of Alpha Omicron P i ^ i |
VoLXXV Number 1
Two Founders: Mrs. Perry and Miss Wyman 2
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Elected National President 3
New Grand Officers (a page of pictures) 5
Alpha Pi Leads in Fraternity Examination 7
An Alpha O Pediatrician Keeps Babies Well 8
A Code for Pledge* ........... 12
Cornell Convention Questions Single Blackball 13
Highest Tribute of A l l : Nu W ins Jessie Wallace Hughan Cup 18
I n Convention Kleig Lights (a page of pictures) 19
A Thumb Nail History for Pledges 20
There's a Weird Fascination About India 21
To D«AGMA Prizes Worth Your Attention 27
Theta E t a Chapter Installed ? 28
Life Payment of Dues Made Possible 32
Awake: A Short Story 33
Interfraternalism Achieved by Cooperation 35
How's the Weather? 36
Music in Germany 38
An Actress, An Actress 40
All Bacteriologists Don't Glue Their Eyes to Microscopes 43
Columbia Summer Students Meet at Dinner 45
Youth—How to Keep I t 46
Do You Know That? 48
The Editor Speaks 49
The Quiet Corner 50
From Sorority Notebooks 52
"Extra Girl" I s New Novel by Mrs. Perry 53
The Royal Road to Rushing 54
Alpha O's in the Daily Press 58
Active Alpha O's - 64
The Bulletin Board 66
Alumna; Notes 67
Directory of Officers 102
• O C T O B E R • 1929 •
To © R A G M A
of ^Alpha 0micron ^Pi fraternity
A L P H A [AJ—Barnard College—Inactive. E T A [H]—University of Wisconsin,
P i [I1J—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial Madison, Wis.
College, New Orleans, L a . A L P H A P H I [A#]—Montana State Col-
N u [NJ—New York University, New lege, Bozeman, Mont.
York City. No OMICKON [NO]—Vanderbilt Univer-
OMICBON [O]—University of Tennessee, sity, Nashville, Tenn.
Knoxville, Tenn. P s i [ + ]—University of Pennsylvania,
KAPPA [Kl—Randolph-Macon Woman's Philadelphia, Pa.
Coileee, Lynchburg, Va P H I [ • ] — U n i v e r s i t y of Kansas, Law
ZETA [Z]—University of Nebraska, Lin- rence, Kan.
coln, Neb. OMEGA ID]—Miami University, Oxford,
S I G M A [2]—University of California, Ohio.
Berkeley, Calif. O M I C B O N P I [OH)—University of Michi-
T H E T A [GJ—DePauw University, Green- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
castle, Ind. A L P H A S I G M A I S A J—University of Ore-
BETA IB]—Brown University—Inactive. gon, Eugene, Ore.
D E L T A (AJ—Jackson College, Tufts Col-
X i [SJ—University of Oklahoma, Nor-
lege, Mass. man, Okla.
G A M M A fT]—University of Maine,
P i D E L T A IfiAl—University of Mary-
Orono, Me. land, College Park, Md.
EPSILON [E]—Cornell University, Ithaca,
T A U DELTA (TAJ—Birmingham-Southern
N.Y. College, Birmingham, Ala.
R H O [PJ—Northwestern University,
KAPPA T H E T A [KGJ—University of Cali-
Evanston, 111. fornia at Los Angeles, I.os Angeles,
LAMBDA [A]—Leland Stanford Univer- Calif.
sity, Palo Alto, Calif. KAPPA OMICBOH [KO]—Southwestern,
IOTA [I]—University of Illinois, Charo- Memphis, Tenn.
paicn, 111. A L P H A R H O [API—Oregon Agricultural
T A U [ T J — U n i v e r s i t y of Minnesota, Min- College, Corvallis, Ore.
neapolis, Minn. C H I D E L T A [ X A ] University of Colorado,
C H I [X]—Syracuse University, Syracuse, Boulder, Colo.
N.Y. BETA T H E T A [BG1—Butler University,
U P S I L O K [T]—University of Washington, Indianapolis, Ind.
Seattle, Wash. A L P H A P I [All]—Florida State College
N u KAPPA [NK]—Southern Methodist for Women, Tallahassee, Fla.
University, Dallas, Tex. E P S I L O N A L P H A [EA]—Penn State Col-
B E T A P H I [B4>]—Indiana University, lege, State College. Pa.
Bloomington, Ind. T H E T A E T A [OilJ—University of Cincin-
nati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
NEW YOBK A L U M N A — N e w York City. DALLAS ALUMNA—Dallas, Tex.
cisco, Calif.
PBOVIDENCE ALUM NA—P r o v i d e n c e , KANSAS CITY ALUMNA—Kansas City,
Rhode Island.
BOSTON ALUMNA—Boston, Mass. O M A H A A L U M N A — O m a h a , Neb.
L I N C O L N A L U M N A — L i n c o l n , Neb. SYBACUSE UNIVERSITY—Syracuse, N.Y.
Los A N G E L E S A L U M N A — L o s Angeles, DETBOIT ALUMNA—Detroit, Mich.
Calif. CLEVELAND ALUMNA—Cleveland, Ohio.
INDIANAPOLIS A L U M N A — Indianapolis, MILWAUKEE ALUMNA—Milwaukee, Wis.
BIRMINGHAM A L U M N A — Birmingham,
Ind. Ala.
NEW OBLEANS A L U M N A — N e w Orleans,
OKLAHOMA CITY—Oklahoma City, Okla,
Minn. Ind.
D E N V E K ALUMNA.—Denver, Colo.
SEATTLE ALUMNA—Seattle, Wash. A N N ABBOB A L U M N A — A n n Arbor, Mich.
WASHINGTON A L U M N A — Washington,
^Alpha Omicron Pi
O C T O B E R , 1929 NO. 1
Send all editorial material to
405 Elm Street,
Menasha, Wisconsin
50 Broad Street,
Bloomfield, N. J.
To D B A G M A is published by. Alpha O r n k r o n J H f r a i l t y 4 0 S j n ^ » i ^
Menasha, Wisconsin, and is printed by The (.eorge Bant a r u i ' s * „u n d the
*tered at the Post Office at Minneapolis Min as second »Jf 1920.
February 12.
Act of March 3, 1879 Acceptance for mailing XorUed
for 1103, Act October 3. 1 ' X9 7 ja U a r y . March and May.
tjS^jStWS STcoir® ttflfStvidedof
in section
in advance; Life
S U % r & n , 5 h a s been n « d e ^ r transfer of second^lass entry from the Post
Office at Minneapolis to the Post Office at Menasha, W i s .
C Two of our Founders are among our new officers.
Elisabeth Heywood Wyman to the right is our Grand
President. Stella Stern Perry continues to serve us as
Historian. We know we will continue to prosper under
Miss IVyman's fine leadership. We look forward
to the early appearance of our history from
Mrs. Perry's pen.
o Dragma of Alpha O micron P
Vol. 25 OCTOBER, 1929 No. 1
the Third Cfoimder to £erve as
Rational President
frMany Former Grand Officers
Continued in Office
By W I L M A S M I T H L E L A N D , Tun
MA D A M E Chairman, I move that the secretary cast a unanimous
ballot for the election of Elizabeth Heywood Wyman to the Grand
Presidency of Alpha Omicron P i " — " I second the motion." Another
moment and a chorus of "ayes" acclaimed our long-loved Bess W y -
man our pilot for the next two years. She had resigned as Registrar
m May expecting to rest from active fraternity work for a year or so, but
to convention delegates, her resignation f r o m the office which bound her
to Hloomfield meant that she was free to lead the f r a t e r n i t y as Grand
President. We needn't tell you how fortunate we are to have such a
president—she has been so close to the progress of Alpha Omicron Pi since
Its inception that she has rich experience to offer us. Her k i n d l y under-
standing and quick sympathy have carried her into the hearts of all who
know her. And best of all—you may look forward to seeing her in per-
" i i some time during her term of office, for she intends to visit every ac-
tive chapter and no doubt the alumna? chapters, too. Miss Wyman is the
, rd Founder to be elected Grand President. Mrs. Perry and Mrs. M u l -
'an have served in that capacity.
Ine Executive Committee has as its other two members women who
ave been in office for the past biennium or a large share of i t . K a t h r y n
Bremer Matson ( T a u ) , will handle the financial affairs of the fraternity
gain. The Grand Secretarv is Edith Huntington Anderson (Beta Phi).
latf .r e m ember that E d i t h was appointed after Joanna Donlon Hunting-
n s resignation soon after the 1927 convention. Both Edith and K a t h -
t h e m ^ l y6 u n a m m o u s elected; their work of the past two years proved
treS ? - K a t h r y n ' s management of thep i l y c h o s e n t 0 fil1 t h e i r o f f i c e s
yu r has been excellent; she has helped several active chapters through
financial crises and has placed the fraternity on a business-like budget!
system. Edith's untiring energies in meeting active chapter difficulties^
tending t o the millions of details which come to her attention have been
almost unbelievable. Y o u will find her patient and helpful. She is the
mother of two sweet children, M a r y Eldred, a curly-headed three-year-
old and Barbara whom "convention-goers" met.
Perhaps we should pause to say that we are making no attempt to
give you biographical sketches of our officers. None of their names are
new to y o u , and you've read about their college careers i n former issues of
the magazine. The 1927 volume contains very complete details about
each one.
Octavia Chapin ( D e l t a ) , w i l l continue as Grand Vice-President. She
will have more tangible work in her office during this term, for the Grand
Council decided that our national work should not crystallize into one or
two national units, but it should continue to include only the two Fellow-
ships and aid f o r handicapped children. T h a t w o r k may or may not be
to aid the Westfield Home to which we have given money in the past and
the Seattle Orthopedic Hospital. You will hear more of that later. The
active and alumna1 chapter having local philanthropic work will continue
to support i t , and other chapters are urged to start some specific work.
Reports from alumna' chapters actively interested in local charity showed
clearly that interest is revived and held where the girls are bound together
by the common cause of nourishing undernourished babies, sewing for
poor people, helping in dental clinics, et cetera. Octavia will be glad to
give you advice about your local work. She's so quietly capable of all
sorts of things; a New Englander, she combines a restful dignity w i t h a
delightfully good nature.
Stella Stern Perry was another officer unanimously elected. Who can
ever be a better historian than a Founder who is a pen-woman b y nature
and profession? We are looking forward to a climax in her long and
faithful service this year when the history of the fraternity will comej
f r o m the press. We wish all of y o u could have seen the historical ex-1
hibit at convention. N u Omicron won the most votes on their exhibit,
rushing teas i n miniature besides pictures of each of their members. There
were other excellent ones, too. As we reminisce, we vision Epsilon Alpha,
our second youngest with their dolls and blocks, the last mentioned spell-
ing their chapter name, and on two sides of the block the pictures of
active members, their activities accompanying their pictures on the neigh-
boring sides of the block; Pi had brought along posters and jewelry made
by their members as well as a vase of the lovely Newcomb pottery such
as they give their brides; Chicago alumna? sailed f o r t h in a miniature boa'
on a r i p p l y satin sea, our symbols were the cargo; then there was an ex
hibit of former convention pictures, a fragrant bag of rose petals gar,
nered f r o m each of the previous gatherings; the first Alpha gavel; the-
original symbols; pictures f r o m our first chapters; pictures of dearly
beloved members who are now in our Alpha Omega chapter; clippings
about our nationally prominent sisters; cups won by active chapters in
campus competitions; a T o D R A G M A exhibit of reprints; a gallery of
O C T O B E R , 1929
Left—Nell Fain Law-
rence watches over our (^S^ew Grand Officers
expansion. Right—
Pinckney Estes Giants-
berg will act again as
SLSJLour Panhcllcnic delt-JLSLSL9JLSULSiSLSL!lSL^^
gate. Bc'.oit—Reading "
from left to right you meet Alice
Cullnane, Registrar; Kathryn Bremer
Matson, Grand Treasurer; Muriel
Turner McKinney, Examining Offi-
cer; Edith Huntington Anderson,
Grand Secretory; Elisabeth Heywood
Wyman Grand President; Stel a
Stern Perry, Grand Historian; Oc-
tavia Chapin, Grand Vice President;
and W'ilma Smith Leland, Editor of
i f )o n innnrmwyinnrinnnnnrR^
i1 •
f u t u r e A O EC's pictures, our babies (we may even make the boys, members
by marrying them to our girls); and, album upon album of active chapter
pictures, clippings, logs, et cetera. I t was a fine exhibit, and i t was such
fun to see M r s . Perry's j o y over i t .
