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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-22 17:38:18

2008 Summer - To Dragma

Vol. 72, No. 3

Sisters Developing Leaders Together

By Courtney Dillard, Tau CApkron (U of Tennessee Martin)

"Give a man a fish and you feed h i m for a the seventeen years since the program's the A O I I Foundation establishes
day. Teach a man to fish and you feed h i m inception, the chapter boasts 100% •n: .:: >n ot Routine giving to
for a lifetime." This old Chinese proverb participation f r o m its senior class each year. m hije.creating awareness
is one that most everyone can probably To ensure that outgoing senior collegians
recite by heart, but the saying also is a participate in the Foundation's program, about the programs and services offered
quote that we apply to our everyday lives. the chapter includes the monetary by the A O I I foundation. The overall
As members o f Alpha Omicron Pi, we donation in the incoming dues each year. goal is to create an undebtanding about
actually live by this example. Through Cassie Neace, the Alpha C h i Chapter the A O I I Foundation that w i l l essentially
the A O I I Foundation's Sisters Developing President says, "Alpha C h i members would enable a habit of g i v i r V i i j p n g our
Leaders Together program, we are contribute to the fund because ot their love youngest members.-S
instilling the leaders o f tomorrow w i t h and dedication to Alpha Chi and the A O I I
applicable leadership tools to write the Foundation. The basis o f A O I I is charity, We encourage our members to give,
future of our organization. and by donating to the Foundation we are but we have to educate them about the
showing our charity and love for all sisters resources available through their giving.
Each year, Alpha O m i c r o n Pi hosts a new and old." Much like the man and his ifljh, we are
weekend ot educational training for creating a cycle o f awareness about the
a number ot collegiate officers and Even though the program creates A O I I Foundation that will help to mold
chapter advisers at our annual Leadership specialized leadership training for its the future of our Fraternity, its members,
Academy. It is through the generosity o f recipients, it has a larger purpose for and our purpose.
the A O I I Foundation that this educational our general membership that often
training is available. Because o f the goes unnoticed. By asking
value o f this leadership experience, senior collegians to
the A O I I Foundation has developed a participate,
specific program that would allow officers
interested in attending the training to
apply for scholarships to help fund their
attendance at the important event.

Funding the Sisters Developing Leaders
Together program is a collaborative task
carried by the senior collegiate members
o f Alpha O m i c r o n Pi. Each senior is
challenged to contribute $15 to this
program, essentially funding the ability
o f their sisters to attend the valuable
leadership training. Originating i n 1992,
this program has generated over $50,000
i n f u n d i n g since its inception. A m o n g the
A O I I chapters participating, sisters raised
almost $9,100 last year alone.

As the case w i t h any program, the Sisters
Developing Leaders Together program
is only as successful as the participation it
requires. One shining light in the success
o f this program is the Alpha C h i Chapter
at Western Kentucky University. In


PROFILE Even though she pledged AOII
in 1941, Julia Thiemonge
• Harris, Tau Delta (Birmingham
Southern College) still feels a
I deep connection with Alpha
Omicron Pi. For more than 50
* if* years, Harris and several of her
sisters have met every month
The Twenty Club for lunch. The group refers to
Tau Deltas reflect sisterhood for a lifetime themselves as "the Twenty Club,"
By Ten Forsythc, Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U) because their monthly lunch
ritual originally included 20
52 • To DRAGMA members. Over the years, their
numbers have dwindled to nine,
including four original members
who are approaching or have
passed their 90th birthday. The
Twenty Club is a true testament
to the lifelong bond of AOII.

After graduating from Birmingham
Southern the women married and had
children, but despite their new lives they
began to miss the close ties they had
shared i n college. In 1951, they decided
it had been too long since they had had
a reunion and gathered to catch up on
where they had left off after graduation.
The reunion resulted in a monthly
tradition that is still going strong. The
group recently gathered on May 3 0 ,
2 0 0 8 for a luncheon hosted by Harris's
daughter Alison Harris Wedgworth,
Delta Delta (Auburn U).

W h i l e many o f us would like to
maintain the bonds we develop in A O I I ,
these women have turned that desire
into reality. They enjoy each other's
company and make every effort to be
together. Mary A n n Barnett believes
the basis for the success o f the group
is "faith, hope, and love, as well as
tolerance," she laughs. According to Sara
Dominic Clark, Tau 1 )elta (Birmingham
Southern College) their success also
comes f r o m their bond o f friendship
and not having an agenda other than
appreciating each other's company.

Louise West, Tau Delta, cherishes the
Twenty Club friendships she has made
over all the years. She had seven sons,


and later cared for aging relatives i n her
home. She admits that it was difficult at
times to get to meetings, but somehow,
she managed to stay an active member o f
the Twenty Club. "God bless each one o f
them," she says o f her Twenty Club friends.

The women love to reminisce about The bond between these women is evident CURRENT MEMBERS OF
their various A O I I memories. They to more than fellow A O I I sisters. Their THE TWENTY CLUB
still laugh at the songs they sang in Step families have also seen and experienced the
Sing competitions and joke about their amazing sisterhood they share. The nine SARA D. CLARK *
travels. They also talk about experiencing living members have 31 children between JULIA THIEMONGE HARRIS *
college during the Great Depression. Sara them, and several of: them have followed Louis WEST *
Dominic Clark remembers having no their mothers into AOII. MARTHA LYNN YATES *
car and being dropped o f f on campus at BETTY BACSKAY
the beginning o f the day. She had to stay "As far back as I can remember, A O I I MARY A N N BARNETT
on campus until someone picked her up has been a part o f my life," Alison Harris FAY H A R T
at night, but those were the times when Wedgworth tells us. Her mother holds TRISH HUNTER
she grew closest to her sisters. Those long the group record for legacies. She has t w o JULIE RUSSO
breaks throughout the day were when she daughters w h o pledged A O I I at Auburn
and her sisters would spend time i n the as well as t w o granddaughters w h o have * Denotes an original member
A O I I chapter r o o m "where deep bonds carried on their family's A O I I tradition.
of friendship were formed."
Julie Russo, O m i c r o n ( U o f Tennessee),
These women have done much more speaks for the group when she says, " I
than simply socialize. They have served have always considered it a privilege to
A O I I in many ways by raising funds for be an A O I I . " The ladies offer this sound
housing projects of various chapters. They advice for today's collegians: "Have a
also helped colonize the Alpha Delta good time, say a prayer for the old AOIIs,
Chapter at the U o f Alabama. W h e n they and when you move in the future, always
joined Tau Delta, it was the only A O I I look for an A O I I alumnae chapter."
chapter i n the state o f Alabama. Eight
more Alabama chapters have colonized
since, w i t h the Twenty Club helping
spread A O I I across the state.

