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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-22 13:01:21

2006 Fall - To Dragma

Vol 71, No. 1

V O L . 71 Noll smaALPHA OMICRON Pi

< FALL 2 0 0 6

Dear Initiate,

onTe!o you, a new Founder of 'Alpha Omicruonnt Pn >\ t^wjwoy,feu, l* -we,lcome Irom an o\d

That you are, in very truth, a Founder, 1 as* you to believe.

For this order of ours is not sotfatwich,e—at, not a stone set ut> btoSnsr,Sa£ao* "lorv vou to
decorate today. It is like a field like a flowing and ~

That wheat field would have ended its fertility after its first harvest, had not
ready hands, each season, prepared it anew, re-sowed, re-tended, re-^athered.
That stream can not return to its first small rill, but must keep clearing, and
deepening its bed, must be strengthened all its way by pure and limpid and
steadfast tributaries.

Little sister, the wheat we have garnered, the wheat you must replant in our iie\u
of Alpha Omicron P i , is not for bread alone. The stream oi our lite is Livingater.
For our grain is an Ideal that nourisheth; our spring, — our Source, — is mtbe


So yours is a noble task: To feed your own life, Alpha Om\cronPVs\\le,^e\de oi
the hungry world, from the good seed just placed within your hands, Xo sa\l taw
vessels of rich cargoes on the stream you enter now.

May the Sun of Love ripen your field, the Pilot protect aii the ships on

In all things, let us remember that it is all the - ^ ^ sttxe^a e t
prospers the field, all drops flowing together that make one the

May you be happy in our union, little sister, and happ, m Vour tttf ^ «1
heart, I send you a Rose.



Contents Features

Departments 10 Back to the Table

7 Viewpoint Come back to the table w i t h us to discover how
8 Fraternity News mealtimes help strengthen family and sorority connections.
30 Reunions
36 Life Loyal A O I I 24 Leadership Institute 2006
44 From the A O I I Archives
46 Things We Love I f you missed L I 2006, you missed out on the Power
48 Foundation Focus of Friendship... Promise o f a Lifetime.

The Ruby Fund in Action 32 A Gift For You... A Gift For A O I I
Donor Profile: Blanche Chilcote
Foundation Scholarship Winners One sister shares her rewarding experience when
Saluting Philanthropic Success a dear friend becomes an alumna initiate.

54 Alumnae Chapter Profiles 34 The girls go cruisin'

N e w Y o r k / N e w Jersey Area Ten A O I I sisters set sail on a great adventure.
San Diego
38 Discovering Roses on a Family Tree
56 Alumnae News
59 Collegiate News This is a story o f coincidence between two loyal
62 Member Profile AOII volunteers.

World Class gymnast, Courtney Kupets, 70 Chi Phi ( U of Aiken) Installation
Lambda Sigma ( U o f Georgia)
Welcome to AOII's 180th collegiate chapter.
64 Collegiate Chapter Profiles
71 A O I I Foundation Annual Report
Tau ( U of Minnesota)
Delta Theta (Texas Woman's U ) The 2005-2006 Annual Report of Donors.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006 JI

T o DRAGMA • 3

To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron Pi A New Look.
Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The mission
of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and A New Feel.
inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our
chapters, our members, or Creek life; to encourage lifetime A New Attitude.
AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a
permanent record of our Fraternity's history. You hold i n your hands a new beginning for To
Dragma. The development o f this first issue has been
How to Contact To Dragma: a labor o f love, and we hope you are pleased w i t h the
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 new look and the new content. This issue introduces
(615) 370-0920 fax: (615) 371-9736 f u l l color design, more pages and a new binding. To
[email protected] Dragma w i l l feature more stories about our members and chapters, and we pledge to bring you interesting
feature stories that have an A O I I connection. We've
How to Update Your Name or Address: also added f u n new sections, such as "Things We
Go to Update Profile on the private side of the AOII website Love," "Reunions," "From the A O I I Archives," and
( or email your old and new address even a "Top 10 List."
to [email protected]. You may also call the AOII
HQ receptionist at (615) 370-0920. These exciting changes are occuring i n an effort to position the magazine
for a successful future. N o t long ago, 7b Dragma was the only vehicle that
A Note to Parents of Collegians: the Fraternity used to reach our entire membership. Today, the A O I I
Your daughter's magazine is b e i n g mailed to her home website, inCircle, AlphaLink and e-communications have widened our
address while she is in college. If your daughter is no longer options as thousands of members stay connected i n new ways. Publishing
in college or living at home, please send us her updated and mailing To Dragma to our entire membership is one ot the most
address, as indicated above. expensive costs the fraternity incurs each year. We are currently mailing
each issue to over 82,000 members w i t h thousands ot copies going unread
Managing Editor or being returned to us undeliverable. Alumnae make up 91.5% o f our
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) readership, yet a collegiate new member fee has been funding To Dragma for
decades. The pressing question we face is, " H o w do we deliver To Dragma
Assistant Editor to the people who want to read it at a cost we can afford?"
Erin Burcham, Zeta (U of Nebraska - Lincoln)
The first major change towards accomplishing that goal is to begin
Creative Director publishing three times a year, rather than four. We w i l l spend more of our
Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U) magazine budget on the pages you read rather than the postage to deliver
it to you, thus you w i l l receive more pages and a better magazine for
Graphic Designer about the same cost. Another important change w i l l effect the magazine's
Whitney Frazier, Rho Omicron (Middle TN State U) distribution and w i l l occur slowly over the next six years. For the next
t w o years (Fall 2006-Summer 2008), every A O I I w i l l continue to receive
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity three yearly issues o f To Dragma. Before any distribution changes take place,
promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic everyone w i l l receive six issues o f the new, expanded magazine. Then, for
excellence and lifelong learning, and developing leadership the following t w o years (Fall 2008-Summer 2010), members not in one
skills through service to the Fraternity and community. of 4 specific groups, w i l l receive t w o o f the three published issues. For the
Founded at Barnard College in New York City, January 2, final t w o years o f this six-year process (Fall 2010-Summer 2012), members
1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella not in one o f the groups w i l l receive just one issue of the three issues we
George Stern Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. w i l l publish each year.

International President ISSUE NO.1 • FALL 2006
Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U)

Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)

Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Panhellenic
Conference and the College Fraternity Editors Association.



Four groups o f connected members w i l l never We realize these changes w i l l be met w i t h resistance f r o m many
experience a disruption i n distribution, and who w i l l point out that they paid a one-time fee to receive a
beginning w i t h the fall issue o f 2012, you w i l l lifetime subscription to our magazine. I n the 1930s, income
need to be a member o f one o f these groups to f r o m voluntary subscriptions was not sufficient to cover expenses
continue to receive To Dragma. and the fraternity leaders believed that requiring a new member
fee would provide enough income to continue publishing the
• Collegiate Members. You w i l l receive the magazine f r o m magazine. The women behind this concept could not, i n their
initiation until you take alumnae status. wildest imagination, have anticipated the cost of publishing i n
the 21st century. I n the last 75 years, membership numbers have
• Life L o y a l A O I I Members. A subscription to To Dragma is increased ten-fold, paper and publishing costs have sky-rocketed,
just one of the many benefits of your Life Loyal A O I I membership. and the escalating cost of postage has made their brilliant idea
A portion of your membership fee of $299 w i l l be endowed to financially impossible to fulfill today.
guarantee that you continue receiving the magazine for life.
The Fraternity Executive Board did not arrive at this decision easily.
• Dues paying Alumnae Chapter Members - Your local We all remain committed to our magazine, and the responsibility
alumnae chapter dues also serve as an annual subscription to you have intrusted in us requires we always exercise sound financial
To Dragma. As long as dues are current, your subscription w i l l management. It is our ultimate wish that all alumnae w i l l choose
continue. Typical alumnae chapter dues are $35-$50 per year. Visit to remain connected through 77) Dragma. For the betterment of the to locate the chapter nearest you. Fraternity and for our magazine, please consider becoming a Life
Loyal A O I I member today!
• A n n u a l Subscribers - For $25 a year, you can purchase an
annual subscription to To Dragma. Regards,
Maricllen Perkinson Sasseen,
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), Managing Editor

Timeline for the Transition:

Timeline for 3 issues per year 3 issues per year 3 issues per year 3 issues per year
Life Loyal

Dues Paying

and Annual

Timeline for Access To Dmgma
those not in feature stories via

one of the AOII Website.
above groups
Fraternity contact
Schedule 3 issues per year issues per year issue per year still available by
Fall 2006 - Summer 2008 Fall 2008 - Summer 2010 Fall 2 0 1 0 - S u m m e r 2012 email correspondence
and direct mail

Fall 2012 and Forward

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006 To DRAGMA • 5


Many o f us love co travel to explore and discover new places. D u r i n g our travels we explore the
past, present, and wonder what the future w i l l hold. Many times we return to a favorite vacation
spot and find new and exciting changes have taken place. In the same way A O I I continually
explores w h o we are and what we do by honoring and preserving our past while adapting to the
ever-changing world around us. I would like to share w i t h you some o f the new and exciting
things advancing A O I I into the future.

First, one of the most thrilling changes occurring w i t h i n A O I I is the new direction of To Dragma.
Beginning w i t h this edition, you w i l l notice it being bigger, bolder and better than ever before.
To Dragma w i l l contain more pages, more feature stories, more member and chapter profiles,
more information and more photos, which w i l l comprise a publication more reflective of the
interests and achievements of AOII's membership. I am very proud of what our publication staff
has created for us to enjoy and cherish. I look forward to the growth and development o f our
award winning publication.

Another exciting new development this year was the introduction o f Fulfilling the Promise at
AOII's Leadership Institute in June. Fulfilling the Promise is a not a new program. It is a new
framework to develop programming for our collegiate and alumnae members that supports the
mission of A O I I . The framework allows us to organize all we do i n A O I I into the following four
categories: A Promise to Live our Values, A Promise to Learn, A Promise to Lead and A Promise
to Serve. I invite you to learn more about Fulfilling the Promise on our website.

At the 2 0 0 5 International Convention, Council passed the Nomination/Election Process for the
Executive Board Resolution. The resolution called for a task force to be appointed w i t h their
mission to study, review, and make recommendations to the nomination and election process for
International Executive Board members while remembering that Alpha Omicron Pi was founded
on democratic principles; thereby, ensuring that all policies, procedures, and criteria
for nominating and electing members o f the International Executive Board are fair
and impartial. I am proud and delighted to report the task force accomplished their
mission! We have a new process that w i l l be utilized for the 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 9 Executive Board
Nomination and Election Process.

Something that has become a new favorite past time of mine is inCircle. The Fraternity,
in partnership with the A O I I Foundation, launched inCircle - AOII's sisterhood
network. Since April, thousands o f AOIIs have connected or reconnected with sisters
to discuss a wide range o f topics, share experiences, and build relationships w i t h other
sisters who may live i n their area, across the U.S. and Canada, or around the globe. It is
truly a marvelous tool and I hope you w i l l take time to explore. You can access inCircle
from our website.

A l l o f our advances, new programs and processes would not have been possible i f it
weren't for the talents, dedication and hard work of our members and professional staff.
Thank you! I am confident together we can do anything! As Margaret Mead once said, "Never
underestimate the power o f a dedicated group o f individuals to change things; indeed it is the
only thing that ever has."

