New Alumnae
Chapters Installed
Alpha Omicron Pi is very pleased t o announce three new alumnae chapter installations during the month o f May. W e proudly welcome the following chapters and encourage A O I I s living in these areas to take an active role in making them suc- cessful chapters.
GreaterGreenvilleAlumnaeChapter Greenville, North Carolina Saturday, May 2,1998
Greater HattiesburgArea Alumnae Chapter Hattiesburg, Mississippi Saturday, May 23,1998
Suburban Maryland Alumnae Chapter Gaithersburg, Maryland Saturday,May 30,1998
Southern New Jersey Alumnae Chapter Being Formed
If you are interested, please call Michelle Warner Hammel at (609) 772-3924. The chapter will serve Camden, Burlington, Gloucester and surrounding counties. The group has already held their first organizational meeting and had a good turnout. Give them a call if you want t o beapartofthisnewadventure.
Alpha Psi Corporation Announces Meeting Date
The Alpha Psi Corporation announces its annual corporation meeting for Saturday, November 7,1998,9:30 a.m. in the chap- ter house, Bowling Green State U. F o r more information contact, Janet Conway, (419) 668-5286.
Lambda lota Corporation Meeting Set
The annual corporation meeting for Lambda lota has been set for October 27,
1998,6:45 p.m. The location has not been determined, but contact Betsy Mueller for more information (619) 226-4415.
Kappa Kappa Corporation
to Meet
November 1, 1998 is the date set for the annual meeting of the Kappa Kappa Corporation. The meeting will be held in the chapter suite, Rogers Hall, Ball State Universityat2:00p.m. ContactJudithD. Thornburg (765) 284-3277 for more information.
Calling All AOIIs
The State CollegeAlumnae Chapter will host a Penn State/Bowling Green football game tailgate reunion on Saturday, September 12th. The reunion starts t w o hours before kick-off and is open t o all alumnae and collegians in the area o r attending the game. For last minute details, call Nancy Gilbert (717) 745-7505 or Anne Rohrback (814) 237-1920.
• Moving? • Changing your name? • Reporting the death of a member? (Date of death:.
Pleasecompletethis firm, indicating thechangeaboveandreturnto:
AOI1 International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, T N 37027
First Middle Maiden Last
Zip/Postal Code:. Chapter/College where initiated:. Place o f Employment
State/Province:_ .Phone: ( )
Year Initiated:
J - e-mail:
Zip/Postal Code:.
Alumnae Chapter: • .Current AOTT Office:.
Please inform me about the nearest Alumnae Chapter: Special Interests:
Please help AOIJ save money! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 50€, in addition to the original cost of mailing.Ifyouaremovingorchangingyournamepleasenotifyusinadvance.Ifyouknowofotherswhoarenotreceivingtheirmagazine,chances are we have an incorrect address fir them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.
yes • no
To Dragma/ SUMMER 1998 51
—.— —.-
Send with pavment to: AOII International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027, USA, (615) 370-0920, (800) 746-7264
Official Jewelry
Emporium Jewelry
J09 Monogram Recognition Pin
J10 Rose Recognition Pin
Jll 50 Year Pin
J12A Mother's Club Pin-Plain
J12B Mother's Club Pin-Jeweled
m Pledge Pin (can only be ordered by chapter) J15 New Member Award Pin fnot sftotm)
(can only be ordered chapter)
J17 Plain Badge (A, O and 11 Polished)
J18 Plain Badge (Polished A and Hi Chased O)
J19 Jeweled Badge
(Crown Pearl O; Chased A and II) J20 Jeweled Badge
(Crown Pearl A and O; Pearl on tips of II) P Honor Badge-Crown Ruby A (Chased
O and II) (can only be ordered by chapter) J22 Honor Badge-Crown Ruby A (Crown
Pearl O; Chased U)
{can only be ordered Irv chapter) J34 President's Ring
GK $10.00* 10.50*
14.00* 18.00 28.00
5.00* 15.50*
70.00 70.00
Rings continued
J25 Wide Rind Crest Ring
J28 Raised Letter Signature Ring J29 Oval Incised Letter Ring
]31 Vertical Incised Letter Ring
]31RA Vertical Rose Crest Ring
J32 Mini Monogram Ring
J35 Badge Ring {Alumnae Only)
J55 Rose Ring w/Pearls
J56 Monogram Band Ring w/Pearls Ringorders cannot beprocessed without ring
J43 Lavaliere Bracelet w/Rose Dangle
J46 Octagon Rose/Pearl Bracelet
J47 Rose Bracelet
Bar Pins
J52 Pearl Bar Pin w/Pecite Rose Dangl
J53 Plain Bar Pin w/Jeweled Rose
14K $ 160.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 165.00 110.00 195.00 186.00 115.00
10K $ 125.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 120.00 80.00 140.00 135.00 84.00
GK ss
$-.- $75.00 —,— 55.00 —.— 55.00 —.— 55.00 —.— 60.00 —.— 50.00 —.— —.— —.— —.— —.— 42.00
35.00* 45.00« 60.00*
—.— —.— — .— —.—
— .— 108.00 — .— 108.00 —.— 176.00
—.— 190.00 — .— 185.00 — .— 205.00
220.00 160.00
Badge Guard (not shown)
Ail badge orders must include initiated chapter, initials and if
FREE ENGRAVING-Jmir 3 initials ONLY.
