K5iLILSIlid I #•v.o
amen o levemen
a message from our President
Achievement... The act ofaccomplishing* or finishing something. Something that has been accomplished successfully, especially oy means of exertion, skill, practice, or perseverance.
*Accomplish... To succeed in doing; bring to pass... To reach the end of; to complete; finish.
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
Certificates of Achievement, Women of Achievement, life-time achievements, achievement of a specific goal, plan or expecta- tion... each of these is important to those involved. Each of those who have been a part of the act of accomplishing.
As we wind down this particular biennium in the history of our fraternity, we have achieved much. Individuals have accomplished a great deal. We have succeeded in bringing to pass a time of celebration. We have accomplished the transition into the new structure. Chapters and members have reached new heights of personal achievement and are being recognized for their efforts.
Reading about the Women of Achievement brings a won-
derful feeling of pride in our members. These sisters have reached for their dreams. They have achieved them and made us proud. In our
membership are many more achievers. Sisters who are on their way. Sisters who have already accomplished acts of which we are proud.
It is not only the name recognition or the highly visible profession or even the acts which receive publicity that acknowledges a member who has achieved. She may have had personal challenges in completing her university degree. Family and professional circumstances may have altered the direction of a member's career. A new horizon may have been set forth in the life of a member. Setting her sites and achieving her goals are worthy of personal pride by each member... and by her fraternity.
While the definitions given above tend to sound as though they indicate conclu- sion or an end, I prefer to believe that each achievement is merely a step along the way. Recently, I was privileged to install Chi Theta Chapter at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, OK. Congratulations were in order for this mile- stone... merely a stepping stone to the future. The chapter has chosen for their sub-motto, Changing Tomorrow, Today. They will certainly continue to achieve as they put this philosophy into effect.
In both my speech at the Rose Banquet in Scottsdale and my comments in Tahlequah, I quoted Henry Ford: Coming together is a beginning; keeping together isprogress:workingtogetherissuccess. Justanotherwayofsaying...ThePowerof Friendship. A C O
Yes, we have achieved much. There is much to be done. With the leadership of your new Executive Board, the continued support of each and every one of our members and chapters, and the able assistance of our Headquarters Staff, we will continue to make history. We will reach new heights of achievement. We will demonstrate what our Founders put in place so long ago. We will reinforce the strength of The Power of Friendship. AOfl.
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To Draoma/SUMMER 1997
To Dragma contents
2 A Message From our President 4 100Women ofAchievement 20 Foundation News
22 Collegiate News
28 Emporium
30 Rush Directory
32 Legacy Form
33 Membership Information Form
35 ChiTheta Installation
36 CC Program: What ftdidforthem!
40 1997-98 Chapter ConsultantTeam 42 Alumnae News
44 InTheir Memory
47 75 Year Members
48 NPC/NIC Research Initiative
50 Log on...wwwalphaomicronpi.org
51 Travel Opportunities
52 Power of Friendship. AOTT
54 Announcements
55 Change of Address Form
Our cover:
Sarah E. Burrows is an AOil Woman of Achievement. She is one of 100 outstanding women being saluted in honor of our Centennial Celebration. Sarah loves to travel in her spare time, and the photograph featured is during a trip to China. You can read about the amazing accomplishments of all 100 of these women beginning on page 4 .
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
grew up in a town of 700 people, she credits her experiences with AOn at MTSU for developing her leadership skills; she was president of this newly formed group for two terms. Despite her successful public service career, Beth is most proud of her two-year- old son, Fredric.
EMILY TARBELL BARHYDT Deceased Chi, Syracuse U, 1914
Emily was an
outstanding and
teacher of chil-
dren. In 1956 she received the Governor Averell Harriman Award as
"Representative Classroom Teacher" in New York. Also active in the leadership of "Overseas Study Program," she was a professional par- liamentarian and became president of the National Education Association's Department of Classroom Teachers and served on the board of the Legislative Council of the Retired Teachers Association.
JUDY SWEET BARNES Manchester, Missouri Omicron Pi, U of Mchigan, 1954
Judy has influenced the lives of coundess
special education students both directly
and indirectly. This past "Missouri
For the past ten years or more, many people within the leadership of AOII have recognized the need to identify our members who have excelled in their fields of expertise so that our younger members can emu- late these role models.
Much credit goes to Liz Coffey, Chi Lambda, who in 1987 as the Executive Board Director in charge of the Alumnae Department, began collecting data for what was termed "AOI! Notables.'' When Colleen Caban joined the Headquarters staff as Archives/Centennial Coordinator, she continued the search for and preserva- tion of information related to outstanding alumnae.
It was decided that, to commemorate our "100th" anniversary, "100" women would be identified as exam- ples of the highest achievers we know and honor. The efforts of these 100 sisters have resulted in significant progress toward making the world a better place in which to live and have highlighted the contributions of women in our society.
The committee of Nancy Moyer McCain, JoBeth Walling Heflin, and I carefully considered over 250 names from the list of Notables, the list of nominees submitted by the general membership, lists of Wyman Award winners and former nominees, and from articles of interest featured in To Dragma and Panhellenic publications.
The selection of "only" 100 women was actually quite difficult. We have so many talented and hard-working members the list could well have gone on much longer.
We hope you will be as pleased and impressed with these winners as we and our fellow Centennial Celebration Committee members are.
Read, and marvel —
AWomen 01 Achievement oiograpnies
Epsilon, Cornell U, 1916
In 1955 Mary was one of only four women on the bench of the United States Customs Court in New York. Her appointment, made by President Eisenhower, was for life. She served
as a Trustee for Cornell University, where a lectureship was established in her honor in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations and a scholar- ship fund in her name was instituted for needy refugee students. She also was Chairman of the Workmen's Compensations Board.
BETH PRICHARD ALPERT Washington, D.C. Rho Omicron, MTSU, 1985 Beth is no stranger to the White House and Vice President Al Gore. Having worked for the Vice President for eight years in positions
such as the Vice President's Executive Assistant and Director of Public Liason, she currently is responsible for his Intergovernmental Affairs. Her picture was featured in the December, 1993, issue of
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Jeanne Hays Crippin, Beta lamlxku 1963 Cosmopolitan
T eacher o f the Year" (as awarded by the Council of Exceptional Children) helped establish classes and curriculum to better prepare spe- cial education stu-
dents for life after high school. She currently teaches at Kirkwood High School in suburban St. Louis and lectures across the country on the curriculum and delivery model for teach- ing special education students.
Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U, 1965
As the first woman president of William Woods University, Fulton, MS, Jahnae's dedication and innovative approach to her job has earned her coundess awards, honors and respect from her colleagues and in the surrounding community. She is credited with diversifying the campus, establishing arid implementing a cutting-edge accelerated three-year program for highly motivated stu- dents and establishing an outreach program for adult students. But academia is not the only field where Jahnae excels; her equestrian efforts have earned her the right to ride in the very prestigious American Royal in Kansas City, M O .
DONNA GUDE BARWICK Atlanta, Georgia Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia, 1972
As a Partner in an Atlanta Law Firm, as a member of the American Bar Association's Council on Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section, and as Chairperson of the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Donna has profound influence in the field of trust law. She is a well- respected speaker and writer for the ABA and the State Bar of Georgia. Other cred- its include being named President of the Georgia Bar Younger Lawyers Section and starting Probate & Property magazine for the ABA.
BETTY STANLEY BEENE .Arlington, Virginia Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U, 1967
Betty is the President and Chief Executive Officer of United Way of America, the national ser-
vice and training center that supports 45,000 United Way agencies and chapters across the country. Formerly, she was President and Chief Executive Office of the United Way of Tri-State (Connecticut, New Jersey and New York), President of the United Way in Houston, TX, and President of the Houston Girl Scouts Council. According to Betty, her greatest achievements are being faithful to God in all things, connecting people in need with those who can help and enhancing our collective compassion.
PATRICIA L . BELOIS Minneapolis, Minnesota
Tau, U of Minnesota, 1966
Judge Belois was the first woman and youngest person to be appointed to the Hennepin County
District Court. From her Juvenile Division bench, she has been a moving force behind the successful in-home detention program for certain delinquent children as an alternative to confinement to a maximum security facili- ty. Her solid work in regard to truancy has helped parents assert control over their chil- dren, children are attending school regularly, and schools are maintaining credibility in the community. Above all else Patricia strives for faithfulness to God, loyalty to country and oath, and generosity and trust with friends, family, and community.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana Beta Phi, Indiana U, 1955
An internationally recognized painter specializing in water- color, Judi is in demand as an instruc- tor, lecturer, juror and judge. Her paintings, which combine elo- quent design, strong technique and excit- ing colors, have won numerous awards and have been featured in Modern Maturity, Palette Talk, Southwest
Art and Today's Art. She is a signature mem- ber of the American Watercolor Society and has served the sorority as alumnae chapter officer, chapter adviser and regional director.
Blue Bell Pennsylvania
Psi, U of Pennsylvania, 1937
During her medical career, Stella was the first woman professor of physiology at University of Pennsylvania Medical School,
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
the first female member of the consulting staff at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Philadelphia and the first female member of several local, national and international sci- entific societies. During her career, she started a new field of research in physiology of the orbital glands and was the preceptor for over 100 medical students, 22 of whom are now department heads and/or medical school deans. Now retired, Stella spends much of her time being a docent at the Philadelphia Zoo.
Theta, DePauw U, 1921
A self-described "free lance group activist leader," Margaret once confessed she was embar- rassed to confess she'd
never had a "paying" job. Her service to others (the Presbyterian Church, the city of Baltimore, and the Girl Scouts of America) however, is unparalleled. She was the first woman elder of the inner city Presbyterian Church of Baltimore, spearheaded a fundraising event that for 20 years provided funds to revive interest in the downtown Baltimore area, and co-authored a book about her adventures with 19 teenage Girl Scouts on a goodwill tour of Europe.
Omicron PL U of Michigan, 1923
Probably the most well-known AOIl alumna, Margaret had a highly notable career as a photo- journalist in the 1930's, 40's, and 50's. A n original staff photographer for Fortune, Time, and Life magazines, her photo was on the first issue of Life
in 1936. She was particularly noted for her coverage of World War II, poverty in the rural South during the Depression, apartheid in South Africa, Korean guerrilla warfare, and her portraits of world leaders. Margaret was also celebrated for her adventuresome spirit, independent lifestyle and dynamic personality. Fifteen collections of her photographs have been published.
RUTH GASINK BOYER Brevard North Carolina Tau,UofMinnesota,1931
Having received her PhD in social work, Ruth has dedicated her life to aiding the lives of others. In addition to her many professorships, she has held positions with the American Red Cross in Africa and Italy, the Bureau
of Indian Affairs, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, the Children's Protective Society, the Milwaukee Family Welfare Association, the Georgia Council on Gerontology, the Georgia School for the Deaf, and the Miami Catholic Welfare Bureau's Shelter for Cuban Refugee Children.
Ruth is most proud of her three children, nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
U of Michigan, 1928
A horticulturist, Alice combined her loves of botany and people to develop an occupational therapy program for per-
sons with physical and mental disorders. She became an expert on this subject in the 1950 s and co-authored the book, "Therapy Through Horticulture." She was a member of the Garden Writers' Association of America and wrote a newspaper column on gardening for many years. She received citations of merit from the University of Michigan and Michigan State University and was an honorary Fellow of the American Scandinavian Foundation.
ANN LEWIS BURR Rochester, New York
Gamma Tau, Utah State U, 1966
Ann is President
of the Rochester,
NY, Division of
Time Warner
Cable, which
boasts 300,000 subscribers. From 1986 to 1995 she was President of the San Diego Division, the company's first female in such a post. In San Diego she was the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Two of the many honors and awards she has been given are: winner of the National Cable Television's Association's Distinguished Vanguard Award for Leadership, 1993, and the winner of the National Business Volunteer of the Year Award from the National Alliance of Business, 1992.
SARAH E . BURROUGHS Shell Beach, California Omicron Pi, U of Michigan, 1953
As a distinguished professor of nutrition at California Polytechnic State University, Sarah made her mark by serving as a mentor and role model for students and faculty, par- ticularly women. She was the first female scientist on faculty and the first in the Academic Senate and the Senate Executive Committee at a time when the student pop- ulation was overwhelmingly male. Sarah, who is retiring in June, looks forward to hav- ing time to travel.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
SUSAN CORBEN BYRAM Madison, Wisconsin Beta Tamil of Toronto, 1964
As Product Manager for Siemens Analytical Instruments (x-ray crystallographic instru- ments for chemists and biochemists) Susan helped develop SMART an instrument which reduces data collection tim e from days to hours. SMART, which received the coveted R & D 100 Award in 1994, helps scientists combat diseases by designing structure-based drugs, e.g. a protease inhibitor to combat AIDS. Despite her heavy schedule of worldwide marketing and technical advancement, Susan keeps a balance between being a responsible scien- tist, a mother of teens, and family to her relatives in Canada.
Jane Mannweiler Cardea Yardley, Pennsylvania
Chi Delta, l) of Colorado, 1962
Jane is the Dean and Division Head of the largest baccalaureare program in nursing in Pennsylvania. She has lectured in Finland and Russia on topics of nursing education and transcultural nursing. One particular pinna- cle for Jane has been to
participate in the first American-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference in 1993 to assist Russian nurse educators to define guidelines for curriculum and licen- sure. Other joys have been her menrorship of many graduate nursing students as they complete their theses and having the Outstanding Graduate Nursing Student Award named in her honor upon leaving Azusa Pacific University in 1992.
LYNNE NEWMAN CARMICHAEE Vancouver, British Columbia
Beta Kappa, U of British Columbia 1961 Though she currently resides in Perth, Australia, Lynne's colorful watercolors can be found all over Canada, England and the
United States, as well as Australia. She has sold over a quarter of a million art cards, as well as decorative
tableware and
cotporate busi-
ness develop-
ment materials
t h r o u g h o u t
North America.
Whether she's
donating an
original work for
raffle or sale or
painting images
for brochures, Lynne enjoys using her artis- tic talents to aid local community groups. She currently is artist in residence at the Van Dusen Botanical Gardens and plans to return to British Columbia this fall.
VIRGINIA SPENCER CARR Atlanta, Georgia Alpha Pi, Florida State IJ, 1949 Virginia is a cel- ebrated author and biographer,
having written biographies on Carson McCullers and John Dos Passos, and a critical work on Katherine Anne Porter. She currently is professor and chairman of the Department of English at Georgia State University. She is the recipient of many awards including, most currently, holding the Diaz-Verson Distinguished Professor of English Letters. Recently, Virginia served on the U.S. Olympics Steering Committee and Cultural Olympics Committee that helped bring the 1996 Summer Games to Atlanta. 1997 marks her 50th anniversary year as a charter member and trapeze artist of the Florida State University "Flying Circus.''
MARY ELLEN CHASE Deceased Gamma. U of Maine, 1908 This author was on the English faculty at the University o f Minnesota and later
became Professor of English Literature at Smith College in Massachusetts. She wrote many stories and novels for girls and young women, including "Mary Christmas," "Uplands," and her autobiography, "A Goodly Heritage," two books of essays, and articles and short stories for Harpers, Atlantic Monthly, and Scribners. Sheoncewonaprizeof$2500from Pictorial Review in a short story contest for
"Salesmanship." Many of herridesarc induded in the library ofour International Headquarters.
M\RY STAIJINGS COLEM\N Gainesville, Florida
Pi Delta, U of Maryland, 1932
As the long standing
Michigan Supreme
Court Chief Justice,
Mary led the
Michigancourtsin w. a major reorganiza-
tion which resulted
in new legislation.
On a state and
national level she
was renowned for
her innovative pro-
grams for delinquent and neglected juveniles. Her work as a presidential appointee to the National Commission for Observance of Women's Year began the fight against gender bias discrimination. Now retired, Mary con- tinues to make a difference by volunteering her efforts toward scholarships, church, and com- munity affairs. She recently received the "Champion of Justice" award from the Michigan State Bar and was inducted into the University of Maryland Hall of Fame.
MARY BATMAN CONVERSE Annadale, Virginia Phi Kappa, Morris Harvey College, 1962
Mary has been involved in the field of accounting and tax since 1965, but it was not until
1983, after 15 years
as a stay-at-home Mom, that she dove head- first into the industry and set her sights on making partner at her CPA firm. Last year, after long hours, hard work and stiff competi- tion, she reached her goal and became partner in Ross, Langan and McKendree, LLP in McLean, Virg. In addirion, Mary has held
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
positions in numerous professional, civic and social organizations, including the Tower Club, a private club considered the 'center of gravity' in the Northern Virginia business community, and Alpha Omicron Pi, where she currently serves as Foundation Treasurer.
GAYLE KARCH COOK Bloomington, Indiana
Beta Phi, Indiana U,1953 Gayle is co-founder (with husband Bill) of Cook Group, Inc., an interna- tional medical products company, in Bloomington,
Ind She has been responsible for the restoration of several properties on the National Register of Historic Places, including the 2500 acre Cedar Farm Plantation, built in 1837, and serves on the boards of many area museums and civic organizations. In addition, she has written "A Guide to Southern Indiana" and "Monroe County in Focus," and has been awarded with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Indiana University.
Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan U,1978 Elizabeth is well known in the media circles of Rockford, IL. She currently is community rela- tions associate at a local medical
center but also has been a radio talk show host (drawing the largest talk show audience in the area) and anchor, executive producer and medical reporter for a television sta- tion. Elizabeth was president of the Illinois Society for Healthcare Marketing and Public Relations when the organization was named "Society of the Year" by the American Society for Healthcare Marketing and Public Relations. She is also proud of being named "Best Smile" by Rockford Magazine (celebrity choice).
CATHERINE ADAMS DAVIS Virginia Beach, Virginia Gamma Omicron, U of Florida, 1981 Having served her country with distinction since 1985, Cathy has
f .<"•••'
in England, to the United States. Outside of a few people in the East, no one had heard of it until 1957 when Jane and a few friends decide
it was needed in their home town of East Orange, New Jersey. As volunteer executive director, Jane wrote an article which was accept- ed by Reader's Digest, and requests for informa- tion began pouring in. After she secured corpo- rate funding to distribute informational kits, Meals on Wheels was well established.
East Palatka, Florida Alpha Pi, Florida State U, 1932 Having lived, stud- ied or traveled in every Spanish-speak- ing country in the
world except for the Dominican Republic, this now retired professor made Spanish lan- guage and culture come to life for her stu- dents. For many years she directed Traveling Spanish Conversation Classes throughout the Spanish-speaking world from Florida State University and held numerous leader- ship positions in foreign language and educa- tion societies, including National President of the National Spanish Honorary for Secondary Schools. She also was the United States Representative at the Hemispheric Conference on Taxation in Argentina with her economist husband.