The Extension Officer was an Alumnae District Superintendent during
the last four years—Nell Fain Lawrence ( N u O m i c r o n ) . N e l l was so
busy w i t h her trousseau and pre-nuptial business that she had to forego
convention this year. W e missed her f o r she's been a regular attendant
for some years. Perhaps the Lawrence on her name surprised you. On
September 10 Nell became M r s . John Seward Lawrence, and now she's a
neighbor of Joanna Huntington in Rochester, New York. Her husband
is associate professor of medicine at the University of Rochester, School
of Medicine. N o doubt our past policy of expansion will be carried on.
The Grand Council approved the Canadian universities, McGill, Univer-
sity of Toronto, University of Manitoba, and the University of British
Columbia; Duke University at Durham, North Carolina; Iowa State
College at Ames; University of Wyoming, Laramie; and the University
of Texas at Austin as fields of expansion.
A n illuminating set of graphs was further proof of M u r i e l Turner
M c K i n n e y ' s ( L a m b d a ) , efficiency and real ability. She is to act as Ex-
amining Officer again. Muriel had made a comparison of chapter and
district averages in fraternity examination grades for the past ten years.
She feels that a more careful study plan would benefit a number of chap-
ters. N o doubt you'll have many helpful suggestions f r o m her ere long.
Follow them carefully because M u r i e l has a keen appreciation of the
sort of preparation necessary for the proper understanding of fraternity
history and relationships. Muriel's interest isn't all in fraternity work—
she has a bouncing young son who demands attention, too.
One of the nicest things we could wish for all of you would be that
some day you will have the pleasure of meeting Pinckney Estes Glantz-
berg (Psi), that South Carolinian lawyer who is our Panhellenic delegate.
Pinckney's is a rare personality. Y o u are fascinated by her keen mind
and quick w i t , b y her sympathetic insight and her sense of humor.
Wherever we went at convention, she was surrounded by a group of
girls begging her to tell a story. Her stories are about southern negroes
and i n her drawling accent, they're charming as well as f u n n y . T o us
the most interesting g i f t she possesses is her ability to make us laugh
until we almost choke, and the next instant to make us swallow hard to j
keep the tears back. Pinckney's humor is an art.
As for the editor of T o DRAGMA, may the magazine speak for her!]
She has given her best during the biennium just completed; we hope
her experience can help her in doing better during the next two years.
Y o u may be interested to know that she is now at home i n the heart of
f r a t e r n i t y journalism, Menasha, Wisconsin. M r . Leland has accepted ai
position w i t h the George Banta Publishing Company, and so there should
be many close contacts w i t h other fraternity editors during the years
to come. We almost forgot to say that Nancy A n n , another three-year
old, proudly displays a non-descript pin worn just over her heart which
she calls her " w h o r i t y p i n , just like mumie's."
O C T O B E R , 1929 7
zAlpha Vi J^eads in (fraternity Examination
By M U R I E L T U R N E R M C K I N N E Y , Examining Officer
FR A T E R N I T Y examination questions were prepared this last year
so that an excellent student would make high marks, the average
would pass, and those unprepared would fail. T h e results were splendid.
As compared w i t h the previous year, four districts raised their aver-
ages, twenty-one chapters raised their averages, and the failures were cut
more than in half. Sixteen chapters were above 90, fifteen between 80
and 90, three between 70 and 80, and as last year there was one failure.
I t seems particularly fitting that the youngest chapter to take the ex-
amination should be the highest. Alpha Pi lead the fraternity with a
chapter average of 98.
The district averages are as follows:
Pfetnet Number of Chapters Failures Average
92.3 %
h Southern 7 0 90.70%
2. Great Lakes 4 2 89.59%
3. Mid-Western 6 1 89.09%
4. Pacific 6 2 85.8 %
5. Ohio Valley 5 4 82.0 %
6. Atlantic 7 15
Total National Average
I t is interesting to note, that as was the case last year, the girls who
took the re-examination to make up failures stood much higher than
those who took it to make up for an absence.
The chapter records are as follows:
Alpha Pi
9S *Tau 88.97
"Omicron 88.8
• t v l P * Omicron 97 6 Rho 88.5
aD e I t "96' 88.3
I f " De'ta '.94.8 Nu Omicron 88.
. T i l , -, 93.94 *Chi 87.55
ymb,ia 93.8 87.41
•f 5J« e | •la 9923..7015 Chi Delta 86.6
•Upsilon 85.38
, I a1 92 71 84.
he, Kappa 84.
Kappa Theta '. .'.V9.922.616 Alpha Phi 83.9
Beta Theta 83.64
Omicron Pi 914> •Delta 83.32
•SJj »*W» 91.04 •Iota 77.
'Alpha Rho 77.
* Average above 1 9 2 8 . 8 9 ' 9 3 •Alpha Sigma 71.
Beta Phi 68.
To DRAdfl
^An <yllpha 0
E L I Z A B E T H E B E L I N G , Tau
FA M O U S women doctors are no longer a r a r i t y , but i t is as unusual]
as i t is delightful to meet one whose charming personality over-
shadows for the moment all consciousness of her fame. Such a rare and
delightful person is D r . Cecile M o r i a r t y ( T a u ' 1 5 ) , one of Minneapolis':
best-known child specialists. So modest that she lets fall no flattering
information, so interested and alive that she prefers talking about her
listener to telling about her work, she is at once a fascinating and diffi-
cult person to interview. One might gather, however, i f only from the
sparkle in her eyes, and the enthusiasm of her narrative, once it is begun,
that here are the interested, curious, analytical qualities of the true doc-
tor's mind.
A n interview w i t h this busy person who is D r . Moriarty is snatched
between the interruptions of telephone calls. N o t that these interrup-
tions are too unwelcome, for they provide an excellent opportunity of
studying her. Straight and of medium height, she sits at her desk, slim
as any school girl i n her green k n i t t e d suit. H e r red-brown hair is cut;
short, and so fluffy that i t refuses to conform to the severity of a pompa-;
dour. Perhaps her eyes are her most arresting
feature, laughing, sparkling, never for a second
As to the telephone calls, they, too, are in- Alma Bochmc Kuehn calls
teresting. "Cross, you say?—How many feed- her girls Susan and
ings? Every four hours?—Evidently, we shall Helen Louise.
have to make it every three.—Call and tell me
how her temper improves." Or again, " N o , M r .
Burnett, no reason f o r worrying, I assure you
—a slight jaundice condition, but
harmless—I shall call again tomor-
r o w — N o w , don't w o r r y . " Busy as
she is, one can easily guess that i t
is this quality of interest and sym-
pathy which has made her one of / / [
the mo9t popular children's special- / _
ists in the city. M a n y a T a u baby
is the healthier for her careful at-
tention. Many a Tau mother, in
the midst of an epidemic of dip-
theria or whooping cough, comforts
herself with the thought, "Thank
heaven, there's Dr. Cecile."
O C T O B E R , 1929 9
Keeps cjMany
"Babies Well
I t was more by circumstance
than desire that Cecile Moriarty
became a doctor. H e r parents i n -
sisted upon having a doctor i n the
family, and when her brothers
showed a determined ten-
dency for the law, the re-
sponsibility was laid on
the somewhat slender
shoulders of Cecile. Since
then her sister has entered
medicine in the field of
Obstetrics, but there is Little John Ambcrg is the
little evidence that Cecile son of Margaret Mc-
regrets her enforced oc- Hugh Ambcrg.
cupation. I t was her ex-
perience as an intern which led to her decision to enter the field of
Pediatrics. Practice among older and more chronic cases seemed to
her the unsatisfactory matter of "patching u p . " B u t children's cases
provide such eminent satisfaction. There i t is a matter of guarding
development, of building up a body, and even the acute cases among
children usually get well. "Indeed," laughed D r . M o r i a r t y , " I sign so
few death certificates that when I do, I am obliged to look up the tech-
nical difference between the remote and immediate causes of death."
Sometimes, she says, she wishes she were a school teacher, but the
twinkle in her eye is too evident for one t o take her seriously. "Pedia-
trics would be all right i f i t weren't for the parents," she added. A n d that
••rings D r . Cecile to one of her favorite subjects, child psychology, es-
pecially as regards difficult feeding cases. A f t e r leaving school she says
she found herself armed w i t h an array of tonics and not much else as
a cure for poor appetites and loss of weight among children. Almost
immediately she began to discover that a large m a j o r i t y of such cases
need psychological, not medical treatment.
She cites case after case where an over-concentration on the part
o» parents as to the weight and feeding habits of the child was the
direct cause of his loss of appetite. One o f the most interesting is that
? a four-year-old girl, the oldest of two children of one of D r . M o r i a r t y ' s
lormer nurses, herself a specialist i n difficult feeding cases. For four
ha 1 1 ' i V e e k s -he child had eaten almost nothing. After the mother
a tried the principles of force, reward, and punishment and the strategies
i tea-parties and a new set of dishes all i n vain, she came to D r . M o r i -
hit i m u im humiliation. The latter, after some questioning,
St a b ect
upon the theory that the child was jealous of her younger brother,
10 T o DRAGMA'
who was just being started on solid foods, and whose diet
was therefore the object of much attention. D r . M o r i a r t y
ordered the mother to put a teaspoon of food on the little
girl's plate, and to take absolutely no notice as to whether
or not she ate i t . For six days the child continued her ab-
stinence, always leaving the table
with the remark, " I didn't eat my
dinner, mama." According to her
instructions, the Mother replied,
4T "Well, it doesn't matter. The doc-
tor said you didn't have to eat."
.The turning point came on the
seventh day when the child rushed
in from play with the announce-
ment that she was starving, and
couldn't they have dinner right
away i f she helped set the table.
Psychological disturbances also
figure in the troubles of much
younger children. One of D r .
" Yes, I am M o r i a r t y ' s most difficult cases was
Nancy Ann that of a fifteen-months' old boy.
H i s extreme fits of temper occur-
ring f r o m five to fifteen times a day,
had been diagnosed by several doc-
tors as epileptic fits. Suspicious of such a diagnosis i n a child so young,
D r . M o r i a r t y approached the case f r o m a psychological angle. She
immediately discovered that his fits occurred only when refused some-
thing he asked for. She removed the child f r o m its home to the care of
a special nurse. Even though the nurse doubted the wisdom of the
course when she observed the child's first fit, she f a i t h f u l l y followed the
doctor's orders, which were to leave the room immediately on the ap-
proach of one of the spells. The child upon discovering that no one was
watching, soon stopping choking and frothing at the mouth and turned
to playing. I n a week he was completely cured.
One realizes, before hearing many such cases, w h y D r . M o r i a r t y is'j
famous not only in Minneapolis, but throughout the entire Northwest,
and w h y she is called into consultation by other doctors upon cases that
take her to North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and all parts of;
Minnesota. N o r does her list of activities end here. She instructed
a olass at the University Dispensary twice a week
for a long time. She teaches Pediatrics t o a class
of Senior medics at the General Hospital. After
J u l y she extended her teaching to half-days.
So i t is little wonder that Cecile M o r i a r t y , doctor,
psychologist, teacher, and not least of all, a charm-
ing woman finds her place well to the front i n Tau's H a l l of Fame.
OCTOBER, 1929 11
Jfealth l^ules for 'Babies
1. Don't let your baby rule you. A good "And we are Lillian Tifft
healthy crying spell never hurt any child. Overmire's healthy youngsters,
(A mother once called Dr. Cecile when Roy Junior and Marjory."
her child was screaming lengthily and
shrilly to ask if the youngster mightn't
hurt herself with such violence. "Well,
she might break an ear drum, but I've
never heard of it happening,"' came the
calm reply.)
2. Thumb sucking is not a vicious habit in
a baby as long as it is confined to "going
to sleep" times. Stop it as soon as the
molar teeth are cut by binding with ad-
hesive, a niitten or a patented protector.
3. Feeding habits are most important. See
that a child is fed at regular hours even
it means a few minutes of crying before
the clock strikes. When new foods are
introduced in the diet, give
only one at a single meal
and only a few teaspoonfuls.
