of alpha omicron pi Vol. LXII, No.8
Convention Coverage
& Directory Issue
The € t > i t o r s P l a c e
by Diane Douglass, f Debbie Harper Stillwell
Public Relations Coordinator Sue Hinz Debbie is the jewelry buyer for Castner
A year ago Executive Director Sue Knott, an eleven-store department store
Lewis asked if I would consider assuming her character. The transition will be a chain headquartered in Nashville. Debbie
her role as Headquarters Liaison for To smooth one and the growth potential for and Tom are the proud parents of the
Dragma. Sue described the position in the new editor is limitless. new addition, three-month-old daughter
terms of the direct relationship of work- Allison Harper Stillwell.
ing with Sue Hinz, To Dragma Editor. I In the days and years ahead, I picture
recall that during her description of what Sue Hinz growing with the Fraternity in Debbie's AOII background and experi-
the job entails, she used words like privi- other capacities. Her influence w i l l be felt ence will assure the continuation of the
lege to work with Sue Hinz, honor to be in many ways. We w i l l be cheering her professional approach as she assumes the
a part of the To Dragma team. In reflect- on, just as she has done for so many reins of To Dragma. Welcome to the
ing over the past year, I know that she of us. team, Debbie!
was right. I have, indeed, been privileged
and honored to work with someone as Completing Sue's unexpired term will ANNUAL
articulate and talented as Sue Hinz. be Debbie Harper Stillwell (Mrs. Tom) of MEETINGS
Nashville, T N . A member of Nu Omi-
Sue Hinz is a growth-oriented person. cron chapter (Vanderbilt '76), Debbie has Pi Alpha Corporation
She has a strong desire to be an integral continued to be actively involved as an Oct. 17, 7 p.m.
part of the growth of our Fraternity; she alumna since graduation. She has served Chapter Room
wants to see all of her sisters, whether as president and membership chairman of University of Louisville
they are her beloved Alpha Gammas at the Nashville Alumnae Chapter and has
WSU or sisters in other states, excel in assisted Nu Omicron chapter as philan- For more information:
their chosen fields; and she wishes per- thropic adviser and corporation board Marty Rust
sonal development for herself as a wife, president. Recently she served as a Re- 479 Long Court
as a mother, as a community leader, as a gional Director for the former Region I I I . New Albany, I N 47150
professional. She has also accepted the position of 812-944-1802
chairman for Region II's Leadership Con-
But for those of us who have been ference. Chi Delta Corporation
privileged and honored to work with this Oct. 1, 7 p.m.
dynamic woman, we are the ones who As if her A O I I involvement is not Chi Delta chapter house
have grown. A0I1 collegians have grown enough to keep her busy, Debbie is active 1015 15th St.
because of the positive attention she has in the American Needlepoint Guild and Boulder, CO 80302
given to each chapter and promoting the the Arthritis Foundation. Professionally
endeavors of each chapter; A O I I alumnae For further information:
have grown because of Sue's determined Nu Lambda plans Phyllis Stewart
approach to underscore the importance 10th anniversary 7241 South Washington Way
her sisters play in all aspects of life; the Littleton, C O 80122
Greek w o r l d of journalism has grown be- The members of Nu Lambda, Universi-
cause of the standards she has set and the ty of Southern California, along with an Nu Lambda Corporation
efficient manner in which she has accom- Alumnae Organizing Committee, prepare Oct. 30, 7 p.m.
plished her goals. to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Chapter House
recolonization of the N u Lambda chapter 647 W . 28th St.
When Sue announced that family and at USC. Los Angeles, Calif.
professional responsibilities would pre-
vent her f r o m continuing as editor, the Plans include a brunch at the chapter
consensus of opinion was "what a hard house before the Homecoming Game
act to f o l l o w . " But be assured that Sue is (October 5) and a reunion luncheon in
leaving her position in a manner true to the spring. A l l proceeds f r o m these two
events will be donated to the chapter.
Dear Editor,
Thanks so much for a colorful and de-
lightful Summer issue of To Dragma.
That bit of color with all the red AOII
shirts was a nice addition.
I recently attended my 25th college re-
union at the University of Maine (Gam-
ma) and f o r the first time in 25 years,
wore my AOII pin. I relived four years of
a happy college life in a short weekend.
Keep up the good work with the maga-
zine. I always enjoy reading what AOIIs
are doing, especially f r o m Gamma chap-
Sharon Ward Fuehrer
Gamma '57
Published since January, 1905 by RAGMA
A L P H A O M I C R O N PI ofalpha omicron pL
F R A T E R N I T Y , Inc. Fall 1985 Vol. LXII, No. 8
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity ¥eMurin$
Founded at Barnard College,
Rose Banquet Speech '85 mm
January 2, 1897 International awards given
Peg Crawford elected 30
*Founders Chapter consultants picked
DJF scholars recognized 4
Jessie Wallace Hughan 8
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) 16
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.) 24
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
"The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter To Dragma deadlines. 2
at Barnard College of Columbia University and Jan. 1 5 April 1 July 1 Oct. 1 25
all are deceased. MEMBER 42
Alpha Omicron Pi
International Headquarters Departments
3821 Cleghorn Ave. The Editor's Place
Nashville, Tennessee 37215 AOII Philanthropic Foundation report
Collegiate Chapter Commentaries
Telephone: 615-383-1174 AOTI Directory
Sue Wayenberg Hinz, A r
N W 1445 Kenny
Pullman, W A 99163
(509) 332-1168—Home
(509) 335-4527—Office
Sue Edmunds Lewis, T A
3821 Cleghorn A v e .
Nashville, T N 37215
PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of
Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly
by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price
is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life
subscription: $50.00.
P O S T M A S T E R : Send address changes to
Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave.,
Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all
editorial communications to the Editor,
3821 Cleghorn A v e . , Nashville, T N
37215. Second Class Postage paid at
Nashville, T N and additional mailing of-
On the Cover
Members of Delta Delta chapter,
Auburn University, used skits,
complete with full costumes to
entertain rushees. AOIT chapters
across the U . S . and Canada were
busy this fall introducing young
women to the world of A O I I .
r The next pages offer a brief
glimpse into the week of activi-
By Ginger Banks house, plants and dog, Buffy. After the ties many collegians and alum-
airlines beat up my luggage, you loaned nae shared at International
Past International President me yours. A n d , M o m , you even called Convention in Washington,
me during a dinner party you were at- D . C . , last summer. Through
Rose Banquet speaker tending to ask whether I needed any lug- excellent coordination, the
gage for an AOEt trip I was taking the meeting proved beneficial in
Tonight, I want to share some thoughts next day. every way. There was a visit
about how we grow through our AOII in- by Secretary of Agriculture
volvement with the aid of our support But you do know when to draw the John Block, presentation of
networks. And I want you to consider line when you need to. Last February our latest arthritis research
how important it is that each of us recog- when I was scheduled to speak at the grant and many special times.
nize the necessity for support and under- Knoxville, T N Founders' Day, the lunch- Of course, there were plenty of
standing, and how imperative it is that eon was postponed due to icy weather- "Amy and Steven" pictures
we never stop nurturing them. not in Knoxville, but in Austin. (page 5) from Aunt Ginger
(Banks). Plan to join AOII for
A n d to make these points, I have writ- O n the Friday afternoon that I was its next convention in Palm
ten a letter to my parents. M o m and originally scheduled to travel, a big sleet Springs, Calif., in 1987.
Dad, I hope you won't mind if 550 of my and snow storm hit Austin. It took me an
most intimate friends listen in. hour to slip and slide home f r o m the of- And, Dad, you've helped me in many
fice—a trip that usually takes just 15 min- ways, too—not the least of which is all
Dear M o m and Dad, utes. the guidance you provided over the years
I've never tried to put into writing for to help me become a better writer. I
During the height of the storm, I called learned more about writing from you
you the reasons w h y I've wanted to be so y o u , M o m , and said, "Just think. This is than I did f r o m all my journalism teach-
involved with AOII, or how much your about the time we would have been driv- ers combined.
support means to me. N o w seems like an ing to the airport."
appropriate time to try to do both. Or, as you might say, if all my journal-
Without missing a beat, you said, ism teachers were lined up end to end, it
One of the most obvious ways you "What do you mean WE?" would probably be a good thing.
support me is that you facilitate my AOII
trips. You provide transportation to and Dad, you have written three books and
from the airport. You look in on my countless magazine and newspapers arti-
cles. But of all the things you have writ-
ten on subjects ranging from sports to
politics, my personal favorite was the let-
ter y o u sent me in Kansas City during the
1981 AOII Convention.
Written when I became International
President, the letter was very meaningful
and touching. It reaffirmed the pride you
and M o m had in me and offered your en-
That letter was especially important
because it came f r o m a man who had
been somewhat skeptical about the
amount of time and energy I was devot- trying to find explanations after a deci- After that, you and M o m probably
ing to AOTI—strictly on a volunteer sion I made 11 years ago. stopped being surprised at further turns
basis. of events and how they led to my increas-
During 1973-74, I was employed by the ing involvement in AOII.
Dad, you have always done a lot of ex- Fraternity in Austin as Administrative
tracurricular work writing and selling Assistant, which was the forerunner to That involvement was greatly facilitat-
magazine articles. Having put so much our current Chapter Services Coordina- ed by your understanding and support. I
time and energy into such activities for tor position. remember many evenings when you were
monetary rewards, similar levels of in- at my house for dinner that were inter-
volvement for no monetary gain was dif- In 1974, I decided I needed to get on rupted by AOII phone calls that could not
ficult for you to understand. with my career and seek other employ- wait. I remember that you patiently en-
ment in Austin. But, I told the Executive tertained yourselves while I took the
In fact, I'm sure there are a lot of peo- Committee (as it was called at that time) calls.
ple who have many questions about what that I still wanted to work with the Chap-
motivates volunteers to do what they do. ter Consultants and assist w i t h various I remember the times you suggested
A n d , at times, volunteers may ask them- projects. So, I suggested that I continue that we have lunch together on Sunday,
selves the same questions. as Administrative Assistant as a volun- but accepted my counterproposal that we
teer. eat together that night so I could spend
Questions such as: all day at the AOII typewriter.
Why do many AOII international and When I told you that the Executive
regional officers devote all of their vaca- Committee had taken me up on my sug- Perhaps your indulgence resulted f r o m
tion time to AOII trips? gestion, Dad, you said, "Let me make realizing that AOTI was becoming increas-
sure I understand this. You're going to be ingly important to me. Perhaps your pa-
Why do we spend our evenings and doing basically the same things for AOTI tience resulted f r o m seeing how much I
weekends on the AOII telephone or at the you did this year. The main difference is was benefitting from that involvement—
typewriter? you're not going to get paid. Right?" both professionally and personally. Per-
haps your support resulted f r o m seeing
Why do we contribute intellectually, That was about the size of i t . A n d all the happiness and fulfillment that came
emotionally, and monetarily to the Fra- you could do was shake you head in from my involvement.
ternity? wonder and wish me well.
But your ultimate positive encourage-
There seem to be no universal answers. Both of which you did.
And, M o m and Dad, you probably quit 5
ment is somewhat remarkable in light of in the Fraternity, the direction we were the many friends I've gained and the plac-
all the frustrations I shared with you giving it, and the difference AOII can es I've been because of my AOII involve-
along the way. make in the life of each member. A n d I ment.
believed that each person can make a dif-
There were times, as you well know, ference in AOII. Many people I know take weekend
that I thought I wouldn't be able to cope trips to Dallas and Corpus Christi. I take
with the workload and frustrations. I It is such positive aspects of involve- weekend trips to Seattle and Syracuse.
shared a great deal of that with you. A n d ment that motivated me. A n d it is such
although you never said it, you must positive aspects that I realized I needed to In fact, since becoming International
have wondered why I wanted to continue share with you. President, I've travelled 80,000 miles—
with something that could be so demand- and that is just on American Airlines.
ing and frustrating. I realized that you would never fully
understand my commitment to AOII if I I appeared with two other national
I guess I asked myself that, too, at just seemed to share the disappointments, presidents and the chairman of the Na-
times. And I really can't explain what not the joys. A n d I realized that a lot of tional Panhellenic Conference on a televi-
kept me going during those difficult other AOIIs are in the same boat. sion talk show in Boston.
times. You helped me think things
through. But, beyond that, I guess I was If a boyfriend or family member I installed nine collegiate chapters of
determined to not let the workload or the doesn't think the A O I I should be involved AOII—a joy that is beyond compare.
frustrations dissuade me. in the Fraternity, w h y is that? Has the A n d a joy that I hope Peg Crawford will
A O I I just shared the frustrations—not the experience even more often than I did.
I continued because I always believed good things—with family and friends?
I got to be w i t h wonderful people—
If so, no wonder we sometimes experi- members of AOII and their families—
ence resistance to our involvement. We people I can't imagine not having as parts
need to accentuate the positive and share of my life.
our joys—as well as our disappoint-
ments—with our family and friends. But most memorable of all, I had con-
stant opportunities to contribute not only
A n d the joys are many. Just think of to the Fraternity, but to my personal
growth, as well.
It's amazing how our perspectives knew I would get lost in the amendments agement of many other AOIIs, I've tack-
change about our own capabilities. When to the amendments, or create a parlia- led responsibilities which at first had giv-
I was Administrative Assistant (you re- mentary snaffu the first time I presided en me cases of rapid heartbeats, sweaty
member, one of the first A O I I jobs I at a meeting of Council. palms, and sleepless nights.
didn't get paid f o r ) , I watched my boss,
Janie Callaway, successfully juggle count- But I became International President, As a result, I did things I never had
less AOEl responsibilities and think, " I conducted those meetings, and was sur- thought I could do—or would enjoy do-
could never do that." But I became Vice prised that I had fun doing that. ing. A n d , I grew as a president, as a man-
President of Operations and did that. ager, as a person.
Those realizations had begun months
While serving as International Rush before, of course, when I assumed the In- I gained more confidence.
Chairman, I marvelled at V P / O Joan ternational Presidency during AOII's I learned to have the firmness of my
MacCallum's ability to place Special Kansas City Convention. During our convictions, but to balance them with the
Chapter Assistants after working with post-convention Board meeting, I was need to bend.
the impossible puzzle pieces of chapter sifting through Board decisions in my I became more flexible in some things,
needs, SCA capabilities, degree pro- mind to determine who would be respon- but more resolute about my beliefs.
grams, and tuition costs. I thought, "I'm sible for implementing them. I became more patient with people, but
glad I don't have to do that." But I be- more fervent about expediting the Frater-
came Vice President of Operations and During one discussion about a delicate nity's progress.
did that. situation, I thought, "that's Joan MacCal- I became more tolerant of human foi-
lum's area of concern. She'll handle it bles, but more demanding in expecting
I saw how previous International Presi- well." A moment later, it hit me like a the best.
dents handled the complexities of busi- ton of bricks: that was not Joan's area of I learned to make firm judgments, but
ness meetings at Convention. Not ever concern anymore, It was MINE. always tried to restrain them with love.
having been particularly adept at, or a
fan of, parliamentary procedure, I just Last week, I couldn't even spell gradu- (continued on page 60)
ate. Now I ARE one.
Because of the assistance and encour-
Gamma Sigma president honored
Diana Roper, Gamma Sigma chapter, e
George State University, received the
1985 Perry A w a r d as AOITs most out- 1
standing collegiate chapter president.
Diane Roper, Gamma Sigma president, was announced as recipient of the Perry Award by Past
Past International President Jessie M a - International President Jessie Marie Cramer.
rie Cramer, chairman of the Perry A w a r d
Committee, said the new winner de- involved in extracurricular activities at go each year to the one collegiate presi-
mands of herself and achieves the highest school, have an active social life, spend dent who, by outstanding service to her
of standards in conduct and in the per- time with her family and keep her grades chapter, exceptional inspiration to its
formance of her responsibilities. above a 3.5 and still be an excellent and members, and recognition by the admin-
outstanding president. istration and fellow students of her col-
"She is a firm believer that people sup- lege or university, typifies the A O I I so be-
port what they help create," Jessie Marie " I feel sure that Stella not only would loved by Stella George Stern Perry.
said. "When elected she asked for mem- approve, but would also applaud our se-
bers' input. The chapter established its lection of the 1985 Perry A w a r d recipi- The Perry A w a r d is administered by
goals and each member was given a copy ent," Jessie Marie said. three Past International Presidents ap-
so they would be reminded of what they pointed by the Executive Board, each
were striving to achieve together." The Perry Award, established by serving a staggered term of six years. "It
Council of A O I I at the 1959 Convention is a privilege f o r a Past International
Diana is described as super sensitive to and first awarded at the 1961 Conven- President, who is interested in the welfare
the needs of others. tion, honors Founder Stella George Stern of our Fraternity, to serve on this Com-
Perry. mittee," Jessie Marie said. "It keeps us in
"She always gives encouragement and close touch w i t h many of our collegiate
helps in any way she can," Jessie Marie Stella was not only the first National chapters and has brought to me, as I am
said. "Diana's kindness is shown not only President of AOII, serving f r o m 1898 to sure it has to the other members of the
within the Fraternity, but also outside of 1905, but was as well the first president 1983-85 Committee, Norma Ackel and
A O I I . She set the pace for her chapter in of Alpha chapter, the first of AOII's chap- Joan MacCallum, a feeling of pride, satis-
philanthropic work on her campus. ters. She was a great champion of the faction and appreciation of our younger
young. AOII was theirs to build and cher- members who are so ably strengthening
"She is to be admired for she certainly ish. She insisted upon simplicity, dignity the foundation and growth of Alpha Om-
exemplifies AOII in her fairness, kindness and integrity in all that we do. icron Pi."
and charitableness to others," Jessie M a -
rie added. It is, therefore, appropriate that the
award to honor her and carry her name
During Diana's tenure as Gamma Sig-
ma president a Mothers' Club was
organized. Alumnae relationships were
strengthened through newsletters and in-
vitations to chapter functions. Each
member was urged to become involved in
outside organizations and activities on
the campus.
"The winner is an example of a mature
lady, as well as a mature A O I I , " Jessie
Marie told those attending International
Convention Rose Banquet. "Her exten-
sive organization is a supreme example of
her disciplined life. She budgets her time.
She was able to hold a part-time job, be
Diana's parents were on hand at the Rose Ban-
quet to see their daughter honored.
Executive Board Director Melanie Doyle congratulates Tau Delta chapter president Sonya Thomas who represented the JWH Award winners at Inter-
national Convention.
Tau Delta earns JWH cup for excellence
The efforts to overall excellence paid Homecoming Court. Five members are Best,' " Melanie said. "It typifies the top
off for Tau Delta chapter, Birmingham fraternity sweethearts. quality chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi and
Southern College, as the group was an- certainly deserves the recognition."
nounced as recipients of the JWH A w a r d "These women carry the motto 'AOIT is
during International Convention.
Sonya returned to Birmingham Southern with a number of honors awarded the chapter.
The award which recognizes AOII
Founder Jessie Wallace Hughan, is given
"to the collegiate chapter which exem-
plifies to the Fraternity the standings of
performance and the high ideals the
Founders had instilled in a tradition of
excellence passed down through the
Executive Board member Melanie
Doyle complimented the chapter on its
strong chapter relations committee and
its successful ritual workshops.
Tau Delta has the highest grade point
average on campus, an honor members
have held for two years.
"Rush is a shining star in the chapter,"
Melanie added. "Individual and group
achievements show another outstanding
aspect of the chapter."
During the past two years the chapter
has won campus philanthropic awards
and placed first in all intramural sports.
Individuals have been recognized in
Alpha Lambda Delta, Alpha Epsilon Del-
ta, Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Beta Kap-
pa, Mortar Board, Triangle Club, and
Lucy Howorth
earns AOII's
Wyman Award
0 Lucy Somerville Howorth, Kappa,
Randolph-Macon Women's College, has
Pictured with Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Award recipient Lucy Somerville Howorth, Kappa, received the Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
Randolph-Macon, left, is Lucille Hicks, a member of the Massachusetts legislature. A w a r d as an alumna who has distin-
guished herself in her profession, the arts
or service to humanity.
A n d this AOII certainly meets the cri-
Still writing and speaking on behalf of
the rights of women is Judge Lucy
Howorth. She grew up in the suffrage
movement under the guidance of her
mother, Nellie Nugent Somerville, who,
two years after Lucy's birth, organized
the Mississippi Woman Suffrage Associa-
In 1916 Lucy was graduated f r o m
Randolph-Macon. She attended Colum-
bia University and earned her law degree
from the University of Mississippi in
From 1927-31 she served as U.S. Com-
missioner for the Southern Judicial Dis-
trict of Mississippi.
In 1931 she was elected representative
f r o m Hinds County to the Mississippi leg-
continued on page 11
'AOII was always there, ready to help'
Editor's Note: AOII's Wyman Award re- of me: Linda Best, Shirley McDavitt, and me, one of the best investments I ever
cipient, Lucy Somerville Howorth, ac- Lida Belle Brame, all AOIIs. Never had I made.
cepted To Dragma's request for a few seen such attractive girls. I was enchant-
words about her special relationship with ed. We continued to be devoted friends In the late '30s I was asked to serve
the Fraternity. as long as they lived; so it was with all with Elizabeth Michael Brotherhood and
the chapter. Kay Bremer Matson as Trustee of our en-
I welcome the opportunity to personal- dowment funds. For some 10 years we
ly thank all AOIIs through To Dragma. Shortly after I graduated in 1916 I was worked with investments in money and
You have done me a great honor. I shall asked to fill the unexpired term of the chapters, again my friendship among
treasure the Wyman Award presented to National Examining Officer, then was members grew and enriched my life and,
me in absentia on July 2, 1985. elected to a full term. In 1918 I went to I hope, theirs.
Columbia University and joined the New
If by some miracle I could have been in York Alumnae Chapter. While in New For someone who like me has had an
two places at once, I would have been York I met three of the Founders and extensive professional career and who
there. Several months before, my sister most members of the New York Universi- has worked with national organizations,
Eleanor Somerville Shands, Kappa '12, ty chapter, many of whom were lawyers it has been a great sustaining force to
now 94, had arranged that her three or law students. It has seemed to me that know that anywhere I might go, if need
daughters should give me an extraordi- AOII has a larger proposition of lawyers arose there would be an A O I I standing
nary birthday celebration on July 1 at than the average sorority. It may simply near, ready to help and to add warmth to
Monteagle S.S. Assembly, the summer be that like attracts like. the greeting of others. If I had had a more
home of our family for 99 years. restricted life, I think the awareness of
As I planned to return to Mississippi to friends "out there" would have added a
As I was helped off the Memphis Spe- study law and knew that there was no ac- glow to living.
cial at Lynchburg in September 1912, tive or alumnae chapter in the state I
three girls rushed up and took possession took out a life membership so as not to M y message? Cherish your member-
lose touch with present and possibly f u - ship in AOII, cling to your friends and
ture friends. This turned out to be for know you are never alone.
—Lucy Somerville Howorth
Nancy Moyer McCain, Rho, Northwestern University, Helen St. Clair Mullan Award recipient, Barbara Bierer Long
has worked many years on AOIls archival holdings.
Regional director
Fraternity honors Nancy McCain wins recognition
"The AOII who knows AOII, is proud International President, and recipient of It's been an honor to serve, according
of AOII and who believes in AOII" . . . the 1985 Helen St. Clair Mullan Award. to Regional Director Award recipient
these words were written more than 30 Barbara Bierer Long, Alpha Rho, Oregon
years ago by Nancy Moyer McCain, Past In her announcement of Nancy's honpr State.
Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy, also a Past
Howorth— International President, called Nancy an " I love the mutual opportunity to care
"AOII who has been a role model since about and to share the excellence of my
continued from page 10 her college days." sorority," the regional director in Region
V I I said. "To work as a volunteer in a va-
islature. Running on the slogan " A pub- Nancy, a past chapter president for riety of ways with collegiate and alumnae
lic office is a public trust," she faced nine Rho chapter, Northwestern University, members of AOII has been an experience
male candidates in her campaign. where she was initiated in 1944, has de- of pleasure and growth for me."
veloped friendships that reflect her loyal-
Franklin Roosevelt appointed Lucy to ty and inspired others to strive toward Barbara is a strong adviser who has
the Board of Appeals of the Veterans A d - the same loyalty. learned to listen to the needs of her chap-
ministration in 1934. She served in gov- ters.
ernment for the next 20 years becoming "She gives to collegians and alumnae a
an assistant general counsel, deputy gen- true understanding of AOIl's friendship "To watch members strive for excel-
eral counsel and general counsel of the and love," Eleanore said. lence is an important goal for me person-
War Claims Commission. She was the ally and one I would like to share with all
first woman to serve as a general counsel Nancy has served on the International members of A O I I , " she said. " I strongly
of any executive or administrative agency Executive Committee as secretary, vice feel that answering challenges is an affir-
of the Federal government. president and president. She has spear- mation of the ability and skills we have
headed the organization of the archives at as people."
Lucy and her husband Joseph, also an International Headquarters.
attorney, moved to Cleveland, Miss., The regional director also received a
and opened a law firm in 1958. The first traveling secretary for the Fra- Rose A w a r d for service to AOII during
ternity, Nancy has since given more than the summer convention.
She has been honored by many organi- 40 years of continued faithful and devot-
zations, including Radcliffe College and ed service to AOII. "The awards that were shared with me
the state of Mississippi. She remains ac- by my sisters at International Convention
tive in community activities. The award recipient founded the alum- were an important gift of caring and con-
nae chapter she now serves as president. cern from AOII," Barbara said. " I believe
Lucy has served AOII as the national that all of us also contribute to the op-
examining officer f r o m 1917-20, a trustee "Nancy has helped countless numbers portunities for achievement, excellence
for the AOII endowment funds, and in understand the beauty and timeless val- and sisterhood because we care for these
1960, she was appointed a trustee to ues of our Ritual through many semi- things.
oversee the building of the N u Beta chap- nars," Eleanore added. "The award
ter house. which honors an alumna who has given "They will stand on their own merits
service to the Fraternity beyond necessity because they are qualities that improve
for many years certainly belongs to Nan- our lives," she added.
cy Moyer McCain.
"For those AOIIs who have not tried
"Her enthusiasm is infectious and her the experience of joining and participat-
leadership outstanding." ing in this excellence, I suggest they take
the risk of getting involved and caring
about the development of other women,"
the director stressed.
Chapters, individuals earn AOII recognition
Scores of alumnae and collegians were awarded to Barbara Bierer Long, Alpha
honored with awards during Internation- Rho, RD VI.
al Convention last summer.
Distinguished Service Awards which
The Adele K. Hinton Award for Excel- honor well rounded, top-notch chapters
lence which honors an alumna who has for their activities, scholarship, service to
worked tirelessly for the Fraternity and campus, college, community, internal
who has, most especially, served as a per- quality, relations with national, financial
sonal example and inspiration to others; responsibility and training programs for
in loving memory and honor of Adele a two-year period went to ten:
Kulfewski Hinton, Past International
President; was given to Joan Deathe Mac- Alpha Delta, University of Alabama;
Callum, Kappa Phi. Iota, University of Illinois; Lambda Chi,
LaGrange College; Lambda Sigma,
The Regional Director Award in recogni- University of Georgia; Nu Omicron,
tion of the most outstanding Regional Di- Vanderbilt University; Omicron, Univer-
rector for the biennium; in service to sity of Tennessee; Phi Sigma, Kearney
their chapters, both collegiate and alum- State College; Sigma Phi, California
nae, and in service to her Fraternity; was State University; Tau Delta, Birming-
Adviser's efforts help chapter
Many times it takes some type of crisis there." Chi Delta, University of Colorado, won the
before one knows she is needed. So true "I really try just to advise now, no Philos Award for it Panhellenic spirit.
with the winner of the Muriel T. McKin-
ney Award for outstanding service as a push, pull, lead, tug or force," she added. ham-Southern College, and Zeta, Univer-
chapter adviser. "I know how much I can say and I know sity of Nebraska.
when I am being tuned out.
Mary Jane Ahrendes Griffanti, Alpha The Headquarters Cooperation Cup hon-
Phi, Montana State University, hadn't "We seem to operate as a team now," oring the collegiate chapter maintaining
been "back home" too long before the she added. the best communications and records
call went out for advisory help for the with Headquarters went to Nu Omicron,
chapter. Because Vanderbilt University.
The chapter was financially unstable Care In Scholarship, the McCausland Cup to
because of low numbers. But Mary Jane honor the collegiate chapter with the
and a core of local alums began to work Because we care f o r each most outstanding scholarship for the past
with the chapter and, as they learned, the other and the world two years was awarded Beta Tau, Uni-
chapter began to rebuild on its AOII heri- members contribute versity of Toronto.
tage. annually to arthritis
research, the Ruby Fund Scholarship Cups went to Beta Phi, Indi-
"I was really a nag at times," Mary and the Educational ana University; Beta Tau, University of
Jane admitted. "We became very good at Endowment of the Toronto; Chi Beta, University of Virgin-
continuous open bidding. Then we per- Fraternity. Bequests and ia; Chi Lambda, University of Evansville;
fected our formal rush and the numbers Memorial gifts are Lambda Chi, LaGrange College; Phi Del-
started coming—and the quality and the acknowledged. ta, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee;
pride. Send Your Tax-Deductible and Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College.