The group has always tried to reach out
to sisters everywhere. I n fact, as original
members passed away, the group began
adding AOIIs f r o m other chapters such as
the U o f Tennessee, Randolph Macon U ,
and the U of Idaho. They believe that this
diversity gives the group even more appeal.

' Photo opposite page: Louise
West (seated), Betty Baeskay
L and Julie Russo (standing).
Photo at left (seated I to r):
f Sara D. Clark, Trish Hunter,
ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8
- Fay Hart, Mary Ann
Barnett, Julia Harris, Lindsay
Draney. (Back row): Lailah
Glasscock, Julie Russo, Betty
Bacskay, Louise West, Alison
Wedgworth. Photo above:
Sara D. Clark, Trish Hunter,
Fay Hart, Mary Ann Barnett,
Julia Harris.



It all adds up!

From raising dollars and chapter GPAs,
to celebrating anniversaries and first place
finishes, AOIIs are constantly contributing
to their college campuses. Thousands of
sisters, 365 days a year, 24-hours a day, with
an infinite amount of AOII s p i r i t . . .

AOFf collegians
stay busy with a
number of things.

54 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8

Alpha Chi Alpha Gamma (Washington State U)

Western Kentucky U
A l l o f the fantastic smarty-pi sisters have
gone above and beyond to make Alpha
C h i a chapter that is focused on academic
success. This year our chapter received
first i n grades out o f all the sororities
on campus. This is an honor that all
o f the members worked very hard for.
The Chapter's overall GPA was a 3.325.
Twenty-one girls had 4.0s, which is
a record for our chapter. We are very
proud o f these overachievers. As a chapter
placing high emphasis on our academic
standards, we hope to continue our
success in this area.

Alpha Delta Alpha Psi Beta Phi

The U of Alabama Bowling Green State U Indiana U
In addition to being active in many Alpha Psi worked extremely hard this year
philanthropy events, the members o f Alpha recruiting new members. Recruitment On February 22, the newest A O I I pledge
Delta also hosted an alcohol awareness went very well for us. In the fall we class placed second overall in Division A
speaker at the student union for all students received 32 new members, and in the at I U Sing. I U Sing has been a tradition o f
at The U o f Alabama. Nearly 300 U A spring we gained three more. Before the I U Student Foundation since 1932. It
students attended the event and learned Formal Recruitment, we spent many is recognized as one o f the most exciting
about alcohol responsibility. days together preparing ourselves, and and entertaining annual traditions at
getting to know one another very well. Indiana U . A O I I , along with our partners
Alpha Gamma After recruitment, we have a night before Lambda C h i Alpha and Delta Kappa
Initiation for the new members to get to Epsilon, put i n long hours of practice for
Washington State U know the chapter members better and to six weeks prior to the performance. Under
We host t w o philanthropy events allow them to feel more comfortable just the direction and leadership of A O I I song
each year. We have a R u b y Dudes flag being in the chapter. leaders, Jaci Scheuer and Amanda Warren,
football tournament in the Fall, and A O I I is proud to add another trophy to
an A O I I Strike O u t Arthritis! bowling Alpha Theta our collection.
tournament i n the Spring. This past
month we raised approximately $867 Coe College Beta Tau
during our Strike O u t event !
On April 5th, 2008, our chapter went U of Toronto
Alpha Lambda to WayPoint, which is a not-for-profit
women and children's shelter in Cedar The Beta Tau Chapter in Toronto,
Georgia Southern U Rapids, Iowa. As a chapter, we worked Ontario is in the midst o f preparing
Gathering Statesboro locals along w i t h together shoveling and raking mulch and for our philanthropic event "Death by
our campus community, we helped raise dirt o f f an old playground. The purpose Chocolate". The entire chapter, along
money for our amazing philanthropy of this was to make room for a new w i t h all other Greek chapters, is highly
event! This Spring, we hosted Stick-It- playground for the children. anticipating the "Seven Deadly Sins"
Up for Arthritis. Shooting sisters around theme and hoping for another fun evening
campus w i t h $ 1 water guns gave Alpha with lots of money raised for the Alpha
Omicron Pi a f u n way of interacting on Omicron Pi Foundation. W h o doesn't
Georgia Southern's campus while bringing like to splurge on a little chocolate?
awareness to the serious issues o f arthritis.

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2008 To DRAGMA • 55


Chi Lambda Chi Psi Delta Beta

U of Evansville California Polytechnic State U U of Louisiana at Lafayette
M r . Fraternity is the C h i Psi annual This year we held our 1st Annual Pi
We love to spend time w i t h our sisters. Strike O u t event. In April 2007 over Week with Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
Some o f our sisterhood events this year 15 fraternities participated in the to raise money for arthritis research and
included dressing up to see the movie "27 event, which helped raise over $3,000 Faith House (a battered women's shelter).
Dresses," a game night, and an ice cream for arthritis research. The contestants We began the week w i t h some friendly
sundae extravaganza. We also began a participated in a variety o f activities like warfare. Pi Wars consisted o f a big food
weekly "rose bust" in which t w o sisters formal wear, sports wear and a talent fight. It was more like a dessert fight,
were showered w i t h signs and decorations competition. Some favorite talents since the only ingredients allowed were
outside their doors as recognition for included an 80s themed workout session, pie ingredients. Everyone was covered
their unique contributions to our chapter. a ukulele serenade and a couple o f boy w i t h food and was very messy, but
Each event was a creative and new way to band classics. We were proud to honor the everyone had f u n . This was a hit and we
strengthen our sisterly bonds! Delta Sigma Phi contestant with the title can't wait to see h o w much better it w i l l
of Mr. Fraternity. be next year.
Chi Phi
Delta Delta Delta
U of South Carolina, Aiken
Alexandrea Dachenhaus and Erin Hasty Tufts U Auburn U
were selected to be a member o f the
Sigma Psi Chapter o f the National Order The Spring semester's big social event was This spring, the Delta Delta chapter held
of Omega, the National Greek Honor our chapter's Centennial Celebration. We our second annual A O I I Strike O u t
Society. Alexandrea has been the Vice were very excited to spend the weekend Arthritis! Bowling Tournament. We raised
President o f Academics and Education celebrating w i t h Susan Danko. The $1,800 for arthritis research w i t h the help o f
during her time w i t h A O I I . Erin is the weekend began Friday night with an 14 other Greek organizations from Auburn
current Chapter President. There were open house for alumnae and University U that participated in the event. Also,
only 15 members o f our universities faculty. Saturday was filled w i t h a brunch in the fall, we raised almost $10,000 for
Greek system selected to be members o f and Ritual, followed by a Rose Ball arthritis at our R u n for Roses event. We
this honor society this year. It is a great that night. The festivities ended Sunday had participants f r o m the university, as well
privilege to have t w o wonderful leaders in morning with a barbecue for collegians as the city, come out to enjoy free food, f u n
this great organization. and alumnae. entertainment, and a laid-back run or walk.
The winners all received roses and a great
time was had by all!

