AOII FOUNDATION Hannah Kirby and Amy Yotmg
2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 ACADEMIC YEAR The A O I I Foundation is proud to have awarded 38 scholarships
this past year. The Jaime Frantz Memorial Scholarship is the
UNDERGRADUATES largest amount awarded and was presented to t w o C h i Delta ( U
of Colorado) members. A m y Young and Hannah Kirby. This
Michelle Adinolfi, Lambda Sigma Kerri Keith Memorial Scholarship scholarship is available to a C h i Delta Chapter member w i t h a
Ashley Ball, Rho Omicron Rho Omicron Chapter Scholarship 3.4 or better GPA. After Jaime's tragic death i n 2001, her parents
Holly Cardoso, Delta Upsilon Diamond Jubilee Scholarship endowed this scholarship i n their daughter's memory. Proceeds
Renee Charek, Theta Psi Robert and Eleanore MacCurdy Scholarship f r o m a golf tournament, which has continued to raise over $20,000
Renee Charek. Theta Psi Diamond Jubilee Scholarship each year, f u n d the scholarship. Humbled and appreciative o f the
Karen DePauw. Epsilon Sigma Rho Chapter Honor Scholarship scholarship, A m y Young shared the f o l l o w i n g i n a letter to the
Rachel Dorsey. Sigma Chi Muriel T. McKinney Scholarship Frantz family:
Rachel Dorsey. Sigma Chi Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Ashley Fisher. Kappa Kappa Carey Griner Memorial Scholarship " I am so honored to have been chosen to receive this scholarship
Sara Gay. Sigma Omicron Lou Meginness Couch - Sigma Omicron and I thank you all for making it possible for Jamie's sisters to have
Chapter Scholarship their hard work and achievements recognized by it. In the Greek
Casey Humkey. Delta Omega Diamond Jubilee Scholarship system, recognition for the work done is rarely received because the
Mary Ivey, Tau Delta Diamond Jubilee Scholarship w o r k is done i n a fraternal spirit, a classic, time honored tradition.
Leslie James. Kappa Tau Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Johanna Kelly, Kappa Tau Diamond Jubilee Scholarship "Just prior to our sorority recruitment I found out m y father's
Elena King, Epsilon Sigma Diamond Jubilee Scholarship health was deteriorating and he was forced to retire, leaving m y
Hannah Kirby, Chi Delta Jaime Frantz Memorial Scholarship family w i t h no source o f income. M y mother has had multiple
Kori Knoll, Kappa Kappa Martha McKinney Wilhoite - sclerosis for the last 20 years, unable to w o r k because o f dementia
Theta Chapter Scholarship and mobility problems associated w i t h the disease. I was able to pay
Katie Kormanyos, Theta Psi Diamond Jubilee Scholarship my sorority dues f r o m my savings, but I had to move home w i t h
Laura Laut/., Beta Phi Laura McDowell Scholarship my parents as I couldn't afford to live in the house anymore. M y
Danielle Laws, Gamma Delta Diamond Jubilee Scholarship parents had paid for me for the last t w o and a half years and cried as
Casie Levi. Kappa Kappa Martha McKinney Wilhoite - they told me they wouldn't be able to afford to pay (tuition) for me
Theta Chapter Scholarship anymore. I was planning on taking time oft f r o m school to w o r k
Mallary McLemore, Nu Beta Paula Jones Salter Memorial - so that I could pay for college. So I thank y o u - I thank you all f r o m
Nu Beta Chapter Scholarship the b o t t o m o f my heart. This scholarship has allowed me to finish
Rose Mulvey, Nu lota Nu Iota Chapter Scholarship - In memory school w i t h m y peers, it has allowed me to stay i n m y sorority w i t h
of Julia V. Nelson and In honor of Elaine Nelson MacKenzie my best friends, and further more it has strengthened m y belief that
Maggie Sibley, Lambda Sigma Langston - Purdy Scholarship in every rainy day there is a silver lining.
Melanie Tew. Delta Delta Karen Tucker Centennial Scholarship
Melanie Tew. Delta Delta Diamond Jubilee Scholarship " I w i l l continue to t r y my best to make you all proud to donate to
Angela Vullo. Sigma Angels of Kappa Theta Scholarship this amazing scholarship. I received a 3.9 this last semester b r i n g -
Nicole Walter. Sigma Diamond Jubilee Scholarship ing my cumulative GPA up to a 3.5. I w i l l let you all k n o w how
Heidi Weber, Phi Sigma Diamond Jubilee Scholarship I finish out C U . Jamie's legacy among all o f us at C h i Delta is
Elizabeth White. Alpha Chi Diamond Jubilee Scholarship something I w i l l never forget, and I can't imagine a more perfect
Kelley Williams, Kappa Kappa Carey Griner Memorial Scholarship representation o f our R i t u a l in every day life."
Amy Young, Chi Delta Jaime Frantz Memorial Scholarship
Amy Young, Scholarship Recipient
G RA D U A T E S / A L U M N A E Jaime Frantz 2006-2007
Rochelle Connelly, Sigma Phi San Diego Alumnae Chapter Honor To ORAGMA • 51
Rochelle Connelly. Sigma Phi Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Karen Galehan. Phi Lambda Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Kelly Hannon. Delta Rho Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Donna Kumar. Rho Omicron Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Catherine McCord, Alpha Delta Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Pamela Majewski, Kappa Rho Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Katie Pederson, Mu Lambda Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Rebecca Teel, Lambda Chi Helen Haller Scholarship
Rebecca Teel. Lambda Chi Alpha Tau Chapter Scholarship
Jessica Wonderlich. lota Sigma Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Scholarship applications for 2007-08 are now available. Visit www. or call the Foundation office at 615-370-0920. The
application deadline is postmarked March I , 2007.
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006
Saluting Delta Delta Event Raises
Philanthropic An Astonishing $20,000
Success Delta Delta (Auburn U ) is this year's collegiate chapter recipient
of the A O I I Foundation Collegiate Chapter SHEAF Award for
Excellence in Fundraising - Total Chapter Giving. Throughout the
year, the chapter hosts several annual philanthropic activities, but it
is their R u n for Roses W a l k / R u n that has evolved into a landmark
event. Since 2(100, this two-mile w a l k / r u n around Auburn's campus
has involved hundreds o f runners, sponsors and support. After their
successful 2005 event raised $11,000, the chapter set their 2006 fund
raising goal to a challenging, yet attainable, $13,000.
or rose? Beginning last January, members began a push to solicit donors,
sponsors and participants. Nearly three weeks before the March
I 00 \ccr\cr Y'c 19th event, they realized they had already surpassed their goal and
were on their way to a record-setting total. Despite a cold and
rainy race day, hundreds o f participants and on-lookers turned
out. The weather did not dampen anyone's spirits as the first 20
finishers received roses. Awesome door prizes were distributed;
a band was set up under a tent for entertainment; and Aubie,
Auburn's mascot, even showed up to show his support. When
all was said and done, the chapter contributed an astonishing
$19,613.13 to the A O I I Foundation.
Delta Delta (Auburn U) members before their race. Philanthropy Chairman Blair Bankhead added, "Everything came
together perfectly for our R u n for Roses. Many o f the sisters'
families even joined in the race or came to cheer for everyone.
Toomer Hall was definitely packed! We are very proud o f our
philanthropic success this year and we w i l l do everything we can to
make next year's R u n for Roses even more successful!"
lota Sigma's Per Member Contribution
Is Highest Of All Chapters
O n your mark, get set, go! Every fall, runners f r o m around the
Ames, Iowa area don their running shoes and hit the pavement in a
race to make a difference and to raise money for arthritis research.
Almost one thousand registrants kick up their heels to participate in
" R u n for the Roses to Strike O u t Arthritis," the Iota Sigma (Iowa
State) Chapter's signature philanthropy event to benefit the A O I I
Foundation. For the past 20 years, Iota Sigma has co-sponsored the
race w i t h the Ames Area R u n n i n g Club, and the event has become
a tradition for Iowa State students, as well as for runners across the
state of Iowa.
Participants in lota Sigma's (Iowa State U) race. Participants agree. R u n for the Roses is truly a runner's race because
of everything that the event entails. The morning begins with
a 5K and 10K road race along w i t h a Fun R u n for children. A n
additional incentive to cross the finish line is an omelet breakfast,
cooked-to-order by the ladies o f A O I I . R u n for the Roses has been
a marathon o f success for the chapter who donated $18,500 to the
52 • To I)R.AC;MA ISSUE N O . 1 • FAJU.2006
A O I I Foundation during fiscal year 2005- grant program. Toledo's contributions What exactly does it
06. Their $362.75 average per member support Camp Busy Bee, a local camp take to create an event
donation was so impressive, the chapter for children with juvenile arthritis. "The of such magnitude?
received the Collegiate Chapter SHEAF money raised is making a difference i n Time, teamwork,
Award for Excellence i n Fundraising - the lives o f these children w i t h arthritis," and sisterhood.
Highest Per Capita Giving. Beverly says. "We support more than
60% o f the camp and because o f our
What exactly does it take to create an contributions, the children are able to
event o f such magnitude? The answer: attend for free. This is great help to
time, teamwork, and sisterhood. "Every parents, especially those w i t h more than
single chapter member is involved in the one arthritic child. The children send us
planning and execution of the event," touching notes telling us how much f u n
Chapter President Katie Farrell says. "It's they have just being normal!"
all for such a great cause."
Toledo Area Is The Highest Indianapolis Alumnae
Alumnae Chapter Donor In Chapter Experiences
Two Categories Success Year after Year
When it comes to alumnae chapter giving Indianapolis was the second highest
to the A O I I Foundation, the Toledo contributing alumnae chapter to the
Area Alumnae Chapter is in a class o f its A O I I Foundation this past year based on
own. The chapter received high praise total giving. Their $2,703 contribution
this past summer at Leadership Institute is a goal for all other alumnae chapters to
when they were presented two Alumnae aspire to match. Money is raised through
Chapter SHEAF Awards for Excellence an annual N u t Sale and their Spring
in Fundraising. They won both Total Arthritis Luncheon.
Chapter Giving ($6,189.10) and Highest
Per Capita Giving ($171.92) awards f r o m Developing great f u n d raising programs Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter Members. i
the A O I I Foundation. and staying committed is the key to their S
chapter's success. AOIIs i n Indianapolis
The chapter's largest and most successful have been selling nuts each fall for more !
event is a Baskets 'n Brunch Benefit. than 25 years. It is always an anticipated
Chapter member and Collegiate Network event and helps customers stock up on
Specialist Beverly Hatcher says, "The nuts before the busy holiday baking
Chinese-style-auction basket raffle is season. Additionally, they have held an
such a f u n event, people leave saying extremely successful Arthritis Luncheon
they can't wait to come back next year." for more than 20 years. Proceeds f r o m this
I donations are collected f r o m members "Strike Out Arthritis!" themed event go
and retailers and then assembled into towards local arthritis support, specifically
beautifully arranged baskets. Raffle tickets making donations to a local multipurpose
are purchased for a dollar and placed in arthritis center.
fishbowls in front of one of more than
80 baskets for a drawing. The morning is In order to receive Foundation credit i
topped o f f w i t h a great brunch for nearly for their local arthritis contributions,
300 people, followed by the auction of a the chapter also participates i n the <
piece of jewelry in a balloon raffle. AOII Foundation mini-grant program.
Co-President Jennifer Goodspeed says, •
Toledo Area A C and the A O I I "We really believe i n these w o r t h w h i l e
Foundation both benefit from the events. O u r members are having f u n
proceeds due to the Foundation's m i n i - together while also g i v i n g back to
our community."
ISSUE, NO.1 • FALL 2006
Toledo's Baskets 'n Brunch Benefit.
To DRAGMA • 53
New York/New Jersey
Metro Area
The greatest benefit ot belonging to an alumnae chapter to be successful is to periodically reassess the
chapter, according to members ot the N e w Y o r k / N e w needs of its members," says Bridget. " O u r lives our
Jersey Metro Area Alumnae Chapter, is spending time very busy and responsibilities are always changing.
with your A O I I sisters. Chapter President Bridget Our chapter is comfortable t r y i n g new things."
Scanlon shares, "Whenever we meet, whether it be
for formal events or social gatherings, we have the Proudly wearing their A O I I letters to all
opportunity to grow and learn f r o m each other." The philanthropic activities, the chapter's primary
chapter also believes that having a support network is fundraiser is the successful Strike O u t Arthritis!
another great benefit. Bridget adds, " I n good times and bowling event. They also participate i n several
in bad, it is always a wonderful feeling to know your local events such as the Breast Cancer Walk in
sisters are there for you." October and Light the Night Walk i n September.
At Leadership Institute this summer, the chapter was
Installed in 1985, the chapter is primarily comprised honored with the Ruby Award for Alumnae Chapter
of alumnae f r o m Theta Pi Chapter at Wagner Excellence and A P Bridget Scanlan was presented a
College, but they lovingly welcome anyone to prestigious Alumnae Woman o f Leadership Award.
their membership. W i t h a wide range of ages and
interests, they try to schedule events that attract The chapter has had a long and successful
everyone. This year, four main events w i l l be relationship with Theta Pi Chapter. They currently
scheduled to bring the whole chapter together, support the chapter with 7 Alumnae Advisory
including a fall harvest festival, holiday party. Committee members and 9 Corporation Board
Founders' Day Luncheon and a Strike Out Arthritis! members, and include Theta Pi i n the chapter's
bowling event. Additional events are planned to philanthropic projects. Likewise, alumnae members
appeal to individual interests, such as events for attend many collegiate activities such as Songtest,
young alumnae, moms w i t h kids, cultural interests, Homecoming and initiation. Their annual exam
philanthropy projects and interaction with the Theta study bag fundraiser is always an anticipated event.
Pi Chapter. "The key ingredient for any alumnae The alumnae chapter also sent a box o f goodies
and information about their chapter to "far-away"
adopted chapters. Delta Psi (State U o f N e w York)
and C h i Phi ( U o f Aiken) Chapters. "We always
try to teach our collegians that being an active
alumna is a great experience," says Bridget. " I f our
collegiate sisters j o i n an A O I I alumnae chapter
upon graduation, whether ours or the one in
their hometown, we w i l l have been a successful
influence on them."
