. SEPTEMBER, 1926 No. 1
Elizabeth Bond, 3201 Irving Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.
Kathryn Bremer Matson (Mrs. F. H.), 2116 St. Clair St., St. Paul, Minn.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, 456 Broad St., Blooinfield, N. J.
TO DRAGMA is published at 415 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., by The Colwell Press, Inc. Entered at the Postoffice at Min- neapolis, Minn., as second class matter under the Act of March 3,
1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103,Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920.
TO DRAGMA is published four times a year, September, November, February and May.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; Life Subscription $15.00.
VVm:x OUR fraternity was founded, national philanthropic work was a part of the general plan. For the first years of our existence, so many problems directly concerned with our
development and establishment as a national fraternity came up that the philanthropic program necessarily was held in abeyance but not forgotten by any of our members.
To. review briefly the history of our national work: the first efforts, made by the members of Alpha chapter, were directed to helping children in a hospital, snowing, it seems to me, that our ideals and interests have changed very little. Later, Stella Perry became interested in the child labor movement, and at her sug- gestion, several chapters joined the organization. This, however, did not seem just the outlet we needed, and nothing definite came of it. When Ruth Capen Farmer made her trip as Grand Presi- dent, she discussed national work with the chapters, and found all anxious to do something of definite value, but a bit vague as to details. To Rochelle Gachet, I think, we owe the laying of the foundation of our present organized efforts. She felt that the time had come in our development when we should divert some of our energy from our own interests to those of others. But she felt
that before undertaking anything of that sort, our own organiza- tion should be strengthened. As the burden of this work must fall on the alumnae, she suggested the appointment of a super- intendent for each district who was to keep in contact with the alumnae chapters and help them in any way desired. When Laura Hurd sent out the cards for information for the Directory she asked each member to state the kind of work she favored for our national philanthropy. The answers covered every field of en- deavor, but there were three distinct lines of preferences, aid for our own members in building chapter houses or financial assis- tance for those in need of it. graduate fellowships and aid for crippled children. As the first had been taken care of by the 1921 Convention by the establishment of the Anniversary Endow- ment Fund, the Executive Committee asked Katherine Thomas,
then Grand Vice-President, to get the opinion of the chapters on the other two points. As a result, the 1923 Convention added a by-law to the constitution establishing a graduate-fellowship of
$500.00 to be given to any woman graduate of a college or uni- versity in which a chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi existed, and authorizing the collection of voluntary contributions from chapters and individuals for aiding handicapped children. Twenty-five percent of all monies collected in this way goes into a sinking fund to accumulate at interest for use in special cases, which the remain- ing twenty-five percent may be used on application of the chap- ters, for aiding children who suffer from any handicap which will prevent them from becoming self-supporting. To this by-law, the 1925 Convention added a second fellowship of $500.00. .One of
our scholarships is to be given to a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, the other to a non-member.
So far four fellowships have been given. The first went to Thelma Brumfield, Epsilon, to help her continue her medical studies in the University of Virginia, the second to Wilkie Hughes, Beta Phi, who wished to study at the School of Nursing Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. This year the fellowships have gone to Ascha Bean, Gamma, and Marjorie Clark, a non-member. Their plans are discussed in detail else-
Appropriations have been made from the revolving fund to Seattle Alumnae Chapter to name a bed for one year in the Children's Orthopedic Hospital; to Providence, to furnish a room
in the children's ward of the Homeopathic Hospital of Rush Island in memory of Lillian McCausland; to Nashville to furnish a room for fitting braces in the Junior League Convalescent Home for Children, in memory of Mary D. Houston Sarratt; to purchase cribs in the Children's Country Home of Westfield. New Jersey, a project sponsored by a group of alumnae living in New Jersey and by members of New York Alumnae Chapter; to Min- neapolis, as a loan, to help furnish a dental clinic in the Wells Me- morial Settlement House; to Chicago to complete a scholarship in the Spaulding School for Crippled Children and we have loaned on a call note our sinking fund to Katherine Hibbs. Lambda, to help purchase a ranch where she, a trained nurse herself and her
doctor husband will maintain a home for convalescent children.
Those are the appropriations made by the National Work Committee from contributions made by chapters and individuals, but that list by no means covers all the philanthropic work done
in the name of Alpha Omicron Pi. As I have said before, while during the first twenty-five years of our formation period, we had no national work, practically every chapter, feeling the need of helping others, engaged in some form of local philanthropic ac- tivity. When our national program was instituted many of these groups felt that they wished to continue to help their local societies. In some cases, withdrawal of the aid would have been a real hard- ship to this charity, in others the group was held together largely by the interest in a local need. Also there were several alumnae chapters, situated in university towns who were devoting their energies to helping an active chapter buy and maintain a house, giving very necessary support to our younger members. There- fore today we find ourselves confronted with a problem of organi- zation. W e have a central national work, but we have also a larger work scattered amongst our chapters. After studying the question for four years, I am convinced that it would be wrong to force our chapters to give up these local interests in favor of a national one, but I do believe that each chapter should so budget that a certain sum is given each year to the national work committee, so that we as a fraternity could concentrate on one piece of work which would be of national interest, and which would be recog- nized as the philanthropic work of Alpha Omicron Pi.
During the past year I have been trying to get information from the chapters about their local philanthropy. Results have beensomewhat discouraging. Chapters seem to feel that the work they do locally is their own concern, and of little importance. I dis- cussed this point with a chapter last fall, and the members said they agreed with me. Still when they did give to a local charity, they left me to learn of it from their letter in To DRAGMA. Many letters say that the chapter is sorry not to be able to give to the national, as their energies are entirely taken up with local activi- ties, then fail to give any more information. Is it any wonder that we know little of what our fraternity is doing, or that mem- bers of other fraternities sometimes ask us if we have any philan- thropic work?
Lists are never interesting, but I hope every one will read the list of what our chapters are doing, in so far as has been reported officially to me. I am not making any record of some facts which I learn on hear-say. Lincoln, Miami Valley, Kansas
City, Omaha, Syracuse, Oklahoma City and Indianapolis give almost entirely to their local chapters to help buy and maintain houses. Indianapolis also gave to a fund for tornado relief and Kansas City assists in sending two girls through high school. New York pays half the support of a French war orphan, helped in the purchase of beds In a children's home and gave a Christmas party in the children's ward of Bellevue Hospital. Lynchburg has helped the Randolph Macon endowment fund and the Asso- ciated Charities. Bangor gives to the University of Maine en- dowment fund and helps individual children, selected by the visiting nurse, who need glasses, braces, etc., and is now paying the expenses of a little girl who is being rehabilitated in the country, for an orthopedic operation. Cleveland has contributed to the national fund and given a portable victrola is the children's ward of the city hospital. New Orleans furnished and maintains two clinics for children under the Associated Charities. Detroit has given to the national fund, and does very little local work. Knoxville has contributed to the furnishing of a room in the
Y. W . C. A. Los Angeles has given to the national fund and to a local scholarship. Milwaukee has contributed to the national fund. Washington has given to its local Board of Charities. Phila- delphia has sent children to the country and purchased a sterilizer in the babies' clinic in a local hospital; and given to the national fund. Dallas, in addition to helping Nu Kappa in many ways, sent 50 percent of the commission on Christmas cards to the national fund. Seattle continues to keep a bed named in the Children's Orthopedic Hospital. San Francisco has contributed to the national. Boston gives to the T u f t s College endowment and a scholarship to a member of Delta Chapter. The list is not complete, but as I said before, contains all the official information received.
The active chapters also do their share in helping others. The conditions of their existence makes it difficult for them to under- take any very complicated form of work, but they are always well represented in campus activities.
