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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-05 16:26:01

1939 October - To Dragma

(no vol #)



mm for yom quote might he
• zasizi i f y o u w o u l d

solicit magazine sub-

smyiians and renewals

f^iace orders now for Christmas aifts and buy at a baraain.

Until November 10 two years of "The American" are only $3.50;
one year of "Life," $3.50. Or how about . . .

Fortune $10.00
Readers Digest 3.00
Time 5.00

American Home 1-00
Newsweek 4.00
Look 2.00
Good Housekeeping 2.50
Life (regular price) 4.50

Jack and Jill 2.00
Child Life 2.50

Or any other magazines or clubs of magazines you wish.

Box 262, State College, Pa.
and state your alumnce chapter who is to be credited.




Feeding the Public 2 Edited b-y WILMA SMITH LELAND
Superlatives Belong to Pasadena Convention 3
Backwards to Convention 10 To D E A C M A is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fra-
Painless Extractions 11 ternity at 2 6 4 2 University Avenue, St. Paul, Min-
Home of the Brave 12 . nesota, and is printed by Leland Publishers, The Fra-
"More Than a Speaking Acquaintance" 15 ternity Press. Entered at the post office at St. Paul,
New AOII National Officers 16 Minnesota, as second class matter under the act of
"Women in Yellow" March 3 , 1 8 7 9 . Acceptance for mailing at special rate
My Impressions of England 19 of postage provided for in the Act of February 2 8 ,
In Memoriam 22 1925, Section 4 1 2 , P . L . & . R . , authorized February 12,
The Dance in Education 23
Not Wanted: Wishful Thinking 29 1930.
Sororities Are Standing Committees 30
Experimental Colleges Study New Curriculum 32 To DRAGMA is published four times a year, Octo-
Forty-one Alpha Omegans Honored 35 ber 2 0 , January 2 0 , March 2 0 , and May 2 0 . Send
Pledge Wins Panhellenic Contest 36 all editorial material to the Editor at 2 6 4 2 University
Committees of Alpha Omicron Pi 39 Avenue, St. Paul, Minn., before Sept. 1 0 , Dec. 10,
Directory of Officers 40 Feb. 10, and April 10.

omivi(fi TINKER The subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $1 per
year, payable in advance; Life subscription $15.



if! %>

ding the Public—

idea is being is, first of all, the selection equipment for kitchens and service.
broken down and would-be res- Je, a matter which is care- When the building is completed,
taurateurs are beginning to realize 6 scientifically considered
that there is more work and plan- • good restaurant man will he must decide the policies as to
ning involved than merely renting plishing a business. There quality of food which he will serve,
store space, putting in a stove, lurant engineers who make size of portions, prices, menus, ad-
hiring a cook and a waiter, setting ps of checking the numbers vertising, and many other details
up a table and opening the door lective customers who pass before he can open his doors to
for the public to rush in. lion selected, recording the the public. A n d after those doors
of passersby during each are open the f u n begins!
Large restaurants present many the day f o r several days.
problems which must be carefully Rvay the restaurateur knows The day we opened Greenfield's
studied to make efficient operation ly how much business he —after three and one-half months
possible. Lsonably expect and many of constant work and planning and
Isaves himself money and estimating—we thought we were
jecause the check shows him well prepared to serve all the
ir or not there is enough people who could possibly get in.
Iss on the street to warrant However, we had overlooked the
opening a food establishment. fact that instead of opening, as
restaurants usually do, with a new
A f t e r selecting the site he must force of employees, we were start-
decide on building plans and then ing with more than half of our
he must be a combination of plumb- former boys and girls who had had
er, electrician, architect, and carpen- almost five years of Greenfield
ter. There is no engineer nor t r a i n i n g . Consequently, they
architect in this country who has worked faster than we had thought
had enough experience in laying they could and instead of four
out restaurants to build a perfectly thousand people being able to be
planned one, and the restaurant served—seven t h o u s a n d went
man himself must do a great share through our lines that day, and it
of the detailed planning, supervi- rushed our kitchen force consider-
sing of building, and arranging of ably keeping food on the counters.
The usual speed of a cafeteria line

At 1130 Griswold the crowd
signifies that the restaurant is
a good place to eat. Seven
thousand meals were served on
the day Greenfield's opened,
though the average speed with
which most cafeterias serve is
seven customers per minute.

^4 i3i(£ . As told by WINIFRED ELIASQN, Tail

is about seven customers served a pleasing or displeasing coffee. each brand of tomatoes is different
per minute, and yet our people Unless your taste is trained to rec- from the other.
managed to serve nine per minute ognize the various coffees, it is
—a record which usually takes difficult to pick the best blend and, We prefer a New York tomato
months of training to achieve. since coffee is one of the most for service as a vegetable because
important items served, it must be it is sweet and not too acid, bright
The buying of food and supplies carefully chosen. We have our red in color, not too seedy, and
is one of the most important parts own blend which has been made the tomatoes are firm. To date,
of the business and a restaurateur up f o r us by one of the coffee eight salesmen have submitted four-
must know as much about foods companies here in Detroit and is teen samples of different brands
as a grocer. There is no place in composed mostly of Java and and I am waiting for three or four
which he can learn except by con- Mocha. more before putting them on the
stant study and inquiry and ex- testing table to decide whether any
perience in handling. There are Each company putting up canned company has a better pack than
so many varieties and grades of goods has different standards of the one we chose last year.
food that it is almost bewildering. quality and in order to be sure of the
For instance, as many as ten sales- condition, quality and quantity of We proceed down the whole list
men will come in during one week, any pack you must open a can and of canned goods in the same man-
each telling you that his coffee is inspect the contents. Periodically we ner—selecting the best we can find
the finest grown. None of them do this with each of the canned in peas, corn, peaches, pears, red
will tell you what kind of coffee products we use, gathering samples raspberries, cherries, pineapple and
has been used in his particular f r o m each salesman's collection of apricots, tomatoes, tomato juice, et
blend, f o r that is a trade secret to a certain item—tomatoes for in- cetera.
coffee-men, and in order to judge, stance—and opening them f o r com-
you must test a sample of each of parison. Tomatoes are grown and We must also know our grocer-
the coffees submitted—and even packed for the restaurant trade ies to be able to select the best f r o m
then you can't be sure of the principally in New York, Indiana, the many grocery lines. We carry
quality. Java and Mocha are the Michigan, Illinois, and California several kinds of sugar—4X f o r ic-
best coffees, Bogota next best, and and each of these varieties has dif- ings, f r u i t sugar which is extra fine
Santos the cheapest, and each has ferent characteristics in color, fla- granulated cane sugar f o r cakes,
its own peculiar characteristic, vor, and consistency, and, depend- cane sugar f o r table use, beet sugar
which, when blended together, give ing on the standard of the packer, for the sake of loyalty to Michi-
gan's producers, to be used in cook-
ing and wherever possible, and


number 8 brown sugar—never afternoon after an hour off duty to find
n u m b e r 9 because it is dark and
unrefined! Our flours must not on the vegetable counter—stewed to-
have too high an ash content or our
rolls will be dark and gray in color matoes, vegetable stew (made of car-
and must not be too high in pro-
tein or our cakes and pie crusts will rots, onions, tomatoes and potatoes),
be tough. Therefore we must use three
kinds—hard wheat or bread flour for WINIFRED ELIASON knows sugar corn, lima beans in much juice,
rolls, very fine soft wheat flour f o r -whereof she speaks when she and glazed carrots—all at the same
cakes, and pastry flour f o r pie crusts. talks about, feeding the public for time! The original menu was quite
Salesmen continue to come in telling she has been in restaurant work all right, but the vegetable cook had
us that they have a flour which is much since her graduation from the made some substitutions in my absence
cheaper but just the same as the one University of Minnesota in 1928. and had substituted the lima beans f o r
we are using. When questioned they She spent the next eighteen buttered cauliflower, sugar corn f o r
know nothing about the ash or pro- months as am apprentice for the
tein content and all they know is that John P. Harding Restaurant corn O'Brien, and, because the chef
it "will give the same results as the Company in Chicago. There
one you are using." So we buy a bag— were fifty girls from thirty- had the vegetable stew left, she was
make one-half a recipe with our regu- eight colleges who took advantage running it out, too, in spite of the
lar flour and one-half a recipe with of tltat year with Harding's. carrots and tomatoes she already had
their flour—making them at the same After that she went with the on the counter. Colors and textures
time under the same conditions to i n - Grace E. Smith Company in To- must be balanced on the counter as in
sure a fair test—baking them in the ledo. For the next three years a room or a picture so we try not to
same oven and, when the finished prod- she was assistant production man- run all red vegetables, all green, nor
uct comes out, we judge the two. The ager in the Smith restaurants in too many colorless ones—for we know
rolls made of our bread flour are
whiter, of finer texture, more tender Toledo and Cleveland. Winifred that the eye must be pleased first and
of crust, golden brown and about one- is in her seventh year as produc-
fourth larger in size than the ones made tion manager for the two Green- then the palate.
from the cheaper flour. The salesman field Restaurants in Detroit at the
has undoubtedly sold us a flour with present time. Our dessert and salad menus present
more Minnesota or hard Northern the same kinds of problems and I ,
wheat in it and not enough Kansas
or soft wheat to balance it—yet he says who am a chocolate fiend, must curb
it is the same flour but is cheaper be-
cause it isn't advertised. my inclinations and restrain myself

Such minor items as spices are im- from chocolate cake, chocolate eclair,
portant although we use a very small
amount in proportion to other things chocolate pudding, and chocolate cream
we buy, yet they are easily detected i f
inferior in quality. Jamaica ginger is pie—all on the same day's menu. As
the best on the market—yet most whole-
salers send Couchin ginger to you un- to the frequency of repetition our cus-
less you specify "Jamaica." Nutmeg
f r o m the West Indies is pungent, oily, tomers guide us f o r I get daily request
and flavorful. East Indian nutmeg dry
and lacking in flavor, yet East Indian slips for southern pecan pie, calves'
is what you get usually because the
other is harder to grind and makes the liver and bacon, cheese fondue, fresh
grinder gummy. Tf the buyer changes
the brand of salt it shows up imme- asparagus, or a floor girl comes back
diately in the food—either in salty
soup, vegetables too salty, cakes too to say " A customer wants to know
salty—everything briny, or the reverse
with everything so flat that you decide when we're going to have fried chick-
all of the cooks have become forgetful
and neglected to add any salt at all. en" or "When are we going to have
To do a good job of buying—the buyer
must know every detail about each item, -4 Wellesley Fudge Cake ?".
and it is a lifetime's work to discover When the menus are planned, super-
all there is to learn about groceries.
vision begins and we must continually
Menu planning is another puzzle to
be worked out. We have six meats, teach our cooks to follow instructions
ten vegetables, and two soups on our
counters every day and, with the excep- and recipes and put out the finished
tion of roast beef, which we always
have, and steaks every night, we t r y product in standard form. There are
not to repeat any item during the week
and not to serve the same item on the some cooks who are continually "show-
same day of two consecutive weeks.
ing off" by letting their fires get too
hot, spattering the fat from a frying

pan all over themselves and the stove,

sometimes igniting whole skillets full

of fat, which blaze up in flames two

feet high. They must be watched to

prevent ruining of good food f o r they

As f a r as possible, flavors must not be think nothing of frying chops in this
duplicated—that is, we try not to in- manner i f left to their own inclinations
clude cream of tomato soup, Creole and the result is a tough, shrunken
lima beans, stewed tomatoes and fish chop usually burned on the outside and
with Spanish sauce in the same menu. raw in the center. We always have
this difficulty with new cooks and it
Price must be watched, too—the menu takes close supervision and not a little
including one expensive meat such as patience to train them to our methods.
a roast, one medium-priced meat such
as tongue and spinach or shortribs of The bookkeeping department plays a
beef with browned potatoes, one cheap- big part also in a large restaurant, f o r
er meat such as hamburger or veal inventories must be kept and food cost
loaf, one stew or creamed item, and records made. We keep a daily food
one light luncheon dish without meat cost chart showing the percentage of
such as cheese fondue or casserole of income spent f o r food each day and
eggs and vegetables au gratin. the average f o r the month. This chart
is posted in our kitchen and is most
On our vegetable counter we try not interesting to all of the employees—
to run two vegetables of the same fam- providing an incentive to guard against
ily such as cabbage and cauliflower or unnecessary waste throughout the pro-
peas and beans, or two liquid vegetables duction departments.
as tomatoes and creamed corn. Imag-

ine my chagrin when I returned one TURN TO PAGE 38

graphers, and private cars took us to
The Huntington which isn't in down-
town Pasadena at all, but out in the
hills near San Marino. But before we
left, I noticed that our luggage was
lined up on the platform and that it
stretched the length of two railway cars.
I t was taken to the hotel in a moving
van. Special trains are lots of f u n
and they are a good way to get to know
lots of people before Convention starts."

"Oh, yes'n we had special menus on
the train at special prices. I have them
here in my scrapbook i f you'd like to
see them."

And so we learned about the Sante Fe
Special. I t was the first time 1 hadn't
gone on the Special, and I ' d missed that
getting acquainted.

"Well," started the girl who was tell-
ing of the setting, "we'd driven out, and
we couldn't believe we were at the right
place when we turned into what looked
like a big private estate. The hotel
grounds and gardens are beautiful with
flowers everywhere and a ravine with
pools. There is a bridge across the
ravine and the ceiling is painted with
California scenes. The rooms are so
comfortable and the lobby and lounges
luxurious. There were tables in the
patio, but we had our meals in the
big dining room. I f you came early for
breakfast—or late, you were lucky to
get a table by the big windows that
overlooked the swimming pool and the
terraces. Except for breakfast there
were special menus for each meal, but
at breakfast there were some of us who
had steaks as often as we had scrambled
eggs." Breathless, she stopped, and
then added, "I've never been in a hotel
before where every maid and waitress
as well as all of the other hotel people
tried so hard to make everything per-
fect and I've never been in such a
beautiful place."

It occurred to me again that as long
as fraternity affiliation teaches its mem-
bers so much about gracious living, it
was quite right that it should introduce
its members to such surroundings at

But I had waited f o r someone to
speak of that which will always make
The Huntington Convention a special
memory for me—the flowers, every-
where and always, fresh flowers in
great vases, small nosegays, corsages,
flowers prodigally arranged on doilies
without water. True our houses in the
Middle West spill over with them in
the summer, but the hotels use them
very penuriously.

"From the time we saw the asters

The Editor of T o D R A G M A displays a form of
the magazine while Katherine Davis, Publicity
Director, asked Alice Cox, Omicron, to help
her show off some of the Alpha Omicron Pi
publicity which she had collected. The Regis-
trar had samples of form letters, graphs to
show mailings, and records of all of the work
done in the Central Office.

C. Jane Strohekcr, Auditor of Chapter and
House Corporation Accounts, went into detail
about chapter accounts. This picture was sub-
NATI stituted for Mrs. Perry's historical exhibit be-
cause she thought it was too poor a reproduc-
341 A C T I V E S ^ tion of a really fine display, but we thought
that mothers, daughters, and sisters in AOII
a who attended Convention were historic. Left
to right: Mary Louise Bucher, 9 H , Washing-
I t .... ton Alumna?; Edith Isabel Davis, I , Chicago
V Alumncs; Janet Carolyn Hollister, P; Anna-
belle Kirk, KO, Los Angeles Alumnce; Ruby
34 5 Clocklcr, T, Minneapolis Alumnce, mother; Pat
Kirk Howe, K G , Los Angeles Alumnce; Evelyn
! Bancroft Moore, 2, Eastbay Alumnce, mother;
Bettc H&rlowc, Z, daughter; Elizabeth Moore,
\ —, daughter; Ruth Cox Scgar, SX, Cincinnati
Alumnce; Miriam Scales, AO, daughter. Kath-
crine Bremer Matson showed with a pin ball
game how an AOII can apply and get a loan
from A.E.F.

and the zinnias along with the cellophane-
wrapped plates of fresh f r u i t in our
rooms, we found there were always
flowers. A t the high tea for Panhellenic
representatives and guests f r o m the
women's colleges everyone wore flowers.
There were rose and tuberous-rooted
begonia corsages for the officers, gar-
denias for the guests. The Pasadena
Floral Jubilee Dinner for Convention
Repeaters was a garden with a trellised
entrance and gladiola corsages and leis,
with a blossom for each Convention at-
tended. The tables looked like tiny
gardens with their trellised centerpieces.
A l l of us wondered how the banquet
could possibly be lovelier. When I say
that each one of us gasped as we went
into the dining room, you may believe
that 1 am being literal. But, no won-
der, for Ruth Meissner Hummel, A ,
who decorated the tables, is a pro-
fessional. Tall, slender, gold vases,
held just a few gladiolas which were
deep pink flecked with velvety maroon
and ribbons stretched f r o m these to the
white-clothed tables where the glads
were scattered to meet long flat boxes
of Jacqueminot roses. The program of
toasts, with Dean Virginia Judy Esterly
as toastmi stress, was planned like a
garden. Small white pottery swans
holding a single gardenia were at each
place. Mr. Greene, Convention manager