Be persistent and insist that
it is tasted. Take care not
to discuss your own likes and dislikes
of foods before the child.
4. Insist on regular sleeping hours. Every
baby needs naps—two a day for the
small baby and one a day until school
age is reached. Don't get your baby
out of bed to perform for guests; it
might be his whim to stay out the next
5. The average healthy baby needs no at-
tention during the night. If your child
is well and still insists on crying, then
he is "spoiled/' Dr. Cecile allows you
three nights to break the average six
weeks old baby of such tricks. Just
let him cry!
6. A spanking will stop a child from hold-
ing his breath usually, if you want him
to stop. He won't choke doing it,
never fear.
<^/l Qodefor 'Pledges
[Adapted from The Record of Sigma Alpha Epsilon]
Alpha Omicron Pi is a fraternity of high ideals.
Loyalty to your Alma Mater is of basic importance.
Play the game square in chapter, classroom and on the campus.
Help the fraternity and it -will help you throughout life.
Application to studies is a prerequisite for membership.
Obedience to those in authority is one of the first things a pledge
must respect.
Make the chapter house a real home—not a playhouse nor boarding
It is a privilege to be a pledge—not a favor you are doing the fra-
Character and sincerity are final tests for membership.
Real hospitality and courtesy are true signs of benevolence—give
visitors a warm welcome.
On all occasions and wherever you go be mindful of your conduct.
Never bring dishonor upon yourself—it also hurts the fraternity.
Promptly learn the history and traditions of the fraternity. things
Interest in your chapter and fraternity stimulates to greater
in future years.
([Cfacts from the Ithaca Convention
Epsi'on's circus was great fun. Note the clowns and the announcer.
Cornell Convention
Questions jingle Blackball
I N a new copy of the rules and regulations of Alpha Omicron Pi you
JL will find that a single blackball will no longer keep a girl f r o m be-
coming a pledge in our fraternity. The momentous conclusion was
a n h T ^3 e r 3 t r o u g h discussion among active and alumna? delegates
* i I t n a c a convention which convened on July 18 w i t h Epsilon chapter
wstess. The rare instance when a single girl ruled the destiny of a
The 8n e a t i v e v o t e could h e t o ^ r a t e d no longer, i t was decided,
m e m l f m i 0 n °^ t n e " Pr o u novv weighs m o r e heavily than that of the single
itselfr r ' \ H o W m u c h f a i r e r !t is t 0 b o t h the candidate and chapter
s j ] ' , j r e c o m m e n d a t i o n concerning the procedure i n the case of a
and t .b a l l i s interesting. " I n order to keep the blackball sacred,
eitherd t 0 i n f l i c t '"justice, t h c £ i r l w n o has cast the blackball must
declare herself to the chapter president or allow her blackball
to become invalid. I n case of declaring herself, she must take her rea-
sons out of the chapter's hands into the hands of the Alumna? Advisory
Board who may decide on the validity of the reason." Y o u who have
had experiences with questioning girls who have cast blackballs know
that usually the reasons offered would not be considered valid. Often
inexperience and the excitement of the first rushing season are the chief
causes of blackballs, and upon serious thought a girl repents her action.
Such procedure as advised in the recommendation provides f o r such hasty
Rushing is not the only time of the year when a single disagreeing
member may hold up the proper progress in a chapter, and the new copy
of the rules and regulations will contain this statement. " A chapter may
by a %'s vote withhold all voting privileges from a girl whose scholar-
ship is low or who flagrantly and persistently refuses to cooperate w i t h
the chapter until such time as the girl shows a willingness to cooperate
when such action is recommended by the Senior Council and the Alumna*
Advisory Board. Report of such action must be made immediately
to the District Superintendent and the Executive Committee."
A fraternity life membership of $ 2 5 was established. Upon payment
of that sum an associate member may be exempt from Grand Council
dues f o r life. For some time we have had a life subscription to T o
D R A G M A , but the life membership is new in our fraternity.
These were only a few results that came f r o m the fine discussion at
convention. T h e active chapters gained so much f r o m their round tables,
and the alumna.' found inspiration in discussing future plans with sisters.
But business meetings are such a small part of convention, and this
one was as full of good times as every other convention has been. Risley
H a l l at Cornell is quite as lovely and comfortable as we had been warned
it would be. Epsilon chapter will never be mentioned by a "conven-
tionite" without a phrase tacked on, "They're the peppiest, jolliest,
hardest working girls I've ever seen," and it is certainly true. From the
time that the trains bringing Alpha O's started to arrive, until the last
car carrying us away l e f t , Epsilon girls were h u r r y i n g around to see
that we were comfortably settled in our rooms, that our clothes were
pressed, our meals delicious, besides entertaining us with a real, honest-
to-goodness circus and all sorts of song fetes.
Tuesday was registration day, and it was delightful to be able to
register, unpack, explore and get acquainted without rushing to the
opening business meeting. Wednesday morning found the delegates
ready for opening ritual. Octavia Chapin conducted i t . Rose Gardner
M a r x was unable to be w i t h us—strange irony, indeed, for i t was the
first convention she's missed in years, and then that it was her o w n ! W e
missed her much! Octavia was a splendid chairman, though, and her
untiring alertness kept the business of the day moving briskly and yet
with sufficient discussion to settle knotty problems. We were to have
had a picnic at Taughannock Falls that evening, but torrents of rain
prevented it. We had the picnic in the Risley dining room which, by
the way, is a duplicate of the beautiful interior of T r i n i t y Church, Cam-
O C T O B E R , 1929 15
bridge, and then we had Stunt N i g h t i n the recreation room. Jeannette
Roney ( D e l t a ) , was the announcer. The first stunt "brought down the
house." T h e curtain rose to disclose Alice Thomson ( A l p h a ) , and Eliza-
beth Wyman. Follows their song to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne."
Should Alpha Chapter be forgot good
And never brought to mind.
We three will show we're just as
As in days of old Lang Syne.
Let Stella do a dance of yore
While Bess and Alice show
How in the days of olden times,
The music used to go.
(Whereupon M r s . Perry in a Princess evening dress tripped gracefully
through a two-step and a waltz.)
And now that we have done our best
Perhaps it is enough
To show you little children
That your parents had the s t u f f .
The Southern District presented a burlesque of Macbeth arranged
by Elizabeth Logan (Tau Delta). The Pacific District introduced them-
selves by telling their chapter autobiographies. Ohio Valley District had
a doll shop skit—no need to say, an Alpha O doll proved satisfactory.
The Great Lakes District took us riding in a rickety old c a r — t w o flat
tires, and we walked home. Their dramatic ability shone forth in the
tragedy of Lord Ullan's daughter—the lovers sunk in a leaky boat.
The girls from Midwestern District had a vaudeville, and Atlantic
District dramatized Elizabeth Hanley Danforth's beautiful poem, The
Rose. Jessie Ashworth was responsible for the pageantry. Gamma uses
the poem to close their initiation banquet, and we know how impressive
it must be.
Thursday found us touring the Cornell campus, and that evening
Epsilon entertained at the circus. A l l sorts of stunts took place in the
recreation room, but the chief of these was the famous Esmeralda, a
musical comedy which Epsilon has given at their last rushing party
each fall for years. I t would w i n over the most undecided rushee.
Clowns, a band and much noise led us into the courtyard where carnival
booths held untold amusements—a fish pond, bingo, a pop stand, a shoot-
ing gallery with "bally hoo" women at each booth. Friday night M r s .
Perry conducted rituals. Each convention the memorial ritual seems
more beautiful. Peg Miller, an Epsilon pledge was the only girl to be
initiated. What a thrill it must be to receive a pin from Mrs. Perry's
hand I
Rose Bell (Sigma) was in charge of the candle-lighting ceremony
again. I t was held i n Sage Chapel, and it was very lovely. Each con-
vention year finds our line of candles growing longer—more lights taken
from our Founders' altars. It's a beautiful custom, and we wish all of
16 T o D R A G M A
^Jfere ^Are Tfiose ^Alpha O's "Who &n
Oiif hundred and fifty-six delegates and visitors gathered in Iran! of h'is'ey H.ill so that you . onld t
y o u might each see i t someday. T h e great hall i n W i l l i a r d Straight was
the scene of the story-telling. M r s . Perry found a rocking chair and re-
minisced. Convention wouldn't be complete without hearing about our
founding, how Pi chapter came and all the other stories dear to our
On Sunday night N e w Y o r k Alumna; were hostesses at supper after
which there was informal entertainment in the parlors. " S i d " Hansen
(Epsilon), led the singing. Joanna Huntington (Epsilon), sang about
the poor working girl, Gladys H i n m o n (Omicron P i ) , told one of her
children's stories, Frances Eagan ( E p s i l o n ) , enacted a scene f r o m The
Road to Rome, Rose Bell told us about the mother who got her young
son ready f o r dancing school, and Hanna Blair Neal (Beta P h i ) , sang
for us. I t was such a friendly, cozy evening.
Installation of officers took place on Monday afternoon and the ban-
quet that evening. The handsome Gothic Memorial Hall in Willard
Straight was a proper setting for that loveliest of banquets. The oak
paneling reflected the flame of the white tapers. The service stars on
the great flag above the doors twinkled i n their light. T h e chimes i n the
Library Tower marked the passing of the minutes. I t was indeed w i t h
bated breath that the banqueters waited for Mrs. Perry to award the
Jessie Hughan Cup. The N u chapter girls were almost too surprised
to claim i t when they found it to be theirs. T a u chapter was a close
second to N u , and M r s . Perry gave them an autographed copy of the
The Defenders. Miss W y m a n announced the T o D R A G M A prizes.
O C T O B E R , 1929 17
nj(Le (privilege of a splendid A OH Convention
«e 9 i
If I
hm and what they looked like. If you wan! their names, send a stamfed envelope to the Central Office.
The prize of $10.00 for the best story appearing in the magazine was
given to Lorraine Jones ( N u ) , for her story about Gertrude Lynahan.
Eva Jean Wrather ( N u O m i c r o n ) , earned the $5 award given to the
best active chapter editor. Octavia Chapin introduced the toastmistress,
Pinckney Glantzberg. The theme of the toasts was, "The Greek and his
Neighbor," Edith Anderson speaking for the national group. The dis-
tricts were represented by Audrey Buratti (Kappa Theta), Martha
Crane (Alpha Pi), Harriet Pratt (Tau), Lillian Cox ( N u Kappa), Kath-
ryn Brown ( C h i ) , and Dorothy Jackson (Omega). Miss W y m a n spoke
on "The A r t of Living Together" and Mrs. Perry on "From the Heights
of Olympus."
You know about the old Greek custom of giving an apple to the
fairest and the finest, don't you? A n apple because i t is perfect and
typifies beauty, health and prosperity. What could have been more
fitting then than for Sylvia Sutcliffe Crowell (Psi), to give a gift of apples
to our Founders. T h e n the actives came w i t h their g i f t of roses, given
by Elizabeth Williams (Kappa Omicron), and Harriet Dunham ( N u ) .
Alice Cullnane presented two silver water pitchers to M a r y Barvian in
appreciation of the fine hostessship Epsilon has shown. I t was a gay
way in which to part.
A pause before we parted though, and softly we sang together:
Still heart in heart
' Still hand in hand
Though we depart we stand
Still heart in heart
Still hand in hand.
The Ji ighest Tribute of <All—3\(u Wins
Jessie Wallace Jfughan Qup
By W I N I F R E D N . C A T E R S O N , Nu
A X D therefore i t is m y great pleasure to present the Jessie Wallace
Hughan cup to N u chapter." Something to that effect were the
words of M r s . Perry who was presenting the cup at the banquet which
closed the National Convention of 1929 at Ithaca, New York. The
N u chapter girls, sitting at a table directly in front of the speaker, were,
to be frank, stunned. Our delegate stepped up and received the cup.
When she returned to her seat, she placed i t on the table before her and
she and the other girls looked at i t and at each other speechlessly.
