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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-07-28 15:29:07

1933 October - To Dragma

Vol. XIXX, No. 1

To D R A G M A
» » OCTOBER • 1933 ««


ft ;

Fall Starting Time The Editor

Why Fellowships?—a prize essay . . . Elizabeth H . JVyman

Delta Phi Becomes O u r Baby Chapter . . Ann Anderson Sale

Just Fifteen Minutes in Argentina M a r y E. Ellis

Alpha O and the Social Problem . . Jessie Wallace Hughan

Your Money's Worth in H u m a n Progress . . Bland Morrow

Virginia Webb Wins Fellowship . . . . Dr. M a r y R . Gould

The Pride of Alpha O ^—1 Review

Published by ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity


ALPHA—Barnard College—Inactive OMEGA—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
P i — I I . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New OMICROK PI—University of Michigan, A n n Arbor,

Orleans, La. Mich.
No—New York University. New York City. ALPHA SIGMA—University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore.
OMICRON—University o f Tennessee, Knoxville, Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.—

Tenn. Inactive.
KAPPA—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynch- Pi DELTA—University of Maryland, College Park,

burg, Va. Md.
ZETA—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. TAO DELTA—Birmingham-Southern College, Bir-
SIGMA—University of California, Berkeley, Calif.
THETA—DePauw University, Greencaslle, lnd. mingham, Ala.
BETA—Brown University—Inactive. KAPPA THETA—University of California at Los
. DELTA—Jackson College, T u f t s College. Mass.
GAMMA—University of Maine, Orono, Me. Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif.
EFSILON—Cornell University, Ithaca, N . Y . KAPPA OMICBOK—Southwestern, Memphis, Tenn.
R H O — N o r t h w e s t e r n U n i v e r s i t y , E v a n s t o n , 111. ALPHA RHO—Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
LAMBDA—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto,
vallis. Ore.
Calif. CHI DELTA—University of Colorado, Boulder,

I O T A — U n i v e r s i t y o f I l l i n o i s , Champaign, 111. Colo.
TAU—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. BETA THETA—Butler University, Indianapolis, l n d .
CHI—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N . Y . ALPHA PI—Florida State College for Women,
UFSILON—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
N u KAPPA—Southern Methodist University, Dal- Tallahassee, Fla.
EPSILON ALPHA—Pennsylvania State College, State
las, Tex.
BETA PHI—Indiana University, Bloomington, lnd. College, Pa.
ETA—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. THETA ETA—University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
ALPHA PHI—Montana State College, Bozenian,
No OMiawx—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, BETA TAD—University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont.

Tenn. ALPHA TAU—Denison University, Granville, Ohio.
Psi—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
BETA KAPPA—University of British Columbia,
PHI—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Vancouver, B. C.

ALPHA GAMMA—Washington State College, Pull-
man, Wash.

DELTA PHI—University of South Carolina, Colum-
bia, S. C.


NEW YORK A L U M K * — New York City. CLEVELAND ALUMS*—Cleveland, Ohio.
SAN FRANCISCO A L U M N * — S a n Francisco, Calif. MiMt'uis ALUMN*—Memphis, Tefcn.
PBOVIOEHCE ALUMN*—Providence, Rhode Island, MILWAUKEE ALUMN*—Milwaukee, Wis,
BOSTON A L U M S * — B o s t o n , Mass. BIRMINGHAM ALUMN*—Birmingham, Ala.
LINCOLN ALUMS*—Lincoln, Neb. OKLAHOMA CITY ALUMN*—Oklahoma City, Okla.
Los ANGELES A L U M S * — L o s Angeles, Calif. CHICAGO-SOUTH SHORE ALUMN*—Chicago, I I I .
CHICAGO ALUMNA—Chicago, I I I . MADISON A L U M N * — M a d i s o n , W i s .
INDIANAPOLIS ALUMS*—Indianapolis, l n d . BLOOMINGTON A L U M N * — B l o o m i n g t o n , l n d .
NEW ORLEANS A L U M N * — N e w Orleans, La'.- DENVER ALUMN*—Denver, Colo.
MINNEAPOLIS ALUMNA*—Minneapolis, Minn. CINCINNATI ALUMN*—Cincinnati, Ohio.
BANOOB A L U M N . K — B a n g o r , M e . TULSA ALUMN*—Tulsa. Okla.
POBTLAND A L U U S S — P o r t l a n d , Ore. ANN ARBOR A L U M N * — A n n A r b o r , M i c h .
SEATTLE ALUHN*—Seattle, Wash. FORT WAYNE A L U M N * — F o r t Wayne, l n d .
KNOXVILLE ALUMS*—Knoxville, Tenn. ST. LOUIS ALUMN*—St. Louis, Mo.
LYNCHBURG ALUMS*—Lynchburg, Va. ROCHESTER ALUMN*—Rochester, N . Y .
WASHINGTON ALUMS*—Washington, D . C. DAYTON A L U M S * — D a y t o n , Ohio.
DALLAS ALUMN*—Dallas, Tex. SAS DIEGO ALUMN*—San Diego, Calif.
PHILADELPHIA ALUMS*—Philadelphia, Pa. NEW JERSEY ALUMS*—Metropolitan New Jersey.
KANSAS C I T Y A L U M N * — K a n s a s City, M o . BUFFALO ALUMN*—Buffalo, N . Y .
OMAUA'ALUMN*—Omaha, Neb. WESTCHESTER ALUMN*—Westchester C o u n t y
SYRACUSE ALUMN*—Syracuse, N . Y.
H . V.
DETROIT A L U M S * — D e t r o i t , Mich.
ATLANTA A L U M N * — A t l a n t a , Ga.
NASHVILLE ALUMS*—Nashville, Tenn. DAITIMORE ALUMN*—Baltimore, M d .

To *JjS|k Dragma

°9cl 29 lIsSzW O f f i c i a f tpuGficafio,, of

In the OCTOBER • 1933 Issue:-

Fall Stai ng Time 3
Greeting 5
Why Fellowship? 9
Capitol Convention Brings Change 13
Convention Notables .". 19
New Officers Are Well Known 24
Delta Phi Becomes Our Baby Chapter 30
Just Fifteen Minutes in Argentina 34
Mr. Balfour Presents the McCausland Cup 41
Alpha O and the Special Problem 76
"Her Age Is Lost in the Limbo of Casual, Forgotten Things"

Virginia Webb Wins McCausland Fellowship

The Pride of Alpha 0

The Quiet Corner

Alpha O's in the Daily Press

Glances at Greekdom

Looking at Alpha O's

Alumnae Notes

1933 Census of N. P. C. Sororities

Directory of Officers

T o DRAGMA is published by A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi f r a t e r n i t y , 2642 U n i v e r s i t y Avenue, Saint Paul, M i n n e -
sota, and is p r i n t e d by L e l a n d Publishers, The Fraternity Press. E n t e r e d at the post office at Menasha,
Wisconsin, as second class matter u n d e r the act o f M a r c h 3, 1879. Acceptance f o r m a i l i n g at special
rate of postage provided f o r i n the Act of February 28, 1925, Section 412, P.L.&R., authorized February
12, 1930. A p p l i c a t i o n has been made f o r t r a n s f e r of the e n t r y f r o m the Menasha post office to the Saint
Paul post office as second class matter.

T o DRAGMA is published f o u r times a year, October, January, March, and May.
The subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance; L i f e subscription $15.

0mmm3m To DRA&MA
JHL r±WAi*M<Hi«sii

Fall Starting Time


+ F A L L MARKS M K RESTLESS. The no amount of lecturing by officers and
oldsters could have done.
activity in an editor-housewife's
domicile never reaches a point of leth- What are you doing as a group to help
argy, but the crisp winds, the smell of each other get the most out of the educa-
burning leaves, mauve sunsets, great jugs tion you are working to attain? Have
of apple cider and gleaming purple egg you a chapter library where each of you
plant, the post box spilling out its con- may find recreation as well as source ma-
tents once more, make me draw a quick- terial ? Have you, as a group, purchased
breath and want to hurry some place. So a season concert ticket that each of you
with editor husband. I turned campus- may share sometime during the year?
ward. Have you a discussion group where each
is free to have an opinion and to speak
It's Freshman Week at the University. it without being ridiculed ? Have you the
Tlu- Big Sisters and upperclassmen in ability to provide enjoyment as a group
eharge are easily distinguishable from that will cost your members nothing?
the newcomers. But there's less of a Are you making your group life worth
difference than there was four or five the price you ask your pledges to pay ?
years ago when, in a restless mood, we
sought the campus. The Registrar's sec- So often now comes the question of
retary tells me that few Freshmen are what is worthwhile—worth the price,
coming free of financial worries. Most especially if paying it means sacrifice of
of them must work if they want to go to other necessities. The college graduate
college. Their clothes are simpler; there who has idled away the last two or three
is less swagger about them; they are years without employment asks the value
more mature. An education is costing of her degree. Often her parents won-
them more than a "Plow about it, Dad?" der at the wisdom of having spent several
' . ^ w . ° weeks hence rushing starts, a thousands of dollars which might now
simplified rushing compared to the elab- keep them from actual want. If one can't
orate parties we used to give. We antici- use the information she has obtained to
pate that there'll be little quibbling over better her material affairs, the effort and
petty points when bidding is in session. expenditures are certainly not wasted if
'Can she afford our membership?" will she has become more resourceful, has
be the chief question asked. I f a girl is learned to use leisure time advantage-
Congenial, she'll be asked to join some ously, has found out what unselfishness
sorority, without doubt. No one will ask and neighborliness mean. Your group
whether she has a car or arrived by air- life can teach all of these worthwhile
plane. It's enough that she is likable and lessons in the art of living. Are you
intelligent. All the shows have gone making the best of your opportunities in
overboard. Necessity and the desire to the advantage you have ?
keep chapters thriving have done what






President of Alpha 0micron Pi

- f - To A L L M E M B E R S of Alpha Omicron Pi everywhere—alumnae and
active—I bring the greetings of Council and the Executive Committee.

We hope this may be a year of success for everyone, and especially that
your interest in the activities of the fraternity may grow with active partici-
pation in its affairs wherever you are.

Convention last July was stimulating to those who were able to attend,
and its accomplishments, of which we are proud, are recorded elsewhere.
The reports of officers and committees indicate that the fraternity is in a
very stable condition, and has weathered the depression in a most creditable
manner. By this I do not wish to infer that there is nothing to be done in
or by our chapters. We can never relax our vigilance if we are to maintain
our high standards. But the officers are in closer touch with the chapters
and their problems than I believe they have ever been, and the chapters and
their officers are cognizant of the fact that they must cooperate and come to
the national officers with their problems before they become acute. The
splendid record of our past President, Kathryn Bremer Matson, in visiting
every chapter has strengthened our position, and we hope this record may
be continued. We hope, too, that District Conventions may again be possible
this school year, for they add to the solution of chapter problems, and the
fraternal spirit of the groups.

Our National Social Service Work is an established thing, and while
we did not raise the budget required for the work the past two years, we
know that increased dissemination of information regarding the work to
alumnae will increase the revenue for its support. Not all our members have
been reached with the appeal for this worth-while project, for we have all
long wished for a unified national work to hold our interest as alumnae, and
to give us something for which we could work. We have such an interest
now, and we do not believe the older alumnae, in particular, realize the size
and potentialities of the Alpha Omicron Pi of today, and what the fraternity
could accomplish with the united effort of its more than seven thousand
members. Alpha Omicron Pi has grown into a large fraternity, well organ-
ized, and has the ideals upon which it was founded to support and perpetuate.
Our work is not for the few officers, not for the actives or the comparatively
few alumnae organized into chapters. It is for every member of Alpha
Omicron Pi. We feel that every member wants to know of our aims and
to have a part in their realization.

The Executive Committee, and your President in particular, feels it an
honor and a privilege to have been entrusted by you with its position. We
are always at your service in every problem, no matter how trivial it may
seem to you. Bring your accomplishments as well as your hopes and disap-
pointments to us and we shall listen with an attentive and open mind, and
give of our best counsel to you always.

Published through the courtesy
of the A. A V. IV. Journal



A WARM FEBRUARY RAIN was s o a k i n g son dies, a drinkcrazed husband takes his life,
or a soldier son comes home a helpless cripple!
gently into the earth and giving promise
of renewed l i f e . Imagination outran the sea- W h y Fellowships? Because they open the
son. S p r i n g had arrived in its j o y and beauty. door to a speedier understanding of these
With it came the thought: how utterly foolish things which the beauty and terror o f life may
our scramble f o r insecure wealth; our per- teach oidy through long experience. Mature
sistent striving to hedge about our special cult graduates have lived through the growing pains
or party or race, the while we quarrel w i t h which confuse college thinking. The majority
others f o r the same practice. T h e moment's of women who go further are looking forward
vision was intensified by the memory o f a to greater knowledge as an instrument of serv-
recent sunset, clear, cold, illimitable, and by ice. They w i l l use it to open the eyes o f others
the glad sight o f a cardinal a d v e n t u r i n g f a r to what they have seen, to minister to the sick
beyond its customary haunts. Infinite riches and troubled, to create beauty. Their prej-
for the taking and we preoccupied with transi- udices disappear as they w o r k side by side w i t h
tory values and ignoble rivalries! those of different races and cultures. Before
the immensities of the universe human differ-
In a great natural catastrophe we break all ences shrink into insignificance. Paradoxically,
barriers and clasp hands as simply as f r i g h t - the preventable suffering of one child, the
ened children, conscious o n l y o f o u r b r o t h e r - remediable misery o f one woman, the unnec-
hood and common impotence. A human crisis essary failure of one man become matters vast
has the same effect. I t a l i a n shoemaker, P o l i s h enough f o r the combined wisdom of the saints
shopkeeper, Jewish landlord, old American and sages—and common people—of all lands
family watching the encroachment of alien on the face of the earth.
trade upon its hereditary place of residence—
what matters the n a t i o n a l i t y w h e n a first born


A Capitol

The Capitol at S'ight close cooperation with national and local]
officers. Others have not been so fortunate^
E A C H CONVENTION that Alpha Omicron Pi but our officers are encouraged by their]
has held has been memorable f o r its con- willing response to suggestions and believe!
structive program, its good times and its new that the coming year will show all chapters]
acquaintances, but the fortunate delegates and firmly established financially.
other A O I I ' s w h o attended the 1933 conven-
tion will always remember it in great red One o f the finest accomplishments o f con-]
letters. I t was the first c o n v e n t i o n i n years vention was the ratification of the newly-]
at which all four of our Founders were to- revised Constitution and By-Laws presented]
gether. June conventions have found Jessie by the Constitutional Revisions Committee.1
Wallace Hughan busy in her New Y o r k class- The Constitution has been greatly simplified'
room. A s a result, she became the mythical and c o o r d i n a t e d so that i t w i l l be m o r e u s e f u l
fourth Founder." T o the many who met her and better understood by all members. Some
f o r the first t i m e at A r l i n g t o n H a l l she was a of the more radical changes in the document
very vivid person. Her inspiring personality are: The name of the Extension Committee
and keen mind impressed all of us. Helen St. was changed to the Admissions Committee;
Clair Mullan was there all but two days of the both the Admissions and Examining Commit-
week, and Stella G. S. P e r r y w i t h Elizabeth tees were made standing committees with,
Heywood W y m a n were there the entire week. their chairmen appointive as are the c h a i r m e n j
Each contributed in her unique way to the of other standing committees; the office on
discussions of the convention and without District Alumnae Superintendent was abol-i
them the gathering would have lost much of ished, and that w o r k given t o the State ord
its success and accomplishment. Future con- Province Chairmen of Alumnae and the Dis-q
ventions should be scheduled late enough so trict Superintendents; the State or Provinces
that all o f the Founders can be present. Chairmen of Alumnae were made a permanent]
Conventions always have two kinds of high- part of the organization after two years of]
lights—the accomplishment of sorority busi- trial; the past Grand Presidents were made]
ness and the social affairs which give i t members of Council and allotted expenses to]
variety. Kappa and Washington's convention Convention, but have no votes by proxy; the]
w i l l be remembered f o r both. T h e active w o r d " G r a n d " was eliminated f r o m the Con-1
chapter reports were very complete and stitution and By-laws wherever it occurs,—I
showed that each chapter had carried on in a there are now no "Grand" officers and "Grand]
very creditable manner despite the depression. Council" is now just "Council"; the Presidents
Many of the chapters have maintained an en- Secretary and Treasurer constitute the Execu-3
viable record in scholarship, participating in tive Committee, with the Vice President and!
extra-curricular activities and accomplishing Second Vice President (a new officer in!
much worth-while philanthropic work. Many charge of Philanthropic W o r k ) informed but]
chapters have stabilized t h e i r financial c o n d i - non-voting members; the accepted list of coW
tion and are able to c a r r y the financial burden leges and universities approved by the Asso-J
of homes due to splendid management and ciation o f A m e r i c a n Universities now consti-1
tutes the approved list of institutions in which;
Alpha Omicron Pi may admit chapters—any
i n s t i t u t i o n n o t on this list m a y be approved by]
the unanimous vote of the Executive Com-)
mittee and the Admissions Committee; the!
two Fellowships awarded to members of the]
f r a t e r n i t y were made $750 instead o f $1000»j
but the non-member Fellowship awarded]
through the American Association of Univer-j
sity Women remains at $1000; Council fees'
were not changed, but chapter i n i t i a t i o n fees-;
were set at $30 as a m i n i m u m , whereas thej
m i n i m u m f o r m e r l y was $40; the alumnae ad-3
visory committees of active chapters were]
given more powers and their duties were morel


Convention Brings Change

^ ) f a n & 5 t^^ut a$ a n < ~ 2 X r i n s u a l (^aifyevtncj

] clearly defined in tin- By-Laws. I n addition to Another enjoyable occasion was the lovely

] the changes made in the Constitution and By- Panhellenic tea with Anne Jeter Nichols ( K )
! Laws, a ' ' S I " ' l a n d i n g Rules, taking the in charge. Representatives of national soror-
] place of the old Regulations and Recommenda- ities were our guests. M a d a m e B l a n c h e
tions, were adopted. These may be amended Renard, a friend of Mamie Hurt Baskcrvill
( K ) and a concert pianist, played f o r the
] or suspended by a unanimous vote of the guests.
] |&ecutivc Committee and cover such things
] as reports, fines, publications and stationery, And what would a convention in Washing-
1 chapter equipment and duties of the Central ton be w i t h o u t a glimpse o f the President o r
Office. the First Lady of the Land? The former, be-
ing out of the city, it remained for the Lady
Both active and alumna' chapter delegates herself to do the honors. Mrs. Roosevelt's
participated in several round-table discussions. charming greetings and warm smile, the espe-
It is hoped that f u t u r e conventions may have cial effort she made to come to give us her
time for more of this type of work. Solution salutation endeared her to many of us.
of mutual problems and an opportunity to get
Moonlight on the Potomac after a picnic
acquainted with representatives f r o m all chap- at Marshall H a l l is worthy o f remembering.
ters, as well as a realization o f the national Ellen Jane Beavans ( H A ) had charge of ar-
scope of the organization always results f r o m rangements, and everything from food to
these opportunities to talk over in an i n - weather was ideal. Then there were the other
formal way accomplishments and problems traditional affairs of convention: stunt night
common to all. with Kappa Chapter as hostess and Ruby

X i Chapter at the University o f Oklahoma Reed impersonating Texas Guinan i n Kappa's
reported that then- w o u l d probably be none night club. T h e stunts provided a v e r y amus-
or not more than one active member enrolled i n g floor show, the Founders e a r n i n g m u c h
in the University f o r the coming year. T h e applause by their recital, ensemble, of Jessie
Council considered the matter carefully and l lughan's verse—
felt that the charter should not be t u r n e d i n
or taken, but that the chapter should become You can't expect folks of our age

inactive under the circumstances. The Coun- To do a stunt upon the stage.
We can't compete with gay, young bounders,
cil also empowered the Founders, Executive
Committee and some of the fraternity lawyers We're ancient, honorable Founders.

present at Convention to d r a w up a resolution C a n d l e l i g h t i n g , under the direction of
regarding the situation at Oklahoma f o r pre- Lucille Curtis English ( A ) , the Memorial
sentation to certain officials of national f r a - Service, Storytelling and the Model Initiation
ternity organizations, state, University and were all as impressive and b e a u t i f u l as they
local officials, and the committee is n o w w o r k - always are at Convention. The lucky initiates
ing on that document. were Becky Fouts (1TA) and Virginia Sheely

A truly thrilling afternoon was spent with (HG).
Mrs. Mary Breckinridge, the organizer and The historical exhibit was the pride o f our
director o f the F r o n t i e r N u r s i n g Service, Inc., H i s t o r i a n , Stella G. S. P e r r y . I t was so b i g
and with Bland M o r r o w , our social service that three large classrooms were necessary to
worker in charge of the Alpha Omicron Pi house it. The active chapter exhibits showed
Social Service Department in the Kentucky originality and were quite complete. I n the
mountains. M r s . Breckinridge is such a dy- general exhibit, books by A l p h a O authors,
namic and arresting speaker that everyone photographs by M a r i o n Staples Mailer and
saw the w o r k i n the mountains in a new way. Florence S u m m e r b e l l , o l d c o n v e n t i o n pictures,
All of us were impressed w i t h the privilege pictures o f prominent Alpha O's, officers
that we have i n being a part o f such a splen- photographs, were to be found. The philan-
did work. Miss M o r r o w told of her year's thropy exhibits were in the third room. A
accomplishments and the use she has made o f mountain cabin with a Frontier nurse at w o r k
the money sent to her by the fraternity. A and a display of books on the subject showed
round-table discussion and questions f o l l o w e d . the Social Service W o r k w h i l e photographs
More o f this w i l l be f o u n d i n other accounts o f the F e l l o w s h i p winners represented that
°» our national w o r k . part of our National Work.