Roses and my best,

Susan Danko, International President

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6

RATERNITY A/EWS Fulfilling the Promise

Three New AOII Colonies 1897 Club for A O I I is pleased to launch Fulfilling the Promise, an
Recent easily accessible online menu of educational resources for
Extension and colonization offer exciting possibilities Graduates all collegiate and alumnae members. It is a framework
for Alpha Omicron Pi and we are thrilled to report that organizes educational materials into four categories:
colonization efforts are underway at the following three Recent graduates who A Promise to Live our Values, A Promise to Learn, A
universities: The U of Arkansas, Fayetteville, A R ; j o i n the 1897 Club w i l l Promise to Lead, and A Promise to Serve. These four
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, receive a framed rose print areas illustrate key elements of what we value in A O I I
I N ; and The U of La Verne, La Verne, C A . For more from the Foundation. A as drawn from our Mission Statement. This framework
information on these efforts, visit the A O I I website or quarterly tax-deductible provides for easy location of materials from which all
contact Rebecca Myers, Extension and Colonization gift of $18.97 w i l l grant collegiate and alumnae chapters can access a wide variety
Administrator, [email protected]. you membership in this of resources. New materials w i l l be developed and added
giving society and will based upon requests and interests.
Support the Foundation support the good works
on of the Foundation. Visit Fulfilling the Promise is designed for every A O I I from new members to alumnae. In creating Fulfilling the
Did you know you can generate $0.01 for the A O I I to join today! Promise, another aspect that was considered was that
Foundation every time you search the internet by using education needed to respond to the needs of members Go to and New at different stages o f membership in A O I I . A collegian
designate the A O I I Foundation as your charity of choice. Scholarship in her first year of college and first year within A O I I has
Every penny counts when thousands participate. Available information to learn that is specific to this phase of mem-
bership. A senior in college has interests focused on life
Convention 2007 The AOII Foundation beyond college, and she needs more detailed information
Award Nominations will award the Alumnae about lite as an alumna. Alumnae have yet other needs
Chapter Honor Scholar- and interests. Therefore, there was the intent to recog-
Numerous award nomination forms for Convention ship tor the first time at nize the needs o f various stages and offer opportunities
2007 can be accessed on the A O I I website at Convention 2007. The and topics that respond to each one. A l l Fraternity awards w i l l be posted scholarship is designated
after November I . Nomination requirements and dead- to a dues-paying alumnae A l l topics are available in one organized menu of op-
lines are specified on each form and can be found in the chapter member. Applica- tions. In addition, community and campus resources
M y A O I I Officer Resource Library. Likewise, the A O I I tions are available at w w w . abound on practically every topic of interest to women
Foundation w i l l present the Barbara Daugs Hunt Award, and today. By incorporating all of these A O I I materials
which recognizes an alumna for lifetime service to the due by March 1,2007. and encouraging use of outside resources, chapters can
Foundation. This Foundation award application can be develop plans that are tailored to meet their chapter goals
found online at and must be and members' needs.
submitted bv March t, 2007.
New members can access an abbreviated version on the
public side of the A O I I website under Lifelong Learn-
ing. A l l initiated members w i l l find the comprehensive
format on the private side of the A O I I website. Fulfilling
the Promise can be accessed under the M y Community
tab. Materials w i l l continually be developed and added
to further meet chapter and member needs.

Initial and ongoing development o f Fulfilling the
Promise is made possible by a grant f r o m the
AOII Foundation.

Fulfilling the Promise.

8 • To DRAG MA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006

GoVote 2006 IWinter] To Dragma and AOII Honored

Alpha Omicron Pi encourages our members to EMPO Alpha O m i c r o n Pi is a long-standing member
participate in G O V O T E 06, a non-partisan program of the College Fraternity Editors Association.
sponsored by the Capital Fraternal Caucus, which Comprised of member organizations from N P C ,
represents sorority and fraternity national organizations N I C , PFA and N P H C , about 95 fraternal
in Washington, D.C. representatives gathered i n Memphis last May for
the association's annual conference.
Only 50% o f 18-24 year old women voted in the
2004 presidential election, according to The Center Fellow Greek editors, designers and communicators
for Information and Research on Civic Learning and came together to learn, share ideas and build i n -
Engagement. O u r Founders hoped the women o f terfraternal relationships. One of the highlights o f
A O I I would set a standard of excellence during their each C F E A conference is the awards banquet. In a
collegiate years, and carry that excellence on through- year that was reported to have the largest number o f
out the remainder o f their lives. A O I I Founder Jessie award entries by the most member groups ever, A O I I
Wallace Hughan is one of many examples of a tireless and To Dragma were highly honored, receiving the
crusader for political and social causes. following awards:

G O V O T E 06 is a program which provides sororities 1st place - Cover Design
and fraternities with the tools needed to set up voter In this very competitive and coveted category, To
registration drives, give rides to those who need help Dragma w o n 1st place w i t h the cover o f our Spring
getting to a polling location, and educate the public 2005 issue featuring the sheaf of wheat. The judges
regarding the importance of registering and voting. comments referred to this cover as "a clear winner i n
The program also encourages Greek organizations to the category."
work with one another on their campuses to promote
registration and voting. 1st place - C r i t i c s C h o i c e
This is a separate cover design category voted on
W i t h the November elections quickly approaching, by CFEA members rather than independent design
chapters may want to work with other campus Greek judges. O u r adorable A O I I snowman f r o m the
organizations to organize an effort encouraging Greeks W i n t e r 2005 issue was the w i n n i n g entry.
and independents on campus to vote.
1st place - Promotional Publication
For more information and to learn how your chapter can This award honored the 2005-2006 Emporium
participate in G O V O T E 2006, go to the Capital Frater- catalog. The judge commented that our catalog
nal Caucus Web site at was as good as any catalog found anywhere in the

3rd place - A O I I Website
A O I I received an award in this highly competitive
category again this year. The judges commented that
the site had "great organization o f a huge amount o f
well-written material."

3rd place - Greek Life News Article
This w r i t i n g award honored To Dragma for the article
"Then and N o w , " Spring 2005, by Carole Jones and
Mariellen Sasseen. The article highlighted campus
life each quarter century since 1905.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006 To DRAGMA • 9


to the

!()• T o DRAGMA By Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), Managing Editor

For generations, families have gathered around
the dinner table to enjoy good food, laughter and
storytelling. For many, the evening meal is the only
chance the whole family has to be together at the
same time. With today's busy lifestyles, some families
can only manage that togetherness a few times a
week, but studies indicate that eating even a few
meals together each week will make a difference.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6

Photos opnQaj00llKg&wop photo) Geotge Doyle/Stock byte Platinum/Getty Images;

pagUfi:(bottom pKoto) Rolf Br jderer/BlencyAges/Getty Images. Photo this page: EricAudra!
UrotoAlto/Gerty Images. Photo Stockbyte/Stockbyte Platinum/Getty Images.

Several studies show that families who regularly share A wholesome meal doesn't need to be elaborate or ...those who
mealtimes together strengthen family connections and expensive to be good or good for you. Keeping it regularly eat
help their children maintain better nutrition, improve simple and sticking to the basics can help families meals with their
classroom grades, and even decrease the risk for obesity serve a variety of great tasting food. Remind yourself families, tend to
and substance abuse. A survey of high-achieving it's okay to add a ready-made sauce or marinade to be happier with
teenagers even revealed that those who regularly eat stir f r y or baked chicken or beef. Purchase a freshly their present
meals w i t h their families, tend to be happier w i t h their roasted chicken f r o m the supermarket and serve it life and their
present life and their prospects for the future. w i t h a green salad and a vegetable or fruit. O r use the prospects for
roasted chicken to make your family's favorite chicken the future.
When you cook and serve meals at home, you have casserole. Make two casseroles while you are at it, one
more control over your food choices. According to the to eat now and one to freeze for later.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, children
who regularly eat family meals consume more fruits, Does your family love Mexican, Italian or Chinese?
vegetables and fewer snack foods than children who Today's families have a wide variety o f tastes and
eat separately f r o m their families. parents can introduce children to new exotic flavors

ISSUE NO.1 • FALL 2 0 0 6 T o DRAGMA • 11

Table Talk

For parents, mealtime is their best opportunity to
get kids talking about their day, both the good and
the bad. For kids they should have their parents'
undivided attention, so turn o f f the T V and let the
answering machine pick up the phone. Enjoy each
other's company and talk to each other.

Communicating as a family is sometimes easier said
than done. Kids think their parents are prying into
their lives. Parents give up asking after responses all
become one-word answers. There is no better way for
kids to learn social skills and a sense of belonging than
to engage i n conversation about each others thoughts,
opinions, desires and dreams. This is true for kids o f
all ages. A t A O I I Conventions and other meetings, a
common practice during meals is to hold round table
discussions on selected topics. Fifty tables may be
scattered through the room, each featuring one of a
dozen or more different topics. Attendees pick a topic
they feel comfortable sharing about and have a seat
at the table. Discussions often drift to other subjects,
but the conversation starter is a great way to turn an
awkward situation into a comfortable one.

in not too exotic ways. Children w i l l mimic their This idea can easily be transferred to the dinner
parents' attitudes about foods, so occasionally try a table to get your family or your sorority sisters at the
new food yourself. Parents who are w i l l i n g to explore chapter house talking. Family Fun Magazine writer,
new tastes and new ways of cooking w i l l inspire their Karen Telleen-Lawton wanted to make dinner a
children to do the same. more f u l f i l l i n g time for her family so she dreamed
up a dinner time game she named Table Topics.
Put the family meal on the calendar so everyone She came up w i t h a variety o f thought provoking
knows it is a priority. Get the kids involved in selecting questions and placed them on slips of paper in a
the foods they love and helping prepare the meal. basket on the dinner table. Family members choose
They are more likely to try new foods when they have a question to answer f r o m the basket and no one
had a hand in the selection and the preparation. The else is allowed to speak u n t i l the speaker requests
family meal does not always need to be a dinner. A n comments. Questions could be "What is your
occasional Saturday morning breakfast or brunch o f favorite thing to do that doesn't cost money?," " I f
blueberry pancakes or fresh omelets is always worth you could go anywhere this weekend, where would
getting up early for. I f one member of the family ends it be and why?," " W h o is the funniest person you
up w i t h a last minute conflict and misses the meal, know?," or " H o w do you cheer yourself up when
don't fall apart. Enjoy the meal anyway and keep you are feeling down?" Karen found that her kids
trying. It's the long term results that w i l l pay o f f for loved the undivided attention and looked forward
your entire family. to their nightly game. Their practice of regular
communication brought them closer together as a
family while they learned more about each other.

A O I I collegiate and alumnae members can easily
do this activity at meal times, too. Whether sisters
come to the table together i n a sorority house every
night or gather for sisterhood dinners at their favorite
restaurant, these are f u n , easy ways to learn more
about vour sisters.

12 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO.1 • FALL 2006


Much has been wi i I ten and said about the lack
r table manners among today's young
t is also becoming common for employers

ake prospects on lunch interviews to see if they
exhibit the basic rules of etiquette. While time
spent at the dinner table continues to dwindle,
expectations on how to properly handle yourself
does not. It's never too early to introduce children
to table etiquette. Manners stressed at home will
eventually become habits which children w i U ^ e for
the rest of their lives. Learning these basic tniPners

arly will save them much embarrassment later.

• Wash your hands before sitting down.
• Leave your toys, books, and pets behind.
• When you sit down, place the napkin in your lap.
• Sit up straight and don't slouch.
• Ask politely for dishes to be passed. Never

reach across the table.
•Wait until everyone is served before starting^ftent.
• If grace's said, wait to eat until it is c o m p l e i ^ ^ ^ ^

Don't giggle during grace.
• Never play with your food.
• Keep your elbows off the table while you

are eating.
• Pass the salt and pepper shakers together.
• Never chew with your mouth open.
• Never talk with a mouth full of food.
• Use utensils quietly without banging them on

the table or plate.
• Place your knife softly on the edge

of the plate when not in use.
• Use a butter knife. The butter goes on your

dinner or bread plate, and the knife stays with
the butter plate.
• Ask to be excused from the table.
• Clear your plate from the table and take it
into the kitchen.

I tell the girls, if you like what you do,
you'll always do a better job.

Meet Wilbur Williams

W i l b u r is the chef at Kappa Omega ( U o f Kentucky). I n his
t h i r d year w i t h A O I I , he's developed quite a reputation for
delicious homemade desserts, scratch cooking and the best
food presentation on campus. This Kentucky native has
been i n food service most o f his life. W h e n he complained
about his early wages as a dishwasher and waiter, his
grandfather suggested he learn to cook - and learn he did.
He's been cooking for over 31 years at area hotels and
country clubs. He even tested his craft i n California for a
while, but California's high cost o f l i v i n g and his Kentucky
roots called h i m back home.

It's Wilbur's scratch cooking that garners the highest praise.
His homemade pies feature mounds o f meringue and his
macaroni and cheese is made w i t h fresh ingredients rather
than purchased frozen f r o m a food vendor. Sarah A n n Roark,
Kappa Omega V P A says, " W i l b u r really prides himself on the
awesome food that he makes. He goes out o f his way to cook
foods that we like, and he makes them taste just like our moms
would make. His Chicken Cordon Bleu, lasagna, and his
amazing chicken salad are some o f our favorites."

W i l b u r brings the Kappa Omega's back to the table
every weekday for lunch and dinner. Monday nights are
chapter nights, so W i l b u r prepares and serves dinner for
approximately 90 members. There's always a fresh salad
bar and he often bakes something special, like blueberry
muffins, to leave for the girls' breakfast the next m o r n i n g .

