To Dragmaof Alpha Omicron Pi
Vol. 78 No. 2 Spring 2014
your perception · yourself · your soul · your stuff
On the cover: Taylor Douglas, Sigma Gamma
One of several group photos Chi Epsilon (Appalachian State U) enjoys a sunny
(The Ohio State U) posted during their AOPride day on Lake James in North Carolina.
Week to promote their chapter on social media.
7 Viewpoint 32 The Life and Legacy of Julia Taft
10 Restoring your perception - Good PR Builds AOPride 36 LA 2014 - #Lifetime
14 Restoring yourself - Facing a Disorder 42 Spring Snapshots
46 Things We Love
18 Restoring your soul - The Forrest Spence Fund 50 From the Archives
52 NPC 2013 Recap
20 Restoring your stuff - Chalk One Up for Fun! 54 Alumnae Chapter News
24 Installation - Phi Gamma Chapter 60 Life Loyal AOIIs
26 Reinstallation - Alpha Rho Chapter 66 For Further Discussion
28 AOII Foundation News
30 A Crisis Managed
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 3
To DragmaofAlphaOmicronPi From the Editor
To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron Pi It’s great to be excited by springtime after a long, cold
Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The mission winter. While the weather is still bouncing around a bit,
of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and the fairly regular days of sunshine and warm weather are
inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our invigorating. We planned this issue with thoughts of spring
chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime - and it’s restoring powers - in mind. Some of the stories
AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a circle around the thoughts of restoring your perception,
permanent record of our Fraternity’s history. restoring yourself, restoring your soul, and even restoring
your stuff.
How to Contact To Dragma:
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 Following that same line of thinking, we recap in this
(615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736,, issue two collegiate chapter spring installations, highlight
[email protected] collegiate spring snapshots and alumnae chapter news, and
try to entice you to order some trendy spring sportswear
How to Update Your Name or Address: from the AOII Emporium. There’s a lot more, but to be
Go to Update Info tab on the AOII website honest, not everything fits perfectly in the restoring powers
(, email your new address to of spring theme - but that’s OK.
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920.
The comments I enjoy the most from readers are the ones
How to Subscribe to To Dragma: that suggest that receiving To Dragma in the mail brightens
Subscriptions are $25.00 annually and can be paid by check their days. When someone writes to say, “I loved this issue
or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII, should be and read it cover to cover,” I honestly take more pleasure in
mailed to 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027, that than in any award we could win. We all need to find
Attn: Accounting. Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card things that inspire us, so I hope you find something within
or Discover only) should email [email protected]. these pages that makes you feel proud to be an AOII.
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: Regards,
Visit the AOII website (, or contact
[email protected]. Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter: Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Visit the AOII website for contact information on an alumnae Director of To Dragma and Archives
chapter near you.
Director of To Dragma and Archives
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Creative Director
Whitney Frazier, Rho Omicron (Middle TN State U)
Women Enriched through Lifelong Friendship.
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College in
New York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan,
Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella George Stern Perry &
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman.
International President
Allison Allgier, Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U)
Executive Director
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U)
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Panhellenic
Conference and the Fraternity Communications Association.
4 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
Gamma Alpha (George Mason U)
members Caroline Chisolm and Alex
Jernigan (in the Panda suit) enjoy some
down time during spring recruitment.
We are experiencing a transformational time in AOII! The vision outlined in our Strategic Plan
has led us to a time of great strength in Membership Experience, Membership Growth, Financial
Stability, and Inter-Fraternal presence. While you will continue to read about AOII’s significant
growth as it relates to new chapters, equal focus is on our strong retention and chapters maximizing
their membership to the total allowed on their campus.
Retention and fulfilling membership potential results in
the highest gains for AOII and highlight the exceptional
member experiences taking place in AOII every day!
While most of us choose AOII as a collegian, we are blessed
with a lifelong opportunity to remain connected. AOII is
highly focused on alumnae engagement through expanded
reach to our alumnae from their collegiate chapters, area
alumnae chapters and AOII as a whole. To support that
aim, Leadership Academy focused on AOII for a Lifetime
(#Lifetime). You will read about the excellent educational
content for Chapter Advisers, Chapter Presidents, and
Alumnae Relations Chairmen related to understanding the
characteristics and needs of each generational group as well
as wonderful best practices related to member engagement.
Speaking of sharing best practices, the National Panhellenic
Council meeting each year brings together representatives
from its 26 member groups. Of great benefit to the Inter/
National Presidents is the time set aside to meet together.
There is strong respect and great camaraderie among the Presidents as we together tackle difficult
issues of potential barrier to Advancing the Sorority Experience. This year’s meeting focused heavily
on topics of anti-discrimination, gender, university recognition, and housing. While we only
have one face-to-face meeting, the Presidents’ group emails often to facilitate discussions related to
specific university documents and situations that impact our member groups collectively. There is
significant strength in working together.
AOII is changing dynamically to meet the needs of our members and to advance our great
organization. It is a natural tendency to feel uncertainty with change and to possibly be fearful.
Luckily, as we move AOII forward, we are stabilized by the values provided by our Founders.
It takes courage to stand secure in our strong foundation and consistently challenge the status
quo to advance our beloved AOII. “Change only occurs when we stretch out of our comfort
zone and create a new standard of excellence. If you want change, you have to be willing to be
uncomfortable”. (Zig Ziglar)
We each have a part to plan in transforming AOII and I challenge you to be uncomfortable when
stretching outside your comfort zone to benefit this organization. Great things can happen when we
have courage! I look forward to seeing everyone at Leadership Institute where we will celebrate our
sisterhood and to be “In Focus” with AOII.
Allison Allgier To Dragma • 7
International President
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
FraternityNews University of California, San Diego
Lambda Iota
Spring 2014 Colonizations
Dalton State College • Re-Colonization Dates: January 26-28, 2014
Lambda Delta • Colonizing Officer: Rebecca Herman
• Colonization Team: Rebecca Herman, Amanda Gilpin
• Colonization Dates: February 23-25, 2014
• Colonizing Officer: Phyllis Austin (Resident Consultant), Alex LeForge (Resident Consultant),
• Colonization Team: Phyllis Austin, Lauren Stern Heather Hays, Kara Mantooth, Sherry Dutton, Whitney
Frazier, Amanda Smith, Lisa Niedenthal, Taryn Hinderland
(Resident Consultant), Celia Reed (NSD), Heather Hays, • AOII Collegiate Chapter Assistance: Chi Psi (Cal Poly SLO),
Kara Mantooth, Veronica Kentish, Rachel Boison Lambda Beta (CSU Long Beach) and Theta Iota
• AOII Collegiate Chapter Assistance: Beta Zeta (CSU San Marcos)
(Kennesaw State U)
New Alumnae
California State University, Chico Chapter Installations
Zeta Theta
El Paso Alumnae Chapter
• Colonization Dates: February 28-March 2, 2014
• Colonizing Officer: Rebecca Herman AOII announces the installation of the El Paso Alumnae
• Colonization Team: Rebecca Herman, Liz Pietsch, Chapter on February 8, 2014. Executive Board Member
Grace Houston was the Installing Officer and Kristy Pacheco
Andrea Theobald, Tracy Ottey, Chantel Schieffer (NSD), was nominated to serve as the President. You may email your
Nevena Pehar (Resident Consultant), Helen Block, congratulations to [email protected].
Mary Catherine Stewart
Northwest Georgia Alumnae Chapter
• AOII Collegiate Chapter Assistance: Delta Sigma
We are also excited to announce that the Northwest Georgia
(San Jose State U) Alumnae Chapter was installed on April 5, 2014. Executive
Board Member Amber Countis served as the Installing
8 • To Dragma Officer. Please join us in congratulating our newest alumnae
chapter by sending your notes of congratulations to new
president Vicki Williams at [email protected].
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
AOII Founders' AOII to Rebrand and Relaunch “Fulfilling the Promise”
Storytelling Session Educational Site
Available on CD
Providing relevant, timely and user-friendly written resources is a goal of the Fraternity
The only recorded audio of the outlined in the Strategic Plan. In an effort to achieve this for our membership, AOII is
AOII Founders in the archives excited to announce the rebranding of the Fulfilling the Promise e-learning website.
is of a storytelling session Currently in development with plans to launch at LI, the new site will offer continuing
during the 1951 Convention in education and awareness about topics important to women of all ages, through articles,
Glenwood Springs, Colorado. interviews and learning modules. In addition, the site will house the Officer Resource Library,
The words and elegant voices of online trainings specific for AOII volunteers and officers, and an idea bank where questions
three living founders, Stella, Bess can be posed by topic or office. The site will be accessible to all members and is funded in
and Jessie, were featured during part by the AOII Foundation.
educational sessions for LI 2012
and Convention 2013. CDs of AOII Promotes Wellness with “Heart of Health” Program
the entire recording are now
available for purchase by AOII AOII is excited to announce that resources are currently being developed to promote health
chapters and members for $12 and wellness among our members. Through a partnership with Joe Malone, a Ph.D. candidate
each. To acquire a copy, contact at Middle Tennessee State University, AOII will soon be able to offer our membership
[email protected], or interactive educational tools such as:
chapter officers may complete a
supply order form in the Officer · A health and wellness-based educational module that can
Resource Library. be presented at chapter meetings
· A healthy eating guide designed for sorority women
· Workout routines that sorority women can perform in
residence halls/apartments/chapter facilities
· A manual to guide a health and wellness committee
We look forward to our continued partnership with Joe throughout
the next few months as we move toward the roll-out of these new
resources at LI in June!
Upcoming Fall 2014 Colonizations
During Spring 2014, AOII has colonized three new chapters and installed two others. At this time, we have confirmed
colonizations at three outstanding universities for Fall 2014. Contact Kara Mantooth at [email protected] if you
are interested in working with one of the new chapters listed below or would like additional information on colonization plans.