Contributions to—
"With a lot of help from regional peo- AOn PHILANTHROPIC The Philos Award to honor one collegiate
ple and the support from our local group FOUNDATION chapter on whose campus the Panhellenic
of alums, the chapter became a group to spirit is best exemplified went to Chi Del-
be proud of—and they were proud of 3821 Cleghorn Avenue, Nashville, ta, University of Colorado. A citation
themselves and continue to work to be- T N . 37215 went to Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania
come better," Mary Jane added. "Noth- State University.
ing works as well as pride in yourself. It
shows and it attracts. The Philanthropic award honoring the
collegiate chapter with the most out-
"Nothing else that I have done in my standing philanthropic achievements
life has given me such a sense of worthi- and/or money to local projects was
ness and accomplishment," the honored earned by Gamma Sigma, Georgia State
chapter adviser said. "Being involved University. Citations went to Omega,
with a group of women—all working for
the same goals—and knowing that finally
I was loved and appreciated and needed.
We have laughed and cried together
many times. They have seen me at my
best and my worst and I have seen them
the same—yet the acceptance is always
Miami University, and Tau Omicron, CATEGORY E— Omega chapter. The award went to M a r y Jane
University of Tennessee-Martin. Epsilon Alpha Phi Ahrendes Griffanti, Alpha Phi.
Kappa Alpha
The AOII International Award for excel- Lambda Chi Sigma Chi Distinguished Service Awards honor
lence in rush honored three chapters (cat- Lambda Sigma Upsilon well-rounded alumnae chapters for excel-
egorized to size) who exemplified excel- lence in service to their communities, col-
lent formal rush, achieved and main- legiate chapters, philanthropic projects,
tained totals, initiated large percentage of and city panhellenic; and for their out-
pledges, solicited and used MIFs in mem- standing programming designed to meet
bership selection, and maintained year the needs of their membership and to
round program to promote rush success. promote and support the activities of the
The chapters saluted with this award fraternity. Winners were Chicago North-
were Iota, University of Illinois; Sigma west Suburban, Chicago West Suburban,
Omicron, Arkansas State University; and Dallas, Evansville Tri-County, Greater
Tau Delta, Birmingham-Southern Col- Pinellas, Indianapolis, Muncie, Phoenix,
lege. Pullman, and Southern Orange County.
The Outstanding Corporation Award The alumnae Philos Award to honor one
went to Sigma Corporation, Berkeley, alumnae chapter in whose city the Pan-
Calif. A citation went to Alpha Gamma hellenic spirit is best exemplified went to
Corporation, Pullman, Wash. Southern Orange County, Calif. A cita-
tion was awarded to Tulsa, Okla.
The Quota Honor Roll recognized those
chapters who have either (I) successfully Past International President Jessie Marie The Philanthropic Award to honor an
pledged Panhellenic quota on their re- Cramer, right, has contributed $10,000 to the alumnae chapter for outstanding philan-
spective campuses during the main for- AOII Endowment Fund to recognize Phi chap- thropic achievements, fulfilling interna-
mal rush period; or (II) pledged Panhel- ter, University of Kansas. With Jessie is Execu- tional quota and contributing money and
lenic quota through formal rush and tive Board Director Barbara Daugs Hunt, also time to local projects went to Indianapo-
continuous open bidding during the president of the AOII Philanthropic Founda- lis, Ind. Citations were given to Palo
school term in which formal rush is held. tion. Alto, Calif., and St.Louis, Mo.
CATEGORY I — Nu Omicron Collegiate Chapter Certificate of The Membership Program Award to
Alpha Chi Omega Achievement measured a standard of ex- honor the alumnae chapter with the most
Alpha Gamma Omicron cellence of chapter performance, as rated outstanding membership recruitment/re-
Alpha Phi Phi on a numeric scale based on the Perform- tention program was earned by Balti-
Beta Phi ance Standards for Collegiate Chapters. more, M d . A citation went to Long
Chi Beta Phi Beta These chapters have earned at least 145 Beach, Calif.
Chi Lambda Phi Sigma out of a possible 185 points and represent
Delta Delta Phi Upsilon a well-rounded, active and successful Alumnae Chapter Certificates of
Delta Omega Pi Alpha chapter: Achievement went to the following:
Delta Pi Pi Delta
Delta Upsilon Sigma Chi Baltimore Minneapolis/St. Paul
Gamma Alpha Sigma Delta
Gamma Delta Sigma Omicron Chicago N. Shore Montgomery
Iota Sigma Phi
Tau Delta Alpha Delta Lambda Iota Chicago NW Sub. Muncie
Kappa Alpha Tau Lambda Alpha Gamma Lambda Sigma
Kappa Gamma Tau Omicron Alpha Phi Lambda Tau Chicago W. Suburban Nashville
Kappa Kappa Theta Pi Beta Tau Lambda Upsilon
Kappa Omega Upsilon Lambda Chi Alpha Nu Lambda Columbus, Ohio New Jersey
Kappa Tau Zeta Chi Beta Omega
Lambda Chi Chi Delta Phi Beta Dallas North Orange County
Lambda Sigma Chi Lambda Phi Sigma
Lambda Upsilon Delta Upsilon Phi Upsilon Dearborn Northern Virginia
Epsilon Alpha Pi Alpha
Gamma Delta Pi Delta Denver Area Northwest Arkansas
Gamma Omicron Sigma
Gamma Sigma Sigma Delta Detroit N. Suburban Oklahoma City
Iota Sigma Omicron
Sigma Phi Diablo Valley Palo Alto
Iota Sigma Tau Delta
Kappa Alpha Tau Lambda East Bay Phoenix
Kappa Omega Tau Omicron
Kappa Omicron Theta Evansville Tri-State Pullman
Kappa Pi Zeta
Kappa Tau Ft. Wayne Rockford
Quota Honor Roll—Category II Greater Harrisburg San Diego
Greater Kansas City San Jose
Alpha Delta Gamma Greater Pinellas Southern Orange County
Delta Theta Gamma Beta Greater Portland, Me State College, Pa
Houston Syracuse
The Initiation Honor Roll recognized Huntsville Tampa Bay Area
those chapters who have either (I) initiat-
ed 100% of their major pledge class for Indianapolis Terre Haute
the academic year; or (II) initiated at least
95% of their major pledge class for the Kentuckiana Toledo
academic year.
Knoxville Tulsa
Long Beach Ventura County
Milwaukee Virginia Tidewater
CATEGORY I — Kappa Pi The Muriel T . McKinney A w a r d is given
Chi Beta Lambda Upsilon biennially in memory of a Past Interna-
Delta Upsilon Tau Lambda tional President and presented to an
Phi Delta alumna adviser for her outstanding guid-
Phi Upsilon ance and length of service to a collegiate
Among the Rose Award winner who attended International Convention standing, left to right, Norma Godfrey Taylor, Alice DeBuino Schuette,
were seated, left to right, Wilma Smith Leland, Reba Shannon Traber, Millie Milam Murphy, Ann Brislawn Beardsley, Sue Daiger Schell,
Pam Hathcock deZevallos, Nancy Glen Scaheen, Gloria Cummingham Rachel Allen (accepting for Joyce Hudson), Sandy Reeder, Marilyn L .
Rowland, Freddie Kalil Schutten, and Patricia Prashaw Lockhart; and Faris, and Carol Spence Barrow.
Alumnae honored for Fraternity service
with Rose Awards at Convention
Thirty alumnae were honored this E. Ann Brislawn Beardsley, Upsilon, "Marilyn has a very positive attitude
summer with the Rose A w a r d for service. Seattle. "As our alumnae chapter presi- about life. She has a great love for A O I I
The award honors alumnae who have dent, A n n brought back to Seattle infor- and a genuine interest and concern for
gone beyond the call of duty in serving mation on the importance of 'shining' our collegiate and alumnae members. She has
the Fraternity. light on a wider basis to more alumnae in a sense of humor and is willing to work.
our area. She is highly respected among Currently she serves as International
They include the following: her peers for her talents and presenta- Scholarship Chairman."
Anne Witt Allison, Omicron, Ken- Marie Wrobleski Fedon, Epsilon A l -
tuckiana Alumnae Chapter. "Anne has a Margaret Catherine Daugherty Cifers, pha, State College. "We feel Marie has
very positive attitude about A O I I . She in- Omicron, Knoxville. "She has been a mo- been an inspiration to all who have
spires others by her commitment and en- tivating person f o r all of us here in known her. Marie's creativity, her ener-
thusiasm. Anne is a great supporter and Knoxville to be active in A O I I . She is a gy, her quiet strength were instrumental
mentor for the current alumnae chapter positive factor and the epitome of what in returning Epsilon Alpha to the Penn
officers. She currently serves as Interna- an AOII stands for. She has held many State campus. She is admired and re-
tional Rush Chairman." offices in the alumnae chapter." spected for her untiring energy and lead-
Carol Spence Barrow, Kappa Theta, Pamela Hathcock deZevallos, N u Omi-
Tulsa. "Carol can always be counted on cron, Houston. "Pam's never-ending de- Ruth Healy Furhovden, Theta Pi, Syr-
to help in any capacity—from an office in votion to AOII at every level, plus the acuse. "Ruth's positive attitude influences
AOII and Panhellenic to organizing a personal and professional achievements all her AOII activities and certainly influ-
meal to be taken in when an A O I I is i l l . she has attained, give encouragement to ences the chapter. She has given wise fi-
She has provided 40 years of service and old and new members alike. Pam always nancial advice and counsel and is always
devotion to AOTI." has a kind word and extra time to give a model for willing service with her many
her AOII sisters." hours each week to A O I I . "
Marilyn L. Faris, Theta, Terre Haute. Edwyna Howard Griscom, Nu Omi-
cron, Nashville. "She is enthusiastic and officer, and working as a chapter finan- Alto Alumnae Chapter, she has served
positive. Her latest project is working at cial adviser. She has dedicated her life to the last 20 years in many chapter capaci-
International Headquarters each Monday the ideals of AOII and is a source of ties. She has shown through example
sorting out and filing archives. She has strength and inspiration to her alumnae how AOII ideals and standards can last a
always been an AOII and has never lost chapter." lifetime and be passed on to influence our
sight of her commitment." daily activities."
Kathleen Tomlison Maxwell, Kappa
Carol Lee Schulz Hensyl, Pi Delta, Bal- Alpha, Terre Haute. "Kathleen has Alice DeBuino Schuette, Omega, Ox-
timore. "When Carol Lee accepts a job, served her alumnae chapter and local col- ford, Ohio. According to the chapter she
she makes sure it is done well. She de- legiate chapter for more than 20 years. advises, "Our standing on campus and
votes hours of her time to the details. She She works particularly hard on obtaining within the AOII community can certainly
has chaired every alumnae committee MIFs through alumnae Panhellenic as be attributed in large part to the influence
and continues to show outstanding sup- well as acquainting high school girls with of Alice. She is dedicated to AOII and
port for the chapter's every activity." sorority material." truly a sister to all of us."
Joyce Cherry Hudson, Alpha Chi, Mary Hansuld Moore, Iota Sigma, Freddie Kalil Schutten, Upsilon Alpha,
Bowling Green. "Joyce is a fine example Ames. "This AOII has helped the chapter Greater Allentown/ Bethlehem. "She has
of a member using her talents for the en- increase its awareness of computers and spent a great deal of time working in the
hancement of AOII. She has unselfishly encouraging them to use the technology. extension area. She is dedicated to AOII,
given hours and hours of time to teach She is dedicated, caring, loving, selfless, to extension and colonization and to the
and assist Alpha Chi chapter. She has and loyal to the ideals of AOII. She is a alumnae in her chapter. She is available
served 10 years as the chapter's collegiate personal inspiration to the sister who to help whenever asked and willing to
financial adviser." nominated her." take on added duties when requested."
Opal Johnson Janelle, Zeta, Denver. Mildred Milam Murphy, Nu Omicron, Nancy, Glen Scaheen, Alpha Omicron,
"Opal spends hours volunteering at the Nashville. "For more than 40 years she Dallas. "She is a hard worker, always
Denver Arthritis Foundation Craft Shop. has contributed to the successes of AOII. willing to volunteer and assist whenever
She has worked behind the scenes for the She has served her alumnae chapter in needed. Her constant smile, praises for
alumnae chapter for 32 years. In her qui- various ways and also volunteers to help everyone, abundance of energy, generosi-
et, humble, unassuming way, she is a real the collegiate chapter and serve on the ty and enthusiasm are contagious. Her
inspiration for all the AOIIs who know corporation board. She is willing to do actions can only have a positive effect on
her." whatever is asked of her." our chapter."
Peggy Robinson Kelley, Phi Sigma, Barbara Sprunk Patroulis, Theta Psi, Norma Godfrey Taylor, Lambda, San
Omaha. "Peggy is a prime candidate of Toledo. "She has held most offices in the Diego. "She exemplifies AOII and its ide-
someone who 'lives and breathes' AOII. Toledo Alumnae Chapter over the last 25 als. Her devotion and energy are bound-
She always puts forth her best effort for years. She is always the first person to less. If there is a job to be done, ask Nor-
the enhancement and continued develop- greet and welcome the recent graduates in ma and it will get done. She serves not
ment of AOII. To observe Peggy is to ob- each installation ceremony. Barb bridges because she expects advancement, reward
serve the highest ideals of AOII in ac- all age groups of AOIIs." or recognition, but because she truly
tion." loves AOII."
Alexandra "Sandy" Reeder, Sigma
Wilma Smith Leland, Tau, Mihneapo- Tau, Baltimore. "Sandy has been active Reba Shannon Traber, Upsilon, San
lis/St. Paul. "Wilma has been the guiding in AOII for 30 years. She has served in Diego. "She has given 30 years to AOII.
force behind the collegiate and alumnae many alumnae offices as well as interact- Reba is one of those special and amazing
chapter in her area for more than 60 ed with several collegiate chapters. Sandy people that is always there, always vol-
years. She is Mrs. AOII and has main- is the member who gives of her time and unteering, and always positive. She is a
tained her devotion to her Fraternity at talents over a long period of time without key member of the chapter's 'core' of
the local and national level as To Dragma any thought of reward." leaders and has contributed substantially
editor and International President." to all programs and projects."
Gloria Cummingham Rowland, Eta,
Patricia Prashaw Lockhart, Theta Eta, Dallas. "She has worked in AOII for m
Dallas. "Pat has always been a very ac- more than 25 years. She has held most
tive member of her alumnae chapter. She alumnae chapter offices and currently The Rose Award is
exemplified the high standards upon serves as a regional extension officer. Her one way to recognize
which this Fraternity is founded and support and success in all endeavors for long-time service to
strives to follow these in her daily life. AOII is legend. She gives heart, soul and
Her actions have a positive effect on her mind when needed to make AOII success- AOII.
chapter." ful."
Dorothy Walker Parker, Alpha Sigma, Susan Daiger Schell, Alpha Gamma,
Portland, Ore. "Dorothy has been in- Pullman. "From four nomination forms
volved with AOII for 46 years. She de- the words 'willing, organized, active,
lights in keeping the histories of AOII helpful, successful, enthused, understand-
members and publishes a newsletter each ing . . . ' keep popping up. She is a
year. She is caring, dedicated and sup- hard-working alumna in an area where
portive of the ideals which AOTI stands each alumn carries several responsibili-
for." ties. As her husband says, 'We might as
well put AOII at the top of our activities,
Barbara Bierer Long, Alpha Rho, you'll always be an AOII.' " . . . . . . . . . .
Eugene-Springfield. "This alumna has
worked more than 15 years reactivating Eliza Garman "Jane" Schoening, Iota,
the alumnae chapter, serving as a chapter Palo Alto. "A charter member of the Palo
Alpha Omicron Pi's Executive Board for 1985-87 includes seated, left to I
right, Barbara Daugs Hunt, Melanie Nixon Doyle, Peg Kramer Craw-
ford, Teri Thomas Anderson, and Sue Edmunds Lewis (administrative director), and standing, left to right, Elizabeth Rornine Coffey, Kay Han-
sen Sutherlin, Mary McCammon Williams, and Helen McMahon.
Peg Crawford elected AOII president
Editor's Note: To Dragma would like to give them direction, purpose and offer a " I shudder to think of all the interest-
take this opportunity to "introduce" its way of life that will never let them ing, stimulating people I would never
readers to the women who have been down." have known had it not been for AOII,"
elected to serve in the Fraternity's major the new president said.
leadership roles during the next bienni- AOII membership is also an obligation,
um. They are busy individuals who will she stressed. "Life at Iota always was e x c i t i n g -
be helping lead Alpha Omicron Pi to- filled w i t h song practices, study tables,
ward continuous growth and excellence. "By helping the college woman develop pinnings, Mortar Board tappings, Mom's
her potential, we are not only benefiting and Dad's weekends, beauty queens and
Peg Kramer Crawford the individual, but I firmly believe we are scholarships," she said. "And alumnae
Iota, University of Illinois improving the quality of life. projects and advisory roles, too, proved
International President just as interesting," Peg said.
"Those are the women who will lead
AOLTs new International President be- our tomorrows," Peg said. " A n d it is a Early alum years were in Denver,
lieves membership in AOII can do many duty of mine to help that tomorrow be Colo., where husband Dick was in law
good things for every young collegiate the best it can." school. She worked with Chi Delta chap-
woman. ter. When the family moved back to Illi-
Her efforts on behalf of the Fraternity, nois, an International Convention got
"And I want to make sure each one has too, are a thank you for "making my col- Peg involved w i t h alum activities again.
the opportunity to become a member," lege years as well as many alumnae years
President Peg Crawford added. "It can such a great time." During her collegiate years she served
as chapter relations officer, scholarship
AOn work also has aided personal de-
chairman and president. Her alumnae of- eight regions. Our philanthropic founda- "However, in my position, I promise to
fices have included chapter president, dis- tion has been formed. A headquarters exercise my right to guide the Board
trict alumnae director, international rush building was purchased," Peg said. along a path that reflects what you wish
chairman, and two terms on the Execu- the Fraternity to be and do, and what
tive Board. Expansion has been an important AOII will ensure its strength and stability while
aspect to the new president. continuing its rise in prominence and
Peg's family includes daughter Nancy prestige on college campuses, in commu-
and family (including first grandchild "During these past few years, an in- nities and in the Greek world."
Maggie) who live less than an hour away. creasing number of college women and
Son Rick and family live in Olympia, administrators have come to realize the Teri Thomas Anderson
Wash. Her father has retired to Florida. value of women's fraternities. AOII re- Theta Omega, Northern Arizona
ceives inquiries about expansion f r o m at Vice President/Operations
Since 1963 Peg has been doing medical least 3-4 campuses each week," Peg re-
research at the University of Chicago, ported. A t one point last fall, AOII was The possibility of service in a manage-
first in transplantation and for the past 10 in the stage of communication w i t h 35 ment level for AOII was especially ap-
years in fertility and infertility. campuses in one region alone. pealing to Teri Anderson because of the
policy-setting nature of the position.
She is a member and past president of A n international fraternity bulletin re-
Morgan Park Junior Women's Club, an ports 185 new chapters on 57 campuses "Being able to provide guidance and
active community service group. Cur- last year, and because AOII can show growth opportunities through program-
rently she is a member of the arts com- what a superior organization we are, we ming for AOIIs of all ages is rewarding,"
mittee. As an active member of a village have been invited to colonize at an un- she said. "The compatibility of A O I I Rit-
community theater, she has directed and precedented rate, Peg added. ual with my faith provides a meaningful
performed in many productions for chil- channel for acting upon my beliefs."
dren as well as adult plays and the annual "We must take advantage of these op-
Scrooge musical. portunities where they meet our criter- Soon after joining the Theta Omega
ia," she said. "Continual growth is the chapter, Teri was serving as assistant
"We see continued growth in A O I I and key to enhancing our position in the treasurer, followed by two terms as chap-
a greater number of members involved in Greek world and necessary for our sur- ter president.
AOII programs and their development," vival.
Peg said. "More decisions are being made "After attending International Conven-
at the regional level and there is increased "What if AOII had decided it couldn't tion in Miami and a later regional meet-
efficiency in serving the membership with expand at your campus?" questioned ing, and participating in a rush team, I
the addition of computer technology." Peg. "Isn't that a frightening thought?" began to realize there was a greater world
of A O I I , " she said. Following college she
AOII's ability to evaluate, set goals and "As the 38th president of AOII, my po- served as a traveling consultant.
make changes as needed has allowed it to sition is at the head of the Executive
grow. Board and cast my one of eight votes," "Scores of selfless, dedicated AOIIs of
she added, "because, you see, you have all ages whom I met that year served as
"Since my involvement the Fraternity entrusted the leadership of the Fraternity my inspiration to continue participation
has realigned areas f r o m 21 districts to to all eight of us to establish policy. in A O I I , " Teri said. W i t h the nearest
alumnae chapter more than 50 miles
J away, she settled on working at a region-
al level following her TC experience.
"Sitting in a graduate course while
War working on my master's degree in gifted
education, I was amazed to hear discus-
•Hp sion on the topic of how gifted leadership
is developed without the words, 'fraterni-
m4 < ty' or 'sorority' mentioned once.
" I finally described my own experi-
Peg Crawford with granddaughter Maggie, son-in-law Dave and daughter Nancy. ence, both during college and after, and
the critical role AOII and the Greek com-
munity has played," she said.
"Serving AOII has done for me as an
adult what many years of participation in
Girl Scouting did for me as a youth.
"The common bond we hold as AOIIs
creates the ideal environment for risk-
taking and personal growth," Teri said.
"I've learned to conduct meetings, lead a
group, think from many viewpoints, and
make critical financial decisions affecting
scores of others."
Teri will be supervising the regional
structure during the next biennium. She
also w i l l be planning regional officer
training and Leadership Conferences.
Husband Mark is a marketing repre-
sentative f o r Southwest Gas Corp. Son
Todd is now four and in December Teri "Better materials have been developed Melanie Nixon Doyle
will have their second child. to assist the regional directors. Their
work has resulted in more local advisory Lambda Sigma, University of Georgia
She has taught English and developed a help for the individual chapters." Vice President/Development
district gifted program. She also has
chaired an English department and has "Volunteering for AOII in the capaci- A O I I has been an important part of
taught computer instruction. Currently ties in which I've served has provided tre- Melanie Doyle's life since she pledged
she is a skin care and make-up consultant mendous personal growth opportunities Lambda Sigma chapter.
with Mary Kay Cosmetics. and expanded skills that have allowed me
to excel professionally," Teri emphasized. " I feel it has been an honor to serve as
Teri has taught adult Sunday School a volunteer for A O I I , " she said. "It is tru-
for many years. She also enjoys involve- "Such a variety of talents and skills are ly challenging, but most rewarding.
ment in community educational and re- useful to our alumnae and collegiate
creational structures. chapters that a place exists for each of us "The Fraternity has given so much to
to give back what we have gained," she me. M y service is a way to return my
She sees continued growth and stature added. "One should be comfortable com- thanks," she added.
ahead for AOII. ing in and out of 'active duty' in AOII as
life-styles or family needs change. Melanie served as her pledge class pres-
"Program development, computeriza- ident, and chapter Panhellenic delegate
tion and continued professionalization "The advantages of A O I I are even and vice president/pledge training.
are underway f o r the biennium," she more lasting as an alumna than as a
reported. " A n improved networking sys- collegian." After graduation her move to Miami,
tem for graduates and alumnae will be in Fla., put her with the local alumnae Pan-
place both for professional opportunities *9 hellenic. Later in Nashville, Tenn., she
and friend-making in our mobile became involved with the Nashville
society." ri Alumnae Chapter. A later move to Little
Rock, A r k . , put her in a town without a
Since her initiation in 1972 Teri has * chapter, but after a few telephone calls, a
seen training improve for regional direc- meeting was organized and later the
tors. chapter reactivated. She has served as a
regional meeting chairman, regional di-
rector and regional vice president.
" A O I I is directly responsible for my
present position as executive director of a
ballet company because of my extensive
work with a nonprofit organization and
hundreds of volunteers, to say nothing
for the management and leadership op-
portunities AOII provided."
Melanie has five children: a son 21; a
special cerebral palsy child now 19; a 17-
year-old daughter; and 14-year-old twin
boy and girl.
She has been very active with her chil-
dren's schools and community and
church activities.
"AOII is in a wonderful position at this
time for further growth and develop-
ment," Melanie said. "Expansion is a key
word now. We have many opportunities
and must take every advantage—always
being careful to select the best.
"We have to tell the world how won-
derful A O I I really is and what we are of-
fering to our collegian women," she said.
"It is something not only for the college
years, but for life.
"Since my first involvement I have
watched and participated in the process
of AOII. We must continue in this direc-
tion for our future looks bright and will
be filled with many new chapters and
strong existing collegiate chapters.
"Women are in the forefront of society
and the business world. Show that AOII
pride in all that you do," she stressed.
"AOII is truly for life."
Todd, Teri and Mark Anderson
H— I opportunities among the members also
are with us," she said.
O n the left with Mela
nie Doyle are children AOII is more aware of its place in the
back row, Russell, 21, Greek w o r l d w i t h a willingness to be in
and Lori, 17; front open exchange of ideas with others, Kay
Rodney and Barbara, added.
14-year-old twins
Above is daughter N a n "The whole Greek system is moving in
cy, 19. this direction and it is a much needed po-
sition," she added. "The many pressures
Kay Hansen Sutherlin "I'm assigned to a high school and our modern society brings to bear, every-
Theta, DePauw University work with students who are having at- one needs to learn f r o m each other and
Vice President/Finance tendance, behavior, home, etc., problems share. There's no time to continually re-
that are interrupting their learning experi- invent the wheel.
Kay Sutherlin's work for A 0 I 1 also ence," she explained. Through her posi-
started because she felt she owed the Fra- tion she is a member of the prosecutor's "Professionalization of our headquar-
ternity a return on the great deal she re- task force on study and programs con- ters and governing policies has allowed
ceived f r o m it as a collegian. cerning unmarried teenage mothers. She greater flexibility for the Executive Board
also is a volunteer at the Indianapolis A r t and placed more decision making with re-
"It has continued because I feel it is i m - Museum and for the Symphony Or- gional officers—those closest to the chap-
portant to w o r k to strengthen A O I I so chestra. ters," she said. "It allows the Executive
that succeeding generations can enjoy i t , " Board time to dream dreams and then put
she added. "Plus, it's just plain fun and She has enjoyed social work, first as a them into action, rather than being con-
exciting to be an active part of the organ- juvenile court probation officer then with stantly caught up in the detail decision
ization and its many fine women. the schools. AOII assignments have en- making.
couraged her interest in "things financial"
"But, you know, you keep getting back and now she is working on an associate "Each one of us, alumna and collegian
so much that the original 'bill owed' is degree in accounting. alike, has derived something special from
never even. You find that AOII continues AOII and by re-investing that something,
to give more than you can return!" she What's ahead for AOn? we can assure the continuation and
emphasized. "We're on a roll," exclaimed Kay. growth of AOII for those who come after
"We'll see AOn continue its exciting us," Kay stressed.
Initiated on her birthday during The- growth in membership and in stature in
ta's 50th anniversary year, she later the Greek world. It is a growth carefully "That is awe-inspiring if you see your-
served as chapter house manager and vice thought out and planned, since sustaining self as just you, but we're all in this to-
president/pledge trainer. our chapters and programs is the base on gether, each giving and receiving so it's
which growth will truly become us. no burden. It's just great f u n to get in-
Her alumnae activities started soon af- "Continuing expansion of our net- volved to be an active." Kay said. "Try
ter moving to Indianapolis, Ind., after working to share ideas and professional it, you'll like it!"
graduate school.
---> Elizabeth Romine Coffey
"It is very special to have activities Chi Lambda, University of Evansville
with friends who also are sisters and Kay Sutherlin with Mugsy Director
these associations then spread into other
community activities," she said. "Working f o r A O I I provides me a sense
of accomplishment and an opportunity to
Kay also has served her alumnae chap- use my leadership skills," stressed Direc-
ter as president. She has been a regional tor Liz Coffey. "These skills have devel-
rush officer, extension officer, vice presi- oped through the years primarily through
dent, and a member of the Executive opportunities I have had in AOII. It is a
Board for two terms. continuing cycle.
"AOII has given me the opportunity to Her collegiate years were on the then
meet, know, and w o r k with some won- Evansville College campus, a commuter
derful and stimulating women I would school. The AOIIs met in the union build-
otherwise never have known," she said. ing and stored files, robes, etc., in a
quonset hut left over from W W I I .
Her board responsibilities during the
next years include membership and liai- She served as pledge class vice presi-
son with most of the international com- dent and chapter social chairman, treas-
mittees concerned with the financial de- urer and president.
velopment of the Fraternity.
