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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-22 17:38:18

2008 Summer - To Dragma

Vol. 72, No. 3

ro Pragma1— f / \
O F Alpha OmIcron Pi

W SUMMER 2 0 0 8

•0 *

A random meeting of two AOJIs in Antarctica proves it really is a small world. While
studying abroad during her winter break, junior Brittany Lee (left), Lambda Sigma ( U
of Georgia) randomly met another A O I I , Susan Knoeppel Myers (right), Upsilon Alpha
( U of Arizona). At that time, the Antarctica trip marked Brittany's fifth continent and
Susan's seventh. Since then, Brittany has traveled to Asia during spring break and Africa
this summer. Brittany, with Ling Ling the panda always in tow, has now achieved her
goal of visiting all seven continents before she graduates next year. Susan and
Brittany found it amazing to have met each other on the other side of the world.

Contents ra maOF ALPHA ( )MICRON PI

Departments Features

7 Viewpoint 10 Places You Love
8 Fraternity News
31 Member Profile The winning entries from our Spring submission contest
showcase some o f the places you love most.
Aneta Corseaut, RFio
(Northwestern U) 18 Living the Green Life

40 Life Loyal A O I I Going green is not hard. Even small changes add up
46 Foundation Focus to big improvements for our global environment.

Mission Moments 28 Pack and Play
Securing the Future - Endowment
Foundation Donor Profiles For an A O I I event or a family vacation, here are
Arthritis Heroes - San Jose a few tips on packing wisely.
Chapter Spotlight - Omega Upsilon
Sisters Developing Leaders Together 32 The Official Jewelry of A O I I

52 Member Profile A closer look at the magnificent badges, pins and rings
that comprise AOIFs official jewelry collection.
The Twenty Club
Tau Delta (Birmingham Southern U) 37 Rho Beta Re-Installation
(Virginia Commonwealth U)
54 Collegiate News
66 Alumnae Chapter Profiles AOIFs 149th collegiate chapter is re-installed.

Williamsburg 39 Delta Lambda Installation
Chicago N W Suburban (Columbus State U)

70 From the A O I I Archives Welcome to AOIFs 185th collegiate chapter.

44 Fitting in Fitness

An A O I I shares tips on staying fit for busy women.


To(2^raj m a From the r° ditor

To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron Pi The world is a precious thing. More and more o f us are starting to do our part
Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The mission to preserve our planet for future generations. Even small steps are making a big
of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and difference. We long to see the world and visit new places - just pack our bags
inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our and go. We love to share part o f our individual worlds w i t h others because
chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime some of the places we love best are right i n our own backyards. There is a little
AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a bit about all these worlds in this issue.
permanent record of our Fraternity's history.
One of the world's you and I both share is Alpha Omicron Pi. The physical
How to Contact To Dragma: structure that A O I I calls home is a magnificent one. This intriguing place is
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 filled with some of the most amazing women (and one man) you w i l l meet
(615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736,, anywhere. Almost all of you have had the experience o f being a collegiate
[email protected] member and an alumnae member o f A O I I . Many o f you have given o f your
time and talents to serve as a volunteer for A O I I , but far fewer of you have had
How to Update Your Name or Address: the opportunity of being an A O I I employee. I consider myself lucky to have
Go to Update Profile on the private side of the AOII website experienced all four parts of our world.
(, email your new address to
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920. I think you would be surprised and amazed to review the resumes o f AOII's
employees. Each and every person is a highly educated and qualified professional
How to Subscribe to To Dragma: - all of whom would be the envy o f any major corporations human resource
Beginning June 1, 2008, subscriptions are $25.00 annually. department. There is a multi-talented employee down every hallway o f
Subscriptions are by check or credit card. Checks, made our home - accounting, property management, information technology,
payable to AOII, should be mailed to 5390 Virginia Way, programming, communications, graphic design, event planning, chapter
Brentwood, TN 27027, Attn: Accounting. Credit card services, fund raising, merchandising, etc. You name it - A O I I has a qualified
subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover only) should email person to do the job! Most of us are initiated members of A O I I , but not
[email protected]. everyone. We have a two employees who bring another Greek heritage to our
world, and we are all better for it. A n equal opportunity employer - we have a
A Note to Parents of Collegians: few staffmembers who are not Greek, and of course there is Don - he's our man!
Your daughter's magazine is b e i n g mailed to her home
address while she is in college. If your daughter is no longer In the midst o f this very professional place w i t h all the appropriate trapping o f
in college or living at home, please send us her updated the business world - like policies and procedures, deadlines and decisions - lies a
address, as indicated above. real sorority. Unlike any place I have ever worked, there is a spirit of something
even greater than just teamwork. It's sisterhood. It's the same sisterhood that we
Managing Editor all had as collegians, and as alumnae, i f you are privileged to be involved w i t h
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) an alumnae chapter, too. The last time I walked out the door o f my sorority
house as a collegian, I actually believed that the sisterhood I experienced
Assistant Editor within those walls would never be repeated in my lifetime. While I no longer
Erin Burcham, Zeta (U of Nebraska - Lincoln) live in an A O I I sorority house, I can say I still live the sorority experience.
Sisterhood is alive and well in our part of the world.
Creative Director
Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U) AOII's employees are all working hard, along w i t h hundreds o f volunteers, to
take good care of our fraternity. We're taking good care o f AOII's home, too. If
Graphic Designer you have not already done so, we hope you w i l l come home for a visit. I think
Whitney Frazier, Rho Omicron (Middle TN State U) you w i l l be proud of this part o f your world, too.

Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity Regards,
promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen,
excellence and lifelong learning, and developing leadership Managing Editor
skills through service to the Fraternity and community. Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Founded at Barnard College in New York City, January 2,
1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella s% Online Extras
George Stern Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. Often there is more to a story, person or event than we can cover in To
Dragma. If you see the mouse icon in a story, visit www.alphaomicronpi.
International President org and click To Dragma to read more.
Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U)
Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Lampertz, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)

Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Panhellenic
Conference and the College Fraternity Editors Association.


4 • To DRA<;MA

Alpha Omicron Pi's International Headquarters staff invites you to visit AOII's home in Brentwood, Tennessee.

A Change is Coming - To Dragma Distribution Information

To Dragma will continue to be mailed to all collegiate members. Alumnae who join Life Loyal AOII, pay Alumnae Chapter dues or
subscribe annually will also continue to receive the magazine. Beginning with the Fall 2008 issue, alumnae members not in one of
those groups will experience a reduction in the number of issues based on the schedule illustrated below. Detailed information on
each of the options is available under the To Dragma section of the AOII website.

Timeline for
Life Loyal AOII
Dues Paying
Alumnae Chapter
and Annual

3 issues per year 3 issues per year 3 issues per year 3 issues per year

Timeline for H
anyone not
in one of the AOII
above groups

Schedule 3 issues per year " M l HI 1 issue per year Access To Dragma feature
Through Summer 2008 2 issues per year Fall 2010-Summer 2012 stories via AOII web site
Fall 2008-Summer 2010
Fall 2012 and forward



Can you describe the mission and purpose of Alpha Omicron Pi i n five short words? Last year, if-
leaders o f our organization faced this challenge when we worked together to create a new mission
statement that would reflect the value of A O I I . Wording was critical - we wanted the mission
to be all-encompassing, succinct, compelling and relatable. After many ideas and suggestions
were offered, our team decided on "Women Enriched through Lifelong Friendship" as the new
mission for Alpha Omicron Pi. Throughout the last year, I have used this phrase in my speeches,
presentations and meetings. I want to share with you the personal meaning that I have attached
to these five words.

Women: As an A O I I , you are connected to a group o f over 1 3 7 , 0 0 0 women worldwide.
M o r e than friends, these women are sisters. They are often the ones you immediately call to
share the exciting news of an engagement, a new professional opportunity, or the expectant
news o f a little one. These sisters are also those you depend on i n times o f disappointment
or sadness to l i f t you up.

Enriched: Membership within Alpha Omicron Pi is much more than a social networking tool.
Through educational programming, A O I I strives to bring out the best i n all our members in
order to serve the greater world. We are all leaders i n our own way, and A O I I helps to teach us
how to maximize our potential through our given talents.

Through: Although in grammatical terms the w o r d is a preposition used to link phrases i n
a sentence, it is just as crucial to our phrase as the words that it joins. One o f the definitions
o f this w o r d is " f r o m beginning to end o f " proving how powerful and appropriate one little
word can be.

Lifelong: The oath that we take during initiation is not a four-year commitment - it is a
bond that we share for life. Lifetime commitment can range f r o m involvement in your
alumnae chapter, communicating with sisters on inCircle, or meeting for lunch with your
A O I I sisters once a month just like the inspiring story o f sisterhood shared on page 52.

Friendship: As the cornerstone of our founding, friendship solidifies the overall purpose
o f our organization. As stated by Stella Perry, "we wanted a fraternity that should carry on
the delightful fellowships and cooperation of college days into the workaday years ahead
and to do so magnanimously. Above all, we wanted a high and active special purpose to
justify existence and a simple devotion to some worthy end."

The new mission statement was painstakingly chosen to describe the value o f A O I I -
Women Enriched Through Lifelong Friendship. I encourage each o f you to pause and
reflect on how those five words might personally impact you, too.

W i t h Fraternal Love,

Susan Danko, International President To DRAG MA • 7

ISSUE N O . 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8

JUNE 2 4 - 28, 2 0 0 9
Join us for AOII's 2009 International Convention
Alpha O m i c r o n Pi is very pleased to announce that in sunny Tampa, Florida at the Tampa Waterside
we have been invited to colonize at Appalachian State Marriott! The life o f an A O I I is anything but routine.
University this Fall. Located in Boone, North Carolina, Each day the experience o f being an A O I I is an
Appalachian State is a public institution w i t h more than exciting adventure. Journey w i t h your sisters, your
13,500 students. The new A O I I chapter w i l l be the destination is Convention 2009.
8th N P C group on campus and w i l l become the 186th
chartered chapter o f the Fraternity. Further information A O T T Xi4cftM£«iu>ua£ Ocmv_*ctum. 2 0 0 9
about the campus can be found at
NOVEMBER 22, 2 0 0 8
Upsilon Lambda Chapter at the University o f
The Alumnae Department is thrilled to announce the Texas - San A n t o n i o w i l l be celebrating their 30th
Northern Central Valley Alumnae Chapter in Modesto, Anniversary this November. A formal celebration
C A was installed on May 10, 2008. Stephanie Murphy, w i l l be held on Saturday November 22, 2008.
A N S , was the Installing Officer and Yvonne Sams was For more information, please send an e-mail to:
elected as the Alumnae Chapter President. [email protected].


The A O I I Foundation's 1897 Club is only available All Southern California collegiate and alumnae
to recent A O I I graduates. To become a member chapters o f Alpha O m i c r o n Pi w i l l hold their next
o f the 1897 Club, simply donate $18.97 to the annual Founders' Day celebration and luncheon on
Foundation quarterly for one year. After you make February 7, 2009 at the Spanish Hills C o u n t r y Club
your first payment, the Foundation w i l l send you in Camarillo, C A . For more details about the event
three reminders, one each quarter. F o l l o w i n g the and reservations, please contact Judy Gambrel Flessner,
second payment, your name w i l l be included i n the Iota ( U o f Illinois) [email protected] or by-
annual report i n To Dragma. U p o n m a k i n g your phone at (818) 874-9357.
fourth payment o f $18.97, you w i l l receive a framed
5" x 7" rose print for your first home away f r o m EXECUTIVE BOARD ELECTIONS
school! Visit
new.asp to make your first payment today. FOR 2009

8 • To DRAGMA The process to elect new 2 0 0 9 Executive Board
Officers begins this August. Interested candidates
should f i l l out an Interest Form which w i l l be
made available on M y A O I I on August 1st. The
Nominating Trustees w i l l begin accepting forms
as early as August 1st. Watch the Nominations/
Elections tab on the M y A O I I section o f the A O I I
web site for updates. Members o f Alpha O m i c r o n Pi
can learn more about their participation i n the process
in the Fall issue o f To Dragma. Questions can be
directed to the Nominating Trustees by emailing
[email protected].

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8


During the 2008 College Fraternity Editors Association Annual To Dragma is always interested in reading your
Conference, held in Nashville, Tennessee this past May, To Dragma submissions for content i n the magazine. I f you
was honored to be the recipient of the Fred F Yoder 1st Place have an idea for a story or believe you have a
Award for Overall Excellence. Competing against all N P C , N I F , story of your o w n , email your submissions at
PFA and N P H C organizations, the award recognizes excellence [email protected]. We will not
of the total magazine publication as demonstrated in all issues be able to respond to every submission, but thank
published during 2007. The judging criteria includes the relevance you i n advance for your interest. This address is for
of the publication to its intended audience, how well the issues story related material only. Please note, Collegiate
communicate their purpose; organization of written and design and Alumnae News Reports w i l l only be accepted
materials; creativity, originality and outstanding use of writing, through Alphalink. Address changes can be made
design, and layout; and general appearance, readability, and interest at [email protected].
f r o m cover to cover. A O I I is greatly honored. This is the second
time To Dragma has received this award, the last being in 1997.