THELMA BRUMFIELD DUNN Deceased Epsilon, Cornell U, 1919
A top-rated research scientist, Thelma joined the National Cancer Institute
after several years as a pathologist on the medical faculties of the University of Virginia and George Washington University. In 1959 Thelma was one of three American scientists to attend the International Cancer Congress in Moscow, where she presented a paper on the role of rats in research on leukemia. Other honors: "Medical Woman of the Year" 1959 given by the American Medical Women's Association.
recently been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander with the United States Navy in addition to being selected as an Executive Officer. She also has been recog- nized for superior individual service six sepa- rate times and has been awarded the Joint Meritorious Service Medal, an honor usually reserved for senior military officers. She cur- rendy serves as a personal staff assistant to the Commander of the U.S. Naval Air Forces, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, and recently celebrated her 10-year wedding anniversary to a fellow Lieutenant Commander, Jeffrey Davis.
FRANCES KRACHADIAS Santa Rosa, California
Chi Delta, U of Colorado, 1942 Frances made great strides forwomen in the field of pub-
lic service. She was elected the first woman mayor of Palo Alto, CA in 1966 and served in the United States Department of Defense and the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the 1970's and 80's as one of the highest ranking women in government. She was also president of the Federal Executive Board in San Francisco, CA and co-founder of Neighbors Abroad, a sister- city program in Palo Alto. Frances current- ly is serving on the Santa Rosa (California) Planning Commission, her 13th year of ser- vice to the organization.
Rho, Northwestern U, 1927
Jane was most proud of the volunteer work she did to bring the Meals on Wheels pro- gram, which originated
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Los Alamos, New Mexico
Pi Kappa, Uof Texas, Austin, 1957 Emily's love of children and her
excitement for education helped her develop several innovative programs for the Los Alamos (New Mexico) Public School system. Her education career culminated during her tenure as principal when she facilitated devel- opment of an award-winning scheduling sys- tem, a multi-age primary grades program, a citizenship awards program featuring lunch with the principal and a curriculum program focusing on math and science. Emily retired from the Los Alamos Public Schools in June, 1995 and now is an education consultant and a grant writer for non-profit organizations.
Honolulu, Hawaii
Eta, U of Wisconsin, 1917
Betty was chosen editor of To Dragma in 1923 but was unable to work in that posi- tion because that year she and her husband, Joseph, moved to Hawaii where her father- in-law was Governor of the Hawaiian Islands. In 1942 Joseph was elected delegate to the United States House of Representatives. After his death in 1954, Betty ran for his seat by popular demand and became the first woman representative from Hawaii. She was the leader of the campaign
which led to Hawaii's statehood.
JOANM. FLANAGAN Chicago, Illinois Alpha Tau, Denison U, 1966 Joan authored "The Grass Roots Fundraising Book," the most popular how-to fundraising book
in North America, which is recognized as the definitive work on raising money in your own community. She is President of Joan Flanagan and Associates, a company that trains over 2,500 leaders from non-profit organizations in the U.S., Canada and Europe
every year. In addition, Joan has written "Successful Fundraising," a guide to soliciting money from foundations, corporations and major donors and is an internationally recog- nized public speaker on motivation, fundrais- ing and leadership.
Phi Upsilon,
Purdue U, 1970
Successfully run-
ning her own interior design and residential remodeling com- pany has not been enough for Susan. She has also created, directed and sin- gularly adminis- tered a complex
4-year interior design program for the University of Houston and led a team in cre- ating and implementing the SEARCH Project, one of the nation's first volunteer interior design project for the homeless. Susan also is a professional speaker on interi- or design topics and dedicates her time to numerous community organizations includ- ing her local alumnae chapter and Panhellenic organization.
CATHERINE DORTON FYOCK Prospect, Kentucky Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U, 1973
As president of her own human resources consulting firm, Innovative Management Concepts, Cathy develops staffing and train- ing programs for recruiting and retaining employees in an aging and changing labor market. She has written several books on human resources topics, including "America's Work Force is Coming of Age" and "UnRetirement," which champion the value of human potential as we grow older. Cathy also provides leadership to the profes- sion through both her position as President of the Human Resources Certification Institute and her book "Get the Best."
Pi, Newcomb-Tulane, 1952
Ann is an accomplished painter and printmaker who has won n u m e r o u s awards from museums, universities and associa- tions across
the country. Her works reflect a unique vision and range in expression from painter- ly realism to surrealistic spatial abstraction. Ann donated two original works of art to AOTI, one of which was selected as our offi- cial Centennial Commemorative painting, "Reflections of Sisterhood." She has been an instructor at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts but now runs her own studio in Dallas, Texas, where she helps students find their own personal expression. She is listed in the Southwest Art Review, Who's Who in American Art and Who '$ Who in American Women and is a member of several profes- sional and honorary societies.
LORRAINE LUNT GODFREY Menlo Park, California Sigma, Uof California- Berkeley, 1938 Lorraine has served in the
of children for over 40 years. This now retired professor of elementary education at San Francisco State University has traveled throughout the country giving lectures and workshops on the impor- tance of indivualized instruction and written three books on the topic. She also has written "Our Flag, History and Customs" and continues to educate chil- dren and immigrants about the United States flag and its symbolism through speaking engagements.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
GEORGIA GOLLD-LYLE Golden Valley, Minnesota Tau, U of Minnesota, 1953
As Senior Creative Director in charge of Advertising and Promotion at KTCA-TV, a PBS station in the Twin Cities, Georgia cre- ates, develops and supervises award- winning promo- tional campaigns for local and national produc- tions. She created
Wonder Window, an award-winning magazine celebrating the artis- tic and written works of schoolchildren in
Minnesota. She also worked for many years in the New York entertainment industry, with past employers including "The Perry Como Show" and TV Guide. These days, in addition to her position at KTCA-TV, Georgia is start- ing her own public relations firm, and writing memoirs and children's books.
JEAN C. GREEN Deceased Beta Phi, Indiana U, 1926 This journalist
paved the way for women in the 1930's as a reporter for the Washington Times and a daily columnist
for the Washington Post. She later wrote a regular column in the Rushville, I N , news- paper and was an editor for the Indiana and American Medical Associations. Her book, "Splinters of Rush County," won a 1993 communications contest award from the National Federation of Press Women short- ly before her death.
Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan U, 1975
of admissions,
residential life,
campus activities
and Greek life.
She currently
supervises campus
programs staff at
the University of
Maryland at
College Park,
where she founded and continues to chair the Committee on Undergraduate Women's Leadership. Marsha speaks nationally on top- ics such as leadership development, the college fraternity and ethics and served as a Balfour
Foundation Distinguished Lecturer. In 1994 she was the Chair of the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders in Washington, D.C., and was recently named to the National Board of Directors for the Vietnam Women's Memorial.
Jo ANN TOWERY HARLLEE Greensboro, North Carolina
Zeta Psi, East Carolina U, 1971 Being the first and perhaps only per- son to graduate with straight As
from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's
Law School was only a hint of what was to come for Jo Ann. She is now one of the first women partners in the law firm of Smith, Helms, Mulliss & Moore, a Board Certified Specialist in Estate Planning and Probate, a Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel and chair of her section of the North Carolina Bar Association. Jo Ann also is an adjunct professor at UNC Law School, serves as legal advisor to sevetal non-profit organizations and is involved with the Women's Professional Forum.
JLANTTA SAKAJIAN E\UGEN Pleasanton, California
Nu Lambda, U of Southern California, 1957
As President of the California School Boards Association, Juanita represents over 1000 school districts and 5000 board mem-
Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Her dedication to youth has helped chil- dren in Pleasanton, CA., where she has been influential with various organizations, such as the YMCA, Pleasanton Youth Collaborative and the
Pleasanton Partnerships in Education Board of Directors. Juanita is also proud to call three of her four daughters AOI! sisters and is quick to point out that the fourth one went to a non-AOLI school.
NANCY PKE HAUSE Estes Park, Colorado
Chi Delta, L of Colorado, 1950 Nancy is now retired from her position on the journalism facul- ty at the A.Q. Miller School of
Mass Communications, Kansas State University. While there she created the Journalism Ambassadors program and earned the Stamey Award for outstanding teaching and a three-month Kellogg Fellowship. In 1994 she was named the Cruise Palmer Distinguished Professor of the year. Not con- tent to limit her activities to the academic world, Nancy worked with the Boyd Center for Community Communications, which aids rural journalists, and received first place writ- ing awards from the Kansas Press Association.
LISA TEWKSBURY HAUSER Scottsdale, Arizona Upsilon Alpha, U of Arizona, 1975
As an accomplished educator, administrator, bers. She was a California governor speaker and mentor in the field of higher edu- appointee to the Education Commission of cation, Marsha has had influence in the areas the States and served on the State
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
An attorney, Lisa has the honor of being the first in-house legal counsel to the Governor of Arizona in the state's history. Prior to this she was the Director of Legislation to the Governor, Deputy Director of the Arizona State Gaming Agency, and Assistant Attorney General for the state of Arizona. She also sits on the University of Arizona's Alumni Association Board of Directors. Honors: Attorney General's Distinguished Service Award, 1993. Her record of public and volunteer service, while impressive, takes second place in Lisa's eyes to her children, Sarah and Samuel.
do her work. For GFWC she has given work- clature issues for mental retardation. In the
| M ^ V H f <*•
MARY ANDERSON HrLTON Louisville, Kentucky Epsilon Alpha. Pennsylvania State U, 1944 In 1987 Mary was awarded for life the title of Distinguished
shops throughout the United States on conserva- tion and has lectured throughout the world on women's issues, volunteerism, and conservation. Not tired by her efforts, Ann continues to serve GFWC as the Massachusetts Legislation Chairman and as a member of the Massachusetts Committee 2000 and Beyond.
Nu Chnicron,Vanderbilt, 1920
Anne was a vigorous advocate for state and community service. She was President of the Little Rock, Ark., Council of Family Relations and helped organize the State Legislative Council. She campaigned steadfasdy for the revision of Arkansas election laws and for increased teacher's salaries. In 1948 Anne was named Arkansas Woman of the Year. After
her husband's sudden death in 1951, she suc- cessfully assumed the directorship of his three businesses. The couple had four children.
Omicron Pi, U of Michigan, 1953
Jane was an adjunct professor in the Writing Division of the School of the Arts at Columbia University. She is the author of "Margaret Mead: A Life" (1984) and of three other books of non-fiction. From 1988 to 1993 she was a contributing editor
for Lear's magazine and prior to that a staff writer and associate editor for Life maga- zine. She holds honorary doctoral degrees from Grinnell and Hamline Universities.
Fairfax, Virginia
Chi Omicron, Centra] State U, 1960 This distin- guished scien-
tist, a clinical cytogeneticist, is the Director of the Postnatal Laboratory, the Genetics and IVF Institute. She has made significant contributions to early research on fragile X syndrome and X- linked mental retardation. While elected to the International Congress of Human
Genetics in 1994, she contributed to nomen-
last two years alone, Patricia has published eleven scientific articles, written two book chapters, spoken at three scientific meetings, and attended eight others. Despite her fame, her overall goal is to pursue a Christian life and serve as an example to others.
LUCY SOMERVILLE HOWORTH Cleveland, Mississippi Kappa, Randolph- Macon, 1913
Lucy has the distinction of being the oldest living Woman
of Achievement - she will be 102 years old in July. She is a retired attorney and the first woman admitted to the Mississippi Bar, in 1922. She served on the state legisla- ture in the early 1930's and was appointed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to the Board of Veteran Appeals (part of the Veterans' Administration) in 1934. An appointment to the War Claims Commission led to her being named General Counsel for the Commission in 1953.
SUZANNE WILSON HUMPHREY Trenton, Georgia Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U, 1953 Now retired, Suzanne has made her mark in developing educa- tional policy. For six- teen years she served as Director of Field
T e a c h i n g Professor of Biochemistry, School of
Medicine, University of Louisville, KY, by the university president. She is widely renowned for developing and patenting a method to improve the nutritional quality of intravenous feeding of low-birth-weight infants. She is most proud, however, of her four professional adult children. As a child, Mary attended the 1933 convention in Washington, D.C., (her mother was Past International President Edith
Anderson) and received a rose from Stella Perry when she promised to become an AOn when she grew up.
M assachusetts Delta, Tufts U, 1948 In 1992 Ann was
elected and served
until 1994 as the
President of the
International General
Federation of Women's
Clubs, the largest vol-
unteer organization in the world. The position required her to move to Washington, D.C., to
and Policy Services for the
To Drapma/SlTOMER1997
Illinois As such, she served as a consultant to local school board and superintendents across the state. This former teacher and principal provided in-ser- vice training, workshops, and lectures on a variety of educational topics including drug and alcohol abuse. Suzanne is the past presi- dent of the National Association of School Policy Services, the Litchfield, IL., School District 12 Board, and the Indiana State
University Alumni Board.
Association of School Boards
KRISTINE A, IVERSON Falls Church, Virginia Theta, DePauw U, 1972
Kristine modestly describes her 22 years of con- gressional work as "being in the background." She has been Republican Chief of Staff for the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee and for the past four years has been Legislative Director to Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah). Two legislative initiatives she has spearheaded and is particularly pleased with are the Job Training Partnership Act of 1982 and the Child Care and Development Block Grant of 1990. Kristine received the DePauw Young Alumni Award in 1993 and currendy serves on the Board of Directors of the DePauw University Alumni Board of Directors.
RUTH SCHUESSLER JONES Scottsdale, Arizona Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U, 1960
This former Chair of the Department of Political Science at Arizona State
University now serves as Assistant to the President of ASU for University Programs and is current Director of the University of the Next Century. Ruth's positions have afforded her the ability to provide leadership to improve the democratic electoral process, to enhance the quality of life within the university and the community, and to be a role model to motivate women in leadership. Other Honors: 1992 "Mentor of Distinction," Women's Caucus for Political Science, 1990 Distinguished Alumni Award, Indiana State University.
DOROTHY KENYON New York, New York Nu. New York U, 1915
A prominent New York attorney, Dorothy had a distinguished career in the legal profession.
She had a special interest in cooperatives, fami- ly welfare, and the place of women in post World War II planning. Her service was inter- national in scope: the International Alliance of Suffrage and Equal Citizenship, the League of Nations Committee of Jurists which studied the legal status of women throughout the world, and the National Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Omega, Miami U. 1919
Known for her achievements in journalism, Lucile started out as a bookstore owner and operator in Greenwich Village, New York City. She began writing for McCann- Erickson Advertising and the Cleveland Press. She was the editor of School Management from 1935 to 1952, and closed out her career
as editor of Parents magazine, 1952 to 1967. Awards: Distinguished Service Award, Theta Sigma Phi.
CINDY JONES KHTREDGE Great Falls, Montana BetaRho,Uof Montana. 1965 In addition to fulfilling her job requirements as Director of the Cascade County
Historical Society, Cindy manages the fami- ly ranch, cares for a son and two elderly parents, serves on the Boards for the Children's Museum of Montana and the Museums Association of Montana, and teaches a class at Montana State University, where she just earned her doc- toral degree. Family ties are important to Cindy, as are preserving cultural and eco- logical heritages and contributing to edu- cation and learning. Under her leadership the Cottonwood Folk Festival now draws 8000 people yearly and the Historical Society has grown to more than five times its original figure.
CARYL WAUm KRUEGER Escondido. California Rho, Northwestern U, 1948
Caryl is one of the ten most prolific writers in the field of parent/child relationships. This former To Dragma editor has twelve
books in print presently; sever- al are award winning. She writes a weekly s y n d i c a t e d newspaper col- umn on parent- ing and has lec- tured in 34 states, Canada, and Europe. It
is no surprise that Caryl loves children, reach- ing out to parents in need, and helping strengthen all families. She describes her own children and "intelligent and happy" and her grandchildren as "absolutely darling."
GOLLY MCCANNE LEV Boulder, Colorado Upsilon, U of Washington, 1925 Considered by many surgeons to be the top medical illus-
trator in the nation, Golly, for 40 years under the pseudonym of Gregg Moris, detailed surgical procedures for textbooks, journals, television, and film. She worked freelance, for hospitals, motion picture com- panies, and schools. She often was the first person to view a new surgery, sketching fran- tically so that the procedure could be taught to other surgeons safely, accurately, and swiftly. She is now 91 years old and resides in a nursing home.
Vero Beach. Florida
Sigma Rho, Slipper) Rock U, 1973 Bonnie has been Executive Director of the YWCA of Meadville, PA, Development Director of the Association for Retarded
Citizens of Crawford County, and Executive Director of the Big Brothers and Sisters o f Crawford County. Serving in these posi- tions, she shared her Christian faith, helped eliminate racism and celebrated diversity,
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
and improved the lives of individuals with mental retardation. Through her involvement on a national, state and local level with Business and Professional Women's Organization, she helped improve the lives of all working women. Awards: Professional of the Year, Crawford County; Woman of the Year, Meadville; Pennsylvania's Outstanding Young Careerist, Community Ambassador to Mexico.
DEL KRONE LLOYD Baltimore, Maryland
ThetaEta,Uof Cincinnati, 19.38 Del has a long list of credits in the field of Dietetics: recipient of the American Dietetic Association Award
for "Excellence in Consultation and Private Practice," Outstanding Dietitian in Maryland, 1989, and appointment to the State of Maryland Board of Dietetic Practice, 1989 to 1996, (licenses and regulates quali- fied nutritionists). Her field of expertise is nutritional care for nursing home residents. She has written a diet manual for this popu- lation and consults on a regular basis with a number of nursing homes. Her colleagues call her "dedicated to promoting high stan- dards for the profession, competent and articulate in her leadership, and well-respect- ed as a pacesetter and innovator."
Pi Delta, U of Maryland, 1959
Cassie began her journalism career as a reporter on a Hearst newspaper in Baltimore; she joined NBC news in 1969 as an affili- ate in W ashington, D.C. In 1972 she became the first woman to work in television as a floor
reporter at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. At ABC, which she joined in 1977, Cassie covered political events, frequently appeared on "20/20" and David Brinkley's Sunday program. She won an Emmy for a news program on drunken
driving. An early death cut short the career of this brilliant journalist, who had been called tough-minded and tenacious, aggres- sive, unflappable, and more competent than many of her male colleagues.
CHRISTINE FLEMING MAHON Phoenix, Arizona Theta Pi, Wagner College, 1967 This nurse has had an outstand- ing record in pub- lic health and
nursing education culminating in her present position of manager of the Community Health Nursing Program for Maricopa County. But perhaps a more exciting venture for Christine was her experience as Chief Nurse (U.S. Army Reserve) for the 403D Combat Support Hospital during "Desert Storm." Located 10 miles from the Iraqi bor- der in northern Saudi Arabia, her facility was responsible for medical care for U.S. forces and prisoners of war. She was one of two nurses out of 800 candidates to be promoted to Colonel of the Army Nurse Corps in 1995.
