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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2017-07-12 09:59:02

2014 Spring - To Dragma

2014 Spring - To Dragma




To Dragma • 51


Annual Meeting Report
by Jennifer Wetzel, Pi Beta Phi and Sydney Willmann, Zeta Tau Alpha,
National Panhellenic Conference Marketing and Communications Interns

National Panhellenic Conference delegations, executive directors, inter/national
presidents, editors and staff gathered October 10-13 at the Los Angeles Airport
Marriott for the 2013 Annual Meeting. Meeting participants reflected on the
accomplishments within the Conference during the past year and looked forward
to the ongoing commitment of sorority advancement in the next biennium.

Registration opened for the meeting October 10, Friday, October 11, began with breakfast
and NPC hosted a “family reunion” throughout meetings for committees. Then 2011-13 NPC
the day to allow attendees to meet one another Chairman Jane H. Sutton, Alpha Xi Delta, opened
or catch up before working sessions began. the 2013 annual meeting general session. She
GreekYearbook captured photos and helped began by welcoming attendees from local
with videography throughout the meeting for College and Alumnae Panhellenics present at the
upcoming NPC projects. The NPC Foundation business meeting. She also recognized several
sold sunflowers next to the registration area, women who are retiring from their delegations
which allowed a continuous stream of donors for their service to NPC. The Conference then
to contribute to the Foundation throughout the reviewed several legislative items.
annual meeting.
Friday events included the vendor exhibits,
Social media was introduced as a positive which this year featured 35 companies. Executive
vehicle for NPC ambassadorship during a short Directors and Inter/National Presidents
workshop lead by NPC Marketing and Events dedicated two hours of their schedules to visit
Manager Julia Schenk, Kappa Kappa Gamma, the vendors, who also joined meeting attendees
during dinner. Throughout the three-day for lunch. Nine sponsors supported the meeting,
meeting, attendees used Twitter, Instagram including three diamond-level sponsors:
and Facebook to share exciting moments and Billhighway, Herff Jones ~ Greek Division, and
memorable photo opportunities from the MJ Insurance Inc.
meeting using the hashtag “#NPCAM13.” It
was an efficient and fun way to communicate The second general session Friday night
meeting activities to NPC audiences near and far. incorporated the first “family meeting,” which
provided updates from the Measurable
Outcomes Committee and Panhellenics
Committee on accomplishments, upcoming

52 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014

work, and trends. This session concluded with Sutton concluded her tenure as chairman National Panhellenic Conference Recap
the memorial service led by Carol Coordt, Kappa with the state of the Conference address and
Delta, honoring the sorority women who installation of the 2013-15 Executive Committee,
passed away during the biennium. For the first led by Jean M. Mrasek, Chi Omega. Her speech
time, the service featured a memorial video, and the installation were broadcast via a live Web
followed by the traditional flower bouquet tribute stream for the first time. In her final address as
to the theme “For Good” from the popular NPC chairman, Sutton said, “There is a reason
musical “Wicked.” we have existed as a conference for 111 years,
and I know your belief in the power of sorority will
Guest speakers took top billing Saturday, lead you to ensure the Conference survives and
October 12. The communicators enjoyed a thrives for future generations of women. Thank
fun photography activity through the hotel you for allowing me to have made this journey
led by a visiting photographer, while the NPC with you.”
delegations, inter/national presidents and
executive directors attended a town hall meeting After a reception celebrating Phi Sigma Sigma’s
with Tim Burke and John Pryor, who shared centennial, the 2013 Annual Meeting concluded
information on trends in higher education. with a closing banquet and reception Saturday
evening. Pete Smithhisler, President and CEO of
Audrey Jaeger, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the North-American Interfraternity Conference,
Education at North Carolina State University, gave the invocation. NPC presented awards to
presented the keynote address at the Alumnae the following people:
Achievement Luncheon. She emphasized
the need for women in the fields of science, • Dan Shaver of Affinity Consultants received
technology, engineering and mathematics. the Interfraternal Partner Award.
Jaeger received the Women in Higher Education
Achievement Award from the NPC Foundation. • Dave Conner received the Outstanding
In addition, NPC presented the Coachella Valley Panhellenic Advisor award sponsored by
Alumnae Panhellenic with the Outstanding Alpha Chi Omega.
Alumnae Panhellenic award. NPC also
recognized the group as the first honoree into • Jean Scott, Pi Beta Phi, former NPC chairman,
the Carol Coordt Circle of Excellence for being received the Distinguished Service Award.
named Outstanding Alumnae Panhellenic during
two consecutive bienniums. Finally, Sutton passed the gavel to Mrasek,
the 2013-15 NPC chairman. Mrasek thanked
During the closing general session, the her family, Chi Omega and Panhellenic sisters
Conference finalized legislation discussion and for their love and support. In her first speech
voting, led by Legislative Committee Chairman as NPC chairman, Mrasek explained that
Dana Katz, Alpha Epsilon Phi. NPC Foundation “Collaboration is essential to accomplish our
President Janet Dodson, Alpha Sigma Tau, goals and implement the strategic plan.” She
recapped the Foundation’s fundraising, grants added that collaboration is a major focus in the
and notable donations over the past year. 2013-15 biennium. Following dinner, the 2013-15
Representatives from 10 different member Executive Committee welcomed attendees to a
organizations — including NPC “first man” dessert reception.
Bob Sutton — came to the stage to present
gifts to the Conference. Gifts included The 2013 annual meeting allowed for reflection,
significant contributions to the “Something celebration and discussion. It also provided
of Value” program, NPC staff professional attendees with a renewed vision of the NPC
development and a contribution to the NPC mission and goals, which can be attained by
internship program. advancing sorority together.

Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 53


Chattanooga Alumnae Chapter the US and Canada. Past Northwest President, Sue Dunmead
Our chapter is so proud to have achieved Ruby Level was honored with the prestigious Rose Award, given to
honors in our very first year! Among many fun activities, members who exemplify the character of AOII. More than
we especially enjoyed our BYOP (Bring Your Own Panda) twenty of our members were able to attend or volunteer. All
Christmas party event and donating the pandas to the five Chicago chapters were instrumental in welcoming AOIIs to
Juvenile Arthritis Association. On January 11, 2014 we held Chicago! Programs this year range from Zumba to Tech Savvy
a very special Roseball and Founders’ Day Celebration with with an emphasis on FUN!
a dinner and dance at the Walden Club. Anyone in the area
can now keep up with our chapter at our new website: Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter The highlight of our year was hosting our sisters in Chicago
for convention! We hope all the attendees felt welcomed
Chicago City Alumnae Chapter here and enjoyed celebrating our sisterhood in our fabulous
It was a whirlwind year for the Chicago City Alumnae city! Thirty-two of our members participated in convention
Chapter! During Convention in our hometown, we had by attending events, volunteering, serving on the Foundation
the pleasure of being honored with an Alumnae Chapter Board and Council, and participating in the sing-along. We are
Excellence Award. We could not be prouder of our chapter’s thankful so many of our members took advantage of this rare
accomplishments! City living has provided us with a variety of local opportunity to experience AOII on an international level.
fun activities, which in the past year included a Chicago Bulls Jessie Wang-Grimm received a Rose Award at Convention and
basketball game, an Art Institute outing, a wine-tasting fund was elected to a third term on the AOII Foundation Board! To
raiser for the AOII Foundation, a holiday cookie exchange, see what we’ve been up to over the past year, please visit our
and happy hours and brunches with sisters. We’re also proud blog at If you live in our area,
to have been a leader in reviving the dormant Chicago please check us out!
Alumnae Panhellenic. This year promises more fun, service
and sisterhood. Dearborn Alumnae Chapter
Our chapter is looking ahead to revitalization of fresh events,
Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Chapter activities, and members. With over 250 sisters in the vicinity,
Chicago Northwest sisters celebrated a September recap of we welcome each one to any one of our casual activities in
International Convention. Our Chapter received three awards: the nearby area cities. Stop by to get to know us, share an idea
Excellence in Chapter Operations, Excellence in Community that you would like to do with sisters, and see what is ahead
Involvement, and Alumnae Chapter of Excellence. The last
award recognizes the top six AOII alumnae chapters across

54 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014

with alumnae and collegiate sisters. There’s no pressure to sell
anything, no demands on money or time - just come to share a
memory and a sister-friendly story. Please contact us at: AOII-
[email protected].

Delaware Alumnae Chapter
We have been busy supporting Sigma Tau Chapter at
Washington College. We were Secret Alumnae Sisters for the
graduating seniors and supported them during recruitment.
We also participated in their 5k fundraiser for the Jasmine
Queen Scholarship, which honors a sister who passed away
during her collegiate years. In addition, we celebrated
Founders’ Day with them during a lovely luncheon, which
was the first event for their new members. Strike Out Arthritis!
was another fun event in which our alumnae challenged each
other in Wii Bowling. Also, we helped support our soldiers by
donating baked cookies to a local event, Operation Cookie
Drop Off during our December meeting for the second year.
It’s been a busy year but we are having fun!

Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 Clockwise from left: Chattanooga Area Alumnae Chapter, Chicago City Alumnae
Chapter, Delaware Alumnae Chapter, Calgary and Vancouver Alumnae Chapter
Members during a spring break trip.

To Dragma • 55


Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter gathering brings together members from at least 10 different
This year, our chapter partnered with the Chi Lambda chapters. This fall our members attended Phi Upsilon’s 50th
collegiate chapter to co-host Founders’ Day in conjunction Anniversary (Purdue U) and Kappa Alpha’s 60th Anniversary
with their Parents’ Weekend. The collegiate members were (Indiana State U) celebrations. “A tour of Indy” is the chapter
delighted to share their AOII experience with their families. programming theme for the year which consists of visits to
We were also pleased to have Lisa Trulove, Sharon Boison and locally owned restaurants, shops, a winery, a brewery and the
Hannah Hudson speak about their personal experiences of art museum. Our Panda Lunch Bunch is a group of members
passing on the legacy of AOII. who gather for lunch, socialization, and sisterhood.

Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter Lake County of Illinois Alumnae Chapter
Recent graduate, middle-aged mom or retiree - no matter In November, the Alumnae of Lake County, IL celebrated its
what stage of life we are in, we are all being pulled in a million 25th anniversary with a luncheon in Lake Forest. Shirley Aiken,
different directions. With that in mind, the Greater Kansas City a 2013 Rose Award winner, was our hostess. Past International
Alumnae Chapter plans events that do double duty: combining President Peg Crawford was a special guest, which was very
girl time with philanthropy. At Founders’ Day, for example, we fitting as she installed our chapter twenty-five years ago. We
enjoyed a feast and fellowship, along with collecting donations were also joined by members of two nearby alumnae chapters.
for the Ruby Fund and drawing the names of two AOIIs who Five of the chapter’s founding members were also present.
chose a charity to which a donation was made in their honor. Linda Grandolfo, 2013 Mullan Award Recipient, addressed our
Also, we regularly survey members to find out what activities group, sharing our history and chapter accomplishments.
are of greatest interest.
Madison Area Alumnae Chapter
Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter The chapter is focusing on our wonderful city and all it has to
The Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter continues to grow as we offer. We kicked off the 2013-14 year in September with our
welcome many new graduates from numerous chapters “Meet the AOIIs” event where we reunited and welcomed new
throughout the state, and even outside Indiana. Each alumnae sisters over homemade pies and beverages. We went to a local

56 • To Dragma Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014

apple orchard to pick apples and Clockwise from left: Lexington Area Alumnae Members, Nashville Area
toured the Governor’s mansion Alumnae Chapter and New Orleans Area Alumnae.
at Christmas. We also enjoyed a
joint Founders’ Day celebration Greater Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter
with other alumnae chapters We had a wonderful Founders’ Day luncheon which included
in Wisconsin. Coming up we everyone bringing pandas to donate to Pittsburgh Children’s
will tour the historical museum, Hospital. Members volunteered at the local Jingle Bell Run in
take a pontoon boat ride on the December, and we look forward to our next event at Paint
surrounding lakes and dine at Monkey where everyone will paint a red poppy!
some of the local restaurants.

New Orleans Area
Alumnae Chapter
This year the New Orleans Area
Alumnae Chapter celebrated
Pi Chapter’s 115th Anniversary
with the theme of “Faith” being
worked into all of our events.
We hosted our monthly lunch
bunches, and many events
including: an accessories
swap, Saints Tailgate, AOII
Thanksgiving, and a Dirty Santa
party. We kicked off 2014 with
our beautiful Founders’ Day brunch and hosted a parade
viewing party. More events are on the way. We are also very
proud to have increased our membership by over 30% since
2012 and hope to build on this momentum as we head into
our 100th Anniversary in 2016.