Backwards t 0 C o n v e n t i o n

T H E 1 9 3 9 Convention was a next time it is hoped that more ad- About Our F a m i l y
streamlined model. Many desirable visers can be present at Convention.
features of a Convention had to be . . . The International Luncheon • Over 400 AOIIs attended Con-
set aside unfortunately. I n the f u - was a highlight of the Convention vention.
ture it might be wise to alternate with an impressive presentation of • Of the delegates traveling by
emphasis. This time the emphasis the flags of the United States and Special 45 were making their first
was placed upon the national aspect Canada, and an inspiring address trip to California.
which requires a fairly intricate by Dr. Paul Perrigord, an eminent • All but four delegates coming
structure of organization. Our de- member of the League of Nations, by train went to the Golden Gate
sire to portray the work of the na- who spoke on Peace. A t his right Exposition; 20 had relatives in the
tional departments through exhibits hand sat our own beloved exponent West whom they were to visit.
was a step in the right direction. of the advancement of Peace, Jessie • Kansas City Alumnae Chapter
Department heads are to be con- Wallace Hughan. . . . Our Califor- brought candy to the AOIIs on the
gratulated upon their ingenuity and nia sisters exceeded our anticipa- Special when they came to the sta-
the detail that was shown in their tion as hostesses. Their organiza- tion to see their sisters go through.
exhibits. These were an inspira- tion functioned like the motors in • June Kelley, A, brought two old
tion to all of us. Next time the nonstop aeroplanes. Margaret Clif- badges with her from Boston. The
emphasis perhaps can be placed ton as pilot has no peer. . . . The $r stick pin belongs to Marian Per-
more upon the work of the active Candle Light Service was one of kins, r, and dates from the local at
and alumnae chapters and their surpassing beauty. . . . Alumnae the University of Maine which be-
problems. . . . Council exhibited its Day showed the vigor and zest with came a chapter of Delta Sigma, a
usual caution and wisdom by grant- which our members take a part in national sorority with chapters at
ing only a limited use of the L i f e the work of AO I I . . . . Another Jackson College and at Brown, all
Alumnae Dues f o r the biennium. time it might be wise to bring de- three of which later merged with
This decision indicates that perhaps partment heads to the Convention Alpha Omicron Pi. The AS badge
that will be the case even in the a day in advance f o r the necessary is set with four diamonds and eight
future. I n that way no designated conferences with the Executive pearls.
use f o r any part of the f u n d would • The two lucky pledges initated
become obsolete as the organization at Convention were Ruth Hoskins, V.,
grows. . . . The school f o r the Dis- and Mary Ruth Chandler, The
trict Superintendent was produc- model initiation was conducted by
tive of a forthcoming workbook Mary Dee, and the traditional story-
which is i n the process of being telling by Mrs. Perry followed.
made by the superintendents and • Stella Perry's sister, Mrs. Bret
department heads. . . . The school Harte, was among our guests. Mrs.
for the Advisers made only a small Bret Harte whose husband is the
contribution, but the idea of having grandson of the early California
efficiently f u n c t i o n i n g advisory Committee Conference time was writer, is a photographer. She took
committees w i l l be followed up, and
at a premium and I feel that those the picture of Mrs. Perry which we

actives and alumnae who desire a are using in this issue.
• Sigma was hostess at the Fourth
conference should have ample time of July supper served around the

and at a reasonable hour. . . . A l l swimming pool. Rose Bell, 2> con-
vulsed a gay audience with her ad-
in all I feel that the Convention did vice as to how to hold a husband,

for us what it set out to do, name- a la Cleopatra or the Queen of She-

ly, to invigorate us to pursue the ba. Marjorie Alice Lenz, KB, tempt-
ed us to shop in California despite
objectives for which we are well- a sales tax by showing us Califor-

known, cultivation of friendships, nia play clothes in a fashion show.

a belief in democratic principles, a • Captain Paul Perrigord, guest
speaker at the International Lunch-
T U R N TO P A G E 35 eon on July 4, is a member of 4>BK

and 9S.
• Conventioneers are still singing
"AOn's are mighty nice and mighty,
mighty clever" after hearing some of
the southerners sing it to the tune of
"Looky, Looky Here." Edith Ford, K,
wrote the Social Service skit for the
Luncheon which featured our philan-
thropic work.
• Sightseeing trips were provided
for guests so that they were able to
see the famous stained glass win-
dow, "The Last Supper" at Forest
Lawn in Glendale and the Hunting-
ton Library. Other trips included a
city tour with luncheon at the Deau-
ville Beach Club and tea at the
chapter house in Westwood Hills
and a trip to Santa Catalina.


for the Hotel, who was our guardian in about an hour. This came because to the environment in which it is to be
angel always, said it was the most they had to do with trial legislation and held. Under the direction of Marian
beautiful banquet they had ever had. I where the test had proven satisfactory, Black Wagner, 2, the service this year
could talk and talk about the flowers there remained only the necessity of was presented by the swimming pool.
and the decorations, special menu cards, putting it into the by-laws. From the The audience sat opposite the partici-
fashioned like fire-crackers on July 4 round tables came the decision to raise pants so that the lights reflected in the
and like a pine board f o r the 49'er din- the L i f e Alumnae Dues to $15 f o r water were visible to it. The reces-
ner, in varnished red, white, and blue alumnae, to $8 for undergraduates. A n sional led out across the Picture Bridge
for our International Luncheon, tied in Alumnae Bulletin, edited by Lorraine and by some phenomenon the entire line
raffia for the Hawaiian Dinner, but I Hitchcock McMahon, Z, will be mailed was reflected in the pool. W i t h dark-
guess my time is up and you can see to all alumnae in November, a second ness all around except for the lane of
them f o r all of us saved them. By the copy will go to all those who pay their lights above and in the water below,
way, the Hotel furnished these menu annual dues or are L i f e Alumnae later one had the sensation that the spirit of
cards. Oh, but I just must tell you that in the year. Watch f o r your billing and Alpha Omicron Pi had come f r o m a
Long Beach Alumnae Chapter made don't fail to send in your check. Money divine source and that its continuance
crepe paper leis f o r everyone f o r the for this alumnae project will come f r o m would never cease. The audience
Hawaiian Dinner and that Pasadena the L A D fund raised during the cam- seemed loathe to break the spell of
Alumnae arranged the Friendship af- paign last year. Council created a music, reading, and candle glow.
fair." Finance Committee whose job it will be
to correlate the budgeting and financial Words are small praise to exchange
There, Melissa has told about the planning f o r all departments of the for the hospitality of all Californians.
flowers, and some of the decorations, sorority. The Treasurer is to be the The Convention machinery ran like the
but she had forgotten about the minia- chairman with a member appointed by engine of that car whose advertising ad-
ture Nursing Centers which Los Angeles the Executive Committee and another vises you to ask the man who owns one.
Alumnae and their kind mothers and chosen by the A.E.F. Trustees f r o m Margaret Clifton, K6, managed the
friends had made f o r the Alumnae among their number. Within due time whole affair in a charming and efficient
Luncheon, about the beautiful and clever your mothers may wear a Mother's Club manner, her dozens of committees func-
hand-painted cutouts of everything badge and perhaps we will have a g i f t tioning splendidly. Madeline Lundin, Los
Kentucky which Janet Turner, A, had for AOII brides designed for us. Further Angeles president, and Lillian Herman
made f o r the same luncheon, about the news of business will be found in your Stickney of Pasadena shared respon-
map plate mats and the Walt Disney Bulletin, sibilities while Kappa Theta, Lambda,
pictures, the later obtained by Janet . Sigma, Long Beach, and San Diego
Martin, K6, director in the publicity de- The Convention was followed by a played their willing parts. Eastbay
partment of Disney Studio, used at the Training School for District Super- alumnaa were gracious hostesses to
Know California Luncheon. And then intendents which proved most valuable Treasure Island visitors after Conven-
she didn't say a thing about the pro- in preparing these leaders f o r their tion. We have the Alpha Os of the
grams at meals, but neither can I f o r work and f o r the conduct of district entire state to thank f o r their gracious-
after all you should have been there to conventions which come in the spring. ness and to The Huntington, manage-
see the clever skits, the style show, the Each officer had an opportunity to dis- ment and staff, a toast. We will be
swimming foolishnesses, the roulette cuss her particular problems with offi- waiting f o r an invitation to return.
wheels and the ice tea bar at the 49'er cers and they found it possible to ask
Dinner, the Hawaiian dancer, the questions which their year's experience Convention defies a proper description
pageant of California's flags done so had brought to their attention. by anyone f o r so much of its joy and
ably by Verne McKinney, a loyal ITOA, the work accomplished comes f r o m the
and the singing and dancing at the Span- Under the able editorship of Mary unity that makes individuals a part of
ish Luncheon. DeWitt Angier, 2, the AOPizette was a whole; that transcribes local enthus-
an effective news organ for the Conven- iams and ideas into national progress.
But all was not social f o r the business tion. Its work is necessary and the delegates
sessions, the round table discussions, are responsible f o r that, but the many
were productive of much progressive But I have saved f o r the last that visitors who may partake of what work
work. A record was set when all which I think no delegate or visitor will they choose and all of the f u n are the
amendments to the by-laws were passed ever forget—The service of candle-light- privileged. Be a visitor in New Orleans.
ing is always beautiful, adapted as i t is


fi T H E magazine subscription chairman ^ WW
wishes she had an office so she could

put in the window just such a card—as
dentists sometimes used to do.


chapter financial problems by united ef-

fort in securing subscriptions. For with

very little effort on the part of each

member, the commissions add up rapidly

—and once this plan is pushed, it rolls

along on its own momentum—with re-

newals coming around each year as an

inspiring foundation to build upon. So-

cial Service quotas are met before you

know it. The only thing to remember

—and never to forget f o r one moment—

is that A L P H A O M I C R O N P I SELLS

M A G A Z I N E S , any magazine, anywhere,

any group or club plan, f o r as long as

the subscriber wants. It's just this doing your part to make our "Tuckies"
happy. Won't you?—EDITH FORD, Kap-
simple—instead of sending in your order to think back to the ease with which this
amount was raised. pa.
to the publisher, send it in to our office,
SororiL mi
the check made payable to AOII. PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS — of
Our commission is deducted and the each member's financial obligations to
mechanics are in good working order
balance forwarded to the publisher. A l l the social service work. By just send- and we seek constantly to produce re-
sults. Even so, there is room f o r i m -
subscriptions coming in f r o m one loca- ing in your own and your friends' sub- provement. We need more people who
are willing to give freely of their time
tion are credited to the chapter there. scriptions as they fall due, your contribu- and thought intelligently and usefully to
the purposes of AOII. Though we pride
It's a grand feeling to see your chapter, tion to our Kentucky work can be more ourselves on information and construc-
tive interpretation translated into effec-
with a nice total in the commissions generous than you may ever have been tive action, we need to have these per-
meate more and more throughout the
column of the semi-annual report and able to afford. whole membership. A l l of us must
know the ramifications and the scope
PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS — of of the organization to understand its
strength and significance. Modern sci-
coming Christmas gift problems, f o r ence and psychology have not yet found
there is a magazine f o r everyone on any better recipe f o r successful living
your list. No home should be without than is embodied in the precepts of
Readers Digest (which means $1.00 to AOII. As assistants in the laboratory of
AOII f o r each subscription)—all chil- life we have indeed important duties to
dren will love Jack and Jill (edited perform. We must know why we do
by our own Ada Campbell Rose)—many them, how we do them, and there must
be results in order to afford satisfaction
a baby would be happier i f his Mother and growth.
received Parents Magazine—any one of
the many excellent Home and Garden M r . Lutkin, founder of the North
Shore Music Festival in Evanston, has
magazines w i l l be welcomed home by said, "Music festivals have had much
newly or oldlyweds, young girls will to do with the development of the art
read Mademoiselle f r o m cover to cover. of music. With the festival spirit in the
air there is a feeling of excitement and
There are two reasons why the g i f t expression which sharpens the under-
of a magazine subscription is the right standing and gives greater capacity f o r
gift. First—it keeps coming back f o r preciation." This is our festival dedi-
as long as you want it to, each month cated to what AOII does; how she does
it in the laboratory of life. May our
or each week as a reminder of your understanding and capacity be sharpened
thoughtfulness. Second—Each gift of a to enable us properly to evaluate and
magazine makes another little "Tucky" produce results enormously worth while.

liappier. Just send your orders to Anne 11
Nichols at the Central Office, making

check payable to AOII, and your

hristmas g i f t and your Christmas
harity will be taken care of with the
ne gesture.


11 the financial problems of the Social

ervice committee, i f every member of

On sent in just her own subscriptions,

bounded joy in AOII and happiness

r our little Kentucky friends if every

ember of AOII really went out after

bscriptions. Make yourself happy by

J O N C E upon a time, in the days work and the contacts with vital But this isn't an English firm,
between the first Great War and and interesting people more than darling, it's American. Yes, of
anything I had ever done before. course, he'd overlooked that point,
the second, before there was an but now I must answer the letter
active chapter of A O I I at McGill One evening in April ( i f this and do as they asked. But I can't,
University and shortly after I had grows boring skip it and turn to I'm far too busy; put it in the
moved to Montreal, it was possible something else. Wilma asked me waste basket. Oh, said Hugh, I
to look about a four-room apart- for it and I don't know any other see . . . you've stuck your neck
ment and out over a city where I way to tell it) when Hugh, my out again and you don't even think
knew practically no one and feel thoroughly Scotch husband, and I it's funny. Suppose this time you
. . . well, maybe not bored exactly, got home after a late dinner in finish something you've started.
but certainly in need of something town, I found a letter addressed But I can't, I ' m too tired, and how
more to do. That's how I hap- to me by Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., could I possibly do all they want in
pened to see a personal in the ad- informing me that f r o m some thir- eight days?
vertising columns of that thin but ty-five replies received to the afore-
erudite little publication, The Satur- mentioned ad they had chosen five, Yet when Hugh thinks I can do
day Review of Literature on March and as one of those five would I something, I usually manage not to
19, 1938. I t read:
3 (V
Home of t in];;
table (yes, no kidding) New York
publishing house is seeking reputable please submit to them within eigh
(or disreputable) author for crisp, days a detailed outline of my con
entertaining but practical short book. ception of such a book, togethe
Subject: H O W TO L I V E I N A N with one completed chapter.
A P A R T M E N T . Should cover such
topics as apartment hunting (open I handed the letter to Hugh wit'
and closed seasons), leases, moving the comment that it might amus
day, furnishings, decoration, closets, him, and went to bed. But not t
space-saving gadgetry, apartment cook- sleep; he was interested and woul
ery and any original ideas of your own. know more. What kind of a lette
Regular contract and royalty terms. I f had I written, to be chosen one o
seriously interested, communicate with five out of thirty-five? A n d wha
Box 543-C." was I going to do about it?

Maybe I was just tired o f the Nothing, of course, I said, and
kind of weather up here that passes copy of my application for the j
for early spring, or maybe answer- was in the top right-hand draw
ing advertisements in this particu- but that was before I had anythi
lar publication is a habit; through else to do. He was horrified
these personal columns I have rent- what I had said in i t ; no, I had
ed a summer cottage, found mem- exaggerated so very much my
bers f o r a tour to Russia, main- sets and qualifications, but go
tained an amusing correspondence heavens, how could any firm
with a friend of Helen Hayes, and impressed by anyone who was
been offered a job as secretary to brazen as to admit them?
the president of a small eastern

I couldn't guess who this pub-
lisher might be, but it didn't mat-
ter; figuring out a sales talk f o r
myself (you'd never guess I am a
shy soul f r o m what I can put on
paper) filled the afternoon. As
soon as I posted the letter, I forgot
it. A n d the next week I was of-
fered an extremely interesting posi-
tion, to last a year, as secretary
for an extensive survey of educa-
tion to be conducted in the Prov-
ince of Quebec. I accepted, and
forgot all about afternoons when
I had plenty to do but nothing that
I wanted to do. I was busy now
f r o m nine to five and often to seven
or eight, and I was enjoying the

this time. I t was the end of May story. I returned to Montreal in DOROTHY DUNCAN
when Hugh was immersed in end- September, the completed manu-
of-term exams and matric results script in F. & R.'s hands.
and I was wondering if I could
get away from the education sur- Then once more I almost forgot
vey for a vacation with him when about this thing I had done on an
I received a wire telling me in impulse. I began to read galley-
fancy terms that I was " i t . " Would proof f o r the long report of the
I please have the completed manu- education survey and the man un-
script—light, amusing, slightly in- der whom 1 directly worked went
formative—in their hands by the off to Ottawa to become Macken-
first of September. zie King's principal secretary. I
took over his work, too, and he be-
Two months only in which to gan to prepare for the impending
write some seventy-five thousand visits of Their Majesties. The
words and gather up enough in- days when T had been a little lonely
formation to hold together the and not a little bored in Canada
amusing part, whatever that might were gone. Resides, T had heard

Ha f


a One i i
Wai to i3ecome an

be. I took it they wanted a blend nothing of the opinion of the pub- By DOROTHY DUNCAN
of Orchids On Your Budget and lishers as to whether the book was MacLENNAN, Rho,
Hozv to Win Friends, but my in- good or rotten, and since I was

structions were explicit only in pretty sure it was the latter, the Who Is and Won't Believe ll
that I should go ahead in my own longer they took to tell me the bet-

way according to my outline, which ter. intervening time. I must return
had been whipped together in one them within a week, for the book
afternoon on the survey's time. Four days before we left to spend was to be put on the market in
our Christmas holidays in Nova

I obtained a leave of absence f o r Scotia, I received the whole manu- September of this year. I still

the whole of July and August, script back in my lap with detailed didn't believe it could be serious;

since the education survey was instructions as to its revision. Ev- books weren't written that way;

slowing up until school reopened erything that was not factual was to somebody was kidding me because

anyway, went home to Evanston be cut; no topical references, no once upon a time I had thought I

and began grubbing through the anecdotes, no side-remarks, no phil- wanted to be a writer. But I sent

libraries. I t was only about ninety osophising, and no suggestion that the galley-proofs back on time, not-

degrees day and night most of that any other city existed in the United ing that I would owe the publishers

August in Illinois, but I was too States outside New York. The re- some thirty-odd dollars f o r correc-

busy pounding a rented typewriter vised version was to be returned tions and another thirty-five f o r the

to notice, and anyway Hugh wrote in two weeks: so, I spent my index.