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Places You When you hang out with your collegiate
or alumnae sisters, where do you love
to go? Where would you recommend
a sister to eat, shop or play in your
hometown? Those are the questions we
asked you in the Spring 2008 To Dragma
and here are your winning submissions.
Thanks for sharing these inspiring
places you love with us.




10 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8

Best Place to
be a Tourist

In Boston, Massachusetts: I

The Boston Duck Tours accessed from various points around False
Creek. Other friends visiting Vancouver
Submitted by Samantha Mashal, have rented bicycles and ridden along the
Delta (Tufts U ) seawall from Stanley Park to Provence
I f you are visiting Boston for the first time, Marinaside, before riding back to the
the best way to see the city, according to park. So, i f you want to see Vancouver
Samantha Mashal, is to take the Boston like a local, Marjorie suggests you enjoy
Duck Tour. This tour is unique because you brunch at this wonderful restaurant!
get to see the city in a vehicle that is part
bus and part boat. O n land, the bus takes In Montreal, Quebec:
passengers through the streets to visit all areas
o f importance around the city, then the bus China Town
rolls right into Boston Harbor and turns into
a boat for more sightseeing. Passengers can Submitted by Katarina Daniels,
even earn an " I Drove a Duck!" bumper Kappa Phi (McGill U )
sticker for helping the captain steer. The D i m Sum in Montreal's China Town is a
sisters of Delta Chapter cannot think o f a Kappa Phi tradition and they encourage all
better way to tour the city they call home. AOIIs to come visit for themselves. While
They invite dieir A O I I sisters to take a they admit to not always knowing what
Boston Duck Tour with them. they're eating there, they always have a
good time trying to guess. Rumor has it
In Vancouver, British Columbia: that chicken feet might have been involved
in their last meal. I n addition to the food,
Provence Marinaside China Town is an amazing place to shop.
In the summertime, the pedestrian street
Submitted bv Marjorie Stevens, is lined w i t h various stalls, w i t h vendors
Beta Kappa ( U o f British Columbia) selling everything but the kitchen sink
In Vancouver, Marjorie Stevens believes - and all of them are ready to bargain!
Provence Marinaside warmly introduces Chinese N e w Year is also a great time to
visitors to the Vancouver lifestyle. It visit. After you have dined and shopped,
also is a wonderful restaurant to meet you can witness dragon dances and other
w i t h sisters for weekend brunch. A t cultural spectacles.
Provence Marinaside, Vancouverites
enjoy patio dining throughout the year,
watching dogs being walked, and joggers
running around the seawall in front o f
the restaurant. W h i l e the dining room is
elegant, favored seating is outside where
Marjorie can tie up her dog nearby and
pass delicious organic sausages, bacon or
free-range eggs to her through the fence.
The owner/chef is French so the various
Benedicts are excellent, and the kitchen
is always w i l l i n g to change their menu to
suit the customer. The restaurant is located
in Yaletown, a Vancouver neighborhood
full of one-of-a-kind boutiques and coffee
shops, and her favorite way to get to the
restaurant is by pedestrian ferry that can be

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8

Right: Part of Ill
the historic New
Orleans French
Quarter known for
outstanding music

and cuisine.

Kappa Omicron
(Rhodes College)
AOIIs showed up
bright and early for
a Good Morning
America Justin
Timberlake concert
on Beale Street.

Best Place for Music by an accordion, fiddle and a tight carries a huge selection o f CDs, cassettes
rhythm section, mixes up traditional and videos o f Blues, Jazz, and Rock 'n Roll
In New Orleans, Louisiana: Louisiana French music with original favorites. There is no shortage o f music on
Cajun and Zydeco material for a very f u n Beale Street and because o f its wide variety,
Tipitina's in and danceable blend. O u r A O I I sisters there is something for everyone.
the French Quarter remind us that New Orleans is k n o w n
for the music, as well as some o f the finest In Nashville, Tennessee:
Submitted by New Orleans area alumnae food in the world.
Tipitina's is a landmark music hall named Tootsie's Orchid Lounge &
after a famous song by R.&B legend In Memphis, Tennessee: Lower Broadway Honky Tonks
Professor Longhair. O n early Sunday
evenings, the place plays host to the Beale Street Submitted by Nashville Area Alumnae
Cajun Fais D o - D o at Tipitina's, as it has Tootsie's is a world famous attraction for
for many years. 'Fais do-do' is a Cajun Submitted by Mary Hahn, country music and the unique atmosphere
term for a traditional dance party, and Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College) o f Music City USA. Years ago, when
people o f all dance skills show up ready Beale Street is one of the most famous Grand Ole O p r y stars would finish their
to dance. A veteran band leader, backed streets in Memphis and the soul of old performance at the Ryman Auditorium,
Memphis. It's known as the home o f they would sneak out the Ryman's back
door and cross the alleyway into Tootsie's
the blues and the for a cold drink and more songs. I n the
birthplace of rock 1960s, Tootsies was frequented by country
'n roll, so of course music legends like Patsy Cline, W i l l i e
the Memphis Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, Roger Miller,
AOIIs are proud to Waylon Jennings and more. It has been
brag about the great the set location for numerous movies
music that can be including Coal Miner's Daughter, T V
found there. Mary shows, and music videos. Today, Tootsie's
Hahn notes that memorabilia-lined walls and mix of top
The New Daisy name performers w i t h local artists remains
has artists f r o m a must-see destination for all visitors.
every genre. Just Nashville AOIIs also recommend stopping
like the New Daisy, by Robert's Western World, The Stage
the B.B. Kingjazz and Legend's Corner nearby.
Club features music
performances every
night. Memphis
Music is a store that

12 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8

Best Place for Coffee

In Seattle. Washington: In Lee's Summit, Missouri:

Starbucks Whistle Stop Coffee
& Mercantile
Submitted by Lon Gagnon,
Tau Gamma (Eastern Washington U) Submitted by Ashley Holland,
In Seattle, Lori Gagnon says Starbucks can 1 )eka Pi (Central Missouri State U)
be like a second home and is always the best Delta Pi Chapter member, Ashley Helland,
place to go for coffee. She's a little biased says the original Whistle Stop Coffee &
since Starbucks is also her employer, but she Mercantile is located in downtown Lee's
also knows that most of her Tau Gamma Summit, not far from Kansas City. It's a
and Seattle sisters would agree with her. charming little stop, popular all year round.
She spots an A O I I sister at Starbucks on Ashley claims the coffee is delicious and they
a regular basis and knows of several who have an amazing soft biscotti. Her favorite
also work for the company. Seattle and drink is their mocha, although she also loves
Starbucks - definitely the place for coffee! the butterscotch latte, too. I f you are ever in
downtown Lee's Summit or Kansas City,
In Jackson, Tennessee: the Delta Pis encourage you to check out the
Whistle Stop. You won't be disappointed.
The Eagles' Nest Bistro

Submitted by Amanda Hartmann.
Omega Omicron (Lambuth U)
Members o f Omega Omicron have a
favorite coffee shop in Jackson. Tennessee
called the Eagles' Nest Bistro. This is a
popular spot for the chapter members to
hang out, get their daily cup of coffee or
grab a delicious muffin. One A O I I sister
even works at the bistro. A t Lambuth, the
Eagles' Nest offers the perfect environment
to share time w i t h sisters or entertain
visitors like Collegiate Network Specialist
Anne Marie Toy on a recent visit.

*5| I

* Top of page: Delta Pi (Central Missouri State)
members Kaitlin O'Connor, Ashley Helland,
ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8 and Alex Hillis always love spending time with
their sisters at the Whistle Stop.

Above: Starbucks brings new and old friends
together like Teri Forsythe, Rho Omicron
(Middle Tennessee State U) and Lindsay
Lundergan, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U).

Left: Nashvillians Julie Anne Walter, Omega
(Miami U); Erin Burcham, Zeta (U of Nebraska-
Lincoln); and Lindsay Carter, Omega (Miami U)
at the World Famous Tootsies Orchid Lounge.

To DRAGMA • 1 3

Above: Sara Chambers,
Chi Lambda (U of

Evansville) and Dixie
Alms, Epsilon lota

(Eastern Illinois U) pause
in front of the magnificent

Mendenhall Glacier.

Right: Sharon Grant,
Upsilon (U of Washington)

always enjoys a hike and
the breathtaking view from

atop Badger Mountain in
Washington State.

Best Place to be Outdoors

In Juneau. Alaska: and skiis or skates to them i n the winter. In
late summer, brown bears wander at close
Mendenhall Glacier range, and in late Spring the salmon begin
to spawn in the glacier waters. The scenery
Submitted by Sara Gotham Chambers. regularly plays host to weddings and Easter
Chi Lambda ( U of Evansville) sunrise services, and a breathtaking view
H o w would you like to have a glacier in can best be seen f r o m a helicopter tour.
your backyard? For Sara Chambers and The ice field is massive. Part o f the City and
others in the Juneau, Alaska Alumnae Borough ofjuneau, the ice field is three
Chapter area, this is a beauty that is never times the size of the state of Rhode Island.
taken for granted. In a state with hundreds
o f glaciers, Mendenhall Glacier is the most
visited and is within walking distance from
Sara's backyard. At the foot of the 1.5 mile
long and 100 feet high glacier, Sara's family
kayaks among the icebergs in the summer

1 4 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2008

In Richland. Washington: Places You ove

Badger Mountain In Toronto, Ontario:

Submitted by Sharon Grant, Edwards Gardens
Upsilon ( U of Washington)
Living in the Northwest, Sharon Grant Submitted by Linda Nichols
says they are blessed with a cornucopia Beta Tau ( U of Toronto)
of stunning natural areas w i t h i n easy A big fan of the Toronto area park system,
reach. Cradled between the Yakima Linda Nichols of the Toronto Alumnae
and Columbia Rivers and a line o f Chapter selected Edwards Gardens as one
undulating ridges over 10 miles long, o f her favorite plays to play or relax. It's a
lies one o f her favorite spots in the world magnificent place year around with each
- Badger Mountain. Sharon, of Richland, season bringing out a different element o f
Washington, is the founder of an effort to the area's beauty. The public parks include
preserve the mountain as a natural open playgrounds, golf courses, conservatories,
space for non-motorized use. She has ski hills, playing fields, formal gardens and
helped create two trails for hiking, biking ravines. The Garden bridge crosses Wilket
or horseback riding with the help of a Creek and continues on through a ravine
volunteer labor force. Where 30-or-so park called Wilket Creek Park. The ravine
people used to hike the mountain, now parks feature trails, woods and lush foliage.
3,000 traverse the mountain trails every The Toronto Botanical Gardens are also
week. Sharon's goal is to share her love for nearby to enjoy.
Badger Mountain with AOIIs in the area.
Contact her at [email protected]
and she w i l l help organize a hike o f
the changing flora and stunning views
of Badger Mountain.


On a bridge above f
Wilket Creek,
To DRAGMA • 1 5
Toronto alumnae
members Linda

Nichols and Elfreda
Chang Planert, both

Beta Tau alumnae
(U of Toronto), take

in the beauty of
Edwards Gardens.

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8

Best Place for Pizza has been making upside down pizza w i t h Above: New Orleans
the same recipe for more than 40 years. area alumnae
In Chicago, Illinois: The cheese is on the bottom w i t h the best members enjoy
home-made sauce is on the top. There's dinner at Reginelli's
Lou Malnati's only one size and they've never k n o w n Pizzeria for a night
anyone to order any other toppings on out with sisters.
Submitted by Amy Mikel, it. Sometimes you just don't mess w i t h
Iota ( U o f Illinois) perfection. The antipasto is said to be Left: Two AOII
O u r favorite pizza place in the city simple and wonderful w i t h shredded ice Presidential sisters,
is Lou Malnati's - family owned and burg lettuce with chunks of dill pickle Chrissie Mikel
operated for more than 30 years w i t h and mozzarella. The dressing is nothing (Chicago City
21 locations in and around Chicago. more than olive o i l and vinegar, but it is Alumnae Chapter
A m y , who is President o f the A O I I delicious. It's a simple place, but no one President) and Amy
Chicago Area Council says, "Personally, around Easton, PA/Phillipsburg, NJ Mikel, (Chicago Area
we always choose deep dish and keep grows up without going to the Colonial. Council President)
it simple w i t h just cheese, pepperoni recommend Lou
or spinach." N o t from Chicago? You In New Orieans, Louisiana: Malnati's Pizza for
can still have a taste o f our hometown your next visit
because Lou Malnati's ships pizzas Reginelli's Pizzeria to Chicago.
overnight anywhere in the U.S. Call
8 0 0 - L O U - T O - G O for your o w n taste Submitted by New Orleans area alumnae Below: Connie
of Chicago. We've had friends make this N e w Orleans boasts many locally owned Sablofski Farmer,
a place to visit every time they come businesses which add to the uniqueness Gamma Beta (Indiana
to Chicago and k n o w many who have of the city, and one such restaurant is U of Pennsylvania);
enjoyed the long-distance delivery, too. Reginelli's Pizzeria. According to Sky Karen Angerman
Louapre, one o f several N e w Orleans Muller, Phi Beta
alumnae who love Reginelli's, it's the (East Stroudsburg
best place i n N e w Orleans to get pizza. U); and Patty Palmer
That fact that is supported w i t h a national Rutt, Phi Beta (East
award for the best locally owned pizza Stroudsburg U)
restaurant i n the United States i n 2007. meet for lunch at
Priding themselves on only the freshest the Colonial.
ingredients, Reginelli's now has six
locations to visit.