The girls love his birthday cakes, his homemade cookies and
his friendly personality. "This place is just m y speed," notes
Wilbur. " I enjoy my job. I tell the girls, i f you like what you
do, you'll always do a better job."

1 4 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6

Functional Foods

Whether you are grabbing a snack on the go, or
sitting down to the table for a family meal, don't
leave good nutrition behind. Foods that provide

enefits beyond basic nutrition are called
al foods. These foods are believed by
many to play a role in reducing your risk of disease
or enhancing your health. Research has shown
that regularly eating functional foods in a balanced
diet can improve your health and reduce the risk
many acute and chronic diseases.

No one's diet should change based on a single
source of information and one person's success

food does not necessarily mean that the
same foods will work for everyone. By eating a
variety of foods, including functional foods, on
a regular basis, you may help decrease some
specific disease risk factors.

Focus on Functional Foods


Lower L D L and total cholesterol; Reduces risk o f heart disease.
Nuts contain the antioxidant vitamin E, are an excellent source o f protein
and magnesium and provide fiber. They contain the B vitamin folate and
phosphorus, and even calcium. This healthy snack is good for you i n moderation.
Studies have shown that eating one ounce (a small handful) o f almonds five times
a week reduces heart disease i n people w i t h high cholesterol. Add them to your
cereal or add them to trail m i x for variety.


Reduce risk o f cancer.
According to the USDA, blueberries are one o f the most effective disease-fighting
antioxidant foods. They top a list o f 40 other fruits, juices and vegetables. They
are also high i n fiber and nearly fat free. M a k i n g delicious foods, snacks, drinks
and desserts w i t h blueberries is simple. Make a delicious f r u i t smoothie w i t h
frozen blueberries, low-fat yogurt and orange juice. Toss blueberries into your
favorite pancake or muffin recipe for a morning treat. You can even make those
i n advance and warm them up in the morning for a quick breakfast.


Reduces total and L D L cholesterol levels.
Eating this whole-grain, high-fiber, low-fat food is a great way to start your
day. It is a great source o f iron and when served w i t h m i l k , a great source o f
calcium. A bowl o f oatmeal every day has been proven to lower cholesterol.
High-fiber diets have also been shown to decrease the risk o f heart disease
and aid i n weight management. Oatmeal is also exceptionally delicious in baked
goods such as muffins and oatmeal cookies.


Improves mental and visual function. H i g h in Omega-3 fatty acids, protein,
potassium, Vitamins D , E and phosphorus, this powerhouse fish packs a punch
in the fight to reduce heart disease. Eatingjust 6 ounces a week provides heart
health benefits.


Reduce risk o f prostate cancer and heart attack.
Tomatoes are high in Vitamin C and lycopene which
has shown to help decrease the risk for developing
cancers. Many red fruits and vegetables are considered
nutritional powerhouses due to the antioxidant
components in their pigment which gives them
their color.

16 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6

Avocado Flax Seed Spinach Whole Grains

Reduces risk o f Reduces risk o f Maintains healthy Reduce risk o f certain
heart disease, h i g h heart disease, h i g h vision. cancers and heart
blood pressure and blood pressure and disease.
osteoporosis. osteoporosis. Strawberries
Red Wine,
Beans Garlic May lower blood Grapes &
pressure, reduce the risk Grape Juice
Reduce risk o f heart Reduces risk o f cancer. o f heart disease and some
disease and diabetes. Lowers cholesterol levels cancers, and improve Reduce risk o f
and blood pressure. memory. cardiovascular disease
Broccoli and cancer.
Hot Cocoa Tea,
Lowers L D L cholesterol. black & green Yogurt
Reduces risk o f cancer. Reduces risk o f cancer (cultured dairy
Maintains healthy and heart disease. Reduces risk for products)
i m m u n e system. stomach, esophageal, and
Milk skin cancers, and heart Improves intestinal
Cheese disease. health.
Reduces risk o f Reduces risk o f cancer.
M a y decrease risk o f osteoporosis, high blood Tuna Reduces cholesterol.
certain cancers. pressure and colon
cancer. Reduces risk o f heart
Chocolate disease.
Olive Oil
M a y decrease risk for Walnuts
cardiovascular disease. Reduces heart disease
risk by improving Enhance mental
Citrus Fruits cholesterol levels. functioning.
Lower total and L D L
Reduce risk o f certain Soy cholesterol and reduces
cancers. risk o f heart disease.
Reduces risk o f heart
Cranberries disease.
Reduces risk o f certain
Improve urinary tract cancers in some people.
health and prevent Lowers L D L cholesterol.
infection. Eases menopausal
Reduce risk o f heart symptoms.

There are a number of credible information
sources on functional foods and their health
benefits, including the following: (Dairy Council of California) (American Dietetic Association) (Functional Foods for Health program) (International Food Information Council)

ISSUE N O . 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6

A Fun and Festive
Dinner Menu for
Family or Friends

AOIIs love to eat and many even love to
cook. AOII's Executive Administrator, Liz
Newnam, Rho Omicron (Middle Tennes-
see State U) demonstrates how to prepare a
simple, yet delicious, meal for your family or
friends. As easy as it was to prepare in the
AOII International Headquarters kitchen,
it will be even more festive and entertain-
ing served in your home or chapter house.
Make it a priority to get back to the table
and enjoy all the many benefits that good
food and conversation brings.

1 The Menu

Chicken Enchiladas

Simple Mexican Rice

Refried Beans

Guacamole & Tortilla Chips

Apple Enchilada Dessert

Chicken Enchiladas C o o k chicken w i t h seasonings. Remove
c h i c k e n f r o m b o n e s a n d c h o p fine. M i x
4 c h i c k e n breasts ( b o i l e d i n VA qt. water, chicken, o n i o n , cream cheese and cheddar
seasoned w i t h 1 tsp. pepper, 2 tsp. salt, cheese i n large b o w l . Place the chicken
1 tsp. chicken base or 1 chicken b o u i l l o n m i x t u r e d o w n center o f each o f the 1 0
cube —save b r o t h ) tortillas. R o l l up and place i n a 1 3 x 9
1 finely chopped onion i n c h b a k i n g d i s h a f t e r first a d d i n g a l i t t l e
3 oz. softened cream cheese sauce i n the b o t t o m o f the pan.
VA c u p grated cheddar cheese
10 flour t o r t i l l a s (can use c o r n tortillas) F o r Sauce: M e l t b u t t e r a n d s t i r i n flour.
A d d broth. Stir until it comes to a boil.
Sauce: R e m o v e f r o m heat and stir i n sour cream
!4 cup butter and green chilies. Put a little sauce i n
1 cup sour cream b a k i n g dish, then p o u r rest o f sauce over
% c u p flour rolled tortillas. Sprinkle with Monterey
1 can chopped green chilies Jack cheese.
VA -2 cups reserved b r o t h
1 cup M o n t e r e y Jack cheese, shredded B a k e 3 0 m i n u t e s at 3 5 0 degrees.

ISSUE N O . 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6 To DRAGMA • 1 9

t 1 I

J :

2 0 • To DRAGMA Guacamole

2 avocados
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 lime
Salt and pepper to taste
(Can add one small ripe chopped tomato,
i f preferred)

Cut the avocados into halves. Remove the
seeds, and scoop out the p u l p i n t o a small
bowl. Use a fork to mash the avocado. Stir
i n onion, garlic, and squeeze lime juice
over all. A d d salt and pepper. C h i l l for
h a l f an h o u r t o b l e n d flavors. Serve w i t h
tortilla chips.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6

Simple Mexican Rice Preheat oven to 3 5 0 degrees.
Heat the oil i n a large skillet over m e d i u m
2 tablespoons vegetable oil heat. A d d the onion, peppers and garlic;
1 onion, chopped c o o k and stir u n t i l o n i o n is translucent. Stir
1 green pepper, chopped in the chili powder and cumin and cook
1 red pepper, chopped for about 3 0 seconds. A d d the rice, chicken
1 teaspoon minced garlic broth and tomato juice and bring to a boil.
1 tablespoon chili powder Transfer to a 2 - q u a r t casserole dish and
1 teaspoon ground c u m i n cover w i t h foil. Bake for 3 5 to 4 0 minutes
2 cups uncooked short grain white rice or u n t i l all l i q u i d has been absorbed and the
1 Vi cups c h i c k e n b r o t h rice is tender. Let rest f o r 3 to 5 minutes
1 cup tomato juice before serving.

• 1



I Jt.




Enjoying our fiesta dinner are several members of the AOI1 Executive Board. Scared left to right: Kathy Jensen, Director of Alumnae Chapters; Linda Crandolfo, Director
of Collegiate Chapters; Susan Danko, International President; and Metallic Doyle, Executive Director.

I S S U K N O . 1 • FALL. 2 0 0 6 To DKAGMA • 2 1

Apple Enchilada Dessert

1 (21 ounce) can apple pie filling R o l l up tortillas and place seam side d o w n
6 (8 i n c h ) flour t o r t i l l a s in a lightly greased 8 x 8 baking pan. B r i n g
C i n n a m o n to taste margarine, sugars and water to a b o i l in
% cup margarine a m e d i u m sauce pan. Reduce heat and
/4 cup granulated sugar simmer, stirring constantly for 3 minutes.
XA c u p packed b r o w n sugar Pour sauce evenly over tortillas; sprinkle
Vi c u p w a t e r with extra cinnamon on top if desired.
Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes or
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. until golden.
Sprinkle tortillas front and back w i t h
cinnamon. Spoon fruit evenly onto all Makes 6 tortillas. Note: In the photos
tortillas, sprinkle fruit with cinnamon. above, w e doubled this recipe to serve 12.

22 • To DRAG MA

Ideas from inCircle

Besides being a great way to stay connected, AOII's online
community, inCircle, is a great resource tool. For example,
the following two recipes were posted by AOII sisters to the
community called "Easy Meals." Both are fast, easy and feature
one or more functional foods. Enjoy!

Seven Layer Dip Fast Blueberry Muffins

Great for cookouts or Mexican Night: Here's a quick favorite:

-Take one 16 oz. sour cream and m i x it 1 % c u p a l l - p u r p o s e flour
w i t h 1 p k g o f taco seasoning a n d set aside. % cup sugar
-Take one can o f refried beans and spread !4 teaspoon salt
i n t o the b o t t o m o f a glass b a k i n g dish (9x13 2 teaspoons baking powder
is a g o o d size). 1 beaten egg
-Then take your sour cream mixture and % cup milk
layer it on top o f refried beans. % cup cookingoil
-Then layer w i t h shredded Mexican or taco % cup fresh or frozen blueberries
cheese. ( O p t i o n a l - m y favorite secret ingredient-
- N e x t y o u can use chopped tomatoes, 1 teaspoon finely shredded lemon peel
chopped green onions, sliced black olives, -yellow part only-not the rind.)
chopped green chiles, sliced jalapenos, or
any of your favorite Mexican toppings. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. M i x d r y
- O n c e all o f those are layered, serve w i t h goods i n a bowl and make a well in the
tortilla chips and enjoy! center. A l l at once, add egg, m i l k , and
o i l t o flour/dry m i x t u r e . S t i r j u s t u n t i l
I usually make this ahead o f time and it moistened. Batter should be lumpy. Fold
is easily r e f r i g e r a t e d . Y o u can also add in blueberries and l e m o n zest last. Lightly
g u a c a m o l e o r g r o u n d b e e f as a layer as w e l l . grease m u f f i n cups or line w i t h b a k i n g
T o m a k e it a little healthier, use fat free sour cups. Fill 2/3 full. Bake 20 minutes or
cream and fat free refried beans. until golden. Makes 10-12.

Posted by: Sarah Baker, Posted by: Bobra Doiroia;
Alpha C h i (Western Kentucky U ) Iota ( U o f Illinois)

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006


V June 23-25, 2 0 0 6 , marked AOII's much
anticipated sixth Leadership Institute.
i\ Almost 6 0 0 AOIIs traveled to the Cool
Springs M a r r i o t t i n Franklin, Tennessee to
I participate in comprehensive programming
designed to prepare our members to "Live,
To DRAGMA Learn, Lead, and Serve".