For more information on the N e w Y o r k / N e w Jersey
Metro Alumnae Chapter, you can visit their chapter
website at or email the
chapter at [email protected].
54 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO.1 • FALL 2006
San Diego
Established on June 13, 1931, the San Diego
Alumnae Chapter recently celebrated their 75th
anniversary. The chapter is composed of AOIIs f r o m
collegiate chapters across the continent, o f various
ages, interests and professions. Over the past several
years, the chapter has readily adjusted to the changing
needs o f their members as more o f their women now
work or have numerous activities competing for their
time. Younger members, who are often new to the
large city, look to the chapter in terms o f networking
for jobs and new friends. Many older members are
connected to smaller groups o f sisters and have built
relationships, such as the bridge group that has been
together for 30 years. A l l members can find their
place i n the chapter's busy calendar o f activities.
Active in philanthropy, the chapter works with the Southern California Council rotate hosting the
local San Diego Arthritis Chapter i n supporting event, considered the largest A O I I Founders' Day
American Juvenile Arthritis Organization (AJAO) gathering. San Diego also enjoys having their annual
programming. Each year the A O I I chapter provides membership tea to celebrate 25, 50, and 75-year
activities for children and their families attending member anniversaries. Members hear about A O I I
the AJAO Holiday Party at the Mission Valley experiences across the generations, as honored guests
Y M C A . Also, every year the chapter fills and are always asked to share collegiate memories.
decorates "Welcome to Camp" Bags for children
attending AJAO Summer Camp. In another President Laurel Latto says, "The biggest benefit I
heartwarming philanthropy effort, the chapter receive f r o m being an involved San Diego member
helps provide public relations for "Operation is meeting great women who I would not know
Beanie," an initiative to provide knitted beanies to otherwise." She added, "The other day, a radio
American servicemen and women. report revealed that people are very lonely. It is
always comforting to me to k n o w that wherever I
At L I this summer, San Diego was honored go, I can always find an A O I I sister."
w i t h several awards, including the Headquarters
Cooperation Award. This honor acknowledges that For more information about the San Diego Alumnae
the chapter is exceptional i n communication, timely Chapter, you can visit their chapter website at w w w .
reporting, financial record-keeping, and supports or email the chapter at
the A O I I Foundation, Emporium, as well as A O I I [email protected].
marketing efforts.
One o f the chapter's favorite annual events is the
Southern California's Council Founders' Day, held
the first Saturday i n February. The chapters i n the
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006
Week after Acadiana salutes Carolyn French, an and volunteered to work w i t h seven
week, AOII "AOII Alumna Woman o f Leadership" student teachers this year. Central N e w
who started a foundation to raise money Jersey would like to salute M a r y Shaultz
alumnae for a local public school computer and art Nightingale for her outstanding service .is
members enrichment program. A n n Arbor honors a Director o f Family Services for over 2 5
contribute Veronica Kilmark for her service to our years. She's also extremely active in the
countless service community, especially to the Arthritis Central Presbyterian Church of Summit
hours to AOII, Foundation. Atlanta is proud o f Chrissy (NJ), in which she is an Elder, a member o f
their chapters, Kowalczyk, w h o is on the Georgia Arthritis the Women's Circle and the choir.
and their Foundation Board. She organized a team
communities. o f sisters, families, and friends to participate Central New Mexico recognizes Marilyn
These members in the Atlanta Arthritis Walk, Hands on Irvin who is a certified instructor i n T'ai
are proudly Atlanta, three decorator show houses to Chi. She has shared her knowledge and
saluted for benefit local charities, as well as the Arthritis instruction w i t h the chapter and offers
outstanding Foundation Crystal Ball. classes to the Albuquerque community. The
community Charleston Chapter would like to honor
service by Elaine Ellis is saluted by Baton Rouge. its president, Sue Tetanich. She has brought
their alumnae She has been a tour guide at The Rural new ideas to the group and encourages
chapters. Life Museum for 2 5 years and enjoys all sisters to get involved in the group.
sharing Baton Rouge's history. She has Charlotte salutes Teresa Mitchiner. Teresa
5 6 • To DRAGMA opened her heart and home to house two is not only committed to being a great
medical school evacuees f r o m U o f N e w president for the chapter, but she has been
Orleans. Bloomington-Normal A R very involved in supporting the Arthritis
Sheila Kaurin, has been a volunteer for the Foundation locally and regionally.
McLean County Arthritis Foundation for
over 1 5 years. For the past 2 1/2 years she Chicago West Suburban proudly salutes
has been on the area Arthritis Foundation Patti Broggi for her outstanding service as a
Advocacy Board serving as Secretary. Each teacher in Special Education and Spanish for
o f the past three years she has volunteered The Children's Research Foundation. What
over 5 0 hours to the Arthritis Foundation. began as a Faculty Advisor position for a
Boston's Christina Jordan is on the high school fundraiser to support children
board for Project Bread in Boston, which w i t h leukemia, has now grown into 4 0
sponsors Walk For Hunger. She is the years of volunteer service to a foundation
Community Initiatives Manager, which that funds young physicians devoted to
means she organizes w o r k i n g in poor the research o f children. Joan (Joanie)
communities throughout the state to Gottschling is honored by Cleveland
help increase access to food. Area members for 2 8 years o f help to the
American Heart Association and its Jump
Dorothy Aasheim o f B o z e m a n was Rope for Your Heart and Hoops for Your
recently awarded the prestigious Montana Heart programs!
State University: Blue and Gold Award. It
honors an individual who has rendered great Columbus's Cindy Creedon works
lifetime service or who has brought national directly with the German Village Society,
or international distinction to M S U or to a non-profit organization that is dedicated
the state o f Montana. Calgary would like to retaining the character and distinction
to recognize Nedra Dreyer in her role as a of the past, while creating a thriving and
special education teacher w i t h the Calgary contemporary community in German
School Board. Nedra recently challenged Village, an area of Columbus. Dallas
the board to include special education in salutes Christie Robertson Gibson,
their student teachers' practicum rotations w h o was instrumental in forming Team
ISSUE NO.1 • FALL 2 0 0 6
A O I I for the Dallas Arthritis Foundation Greater M i a m i recognizes Sandra Mira proud o f Linda Grandolfo who does a
Walk. Through her efforts the chapter for her service as a substance abuse counselor fantastic job serving A O I I and the Arthritis
has become more involved w i t h the local at a high school for at-risk teens. She Foundation in the Chicago area. She has
Arthritis Foundation. Dayton is proud o f serves on the executive board of countless been appointed to the Chicago Arthritis
Janice Daniels for her work on the Dayton organizations, including the Developmental Foundation Board o f Directors as an
Habitat for Humanity Board o f Trustees and Mental Health Graduate Student ex-officio member. She also attended and
and Corporation Secretary. At her church, Association. She has served for many years volunteered at the Arthritis Foundation
she serves as a liaison to Urban Ministries, as a volunteer at a local homeless shelter, at Gala this past September.
and through Volunteers in Mission, she has a center for abused children, as volunteer
participated with construction projects in coach for children, and doing clean-ups and L o n d o n A r e a sends special thanks to
Utuado, Puerto Rico, Red Bird Mission in planting trees for environmental groups. Janine Hodgson for her dedication to
southern Kentucky and McCurdy School in After retirement, Greater Pinellas's Gay their community. She serves on the Board
Espanola, N e w Mexico. Knight Gentry decided that her second of Directors for Community Living
career would be in community service, London, which supports individuals with
Dearborn recognized Rosemary Malish and to do this she accepted the position intellectual disabilities, and chairs the
for her church work and tutoring at the of Commissioner on the Largo City CLL Advocacy Committee. Long Beach
adult literacy program in her community. Commission. She has now moved up to be salutes Anne Koo Thornquist for her w o r k
Delaware's Sarah Sprague is a great leader the Vice Mayor of Largo, Fl. She also serves as the Southern California Council Vice
and sister. She has been a strong influence on the Board of Pinellas County Transit President and dedicated work to the Long
to the chapter by helping co-plan their Authority, is a board member o f Largo Parks Beach Y M C A . L o n g Island's Fradell
2005 Spring charity walk. Denver is very and Recreation, and is an active member o f Serpe and her husband raise funds and
proud of two o f special sisters, Sunny Beck both the Largo Rotary Club and her church. participate i n a walk for Parkinson's disease.
and Margot Crowe. After the death of two Her mother died f r o m this dreaded disease
of Sunny's children, Margot encouraged Indianapolis thinks Sarah Ernstberger is and she has instilled i n her sisters a desire to
Sunny to write a children's book to honor a remarkable young woman for starting continue to fight for a cure.
Philip and Sarah. Margot designed a a fund raising event while a Kappa
set o f children's china as a companion Kappa collegian called Jail ' N Bail. Sarah Madison honors Tracie Rodman for her
to the children's book. Profits from this now works for G o o d w i l l Industries as work w i t h the League of Women Voters.
joint project are donated to The Denver a recruiter, helping disabled individuals She is also a board member for the Madison
Children's Hospital gardens. to f i n d jobs, and then assists them in Jingle Bell R u n / W a l k to help support the
learning their j o b skills so that they may be Arthritis Foundation. Minneapolis/St.
Detroit N Suburban salutes Marcia successful. Jacksonville salutes E r i n Pauls Paul salutes Mona Barrada for her service
Rowbotton who is active in the city for helping the local Arthritis Foundation to the community. Mona was i n charge o f
of Birmingham serving on the historic coordinate their Annual Zoo Walk. operations for the Arthritis Walk-A-Thon
committee and planning board for many Jonesboro w o u l d like to salute L o u in May. Monroe recognizes Dana Ramsey
years. Judy Casale of East Bay is a Ann Clements for her service to our Mullins for her dedication on the Lambda
beekeeper i n her spare time. She harvests community. She is a t w o time breast Tau A A C board. Dana was named Teacher
the bees' honey and makes wonderful cancer survivor who has volunteered of the Year for 2005 at her school.
food and skin care products. Greater for organizations sharing breast cancer
Harrisburg honors Claire Powers, who prevention. She has also volunteered as Muncie's Nancy Campbell is very active
received the Greater Harrisburg Habitat Reach to Recovery coordinator. in Habitat for Humanity and leadership i n
for Humanity 2005 Humanitarian Award. her church. Nashville A r e a salutes Melissa
Claire also serves on the Board o f Trustees Barbara Sexton-Smith, o f Kentuckiana, is Freeman Wyatt. She is an active member
of Fort Hunter, the Board o f Directors of Chief Operations Officer for the Louisville of the Junior League of Nashville and her
the Historical Society of Dauphin County, Fund for the Arts. She is a tireless promoter church - just to name two. She gives so
the Alumni Committee of Leadership o f arts and culture. She is also a member o f much of herself, always putting others first,
Harrisburg Area, and the local Crime the M a i n Street Association, Dare to Care and always doing it w i t h a smile on her face.
Watch organization. Food Bank and a Louisville Boys Choir
volunteer. L a k e C o u n t y is especially
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006 To DRAGMA • 57
1\ and Yacht Club Committees. Rose Marie
McCall has been an outstanding contributor
San Francisco alumnae enjoy a luncheon together. to the Seattle community. She is the first
to volunteer or support other members for
N e w York Capital R e g i o n salutes a new several hours per week at a consignment any f u n d raising activities. She also teaches
alumna initiate, Sue Jarvis. Sue works for shop for lower income shoppers. The a variety of safety classes such as handling
the Arthritis Foundation and has made the money the shop keeps benefits a non-profit hazardous materials
extra effort to involve all chapter members organization i n the Philadelphia area.
in the fund raising efforts to help the local R o c k f o r d salutes Anne Meyer for her South Bay/Palos Verdes member
arthritis chapter. Northeast O k l a h o m a / dedication to the Rockford community. Stephanie Resley has been a member o f the
Northwest Arkansas's Anita Thompson Anne, an avid gardener, is active i n the Anne Banning Auxiliary o f the Assistance
continues to show her support by attending preservation of the prairies and wetlands of League of Southern California since '92.
and helping plan events and meetings. northern Illinois. She and her family have She has been a past chairman, on the board
also been active in the restoration o f local o f directors for many years, and this year she
Northern Orange C o u n t y salutes Janie historical barns. w i l l be serving on the audit committee. St.
Kesling Crawford. She is a docent at the Louis salutes Kathy Lee for her volunteer
Los Angeles Zoo, member o f P.E.O., San Antonio admires Amy Waugh service at one of the area hospitals. She has a
president of a quilting guild, participant Hamlet w h o raises money and awareness beautiful outlook on life and has dedicated
in Bible Study Fellowship and sings in her throughout the community. Her service her life to service. After a career o f over
church choir. Northern V i r g i n i a salutes ranges from walks, fundraisers, and 25 years o f teaching Kindergarten, State
Kimberly Cordero for her work as the donating her time. This year she is the College member, Linda D o m i n , is busier
Public Information Officer for the Fairfax chairman for the San Antonio Arthritis than ever i n the State College community.
County Health Department. She conducts Dog Walk 20(16! San Diego salutes Laurel She serves on the board o f directors of a day
emergency preparedness workshops for Latto who is joined together w i t h friends to school she founded, regularly volunteers for
citizens in the county, when requested. start a group called Charity's Angels ( w w w . Meals on Wheels, and is a leading voice for
Kimberly also organized our Adopt-A- This group throws an children's literacy.