In Easton, Pennsylvania: COIONI41

Colonial Pizza Spaghetti House

Submitted by Connie Fanner,
Gamma Beta (Indiana U of Pennsylvania)
and Karen Muller, Phi Beta
(East Stroudsburg U )
A t 138 Spring Garden Street in Easton,
the Colonial Pizza Spaghetti House serves
up amazing pizza, according to Connie
Farmer and Karen Muller. The Colonial

16 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2008

Best Place to Shop

In Bowling Green, Kentucky: In K n o x v i l l e , Tennessee: In Lafayette, Louisiana:

Bloom Market Square Artesia
Submitted by Tonya Cothern,
Delta Omega (Murray State U ) Submitted by Tyra Haag, Submitted by Erin Logan,
T h i s speciality b o u t i q u e is located i n O m i c r o n ( U o f Tennessee) Delta Beta ( U o f Louisiana at Lafiryette)
historic d o w n t o w n Bowling Green, Knoxville AOIIs love to shop! Whether Artesia is a quaint little boutique o w n e d
K e n t u c k y and is o w n e d and operated by they are shopping for themselves w i t h their b y some former U o f Louisiana Kappa
Laura Cohen, an A O I I A A C member A O I I sisters or l o o k i n g for u n i q u e gifts, Deltas. T h e y sell adorable clothes, shoes,
from Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky M a r k e t Square i n d o w n t o w n K n o x v i l l e is and accessories a n d E r i n has shopped
U ) . Lauren selects all o f the o n e - o f - a - their recommended destination. Because there f o r dresses f o r f r a t e r n i t y occasions o n
k i n d pieces sold i n her store in l i m i t e d they believe M a r k e t Square has the best many occasions. It's a small shop located
quantities so y o u w o n ' t "see y o u r s e l f boutiques anywhere around, it was hard near campus and s o r o r i t y r o w , so it's
walking around town. Everything in to pick just one. For vintage clothes they c o n v e n i e n t as w e l l as stylishly fashionable.
the store is f u n , f l i r t y and fashionable. recommend Reruns; f u n and fashionable E r i n says she likes s h o p p i n g there because
Tonya loves h o w Lauren often opens the finds are found at I n d i g o or Vagabondia; it's easy t o f i n d s o m e t h i n g unique and it
store after hours f o r her A O I I sisters and and eclectic home decor abounds at Bliss, beats battling the mall.
lets t h e m hold their o w n fashion show. Abode or Earth to O l d City.
It makes them feel like such celebrities.
A philanthropist, Lauren's m o t t o is
" S h o p p i n g f o r a Cause" and she donates
10% o f each m o n t h ' s sales t o c h a r i t y . V i s i t
her website at w w w . m y b l o o m s t o r e . c o m .

1 Left: These girls love to shop til they drop.
From left to right: Tonya Cothern, Delta Omega
(Murray State U); Lauren C o h e n , Alpha Chi
(Western Kentucky U); Alison Gildersleeve, Alpha
Chi (Western Kentucky U); a n d Leah Clark, Rho
O m i c r o n ( M i d d l e Tennessee State U).

B e l o w left: Artesia is a favorite b o u t i q u e for A O I I
shoppers in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Below: Jennifer Holder and Julie McWhorter, both
O m i c r o n ' s (U of Tennessee), s h o p at Bliss o n Market
Square in d o w n t o w n Knoxville

',J%L M
T o D R A O M A • 17

Living the reen


fo DRAG MA ISSUE NO. 3 • .SUMMER 2 0 0 8

Sometime at the beginning of 2008, I decided
I was Going Green. Always trying my best to
stay up on the latest trends, this one finally had
a purpose and gave me a reason to embrace my
eco-friendly side that had been hiding behind
a mass of plastic shopping bags I had stored in
my pantry. I figured my green transformation
would be relatively easy; I'd buy a couple of
canvas bags to carry my groceries in, swear
off Styrofoam, and do a better job of turning
off the lights in my house when I'm not using
them. Beyond that, I wasn't sure why "Going
Green" was considered a new "movement." I
remember a "recycle rap" that I learned in grade
school about 20 years ago. Had the world taken
a break from saving itself? I purchased my first
canvas bag from Whole Foods grocery and
already felt green-orat least a little trendier.

I soon discovered that Going Green is less a
trend, and more of a wake up call for many
about the depletion of natural resources. Going
Green means trying your best to minimize your
impact on the environment, or reduce your
"carbon footprint."

As I delved into research, I found out about all
of the things I could be doing to save the planet.
I found information on how to go green with
everything from my makeup, wardrobe, and
lunch, to my office and even my dog. I thought
that going green was about saving energy! Still,
I wanted to make aig impact-or at least reduce
my impact on the environment.

By Erin Burcham, Zeta (U of Nebraska-Lincoln), A s s i s t a n t Editor

To DRAGMA • 19

Going Green is a process, and means different things for different people. Everyone
operates at a different shade of green and can make changes to live a greener life.
So whether you are a pastel or a richer shade, you can contribute to the green
movement by determining what immediate changes you can make, and which ones
you can plan to make in the future.

The following is a list of relatively easy tips for greener living. I found these changes
to be small, but big enough to make a difference. Hopefully, they will help you to
embrace your inner green goddess also.

Ak_J______i__fe__ Be the Green Fashion Police:

20 • To DRAOMA Make your clothes eco-friendly by purchasing items made o f organic cotton,
or fabrics that are not made w i t h chemicals. Y o u can even f i n d c l o t h i n g and
accessories that are made f r o m recycled materials, t h o u g h they are usually sold
i n upscale boutiques. A n easier w a y to green-up y o u r w a r d r o b e is t o shop at
t h r i f t stores or to exchange clothes w i t h your friends rather than tossing o u t
part of your closet. W h a t about that old T-shirt f r o m y o u r days o n the h i g h
school m a t h team that has been so h a r d to part w i t h ? R e c y c l e i t ! T u r n y o u r
old T-shirts into new tops w i t h a little bit o f creativity.
Visit: for several different patterns and ideas.

Support your Local Farmer:

W h o k n e w that eating certain greens could actually make it harder to go
green? Check labels to f i n d out h o w far y o u r produce had to travel before
it arrived i n your grocery store. T h e further the distance, the more energy
was required to get it to you. To t h i n k green, look for items that are locally
grown. N o t only w i l l you be saving energy, you w i l l be supporting your local
farming community. Visit: to find local produce near
y o u , as w e l l as several resources about b u y i n g local and o r g a n i c f o o d .

Hold the Beef:

It takes a lot o f energy to produce meat. Animals require food, water, and
transportation, so c u t t i n g meat o u t o f y o u r diet reduces y o u r c a r b o n f o o t p r i n t .
Giving up beef cold turkey may be impossible, but m a k i n g a small change can
still help. T r y m a k i n g one day o f the week "meatless," and w h e n y o u do feel
the c a r n i v o r o u s urge, p o u l t r y and f i s h r e q u i r e less energy. G i v i n g u p m e a t
doesn't mean you have to sacrifice delicious food. Find recipes that w i l l make
you a veggie believer at:

Make the Most with Compost

R e c y c l i n g a l u m i n u m , plastic, and paper is an o b v i o u s w a y t o stay e c o - f r i e n d l y
and to e l i m i n a t e waste, b u t w h a t about all o f that other j u n k that is f i l l i n g
up y o u r trash can? C o m p o s t it! As a general rule "green" and " b r o w n "
trash items can be used to make a compost b i n . Save y o u r s e l f the t r o u b l e o f
m a k i n g an extra trip to the trash can by p u t t i n g these items to w o r k i n y o u r
garden instead: tea bags, coffee grounds w i t h filter paper, f r u i t and vegetable
peels, dead flowers, crushed egg shells, cereal boxes, paper t o w e l tubes, d r y
leaves, ashes, string, and d r y e r l i n t f r o m clothes made o f c o t t o n or w o o l . F o r
instructions on building your compost bin visit:

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8

Cut Back your Water Water Everywhere:

W a t e r is d e f i n i t e l y one t h i n g that is easily wasted t h r o u g h o u t the day. L i m i t
the a m o u n t y o u waste by t u r n i n g oft" the faucet w h i l e y o u are brushing y o u r
t e e t h a n d c u t t i n g y o u r shower to five m i n u t e s o r shorter. R e u s e the w a t e r
f r o m washing dishes to water your plants and y o u r l a w n . N e e d an excuse to
skip y o u r chores? Let M o t h e r Nature take care o f the yard. Y o u r l a w n w i l l
be able to survive i n the driest conditions, so unless y o u are e x p e r i e n c i n g an
e x t r e m e d r o u g h t , y o u r grass w i l l stay green w i t h natural r a i n f a l l . For 25 ways
t o save water i n y o u r h o m e , visit: w w w . e a r t h e a s y . c o m / l i v e _ w a t e r _ s a v i n g . h t m .

Say No to the Bottle: iH

G i v e up plastic bottles f o r good. N o t o n l y do they use a t o n o f energy to Mr
produce, o n l y 2 0 % o f t h e m end up b e i n g recycled. Save energy a n d save y o u r
m o n e y (up t o $ 2 0 0 per year) b y filling u p a reusable b o t t l e a n d b y k e e p i n g a Bm
pitcher o f water i n your refrigerator to keep your tap water cool. For more
information on the benefits o f drinking tap water, visit:

Paper or Plastic? Choose Neither:

A l m o s t every single grocery chain makes some type o f reusable bag for
c a r r y i n g y o u r groceries. T h e y are usually very cheap, but i n order to benefit
f r o m t h e m , y o u have to keep t h e m i n y o u r car for trips to the store and
u n e x p e c t e d errands. Y o u r best bet is to b u y several and keep t h e m stashed i n
y o u r t r u n k , y o u r k i t c h e n , a n d y o u r desk so you're always prepared t o shop.
W a n t a t o t e that says " G o G r e e n a n d G o A O I I ? " P i c k u p the n e w A O I I
M a r k e t B a g at w w w . a o i i e m p o r i u m . c o m .

Pull the Plug:

D i d y o u k n o w y o u r hair dryer and toaster are still using electricity even w h e n
t h e y are o f f ? B e t t e r k n o w n as " v a m p i r e e l e c t r i c i t y , " y o u m a y be surprised
to learn that 75% o f the energy o f many small appliances and electronics is
used w h e n they are off"but plugged i n t o the w a l l . T h e U . S . D e p a r t m e n t o f
E n e r g y classifies appliances that use less energy w i t h the E n e r g y Star seal. F i n d
appliances w i t h over 50 product classifications at

Not so Bright Idea:

A n o t h e r easy w a y t o save energy is b y s w i t c h i n g t o energy saving l i g h t bulbs,
k n o w n as C o m p a c t Fluorescent L i g h t B u l b s (CFLs). C F L s t y p i c a l l y r e q u i r e
o n e - t h i r d o f the a m o u n t o f energy as r e g u l a r l i g h t bulbs. F i n d the p e r f e c t
bulb for every fixture i n your home by using this tool on the Environmental
Defense Fund's web site: w w w . e d f . o r g / p a g e . c f r n ? t a g I D = 6 3 2 .

No Home for Styrofoam: t
Polystyrene f o a m never breaks d o w n . It just breaks into little pieces that have
n o expiration date. Unfortunately, m a n y restaurants still use S t y r o f o a m for 1
"to go" orders and leftovers. It may feel awkward, but bringing your o w n
containers to take home leftovers or requesting your meal be wrapped i n
f o i l w i l l drastically cut d o w n o n the use of the e v i l product. D o it e n o u g h
t i m e s , a n d y o u r f a v o r i t e restaurants m i g h t get the green h i n t . T o find a n
environmentally friendly restaurant or for tips on h o w your favorite dinner
spot can G o Green visit:

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2008 To DRAGMA • 21

By challenging myself t o be more WHERE HAVE ALL THE RESOURCES G O N E ?
green, I not only learned how to
be more frugal w i t h the earth's The world's rapidly growing population means
resources, but learned how to that resources are b e i n g used at a faster pace than
make changes that in turn saved ever b e f o r e , a n d as t h e p o p u l a t i o n g r o w s , so does
me money, time, and space- three our impact on the environment. According to
of my often depleted resources. the U S Census Bureau, the world reached over 6
Additionally, I learned that Going billion people in the year 2000, and predicts that
Green doesn't have to be stressful. the population w i l l increase to 9 billion by 2050.
W i t h so many opportunities t o This means that the world's natural resources w i l l
live greenly, you have a reason to be drastically reduced.
feel like you are doing something
positive and meaningful every day. Global warming, or the earth's climate change
is d e f i n i t e l y a h o t t o p i c t h a t is g e t t i n g a l o t o f
Going Green is more than a trend attention-no pun intended. N A S A reports that
and more than just tote bags. the g l o b a l average t e m p e r a t u r e has increased b y
Hopefully, Going Green will stay in 0.7 t o 1.4 degrees F (0.4 t o 0.8 degrees C ) i n the
style f o r as long as w e plan on living past 150 years and estimates it could increase
on the earth. another 10 degrees F (5.2 degrees C ) b y the year
2100. H u m a n s are c o n t r i b u t i n g to global w a r m i n g
by b u r n i n g fossil fuels and deforestation. I n
simple terms, humans are creating pollution and
increasing the amount o f carbon dioxide i n the
air. Plants naturally absorb C 0 2 , but are unable
to absorb it at the rate that i t is b e i n g released i n t o
the atmosphere, and the clearing o f forests for
commercial purposes adds to the problem.