University of Wisconsin - Duquesne University Seton Hall University
Milwaukee (Phi Delta)
Duquesne U is a private Catholic Seton Hall is a private Catholic
AOII’s history with the University university with more than university in South Orange,
of Wisconsin - Milwaukee initially 10,000 students located in New Jersey. Known as the
spanned 1958 to 1995. AOII is pleased Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. AOII oldest diocesan university in
to be recolonizing our Phi Delta will join this community as the 9th the United States, enrollment is
Chapter within this public urban NPC organization which includes approximately 10,000. Our new
college community. With a student Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Phi, chapter will become the 5th NPC
population of nearly 28,000 students, Alpha Sigma Tau, Delta Sigma group on campus, joining Alpha
AOII will become the 2nd NPC chapter Theta, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta, Gamma Delta, Alpha Phi, Alpha
on campus, joining Gamma Phi Beta. Sigma Kappa and Zeta Tau Alpha. Sigma Tau and Delta Phi Epsilon.
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 9
Restoring your perception
Good PR builds
Our PR committee laid out a plan that
included which shirt we would be wearing as
a chapter each day as well as the interactive
social media posts we scheduled to go out at
different times during the day. Phone apps
make scheduling posts ahead of time so easy, so
Chi Epsilon is part of a rapidly you don’t have to worry about getting caught
up in day to day activities and forgetting to
growing community at The Ohio State post. We selected “AOPride Week” as our
University. Four years ago, campus total for the theme using #AOPride on social media to
14 NPC sororities was 100; today it is almost our outside audiences. On Monday, we all
160. Until the addition of Gamma Phi Beta wore the new purple stitch letters, Tuesday,
this past spring, AOII was the youngest sorority we wore last Spring’s bid day sweatshirt (we
on campus. Chartered 21 years ago in 1993, do formal recruitment in January), Wednesday
we’ve had our share of ups and downs trying we wore our Strike Out Arthritis shirts, and so
to be competitive with some of the older and on. During our chapter meeting prior to the
more established sororities on campus - some week, two sisters with different clothing styles
in the same location for more than 100 years. and tastes were chosen for each day of the week
At convention this past summer in Chicago, we to model how they would style the apparel to
were told that extension was possible at OSU, match their own style while still reflecting credit
and we would be wise to build a more visible on AOII. Sisters loved posting their outfits on
public image on campus before another chapter social media and replying to everyone else’s
is established. posts, as well as retweeting and sharing Facebook
As AOIIs, we cherish our sisterhood and statuses because we made it fun!
by Kristine Varkony, Chi Epsilon mark success on both internal values and Also, to make our AOPride Week more
(The Ohio State U), external accomplishments, but who can meaningful, we used Instagram to incorporate
VP of Communications, fully understand us by just passing us on the Ritual and AOII’s core values: character,
To Dragma Reporter street or walking through our door? True dignity, scholarship, and college loyalty. We
understanding comes through communication also celebrated our big and little sisters with
and building one-on-one relationships an Instagram contest. One of the days, we had
between ourselves and others. This is where everyone update their Facebook status to the
the idea for our “AOPR Week” originated. Object of the Fraternity, as well as post a special
AOII picture on Instagram with the Object as
So what is AOPR Week? Our goal was to the caption. It proved very meaningful to both
organize a very large physical and social media members and non-members. Our Facebook
presence on campus during a designated week friends and family see our sorority activities
in November. For our physical presence, we and all of the fun we have, but they didn’t
were in the fortunate position of having money understand the real meaning of our sisterhood
available in the budget to order several tees for or what we stand for until they read our object.
each member. We ordered a Chi Epsilon 20th I know from personal experience, that my
Anniversary tee, special sisterhood tee, purple family was very impressed with it, having not
stitched-letter tee and a bright orange athletic completely realized that I am a member of a
tank you can see coming a mile away. values-based organization, first and foremost.
10 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
By far our most heartwarming and well-received The week reaped results in more ways than
Twitter post was “Show some real Alpha Love: just fun times and positive social media
tweet complements at sisters to make them buzz. It brought our chapter together to
smile!” There were hundreds of responses, work through one goal, accomplish it, and
and you could tell by being around the house then celebrate our success together.
how confident this activity made women of the
chapter feel. It was incredible. If nothing else, I of my favorites were, “I never knew how
believe every chapter should give this a try if it is many AOIIs I was friends with until #AOPride
not already being done. Week,” and “All I see is panda love on my
timeline right now.” On a campus of 60,000,
Along with each day’s individual apparel and and with a chapter our size, capturing someone’s
social media posts, we also released a few photos attention to this degree is difficult.
from an autumn photo shoot we did at iconic
Ohio State locations around campus. The Members of our AAC, Network team, and The
pictures turned out beautifully. The weather Ohio State Sorority and Fraternity Life office
and fall foliage set the scene for us to showcase were pleased with our efforts as well. Janet
how gorgeous and varied our sisters are. Each Evers, our Network Specialist-Recruitment, has
sister chose an outfit based on her individual shared and recommended that other chapters
style. The photos are a wonderful representation adopt the plan into their PR efforts as well.
of our chapter submotto,“individually unique,
but together complete.”
The week was truly a success based on word-
of-mouth and social media feedback. Several
members from other fraternities and sororities
on campus tweeted or posted about us. A few
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 11
She thought the real strength of the plan was
tying it to Ritual. “So often we do banners or a
Facebook page for our events, and while they’re
great, they’re not necessarily reaching the women
and people on our campus community the way
we need them to,” she said. “What I felt was
really great about this PR plan was its potential
to reach so many of the right people through our
PR efforts.”
Kate Butler, Coordinator of Sorority and
Fraternity Life for Recruitment and Leadership
Development at Ohio State, agrees. “AOPR
Week made Chi Epsilon stand out in a positive
way! I think Chi Epsilon does a great job at PR.
They coordinate as an organization to ensure the
campus sees the broad impact that their members
have in the community.”
The week reaped results in more ways than just
fun times and positive social media buzz. It
brought our chapter together to work through
one goal, accomplish it, and then celebrate our
success together. Each of us were a part of the
goal, and it took all of us working as one to see
it become a reality. We really do cherish our
sisterhood, and we love that our friends, family
and campus community are starting to better
understand why.
Chi Epsilon’s AOPride Week PR Plan
(Scheduled via HootSuite to go out each day at the same time.)
Sisters: our goal this week is to have a large physical and social media presence on campus. So make
sure you are retweeting, sharing, and talking about AOII! Most importantly, be yourself; the best
version of yourself! Style your AOII attire to reflect your personal style and personality while still
reflecting credit upon AOII. You are all so amazing, and this week should be used to highlight that.
Let’s give them a glimpse of who we are this week. Keep in mind, you may be the only AOII someone
knows or ever sees. This is a big campus, so please let your words and actions reflect our true
sisterhood at all times. Here are some things you can do:
· Please tweet #AOPride after all tweets and add applicable hashtags as you wish!
(ex: #AOII, #scholarship, #collegeloyalty, #AlphaLove, #family)
· Retweet all appropriate replies from the girls that respond!
· Please set an example by retweeting and sharing the posts yourself :)
12 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
Day 1 - Tuesday - Living the Ritual Day Day 2 - Wednesday - Big and Little Day
Elections are tonight. Let your light shine today. Schedule a family outing! We have SO much to celebrate right now:
initiation, a new LC and cabinet, so go to lunch, dinner, froyo, coffee,
Attire: Block-letter shirts (during the day), Whites (for initiation), anything! Just make sure you celebrate your friendship together.
Pin Attire (for elections) Attire: Bid Day ‘13 Sweatshirts
Social Media: Again, be on the lookout to interact and share big/little
Social Media: Be on the look out for interactive twitter prompts
moments including your outings!
involving very light and surface level parts of our ritual.
10 a.m. - VPC will post the Stella quote from our maroon t-shirts as
10 a.m. - VPC will post “You are always wearing your letters” with
the Facebook status with one of the photo shoot pics.
a photo from the photo shoot as our Facebook status.
11 a.m. - Contest time: cutest AOII big/little photo! Go!
11 a.m. - Show some real Alpha Love: tweet compliments at your
2 p.m. - What is your favorite big/little moment?
sisters to make them smile!
5 p.m. - Tweet pictures of your big/little outing!
2 p.m. - How are you exceeding the expectation by living the
ritual everyday? VPC will post with 1st picture of “everyday
ways to live ritual” card.
6 p.m. - Which one of your sisters do you think exemplifies living
the ritual and why? VPC will post with 2nd picture of
“everyday ways to live ritual” card.
Day 3 - Thursday - Object of the Fraternity Day - Part 1 Day 4 -Friday - Object of the Fraternity Day - Part 2
Attire: Bid Day shirts, new member class block-letter shirts Attire: new Homecoming long sleeve tshirts
Social Media: Please post the Object of the Fraternity as your status, Social Media: If you haven’t already, please post the Object as your
and if you have an Instagram, post an AOII picture with it as the status and with a picture! We will be focusing on college loyalty
caption. It will hopefully be an awesome conversation starter. So, on Twitter!
please respond to those who inquire about it. We will be focusing on
the scholarship aspect of the object in the interactive twitter prompt, 10 a.m. - VPC will post the entire album from the fall photo shoot.
so please be on the look out for that once again!
11 a.m. - What is your favorite Ohio State tradition? #OhioState
10 a.m. - VPC will post the Object of the Fraternity on Facebook
2 p.m. - Tweet pictures of you and sisters showing your Ohio
with a photo from the photo shoot. She will also
randomly be posting them on Facebook and Twitter State pride.
and Instagram.
