The marriage of Thelma Winkjer, '26, to Ellsworth DeAtley took place on Easter Monday, at 12:30 in, Alexandria, V a. The ring used was a very quaint one used by Thelma's grandmother when she was married in Norway. Mr. DeAtley is an assistant bridge engineer for the Michi- gan Central Railroad, and for the present they will make their home in Detroit, Michigan.
On September 22, at 4:30, in the Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church South, Washington, D. C. will occur the marriage of Lillian Earnest, '24, to Herman Wilson. Ellen Jane Keiser and Margaret Haeseker Cobb are to be bridesmaids; so you see it will be quite an Alpha 0 wedding.
Six Kappa Theta girls were members of the graduating class of '26 and although they regret that they must leave the active chapter they will, 1 know, be very happy to be affiliated with the Los Angeles alumnae chapter, and will be very helpful members. These girls are, Dorothy Graham, Josephine Pelletier, Doris Cannon, Jane Keenan, Lucille Deer and Annice Daggett.
Several of the girls have accepted teaching positions and begin their work in September. Dorothy Graham will be an instructor in the depart- ment of music in the schools of Chino. Lucille Deer is to be in the art department of the Ventura schools. Josephine Pelletier is supervisor of music in Clearwater.
Helen Shield, who finished her collegiate work in January, completed a semester of successful teaching in the Hellman Development School and will resume her position there in September.
Amber Young, '26, who has been teaching for the past year in Oak- land, California, will return to Oakland in August to continue her work there.
Doris Cannon to Dr. Ansel Julian Olsen at the Little Church of the Flowers, Glendale, on April twenty-eighth. The wedding was one of the loveliest of the season. Dr. and Mrs. Olsen are now living in Long Beach, California.
Florence Swancutt to Dr. Robert Corwin on April twenty-sixth, at Long Beach. On July fifth Dr. and Mrs. Corwin sailed from the port of Los Angeles, via the Panama Canal, to New York. They planned to stop at points of interest en route, and after visiting the New England states, go to Columbus, Ohio, to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White Medely (Marianne Gill) are proud parents of a son born in June.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N. J.
Enclosed find one dollar ($1.00) for one year's subscription to To DRAGMA, for a (renewal) (new).
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October 3—Active Chapter Secretary mail monthly report to Regis- trar. (This report must be sent irrespective of the open- ing date of college and a fine of $3.00 will be imposed
for the late and incomplete reports and for no report).
October 8—Active and Alumnae Chapter F.ditors and Alumnae As- sistant Editors mail material for November To Dragma to Editor. $5.00 fine.
October 10—Active Chapter Treasurer mail monthly report to Regis- trar. (This report must be sent irrespective of the open- ing dite of college and a tine of $3.00 will h; imnosed
for late reports and for no report).
October 31—Active Chapter Panhellenic Delegate mail report to Na- tional Panhellenic Delegate. A fine of $2.50 will be im- posed for late or missing reports.
November 1—Alumna Adviser mail report to District Superinten- dent.
Active Chapter President mail report to District Superin- tendent.
Alumnae Chapter President mail report to District Alumnae Superintendent.
November 3—Active Chapter Secretary mail monthly report to Reg- istrar. $3.00 fine.
Active Chapter Study Plan officer mail report to district member of Committee on Examinations. 2.50 fine.
November 10—Active Chapter Treasurer mail monthly report to Reg- istrar. $3.00 fine.
November 15—All Active and Alumnae Chapters make plans for the observance of Founders' Day.
Treasurers of Active and Alumnae Chapters and Alumnae Associations pay Grand Council dues to Grand Treas- urer.
Associate members not belonging to Alumnae Chapters or Associations pay Grand Council dues to Grand Treas- urer.
December 1—District Alumnae Superintendent mail semi-annual re- port to Grand Vice-President.
December 3—Active Chapter Secretary mail monthly report to Reg- istrar. $3.00 fine.
Active Chapter Panhellenic Delegate mail report to Nation- al Panhellenic Delegate. $2.50 tine.
December 8—Founders' Day Observance throughout the fraternity. Send greetings to the Founders. Feature National Phil- anthropic work and send in contributions to the fund and magazine and stationery orders.
December 10—Active Chanter Treasurer mail monthly report to Reg- istrar. 13.00 fine.