Philanthropic work by Alpha Omicron Pi is assured. At the present time it is scattered in application, but the interest centers around the handicapped child. Each group wishes to select its
own children and to give where the need is greatest, and where something of the giver goes with the gift. This seems a national expression of our strong individuality as groups and our equally strong bond of spirit.
T «r:mt mv fraternity to render constructive leadership in educa-
hereby pledge the sum of $
P ^ b l e
(check one).
L Annually.
2. Semi-annually.
3. Gift in one payment.
I am enclosing payment to cover my pledge.
Name . •
Address .
Date Chapter-
Make money orders and checks payable to Josephine S. Pratt
irman, NatTonal Work Committee, 2243 Hampden Place, New Chairman,
Y o r k
C Si t t y y . .
Detach, sign and return with pledge payment. Do it today
Alpha Beta . ..' Pi
N u
O m i c r o n
Kappa -Zeta - Sigma
Tau Delta Gamma Epsilon Rho Lambda
Iota Chi Upsilon
55.40 15.00 9.80 1.00 2.00 7.00
, , _JS.QCL 11.00 35.00
4.00 17.00 6.00 21.00 12.50 5.00 2.00 20.00
0.97 0.20 .
0.18 0.30 }4 0.18 0.62
0.28 0.92 1.18
2.65 2.60
0.75 1.75
55.40 15.00 12.11 3.65 5.50 7.20
16.50 . 11.00 35.18
4.30^ 17.18 6.62 21.00 12.50
4.67 21.18
5.91 26.99 10.28 4.38 1.23
25.31 150.00 53.45 3.15 62.20 13.24
3.61 3 55
1. Gifts made by chapters and individual members:
Nu Kappa Beta Phi Eta
Alpha Phi Nu Omicron
O m e g a
Alpha Sigma
X i
P« Delta
N e w Y o r k
San Francisco Los Angeles Chicago
Indianapolis N e w O r l e a n s Minneapolis B a n g o r Portland
Giftt Stationery
8.10 0.36 4.00 \.52y2 5.50 0.41
26.00 0.99 10.00 0.28 4.38 1.23 1.05
Gifts Stationery
15.10 3.01 150.00
81.60 0.64 2.86
3.15 12.20 13.10
0.85 0.75 3.55
0.64 Washington 0.68
2.50 2.50 1.85 2.49 0.60 1.28
25.55 135.55 3.05 57.05 15.00 0.40 160.40 22.74 20.40
10.65 8.54 9.20 47.60 1.90 2.23 0.40 0.40
As is stated elsewhere, practically every chapter does some form of local philanthropic work. The sums listed above are those given to the national work committee for general use, and are exclusive of all money spent by chapters locally. Some day we hope that A L L money spent in the name of Alpha Omicron Pi will be reported to the National Work Committee, and credited as a part of our work. In all fairness, this should be done.
Are Y O U one of the people who are saying this.
If you are can you answer Y E S to the following questions: QUESTION 1. Have you on completion of your life payment noti-
fied your chapter treasurer of your correct address, and are you sure she has reported it with your completed payment?
QUESTION 2. Have you on leaving college reported your correct address to your chapter secretary and made reasonably sure that >he will report it?
QUESTION 3. // your life payment is incomplete and you are no longer active are you paying the necessary annual subscription pending complete payment?
QUESTION 4. If you are out of college are you keeping the Regis- trar informed of your change of address or name or both?
If all your replies are in the affirmative blame the printer or Uncle Sam or the Registrar, and NOTIFY T H E REGISTRAR*. SOME O F YOU WILL BE LEFT TO COMPLAIN, BUT NOT MANY.
Philadelphia 110.00 54.00 Syracuse 15.00 160.00 Nashville 22.00 Cleveland 20.00
8.54 , .. 38.00
0.40 0.33
0.40 9.00 1.65
X T E W LIFE for Alpha O was forecast from the proceedings of •1^ of the convention of 1923. A s a national body we were offered a perpetual interest i n a mutual enterprise o f unselfish work. That the offer was welcome has been evidenced by the fact that not only did the next convention see our national work fo r
handicapped children established i n several units i n various parts of the country but its action added another fellowship to the original award in the name of Ruth Capen Farmer.
By the first provision, in force for two years, a sum of $500.00 was offered to any woman graduate of a college in which a chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was established, whether or not she was a member of our fraternity. The later legislation increased the num-
ber o f fellowships to two, leaving the Ruth Capen Farmer Fellow- ship open to members only, and offering another to non-members exclusively.
The measure of the success of this system of award is to be found in the fine spirit in which every fellowship has been ac-
cepted,andintheworthyworkthathasalreadybeendonebythe recipients. Thelma Brumficld of Epsilon Chapter started the ball rolling. Thelma, to judge by the letters which those of you who have read T o DRAGMA have seen in part, combines an immense joy of living with the brilliant mind that is attested by her career in college and in Medical School. H er cases are not merely that
and nothing more,—they are human beings with real sufferings but sometimes with oddities to provoke a sympathetic smile. Phi Beta Kappa attested her fine work in college. In the Medical School of the University of Virginia where she has now taken her degree, class ratings are not officially made, but her membership in Alpha Omega Alpha places her among the first tenth of her class. While we are permitted to say no more, this is a very conserva-
tive rating of her work. She has also received the coveted appoint- ment to Bellevue Hospital, New York City, for one year beginning July 1st. Beyond that she has made no definite plans. Her latest letter says: "The last six months have been very uneventful. I had one tramp with a burned leg from whom I had to take a medi- cal history. I managed to extract a good deal of social history
along with it, and since then I've decided that the care-free hoboes
aren't so enviable as I once thought. I think my only contribution on obstetrics was to convince one mother that Margaret was a prettier name than Beulah."
A recent survey o f the Rockefeller Foundation on "The Nurse, the Home and the Hospital" contains this statement:
"Whatever the solution o f the nursing problem, one thing seems certain. There will, in any event, be a need fo r able and thoroughly trained women as administrators, teachers a n d super- visors. It is this training of leaders in countries in which coopera- tion in public health or medical attention or both is being given that primarily appeals to the Foundation."
It is gratifying i n view o f this report to recall that our "second Fellowship award was made to one whose life purpose is to meet this need as far as she is personally able. I n addition to her high school teaching in Indianapolis, Wilkie Hughes, Beta Phi, did sum- mer work as head nurse and night supervisor in an Indianapolis
hospital. H er year of training in the Department of Nursing Education of Teachers College, Columbia University, which the fellowship of this year helped to make possible has added material-
lytoherequipmentforfutureserviceinthisdirection. Atthis writing her plans for next year are not complete as she is hesi- tating between tw o offers, either one of which will give her 4n opportunity to carry out her purpose and to make use of her further knowledge and inspiration. After a year of the hardest kind of work Wilkie is,we hope, acquiring new vigor along with her duties as nurse in charge of the health of Camp Maqua, a Y .
W. C. A. camp at Poland, Maine. She writes:
"I am very much in love with Maine. Camp Maqua is beauti- fully situated in a typical Maine woods—so typical, in fact, that a
deer actually jumped in front o f our car the other night as we were coming from the train at Poland,—and is right on the edge o f Lake Thompson. Thenatives, I believe, say itis a pond.
"It is a pond full of surprise islands, and across the lake are the mountain ranges. T o see M t.Washington every day, so superb with a snow blanket, certainly thrills my Hoosier soul.
"I found the camp infirmary a new building, off in one of the loveliest spots of the camp. Having so recently had a term of History of Nursing, I am trying to get the name 'infirmary'
changed to 'Xenodochium'. So far I have succeeded only in ac- quiring the name 'Xantippe' for myself.
