} on.
S i - u i m ; 2002 Vol.. No. 2
Si e n t
To Dragma
of A l p h a O m i c r o n P i
n ts
Our Missions: Fraternity News 15
Quarterly AOII news and
7b Dragma of Alpha Omicron announcements. In Memory
AOII pays tribute to Past
The mission ofTo Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi k 6 International President Mary
to inform, educate and inspire our readers on subjects Louise Filer Roller.
relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our members, or A Silent Killer Speaks
Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOTF involvement Ijearn the facts about suicide 16
salute excellence; and to serve as a permanent recoi which is claiming the lives of
of our Fraternity's history. far too many of our youth. N P C Spotlight
A 100 year history of the
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc. National Panhellenic
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's pa-
ternity promoting piendship for a lifetime, inspirin> 19
academic excellence and lifelong learning and
developing leadership skills through service to the Collegiate News
Fraternity and community. Our collegiate chapters dis-
cuss how tliev think their
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, Inc. chapter is making a difference
in their community.
The mission of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is to
fund programs, which promote the intellectual, ethical Weighing In On Weight 23
and leadersh'p development of members of Alpha Maintaining an ideal bodj
Omicron Pi Fraternity and, through its philanthropic weight is becoming more rare Collegiate Bulletin Board
efforts, benefit the larger society. The vision of the as women gravitate to both Briefs and highlights from
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is to ensure the contin- low and high weight extremes. our collegiate chapters and
uation of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity as we look collegiate members.
ahead to the challenges of the 21st Century.
To Dragma/SPRING 21)112
On the Cover:
death for voting people between the ages of 15 to 19, the
third leading cause for those aged 15 to 24. We can no
longer ignore this silent killer that is sweeping the country
and college campuses.
25 35 Protecting our Heritage 44
The AOTT Foundation 50 Year Members Understand the importance AOfl Emporium
Learn more about the A salute to members initiated of AOIFs Trademark Part of the 16 page
Foundations Second between July 1, 1952 and Registration. Emporium catalog is
Century Society. June 30,1953. presented in this issue.
Contact the Emporium
26 for a complete copy.
Alumnae News l b Dragma ofAlpha Omicron Pi
< ihapters share ideas on
community sendee activities. Published since January, 1905 by Alpha Om'iovn Pi Fraternity, Inc.
29 Editor
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U ofAlabama)
Alumnae Bulletin Board Graphic Design
News, notes or stories about Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
our alumnae chapters and
alumnae members. To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi, (USPS-631 -840) the official organ ofAlpha Omkjon Pi, is published quarterfy by
Alpha Omicron Pi, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood,TN. Periodical dass postage paid at Brentwood,TN, and additional
30 mailing offices. Subscription price is $ 1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year, life subsenption: $85.00.
AOll Recruitment Postmaster: Send address, changes to:
Information To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi, 5390Virginia Way, BrentwoodTN 37027.
The Membership Informatii
Form (MIF), Legacy Form ss all editorial communications to the Editor at the same address.
and Recruitment Directory
are included in this issue. Founded at Barnard College in NewYork City, January 2,1897, by.
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St Clair Mullan, Stella George Stem Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
To Drasma/SPRING 2002
International President
Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U ofAlabama)
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
International Headquarters
5390Virginia Way BrentwoodTennessee 37027. phone: 615/370-0920 fax 615/371 -9736
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site Address: www.alphaomicronpi.org
Mailing Address Updates
[email protected]
CaroleJurenko Jones
International President
A O I I perspective
This is an excerpt of just one of the of the Fraternity. AOII's policy on
many emails sent by concerned mem- leasing membership badges during a
bers to Alpha Omicron Pi International member's lifetime is a common
Headquarters regarding the sale of position that is also taken by other
Fraternity badges on the internet NPC organizations.
'To Whom It May Concern, Selling badges in public venues such In some cases we have found that AOII
I wanted you to be aware as flea markets, pawn shops and on- badges have been purchased by non-
line auction sites violates the rights of members, usually antique dealers and
that an AOII badge AOII. Unfortunately, AOII badges collectors, who then sell them on-line
is being auctioned on have been sold in pawn shops and flea to the highest bidder. Many of the
the internet What can we markets and at estate sales for many, badges being auctioned are those that
do to stop the sale of many years. These sales had gone vir- have been lost, stolen or purchased
our badges and other from a decedent's estate. With that in
tuallv unnoticed until the advent of mind, and in following our policy, we
AOII memorabilia?" j encourage all members to provide for
badge disposition in their will.
the internet, and with it the on-line
auction. The popularity and ease of Selling badges on-line has been a topic
sale on the internet have created a of great interest in the fraternal world.
new and very large public market It is a concern that items we hold dear
to our hearts are being offered for sale
All members of A O I I need to in so many different venues.
remember that the badge and
insignia of Alpha Omicron Pi are Our responsibility as members is to
copyrighted and trademarked under ensure that AOII's name and insignia
federal laws. At the time of initiation are protected. As you will read on
each member purchases a lif e lease- page 42 of this issue, Alpha Omicron
hold on a membership badge. Pi has contracted with A f f i n i t y
According to the Governing Marketing to help in the management
Documents of Alpha Omicron Pi, of our licensing program and to fur-
when a member dies, her badge is ther protect AOII's trademark. Please
to be returned to International read the article so you may under-
Headquarters unless permission is stand how Affinity is working to pro-
granted by the Executive Board for tect the heritage of our Fraternity.
its use as an honor badge or award.
Returning one's badge is one of the
few methods we have to ensure that
our badges remain with a member
Carole Jurenko Jones
4 To Dragraa/SPRINC 2002
Visit AOIPs website at Affctrfable Medical Gr-r-r-eat
www.alphaomicronpi.org RansAvaibble
AOII's magazine subscription program
Two exciting new features have been added to AOII Group Insurance is still going strong. Byjoining forces
the public area of the AOII website in the last ofes 3 Haretochoose from with magazine sales vendor QSP,
couple months. The International L 100% plan after $10 co-pay AOII has developed an exciting way
Headquarters Virtual Tour continues to be a 2 $15co-pay80/20wiha to increase revenue without increasing
popular new addition, plus we have added a membership and chapter fees. AOII
new site map. Located under the Quick $200deductible. receives 40% of the gross sales from
Reference drop down box, the site map will 3. $20c»pay70/30wilha any magazine sold through this pro-
help you quickly find the information you gram! The proceeds from these sales
need. In the coming months, look for an excit- $300deductible. are being used for scholarships and
ing make-over to the Sisters Online side of our M plans subjedtoannual and Kle- programming for Leadership Academy
site designed for AOIIs only. throi maximums. AHAOUsare and Leadership Institute. Alumnae
eHgWe. who are not members of an alumnae
• Prescnption Benefit chapter are encouraged to place
orders via tfie online store at QSP.com.
$50 annual dechjctible Internet orders may be placed at
then your plan co-pay. any time and the fraternity receives
•Dental Plan. full credit if you mark AOII as the
Enroll Today! (800) 280S383 benefitting organization.
Fax: (678) 482-4817
I'jnail: hjrxlamn@na(pajx)rn
Or visit wwwjialpacom
Become a Rose Member
If you are an alumna residing outside a fifty-mile radius of an alumnae chapter or are unable to participate in an alumnae chapter, becoming a
Rose Member is the solution for you! Rose Members pay an annual fee of $15 and in return, receive two Rose Member newsletters, a printout of
AOII members residing in their zip code area, and a small gift from AOII International. There is also a Rose Member Listserv which provides an
avenue for sharing and communicating with other Rose Members. For more information, go to the AOII website at www.alphaomicronpi.org or
contact our Alumnae Services Administrator [email protected] or call 615-370-0920, ext. 2645. See application form below.
(last) (first) (middle/maiden)
PHONE (home) _ . (work)_
*Can be found on To Dragma Label
Please send your completed form and annual fee of $15 (made payable to "Alpha Omicron Pi") to: Alumnae Services Administrator, Alpha
Omicron Pi International Headquarters, 5390 Virginia Way BrentwoodJN 37027
Your Rose Membership will be valid for one year from the date of receipt of your application form.
To Dragma/SPRINC 2002 5
I "/ aiv> speaking
A'Sfteot out, fcut it is
up t o yoo to
h e a r tv»e.r
/ have tafceo
t h e tfve* of so
Many? and ft Tj
o/> to yoo to
stof> Me# « • #
To Dragnia/SPRING 2 0 0 2
M.Ly name is suicide deals with stressful or traumatic events differenUy. Usually, when there is
an accumulation of events over an extended period of time, normal
and you, your child, a strategies used to cope can be pushed to the limit. People usually
friend, or a loved one attempt suicide to block unbearable emotional pain. A person attempt-
might be my next victim. ing suicide is often so distressed; they are unable to find other options.
Years ago, people thought
they had me figured out, but they were wrong. 1 So how do you know if someone you love is thinking about ending his or
have killed more people in the past ten years than her life? There are many behavioral and emotional changes that usually
the combined totals of my competitors: stroke, present themselves. Some experience ovewhelming pain that exceeds
cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, pneu-
monia, influenza, and lung disease! No one talks their coping capacities. A feel-
about me. I guess you can call me a silent killer." , ing of hopelessness can arise,
making the person feel like the
Let's look at the facts. Suicide is the second leading pain will continue or even get
cause of death of those aged fifteen to nineteen, and worse and never end. Many
is the third leading cause for young adults fifteen to times people feel powerless,
twenty-four years old. Traditionally, rates have been deciding that the resources to
the highest among elderly men, but in recent years reduce pain are exhausted.
rates among young people have skyrocketed past Feelings of worthlessness,
They are now the highest risk group in a third of all shame, guilt, and self-hatred are
countries. So who's making this decision to take usually shown. Once the early
their own life? Males are four times more likely to signs of trouble begin, greater
commit suicide, but females are far more likely to problems then arise. You may
attempt to kill themselves. Every hour and forty-five notice self-inflicted injuries,
minutes another person becomes a statistic. reckless behavior, and explicit
statements of suicidal ideation
You can not put a label on someone who has or feelings.
attempted or is contemplating suicide. People with
extremely different backgrounds and lifestyles In addition to the emotional and behavioral warning signs, there are also
become victims of suicide every day. Each person conditions and events to be watchful lor that can trigger an attempt at
To Dragma/SPRING 2002 1) Death or terminal illness of a relative or friend.
2) Divorce, separation, broken relationship, or family stress.
3) Loss of health.
4) Loss of job, home, money, status, or personal security.
5) Alcohol or drug abuse.
6) Depression
/Vote - Children and young adults may mask
depression by hyperactivity or acting out. The
elderly are some times overlooked. Some mistake
depression as a natural sign of aging.
Keep in mind, there is a caution about warning
signs. The majority of a suicidal population at any
one rime might not have many of the warning signs.
Also, many successful suicides only have a few of the
conditions listed above. Each person's situation is
different Even if your friend or loved one does not
fit the common "suicidal" stereotype, they may still
need help.
t r u t h s and toytrS*
You can not put a (abcl There are many myths that have attached themselves to
suicide over time. Take note, and make sure you are not
on someone who has overlooking a person in need.
attested or is
NttW: 'The *>eo*>(e who ta(k about it don't
cor)*&*t>(atir& stitci4& <lo it."
People with extreiMv Studies have found that more than 75% of all completed
different backgrounds and suicides did things in the few weeks or months prior to
their deaths to indicate to others that they were in deep
tffe*ty(e*freco^evictims despair. Anyone expressing suicidal feelings should receive
of soFcTcfe every day* immediate attention.
tAfJH: "Anyone who tries to UN herself has
j o t to be crazy*"
Only 10% of all suicidal people are psychotic or have delu-
sional beliefs about reality. Most suffer from the recognized
mental illness of depression; but many depressed people
can adequately manage their daily affairs.
MfrTH; "/f someone is going to kill hlt«se(f,
nothing can stop hiivu"
The fact that a person is still alive is proof that part of him
wants to live. The suicidal person is ambivalent- a part of
him wants to live and part of him wants the pain to end,
and his only answer is death. If someone turns to you, it
shows that your concern can help. Be sure to listen and
give the person the opportunity to unburden himself of this
pain, give him the chance to vent his troubles.
(AYTH: "Talking about suic't<je «v»sy give
someone the Idea*"
People already have the idea! If you ask a person if she
needs your help, or if she needs to talk, you are helping
her. You are showing her that you care, and taking her
concerns and problems seriously. You are giving her fur-
ther opportunity to discharge pent up feelings which may
talk her out of committing suicide.
8 To Dragma/SPRING 2002
*he e f f e c t of a rffent ktlier
Mitc^ w a s t h e c a ^ t a f n of h\s h&h school
f o o t M t t e a * * , a winning team, one that made it all the way to the state championship
game, before losing to their arch rival. He was a senior, a good student, well liked and handsome. He
came from an affluent family with two loving parents and two siblings. He participated in church youth
group functions and mentored younger students. Mitch was a great kid.
But in January of his senior year, Mitch pulled the trigger of a gun and ended his life, all the while shat-
tering the lives of his family and friends. Earlier that same week he had been mailing out college applica-
tions. The day after his death, his name was even listed in the community newspaper for having made
the school's Dean's List Mitch didn't display any of the typical warning signs, not one! Right to the very
end, he appeared to be happy and preparing for his future. He didn't call out for help, but deep inside he
was troubled. In a heartbeat, Mitch made a bad decision.
This could very easily be any one of us. If you There is help available for any one who needs
feel you are nearing the end of your rope, don't it. Whether you are contemplating suicide,
make a bad decision. It may cost you your life. fear a loved one is in danger, or dealing with
Talk to your parents, friends, ministers, or the loss of a loved one, look for help. There
school counselors. You will never find relief if are many people and resources available such
you don't seek it out and let others know you as web sites, mailing lists, and helplines. Don't
need help. Thousands of people have felt your let yourself become another statistic.
pain. There is a better option out there, even if
you can not find it on your own. If you know someone struggling with problems
that may lead to suicide, encourage them to
And please, think of those you will be leaving get help. It is never too early to start caring.
behind. Many times, people who are consider- In a lot of cases, this is what the person really
ing suicide feel they are alone. They think that needs, someone to listen.
no one cares f o r them, and no one w i l l be Pay attention to your
affected once they are gone. This is far from feelings and to those
the truth! Suicide is extremely traumatic for around you, because you
the friends and family members, otherwise might just save a life.
known as the "survivors". In addition to a per-
son's grief over the loss of a loved one, there by Samantha Owens,
may be feelings of guilt, anger, resentment, con- Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U)
fusion and distress over unresolved issues. The
stigma surrounding the suicide can make it
hard for survivors to deal with their loss, and
can cause them to feel isolated. Survivors often
feel as if they have failed, and may also shy
away from forming new relationships.
Crisis /nterventfon
The r/atfonat f/opeffne Network 1 -800-SUICIPE proves access to
trained telephone counselor*, if hours a <fay, 7 </av* a week
HeWu( Websites: i
wwwjasonfourviatlorhorg www*t>efrlen<iers.ory
ToDragraa/SPRING2002 9
Weighing in on
by Heather Breen, RD, CNSD, LD
lota (U of Illinois - UrbanaOiampaigi)
According to the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada,
extremes in body weight are approaching epidemic proportions among
North American women. Approximately one-third of Americans are clinical-
ly obese, and more alarming to health care professionals, this number is still
climbing. A smaller, but also significant, portion of the population falls at
the opposite extreme - dangerously low body weight. At both ends of the
spectrum, health risks rise dramatically. In fact, nutritional factors have
been implicated in 7 of the 10 leading causes of death identified by the
Surgeon General for the year 2000, including heart disease, cancer, stroke,
diabetes, chronic lower respiratory disease, chronic liver disease, and cirrho-
sis. According to data from the Nutrition and Health Examination Surveys
conducted by the National Institutes of Health, the prevalence of obesity
increases with age. Obesity is also more common among women and certain
ethnic groups, including African and Mexican-Americans. Present research
has identified both genetic and cultural influences. Relatively few cases of
obesity are attributed to organic abnormalities such as hypothyroidism.
To Dragma/SPRIJNC 2002
Obese people face higher risks of many diseases. Hyperlipidemias, and fractures. Psychological disturbances such as obsessive and/or
hypertension, and type U diabetes are often found in obese people compulsive behavior, depression, irritability, broken sleep, and
and contribute significandy to mortality in women. Obese women diminished sex drive are also observed. If you suspect that some-
are more likely to develop gallbladder disease, respiratory disease, one you know has an eating disorder, consider consulting the
gout, obstructive sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and severalformsof can- National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
cer than are their normal-weight counterparts. Obesity also appears (ANAD). ANAD maintains a website, www.anad.org., and hotline,
to negatively influence reproductive health. Preconception weight 847-831 -3438, which offer inlbrmation and advice.
has been linked to poor pregnancy outcome and miscarriage, as well
as infertility and polycystic ovarian syndrome. According to Karen A third diagnosis, called binge-eating disorder, was introduced by
DenBesten, Ml), "It's pretty well established that obesity increases the American Psychiatric Association in 1994. There is limited
your risk of chronic diseases." She adds, "Another thing that we're data regarding the prevalence of this disorder, however, the
finding is that obese people tend to get sicker from these diseases. American Dietetic Association speculates that a significant percent-
They develop more complications, they tend to stay in the hospital age of obese people may meet at least some criteria. Weight
longer, and don't respond as well to treatment" Acute care nurse cyclers, in particular, may be most susceptible. Associated health
practitioner Angela Van Poppel, MSN, RN agrees, "In my experi- risks are the same as those for obesity.
ence, patients who are well outside the normal rangeforweight defi-
nitely seem to become the most debilitated."
Eating disorders fall at the other end of the spectrum. They are Worninq Siqns of on Eatinq Disorder
characterized by significant psychological issues, as well as the obvi-
ous nutritional ones. Women are almost uniquely susceptible, f 1. Distorted or unrealistic bodu imaqe
accountingformore than 95% of diagnoses. In some groups, preva- 2. Fastinq
lence of clinical eating disorders has been reported to be as high as 3. Refusal to maintain a minimally healthy
20%. Studies show that 68-80% of college women engage in binge body weiqht - 85% or less than expected
eating, leading some to pronounce the problem an epidemic. H. Dramatic weiqht loss
Researcher Dorothy Espelage, PhD, of the University of Illinois at 5. Fear of qaininq weiqht even
Urbana-Champaign, cautions that sorority women may be at special thouqh underweiqht
risk "Although I doubt well ever see a study specifically examining 6. Preoccupation with food
this question, I would definitely agree that the problem is more com- 7. Binqe eatinq or other abnormal
mon among sorority women. A lot of sorority women set high stan- food consumption patterns
dards for themselves, some of which are not achievable." Counseling 8. Use of laxatives, diuretics,
psychologist Joshua Barras, PhD notes, " I sec a lot of young women or surup of ipecac
who honesdy believe that they need to lose weight, irrespective of 9. Self-induced vomitinq
what they actually weigh." 10. Excessive or compulsive exercise
Some warning signs of an eating disorder appear in the table at right
The hallmark of anorexia nervosa, refusal to maintain a minimally
acceptable body weight, can make the disease relatively easytospot,
but women with bulimia nervosa may be more difficult to identify.
They can be normal weight, overweight, or even underweight In
bulimia, binge eating is followed with inappropriate compensatory
behavior such as sellLinduced vomiting, use of diuretics or laxatives,
and excessive exercise. This behavior is conducted in secret, but it
can become difficult to hide, especially among people who live
Clinical sequelae of anorexia and bulimia nervosa include low heart
rate (bradycardia), low blood pressure (hypotension), bloating, con-
stipation, irregular or absent menstrual periods (amenorrhea), low
blood sugar (hypoglycemia), electrolyte abnormalities, osteoporosis,
To Dragma/SPRfNG 2002 11
So, what do you nc«d to know?