Tau, U of Minnesota, 1918
In the 1930's and
1940's Ruth made sig- nificant contributions to the fields of educa- tion, sociology, and
psychology. She was Assistant Dean of Students and Assistant Professor of Education at the University of Chicago. She was always quick to point out her position was not the Dean of Women, as she was responsible for men and women alike. Her sense of fairness and respect for individuals endeared her to all with whom she worked.
HILDAOTT MICARI Catonsville, Maryland Sigma Tau, Washington College, 1938 At the height of her professional
life, Hilda was a highly respected woman executive with Western Electric Company where she was Chief of Employment, College, and Educational Relations for 10,000 employees. While there she began the "Adopt-a-School Program" whereby Baltimore companies initiated students to the real world of work. She was the first woman to receive the Washington College Alumni Service Award for her service on the Board of Visitors and Governors and on the Student Affairs Committee. Through her presidency of the Baltimore District of Federated Women's Clubs she emphasized the "Erasing Literacy" program for disadvan- taged students. Now retired, she remains extremely busy serving on a variety of chari- table boards.
Beta Phi, Indiana U, 1961
Holly is a busy author,
editor, speaker, and
teacher of journalism.
With her partner,
Dennis Hensley, she
has written twelve
books of fiction and
non-fiction. (Their
fiction is written
under the pen name
of Leslie Holden.)
Holly has written
hundreds of maga-
zine articles, and currendy is the travel editor of The Saturday Evening Post. She teaches journalism at two universities and is publica- tions consultant to Lilly Endowment Inc. Awards: Journalism Hall of Fame at Ball State University, "Distinguished Alumnus" from both BSU and Indiana University.
JESSE ASHWORTH MILLER Lansdale, Pennsylvania
Gamma, U of Maine, 1926
This distinguished scholar and sociologist has had a brilliant academic career living and researching
in the countries of China, South America, Japan, India, and the Republic of China. Herfirstfel- lowship for study abroad (in China) was a two- year grant for $1000 given her by AGTI in 1932. She went on to become a foremost authority on China, carrying out classified research at the time. Having taught college and lectured widely on the cultural anthropology of many countries, Jessie retired in 1979.
To Dragma/SliMMER 1997
VALJACIC MONTGOMERY North Liberty, Iowa Alpha Phi, Montana State U, 1975
Lou Ann is an Advanced Practice Nurse in Neonatal Intensive Care/ Neonatal Transport at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and is a recognized expert in sibling visita-
tion of hospitalized ill infants and child visitation in adult intensive care units. She has developed quality assurance programs for NICUs and neonatal transport and consulted with daycare facilities on improving children's adaptation based on developmental needs. A recipient of the national Colleen J. Goode Nursing Research Utilization Award, she is com- pleting work on her doctoral degree in educational psychology.
ALISON GRIFFIN MORSE Bowen Island British Columbia
Beta Kappa. U of British Columbia, 1965
A Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (FCA), Alison was a found- ing governor of the
Chartered Accountants' Education Foundation of British Columbia and Chairman from 1992 to 1995. She will become President of the ICA, BC Council, in June of 1997. Although a partner in the firm of Doane Raymond, Chartered Accountants, she also finds time to sit on the boards of the Bowen Island Parks and Recreation Commission, the West Vancouver Advisory Finance Commission, and the Memorial Library Foundation of West Vancouver.
Arizona Nu Lambda, Uof Southern California, 1955
As a Master Teacher of
Voice, Elizabeth goes beyond the stu- dio, mentoring, nurturing and facili- tating career opportunities of her stu- dents. Dozens of het pupils have made international careers in opera and in academia. During a recent sab- batical from the University of Arizona where she serves as Professor and Coordinator of Voice, Elizabeth
researched twentieth century Canadian Art Song. This year she will be spending her fourth summer on the faculty at the University of Miami/Salzburg, Austria, Summer Institute.
PHYLIJS M . OCKER FUensburg, Washington Upsilon, U of Washington, 1945 Throughout her dis- tinguished career, Phyllis has been an advocate for oppor- tunities for women of all ages in ath-
letics. At the University of Michigan, where she served from 1974 to 1990, she was known as a pioneer in the women's athletic program. She became Women's Athletic Director at UM in 1977 and has represent- ed the University at two Rose Bowls. She was a member of President Kennedy's Committee on Physical Fitness and was President of the Michigan Association of Health, PE, Recreation and Dance. Phyllis has been the recipient of many honors throughout her career, including a scholar- ship in her name at UM. In 1995, a brand new field hockey facility was named in her honor. Now retired, Phyllis is enjoying life in her home state, golfing and taking cruises on the Amazon and Columbia Rivers and through the Panama Canal.
ANNE CAMPBELL ORTON Gloucester. Ontario
Beta Tau,U of Toronto, 1958
Anne is an internationally exhibited artist specializing in oils. Her works have been included in the National Gallery of Canada and their Archives, the Louvre Archives in Paris, the Merton Gallery, Toronto, the International
Exhibition of Flags, Banners, and Kites in Seattle, Washington, and the Toronto Festival of Women in the Arts. Her mural, the "Elesia" wall at St. Christopher's Anglican Church, Ottawa, has been deemed a great work of art.
DOROTHY KARSTAEDT OSLER Riverside. Connecticut
Omega. Miami U, 1943
Dorothy has had a remarkable career as a state and local legislator. For twenty years (1972 - 1992) she served as an elected Republican
Connecticut State Representative, working tire- lessly for her favorite cause of bettering the edu- cational system in the state. Not retired, Dorothy continues to serve as a member of the Greenwich (Ct) Representative Town Meeting which she has done since 1969. In spite of her impressive public service record, Dorothy would most like to
be remembered for being a loving wife for 50 years, a mother and grand- mother who cares about people, and as a founder of a local AOTl alum- nae chapter in her area 40 years ago.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
MARY ANN STPJETER PAUIJN Marquette, Michigan Kappa Rho, Western Michigan U, 1961
A school library/media specialist, Mary Ann has received the Ruby Brown Award from the Michigan Association for Media in Education (MAME) for integrating literature and library/media skills into the curriculum. She has written many groundbreaking books on the creative uses of children's literature, produced a video and written hundreds of articles, reviews, and a newspaper column "Family Reading." Mary Ann is a popular speaker for teachers and librarians in the United States and ten other countries and is very active in many professional organiza- tions, including one that chooses the Newberry Medal winner (outstanding chil- dren's book of the year).
MARIANNE R. PHELPS Washington, D.C. Omicron F t U of Michigan, 1958
Since being chosen
as the first winner
of the Perry Award
for outstanding
A O n chapter lead-
ership, Marianne
has continued to
use her leadership
skills to make a dif-
ference wherever
she worked. After
completing undergraduate wotk, she earned three different Master's degrees and a Ph.D. in American Civilization. Her administrative experiences at George Washington University and the University of the District of Columbia led to her current position with the U.S. Department of Education as Director of their largest department, the Institutional Participation and Oversight Service. While reorganizing the Service to reflect modern management policies, the love of learning and a commitment to the development of all peo- ple have been her guides.
Salt Lake Gty, Utah
Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State U, 1959
This people orient-
ed medical doctor,
who specializes in
the treatment of
infectious diseases
has been widely
recognized forher
holistic approach
to the treatment of
patients with
AIDS. Utah Holiday named her "Most Compassionate Doctor" in 1988. Time magazine, in 1989, acknowledged her lead- ership in tackling the emotional issues involved in the treatment of AIDS victims and their families. She tecently moved her professional activities from private practice to the University of Utah where she is Professor of Internal Medicine and Director of the AIDS Program. Kristen credits A O n with having a large influence on her ideals and personal growth, and she now relishes being a role model for young people herself. Her advice to collegians today is: "Do what you believe in even if it doesn't seem to be what everyone else is doing."
MARCIA KYLE RTNEHART Leawood Kansas Phi, U of Kansas, 1960 Marcia counts her husband, three adult children, and her friends as her #1 priority,
but, in addition, she has an impressive record in community service: six years on the Leawood City Council, ten years as the Mayor of Leawood, and eight years on the Johnson County Library Board of Directors (duting her term as chairman a $12 million library campaign was launched). She is par- ticularly pleased with her "Leadership Kansas" involvement, developing and moti- vating future leaders for the State of Kansas and its communities.
LORRAINE ZlLLNER RODGERS Alexandria, Virginia Iota, U of Illinois, 1939
Lorraine was one of a small but determined group ofwomenwhopavedthewayforwomenpilots in the military. In 1943 she began training with 1800 other women (25,000 had applied) in the Army Air Corps. There was no Air Force yet. Her job was to transport aircraft from the assembly line to its military destination and to test planes after being crash repaired. An exciting storyteller, Lorraine enthralls groups from few to 10,000 with her tales of the Women Airforce Service Pilots. Her picture appears on the cover of the book, Women Pilots WWII, which has just been sold to the movies, and her uniform is a part of a special exhibit at the Smithsonian Institute.
Birmingham Southern College, 1971
This whirlwind entrepreneur
Bowling Green, Ohio Tau Delta,
•If* 1 H1
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
founded the man-
agement consult-
ing firm "market-
ing 1:1, inc." in
1992. With her
partner, Don
Peppers, she has
written an inter-
national best seller, published in eleven lan- guages, "The One to One Future: Building Relationships One Customer at a Time," which is in its 24th English printing. They have followed with a second book, "Enterprise One to One: Tools for Competing in the Interactive Age." It is little wonder she is in enormous demand as a worldwide speaker, writer for business publications, and television and radio interviewee. As a professor at Bowling Green State University she was named "Master Teacher" from 186 nominees and has recently been named "Sales and Marketing Professional of the Year."
College in 1978. After retiring to New Jersey she commuted every week to New York City to volunteer at a thrift shop which benefited a Barnard scholarship fund, until she was well into her 80s.
INGRID LATIMER SCHULZ Wausau, Wisconsin Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan U, 1962
Best known as AOn's International Parliamentarian, this
sister has a keen mind
for detail and order.
But, more important-
ly, her love of life and of others has led her and her husband Carl to share their home with 98 teenage foster daughters over a 22-year period without ever accepting any government subsidy for it. Anyone who has ever lived with teenagers may find this mind boggling but Ingrid has enjoyed nurturing and guiding these young women, and even formally adopted two of them. In addition she's imparted her love of learning to the myriad of high school students she has taught and serves on several educational, community, and church boards.
with academic and racial imbalance issues. Not surprisingly, she is very active in many civic and charitable groups.
Phi, U of Kansas, 1931
In 1932, with the depression in full swing and jobs almost nonexistent, a new college graduate set out on the unlikely road of mak- ing puppets. Forty three years later she retired as the world's largest commercial manufacturer of finger and hand puppets and marionettes. Hazelle ignored the obsta- cle of being a woman in a predominately male business world, and ultimately accept- ed appointments to international trade com- missions. She met with personalities such a President Eisenhower, Princess Grace of Monaco, and Jim Henson of the Muppets,
gathered one of thefinestcollections of rare, historic, antique puppets in the country, and became the catalyst for the formation of the Puppeteers of America and the puppet col- lection in the Smithsonian Institute.
HESTER RUSK Deceased Alpha, Barnard
College, 1909
A youthful interest in gardening led this energetic Alpha Chapter member to a successful career in botany. After receiv- ing a master's degree in botany in 1917, Hester worked as a research assistant for the New York
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Beta Pi, Eastern Michigan U, 1964 Having recendy been reelected to a third term as Mayor of Ann Arbor, Mich., validates Ingrid's love of her hometown and her per-
Delta Pi, Central Missouri State U, 1975
This busy A O n "superwoman" really under- stands what it's like to "do it all." She has worked her way up the ladder at Hewlett- Packard from personnel clerk to Information Technology Section Manager, where she oversees 20-30 personnel and an annual bud- get of $7M. She has achieved much recogni- tion within HP by dramatically improving customer satisfaction, containing or decreas- ing costs, and improving services delivered to customers. She has a husband and one child, and is involved on a weekly basis with teach- ing Sunday School and leading Girl Scouts. A recent Wall St. Journal article on "Work Life Balance" highlighted Lisa and her work at HP. A former chapter consultant, she credits her A O n mentors for the insights she needs in order to succeed, and has continued her leadership involvement in AOIT at an alumnae and regional level.
Alpha Sigma, U of Oregon, 1928
World renowned
in architecture,
Chloethiel began
her career in
W ashington,
D.C. with the
Federal Housing
where she
designed large
scale housing
projects and
became Chief of
PlanningandResearch. Oneofherworks,the
"Climate Controlled House", was published in House Beautiful magazine. She spent a year in
Botanical Gardens and as a teacher and
researcher for the Brooklyn Botanical Garden.
She was co-author of "A Teaching Guide to the
Trees and Shrubs of Greater New York" and
Associate Editor of Plants and Gardens, a quar- ciled some long standing annexation disputes. terly horticultural magazine. She received a
Rose Award from AOEt in 1965 and an Alumnae Recognition Award from Barnard
Her work on "The Committee of Excellence" gave leadership to a re-organization of the public school system, which was grappling
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
sonal philosophy of balance, fairness, and hard work. She has been an advocate for women's safety, water quality, and infrastructure main- tenance, to name a few issues, and has recon-
Montreal working on the city design. In Bolivia, she remodeled the US Embassy and designed hospitals, clinics, and laboratories while teaching at the University of La Paz. To finish out a brilliant professional life, Chloethiel designed Washington's "F Street Plaza" in 1967 as a part of a federal urban renewal project.
Walnut Creek, California
Sigma, L of California-Berkeley, 1961 This independent and exciting sister has found a
very creative blend of two profession- al disciplines. She holds a doctor of veterinary medicine degree and operates a small animal prac- tice; she also has a master's degree in clinical psychology and is a licensed marriage and family
Communications Achievement and Leadership Award, et. al.
Not surprisingly then, she specializes
MARTHA WRIGHT SUPER Helotes, lexas Alpha Phi, Montana State II, 1944
For 35 years Martha designed and remodeled houses in all price ranges, 20 to 25 a year.
^^^^^^ '
Omicron Pi, U of Michigan, 1924 Mary was the consummate club woman, active in the leadership of many charita- ble and artistic endeavors. She chaired the Art Festival of New Jersey and the state Arts Division of the New Jersey American Association of University Women. She was a playwright, director, musician, and painter and through her work with the community College Club, gave scholarships to students in Theater
Arts. She co-chaired the fund-raising of $300,000 for the University of Michigan Lloyd Radiation Laboratory for the treat- ment of cancer. According to her grand- daughter, Mary's husband did not "allow" her to work for pay, however this did not stop her from giving a speech in 1953 enti- tled "The Natural Superiority of Women."
Theta Eta, U of Cincinnati, 1929
It may be possi-
ble that Hope
has been an offi-
cer of more
local, state, and
national organi-
zations than
anyone else in
our history! She
alone has been
listed in over 40
"Who's Whos".
Her highest
office was that of Senior National President of the Children of the American Revolution. For seventeen years she was involved on a state level with the Ohio Parent Teacher Association. And much of her volunteering was done while owning and operating a successful photo offset plant for 30 years. Hope is proud of being a founding member of Theta Eta Chapter of AOn and of her service to AOIl on a national and local level. At the age of 89, she still serves as parliamentarian and histo- rian to rwo local clubs.
in communication issues in veterinary practice, for example pet loss and grief management. Through her own consulting company, she offers training in interpersonal dynamics in vet- erinary practice, the role of pets in the family, grief and euthanasia counseling, and also teach- es classes on these subjects to DVM students. Her greatest achievement, however, is being married for 30 years and raising two children, Eric and Dayna.
Chi Lambda, Uof Evansville, 1959 Since 1986 Marjorie has been President and CEO of Welborn Memorial Hospital
where she leads a fiscal- ly sound hospital with 1600 employees who deliver outstanding patient care. Another
of her accomplishments has been to imple- ment a nationally recognized corporate child care center at the hospital. She also serves the University of Evansville as a trustee; and, as a Director and President of Southwestern Indiana Mental Health Center, she has struc- tured a regionally renowned psychiatric ser- vice. Honors: Business Person of the Year in Evansville, Distinguished Citizen's Award,
Her specialty has been determining what details are important to customers and tailor- ing a plan unique to their needs and person- alities. It particularly pleases her when own- ers come to her many years after their home was built and tell her they are still delighted with how their houses live and work. Now retired, she and her husband of 46 years are building their dream retirement home; they have two accomplished professional adult children. Martha was instrumental in estab- lishing Phi Upsilon Chapter at Purdue University and served on the Corporation Board for 29 years.
Upsilon, U of Washington, 1971
In 1980 Anne founded her own consulting
engineering firm which provides civil, structural, and sanitary engineering and land surveying services for public and pri- vate projects. Having grown from a one- person office in her home in Seattle, Symonds Engineering now employs 45 people and has opened a second office in
Portland. Anne is currently serving as the first woman president of the Consulting Engineers Council of Washington; this orga- nization selected her as the 1996 "Engineer of the Year." Her devotion to her family has compelled her to build an organizational phi- losophy of "family first, business second." Company flexibility allows employees to bet- ter balance work and family.
To Dragma/SLMMER 1997
MARGARET HANSELMAN UNDERWOOD Ann Arbor, Michigan Omicron Pi, U of Michigan, 1922 Margaret's work as a librarian has inter- ested her in a myri- ad o f topics. While working at the Natural History
Museum, University of Michigan, she pub- lished a Bibliography of North American Natural History Serials. She later took the position of head nuclear engineering librari- an for the Phoenix Library, a United States Atomic Energy Commission Depository Library, UM, and through her leadership it was named the best of all USAEC libraries. She has remained active in retirement, working to preserve a section of "Natural Beauty" road near her home, writing a his-
tory of roads in northeast Ann Arbor, and preserving the history of her church.
DOROTHY WARENSKJOLD Sherman Oaks, California Sigma,Uof California-Berkeley, 1940 Dorothy has had a
distinguished career as
leading soprano with
many renowned opera
companies of the
country, and as soloist
with our major symphony orchestras. For over twenty years she had full seasons of solo recitals culminating in a career as Producer/Director of a successful touring group attraction, "Dorothy Warenskjold's Musical Theater". A CD of operatic selections from mid-career performances is now in preparation by Cambria Records. Dorothy is currently Adjunct Professor of Music at UCLA, teach-
ing singing and a popular master class on Stage Presentation. Her special interest in advancement of young voices led her to being an adjudicator at many national vocal audi- tions, including those of the Metropolitan and San Francisco Opera Companies.