And what is convention without a hanquet? to Virginia Webb ( T A ) . To DRAGMA prize!
The Mayflower Hotel was the setting, Pinck- went to Lorraine Jones McNallv ( N ) f o r t h l
ney Estes Glantzherg, i n f o r m a l l y assisted by best article; to Mabel W . Ownbey ( N O ) f 0 l
M a r y Dee Drummond, was the toastmistress; the best active chapter contributions; to M i a
K a t h r y n liremer Matson, "The Forward dred E. Williams ( A l l ) for her poem, " B f H
Look," Edith Huntington Anderson, "The Poplars," and to Wanda McCandless ( N ) f o |
Practical Side of Fraternity Life," and Stella her poem, "Dust." Pi Delta won the prize f o l
G. S. Perry, "Beacons," toasted the large the best exhibit. Honorable mention f o r g o o j
gathering. A tense moment came before the w o r k as editors went to M a r i o n M o i s e ( I I ) J
presentation of awards and prizes. T a u re- New Orleans, and Dorothy Bogen Farringtom
r r i v t d the Jessie Wallace Hughan Service Cup ( A ) , f o r Lambda notes.
for its splendid contributions to the fraternity,
the University of Minnesota and to the city A greeting to Alpha Omicron Pi wa«
of Minneapolis. Its record of unselfishness brought in person by Nellie Tayloe Ross, thfi
includes a g i f t of $50, o r d i n a r i l y used f o r director of the Mint. There were many greet!
Homecoming decorations, given last year to ings f r o m other sororities and f r o m past offiJ
the Minneapolis Community Chest, $50 given cers of the sorority.
to A O n National Social Service W o r k ; Christ-
mas boxes packed f o r the Kentucky hill peo- Rho Chapter at Northwestern, proposing tq
ple; Red Cross sewing; the use o f the recrea- entertain at a lake resort in Wisconsin, an<|
tion room of their house to any organization Pi, the oldest active chapter, invited the
in need o f rooms. Besides these, the chapter sorority to have the next convention witH
maintained a high scholarship and its members each o f them. Neither invitation has been
took an outstanding part in campus affairs. accepted thus far.

A Service Ring was given to Fay Morgan Why not put a dime a day away f o r nexfi
( 0 ) f o r her unselfish devotion to the frater- convention expenses? It is the most stimulat-
nity and to N u Omicron. The Lillian Mc- ing, thoroughly enjoyable way we know tq
Quillan McCausland Fellowship was granted spend a week's vacation. I f you were thereJ
you'll want to go again, if you weren't, yotl
missed a g l o r i o u s week o f fine w o r k and p l a y j

M r s . M e y e r is the Founder o f B a r n a r d College and the Senior Trustee.
She has been a leader in educational, civic and artistic fields a l l o f her l i f e
She was interested in our group of Founders during their college days at
Barnard, and her greeting to convention comes upon the occasion of our non-
member Fellowship being awarded to a Barnard graduate. Dr. Alfred
Meyer, her husband, is a distinguished physician, h a v i n g done splendid w o r k

in the field o f tuberculosis cure and c o n t r o l .

Woods Hole, Massachusetts

Stella, dear, and Members of Alpha Omicron P i :

I SUPPOSE the question uppermost in all your minds at the moment i s :
H A S T H E COLLEGE woman a special place, a special duty to perform today? I
should be the last person to wish the College woman of today to h a r k back to the
grave seriousness w i t h w h i c h she took herself f o r t y o r fifty years ago when her
numbers were counted i n dozens rather than thousands. I rejoice that she has
learned f r o m her brother to take her education in her regular stride. Yet it is well
to remind her that in a s w i f t l y changing world there is more need than ever o f
the balanced judgment that comes f r o m a study of the Past, and of the wisdom
that grows out o f weighing the value of current thought against the best through-
out the Ages.
B U T T H E COLLEGE woman can give the full measure of her contribution only i f
she is w a t c h f u l not to permit her long v i e w o f civilization to d r y up her enthu-
siasm, to devitalize her hope, t o quench her j o y i n adventure, or i n any sense to
lessen her keen interest in the living, pressing problems of her own day.

Madame Blanche Renard, our guest pianist, poses with Elisabeth Wyman and Jessie

•1 Convention

• Notables

ii Kathryn Brewer Mat son was
the favorite Alpha Omicron
rr Pi of Nancy Ann Leland.


Mrs. Stern, our Stella's •a
mother, kept pace with us.
Mamie Raskcrvill, our chief Muriel McKinney, Edith
Anderson and Helen look
hostess, just behind. amera-ward a':f>te'•r the Pan


hellemc tea

Caught unawares! Wilma
Smith Leland and Helen

Holier chat at tea lime.

10 To D R A G M A

New Officers Are Well

.By Kathyrn Bremer Matson

Past President

-+- FORTUNATE ARE WE indeed that the torch Office, working with Edith H . Anderson, eijj
of leadership has been handed to officers ables her to begin where her predecessor left
off. The charm o f her personality and keen
who are so w e l l versed i n the g o v e r n m e n t o f wit arc known to many of the members of
our fraternity. Times being what they arc the each of our chapters, and i n her position as
continuation of tried principles on a conserva- secretary, with more personal contact with
tive basis by experienced people is much to be more m e m b e r s , her host of admirers and
desired. friends is bound to increase.

Our President, Edith Huntington Anderson In many respects one of the most thankless
( B * ) , is starting her seventh year as a mem- and certainly the most trying work of our of-
ber o f the Executive Committee. T h r o u g h her ficial f a m i l y is that o f the T r e a s u r e r . T h a t
three t e r m s as Grand Secretary, she well Helen M . Haller (O), now in her second term
knows how to eliminate unnecessary routine as treasurer, has managed t o keep all her o l d
and effect the greatest efficiency. Our chapters friends and make so many new ones even
are going to have one of the most pleasant ex- while asking for money proves that in addition
periences o f fraternity life when, through her to her splendid ability, she is most human,
visits, they begin to know E d i t h as \vr who u n d e r s t a n d i n g and j>ossesses a most pleasant
have worked closely with her f o r year- know personality. M o r e than that can be said of
her. E d i t h ' s fine sense o f h u m o r , her diplomacy no one!
and ability to think clearly w i l l impress each
of you with the fact that many of her lights Our Vice President, Muriel Turner McKin-
have been hidden under the bushel, and you ney ( A ) , is also well known to you. H e r w o r k
will become proud o f the fact that you have as E x a m i n i n g Officer and her w o r k as G r a n d
one of the best presidents, not only that AOII Vice President last term have shown how ad-
has ever had but that you could possibly have. m i r a b l y fitted M u r i e l is in s o r o r i t y organiza-
tion work. H e r e n t h u s i a s m , inexhaustible
It is, o f course, to be expected that the per- vitality and interest are felt throughout the
fect secretary should come from our perfect sorority. Perhaps it w o u l d not be amiss to
chapter. Kappa. While some m a y d o u b t suggest that in her work w i t h alumnae organi-
Kappa's perfection, no one can reasonably zation, M u r i e l w i l l p r o v i d e us w i t h the finest
doubt that Anne Jeter Nichols ( K ) like other alumnae organization of anv sorority in the
good things in small package- w i l l be the best field.
Secretary. Anne's experience in the Central

• Stclle G. S. Perry (Alpha) is all a grout
could wish in an Historian (right).
Pinckncy Estes Glantsberg (Psi) is well
known both as a lawyer and our Pan-
hellenic delegate.
Helen M. Haller (Omega) will handle
the fraternity finances for the second
time (below).



9\n& *"ClJey

^Pzv%zb in flje

o^ o u r


Edith Huntington Anderson
(Beta Phi) has been tried
and found true in Alpha
Omicron Pi executive work,
so she is our new President.


"Isn't she lovely f" is the usual comment when in the sorority. The problems o f the f r a -
Anne Jeter Nichols, neti- Secretary, comes ternity, of the chapters, and of individuals
have been given to her f o r consideration. H e r
around. sympathetic understanding o f these problems
and y o u t h i n general has been most h e l p f u l .
I t is indeed fitting that the n e w l y created office Largely because of M a r y Dee's presentation
of Second Vice President in charge of our as an active member o f our N a t i o n a l P h i l a n -
National P h i l a n t h r o p i c w o r k be a w a r d e d to thropic Research Committee, our present Na-
Mary Danielson Drummond ( A * ) . For many tional Philanthropic program was instituted
years M a r y Dee has been an important factor and has been carried on—because o f her pa-
tience and determination. This program will
always be one o f o u r finest activities.

Stella G. S, Perry, H i s t o r i a n , holds her o f -
fice f o r l i f e , but w e shall always introduce her
with each group of new officers. W h o could
be m o r e fitting o r able i n the position than a
Founder who knows the sorority f r o m its small
beginnings? Few groups are as fortunate as
we are to have a Historian who is also an
author. By natural bent, Stella Perry collects
—mementoes, facts, stories, pictures. You who
hive heard her tell the story of the founding
of Alpha Omicron Pi know what a fascinating
way she has o f relating the story. So we are
privileged to have so talented an Historian.
Her assistant needs no introduction either—-


* ft

Muriel Turner McKinney
(Lambda) is Vice President
in charge of Alumnae

Mary Dee Drummond (Alpha Phi) Wilma Smith Leland (Tau) has
is Second Vice President in charge edited thirty issues of To D R A G M A

of National Work. in her six years of office.

Elizabetli Hey wood Wyman. Her literary talent N o w beginning her f o u r t h term as E d i t o r is]
offers an example in her prize-winning essay Wilma Smith Leland ( T ) . Through her e f j j
used in this issue. H e r knowledge of the forts To DRAGMA is one of the outstanding)
sorority is that, of a Founder, too. fraternity p u b l i c a t i o n s . H e r close contact!
through the printed page has given each o f l
T o he o u r N a t i o n a l Panhellenic Delegate, you an opportunity to know Wilma. That shej
one must have an unusually keen intellect since has been successful in b u i l d i n g up so fine a3
many of the problems presented are not what magazine and in m a k i n g so m a n y f r i e n d s is a]
they seem. Combine this keen intellect with great tribute.
an unequaled sense of humor and a wealth of
i n f o r m a t i o n on f r a t e r n i t y matters as w e l l as This splendid group of officers provides AOlll
a love for the sorority, and you have a thumb- w i t h every o p o p r t u n i t y to have the most suc-d
nail sketch of our National Panhellenic Dele- cessful years in our history. It only remaina
gate, Pinckney Estes Glantzberg ( * ) , who is for each individual and each chapter to dpi
now beginning her fourth term. their part to b r i n g about this success.

Delta Phi Becomes Our Baby Chapter

Front row, left to right: Mrs. C. B. Elliott, Dean; Eulee Lide, president of Delta Phi; Anne Nichols,
Secretary; Ann Sale, District Superintendent; Edna Reed Whaley (Pi); Julia Acree Thomson (Kappa).
Side tables, right to left: Emma Watson, Maude Charles, Edna Louise Lent, Margaret Niggcl, Shirley
Bailey, Edith Walthall Ford (Kapba), Carolyn Smith, Ruth Carter, Cornelia Dowling, Margaret Estes,
Gertrude McDonald, Ellen LaBorJe, Hazel Hartwell Jenkins (Lambda), Emma Fritsche Garnsey (Psi),

Helen Camp (Omicron).


-f- T H E MOMENT THAT I met Anne Jeter Saturday morning the Pledge Services were
Nichols in Richmond, f r o m a purely per- held in the English Room of the Columbia
Hotel. Before Julia Acree Thomson (K' 25),
sonal point of view, the installation o f Delta Anne Nichols and myself, twelve girls pledged
Phi Chapter was a complete success. W e had themselves to become members of Alpha Omi-
been together o n l y once since o u r g r a d u a t i o n cron Pi, and were invested with the gold sheaf
f r o m Randolph-Macon, so to be going o f f to- of wheat. A t three o'clock that afternoon,
gether on fraternity business was almost too seven of them presented themselves f o r initia-
good to be true. tion, and the installation of their chapter.

We arrived in Columbia, South Carolina, T o me this service was nothing short of
early Friday morning, and were met by Eulee thrilling. I n addition to the beauty of the
Lide, the president of the petitioning group, ritual and the sweet seriousness of the ini-
and Ellen LaBorde, its secretary. A t the hotel tiates as they became members o f our f r a -
we had lovely rooms, overlooking on one side ternity, there was the joy of having members
beautiful old T r i n i t y Church and on the other of Alpha Omicron Pi from many chapters
the State Capitol Building. I t was hard f o r present. Those alumnae who live in Columbia,
us to take our eyes away f r o m the great live Mrs. Marcellus Whaley (Edna Reed, n ) , Mrs.
oak trees and palmettos across the w a y as we Ehrlich Thomson (Julia Acree, K '25), Mrs.
checked up on the materials that had been Richard Gaillard (K '22), were there; Ann
sent ahead o f us f r o m Central Office. Wagner, the president of Omicron Chapter,
and Helen Camp (O) came f r o m Knoxville;
Ellen L a B o r d e took us to lunch at her home while from Atlanta arrived four members of
where ,ye were delighted to meet her m o t h e r their alumnae chapter, Mrs. E. Fay Pearce
and father. I n the afternoon we called on (Annie Stuart Ellis, H ) , Mrs. Charles T.
Mrs. Elliott, the Dean of Women of the U n i - Garnsey ( E m m a Fritsche, * ) , M r s . S. P.
versity of South Carolina, who told us about Jenkins (Hazel Hartwell, A) and Mrs. Allan
the fraternity situation on the campus. She Ford (Edith Walthall, K).
;has been m o s t h e l p f u l i n g e t t i n g o u r g r o u p
organized and welcomed Alpha Omicron Pi In the Crystal Room of the hotel, the ban-
heartily to the University. quet was held. Each one of us was presented
with a corsage by the girls of Delta Phi, mak-
Fraternity examinations were given at the ing us feel, as J u l i a T h o m s o n said, " I f ray
hotel on Friday night, and plans were made husband could o n l y see me n o w ! " T h e toast
for the installation the next day. Anne and scheme was that of the Red Rose, each girl
I got in touch with some alumnae in town and
were delighted with their enthusiasm.


14 To I)k.\(,M\

responding w i t h a toast i n rhyme when she On Sunday afternoon, Delta Phi Chapter
was called upon. When the toast " T o Our gave a reception at the hotel. W e were so
Founders—the Planters of the Rose," was pre- pleased with how lovely they looked and with
sented, M r s . W h a l e y , w h o was the first pledge what grace and dignity they received the mem-
o f Pi Chapter, told us of Stella George Stern bers of the faculty, and other fraternities,
P e r r y as she had k n o w n her, and A n n e Jeter both those o f men and o f women. A l l "of
Nichols gave sketches of the other Founders. them congratulated us on the installation of
T o hear about the lives of these splendid the chapter.
w o m e n and h o w A l p h a O m i c r o n P i was, as
Anne quoted Mrs. Perry, "not founded, but The Delta Zetas gave a supper f o r us Sun-
came as a l i g h t f r o m above," was an inspira- day night at the house that they have rented
tion not only to the newest members of our for this year. They are a most attractive
fraternity, but to all the rest o f us. A f t e r group, and we appreciated so much their cor-
the formalities of the banquet were over, we diality.
gathered around the piano and sang the songs
of our fraternity to the new chapter. It was A f t e r the supper, Anne and I met with
late when we left, each one of us carrying Delta Phi Chapter to go over the details of
w i t h us much more than the flowers and at- chapter life. W i t h their seven initiated and
tractive program, carrying in our hearts re- five pledged members, they are a splendid
newed joy in our bond of sisterhood. group, and we are sure that they will carry
on the high ideals of Alpha Omicron Pi.