"I have been kept fairly busy f o r fourteen or sixteen hours every day. The first conference came one day, and one of the delegates appeared with the mea- sles the next morning. During
the conference I really had twen- ty-four hour duty. Observing strict isolation in a Maine woods, along with making toast on an oil stove, building wood fires and looking after coal oil lamps was a new experience. V acation guests arrive Sunday, and while I expect to be busy with First Aid, I think there will be a chance to get my work organized so that I can have office hours."
For next year our awards, as previously announced have been made to Marjorie Ruth Clark, a non-member, now studying at the Sorbonne in Paris, and to Achsa Bean, a member of Gam-
m Qiapter. One of Miss Clark's professors who was particularly interested in her receiv- ing a fellowship to enable her to continue her work abroad, has written since the May issue went to press that she had actually
engaged her passage home and was able to cancel it because of our award. It certainly should be a cause for joy to us that it has been our privilege to enable Miss Dark to stay another year in France and complete her study of the French labor movement for her Doctor's degree. As has been stated before, her purpose on returning to this country is to become a professor of Labor Economics.
Achsa Bean has not completed her arrangements for her year's work, but will study medicine, probably either at the Women's Medical College in Philadelphia, or at Tufts Medical School, with the idea of doing children's preventive work. She
too believes in making her summer count for health and recreation as well as for work. She is Land Sports Director at Camp W in- nemont, West Ossipee, N . H . Volley ball, baseball, basketball, track, archery, tennis, horseback riding and dancing for eighty
girls we are quite ready to be- lieve mean "long, busy days," as she says they do, and we are glad to know that she is also getting fun for herself out of it. Maine apparently has no
monopoly of wild animals as she says, "Our campers have already seen a deer drinking from the lake and a black bear
padded softly across the road in front of our riders."
Perhaps no more fitting conclusion could be found for this retrospect of our fellow- ship awards than to quote the
words that Achsa wrote in her letter of acceptance of the award. "Somehow it seems a
trust given me by my sisters—
T**i«tT I want to keep it, for I
believe it describes equally well the attitude of all those to whom we have made our awards.
Chairman Fellowship Committee.
EACH NEW initiate of Alpha Omicron Pi is required to pay fifteen dollars for a life subscription to To DRAGMA. Many of the alumnae have elected to do so, and hereafter regularly four
times every year, without lapse of subscription or bother of re- newal, there comes to each life subscriber her fraternity maga- zine, To DRAGMA, replete with interesting and informing news of the college and fraternity world. That is the tangible result of a life subscription. Possibly you, who are a life subscriber, do
not know where your fifteen dollars have gone and what they are now doing.
Every such payment of fifteen dollars becomes a part of the principal of the Endowment Fund of Alpha Omicron Pi. You will recall the familiar nursery rhyme:
"Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make a mighty ocean And a pleasant land."
Just so the fifteen dollars paid by you and me and over two thousand of our sisters, small contributions from each of us, to- gether have made a substantial and constantly increasing Endow- ment Fund, the principal of which is devoted to assisting our
active members and chapters, and the income from which sup- ports To DRAGMA. It is a businesslike arrangement which has won the praise of many fraternity men and women, and members
of Alpha Omicron Pi may well be proud of it.
The business mechanics of the Fund may be briefly stated. The price of an annual subscription to To DRAGMA is one dollar. Annual interest at six per cent on fifteen dollars is ninety cents. If a magazine has a stabilized circulation and no expense for ex-
piration notices or unpaid subscriptions, the same type of maga- zine can be published for ninety cents or even less, that on an annual subscription basis would cost one dollar. The problem then is to invest your principal payment of fifteen dollars so that it will yield annually the cost of publishing and carrying to you
four numbers of To DRAGMA.
Right in our fraternity family is the opportunity of such in- vestment which also fills a great need of our undergraduates and
active chapters. Many a member of Alpha Omicron Pi is faced at some time in her college course with an acute financial problem. Ill health, death in her family, business reverses, or a postponed realization of expected income may suddenly make assistance nec- essary if she is to continue her college work. Two hundred
dollars, one hundred dollars, perhaps even fifty dollars, will en- able her to meet the emergency and carry on. Who should be so ready to help her as the sisters upon whom she has been sworn to call in time of need? And they are prepared and glad to help her through the fraternity Endowment Fund. Loans can be ar- ranged in all proper cases for sums sufficient to assist her to com-
plete her college course. The loans are secured by notes and en- dorsements or insurance policies as may be arranged, are repayable in a reasonable period after leaving college, and carry interest payable quarterly. The interest has never proved a burden so small it is. On one hundred dollars the borrower pays quarterly
$1.50 as interest.
Suitable undergraduate housing arrangements are a serious
problem both of college and fraternityauthorities. In this field the Endowment Fund of Alpha Omicron Pi is proving an important factor. Between the sum that can be satisfactorily raised on a first mortgage, and the chapter's available funds, there is often a gap which must be bridged if the chapter is to purchase a suit- able home on an economically sound basis. The fraternity En- dowment Fund stands ready to help the chapters in this way to the limit of its resources. Many chapters have applied for and
obtained assistance. Applications have been so many that the principal available from life subscriptions has not been sufficient to meet the need. Five hundred new alumnae subscriptions, ag- gregating seven thousand five hundred dollars in principal accre- tion to the Endowment Fund, would quickly be used to fill existing
requirements of chapters and individual members.
Besides the financial assistance rendered, the trustees of the
Fund under the direction of the Executive Committee supervise all proposed chapter housing arrangements. Their advice has proved helpful to many chapters in solving housing problems.
We are warned that we may not "have our cake and eat it too," but the Endowment Fund of Alpha Omicron Pi permits
us to have our life subscriptions and to use them too! Yours, if you are a life subscriber, may already have enabled some wearer of the ruby to finish her college course, and when she has repaid, it is used over and over again in the fraternal work of the Fund. So much can Fifteen Dollars do!
MARY H . DONLON, Trustee.
Fraternity needs not be seen,
Needs not be heard as sounding brass, It must be felt both deep and keen, Extending far beyond a class.
Bestow your goods to feed the poor, Rejoice not in iniquity,
And still you need a something more To manifest fraternity.
It puts all smugness under ban, It puts aside all snobbery
And helps all fellows when it can; Thus proves it means fraternity.
The pride that dotes upon a pin,
So placed that none may fail to see But lacks that luster from within, Has failed to feel fraternity.
A little less of vanity,
A little more of sanity,
A hand for all humanity,
And this will mean fraternity.
Just stand four square to all the world, And exercise true charity,
Let truth and justice be unfurled,
And this will be fraternity.
AFTER A YEAR of study in Paris, I look forward with the utmost pleasure to a second year's residence in that city. There are many advantages in study here, as indeed there must be in any foreign country. The first months must be spent in learning how to study under new and different conditions. There is little simi- larity between the University of Paris, forexample, and an Ameri- can State University. The student in Paris is entirely his own master. He may attend classes or not, as he chooses, take examina- tions or not, and carry on his research in an entirely independent fashion. Perhaps one of the most amusing contrasts between French and American university practice is that students in France are really prevented from evening study. Libraries are seldom open in the evenings, and are open during the day usually from ten to twelve, and from two to six, or until dusk in the case of the Bibliothegue Nationale, which closes at four or earlier during the winter months. This library is very interesting, one of the largest, if not the largest in the world. It arouses the imagina- tion of the student. It can be used only via a letter from the student's embassy. The seats are numbered and books are de- livered at the seat, usually after a considerable wait. The attend- ants are old men, all of whom are dressed in blue uniforms with various insignia of their offices upon sleeves, shoulders, etc. Every- where one meets with courtesy and consideration.
For my own study of the French labor movement, residence in France is imperative. In Paris are to be found the reports, news- papers, and printed sources dealing with this movement in recent years. Very little material is available in America, and it is only in Paris that an adequate understanding of the movement can be gained.