Highway cleanup days. N Y / N J Metro annual Halloween Bash that raises money
honors Janice Bambara, who is an active for a local San Diego charity. Last year, Suburban Maryland's Beth Homan is on
member o f the Auxiliary o f Sea View- the group raised money for San Diego the board of directors of the Montgomery
Hospital Rehabilitation Center and Home. Children's Hospital. The San Diego County Coalition for the Homeless and also
She has served on various fund raising Board of Supervisors acknowledged her as volunteers for the Kiwanis Club. Terre
committees, most recently as a co-chair o f Volunteer of the Month in February 2002. Haute honors Susan Llewellyn Marr who
the Moonlight Ball, and she also supports San Gabriel Valley would like to thank is the board president o f the Terre Haute
the American Cancer Society. Janie Little Steckenrider for her service Humane Shelter. She organizes and runs
as a successful realtor and member o f the money-making events, interfaces with local
Palo Alto honors A n n Montgomery Jones, Methodist Hospital Board. veterinarians who provide services, makes
who oversees the arts program at a camp for arrangements w i t h rescue locations for many
youth entering 7-12 grades. Last summer A n active Sarasota Area alumnae member breeds, uses her home as a foster location for
she volunteered to co-direct a week long is Stevie Spaulding Wilberding. She animals as needed, and assists i n the day-to-
camp in the Sierras for junior high youth. contributes her time and talents as a board day running o f the shelter.
Philadelphia salutes Kathy Borzell for her member o f the Historical Spanish Pointe
service to the community. Kathy volunteers Society and serves on the Governance Toledo Area honors their sister, Helen
Hatcher for her service to her church
library. She also works in the kitchen for the
church's Seniors Lunch Program and serves
as the representative for the Flower Hospital
Guild. Ventura County salutes Alyce
Schuldt w h o spends many hours every
week in service to Ventura County's senior
citizens. She helps them w i t h transportation
to errands and doctor appointments and
generally makes sure they are well cared for.
58 • To DRAGMA I.S.SUK NO.1 • FALL 2006
Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U) group, the Flying Samaritans. She also works On campus
members are proud of Sarah Murray, who is with foster youth in an independent living or in their
finance chairman of the St. Jude's Children's program, and is a caregiver at an alzheimer's community,
Hospital " U p Till Dawn" fundraiser. Sarah facility. C h i Theta (Northeastern State these collegians
is also the Greek Week Blood Drive leader U ) salutes Michele Schmidt for her tireless are making a
for the university and a volunteer at the volunteer efforts with organizations such as difference. Hats
Bowling Green Special Olympics. Alpha SGA, the Prodigy Foundation (an outpatient off to these
Delta ( U of Alabama) recognizes Britton behavioral health facility), and the Tahlequah ladies for letting
Burgess for single handedly organizing their Chamber o f Commerce and M a i n Street their light shine
Strike Out Arthritis! event, Camp M A S H , Association. Delta (Tufts U ) Chapter so brightly
and the Jingle Bell Run. A l l three events honors Bruni Hirsch who is an active through service.
support arthritis research. Alpha G a m m a member o f the Tufts senate. Way to go,
(Washington State U ) Chapter salutes Alpha-Os!
Leah Meyer for her devotion to mentoring Delta Beta's ( U of Louisiana at
middle school students through the local Lafayette) Chapter President, Amanda To DRAGMA • 59
Young Life Organization. Gary, is an active volunteer at Faith House,
St. Joseph's Diner, and various nursing
Alpha P h i (Montana State U ) is pleased homes. She has also volunteered for the
to salute Alicia Pollock for a wide range o f North American Food Drive and Habitat
community service, including her work for Humanity. Delta Delta (Auburn U)
with the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program is inspired by Christen Ridely's role as SGA
and the C A O Mentor tutoring program. Vice President of Administration. Delta
Alpha Theta (Coe College) recognizes Epsilon (Jacksonville State U ) salutes
Philanthropy Chairman, Liz Huggins for an their JSA Panhellenic President, Stephanie
amazing job of organizing a successful Red Shourds. Delta O m e g a (Murray State U ) .
Cross Blood 1 )rive. Marie Hershberger, a is proud of Megan Rogers for helping start
Beta Phi (Indiana U ) member, is proudly the Red Cross Club on campus which hosts
recognized for her work w i t h the Monroe school blood drives. Megan is also Student
County Humane Association's "Walk for the Government Vice President.
Animals" event.
Delta Sigma (San Jose State U )
Beta Tau's ( U of Toronto) Mai-ling honors Emily Molino who is Panhellenic
Truong is a volunteer with the Canadian President, Orientation Leader, and Director
Centre for Mental Health and Addiction. She of Programming of SGA. Delta Theta
also brings valuable education back to the (Texas Women's U ) is pleased to spotlight
chapter about mental illness and addiction Lindsey Durham who is President of Student
prevention and treatment. C h i Epsilon Government at T W U . Senior Katie Owen,
(The O h i o State U ) is proud to salute Delta Upsilon (Duke U), is the Director
Katey Price for her outstanding service i n the of Philanthropy for the Duke University
University Ambassadors Program and as a Panhellenic Association supporting all
Recruitment Counselor. C h i Lambda ( U sororities in their philanthropic endeavors.
of Evansville) honors Andrea Langemaat's Epsilon (Cornell U ) member Kerry Kooi is
tireless efforts as a co-chairman of the a leader in an on-campus service group called
Orientation Leaders Organization, a Big Project Sunshine, which provides emotional
Brothers/Big Sister's Kid's Cafe volunteer and support for children and families dealing with
a hospice volunteer. serious illnesses or disabilities.
C h i Psi (California Polytechnic State Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State
U ) recognizes Jennifer Waller for her U ) salutes A l i Miller for her extreme
volunteer work with a traveling medical dedication to T H O N , the largest student
ISSUE N O . 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6
run philanthropy in the world. As one o f Panhellenic Delegate, both o f which A m y Baxter. She volunteers for Angel Food
last year's T H O N chairmen, she helped greatly contributed to a successful chapter and for a program called Servant Leadership.
Epsilon Alpha become the 3rd highest money recruitment. Iota Sigma (Iowa State U ) She is also co-chairman ot Panther Toy Store,
raiser for 2005! Epsilon G a m m a ( U of believes Betsy Ratashak is amazing. The an outreach program at Christmas for those
Northern Colorado) recognizes the hard former Iowa FFA Association President also less fortunate.
work of Philanthropy Chairman Kathleen served as the Iowa State Collegiate FFA
Brown. From their Strike Out Arthritis! President and serves as the Food Science Lambda Omicron's (Cumberland U)
Bowl-A-Thon, to collecting clothing and Club representative to the A g Council. Jana Jenkins always takes the leading role in
food for shelters, she helps the chapter give Betsy also served on the Family Weekend campus activities, and heads up committees
back to the community. G a m m a ( U of committee for Iowa State University. within the chapter. L a m b d a Sigma ( U
Maine) Chapter would like to salute Jenni o f Georgia) salutes Mallory Grebel's
Dragon for countless hours o f community Lisa McQueeney o f K a p p a C h i contributions to the campus and community,
service working with abused and neglected (Northwestern State U ) is saluted far too numerous to list. She is a role model
children at a nearby shelter. Her 200 for her service as SGA Secretary, Order and one o f the most respected girls in the
community service hours were beneficial to O f Omega Treasurer, and Greek chapter, campus, and community. L a m b d a
the campus and community. 101 Facilitator. K a p p a G a m m a Upsilon (Lehigh U ) honors Jennifer
(Florida Southern U ) recognizes Rego. She organized two major chapter
G a m m a Alpha (George Mason U ) is Carla Schnitzlein for her involvement philanthropy events, threw a Christmas party
proud of their SGA Vice President, Suzanne as president of biology honorary, Beta for the Boys and Girls Club, and hosted a
Sanderford, who also helped coordinate Beta Beta, secretary o f Omicron Delta Valentine's party for the local nursing home.
"Dance for the Cure" with Alpha Phi Alpha Kappa, a member of Order of Omega,
to benefit arthritis research. G a m m a C h i and chairman of the campus Greek U n i t y M u L a m b d a (Rollins College) recognizes
(Carleton U ) is proud o f Felicia Coleman's Board. Kappa Kappa (Ball State U ) Laura Pope. As House Manager and VPA,
dedicated support in Carleton's G L B T thanks Olufunmbi Elemo for finding she has made it a priority for the chapter
Centre, where she works to create awareness creative ways for their members to serve to be hostesses to other organizations and
and communication between hetero and the community. She helped Kappa Kappa leaders on campus. This helps build a sense
homosexual students. G a m m a O m i c r o n w i n Ball State's Outstanding Organization of community between the chapter and
( U of Florida) salutes Samantha Murano for Public Service award for 2005! the campus at large. N u Beta's ( U o f
for her involvement with Florida Blue Key Mississippi) Elizabeth Rainey is always
and A C C E N T Speaker's Bureau, the largest, Kappa L a m b d a ( U of Calgary) is pleased looking for ways to give back to the
student-run speakers' bureau in the nation. to salute 1 )almy Baez for making a name for community. She volunteers for Family Crisis
She was also Director o f Programs for Gator herself and the chapter at the University o f Services o f Northwest Mississippi, Order o f
Growl, the largest student run pep rally i n Calgary. She participated in the Fall 2005 Omega's Halloween Carnival and the United
the world. bi-election for student government, running Way's Road Block.
for the position of Academic Commissioner.
G a m m a Sigma (Georgia State U ) Kappa Omicron's (Rhodes College) N u O m i c r o n (Vanderbilt U ) is pleased
proudly recognizes Sherita Harkness for her Ashley Crosland is an active member of to highlight the work of Ashley Dameron
work on their M r . A O I I pageant. She also the Rhodes Social Regulations Council, on several service boards, including Global
volunteers at Creating Pride, and works Rhodes Singers. Order o f Omega, and Health Council. Omega Omicron's
with kids through the Atlanta and Fulton the Vollintine/Evergreen Community (Lambuth U ) President, Amanda Joy
County school systems. G a m m a T h e t a Association/ Rhodes Hollywood-Springdale Mueller, is a SGA member, Student
( U of South Florida) honors Nicole Paitnership. Kappa R h o (Western Academic Herald, and spends countless
Caputi for four years o f volunteer service. Michigan U ) recognizes Kristin Brinker, for hours raising money for philanthropy.
She has been an Alternative Spring Break organizing several community service events O m i c r o n ( U o f Tennessee) wishes to
Site Leader, an USF Ambassador, and on campus, like the American Red Cross spotlight Rachel Matthews as last year's
began a SGA financial counseling service Blood Drive and last year's first annual " R u n Dance Marathon Chairman. She is also on
for students. Katie Hargrave, Iota ( U of for the Roses". the Issue's Committee, a Student Activities
Illinois), is saluted for her leadership in Kappa Sigma (U of Wisconsin River Student Worker, an Orientation Leader, and
their M u d Olympics philanthropic event Falls) salutes Elizabeth (Liz) Ablet for her a member of TeamVOLS,
to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma involvement with campus tours, many bible
Society and juvenile diabetes research. groups, C A S C A D E - a healthy choices Phi Beta (East Stroudsburg U ) salutes
Iota Chi ( U of Western Ontario) group, the Student Health Office, and many A m y Rogers who is Panhellenic President
sends roses to Lisa Richards for her other groups. L a m b d a C h i (LaGrange and Events Coordinator of the Phi C h i -
positive impact as PR Chairman and College) Chapter honors Chapter President, Psychology Honor Society. Stephany Tailor,
60 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO.1 • FALL 2006
Phi C h i ( U of Chicago), is an associate o f with this human rights group on their war General for the Student Government
Women and Youth Supporting Each Other in Sudan. She has also worked on Violence Association, which sponsors most of the
(WYSE) at the University of Chicago. She Against Women awareness campaigns. activities on campus. Rachel is also a member
has been providing young women on campus Sigma Alpha (West Virginia U ) of R h o Lambda, the Spanish Club, and was
with the resources and information necessary member Analisa Blackwood is a member Homecoming representative last year. Theta
to make informed decisions about their o f the Veteran's Group at West Virginia Beta (Towson U ) salutes Dee M u l l i n and
relationships, sexuality and futures, and how University. She has organized a number o f Jaime Lynn Cianci for their service to the
to create community change. P h i Sigma's events to bring the t w o groups together in victims of Hurricane Katrina. These two
( U of Nebraska Kearney) Heidi Weber order to support American troops. Sigma phenomenal women joined with another
is active in her church as a Sunday school C h i ( H a r t w i c k College) salutes Elyse campus organization and worked together to
teacher and is involved with several campus Carl for organizing a successful pancake make their way down to New Orleans and
organizations. P i Delta ( U of Maryland) breakfast to benefit arthritis research. Her create hope for the hurricane victims. Theta
honors Tara Buckley who is the President o f hard work and leadership has been an C h i (Morningside College) honors Angie
Order of Omega and a member ot Civicus. inspiration to the chapter. Meyer for her involvement as President o f
SGA, the Undergraduate Psychological
Pi Theta (Florida International U ) Sigma Rho's (Slippery Rock U ) Kristen Association, Psi C h i (the Psychology Honor
is pleased to recognize Kristin Quigley's Barco has served as Vice President o f Society), and Campus Security.
leadership roles in R h o Gamma and Community Service on their Panhellenic
Panhellenic. She has also served as Morale Council. She also served as a campus tour Theta Omega's (Northern Arizona)
Captain for Dance Marathon. R h o Delta guide for incoming students. T a u ( U of Michelle McMannimon is a reporter and
(Samford U ) recognizes Susan Miller's Minnesota) is pleased to highlight Aeriel editor ot their campus newspaper, "The
philanthropic efforts. She is always positive, Anderson who is a Freshmen Orientation Lumberjack." Michelle makes sure that the
even on cold, winter mornings as they Coordinator. She has also volunteered campus is well informed about its students
are setting up for a run or walk. R h o on campus i n other capacities including and the surrounding community. Theta
Omicron's (Middle Tennessee State U ) Junior Panhellenic Council and Panhellenic P i (Wagner College) proudly recognizes
Jennifer Chandler is an avid performer and a Council. Tau Omega (Transylvania Lauren Jebran who is an active member
key member in their fight song, lip sync, and U ) is proud of Kelsey Blankenship's efforts of O D K and the Dance Team. Theta Psi
step show competitions as both a performer as Panhellenic Recruitment Chairman. ( U of Toledo) member, Aly Strapulous
and choreographer. She is also a dedicated member at Twin is a member o f the Rocket Report news
Pines Christian Church, where she had the team, and also a R h o Gamma for this year's
Sigma (U of California Berkeley) opportunity to preach a sermon. recruitment. Upsilon Lambda ( U of
proudly recognizes Tiffany Hsu. One of Texas San Antonio) honors Melissa Valdes
her many causes, Tiffany has volunteered Rachel Mansfield, of Tau Omicron ( U of for her involvement with the Student A l u m n i
with Amnesty International and worked Tennessee Martin), serves as the Secretary Association and the Marketing Association
o f U T S A . She also has participated as an
orientation leader for two years.