"Throughout the years as a collegian I
Husband Steve is a lawyer. The couple was constantly in contact with a number
is "lorded over" by a calico cat named of devoted local alums," Liz said. These
Mugsy. Kay works for the Indianapolis fine women gave their whole-hearted
Public Schools as a social worker. support to what I now recognize was at
that time a struggling chapter.
"Their support has not diminished
through the years," she said.
As an alumna she has served as her
chapter's president as well as a regional
director (for eight years), regional finance
officer and then vice president.
She was international nominations side the home there are more opportuni- AOIIs in my classes and enjoyed them
chairman for the 1983 Convention and ties than ever before to pursue. very much.
corporation supervisor for the 1983-84
school year. "For the woman who chooses to work "After I was initiated I learned that the
inside the home, the opportunity is there glue that kept our Phi Delta chapter to-
During the next biennium Liz will be for a rewarding career as well. There are gether and functioning in an orderly fash-
overseeing the alumnae area of A 0 I 1 — many opportunities to mesh motherhood ion was a lovely group of women who
membership and programming. She also and volunteering. As one who has chosen served as our advisers. They were role
will be working with membership educa- this route, I recommend that in order to models for me—intelligent, warm, giv-
tion, collegiate programming and schol- continue to grow personally, one must ing, classy, and trained in the proper
arship. search out those opportunities. One ways of AOII.
should not be afraid to try an area for a
Husband Bill is an attorney. They have short time and then move on and try "So they instilled in me my lifetime
two sons, A r t , 22, and Chris, 20. something new. commitment and their decision became
mine." she said.
Liz, who taught biology and physical "Volunteering for AOII, in my experi-
science for the first five years of her mar- ence, has provided a vast opportunity for Alumnae involvement came several
riage, now considers herself a profession- stimulation and growth," Liz said. "It has years after graduation for Barb. AOIIs
al volunteer. proved to have the most long-lasting sat- from the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter
isfaction for me." invited her to a fall buffet.
She has been involved in parent /teach-
er groups, the Indiana Arthritis Founda- Barbara Daugs Hunt " I needed the social outlet and really
tion Board and Stansfield Circle, Indian- Phi Delta, University of Wisconsin- was ready to continue my involvement
apolis' oldest social service organization. Milwaukee w i t h my sorority," she said. "The AOIIs
Liz is active in her church and serves on Director who picked me up became instant friends
the board of directors of a retirement vil- and confidants and remain so to this day.
lage. She is secretary of the Parent's Club " I work for A O I I because it stimulates (And that was 17 years ago!)
of the Sigma Chi fraternity chapter at me," explained Director Barbara Hunt. " I
Purdue University where both sons are enjoy the people I w o r k with and I find Barb served as vice president and presi-
members. personal satisfaction in the work I do. dent of her collegiate chapter. Her alum-
nae chapter positions included program-
During the next years Liz hopes to be " I also feel I owe this to AOII for pro- ming, philanthropic chair and president.
of help to draw together and further or- viding me a happy college experience, a She also has served as a regional director
ganize the programs now in AOII. lifetime of friends who I respect and ad- and regional vice president before accept-
mire and an opportunity to develop my ing an Executive Board position in 1982.
" I feel we need to continue to polish leadership skills and to provide training
the programs we already have and watch for future job opportunities." "AOII has given me confidence in my-
for new areas of development," she said. self," Barb said. "It has provided me with
"While the Greek world is in a period of Barbara sought the Greek system since a support system in my personal as well
growth, we need to continue our own social involvement on the commuter as A O I I life and an opportunity to grow.
carefully selective growth. I feel certain campus was difficult.
that the computer age will soon have a " A O I I has encouraged me to seek high-
larger impact on our Fraternity providing "Going through rush was the magic er goals for myself. It has provided me
us with information that will help us bet- that changed my life in college," she said. w i t h new challenges and given me the
ter serve all members. " I pledged A O I I because I had met several guidelines within which I can reach those
goals and meet the challenges.
"Women, in my opinion, are in a par-
ticularly desirable position today," she "But, best of all, it has given me a net-
said. " I f they wish to have a career out- work of friends and sisters on whom I
can rely, depend, share, and care with
m each day of my life," she added.
gffl Barb's board position includes supervi-
sion and installation of AOII colonies.
*£> t Mm* The new position is due to an increased
number of colonies for the Fraternity.
"We want to help them in every way
Liz, Art, Bill and Chris Coffey possible through their colonization and
preparation for installation as a chapter.
She also will be the director in charge of
the 1987 International Convention set for
Palm Springs, Calif. Barb also will con-
tinue to hold the office of president of the
AOII Philanthropic Foundation.
For the past 16 years she has taught
preschool three days a week. She now
plans to substitute in the elementary
grades for the coming year. Her daughter
is a high school senior and is visiting
campuses to decide where she will attend
college. Barb also is busy teaching Sun-
day School, assisting at youth concerts
held by the Milwaukee Symphony Or-
chestra, and participating in local com-
munity projects as a member of the
Grafton Junior Women's Club.
Husband Cecil is president of an adver-
tising agency in Milwaukee. Another
- IS Museum. She came to the Museum 12
years ago during the planning days f o r
Krissy, Cecil and Barbara Hunt the current museum.
daughter lives in New Jersey. One son she said. "Nothing ever brings that closer "Working in the world's most visited
and family, including two granddaugh- to my heart than when I participate in an museum brings satisfaction and pride,
ters, live near Barb. Another lives in San AOII Ritual. That is the essence of AOII, knowing that you not only serve the pub-
Antonio. that is love." lic but keep them happy," Helen said.
Her current position as Chief of Educa-
Barb sees lots of work ahead for active Helen Claire McMahon tion and Publications includes managing
AOIIs. Rho, Northwestern over 135 docents, serving as the Muse-
Director um's managing editor (having published
"There will be more emphasis on bring- over 40 books in the last five years), and
ing the Foundation into a strong and im- When Helen McMahon returned to managing a variety of museum-wide spe-
portant part of our Fraternity—making it Northwestern University last spring for a cial projects.
more known to our members and push- class reunion, uppermost in her mind was
ing the new emphasis on educational the reunion with her Rho sisters. Her experience in A O I I has been a tre-
funding through the Foundation. mendous resource and training ground
With the passage of years, those ties for her, not only in managing the docent
" I would like to see the Fraternity con- have remained strong, and the distances program but in developing communica-
tinue to become more professional, and they now live from one another have not tions and management techniques so vital
to develop more than 100 strong colle- diminished their bond as AOIIs. to her job.
giate chapters by our 100th anniversary,"
she added. Born in the copper mining town of Her AOII heritage stems f r o m Rho
Butte, Mont., and now residing in chapter and Northern Virginia Alumnae
"We are extending on campuses where McLean, Va., Helen has had the opportu- Chapter. As an alum she has been presi-
our name is recognized and we are build- nity of living in California, Utah, Ore- dent of her chapter, and regional director
ing a network of friends, and contacts gon, New York City, Florida, and north- and regional vice president in Region I .
each day. We have visions for the future; ern Virginia. A political science major
we are looking ahead and we are pleased with a Bachelor of Arts degree f r o m T w o main outside commitments are
about our progress. Northwestern, she has worked in both the Northern Virginia Alumnae Panhel-
private industry and the Federal govern- lenic Association and the Northwestern
" I see pride in our ranks, smiles on ment. L i v i n g i n San Francisco, she University Alumnae Association. She has
AOII faces, and positive upbeat attitudes worked for the president of Bechtel Cor- served as president of the group and held
among all AOIIs," she said. poration (a corporation well represented other offices and committee chairman-
on President Reagan's cabinet). ships. Annually the group gives a $1,500
"If I could talk to each AOFI I would scholarship to a high school senior. Helen
want to tell them how important their Her career in the Federal government also serves as vice president of the North-
support and lifetime commitment is to includes her first job at the Pentagon w i t h western University area alumnae.
the Fraternity," Barb added. "They are Army Intelligence; the National Aero-
the answer to the growth of AOII. I'd like nautics and Space Administration; the For relaxation, she skis on snow and
to see them wear their pin—not hide it in Kennedy Space Center; the White House on the water, makes aerobics class a defi-
their jewelry boxes. I'd like to see them where she worked at the National Aero- nite item on her calendar, and sews now
put an AOII sticker on their car windows. nautics and Space Council (during the and then. Washington, D.C., offers a
Johnson and Nixon administrations); and
"Be proud of being a sorority woman, the Smithsonian's National A i r and Space 21
talk it up and even brag you had the
greatest experience of your life in college
because you joined AOII . . . A n d you
are still having a wonderful experience
because of AOII.
"It lasts a lifetime and nothing can re-
place the loving feeling in your heart,"
panopoly of activities which she enjoys— " I never dreamed that as an AOII at successful.
ballet, theater, dixieland, country west- Northwestern and a student of political "These are exciting days in A O I I , " she
ern concerts on the lawn at Wolf Trap. science I would be at the headtable as a
member of AOII's Executive Board intro- added, "and I'm honored to be involved!"
Her family—her mother, sister and un- ducing a United States senator," she said
til two years ago, her father—shared as toastmistress at the opening banquet Mary Williams
many exciting times with AOII. during the '85 International Convention. Phi, University of Kansas
This convention was to her a culmin- Director
AOII is one of the greatest support ation of AOII and career experiences-
groups a person can belong to," Helen managing three Leadership Conferences/ Mary Williams started her work with
stressed. "There is always a warm and Regional Meetings as a regional vice pres- AOII about a year after graduating from
friendly voice at the other end of the ident, and her project managing at the the University of Kansas because "my
phone, a welcoming smile and caring at- National A i r and Space Museum. As the days had been very happy ones and I
tention when visiting AOIIs on campuses Executive Board member responsible for wanted to try to continue that relation-
or in towns across the U.S. and Canada convention she was able to draw on these ship and keep the close association with
brought about because of the bond we all experiences, and along with many, many the chapter."
share. committed AOIIs bring about a truly out-
standing convention. Three years later she and her husband
A collegian once told her, "responsibil- moved to Bloomington, 111., and " I knew
ity brings order to my life," and that is " I look forward to the next biennium that AOII would be an immediate source
what Helen feels AOII has done for her. for continued membership expansion and of friends for me."
involvement by collegians and alumnae,
"The 'ties of friendship' I have made and growth in further professionalism of Mary's excitement was quite a change
over the years I cherish most—the confi- the fraternity for the benefit of all f r o m her thoughts as she entered college.
dence and experience AOII has given me AOIIs," Helen said. "As a museum per-
to tackle any task whether in AOII, my son, documenting AOII's history and set- " I was a small town girl, going to a
career, or personal life." ting the course for the 100th anniversary large school of 12,000 and quite a new
of AOII are challenges I accept knowing way of life. I was opposed to sororities in
The greatest change Helen has seen in AOIIs will be supportive in making them the beginning since I heard only the hor-
AOII over the years has been the increas- ror stories about the snobbishness, the
ing number of women who balance a necessity of having the right labels on
commitment to family, career, and your clothes . . .
"We had deferred rush at K U so I had a
II { year to look things over. I changed my
mind, of course, and pledged A O I I , " she
1$ V said.
ft. Mary remembers the AOII support
right from the start.
Bob and M a r y Williams with children, left to right, Eric, Jennifer and Steve.
"The sorority gave me support and the
22 opportunity to begin to function on cam-
pus and eventually become a campus
leader," she explained. " I became art edi-
tor of the yearbook, a member of Mortar
Board and voted one of eight outstanding
senior women.
"AOII gave me leadership training and
the confidence to perform in many situa-
tions. It helped me develop social graces
that have proven dependable ever since.
A n d it gave me many dear friends.
" I needed AOII at that time and I want-
ed to make AOII need me," she said.
She enjoyed advising the collegiate
chapter at Illinois Wesleyan.
" I enjoyed the close association with
college women and my affection for and
belief in AOII became stronger and
stronger as the years went by," she said.
" I truly believe that being an AOTI and
following its principles would make me a
better person and that AOTI, in its small
way, could make a difference in the lives
of women and their worlds.
" I work for AOII for those reasons and
also because of the best set of friends I
have found over the years," she added. " I
can go almost anywhere in the country
and know there is an AOII I can call who
I either know well or know friends of."
As a collegian she was her pledge class Senator opens June Convention
president and chapter's fraternity educa-
tion officer, rush chairman and vice pres- Senator Nancy Kassebaum, R-Kansas, Senator Nancy Kasselbaum
ident/pledge trainer. She served on Jun- opened AOLTs International Convention
ior Panhellenic and was treasurer of Sen- last summer with the challenge to get in- "Women need to make it increasingly
ior Panhellenic. As an alumna Mary has volved. clear we have wide ranging interest," the
been treasurer, vice president and presi- senator said. " I hope we w i l l see an ex-
dent of the Bloomington-Normal Alum- The senator, who serves on the Com- pansion of women's input into areas such
nae Chapter. merce, Science and Transportation, For- as defense, foreign policy and the bud-
eign Relations, and Budget Committees get."
She was a regional nominations chair- of the U.S. Senate, told AOLTs it is an in-
man and served her region as a finance teresting and challenging time for wom- Broadening our vision of issues of i m -
officer and regional vice president. Mary en, particularly. portance entails as well the broadening of
has served Beta Lambda as an adviser in our political capacity to deal with them.
nearly every capacity: pledge, rush, "For young women graduating today
chapter, financial and fraternity educa- the options ahead of you are really very "No issue is simple," she reminded the
tion. She has been treasurer and president wide and varied," she said. delegates. "It seems there is a disturbing
of the corporation board and building and growing tendency to subvert sub-
committee chairman the last two years. The fact is women have a lot to say stance to symbolism in promoting public
Her art work has been used by the Frater- . . . and their voices are being heard, the policy. The growing complexity of the
nity for several brochures. senator added. "This seems constructive problems which face us creates a frustra-
to me as I'm sure it does to you. tion which leads to a yearning for a sim-
"AOII has given me the opportunity to ple, quick fix."
practice my art, develop financial ability, " I believe we (women) have always
practice leadership . . . and it has made been in the forefront when it comes to the Kassebaum said she doesn't doubt the
my daughter my sister as well!" Mary ex- protection of our homes and communi- sincerity or motive of those who support
claimed. ties . . . Taking on whatever tasks nec- any initiative or point of view. They fo-
essary to do so." cus attention on important issues. How-
Her board responsibilities for the next ever, absolute Tightness may be a luxury
biennium include the chapter consultant But the senator said due to the number none of us can ever obtain, the senator
program, chapter assistance fund, mem- of women voters, "we have moved into a said.
bership on the loan committee and Colle- different arena—not limited to elected
giate Chapter Operations Manual Com- politics but public policy formation in its "Somewhere between the extremes of
mittee, and liaison with the Perry Award broadest range. each issue lies an answer achieved
Committee. through the thoughtful negotiation, de-
"This is an area in which we all have bate, compromise that democracy de-
In addition to AOII commitments, a something to contribute," she told the mands," she added. "So there really is no
husband and three children—complete AOII delegates. " I f we do not go beyond end to the issues before us."
with piano lessons, tennis, electric bass ourselves and recognize our responsibili-
guitar, PTAs—keep her out of trouble. ties to others and acknowledge the inter- The senator encouraged AOIIs to par-
This year she will chair the French Cul- ests of society, we have failed to f u l f i l l ticipate.
tural Exchange Program for the school our potential as human beings and our
district. M a r y is a bookkeeper for her duties as citizens in a free society. "One doesn't have to run for office to
husband's law firm, and a board member have an impact. The point is we as w o m -
and treasurer for Bloomington's oldest "And if each of us fails in this regard en recognize that we have the capability
day care center. She stays involved in her individually, then our social and political to make a difference," the senator said.
career as a free-lance commercial artist. system fails collectively," she stressed.
"When I look at where women are go-
Mary sees AOLTs expansion as one ex- "We pride ourselves that our society is ing, I see them moving forward. The ba-
citing way of becoming better known in one based on our individual freedom.., sic web of relationships and responsibili-
the Greek world. but we are not free to think of only our ties that all women experience makes it
own interests and appetites, while ignor- impossible for us to avoid making some
" I hope to see more and more of our ing those of others," the senator said. contribution to the progress ahead . . .
collegiate chapters become leaders on We can't sit out the dance even if we
their campuses and I want us all to be In the past women's interests have not tried," she said.
able to proudly tell the world what we been fully accommodated by the political
are and who we are. system, but increased participation by The senator ended her speech w i t h a
women will add an important perspective favorite quote: "We should not look back
" I hope that the alumnae level of inter- to governmental actions, she said. in anger nor forward in fear, but around
est and support w i l l continue to increase us with awareness."
and young and older alumnae will make "Any change will be undoubtedly sub-
more of a place for their Fraternity," she tle, but it will make a significance differ-
said. ence in striking that balance which make
our unique brand of democracy work,"
Over the last years she has seen AOII Kassebaum said.
develop into a much better organized,
more efficient—professional—body. To make the most of our new-found
muscle, women must keep two things in
"It's a natural evolution as women mind:
have learned to operate in a business-like
manner," she added. " I think that there is "First, we must recognize that all issues
much more communication and better in all levels of government are important
care given to the chapter and to the mem- and worthy of our attention. Second, we
bership as a whole." need to put ourselves in positions to have
real influence on public responses to these
| | , & . J§?. issues," she said.
In the past the general view of so-called
"women's issues" has been a narrowly de-
fined one . . . largely encompassing the
ERA or the issue of abortion.
Chapter consultants named for AOII
Eight Chapter Consultants have started Kendra Redfern, Beta Lambda, Illinois Michaela Roloff, Zeta, University of
eight-month travels to AOII chapters in Wesleyan University. A biology major, Nebraska. A broadcast journalism major,
the U.S. and Canada. Kendra has been very active in the Stu- Michaela is a member of Alpha Epsilon
dent Senate. She has been a member of Rho broadcasting honorary and Sigma
Selected to work with chapters and col- several Senate committees including the Delta Chi journalism society. Active in
onies are the following recent college Charity and Welfare Subcommittee. A Panhellenic, Michaela has served as Pan-
graduates: four year scholarship recipient Kendra is hellenic secretary and a member of the
a member of Alpha Lambda Delta and Greek Arbitration Board. She has served
Sherry Carothers, Zeta, University of Tri-Beta. Kendra has served Beta Lambda Zeta as corresponding secretary and
Nebraska. Sherry, an advertising major, as rush chairman for two years. historian.
has been active in Phi Upsilon honor so-
ciety, Phi Chi Theta, and the Advertising Chapter consultants for the year are seated, left to right, Lisa Niedenthal, Leslie Friedberg, and K i r -
Club. In addition, she has been an officer sten Eastwood, and standing, left to right, K e n d r a Redfern, Sherry Carothers, Jennifer Jansen,
in her residence hall. Sherry served her Lynn Noble, and Michaela Roloff.
chapter as rush chairman and corres-
ponding secretary. Alpha Omicron Chapter Consultant—
An Opportunity For A Lifetime
Kirsten Eastwood, Beta Tau, Universi-
ty of Toronto. Kirsten, a French/history If you are looking for a challenging, growth-filled professional experience for your
major, has been active in the Liberal first job upon graduation, being a Chapter Consultant may be for you.
Club, a youth organization supporting
one of Canada's political parties. In addi- If you have enjoyed and grown f r o m your involvement in AOLI and would like the
tion, she has served as a writer for the opportunity to share your excitement about AOII with chapters and colonies across the
university newspaper. A scholarship re- country and in Canada, write today for more information.
cipient, Kirsten has served Beta Tau as
rush chairman and pledge trainer. Being a Chapter Consultant is an excellent springboard for future career growth. Past
consultants have found their experience to be very marketable in seeking new profes-
Leslie Friedberg, N u Lambda, Universi- sional challenges. In fact several Chapter Consultants have accepted challenging posi-
ty of Southern California. A business tions with Proctor Gamble, an industry giant who specifically recruits fraternity travel-
administration major, Leslie has been ac- ers because of the excellent skills developed through chapter consulting.
tive in many business organizations i n -
cluding the American Marketing Associa- Yes, being a Chapter Consultant truly is an opportunity for a lifetime! Find out more
tion and the Entertainment Management about how this position may fit into your career plans.
Association. A recipient of Region VIII's
Collegiate Leadership A w a r d , Leslie has Please Send Me More Information
served her chapter as rush chairman, About Becoming A Chapter Consultant!
COB chairman and social chairman.
Send To:
Jennifer Jansen, Alpha Gamma, Wash- Becky Pena
ington State University. A communica- Chapter Services Coordinator
tions major, Jennifer has been extremely AOn International Headquarters
active in WSU organizations. In particu- 3821 Cleghorn Ave.
lar, she has been involved in Washington Nashville, TN 37215
State Coug Guys and Gals and the Crim-
son Rally Squad. A member of the Order Name . Chapter.
of Omega and Mortar Board, Jennifer has
served her chapter as pledge trainer and Address.
house manager.
Graduation Date.
Lisa Niedenthal, Beta Phi, Indiana Uni-
versity. Lisa, a telecommunications ma-
jor, has been active on the IU Student
Foundation-promotions committee and
the Indiana University Auditorium Usher
Corps. A scholarship recipient, Lisa has
served her chapter as a chapter relations
committee member, assistant formal rush
chairman, and open rush chairman.
Lynn Noble, Alpha Gamma, Washing-
ton State University. Lynn, an elementa-
ry education major, has been very active
in field experience at the Pullman Nur-
sery School and serving as a tutor for the
High School Equivalency Program. She
also has been active in the National
Council of English Teachers. Lynn served
Alpha Gamma as rush chairman and
Foundation says \
Thanks AOns' Pictured outside the AOII Laboratory are from the left, D r . Joseph J . Biundo, Jr., chief, Section of
The AOII Philanthropic Foundation Rheumatology and Rehabilitation; Bonnie D . Olson Harvey, T a u '63; Candace M c C o m b s , associ-
has honored a number of collegiate chap- ate professor of medicine and a past A O I I research award winner and another team member,
ters for their outstanding financial sup- Joseph Michalski, associate professor of medicine.
port of the foundation over the last year.
AOn 'builds' laboratory
During International Convention last
summer in Washington, D.C., the foun- A modern laboratory at Louisiana Recently a pediatric rheumatologist be-
dation recognized Gamma Sigma, Geor- State University Medical Center in New gan work in the AOII laboratory on a
gia State; Lambda Sigma, University of Orleans showcases the results of the f u n d project involving juvenile rheumatoid ar-
Georgia, and Lambda Tau, Northeast raising efforts of members of AOII. thritis.
Louisiana University, for contributions in
excess of $5,000 each. Funds awarded to D r . Joseph J. The renovation of the arthritis labora-
Biundo, Jr., chief of the Section of Rheu- tory has significantly strengthened the ar-
Nu Beta, University of Mississippi, was matology, were used for the renovation thritis research effort at LSU Medical
honored for its $3,000 plus contribution of a research laboratory dedicated to ar- Center, Dr. Biundo said. The modern fa-
while Omega, Miami University, and Pi thritis research. cilities received favorable comment dur-
Delta, University of Maryland, were rec- ing a recent site visit in connection with a
ognized for their contributions of more An old chemistry laboratory was pending grant application, and have been
than $2,000. stripped to the walls and refurbished with a positive factor in obtaining additional
modern laboratory benches especially funding for arthritis research.
Collegiate chapters contributing more suited to the requirements of tissue cul-
than $1,000 included Alpha Gamma, ture. Fresh paint and new flooring com- The renovation of the laboratory was
Washington State; Chi Alpha, University pleted the transformation. accomplished one room at a time so that
of California-Davis; Delta Pi, Central the ongoing research could continue un-
Missouri State University; Chi Lambda, The laboratory is equipped with all interrupted.
University of Evansville; Iota, University new equipment, purchased with other
of Illinois; Kappa Tau, Southeastern Lou- funds, and represents a state-of-the-art Bonnie D . Olsen Harvey, Tau '63, rep-
isiana University; Lambda Chi, La- research facility. A cast bronze plaque resented AOII at the laboratory's dedica-
Grange College; Omicron, University of designates the facility as the "Alpha O m i - tion last June.
Tennessee-Knoxville; Omicron Pi, Uni- cron Pi Research Laboratory."
versity of Michigan; Phi Upsilon, Pur- ALPHA OMICRON PI
due University; Tau Delta, Birmingham The laboratory consists of three ad-
Southern; Tau Lambda, Shippensburg joining rooms which are shared by the re- ARTHRITIS RESEARCH
University, and Zeta, University of Ne- search team of Drs. Joseph Michalski and
braska. Candace McCombs (herself a recipient of LABORATORY
a 1978 AOE1 Research Fellowship). The
According to Barbara Hunt, Executive pair are engaged in research on several 1984
Board director and president of the AOII aspects of arthritis.
Philanthropic Foundation, contributions The plaque outside the Alpha Omicron Pi Lab-
to the foundation are up f r o m a year ago. The mechanism of a genetic predisposi- oratory at Louisiana State University Medical
tion to rheumatic disease is the subject of School is a reminder of the support provided
"Our collegiate chapters contributed a major research project funded by the by the Fraternity to arthritis research.
nearly $43,000 while alumnae chapters National Institutes of Health. A separate
recorded more than $8,500 in contribu- genetic factor which may cause patients
tions," Barbara said. "When profits from with rheumatoid arthritis to develop lung
pen sales and interest are added to the complications also is being studied.
other contributions, the foundation has
$59,703.55 which it will be using to sup-
port Arthritis Research Grants."
Barbara said AOIIs also donated more
than $11,000 to the Ruby Fund over the
last year.
"For the first time in the history of the
foundation our Endowment Fund re-
ceived contributions topping $20,000,"
she added.
"The AOII Philanthropic Foundation
would like to honor all members who
contributed so unselfishly this year," Bar-
bara said. "Your donations have helped
fund Arthritis Research Grants as well as
help our sisters through the Ruby Fund.
They also have helped underwrite several
educational programs which benefit our
collegiate and alumnae members.
"We are looking forward to another
successful year and wish to thank all of
you once again for your loving and giv-
ing attitude," the foundation president
Development Turfo
The alumnae-supported Development Fund enables the alumnae leaders.
Fraternity to meet the needs of its members. Your generous support also provides revenue for To
The names of the financial contributors who made AOII Dragma, NPC support, and the work of our international
projects possible are listed below. To these supporters goes a chairmen and others.
very special "thank you for caring."
Alpha Omicron Pi needs your continuing support. Soon
More AOIIs than ever before contributed to last year's you will be receiving information and a request for your sup-
appeal. Their support supported expansion efforts on many port for the Development Fund.
college campuses. Collection of AOII's history goes on,
thanks to the Development Fund supporters. The Fraternity's Please respond to this important request. W i t h the spiraling
continual interest in professionalism is strengthened, due to costs of a college education, the Fraternity cannot maintain
development support for training materials for collegiate and important services through collegiate fees alone. Alumnae
support is essential for the continuing vitality of A O I I .
Alpha Contributions from July 1, 1984—June 30, 1985
Hester M. Rusk Julie Anne Elsensohn Victoria Louise Robichaux Karen Lee Olson Egged Oriel Campbell Morphey
Mary Susan Webb Herdrich Sessions Gretchen Estelle Thornton Frisby Maxine McElvain O. Brien
Alpha Beta Debbie Ann Hemas Hernas Virginia Sheriff McCoy Good Ethel Patricia Rend Orlich
Florida Atlantic Evelyn Maxine Krause Hickman Cynthia Kay D. Smith Jeaneen Ann Griffiths Margy Burgess Peterson
Lucille Ann Felice Susan Camille Wayenberg Hinz Jane Ann Marker Snook Jean Leverich Lenham Hansen Amy Pound
Adria Veleke Hubbard Mary Catherine Greco Villere
Alpha Chi Suzanne Kay Peterson Jaynes Pamela Ann Meyer Wallace Diana Lentz Hart Peggy Glass Scott Reeves
Western Kentucky Agnes Genevieve Smick Knott Gwendolyn Claire Geiger Katherine Teresa Kane Helppie Shirley Mae Anderson Rothwell
Rachel Smith Allen Lisa Annette Ludwig Laurie Hermansen Lois Marion Eames Shaurette
Karen Jeanne Miley Bere Rose Mae Jones Mackie Watson Lenora Pfister Hill Lorene Alice Stranahan
Marsha Louise Bird Bordas Peggy Lenore Moss Ostrander Helen Marie Wolf Hoffman Martha Josephine Wright Suter
Juanita Lynn Overhults Brown Kathleen Nealey Paterson Alpha Phi Marillyn Pearson Thomas
Susan Spieser Choate Lisa Marie Peterson-Jacques Montana St. Kathleen Edna Vaughn Holm Daryl Dazns Todd
jane Violette Fergus Carol Louise Garretson Jane Clare Liquin Ahrendes Lillian Georgina Krulatz Hughes Carol Ann Raffl Vorpahl
Brenda Gail Clark Gottula Deborah Sue Ellis Andras Linda Jean Bourdet Hurless Ginger Lynn Stanley Walter
Alice Haneline Griffin Redman Ladonna Marie Preuninger Martha Lee Pope Hutchison Verna Marie Willis
Eleanor Elaine James Kennedy Susan Jane Daiger Schell Eunice Jone Hunt Hutton Cecil Walker Willson
Sylvia Rae Hallenberger Klein Kimberly Kemp Schoeler Bergman Joan Elizabeth Hansen Jacobsen
Wennifer Lynn Knowles Denise Lynn Novacoff Sprague Jean Vansice Berry Carol Ann Westbrook Jones Alpha Pi
Susan Diane Ward Nally Cheri Lynn Stremel Margrette Alice Gray Brown Beverly Elise Vatcher Koppang Florida St.