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U, 1917
In 1916 Natalie was
one of the founders
and president of Nu
Omicron Chapter
ofAOn. Sheset-
ded in Tulsa, Okla.,
where she and her
husband William
raised seven chil-
dren. She served
on the board of
directors o f the
Children's Day
Nursery for 20
years. In 1960 she helped establish the Auxiliary of Saint Francis Hospital. She was past president of the William K. Warren Foundation, which constructed and endowed Saint Francis Hospital, and past president of the William K. Warren
Medical Research Institute. In honor of her brother, she and her husband established the Dr. James C. Overall Chair of Pediatrics at Vanderbilt University. She was also active with Camp Fire,
YWCA, the Methodist Church, PTA, Girl Scouts, and organized the Tulsa AOFI Alumnae Chapter. Awards: Oklahoma Hall of Fame; Honorary Doctor of Laws, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
Zeta, U of Nebraska, 1941
Betty's education was in science and she
J initially worked as a Registered Dietitian andthenasaninstructorofnutritionfor two colleges of nursing. Later she turned to Art, receiving a certificate in
Decorative Arts. She is an Allied Member of the American Society of Interior Designers. In addition she is
an abstract artist
working with oils and acrylics. Her paintings have been in juried and one-woman shows with awards of excellence. She organized her own studio in 1984 and is now retired.
Washington. D.C. Beta Phi, Indiana U, 1925
A social worker, Judy headed the adoption department of
the Children's Aid Society in Detroit. After her marriage, she and her husband moved to Washington, D.C, where
they raised three
children and she
served on the
Board of Associated Charities, which later became Family and Child Services. In the
1950's the Whitlocks were prominent in diplomatic activities in the nation's capitol. Judy was the first president of the International Neighbors' Club made up of wives of ambassadors, cabinet members, senators, and congressmen.
JOANNE ROSS WILDER Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pi Delta, U of Maryland, 1961 An accomplished trial lawyer and successful entre- preneur, Joanne is a principal in the Pittsburgh, PA,
matrimonial law firm of Wilder, Mahood & Crenney. She is the author of Pennsylvania Family Law Practice and Procedure and an adjunct professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Joan is a member of the faculty of the American Bar Association Family Law Section Trial Advocacy Institute and is a Diplomate of the American College of Family Trial Lawyers. She is past President of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and a Fellow of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. Joan has been listed in every edi- tion of The Best Lawyers in America.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Kappa Theta, U of California-LA, 1932 Before her death in 1995 Betty was Chairman of the Board and owner of the Betty L. Hutton Company, a major com- mercial and industrial real estate develop- ment and management organization, head- quartered in Orange County. She estab- lished the Hutton Foundation, whose goal
is to make funds available to med- ical, educational and community organizations currently providing programs for the betterment of individual lives. Primary areas of focus include education, health and human services, child, youth, and family services, arts and culture, women's services, and civic devel- opment. Betty was a Trustee of Chapman University and gave extensive service to the school.
HWLEY WIIJJAMS Menlo Park, California Alpha Gamma, Washington State U, 1935
A retired engi- neer, Esther was an internationally
recognized expert in the field of materials engineering and failure analysis for military and aerospace components and systems. Her visionary work spans more than three decades at Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, where she pioneered many new techniques and procedures. In recognition of these accomplishments, she was the first woman inducted into the Silicon Valley Engineering Hall of Fame in 1991. Other
honors: 1981 Fellow of the Society of Woman Engineers, 1987 Washington State University Achievement Award. Esther founded both the Los Angelos and Santa Clara Valley Sections of the Society of Women Engineers and established scholar- ship programs for engineering students.
CARYLE GOIDSACK WOLAHAN Hopateong, New Jersey Tlieta Pi, Wagner College, 1961
As Dean of the School of Nursing at Adelphi University, New York, Caryle is well-known in the field o f nursing. She has recently published a chapter in a major nurs- ing text and secured funding for several pro- jects that will advance professional education and improve delivery of health care. She is a
Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and serves as Trustee for Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn and Queens. While act- ing as Dean of Nursing at State University of New York, she implemented a plan which increased the pass rate on licensing exams for graduates from 37% to 94% in one year.
JAYNE ANN WOODS Nashville, Tennessee Nu Omicron, VajiderbiltU, 1963
attorney Jayne I became the
only woman
and youngest
member of the
Tennessee state cabinet as Commissioner of Revenue, in 1975. She is now a partner in two Nashville law firms. She is also President of a merchant banking firm spe- cializing in the acquisition, sale and merg- er of broadcasting properties. Outside of her profession she served as Chairman of the Board of the University School of Nashville and currently is President of Heart Fire, a nondenominational Christian ministry serving the business and profes- sional community.
a young
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Foundation News
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Elise Moss Named Foundation Director Emerita
Elise Moss, Tau Delta '70, will be honored at the 1997 Centennial Convention in New York for her exemplary dedi- cation and service to the Foundation by being named Director Emerita. During her service to the Foundation, Elise has served the Foundation as Board President for two terms, Secretary, and currently serves as Chair of the Scholarship Committee. During her tenure, Elise's expertise as an attorney has been extremely valuable to the Foundation.
Elise joins a respected group of Foundation Emeritae including Marianne Carton, XP; Jacquelyn Dinwiddie, EA; Eleanore MacCurdy, IA; Mary Moore, IX; Jo Beth Heflin, FIK; and Kay Sutherlin, ©.
Carey Griner Memorial Scholarship Established
On January 30 of this year, Kappa Kappa Chapter at Ball State University lost a very special sister in Carey Griner. Tragically, Carey was killed in a senseless automobile accident after a weekend visit to her family in Anderson, IN. According to her sisters, "Carey's gift to life was her happiness and giving personality. I f she laughed, everyone laughed with her. She made each day bright, fun, and a great time."
will be remembered at this very special event in AOITs history.
According to Carey's family, this scholarship has kept Carey's memory alive and will continue to do so for years to come. It has given them
To remember Carey and her special love for Alpha Omicron Pi, her AOil sisters at Kappa Kappa and her family have begun the Carey Griner Memorial Scholarship. The first Scholarship will be awarded this summer at Centennial Convention. As Kappa Kappa's Public Relations Chairman, Carey had worked diligently to promote AOITs Centennial throughout her local community. It is very fitting that Carey
something positive to focus their energies upon during this very difficult time in their lives.
The Foundation has been honored to assist in establish- ing this scholarship and wishes to express our deepest sympathy to Carey's family and sisters. It is our hope that the Carey Griner Memorial Scholarship will serve as an inspiring reminder of this beautiful and spirited young woman.
If you or your chapter are interested in establishing a named, endowed scholarship, please contact the Foundation office at 615/370-0920.
Kappa Kappa (Ball State U) Chapter has recently established the Carey Griner Memorial Scholarship in memory of their beloved sister.
Designed Exclusivelyfor Alpha Omicron Pi
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation commissioned this porcelain box to commemorate the 100th anniversary of our founding. Designed by a family of master craftsmen and artists in the town of Limoges in the south of France, these boxes are exquisite heirlooms to be cherished today and treasured for many years to come.
"Stellas Trunk" is handpainted in a beautiful combination of red roses and a golden wheatfiligree,with accents of periwinkle blue fea- turing A O n handpainted in gold on the top of the trunk. The trunk measures 2" x 11 /2" x 11 /4". Inside the trunk is inscribed " 1897- 1997" in honor of our Centennial Celebration. The hinge is hand-fitted with a rose clasp. Each box is hand-signed by the artist.
"Stellas Trunk" is being produced on a pre-order basis. If you wish to reserve a box or send "Stellas Trunk" as a gift, a gift card will be mailed to the recipient and the Limoges will be shipped to them upon arrival at the Foundation office.
The cost of the Limoges is $135 plus $4.00 for shipping and handling. Send check or money order to reserve "Stella's Trunk" to:
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation 9025 Overlook Boulevard Brentwood, T N 37027 615/370-0920
Limoges Hand Painted Porcelain Boxes
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
collegiate news
Bowling Green State U
Motivational Rush Activities
Rush! For many of our chapters, rush is just around the corner. By now, your chapter's plans should be in place, and you are focusing on the last minute details that will make this year's rush the best ever. One ofthe most important aspects of rush, and one that can not be rehearsed, is your chapter's attitude. In this issue, several chapters have submitted fun, motivational rush ideas that w o r k well in their chapter Perhaps some of these ideas may work for your chapter as well. We encourage you to pause, and take a few moments out of your hectic rush schedule to remember the importance of sisterhood within your chapter Motivate your chapter! Your rush will be stronger for your efforts.
The fall issue's collegiate Idea Exchange will feature Panhellenic activities. If your chapter has an idea to share, and has not already submitted one, please send with photos to the editor no later than July 14, 1997.
One of the ideas that Alpha Psi incorpo- rated into rush includes organized danc- ing before the formal parties begin to energize everyone. Also, they hold game nights during their open rush. Games are set up throughout the house for members and guests to play and feel more comfort- able while they get acquainted.
Beta Gamma
Michigan State U
Each year Beta Gamma has a rush retreat at a nearby camp. They practice all the rush activities, as well as play kick-ball, participate in relay races and share a spe- cial camp fire at night. It's a great morale booster which helps them show their rushees that AOn members really care for one another.
Chi Lambda
U of Evansville
One of Chi Lambda's motivational rush activities is their rush workshop held prior to rush at a hotel conference room or their local YWCA. While the workshop revolves around rush activities, it also encourages sisters to participate in pizza parties, games, and other fun events. Their "back rub warm-up" is also a big hit.
Alpha Chi
Western Kentucky U
Knowing that it's very easy to say unkind things while under the stress of rush, Alpha Chi has attempted to cut down on some of these comments. The CR chair- man sponsors two jars. The first is the "sisterly jar" that members put pennies in for doing or saying something nice about another sister. The second is the "not- so-sisterly jar." I f someone was not "sisterly" to you, or if you feel the urge
to say something unkind, you put a toothpick in the jar. The toothpicks symbolize how sisters can pick each other apart and the pennies represent the wealth a true sister can provide to a friendship. A t the end o f rush, i f there are more pennies than toothpicks, the chapter gets to celebrate with ice cream after their first chapter meeting.
Alpha Lambda
Georgia Southern U
During the tiring rush week, Alpha Lambda sisters choose a secret sister in which they leave little notes or surprises to brighten up the stressful workshop time. This seems to help keep everyone excited during rush.
Idea Exchange:
Alpha Psi
A Beta Gamma (Michigan State U) sisterhood activity at Uncle John's Cider Mill. L to R- Mefeso Nowak, Stephanie Walker, Stacy Eberhart Jen VanDerHaven, and Cindy deR/vera.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
We encourage you to pause, and take a few moments out ofyour hectic rush
schedule to remember...
...the importance
of sisterhood within your
Motivate your chapter!
Your rush
will be stronger for your efforts."
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Top: Anyone would love a back rub break during rush, as do these Chi Lambdas (U ofEvansville).
Above: Rho Delta (Samford U) members take a break from their pre-rush madness.
Right While not all chapters have an ocean located nearby, Delta Sigmo (San Jose State U) makes good use of their natural resources to plan a motivational event at trie beach.
Tufts U
Delta urges all chapters to invite their Rush Network Specialist to hold a workshop just before formal rush begins. For them, this was a very helpful experience, especially for sisters who had never been through formal rush before. Also, they suggest playing a quick game, like freeze tag, between parties to keep adrenaline up.
Delta Beta
U of Southwestern Louisiana
During rush retreat, each member deco- rates a paper bag. All week long, mem- bers place notes in each others bags for encouragement. Each member also has a secret sis that leaves special messages. Additionally, after each activity they hand out Mardi Gras beads. The person with the most beads at the end of the week receives a prize.
Delta Theta (Texas Women's U) Spring 1997 Bid Day.
Delta Delta
Auburn U
Delta Delta tries to instill confidence in their members in various ways. Awards are given during the week to recognize outstanding rushers and a secret rush pal system keeps spirits high. These activi- ties, among others, help motivate and excite their members about rush.
Delta Psi
U of Albany
Before one of their rush parties, this chapter gets together for a special brunch. They show a slide show during the brunch to remind everyone of their great times together, which helps build sisterhood. This also makes it easier to convey these feelings to the rushees.
Delta Rho
DePaul U
Last fall, during their first rush, Delta Rho had already established several moti- vational rush ideas. For one, they offered sisters who attended all rush workshops and functions special goody bags at the completion of rush. This was a way of
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Members of Delta Rho (DePaul U) on Bid Night
thanking them for going the extra mile for their chapter. They also took a break from rush to hold a barbecue on campus which was a lot of fun.
Delta Sigma
San Jose State U
Sisterhood is the biggest motivator through rush at Delta Sigma. Everyone getting together to clean their beautiful house has proven to be the most delight- ful sisterhood event of all. During for- mal rush, their secret sis program involves giving inspirational cards
and little treats to keep everyone motivated. Bid Day is the day the secret sisters are revealed.
Epsilon Chi
Elon College
During a long rush workshop, Epsilon Chi likes to take a break and join in a light-hearted game of Hokey-Pokey or the Chicken Dance. When everyone starts to get tired or antsy, it's the best thing to help release energy.
Gamma Delta
U of South
Each July, they hold a summer work- shop to prepare for rush. During the workshop, they have "memory time" when each member tells of her favorite memory of rush and how she learned from it.
lota Chi
U of Western
Every year before rush, Iota Chi spends their first weekend back together at a rush retreat. In addition to their rush activities, they enjoy lots of sisterhood activities and laughter.
lota Sigma
Iowa State U
Iota Sigma holds a sisterhood function at a local army complex, where they par- ticipate in "mock" basic training. There they take a survival training course which included repelling o f f a 40 foot tower! They also like planning sponta- neous events and their spirit committee regularly peps everyone up by making signs and doing skits.
collegiate news
Kappa Kappa
Ball State U
During rush Kappa Kappa members learned to relieve stress before song prac- tices by having short sisterhood sessions. For one short session, every sister was provided with two rubber bands and told to refashion another sister's hair. Before practice started there were pony- tails in every direction and no one could keep a straight face with all the silly hair styles in the room.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Kappa Rho
Western Michigan U
Kappa Rho believes that a positive, up-beat state of mind is the key to a successful rush. Therefore they have instituted "rush cash." Rush cash is given out for such things as correct answers at rush workshops, informa- tion sheets on perspective rushees, or just little things done to help make rush go a lit- tle smoother. At the end of rush the five girls with the most "cash" receive prizes such as stuffed pandas.
Bid Day at Lambda Chi (LaGrange College) is Pandamonium!
Kappa Omega
U of Kentucky
This chapter has discovered that music lightens the mood even in the toughest of times. So before workshops, activities and even just before rushees come through the door, they play upbeat dance tunes. One workshop will involve a fash- ion show on "How To Dress During Rush," set to music, of course.
collegiate news
on a humorous note.
Omega Omicron
Lambuth U
Omega Omicron members each have rush buddies during work week and rush. Everyone writes short notes of encouragement to boost morale. Their revealing occurs on bid day.
U of Tennessee
Omicron creates puzzles for each rush team to complete to help them get to know their rushees in a fun manner. They were asked to match rushees to their roommates, their activities and their legacy status. This game also helped everyone remember how each girl is important and has something to add to AOn.
Phi Sigma
U of Nebraska- Kearney
This year, Phi Sigma held ritual during work week to get everyone thinking about what AOn really means. They also incorporated many fun sisterhood activities so that all members were positive about A O n and ready for a great rush.
Kappa Kappa (Bail State U) member, Noel Thurston, pulls Jessie Wise's hair into pony tails as part of a stress relieving- sisterhood exercise
Lambda Beta
California State- Long Beach
This year they held COB activities at places other than the chapter house. Members have loved taking advantage of popular local hangouts, such as Starbucks Coffee House, the Bowling Lanes, and Super Mex. They have also been able to increase visibility on campus through these events.
Lambda Chi
LaGrange College
During the week of rush, each sister gets a "secret Stella." Each "Stella" sends anonymous notes and small gifts to another sister letting her know that someone thinks she is doing a great job. It really boosts morale. The night before bid day, each "Stella" is revealed and is a great relaxer.
Nu Omicron
Vanderbilt U
Each week, Nu Omicron's Rush Chairman recognizes the best rusher who is given a small reward, such as an "I love AOn" button, keychain, or a sticker.
Miami U
One of Omega's favorite pre-rush activi- ties is "Practice Rush." A fraternity is invited to their suite and the men pretend to be rushees. The chapter has a chance to practice their rotation and bumping, all while getting to know the guys in the fraternity better. They also hold a rush fashion show to demonstrate appropriate attire for each round.
Nu Beta
U of Mississippi
One morning at breakfast, during pre- rush week, Nu Beta divides the chapter into groups. Each group is assigned a day when they are responsible for "enter- tainment." It gets their days started off
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Omega Omicron, (Lambuth U) Rush Retreat L to ft Kelly Gupton, Brandy Marshall, Paula Beasley, Kathy Knight Elizabeth Hawks and Sally Warren.
Pi Alpha
U of Louisville
Pi Alpha incorporated several motivational ideas into their rush. Before each rush party, members cheer, chant and sing to get everyone pumped up and excited to do their best. They also have secret rush bud- dies which are revealed on bid day in a great "warm-fuzzy" activity. Lastly, they read parts of ritual
each day during rush.
Rho Delta
Samford U
During rush, this chapter initiates fun games when everyone begins to get a little cranky. They play everything from "Simon Says" to "Name That Tune" with television theme songs. It is a great way to get pepped up and excited about rush. The encouragement committee also sends cards to all of the members as a little "pick-me-up."
their bucks at the end of rush for prizes, or are allowed to pay off fines. It is a great motivator and very fun, too.
Tau Lambda
Shippensburg U
Tau Lambda tries to keep their rush prac- tice organized and humorous. This way their members have fun while using their time wisely. They also enjoy rush skits that are filled with fun songs that everyone loves
collegiate news
Upsilon Lambda
U of Texas- San Antonio
Prior to rush, members receive rush bud- dies, who exchange small gifts and inspira- tional messages as they prepare for rush. They also motivate members by holding a pep rally each morning during rush week. This creates energy for the chapter mem- bers as they prepare to greet the rushees.
U of Nebraska
Zeta works hard to keep every members' attitude as positive as possible. A few ways include creating a "Top Ten List of Rush Do's and Don'ts," posting motivational thoughts all around their house during the week, and offering daily reminders of the principles on which we were founded. They also added, this year, a sticker worn during non-rushing times that had a "T and J" written on it, reminding them to use tolerance and judgement at all times.
Zeta Kappa
Southwest Texas State U
Zeta Kappa thinks rush week is a great time to hold an AOFI Pow-wow. This is when the whole chapter sits around and makes up new chants that they will use at other activities throughout the year.
U of California- Berkeley
A nice surprise was when their local alumnae members interrupted rush prac- tice with food and goodies to share with chapter members. Alumnae also provide support, encouragement and even partici- pate as rush guests to help the chapter practice rush skills.