Delta Omega

Murray State U

Delta Omega participated in a joint
service project w i t h Sigma Phi Epsilon
where we raised money for Union U
after being devastated by the tornadoes
3 that ripped through their campus in
early February. We had a rock band
contest called "Rock n' Rescue" and
raised over $1,300 to aid the victims
of those storms.

J i i Psi (California Polytechnic State U] ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8
5 6 • To DRAGMA

Epsilon Chi

Elon U

This year was Epsilon Chi's 30th
anniversary Homecoming. Members
worked hard to make this event special
for our collegiate members, as well as our
alumnae. We had the honor of hosting a
dessert reception for our alumnae as well
as a tailgate before the game. The women
of Epsilon Chi and their families enjoyed
Huey's BBQ, famous in North Carolina,
while reuniting with old friends.

Delta Psi Epsilon Chi(Elon U) Epsilon Gamma

U at Albany- State U of New York Delta Xi U of Northern Colorado
We are so happy to welcome our Spring The Homecoming theme for the
2008 new member class into our sorority Rose-Huhnan Institute of Technology academic year of2007-2008 was "Solid
w i t h open arms and open hearts. They all We held our first annual Mr. Rose Blue and Gold." Our partner fraternity
share the same values as we do, as well as Pageant this semester. The contestants this year was Delta C h i . Some o f the
the love for sisterhood. They have brought were chosen f r o m video submissions weeks activities included: a bonfire, lip
to us fresh ideas to t r y out next semester o f their talents. O n February 1 st, the sync, a banner contest, and a parade.
for Formal Recruitment as well as unique six men chosen competed i n a group During the week we placed first in
f u n d raising activities. Delta Psi is honored performance of "The Lumberjack Song," participation, first in the parade, and first
to have these amazing girls as sisters! a "Swimsuit of the Future" contest, a over all sororities!
"MacGyver contest," a Q & A session, and
Delta Theta finally formal wear. The contestants were Epsilon Omega
judged by four AOIIs from three different
Texas Woman's U chapters in Indiana. A t the end o f the Eastern Kentucky U
This year Delta Theta is proud to award night, a mechanical engineeringjunior, Every year, the Epsilon Omega sisters
the Ruby A Badge to three o f our Matt Melton, won the title of Mr. Rose of A O I I throw the most talked about
members. A l l three achieved a perfect 4.0 2008. We proudly raised over $1,00(1 for philanthropy event on campus. Lip-sync
and are such a wonderful addition to our AOII Strike Out Arthritis! is by far the most popular philanthropy
chapter. Jordan Keith our Vice President event and raises a ton o f money for
o f Academic Development was one of Epsilon arthritis research. Each year, we raise over
these ladies and she is w o r k i n g hard, w i t h $4,000 dollars.
the rest o f the chapter, to ensure good Cornell U
grades for the spring! We recently held our second annual A O I I Epsilon Sigma
Strike O u t Arthritis! Pinata Bash. We
Delta Upsilon made giant pinatas spelling out A - R - T - H - Quincy U
R-I-T-I-S and displayed them on campus. In January, we had our annual Mr. G Q
Duke U Students and'faculty were given the pageant. We are very proud to report that
Almost 20 members o f the graduating chance to take a swing for $1 to w i n cool we raised $1,000 for arthritis research.
class o f 2 0 0 7 returned for H o m e c o m i n g prizes and candy. It was a big success, and everyone had a
at D u k e i n the Fall. Events included a great time. O u r next event w i l l be A O I I
senior dinner on Friday night, tailgate Epsilon Alpha Strike Out Arthritis!
and football game on Saturday, and a
brunch on Sunday. Pennsylvania State U Gamma
The Epsilon Alpha Chapter is having a
ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2008 very active, philanthropic year! This year, U of Maine
they and their partner, Delta Sigma Phi, Gamma Chapter was very proud to
raised over $ 136,000 dollars for pediatric host Ginger Banks, Past International
cancer over the course o f five months, President, during our Centennial
beating last year's total by over $17,000. weekend. Events included a meet and
greet with collegians and alumnae, a ritual
workshop, and the Rose Ball. Here's to
the next 100 years!



ota Chi (U of Western Ontari

Gamma Alpha Gamma Sigma lota Chi

George Mason U Georgia State U U of Western Ontario
Because the w o m e n i n Iota C h i are
Gamma Alpha worked to make this past Gamma Sigma Chapter at Georgia State committed to community service they
year one o f the greatest recruitments earned the Star of Excellence Award held three different and creative events
ever! The creativity and dedication o f our - Five Star for the 2007-2008 school year. this year. I n October, as part o f the
entire chapter paid o f f and we presented We also had a variety o f educational topics Halloween spirit, our chapter teamed up
A O I I in a beautiful and classy way! in our chapter programming this year with Beta Theta Pi to launch a haunted
We had a 99% return rate, and took an including self-defense tactics taught by the house for the London Boys and Girls
awesome new member class o f 21 girls! GSU police and proper car maintenance Club. In December, we orchestrated a
taught by racing experts. food drive w i t h each member donating
Gamma Chi one or two canned goods, which were
Gamma Theta brought to the London Food Bank. In
Carleton U March, our chapter organized a dance and
U of South Florida fashion show with the help of the entire
Gamma C h i Chapter is proud to Western Greek community to benefit
announce that six new girls were recruited Gamma Theta chapter put on our annual Juvenile Arthritis.
this Winter. Each brings something Run for the Roses philanthropy event
new and unique to Gamma C h i and the to benefit the arthritis research. W i t h lota Sigma
current collegians cannot wait to see them an amazing turnout and raising about
flourish in AOII. $1,800 (doubling our funds from last Iowa State U
year), our chapter was filled w i t h pride.
Gamma Delta For this event, we had a 5K race where In late March, we held our Moms'
participants could either walk or run, weekend, w h i c h was a lot o f f u n and
U of South Alabama a 100-yard sprint, and a mile walk, in brought us all closer as sisters. A t the
In March, our chapter held our first Grab- which all our sisters participated. Mother's Day Auction we raised over
A - I )ate social event. We were given 45 $2,000, which was amazing!
minutes after chapter to get ready, find a
date, and meet at a certain location. It was
exciting to see all of our girls having such a
good time.