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha '98, 132 West 12th St., New York, N.Y. Helen St. ( lair Mullan (Mrs. George V .), Alpha '98, 25 East 83rd St.,
New York,N.Y.
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.), Alpha "98, 9 St. Luke's
Place, New York, N . Y .
Elizabeth Heywood Wvman, Alpha '98. 450 Broad St., Bloomfield,
N. J.
Grand President, Katrina Overall McDonald (Mrs. C. C), Bay Saint Louis, Miss.
Grand Secretary, Joanna Donlon Huntington (Mrs. James C), 1919 Lawrence Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Grand Treasurer, Rose Gardner Marx (Mrs. Ralph S.), 1028 Oxford St., Berkeley, Cal.
Grand Vice President. Josephine S. Pratt, 2243 Hampden Place, New York,N.Y.
Grand Historian, Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.), 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N. Y.
Registrar, Elizabeth Heywood Wvman, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N.J.
Extension Officer, Margaret Vaughan Branscomb (Mrs. Harvie), 1102 No. Duke St., Durham, N. C.
Examining Officer, Octavia Chapin, 102 Summer St., Medford, Mass. National Panhellenic Officer, Rochelle Rodd Gachet, 2214 Twelfth
Ave. N., Birmingham, Ala.
Editor of To Dragma. Elizabeth Bond, 3201 Irving Ave. S., Minnea- polis, Minn.
Business Manager of To Dragma, Kathryn Bremer Matson (Mrs. F. H ), 2116 St. Clair St., St. Paul, Minn.
Anialia Shoemaker, Apt. 41. 1812 G St. N. W.. Washington. D. C. Southern District (II, O. K, NO, TA, KO).
Lillia n Chapman Marshall (Mrs. Carl), Bay Saint Louis, Miss. °h'o Valley District (6, I , B*. Q).
Geraldine Kindig, 428 East 21st Sir, Indianapolis, Ind. G f eat Lakes District (P, T. H, OH l.
Melita H . Skillen, 5902 Magnolia Ave., Chicago. III. d-Western District (Z, NJs, A*, S).
M ary Rose Barrons, 5700 Central St.. Kansas City, Mo.
104 TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI Pacific District (2, A, Y, A2, K8, AP).
Daisy Shaw (Mrs. Norman), 7} Tunnel Road, Berkeley, Cal.
Atlantic District (New York, Boston, Providence, Bangor, Washing- ton, Philadelphia, Syracuse).
Edith Huntington Anderson (Mrs. A. K.), 4 Heatherbloom Apts., State College, Pa.
Southern District (New Orleans, Knoxville, Lynchburg, Nashville, Mem- phis, Birmingham.)
Nell Fain, 315 22nd Ave. N., Nashville, Tenn.
Ohio Valley District—(Indianapolis, Cleveland, Chainpaign-Urbana
Association, Miami Valley.)
Mary Neal Mcllveen (Mrs. A. V ) , 221 East 7th St., Bloomington,
Great Lakes District (Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago
South Shore.)
Margaret Boothroyd Rasmussen (Mrs. D. B.), 2338 Marshall Ave.,
St. Paul, Minnesota.
Mid-Western District (Lincoln, Dallas, Kansas City, Omaha, Oklahoma
City, Bozeman.)
Catharine E. Rasbury, 5005 Gaston Ave., Dallas. Texas.
Pacific District (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma Ass'n.)
Muriel McKinney (Mrs. V. W.), 528 N. Formosa Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
New York—Edith T. Brawn (Mrs. E. D.) 79 Glen Ridge Ave., Glenj Ridge, N. J.
San Francisco—Harriet F. Backus (Mrs. G. S.) 353 Adams, Oakland, Calif.
Providence—Luella F. Darling (Mrs. L. M.) 336 Doyle Ave., ProvM dence, Rhode Island.
Boston—Alice J. Spear, 32 Pierce St., Hyde Park, Mass. Lincoln—Margaret W. Edwards (Mrs. Joseph) 1500 G St., Apt. 4,j
Lincoln, Neb.
Los Angeles—Helen Haller, 1200 S. Lake St., Los Angeles, Calif. Chicago—Marion Abele, 1340 Glenlake Ave., Chicago, 111. Indianapolis—Irene Fraser, 1214 22nd Ave. N.,—,E - ) . ' CMF—j Indianapolis—Mary Gertrude Manley, 5105 Washington Blvd., In-j dianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans—Rosemond H. Schneidau (Mrs. Oscar) 7101 Hickory*
St., New Orleans, La.
