Travel Destination: VaiL Colorado
November 20
through 23,1997
This fell, join your sisters for an A O I l travel opportunity to Vail, Colorado. Nestled along Gore Creek in the Cascade Alpine Village, the Vail Cascade Hotel & Club offers 289 deluxe guest rooms including 28 suites featuring spa- cious accommodations, beautiful furnishings, luxurious amenities, and spectacular views o f the mountains for a truly memorable stay.
This four-diamond hotel offers full ski-in/ski- out accessibility with the Cascade chair lift just 10 feet from the hotel. But there is also more to enjoy in Vail than just skiing. Dine in one
of the charming cafes run by world-renowned chefs, shop in the elegant boutiques, browse art galleries along the European-style streets, and enjoy the countless array of night life activi- ties. These are a few of the reasons that guests visit Vail time and time again.
The three night travel package includes accommodations only and starts at just $65.00 per person, per night. Spacious suites are available at $120.00 per person, per night. Space will be limited and available on a first come basis. For more information or to book reservations, contact Barry Hardy, VIP Travel and Assistance Services, 615-664-4428.
AOn is still offering space aboard The New Sun Princess for our Alaskan vacation package, August 5-21, 1997, and aboard the Sky Princess for our Australia and New Zealand vacation package, February 10-24, 1998. Call Nancy Grow at Alumni Travel Group (1-800-654-4934) for information on these cruises.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
The Power of Frie
AOFI is Blooming in Winston-Salem! Congratulations to the Winston-Salem Area Alumnae Chapter which was installed on February 23, 1997. Executive Board Director/ Alumnae and Winston-Salem resi- dent, Debbie Harllee, was on hand to install the new chapter. Seventeen people attended the installa- tion and reception
which followed. The chapter had ten char- ter members and was first organized in October 1996. Monthly meetings with a wide vari-
ety o f activities are planned.
Helping Hands
The women of
Tau Chapter (U of Minnesota) and the men of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity paired
together to volun- teer for Habitat for Humanity. They spent a wonderful day helping a family in their community of Minneapolis/ St. Paul finish their house and work toward their dream.
Mock Baby Shower
In March, alum- nae from the Chicago West Suburban Chapter worked at the Care & Counseling Center in
Downers Grove, Illinois, to prepare baby layettes for new mothers. The center is a non- profit, social ser- vice agency dedi- cated to providing professional coun- seling, education and support to those experiencing crises or facing decisions related to pregnancy and its consequences.
Members held a mock baby shower at its March meeting giving baby items to the center as well as donating $150.
Peters, Zeta Kappa, regarding Pamela Jagger. It seems that Kristie and Pamela Jagger were char- ter members of Zeta Kappa, (Southwest Texas State U) before Pamela left school to pursue a career in danc- ing. That path has recendy led to her selec-
tion as one
of the new Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Be watching for Pamela on the Cowboy sidelines
next fall.
Dear Editor:
Life goes in amazing and wonderful circles. Thirty four years ago, Theta Omega was chartered at Northern Arizona University
with myself as one of the members. Our local sorority, despite continual "courting" by other national sororities, found AOFI to typify all that is good about sisterhood, tradition, and high standards. I married, moved away and had children. But the mountains drew us back to Flagstaff. I served as Theta Omega's chapter advis- er in the early seven- ties when my daugh- ters were very young, but job and family finally forced me to resign. College had been the girls' goal but not here at NAU in their own hometown. They each went else- where and my dream of AOn daughters dimmed. But as fate
Cowboy Cheerleader
News reaches Headquarters in a vari- ety of ways. Recently, we received an e-mail messages from Krisrie
To Dragma/Sl'MMER 1997
ship. A0I1.
would have it, each girl returned to Flagstaff, entered
NAU and pledged AOil. Now, I know my daughters will for- ever share with me
and with each other AOITs high ideals and principles. And I now have the pleasure and pride of having both my daughters as sisters inA O n .
Ginny Teft Kadel
Theta Beta Celebrates 10 years!
On October 26,
1996, past and pre- sent members of Theta Beta gathered for a weekend of fun and excitement in order to celebrate ten years of sisterhood on Towson State's cam- pus. The weekend included watching
the Homecoming football game and then returning to the Alumni House for a banquet, slide show and video. This get- together gave younger sisters a chance to meet the founding members of Theta Beta chapter and vice versa. The night was a great success and showed allofushowAO n has grown and blos- somed over the past ten years.