Tau Gamma
Eastern Washington U
Tau Gamma has developed "AOFI Bucks." Fake dollar bills are passed out to members who come early to workshops, help to motivate people, stay late cleaning, or do other tasks above and beyond what is expected from everyone. Members cash in
Notes of apprecia- tion are sent to each girl who attends, all signed by every sister individually. The
rushees love this gesture.
Theta Psi
U of Toledo
At Theta Psi s rush retreat, sisters sing, play games and host sister- hood activities such as movie nights, in order to spend quality time together.
Theta Psi (U ofToledo) Bid Day.
to learn, such as their "Gilligan's Island Rush."
Theta Pi
Although Wagner College employs deferred rush and first semester fresh- men are ineligible to pledge, many freshmen attend
their fall rush party.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Tau Lambda (Shippensburg U) Rush.
220 e)
toll-free •1-800-746-7264 or mfl» (615)370-0920
« 96-97 Chapter Consultants
The Chapter Consultants travel t o A O n chapters
across the U. S. and Canada. Standing from left to right:
Jenni Wade, Eastern Kentucky U; Erin
Letke, Ball State U; Alison Keen, Georgia
Southern U; Kim Koepke, California
Polytechnic U. Seated from left to right: Elizabeth Hall,
Northern Arizona U; Dara Browning, U.of Southwestern
Louisiana; Jennifer Langford, Murray State U; & Meredith Darnall, Transylvania U.
• TIOK Khaki Cap, cotton w/plaid AOn. '14.00 • 166 Embroidered Ziq-Zaq T-Shirt L, XL '24.00 »175 Navy Lined Anorak w/embroidered nautical design. L, X L '50.00 • 216B Rose Blooming T-shirt, navy. L X L '16.00 • 219 International Flag T-shirt oxford grey. L XL '16.00 (XXL '18.50) • 220 Wheat Design T-shirt natural. L X L '15.00 « 2 2 4 Red T-shirt w / classic plaid letters. L X L '23.00 » 3 1 2 Nantucket Fleece Peppercorn Sweatshirt w/rose design. Oversized L
• K M T Navy T-shirt embroidery w/rosebuds. L X L '22.00
attitude wear!
A l 8 7 Reversible Sweatshirt. Heavyweight cotton. Navy 145A design inside w/red and
charcoal design
outside. L XL.
'36.00 (XXL'41.00)
A 23A Rose License Plate. '4.50
» 23B Alumna License Plate. '4.50 • 2 4 A "New"License Frame. •6.50»28AOnDecal. '.50* 28BLongWndowDecal. '1.00* 29 Alumna Decal. '.75»70C Charcoal Corstone Keychain.
'5.00 • 7 0 D Pewter Keychain. '6.00 ' 70R LuggageTag. '2.00* TI9E Canvas LP. Holder Keychain. '3.50* TI9F Tan Leather LP. Holder. '10.00» TI9G Black Leather LP. Holder. '10.00
• 1191 LP. Holder Keychain.'2.50
• 1 4 5 A
XL. '12.00 (XXL'14.50) • 149 Grey Shorts w/pockets. M , L X L '16.00 • 149N Navy Shorts w/pockets. M , L XL '16.00 » 227 Navy Athletic Sweatshirt. L XL '28.00 • 214 Athletic T-Shirt, ash/navy. L X L '12.00 (XXL'14.50)
Alumna Athletic T-shirt. L
A.OM11' 10NM
• 5 6 A -5> Historical Brass Ornament. Barnard College/Columbia University. Depicts Old Columbia College Library, site of the founding of AOII. Collector's ornament in red gift box w/historical information card. '14.00
A 206il>One Motto Poster.This poster was designed to compliment our One Motto T- shirt. (Quote from founder, Stella George Stem Perry.
18x27 inches. '8.00
T10G Khaki Cap w/circle design s l 8.00
• 133 USA Flag Sweatshirt, buckskin color. L, X L •48.00 • 1 8 5 A Burgundy Classic Sweatshirt w/plaid letters. L, X L '38.00 • 2 1 8 F Forest Polar Fleece Pullover. L XL '60.00 • 218N Mavy Polar Fleece Pullover. L XL '60.00 • 312 Nantucket Fleece Peppercorn Sweatshirt w/rose design. Oversized L XL'40.00
Order Toll Free:
Monday thru Friday, 9to5 est.
Or Call: 615-370-0920 Fax To: 615-371-9736
Mail Order To:
A()n International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027
Friendly, prompt service. Ask about our express delivery.
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Davtime Phone: ( Eveninq Phone: (
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*Shippinq & Handling
$0 to $5 $3.50 $5.01 t o $ 2 5 $5.50 $25.01 to $50 $6.50 $50.01 to $75 $7.50 $75.01 to $100 $8.50 Please add $1.50 for
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Thank you! Emporium sales benefit AOITJ
• 123SjgStadium Blanket, cotton knit. 50x50 inches. '50.00
Advisers should receive Membership Information Forms (MIFs) no laterthan dates noted to give chapters time for review pnor tothestartofrush.
Northern Arizona U.Theta Omega
Rosemary Schwierjohn, I 1213 N. 51 st Dr Glendale, A Z 85304, Early August
Arkansas State U, Sigma Omicron
Leith Hoggard, 2105 Trinity Oaks Drive Jonesboro, AR 72401, Mid August
California Polytechnic State U, Chi Psi
Karen Scott, 465 I /4 Pacific Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, Early Sept.
California State U-Long Beach, Lambda Beta
Foothill Ranch, C A 92610, Early August
California State U-Northridge, Sigma Phi
FrancesVillalobos, 1840 ETrentonAve #B Orange, CA 92867, Mid August
San Jose State U, Delta Sigma
Stacie Onstad, 539 Giuffrida Ave. Apt C San Jose, CA 95 123, Early August
U of California-Berkeley, Sigma
Gail Fletcher, 22 Salmon Rd
Alameda, C A 94502, Early Aug/Early Jan
U of California-San Diego, Lambda lota
Morningside College,Theta Chi
Sally O'Hern, 35 12 Alpine Ave. Sioux City, IA 51 106, Early August
DePaul U, Delta Rho
Peggy Martin, 415 Fullerton Pkwy Chicago, IL 60614, Early September
Illinois W esleyan U, Beta Lambda
Kimberly McCollom, 3402 Windmill Road Bloomington, IL 61704, Early September
Northern Illinois U, Nu lota
Dawn Grivetti, 709 N Seventh St DeKalb.IL 60115,MidAugust
U of Chicago, Phi Chi
Margaret Danko, I 323 Lake Ave. Whiting, IN 46394 , Early Sept/Mid Dec.
U of Illinois, lota
Debby Adams, 306 W. Columbia #2 Champaign, IL 61820, Early August
Ball State U, Kappa Kappa
Randi Carmichael, 2308 N.Allison Rd. Muncie, IN 47304, Early September
DePauw U.Theta
Laura Hesher 108 North Irwin Street Indianapolis, IN 46219, Mid September
Indiana State U, Kappa Alpha
Carol Brames, I33 McKinley Blvd. Terre Haute, IN 47803, Mid August
Purdue U, Phi Upsilon
Millicent Mitchell, 201 E Lutz Avenue West Lafayette,IN 47906,Mid Sept/Mid Dec
U of Evansville, Chi Lambda
Michelle Young, 1116 GlenmoorCt Evansville, IN 47715, Early August
Eastern Kentucky U, Epsilon Omega
Lori Chandler 158 S. Lillarney Ln.Apt I Richmond,KY 40475,MidAugust
Murray State U, Delta Omega
Mallory Moddelmog, 6 Robins Ct Murray, KY 42071, Early August
Transylvania U.Tau Omega
Natasa Pajic, 385 Redding Rd # 127 Lexington, KY 405 17, Late August
U of Kentucky, Kappa Omega
Dana McCarty, I 186 Betty Drive Paris, KY 40361, Early August
U of Louisville, Pi Alpha
Allison King, 35 12 Grandview Ave. Louisville, KY 40207, Early August
Western Kentucky U,Alpha Chi
Elizabeth Wilkins. 820 Wakefield Drive Bowling Green, KY 42103, Early August
Northeast Louisiana U, Lambda Tau
Deborah Mixon,307 Wnght St PO Box 1435 Columbia, LA 71418, Early August
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
U of Calgary, Kappa Lambda
Angela Judd, 3703 2nd Avenue - SW Calgary,AB T3C 0A2 Late August
Carleton U, Gamma Chi
Cathy German, 558 Buchanan Crescent Gloucester O N Kl J 7Y I, Early August
U of Toronto, BetaTau
Suzanne Horvath, 167 Princess Anne Cres Islington, O N M9A 2R8, Early September
Stephanie Putnoky 930 Via Mil Cumbres #200
U of Western Ontario, lota Chi
Nancy Osier I I Weybourne Cr.
London, O N
N6H 4H2, Early September
McGill U, Kappa Phi
Tatiana Levy, 1772 Comox St #606 Vancouver BC V6G IP8, Mid August
United States Alabama
Auburn U, Delta Delta
Barbara Garland, 609 Dumas Dr Auburn,AL 36830,LateAugust
Birmingham Southern College,Tau Delta
Christy Carlisle, 5540 St. James St. Birmingham, AL 35233, Mid August
Huntingdon College, Sigma Delta
Lu Ann Cobb, 3 121 Boxwood Dr Montgomery, AL 3611 I, Mid August
Jacksonville State U, Delta Epsilon
Windy Casey, I 105 Dellwood Dr SW Jacksonville,AL 36265, Early August
Samford U, Rho Delta
Tracy Stark, 1505 NorthcliffTrace Roswell, GA 30076, Early August
U of Alabama.Alpha Delta
Wynne Wages, 432 Prince Avenue Tuscaloosa,AL 35401, Late July
U of Alabama - Birmingham, Zeta Pi
Wendy Goff, I 120 Hardwick Lane Birmingham, A L 35209, Late August
U of South Alabama, Gamma Delta
Donna Cunningham, 5100 Woodmere St. Mobile, AL 36693, Early September
Suwanee, GA
30174, Mid August
Solana Beach, C A
U of Colorado, Chi Delta
Shannon Beyer 10700 E Dartmouth #MM 110 Denver CO 80014, Early August
Florida Southern College, Kappa Gamma
Heather Frier, 3 18 Heatherpoint Drive Lakeland, FL 33809, Late Aug/Early Jan
U of Florida, Gamma Omicron
Janet Kellar 603 N W 102 Terrace Gainesville, FL 32607, Late July
U of South Florida, Gamma Theta
MarniClark,I3801N.37thSt.Apt.I3030 Tampa, FL 3361 3, Early Aug/Mid Dec.
Georgia Southern U, Alpha Lambda
Candace Harkins, 2554 Westover Drive Statesboro, GA 30458, Late August
Georgia State U, Gamma Sigma
Jean Charlton, 4951 Sharp Way Deluth, GA 301 36, Early September
LaGrange College, Lambda Chi
Kerri Reese, 6500 Hampton Way Apt L-4 Columbus, GA 31907, Early September
U of Georgia, Lambda Sigma
Jennifer Anderson, 637 Arbour Way
92075, Early Sept.
Coe College, Alpha Theta
Kimberly Blair 100 Currier Hall #N002 Iowa City, IA 52242, Early September
Iowa State U, lota Sigma
Kristel Kay, 918 NE Crestmoor #303 Ankeny, IA 50021, Early August
Northwestern State U, Kappa Chi
Sandy Oestriecher, 5222 Fieldcrest Ave. Alexandria, LA 71303, Late August
Southeastern Louisiana U, Kappa Tau
Linda Mahfouz, 15271 Jones CreekVillage Rd. Baton Rouge, LA 70817, Late July
U of Southwest Louisiana, Delta Beta
Joan Landry, 301 Cougar Rdg Apt 3 Lafayette, LA 70508, Early August
U of Maine,Gamma
Lisa Gallant,270 Fourteenth St. Bangor, ME 04401, Late August
Towson State U.Theta Beta
Holly Snyder; l227Tillerman Place Baltimore, MD 21226, Mid August
U of Maryland, Pi Delta
ToniToomer 7990 Billingsley Ct. White Plains, MD 20695, Mid August
W ashington College, Sigma Tau
Alisia Carnovsky, 68Three Rivers Drive Newark, D E 19702, Late January
Tufts U, Delta
Robin Pilardi, 155 Main Street
Melrose, MA 02176, Mid Aug/Early Jan.
Grand Valley State U, Lambda Eta
Ann Byars, 8670 Wolven Dr
Rockford, Ml 49341, Mid Aug/Early Jan.
Michigan State U, Beta Gamma
Sue Elder 6213 Cobblers Drive E.Lansing,Ml 48823,EarlyAugust
W estern Michigan U, Kappa Rho
Angelia Woodward, 307 E Orleans St Otsego, Ml 49078, Late August
U of Minnesota.Tau
ColleenLarson,9108W 22nd Street St Louis Park MN 55426, Late August
Central Missouri State U, Delta Pi
Denise Buersmeyer, I I I I Anderson St. Warrensburg, MO 64093, Mid August
Rossanna Punzalan, 303 South Grand Apt 916 St. Louis, MO 63103, Early September
U of M ississippi, Nu B eta
Paula LaBrot, 102 Road 4052 Oxford, MS 38655, Early September
Montana State U.AIpha Phi
Kerry Hanson, 303 Pondera A ve Bozeman, MT 59718, Early September
North Carolina
Duke U, Delta Upsilon
joy Lashley, 102 Muses Ct.
Cary, N C 27513, Early Sept/Early Jan
East Carolina U,Zeta Psi
Cheryl Stephenson, 102 Prince Road Greenville, N C 27858, Early August
Elon College, Epsilon Chi
Tammy Glenn, 1709 J Avenue Greensboro, N C 27403, Early November
U of Nebraska-Kearney, Phi Sigma
Kathleen Dimmitt, 2516 Stagecoach Road Grand Island,NE 68801, Early August
U of Nebraska, Zeta
Alesia Schepers, 2740 Sheltey Circle Lincoln. NE 68516, Early August
New York
Canisius College, Nu Delta
Paulette Murszewski, 16Maple CrestCirAptj Holyoke. MA 01040, Early/Mid Dec.
Cornell U, Epsilon
Wendy Breckenridge, 212 Giles St. #8 Ithaca, NY 14850, EarlyJanuary
Hartwick College, Sigma Chi
Kelly McGraw, 6 Yager Avenue
Oneonta, N Y 13820, Late Aug./Late Jan.
State U of New York, Delta Psi
Joan Mack,9 Birch Dr.POB I
Pennsylvania State U, Epsilon Alpha
Linda Domin, 200 Kennedy St.
State College, PA 16801, Mid-August
Shippensburg U.Tau Lambda
Heather Swartz, RO. Box 104 Roxbury, PA 17251, Mid September
Slippery Rock U, Sigma Rho
Caterina Antoulinakis, 6 Plymouth D r
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
W. Sand Lake, NY
Syracuse U, Chi
12196, EarlyJanuary
Patsy Anderson, 304 Lynnwood Blvd. Nashville.TN 37205, Mid Aug./Mid Dec.
Southwest Texas State U, Zeta Kappa
Jennifer Moehlman, 409 N. Comanche San Marcos,TX 78666, Early August
Texas W oman's U, Delta Theta
Lynne Miller,231 Village Dr Lewisville.TX 75067, Early September
U of Texas-San Antonio, Upsilon Lambda
AlexandraVogt 11020 Huebner Oaks #1412 San Antonio,TX 78230, Late August
Pamela Boley, 10259 Braddock Rd. Fairfax,VA 22032, Late August
Eastern W ashington U.Tau Gamma
Linda Rust, 461 I S. Schafer Branch Rd Spokane,WA 99206,MidAugust
W ashington State U.AIpha Gamma
Kathryn Hennessey, 1640 Palmer Court Clarkston, W A 99403, Late July
U of W isconsin-River Falls, Kappa Sigma
Barbara Smothers, 609 E. Spring St. River Falls, Wl 54022, Early August
West Virginia
W est Virginia U, Sigma Alpha
Jerilyn Jividen, lOIOValleyView D r Apt M9 Morgantown.WV 26505, Mid August
Dawn Penniman, 74 Watertree Drive East Syracuse, NY l3057,LateAug./MidJan.
W agner College.Theta Pi
Elizabeth Malloy, 150 Lamport Blvd Apt I a
Staten Island, N Y Ohio
10305, Late Aug.
Bowling Green State U,Alpha Psi
Kathleen Bamber, 840 6th St. # E Bowling Green, O H 43402, Mid August
Miami U,Omega
Mindy Patton, 3755 Mount Vernon Ave Cincinnati,OH 45209.EarlyNovember
Ohio U, Omega Upsilon
Melanie Trump, 1741 Norwood Blvd Zanesville, O H 43701, Late August
The Ohio State U, Chi Epsilon
Kristin Heck 4270 Cambry Lane Dublin,OH 43016,EarlySeptember
U of Toledo,Theta Psi
Kimberly Baranek 5001 South Ave. #40 Toledo, O H 43615, Late August
Northeastern State U, Chi Theta
Becki Carl, 1054 Brenda Lane # 7 Grove, O K 74344, Early September
East Stroudsburg State U, Phi Beta
Kimberly Kenney, 189 Woodland Ave. Quaker-town, PA 18951, Mid January
Lehigh U, Lambda Upsilon
Jodi Sponchiado, I 324 B Johnston Drive Bethlehem, PA 18017, Early January
Tonawanda, N Y Tennessee
14150, Mid August
Lambuth U,Omega Omicron
Paula Beasley, 1011 Galaxy Dn Jackson.TN 38305, Early August
MiddleTennessee State U, Rho Omicron
Kristie Ryan, 302 Edgeview Drive Nashville.TN 3721 I, Early August
Rhodes College, Kappa Omicron
Susan Beale, 4790 Barfield Road Memphis.TN 381 17, Early September
U ofTennessee,Omicron
DiAnne McMillin, 7221 Westhampton Place Knoxville.TN 37919, Late July
U ofTennessee - Martin.Tau Omicron
Elizabeth Robinson, Rte. 2 - Box Sharon.TN 38255, Late August
Vanderbilt U, Nu Omicron
I 0 A A
Alpha Omicron Pi Legacy Policy Explained
•A legacy is defined as a biological or adopted daughter, granddaugh- ter, or sister of an initiated member, alive or deceased, of any chartered AOn chapter. Half-sisters or step relations are also included if the relation to the AOI7. member has been a close one.
•Collegiate chapters are not required to offer a bid to every verified legacy.
•Collegiate chapters are required to give serious consideration to each verified AOI1 legacy out of cour- tesy to the AOn sister to whom she is related. A collegiate chapter may decline membership to a lega- cy only for very appropriate and verifiable reason(s).
•In no case should a legacy be denied an invitation to at least one invitational party after the first round of parties.