Minneapolis—Irene Fraser, 1214 22nd Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn, j Bangor—Hazel Buzzell (Mrs. R. L.) Milford, Maine.
Portland—Mary S. Morphey (Mrs. L. A.) 546^ E. 7th St., North Portland, Ore.
Seattle—Ellen M. Jolliffe, 4106-12th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash. Knoxville—Mrs. Eugene McClamroch, Woodhill, Knoxville, Tenn. Lynchburg—Bessie Minor Davis, Woodland Ave., Lynchburg, Va. Washington—Pauline Hobson, 1717 Eye St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Dallas—Maude M . Courtney, (Mrs. R. B.) 5005 Gaston Ave., Dallas,
.' Texas.
Philadelphia—Margaret R. Kraemer (Mrs. Geo. W.) 1138 East Staf-
ford St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Kansas City—Valborg Swenson, 2443 Monroe, Kansas City, Mo. Omaha—Esther D. Smith (Mrs. Victor) 5205 Burt St., Omaha, Neb. Tacoma Association—
Syracuse—Nora K. King (Mrs. C. C.) 113 Judson Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Detroit—Virginia Van Zandt, 4011 Pingree Ave., Detroit, Mich. Nashville—Virginia Martin, 1705 Broad St., Nashville, Tenn. Cleveland—Evelyn H. Schnee (Mrs. Vernon H.) 2304 Bellfield Ave.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Champaign-Urbana Association—
Miamia Valley—Mary Heck, 203 Elvin Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Memphis—Dorothy Nolan, 44 N. Belvedere, Memphis, Tenn. Bozeman Association—
Milwaukee—Margaret W. Ball (Mrs. C. F.) 238 28th St., Milwaukee,
Birmingham—Esther C. Merrell, 1176 13th St., N., Birmingham, Ala. Oklahoma City—Mildred Meade (Mrs. Raymond), 1645 West 10th St.,
Oklahoma City, Okla.
Chicago South Shore—Vera A. Riebel, 1541 East 60th St., Chicago, 111.
Pi—Gertrude Webb, 7325 Hampson St., New Orleans, La. Nu—Marion Vineburg, 69 Washington Place, New York, N. Y. Omicron—Mary Moore Shanton, N. 3rd. Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Kappa—Sue Hall Morfit, Randolph Macon, Lynchburg, Va. Zeta—Zeta Tate Allingham.
Sigma—Melzena Sessard, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Calif. Theta—Caroline Pierce, Alpha Omicron Pi House, Greencastle, Ind. Delta—Lydia Glidden, Capen House, Tufts College, Mass. Gamma—Frances V. Sawyer, Balentine Hall, Orono, Me. Epsilon—Helen Worden, Alpha Omicron Pi House, The Knoll,
Ithaca, N. Y.
Rho—Helen Street, Chapin Hall, Evanston, 111.
Iota—Esther Wirtz, 712 West Oregon, Urbana, 111. Lambda—Doris Welch, Box 1367, Stanford University, Calif. Tau—Evangeline Nary, 914 4th St. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Chi—Mary Harper, 603 University Ave., Syracuse, N . Y .
Upsilon—Helen Hinsdale, 1906 E. 45th Ave., Seattle, Wash. Nu Kappa—Lois Turner, Box 243, S. M . U., Dallas, Texas. Beta Phi—Anne McFall, 703 E. 7th St., Bloomington, Ind. Eta—Ruth King, 626 N. Henry St., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Joy Noble, 119 S. 6th Ave., Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Lucy Reid McMurry, 2222 State St., Nashville, Tenn. Psi—Evelyn Stevenson, 3412 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Phi—Alice Ward, 1144 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kansas. Omega—Thelma Nickel, Bishop Hall, Oxford, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—Annette Burkhardt, 1052 Baldwin Ave., Ann Arbor,
Alpha Sigma—Roberta Wilcox, 154 East 13th Ave., Eugene, Ore. Xi—Katherine DePuy, 735 Aasp St., Norman, Okla.
Pi Delta—Kathryn Stevenson, Alpha Omicron Pi House, College
Park, Md.