N e w Collegiate N e t w o r k Specialists
arrived on Wednesday to begin training
for their n e w l y appointed v o l u n t e e r
positions. Executive Board, Foundation
Board, Network Directors, and Network
Specialists all began meetings on Thursday,
and the E m p o r i u m opened its doors to eager
customers anxious to view all of the new
merchandise. F r o m pandas to picture frames,
shopping bags were f u l l o f great n e w ways to
showcase the fraternity.

The majority ot the Leadership Institute
attendees arrived on Friday. Collegiate and
alumnae members packed the lobby with
luggage and excitement for the weekend's
festivities. The m o r n i n g and afternoon were
filled w i t h meetings and t r a i n i n g sessions
and, o f course, more E m p o r i u m shopping!

D u r i n g the afternoon on Friday and later
Sunday afternoon, attendees had the
opportunity to visit A O I I International
Headquarters a short drive away in
B r e n t w o o d , Tennessee. A O I I ' s h o m e is a
daily reminder o f our outstanding history
and membership. Highlights o f the tours
included the Rose Garden and Brick
Walkway, Archives Museum, and the
Leadership and Conference Centers.


I.SSUF. N O . 1 • F A L L 2 0 0 6


The weekend officially kicked-off with 1'
the Fulfilling the Promise dinner. After A ARTH
s e t t l i n g i n , attendees h a d a chance t o see
the latest i n E m p o r i u m fashion modeled by
several L I attendees. T h e E m p o r i u m then
honored several chapters for their support
throughout the year.

A f t e r dinner, Susan Danko, International
President, welcomed everyone and began
the evening's program by recognizing
several officers and committees. Keynote
speaker D r . Lori Hart Ebert, Delta 1 )dta
(Auburn U ) eloquently spoke on " M a k i n g
A O I I Great!" inspiring everyone to do
their best for the fraternity.

Next, Executive Board Director of
Alumnae Chapters, Kathy Jensen, and
Executive Board Directors o f Collegiate
Chapters, Phyllis Gilson and Linda
Grandolfo, took the podium to announce
the W o m e n o f Leadership Awards to
alumnae and collegiate members w h o
demonstrate leadership in A O I I , their
campus or careers, and their c o m m u n i t y .
Alumnae recipients o f the Woman o f
Leadership Award include: Bonnie Lefever
Sutherland, Beta Kappa ( U o f British
Columbia); N i k k i D A m a t o , Epsilon
(Cornell U ) ; Sky Ruhlman Louapre, Pi
(Tulane U ) ; and Bridget Pfeiffer Scanlon,
Theta Pi (Wagner College).

Collegiate winners include: Catherine
McCord, Alpha Delta ( U of Alabama);
Meghan Stringer, Alpha Delta ( U o f
Alabama); Ashley Neuman, C h i Lambda

riendship... Promise of a Lifetime

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6 To DRAGMA • 25

( U of Evansville); Devon Caroulis,
Delta Sigma (San Jose State U ) ; Brigette
Soderlind, Gamma Delta ( U o f South
Alabama); and Kelsey Blankenship, Tau
O m e g a (Transylvania U ) . Past International
President and Perry Award Committee
Chairman Barbara Hunt, Phi Delta ( U o f
Wisconsin-Milwaukee) awarded the Stella
George Stern Perry Award to A m y Jo
Smith, Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky
U ) . See sidebar f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n the
Perry Award recipient.

O n Friday evening, the first o f four
Learning Paths for the conference started,
and each attendee was able to select a
breakout session that w o u l d personally
enrich her life through living, learning,
leading, and serving. Featured topics
ranged from "Healthy Choices" to "Travel
Savvy" to " W o r k and Life Balance." A l l
the Learning Paths gave attendees a way
to individualize their experience and
education. Numerous handouts from
the Learning Paths are available on the
A O I I website for any A O I I m e m b e r to
reference. (From
l o g o n to the M y A O I I private area w i t h
your member number and password and
follow this path: M y Community/Officer
Resource Library/Leadership Institute.)
Friday evening concluded w i t h an
entertaining Sisterhood Trivia Challenge.

Saturday's first Power Session, " O p e n
Roads, O p e n M i n d s , " was led by Steve
Uzzell, award w i n n i n g photographer and
former Assistant Editor o f National Geo-
graphic. T h r o u g h his inspirational words
and breathtaking photography, M r . Uzzell
shared his philosophy to always be prepared
for life's opportunities. The m o r n i n g events
also included the second Learning Path
f e a t u r i n g sessions o n P R , R i t u a l , award
writing, and the A O I I Foundation.

ISSUE NO.1 • I ALL 2006

D u r i n g the Best Practices Luncheon, fV
everyone had the o p p o r t u n i t y to share
their ideas o n chapter operations. M a n y A
o f the featured Best Practices' ideas are
available i n the "Leadership Institute" •
section o f the Officer Resources Library
on the A O I I website. A Power Session for i
the afternoon was led by Brandi Nunnery,
R h o O m i c r o n ( M i d d l e Tennessee State •
U ) , w h o spoke on " M o d e r n Etiquette for
Today's W o m a n . " Brandi's entertaining N
session r e m i n d e d us to always p u t o u r best
foot forward for ourselves and for A O I I . To DRAGMA • 27
A f t e r lunch, it was o f f to the third Learning
Path o f the weekend.

A late afternoon general session titled
" W h e r e m the W o r l d is A O I I ? " a l l o w e d
the Executive Board to update everyone
on fraternity news, notably the new X B
n o m i n a t i n g process. T h e final Learning
Path and the Forever Friends Reception
f o l l o w e d the general session, featuring even
more outstanding opportunities to Live,
Learn, Lead and Serve.

T h e Sisterhood and Service D i n n e r was
a time to recognize t w o very important
aspects o f A O I I . A f t e r a delicious meal, the
2005-2006 Standards o f Excellence Awards
and Performance Certificate winners
were announced. Other awards presented
included: The National Hazing Prevention
Week Awards, Headquarters Cooperation
Awards, Supporting Traditions Rewarding
Yourself Awards, and the A O I I Foundation
Awards. T h e complete list o f award winners
is located u n d e r "Celebrate A O I I " i n the
M y A O I I private side o f the A O I I Website.
Jason Allison, a Nashville minister and
father, was our guest speaker d u r i n g dinner.
Jason spoke o f his daughter, Sydney, and
his family's experience w i t h her juvenile
arthritis. Hearing this personal testimony
emphasized the importance o f service to
our international philanthropy. In the

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006

28 • T o DRAGMA V- IT

' -As

spirit o f service we put a new twist on our
traditional panda donation. As a group, we
w o r k e d together to stuff individual pandas
and decorate personalized cards for children
attending an AJAO summer camp.

The evening concluded with a lively
Sisterhood Karaoke Challenge. Many
donned costumes and performed
choreographed routines. T h e Past
International Presidents were c r o w n e d
" A O I I Entertainers o f the Year" after
their performance o f the Pussy Cat Dolls
hit, "Don't Cha?" Headquarters staff
left everyone laughing from a fun, jaw-
dropping performance o f "Rock and Roll
A l l N i g h t " by Kiss.

O n Sunday, everyone was treated to a
hearty breakfast and a presentation by the
Executive Board. We were reminded of
our commitment to live, learn, lead, and
serve and to inspire others to do the same.
Emphasizing the theme o f the weekend,
their closing remarks inspired everyone to
take this philosophy back to their chapters.

As Leadership Institute came to a close,
sisters came together t o say g o o d b y e a n d
to reflect on the busy weekend. The
friendships renewed and the insight gained
f r o m the weekend gave everyone an
o v e r w h e l m i n g sense o f appreciation and
continued dedication to the fraternity.
Although our time together was short, the
relationships f o r m e d and the lessons learned
w i l l last a l i f e t i m e .

ISSUE NO.1 • FALL 2 0 0 6

The Perry Award

Amy Jo Smith

F,psilon Omega - Eastern Kentucky University

T h e Perry A w a r d is the highest d i s t i n c t i o n given t o a collegiate
member o f Alpha O m i c r o n Pi. This award goes to the one colle-
giate president who, by outstanding service to her chapter, excep-
tional inspiration to its members and recognition by administration
and fellow students, best typifies the values o f Alpha O m i c r o n
Pi. T h i s year's recipient is Epsilon O m e g a (Eastern K e n t u c k y U )
Chapter President, A m y Jo Smith.

A m y Jo is described b y her sisters, advisers and college a d m i n i s t r a -
tors as a y o u n g lady w i t h impeccable character and i n t e g r i t y . She
upholds h i g h standards f o r herself and f o r her sisters, and one w h o
is considered k i n d , compassionate, m a t u r e a n d c o m m i t t e d . A s
Chapter President o f Epsilon O m e g a Chapter, she embraced each
o f these values and guided the chapter through many challenges.
W h e n she assumed the office o f president, her chapter needed
leadership and direction. They needed constructive support and
positive encouragement. A m y Jo led each member o f her chapter to
understand they had an important role in m a k i n g the chapter suc-
cessful j u s t as i t was stated i n the chapter's s u b m o t t o "each one plays
a great part." A c c o u n t a b i l i t y was the key and she p r o v i d e d goal
setting, t r a i n i n g a n d s t r u c t u r e t o ensure that the chapter flourished.
Even when the chapter struggled with overload, finances, commit-
ment and t i m e management, a sister stated, " A m y Jo consistently
held the bar h i g h and always challenged each member to play their
part and reach f o r the stars. I f w e missed, she w o u l d pick us up and
b r i n g us back to the t o p . " A m y Jo always led by example, stressing
academics. Ritual, campus involvement and wholesome values.

H e r o u t s t a n d i n g leadership was n o t l i m i t e d t o A O I I as she h e l d
several campus leadership roles, as w e l l . These i n c l u d e d s e r v i n g as
Student A l u m n i Ambassador, Student Government Vice President,
and a f u n d raising spokesman for the University Advancement ef-
forts. A n honors p r o g r a m and Dean's list student, A m y Jo was also
n a m e d G r e e k W o m a n o f t h e Year. A d d i t i o n a l l y , she is a r e c i p i e n t
o f the Leadership in the Campus C o m m u n i t y Award and an A O I I
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship recipient.

T o DRAG MA • 2 9

3 o J h-

I AM MORE Alpha Delta Reunion
Last summer. I received an unexpected invitation i n the m a i l to attend an Alpha
EVER TO Delta ( U of Alabama) 1991-1993 chapter reunion. Because we graduated prior
SAY THAT to the e - m a i l and cell p h o n e era, m a n y o f us had lost contact w i t h each other.
Despite this fact, the r e u n i o n was w e l l attended, as M i c h e l l e C o o l H a r n a g e a n d
I AM AN AOTT! G l o r i a H a m n e r Stewart o r g a n i z e d a f u n w e e k e n d i n Tuscaloosa. W h a t was so
special about this weekend was that w e had the o p p o r t u n i t y to stay i n o u r sorority
EDITORS NOTE: house. C u r r e n t l y , there are plans t o renovate the house, so this particular r e u n i o n
was a great opportunity to visit.
One of the many
benefits of the H a v i n g n o t spoken to most o f m y sisters i n over 13 years, I was a little nervous
g o i n g i n t o the w e e k e n d . B u t . the anticipation ot seeing m y sisters and r o a m i n g
e x p a n d e d size of the the halls o f o u r house was o v e r w h e l m i n g , so w h e n I f i n a l l y a r r i v e d , i t was as i f I
n e w To Dragma will had only been away for the summer. W e recalled memories f r o m college, retold
f u n n y stories t h a t s t i l l m a d e us l a u g h as m u c h as the day t h e y h a p p e n e d , and
be space to spotlight got caught up on each other's lives. There were, o f course, sentimental, tearful
chapter reunions. m o m e n t s as w e a l l r e a l i z e d the i n t e n s i t y o f w h a t o u r sisterhood m e a n t t o us.
B e i n g i n the presence o f these w o m e n , I felt so m u c h love, w a r m t h and security,
There will now be a and I wondered i fI had possibly taken sisterhood for granted when I was younger.
section dedicated I wish that I could go back i n time and relive those days. 1 love being an A O I I . . .
I j u s t don't t h i n k I realized h o w m u c h I l o v e d i t at the t i m e . As a result, I a m m o r e
to featuring some of p r o u d t h a n ever t o be able t o say that I a m an A O I I !
the gatherings we
Pam Nelson, Alpha Delta ( U o f Alabama)
know our members Nashville. Tennessee
enjoy every year. To

have your chapter
featured here, send
a photo and a brief
event description of

no more than 150
words to msasseen®

30 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO.1 • FALL 2 0 0 6

TexasAOII Day •n

T h e Dallas Alumnae Chapter hosted Texas A O I I Day
last year o n February 26. N o t h i n g says 1 Jallas better
than Southfork ( f r o m the television series Dallas), so
that is w h e r e the event t o o k place. C h a i r e d b y K i m
Brooks, speakers included Executive Board Director o f
Alumnae, KathyJensen, A O I I Foundation President,
Carol Stevenson and C E O o f the N o r t h Texas Arthritis
Foundation, Karen Stern. The collegians and alumnae
at A O I I Day came f r o m all over Texas and O k l a h o m a to
celebrate sisterhood. Everyone had a great day socializing
w i t h old friends, m a k i n g new ones and learning more
about our Fraternity.