58 • To DRAGMA ISSUE N O . 3 • SUMMER. 2008

Kappa Alpha Kappa Omega Kappa Phi

Indiana State U U of Kentucky McGill U

Instead o f our annual Rose Bowl, this 1 )uring Homecoming week, there was a Despite one o f the biggest snow storms
year our philanthropy chairman, Lyssa 5K Walk/Run chaired by our very own of this Winter, every single Kappa Phi
Sylvester chose to m i x it up and try Dana Deptola. She put forth every effort collegians, as well as a bunch of Kappa
something new. We hosted a 5-on-5 in order to see that the Markey Cancer Phi alumnae braved the weather to arrive
Dodgeball Tournament. The turn out Center got the benefit and recognition at Taverne for our annual Rose Ball.
was awesome, and many fraternities and that they deserve. D u r i n g the parade we Dresses and suits were covered in garbage
sororities f r o m ISU participated. We hope- got to watch our amazing sister Kallie bags, ski gear, knee-high boots by the
to do it again next year! Turner ride in style, as she was nominated smartest members, while the truest o f true
for Homecoming Queen. As the week Canadians walked through the storm in
Kappa Chi was coming to a close, it was at halftimc four-inch heels.
that we learned that Alpha Omicron
Northwestern State U Pi came i n second place overall for Kappa Rho
We do a number o f community service Homecoming Week!
projects throughout the year. For Western Michigan U
Valentine's Day, we passed out card Kappa Omicron This year, at the Standards of Excellence
m a k i n g supplies for children at the ceremony held by the Order of Omega,
Boys and Girls Club and in March put Rhodes College we were announced as a Five Star
on an Easter egg hunt for the kids. We Chapter. This is an honor that we are
also adopted a road this year! We put Several of our members are in the Order of very proud of and take very seriously.
on our rain boots and grabbed trash Omega, a national Greek honor society that
bags and marched to the H w y 6 bypass recognizes the top 3% of Greek members Kappa Sigma
to pick up litter. across the nation in regard to academic
excellence, community service, and chapter U of Wisconsin River Falls
Kappa Gamma and Creek community leadership. Throughout the year, we participated i n
the Arthritis Walk and Jams. We were
Florida Southern College able to raise $1,195 for the Jams walk.
Kappa Cam ma Chapter hosted a It was a lot o f f u n as we walked with
five- day A O I I Strike O u t Arthritis! alumnae and ran into some members o f
event. We ended the event with a Tampa Tau Chapter who were volunteering,
Bay Lightning Hockey game, and part too. In late April, we held " R u n for the
of the ticket proceeds were donated to Roses," our 5k walk/run.
arthritis research. It was a great event
that not only raised money for our
philanthropy, but was a lot o f fun too!

Kappa Kappa •

Ball State U f
Last semester, 23 o f our sisters made
Deans' List, and two women earned 4.0 Ohi •i •
CPAs. We are proud of our sisters and
their achievements! We also stay involved 1
on campus, w i t h members in multiple
honorary societies and student organizations. f1

Kappa Lambda Kappa Sigma (U of Wisconsin River Falls)
I o DRAGMA • 59
U of Calgary
We were successful i n raising over $640
for AOII Strike Out Arthritis! from their
annual 24-hour foosball event. Many
sisters also participated in "Skate-A-Kid
to Camp" by collecting pledges and then
ice skating around the Olympic Oval for
several hours i n order to send disabled
children to camps during the summer.



Kappa Tau Lambda Beta Lambda Omicron

Southeastern Louisiana U California State U Long Beach Cumberland U
Homecoming week was a big hit for We had a "$15 '80s Night" where
Kappa Tau! We are very proud to say that everyone's outfit had to cost less than $15. During the week of Thanksgiving, we
three of the seven girls on Homecoming It's really difficult to dress yourself w i t h were invited to be a part o f the annual
court were our very o w n AOIIs! We had less than $15, so the outfits were very Tracy Lawrence Turkey Fry for the
great participation i n all o f the festivities funny! The night was spent dancing to homeless o f Nashville. We wrapped part
that went on throughout the week. We '80s music and laughing at the amusing o f the five hundred turkeys that were
placed 3rd i n the display contest as well as outfits. O u r chapter received an award for to be served to the homeless d u r i n g
the annual quiz bowl! We received 2nd "Most Creative Non-Alcoholic Social" Thanksgiving week. Also, while there
place in the week's overall sweepstakes, for this event. we met stars such as Darryl Worley, John
and were awarded 1st place in the float, Rich (from Big and Rich), Three Doors
sheet sign, canned food drive, trash bash, Lambda Eta D o w n lead singer Brad Arnold, and o f
and Fear Factor contests! course Tracy Lawrence himself.
Grand Valley State U
Lambda Alpha We currently have the highest CPA out Lambda Sigma
o f all Greek organizations and are i n the
U of LaVerne running for Chapter of Excellence. We U of Georgia
won the Most Spirited Award during
The Lambda Alpha Chapter has earned recruitment and tied for the chapter who Megan Bruner was awarded the
the highest sorority CPA award two received the most new members in Fall McKinnon Award, for her kindness,
semesters i n a row. It is a great honor for 2007. We also have a 100% retention rate! generosity, and consistent optimism for
us because the first semester we achieved the chapter and its members. Whitney
this was when we became installed at the Amos received the Pearl Award for her
U o f La Verne. The second semester we continued involvement on campus,
managed to get a 3.38 CPA during the especially through her three years on the
semester as an organization-the highest Executive Board for Dance Marathon.
for any organization in the past few years. Bonnie Williams received the Ruby
We have definitely made our mark on Award, which is given to a senior w h o
campus w i t h i n the first year and plan to has demonstrated great leadership and
achieve more. influence w i t h i n the chapter. We also
have a large number o f women who were
accepted into Tate Society, a competitive
honors organization.

1• 7 Lambda Tau
The U of Louisian a at Monroe
f It's not every year that a chapter turns
I 50, but Lambda Tau did in 2008! We
celebrated 50 absolutely great years w i t h
our collegians and alumnae on April 4th
and 5th. We hosted our annual Crawfish
Boil followed by our 50th anniversary
luncheon and our Spring formal. It was a
great way to reflect on the history of our
chapter and how far we've come and w i l l
continue to go. Lambda Tau has been
exceeding the expectation for 50 years,
and plans to do so for many, many more!

Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia] ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2008

60 • To DRAGMA

Lambda Upsilon Omega Phi Chi

Lehigh U Miami U 1/ of Chicago
We received Gold Status for Lehigh's The Omega Chapter has just finished their
Greek System Accreditation Process which annual Puddle Pull philanthropy event. This Winter, our chapter took a day trip
means we achieved excellence i n all 5 We raised over $2,000 for the juvenile to Chicago's Navy Pier to see a taping
areas: Partnership, Scholarship, Leadership, arthritis department at the Cincinnati o f Wheel o f Fortune w i t h Pat Sajak and
Stewardship and Citizenship. Recruitment Children's Hospital. Our new members Vanna White. Although hundreds of
was amazing this year. We achieved 100% also placed third overall in the event. people were lined up, and the wait was
returns almost every round and got a new over three hours, the sisters o f Phi C h i
member class o f 28 girls! Omega Omicron had a blast. We were decked out i n our
finest A O I I paraphernalia, and when the
Mu Lambda Lambuth U cameras panned the audience we all leapt
to our feet to represent our sorority on
Rollins College The ladies o f Omega Omicron Chapter national television!
hosted an A O I I barbecue f u n d raiser to
Recruitment went phenomenally well benefit arthritis research. This successful Pi Alpha
this year for M u Lambda! We were able to event took place September 22, 2007 at
meet quota on each and every night as well a football game during family weekend U of Louisville
as recruiting some amazing, well-rounded at Lambuth. There were approximately
young women. This has also been the 130 people in attendance, and Omega We make it a point to have sisterhood
best year M u Lambda has had i n regards Omicron raised nearly $1,200! events twice a month and pride ourselves
to numbers, receiving 17 N e w Members in our strong sisterhood bond. Some o f our
f r o m formal recruitment week. This is the Omicron sisterhoods this year were a karaoke night,
best i n M u Lambda history! Americas Next Top Model themed event,
U of Tennessee Knoxmlle and game night! We always have f u n
Nu Beta What an outstanding recruitment! In when we are together.
fall 2007, Omicron Chapter recruited 47
U of Mississippi fabulous new members and initiated every Pi Delta
single one. The week of preparation for
N u Beta hosts a number o f philanthropic recruitment i n Townsend, Tennessee really U of Maryland
events on the Ole Miss campus. Every fall, paid off. Members put in a lot of time and
there is an annual Pie Sale and proceeds go hard work but had some f u n , too. One day We love A O I I sports! This year, the sisters
to juvenile arthritis. In the Fall of2007, the chapter went tubing down the river o f Pi Delta exceeded in basketball, soccer,
our chapter raised over $1,000. Also at as a sisterhood activity. We are already and volleyball. O u r participation at a
this event, a pie-eating contest between looking forward to Recruitment 2008 and Maryland women's basketball game earned
fraternities is well received by all who attend. meeting all of the potential new members. $500 for our chapter. We put the money
Every Spring, N u Beta holds Graving towards buying new ritual robes. W i t h
for Arthritis, a barbecue held on campus. Phi Beta 27 newly initiated members, we plan to
Last year, we raised over $3,000 for our increase our participation in philanthropy
national philanthropy. Also, our chapter East Stroudsburg U events, athletics, and other activities
holds a blood drive every semester and we Phi Beta has raised money for four around the university and community.
encourage all students to donate blood. organizations in addition to the A O I I
Foundation this year. We are proud to have Pi Theta
Nu Omicron helped contribute to: arthritis research,
domestic violence awareness. Autism Florida International U
Vanderhilt U Speaks, and breast cancer awareness. We This year's spectacular Rose Ball formal
have also made valentines for the elderly, was named "The Great Gatsby" and
After a fun week of formal recruitment participated as volunteers for Special themed "1920s Glamour." The invitations
in January, the N u O m i c r o n chapter was Olympics, and gone bowling with our included font and decor inspired by
happy to welcome 43 new members. alumnae for A O I I Strike O u t Arthritis! the movie "The Great Gatsby." The
The 2008 recruitment process included We devote ourselves to give back to others centerpieces included glamorous flowers,
display, philanthropy, entertainment, and because A O I I has given us so much. gold beads, and feathers to tie i n with the
preference rounds, with the entertainment theme. Sisters were excited to dress in
round featuring a skit in the theme of 1920s styles and dance the night away.
"The Breakfast Club." After enjoying the
week's festivities, the "rosebudlettes" were
welcomed on B i d Day at B.B. King's, a
music venue i n downtown Nashville.

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2008 To DRAGMA • 61


Rho Delta : JJ

Samford U Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee i

R h o Delta Chapter had semi-formal at Sigma Beta Sigma Delta
the Birmingham Zoo Lodge. Prior to the
event, the sisters went to dinner and then St. Joseph's U Huntingdon College
arrived looking fabulous w i t h their dates. Sigma Beta continues to improve each Sigma Delta participated in the Jingle Bell
The girls had a blast and thoroughly semester in recruitment! This Spring, we Run for Arthritis in December. W i t h a
enjoyed the evening. The walkway was had our largest new member class ever, and team o f 36 runners and walkers, we raised
decorated with lights leading up to the increased our bid day numbers over 500%! $1,311 for the Arthritis Foundation. We
lodge and the inside was decorated w i t h This year, throughout formal recruitment also participated in Montgomery's annual
black and white pictures o f the sisters. the theme was " A O I I Fashion Week/ Arthritis Walk in April. We love showing
Overall, the sisters had an amazing time at Project Runway," Everyone really enjoyed our community that A O I I supports
our 2 0 0 8 semi-formal. the week and is excited for the future! arthritis research.

Rho Omicron Sigma Chi Sigma Omicron

Middle Tennessee State U Hartwick College Arkansas State U
R h o Omicron Chapter at Middle To become more involved in the Hartwick W i t h everyone's busy schedules, it is
Tennessee State U had a highly successful community, our chapter attends sporting sometimes hard to get together as much
year. Last Spring during greek awards, events such as lacrosse games. We have as we w o u l d like. Fortunately, we
Rho Omicron won the Gold Standard many sister activities f r o m making shirts schedule sisterhood activities where we
Award, which is granted only to the to movie nights and sister dinners. One have designated time out o f our crazy
chapters that have met at least 8 0 % o f their of our sister activities included painting and hectic schedules to laugh, cry, and
set goals. In addition to this award, A O I I the wall at Hartwick College, which can remember h o w much we love each other!
also won the Best N e w Member Program be seen when you enter the Hartwick We k n o w that A O I I is not just a four-year
for the eighth year in a row! campus. This is a great way to advertise commitment and is for a lifetime.
that A O I I is number one on campus!