Dear Sisters:
I just finished brows- ing my newest issue of To Dragma and
once again I've got that "warm-fuzzy" feeling from being an AOn! Great job ladies! I especially enjoyed the article written by Anne Allison about Edith Anderson. Having had the joy of listen- ing to the engaging words of Mrs. Allison at our recent
Founders' Day Celebration, I can attest to her sincerity and enchanting story- telling ability. She is a pure gem!
Also in the recent issue, there was the fantastic announce- ments of our newest chapters at Northwestern State (Kappa Chi) and Northeastern State (Chi Theta). I feel compelled to send them a brief congratu- latory note wishing them the best of luck
in their future pur- suits! Could you pease send me their correct mailing addresses?
I would also like to say thank you so much for my recent award! I recently received notification of the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship for $1000.
This is a
ed and
my college
has been
taxing, and
it is so nice to know that my Fraternity is so supportive of my efforts! Thank you all so much!
I look forward to receiving Kappa Chi and Chi Theta's
"snail-mail" addresses from you so that I can drop my panda notes in the mail! Thank you once again for not only your love and support, but another great issue of To Dragma! I love being an AOn!
Alpha Love, Karma Isis Robertson Pi Alpha
mother at the University of Florida AOn house in the eighties, visited the area and went to dinner with a few of her former "girlies." A great time was had catching up as well as reminiscing of stories that even "mom" can laugh about now. Pictured are Mom
Westie, Michelle Mihalik Verdisco, Debbie Orkin Steinfeld, Joan Allen Labarta, Kari Katzman Jacobson, Hope Fuhrer Long, and Lisa Maleski Parker. At the
time of the photo Kari and Lisa, a big sister/little sister match in college, were each expecting their first baby!
AOns attend SEPC
The 1997 SEPC (Southeastern Panhellenic Conference) was held in Atlanta, Georgia. Featured below is a portion of the AOn delegation along with Caroline Craig, Executive Board Vice President /Development and Mary Ann Stark, Collegiate Rush Network Director.
Gamma Omicrons Visit "Mom"
In March, some Gamma Omicron alumnae in Tampa visited with a special friend. Helen "Mom" Westie, the house-
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997
In the fell of 1995, Alpha Omicron Pi began the Magazine Program. The income generated through this ongoing program provides increasedfundingforchaptertrainingandsupport. Thiswillinclude programming, Leadership Institute, Advisers, collegiate services, and development. Your support of the Magazine Program allows us to reach our goals and to better train our chapter leaders. However, the success of the program depends upon your continued participation as individuals and chapters. AOI1 appreciates the efforts of each of you over the past two years. We look forward to even more participation in
How can you contni ue to support AOT T?
• if you have subscriptions that need to be renewed, or you would
liketosubscribetoanewmagazine,pleaseSAVEyourordersforAQTI. Our program is available year-round, either through your chapter or AOI1 Headquarters.
• Plan on giving magazine subscriptions, books, or music giftsforbirth- days and Christmas this year and order these gifts through AOIT.
• Let your friends and family know about our Magazine Program and encourage them to order their subscriptions through AOI1 as well.
Our Magazine Program booklet lists OVer 700 titles with the lowest prices on the market.
AOTT is happy t o provide you and your family with another service that can benefit us
Thank you in advance for your support
Two AOIIs elected to the
AFA Executive Board
AOn is honored to have 2 members serving on the thirteen member 1997 Association of Fraternity Advisers (AFA) Executive Board. Lori Hart, Delta Delta (Auburn U) was elected Southern Vice President. She is the Dean of Students to The American College. Jo- Anne Shibles, Gamma (U of Maine) was elected Western Vice President. She currently holds the position of Coordinator of Greek Life at San Jose State University.
Lambda Iota plans meeting
The annual meeting of the Lambda lota Corporation Board has been scheduled for October 7, 1997, 6:45 p.m. at the home of Betsy Mueller, 4511 Cape May Ave., SanDiego,CA 92107. Formore information, contact Betsy Mueller, (619) 226-4415.
AOn Speakers Bureau.
AOn is forming a Speakers Bureau. We arelookingfordynamicalumnaewho are experts on any subject in any field. Our listwillincludewomenwhoprefertodo workshops and small group facilitation as well as those who are keynote speakers. For an application, please call the Programs and Training Administrator at HQ or send an email "ATTN: PTA" to [email protected].