Delta Delta Reunion

D e a r Editor, H e r e is a p h o t o o f o u r recent annual Delta
Delta (Auburn U ) reunion. This year w e elected to
drive to Brentwood, Tennessee to attend the A O I I
Headquarters O p e n House on Saturday, March 4th.
I w a n t to thank all the staff at A O I I Headquarters f o r
h a v i n g us and g i v i n g us a d e l i g h t f u l tour. T h a n k s f o r
your wonderful southern hospitality.

53 attend Epsilon Alpha Reunion

Epsilon A l p h a (Pennsylvania State U ) gathered last
N o v e m b e r for a r e u n i o n weekend t o rekindle o l d
friendships, share good memories, and create new
connections. A hospitality suite was set up for sisters t o
meet and greet and to h o o k up to go shopping, o u t for
lunch or to old familiar haunts f r o m their school days.
Four alumnae were recognized at the Saturday evening
dinner for their devoted contributions to the local
alumnae and collegiate chapter. Pat R i n e Antolosky and
Linda Chambers D o m i n (both Epsilon Alphas), Anne
H m k e l Rohrbach (Gamma Beta) and Susan Bailey
Springer (Gamma O m i c r o n ) each received a certificate
and a g i f t for their long-standing service. A n o t h e r
reunion is planned to coincide w i t h the chapter's 80th
anniversary i n four years. I f y o u w o u l d like to help
organize sisters f r o m y o u r class, please contact Lisa L u n d a
at [email protected].

Psi Chapter Reunion

T h e sisters o f Psi Chapter ( U o f Pennsylvania) initiated
between 1946 and 1954 held a r e u n i o n o n September 7,
2005, at Springhouse Tavern i n suburban Philadelphia.
Those in attendance were Marilyn Krewson Edenborn,
Carol Taylor K i t c h i n . T r u d y Slaven, M a r i l y n Sanders,
M a r y Catherine "Barney" Felter Kennedy, Joan
Gotwals and Ida Freeborn Sellinger. T h e ladies
reminisced about their collegiate days and the diverse
lives they've lived since graduation.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006

A Gift for You, A Gift for AOTT


I never imagined that I would be at the Emporium buying gifts for my
new "little sister" at age 33! But that's where I found myself on Friday,
April 21, 2006 as I eagerly anticipated the initiation of my dear friend,
Shannon Holland, on the following Sunday.

/ was THRILLED to feel the I first m e t S h a n n o n H o l l a n d i n January 2 0 0 3 as w e
EXCITEMENT and PRIDE in began o u r Master's P r o g r a m at M i d d l e Tennessee State
SHARING our sisterhood with U . She was a dedicated and conscientious student,
onnee of my CLOSEST FRIENDS. as I was, a n d w e h i t i t o f f i m m e d i a t e l y . T h r o u g h o u t
the next three years, our friendship grew based on
f our c o m m o n interests, leadership ideals, and career
goals. In September 2005, Shannon and I , along w i t h
V our other colleagues, attended a conference i n Myrtle
Beach, South Carolina. We had the opportunity to
32 • To DRAGMA room together, enjoy the beach, and chat over dinner.
She expressed her regret about not exploring sorority
l i f e as an undergraduate. A t that p o i n t , I decided
to talk to her about the possibility o f becoming an
A l u m n a Initiate, and she was interested.

I n N o v e m b e r o f that same year. Shannon and I met
at Starbucks t o discuss the requirements f o r b e i n g
initiated into A O I I . I contacted A O I I for information
and received all the necessary documents and
approvals to procede. I also ordered a N e w M e m b e r
manual to guide o u r educational sessions. O f course,
the financial o b l i g a t i o n s h a d t o be addressed at this
time. I emphasized that, although the badge and
initiation fees add up to a considerable sum, alumnae
chapter dues are quite reasonable for the many
opportunities that the membership provides.

O u r first e d u c a t i o n a l session was D e c e m b e r 29, 2 0 0 5 .

^s' S t y ' ^o c r e a c Shannon's house, I began to
t0 v s

't c c t n e r i , s r s t i r r i n g s o f e x c i t e m e n t ! I t h o u g h t a b o u t

the time we w o u l d spend discussing our amazing

founders, the history of our organization, and our

philanthropic endeavors. Shannon was most excited

about our philanthropy, arthritis research. Her

f a m i l y has a h i s t o r y o f arthritis problems and she is

passionate a b o u t research i n this m e d i c a l field. W e

also discussed w h a t to expect d u r i n g her initiation.

I explained that the ceremony was beautiful and

simplistic, symbolizing our sisterhood and the

organization's dedication to its members. A f t e r our

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006



MM mi



The grds go cruisin

Can you remember A little bit o f l u c k and several ounces o f determination enabled ten Epsilon Alpha
the last time you (Pennsylvania State U ) sisters t o experience a dream vacation together. W h e n A l l y Frank
learned that A B C ' s Good Morning America was h o s t i n g the contest " G i r l s ' W e e k O u t , " she
spent a week with j u m p e d at the chance to w i n her friends an all-expense paid cruise to the Western Caribbean.
10 of your closest Ally's w i n n i n g entry was a very personal story o f strength, love and friendship. "The girls,"
friends, and laughed as t h e y called themselves o n the cruise, consisted o f m e m b e r s o f E p s i l o n Alpha's n e w m e m b e r
class o f 1994. A l t h o u g h i t has been t w e l v e years since t h e y p l e d g e d , they always m a k e it a
until your sides p r i o r i t y to keep i n t o u c h and get together at least once every three months. S p r i n k l e d all over
ached? the East coast f r o m V i r g i n i a to N e w Y o r k City, and sometimes Florida and N o r t h Carolina,
distance is rarely an issue.

34 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6

educational session, we met the M u r f r e e s b o r o Area WHAT IS THE ALUMNA INITIATE PROGRAM?
Alumnae Chapter Vice-President, Anne Marie
Toy, f o r d i n n e r at a local M e x i c a n restaurant. Since T h e A l u m n a Initiate (Al) p r o g r a m is a w o n d e r f u l o p p o r t u n i t y f o r
A n n e M a r i e a n d I have e x p e r i e n c e as collegiate AON members to invite w o m e n of g o o d character w h o share our
chapter advisers, we also talked about the possibility philosophy and purpose and w h o will support the O b j e c t of the
o f S h a n n o n s e r v i n g the R h o O m i c r o n C h a p t e r as F r a t e r n i t y t o b e c o m e a p a r t o f A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi. A O I I is o n e o f v e r y
an adviser in the future. The dinner went very well few NPC groups to offer a program that extends a membership
and we all departed w i t h enthusiasm for Shannon's invitation to w o m e n of various ages and sitatuions beyond the
membership in AOII. traditional environment of our collegiate chapters. Many alumnae &
collegiate chapters have experienced the joy of welcoming Alumna
Throughout January and February, Shannon Initiates i n t o t h e i r m e m b e r s h i p . It is a n e x c i t i n g e x p e r i e n c e f o r t h e
studied the N e w Member Manual in order to A l u m n a Initiate, as well as for t h e chapter.
f a m i l i a r i z e herself w i t h A O I I as w e l l as w i t h G r e e k
l i f e . W e scheduled i n f o r m a l p h o n e chats so I c o u l d Can my Mother become an Alumna Initiate?
answer her questions. W e also continued to plan
her i n i t i a t i o n at this t i m e . R h o O m i c r o n ' s C h a p t e r Yes! T h e A l u m n a Initiate p r o g r a m is a v a i l a b l e f o r w o m e n w h o are
President, Bess R i c k m a n , and A O I I International no longer eligible to be collegiate members and have never been
Headquarters Alumnae Department staff members members of another National Panhellenic Conference organization.
were instrumental in planning Shannon's initiation. Alumna Initiates are typically w o m e n who are:
Shannon and I met one last t i m e i n A p r i l to finalize • Female friends and relatives of an AOII
her paperwork and answer questions. I submitted all • W o m e n who give their time and talents to an AOII collegiate
o f the materials to Bess since the i n i t i a t i n g chapter is or alumnae chapter
responsible for submitting all alumna initiate forms • Former colony members and other past collegians who were
and fees to Headquarters. pledged into an AOII collegiate chapter, but were never initiated

Shannon's Initiation Day was A p r i l 23, 2006. W e How do I begin the process of sponsoring an
were b o t h very excited! She and I had a nice dinner Alumna Initiate?
w i t h the new Murfreesboro Area Alumnae Chapter
President, N i k k i Nichols, before m a k i n g our way First, you will n e e d to contact the A l u m n a e D e p a r t m e n t at AOII
over to the chapter room on M T S U ' s campus. I am Headquarters at (615)370-0920 or [email protected] to
pleased to say that her i n i t i a t i o n was lovely. request an official application. This officially begins the alumna
I was thrilled to feel the excitement and pride i n initiate application process.
sharing our sisterhood w i t h one o f m y closest friends.
As her n e w b i g sister, I was p r o u d to present her How Much Does The Alumna Initiate Program Cost?
w i t h her first A O I I goody bag filled w i t h the items
I had enjoyed selecting f r o m the A O I I Emporium. T h e i n i t i a t i o n f e e f o r t h e A l u m n a I n i t i a t e p r o g r a m is t h e s a m e as
Afterward, N i k k i , Anne Marie, Shannon, and it is f o r o u r c o l l e g i a t e n e w m e m b e r s , $165. T h e A l u m n a Initiates
I headed to a nearby restaurant for dessert and will also p a y a b a d g e f e e a n d this c o s t is d e p e n d e n t o n w h i c h s t y l e
celebration. It was truly a lovely evening! badge they choose.

I hope m y r e f l e c t i o n expresses the ease, excitement, and
rewards that this experience gave me. I ask each o f y o u
to consider your "nearest and dearest" and explore the
possibility o f sponsoring her as an a l u m n a initiate!

By Brcrndi Nunnery, Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U)

Photo on opposite page:
Brandi Nunnery (left) and Shannon Holland (right).

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006 f'o DRAGMA • 33

The group, consisting o f Carrie Danon, Robin The trip reminded them just how much their OPPOSITE:
Steinman, R a n d i Cohen, A l i Silverman, Lisa friendship still means. Rachel said, " O u r girls' week
Rovner, A m y Weinblum, Kristen Brush, Suzy Levy, cruise was not just a free trip. It was an opportunity Epsilon Alpha's
Ally Frank and Rachel Litcofsky was t h r o w n into to g r o w our friendships, reminisce about the past enjoying every
emergency action when they received the exciting and make new memories for the future." W h e n it minute of their
news f r o m Good Morning America that t h e y had w o n comes to explaining their friendship, Ally Frank dream vacation.
a n d w o u l d be l e a v i n g i n less t h a n t h r e e weeks. said it b e a u t i f u l l y w h e n she shared these w o r d s to
her sisters, aired o n Good Morning America o n the last BELOW:
The free week long cruise w i t h no husbands, day o f their dream vacation, " I want you all to k n o w
children, or boyfriends, departed from M i a m i that o u r friendship is one o f the great lessons o f m y Ready at 6:00
and stopped i n the Bahamas, Jamaica, and Grand life. T h r o u g h it you have taught me h o w to hold A.M., "the girls"
Cayman Islands. T h e ship was filled w i t h 300 o n w h e n it seems impossible .. .You have s h o w n m e coordinate
other contest winners, all w o m e n , each o f w h o m that I a m strong e n o u g h w h e n I feel l i k e m y w o r l d is outfits for a TV
had a story to share. There were groups o f military falling apart.. .you have surrounded me in a circle o f appearance
moms supporting each other while their children love and cheered and danced. So I celebrate each and
were stationed oversees, a group o f neighbors f r o m every one of you. Today and always."
Louisiana whose friendship had pulled them through
Hurricane Katrina, and many others. Rachel added, " I a m sure w e are not the only
w o m e n out there w h o have a strong
Good Morning America h o s t e d t h e t r i p i n style, friendship that has
w i t h planned activities and live on-air segments endured through the
dedicated to the theme o f women and friendship, years, but for us w e are
w h i c h aired throughout the week. The week was more than friends we
j a m packed w i t h activities including a 5:00 A . M . are each other's family."
wake-up call every m o r n i n g to prepare for the
daily 7:00-9:00 A . M . segments. Imagine a deck
f d l e d w i t h w o m e n at 6:00 A . M . , f u l l y dressed i n
matching specialty shirts, hats, jackets, or green
scarfs, like the A O I I s . T h e "girls" caught on to this
trend o n day f o u r and visited the ship's gift shop
three times before finding ten-of-something to
wear. E a c h m o r n i n g G a y l e K i n g , also k n o w n as
Oprah's best friend, played host and entertained
as passengers w a v e d t o A B C anchors D i a n e
Sawyer and Charles Gibson via satellite i n N e w
Y o r k . O n the f o u r t h day Diane S a w y e r flew i n
andjoined everyone on the boat. The m o r n i n g
T V appearances were only a small part o f the
trip. It was the rest o f the day and night that
made this vacation unforgettable for everyone.
Whether lounging on the deck, hiking a
waterfall on an excursion, singing karaoke in
the lounge or eating at the buffet, again and
yet again, they enjoyed doing it together.
Rachel Litcofsky said, " T h e laughter never
stopped no matter how much time we had
spent together d u r i n g the day. I don't think
we spent this much time together when we
a l l l i v e d o n t h e same floor t w e l v e years ago."