ISSUE NO.1 • FALL 2 0 0 6 X i ( U o f O k l a h o m a ) is proud o f Corrie
Politto for all of her work with Habitat
for Humanity. She served on the campus
executive committee and helps w i t h
OU's "Shackathon," a fundraiser where
organizations raise money while sleeping
outside i n cardboard box houses. She
also organized an event for X i Chapter
to help build a house for a family w i t h
other Greek organizations on campus.
Zeta Pi (U of Alabama Birmingham)
Chapter salutes Megan Castleman, for her
participation i n the Birmingham Area
Arthritis Foundation Committee. She has
also volunteered w i t h Jingle Bell R u n and
Camp M A S H (Making Arthritis Stop
Hurting) for children with arthritis.
Delta Upsilon (Duke U)
To DKAGMA • 6 1
Courtney Kupets
All-American AOII
She's a National Champion, World Champion. Born July 27, 1986, i n Bedford, Texas, and raised
Olympic Medalist, N C A A Ail-Around Champion, in Gaithersburg, Maryland, Courtney began
and the only gymnast in the nation ranked in the gymnastics when she was only three years old. A f u l l
top five on every individual event in her sport. She athletic scholarship and an older sister, Ashley, led
helped lead Team USA to the 2003 World Team her to Georgia. Ashley is also a world class Georgia
Championship and the 2004 Olympic Silver Team gymnast, as are t w o o f her A O I I sisters, juniors
Medal. A n d this past spring, she led her University Audrey Bowers and N i k k i Childs. Each woman
of Georgia GymDawgs to a N C A A National Team also has an impressive array o f titles, i n addition to
Championship. an N C A A Championship ring.
This 1st Team All-American gymnast is AOII's Courtney has been a part o f many athletic team
Courtney Kupets, Lambda Sigma ( U o f Georgia). As competitions, but acknowledges the collegiate
a freshman last year, Courtney earned an impressive environment is quite different. She says, "The 2002
35 first place finishes, 40 scores o f 9.90 or better, World Competition in Hungary was probably my
won 4 N C A A National Titles and was named the favorite gymnastic experience because I w o n the
SEC Freshman o f the Year. To cap it off, this busy uneven bars when there were no expectations on
student-athlete was recently honored academically me at all, and my Olympic team experience was
when she was named to the Association o f Collegiate priceless. But, I ' d have to say the overall experience
Gymnastic Coaches Academic National Team. in college is more fun. The chemistry at the
collegiate level is better due to training everyday
In addition to her hard work in the gym and in the with your teammates and friends."
library, she finds time for another commitment i n
her life - A O I I . Last fall, Courtney's A O I I m o m , The 2008 Bejing Olympics are just two years away,
Patti Peach Kupets, Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U ) but Courtney is not planning that far ahead yet.
encouraged her daughter to make her o w n decision She had to fight back f r o m a potentially career-
when going through recruitment, and that is exactly ending torn Achilles in the summer of2004 to make
what she did. " I may be an A O I I legacy, but I wanted the Athens Olympic team. R i g h t now, last year's
to find out for myself i f A O I I was my thing," she undefeated season and National Championship are
said. " I fell in love with A O I I right away. The girls still fresh in Courtney's mind and her gymnastic
in the chapter have all become my best friends." attention is focused on defending their title w i t h a
strong returning GymDawgs team.
As for the rest o f her collegiate experience, " A O I I
has been good for me, personally," says Courtney,
who now lives in Athens, Georgia. "Before I came
to Georgia, my whole life was about school and
gymnastics. A O I I has helped me so much socially.
I've learned how to relax and have fun, and I've made
so many friends who I k n o w w i l l be my friends for
life." Courtney plans to continue making the most o f
every moment w i t h her teammates and her sisters.
Courtney Kupets, second from left, with her Lambda Sigma sisters.
ISSUE NO.1 • FALL 2006
! II
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, M N
Installed: October 29, 1912
Sub-motto: "Honor"
Located in Minneapolis, the University of Minnesota were an invaluable Alumnae Advisory Committee
is one ot the largest college campuses i n the United and Corporation Board, area alumnae, and a team
States. Walking among thousands o f students are o f Leaders' Council officers w h o knew to set the
about 1 0 0 o f our fellow sisters, members o f the example and enforce the changes that would take
award-winning Tau Chapter. Both the campus and place w i t h i n their chapter.
the chapter have seen many years, many challenges,
and many triumphs come to pass, but like many, 'It is not so much where we stand as in
success has not always come easily. Success occurs by what direction we are moving."
the labor o f many, and through the test o f time.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
Tau Chapter has a rich heritage dating back to their
forming in the winter o f 1 9 0 8 . Their association with The A A C helped to hold officers accountable for
our Fraternity has an A O I I sister at the university their AlphaLink reports and made sure chapter
during that time to thank, for she proposed the bylaws were consistent with A O I I international
local group request a national charter from Alpha bylaws. As the chapter became more educated about
Omicron Pi. After petitions, recommendations, and their corporation, they realized just what their part
a couple of quiet years, Tau Chapter (then k n o w n i n the entity entailed. This education has brought
as the Pi Phi Club) continued to operate and to the t w o groups closer together. Soon officers began
persevere before their charter from Alpha Omicron to take the road less traveled - to be accountable,
Pi was granted. Diligence and action paid o f f in the show responsibility, and to find knowledge
fall o f 1 9 1 2 when the chapter was officially installed. and answers in our Governing Documents and
educational manuals. They became more confident
Since that day, many generations o f members have in each other, i n the chapter, and i n themselves. Tau
come and gone leaving a legacy of sisterhood and possessed purpose and patience and slowly turned
a story o f success. The past few years have seen things around full circle.
many changes and have been a time o f tremendous
achievement. When Stephanie Rendon (Delta "^fe cannot become what we need to be by
Theta) began working w i t h Tau as a Collegiate remaining what we are."
Network Specialist in 2 0 0 2 , the chapter had
wandered o f f course. Together, Tau and Stephanie - M a x DePree
began bridging the gap in network communication,
A O I I policies and procedures, and the need for D u r i n g this dynamic time i n Tau's recent history, the
strong chapter leadership. Stephanie's strong hand changes A O I I was making were apparent on campus.
and loving heart held the leadership and membership Leadership not only grew w i t h i n the chapter, but
responsible for cooperating, working together, and the members shifted their focus and shared their
focusing on positive changes. Supporting Tau locally
6 4 • To DRAOMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6
leadership w i t h outside organizations as well. sisters. I am so very proud of this chapter it is hard to
N o w knowing "there were rules for a reason," the put into words. It was a tough decision to move on i n
chapter began seeking out ignored policies within my volunteer career because I love them so much and
other organizations to ensure and encourage their I wasn't sure I could let go. Tau w i l l always be a part
leadership to be strong and enforce these guidelines. of me no matter what."
As a result, Tau Chapter gained the respect of the
university and the Greek community. A O I I is very proud o f Tau Chapter and the
commitment and love of past members and
Stephanie Rendon now serves our Fraternity as a supportive volunteers who allowed the chapter to
Collegiate Network Director. She recounts w i t h find their confidence to make change and maintain
nostalgia her time as a C N S w o r k i n g w i t h Tau the many positive improvements seen i n recent years.
saying, "The Tau members have taken me in as one Continue to let your lights shine brightly on the
of their o w n and I am very lucky to have them as campus ot the University ot Minnesota.
By: Amanda Smith, Omega Omicron (Lambuih College), AOII Administrative Director of Collegiate Operations
2.006 C A M P U S A W A R D S : 2006 A O I I AWARDS:
Outstanding Community Service Academic Honor Roll
Outstanding Recruitment Alumnae Advisory Committee Performance Certificate
Outstanding Leadership Campus Total Honor Roll
Chapter Adviser o f the Year Corporation Board Performance Certificate
Chapter o f Excellence Quota Honor Roll
Chapter of Year Pearl Award
(won the past three consecutive years) Strike Out Arthritis! Event Holder
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6 I o DKAGMA • 65
Texas Women's University, Denton, Texas
Installed: February 11, 1984
Sub-motto: "Patience and Trust"
"I've gotten "Dependable, supportive, down to earth, and knew that it would take an entire chapter effort to
to know this charitable" are words that Lauren W h i t e uses to make the changes they needed to operate at their f u l l
great group of describe her sisters. In the first half o f her term, potential. When many w o u l d be discouraged. Delta
young women the Chapter President of Delta Theta has seen the Theta made the decision to look at their situation
— and they've chapter rise above many challenges to come out on as an opportunity to learn more about A O I I and to
top. Located i n Denton, Texas at Texas Women's better themselves as a group. W i t h this philosophy i n
absolutely University, the Delta Theta Chapter is hard at work mind, the chapter made a commitment to rise above
stolen my to make their campus and community a better place. their obstacles and to improve. The chapter began
to see probation as a guide to stay on track and soon
heart!" From the outside, you see a chapter whose saw the benefits o f their situation. Chapter operations
membership is composed o f orientation leaders. became smoother and members naturally fell into a
Student Government representatives, nursing routine. The group became closer as they realized
students, and even aspiring musicians. Internally, the importance o f teamwork and sisterhood when
Delta Theta members all hold one thing in common, running a chapter.
their commitment to make a difference in their
community. Last year alone, the chapter planned Their teamwork was put to the test when the
and participated in several philanthropic projects chapter found themselves without an Alumnae
including: Strike Out Arthritis!, the Arthritis Walk, Advisory Committee. The members again made
"Fallen Firefighter Chili Cook-off," and "Take a commitment to each other to w o r k together
Back the Night," Individually, members are busy to recruit advisers and an action plan was put
volunteering for the American Red Cross, nursing into place. Instead o f asking for help, the chapter
homes, and local children's camps. Collectively, the wanted to show local alumnae just why they
chapter's good work earned them a nomination for should be a part o f Delta Theta. The chapter
T W U ' s "Outstanding Organization of the Year." decided that their first approach would be to
These accomplishments mean a great deal to Delta attend the Dallas Alumnae Chapter meeting.
Theta, because they signify just how far the chapter T h e Delta Theta members used the meeting as a
has come i n the past year. In the face o f obstacles. chance to introduce themselves and to highlight
Delta Theta has worked hard to make a name for the chapter's plans for the semester, focusing
themselves, not only on their campus but in the big on the positive work they had been doing. The
picture of AOII. meeting quickly opened the doors for new
possibilities and relationships between the two
Last spring, as the chapter read an International chapters. The chapter began to invite alumnae
Probation letter they wondered how they would be to all o f their events and soon a very strong
able to accomplish the lengthy list o f terms. They bond was formed. As appreciation for all o f the
6 6 • To URAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6
Dallas Alumnae Chapter's support. Delta Theta In April, Delta Theta received a letter stating
hosted a "Valentine's Day Tea." Several alumnae that their progress had not gone unnoticed. The
attended the event, and the chapter was honored chapter was being removed f r o m International
to have Susan Danko, International President in Probation. Proud of their hard work, Delta Theta
attendance. Throughout the semester Delta Theta members knew that the changes they had made
continued to work with the Dallas alumnae, and would not go to waste and that they had become
the alumnae l i k e d what they saw. A f t e r spending a stronger, closer group for the work they had put
the past several months w o r k i n g w i t h the chapter, into the past semester.
Julie O ' B r i e n , w h o had been serving as a liaison
between the t w o chapters, officially became Things are looking very bright in Texas for this
Chapter Adviser. In a letter to surrounding group o f AOIIs, but Delta Theta is determined
alumnae, Julie wrote: "I've recently accepted the to continually improve. With a growing A A C to
Chapter Adviser position for Delta Theta Chapter support them, the chapter's goal is to achieve campus
at T W U because i n the past year, I've gotten to total, a feat that their collegiate network team and
know this great group o f young women — and new advisers think is highly possible. As the fall
they've absolutely stolen my heart! They are semester progresses, Lauren looks back at the last year
passionate about our fraternity and have stepped and thinks ahead to the future: " I ' m just really proud
up to the plate — pretty much on their own — in o f us," she says, "we have come so far.. .and I only see
the past couple o f years to take their chapter to the things getting better for Delta Theta."
next level."
By: Erin Bitrcham, Zeta (U of Nebraska - Lincoln), Assistant Editor
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6
• 9
s ^5
Alpha Omicron Pi recently launched a new networking tool
that is exclusively for AOIIs. inCircle is a free, private, online
community that allows AOIIs to securely connect w i t h friends
and friends-of-friends based on shared interests, common
acquaintances, professions, locations and more. Whether you
are moving to a new city, trying to find a new job or wanting to
locate an old friend, inCircle is the networking tool for you.
6 8 • To DRAG MA ISSUE NO.1 • FALL. 2 0 0 6
Go to
to sign up for inCircle and find out what
AOIIs are talking about.
