OBER, 1929 99
d ring, but as yet no formal an- 219 East 4th, Florence. I just received
cement has been made regarding her a letter f r o m Imogene today, and she
says she is very happy in her little home.
nent. Her fiance is a promising
g lawyer of Denver. The last time I t may be of interest to some of you
to know that I have changed my pro-
Grace she told me that no definite fession, also. This summer I have been
for the wedding had as yet been taking a secretarial course which I like
. very much. As I did not like to teach
mille French ('29), spent a part of very well, I decided to do something
vacation with Margaret Haynes at which I thought I would enjoy more.
ome near Maybell, Colorado. From M y course is not completed yet, but I
eports both girls surely did enjoy expect to finish in a week or two. I
selves. Camille is iroing to teach have no position yet, but I am hoping
fayette. Colorado this winter. We to find one soon. So by the next time
ery glad that Camille is going to be you hear of me, I hope I ' l l be private
enough Denver to attend our secretary to some millionaire.
na; meetings this year.
drey Lamont ('28), and I cor- Mrs. A. C. Wolfe (Pauline Kanavel,
nd occasionally, and Audrey seems Ex. '29), has been to see me several times
having a splendid time in Dayton, this summer. Her summer has been
e she is employed at the National rather uneventful, aside f r o m the fact
ary Home. This summer she has that she just about has her hands f u l l
ed to develop X - r a y plates, and caring for Cranor, Jr. He certainly is
other things which have added to an adorable child, and my only regret
nterest of her work. I n addition to is that he cannot be an Alpha O some-
she manages to find time to date time.
g lawyers, doctors, etc.
Catherine Roff ('27), and Geraldine
June 12 Imogcne Hadley ('28), Prince ('28), attended the summer ses-
me the bride of Joseph M . Dodson sion of school at the University of Wash-
ington in Seattle. They both enjoyed
orence, Colorado. The wedding school very much, and they returned to
ony took place at the home of Colorado to teach this winter. Cather-
ene's parents in Florence. Only rela- ine is teaching at Wheatridge, and Jerry
and a few intimate friends of the is at Kersey again. Catherine has moved
e were present. The honeymoon to N o r t h Denver, and her new address is
pent at the Grand Canyon, and now .5901 Lowell Boulevard.
and Mrs. Dodson are at home at
Beta Tlicla
ELLO, girls!" cial' f r o m Doris Speaker the other day,
who t o l d me she was planning to teach
llo, Beta Theta's, and A 0 ITs in biology, zoology, and health instruction
al. This is station B.T. of Butler in the morning at a county high school
eleven miles from her home in Fort
s i t y , the home of Beta Theta's, at Wayne, and in the afternoon she w i l l
napolis, Indiana, the crossroads of drive eight miles distant to teach biology
ca. We are about to be-in our in another school. This necessitates the
purchase of a Ford coupe, and Doris
£ t a l k f e a s t t o ,)e b r o a d c a s t over promised to be rambling to the 'cross-
o DRACMA network to alumna; over roads of the Nation' to take her friends
ation. for a ride if i t runs. She mentioned also
that she is wearing Ralph Coblentz' K a p -
? ' l e t m e welcome to our small pa Delta Rho pin.