Elizabeth Armin Soil Rhodes Jane Marian Trotzer Blanche E. Franklin Chilcote Mary Blake Lodge Rita Leddy Baker
Elizabeth McCullough Smith Patricia Louise Maslac Helen Boiler Clark Bernice Loretta Crane Lowman Jane Sutton Black
Karen Jean Fiddelke Towell Marjorie Elizabeth Cole Valerie Moore Clayton
Vallandigham Joanne Marie Johnston Coleman Margaret Lois Linfield Lyons Angela Amelia Griley Creed
Alpha Delta Mildred Mary Hunt Vatnsdal Albino M. Crottogini Collins Marjory Helen Wampler Helen Morris L. Davis
Alabama Stephanie Watson Marsha Louise Bell Costello Mary Eloise Davis
Carla Marie Black Lori Suzanne Wegner Margaret Ann Olson Crennen May field Paula Suzanne Walker Dorris
Cheryl Mayo Duncan Brantly Leola Anne Russ Wheeler Julie Ann Paugh Curd Erlene Marie Biggs Julia Kennon Dunn
Mary Lynn Buffler Bryant Diane Frances Gomer Dailey Lucinda Lee Homko Filomio
Alyce Leigh Cobb Alpha Kappa Nancy Diehl Dear Mazuranich Karen Lee Glendinning Givens
Diane Jeannine Collins Edgeton Northern Alabama Etta Verna Haynes Dobbin Mary Joan Huxley McCune Agnes Gertrude Goss
Cheryl Ann Sheedy Falbo Mary Louise Barnes-Ogle Jane Jaccard Dodge Penny Joh Bowlin Meeks
Diane Forsythe Forsythe Laura Ann Brush Burcham Mary Ursula Egan Lou Ann Valjacic Montgomery
Dorothy Joan Gardner Gambill Angela Leigh Cofield Nancy Ruth Stenson Moore
Mary Lynn Hanily Theresa Ann M. Collins
Maritzabel C. Rodriguez Hyde Mary Faith Tinsley Deaton
Cecilia Ann Jackson Robin Renee French
Carole Ruth Jurenko Jones Linda Hyde
Patricia Ann Lavin Kisling Susan Melinda French Lowrey
Susan Maykish Barnes Kyle Linda Kaye Gundlach
Joanne Lessman
Cynthia Rhea D. Lewis McWUSiams
Amy Lynette Lowe Amy Susan Foster Wingard
Judy Burks Moore Mathis
Linda Susan Curry Miller Alpha Omicron
Catherine Ann Taylor Moore
Connie Diane Pickett Louisiana St.
Lisa Elaine Hart Reynolds
Virginia Joy Lewis Rhea Margaret Bres Abshire
Shelley Bennett Duncan
Lyle Vivian Maier Bayle
Susan Lynne McCullough Angela Grace Armstrong Bickers\
Shene field Sue Metz Domier
Moira Elizabeth Judas Smith
Mary Ella Haughton Vinson Bonnie Marie Dunlap
Alpha Gamma Elaine Marie Defrances Ellis
Washington St.
Trudy Sue Roberts Abrams Mary Elizabeth O'Connor
Pamela Jo Ahlf
Bonnie Jo Johnson Aim Gadwell
Nora Diane Carlson
Irma Marie Louise Kenney
Susan Hardin Mahon
Nancy Ellen Hollenbeck
Mary Diane Benton Murphy
Susan Ethel Parry T h e Development Fund directly benefits the endeavors of 200 alumnae chapters throughout
Kathryn Claire Tomsula Priven the United States a n d C a n a d a .
Robyn L. Kimble Green Dorothy Leila Hallin Miller Barbara J. Spehar Millington Beverly Anne Cade Ernest Joanne Bowlby Speyer
Lucile Dale Haag Leona Melva Hostetler Mosher Marylyn Ann Hileman Neuder
Betty ]o Miller Holshouser Linda Cherie Upham Moulton Irene Florence Wager Oestrike Elizabeth Jane Fellny Eskew Rebecca Ellen Snepp Stiles
Pamela Ann MathisHoveland Luola Benge Rehfeld Constance Joan Quigley Overby
Barbara Adelaide Greene Carol Ann Emmons Rose Mabel Fern Peterson Virginia Louis Steele Fauber Cheryl Sue Williamson Strain
Jean Alice Carkin Sanesi Charlene Ellen Brown Potter
Hutchison Nadyne Neet Simmons Mary Lee Dierker Reiter Frances Elizabeth Luke Ferguson Carol Angela Swakon
Bobbie Maxine McFee James Beatrice Marilyn Schwn Starr Louise Muncie Roehm
Dorothy Louise Kish Kurras Audrey Williams Stevens Donna Ruth Messenger Rowe Carol Jean Makielski Flora Julia Elizabeth Myers Tindall
Karyl Marie Logan Mary Ellen Contreras Sandra Irene Obeshaw Slee
Katharine Louise Martin Marjorie Elaine Doster Eleanor Jane Garber Cathy Lynn Underwood
Sue Carolyn Rogers McClain Vaillancourt
Mary Katherine Mask Michael Donna Jane Ketchum Westfall Sutherland Daisy Hinkle Garton Ann Elizabeth Butler Van Cleave
Ada Jo Starling Miller Ann Herrenkohl Yoder Carol Des Jardins Wilcox
Laurie Marlene Baraz Myers Marcia Martin Ruhling Winner Joan Van Buskirk Goen Rae Hildred Davis Walk
Judith Lesley Baldwin Peckham Alpha Tau Gloria Ann Green Wurdock
ChristiAnna Hattan Penkoff Denison Patricia Joan Kooken Golgart Cynthia Sue Cron Walker
Mary Nannette Cecil Rankin Lucy Virginia Bell Beta Kappa
Kathleen Margaret Mullarky Jean Rhosa King Brown British Columbia Oma Davis Grater Grace Aileen Wate
Diana Sweeder Carleton Louise Marie Celest Mouat
Richards Helen Grace Laycock Casper Mary Winifred Bir Guard Rosalice Baldwin Watson
Sara Ann Parise Ridolph Phyllis Louise Dininger Freed Grant
Deborah Ann Sorsby Alice Shizue Kurohara Fufimoto Shirley Alice Venables Frances Cordelia Baylor Mary Ellen Jenkins Whitlock
Ailsa Ellen McKelvey Tjaden Grace Evangeline Smith Greene
Ruth Emilie Skacil Valois Josephine Arthur Hedges Hammond Guenther Geneva Winifred Crayden
Carol Irene Maxwell Kolsti Patricia Anne Home
Alpha Rho Dorothy Elma Hartshorn Dorothy Jean Rennie Larock Wilberta Jane Teeple Guthrie Wiseman
Oregon St. Sharon Jeanne Mari Wright
Cynthia Lynn Androsky Kortepeter Jennifer Joy Hessong Halsey Evelyn Fae Cooper Zolman
Barbara Elaine Ashton Atseff Julia Ann Mills Littlejohn Miles
Osa Lautner Ballen Kathryn Viola Luebben Lavenie Lily Bird B. Dean Emaline Rosemary Ruffing Beta Pi
Sarah Jane Battelle Beverly Louise Berman Mack Eastern Michigan
Natalie Louise Essig Cantrell Margery Wiltgen Male Perkins Hannell
Carol Joyce Clark Anne Matthews Morlan Judith Mary Putti Spence Susanne Fogg Harrison Cynthia Louise Given
Jo Jrene Steagall Clark Irma Grace Hudson Morrow Barbara Bea McTavish Thurston Joan Barnhisel Heaston Mary Ann Kirr Stephens
Janice Lynne Taylor Cogdill Lillian Henderson King Nicholl Elizabeth Margaret Q. Bown Lisa Marie Anfenson Henning Sally Ann Gustavson Taylor
Patricia Jo Ames Coulthard Natalie Elizabeth Cowan Scharre Analie Frances Shaw Hepley Joyce Ann Zielinski
Lucile Lydia Moss Harlow Margaret Lucille Vanhorn Wolfe Audrey Jeanne Smith Hiller
Jeahnetta Rice Hewitt
Melba Hartzell Hicklin Stearns Beta Lambda Eleanore Amie Hire Beta Rho
Molly Carolyn Taylor Jackson Jane Carol Wonders Stitt Illinois Wesleyan Montana
Georgena Pettingel Samson Mildred Hull Sweeder Katherine Ann Becklund Katherine Sanders Hites Barbara J. Wilson I f f t
Jane Wilson on Cockerill Susan C. Merritt Berry
Knapp Catherine Helen Boon Marilynn Bolitho Hodges Dianne J. Mudd
Barbara Lee Bierer Long Sweeder Karol Geanne Jepson Coffin
Thalia Aileen Larson Maginnis Mary Edith Myers Taylor Constance Gail Estko Cooper Ruth Louise Hutt Jenkinson Susan Elizabeth Higgins Musial
Helen Bacon McCain Jane Hastings Scully Taylor Martha Jeanne Hayes Crippin Deborah Ann Riefflin
Veroka W'ampler Morrison Marjorie Lois Jump Walker Julie Kay Parsons Dunbar Susan Lea Metzger Johnson
Beverly Joan Smith Mullen Cynthia Alice Hilker Wargo Elizabeth Ann Formentini Pamela Lebeau Jones
Rozina E. Blake Owens Wilda Grace Wiest Webster Roxella Boal Hauman
Geneva Hale Quigley Joan Ruth Hess Wolsiefer Pamela Sue Fredman Johnson Janice Graves Keucher Beta Sigma
Susan Anita Shepherd Romano Vera Adaline Killion Mary Helen Seiple Kilman Boise St.
Ann Luree Muir Schwindt Alpha Theta Mary Frances Spurgeon Kitchel
Janet Forrest Doeneka Smith Coe Lorrie Lynn Johnson Leahigh Ruth Harpole Mueller Janice Marie Grant Bean
Audrey Wiencken Smith Peggy Ann Hoffmann Fermier Janelle C. Peterson Jan Naugler Bloom
Crystal Marie Wilcox Sowersby Lauris Sue Krueger Granitz Donna Arlene Rekau Kleymeyer Diane Lorraine Burr
Anne Reid Steele Laura Jean Friday Hefta Elinor Diane Brown Thorstenson Jane Ann Barr Kohr
Lisa Noelle Stewart Maureen Ann Obrine Ketelsen Beta Tau
Christine Marie Kennedy Linda Garrett Martin Beta Phi Barbara Owens Kramer Toronto
Indiana Margery Carole Laycock Susan Jane Macfarlane Brown
Wheeler McLaughlin Mildred Evangeline Akey Acker Jeanice Marian Bartling Lewis
Bonnie Gayle Wyland Deborah Anne Smith Noonan Barbara Alice Aman Jeanne Elizabeth Craig
Edith Elizabeth Huntingdon Marjorie Anne Boyd Lind Diann Scrutton Evans
Alpha Sigma Beta Chi Kay Gilbert Linson
Oregon Kentucky Wesleyan Anderson Grace Anne Denne Hemphill
Joan Claire Herbranson Agerter Barbara Ottilio Nass Gatz Jamie King Gordon Pamela Mae Jessup Macri
Jeanette Thielema Harbert Barbara Ann Cheatham Schmitt Katherine Millard Lloyd
Sally Jane Magruder Standiford Augenstein Sandra Sue Martin Maryke Margaret Loos
Anderson Rebecca SueBartels Alice Adelaide Baylor
Dorothy Josephine Jensen Beta Epsilon Rosemary Patricia Vioni Benson Margaret Ann McKee Pattison
Bemidji St. Krista Lee Houze Bill Martindale
Ayers Judith Erickson Sarah Kaye Hansert Bogard
Patricia McKenna Beard Bonita Lynn Knierim Book Mary Jean Parkes Marx Beta Theta
Kimberly Ann Lundell Boldt Beta Gamma Juliana Nancy Bane Bordner Marjorie Ruth Swihart McCague Butler
Ruth Crary Holmes Boling Michigan St. Yvonne Jean Park Boseker Josephine Marie Walsh Ruth McClurg Brown
Betty Jeanne Clark Jane Elaine Engel Allen Margaret Alice Thompson Dorothy Lucille PowersCurtis
Tia Moore Coker Marjorie Louise Dinah Bouck McConnell lone H. Agnew Duval
Mildred Maxine Martin Cramer Sally Joann Carlson Burch Bowles Laura Eleanora Gilliam Frances Elizabeth Shera Fessler
Margaret Yvonne Torgler Davis Anne MacMillan Clute Katherine Bradford Mary Alice Burch Fizer
Peggy Jane Peebler Decker. Susan Dana Elder Elder Rebq Jean Pendry Brock McDowell Frances Mary Richardson
Ruth Ellen Dexter Helen Hollister Lee Foster Catherine Eliza Williams Broyles Catherine Ann Ohnemus
Frances Dodds Marilynn Yvonne Heim Linda Gail Bruce McCully
DarciJenell Sullivan Duffy Dorothy Jane Balanean Hopkin Alda Jane Woodward Carson McGowan Virginia Katheryn Sheely
Deborah Lynne.Strauss Eason Sally Ann Vegors Janis Mildred Lucile McCoy Champ Rita Ann Mendenhall Mengon
Geraldine Walker Flagle Mary Elizabeth Moore Jedynak Mary Jane Robertson Ciotti Donna Florence Phelps Thompson
Anita Kellogg Gibson Joanne Attwood Kettles Cynthia Ann Orr Cohn Lucile Palmer Wright
Cheryl Kathleen Fifer Hallquist Patricia Ann Velliquette Kristen Elizabeth Collins Meyerhoven
Harriett Anna Banbury Holland Marion Elizabeth Koegel Cox Grace Miller
Phyllis Louise Bryan Kerr Koproski Gina Louise Bertig Culver Virginia Moore
Carrol Ann Pageler Kirk Judy Ann Miller Kruger Susie Lee Trueman Cummings
Edith Clement La Bbrde Donna Corey Maddock Anna Katherine Greenawalt Patricia Ann Capehart Moore . Chi
Nancy Elizabeth Leake Mary Kathryn Atkins
Brenda Marie Mcintosh Maddock Diggins Syracuse
Sharon Ruth McKee Ryta Lynn Craig Doepker Morningstar
Carol Ethel Wolfe Mendrick Mildred Bqdine Douglass Phoebe Donzelle Goodwin
Jean D. Drevenstedt Hallie Elmira Keen Moyer
Mary Frances Dobbins Dunn Bibbens
Rose Evelyn Ellis Mary Jenniene Mahon Munchak Doris Lloyd Brown
Mary June Cave Nordhoff
Barbara Ann Ernst Bruening
Nona Joyce Neff Oesterle
Ruth Elizabeth McNees Burgess
Roberta Ann Pioch
Marjorie Julia Pease Burke
Selma Pauline Drabing Pond
Helen Isabelle McNees Burnham
Julie Anne Pope
Frances Gertrude Carter
Kimberly Ann Potter
Myrtle Munson Ciccarelli
Sonja Beth Quimby
Katherine Jenkins Clement
Gail Geneve Glenn Ramsey
Amelita Colangelo
Cheryl Ann Regan
Carolyn Elizabeth Oliver Collier
Florence Louise Rich
Mary Frances Youdan Davis
Ann Victoria Mooney Roberts Margaret Jane Wootton Dow
Mary Elizabeth Mcllveen Rose Helen Eugenia Marriner Eldredge
Rosella Celestia Stoner Ross
Marcia Lynette Bond Evans
Helen Groenier Thomson Russell Irene Marie K. Becker Ferguson
Frances Eudale Proud Saunders Jane Anna Flynn
Ruth Yvonne VedellSchaaf
Helen Bogosta Gilbert
Elaine Marie Luebbe Schultheis Frances Ann Lugg Harrington
Nancy Ellen Samek Singleton
Martha Lois Garrahan Hazard
Marcella Bertha Beaber Smith Doris Irene Skiff Huff
Matilda Anne Lybrook Smith
Helen Mildred Nye Jenkins
Patricia Alexandra Cooper
Sylvia Elaine Mallery
Smith Beverly Jane Datlo Martino
Rebecca Lynn Alber Smock Marjorie Frances Kincaid
Winifred Louise Black Spaulding Mclntyre
Rachel Louise Spaulding Adell Woessner Meacham
Shirley Jane Sears Mills Linda Kay Capin Linda.Alice Gordon Kirtsey Margaret Louise Weekes Jane Alma Romig Wilson
Constance Marilyn Myer Paula Jane Conway Katherine Folwell Trafton Leaver Marjorie Day Cousley Winkler
Dorothy Lucille Lane Oliver Emily Kathryn Fischer Freund Mary Anne Phillips Long Hendrickson Alice Marie Janota Winthrop
Mildred Janet SittserOlsen PamelaSue Boges Goode Katherine Jackson Marshall Doris Viola Struss Huster Sarah Reed McKean Young
Marjorie Ruth Tonks Pacino Delia Welbom Bigger Goodman Reta Ann Allen McKannan Jane Louise Vail Ingersoll Mary Belle Zahn
Mary Emma Brodbeck Peterson Lisa Michelle Hahn Vicki Elaine Lupo Metcalf Elinor Baier Kennedy Sara Louise Everitt Zimmerman
Edna Lupton Faust Rignall Meredith Jean Potter Helmerich Laurie Anne Parks Margaret BellMashek Ludlow
Elenore Jean Ivory Smykal Susan Kay Oskins Hoesli Angela Corinne Kennedy Payne Katherine Lyon Mix Epsilon Iota
Helen Frances Janota Taylor Cecil Hovda Klamer Paula Moore Woods Payte May Belle Eisemann Reed Eastern Illinois
Joan Catherine Wallick Vanzo Mabel Snyder Landis Martha Carol Bullard Rhodes Helen Pagan Tyler
Joan Ann Wallace Corian Rosamond Stambaugh Vicki Ann Thompson Betty Francis Johnson White Dixie Lee Alms Gustine
Carla Gail Lauruhn Valdes Ruth E. Smith Wilson Patricia Lynn Ryan Lenhoff
Chi Alpha Lundquist Adriarme Carlo Smith Wallace Kathryn E. Altemeier Yohn Paula Alyce Wdisnor Musilek
Cal.-Davis Virginia R. McCutchan Virginia South West
Susan Lynn Appleton Debra Sue Price Moore Epsilon Alpha Eta
Leslie Anne Carroll-Tipton Mary Antoinette Reitz Delta Omega Perm St.
Celeste Marie Le Mieux Allison Ruth Smith Renaud Murray St. Wisconsin
Nancy Elizabeth Madsen Pamela Ann Lindsey Raster Gayle Marie Moyers Ashley Mary Carolyn Leworthy Lydia Lacey Brown
Judy Lynn Masai Marilyn Goeke Engle Simms Patsy Gail Jones Bishop Bachmann Dorothy Louise Palmer Buhdy
Karen Ella Norene Mills Mary Niednagel Wilsbacher Jan Dupree Simmons Julia Monnier Can Crenshaw
Johnette Kay Leikam Peterson Ellen McCoy Messick Ball Katherine Elizabeth Turner Dole
Elizabeth Anne Reed Chi Omicron Bohnenkamp Diane Ruth Edelman Bardman Grace Geraldine Austin Gray
Marian Louise Rule Central St. Susan Lynn Pace Brodnan Ruth Van Nest Davis Bartlett Flora Alcorn Hurley
Susan Lee Vanderlip Linda Louise Patterson Braden Carrie Joy Welbom Brookshire Gladys Evelyn Raemsch Betts Margaret Kelly Keenan Icks
Ann Elizabeth Waterfall Linda Frances Peters Collier Mary Duff Matarazzo Bryant Gertrude Louise Bryant Adrienne Alba Shreve Jackson
Kathy Douglass White Mary Louise Jennings Katschke Pamela Anne Mumford Hay Sally Ann Oberle Colby Karen Fredrikka Folk Johnson
Kathy Renee Hill Carolyn Jeanne Hartman Margaret Isabel Ebert Ketk
Chi Delta Chi Sigma Linda Joyce Durham Ledford Dorothy Jane Bassett Knott
Colorado Centenary Jan Michelle Wetherington Colteryahn Evelyn Rasmussen Lundsted
Ann Lyons Ballweg Anderson Loraine Webb Jordan Kent Jacquelyn Ruth Struble Helen Muriel Laird McPhee
Kay Ann Apostolus Delia Phi Muriel Minnie M. Moodie
Sydney Ann Amer Delta South Carolina Dinwiddle Helen Susan Barron Moss
Paula Gene Barta Jackson Christiana Humphrey Constance Jean Crocetti Dorothy Louise Wiesler Ninthan
Jane Beard Elizabeth Ardelia Dunn Leslie E. Potash Eleanor Sikes Peters
Eleanor Ann Yockers Becher Grace Winebrenner Watts Donnelly Virginia Belle Huwen Proctor
Marcia Ruth Hunt Brewer Anderson Anna Elizabeth Preston Marion J. Bain Ransel
Darilyn Dorothy Awes Brown Ruth Earle Andress Delta Pi Dorothy Tegtmeyer Stege
Leslie Joan Helhena Delaney Phylis Louise Brug Bleyle Central Missouri St. Eagelman Sarah Augusta Hardy Ward
Imogene Hadley Dodson Janet Roberta Woodman Branch Judith Ann Young Castricone Debra Ann Trueax Eilert Elynore Frances Bell Wegner
Julia Christine Gustafson Marie Barrett Carney Debra Louise Gagne Elvira Elizabeth Eshlemdn Eis Carol Isabel Schmitt Woerpel
Mildred Ward Eldridge Lita Kay Richtermeyer Jimenez Marian Luanna Terwilliger
Douglass Ruth Dorothy Bloy Ely Rebecca Ann Nentwig Koelling Gamma
Mary Lorinda Kasic Duffy Margaret Caverly Forssell Linda Louise Mansur Elliston Maine
Eileen Maria Rodell Engel Margaret Mary Harris Henry Sharon Diane Martin Frances May Speicher Fileger Deborah Ann Scott Aseltine
Laverne Long Ferguson Helen Louise Prescott Inman Lisa Marie Gabel Soger Lenore Helen Hofmann Freitag Esther Randall Bacas
Carole Ann Krez Foran Eleanor C. M. Leadbeater Terri Lee Schwarz Helen Marie Savard Galbraith Phyllis Richett Phillips Bemiss
Ruth Ann Olson Gatchell Margaret Lewis Baxter McArdle Barbara Jean Bonnichsen Sparks Nancy Louise Baier Gilbert Mildred Mae Haney Berdeen
Grace Marie Clarkson Gobble Ruth Anna Dresser Metcalfe Jane Sarah Wickizer Gomlick Annette Rosemarie Simoneau
Lucy Milton Heame Hamann Beth Marion Ringer Moran Delta Sigma Catherine O'Connor Greider
Ann Carol Morgan Hayslip Nancy Atwood Mowry Ober San Jose St. Phyllis Ann Herr Grobert Bliss
Nancy Kay Bateslane Heard Blanche Louisa Downing Shelley Annette West Adams Jeanne Marie Comer Guiliano
Marjorie Ann Herzberger Marlene Joann Peterson Adams Marilyn Jean Minor Haas Eveline Foster Snow Cross
Ann Marie Hansen Hickman Penniman Mary Louise Bihler Bacigalupi Emma Barnes Rubinkam Hale Jane Dyer Ellsworth
Harriett Matilda Burke Histed Annabelle Evelyn Robbins Bette Jo Belda Jean Wallace Cousley Harbison Cynthia Lee Peacock Gaylord
Judith Carol Keck Hutchison Elizabeth Howard Soule Aleene La Rea Wells Caneer Hazie Jane Davis Heaton Susan Ruth Golding
Karen Kay Driver James Winifred Brooks Desch Cicely May Desilver Hindenach Carolyn Imogen Wormwood
Pamela Jones Schroeder Patricia Ann Stewart Dubrow Margaret Ruth Desilver Hursh
Nancy Lorraine Setter Karl Nancy Claire Schlosser Dunn Agnes Ellen Geary Jamison Ingalls
Florence Belle Miller Lynch Delta Beta Marilyn Lucilla Wylie Hart Dorothy Jane Jennings Barbara Jane L. Kelly
Susan Elizabeth ReidMattem S. W. Louisiana Jo Ann Tartaul Hawley Betty Elinor Widgerjohler Jane Elizabeth Romain Lebrun
Leslie Jane Nissen Maynard Bette Marie Lewis Armentor Leah Anne Hardcastle MacNeil Marion Mae Eberts Johnson lsabelle Birdsall Mailer
Paula Dallas Sparre McLean Karen Nell Willis Bernard Patricia Mae Welch Newton Margaret White Fairchild Jones Mary Elizabeth Robinson
Charmin Phyllis Briggs Nancy Lynn Tuttle Boisture Barbara Jean Halvorsen O. Brien Barbara Marie Frederick Junker
Mary Louise Kerne Cestia Joyce Ella Osbom Ethel Heldt Filbert Kearns McClure
McMillan Lorelei Cangelosi DeHart Sylvia Leonida Veglia Phillips Joanne Lynne Yergey Keith Jessie Ellen Ashworth Miller
Beth Ellen Lewis Milam Beatrice Parkerson Dupuis Irene Rose Woodworth Vera Patricia Trester Kelly Nancy Knowles Moore
Effie Lucetta Gleason Miles Mary Elizabeth M. Holloway Margo Alison Streeter Kotulak Janiece Marilyn Bacon Oblak
Carol Jo M. Morgan Florence Sanders Jones Shephard Nancy Jane Graham Leuschner Elizabeth Mary McAlary Pease
Beverly Ann Lutz Morse Kaylin Kirby Carol Thompson Silliman Janet Virginia Holmes Jeanette Marie Roney Pero
Norma Sally Yankocy Riffel Marianne Thornton Tharratt Eunice Dorothy Barrows Powell
Diane Constance Panagakis Cindy Marie Livaudais Roth Linsenmaier Evelyn May Gleason Rawson
Beverly Ann Bertrand Yount Delta Upsilon Barbara Lee Mattern Catharine Lancaster Rowe
Rouman Michele Kay Thibodeaux Duke Judy Ann Ott McGlynn Katharine Harper Sinnett
Anna Katharine Barker Ellen Roe Brady Evelyn Lapham Mehi Catherine Chase Osgood
Zerangue Katherine Anne Cronin Eleanor Gwynn Merrifield
Schroeder Kimary Ann D. Augusta Barbara Elizabeth D. Moser Skolfield
Karen Kay Heaton Schultz Delta Chi Paula Gayle Litner Mary Elyn McLaughlin Moyer Joyce Marguerite Cheney
Stephanie Ann Smith-Hult Delaware Elizabeth Edwards Oram Barbara Torrence Nelson
Beverly Ann Rabe So Janet Michele Cerceo Phylis Jean Peotter Barbara Louise Beatty Phillips Stevens
Joan Doris Lott Starika Katherine Lynn Edwards Catherine Margaret Reiss E. Louise Hoffeditz Porter Katherine Dudley Stewart
Elizabeth Louise McCarver Virginia Blair M. Hutting Judith Anne Wagoner Lillian Jean Hofmeister Purdy Debra Ruth Clark Susi
Carol Ann Moses Laurie Beth Wright Jo Anne Proudfoot Rahn Elizabeth Jane Barker Tavemer
Tolson Katherine Anne Thackrah Alice Suzanne Wueste Kathryn Carpenter Aungst Reed Fern Elizabeth Allen Turbyne
Mary Rebecca Shook Mary Virginia Gist Renberg Henrietta Cliff Woodbury
Delta Delta Epsilon Mary Alice Christman Risser
Weinberg Auburn Cornell Mary Gertrude Richards Roberts Gamma Alpha
Mary Dollar Rose White Julia Nelle Smith Alexander Norma Alice Leversee Botkin Anna Mary Evans Sanger George Mason
Kim Elizabeth Wright Sara Lynette Robison Bird Elizabeth C. Herick Clark Lynne Allison Mosher Schieck Janis Marie Davidson Bates
Merrilyn Louise Cook MabeiKlisch Deal Alyce Carolyn George Schnabel Debra AnnM. Bayne
Chi Lambda Elizabeth Doty Spurgeon Gwendolyn Owen Faith Jean Louise Black Slezak Lisa Ann Disher
Evansville Arlene Ann Loede Hanley Edna Mae Oglevee Stephens Kathy Diana Dix
Mafianna Andres Henderson Sara Josephine Lowenberg Stem Janet Laura Haher Rawl
Pauletta Irene Brehob Brenda Bonds Howell Terese De Salles Moslak Sutor
Carolyn Anne Patterson Brown Grace Miller Hemdon Johnson Madge Luella Terwilliger Gamma Beta
Elizabeth B. Montgomery Carole Marie Shell Waiters
Gayle Dorene Moyer Whitley Indiana j-
Johnson Maureen Anne Leary Mamula
Priscilla Alden Mewha
28 (continued on page S3)
AOII Christmas Ornaments: red ball with red rose and white letters: or white
ball with golden wheat, red roses and red letters. Each 57.00 delivered.