Tau Delta—Christine Saunders, 4603 Fifth Ave. S., Birmingham, Ala. Kappa Theta—Frances Fuller. 718 No. Heliotrope Drive, Los Angeles,
Kappa Omicron—Dorothy Vanden, 1145 Central Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Alpha Rho—Marjorie Sherwin, 560 Madison, St., Corvallis, Oregon.
Pi—Elizabeth Heaslip, 434 Pine St., New Orleans, La.
Nu—Norma Binger, 69 Washington Place, New York, N. Y. Omicron—Jane Pettway, Kingston Pike, Knoxville, Tenn. Kappa—Louise Anderson, Randolph Macon, Lynchburg, Va. Zeta—Eloise Keefer, 1702 S. 15th St., Lincoln, Neb. Sigma—Frances Anne Reid, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Calif. Theta—June Freeman, Alpha Omicron Pi House, Greencastle, Ind. Delta—Margaret Caverley, Metcalf Hall, Tufts College, Mass. Gamma—Caroline D. Andrews, Balentine Hall, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Herta Wilson, Alpha Omicron Pi House, The Knoll, Ithaca, N. Y.
Rho—Kathryn Kendrick, 2304 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111. Lambda—Frances Hadenfeldt, Box 1367, Stanford University, Calif. Iota—Katherie Coughlan, 712 West Oregon, Urbana, 111. Tau—Margaret King, 914 4th St. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Chi—Mary Brill, 603 University Ave., Syracuse, N . Y . Upsilon—Dorothy Dickinson, 1906 E. 45th Ave., Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Numa Ablowitch, Box 243, S. M. U., Dallas, Texas. Beta Phi—Alice Cullnane, 703 E. 7th St., Bloomington, Ind. Eta—Eleanor Bekkedal, 613 No. Francis, Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Mercedes Staebler. 814 S. Willson, Bozeman, Mont. No Omicron—Helen Dodd, 2222 State St., Nashville, Tenn. Psi—Grace McMullan, 3412 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Phi—Gertrude Searcy, 1144 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kansas. Omega—Kathryn Long, Bishop Hall, Oxford, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—Nelle Gratton, 1052 Baldwin Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. Alpha Sigma—Ruth Hansen, 754 East 13th Ave., Eugene, Oregon.
pj Delta—Gertrude Chesnut, Alpha Omicron Pi House, College Park, Md.
Tau Delta—Ruth Hill Carr, 1112 So. 19th St., Birmingham, Ala. Kappa Theta—Corinne Pelletier, 2938 So. Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles.
Kappa Omicron—Martha Ambrose, Southwestern, Memphis, Tenn. Alpha Rho—Betty Benn, 560 Madison St., Corvallis, Oregon.
New York—Thelma Robertson, 123 Claremont Rd., Ridgewood, N. J. San Francisco—Irene Gay (Mrs. W. W.) 898 Union St., Alameda,
Calif. Providence—
Boston—Gladys Harrington, 25 Embankment, Boston, Mass. Lincoln—Ruth Farquhar, 138 28th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Los Angeles—Martha A. Benkert (Mrs. R. A.) 4002 Walton Ave.,
Los Angeles, Calif.
Chicago—Agnes Eiberg, 1432 Melville PI., Chicago, 111. Indianapolis—Ada B. F. Smith, Graylinn Hotel, Apt. 32, Indianapolis,
New Orleans—Elizabeth O. Kastler, 3125 Chestnut St.. New Orleans,
Minneapolis—Alice B. Goodwin (Mrs. J.) 3300 Fremont Ave., Minne-
apolis, Minn.
Bangor—Doris Treat (Mrs. John) 66 Kenduskeag Ave., Bangor, Me. Portland—Grace Oriel Campbell, 4211 68th St., S. E., Portland, Ore. Seattle—
Knoxville—Eleanor Burke, 1635 Laurel Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Lynchburg—Evelyn Allen, 1012 Federal St., Lynchburg, Va. Washington—Lucille Hill, 309 S. Carolina Ave. S. E., Washington,
D. C.
Dallas—Florence A. Volk (Mrs. Harold) 4317 Oaklawn Ave., Dallas,
Philadelphia—Gertrude Hayman, 4200 Regent Square, Philadelphia,
Kansas City—Blanche C. Hill (Mrs. L. V.) 1244 Wood, Kansas City,
Omaha—Esther Smith (Mrs. Victor) 5205 Burt St., Omaha, Neb. Tacoma Association—
Syracuse—Emily Tarbell, Box 518, Syracuse. N. Y.