M a n y people r e m a i n skeptical on the issue o f global
warming, challenging that the earth's temperature
has actually c o o l e d i n recent years.

Global warming or not, the importance of
p r e s e r v i n g the e n v i r o n m e n t a n d its resources is
s o m e t h i n g that b o t h sides o f the debate can
agree upon.

S% For m o r e information and quick links
t o help you live a green lifestyle visit us
online at and
c l i c k To Dragma.

22 • To D R A G M A ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER. 2 0 0 8

Green I Who needs Chemicals?
Things We
ove3 _ i seventh Cleaning doesn't mean having to
use harsh chemicals in your cleaning
i.i Ml H A i i o r j products. Seventh Generation and
Method are just a few of the many
For Snacking or Packing? Can you Bee-lieve this stuff? brands that use natural ingredients t o
do the dirty work.
Puffy Stuff is a 1 0 0 % B u r t ' s B e e s is n o t h i n g n e w t o m a n y
biodegradable packing consumers, but have you checked out 1
m a t e r i a l t h a t is m a d e all t h e p r o d u c t s t h e y n o w offer? This kit
from grain protein. offers head to toe pampering. You are
A l t h o u g h it may n o t sure to find something to meet your needs.
taste like your favorite Did we mention they are made from
snack, Puffy Stuff natural ingredients?
is e d i b l e a n d c a n b e
digested easily. Paper or Plastic?
Give it a try! NEITHER! The AOII Emporium now
has a reusable market tote available.

What better way to support our
sisterhood while helping the

environment? A n d , it's only $5.00.
Contact the Emporium to get one of

your own, 1-800-746-7264.

4 On the

Be your own A self-proclaimed "one-stop
Billboard! shop" for green news, solutions
If y o u ' r e j u s t s t a r t i n g y o u r
Showing support green lifestlye, this site offers and product information.
for the green
movement can even easy, eco-friendly tips o n T treehugger -
be fashionable. living a bit more green. You
Make a statement can even sign up for the tips o pat i \
by donning a tee, a
bag or even a bumper to be emailed to you daily! _____
sticker for your hybrid-
or bike that shares your __—
love for the environment
To DRAGMA • 2 3
ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8


For m a n y o f o u r collegiate chapters, r e c r u i t m e n t success is h i g h l y d e p e n d e n t o n the receipt o f ^
Membership Information Forms from A O I I alumnae. A l l alumnae i n good standing w i t h the
Fraternity are encouraged to participate i n the process that benefits b o t h the chapter and the
potential new member. W h i l e only collegiate members have the privilege o f selecting new
m e m b e r s o f o u r f r a t e r n i t y , an alumna's r o l l is also essential. I n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d b y a l u m n a e
ensures that all potential n e w members are given serious consideration f o r membership. A l p h a
O m i c r o n Pi strongly encourages the p l e d g i n g o f v e r i f i e d legacies w h e n e v e r possible so s u b m i t t i n g
a L e g a c y I n f o r m a t i o n F o r m is also c r u c i a l . T h e A O I I M e m b e r s h i p I n f o r m a t i o n F o r m ( M I F )
and policies are accessible o n the A O I I website.

To p r i n t a M I F , login to the " M y A O I I " private area o f the A O I I Website ( w w w . a l p h a o m i c r o n p i .
org) using y o u r member n u m b e r and password. C l i c k o n " M I F " at the very top o f the page. Links
are p r o v i d e d there to d o w n l o a d a M I F , a Legacy I n f o r m a t i o n F o r m a n d access chapter m a i l i n g
addresses. Several chapters have provided more specific contact i n f o r m a t i o n f o r receiving their
M I F s and that can be obtained b y contacting A O I I Headquarters at (615) 3 7 0 - 0 9 2 0 .

2 4 • To DRAGMA ISSUE N O . 3 • S U M M E R 2008



Western Kentucky U U o f Louisiana at Lafayette DePaul U Elon U
M I F due: Early Aug M I F due: 8/4 M I F due: Early Sept M I F due: Early Jan

The U of Alabama Auburn U San Jose State U U of Northern Colorado
M I F due: 8/1 M I F due: Late July M I F due: Mid Aug M I F due: Early Aug

Washington State U Jacksonville State U Texas Woman's U Eastern Kentucky U
M I F due: 8/8 M i l due: I atcjuly M I F due: Early Aug M I F due: Early Aug

Georgia Southern U Columbus State U DukeU Quincy U
M I F due: 8/1 M I F due: Early Aug MIF due: Early Jan M I F due: M i d Sept

Montana State U Murray State U Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech. U of Maine
M I F due: 9/5 M I F due: Early Aug M I F due: Early Aug M I F due: Early Aug

Howling Green State U Central Missouri State U Cornell U George Mason U
M I F due: M i d Aug M I F due: 8/18 M I F due: Early Jan MIF due: 9/11

Coe College U at Albany- State U of N Y Pennsylvania State U Carleton U
M I F due: Late Aug M I F due: Early Jan & Sept MIF due: M i d Aug M I F due: 9/1

BETA G A M M A Gamma Delta (U of South Alabama)
Michigan State U
M I F due: 8/29

Indiana U
M I F due: Farlv Dec

r• 3 MM

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8 •
To D R A G M A • 2 5

U of South Alabama U of Calgary Grand Valley State U U of Tennessee Knoxville
MIFdue: 8/1 MIF due: Late Aug MIFdue: 8/29 MIFdue: 8/1

U of Florida U of Kentucky Cumberland U East Stroudsburg U
M I F due: Latejuly MIFdue: 8/8 MIFdue: 9/1 MIFdue: 12/31

Georgia State U Rhodes College U of Georgia U of Chicago
MIFdue: 9/1 MIFdue: 8/21 MIFdue: 8/5 M I F due: Early Sept

U of South Florida McGill U The U o f Louisiana at Monroe U o f Nebraska-Kearney
M I F due: Latejuly M I F due: Late Aug MIFdue: 9/12 M I F d u e : 8/15

U of Illinois Western Michigan U Lehigh U U of Louisville
M I F due: M i d Aug MIFdue: 9/8 MIFdue: 12/30 M I F due: Early Aug

U of Western Ontario U of Wisconsin River Falls Rollins College U of Maryland
M I F due: Early Sept MIFdue: 9/3 MIF due: Early Jan M I F due: M i d Jan

Iowa State U Southeastern Louisiana U U of Mississippi Florida International U
MIFdue: 8/12 MIFdue: 8/4 MIFdue: 9/22 MIFdue: 8/1

Indiana State U U of La Verne Vanderbilt U Virginia Commonwealth U
MIFdue: 9/8 MIF due: Early Aug MIF due: Early Jan MIFdue: 8/7

Northwestern State U California State U Long Beach Miami U Samford U
M I F due: Early Aug M I F due: M i d Aug M I F due: Early Dec MIFdue: 9/1

Florida Southern College LaGrange College Lambuth U Middle Tennessee State U
M I F due: Early Jan MIFdue: 9/10 MIF due: Late Aug M I F due: Latejuly

Ball State U U of Waterloo OhioU U of California Berkeley
MIFdue: 8/25 MIFdue: 9/12 MIFdue: 8/29 M I F due: Early Aug

West Virginia U
MIFdue: 9/12

Saint Joseph's U
MIFdue: 9/1

Hartwick College
M I F due: Early Jan

Huntingdon College
MIFdue: 8/1

Arkansas State U
MIFdue: 9/4

California State U Northridge
M I F due: Early Aug

Slippery Rock U
MIFdue: 9/1

Washington College
M I F due: M i d Jan

Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U)
ISSUE N O . 3 • SUMMER. 2 0 0 8

77i!'M Beln (Toirson I')

U of Minnesota Wagner College
M I F due: 8/15 M I F due: Late Aug and Jan JK

T A U HELTA T H E T A I'SI Slgttti (U of California - Berkeley)
Birmingham Southern College U of Toledo
M I F due: W2 M I F due: Late Aug TO O R A t i M A • 27

Eastern Washington U The U of Texas. San Antonio
M I F due: 9/15 M I L due: 8/1

Shippensbuig U U of Oklahoma
M I F due: 9/5 M I F due: 8/8

Tr.uisylv.uiia U U o f Arkansas
M I F due: Early Sept M I F due: 8/10

U of Tennessee Martin U of Nebraska-Lincoln
M I F due: Early Aug M I F due: 8/1

Towson U U of Alabama Birmingham
M I F due: M i d Aug M I F due: Aug 2')

Morningside College East Carolina U
M I F due: Early Aug M I F due: Late July

Northern Arizona U
M I F due: H/IH

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 H

t Play

L Summer is all about travel - taking
To DRAGMA family vacations, going to weddings,
jetting off on a romantic getaway or
attending an AOII event. Not so long
ago, overpacking only involved the

I hassle of hauling unnecessary items

1 around, but now it's actually costing
: us money. Several major airlines have

already started charging up to $25 to
check a second bag and at least one
airline is likely to begin charging for
the first checked bag, too. When
driving to a vacation destination, space
is always a limiting factor. Watching

I hundreds of AOIIs check into hotels
during our annual conferences is a
certain indicator that change is needed
for the way many of us currently pack
for trips. The wide range of events at
a AOII convention may necessitate
packing a few extra items, but the
average trip is often pretty basic and,
with good planning, we should be
able to eliminate the extra baggage.

ISSUE N O . 3 • S U M M E R 2 0 0 8

Whether your trip is a weekend getaway or a week-long
family vacation, you're going to need to pack a suitcase.
It's annoyingly easy for men to grab a few basic articles
of clothing, shoes and toiletries, and they're packed in
less than 10 minutes. Women don't have it that easy.
So how do we learn to pack smart?

First, lay out every single item you think you w i l l w i t h your belts. Don't roll blazers and cocktail
possibly need - then reconsider each one. T h i n k dresses, t h e y should be laid flat at the v e r y t o p o f
through your specific vacation plans and you may your suitcase inside a separate dry-cleaning bag. To
realize y o u won't need half o f them. Select neutral avoid c r u s h i n g bras, place softer items such as p a n t y
c o l o r e d clothes o r those i n the same color f a m i l y so hose, inside the cups and nestle them i n a corner
you can m i x and match, p l a n n i n g to wear several of your suitcase. Tuck your toiletries bag right in
items m o r e t h a n once. E x p e r t s say f o r a f i v e - d a y the middle between your clothing cylinders to
trip, a w o m a n w i l l likely need five shirts, t w o pairs prevent squashing. It's always wise to place spillable
o f slacks o r jeans, a n d one skirt. M o s t o f us pack toiletries inside sealable plastic bags. Placing plastic-
twice that much. Once you feel comfortable w i t h dry-cleaning bags between layers and across the
the specific items y o u have selected, y o u are ready top w i l l also help prevent w r i n k l e s . A n d lastly, toss
to assemble y o u r suitcase. A piece o f g o o d advise is i n a couple dryer sheets to keep the w h o l e suitcase
to always wear the heaviest pair o f shoes y o u w i l l smelling laundry fresh.
need and pack the rest. Give one o f these methods a
t r y o n y o u r next t r i p f o r a stress f r e e vacation.