NY/NJ Metro Alumnae Chapter
The NY/NJ Metro Alumnae Chapter has had another fantastic
year of sisterhood. We were honored to have been presented
the Excellence in Community Involvement award during the
2013 Convention. This was the capstone moment to our
Chicago adventure. Our members remain dedicated to the
ideals our Founders believed in, lived for and loved. We see
our Ritual as their gift to us and all of our future sisters. We are
eager to share this with collegians whenever possible. We are
also looking forward to sharing in our first joint Founders’ Day
celebration with our fellow NY and NJ sisters. We feel that all of
our members are outstanding in their own way. Our chapter’s
success is based upon our belief in matching the right talent
with the appropriate task. We are very fortunate to have
both of the NS-Alumnae Specialists, Kay Welch and Bridget
Scanlon as members of the NY/NJ Metro Alumnae chapter.
These women share more than just their AOII knowledge and
experience with us. They keep us grounded to what is truly
important and connect us to our fellow Network 1 alumnae
chapters. They represent and inspire sisterhood for a lifetime.

Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 57


58 • To Dragma Richmond Area Alumnae Chapter
The Richmond Area Alumnae Chapter
has monthly events for sisters. Our
events are open to all alumnae in the
Richmond Area, not just dues paying
members. We held a fund raiser this
year where we raised money for a
women’s organization in Haiti, had two
special events with graduating seniors
to welcome them to the alumnae side
of AOII, and we held our annual cookie
exchange which is always a hit! We
hope to build membership in the next
year and also work on strengthening
the relationship between the alumnae
chapter and the Rho Beta Collegiate
Chapter at VCU.

San Antonio Alumnae Chapter
We began the year with our annual kick-
off event where we enjoyed time with
sisters and their families. We also held a

Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014

school supply drive at this event and Clockwise from left: Pittsburg Alumnae Chapter, San Diego Area Alumnae,
donated our collected items to local Reno-Tahoe Alumnae and Rochester/Buffalo NY Alumnae.
military due to the profound impact
of the furlough. Throughout the fall
our chapter has enjoyed supporting
UL, participated in a painting
class, celebrated UTSA football by
tailgating, held a happy hour of
thanks, had our annual Holiday
Dazzler and enjoyed our Founders’
Day Celebration. We are also deep into planning the next
Texas State Day! This year we had several sisters get engaged,
married, and grow their families. During Convention this past
summer, Rachel Chavira received a Rose Award and SAAC was
recognized for Ruby Level status!

Vancouver Alumnae Chapter
We have increased membership and involvement of young
alumnae by bringing in the Pi program, a local variation
of AOII’s The First Year’s On Us program. We also saw two
Alumnae Initiates sponsored by the chapter initiated into Beta
Kappa and join our alumnae chapter.

Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 To Dragma • 59
To Dragma • 59

With grateful appreciation, AOII recognizes the following new
members who joined between November 16, 2013 & M

Alpha Delta Gamma Alpha Lambda Eta

Connie Chang Gabriela Brito Casey Bata Elizabeth Doyle
Susan Harvey Amy Calfas Cassandra Kessler
Jordan Hollis Gamma Omicron Caitie Key
Delta Beta
Alpha Delta Jackie Modist Lambda Omicron
Devon McKinley
Kiana Carlson Iota Elizabeth Jones
Delta Delta
Alpha Pi Lauren Arkin Lambda Rho
Sarah Jean Esser
Jean Knight Stabler Amy R. Schumacher Iota Sigma Evelyne Cras

Beta Lambda Delta Kappa Leslie Thompson Lambda Sigma

Diane Brown Thorstenson Marisa Chao Iota Theta Lynne Graves Ramsaur

Beta Phi Delta Rho Allison Dougherty Nu Lambda
Leah Torres
Katie Beckman Andrea Morehouse Corinne McCann
Karen Kincade Theoharatos Kappa Gamma
Delta Sigma Nu Omicron
Beta Zeta Sarah Burgess
Jody Octavio Thomas Tracy Allen
Alex Fousch Kappa Kappa Alyssa Nordstrom
Delta Tau
Chi Delta Morgan A. Barry Omega Sigma
Berta Wesselman
Suzanne Samuels Cornell Kappa Omega Elizabeth Bond
Epsilon Omega Heather Kubik
Chi Lambda Taylor Chism
Sally Allen Melissa Cox Daly Omicron
Gretchen Otness
Lisa Henry Trulove Epsilon Sigma Kappa Omicron Sarah Jordan Priest
Lucy Ratterman
Natasha Banas Carolyn Fitzpatrick May
Omicron Pi
Gamma Kappa Rho
Barbara Bixler Wybrecht
Lisa Engblom Brown Moore Katey Cook
Lambda Alpha
Beverly Bennett Williams
Melissa Gutierrez
Phi Chi
Lambda Beta
Lisa Moody Engeriser
Maryanne Alderson Penny Segura
Darlene Gonzales
Michelle Tringham Phi Sigma

Lambda Epsilon Rebecca Ryne Unger

Marina Georgieva Phi Upsilon
Jessica Smith
Judi Ramsey McCoy

March 25, 2014.