ITEMS: (specify quantity, color for ornaments, hair color for doll, first name
for pillow)
AOII Doll: 20" high with red and white dress, red letters; avail- AMOUNT ENCLOSED S.
able with blonde, brown or black hair. Each S25.00 delivered. SEND ORDER BLANK TO: Alpha Omicron Pi
AOfl Bear: 7" high, white with red sweater and cap and white let- International Headquarters
ters. Each $15.00 delivered. 3821 Cleghorn Avenue
Nashville, T N 37215
(Please allow sufficient time for orders to be processed)
AOII Pillow: 12" square, white with red letters and red and green rose. 515.00
delivered. Pillow may be personalized with first name for additional $5.00.
DJF undergraduate scholarship awards: 1985-1986
By Eleanore MacCurdy Region III Jennifer Flynn, Auburn, A l a . , Delta
Delta, Auburn University, will earn a
Escalating college costs and the aca- Terri Hodges, Montgomery, A l a . , Sig- B.F.A. in visual arts. She has served her
demic achievement goals contributed to ma Delta, Huntingdon College, will earn chapter as rush chairman.
the largest number of applicants for the a B . A . in medical administration. She
AOn/Diamond Jubilee Foundation schol- served her chapter as president, and Carol Szymke, New Port Richey, Fla.,
arships. The Scholarship Committee re- chairman of fraternity education and Gamma Omicron, University of Florida,
ceived more than 140 applications. chapter relations. is taking a double major to earn a B.E.S.
in industrial and systems engineering.
Criteria used to select the winners in- Georgette Williams, LaGrange, Ga., She served her chapter as corresponding
cludes academic excellence, financial Lambda Chi, LaGrange College, is taking secretary and scholarship chairman.
need, chapter and campus involvement, a double major and will earn a B.S. in
AOII love and loyalty. Thirty scholar- computer science and mathematics. She Marcelle Pope, Birmingham, Ala., A l -
ships were awarded to alumnae and un- served her chapter as president, corres- pha Delta, University of Alabama, will
dergraduate students for a total amount ponding secretary and pledge class presi- earn a B.S. in fashion merchandising. She
of $18,000. dent. served as song leader and on the spirit
committee for her chapter.
Twenty-two AOII collegians are receiv- Sonya Thomas, Jasper, A l a . , Tau Del- Region IV
ing undergraduate scholarships for 1985- ta, Birmingham Southern College, will
1986. The largest undergraduate scholar- earn a B.S. in the double majors of ac- Jennifer Ackerman, Louisville, K y . , Pi
ship honors the Foundation founder, M u - counting and business. Chapter responsi- Alpha, University of Louisville, will earn
riel Turner McKinney, and it has been bilities included serving as president and a B.S. in mathematics. She has served as
awarded to Kyrre Culver, Alpha Phi, public relations chairman. her chapter president.
Montana State University. Kyrre will
earn a B.S. in physics. She served her Tamelia Faulkner, Talladega, Ala., Nu Carolyn Welch, Peoria, 111., Iota, Uni-
chapter as president, recording secretary Omicron, Vanderbilt University, will versity of Illinois, will earn a B.S. in
and assistant treasurer. Her honors in- earn a B.A. in history. She has served her news editorial journalism. She served on
clude election to Mortar Board and the chapter as president, philanthropic chair- Leader's Council and as philanthropic
Society of Physics Students. man and chapter pianist. chairman for her chapter.
Region V
Listed by region are the additional re- Tracey Hinton, Birmingham, Ala.,
cipients of undergraduate scholarships Tau Delta Chapter, Birmingham South- Lori Dutoit, Independence, M o . , Delta
for 1985-1986: ern College, will earn a B.A. in the dou- Pi, Central Missouri State University,
Region I ble majors of accounting and business. will earn a B.S. in business administra-
She served her chapter as Panhellenic del- tion. She has served as president, vice
Joan Drake, Bucksport, Me., Gamma egate and chapter relations chairman. president and keeper of the Ritual for her
chapter, University of Maine, will earn a chapter.
B.A. in public management. She served
her chapter as president, scholarship Powell McCormick Zehr Sing
chairman and on the Panhellenic
Region II
Cindy Zehner, Effort, Pa., Omicron
Pi, University of Michigan, expects to
earn a double degree, a B.A. and a Bach-
elor of Music Education. She has served
on her Leader's Council as corresponding
secretary and rush chairman.
Minda Sing, Ann Arbor, Mich., Omi-
cron Pi, University of Michigan, will re-
ceive a B . A . in psychology. She has
served her chapter as treasurer, assistant
treasurer and keeper of the Ritual.
Thomas Szymke Byrne McDonald Pope
Culver Welch Knudscn Faulkner Hodges
Williams Flynn Rubin Ackerman
Region VI Region V I I I The DJF
Erin Bryne, Spokane, Wash., Alpha Susan Rubin, North Hollywood, Ca-
awards to
Gamma, Washington State University, lif., Sigma Phi, California State Universi- alumnae will
will earn a B.S. in accounting. She has
served her chapter as president, scholar- ty, Davis, will earn a B.A. in political be announced
ship chairman and on Leader's Council.
science. She has served as Panhellenic in the winter
Kyrre Culver, Bozeman, Mont., delegate and on Leaders' Council for her
earned the Muriel Turner McKinney chapter. issue.
Award, reported earlier in the article.
Renee Knudsen, Star, Idaho, Beta Sig-
ma, Boise State University, will earn a Amy McDonald, Palos Verde, Calif.,
B.S. in the double major of biology and Sigma, University of California—Berke-
secondary education. She has been presi- ley, will earn a B.A. in the double major
dent, corresponding secretary, rush of economics and psychology. Her chap-
chairman and fraternity education chair- ter responsibilities have included rush
man for her chapter. chairman, Panhellenic delegate and Lead-
ers' Council.
Kimberly McCormick, Lake Oswego,
Ore., Alpha Sigma, University of Ore- Through these scholarships AOII meets
gon, has a quadruple major to earn a its lifetime commitment. Contributions
B.S. in telecommunications, business ad- f r o m collegiate and alumnae members
ministration, marketing and advertising. support the AOTI/Diamond Jubilee Foun-
She served her chapter as president, vice dations and made possible more than 400
president, rush and social chairman. scholarships since 1962. In addition, as
Region VII required by IRS, there will be a grant in
aid to the University of Chicago honoring
Gina Milillo, East Islip, N . Y . , Delta our immediate past president, Ginger
Theta, Texas Woman's University, will Banks.
earn a B.S. in the double majors of dance
and science. She has served her chapter Scholarship applications will be mailed Karen Tucker, Delta Delta, Auburn Universi-
as president and activities chairman. in January 1986 and completed applica- ty, Scholarship Chairman, A O I I / D i a m o n d
tions must be received by the scholarship Jubilee Foundation, is enrolled as a graduate
Kimberlie Powell, Slidell, La., Kappa chairman Karen Tucke by March 1. student. She lives in New York City with her
Tau, Southeastern Louisiana University, husband Jim, an attorney, and two daughters,
w i l l earn a B.S. in computer science. Her Academic excellence, financial need, Kimberly and Julian.
chapter responsibilities included serving chapter and campus activities are impor-
as vice president and chapter relations tant considerations in the selection pro-
chairman. cess.
A l l applicants are notified by May 15.
Collegiate Chapter Commentaries
LaGrange College Murray State U. of Michigan
AOIIs are busy people and Lambda Chi Sunshine and hot weather at a cabin at Omicron Pi chapter began its spring
is no exception. This year 19 new sisters Kentucky Lake was the setting for the festivities by participating in the Univer-
were initiated. They were a successful senior send off. sity of Michigan's 1985 Greek Week and
pledge class who showed great enthusi- finishing second overall.
asm and love for the bond of A O I I . The seniors read their wills and juniors
gave their skit. After the skit the pledge For the first time ever the chapter
Last spring, as always, Lambda Chi class presented its song to the sorority placed first in the variety dance contest.
was involved in sports. Eight played on and gave big sisters a rose. Next came the The philanthropy also prospered during
the LaGrange College softball team. presentation of awards which were the Greek Week w i t h the Fourth Annual
Bobby McCarter A w a r d to Anne Freels, A O I I Dance Contest. W i t h the help and
The past year proved successful in in- AOII Girl to Kelly King, Ideal Senior to enthusiasm of contest coordinator Cheri
tramural sports as well. AOII walked Margaret Ronk, Ideal Junior to Jackie Wierenga, the AOIIs raised almost $2100.
away with the A l l Sports Trophy after Plant, Ideal Sophomore to Kelly Burdge,
winning the championship in both the Ideal Freshman to Lee A n n Rushing, Ideal T w o Oils, Suzie Pollins and Cindy
volleyball and basketball tournaments. Pledge to Jennifer Galloway, and Ideal Zehner, represented the chapter on the
Celeste Kenney, Christie Williamson and Pledge Sister to Leigh A n n Hall. Greek Week Steering Committee, a very
new captain, Sheryl Stallings, were re- prestigious position.
cently chosen as 1985-86 LaGrange Col- During a summer outing the chapter
lege cheerleaders. met to initiate the spring pledge class and A n d later Omicron Pi shared an excit-
work on fall rush, reported Amy Gibson. ing inspiration week which ended with
Lambda Chis also show support to the the initiation of seven new initiates, re-
fraternities on campus. Tracy Williams, ALPHA THETA ported Lisa Aupperle.
Jennifer Twiggs and Ann George received Coe College
Pi Kappa Phi little sister bids. Delta Tau The f o l l o w i n g evening at the
Delta awarded Sister of Iris to Sheryl Alpha Theta returned from winter Ponchatrain in Detroit, all the pledges
Stallings and sweetheart to Julie Roberts. break and stepped right into Rose Week. f r o m the 1984-1985 school year were
Allison McKoy, Shirley Smith, Ashley A t the completion of Rose Week, 13 honored at the annual Pledge Formal.
Kuehl, Lisa Kuehl, and K i m Smith all re- pledges were initiated. Officer elections
ceived invitations to be little sisters of followed. Fall began with a fun-filled rush retreat
Delta Tau Delta. which was held Sept. 2-4. A l l these activ-
The chapter participated in local events ities paid off when rush began on Sept.
The annual May Day Court was filled on the campus and in the community. 12, and climaxed with pledging on Oct.
with AOIIs last spring. Allison McKoy, Events included marching in the St. Pat- 4.
Julie Roberts, Sandy Johnson, Lynn Mc- rick's Day Parade for the local communi-
Cord and K i m Nichols were elected as ty and calling at the annual phonathon. THETA
class representatives. We collected the most money as a group DePauw
and earned a $100 award.
Although Lambda Chis always find lei- Spring semester is always a busy one at
sure time to sit back and enjoy life, aca- Spring was filled with both rush and DePauw and for Theta chapter. This
demics come first, reported Jennifer chapter retreats. Members kept busy or- spring was no different.
Twiggs. They proved this by winning the ganizing rush for the fall. Alpha Thetas
Mamie Lark Henry Scholarship Cup for ended the year with a bang at their for- Along with holding a housemothers tea
the 15th consecutive quarter—that's 5 mal in May, reported Heidi Swanson. and alumnae dinners Theta was busy
years! moving up at DePauw.
A m o n g Lambda C h i sisters who support campus fraternities, six show off their jerseys. From left to AOIIs were paired with Sigma Chis for
right are Missy Stallings, Sheryl Stallings, M y r a Carter, A n n George, Jennifer Twiggs, and Julie the second semester work project and
Roberts. their second annual Rock-A-Thon was a
bigger and better philanthropy project
32 than ever before.
The social life was filled with two fun
filled informals—"Bahha Ramba" and
"Puttin' on the Ritz". These were fol-
lowed by a formal held in Indianapolis.
One of the highlights of the year was
the Little 500 bike team. AOIIs finished in
fourth place this year but the team has
great potential to w i n the trophy next
year. We were out on the track sporting
navy and silver and represented by senior
Janet Johns and sophomores Bette Law-
rence (all-star), Teresa Reid and Karen
Graduation was special this year be-
cause it is the first year that Theta chap-
ter has had graduating members, added
Wendy Hall.
TALI DELTA For the rest of the semester the AOIIs sea of red in the bleachers during the bas-
were kept busy. Sigma Chi Derby Day ketball game. AOITs basketball home-
Birmingham Southern kicked off the events. During Spring coming candidate, Anita Steinhagen, was
Week the A l l Campus Sing was presented crowned queen.
Tau Delta excelled in sports. They won and the women presented themselves as
the year's Greek games. In women's i n - "sophisticated ladies" singing "It don't Only weeks later, the chapter teamed
tramural sports, they w o n first place in mean a thing" and "Medley of Sophisti-
basketball. In addition to the honors, cated Ladies." The chapter placed second up with the men of Sigma Phi Epsilon for
Sheri Scholl was awarded Top Sports- in overall competition. a fourth place finish in the annual cam-
woman of the Year and the William pus extravaganza. Musical Madness.
Raines Battle A w a r d . Also during Spring Week the pledges
held their cookout at the lake. The next In addition, Chi Lambda has also been
Tau Delta also celebrated its 60th anni- day was the Alpha Tau Omega Frog enthusiastic in participating in the cam-
versary at the Relay House in Birming- Hop. The next event was a walk-out. The
ham. Alumnae from many different pledges kidnapped everyone and took pus intramural program. The chapter
states were present. The chapter was es- them to the lake for some f u n in the sun. won the racquetball tournament, the in-
pecially honored to welcome Ginger tramural swim meet, the table tennis
Banks, International President. Pledge Presentation started off Greek competition and pulled a fourth place in
Week. Another honor for Delta Omegas the triathlon event.
Three members of Tau Delta placed in is their selection as official huggers at the
the top five of the Miss Birmingham Special Olympics. Currently Chi Lambdas are the sorori-
Southern College pageant. Angela Calla- ty with the highest GPA average for the
han was crowned Miss BSC. Cynthia La- To close the semester before our last winter quarter. Individuals helping to
mar was first runner-up. Susan Hartsell meeting the AOIIs held the Senior Send- make this rating possible have also been
was second runner-up. Angela went on to off at a sister's cabin at Kentucky Lake. awarded for their various individual out-
receive second runner-up in the Miss Ala- The last activity of the semester was the
bama pageant last summer. Spring Dance in Hopkinsville, K y . , with standing achievements. Brenda Conley
the theme of "Jungle Love," reported
Ellen Furio received the Vance Public Amy Gibson. and Cheryl Fechter were selected to be
Speaking Award. Cinthia Lamar received
the Alys Robinson Stephens Piano Prize. CHI LAMBDA members of Blue Key, the college honor
She also received the Alpha Lambda Del-
ta Senior A w a r d and the Phi Eta Sigma U . of Evansville society. Lisa Henry and Anne Powell
A w a r d . Elizabeth Gardner and Leela
Sistla were awarded the Oxford Scholar- Roses have been constantly blooming were selected f o r International Who's
ships. Leela also was awarded the Fred B. for the women of Chi Lambda. The chap-
Joyner Scholarship. ter has been busy w i t h various functions Who Among Fraternities and Sororities.
from helping with campus telethons to Anne also was one of four finalists in the
In addition to the honors, Tau Delta being actively involved with the annual Mark R. Simpson A w a r d , the highest ac-
has 16 members on the Dean's List of Dis- spring week activities. ademic award on campus. Jenny Albers
tinguished Students, 16 in PSSO, four in received a scholarship for being an out-
Who's Who Among Students in Ameri- The second annual Parent's Weekend
can Universities and Colleges, four in was held in the latter part of February. standing sophomore in the University of
Mortar Board, four in Omicron Delta The parents were treated to dinner and a Evansville's organ and piano department.
Kappa, one elected to Phi Beta Kappa, slide show. Following the banquet, the
one in Kappa M u Epsilon, three in Phi entire chapter and their parents created a A t Rose Formal various other awards
Eta Sigma, two in Alpha Epsilon Delta,
three in Triangle Club, and two in Stu- were given following an elaborate formal
dent Judiciary, reported Krista Kidd. dinner, slide show and a chapter toast.
AOn was well represented in the annu-
al Big/Little 39 bike race during Spring
Week. Five women's teams participated,
two of which were AOII. Furthermore,
doing more than just participating, AOII
Murray State me 9%
Another very successful semester for Vi
the Delta Omegas at Murray State Uni-
versity closed last spring. The semester Pictured are Helen Crane Goodner, first president of T a u Delta; Neal R. Berte, president of
started out when members took quota Birmingham-Southern College, Sonya Thomas, chapter president, and Ginger Banks, then Interna-
during open rush. Soon after that every- tional President. The chapter celebrated its 60th Anniversary.
one made her way through the snow to
the Red Rose Formal Ball in Clarksville, 33
On Valentine's Day the chapter held its
annual Blind Date Dance in which they
drew names and fixed sisters up with a
blind date. The AOITs at Murray State
were also involved in several mixers
throughout the semester with Alpha Tau
Omega, Lambda Chi Alpha, and Kappa
Delta Omega had two sisters as semi-fi-
nalists in the Miss MSU Pageant: Jill
Childress and Peggy Hoffman. Three
women were elected as Student Ambassa-
dors: Paula Hedges, Kimberly Oles and
Penny Wade.
placed second and fourth in this big cam- aged. Instead they stayed at the chapter Wendy Lou Stark Memorial Scholarship
pus event. house and discussed improvements for for Journalism Students. This scholarship
the chapter. They also planned formal is financed by Pi Delta's philanthropic ef-
Amy Curry, philanthropic chairman, rush events for the fall. forts, and is awarded to outstanding jour-
and the rest of the chapter were busy pre- nalism students, but with preference giv-
paring for the last event of the quarter, The Alpha Phi's spring party also did en to AOIIs. Paula Hatheway was award-
our philanthropic project. This year a not turn out as planned. They were to ed membership in the Foreign Language
"Run For The Roses" was held. It was a have a camp out in the Gallitin Canyon; Honor Society and the English Honor So-
5K run through the city of Evansville. however, the weather interfered. Need- ciety.
less to say, the AOIIs had a cookout in
ALPHA PHI the rain. As the evening progressed, more Thanks to lots of hard work and deter-
and more girls did not camp out in the mination, AOII and I I K A rose above the
Montana State rain! Even though the party did not go as rest to w i n Greek Week '85. The theme
planned, we still had a good time, Keri was "Happy Days," so once again bobby
The Alpha Phi chapter had a full calen- added. socks, DA's, and poodle skirts were fa-
dar of exciting events spring quarter. miliar sights in College Park. The chapter
Although the Alpha Phis have f u n , placed third in house decorations, and
Shelly Jasper, vice president, along they still find it very important to do well first in Olympics, dance contest, scaven-
with the alumnae committee, planned a scholastically. A t Day of Student Recog- ger hunt, and Spirit. The AOIIs received
Parent-Alumnae barbeque. It was an ef- nition, several sisters were recognized for the first place trophy for overall perform-
fort to better show appreciation toward their achievements, both scholastically ance during Greek Week.
our alumnae chapter and our supporting and in campus involvement.
parents, explained Keri Ferguson. Kyrre Philanthropy was far from forgotten,
Culver and Deb Warp were announced PI D E L T A especially with such organized philan-
Girls of AOn for Spring 1985. thropy chairmen as Wendy Seher and
U . of Maryland Barbara Levine. During Greek Week they
Spring quarter was also a time for fash- ran a booth on Fraternity Row where
ion! Danette Gross, philanthropic officer, Spring '85 started out in f u l l swing for they sold water balloons to benefit the
and her committee planned a spring style the AOIIs at the U of M . Classes had Wendy Lou Stark Memorial Scholarship.
show. With the members of the Greek hardly started before they were into rush, The result was lots of mud, money and
system at Montana State University mod- but the Pi Deltas took this in stride. Ten f u n ! In M a y the AOIIs held another suc-
eling the new spring fashions, the show lucky candidates, impressed with AOII cessful blood drive, along with EAE. On
turned out to be a success. The proceeds skits, songs and enthusiasm, pledged. Sunny weekends this spring they collect-
were donated to the Arthritis Founda- ed money in cans obtained f r o m the A r -
tion. Pi Deltas last semester also were quick thritis Foundation, and what better place
to grab up scholastic and leadership hon- to do so than on the mall in nearby
A chapter relations/rush retreat was ors. Pamela Allen, Panhel president and Washington, D.C.!
on the agenda for spring quarter. It was member of the Judicial Board, and Paula
planned that everyone would stay one Ferraro, chapter president, were admitted Last spring we also revived an annual
night at a nearby lodge, but two feet of into the Order of Omega, the national Pi Delta tradition—holding our Casino
snow prevented them from getting there. Greek honor society. Paula Ferraro and Night to benefit the Arthritis Foundation.
However, the AOIls were not discour- Andrea Bricca were recipients of the
T h e 35th anniversary of Phi O m i c r o n chapter, Hanover College, Hanover, Ind., took place last A p r i l .
Many parents, friends, and alums attend- r
ed and joined in the f u n to make this
event a success. Overall, we managed to
raise more than $2,000 in just two weeks,
reported Paula Hatheway.
Vanderbilt id**'1
Spring is a time of new beginnings. For •
35 women going through rush, a new be- I
ginning meant pledging and initiation
into the Nu Omicron chapter. r Spring Bid D a y '85 at N u O m i c r o n , Vanderbilt University.
But before initiation rolled around, Summer meeting brought many of us all-campus groups. Cathy Cederberg was
Sigma Chi Derby Week occupied their together for a fun- and sun-filled week- was named editor of the Illini Book. Lau-
minds as they prepared to enjoy the fun end at Lake of the Ozarks. Although top ra Cima was chosen one of five drum ma-
and sun with other sorority pledge class- priority was given to a very profitable jors for the U of I marching band which
es. To reward the pledge class for their meeting it sure was f u n catching up on also includes several other AOIIs who are
enthusiasm, sportsmanship, and spirit, everyone's summer, reported Laura Kurt. Illinettes and flag girls. Carolyn Welch
the other sorority pledge classes voted also was elected to be the 1985-1986 Alio
and awarded our pledge class with the IOTA editor-in-chief, reported Traci Urban.
Spirit Award.
U . of Illinois More than $2300 was contributed to
Spring also means Formal! This year's the Arthritis Foundation and many other
formal was held at the luxurious Opry- What a semester! The Iotas began the philanthropic projects by Iota last year.
land Hotel. The pledges and their dates Spring semester by initiating 39 fantastic Much of this money was raised from a
were presented and then the seniors pro- girls, bringing our house total up to 140. "Double Racket" mixed doubles tennis
vided some of the night's entertainment "Iota be in pictures," starring the '88s was tournament last fall, and a Hawaiian
by doing their rendition of "Ghost- the theme of initiation week this year. Waitressing for campus fraternities in
busters." March. Iota members have been active in
"Diction! Emotion! Energy! We want it several service projects including Iota's
AOIIs were "Wiped Out" at a spring all!" These words were repeated often in adopted grandparent events, Order of
party held at Hermitage Landing. Putt- the basement of the Foellinger Auditori- Omega clean-up, a blood drive, and the
putt golf, roller skating, volleyball, food, um in A p r i l as A O I I and a small but tal- local arthritis telethon. Iota finished sec-
and music were some of the things on the ented group of men f r o m Zeta Beta Tau ond in the Seventh Annual Panhellenic
agenda that left all drenched with f u n by fraternity prepared for the annual Atius Council Pamela Borelli and Family
the end of the night. AOIIs maintained Sachem Mom's Day Sing. Achievement program in April. Iota took
their scholastic reputation and were again first place in Most Participation in Cam-
awarded for having the highest grade The theme was "The Shapes of Life." pus Activities and in Most Outstanding
point average on campus. Dressed in brightly colored sweatshirts Pledge Class; second place in Highest
decorated with squares, circles, and tri- Overall Achievement; third place in Most
The annual Anthenian sing was held angles, the cast members showed the au- Outstanding Senior Class, and Most Out-
over Parent's Weekend and the N u Omi- dience that even though everyone is dif- standing President.
crons impressed both visiting parents and ferent, we all must accept each other and
judges who scored AOIIs number one out be who we are. Narrating the show was The corporation has voted to go ahead
of the groups competing. none other than M r . Rogers with an with the plans to add on to the chapter
added twist—roller skates. The show cli- house, that have been in the making for
May meant graduation and farewell to maxed after months of planning, choreo- several years now. The expansion is ex-
seniors. The senior class presented the graphing, and practicing led by Atius di- pected to take place over the summer of
first annual A n n Neilson A w a r d to Julie rector K i m Fornero, with the help of 1986, and w i l l be completed in time for
Moyle, the AOII the class felt best exem- many others. rush of the same year. The project w i l l
plified the spirit and friendship of the fra- cost approximately $250,000. The addi-
ternity, reported Suzanne Metzger. Iota members are living up to their rep- tion will allow 13 more girls to live in the
utation as being most involved house on house; it would add a bathroom, and
D E L T A PI campus as members continue to get in- greatly increase the size of the dining
volved. T w o juniors were chosen for room.
Central Missouri State Mortar Board—Kim Daisy and Carolyn
Welch. The chapter is also represented on
The Delta Pi chapter actively partici- many Panhel committees and numerous
pated in another exciting Greek Week last
spring, proudly (and loudly) showing
AOII spirit.
Underclassmen and alumnae celebrated
the graduation of AOII seniors at the
Senior-Alum Banquet held in April.
Two AOIIs did well in the annual Miss
Johnson County Pages i t . Jana McKinnis
placed second and Tommi Duffet placed
third in the annual competition.
Homecoming is around the corner and
Delta Pis are getting things together for
the big event. "Games People Play" is the
theme and Tommi Duffet is our candi-
date for Homecoming Queen.
NU LAMBDA and Gamma Omicron was selected by hellenic Council on USA's campus. She
Delta Tau Delta fraternity to help cele- has served as Panhellenic assistant and as
U . of Southern Calif. brate the festivities. the Panhellenic delegate to the council for
two years. Allison is also a Sigma Alpha
Nu Lambda literally blossomed during Selected to cheer the Gators into a suc- Epsilon sweetheart and a member of the
the spring semester with a mixture of soc- cessful season are new Gator Getters Jen- Order of Omega honorary society.
cer, philanthropical activities and the nifer Eden and Eva Piergowski.
laughter of new pledges. The summer was filled with workshops
GAMMA DELTA to get ready for a successful fall rush.
The semester began with the enthusi- U . of South Alabama Gamma Delta has learned how to make
asm of a new Leader's Council, led by all the work f u n by having one weekend
president Ida Antoniolli, followed by the Gamma Delta chapter of AOII had a workshop in Fort Walton Beach, Fl.
election of other busy Nu Lambdas to very successful quarter this past spring on
hold varying positions. the University of South Alabama's cam- LeeAnn Saylors a past president of
pus winning overall Sigma Chi's annual Gamma Delta chapter was chosen to be-
They remained active in inter-sorority Derby Days. President Cheryl Varnado come the new Regional Director for our
sports and won the championship title in was elected Derby Darling over the fes- area, reported Blanche Gomillion.
soccer. Athletic competition was also tivities.
seen during Greek Week, where AOII BETA DELTA
teamed up with three others for a week's The sports trophy for intramurals was Villanova
worth of exciting events. In addition, Nu presented to the chapter for the second
Lambda participated in "Phi Psi 500" and year in a row in at the Intramurals Ban- Beta Delta is finally an AOII chapter
"Sigma Chi Derby Days"—both inter- quet. and proud of it!
Greek competitions to raise money for
charities. Gamma Deltas continue to strive for Excitement encompassed the lives of
leadership and academic excellence is evi- AOIIs at Villanova with installation and
AOIl's own philanthropy was certainly dent f r o m the number of honors be- initiation right around the corner . . .
not forgotten. Chapter Relations Chair- not to mention the chaos caused by the
man, Susan Niemi, conducted the first £9* NCAA championship occurring simulta-
annual "Arthritis Night" with guest lec- neously. Beta Deltas have not had a mo-
turer Dr. William Liu, a leading rheuma- ment of inactivity all during the spring
tologist and instructor. Dr. Liu gave an semester.
audio-visual presentation, informing the
chapter on the major types of arthritis. A The chapter assisted the Panhel in or-
group of actives also participated in the ganizing an Easter Egg Hunt f o r the
National Arthritis Telethon, reported neighborhood children. They gathered on
Rosi Cordoba campus in search of silver and gold eggs
and within what seemed seconds they
Social activities included exchanges had scattered and found all the eggs
with the Phi Taus and the TKEs. In addi- which took AOIIs an hour to hide. The
tion, the Sigma pledge class held a "Fabu- morning proved to be enjoyable for the
lous 50's" pledge-active, and the Nu sisters as well as the children.