First,figureout where you faff The old notion of an "ideal" weight
for height has been replaced by a new term: body mass index (BMI).
Your BMI is a ratio of your weight and height To calculate yours,
see the table below. BMI defines a healthy weight more broadly, con-
sidering individual differences in frame size and musculature. The
second and major advantage of the new term is that it correlates with
health risks identified in scientific studies.
Now, what to do about it? Approximately on€-third
of Americans are
If you're underweight or overweight, you should begin with clinically obese, and
medical advice. I f you're underweight, a physical exam can
rule out health problems that cause weight loss. A physician more alarminq to health
can also spot the symptoms of an eating disorder and refer care professionals, this
you accordingly. I f you're overweight, you need to be number is still climbinq.
checked out and perhaps treated for diabetes or hypertension.
Your doctor can also tell you i f you're healthy enough to A smaller, but also
begin a weight loss regimen and how much physical activity significant, portion of
your body can tolerate. the population falls at
the opposite extreme -
Consider asking for a referral to see a registered dietitian (RD).
Many health plans offer coverage for medical nutrition therapy. If danqerously low
yours doesn't, some hospitals offer RD consultation at a nominal body weiqht.
fee. An RD can help you work out a meal plan that's right for you
and take a diet history to troubleshoot what you could be doing
better. If you have disease that requires nutritional management,
an RD can help you navigate the complexities of a modified diet
Information on medical nutrition therapy is available from the
American Dietetic Association on the web at www.eatrightorg or
by telephone at 1-800-877-1600.
r Calculate your BMI
x705 * = BMI
(Weiqht in pounds) (Heiqht in inches) (Height in inches)
It your BMI is You are
12-18 Underweiqhl
19-25 Normal
25-26 Overweiqfit
27 or more Obese
To Dragma/SPRING 2002
Here are some other tried-arid-true
tips for weight management.
Be reasonable in your patients complain that they eat England Journal of Medicine
healthy, but the numbers on the lamented that only 1 in 5
qoals. If you're in the risk scale don't budge. A quick diet Americans gets enough physical
range for BMI, take action, history often reveals that they activity to positively impact their
but you may be in for a sur- haven't been counting what health. Certified Personal
prise - studies show that even they drink. As for juice, a word Trainer Mike Miller agrees, "A
a 10% reduction in weight to the wise - eat your fruits! lot of people who complain that
can offer major health bene- Whole fruit contains the same they can't lose weight are basi-
fits. I f you've always been a vitamins and minerals, but also cally inactive." He concludes,
size 14, a size 6 probably isn't fiber. The exception is breakfast "It's hard to motivate people to
a good goal for you. If all you can manage is a glass take the first step, but when they
of juice, go ahead ! It's far better do, they're usually surprised at
Watch portion sizes. It's than skipping. how much better they feel"
easy to be fooled into over-eat- Fat-free or suqar-free Fads are Bad. According to
ing by today's giant-sized por- doesn't mean calorie free
tions. Brian Buckwheat, MS, Harish Kakarala, MD, a physi-
RD, a nutritionist in Denver, Many people munch on expen- cian at the University of Illinois,
CO, notes, "Many people are sive "diet" food products when "People on fad diets rarely lose
shocked to discover what an they're trying to lose weight, but significant amounts of weight
appropriate portion size actu- the fact is - these have calories, and keep it off. A lot of people
ally is." For meats and fish, a too. Some health care profes- become motivated when they
3-ounce portion is about the sionals have dubbed this the have a wedding or reunion
size of a deck of cards. For "Snackwell" phenomenon. they want to get ready for, but I
pasta and grains, it's about a Feeling deprived or that they're try to tell them that going on
half-cup - picture a tennis ball making a wise health choice, the Atkin's diet for 6 months
cut in half. We've all heard the patients gobble down much isn't a healthy or long term way
example about fast foods, but larger quantities of the diet to manage their weight.
what about supposedly healthy products than they'd ever eat in Exercise and diet are the only
or "light" fare? A half-order of the regular versions. If there's a true solutions."
pasta at Italian restaurant food that you love, find a way to
Maggiano's actually offers a make it fit. Try eating it less That doesn't mean, however,
whopping 12 servings of car- often, or in smaller portions. that there isn't some component
bohydrate! A bagel or muffin of truth to the advice some of
at most popular outlets could Get movinq! The biggest these diets give. It is true that
contain up to 6 standard serv- boost to your metabolic rate can dieters should consume a higher
ings of starch- 500 calories! come from exercise. People percentage of calories as protein.
who exercise regularly have a The reason for this is simple: the
Don't drink calorics! higher basal metabolic rate, amount of protein your body
meaning they burn more calo- needs for maintenance and
Sports drinks, super size con- ries even when they're at rest A repair of leantissuesis more or
tainers of juice, and big gulp 1995 editorial in the New less fixed within a certain range
sodas can easily add up to 1,000
calories or more per day! Many
To Dragma/SPRINC 2002
for adults. If you decrease your
calorie intake to burn fat, this
doesn't change the amount of
protein your body needs.
Several recent studies lend cre-
dence to the idea that adequate
protein intake helps maintain
basal metabolic rate. For most
people, an adequate amount of
protein is 0.5 grams per pound
of body weight
Snack Attacks. Small fre- Bennett. Wl. Beyond
quent meals are the vogue, Overeating. New England
but this may not be the best
option for everyone. For share your plans with a sig- Journal of Medicine.
some people, this can lead nificant other and a few
to a feeling of constant close friends or family mem- 1995;332(10j:673-674.
hunger. It can also be hard bers. This way, you can
to find light, healthy snacks. enlist support and get feed- ABOUT THEAUTHOR Food and Nutrition Board,
If your meals are not small, back from people whose Headier Breen is a dinkul nutri- Institute of Medicine, Tliomas
go back to three squares. judgement you trust. tionist at Kindred Hospital in PR, ed Weighing the options: cri-
Chicago, IL. A 1995 initiate of teria for evaluating weight man-
Diet Qui€t. This advice came So what constitutes a healthy lota Chapter (LI of Illinois - agement programs. Committee to
weight loss? 1-2 pounds each Urbana-Champaign), she is Develop Criteria for Evaluation
from a 1960s beauty book by week after the first week is active in the Chicago City the Outcomes of Approaches to
modeling maven Eileen Ford. probably appropriate. During Alumnae Chapter. She has Prevent and Treat Obesity.
Times have changed, but the the first week, you may lose a authored several papers on Washington, DC: National
advice still applies. One of the little more, but this is most like- weight management and eating Academy Press; 1995.
best ways to undermine your ly water weight To lose one disorders and also af>peared on
motivation is to advertise. Think pound of lat mass, you need to television as part of the Eatliigfit Goldstein DJ. Beneficial
of the last time a friend or create a deficit of about 3,500 cooking series presented on Fox effects of modest weight loss.
coworker announced that she calories. More aggressive TV in Birmingham, AL International Journal of
was going on a diet What did weight loss can trip your body Obesity. 1992;16:397-415.
you say? What did others say? into starvation mode, lowering REFERENCES
your BMI and making it harder American Dietetic Association. Kuzmarski RJ, Flegal KM,
Even if you are seriously for you to lose weight Really Women's health and nutrition Campbell SM, Johnson CL.
overweight, people may feel restrictive diets can also result in - position of the ADA and Increasing prevalence of over-
obligated to dissuade you metabolization of lean tissue, Dietitians of Canada. Journal weight among US adults: the
with "You look fine" or "You which you don't want Diets of the American Dietetic National Health and Nutrition
just had a baby" or similar which provide less than 1,000 Association. 1999;99:738-751. Examination Surveys. Journal
comments. Some people calories per day are not advised of the American Medical
announce that they're going without the supervision of a American Dietetic Association, Association. 1994272:205-211.
on diets all the time, but they medical professional. If you
never seem to lose weight. consume less than this, you are Nutrition intervention in the
This can even prompt teasing at risk for nutrient deficits. For
- "Are you sure you mean it more tips, consider investing in treatment of anorexia nervosa,
this time?" The best bet is Dieting for Dummies, by Jane
Kirby, RD and the American bulimia nervosa, and binge Surgeon General's Report on
Dietetic Association. Nutrition and Health.
eating - position of the ADA. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 2000.
Journal of the American
Dietetic Association.
Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disoders, 4th
ed. Washington, DC: American
PsyduatricAssociation; 1994.
14 To Dragma/SPRING 2002
Mary Louise Filer Roller
Internatiorial President 1955-1957
It is with deep sadness that the service, AOII established a scholarship in Hinton Award, which recog-
Executive Board announces her name, which is awarded by the nizes a member who has
the passing of Mary Louise [National Interfraternity Foundation to a worked tirelessly for the
Filer Roller, who served as collegian who has given outstanding ser- Fraternity and who has,
International FVesident from vice to her college Panhellenic. most especially, served as a
1955-1957. Mary Louise personal example and inspi-
leaves a tremendous legacy In 1969, AOII awarded Mary Louise ration to others.
for Alpha Omicron Pi and the with the Helen St. Clair Mullan Award,
Greek community, which are which honors an alumna who has served Mary Louise is survived by
both stronger because of her AOII in an outstanding manner. She was her son and daughter-in-law,
presence, wisdom, support honored in 1995 with the Adele K. George and Virginia Roller,
and vision. and her granddaughter, Beth
Brubacker. Her family has
Mary Louise graduated from requested memorials to be
Florida State U, where she sent to the AOII Foundation
was a member of Alpha Pi and a scholarship will be
Chapter. Prior to serving as International established in Mary Ijouise's name.
President, she served as Second Vice
President of the Executive Committee, Mary Louise has modeled for AO! Is and
1947-1951; Treasurer of the Executive others the ideals and values of our
Committee, 1951-1955; and National Fraternity. May we all join together in
Housing Director. honoring her by passing on to new gen-
erations a Fraternity, which is stronger
She was AOII's delegate to the National and more vital because of her dedica-
Panhellenic Conference for 22 years and tion, support and leadership. Mary
served as chairman of the Conference Louise was an example to us all and she
from 1967-1969. To honor Mary Louise's will be missed.
Collegiate Chapters Chartered during Mary Louise's Presidency IS
Delta Beta (U of Southwest Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana), September 22, 1956
Gamma Sigma (Georgia State U, Jonesboro, Georgia), October 6, 1956
Beta Lambda (Illinois Wesleyan U, Bloomington, Illinois), October 13, 1956
To Dragma/SPRING 2002
i NPC's
Centennial History
written by Liz Pinck editor.The Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine
Take a moment to picture yourself as a Higher education in the United States was a The First Fraternities
woman living in 1836. Your life then stricdy male privilege until 1837, when tiny
would have been radically different from Oberlin College in Ohio enrolled four Those few women who did have the
your life today, different in ways that are women in a special Ladies Course. By 1867, courage to enroll in traditionally all-male
hard to imagine. You would not have been many church-affiliated institutions, among schools faced hostility from almost every
permitted to vote. You would not have them Monmouth College, Indiana Asbury, side: from their peers, from their professors,
been allowed to own property. And—200 and Syracuse University, admitted women from society as a whole. They longed for
years after the founding of Harvard, the as students. Still, by 1870, fewer than one support, camaraderie, and understanding.
first college on American soil—you would percent of all women between the ages of Denied the opportunity to participate in
have been denied the opportunity for 18 and 21 were enrolled in institutions of most campus extracurricular activities,
education after high school higher learning, and most of them attended twelve young women at Monmouth College
women's colleges. in Illinois met in 1867 with the intention of
forming an organization modeled after
ii men's fraternities. They called the organiza-
tion IC Sorosis (Pi Beta Phi was their secret
i TITT , motto), and in 1868, a second chapter was
established at Iowa Wesleyan College.
In early 1870, four young women at
Jtl Indiana Asbury founded Kappa Alpha
Theta; within a few months, a second
Theta chapter was formed at nearby
Indiana University. And later that same
year, Kappa Kappa Gamma joined IC
Sorosis on the Monmouth College campus.
• Two women's groups, both founded as liter-
ary societies at Wesleyan Female College in
11 Georgia, are officially noted as the oldest
11 secret sisterhoods. Alpha Delta Pi began its
life in 1851 as the Adelphean Society; in
1905, the organization changed its name
and began expanding to other campuses.
The rival Philomathean Society was found-
ed in 1852 and became Phi Mu in 1904.
L6 To Dragma/SPRING 2002
NPCs tenth, the organization changed its
name to National Panhellenic Congress; this
name remained in use until 1945.
Kappa Delta and Phi Mu were admitted to
NPC in 1912 and were present at the
eleventh conference. In conjunction with
this meeting, the national presidents of the
member groups met for the first time; in
1913, the editors of the member groups
also met Also in 1913, Delta Zeta estab-
lished itsfirstalumnae chapter. It was at the
1915 annual meeting that the congress
voted to meet biennially and adopted a
Panhellenic Creed.
The Panhellenic Movement Invited to the gathering were representa- In 1923, the first motion of the eighteenth
tives from Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, National Panhellenic Congress was to send
By 1883, the number of women's fraterni- Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, a telegram of greetings to Grace Goodhue
ties had swelled to nine. Ironically, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Pi Beta Phi A Coolidge, a member of Pi Beta Phi and the
although they were all founded in the spir- set of motions to be used as the framework first fraternity woman to preside over the
it of sisterhood, there was very little sisterly for a permanent organization was present- \\ bite I louse.
feeling between these groups. In fact, they ed; the conference discussed recruitment
were in fierce competition with one anoth- issues; and it was decided that annual con- In 1939, Alpha Delta Theta presided over
er. Articles in early editions of fraternity ferences would be held, called by each of the twenty-sixth congress. At the close of
magazines always referred to other frater- the seven fraternities in rotation. Gamma the meeting, Alpha Delta Theta merged
nities as rivals, not as contemporaries or Phi Beta called the second conference in with Phi Mu. The national officers of both
other, more polite, terms. 1903; Alpha Chi Omega and Chi Omega organizations embarked on a trip to Alpha
became members. Delta Theta's Alpha Chapter at
The first attempt to bring the various frater- Transylvania University to install it as a Phi
nities together occurred in 1883 when offi- In 1904, Delta Gamma served as hostess of Mu chapter; visits to other Alpha Delta
cers of several groups agreed to convene a the third meeting. Alpha Xi Delta was Theta chapters followed. Hazel Falconer
"Panhellenic Council" in Philadelphia the admitted, and it was decided to admit Benninghoven, Alpha Delta Theta presi-
following year. Yet it wasn't until 1891 that Sigma Kappa as soon as the group com- dent at the time of the merger, later served
delegates from Delta Delta Delta, Delta plied with conference rulings. (Sigma as Phi Mu's national president She is per-
Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Kappa was admitted the following year.) haps the only person to serve two NPC
Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Pi Beta An order of rotation for the official organi- groups as national president
Phi met in Boston at the request of Kate zation was also set up.
Bird Cross, third Grand President of Kappa
Kappa Gamma. And although a congress of In 1905, the fourth Intersorority At the thirtieth National Panhellenic
fraternities met at the 1893 World's Fair, Conference admitted Alpha Omicron Pi to Conference in 1947, Alpha Epsilon Phi,
another nine years passed before any fur- membership. Kappa Alpha Theta estab- Alpha Sigma Alpha, Alpha Sigma Tau, Phi
ther steps were taken toward panhellenism. lished a scholarship fund for its members; Sigma Sigma, Delta Phi Epsilon, Sigma
in 2001, it provided more than $500,000 Delta Tau, Sigma Sigma Sigma, and Theta
Panhellenic Highlights in scholarships. Phi Alpha were admitted to associate mem-
bership. Full membership in each case
In 1882, Gamma Phi Beta became the first Sigma Kappa held its national convention in would be contingent upon the elimination
"sorority," a word coined by Dr. Frank Washington, DC, where delegates were by June 1,1948, of all chapters on campus-
Smalley especially for this group. Kappa received l>\ President llieodore Roosevelt es not meeting NPC requirements and of
Kappa Gamma published The Key, the first The eighth conference was held in 1909; all dual membership involving NPC frater-
magazine produced by and for a women's Zeta Tau Alpha and Alpha Gamma Delta nities. In 1951, full membership was grant-
fraternity. In 1890, the Pi Beta Phi conven- had been admitted to conference member- ed by the National Panhellenic Conference
tion featured member and noted suffragist ship during the year and were in attendance. to these associate groups. Kappa Delta
Carrie Lane Chapman (Catt), who spoke The group adopted the name National made its first presentation in 1950 of the
about the "new revolution." Panhellenic Conference (NPQ. Delta Zeta Kappa Delta Awards to the American
attended the 1910 conference as a member Academy of Orthopedics Society. Today
In 1902, the first Intersorority Conference for the first time. At the 1911 conference,
was convened in Chicago by Alpha Phi.
To Dragma/SPRING 2002 17
three annual awards of $20,000 each are Panhellenic House i
given. In 1957. the total number of NPC fra-
ternities reached an all-time high: 32 mem- One of the most fascinating chapters of Bum m
bers. Delegates to the thirty-fifth meeting NPCs history is the story of the Panhellenic
adopted an NPC insignia, the NPC House, the first hotel/residence in New York In addition to providing accommodations,
Declaration for Freedom, and the NPC Gty owned and managed by women. When the Panhellenic House served as the head-
Statement of Rights. it opened in 1928 on the corner of Mitchell quarters of the New York Gty Panhellenic
Place at Forty-ninth Street (near the future Qub, and as a place for initiations, banquets,
In 1963, NPC, in cooperation with the site of the United Nations building), the dances, and the meetings of local fraternity
National Interfraternity Conference, spon- Panhellenic House was a 26-floor tower, the chapters, collegiate and alumnae. The loca-
sored an exhibit about fraternities at the New tallest building in the vicinity. The Greek tion was attractive, as was the fact that
York World's Fair. At the fortieth meeting, in alphabet was carved into the bricks near the Panhellenic House quickly became a center
1967, NPC expressed its disapproval of entrance; the cornerstone contained a listing for the arts: concerts, lectures, art exhibi-
women's auxiliaries to men's fraternities, also and history of the National Panhellenic fra- tions, etc.
known as Little Sister organizations. ternities, and on the ground floor was a
bookstore called Alpha and Omega. In 1932, accommodations were made avail-
In the 1970s, interim meetings of the National able to fraternity men, and in 1934, the
Panhellenic Conference were established, and The idea for the Panhellenic House was board of directors agreed to open the hotel
NPC joined other interfraternity groups in inspired by the multitudes of young fraterni- to the general public. At the same time, the
establishing the right of all fraternities to ty alumnae moving to New York to pursue name was changed to Beekman Tower.
remain single-sex organizations. NPC also careers in the early1920s. At that time, rents Because of this, and because both the build-
adopted a resolution encouraging member in the city were high, and living quarters ing's mortgage holders recognized the
fraternities to forbid hazing. Zeta Tau Alpha deemed suitable for young women were integrity and sincerity of the board mem-
created a fraternity housing corporation, the particularly expensive. The Panhellenic bers, Beekman Tower (Panhellenic) was able
first entity of its kind, in 1977. House Association, Inc., was organized in to survive the economic hardships of the
1922, with a board of directors comprising Depression and World War 11. In fact, it was
In the 1980s, an NPC central office was representatives from the participating one of only five hotels in New York Gty to
authorized, educational alcohol programming women's fraternities. Its goal was to obtain survive bankruptcy in 1935.
was recommended for each NPC group, and affordable and gracious accommodations for
the use of alcohol and the participation of the single, fraternity women visiting or living By the early 1960s the value of the property
men in recruitment was prohibited. In addi- in New York Gty. Emily Eaton Hepburn, on which Beekman Tower sat had increased
tion, a permanent position of NPC archivist Kappa Kappa Gamma, was a prime force because of its proximity of the United
was created and a Rushee's Bill of Rights was behind Panhellenic House. She served as Nations building. At the same time, the sup-
presented. In 1987, Mary Burt Nash, Alpha Xi president of the Panhellenic House ply of New York Gty hotel rooms exceeded
Delta, was citedforthe longest contribution to Association, and her interest and generosity the demand. An opportunity to sell the
NPC, 33 years; Minnie Mae Prescott, Kappa contributed substantially to the success of building came in the spring of 1964, and on
Delta, was cited for the longest service to her the venture. She pursued the project, con- May 18, a special meeting of the stockhold-
fraternity, 52 years. vincing others that it could be done and ers adopted a plan for complete liquidation
arranging for the sale of common and pre- of the corporation and sale of all assets and
Among diose honored at the memorial ser- ferred stock The total investment, including properties. Happily, the stockholders realized
vice during the forty-ninth meeting in 1985 land, building, and furniture, amounted to a profit on their investments.
was Judith Resnick, Alpha Espilon Phi, an $1,628,942. (In 2001 dollars, this equates to
astronaut who perished during the more than $16 million.) Acknowledgements: Arrows, Angels, and
Challenger disaster. Admiration, by FD Becque (Pi Beta Phi, St
The Panhellenic House was formally Louis, MO, 1995) The History of Kappa
During the 1990s, NPC agreed to be a part opened the evening of October 1,1928, with Delta 1897-1937 by Marion Day Mullins
of the Hand-in-1 land breast cancer project a reception arranged by Mrs. Richard (Kappa Delta, St Louis, MO, 1937)
and the Adopt-a-School Project In 1995, the Holton, Phi Mu, and Mrs. Louis Wilputte,
NPC Foundation was established. In 1997, a Kappa Alpha Theta. An article in The New
resolution to support men's fraternities who Yorker described the ballroom: "It is such a
have implemented substance-free housing symphony in grayish wood, silver, deep
was adopted. It was also resolved to incorpo- peachy red and dark pink marble! Nothing
rate "Year of the Scholar" programming; to can ever spoil its serene, aloof, yet irresistibly
authorize financial support to the Research appealing dignity." John Mead Howells, the
Initiative, a study determining the positive architect, received the French Architect's
impact of the Greek experience on college Award for the building's design.
and alumni men and women; and to reaffirm
NPC's position against hazing.