•An A O n legacy should be a quali- fied rushee in her own right - grades, activities, accomplishments, and over- all compatibility with the chapter.
•Ifa chapter releases a legacy, a mem- ber of the Alumnae Advisory Committee must contact the AOFI relative of the legacy by telephone to inform her of the legacy's release from membership consideration. This contact must be made prior to the distribution of invitationsforthe next round of rush parties.
•If an Adviser is unable to reach the AOn relative by telephone, written
notification of the legacy's release must be sent. This is to be done within 7 days of the legacy's release from membership consideration.
•If a chapter carries a legacy through Preference, she is placed on the chapter'sfirstbid list.
•AOFIs must remember that some legacies are happier in another Greek group. Every National Panhellenic Conference group offers a worth- while experience for college women.
•Introduce your legacy with the form below. Attach it to the Membership Information Form and send it to the Adviserforthe school your legacy will be attending. You'll find a listing of Advisers and the dates yourformsare needed on pages 30 and 31.
This form is designed to introduce AOFI legacies to our collegiate chapters. It does not replace the Membership Information Form (page 33) which also must be sent. You can ensure proper introduction of your legacy by completing the form and sending it to the AOFI Adviser on the campus your legacy plans to attend. A list of Advisers appears on pages 30 and 31 of this issue of To Dragma.
This is t o advise you that my (check one) • will be attending
as a (check one)
your name
your city
your chapter
college o r university
•Freshman •Sophomore •
your street
Daughter •
Granddaughter, college or university
your state
your maiden o r initiated name
your phone
your zip
•Remember: send the Membership Information Form with this form to the AOTT Adviser at the school your legacy will be attending.'
32 To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Legacy Introduction Form
your year o f initiation
Alpha Omicron Pi Membership Information Form
Please mail this form to the AOTT Chapter Adviser for the college which this rushee will attend. If you are not able to locate this name and address, contact International Headquarters at 615-370-0920. If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the information directly to
attach photo if available
the return address indicated from the chapter
Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your supplying available information.
For the AOTT Chapter at
Rushee Information
Name of Rushee
Home Address
College Classification (check one) Parents'/Guardians' Names Parents'/Guardians' Address
Family Information
preferred name last
Freshman Sophomore
Does the rushee have an AOTT relative? (check one) Sister
Give name of AOTT relative (including maiden)
Address of AOTT relative
Phone (home): ( ) (work):( )
Does the rushee have affiliations with any other NPC groups? Ifyes, list affiliation and relationship, (e.g. Kappa Delta, Mother)
Does the rushee have a special interest in AOTT? Ifyes, please list.
Have you talked with the rushee about AOTT (check one) yes
Is the rushee able to assume the financial obligations of membership? (check one)
High School Attended
Scholastic GPA Scale School Attended after High School
Scholastic GPA Scale Scholastic Honors
Class Rank/Class Size :
Number of Credits Completed
Please list names of organizations (explain type - school, church, community, etc) and the rushee's participation and leadership in each one. Attach additional information on a separate sheet if necessary.
ToDragma/SUMMER 1997 33
don't know
Special recognition and/or Honors received.
Personality/Leadership Qualities
Include information about the rushee's character traits, leadership qualities and personality characteristics using specific examples whenever possible. Indicate the rushee's special interests, talents and any other information to aid the chapter in getting to know her better and to indicate the contributions she could add to AOTT.
AOTT Recommendation for Membership
I. I recommend this individual for AOTT membership. I know this individual personally.
Ido not know this individual personally, but Iam basing my recommendation on information from these sources: (circle as many as apply) another AOTT Panhellenic Files High School Faculty Clergy peers of the individual a mutual friend other (please specify)
2. Ido not recommend this individual for AOTT membership based on information received. If further clarification is desired, the Chapter Adviser may contact me.
3. Iam unable to commit my opinion on this individual for AOTT membership: Due to limited information received.
Comments (if any)
Recommendation Given By:
Name Address
city state/province
Phone: ( )
Collegiate Chapter. Alumnae Chapter_
After contacting all available sources and receiving no information.
Group Pledged Date
What to do with recommendations after rush:
Date recommendation acknowledged.
Once recommendations have been acknowledged, you are to:
1. Destroy recommendations on all rushees who pledged an N P C sorority.
2. Maintain files on those recommendations for rushees who did not pledge any group. Recommendations should be kept on file for one college generation (4 years).
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
postal code
Chi Theta Installation
Northeastern State University
Once again Alpha Omicron Pi installed a new chapter with great suc- cess!ChiTheta Chapter ofAlpha OmicronPiwas installedat Northeastern State University on April 26, 1997
in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. International
President, A n n Gilchrist conducted the initiation and installation ceremonies for our 173 rd chap- ter. Becki Carl, Phi Chapter, was installed as Chapter Adviser. Attending and assisting in the installation were Julie Brining, Vice President of Education; Rosalie Barber, AOI1 Foundation President; Dara Browning and Elizabeth Hall, AOn Chapter Consultants from 96-97; and Amy Worsham and Dina D'Gerolamo, AOil International Headquarters Staff. Sigma Omicron Chapter, Arkansas State University, also supported our new chapter through the ini- tiation, installation, banquet and Ritual work- shop. Several alumnae from Tulsa, Oklahoma were in attendance to watch and take part as C h i Theta Chapter was installed.
Everyone involved in the installation celebrated the event at the Restaurant of the Cherokees. The Chi Theta's brought family members and friends to the occasion and started a father/daughter traditional dance after the banquet presentation. Several gifts and acknowledgments were made during the banquet and Ann Gilchrist served as the toastmistress. Special recognition was given to Suzanne Myers, Student Affairs; Becki Carl, Chapter Adviser; and Cydney Coffey, Chi Theta New Initiate. Banquet attendees who also assisted with the colonization and installation were Shawn Coffman,
Associate member and chapter sponsor; and Tandy Banks, Panhellenic Extension Chairperson.
The night before installa- tion all forty five new members were de pinned. After the de pinning cere- mony several of the Chi Theta New Members passed a candle and expressed their experiences of being involved in the group. AOFI alumnae pre- sent for the ceremony were even more confident about the chapter after hearing some of the com- ments made by these ladies. As New Member,
To Dragm a/SUMMER 1997
Harmony Taylor stated "Everyone here seems true to themselves, unique;special." Watchingallofthesewonderfulwomenbondreaf-
firmed the meaning of being an AOfl.
As well as making an impression on AOFI alumnae, the chapter has also become visible on their campus. They were awarded the Sportsmanship trophy and givenspecialrecognitionforhighestCPA. everrecord- ed during Greek Week. The AOI1 Chi Theta chapter, is the fourth National Panhellenic Conference Fraternity on campus joining Alpha Sigma Alpha, Delta Zeta and Sigma Sigma Sigma.
Congratulations to the charter members o f Chi Theta: Stacy Allen, Heather Bartemy, Sheila Cauthon, Michelle Clifton, Cydney Coffey, Andrea Cooper, Elizabeth Couch, Suzanne Dick, Vanessa Dobogai,
Amber Egnor, Jennifer Finley, Keli Folks, Angelia Gale, Ashlie Gregory, Amanda Hammock, Allison Henley, Flora Hilburn, Beverly Hilligoss, Shannon Holcomb, Shelby Holcomb, Melissa Kassen, Nicole Lenardo, Lorelei Lindquist, Margaret Lohman, Tori Maloukis, Tracey McCutchen, Selina McGee, Amanda Oliveros, Allison Page,
April Patrick, Yahnah Patrick, Christina Rainwater, Tracy Rathbone, Amy Ridings, Stephanie Roberts, Sarah Schuknecht, Joni Sumpter, Amy Taliaferro, Harmony Taylor, Stephanie Thomas, AngelaWatkins, Jennifer Watkins, Elizabeth Wilson, Samantha Young and Shawn Coffman as an Associate Member.
AOTT's Chapter Consultant Program
What ftdid for them
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Linda Davis Montgomery, Epsilon Alpha, CC 84-85, with her family.
After a year of working for AOTT, what careers do Chapter Consultants pursue? D o they
become Greek Advisers? Yes, some do. D o they continue their
studies?Yes,somedo. Dothey pursue a variety o f careers? Definitely yes.
TracyMaxwell, Alpha Chi, CC 93-94, is now a Greek Adviser.
Traveling Secretaries. Traveling Consultants. Chapter Consultants.
The name of the program may have changed over time, but its mission has remained constant. Chapter Consultants serve as goodwill ambassadors to all AOI1 collegiate chapters and help them work toward excellence.
After a year of working for
AOn, what careers do Chapter Consultants pursue? D o they become Greek Advisers? Yes, some do. D o they continue their studies? Yes, some do. Do they pursue a variety ofcareers? Definitely yes.
Alpha Omicron Pi Chapter Consultants often pursue different types of careers immediately fol- lowing their travels. People often assume CCs go into Greek Affairs. While many do want to continue in this field, the C C experience lends itself to many different opportunities. "My original thought of the C C program is that it would be a
good idea for someone interested in a career in Education or Greek/ University Life. To my surprise, myexperience as a C C was a natural fit with what I do now,"
said Beth Johnson (Chi Delta 91, CC93-94). "AsaCC,Ilearned how to work with a variety of people, how to make them tee! at ease and comfortable in working with me. I understood AOFl as a business and the interworkings of our organization are similar to thatof any corporation. If you think about it, AGTI as a compa- nyhasa Finance/ Accounting
department, Human Relations (CR), Education (Scholarship, BRIDGES), SfeQjkaifland manymore. The C C experience prepares you foraU areas of the
business world."
Former Consultants have pursued careers in tourism, non-profit, education as well as enrolling
in advanced degree programs across the country. Lisa Darnley, (Alpha Delta 91, C C 95-96) used her year as a Chapter Consultant to refine her people skills before enrolling in law school. "When I began to travel, I did not know which university or program I liked best" said Darnley. "After m y experiences i n various parts o f the country, I was able to make
a more educated decision about my education."
Many consultants are often asked by parents, peers and respective employers how this position will assist them in the future. Trade Miller Spencer (Alpha Chi 87,
C C 90-91) said the following about her first job with a large bank in the Midwest "Some of my duties included working in recruiting and employment
(like rush), learning a mainframe payroll system and going out to other companies to do payroll system conversions (like being a CC-going out and working with newchapters/clienrs.) I was also entrusted with compensation
issues which requires confiden- tiality (like ritual) and also place individuals in new departments (like training and sharing with chapters, a great opportunity for public speaking.)"
Consultants also pursue careers with a different emphasis than their bachelor's degree. Public Relations is an area which Tana Roberts Gall (Upsilon 86, C C 89-90) pursued instead of psychology. "I had a degreein psychology, so I really had no tormal marketing training. I had something better - on the job practical experience. Many of the sEHs I learned as a C C came into play, i.e. report writing, public
speaking, time management, traveling, etc. Roberts also
believes more subde skills were gained from her C C experience with the most important being dealing with older professionals. "Many young women at 22 have a hard time being taken seriously in the beginning of their careers. As a chapter consultant, I remember meeting with univer- sity officials and Panhellenic officers which helped hnild m y confidence as a professional wn"eh 1 met with clients or
As with many of us, Chapter Consultants begin one career and switch to another as their career progresses. Many former C C team members are now involved in marketing, higher education, human resources, volunteers/
Lisa Niedenthall, Beta Phi, CC 85-86, in Israel for a site inspection for Showtime Productions.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
' When you arc a
CC you arc given a lot of responsibility
and international officers depend on you to aid them in
assisting chapters. This responsibility
helped me in going into new jobs and
taking initiative
and creating
Ginger Mylander Swift
Elizabeth Lawson, Lambda lota, CC 92-93, now teaches first grade.
1986, CC 87-88).
homemakers and the computer industry to name a few.
Deborah A. Stanley (Pi Kappa 68, C C 72-73) received her BA in pharmacy and worked as a pharmacist for one year. She then discovered an opportunity in Greek Affairs and moved into the higher education world for several years utilizing the experiences she gained as a Chapter Consultant After her stint in Greek Affairs, Stanley pursued a doctorate degree and is once again working in the pharmaceutical field continuously using the problem-solving skills gained as a Chapter Consultant.
Robin Lee Beltramini (Iota 69, CC 71-72) has found that her
C C skills have been useful as she moved from a health accountant, to real estate agent to volunteer/ homemaker. "I was hired as the health accountant because I had traveled alone. The physicians did not want to do day-to-day hand holding. I had proven that I could formulate solutions to problems, complete tasks and write reports all through self motivation. The flexibility taught through the C C position has been a great asset during my real estate career as well as my time as a homemaker."
Three former consultants have utilized their marketing skills to
begin their own businesses. Stacy Sanders Duncan (Delra Pi 1985, C C 88-89) used her position at
a Missouri Winery to move into the wedding reception planning business. She began offering DJ services and moved into reception planning. "I feel I must give thanks to AOFT for giving me the basisformeinmybusiness. Asa CC, I met new people all of the time and that is exactly what I do now. I meet with them several times to help organize the recep- tion and then hold their hand to help them through the decisions and then that night I am privi- leged to see new friends be joined for life. This is the same joy I felt when I helped a chapter."
In a recent survey, past Chapter Consultants were asked how did your experiences help you in your career. The responses were tremendous. The C C position allows each coasultant the oppor- tunity to strengthen and develop skills that will assist in the job market. "The problem solving, personal skills building and consulting techniques have been the most useful," states ToanPiper Shepherd (Sigma Rho 73,.C£ 76^77). "My last interviewer commented on my wide range
of experiences. Simply meeting and working with that many
ToDragma/Sl 'MMKK 1997
June Nobbe. Gamma Omicron, CC 80-81, is currently in higher education at the U of Minnesota.
individuals in varying positions of authority and responsibility
y e s one a basis nf experiences from which to draw. The ability
to analyze a sinprion, plan a strategy and write reports has benefitedmeinmy masters degree work, volunteer offices and the parent conferences, student evaluations and reports required in special education."
As consultants work
with chapters, each one develops different skills. Some of
the skills listed include: • confidence
• public speaking
• responsibility
• listening
• adaptability
• planning
• problem-solving • independence
• poise
"Of all the things I learned as a CC, I value most highly - person- ally and professionally - the ability I developed to walk into a new place, befriend people from all walks of life, sit down with them and discuss a wide range of topics. Then to share with them things that could help them in certain areas and borrow from them that which could help others down
the road." said Nima Chandler (Sigma 86, C C 89-90).
The opportunity to serve as a Chapter Consultant is very special. Not only are you serving AOn but you are improving your skills for the marketplace. Developing communication skills, refining people skills and gaining independence are a few of the benefits of serving as an AOFI Chapter Consultant "MyCC experiences helped me to gain confidence in making my own
decisions and trying new ideas 'without fear of failure. Ilearnecl organizational and public speak-
ing skills which helped me tremendously in both m y paid and non-paid careers. It is easy for me to get up in the front of
groups and speak because ofall the practice I got in dealing withanewchapterofpeople each weekly" says Claire
"The posrtion of chapter consuftant offers a young woman achanceto bean "independent contractor"
_____ ofasort;to
To Dragma/SL'MMER 1997
Edgington Roberts 76, C C 78-79).
(Alpha C h i
The CC position isnot for everyone; however, if you are interested in experiencing new cul- tures, working with a diverse group of people, and gaining experiences for a lifetime you should consider this challenging position. Applications will be mailed to each chapter in the fall
A recent survey was conducted o f all past
A O n Chapter Consultants. Many of the careers they reported to have accepted immediately after their travels include:
• tourism
• education
• human resources
• non-profit
• clerical
• sales
• graduate school
• higher education
• insurance
While some of the Consultants made a career out o f their initial job opportunities, many have branched out into the following fields:
• marketing
• computer industry
• human resources
• volunteer/homemaker • communications
• self-employed
• higher education
• insurance
• film
• lawyer
• education
• sales
make her own decisions, manage a rigorous work and travel schedule, and
to explore new challenges daily It's a terrific chance to find out more about
who you are, and what you want to do with your lifelThe job also provides you wrth'life skills"
that once learned, are never forgotten!''
Maiinda Sharp (Omicron 79, CC 82-83)
All applications are due to International
Headquarters by February 1,1998.
This is an excellent opportunity for personal and professional growth prior to entering the competitive job market or the opportunity for
a change of pace prior to beginning
graduate school.
Sherry Carothers Pickett (Zeta 1982, C C 85-86) summed up her experiences, "The C C program provides you with experiences of travel and leadership that will helpyou in any career you choose to pursue."
by: Paula Daigle, Lambda Tau (NortheastLouisiana U), Chapter Consultant/ExtensionAdministrator
&!af^er ConsuftantTeam
Once again this yean every collegiate AOTTchapter will receive a visit from a Chapter Consultant These young women were selected for their dedication to and knowledge of AOTT Before these new CCs arrive at our chapters they each will undergo over three and a half weeks of extensive training at Headquarters, as well as attend LeaderShape, a week long leadership training program in Champaign, Illinois.We applaud and appreciate the outstandingcommitmentofeach ofthesewomen.
We knowyouwillmakethemfeelwelcomedunngtheirvisittoyourchapter,andwewantyoutofeel comfortable with them, as well. Take a few moments to get to know the new CC team by reading their brief bios below. This information, and more, will also be available during the school year on AOTTs Web site, (www.alphaomicronpi.org)
^Alison Amatulli (All) /Ali, from ColoradoSprings, Colorado, is a Chi Lambda
from the University of Evansville. She earned a BS in Mass Communications while being honored with member- ship in the University of Evansville Leadership Academy and Order of Omega. Her chapter elected her New Member of the Year, Historian, Rush Chairman and Vice President Administration. Ali's hobbies include snow skiing, photogra- phy and swimming.
Kristen Austin
This Tau Omicron from the
University o f Tennessee/Martin recendy earned her BA in Communications/Public Relations. Kristen is from Bardett, Tennessee and enjoys aerobics, reading and travel- ing. As a student, she was involved with the Student Activities Council, SGA and was a journalist for the cam- pus newspaper. Kristen served Tau Omicron as Philanthropic Chairman and PR Chairman.
rah Cross
Sarah, an Elementary
Education major, was initiated into Alpha Gamma Chapter at Washington State
University. She served as Alpha Gamma Chapter President and WSU Panhellenic President. She also was the WSU Mom's Weekend Chairman, and a member of the Cougar Alcohol Task Force and Order of Omega. Last year, Sarah received the AOLI Collegiate Women of Leadership Award and recendy was named a DJF Scholarship Award Winner. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys swimming, playing the piano and crafts.
Jennifer Curley (jenn) From Delta Chapter at Tufts University, Jenn has served as her chapters Rush Chairman and Chapter President. Her interests include Marine biolo- gy, sports and sketching, which explains her commitment to her major: Biology/ Environmental Studies. O n campus, Jenn served as Senior Class Marshall, aTufts Cheerleader and in Student Outreach. She was recendy honored as one of A O n s DJF ScholarshipWinners. Her hometown is Watertown, Massachusetts.