that it was raining all the time in Christmas vacation. By June the education survey was
Nova Scotia. There are only seven over, the royal visit was over,
public libraries in the whole prov- Galley-proofs came along five school was out, and Farrar &
ince of Quebec, but that's another months later, in May, with no word Rinehart had lapsed into one of
to me f r o m the publishers in the


their long silences again. Hugh During the past six years, as she ad- in). Don't sign a lease without reading
and I got into our gray car that is mits, she has been jumping about f r o m it. Don't forget to pay the rent.
a Pontiac to the public eye but a one to another "so-called apartment"
Chevrolet under the hood (we keep in Halifax, Hollywood, Oxford, Chi- I f you decorate, Miss Duncan goes
explaining to garage mechanics and cago, Freiburg, London, Princeton and on, do so with your eyes open. Don't
gas-station attendants that it's not Montreal. What she clearly needs to attempt to use sixteen styles of period
our fault; they're made that way do is to stay put f o r a while in an furniture in a small living room. Don't
in Canada) and drove to California apartment not simply so-called—say, in have a fuchsia-pink rug, rust-colored
for the summer. Then one day in a Manhattan four-roomer near the curtains and blood-orange chairs in
July I happened to find this in the Third Avenue El—and to face the even a large bedroom. Don't put a
personal column of the Saturday problems that arise. Then she won't life-sized marble statue of Leda and
Review: be so merry and so doggone gay. the Swan in the kiddies' nursery. A r -
range your chattels so that guests can
"No MORE AUTHORS NEED APPLY for For the processes of local apartment move about among them without
life are nothing to be gay about and barked shins.
the job of writing guide-book to the someone might as well let Miss Dun-
fun of living in an apartment. Position can know it. The mere discovery of a Budget your expenditures, if you
filled long ago; book now ready; 248 suitable flat, let alone the living in it please, says Miss Duncan, showing how.
pages, full of money savers, time sav- once it has been found, is a task to Keep your apartment clean, she adds,
ers, and disposition savers f o r modern make strong men quail, and no cheerful also showing how. When the servant
cliff dwellers. Send $2.00 for "You counsel f r o m an ex-denizen of O x f o r d problem seems annoying and it becomes
Can Live in an Apartment" to Farrar or Princeton can make it a great deal "more and more difficult to find a good
& Rinehart, 232 Madison Avenue, easier. "Before you do anything else," maid" bear in mind that it is "equally-
N.Y.C." Miss Duncan whispers to the prospective hard to get a good mistress" (which it
lessee, "buy yourself a new hat under is), and that i f you are considerate of
Even the publication date was a which to sally forth to meet the world your servants, they will be considerate
surprise. Now, when I see my with freshened morale." Take someone of you. For those who cook in apart-
name in much-too-big letters on else's advice and buy yourself nothing ments, there is special advice; likewise
the dust-cover of dozens of books whatsoever except a double brandy or for those who entertain on a modest
stacked on a counter, or sign some possibly Scotch. As for the new hat, scale. There are also miscellaneous
of them at Marshall Field's, or read renting agents nowadays will welcome suggestions and lists of more or less
over the clippings that are sent me you if you show up in a mobcap or a useful apartment gadgets; ear-stoppers
of reviews, I still don't believe it. Hindu puggree. to keep out the noise, can-openers to
I can remember the work and the open cans, coffee grinders to grind cof-
time it took; I can remember the And once you are laden with a lease, fee, and tie holders, air conditioners,
worry and the suspense and the what to do about the aged soprano wine cellars, check protectors, and such.
pleasure when some of it turned on the other side of the court who
out the way I wanted it to, as well sings "The Last Rose of Summer" over Indeed, almost everything about liv-
as my annoyance over the title, and over largo di molto! Or about the ing in an apartment except how to find
which I don't like . . . but it still people up above who spend their eve- the requisite stamina and moral courage
doesn't seem important, because nings bouncing golf balls on the hard- has been included. Perhaps Miss Dun-
books just aren't written that way. wood floor. Or about the Edison Com- can's publishers, now that they have
And there are so many other things pany's daily cinder heap on the radiator found her (romantically enough, she
to think about up here in Canada, beneath your bedroom window? Or and they first- met as the result of a
just now, where all the things we about the roaring radios across the way, want ad in The Saturday Review), can
remember f r o m childhood are com- the mad dogs in the elevators, the sum- persuade her to do a book about that.
ing true again in our time. mer breezes straight f r o m hell via The title, at any rate, would be easy.
Slaughterhouse Creek. In the solution
In "BOOKS OF T H E TIMES," of all such major problems, Miss Dun- Perhaps Dorothy Duncan MacLennan
Ralph Thompson of The New York can is of no assistance whatsoever. did write her first book in a most un-
Times, July 13, 1939, said: Her book, though entitled, "You Can orthodox way and perhaps she found
Live in an Apartment," doesn't begin a publisher, or the publisher found her,
A young lady calling herself Dorothy- to explain how any one of us really in an equally unregulated manner, but
Duncan, whose name before the law can. the result should be satisfying to both
is Dorothy Duncan MacLennan, emerges parties. Now for myself I am not in
today as the author of what is prob- Yet it tells a good deal else in the the market f o r an apartment. (I've
ably the first treatise of its kind to course of a dozen chatty chapters. The stated verbally and now I am rash
appear: a book on how to live in apart- section on Moving Days and Moving enough to make my remark a printed
ments. {You Can Live in an Apart- Vans, for example, will be generally record—that only the sheriff or the
ment. 248 pages. Farrar & Rinehart appreciated, since at least once in a life- undertaker can remove me f r o m my
$2.) This astonished reviewer found time everybody must make up his mind present abode) ; I've never lived in
it lying on his desk a few days back, as to whether the family heirlooms are an apartment; I've always dwelt in
immediately carted it off to his gloomy to be broken by M r . McGinty's packers suburbs, almost neighborless; I should-
domestic den, and has been pondering or by the family. Miss Duncan sensibly n't even be interested in You Can Live
and considering it ever since. prefers Mr. McGinty's packers. Other in an Apartment except that an AOII
bits of advice show a like prudence. friend has written it, and yet I ' m de-
His opinion is that the author, while I f your income is $50 a week, eschew lighted with it. I've been amused, en-
equipped with interesting ideas, is in- apartments costing $200 a month; they lightened, and educated by it. One
clined to take her subject too lightly. aren't worth it. Avoid prospects of doesn't need to be a prospective hunter
blank brick wall; for, as Miss Duncan to be interested in her intelligent at-
14 puts it, " I strongly recommend a view." tack on the servant problem—as a mat-
I f you have five children, select a larger ter of fact, eliminating the hunting
apartment in a less elegant neighbor- (which could apply as well to houses
hood in preference to a smaller one in for sale or rent), the book is a neat,
a more elegant, and make sure there and thoroughly pleasant, treatise on
are plenty of closets (to put the children household art and management.

f l M A R C H 9, 1938—Cool and
pleasant — Great excitement—

Band playing to make sure parting
will not be sorrowful. First t h r i l l :
We were interviewed by Mary
Pickford who was reporter for a
day. Second day out—Such moun-
tainous waves!! Most everyone
sick—Four to five days in bed. Our
diet was baked potato, dried toast,
and apple. I was so glad when we
at last sighted land. Ireland was
our first glimpse with its beautiful
rich and varied shades of green,
laid out in square plots. A t Cobh,
a tender came out to bring the pas-
sengers ashore — coast appeared
very jagged and rocky. We arrived
at Plymouth about 10 p. m. and

"M y I

By ELIZABETH A. DUNN, Delta, ich made the voyage somewhat unpleasant.
Secretary to Mrs. Joseph
Kennedy Westminster Abbey Guards—a cloudy, cool day so the
marvelous sight. oldiers wore coats of a grayish
were first off. We went ashore in blue, big black fuzzy hats which
the Admiralty Launch. The offi- Next day visited Buckingham were tall with uncomfortable look-
cers were very smartly uniformed Palace to see Changing of the
and most courteous—greeted on g brass chin straps and navy
land by Lord Mayor and wife. [trousers with red stripes on either
Next, we boarded a train which side. A military band played in
had very small compartments with
beds and wash basins. We arrived ne corner of the courtyard. The
in London at 7 a. m.—Beautiful [soldiers march with absolute per-
spring day—Rode through Hyde fection in keeping step and always
Park to the Embassy. The grounds
were gay with pretty beds of col- eem to be at attention. I t is a
ored crocus in f u l l bloom. People nost impressive sight—such loyalty,
were riding horseback so early in espect, and pride as shown by the
the fashionable "Rotten Row" English onlookers! The King's
which I found to be practically op- L i f e Guard rode on horseback
posite the Embassy. The building wearing bright silver shields and
itself is far f r o m pretentious ap- swords which glitter in the sun-
pearing, being in a row of apart- shine.
ment houses which look a bit
grimy, but this is quite deceiving
because here dwell Lords, Ladies,
Duchesses, and Countesses and
many other very important people.

As we entered the Embassy the
servants were lined up to welcome
us and stood strictly at attention
as we entered. A f t e r breakfast, the
housekeeper took us over the house
for inspection. I was quite im-
pressed by the enormous bathrooms


Next day we again witnessed the rolls out a red velvet carpet upon self in the coach. There are two
Changing of the Guards, but this which she walks f r o m her door to footmen i n f r o n t and one rides in
time at St. James Palace as that the coach and then another one the back on top and all are dressed
was where the King had slept the holds her door until she seats her- in red coats and wear white wigs
previous night. A t these cere- like those worn at the time of
monies, crowds always seem to Washington. I t makes a most fas-
gather to look on with much inter- cinating picture as the gold and
est. black coach rolls out of the drive
and one hears the clicking of the
Next morning I took a bus ride horses' feet.
and shopping tour alone to become
familiar with the London shops. One of the English customs
The .money was a bit of a nuisance which appealed to me the most was
at first as their coins and bills are the holiday spirit at week-ends.
much larger than ours. I found Everyone—poor as well as the
sales people very helpful and wealthy class—indulged in country
courteous — also everyone spoke excursions. Stores, shops, and
beautiful English. The English most restaurants close Saturday
Robbies and bus drivers were most noon which enables employees to
solicitous and polite. get out of the city f o r golf, tennis,
or a walk. Those who were not
English entertainments and ac- fortunate enough to get to the
tivities are all carried out with country or seashore took advantage
much pomp and ceremony. They of the beautiful parks. The more
have the Royal Tournament and privileged business man's week-end
Aldershot Tattoo which are yearly begins on late Friday afternoon
events. Both of these are military and usually ends early Monday
displays put on in a show-like morning. A customary week-end is
fashion and are very thrilling to as follows: guests arrive f o r tea
watch. on Friday—enjoy a walk or tennis
game. Dinner is served between
One of the most exciting times 7:30 and 8 :30. Everyone dresses
of the English social season is the which gives a most pleasant atmos-
presentation at courts. A l l stores phere. Four to six courses are
display lovely court dresses with| served leisurely while happenings
long trains and the white three of the day are discussed. A f t e r
feathered headdress. Usually thel dinner, the men adjourn to one
debs are presented in white and room f o r smokes and a talk, and
the others choose their gowns f r o m the women go to another room f o r
the pastels—all must wear the reg- coffee. Later bridge, backgammon,
ulation long white gloves which charades, and various word games
come way up above the elbow. are enjoyed by all. The next morn-
Crowds f o r m hours ahead of time ing breakfast is served in buffet
in front of the Palace to see the style from 9 :00 to 10:00 or 9 :30 to
people going to Court. I dare say 10:30, and giving a choice of food
the most colorful court to watch such as fruits, eggs, ham, fish,
f r o m the outside would be that of sausages, porridges, scones, and tea
the Diplomatic Corps because then or coffee. I f you rise late, break-
one would be able to see each A m fast is not served to you. A guest
bassador and Minister in his native must always observe the rules of
costume. his host or hostess. This makes
it much easier for the servants
L i v i n g just two houses f r o m the when there are large house parties.
Embassy was the Mistress of the Sports are then indulged in and
Robes to the Queen. She always lunch follows at one or two. Be-
attends the court functions in state tween 4:30-5:30 the English tea
and has a carriage drawn by horses is an established institution and
come f r o m the Palace to take her never overlooked. Sundays are a
to and f r o m these affairs. This is bit more quiet—less activity and
a most delightful sight to watch as guests usually take leave. A less
it reminds one of the things which
happened in fairy tales. A footman


formal atmosphere prevails for / he King s Lifeguards at Whitehall arc a colorful sight.
those remaining until Monday.
When invitations are issued f o r under his feet!" The girl-pupil The reason why many people en-
these parties, both the hour and finds a kinship, perhaps, with pretty joy cheap music is that they hear
day of arrival and departure are little Marie Antoinette, whose de- more cheap music than good. They
always specified. A l l England loves votion to her gruff old German have had little chance to develop
its week-ends. music teacher, Gliick, lasted through their appreciation for better food.
her carefree princess days, and It is always amazing and gratify-
In conclusion, T must tell you comforted her to the end of her ing to see the response of a young
about the English Speaking Union. life. chorus to the movingly excellent
I t is an organization to which all in the best music.
English speaking people f r o m all A classroom of twelve-year-
over the world can belong. Here olds leap eagerly to their feet at This summer I hesitated to give
one meets all types of interesting- the opening chords of the Halle- a chorus of forty girls a lovely but
people and learns much about the lujah Chorus, which, they well very difficult modern cantata. Their
customs and inhabitants of other know, is the only piece of music response was a constant delight
countries. I n London, there is a for which all nations rise, as each to me, for again and again, after
luxurious club house where mem- would rise in respect when its own a long rehearsal, they begged, "Oh,
bers stay and entertain their national anthem is played. These can't we sing a little longer? This
friends. The Union sponsors in- children are proud to know the is so beautiful! A n d we're really
teresting talks on topics of the day circumstances of the composing not a bit tired!" Their final, ex-
by prominent people and social af- and first performance of "The quisite performance of it was a
fairs for the younger members. Messiah." deeply moving occasion.
When one feels a bit homesick
abroad, it's a grand place to go be- And a chorus of girl campers, But to go back to the child w ho
cause one is sure to find another just returned from a three-day "hated to practice anyhow". I t
who is, like yourself, looking for a mountain trip, feel a surge of exal- seems to me that the individual,
bit of home in a mutual bond of tation as they sing Mendelssohn's technical study of music should be
fellowship. " L i f t Thine Eyes Unto the Moun- reserved as a privilege f o r those
tains." They know about the who can profit by it. Tn most chil-
Wore JL an a S)peal?in 9 mountains; they've been there, and dren, of course, a sincere love of
have felt their beauty, and music music and a joy of achievement
-Acquaintance like this is the most adequate way through practice can be awakened,
of expressing that experience. and these will be eager to work
FROM PAGE 15 and to learn, and become proficient.
I t takes so little imagination to But there are a few totallv un-
The first laws of harmony, of communicate an enthusiasm f o r willing children, sentenced to hours
vibration, of form, must have the wonders in music to children. of scales and arpeggios that will
brought their discoverers a feeling To sing with a well-trained chorus, only make them dislike music
of "rightness" akin to the feeling to feel the " l i f t " when a chord further. A t best they could become
of any little child, who, tapping tunes into four-part singing, is a very inadequate performers, and
about on the piano keys, acciden- joy that has appeal f o r anyone, un- they do not have enough zeal to
tally strikes a triad, and finds it less he be tone-deaf. A n d any make routine study anvthing but
good. His satisfaction and delight teacher who makes the mistake of an annoyance to them. I n the face
is shared by any experimentor who giving children inferior material of such indifference, such a child
stumbles into the consonances that because she thinks they may not is wasting his time trying to be-
already exist in the natural laws understand the best music, is grave-
of sound, and by practice makes ly underestimating their aesthetic T U R N TO PAGE 35
them his own. capacity.