EMPORIUM JEWELRY 14K Lavalieres/Pendants
J03 J03J
J05 J36
J48 J50
Rings J23
Pearl Vertical Letter Lavaliere w/I8" GK
or SS chain $115.00 Alternating Ruby/Pearl Vertical Lerter 130.00 Lavaliere w/18" GK or SS chain
Mini Vertical Letter Lavaliere w/18" GK
or SS chain 45.00* Rose Lavaliere w/18" GK or SS chain 55.00 Jeweled Rose Lavaliere w/18" GK
or SS chain 65.00 Vertical Letter Lavaliere w/18" GK
or SS chain 55.00* Hearr Lavaliere w/18" GK or SS chain 55.00 Badge Charm (Alumnae Only)
(Indicated Badge Style) 140.00 Chased Badge Charm (Alumnae Only)
(Indicate Badge Style) 140.00 GF or SS Round Filigree Border Charm —•—
w/Rose , GF or SS Round Filigree Border Charm w/Engraved AOII
Pebble Border Charm w/Petite Rose —.— Ribbon Border Charm w/Petite Rose —.—
*Emporium Item In Stock 14K
$95.00 100.00
30.00* 35.00*
35.00* 38.00*
110.00 110.00
loo.oo 85.00
10R $ 135.00
$75.00 $77.00 82.00 —.—
20.00* 22.00* 20.00* 22.00
Notice: Octofwr 31 will be the ksi day to place Christmas orders.
Onyx Imperial Ring w/o Pearl Shanks (not shown)
Onyx Imperial Ring with Pearl Shanks
$ 175.00 180.00
SS $80.00
'Emporium Item In Stock
Qtv Six
RiniE orBadges
3 Initials Btdgn Quito
Initiation Dare
\h,ki--! Vilv
lninatwn Chapter
POSTMASTER-Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027
20.00* 20.00
52.00 34.00
25.00 25.00
22.00* 22.00
—.— —.—
35.00 30.00
35.00 25.00
Add ST 50 All items must be prepaid.
Ail orders are non-returnable.
Cancelled orders are subject to 25% penalty. All prices subject to change wi&out notice.
$ - . -
—.— 85.00
Shipping & Handling
Subtotal Tennessee Residents Add 8.25% Sales Tax _
Shipping and Handling T O T A L
Up to $ 5 00 SS.01-S25.OC $25.01-550.00 $50.01-575.00 57S.O1-S10O.0O
Add $3.50 -Add S5.50 - .Add $6.55
.AddS8.SC Please ad J SI. 50 for every525.00
GoMad (GK) is 14K Heavy Gold Electroplate. Add $10.00 to IOK prices for White Gold.
Badge not included with J35, J36 or]36P. AuW eight weeks for • Check • MC • Visa • Discover
Exp. Date
Card No: Name Address City
EFFECTIVE: September J, 1997
$ - . -
336.00 360.00
$ - . - —.—
I0R $ 205.00 247.00 246.00
10R $ 85.00 88.00
- ».:o
112.00 140.00
GR $48.00 52.00
$ 90.00 112.00
SS $ —