5 p.m. - We’re celebrating the end of #AOPride week with fall date
12 p.m. - Sisters, make sure you are reaching out to younger sisters
party, tweet pictures of you and sisters getting ready!
that are in your major or taking the same classes as you,
so you can study together!
4 p.m. - How has a sister helped you or how have you helped a
sister with the studies?
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 13
Restoring yourself
Facing a
by Kate Sureck, Pi Alpha (U of Louisville)
I didn’t know I was fat and shape would fluctuate depending on where in
until I was 10 years old. the cycle I was - binging, purging, or restriction.
I’ve done all of it.
I found out from a group of strangers who made
fun of me at the pool on a family vacation. I saw It was the classmates who made fun of me in gym
the pointing, the laughing, and even the picture for not being naturally athletic. It was the football
that was taken of me while they talked about player I heard call me fat from the field when I
how fat I was. Those boys were the reason I made was a cheerleader in high school. It was the guy I
myself throw up my dinner purposely that night. dated in college who said I was an 8, but if I lost
I don’t even remember how I knew to do it, but 20 pounds, I’d be a 10. At the time, I’m sure none
I still remember the feeling afterwards- some of them had any idea the harsh words they said to
shock but mostly satisfaction. Like I had done me were becoming another memory, engrained
something about those harsh words I heard. Like in my mind at my lack of worth. Maybe some
I was eliminating the toxic things they said about of them didn’t even know I’d heard it. But every
me. Like I was ridding myself of my imperfection. word and comment became a mental decision and
That day began an eighteen year struggle with the resolution ‘I will eat less, I will work out more. I
eating disorder which has taken over much of my will be thinner. I will become worthwhile.’ They
life. Beginning in elementary school, then through didn’t know when they made these comments that
middle and high school, college, and even my post sometimes it had been days since I’d eaten or that I
grad years, my weight, appearance, and everything was actually using laxatives and detox supplements
I put in my mouth became an obsession. as meals. They didn’t know that their opinions
were just more affirmations of what I had been told
To see me and even to know me, you probably previously and that thought stayed constant in my
wouldn’t guess that I had an eating disorder. Most mind ‘You are fat so you are worthless.’
people think those are reserved for the extremely
skinny or who have an obsession with the gym and Like most people with eating disorders, I had a
I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life. By need to control every aspect of my life. My grades
the time I was 10, I was 5’6’’ and 150 pounds - the were excellent, I was in more clubs than I could
same height and weight I am today. I was never name, I was proficient in multiple instruments, and
underweight. But through my life, as I got older I was president of my sorority. I was constantly
and the eating disorder became my focus, my size busying myself, constantly trying to prove myself.
Many of those things should be considered trophies
14 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 15
for hard work, him, crying
effort and talent. that I didn’t
I needed them just spend two
and clung to hours working
them to build my out to ruin it
self-worth. In the with food. I told
back of my mind him that eating
though, I always would make
felt like none of me weak. And
these accolades I believed it. I
mattered because truly believed
I wasn’t thin that if I ate
enough. something -
anything - after
What I didn’t understand through my constant spending two hours with my heart racing and my
need for control to attain perfection, was that I no muscles working, that I was weak-willed. I realized
longer had any control over my life at all. The eating at that moment that I had every right to be one of
disorder controlled me, my thoughts, and my actions. the happiest people in the world. I had a wonderful
Food, my weight, and my appearance were my family and friends, a boyfriend who loved and cared
first and last thoughts of the day and every other in deeply for me, a great job and place to live. I should
between. The disorder was all-consuming. be enjoying my life; but instead, I was fixated on how
imperfect I was and felt completely unworthy of love.
At one point, I burned all yearbooks and pictures The disorder had taken over everything.
of me I could find from my childhood. I couldn’t
bear to even see myself as anything less than what That night, my dad drove four hours to see me. He
I thought was near perfection. I thought about the made me eat. He made me talk. He let me cry. He
guys I had dated and potential future boyfriends and told me he and my mom loved me. He made sure
wondered who could love me if they saw that I ever I knew it was true. I told him everything. Then I
looked like that? I carried these burdens and thoughts told Mike everything. I’d never even mentioned any
into every relationship and at every relationship’s of my memories, struggles, or the disorder to past
conclusion, I always decided that it was my weight - boyfriends because deep down, I didn’t want to let
nothing else - that contributed to its demise. them into that part of my life. Letting Mike in was
scary because I didn’t know if he’d still love someone
It wasn’t until a few months ago, with the help of my who was so broken and damaged. Behind this model
boyfriend Mike, my family, and a few close friends, of perfection I’d tried so hard to emulate the past
that I was able to confront this disorder for what it 18 years, I was still a broken little girl, feeling that
was - a distortion of who I am and what I’m worth. she was too fat. Too imperfect. Not enough and yet
Mike and I had spent a few hours at the gym and I too much at the same time. Through the coming
was completely disgusted with myself to the point weeks, I was amazed at the support I gained from my
where I didn’t even want him to see me working family, friends, and sorority sisters. I started going
out. After we left, Mike asked where I wanted to eat. to counseling at a clinic that specializes in eating
I told him I wasn’t hungry. “That’s ridiculous,” he disorders. I started facing and fighting the monster
said. “You haven’t eaten all day and we just worked that had taken hold of me for most of my life.
out. You need to eat something.” I lashed out at
16 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
As of today, I’ve spent about six months in recovery The road to recovery is long, arduous, yet so
of my eating disorder. Some days are obviously incredibly worthwhile. Without the love and
better than others. I still struggle, and replacing years support of many around me, I doubt I would have
of negative thoughts and feelings towards myself ever found the courage to overcome this disorder.
is difficult - so is trying to forgive those who said If you or someone you know seems to show signs
hurtful things to me and about me. However, I now and symptoms of an eating disorder, I implore you
know that I am better than this disorder and I no to reach out. Eating disorders take many forms and
longer let other people’s words influence what I am occur in all types of people. Until you start actively
worth. Thinking back on my 10-year-old self, I now learning what behaviors are associated with an eating
realize I was not fat. I was not ugly. I was only a disorder, it may be easy to discount many signs.
child. The words of others distorted my own view of
myself, and it distorted reality.
True happiness will only come
through learning to love and
accept yourself which is
comfort that a dress tag
or a number on a scale will
never provide.
To learn more about eating disorders and how you can find help, visit: To Dragma • 17
National Eating Disorder Awareness
National Eating Disorders Association
National Institute of Health
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
Restoring your soul
The Forrest Spence Fund
Helping Others Find Light In The Darkness
by Andrea Theobald, Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U), Director of Chapter Services
Although many of us the death of their young son into a way to following week. This is where she felt that
face adversity within our serve others through a 501(c)3 nonprofit she spent the most quality time with her
own lives, rarely do we organization to assist families of critically ill sisters and it helped create strong relationships
encounter individuals who children during their darkest days. Her story among them. Brittany was also involved
have overcome extreme provides motivation for each of us to live out on campus as a UT orientation leader, a
difficulties and emerged the mission of Alpha Omicron Pi every day. member of ACE (All Campus Events),
as a stronger person Women’s Director of the Cross Ministry,
determined to make a Brittany’s AOII journey began with our and an alternative fall break leader. Instead
positive impact on the Omicron Chapter at the U of Tennessee, of going home or going on a vacation during
world about us. Knoxville in 1998. Brittany was very her fall or spring breaks, Brittany attended
impressed by the reputation of the chapter on three alternative spring break programs.
Brittany Spence, Omicron (U of Tennessee), the college campus and even more so by the She found this to be very fulfilling as 15-20
is a shining example of someone with the caliber of women that made up the Omicron strangers joined together simply for the
ability to take a challenge and build her Chapter. Soon after joining, Brittany purpose of serving others. Brittany’s life of
own bridge to overcome it. Her strength became very active within her chapter and service would not end. Although she was
and wisdom are inspiring and are a living the campus community. For Greek Life, not prepared for the series of events that
example of the heart of AOII. As Stella she was on the New Member Education led to the family establishing the Forrest
George Stern Perry once wrote, “That Committee, was Panhellenic Chaplain, Spence Fund, many families have since been
which makes our bond is promise certain of Assistant Vice President of Membership positively affected because of the Fund’s
success. Let us follow our ensign devotedly, Recruitment and then served as the Vice selfless dedication to its mission.
utterly and bravely. For our purpose cannot President of Membership Recruitment.
fail.” Brittany, and her husband David, Formal recruitment helped her develop her On September 10, 2007, Forrest Spence,
channeled the devastating loss they felt after most fond memories of Alpha Omicron Brittany and David’s first child, was born.
Pi, particularly during pre-recruitment Shortly after his birth, Forrest became
work week. She loved spending time sick with Group B Streptococcus. He was
with all of her sisters in the same place for transported to the Pediatric Intensive Care
three to four days at a time while preparing Unit at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital in
for recruitment that would take place the Memphis, Tennessee and began a desperate
18 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
fight for this life. During this time, his “It will be the hardest thing
parents experienced several moments of you will ever go through
both highs and lows, but amidst all of their but you will survive it and
struggles, they were met with significant be stronger because of it.
amounts of care and compassion. Brittany
and David welcomed the loving kindness of necessary for the healing process. We in give back to others.” Luckily, Brittany has
close family and friends and also sometimes the NICU are very grateful that so many four Omicron sisters whom she has remained
complete strangers. This gave them hope non-medical needs of our families are being close to since their initiation in 1998. They
and encouraged them to push forward even met through the Forrest Spence Fund.” have been in each others’ weddings and
though the journey was becoming more and Although counseling is one service that have rallied around one another through the
more difficult. Although his parents had is offered, the fund also helps to provide good times and the bad. Specifically, these
gathered enough strength to keep going, this essential physical resources for families. women help each year with the fund’s 5k, in
was not the case for Forrest. On November addition to donating financially. If you are
4, 2007, only fifty-five days after arriving The Forrest Spence Fund offers interested in donating or volunteering for
at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Forrest complimentary family dinners at local the Forrest Spence Fund, or would like to
passed away. hospitals, care bags for families, individual read more about the Spence family’s story,
grants, and assistance for typical family please visit their website at http://www.