One way to connect to sisters on T O P 1 0 M O S T ACTIVE INCIRCLE GROUPS
inCircle is through a group. Groups are
communities built around a collegiate 1 . SHOPPING FOR DEALS 6 . SHARING RECIPES
or alumnae chapter, club, industry, Love a bargain? Found a great Here is a great place to share
organization, location, or simply an deal? Share great deals, bargains great recipes - especially those
interest. It's a great way to keep members and unbelievable finds on for on-the-go women like us!
o f your chapter connected. Join an anything with your sisters! Who
existing group to find other A O I I doesn't love a great deal? 7. THETA PSI
alumnae w i t h similar passions. Can't f i n d For all members of Theta Psi
the group you're looking for? Creating a 2 . HOOKED ON REALITY T V ! Chapter (U of Toledo) - past
new group is easy. T h r o u g h your inCircle Whether you're hooked on and present.
group, you can manage members, start American Idol, Survivor, The
discussions, post photo albums, and Amazing Race or any of the 8 . KENTUCKIANA
announce events. Once you've joined other "reality" shows - For Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter
or created a group, be active! Start a here is the place to discuss serving the Louisville, KY and
discussion, or respond to an older thread. your guilty pleasure. Southern IN areas and supporting
Upload a photo album. Organize an the efforts of AOII throughout the
event. Check what has happened since 3 . THE GOSSIP COLUMN area including Pi Alpha Chapter.
your last visit! Discuss the latest celebrity gossip
here: Whether you're devoted to 9. GLOBETROTTING A O I I S
A O I I inCircle also features a much Brangelina, are captivated by the Discussions on travel ideas,
anticipated job search function. Whether latest antics of Paris Hilton and suppliers, what to do, what not to
you are looking for a new career or looking Lindsay Lohan, or couldn't wait for do, etc. In other words, discuss
to hire an employee, this area can bring your first glimpse of Suri Cruise anything and everything you
people and opportunities together. You can - this is the group for you! may want to contemplate when
also chat in a community forum, create a planning a trip!
personal profile, keep track of birthdays, 4.1 LOVE HARRY POTTER
and invite other sisters j o i n . There is so For those who love to discuss the 1 0 . A O I I FASHIONISTAS
much to explore! movies/books and have theories Are you an AOII who loves fashion
about what's going to happen. and is always up on the latest
styles? Did you understand Carrie
5. SHUTTER BUGS - Bradshaw's pain when she lost
her Manolo Blahniks? Then this is
A O I I PHOTOGRAPHERS the group for are an
Have an interest in photography? AOII Fashionista.
Swap tips, techniques, ideas and
advice with other sisters who love
to take photos.
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6 To DRAGMA •
AOII O n April 8, 2006, C h i Phi Chapter at the Charter Members
University o f South Carolina Aiken was installed, of Chi Phi
Welcomes becoming Alpha Omicron Pi's 180th collegiate Chapter Include:
chapter. Twenty-five women were initiated into
o u r ^8oth the chapter and numerous events highlighted the Valerie Adeline Antaki
historical occasion. The weekend began for the Samantha Lynn Blair
Collegiate colony members with a Rose Inspiration Night on Arianna Maureen Carter
Chapter Friday evening at Gem Lakes in Aiken. Saturday's Anna King Duckett
initiation and installation activities concluded with Cheryl Marie Durden
To DRAGMA • 7 0 the traditional Rose Banquet at the Aiken Center Genie Nicole Faulkner
for the Arts. A O I I International President Susan Jessica Leigh Ginn
Danko was the installing officer and guest speaker. Katie Elizabeth Green
Jamie Jaqueta Hall
Gifts and notes o f congratulations from collegiate Jacquelynn Nicole Hart
and alumnae chapters across the United States Erin Christine Hasty
and Canada were acknowledged during the Rose Holly Danelle Hinnant
Banquet. The Fraternity lovingly presented the Melissa Christine Hughes
chapter with an engraved silver platter. Guests Jessica Robin Leggett
included university administrators, family and Melissa Gayle Leitzsey
friends, other Greek organizational members Julia Tiffany Leonard
and members o f Lambda Sigma Chapter ( U o f Jaclyn Lori Mascarin
Georgia) and Alpha Lambda Chapter (Georgia Brittany Leighann Mathis
Southern U ) . Other special guests included Judith Christine Oswald
C h i Phi's Alumnae Advisory Committee and Lauren Brianne Oxner
Corporation Board; Linda Mahfouz, Colony- Brittany Janelle Pelt
Development Network Director; K i m Keaton, Melanie Lin Shaffer
Colony Development Network Specialist; and Megan Elizabeth Tice
Kayla Burns, Resident Consultant. Mary Lynn Williams
Sarah Elizabeth Younts
The chapter has chosen "Strong Character, Loyal
Friendships" as their submotto. Alpha O m i c r o n
Pi is proud to welcome C h i Phi Chapter at the
University o f South Carolina Aiken, as our
newest collegiate chapter.
ISSUE NO. 1 • FAI L 2 0 0 6
Dear Sisters of A O I I and Friends:
The year 2005-2006 has been a prosperous year for the
Foundation. Because of many generous donors, the Foundation has
awarded $262,479 in educational and charitable programs.
A significant sign of progress in 2005-2006 is the endowment
of two named scholarships. The earnings from these endowments
will provide scholarships for deserving sisters. Contributions to the
scholarship program help keep the Legacy of Sisterhood alive forever.
This year, in response to the devastation of Hurricane
Katrina, a special fund was established, Ruby Fund Disaster Relief.
The Foundation is extremely grateful for the generous gifts to this
fund enabling us to assist sisters in the direst of need.
The year 2007 will mark 30 years of the Foundation
celebrating the Legacy of Sisterhood. We hope you will help make
it possible for us to continue to celebrate the values and ideals of our
beloved Fraternity. With your generous support the Foundation will
celebrate many more anniversaries.
O n behalf of the A O I I Foundation Board, we thank our
Sisters and Friends for the continuing support of our mission.
With Alpha Love and thanks,
Frardde Frazier Nordlund, N u Beta
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation President
President s Club The power to \
The follwing donors contributed $1,000
or more to the Foundation during 2005- In the course of the past y e a r , your generous gifts to the
2006. Thank you to these donors for
their pacesetting gifts! Foundation have touched more than 28,500 people.
Rachel Allen 4-Leadership Academy - 178
Allison Allgier •Archives - 231
'Esther Bradley Ayres •Chapter Adviser training - 9 0
Anne Holloway Bachman •Board leadership development - 8
Julie Brining •Power of Friendship training - word of mouth marketing - 1,075
|anet Jurenko Brown • N P C Something of Value - 2 , 4 0 0
Kimberly Altemus Carroll • N I C scholarship - 1
Phyllis Hobbs Cauffiel • D i a m o n d Jubilee Scholarships - 4 0
Blanche Franklin Chilcote •Arthritis research grants - 2
Linda Peters Collier •Ruby Fund - 8
Crystal Grafton Combs • F A I T H - 23,738
Mary Batman Converse •Juvenile arthritis - 787
Peg Kramer Crawford
Thelma Culverson mission statement fm>K
Melissa Daniels
Susan Danko The mission of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
Melanie Nixon Doyle
Joanne Williamson Earls is to reflect the love and sisterhood of Alpha Omicron Pi
Elaine DeFrances Ellis
Penelope Benson Ferrell through the funding of educational and charitable programs.
Kathryn Tribbey Fitzgerald
Rene Strong Fitzgerald 2005-2007 AOII Foundation Board of Directors
Cayle Fitzpatrick
Nancy Klindt Gabriel F r a n k i e F r a z i e r N o r d l u n d , N u Beta
Mary O'Connor Gadwell Foundation President
Tamara Childress Glenn
Margaret Damon Goodlund D i a n Poole V o l k m e r , Tau Delta
Linda Schwartz Grandolfo Vice-President and Major Gifts / Endowment Chairman
Herberta Howe Gray
Jennifer Waddle Greulich J o a n n e E a r l s , Zeta Psi
*Ruth Marsh Haggerty Treasurer and Finance Chairman
Heidi Slusar Harris
Marjorie Schlichtmann Herrero Gayle F i t z p a t r i c k , Alpha Rho Lifetime Giving Levels
Martha Griffith Houston Secretary and Grants Chairman / Ruby Fund Chairman
Barbara Daugs Hunt Diamond Circle • SI50.000 +
Mary Ann Davies Jenkins Susan D a n k o , Phi Upsilon Founder's Circle • S100.00 +
Kathy Jensen Fraternity International President
Carole Jurenko Jones Alpha Circle - S50.000 +
Tamee Dark Kirkman C a r o l i n e C r a i g L a z z a r a , Lambda Beta Omicron Circle - S25.000 +
Joyce Baca Lacerte Marketing Chairman
Caroline Craig Lazzara Pi Circle -$15,000 +
Gwendolyn Everetts Lee L i s a N i e d e n t h a l , Beta Phi Gold Club-S10.000 +
Frances Schnitzer Loeppert Loyalty Fund Chairman Ruby Club - $5,000 +
Rachel Allen Lyles
Beth McCloy McCuskey Pearl Club - S2.500 +
Helen Moore Rose Club • S1.000 +
Lisa Niedenthal Wheal Club - $500 +
Frankie Frazier Nordlund
"Irene Wagar Oestrike Sponsor - $250 +
Sherry Paul Sustaining Member - $125 +
Edith Perry
Friend - Up to $! 24
Eileen Freeman Pleticha
Cynthia Buchholz Powers C a r o l C o t t e n S m i t h , Alpha Pi *Indicales Deceased Member
JoAnne Proudfoot Rahn Scholarship Chairman * Anniversary' Club Member
Ingrid Latimer Schulz ( ) Number of years as Donor
Margaret Dorr Schutt
O Jean Seal +Due to space contraints, this report reflects only gifts of $25 or above made between luly 1, 2005 and lune 30, 2006.
Vickie Wills Shaw Gifts of any amount are appreciated and are vital to the work of the Foundation. Gifts made after lune 30, 2006 will be
Victoria Sheffield recognized in next year's Annual Report.
Carol Cotten Smith
Bobby Stanton
Carol Miller Stevenson
Reba Shannon Traber
'Catherine Evans Vasquez
Cynthia Visot, Ed.D.
Dian Poole Volkmer
Sally Wagaman
Krista Malmquist Whipple
Joanne Ross Wilder
Dot Waters Williams
Mary McCammon Williams
Barb Dunn Zipperian
is the rent we pay for being. It is the very purpose of
life, and not something you do in your spare time."