Detroit—Dorothy Wylie, High School of Commerce, Grand River &
High Sts., Detroit, Mich.
Nashville—Violet Cabeen (Mrs. D. C.) Ambassador Apt., Nashville,
Cleveland—Sabra Andrews, 2064 E. 96th St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Champaign-Urbana Association—
Miami Valley—Mildred R. Dennison (Mrs. J. B.) 115 S. Main St., Ox-
ford, Ohio.
Memphis—Elizabeth Clinton, 661 East Drive, Hein Park, Memphis,
Bozeman Association—
Milwaukee—Frieda Dorner (Mrs. F. H.) 548 Milwaukee St., Mil-
waukee, Wis.
Birmingham—Elizabeth Bethea, 1216 N . 12th Court, Birmingham, Ala. Oklahoma City—Zalia Lill, 621 East 7th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Chicago-South Shore—Julia F. Crane (Mrs. Ronald) 5332 Woodlawn
Pi—Helen B. Franklin (Mrs. R. M.) 7324 Sycamore St., New Orleans, La.
Nu—Helen Schelnin, 3169 Hull Ave., Bronx, New York, N . Y . Omicron—
Kappa—Kathryn H. Adams (Mrs. H. C.) Warwick Lane, Lynch-
burg, Va.
Zeta—Helen Fitzgerald, 1971 D St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Irene Gay (Mrs. W. W.) 898 Union St., Alameda, Calif. Theta—Musette Williams, 105 W. Poplar St., Greencastle, Ind. Delta—Ruth Field, Capen House, Tufts College, Mass. Gamma—Marion L. Day, 24 Royal Road, Bangor, Me. Epsilon—Helen B. Leavens (Mrs. A. M.) 251 Cumberland St., Brook-
lyn, N.Y.
Rho—Helen M . Nelson (Mrs. L. K.) 616 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111. Lambda—Ellowene D. Evans (Mrs. Daniel), Hamilton Ave., Palo
Alto, Calif. Iota—
Tau—Alice B. Goodw-in (Mrs. J.) 3300 Fremont Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Frances G. Carter, 116 Wall St., Utica, N. Y.
Nu Kappa—Eleanor Hull (Mrs. Leon), 6722 Oram St., Dallas, Texas. Beta Phi—Edith H. Anderson (Mrs. A. K.), No. 44 Heatherbloom
Apts., State College, Pa.
Eta—Grace G. Austen, 308 No. Pinckney St., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Mary Baldwin, 1834 Lowell Ave., Butte, Mont.
Nu Omicron—
Psi—Anne Hassan, 4910 Walton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Phi—Eva Drumm, 1121 Kentucky St., Lawrence, Kansas. Omega—Helen Scott, Shandon, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—Virginia Van Zandt, 4011 Pingree Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Alpha Sigma—Dora Miner (Mrs. A. M.) 1863 Kincaid St., Eugene, Oregon.
i Delta—Lucille Hill, 309 S. Carolina Ave., S. E., Washington, D. C. au Delta—Rebecca Cousins, 1730 N. Woodland Ave., Birmingham,
appa Theta—Margaret Schlinkman, 550 No. New Hampshire Ave.,
Los Angeles, Calif.
appa Omicron—Elizabeth Clinton, 661 East Drive, Hein Park, Mem-
phis, Tenn. lpha Rho—
ew York—Thelma Robertson, 123 Claremont Road, Ridgewood, N. J. an Francisco—Mattie B. Harris (Mrs. R.), 2216 Durant Ave., Berkeley,
rovidence—Maude C Covell (Mrs. L. E.). Box 245, Barrington, R. I . oston—Rena G. Smith (Mrs. R. I.), 35 Clovclly Road, Wellesley Hills,
incoln—Mercedes Abbott. 1500 G St., Lincoln, Neb.
os Angeles—Carrie B. Kistler (Mrs. L. A.), 1046 S. Wilton PI., Los
Angeles, Calif.
hicago—Agnes Eiberg, 1432 Melville PI., Chicago, 111.
ndianapolis—iRuth R. Jones (Mrs. O. M .), 3822 Central Ave., Indianapo-
lis, Ind.