In light of their experience and as a expenses. The fund really tries to help
continuing tribute to their son, the Forrest families feel as though they are at home
Spence Fund was founded in 2008 to assist during their time spent at the hospital. Also, Photos at left are a loving tribute to Forrest and
with the non-medical needs of critically ill the fund takes into account other expenses his parents. Above, Brittany and David Spence
children and their families throughout the that health insurance providers will not now have three more beautiful children. Austin
Mid South. The fund began as a way for cover. One parent stated, “The survival tote (5), Miller (3) and Maggie (1).
the Spence family and for others to support bag the fund provided was full of comforting
families dealing with similar situations. Also, gifts. It held a journal for our stay, a washed
the fund began to give back to regional pink lovie that was ready to be held by
hospitals, such as Le Bonheur, who have our daughter, and supplies to make breast-
amazing staff members willing to fight for feeding easier. We are thankful beyond
those that need help the most. words for the fund’s continuous support and
for the amazing people they sent to help us
The work of the fund today can be on our journey.”
categorized in four ways. First, the
fund helps individual and family needs, Although this gives one person’s perspective
specifically meeting the needs of children of the fund, there are hundreds of others
and their families as they battle illnesses that eager to share their story as well. Whether
significantly affect their lives. Also, the fund these individuals were positively impacted
provides institutional support for family- by the supplies given to them, the family
centered care. Next, the fund connects dinners, the free counseling, or the general
families with counselors who can help them grants for additional assistance, it is evident
face the critical or chronic illness. Lastly, that the warmth displayed by Brittany and
the Fund provides up to $5,000 for families her family has significantly encouraged those
through need-based grants. Provided embarking on a similar journey.
care usually falls within one of these four
categories and the fund’s staff and volunteers When asked what advice Brittany had
are careful to treat each family individually for AOII sisters who have experienced a
based on their own unique experience. comparable loss, she said, “It will be the
hardest thing you will ever go through, but
These families receive emotional support, you will survive it and be stronger because of
guidance, and counseling with the help of it. Lean on God, family, friends, and others
the Forrest Spence Fund. An employee who have gone through it and find a way to
from Le Bonheur states, “I feel that one
of the most important services the fund
provides is to pay for counseling services for
the families that are grieving the loss of a
child. Many families cannot afford to pay
for counseling services, but they are often
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 19
Restoring your stuff
Chalk one up
for Fun!
by Mariellen Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Director of To Dragma and Archives
Furniture restoration can be a fun and rewarding experience. It can take less time
and money than you might expect to transform pieces of furniture or decorative
items into something uniquely yours. Part of the fun is finding what inspires you,
whether it is a piece you already own that is in need of a makeover, or a garage
sale bargain. The idea of turning an inexpensive find into a conversation piece
is a great way for college students or new graduates to fill a first apartment with
furniture they can afford.
With chalk paint, most projects are quick and easy because there is no need for
prep work such as sanding. And chalk paint covers just about any surface from
wood to metal, and dries in a few hours to a beautiful velvety, matte finish. Use
flat brushes for a smooth look or bristle brushes for a more textured look. After
the paint dries, a light sanding on edges or corners gives the piece a customized
distressed look. If you wish, wipe on and wipe off a coat of wax at the end for
protection and durability. There are more advanced techniques available such
as layering colors, using multiple wax colors, limewashing and much more. But
simple is always good, too.
One good paint option is to use products from the line of Annie Sloan decorative
paints. To learn more about Annie Sloan Chalk Paint®, visit
Her products are available online or at selected retail establishments. Visit her
website to see if there is a store near you. Another option is to buy a chalk powder
and mix your own using any latex paint brand and color of your choice. Histique is
one popular option and can be ordered through Both paints
were used in the projects featured on the following pages and both delivered the
results we were seeking.
20 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
My parents’ original chest of drawers
from the 1940s had long been on my
“to do” list for a restoration project.
Stripping off layers of old paint and
stain always seemed like more
work than I was willing to invest at the
time. My first experience with chalk
paint was the restoration of this
meaningful old chest for my son’s first
apartment. My parents are no longer with us,
but they would be proud to know that this
well-used item now has a brand new purpose.
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 Another fun transformation
came out of my teenage
daughter’s childhood
bookcase. She recently
banished it to the garage
with other unwanted items
for our next garage sale. I
wondered if the shelves that
once held Mother Goose,
Dr. Seuss and American Girl
books, could find another
purpose. A coat of paint, a
slathering of wax and a new
place in our home office
proved me right.
To Dragma • 21
To Dragma’s designer, Whitney Frazier, loves a creative challenge so she
was excited to tackle our out-of-style chair restoration project. A few
short hours of stripping off material, painting and stapling on new fabric
delivered an amazing result. If that’s not inspiring, I don’t know what is!
Supplies and inspiration tips to get you started
22 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
The perfect paint color on the right piece can
change a room from adding subtle highlights to
bold definitions. And like wall paint, if you don’t
like the end result you can just try again.
Painting not only restores the furniture, it
restores the soul. Regine Merz, a certified art
therapist writes, “Painting is good for your soul,
stimulates the senses and has a steadying effect
on emotions.” Paint on!
Here are a few other chalk paint
projects we’ve added to our
collections (clockwise from top
right): an old brass lamp is now
graphite with a shade covered
with new material, red TV armoire
formerly was a light pine, and
both the chest and end table had
a cherry finish in another life.
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 23
200th Chapter Installation
Phi Gamma - Georgia College & State University
Alpha Omicron Pi was thrilled to install our 200th Banquet that afternoon, friends and family members,
collegiate chapter on December 8, 2013 at Georgia as well as representatives from the campus fraternity
College & State U in Milledgeville, Georgia. Allison and sorority community, were all able to celebrate the
Allgier, AOII’s International President, was the accomplishments of the charter class. In her speech at
installing officer. Rose Banquet, new President Whitney Dickson said,
“This group of women is strong, courageous, high
Eighty-eight new collegiate members were initiated minded, like-minded, and filled with leaders who
into AOII membership and one transfer student are not afraid to go against the grain and be a part of
affiliated with the chapter after a semester of something new and different. I have never been more
development and growth as a colony. The GCSU honored or thankful than I am right now to be granted
colony chose Phi Gamma as their chapter name and the opportunity to lead this outstanding group of
“Live by Faith, Move by Grace” as their submotto. women as Chapter President, and to be able to say that
The submotto selection stems from values the chapter I am a founding sister of the 200th chapter of AOII. ”
believes will guide them in their endeavors. Grace
serves a double meaning, as it is also in honor of AOII Phi Gamma members started the Spring 2014 semester
Executive Board Vice President Grace Houston, their with the news of the purchase and Fall 2014 anticipated
Colonizing Officer. occupancy of a new home near campus. We know
there will be many notable successes to come as this
The Installation weekend started with the Ceremony chapter leaves its legacy at Georgia College & State
of Transition, a time for the colony members and their University and also within AOII!
AAC volunteers to share reflections on the twelve-
week journey toward Installation. The next morning,
the colony convened to be initiated, installed as Phi
Gamma, and to install their new officers. At the Rose
Activities and Bragging Rights:
- Won first place in the “Greek Seasons Fashion Show,” as well as first place and
$500 for our philanthropy in a cake competition between sororities!
- Held a “Bake Out Arthritis” event at the Oconee Area Fair.
- Attended AOII Strike Out Arthritis Night with the Atlanta Braves at Turner Field.
- Partnered with ”Have A Heart, Save A Life” (for the Baldwin County Animal
Shelter) and raised $2,000 by selling shirts, homemade doggie treats, and taking
donations at the Deep Roots Festival in Milledgeville, GA.
- Participated in Fall Fest by tabling for prospective students of GCSU.
- Held a BBQ social event with Theta Chi Fraternity.
24 • To Dragma Issue No. 2 • Spring 2014
Submotto: Live by Faith, Move by Grace
Charter Members
Cassidy Amason Taylor Fitzgerald Edith Quattlebaum
Samantha Amtmann Amanda Fortson Samantha Rezac
Carli Arza Abigail Gardner Megan Ribovich
Lia Attwater Katherine Giovanetti Tiffany Sammons
Morgan Barrett Helen Harris Sandi Schodowski
Georgia Bland Savannah Harrison Anna Schoubert
Katie Bowles Mallory Herring Hollie Schwanebeck
Brittany Brown Michelle Higgins Samantha Scoggins
Emily Buckingham Tara Ingold Hayden Scruggs
Danielle Cahill Allie Jones Rachel Simonton
Allyson Chambers Hannah Jordan Haley Smith
Jillian Clancy Evea Kaldas Maddy Stanitzke
Sarah Costello Alex Kennedy Katie Sweatman
Savanna Cottle Leilani Kukua Haley Tidwell
Katie Cox Rachel LeGear Allie Traylor
Samantha Crain Mary Charlotte Leicht Morgan Turner
Chelsea Crawford Kimberly Linder Alyssa Varsalona
Mackenzie Crisp Sara Loaisa Meggie Walling
Casey Crooms Paife Lott Abigail Watkins
Keira Crossan Danielle Lutyk Brittany Wear
Karlee Crowe Morgan Maxwell Anna Weibel
Laura Daley Kelly Miller Carly White
Samantha Davis Caroline Mills Jessica White
Lexie Desprez Olivia Moesser Lauren-Kate Whittemore
Whitney Dickson Emily Moore Mary Whittington
Kaitlin Dollarhide Layne Newman Brittany Wilson
Summer Duffy Alexandra Oliveri Torianna Wilson
Taylor Dukes Abby Orlansky Emily Zilleox
Jaqueline Eno Sarah Pruitt
Jessie Fink Tricia Pulliam
Issue No. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 25
34th Chapter Reinstallation
Alpha Rho - Oregon State University
Alpha Omicron Pi proudly reinstalled our 34th chartered always feel like they have someone to turn to, so I wanted to
collegiate chapter on March 2, 2014. The Alpha Rho Chapter make that a part of my speech. Whenever one of us is lonely
of Alpha Omicron Pi at Oregon State University made a or not having a great day, we just post on our page and at least
triumphant return to campus to the delight of many dedicated 10 girls respond and will drop whatever they are doing just
alumnae and AOIIs from around the area. Allison Allgier, to support you. Most of us have never felt so loved and cared
AOII International President, served as the initiating officer, about by friends before and it’s amazing. Installation was better
and Gayle Fitzpatrick, AOII Vice President and Alpha Rho than any of us could have imagined. It was such a beautiful
initiate, served as the installing officer. experience that we will treasure forever. Also, some bragging:
We did really well participating in our first philanthropy. We
Sixty-one collegiate members were initiated into AOII were tied for third place by the first few days of another group’s
membership. The chapter will continue to be represented by philanthropy, and in a pageant, one of our sisters placed second.