- Marian Wright Edelman
Christina Grant
Thomas More College Lisa Darnley Cooper (5) A m y A E l c y (8) Sandy Heil Bauer (3) Oregon State University
Michelle DuBois (2) Kerry Hanson (4) ALPHATAU
SPONSOR Elizabeth Kinsaul Dugas (6) FRIEND Susan Wallace Raph (4) OMICRON CIRCLE
Rachelle Esser • (2) Denison University
Julie Metzger (11) Dorothy Gardner Gambill (8) Alyssa Covol ALPHA PI Gayle Fitzpatrick * (14)
Erin Prillaman Greggs (4) Amanda Williams Emley (5) RUBY CLUB
ALPHA CHI Heather Locklar (2) Jill Freeman Forehand (3) Florida State University PEARL CLUB
Vangi Watson Manasco (3) Allison Ruege Joanne Neumeislcr l loppe (19)
Western Kentucky University Carol Ann Ross McCord (4) Amber Sieg (2) RUBY CLUB Barbara Biercr Long + (21)
Amy Lowe Moore (4) Rachel Sprouse (3) Janet Pierce Conway it (26)
RL;BY C L U B Rebecca L. Myers (4) Alii Yallo • Carol Cotten Smith * (10) ROSE CLUB Diane Sekura Snyder (14)
Alison Brinkman Presley (7)
Jennifer Waddle Greulich * (12) Ashley Reynolds * (2) ALPHA OMICRON PEARLCLUB Sarah Battdle (17) WHEAT CLUB
Jobi Hicks Richard + Carol J. C l a r k * (29)
PEARL CLUB Lauren Smith * (2) Louisiana State University Pamela Mathis Thomas "it (22) Virginia Bell (23)
Gloria Hamncr Stewart (3) Dorothy Wright Alvord * (10) Jean King Brown (27)
Rachel Allen • (27) Jennifer Baker Swope (6) GOLD CLUB ROSE CLUB Carol Wrausman Bcrwald (15) Irene Koerner-Dcnison (20)
Paula Goddard Chow (11) Natalie Cowan Scharre (26)
ROSECLUB FRIEND Elaine DcFranccs Ellis * (20) Irene Hall Lehman (14) Cynthia Androsky Cummings (14) Peg Van Horn Stearns (25)
Sina Stromberg Lenox (7) Wilda Wicst Webster (25)
Julie Hams Hinson it (2( Vickie Tillman Birdsong (2) RUBY CLUB WHEAT CLUB Margaret Benton Russell (7)
Amanda Breeland * Chris Kennedy Wheeler * (8) Diana Sweeder Bums (16)
Elaine James Kennedy + (21) Katie Cesnick Marjorie Hunt Sanders + (17) Karen Glendinning Givens (25) Sue Franks Campbell (10)
Erin Cooper Barbara Card Lansford it (11 ) SUSTAINING MEMBER Joyce Clark * (2)
WHEAT CLUB Allison Cronin + PEARL CLUB Nan Cecil Rankin (17) Virginia Garnham Dctzel (22)
Stcfanie Mason Davis (2) Sara Parise Ridolph (23) Jennylec Sandberg Ncsbitt * Gail Hawk Horvath (6)
Marsha Bird Bordas (20) Jenny Habel * Mary O'Connor Ciadwell * ( 1 6 ) Caroline Brown Pickering (8) Joanne Kunz (18)
Jerrie Caney Bradshaw (15) Linda Rice Maples (3) Janice Dunn McNeely * (6) Candaec Pierson-Charlton (6) Marjorie Osborn Roeder (21)
Sandy Alford Stewart (8) Lauren Master * ROSE CLUB Virgie Melton Pafford (8)
Deborah Weimar Yepsen * (9) Brandi Morgan * Faye Norman Salis (9) Helen Berry SUSTAINING MEMBER
Whitney Phillips (3) Lyle Maier Baylc (24) Winona Ziel Sanchez * (6) Susan Lindsay Eskridge (2)
SPONSOR Blake Stewart GayleAhern K e l l e r * (16) Dr. Marjorie Parker Wessel (20) Joan Flanagan (2)
Meghan Stringer * ALPHA SIGMA
Kristyn S. Hal! • (5) Sondi a Smotherman Whaley WHEAT CLUB SUSTAINING MEMBER FRIEND
Debi Wade Jordan (13) Laura tircenblatt Wilkins (4) University of Oregon
Dana Troup Mceks (4) Wendi Schoen Wyatt (2) Susan Parry Leake + (14) Sherry Shores Danyluck (9) Norma Coe Anderson (2)
Norma Nash McClure (13) PEARLCLUB Patricia Barnum Berwanger (3)
SUSTAINING M E M B E R ALPHA GAMMA Nancy Shaw Shaheen it (9) FRIEND Barbara Alexander Keller (2)
Virginia Maddox Shepherd * (19) Peggy Peebler N i c k e r s o n * (11) Judith Brunhousc Sapienza (3)
Molly Bray * Washington State University Alexandra Hudson Parker (2)
Anita Norman Brouddus (3) SPONSOR Donna Verso Rinaldi ROSE CLUB ALPHA THETA
Kasey Pelham Doggetl (5) PEARL CLUB Billie JoMcFeeSwilley (2)
Wendy C. Free (8) Vijcan Piazza Burden (14) Vauna Pipal (13) Coe College
Mary Flaugher Gillenwater (8) Susan Waycnbcrg Hinz + (22) Sue Metz Dormer (12) ALPHA PSI
Jenny Heidbrink-Thompson (9) Jo Ann Cline Humble it (5) WHEAT CLUB ROSE CLUB (17)
Kim Kennedy (3) ROSE CLUB Mary Dodson Wucher (5) Bowling Green State University
Martha Peters Richmond (4) Joyce Ncwbcrg Allen (20) Linda Martin McLaughlin
Sally Cragon Smalling (5) Susan Daiger Schell (25) SUSTAINING MEMBER SUSTAINING MEMBER Edith Clement La Borde (26)
Emily Hazelrigg Speed (8) WHEAT CLUB
WHEAT CLUB Diane Benton Murphy (10) Deborah Wantuck Lepak * (3) Jeanelle Harbert Anderson (17)
FRIEND Cat Aiple Smith (6) Joanne Maxfield Anderson (12) Carol Kohn ( I I )
Annie Adams Britl (3) Linda Broeckel-Fry (21) FRIEND Elinor Sakrison Bjorklund (21) Janet Osborne (12 )
Catherine Cassady Danielle Steele Glessner (13) Angie Blandina Clark Mary Sexton Gordon (12)
Cayce Steele Chance Evelyn Krause Hickman (22) Charlene MulToletto Favre Valerie Forrest it Carol Emmons Rose (15) Lauren Fenberg + (4)
Pamela Sikora Donlon Jennifer Colwcll Loy (7) Beverley Burch Murphy Jill Galmarini (4) Marie Keller Squires (6) Sharon Van Fleet (18)
Mary Forbes Laurel Pruski Reed Jessica Lipps it
SPONSOR Jane Tomsula Laura Hanes Miller (2) SUSTAINING MEMBER
Stephanie Thompson Franklin (2) Belli Truax +
Patti Grice Donna Johnson McGinnis (8) ALPHA PHI Kay Frances Dolan (8)
Mariah Hammons
Beverly Sue Peckcnpaugh SUSTAINING MEMBER Montana State University
Sharon Pennington (2)
Suzanne Griffin Rutledge Cheri Stremel McCorkle (7) DIAMOND CIRCLE
Kelly Schumm Betlc Nelson Nelson *
Kimbcrly Powell Shipley Dyan Stahl Woodward (3) Blanche Franklin Chilcote * (25)
Karen Wood Snyder
Meredith Ashby Deep FRIEND Diane Boolh Granger * (18)
Carolyn Holditch Trickey (2) Martha Wright Sutcr (24)
Beth Bantly West (4) Karen Batzle (4)
Michelle Kaeser Robinson WHEAT CLUB
ALPHA DELTA Julie Babeock (3)
Megan Vangstad (2) Janis Anderson Armondo (9)
The University of Alabama Margaret Olson Crennen (22)
ALPHA KAPPA Margaret Simpson Nolan (20)
OMICRON CIRCLE Mary Francesca Palffy (21)
Janet Jurenko Brown * (14) University of North Alabama Lorene Stranahan (24)
Carole Jurenko Jones * (22) Beverly Landes Townsend (16)
SPONSOR Marion Amos Wainwright (6)
Connie Pickett (20) Ginger Stanley Walter (16)
Dolores Rhodes* (15) Linda Hyde (18)
LaDonna Prcuningcr Bergman (20)
WHEAT CLUB Susan French Lowrey (10) Jean Van Sice Berry (14)
Nancy Dichl Dear (26)
Jennifer Manasco Busby * (7) SUSTAINING MEMBER Jane Doering Gumprceht M D (9)
Elizabeth Large Moore (8) Laura Hermansen (16)
Therese Polilo (6) Robin French Armstrong (7) Geneal Lindsay Kanalz (7)
Debbie Hood Riddle (15) Sharon Fiskum McGowan it (9)
Susan Jones Rohrer (13) FRIEND Jean Stchlik Miller (13)
Susan Shenefield (17) Maxinc McElvain O'Brien (17)
Anna Perry Davis Daryl Davis Todd (20)
SPONSOR Pam Wright Carol Raffl Vorpalil ( I ! )
Shanon Muggins Gruchol * (4)
Kimberly Jaynes Henson (9) Georgia Southern University Laurie Cialle Green (6)
Jane Erb Mikloucich (4) Denise Jacobson (15)
Catherine Taylor Moore (12) SPONSOR
Tammy Howard Owen (4)
Lisa Hart Reynolds * (6) Michelle Busscy * (4)
Gena Whin Tolleson (5) Buffic Johnson Jubard (12)
Alison Keen Keller (8)
ISSUE N O . 1 • F A L L 2 0 ( ) 6 To DRAGMA • 73
Janet Crenshaw (7) Barbara Yeager Backer (13) Laurel Abrahamsen Ditson Jennifer Hamiler * (6)
Heather Hubbard Galecka (9) Patricia C ooper Blank (8) Syracuse University Shar Land Gcgenheimer (5)
Shonnailia Nash (4) Mary Griffiths Cross (15) Jacylnne Nicole Gentry WHEAT CLUB (5)
Mary Nellis Stahlman (7) Darby Oliver Everhard • (3) * Ruth Marsh Haggerty * (16) Lauren Hamilton *
Sarah Haycox Grant (5 ) Marty Garrahan Hazard if (25) Beverly Dorfman Lenci Sally L a w < l e r * ( l 0 |
| FRIEND Michelle Method Jacobs (6) Laura Marah Yvonne Archibequc Sams
Vivian Hurst Kistlcr (18) ROSE CLUB Kris Lusc McCann *
Jeanne Wolfe Bishop (3) Kay Gilbert Linson (17) Amelita Colangclo (23) April McKcmy (2) SPONSOR
Barbara Powers Brown (4) Mary Parkcs Marx (13) Katherine Sharp +
Irene Wade Harter Dolores Hcrron Miller (16) WHEAT CLUB Carol Sweeney Webster (3) Meredith Chabrier + (2)
Sarah Krans (3) Mary Mahon Munchak (16) Leslie Wilburn (9)
Lisa Tarczynski (2) Juanita Berwick Ringer * (8) Jane Ann Flynn (27) CHI EPSILON
Lauren Veraldi (2) Jane Koval Young (12) Man' Brodbeck Peterson (22) SUSTAINING MEMBER
Jo Ann Wallace (18) The Ohio State University
SPONSOR SPONSOR Lindsay McCormick if
University of British Columbia Kathy Aust + (2) Dana Longinetti White (5)
Lee Ann Foust Egan (8) Wynn Baker Kamps (6) Jennifer Ridgway McCracken (10)
WHEAT CLUB Michele Ellis Irwin (2) Joy Santa Maria Martin (20) FRIEND
Lauren Jaffurs (2) Cindy Ashurst Masucci (4) SUSTAINING MEMBER
Amy Kemp of the Dorothy Breeze * (6) Dorothy Spiro Maddock (2) Shirley Sears Mills (18) Kristie Halsey (4)
Nashville Area Alumnae Shirley Venables Hammond (9) Julie SpeerMiley (6) Jan Collier Newell * (7) Sarah Sehantz Ellis ( I I ) Deene Bittleston Souza (2)
Chapter proudly displays Marjorie Stevens if (10) Maxine Roberts Mitchell (13) Mildred Boyce Williams (5) Erin Thompson (2)
their award for "Top $ Sammy Popper * (2) FRIEND
Arthritis Walk Becky Albcr Smock (8) Kelly McCormick
Illinois fVesleyan University Sarah Walker Phancuf (5) Jamie L. Secor Centenary- College
Loraine Jordan Kent (12)
Catherine lannone Hakanson (2) University of Evansville
SUSTAINING MEMBER Ingrid Latimer Schuiz * (13) Lynne Cory (5) CHI THETA
Christina Bentz (5) Nieole Peters Hooper CHI ALPHA RUBY CLUB
A m u Henzc (6) Lorie Bergstrom Bleyer i t (12) Pamela Norton Shelby (4) Northeastern State University
Dawn Krotje Kilpatrick * (4) Jeanne HaysCrippin * (19) [amu 1 aw il University of California Davis Elizabeth Rominc Coffey * (25)
Alycia Baybayan Marler (6) Sheila Starke;' Kaurin * (17) I-RlLNi)
Kan Bchn (4) WHEAT CLUB Kathryn Tribbey Fitzgerald * (17) Michelle Marslon (2)
Eva Camacho JaBaay (6) Eastern Michigan University Anne Bueehlein Wilmes * (13) Jamie Ray (3)
Jodi Stephenson Carroll Miles Bross (22) Jennifer Kahscn Pearce (10)
Susan Guess-Hanson (15) WHEAT CLUB Janellen Nolan Quiscnberry (14) ROSE CLUB DELTA
BETA DELTA Megan Lovell it (7) Ingrid Blom Sheldon (15) Katherine Shcphard Wcincr (16)
Linda WulrTNorton (S) Barbara Zolnicrezak if (25) Karen Holscher Maudlin if (16) Tufts University
Villanova University Julie Clemens Winters (11) SPONSOR CHI BETA Linda Capin Paine (24)
Mary Ann Kirr Stephens (24) Anne L Powell * (20) PEARL CLUB
SPONSOR SPONSOR JoyceZielinski Szymanski (18) University of Virginia Antoinette Reitz ir (26)
Kristinc Hartley (7) Rebecca Shipley Ziga (13) Annabelle Robbins * (23)
Susan Romeo Sheridan (4) Mary Ann Manfredini Bellazzini (5) Linda lleaton Grates (10) WHEAT CLUB ROSE CLUB
FRIEND Judith Harding Jay (17) FRIEND Lynne Strobel (7)
Nancy Kolontouros (12) Sharon Ward Ross (3) BillicStim Borders (20) Constance Clark Blanchard (15)
Krista Shccrin (5) Donna Rekau * (10) FRIEND Anita Horn Rizck (13)
Rebecca Sctehell Stamberger (9) BETA RHO Lois Ryon Schmidt (22) WHEAT CLUB
BETA EPSILON Anne Dewey Goodnow Ruth Dresser Metcalfe (22)
SUSTAINING MEMBER University of Montana SPONSOR Caroline Dyer Norrington (17)
BemiJji State University CHI DELTA Sharon Wainright (14)
Suzanne Browne (6) PEARL CLUB Virginia Beesley (18)
FRIEND Lisa Powell Williams (9) Kathy Timm # ( 1 2 ) University of Colorado Paulette Brehob (7) SPONSOR
Karin Kalli Jeanne Carter H (8)
FRIEND W i l l VI CI I H Rl B1 C L U B Debbie Price Moore (12) Ellen Lunden Angus (9)
Lisa Moore (5) Laura Gavrelis Blomquist (12)
Carolyn Snyder Audy (4) Barbara Wilson I f f t (22) Jane Beard (25) Lynn Foshee Reed (16) Barbara Clarke (8)
Sarah Meseke Bohnhoff (4) Rebecca Shook Weinberg * (28) Christine Haas Schwalbach (4) Marie Kean Hewey ( I 4 |
Myma Dornbush Haas (3) Susanna Blame Wehrman (10) ToniGIasscrO'Bnen (10)
Dee Norton Lagioia (2) PEARL CLUB Dina Seib Willming (6) Alice Hayden Wilkey (8)
Susan Reid Maltem (26)
Susan Whitney Kurtz (61
Michigan State University Indiana University ROSE CLUB M i Shikany Barunno (5) Cindi MePherson Melanson (5)