18 To Dra-rma/SPRING 2002
Idea Sharing,:
Alpha Psi Chi Theta
o Bowling Green State U Northeastern State U
H o w is your chapter For Dance Marathon, our DCR is planning on This year our chapter is teaming up with the
making a difference in your making Duffle Bags with the Dance Marathon Tulsa Arthritis Foundation, lor the first annual
community? logo on it, selling it to people on campus, and "Jingle Bell Run". We an' also very excited to
donating the funds to Dance: Marathon. announce that through our "Wheelchair Race"
Alpha Chi fund raiser, we raised enough money to purchase
Western Kentucky U AlphaTheta stuffed pandas for the children at the Children's
Coe College Arthritis ( i m p in Gutherie, OK. Much participa-
Every year the Alpha Chi sisters volunteer lor the tion has been geared toward spending time with
Medical Center I OK Classic. Another annual This year we plan on focusing on raising large the elderly at a local nursing home.
fund raiser benefits the Bowling Creen Lions contributions through philanthropy. We are
Qub. Each member sells five tickets to raise involving the community by asking corporations Delta
money for the Lions Club; over 900 tickets are to sponsor our annual teeter-totter-a-thon. We ' jfts U
sold. Many girls also wear letters when they vol- plan to invite different media ouUets to come to
unteer to work in the homes featured during the advertise the corporations along with getting the Some of the sisters tutor local elementary
Bowling Creen Parade of Homes. There are Greek name out into the community. school children. On Halloween we go trick-o-
many schools in the area that seek the help of the treating for canned goods and donate the food
chapter lor their fall festivals or other events Beta Gamma to a local shelter.
throughout the year. Michigan State U
Delta Beta
Alpha Delta Our chapter has done many things to get U of Louisiana at Lafayette
U ofAlabama involved with the community and make a differ-
ence. Our philanthropy committee arranged the Our annua] philanthropy is 'Trick or Treat for
Our chapter volunteers weekly at Holt first annual Dodgeball Tournament that raised Arthritis" in which we collect funds to donate to
Elementary School to tutor children. Several girls money to send to New York It was a great suer Arthritis Research. We have also collected
volunteer weekly at the Y M C \ and at Child cess! We were also proud to hang a banner on money for the North American Food Drive and
Abuse Prevention Services. Also, we volunteer at our house saying "AOII's heart goes out" for the American Red Cross with another Greek
the nursing home. those who were impacted by the nation's tragedy. organization.
Alpha Gamma Beta Phi Delta Delta
Washington State U Auburn U
We had a Fiesta Night to benefit Reiley's
Our chapter is going to sponsor a Random Act of Children's Hospital early in the semester. Many We are working hard to make a difference in
Kindness Week. This week we will be doing com- sisters also volunteer at places such as our community. On Philanthropy Day of our
munity service and little act of kindness, such as BloomingKids, Bloomington Developmental recruitment we made stress roses and delivered
handing out homemade cookies to people on I jearning Center, and the Campus Visitor Center. them to a local nursing home. Many sisters make
their way to classes. weekb visits to a lo<;il retirement center and \i>it
Betalau widi the residents there. This year we are looking
Alpha Lambda U otToronto forward to being involved with Camp M\SH, a
Georgia Southern U camp for children with arthritis.
We are always out at the university, and in the
Alpha Lambda is always concerned with making a c ommunity fund raising, (ie Spaghetti Dinners; Delta Omega
difference in our cnmmiinilv On October 2.2<X1| raising moneyforour philanthropy and so much Murray State U
we organized a car wash to benefit the American more.) Slowly but surely, U of Toronto is realizing
Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. All proceeds were that sororities are about friendship, love, scholar- The I )elta Omega Chapter held their annual Mr.
donated to help out. We asked for donations and ship, and helping out with community service. MSU Pageant and donated all of the prcxteeds to
found that people were giving donations as high as the American Red Cross in light of the tragic
twenty dollars. It was a huge success. Chi Lambda event held on September 11, 2001. We raised
U o f Evansville over $5,000 to contribute to the fund. We are
Alpha Phi now working hard to raise money for Arthritis
Montana State U We have had a car wash to raise money for the Research by working at community events, hold-
tragedy in New York. We are going to help ing fund raisers, and even donating money out of
We are helping raise money for big brothers, big Lambda Chi Fraternity with their canned food our own pockets!
sisters by volunteering to help at a haunted house drive. We have made a small amount of money for
at our mall. We are also having our annual run Arthritis by doing AOPie in the Face which is Delta Pi
for the rose charity race which includes the com- where people pay a dollar to push a pie in an Central Missouri State U
munity. All profits go to Arthritis Research. AOlFs face. We also plan on doing Fraternity Feud
again for our philanthropic event on campus. This past year we have worked with the local
To Dragma/SPRING 2002
battered women's shelter doing a variety of Epsilon Gamma homes for their therapy sessions. Also, Kappa
activities, such as holding an Easter Egg hunt for U of Northern Colorado Chi participated in one of the fraternities Senior
the children and cleaning and decorating a Prom. This is a prom for the old folks home. We
room. Last year we were also able to participate Epsilon Gamma is getting our name out around are very proud to say we have brightened the
in Habitat for Humanity. Delta Pi participates the community. We have done a few activities faces of our elders here at home.
in Adopt-A-Highway and takes time to clean with the underprivileged youth including pump-
our area every month. kin carving for Halloween and reading to ele- Kappa Gamma
mentary school children. As we grow and build as Florida Southern College
Delta Psi a chapter we hope to do more activities within
U of Albany- the community. Our chapter raises money with a talent show fund
raiser called Star Search. We also are putting on
Delta Psi is always taking part in volunteer work, Gamma Wacky Olympics for the local Boys and Girls
and raising money for our philanthropy. We are U of Maine dub. The children are all invited to come and
walking and raising money for the Breast attend. We also raised money for the Red Cross
Cancer Walk . Also we are raising money for an We are active participants of the University's by selling canned sodas for 50 cents and giving
alumna who lost her father in New York on Family Fun Night that occurs 3timesa semester. the money to the Red Cross to aid in the attack
Sept 11,2001. Family Fun Night consists of the community on America.
coming to the universitytouse the pool and gym
Delta Sigma facilities. We monitor thefacilitiesand are there to Kappa Kappa
San Jose State U help people out Also, every Halloween we Trick Ball State U
or Treat for canned goods, which we donate to
We volunteer at a local women's shelter, decorate the local Soup Kitchen. Kappa Kappa Chapter participates in many
at Christmas in die Park, plant flowers near the events that make a difference in our community.
highway, and clean up local parks. Gamma Delta Kappa Kappa members actively volunteer at hos-
U of South Alabama pitals, American Red Cross, Habitat for
Delta Upsilon Humanity, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and within
Duke U We hold a Halloween party for local children with church youth groups justtoname a few.
arthritis. We also volunteer at a local soup
Our chapter held our annual Back to the Beach kitchen and help with the Jingle Bell Run. Kappa Omega
fund raiser last falL Organizations from all over U of Kentucky
campus participated by playing games and buying lota
t-shirts. Proceeds wenttowardsArthritis Research. U of Illinois Our chapter volunteers at a nursing home, which
includes bowling, senior proms, and visiting the
Epsilon As a chapter, we hold a Sweetest Day Rose Sale in elderly. We also take part in a tutoring program
Cornell U the fall with Sigma Tau Gamma. AH of AOIFs at the norence-Crittendon Home every Tuesday
funds through it go to benefit A Woman's Place, a night This includes tutoring or just being there
Epsilon is making a difference in the Cornell and local organization. Iota recently became involved to talk to pregnant teens. Donations to several
Ithaca community by supporting many important in Adopt-A-Highway, and plans on taking an organizations have also been a key component to
philanthropic causes and encouraging involve- active role in cleaning our stretch ofhighway. our philanthropic program. Working with anoth-
ment within the Creek system. Such causes er fraternity on campus, we are preparing for our
include the recent AIDS Work Ride for Life and lota Chi annual fund raiser for Arthritis Research, which is
Breast Cancer Walkathon in Ithaca. U of Western Ontario Pi-Alhalon.
Epsilon Alpha Every Friday, two girls go to the Ronald Kappa Omicron
Pennsylvania State U McDonald house and bake cookies, cupcakes, a Rhodes College
cake- anything they want Whatever is baked is
Our chapter makes it a priority to support and left there for the families staying theretoenjoy. Zoo Boo, a carnival held by the Memphis Zoo
participate in other chapter's philanthropies. We that supports community children, is held in late
also participate in PanheDenic and campus com- Kappa Alpha October. Many of our members attend to help
munity service activities, benefiting everything Indiana State U organize this function as well as rnanning the var-
from ADDS awareness and local women's shelters ious booths throughout the zoo. We paint faces,
to underprivileged children in the area. We have many people that visit nursing homes help with arts and crafts, and work in the fun
and volunteer to help out the elderly. During house. Last year, we had about 40 members par-
Epsilon Chi Christmas we go and sing carols and send them ticipate. As well as Zoo Boo that occurs intilefaD,
Elon College Christmas cards. Each fall we do a food drive for we have Heart Throb Week that supports
the needy. We have a highway dean up day were Arthritis Research.
We regularly perform highway cleanup activities we keep clean a certain part of highway all
and Morgan Park cleanup. When the holidays thought the year . We also participated in a pro- Kappa Tau
come around, the chapter annually participates in gram were kids of lesser means came to ISU on a Southeastern Louisiana U
the "Adopt a Family" program, donating food and field trip and donated them school supplies.
supplies to needy Burlington families. We also go We visit the Belle Maison nursing home every
Christmas caroling at a local skilled care center, Kappa Chi semester. We visit the Hammond State school
and every year donate decorated panda bears to Northwestern State U every Halloween, where we have a goodtimejust
the local hospital To keep Elon's faculty incorpo- by hanging out and dancing with everyone there.
rated in their events, we have hosted haunted We are getting more involved with the nursing We also have our bi-annual Volleyball
houses and Easter Egg hunts for the faculty and homes in the community. We delivered stress
their children. balls we made during fonnal recruitment to the
20 To Dragma/SPRING 2002
Tournament with Theta Phi Alpha, in whidi all Nu Omicron Pi Alpha
the proceeds go to a business in need in the Vanderbilt U U of Louisville
Hammond area.
During our Fajita Fest, we make t-shirts and On Philanthropy night during Fafl Formal
Lambda Beta advertise throughout the Vanderbik campus. We Recruitment this year we had the potential new
California State U - Long Beach charge $5 admission for SATCO chips and salsa, members join us in making and decorating rice
lemonade, and home made goodies. We then tra- bags that children with Arthritis could heat up
This year we decided to donate a goodie bag ditionally donate the moneytoArthritis Research, and put on their sore joints. It was a fun activity
filled with toys to the County Children's hospital but this year it went to the American Red Cross and was appreciated by the children.
who suffer from arthritis. We also decided to con- Disaster Relief Fund
duct a clothes drive and a can food drive to Pi Delta
donate to the needy. Omega Omicron U of Maryland
Lambuth U
Lambda Eta The Pi Delta Chapter held it's first annual tricycle
Grand Valley State U Omega Omicron is donating for Habit for race on September 30, 2001. It was co-spon-
Humanity, which is building houses for under- sored with the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. AH the
Our chapter is participating in Boo at the Zoo and privileged families overtoperiod of a weekend. proceeds went to the September 11 fund. Our
Trick or Treat Street Both these events are for chapter also participates in the Dance Marathon
children to enjoy the Halloweentime.We all love Omega Upsilon at the University of Maryland. The benefits go to
to help them enjoy this holiday in a safe way. Ohio U Children's Hospital in Washington D C A mem-
ber of our chapter is also organizing a help the
Lambda Omicron This was the fourth year for our Greek Trick or homeless walk and we will participating in the
Cumberland U Treat and Haunted House with the men of Sigma walk The walk is around our campus.
Alpha Epsilon. Our portion of the proceeds ben-
Lambda Omicron is very dedicated to helping the efitted Big Brothers Big Sisters of Athens, Ohio. Rho Delta
community. Every year, we participated in CU at We were very excited because AOII's very own Samford U
Halloween for all of the children in the commu- Rosalie Barber travelled to Athens as a keynote
nity to have a safe Triek-or-Treat experience. In speaker for our Breast Cancer Awareness Week Rho Delta has been so involved in the communi-
the Spring we also hold our annual Easter Egg We also started another philanthropy event with ty this semester. We raised over one thousand
Hunt for children in the community at the men of Alpha Epsilon Pi called "Re a Pi" and dollars in our annual Spaghetti Supper. All of
Cumberland's campus. all proceeds from this event benefit Arthritis these proceeds are donated to Arthritis Research.
Research Along those same lines, we went "Trick or
Lambda Sigma Treating" for Arthritis. We exchanged candy for
U of Georgia Omicron money in efforts to raise even more money for
U ofTennessee our philanthropy.
This year, we are participating in a step show with
a Pan-Hellenic sorority. We are a diverse sorority The women of Omicron Chapter have loved Sigma
and feel that this is a great way to make new working with children at the Laura Cansler U of California - Berkeley
friends and to diversify ourselves even more. We Learning Center. Girls take time each weektovisit
also hosted the 2nd annual Lauren McKinnon the children and get into all sorts of fun. The sis- Prior to our Homecoming football game, we
benefit concert on November 12th. This was in ters do a wide range of activities from painting, raised about $600 for the American Red Cross
memory of a cherished sister we lost last year to cooking, and playing on the swings. It is hard to and the New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster
Leukemia. The proceeds went to benefit tell who is having more fun the kids or the AOEs. Relief Fund Each person who made a donation
Lighthouse Ministries, a foundation that helps received a red, white, and blue ribbon to display
those diagnosed with the disease. Phi Chi their patriotism. Recently, many dedicated AODs
U of Chicago got up early and participated in the Berkeley
Lambda Upsilon Marina Clean-lip.
Lehigh U Phi Chi Chapter has been busy raising money
for Arthritis Research through our annual Sigma Alpha
Our Mr. Lehigh contest makes a lot of money pumpkin sale, pizza taste-off competition and West Virginia U
that we give to philanthropy research, participa- Valentine's Day Rose sale. We also participate in
tion in the Up til Dawn campaign that benefits a mentoring underprivelidged girls, working as Every year we hold a Trick-or-Treat for Arthritis
local hospital, weekly activities with the Boys and medical rape advocates and building homes Research. On October 31st all of the sisters wear
Girls dub which benefits local kids. with Habitat for Humanity. their letters, as well as bunny ears, or a clown
nose, or a devil tail, and go out to the community
Nu lota Phi Sigma on behalf of our philanthropy. We bring with us
Northern Illinois U U of Nebraska - Kearney packets describing our philanthropy and ask fra-
ternities, sororities, as well as community mem-
We participate in a variety of community service Phi Sigma is busy spreading the word of bers to donate spare change. The money really
projects including canned food drives, blood dri- Arthritis Research Each spring, our annual Big adds up and we always earn a couple hundred
ves, campus clean-up. We have donated happy Man on Campus competition is held where con- dollarstodonatetoArthritis Research
pots made by members of the chapter to the testants from many campus organizations com-
retirement center in town and will be participat- pete. All the money raised goes to Arthritis Sigma Chi
ing in the Kishwaukee Hospital Halloween Research. It is a very well attended event and Hartwick College
Party running the games and haunted house for fun for the whole campus!
the children. Sigma Chi has started off the fall semester by
helping run the "Pit Run" for the local commu-
To Dragma/SPRING 2002 21
nity, raising money for the American Red Cross by school to cheer on the students as they walked collegiate news
after September's tragic events, taking part in to school. Halloween on the Hilltop is another
the annual Take Back the Night March advocat- project This is a BSC project where a carnival is Theta Omega
ing Women's Rights, and running a blood drive held on campus and booths are sponsored by stu- Northern Arizona U
on campus. dent organizations. In addition, our chapter visits
Camp M*A*S*H every summer, which is a free One of the activities we held was a bake sale to
Sigma Delta camp for children with arthritis. At Camp donate money to the Breast Cancer Research
Huntingdon College M*A*S*H we have a themed carnival for the chil- Foundation. We also helped to decorate a nearby
dren with everything fromface-paintingand ring nursing home again for the holidays, as this was a
On Labor Day weekend, we volunteered with tossestoa cake walk and a pie throwing booth. huge hit last year. The residents of the nursing
Jerry Lewis's Muscular Dystrophy Association home were glad to see us, and we were happy to
telethon. In the wake of the September 11th Tau Gamma accommodate themforthe holidays. We planned
tragedy, we donated blood to the Red Cross and Eastern Washington U an Ultimate Frisbee Tournament that all students
participated in a campus-wide candlelight vigil. can participate in on campus.