Pi Kappa Theta I am Life Loyal

Mary K Turner Diaz Marilyn Faris Sarah Jordan Priest

Pi Theta Theta Beta Life Loyal AOII Member

Vanessa Franco Lauren Lally Omicron (U of Tennessee)
Jasmy Garbalosa
Theta Iota Alumnae Relations Chairman
Rho Beta
Adelle Brophy As a legacy, it’s been my privilege to share
Kimberly Acker Lilly Greenheck my AOII sisterhood with my mom. When
Lyndsey Porter I pledged AOII at the University of Tennes-
Rho Delta see, my mom was inspired to reconnect and
Theta Omega chose to join Life Loyal herself. After I attended
Logan Heim Leadership Academy this spring as Alumnae
Jordan McMullan Nika Cervantes Relations Chair, I continuously talked about
Megan Dakai how amazing it was that so many women share
Rho Omicron Shae McCormack the common bond of AOII from all different
backgrounds and ages. Without me knowing,
Becky Holm Ratterman Theta Psi my mom signed me up to be a Life Loyal AOII
member because she now wishes that she had
Sigma Lindsay Walter always stayed connected. She values what AOII
means now more than ever. I am very thankful
Irene Frayman Upsilon that she did because I know AOII has helped
Ade Onisile Vandenburg mold me into who I am today and will always
Teddy Jacobson Greenwald be a part of my life.
Sigma Alpha
Upsilon Lambda
Caitlin Sullivan
Tessa Lopez
Sigma Beta Emily Rodriguez

Ashley Benson Xi
Kelsey Benson
Jacalyn Burrows
Sigma Chi Samantha Waddell

Katie Toomey Xi Omicron

Sigma Omicron Sarah Truman

Brenda Welch Coop Zeta
Janet Shepherd Utley
Aeshia Grine
Sigma Phi
Zeta Psi
Shannan Mockler
Carol Leigh Williams Pendergrass

Haley Mruz

Tau Omicron

Mary Harpole


It’s heating up! Stay Cool!

AOII Emporium Shopper Favorites!!

Tank Tops!

Tank Tops!

Salmon CC Tank with Navy Quatrefoil Pattern $25.50 Tank Tops!
Navy CC Tank with Red Chevron Pocket $30.50
Alpha Omerica Pi Tank $25.50
**Super Cute Canadian Option Coming Soon!**
Ivory Floral Racerback Tank $28.50
Coral Aztec CC Tank $25.50
Coral CC Tank with Aqua Chevron Pocket $30.50
Red Love & Roses Tank $25.50

Long Sleeves! Bid Day Packs!!

It’s warming up, but it’s still cool at night! It’s never too early to get your bid day pack order in
Bundle up in a cozy AOII long sleeve! for the fall!! Design your own or order one of our
pre-made Bid Day Packs!

Contact [email protected] today
to get your Bid Day Packs Ordered!

Aqua & Magenta Rose Long Sleeve $32.50
Gray Classic Long Sleeve $20.50
Red & Aqua Est. 1897 Long Sleeve $32.50
Red CC Chevron Panda Long Sleeve $30.50

Whether you want to send an “I love you
A Latte” token of appreciation, you need
cups for your next alumnae meeting,
or you want to add a fun touch to your
chapters’ next Bid Day order, we have
every style of drinkware you could want!

Red Travel Mug - $10.50
Flat Koozie - $2.50
Latte Wrap - $5.50
Red Monogram Cup - $4.00
Mason Jar Tumbler - $15.50
Red Camelbak - $21.50
Pink Camelbak - $21.50
Red Panda Heart Cup - $2.50
Color Change Cups - $2.50

Contact [email protected] today!

Support your sisterhood & try the Emporium out for your next - Lowest Price Guaranteed!
custom chapter order!! We make shirts for Bid Day, Recruitment, - Free Artwork & Changes!
Philanthropy, Socials, Formals, and anything else you can think of! - Free Shipping!
- 2 Week Turnaround Time!
- 1000s of Products to choose from!