BETA SIGMA Marci Hunt Brewer * (27) Jane Mcngon Bernhardt (9)
PI CIRCLE GOLD CLUB Marjorie Herzbcrgcr (16) Ann Burton Bubar (9) FRIEND
Boise State University Dolores Oparil Jones if (14) Sara Colham Chambers (5)
* Irene Wagar Oestrikc * (26) Patricia Kookcn Golgart * (20) Marge Arbaugh Lamar (21) Alison Amatulli Leverage (4) WinisChane (5)
Lisa Niedcnthal * (16) SPONSOR Jo Brutand O'Dwyer * (21) Carolyn Ruschmeier Marcus ( I I ) Jennifer Schlein Podhajsky
PEARL CLUB Karen Kuhn Ralstin (16) Norma Yankocy Riffel (25) Molly McLaughlin • (2) Becca Solomont *
RUBY CLUB SUSTAINING MEMBER Diane Panagakis Rouman (28) Rebecca Creech Nimnicht (13) Miranda Steed
Charlene Brown Rennoe (20) Janice Gram Bean ( I I ) Mary Rose White (25) Suzette Russo Riekert (9) Carolin Topelson (3)
Louise Muncie Rochm * (21) Mary Ann Beckman Zabel * (9) Kalie Leeper Swcnson (8)
ROSE CLUB ROSE CLUB Deborah Henderson Amey it (13) Monica Rembuseh Willson (2)
University of Toronto Carol Sukla Faulkner * (11) University of Missouri
Ann Reed Meredith (17) • Huldah Slagle Clark • (21) Carole Krez Foran (20) FRIEND Columbia
Marylyn Hileman Neudcr * (19) Jan Graves Keucher + (20) RUBY CLUB Ruth Ann Olson Gatchell (25) Shauna Cavins
Peggy Hemiez Kilmer + (13) Heidi Slusar H a r r i s * (12) Charlotte Todd Huddleson (10) Carrie Wheeler Cooley ROSE CLL'B
WHEAT CLUB Betty Rutherford Kuntz * (7) Mary MeElwain Scwcll (19) Lindsey Cravotta
Marge Laycock * (18) KUSI CI UH Nancy Bates-Lane Yankura (24) Beverly Gritting Gardner (2) Kimberly Mason McCollom (6)
Jane Engel Allen (26) Diane Schultze Leland * (18) Pam Boges Goode (11)
Bonnie Scudder Baker (14) Margaret McKec Pattison * (13) SPONSOR Brooke Hoener (2) Lifetime Giving Levels
Susanne Otiaro Banks (7) WHEAT CLUB SPONSOR Aimec Beck Lucht (2)
Anne MacMillan Clute (15) Barbara Mullen Borenslein ( 1 3 ) Stephanie M i l l i s * Diamond Circle - $150,000 +
Helen Samaras Coukoulis (7) Barbara Aman (20) Diann Scrutton Evans (14) Winky Tandlcr Brace (4) Jane Grafton Purdie Founder's Circle - $100.00 +
Molly Howell (21) Bennie Knierim Book (22) FRIEND Amy Brown (II) Leslie Rcdford (6)
Mary Moore Jedynak (14) Kristen Ernsting Bowes (16) Cecilia Falgien Green (7) Alpha Circle - SSfcOflO +
Judith Miller Kruger (15) Pat Crews Burton (4) Tania Hrebicek Elhnie Groves (8) CHI OMICRON Omicron Circle - $25,000 +
Sharon McKcc (19) Rosalie Hasewinkle Dellinger (18) Linda Sheridan Nichols (2) Nicole Branch King (8)
Barbara Spehar Millington (26) Doris Rose Dunn (8) Jean Mullcr Mackimmic (S) Central Stale University Pi Circle-$15,000 +
Sue Price Norton (16) Beverly Cade Ernest (13) BETA TH ETA Leslie Nisscn Maynard (!4) Gold Club -$10,000 +
Mary Lee Dicrker Reiter (19) Dorothy AllisGcbbie (17) Mary Pettigrcw (3) GOLD CLUB Ruby Club - $5,000 +
Marcia Rowbottom * (8) Jane Teeple Guthrie (23) Butler University Nctti Riggs, M.D. (8)
Sara Reeves Kinnaman (14) Millicent deBelle Whitwell (11) Linda Peters Collier * (21) Pearl Club - $2,500 +
SPONSOR Mazie Kilgus Kreicker (15) WHEAT CLUB Rose C l u b - $ 1 , 0 0 0 +
Ryta Craig Lett (17) Jinny Sheely Thompson (29) SUSTAINING MEMBER CHI PSI Wheat Club - $500 +
Carolyn Berry Brown (13) Marjorie Boyd Lind (18) FRIEND
Helen Hughes Fry (5) Angela Scott Lindauer (9) Eileen Roeap Lynda Brown Grayson (7) California Polytechnic State Sponsor - $250 +
Joanne Attwood Kettles (17) Sandra Hanna Liston (15) Judy Poklinkoski (2) I 'niversiry Sustaining Member - $125 +
* Leslie Haaek Kuizcma (6) Rebecca Mott Littell * < 10)
Wilma Hclfrich Malarik (16) Jane Baker Pation je (3) FOUNDERS CIRCLE Friend-Up to $124
Millie Picked Scheele (9) Elizabeth Hafner Pietsch (16)
Marilvnn Italiano Ward (13) Diana Hamann Ruschhaupt (12) Norma Fleming Stark * (9) ^Indicates Deceased Member
Kristin Walters (10) •k Anniversary Club Member
7 4 • To DRAG MA Lisa Snouffer Warren (18) 1 ) Number of years as Donor
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6
Mary Sabo Martin (3) DELTA DELTA Jennifer Cleary Hayslctt anniversary club donors
A l i Dust Suinmerford if (8) Mary Hethcox (4)
Auburn University Holly Pritchett Hopkins (2) The Foundation appreciates alumnae who make annual Loyalty
SUSTAINING MEMBER Phoebe Williamson Hornhuekle (3) Fund support a priority in their charitable giving plans. To mark
PEARL CLUB AlesiaBlackwell Hosley (2) this appreciation, the Foundation established the Anniversary Club,
Lisa Tayburn Chandler (3) Laura Powell Johnson which recognizes alumnae who make gifts commemorating the
Kathleen DiCarlo Hoguc (4) Nancy Can Garrett * (22) Carol Auerbach Jones (2) Fraternity's anniversary, ie. $109 for the 109th anniversary.
Mary Ann Vaughan Stark (14) Erica Bubke Kevcr (2)
FRIEND Beverly Jones Marion The 2005-2006 Anniversary Club members, marked by a ( * ) in
ROSE CLUB Amy Morris (2) the donor listing, each made cumulative Loyalty Fund gifts o f at
Reba Corrigan (2) Bonnie Concrly Porter least $ 109 between July 1, 2005, and June 30, 2006. Thank you,
Betty Coleman (17) Diana Lynam Rossman (4) Anniversary Club members.
DELTA BETA Kathy Trafton Leaver * (20) Rachel Shapiro "A-
Virginia West (23) Ashley Shaver
University of Louisiana Kendal Smith (2)
at Lafayette WHEAT CLUB Pat Sweet Sylvest (2)
Barbara Garland Thompson (3)
ROSE CLUB Lori Hart Ebert (14) Rebecca Bates Umbaugh
Em Leathers Johnson (7) Caroline Williams
Nancy Tuttlc Boisture (25) Jean Howard Lowe ( I I ) Lauren Wilson *
Jenny Sawyer * Shannon Wolf (2)
WHEAT CLUB Adrianne Smith Wallace (22)
Priscilla Dickman Wright
Summer Steih Castleman (9) SPONSOR
Joan Brooks Landry, PhD (7)
Julie Smith Alexander (20)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Elizabeth Dixon Brown (3) DELTA EPSILON Catherine Davenport Cavanah (9) Lita Richtermeyer Jimenez (7) Marlene Peterson Adams * (26)
Mary Adams Burger (10) Kristina Crichton (6) Quinetta Kateman Rutledge (19) Irene Woodworm Shephard (29)
Gail Jindra Fernandez (6) Joann Murphy Burke (10) jackso;mV; State University Cathy Hancock Jones (8) Julia Christian Zvaeek (12)
Marie Craddock Gordy (5) Peggy Trafton Foti (13) Kelly Hale Scruggs (6) LaRca Wells Cancer (17)
Linda Gordon Kinsey (10) Rebckah Adams Cliambles; (4) Dottic Slemmcr (5) SI S T A I N I N G Mi \1HLK Nancy Schlosscr Dunn * (26)
FRIEND Jane Schauer Reedy (6) Dcidra Tidwcll * (4) Emily Forbes Small (4) Carol Carter Kane-Christy (5) Jo A n n Tartaul Hawlcy * (13)
Martha Williams Thompson (7) Laura Wild (7) Linda Walters Maurcr (5) Marguerite Crawford Lloyd (24)
Dara Browning (2) Courtney Goldenberg (2) Barbara Halvorsen O'Brien * (24)
Laura Davidson SUSTAINING MEMBER Hmily Kacyvcnski Goode (5) FRIEND Gillian Allen (5) Joyce Osborn (22)
Sara Thompson (2) Stacie Stephens Fersehwciler (3)
DELTA CHI Patricia Mattmullcr Black (3) Jerri Libbert Barnstable (2) WHEAT CLUB
Gcrrie Maria Chambliss (7) DELTA OMEGA Deborah Foster DELTA PSI
University of Delaware Brittany Faulk (2) Melanie Slemmcr Hale (5) Cathy dc Wolfe (13)
Carol Vanovcr Healy (3) Murray Slate University Karen Sullivan Harrod University at A/hany- State JoEllen Arnaudo Ellis * (13)
PEARL CLUB Dianne Routon Horn (11) Margaret Fentress Sandlin University- of New York Angela Panelli Emstrom (16)
Vicki Rinks Kretzschmar (7) PEARLCLUB Sherry Walls Shadle (2) Mabel Gomes Frelier (18)
Kimberly Altemus Carroll * (11) Pain Wright Spengeman ( I I ) Heidi Schmarje Shultz (4) SUSTAINING MEMBER Carol Thompson Silliman (24)
Margaret Lindsey Sprague (8) Mary Matarazzo Bryant (19) Staccy Stephen (2) Marianne Thornton Tharratt (15)
ROSE CLUB Julie Stone-Hall (3) Anne Rosenberg (2) Ann Waldron (8)
Tiffany Till (5) ROSE CLUB DELTA PHI
Virginia Hulling * (14) Sara Jane Waitc (2) DELTA RHO SPONSOR
Joleen Hcibcrt Fields * (10) University of South Carolina
WHEAT CLUB Phyllis Walters Adams DePaul University Mary Bihler Bacigalupi (19)
Nancy Atkinson Bamen WHEAT CLUB SUSTAINING MEMBER Dorothy Ueovich Banker (13)
Pamela Falle Clay (15) Emily Bowcn (4) FRIEND Winnie Brooks Desch (10)
Andrea Hausner Lehman (13) Courtney Bronner Jill Kennedy Frondorf (7) Grace Winebrenner Watts (14) Frances Atkins Harkess (8)
Karenanne Stegmann if (7) Allic Bruce Carrie Joy Wclborn Brookshirc (26) Erin Blaszkowski Dyckman (3) Dorothy Krieger Hassur (18)
Sally Young Bussman (2) DELTA PI Veronica Ferro Shanna Judson (6)
SPONSOR Charlotte Clift Killgorc (2) SPONSOR Kat Garbis Patricia Welch Newton (12)
Katie Corvcn Central Missouri State University Lea Larscn (2) Marie Giancoli O'Rourke (10)
Sandy Zurman Altemus + (5) Kate Heske Domen Joan McGinness Arnold (7) Karen Youngman Ryan ( I I )
Jennifer Fisk Cutler (8) Marilyn Rittenour Dozier (3) Sherri Skclton Baker (19) ROSE CLUB DELTA SIGMA Jody Octavio Thomas (4)
Lisa Ritthaler Eck (11) MaryAnn Glawc Faubel Jcnnye Long Curtis (7)
Mary Jean WalflOck Polaski (18) Vicki MeCord Free (4) * Carolyn Graddy Fiasco (15) Sharon D. Martin (27) San Jose State University SUSTAINING MEMBER
Leigh Remy (6) Emily Riley Gale (2) Chase Smith Kelley (6)
Carlin Engelbach Giles Erika Johnson Mehta if (3) WHEAT CLUB RUBY CLUB Virginia Adams (2)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Harvilec Phillips Harbarger (2) Lana Gamer Porter (9) Trade Onstad Bills (4)
Mary White Hart (4) Sara Thompson Wawrin (13) Linda Mansur (23) Marilyn Myers Lieber if (24) Barbara Delman Grebmeier (6)
Amice Herbert Gold (5) Rebecca Zobae Mauch (15) Leah Hardeastlc MacNcil • (20) Jo Ann King Hcndrix (8)
Alyssa Weinberg Simon (3) Stephanie Strozer Kass (2)
Barbara Scrpa Macario ( I I )
Brooke Laumcr Huebner
Jenn Harkins Jenkins
Allison Smith Zueflc
Laura Bushcll Mclntyre (5)
Eilbrct Mirzapour*
Sayuuf children and adults with arthritis Emily Molino * (2)
Michelle Molino (5)
Melissa Mugford (5)
Julia Saldana (4)
The Foundadon/was a proud supporrer Patricia Smith (3)
of rhe American Juvenile Arrhritis Heidi Stanfill Von Buhr (6)
Organizarion's 2006 National
Conference in Atlanta, GA. Seven
hundred twenty-eight children and
their families attended the educational
weekend event. Two research projects
were funded by the A O I I Foundation
pertaining to osteoporosis and the
spousal influences on self-management
of A N C A vasculitis. A total of $64,500
was given to arthritis-related projects,
making strides in ending the pain that
millions live with daily.
-r-Dt/e to space contraints, this report reflects only gifts of $25 or above made between July I, 2005 and June 30, 2006. Gifts of any amount are
appreciated and are vital to the work of the Foundation. Gifts made after June 30, 2006 will be recognized in next year's Annual Report.
Mary Plan Barnes (2) EPSILON ALPHA Thankyou for sharing the story about a fellow sister and M.S. patient,
Aimec Bourdet- Heap Dugan (4) Paula Jones Salter. My daughterjust turned 21 and was also recently
Karen Betz Habiger (4) Pennsylvania State University diagnosed with M.S. Her diagnosis answers many of our questions
Jeanne Durrell Koblick because we now realize she may have had M. S. since she was 15 years old.
Alicia Mankins Moya (3) PEARL CLUB M.S. is very difficult to properly diagnose just because the disease often
Kristina Palos (3) has no visible symptoms and can be different for each individual. 11 is a
Diane Harlow Powell (4) Shirley Camp B e l k e * ( 2 I ) lonely and costly disease.
Marie Zwick Violet Nancy Baicr Gilbert (26)
JoAnnc Proudfoot Rahn if (13) My daughter chose to attend a university that did not have an AOII
DELTA THETA chapter. 1 had always hoped she would be able to experience the special
ROSE CLUB bond that I shared with so many of my AOII sisters. For someone who
Texas Woman s University is chronic ally ill the smiles and friendship of fellow sisters can be such a
lnga Sehcycr Book (27) good thing.