U of California Berkeley
In efforts to improve our chapter house's
functioning process, the Sigma sisters
have discovered ways to save money,
increase efficiency, and reduce our
environmental impact seven days a
week. With the creation of a new office,
Sustainability Chairman, we have made
plans to implement a composting system,
replace inefficient light bulbs w i t h
LEDs, and have an auditor f r o m a green
business certification agency evaluate out
house. We already recycle and hope to
integrate green initiatives into our already
impressive chapter programming activities.

Sigma Alpha

West Virginia U

This year, we held a Vera Bradley Bingo
tournament. From this event the sorority
wrote a donation of $1,500 to W V U
Cancer Research. This was a huge
accomplishment for our chapter. We put
a lot of effort in organizing this event and
executing it. It was so f u n , we might
want to open a Bingo hall!

62 • To DKAGMA ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8

Sigma Phi Tau Delta Theta Beta

California State U Northridge Birmingham Southern College Towson U
One o f our sisters, Camille Ancheta has We have four date parties throughout We have a sisterhood event every
done an outstanding job as Panhellenic the year: Mystic, where the destination Wednesday where we are able to be
G . A . M . M . A (Greeks Advocating the is a mystery; Tacky Christmas, where together and bond. We also have a very
Mature Management of Alcohol). This everyone is dressed up i n their most tacky long bonding weekend when we go on
program promotes alcohol awareness in holiday apparel; Rose Ball, our formal; our sister retreat in A p r i l . We stay over,
high schools and educates students about and Spring Party, a casual affair. We also share stories and give out awards to each
the horrible effects alcohol and drugs can had multiple social events throughout the other as we sit around a campfire. It is 48
have on everyone's life. We have also tried year, including Fire and Ice, Las Vegas, wonderful hours of sisterhood!
helping out i n the community by spreading Luau, and British Invasion.
the message about alcohol awareness. Theta Chi
Tau Gamma
Sigma Rho Mo rn ii igs ide Co 11ege
Eastern Washington U The Theta C h i Chapter held our first
Slippery Rock U Every year we have a Teeter-Totter-a- A O I I Strike Out Arthritis! Softball
Thon, we teeter-tot for 24 hours straight Tournament on April 26. The
This year, Sigma R h o began sending to raise money for arthritis research. tournament had six teams participate
cards to soldiers stationed i n Iraq. T w o o f What could be more f u n than teetering at including an A O I I collegiate team and
our sisters have loved ones overseas and 2 A M w i t h your sisters? A O I I alumnae team. All the girls were
inspired us to send our encouraging words excited for this event and hope to make it
from Alpha Omicron Pi. Each member Tau Omega an annual tradition.
made a homemade card and thanked
them for all the hard work that they put Transylvania U Theta Omega
into serving our country. O u r chapter
came together i n a way that none o f us The sisters o f Tau Omega recently Northern Arizona U
w i l l soon forget and it gave us a sense o f competed in Transylvania U's annual We are proud to announce that we gained
what true sisterhood is. Campus Sing, an event filled w i t h 28 wonderful young ladies from Fall and
nostalgic music f r o m the '90s and Spring recruitment. They have been great
Sigma Tau philanthropy for God's Pantry. Along additions to A O I I and it is nice to see that
with practicing daily for the T R L inspired our chapter is growing. We are all looking
Washington College dance number under the instruction o f forward to the upcoming semester and are
member Lindsey Roberson, the sisters hoping for another successful recruitment!
We hosted t w o alumnae related events gathered 123 cans per member, for a total
that invited back Sigma Tau alumnae of 10,001 cans. Along w i t h dancing their Sigma Phi (California State U Northridge)
to Washington College. One event was hearts out, Tau Omega w o n three o f the
our 70th Anniversary Luncheon, where four awards presented at the event: Most
we celebrated 70 years o f Sigma Tau! Cans Per Member, Most Cans Overall,
O u r second was a Career N e t w o r k i n g and Overall Campus Sing champions!
Expo where alumnae returned to
campus and talked w i t h collegiate Tau Omicron
sisters about their jobs, o f f e r i n g them
insight about possible careers. U of Tennessee Martin
The Tau O m i c r o n Chapter has w o n
Tau many awards f r o m involvement w i t h
our campus and community this year.
U of Minnesota We won first place in Best Campsite i n
Relay for Life. We also received the
In the Fall, the members of Tau held a All-sing participation award along with
successful AOPizzeria. The chapter raised first place i n A l l - S i n g and Sorority Spirit
$700 to donate to arthritis research. We Award. Additionally, Tau Omicron
also participated i n the Arthritis Walk, received 2nd place i n the community
and were awarded Most Spirited Team. service criteria for Martin.
Throughout the year, members are
involved in the Juvenile Arthritis Family
Network and come together to volunteer
at the Juvenile Arthritis Walk i n March.