Do you need Internet access?
Alpha Omicron Pi has arranged to offer Internet access to our members, through a partnership with Access Interactive, an Internet service firm with a nationwide network of Internet access numbers. AOn will receive a portion of the rev- enues from your subscription to help fund our growing Web site - and you get the satisfaction of your own email account tied in with AOI1: your [email protected]! You'll get unlimited hours each month and all the software you need for $19.95 per month and a setup fee of $25.00. You can even have your own chat room! Call today: (800) 695-4725 10 am - 6 pm CST and let them know that you are an A O I T !
Major Medical Coverage
AOil Members andAlumnae
Continental U.S. Only
* A+ Raced Carrier
* $300 Deductible
* Pays 50% of thefirst$2,500 then 100%
up to $1,000,000
* Choose your own Doctor and Hospital * Maternity Benefits included
* $10,000 Life Insurance
* Disability Benefits
* (Medically Underwritten)
Dental Plan:
* Basic Services 80% after a 3 month waiting period * Major Services 50% after a 12 month waiting
* Calendar Year maximum $ 1200
* Lifetime Deductible $100 per person
Cancer Plan:
* LowCost
* Guarantee Issue
* Pays expenses that your health insurance does not
cover for cancer
* Major Medical policy required
Vision Plan:
* LowCost
* 50%offretaileyewear
* Over 5,000 network providers
• Moving? • Changing your name? •
Corporation .
Volunteers Needed.
The Human Resources Committee is accepting applications for any volunteer position in AOTT The committee is particularly interested in receiving an application from you if you have experience or interest in working with Collegiate Corporation Boards. O f special interest are applications in the vicinity of the following collegiate chapters which have immediate openings.
Zip/Postal Code:_ Chapter/College where initiated:. Place of Employment
Zip/Postal Code:_
- ) -
Maiden Last
State/Province:. _Phone: ( )
Year Initiated: .Occupation:,
_State/Province:_ e-mail:
Alumnae Chapter: • Please inform me about the nearest Alumnae Chapter: yes Special Interests:
.Current AOTT Office:. • no
Alpha Lambda (Georgia Southern U) Beta Phi (Indiana U)
BetaTau (U ofToronto)
Delta Psi (State U of New York) Delta Rho (DePaul U)
Epsilon (Cornell U)
Gamma Chi (Carleton U) Gamma Omicron (U of Florida) Gamma Sigma (Georgia State U)
lota Chi (U ofW estern Ontario) Kappa Chi (Northwestern State U) Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky) Kappa Phi (McGill U)
Lambda Upsilon (Lehigh U) Sigma Alpha (W est Virginia U) Sigma Rho (Slippery Rock U) Tau Lambda (Shippensburg U) Tau Omega (Transylvania U)
R e p o r t i n g
t h e
death of a member? (Date of d e a t h : _
Please complete thisform, indicating the change above and return to:
AOn International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood.TN 37027
Please help AOFI save money! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 50$, in addition to the original cost of mailing. If you are moving or changing your name please notify us in advance. If you know of others who are not receiving their magazine, chances are we have an incorrect address for them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.
To Dragma/SUMMER 1997 55
ForaVolunteerApplication,please contact
Melanie Doyle, Alpha Omicron Pi
International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood.TN 37027
(615) 370-0920
Official Jewelry
Emporium Jewelry
J09 Monogram Recognition Pin
J10 Rose Recognition Pin
111 50 Year Pin
J12A Mother's Club Pin-P!ain JI2B Mother's Club Pin-Jeweled
J14 Pledge Ptn (can only be ordered fry chapter)
J15 Pledge Honor Pin (nut shoum)
(can onfo be ordered by chapter)
jn Plain Badge (A, 0 and 11 Polished)
JW Plain Badge (Polished A and II; Chased 0 )
J19 Jeweled Badge
(Crown Pearl 0 ; Chased A ami II)
J20 Jeweled Badge
(Crown Pearl A and 0 ; Pearl on tips of II)
J21 Honor Badge-Crown Ruby A (Chased
0 andII)(canonlybeorderedbychapter)
J2J Honor Badge-Crown Ruby A (Crown
Pearl 0 ; Chased II)
(can only be ordered by chapter)
$ — -
- -
- —
- - -
—.— 10.50* 35 CO' 14.00* 45.00* —
14K S 160.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 165.00 110.00 195.00 186.00 115.00
IOK $ 125.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 120.00 80.00 140.00 135.00 84.00
SS $75.00
jza 0
ss %—.—
Rings continued
—.— 5.00*
70.00 70.00
1.00* All badge orders must include initialed cfiapier, initials and mm '£(1 date.