University of South Carolina Prominent in Civil War

-4- T H E UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, sit- a L a w School well known f o r the large num-
ber o f f a m o u s sons she has sent out. De-
uated in Columbia, the capital of the state, Saussure, the old home of the School of Edu-
is one o f the oldest of southern colleges, hav- cation and the oldest standing building in
ing been f o u n d e d in 1801. I t is a state insti- Columbia, is to the right. A t the head o f the
t u t i o n , and as such has played an inseparable campus is Carolina's choice property—the
part in the intellectual, social, and political life Library—which, because of its many treasured
of the state f o r more than a century and a and rare volumes, justly deserves the praise
quarter. During the W a r Between the States it is given. I t has recently heen renovated
the dormitories were used f o r hospital pur- and compares favorably with the libraries of
poses. the largest schools in the country. During the
W a r Between the States i t served as the meet-
I t w o u l d be h a r d to find a college where ing place f o r the legislature.
traditions and ideals are more respected and
cherished t h a n at Carolina, as the u n i v e r s i t y On the new campus are Davis College, the
is k n o w n t h r o u g h the South. Carolina is the School of Liberal Arts; Sloan College, built
only school in the world which was estab- recently for the Physics and Engineering De-
lished with the honor system, a practice which partments ; LeConte College, named f o r the
has continued successfully to the present time. scientist LeConte. I t contains the Geology,
Biology, Chemistry, and Pre-Medical Depart-
T h e University has an old and new campus; ments. Among other outstanding buildings
the old campus being enclosed within an ivy- are Wallace Thompson Infirmary, Flinn Hall,
covered brick wall. A t the head of the old the Y.M.C.A. headquarters; the Observatory'
campus, lined with giant and majestic trees, which has recently been completed; and the
many of which have been imported, stands the Gymnasium, w h i c h is the scene o f many balls
president's old home, now the home of the
School of Journalism. T o the left is Petigru,

The Library is on the Old Campus

I h 1"B E * . 1933 15

The Gymnasium at the University of South Carolina is in Greek architecture.

and Germans. The Little Theatre furnishes two negro colleges. The life of the Univer-
Work in dramatics and has been replaced to a sity is very closely connected with the life
considerable extent by Drayton Hall. of the city.

There is a strong faculty of one hundred Sororities were not permitted on the
and sixty-three members, and the present en- campus u n t i l the f a l l o f 1927. T h e national
rollment o f the student body is 1,769. T h e sororities on the campus are Chi Omega.
University offers degrees through Ph.D. There Alpha Delta Pi, Delta Delta, Zeta Tau Alpha.
are three other colleges in the city of Colum- Pi Beta Phi, and Sigma Kappa, which was in-
bia : Columbia Bible College, Columbia Col- stalled last November.
lege, and the L u t h e r a n Seminary, as well as

Pi Delta Phi Leads in Scholarship

Pi Delta P h i Club was founded as a local members have been on the Dean's H o n o r List
organization o n October 29, 1930, at the U n i - for the past t w o years. Although we have
versity of South Carolina. The four founders given much time to achieving high scholastic
d u r i n g t h e i r first year o f o r g a n i z a t i o n led in standing, we have not neglected other phases
scholastic standing among the sororities and of campus life. T w o of our girls belong to
fraternities and were very active in the social the Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, and we have an assist-
life of the campus. These girls, though small ant i n the Bible Department as w e l l as in
the number, through their earnest efforts de- the department of Physical Education. Another
veloped an o r g a n i z a t i o n o f w h i c h we, as m e m - of our girls is a member o f Hi la I'i Theta,
bers, are proud. national French f r a t e r n i t y . P i D e l t a P h i se-
cured a room i n one of the University annexes
We feel that our pride in our group is justi- this year and has furnished it in a manner
fied when we consider the accomplishments appropriate for a sorority club room. We
Pi Delta Phi has made d u r i n g the short time hope to get enough of our girls in this annex
it has been organized. Since we joined local next year, so that we can use it f o r a sorority
Panhellenic Council i n 1932, the nationals have house. One o f the nationals has a house
been most encouraging to us in petitioning t h r o u g h this m e t h o d . T h e r e are five alumme
Alpha O m i c r o n Pi, and have never given us members at present who are standing loyally
any cause to feel i n f e r i o r to them in social behind the active chapter, encouraging us in
life. The honor in scholastic standing, which our every endeavor. Pi Delta Phi has accom-
the f o u n d e r s had i n t h e i r first year o f o r g a n - plished much as a local group, but we feel
ization, we attained again last year. This year that with the backing of a national organization,
we have t w o members w h o m we hope w i l l be such as A l p h a O m i c r o n P i , we can r a n k w i t h
elected to Phi Beta Kappa. One of these, a the other seven nationals on the campus.
junior, has maintained an A average d u r i n g
her three years at Carolina. Several other


Just F i f t e e n Minutes

MCM05 9 \ . i f C 5 CWVaj? CWVea.n ^^ancjos

to ^0(me Q^)ut to fjjljj 9Vfp^a it i$ Q~Qoml

The Tigre has luxuriant vegetation along its banks.

-+- W H A T DOES the average person think o f on I f a person should go to the second largest
hearing the w o r d Argentina? — Tangos. L a t i n city i n the w o r l d d e s i r i n g to see these
wonderful sights, I assure you he would not
What does the butcher picture?—Herds upon be disappointed. Compared w i t h most o f the
herds of cattle rushing through the corrals to American cities I have seen, Buenos Aires,
the freight cars. Again, what does the baker w i t h her narrow streets and her houses w i t h
see when A r g e n t i n a is mentioned?—Great, no f r o n t yards, coidd not be called beautiful.
open, level fields w i t h golden wheat w a v i n g Her monuments and public buildings make up
triumphantly under the bright blue sky. But for it, however.
what do 1 dream of at such a time?—Why,
nothing but HOME. Plaza M a y o may be considered the heart of
Buenos Aires. I t is a beautiful park, in the
I am sure you are asking: "Have we a center of which stands the "Piramide de Mayo"
South American savage f o r a f r a t e r n i t y sis- to commemorate the independence o f the A r -
ter?" Well, I am not quite a savage, although gentines f r o m Spanish rule, in 1810.
I would not doubt that my brother has at
times thought me so. I n fact, I am an A m e r i - On the east side o f Plaza M a y o stands the
can g i r l . M y father was sent to Buenos A i r e s Government House, c o m m o n l y k n o w n as " L a
on business six years ago, and there we have Casa Rosada" because of the rose colored brick
stayed. with which it was built. On the north side is;
the beautiful cathedral of San Martin. The]
People have asked me over and over: "What cathedral has twelve Corinthian columns which
is Buenos Aires like?" I could spend hours give it a resemblance to the Madeleine of
describing the city and giving main facts, but Paris. These columns represent the Twelve
even then you could not picture the true Apostles, and the facade is decorated w i t h fig-
Buenos Aires. The only way to know Argen- ures—Joseph e m b r a c i n g his brethren. Thisi
t i n a is to live there and learn at first hand decoration was to commemorate the family
the customs and ideas of the people. I t is use- compact of Buenos Aires with the Argentine
less to think that one may go to Buenos Aires provinces a f t e r the c i v i l w a r s o f 1853-1859.
and see the i m p o r t a n t buildings, monuments, The interior o f the church is b e a u t i f u l . I t has
parks, and then know Argentina. twelve chapels, in one o f which the tomb con-

j (cTOBF.R, 1 9 3 3 17

In Argentina By MARY E. ELLIS

Nu Omicron

tt c •»


The Congress Building of the Argentine Republic is an imposing structure.

raining the remains o f San M a r t i n , A r g e n t i n a ' s of one nationality. For example, in Ouilmes
George Washington. are the Germans, in I lurlingham and Tempere-
ly the English, and in Belgrano and Flores the
Facing the Casa Rosada is the old "Cabildo." Americans. The American colony in Buenos
T i i i - was the meeting place of the Cabildo or Aires is one of the smallest, and is undoubted-
Councillors atid the Viceroy when Argentina ly the most transient. Most of the American
was but a colony. When Argentina became a families go there on business and within a
i f r e e nation, the "Cabildo'" continued as the few months or years return home.
government building until 1821. N o w , however,
These suburbs are all beautiful, with wider
K is used only f o r the offices of certain gov- streets than those of the city. A l l the streets
ernment departments. are lined with sycamore, china, or orange trees.
; From Plaza Mayo to the Congreso, which T h e houses here are a l l flat r o o f e d and o f a
very solid gray masonry. They are generally
([Corresponds to our Capitol, extends Avenida constructed of red brick covered with cement.
Mayo. T h i s is a very fine, w i d e street w i t h There are no wooden houses because of the
scarcity of lumber. Many of these houses are
,<Sycamore trees on both sides, m a k i n g it one built to face on the sidewalk, with a patio
of the prettiest, as well as the busiest, streets inside. Others have a very high, ivy-covered
n n the city. A n o t h e r fine boulevard is A v e n i d a wall or a spiked fence around them. If you
l i j v e a r . This is a fashionable drive that runs should w i s h t o get inside, y o u w o u l d find the
through Palermo P a r k and the best residen- gate locked and you would ring the bell, or
t i a l section. The American Embassy, a very if no bell were there, you would clap your
beautiful residence, is on this avenue. hands. T h e latter is generally what you pave
to do. Soon a fat old maid will come out,
The shopping district is the Calle Florida, a probably drying her hands on a pinafore much
narrow s t r e e t r u n n i n g at right angles to too large f o r her. M o r e than likely she is a
ayenida Mayo, through the heart of the down- Spanish immigrant, or a Swiss or a Czecho-
town section. It is called the F i f t h Avenue, Slovakian. She w i l l take your name, say "un
Bond Street, or Rue de la Paix of Buenos momentito" and then clank back into the house.
Sires. One may- buy a n y t h i n g m a n u f a c t u r e d I say "clank" because she wears zapatillas, san-
'in any part of the world in Buenos Aires. dals made of rope and canvas, which are a
Ejus is p a r t l y due to the b i t t e r c o m p e t i t i o n o f puzzle to anyone as to how they are ever kept
all nations over the Argentine trade. Because on at all. A f t e r some time she w i l l return
of this great c o m p e t i t i o n and f o r e i g n i n f l u - and either ask you to come in very politely,
ence, Buenos A i r e s has been called the most or tell you the "Senora" is "not i n . " Y o u must
Cosmopolitan city in the world. Every nation not wonder w h y she did not ask you in the
of the w o r l d has some interests i n A r g e n t i n a . first time. T h a t w o u l d be d i s t i n c t l y against
her orders. B e f o r e you pass the gate, the
As in most of the large cities, the residential
sections are in the suburbs. Although there is
Uo special r u l i n g , there is a noticeable tend-
ency f o r all compatriots to stay together, and
then fore there are to be f o u n d whole towns


u over the La Plata, the rivers cover the islands

Mary Elisabeth Ellis is a student at w i t h five o r six feet o f m u d d y water. Because
Vanderbilt University.
of these sudden rises all the houses are built
"Senora" must have an opportunity to say
whether o r not she wishes to see y o u . on poles several feet high.

The older houses in Buenos Aires are sel- I t is on these islands that one can see the
dom equipped w i t h chimneys as we k n o w them.
H e a r t h s and fireplaces are f e w , and c o m f o r t a - true picture of the Argentine family without
bly warm houses are scarce. However, during
the last few years some houses have been con- European influences. L i f e is simple, and w i t h
structed with c e n t r a l h e a t i n g plants. We
thought we were very lucky to have a chimney not many worries other than those of tide
in o u r hall so w e could have a small coal
and weather. The head of the family makes
stove in w i n t e r . Y o u can imagine my surprise
his l i v i n g either by fishing o r in the "bunco"
when 1 arrived in Nashville and found lire-
places in every room. I n our home we did a trade. Huncos are tall reeds found in the shal-
large share of our cooking on a native b:azero
with charcoal. A brazero looks like a brick low water along the banks of the rivers. The:
platform, about waist high, coming out f r o m
the wall o f the kitchen. I t has two or three natives cut these reeds, dry them, and sell them
holes in the top with little grates like a black-
smith's f o r g e . A small charcoal fire i n one o f in the city, where wicker chairs, shades and
these grates makes a v e r y good cooking fire.
W e also had a gas stove, as gas is available mats are made f r o m them. A l l the thatched
in all of Buenos Aires proper, and in most of
the suburbs. roofs of the huts are made f r o m these huncos,

Y o u r visit to Buenos A i r e s w o u l d not be though there is also some bamboo industry.
complete i f you d i d not see the T i g r e . T h e
Tigre is the estuary the Parana and Uruguay T h e m o t h e r is the h a r d w o r k e r o f the fa-
rivers make as they empty into the La Plata
river not far above Buenos Aires. This delta mily. She rears the children, keeps the housed
is a mass of thousands of islands, varying in
size f r o m a few blocks square to many square and very often helps her husband with his
miles. The islands are very fertile, and in
their natural state are covered with thick tall fishing. H e r meals are plain but h e a l t h f u l . She'
grasses and reeds, but very few trees. The
streams of the delta also vary in size, f r o m generally has a little garden where she raises
rivers as w i d e as the Mississippi to l i t t l e creeks
which at times run dry. They are, however, all her vegetables. Every island has its orchard
very deep, and the current is generally very
strong. The tide and the wind on the Plate of oranges, lemons, peaches, plums or grapes.-
causes the water to rise and f a l l ; and often
when there is a strong w i n d blowing inland She bakes her bread in a little mud and brick

oven. This oven is formed by two low brick

walls in which a large tin is placed, over which

is built a round mud oven. Fire is placed

under the oven, and when the tin is very hot

the bread is put i n . W h e n it comes out it

would compete w i t h any bread advertised in

Good Housekeeping. Her tea is the Paraguyan

verba mate. This verba mate is made w i t h the

dry leaves of a certain native tree. She takes

a beautifully hand carved gourd, also called

the mate, into which she puts some of thai

leaves on w h i c h she pours hot water, and at

times adds a little sugar. She passes this to the

head of the house with a "bombilla," a metal'

tube through w h i c h he sips the entire guord

f u l l . Then more hot water is poured on the;

old leaves and handed to another member o f :

the family. This continues until all have hadj

their share.

Just the thought of the mate makes me wantj

to stay longer i n Buenos A i r e s , but m y fifteen'

minutes are up and I must get back to Mathe-i

matics and French verbs. I want to say, how-

ever, that I am waiting and longing f o r thel

v e r y first chance I can get to go back to that'

land of tangos, of cattle, of wheat, of beauty^

of home. A n d I hope that every one of yottl

w i l l be able to go w i t h me to see these beau-|

t i f u l places w h i c h I have so poorly painted. I


Suburban transportation is a bit slow and antique.

OCTOBER, 1933 19

Mr. Balfour


Beta Phi

I HAVE J U S T been reading about Lillian Dream Box
McCausland. D u r i n g my years i n the
Office, I have read many things she wrote, her I'y K I T T U C K E R , Upsilon
reports on chapters, her letters to members
showing her keenness in problems and situa- I dream of an isle in a sea far away
tions, her entire correspondence while on the I've never been there, but I'll go someday
Executive Committee. I t is a good way to Where the parrots are swinging in tropical
know one w h o m it is impossible to k n o w per-
sonally—through her letters. I find that the trees,
two words with which Merva Hennings me- And white clouds are racing in a spice-lade'n
morialized L i l l i a n — v i v i d and vital—could not
have been improved. I wish I might have breeze.
known her.
Days are enormous and hours are long wrong.
The McCausland Scholarship Cup is the g i f t Everything's happy there, nothing goes trees
of Mr. Lloyd Garfield Balfour to Alpha Omi- Polychrome sunsets blase in the sky
cron Pi. In memory of his good friend, L i l - Over mountains of jade where palm
lian McCausland, who worked with him in ad-
vancing educational projects, the cup, standing sigh.
for high attainment in scholarship in which
she excelled, typifies h e r — g r a c e f u l , g l o w i n g , If you wish to bargain for some of m y land
Vital and vivid. T h r o u g h it M r . B a l f o u r is Alzmys be happy and give ivhen you can.
perpetuating this friendship, and individually Do good unto others, don't think of yourself,
and as a f r a t e r n i t y we are sincerely g r a t e f u l Let love and good friendship be all of your
to him.
I T h i s cup w i l l be presented to the chapter zvealth.
fin the sorority having the highest scholarship
for the year. I f won by the same chapter Then, ivhen you qualify, hurry to me, free.
for three consecutive years, it will become And half of my paradise I'll give to you find
their permanent possession, and another cup Open my dream box and there you will and
given. A corner of paradise that's all your's

I t is a b e a u t i f u l tribute, and we are filled mine.
"with h u m i l i t y as we accept it.

Our heartiest congratulations to the first
chapter to win the McCausland Cup.

m To D R A G S * !


Alpha O and the Social

IT WAS A DELIGHT to realize during the w o r k we are supporting among the Kentucky
convention that in A O I I we have a picked mountaineers. There were reports, too, of the
group of girls and women, charming, enlight- social service of chapters locally: Tau, Kappa
ened, and f u l l of the spirit of service. and others—Christmas trees, hospital beds, help
to students, poor families tided over the de-
A memorable experience was listening to pression—all in the spirit of A O I I .
M r s . B r e c k i n r i d g e as she told the t h r i l l i n g

':0CTOBKK. 1933 21

^jC.'** us 9Vvoi& 0 \ o tjOpoCfc^ti ,Q5ecaM5eo^9»s (2orifrovet'$iaf

h c£et C U $ ( S o u r e r Q$ot§ Q&Q of Q

This w o r k is all to the g o o d ; i f , as Bess to solve the problems of human suffering and
tt'vman says, we can prevent the unnecessary human freedom? Are the normal, wholesome
buffering of one child, the unnecessary failure people represented in the fraternities to have
of one man, this is well w o r t h real sacrifice. no part in the great enterprise?

Yet, is charity, in the old sense o f the w o r d , There are seven thousand active and asso-
alile to dn away w i t h this needless suffering? ciate members in AOII alone, a tremendous
Would thousands of Christmas trees and food force for progress or for inertia.
Baskets '.vcr put an end to the unnecessary
tragedies of crime, of war, or of unemploy- Cannot our own fraternity take the lead
ment? The beautiful w o r d which we trans- upon the campus in thinking out social prob-
lated as c h a r i t y means also love, that pas- lems, without partisanship or bitterness, and
sionate love which identifies itself w i t h the un- may not o u r alumna! chapters find an occa-
fortunate and oppressed and makes itself per- sional vigorous discussion better than bridge
sonalis responsible f o r them wherever they to galvanize into activity some of our busy
may he. women of affairs? A n d the more controversial
a topic may be, the greater need of bringing
This personal responsibility cannot be con- to bear upon it the spirit of AOII.
tent to stand aloof f r o m the social problems
confronting our country and the world. Not least among the pleasures of the Con-
vention were the stimulating conversations that
Mrs. Breckinridge has shown us how the sprang up at table upon subjects connected
difficulties of our own social service project with social ideals. It was with the hope of ex-
i'jare bound up inextricably w i t h the ebb and tending and making f r u i t f u l this social ideal-
flow of industry, the greed for profits, the low ism that I brought forward the following rec-
Phages and the strikes w h i c h first l u r e d the ommendation :
mountaineers into the factory towns and then
Kspewed them back helpless upon the starved That each active and alumna.' chapter o f
soil of their birthplace. She has told us, too. AOII add to its standing committees a commit-
'.of the hope that lies in government action, the tee on Citizenship and Social Problems. I t s
creation of a forest reserve in that region of duty shall be to foster among members the
Kentucky. More pressing ever than the prob- enlightened discussion of public questions un-
lems of our social service are the ever present der the guidance o f these three principles:
fact? of the depression, which the fraternity
has been compelled to face, and w h i c h were 1. N o problem to be avoided because o f its
lying in w a i t f o r probably fifty per cent o f us, controversial character.
E n be grappled w i t h as soon as we reached
them. 2. B o t h sides o f every question to be c o n -
Then there is the sinister international situa-
Ntion, menacing now as perhaps never b e l o r e 3. A l l discussions to be conducted in har-
•since 1914. A s I stood i n the L i n c o l n M e m o r i a l mony with the spirit of AOII.
and read once more the words of the Second

Inaugural, the realization came to me that
"(freedom, is Lincoln and Washington conceived
Eg. is steadily disappearing f r o m the world,
snuffed out in Italy, savagely crushed in Ger-
fMany. and assuming in Russia a form which
We o f A m e r i c a find h a r d to recognize.