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2008 To DRAGMA • 63


Xi Omicron (U of Arkansas) Xi Zeta

Theta Pi U of Oklahoma U of Nebraska Lincoln
Zeta Chapter recently hosted our annual
Wagner College X i placed a special emphasis on Spring philanthropy, H o o p It. This is
In January, we celebrated Founders' Day community service during the 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8 a 5 - o n - 5 men's basketball tournament
with a themed "Tea Party." O u r theme school year. Collectively, we completed that is open to any men affiliated w i t h
was unique, and many of the girls took over 2 , 0 0 0 community service hours. We a school. The girls work very hard to
this opportunity to dress like our founders are quite proud o f this accomplishment recruit teams and to f i n d businesses to
by purchasing clothes from a thrift shop. which has earned us recognition on our sponsor the event. This year, the event
They looked like they walked out of 1897! campus! We volunteered for a day at the reached new heights w i t h 4 7 teams
Oklahoma Regional Food Bank and also signing up for the tournament that took
Theta Psi formed a team for the Muscular Dystrophy place over a span o f ten hours. W e are
Association's Stride n' Ride event. X i excited that the tournament has become
U of Toledo also hosted a week long event, Fair Trade so popular on campus and are hoping to
Fall semester 2 0 0 7 , our chapter was first Week, which encouraged students to make it a two-day tournament next year.
in grades as well as having the highest sign a petition asking otir university's We are proud to report that we raised over
new member GPA. We proved that we president to sell only Fair Trade coffee. We $ 4 , 0 0 0 dollars for arthritis research!
could work hard and have f u n at the gained over 1,000 signatures during this
same time. Congratulations to all o f our extremely successful event! Zeta Pi
A O I I study bugs!
Xi Omicron U of Alabama Birmingham
Upsilon Lambda O u r 2 0 0 7 recruitment was a success.
U of Arkansas W i t h hard work and great attitudes, we
The U of Texas, San Antonio were able to obtain 2 0 new girls that are
One of our sisters, Christina Gomez, was We recently had a great sisterhood event continuing to raise the standards for our
in the running for SGA president - and at X i O m i c r o n . We had t w o ladies f r o m Zeta Pi Chapter. For the first night, we
she won! The sisters at Upsilon Lambda out o f town visit to throw us a jean and chose to wear bright colors to stand out.
are very excited to have their o w n purse party. They had designer jeans for Philanthropy night was a success w i t h
Christina Gomez as SGA president! $ 3 0 , and purses such as Prada, Coach, b o w l i n g pins as the centerpieces for our
and Chanel for $ 6 0 . It was such a blast decorated tables and our choice o f pink
to watch everyone look for that perfect polos with blue jean shirts. For theme
pair ofjeans that they had been wanting night, we used our very popular skit o f
and still be able to walk away with some "It's a Great Time to be an A O I I " where
money still in their pockets!! N o t to we go back in time to revisit all the
mention having the people that know you decades. Lastly, for preference night we
best tell you how great you really do look dressed in all red and held a rose ceremony
i n your new jeans! that was special to all.

Zeta Psi

East Carolina U

Our first Founders' Day after returning
back on campus was a great success.
We had over 4 0 alumnae in attendance.
Special guest, Beverly Hatcher, came
and re-dedicated our house. We had a
luncheon for all the alumnae and parents.
Overall we had over 1 0 0 people attend,
including all the sisters.

6 4 • To DRAGMA ISSUE N O . 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8

Phi Chi (U of Chicago)

2i 0 &r

111 !
lota (U of Illinois)
! Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State U)

1 •


1 5i

Sigma Delta (Huntingdon College) 1 o DRAGMA

Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana at Mo

ISSUE NO. 3 • S U M M E R 2 0 0 8




You've heard the phrase "Virginia is for Lovers," a As A O I I panda lovers, the chapter saw it f i t t i n g
travel and tourism slogan used to drive vacationers to combine their Panda Project w i t h the local
to the state for almost 40 years. Along with the Williamsburg Arthritis Walk. Not only would the
beach lovers, mountain lovers, and history lovers combination add to the drive's success, the chapter
are eight women w i t h a love for A O I I who knew that it was a great way to visualize to their
belong to the Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter. community that A O I I is committed to helping f i n d
As all AOIIs, chapter members have a love o f a cure for arthritis.
philanthropy, community involvement, and
getting together for a good cause. It seemed like Utilizing almost every aspect o f the media kit,
the perfect combination of service and A O I I love the chapter spread the w o r d to the c o m m u n i t y by
when the chapter heard about the "Panda Project," submitting press releases and advertisements to local
a step-by-step online media kit for planning a newspapers, a public service announcement for
panda bear drive, launched by A O I I in the Fall o f radio, and sponsorship letters. Stickers,
2007. The Panda Project gave chapters creative T-shirts, and banners were made w i t h the Panda
control to develop logistics of the event, while the Project logo, helping to give the panda drive brand
online manual included all of the public relations recognition. The chapter explained how AOII's
tools necessary to promote the drive and provided unofficial mascot w o u l d serve to help children
instructions on how to send the pandas to the attending AJAO's summer conference through the
American Juvenile Arthritis Organization (AJAO).
m (r)

• ft







^ A l p h a Omaon Pi


event's "Teddy Bear Pain Clinic," which uses the
pandas to teach arthritis affected children how to
perform medicinal injections.

Anne Nicastro, Panda Project Chairman, admits
that putting together the event took a lot of work,
but was well w o r t h it. "The response f r o m the
community, businesses, and walk participants was
tremendous," she says.

C o m m u n i t y members were eager to help donate
f u r r y friends for the cause k n o w i n g the pandas
would directly benefit children. The donation
was personal and was a special way to add to the
monetary donations participants were raising for
the Arthritis Walk.

The Williamsburg Panda Project resulted in 3 1 fundraiser. "The Walk gave us an exciting place to
pandas and enough monetary donations for the be and an enthusiastic crowd. We plan to do this
purchase o f 2 1 additional bears. Fifty-two children every year as long as AJAO needs the bears."
w i l l be able to f i n d comfort and learn how to better Until a cure for arthritis is found, AJAO and the
manage their pain thanks to the women of the children it supports w i l l need pandas. Fortunately,
alumnae chapter. AOIIs in Virginia and throughout the rest o f
the world w i l l work to support research and
With an understanding of the importance for local provide programming that w i l l hopefully one day
chapters to support and advance their communities, eliminate the need for the Teddy Bear Pain Clinic.
the Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter is showing We w i l l celebrate the day when pandas w i l l never
theirs that their love for A O I I is unselfish. have to make trips to the hospital again. Instead,
we hope their owners w i l l be too busy taking them
Wanting to spread the love further throughout the to sleepovers, show and tells, and tea parties.
community, the chapter hopes to make the Panda
Project an annual tradition at the Arthritis Walk.
Anne recommends hosting your chapter's Panda
Project with your city's local Arthritis Walk or

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER. 2 0 0 8



From the beginning of new member education, "It is the positive
the Fraternity stresses that A O I I is a lifetime experiences they had
commitment. After college, we are still afforded that makes them want to
all of the opportunities that membership brings help ensure that younger
including leadership, involvement, personal generations of sisters have
growth, and of course, all o f the tun and sisterhood. the same opportunities."
When graduating seniors make their transistion
to alumnae status, they find themselves eager to local restaurants, manicure and makeup parties, and
head out into the new world and to embrace their a night on the town that involved a musical and
new role i n A O I I . While the friendships they desserts. The chapter has so many f u n activities
made in college will carry with them, they may each year, that non AOIIs i n the Chicago area must
mourn the loss o f formals, late night gossiping, and be jealous! The chapter has a strong presence i n the
creative theme parties, wondering i f j o i n i n g an community and does a good j o b publicizing their
alumnae chapter could possibly be as much f u n as involvement by sending press releases and photos to
their college days. Well, the Chicago Northwest several different local newspapers.
Suburban Alumane Chapter says it is!
Participating i n several local service projects and
Just as our collegiate members keep a full calendar philanthropy events, the Chicago Northwest
o f A O I I programming, the same is true for this AOIIs regularly give back to their community.
alumnae chapter. W i t h a a wide range of activities Raising money to purchase school supplies,
and events, there is no doubt that every member walking i n the Chicago Arthritis Walk, and an
can find at least a few that match their interests. annual nut sale benefiting the A O I I Foundation
T h i n k alumnae don't get to dress in costumes are a few o f the larger scale charity events that
and attend parties? You wouldn't i f you had the chapter is involved w i t h . Additionally, the
attended the chapter's Murder Mystery Party in chapter also makes each monthly chapter meeting
February. A d d pool parties, monthly dinners at an opportunity to serve. Each chapter meeting is
themed and members are asked to bring a donation
that is related to this theme. In September when
the chapter had manicures following their meeting,
they purchased nail polish to donate to a local
women's shelter. A few months later, the chapter
created Bingo prizes for an assisted l i v i n g facility.