Lambda's celebrated their annual "Luau"
by setting sail off the Los Angeles Balloon Day was Beta Delta's philan-
Harbor. thropic project. The committee did a
wonderful job organizing a fruit and yo-
GAMMA OMICRON Allison W i n n , G a m m a Delta, is president of gurt booth. Of course, the booth was a
success since everyone these days is
U . of Florida the University of South A l a b a m a Panhellenic. watching her weight.
Gamma Omicron ended the '84-85 stowed on sisters. Tammy Dunn, Cheryl The chapter ended the year with a fan-
school year successfully. Renee Hoffner Varnado, Alicia Wendling, Connie Wil- tastic semi-formal. It was a wonderful
was selected by the university as Most liams, Allison Winn, and Julie Brinning way to say good-bye to seniors and cele-
Outstanding Female Graduate in leader- were all inducted into the Order of Ome- brate installation. A special thanks goes
ship. ga Honorary Society. Connie Williams out to those original colony members and
also was given the first ever Order of our advisers, especially Kim McGowan,
Gamma Omicron sisters were involved Omega scholarship. Andrea Schwartz and Polly Quigly with-
in the university's Panhellenic system, out whom we could never have become a
upholding a long successful tradition. Jolie Ellington was inducted into the chapter so quickly, reported Pat Haem-
Ronna-Renee Janes was selected to the accountant's honorary society. Inducted merle.
Panhellenic Rush Executive Council and into Omicron Delta Kappa were Susan
also served as Director f o r Sorority Gordon, Diane Ellis, Julie Brinning, and Janice Derivan w i l l be the Panhel vice
Forums during Preview, a University Mahaska Skelton. Susie Burke, a senior president for the 85-86 year. Nancy, her
program which attempts to familiarize majoring in nursing, was elected presi- sister, is heading up AOIl's Rush com-
students and their parents with the dent of the Nursing Association. mittee.
University during the summer.
Allison Winn, a senior majoring in LAMBDA DELTA
Assuming leadership positions in the nursing, was elected president of the Pan- Cal. State-Long Beach
Panhellenic System during the fall semes-
ter, are A n n Evans, Ronnie Heyman, The sea, sand, and spectacular fire-
Carol Szymke and Tchad Wright. These works show contributed to a memorable
sisters were selected as Rho Chis, or Rush Fourth of July. AOIIs of California State
Counselors, to assist the more than 1400 University, Long Beach spent the day and
new rushees expected to rush the univer- night celebrating America's independence
sity's 16 sororities this fall. and summer with their Big Brothers.
This fall also welcomes the largest
homecoming celebration in the country,
Lambda Beta looked forward to the without the excellent coaching on the Alpha Sigmas breezed into Spring
fourth day of rush thanks to sisters at part of Tau Omicron's big brothers. In Term with Torey Labrousse becoming
California State University, Northridge. honor of their big brothers, they held a Oregon's 1985 Honey Princess.
A rush workshop was held at the North- picnic for them full of lots of fun, food,
ridge AOII house in order to help other and fellowship. As the year wound down the chapter
chapters be as successful during rush. The held a Senior Appreciation Week, giving
theme for the day demonstrated was "the Not a spring quarter goes by without them extra-special attention.
Roaring 20's" and there is no doubt that the mention of Tau Omicron's annual
it proved to be one of the most successful spring social, Red Rose, which was held Alpha Sigma acknowledges the aca-
days of Lambda Beta's fall rush, reported in Cape Jerardo, M o . It was definitely a demic achievement of two sisters. First,
Kellie Flinn. great way to end the quarter with a luau Kimberly McCormick (selected for Who's
on Friday night and pool party on Sat- Who Among Greeks), is the recipient for
TAU OMICRON urday. the 1985 Portland Alumnae Panhellenic
scholarship as well as a D.J.F. Scholar-
U . of Tennessee-Martin As several graduating seniors began to ship. She was also chosen as a new mem-
plan for many new endeavors ahead of ber of the Order of Omega, a Greek Hon-
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" is them, Tau Omicron threw a pool party orary.
where Tau Omicron seemed to find them- as a "Senior Send-Off." This party
selves during spring quarter. This song, wrapped up the spring quarter for Tau Another outstanding Alpha Sigma is
along with many others helped the AO's Omicron. scholarship chair, Chris Oakley. Enrolled
retain their Best of Show title and capture in the Honors College at U of O, she also
first place in this year's 24th annual A l l ALPHA SIGMA was named in Who's Who Among Greeks
Sing. U . of Oregon and was given the Centurian Award for
her contribution to the university. Only
Tau Omicron performed selections What a year Alpha Sigma has had! three of these 98 awards were given to
from "The Wizard of Oz" complete with During fall rush they labeled themselves freshmen.
costumes of blue pinafores and white "FAB (ulous)—13" and with the help of
blouses down to glittery ruby slippers. chapter consultant Linda Davis, they OMICRON
A l l the money raised f r o m this event, to- pledged ten.
taling more than $6,000, went to charity. U . of Tennessee
Following their award-winning perform- Winter term began with the news that
ance there was an open house at the former president, Joan Heater, Oregon Spring quarter brings the end of anoth-
lodge for friends and family. This magi- Honey Queen 1984, became first runner- er school year but Omicrons did not slow
cal night was followed by Tau Omicron's up at the national competition in Florida. down until finals.
annual family picnic on Sunday and was Soon after members focused energies on
attended by more than 100 people. U of O's "Greek days of giving" which Immediately after Spring Break, AOIIs
aids the community's needy and culmi- at U . T . went back in time to the 1930s as
Not only did the Tau Omicrons shine nated in an all-Greek progressive party. rehearsals began for their Carnicus skit
with their beautiful voices but they also entitled "Lola This, Lola That." Forty
used their talents to achieve many other Alpha Sigma accomplishments includ- AOIIs joined 36 IIKAs on stage f o r a
awards. In early April at the annual Pan- ed a first place award in informative crowd-pleasing performance about a club
hellenic Banquet, five were honored speaking won by Forensics team member, whose show star was kidnapped. A l -
w i t h University Service awards which are Yvette Jefferson. Valentine's Day's ro- though it was a lot of work, the chapter
given to various Greek women across the mantic aura was celebrated with a special gained much from its time spent.
campus in honor of their service to the dinner and the men of Delta Tau Delta as
University. The AO's also received the our guests. Carnicus brought the chapter closer to
Sorority Service A w a r d which is given to alums and mothers. These women earned
the sorority members on campus who applause for sewing elaborate costumes,
have contributed the most service hours
to its community and national charity. (continued on page 59)
One of the many events that helped •
Tau Omicron to get the award was their
annual Miss Weakley County Pageant T a u O m i c r o n s prepare for rush '85 at the University of Tennessee, Martin.
held in April in which all the money goes
to benefit the Arthritis Foundation. With
much time and effort spent in preparing
for this event, it was a great success and
lots of f u n for all the girls. Tau Omicron
also held a Road Block for the Arthritis
Foundation raising almost $1,000, report-
ed Linda Tankersley.
O n top of all the great things the AO's
do for their college and community, they
also find time to participate in other cam-
pus functions. This spring they took sec-
ond place in the M E D Keg Roll and the
annual Pike Panolympics. They also re-
ceived first place in ATO's first annual
Volleyball Tournament. This year the
AO's were undefeated in intramural soft-
ball and took first place in the sorority
division. This couldn't have taken place
Colony added at University of Chicago
Forty-two women pledged themselves publicized the group's walk-a-thon for »
to AOII at the University of Chicago this the AOII Philanthropic Foundation. The
spring, establishing the first and only col- pledges each walked for one hour around o
ony of a National Panhellenic Conference campus, and the result was a tremendous
member group in the university's 95-year success! A t International Convention, From the left Sherry Brennan, Pat Juza, Jeanne
history. colony president Julie Pekarek presented Crippin and Diana Carleton at colonization
a $900 check to the Foundation. activities for the University of Chicago.
The new AOII pledges have made
themselves well-known on campus as In other endeavors, Phi Chi has been Canadian colony
examples of active Greek women. Frater- helpful with other campus activities, as- added at Calgary
nities, on the other hand, have been a sisting with Alumni Days celebrations,
long-standing tradition on this rigorously and volunteering time to the first Univer- April 27 was a day filled with excite-
academic campus, "The Harvard of the sity of Chicago "Summer Breeze Festi- ment as 25 women f r o m University of
Midwest." val," for which AOII received special rec- Calgary pledged themselves to AOII in
ognition. the presence of Audrey Humason, Region
On A p r i l 8, Diane Douglass, AOII pub- V I vice president, and Therese McKee,
lic relations coordinator, assisted Peg On an individual basis, AOIIs are dem- chapter consultant.
Crawford, International President, and onstrating their leadership skills. It is
local alumnae in presenting AOII to the rare for one to read the Maroon without Pat Wrinch, chapter adviser, gave the
rushees at an informal meeting. A t that seeing the name of at least one pledge new members their rose colony pins.
time, the interested women signed up for who is contributing to the university Many other Calgary alumnae attended
appointments with AOII alumnae for the through her own talents. the pledging, offering their support and
following day. congratulations. The day was further en-
Anticipating chapter installation and hanced by the arrival of representatives
Then, on the evening of April 10, the initiation this fall, the women were ready f r o m Beta Rho chapter who served as
enthusiastic group became AOII pledges, to return and continue to take the cam- sponsors.
initiating a successful and history making pus by storm! Or course, their success
beginning for the AOII at the U of C. would not be possible were it not for the The women of Kappa Lambda colony
combined efforts of the Chicago Area are not new to the fraternity system. On
In honor of Peg Crawford, who is a Council and the Chicago area alumnae. Nov. 28, 1983, eleven women led by
member of the university staff, and who Willemein van der Wal gathered to form
was instrumental in the colonization, the The Alumnae Advisory Committee for a new local fraternity known as Beta
colony chose the name of Phi Chi. Since Phi Chi is composed of many enthusiastic Kappa Lambda. They felt there was a
colonization, publicity for Phi Chi has area alumnae who are also excited about definite need for a second women's frater-
been widespread w i t h the student news- having a role in establishing AOII, the nity that would cater to the diverse inter-
paper, The Chicago Maroon, featuring very first sorority at the University of ests of female students on campus. The
frequent stories. One front-page article Chicago! ultimate goal of these young women was
to affiliate with an international organi-
< zation. While striving to reach this goal,
many members were added in successful
V fall and winter rushes.
11• i
Colony members at the University of Chicago
Calgary. . . Rho Omicron becomes chapter
at Middle Tennessee State
The first experience that these women
had with AOII was at the presentation 1 Since March 30, 1984, Rho Omicron
given by Peg Crawford, now Internation- chapter at Middle Tennessee State Uni-
al President. As a result of Peg's warmth r versity had been striving toward its goal
and genuine interest, the women of Beta of initiation and on Feb. 23, 1985, the
Kappa Lambda became very enthused as A smiling face at M T S U ' s installation. hard work paid off.
the prospect of colonizing with AOII. The
final decision was made after reviewing The women were initiated into Alpha
various other Panhellenic organizations. Omicron Pi that afternoon and AOII was
installed on the MTSU Campus.
AOII was the perfect choice. This fra-
ternity offered the chance to promote The weekend was filled with exciting
loyalty and integrity. During their visit to events—Rose Inspiration, initiation, a
Calgary, the women of Beta Rho exem- banquet Saturday night and a tea on Sun-
plified all of these traits and immediately day afternoon. The weekend proved to
made their Canadian sisters feel wel- be one of the most exciting in all of our
come. lives, one which will remain in our mem-
ories for a life time, reported Jennifer
After the pledge ceremony, notes of Smith.
congratulations were received from the
other fraternities on campus. The Greek Many AOII alumnae attended the initi-
system at the University of Calgary be- ation and weekend activities. Among
gan in 1967 with the installation of Zeta these were Teri Anderson, vice presi-
Psi fraternity. Zeta Psi remained the only dent/operations who officiated the initia-
fraternity on campus until 1980 when col- tion ceremony; Eleanor Haynes and Sissy
onization of other international organi- Follis, co-chapter advisers of Rho Omi-
zations began. A t present, there are four cron; Nancy Bowers, Diane Douglass,
men's and one other women's fraternity Kaneal Alexander, Barbra Kidwell, Deb-
at the university. bie Stillwell, Sydney Kimbrough, and Pat
Sanders. Each had a special part in the
Over the summer these women were initiation weekend.
busy selecting new officers, working on
their pledge program and planning activi- A t the Rose Banquet following initia-
ties for the upcoming school year. They tion, speeches and awards were given out
are excited and proud to be part of AOII by AOII leaders. Nancy Bowers spoke of
and look forward to the time they will be the roots of the Red Rose. Debbie
installed as a chapter. Stillwell spoke of its stem. The Foliage
was explained by Diane Douglass; its
bud, by Kaneal Alexander and its beauty
was presented by Teri Anderson.
Everyone worked very hard in plan-
ning the weekend activities.
Other guests included members of the
Vanderbilt chapter and Western Ken-
tucky chapter. The sisters also helped in
the initiation. The collegians have given
us encouragement and support through
out the past year and a special thanks is
extended to them, Jennifer added.
Alpha Phi chapter
plans special day
The chapter has put out an all-points
bulletin inviting Alpha Phi alumnae to
Founders' Day, Nov. 24.
Reservations for the 1 p.m. function
should be sent to the chapter house.
A f t e r the pledge c e r e m o n y , new c o l o n y members f r o m U n i v e r s i t y of C a l g a r y met for their first Welcome
"AOII" photo. Jackson Alumnae
Chapter. Installed
on May 18.
AOIIs fight stereotyping . . . and win!
By Susan Norin, Sigma Phi vice president and is presently the newly r
The boundaries have clearly been elected philanthropy co-chairsister.
drawn. 1
Barbara's first knowledge of AOII was
We are the sorority women who have not through rush. She is the younger sis- \
been stereotyped as "stuck-up" and "pris- ter of twins Karen and Bev Jordan both
sy." They are the female athletes, the in- Sigma Phi alumnae. Barbara ready for a special evening.
dependents who themselves have ac-
quired a myriad of stereotypes, none of " I had scholarship offers to UCLA and This story would be like any other col-
which find similarities to that of the Arizona State University to play but I lege standout story if that was all there
Greek woman. knew there was an AOII chapter at CSUN was to it, but there's more.
and I thought I might like to do that
Both circles tend to dominate on a col- someday." Barbara became the liaison between
lege campus, but as the sun and moon ex- two opposing groups. It was through
ist as separate entities, the sorority wom- So when her sophomore year came Barb that these two groups became
en and the athletes co-exist on the college around, and with much encouragement friends. When the AOII softball team m i -
campus with seldom a crossing of their from family (and AOIIs), Barb decided to nus their ineligible sister, Barbara, played
respective boundaries . . . go through rush. for the A l l - U title, the cheers and support
came f r o m her softball teammates. They
A n AOn is beginning to change that " I only rushed because of AOII and I have come to AOII games, to the chapter
for Sigma Phi and Cal. State-Northridge. knew it would give me a chance to meet house and helped with fund raisers.
She stands 5'5" with brown hair and an others besides those who were sports ori-
ever present smile. Her name is Barbara ented." Barbara got her chance. A t first, this was not the case. "In the
Elizabeth Jordan and she and the Lady fall when I pledged, they (the team)
Matador Softball team captured their Sigma Phi represent not only the A l l - couldn't believe I did it. They kept asking
third consecutive National title this University Intramural champions but me why I did it," Barb added.
spring. also two student senators and the past
two Homecoming queens. When she With the persistence of Barb and a few
Barbara's ability on the field is evident went through rush Barbara knew AOIT other AOIIs, the lack of understanding
as she was named an A l l American Out- was for her. did not last and negative comments
fielder, the most valuable player of the turned to friendships. AOIIs supported
California Collegiate Athletic Associa- "If there was a house I would want it the team with personals in the school pa-
tion. She was named to the A l l Western would be A O I I . I could relate to the peo- per and by attending almost every game
Regional Team, the A l l National Tourna- ple, I could be myself," she said. " I don't of its extensive season.
ment team, the best offensive players, always like to talk Softball and in AOII I
and the player with the highest batting can talk Softball or sisterhood." It all came to a head at the national
average on the team. playoffs which were held on the Lady
Barbara, who's been playing softball Matador field.
Being an athlete and pledging a sorori- for 12 years, did not play centerfield until
ty obviously poses problems. her freshman year of college. Her speed "The support of my sisters was incredi-
and skill in the field and on the bases are ble, the team kept saying how great the
"If I wasn't at school I was on my way outstanding and have earned her national AOIIs were," Barbara said. The morning
to practice, from practice to work, then recognition. In last year's National of day one of nationals, as the team ar-
out with my pledge sisters or to a sorori- Championship, in South Dakota, Barb rived, posters covering the fences and
ty meeting," Barbara said. She also man- made a diving catch with runners on base dugout wished luck to Barb and the team
aged to hold the office of pledge class to end the game and secure the national f r o m the sisters of "A.O.3.14," the new
championship. nickname f r o m the team. Whenever Barb
stepped up to bat, or her name was an-
4on nounced, the chanting of AOII could be
heard and a little smile always came to
i her face.
t ITI (continued on page 41)
A O I I s were in full force to support Barbara at the National Championships.
AOII redesigns regional boundaries
Stereotyping... lenges and opportunities for the next bi- nary burdens on selected regions while
ennium for the members of Council, but others were experiencing little or no
"I always wore my lavalier and some- none was more thoroughly discussed growth. The new plan creates a more bal-
times when I had to bat, or was on the than that of the realignment of the re- anced approach to the management of
field, I'd hold it to calm down," she gions. Re-regioning has been a topic of both collegiate and alumnae chapters.
added. "AOII has taught me that what is planning and discussion for the last two
important is to give everything you've bienniums and a project that has been Input was received from leaders in the
got, which includes playing softball. So thoroughly explored by the Fraternity AOII network, before the plan was actu-
that's what I tried to do. Development Committee. ally drafted. Jo Beth Heflin served as
chairman for the Fraternity Development
"Through all the problems with the Since AOII is fortunate to have one of Committee for the 1983-85 biennium
team I never regretted my choice. AOII the most dynamic support structures in while Joan MacCallum spearheaded the
has given me the ability to see things dif- the fraternity system with its middle work of the 1981-83 committee. Serving
ferently," Barb said. "Now the team management concept, the committee was on their respective committees were Shar-
loves AOII and some other women are instructed to design a plan which would on Martin, Nancy Clark, Char Potter,
considering going through rush. eliminate inequities while capitalizing on Melanie Doyle and Alice Aderman.
the regional approach. Among the fac-
"When we won, I won as a member of tors considered were geographic distribu- In presenting the plan to the Executive
the softball team, and I won as an AOII tion and extension opportunities now and Board, Jo Beth Heflin underscored the ex-
sister. The two intertwine," Barb in the future. pectations of re-regioning. "We must
stressed. The softball team won the na- continue to use the talents within the re-
tional title. Both the team and AOIIs won The concept of regional management gions for the advancement of AOII, the
by gaining new friendships and the abili- began in 1969 with the implementation of development of leadership for the future
ty to look past stereotypes. AOIIs and nine geographic regions. In 1971 the cur- and the extension of the opportunity for
softball players, together, made a toast to rent plan of eight regions went into membership to an even greater number of
stereotypes—and the destruction of effect. For the past 14 years AOII has op- outstanding young women. Change is
them. erated with the same geographic bound- worthwhile if it is purposeful and we be-
aries. lieve that realignment is a purposeful
Convention 1985 offered many chal- change which will benefit AOII and its
Shifts in enrollment trends and the ad- volunteers," she explained.
dition of new chapters placed extraordi-
Alpha Om\cron Pi Directory
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity founded at Barnard College January 2, 1897
Keep This Directory. The Directory is printed only once a year.
•FOUNDERS 1985-1986 D I R E C T O R : Mary Williams
Jessie Wallace Hughan Collegiate Department
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V.) INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT: Chapter Consultant Program
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.) Chapter Assistance Fund
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Peg Crawford Member of Loan Committee
Collegiate Chapter Operations Manual Committee
*The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Philanthropic Foundation Director Liaison With: Perry Award Committee
Barnard College of Columbia University and all are National Panhellenic Conference Delegate
deceased. Liaison With: NPC Delegates Internationa] Rush Chairman
Constitution Interpretation and
Katrina O. McDonald (NO) 1925-1927 (College correspondence should be directed to 1st A l -
Edith Huntington Anderson (B*) 1933-1937 Revision Committee ternate)
Dorothy Bruniga Dean (P) 1943-1946 Rituals, Traditions & jewelry
M a r y Louise Filer Roller (All) 1955-1957 AOII DELEGATES
Nancy Moyer McCain (P) 1957-1959 Committee
Wilma Smith Leland (T) 1959-1961 Parliamentarian Delegate: Janie Callaway (George) 0
Jessie Marie Senor Cramer (4>) 1961-1963 5393 Gulf of Mexico Drive
Ruth Lee Leichtamer ( 6 * ) 1963-1965 Fraternity Development Committee Longboat Key, FL 33548
Jessie M c A d a m Lamed (T) 1965-1967 813/383-4912
Carolyn Huey Harris (AX) 1967-1969 VICE PRESIDENT/OPERATIONS:
Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (IA) 1971-1973 1st Alternate: Ginger Banks, I1K
Janirae Linebaugh Callaway (0) 1975-1976 Teri Anderson 3108 West Terrace Drive
Norma Marshall Ackel ( K 8 ) 1976-1979 Regional Operations Austin, TX 78731
Joan Deathe MacCallum (K<t>) 1979-1981 RD Rally 512/454-8572
Ginger Banks (ITK) 1981-1985 Liaison With: Intl. Leadership Conferences
2nd Alternate: Barb Hunt, 4>A
EXECUTIVE BOARD Chairman and LC Seminars (See Executive Board Listing)
Member of Budget Committee
President Member of Loan Committee 3rd Alternate: Peg C r a w f o r d , I
Peg C r a w f o r d (Richard C ) , I (See Executive Board Listing)
Oak Lawn, IL 60453 Melanie Doyle
312/422-5244 Alpha Omicron Pi
Extension 3821 Cleghorn Avenue
Vice President/Operations Regional Extension Officers Nashville, T N 37215
Teri Anderson (Mark) 8ft 615/383-1174
and Extension Team
314 E. Viola STAFF
602/836-6735 Executive Director: Sue Lewis T A
Kay Sutherlin Controller: A n n Reynolds, NO
Vice President/Development Office Manager: Sandra Click, NO
Melanie Nixon Doyle, A£ Loan Committee Chairman Receptionist/Secretary: Charlotte Sharpe, NO
Budget Committee Chairman Chapter Services Coordinator: Becky Pena, K I 1
2624 Arkansas Valley Drive Philanthropic Foundation Director Public Relations Coordinator: Diane Douglass, 0
Little Rock, AR 72212 Regional Finance Officers Bookkeeper: Ben Hollins
501/225-8427 Liaison With: Intl. Corporations Supervisor Secretary: Linda Johnson
Membership/Alumnae Coordinator: Mary Ann
Vice President/Finance Management Account
Kay Sutherlin (Stephen) 6 Headquarters Fund Caldwell, TA
2239 Rome Drive D I R E C T O R : Liz Coffey Chapter Consultants: Sherry Carothers, Z
Indianapolis, I N 46208 Kirsten Eastwood, BT
317/293-0894 Alumnae Department Leslie Friedberg, NA
Programming Jennifer Jansen, AF
Directors: Associate Members Lisa Niedenthal, B4>
Liz Coffey (William), X A Member of the Loan Committee Lynn Noble, Ar
Alumnae Advisory Committee Manual Kendra Redfern, BA
7754 N . Whittier Place Liaison With: Alumnae Membership Chairman Michaela Roloff, Z
Indianapolis, I N 46250
317/849-3030 Alumnae Programming Chairman INTERNATIONAL STANDING
Collegiate Programming Chairman
Barb Hunt (Cecil) * A Membership Education Committee COMMITTEES
930—17th Avenue International Scholarship Chrm.
Grafton, W I 53024 Nominations Committee ALUMNAE COMMITTEES
414/377-7766 Membership: Susan Davies H o l t k a m p (Philip) fl
D I R E C T O R : Barbara Hunt
Helen McMahon, P 1115 Solana Drive
7432 Colshire Drive, #5 Colony Supervisor Del Mar, C A 92014
McLean, V A 22102 Installation Supervisor 619/755-7732
703/893-4746 Philanthropic Foundation Programming: Carolyn Weschrob Katz (Morton) EX
Liaison With: Intl. Convention Chairman and 2245 Lane Road
Mary Williams (Robert! $ Columbus. O H 43220
1133 East Monroe Convention Seminars 614/457-2807
Bloomington, IL 61701
309/829-3656 D I R E C T O R : Helen McMahon
42 Special Projects Assistance
Liaison With: International Historian
Heritage Society
100th Anniversary Committee
Diamond Jubilee Foundation
Chairman: Judy Gambrel Flessner (Todd) I Sandra Glooschenko Jaeger, E Ingrid Latimer Schultz (Carl, Jr.) BA
1511 Ashford Court 1817 Capistrano 1700 Lake Avenue
Wheaton, IL 60187 Berkeley, C A 94707 Wilmette, II 60091
312/665-7380 415/526-6667 312/256-0472
REVISION (CIRC) Chairman: Janet Fellwock, K K Chairman: Joan Deathe MacCallum (John), K 0
Chairman: Susan Eider, BP
320 Tall Oaks Drive 13195 Edison Crescent
6065 Carriage Hill Drive Conyers, G A 30208 Pierrfonds, Quebec, Canada
East Lansing, M I 48823 404/922-2162 514/626-1247
CONVENTION Chairman: Horner Bettis (Charles), O President: Barbara Daugs Hunt (Cecil) $A
Patricia "Pat" Cowley Hardy (James) TS (See Executive Board Listing)
7702 Bennington Dr. Ruby Fund Chairman: Marianne Davis Carton
2514 Oakrill Road Knoxville, T N 37919
Marietta, G A 30062 615/693-1514 (W. A.) T
404/565-3510 1262 Upas Street
Nancy Schlosser Dunn (Charles) AE Chairman: Wilma Smith Leland. T
Summer Address—4/15-11/1
11 Raymond Court 4330 Minnetonka Boulevard, A p t . 310-A Mrs. W. A. Carton
San Carlos, C A 94070 Edina, M N 55435 H / C 61, Box 73
415/368-2418 612/922-0097 Salmon, I D 83467
Chairman: Jo Beth Walling Heflin (Hugh) I I K Phyllis Arner Westerman (William) P D I A M O N D JUBILEE F O U N D A T I O N
President: Lynne Irish Johnston (Carl) E
11200 Pinehurst Drive Lawrence Pointe, 97 Sunset Drive #301
Austin, T X 78747 Sarasota, FL 33577 1600 Royal Boulevard
512/282-2655 813/955-3263 Glendale, C A 91207
Edith Huntington Anderson (Arthur K.) B * Dr. M a r i l y n Lee Faris, 9 Scholarship Chairman: Karen Thomas Tucker
(James) AA
1400 W i l l o w , A p t . 1707 656 Woodbine Drive 500 E. 77th Street, A p t . 1815
Louisville, KY 40204 Terre Haute, I N 47803 New York, N Y 10162
502/458-6776 812/877-9806 212/879-5814
Anne Witt Allison (Robert) 0 3821 Cleghorn A v e .
COMMITTEES Nashville. T N 37215
410 Club Lane 615/298-1885
502/896-1105 Chairman: Jo Beth Walling Heflin (Hugh) I I K
11200 Pinehurst Drive
Austin. TX 78747
Vice President: Carmel Gabriele Kaiser (Martin) * , 115 Bosley Avenue, Cockeysville, M D 21030, 301/666-7756
Extension Officer: Kris Lambert Burfeind (William) * K , 9 Golf Circle, Emmaus, PA 18049, 215/967-6653
Finance Officer: M a r y Batman Converse (John) 4>K, 4916 Chanticleer Avenue, Annandale, V A 22003, 703/978-9617
Rush Officer: M a r y Jean Walnock Polaski (Frederick) A X , 32 Georgian Circle, Newark, DE 19711. 302/368-8235
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Joan Gold, 801 Montgomery Avenue, A p t . Kim Carson McGowan (Dean) $B, 331 C.