On every campus there are little groups of
students working intensely along these lines,
thinking out the pros and cons of Socialism.
Communism, labor legislation, w a r and peace.


Son-fraternity students most of these are—
nut-" yon call them, perhaps rightly. But are
the "nuts," y o u n g and old, to be left alone

Jessie Wallace Hughan delivered this splendid
challenge at the last session of convention.

22 To D R A G

Your Money's Worth

Frontier Nursing Service Social Service Department

Alpha Omicron Pi Fund
Report for Year July 1, 1932 to July 1, 1933



Children: Individuals

( \ ) U n d e r entire c a r e : i.e., i n f o s t e r homes

or boarding schools $774.93

(2) F o r p a r t i a l c a r e : i.e., chiefly shoes, 31 46.45

clothing, school books

(3) H a n d i c a p p e d c h i l d r e n : i.e., s c h o o l ar-

rangements, travel, clothing, etc 15.65

Total cost o f child-caring service $837.03 43.5%

Medical Social Service:

( I ) Children to city hospitals f o r special

(2) A d u l t s : 1 to hospital, 1 to a specialist....

(3) Glasses f o r 1 child _

(4) Corrective device f o r 1 adult-

Total cost of medical social service 92.83 4.9%
255.00 13.4%
Loans for Education: 2 i n d i v i d u a l s

Family Serivce: Families
Representing assistance given, on a supple-

mentary basis, usually in the f o r m of

w o r k , f o r such specific items as taxes to

save f a r m land, m i l k cows, seeds, and

to some extent food and clothes 529.52 27.9%

Other Field Expenditures: 13.81 .7%
30.00 1.6%
Miscellaneous _

Pettv Cash _ -..

Total Field Work Expenditures _ $1,758.19 92.0%

ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS (exclusive of salary) : $106.92
Travel, Social Worker 5.00
Equipment -~ 3.46


Books and periodicals

Check tax _

Total 142.38 7.5%

Grand Total (exclusive of salary)... $1,900.57 99.5%
Salary of Social Worker- 1,800.00

Grand Total A l l Expenditures $3,700.57

A017 Regular Budget Allowance- 20.00

AOn Special Gifts (Shoe Fund) _ - 91.64
' 1.47
Special Gift Social Service (not A O n )

Loans repaid _ _

Refunds -

Total Receipts _ - $3,791.56
Less Expenditures ~-

Balance o n hand as o f J u l y 1, 1933.

QCTORKR. 1933 23

In Human Progress

Nora Smalhvood has her first three boys are more of Sadie and Delia Mornan are
doll. Ltssic s brood of eight. two of Lit tie Aforgan's


Bill Fields. F.uell Fields

Hound-faced Delia Fields looks
after her flock of brothers and


24 To D R A G MA.

Her Age is Lost in the Limbo
of Casual, Forgotten Things"

tfye ^^aifj> ventures


(^ in cX!enfncky's

Wendover, Leslie County, Ky. spite of her fear of her fellows, in spite of
the tempting truancies of her favorite brother.
July 1. 1933.
All of Lizzie's children are interesting for
DKAK A L P H A O'S : that matter. There is Denver, f o r instance—
twelve-year-old terror who long ago got be-
H o w plain and dull and, inader|iuitc seem yond his father's futile, spasmodic attempt at
the totals and percentages of a formal report discipline. Stubbornly refusing treatment for!
when one knows the individuals who march his crop of worms, refusing likewise inocula-
behind this stiff disguise. H o w I wish 1 could tions, dental care, whatever, and defying any
say an abracadabra over these figures and and all who sought to persuade him to go t(^
transform them for you into the variegated school. Then, Denver selling berries and plums-
procession of human beings which they repre- with which to buy his own shirts—and pleased
sent ! as Punch w i t h a b r i g h t green one. Beamingly
wearing the green shirt and turned out clean
I n such a procession y o u w o u l d find Lizzie as a w h i s t l e f o r his first t r i p to H a z a r d , a n d '
Morgan— victim of hookworms, too many accepting philosophically the necessity of going
babies, too little food, too much drudgery. A t barefoot. ( H e came back shod, by the way.)!'
thirty-six, mother of eight children, this is the P r o n o u n c e d " d u m b " by his f a t h e r and nQ
picture Lizzie now presents: thin, wasted body, schooling w o r t h mentioning in his whole l i f e ;
gaunt cheeks, a few teeth that are no more then suddenly the announcement that he wants
than broken snags, and a droop that seems to to go away t o a settlement school, as his elder
bespeak both physical and spiritual exhaustion. sister is d o i n g , a n d t h e r e a f t e r a m a z i n g l y reg*a
It w o u l d be a mistake to assume there is no ular attendance at the local school.
vitality l e f t , however. Fiercely she clings to
her children. F a i t h f u l l y and w i t h amazing suc- Clear, dark eyes i n pale, delicate faces; in-Jj
cess she struggles to keep the baby well and telligently alert; hyper-sensitive; usually pain-I
clean. Clean and spruce she appears f o r a t r i p f u l l y shy, then again aggressive w i t h a sort ofs
to Hazard to visit the dentist, and turns a desperate courage; obsessed by fear and yed
painful errand into a woefully needed lark. g a l l a n t l y s t r u g g l i n g to find friendliness, ap-1
Querulous, bitter, hopeless at times, infected probation, security—that would describe the'
with the neurotic fears of the defensive, vacil- whole lot of Lizzie's children. Watching them;
lating, impotent man who is her husband; then one's pity becomes curiously mixed with ad-
marshalling her forces and setting herself once miration.
more to the task of piecing together the rag-
tags of a hard existence. Engrossed though you might become with
the Morgan tribe, you c o u l d n o t miss Ida:j
Y o u w o u l d be enchanted w i t h little Sadie, Smith. A f t e r the Morgan's the contrast o f ]
frail, blue-eyed, shy, the eight-year-old daugh- her appearance alone is enough to make herd
ter of Lizzie. Washing her own dresses, put- conspicuous. A broad, flat, large-boned face,,!
t i n g her "best" in a flour sack h u n g on the witli cheekbones high and wide, narrow deeuj
wall to keep it clean f o r her periodic visits siel eyes and a b u l g i n g forehead, t o p p i n g a
to W e n d o v e r . R o a m i n g the fields and woods broad, solid powerful frame, Ida looks like
like a little wild thing, endlessly collecting gifts n o t h i n g so much as a N o r t h European peasant,I
o f flowers, berries, nuts, f o r those f e w she Ida is deaf and dumb and is the mother o f i
trusts as f r i e n d s . Ridden by the fears imbibed two illegitimate children. Until a few months
f r o m her parents, yet bravely asking for her ago she was decidedly persona non grata i n
typhoid and diphtheria inoculations and taking the home of her decrepit but self-righteous
the pain without a murmur. Looking for a parents. Under their criticism and neglect, Ida
"job" in advance of school to earn the money was becoming suspicious of all about her, was
for her reader. Doggedly going to school in

QCTOBKK, 1933 25

n t a g 0 n i s t i c toward her parents and, according advanced to such stage that her body was f u l l
to their account, dangerous. Four years at the of great sores and the skin on her hands and
School f o r the Deaf in her childhood taught feet cracked open and bleeding. Her present
her to use the sign language, to read and w r i t e foster mother is devoted to her, tends to over-
after a fashion, to love cleanliness and order mother her in fact, but who could begrudge
a n d to w o r k with an energetic thoroughness. her an excess o f affection and freedom?
\\i\th her c h i l d r e n she is gentle and k i n d , keeps
them clean and carefully follows the routine T h e f o u r youngsters who stick so closely to-
outlined by the nurse. gether are the Fieldses. Their eighty-six-year-
old father and paralytic mother, hopelessly in-
But even these qualifications, plus a desper- adequate b o t h as p r o v i d e r s and parents, t u r n e d
ate eagerness f o r a j o b , d i d not find one f o r them over to us last March. They are now
her among people in an almost moneyless com- placed in foster homes near each other and
munity. The possibility of institutional care often visit and play together. The bright-eyed,
being at least temporarily dismissed f o r v a r i - round-faced l i t t l e f o u r t e e n - y e a r - o l d g i r l is
ous reasons, and a f t e r t w o or three abortive Delia. 'Tis f u n to watch her motherly little
attempts to find f o r her suitable employment flutterings a m o n g the younger ones.
with some kindly family, a part-time job was
made f o r her at the nursing center. Ida's prob- A f t e r the Fields quartette there comes Syl-
lems are not solved. B u t she is a gem o f a via Pennington, a laughing, apple-cheeked
worker, is inordinately proud of her job and y o u n g g i r l w h o is as sturdy a n d healthy and
touchingly grateful for the interest and encour- spontaneously gay as she looks, as open and
agement o f the nurse—who is learning to talk candid as the direct gaze o f her v e r y blue
to her in the sign language. A t home she has eyes indicates. Even adolescence hasn't done
gained status, too, and her small earnings, much to upset her nice equilibrium. She is
thriftily spent, have given her a degree o f pre- spending her vacation at Wendover this sum-
cious independence. mer and is very much a favorite.

There are to be f o u n d several deaf children N o w , as the procession moves on, we come
|n the procession, too—students at the School to some grown-ups. That tall lanky man has
for the Deaf w h o m we have helped in one way only one eye. Last winter while he was chop-
or another to enable t h e m t o go to school. p i n g w o o d a splinter flew up a n d pierced the
There y o u w i l l find H a r d i n g Barger, v e r y h a r d eyeball of the other. The sight of the good
of hearing b u t not i n school. H e is t h i r t e e n eye was threatened, eyes being sympathetic
years old and lives w i t h his grandfather. N o t creatures, and must s t i l l be c a r e f u l l y w a t c h e d
being t o t a l l y deaf, the g r a n d f a t h e r finds h i m A few months ago his f a r m was sold f o r taxes.
useful in one way or another and refuses to But the sheriff was kind-hearted, and the
let him go to school. Reasoning, persuasion, printer reduced his part of the bill f o r the
the threat of the law have to date failed. T h e cost o f the sale, so that a f e w dollars was
fact that Harding is very clever with his hands enough to get it back f o r him.
and would make an excellent subject f o r the
vocational training he w o u l d get at the School The family next in the procession are the
for the Deaf makes failure to get him there Onzie Brocks. W e got them a cow not long
all the more tragic. Our resources are not en- ago and already the two babies are gaining
tirely exhausted—we may succeed even yet. fatness and pinkness. W i t h food sufficient f o r
hard w o r k and w i t h kelp at a few other funda-
The short plump little person with a heavy mental points, 'tis amazing t o see h o w that
thatch o f straight black hair is N o r a S m a l l - man's energy and self-respect have risen. H e
wood. H e r age is lost in the limbo o f casual, has gained the reputation o f being an excellent
forgotten things. One former neighbor thinks w o r k m a n a n d h e r e a f t e r he should find i t m u c h
she is about eleven, another that she is nearly easier to get at least occasional work. H e has
fifteen, a n d there is no r e c o r d o f her b i r t h t o prospects f o r a good crop o f corn, he and his
decide the matter definitely. I n appearance, ten w i f e are b a r d at w o r k i n the field o r the gar-
or eleven seems m o r e nearly r i g h t . I t is eight den every day. The outlook is that they w i l l
months now that she has lived w i t h her pres- live more comfortably next winter than they
ent foster parents, w h o m we f o u n d f o r her. have done since Onzie had full-time employ-
A t long last she has come to expect kindliness ment i n the mines, years ago.
and affection and approval, plenty to eat and
wear, time to play and a chance to go to school The next family are the Chester Morgans.
—things that should be the right o f every T h e family's chief interest seems to be cen-
child. T o see her n o w so s t u r d y a n d w e l l , i t tered on sending the children to school—bright
is hard to believe that a f e w months ago she children they are, too. A little help in the
was in the hospital so i l l w i t h pellagra it was way of providing means f o r getting clothing
doubtful that she w o u l d live. T h e record o f and school books is about all the outside
the years preceding her advent at the hospital assistance they need. Given mountain agricul-
reads: deprived of her mother by death; aban- ture as the economic basis o f l i f e and one
done by her father to strangers in a m i n i n g finds hundreds o f f a m i l i e s l i k e the M o r g a n s ,
town; rescued by a former neighbor, and then people who, i f given any reasonable chance of
a long interval o f being passed around among making a living, would not ask or need help
relatives and neighbors, ending up i n the home f r o m anyone.
9* a m a r r i e d brother. T h e r e she was beaten,
never allowed to go to school, made to cook, But i f we dwell too long on this nearer,
wash, hoe corn, even after her pellagra was more sharply delineated procession, you will
miss altogether the long procession that f o l -
lows after, so l o n g that i t stretches out dimly
into the distance. Over eighteen hundred fam-

ilies, approximately ten thousand j>eople, the To DRAG MA
"needy" o f Leslie County, go to make Up this
long parade of human want. The story of the also f o r believing that my constant attempts
first year's w o r k o f the "Social Service D e - to size up the situation and present the relief
j>artment" w o u l d he very incomplete without needs of this region to the State Commission \
them, though several circumstances make it as accurately and vividly as I could have had j
difficult to crowd them into a formal report. results in terms of more adequate relief funds. !

Last fall when the County was being organ- This experience has also been of immense 1
ized f o r public relief (as a part of the State value to me as a social w o r k e r in the moun-
relief p r o g r a m , financed by the Reconstruction tains. I n the first place, I have gathered an j
Finance Corporation), it seemed right and enormous fund of information, information '
proper that the one trained social worker in that I might otherwise have taken years to ]
Leslie County, representing the only organiza- accumulate: a familiarity with the various and I
tion in the county doing any type of social ingenuous ways by which people strive to piece ,
w o r k on a large scale, should be actively out a livelihood where wretchedly unsuitable
interested therein. F r o m the outset, that is land is the chief economic resource; a knowl- j
since October, 1932, I have t h e r e f o r e been a edge of endless local and family characteris- J
member of the County Relief Committee and tics, hundreds of personal acquaintances, con- \
for several months directed the work of the tributing immeasurably to my understanding
field staff. of people and rei>eatedly cropping up to make
easier a specific task. I n other words, eight i
The organization and administration of months' experience with the County Relief •
emergency relief in a county that has never Committee has served to give me a picture of ]
known any large-scale or systematized relief the social and economic situation in this re-
whatever is no easy matter. Allotments f o r gion, in its larger outlines and in its varied ]
the administrative end o f things have been detail, such as I could not have had before and 3
woefully inadequate. Skilled personnel, even could hardly have gotten otherwise in so short ]
for routine office w o r k , to say n o t h i n g o f the a time.
m o r e e x a c t i n g field w o r k , has been almost
totally lacking. Promptness and efficiency have No less important f r o m the point o f view
been greatly impaired by the difficulties of of my own efficiency has been one other I
travel and communication. We have, how- outcome: I have achieved a "place." T o be on I
ever, administered $80,500.00, given relief at the staff of the nursing organization and y e t j
one time or another to more than eighteen not be a nurse is to be, in the minds o f most -]
hundred families, or about 85% of the popu- people, either an unknown quantity and there-
lation of the County. During the hardest by unused, or to be called on f o r services one 3
months of the late winter and early spring, is not prepared to render. 'Tis very s a t i s f y i n g !
when supplies f r o m f a r m and garden were at to find n o w that I am, i n the minds o f a great 1
their lowest ebb, we have carried almost that many people, the i>erson to w h o m one goes ]
number on our relief rolls at one time. This with his troubles of a non-medical nature.
relief has been administered l a r g e l y as w o r k 'Tis c o m f o r t i n g , too, to be twenty or twenty- I
relief, the work being done on the county five miles a w a y f r o m headquarters i n u t t e r l y 1
roads. The quality of that w o r k has been strange c o u n t r y and still find people to greet J
variable, of course, but we do have the satis- you with warm friendliness and call you b y ]
faction of seeing permanent improvement in name! Fven more conducive to confidence is 1
numerous stretches of road. to face what seems to be a new "case" and 1
then be able to d i g up f r o m a store of m i s c e l - i
ImjHissible as i t is t o measure i n concrete laneous contacts and experiences something to j
terms just what was gained by the time and simplify and make things easier. I f I must i
effort I myself expended in the w o r k of the t r y to evaluate these eight m o n t h s — o f t e n hec- <,
County Relief Committee, several reasons tic, almost always arduous and time-consum- J
make it necessary to include, in the record ing, and sometimes discouraging—I would sayj
of the year's work, some attempt to evaluate that they have carried on my training f o r i
it. I n the first place, i t has taken a v e r y con- social w o r k in the mountains as literally noth-1
siderable portion of my time, which in itself ing else could have done.
would call f o r some accounting. Weeks and
weeks have gone by when I was able to do W i t h greetings to Alpha O's, I am
l i t t l e else—those first weeks o f o r g a n i z a t i o n ,
limes when complications and misunderstand- Faithfully yours,
ings have arisen, times when new orders from
headquarters have necessitated sweeping Bland Morrow.
changes in practice.
The enthusiasm for National Work was
H a r d as it is to make an actual reckoning, I most satisfactory at the R o u n d Table discus-^
feel confident that we may, without immodesty, sion w h i c h f o l l o w e d M i s s M o r r o w ' s rej>ort at!
believe that i t has been a w o r t h w h i l e invest- convention. T h e o p i n i o n seemed to he that]
ment in terms of the effectiveness with which w h e r e there was criticism about i t , it came;
the relief job itself has been done: increased f r o m a lack o f understanding of the scope andj
efficiency, more sensitiveness to the needs o f type of the endeavors. The Kentucky moun-
human beings, greater freedom f r o m local tain project is but a beginning, we hope, o f thej
prejudices and local interests, more easy ac- w o r k we w i l l d o i n time to come on the for-*;
cess to the invaluable i n f o r m a t i o n and advice gotten f r o n t i e r s o f Maine, o f Montana, NeWi
of the nurses. I think there is good reason Mexico, anywhere and everywhere that womertl
and children need a chance to help themselvesJ