AOIIs can be found volunteering for the Ronald
McDonald House, the Hemiplelgia Foundation,
CEDA, Camp Jam, the Y - M e Breast Cancer
progam, and the local chapter of the
Arthritis Foundation.

6 8 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8

W i t h such creative and f u n programming, it is executive board. The chapter also attended the
evident that these alumnae had f u n being AOIIs organization's f u n d rasier: "Stylin for Scholars
in college. It is the positive experiences they Fashion Show and Silent Auction," donating a
had that makes them want to help ensure that basket for the auction.
younger generations o f sisters have the same
opportunities. The chapter works to support Members always have a reason to meet up
seven collegiate chapters throughout Illinois and whether it is for chapter book club, bunco, or
into Iowa. Chapter members volunteer during birthday parties. This alumnae chapter proves that
formal recruitment and give gifts and provide A O I I for a lifetime doesn't just mean a lifetime
roses for graduating seniors. For collegiate of membership, but a lifetime of fun! Always
chapters that are not i n driving distance, Chicago welcoming new members, the Chicago Northwest
Northwest donates to local philanthropic events Suburban Alumnae Chapter is keeping busy.
and recruitment programs, sends holiday cards While they are extremely active, they are never to
and candy, and surprises collegiate members with busy to laugh, catch up w i t h friends, and to lend
goodie bags during exam weeks. a hand to sisters i n need. Just like the friends they
made in college, the friendships made through the
Showing N P C sisterhood, the chapter is involved alumnae experience are proof that our A O I I sisters
in the Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae aren't just the ones we shared d o r m rooms and new
Panhellenic with two members serving on the member lessons w i t h - A O I I members, wherever
found, w i l l always be your sisters!

ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 0 8 To DRAGMA • 69


I f <v





The A O I I Archives Museum underwent a complete facelift this past April. A l l six historical cabinets
were opened, cleaned and transformed w i t h vibrant new photos and treasures representing AOH's
rich history and current successes. Above, three o f the cases highlight the history o f To Dragma,
the history o f the official A O I I jewelry, and a salute to the chapters celebrating centennials i n
2 0 0 8 . The photo at right features a few items from another case highlighting AOII's f o u n d i n g and
Founders. Stella's Box is a black tin treasure that stored all the Fraternity's historical memorabilia
for decades. Stella carried it around w i t h her and we refer to it as our first headquarters. Stella is
shown in a photograph w i t h her box setting up for a Convention display. The R o l l Book o f Alpha
Chapter, the original Bylaws and Council Minutes, an original watercolor design by Stella, Alpha
Chapter's gavel, the Founders' 1898 yearbook and a photo o f three o f the founders are just a few o f
the treasures in this case.

7 0 • T o DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 3 • SUMMER 2 0 ( 1 8

M N t S * « H • • «*» h *™ »"nKW FT " 1 * 7"'7 ' ' r

riy (,„„ d W U the « a . n 111 a M i l *<IWv 4 H "M « * - * < J * P
l i n n whkh U H an okl and w U m i i m l IQML Am»l Rtry W W W
M * mnAwn Willi Sma.1 w i m k w wan ami wnh «inli|Hit ttn-amiiii: |>rmlv
llimigh ihr w i m t w mi ireiw liptwN Cutting ontwfr. thr CM p l o l p i l f * ll
other On January 2. W°7, AlpKi (MOM Fl formally o r g a n i m ! at the
hnmr 11* lldcnSt ( I a n ami that ilalr wa» m o g n i m ! ai IrHiixIrrV Day until it
htxamc HK n\uiu.:l\ tnmmTrnrnt tn bnltl tWtivmo (hirinp thr holitfav Ivrralc
IV* oonvrnicncT. AOII now irlrbratri hmmtrn' I >ay on Sirlla (Icorp- Strrri
IYrry i hirtMay, I Vmnhrr 8th

I5I Black Long Sleeve T-shirt w red and white sewn on kibble
letters. Unisex sizes S(2-4),M(6-8), I.( 10-12),XL( 14-16), XXL (18-20)
add $100. $26.00

235 Gray T-shirt w red and white sewn on letters. Unisex sizes
S(2-4), M(6-8).L(10-12),XL(14-l6),XXL(l8-20)add$2.00. $2100

234 Red T-shirt w black and white sewn on letters. Unisex sizes
S(24), M(6-8), L( 10-12). XL( 14-16). XXL (18-20) add $100. $2100

384R Red Traditional Jersey w /white sewn on letters. Unisex sizes
S(24). M(6-8). L( 10-12). XL( 14-16), XXL (18-20) add $100. $3100

315J Triple Strand White Seed Pearl Necklace w/adjustable
Sterling Silver clasp and AOI1 lavalicre. 18 inches. $75.00

306) Faith, Hope, and Charity Necklace. SterlingSil
18 inches. $30.00

323J Faith, Hope, and Charity Bangle Bracelet w/engraving.
Sterling Silver. $-*0.(X)

1 109 Red Fitted Ribbed Tank u/white
screen print design. Junior sizes S(0-2),
I M(4-6), L(8-10), XL( 12-14). S16.00
I 48 Red and White Stripe Beach Towel
w/embroidery. $26.00
1 5 Red Apron w/whitc embroidery
Medium length w/adjustablc straps. Front
pot kcts. SI6.00
144 Brown Cowboy Fitted Tee. 100
cotton brown fitted tee vv/Alpha Omicron I
x k I'll print. Available in Junior sizes Small (0

). Medium (4-6). Large (8-10), and X-l.arge
(12-14). Price SI6.00

Order Today!
/ S00-746-7264

I S'


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