The boy-pupil never fails to react
with interest to some such sugges-
tion as "Oh, yes, when Handel was
your age, his Daddy was bound
that he should become a lawyer,
but he was just as bound that he
would be a musician." Or, "Can't
you just imagine Bach sitting there
quietly composing a cantata ( I ' l l
tell you in a minute what a can-
tata is) with his twenty children
shouting and scrambling around


FRANCES CARY WOOD tortuous thoughts rack u«. ' .it.jted ex- Council of the National Board of the
planations explode. Argun, theories Y.W.C.A., and later in the field organ-
Omicron Chapter —all fail pitifully to sati-iy groping ization of the Metropolitan Finance
July 13, 1939 human minds. Realization ot any meas- Campaign for Near East Relief. The
ure of blessed peace comics only with last twenty years of her life included
• j j I N the springtime of her youth, the placing of complete faith in an om- field work among women for the Salva-
Frances journeyed from us into a nicic t and omnipotent God. Our loved tion Army, a connection with an insur-
one, whose familiar comradeship is now ance company in New York, and a re-
world of light. A f t e r the rich and denied us, has made her record; she has turn to academic and administrative
happy experience of Convention in •°ceived her reward. May the clouds work in various fields. Finally she
Pasadena, made even warmer by the of this hour of sorrow engender in our pioneered in the organization of co-
glorious success of her be1 ed Omi- hearts humility and hope, that someday operative dormitories for women at the
cron, she found her way ..ira'ght home we may be worthy to follow the one University of California and served as
to heaven. who now leads us in spirit toward those director first of Stebbins Hall, spon-
higher heights wherein she now dwells. sored by Mortar Board, and then of
Sweet, genuine, and shini'i'; unselfish- Ritter Hall, a similar enterprise under
ness will forever be synor mous with Jn memonam the Prytanean Society, junior and senior
her name. Within the sorority, she re- honor society.
vealed her fineness of character through k.
innumerable services. As Correspond- But it was to Alpha Omicron Pi that
ing Secretary during her junior year, Frances Wood died in an automobile accident she gave a continued service, the more
her -ompetence and reliability were follc-winy Convention. remarkable because she was never an
pr-jv;d. She was elected Social Service active member of our fraternity. Initi-
Chairman for the coming year, because, HELEN HENRY ated as an alumna member of Sigma
with her generosity, her initiative, and Chapter when the local to which she had
her ability to see chings through, she Sigma Clxapler belonged was chartered, she never re-
was peculiarly fitted for this important August 14 laxed in a loyalty that was demon-
work. No task seemed too menial or strated in countless effective ways. She
too complex, none too small or too O I T is a privilege to write an appre- was a charter member of the San Fran-
great, for Frances. Collecting card ciation of Helen Henry, 2, but it is cisco Alumnae Chapter, before she be-
tables and prizes f o r a benefit bridge, came Grand Secretary. I t was during
decorating For dances, supervising the not easy, even for one who has been her term of office that she installed Psi,
arrival of all "out-of-town" rushees, f o r many years a beneficiary of her Omega, Washington and Philadelphia
and opening rummage sales on icy friendly interest. Her life touched so Alumnae. We in central California had
mornings at daybreak—the hardest jobs many spheres of usefulness that it is been concerned about the waning inter-
seemed always to fall her way. During possible only to enumerate them here. est in our local alumnae group f o r some
rushing, her home was available f o r time before Helen's return to the Pacific
supper. luncheon, bridge, or tea. For A f t e r undergraduate days at Wooster coast, but it was she who did something
two years, she took charge of the mak- College, Ohio, California, and Stanford, about it. Realizing that a different or-
ing of sorority costumes f o r the A l l - and graduate study in guidance and ganization was called for, she was in-
University Sing. The Carnicus Float counselling at Columbia University, she strumental in the division of the San
this past year was successfully com- spent the years f r o m 1908 to 1915 at Francisco and East Bay Alumnae, and
pleted under her direction. Mills College, as assistant to the presi- developed groups of the same college
dent and later as registrar. Resigning generation within the chapters. She
Frances did not confine her activi- to go to Boston as Executive Secre- served as president of the East Bay
ties to the sorority. On the University tary of the Women's Educational and Alumnae f o r as long as she would ac-
of Tennessee campus, she took part in Industrial Union, she was at the same cept the office, and I hope had a sense
women's intramural sports and was de- time Grand Secretary of Alpha Omicron of personal accomplishment when she
clared women's golf champion during Pi. W i t h the war came service as presided over a joint Founders' Day
her freshman year. Golf and swim- Placement Secretary for the War W o r k dinner of over a hundred Alpha Os.
ming were two sports in which she ex- The present activity of the chapters is
celled. I n Y.W.C.A. work and in the a monument to Helen, as is the lasting
French Club, she took an active part. affection in the hearts of those who
Frances displayed a fine degree of ar- knew her. Sigma will perpetuate her
tistic ability. Being a beautiful pianist memory by calling their award for the
and a graceful dancer, she was f o r two pledge with the highest scholastic aver-
years an indispensable member of the age The Helen Henry Award.
University's Modern Dance Club. Main-
taining the high regard of both instruc- EUNICE BAUMAN STUEFER
tors and fellow students in her chosen
field of bacteriology, she hoped some Zcta Chapter
day to become a capable laboratory March 30, 1939
technician. Along with an exceptionally •g FRIENDS of Eunice Bauman Stuefer,
full college life, Frances found time to Z, were shocked to learn of her
carry unusual responsibilties at home death last March 30, while she was vis-
and in the church. A Sunday-school iting in Dubuque, Iowa. She had been
class of ten-year-olds claimed her an active member of the Minneapolis
weekly instructions at Saint John's Alumnae Chapter until i l l health pre-
Episcopal Church in Knoxville. Surely, vented such activity. She continued her
the lives of scores of friends and ac- interest in the bridge group. Though
quaintances are enriched through her in- she was a member of the Nebraska
fluence and inspiration. chapter, her Alpha O friends numbered
many on the West Coast where her
Stunned by the sudden loss of a per- sister, Min Bauman Force, lived.
sonality f o r which great need is felt,
the question inadvertently demanding
explanation is a bewildering, "Why?"
I n such grief, we are selfish. Searing,



• f j T H E R E is an old in Edu c at io n munity in all branches
of its life. There are
gro folk song, whi By MARIAN V A N TUYL, Omicron Pi, dances before fighting,
runs something like thi Assistant Professor in Physical after peace has been de-
Education, Mills College clared, dances in cele-
"Joshua fit de bati, bration of all important
ob Jericho and events in the life of the
walls came tumbh individual, such as com-
down ing of age, getting mar-
ried, and the like, and
De ole lamb rat dance meetings with
sheep horns beg'vh other villages or tribes
to blow, trumpet.! for the purpose of main-
begin to soun' taining friendly rela-
Joshua commanded de
children to shout Obviously, the dance
and de zualls came does not operate to such
tumblin' down." an extent, or in the same
manner in our society,
I have always liked but it is one of those
this particular song, and proverbially "well-
have joined with others known facts" that there
in wondering just what is a rapidly growing in-
the trumpets blew, and terest in the art of the
just what it was that the dance in this country
children s h o u t e d to today.
make the walls of Jeri-
cho fall down. This ap- Carl Engel, in his
parent miracle is just book, Discords Min-
one of the many in- gled, considers-the thesis
stances in which the tim- that we often find a
ing of muscular efforts frenzied inundation of
to signals has resulted dance in societies in de-
in feats of great strength cline ; and gives as ex-
accomplished by groups amples, Babylon, Nine-
of people moving togeth- vah, Byzantium, and
er. Many a child is fas- Rome. Concerning our
cinated by the story that great craze f o r jazz, he
if all the soldiers march- writes: "Since the great
ing over a bridge kept war we are being treated
absolute r h y t h m the to an 'intermezzo,' with
bridge would be set in a world that is merrily
such strong vibration dancing its head and
that it would collapse. heels off, dancing, per-
haps, toward the brink
Primitive societies of ruin." Other authori-
make use of this great ties in the field venture
strength inherent in the the opinion that our
essentially r h y t h m i c
character of dance. The 23
dance in such primitive
groups involves the com-

current enthusiasm over participates in dances involving itages and disad-
sions, jitterbugs, and th| more than one person, a whole con- fact that we have
parallel to the dance i stellation of factors enters into the uate means of re-
the Middle Ages when wl picture. He must accept the re- •ith the possible ex-
of people were seized w i sponsibility of muscular and rhyth- moving picture—the
ness and danced till they mic activity required by the is prohibitive. This
Mr. Engel later points group endeavor, and the conse- t f r o m the hazards
ever, that it is possible th quent subjugation of himself to the eight of traditional-
and swing of today ma) interests of the whole project. But tilutions, academies,
same relation to the mu without a doubt, the successful sanctifying the old
future that the one-time participation gives high returns to forms. But it also
Spanish saraband bore to the child, or adult, as the case may most difficult art in
band as written by Bach be, for it gives him a marvelous intain a standard of
del, who used it as the h sense of "belonging" and imparts ecause the so-called
in their suites. to him that feeling of increased hich is so treasured
personal force which comes out of rn artist, is often con-
Besides the general p total cooperation with the group. the absence of form
tion with the jazz dance,] ich is the fundamental
growing interest in this The dance is the most ephemeral rimunication. This has
dance as an art of comt of the arts, and we can see that bnsequences for educa-
through movement of th resentation of dance in
ences of one individual to lum. Tn the field of
dividuals in the society, is a great danger of
dances because he has and e x h i b i t i o n i s m ,
to "say"—something wh cers never mature be-
be said in words, but w point of dancing be-
the medium of movement] Idmirinjr circle of rela-
the member of the friencls. Much of the
through his eyes, and th| e see is on the level of
sense of muscular mover y—formally and psycho-
life today has placed a I f the dance is to main-
upon words as a mean in the field of "mature"
munication, so much S' ancer must retain all of
have almost forgotten ritative, primitive vitality
meaningful and understa on-verbal, thalamic com-
such so-called "languages n, at the same time bring-
and dance. We are a ; critical judgment to bear
with such expressions as e carving, pointing, and
ly moved for words," "at of what he has to "say."
words," "so happy I can
and the like. I t is the e The situation at present in the
oi such e x i t i n g and vivid moments field of dance in education shows a
as indicated in these phrases that much greater emphasis upon dance
form the living material out of at the college level than in the ear-
which dances are made. I n our lier years of the child's schooling.
slavish acceptance of the word as This is being gradually remedied,
the highest symbol for communica- and in some cities, such as Detroit,
tion in a so-called "civilized" we find a carefully graded rhythmic
world, we have come to think that activity program f r o m the first
that which is not immediately years through the college group.
translatable into verbal f o r m is un- To give the opportunity for con-
intelligible. A dance must be structive, rhythmic activity to the
judged and enjoyed as movement, young child is of utmost impor-
not as a story, a picture, or an in- tance. A t this period he can learn
terpretation of music. Dance, as so well in the actual experience
communication on a non-verbal of bodily movement. Work in
level, is closer to reality—to nur dance can train the very important
actual life experience than the part of his brain known as the
static word symbol. And, in this "motor analyzer," helping him to
preferred position, it has tremen-

onvention Iflfliemor Book

1. Anne, Ruth and Mary Dee convene with other executives at
Mary Dee's in Evanston; 2. thence to the Pacific Northwest go
they; 3. the greeting committee waited long at the Los Angeles
station to meet all trains; 4. hut these Los Angeles celebrities,
including Kay Wasserburger of Hospitality, left end, Margaret
Clifton, Convention chairman, and Madeline Lundin, Los Angeles
president, center front, missed meeting; 5. the Executive Com-
mittee, who arrived early; 6. however, Helen Haller was there;
7. and everyone received the Founders; 8. Spanish ladies danced
for the gala luncheon; 9. Gerry Nash, Washington College,
Margaret Taylor, Wisconsin; 11. Virginia Scrivener, Pennsyl-
vania, were among the active presidents; 10. July 4 supper was
served beside the pool; 13. Mary Stone and Lorraine Kleinman
were visitors to Catalina from Minnesota; 14. District Superin-
tendents stayed over for a Training School; 15. Kay Matson and
C. Jane Stroheker talk it over; 16, 17. AOII and <1>S2II officers
met after our Convention and before theirs; 18. Agnes Schaaf,
Anna Fay Weed, Mary Stone, and Mickey Robbins, all Tau, at

the I leauville Beach Club.

Wo,'omen in t/^eiiow Vlpho Omlcron Pi
'cr Dinner
room and get it. Mildred has been
known to bring a volume from her U9d S*»nk Muahfoum Sauc*
private library to satisfy the desire
of a patient for a book that was SU»d Tomato™. Trench I
not in the Hospital Library. There- Choce>lnfe Suod**
by hangs a little tale. A young
man—not much more than a boy— K'lTSt ITVHTrNOTON
was noticeably disinterested in WtUemt I AlpU Omiaen Pi
everything. I t is hard to believe
that there is anyone who wouldn't V
talk to Mildred, or whom she
couldn't make listen to her. But k
this young man resisted all her ef-
forts. Finally she asked him i f . —<j£?
there was any book he would be
willing to read. The boy, rather Programs, menus, tags, and favors—Southern California alumna' worked hard on then
grudgingly admitted that Gone The Huntington cooperated.
With the W i n d might interest him.
I presume he chose that book be-
cause he thought any copy or
copies of that in the Hospital
would be in use, and he would thus
get rid of the "Woman in Yellow."
But he didn't know Mildred! She
went home, got her own copy, and
brought it to him. Having request-
ed the book, the boy couldn't very
well not make a start at reading it.
And, of course, having started it,
he finished it. He and Mildred
began discussing the book. It
wasn't long until he was requesting
other books, and soon Mildred and
her co-workers saw their warm
friendliness bear f r u i t in a changed
attitude, and a much more cheer-
ful acceptance, on the part of the
boy, of the lot which was his.

The library work would bring
some satisfaction i f it did nothing
but help the patients while away
tedious hours. But time and again,
the volunteers have seen a patient's
choice of reading material progress
from the lighter and less worth
while, to the weightier and more
thought provoking. The workers
have skillfully guided this by sug-
gestion, step by step. Thus they
have done more than to provide
these charity patients with some-
thing to pass the time. Through
the efforts of these volunteers, a
deeper sense of the satisfaction
that comes from reading worth-
while things has come to these pa-


Upper row, left to right, Margaret Robbvns, Alpha Sigma, vice presidents her chapter and at Oregon, where she is A.W.S. reporter and
on the Y Cabinet. Jane Romig, Epsilon Alpha, is president of State College's W.S.G.A., a Mortar Board. Epsilon's dancer is Elisabeth
Schercr, a member of Cornell's Dance Club and the soccer team. Jean Kendall, Alpha Sigma, is vice president of W.A.A. at Oregon and her
art was used by the national A.W.S. convention. Lower row, left to right, Ernestine Brown is the very attractive president of Vpsilon at
Washington; Elnora Savage, Gamma, ts a junior Phi Beta Kappa at Maine; Peggie Anderson, Alpha Phi, was tapped for Mortar Board.

tients. A n d when these people go "Brownies", and of course many week, others one morning every
from the hospital, their improved individual donations. two weeks. Each accepts only the
taste will not be entirely left be- amount she can give, and then f u l -
hind. If you know Mildred, you know fills her promise regularly. The
that every possibility of the service chairmen, of course, give more
Books, of course, form the back- is exhausted. A f t e r the magazines time.
ground of the library, but maga- have been used until they must be
zines also play a large part. They discarded, they are collected and Although not personally con-
are especially enjoyed by those stored f o r sale as scrap paper. Thus nected with the work of the Aux-
waiting—many of them for long a fund is supplied for the neces- iliary, I have had occasion to see
hours—to be treated in the free sary materials f o r filing and cata- the results of its work. I was at
clinics. The patients are allowed loging. the Hospital, only yesterday, on
to take these home i f they wish. social service business. While wait-
Magazines are also placed in cases The members of the Library ing in his office to see the superin-
on the various floors, accessible to Committee—as indeed all those tendent, his secretary looked out
those patients who are not bedrid- connected with the Auxiliary—do her window and remarked, "Here
den. On the maternity floor, home not do this volunteer work just comes one of the volunteer work-
and health magazines are featured. when they feel like it. The entire ers." Quite casually I asked her i f
set-up is based upon regularity and she thought the work of the volun-
The sources of supply f o r the promptness. Each worker is in her teers was really worth while. She
library include churches, United place when she is supposed to be. turned from the window and said.
States post office (magazines where She provides for unavoidable ab- "The Hospital has been a differ-
address of party is unknown), pub- sences by having on call, a substi- ent place since they came." Such
lic library (discarded books), local tute, known to, and approved by, thanks, so quietly, but so sincerely
book stores interested in the work, the chairman. given, are all the reward the
scrap books f o r the children made "Women in Yellow" want.
by such organizations as the The volunteers "sign up" f o r as
much time as they feel they can 17
give. Some come one morning a

iJlie 2)ance children live. I t is very definitely are many factors which contribute
a spectacular form of dance com- to make these differences, hut the
FROM PAOE 24 ing out of the communal social important implication for the teach-
dance. I believe, however, that all er of dance is that she realize that
evolve a real and solid understand- would agree that its potential range the dances which the children make
ing of structure and order and rela- of communication possibilities is can best be built upon something
tion in his world, rather than mere- narrow. In contrast to tap dance, with which they have first-hand
ly a word picture which has swung European folk dances as taught in experience, and not upon some ex-
free from reality and may attach the ordinary grade school have perience the teacher has had at
itself to any one of many possible been too often lifted out of their some other place and time.
misconceptions in his "mind." One context, learned f r o m a book by an
of these "strange" notions is illus- earnest teacher, and foisted upon a The schools are the means of
trated by the response of one child group of unwilling boys and girls educating an audience f o r the con-
to the teacher's assignment asking who shuffle through them in a lack- cert dance. This education must
the class to draw pictures of Adam adaisical fashion. There are, of deal not in "current events" in
and Eve being driven out of the course, countless exceptions to this dance, nor in dogmatic statements
Garden of Eden. Little Johnny statement—situations where the concerning the future so-called
handed in a crayon drawing of a group in the school has a definite "pure" dance, but in the provision
gray-haired, long-bearded gentle- national heritage which is felt and of actual first-hand experience in
man driving a Model T Ford with enjoyed, such as a Swedish com- clear, strong movement technique,
two people sitting in the back seat. munity in a large city, or, on the and opportunity to make and take
other hand, situations where the part in many dances. The reason-
The main concern in the school teacher is so enthusiastic about folk ableness of a good dance, the way
situation is to foster an active and dances of other countries that she it is put together, the necessity f o r
rich program in all types of dance is able to add immeasurably to the hard work in building il so that
for all students. Besides the so- student's enjoyment and under- the statement which the dancer
called modern dance, in which there standing. A consideration of Amer- wishes to make clear is strong, are
is the greatest opportunity tor in- ican folk dance leads directly to the all ideas which an intelligent mem-
dividual initiative and constructive
effort, there are social dance, tap

Margaret Glocklcr, past Tau president. Phi Beta Kappa, Mortar Board, was chosen a Representative Minnesotan by the student body last
sprin<g. This is the highest honor that can come to a Minnesota woman. Suzanne Agnew, Tau, is a member of Mortar Board at Minnesota.
Dorothy Mandabaeh, Rho, ivas a Sorthwcstcrn journalist working on the S Y L L A B U S , P U R P L E PARROT, and Waa-Mu publicity. Virginia. Wag-
gener is Kappa Omicron's president, and secretary-treasurer of Southwestern's student body.