D Lt g r o u p lhe four seniors of last " R u t h Lindenvorg has been playing
about t o w n this summer. She spent one
u Lindenborp, Kthel Malloch, week-end in Chicago and there visited
with lone Agnew ('27). lone entered
, - Speaker,A n n A l l e n the Graduate School of Social Service
and Dori5 Administration at the spring semester,
and at the end of the quarter was
. ° u r midstg h ( i t o h a v e t h e min
dx l e n to them the hand of sister-
and 'alum-hood'. May they ac-
ish great things and 'send us lots of
06 " u W ', e t s * e t chummy and talk
, T -o t h e r " r rather let me talk
u about the others. I had a 'spe-
awarded one of the Leila Houghteling Street, Apartment Q, Indianapolis. COM J
scholarships. She is working as a part gratulations and best wishes! publ
time case worker at the Chicago Orphan Flor
Asylum and reports that her work is as " D o r o t h y A n n Allen ("20), will leav$
interesting as she always knew i t would September 22 for the University of G
be. She has had the privilege of han- Michigan where she was awarded a of h
dling some of her o w n cases f r o m the graduate assistant professorship in bote* Penn
start, and i t gives her satisfaction to see any. She has spent the summer writinje visit
them progressing, she reports. advertising copy for the VVm. H . Block Mar
Company in this city. meet
"And this is news. Helen Miller Porter were
('26), is back in Indianapolis visiting "Ellen MacLean ('28), spent a few day$j
her mother and has brought the first in Indianapolis last June during ConH Ed
Beta Theta baby, Nancy May Porter, mencement week. After that time sag] grad
along. Helen is looking well and is still spent several weeks in New York City, on t
the same lovable Helen. The baby comes six of which were limited to study at
up to all the expectations of the chapter, Columbia. Ellen is planning to teacol Ande
as she is charming to look upon and a l - plastic art to grade school children, Ju&i,
ready knows how to roll her eyes and ior High School classes and adults in
smile. She is expecting to be here until the Toledo Museum of A r t at Toledo
October 1 when she and M r . Porter and this winter. She adds that several week-?.,
the baby w i l l go on a t r i p east. ends were spent with Virginia Fortner
who attended Butler in 1Q25 and 192&<
"At this time we will stand by to and who is well known to a number of
hear Peg Rennick (Ex. '27), strike the the girls. They spent some time visitiflgj
long drawn musical note that tells us it friends along the Jersey shore, took trips
is exactly nine and three quarter minutes to the Berkshires and managed side trips
till eight, central standard time. Miss to Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
Rennick w i l l use one of the dinner gongs
stocked in her aunt's gift shop where "Elizabeth Charpie (Ex. '27), is stay,?
she has been working all summer. ing home because of the serious illness
of her small sister.
"Allow me to take this opportunity
to announce that at the end of the pro- "Ethel Malloch ('29), after spending!
gram Beaulah Phillips (Ex. '28), will give the summer at home took a trip tol
a short speach on ' G o l f — H o w it is Chicago and Milwaukee. She is going
Played at Camp Edinburg.' She is well to Library School here this winter.
qualified to speak on this subject as she
mentioned in a recent letter that she had " D o r o t h y L . Swift is working in the
been spending the summer at this pursuit. office at L.S. Ayres and Company and
w i l l be more than delighted to see any
"To continue with the program. One Alpha O who will come up to the seventh.!
item of great interest to Beta Theta's is floor to see her. A n y news, gossip or
the recent announcement of the marriage rumor w i l l be filed immediately in thM
of Geneva Robertson ('28), to George most approver! manner and traced to l » l
Fisher (Butler '28), on June 11, 1928. source w i t h glee.
Mr. Fisher is to teach at Butler this year
in the science department, and M r s . " I t is necessary to bring this talk feastj
Fisher is at home at 3510 N o r t h Meridian to a close as our time is over. Ma
Phillips w i l l follow at once. This is s t M
tion B . T . broadcasting over T o DRAGMA^
Dorothy Swift announcing. Thank you.
Alpha Pi
Ruth Bryan ('29), is teaching in a Helen Davis ('29), is assistant 1
private kindergarten in Lakeland, Florida.
in the University Infirmary at Ann AT*
Beatrice Ober C29), is teaching in Day-
tona Beach, Florida. bor, Michigan. ,
Lorena Eaddy ('29), is teaching muiic Louise Worrel ('20), is s u p e r v i s o r s
in a Junior College in Texas.
public school music at Punt a Cor<Hj
Jaunita Walter ('29), is at her home
in Atlanta. Florida.
Jessie Phinney ('29), is in Boston
ing advanced work in nursing.
TOBER, 1929 101
June Fulmer ('29), is teaching in the Frances George married Gary Lobbins
lic schools of Tarpon Springs, last June and is living in Lakeland,
rida. Florida.
Epsilon Alpha
Gladys Stranahan ('28), is supervisor teresting tales and trophies of Convention
home economics in the Linesville, days and nights.
nsylvania Vocational School. She
ted the chapter house at College Park, Agnes Geary ('29), was a Penn State
ryland, during July and enjoyed student during the past summer session—
ting a number of the members who still pursuing queer bugs in the interests
e attending summer school. of science. She is to teach in Center
dith Armstrong (Ex. Iota), who H a l l , her home t o w n , and since she is
duated f r o m Penn State in 1928, wras only fourteen miles from State College,
the college library staff here during we expect to see her around often.
summer session. She and Edith
erson (Beta Phi), brought back i n - Ruth Gohl and Frances Speicher both
received not only a degree last June,
but beautiful solitaires as well.