N u chapter has had many capable girls at its helm over the long period
of its existence. These will all agree that it has had none more efficient
than ex-president Rosemary Holahan. When we retrospect on her ad-
ministration, we wonder that we were surprised to f i n d that N u had
merited the Jessie Wallace Hughan cup. T o begin w i t h , there was a
stronger fraternal spirit among the girls which led to heartier co-opera-
tion. Rosemary initiated intersorority relations among the sororities of
Washington Square College. Under her chairmanship, two intersorority
dances were given, the first on board the S.S. Majestic, the second at the
Westchester B-iltmore Country Club, and the proceeds were shared with
the Judson Memorial Health Center to buy milk for undernourished
At the instigation of Mrs. Collins, our alumna adviser, action was
taken in the Panhellenic Congress of Washington Square College to pro-
hibit the drinking of liquor at sorority functions. The inability of guests at
some of the functions to refrain from intemperance made it unfortunately
necessary to bring the matter to an issue. The result of persistence was a
ruling forbidding the use of intoxicating liquors at sorority affairs w i t h
the further stipulation that anyone noticeably under its influence would
be asked to leave.
But the outstanding accomplishment of the year was clearing a long-
standing accumulation of debts amounting to over $400 and leaving the
treasury ahead by $200 or $300. The New York Alumna? co-operated
with the active chapter in discharging this debt by giving a benefit theater
party while Rosemary gave us a lesson i n economy. A n d yet we were able
to move into living quarters where we have space to accommodate a
few resident students.
There is a girl who is not Nu's by initiation, but to us, she embodies in
flesh every ideal of Alpha Omicron Pi. I t was through the inspiration and
help of Alice Cullnane, then Assistant Registrar that N u became as
one in Alpha O spirit. T o you who live and eat in one house that may
not mean much, but to us who live at great distances f r o m New Y o r k
University and who must ever hurry away and back again, it meant in-
O C T O B E R , 1929 Kleig 19
f / w Convention Rights
Alice Cullnane, Rose Bell, Pincknev
Gantzberg, and Edith Collins (Nu), were
taking movies, but we caught them in a
Harriet Dunham (h'u), is the president of
the cltapter winning the Jessie Wallace
Hughan Cup. Alice is the humble one at
her feet, and Pincknev is being affec-
ie, BeJl had charge of the candle lighting service
she is western product, a California booster.
20 T o D R A G M A
stilling new quietudes and thoughts into us. Alice was so patient and en-
couraging, so much an example of what she taught us that the lesson
was a pleasure to learn. We will think of her when we look upon this cup.
W i n n i n g the Jessie Wallace Hughan cup marks an era i n the steady
development of N u chapter. I t is a tribute to administrations of past
years in its recognition of their efforts which led up to Nu's gaining it.
It is a symbol to the administration of 1928-1929 of the advances made
under its leadership.
zjl Thumbnail Jfistory for Pledges
AL P H A O M I C R O N P I S O R O R I T Y was established at Barnard Col-
^ lege—the first college f o r women i n New Y o r k C i t y — o n January 2,
in 1897. The originators were: Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair,
Stella George Stern and Elizabeth Heywood W y m a n , all of the class of
Jessie Wallace Hughan became a teacher and later an author. After
taking a master's degree f r o m Columbia, i n 1899, she taught i n private
schools i n New Y o r k f o r a number of years. She was at one time con-
nected with the Rand School of Social Science.
Helen St. Clair married George Vincent Mullan who was, for a
number of years, associated with John Purroy Mitchell and W. Bruce
Cobb i n the law firm of M u l l a n , Cobb and M i t c h e l l . T h e . firm later
became Mitchell and Mullan. M r . Mullan became Justice of the Su-
preme Court of New Y o r k in 1916. M r s . M u l l a n has also practiced law.
Stella George Stern married Hough Perry of New Y o r k . She became
prominent in women's clubs and child welfare work in the states of New
Y o r k , New Jersey and California. She was corresponding secretary of
the Consumers League of New Jersey at one time. A t another, she was
connected w i t h the New Jersey State Child Labor Commission. She was
secretary of the Joint Committee of San Francisco Child Labor Com-
mission and Juvenile Protective Association. M r s . Perry is also an
author. Besides wrriting scenarios, stories, poems, and articles, she has
w r i t t e n a number of books. She is the author of " M e l i n d y , " " T h e Girls'
Nest," "Clever Mouse," "Barbara of Telegraph H i l l , " "The Defenders,"
"Extra Girl," and others.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman became a teacher in Bloomfield, New
Jersey, her home. So well did she prove her w o r t h that she was one of
the first two women appointed to the B o a r d of Education. H e r
book reviews have been published i n the Book Section of the New York
Herald-Tribune and the International Book Review. She has contributed
wise and witty columns of comment and observation to the Woman's
Page of the Newark Evening News. She has had several children's plays
published and produced and some of her juvenile stories have appeared
in periodicals. She was Registrar of the fraternity until M a y , 1929.
The sorority set in operation by these young ladies has thirty-seven
active chapters and 4,621 members. Twenty-eight houses are owned by
the sorority. Thus, the work goes on, "Woman's w o r k is never done."
OCTOBO. 1929 21
Eight a street There's a Below— Ruth
ear ambles Weird stopped in front
along a Karachi of the Roman
street. Notice Fascination ruins in Baal-
the horses zSlbout bek, Syria, to
Above -a great
gate allows en- India say hello.
trance to the Left— Mourn-
ers and beggars
mosque in gather at the fa-
Damascus. mous IVaihng
IVall in Jeru-
({Karachi a JHodern Qty of the gar Sast
B y R U T H S T A L N A K E R M A R K L E Y , Nu Omicron
V ITRST glimpse of India was Bombay, a large modern city,
teeming with people both white and dark. There were street-
< '»rs and paved streets, but there were also bullock carts and horse-drawn
frr n a g f s ' t n e nor->es complete with funny little straw hats to protect them
m the 5Un While far up on a hill in the best residential district of
[ ° . -t
l £ l s i ' ^C , y t h e Towers of Silence where the Parsis expose
W e could
Weir dead to the wind, s u n - a n d vultures.
500 m ^ 6 P a C 6 d t h e d e c k o f t h e s m a I 1 s t e a m e r w h i c h was to t a k e us
miles up the coast, t r y i n g to find a cool spot, I was fascinated by
22 T o D R A G M A
an Indian coolie perched on the roof of a building on the wharf. He was
naked except for a loin cloth and was very busy picking cooties off his
shirt which he had spread across his knees, and was throwing them on
to the ground below. He didn't consider killing them, for to take life
would have been a sin.
T w o days later we reached Karachi which was to be my home for the
next few years. N o w Karachi changed all m y ideas of India for it is
not a jungle w i t h dense undergrowth, snakes and w i l d animals. I t ' s very
flat and dry and almost entirely free from vegetation, while the only
wild animals I have seen are in cages in the zoo.
However, I wasn't disappointed, for I found many interesting features.
Karachi, too, is a modern c i t y of 300,000, some broad, paved streets,
a few street-cars, electric lights and even a filling station or two and a
few taxis. The street-cars are called trams and run on tracks but have
no overhead trolley, f o r they are r u n b y gasoline engines.
The Europeans, and by Europeans is meant white people, live in
Karachi Cantonment, the army post. There are several regiments of
British soldiers there and a total of 2,000 white people not counting the
troops. Most of these are English, a few Greeks, a few Italians and
fourteen Americans.
But in spite of all this Westernism, Karachi is still the East. I t
abounds in Mohammedan mosques and H i n d u temples, sacred cows
wandering aimlessly about the main streets, brightly-dressed Indians
and innumerable brown babies—some naked except for heavy silver
anklets and bracelets—some little girls wearing just a long full skirt and
Ifttle boys with merely a shirt, the tails nearly flapping the ground.
Indians are very fond of children, especially boys, and have large families,
for each man must have a son to light his funeral pyre. A n d certainly
the babies are sweet with their big dark eyes, heavily pencilled w i t h
black for festive occasions, long lashes, heavy black eye-brows and thick
black hair which is kept well oiled.
There are a few automobile trucks, but most of the hauling is done
by camels and bullocks. The bullocks work in pairs and draw square,
two-wheeled carts. The camels work singly and are harnessed to low,
flat four-wheeled carts. T i n y donkeys are also used to carry stones and
sand f r o m one place to another. T h e y sometimes draw small carts, but
are usually loaded as pack animals and trot quickly down the road w i t h
a heavy bag slung across their backs, followed by a small boy rattling
a can of stones to make them run. These donkeys are only about three
feet high with slim legs and tiny feet. Sometimes men ride these animals,
but they must sit way back on the donkey's hips near the tail and then,
if they are tall, hold their feet up to keep them from dragging on the
ground. I t was just such a donkey Christ rode when H e first entered
Housekeeping in India is very different from this country. Six servants
are as few as one may have, for each man has his own little job and won't
do any other. For instance the cook only cooks the food and does
the marketing and washes his pots and pans. The Hernial washes the
O C T O B E R , 1929 23
Character (§tudy—Jerusalem <^Money Qhanger
An interesting character study of a money changer in Jerusalem.
dishes and makes the beds, dusts and cleans the windows. The Boy or
Bearer acts as Butler and cares for the man of the house, his Sahib. H e
waits on table, washes the silver and glass and is in charge of the other
servants. T h e n the Sweeper does the d i r t y work, sweeps the floors,
empties the garbage and washes the dog's plate. Those are the main
servants, all men. Then there is the dhobie or washerman and the ntali
or gardener, who cares f o r the garden and brings fresh flowers f o r the
house every other day. I f there are children i n the f a m i l y , there must be
an ayah or nurse, a woman this time, to care f o r them. I f there is an
automobile there must be a cleaner, even i f there is a chauffeur f o r the
chauffeur is much too grand a person to wash a car. A l l these servants
live in the compound in quarters provided for them and are supposed
to feed themselves. Strictly speaking the food of an European is unclean
to the Indian, but somehow sugar, tea, milk, bread and many other things
disappear f r o m the house in amazing quantities. Servants all wear some
sort of head covering, usually a large white turban or pugri and go bare-
foot. I t is very disrespectful for them to uncover their heads or to wear
shoes in the house.
The houses are all large with high ceilings, thick stone walls, tile
floors, and usually have an enclosed verandah all along the front and
back with many, many doors and windows. A l l the main rooms have
large ceiling fans, so you see we are as cool as possible.
Our day starts rather later than yours. T h e cook goes off to market
for the day's supplies about six o'clock. The hamal comes about seven
and puts the bath water on to heat in a large oil drum, and lets the
sweeper i n to clean up the place. A t eight-thirty the boy (and by the
way, the boy may be and often is an old man) having laid out fresh
24 T o D R A G M A
clothes i n his master's dressing room calls t o say the bath is ready. The
hamal has dumped the d r u m of hot water i n t o the tub and since the
cold water is there on tap, all is ready. A t nine-thirty breakfast is served,
and at ten a car calls t o take the Sahib to his office. T h a t sounds very
luxurious, but some transportation is necessary, for white people never
ride on the trams, and the distances are much too great for walking, so
most of the big offices have automobiles to call for their European staff.
A f t e r breakfast I always go out into the cook house and see the meat,
fish and vegetables the cook has brought f o r the day. I also see the
water boiling i n a large pan, for that is to be our drinking water and
must be boiled, not just heated. The cook house is a room separate from
the house with a rough stone floor and a queer native concrete stove where
instead of gas as we have here, charcoal is used.
T h e n the cook comes i n and gives an account of his morning's pur-
chases, at market. I give orders for the next day and then give out the
day's supply of stores—coffee, tea, sugar and canned goods—which are
kept locked in the store-room. That's my day's housekeeping with per-
haps a few orders about having the floors washed or some windows
cleaned. Then I ' m free to go down town shopping, out to a morning's
bridge, perhaps, or out to luncheon. I n the afternoon everybody—that
is everyone except the men who have to stay i n their offices—lies down
and rests until tea time. A t five o'clock the men come home f r o m work,
and everyone goes out for exercise. There is golf, tennis or swimming
every night and dancing at the club two or three evenings a week. Be-
cause the sun is so hot during the day, games are always played i n the
evenings or by a few early risers before breakfast in the morning. Dinner
is at nine o'clock, and after that except for dinner parties, there is nothing
to do, save on Saturday night when the movies are very well patronized.
When we go to the movies, we don't pay cash for our seats, but simply
sign a note or chit on one of the several clubs in town and the movie
house collects f r o m the club, which in turn collects from us.