But all the value of study in France does not lie in libraries and in books. It is always thrilling to cross the gardens of the Tuilerics, with the Louvre on one hand, the Place de la Concorde on the other, and the Arc de Triomphe in the distance; Notre Dame is always impressive. The music there is beautiful, as it is also at St. Sulpice. The opera and theatres appeal always, and the French people themselves are a source of tremendous interest to the American student.
TN T H E JUNIOR LEAGUE HOME for crippled children in Nash- JL ville, Tennessee, there is a room dedicated to the memory of our beloved founder, Mary D. Houston Sarratt, who died at the age of 27, on April 11, 1924. To her inspiration Nu Omicron owes her existence, and to her wise guidance during the trying years of organization, the chapter owes much of her subsequent
Therefore, it was with a great deal of pleasure and gratifica- tion that the members of N u Omicron and the Nashville Alumnae chapter undertook to find in Nashville a fitting way to commemo- rate Mary D.'s work for her chapter and her fraternity. After investigating various fields of philanthropic work, with the help of Jo Pratt, whom we were fortunate in having with us for a few days In the fall of 1925, the committee decided on a shoe and brace fund which should be endowed with the money appropriated by the National Work fund, and known as "The Alpha Omicron Pi Shoe and Brace Fund in Memory of Mary D. Houston Sarratt". A part of the money, $100, was to be used for equipping a room in the Junior League Home with the proper tools for fitting on shoes arid braces.
To make the old unused room look attractive, it was necessary to paint, paper, put in new light fixtures, and do various other things. After weeks of work, however, with the addition of a beautiful bronze plate and pictures of Mary D. and her young son, gifts of Mr. and Mrs. Houston, to the otherwise rather plain work table which holds the tools, a chair, and a screen, the remodeled room seemed worthy of its purpose, and of the name of our fraternity.
On April 28, 1926, just nine years after the installation of Nu Omicron. the room was dedicated with appropriate services to the work for which our fraternity stands, the aid of crippled children. Only the family of Mary D., representatives of the fra- ternity, and the officersof the Junior League assembled in the room to hear retold the beautiful story of a young life devoted to the welfare of her friends and her community. For Mary D.'s twenty-seven short years were very fruitful ones. Her love for and devotion to Alpha Omicron Pi were typical of the unselfish life which she led in Nashville. The room and the $400 check for
the shoe and brace endowment fund were accepted by the presi- dent of the Junior League, who told of Mary D.'s work in that organization, and of the members' love and admiration for her.
The chapters in Nashville appreciate fully the responsibility of having a unit of national philanthropic work in this city, and the members have pledged themselves to contribute annually to its support.
In the meantime, the orthopedic surgeons are at. work in the room, straightening little feet, and fitting on shoes and braces with our tools and equipment.
It is a fitting memorial, we feel, to one who gave her life in order that her infant son might live.
No. members
Ohio Valley
Great Lakes
Mid Western . ... Pacific
Phi Theta Omega Rho Iota
779 Below 70 percent
No. taking exam. 80
85.9 &5.
85. 84.2 84. 83. 82.3 80. 80. 79.
77. 75.56
74.9 71. 69.8 66.5
Nu Omicron Kappa Omicron . Upsilon
Nu Kappa
Tau Xi
. .
. . . . . .
76.3 83.96 90. 84.+ 84.7 85.2 95.5 94.
87. Epsilon 87. Delta 86.6 Nu
Pi Delta Beta Phi
Alpha Phi Alpha Sigma Tau
Gamma Sigma
Zeta Omicron Pi Chi
87.52 Omicron 87.36 Psi
As the two girls entered the campus Mary noticed the foun- tain.
"That's the most popular woman on the campus," the sophomore offered. "The Lady-
of-the-Fountain was given to the College by the class of'02. Several times she has been stol-
». en by rival institutions. Once, after an absence of several years, she was rescued from the basement of a house in Portland and returned to create a hilari- ous climax to a football game. Shouts and cheers greeted her as she was carried on to the field."
"That must be the try sting tree," Mary said in an awed
L L ,
voice as tney passed a giant Cot-
MARY FRESHMAN stepped from the train at Corvallis and was greeted by a sophomore woman. She had arrived for her first year at the Oregon State Agricultural college.
tonwood with wide spread branches and silver leaves.
"Beware, rookess; only seniors are allowed under the tryst- ing tree. It is rumored that more than one man has lost his fra-
ternity pin there," was the sophomore's warning.
"And that old building—which is it?" inquired the rookess as
she nodded to the building at the head of the campus.
"That's the Administration building," she was told." It was the only building here sixty years ago when this was a small
denominational school. Since the state took control back in 1886 thirty-four more buildings have been added. The campus has expanded from thirty-five acres to six hundred acres and you prob- ably know that it is now the second largest land grant college in the United States."
"How many students are there at O. A. C.?" Mary inquired. 'About forty-five hundred", answered the sophomore. "Then it must be the largest institution in the state."
"It is," continued the sophomore, "Students come here from
eighteen other states and six foreign countries. Four-fifths of them are self-supporting. A large student loan fund is available to students."
Mary was taken to her room in Waldo hall, one of the three women's dormitories. During Freshman week she attended special lectures and learned what college was "all about" and the impor- tance of the O. A. C. honor system. Then came the first week of school and rushing. On Wednesday she and all the other rookes- ses wore green ribbons as a symbol of their class. "Rooks", as the first year men are called, are required to wear green skull caps or "rook lids" every day until the "burning of the green" during Campus Week-end late in May.
Sophomores wear sweaters in their class colors, Mary learned. Juniors are told from others by their white cords. Only seniors are allowed to wear moustaches and two gallon hats. She was surprised to discover that in spite of the term "Agricultural Col- lege" more students are registered in Home Economics, Com- merce, and Engineering.
H A S BEEN two months since Alpha Rho chapter at Oregon Agricultural College was added to our roll. While I can give you here a general impression of the events of those two
crowded days, it is of course impossible to paint any picture of the lovely setting of the town of
Corvallis or to acquaint you with
the girls. Perhaps not so many
years from now you will sit in chapter meeting a week after an installation with a movie of the ceremony and banquet before your eyes, while your ears are lis- tening to an orthophonic repro- duction of the accompanying rit- ual and speeches. You could see it and hear it, but never feel the thrill of it. For that, one must be actually a part of the excite- ment and the happiness.
The installation of Alpha Rho
was the fifth of June. On the
evening of the fourth the install-
ing officers, who were Daisy
Shaw, Superintendent of the dis-
trict, and myself arrived at A l -
bany where two of the girls met
Metzger, chairman of the committee on Petitioning. Corvallis is not on the main line, and the early evening drive through Oregon woods with a glimpse now and then of a quiet river was a joy af- ter the afternoon's heat. In fact, it had been so hot that Daisy and I expected never to arrive at a state quite so melted again. But
we did, the very next afternoon, when the five hour ceremony was in progress. W e comforted ourselves with the thought of the pounds we would lose, and went home moralizing at length as to why the ounce lost in the heat of an afternoon is always put to scorn by the pound acquired at the evening banquet.
R h o ' s
our train, one of them Dorothy
P r e s i d e n . t
At the end of our drive was the Alpha Rho house, and a wel- come in which Hattie Backus, president of San Francisco Alum- nae chapter, most surprisingly joined. Happening to be in Portland, she came to Corvallis for the week-end of installation, and hers was the first beam that met us at the door. Over everything was that sense of expectancy that one feels in a house just before a wedding. It was late, and we had time only for a few introduc-
tions, a little talk, and a glance to assure ourselves that the many packages, large and small, meant that gowns, pins and equipment
were in readiness.