the phrase, “Truth Fulfillment” as their submotto, a name that All of the other chapters took notice of us. This is just the
typifies the chapter’s unique character indefinitely. This was a beginning for Alpha Rho. Once we get rolling we will
particularly special homecoming for Alpha Rho alumnae who be unstoppable!”
now live far and wide, but many of whom assisted with the
weekend’s festivities as sponsors for the new initiates. Submotto
In her installation reception speech, newly elected Chapter Truth Fulfillment
President Danielle Whitlock said, “Today is the first day we
are official AOIIs, and the last day we will ever be lonely.” She
further explained the sense of sisterhood she felt with her fellow
initiates, “The women of the chapter kept saying how they
26 • To Dragma Issue No. 2 • Spring 2014
Bragging Rights Charter Members Montanna McCormack
Emily McDonald
- Alpha Rho members are leaders on campus Carmen Alzaga-Elizondo Olivia McLean-Vigil
in high profile roles, including one member Jillian Armstrong Katie Jo Mercier
who leads all activities of the Memorial Anna Bartholemy Gabrielle Monaco
Union Programs Council and was responsible Eve Berrington Megan O’Malley
for a major Children’s Holiday Party. Steffany Bixby Tina Orze
Rosie Bliss Tiana Pearson
- AOII is already active in campus events and Kaitlyn Boze Patience Pinard
traditions at OSU such as Sing, where the Emily Brown Melanie Pollard
event Executive Director is an AOII. Groups Melissa Campana Malia Powers
partner together to choreograph and sing Cara Campanella Corrie Racanelli
for a 10-minute performance in this popular Aimee Cannella Laurel Ransom
campus show. Madeline Carmel Lauren Revoir
Sarah Chaney Courtney Schoeder
- Alpha Rho is so proud to be contributing Kaleen Coker Maya Shaanan
philanthropically to OSU, such as by Becca Dryden Melanie Shelton
serving on the Board for “Beavs Helping Daniella Durant Emily Shepard
Kids,” which is a one-day service and Lauryn Enos Alli Stangel
philanthropy event that raised nearly $9,000 Taylor Farquhar Morgan Tenney
last year alone. Alexandra Ferrell Chantel Totten
Savannah Gentry Madison Turner
- The chapter elected to support a Girl Scout Hannah Goelzer Nicole Vandewettering
Troop in Corvallis for a local philanthropy. Monica Grandorff Shelbi Wakamatsu
Sarah Greenberg Renae Weiss
- The chapter is proud of a sister working Victoria Harris Danielle Whitlock
as an Equine Therapist for an at-risk Shelby Hockaday Ashley Wolff
youth program. Shelbi Kelly Shannon Wyne
Elizabeth Lefstad Madison Yoshioka
- AOII came in second in their first Shannon Leigh Haley Young
participation in Sigma Phi Epsilon’s Catherine Lo
philanthropy event. Jordyn Lowen
Danielle Marcus
- The chapter is extremely supportive of
athletic teams and events on campus. To Dragma • 27
Issue No. 2 • Spring 2014
In 2013, the Foundation Board of Directors entered into a process to update our Strategic Plan.
We surveyed our donors, asking them what they expected from the AOII Foundation. We talked
with Board and staff members, looked at the survey results and created a Strategic Plan that is a
road map for the future success of the Foundation.
This plan would not have been possible without the feedback from donors—thank you! We listened
and are working to live up to member expectations. We learned that members want us to be transparent
about where donation money goes, they want us to share the stories of the women who benefit from their
donations and they want us to use their charitable dollars wisely. Under the guidance of this Strategic Plan,
the Foundation Board and Staff are committed to fulfill these expectations.
We invite you to join in our journey to fulfilling it.
Foundation Mission Statement
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is committed to enhancing the lives of our members and Securing
the Future of our Fraternity through leadership development, scholarships and philanthropic endeavors.
Strategic Plan Volunteer Leadership: Build and train an exceptional,
2014–2017 results-oriented volunteer pool committed to high
achievement and responsible stewardship of resources.
Stewardship: Develop a comprehensive and
measurable development plan to ensure the future objective 1: Achieve 100% participation by all
sustainability of the Foundation.
board members in annual giving campaign and in
objective 1: Train board members and alumnae cultivation and stewardship of donors.
volunteers to develop new and sustain current objective 2: Develop strategies to recruit new
relationships with alumnae and collegians that will
provide diverse funding sources. board members and other alumnae volunteers
focusing on a connection between skills and
objective 2: Increase new donors by 5%, Loyalty Fund strategic priorities, competencies and spheres
of influence.
giving by 15% and donor retention by 25%.
objective 3: Effectively train and manage
objective 3: Increase major gifts by 10% annually.
objective 4: Develop and implement innovative ways to Foundation board members and Foundation
alumnae volunteers to actively participate in the
educate and engage collegians and young alumnae in achievement of fund development goals.
sustainable giving practices.
objective 4: Continue to revise bylaws and
governance processes to focus on policy,
oversight and fund development activities.
28 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
Operations: Build and promote a culture that Communications: Continue enhancing the
emphasizes best practices and transparency and Foundation brand and broadening communications
promotes innovation, expertise and professionalism. efforts to reach all members of Alpha Omicron Pi.
objective 1: Continue to sustain a balanced budget and objective 1: Create a library of Foundation success
objective 2:provide regular financial reports.
stories to educate members and donors.
Implement a new database management
system to develop more strategic analytics for use in objective 2: Use a variety of traditional and social media
planning and implementation of development objectives.
sources to further engage members and donors.
objective 3: Explore staff and volunteer roles to reach
objective 3: Develop a communications plan to educate
fund development goals more effectively.
collegians on the importance of giving to the Foundation.
objective 4: Expand the number of scholarships
objective 4: Develop more targeted messaging to
offered by 15% and increase the size of scholarships
by at least 25%. produce stronger connectivity with members and donors.
Ambassador Sharing the Mission
The mission of the AOII Foundation Ambassador Program is Alumnae
to educate AOII collegians, alumnae and their families about
the good works of the Foundation. Rosanna (Rosie) Heinrichs chapter visits are
believes her work as an Ambassador is to help Secure the
Future of AOII. different, but
Since the day she pledged at Tau Omega (Transylvania U) in equally rewarding
2004, Rosie has been a passionate AOII - a passion that has
led her to membership in two alumnae chapters and adviser experiences. Rosie
to two collegiate chapters. She currently serves as Chapter
Adviser for Pi Alpha (U of Louisville) while maintaining a busy finds it inspiring
career running her own law practice in Louisville. Despite a
busy lifestyle, she still manages to work in time to visit chapters to observe each
and meet with sisters across the state of Kentucky.
alumnae chapter’s
“I love connecting with new sisters,” says Rosie. “I like to
attend the entire chapter meeting when I make collegiate passion for the
visits which allows me the opportunity to hang out with
collegians and advisers before and after my presentations.” activities and
These conversations have later led to her helping collegians
with resume reviews, letters of recommendation and offering causes they enjoy
career advice. AOII has 8 collegiate and 6 alumnae chapters
in the state of Kentucky and Rosie is well on her way to - whether that
accomplishing her goal to visit every chapter in the state
during her 2 year term. includes painting
Even though the chapters she has visited are located relatively pottery, enjoying a
close to one another, she has been struck by the uniqueness
of each one. She notes, “While I have found each chapter lunch together or
to be engaged, active participants in discussion, and full of
bright young women who are interested in exceeding the gathering to make
expectation, I have also learned to tailor each presentation
I make to the personality of the chapter.” Through this finals kits. Rosie Rosanna Heinrichs (right) with Past International
volunteer position, Rosie has especially loved getting a shares, “I find that I President Joan MacCallum.
taste of what it is like to be a collegiate member at all of the
institutions she has visited. am always impressed
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 with the generosity of our alumnae who donate to the
Foundation after they have heard our presentation.”
The AOII Foundation allows for the continued education of
our membership through leadership grants, it ensures that the
money our chapters are raising for Arthritis Research is actually
going towards worthy scientific studies and programs, and
provides care and aid to sisters who are truly in time of dire
need. All of this is possible because of donor support.