On parents' weekend in September, we held our Our chapter is involved in highway cleanup. We
annual AOKe in the Face fund raiserforArthritis have a mile between Cheney and Tyler that we Theta Psi
Research. Some of our sisters also participated in clean up once a quarter. We also volunteer for U ofToledo
the American Cancer Society's Race for the Cure any activity that the community sets up. For
to support breast cancer awareness. instance, in the Cheney 3 on 3 basketball tourna- We volunteer in September for the MDA
ment we volunteer to score the games. Telethon. In the area they have a carnival for all
Sigma Omicron of the kids that have Multiple Sclerosis and their
Arkansas State U Tau Lambda families. We run all of the games and play with
Shippensburg U the kids all of the money is then contributed to
Our chapter participates in lots of community the cause. The ladies have a great time while
activities. For instance, we have done walk-a- We raised a considerable amount of money for helping these children.
thons and we even helped out with a commercial Arthritis Research through a mile of quarters
that was going to be advertising an upcoming event and our annual Mr. S.U Pageant We con- Upsilon Lambda
walk-a-thon. We also held a fund raiser in the tinue to do high-way dean-up once a semester. U ofTexas - San Antonio
community to help raise money for the victims in We are working on more community service pro-
NewTfork jects, such as raking leaves for the elderly with In September, we raised over $1600 in addition
arthritis, and becoming involved with an adopt-a to canned goods with the gendemen of Kappa
Sigma Phi -school program. Sigmatodonate to the September 11th fund. We
California State U-Northridge are also participating in other Greek organiza-
Tau Omega tions' philanthropic events such as highway pick-
Sisters from our chapter have also participated in Transylvania U ups and multiple food drives.
many events such as the AIDS walk, Revlon
Run/Walk, and our own event, Make Life We held an 80s Prom which was campus wide to Zeta
Bearable. This is an event where we collect raise money for cancer research. We raised over U of Nebraska - Lincoln
stuffed animals and then donate them to the 800 dollars, all of which was donated to the
Devonshire Police Division. They, in turn, give Markey Cancer Center here in Lexington. This Our chapter hosted a Hungry, Hungry, Huskers
the stuffed animals to children in cases of a crisis. event is very special to our chapter for it was held BBQ that was open for anyone to come. It took
in honor of our sister Adrienne Dantin, who place before a home football game Also, we vol-
Sigma Rho passed away a few days after the event Also, in unteer at the Malone Center and at nursing
Slippery Rock U October we trick-or-treated for Unicef. We also homes. Zeta girls attend other Greek philan-
do blood drives, highway clean-up on our adopt- thropies that take place on campus or off.
Sigma Rho has been more involved in activities ed road, and we participate in day of service.
that benefit our community. Last month we par- Zeta Kappa
ticipated in an event called the Butler Lions dub Tau Omicron Southwest Texas State U
Diabetes Awareness Walk The proceeds benefit- U ofTennessee - Martin
ted county residents. Philanthropy has been a big part of our events this
Along with five other organizations, we hosted a semester. We have made coloring books to donate
Sigma Tau picnic to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of to the children's home, decorate pots and
Washington College America This event was a huge success. Not only made flower kits and donated themtothe nursing
did we raise money for a good cause but we also home, canned food drive for Thanksgiving, and
Sigma Tau Chapter volunteered in the communi- worked with different organizations. donated toys and clothes for 20 kids for Christmas.
ty for their annual Fall Festival. Our sisters
worked actively with the neighborhood children Theta Beta Zeta Psi
in games, hayrides,face painting, and pumpkin Towson U East Carolina U
hunting. We had so much fun that we were
asked to be a part in Santa's Work Shop for the We have participated in several "road blocking" We have several sisters that volunteer at Boys and
same neighborhood children. events to help the victims of the September 11th Girls dubs of America, Habitat for Humanity,
attack In addition, our philanthropy chairman and AmeriCorps. We also have one sister who is
Tau Delta has created a philanthropy calendar for each running in the Marine Corps Marathon in
Birmingham Southern College month, marking dates of events in which we can Washington D.C This marathon is one of the
get involved and help in various activities planned leading fund raisers for AIDS Research!
Tau Deltas participated in National Walk to throughout the community.
School Day by standing along the road to a near-
22 To Dragma/SPRING 2002
collegiate in Doara
Chapter Anniversaries Panhellenic Honors Delta Omega Chapter
Congratulations to the following Chi Delta (U of Colorado) won The following letter was sent to the School Relations
chapters celebrating milestone several awards at their Greek Department at Murray State University and then forwarded
anniversaries this year: Awards Banquet including the to AOII International Headquarters.
Scholarship Award lor highest
50th CPA and the John G. Copeland Paul Radke, School Relations
Award for being top chapter on Murray State University
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U campus! This marks the 6th Murray State, KY 42071
May 24, 1952 time in 10 years that Chi Delta
has won this award! Also Dear Mr. Radke,
Sigma Chi, Hartwick College Sabrina Klinger and Rachel I was in Memphis, TN, this past weekend, and I happened to be
April 19, 1952 Simms won Panhellenic in a Starbucks Coffee House at the same time a number of
Scholarships, and Brooke (CA) young ladies from the AOII sorority were there. They were
Huntsville Alumnae Chapter received the Adviser of the having a good time visiting and talking with one another, but at
Dec. 20, 1952 Year Award! the same time they were very respectfol and courteous to the
employees and the patrons of Starbucks.
Pocatello Alumnae Chapter More Honors
October 17, 1952 1 could tell they belonged to a sorority, so as I was leaving I asked
Beta Gamma (Michigan State them what sorority they represented and where they went to
Northern Virginia Alumnae U) received several awards at school They told me they were AOIIs from Murray State, and
Chapter, May 5, 1952 their Greek Awards Banquet. that they were in Memphis to support a sister of theirs who was
They received the Most being treated at St. Jude's Hospital, and that they were in
75th Improved Chapter CPA Memphis as ambassadors from Murray StateforSt Jude.
Award, the Certificate for
Chi Delta, U of Colorado Excellence in Recruitment, I have written to their chapter, but I also wanted to write to
May 14, 1927 and their new Chapter Murray State because you always hear about the bad things col-
President received the $1000 lege kids do, but you seldom hear about the good, so decided to
BlcK)mington Alumnae Chapter Panhellenic scholarship. write to you and tell you how impressed I was with these young
February 5, 1927 ladies. They were a credit to their sorority and to Murray State,
AOII Continues to Reign and if I was a young man I would seriously consider going to
Denver Alumnae Chapter Murray State just on the recommendation of these young ladies.
May 16, 1927 Sigma Delta's (Huntingdon I hope you will pass this letter along to the AOII chapter
College) Holle Hartzog, Miss because even though I went to the U of Missouri at Columbia, if
100th Huntingdon 2000-2001 (left) anyone were to ask me what the best school to go to was, I
hugs her AOII sister Elizabeth would tell them Murray State after having met these young
Omicron, U of Tennessee Frank, Miss Huntingdon 2001- ladies this past Saturday.
April 14, 1902 2002 following the pageant.
Additionally, Tau Chapter (U
of Minnesota) has set the date
for their 90th Birthday Party
for October 18-20, 2002, and
Alpha Phi (Montana State U)
recently celebrated 85 years
on their campus.
Respectfully yours,
Bill Faris
To Dragma/SPRING 2002 23
B e A m o n g T h e P r o u d A n d I n v e s t I nAOITs F u t u r e
It has now been a year since our As a proud member of AOII, we need you Hundreds of your A O I I sisters have
Headquarters Staff moved into AOII's new to help us to reach our goal of raising already fulfilled their initiation promise
home in Brentwood, Tennessee. The build- $1,000,000 by the end of the fiscal year, to A O I I by supporting this Campaign.
ing has served our staff and membership well June 30, 2002. We have reached 75% of We t h a n k each A O I I sister who has
and has been the site of many trainings and this goal to date and hope that every AOII shown their pride in AOII through their
educational forums in the short time since sister will help us to meet or surpass this support of the Campaign. It is not too
our move. Hundreds of AOII sisters have goal. If each and every AOII made a gift late for you to make an investment in the
already visited AOII's new home and we are of only $50 today, our entire building future of AOII. Simply fill out the pledge
excited that we will be able to show it off to would be mortgage free tomorrow! Do card at the bottom of this page and send
hundreds more AOII's in June 2002 during not rely on your sisters to take care of this it in today. A l l donors will receive a
Leadership Institute. on their own - we need the support of small token of appreciation, as well as
each and every AOII. have their name permanently recorded
You, too, can make a visit to AOII's new in a beautiful leather bound book that is
home, through our Virtual Tour. Simply By giving a gift to the Capital Campaign, proudly displayed in the Grand Hall at
log on to the A O I I website at you are helping to secure AOII's future. our AOII home. More importantly, you
alphaomicronpi.org/virtual. and you will get If you have a daughter, granddaughter, will feel confident and proud knowing
just a sampling of the magnificence of our niece or a special young woman in your that your investment i n A O I I is truly
new facility. From the incredible archives to fife, make your gift in her honor. Your going to make a wonderful difference.
the state of the art training rooms to the love- gift will help to ensure that AOII flour-
ly brick walkway and rose garden, you will ishes in the years ahead, offering the
feel nothing but pride in AOII as you view opportunity for membership for many
these images. more generations to come.
AOf I N T E R N A T I O N A L C A P I T A L C A M P A I G N Recognition information — check all that apply:
• I do not wish to receive any recognition for my gift.
l/we will join the AOII Capitol Campaign for a Fraternity Home in Brentwood, TN by joining: • I do not wish to receive any recognition for my gift
other than donor rosters.
• Stakeholders Association/Gold Gifts of $5,000 or more with a pledge of $ Gifts to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation are
• Legacy League Gifts of $2,000 or more with a pledge of $ deductible as a charitable contribution for federal
• Capital Club Gifts of $1,000 or more with a pledge of $ income tax purposes.
• Patron/Platinum Gifts of
• Patron/Gold Gifts of $500 or more with a pledge of $ • I wish to receive a charitable deductionfortax
• Patron/Silver Gifts of $250 or more with a pledge of $ reporting purposes
• Patron/Ruby Gifts of $100 or more with a pledge of $
$50 or more with a pledge of $
(please print name as it should appear in printed recognition rosier)
Payment — check one: • One-rime payment • 3 installments
Payment method-check one: • Check enclosed • Bill me annually on . [insert date) City _St. Zip_
Credit card: • Visa • MasterCard • Discover Day Phone_
Card# _Expiration:. To Dragma/SPRING 2002
Signature_ _Chapter/Member #:
Return to Meianie Doyle, Executive Director- AOn International Capital Campaign- 5 3 9 0 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 3 7 0 2 7 - 7 5 2 9 .
Jtlpha vrowidatiofi
• I am pleased to enclose my check. $
(Make check payable to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation.)
• Please send me information about making a regular gift
through an automatic bank draft.
• I wish to charge my annual gift as follows: • VISA • MasterCard
• A single payment of $
• Twelve equal monthly payments of $
Account # _ _ Expires
«• Donate on-line at www.aoiifoundation.org. Thanks.
UP TO $124 - Friend $2,500 - Pearl Club
$ 125 - Sustaining Member $ - " y5 0 0 0
$250 -Sponsor Rub club
$500 - Wheat Club
$ 1,000 - Rose Club $10,000 - Pi Circle
$25,000 - Omicron Circle
$50,000 - Alpha Circle
Maiden Name.
City State Zip.
Chapter Init.Year.
Member Number_
• I have included the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation in my estate plans.
• Contact me to discuss gifts of appreciated stocks or securities.
• My company will match my gift. (Please provide us with the
company form.)
-oundation wBSauBk
Foundation Donor Profile
Barbara Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta
(Barbara is a member of the Second Century Society with her gift of a life insurance policy to the AOII foundation.)
Barbara, why was it important to support the Foundation in this way?
I believe in the endowment concept Endowment income will always provide support lor programs I believe in.
I do make annual gifts as well, but this is an "insurance" policy for the future well being of AOII.
Why did you make this particular choicefor your future gift to the Foundation?
At that time in our lives, my husband and I weren't ready to think about our larger estate planning needs, and
so a life insurance policy seemed the easiest and most convenient It seemed like the bestfitfor us, because the payment of the premiums had
a fixed timeline, and of course, they were deductible annually.
How difficult was it to set up this gift?
Not a problem at all! Our agent came to the house, we told him what 1 wanted to do, and he outlined several options for amounts vs.
premiums, then set up all the paperwork One visit took care of eveiything. The Foundation received the premium notices, and then I sent a
gift in the same amount that was used to pay the premium. It was very convenient
What would you tellAOIIs considering this type of future gift?
It is very easy, there's no red tape, it's flexible because you can obtain the size of policy that meets your financial needsforaffordable
giving, youll like the feeling of supporting AOU's future, and it's a clear deduction on your taxes. And, once the policy is paid up, the cash
value continues to increase meaning your future gift is increasing without any further effort on your part! I'mreallyglad I could do it!
Second Century Society
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation's Planned Giving Donors Group
What is the Second Century Society? policy premium using your gift and you receive a charitable deduc-
Established in 1992, the SCS recognizes and thanks alumnae and tion for your tax return as well as credit to your donor giving level.
friends who include the AOII Foundation in their planned giving • There are a variety of trusts depending on your individual needs.
What are the member benefits of the Second Century Society?
How do I become a member of die Second Century Society? • Recognition for your special generosity in the Foundation annual
You are enrolled when the Foundation is notified in writing that
you have providedforAOII Foundation in your estate plan. The report and donor list each fall. (You may remain anonymous.)
amount of the future gift doesn't have to be disclosed. For more • Invitations to special gatherings at international meetings or in
information, contact us at [email protected]. your area.
• A special SCS lapel pin, wallet card and bookmark.
What is a planned gift? • SCS badge ribbon if attending convention.
It's a deferred or future gift commitment that you plan as you • Tax benefits of giving to a 501 (c) (3) organization.
evaluate the distribution of your estate. • The satisfaction that you are ensuring perpetual resources for the
future of AOII.
What lands ofplanned gifts are accepted? How will my planned gift be used?
• Bequests through your will. This is the simplest and most The AOII Foundation receives the amount of the bequest or policy
common planned gift. value at the time of your death and places the proceeds in the
• Retirement plans, IRAs, etc., naming the AOII Foundation as Foundation Endowment where the earned income will provide
a beneficiary. perpetual resources for future programs and scholarships. The
• Life insurance policies naming the AOII Foundation as owner principle of the endowment is never spent Only the income
and/or beneficiary. You make the premium payments in the form generated is used as a future resource to fund scholarships, skills
of a donation to the Foundation. The Foundation then pays the training, educational programs and speakers.
To Dragma/SPRING 2002 25
Describe some of your
chapter's community
service activities.
Austin Alumnae {
During (his years holiday party, we asked mem- Houston Alumnae Chapter's "I Have A Dream Gala."
bers to bring gift items tor Safeplace, our locale
battered women's shelter. We received toys, as participants and volunteers and during the DeKalb-Kane Alumnae
games, clothing, blankets, makeup, etc. and made holidays we adopt a family in need of assistance.
a group donation to Safeplace. The members of our chapter saved travel size
Chicago City Alumnae items such as shampoo, conditioner, bar soap,
Baton Rouge Alumnae and body lotion. These items were then donated
Our chapter is collecting needed supplies for to a local shelter for battered women.
We helped the Arthritis foundation by manning various organizations in our area. For example,
their booth at the Health Fair in the mall. We also this October we collected art supplies lor a local Denton County Alumnae
provided help at the .Arthritis Gala, dinner and children's hospital.
auction. Christmas brought another opportunity In May of 2002 die Denton Alumna will be help-
to give food and clothing to a needy family. We Chicago N W ing out with Denton's Race for the cure. This
are also planning on helping with the newly Suburban Alumnae event helps support all the women who have bat-
established Juvenile Arthritis camp next summer. tied cancer.
The December meeting of Chicago Northwest
Bloomington-Normal Alumnae Suburban Alumnae began with Christmas carol- Denver Alumnae
ing at the hospital and nursing home. Instead of
Our largest community service project is Adopt-a- a gilt or ornament exchange, members were The Denver .Area Alumnae Chapter has con-
Park Each month one or two sisters make sure encouraged to bring a warm coat, hat or gloves tinued to be active in collecting children's
our park's playground and picnic areas are clean for a collectionfora local women's shelter. clothing for New Garments Only. We have also
and ready lor everyone to enjoy. Each year our collected women's toiletry items at a group
chapter also helps with all parts of the Jingle Bell Chicago South dinner and have donated them to the Denver
Run lor Arthritis Research. Suburban Alumnae Rescue Mission.
Bucks County Alumnae The South Suburban Alumnae Chapter of AOfI Detroit North
has made fun activity cards for die children at Suburban Alumnae
Our main community service activity is to sup- Advocate Hope Children's Hospital. The gifts
port a women's shelter in our area. We each bring smiles and brighten the day for many We donated small plants and Halloween toys to
bring paper, personal or cliildren's articles or toi- young patients at die hospital. Seniors as prizes for a neighborhood block party.
letries to our meetings, and then one of our I'iftx families in diis neighbodi I now know our
members delivers them to die shelter. Chicago West name. Our local Furniture Resource Charity col-
Suburban Alumnae lects and distributes furniture to women and kids
Charleston Alumnae corning from shelters to tfieir first apartment/
These are a lew ol the things our alumnae chap- homes. We donated a large gourmet basket to
The Charleston, SC chapter of the Arthritis ter has done and we recommend to oilier chap- their silent auction. Our largest community ser-
Foundation hosts an annual Food & Wine ters: 1) Have your chapter get together and vol- vice project involved the Jinglebell Run for
Fest/Silent Auction with many line restaurants unteer at a charitable organization or shelter. 2) Arthritis. We donated volunteertimeat the event
serving exquisite appetizers and desserts. Seven Collect canned goods for a food pantry at a near- raised $100.00 for a mini-grant through AOII
of us volunteered as wine servers allowing us not by shelter or church. 3) Volunteertogo to a laun- Foundation.
only admission to the event but also the opportu- dromat and wash blankets for a homeless shelter
nity to have dinner togedier. in the Spring. Evansville Tri-State Alumnae
Charlotte Alumnae We hold an annual mock baby shower for an
organization that helps underprivileged mothers-
At each business meeting we collect goods for a to-be. "Little Lambs" encourages these mothers
philanthropic organization. For example in
September we donate school supplies to local
elementary schools. Teams of our sisters partici-
pate in the Charlotte Joint Walk for Arthritis both
26 To Dragma/SPRING 2002
to keep their doctor appointments by rewarding Knoxville Alumnae alumnae nms
them with points to spend in the store.
The Knoxville Alumnae Chapter, in partnership Montreal Alumnae
Greater HarrisburgAlumnae with Omicron Chapter at UT-Knoxville, hosted
its annual Barbecue benefiting Arthritis We are looking into supporting A-WISH, a local
At each of our meetings, we take up a collection Research. group of people suffering from arthritis. Several
for local community non-profit groups. This year members have bought their cookbooks. Members
we are targeting a home for troubled teens, an Lake County of IL Alumnae also participated in the annual AIDS walk, along
animal shelter, a food bank, a clothing ministry with the members of Kappa Phi Chapter.
and a group that fills the wishes of women with We went to Build-A-Bear and created 12 beau-
terminal cancer. tiful Panda Bears to give to our local police Muncie Alumnae
department They will give the Pandas to chil-
Greater Lafayette Alumnae dren who end up in unlbrtunate situations and Muncie Chapter met in Oct. at the Hospital
need a special companion to get them through Hospitality House. Members brought paper sup-
In December, Greater Lafayette Alumnae will a difficult time. plies (papertowels,toiletpaper, etc.) and personal
gather to count their blessings and put together supplies to help in providing for those who use
their annual Christmas basket for a local single- LasVegas Alumnae the facility.
parent family. Food items will be purchased to
stock their pantry for the holiday season and gifts The Las Vegas alumnae have worked with a local Nashville Area Alumnae
will be wrapped for individual family members. women's shelter by providing new baby clothes,
formula, diapers, bottles and other essentials for The Nashville Area AC is proud to support
Greater Lee the shelter's use. They also have participated as a First Steps, a school for special needs children.