ew Orleans—Louise Church, 1719 Valence St., New Orleans, La. inneapolis—Elizabeth D. Anderson (Mrs. L. A.), 1674 Hennepin Ave.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
angor—Ruth Savage. 35 Maple St., Bangor, Me.
ortland—Eleanor Kilham, 640 Tillamook St., Portland, Ore. eattle—Eugenia G. Page (Mrs. H. E.), 6222 22nd Ave. N.E., Seattle,
W ash.
noxville—Eleanor Burke, 1635 Laurel Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. ynchburg—Lily C Stokes (Mrs. W. M. Jr.) 213 Woodlawn Ave., Lynch-
burg, Va.
ashington—Lucille Hill, 309 S. Carolina Ave. S.E., Washington, D. C allas—Roberta Ray, 6263 Oram St., Dallas Texas.
hiladelphia—Anne Hassan, 4910 Walton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
ansas City—Elsie O. Hodges (Mrs. Van Dyke), 5036 Garfield, Kansas City, Mo.
maha—Alice Sheehy, 3107 Dorcas St., Omaha, Neb.
acoma Association—
yracuse—Myrtle H. Ciccareli (Mrs. Eugene), 169 Marshall St., Syra-
cuse, N . Y .
etroit—Gladys Hinnon, 3765 N. Western, Detroit, Mich. ashville—Harriet Owsley (Mrs. Frank), Vanderbilt Campus, Nashville,
leveland—iHedwig B. Sloan (Mrs. Gordon), 2176 Jackson Blvd., Cleve-
land, Ohio.
n a m Paign-Urbana Association—
iami Valley—Martha Jaques, Administration Bldg,. Oxford, Ohio. emphis—Roberta W . Divine (Mrs. John M .), 1780 Foster Ave., Mem-
Phis, Tenn. ozenian Association—
ilwaukee—Helen Boyce (Mrs. Fred, Jr.), 240 7th Ave., Wauwatosa, irmingham—Mary H. Horton, U. S. Weather Bureau, Birmingham,Ala.
Oklahoma City—Nell H. Emenhiser (Mrs. T. W.), 1221 E. 15th St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Chicago South Shore—Maude B. Nolte (Mrs. C B), 7439 Yates Ave., Chicago, 111.
Pi—Dorothy Folse, Ncwcomb College, New Orleans, La.
Nu—Ruth C. Lawler, 69 Washington Place, New York, N. Y. Omicron—Elizabeth Walker, Box 4077, University of Tennessee, Knox-
ville, Tenn.
Kappa—Alice Washburn, Randolph Macon, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Mildred Sweet.
Sigma—Jean Hawkins, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Calif.
Theta—Lorcne Golden, Alpha Omicron Pi House, Greencastle, Ind. Delta—Margaret Arnold, Capen House, Tufts College, Mass. Gamma—Serena Wood, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon— Elizabeth Michael. Alpha Omicron Pi House, The Knoll, Ithaca,
N. Y.
Rho—Mary C. Stephenson, 2431 Payne St., Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Aileen Brown, Box 1367, Stanford University, Calif. Iota—Helen O'Shea, 712 West Oregon, Urbana, 111.
Tau—Cecile Yelland, 914 4th St. S.E., Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Carol Kendall, 603 University Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Upsilon—Gwendoline Showed, 1906 E. 45th Ave., Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Artilee Sypert, Box 243, S. M. U., Dallas, Texas.
Beta Phi—Mary Ellen Jenkins, 703 E. 7th St., Bloomington, Ind. Eta—Margaret Keenan, 626 N. Henry St., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Alta Atkinson, 119 S. 6th Ave., Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Frances McKee, 2222 State St., Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—Maud Frame, 3412 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Phi— Jessie M . Senor, 1144 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kansas. Omega—Ruth Shatsnider, Bishop Hall, Oxford, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—Elizabeth J. Cossitt, 1052 Baldwin Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. Alpha Sigma—Georgie Davidson, 754 E. 13th Ave., Eugene, Oregon. Xi—Opal Bowman. 735 Asp St., Norman, Okla.
Pi Delta—Ellen Jane Keiser, Alpha Omicron Pi House, College Park, Md. Tau Delta—Alice E. Weed, 1006 Crescent Ave., Birmingham, Ala.