0 C T O , 1 I : K ' 193.* 27
— ... -'-*

Mc Causland


By Dr. Mary
Raymond Gould, Pi

-f- VIRGINIA W E B B was born in Calvert, Ala- the buggy behind the horse. Dr. Webb, on
bama, o n A u g u s t 25, 1907. She was the these long rides, would talk to her about the
cases he had seen o r was g o i n g to see. Some
youngest o f a number o f children, by several o f the first money she made was earned by
years. H e r father was Dr. Francis Ashury filling capsules w i t h quinine f o r the large sum
Webb and her mother's maiden name was of five cents a h u n d r e d , f o r l i k e so m a n y
Edna McKae. The town of Calvert is located c o u n t r y doctors o f years ago, he had to fill
about thirty miles north o f Mobile, and is sit- his o w n prescriptions. Later she was taught
uated in beautiful rolling Alabama country. to fill some o f the m o r e complicated prescrip-
Both her parents were born and raised in the tions. T h e summer before she entered medi-
locality, they were sweethearts f r o m early cine she was promoted, and became almost an
youth, and after they were married they lived assistant, being allowed to help with his obstet-
in the o l d W e b b place, w h i c h has been in rical cases. O n their long rides together, D r .
the f a m i l y f o r several generations. V i r g i n i a ' s Webb also talked to Virginia about becoming
mother and sister still occupy the old house a doctor. He told her then that he believed
where she was b o r n . she was intended to be one, but he never
forced her into the profession in any way.
From early childhood Virginia and her When at the end of her junior year in college,
father, who gave his life to his country prac- he realized he w o u l d no longer be able to
tice, were close f r i e n d s as w e l l as parent and help her financially, he t o l d her to do j u s t as
child. From his unselfish giving of his time, she saw fit, but that i f she had d e t e r m i n a t i o n
energy and medical knowledge, V i r g i n i a got enough, he believed she c o u l d find a w a y t o
her first i n s p i r a t i o n to make her l i f e o f some continue her studying. He unfortunately died
Ijse to the less f o r t u n a t e . But not alone f r o m in the middle of her second year in the med-
ner f a t h e r d i d she get all her i n s p i r a t i o n , ical school, and t h e r e f o r e d i d n o t see her
borne credit goes to her mother, who, though graduate, nor did he live long enough f o r her
for many years has been an i n v a l i d , is one to go back and practice w i t h h i m as had been
Of the most b e a u t i f u l characters I have ever their hope for many years.
encountered. In spite of her suffering, which
at times is intense, she is always c h e e r f u l and Virginia's grammar school education was
interested in the outside world. She shared taken in the country school house in Calvert.
her husband's belief that their youngest c h i l d Her first three years in high school were also
Was intended to be a doctor. taken there, but fortunately the high school
classes were under the Mobile school system
V i r g i n i a , as f a r back as she can remember, and were taught by a University of Alabama
went on calls with her father, riding miles in graduate. W h e n she and her father realized


t h a i she w o u l d not be able to o b t a i n college cial worry, has maintained a high scholastic
entrance credits f o r her work in the country standing, she graduated second i n her class,
high school, she was sent f o r one year to and made the highest grade of any applicant
Simpson High School, a private institution in for the year on her Louisiana State Board
Birmingham, and a preparatory school f o r examination. She has the honor of being the
Birmingham-Southern College. T h i s high first w o m a n t o graduate f r o m o u r newest1
school was chosen chiefly because her brother medical school, as well as o f being a member
was head o f the science department there. o f its first g r a d u a t i n g class. She was one o f
Her credits were accepted f r o m the Calvert two women to receive an interneship in Char-
H i g h School upon condition that she make ity Hospital, among seventy appointments.
good grades. T h i s she undoubtedly d i d , as
she was valedictorian o f her class w h e n she Medical school w o r k is difficult enough
graduated i n June, 1925. She savs that i t when all conditions are favorable, but when
was in that year that she first d e f i n i t e l y be- one must work or borrow one's way through,
gan to prepare f o r the study of medicine, tak- it is an added burden which very f e w are
ing both biology and chemistry. w i l l i n g to carry. Y e t i n spite o f the load she
was carrying, she has been cheerful and unsel-
Virginia entered Birmingham-Southern in fish, always finding time to help others along.
the f a l l o f 1925, and was pledged A l p h a O m i -
cron Pi that same Sentember. She was ini- Medicine, to Virginia, is not just a means
tiated i n F e b r u a r y , 1926, just a f t e r m i d - t e r m o f m a k i n g a l i v i n g , i t is w h a t , as she believes,
examinations. Throughout her whole four she was put i n the w o r l d to do. She feels
years at college she took all the science t o w a r d it as a man w o u l d feel about a call to
courses she could and continued to prepare the ministry, or one would feel about a call
for the study o f medicine. She was fortunate to the missionary field. H e r hope n o w is some
enough to obtain a scholarship and during her day to have sufficient means to be able to use
sophomore, junior, and senior years she was her medicine f o r charity w o r k and thus, as
assistant to the college physician. I n her she has so frequently said to me, make the
senior year, also, she was assistant i n the de- w o r l d a little better because she has lived i n it.
partment of Chemistry. It was in her senior W h e t h e r she w i l l ever reach the point where
year that she realized she could no longer she does not have to earn money w i t h her
hope f o r financial aid f r o m her f a m i l y , so profession is not o f any consequence, because
she b o r r o w e d money f r o m the B i r m i n g h a m the world will be better f o r her having lived
branch of the American Association of U n i - in it. T h i s she has already started to do, f o r '
versity Women, and also f r o m the Margaret in the first f e w months o f her internship she
Morrow Worker's Loan Fund, the latter being has not only earned the reputation of being
a student aid f u n d at Birmingham-Southern. the most conscientious and hardest working
interne Charity has ever had, but her patients
At the end of her college course, graduating believe her to be the most kind. She gives
in June, 1929, she saw no w a y to go on w i t h her time, energy and ability to all the u n f o r t u - ,
her medical school work; but during the sum- nates in her wards without ever complaining,
mer of that year the way opened up through except to complain that she has not more time
the influence o f Dean Graves of the University to give. N o t h i n g is too much trouble and at
of Alabama Medical School in Tuscaloosa, for no hour o f the day or night does she mind
her to take her first year o f medicine. She being called away f r o m either much needed j
decided to take that year and hope f o r more sleep or pleasure to help some one who 9
aid in the future. T h i s has been true o f every suffering. Many of us in Alpha Omicron Pi
year she has been in the medical school. A n y who take the teachings of our fraternity light-
one o f less courage and determination would l y can find i n s p i r a t i o n i n V i r g i n i a W e b b .
have given up, but Virginia lacks neither.
Alice Dyer (Gamma) is an
Friends, Alpha Omicron Pi, both the Tusca- All-Maine woman after a
loosa and Birmingham branches of the Amer- career including the treas-
ican Association of University Women, the urership of W. 5. G. C.,
Gorgas Loan Fund, of Alabama, and Men's "Campus" Board, presi-
Bible Class of the Rayne Memorial Methodist dency of Sophomore Eagles,
Church in New Orleans have loaned or given secretaryship of W. S. G.
her money f r o m year to year, thereby enabling C, and Panhellenic
her to continue her studies. Council.

I n her sophomore year at Alabama she was
awarded the Mobile County scholarship, which
helped her through that year. A s Alabama is
but a t w o year medical school, she decided to
come to the Louisiana State University Med-
ical Center f o r her last two years, chiefly be-
cause D r . Clyde Brooks, f o r m e r l y o f Alabama,
was coming there to teach in the department
of Physiology. H e offered Virginia an assis-
tantship in his department, which she held dur-
ing both her junior and senior years in the
medical school. During her senior year a
friend gave her a room and breakfast, which
cut down her living expenses f o r that year.

V i r g i n i a , i n spite o f the handicap o f finan-

OCTOBER- 1933 29

phi Beta Kappa Mm Phi Kappa Phi

The Price Cu 7
anarded to the
best all-round ac
twe at Theta Eta,
was worn by Mar
jorxe Dewey, past



fane Fordyce (Theta Eta) Helen Camp, past president
won the ring given to the of Omicron, is vice president
outstanding pledge at Theta • f Phi Kappa Phi. She be
Eta Chapter. S is active longs to Cap and Gown and
in Freshman Leadership,
Women's Commission Glee Home Economics Club.

Club and Mummers Guild.

f 5 §- ...

Effie Maiden (Omicron) belongs to Grace Quarrington (Gamma) boasts
Phi Kappa Phi at the University of both Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Beta
Tennessee. She was president of Strong Kappa keys. She belonged to Sopho-
Dormitory and a member of IV. S. G. more Eagle, Beta Pi Theta, Latin Club.
Y.W.C.A. Cabinet and was an All-
and Home Economics Club.
Maine Woman.

Pride of
Alpha O

Alpha Gamma— Carnival won the first prize for being the most
Floy Lewis and Lenore Morse are members attractive booth and taking in the most
money. Both houses received silver loving
of Spurs. cups. Eleanor Coombe is president of W.A.A.

Alpha Phi— Alpha Tan—
Virginia Warner and Dorothy Ford are "They were here to watch us working in

members of Mortar Board. Margaret Kunkle the yard. It was our annual Yard Workout.
is president of Spurs. Alpha Phi has the Each one in the chapter brought something to
presidency of five organizations on the cam- plant and we dug beds, pulled weeds, planted
pus: Home Economics Club, Secretarial Club, seeds, trimmed vines, and cut grass. We added
W.A.A., Spurs, and Phi Upsilon Omicron. ten spirea bushes, ten rose bushes, three clump
of columbine, three oriental poppies, and:
Alpha Pi— roles in flower seeds of all sorts to our rapidly grow-
Frances Causey has had leading House," ing collection."

"Alice in Wonderland," "Allison's Three out of the seven girls in school who
and "Symphony in Two Flats." made straight A's were AOII's: Martha Ann
Shepardson, Dotty Fuller, and Anna Louise
Alpha Rho— Frost. Barbara is president of Student Gov-
Four Spurs: Althea Bruhl, Peggy Lehrbach, ernment and T i j Jones is vice president of
W.A.A. Gladys Merchant is vice president of
Harriet Westersund, and Jeanne Bauer. Lillie the Junior Class.
L. Madsen ('21), Silverton, Oregon, has writ-
ten some very interesting articles for the Beta Phi—
Morning Oregonian. Lela Scott won the Arbutus sales contest, a

Alpha Sigma— free trip to Yellowstone Park being the prize.
Edith Sinnett was princess for the Prom

Queen last Junior Week. Alpha Omicron Pi
and Pi Kappa Alpha booth at the A.W.S.

in ifyt

o on i§i


Beta Theta— Gamma—
The chapter was awarded the Woman's Ernestine Merrill is president of the Maine

League attendance cup. Mary Alice Burch, Masqtie. The four class leaders of athletics
Prances Messick, and Rosemary Rocap are are all AOII's. Grace Quarrington and Evelyn
members of Spurs. Charlotte Peele was a Gleason have been elected to both Phi Beta
May Queen attendant. Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi, and Ruth Walenta
was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Grace Quar-
Epsilon— rington was president of All-Maine Women.
Ruth Sharp, daughter of Catherine Allen
Sharp ('10) was initiated last year. Ruth Catherine Carson is president of the fresh-
(^Harder was president of the sophomore class
Lucille YVallin C33) has become chairman of man class. Julia Dodson had the lead in
all student Social Service work in Ithaca. E s - "Hecuba" and Lida Stokes played the part of
ther Marsh ('34) received the Ellen Schmidt Helen of Troy. Lou Massie was May Queen
Scholarship for Juniors for the most out- and four other members of the chapter were
standing scholastic work during her two and in the court. Lou Massie was the fourth
one-half years here. consecutive AOII from Kappa Chapter to be
appointed by the Governor to represent Vir-
Epsilon Alpha— ginia at the Rhododendron Festival. Addie
Louise Everitt was senior attendant to the Cunningham has been elected Chairman of the
Judiciary Committee; Edith A. Pfeiffer is
May Queen. Nancy Stahlman is president president of the Y.W.C.A. and Nancy Gates,
and Enid Stage vice president of the Junior treasurer. Mary Hurt was elected treasurer
Class. Jack Henrie was elected the most of Student Government. Frances Davis, Julia
popular girl in the Senior Class.


Alice Nelson Burton the latter. They are first
Dodson, and Betty Hadley were elected to Phi in scholarship on their campus for the second
Beta Kappa. semester of 1932-33.

Kappa Omicron— U psilon—

Sara Naill ('36), winner of the pledge ring, Sallie Sue White, who this year has added
was elected secretary-treasurer of the fresh- a dancing school to her list of accomplish-
man class. Ella Kate Malone was elected ments, was chosen Washington's most popular
"Miss Southwestern," most popular girl in co-ed, and is a member of Mortar Board, To-
school, and also the Queen of the April Fool tem Club and Phi Mu Gamma, dramatic
Carnival. Zelda O'Brien was elected the most honorary. Gladys Phillips, a junior in the law
beautiful girl in the sophomore class, and school, has gained recognition as a varsity
Margaret Tallichet won second place. debater.

Kappa Theta— Zeta—

Hildegarde Mohan was elected vice presi- Zeta Chapter has the president of Mortar
dent of the Junior Class. Hildegarde was a Board and two members.
"Prom-Miss" at the Junior Prom.
Four A O I I ' S A t t e n d W . S. G . A .
Lambda— Convention

Nora Blichfeldt ('31) has come back to be FOUR A L P H A O's were delegates at the
the only woman in the Stanford Law School National W. S. G. A. convention held last
and manages to indulge in a little political May at Cornell U n i v e r s i t y . Kappa Kappa
work on the side. Anna Louise Aynesworth Gamma have several more delegates than did
was elected president of the Y.W.C.A. AOII. Alpha Phi had the same number, while
other sororities represented among the dele-
Nu Omicron— gates had fewer.
The AOn's who were leaders of their re-
Elizabeth Hill is president of Bachelor spective Women's Student Government Asso-
Maides and Winn Ownbey, president of Lotus- ciations were Ethel Filbert ( E A ) , Pennsyl-
Eaters, both inter-sorority organizations. Sue vania State College; Mary Jo Enochs ( 9 ) , De
Lanier is president of Scribblers, and Winn Pauw University; Barbara Jackson ( A T ) ,
Ownbey of Co-Editors, both literary societies. Denison University, and Ethelmae Eylar ( T ) ,
University of Minnesota.
Omicron Pi— The sororities held open house for the dele-
gates on the first day of the convention and
Billie Griffiths is president of W.A.A. this that night Epsilon Chapter entertained at din-
year. ner for the four AOII's.—By Dorothy Fergu-
son, Epsilon.
State Chairmen Have New Duties
Abby Ray was elected head cheerleader for
this year. Virginia Rembert is the incoming A T OUR CONVENTION in 1931, it was decided
president of the National Athletic Council. to experiment with the office of State
Sophie Rollins is dormitory house president Chairman. From the results shown during
and holds the presidency of Alpha Sigma the years between 1931 and 1933, the conven-
Sigma, an honorary sorority on the campus. tion in Washington, placed this office in our
new constitution. At the same time, the office
Rho— of District Alumnae Superintendent was dis-
Geraldine Fenlon is president of the W.A.A. The duties of the State Chairman will be
a combination of the past duties and those of
Sigma—• the Superintendent. She will be in contact
with all members at large, keeping them in-
For the past three years AOII has had the formed on fraternity affairs, awakening dor-
swimming cup. mant interest, and fostering alumna; chapters.
She will also have charge of the alumna?
Tau— chapters in her district, assisting chapters to
include the members at large where geog-
Ethelmae Eylar, during the past year, has raphically possible, strive to give a national
served as W.S.G.A. social chairman so ef- viewpoint, and confer with chapter presidents
fectively that on April 12 she was elected when ever necessary. All alumnae chapter
president of that organization in the largest presidents' reports will be sent to the State
poll ever to be cast for those elections. Mar- or Province chairman in which her chapter is
jorie Jensen, retiring president of the W.A.A. located.
attended the national W.A.A. convention in
Dallas, Texas. Phi Beta Kappa elected Marion
Rasmussen to membership; Omicron Nu, Lor-
raine Crouch; Pi Lambda Theta, Mary Wood-
ring, Lenore E . Wolfe, Maxine Swenson. L e -
nore Wolf won the Forensic Medal, one of the
John S. Pillsbury prizes and the Kappa Rho

Tau Delta—

This past year Tau Delta has had the presi-
dency of both the Co-Ed Council and the Ath-
letic Council. Minnie Elliott was the former, and



This I Say to You Music

M I L D R E D E . W I L L I A M S . Alpha Phi By E K A N C K S C I I R L S T I N K , Fpsilon Alpha

This I say to you. M usic!
Who young have held an old grief
In your breast: Deep full tones—telling of sadness—bringing

forth tears from full liearts.

You zvho have heard songs Dusky contralto voices
Remember music, Breathing a message of nature's little brozvn
And tvill love apart,
With all notes of singing birds;
That zvill break your heart.
The lilting soprano, rivaling well the oriole's

lovely song melody,

You zvho have seen floods The szveet-singing tones of the violin—more
Of summer's warm moonlight,
Will stumble on beautiful than any—bringing dreams—
Star points and
Blind your sight. love—life—more dreams;

Happy sons—the flute rejoicing—telling of

For they zvho laughter—
Once wet eyelids with The gay tingling notes falling from a pianist's
Hot tears
Will weep on joy-made fingers;
Sorrow all their years.
And then—the cello—violin with the melan-

choly wonder in its notes;

The tenor's questioning—

The bass' seeking—

For a Lover Music !

Of such is the zuorld.

By M I L D R E D E . W I L L I A M S , Alpha Pi Epitaphs Pi

You come to me beside an empty scabbard, By L O U I S E W O R R E L L , Alpha
The strand is severed, and the szvord de- I have a graveyard in my heart
Of little dead ideals;
scended. Some have died a natural death,
The silver cord is loosed, the bowl is broken. But modesty conceals
Within a font gold fragments lie unmended. Others, murdered by my thoughts.

Your face upon my hair is breathing
Salt sea zvind of Carthage unforgot.
My eyes close dozvn against your cheek's edge,
Worn by an empty road from Camelot.

What matter to deaf ears a singing . . . My ideas of both right and zvrong
Notes of songs I have been taught to sing. Were once quite clear to me,
That you find szceet this drugged hemlock Yet now I find zvhat o>nce was zvrong
Is but to me a very little thing. Is right as it can be.

Sleep One tombstone says: "Here lies true love,"
A thing I've contemplated,
liy V I C T O R I A H A N S O N , Alpha Gamma But modern "psych" has since taught me
It's greatly over-rated.
A zvavering mist of nothing,
A silent song on a deaf ear, Another reads "a broken vozv"—
"Thou shall not szvear," it's said.
A soft unseen bugle calling What difference makes a damn of tzvo
Noiselessly from 'noivhere, lulling When we are long since dead?

Us to sleep. But in the farthest corner, Distaff.
In a place quite set apart,
A infinite meadozv of pleasures I find another tombstone,
Scented by absent perfumes, And I cry within my heart,
For it says: "Here lies sincerity."
Lifting us up to unchorded measures
Floating gently to unfound treasures —From The

And to sleep.