County Alumnae group walking at Raceforthe Cure. At Christmas, we set up their tree and decorate
their classrooms a the First Steps teacher's jobs
Our chapter has several projects. We volun- Lehigh ValleyAlumnae are so demanding. Additionally, we have sup-
teer for the Heart Walk, send donations from ported the school by purchasing gifts from the
our annual Garage Sale Fundraiser to the This year we had a baby shower for a local teachers' wish lists as well as given individual
local abuse shelter, and support "Adopt a women and children's shelter. We all brought needy families from the school their Christmas
Meal" by donating money to our local Meals gifts to give to the shelter and enjoyed cake and gifts. We've also participated i n the PBS
on Wheels organization. punch. Each year we all donate different items phone-a-thon.
this shelter can use. One year we had a Panty
Greater Los Angeles Alumnae Raid for them and everyone brought childrens'
underwear to the meeting.
The Greater LA alumnae have participated in the
Revlon Run/Walk for Women since its inception. Lexington Alumnae Northern Orange QxAlumnae
The Revlon event has raised millions for cancer
research. We are planning on donating items and our time Our first meeting of the year was quite a suc-
to a new woman's shelter here in Lexington this cess! We invited a Pampered Chef Consultant
Greater Pinellas Alumnae year as our service project We have also in the to give us a cooking demonstration with all of
past contributed dothing to places in the area for her wonderful cookware. We did make a
Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter is focusing on woman less fortunate than ourselves. large amount of money from the sales and we
increasing our philanthropic endeavors. We have will donate the proceeds to the Orange
supported the The Children's Home in Tampa, Long Beach Alumnae County Arthritis Foundation and the El
Center Against Spousal Abuse in St Petersburg Dorado High Parenting Program.
and provided Thanksgiving and Christmas din- Our chapter takes pride in presenting pandas to
ners to local families. the Fire Fighters to givetovictims in fires. NY/NJ Metro Alumnae
Houston Alumnae Long Island Alumnae We participate in two fund raising activities with
the local American Cancer Society chapter here
The Houston Alumnae Chapter has been very Last November our chapter made apple pie pot- on Staten Island. In the fall we volunteer as well
active this year volunteering and givingtocharity! pourri and distributed them to Bethany House, a as walk in the "Making Strides Against Breast
We collected money at Founders' Day for the shelter for battered women on Long Island. Cancer" Walk. This year we raised about
Ruby Fund. We participated and collected over $600.00. We also sell daffodils in the spring.
$1000 for the Houston Arthritis Joint Macomb County Alumnae Another favorite activity is to gift wrap at the
Foundation. We supported the I HAD Foundation Staten Island Mall for the United Cerebral Palsy
by providing tutors, books, and donating formal Community service is a large part of what we as during holiday times. Our "Strike Out Arthritis"
dresses for a special occasion that benefited girls AOII's include in our daily lives. Voting in all Bowling Party held each March raises money for
graduating in the program. local elections is one activity we greatly encour- Arthritis Research Grants and also sends a child
age and support We also encourage our member to arthritis camp.
bnesboro Alumnae to run for elected city positions. We currently are
proud to have Robin Lee Beltramini hold the Orlando Alumnae
This year our chapter decided to help the juvenile office of Gty Council member for Troy, MI and
arthritis camp that is in July. Each month, our Patricia Kowalchuk Wilson running for City The Orlando Area alumnae chapter has been
members are bring an item to the meeting to Council in Grosse Pointe Woods, ML very busy this summer helping with the plans for
donate such as water bottles, disposable cameras, colonization of a new chapter in our community
small games, and postcards. Middle GeorgiaAlumnae at Rollins College. In September a meeting was
held to inform the alumnae of what their role
For our community service activity this year we would be in helping with the colony. Orlando
are going to have a mock baby shower and alumnae are eager to be involved and helped as
donate all the items to a local woman's shelter.
To Dragma/SPRING 2002 27
alumnae newsSan GabrielValleyAlumnae Tampa Bay Alumnae
We work with the YWCA/WflNGS, a shelter for
We donated canned and nonperishable food
battered women and their children, throughout items to local families for Thanksgiving. We
also enjoy participating in local "walks" for dif-
hostesses at "Open Houses" during October. the year. Each fall WINGS provides us with a ferent causes such as breast cancer awareness
This is exciting as we have waited many years for "wish list," which lists the needs of the shelter and AIDS.
a collegiate chapter in our area. and its inhabitants which we filL
Palo Alto Alumnae Sarasota Area Alumnae Toledo Area Alumnae
Our chapter collects toys each December for We ask our members to collect and save Our year long collection of pandas will be donat-
a local toy drive for under privileged or unopened travel size soaps and shampoos. We ed to the children of the firefighters and police-
homeless children. Last year we donated can then help our local Safe Place and Rape men effected by the tragedy this past September
over 75 toys to the Mountain View-Los Altos Crisis Center furnish thesetoiletriesto mothers 11,2001. Also, during the winter monthly meet-
Family Service Association. and children who seek shelter there. ings, the Toledo Area Alumnae Chapter will be
collecting mitten, gloves hats and scarfs for the
Philadelphia Alumnae Seattle Alumnae childrentothe Toledo Day Nursery.
For several years now, the Philadelphia AC has We support Friends of \buth Avondale Park, a Toronto AreaAlumnae
supported Laurel House, a local shelter and ser- Transitional Living Program for pregnant and
vices center for women and their children who parenting teens. There were 6 families that we At our annual Founders' Day High Tea service,
have courageously escaped domestic violence. helped by donating food, clothing, and house we collected socks and other warm wear items
We provide supplies and cashfortwo parlies each items. We also put together Mother's Day and for the needy. We've launched an annual Charity
year - Halloween and the Fourth of July. We also one Father's Day basket Golf Tournament, which has proventobe a great
also have two item collections at monthly meet- success! We also look to support key community
ings where members donate items such as toi- Southern Orange events on an ongoing basis, such as the Terry Fox
letries, personal and baby care items. County Alumnae run, in aid of cancer research.
Quad CityArea Alumnae We have two local organizations that we support Triangle Alumnae
as a chapter. For the Arthritis Foundation we have
We have participated in the Jingle Bell Run for taken an active role by volunteering at their major This year we are pknning an event with the
arthritis. We have also wrapped Christmas pre- fundraising events. These include a golf tourna- Ronald McDonald House in Durham, NC.
sents at the mall for the local Arthritis groups. ment and formal "Spring Swing" ball and auc- Additionally, we made a contribution to the AOII
tion. We also participate in various drives (ie. gift Disaster Relief Fund to support our sisters who
Rockford Alumnae certificates, kid's sheet sets etc.) for "Human have been affected by the events of 9/11/2001.
Options". They are a shelter that helps women & Once again, we will be selling goody bags to the
We support the local Arthritis chapter by donat- children, who have been forced from their parents of Delta Upsilon women to help support
ing scholarships for their self-help program. homes, get back on their feet our chapter.
Sacramento Valley Alumnae St Louis Alumnae Tulsa Alumnae
We are holding a mock baby shower to support Last year we adopted a dorm of eight girls at W helped the local Arthritis Foundation on their
the Sacramento Childrens' Receiving Home. Epworth Children and Family Services. Each mass mailing and program with Girl Scouts.
Each member is to bring new clothes and/or toys month we collect items to take to the girls:
to donate to the receiving home so the children Halloween and Easter candy, Christmas orna- Ventura County Alumnae
can have something new to call their own during ments to decorate a tree, school supplies, beach
their stay at the home. balls, ice cream and root beer to make float, etc. We had fun making gifts for Junior Arthritis at
This year we are planning to have a pizza parry at the Build-a-Bear in our nearby malL Another
San Diego Alumnae their facility so that our members can meet the project was fashioning turkey favors from spoons
girls they are helping. and Tootsie Rolls for children at the local
Each December our chapter partners with our Homeless Shelter.
local Arthritis Foundation to host the American State College Alumnae
Juvenile Arthritis Organization (AJAO) Holiday Williamsburg Alumnae
Party for children with arthritis and their families. In partnership with the Women's Resource
The AOIFs set up booths and provide activities Center in State College, alumnae members will The Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter annually
for the children, including ornament painting, gather toiletry items and put together emergency supports Avalon, a local center for women
marble painting, bobbing for apples, face paint- kitsforwomen and families in need. and children, by donating goods needed at
ing, and making bead necklaces. We even bring their shelter.
a trunk of fun clothes for the children to use to Suburban Maryland Alumnae
play dress-up, and an AOII is right there with a Winston-Salem Alumnae
Polaroidtocapture the fabulous outfits on film. Our chapter is working hard to increase its pres-
ence in the community. This year we raised The chapter has in past years donated
San Fernando money for the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. money for yam for the Salemtowne knitters
Valley Alumnae We plan to participate in the Jingle Bell Run for to knit items for premature babies at Brenner
Arthritis Research, which is held every December Children's Hospital. More recently, the chap-
We sponsor children of incarcerated parents for in Washington, D.C We also look forward to vol- ter has donated old clothes and accessories
the holidays, and work with our Alumnae unteering for the second year in a row at Kids for use by Alzheimer's patients.
Panheflenic to recruit the local high schools and Jam for Juvenile Arthritis in Spring 2002.
Jr Colleges via email into the sorority system
when they reach the University level.
28 To Dragma/SPRING 2002
alumnae tin boon
AOII helps save the life AOM's Ginger Banks
of shark attack victim
Honored by Peers
Last July, a 200-pound bull shark
made headlines when he Past International President
attacked and severed the right
arm of an 8-year-old boy near Ginger Banks (Pi Kappa)
Pensacola, Florida. On that day
several heroes helped save Jesse received the highest award pre-
Arbogast's life. The young boy's
uncle wrestled the shark to sented to communications pro-
shore after hearing the boys
cries, a nearby park ranger shot fessionals who work for bar
and killed the shark, a volunteer
firefighter retrieved Jesse's arm associations. During its Midyear
from the shark's belly and an
AOII orthopedic surgeon reat- Meeting in Philadelphia, Jan. 28 - lota (U of Illinois) Reunion
tached the arm and repaired
the boy's badly damaged knee. Feb. I, 2002, the National lota Mid-1950s Reunion Arthritis Support Group in
Juliet De Campos, Nu Lambda Association of Bar Executives Knoxville, served as a long
(U of Southern California) and ( N A B E ) Communications A dozen or more lotas (U of time Arthritis Foundation
two other sur- Section presented Ginger the E. Illinois) have been meeting regu- board member, has volun-
geons operated on A"Wally" Richter Leadership larly across the country since teered thousands of hours
Jesse for 11 hours. 1996. Their travels have taken leading PACE instruction and
De Campos reat- Award for 2001. has been a long-time advocate
tach the boy's right them from Chicago, II to for AOII's support of the
arm which had RThe honor recognizes pro- Alexandria, VA, from San Arthritis Foundation. She also
been retrieved Francisco, C A to St Louis, MO, received the Arthritis
from the shark's fessional achievement in bar and most recently Chadds Ford, Foundation's Lifetime Service
stomach, packed in association communications, ser- PA Fine hotels and good food Award in 1999.
ice and delivered vice to NABE, and leadership in
by ambulance. She the Communications Section. play a role in the Beta Gamma Reunion
also shortened his
humerus bone to reunions, but the Eighteen women initiated at
ensure a tighter fit and affixed a focus is always on Michigan State U between 1952
stainless-steel plate with screws renewing friend- and 1956 gathered last fall to
to hold the bones together. ships. Next, the share memories of college days
While the other surgeons group is off to and talk about their lives today.
restitched the muscle ends, Colorado in June. They meet every two years and
nerves and blood vessels in the look forward to their next gath-
arm, De Campos sewed up Arthritis ering in East Lansing in the
Jesse's badly damaged knee joint spring of 2003.
and thigh. De Campos earned Foundation
her undergraduate, master's 1996-97 CC Reunion
and medical degree from U S C mm •'f^, Recognition
and completed her residency at The 1996-97 Chapter
USC hospitals before moving to i l l Jane "Holly" Consultants met last April for
the Florida Panhandle in 1998. Beta Gamma (Michigan State U) Reunion their 4th reunion since travel-
She and two other U S C Hollingworth ing. Gathering at the home of
trained surgeons created During more than 25 Watts, O m i c r o n (U of Elizabeth Harris in Orange
Emerald Coast Orthopedic and years at the State Bar of Texas, Tennessee) was honored at the County, C A , they saw the sights
Sports Medicine. Ginger worked in various com- annual Circle of Hope tribute of Los Angeles and Laguna
munications and management dinner of the Smoky Mountain Beach. Pictured below, left to
positions. She also served Branch of the Arthritis right Elizabeth Hall Harris, Erin
N A B E in several capacities, Foundation in 2001. This Letke Burnside, Meredith
including chairing two commit- award honors a person for Darnall, Dara Browning, and
tees. Ginger retired from the outstanding humanitarian and Alison Keen Keller.
State Bar ofTexas in July 2001. community contributions to
In addition to her profes- better the quality of life for
sional activities, Ginger has their community. A tireless
served AOII continuously at the patron of arthritis sufferers for
International level since receiv- decades, she helped found the
ing her journalism degree from
The U of Texas at Austin.
Currently she is chairman of
the Rituals, Traditions and
Jewelry Committee and is a
member of the Austin, T X
Alumnae Chapter.
To Dragma/SPRING 2002 29
Alpha Omicron Pi
Legacy Policy Explained
•A legacy is defined as a biological or •An AOFI legacy should be a qualified Sandy Gover Stewart, Alpha Gil (Western Kentucky U)
adopted daughter, granddaughter, or sister rushee in her own right - grades, activities, and daughter Courtney Gover, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama).
of an initiated member, alive or deceased, accomplishments, and overall compatibili-
of any chartered AOFI chapter. Half-sisters ty with the chapter. •AOITs must remember that some lega-
or step relations are also included if the cies are happier in another Greek group.
relation to the AOII member has been a •If a chapter releases a legacy, a member of Every National Panhellenic Conference
close one. the Alumnae Advisory Committee must group offers a worthwhile experience for
contact the AOFI relative of the legacy by college women.
•Collegiate chapters are not required to telephone to inform her of the legacy's
offer a bid to every verified legacy. release from membership consideration. •Introduce your legacy with the form
This contact must be made prior to the below. Attach it to the Membership
•Collegiate chapters are required to give distribution of invitations for the next Information Form (page 31 and 32) and
serious consideration to each verified round of recruitment parties. send it to the address for the school your
A O I I legacy out of courtesy to the AOFI legacy will be attending. You'll find a list-
sister to whom she is related. A collegiate •If an Adviser is unable to reach the AOFI ing of chapter addresses and the dates your
chapter may decline membership to a relative by telephone, written notification forms are needed in this issue.
legacy only for very appropriate and verifi- of the legacy's release must be sent This
able reason(s). is to be done within 7 days of the legacy's
release from membership consideration.
•In no case should a legacy be denied an
invitation to at least one invitational party •If a chapter carries a legacy through
after the first round of parties. Preference, she is placed on the chapter's
first bid list
Legacy Introduction Form
This form is designed to introduce A O n legacies to our collegiate chapters. It does not replace the Membership Information Form (page
31 and 32) which also must be sent. You can ensure proper introduction of your legacy by completing the form and sending it to the A O n
chapter on the campus your legacy plans to attend. A list of addresses appears on pages 33 and 34 of this issue of To Dragma.
To college or university-
This is to advise you that my (check one) • Sister • Daughter • Granddaughter.
will be attending • Sophomore • Junior • Senior college or university
as a (check one) • Freshman
beginning date
your name your phone
your street address
your city your state your zip
your maiden or initiated name
•Remember: your chapter Information your year of initiation
send the Membership Form with this form to the AOT1 address at the school your legacy will be attending. •
30 To Dragma/SPRING 2002
Alpha Omicron Pi Membership Information Form
Please mail this form to the AOTT address for the college which this potential new member will attend. The attach
addresses are listed in this issue or you may contact International Headquarters at 615-370-0920. If you have photo
gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the information directly to the
return address indicated from the chapter if
Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your supplying available information.
For the AOTT Chapter at
Potential New Member Information
Name of Individual preferred name last age
Home Address Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
College Classification (check one)
Parents'/Guardians' Names
Parents'/Guardians' Address
Family Information
Does the individual have an AOTT relative? (check one) Sister Mother Grandmother Other
Give name of AOTT relative (including maiden)
Address of AOTT relative
Phone (home): ( ) (work): ( )
Does the individual have affiliations with any other N P C groups? If yes, list affiliation and relationship, (e.g. Kappa Delta, Mother)
Does the individual have a special interest in AOTT? If yes, please list.
Have you talked with this individual about AOTT (check one) yes no
Is this individual able to assume the financial obligations of membership? (check one) yes no don't know
Academics state
High School Attended SAT/ACT Score
name crty
Scholastic GPA Scale Class Rank/Class Size of
School Attended after High School
name city
Scholastic GPA Scale Number of Credits Completed
Scholastic Honors
Please list names of organizations (explain type - school, church, community, etc) and the individual's participation and leadership in
each one. Attach additional information on a separate sheet if necessary.
ToDragma/SPRING 2002 31
Special recognition and/or Honors received
Personality/Leadership Qualities
Include information about the individual's character traits, leadership qualities and personality characteristics using specific examples
whenever possible. Indicate the individual's special interests, talents and any other information to aid the chapter in getting to know her
better and to indicate the contributions she could add to AOTT.
AOTT Recommendation for Membership
I. I recommend this individual for AOTT membership.
I know this individual personally.
I do not know this individual personally, but I am basing my recommendation on information from these sources:
(circle as many as apply) another AOTT Panhellenic Files High School Faculty Clergy
peers of the individual a mutual friend other (please specify)
2. I do not recommend this individual for AOTT membership based on information received. If further clarification is
desired, the Chapter Adviser may contact me.
3. I am unable to commit my opinion on this individual for AOTT membership:
Due to limited information received.
After contacting all available sources and receiving no information.
Comments (if any)
Recommendation Given By: signature Phone: ( )
Name city Collegiate Chapter.
Address Alumnae Chapter.
street state/province postal code
CHAPTER USE ONLY Date Date recommendation acknowledged.
Group Pledged:
What to do with recommendations after recruitment:
Once recommendations have been acknowledged, you are to:
1. Destroy recommendations on all potential new members who pledged an N P C sorority.
2. Maintain files on those recommendations for potential new members who did not pledge any group.
Recommendations should be kept on file for one college generation (4 years).
32 To Dragma/SPRING 2002
2002 Recruitment Directory
Mail Membership Information Forms (MIFs) to the following chapter addresses by the dates indicated. This will allow
the chapters to receive them prior to the start of their recruitment You will also find an address list on the AOII website.
CANADA Tau Delta, Birmingham So. College Kappa Gamma, Florida So College Chi Lambda, U of Evansville
2032 Lincoln Avenue -Suite
Alberta BSC Box 549108, 111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive
Evansville, EN 47714-5102, Early Aug.
Kappa Lambda, U of Calgary Birmingham, AL 35254, Early Aug. Box 15217
Box MH13 MacEwan Student Or
2500 University Drive - NW Lakeland, FL 33801, Early Jan Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U
Calgary AB T2N 1N4, Late Aug.
Zeta Pi, U of Alabama Birmingham Pi Theta, Florida International U Box 173 Lincoln Quad
Box 62 Hill University Center Terre Haute, EN 47809, Late Aug.
Beta Tau, U of Toronto
24 Madison Avenue Birmingham, AL 35294, Early Aug PO Box 4825
Toronto ON M5R 2S1, Early Sept
Miami, FL 33265, Mid Aug. Kappa Kappa, Ball State U
Iota Chi, U of Western Ontario
222 Broughdale Avenue Arizona Rollins College (Installed April 2002) 4319 West Clara Lane - #101
London ON N6A 2K9, Early Sept Muncie, IN 47304-5470, Mid Aug.