The Rolling 1

Most o f your clothes w i l l be rolled up like cylinders.
Fold y o u r slacks i n h a l f lengthwise, and fold
shirts w i t h arms neatly tucked to the back o f the
shirt. Starting f r o m the bottom o f each article o f
clothing, roll tightly until you reach the end. This
should result in cylinders, which y o u can then fit
into your suitcase. T h e heavier items like jeans,
slacks, and light w e i g h t jackets go i n the b o t t o m
o f your suitcase. Shirts and skirts are added next.
U n d e r w e a r should also be rolled and placed inside
shoes, then placed i n gallon-sized sealable bags to
keep e v e r y t h i n g a r o u n d t h e m clean. T u c k shoes i n
a r o u n d the sides or b o t t o m o f y o u r suitcase along

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2008 To DRAGMA • 29

The The Daily Plan
Stacking Method
Set aside one o u t f i t f o r every day y o u ' l l be traveling
This m e t h o d starts and pack the entire outfit i n its o w n large sealable
with your shirts and plastic bag. Y o u can either fold the clothes n o r m a l l y or
tops. B e g i n n i n g use the r o l l i n g m e t h o d f o r this p a c k i n g style. T h e daily
w i t h the most easily plan method works especially well on family vacations
w r i n k l e d shirt, stack f o r c h i l d r e n w h o o f t e n find themselves at t h e e n d o f
them unfolded one on the w e e k w i t h m i s m a t c h e d c l o t h i n g , b u t adults find
top o f the other. Fold it helpful, too. T h e plastic bags naturally help reduce
all the shirt sleeves i n w r i n k l i n g and can make things pretty easy f o r g e t t i n g
toward the body o f ready i n the mornings. As w i t h all the other methods,
the shirt stack; then items such as shoes a n d t o i l e t r i e s can easily be t u c k e d
fold the entire stack i n a r o u n d the sides o f the suitcase.
in half, resulting in a
large rectangle. Place ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8
this first stack into the
b o t t o m o f your suitcase.
N e x t , lay dresses over
the shirts-rectangle,
allowing the bottoms
o f y o u r dresses to hang
over the sides o f y o u r
suitcase. For slacks, f o l d
each i n half lengthwise,
and begin a stack i n that
same most-likely-to
wrinkle to least-likely
to wrinkle order.
N o w take the entire
pile and fold it in half
lengthwise, resulting in
another large rectangle.
Place this second
large rectangle in the
suitcase on top o f the
dresses. Repeat w i t h
any skirts. Fold the
overhang o f the dresses
over the pants-and-
skirts-rectangles. This
buffer helps keep the
dresses f r o m creasing.
F o l l o w i n g the same
guidelines as the r o l l i n g
method, f i t shoes, bras,
toiletries and accessories
i n t o the e m p t y spaces i n
your suitcase.

3 0 • To D R A G M A


Aneta Louise Corseaut, Rho (Northwestern U)

Andy's Leading Lady

producers felt the chemistry between them worked
w e l l and she was added to the cast as a regular. H e l e n
went on to become Sheriff A n d y Taylor's girlfriend
and, eventually, his w i f e . T h e series ended w h i l e still
at the top o f the Nielsen's Ratings, one o f o n l y three
shows t o have d o n e so, m a t c h i n g the success o f
I Love Lucy (1951) a n d Seinfeld (1990).

T o exit A n d y G r i f f i t h f r o m the series i n 1968, per
his w i s h , a spinoff series called Mayberry R.F.D. was
developed. I n the first episode o f Mayberry R.F.D.,
A n d y and Helen m a r r y and move away, leaving
the beloved t o w n i n the hands o f a n e w cast o f
characters. T h e episode gave CBS the highest ratings
for a n e w T V series debut f o r the decade. M a k i n g
a guest appearance i n the second season o f Mayberry
R.F. D., H e l e n and A n d y r e t u r n to t o w n to have
their n e w son, A n d r e w Taylor, Jr., christened.

Fans o f t h e nostalgic s i t c o m , The Andy Griffith Aneta successfully landed other lead and supporting
Show, w i l l r e m e m b e r A O I I ' s A n e t a L o u i s e roles i n feature films and o n television t h r o u g h o u t
C o r s e a u t , R h o ( N o r t h w e s t e r n U ) as s c h o o l teacher her l i f e t i m e . She starred as H e a d N u r s e Bradley o n
Helen Crump, the longtime girlfriend o f Mayberry House Calls b e t w e e n 1979-1983 and had a notable
Sheriff A n d y Taylor. Initiated into A O I 1 i n 1952, r e c u r r i n g role as a j u d g e o n A n d y ' s G r i f f i t h ' s later
A n e t a m a d e h e r f e a t u r e film d e b u t i n t h e 1958 h i t series, Matlock. A n e t a m a d e guest appearances
science f i c t i o n c u l t classic, The Blob, a p p e a r i n g o n n u m e r o u s shows, i n c l u d i n g Gunsmoke, Bonanza,
opposite a y o u n g Steve M c Q u e e n and a pile o f goo. Mayberry R.F.D., Death Valley Days, Nanny and the
Just a f e w years later, she landed the coveted role Professor, Colwiibo, Hart to Hart, Days of Our Lives,
o f H e l e n C r u m p i n The Andy Griffith Show a n d Emergency a n d m a n y others.
appeared i n 66 episodes between 1962-1968.
B o r n i n Hutchinson, Kansas on November 3, 1933,
T h e character o f H e l e n was i n t r o d u c e d as Opie's Aneta had small t o w n values just like her most
school teacher i n the t h i r d season episode ' A n d y famous character. She loved people, and had great
Discovers A m e r i c a . " She was originally intended to warmth and charm, both in public and in private.
be a one episode guest star, b u t A n d y G r i f f i t h and the She is k n o w n f o r never t u r n i n g d o w n an autograph
and m a k i n g instant connections w i t h everyone she
met. W h e t h e r o n the N e w Y o r k stage - w h e r e she
started - or on a H o l l y w o o d soundstage, Aneta found
success i n a profession that is n o t o r i o u s l y d i f f i c u l t .
She never married or had children, but had a great
love f o r her f a m i l y and f r i e n d s w h o were so p r o u d
of her accomplishments. I n her last days, she
struggled w i t h cancer that finally took her life
oil N o v e m b e r 6, 1995 at the age o f 62.

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2008 To DRAGMA • 31

The Official


A woman's jewelry box usually I

contains jewelry that reflects

her own unique personality and

style. Her necklaces, rings, pins, or

bracelets are made from various precious

metals andjewels that are meaningful to her.

AOII's figurative jewelry box is not so very different. Though

numerous pieces of beautiful jewelry can be purchased through

the AOII Emporium, a select few pieces are deemed to be part

of the official jewelry collection of the fraternity and governed

by the Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee. Also made

from various precious metals andjewels, they are especially

meaningful to AOII and our members.

32 • To DRAGMA By Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen,
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), Managing Editor

ISSUE NO. 3 • S U M M E R 2 0 0 8


The official badge o f A O I I is our badge o f honor and is meant to be worn close
to our hearts. It reminds us o f our pledge and the promises we made at our
initiation. Its design is simple and straightforward - no symbols, no elaborate art
elements, no crests, no dangles and no cryptic meanings. It is comprised o f just
three simple Greek letters, the same three letters that define who we are - A , O
and II, one superimposed on top of the other. Our Founders' love of the Greek
language and dedication to the values of truth and simplicity have always been
stressed in A O IPs jewelry. Stella Perry wrote, "We did not want a design that
showed some little object and resembled a breast pin or broach or lace pin, and
we did not want one that looked like a school pin or could be mistaken, it not
scrutinized, for the badge o f many other societies."

The Founders' pride in designing and wearing the first badges o f A O I I is well
documented by Stella. She wrote, "Theodore B. Starr was the 'Carder' of that
period and the Starr designer of insignia was the foremost artist o f his kind.
We engaged Starr and this designer to arrange the proportions. We went to
see them about it on our bicycles. Fancy girls going down Broadway and Fifth
Avenue on bicycles today!" The badges were due to be completed on the day
o f Alpha Chapter's very first social event, a reception and cotillian. It was Anne
Richardson Hall, AOII's first initiate, who volunteered to ride her bike to
collect the completed badges. As the often repeated story goes, Anne lost track
of time chatting w i t h friends along the way and suddenly declared humorously,
" O h , I must go! I am going to get our badges. We have nothing else to wear
at the cotillion." That evening, the appropriately attired members of Alpha
Chapter first donned the badge o f A O I I with great enthusiasm.

The first design, i n 1897, was plain yellow gold with the fraternity's jewel,
a ruby, in the apex o f the " A . " The letters could also be etched and/or other
jewels could be added such as half pearls, crown pearls, rubies or diamonds.
For several decades the badges could be ordered in any setting a member
wished as long as they remained true to the original, simple style. Partially
to curb the effects o f the risingjewelry prices,
the Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee
decided to offer the badges in pre-selected
styles in 1965. Today, AOII's official jeweler,
H e r f f j o n e s , Inc., currently offers the badge
in platium, white gold, yellow gold and
goldklad, w i t h several adornment options.
A n honor badge, the R u b y A , also became
available for chapters to purchase in 1965.

A n A O I I member does not o w n her badge,
rather she leases it for her lifetime. Upon
her death, the badge should be returned to
International Headquarters. A returned badge may be
leased to another member w h o has either lost her badge
or would like a second design.



First used in 1903, the new member pin was the second piece o f official
A O I I jewelry. Prior to 1903, AOIIs were pledged w i t h a red ribbon. This
pin features a sheaf o f wheat which represents usefulness, the harvest, and
many parts being bound together as one. The original new member pins
were small stickpins (1/4" to 1/8" i n size). I n 1905, this pin could also be
worn by initiated members i f attached to the badge, but this practice was
prohibited in 1915. In 1908, the new member pin was enlarged and a
clasp was added to the back. Today, the new member pin is larger.
A new member honor pin was approved in 1968.


Stacked " A O I I " letters are often w o r n on chains as necklaces. It was
not until 1957 that members were allowed to wear a lavaliere w i t h
the stacked " A O I I " letters or any piece o f clothing bearing the A O I I
letters. Prior to that, the only jewelry w i t h our letters were rings
and recognition rose pins. However, the recognition rose without

mm letters was occasionally approved for use on tastefully designed A O I I

memorabilia such as a silver handbag, perfume vial, white gold and
onyx ring, and gold c u f f l i n k s that were used during this era and
later donated to the A O I I archives.


It took many years to decide upon a piece o f jewelry, other than
the badge, that members could wear to recognize each other.
Stella searched long and hard for a rose design that could be
distinguishable only as AOII's o w n . In 1925, a friend o f Stella's

\ who was a well known jewelry designer for Tiffany's, Olga Tritt,
donated a rose design for the recognition pin. I n 1947, the letters
" A O I I " were added to the recognition pin allowing the former rose
0, design without the letters to become the colony pin. In 1970, a new
recognition pin in the shape o f the A O I I letters was made available.


The design o f this ring, an onyx w i t h a gold sheaf of wheat, was created
in 1928. The ring is the property o f a chapter and is worn by the Chapter
President during her term. After her term has ended, a president returns the
ring to her chapter and may purchase her o w n ring.

34 • To DRACMA ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER. 2 0 0 8

The Official




Approved in 2008, this ring is the newest piece o f official A O l I jewelry.
The split shank band features a sheaf o f wheat mounting w i t h A O I I
letters. Like its collegiate counterpart, this r i n g is owned by the Alumnae
Chapter. The president may purchase her o w n r i n g once her term is over.


This r i n g was designed by Stella Perry in 1932 and is similar
to the Chapter President's ring except that it features a ruby
background instead o f onyx behind the gold sheaf of wheat. It is
engraved w i t h a R o m a n numeral to indicate the biennium of her
term, as well as her name on the inside.


This award was first created i n 1957 and early recipients
received fresh cut roses, then later a pear] bracelet w i t h a rose
dangle. Since 1965, alumnae being honored for outstanding
service to the Fraternity receive a gold charm with a design
that combines a rose and a sheaf o f wheat.


Approved i n 1940 for members o f an A O I I Mothers' Club, this pin is a
frosted gold rose leaf w i t h the word "mother" written i n Greek letters.
It may also have two small pearls and a plain ruby.


The 25-Year Member Pin is one o f the newer additions to the official
line of jewelry and commemorates a member's silver anniversary.
This sterling silver pin depicts the A O I I Monogram Recognition Pin
encircled w i t h entwined 25s. The 50-Year Member Pin, approved in
1968, can be w o r n to recognize a member's golden anniversary. This
gold pin features the A O I I Rose encircled w i t h entwined 50s.

To DRAGMA • 35

Your help
is needed at
a local arthritis


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social network exclusively for AOIIs.
Go to
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career opportunities, and find AOIIs in
your area.

Be in the know. Join the
thousands of sisters who
already are - join inCircle.