dance, and folk dance, both Euro- question of regional dance. In the ber of a dance audience should
pean and American. Social dance other arts, especially in the field carry with him.
is being used more and more wide- of painting, we have seen a definite
ly in the schools, and provides a trend toward regional art as ex- W i t h such an audience, the con-
powerful means of helping to solve pressed in the paintings of Grant cert dance would not be the eso-
some of the adjustment problems Wood of Iowa, and others. The teric thing which some people to-
of school children. Tap dance has painter paints pictures in and about day claim that it is. It would be
a definite and legitimate vogue, the country in which he lives. Ap- a community situation in which the
which is considered by some to be plied to the field of dance, we can audience and dancer both take an
on the wane. Certainly its highly see that the dance of Indiana dif- active part, that of sending and
rhythmic character is fascinating, fers f r o m the dance of California receiving. The member of an audi-
and it derives directly from the en- which in turn differs from the ence is not unlike a radio receiving
vironment in which most American dance of New York City. There

U W E American women are NDT termining the probable conse-
singularly blessed. I n no other quences of projects which must
WANTED: touch the economic system.
country in the world are women af-
forded the opportunities that greet WilfJ Our country is a democracy,
us on all sides i n these United where all the people are privileged
States. The best in education is By MARION E. MARTIN, to have a voice in the government.
open to us. W e are free to enter Gamma Nonetheless, the people are and
the business and professional always w i l l be subject to leader-
worlds on an equality with men. Assistant Chairman Republican ship. There w i l l always be political
National Committee leaders. I f those who are best
Our trained women as a group equipped for leadership, the intelli-
are those who can best take advan- mi s i gent, the capable, the educated, the
tage of the multiple opportunities T DC conscientious, take it upon them-
our country offers. They are the selves to be leaders, the actions of
ones who have had the leisure and ness and honesty, we must see to the many who will follow them
the means to acquire education, it that government is manned by w i l l be guided accordingly. I f
background, and training. people who have sound ideas and these citizens refuse to accept the
good judgment and who believe responsibilities of leadership, lead-
The opportunities and blessings that laws should be administered ers w i l l nevertheless arise—second
which are ours fit us f o r leader- with fairness and honesty. rate leaders who are other than the
ship. More than that, they impose cream of American citizenship.
upon us an obligation to render A college training worthy of the
back to the society which has given name gives one a set of values and Those who have had the oppor-
us these priceless gifts whatever a philosophy which equips him to tunity f o r higher education are, as
service we can. I t is our duty to evaluate issues of government. I t a group, peculiarly fitted to take
strive to improve our country so is foolish to expect those who have part in government, to be leaders
that the better way of life which not had an opportunity to study of thought and action. The many
has been ours may be available to history to profit by the lessons his- college-trained men and women
all our people. tory teaches. Those who have a who have made lasting contribu-
thorough background in history, on tions to the State attest to their
There are many ways of aiding the other hand, may be expected value in politics, and point to the
in this movement. The woman to appreciate possibilities of failure further improvements which will
who creates a great work of art or success of political proposals in be possible when more of them
makes a contribution. The woman the light of the failure or success take active part in government.
serves her country who raises her of earlier, similar, proposals. I g -
children to be fine men and women norance of economic history cannot I n this regard it is important to
and useful citizens. help one to predict the results of remember that local as well as na-
new economic plans. A knowledge tional problems deserve the con-
The woman who through her re- of economic laws, on the other sideration of our best minds. Too
search adds to scientific knowledge hand, will surely be an aid in de- often people manifest an interest in
adds to the nation's wealth. I n broad national issues, but neglect
endless ways college women aid in the local problems. From the point
bringing to all the people a finer, of view of good government such
richer life. action is short sighted. Our nation
is, after all, the sum total of the
There is one contribution, how- localities within it. Here again,
ever, which all of us can and the whole can be no better than its
should make. We should, in addi- parts, and a happy and prosperous
tion to anything else we do to serve nation starts with a group of happy
our fellow citizens, take active part and prosperous communities.
in government. There is no way
in which we can work more effec- Finally, there is another contri-
tively toward that Utopia in which bution which, aside f r o m the actual
all our people may find the oppor- value of the work they do, women
tunities that have been ours. can make by taking active part in
politics. They can set a good ex-
A stream can rise no higher than ample.
its source. A government can be
no better than the individuals who There is in America a certain
constitute it. esteem f o r higher education. Peo-
ple generally look up to the well
I f we want our government, na- educated, are prone to respect their
tional, state, and local, to be based opinions and to follow their lead.
on sound progressive ideas, to dis-
play good judgment in legislation, T U R N TO P A G E 17
to administer the laws with fair-

Sororities Are Standing Committees

E stamp that signifies that we do certain 9
things, adhere to certain precepts?
j | A REPORT to have any meaning to MARY DEE
anyone should be sufficiently detailed The duty that appertains to this of-
fice then became for me to learn as I t is true that in the past the major
to be intelligible, but I find it impossible much as possible about AOII; not only striving of sororities and fraternities
to make an adequate one. I t is not pos- that, but it became necessary to see how have been mechanics and more mechan-
sible to incorporate sufficiently the de- AOn fitted in and compared with the ics to perfect each his own group. Too
tails of 40,000 miles of travel totaling fraternity world in general. Then as often have we felt that the means were
nine months in time, five hundred inter- nearly as possible what I learned had the end. Cooperation has long been a
views with chapter officers, twenty-five to be interpreted to AOII. From the re- word used freely but meaning little in
housemothers, forty-three Deans of sponse I have had to that interpretation the fraternity world. This is shown by
Women, sixty alumnae meetings, four of my duty, I believe that it is most the fact that the only thing we have
State Days, one National Panhellenic, important to be kept in touch constant- really ever discussed together is rushing
two regional Panhellenic meetings, one ly in regard to the developments not and we have hardly got beyond that
District Convention, three active chapter only in AOII but in the Panhellenic and as yet. Generally speaking, College Pan-
installations, forty-three active chapter the educational world or we quickly lose hellenics are weak and exhibit adolescent
reports and as many summaries, and continuity and become mere local groups qualities even more than does the indi-
eight alumnae chapter installations into unaware of our national strength and vidual group.
thirty minutes' time, to say nothing of significance.
the impossibility of conveying properly A glimpse of the possible future de-
to you the liberal education this has been I t is said that a fraternity is a lab- velopment in the system, however, is
to the traveler. oratory of life. The fraternity system is contained in such a sentence as this,
as old as the republic and as thoroughly "Fraternities are so closely inter-related
Therefore with your permission I will that disaster to one is immediately re-
leave that out, but i f you are specifically 13 flected in the others." One wishes that
interested in any chapter and its prob- "disaster" were not the word that causes
lems, I have all notes with me, and you American. Far from being perfect it our thinking to fall into cooperative
may find the information in detailed re- has nevertheless withstood many tests of channels, but disaster has come to many
ports on file in the Central Office. administrative objections and in many chapters of various national groups in
places banishment; it has withstood at- the last ten years. This condition
May I take this time to thank all the tempts at removal by state legislatures; brought about the necessity of inter-
officers for their splendid cooperation, it has withstood depressions, droughts, sorority cooperation with quotas, limita-
caution, and encouragement. A l l work dust storms, and dissensions f r o m within, tion of chapter sizes, and regional Pan-
and no play makes national officers dull and is still flourishing a hundred and hellenic conferences.
people. These two years have been far fifty years later. The sorority system is
f r o m dull. I have enjoyed them no end. nearly a century old and boasts of 1,145 What do sororities have in common
I want to thank the actives and alumnae active chapters, 2,649 alumnae groups beside a system of rushing? Being ad-
all over the country f o r making my comprising nearly 400,000 members and juncts of the educational institutions in
journeys comfortable, pleasant, and prof- owns $5,000,000 worth of homes. Dur- this country and totally dependent upon
itable. ing that time huge sums have been set them f o r our existence we have their
aside as loan funds to members who purposes in common, namely, the pro-
Since I am not making a regular re- might otherwise not have been able to duction of good citizens well informed,
port, I believe it is only fair that I finish their education. Other sums of able to do their own thinking, and to
should try to make one of another kind. large proportion have been spent f o r take effective places in their communi-
As the glorified field secretary of AOII, altruistic purposes. These represent both ties. I f we are laboratories of life, we
I have tried at all times to take the job tangible and intangible values but show parallel in interest the home and the
seriously, but never take myself serious- that the sorority system has been aware
ly in the job. of responsibilities and has tried to shoul- churches as well. Sororities are in ef-
der them. fect standing committees for the promo-
Once on a time I asked you i f you ton of self-discipline, citizenship, lead-
could help me define the hidden mean- However, there is no reason to believe ership, tolerance, manners, morals, and
ing in the phrase, "And to perform such that because of this strength the ulti- good taste.
other duties as usually appertain to this mate in development has been reached.
office." Apparently you did not think Quite the contrary. We have been and The complaint is often heard that col-
that I meant it because I received no are accused of being adolescent organi- lege graduates do not portray to any
answer so I had to make my own in- zations which perpetuate snobbish ad- convincing degree that they have been
terpretation. M y starting point was and olescence far into what should be ma- under guiding influences. Someone has
is that AOn set out forty years ago with turity. We haven't gone beyond the said that the way of life of college
definite objectives. What does AOII do? ABCs as yet. Even in AOII we have too
How does she do them? What is the many adolescent alumnae who believe
result? Can the results be measured in that the sorority is only a device to
tangible values? Something significant make college days pleasant, and this in
must happen to us as members of a so- spite of the eminently adult foundation
rority. Something seems to be expected of our structure.
of us by the college world and the world
in general. Is there any trade mark or


for Development of Character

$y tke president people which works fairly effectively cretely in the enormous volume of coi
without a great deal of fanfare. Often respondence with the Central Office and
DRUMMOND AOn is paid the compliment of being with Dorothy Dean and Ruth Segar. A t
able to outstrip others when it comes no time in the history of AOII has there
graduates should be such as to exercise to information correctly interpreted and been such awareness of the organization
important effects upon the rest of the effectively executed. Our L i f e Alumnae and its value. Again AOII can take
population. The future growth of the Dues Drive brought forth many "How pride in years of the steady effective
fraternity system will come along this do you do it?" "Please, may we have work done by officers and members since
line. Engineering produces gadgets for results?" The Life Alumnae Dues Sur- the founding.
our use, constructive and destructive; vey among fraternities and sororities as
art produces pictures, poetry, music, and to their uses of life alumnae dues in turn An outstanding development also is
prose f o r the refinement of the soul; brought requests f o r summaries of re- the financial supervision of active chap-
education thus produces thinking indi- sults. ters and corporations. Treasurers are
viduals, religion produces a philosophy pleased and more interested in their
of life. We seem to be expert in all Panhellenically AOII is carrying her jobs, and the proof of the pudding is in
skills except in the handling of human share of leadership; Edith Anderson the better collections of bills, both cur-
problems. Even though we are ama- and Anne Nichols held important posi- rent and old. Unfortunately all nation-
teurs, we seek to bring skill to the han- tions at the Washington Conference; als shy away f r o m financial discussions
dling of some of these problems, and in so no comparisons are available. There
the future this will be the concern of Wilma Leland was invited to speak at is criticism, of course, and I think just-
education, and fraternities by their very a Panhellenic Dinner in Fargo, North ly, that sorority life is too expensive.
organization and purpose will become Dakota and that was an honor, especial- National comparative costs are available
valuable laboratory assistants. ly since we have no chapter there. and these run about the same. The in-
Margaret Rasmussen took part in the creased cost of membership comes local-
We can hope f o r a shift in emphasis, Conference at Columbia, Missouri; Dor- ly and usually in the social department.
the strength of the fraternity being no othy Marker represented AOn ably at This is a point that will require Pan-
longer judged by its wealth, age, pres- the Evanston Conference; Katherine Da- hellenic cooperation because of the high-
tige, or number of members, but what vis discussed her Publicity Survey at the ly competitive angle. I t would not be
kind of a job it does f o r the individual. Louisville Conference which Dorothy feasible f o r one chapter on a given cam-
Chapters will be smaller f o r convenience Marker and I attended. I was fortunate pus to lower its social budget; it would
just as classes are becoming smaller to to be able to attend the Conference in be suicide.
afford opportunity of better instruction. Dallas and was also asked to be pres-
Adolescent practices and points of view ent at the birth of a City Panhellenic The active chapters of Alpha Omicron
will be gone like the going of hell week. in Jackson, Michigan. Helen Haller ad- Pi are a fine cross section of the coun-
Individual worth and not individual van- dressed a group of six hundred women try's college population. I have said
ity w i l l be cultivated. I f , through prac- in Berkeley and I hear that she did a again and again that the most enviable
tice and training, we can turn out ex- corking good job of it. Dorothy Dean position is not always at the top of the
cellent waiters, clerks, teachers, engi- attended the meeting in Athens, Georgia, groups, although AOII holds such posi-
neers, doctors, and lawyers we can also and Louise Oliver and Marcella Snyder tions in many places, but the most in-
turn out college graduates well trained, attended the Missoula conference. We fluential places and most secure are
with strong character and a high de- can take enormous pride in this evidence those where the chapters neither con-
gree of culture and refinement whose of Panhellenic leadership. descend to younger and less able ones
nor in the least fear the influence that
way of life will have an effect upon the The future developments of AOn will age and wealth bring to older ones.
whole population. be along the lines that I have indicated Our avowed democracy is apparent in
for the sorority system, that is the high- the rich pattern that our chapters pre-
This Council meeting of Alpha Omi- est possible development of the individ- sent. There is a source of enormous
cron P i is designed to portray what ual. The active chapters and officers are strength and satisfaction there. The
place we have in this laboratory of life. delighted with the new Manual of In- depression and various causes have dealt
What we do? H o w we do it? Wheth- formation, and as we become more thor- unkindly with a few of our chapters.
er i t is worth while will be left to the oughly aware of our history, we will be- To these chapters who have struggled
Council to determine in five days of come more effective. The interest in valiantly, loyally, unselfishly, I pay trib-
close examination. AOn on the part of the membership as ute. There are no better AOIIs any-
a whole is very gratifying. About elev- where than these. They have had to
Among other national groups and in en per cent of our membership is inter- practice intensively what AOn preaches
the estimate of administrative officers ested in AOn affairs whereas such in- and they have not been found wanting;
in the colleges and universities we are terest in other groups run f r o m two improvement is evident in most.
known as a solid dependable group of per cent to ten per cent. Alumnae in-
terest shows up effectively in the im- Alpha Omicron Pi has made forty-
proved collections of Social Service quo- two years of steady progress. I t is in-
tas, and in the attendance at Founders' teresting to trace how we have hewn
Day celebrations and even more con- to the main line all along the way. Our

T U R N TO P A G E 11


Study ^Ixperimenta / Cooelaieed

New Curriculum

$ I T has been just a hundred years ZJo Jit Weomen the masculine pattern of education.
since the young women of Experimentalism was new, expen-
^or oCivinq sive and dangerous. Women had,
America first began to win their through dozens of years and great
way into colleges and universities By VIRGINIA IUDY ESTERLY, application, proven once and f o r
of the country. A t that time there Sigma all that they were capable of
was only one pattern of higher ed- handling course f o r course and
ucation, and that was designed to In our public life the masculine program f o r program as adequately
prepare young men f o r the learned force ideology with its categorical as the men students.
professions of law, medicine, the right, truth and justice, has met
ministry and statecraft, from which a new ideal of mercy and compas- But graduation, however bril-
women were rigidly excluded. sion, introduced into it by the par- liant, f r o m this traditional college
ticipation of women in the common has not really spelled success. Cer-
For the next seventy-five years enterprises of living. Each ideal tain powers of abstract thought and
we have been going through a has modified the other, until as a analysis, certain ways of handling
torturing process of trying to fit harmony of the two approaches, facts were developed, but often at
young women who have, through the old ways of home, church and an unjustifiable cost of happiness,
thousands of years, been develop- school are no longer adequate. content and usefulness in the
ing certain unique capacities and Higher schools have been the last world.
ideals f r o m their historic preoccu- to be affected by the new union
pation with the bearing and nur- of masculine and feminine social It has been comparatively easy
ture of human individuals, into a idealism. Colleges and universities to add the professional schools of
scheme of higher education de- were loath to change. Some wom- nursing, teaching, social work,
signed to further the ideals and en had profited brilliantly under health education, and the like to
capacities of men developed in our great university system, and
thousands of years of preoccupa- perhaps f o r those who engage in
tion with strength, force, and com- professional study the present sys-
petition. tem is reasonably satisfactory. The