Karachi is said to have the best year round climate i n India. I n the
hot weather our average temperature is 80 or 85, but I have known i t to
reach 112. However, there is always a cool breeze f r o m the Arabian
Sea which makes the nights bearable. T h e nice weather is our cold
season between November and M a r c h when the Gold M o h u r trees bloom,
leaves come out on all the trees, flowers blossom, and 'there is a tang i n the
air. The thermometer never drops below 50, but we wear our warmest
cloths i n our big airy houses, sleep under several blankets and wish we
had a furnace.
I t would be impossible to mention I n d i a without a word about the beg-
gars. T h e y pursue us as we move along the street, crying for "buks heesh,
Memsahib," and holding out their maimed limbs or wailing babies.
Thursdays and Saturdays are beggar days i n Karachi. O n these days
all the beggars in the Cantonment, hundreds of them, line up along one
of the main streets w i t h their begging bowls and are fed by some rich
native. The Indian merchant usually has on his shelf a box of copper
coins, called pies, which are worth about 2/10 of a cent each and gives
OCTOBER, 1929 25
some to every beggar who seeks f o r alms; f o r the I n d i a n believes his
Messiah will sometime return in another form, and it may be that of a
There are lots of motor cars in Karachi, but driving there is not
so simple as one would think. T h e bullock cart drivers go to sleep as
they drive along, letting the bullocks wander back and forth across
the road at w i l l ; there are innumerable horse drawn carriages, and lately
the bicycle business has boomed there, for every second Indian rides
one straight down the middle of the road and at the first sound of a horn,
falls off almost under your wheels.
There are no large department stores i n Karachi and practically no
satisfactory way to renew one's wardrobe, so most people t r y to bring
out enough clothes to do them for their two or three years' stay. It's
f u n n y to see people come into the club when they first come back f r o m
leave, all dressed up in the latest style, then watch those same clothes
grow shabbier and shabbier—perhaps come out disguised w i t h a new-
f r i l l or ruffle—and finally disappear w i t h their wearer. T h e n we know
another leave has fallen due and that i n another six months or so we'll
see a new lot. I t takes us about a year when we get back f r o m leave
to settle down, get our homes in order, wear all of our new clothes, and
tell about our trip home and back and all the good times we've had.
Then we begin to plan our next trip home and start the list of articles
we want to bring back, and the things we want to do and see and eat.
One winter we went up-country across the Sind Desert to Lahore,
where there was snow on the ground; to Delhi, the capital of India, and
a great tourist point; to Amritzar, where we saw the Golden Temple
of the Sikhs. W e had to take off our shoes before entering the Temple
and then were accompanied by a policeman and an armed guard, for
Sikhs are not always friendly to Europeans who enter their Temple, and
Amritzar is famous for its riots. We visited Agra and saw the T a j Mahal,
that exquisite tomb which the Emperor Shah Jehan built for his wife.
Then two and one half years after we landed in Bombay, our leave
fell clue, and we gleefully set o f f f o r home v i a Columbo, Ceylon; the
Strait Settlements, Penang and Singapore; China, Hongkong and Shang-
hai ; then into Japan, where we spent a week visiting Kobe, Nikko, and
N a r a ; and finally Yokahoma where we sailed f o r San Francisco, stopping
off at Honolulu long enough to have a good look at the beautiful island
and go for a swim at W a i k i k i .
After a short, sweet leave we went back to Karachi for another three
years and then came another leave. This time we took a different route.
On September 30 we said goodbye to all our friends in Karachi, were
garlanded w i t h wreaths o f flowers b y some o f the Indians connected with
m y husband's firm, and steamed off u p the Persian Gulf to Busrah at
the mouth of the Euphrates River. There we took the train for Baghdad,
"where we stayed several days investigating the interesting native bazaars
ajid visiting the ancient city of Babylon, which was built before the
time of Christ and has recently been excavated.
At Baghdad we took a big motor bus for a two-day trip across the
26 T o D R A G M A
Arabian Desert to Damascus. This t r i p was quite exciting, for the Arabs
are not very friendly. I n fact just a few weeks before we went across,
a car was captured by the brigands. Now planes are sent out to scout
about the country side and no less than three cars may start out at a
time. There were just three in our convoy; the bus with seven or eight
passengers and two drivers, and two small cars without any passengers.
There are no roads in the desert and no signs of life. I t certainly was a
tractless wilderness—with nothing to see at all except mirages. Those
were endless. Beautiful lakes and palm trees and even pretty, white
houses which melted into air as we reached them. The motor transport
furnished us w i t h individual box lunches which we ate as we rode along,
and then at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, we stopped, right out
in the blue and had tea and cheese and crackers on the desert. T h a t
night we spent in a fort—a real, high-walled, steel-doored fort—where we
were given supper, a place to sleep f o r four or five hours and breakfast at
four-thirty in the morning. Five-thirty saw us on our way, and I've never
been colder than I was for the next few hours. Deserts certainly are
cold places before the sun rises. I had a heavy coat and a blanket, and
my teeth chattered for hours. We had another lunch en route and got
to Damascus before dark, safe and sound. We had only two bits of
excitement on the t r i p . One was when the driver's coat caught fire f r o m
a box of matches in the pocket. He threw the coat out of the window
and when the fire extinguisher wouldn't work, we drove off leaving it
burning on the sand. Another time the first day when we were all ner-
vously looking for Arab raids, one of the huge tires blew out with a most
awful bang. Everybody screamed and fully expected to be robbed and
perhaps knifed—but all was well. I t was only a tire.
Damascus is full of interesting bazaars and mosques. I t was there we
walked down the street called Straight, which is mentioned in the Bible.
After a few days of sightseeing and shopping we drove to Jerusalem
through the Lebanon H i l l s , crossed the River Jordan, skirted the Sea
of Gallilee, and passed through Nazareth where we saw the site of
Joseph's carpenter shop. We drove up the M o u n t of Olives, went to
Bethlehem and saw where Christ was born. I n Jerusalem we saw where
Christ was crucified, where He was buried and the stone which was rolled
away when He rose f r o m the dead. Our two days were crowded seeing
everything, and then we missed a beautiful mosque which was closed to
the public because i t was Friday—Friday being the Mohammedan equiva-
lent to our Sunday.
From Jerusalem we drove back to Damascus, then up to Baalbek
where we saw some interesting Roman ruins. Then we took the train
for Constantinople, and through Belgrade and Buda-Pest to Vienna. The
three-day journey through Turkey, Yugo-Slavia, Hungary and Austria
was very exciting, for us for we had to pass through customs i n each
country and change our money into the currency of the country we were
passing through each meal. A l l that i n English when we couldn't find
a soul who spoke or understood our language. During one part of our
O C T O B E R , 1929 27
journey we were in a railway compartment with three other people, two
Portuguese and a Dutch girl, and none of us could speak the language
of the other.
From Vienna we went to M u n i c h , Cologne, Amsterdam and then flew
from Amsterdam to London via Rotterdam.
We arrived i n London just in time to see the K i n g and Queen go i n
state to open Parliament, one of K i n g George's last public appearances
before his recent illness. They rode in a Golden Coach drawn by six
white horses, and there wefe armed guards and soldiers and a band. I t was
a thrilling spectacle. We had six days of London, eleven tossing about on
the Atlantic, first fearing we would sink and then fearing we wouldn't,
and we arrived i n New Y o r k nearly two months after we left Karachi—
now so far away. A f t e r that i t was only a night to Indianapolis where
"Dad" and " M o t h " met us at the train and rushed us off to Lafayette to
see Purdue beat Indiana—the first American football game we had seen
in ten years.
To Dragma Vrizes Worth your Attention
HA I L , ambitious and well-beloved contributors and contributors to
be, editors and editors-to-be! T o D R A G M A w i l l offer some awards
to be made at the 1931 convention. Listen well and h u r r y your entries.
For the best original and hitherto unpublished poem to be printed in
"The Quiet Corner," there w i l l be a ?5 prize. T o D R A G M A is not copy-
righted at present so i n case y o u wish to sell the poem or have it published
elsewhere later, the publication in the magazine would not hamper you.
There will be a $10 award to the author of the best autobiographical,
biographical, adventure or literary article. Five dollars will be given to
the active chapter editor who serves the magazine the best, her work to be
judged on the quality and appearance of her chapter letters, the number of
clippings sent for "Alpha O's in the D a i l y Press," the number of short
articles sent in and the promptness w i t h which she answers correspondence
with the editor of T o DRAGMA. The names of the best alumna; notes
editor and the best alumna chapter letter editor will be read at the
closing banquet. Perhaps there will be a larger award for them, too. Live
in hope! The competition starts immediately. Get your pens and tell
us about your most prominent alumna?, your travels, your profession,
your hobby and don't forget the pictures!
28 T o D R A G M
Theta Sta Chapter
at University of Cincinnati
By E L I Z A B E T H SEARS B O U L D E N , Eta
NO O N E saw Frances Rich (Omega), for days before installation
but from what we could gather from various sources, \ believe t h a
she and Ermina Price ( I o t a ) , were very busy ladies. We heard ad
Friday that the long-looked-for event would transpire on the followisl
Tuesday. The aforementioned Tuesday being one of the warmest da'
I ever hope to live through, but w i t h such an important event as
installation in the offing, not even "old Sol" could wilt us.
We assembled at the Woman's Building of the University of Cincinn
early in the afternoon of July 30 and anxiously awaited a glimpse of t b l
initiates. There was a goodly assemblage of guests from out of t o w n |
Dorothy Jackson (Omega), Audrey Lucas (Omega), Jimmie Hughefl
Elizabeth Woods and Betty Boulden (Eta), Martha Jacques ( O m e g a l
Helen Louise Pohlman (Omega), Ruth Lindenborg (Beta Theta), R u t l
McClurg (Beta Theta), Mrs. Leonard Wilson, and with the resident
alumnae and installing officials made a splendid showing of our loyal
to our "soon to be" sisters.
«5» , S 7 <
Here art the initiates, alumna advisers, and installing officers of Theta Eta chapter.
Front row: (left to right) Mary Gertrude Manlcy, Vivian Smith, Alice CuUnane,
Ermina Price, Frances Rich. Second row: Vera Hesterberg, Mariemae Forbus,
Nell Fitssimmons, Evelyn Kester, Pauline Clark. Third row: Frances Yost, Lucile
Newton, Marjorie Hollcnberg, Aimcy Heher, Hope Johnson.
COBF.R, 1929 29
View of Main Bui'dings on University of Cincinnati Campus.
. The local sororitv known on the campus as Theta Eta was founded
in 1926 at the University of Cincinnati by Gertrude and M a r y Bucher,
k'sie Niehaus, Lucile Newton. Alice Horner, and Frances Yost; the
n r s t three being the original members. The University is, by the way,
0 n e of the largest Municipal Universities in the country, having an en-
rollment of 10,000 students, possessing the oldest Law School west of the
Alleghenies, and having the only school of Co-operative Engineering in
the country. The girls who were taken in after 1926 were active in
newspaper and annual publications, in the "Out of Town" Girls' Club,
W.S.G.A.; "Mummers," the dramatic society and oratorical clubs; requir-
ing always an average of " B " for pledging.
The installation service itself was carried through most beautifully
and impressively by Alice Cullnane (Beta Phi), who was assisted by
Mary Gertrude Manley (Beta Phi), Vivian Smith (Phi), and Ruth
Lindenborg (Beta Theta). Those initiated were Marjory Hollenberg,
Mariemae Forbus, Lucile Newton, Pauline Clark, Hope Johnson, Vera
Hesterberg, Evelyn Kester, Frances Yost, Nell Fitzsimmons and Aimey
Heher. We were a rather tired and heat-bedraggled crowd when the last
words of "Once More United" were sung, but also a very happy one. We
then rushed home to dress for the formal banquet.
One of the Maitres d' Hotel at the Gibson, where the banquet w a |
held, expressed the'wish for a picture of our table and decorations sayinl
that it was one of the most beautiful they had had in years. Eacfl
initiate had at her place the cherished corsage of jacqueminot roses and
baby's breath while red candles and gladiolas decorated the main part ofl
the dining table. Frances Yost, the newly installed president of Theta
Eta presided, and introduced Alice Cullnane who needed no introduction!
after her splendid work of the afternoon, Mary Gertrude Manley, Vivian
Smith, each of the new actives and Frances Rich and Ermina Price, whose
faithful efforts had added Theta Eta to our chain of chapters, and who
likewise represented the Cincinnati Alumna; chapter.