— — —.— —.— —.— —
J34 President's Ring 220.00 160.00
Send with payment to: AOII International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., o Brentwood, T N 37027, U S A ,(615) 370-0920, (800) 746-7264
Badge Guard (not shown)
— . —
EMPORIUM JEWELRY Lava lieres/Pendants
•Emporium Item In Stock 14K
$95.00 100.00
30.00* 35.00* 52.00 35.00* 38.00*
110.00 110.00
100.00 85.00
Item* Description Qty Size 3 Initials Initiation Initiation Price Date Chapter
Notice: October 31 will be the tost day to place Christmas orders.
J01 Pearl Vertical Letter Lavaliere w/cruiin J01RP Alternating Ruby/Pearl Vertical Letter
Lavaliere w/chain
J02 Mini Vertical Letter Lavaliere w/chain J03 Rose Lavaliere w/chain
J03J •eled Rose Livaliere w/chain
J04 Vertical Lettet Lavaliere w/chain
J05 Heart Livaliere w/chain
J36 Badge Charm (Alumnae Only)
J36P Chased Badge Charm (Alumnae Only) J44 O F or S S Round Filigree Border Charm
J44E OF or SS Round Filigree Border Charm
w/Engraved AOII
J48 Pebble Border Charm w/Petite Rose J50 Ribbon Border Charm w/Petite Rose
! 115.00 130.00
45.00* 55.00 65.00 55.00* 55.00
140.00 140.00 — . —
— . —
— . —
$75.00 82.00
20.00* 20.00* 44.00 20.00* 20.00 52.00 52.00 34.00
25.00 25.00
Shipping & Handling
Up to (5.00 S5.OI-S25 0O »25.0!-$5MM 55MI-J75 0O $75 OI4100.0C
.AJJ $3-50 AJJ $5 50 Add 56 50 .Add $7.50 AJJ 5!s V
Subtotal Tennessee ResidentsAdd8.25% SalesTax ,
Shipping and Handling TOTAL .
All items must be prepaid.
All orders are non-returnable.
Cancelled orders are subject to 25% penalty. All prices subject to change without notice.
J23 Onyx Imperial Ring w/o Pearl Shanks
(not shown)
J24 Onyx Imperial Ring with Peatl Shanks
$175.00 180.00
i 135.00 140.00
•Emporium Item In Stock
14K 10K
• Check Card No:_ Name Address Ciry
Exp. Date
POSTMASTER-Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027
60.00* —.— —
108.00 108.00 166.00
185.00 175.00 195.00
60.00 50.00 —.— —.— 42.00
GK $10.00*
]25 —.— J28 —— J29
Wide Band Crest Ring Raised Letter Signature Ring Oval Incised Lettet Ring Vertical Incised Lettet Ring Vertical Rose Ctest Ring Mini Monogram Ring
Badge Ring (Alumnae Only) Rose Ring w/Pearls
M onogram Band Ring
$——. —.—
—.— — —.— —.—
—.— —
. —•—
SS $77.00
22.00* 22.00
22.00* 22.00
35.00 30.00
35.00 25.00
5 80.00
J31 J31RA J32 J35 J55 J56
55.00 —.— 55.00 —._ 55.00
Ring orders cannot be processed Bracelets
FREE E.VORAV/NU-Lmiit 3 imtiat ONLY. ring si;e
14K 10K GK SS
143 LavaHere Bracelet w/Rose Dangle J46 Ocragon Rose/Pearl Bracelet
J47 Rose Bracelet
Bar Pins
J52 Pearl Bar Pin w/Petite Rose Dangle J53 Plain Bat Pin w/Jeweled Rose
S— 336.00 360.00
14K $ - . - —.—
$ 205.00 247.00 246.00
10K $ 85.00 88.00
$ 90.00 112.00 140.00
GK $48.00 52.00
$90.00 112.00 —•— SS
$ - . - —.—
Please add 51 50 lor tverv 525.00 jherS 10000
(Jolklad (GK) is 14K Heavy Gold Electroplate. .Add $10.00 to I0K prices/or White Gold.
Badge not included with }55,}36
or J36P. Allotr eight weeks fan delivery.