Beta Delta Roseann Reidy Dugan (Richard) N , 36 Kings
Villanova University B-2, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010, 215/525-5626 Murray Drive, King of Prussia, PA 19406, Highway, Orangeburg, N Y 10962, 914/
215/337-0810 359-2972
Beta Tau Catherine McCabe, 24 Madison Avenue,
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 2S1, 416/ Michele Goddard, B T , 24 Madison Avenue, Maryke Loos, B T , 50 Cordova Avenue,
Toronto 922-3646 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 2S1, #2007, Islington, Ontario, Canada M 9 A
416/822-3646 4X6, 416/239-7297
Chi Lorraine Meyers, 113 Concord Place, Syra-
Syracuse University cuse, N Y 13210, 315/478-2337 Mary Ellen Carosella Friedman (Robert) EX, Maryke Loos
616 Cherry Street, Syracuse. N Y 13219,
Delta Chi Micha Seto, 155 South Chape! St.. Newark, 315/487-8656 Kathleen Baumgardner Campanella (Vin-
University of DE 19711, 302/737-5896 cent) AA, 614 Trixsam Road, Sykesville,
Delaware Judith Upshure, A X , 550 S. Dupont Park- M D 21784, 301/795-6287
Rosemary Mahar, Epsilon Alpha Chapter of way, Apt. 22G, New Castle, DE 19720,
Epsilon Alpha A 0 I I , 15 S. Heister Hall, University Park, 302/328-3707 (H) 323-2825 (O) Nancy Baier Gilbert (James) EA, RD 2, Box
Pennsylvania State PA 16802, 814/865-7863 689, Jersey Shore, P A 17740, 717/745-
University Patricia Rhine Antolosky, EA, 620 Toftress 7505
Joan Drake, U M O , AOTI Penobscot Hall, A v e . , 158, State College, PA 16803 , 814/
Gamma Orono, M E 04469, 207/581-1793 238-6577 Sandra M e r r y N i x (Cecil) 12, 254 Carriage
University of Dr., Glastonbury, CT 06033, 203/633-
Maine-Orono Stephanie Chester, 511 Campus Towers, In- Joanne Giles, TB. 416 Marta Drive, Pitts- 9287
diana, PA 15701, 412/349-6428 burgh, PA 15236, 412/653-7703
Gamma Beta Kathleen Baumgardner Campanella
Indiana Univ. of
Pennsylvania Theresa Moore, Lehigh University, Box F- Freddie Kalil Schutten (Terry) TA, RD 1, 8 Kathleen Baumgardner Campanella
41, Bethlehem, PA 18015, 215/838-0314 College View Court, Schnecksville, PA Roseann Reidy Dugan
Lambda Upsilon 18078, 215/799-4620 Maryke Loos
Lehigh University Donna Hughes, ESU, A O n , Phi Beta Box
882, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, 215' Peggy Wells Z y w i c k i (Joseph) * B , 1853 Hay
Phi Beta 252-2869 Terrace, Easton, PA 18042, 215/252-2869
East Stroudsburg
University Jodi Jarvis. 17 Maple Street, Oneonta, N Y Eleanor Brown Hickein (Fred) EX, 82 Elm
13820, 607/432-4271 Street, Oneonta. NY 13820, 607/432-6596
Sigma Chi
Hartwick College
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Sandra Merry Nix
Sigma Rho Kathlyn Love, SRU, 150 Towers, Slippery
Slippery Rock Rock, PA 16057, 412/794-9918
Donna Cope, SU, Alpha Omicron Pi, Cum- Terri Levenduski, T A , 145 E. Philadelphia Nancy Baier Gilbert
Tau Lambda berland Union Building, Shippensburg, Street, York, PA 17401, 717/843-2291
Shippensburg PA 17257, 717/532-5211 or 717/532-1978 Denise Kedenberg Trainor, BX, 1 Madsen
University (CP) Lisa Mayercik, 011, 130 Delafield Avenue, Court. Mount Sinai, N Y 11766. 516/928-
Staten Island, NY 10301, 718/442-6381 or 3787
Theta Pi Susan Becchina, Wagner College, Harbor- 390-9440 (O)
Wagner College view Hall 807, Staten Island, NY 10301,
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Boston Ottawa
Greater Allentown/ Carolyn Wellington, 4>, 1870 Beacon Street, House 6, Ethel Ferguson Swail (James) K4>, 18 Kilbarry Cres-
Apt. 4, Brookline, M A 02146, 617/232-6835 Philadelphia cent, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1K 0G8. 613/
Bethlehem 746-1437
Greater Harrisburg Thea Steidinger Scioscia (Stanley) 4>B, 3482 Linden Pittsburgh
Greater Hartford Colony Street. Bethlehem, PA 18017, 215/866-3078 Rochester Jeanne Comer G u i l i a n o (Michael) EA, 240
South Jersey Ashbourne Road. Elkins Park, PA 19117, 215/635-
Greater Portland Nancy Graham Leuschner (Frederick), EA, 129 Oak Southern Connecticut 3258
Long Island Park Circle, Harrisburg, PA 17109, 717/545-0263 State College
Maureen Leary Mamula (Milan) TB, 1411 Meadow-
Montreal Susan Metz Williams (Wayne) I - . 214 Monroe Syracuse lark Drive. Pittsburgh, PA 15243. 412/276-7589
New Jersey Street, Hartford, CT 06114, 203/278-5765 Toronto
Lucinda Plunkett Rapp (David) E, 41 Kiniry Drive,
New York-New jersey Shawn Jahnke Cohen, T, 3 Old Canton Road, Can- Wilmington Rochester, NY 14609, 716/482-8018
Metro Area ton, C T 06019, 203/693-0871
Carol Braun McLaughlin (John) EA, 705 Pomona
Nancy Pistaki Chard (Thomas) P, 830 Washington Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ 08033, 609/S47-5030
Avenue, Portland, M E 04103, 207/774-0475
Cicely DeSilver Hindenach (Lee) EA, 158 Linden Tree
Singhild Larsen Noble (Gerard) 911, One Blossom Road, W i l t o n , CT 06897, 203/762-1969
Row, Valley Stream, Long Island, N Y 11580, 516/
872-9501 A n n e Hinkel Rohrbach (Bruce) TB. 619 East Fair-
mount Avenue, State College, PA 16801, 814/237-
Helen Megan, K $ , 611 Belmont,; Westmount, Que- 1920
bec, Canada H3Y 2W1, 514/484-6700
M a n o r i e Turrell Julian (Joseph) £ X , 104 Concord
Diane Hunter de Hosson (Bernard) 0, 7 Oak Hill Place, Fayetteville, N Y 13066, 315/637-5460
Road. Chatham Township, NJ 07928, 201/377-
2488 Linda Sheridan Nichols (Gordon) B T , 729 Merton
Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4S 1B4, 416/
Kay Kettering Welch (Thomas), 911, 1011 Richmond 489-1258
Road, Staten Island, N Y 1.0304, 718/720-5449
Lisa C. Zack, A X , 4815 O l d Capital Trail, A p t . 314,
I-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters: Wilmington, DE 19808, 302/995-1940
Kathleen Baumgardner Campanella—Greater AIlentown/Bethlehem, Pittsburgh, Wilmington.
Roseann Reidy Dugan—Philadelphia.
Nancy Baier Gilbert—Greater Harrisburg, South Jersey, State College.
Maryke Loos—Montreal, Ottawa, Rochester, Syracuse, Toronto.
Sandra Merry Nix—Boston,. Greater Hartford Colony, Greater Portland, Southern Connecticut.
Denise Kedenberg Trainor—Long Island. New Jersey, New York-New Jersey M e t r o Area.
Vice President: Nancy Perry Bowers (Robert) NO, 728 Summerly Drive, Nashville, T N 37209, 615/352-8174
Extension Officer: Nancy Carr Garrett (John) AA. 5804 Canvasback Road, Burke, V A 22015, 703/2S0-4791
Finance Officer: Sherry H a r t f o r d , A X , 124 S. Sherrin Avenue #9, Louisville, K Y 40207, 502/896-1105
Rush Officer: M a r y Matarazzo Bryant (William) AO, 2113 Maryland Avenue, Louisville, K Y 40205, 502/458-1202
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Chi Michelle Martin, W K U , College Heights, Karen Fiddelke Towell (David) A X , 1551 M a r y A n n Davies Jackins (William) K A , 216
Chestnut Street, Bowling Green, KY Burlington Place, Nashville, T N 37215,
Western Kentucky University P.O. Box 291, Bowling Green, K Y 42101, 42101, 502/843-1231 (H) 781-1905 (O) 615/292-8215
502/748-2634 or 748-2621 (CP) Anita Still Klein (Steven) B4>, 7-1 Copeley Lisa Disher, PA, 3949 Wilcoxson Drive, Fair-
Hill, Charlottesville. V A 22903, 804/295- fax, V A 22031, 703/323-6877 (H) 301/
Chi Beta Lauren Muller, U V , Box 439 Newcomb Hall 5286 445-4700 (O)
University of Virginia Station, Charlottesville, V A 22901
Carmen A r n o l d Garland (Ricky) AO, Rt. 7, Elaine James Kennedy (Philip) A X , 3815 Bri-
Delta Omega Dianne Bush, MSU, AOII House, Box 2399, Box 886, Murray, K Y 42071, 502/753- ar Ridge Road, LaGrange, KY 40031, 502/
Murray State University University Station, Murray, KY 42071, 0810 (H) 1-800-592-3977 (O) 241-0894
Delta Upsilon Sue Reid Mattern (William) X A , 2429 Rose- Kaneal Gay Alexander (Don) TO, 537 Cathv
Duke University Beth Lesan, Duke University, Box 5225, w o o d Court, Chapel H i l l , N C 27S14, 919/ Jo Circle, Nashville, T N 37211, 615/333'-
Duke Station, Durham, N C 27706, 919/ 942-4308 3215 (H) 385-6786 (O)
Gamma Alpha 684-0354
George Mason Patty Humphrey Milner, FA, 9922 Fairfax Linda Peters Collier (Charles) X O , 7840 A t -
University Connie Velez, C M C . Student Government, Square #94, Fairfax, V A 22031, 703/273- tleboro Drive, Springfield, V A 22153,
4400 University Drive, Fairfax, V A 22030, 7647 703/455-9743 (H) 684-1000 (O)
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Kappa Omega Millie M i l a m M u r p h y , N D , 1103 Nichol
University of Kentucky Peggy Noe, Kappa Omega of AOII, Univer- Jan Johnson Slagowski (Eugene) K K , 1249
sity Station, P.O. Box 717, Lexington, KY Tishoff Court, Lexington, KY 40502, 606/ Lane. Nashville, T N 37205, 615/269-6563
Kappa Omicron 40506-0717, 606/231-9204 266-7275 Leslie Myers Lay (Jeff) 0 , 542 Ferguson
Rhodes College
Terri Wilhite. 2000 North Parkway, Mem- Jennifer Jenson, K O , 1049 Cabana Circle, E. Ave., Dyersburg, T N 38024, 901/285-
phis, T N 38112, 901/458-5669 #4, Memphis, T N 38107, 901/276-9000 7636
(H) 454-2426 (O) Millie Milam Murphy
Nu Omicron Tammy Faulkner, 2415 Kensington Place,
Vanderbilt University Nashville, T N 37212, 615/329-3760 Ann Johnson Nielson (Cal) NO, 811 Leslie Myers Lay
Boscobei Street, Nashville, T N 37206,
Omega Omicron Gay Carole Lester, Lambuth College, Box 615/228-8816 (H) 322-2965 (O) Kaneal Gay Alexander
Lambuth College 277, Jackson, T N 38301, 901/422-4963
Mary Nelle Coles Hardee (David) T O , 144 Elaine James Kennedy
Omicron Leanne Walker, 1531 W . Cumberland Ave- N . Edenwood, Jackson, T N 38301, 9 0 1 /
University of Tennessee nue, Knoxville, T N 37916, 615/525-3752 668-4626 Linda Peters Collier
Pi Alpha
University of Louisville Jennifer Ackerman, UL, Alpha Omicron Pi, Patricia E. Cosby, 0 , 7708 W i l m i n g t o n Mary A n n Davies Jenkins
Student Center, Room 12, Louisville, KY Drive, Knoxville, T N 37919, 615/691-
40292, 502/637-5207 3614 (H) 588-0535 (O) Mary A n n Davies Jenkins
Paula Ferraro, 4517 College Avenue, College Melissa Watson Taylor (Larry) X A , 519 Lisa Disher
Park, M D 20740, 301/927-9871 Grand Vista Place, Louisville, KY 40243,
502/245-7934 Leslie Myers Lay
Pi Delta
Cheryl Matthews, f l A , 444 Ridge Road, Kaneal Gay Alexander
UPinOivmeriscitryonofCMolaornyyl a n d Valerie Brown. P.O. Box 8324, Clarksville, A p t . 10, Greenbelt, M D 20770, 301/441-
1280 (H) 577-6348 (O) Elaine James Kennedy
Austin Peay State University T N 37044, 615/648-7216
A n n Rollow Ross (Neal) K O , Route 3,
Rho Omicron Beth Prichard, MTSU, P.O. Box 613, M u r - Clarksville. T N 37040 , 615/645-6350 (H)
648-7655 (O)
Middle Tennessee State Univ. freesboro, T N 37132, 615/898-2300 Ext.
Eleanor Ayers Haynes. 0 , 1607 Riverview
40 Drive. Murfreesboro. T N 37130, 615/896-
Sigma Tau Katie White, Washington College, Chester-
Washington College town, M D 21620, 301/778-9882 Joyce McKay Davis (Lee) £ T R D 2, P.O.
Box 133A, Chestertown, M D 21620, 301/
Tau Omicron Tracey Cline, U T M , Box 126, Martin, T N 778-0015
University of Tennessee- 38238, 901/587-6817
Martin Adair Duncan Hardegree (Jim) T O , Rt. 2,
Suzanne LaCroix, 805 Johnston Street, Box 346B, Martin, T N 38237, 901/587-
Zeta Psi Greenville, NC 27834, 919/757-0769 9273 (H) 986-2175 (O)
East Carolina University
Lucy A n n Scoggins Pake (Chris) Z ¥ , 113
Thomas More Colony Kelly Decker, 139 Williamsburg, Ft. M i t c h - Fairway Drive, Country Club Estates,
Thomas More College ell. KY 41017, 606/331-0570 (H) 291-0202 Washington, N C 27889, 919/946-6474
Betsy Payne Watson, OH, 3104 Sovereign
Drive. Cincinnati, O H 45239, 513/741-
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Baltimore Alexandra M . Reeder, ET, 708 Camberley Circle. Lexington M a l i n d a Lawrie Epperson (James) T O , 305
Apt. B-3. Baltimore. M D 21204. 301/296-7713 Sandwood Place, Lexington, KY 40509, 606/266-
5914 (H) 257-4813 (O)
Bowling Green Debbie Wade, A X , P.O. Box 20231, Bowling green, Martin
Charlotte, NC KY 42101, 502/781-4285 Memphis Judy Broadstreet Barker (Wayne) TO, Rt. 1, Box 248,
Union City, T N 38261, 901/885-2011
Jan Roettinger Okamoto, K K , 143 Greenridge Road,
Lake Wylie, SC 29710, 803/831-2375 A n n Butler Van Cleave (Mike) B4>, 2454 Brachton
Avenue, Germantown, T N 38138, 901/756-4156
Charlottesville Area Colony Anita Still Klein (Steven) B4>, 7-1 Copeley H i l l , Char- Morehead Area Colony
lottesville, V A 22903, 804/295-5286 Janet R. Boggs, QS, 1011 Christian Street, Morehead,
KY 40351, 606/784-7353
Chattanooga Georgia Lillis Lowrance (Rudy) K , 4922 W i l l o w
Lawn Drive, Chattanooga. T N 37416, 615/344- Millie M . M u r p h y , NO, 1103 Nichol Lane, Nashville,
5257 Nashville T N 37205, 615/269-6563
Hopkinsville Christe Mueller Westfall (Roger) AQ, P.O. Box 240, Northern Virginia Joanne Williamson Earls (Gary) Z ¥ , 14571 Earlham
Hopkinsville, KY 42240, 502/885-3004 (H) 887- Richmond, VA Colony Court, Woodbridge, V A 22193, 703/760-3330
Jackson 6600(O) Triangle
Kentuckiana Virginia Tidewater Area Ruth Whitehead Shorter (Charles) 0, 10908 Savoy
Knoxville Lynn McAlister Riviere (Russell) QO, 17 Maryland, Washington, D.C. Road, Richmond, V A 23235, 804/272-5213
Jackson, T N 38301, 901 /668-1476 (H) 668-0800 (O)
Laura Harshbarger Otwell (Woodard) A T , 5215 Co-
Sandy A l f o r d Gover (John) A X . 3805 Elmwood Ave- ronado Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609, 919/787-1311
nue. Louisville, KY 40207, 502/897-2360
Hulda Slagle Clark (Harold) B4>, 2508 Johnston
Virginia Johnson Tyler (William) O, 525 Arrowhead Court, Virginia Beach, V A 23454, 804/481-3905
Trail, Knoxville, T N 37919, 615'522-5496
Michael A n n Wells, A l l , 17 Kentbury W a y , Bethes-
H—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters: da, M D 20814, 202/654-5790
Kaneal Gay Alexander—Charlotte, NC, Knoxville, Triangle.
Linda Peters Collier—Baltimore, Washington, D . C .
Lisa Disher—Charlottesville Area Colony, Northern Virginia, Virginia Tidewater Area.
—Lexington, Nashville, Richmond, V A Colony.
Mary Ann Davies Jenkins—Bowling Green. Hopkinsville.
Elaine James Kennedy—Kentuckiana.
Leslie Myers Lay— Chattanooga, Jackson, Martin, Memphis.
' Redevelopment
REGION III Vice President: Elisabeth Lester Donaldson (Joseph) T A , 1726 Croom Drive, Montgomery, A L 36106, 205/277-2776
Extension Officer: Marion Grassmuck Clouse (Stephen) X , 1530 86th Avenue, N o r t h , St. Petersburg, FL 33702, 813/577-0861
Finance Officer: Linda Ekberg Blau (Arthur), fi. 7913 Venetian Street, Miramar, FL 33023, 305/983-6381 (H) 776-5961 (O)
Rush Officer: Frankie Frazier Roberts (Lloyd) NB. #2 Westwood Park, Clinton, MS 39056, 601/924-4120 (H) 922-2528 (O)
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Delta Sherrill Van Eynde, UA, Drawer A - Z , Uni- Dolores White Rhodes (Doug) AA, 4913 Lindsey Jackins Allison (Russ) AA, 1757'<=
University of versity. A L 35486, 205/348-4900 10th A v e . East, Tuscaloosa, A L 35405, Murray Hill Road, Birmingham, AL
Alabama 205/758-7615 35216. 205/942-8372 (H) 991-6367 (O)
Delta Delta Julie Crotwell, A U , AOII Box, Dorm C, A u - Patsy Faulk Vincent (Don) AA, Auburn Uni- Carolyn Smith Diener (Thomas) BA. 1164
Auburn University burn, A L 36849, 205/887-9615 (Chapter versity A v i a t i o n , 700 A i r p o r t Road, A u - Northwood Lake, Northport. A L 35476,
Room) 826-4735 (Dorm) burn, A L 36830, 205/749-2277 205/339-9726 (H) 348-6158 (O)
Gamma Delta Cheryl Varnado, USA, Gamma Delta Chap- Robin Mansfield W r i g h t (Joe) TA, 6427 Lindsey Jackins Allison
University of ter of AOII, P.O. Box U-1178. Mobile, A L Grelot Road #408, Mobile, A L 36609,
South Alabama 36688, 205/344-6174 205/633-5494 (H) 937-0274 (O)
Gamma Omicron Leslie Landry, 819 W . Panhellenic Drive, Marilyn Renfroe Bush (Thomas) TO, 37 A Lee A n n Saylors, PA, 375 Hillcrest Road,
University of Gainesville, FL 32601, 904/373-4550 Grassy Lake Road, Archer, FL 32618, Apt. R-204, Mobile, A L 36608, 205/344-
Florida 904/495-2991 6174
Gamma Sigma Wendy Ward, GSU, University Plaza, Box Delaree Ward Martin (Doug) TE, 3847 Tere- Kate Gorman, A A , 843 Cherry Street, A p t .
Georgia State 540, Atlanta, G A 30303 , 404/659-1743 sa Terrace, Lilburn, G A 30247, 404/923- 3, Macon, G A 31201, 912/743-2115
University (Chapter Room) 491-8118 (CP) 7527 (H) 451-6391 (O)
Gamma Theta Colony M i n d y Gelfand, 13542 Village Circle #185, LouAnne Markle Jameson (Timothy) TO, Patsy Donaldson Cox (David) A l l , 1125
14037-3707 Clubhouse Circle, Tampa, FL N . W . 36th Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32605,
University of South Florida Tampa, FL 33617, 813/988-2071 33624, 813/963-7784 904/376-7397
Kappa Gamma Elise MacLennan, FSC. P.O. Box 4868, Karen Bemko Kemp (Hugh) K T , 3926 Kath- Lee A n n Saviors
Florida Southern Lakeland, FL 33802, 813/680-4424 leen Road, Lakeland, FL 33801, 813/858-
College 5210
Lambda Chi Melanie Faith, LC, 601 Broad Street, P.O. Linder Bearden Snider (Ed) A X , 101 Lake- Carolyn Smith Diener
LaGrange College Box 462, LaGrange, G A 30240-2999, 404/ crest Drive, LaGrange, G A 30240, 404/
884-8144 882-5198
Lambda Sigma Sherri Stephenson, 1190 South Milledge A v - Pam Mathis Hoveland (Carl) ATI, 205 Carolyn Smith Diener
University of enue, Athens, G A 30609-2400, 404/354- Idylewood Drive, Athens, G A 30605,
Georgia 8970 404/543-1223
Nu Beta Patty Lambert, U M , P.O. Box 7987. Univer- Deb Mathis Fenstermaker (Van) Afi, Univer- Lee A n n Saviors
University of sity, MS 38677, 601/234-2718 sity of Mississippi, Box 356, University,
Mississippi MS 38677, 601/236-1904
Sigma Delta Terri L . Hodges, H C , 1500 E. Fairview Ave- Mary Margaret Fife Kyser (George) T A , Lindsey Jackins Allison
Huntingdon College nue, Box 370, Montgomery, A L 36106, 1606 Limestone Court, Montgomery, A L
205/262-9430 or 288-2814 (CP) 36117, 205/277-6659
Tau Delta Sonya Thomas, BSC, Box A-56, Birming- Elise Moss Simmons (Ron) T A , 1016 W o o d - Kate Gorman
Birmingham Southern ham, A L 35254, 205/322-6417 or 252-3223 land Village, Birmingham, A L 35216,
College 205/879-2935 (H) 328-5250 (O)
St. Leo Colony Donna Benardello, St. Leo Colony of A O I I . Peggy Tyler Matthews (James) ATI, 910 S. Patsy Donaldson Cox
St. Leo College St. Leo College, P.O. Box 2346, St. Leo, 14th Street, Dade City, FL 33525, 904/
FL 33574 567-2954 (H) 567-3929 (O)
Iota Upsilon Colony Karen Longhurst, USC, Room 220, Hodge Lisa Popham DeOreo (Brian) AE, Rt. #2, Kate Gorman
University of South Carolina- Center, Spartanburg, SC 29303, 803/578- Roper Mountain Road, Greenville, SC
Spartanburg 1800 Ext. 316 29607, 803/288-2837
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Athens Sharon Key Kelley (Pat) AE, 485 Dearing Street, A t h - Huntsville Carol Jurenko Jones (George) A A , 109 C o t t o n w o o d
ens, G A 30605, 404/543-1147 Trail, Madison, A L 35758, 205/772-8192
Atlanta Shirley Allen Lee ( C O AE, 4526 W o o d l a n d Circle Jacksonville Eileen Ferrell, AA, 3423 Excalibur Way, E., Jackson-
Roswell, G A 30075, 404/993-8075 ville, FL 32217, 904/268-9834
Atlanta Tri-County Diane Evans Daughtry (Don) AE, 555 Woodline LaGrange Area Colony Donna Lee, A X , 111 Lafayette Court, LaGrange, G A
Court, Roswell, G A 30075, 404/998-9890 30240, 404/883-6792
Birmingham A m y L. Gross, AA, 1027 B - l 30th Street, So., Bir- Lakeland Area Ann Colvin Marshall (David) ATI, 3204 Hilltop Ave-
Columbus, GA mingham, A L 35205, 205/595-8508 (H) 326-5976 Mobile nue, Lakeland, FL 33603, 813/646-1167
Decatur Area or 326-5980 Montgomery
Ft. Lauderdale Area Orlando/Winter Park Brenda Waters O'Brien (Charles) TA, 2809 Coronado
Greater Jackson Area Beverly Jones M a r i o n (Phillip) AA, 3454 Ethel A v e - Palm Beach County Court, Mobile, A L 36609, 205/666-3875
nue, Columbus, G A 31906, 404/324-3857 Shoals Area
Greater Pensacola Tampa Bay Area Diane Forsythe, AA, 3330 Stratton Court, Montgom-
Greater Pinellas Linda Hyde, A K , 2404 Crestview Drive, SE, Decatur, Tuscaloosa ery, A L 36109, 205/272-3430 (H) 263-9308 (O)
A L 35601, 205/350-3565
Sue B r o w n i n g Ennis (Michael) TO, 4303 M a n d y
Catherine Roll Zombar (Charles) PO, 7021 SW 10th Court, Winter Park, FL 32807, 305/677-6989
Street, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024, 305/961-9797
Anne Patterson Fitzpatrick (Frank) EA, 5913 Eagles
Christine Zavodny Cameron (Mack) 911, 138 West- Nest Drive, Jupiter, FL 33458, 305/746-8676
lake Drive, M i l l Creek Place, Brandon, MS 39042,
601/992-2173 Betsy Brooks Braund, NO, 101 Highland Place, Shef-
field, A L 35660, 205/381-4003
Anamarie Gloria Bruno, T A , 2813 Langley Avenue
#102, Pensacola, FL 32504, 904/474-3998 Jennifer Qualey Roberts (Douglas) PO, 702 Falkirk
Avenue, Valrico, FL 33594, 813/681-6078
Betsey Boles Smith (Royce), Si, 2026 Seton Drive,
Clearwater, FL 33575, 813/446-0040 Tanya Hataway, AA, 20 Smith Acres, Northport, A L
35476, 205/339-3040
HI—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Lindsey Jackins Allison—Mobile, Montgomery, Shoals Area, Tuscaloosa.
Patsy Donaldson Cox—Greater Pinellas, Jacksonville, Orlando/Winter Park, Tampa Bay Area.
Carolyn Smith Diener—Athens, Columbus.
Kate Gorman—Atlanta, Atlanta Tri-County, Birmingham, Decatur Area, Huntsville.