Changed Your Address?
Tear off the attached blank and mail it to
A L I C E C U L L N A N E , Registrar
50 Broad Street
Bloomfield, N e w Jersey
i / Atlan
; Jr
Alpha Omicron l^i Cjfraternity Ohio
Founded at Barnard College, New York City, January 2, 1897. 51
50 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J . 34
Registrar—Alice Cullnane, Beta Phi. Mid-W
Assistant Registrar—Winifred Steele, Zeta.
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha, 171 West 12th Street, New Y o r k , N . Y . L
Helen St. Clair M u l l a n ( M r s . George V . ) , Alpha, 25 East 83rd Street. New York, N.Y.
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, Atlan
Elizabeth Hey wood W y m a n , Alpha, 19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge, N . J . South
Grand President—Elizabeth Hcywood Wyman, Alpha, 19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge,
N.J. Great
J Sh
Grand Secretary—Edith Huntington Anderson (Mrs. Arthur K ), Beta Phi, 127 South Mid-W
Sparks Street, State College, Pa.
Grand Treasurer—Kathryn Bremer Matson (Mrs. Franklyn H ) , Tau, 2110 St. Clair O
Street, St. Paul, M i n n . presid
Grand Vice President—Octavia Chapin, Delta, 102 Summer Street, Medford, Mass.
Grand Historian—Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H ) , Alpha, 9 St. Luke's tttotse
Place, New York, N . Y .
Assistant Historian—Mary Neal Mcllveen ( M r s . A. V . ) , Beta Phi, 221 East 7th Street, Presid
Bloomington, Ind.
Extension Officer—Nell Fain Lawrence ( M r s . John S.), N u Omicron, t o J. T. Fain, P.M
3l5-22nd Avenue, North, Nashville, Tenn. Pr*i<le
Examining Officer—Muriel Turner McKinney (Mrs. Verne W . ) , Lambda, 528 North We
Formosa Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif.
Editor of T o DRAGMA—Wilma Smith Leland (Mrs. Leland F.), Tau, 405 Elm Street, meetin
Menasha, Wis. Vjd,e
Chairman—Irma Tapp, A A n , Kinston, N . C . *«»e
A O I I Panhellenic Delegate—Pinckney Estes Glantzberg (Mrs. Ernst), Psi, 110 Willi*"1
Street, New York, N . Y . Meetin
TOBER. 1929 103
ntic District ( N , A, T, E, X , I T A ) —
hern District ( I I , O , K, N O , TA, K O , A n ) — M a m i e H u r t Baskervill ( M r s . G . B.,
r.), Kappa, 1616 Tenth Avenue South, Birmingham, Ala.
Valley District ( O . I , B * , i>, B O , O H ) — M a r y Gertrude Manley, Beta Phi,
105 Washington Boulevard, Indianapolis, I n d .
t Lakes District (P, T, H , Oil)—Margaret Melaas Spengler (Mrs. Silas), Eta,
42 Park Street, Menasha, Wis.
Western District (Z, * , K K , A<I>, £ , X A ) — L u c i l l e Ziegelmaier Haertel ( M r s .
Walter D . ) , Tau, 5301 Stevens Avenue South, Minneapolis, M i n n .
fic District ( 2 , A , T, A S , KO, A P ) — L i l i a n F. Fletcher (Mrs. Lawrence S . ) ,
ambda, 346 Madrono Avenue, Palo Alto, Calif.
ntic District (New Y o r k , Boston, Providence, Bangor, Washington, Philadelphia,
yracuse), Alice J. Spear, Delta, 32 Pierce Street, Hyde Park, Mass.
hern District (New Orleans, Knoxville, Lynchburg, Nashville, Memphis, Bir-
mingham), Roberta W . Divine (Mrs. John M . ) , Omicron, 1780 Foster Avenue,
Memphis, Tenn.