professional schools are of high household would provide a suffi- young woman wishes to become
quality and the various undergrad- cient outlet for those vaguely de- versed in child care, she will find,
uate courses lead into them with fined womanly powers. in the traditional departmentalized
some logic and coherence. college, the biologist in one depart-
Important as these are in the ment, the child psychologist in an-
But for the great majority of private life of a family, they have other, an educational psychologist
women who go to college and be- no place in the curriculum of a and a teacher in a school of educa-
come home-makers or engage in liberal college. Learning has laid tion, a nursery school perhaps at-
nonprofessional occupations our new responsibilities upon intelligent tached to a separately endowed
traditional liberal arts education is women and these responsibilities child guidance experiment, child la-
inadequate. I t wastes much time are both private and public and bor laws in an entirely different
in requiring many specialized there must be some relation pre- professional school, and instruction
courses which have little pertinence sented between the two i f women in family relationships and in child
to the lives of women. are not to be torn by conflicting welfare agencies which affect not
interests nor discouraged by a half only dependent and abnormal chil-
A t its best it is inadequate. knowledge of their responsibilities dren but the healthy growth of
At worst it directs women into in both spheres. normal children in still another
blind alleys which cannot or are professional school. Child knowl-
not followed in life after college. The responsibility of women to- edge is divided up into small in-
This causes a break of interest ward home and family life cannot dependent parcels f o r the student,
which is a source of the profound be met by courses in cooking and and no student can encompass them
discontent and restlessness appar- sewing. A woman's home must all in a four years' program. The
ent among the college educated be understood in its relation to the mother must care not for one as-
women of today. community in which it is placed. pect of child nature but for a
This makes it important that wom- whole child. We are still trusting
I f the aim of a liberal education en should thoroughly understand to the vague hypnotism of mother-
is to so f o r t i f y the soul with truth the historical, legal, and moral as- hood to fill in the gaps by a proc-
and comfort and with beauty that pects of family life in order to ess of trial and error.
it may be strong to affect its pur- make their own homes and fami-
poses in our imperfect society, then lies effective in the community. The The responsibility of women for
an education which leads to a ter- economics of consumption, taxa- the nurture and education of chil-
mination at the end of f o u r years tion, investment, insurance, and the dren should be provided for in a
of undergraduate life, a break of discriminatory and protective legis- curriculum carefully designed. Its
interest and the taking up of life lation governing women and chil- basis should be laid in human bi-
duties for which it has provided dren are as essential to the modern ology and in child psychology.
no sound preparation, is not a lib- home-maker as is a knowledge of From this a curriculum should nat-
eral education for women. textiles, furnishings, budget, and urally develop which would pro-
taste. vide, through reading and discus-
Some new plan must be devised sion, a study of those factors in
in which the interest developed The social purposes of women the physical and social environ-
through four years of undergrad- are clear and need no artificial ment which effect the normal
uate study will remain continuous stimulation. With the emancipa- growth of children and an under-
throughout life, not only f o r the tion of women, however, these so- standing of their fundamental
professional woman but for the cial purposes have been extended needs f r o m infancy to early ma-
home-maker; interests which are so into a public sphere. W i t h the turity. This will include a study
closely allied with the natural ca- socializing of schools, recreational of school and community life
pacities of women that there is facilities, welfare and health, which whose condition and functioning
some prospect of their being kept provides occupation f o r 80 per has a powerful effect, both directly
bright and growing throughout a cent of all professional women, the and indirectly, upon all children,
lifetime of use. The small and iso- necessity for learning many of the including one's own.
lated parcels of specialized knowl- ancient skills has been removed.
edge made available in the tradi- But the responsibility for the con- The responsibility of women
tional system are of little use to dition and operation of these social toward health is, also, in these
women whose way of living re- institutions, which affect the family- modern days, both public and pri
quires them to integrate knowledge life, continues. vate. I t has been only a few years
and to interpret it in the light of the since there was an almost complete
common needs of every day. I t is in these human relations faith in the alchemy of mother
fields that the most careful educa- love. But with the development
Attempts have been made to in- tional planning is required. This in the life sciences, especially of
troduce a so-called home economics will, no doubt, mean a great sim- biology, physiology and psychology,
course or department into the lib- plification of the present curricu-
eral college in the mistaken belief lum, and the doing away with T U R N TO P A G E 37
that the techniques of cooking, many departmental lines. I f a
sewing, and managing a small 33


ft •1 fc,

\ 1


an a ^peaL Helen Bri-ggs, Alpha Phi, is secretary of
IV.S.G.A. and treasurer of W.A.A. at Mon-
tcaaamtance tana State College, where she was a yearbook
beauty; Charlotte Benson, Alpha Phi, belongs
F R O M P A G E 21 to Mortar Board at Montana State; vice presi-
dent of Vandy Players, vice president of Nu
come a solo violinist or pianist, for Omicron, an Athenian, board member of
instance. Masquers is Jeanne Stephenson; Lcatha Mae
Harris presidents Chi Delta at Colorado this
Shall this child, then, be denied year, as well as Panhellenic Council, which
musical training altogether? Cer- distributed an excellent handbook for rushecs
tainly not: this is the place where
the application of the musical back- this fall.
ground of which I have been writ-
ing has been too much neglected. add glory to that meeting as the
Leaders like Walter Damrosch and plans therefor added luster to this.
Olga Samaroff Stokowski have
done much to bring Music Appre- — M A R Y D E E D R U M M O N D , Past
ciation to the listener. Our music
teachers and supervisors, our President.
chorus and choir directors, must
realize that this, too, is their field, ^J~ortij- One ~s4lplia
and that they will take much more
of joy and culture, poise and pleas- a meqani -JJonored
ure into their world if they work
toward this larger end. When par- •jg E A C H Alpha O who had passed
ents understand this, they cooper- away during the two years since the
ate, and often are spared the disap-
pointment that comes when they service in Yellowstone was with us in
realize, that after years of study spirit at the Memorial Service Monday
and expense, their totally ungifted evening, July 3, for then Stella Perry
child really knows very little about read the roll of Alpha Omega Chapter
any sort of music. and received a red rose for each one
named from the hand of a close friend.
The talented or eager child will This ceremony, conducted by one of our
not need to be forced into the hard, beloved Founders, has greater signifi-
but so-greatly rewarding technical cance as the tradition deepens with
study of music: such a child will memories.
accept it gladly and profit by it.
But all children will have their Forty-one roses were gathered at this
lives enriched by possessing more service as the following names were re-
than a speaking acquaintance with cited. A—Jeannette Magdalen Wick Ab-
the entire picture of music. This dullah ; II—Adele Mathilde Mercier
is the cultural background that will Winn; N—Cecelia Mallory Sheil, Eliza-
give them many of their deepest, beth Agatha D u n f o r d ; Z—Charlotte Jane
most comforting moments of hap- Wallace Graham, Lucile Sanders, Eunice
piness. Bauman Stuef er ; 2—Marion Fields Far-
rington Glasson, Lilian Jeannette Rice,
^Jo (Sconuention Daisy Mansfield Shaw; 6—Lenore Bon-
ham, Helen Louise Sutton Sanders, Ber-
FROM C O L U M N 2, PAGE 10 nice Mitchell Floyd; A—Mary Ingalls
Lambert; r—Rosemary Boardman; E —
belief in education, as the best Muriel Janet Miller Agar, Mary East-
means f o r individual development, man Moore Shackleton, Elizabeth Patri-
a belief that we must be of service cia Tulley Ackerman ; P—Bessie Tal-
to others for the fullest develop- cott; I—Ada May Paisley ; T—Alice
ment of ourselves. Two years and Margaret Fay; X—Frances Edna Haus-
we meet again ; may achievements ner, Florence Elizabeth Burkins, Esther
Sara Koon Cornell, Norma Isabella Ba-
Attendants in the May Court at Randolph- ker; T—Mary Elizabeth Hilke Natting-
Macon this year were Tootsie Martin, Emily er ; B*—Lorene Schannen ; A*—Mary
Cross, and Virginia Suydam, all of Kappa, Maxey Kirk, Helen Thorpe; *—Gladys
while among the Court of the Memphis Cot- Bradley Lowell, Kathryn Pauline MilH-
ton Carnival were Susan O'Brien, Virginia sack A c t o n ; fi—Lillian U a u g h e r t y
Cunningham, and Josephine Tully of Kappa Moore, Elinor Carolyn Hall, Mary Em-
Omicron (lower left and upper right pictures). erett W i l l i a m s H a r r i s ; K8—Jane
Susan was a lady-in-waiting of the Fortnightly Strauss, Florence Ethel King Ingraham;
Club; Virginia, a princess of the Elks Club, XA—Irene Jane Henderson; BT—Kath-
zchile Josephine was in the Cotton Court. erine Loretta Gleason ; Br—Martha Jane
Caldwell, Margaret Miller Welles; 2 T —
Elizabeth Willis Clatanoff.


COLORADO Alpha Os posed a rushing
picture for the October cover. Theirs is
one of the most beautiful houses on the


PLL Wins mm* general chairman of the day; Mrs. Car-
•w - rie Chapman Catt, IIB<f>, pioneer suf-
jpankedenic (Sontedt fragist; Mrs. William Pittman Earle,
*"*••• Jr., K A 6 , only woman member of the
•>•• J E A N POWELL, of Grinnell College, New York City Council; and Eloise
Grinnell, Iowa, who was pledged to , smm- Davison, r*B, director of the Nezv
York Herald-Tribune Home Institute.
Alpha Omicron Pi during her sopho-
more year at the University of Wis- The essay contest winners appeared
consin, won the first prize in the essay with the speakers on a national radio
contest sponsored by the Fraternity broadcast over the blue network of the
Women's Committee for the New York NBC prior to the meeting.
World's Fair and was entertained for
a week in New York as the guest of the Miss Powell, who is 19 years old,
Committee, at their headquarters at spent her first two college years at the
the Beekman Tower Hotel. The con- University of Wisconsin where she was
test, which was based on the so-called a member of the freshman and sopho-
"four freedoms" of the First Article of more scholastic honorary societies, and
the Bill of Rights, was open to students various musical and literary groups.
in 846 colleges and universities through- Her junior year was passed at Grinnell
out the United States. College where she has been offered the
opportunity to take a special English
Miss Powell's essay was written on honors course, but she intends to return
the topic submitted by Under Secre- to the University of Wisconsin for her
tary of State Sumner Welles, "Why is senior year. A n English major, Miss
a free press a safeguard of Democ- Powell wishes to take her Master's
racy ?" Degree upon graduation, and would like
a job connected with the writing field
Miss Powell and Henrietta Herzberg- or radio work.

er, K K r , who was graduated with W i t h the forming of the Fraternity
Women's Committees for the New York
honors last June from the University World's Fair, the New York Panhel-
lenic headquarters at Beekman Tower
of Colorado, winner of the second prize, has come into its own. This past sum-
mer it has been a real center f o r soro-
were honored at Panhellenic Day, the rity women f r o m all parts of the coun-
try, and college girls who are coming
first event of its kind ever sponsored to New York to spend the winter and
are seeking living quarters in Manhat-
by New York sorority women, on July tan, are invited to inspect the facilities
and conveniences of the hotel.
13, at the New York World's Fair.
Other AOITs who have been active in
Many New York AOIIs were active the plans of the Fraternity Women's
Committee include : Mrs. Jane Buckley,
in organizing both the essay contest president of the New York Alumna?;
Mrs. Frederick A. Ives, representative
and the I 'anhellenic Day Program. Pinck- on the Board of Directors of the Pan-
hellenic House Association; Mrs. F. T.
ney Estes Glantzberg, and Mary Shall, Jr., and Mrs. Russell P. Walker,
who assisted in ticket distribution; Mrs.
Donlon, E, both prominent New York Arthur K. Anderson, Panhellenic Dele-
gate; Mrs. Edward J. Nichols, Execu-
attorneys, acted as judges in the essay tive Secretary; and Mrs. George H .
Perry, Historian, members of the co-
contest, and Mrs. Glantzberg, as operating committee of national and
province officers in the Northeastern
Borough Chairman of Manhattan, took area.

charge of the organizing of sorority f l P C to Wed at

women in that borough for Panhellenic 3 e Ljreenbrier

Day. She was assisted by Mrs. John NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONGRESS will

Tennant, who acted as chairman for meet at The Greenbrier, White Sulphur
Springs, West Virginia, November 2-4.
the distribution of tickets. Mrs. Arthur Representatives from Alpha Omicron Pi
will be Edith Huntington Anderson,
Hedquist also was Borough Chairman Panhellenic Delegate; Helen Haller,
President; Anne Jeter Nichols, Secre-
of Staten Island. tary ; and Wflma Smith Leland, Editor,
who will attend the Editors' Conference
The Panhellenic Day program, which held in connection with the Congress.
was held in the Executive Suite of the
Pennsylvania Building at the World's
Fair, consisted of a formal meeting at
which prominent sorority women dis-
cussed "Freedom for Women in the
World of Tomorrow," and a buffet
supper on the porch of the Executive
Suite which overlooks the Lagoon of
Nations and the nightly fountain dis-

Principal speakers at the Panhellenic
Day meeting were: Josephine Schain,
IIB<J>, chairman of the National Com-
mittee lor the Cause and Cure of War,

Edna Louise Harrison. Gamma, was elected
to Phi Kappa Phi, Omicron Nu, at Maine; a
Phi Kappa Phi at Montana State is Ruth
Unden, Alpha Phi; Charlotte Hennessey, Gam-
ma, was pledged to Omicron Nu, home eco-
nomics honorary, at Maine, where she bclont/s
to the "M" Club for athletes; Mary Ernestine
Smith was tapped for Crossed Keys at Dent-
son. This is a junior honorary similar to

Mortar Board.


tai (^oiie^ei focus, as economics tends to see Twentieth c e n t u r y educators
people behind money, as social have recognized that women are
FROM PAGE 33 work tends to become rational, as not merely intellectuals but are hu-
it receives public support and pub- man beings with natural interests
we are beginning to understand lic supervision, and as government and great emotional power and are
that, strong stave as it is, mother ceases to be what Thomas Jeffer- attempting to recognize this in the
love is not an adequate substitute son described as "an organization new curriculum. The development
for knowledge of the laws of phys- to restrain men f r o m injuring each of the great women employing pro-
ical and mental health and of sani- other" and becomes merciful, fessions toward scholarly standards
tation, and that the care of the shows the trend toward which the is proving that this emotional pow-
health of one's own family is of common participation of men and er is capable of intelligent expres-
little avail i f the conditions of the women in public life is leading. sion. The attempts of the experi-
community and the health of one's mental colleges to discover a cur-
neighbors and associates is not The social sciences will provide riculum which bears a direct rela-
sound. perhaps our most interesting syn- tion to women's life activities are
thesis and also, in the larger view not aimed at a dilution of truth but
The fourth great field of social of the relationship of intelligent are efforts to make education more
responsibility, if more difficult, and women to modern society, will pro- realistic by directing it toward a
in the light of the recent emancipa- vide the final justification f o r the deeper understanding of the prob-
tion of women into public life, is entrance of women into institutions lems of human living.
perhaps of greatest ultimate im- of higher learning.
portance. I t is at this point that unce
most of the women's colleges are The step from the immediate
showing their liveliest expansion. concern for individual people to FROM PAGE 28
The direct responsibility of women perception of a higher ethic of pub-
toward government, economic life lic good is a difficult step f o r a set. I f there is no electric current
and the condition of society is new woman to make but it is of pri- going through the receiving set, it
with emancipation. A n d in the mary importance i f the emancipa- will not pick up the sound waves;
period which coincides with eman- tion of women is to mean anything likewise, i f the audience sits inert
cipation, social science fields have more than an extension of sphere. and says, "Show me the dance,"
been gradually merging toward a The social idealism which is created he will definitely miss making a
focus. This merging may be due, in the home and emanates f r o m it connection, the making of which
in a measure, to the vast amount into a more or less restricted com- implies activity within himself.
of feminine energy poured into munity cannot take the place of
public life during the last few the larger idealism which should Nevertheless the few concert
decades. direct contemporary society. groups in America at the present
time are serving a definite artistic
Few of us realized that this im- Tt is as important for women as and social purpose without a wide-
mense addition of feminine energy for men in our present insecurity spread and understanding U t o p i a n
to public life would essentially mod- and confusion, that through the audience. Fine dancing is not go-
i f y the direction of every phase of teaching of economics, government ing unappreciated.
that public life. For instance, and social institutions, a social phi-
women students express a greater losopy shall emerge; but this social Youthful aspirants in the field
interest in labor problems than in philosophy is a force which di- are warned that it takes ten years
theories of finance; and the eco- rects common life. Women must to make a dancer. The education
nomics of consumption has devel- learn to undertake the burden of of a young dancer must include a
oped an actual conflict with the justice as men are assuming the strong, technical training, exten-
economics of production. Women burden of mercy. Unless the par- sive work in composition of many
tend to see the welfare of people ticipation of women in public life types, courses in music, drama,
behind economic life. This is also directly accelerates the emergence aesthetics, physics of movement,
true of government. Therefore, of this social philosophy, the liberal anatomy of the body, and as many
classical economics and a meticu- arts colleges f o r women fail in general so-called "cultural" courses
lous study of structure and organ- their ultimate function. as possible ; f o r the prime requisites
ization of government are more or are that the dancer have something
less foreign to the interests of A L U M N A E Notes will be published in to "say" and be able to "say" it in
women. Tt is not a fortuitous cir- the January issue during Convention movement which projects electrical-
cumstance that the women Cabinet years. With new appointments of ly to a receptive audience.
Ministers of Europe and America Alumnae Secretaries it has become diffi-
during the past ten years have been cult for the September deadline to be W i t h the economic situation as
ministers of education and of la- observed. Alumna; Chapter reports, due it is f o r artists today, the dance
bor. on December 10, will be used in the new student who can look forward
Alumnae Bulletin. Notes are due on De- eagerly to teaching is in the best
This present merging toward a cember 10, too.


—J~eeJ,incf the f^ubiic mately thirty-two per cent of our cus- >
tomers on Monday and Tuesday, forty
FROM PAGE 4 per cent on Wednesday, twenty-five per
cent on Friday, and thirty-five per cent
You may be interested to know on Saturday. When we have calves'
where each dollar you spend in a res- liver and bacon, we know that eighteen
taurant is used and this also shows per cent of our customers will buy it,
you why we keep such close records so i f we expect to serve 2,000 people
of our food costs: 45c of it pays f o r at supper, we buy 120 lbs. of liver.
the food you eat; 26c of it pays f o r
service (salaries and wages) ; 7c of it We can depend largely on this law
pays the rent; l ^ c of it pays the of averages to aid us in planning our
advertising; l ^ c pays for cooking fuel; buying and preparation. In planning
3c for lighting, refrigeration, air con- for a pie special I know that thirty
ditioning, fans and signs; lc for menus; per cent of our customers will buy a
lc for laundry; 2c for replacements; popular pie and twenty per cent will
l/10c for cleaning supplies; lc for buy it i f it is not so popular. A fish
taxes, licenses, insurance; J^c water or meat special always averages about
and ice; 4c interest and depreciation; thirty-five per cent for all day and if
and, 2c miscellaneous with only 5c we check the number of orders we
profit. have sold after the first 300 people
have gone through the line, we find
And i f the food cost is more than
45c it must be taken away from the June Burks, Nu Omicron, is president of Van-
5c of profit because the others are derbilVs W.A.A., a Junior Prom Favorite, and
more or less fixed expenses! a member of Chi Delta Phi, literary fraternity.