Kappa Theta—Mildred Porter, 718 No. Heliotrope Drive, Los Angeles,
Kappa Omicron—Grace Gilfillan, 1707 Foster Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Alpha Rho—Rozina Blake, 560 Madison St., Corvallis. Oregon.
1926-1927 Committees on National Work—
1 —Fellowship Award—Grand Vice-President, Honorary Chairman. Atlantic—Chairman, Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alpha. Southern—Gladys Renshavv, Pi.
Ohio Valley—Iva Smith O'Hair (Mrs. Fred S.), Theta.
Great Lakes—Carolyn Pulling (Mrs. Arthur), Delta. Mid-western—Viola Gray, Zeta.
Pacific—Edith Chapman Korres (Mrs. E. R.), Upsilon.
II—Aid for Handicapped Children—Grand Vice-President, Chairman; Alumnae Superintendents, members.
Committee on Finance—
Chairman, Grand Treasurer; members, Helen T. Donald (Mrs. J. E.),
and Laura A. Hurd, Upsilon. (National Financial Supervisor). Committee on Fraternity Organization—District Superintendents, members.
Committee on Expansion—Chairman, Extension Officer. Atlantic—Katharine M. Thomas (Mrs. S. J.), Kappa. Southern—Helen L. Allen (Mrs. L. N.). Shawmut, Ala. Ohio Valley—Mary Gertrude Manley, Beta Phi.
Great Lakes—Mary Danielson Drummond, Alpha Phi. Mid-western—Gladys Rice, Zeta.
Pacific—Lucille C. English, Lambda.
Committee on Rituals and Traditions—
Chairman, Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.), Alpha; The Founders, Laura A. Hurd and Rose G. Marx, life members; Grand Secretary and Examining Officer.
Trustees of Anniversary Endowment Fund—
2 year term—Katherine Stebbins Stevens (Mrs. A. M.), Delta.
4 year term—'Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V .), Chairman. 6 year term—Mary H . Donlon, Epsilon.
Scholarship Officer—Edith Goldsworthy, Tau, 103 W . 52d St., Minneapolis, Minn.
Song Committee—Chairman. Janet Howry, Tau, 145 W. 69th St., New York City. Etta P. McPhie (Mrs. E. I.), Delta; Thehna Robert- son, Chi; Florence Tyler, Nu Omicron; Mae Knight Siddell
(Mrs. Robert), Sigma; Margaret Perry Maxwell (Mrs. J. Phi.
C ) ,
Committee on Vocational Guidance-
Atlantic—Helen N . Henry, Sigma.
Southern—Mary H. Baskervill (Mrs. G. B. Jr.), Kappa.
Ohio Valley—Martha Whitworth, Epsilon.
Great Lakes—Marion Abele, Rho, Chairman, 1340 Glenlake Ave., Chi-
cago, 111.
112 TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI Mid-Western—Pauline Mills Edwards (Mrs. W. H.), Xi.
Pacific—Carolyn Paige, Upsilon.
Committee on Examinations—Chairman, Examining Officer. Atlantic—Katherine Stewart, Gamma. Southern—Margaret Lyon Pedrick (Mrs. P. B.). Pi. Ohio Valley—Geraldine D. Canfield, Theta.
Great Lakes—Beatrice Bunting, Omicron Pi. Mid-western—Doris Ingram, Alpha Phi. Pacific—Edna Betts Trask (Mrs. W . M ), Rho.
Committee on Nominations—
Chairman—Edith A. Dietz, Alpha; 217 West 105th St., New York
N. Y .; Alumnae Superintendents, members.
Committee on Jewelry—
Chairman, Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.), Alpha; Julii
L. Tillinghast, Nu.
No. 2
Elizabeth Bond, 3201 Irving Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.
Kathryn Bremer Matson (Mrs. F. H.), 2116 St. Clair St., St. Paul, Minn.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N. J.
\fL2 PR A ,GMA is published at 415 Third Ave:, N., Minneapolis, neanoi' xJh e C o l w e 1 1 P r e s s - I n c - Entered at the Postoffice at Min- 1879 A' a s second class matter under the Act of March 3, sectin iwnt a n c e *o r m a ''in g a* special rate of postage provided forin
u °n 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920. February*and^M'S publislied four times a year>September,November,
Subscrip^io^^lSOQ6' D °H a r P °r y C a r ' Pa ya b l e i n advance; Life