46 Lee A n n Saylors—Fort Lauderdale Area, Greater Jackson Area, Greater Pensacola, Lakeland Area, Palm Beach County.
Vice President: Charlene Brown Potter (Warren) Br, 1468 Briarmeadow, Worthington, O H 43085, 614/888-0695
Extension Officer: Joanne "Jo" Nelson Nowak (Edmund) Br, 17288 Tremlett, Fraser, M l 48026, 313/791-3914
Finance Officer: Sandra Obeshaw Slee (Lynn) Br, 7020 Fhaner Highway, Potterville, M I 48876, 517/645-2791
Rush Officer: Susan Bailey Adair (James) TO, 772 Chelsea Avenue, Bexley, O H 43209, 614/237-9106
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Beta Phi Jody Jones, 901 E. 10th Street, Bloomington, Rita Conway Hurtt (Barry) K A . 3611 Bain- Rebecca "Becky" Admire. X A . 2067 Shelby
Indiana University IN 47401, 812/332-6174 bridge Dr., Bloomington, I N 47401, 812/ Avenue. Evansville, I N 47714, 812/473-
332-0671 5246 (H) 476-6844 (O)
Chi Lambda Susan Sander, P.O. Box 2684, Station D , Toni Reitz, X A , 521 South Runnymeade, A n n McClanahan Gilchrist (Keith) 6 , 5613
University of Evansville Evansville, I N 47714, 812/477-6838 Evansville. I N 47714, 812/477-0005 Skyridge Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46250,
Kappa Alpha Elizabeth Clark, ISU, Lincoln Squad, Suite Jo A n n Bohn Gibbons (Paul) K A , 35 Gar-
Indiana State University 125, Box 174, Terre Haute, I N 47807, 812/ dendale Road, Terre Haute, I N 47803, Rebecca "Becky" Admire
232-1051 Ext. 122 812/877-2279
Kappa Kappa Anne Buechlein Wilmes (Arthur) X A , 4404
Ball State University Gina Richey. BSU, P.O. Box 219, Student Mary Lou Niedenthal Huber (William) K K , Caledonia Way, Indianapolis, I N 46254,
Center, Muncie, IN 47306, 317/285-7953 2000 W . Jackson St., Muncie, I N 47303. 317/291-7255
Kappa Pi 317/288-3100
Ohio Northern University Rachel Hunter, 116 W . Highland, Ada, O H Fadwa "Fudge" Haney Skaff (George) 6 * ,
45810-1385. 419/634-9157 D r . Elizabeth Roberts, KIT, 815 South John- 2674 D r u m m o n d Road, Toledo, O H
son Street, Ada, O H 45810, 419/634-6910 43606, 419/535-7092
Kappa Rho Colony A n n Farrand. 3986 S. Shore D r . . Delton, M I Lori Paxson, BA, 1389 Concord Place #3A, Robbi Ruth Peterson (Carl), K P , 45788
Kalamazoo, M I 49009, 616/375-6604 Drexel Road, Canton, M I 48187, 313/455-
Western Michigan University 49406, 616/623-2681 5963
Omega Karen Waggle, M U . Richard Hall. Box 180- A l i c e D e B u i n o Schuette (Robert) SI 489 Ellen Kinch Macy (Jeff) I , 5601 Chimney Cir-
Miami University C, Oxford, O H 45056. 513/529-3684 White Oak Drive. Oxford, O H 45056, cle, A p t . I D , Kettering, O H 45440, 513/
513/523-5282 439-5920
Omicron Pi Rebecca Chow, 800 O x f o r d , A n n Arbor, M I Nancy Jach Aupperle (Eric) O i l . 3606 Chat- Fadwa "Fudge" Haney Skaff
University of Michigan 48104, 313/994-5572 ham Way, A n n Arbor, M I 48105, 313/
Phi Upsilon 665-8043
Purdue University
Theta Angie Hirsch, 1001 David Ross Road, West Jane Hamblin, * T , 1118 Montgomery, West Anne Buechlein Wilmes
DePauw University Lafayette, I N 47906, 317/463-5206 Lafayette, I N 47906, 317/497-2540 (H)
Theta Psi 494-1251 (O)
University of Toledo
Alumnae Chapter Wendy H a l l , 225 S. Bloomington Street, Audrey Thomas Pelham (Howard) 8, 4740 Ann McClanahan Gilchrist
Ann Arbor Greencastle, I N 46135, 317/653-2711 E. 71st Street, Indianapolis, I N 46220,
Bloomington, IN 317/849-1853
Cincinnati Shannon Sweet, 5855 Yermo, A p t . U-5, To- Cindy Skaff, 6 * , 2674 D r u m m o n d Road, Ellen Kinch Macy
Cleveland, East ledo, O H 43613, 419/475-6358 (CP) Toledo, O H 43606, 419/535-7092
Cleveland, West
President Alumnae Chapter President
Columbus, O H
Dayton Robin Miller Bartelman (Tom) * T , 2165 Lakeview Indianapolis Carol Roesener Jackson (Robert) 0 , 11405 Moss
Dearborn Drive #64, Ypsilanti, M I 48197, 313/485-2127 (H) Drive, Carmel, I N 46032, 317/846-4717
Detroit North Suburban 478-9000 (O) Kokomo
Evansville Tri-State Ruth Vanneman Keller (Ray) X A , 1516 Cadillac
Flint Area Colony Virginia Houze Batchelor (Joseph) NO, 2610 Winde- Lafayette Drive, West, Kokomo, I N 46901, 317/452-0870
Fort Wayne mere Woods, Bloomington, I N 47401, 812/332-
Grand Rapids 4322 Lake County Nancy Stiles Wagoner (J. Edward) B4>, 18 Spring V a l -
ley Court, W . Lafayette, I N 47906, 317/743-3159
Greater Lansing Georgana Taggart Power (Karl) 4>0, 3836 Country Macomb County
Club Place, Cincinnati, O H 45208, 513/871-5264 Karla Charnekar, K A , 1331 Willow Court, Scherer-
Muncie ville, I N 46375, 219/865-6746 (H) 738-2883 (O)
M a r y Reiter Jones (Richard) A T , 16331 Glynn Road,
Cleveland Heights, O H 44112, 216/268-0702 South Bend Nancy Moyer McCain (Walter) P. 38775 Byriver
Drive, M t . Clemens, M I 48043, 313/463-4124
Phyllis Jaycox Kiss (Frank) t2, Cliff Towers, A p t . Terre Haute
26A, 2159 Wooster Road, Rocky River, O H 44116, Vicki Galbreth Shipley (Edwin) K K , 4010 Coventry,
216/333-6637 Toledo Muncie, I N 47304, 317/289-7350
J u d y C o p e n h a v e r B u c h h o l t z ( R o b e r t ) SI, 2318 Youngstown Sue Jones, B<£, 1609 Renfree Drive, South Bend, I N
Benning Drive, Powell, O H 43065, 614/889-1206 KEY ALUMS 46614, 219/291-2943
Diane Matson Trifiro (Anthony) Z, 5904 Overbrook, Glenna Hammond Timmons (Doug) K A , 408 So.
Centerville, O H 45459, 513/435-8090 Midland 34th Street, Terre Haute, I N 47803, 812/235-1656
Sue Yagerlener Wozniak (Robert) BI1, 20014 Sun- M t . Pleasant Wanda Lawson Anderson (John) 0 * , 4330 Kings-
bury, Livonia, M I 48152, 313/478-9776 burg Avenue, Toledo, O H 43612, 419/478-9060
Judy Ormsby Bradley (Robert) Br, 2960 Rambling Akron Stephanie Bozin, 4>A, 3568 Breeze K n o l l D r i v e ,
Way, Bloomfield Hills, M I 48013, 313/334-2134 Youngstown, O H 44505, 216/759-2874
Kathy Lawson Barteit (William) X A , 22 S. Fairlawn, Springfield Jennifer Swenson Warren, I , 2740 N . Sturgeon, M i d -
Evansville, I N 47714, 812/477-9708 land, M I 48624, 517/835-5624
M a r y l n Guenoff Lawrence (Gordon) Br, 1390 Ken- Nancy H i l l Rivard, ATI, 1302 E. Maple Street, M t .
nebec Road, Grand Blanc, M I 48439, 313/694-8171 Pleasant, M I 48858, 517/773-7697
Susan Crunk Miller (Ken) K K , 1908 Montgomery Linda Dybiec Wyscarver, EP, 4253 Osage Street,
Court, Fort Wayne, IN 46805, 219/749-5847 Stow, O H 44224-3515, 216/688-1783
Kathleen Kauffman Snyder (David) K K , 1763 Wey- Janet Pierce C o n w a y (Kenneth) A T , 2285 New State
mouth, S.E., Grand Rapids, M I 49508, 616/455- Road, RD #2, Norwalk. O H 44857, 419/668-5286
Nancy Smull Lorig, BT, 2870 Locust Drive, Spring-
Barbara Verral Stowitts (Douglas), BP, 5720 Aca- field, O H 45504, 513/325-4483
demic Way, Haslett, M I 48840, 517/339-2808
IV—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Rebecca "Becky" Admire —Bloomington, D a y t o n , Terre Haute.
Ann McClanahan Gilchrist—Evansville Tri-State, Kokomo, Lake County, South Bend.
Ellen Kinch Macy—Cincinnati, Columbus, Toledo, Youngstown.
Roberta "Robbi" Ruth Peterson—Detroit North Suburban, Hint Colony, Grand Rapids, Greater Kalamazoo Colony, Greater Lansing, Macomb County.
Fadwa "Fudge" Haney Skaff—Ann Arbor, Cleveland East, Cleveland West, Dearborn.
Anne Buechlein Wilmes—Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Muncie.
Vice President: Linda Martin McLaughlin (George) A 9 , 1101 Dawes Street, Libertyville, IL 60048, 312/367-0259
Extension Officer: Judith Freundt Zawacke (Michael) BA, 1302 W . Palatine Road, A r l i n g t o n Heights, I L 60004, 312/253-5538
Finance Officer: Ellen H o f f m a n Buckley (Michael) EI, R.R. 5654, Spirit Lake, I A 51360, 712/336-5772 (H) 336-2593 (O)
Rush Officer: Sue Bothe Placke (Robert) 4>E, 4411 Avenue E, Kearney, NE 68847, 308/237-2917
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Theta Sandra Sears, Coe College, Box 554, Cedar Janalyn M . Kahle, A 9 , 1243 Apache T r a i l , Pamela Warner H i l l (Doug) LA, 502 South
Coe College Rapids, I A 52402, 319/399-8787 NW, Cedar Rapids, I A 52405, 319/366- 10th Street. Sac C i t y , I A 50583, 712/662-
1957 (H) 366-7611 (O) 7413
Beta Lambda Deanna G r o o m , 1314 N o r t h Fell Avenue, Carol Doherty Elliott (Roger) BA, 305 Pros- Peg Malecki Frerk (Lawrence) I , 734 Circle
pect Road, A p t . 3, Bloomington, IL Drive, Tower Lakes, Barrington, IL 60010,
Bloomington, IL 61701, 309/829-1890 61701, 312/663-8102 (H) 827-6272 (O) 312/526-7803
Illinois Wesleyan University L y n n e J a c k s o n P a r k e r ( J o h n ) S], 915
A b b o t s f o r d Lane, Frankfort, IL 60423,
K i m Daisy, 706 S. Mathews Street, Urbana, JoAnne Yonke Zunich (Butch) I , 704 W . 815/469-6107
Iota IL 61801, 217/344-0136 Healy, Champaign, IL 61820, 217/352-
University of Illinois Joni Lytle, 2007 Greeley, Ames, I A 50010, M a r y Hansuld Moore (Wayne) IE, 1627 Pamela Warner Hill
515/292-9057 Amherst Drive, Ames, I A 50010, 515/
Iota Sigma 292-8555 Lynne Jackson Parker
Iowa State University Julie Pekarek, Phi Chi Colony of AOII, 1212
Phi Chi Colony E. 59th Street, Ida Noyes Hall, Chicago, Susan Guenzler Getz (Herbert) BA, 5415 N . Pat V i o n i Benson (Robert) B # , 435 Bunker
University of Chicago IL 60637, 312/947-0747 (CP) Sheridan Road, #2701, Chicago, IL 60640, Hill Drive, Brookfield, W I 53005 , 414/
Phi Delta 312/784-0287 782-1711
Univ. of Wisconsin- Debi Rouse, U M - W , Phi Delta Chapter of
AOII, Union Box #6, Milwaukee. W I Lee Perrier Breese (David) * A , 12405 W . M a r y Lee Glen, Z, 14109 Pierce Plaza #60,
Milwaukee 53211, 414/769-8318 (CP) Hickory Road, New Berlin, W I 53151, Omaha, NE 68144, 402/333-3169
Phi Sigma Julie Moore, KSC, AOn House, Conrad Hall Peg Malecki Frerk
Kearney State College #112, Kearney, NE 68847, 308/236-8700 Sue Stromer, Z, 2815 Avenue D . #4, Kear- Pat Vioni Benson
ney, NE 68847, 308/234-6215
Sigma Iota Margaret Morrison, 602 W . Chandler Street, M a r y Lee Glen
Macomb, IL 61455, 309/837-4001 Judy Rogers (Keith) E I , 106 Dove Avenue,
Western Illinois University Macomb, IL 61455, 309/833-4867 M a r y Lee Glen
Natalie Nesler, 1121 5th Street, SE, Minne-
Tau apolis, M N 55414, 612/623-9140 Sallie Edwards Montgomery (Michael) I ,
5501 Malibu Drive, Edina, M N 55436,
University of Minnesota Carol Jensen, 3823 Garretson Avenue, Sioux 612/938-8424
Theta Chi City, I A 51106, 712/274-5604
Morningside College Luan M c Q u o w n Traum (Scott) 8 X , 2110
Suzy Finger, 1541 "S" Street, Lincoln, NE Summit, A p t . C10, Sioux City, I A 51104,
68508, 402/475-1589 712/255-5973
Monica Sicner Rigoni (Charles) Z, 2210
South 37th Street, Lincoln, NE 68506,
Zeta President Alumnae Chapter President
University of Des Moines
NA el ubmr ansakea —CLhianpctoe rl ns Eileen Aksamit M u f f (Don) Z, 1312 Scott Circle. Kearney Nancy Klindt, IE, 3662 Ingersoil #409, Des Moines.
Ames Ames, I A 50010, 515/292-2725 Lincoln I A 50312, 515/274-0786
Bloomington, Normal
Joanne Kirchoff Stockton (Stephen) P, 3011 M o r n - Madison Pam Moravec Franck (Jon) 4>E, 1304 East 33rd Drive,
Cedar Rapids Area Colony ingside Drive, Bloomington, IL 61701, 309/662- Milwaukee Kearney, NE 68847, 308/234-3107
Champaign-Urbana 3030 Minneapolis/St. Paul
Chicago Area Council Omaha Susan Kreuscher Damian (Mickey") Z, 3776 "C"
Jan Kahle, A 9 , 1243 Apache Trail, N W , Cedar Rap- Quad Cities I A It. Colony Street, Lincoln, NE 68510, 402/488-9322 (H) 483-
Chicago, Beverly Hills ids, I A 52405, 319/366-1957 (H) 366-7611 (O) Rockford 4761 (O)
Chicago, North Shore Springfield Area ;
Chicago, Northwest Carol Siveriy Devine (Robert) I , 806 W . Green Elizabeth "Liz" Freed, Z, 2233 Rosenberrv #7, Madi-
Street, Urbana, IL 61801, 217/337-7254 son, W I 53711, 608/274-6140
Chicago, West Suburban Pat Grundmeir Juza (Michael) N I , 203 S. Kennicott Judy Larson Knecht (John) P, 510 Rosedale Drive,
DeKalb-Sycamore Colony Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL 60005, 312/359- Theinsville, W I 53092, 414/242-3955
Sandra Mauge Sklenar (Fred) N I , 3916 Lynn Avenue
JoAnn Macander, EI, 15807 Woodbridge, Harvey, I L South, St. Louis Park, M N 55416, 612/920-5586
60426, 312/333-4369
Karen Morauski, <i>A, 275 Amherst Avenue, Sheboy-
Jan Harshfield Wilson (Robert) I , 3397 University gan Falls. W I 53085, 414/467-689S
Avenue, Highland Park, IL 60035, 312/433-8473
Georgia Brown Jecklin (J. W . ) IE, 1318 W . 43rd,
Jean Dundas Zimmermann (James) A B . 308 N . W a l - Davenport, I A 52806, 319/386-5313
nut Lane, Schaumburg, IL 60194, 312/843-0041
Sherri Schuetz Storer (Jeff) I , 739 Danica Drive,
Judy Gambrel Flessner (Todd) I , 1511 Ashford Rockford, IL 61111, 815/654-7165
Court, Wheaton, IL 60187, 312/665-7380
M a r y Jo Giganta Osborn (James) BA, 207 S. D u r k i n
M a r y Turner Diaz (Angel) I I K , 1548 Timberwood #1, Springfield, IL 60704, 217/793-1504
Court, Sycamore, IL 60176, 815/895-6667
Key Alums Linda Martin McLaughlin (George), A 6 . 1101 Dawes Key Alums Helen Bergin Kampfe (Steven) Z, 160 Lakeshore
Illinois Street. Libertyville. IL 60048, 312/367-0259 Nebraska Drive, Columbus, NE 68601, 402/564-5936
Libertyville Susan Franke. 4010 N . Brandywine Drive. #919, Peo- Columbus Mary Clearman Johnson (William) Z, East Military &
ria, IL 61614. 309/685-7066 Johnson Road, Fremont. NE 68025, 402/721-3015
Peoria Fremont
Pamela Warner Hill (Doug) IA, 502 South 10th Becky Denman Peterson (Ronald) * E , 3115 Brent-
Iowa Street, Sac City, IA 50583, 712/662-7413 Grand Island wood Boulevard, Grand Island, N E 68801, 308/
Sac City 382-3280
Ellen Hoffman Buckley (Michael) E l , R.R. 5654, Hastings
Spirit Lake Spirit Lake, I A 51360, 712/336-2593 Lisa Lierman Pettinger (David) * E , 1930 W. 9th,
York Hastings, NE 68901. 402/463-7078
State Center Jayne Hager Dee (Eric) I E , 106 Third Street, N . E . ,
State Center, I A 50247, 515/483-2576 Virginia McPeck Rosenau (Harold) Z, #1 Arbor
Heights. York. NE 68467. 402/362-3789
V-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Pat Vioni Benson—Madison, Milwaukee, Minneapolis/St. Paul.
Peg Malecki Frerk—Bloomington/Normal, Lake County, Rockford, Springfield Area.
Mary Lee Glen—Kearney. Lincoln. Omaha.
Pam Warner Hill—Ames, Cedar Rapids Area Colony, Des Moines, Quad Cities I A / I L Colony.
Lynne Jackson Parker—Champaign-Urbana. Chicago Area Council, Chicago Beverly Hills, Chicago North Shore, Chicago Northwest Suburban, Chicago West Suburban.
Vice President: Barbara Owens Kramer (Raymond), B # , 7516 Chattington Drive. Dallas, T X 75248, 214/233-6495 (H) 386-5050 (O)
Extension Officer: Gloria Cunningham Rowland (Jim), O K , Rt. 1, Box 68, Roby, TX 79543, 915/776-2263
Finance Officer: Pamela Hathcock de Zevallos (Edward) NO, 12020 Naughton Drive, Houston, TX 77024, 713/467-8560 (H) 784-8759 (O)
Rush Officer: Jennifer Macey, G f l . 12615 Audelia #303, Dallas, TX 75243, 214/238-9136 (H) 750-8601 (O)
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Chi Delta Tamra Nottingham, 1015 15th Street, Boul- Terri Parker, A T , 253 Atlantic Avenue,
Ali Odegard Arnold (Patrick), A * , 11127
University of Colorado der, C O 80302, 303/443-0546 Seton Place, Westminster, C O 80030, Shreveport, L A 71105, 318/868-2014 (H)
303/469-9276 632-4832 (O)
Delta Pi Lori Dutoit, CMSU, A l l l Panhellenic Hall, Terri Parker
Central Missouri State Warrensburg, M O 64093, 816/747-3235 Karen Montgomery Smith (Robert), All,
DeUltnaivTehrestiaty 5305 Kentucky, Raytown, M O 64133, Nancy Shaw Shaheen (Glen), AO, 2101 Tree
Texas Woman's University Gina Milillo, T W U , Box 22291, Denton, T X 816/356-1469 House Lane, Piano, T X 75023 , 214/867-
76201, 817/387-1241 0819 (H) 323-5948 (O)
Katherine Wilson, AO, 12615 Audelia #303,
Kappa Tau Lauren Zeller, S L U , P . O . Box 948, Ham- Dallas, T X 75243 , 214/238-9136 (H) 934- Gail Province Osborn (Paul), E O , 1124 War-
9104(O) ner, Jonesboro, A R 72401, 501/932-2942
Southeastern Louisiana Univ. mond, L A 70402, 504/549-3676
Cynthia Henderson Lobue (Joseph), K T , Gail Province Osborn
Lambda Tau Stacy Sanderlin, N L U , Lambda Tau Chapter P . O . Box 764, Hammond, L A 70404, 504/
of AOn, P . O . Box 4173, Monroe, LA 549-2311 Charlou Anderson Lundsford (Ernie), I E ,
Northeast Louisiana Univ. 71211, 318/342-7552 7348 Royalty Way #203, Merriam, K S
Lori Roberts, A T , 715 Lakeshore Drive, 66203, 913/722-1763
Phi Meg Van Blaricum, 1510 Sigma Nu Place, Monroe, L A 71201, .18/343-2029
University of Kansas Lawrence, K S 66044, 913/749-1103 Terri Parker
Sigma Omicron Elaine Patchin Hoffman (Carl), * , 1271
Arkansas State University Beth Tackett, A S U , P . O . Box 928, State Uni- Medford, Topeka, K S 66604, 913/232- Nancy Shaw Shaheen
versity, A R 72467, 501/972-3542 , 932- 0004
Upsilon Lambda 4009 (CP) Charlou Anderson Lundsford
University of Texas-San Carolyn Swindle Wyatt (Thad), E O , 3629
Patricia Gutierrez, UT-San Antonio, Upsilon Blueridge Circle, Jonesboro, A R 72401,
Antonio Lambda Chapter of AOII, San Antonio, 501/932-1155
University of Missouri- T X 78285, 512/344-4390
Marie Dieu Cooper (William), I I K , 6030
Columbia Colony Dana Moreland, UM-Columbia, 100 Jones Forest Ridge. San Antonio, T X 78240,
Hall, Columbia, M O 65201 512/684-5188
Kim Campbell, O X , 4702 Millbrook, Co-
lumbia. M O 65203. 314/442-6019 (H)
882-7758 (O)
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Albuquerque Beaumont
Kathy Kochendorfer Adams (Forest) TA, 4709 Mar- Melanie Bernard Ladner (Claude), N B , 3010 Nash-
Alexandria Colony quette, N . E . , Albuquerque, N M 87108, 505/265- Columbia, Jefferson City ville, Nederland, T X 77627, 409/722-6591
Arlington Mid-Cities 4151
Austin Dallas Dian Poole Sprenger (Beau), T A , 1802 Juniper Drive,
Baton Rouge Lisa Beebe Grubbs (Hal), A T , 1211 Wilshire Drive, Denver Columbia, M O 65201, 314/449-7384 (H) 893-3700
Alexandria, L A 71303, 318/448-3154 Fort Worth (O)
Kaye Wise Frataccia (Enrico), K K , 1515 Marshall- Beverly Brinkman Allen (Stephen), NI, 1926 Glen
dale, Arlington, T X 76013, 817/275-5536 Hill Drive, Carrollton, T X 75007, 214/492-9226
(H) 888-2039 (O)
Jacklyn Rena Green, TA, 4518 Red River Street, Aus-
tin, T X 78751, 512/451-6731 Debra "Deb" Numer, X A , 4930 Decatur Street, Den-
ver, C O 80221, 303/433-1417
Clara Cantrell Tomsula (Patrick), AO, 2164 Holly-
dale Avenue, Baton Rouge, L A 70808, 504/344- Margaret Whitney Shiels (Robert), K , 3705 Mocking-
6525 bird Lane, Ft. Worth, T X 76109, 817/924-9720
Alumnae Chapter President Key Alums
Greater Kansas City Zoe Siler Moore (Bud), * , 10718 W . 101st Street, Colorado Susan Schrack Chunn, NA, 3801 Inspiration Drive,
Greater Lafayette Overland Park, K S 66214, 913/888-4972 Colorado Springs Colorado Springs, C O 80917
Andrea Credeur Jurnonville (Albert), AB, 105 Mar- Fort Collins Karen Furlong Childs, 9 , 3207 Silverthorne Drive,
seilles Street, Lafayette, L A 70506, 318/981-1837 Ft. Collins, C O 80526
(H) 232-0405 (O)
Hammond Lori LeBlanc Ridgdell, K T , 810 East Louisiana Ave- Greeley Ann Elizabeth Tiffany, I E , 1468 10th Street, #1,
Houston nue, Hammond, L A 70401, 504/542-9786 (H) 797- Greeley. C O 80631
Jonesboro 1466(O) Kansas
Wichita Susan Burke Martz (Warren), 6Q, 233 N. Fountain.
Mary Newlon Harms (Steven), 4>E, 1307 Warwick- Wichita, K S 67208, 316/682-2887
shire Drive, Houston, T X 77077, 713/497-8634 (H) Louisiana
988-4664 (O) Houma/Thibodaux Francis Crow Givens (Kenneth), AO, 811 Russell
Street, Hourna, L A 70360
Ditty Lipscomb Mitts (Clyde), E O , 1238 S, Madison,
Jonesboro, A R 72401, 501/972-8439
Lake Charles/Calcasieu Victoria "Vicki" Johnson, A T , 710 W . McNeese Missouri Daneen Streeter Barbour (James), <f, 315 Partridge,
Colony Street, #19, Lake Charles, L A 70605, 318/478-2897 Independence Independence, M O 64055
Little Rock Kelly Jones Spradlin (John), E O , Rt. 3, Box 153, Carol Stegner Fowler (Jerry), ATI, 368 So. English,
Beaverfork Lake, Conway, A R 72032 , 501/327- Marshall, M O 65340, 816/886-7117
2811 (H) 329-6836 (O)
Monroe Tamee Dark Smith (Myron), A T , 901 North 3Sth Springfield Lindsey Easton Benne, 1931 S. Luster, Springfield,
New Orleans Street, Monroe, L A 71201, 318/325-5210 New Mexico M O 65804, 417/883-1379
North Houston Suburban
Northwest Arkansas Jeanne M . Richard, AO, 245 Briarwood Drive, Gret- Los Alamos Emily Engle (Lars), I I K , 1210 Myrtle, Los Alamos,
Oklahoma City na, L A 70053, 504/393-2982 (H) 528-3713 (O) N M 87545
Rio Grande Colony Las Cruces
Saint Louis Ruth Thomas Sunker (Ronald), K G , 4822 Middle Marianne Hobbs Thaeler, E , 2015 Huntington Drive,
San Antonio Falls Drive, Kingwood, T X 77345, 713/360-5607 Oklahoma Las Cruces, N M 88001
Shreveport Edmond
Topeka Beth Mandelco Rankin (Richard), E I , 9 Insh Lane, Diane Roberts Herrman, Z, 2605 Countrywood Lane.
Tulsa Hiwasee, A R 72739, 501/855-2820 Lawton Edmond. O K 73034
Nadine Spring Nickeson (Robert), n K , 201 NW 21st Norman Gail Coats Spear. A T , 2303 Garden Lane, Lawton,
Street, Oklahoma City, O K 73103, 405/521-9279 O K 73501
Jo Ann King Hendrix, A E . 5429 La Estancia Circle, El Loree Humphrey Ferguson (Clyde), 4>, 920 Hoover
Paso, T X 79932, 915/584-0719 Texas Street, Norman, O K 730o9
Jane Van Roo Crawley (Stephen), E A , 3 Van Crest Mary Kennedy Lawler (James), O i l , 1109 N. Skyline
Lane, Florissant, M O 63033, 314/837-3426 Corpus Christi Drive, Stillwater, O K 74074
Sue Sonney, TA, 1819 Babcock Road, #403, San A n - Harlingen/The Valley Connie Quigg Bhasker (Chand), A 8 , 6715 Sandie
tonio, T X 78229, 512/324-2436 Court, Amarillo, T X 79109
Jill Romero Smitherman (John), AO, 402 Oneonta, Sandra Mathis, I I K , 4505 Mt. Vernon, Corpus Chris-
Shreveport, L A 71118, 318/865-3432 Waco ti, T X 78411
Karen Basey, AO, 1900 W. 31st Street, Apt. E-15, West Texas Dana Adams Clark (William), nK, 2401 Louis Place,
Lawrence, KS 66044, 913/843-1952 Harlingen, T X 78550
Mary Frances Clark Underwood (Donald) B * . 5828 Kit Lupinski Warner, AT. 5248 95th Street, Lubbock,
E . 79th Street, Tulsa, O K 74136, 918/492-2044 T X 79424
Key Alums Patrice Prichard Mill'er, NO, 601 Prospect, Hot Lucy Akerman Taft (Paul), NO, 2808 Woodland
Arkansas Springs, A R 71901 Drive, Waco, T X 76710
Hot Springs Karen Snodgrass Elam, E O , 809 S. Maple, Stuttgart, Frances Wheat Hill (Grady), nK, Box 6, Christoval,
A R 71260 T X 76935
Pine Bluff/Stuttgart
Vl-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Linda Brownfteld Liermann—Saint Louis.
Charlou Anderson Lundsford—Columbia-Jefferson City, Greater Kansas City, Topeka.
Gail Province Osborn—Baton Rouge. Dallas. Hammond. Little Rock, Monroe, New Orleans, Northwest Arkansas.
Terri Parker—Albuquerque. Alexandria Colony. Denver. Jonesboro, Lafayette, Oklahoma City, Rio Grande Colony, Shreveport. Tulsa.
Nancy Shaw Shaheen—Arlington Mid-Cities. Austin, Beaumont, Fort Worth, Houston, Lake Charles/Calcasieu Colony. North Houston Suburban, San Antonio.
Vice President: Audrey Hoenshell Humason (Harlan), T, 14548 Edgewater Lane, NE, Seattle, W A 98155, 206/363-0151
Extension Officer: Linda Lattin Rust (Theron), AP, 7312 N . E . Par Lane, Vancouver, W A 98662, 20O/254-9212
Finance Officer: Pamela Davenport Howard (Kent), T, 17814 N . E . 8th Place, Bellevue. W A 98008, 206/747-8504
Rush Officer: Ann M . Casale, AP, 20575 N E Sandy Boulevard. Troutdale, O R 97060, 503/665-8637 (H) 206/696-7626 (O)
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Kathleen Oliver Busch (Bruce), T. 5700—
Alpha Gamma Erin Byrne, N E 820 Campus, Pullman, W A Kathleen Smith Meadows (Gary), IA, SW
930 Alcora Drive, Pullman, W A 99163. 29th Avenue, N . E . , Seattle, W A 98105.
Washington State University 99163, 509/332-2429 509/334-4239 20O/522-123O
Kathleen Oliver Busch
Alpha Phi Suzy Rawlings, 1119 South Fifth Avenue, Mary Jane Ahrendes Griffanti (Ernest), A4>,
Montana State University Bozeman, M T 59715, 406/587-0691 2904 Colter Avenue, Bozeman, M T Ann Brislawn Beardsley (Cordy), T, 2430
59715, 406/586-5231 136th Place, SW, Lynnwood. W A 98037.
Alpha Rho Sue Smith, 2435 N . W . Harrison, Corvallis, 206/743-2368
Oregon State University O R 97330, 503/757-8171 Ruth Gillmore Baines (John), AP, 204 N.W.
27th, Corvallis, O R 97330. 503 ' 752-2968