In looking over the records I also Adcie Kufiewski brought honor to Rho by be- that the average per cent of sales
found some other figures in which you ing chosen to Mortar Board at Northwestern. for those 300 will remain almost con-
may be interested. Adelc was the chapter's most outstanding stant f o r the rest of the day. This
pledge in 1936-37. rule helps us greatly in our planning,
In 1937. Greenfield's used approxi- enabling us to finish the day with
mately 182,500 lbs. sugar; 86,800 lbs. only a few orders of any kind on
roast prime ribs of beef from young hand. Of course, Nature sometimes
steers; 28,600 quarts of tomato juice; plays tricks on us and when it rains
509,600 lbs. potatoes; 22,500 gal. milk; we are "stuck"—to use the restaurant
40,065 lbs. butter ; 46,950 doz. eggs or 150 vernacular.
dozen per day. A few weeks ago we
served baked trout at a specially adver- The service in a restaurant—even in
tised price and used 1,993 lbs., or almost a cafeteria—is very important, and em-
one ton of fish. ployees are chosen carefully in order
to select a working group who will be
We know from experience that when steady workers, neat in appearance, of
we serve turkey during the week before pleasing personality, good salespeople,
Thanksgiving, we will sell it to approxi- honest and cooperative. Then they
must be trained carefully in the tech-
What do they sect—these undergraduate officers of Alpha Omicron Pi at North- nique of their particular work—carvers
western University. The girls are (left to right): Front row—Charlotte Grooss, must be taught to carve neatly and
rushing co-chairman; Betty Lillengrcn, rushing co-chairman; Betty Paschcn, corre- rapidly; vegetable girls to dish vege-
sponding secretary; Marge MacFarland, recording secretary; Jean Jucrgcnscn, pres- tables, neatly, rapidly and uniformly;
ident; and Bettc Eikcnhout, vice president. In rear—Adele Kufiewski, May Queen dessert girls to cut pies rapidly and
attendant; and Pauline Otte, editor of the R H O B O A T , the chapter paper. without breaking the pieces; service
boys to stack and carry trays without
breaking dishes and making unnecessary
noises; floor girls to unload trays,
check and supply missing silverware,
and load trays of used dishes. There
are many details of seeming unimpor-
tance which add to the smoothness and
pleasantness of the service and atmos-
phere. To aid in this training, mass
meetings of all floor girls, service boys,
counter girls, and counter supply men
are called once a week, and additional
training is given in this way, and prob-
lems are discussed.

Each boy and girl is supplied with
a clean uniform every day, and the girls
must pass inspection to be sure that
head bands are straight, hairnets are in
place, uniforms are correct length,
hands and nails in good condition.
The service boys are inspected also to


be sure that caps are on straight, J L 2)].ance far from being a manifestation of
neckties are correct color (dark green), a disintegrating civilization, this
and shoes are polished. FROM PACE 37 vast and lively activity in the art
of the dance is a first sign of a
By training service boys and girls position. The establishment of whole new period in the theater
to use care in stacking dishes on trays dance majors in colleges and uni- arts. A n d certain it is that a large
much breakage is eliminated but even versities throughout the country share of the opportunity for the
then, in a restaurant serving as many works toward the development of development of such a rich area in
people as we do, the breakage is tre- dancers, teachers, and audience, the lives of the members of the
mendous. Every time there is a colli- and a general rise in the standards coming generations lies at the door
sion or a "crash" it means that several of achievement and appreciation. of the schools.
glasses and probably several dishes have
been smashed, and there are several There are many who believe that
"crashes" each day. Our records show-
that last year we replaced daily in one COMMITTEES
store alone sixteen cups, ten dinner
plates, sixty water glasses, fifty dessert COMMITTEE ON EXAMINATIONS CONSTITUTIONAL REVISIONS
glasses, besides countless other items COMMITTEE
broken either in the dining room or Chairman—Mary Alice Burch Fizer (Mrs.
dishwashing department. William). B9, 119 Pleasant, D a y t o n , O. Chairman—Secretary.
Palmer Cole (Mrs. Rob-
To operate the two Greenfield res- Atlantic—Norma Gorton Street, Corning, Associate Members—Lucie Walne, I I , 21
taurants, serving about 10,000 people e r t ) , X, 77 Newcomb Blvd., New Orleans, La. lone
daily, we have a personnel of about N. Y. P. Barrett, E, Box 252, Katonah, N . Y.
285 employees including all members Southern—Margaret Cool, 1TA, 661 M a r y -
of the production departments and serv- land Avenue N . E., Washington, D . C.
ice departments. I n the production de- South-Central— NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP OFFICER
partments or kitchens we have four M . Irene Jones, 16260 Birwood, Detroit,
dietitians, two chefs—one in each store Ohio Valley—Lois Stringfellow Eeles
—twenty-five cooks, three butchers, one (Mrs. Charles), 9, 4203 W i l l y s Parkway. Mich.
buyer, four storeroom men, five pot Toledo, O.
washers, twenty-four dishwashers, fif- Great Lakes—Helen Gray, O i l , 2747 Co-
teen vegetable preparation women, three lumbus Avenue, Detroit, Mich. SONG COMMITTEE
vegetable preparation men, fourteen sal- Chairman—Ruth Eversman Chisholm ( M r s .
ad makers, fourteen bakers, four por- Mid-Western—Virginia Case James ( M r s .
ters who do the cleaning; the Service F r e d ) , Z, 103 Lincoln D r i v e , Des Moines, C o l i n ) , I , 1357 Cook Street, Denver,
Department includes twenty-six service la. Colo.
boys, thirty-four counter girls, six
counter men, nine counter supply boys, Pacific—Lenore Hennessey, 2, 1 0 0 9 O x f o r d PUBLICITY COMMITTEE
forty-two floor girls and waitresses Street, Berkeley, Calif.
besides the Coffee Shop manager and Pacific-Northwest—Marie Dew Gish (Mrs.
the general manager. A r n o ) , AP, 1 7 4 8 S. E. E l l i o t t , P o r t l a n d . Chairman—Katherine Davis, 6, 2403 East
Ore. Market Street, New Albany, Ind.
This may give you a partial picture
of what goes on behind the scenes and Atlantic—Ruth Koehler, EA, 108 Wash-
now if you have any illusions left about ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE ington Avenue, R u t h e r f o r d , N . J.
the business of Feeding the Public—
try it and see for yourself. Believe it Chairman—Hannah Blair Neal (Mrs. Southern—Virginia Potts, HA, 5211 St.
or not—it really is f u n ! Albans W a y , Baltimore, M d .
Hershel), B*, 8 1 3 North Maple Avenue,
Bloomington, Ind.
Atlantic—Cecelia Reinheimer (Mrs. Mar- So-uth-Central—

vin H . ) , + , 6420 North Camac Street. Ohio Valley—Mary Garrison Walker
Hughbanks ( M r s . Leland S.), 6,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Southern—Rochelle Rodd Gachet, TT, A r - Scottsburg, Ind.

lington Hall. Penna. Ave. Station. Great Lakes—Mary Jo Enochs Simons

Washington, D . C. (Mrs. Thomas W . ) , 0, Crosby, Minn.

South Central—Carrie Green Campbell Mid-Western — L u c i l e H i t t l e H a r r i n g t o n
(Mrs. W i l l i a m ) , T, 1907 Convent A v e - ( M r s . M a r k ) , OH, 1545 Eudora Street,
nue, Nashville, Tenn.
Denver, Colo.
Ohio Vallev—Anne Zigler W r i g h t ( M r s .
Frank J.)', AT, Granville, O. Pacific—
Pacific-Northwest—Edith Chapman Korres
Great Lakes—Ruby C l i f t Glocker ( M r s . (Mrs. E d m u n d ) . T, 2307 East 65th
George), T, 22 Barton Avenue S. E.,
Minneapolis, Minn. Street, Seattle, Washington.

Mid-Western—Gladys Whitford Misko STANDARDS COMMITTEE

(Mrs. George), Z, 3141 Sheridan Ave- Chairman—
nue, Lincoln, Neb.
Beta 100 tjean Oil Members—Mary H . Donlon, E, 210
Pacific— Madison Avenue. New York, N . Y.;
Pacific-Northwest—Frances Jordan Rali*-
kopf (Mrs. Horace G.), T, 4725 15th N . Elizabeth Neely, E, 600 Lexington Ave-
nue, New York, N . Y.
^jjj BETA T H E T A P I celebrated the one E., Seattle, Wash.

by returning to its birthplace, Miami, TRADITIONS ENDOWMENT FUND
University, Oxford, Ohio, for its con-
clave in August. A Panhellenic banquet Chairman—Stella George Stern Perry Chairman—Elizabeth Roberts Cole (Mrs.
was a feature of the celebration and (Mrs. George H . ) . A. 9 St. Luke's
Ruth Cox Segar, fi, Vice President, was Place. New York. N . Y. K e n n e t h ) , S, 70 H a v e n Avenue, New
A O I I ' s representative. There were 1,200 Y o r k , N . Y . T e r m expires June, 1943.
delegates and guests registered on Cen- Life Members—The Founders, Laura lone Barrett, E, Box 252, Katonah, N .
tenary Day. The program held in the H u r d , T, 7019 B r o o k l y n Avenue, Seat-
gymnasium included an address by Gov- tle, Wash. Y . Term expires Tune, 1939.
ernor Bricker, B 9 I I and .iX. Kathryn Bremer Matson (Mrs. Franklin
Rose Gardner Gilmore ( M r s . John), 2, H . ) , T, 966 Summit Avenue, St. Paul,
Box 437. Davis, Calif.
Mamie H u r t Baskervill (Mrs. George M i n n . Term expires June, 1941.

B., Jr.), Arlington Hall, Pennsylvania FINANCE COMMITTEE
Sta., Washington, D. C.

COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS Chairman—National Treasurer.

Chairman—Mary Danielson Drummond Members—June Kelley, T, 27 Florence
Avenue, Norwood, Mass. (appointed by
(Mrs. W a r r e n C ) . A * , 610 H i n m a n Executive Committee). Kathryn Bremer
Avenue, Evanston, 111.
Matson ( M r s . Franklyn H . ) T, 966 Sum-
Members—District superintendents. mit, St. Paul, Minn, (appointed by
^Jdufflian C^ufp to O'fmicron
OMICKON Chapter, University of Ten- *# •
nesee, was awarded the Jessie Wal- Chairman—Stella George Stern Perry
lace Hughan Cup at Convention banquet. (Mrs. George H . ) , A, 9 St. Luke's
They will explain hew they won it in Place, New York, N . Y . Jessie Wallace PHILANTHROPY
the January issue.
Hughan, A, 171 West 12th Street, New Send materials to Miss Nora Kelly,
York, N. Y. Wendover, Leslie Co., Ky.



Alpha Omicron Pi

founded at i^arnard C^odeae, January 2, 1897

Atlantic District ( N , A, T, E, X , <J% EA, FOUNDERS Avenue, Memphis, Tenn.
K * ) — M i l d r e d Ward EJdridge (Mrs. Ray- Meetings—Fridays at 2:30.
mon W . ) , Delta, 108 Tappan Street, JESSIE WALLACE HUGHAN, A KAPPA PHI
Brookline, Mass. President—Phyllis Mott, 4340 Draper Ave-
171 West 12th Street, New Y o r k , N . Y .

Southern District (Kappa, O m i c r o n , A l p h a HELEN ST. CLAIR MULLAN nue, Montreal, Quebec.
Pi, Pi Delta, Lambda Sigma)—Mary Mectincjs—Mondays at 7:00.
Broughton Taylor (Mrs. Robert), K, (Mrs. George V . ) , A KAPPA THETA—894 Hilgard Avenue, West
2117 M c K i n l e y Road N . W . , Atlanta, [Deceased] Los Angeles, Calif.
STELLA GEORGE STERN PERRY President—Priscilla Pierce.
South Central District ( P i , T a u D e l t a , (Mrs. George H . ) , A L A M B D A — B o x 1367, S t a n f o r d University,
Nu Omicron. Kappa Omicron, Nu Kap- 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N . Y. Calif.
pa)—Mary Allie Taylor Robinson (Mrs.
Dixon), KO, The Press-Scimitar, Mem- ELIZABETH HEYWOOD WYMAN, A President — N o r m a Lois G o d f r e y .
phis, Tenn. Meetings—Mondays.
19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge, N . J.

Ohio Valley District ( T h e t a , Beta P h i , OFFICERS L A M B D A SIGMA—480 Milledge Avenue,
Omega, Beta Theta, Tb-ta Eta, Alpha Athens, Ga.
Tau)—Katherine Schmidt Cox (Mrs.
Frank H . ) , G, 4205 N o r t h I l l i n o i s , I n - President—Helen M . H a l l e r , 52, 2717 B u d - President—Frances Middlebrooks.
dianapolis, Ind. NU—15 Sheridan Square, Apt. A2, New York,
long Avenue, Los Angeles, California. N. Y.

Great Lakes District (Rho T a u , Eta, Vice President—Ruth Cox Segar (Mrs. President—Margaret S. F o g a r t y .
Omicron Pi, Beta Tau, Iota, Beta W i l l i a m ) , fi, 260 W a r d Avenue, Bclle-
Gamma)—Dorothy Pool Marker (Mrs. Meetings—Alternating Wednesdays and
V a n N . ) , P, 2214 C o l f a x , Evanston, 111. vue, Ky, Thursdays, 7:15.
N U KAPPA—AOII Box, S.M.U.. Dallas, Tex.
2nd Vice President—Dorothy Bruniga President—Helen W a r r e n , 4421 Beverly
Dean ( M r s . George), P, 1765 Peachtree
Mid-Western District (Zeta. Phi, Chi Street, Atlanta, Ga. Drive, Dallas Tex.
Meetings—Mondays at 4:00.
Delta)—Margaret Boothroyd Rasmussen NU OMICRON—
( M r s . Darrell B . ) , T, 7543 Cromwell Executive Secretary—Anne Jeter Nichols
Drive, St. Louis, Mo. President—Virginia Blair, 2102 West End
(Mrs. Edward J.), K, Box 262, State Avenue, Nashville, Tenn.
College, Pa.
Pacific District (Sigma, Lambda, Kappa Meetings—Monday evenings at 7:00.
Theta)—Carrie Bright Kistler (Mrs. Treasurer—Ruth Percival Newton (Mrs. OMEGA—
Lewis A . ) , 2 , 1046 South W i l t o n , Los Robert K . ) , I , 906 West Green Street, President—Stella K o v a l , 52 W e l l s H a l l , Ox-
Angeles, Calif. U r b a n a , 111. ford, O.

Pacific Northwest District ( U p s i l o n , A l p h a Historian—Stella George Stern Perry Meetings—Wednesday evenings.
Phi, Alpha Sigma, Beta Kappa)—Louise Luke's OMICRON—
Benton Oliver ( M r s . D e W i t t ) . T, 5727 (Mrs. George H . ) , A, 9 St. President—Alice Cox, 221 Gibbs Road,
29th Avenue N . E., Seattle, Wash. Place, New York, N . Y.
Knoxville, Tenn.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
ACTIVE CHAPTERS Assistant Historian—Elizabeth Heywood O M I C R O N PI—1017 Oakland Avenue, Ann
W y m a n , A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen
Ridge, N . J. Arbor, Mich.
[In alphabetical order.] President—Dorothy Jane Caughey.

ALPHA OMICRON— AOII Panhellenic Delegate—Edith Hunting- Meetings—Monday evenings.

President—Miriam Scales, University, La. ton Anderson (Mrs. Arthur K.), B*, PHI—1144 Louisiana Street, Lawrence, Kan.

A L P H A PHI—119 So. 6th Avenue, Bozeman, 123 South Sparks Street, State College, President—J can Klussman.
Mont. Pa. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
President—Naomi Cool. PI—
Meetings—Tuesday evenings. Editor of T o D R A G M A — W i l m a Smith
Leland ( M r s . Leland F . ) , T, 2642 U n i - President—Florence Pottharst, 2224 State
A L P H A SIGMA—1680 Alder Street, Eugene versity Avenue, St. Paul, M i n n . Street, New Orleans, La.
Meetings—Mondays at 4:30.
Ore. P I DELTA—AOn House, College Park, M d .

President—Peggy Yaden. President—Sara Ann Vaiden.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
ALPHA TAU— Auditor of Chapter and House Corporation Meetings—Tuesdays at 7:00.
Accounts—C. Jane Stroheker, I , 808
President—Suzanne Morrison, Beaver Hall Tower Court, Chicago, III. PS1—3824 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
President—Virginia Scrivener.
Granville, O. Meetings—Monday evenings.
Registrar—Alice Cullnane, B*, Box 262,
Meetings—Monday evenings. State College, Pa. R H O — 6 2 6 Emerson Street, E v a n s t o n , 111.