The work of an AOII Ambassador is rewarding. As Rosie
explains, “The AOII Foundation is the manifestation of our
lifelong commitment to our Fraternity and I feel so lucky that I
am entrusted with spreading its message to our collegiate and
alumnae chapters.”
To Dragma • 29
A Crisis Managed
On January 21st, 2014, shortly after noon, armed police, homeland security, ambulances and reporters stormed
the streets of Purdue University. Emergency text alerts had just been sent to students to report a campus lock
down following a shooting - a shooting that occurred just four blocks away from the AOII house.
From the beginning of that crisis to the end, officers and advisers of AOII’s newly recolonized Phi Upsilon Chapter
performed remarkably well under pressure. They were prepared. Each year Alpha Omicron Pi encourages all
chapters to review their crisis management procedures based on the AOII Crisis Management Plan. It’s a plan no
one ever hopes is needed, but it’s a plan no one should ever be without. Phi Upsilon Chapter President, Maddie
LaDow certainly found it a comforting resource during a time of organized chaos.
Q - Maddie, where were you when you received the school’s emergency text alert?
A - I was in class, halfway through a 6 hour lab. During this lab, phones are prohibited, so I was clueless about the incident for
approximately 5 minutes. Our professor was called aside by another professor. In the midst of them talking, I overheard the word
“shooting” and immediately reached for my phone. After reading the emergency text, I could not breathe. Knowing that 140 of my
closest friends and sisters could be in danger initially made me feel ill, but I knew I had a job to do and I asked to be excused from class.
Shockingly, my professor continued teaching the class.
Q - How did you respond after reaching the AOII house?
A - The first guideline on the AOII Crisis Management Plan is to stay calm, which is what we did. With
the help of a few sisters, we sprang into action. First, we made sure that the chapter house was on
lock down. We notified our Chapter Adviser and then the Assistant Director of Chapter Services at
AOII Headquarters, as well as our Network Director. Then, we needed to make sure that all women
in the chapter were safe! We sent out a text message asking all of the women to text me back their
name, location, and safety status. Within minutes, my phone was full of messages. Roster in hand, I
crossed names off the list as we determined they were safe. In less than 30 minutes, the entire chapter
had been accounted for, and all of the women were safe. I then let AOII Headquarters know everyone
was OK, and they shared the positive news to other sisters, near and far. During the process we
reminded everyone to not speak to the media and avoid all social media posts. We continued to stay
in contact with HQ and our advisers throughout the day and night.
Q - What role did your advisers play?
A - News of the shooting traveled very quickly. Within minutes, most of the advisers knew about the
incident. Diane, our chapter adviser, was in constant contact with our AAC while I was in contact with
the chapter. At the end of the crisis, she and I sent out an e-mail regarding the events that day.
Q - How long was the campus under lock down?
A - Only for a little over an hour but many people continued to avoid being outside throughout the
rest of the day. Women who were located in the building where the shooting took place had to leave
their belongings there for an extended period of time due to investigations. Classes were cancelled
for the rest of the day and the following day to honor the student who lost his life in the shooting as
well as to allow students a little more time to cope.
Q - Can you give some examples of the support the chapter received from
other chapters or sisters?
A - The love and support we received was amazing. Sisterhood was truly displayed from chapters
and members all across the US and Canada that day. Many women reached out to us through Social
Media such as Facebook and Twitter.
Q - Do you have any words of wisdom for other Collegiate Chapter Presidents?
A - I am certainly not happy that we had to experience such a tragic event at Purdue University. It saddens me and the entire chapter
to know that an innocent life was lost that day. I am extremely thankful that we had a crisis management plan and were able to execute
it in such a quick period of time. I sincerely hope that no other chapter ever has to put this plan into action, but in the case that you do, I
encourage you to be as prepared as possible to manage the crisis. It’s all about making sure your sisters are safe.
30 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
Email from CP to Chapter members immediately following the crisis:
Hello sisters,
As you all know, today was a sad day at Purdue University. I am thankful that you are all safe.
I apologize for all of the confusion that occurred after the initial incident in regards to who to contact. This just reiterates how important that we
fully understand our risk management plan. I want to thank each and everyone of you for responding the way you did, quickly and efficiently.
Everyone in the chapter has been accounted for. I am SO thankful that you are all okay. I cannot put into words how grateful I am.
There will be a candlelight vigil at 8pm at the Engineering Fountain. We encourage you all to attend this service and honor the member of our
campus that lost his life. Panhellenic has asked us to cancel any events for the evening so that students can be in attendance. We will meet at the
house at 7pm to go to the vigil in a group.
Therefore, chapter is canceled for the evening. Feel free to come to the house at any point throughout the day. Erin and myself are willing
to speak to anyone who has any questions or concerns about today’s events. Feel free to e-mail us, text us, call us, or stop by! Chapter is
rescheduled for tomorrow at 7pm. Absence forms are still required and need to be turned into Erin up until the beginning of chapter. You can put
them in her mailbox. Even though this is late notice, we have a lot to discuss. Please try your hardest to be present for the meeting.
Please take the time to tell your sisters how much you love them, appreciate the wonderful women who surround you everyday, remember why
you joined this organization, and be thankful that we are all safe.
I am thankful for each and everyone of you.
Email from CA to Chapter members immediately following the crisis:
Dear Sisters,
Even though you may not have been personally involved in this incident it still can affect you down to
your core. You may not be able to sleep peacefully and may have some trouble concentrating. You
may also want to talk about it non stop because it keeps playing over and over in your head. These are
all normal reactions to an event that has affected you. Please talk with your sisters, a counselor, a friend
or contact me. It is also ok if you, in fact, do not have any of these reactions. You most likely will be
forever changed by this event. Eventually you will not be fearful but you also will not forget it and your
world may have become a place that doesn’t feel as safe as it did yesterday. I am so sorry that we had to
encounter this but know you have each other to lean on and share the experience.
Alpha Love and Mine Always
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 31
The Life and Legacy
32 • To Dragma by Kimberly Sons, Beta Phi (Indiana U)
Assistant Director of Education
and Resource Development
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
At left - book cover features Julia Taft, then the U.S. special coordinator for Tibet, with the Dalai Lama in 2000.
Above - Julia christens the Aegis guided missile cruiser USS Valley Forge.
TIME correspondent and biographer Ann and her Masters in International Politics at U
of Colorado Boulder, where she was initiated
Blackman described her as “A tall, handsome into Chi Delta in 1961, she found her interest
charismatic woman with perfect posture, deeply for international aid growing as a White House
set dark eyes and thick, curly black hair that Fellow and aide to the US Secretary of Health
gradually turned to silver, Julia was a size 16— and Human Services. By age 32, President Gerald
and proud of it. Her laugh, which started with Ford had name Julia as the Director of Interagency
her shoulders, was contagious. Her glare could Task Force for Indochina Refugees, overseeing the
make a general quake.” Though her married resettlement of more than 130,000 evacuees from
name, that of the President whose great-grandson Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. She later recalled,
she married, could make for an interesting story “We weren’t always sure what we were doing, but
of life in politics on its own, AOII Julia Vadala we had everybody working together. It was the
Taft, easily defined her own legacy as that of a most extraordinary experience.”
crusader against inaction.
Despite her youth, Julia’s can-do attitude and
Julia’s impressive résumé in international fearlessness carried her over the multiple obstacles
humanitarian assistance serves as a map to the she faced in her passionate efforts—not unlike
cities and countries touched by her compassion. those characteristics our Founders possessed.
Just after earning her degree in Political Science
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 33
Above left - While US
Foreign Disaster Relief
Director, Julia meets
with President Reagan and
other relief workers at the White House in 1988.
Above right - Julia is off again to save the world.
When she recognized a need for an and generosity. Her professional life was committed
unprecedented database to catalog to people trying to get by on a dollar a day, to those
refugee information and match who are hungry, without clean water, without
them to labor markets, she garnered medicine, without homes.”
corporate support from IBM to
develop the program. When the As if her humanitarian work was not impressive
American public questioned the on its own, her accomplishments came while also
work of her task force, she brought raising a family. She married William Howard Taft
in the media to see the hard-working IV, who served in various legal counsel roles for
refugees succeeding in the support the US government and as Deputy Secretary of
system she created. She reflected, “I Defense. Together they had three children, to whom
was in the interesting position of being Julia passed on the desire to help others. Despite
young and I was running the thing her professional commitments, she always found a
and four star generals and cabinet way to be home for Christmas. Her children were
officers were getting directions from quick to point out that they didn’t always get to keep
me. Whenever I wondered if I had the their gifts, as Julia would often ask her children to
support I needed, I always found I did.” donate their toys to the less-fortunate. She also had
Julia spent much of the next three decades in Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
various government and humanitarian roles with
several positions in the State Department. Her
accomplishments impacted numerous cities and
countries in their times of need. She administered
$130 million in US aide sent to support Ethiopia in
its 1984-1985 famine. She oversaw the American
support to the 25 million people in Bangladesh left
homeless. Following an earthquake that killed at least
25,000 people, she arrived in Armenia by military
plane carrying only her daughter’s pink sleeping
bag. She donned a bulletproof vest and helmet in a
bathtub when her hotel was under fire in Sarajevo
during a relief mission in 1992. She befriended
Dalai Lama, the Vietnamese refugees, and all others
she met. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell
explained, “She was an image of American openness
34 • To Dragma
a rule of not complaining in the house. One of her At left - Julia and Will Taft
daughters recalls taking a cold shower when she at the wedding of their
returned home from school because her daughter, Julie.
sister hadn’t thought to complain about it! Above - Julia with book
When describing Julia, her husband said, author Ann Blackman.