.he addition o f a new A O I I chapter is one of the Fraternity's proudest achievements. R H O BETA CHARTER MEMBERS
Like roses i n a giant bouquet, each chapter adds to the beauty of the big picture o f Alpha
Omicron Pi. The R h o Beta Chapter is a special part of the bouquet, because March 1, Gaitlin Marie Alewine Tashauna Lea Phillips
2008 marked the second bloom o f the group at Virginia Commonwealth U . Ashley Kathleen Allen Penny Elizabeth Phounsarath
Bethany Lauren Artis Jami Marie Pbllnow
The re-installation o f R h o Beta opens the chapter roll book once again and adds the Laura Eileen Bennett Emily Anne Reijmers
names o f 56 new initiates and one transfer affiliate who all bring a variety of talents Veronica Alexis Black Rachel Elizabeth Rodney
and endless possibilities to the group. The new initiates j o i n R h o Beta alumnae i n Madclynjean Brady Allie jane Ronayne
sharing the phrase: "Rare Bonds o f Friendship," as the chapter's sub-motto, originally Amanda Kristine Bristow Jocelyn Suzanna Simpson
chosen in 1986 by the first group o f charter members. The chapter concluded the Stetanie Ashley Brogan Katelyn Leigh Smith
ceremony w i t h a Rose Reception for the new initiates and families o f the initiates at Mackenzie Renay Byrne Kristen Elise Smith
The Place at Innsbrook in Glen Allen, Virginia. Rachel Rebecca Carver Maria Esther Tamayo
Makcda Shenika Chatawa Millicent Haley Thomas
The women o f R h o Beta are o f f to an astounding beginning, showing their rare Britiana Luz Clark Amber Michelle Turman
bond in everything they accomplish. W i t h two members serving on the Panhellenic Jennifer Neese D u n n Virginia Marie Walters
Executive Board, placing first among the N P C groups in grades, and finishing strong Elanna Carol Edwards Julie Marie Watson
in Greek Week events, the chapter is making their mark on campus. Along w i t h Marie Alyse Elliott Lilly Catherine Webster
these many accomplishments, R h o Beta participates in multiple service endeavors. Megan Elizabeth Foege Joanna Lee Whitney
The chapter hosts a table at the monthly Arthritis Foundation breakfast, delivers Laura Alexis Francis Katie Elizabeth Williams
panda bears to the V C U Children's Hospital, and assists w i t h the American Juvenile Taylor Lee Gauldin Maggie Mae Wimmer-Magnant
Arthritis Organization event for families at Great W o l f Lodge in Williamsburg, V A . Elise Danielle Giannotti Carmen W u Wong
Sharon Paige Gibson Adwoa Yeboaa Yeboah
Susan Danko, International President, served as the installing officer. Others sharing Kelly Elizabeth Grau
this special day included Branch Nunnery, Colony Development Network Director; Shannon Nicole GriiTin ALUMNAE INITIATES:
Tammy Glenn, Colony Development Network Specialist; Julie Anne Walter, Alexandra Teresa Gucuia
Extension and Colonization Manager; members of the R h o Beta Alumnae Advisory Jennifer Ellen Guerrini Gorbin Lynn Ailer
Committee and Corporation Board and Tracy Elleard, Resident Consultant. Members Ghesney A n n j o r n Krista Nicole Carson
o f Gamma Alpha (George Mason U ) served as sponsors for the new members. Sarah Louise Kerestes Susan Lousie Martin
Maria Elena Maltagliati Elizabeth Paige Stangl
ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMKR2008 Brittany Estelle-Clara Moore
Stacy Lynn Moore By Lindsay Lumkrgan,
Maryssa Annette Morabito Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U)
Kathryn Elizabeth Nichols
Laura Randall Ortiz
Deborah Nicolle Peksa

To DRAG MA • 37







Fill in the form and mail with your Walkway Single Brick 4x8 in.= $50
payment to Alpha Omicron Pi today! Single Brick
Double Brick $50.00
Ordered by $100.00
Chapter of Initiation_ Founders' Circle
A ddress Double Brick $200.00
City, State, Zip_
Phone Total Amount $ Double Brick 8x8 in.= $100 or $200
Visa Mastercard
Credit Card AcctM Discover Check Make Checks Payable to:
Name on Card Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity

_Exp. Date_ Mail form and check to:
Alpha Omicron Pi
Yes, I would like Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity to send a International Headquarters
letter acknowledging the gift. 5390 Virginia Way
Brentwood, TN 37027
Send to
Chapter of Initiation Only one character (letter, number or punctuation mark) or space per block Position or center your name or message exactly as you want it to appear
A ddress, on your brick Hyphens, periods, apostrophes, commas, the symbol"&"and Greek letters are availableTo order more than one of either size brick, print
City, State, Zip_ engraving information for each additional brick on a separate sheet of paper and enclose with your order. Single brick can have 2 to 3 lines, double 4 ro
5 lines with no more than 13 characcei-s per line, including spaces. Please consider your wording carefully. Note: If using Greek letters for your chapter,
spell out the Greek name in English on the following line so the engraver can verify (i.e. for "D," spell out "Delta" on the line).

All bricks ordered during the year will be installed the following Spring/Summer.



A,Jpha Omicron Pi grew thirty-two women Specialist; Sheryl Bell, Delta Lambda Chapter DELTA LAMBDA
Adviser; Julie Anne Walter, Extension and CHARTER MEMBERS
stronger on April 19, 2008 w i t h the installation o f Colonization Manager; members of the Delta
the Delta Lambda Chapter (Columbus State U). Lambda Alumnae Advisory Committee Rachel Ann Allen
Twenty-eight collegians were initiated alongside and Corporation Board; and Katie Sullivan, A m y Leigh Bahls
four alumnae initiates. AOII's 185th chartered Resident Consultant. Jessica Louise Bennett
chapter chose "Devotion and Love" as their Paige Danielle Burkett
sub-motto, describing the unfaltering sisterhood The chapter also hosted several university Bethany Allison Carr
between the women, as well as their appreciation officials, representatives from other Greek Michaela Dee Chmielewski
for their surrounding chapters. Auburn U's organizations and many friends and family Brittany Tashawn Coleman
Delta Delta Chapter took on a large role in the for their formal Rose Reception following Lauren Jaye Dearing
installation o f Delta Lambda by assisting the the installation ceremony. The Columbus Katie Janise Eustis
ladies in recruitment and colonization, as well Convention and Trade Center, a converted Elaina Marie Foree
as sponsoring the new initiates. The chapter Civil War-era textile manufacturer, provided Roxanne Marie Gatian
chose Delta in honor of these Delta Delta sisters. a beautiful location for the event. Collegiate Katharine Nicole Guldin
Additionally, since three o f the four chapters member Anna Menser created a slide show to Shelby Lauren Harwell
already in Georgia use Lambda, the fifth commemorate the colonization, and letters and Whitney Lauren Lewallen
Georgian chapter chose to do the same. gifts from area alumnae chapters were shared for Jessica Laine Lewis
the occasion. It was a beautiful night for the new Kimberly Renee Marshall
Susan Danko, International President, was the A O I I sisters, but the most special aspect o f the Nikita Monet Martini
installing officer. She was accompanied by evening was the unending support of family and Anna Marie Menser
many A O I I guests such as Carol Gotten Smith, friends. The smiles on everyone's faces, as well as Amber Nichole Mumaw
Foundation Director; Brandi Nunnery, Colony the overwhelming pride of everyone there, made Lindsay Elizabeth Murillo
Development Network Director; Laurie French, it a truly memorable experience. Laura Anne Napohtan
Colony Development Network Specialist; Jennifer Rose Naugle
Rebecca Myers, Colony Development Network Bekkah Nora Neff
Catherine Elizabeth Shierling
•1 Christina Jean Slone
Hannah Jo Ventro
Jensine Briana Wallace
Laura Garret Weatherby


Summer Pugh Elkins
Christine Elaine H i l l
Susan Webb Lovell
Ardath Evelyn Runion

By Ten Fotsythe,
Rha Omicron {Middle Tennessee State V)

SSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2008 To DRAGMA • 39

With grateful appreciation, AO 11 recognizes the following 354 new

Alpha Chi Alpha Pi Beta Lambda Chi Psi

Jennifer Waddle Greulich Suzanne Deston Franco Donna Rekau Lisa Garner Smith
Carol Membert Susan Guenzler Getz Shannon Hernandez Harrow
Alpha Delta Sarah Wilkinson Hereford Jennifer Humowiecki
Virginia Spencer Can- Karen Weiland Larson Chi Theta
Sally Pulliam Ryan Mary Casey Hinton
Susan M. Shenefield Beta Phi Harmony Taylor
Rachelle Esser Alpha Psi Wendy Zuege
Brandi Morgan Laura Keethers Hack
Cathy Cole Wall Nicole Herman Mathias Diane Schultze Leland Delta
Melissa Harm Slifko Deanna Miller
Alpha Gamma Meagon Shaffer Suzanne Glynn Leesa Jones
Emily Meagher Stacey Lawrence Asha Clarke
Stacy Helton Katherine Cloe Montag
Alpha Sigma Delta Beta
Alpha Lambda Beta Pi
Carol Emmons Rose Anne Pendergrass Adams
Michelle Bussey Cheryl Fifer Hallquist Janet Sewell Chapin Jan McCormick
Joanna Crews Karen Eglinton
Karen Oser Lutz Alpha Tau Delta Chi
Beta Tau
Alpha Omicron Sue Perron Siferd Trish McDougall
Lynette Winter Owoc Alisia Reedy Camovsky
Alice Reese Alpha Theta Meaghan Creed Barbara Greenley Chambers
Babs Button France
Charlene Muffoletto Favre Janet Osborne Chi Alpha Delta Delta

Alpha Phi Beta Gamma Paula Lynch Pang Cici Conger
Emily Lambert
Toni Plympton Bjelland Dorothy Balanean Hopkin Chi Delta Karen Carlson Hughes
Erlene Biggs Mazuranich Stacey Brumbaugh Barbara Lupo Martin
Andrine Wheeler Hall Connie Quigley Overby Paula Barta Ashley Shaver
Margaret Olson Crennen Helen Hutula Minichelli Nicole Branch King Tiffany Goolesby
Helen Sweet Godoshian Barbara Mullen Borenstein
Delta Epsilon
Beta Kappa Chi Epsilon
Sally Cash Johnson
Lenora Chan Der Susan Parlette Sherry Greenwood Ford
Chris Windebank Smith Jennifer Neely
Jennifer DiLembo Delta Omega
Melanie Angiuli
Lindsey Grossman Marguerite Werr Bane
Sandy Ruff
Chi Lambda
Delta Pi
Rebecca Creech Nimnicht
Carol Carter Kane-Christy
Sharon D. Martin
Joyce Vaughn Younk
Kimberly Hellebusch

Delta Rho

Nora Mullin

members who joined between January 4, 2008 - May 34, 2008.

Delta Sigma Gamma Alpha I AM LIFE LOYAL

Shannon Carter Stcger Debbie Bayne Hopke MARTHA (MARTY) LEONARD HARRISON,
Suzie Hopkins Karrie Reed Mahler LiFE LOYAL M E M B E R
Heidi Stanfdl Von Buhr
Wendy Espinoza Gamma Delta Lambda Sigma ( U ot Georgia)
Janice de Reschke Gilman A O I I A l u m n a e N e t w o r k Specialist
Leah Hardcasde MacNeil Constance Riddle Graham Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter
Virginia Adams Kate Brobston
Marguerite Crawford Lloyd M a r t y H a r r i s o n is a s i s t e r w h o t r u l y e m b o d i e s A O I I for a
Gamma Omicron lifetime. Shehas been a dedicated and active volunteer for
Delta Theta o v e r 38 years. M a r t y lias h e l d a vast a r r a y o f p o s i t i o n s w i t h i n
Diana Bennett Duva A O I I including: A l u m n a e Chapter President. Treasurer,
Teresa Rogido Cramer Laura Huber Parker V i c e P r e s i d e n t , C e n t e n n i a l C o m m i t t e e C h a i r m a n for c l o s e d
Belinda Belliveau Cisneros Renee Hoffiier Dabbs collegiate chapter reunions. Collegiate Chapter Specialist. Local
Altha Jones Brown C h a i r m a n for C o n v e n t i o n i n O r l a n d o , A l u m n a e N e t w o r k
Delta Upsilon S p e c i a l i s t , A l u m n a e N e t w o r k D i r e c t o r , L i a i s o n for forming M u
Gamma Sigma L a m b d a at R o l l i n s College, M uL a m b d a C o r p o r a t i o n B o a r d o f
Ginny Laub I )irectc>rs a n d President, a n d A O I I F o u n d a t i o n Ambassador.
Vicki Smith Williams
Epsilon Harriet Corbett Austin M a r t y has always h a dt h e u n w a v e r i n g support o f her entire
fomify. S h e a n d T o m m y , t h e e p i t o m e o f a I I O A h u s b a n d ,
Jen Chesaniuk Gamma Tau h a v e b e e n m a r r i e d t o r n e a r l y 51) years. T h e y h a v e l o u r g r o w l i
Ginny Seelig Len2 c h i l d r e n , G o r d o n . E l i z a b e t h , A m e l i a , P a m e l a : a n d five b e a u t i f u l
Janice Elich Histon grandchildren, Elizabeth. Sarah, Amanda, Austin
Epsilon Alpha and Ashley.
Gamma Theta
Jolene Adkins M a r t y is a w o m a n o f g r a c e w h o s e l o v e
Anne Ewing Heck Jennifer Mundy a n d d e v o t i o n t o o u r F r a t e r n i t y is a n
Amy DuCuennois inspiration t o all w h o meet her. B y
Epsilon Chi Sara DuCuennois being an active volunteer, mentor,
Cindy Lyons Barr a l u m n a e chapter m e m b e r , Lite Loyal
Megan Kirkpatrick A O I I member, a n da dear friend,
Cierra Hoffinan Iota M a r t y is a sister w h o t r u l y embodies
Rae Hinkle A O I I for a l i f e t i m e .
Kristi Stadelman Carolyn Welch Clifford
Emily Stonecipher
Epsilon Gamma Laura Lynn Bogusch
Denise Stowell Dogadalski
Nicole Hayes Mary Udelhofen MacDonald
Heather Maxwell Eva Zakrzewski Nelson
Janice Wright Pechauer
Epsilon Omega Pamela Hurley Holtkamp
Nicki Sabuco Mackinson
Amanda Mclntyre England Myrna Favela
Shirley Blue Eichstaedt
Epsilon Sigma Joanne Glaeser Harman