ISSUF. N O . 1 • F A L L 2 0 0 6 To DRAGMA • 35

W i t h grateful appreciation, AO] recognizes the lowing \(v± new

Alpha Delta Beta Lambda Chi Delta Gamma Shirley Keyes Hxstings, 586
Betty Covington French, 589
Tammy Howard Owen, 635 Janice Linden Whitesell, 578 Esther Cox Dehn, 561 Barb Higgins Bodwell, 516 Barbara Lapp Greaves, 592
Lin Lundin Chandler, 606
Alpha Kappa Beta Phi Nancy Bates-Lane Yankura, 594 Alicia Coffin Corea, 531
Cindy Teer Kaelin, 603 Amy Dashiell Simonini, 574 Beverly Lutz Morse, 614 Gamma Beta
Sara Reeves Kinnaman, 604 Ethnie Groves, 631 Muriel Boyd Longinotti, 582
Alpha Omicron Kari Ramsey, 628
Kathy Aust, 637 Colene Stull Lum, 641 Norma Murdock Hornick, 670 Lambda Beta
Marjorie Hunt Sanders, 552
Billie Vincent Stelly, 630 Beta Pi Chi Epsilon Gamma Omicron Regina Zofrea Fish, 576
Debbie Bando Duit, 636 Sharon Stephens Pierce, 638
Roslyn Russell Bewie, 671 Lois Hadley, 673 Rebecca Welty Brinkman, 658 Kari Schneider, 676
Alpha Pi Carrie Rosplock, 677
Beta Tau Chi Lambda Lois Steinecke Robinson, 669
Sandy Steed Minter, 564 Lambda Eta
Ella Jo Bilinski Bebeau, 588 Nancy Curtis Kincaide, 563 Antoinette Reitz, 551 Iota
Morleen Carscallen Bousfield, 609 Penny Patteeuw, 518
Alpha Psi Linda Louise Russell Kates, 617 Pamela Juckett Gotschall, 585 Rachel Maris, 634
Marcia Zahn Smith, 607 Sara Anne Wheeler, 657
Kristy Boyer, 544 Lorraine Chanatry-Howell, 675 Lindsey Cravotta, 654 Iota Sigma
Katherine Krolikowski, 645 Lambda Iota
Valerie Forrest, 665 Chi Alpha Delta Chi Shawne Donahue Ungs, 660
Heather Scott, 522
Alpha Sigma Leslie Carroll-Tipton, 575 Jennifer Fisk Cuder, 655 Kappa Chi Angela Noble, 620

Warrene Gill, 627 Chi Delta Delta Delta Kathryn Richards DioQuino, 646 Lambda Sigma

Alpha Tau Maxine Benson-Cook, 557 Virginia West, 570 Laura M. Beeman, 662 Katie M.Wood, 529
Charlotte Gaulding Cook, 560
Marjorie Osborn Roeder, 521 Delta Epsilon Kappa Gamma Ruth Estes Trager, 568
Joanne White Carroll, 571
Alpha Theta Jennifer Conner, 525 Patricia Stephens, 567
Jessica Liprando, 610 Mu Lambda
Sharon Van Heet, 632 Delta Sigma
Kappa Kappa Carrie Capron, 653
Beta Gamma Emily Molino, 616
Roberta Mattingly Petrovich, 626 Nu Beta
Charlene Brown Rennoe, 581 Delta Theta
Mary Moore Jedynak, 663 Kappa Omicron Laurie Duplantis Baugh, 524
Michelle Serrano Lopez, 621 Kimberly Day Franks Brooks, 674
Beta Kappa Alice Cohill Marquez, 536
Epsilon Nu Iota
Sherry Atchison Copeland, 640 Kappa Rho
Lorna Larson Ruelle, 548 Joan Unkelbach Brans, 608 Jen Baird, 535
Eleanor Home Rix, 573 Cherie Welch, 577
Leslie MacLean, 605 Epsilon Gamma Norma Cull Landstra, 593 Nu Omicron
Tracy Kluge Jezewski, 668
Kimberly Schardt, 596 Pam Carton, 526
Kappa Tau Nancy FinleyVaughan, 569
Epsilon Omega Susan Thompson Derryberry, 597
Susan Gourdain Mele, 622 Meredith Anne Higgs, Ed.D, 651
Amy Jo Smith, 642
Kappa Theta Omega

Patricia Eggers Gerty, 539 Nancy McConnaughy Ehrman, 619
Edith Belsher Buder, 559
Sally Alder Peterson, 566 Omega Omicron
Polly King Clark, 572
Amy Leeper Kemp, 523
Jenifer Wheat Rucker, 541


Pattie Thornton Crafton, 537
Margaret McDwaine Peacock, 546
Lina Matthews Bowyer, 550

Omicron Pi

Sarah Burroughs, 549
Mary Cecilia Hoyt Clayton, 598

nembers who joined between March i f , 2.00b .July i f . 200b.

Phi Sigma Phi LaraTucci, Life Loyal N 9 2 ^ 2

Peggy Townsend Shaffer, 590 Jill Garelick, 515 Gamma Omicron (U of Florida)
Dolores Grossenbacher Aul, 613 20o;v^oo^ AOII Chapter Consultant
Sigma Tau MTV Networks/Production Coordinator
Phi Chi
Florence Nash Lednum, 623 S i n c e m y r e w a r d i n g year as an A O I I C h a p t e r
Meg Sisk, 528 Consultant, I have consistently held onto all o f the
Tau principles and values of A O I I . In the business w o r l d ,
Phi Delta h u m i l i t y has a l l o w e d me to m o v e q u i c k l y t h r o u g h
Lisa Weber, 555 the ranks, w h i l e staying g r o u n d e d at the same
Cindy Finck Frounfelker, 611 Margaret Nelson Moulthrop, 579 time. T h e ideals that A O I I instilled in m y life have
Adrienne Noel Cohen, 629 given me the strength and reassurance to follow m y
Phi Kappa dreams w h i l e l i v i n g in a fast pace e n v i r o n m e n t like
Tau Lambda New York City.
Suzann Maynaid Joos, 562
Julie Kelly Horvath, 530 By following and living the A O I I Ritual, I have
Phi Lambda b e e n able t o e n j o y life's o p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d g a i n so
Tau Omega m u c h f r o m every experience life has t o offer!
Virginia Krupa Shaw, 527 I j o i n e d A O I I t o find a sense o f b e l o n g i n g i n such
Mary Kathryn Pendley, 612 a large college ( U o f Florida), and n o w I a m so
Phi Sigma Krys Knuth, 618 thankful for what I have received f r o m m y life-long
commitment to this sisterhood!
Kathy Winfrey Emken, 600 Theta
Lisa Dutt, 602 Like many o f you, I have always been a
Sarah Dorman Bailey, 556 loyal A O I I . By joining Life Loyal A O I I
Phi Upsilon Pat Jacobs Mottweiler-Jenkins, 565 I am giving something back to the
JanTavernerJuckett, 584 o r g a n i z a t i o n t h a t gave m e so m u c h .
Emily Brink, 517 RuthWessman Dietel, 591 W i t h g r a t e f u l a p p r e c i a t i o n , this is
Captain F.E. Beatty, U S N (Ret.), 625 m y investment towards A O IPs f u t u r e .
Theta Omega
Doris Gorman, 520
Amanda Lauer-Lewis, 664
Pi Kappa
Theta Pi
Connie Taylor Pace, 580
Nadine Spring Nickeson, 644 Claire Eilenberger Kispert, 534
Madeline Rexer Schroder, 601
Pi Theta Laura Monegan Haran, 648
Katherine Keller, 649
Jessica Jamanca, 661 Kay Kettering Welch, 667

Rho Theta Psi

Bonnie Jean MondlWolfgram, 538 Edith Lawson Tanner, 532
Fiancie Graham Smith, 542 Virginia Peppers Hawkins, 599
Lois Falkner Griffith, 545 Delores Kuntz Schwalbe, 615
Catherine Miller Lindholm, 554
Nancy Anderson Clark, 583

Rho Delta Upsilon

Lisa Peters, 672 Reba Shannon Traber, 533
Edith Davisson Brewer, 558
Rho Omicron Marilyn Rose Herman, 595

Lauren Cox, 643 Upsilon Lambda

Whitney Frazier, 647 Chrissy Matthews Jenkins, 553

Sigma Samantha Short, 633

Erin Ray, 519 Xi
Mary Fulton Cuthbertson, 540 Sherri Bergner, 639

Sigma Alpha Zeta

Kelly Ann Stoll Hespel, 543 Sandra Buell Albertson, 587

Sigma Iota Christina Harrison Newt, 650

Jeannie Apostole-Holden, 652 Zeta Kappa

Sigma Omicron Claire Hermann Garner, 656

Rose Kinman Miller, 547 Zeta Pi
Charlotte Duniphan Beck, 624
Amanda Jeffreys Smith, 659

There is an old T h i s u n l i k e l y story o f coincidence began at the 1993 Alpha O m i c r o n Pi International
adage which states, C o n v e n t i o n i n Nashville, Tennessee. I was serving as R e g i o n a l Vice President f o r R e g i o n I X
(Pacific N o r t h w e s t ) and attended a convention session o n the topic o f chapter development.
"God gives us Sitting next to me was Sally Wagaman, a Regional Director f r o m Glenside, Pennsylvania, w h o
our relatives, w o u l d become m y partner i n a problem-solving activity. W e discovered that we shared similar
but thank heaven views o n chapter operations and the importance o f values i n an organization. A t the close o f
we can choose the session, w e chatted briefly. I was quite pleasantly surprised that someone as y o u t h f u l as Sally
our friends." w o u l d v i e w matters i n m u c h the same w a y as I , and m e n t i o n e d that she was actually y o u n g
Once in a blue enough to be m y o w n daughter. Sally replied, " W e l l , m y m o t h e r is also named Beverly, so that
moon, a chosen works for me." W e had definitely made a connection!
friend even turns
Later that year I received an appointment as International N o m i n a t i o n s C h a i r m a n (currently
out to be a H u m a n Resources Committee) for the next biennium, and Sally had been named to serve on the
beloved relative. c o m m i t t e e . T h i s w o r k i n g g r o u p came f r o m all areas ot the country, and for the most part w e d i d
not k n o w one another. I organized a personal interest survey so the g r o u p could become better
• To DRAGMA acquainted, and to m y delight, Sally and I found more commonalities. B o t h o f us subscribed t o
Games Magazine, read true crime and mystery stories and shared similar political views.