B E T A GAMMA—235 Ann Street, East Lans- CENTRAL OFFICE President—Jean Juergensen.
ing, Mich. Masonic Building, Box 262,
President—Nancy N. Brown. Meetings—Monday evenings.
State College, Pa. SIGMA—2311 Prospect Street, Berkeley,
President—Joyce E. Cooper, 4513 West "th
President—Bette Harlowe.
Avenue, Vancouver, B. C. Meetings—Mondays.
Meetings—Wednesdays at 5:00 SIGMA TAU—
B E T A PHI—703 East 7th Street, Blooming-
ton, Ind. President—Gerry Nash, Reid Hall, Wash-
ington College. Chestertown, M d .
President—Laura Wilkins. EPSILON—The Knoll, Ithaca, N . Y. T A U — 1 1 2 1 5th Street S. E., M i n n e a p o l i s ,
Meetings—Monday evenings. President—Betty Coffey.
BETA TAU—St. Meetings—Sunday evenings. Minn.
"George Aprs., Section A , President—Anna Fay Weed.
A p t . 106, 321 Bloor Street, Toronto, Can- E P S I L O N A L P H A — A O n House, State Col- Meetings—Mondays at 5:30.
lege, Pa.
President—Mary R. Wirtz.
President—Dorothy Dorman, 398 D u r i e Meetings—Mondays at 6:30. President—Dorothy Strong, 228 North 54th
Street, Toronto, Canada. Street, Birmingham, Ala.
ETA—636 Langdon Street, Madison, Wis. Meetings—Every Tuesday at lunch.
Meetings—Mondavs at 5:30. President—Margaret Ann Taylor
B E T A THETA—4639 Roo kwood Avenue, I n - T H E T A — A O I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Meetings—Mondays. President—Jane Dunning.
dianapolis. Ind. GAMMA—
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
President—Mary Jane Mount. President—priscilla Bickford, Balentine THETA ETA—
Meetings—Wednesdays at 7:30.
CHI—801 Walnut Avenue. Syracuse, N . Y. Hall, Orono, Me. President—Harriet L . K e r s t i n g , 184 Sturgis
Avenue, Cincinnati, O.
President—Eleanor Willis. Meetings—Mondays. Meetings—Mondays at 6:45.

Meetings—Monday evenings. IOTA—704 South Mathews Street, Urbana, UPSILON—1906 East 45th Street, Seattle,

C H I DELTA—1015 15th Street. Boulder, Colo. 111. Wash.
President—Leatha Mae Harris.
Meetings—Mondays. President—Mary Diemer. President—Ernestine Brown.

DELTA— Meetings—Monday evenings. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.

President—Catharine E. McClay, Stratton KAPPA— ZETA—1541 S Street, Lincotn, Neb.
President— L i d a Belle Cover, R . M . W . C . ,
Hall, Tufts College, Mass. Lynchburg, Va. President—Nelle Lippitt.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:15. Meetings—Thursdays at 5:00.

DISTRICT A L U M N A KANSAS CITY—President—J u s t i n e Toler LOS ANGELES—President—Madeline Han-
Brown ( M r s . W . H . ) , $, 2509 Everett n o n L u n d i n ( M r s . A r t h u r L . ) , KO, 1576
SUPERINTENDENTS Street, Kansas City, Kans. Glenville Drive, Los Angeles, Calif.
Atlantic—Helen Worster Cleaves (Mrs. Meetings—Fourth Saturday of month, Sep-
Charles B.), Gamma, 9 Pittsford Way, K N O X V 1 L L E — P r e s i d e n t — K a t h l e e n K i n g , O, tember to May.
Summit, N . J. 3317 W o o d h i l l , K n o x v i l l e , Tenn.
Coe Bell ( M r s . Claude Meetings—First M o n d a y of month at 7:30. M A D I S O N — President — K a t h r y n Patterson
Southern—Margaret Barney ( M r s . Robert M . ) , H , 2206 Kendall
C.), K, 634 Wilson Road, Atlanta, Ga. L A K E COUNTY—President—Marydale Cox, Avenue, Madison, Wis.
South Central—Mildred Hunter Stahl (Mrs. B<f>, 630 T a f t Street, Gary, I n d . Meetings—Second Wednesday of month at
Leslie W . ) , 2, 626 West Alabama, Hous- 6:30 at Memorial Union Building.
ton, Tex. LINCOLN—President—Joy Ley Hein (Mrs. M A N S F I E LD—President—Laurabelle Ash-
Ohio Valley—Alice Wessels Burlingame H a r o l d ) , Z, 2932 South 26th Street, L i n - brook Samsel ( M r s . Leland), AT, 750 San-
coln, Neb.

( M r s . W i l l i a m H . ) , OIL 3264 Enderby dusky Avenue, Ashland, O.
Road, Shaker Heights, 0 . M E M P H I S — P r e s i d e n t — C h a r l i n e Tucker Cobb
Great Lakes—Virginia Van Zandt Sntder (Mrs. W. S.), KO, Whitehaven, Tenn.
( M r s . George), On, 15778 Gilchrist Ave- A L U M N A SECRETARIES Meetings—Last Wednesday of month, 3:30.
nue, Detroit, Mich. M I A M I — P r e s i d e n t — M a r y Louise Roller (Mrs.
Mid-Western—Genevieve Bacon Herring- A— George), A l l , 103 N . E . 89th Street, M i a m i ,
ton ( M r s . Albert C ) , S, 2526 N.VV. 16th AT— Fla.
Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. A.*—M a r t h a H a w k s w o r t h , Registrar's MILWAUKEE—President—Dorothy Paull, H,
Pacific—Genevieve Morse Roberts (Mrs. 1457 Wauwatosa Avenue, Wauwatosa, W i s .
W e y m o u t h M . ) . Lambda, 130 San Fer- Office, Montana State College, Bozeman, Meetings—Second Tuesday of each month.
nando Way, San Francisco, Calif. Mont. 7:30.
Pacific-Northwest—Marcella Schneider Hig- All—Mary Louise Filer Roller (Mrs.
gins (Mrs. James), A * , Wolf Point, George K . , J r . ) , 103 N . E . 89th Street, M I N N E A P O L I S—President—R u b y C1 i f t
Miami, Fla. Glockler ( M r s . George), T, 22 B a r t o n Ave-
Mont. nue S. E., Minneapolis, M i n n .
Meetings—Second Tuesday of each month.
ALUMNiE CHAPTERS AP—Dorothy Marsters Johnson (Mrs.
K e r m i t ) , 1003 N . Jackson Street, Rose- NASHVILLE—President—Louise Cecil Ben-
A N N ARBOR—President—Margery Bolger burg, Ore. nett (Mrs. L y n c h ) , NO, Gale Lane, Nash-
Foster ( M r s . F. B . ) , O i l , 540 W a l n u t , A n n
Arbor, Mich. AS—Barbara Crowell Wood (Mrs. T. E.). ville, Tenn.
1632 Chehalis, Chehalis, Wash. N E W JERSEY—President—Mildred Stewart
Meetings—Third Wednesday of month. L a D u e ( M r s . F r a n k l y n H . ) , N , 305 Glen-
A T L A N T A — P r e s i d e n t — V i r g i n i a Bradshaw A T — M a r y Myers, 329 East College Street,
Smith (Mrs. Sidney, Jr.), AS, 900 Rock Granville, O. side Road, South Orange, N . J.
Meetings—Fourth Monday of month.
Springs Road N . E., Atlanta, Ga. B—Grace L. Hubbard (Mrs. George W . ) , N E W ORLEANS—President—Luci e Walne,
Meetings—Second and f o u r t h Tuesdays at 310 Vermont Avenue, Providence, R. I .
3:00. n, 21 Newcomb Blvd., New Orleans, La.
Br—Eunice H e r a l d , 239 M o n t e r e y Avenue, Meetings—First Wednesday of month.
B A L T I M O R E — P r e s i d e n t — V i r g i n i a Boggess Highland Park, Mich. N E W YORK—President—Frances Hines Gor-
Mylander ( M r s . W a l t e r C , J r . ) , K, 1421
Mt. Royal Avenue, Baltimore, Md. BK—Kathleen Cumming Caldwell (Mrs. don ( M r s . Robert D . ) , On, 425 West 23rd
Street, New York, N . Y.
Meetings—Second Tuesday of each month. W i l l i a m C.)> Gait, Ont., Canada. Meetings—Arranged by Executive Commit-
BANGOR—President—Margaret M c M an us B<IJ—
C a r r o l l ( M r s . W . L l o y d ) , V, 1 W h i t n e y BT—Margaret MacNiven, 458 Roehampton O K L A H O M A CITY—President—Helen Wehrli
Street, Bangor, Me. Avenue, Toronto, Canada.
Meetings—Third Saturday of month from Wallace ( M r s . H u g h ) , Z, 1208 N . W . 36th,
Oklahoma City, Okla.
September to June. B0— Meetings—Second Thursday of month.

B I R M I N G H A M — P r e s i d e n t — L o i s Brown Bat- X— OMAHA—President—Zeta Allingham Baird
tle ( M r s . F e l d o n ) , TA, 1034 19th Avenue
South, Birmingham, Ala. XA— ( M r s . F r a n k E . ) , Z, 4543 H i c k o r y , Omaha,
A—Ruth Miller, 26 Hillsdale Road, Med- Neb. _
Meetings—Second Saturday of m o n t h , 1:00 Meetings—First Saturday of month.
p. m. in Tau Delta room. ford Hillsides, Mass.
P A S A D E N A — President — L i l l i a n H e r m a n
B L O O M I N G T O N — President — Gwendolyn A<J>—Cornelia D o w l i n g , P.O. B o x 4, Swan- Stickney ( M r s . R. K . ) , On, 47 N o r t h Grand
sea, S. C. \
B o w d i n g Hagen ( M r s . C. T . ) , H , 609 South \ Oaks Avenue, Pasadena, Calif.
Jordan Avenue, Bloomington, Ind.
Meetings—Second and fourth Wednesdays PHILADELPHIA—President—Janet Stallman
M c L o u g h l i n ( M r s . Stephen E . ) , E, 6478 L i n -
of month. coln D r i v e , Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.
B O S T O N — P r e s i d e n t — J u n e K e l l e y , T, 27 Flor- EA—Dorothy Jeter Denison (Mrs. W i l l i a m ) ,
ence Avenue, Norwood, Mass. 2607 Market Street, Camp I f i l l , Pa. Meetings—First Saturday of month.
PORTLAND—President—Roma Whisnant, AS,
Meetings—Last Saturday of month. H—Margaret Johnson Gay (Mrs. Wel- 2770 S. W . Talbot Road, Portland, Ore.
B U F F A L O — President — K a t h r y n K e n d r i c k land), 21101 Endsley Avenue, Rocky
W i l s o n ( M r s . N . R o b e r t ) , P, 108 N o r t h River, O. Meetings—Second Tuesday of month.
P R O V I D E N C E — P r e s i d e n t — J e n n i e Perry Pres-
Harlem Road, Snyder, N . Y. r— cott, ( M r s . H a r o l d S.), B, 39 Kossuth
Meetings—Third Monday of month.
I— Street, Pawtucket, R. I .

C A N T O N - M A S S I L L O N — President — M a d g e K—Bessie Minor Davis, R. M . W . C , Meetings—Second Saturday of month, Oc-
B a r r , AT, 919 F o u r t h Street ML E., Mas- Alumnae Office, Lynchburg, Va.
silon, O. tober to June.
KO—Nancy Clinton, 210 South M c L e a n ROCHE STER—President—
C H I C A G O — C e n t r a l Chairman— Blvd., Memphis, Tenn. Meetings—Fourth Tuesday evening of
North Shore Chairman—Geraldine Meek
Stephenson ( M r s . L . V . ) , P, 2426 Central K9—Virginia Davis Killion (Mrs. Willard month.
L . ) , 157 South M a r t e l Avenue, Los S A C R A M E N T O V A L L E Y — President — Janet
P a r k Avenue, Evanston, 111. Angeles, Calif. E l l i o t t , S, 1797 3rd Avenue, Sacramento,
West Side Chairman—Barbara Beimfohr Fry
( M r s . O. E . ) , P, 611 South Elmwood Ave- A—Olga Seibert Vatcher (Mrs. Marshall), Calif.
ST. L O U I S — P r e s i d e n t — L o u i s e Feldwisch
nue, Oak P a r k , 111. 24906 Cypress Avenue, Lomita, Calif. Baer ( M r s . E l m e r ) , I , 5236 M i a m i Street,
Meetings—By arrangement.
CHICAGO SOUTH SHORE—President—Vir- A S — V i v i a n Evans, 102 53rd Street, St. Louis, Mo.
Meetings—Third Monday of month.
ginia B e r r y H a m i l t o n ( M r s . H o l l a n d ) , O, Savannah, Ga. ST. PAUL—President—Delores Ritter, T,
8129 D r e x e l A v e n u e , Chicago, 111.
Meetings—Second Tuesday of month at N— 1882 Princeton Avenue, St. Paul, M i n n .
N K — M a r y Frances Bradley, 1548 Castle SAN DIEGO—President—Emily Nash Zieglef
6:30. ( M r s . J o h n ) , S2, 3921 Ocean F r o n t , Mission
Court, No. 2, Houston, Tex.
C I N C I N N A T I—President—Maxine Cooper NO— Beach, California.
McDowell (Mrs. Frank), OH, 2111 Dana H—Florence Rench Smith (Mrs. Leon E.),
Avenue, Cincinnati, O. Meetings—Fourth Thursday of month.
408 Kolping Avenue, Dayton, O. S A N FRANCISCO—President—Virginia Simp-
Meetings—Second Thursday of month. 0— son, S, 3870 Clay Street, San Francisco,
C L E V E L A N D — President — Beatrice H a n d y Oil—Virginia Van Zandt Snider (Mrs.
U l r i c h ( M r s . M y r o n W ) , AT, 20707 Halifax Calif.
George), 15778 Gilchrist Avenue, De- Meetings—First Monday of month.
Rd., Warrensville Heights, 0. troit, Mich. S E A T T L E — President — F e r n T a f t Newlon
Meetings—Third Monday night of month. <1>—Elizabeth F r y e r Favreau ( M r s . W a l d o ) ,
COLUMBUS—President—Marietta Healea, AT, 5026 L y d i a , Kansas City, M o . ( M r s . W a l t e r ) , T, 3814 46th Avenue S. W . ,
rr— Seattle, Wash.
233 Montrose Way, Columbus, O. I I A — M u r i e l James W a h l ( M r s . Carlton Meetings—Second Monday of month at
D A L L A S — P r e s i d e n t — I r m a Sigler, NK, 5822 W . ) , 8403 16th Street, Silver Springs,
Belmont Ave., Dallas, Tex. Md. chapter house, 8:00.
*—Eleanor Culin, 820 N o r t h 41st Street: SYRACUSE—President—Katherine A. Mur-
Meetings—First Friday of month at noon. Philadelphia, Pa. taugh, X, 231 Shotwell Park, Syracuse,
DAYTON—President—Florence Rench Smith P—
( M r s . Leon E., J r . ) , Q, 408 K o l p i n g Ave- N. Y.
Meetings—Last F r i d a y of month.
nue, Dayton, 0. TERRE HAUTE—President—Wanita Gilchrist,
Meetings—First Friday of month.
DENVER—President— B<I>, 2231 South Center Street, T e r r e Haute,
D E T R O I T — P r e s i d e n t — F r a n c e s Sackett Pat- X—Jane Lovell, 779 H i l l d a l e Avenue
T O L E D O — P r e s i d e n t — J a n e Hupman, P, 2607
t o n ( M r s . W a l t e r ) , O i l , 87 Westminister, Berkeley, Calif. Scottwood Avenue, Toledo, O.
Detroit, Mich. TORONTO—President—Edith Irving Shilling-
Meetings—First Monday of month at 7:30. ST—Dorothy Kimball Ryan (Mrs. Hubert t o n ( M r s . G o r d o n ) , BT, 104 Baby Pt. Road,
Toronto, Canada.
EASTBAY—President— Evelyn Bancroft F.), Port Deposit, Md. T U L S A — President — Elizabeth H a l e H u n t
M o o r e ( M r s . ) , S, 1 K i n g Avenue, Piedmont, T—
Calif. TA— ( M r s . John W . ) , O, 1928 East 13th Place,
0—Elizabeth Gadient Huckleberry (Mrs. Tulsa, Okla.
EASTERN SHORE—President— Meetings—First T h u r s d a y of month at 1:00.
A l a n W . ) , 1207 East Spring, New A l
FORT WAYNE—President—Virginia Traxler hany, Ind. W A S H I N G T O N — President — Elizabeth
Hess ( M r s . R o b e r t ) , B'I>, 902 R i v e r m e t Ave- Michael Brotherhood ( M r s . Francis M . ) , E,
nue, Fort Wayne, Ind. OH— 3304 19th Street N . W . , Washington, D . C.

Meetings—Second M o n d a y of m o n t h . T— Meetings—Second Tuesday of each month.
t—Pauline M i l l s E d w a r d ( M r s . W a r r e n ) WESTCHESTER—President—Myrtle Munson
H O U S T O N — P r e s i d e n t — L o 11 i e D e e K i n g 1220 N . E. 39th Street, Oklahoma C i t y Ciccarelli ( M r s . Eugene), X, 191 Fox
Chambers ( M r s . R. E.), NK, 2420 Mac- Okla. Meadow Road, Scarsdale, N . Y.
Gregor W a y , H o u s t o n , Tex. W I C H I T A — P r e s i d e n t — B e l v a Roesler Mett-
Z — H a r r i e t t e H a u m a n n , 1820 A Street
I N D I A N A P O L I S — P r e s i d e n t — M i l d r e d Frazee, Lincoln, Neb. ner ( M r s . F . E . ) , * , 553 South Grove,
B * , 1005 N o r t h Pennsylvania Street, A p t . Wichita, Kans.
110, Indianapolis, I n d .

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