Valley District (Indianapolis, Cleveland, Bloomington, Cincinnati), Hannah
Blair Neal (Mrs. W. H ) , Beta Phi, 813 N o r t h Maple Street, Bloomington, I n d .
t Lakes District (Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago South
hore, Madison, Ann A r b o r ) ,
Western District (Lincoln, Dallas, Kansas C i t y , Omaha, Oklahoma C i t y , Den-
er, Tulsa), Valborg Swenson, Phi, 2443 Monroe Street, Kansas C i t y , M o .
ic District (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle), Helen M . Haller,
Omega, 777 South Westmoreland Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif.
dent—Maryem Colbert. 1330 Pine House Address—2311 Prospect Avenue,
eet, New Orleans, La. Berkeley, Calif.
ngs—Monday afternoons at 4 :30.
President—Delight Frederick.
e Address— 14 Minetta Street, New House Address—AOII House, Green-
ork, N.Y. castle, Ind.
dent—Harriet Dunham.
ng5—Mondav evenings at 6:00 President—Dorothy Ellen Barr.
M. Meetings—
enl—Lily Minge Meadors, 1627 President—Grace Margaret Rourke.
est Cumberland Avenue, Knox- Meetings—
e, Tenn.
ngs— GAMMA
President—Jeanette M . Roney, Balen-
KAPPA tine Hall, Orono, Me.
ent~Sara Neville, Box 141, R. Meetings—Mondays.
W. C, Lynchburg, Va. EPSILON
M^.* — T h u r s d a y afternoons at 5:00 House Address—The K n o l l , Ithaca, N . Y .
President—Mary Barvian.
Meetings—No set time.
e Address-^541 S Street, L i n - RHO
n, Neb.
ngs— House Address—626 Emerson Street,
Evanston, III.
104 To DRAGjyj OCT
President—Norma Coe. Mathews President—Emily Niblock. House
Meetings—Monday evenings. Meetings—Monday evenings. Bo
IOTA PHI prt nd
House Address—704 South House Address—1144 Louisiana Street,'
Street, Urbana, 111. Lawrence, Kan. Mous
President—Elizabeth Stiven. President—Florence Longenecker.
Meetings—Monday evenings. Meetings—Monday evenings, 7 :00 P.M;;| Presid
Mailing Address—Box 1367, Stanford President—Dorothv Jackson, 37 Hepburn-
Hall, Oxford, Ohio. 11 vu
University, Calif. see,
President—Dorothy M . Quinn. Meetings—Wednesday evenings.
Meetings— Presid
House Address—914 Fourth Street S.E., House Address—1052 Baldwin Avenue, Meeti
Ann Arbor, Mich. mit
Minneapolis, Minn.
President—Harriet Pratt. President—Lois Cossitt. Presid
Meetings—Monday evenings at 5 :30 P . M . Meetings—Monday evenings. Elm
House Address—603 University Ave., House Address—1680 Alder Street. Eu- mo
gene, Ore.
Syracuse, N . Y . Meetin
President—Grace Oberlander. President—Barbara Crowell. Oct
Meetings—Monday evenings. Meetings—Monday evenings at 7 :00 vJ&i
UPSILON Street, Xi I (M
House Address—AOU House, Norman, Wa
House Address—1906 East 45th
Seattle, Wash. Okla. ;
President—Ruth Black.
President—Marcella Lawler. Meetings—Monday evenings at 7 :00 J?MA meside
Meetings— J°h
President—Lillian Cox, 3419 Cornell, House Address—MM\ House. College; ber
Dallas, Tex. Park, M d .
M eetings— President—Genevieve G. Wright. JM
Meetings—Tuesday evenings at 7:00 P-M- riijde"t
House Address—703 East Seventh Street, i gs—l et!,l
Bloomington, Ind. President—Elizabeth Crabbe, 825 H Sep
wood Road, Birmingham, Ala.
President—Naomi Nash. p.
Meetings—Monday evenings. Meetings—Wednesdays at 1:30 P-J^H
ETA Street, ton'
House Address—636 Langdon KAPPA THETA KenmoJ
Madison, Wis.
House Address—8/0 N o r t h
President—Marion Bain. Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif.
M eetings—Mondays.
President—Audrey Buratti.
ALPHA P H I M eetings—
House Address—119 South Sixth Street, KAPPA OMICRON
Bozeman, Mont.
President—Pauline Barton, 1 6 1 3 P^*
President—Mary O'Leary. body, Memphis, Tenn.
Meetings—Tuesday evenings.
Meetings—Friday afternoons at 2 j ^ H
House Address—1920 Broad Street.