Shannon Cobb Iota Sigma
Kate Schumacher
Barbara Schink Christian
Gamma Mitzi Buckley Overland
DeEtte Donovan Bryant
Shirley GilmoreWing Rebecca Jane Hanson
Lisa Litdefield Cooney Julie Swenson Mikkelson
Debra Garside Ledoux Christy Hanthorn
Mary Kirkpatrick Norby
Amanda Pearman

Kris Peters Kappa Omicron Lambda Chi Nu Beta
Kate Cremer
Emily Jacobs Ellen White Harrell Laura Culpepper Genung Jennifer Holmes Crum
Nicole George Katina Papathopoulos Debbie Monroe
Lambda Eta Sylvia Mayfield Pryor
Kappa Alpha Kappa Phi Ashley Guthrie
Katie Wilson Jenny Mortimer
Erika Edwards Jane CollyerWandell Sarah Adcock Natalie Hankins Brown
Paulette Starcevich Surdzial Summer Whisenant Chavarria
Kappa Pi Lambda Iota Alexia Margaret Moerman
Kappa Gamma
Kimberly Johnson Kesselring Barbara Chilcote Monteleone Nu Delta
Casey Cassese Connie Puterbaugh Sweet Cindy Teron
Stephanie Bigwood Erin Collins Andrea Milka Harvey
Joan Burr Creese Kappa Rho
Lucy Fisackerly Whitehead Lambda Phi Nu Iota
BrieAnna Gesinski
Kappa Kappa Erika Dilts Sutton Janet Brewer Angie Dimmig Flannery
Arlene Sirtola Kalis Marilyn Scola Smiley
Stephanie Boettcher Julie Olszewski Lambda Sigma Erica Toenies
Christy Myers Miller Lesley Raymond Rokaitis
Lomi Craigie Etchison Kappa Sigma Allison Doherty Kay Smith Johnson
Karen Atkins Patton Susan Highsmith Graveline Jamie Seller Gunter
Pat Slane Gamble Stephanie Wilmes MelindaWorden Burnsed Evie Gaudutis
Beth Martin Joyce
Kappa Lambda Kappa Tau Anne Chambers Nu Lambda
Lois Johnson Shortt
Bryanne Bennett Weston Sandra Gandia Phillips Joyce Morway Diana Welch Worthington
Pamela Meier-Duthie Linda Charrier Daigre Nicole Garrett Hilary Haugen Dito
Angela Judd Scoble Dorene Opava Rutter
Nicole Murphy Kappa Theta Lambda Tau Susan Niemi Feldman
Leslie Friedberg Michaels
Kappa Omega Cindy Dickranian Norian Kristin Robertson Oliveri Alison Marshall
Marilyn Kruse Ziemann Pamela Crews Hall
Tiffany Calvert Diehl Jean Herdman Moran Jennifer Carbo McCoy Nu Omicron
Karen Shinn Bassett
Lambda Alpha Tamee Dark Barb Hill
Carol Baker Robinson Sally Baum Nordlund
Paromita Nag Angela Fried Djedjos Alexandra Rowley Mackey
Judith Stewart Alder
Lambda Beta Renee Hebert Omega
Sonya Murphy
Mary Ann Kenney Aurora Toth
Alexandra Halasey Mu Lambda Carol Ehlert Mclntyre
Jodi Roney Thompson Sandra Merry Nix
Geri Nunez-Wile Jen Neal Kathryn Lockridge
Diane Dewitt Acosta Marcia Warner Kleinschmidt
Jennifer Nicholas
Amber Gerken
Erin Erwine Ascher

Omega Omicron

Janna Warren Heliums
Evelyn Lett Wilson

Omicron Pi Sigma Delta Theta Eta PC}

Annie Wade Bearden Suzanne Rogers-Bainbridge Katrina Roughton McDonald Carol Fries Caywood
Linda Fuson LeAnn Holifield Cox
Carolyn Craig Morrison Pi Alpha Theta Kappa
Sigma Iota
Omicron Pi Linda Madden Stroud Elizabeth Steele
Angela Miller Doyle Laurie SwankLetkeman
Pamela Smith Mooradian Lynn Koenig Martin Theta Omega
Barbara Zawacki Couture Pi Delta
Sigma Phi Debra Ladehoff-Guiles
Phi Kristine Coughlan Lisi Laura Roberts Keefe
Kitty Pollard Smith Kathleen Herron Babbitt
Carolyn Wellington Joanne Ross Wilder Theta Pi
Denyce Gammell Sophia Stuart Sigma Rho
Kimberly Matthews Bray Becca Newberger Caryl Linsenmaier Hoffman
Nancy Stevens White Julie Pavlik Young Carol Meisenhelder Lowe
Phi Beta Joan Errgong-Weider
Pi Kappa Sigma Tau Liana Barone Aubain
Loren Jacobs Roscoe
Colleen Fagan Sherilyn Grimes Quick Leslie Tice White Theta Psi
Michele Droney Turner Katherine Hankamer Norris Dorothy Jones Kraus
Camille Minor Patterson Karen Rudnicki Steele
Phi Chi Jean Pearre Moore Tau
Ching Ping Wei Pi Omicron Caryn Ward Lantz
Jenny Weber Beverly Anderson Adams
Phi Kappa Jennifer Jones Sarah Wied Cheryl ThorstenVoge
Jean Baniak Pilla Mooie Clark Peterson
Yvonne Taylor Rowland Pi Theta Beverly NessThorson Kelly Surber Hubbard

Phi Lambda Maria Rovira Tau Delta Upsilon Alpha
Vivian Gonzalez Cueto
Shirley Elias Wuslich Shawn Freeman Mary Tremble Freemon
Rho Beta Ruth Warlick White
Phi Omicron Becky Crunk Upsilon Lambda
Bronwyn McDaniels Burnham Heidi Herlong McFarlin
JolynneWarfield Gordon Jennifer Stewart Wilson
Gloria Miles Rho Delta
Annie Dickey Jaquess Tau Gamma Xi
Pat Hope
Phi Sigma Kristen Ramsey Tina Lange Michelle Overstreet
Rachel Mincey
Kathleen Lewis Lencki Tau Lambda Zeta
Peggy Robinson Kelley Rho Omicron
Jenna S Christensen Andrea Diller Jacqueline Collins Niederme
Linda Westman Collins Leah Beth Bean Bardey
Vicki Fintel Tau Omega Zeta Pi
Phi Upsilon Jennifer Bosies Carlson Sheryl Roque Bell
Miranda Sandretto Ann Baker Phillips
LoriVon Dielingen McCain Shokooh Miry Jessica Grice Zeta Psi
Barbara Cooper Janicki Raquel Sandoval
Linda Crawshaw Bird Renee Gauthier Sawazaki Tau Omicron Cole Taylor
Denise Collins Kelly Lynnette FarhadianTeti Ten Baker
Amy Rininger Jennifer Dyer Cornelissen Jan Harris Show Patricia Fanner Warren
Jane Hamblin Lisa Spresney Edie Murphy

Theta i

Virginia Colten-Bradley

Rachael Lahti Donnelly

Fitting in Fitness

One AOII shares how it can be done!

Tips from Jo/ene Puffer, Delta Epsiion (Jacksonville State U)

"Do you have 15 minutes of time in The number one reason w h y many o f her clients face. " W h o
the morning before you start your people don't exercise is because made up the one hour rule?"
day? How about 20 minutes they don't feel like they have she asks them. Then challenges
during your lunch break? the time to devote to main- them to change their thinking.
Can you take 25 minutes taining a regular work out " D o you have 15 minutes o f
after work or class?" schedule. Many women dread time in the morning before
going to the gym. Gaining the you start your day? H o w
44 • To DRAGMA motivation to get there is only about 20 minutes during your
part of the battle. Once you lunch break? Can you take 25
do arrive, you face obstacles minutes after w o r k or class?"
like steep membership fees,
long lines for cardio machines, " N o one ever said that you
fighting for a parking space, can't split up your work out
and inconvenient group class and spread it throughout the
times. Even thinking about day," saysjolene, w h o shares
these hassles is exhausting. that exercising can be as easy
as stretching in the morning,
You've probably heard that 60 a walk in the afternoon, and
minutes is the recommended doing some type o f strength
amount ot daily exercise needed training i n the evening.
to maintain a healthy weight
and lifestyle. W i t h so many "Move more," isjolene's
other ways to spend an hour o f philosophy, stressing that con-
our precious time, exercising sistency far outweighs format
sometimes gets pushed to the and technique. "All forward
back burner until crunch time movement is good," she says.
in the weeks immediately "As long as you are moving,
before a trip to the beach, a you are doing something."
class reunion, and occasions
requiring a little black dress. She believes that improving
strength and balance should
"So many people think that be the goal o f your workout.
exercise means all or nothing," Many women are influenced by
saysjolene Puffer, Delta messages i n society telling them
Epsiion (Jacksonville State U ) that they must have a "perfect
a certified personal trainer who body," but exercise is not about
owns her own fitness company looking like someone on the
"Real Fitness for L i f e " in cover of Cosmopolitan. "Great
Asheville, N O "People don't abs and biceps can't get you very
like setting goals that they far i f you are unable to stand
don't think they w i l l be able on one leg," she says. Balance is
to achieve, so because they extremely important for health,
don't have 60 minutes every especially as we age because
day, they don't even attempt it prevents injury and helps
it." This is a challenge that maintain stability.


Jolene's Fitness Jump-start:

Jolene demonstrates three easy exercises that will improve balance, build strength, tone muscles,
and improve your health. She recommends doing 8-10 reps and t w o to three sets for each
exercise. Do this workout no more than two or three times a week, mixing it up with walking,
biking or swimming.

Jolene suggests doing activities One of the best exercises to tone the upper body and shrink flabby arms is the stability ball push up.
that you enjoy and to change This push up can be easy in the beginning and become more difficult as you roll out farther leaving
up your routine when you get less of your body on the ball. Keeping your legs straight and without locking your knees move your body
bored. As far as the dreaded all together lowering yourself to the floor and raising back up for a full push up. Keep your elbows and
gym, you don't ever have to hands directly under your shoulders to maximize this exercise.
go i f you don't want to. You
can get the same benefits by Working the back, one of the major muscle groups can be challenging with an exercise tube. Placing
working out in the comfort the tube under the feet, keeping the feet shoulder width apart, soften the knees and bend forward
of your own home. slightly. Bring the hands up to the waist squeezing the shoulder blades together as the chest press-
es forward. The closer the feet are together, the easier it is to move. Bands are rated according t o
Purchasing a stability ball and color (the green band here is medium tension). Ask before you get a band that is too difficult to use.
an exercise tube w i l l only set
you back about $30 and w i l l Abductors are often overlooked when working out. This exercise is helpful to shape and tone the
provide lasting results. Jolene inside and outside of the leg. To begin, take your exercise tube and loop the band around the ankle,
puts together a "Fit K i t " for her putting one handle through the other handle to form the loop. Next, use the opposite foot to stand
clients which includes: a tote on the band to hold it in place and hold the handle in the hand on the same side. Gently lift and
bag, water bottle, stability ball, lower the leg keeping the knee soft (not locked), being careful not to move too fast.
m i n i medicine balls, exercise
tube and hand book. To DRAG MA • 45

Jolene is a big fan o f the stability
ball because it was developed
by a physical therapist and can
provide a full body work out
w i t h both high impact and low
impact options. Exercise tubes
can easily be packed i n a suitcase
or in your purse to utilize on
your lunch break. Make fitness
a part of your daily routine
and make the commitment
to move more!

For more information about
Jolene and Real Fitness for
Life, visit her web site at:

S% In Online Extras,
learn how Jolene
recently helped save
a child's life as a bone
marrow donor.



Mission Moments

Howfar that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.