Angela Hammerli (Angie) Angie is from Meraux,
Louisiana and a member o f Nu Beta Chapter at the University of Mississippi.
There she was a member of the Panhellenic Executive Board, an Ole Miss Ambassador and a College Republican. She earned a BPA-Bachelor of Public Administration Degree and enjoys Reading, Aerobics, Shopping, and Snow Skiing. Angie served N u Beta as Chapter Relations Chairman, Historian, New Member Educator and a member of the Total Chapter Programming Committee.
Hannah Jacobs
This Zeta Pi from University of
Alabama/Birmingham, was named Greek W oman of the Year on her campus. Hannah also served the university as Panhellenic President, UAB Student Recruiter, and a staff writer for the campus newspa- per. Her offices in Zeta Pi include PR Chairman, Scholarship Chairman, Administrative Vice President and Chapter President. She was also honored as a DJF Scholarship Winner. Hannah enjoysvolunteerworkand makes Birmingham, Alabama her home.
Alison Skaar (Ali)
Ali, from Idaho Falls, Idaho,
was initiated into Alpha Phi Chapter at Montana State University. She served as her
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
chapters Treasurer and President and earned a BS
ion Secondary Education/Social Studies. Outside of the fraternity, she served as an AdvoCAts (stu- dent Ambassadors) and was a member of Order of Omega. Her hobbies include tennis, skiing, and crafts. In lieu of an ordinary summer job, Ali spends her summers serving as a forest firefighter.
Jenniferis from SaintJohn, Washington. She is an initi- ate of Upsilon Chapter at the University of W ashington
and an affiliate of Alpha Gamma Chapter at Washington State. In school, she served as Panhelienic Delegate, Vice President Administration, Corresponding Secretary and Chapter President. She was involved on campus with Mortar Board, PRSSA, TEAM WSU and Greek Alcohol Task Force. Jennifer earned a BA in Public Relations from W ashington State and enjoys volunteer- ing, journalism and snow ski- ing in her spare time.
Chapter Consultant Calendar Selection Process and ConsultantYear
September 1997
CC Applications mailed to chapter in September mailing.
February 1,1998
Application deadline. International Headquarters must receive completed application postmarked on or before February 1,1998 to be considered.
February 18, 1998 (Approximately)
Applicants are notified by mail whether they have been selected for an interview. Interviews will be arranged with candidates selected. All candidates will be flown to H Q unless candidate is within 139 miles.
March 13-15,1998
Candidates are interviewed at Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters, Brentwood, Tennessee, by Carole Jones, Executive Board Director in charge of Chapter Consultants, Melanie Doyle, Executive Director, and Paula Daigle, Chapter Consultant Administrator I n order to take advantage o f airfare differences with a Saturday night stay, in most cases, candidates will arrive in Nashville on Saturday, spend the night at H Q and fly home on Sunday. Candidates will be notified of their interview rime and date before arrival at H Q .
WeekofMarch 16,1998
All candidates notified of selection.
June 26-28,1998
Chaptet Consultants attend Leadership Institute in Nashville, Tennessee
June 29-July 8,1998
Training at International Headquarters.
August 1998 - November 1998 January 1999-April 1999
Follow-up training and dates of the 1998-99 Chapter Consnkant travel year.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
alumnae news
Alumnae Chapters Salute Outstanding Chapter Members
In this issue, each alumnae chapter was given the opportunity to salute one of their members for outstanding contributions to her chapter. You will note that some of these women are well-know for their service to the Fraternity, but most are the women who have provided years of dedication to their local alumnae chapter, without need for glory or credit. We honor these women, for it is their service, and others like theirs, that has made Alpha Omicron Pi the vibrant, thriving Fraternity that it is today.
lishment of a scholarship in her name. It is to be awarded annually to a Chi Delta collegian. Edith has served as Chapter President, Denver Area Panhellenic President and was named DAP WomanoftheYear.
Greater Miami
Anne Beauchamp was a member of the first Greater Miami Chapter and stayed active by being the only AOFT representative in the Miami Panhellenic. She even served as Panhellenic President and as a Board Member. Anne, spearheaded the reestablishment of their chapter in 1993 and presided as President, when the chapter was reinstalled in April of 1994.
Greater Pinellas
Marion Grassmuck Clouse, Chi (Syracuse U) is this chapters outstanding member. She started their chapter in 1978 and has held the presiden- cy for eight years in two different decades. The chapter has received many awards under her leadership. She has attended 23 International Conventions, served as the Centennial History Book Chariman and has attended all chapter meetings for nineteen years except one when she was out of town on other AOFT business. Her goal is for others to enjoy sisterhood as much as she does.
Hilton Head Island
The chapter would like to salute Jane Wonder Stiff, Alpha Tau (Dennison U), for her dedica- tion, support, and devotion. Kane keeps the chapter running smoothly through her tireless
The heart and soul of the Augusta Area Alumnae are three innovative women - Charlotte Carr, Linda Sigg and Susan harlow. They plan gatherings emphasizing friendship, fun and something new to explore. Some of their adventures have included attending a cook- ing/cookware workshop, meeting with a person- al shopper, attending a dinner theatre plus much more. Even their Rind raisers are jam packed with fun! Hats off to a job well done!
Virginia Anne Banks, better known as Ginger Banks, has continually served AOFI since initiation. Austin salutes her for her loy- alty faithful and devoted commitment to the Fraternity through her words and works. Ritual is something Ginger holds very dear to her heart and something she uses and thinks of every day She is truly a guiding light beaming AOFT to the world.
Kim McCollom has only been in the Bloomington/Normal area for a few years, but she has managed to balance her family life, work and community involvement. She holds two position with AOFI locally. Kim is the MIF chairman for the Alumnae Chapter and Rush Adviser for Beta Lambda Chapter. She also headed up the publicity for the chap- ter's Centennial Founders Day Celebration. Kim brings enthusiasm and dedication to all that she does and is a wonderful member and assetto AOn.
This chapter chose to briefly salute two out- standing members. First, Beverly Townsend who serves as MSU Greek Coordinator and offers continuing support to the Bozeman Alumnae and Alpha Phi Chapters. Betty Reinke offers continued loyalty and devotion to improvement to Alpha Phi's Corporation Board, AAC and to the alumnae chapter.
Chicago City
Chris Graves has been the chapter adviser for the Phi Chi Chapter (University of Illinois)
for 8 years. The chapter has thrived and now has a great rush, good finances, a fullAAC and gets reports in on time. Phi Chi can now concentrate on the details like balancing Total Chapter Programming, improved sisterhood, and AOFI knowledge. The Chicago City chapter would like to salute her efforts and time to Phi Chi Chapter.
Chicago Northwest Suburban
Chicago Northwest Suburban salutes Nancy Clark Nancy has served the chapter in numer- ous offices over the years and has chaired the Centennial Celebration since the beginning. Her dedication and commitment to AOfl goes beyond the limits of one alumnae chapter.
Cleveland Area
Cleveland Alumnae feel that Kathleen Alexander Goebel is the heart and soul of their chapter. She works tirelessly to keep the chapter moving with new ideas and projects, and makes her talents, home and even her family available to help out in all endeavors. She also remains active in planning a Kappa Pi alumnae reunion to keep the spirit of AOFT alive
and well.
Dayton would like to salute Terry Hering Bevis who has worked tirelessly for their chap- ter. Terry has been their treasur- er for several terms and has organized and chaired their very successful Nut Sales Fund raiser. She is constantly looking for new ideas for fund raising, the latest being their Christmas Gift-wrapping event. Despite her involvement in many com- munity projects, she is never too busy to help friends and sisters.
This chapter feels that the "Matriarch of Denver Area AOris" is Edith Cope Lockard. At their Centennial Founders' Day Celebration, they honored her with the estab-
efforts as Recording Secretary, Newsletter Chairperson, and Centennial Celebration Coordinator. They look for- ward to Jane's continued lead- ership in the chapter.
The Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter would like to salute Anne Wilmes. Anne has held many offices in their chapter, including that o f President. She is currently the 3rd Vice- President of the Indianapolis Alumnae Panhellenic Chapter. She will rise to the position of President during the 1998-99
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Much of
our success is due to
her love forAOrn
year. Anne also maintains the address and phone numbers of over 1,000 area members and updates the directory every two years. She is also actively involved with Theta Chapter, always willing to help.
Lake County of Illinois
This chapter recognizes Linda McElhany. She is a 2 term past president, was an RD and now a Collegiate Network Specialist. She was very active in the installation of the collegiate chapter at DePaul University and helped to charter the Chicago City Alumnae Chapter.
Little Rock
Jane Kenner Prather, Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U ) , has been deeply involved with A O n on a collegiate, local and international level. She is considered the backbone of the alumnae group. Jane does a lot of behind the scenes work and because of her love for AOFI, the chapter salutes her.
Macomb County
Virginia (Gini) Krupa Shaw, Phi Lambda (Youngstown State U) has been devoted to this chapter since the early 1970s. Gini has served as Macomb's President and been the chapter's delegate to the Detroit Alumnae Panhellenic Association since 1986. She will serve as DAPA President for 1997-98. She willingly shares her artistic skills. Her efforts notably include the design for our beautiful Centennial logo. Her alumnae sisters feel she is a shinning credit to AOFI.
Minneapolis/St Paul
Pamela Richmond Meyer has served Minneapolis/St. Paul and their local Chapters in many capacities including Financial Advisor for Tau, Treasurer of the Alumnae Group, Installation Chairman for Kappa Sigma, Secretary and now Chairman of the Corporation Board for Tau. Under Pam's leadership, the Corporation Board has com- pleted numerous projects and made many improvements. Her alumnae chapter feels that Pam's hard work and dedication to each group has been a large fact in the success of those organizations.
Nashville Area
The Nashville Area AOFIs salute Theresa Collins Davis, Alpha Kappa (U of Northern Alabama). Theresa has served as their treasurer for two years and has always been a dependable and dedicated member. She brought valuable experience to their chapter, having served as Chapter President for the Decatur, Alabama Alumnae Chapter. Theresa is not only a hard- working officer, she's a loyal and dear friend and an exemplary role model.
Northern Orange County
This chapter salutes Karen Watson, Kappa Theta (U of California-Los Angeles). Karen has
been instrumental in the reorganization and continuance ol the chapter. Karen is a charter member and has held numerous offices. She was re-elected as President and continues to be an example of what sisterhood is all about.
Orlando Area
Mary Harrison is one great AOI1, according to her alumnae chapter. She is ready, willing and always able to pitch in when needed - and always with a smile.
alumnae news
Kiwanis Club, and remains very active with United Way. She has served as Epsilon Chi's Financial Adviser and is a past President of the Alumnae Chapter.
San Antonio
This chapter salutes Christee Anderson for her devoted commitment to AOFI and sisterhood. Christee has served as past alumnae chapter president and most recendy as Chapter Adviser
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Marty's knowledge and love for AOFI shines in her daily activities as well as i n her many AOIl roles. The chapter thanks Marty for her wonderful years o f ser- vice and dedication.
The Ottawa Alumnae Chapter recognizes Shirley Chisholm Gaudreau, Beta Kappa ( U o f British Columbia) for her lifelong contribution to AOIl. A 50 year member of AOFI and a 25 year member of the alumnae chapter, she has been one of the Rush Advisers for Gamma Chi Chapter since they were colonized in 1992. She is the Centennial Chair for the alumnae chapter and a long term member of the always important phone committee.
Natalie Hasbrook Del Porte, Alpha Tau (Dennison U), was the first honoree of the chap- ter's newly established Laura Palmer Perry Award. Natalie was honored with this award for her loyalty, faithfulness, and devotion to her family as well as to her community. She has been a dedicated member of her chapter and has served as treasurer for many years. In the past she has served as an adviser for both Theta Kappa and Beta Delta. She is also involved innumerous community activities.
Piedmont, NC Area
AOIl Piedmont salutes Kate Crawford. Kate built a mortgage brokerage business from the ground up and successfully merged her business with a regional company. She has been extremely active in community aaivities includ- ing the Board of the Coalition on Adolescent Pregnancy, was the first female Lt. Governor for
to Upsilon Lambda. She remains active in the chapter as Panhellenic Delegate and has maintained excellent communica- tion with other chapters in this capacity.
South Bay/PalosVerdes
Francine Carol Layns was tragi- cally killed on August 18, 1996, but she was more than just another faceless crime victim. Francine was active as Chapter Adviser, Rush Adviser, and dedi- cated alumna to Lambda Beta. Over the years, she held every office in South Bay/Palos Verdes Alumnae Chapter (most 2 or 3 times) and was active in Southern California Council. In addition, Ftancine worked tire- lessly for the homeless and bat- tered women in the community. She was an outstanding sister who will be missed terribly.
Virginia Tidewater
The chapter honors Hud Slagle Clark for her outstanding service to our frater- nity for 50 years. Pledging AOFI at Beta Phi,
Hud has served in every possible officefor the Virginia Tidewater Alumnae Chapter and is currently Membership Chairman. She and her husband will soon retire to Williamsburg, Virginia.where she's even thinking of starting a Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter.
West Los Angeles
Ann Schmidt is the first person that comes to mind when you hear "outstanding". West LA feels very lucky to have het as a member. Ann has been the Chapter Adviser for Sigma Phi for the past 3 years, as well as simultaneously holding the office of West LA Alumnae President. A n n was awarded the California State-Northridge Chapter Adviser of the year award, 2 years in a row by her peers. She served on the Southern California Council and is currently holding the office of Panhellenic delegate, where she serves as Scholarship Chairman for the Council.
She always reflects credit upon Aon. We're proud
to claim her as a member of our chapter'
In Their
Alpha Delta
U of Alabama
Robin Rebecca Merritt Tambra Jane Gates Smith
Alpha Gamma Washington State U Rose Mae Jones Mackie Mildred Mary Hunt Vatnsdal
Alpha Phi
Montana State U
Alice Louise Crouch Anderson Virginia SheriffMcCoy Good Dorothy Lois Searle Lyall Thelma Adalene Newkirk Miller
Alpha Pi
Florida State U Frances Louise Gill Ball Laurita Pearson Conoley Sylvia McAdam Richardson Mary Sahoy Finney Thomas
Alpha Rho
Oregon State U
Helen Pietarila Anderson Veroka W ampler Morrison Beatrice Elsie Ames Schloth Janice Lynn Holmer Vercruysse
Alpha Sigma
U of Oregon
Signe Rasmussen Asendorf Dorothy Josephine Jensen Ayers Helen Isabel Campbell Cochran Jo Ann Burkett Harding Geraldine E Fett Moore
Joanne Elizabeth Nichols Rathjen
Alpha Tau
Edith Lillian Breining
Dorothy Price Lanning Hamilton Josephine Arthur Hedges
Carol Ann Hawkins McGowan Dorothy Margaret Funk Sisson
Beta Gamma
Michigan State U Kathryn Adler Hamilton
Beta Phi
Indiana U
Edith Huntington Anderson Mary Demarcus Hall Bonewitz Mildred Naomi Stoker Busby Verna Mills Donley
Kathryn Bolitho Goldman
Alice Adelaide Baylor Marrindale Berniece CofHng McDonald Marcella Bertha Beaber Smith Dolores Jayne Small Swinford Rowena Mable Nash Wiseman
Beta Pi
Eastern Michigan U Marcia Harriett Young
Beta Tau
U of Toronto
Gladys Jickling Zimmerman
Syracuse U
Norma Grace Palmer Cole Elizabeth Jane Spaulding Garrity Beatrice Harriet Barron Gould Margaret Anne Towet Halstead Victoria Veronica Polakas
Thetis Ellen Crossman Roach
Chi Delta
Uof Colorado
Gertrude O. Williams Cuder Allean Ament Johnson Gillis Juliet Richmond Reese Huffman Elizabeth Irene Jones Johnson Carol Jean DeardorffStrawbridge Joan Thorstensen Wilkinson,
Chi Lambda
Uof Evansville
Alleen Mc Ginness Grafton Lillian Oakley Thompson Mary Niednagel Wilsbacher
Tufts U
Alice Whitcomb Craton Bryant Kathryn Grace Ecke
Terry Ann McGarry
Ruth Alene Libbey Russell Eleanor Lorraine Kelley Scannell Ursula Tully Thompson
Alice Harrington Winslow
Delta Delta
Auburn U
Frances Augusta Vick Davis
Delta Sigma
San Jose State U
LaVera Yvonne VariWyk Isaacso
Delta Upsilon
Alison Jean Aucamp Yount
Cornell U Madaline Koby Deuel Judith Reeves Hemphill
Nancy Eleanor Reed Hoch Frances VogelWagnerJerome Jean Latrin Stevenson
Hilda L Greenawalt Way
Epsilon Alpha Pennsylvania State U Pauline Keller Goodwin
Darline Adelaid Neuhauser Dgen Marie K Knoll Judy
Evelyn Todd Lewis
Evelyn Lapham Mehl
Jean Ruth Beman Robinson Mary Elizabeth Taylor Rose Mildred Marie Lyle Shields Louise Arline Haines Teller
Uof Wisconsin
Marian Habhegger Barry Dorothy Louise Wiesler Ninman Margaret I Melaas Spengler Alice Leigh Hardy Zener
Uof Maine
Marion Irma Stewart Coffin Ethel Packard Harkness
Barbara Philena Keyes Howe Helena Evelyn Johnson Marshall Hazel Jeannie Parkhurst Sawyer Louise Hunt AverillSvendsen
Gamma Delta
U of South Alabama Lesley Denyse Fuller
Gamma Omicron
Uof Florida Sarah Smith Deck
In this section, we salute the memory ofthose sisters who havepassed away during the last biennium. This list includes the names ofthose we received between April 1,1995, and March31,1997.