T h e year 1995 w o u l d b r i n g the t w o o f us together once again. T h e n e w concept o f a Leadership
Institute had been developed to be held in the off-years between conventions. Sally was named

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006

as the first Leadership Institute C h a i r m a n and Perhaps the next p o r t i o n o f our story is best Tell your m o m I w i l l definitely have to come
I was appointed as Education and T r a i n i n g told w i t h excerpts f r o m Emails which Sally to PA to check things out in the Landis Valley
C o m m i t t e e Chairman. O u r t w o teams spent a and I exchanged over the past year. M u s e u m w i t h her as m y guide!"
l o n g weekend at A O I I Headquarters, together
preparing for the fraternity's first Leadership 6-12-2005 4-18-2006
Institute which w o u l d be held i n the summer
of1996. "Dear Sally, I have been doing some "Dear Bev, m y mother's records indicate
genealogy. I k n e w that I had ancestors w h o that w e have the same ancestors f r o m 1520
Sally and I w o u l d hold the chairmanship o f settled in York County, PA. N o w I am until around 1670, or five generations. From
these t w o committees through Leadership finding a Landisville, PA, Landis Valley, PA there w e take oft on different branches o f the
Institute '98. By n o w I knew Sally quite and Landes Station, W V A , all o f which were Landes/Landis lines."
well and found her to be extremely logical w h i c h were supposedly founded and n a m e d
a n d w e l l - o r g a n i z e d . She h a d financial by the Landes/Landis family." 4-24-2006
acumen and great managerial skills. O n the
other hand, I believed myself to be quite the 6-12-2005 "Dear Sally. I plugged i n your mother's
opposite—inventive, rather spontaneous, information into m y genealogy program just
and even off-the-wall. W h i l e an unlikely "Dear Bev, talk about small worlds! I grew up to see w h a t o u r o w n relationship is. It looks
pairing, it seemed to w o r k well for our task at 83 M a i n Street. Landisville, PA. T o t h i n k like w e are 9th cousins, twice removed."
at h a n d . As o u r c o m m i t t e e terms came t o that m y home t o w n was named after your
an end, I suggested to Sally that she should ancestors gave me goose bumps. I have been Our friendship has led us
consider International President next. to the Landis Valley Museum and Historical on an amazingjourney.
I k n o w she d i d n ' t take m e seriously. Center. Yes, Landis is a v e r y c o m m o n name i n What began as two AOII
Lancaster Country." sisters serving the Fraternity
A t some point during this time, Sally had togetherformore than
seen the movie, " A R i v e r R u n s T h r o u g h I t , " 2-21-2006 a decade, has lead to the
w h i c h was f i l m e d i n M o n t a n a . W h e n she discovery of a shared family
mentioned that Montana was a "must-see" " D e a r Sally, l o o k w h a t I came across i n m y history spanning over five
on her travel list, I invited her to visit, which search o f the Landes family l i v i n g i n Brothers centuries and two continents.
she d i d i n the fall o f 1998. W e t o u r e d the set Valley Township, PA—a Christian Wagaman. Sally and I may be distant
location o f the film, Yellowstone Park, and D o you k n o w a relative by that name?" cousins, twice removed, but
much of rural Montana. I even coerced her to we are also sisters and close
lead a Panhellenic W o r k s h o p for m y M o n t a n a 3- 12-2006 friends,foreverconnected.
State Greek W o m e n . Once again, I suggested
that she should consider the A O I I International " D e a r Bev, m y m o t h e r says o u r Wagamans Beverly Landes Toumsend, Alpha Phi (Montana State V)
Presidency. I t h i n k perhaps she began to take it did not come over from Germany until the and Sally Wagaman, Sigma Tan (Washington College)
a bit more seriously this time. W e all k n o w by mid-1800s, so w e are probably n o t related to
now h o w that portion o f the story ended! Sally this particular one. However, both m y mother To DRAGMA • 39
was installed as International President at the and father have Landis i n their family history
Norfolk convention in 2003. 16 generations back, and m y m o t h e r has some
information on them. H o w far back have you
But there is m o r e to this story than just h o w traced your Landes line? W h o knows—maybe
t w o sisters became g o o d friends. we are related?"

I n A p r i l o f 2 0 0 5 , 1 began a genealogy search 3-12-2006
on m y Landes family. I knew that m y
father's ancestors had originally come f r o m "Dear Sally, I have traced back 16 generations
Switzerland. Due to their Anabaptist religious to Johannes (Hans) Landis, born 1520 and
beliefs, many had been persecuted. Some father of'Hans the Beheaded'."
found refuge i n G e r m a n y before finally
seeking freedom i n A m e r i c a . M y fifth great- 3-12-2006
grandfather, Christian Landes, arrived i n
Y o r k County, Pennsylvania i n 1736. O v e r the "Dear Bev, I gave this information to m y
next 100, years other Landes families w o u l d mother. She says that o u r Landis records also
immigrate to Lancaster and Bucks Counties go back to Johannes, born 1520 i n Hirzel,
in Sally's h o m e state o f Pennsylvania. Today Zurich, Switzerland."
there are nearly 2400 Landes/Landis families
remaining throughout Pennsylvania alone. 3-12-2006

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006 "Dear Sally, I a m loving this! I have the best
genealogy b o o k that lists all the Landes/Landis
families (25 years o f research i n Switzerland
and Germany). I will look up our links. Once
we compare the generations side-by-side, we
can determine the exact relationship w e share.

For decades, our sisters and friends have gathered together at conventions to
determine the future of the Fraternity and to share in AOII camaraderie.

If you miss AOII's 2007 International Convention...
what will you miss?

Fast International Presidents' Skit and Stories • Convention Ritual Ceremonies • Award Presentations
Fraternity Business Sessions • Rose Banquet • Free Time with Sisters in Phoenix • Emporium Shopping

If you miss Convention . . . you will miss out!

Alpha O m i c r o n Pi's 2007 International Convention • June 27th - 30th, 2007 in Phoenix, Arizona

2 0 0 aALPHA O M I C R O N PI


Wnc/T SLfkrj L(jtck

For more details visit and select "Events" or email Abby Epps at [email protected].

40 • To DRAGMA ISSUE N O . 1 • FALL 2 0 ( 1 6

22000076 Executive Board

Directory Susan Danko
International President
Volunteers Phi Upsilon, Purdue U

Because v o l u n t e e r contact i n f o r m a t i o n is ever c h a n g i n g , please refer t o Krista Malmquist Whipple
the A O I I website ( for phone numbers and Vice President of Operations
email addresses. A O I I Foundation officers and c o m m i t t e e chairmen Omega, Miami U
are listed on page 7 2 .
Allison Allgier
Vice President of Development
Epsilon O m e g a , Eastern Kentucky U

Barb Dunn Zipperian
Vice President of Finance
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U

Kimberly Altemus Carroll
Director of Programming
Delta Chi, U of Delaware

Phyllis Casteel Gilson
Director of Collegiate Chapters
Sigma Phi, California State U Northridge

Linda Schwartz Grandolfo
Director of Collegiate Chapters
N u lota, N o r t h e r n Illinois U

Kathy Jensen
Director of Alumnae
Theta Omega, Northern Arizona U

A New Executive Board Nominations Process for 2007

News from HRC months o f consideration, recommendations T h e new process w i l l provide more
were made for a n e w process for A O I I that information on what our organization
A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi is b r e a k i n g n e w g r o u n d combines practices o f other organizations, needs and desires f r o m Executive Board
w i t h the implementation o f an innovative b u t is u n i q u e t o A l p h a O m i c r o n P i . candidates, such as j o b descriptions a n d
method for nominating candidates for m i n i m u m and desired qualifications. It
the b a l l o t f o r e l e c t i o n as E x e c u t i v e B o a r d According to Rebecca Herman, Task Force w i l l also provide an avenue to k n o w w h o
members. C h a i r m a n , the n e w process w i l l respond is interested and eligible t o be n o m i n a t e d
to the desire o f our membership to have and/or elected. A t the time o f nomination,
As the result o f a resolution adopted at the the process streamlined and simplified and more extensive information w i l l be
2 0 0 5 C o n v e n t i o n , a task force was f o r m e d m o v e as m u c h as possible t o electronic provided on qualified candidates. Finally,
to prepare a comprehensive study o f A O I Is media. " T h e process w i l l also be more an alternative to the "nominations f r o m
current nomination/election process and transparent and easier f o r everyone to floor" was desired to enable more equitable
t o m a k e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for the f u t u r e . truly have an opportunity to participate v o t i n g situations so the ballot m a y include
T h e task force studied methods that are in the process and feel that their voice is more than one candidate per position i f
used in other voluntary organizations, and i m p o r t a n t , " says Rebecca. desired b y the m e m b e r s h i p . (com. page 42)
surveyed AOIIs voting membership. After
To DRAG MA • 4 1
ISSUE N O . 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6

Properties Board Network Directors

Crystal Grafton Combs - President Karen Snyder Galehan - Alumnae Network Director
Nu Beta, U of Mississippi Phi L a m b d a , Y o u n g s t o w n State U

Janette Breckenridge Tessmer - Vice President Lori K o m G o e d e - Alumnae Network Director
G a m m a Theta, U of South Florida Gamma Omicron, U of Florida

Phyllis Casteel Gilson - Director Katherine Leach Andrews - Collegiate Network Director
Sigma Phi,California State U Northridge G a m m a Theta, U of South Florida

Janie Little Steckenrider - Director Rebecca Braatz Bair - Collegiate Network Director
lota, U of Illinois Theta Psi, U o f Toledo

Sally Wagaman - Director Louanne Watson Condreay - Collegiate Network Director
Sigma Tau, Washington College Phi Upsilon, Purdue U

Barb Dunn Zipperian - Director Amber Williams Countis - Collegiate Network Director
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U Pi, Tulane U

Andrea LaFleur - Collegiate Network Director
G a m m a Beta, Indiana U of Pennsylvania

Kristy Manchul - Collegiate Network Director
Kappa Lambda, U of Calgary

Stephanie Rendon - Collegiate Network Director
Delta Theta, Texas Woman's U

Becky Greer Rogers - Collegiate Network Director
Epsilon O m e g a , Eastern Kentucky U

Linda Siegrist Mahfouz - Colony Dev Network Director
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U

Rebecca said, " I t was clear that our The N o m i n a t i n g Trustees have been The membership will then be invited to
m e m b e r s h i p w a n t e d t o see some f o r m selected and they have received Interest learn more about these candidates i n the
of a stand-alone committee." Thus, the Forms f r o m the candidates w h o wish coming months through the posting o f
recommendation was made to select a to be considered for Executive Board candidate information and resumes on M y
committee o f five N o m i n a t i n g Trustees positions. W h e n the N o m i n a t i n g Trustees A O I I , by participating i n discussion forums
w i t h a representative f r o m the Rituals, have evaluated all o f the Interest Forms, w i t h the candidates, and by nominating the
Traditions, and Jewelry Committee; a those candidates w h o meet the m i n i m u m candidates t h e y w o u l d l i k e t o see placed
Past I n t e r n a t i o n a l President; an A l u m n a e qualifications w i l l be contacted and asked on the ballot. O n c e the i n i t i a l ballot has
President; a Chapter Adviser; and a to submit additional information in order to been determined in early 2 0 0 7 , feedback
M e m b e r at Large. T h e selection o f remain i n consideration. Once candidates from the membership to the Nominating
candidates f o r the slate was previously have submitted the required information, Trustees w i l l help determine the Final
prepared by the H u m a n Resources they w i l l be announced to the Ballot. T h e Final Ballot is expected i n early
Committee (HRC). general membership. March, 2007.