As it happened, this was the time of Homecoming for the college, with Sunday the sixth Baccalaureate and Commencement to follow. So you can imagine what the day of installation meant to the active chapter, and especially the Seniors. A l l morning, while we were checking gowns, pins and the equipment that later was to belong to Alpha Rho, and preparing the living-room for the ceremony, alumnae kept arriving from as far as Southern Cali- fornia. For the chapter had sent invitations to their alumnae in the hope that instead of presenting themselves by ones and twos for initiation in the year following installation, they might all be
present and have a part in the installation of their chapter. As a result, there were twenty-two alumnae whose initiation followed the installing of the active girls that afternoon. Besides these con- tinual arrivals, messenger boys kept the door bell ringing with tele-
grams and more telegrams, flowers and more flowers, and such lovely gifts as a picture from the girls' faculty advisor, another from Chi Omega, table silver from some one's mother, and so on indefinitely. Meanwhile two invaluable representatives from A l -
pha Sigma chapter pressed fifty or sixty robes, ran errands and generally exhausted themselves without a murmur. Mrs. Shaw's and my labors were very light thanks to these girls, to the com- mittee appointed by Alpha Rho. and most of all to the efficiency of our Registrar, Elizabeth Wyman. It takes days of planning and hours of correspondence to assemble all that is necessary for
the installation of a chapter, and it was with lasting appreciation that we found Bess had anticipated and attended to every need.
The morning flew by. and by the time luncheon was over most of Alpha Sigma chapter had arrived. With them came Dora Miner, of Delta chapter, their Alumnae advisor; also Sue
Schofield, of Upsilon, of whom I had heard so many fine things as
to her service to her fraternity and her university; and later Vir- ginia Esterly, who you will remember is Dean of Women at the University of Oregon. She arrived in time to sponsor two of the initiates, a privilege I am sure they will always value.
And so at half past one the ceremony commenced. Again I wish I could picture for you the room, fortunately for our purpose unusually long, with the lines of the girls extending the full length. We liked so much that without suggestion from us each initiate, both active and alumna, wore white—not a very important thing, perhaps, but it told us that here was a group that would early love and appreciate the ritualistic side of our fraternity.
The ceremony lasted five hours, with one minute rests be- tween each three initiates. It was a hot day with a dry north wind, and I must confess that as we progressed into the thirties our
decorum broke down a little, and the floor during a rest period looked like the trenches after a hard day's fighting. Quiet was maintained, however, that deepened as our prayer closed the cere- mony. . . . I f you think of the usual number of initiates and mul- tiply that up to forty-three, you can imagine the hubbub of con-
gratulationthatfollowed. Weforgottheheatandthelonghours of standing in our welcome to a chapter and to forty-three new sisters, and Alpha Rho was oblivious to everything but happiness in the realization of her dream.
Surely the one-piece dress was devised with some such oc- casion as this in mind. We had fifteen minutes before we were due at the Hotel Benton for the banquet, but it was only a little late when we sat down in our most beautiful gowns, and admired our new sisters all over again. The banquet progressed in the
fashion of all banquets, with lovely decorations and an excellent menu. These banqueters, however were unusually fortunate in that Virginia Esterly was toast-mistress. As she read the many messages from national officers and chapters all over the United States, as our fraternity songs were sung, and as we toasted Na- tional work, our Founders, and our Traditions, the girls sensed more and more the different phases of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Here is the program, opened as was fitting by welcome from the president of Alpha Sigma chapter. Alpha Rho's nearest neighbor.
W elcome
The Founders
The Relation of the Undergraduate to her Fraternity
Sue Schofield, Upsilon Our Traditions Rose Marx, Sigma Perhaps I should leave you with the picture of the girls as they stood with linked hands in an unbroken line around the table,
singing our
"Alpha- Omicron Pi,
Friends as the years go by"—
but as a matter of fact the evening did not end there. Other thrills were still to come. When we mounted the house steps
after the banquet, it was apparent that some one had been at work in our absence. A brass name plate, gift of the Senior class, was visible evidence of the presence of Alpha Omicron Pi on that
campus. I am continually impressed by the parallels between a newly installed chapter and a recent bride. A l l morning long the house had felt like a wedding, and here was this plate, looking
asself-consciouslyawareofachangeofnameasthe"Mrs.Ralph Seward Marx" that once upon a time gazed up at me from my first calling card.
The day was beautifully finished by the varsity Quartet, who at some indefinite hour serenaded the house. To hear the blended voices, especially in an Alpha O song that had been borrowed and harmonized, was a real experience to Californians, for our uni- versity is too large and a bit too sophisticated for so romantic a thing as a serenade. Nor was this, the only serenade of the eve- ning. A t an even more indefinite hour, there was rendered still
another, somewhat off the program, by certain brethren, a trifle over happy perhaps. The harmony was not so good, nor the se- lections so well chosen, but no one could find fault with the rendi- tion, which was enthusiastic in the extreme. We enjoyed that,
We could not accept the invitation of the Seniors to attend Baccalaureate, as all the next morning we were in meeting. Drill l n R'tual observance, study of the constitution and instruction in various requirements and duties are part of every installation.
Georgia Davidson, Alpha Sigma Marjorie Stone, Alpha Rho Daisy Shaw, Sigma V ada Morfitt, Alpha Rho
and it was this that took up our attention until luncheon. W e had become well acquainted with the chapter by this time, but had had no opportunity for an impression of other houses or the faculty. So we were happy to know that it is a tradition at Corvallis for a newly installed group to hold open house, to which the whole
college is invited. O r at least, I ' m sure the whole college must have been invited, f o r apparently the entire student body arrived that afternoon. I have never seen a more whole-souled rejoicing in some one's else happiness than was apparent in the sincere con-
gratulations and good wishes on every side. Our new sisters have a very warm place in the hearts of their university public.
This really was the end—the end of installation and the be- ginning of Alpha Rho chapter. As we said good-by to the group at the door, we felt that already the magic that weaves its spell over all initiates had been at work. These girls that we were
leaving were Alpha Omicron Pis in name, and in reality.
Getting out a magazine is no picnic. If we print jokes folks say publish original matter they say we lack variety , U v
we swiped this from an exchange. We did.-A I 0, Palm.
HE MEMBERS of Nu Omicron and the Nashville Alumnae chapter considered themselves fortunate in being allowed to entertain the first Southern district convention, which met in Nash-
ville June 22-25. Lillian Marshall visited us in the spring and injected so much enthusiasm into the girls that the problem of plan- ning and managing convention was a very simple one. Lillian, herself, served as chairman, Nell Fain, Southern district alumnae superintendent, as vice-chairman, Helen Morford, as secretary, Cornelia Lamb, chairman of entertainment, Mary Elizabeth Sharp, chairman of finance and transportation, Ruth Fain, chairman of reception, and Frances McKee, chairman of program, and local delegate to convention. The Alpha'Omicron Pi house was used as headquarters for convention.
During the week preceding the 22nd, the telephone at the Alpha O house rang continuously with the good news that a number of old alums had come back for the occasion. Needless to say, we were overjoyed at the prospects of a home-coming for Nu Omi- cron. Those who "blew i n " from various parts of the country were Natalie Overall W arren, '20, who with her husband and two
small daughters, Dorothy Amelia, and Natalie, drove through the country from Tulsa, Okla., in a good looking Packard sedan; Katrina Overall McDonald, '18, no other than our Grand Presi- dent, who surprised us by coming up from Bay St. Louis with her young son David. Both Katrina and Natalie were with their mother, Mrs. N . D. Overall, during convention. Louella Whorley Higgins ,ex '21, drove all the way from Pittsburgh, Pa., with her infant daughter, and her maid to see how the old chapter could
entertain. Pearl Tuttle, '21, came from Humboldt, Tenn., Louise Thomason, '24, from Texas, Irene Wade White, '25, from Fulton, Ky., and Josephine Hawkins, ex '27, from Huntingdon, Tenn. With the Nashville girls about 35 Nu Omicron members were registered for the entire convention.