Theta Omega, Northern Arizona U 1000 Holt Ave, Box 2792
Gamma Chi, Carleton U 1109 South Plaza Way - #255
127 Renfrew Avenue Flagstaff, AZ 86001, Early Aug. Winter Park, FL 32789, Early Jan. Phi Upsilon, Purdue U
Ottawa ON K1S 1Z7, Early Aug.
Arkansas Georgia 1001 David Ross Road
Quebec West Lafayette, EN 47906, Early Dec.
Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U Alpha Lambda,
Kappa Phi, McGillU Georgia Southern U Iowa
3477 B Hutchison Street P.O. Box 928
Montreal QU H2X 2G1, Late Aug. State University, AR 72467, Early Aug. 102 Olympic Boulevard Alpha Theta, Coe College
Statesboro, GA 30458, Early Aug.
UNITED STATES 1220 First Avenue NE
California Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U GMU Box #1254
Alabama Office of Student Activities Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, Early Sept
Chi Psi, Cal Polytechnic State U 33GilmoreStBoxl897
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama 570 Pacific Street Atlanta, GA 30303, Mid Aug. Iota Sigma, Iowa State U
P.O. Box 861948 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, Early 2007 Greeley Street
Tuscaloosa, AL 35486-1498, Sept
Late Aug.
Delta Sigma, San Jose State U Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Ames, IA 50014, Early Aug.
Delta Delta, Auburn U 373 East San Fernando Street 1190 S. Milledge Avenue
Toomer Hall - Dorm C San Jose, CA 95112, Mid Aug. Athens, GA 30605, Earry Aug. Theta Chi, Morningside College
Auburn University, AL 36948-5002, 3609 Peters Avenue -, Box 1523
Early Aug
Lambda Beta, Cal St U Long Beach Lambda Chi, LaGrange College Sioux Gty, IA 51106, Early Aug.
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U 3980 East 8th Street 601 Broad Street-Box 216
JSU Box 3009 Long Beach, CA 90804. Mid Aug. LaGrange, GA 30240, Mid Aug. Kentucky
Jacksonville, AL 36265, Early Aug
Ilinois Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
POBoxU-1178 Sigma, U of California Berkeley Iota, U of Illinois 1566 Normal Drive
Mobile, AL 36688, Earry Aug. 2311 Prospect Street Bowling Green, KY 42101, Early Aug.
Rho Delta, Samford U Berkeley, CA 94704, Early Aug. 706 S. Mathews Delta Omega, Murray State U,
SU Box 4020 Urbana, IL 61801, Early Aug. 2040 University Station
Birmingham, AL 35229-1020, Sigma Phi, Cal State U Northridge Murray, KY 42071, Mid Aug.
Early Aug 9210 Zelzah Avenue Delta Rho, DePaulU
Northridge, CA 91325, Late Aug. 2345 North Sheffield #604 Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Chicago, IL 60614, Early Sept
500 East Fairview Avenue Powell Building 3ox 128
Campus Box 65 Colorado Epsilon Sigma, Quincy U Richmond, KY 40475, Early Aug.
Montgomery, AL 36106, Early Aug 1810 Lind Street, Box 635
Chi Delta, U of Colorado Quincy, IL 62301, Early Dec. Kappa Omega, U of Kentucky
To Dragma/SPRING 2002 1015 15th St 368 Rose Street
Boulder, CO 80302, Early Aug.
Epsilon Gamma, U of No Colorado Nu Iota, Northern Illinois U Lexington, KY 40508, Early Aug.
PO Box 336373 918 Kimberly Drive
Greeley, CO 80633, Mid Aug. DeKalb, IL 60115, Mid August Pi Alpha, U of Louisville
301 SAC Adminisztration Building
Florida Phi Chi, U of Chicago Louisville, KY 40292, Earry Aug.
5706 South U Avenue
Gamma Omicron, U of Florida Chicago, IL 60637, Mid Sept Tau Omega, Transylvania U
819 West Panhellenic Drive 300 North Broadway
Gainesville, FL 32601, Late July Indiana Lexington, KY 40508, Late Aug.
Gamma Theta, U of South Florida Beta Phi, Indiana U
4202 East Fowler Avenue CTR 2377 1415 North Jordan Avenue
Tampa, FL 33620, Early Aug. Bloomington, IN 47406, Early Dec.
Louisiana Mississippi Chi Epsilon, The Ohio State U Omega Omicron, Lambuth U
84 East 15th Avenue LAM Box 518,705 Lambuth Blvd
Delta BetaJJ of Louisiana- Lafayette Nu Beta, U of Mississippi Columbus, OH 43201, Early Jan. Jackson, TN 38301, Late Aug.
P.O. Box 44823
P.O. Box 7987
Lafayette, LA 70504, Late July
University, MS 38677, Late Aug. Omicron, U of Tennessee Knoxville
Omega, Miami U
do Trish Cosby
Kappa Chi, Northwestern State U Missouri 5262 Brown RcL, Apt 104A 7708 Wumington Drive
NSU Box 4449 Oxford, OH 45056, Early Dec Knoxville, TN 37919, Late July
Natchitoclies, LA 71497, Early Aug. Delta Pi, Central Missouri State U
A101 Panhellenic Hall Omega Upsilon, Ohio U Rho Omicron, Middle Tenn State U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern LA U Warrensburg, MO 64093, EarlyAug. 8 Church Street
SLU Box 11665 Montana Athens, OH 45701, Mid Sept MTSUBox613
Hammond, LA 70402, Mid Aug Murfreesboro,TN 37130, Mid Aug.
Alpha Phi, Montana State U Theta Psi, U of Toledo
2999 West Bancroft, Unit Fl Tau Omicron, U of Tennessee Martin
Lambda Tau. U of Louisiana Monroe 1119 South 5th Ave. Toledo, OH 43606, Late Aug. UTMCampusJ3oxl26
Box 4173 Bozeman, MT 59715, Late Aug.
Monroe, LA 71211, Late July. North Carolina Oklahoma Martin, TN 38238, Early Aug.
Maine Delta Upsilon, Duke U Chi Theta, Northeastern State U Texas
P.O. Box 98333 NSUMailServices3ox27
Gamma, U of Maine Durham, NC 27708, Early Jan. 600 North Grand Avenue Delta Theta, Texas Woman's U
5759 Penobscot Hall PO Box 424308
Orono, ME 4469, Late Aug. Epsilon Chi, Elon College Tahlequah, OK 74464, Early Aug. Denton, TX 76204, Early Aug.
Maryland P.O. Box 846, Xi, U of Oklahoma Upsilon Lambda, U Texas San
100 Campus D. Mosely Center
Pi Delta, U of Maryland Elon College, NC 27244-0846, 1411 Elm St Antonio
4517 College Avenue Early Jan.
College Park, MD 20740, Mid Jan. Norman, OK 73019, EarlyAug. 6900 North Loop 1604-W
Zeta Psi, East Carolina U
Sigma Tau, Washington College 805 Johnston Street San Antonio, TX 78249, Early Sept
300 Washington Avenue Greenville, NC 27858, Late July.
Chestertown, MD 21620-1197, Pennsylvania
Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State U Zeta Kappa, Southwest Texas State U
401 North Comanche
15-S Hester Hall,
San Marcos, TX 78666, Early Aug.
U Park, PA 16802, Mid Aug.
Mid Jan. Nebraska Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U Virginia
39 University Drive
Theta Beta, Towson U Phi Sigma, U of Nebraska Kearney Bethlehem, PA 18015, Early Jan. Gamma Alpha, George Mason U
TU Box 4955 URSPodC-#101 5765-F Burke Center Parkway
Towson, MD 21204, Mid Aug. Kearney, NE 68847, Early Aug. Box 338
Massachusetts Zeta, U of Nebraska Lincoln Phi Beta, East Stroudsburg U Burke, VA 22015, Late Aug.
1541 S Street University Center - Box #48
Delta, Tufts U Lincoln, NE 68508, Early Aug. East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, Early Washington
25 Whitfield Road Jan.
Alpha Gamma, Washington State U
Somerville, MA 2144, Early Jan.
NewYork Sigma Rho, Slippery Rock NE 820 Campus Ave.
Delta Psi, State U of New York UB105 U Union Greek Affairs Pullman, WA 99163, Early Aug
Beta Gamma, Michigan State U P.O. Box 3256
445 Abbott Road Albany, NY 12203-3256, Early Jan. Slippery Rock, PA 16057, Mid Jan. Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U
East Lansing, Ml 48823, Early Sept
Epsilon, Cornell U Tau Lambda, Shippensbuig U PUB 964
Kappa Rho, Western Michigan U 14 South Avenue
do Chaz Savage Ithaca, NY 14850, Early Jan. Cumberland Union Building - Box 7 Cheney, WA 99004, Early Sept
3325 W. Michigan Ave. Unit B
Kalamazoo, MI 49006, Early Sept Sigma Chi, Hartwick College Shippensburg, PA 17257, Dec.
17 Maple Street
Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State U Oneontam NY 13820, Eariy Jan. Tennessee Wisconsin
Kappa Sigma, U of Wis River Falls
Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College The Leadership Center
2000 North Parkway 123 Hagestad Student Center
Memphis, TN 38112-1699, Mid River Falls, WI54022, Early Sept
10326 42nd Avenue - Apt 11 Theta Pi, Wagner College Aug.. West Virginia
Tuscola, MI 49401, Mid Aug.
One Campus Road Late Aug/Jan Lambda Omicron, Cumberland U Sigma Alpha, West Virginia U
Minnesota Staten Island, NY 1030, One Cumberland Square 299 Prospect Street
Morgantown, WV 26505, Late Aug.
Tau, U of Minnesota Lebanon, TN 37087, Early Aug.
11215th Street-SE Ohio
Minneapolis, MN 55414, Late Aug.
Alpha Psi, Bowling Green State U Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U
716 Ridge Street
2415 Kensington Place
Bowling Green, OH 43403, Mid Aug. Nashville, TN 37212, Early Jan.
34 To Dragma/SPRING 2002
The Mowing list includes Alpha Omicron Pi members initiated between July 1, 1952 and June 30, 1953. AOH salutes these women who will
celebrate their 50th anniversary with the Fraternity during the next school year. We hope each will continue to share our sisterhood lor many years to come.
Bankston, Patricia Cranberry Hamilton, Bonnie O'Harra Brown, Barbara Powers Jackson, Carol Gulston
Brown, Marjorie Jane dark Henderson, Arlene Wanda Ray Bmndage, Sally Lee Salay MacDonald, Katherine Goodwin
David, Anne Byrne Hihbert, Jennie Woods Buckner, Kathleen Ellen Gallagher
Dixon, Elizabeth Crew Miller, Louise Marie Hannah Duckworth, Delores Blaszak CHI
Dobbs, Rosalyne Brown Pizzo, Evelyn Caniparoli Freemark, Elizabeth Brunt SYRACUSE U
Foret, Lois Ijandess Roe, Beverly Barker Hansen, Norma Ann Harper Bartos, Roma Presnal
Fuchs, Olive Marie Rodriquez Silton, Joan Zimmerman Heckathorne, Sally Garvin Qimielewski, Mariba Cecile Rogers
Miquel, Evee Marie Dupuis Veldhuizen, Nancy Elizabeth Jedynak, Mary Moore Mallery, Sylvia Mallery
Planchard, Diana Marie Keenan Betzner Johnson, Carol Steadman
Pratt, Flavia Reeds KimpeL Lucille Frey CHI DELTA
Skollield. 1 lelen Joyce Thibodaux ALPHA SIGMA Lietz, Ellen Harringti)ii U OF COLORADO
U OF OREGON Marsh, CanJ Rans Brott Paula Isbill
ALPHA PHI Arntz, Doris Liljeberg Ort, Nancy Brown Brown, Darilyn Dorothy Awes
MONTANA STATE U Bouchard, Carol Elaine Oakley Fiann, Elizabeth Karkanen DeVries, Eleanor Newport Smith
Buchanan, Jean Buchanan DonnelL Jacqueline Mae Holsten Reid, Ruth Larkins Green, Cecilia Falgien
Coleman, Joanne Johnston Eady, Roberta Emily Toner Sapila, Shirley Ann Moses Keske, Janis Lawrenson
Crermen, Margaret Olson Foster, Mary Ellen Ivie VasilolL Margaret Ann Cox Molwitz, Margaret Estella Hill
Fritzler, Shirley Frank Johnson, Sue Gabreath Monnett, Martha Wheeler
Gessaman, Margaret Palmer Kronquist, Shirley Ryan BETA KAPPA Starika, Joan Lott
Grossman, Virginia Mae Reese McBroom, Sherill Louise Wright TJ OF BRITISH COLOMBIA Wilcox, Jean Came
Hixon, Dorothy Jeanne Bliss Leyland, Carol Abrahamson Yankura, Nancy Bates-I.ane
Huber, Margaret Bertholi ALPHA TAU Robertson, Ann Catherwood
Hunt Marjorie Ann Johnston DENISON U CHI LAMBDA
Kreer, Carol Molvig Beatty, Janet Cameron BETA PHI U OF EVANSVILLE
Mapps, Kiyoe I.ouise Kataki Bertholi, Lorena Ann INDIANA U Jacobs, Paula Sharon Davies
Peters, Clarice Joan Morrow Borst, Ann McAbee Bentley, Janis Petzold Marcus, Carolyn Emma
Shellenberger, Frances Chirgwin Byers, Sally Ann Clark Davis, Jacqueline Krause Ruschmeier
Whelan, Barbara Farr Conway, Janet Pierce Donnella, Margery Muir Simms, Marilyn Goeke Engle
Wirtz, Sharon Pearson Dahl, Carol Lynn Burkhart Druckamiller, Carol Cavin Thompson, Loretta Woltz
Fihn, Shirley Arndt Golgart, Patricia Kooken Wilson, Nancy Rose Bollinger
ALPHA PI Gleicher, Mary Kay Schmidt Grant, Sarah Haycox
FLORIDA STATE U Gorr, Nancy Rothenhoefer Kilrnan, Mary Seipel DELTA
Ayris, Beulah Haynie Griffiths, Janet Turbett Snyder Lambert, Juditli Ann Douthitt TUFTSU
ChappelL Betty Jean Holland Hendricks, Eleanor Voss Larson, Joan Ringer Blake, Barbara Ann Holly
Horrigan, Barbara Lynch Huddle, Cynthia Louise Lawrence, Carol Eiclienseher Choulian, Mary Louise
Ingram, Emily Jane Strohmeyer Lind, Marjorie Boyd Cox, Arlene George
Membert, Carol Kelly, Mary Helen Prine Lyon, Donita Nash Katz, Charlotte Ruth Blank
O'conner, Jannine Jeffords Loucks, Ruth Eleanor Mason, Sarah MeMahon Linden, Phyllis Enid Epstein
Polak, Barbara Ann Herring Myers, Katherine Konold Reppenhagen, Muriel Keiser Meigs, Mareryn Witkos
Park, Imogene Gauthier Schooley, Mary Alice Hevron Papatheodorou, Noreen Hall
ALPHA RHO Wells, Ruth Yoakum Young, Jane Koval Tregor, Gail Alter
ORECON STATE U Westbrook, Frances Beaver
Brown, Nelma Louise Saylor Whitlatch, Joan Cochran
Crumb, Marian Elizabeth Boise
To Dragma/SPRINC 2002
DELTA DELTA Frizlen, Rita Vodila Dorman, Beveriy Charlotte Owen Wheeler, Sara O'Rear
AUBURN U Gyorgy, Marion Kalbach Fowers, Ella Suzanne Vanwhy WMttington, Constance Whittington
Barnette, Nancy Atkinson Herzing, Dolores Barbara Spathis Ross, Patricia Beal Miller Wible, Shirley Greggs
BoutwelLZadaWald Krieg, Bettie Louise Caskey Savage, Suzanne Lane Winkley, Patricia Winkler
Capps, Betty Merrifield, Eleanor Gwynn Spreier, Lois Goehnour Winslow, Carol Sue Molter
Collier, Betty Marian luenelle Moyer, Dolores Stark
Combs, Janis Akin Peifer, Marian Romberger KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA
Hooper, Nancy Lee Hooper Powell, Joan Bergman Williams RANDOLPH-MACON FLORIDA SOUTHERN
Lamar, Martha Lee Richards, Sarah Wylie Lessig WOMAN'S COLLEGE COLLEGE
Lynn, Jane Sneed Romeo, Josephine Rita Romeo Ford, Julie Gremmels Bly, Carolyn Greer
McDonald, Marianne Minder Root, Rosemary Short Granger, Julia Merriwether Conover. Phyllis Sautter
Pearson, Susan Pullen Smith, Dona Byrnes Searles, Joan Denny Hawthorne, Betty Lollin
Sims. Patricia Denman Ziegler, Kenlyn Abell Shiels, Margaret Whitney Kelley, Joan Carpenter
Stanaland, Sara Weston Taugner, Nancy Hair Mathey, Lillie Naill
Vincent, Patsy Faulk GAMMA Moyer, Betty
Yarbrough, Mona Lee Fuller U OF MAINE KAPPA ALPHA Newman, Betty Lee
Allard, Suzanne Bogert INDIANA STATE U Olds, Nancy Reeves
DELTA SIGMA Esoldi, Diana Mary Livi Baker, Geraldine Full Ross, Barbara Martz Bittner
SAN JOSE STATE U Foster, Evelyn Jane Whitney Becherer, Dorothy Smith, Paula MeCoHum
Alden, Nancy Appleby Harris, Jane Rodick Blair. Margaret Ann Hallock Strunk, Nancy Kathryn
Betka, Delphine Peraldo Hoogerheide, Maigaret Smith Burgeson, Celeste Whitehead, Lucy Fisackerty
Costautino, Nancy Virginia Murphy, Valerie Marie Bickterman Burget, Rosemary
Doll, Charlene Anne Thompson, Barbara Longfellow Butts, Patricia KAPPA KAPPA
FarreL Nancy Campbell, Doris BALL STATE U
Flehinger, Eleanor Men GAMMA OMICRON Cobb, Gene Alhemeyer, Janet Sue Helmes
Croat, Leslie U OF FLORIDA Ennis, Shiriey Bowlby, Wilma Underwood
Hilje, Dolores May Belush, Beverly Anne Balte Gerrish, Phyllis Baker Dobrik, Marilyn Lee Carroll
Hohener Irene Henegar, Karen Norman Gibbons-Martin, Jo Ann Bohn Fisher, Madeleine Holt
Hollenbeig Barbara Joan Meade, Anita Elizabeth Tucker GosnelL Janita Haller, Margaret Ann Laflerty
Nolde, Maiy Olsen Noles, Patricia McCarthy Hagar, Rosanne Huey Hoopingarner, Patricia Mitchell
Sater, Rosemaiy Williams, Ouida Kathleen Barry Hallett, Caryl Blumm Jensen, Margot Diane Loveland
Silliman. Carol Thompson Wilson, Laura Hayward, Carol Faith Crow Johnson, Beverly Lou Hoover
Stafford, Joan Flynn Humphrey, Suzanne Wilson Lingo, Shirley Ann Dare
WeinzerL Marlou Charlene IOTA Johnson. Patti Herald Mahoney, Joyce Mann
Whittaker, Juanita Shaw U OF ILLINOIS Kapps, Jeanne Croenne Manring, Nancy Hale
Anderson, Marilyn Perry Kurteft, Nancy Barbati Marley, Martha Webb
EPSILON Brock, Nancy Brock Lambdin, Jeanette Salos Mathers, Sara Stanley
CORNELL U Coleman, Elizabeth Hopkins Leclair, Lois Ann Roth McFee, Shirley Louise Bill)y
Cooper, Dorothy Conley GlaselL Louise Hollensteiner Lee, Henrietta Melvin, Ruth Osborne
Finstad, Patricia Hamm Johnson, Barbara Morris Matson, Lenorann Lewis Mixell, Barbara Ann Humbert
Howell, Eleanor Madge Dittmann Kappmeyer, Martha Rosebraugh Mears, Carolyn Baker Neaderhouser, Lucile Roher
Lenz, Virginia Seelig Malantis, Mary Malantis Millsap. Sarah Willis Powless, Anna Gorrell
Lundy, Kathryn Massey, Katherine Elizal)et Stobbs Ottinger, Joyce Mattice Simpson, Margaret Godlove
Lyon, Claire Florence Wagner Merher, Eileen Sampson Sakalans. Rosalind Vose Simpson. Suzanne Iindsey