'William Shakespeare

The Alpha Omicron Pi Dear Ruby Fund Committee, Receiving an A O I I Foundation Scholarship
Foundation was established Words could never fully express how grateful makes it possible for me to finish under-
I am for the generosity of the fund and the graduate school early and start saving for
in 1977 as a non-profit donation you have made to my family. graduate school to begin a career serving
organization to support the various O n June 23, 2006, our lives were forever my community as a teacher. It means so
changed when we lost our house and our much to me to know I have the support o f
philanthropies of the Fraternity. belongings, but luckily we were all safe and my Fraternity in this way.
Your tax deductible financial have each other. A tragedy like this has only
made us realize what an amazing support Arianne Baker
contributions to the Foundation system we have. Friends, family, foundations Delta (Tufts U)
are an investment in the future like AOIIs and even complete strangers have
come together to help us rebuild our lives. It The scholarship provided by Alpha Omicron
of AOII and its ideals. Since really makes such a difference and means so Pi was more than a pleasant surprise. I'm
1977 the Foundation has much to us. M y sister is currently an A O I I now a senior i n our school's nursing program
undergrad, and the fund's donation to her and I'm having more and more books to pay
contributed over $4.5 million has really helped with tuition so my parents for. This money w i l l be a vital part o f my
to philanthropic causes. could use money for their expenses. Thank last year, allowing me to work hard in my
you again for everything. I will continue studies with less stress on how I w i l l pay for
The Foundation is pleased to update you as things progress knowing supplies and fees.
that many of these dollars the lifetime of undying support of my A O I I
assist AOII members directly family means so much. Lauren House*
Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U)
through scholarships or Roses,Jen Cohen
Ruby Fund Grants. Epsiion Alpha (Pennsylvania State U) A year ago, I had an eye surgery that has
changed my life. After two years o f living
The Foundation's mission The Diamond Jubilee Scholarship will with strabismus, or lazy eye, I feared my
is Securing the Futurefor greatly aid me in my endeavor to become a dreams o f being an actress were in jeopardy.
Alpha Omicron Pi. In keeping pharmacist This has been my life goal and I went ahead with die surgery - not knowing
with this mission, we pause Alpha Omicron Pi has now given me funds how on earth I would pay for it. One o f my
for a moment to appreciate how as well as life long friends. A O I I sisters reminded me of the Ruby Fund.
our collective gifts are being used I applied and the fund paid all of my medical
Maegan Smith expenses. I am writing to say thanks and
to make a difference in Nu Beta (U ofMississippi) to let you know how truly grateful I am for
our members' lives. the financial help, as well as to be a part o f an
The Diamond Jubilee Scholarship is assisting organization which means so much to me.
4 6 • To DRAG MA me to become the first woman in my family A O I I has brought so much to my life from
to receive a post-graduate degree. Since I the moment I joined. I am eternally grateful.
w i l l be funding my law school experience It is very important to me that I give back to
completely on my own, this award reduces help others in need in some way. I f there is
the amount of debt I will have when I anyway that I can help a fellow A O I I or the
graduate. This scholarship has made my organization, please let me know.
legal education a financially viable option,
whereas I could not otherwise have afforded Hillary Ayn Ryan,
to pursue my dream. Gamma Tiieta (U of South Florida)

Jamie L. Brown
Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky)




AOII's N e s t F e a t h e r e d

WHO: THE AOII FOUNDATION • Bequests through wills - Leave a gift to the Alpha Omicron Pi
Foundation for a specific dollar amount or percentage of your estate.
The A O I I Foundation recently adopted a new purpose statement. It's easy to add a codicil naming the Foundation as a beneficiary
Securing the Future says it all about the vision and focus of the to an existing will. I f you don't have a w i l l , add this to your to-do
Foundation. Whether you want to inspire dreams, advance list! The correct way to name the Foundation is Alpha Omicron Pi
leadership skills, support scholarships or change lives, it's necessary Foundation. The address also needs to be included: 5 3 9 0 Virginia
to first build support. Philanthropy can bring together people, Way, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027. Gifts may be designated for a
resources and ideas to make a difference. specific puipose such as endowment or scholarship. A bequest that is
not designated by the donor is invested by board policy.
WHAT: THE ENDOWMENT FUND • Charitable Gift Annuities - Secure a fixed annual payment for life
by making a contribution to the A O I I Foundation. Establishing a
Planning for needs i n the future is the focus of the A O I I charitable gift annuity provides a lifetime of rewards:
Endowment Fund. Endowment giving helps build that "Nest
Egg" you read about in the spring To Dragma. Make your • Fixed secure payments for you and/or a loved one for life
endowment gift each fiscal year between July 1 and June 3 0 , by • Current income tax deduction
check, credit card, appreciated stock or cash, or consider making a • Future financial resources for the A O I I Foundation
larger annual gift by using monthly bank draft with Gift Express.
Outright gifts of cash or stock are welcome, and are invested to You can make a secure online donation at the A O I I Foundation's
provide future income. website, or call the office during business hours to make a gift
over the phone, or mail your donation to A O I I Foundation,
WHY: FUTURE SISTERS ARE LOOKING TO YOU. 5 3 9 0 Virginia Way, Brentwood, T N 37027. For more
information on any of these subjects, or to discuss gift plans and
Endowment contributions are invested and the income w i l l be opportunities, please call the Foundation at 6 1 5 - 6 9 5 - 2 6 2 6 or
used to support the long-term financial stability of the Fraternity. email [email protected].
Emerging programs, organizational needs, additional scholarships,
more Ruby Fund grants and Fraternity expansion are at the center
of the investment goals for the Endowment Fund.



Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. Consider being •»
recognized as a member of the Second Century Society w i t h a
planned gift, legally provided for during your lifetime but whose
benefits do not accrue to the A O I I Foundation until a future time. A
planned gift may have attractive tax deduction benefits. Consult with
your attorney, accountant or tax adviser when making gift decisions
that may have a tax consequence.


• Life insurance policies — Donate a new or existing life insurance
policy naming the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation as owner and
primary or contingent beneficiary, and gain a tax deduction as well
as helping to Secure the Future for A O I I .

ISSUENO. 3 • SUMMER. 2 0 0 8




a Lifetime

Many alumnae are "securing the fliture" of A O I I by contributing to the A O I I Foundation. Every day, alumnae like you are committing to
making donations of thousands of dollars as their way of "giving back to A O I I . " $ 5 , 0 0 0 may seem like a large chunk of your bank account, but
spread out over several years, is very feasible. I f you made a donation of $100 each year for 5 0 years, your name would be added to the Ruby
Club Lifetime Giving Level ($5,000). Two alumnae are proving that small donations are important and add up over time. Both members o f
the Wheat Club Level for Lifetime Giving, two women take the opportunity to share why they continue to give:

Jennifer N o w recently retired and living in Seattle, months." she shares, "but A O I I as a whole
Colwell Loy, W A , Jennifer is enjoying the time she is means way too much to me to stop giving."
Alpha Gamma able to spend w i t h her two young children. Nicole remembered advice she received
(Washington State She knows that the A O I I Foundation w i l l f r o m her grandmother, also a proud C U
U ) , believes that be something her family will donate to alumnus. " M y grandma always donated
being an A O I I annually. Generally donating in increments to the University and to her sorority. She
o f $ 1 0 0 per year, Jennifer knows that over a set an example and inspired me to give
<4 was critical to lifetime she w i l l be making a large financial as my way o f saying thank you for the
5 her development contribution in honor of the Fraternity opportunities I was given."
as a woman. and in the name of her collegiate chapter.
After graduation, "Providing for the next generation o f Nicole donates to the A O I I Foundation
Jennifer found sisters, saying thank you to Alpha Gamma on a quarterly basis. W h e n she receives a
herself prepared Chapter, and understanding I am a Life mailing from the A O I I Foundation, she
to go into the Loyal A O I I , " she lists. "These are the is reminded o f her pledge and happily
business world reasons why I give." sends a "thank you," i n the f o r m of a small
and started a career in marketing, crediting donation. Living in a city without an
A O I I for her confidence and drive. "The Over 1700 miles away, Nicole Branch A O I I alumnae chapter, Nicole feels that
opportunities I gained from my collegiate King, Chi Delta ( U of Colorado), lives i n she doesn't always have the chance to give
experience gave me a preview o f what life El Paso, T X , and like Jennifer, has similar her time on a local level, as she would like.
would be like after college," she says. With reasons for giving. " A O I I made me who I She knows that by providing financial
a sincere appreciation for where A O I I had am," she says. " I am so
taken her life, she wanted to help provide proud to be an A O I I resources, she is doing her part to
the same experience for other sisters. As a and w i l l always do my ensure the future o f A O I I .
young twenty-something, Jennifer knew part to contribute, what
that she could not afford to donate a large I can, when I can, as Working part-time in
amount, but remembers writing a check my way o f giving back vocabulary rehabilitation and
for $25 to the A O I I Foundation her first to the organization that raising her children full-time,
year after graduation. W i t h time, Jennifer's shaped me." Nicole's Nicole still keeps in touch w i t h
career developed and she was able to make commitment was her A O I I sisters, w h o m she calls
larger donations. She made a commitment recently challenged, "her best friends." T h r o u g h her
to donate every year, and factored it in when her collegiate contributions, Nicole hopes that
to her expenses with bills and annual chapter was closed at the women w i l l always have the
fees. Jennifer took advantage of employer University of Colorado. same opportunity - to meet their
matching programs, and found they gave "It's been a sad several best friends and to continue the
her an even greater incentive to donate. legacy of A O I I .

48 • To DRAOMA ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8

San Jose Alumnae are
"Arthritis Heroes"

Arthritis is more than AOII's international philanthropy. It is more Brandon Arnold was named fourth highest in individual giving
than just aches and pains, affecting many more Americans than one for raising $2,135. Aside from their monetary support, the
might think. To the alumnae chapter in San Jose, C A , arthritis is a A O I I team also had several sisters come out to the event. Nine
personal reality for three very active members. These women are alumnae participated as well as six collegiate members. Arnold
only three of the 4 6 million Americans who suffer with arthritis, says, though, that these 15 sisters were simply the beginning of
but they, along w i t h their sisters and their local office o f the the A O I I team. "Many o f the sisters brought along their dogs,
Arthritis Foundation, are determined to raise funds and awareness. grandkids, children, husbands, boyfriends and friends. So that
brought our team's participant count up to 2 5 ! " she says. The
May is National Arthritis Awareness M o n t h . In honor o f that, entire team carried red and white balloons provided by alumnae
the Arthritis Foundation hosts a series o f Arthritis Walks across Chapter President and Team Captain Jeannie Apostole-Holden.
the nation. Since walking is an excellent way to strengthen joints, Also, teammates w i t h arthritis wore blue shirts and baseball hats
these walks do more than simply raise awareness. In conjunction reading "Arthritis Hero." This team was there to show how
w i t h the San Francisco office o f the Arthritis Foundation, the much they truly care about the fight against arthritis, and that
community o f San Jose, C A hosted one o f the earliest walks of concern was evident to all involved.
this year on May 10. The A O I I sisters o f the San Jose Alumnae
Chapter did more than simply participate i n the walk. Since Led by three women who understand the impact of arthritis,
several o f their members suffer w i t h arthritis, it is a cause very this A O I I team worked together to show their desire to improve
dear to this chapter, and they worked to represent A O I I well the lives o f the millions suffering w i t h arthritis. W i t h one in
throughout the event. They decided to reach out to San Jose State every three Americans struggling w i t h this disease, it is nearly
University's Delta Sigma Chapter, k n o w i n g that the best way to impossible to be completely unaffected. Participating in a local
show AOII's interest i n the cause was to bring together alumnae Arthritis Walk is a simple way to show support for this worthy
and collegiate members to work towards a common goal. cause. I f you are interested in j o i n i n g these women and the
many other AOIIs who participate in an Arthritis Walk, visit
It definitely paid off w i t h the A O I I team raising $ 5 , 2 1 5 of the or contact the A O I I
more than $ 6 6 , 0 0 0 raised at the walk. They were recognized Foundation for more information.
as the t h i r d highest fundraising team, and A O I I alumna Jennie

ISSUE NO. 3 • S U M M E R 2 0 0 8 To URAGMA • 4 9

OUNDATION r o c u s u r company f o r

Ohio University km
(Omo U )
K.S.V.P by Aprils

The women of Omega Upsilon Chapter (Ohio U) wanted to do favorite baskets. W h e n the auction was complete, the 5 0 baskets
something that would make their mothers proud. Combining a had raised an impressive $ 2 , 5 4 0 for the A O I I Foundation.
philanthropy event with their annual Moms' Weekend, they did
just that. O n May 3, 2 0 0 8 the chapter hosted a successful A O I I "We were very excited about the success o f the event," says
Strike O u t Arthritis! event and gave A O I I moms the chance Christina Adams, Philanthropy Chairman w h o shares that i n the
to participate. N o , the chapter didn't host a mother/daughter past, the luncheon and silent auction have been held on separate
Softball tournament. But they did partake i n a favorite mother/ days. " I think combining the t w o events gave more people the
daughter past time-shopping! 5 0 AOIIs and their moms gathered chance to participate."
for the Silent Auction to Strike Out Arthritis!
Because the baskets were donated by the mothers, the chapter
The chapter sent invitations to all o f the members' mothers, did not have a lot of overhead costs, allowing the event to raise
asking for each to assemble and bring a gift basket for the silent more money.
auction. W i t h each woman having complete creative freedom in
making her basket, tables were filled w i t h beach themed baskets, The auction not only gave A O I I members the chance to show
gardening supplies, movie night essentials, scrapbooking supplies, their mothers how important service is, it also gave everyone the
fancy purses and a A O I I Emporium panda filled basket. chance to take something away f r o m the weekend, k n o w i n g that
the purchase had been made for a good cause.
After a luncheon and entertaining slide show, the women headed
to the shopping room and silently made their bids on their

5 0 • To DRAG MA ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8

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