If your chapter is interested in custom-designed
Coastal Jerseys for your next event, email
[email protected] to get art work
started, and group pricing!

Peach Original Coastal Jersey - $47.50
Red Panda Coastal Jersey - $56.60
Red Original Coastal Jersey - $47.50
Gray Alpha O Rose Coastal Jersey - $56.50
Aqua Original Coastal Jersey - $47.50

Pink Bib $12.50 Reserve your Shop Box
Blue Bib $12.50 for the Fall now!!
Panda Bear $7.00
Children’s Book $25.50 Only 30 Spots available! First come, first serve!!
Panda Onesie $16.50 Exclusive products, free shipping to and from your event!
Shop the Emporium from your sorority house or suite!
Alumnae & Family! Great for Bid Day & Parents’ Weekends!

We love our Alumnae & Family!!

Purple Bow Monogram Vneck $23.50
Pink Hat $18.50
Tumble Rose Vneck $28.50
Gray Chevron Monogram Pocket T $28.50
Navy Tank with Red Chevron Pocket $30.50

Alumna Sea Foam Pocket T $28.50
Alumna Notecards $12.50
Alumna Cardigan $36.50
Alumna Coral Vneck $23.50
Alumna Red Pocket T $28.50
Alumna Mint Vneck $23.50
Alumna Red Vneck $23.50


In the last issue, we ran a story on members who had turned their AOII tee shirts
into quilts. For Further Discussion on Facebook, we asked you to share some
thoughts about your favorite tees or quilts. These are often tangible keepsakes of
wonderful AOII memories. Here’s what a few of you had to say:

Marjie Zihar Vertrees Jennifer Carbo McCoy Ann Gilchrist

Kappa Kappa Chapter Lambda Tau Chapter Theta Chapter

I still have my Alpha My biological sister made I still have a ragged navy
Omicron Pi sweatshirt I a quilt for me using all my sweatshirt with Alpha
got as a sophomore at shirts. One side was all Omicron Pi on it. This is
Ball State. I still wear it, AOII, the other was all IIKA from the mid 50s when
13 years later! because I was a lil and big we were not allowed to
sis and a court member. It have letters. I just cannot
is my college in a blanket. bring myself to toss, even
I treasure it and all the though it shows a “bit of
memories it contains. wear and tear...and paint.”

Chris Piatek Miller Erica Kisseberth Jen Marks

Iota Chapter Alpha Psi Chapter Lambda Beta Chapter

I have every shirt I ever My little made my t-shirt My mom bought some
purchased. I’ve been quilt for me out of my sweatshirts with different
planning to have a quilt very favorites. I still have a cross stitch panels in
made, I just haven’t yet few hanging around them and made me some
decided on the design. to wear, but I absolutely special letters. I still have
Thank you for sharing love my quilt! them (possibly for my
the wonderful story and daughter someday).
pictures. I hope others are
inspired to do something Danni Gray Melissa Keach Underwood
with their letters.
Xi Chapter Tau Omega Chapter
Gail Hill
When I was a senior I love my t-shirt quilt!
Nu Lambda Chapter they made us quilts It holds many memories,
as gifts. My grand- and every time I curl
I still have my original little, Ally Rodriguez, up under it, it makes
jersey but it’s so thin I made mine with help me smile!
can’t wear it in public from her mother and
any longer. grandmother! Truly one
of my favorite gifts - full of
awesome memories.

For Further Discussion

Themed #Lifetime, February’s Leadership Academy focused on
ways to foster relationships between alumnae members and
collegiate chapters, and ways to properly educate collegiate
members on the privilege of lifelong alumnae membership.
Whether you attended this weekend of education or not,
discussion on these important topics shouldn’t end there.

What does AOII for a Lifetime mean to you?

We invite you to inspire us with your passion for AOII on the AOII
Facebook page on May 15, 2014. Watch for a post that morning

from the Fraternity getting the discussion started. We’ll be following
the Facebook discussion and will select a few of our favorites to
run on this page in the Summer To Dragma. In that issue, we’ll also
present you with another topic for further discussion.

Issue no. 2 • Spring 2014 What do you think?
There’s always something fun
to discuss among sisters!

To Dragma • 67

Alpha Omicron Pi Nonprofit Organization
Fraternity U.S. POSTAGE
International Headquarters Bolingbrook, IL
5390 Virginia Way Permit No. 374

Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

Sarah Jordan Priest, Omicron (U of Tennessee)

Alumnae Relations Chairman
Life Loyal AOII Member


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