President—Elizabeth Bedelia Frazier. House Address—560 Madison
Meetings—Saturday afternoons.
Corvallis, Ore.
Psi Sansom Street, President—Elsie Jones.
M eetings—
House Address—3412
Philadelphia, Pa.
TOBER, 1929 105
C H I DELTA President—Martha E. Crane.
M eetings—
e Address—1210 Pleasant Street,
oulder, Colo.
dent—Violette Ward. EPSTLON A L P H A
House Address—AO IT House, State Col-
BETA THETA lege, Pa.
se Address—611 Berkley Road, I n - President—Emma Jean Walser.
anapolis, Ind. Meetings—Wednesday evenings.
dent—E. Ruth McClurg.
ings—Wednesday evenings at 7:30 THETA ETA
President—Frances Yost, 227 McGregor
ALPHA PI Avenue, M t . Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio.
u Address—AOII Hou:e, Tallahas- Meetings—Monday, 7 :00 P . M .
, Fla.
dent—Edith Ramsay Collins ( M r s . President—Ada Smith Trueblood ( M r s .
eorge R.) N u , 1 Bank Street, New
ork, N.Y. C. C ) , Theta, 1603 Central Avenue,
ings—Arranged by Executive Com- Indianapolis, Ind.
ttee. M eetings—
SAN FRANCISCO President—Elizabeth L y o n , Pi, 1210
dent—Cornelia Morris Mason (Mrs. Broadway, New Orleans, La.
mer M . ) , Siema. 963 Sunny Hills if eetings—First Wednesday of month.
ad, Oakland, Calif. MINNEAPOLIS
ings—First Monday evening of
President—Elizabeth Bond, T a u 3148
Irving Avenue South, Minneapolis,
fi nt— Meetings—Evening Section, second Tues-
ng*—Second Saturday of month day of month 8:00 P . M . Afternoon
Section, first Monday of month, 2 :00
tober to June.
nt—Leslie Hooper Macmillan BANOOR
rs. A. S.), Delta, 65 Agawam Road,
aban, Mass. President—Mildred Prentiss Wright
;ngs—Last Saturday of month. (Mrs. Harold W . ) , Gamma, 188 Elm
Street, Bangor, Me.
LINCOLN Meetings—
ent—Ethel Weidner Bentley, (Mrs. PORTLAND
h n ) , Zeta, 1953 Jefferson, Lincoln,
b. President—Laura K i l h a m , Alpha Sigma,
« g s — S e c o n d Saturday n o o n _0 c t o 648 Tillamook Street, Portland, Ore.
to June. Meetings—Second Thursday evening of
month, October to June.
t~Lucile Curtis English (Mrs. President—Irma Tomlinson ( M r s . Chas.
L . ) , 4522 Brooklyn Avenue, Seattle,
A . ) , Lambda, 502 N o r t h Plymouth Wash.
•' L o s Ar"!-'eles, Calif. Meetings—Second Monday of each
—Fourth Saturday of month,
ptember to M a y . month at chapter house, 8:00 P . M .
f ~ ~ A l i c e Thomson (Mrs. Wm. President—Dorothy Brown Cameron
' i n ' > Evans-9 1 3 F o r e 5 t A v e n u e Woodhill
(Mrs. John), Omicron,
Drive, Knoxville, Tenn.
President—Elizabeth Bryan Williams President— Catherine Frederick (Mrs. R.
Elmwood H . ) , Eta, 400 69th Avenue, Milwaukee, II—
(Mrs. S. H . ) , Kappa, 2012 Wis. •Hi—S
Avenue, Lynchburg, Va. Meetings—First Wednesday of month, Extens
6:30 P.M.
M eetings— 0>»mit
President—Mary Hamilton Horton. Tau >
President—Ellen Jane Keiser, Pi Delia, Delta, U . S. Weather Bureau, Birming- Life
4807 Arkansas Avenue N . W . , Washing- ham, Ala.
ton, D.C. e
M eetings—
Meetings—Second Wednesday of each
DALLAS President—Mildred Holmes Green (Mrs.
O. J.), Iota, 1947 West 20th Street.
President—Mildred Pepple, N u Kappa, Oklahoma City, Okla.
1721 Bennett Avenue, Dallas, Tex.
Meetings—Second Thursday of each
Meetings— month.