42 • To DRAGMA ISSUE N O . 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6

Past International Presidents Committee Chairmen

Ginger Banks Archives
Pi K a p p a , U o f Texas A u s t i n Joan Deathe MacCallum
Kappa Phi, McGill U
Linda Peters Collier
Chi Omicron, Central State U Constitution Interpretations and Revisions C o m m i t t e e
Julie Brining
Peg Kramer Crawford Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
lota, U of Illinois
Education Committee
Ann McClanahan Gilchrist Kathy Brakefield Sowell
Theta, DePauw U Lambda Tau, The U of Louisiana at Monroe

Barbara Daugs Hunt Fraternity Development Committee
Phi Delta, U of Wisconsin Milwaukee Ann McClanahan Gilchrist
Theta, DePauw U
Carole Jurenko Jones
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Human Resource Committee
Anne Buechlein Wilmes
Joan Deathe MacCallum Chi Lambda, U of Evansville
Kappa Phi, McGill U
Carole Jurenko Jones - NPC Delegate
Nancy Moyer McCain Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Rho, Northwestern U
Sally W a g a m a n Ingrid Latimer Schulz
Sigma Tau, Washington College Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan U

Mary McCammon Williams Perry A w a r d Committee
Phi, U of Kansas Barbara Daugs Hunt
Phi Delta, U of Wisconsin Milwaukee

Public Relations Committee
Judith Gambrel Flessner
lota, U of Illinois

Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry C o m m i t t e e
Ginger Banks
Pi K a p p a , U o f Texas A u s t i n

The Executive Board elections w i l l take By m o v i n g toward an electronic media
place during International Convention in format for the nominations process for our
June, 2007. In addition, A O I I members Fraternity leaders, A O I I members w i l l have
are also encouraged to become a m e m b e r an opportunity to participate i n the process
o f the i n C i r c l e g r o u p , X B N o m i n a t i o n s for more fully and to voice their opinions.
2007, w h i c h is a n o t h e r vehicle for m e m b e r s
to ask questions. B y j o i n i n g this g r o u p and Submitted by: Rebecca Admire Herman, Chi Lambda
receiving the daily digest, members w i l l (U of Evansville), Nominations/Elections Task Force
be made aware each time new information Chairman, Fraternity Development Committee; and
is posted o n the A O I I W e b s i t e o r w h e n Anne Buechlein Wilmes, Chi Lambda (U of Evansville),
deadlines for action are approaching. G o to Human Resources Committee Chairman to join.

ISSUE N O . 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6 To DRAGMA • 43




I 1



44 • To DRAGMA I

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6


A w r i t e r o f b o o k s and letters, p o e t r y and prose, Stella Perry may v e r y w e l l be A O IPs most p r o l i f i c
w r i t e r . T h e A O I I archives is blessed w i t h hundreds o f her o r i g i n a l and published w o r k s . H e r
scrawling h a n d w r i t i n g is easy to recognize and indicative o f her personality. H e r letters, b o t h
personal a n d business, o f t e n started w i t h salutations such as " M y Dearest H e l e n . " " D e a r B e l o v e d
E d i t h . " a n d " M y Sweetie." She is also the p r i m a r y w r i t e r o f A O I I historical d o c u m e n t s , h a v i n g
served as o u r first h i s t o r i a n f o r several decades. T h e A O I I A r c h i v e s L i b r a r y houses several v o l u m e s
o f her published w o r k s , a n d a l l o f her w r i t t e n a n d t y p e d letters are p r o p e r l y stored i n a fireproof
cabinet i n the A O I I Archives. Stella loved people and A O I I . H e r beloved Fraternity is richer f o r
her love ot words.

ISSUE N O . 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6 T o D R A G M A • 45


Always a favorite of AOII sisters,
peanut M & M s are the most
requested snack at
meetings and trainings

Things W e

Great Lip Color for Fall Amazing Photos

This great lipstick by Prescriptives goes We love the Lumix DMC-
on smooth and soft with absolutely no FZ30 Digital C a m e r a . It is
flavor. It wears well and comes in many made by Panasonic and the
colors that are created to compliment
different skin tones - with a natural or 8 megapixel images are
dramatic result depending on the color really amazing quality.
y o u choose. T h e color s h o w n is called There are many
Emperor. Find it at or different settings
in d e p a r t m e n t stores. and options, yet it's
very simple to use.
You can get started
right away by using
the auto mode. The
price is nice, t o o ! W e
used it to take many of

the pictures in this issue
of To Dragma.

Lush Lashes Banish Stains - Anytime

New Lash Envy Volumizing A n AOII friend discovered this stuff last year when taking a family
Mascara by Prescriptives ends vacation. She d e c i d e d to pick it up and throw it in her handbag
the quest for thick, long lashes. - just in case. Later on at a restaurant, she t h o u g h t her new skirt
It's amazing. You can layer it on without was ruined after slinging a BBQ shrimp into her lap. Luckily, she
clumping and it doesn't flake - love it! pulled out this handy little pen, and the stain disappeared!
Find it at or
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6
in d e p a r t m e n t stores.

I f l ' o DRAGMA


This little b o u t i q u e is a m a z i n g l y c o o l a n d y o u
won't believe t h e prices! It always has t h e
coolest jewelry and accessories - the hottest
trends from LA and New York. Every time we wear
their jewelry or carry their handbags we get tons
of c o m p l i m e n t s . If y o u can't s h o p in their store
in Franklin, Tennessee, you can find everything
on their website!
Not only d o we love them - they love us!
Use coupon code "aoii" and get
15% off of your purchase!

AOII Flip Flops

N o matter which pair you choose, you are in g o o d
company, because they are the most popular
item sold by the AOII Emporium. They are really
comfortable and cute, too. You can find them in the
E m p o r i u m ' s a d in this issue of To Dragma, or y o u can
find them on the web at

On the

Hungry-Girl.COm has interesting

diet & nutrition info. Find comparisons for
healthy food choices, recipes, low calorie
snack reviews, etc. This site is really cute
a n d f u n . A daily e m a i l n e w s l e t t e r is also

NineWest. C O m - What great shoes!!! They are always stylish, comfortable

and affordable. Their website has all of t h e latest styles. You can shop online or find a
store near you. You will be sure to find a shoe for any age group and every occasion.
T h e r e is also great info o n t h e latest t r e n d s .

BedandBreakfaSt.COm is a c o m p r e h e n s i v e w o r l d w i d e listing o f B e d a n d Breakfast destinations. T h e B & B d a t a b a s e

searches allow you to find the ideal b e d and breakfast inn. A great idea for anyone planning a weekend away.

behr.COm - W e love their " C o l o r S m a r t " f e a t u r e o n their w e b s i t e . It allows y o u t o m i—

preview your colors before you paint. You can visualize your colors in sample rooms or Seleci 0J IS J
exteriors, f i n d c o o r d i n a t i n g color palletes, a n d save a n d retrieve your project details if Select
you are a registered user. You can also purchase 8 oz. samples of your selected colors 0
to try in your home.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006 To DRAGMA • 47


Ruby Fund Touches Hearts

August 29, 2005 was a life-altering day for Megan Lee Doyle,
Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U). Megan, the AOII
Hammond Area Alumnae Chapter President, lived in a New-
Orleans' neighborhood called Lakeview, one hundred yards
from the 17th Street Canal on the day Hurricane Katrina struck.
Six houses in her immediate family were destroyed, including
her own, which was submerged under eleven feet of water. She
evacuated before the storm with only a few clothing items, never
dreaming that the worst would ever come.

I wanted them
to understand

when you
join AOII,

you join
a family,
and there
is nothing
stronger than
the bond
of a sister.

48 • To DRAGMA Megan is an AOII Foundation Ruby Fund recipient. Ruby Fund
gifts are usually presented confidentially, but Megan's powerful
story is one to be shared. She does so lovingly, in hopes that many
other sisters might give to and benefit from the A O I I Ruby Fund.
Megan shares the following story about the chaos that followed
the storm.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006



"After the storm, my family was completely " O n November 19, tragedy struck again
separated. I was traveling between my when my brother Chris died. He was only
boyfriend's home in Ponchatoula and a 25-years-old and died unexpectedly after a
sorority sister's home i n Hammond. M y surgery. I miss h i m everyday. After he died, I
mother was in Baton Rouge, my dad stayed realized material possessions can be replaced,
in New Orleans, and my brother Chris, a but our loved ones cannot. Things that are
N e w Orleans Police Officer, had to also important to me now are family, sisters,
stay in the city. Cell phones were down and taking plenty of pictures to capture every
I could not reach anyone. It was a horrible moment in life, and be thankful for what I
feeling to just wonder i f my family was safe. have, even i f the loss I experienced still hurts.
I could not reach my dad or brother for
almost 6 days and I did not even know if " I heard about the Ruby Fund through my
they survived the storm. I can remember involvement with Kappa Tau and I recently
finally hearing my father's voice on the shared this story with my Kappa Tau sisters.
phone and just crying, and asking i f Chris I wanted them to understand when you join
was okay, too. The N e w Orleans police A O I I , you j o i n a family, and there is nothing
were always on duty and his life was in stronger than the bond o f a sister. The Ruby
jeopardy because the city was in a frenzy. Fund helped me immensely. It helped me
see that there w i l l be an end to this tragedy.
"We were not allowed back into Lakeview That there are people who care about me
for several weeks because of the dangers. and I do not have to struggle alone. The fund
There was no running water, no electricity also helped my mother. It helped us both
and we could not drive anywhere. M y financially and emotionally.
brother and his police partner escorted
my mom, grandma, and me into the city. "Today, I have relocated to Ponchatoula,
Lakeview looked like it was covered in Louisiana and teach 4th grade at Natalbany
ashes - no color and no noise. The door Elementary School. It is a smaller and quieter
to my house was so swollen with water, town than N e w Orleans and I feel I can heal
Chris had to kick it down. M y furniture better here. I also have some good news. M y
was in different rooms, the attic caved in boyfriend proposed to me in August and I
and everything I owned was covered in w i l l be getting married May 26, 2007. Five
mold or destroyed. I was determined to of my bridesmaids are my sisters, including
find something that held meaning. I was my maid of honor Courtney Thompson.
ready to leave when I looked down and saw- M y sisters at Kappa Tau also threw me a
something stuck i n the mud on my bedroom wonderful house shower. I now have a piece
floor. When I picked it up, I was overcome of each of them in my new home."
w i t h emotion. It was my A O I I Ruby " A "
badge - worth more to me than any material These photos capture a small portion of the devastation
possession. Even though it was missing 2 to Megan Doyle's home in New Orleans. Her brother,
pearls and the clasp was ruined, it reminded Chris is shown in uniform, at left, and kicking down
me that I had a support system at Kappa Tau, Megan '.< door, top right, on her first visit home after
which would see me through this and more the storm. The smiling photo above features Megan
dark days ahead. (bottom row, left) with some of her Kappa Tau sisters.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006




Committed to AOIFs Future

Blanche Franklin Chilcote, ' 4 5 , Alpha Phi (Montana State " T h e Foundation is Alpha O m i c r o n Pi's legacy. By continuingto
U ) has consistently shown dedication to Alpha O m i c r o n Pi support it, we can ensure a prosperous future for our fraternity."
and the Legacy of Sisterhood through her support of the A O I I Wise words, indeed, from Blanche. At Convention 2 0 0 1 , the
Foundation. Over the years, Blanche has proven that one sister A O I I Foundation honored Blanche's lifetime commitment to
can truly make a difference. Blanche's enthusiasm and support the Foundation by naming her the first recipient o f the Barbara
for A O I I are much more than monetary. She has given her Daugs H u n t Award. Appropriately, Blanche considers Past
time through participation on the Foundation's Endowment Internationa] President, Barbara Hunt, one of her A O I I mentors.
Committee, and locally through her Southern Orange County The A O I I Southern Orange C o u n t y Alumnae Chapter has also
Alumnae Chapter. She often opens her home for chapter honored Blanche by providing a $ 5 0 0 local scholarship in her
activities and for Foundation gatherings, as well. name each year.

T h i n k i n g back to her collegiate years, Blanche lovingly recalls
living and eating together in the sorority house, learning "social
niceties" during chapter meetings, playing bridge in the library,
and f i l l i n g up dance partner programs prior to sorority dances.
She also fondly recalls the cross country drive f r o m Bozeman,
Montana to Roanoke, Virginia to attend the 1947 convention
w i t h about 1 2 o f her sisters. " W e had to all pool our money to go,
but it was a great adventure," she added. After convention they
drove up to N e w York C i t y and attended their first stage play, then
visited the Frontier Nursing Services headquarters and Director
Mary Breckinridge on the way home. The Frontier Nursing
Service was AOII's first International Philanthropy. These early
days laid the groundwork for Blanche's future commitment to
funding A O I I philanthropy and educational endeavors.

Keeping busy, Blanche has gone back to w o r k part time for
the company her late husband started nearly 5 0 years ago. Her
large family includes t w o daughters, t w o sons, 11 grandchildren
and three great-grandchildren. One daughter. Barbara Chilcote
Monteleone, is an A O I I , initiated into Lambda Iota ( U o f
California, San Diego). Blanche is active i n her c o m m u n i t y
with the Historical Society, the Ocean Institute, and a variety
o f other causes.

Blanche believes i n A O I I . She explains, " M y vision f o r
A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi is to ensure the f r a t e r n i t y ' s f u t u r e and
to benefit future generations through the Foundation's
Endowment. I want f u t u r e generations to share the A O I I
values o f loyalty and empathy."

5 0 • To DRAG MA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6

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