Thislistispublishedinthesummerissueofeach Conventionyear.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Utah State U
Frances June Toole Kammerath
U of Illinois
Elizabeth Eleanor Evans Gross Ruth Snyder Hayward
Beatrice Esther Levy Johnston Ruth Charlotte Page Kephart Shirley Mann Kimmeishue
Jean Elizabeth W ood Steiner Katherine Cynthi Altorfer Swain Joanne BaumgardnerZintel
Iota Alpha
Idaho State U Sara Kurry Wells
Iota Tau
U of Wisconsin - Stout Mildred IonaTurney
Kappa Randolph-Macon Woman's College Edith Walthall Beers
Gladys Fore Eggleston
Grace Pope Manning Goode Roberta Strother Hopkinson Betty Anne Mason Jackson Elizabeth Robins Land
Alams June Reaves
Lela Dale Germany Shattuck Ida Eugenia Chastain Tucker Linda Catherine Terry Vaughn
Kappa Alpha Indiana State U
Judy Ruth Baker
Carol Jane Pulver Hankey Elizabeth A n n Larkin Dorothy Rumbaugh
Irma E Flirnmelbauer Vesser
Kappa Gamma
Florida Southern
Marylyn Louise Dill Abrams Jacqueline Rickerson Cantwell
Susan Gayle Hemdon Kemp Arline Marjori Allbritten Newton Joanne Paula Antons Rivers
Jessie Fleming Vose
Kappa Kappa Ball State U Peggy Ann Sheets Gay Carey Griner
Kappa Omicron Rhodes College
Isobel Anderson Bowden BettyJaneBloompotLedbetter Kimberley Sue Millsaps Josephine H Ellington Tipton
Kappa Phi
Kathleen Margaret Paine Elliott
Kappa Theta
U of California-LA Amber Elinor Young Clark Carolyn Walker Geary
Rowena Moore Harrison
Eva Louise Birkenshaw McGuire Josephine Pelletier Pryor
Betty Lee Spennetta Williams
Stanford U
Marguerite Lennis Roberts Ames Helen Haine Peterson Ard Patricia Mary Miller Battaglia Dorothy Bogen Farrington Gloria Kellogg Knickerbocker Holly Helen Roberts Masters Louise Vanamringe Ruggles
Aileen Maude Brown Small
Lambda Beta California State- Long Beach Karen Lynn Cook Bart Francine Layns
Lambda Phi Uof Wisconsin- Whitewater
Kathy Rae Burke Binning Rose Marie Macander Hunter
Lambda Sigma
U of Georgia
Janice A NeicUinger Armstrong Mary Eleanore Bowers Harlin Data Caye Oliver Howard Sylvia Jean Jones Jones-Hess Lois Kathleen Goen Turner Ruth Hicks Porter Wilheit
Lambda Tau
Northeast Louisiana U Cynthia Fuller Leigh
Dorothy Dunhaupt Bucknam Elaine Brown Costa
Marion Louise Kilpatrick Vanpelt
U of Mississippi
Marilyn Camille Tapscott Atkins
Northern Illinois U Diane Mary Kamin Marrinek
Nu Kappa
Southern Methodist U Marjorie Holland Clark
Lura Temple Henry
Lucille Frances Price Jones Katherine Louise Aldredge Smith
Nu Lambda
California Helen Litwin Cares
Nu Omicron
V anderbiltU
M. Thayer Barnhart Boswell Doris Evelyn Busby Dixon
Jayne Alston Napier Gordon Marjone Evelyn Vandill Hamrick Anne Richardson Trice Nixon Frances Burell Rucks
Jo Anna Young Swanson
Mildred Looney Walker
Natalie Overall Warren
Rachel Marie King Younger
Nu Sigma
Parsons College Nellie May McGinnis
Miami U
Alice Louise Brown Boothe Mary Dee Drummond Burks Mary Ellen Kaylor Holzen
Joanna Petterle
Arretha Mae Cornell Sheriff
Omega Omicron
Nancy Hill Nourse Reiners
Morehead State U
Judith Doggett Herbolich Omicron UofTennessee
Margaret Harvey Davenport Elizabeth McDonald McClamroch Ellen Owen Goodrich Morgan Martha Louise McLemore Pelton
Omicron Pi
U of Michigan
Ruth Heanore McBride Hall Marjory Lucile Hitde Harrington Jane Howard
Doris Bessinger Howlett Marjorie Miller Keller Priscillajoan Urban Kuhn AlbertinaAda Maslen Mabley Marion Tanner Rylander
Mary Allene Stewart
Adelaide Louise Brook Austin Daneen June Streeter Barbour Elizabeth Catherine Hille Bryan DuaneCoe
Mary Lee Rabbins Feil
Carroll McDowell Ferguson Jonalou Heitman Harrington Thelma Mildred Francis Harrison Blanche Marcella Coventry Hill Shirley Jean Tinsley Lynch
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
FJizabeth Schieber Olsen Virginia Estelle Samson Ratcliff Pamela Kay Adrian Robinson Glenna Myers Youngstrom
Phi Lambda
Youngstown State U Patricia Colantone Banna
Phi Omicron Hanover College
Bonnie Mae Marshall Brown
Tulane U
Karen Manemann Alford
Helen Mcintosh Reasonover Dorothy May Cockerham Reeder Elizabeth C Quarles Roth
Imelda Bourgeois Ruhlman Mildred Renshaw Stouse
Ethel Chapsky Young PiAlpha
Trade Thornsberry
Pi Delta
U of Maryland
Mildred Lee Morris Darkis Thelma Winkjer DeAdey Barbara Schilling Everstine
Earla Ball Marshall Harwood Ruth Louise Miles Henderson Julie Peace
DorothyJean Decker Raymond Lucile Virginia Laws Smith
Pi Kappa UofTexas-Austin Gayle Anne Davis Coffey
Neta Edith Lee
Barbara Worth House Simpson
U of Pennsylvania
Gladys Delight Parks Flick
Helen Charlotte Wallauer Homer Heanor Mathews Hibshman Ken- Vivian Shreve Hiltner Kreasky Margaret L Pennypacker Wisner
Northwestern U
Jane Sanborn Batterson Dickman Marguerite Dewey Ford Drees Patricia Jane Malone Fulton
Ann Elizabeth McRoskey
Helen Mildred Street Stocker
Rho Sigma
Portland State U Robin Pomeroy Frevler
U of California - Berkeley Bertha M Beard Brooke
Charlotte Anne Shuck Cleek Marion Alice Black Corwin
Clara Forsterer Cummins
Elma Louise Day
Gladys Dowden
Narendra Blair Gerdes
Frances Blanche Krzywicki
Mary Elizabeth Rolfs Larrabee Marian Hilliard Matthew Norton Rosemary A Hawkins O'Brien Janice Marie Graff Ronneberg Janet Kathleen Shaner
Lucile Lilian Ginoux Small
Ruth Traugh Stearns
Juliette Stromeyer
Sigma Omicron Arkansas State U Sandra Faye Bone Rosamond Oesting Carlson Marian Kingjarrett
Lynda Kay Flanagin Jumper Debrah Lynn Gilbert Lindquist Ruth Ann Nicks
Martha Ann Randle
Barbara Ann Wayland Smith
Sigma Phi
California State
Charlene Parent
Laurie Mchele Frankel Tassinari
Sigma Tau
Washington College Margaret Russell Van Gilder
U of Minnesota
Mary Patricia Oconnell Brick Bonita Lafaver Gaines
Jane Dixon Cracraft Ganyo Frances Vivian Murray Hughes Isabel Welch Lewis
Mary Elizabeth Stone
Dorothy Riebeth Wilson Jeanne Dols Young/Kellogg
Tau Delta
Birmingham Southern College
Hlen Glenn Barnett Fitzgerald Maizie Elizabeth Gandy Griffith Katharine Thomasine Jones Hulse Mark Adeline Allgood Powell Elizabeth Sue Wilkins
Adeline Kriege Campbell
Janice Marie Bruhn Caparell Lorena Sloan Chastain
Marilyn Doris Orr Guild Rebonna Dale Hansen,
Celia Elizabeth Purdy Lavigne, Audrey Ruth Swanson Lewis, Georgia L Gilkey Maddux
Mary Aline Thompson McCoy Margaret Lou Mars Meek
Agnes Louisa Lakin Phillips Mary Schultheis Stoudenmire Dorothy Louise Miller Tegtmeyer
Theta Eta
Uof Cincinnati Mariette Ruth Borocco Basile Elsbeth Janet Botsch Fisher Jeanne Carol Brown Johnson Daisy Virginia Pott Lindsley Dorothy Dorsey Muegel
Theta Pi
Wagner College
Wanda Lucille Prokoby Marple
Theta Psi
U ofToledo
Susan Good Hintz
Margaret Jane Koepp Kane Donna Partridge Konapka Phyllis Ann Drake Kruse
Haine Carol Ockajik McCraney Margaret Ann Meyer
Janet Lee Kollmier Parthemer
U ofWashington
Eva Lillian J Ellis
Gladys Cross Elsensohn Margaret Virginia Evans
Diane Elaine Bradbury Fredrich Esther Davies Gill
Dorothy Mae Adams Hansen Myrtis White Hess
Jane Ruth Hder Hough BarbaraTrask ClarkMarsh Dorothy Mabel Nunan
Ellen Mudgett Place
Lorene Marie Patricelli Seeley Marion Elsie Lea Stearns Dorothy Osdund Wells
Upsilon Alpha
Judith Kay Brown Clouston
Uof Oklahoma Mamie Barr
U of Nebraska - Lincoln Mary Dourhett Boatsman Laraine Mardelle Chant Casde Elspeth Marie Leisy Feldman Leona Carroll Shelbum Flasnick Mildred Sweet Gunnarson Charlotte Marie Frerichs James Clover Ann Beckman Johnson Virginia Lee Soltow Kleinert Elva Grace Carter Krause Florence NombalaisThorp
ToDragma/SUMMER 1997
In Their Memory
^7^ Asalutetoour
/•year i .
Alpha Phi Montana State U
Rose Ellen Bowling Calona Georgia Aileen Kelley Lillian Rowina Evers Swan
Bete Phi Indiana U
Martha Jane Gladden Duff Adelaide Genet Gladden Iva Marie Wray Iavin
Chi SyracuseU
Helen Lydia Roszell Britten Mildred Pauline Pehrson Eaton Mildred Janet Sittser Olsen Mary Larkin Williams Rowley
Delta Tufts U
Bernice Stiles
Epsilon Cornell U
Lily Ey McWilliams
Marion Lorena MacBeth Starr Florence Eleanor Wamer
U of Wisconsin
Marion Lynch Gregory
Estelle Kathryn Gruenheck Hersey Maude Irene Jones
May Frances O'Connor Kelley Dorothy Gibbs Langmaid Gertrude McFarlane
Mary Louise Devine Sorenson, Maude Aleen Gray Stewart
U of Maine
Elizabeth Tracy Peabody Parsons Josephine Avery Munroe Paul Katherine Emily Atkins Wing
U of Illinois
Ruth Elliot Buder Cording Gladys Hall Taylor
Randolph-Macon Woman s College Mary Marshall Reid
Mary EvaWood
Nu Kappa
Southern Methodist U
Florence Mary Allen Hermida Etta Baldwin Woods Monrfort
Nu Omicron VanderbikU
Marie Louise Sneed Boyd Cornelia Willson Cralle Parkinson
Ruth Fain Thomas
Omega MiamiU
Mary Lee Sarbry Martha Fishpaw Smith Dorothea Doller Walker
U of Tennessee
Lucy Shotwell Morrison Coltman Lucille Irwin Baker Leonhardt Mary Anderson King Mason Burra Ginkley Seward
Lucy Katherine Tate
Omicron Pi
U of Michigan
Mary Howlelt Barrett
Marie Elizabeth Waiters Buder Lorreine Obtyan Dieterie Leslie Smith France
Muriel Esther Ray Gray Marion E Wheeler Marriott Beatrice E Smith
Anna E Gabler Sparrow
Lillian M Herman Stickney Elizabeth Luce Wylie Swam Abigail Roberts Vanwagenen
U of Kansas
Glee Starr Bloomer
Lois Rochester Denton
Elsie Hertha Ortman Hodges Freda Blackeberg Jacobs Lucile Jones
Mary Franklin Hook Wall
Georgia H Morrison Hardy Mary Louise Adams Roddy, Margaret Emily Slack Slade
U of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth McOwen Barhite
Eliza Price Finnesey Harbage Catherine Ashworth Hudders Gertrude Martha Hayman Paton Mary Regine Lovatt Smith
Rho Northwestern U
Dorothy Evelyn Hammill Boyd Zelda Verceille Pilling Day Undine Dunn
Mildred Maclaurin Coates Green Marion Dickinson Warnes Miller Dorothy Frances Shaw Palluth Agnes Margaret Biesemeier Slate Frances Henrietta Urwan
U of California-Berkeley
Dorothy Mosely Fanning Ermyl McCune Kliewer Darthea Powell Oconnell Mildred Ewing Taylor
U of Minnesota
Orpha Hanstad Cole
Gladys Bamberry Gilbert Adele Ziegelmaier Hargreaves
Theta DePauwU
Katherine Elizabeth Davis Carter Lucille Porter Manifold
ITof Washington
Helen Welsh Beall Wilma Higgins Brockway Helen Bechen Connell Nellis McBroom Twiss Catherine Evans Vasquez
U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Emily Katherine Simanek Hein Lois A Scofield Snider
Leona Whittier Solomon Mary Elizabeth Elder Stickling Manorma Swanson Stoecker Wilma Adaline Deford Wolfe
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
Congratulations to the following women who, this year, achieved AOIl s 75-year member status. These include women initiated during the school year of 1921-1922 and those whom our records indicate are still living. AOFI salutes you!
Results of
Research Initiative
Study shows that fraternities
and sororities are mntinuing
to positively impact the lives of members
in college
and after graauation
A research study conducted by the Center for Advanced Social Research at the University of Missouri showed that men and women who have had a Greek experience are far more likely to actively volunteer and partici- pate in community activities. They are significandy more active in theit religious and neighborhood organizations and show stronger financial support for non-profit organizations than do non-Greek alumni.
The Research Initiative examined the impact of fraternity and soror- ity membership of college and university graduates and was joint- ly funded by member groups of the National Panhellenic Conference and the National InterfratemityConference. The study included 2,200 Greek and non-Greek alumni from ten schools across the United States were surveyed through direct phone conversations. The pool of alumni were half non-Greek, one- quarter sorority members and one-quarter fraternity members. The target years for the survey were: 1965,1975,1985,1990, and 1994.
The Greeks ranked high in what is known as "social capi- tal," a concept where men and women in their communities
invest their time, energy and money to improve the quality of life in their areas. "Social capital" is considered by many to be critical to a healthy and ongoing democracy.
academic performance than were Greek men.
• Greek women were very satisfied with the telationship they had with faculty, counselors and university administrators.
This is the first time such a com- prehensive study has been done on alumni of any kind, and the results have shown that fraternities and sororities are continuing to posi- tively impact the lives of members in college and after graduation.
But with any research, additional questions are raised which need to be putsued. The long term goal o f the Research Initiative Committee is to do exacdy that in the very near future.
One of the most important finds was that Gteek men and women ranked very high, the importance of their overall fra- ternity and sorority experience. That experience continues to be played back by giving back... something each of our founders intended when they first used the word FRATERNITY.
By Maureen Syring, Delta Gamma, Chairman NPC Alumnae Panhellenics
To Dragma/ SUMMER 1997
Othet findings in the research included:
Greeks not only participated in their own fraternity or sorority chapter leadership, but were also involved in leadership roles in their extra curricular activities with non-Greeks.
Membership in a fraternity or sorority helped boost university recruitment at ones alma mater.
Greek alumni were more satisfied with the social and cultural aspect o f the college experience than were non-Greeks.
Greek affiliated alumni said there was a greater match between what they studied in college and their first job, when compared with non-affiliated alumni.
Greek affiliation had a significant impact on the current income of alumni.
Greek women and non-Greeks were more satisfied with their
A lastin mpression
The Inspiration Walkway to the Founders' Circle is «£pennanent testimonial to our members and their achievements during AOITs first 100 years. To commemorate our Centennial, a time capsule has been buried in the center of the Founders' Circle. The capsule was dedicated and sealed on our
Centennial Founders' Day, December 8,1996.
We invite you to purchase an engraved brick so your message will be a part of our visual history in this Centennial Memorial at Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters.
What a wonderful way to donate to the Centennial Celebration! These funds will finance the special events of our Centennialyear including the largest ever AOII reunion...AOII Centennial Convention, June 27-30, 1997, in New York City, the birthplace of AOII. Send in your order today!
Fill in the form and mail with your check to AOn Headquarters today!
Inspiration Walkway
Single Brick Double Brick.
Founders' Circle
Single Brick 4 x 8 in.= $50
Double Brick 8 x 8 ln.= $100 or ! .200
Ordered by_
Chapter of Initiation, Address City.StateJp
Visa Masercard Credit Card Acct#_ Name on Card
Discover _Exp.Date_
Total Amount $_
Make Checks Payable to:
AOn-InspiratioD Walkway Mailformand check to:
Alpha Omicron Pi
9025 Overlook Boulevard Brentwood, TN 37027
lies, Iwould like the Centennial Celebration Committee to send a card acknowledging the gift
Send to
Chapter of initiation Address
Qty State. Zip
Ctyom d n a r (hnenrntwer puncudon TMrit) or qmm par btockftaHcn or emaryarrMmarnmmqtmmalrmjai'imtklaqpm cuicorfaiWcl fr|ABa,urtiia)epoiWPlia^ccnaiMKjew>a*jaclTar>rf
. • & share in _ ljd
the excitement!
Even ifyou will not be personally joining us for Centennial Convention, June 27- 30, youcanbeapartoftheexcitementbyloggingontheAOI1WebSite. Eachday during the Celebration, we will update the site with highlights from the previous day's events and announce the award winners. We want every AOI1 to have a chance to be a part of this once in a lifetime event. So, ifyou cannot be there in person, just log on and we ll bring the Centennial Celebration to you!
Since it was launched last November, the Official A O n W eb Sire has logged over 142,000 visitors, an average of over 1,000 each day! The response has been tremendous and we are thrilled to provide this as a new way of bringing our mem- bers together. O u r on-line Guest Book has been signed by people from all over the world. Some are not even AOTTs, yet have commented on the site or the information in it.
The information currently on the site is only the beginning of what we have planned. The site will eventually be divided into two separate sections. The portion that is on-line now, "Get to Know AO/7," is open to the general public. We want to continue to provide information to anyone who wants to learn more about The Power of Friendship. AOn. In the next few months, we will complete the second, and larger portion of the site that will be accessible only to initiated members of Alpha Omicron Pi. In order to enter the "Those Who Know AOTT section, you must register on-line. Registration will be available within the next few months. You will be asked for your chapter name and chapter number (which can be found above your name on your To Dragma address label). AOFl's W eb server will deny access when inaccurate information is entered.
The "Those Who Know AO/7"side will be filled with more information for our colle- gians and alumnae members than we can even list here. One very exciting portion will be our private chat rooms where you can talk to other AOris without interruption from outside sources. Times can be designated for certain groups to go on-line togeth- er. For example, Monday evenings at 7:30 might be designated for all rush chairmen to share ideas and solutions to problems. Another time could be designated for work- ing moms or alumnae chapter presidents, or others to chat. W e will also provide a place to post job resumes, links to other women's issues, and endless collegiate and alumnae resources. The site will be constantly changing and evolving, so each time you visit, you will have something new to view. So...go on-line with AOFI.
50 To Drapma/SHMMF.R 1997