Delegates Stop at Panhellenic there are pajama parties in the laundry reJ
House served for guests. Last year, the floor was a
great success. It was filled mostly by stu-
-+- SUMMER AOII TRAVELERS coming to the dents at various schools for art, fashions, re^
Panhellenic were nine memhers who had tailing, and so forth. It is the only floor
where radios may scream without hindrance.
attended Alpha Oniicron Pi convention in
Washington, D. C , and who held a honse The special floor for men, also instituted
party immediately afterwards at the Pan- last year, is popular, and will be continued.
hellenic. The delegates were entertained at a On this floor live the men relatives, brothers]
tea given in the solarium, to which many local husbands, couples, and families of 3 Mitchell
AOn's came. The tea was presided over fay Place.
Mrs. Stella Perry. The conventionists were:
Avis M. Hall ( B K ) ; Gala J . Pied ( A D ; A new bus line was opened in June, which
Alice McLean (T) ; Virginia Rembcrt ( I T ) ; passes the doors of the Panhellenic, going
Irma Sigler ( N K ) ; Margery Sigler ( N K ) north and south on First Avenue.
Hildegarde Mohan (KO) ; Gertrude Moore
(TA) ; Harry Gordon (HA). Pinckney Glantzberg Addresses
Seniors at Erskine
Now crisp, autumn days at the Panhellenic
are hringing to this unique hostelry on the -f- PINCKNEY L E E ESTES GLANT/IIKRC; ( * ) ,
East River in New York, the soher, solid
trunks of permanent residents, back from va- woman lawyer and adjuster of claims in
cations, and the lobby has become almost emp- the insurance department of the state of New
tied of the piles of hand luggage bearing for- York, did what no woman had ever done at
eign labels, which were so gayly decorative Erskine College, Due West, South C a r o l i n a -
during the summer months. For during this she made the commencement address before
past summer, the Panhellenic became a brief the graduating class at the recent commence-
resting place for hundreds of travelers on ment of this historic college.
their way by ship to Europe, or by car to the
New England coasts and mountains. Wander- Erskine College is a co-educational institu-
ing members of the twenty fraternities which tion situated in northwestern South Carolina
built the Panhellenic, of which Alpha Omi- near the rolling red waters of the Savannah
cron Pi is one, together with their friends and River. It is located in a demure and some-
friends of friends, gave evidence that the what quaint small town known as Due West
hotel is becoming known throughout the coun- The college is almost a hundred years old.
try as a comfortable place to park your be- Tin hospitable Scotch Irish folk of the town
longings while you see New York, or do the bear such names as Grier, Pressly, McCain,
last bits of shopping before taking your Young, Reid, Robinson, Brownlee and Gallo-
steamer. This "transient trade" has given way. They are all proud of the college and of
color and life during the months when many its hundred years of wonderful history. These
permanent residents are away. people remember well the time when Pinckney
Lee Estes came to the college from Chester,
Now the winter residents are back, and the South Carolina. She liked the college and the
regular life is getting under way, but there town, and the college and the town liked her.
are still warm days for the roof and solarium, The college has watched her career with in-
and to those who yet yearn for heights and terest, as she passed along to a clerkship in
out-of-door places, the harvest moon over the the large Seibel's insurance agency in Colum-
East River will prove no mean sight. bia, South Carolina, to her position as bursar
in Winthrop College at Rock Hill, to her law
The Panhellenic management announces a degree at the University of Pennsylvania, and
new program of planned entertainment. Dur- to her present important post in New York
ing the winter, there will be dances, concerts, City. And so they asked her to make the
lectures, bridge parties, games nights, and commencement address.
Sunday afternoon teas. In October, the Pan-
hellenic will celebrate its fifth anniversary She did well in her speech, making a hit
with a gala dinner and dance. with the young graduates and with the thou-
sand people who heard her. While Pinckney
The floor set aside for young sorority girls Lee was on her visit to the college community,
who are out of college two years or less, or she took time out to address a book club in the
who are still students, where they can get any near-by city of Abbeville and to broadcast a
room at the minimum rate of $10.00 and message over the station in the city of Green-
double rooms at $15.00, will be continued this ville. She left for New York declaring that
year. These rooms are high up in the build- she had had the time of her life. Certainly
ing with wonderful views of the city and those who heard her are ready to declare that
river. The floor is informal; doors are left she made an uncommonly good speech at com-
open; there is talking back and forth; there mencement.—Edgar Long, Erskine College.
is lending of articles to help a friend in need;

PCTOUKK, 1933 35

Tau Girl Wins Award at U

. LORRAINE M. CROUCH ( T ) , Minneapolis
senior, was awarded the Dean E . M. Free-
man medal for student leadership on the cam-
pus of the College of Agriculture, I limn Kco-
nonii's and Forestry, at the annual recognition
assembly Wednesday night in the auditorium
a t University Farm.

The medal, one of the most coveted honor
awards in the college, was established three
years ago at the suggestion of the forestry
class which graduates this year. Dean Free-
man, in announcing the awards at the assem-
bly, paid high tribute to Miss Crouch as a stu-
dent leader of a type "that usually escapes
recognition in the glare of publicity that
shines on the more spectacular events of stu-
dent life." _

Among the activities of Miss Crouch cited
by Dean Freeman arc "long and effective work
in the Y.W.C.A., president of Phi Upsilon
Omicron, professional honorary sorority, vice
president of the Mortar Board, membership
in the Student Council's ho- T case commit- l.orra:nc Crouch (Tau) was vice
president of Mortar Board at the
University of Minnesota; president.
tee, Alpha Omicron Pi, Ho... --lornics as- Phi Upsilon Omicron, Home Eco-
sociation and numerous other college and all-
univcrsity student committees and associations. nomics sorority; Y. W. C. A. cabi-
net; Home Economics Association;
Omicron Nu, honorary Home Eco-
"She has also found time outside university nomics fraternity; chairman of
activities," Dean Freeman said, "to coach bas- Homecoming Button Sales on the
ketball teams, teach Sunday school and take Farm Campus and of "Gopher"
an active part in Christian Endeavor work. Sales.
She has maintained throughout her college
course an honor roll average and has been cher, chairman, and Ardis Lundgren; galley
elected to Omicron Nu, highest honor society sheet, Eleanor Shaw and Virginia Harris, co-
of home economics; to Eta Sigma Upsilon, chairman; finance, Marion Rasmussen ( T ) .
honor society in education; to Phi Upsilon
Omicron, professional home economics soror- At the same time a constitution will be pre-
ity, and has held the Phi Upsilon Omicron sented to the student body for official ratifica-
scholarship. tion. Elementary steps in revision of the trial
constitution used this year were begun yester-
"This record of activities and scholarship day by the student judiciary committee.
was achieved under conditions that might well
overwhelm the less determined student. Seniors in the Medical school will be re-
Throughout her college course she has earned quired to take only three comprehensive ex-
approximately half of all her expenses, work- aminations this spring instead of the six
ing as typist, clerk, salesgirl, cashier, election which are usually given.—Minnesota Alutnni
judge and assistant dietitian." Weekly.

Dean Freeman also praised Miss Crouch for A O I I Speaker at Auxiliary
her "helpful and cooperative" attitude toward
other students in the college and their prob- -4- JACKSON, MISS.—Multiple activities, rang-
lems.—St. Paul Dispatch. ing from the W.C.T.U.'s militant state

Matrix Banquet Planned by convention call to the opening of beautiful
Tau Girl Elsinore as the new home of the Jackson
branch, American Association of University
ARRANGEMENTS FOR the eleventh Matrix Women, are holding the interest of Mississippi
banquet, to be held May 16 at the Curtis clubwomen.
hotel, are being completed by the members of
Theta Sigma Phi, honorary journalism soror- These two groups, however, furnished only
ity. a part of the widespread activity rife among
The committees working on the banquet, clubwomen as the fall and winter season gets
under the direction of Marion Rasmussen ( T ) , under way.
president of Theta Sigma Phi and general
chairman, are: banquet, Mrs. Alma Kerr, The Jackson unit of the legion auxiliary
chairman, and Delores Fahey; discussion. swung into the new year during the week with
Eleanor Shaw, chairman, and Betty Biasing. "Americanism" as the featured program topic.
Publicity, Helen Murchie, chairman, and Mrs. Lucy Somerville Howorth ( K ) of Jack-
Marion Gold; guest list, Helga Bjornson. son, Hinds County representative in the Mis-
chairman, Betty Reinhard and Carroll Stoltz; sissippi Legislature, was the principal speaker.
Wotif and printing, Helen Murchie, chairman,
and Jean Dahelstein; decorations, Marie Fan- Mrs. Robert Perkins, Jr., of Belzoni, presi-
dent of District Four, American Legion Aux-
iliary, has issued notices of the fall conference
to be held at Belzoni September 28. Jackson
expects to send a large delegation.—Neiv Or-
leans Tinics-1'icaxune.


Julia Dcdson Plays Lead i n Marian Elder is Model 1933
Greek Play American Girl

-+- As T H E time for the spring festival to M A R I A N E L D E R , Psi
Dionysus rolls round each year, the Ran-
MEET SEATTLE'S finest 1933 model of the
dolph-Macon campus, for many seasons now, American girl!
has turned its attention to one of the Greek She is Miss Marian Elder ( T ) , daughter of
dramas originally presented in honor of that Mr. and Mrs. C. James Elder of 531 Federal
god. This year, the Greek Department, under Avenue, and yesterday she celebrated her
Miss Whiteside's leadership, presented the twenty-third birthday anniversary. No doubt
Troiades of Euripides. This was the second the finest, most resplendent birthday present
performance of the play in the Dell. she received was her election to Sigma X i ,
science honorary at the University of Wash-
For those of the audience who might he- ington. She was one of eight co-eds on the
come involved in the strangeness of a foreign campus accorded this honor.
tongue, this play offers no difficulties, for it Annexation of this latest laurel by Miss E l -
has no plot. Rather it centers itself around der lengthens the long list of those awards
the character of Hecuba. Gilbert Murray has she won during her collegiate days. In addi-
called the Troiades "a study in sorrow, a study tion to her membership in Sigma Xi, she is
too intense to admit of plot interest." That affiliated with the following groups on the
is the strong impression it leaves on the audi- campus: Mortar Hoard, national senior wom-
ence. en's honorary; Phi Beta Kappa, scholastic
honorary; Sigma Epsilon, pre-mcdic honor-
In addition to Hecuba's important role, ary ; Phi Sigma, biological honorary; Alpha
which was played by Julia Dodson ( K ) . Omicron Pi, national social sorority, of which
daughter of Nell Mullins Dodson, ex-1909, she was president.
there are many striking scenes: Cassandra Miss Elder was graduated from the Uni-
with her bridal torch; Astyanax, hurled from versity in 1931, having completed her bacteri-
the battlements, lying upon the shield of his ology course at that time. She is now work-
father; and that terrible final burning of Troy. ing for her master's degree.
She has not only been a brilliant student
The Chorus of the play is composed of Tro- at the University, but during her high school
jan women who are waiting to be led into days at Broadway she piled up many honors
slavery by the Greek chieftains. The choral and had a perfect scholastic record.
work was again under the direction of Eleanor But Miss Elder shuns the "all work and
Struppa, 1920, and again it formed one of the no play" theory and therefore she is the all-
chief portions of the play. There is an old around exemplary American girl. In fact she
summary of the play which ends with these has not allowed her pursuit of knowledge to
words: "And herein is told how all this be- frighten away romance—her engagement to
fell; and beside there is naught else save the Mr. Nathaniel Hayncs was recently announced
lamentations of these Daughters of Troy, till and the marriage will no doubt take place in
the city is set aflame, and the captives are a few months.—The Seattle Daily Times.
driven down to the sea." That sense of grief
and desolation was the essence of the choral
work. The music, following the Greek meter
and written by Margaret Armstrong, 1927, is
filled with the same feeling and added greatly
to the effectiveness of the chorus.

The time for the presentation of the play
was moved forward from its usual Saturday
in May to April 12. In spite of the fact that
so early a date might make it necessary to
have the play inside, Wednesday came, clear
and comparatively warm, warm enough for a
presentation in the Dell. The play was given
at that time because of the meeting of the
Classical Association of the Middle West and
South held in Williamsburg, April 13-15. Be-
cause so many of its members have expressed
an increasing interest in our Greek plays, Miss
Whiteside wished to make it possible for them
to see one. Many of them availed themselves
of the opportunity. Dr. Theodore H . Jack, the
president elect, was also present. All of them,
with one accord, pronounced the play one of
the most scholarly, and at the same time, one
of the most beautifully presented productions
they had ever seen. Many of the teachers of
the Classics who were present found in this
presentation a dramatic form unsuspected from
many years of class room study and reading
of the play.—By Susan Cobbs for Randolph-
Macon Alumna- Bulletin.

( IpTOBKR. 1933 37
To Serve at Tea ot Br..lg

Tau Holds Two of Campos' Three Big Positions

F ~ O n i f c - 7mm GwU ••

M « « tab

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On page 67 of the March issue of the Conventionites enjoyed "Tau News." It
"Woman's Home Companion" appeared
menus and recipes by Ruth Jemison was a clever way to inform the other
delegates of the Chapter's importance.
(Kappa), whose delicious sandwiches Imagine the joy of an alumna far
and cakes have made many a diplomatic
tea and congressional supper a thorough away, not to speak of a rushee who
might read it.

Alpha O Directs "Literature Day" artistic photographs, and in three book offer-
ings by Bates people, the new Maine novel,
The fourth annual Literature Day at Bates "As the Earth Turns" by Gladys Hasty Car-
College was not only a day full of high spots, roll, '25; President Gray's "Youth on the
a red-letter day in the lives of a great many March" and Prof. H . H . Britain's "The E f -
clubwomen of Maine. The Bates campus was fective Consciousness."
never more beautiful, the program was inter-
esting and diversified, the weather ideal and B. Peck Co., which has been an effective
the occasion one of many reunions and renew- cooperator in the book fair project Federation
als of acquaintanceship among the clubs rep- May Day, again was on hand, with Miss Bir-
resented. Dr. and Mrs. Gray cordially wel- dena Channell in charge, assisted by John E .
comed the guests to the college; the tea given Libby. The center presented five of Dr. Mary
by the faculty ladies at Chase Hall proved lillen Chase's books, with her framed picture;
a most delightful affair; Miss Barr's book her last and most famous, "A Goodly Heri-
fair which is an annual popular feature, the tage," "Uplands," "Silver Shell," "Mary Christ-
one-act play by the English 4-A Players pro- mas" and "Virginia of Elk Creek Valley."
vided by Prof. Grosvenor M. Robinson, head
of the department of Public Speaking and the Peck's Chase books were flanked by cur-
delicious luncheon given by the ladies of the rent high-priced offerings—the latest word in
Elm St. Universalist church, were all heartily new books; and by non-fiction dollars titles
enjoyed and to Mrs. \V. F. Schoppe ( T ) , head and by popular copyrights at 75c
of the M F W C Division of Literature and her
committee much credit for the success of Miss Will's travel literature featured the
"Literature" rightly belongs. Scandinavian countries, the educational tours
to Europe for which rates are on the bottom
In the absence of the State librarian, Dr. H . this season, and notably the Chicago exposition
E . Dunnack, and his assistant, Mrs. Marion material. Miss Wills was assisted by Miss
Cobb Fuller, who has been in charge of the Evelyn Gilpatrick.
State library booth on previous years, John
Kingsbury proved a courteous, pleasing sub- Berry Paper Co. was handling not only their
stitute. own generous display of dollar non-fiction, but
a special lot of real bargain books, which
Mr. Kingsbury had a most interesting collec- were the close-outs for store sales here at this
tion of fiction and non-fiction by Maine auth- Lewiston store and also at Loring, Short &
ors, all autographed, also a specimen of the Harmon's in Portland. The opportunity seem-
travelling libraries which the State library at ed to be much appreciated by the guests of the
Augusta sends out. day. R. B. Gorman was in charge again this
At the College bookstore stand Mrs. Royce
Purinton again was in charge, and much inter- About 225 were served at the luncheon held
est was manifest in the campus postcards and at the Alumni gym at noon. This was in
charge of the Elm Street Universalist church
Social Club, Mrs. F . A. Kember and Miss
Madelyn Watson co-chairmen.


The concluding feature of the day's festivi- in those days, building up a literary heritage
ties was the tea and reception at Chase Hall for succeeding generations.
given by Mrs. Clifton D. Gray, wife of the
president and assisted by Mrs. A. A. Hovey, Speaking of certain characteristics handed
president of the Bates Needle club, the fac- down to us from our Puritan forefathers, she
ulty women presiding at the tables and in pointed out a certain pride in orderliness we
the receiving line with President and Mrs. have inherited—a striving for harmony with
Gray were Dr. Mary Ellen Chase, Mrs. Harry life about us. Illustrating this peculiar virtue
H. Burnham, of Biddeford, first vice president which is ours with the story of a dear old
of the State Federation, Mrs. Schoppe, Dr. New England lady 97 years of age, who loved
Wright and Dean Hazel Clark. cleanliness and order. One day she fell and
broke her hip. Her family, after sending for
The tables were attractive with spring doctors and meanwhile doing everything pos-
flowers, and lighted candles and here several sible to make the poor woman more com-
of the professor's wives poured.—Lezviston fortable, expressed concern for the apparent
Daily Stin. pain she was suffering. "It isn't that," she re-
plied, "some one has forgotten to dust the
Dr. Chase Speaks at Bates top of the mirror."

-f- DR. MARY E L L E N C H A S E ( r ) , devoted The speaker admitted she also had a weak-
ness for straightening out closets and drawers
daughter of Maine, head of the department and derived a lively sense of satisfaction from
of English at Smith College, author of "A such a task well done—as noble a job as teach-
Goodly Heritage," that autobiography-epic of ing or writing books in her opinion.
Maine coast life, gave an address Saturday
afternoon on "The Literary Background of The high spots of life may be cleaning
Maine," at the chapel which was well filled closets, baking a good cake or glimpsing the
for the occasion. It was more than an address, glory of a scarlet tanager in spring, a recent
it was an intimate, inspiring talk of Maine by a experience of hers in Northampton, Massa-
daughter who well knows how to express her chusetts. (We have them in Maine too and
love and admiration for her native state. She there is also glory in the black and orange
is indeed a charming and gifted speaker. of a Baltimore Oriole on an appletrcc bough
in bloom—the fragrance of the blossoms, the
Dr. Chase did not talk about the men and vivid gold of the bird against the pale pink
women of letters, who have gone out from bough, the sound of that full, cool note no
Maine, but rather of Maine itself as their other bird has.)
background and the permanent qualities of the
Pine Tree State which form its brief char- Dr. Chase urged a greater knowledge of
acteristics-equalities that go into the making and intimacy with our Maine soil, physical
of distinguished sons and daughters—that fur- contact with the earth itself. Every Maine
nish ambition, inspiration, courage, fortitude. son and daughter, whether writers or not—
could learn the dignity of labor—feel the rhy-
Background, Dr. Mary Ellen Chase believes, thm of the earth—in order to get the most out
is more than mere setting. Literature is life of the rich heritage that is theirs in being
itself. Maine born.