Such thrilling messages of love and congratulations were read frord
all the sister chapters; as one chapter expressed i t , " I t isn't often than
Alpha O has a baby born in the summer"—so with such an unprecedented
beginning, Fm sure we are all. going to be very proud of our newest]
baby chapter, Theta Eta.
University of (Cincinnati is an Urban institution
By M A R I E M A E F O R B U S , Theta Eta
THE first step toward the establishment of the College of Liberal
Arts in Cincinnati was taken in 1858 when Charles McMicken gavJ
to the city of Cincinnati, by will, most of his estate valued at one million;,
dollars ($1,000,000) for the founding and maintenance of a college. Iflj
1870 the General Assembly of Ohio passed an act "to aid and promote
education" under which the University of Cincinnati was organize(
From 1873-1875 academic classes were held in a building on Franklir
Street until the city had completed the first hall on the site of th«
old McMicken homestead. This first hall has continued under the nam<
of the donor, and it was through his generosity that Cincinnati cai
boast of her splendid, ever-growing municipal University.
The income from the original fund proving inadequate, the city ii
OCTOBER, 1929 31
1893 undertook to support the University through public taxation. I n
1889 the city provided a forty-three acre campus, and later the southern
end of a beautiful park, which adjoins the campus, was donated by the
city of Cincinnati to the University.
At present the College of Liberal Arts occupies seven buildings. The
oldest of these being McMicken, completed in 1895, is used for the admin-
istrative offices and for the departments of English, History, and Foreign
Languages. Hannah Hall, its north wing, built in 1895-96, is given over
to the departments of Economics, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology,
and Zoology. Cunningham Hall, the south wing, built in 1898-99, is
used by the departments of Physics and Mathematics. Old "Tech"
Building is east of McMicken Hall and is used by the departments of
Botany, Geology, and contains also the University Museum. The Van
Wormer Library of the University, completed in i900 contains 106,338
volumes and 40,028 pamphlets; and in addition 33,000 volumes com-
prising the Library of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio.
A new and larger building is well under construction on the campus and
was initiated through a need for more library and study space.
Behind the Liberal Arts College are the buildings of Chemistry,
Engineering, and Applied Arts. These three large buildings are only
fifteen years old and each contains well planned and highly specialized
laboratories and equipment. Later structures are the Men's Gymnasium,
completed in 1911, and the Women's Building, completed in 1916, which
provide recreation and rest rooms, gymnasiums and pools.
Carson Field, adjacent to the Men's Gymnasium, contains a baseball
diamond, a football gridiron, a quarter-mile cinder track, a concrete
stadium, and six tennis courts. There is also a Men's Dormitory on the
campus which accommodates more than two hundred students. As a need
for greater indoor recreational space, a drive is in progress to raise funds
for the erection of a large Y.M.C.A. building on the campus.
With the Liberal Arts College as a nucleus, the University has grown
and now boasts of its Engineering College, Teachers' College, Graduate
School, College of Commerce, College of Law, College of Medicine,
-chool of Nursing and Health, School of Household Administration, and
school of Applied Arts. The College of Dental Surgery, School of
Inarmacy, Kindergarten Training School, and the College and Con-
servatory of Music, are also affiliated with the University of Cincinnati.
Last year's enrollment reached the eleven thousand mark.
C i F yn i v e r s i t standards are of the highest rank, and its Graduate
ollege is recognized throughout the country. The University offers
^enty-two scholarships and prizes each year to encourage the best
t h ° °^ * ^ -r t S There are also several Loan Funds upon which
tS s t u c ents
e students may draw to further their educations.
An addition to Greek letter fraternities, there are thirty-eight student
tin ^ ° ^ P -n S 0 n us The students have eight university publica-
e cam
e a c n of which is a credit to the school.
Th L ^ ' t y< m v e r s °f Cincinnati is truly a wonderful university, and
a Eta of Alpha Omicron Pi has a confidential admission to make.
They aim to be a credit to the Cincinnati University, both scholastically t
and socially. H
We want all of the other thirty-eight chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi T
to be very proud of their new chapter at the University of Cincinnati; and h
toward that goal we are bending all our efforts. a
J^ife Payment of Dues ^Made Possible W
By E L I Z A B E T H H E Y W O O D W Y M A N , Alpha th
SEVERAL requests came to the Central Office last year for the privi^ d
lege of life payment of dues. At the June meeting the Grand Coun- w
cil met these requests by enacting a provision for the optional payment of c
$25 i n lieu of the annual payment of $1 required of alumnae chapter jn
members and requested of all associate members. n
What does this mean? I n the first place it means that any associate
member who so chooses may pay her Grand Council dues once for all as u
many have paid their life subscriptions to To DRAGMA, and so be f r e i
of this yearly obligation. w
In the second place, since the constitutional provision places any suct|
life payments of dues in Corpus I I of the Anniversary Endowment Fund, do
it means that the interest of such payments will be available for cur* g
rent expense, as the interest from life subscriptions entered as Corpus V
of the Anniversary Endowment Fund is used for the publication of T 3 d
DRAGMA. Any such life payments therefore provide a perpetually as^i b
sured income for national expense such as the maintenance of the Cen| S
tral Office, visits of officers, chapter supplies and other items without whicH
our national organization could not live.
Finally, and perhaps at present most important, these life payment
will add to the sum available for loans to chapters and students as th
principal of both Corpus I and Corpus I I of the Fund is used for t h :
purpose. Many of the chapters are building houses or have just com-
pleted them and the resources of the Endowment Fund are strain 4
to the utmost to make the absolutely essential loans, even with the addte
tion of what it has been possible to loan the Fund temporarily from other]
Any members who can see their way clear to make this life payme
will, therefore, in addition to contributing to current expense as the
have been doing through the annual payment of dues for perhaps mart
years, have the satisfaction of knowing that the principal fund so a<§i
cumulated will provide just the last bit of money necessary for building
the new house planned so carefully and worked for so unceasingly an.,
without which the work cannot be begun. Or i t may be that it w f
help a deserving student over the last hard stretch of the college coun*
and place her in a position where she can use her college diploma towar
her goal of self support. As in the case of life subscriptions to the m a J
azine, payment of life dues should be made to the Chairman of th
Board of Trustees of the Anniversary Endowment Fund, Helen St. Claij
Mullan (Mrs. George V.), 25 East 83rd Street, New York, N . Y .
OCTOBER, 1929 33
<Jl w a k e
A Short Story by F . W . B .
SOMEHOW it wasn't much fun since there was nobody to tell her
not to. Frederika gazed deep down into the dark waters of the cis-
tern and wondered.—But, no, she wouldn't have done that. Two of
Hubert's pigeons (squabs, he called them) sat on the edge nearby. Their
lovely purples and greens and blues shone like oily water in the sun.
They held their heads up proudly. Their funny little glassy eyes might
have come off her best high-button shoes. But they didn't sound happy
and she swung out on the scraping limb of a sycamore, wrapping her legs
about the trunk below. Slowly down, fingering the crackly, curling bark.
Was this the kind that Hiawatha used?
Maybe she was out in their nice Babes-in-the-Woods spot! So around
the house to the grassy hollow of the front lawn where they had always
oved to bury each other under rose petals. I t was such a soft place to lie
down on. —She must be very tired. Eight children were a lot. There
were birthday parties and Christmas trees and Easter-egg hunts and
clothes to mend and questions! Frederika had had just one glimpse of
nat little red face. She didn't care if he was her new brother, she hated
nim. And imagine his drinking milk right alongside of a little pickaninny
rom his niggah mamma!—She wasn't there. A horrible thought: Maybe
»ut there were still the gardens. Not between the rows of dark green
ec ge nor on the lovely slope beneath the mulberrv tree. Not among the
ustling cornstalks, a favorite hiding-place. The orchard! The peaches
woU °8 n e a n d the w e e d s w e r e talL There «m i h t ^ -s n a k e s She
know Peopte
~ ~C a l l but t h e n P e ° p k -w o u l d k n o w 'S h e d rather didn't
down" *?v!ds e e m e d a long time since last Monday when she had had to go
grev h a U t 0 " t h e chamber-" Mummy had sent for her and the
V o L ! ' - "S a i d Aren,t y o u happy, "d e a r ? but yt h e h a d n ' t spoken.
dark v i * P gw n i s things. And now She was peeking into the
back w ° ° y ' abin.f Nobody there. Around in
ld A u n t Mar sc
She cli KT m y J a aa m ic Ginger bottles on the ground, and a ladder,
moed up and sat down by Mr. McCain whose kind mouth was
full of nails. Mrs. McCain had left him a baby boy and hadn't ever ]
come back. The shingles were oozing in the hot sunshine. Were I
they glued together? He was a sad looking man and never went anywhere J
without the little Monell held tightly by the hand. "You'd better get I
down, honey. You might slip." Silently she went down.
Father was just going upstairs. He seemed to stay up there. He I
hadn't used to. He looked old today and stooped and almost grey. I
"When"—It was a hard question. Frederika choked, "When is she I
coming back?"
"She isn't coming back, my soldier."
"Then please don't let any more doctors come to this house!"
" I hope not. Better one had come for me a long time ago."
She didn't question that. lone and Betty were peering at the I
bunnies. She stooped to watch them nibble. Mummy loved them so I
and once she'd had a wild, wee one i n bed with her.
"Freddy, I saw Mummy. And she was all dressed in white and she 1
was in the living-room and I runned away from Mammy and I kissed my 1
little dead mummy and the people cried and—"
"Betty. I ' m older'n you and I ' m responsibul for you and you have I
to do what I tell you. That's a horrid word, 'dead.' Don't ever say I
it again, most 'specially about our mother."
"But," insisted Betty, "Mammy said—"
"Well," drawled lone, " I saw Mummy, too. Anyway, I talked to I
her. And it wasn't in the front room, either. Grandmother told me J
that she had gone to heaven so I climbed way up in the attic to seel
if I could find her. She said she wanted to talk to you, Fred. And I
she said not to look for her any more, and—"
But Frederika was off. The five o'clock whistle had blown and she J
was in her favorite spot, the chinaberry tree by the gate. I t was fun to I
stick her head out from among the yellow balls and yell, "Hullo, Joe!"
" H i , Red." and "How's Freckles?" as the men filed past.
The flowers were gone from the office-building door. The sky wasj
growing redder from the burning pile of "planer-cuttings" behind t h e ;
mill. More than once had she waked up at night and screamed that the1
house was on fire but Mummy had always said—The supper bell!
Father wasn't hungry and Grandmother's eyes were Ted. Mammy
punched her in the side and said, "Sit up an' eat yo suppah." What
could Mummy want to say to her? Tomorrow—But tomorrow were!
play-houses in the sand-pile and baths and over to "Cousin's" and she:
couldn't go upstairs in the dark at night all by herself. Then the next)
day there was Sunday School, Auntie for chicken and ice cream, napSjj
and first thing you knew, bed again.
" I talked to Mummy again today," came from Ione's corner of t M
room. "She says she won't go way, Fred, till you come talk to her."
'"Who wants her to go away?"
"But she wants to."
So late the next afternoon she came up the gravelled walk. "SJj
OCTOBER, 1929 35
wants to." The attic was dark and there were cobwebs under the
slanting roof. Was that a long something wrapped in a dark shawl? Her
eight-year-old heart was pounding loudly, but—"She wants to."
"Frederika, darling, you must look out for your little sisters."
Mummy's voice! She was a soldier no longer. For the first time, she
sobbed. "Oh, Mummy—" as she flung herself among the cobwebs.
Frederika doesn't remember anything more.
Snterfraternalism zAchimed by Cooperation
By X . P . C . C O M M I T T E E O N I N F O R M A T I O N A N D E D U C A T I O N
AND these few precepts in thy memory" began Polonius as he gave
his blessing to the departing Laertes, and so we begin as we welcome
a new college year full of fraternity friendships and adventures. May we
take up the responsibilities which we have assumed as well as the privi-
leges and bring them all nearer our goal of inter-fraternalism as we dedi-
cate ourselves again to another year of service.