“One picture: Julia is leaving for work
in the morning. Hanging about her is a
pocketbook that is never completely closed,
a Kenyan bag crammed full of emails and
papers, and a briefcase. In her hand she
has a coffee cake, or some sweet thing to
share with her office. Thus burdened, she
somehow manages to get the front door
open, turns around to give me a kiss,
saying, ‘I’m off to save the world!’ is gone.”
Following her death in 2008 due to cancer,
Julia continues to inspire. Her husband’s
quote supplied author Ann Blackman the
title for her book “Off to Save the World:
How Julia Taft Made a Difference.” The
book chronicles the amazing life of a
woman who changed the world and of
whom AOII is proud to claim.
Words of Wisdom
“I learned that you’ve got to trust your instincts, and no amount of training or manuals
on how to manage or make decisions in those moments matter at all. Either you have an
instinct to listen, to advise and get good advice and be decisive, or you don’t. I listened to
my intuition. Second, I learned that people are basically good. And, if they are given defined
tasks and are reinforced in that and get feedback, you can get people to produce in any
management sense. We had the humanitarian dimension, too, but basically we had people
who knew what they were supposed to do and were accountable for it and found out on
a daily basis if what they did worked or not. And that kind of motivation from a manager’s
standpoint is a very important ingredient that I think government and businesses need to
learn from. The third is that I became even more entrenched in non-partisanship. I really
feel that in the humanitarian field there can be no politics. You get your strength from the
diversity of your constituency. You build that constituency by making sure your policies and
programs draw from strengths of everybody’s perceptions. And this is what we did.”
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 35
36 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
We begin our relationship with AOII with
mutual promises of lifelong dedication.
Leadership Academy 2014 #Lifetime explored the many ways we
can fulfill those promises. By including Alumnae Relations Chairs
as well as Chapter Presidents and Chapter Advisers, Leadership
Academy was able to focus on how to engage alumnae with
collegiate chapters and how to educate collegiate members on the
privilege and responsibility of active alumnae membership.
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 37
It is always the aspiration that Leadership Academy fulfills #Lifetime shows how these opportunities are trending by tying
the goals of Alpha Omicron Pi’s Strategic Plan. Under the social media and new forms of connections into the traditional
Unparalleled Membership Experience focus area of the Strategic connections found in AOII. During LA 2014, attendees
Plan, the Fraternity goals of providing exceptional member explored the ways they are able to remain involved with AOII
development, enhancing AOII’s culture of living our values, and while also learning how they can educate and promote those
offering exceptional leadership development were all considered options for their current chapter sisters and how to reach out
as programming was determined for Leadership Academy 2014. to alumnae.
Additionally, the focus on lifetime engagement takes a step
towards the Fraternity’s long term goal of increasing alumnae This lesson began with understanding the generations with Dr.
chapter membership by a minimum of 25% and retaining Mark Taylor of Taylor Programs. He challenged attendees in
those alumnae chapter members at a rate of 90%. Based on their approach to communicating with people outside of their
the dedication of the leaders, skills and tools gained from the own generation. By understanding the experiences universal
weekend, and the best practices that were shared, it can only to each generation, members are better able to understand the
be determined that Leadership Academy 2014 exceeded the motivation of their actions and how to relate to these members.
expectations of these Strategic Plan goals. To further support
AOII’s Strategic Plan, Leadership Academy 2014 revolved Next, the definition of alumna membership was illustrated
around lifetime engagement and education with the theme, through a video filled with submissions sent in by alumnae
#Lifetime. across the United States and Canada who shared what being
an alumna meant to them. Then, attendees participated in an
Leadership Academy 2014 #Lifetime represents the traditions of activity educating them on the alumnae available for meaningful
lifelong involvement in AOII as well as the revitalization of the connections. With the number of total living alumnae displayed
popularity in AOII opportunities as alumnae. The hashtag for on the screen, each chapter received a card with the number
of alumnae they have locally as well as the number of alumnae
their chapter has. In evaluating those numbers, chapters
gathered to discuss the ways they have reached out to alumnae,
with how many they have been able to connect, and how they
may better connect.
Friday evening concluded with Executive Director Troy
LeForge leading everyone in a discussion about sisterhood, how
it is defined, and how it is experienced. This discussion led to
collaboration on the values of AOII. Members shared the words
they use to define the values of AOII which were put together in
an illustration that formed the letters AOII. As she concluded,
Troy reminded each of us to show our appreciation to
AOII for all that we have received through our
membership, but to also take the time to say
“You’re welcome,” to AOII as well for all that we
have given back.
On Saturday morning, International President Allison Allgier
welcomed attendees by sharing the evolution of her involvement
in AOII as an alumna. She explained that AOIIs who serve as
leaders typically take on leadership roles because someone has
told them that their gifts will serve best in those roles one day.
By identifying future leaders and by asking them to be involved,
38 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 AOII is able to maintain relationships with alumnae. She shared
that her wish for future alumnae is that they feel valued and
supported to remain connected to AOII through volunteering,
advising, joining alumnae chapters or all three.
As collegiate officers filled buses to AOII Headquarters, Chapter
Advisers remained at the hotel for a deeper look into Generation
NeXt with Dr. Mark Taylor followed by adviser training.
During this training, advisers gained tools on how to recruit and
grow an Alumnae Advisory Committee, how to plan for their
succession, how to access and utilize the resources available to
them, and how to express and receive gratitude.
At AOII Headquarters, Chapter Presidents and Alumnae
Relations Chairs split for some individualized training with
specific tools for their office. In the Chapter President training,
To Dragma • 39
leaders discussed setting goals for their chapters based on the Next, Chapter Advisers traveled to AOII Headquarters to
Standards of Excellence, managing the chapter based on the meet up with their officers for lunch before embarking on
values set forth in AOII, and providing officers the tools for their their afternoon together rotating through five afternoon
role through the Officer Resource Library. Additionally, they sessions throughout the headquarters building. The rotations
discussed building relationships with their support teams and best included a session on the Fraternity’s Alumnae Engagement
practices in communication. Initiatives, AOII for a Lifetime which focused on the
educational opportunities surrounding alumnae involvement,
Alumnae Relations Chairs gathered for training on Event Planning which included planning tips as well as
etiquette in communication, showing gratitude communication tips for events, Culture of AOII which explored
to alumnae, interacting with alumnae through what our members see as the Fraternity’s culture and also what
newsletters, social media and other forms of they would like for the culture to include in the future, and-of
communication, and using the local alumnae and chapter course- time for an AOII International Headquarters tour and
Emporium shopping.
alumnae lists. Additionally, they spent time on the resources
specifically for their office such as the newly developed Alumnae Later, attendees returned to the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs
Relations Manual and the notes for Alumnae Relations Chairs in where advisers split from their officers again so that each group
the Collegiate Chapter Operations Manual. could have a candid conversation on best practice sharing and
questions and answers. While each group participated in the
40 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
Q&A and best practice sharing, the other spent some time with The reach of Leadership
Dr. Colleen Melchiorre of Phired Up Productions discussing Academy neither begins
the partnership of AOII and Phired Up with the Retained and nor ends with the
Engaged project. Colleen shared the research that led to the weekend-long event.
program as well as the plans for chapter involvement.
In addition to the appreciation to the AOII Foundation, AOII
Saturday evening ended with a focus on the Rituals and also wants to thank all who contributed to Leadership Academy
traditions of AOII. Beyond inviting alumnae to chapter Rituals, in making it a successful learning experience for AOII’s
ceremonies such as house dedications, memorials, anniversaries members, especially those who facilitated the event: Allison
and Founders’ Days are fantastic occasions to share with Allgier, Rachel Boison, Paula Daigle, Susan Danko, Blair
alumnae. These suggestions were brought to life as International Dudley, Meredith Dunn, Sherry Dutton, Jen Edwards, Gayle
President Allison Allgier was presented with her 25 year pin Fitzpatrick, Whitney Frazier, Amy Jo Gabel, Lori Goede, Jodie
in a small ceremony in celebration of her 25th anniversary of Hassall, Julie Anne Hughey, Troy LeForge, Joan MacCallum,
being initiated into AOII. What a fun testament to the mutual Abby Mason, Kaya Miller, Mariellen Sasseen, Mary Jane Sharp,
promises of commitment we share with the Fraternity! Kimberly Sons, Hillary Stewart, Sandy Stewart, Lindsay Stoltz,
Mary Kate Sweeney, and Andrea Theobald.
On Sunday morning, Past International President and AOII
Historian Joan MacCallum and Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry
Committee member Mary Jane Sharp shared their stories of
lifetime experience in AOII as well as the gifts they have received
by being involved. After a send-off from Education Committee
Chair, Sandy Stewart, the event concluded with International
President Allison Allgier closing us in Ritual and with the
tradition of circling the room and singing the “Epsilon Chapter
Song.” With the incredible excitement of Leadership Academy
and enthusiasm upon the friendships made during the weekend,
there is no doubt that these women will inspire their chapters to
truly exceed the expectation of AOII.
The reach of Leadership Academy neither begins nor ends 33 collegiate chapters were able to receive scholarships from the
with the weekend-long event. By participating in a webinar in
January, attendees were able to arrive for Leadership Academy AOII Foundation’s Grant Program in order to attend Leadership
with the expectations for the event and having prepared for Academy 2014 #Lifetime!
sessions by being familiar with available resources. After the
conclusion of Leadership Academy 2014 #Lifetime, a follow-
up training was recorded for those invited who were unable to
attend as well as international volunteers. During the recording,
presenters were able to share topics and materials covered during
the event as well as trends discovered through discussions. These
international volunteers are the women who will be constantly
checking in with the officers who attended the event. They
are prepared to continue to support these leaders in engaging
alumnae and educating their chapters on the importance of
lifelong involvement in AOII.
Leadership Academy 2014 #Lifetime was partially funded
through education grants from the AOII Foundation.