Payne, Aiden Ehlert Rolfe, Phyllis Williams Shaw, Marianne Ullrich, Beverly Schuhz
Peckham, Marilynn Rose WboUatt Iota, Schwalb Nancy l^ee Miller Shonfield, Edith Vander Horst Barbara Dantz
Sunshine, Nancy Vanvalkenburg Shepherd, Sandra Weber Sfodair, Joan Weakley.Marilyn Crampton
Smith. Ruth Pickett Weisman, Elinor Beumer
EPSILON ALPHA IOTA ALPHA Sunnesen, Opal Walters Wilkinson, Marjorie Rose
Anderson, Barbara Ann HamiH Blair, Jane Davis Watson, Rosemary Rucker Russell
Campbell, Miriam MacDonald Davis, Phyllis Kunkel Watts, Ruth
36 To Dragma/SPRING 2002
KAPPA OMICRON Diggle, Beverly Ballew Harwell, Martha McRady PHI
RHODES COLLEGE Hughes, Betty Jeanne Alsobrook Hicks, Lexie Daugherty U OF KANSAS
Anderton, Jo Ann Pomeroy Juvinall, Margaret Earlee Gordanier McCutcheon, Susie Wilson Brownlee, Laveme Brownlee
Beggs, Mary Beggs McGuffey, Marion Stutz Ozier, Diane O'Donnell Dahon, I^ela Jeannine Degroot
Chastain, Beth Holden McKinsey, Ann Norris Parrent, Carol Armistead Hamilton, Frances Miller
Craddock, Carole Thompson Olsen, Kay Edla Johnson Randolph Peggy Smith Hedrick, Janice Mason
Gaskin, Mildred Hurst Schlecht Haidee Kipps Stover, Mary Whorley McFarlin, Alice-Jean
Henges, Anne Steny Stokes, Patsy Weamer Mills, Margaret
Kennon, Sarah Jane Wood Whiting, Anita Dorothea Berg OMEGA
MacQueen, Geraldine Dozier MIAMI U PHI OMICRON
McCabe, Mary Williamson LAMBDA SIGMA Andrews, Nancy March HANOVER COLLEGE
Morgan, Erin Moody U OF GEORGIA Gross, Sylvia Kuderer Ackerman, Barbara Kryter
Payne, Maida Moore Avent, Jacqueline Avent Heuerman, Nancy Ann Landin Addison, Dorothy Pickens
Pyron, Jane Pyron Dukes, Anne Bookhardt Eidson Kende, Frances Boothe Andrin, FJsie Reider Barrett
Smith, Rhoda White Enstrom, Mary Weekley Kleinschmidt, Marcia Warner Ashburn, Ruth Ann Smith
Stigall, Beverly Mayhall Forsythe, Adrienne Jones McCarty, Barbara Braun Earl, Shirley Anne Longnecker
Sullivan, Mary Arvin Devlin McCord, Patricia Prim Seaman, Barbara Wahls Hales, Donna Doss
Williamson, Ida Carolyn Norris, Corrie Vandhiere Smart, Linda Anne Lewis Henderson, Shirley Houpt
Woods, Ann Threlkeld Rhoden, Jo Camp Stevenson, Beverly Louise Fischer Hennegan, Carolyn Kay Ogden
Sandidge, Paula Conaway Van Over, Patrick Topper Jefferis, Peggy Heberiing
KAPPA PHI Shanks, Sheila Graf Kile, Wilma Jo Schroeder
MCGILL U Spaulding, Patricia Ewah OMICRON KisseL Patsy Jane Brendle
Arkell Ann Pow Zervas, Betty Ludwick U OF TENNESSEE McCoy, Lora Marlette
Cram, Judith Hiltz Bradley, Alice Mullen Miller, Vada Eskew
Lewis, Helen Webb Nu Davis, Nancy Crosslin Stadtmiller, Barbara
NEW YORK U deHosson, Diane Hunter Thompson, Nancy Ann Huber
KAPPA RHO Bardone, Adrienne 31 J T Fleenor, Patricia Hawley Wrggins, Patricia Bard
WESTERN MICHIGAN U Covucci, Gilda Zanzordco Hatcher, Elinor Grubb
Blake, Phyllis Diane Chapman Magnani, Jean Sibrava Hyde, Margaret Whalen Pi
Burns, Marie Caroline Reum Johnston, Shirley Vanpeit TULANE U
Fitzgerald, Audrey Evelyn Campbell N u LAMBDA Leiss, Rowena Newberry Brennan, Mary Trist
Friedrichs, Mariene Karas U OF SOUTHERN Owen, Mary Wendel Fraser, Mollie Blakeney
Harding, Elaine Dobbs CALIFORNIA Patton, Eleanor Crawford Green, Margaret Qark
Herrin, Caroline Reynolds Edwards, Jane Daly Penning, Patricia Batchelor Griffin, Dorothy Good
Husa, Margaret Mannix Ellico, Patricia Ann Baker Spoone, Patricia Lovette Griffin, Sally Lyon
Kalenda, Leanora May Hansen, Alana Packer Vaughn, Mary Rule Ki dinger, Margaret Sansom
Lehigh, Lois Patricia Falls Lawrence, Patricia Holland McKee, Joan Renken
Leland, Avis Waldecker Marks, Beverly Bell OMICRON P I Sippel, Julia Cherry
Liotta, Jean Conor Newman, Joeanne Black U OF MICHIGAN
McKenzie, Doris CKne Schneider, Marilyn Merle Ruesch Bock, Sylvia Leach Pi DELTA
Oliver, Harriet Heethuis Tandy, Janet Burroughs, Sarah Burroughs U OF MARYLAND
Richards, Arlene Richards Clayton, Mary Cecilia Hoyt Dunn, Anne Nefflen
Schriber, Shirley Ann N u OMICRON Davis, Dorothy Ham Fryers, Barbara Grace Floyd
Smith, Joyce Shepherd VANDERBILT U Doyle, Suzanne Catherine Wilson Gring, Mary Baylor
Smith, Bessie Taylor Aldred, Dorothy Cochran Gayer, Diana Sims Morrison, Anne Thompson
Van Ess, Barbara Friend Beaird, Patricia Lanier Penny, Anne Hepler Twining, Cecilia Marie Woods
Bowers, Nancy Peny Peurach, Janet Barbara Streicher
KAPPA THETA Boydston, Martha Herbert Ravenscroft, Sari Patricia Barker P i KAPPA
U OF CALIFORNIA - Corriher, Shirley Ogletree Sloss, Mary Kierdorf U OF TEXAS-AUSTIN
Los ANGELES Fitts, Alice Mitchum Springer, Sallie Lee Wilson Bartek, Jamee EDen Ewing
Baggaley, Joan Butler Foster, Mary McLeHan Stuart, Mary Stuart Cooper, Marcia Beth
Burton, Roberta Plummer Carman, Patricia Simpkins Waterworth, Marilyn Morris Garrison, Mary Nell
To Dragma/SPRING 2002
Holtzman, Joan SIGMA CHI THETA MoskaL Shryle Swanson
Houston, Martha Griffith NEED UNIV NAME DEPAUW U Quertinmont, Donna MtCally
Jaeger, Gladys Marie Appel Covey, Joan Mary Gavit, Sylvia Ybtt Schultz, Shirley Lou Karpe
Jipp, Nancy Patterson Hickein, Eleanor Brown 1 lurt, Susan Brownell Woolaver, Janet Martelsman
Johnson, Evelyn Banks Katz, Carolyn Elizabeth Weschrob Klus, Carolyn Nan Ubner Zalewski, Marjorie Halpin
Malanaphy, 1 )oris Miller M(x:ko, Elizabeth Davidson Matheny, Nancy Cain
Miller, Ruth Neel Perry, Dorothy Ann Pavlikowski, Mary Woodlbnl UPSILON
Rowland. Bread* IJOU Green Rice, Susan Doyne Stewart U OF WASHINGTON
SIGMA OMICRON Roush, Patricia Obear Anderson, Leah Anderson
Psi ARKANSAS STATE U Shazer, Shirley Shazer Anderson, Jan Wright
U OF PENNSYLVANIA Anderson, Marianne Armstrong Steinmetz, Susan Jane Klise Briggs, Frances Straub
Adairozyk. Johanna Carrozzino Blackwood, Marion Ruth Rogers West, Ann Frances Dicks Carey, Carolyn Ann Read
Althouse, Rosemary Bi-ooks, I/wetta Frasure Wilks-Ahlstrand, Joan Fetzer Coski, Kathryn Marian Farrell
Braineni, Roberta Betty Rose Gross Howard, Patsy Hurst Crouch, Sally Rhodes
Lulka, Antoinette Hudson, Ina Wiles THETA ETA Dolan, Virginia Callison
Shoop, Elinor Fisher M< Swain, Coyann Reedy U OF CINCINNATI Herman, Marilyn Rose
M<x>ney, Mary Witcher Clausing, Julia Anne Breyer Hill. Berniece Wallace
RHO Osborn, Gail Province King. Margaret Ruth Skeel Kutz, Helen Qare Cod
NORTHWESTERN U Peek, Anita Stark I/jckhart, Patricia Prashaw Lance, Jean Cochren
Baldridge, Pauline Pecsok Ross. Jeffe Glendalee Sanders Nelson, Gayle (Julick
Carlson, Arden Vanschaack Steinegger, Jane Porter THETA PI Opstad, Shirley Rae Thomf>son
Cerne, Alice Rueckert Tinksley, Teddy Wakefield WAGNER COLLEGE Rohbin, Carmen Cadranell
Chamberlain, Margaret Eleanor Amphlett, Virginia Westenberger Ryan, Shirley Suprunowski
Malvey SlGMA TAU Bogaenko, Theresa Sokolowski Satterfield, Lula Bettridgt;
Gwinn, Betty Hodges WASHINGTON COLLEGE Chapman, Carol Anne
Jones, Patricia Bulger Hutchinson, Priscilla Dumschott Hieronymous ZETA
Karras, Stella Gunakis Mecera, Janet Middleton Garzinski, Louise Anne Cox U OF NEBRASKA -
Moe, Joan Hurst Moore, Marion Lee Waterman Gould. Frances LINCOLN
Moore, Mary Trager Savage, Eleanor Hempstead Harter, Nancy Ix»u Bechtel /Mien, Virginia Wilrox
Pumilia, Jeanne Qeborne (.ehmann, Doris Rockefeller Barton. Ruth Barton
Roche, Margaret Mae Stewart TAU Mroczkowski, Leonia Prusak Bottomley, Kathleen Carpenter
Upton, Barbara Booker U OF MINNESOTA Oster, Helen Ann Albers Chab, Ann Bramwell
Zahrt, Barbara Patterson Hess, Joann Spanjers Prill, Adele Elizabeth Wessels Qement, Charlene Blessing
Justus, Nancy Louise MacKenzie Reich, Rita Glaz Davis, Alice Kleinert
SIGMA Lawson, Marlene Hecker Traffic ante, Barbara Grove Elverson, Ruth Theo West
U OF CALIFORNIA - Lyle, Georgia Gould Wienands, Eleanor Huth 1 larian. Carol Beattie
BERKELEY Steinke, Mary Kinney Johnson, Mary Qearman
Adams, Ixiisjean Forry Stephanopoulos, Nikki Chafos THETA PSI Naber, Phyllis Nelson
Anderson, Gretehen Pfiefter Winslow, Adrienne Joyce Snelling U OF TOLEDO Niehaus, Sandra 1mm
Andrich, Judith Hazel Zollinger Wolfe, Mildred Louise Anderson Binkley, Jean Peters Olson. Janet Robertson
Auletti, Caryl Kisder Bower, Ouida Matthews Roberts, Ada Kirkman
Bender, Ann Halsey TAU DELTA Carone, Marie Pestolis Rosenau, Virginia McPeck
Boberg, Shirley Jumper BIRMINGHAM SOUTHERN 1 VII. Mary Jane Davenport Setterquist, Betty Sisson
Bordonan), Patricia Tinsley COLLEGE Eddie, Darlene Lang
Glenday, Margaret Alice Levis Caldwell, Connie Conway Hanf, Martha Drake .j
Holleman, Nancy Bracken Coleman, Dora Alice Cowen Heider, Ruth Irene Matthews
Knock. Kadierine Anne Florness Gay, Betty Howell Hendren, Arlene Hoifman
1 Aindhi >lm. Janic Nodder Hinson. Sarah Katherine Johnson ICarrip. Carolyn Joyce Darah
Mellon, Janis Wright Johnsen. Mary kirliy, Marilyn Olsen
Weaver, Judith McLean Johnston, Merry Hayes Knowles, Margaret Ijouise Miller
Wiley, Cleone Koehnen Mauter, Mary Elise Mercier
Miller, Carol Santee
38 To Dragma/SPRING 2002
Why should I become an Advisor to a Collegiate Chapter?
What's in it for me?
Many of us are well aware of how important through trainings provided by AOII and the get to see the new member on bid day and 1
advisors are to a Collegiate Chapter. They Collegiate Network. I kind of just jumped have sat at the table with Past International
provide the stability, consistency, and knowl- into it blind and just rolled with the punch- Presidents discussing the day's events as if
edge that is necessary to help a collegiate es." Amber Williams, Collegiate Network we were old friends. I get to guide collegians
chapter become strong and to remain that Specialist says, "My biggest fear was that I as they become seniors and struggle with
way. Most of Alpha Omicron FYs successful didn't have enough experience. However, I transition. I get to see them come back as
chapters have the support strong of was never shy about Killing my Network alumnae. I have met wonderful leaders,
Alumnae Advisory Committees. Specialist, relying on the wisdom of the sweet followers, and everyone in between. I
other advisors and alumnae, and just relying have seen growth, heartache and success."
But who are these advisors? What motivates on my own motivation to read manuals,
them? What keeps them involved with check the website, and learn as much as I I encourage anyone who has an interest to
AOII after graduation? I conducted an could about AOII." (xmsider becoming a member of a Collegiate
informal poll of approximately 15 women; Chapter's Alumnae Advisory Committee.
all of who currently are or have been The rewards experienced by collegiate advi- Your assistance will be of great benefit to the
Collegiate Advisors. These women are no sors are great Many times, the rewards that chapter. As you have seen from the experi-
different than you. They have families, you receive are different then what you ences of the women quoted above, the
careers, and other responsibilities in their expected them to be. Tina Miller, New rewards can be great for you personally as
lives. Yet they all have taken time to remain Member Advisor for Alpha Delta Chapter well. The satisfaction of having a positive
involved with Alpha Omicron Pi. says, "I have loved getting to know these impact on the lives of even one woman can-
young women. I have tried to become their not be measured. In a popular theory of
The motivations for becoming advisors var- mom away from home. I have two sons, so I human development, Fjik Erickson discuss-
ied from person to person. Laura Dunlap, will never get to experience the fulfillment of es his theory of generativity. In this theory,
Chapter Advisor for Kappa Tau Chapter having my own daughter pledge AOII, but I adults reach a stage in development in
states that "1 became an advisor because I have the next best thing- a house full of which they can chose to either contribute to
feel that I can never repay AOII for what it adopted daughters!" Amber Williams was the next generation or stagnate. I encourage
has done for me. AOII shaped me as a per- surprised by the benefits that she received. all of you to choose the former and con-
son and gave me the skills that I contribute She states, "The best thing in my experience tribute to the next generation of AOIIs.
to the world." Linda Mahfouz, Collegiate of being Chapter Advisor, oddly enough, After alL the maintenance and development
IVogramming Committee became an advi- turned out to be my close friendships with of Alpha Omicron Pi is in your hands.
sor because she "loves to train and teach and the other Alumnae Advisory Committee
being a recruitment advisor provided that members. I have also relished the great By Susan .Anderson Morgan, Alplui Delta (U of
opportunity' as well as being a creative out- traveling, educational and personal develop- Alabama), Collegiate Netumrk Director
let." Rachel Allen, Chapter Relations ment opportunities that I got from having
Advisor for Kappa Omicron Chapter states opportunities to attend Conventions and
that " My experience with AOII was such a Leadership Institutes." For Jennifer
tremendous part of my college life. 1 could Anderson, Chapter Advisor for Nu Beta
not imagine my alumnae life without it" Chapter " the most rewarding aspect of
Elizabeth DeWitt, Gamma Delta Chapter being an advisor is being the one that the
Advisor may have identified a motivating women turn to for help." lilizabeth DeWitt
factor for many of us when she said, "I guess enjoys "watching the ladies grow into
I wasn't ready to grow up yetT women, learning life's lessons in the micro-
cosm of sorority, and helping them under-
These women all brought different levels of stand the bigger picture." Brooke
AOII experience and knowledge to the table Holtzman, Chapter Advisor, Chi Delta
when they became advisors. A desire to Chapter says, "My heart overflows with joy
assist a collegiate chapter and the willingness when I see a chapter member or the chapter
to learn are all that is required of advisors. as a whole receive awards for being the
Anne-Marie Toy, Corporation Board incredible women that we all know that they
President for Rho Omicron Chapter states can be." Anne-Marie Toy sums her advising
that "I didn't really know what an advisor experience up by stating, "You get the
did, but I learned by trial and error and opportunity to see AOII grow in people. I
Tol)ragma/SPR1NC2002 39
Inspiring Words
AOil conventions are all about rekindlingjrienckhip and saluting excellence. They are also about
reminding us of our shared values and our connection to one another. Two A0I1 speakers reminded
us of these connections during inspiring speeches at convention last sumjner in Palm Desert, Caltfornia,
Lori E. Szczecina biochemotherapy, she set out behind either when we graduated, moved to
to win her battle. Nearly 8 a new city, got married or started a family.
Lori E . Szczecina, Delta Delta years later, Lori feels truly Perhaps too many of us, at 18 years of age,
(Auburn U) is a New Jersey blessed and says, "My battle were seeking nothing more than a social
native who easily fell in love with cancer taught me a great organization. In 1953, Stella wrote about
with Auburn U and AOII when number of lessons, but most of the Fraternity's founding, "It was not an
she headed off to college in the all it taught me to use the organization for show or prestige-. It was to
fall of 1987. Her moving weapons within my reach: be, we planned, not just another member-
speech was about her personal the Power of a Positive ship, but a fellowship for serviceable love."
battle with cancer and the sup- Attitude, the Power of Prayer, If too many of us focus only on the social
port she received from AOII. the Power of People and most aspects, why should we stay involved when
of all the Power of AOII. our collegiate years come to an end?