The early morning hours of the 22nd brought to our city Alice Washburn, Kappa, Dorothy Folse, Pi, Alice Weed, Tau Delta, Elizabeth W alker, Omicron, and Kitty Kelly. Kappa Omi- cron. The following day we were glad to welcome Charlotte Voss, Wl% 26, delegate to the Minnesota convention, and Evelyn French.
Omicron, who came up for a few days. Lillian Marshall was de- tained in Bay St. Louis on account of the illness of her son, and did not arrive until W ednesday noon.
The business sessions presided over by Katrina until the arrival of Lillian were taken up with the discussions of national and local problems. The six delegates representing the chapters gave full reports of the chapters' activities, and of their attitude toward the national problems discussed. A l l agreed that conven- tion had been a great help to them, and that the information gained would prove beneficial in carrying out their duties of presi- dent next year.
But the delegates were not in session all the time. Tuesday evening there was a model initiation conducted by Natalie Warren, Katrina's sister, followed by an impressive candle light service, patterned after the one held at the Minnesota convention. The Vanderbilt Memorial Hall was used for this service, and presented a very beautiful sight. The girls of the various chapters had a splendid opportunity to get better acquainted with their Southern sisters. A luncheon at the Bellemeade Golf and Country club, an inspection visit to the Junior League Home where our unit of national philanthropic work is located in memory of Mary D. Houston Sarratt, and a garden party given by the members of the Sigma Kappa sorority were features of the second day's entertain- ment. Thursday afternoon the guests were taken to the Hermi- tage, the historic home of Andrew Jackson, located twelve miles from Nashville on the Lebanon Road. The rest of the day was spent at Montague, on the Cumberland, a delightful summer resort, where we swam and had much food.
Convention closed Friday noon with a "Know the Southern District" luncheon at the Andrew Jackson hotel. Katrina and Lillian as well as the six delegates were asked to speak about some phase of fraternity life in the South. It was a most interesting and instructive meeting.
During the afternoon hours the delegates departed, and we were forced to bid them "an revoir" until the Seattle convention in 1927.
THE FIRST convention of the Atlantic District, of our sorority was held at Ithaca, New York, on June 18, 19 and 20, with Epsilon chapter as hostess. The first real thrill came with the arrival of the delegates and
Stella Perry, one of our loved and admired founders. As guests of the Epsilon girls those attending the convention, about forty in all, found Prudence Risley, the largest and best women's dormitory at Cornell, a suitable place for the activities that followed.
The roll of official delegates read as follows:
Alpha—Stella George Stern Perry.
Nu—Ruth Lawler. Delta—Absent. Gamma—Serena W ood. Epsilon—Elizabeth Michael. Chi—Carol Kendall.
Pi Delta—Ella Jane Keiser.
Psi—Maude Frame.
After a formal ritual conduct-
ed by Ellen Jane Keiser assisted by Pi Delta and other chapters, the first meeting was called to order by Amalia Shoemaker, Dis- trict superintendent. Edith Burnside was appointed secretary of the convention, and the gathering was then divided into four dis- cussion groups o n :
Chapter matters.
Local and national philanthropic work. Expansion and the expansion policy.
These groups gave very interesting reports at the general meetings, showing a splendid interchange of ideas and a clear analysis of the problems confronting them. Under chapter meet-
ings had been discussed all the phases of chapter life, including finances, in which the necessity of a budget was stressed, and the necessity of cooperating with the Dean of women and the Faculty, which some found difficult.
The group on rushing had exchanged ideas ior rushing par- ties of all sorts, and found that the informal party without men was by far the most popular. It also was agreed that a party run by one chairman with assistants would be most sure of success.
The discussion on local and national philanthropic work said that chapter support is always strongest when a few girls are really interested. Most of the work is done among poor families or disabled children. It was suggested that chapters could help girls through college, and that they should contribute more to the National Fund if no local work could be found. A motion was carried that a recommendation be sent for a calendar date for an annual report of philanthropic work to the National Secretary.
Of greatest help was the report on Expansion and the Expan- sion policy. In this was given a more practical means of pre- senting chapters, including the recommendations that the college and group be considered together, that the investigating committee be as representative as possible, that the petitions should be simpler
and more uniform and include a full outline of conditions at the University. It was also suggested that articles on various colleges be printed in To DRAGMA, to acquaint the undergraduates with them. This topic proved of most interest and was talked over in the general meeting, at the end of which each girl realized not only the thoroughness of the investigations, but also the high standards to which a group must conform before it can even be presented.
These discussions constituted the more serious side of conven- tion, but there was also a lighter side, the times of friendly and informal pleasures which brought the girls together in a jolly companionship. Friday evening supper was served in picnic style in the court behind Risley, and afterwards stunts were given by each chapter, in which musical, dramatic, terpischorean, and even magic powers were well displayed, to everyone's great enjoyment. Then all gathered around the fire and sang songs till the embers glowed only faintly, signalling that the first day of our memorable convention had come to an end.
Saturday was clear and bright, and gave the Epsilon girls a chance to show their visitors some of the scenic beauties for which Ithaca is famous, in a bus ride and walk through Enfield Glen, one
of the prettiest near Cornell. But Saturday night was the real high light of convention, with the banquet at which Joanna " Johnny " Donlon-Huntington was a clever and admirable toast- mistress. The speeches were
based on the most opportune of verses:
"One ship sails east, another west,
With the selfsame winds that blow.
'Tis the set of the sails, and not the gales,
That determine the way they go."
Representatives from each chap-
ter, and .Vmalia Shoemaker,
spoke with much interest and
.. ... , , RN
Champion Swimmer
Fteelmg. while Mrs. Perry s
speech set an ideal of individual achievement for each girl and carried to the heart something of the deeper meaning of the words, Alpha Omicron Pi, never to be
forgotten. And with dancing afterwards, the second day ended. On Sunday morning M rs. Perry conducted a model initiation, most impressive and inspiring when by one of the founders, later giving comments and suggestions, and with a short meet- mg the business of convention came to a close. We were all delighted to have Ethel McGary, champion swimmer, consent to swim for us in the gorge in back of Risley, and we went down to see her prowess, afterwards going to our last meal together.
In the afternoon, tea was served at the chapter house on The Knoll overlooking Cayuga Lake, and it was with sadness that the Epsilon girls watched the delegates depart that evening, only wish- , n g that every member of each chapter in the District could have
been there. Epsilon felt highly honored too, to have the conven- tion at Cornell, and only hopes that the National Convention may be there soon.
No delegate can put her finger on what was accomplished at this convention, but its purpose was fulfilled, and only in the next year will this show in each chapter that attended. There will be a broadened spirit and feeling, an increased realization of what the whole fraternity means, an active interest in the other chapters based on the benefits which only personal contact can bring, and most important of all, an understanding of the fraternity problems, policy, and aims, which will lead to that all essential element of cooperation.
HIDDEN LAKE Glacier National Park
JN SIXTY-FIVE colleges, groups of young men went about last autumn saying, "Coolidge is one of our fellows," and in forty- six colleges, including many of the above sixty-five, other groups of young men confided to impressed hearers, "Davis is one of our fellows."
For John William Davis is a member of the oldest fraternity chapter at Washington and Lee University, Virginia, Phi Kappa Psi, and Calvin Coolidge is a member of Phi Gamma Delta at Amherst. Rather curiously, twice before Phi Gamma Delta had been represented in the vice presidency, M r . Marshall being a member of the chapter at Wabash and Mr.Fairbanks of the Ohio W esleyan Chapter.
College fraternities like to talk of their prominent members and while probably none of them would quite insist that the achievements of these members are a direct result of the influences of the society, that thought is allowed to seep into the heads of those that hear of their membership.