Inform yourself! Can you imagine how almost Utopian i t would be
if every fraternity member knew, completely and understandingly, the
Panhellenic Creed, the Interfraternity Compact, the Standards of Ethical
Conduct, and along with these was accurately and honestly informed on
Panhellenic regulations generally and specifically? These are all easy to
comprehend, just as easy to practice, if only we bring a willingness of
spirit and an eagerness to do one's part. The new manual of information
gives in condensed form this information which should intensify your fra-
ternity loyalty and interest and which will bring you into closer touch
with the progress and expansion of fraternity life.
Be faithful! What a world of living depends upon that word! Will
you be true to the ideals and purposes of your university and your frater-
nity? Will you be steadfast in fairness, honesty, and justice? Will you
be sincere in all your relationships one with another? Will you strive
for simplicity which is the essence of good breeding? Will you uphold
'dignity and womanliness in word and deed? I f so, then a large prob-
lem in rushing will be solved and more opportunity will be given for
the natural attraction of personalities and characters.
Cooperate! Xo goal is reached through individual effort, but rather
through consistent working, and playing, together. In whatever we at-
tempt remember that the truest results and the greatest success are mea-
sured in terms of cooperation. The very connotation of the word "Pan-
hellenic" implies cooperation. Let us concentrate upon i t , this year!
**t us climb together hand in hand!
As we think of these things, and as we achieve knowledge, loyalty, and
unity, let us keep before us the summary of "these few precepts" as given
I n the closing words of that famous farewell,
This abvve all else: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
••• Jfow's
Let the United States
Woman Meteorologist
Tell you
How we Know
By J U L I E C A R R , Eta
WH E N is the next cold wave expected? What height will the
flood attain? At what temperature will the family wash freeze
on the line?"
These are only routine questions for Mary Hamilton Horton, an
Alpha o at Birmingham, Ala., who is the only known woman observer
in the United States.
"Because my father was unable to employ a satisfactory assistant after
the World War I began working in the Weather Office here in 1920 as
a temporary appointee," explains Mary Hamilton in her southern drawl.
"By special arrangement I was enabled to complete the work required
for graduation from high school and to continue my weather work at the
same time, in 1921.
" I n August I passed the Civil Service examinations and was appointed
a full-fledged Weather Observer. I resigned in 1922 to attend Birming-
ham-Southern College, but Father had difficulty in hiring an assistant
who was willing to learn the tricks of the trade, and so I was re-instated
oil a half time basis for my three remaining years of college. This work
appealed to me more than any other, and so I decided to continue it. I
was placed on a full-time schedule in July of 1925 and have been at i t *
ever since.
OCTOBER, 1929 37
"What are the duties? They are so varied that there is little chance
for monotony. We must keep a complete and continuous daily local
record of wind, sunshine, precipitation, clouds, fog, hail, thunderstorms,
sleet, ice, pressure, temperature, and optical phenomena, such as solar and
lunar halos and auroras. Part of this data may be secured by automatic
recording instruments, but much is obtained by actual observation, and
all of it is checked from actual observation.
"Twice daily, at 8:00 A.M. and 8 P.M. Eastern time, we make observa-
tions of meteorological conditions," explains Mary Hamilton. "The reJ
suits of these readings are telegraphed to two distributing points, Chicago
and New York, from which they are sent in the weather code to the 200
odd regular stations in the country.
"From these 'decoded' data we make the weather map, and by
studying the succession to HIGHS and LOWS with their attendant con-
ditions, we make 36 hour forecasts which are distributed through the
press, by radio, and weather bulletins to the public. These bulletins
contain, in addition to the forecast, a synopsis of conditions over the
country and tabulated temperature and precipitation data from other
"Comparatively new are the air observations to flying fields which
we wire twice daily, at 5 A.M. and 1:30 P.M. The fields which we regu-
larly inform do not send out planes until they receive our favorable
reports. The air observation for flying is done at present in many places
by means of kites and little so-called pilot balloons.
"We also inform industrial plants and producers of coming hot or
cold waves, which is of great value to them. I n flood districts, weather
observers can inform when the water will rise and its height to the
fraction of a foot."
Meteorology and radio communication have literally transformed the
(Continued on page 42)
A apparatus.
The interior of the iveather bureau is filled with all sorts of delicate
Our party went A la carriage to the Hohen-
scnwangau and Neuschwanstein castles in the
Bavarian Alps.
Qermany Frances E. Luke smiles as though she
were happy as she writes to you.
By F R A N C E S E . L U K E , Beta Flii
G REETINGS, dear A O n's, from Munich!
This little school teacher has had such a delightful time this sum-
mer that she will have extreme difficulty in adjusting herself to the class-
room this fall. Please do not misunderstand her because she really has
been studying. She has been keeping up the A O IT scholarship spirit to
the tune of six hours " A . " So, you see she has not had a complete bed
of roses.
School, though, has been a real thrill in "this man's town." Why not?
I t is the center of artistry of all kinds. M y greatest enjoyment has been
in the opera, both of Mozart and Wagner. Of course, you know, the
only places to hear Wagner are Bayreuth and Munich. That is, to hear
the operas as he himself wished them to be produced. We have seen
the complete series and have experienced a great thrill at each one as they
come. "Die Meistersingers," I believe, will hold first place in my estima-
tion. Perhaps because it was the first Wagner opera I heard, and perhaps
because of its tremendousness. l n this, hundreds of people fill the
OCTOBER, 1929 39
mammoth stage and sing in the most unusual harmonies ever produced.
Yet, when I think of the "Ring," I am tempted to give "Die Meister-
singers" a back seat. The opening scene of the "Ring" with its beautiful
maidens swimming about in the bottom of the Rhine, and the fire scene
in the "Valkyrie" and the "cry" thrill me at their thoughts. Wagner
wanted his music and story to be so closely interwoven that one could not
be complete without the other. To produce this effect, he adopted the
method of using motives to announce what was to happen on the stage. I t
is perfectly magnificent the way he weaves these together to make thrilling
Mozart, now, really cannot be compared with Wagner because they
wrote in entirely different style. We could not have had Wagner, though,
if Mozart had not produced his—so on goes the cycle. "Don Giovanni"
tonight was delightful, light and airy with only a tinge of sadness at its
end. The music kept up the spirit of the story quite as successfully as
in Wagner. I did not know until today that the Munich opera is the
stepping stone of singers to the Metropolitan. Singers have been known
to pay dearly for the privilege of singing here for their reputation's sake.
Thus, the artists we have heard have been the best of Europe with an oc-
casional one from Chicago and Metropolitan. We fell in love with Ohms.
She will be in the Metropolitan next winter. I am very anxious to know
how America will accept her. However, being accepted here is almost
the same because the entire audience seems foreign—almost similar to
the American Express office!
Of course, because I am here studying music, I am chattering un-
mercifully about that alone. The art teacher side crops out quite fre-
quently, however. Especially did it in the "Old Pinokothek," where one
sees the marvelous collection of Rubens, and in the "Glass Palast," the
review of modern German art. The latter contains some very remarkable
things and makes one continuously conscious of the new trend of things
in art as well as in all else.
We have been very much impressed with the kindness of the German
people. They are most kind and thoughtful in most instances. We are
extremely lucky to have in our Pension, a bath tub—and access to this at
any time. That is a real thrill to a traveler in these countries. Of course
now in the States, we would laugh at the idea. I ' l l admit that the German
men are not at all times courteous. Maybe we expect too much because
our American men have spoiled us. Nevertheless it will be one big
American thrill to get back to a land where a man will allow me to pro-
ceed him into a door, not attempt to run me down on a bicycle, and last,
but not least, tip his hat when he addresses me.
I am sorry to have missed our Convention. I was in New York just
a few days previous to the meeting days and was not able to plan to
take in both festivities. I know you all had a glorious time and have a
heart full of dear A O n spirit and love to carry back to us unfortunate
sisters who could not go.
_ Speaking of things I will be glad to do in the States, I would give a
stein of Munich's best beer for a toasted cheese sandwich and a cheery
^4 I p h a 0 m i c r o n *P i Women S
* y
<^4n <^4ctress, <^4n Actress h
& Want to be an Actress
so cried b
and She Became One S
• a
SUCCESS in college dramatics, Guest Artist for Herbert Hoover, leads
with Marjorie Rambeau, and a New York contract! Such is the s
career of Elizabeth Wilbur (Lambda '27), who is making a name for n
herself and Alpha O, too. t
Beginning her dramatic career in the summer of 1924 at Stanford h
she played a lead in nearly all the campus productions until her graduation a
three years later. A t this time she was considered the cleverest non- u
professional woman who had ever appeared on the Stanford stage. Indeed e
she was one of the few players who was regarded as "talented" by the
faculty and more mature members of the audience. In addition, she o
has the distinction of having played opposite Gordon Davis, Stanford's
Dramatic Coach, for three years;
I t is a singular honor to be asked to return as Guest Artist during the
summer quarter, and last year Elizabeth was asked to return and play
the lead in "The Queen's Husband" opposite Gordon Davis. This play
was such a success that it led to more fame because they were asked
to repeat the performance for Herbert Hoover.
For the past two years Miss Wilbur has been on the professional
stage both in the East and West, and wherever she appeared she has
been praised highly even by the more conservative critics. I ' m sure
OCTOBER, 1929 Professional 41
S n the World
you'll be interested in the
steps that have led up to
her present success.
Miss Wilbur took the
part of a Maid, typical to
beginners, in her first ap-
pearance "Dover Road" in
the summer of 1924 at
Stanford. The same year
she appeared in "Oedipus"
as the leader of the young
The following summer
she was seen in "Agamem-
non" as Clytemnestra, the
itle role. This was the
most important part she
had taken up to that time,
and her success was un-
usual for one so inexperi-
In the summer and fall
of 1926 she again played
opposite the Dramatic Coach in
• Aren't We A l l . " This time she
was Lady Frinton.
The'year of 1927 added much
to her career. Miss Wilbur sang for
the first time on the stage as Lady
Blanche in "Princess Ida," a Gilbert
and Sullivan Opera. Not long after
42 To DRAGMA b
she was elected to Masquer's society, honorary for Dramatics at Stanford. K
She was Lady Ducksworth in the Senior Farce "So This is London", and
Lady Sarel in the "Angel in the House." w
I t was during this same year that Miss Wilbur began her professional
career. She was given the part of Mrs. Dahlgren in "Daddy's Gone A
Hunting" with Marjorie Rambeau at the Fulton Theatre in Oakland.
From here she went to San Francisco to the Columbia where she appeared
in the "Vortex" as Helen Saville. Thus ended 1927.
Beginning 1928 at the Fulton Theatre she took stock leads in "Is
Zat So" and "Bulldog Drummond." After this she was seen with Mar-
jorie Rambeau again in "Declasse" and "Enter Madame." Still with
Miss Rambeau she appeared at Salt Lake in the oldest theatre in the
United States in the "Scarlet Woman" and "Just Life". Following the
Salt Lake engagement, Miss Wilbur appeared at Stanford as Guest
Artist in "The Queen's Husband" and repeated the performance fori
Herbert Hoover the same quarter.
Last fall she returned to the Fulton Theatre playing with Robert]
Warick in "Interference." She also took the famous comedy role of
Fanny Gilley in "Bought and Paid For." To sum up her first bit of j
professional work, Miss Wilbur played twenty-seven roles in thirty-seven |
weeks at the Fulton Theatre in San Francisco.
Miss Wilbur left in October, 1928 to go on the road with "Appear-i
ances" taking the part of Mrs. Thompson. This was shown all over the,
Pacific Coast and cross country to Chicago where it played for nine weeks.
After this she was leading woman in a vaudeville skit on the OrpheumI
circuit in New York for several weeks.
Miss Wilbur left vaudeville and signed a splendid contract in New!
York. Shortly after this she was called home very unexpectedly. InJ
the meantime she is playing at the Fulton with Marjorie Rambeau and is]
returning to New York in the fall to take up work on her contract.
I'm sure that you will all be proud to know Elizabeth Wilbur as a
sister Alpha O, and I wanted you to know something of the hard work!
she has done to get where she now is. Only hard work can win success!
on the stage.
Jiow 's the 'Weather?
(Continued from page 37)
navigation of the sea from a great peril to a state of relative safetvB
especially in coastal waters, and on the high seas in reach of daily broajM
cast of weather reports from coastal stations.