Maine literature is bound to reflect the rug- Running true to good old New England
gedness of her hills, her forests and her coast. form, after taking her seat on the platform,
at the conclusion of her talk, Mary Ellen
Dr. Chase's talk was an earthy one—a rhap- Chase of Bluehill, Maine, incidentally doctor
sody on the good earth—State of Maine soil. of literature in a Massachusetts college, sud-
The most permanent quality of any state is denly remembered something she had forgot-
its soil, she said, the root of all our subsistence ten—went back to the rostrum and turned off
and sustenance. All great literature is related the light.—Lezviston Daily Sun.
to the soil. The books that live are those that
have to do with the permanent elements of Alpha O Urges A i d for Blind
-4- ANNOUNCEMENT OF the results of the pre-
Willa Gather, whose books are deeply rooted vious day's election and the presentation
in the soil, was named as the greatest Amer-
ican novelist now living. The speaker also of new officers and directors, marked the con-
referred to the recent novel by Gladys Hasty clusion of the three-day convention of the
Carroll, a Maine girl and Bates graduate: "As Massachusetts State Federation of Women's
the Earth Turns," chosen as the best novel of Clubs yesterday at the New Ocean House in
the year by the Book of the Month Club, best Swampscott.
because of the permanent elements which
formed its background—the close relationship Mrs. Elmore I. MacPhie (A'13), chairman
of her people to the soil, of its influence on of the division for the handicapped, announced
their daily lives, as the seasons change. that the members of the convention had con-
tributed $240 in the collection taken for Miss
The Maine born have two special urges, Mary Rollins, a blind musician who enter-
according to Dr. Chase, the passion for work tained at the meeting on Wednesday. She
and the passion for learning. urged that clubs sponsor handicapped persons,
make friendly contacts with such people in
The early New England pioneers were edu- their own communities, and that each club
cated men, many of them graduated from hold at least one sale a year when physically
English universities. They learned to work handicapped persons can display the articles
with their hands, between times studying and they make.—Boston Herald.
reading good books such as were available

QCTOBEK, 1933 a 39

The Greek Letter Joneses Armed with a good-looking house and an
important membership, a chapter may next set
By H E L E N C . ROWER, K K T out either to be, or to keep up with, the cam-
pus Joneses by going out for activities. In-
BEFORE T H E "crash" of 1929 there was an trinsically there should be no harm in this.
expression current in American slang, But the danger is insidious. Over a period of
'•keeping up with the Joneses" years the material ideal tends to dominate,
It meant that in every neighborhood, in until the contest becomes solely one of getting
, c r \ class, there was a hypothetical Jones the greatest number of Big Women on campus
family which bought a new car, or took a within one fraternity group.
long trip, or wore fine clothes. Their be-
havior made their neighbors assume the ob- If the fraternity system is to be a valuable
ligation to prove their own affluence by pur- educational adjunct, if it is to "prove itself
chasing better automobiles, travelling some worthy or cease to exist," its individual mem-
hundreds of miles further, or buying more bers must think back to their beginnings, and
elegant clothes. When the Joneses began to think seriously. Why are fraternities organ-
speculate in the stock market, the neighbors ized?
had to try it, too.
Their histories show that they were the out-
\~ide from its financial phases, the prac- growth of a natural instinct for kindred
tice of keeping up witli the Joneses worked spirits to join in company. They were in-
great harm to the ideals of all those involved. spired by ideals of true brotherhood. The
Life had a purely material basis. The dollar pioneers were founded in an age when every
was indeed almighty, and a man's worth was college student had a classical education which
measured solely by the number of his dollars turned his thoughts toward the Greek philoso-
and the use he could make of them. phies and directed the choice of Greek letters
for a name. Greek divinities became the
But since 1929 the American people have patron gods and goddesses. The members met
been forced to readjust their sense of values. in their homes or in college class rooms. They
The Toneses and all their imitators have been were concerned with the cultural improve-
brought face to face with reality. Paper for- ment of one another and with social inter-
tunes have vanished; the economic world is course intensified by their common bond.
The growth and advancement of the fra-
And what has this to do with the fraternity ternity system, the increased number of Greek
world? letter societies among college men and women,
is proof that the ideals of the early founders
In varying degrees present conditions have were sound. As fraternities exist today they
affected fraternities financially. Some groups are truly "the outward and visible sign of an
have found it necessary to postpone their inward and spiritual grace."
conventions. Some arc having difficulty in
maintaining their chapter houses. But it should be their business now to dwell
more upon the inward and spiritual grace than
We are wondering whether the fraternities upon its outward and visible signs. In the
in general have not suffered otherwise from face of all that is happening in the world be-
the common desire to keep up with the yond the colleges, it behooves fraternities to
Joneses. take stock of their own values.

Those who have intimate knowledge of Are they following the wise guidance of
great national fraternities know that each one
has taken on the proportions of a large-scale Ruth Bryan Owen, Delta Gamma, re-
enterprise. Every group has its central office, cently appointed Minister to Denmark,
its countless business details, and its magazine is the first U. S. woman to occupy a
to interpret that fraternity to the Greek letter
world. This is as it must be. major diplomatic post.

Yet out of the growth of individual fra-
ternities has developed a natural competition.
This has been expressed in the building of
handsome, exi>ensive chapter houses. It has
resulted in a not-infrequent tendency to rush
"material" because a girl has a background
of wealth and influence. It has made rushing
difficult for fraternities which are not as mag-
nificently housed as others on a given campus.
It has "meant that often groups must rush
against a house until it is a question whether
or not they are choosing members with an eye
to advantages in the material sense, as dis-
tinct from the spiritual or idealistic, rather
than selecting them as material from which
a group of personalities may be built.

40 To DkAGMA

their patrol) gods and goddesses? or, are they were raised far above their real value. A
following after the false gods of a material number of fraternities for a long time seemed
world? Are they building Upon the firm rocks to consider themselves flattered by the heavy
of scholarship, genuine comradship, courage, rates, but now they feel that they cannot pay
intelligence, and loyalty? or, are they slipping for such flattery.
and sliding across the sands in an effort to
"keep up with the Joneses"? Inefficient stewards and financial advisers
can be blamed in many instances. Other bills
Fraternities Protest High Taxes were permitted to wait while the funds of
none too stable treasuries paid high taxes.
W I T H T H E necessity of drastic economiz- Expensive fraternitiy houses were built a few
ing, fraternity groups are discovering that years ago and over valued by assessors. A l -
exorbitant taxes have been and are being tering of valuations was not necessary if no
levied on their property. The charging of objection was raised was the belief of many
highest rates to Greek houses comes closest city officials.
of any levy to that principal, taxation without
representation, which once caused a great war. Though some chapters are evading taxation
The war against autocratic and malicious through college ownership, those which are
taxing of fraternity houses has found its subject to tax only ask fair treatment and
leader in Tan Kappa Epsilon, whose Uni- consideration of their present financial condi-
versity of Wisconsin chapter discovered that tion. Fraternities arc beginning to realize that
its property was among the highest taxed in no change in taxes during the past seven years
the city. The investigation brought about a is more than an oversight. They also realize
50 per cent reduction. The reduction did not that emphatic protests should have been made
come without considerable delay by city of- earlier. (Tau Chapter at the University of
ficials, who were hard pressed to defend them- Minnesota has protested exorbitant taxes for
selves. The assessor's office showed that the two years and is waiting for its second hear-
home had not been revaluated since 1926, and ing before the Tax Board.)
that the fraternity furniture had not deterio-
rated. No change had been allowed for re- There is little doubt that leasing of a home
cent drops in value of property. from the University has its advantages. F i -
Fraternities are not represented in any way nancial supervision, preventing of over-expan-
in the city government, and the pre-depression sion of group, and the easing of the tax bur-
idea seemed to be to soak the groups since dens stand out among the advantages, though
they were rich enough to afford to pay. The much can be said against the plan. Efforts of
regular city tax rate was used, but houses a number of colleges to probe the matter of
taxation of chapters points out the need for
greater co-operation between college officials
and campus fraternities.

Officers to Preside at N. P. C.

N E L L I E P R I N C E (<|>M) GLADYS REDD ( K A ) I I A R R I K . T T U F T (H<t> \ )

Chairman Secretary 7 reasurci

OCTOBER, 1933 41

-> • - m
mm* Hm*rtmmwm ••
• 1


: X•

2^-1 E l

Following a brief welcome by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and a strenuous "model
initiation," members of the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority in convention at Arlington Hall,
Va.. last night went in for a final bit of training before the swimming events at noon
today. Left to right, front row: Isabella Hunter, Kitty Robinson, Mildred Kettler,
Martha Beeuwkes, Marjorie Jervis, Eleanor Dickey, Dorothy Carlaw. Rear row, left to
right: Margaret Cook, Rebecca Mathews, Edith Collins, Yolanda Jackovics, Eva Miller,
Julia Dodson.—Washington Post.


With Mrs. John S'. Garner, their new leader wives of Senators get together for one of
their frequent sessions of sewing for the Red Cross and other charitable purposes. Left
to right: Mrs. Morris Sheppard (Lucile Sanderson, Kappa), of Texas; Mrs. Garner;
Mrs. Warren R. Austin, of Vermont, and Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg, of Michigan.—
A. P. Photo.

42 To D R A G M



Josephine Wilson (Lambda Frances Johnson (Omicron
'33) has appeared as pre-
miere danseuse of "Big Pi) played the lead in
Noel Coward's play, "Hay
Game Gaieties" for the Fever" when it was pre-
past three years, danced in
Fanchon and Marco ballet sented at the University of
for a season, danced in
last year's Junior Opera,
"Two's Company," directed
campus one-act plays, had
several parts in Palo Alto
Community Players pro-
ductions, and played the
part of Stella in "Hank
Island." Beulah Dimmit t (Lambda
'33) played the feminine
lead in the Stanford pres-
Madclicne Coquet (Xi) was entation of "Bird in Hand,"
elected one of the ten most
prominent women on the had a prominent part in
last year's Junior Opera,
University of Oklahoma "Two's Company," assisted
campus. She is a past
president of Panhellenic, a with and acted in several
"Big Game Gaieties" skits,
member of W. S. G. A., and was assistant to the
fashion columnist for "The
Oklahoma Daily" and was director for the "Hawk
Island." She has also ap-
a member of the team that peared in several Pa'.o
won the woman's bridge
championship the past two Alto Community Players

Eleanor F ur s t
(I. ambda '33)
with Josephine
Wilson and Beu-
lah Dimmitt make
up Lambda's dra-
matic triumvirate.
Eleanor has ap-
peared in campus
productions of
"Holiday," "A n
Enemy of the
People," "Bird In
Hand," and is
now acting as
property manager
for "Hawk Is-
land." In addi-
tion she has ap-
peared in and di-
rected a number
of one act plays
and acted as as-
sistant to the di-
rector in several

OCTOBER, 1933 43

A c t i v e A l p h a O's

Elitabcth Hill (Nu Omi- Helen Moore (Tau Delta)
cron) is president of is president of Chi Delta
Bachelor Maides, junior- Phi and belongs to Pi
senior social society. Lambda Mu, Phi Sigma
Kappa and Scroll at Bir-
mingham ( I ) Southern


Lou Massie
(Kappa) was
May Queen at
Macon last

Lillian Kittrell (Omicron) was Queen Winifred Solinsky (Sigma) has been
of Clubs at the annual Engineers Ball initiated into Hammer and Coffin, hon-
at the University of Tennessee. orary journalistic society at the Uni-

versity of California.

44 To D R A G MA

Alpha Rho City, taking a route through Louisiana and
By Althea Bruhl other southern states. Audrey Wiencken
Smith ('30) and Loren are kept busy on their
-+- A LETTER from Margaret McLeod ('25), farm outside of Corvallis. Audrey has also
who is living in San Jose, California, brings helped Marie Dew, active chapter president,
in arranging and moving furniture around in
us news of a number of Alpha Rho alumna? the new chapter house at 2332 Monroe Street.
in California. Margaret writes that Betty Ruby Dorothy Metsker Coshow ('27) is kept busy
Wait ( E x . '25) lives at 1150 Union Street, San watching Sally, her eighteen-months-old daugh-
Francisco. Her husband, Elwood, is a dentist ter. She is now living in Carpinteria, Calif.,
with offices in the Surgeons' and Physicians' where her husband is practicing medicine.
Building. Harriet Peat Subject ('25) and her Jranette Rice Hewitt ('27) is living in Salem,
husband, Felix, are living in Live Oak, Cali- Oregon, at 538 E Street. Ann McClew ('30)
fornia, where Felix is teaching in the high leaves LaCenter, Washington, for a new teach-
school. They and their young son, Jimmie, ing position in Washington in a town north
visited in San Bernardino in the summer. Avis of Yakima. She attended the summer school
Knips Ball ('21) is living just outside Lodi, sessions at O r e g o n State College. Veroka
California, with "Hi" and their two children. Wampler ('30) has been teaching at Dallas,
Clara Knips Sharp ('22) is living in Hanford, Oregon.
California, where Sidney is an attorney. Their
daughter, Barbara, is now two and one-half Elsie Jones ('31) was reappointed district
years old. Helene Knips ('24) has been spend- examiner for Alpha Rho chapter at convention
ing the. past year with her sisters in Lodi and this year. She has also been chosen as a
Hanford. Hazel Williams ('24) has a splendid member of the alumna? advisory board for the
position at Leahi Home in Honolulu doing active chapter. Alma Horsfeldt Janz ( E x . '30)
medical social service work. She spent two and Audrey Wiencken Smith ('30) are the
months of the summer in the Orient. Ella other members of the board. Audrey Wood
Anderson ('23) has been attending Columbia Puntenney ('29) is living in Sherwood. Ore-
University the past year. She formerly was gon, after spending several years in Colorado.
house manager at Miss Ransom's School in She is kept busy by her seventeen months old
Piedmont. Margaret also writes that she spent son. Betty Israel Morrison ( E x . '33), whose
the summer in The Dalles, Oregon, visiting her home has been in Juneau, Alaska, since her
mother, but lives in San Jose, where she marriage a year ago, spent the summer with
teaches physical education in the senior high her parents in Dayton, Washington. Janice
school. She has been state chairman of volley- Aikin ('32) spent the summer near Chicago
ball in California for the past two years. For with her sister, Elta Aikin Bond, who lives at
the past four years she has had a progressive 116 Woodland A v e n u e , Winnetka, Illinois.
volleyball sport day each spring, with over Dorothy Marsters ('31) has been teaching in
three hundred high schol girls from seven dif- the Roseburg, Oregon, senior high school and
ferent schools participating. A year ago Mar- working in the principal's office. Helen Church-
garet took a six months' leave of absence and ill Trueblood ('29) and her little daughter,
visited Hawaii. She writes that she and Betty Anne, spent the summer in Roseburg, with
Bond, an Alpha O from the University of Helen's mother. Helen's husband, Paul, is a
Minnesota, who was in Honolulu at the L i - professor at Friend's U n i v e r s i t y , Wichita,
brary of Hawaii, had a grand trip seeing the Kansas. Irene Griggs Brandeberry ('31) has
island of Oahu by air. moved to Berkeley, California, where Kermit
has a new teaching position. Kathryn Mans-
In a letter from Olive Dietlein ('27), we field ('31) is working at J . K. Gill's in Port-
learn that she attended the Fashion Art School land. Amy Booth ( E x . '34), who has been
in San Francisco this summer and took courses working at the Mortgage Bankers' Association
in fashion illustration and commercial art. in Portland, was recently made notary public.
Olive writes that she was "thrilled pink" to
take the courses and will be more content to Marriages
go back teaching shorthand and typing and Maron Bomgardner ( E x . '33) was married
being Girls' Counselor at the Merritt Business on September 2 to Bernard Duhrkoop (Uni-
School in the fall. Helen Pietarila ('33), who versity of Oregon). They will live at 4933
was awarded a fellowship to the New York Northeast Twentieth Avenue in Portland.
University School of Retailing, left Astoria,
Oregon, on August 11. "Petie" drove back Births
with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Weaver of New York
Tlielma Bond Dennis ( E x . '26) and Bruce

OCTOBER, 1933 45

announce the birth of a seven and one-half The marriage of Camille Clemenson ( E x .
nound boy, Gary' Bruce, on July 16. Their '34) and Robert D. Porter took place in
home is at 236 Thirteenth Street, Raymond, Grants Pass on August 6. They will make
Washington. their home in Medford.

Marjorie Stone Preble ('27) and James have On June 25, Florence King ('32) was mar-
a baby boy, Charles, who was born March 1. ried to Jesse S. Douglas. The wedding took
They are living at 1599 State Street, Salem, place at St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral. Jesse
Oregon. is a Kappa Sigma and has been studying for
his doctor's degree at the University of Min-
Betty Smith Elliot ('28) and her husband, nesota.
who have returned to Corvallis, have a new
baby daughter, Donna, who was born on Au- Rebecca Morgan ('30) and George N. Sig-
gust 26. nor were married August 16 at the Martha
Washington Hotel. Elsie Moller ('29) was
Marjorie Sherwin Perry ( E x . '28) and Ken- one of the bridesmaids. The Signors will
neth announce the birth of a daughter, Susan, make their home in Dunsmuir, California.
on Tanuary 17. They have built a new home in
Salem, Oregon, and moved in March. Since the last notes were issued, Thelma
Downer ( E x . '33) and Jack Zane (4>A8) were
Alpha Sigma married and are now living in San Franscisco.