When one is informed that President Wilson, a graduate of Princeton, where fraternitiesare forbidden, was a member of Phi Kappa Psi, surprise is occasioned, for though two fraternities,
Zeta Psi and Phi Delta Theta, secretly maintained chapters at Princeton for a number of years, fraternities are not known to exist there. But M r . Wilson joined his fraternity while in the law dejxirtment of the University of Virginia.
President Taft was a member of the Psi Upsilon chapter at Yale and President Arthur belonged to the same society at Union. President Harrison was a member of Phi Delta Theta at Miami, and Vice President Stevenson was of the same society, Center being his alma mater. President Garfield was a Delta Upsilon of the Williams chapter.
President Roosevelt was claimed by two societies. He was an Alpha Delta Phi and Delta Kappa Epsilon at Harvard, where the class system of societies permitted a man to belong to four organi- zations that exist as chaptered societies in other colleges and double membership forbidden. Because of this outlaw condition at Harvard, all of these chapters were eventually expelled by the Parent fraternities. Alpha Delta Phi was reorganized on the lines
of chapters at other colleges, but after an existence of several
years sent in its charter.
It is a somewhat curious circumstance that in the election and fraternity membership of two presidents, the Chi Psi fraternity has been contributory. Frank W . Stearns, whose chaperonage
of Calvin Coolidge was not the least of the things that brought him to his high position, is a member of Chi Psi at Amherst.
One of the most interesting fraternity episodes was President Cleveland's membership in Sigma Chi. In some not readily ex- plainable way this four-year college fraternity had become at the
University of Michigan confined wholly to the law school. As a law school fraternity in.that one institution it was a rival of the law fraternity of Phi Delta Phi. The latter society takes in mem- bers of the four years, academic fraternities, and this is not banned as double membership. But though Sigma Chis at other colleges were members of Phi Delta Phi, they were not at Michigan.
Sigma Chi does not permit the election of honorary members. Very few fraternities do. A t one time some of them did, though not Sigma Phi, Chi Psi, nor Delta Psi. M r . Cleveland was about to visit Ann Arbor. The Phi Delta Phis elected him an honorary member, their laws permitting. The Sigma Chis learned of it and to forestall their rivals deputed Secretary of W ar Don M . Dickin- son, a member of the Michigan chapter of Chi Psi, first society established at that institution, to pledge M r . Cleveland to Sigma Chi on his way to Ann Arbor. Mr. Cleveland accepted and was
instituted by the Ann Arbor chapter.
The Grand Council of Sigma Chi at once declared the mem- bership void, as given in complete defiance of the society's constitu- tion. The Michigan chapter appealed to the national convention and a conflict raged. The southern members said the action would be regarded as an affrontto the Democratic party and the conven- tion ended with the Michigan chapter being withdrawn from the law school and reorganized as a four years society with M r . Cleve- land a member in good standing and at his second inauguration he
wore a magnificent Sigma Chi badge.
President Hayes was an honorary member of Delta Kappa
Epsilon, as was James G. Blaine. President McKinley was an honorary member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. M r . Hughes is a member of Delta Upsilon, Mr. McAdoo of Kappa Sigma, Mr.
Underwood of Phi Kappa Alpha, M r . Houston of Phi Delta Theta, to mention some of the men of late in the limelight as presidential possibilities. President Coolidge's son has followed his father in both college and fraternity. Mrs. Coolidge is the first member of a sorority to arrive in the White House, being a member of Pi Beta Phi at the University of Vermont.
—Christian Science Monitor,
via Adelphean of Alpha Delta Pi.
I have launched my ship in a stormy sea, T i s tussling with mighty gales,
I have my doubts, and I have my fears, But I have my three strong sails.
And I shall know if the ship is lost, And I am wrecked at sea.
That it isn't the sail, my three strong sails. But, it's the Captain of the three.
The sail of Hope, the sail of Faith, And the sail of charity
Shall brave the wind and break the gales. They shall safely anchor me.
THERE is no real cure for that lost feeling one has the first year out of college. Like one's first big dance, and first attempt at diving, and first speech, it simply has to be lived through. But while there is no unfailingremedy, there are undoubtedly pallia-
tives, and among these perhaps one of the chief is the American Association of University Women.
The afore-mentioned lost feeling comes from a homc-sickness for college sometimes just as intense as the actual home-sickness of freshman days. Of course you'll miss the fun and the basket- ball games and the hockey, the springtime smell of the campus, perhaps even the zest of a difficult but thrilling class; it is safe to wager, however, that you'll miss most of all the companionship of people who are interested in the same things as yourself, and the working together for certain interesting and idealistic purposes. Mother's Book Club or church Circle docs not always fill the need here. It is apt to seem, to all-too-readily scornful college eyes,
a trifle elderly and futile. Yet the new graduate not only has the habit of cooperating, but is full of eagerness to continue the inter- ests and the endeavors that her college years have suggested. Here it is that the A. A. U. W. comes in. Membership in the Associa- tion offers to the girl just out of college, as well as to the alumna of many years' standing, contact with other women of similar tastes and interests, and opportunity for directed effort in certain broad fields of human endeavor.
The social aspect of the Association is perhaps the most ob- viously attractive. The somewhat narrow limits of one's own little college world are considerably widened by meeting women in your community from other colleges and universities, with a background of experiences similar to your own. and yet varied enough to be interesting. In Baltimore. New York. Philadelphia, and Wash- ington, delightful club houses are open to members of the Associa- tion, with endless opportunities for making the acquaintance of women who are doing worth-while things. Not only in this coun- try, but also abroad, in Brussels. Paris, Lyons, and London, there are club houses which extend privileges to the traveler or student, through our affiliation with the International Federation of U n i -
versity Women. Plans are now on foot for a similar club house in Rome, and there have been rumors of one as far away as Japan. The privilege of visiting, or of living for a while, in such an inter- national club house can scarcely be overestimated.
The interest of the A. A. U. W. does not, however, end with its pleasant social opportunities. The national organization, through its headquarters in Washington, supports certain very definite activities, and keeps the members in the local branches informed as to the progress of these movements. Thus members of the local branches are put in direct contact with and enabled to support movements of national or even world-wide significance. The Association has interested itself especially in recent years in
a study of international relations and of the pre-school child, and sends out well arranged programs on these two themes for the use of local chapters. The latter of these subjects will not appeal to the girl just out of college as much as to her older and married alumna sister. In addition, the A. A. U. W. is working through special committees and with the cooperation of its various branches, on such interesting projects as a study of the textbooks of United States history now in use in our public schools, with special reference to their faithfulness to facts; a study of stand- ards of promotion in college faculties; a study of alumnae asso- ciation problems, and an investigation of cooperative cottages for women students, as established in such colleges as Mt. Holyoke, Smith, Wellesley, and Newcomb. At the last national meeting, the Association pledged itself to the support of three important bills l>efore Congress; that providing for membership in the World Court; the Child Labor Amendment; and the Lehlback Reclassifi-
cation Bill.
One of the most significant activities of the A.A.U.W. is the administration of 14 fellowshipsopen to women students. Of these, several are memorials, established in honor of such great spirited women as Alice Freeman Palmer. Three are endowed by national
fraternities, Phi Mu. Gamma Phi Beta, and Alpha X i Delta, but administered through A. A. U. W. headquarters. How proud we would be to add Zeta Tau Alpha to that list! In addition to these, one-eighth of all membership dues goes to the endowment of the A - A . U . W . fellowships, among which may be mentioned a Pttropean and a Latin American fellowship, one for research in
science, one in public health, two for women who intend to make teaching their profession and three in the social sciences. The terms upon which these are awarded may be readily ascertained by writing to headquarters in Washington. Perhaps some Zeta Tau Alpha may find here the encouragement and financial aid she needs to carry on research begun in college. Such fellowships, wisely administered, are bound to prove a stimulus to graduate work among women all over the country.