"Meteorology furnishes a fascination and alluring career for a n j j
student interested," believes Professor C. F. Marvin, chief of the W e a t b T
Bureau at Washington. "Meteorologists are on the threshhold of new
discoveries in the domain of forecasting."
Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Mary Hamilton says she "works likf
a Trojan but enjoys i t . " So if you want to know, "How's the weatherj
ask her.
Don \ Jffmve
Their Syes
Glued to the
\ Says
M. Gwendolyn H.
Speaking of
Dr. ^Miriam Iszard
Quest, Psi
This is Dr. "Mint' .
—Photo by Ellis Studio.
W ^ n E r ° K » d bacteriologists int h i n k
fS dentistS i n eneral an
focused either on gigantic text-books and scientific maga-
'/ i n s, or one who is continuously out on a still hunt for microbes. But
I am going to tell you of our Dr. Miriam S. Iszard (Psi), who is a
bacteriologist and a member of our Philadelphia Alumna; chapter who
K not like those scientists to whom I have just alluded.
Yes, she often has her eyes glued to the pages of magazines—for
whenever I stop in at the chapter house, I always try to find a moment to
steal upstairs to look at "Mim's" latest copy of Vogue.
° b ! I musin't forget to tell you all, that Miriam has been house
chaperon at Psi for the past three years, and it certainly has been a happy
arrangement, for Miriam isn't so old and decrepit that she can't sym-
pathize with the "younger generation." (Yes, she graduated from Wel-
lesley in—, but that would be giving away state secrets, and anyway
we always hope that there are those who think us younger than we are,
and it would be such a pity to disillusion them).
And now, as regards Miriam always chasing some poor, unspecting,
innocent little bacterium, we find that this isn't always the state of
affairs—for don't we hear of trips to New York, trips to Washington, trips
to Chicago. I just wonder if all these trips are strictly business trips.
Most biographies,—if you should be generous and honor these few
homely words of this dissertation by such a name (What's in a name?) —
have a description of the victim and so I must do my noblest. "Mim's"
is petite (at the present time, I am speaking of longitudinal dimensions),
with blue eyes,—the dreamy kind with the far away look ( I often wonder
if it is in Chicago), a pointed nose, with a freckle here and there to make
it interesting (i.e. when they aren't hidden by liquid powder, yes, she
prefers i t ) . Oh yes! she has a tight little mouth, and contrary to all the
sayings about the female sex, you can trust Miriam with secrets. I mustn't
forget her hair which is blonde and beautifully waved (but girls, be ye
not discouraged, for even as you and I , she suffers the torture of a
permanent). No, she doesn't wear flat heeled shoes, but often is the
time she has wished she had, when at the end of a day spent in the
laboratory wearing the "trick" new lizard shoes, she could hardly stand
their (the shoes, don't misunderstand me) snug affection.
Yes, Miriam has gotten the "Club Bug" in her head. She is a
member of the "Soroptimists"—the name is quite forbidding, but I assure
you it is a perfectly proper international organization of business and
professional women, with one woman to represent each business and pro-
fession. Of course, Miriam represents Bacteriology and just this past
week, she has been elected vice-president of the Philadelphia Chapter of
this organization. She also belongs to Sigma X i , the Society of American
Bacteriologists, the American Association of Affiliated Sciences, the
American Chemical Society and dear knows, there may be others.
After leaving Wellesley (when did I say that was?) Miriam held a!
Teaching Fellowship and later a Research Fellowship in Bacteriology,
then she became assistant instructor, and still later instructor, all at the
University of Pennsylvania. Now this past year, she has had the single
honor of being the only woman to have been appointed assistant professor
in Bacteriology in the" School of Hygiene, and incidently she is the first
woman to have become assistant professor in the University, of Penn-
sylvania Medical School. She obtained her master's degree in 1919 and
her Ph.D. in 1925.
Oh! now I must tell you what she has written. Here we find a
diversity of subjects anywhere from "The Determination of Aniline
vapors in the Air" and "Germanium (no, girls, she isn't studying botany,t
the name refers to a gas) Dioxide in the Treatment of Secondary
Anemia," to papers on "Tuberculosis and Calcium" and "Lactic Acid
OCTOBER, 1929 45
in Connection with Food Preparation." As regards the latter paper,
this was given by Dr. Iszard before the National Food Organization in
Dr. Iszard tells us that she believes Bacteriology to be a growing
science and she like myself believes that there are unlimited opportunities
in this field for girls, not only are there teaching positions, but there are
also positions in Medical Laboratories and Commercial concerns of nu-
merous types. At the present time, she is interested especially in Food
Bacteriology and believes this field to hold the greatest opportunities for
those women interested in the Science of Bacteriology (but perhaps in the
near future, her interest may turn to the Intestinal Flora of Infants).
Now I do not want to leave with you the impression that Miriam
is not serious in her work. Just drop into the University of Pennsylvania
Laboratory, during her lecture period and see what an up and coming
lecturer she is or see her power of concentration when she does not
know that you are observing her. What I really want you to know is
that Miriam is an "all around" girl; she believes that there is a time
and a place for all things, that a little play with work gives one an in-
teresting personality.
And now a postscript! You see I wrote this article in April, but
the May To DRAGMA didn't have space for it, and since then great and
surprising things have happened. Our " M i m " has got herself married—
on June 17 to Ward E. Guest, and she's deserted us for Chicago where
she and Mr. Guest are at home at 850 Lake Shore Drive. Mr. Guest
is a Phi Delta Theta from the University of Cincinnati, and he was a
captain during the World War. He is productive engineer for the Kraft
Phoenix Cheese Corporation.
So a perfectly good bacteriologist turns to the study of foods in
Columbia Rummer £tudents <JMeet at "Dinner
ANUMBER of Alpha O's attended Columbia University this sum-
mer and on Monday evening, August 12, met together for dinner,
there were seven chapters represented, and we wished that someone
might have been there from each of the other chapters to complete the
circle of our conversation. Some had been to Convention, and they told of
the things done and of the good times they had while there. After dinner
we were reluctant to part and made plans for future meetings of Alpha
° ' s in session there.
Those present at the dinner this summer were: Valborg Swenson and
Josephine Brancher, Phi; Mary Egan and Mary Alice Powers, Alpha Phi;
kllen MacLean and Virginia Fortmer, Beta Theta; Josephine Schellen-
si,p t . P ° nr 8 , EAlpha; Geraldine Kindig, Rho; Alda Jane Woodward, Beta
and Pauline Priest, Omega.
o u t h . . . JT o w
By A L I C E T H O M S O N , Alpha
IN CASE my readers get no further
than the first paragraph, J will begin
with my moral, not feeling at all safe
about leaving it till the end. Here is the
Moral:—Avoid editors! This article, or
whatever it turns out to be, is the result
of a most careless and casual remark to
an editor, who aside from her occupation
is otherwise a most delightful young .per-
son. I t might be named " A Voice from
the Past," or "She Loved but She Moved
Away," or "How the Old Grad Came
Back," or whatever you choose. But
all that sounds too much like Laura Jean
Libbey, or St. Nicholas. I n these days
we get a modern, snappy title, to catch
and hold the reader, like the advertising
in The Saturday Evening Post. So here's
my subject—"Youth—How to Keep i t . "
How's that?
When I stood on the threshold of
Barnard College, with a diploma in my
hand and an engagement ring on my
finger, no one could have made me believe
that I would ever for a moment lose inter-
est in the life of my sorority. I t had been
the greatest joy of my four years at col-
lege, and apparently through no effort of
my own, was to go on being a joy forever.
But marriage, and a home a thousand
miles away from my chapter did make a
difference. To be sure, I had one brief
period of renewed interest when I lived
near one of our chapters; then I moved
again, and almost forgot what it means
to take the vows of Alpha O. For sixteen
years I lived where I knew no sorority
\ sisters, and with babies, and a home, and
the war, other things seemed very un-
important. I think in those days if I
referred to the matter at all, I would say,
"Oh, yes, I belonged to A O I I " ; it was
to Keep. St!
the past tense with me. A fraternity was
part of college, and ended with college.
It was too bad, but you just couldn't
help it.
Well, Fate took a hand in my affairs,
and with the swiftness that Fate so often
uses, I was propelled not very gently,
but, oh, so firmly, right back into my
sorority. I must have a conscience or
a sense of duty somewhere, for after a
while I started" to attend alumnae meet-
ings. Can you imagine how it feels to be
surrounded by people, wearing your pin,
not a single one of them as old in fra-
ternity affairs as yourself, and you not
knowing what it is all about? Girls telling
the names of officers, and new chapters,
and important fraternity events, and you
trying to guess what they are? I can
tell you it isn't very pleasant. I had been
out of touch so long with all that was
being done that I was nothing but a
stranger, and all I had in common with
these interested and interesting sisters
of mine was a little pin! And I even
had a hard time finding that! Small
wonder I have safely kept my old sorority
emblem through all these years. I t was
put away too well to be lost.
What I thought about as I left that
first meeting would take too long to tell.
But it was all very unflattering to me.
Obviously the organization which I had
promised would be mine forever had done
splendid things in spite of my lack of
interest. But how well had I done? I
had lost contact with most of the friends
who had taken me into a loving sister-
hood. I had failed to make the new
friends who come to us later, when we
realize that sorority life does not end
with college life. I couldn't even talk intelligently about my own chapter,
n ° t to mention national affairs. And I , while an undergrad, never failed
to talk about fraternity spirit and fraternity loyalty.
There would be no reason at all for writing this unless I could also t
say that I decided to "come back." And I have. I've been living for
three years close to my Alpha O sisters, learning as much of the past as C
I could, keeping in touch with the present, and looking joyfully toward
the future. I've helped with the active chapter work, served on alumnae in
committees, and tried to give what I could. But did I say I was going o
to write about how to keep youth? So I have, for if you keep in touch c
with your sorority you will never lose the viewpoint of youth. And isn't o
that really all that matters? Even now, at this late day, I can feel o
my aged point of view giving way to youth's hopeful outlook. Maybe b
my hair is still gray, and the extra ten pounds are still with me. Never- fa
theless, I can rejoice with my younger sisters in their achievements,
sorrow in their defeats, and show them perhaps how we of Alpha O have L
that within our hearts which helps us carry on. Is i t worth while? n
Take the word of one who has tried forgetting. Keep step with your I
sorority, whether you are near or far, and you are keeping step with k
youth. Were you or are you an Alpha O?
T>o you KnoJv That—
Two members of Gamma chapter were elected Sophomore Eagles at th H
University of Maine. They are Louise Washburn and Peg Merrill. c
Hazel Parkhurst (Gamma), is the hockey captain at the University of "
Maine. t
Seven AOTI'5 at Maine took part in the pageant, Pandora, three having b
major parts. Priscilla Sawyer was Pandora, Edwina Bartlett, Mercury, and G
Anna Lyon, Ceres. q
Sara Neville (Kappa), was elected president of Sock and Buskin, dramatic h
club at Randolph-Macon. n
Rebecca Wright (Kappa), is the new editor of the "Tattler" while Paula {
Vogelsang (Kappa), will edit the "Helianthus," Randolph-Macon publications. o
Harriet Pratt (Tau), and Elizabeth Ebeling (Tau), are both junior mem- "
bers of Phi Beta Kappa and Mortar Board.
Joyce Armstrong (Beta Phi), played a major part in "Woody's Return,"
given at the Indiana State Fair.
Georgia Bopp (Beta Phi), president of Mortar Board at Indiana University
was elected to 4> B K .
Kappa Theta, Xi, Chi Delta, Sigma, Alpha Pi have new houses.
Mary Youdan (Chi), is the president of Theta Sigma Phi, journalistic
sorority at Syracuse University.
Mahalah Kurtz (Alpha Sigma), is president of W.A.A.
Martha Hawksivorth (Alpha Sigma), was the W.A.A. representative from
Montana State College to the national W.AA. convention.
Frances Cassady (Iota '29), was May Queen at the University of Illinois
in the spring.
Elizabeth Stiven (Iota), was one of four senior women in the School of
Music at the University of Illinois whose names appeared on the Pi Kappa
Lambda shield.
Edna Kline (Iota), received a medal for proficiency for first year Spanish.
On the Annual Honors' Day at the University of Illinois five Iota mem-
bers were listed for high scholarship. They are Ruth Eversman, Betty Stiven,
Virginia Fisher, Erma Bissell and Edna Kline.