By Barbara Crozvell Births
To Mr. and Mrs. Carol Williams (Cather-
I N SPITE of the oft-mentioned depression, ine Dorris, ('28) a son, David Frederick, on
there seem to have been many trips made May 9.
this summer. Evelyn Houge ('24) drove to the
World's Fair. The general trek, however, was Deaths
to California. Marguerite Hill Nelson ( E x . There are many of us who will feel deeply
"29) and husband and Lynn Jackson ('26^ went the absence of Mrs. Lucy Abrams when we
via boat. Ruth Holmes ('30) is planning to return to the chapter house for Homecoming
do the same in September. Isabelle Crowell and other visits. Mrs. Abrams passed away
('33) spent a week in Claremont, California, in Portland, August 26, after a short illness.
visiting Mary Lou Martin ('33). Edith Sin- The funeral was in Eugene at the Alpha Omi-
nett ('33) also had her vacation in California cron Pi House where she had been house-
and is now on the College Board at Meier & mother for eleven years. Our deepest sym-
Franks. Ruth Hansen ('29) drove to Cali- pathy to her daughter, Mrs. Lucille Thurber,
fornia and Mexico. and to her little granddaughter, Diana.
Phyllis Meisel ('33) was in an automobile Mrs. Leslie V. Barrow (Dorothea McClaran,
accident last June and was seriously hurt, Ex. '31) died in Boise, Idaho on May 26. We
but is now fully recovered. Marcia Fuestman extend our sympathy to her familj'.
(Ex. '36) is assistant to Dr. H . H . Dixon in
the Medical Dental Building in Portland. Re- Alpha Tau
cently there have been two surprises for the By Jane Scully
Portland girls. Helen Cantine ('26) has just
returned to Portland to stay. Also, La Wanda -+- T H E ACTIVE chapter entertained the alumna;
Fenlason ('30) is home for a short visit and back for Commencement at the house
will leave September 18 to teach at Briarcliff
which is about twelve miles from New York Sunday, June 11. Among those who assembled
City. to meet the actives and chat with each other
were: Mary (Case) Amner ('28), Helen
Engagements Wyeth ('29), Virginia Wilson ('29), Antoin-
ette "Tony" Shaw ('30), Monty (Montgom-
Miriam McCroskey ( E x . '33) has announced ery) Moore ('30), Barbara Clarke ('31),
her engagement to Marvin Lynn of Tacoma, Betty Jackson ('31), Jane Scully ('31), Grace
Washington. Marvin was a Sigma Nu at Ore- (Bonbam) Livingston, Allieret (Chrysler)
gon. Morrow, and Anna (Zigler) Wright. Seen at
the Commencement dances and Class Day
Marriages were: Cora Frances (Shirk) Fisher ('29),
Louise Gurney ( E x . '32) was married to Fern Channell ('30), Martha McCray ('31),
Victor Lyman last February in Baker, Ore- and Helen Lawson ( E x . '32).
gon. Mr. Lyman is with the Eastern Oregon
Light & Power Company. The graduation of the class of 1933 adds
Another marriage in that same part of the five new members to the alumnae group: Fran-
country was that of Dorothy Curtis ( E x . '33) ces Bingham, Katherine Luebben, Charlotte
to John Theodore Jensen on June 1 in Weiser, Merchant, Elizabeth Mosher, and Lois Oldam.
Idaho. Ted is assistant coach of the high Nan Bingham has won a scholarship at Mills
school there and was a Phi Delt at the Uni- College in California and is now adding fame
versity of Idaho. to her name studying for her Master's degree
Frances Wood ('29) was married to Stanley in Zoology.
Woodruff at a small home ceremony in June.
They spent the summer at Crater Lake where Betty Mosher was married to Harry Emer-
"Stan" was a ranger and are now making son Steck (Denison '32, AX A ) , on August 12
their home in Klamath Falls where he is at her home in White Plains, New York. The
teaching. only guests were the immediate families. Betty,
who was unattended, wore a blue and white
travelling suit. They expect to take an apart-

46 To D R A G MA

ment in New York while Harry studies law Mauley Marbaugh ('24), Edith Huntington
at Columbia. Anderson ( ' 2 0 ) , Hannah Blair Neal ('19),
Alice Cullnane ( E x . '28), Margaret Coombs
Helen Lawson ( E x . '32), and Glen Trask ( ' 2 7 ) , Martha Surface ('35), Mary Sullivan
(Denison '31, K 2 ) , were married August 19 ('34), and I were her guests. After the lunch-
at Helen's home in Columbus, Ohio. Helen eon we went to Judy's summer home in
wore her mother's wedding dress of white net Maryland to "view" "Doug," Jr. He was a
and Marian Mohr ('32), who was her maid most precious baby—seven months old and
of honor, wore an afternoon dress of blue weighed twenty-three pounds. Gladys Weeks
and white figured crepe. From all reports ('28) arrived in time for the final functions
Helen looked lovely and the wedding was a of Convention.
great reunion of Denisonians, especially for
the AOII's and the Kappa Sigma's. Grace Right now I want to stop and tell you
(Bonham) Livingston, Allieret (Chrysler) Beta Phi's that you should be proud of your
Morrow, and Ann Grant ( E x . '34) were active chapter. The quality of girls is the
among the Alpha Tan's present. best ever and also the best possible. They
rank high in scholarship and in activities.
"Tony" Shaw ('30) and Helen Wyeth ( ' 2 9 ) They have made a "go" of things in spite of
went to the World's Fair this summer while a smaller number and more pressing times.
Virginia Wilson ( ' 2 9 ) occupied her time These girls need your support! It isn't by
profitably by having her appendix removed. just giving money that "alums" can help—I'm
Dorothy Weichman ( ' 3 1 ) has a job in a not asking for money but for your interest
broker's office in Wall Street—she is becoming in sending them girls who would make good
an authority on reading ticker tape! Jane AOII's and for your continued and sincere
Scully ( ' 3 1 ) had a throughly good time at the good will in your own chapter. It is not for
Convention and will probably be talking about the twenty-three "alums" in Bloomington alone
it till the next one! to support this chapter but for the two hun-
dred plus spirited girls who have made AOII
Irma Hudson ( ' 3 1 ) was married to Clark what it is on the Indiana campus. I'm proud
Morrow (Denison '30, AX A), at high noon in of it every minute in the day, and don't you
Swasey Chapel on September 18. She wore hesitate to say a good word about it at all
ivory satin, made with a long train, and a veil times! Talk AOII! Even though a girl is
of tulle with orange blossoms framing her going to De Pauw, Illinois, or to any other
face. She carried a bouquet of gardenias and university where we have a chapter, you can
lilies of the valley. Mildred Hudson ('35) was still talk AOIT. We have only good chapters.
maid of honor and wore blue satin. Her hat Alpha Omicron Pi has four of the finest
was a tulle and velvet of the shade of her women for Founders that could be found in
dress and she carried pink roses. The brides- the United States. They are not one type—
maids, Betty Jackson ('31), Jane Scully ('31), but four distinctly different and outstanding
and Bertram Sympson wore shades of orchid, types. All of them attended this Convention.
lavender and purple and carried Johanna Hill AOII is doing a worthwhile national philan-
roses. Their turbans were of velvet in shades thropic work in Kentucky. You should hear
to match their dresses. Immediately after the Mrs. Breckinridge and Bland Morrow tell
ceremony there was a reception for relatives what we are accomplishing in this work. Of-^
and out-of-town guests. The active chapter course there hasn't been as much money as
attended the wadding in a body, and there there should have been but the work has gone
were many alumnae back for the occasion. on. Do go to hear Mrs. Breckinridge if she
Among the latter were Antoinette Shaw ( ' 3 0 ) , comes to your town.
Fern Channell ( ' 3 0 ) , Marjorie Rapp ( ' 3 1 ) ,
Martha McCray ('31), Carolyn Bellamy ( E x . Now for some news! Virginia Cox Nichol-
'34), Beatrice Handy ( E x . ' 3 4 ) , Margaret son ( ' 2 9 ) has another daughter, Jean Eleanor,
Rowe ( E x . ' 3 5 ) , Mary (Case) Amner ('28), who was born June 3. Ethel Mae Mobley
Grace V . Livingston, Allieret C. Morrow, and Anderson ( ' 3 0 ) and her husband, "Chuck",
Anna Z. Wright. spent their vacation in the States. They are
enjoying their home in Trinidad. Georgia
Betty Baxter ( E x . '34) was married in June Bopp ( ' 3 0 ) is teaching French and English
to Frederick Johnson (Ohio Northern, ' 3 3 ) . in the French Lick High School. Mary Kay
They are living in Barberton, Ohio. Geake Lockridge ( ' 2 9 ) has a daughter, Anne
Shockley, born July 23. Mary Kay says,
Beta Phi Bowen "She's a fussy little thing," but I disagreed
By Jennie Carpenter when I saw her this afternoon. Mary Kay
will live in Bloomington. Katherine McFall
-f- O F COURSE the first thing that I am going ('24) has returned to Indiana after a year's
to mention is Convention. I would wish social service work in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
She says that Anne McFall Meek's ( ' 2 7 )
nothing better for every AOIT than that she daughter, Betty, is almost as large as Barbara
might attend at least one National Convention. Anne. "Kate" made a visit to Bloomington
Beta Phi is especially honored in having our last week, and we are expecting Anne to stop
President, Edith Huntington Anderson ( ' 2 0 ) . awhile before she returns to her home in De-
Judy Jenkins Whitlock ('27) was a most troit. Jean Green ( ' 2 9 ) is working in the
charming hostess at a luncheon at the May- Foods Building in the Heinz Exhibit at the
flower Hotel in Washington for the Beta
Phi's attending Convention. Mary Gertrude

OCTOBKR, 1933 47

Century of Progress. Junia Blair ( ' 2 5 ) spent seem to be making use of many of our grad-
the summer in Colorado and will remain there uates. Winnifred Barlowr ( ' 3 1 ) and Jessie
jhis winter. Edna Sheets Haerle's ( E x . '29) Grant ( ' 3 0 ) have been there for some time,
baby was born in July. Edith Huntington and Jean Fraser ( ' 3 2 ) has obtained a position
Anderson ( ' 2 0 ) spent two weeks in Blooming- there this summer. Elsie Sumner ( ' 3 D has
ton wit'1 ' i e r relatives and friends. Gertrude been working in the library at the Western
Bailey Huntington ( ' 2 1 ) entertained with an University, London, Ontario. Nancy Drum-
informal party in Edith's honor. Hannah mond ( ' 3 2 ) has almost completed her year of
Blair Neal ('19) entertained with a luncheon training as a dietitian in the Johns Hopkins
at the Rose Tea Room. Joyce Armstrong Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland; Margaret Mac-
Creasy ( ' 3 0 ) has a baby girl who was born Niven ( ' 3 3 ) and Marian McLaughlin ( ' 3 3 )
the latter part of August. The Creasys live in have both been taking extensive business
Cleveland. Helen Armstrong ( E x . '22) was courses this summer and Doris Freeman is
married on September 3 to Dr. Maynard taking a course in the Technical School. Two
Brown who is an X-Ray specialist in Cincin- of our girls intend following their professions
nati. He is a graduate of Ohio State Univer- in the arts, Billie Bolton ( ' 3 2 ) is starting a
sity- They were married at the home of Mary studio for vocal training, and Margaret (Dig)
Duncan Armstrong ( E x . '20) in Bedford. Robb ('33) is planning to attend the "Grange,"
Pearl Kocgel ( E x . '29) was married to Elmer for further instructions in painting.
WHkens in June. Her husband is a Sigma
Chi from Indiana University. They will live Chi
in Fort Wayne. By Carol Louise Kendall

In today's paper I read: "Announcement -+- T H E R E IS NEVER A N Y NEED for me to con-
has been made here of the marriage of Gladys
Weeks, daughter of Mrs. Charles Shambaugh sult a calendar to know when September
of Lafayette, and L . Randolph Higgs of W est has come because almost simultaneously with
Point, Mississippi, which took place in the its arrival I am hurled into the business of
rectory of the Holy Name Cathedral in Chi- starting a new school term, writing this letter
cago Saturday. The bride is a graduate of and the usual social activities that begin at the
Indiana University and is a member of Alpha end of the summer season.
Omicron P i Sorority. She specialized in
French after her graduation and was a sub- You know, dear sisters, this job of reporting
stitute teacher at Jefferson High School in is partly pleasure and not all duty. It isn't
Lafayette. Mr. Higgs attended the University everyone who receives ten newsy letters in
of Mississippi and the University of Alabama one week. Then, too, you know, I get lots of
and Georgetown School of Foreign Service in inside news that this short column must ex-
Washington. He belongs to Sigma Chi and clude. So you see I am amply repaid for
Delta Sigma Pi fraternities. He has received my biannual struggle.
an appointment as vice consul at Surabaya,
Java. Formerly he was assigned to a post at Thelma Robertson Mitchell ( ' 2 4 ) , our for-
Tampico, Mexico." mer correspondent, is a never failing source
of news. "Robby" and her husband went on
Beta Theta a tour this summer with Chicago their ulti-
mate goal. "Robby" says that "Ed" is still
Patricia Joan was born on July 5 at Rush- wondering if his vacation was to see the
ville, Indiana, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Century of Progress or her sorority sisters.
McCulIy (Frances Richardson). Their first stop was at Ruth Sydney Mer-
chant's ('22) in Binghamton, New York. "Sid"
Beta Tau was away for the day but one of her sweet
By Helen Dingle little girls (there are four of them, all like
dolls) talked with them. Night time found
Many things of importance to us have the Mitchells at Ithaca with Mary Williams
occurred this summer. One of the outstand- Sutliff ( ' 2 5 ) and her family. Ralph was in
ing events was the marriage of Jean Downing Cornell attending summer school so the Sut-
('33) to Kendrick Moles. Following their liffs took a house there for the summer.
honeymoon, they will reside in Hamilton, On- Across the street from Mary's was the home
tario, and we wish them all success and hap- of Ethel Williams Hoskins ("19). Her hus-
piness. band is a professor at Cornell. In part
"Robby" said, "I phoned Dorothy Barry Peters
Our convention delegates were so full of ('23) and, when she answered, no one could
enthusiasm on their return that we have held mistake her voice. She says that she looks
many impromptu gatherings during the sum- about the same, only stouter. On our way to
mer to hear all they had to tell us. Following Syracuse we stopped at Doris Knapp Tarr's
convention week, we were so pleased to have ('24). She has a new home and everything
Maybelle Wackerman ( T ) with us, and later lovely in it. I met her husband and 'fell' for
in the summer, Katherine De Puy ( 2 ) , and him right away. Doris' sister, Marian ('20),
Eleanor Massman ( * ) . We do hope these was on her honeymoon in England with her
girls enjoyed their visit as much as we en- English captain. They expected to return to
joyed having them, and it is our hope that the United States in September and make their
we may get better acquainted with our sisters home in this country. In Chicago we went
from the South in this way. immediately to the home of Katherine Jenkins
Clement ('24). Kay's baby is sweet and what
The Manufacturer's Life Insurance Company


a fine mother Katherine makes! On the re- cott Street where Dr. Gwynn will have an
turn trip we stopped in Ridgway, Pennsyl- office as well as one in the Medical Arts Build-
vania, to visit Helen Howalt Lowe ('25) who, ing.
with her two children, were visiting her
mother. Mrs. Howalt still speaks of Chi girls Helen Neubauer ('30) is a free lance fash-
with warm regard. She always enjoyed her ion illustrator, having accounts with the New
visits so much at '603'." I can't envy "Robby" York Evening Post, Style Ne;vs, Knicker-
her visit at the Fair because I , too, enjoyed bocker Life, and Jay Thorpe. K a t h e r i n e
that trip, but I do wish more of us could Becker ('30) has an excellent position as a
have been along on the stop-overs. The inde- buyer for Namm's Department Store in
fatigable Thelma is still busy as ever. She Brooklyn. She has an apartment in Green-
is again State Chairman for New Jersey. Be- wich Village. Helen Mason ('30) is going to
sides this sorority work and her home duties, enter Columbia this fall to take courses in
she directs plays and entertainments for local creative writing. Marjorie Pease ('28) and
organizations. Just now she is working on a Helen Gillis ('30) spent part of the summer
production of "Daddy Long Legs." in New York. While in New York Mildred
C a r m e n ('30) and Dick, "Marge" and
Marjorie Townsend Bartlett ('23) returned "Burkie" and Helen and Charles all had a
to her position in Winthrop Junior High again get-to-gether. Helen writes that each of them
this year. She says that she has been so have a diamond and a yen for the worst of
completely domestic this summer and so cen- the depression to lift.
tered in her young son's fascinating develop-
ment that AOII contacts have been sadly Marian Moody ('28) is at home now. She
neglected. "Marge" says her little "Bob" is hopes to enter the University of Vermont this
no longer a baby but a "reg'lar feller." Alice fall and plans to begin the study of medicine.
Coulter ( E x . '24) is Assistant Advertising Little did we think some six or seven years
Manager of the Norwich Pharmacal Company ago that our "Muddy" would desert the field
in Norwich, New York. Alice annually makes of fine arts for that of medical arts. Helen
a trip to California by air. On her most recent Roszell Britten ('25) is living at 14 Wetmore
flight the plane was compelled to make a Place, Middletown, Connecticut. Dr. Britten,
forced landing in an Iowa corn field. During Helen and little Joan called on Mary Sutliff
the early spring the Advertising Manager was on their way home from the Roszell summer
ill so Alice was "swinging" both jobs. camp at Silver Lake Assembly. Faith Trull
('25) and Hazel Olin ('26) also stopped to
Mildred Riese Haight C23) is happily set- see Manr. Hazel is teaching in Port Jervis,
tled in the Algonquin Methodist Episcopal New York, and lives at 2 Elizabeth Street.
Church parsonage at Stanley, New York. She Faith is teaching in her home town, Palmyra,
recently saw "Bee" Barron Hovey ('23) in New York, this year. Both of the girls have
Canandaguia. Beatrice's little girl looks so their Master's degrees from Columbia. They
much like her mother, including the tightest also visited Chicago this summer.
curly hair.
Chicago and Master's degrees seem to be
Emily Tarbell, in spite of her other activi- taking a real part in the lives of the members
ties, collected much news from her section of of our alumna; chapter roll. Besides taking a
the globe. Camilla Jennison ('12) visited Ger- delightful mid-western trip with her mother
trude Rosenberg Perry (Alathea '11) in Syra- and sister, Helen McNees ('26) received her
cuse during the summer. Camilla is living with Master's degree from the University of Pitts-
her brother in New York and is doing volun- burgh in August. The Ambridge schools are
teer kindergarten work in a Chinese school. using the twelve months school plan. "Petie's"
Early this summer she, Ruth Dibben, and vacation begins in October and lasts until Jan-
Elizabeth French Kelly had a reunion at uary. There is a slight hope that she may
"Frenchic's" Long Island home. Shortly after come to Syracuse for a football game and
this get-to-gether Ruth Dibben left for Nor- spend some time in this section. Mary Adams
way for the remainder of the vacation. You ('19) attended summer school at the Uni-
will all recall that "Drom" (Camilla) is the versity of Buffalo. She also found time to
author of our "Red Rose, Good Night" song. visit the Century of Progress. Mary aptly ex-
The husband of Gertrude Baumhart Bailey pressed my feelings when she said "her only
(Ex. '26) was bady cut by the propellor of a regret in Chicago was that she wasn't a centi-
motor boat when he was swimming at Sel- pede constructed so as to use only one pair
kirk this summer. In spite of his injuries he of legs at once." She is beginning her-ninth
has nicely recovered. Emily was a delegate year of teaching in Hornell, New York, and
at the National Education Association Con- says, " I have had literally dozens of older
vention in Chicago. She met Ruth ('23) and brothers and sisters of my present charges
Helen ('26) McNees at Kay Clements'. She in classes as some previous time. I'll not be
says that they all had a jolly reunion. Emily in the least surprised to see some precocious
and the McNees' have a happy faculty of un- offspring of my former pupils enter my class
expectedly running into one another. The any time now." Last Easter Mary took a
last time they met on the campus of the Uni- delightful trip to Atlanta, Georgia. Edith
versity of Washington in Seattle. Betty Frank (Sweed) Adams McDonald is living on a
('33) has been an assistant in the Department farm near Cambridge, New York. She has
of Parks in Syracuse this summer. Alice two children, Jean, who is in the fourth grade,
Foote Gwynn ('27) has moved to 618 West- and Bobby not yet of school age. In closing

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