The A . A . U . W . works shoulder to shoulder with several other national and international organizations in the advancement of causes which it believes worth while. In October, 1925, it co- operated with the Child Study Association of America in arousing and giving publicity to the conference on child study held in New York. It has worked steadily with the National Education Asso- ciation to secure the passage of the bill providing for a state de- partment of education. It has acted as a publicity agent for the League of Nations by distributing pamphlets describing the work and aims of the League. Perhaps its most interesting contact, how- ever, comes from affiliation with the International Federation of University Women, which meets at Amsterdam in the summer of 1926. The president of the Federation is at present an American woman, Dean Virginia Gildersleeve of Barnard. Mention has already been made of the international club houses in which mem- bers of the A . A . U . W . have guest privileges. The federation is
carrying on special studies of international languages, of housing conditions for women students—a much more troublesome prob- lem abroad than in this country—and has interested itself in the establishment of exchange fellowships for women. To the con- ferences of the Federation come university women from India, from Japan, from Australia and New Zealand, from Czecho- slovakia and Bulgaria, from Italy and Norway. Surely by such cooperation of educated and aspiring women the great cause of world peace is promoted!
It is hoped that this brief sketch has given some hint of the interests and purposes of the A. A. U. W . It is a non-political organization, international in its scope and aims. T o the girl just out of college, it offers an opportunity for work along recognized lines of endeavor with other women not only from American uni- versities, but from the universities of the world. One shies at the
overworked word "inspiring", but perhaps no other conveys so well the sense of contact with world purposes that membership in an international organization can give. It is heartily to be desired that many Zeta Tau Alphas who graduate this June will affiliate themselves with their home town branch of the A . A . U. W . and fined therein a means of continuing some of their col-
lege interests.
All night long and every night
When day has gone and out is each light I see you girls a marchin' by
From the loyal frat of AOn.
All of you smiling and all of you glad
All of you pretty and daintily clad
Each of you happy with the joy of true living Each of you loving and willing and giving.
This day above all—I have dreamed of it so—
I have seen you smile "welcome" when these lights
were turned low,
I have felt really one of you for the rest of my days
I have known that henceforth there's no parting of ways.
And so I dreamed of this night and of you
And hope you will find me a loyal sister and true One who will do for you all that she can
For the honor and glory of this—her chosen Clan.
LAUREU.E BROWN, Alpha Sigma.
Themis, Z.T.A.
CONVENTION year is here and June, 1927 is but a few months off! The very fact that convention time is fast approaching is thrilling to those who have been fortunate enough to have at- tended a convention and know what an Alpha O Convention really means. And when you add to the lure of an Alpha O Conven- tion, the setting of Seattle with its mountains and all sorts of natural wonders, to say nothing of that fine western hospitality, it is hard to even imagine how wonderful it is going to be. From all
over the country have come inquiries about the trip to Seattle and
the plans for Convention. Everyone wants to know where, when,
and how much does it all cost? One active chapter and one
alumnae chapter have already signified their intentions of being
present en masse. While it is not possible, at this early date, to
give definite information about everything in connection with the
convention, the matter of transportaion is pretty well decided and
convention committees have been appointed and are working dili- gently.
Upsilon Chapter, the convention hostess, has appointed Louise Benion Oliver (Mrs. DeWitt), 5757 Twenty-ninth Avenue, N. E.,
Seattle, as Local Executive Chairman on Convention Arrange- ments. The Executive Committee is well satisfied that Upsilon Chapter and Seattle Alumnae will see to it that nothing is left undone toward providing an interesting and happy time in Seattle. In order to insure everyone's reaching Seattle in good spirits and with a fine supply of enthusiasm and "pep", the Executive Com- mittee investigated railroad facilities and made the decision that the Burlington-Great Northern Route would be the official route from Chicago to Seattle. The railroad officials have pledged themselves 10 give us "service that satisfies" and are cooperating in every way. The plans call for an "Alpha O Special"—a whole
special train for Alpha O's only—to leave Chicago, collect other Alpha O's at Minneapolis and St. Paul and then speed on across the prairies to Glacier National Park. There a two day stop-over will break the trip and give an opportunity to see that real beauty spot. From Glacier Park, the trip will continue on through the mountains, through mile after mile of shere grandeur and beauty, to Seattle and the warm welcome of our western sisters. It sounds absolutely fascinating—so wonderful a trip in companv with a hundred or more Alpha O's—the fun of seeing it all to- gether, enjoying the same things, talking, laughing, happy com-
radeship! These are the plans for those who come from the East and the South. For those who must reach Seattle by different routes, special accommodations will be reserved wherever the num- bers warrant it. Plans are now being made for special coaches or special boat accommodations from Los Angeles and the "Special" from New York and Philadelphia.
Because of the fact that summer tourist round trip rates will prevail at the time of convention, the cost of transportation will be unbelievably small. The following are the round trip summer fares for this year to Seattle from:
Chicago New York Boston
$ 90.30 142.62 151.96
Cincinnati Cleveland St. Louis
$105.65 109.95 85.60
Philadelphia W ashington Buffalo Pittsburgh Detroit
137.44 Kansas City 134.75 Omaha
120.40 St. Paul
117.35 Minneapolis 75.60 106.00 Duluth 75.60
These round trip rates cover transportation to Seattle via the Great Northern route and return via that route or anv one of the
75.60 75.60 75.60
socalled "northern routes," such as through YellowstoneNational Park, Banff and Lake Louise, Billings, Council Bluffs or Omaha, etc. If the return trip is made through California, the rates given should be increased by $18.00.
The charge for a lower berth •from Chicago to Seattle is $24.75. The railroad officials estimate the
[cost of meals on the diner at about $4.00 per day, that is $1.25 [for breakfast, $1.25 for luncheon land $1.50 for dinner. The cost would certainly not exceed the [estimate as these are the regular [table d'hote prices and, in indi- vidual cases, they might be less. The total cost of the round trip, (including fare, berth and meals, from Chicago to Seattle should (not exceed $210.00. The two-day Istop-over at Glacier National
"Park will cost about $30.00 and AUTOMOBILE HIGHWAY AT RICK- this will include lodging, meals
SECKER POINT ^ m Q t Q T t r a n s p o r t a t i0 1 1 while Ranier National Park .......... ...
at the Park. Just what the ex- penses during Convention will amount to it is not pos- sible to state definitely yet but, at a rough estimate, $250.00 to
$300.00 should cover the expenses of the trip from Chicago and return and Convention. There are nine more months before Con- vention—that means that you will only have to save a little more than $30.00 a month, if you have not already started the "Save for Seattle" movement. Such a trip would be a life-long memory and would be well worth a few minor sacrifices during the next few months.
And aside from the fact that you need the pleasure and fun of the trip to Seattle with all the other Alpha O's, you need, too, the inspiration of Convention, that intangible feeling that imbues everyone who is a part of the candle-lighting service, who hears the words of the memorial service or who looks into the faces of her sisters as they gather in ritual formation and listen once again to
the words which mean so much to every member of Alpha Omi- cron Pi. Convention is a business meeting—and, oh so much more! It is an opportunity to know your fraternity, her Founders, her policies, her members. It brings the joy of standing hand in hand with sisters from the North, the South, the East and the West and of knowing that they are true friends, pledged to the same de- votion to high ideals to which you yourself are pledged. It brings a never-forgotten thrill of pride and a swelling wave of loyalty as two hundred and fifty Alpha O vocies raise the chorus of "Once
More United."
Start the "Save for Seattle" campaign today and write that you want to go to Seattle to the Chairman of Transportation, Joanna Donlon Huntington (Mrs. J. C ) , 1919 Lawrence Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.