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 41
Spring Snapshots
Beta Kappa (U of British Columbia) Theta Pi (Wagner College)
42 • To Dragma
Nu Beta (U of Mississippi)
Xi Omicron (U of Arkansas)
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
Iota Theta (Monmouth U) Tau (U of Minnesota)
Alpha Pi (Florida State U)
Delta Kappa (Washington U in St. Louis)
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 Epsilon Alpha (Penn State U)
To Dragma • 43
Lambda Rho (Texas Christian U) Phi Upsilon (Purdue U)
Mu Lambda (Rollins College) Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)
44 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
Kappa Phi (McGill U)
Sigma Beta (St. Joseph’s U)
Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia) Delta Omega (Murray State U)
Tau Omega (Transylvania U)
Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U)
Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 45
WTheinLogvse Chalk Painting
Is this the grown up version of sidewalk chalk art? This time
the chalk comes in paint form and you you can check out
some of our creations beginning on page 20. Whether
using a hand mixed paint version like Histique or the Annie
Sloan brand of paints, we find they both make
for no stress and very little mess projects!
We are seriously having fun with chalk again!
Rollerball Fragrances Disney’s Frozen
If only a perfume scent lasted all day! With Of course we can’t help
rollerball fragrances, it’s pretty easy to make but love an animated
that a reality. The rollerball is perfect for busy
lifestyles. At work, school, or play - just roll it story about sisterhood!
on without the irritating mist of a spray to With its strong female
instantly feel (and smell) better. We especially role models, an epic
love the size and affordability!
journey, a hilarious
snowman, and that
magnificant Academy Award winning
soundtrack - Frozen certainly warms our hearts!
For a real treat, nothing beats a facial,
especially one that includes a facial
massage. We are not sure whether it’s
the pampering or the facial benefits that
we love the most - so let’s just say both
and schedule a spring treat soon!
46 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 Spring 2014
Full Skirts
The feminine form is making a great comeback! One of the great fashion
trends for this spring is the ladylike full skirt. Fashionable in lengths from long
to short, it’s a look we love!
Cleanse Sunshine
You have heard of spring cleaning, Anyone had a rough winter? We
but how about spring cleansing this all need a little sunshine this spring
year? There are a thousand cleanse to brighten our days and warm our
products on the market to detoxify bones. Studies suggest there are many
the body and we have tried several. benefits to exposure to sunshine,
Ultimately, we are all fans of any but we mostly know it just makes us
healthy regimen that help recharge, feel better and improves our mood.
rejuvenate and renew our bodies. #lovethesunshine
Birchbox On the Web
Check out this $10/month subscription service that enables
you to try handpicked beauty, grooming, and lifestyle
samples that are shipped to your home. The monthly boxes
are customized to your tastes with high end products. We
love how the boxes, like the one shown here, let us test these
items so we can spend our money wisely!
This website is packed with ideas, tips, videos, and apps
to help you turn your home into a place that is uniquely
yours. Despite the name, it’s not all about apartment
living though. Get tips for every room in a house plus
gardening, organizing and so much more.
MIFSubmit a Online
Membership Information Forms (MIFs) are important resources during the recruitment process for both collegiate
chapters and Potential New Members (PNMs). Many AOIIs, and members of other NPC organizations, refer to these
documents as recs or recommendation forms. This is the time of year when questions about these forms reach a peak
because the majority of our chapters formally recruit in the fall. Each of us has a role to play in the process of providing
PNMs the opportunity of AOII membership.
Alpha Omicron Pi encourages all members in good standing, both collegiate and alumnae, to support our collegiate
chapters in some way during formal recruitment. An easy way to do this is to submit a Membership Information Form
for a PNM you may know participating in recruitment. Collegiate members may submit a MIF only for PNMs attending a
university other than their own. MIFs are a helpful way for chapters to identify outstanding young women who would be
valuable assets to AOII. The submission of these forms provides important background information to our chapters and
may help ensure a PNM is given careful consideration and has a positive experience during the recruitment process.
While only collegiate members have the privilege of membership selection (and providing a MIF does not guarantee an
invitation to membership), an alumna’s role is increasingly significant in ensuring stable membership for a collegiate
chapter. Your recognition of AOII values in a PNM is an important part of a chapter’s recruitment success.
The Greek community is continually growing, and interest in NPC organizations is increasing. Recruitment enrollment,
quotas and campus total are on the rise at most college campuses. Women need a way to set themselves apart and
securing these forms is a great way to do that. The more information a chapter has about a potential new member
beforehand - the better! In addition, sharing the benefits of Greek membership with these potential new members makes
the recruitment process smoother for everyone.
We hope you are as excited as we are to welcome our newest sisters this fall and throughout the 2014-2015 school year!
Submit a MIF today! Commonly
Locate the MIF in the
alumnae area of the
AOII website: Questions
48 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014
What is a MIF? This online MIF helps streamline the process for our
collegiate chapters and we encourage all members
A MIF is the AOII shorthand for a Membership to use it. However, if you require a paper version of
Information Form. Our easy to use, electronically the form, contact AOII International Headquarters at
submitted form provides helpful information on (615) 370-0920.
a Potential New Member (PNM) to a collegiate
chapter. For many of our collegiate chapters, The PNM gave me a resume and
recruitment success is highly dependent on the photo. How do I submit them
receipt of Membership Information Forms from AOII electronically?
alumnae. All alumnae and collegiate members in
good standing with the Fraternity are encouraged The PNM lives in a digital world and she, most
to participate in the process that benefits both the certainly, has an electronic copy of the resume
chapter and the PNM. Information provided by and photo she provided. Call or email her to get a
alumnae ensures that all PNMs are given serious digital copy of each so you can easily attach them
consideration for membership. Collegiate members to the form. Please complete the boxes on the form
may submit MIFs for PNMs attending a university whether the resume is attached or not.
other than their own.
Can I write a MIF on someone
Alpha Omicron Pi strongly encourages the pledging I do not know?
of verified legacies whenever possible, so letting
chapters know if a PNM is an AOII Legacy is crucial. Yes! Our collegiate chapters always welcome the
Legacy information is now part of the online MIF information through a MIF whether you know the
so a separate form is not required. MIFs should be PNM or not. Gather all the information and submit
submitted prior to the start of the formal recruitment it to the chapter, just as you would for someone
period to give the chapter members the opportunity you know. There is an appropriate place on the MIF
to learn about each PNM before recruitment begins. to indicate whether you know the PNM personally,
Visit the Panhellenic page of the university website to know her based on a reliable source or are just
find recruitment dates. providing information as a courtesy.
How do I submit a MIF? What materials do I need to
write an AOII MIF?
AOII now uses an electronic MIF that is very easy
You will need to ask the PNM to provide you with
to complete. Visit the AOII website at www. her contact information, high school/previous and locate the Membership college name and GPA, as well as her high school/
Information Form under “Alumnae” in the toolbar. college activities and honors. A current photograph
Access the MIF by clicking the link called “Submit A is also strongly recommended. If the PNM provides
MIF HERE.” Complete and submit the online form you with a resume, there is a place to attach it
as indicated. Legacy information is now a part of electronically, but you should still complete the form
the MIF so there is no need to submit a separate by filling in the blanks.
legacy information form. For your convenience,
indicate the university your PNM is attending on the I’m a collegiate member.
form and the MIFs will route to AOII International Can I submit a MIF on a friend?
Headquarters to be electronically distributed to
the correct collegiate chapter. For questions, email Yes! Our collegiate members can be valuable in
[email protected] or call AOII International this process. AOII does allow collegiate members to
Headquarters at (615) 370-0920. submit MIFs for women attending another school,
but not for PNMs on their own campus.
From the Archives
For A House Warming
Thus speaks the Roof of the house of our friend, 1
“My part, it is plain, and my purpose and end,
Clear is my duty, -- no more and no less: 1
Forever I shelter and guard happiness.”
“And our,” the Walls say, “Is e’er to uphold 7
With honor and firmness the service you told,
O, Roof! We’ll support you in calm and in stress;
With virtue upstanding we’ll hold happiness.”
“And I” -- the Foundation in voice low and deep --
“On a basis of truth will security keep;
For, built upon truth, neither tempest nor press
Of wind or of hail can disturb happiness.”
“And listen to us! If small troubles rain,”
Say the Eaves. “They’ll glide off and forgotten remain,
Forgotten like drops of a shower that’s spent,
For we trim the house with good sense and content.”
While on you we sit,” sing the Little Birds then,
“And chant the small pleasures so precious to men,
The sweet little joyings that wise people hear
To add to their happiness, humor and cheer.”
“As I do,” the Garden says. “Here with my flowers
Of generous gifts and my arbors and bowers
That bear the kind fruitage of neighborly grace,
And my good seeds of memory, sure to replace
Each year with new beauties the ones that have past.”
From within speaks another -- the greatest -- at last,
“Lo, I am the Hearth! As so warmly I bless
The heart of the house, so I keep happiness.
For I hold the burning, bright center of love,
The sacred and beautiful flame from above!”
“Good Hearth!” cries the Door. “Let me open to you
And welcome your friends to their happiness, too!”
Poem by Stella G. S. Perry
Alpha Omicron Pi Founder
Stella’s Perry’s beautiful poem, “For a House Warming,” inpires a look back at just a few of the places that AOII
has called home. Archival photos featured here include: 1) Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College), both photos
circa 1930; 2) Tau (U of Minnesota), photo is undated; 3) Sigma (U of California, Berkley), photo is undated;
4) Zeta (U of Nebraska), photo from 1965; 5) Phi (U of Kansas), photo from 1965; 6) Omicron Pi (U of Michigan),
photo of home from 1973, interior photo undated; and 7) Lambda Sigma, (U of Georgia), photo from 1962.
50 • To Dragma