President—Gertrude H . Paton (Mrs. F. President—Mellie Quayle M o f f i t (Mrs.
C. W . ) , Psi, 512 South 42nd Street, R o y ) , Tau, 7955 Clyde Avenue. Chi-'
Philadelphia, Pa. cago, 111.
Meetings— Meetings—
President—Nadine Hodges, Phi, 3235 President—Elizabeth M . Hiestand. Eta,
Benton Blvd., Kansas City, M o . 208 Monona Avenue, Madison, Wis.
Meetings—Second Tuesday evening of Meetings—
each month.
President—Hannah Blair Neal (Mrs. W.
President—Lucille Mauck, Zeta, 3325 H . ) , Beta Phi, 813 N o r t h Maple Street,
Cuming Street, Omaha, Neb. Bloomington, Ind.
Meetings—First Saturday of each month. Meetings—Second and fourth Wednes-
days of each month.
President—Marcia L . Rosbrook, Chi, 315
South Beech Street, Syracuse, N . Y . President—Florence Moorhead Whit
Meetings—Last Friday in the month.
DETROIT (Mrs. Robert L . ) , Alpha Sigma, 1 5 »
President—Gladys H i n m o n H i r t (Mrs. St. Paul Street, Denver, Colo.
Stanley), Omicron Pi, 42 Kensington
Road, Pleasant Ridge, Mich. Meetings—Second Saturday of &m
M eetings— month.
NASHVILLE President—Frances Ivins Rich
President—Frances McKee, N u Omicron, Carl), Omega, 343S Shaw Avenue, u g j
cinnati, Ohio.
AOLT House, Nashville, Tenn.
M eetings—•
Meetings—Second Tuesday of each
CLEVELAND President—Virginia White, X i , j |
27th Street, Tulsa, Okla.
President—Irene Thurston, Omega, 2026
East 107th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Meetings—Second Wednesday of & • i
Meetings— month.
President—Mrs. John W . Wilson, 1772 President—Margaret Howarth
Madison, Memphis, Tenn.
( M r s . N o r m a n ) , Tau, 332 East H
Meetings—Last Wednesday of month,
liam Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.
3 :30 P . M .
TOBER, 1929 107
mittees on National Work A. Hurd, 1305 East 43rd Street,
—Fellowship Award—H o n o r a r y Seattle, Wash., Rose Gardner Marx
(Mrs. Ralph S.), Bowles Hall, Uni-
Chairman, Grand Vice Presi- versity of California, Berkeley, Cal.
dent; Chairman, Elsie Ford
Piper, Zeta, 1731 D Street, L i n - Scholarship Officer
coln, Neb.
Roselyn Beal, Beta Phi, 145 East
Atlantic—Jessie Wallace Hughan, 23rd Street, New York City.
Alpha, 171 West 12th Street,
Committee on Examination
New York, N.Y.
Chairman—Examining Officer.
Southern—Gladys Anne Renshaw, Atlantic—Ellen Jane Keiser, Pi
Pi, 3369 State Street Drive, New Delta, 4807 Arkansas Avenue N .
W., Washington, D . C .
Orleans, La. Southern—Knoxie Faulk, Tau
Delta, 2816 Twelfth Avenue
Ohio Valley—Martha Jaques, North, Birmingham, Ala.
Ohio Valley—Anne Treadwell Aus-
Omega, 315 East Race Street, tin (Mrs. Rufus), Iota, Hagers-
town, Ind.
Oxford, Ohio. Great Lakes—Vera A. Riebel, 1541
East 60th Street, Chicago, 111.
Great Lakes—Ruth O'Brien M c - Mid-Western—Katherine DePuy,
X i , 1405 South Cincinnati Ave-
Carn (Mrs. Davis G.), Tau, 1318 nue, Tulsa, Okla.
Pacific—Carrie B. Kistler (Mrs.
Howard Street, Chicago, 111. Lewis A . ) , Sigma, 1046 South
Wilton Place, Los Angeles, Calif.
Committee on Nomination
— A i d for Handicapped Children:
Chairman, Grand Vice President.
Members, Alumna; Superintend-
Special Research Committee: H o n -
orary Chairman, Grand Vice
President; Chairman, Laura
H u r d , Upsilon, 1305 East 43rd
Street, Seattle, Wash.
mitte on Finance Chairman, Rose Gardner Marx
(Mrs. Ralph), Sigma, Bowles
Chairman, Grand Treasurer. Hall, Berkeley, Calif.