The summer before her senior year she was
taking an anatomy class and learning about Leigh A. Perry Leigh believes
melanoma and skin cancer. The description it really comes
sounded exactly like a spot on herrightfoot A native Texan, Leigh has a varied back- back to accepting
that she had been ignoring for years. A doc- ground including retail management, sales, responsibility. The
tor confirmed her worst fears and performed training and she currently holds the posi- Fraternity and our
a skin graft on the side of her foot She was tion of Assistant Director of Development at chapters must con-
told there was less than a 10% change of Murray State University. Leigh has been stantly educate
recurrence given her risk factors. Her future an active member of Alpha Omicron Pi new members on
looked bright since her initiation in 1978 as a charter our true purpose,
member of the Upsilon Lambda Chapter new members
Upon graduation, she accepted an environ- (U of Texas at San Antonio). She currently must be selected
mental consulting job in Orlando, Florida serves the AOII international organization on what is inside rather than their out-
and moved in with an AOII sister's family, as a recent appointee on the Rituals, ward appearance. AOII's must accept the
the Sharps. A year and a half later, her world Tradition, and Jewelry Committee. challenge to reflect nothing but credit
was rocked when she discovered a lump in upon the Fraternity, and all of us must be
her groin and knew instantly that her cancer Ixugh's consistent AOII commitment more willing to reach out and welcome new
had returned. While her parents were in than qualified her to speak on building life- members into our groups. Whether it's a
route, it was Mrs. Sharp at her side when the time commitment to AOII. "From Initiation collegiate or alumnae chapter, no cliques
doctor told her her the cancer had spread to to Eternity: The Exception or The Rule?" should be allowed in AOn.
her lymph nodes. For inspiration, I^eigh referred back to a
passage written by Stella Perry in 1936: In closing, Leigh recalled the words of
The recommended treatment at the time "We are founded and constituted in a way Past Internationa] President Mary Dee
was daily shots of Interferon for 12 months, so elastic, that while holding fast to all Drummond, "The world could get along
but after five months of excruciating pain, essential traditions we are adjustable to without sororities, but it can not get along
more lumps were discovered. The cancer changes and modern needs... and our expe- without the ideals which these groups
had spread to her liver, the bones of her riences and traditions and purposes have have taken for their own. We are not per-
lower back, her ribs and her skull. Her had enough testing in time to make their fect— However, we try to be constructive
family was told conventional chemotherapy worth an assurance rather than a promise." and contribute to the world good.
would grant her 12 months, at best Belonging to a sorority means much more
I^eigh reminded us that our essential pur- than is shown in the social life of the cam-
The next road was to leave her job and pose as an organization is not to make good pus... in AOII we try to practice what we
friends and go to Houston to focus on the new members, or good collegians, but to preach - tolerance patience and compas-
disease that had invaded her body. make good alumnae for a lifetime who are sion, to see more clearly and to judge
Financially supported by the AOII Ruby productive, contributing members of society. more wisely. These things we promise to
Fund, emotionally supported by a network one another to try to do in AOII."
of brand new AOII friends in Houston, and We set off to college seeking something and
physically treated with seven rounds of found it in AOII. But most of us left it
To Dragma/SPRING 2002
alpha omicron p
centuries Leadership Institute 2002
countries promises an exciting
entertaining and educational
training opportunity
fbrAOIIs of all ages to
learn, share and grow.
leadership fraternity Franklin Marriott
'institute 2002
Cool Springs
Franklin, Tennessee
June 28-30,2002
franklin, tennessee a
Featured speakers for Leadership Institute include the
Honorable Danae Roberts (Lambda Sigma '96), the youngest
female legislator ever to be elected in Georgia, Malinda Sharp
(Omicron 79) an entrepreneur; Joan MacCallum (Kappa Phi '57),
our First Canadian International President; and Ginger Banks (Pi
Kappa '68), Past International President and current Chairman of
the Ritual.Traditions, and Jewelry Committee.
Sessions cover a variety of topics ranging from AOII-specific to
personal enrichment. Sessions topics include: The Art of Being a
Leader, Public Relations, What's New in 2002, Presentation Skills,
Chapter Relations, Embracing Change in Your Life, Senior
Programming, Building Chapter Image, Etiquette for the New
Millennium, Finances are Fun, A Few Too Many... Our Campus
Culture of Alcohol, and much more!
LI offers something for every AOII. Along with featured speak-
ers and general sessions, LI 2002 provides specific training for
Chapter Advisers, Network Specialists, New Member
Educators, Corporation Board Presidents, and a selected
chapter representative.
For more information or questions regarding LI 2002, call AOII
Headquarters at 615-370-0920.
To Dragma/SPRING 2002
You c a n h e l p to
J- A O W s h e r i t a g e
As an initiated member of Alpha Omicron agreements with about 13 vendors, offering
Pi, it is important that you understand the products and services such as jewelry,
significance ot the name and symbols of apparel and stationery.
our Fraternity. In order to protect the
integrity of our name, Alpha Omicron Pi For several years A O I I has maintained
registers its marks with the United States one of the most successful merchandising
Patent and Trademark Office. These programs among fraternal organizations.
marks include the name Alpha Omicron Funds raised through the Emporium are
Pi, Greek letters (AOil), badge, and many used to offset fraternity expenses, allowing
products of the Fraternity. AOII to keep membership fees low and
provide more resources to further the
Protecting AOIFs name is our right and growth of the fraternity. For this reason,
our responsibility. It is a right and respon- we strongly encourage our membership to
sibility recognized by the courts. In April buy from the Emporium. If this is not pos-
2001, a District Court ruled that fraterni- sible, however, please buy only officially
ties and sororities have the right to Greek Licensed Products. By refusing to
enforce and protect their registered purchase products that do not carry the
marks. For years, companies selling mer- Greek Licensed Product seal, we can
chandise bearing the logo or symbols of a ensure that 'Alpha Omicron P i " always
University, professional sports team, or stands for quality.
organization had to have permission to
use those logos or symbols because they Alpha Omicron Pi's symbols represent
were recognized as the "trigger mecha- memorable lifetime experiences for all ol
nism tor sale of the product." In the early us - initiation, sisterhood retreats, alum-
1980s, some courts refused to recognize nae events, and many more. In order to
that fraternities should have the same preserve those memories and sustain the
right to protect their marks. traditions that were started by our
Founders, it is our responsibility to stop
Alpha Omicron Pi is using the fuel from the misuse of our symbols.
the court's decision to join numerous other
Greek organizations in trademark protec- If you would like more information about
tion. We formed an alliance with Affinity the Emporium's licensing program and
Marketing Consultants, Inc., experts in Affinity Marketing Consultants, please visit
administering comprehensive licensing www.GreekLicensing.com. A link is also
programs lor Greek organizations. Their available through aoiiemporium.com.
goal is to license a variety of companies The site will be updated frequently, as the
who provide quality licensed Alpha Fraternity roster of licensed vendors will
Omicron Pi products at reasonable prices continue to grow.
with exceptional service. To date, we have
T o Dragma/SPKING 2002
mainIs on0ne
Lifelong commitment . .value to campus In talking to friends in the community I The Fraternity can't bestow the honor and
and community.. .useful to the world... often ask which life experiences shape you can't fulfill your membership responsi-
them most—their proclivities, the opinions bilities if we don't know about you and
These are familiar phrases to members of they tout More often than not, the most your talent Some volunteer positions need
Alpha Omicron Pi. We learn them as new motivating experiences come, not from women willing to focus on alumnae issues.
members. We live them as initiates—or do their careers, but from their volunteer and Other positions work with the "future of
we? When was the last time you volun- social interactions. It is those interactions our Fraternity," collegiate chapter mem-
teered to be useful to AOII, to your com- that mold society—fraternal, national, or bers. Some require an on-going two-year
munity, or to the world? Do you feel that it world. The interactions form the opinions, commitment Other jobs, such as program
you serve one, you serve all? If you didn't which form the policies, which determine presentation, editing, or creative thinking
volunteer, but were asked, did you say, the outcomes. Each of us has an opportu- exercises are "one shot"
"Yes!"? Think about it. nity to participate in this process, here in
Alpha Omicron Pi. Each sister was found "worthy" to be a
Each of us promised to be a lifelong mem- member of Alpha Omicron Pi. Each of us
ber of our Fraternity. Membership has its The Human Resources Committee is in must continue to set a worthy example for
privileges, as the slogan says. Membership constant need of sisters willing to spend our sisters. Go to the AOII website and
also carries responsibilities. As collegians time living their membership responsibili- update your Application Cor Volunteer
we must represent ourselves in the best pos- ties. Service IS an honor bestowed by the Service with AOII. Say "Yes!" when asked
sible manner. We must study with commit- Fraternity, but it never hurts to volunteer. to serve. Active involvement will enhance
ment and enthusiasm. We need to partici- You probably have a skill that only a few your life, your outlook, and your skills. .
pate in college, university, and community friends know you possess. It may be the .guaranteed! You'll make some new
affairs. We strive to be;, individually and col- ability to write a poem, or it may be the friends along the way, too.
lectively, the best example of participation in knowledge to moderate a focus group.
the whole experience. As alumnae, all of Does AOII know that you carry this skill? by Robin Lee Beltramini, Iota (U of Illinois).
the above applies, and more. We must will- If your employer sent you for specialized Human Resources Committee Chairman,
ingly nurture our younger sisters as well as traming, couldn't you share that with your Macomb County AC
our peers. It is a constant battle of time sisters? While an ability may seem frivolous
management and priorities. to you, it might be just what AOII needs.
• Moving? • Changing your name? • Reporting the death of a member? (Date of death: )
Please complete this form, indicating the change above and return to:
AOIT International Headquarters, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, T N 37027
email the following information to: [email protected]
First Middle Maiden Last
Address: Country Phone:( State/Province:
City: ) email:
Zip/Postal Code:
Chapter/College where initiated: Year Initiated:
Place of Employment: Occupation:
City: State/Province:
Zip/ Postal Code: Country: Phone:( ) email:
Alumnae Chapter: Current AOTT Office:
Special Interests:
Please help AOII save money! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 50<t, in addition to the
original cost of mailing. If you are moving or changing your name please notify us in advance. If you know of others who are not receiv-
ing their magazine, chances are we have an inc:orrect address for them as welt Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.
To Dragma/SPRING 2002 13
Fun, Fitted Tees 226
194 Baby Doll T-shirt w/small pin dot letters. M, L, XL $22.00
I ION Navy Bar Cap w/red bar design. M, L, XL $17.00
212 White Baby Doll T-shirt. M, L, XL $17.00
210 Oxford Baby Doll T-shirt. M , L, XL $22.00
Sparkling Tees
195 Black T-shirt w/clear 13 I Red Crystal T-shirt w/red 226 Red Boat Neck T-shirt
w/embroidery (3/4 lengtl
rhinestones. Hang to dry. Hang to dry. sleeves). M , L, XL $25.0
M» L, XL $25.00 M , L, XL $30.00
Contemporary Sterling Silver Jewelry
64J Sterling Snake Chain. (18 in.) 320J Engraved Oval Pendant. $19.00
$9.00 321J Engraved Sguare Bracelet.
239J SterlingLavaliere on $32.00
Beaded Chain. $15.00 322] Choker. $22.00
323J Beaded Bracelet w/charm. $32.00
301J Engraved Oval Bracelet. $32.00 324J Engraved Round Pendant. £19.00
302J Sterling Oval Ring. Sizes 6,7,8 326J Hematite Toggle Bracelet
$20.00 w/charm. $42.00
327J Wire Necklace w/charm 8< beads.
304J Dome Ring. Sizes 6,7,8 $30.00
307J Long/Short Bead Anklet. $25.00
328J Black/Silver Beaded Bracelet
( 9 . 2 5 inches) $25.00
309J Ring w/Continuous AOII. w/charm. $32.00
330J Pearl/Silver Bracelet w/charm.
Sizes 6,7,8 $16.00
3I2J Rolo Chain Anklet $32.00
331J Multi-color Bracelet w/charm.
(9.25 inches) $25.00
3I3J Engraved Bracelet. $30.00 $32.00
3I4J Square Toe Ring. 334J Sterling Toggle Bracelet.
(adjustable) $16.00 (Tiffany Style) $48.00
3I6J Engraved Square Ring. 336J Toggle Necklace w/AOII & rose
Sizes 6,7,8 $20.00 dangle. $30.00
3I7J Engraved Ball Drop Earrings. 337J Engraved AOII and Rose
$15.00 Necklace. $*8T©0- S A L E $28.00
3I8J Engraved Square Pendant. 338J Ball-Bead Chain w/charm. $14.00
3I9J Cuff Bracelet.
Hand crafted. $36.00
356 Navy Flannel Lined Anorak 348 Navy Flannel Lined 344 Red Flannel Lined 371 Roval Blue Flannel 190 Navy Flannel Lined
w/forest stripe. M, L, XL $48.00 Anorak w/white stripe. Anorak w/white stripe. Lined Anorak w/white Anorak w/yellow stripe.
stripe. M, L, XL $48.00
M, L, XL $48.00 M, L, XL $48.00 M, L, XL $48.00
On the Go.. Decals and Stickers Car Essentials
16 Canvas Checkbook Cover. $5.00 70M Mini Letter Kevchain. $4.00 06A Vinvl Sticker Decal. $3.50 08 AOII Car W i n d o w Flag. 111/2X131/1 $14.00
I6B Panda Design Checkbook Cover. 70P Beaded Panda Kevchain. $4.00 06B Multical Decal Sheet. $5.00 (Call for bulk pricing.)
$3.50 70R Luggage Tag. $2.00 06C Stkkettes (16 per page) $.50
6L Leather Checkbook Cover. $15.00 70S Engraved Silver Kevchain. $12.00 06S AOII Stickers. (12 per pkg.) $1.50 24A License Frame. $8.00
70 Plaid Ribbon Kevchain. $3.00 119A Panda Design I.D. Kevchain. $3.00 28 AOII Decal. $.50 23C Raised Letter License Plate. $12.00
70D Pewter Kevchain. $7.00 1191 I.D. Kevchain. $2.50 28B Long Window Decal. $1.00 23D Bubble Letter License Plate. $12.00
70H Bubble Letter Kevchain. $5.00 I I 9 F Leather I.D. Kevchain. $10.00 28C Gold/Black Decal. $.75 23M Mirror License Plate. $ 15.00
70L Silver/Leather Kevchain. $12.00 119V Canvas I.D. Kevchain w/velcro. 28E Gold/Black European Decal. $2.00 23RM Red License Plate w/mirror AOII. $15.00
28P AOII Parent Decal. $1.50
$4.oo 29 Alumnae Decal. $.75 S A L E $.60
06 B
70S 70D 70M
Aom =
9A I 19V
A O H A O t t Aon
70 R
I 191 70H
///./.., k>.
107B Rectangle I07E Rectangle 107C Round I07D Heart 48 Etched Glass 107V V e l v e t I07R Ceramic Box. AOII
Silver Pin Box. Box w/engraved Keepsake Box. Heart Pin Box. letters painted inside.
Silver Pin Box. Silver Pin Box. $10.00 $10.00
$15.00 A O I I . $14.00 $14.00
$14.00 $14.00
FREE C a t a l o g 134 Navy Long 199 Navy Baby
Sleeve T-shirt Doll T-shirt.
w / h o o d . M , L, L, XL $16.00
XL $24.00
order toll free: mail order to: email order to:
Monday thru Friday, 9to5 est. A O n EMPORIUM [email protected] 381 Powder Blue 211 Oxford Long
A O I I International j >< Boat Neck T-shirt Sleeve Baby Doll
1-800-746-7264 (3/4 length sleeves). T-shirt. M , L, XL
Or Call: 615-370-0920 Headquarters 0nder 0nline: M , L, XL $25.00 $19.00
5390 Virginia Way.
Fax To: 615-695-2677 Brentwood, T N 37027 Emporium's online catalog:
Most orders shipped within 48 hours. We guarantee quality merchandise.
Name: Daytime Phone: ( )
Address: Evening Phone: ( )
City: State/Prov: Zip:
ltem# Qty. Description Size Price Each Total Price
• Check • vis ^Shipping & Handling Subtotal
~J Mastercard TN residents add
$0to$5 $4.00
Exp. Date: 8.25% sales tax
Card #: $5.01 to $25 $7.00 Shipping & Handling
Signature: $25.01to$50 $8.00 (see chart)
Total amount enclosed
$50.01 to $75 $9.00
Thank you!
$75.01 to $100 $10.00 Emporium sales benefit A O f l !
Please add $200 for
every $25 after $100.
*Canadian customers please
double amounts for shipping &
handling charges.
Great Looks for 2002 I04N Mini Tote w/university
design on outside pocket. Great
375 Cropped Full Zip Sweatshirt "back to school" gift! (16X12X5)
w/hood. Fitted Sizes. M, L, XL $30.00
101 AOII Flip Flops. Sizes 5-10. $10.00
No 1/2 sizes. (Oversized by 1/2 shoe size.)
Also shown on pg. 16 $20.00
102 Tote Bag
(Kate Spade look alike) $32.00
Long Sleeve
I 10V Navy Visor 11 OS Stone Visor 110 Orange Cap w / w o r n
w/khaki embroidered w/navy embroidered bill. Side embroidery:
"circa 1897". $20.00
AOII. $14.00 AOII. $14.00
2 I 5 Y Navy Long Sleeve 179 Ash Long Sleeve 2I5 Navy Long Sleeve T- Cool Trends
T-shirt w/yellow sleeve T-shirt w/sleeve design. shirt w/orange sleeve
design. M, L, XL $22.00 133 Black "Nail Head" 229 Pink Glitter T-shirt.
S, M , L, XL $20.00 design. M , L, XL $22.00 T-shirt. (Hang to dry) (Hang to dry.) M, L, XL $17.00
M, L, XL $25.00 229Y Pink Glitter T-shirt Youtl-
Sizes M. L $17.00
205G Oxford Drawstring
Athletic Pants w/navy 205 Black Drawstring Athletic
embroidery. Pants w/grey embroidery.
S, M , L, XL $28.00 S, M, L, XL $28.00
Colorful Tees
151 Navy T-shirt w/columbia blue letters. M , L,XL $22.0
112 Navy T-shirt w/primarv colors. M , XL $22.00
127 Navy T-shirt w/lime letters. M , L, XL $22.00
to order visit vvww.aoiiemporium.com or call 1-800-746-7264
Towel Wraps
I73R Red Wrap. 100% 173 White Wrap. 100°/
Cotton Terry Velour. Cotton Terry Velour
^one size) $24.00 (one size). $24.00
I0J Khaki Cap
w/burgundy oval. $16.00
I I 0 Q Oxford Wool Cap
w/embroidered "AOI
Fraternity". Show your
aride. (Limited quantity)
$ 3 0 ^ 0 - S A L E $9.00
I I OS Stone Visor 11 ON Navy Cap
w/navv embroidery. $14.00 w/university bar
design. $17.00
10V Navy Visor
w/khaki embroidery. $14.00 140 Navy Baseball
T-shirt. 3/4 length
sleeve. M, L, XL
A O 11 Workout
228 Red Babv Soft T-shirt 164 Racer-Back Tank
M, L only $25.00 M & L only. $22.00
176 Navy Capri Pants 171 Capri pants
L & XL only. $32.00 L & XL only. $32.00
•"(Items s h o w n above run extremely small.)
Running Gear
169 Oxford 188 Athletic 2 I 4 N Navv 110D White Cap w/red I I 0 P AHEAD Cardinal Cap N O V Navv visor w/khaki
Athletic T-shirt Running Shorts Athletic T-shirt. bar design. $17.00 w/worn bill. Side AOII. $14.00
w/weathered w/weathered design, "circa 1897".
design. M, L, XL design. M, L, XL M, L, XL $12.00 378 Red Babv Doll 212 White Babv Doll
T-shirt w/silver. $20.00 T-shirt. M, L, XL
$12.00 $12.00 2 I 0 Oxford Babv Doll T-
M, L, XL $16.00 $ 17.00
383 Black Running Shorts shirt. M, L, XL $22.00 222 Red Shorts w/stripes.
163 Navy Mesh Running
w/AOII screen print. M, L, XL $14.00
Shorts. M, L, XL $14.00
M, L, XL $14.00