 10- year reunion committee. Lisa is a member of AOlTs NewYork City
LIFE magazine for 30 years, including LIFE'S premiere issue on November 23,1936.
By the time her career ended at her death from Parkinson's disease in
1971,she had established herself as afearlesswar correspondent a savvy world traveler, and one of the greatest photo- journalists of all time.
e> Katera (Kitte) Murphy,Nu lota (Northern Illinois U) is a speech lan- guage pathologist and former teacher who is a specialist in augmentative com- munication. She has written tw o books and produced two
videos on augmenta- tive communication, as well as co-found- ed Creative Communications Solutions. She has
received national atten- tion as a speaker on using augmentative communication in the home as well as in
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
the classroom. •
Katera (Kitte) Murphy, Nu iota (Northern Illinois U)

A salute to our
Alpha Rho Oregon State U
Maude Bally Whitney
Alpha Sigma U of Oregon
Dorothy Dodge Griswold Stephanie Odell McMinn Helen Hoefer Olsen Margaret Seymour Wade
Beta Phi Indiana U
Rosalie Esarey Borland Dorothy Nash Carpenter Julia Myers Tindall
Syracuse U
Mariba Morse Rogers Winiford Riese Sayre
Delta Tufts U
Elizabeth Atkinson
U of Illinois Helen Hood Brown
Kappa Randolph-Macon Woman s College
Mary Wilson Edmunds Jean Jones Perdue Mannie Howard Ryan
Lambda Stanford U
Lily Patrick Mahoney Florence Stanley Markley
Nu Kappa
Southern Methodist U Mary Reynolds Dixon Margaret West Hughston
Nu Omicron Vanderbilt U
Grace McVeigh
Robbie Allison Shackleford Frances Thompson Wilson
Omeea Miami U
Gertrude Weir Lohman
U of Tennessee Knoxville Mary Faxon Divine
Virginia Frantz Eakin
Mary Rowe Moore
Omicron Pi
U of Michigan
Margaret Hanselman Underwood
U of Kansas
Nellie Johnson Fitzgerald
Tulane U
Edith Bradley Carter
Rho Northwestern U
Lucile Hurley
U of Minnesota
Dorothy Womrath Hobbs
U of Washington Arta Pollom Holt
Ethel McCart Jones Florence McMeekin Swart Dorothy Watkins Wren
U of Nebraska Lincoln Margaret Watson Edwards Kathryn Smith Fairchild
Inez Reese Neff
To Dragma/SUMMER 1998
75year * . •'members!
Alpha Qmicron Pi congratulates the following women who, this year, achieved AOITs 75-year membership status. These women were initiated during the school year of 1922-1923 and our records still indicate a current address.

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