National Financial Supervisor.
Members, Alumnaa Superintend-
Registrar. ents.
sion Committee Committee on Jewelry
Chairman, Extension Officer. Chairman, Stella George Stern Perry
Atlantic—Edith Ramsay Collins, (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha, 9 St.
Luke's Place, New York, N . Y .
(Mrs. George R . ) , Nu, 1 Bank
Street, New York City, N . Y . Julia L . Tillinghast, Nu, Box 469
Southern—Cornelia Lamb Roun- Grand Central Sta., 110 East 45th
tree (Mrs. Walter B . ) , N o . 13, Street, New York, N . Y .
Graylynn Apts., Nashville, Tenn.
°hio Valley—Katherine Davis, Trustees of Anniversary Endowment
Theta, 2403 East Market Street, Fund
New Albany, Ind.
Great Lakes— Chairman, Helen St. Clair Mullan
Mid-Western—Lillian Bihler (Mrs. (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha, 25 East
Ernest), Zeta, 4201 North 22nd 83rd Street, New York City,
Street, Omaha, Neb. N . Y . Term expires June, 1933.
F a " f l c — J a n e Wallace Graham
(Mrs. Harold S.), Kappa Theta, Katherine Stebbins Stevens (Mrs.
127 N o r t h Dillon Street, Los A. M . ) , Delta, 55 East 76th
Angeles, Calif. Street, New York City, N . Y .
Term expires June, 1931.
ttee on Rituals and Traditions
Mary Honor Donlon, Epsilon, 72
r ™ a " - Stella George Stern Per- Wall Street, New York City,
> (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha, 9 St. N . Y . Term expires June, 1935.
Board of Appeals
' - N . Y .P l a c e Chairman, Rose Gardner Marx
New York (Mrs. Ralph S.), Sigma, Bowles
A m b e r s : The Founders, Laura
108 T o DRAGM*
Hall, University of California, Editorial Board A
Berkeley, Calif.
Katrina Overall McDonald (Mrs. Lorraine Join- McN'ally (Mrs..|^B
C. C ) , N u Omicron, Bay St.
Louis, Miss. T . ) , N u , 932 President Street,
Laura A . H u r d , Upsilon, 1305 East Brooklyn, N.Y.
43rd Street, Seattle, Wash. Aileen Brown, Lambda, 812-28th
Wash. Street, Sacramento, Calif. _J
Margaret Burton, Iota. Illinois
Constitutional Revision Committee Alumni Neios, University of Illi-
nois, Urbana, 111.
Chairman, Registrar; Grand Presi- Margaret Melaas Spen-kr (Mrs.
dent, Grand Secretary; lone P. Silas), Eta, Menasha, Wis. 1
Barrett, c/o Dike, Calver &
Gray, 1508 David Stott Build- Song Committee
ing, Detroit, Mich.; Pinckney
Estes Glantzberg, Psi, 110 W i l - Chairman, Janet M . Howry, Tau,
liam Street, New York City, 1664 Van Buren Street, St. Paul,
NY. Minn.
Dorothy Jane Hines, Tau, 500 F ^ B
Street, St. Paul, M i n n .
Rankin & Save
Youn Your Pennies
Printm to buy
L i t h o g ra p h i n g
Alpha Omicron Pi
Engraving Songbook
69-71 Barclay Street
New York Address Book
Watch for prices.
Chicago headquarters for Alpha Omicron Pi
Intercollegiate also for 98 colleges
alumni headquarters
I1 Names—addresses—telephone numbers of all A l -
pha Omicron Pi's in Chicago on file at the A L L E R -
1 T O N sorority information bureau. For complete
• information about all meetings, dinners and parties
I write to Opal M. Cannon, Director, Women's De-
Seven separate floors reserved exclusively
for women guests
S12.50-S20.50 per week per person—single rooms
$ 8.50-S15.50 per week per person—double rooms
$ 2.50-$ 4.00—Transient
W. W. DWYER, General Manager
701 North Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO
Booklet on request
Have You Moved ?
Have You Married ?
Send Your address and name to
50 Broad St., Bloomfield, N.J.
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The element of chance plays no part in the Balfour
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