WHEAT CLUB Debra Trueax Eilert (24)
Marilyn Minor Haas "A- (21) Connie Rogers Frostenson, Pi Delta, (University of Maryland, College Park)
Paula Covington (9) Elizabeth Widger Johler (25)
Michelle Serrano Lopez ir (11) Barbara Torrence Nelson (23)
Shelly Graves Stevenson * (7) Barbara Beatty Phillips (19)
Stephanie Rendon ifr (9) Diane Edelman Bardman (14)
Dawn George Eiehelberger (12)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Kay Regan Estock * (9)
Anne Patterson Fitzpatrick (19)
Vanessa Humphreys * (2) Mickey Hofrnann Freitag (19)
Peggy DcSilvcr Hursh (14)
FRIEND Marilyn Kastory (16)
Elizabeth Shaw (3) *Penny Penlcy Lineweaver * (16)
Janet Holmes Linsenmaier (20)
DELTA UPSILON Alyce George Sehnabel (20)
Duke University Elizabeth Eagclman Alexander (12) FRIEND Clev Cleven (14) SUSTAINING MEMBER WHEAT CLUB
Lizann Davis Bateheiler (11) Sarah A m n Audrey Morse Garnctl (15)
RUBY CLUB Traci Perkins Caplan (15 ) Annie Binning Phyllis Jordan Hanson (12) Kelly Schlieder (4) Michelle Hemstad + (2)
Ginny Detwiler Day (9) Kalcy Chenot Sharon LaFlammc (8) Evelyn Kulp Noblit (20)
Suzanne Inabnit Bowman (19) Nancy Nelsen Evers (12) Kayla Corkery ir Willie Brown Miller (18) FRIEND Connie Swan Stevenson (5)
Marie Wrobleski Fedon ir (3) Cindy Jung (3) Elizabeth Higgins Speirs (10) Marilyn Krckel Walton (23)
ROSE CLUB Jane Morion Foster H (4) Lisa Maestri (3) Tracy Tucker
Phyllis HerrGrobert (24) Amy Mahon SUSTAINING MEMBER SPONSOR
Judith Wagoner Pahren (15) Mary Beth Parrish Kestcr ( I I ) Lindsay Robinson GAMMA CHI
Liselotte Weihe Kinaman (26) Michcie Bradshaw Robinson Nancy Pistaki Chard (7) Mary Gaskins Andrew (9)
WHEAT CLUB Jennifer Steele (7) Kalhryn GuesI Sandoval (3) Lorna Peabody Phillcy (4) Carleton University Carolyn BurtCcrny (10)
Judith Shatibaeh Thompson * (6) Limily Walker Kara Lauze Plummer (5) Jennifer Perdew Dominguez (9)
Christie DeCicco Hines ir (6) Gerry Thomas Wandel (12) WHEAT CLUB Norma Fraser Dunn (10)
Beth Peters (17) Gayle Mover Whitley (13) EPSILON GAMMA FRIEND Brenda Dennison Hutcherson (3)
Karen Semper (13) Helen Wise Wylie (12) Lisa Thompson Andrews Karen Anderson Santos (9) Ronna Rcnee Janes Jackson (7)
Sue Abell Ziegler (17) University of Northern Colorado Rebecca Woods Annis (3) Caryl Davis Lane (9)
SPONSOR Joanne Springer Perry (4) FRIEND Jennifer English Myers * (4)
SUSTAINING MEMBER FRIEND Rebecca Thibodeau * Alayne Crawford ir Nancy Parham Niblaek (3)
Stephanie Green (12) Andrea Medina (2) Lacy Verri II * Sarah Jagade Nightingale (10)
Anita Waller Kern (12) Anne Cannon (4) Kimberly Schardt (4) Shirley Gilmore Wing (6) GAMMA DELTA Lois Page (5)
Kimberly Galey Oates * (3) Amy Frankhouser Familo (6) Penny Giragosian Ritenbaugh (17)
Linda Vcrdclli Ferrctti (3) EPSILON OMEGA GAMMAALPHA University of South Alabama
Marion Kalbach Gyorgy (4) Eastern Kentucky University George Mason University OMICRON CIRCLE
Amy Berman (6) Kimberly Lake (4) PI \\U Cl I H Julie B r i n i n g * (19) Patricia Ruth Bonticr Artimez (4)
Christin Lawler (2) AdeleMiskic (14) ROSE CLUB Alyce Biehl Brennan (4)
Wendy Hcil Packer (5) Julia Kalbach Mohney (4) Allison A l l g i e r * (12) WHEAT CLUB Frances Greenwald Brower (5)
Patricia Terrell Mutolo (5) Dawnc Bennetl Ward (12) Joanna Garner Burleson (14) Elizabeth Marsh Greenberg ir
FRIEND Donna Miyamasu Rogers (5) ROSE CLUB Laura Wagner Sergeant (12) Anne Dougherty Hogg (2)
Ann Eroh Sodcr (3) WHEAT CLUB Heather Keir * (2)
Rosie Canizares (2) Karla Thas Williamson (5) Becky Greer Rogers * (14) Ann Conlon Griesmer (15) SPONSOR Suzanne Sugnic Martin (4)
Celia Glass ir Gay Trumbull Porter ir (9) Susan Figuerao DuBose (6) Shirley Winn Pridgcn (4)
Katherine -Suiter Halligan Cynthia Xanthopoulos Beekfey (3) WHEAT CLUB Janet Hahcr Rawl (20) Christine Blankenship Orrell ir Dottie Lawton Priebe (7)
Caroline Patterson (2) Judith Kollar Burns (2) Ami Schroder (8) Betty Oswald * (2) Jill Soost (8)
Alison Pertberg Helen Dull-Thompson (3) Carol Freytag (9) Margaret Stump-Walek * (3) Kathryn M Sapio (12) Victoria Zingarelli (7)
Tonya Lippard Randell (3) Maria Falsetta (2)
Lisa Richards (2) Cara Jacobs (2) Amy Brumheld Clemons (9) Kelly Vossler Boone * (2) Julie Gordon Cooper
Suzanne Slonim Beth McConncIl (3) Krista Stuntz Ledington (X) B. Karen Davis Jacobs ir Erica Floban Irene L DaVaull (2)
CyScibertMcMillen (4) Nikki Miller • Elysc Canterbury Marlcy (3) Lindsay Frank
EPSILON Rebecca Anderson Morgenson (4) SUSTAINING MEMBER Aimec Rivera ir (2) Kari Fisher Fricdaucr (3)
Gertrude Shade Myers (3) Tammy Gee Curtis (6) Tracy Ensminger Ketch (2) Bene Lclcvrc Giese (2)
Cornell University Betty MellingerNeal (6) Kimberly Jones Dickson (10) Alicia Lane GAMMA IOTA Leann Goree
Nancy Thomas Rude (3) Maria Made Murray (6) Helen Linton (2) A m y Gregory ir
PEARLCLUB Roni Altman Silberstein (3) Jaclyn Mann Southern Illinois University Miriam Mclnnis Kimball (4)
FRIEND Jaclyn Fayc Wood (2) Cristina L. Maiphus (3)
Caroline Kramer Neu (14) EPSILON CHI Jessica Stcpaniak + ROSE CLUB Margol Tanner McBatli (2)
Chelsey Williams ir GAMMA BETA Audrey Herbster Lueth (9) Jodi MeDaniel Knapp (4)
WHEAT CLUB Eton University Tiffany Barr Williams Heather Burns Nedley (3)
Indiana University of GAMMA OMICRON Joan Mistal Sackheim (2)
June Jacobi Gillin (14) ROSE CLUB EPSILON SIGMA Pennsylvania Janeen Ursitti Scotti (3)
University of Florida Lynda Ponce Smith
SPONSOR Tamara Childress Glenn ir (3) Quincy University WHEAT CLUB Barbara Rose Van Scoy (2)
RUBY CLUB Mary Mullarky Weir (7)
Joan Unkelbach Bruns (15) WHEATCLUB FRIEND Phyllis Zaremba (12)
Mabel Klisch Deal (16) Sandra Fuller Jewell * (23) GAMMA SIGMA
Amy Moor Gay lord (6) Jessica MeCauley Hammond (7) Lauren Friedrich CarlaCaimi Hale (10)
Rebekah Gordon (6) Andrea LaFleur (7) ROSE CLUB Georgia State University
Rosalie Weiss Hemingway (15) SPONSOR GAMMA Stephanie Resley if (3) Charlotte Burton Bray * (27)
Jane Vail Ingersoll (16) Catherine Connelly Wieand (8) Carolyn Kohler Driscoll * (22) PEARL CLUB
Kelly Westbrooks Joyce (5) Lori Hubbard ( I I ) University of Maine Lori Korn Goede ir (9)
Joan Minnock (16) Prudence Brown Kerry + (11) Patricia Cowley Hardy * (24)
Kristen Sweeney (6) SUSTAINING MEMBER PEARLCLUB Dana Baumgardner Kluft (12)
Mehgan Connolly Drcibelbis (7) Jennifer Patcl Cousins * (15) Lisa Maleski Parker * (15) ROSE CLUB
SUSTAINING MEMBER Grace Keener ir (2) Betty Gordy Schulz (17)
Pamela Sidney Krpejs ( 8) Marcia Welch Davis # (20)
Betty Scherer Lester (4) Rachel McPhillips (4) Elizabeth Wright Dyer ir (16)
DeMaris Blythe Matteo (4)
Lisa Herron Oros (7)
Stephanie Romano (3)
Alicia Schwartz (7)
Eva Stern Stcadman (8)
Staeey Erth Symonds (4)
Joanna Britlen-Kelly (2)
Carly Hirsh
Joanne Holloway MePherson (2)
76 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6
Laura Morgan Green (15) Wini Timmons Baker [29) Shirley Thomas Cooke (11) Kalhy Burns Ditmire (2)
Laurie E House (13) Robin J. Davenport if (4) University of Western Ontario Norma Lee Davies (4) Jill Eilertsen Maassen (3) Kate Evans (6)
Diane Tippens Kennedy (13) Judith Gambrel Flessner if (I 7) Kay Armstrong Edwards (8) Deb Botner Sims * Marilyn Hart (8)
Pamela Picrotti (3) Shirley Bradshaw Gillette (22) FRIEND Ellen Tyree Forrest + (2) Cheryl Cody Hazama (10)
Becky Wcidlcr (6) MaryOtwell Hall (16) Katie McKinnon Kelly Stultz Hartzler (10) SUSTAINING MEMBER Traci Petrucciani Hensley (6)
Joanne Glacser Harman (8) Sarah Quigley Carolyn Baker Mears (10) Pauia Alexander (2) Natalie Thomas Ward (9)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Ann Horvath Kissel * (7) Laurie Allen Snyder (8) Bonnie Bartlett Dclk (2)
Susan Skinner Adamson (3) Linda Brownficld Licrmann (20) IOTA SIGMA Glenna Hammond Timmons (7) Jeannine Dwycr Evans (2) FRIEND
Deborah Phillips Still (3) Diane Kellogg Pellettiere (23) Shirley Wible (6) Charlotte Paugh Gianos (2) Carol Warren Collins
Gwendolyn Fuehs Rudd (9) Iowa State University Marjorie Maypole Payton (9) Loma Craigie Etchison (3)
FRIEND Sharon Kcm Wiechman (13) FRIEND Kathleen Tourviile if Beth Scheller Green
Sarah Berry ROSE CLUB Laura Bailey Kathleen Holwell Viscusi (6) Courtney Martin (2)
Jessica Crutchfield (2) SPONSOR Nancy Greene Balogh Karen Usher While (5) Barbara Mangus Sauers (3)
Marjorie R. Davis DeLisle (2) Nancy Klindt Gabriel * (10) Beth Beach (2) Kendylc Sicfcrt (3)
Becky Puree!! (2) Karen Trimpl Brewer (9) Kendra Newlin Brady FRIEND Lauren Tooley
Katie High Rankin (8) Barbara Bassic Dunnivant (9) WHEAT CLUB Carol Carter Brames April Edwards Bauder (3)
Noke Sengphrachanh (3) Lori Simon Fitzgibbons ( I I ) Susan Seitz Burgess (2) Jane Knickerbocker Burnctte KAPPA LAMBDA
Michelle Shocklcy if Nancy Lawrence Gehlbaeh (9) Melba Beseh Schladcr (4) Sara Marana Davis Candacc Coble Griffith (3)
Hannah Kim-Rohrer ( I I ) Nancy Hayward Hile (3) Marilyn Witt Mouchett (3) University of Calgary
GAMMA THETA Sara Fulton Lopez (5) SPONSOR Donna Rhees Hutehck (3) Marlaina Shirghio Rhea
Mary Udelhofen MacDonald (4) Jennifer Belkcn Blackmon * (4) Beth Fields Mark Jennifer Stuart (2) ROSE CLUB
University of South Florida Ellen Kinch Macy (10) Nancy LeComptc Slack (5) Bobbi Todd Maskew Brooke Tolone Shala Schweitzer • (9)
Amy Mikel (9) Karin Wilhelm (5) Donna Lyle Reed Victoria Urban (4)
RUBY CLUB Christine Piatck Milter (9) Susan Oakes Reynolds WHEATCLUB
Mary Beth O'Connor (12) SUSTAINING MEMBER Helen Stofrer Rodriguez KAPPA KAPPA Nikki BraisGrovcr (13)
Janette Breckenridgc Tessmcr (11) Betty Ridder (8) Anne llodson (5) Dana Lawson Valley Kristy Manchul * (8)
Lorraine Zillner Rodgers (18) Kathy Marvin Pennock (6) Ball State University
ROSE CLUB Laura Cima Scidman (8) Karen Foster Siple (7) SPONSOR
Julie Shepherd * (4) Lin McRae Becker (10) Angela Judd Scoble (10)
Katherine Leach Andrews (5) Lisa Hackbart Snyder (9) Holly Steig Brcugcm (2) KAPPA CHI Kelli Fitzpatrick Burrill (23) SUSTAINING MEMBER
Marilyn Horbclt Sucoe (10) Kim Jepsen I less | 5 ) Deborah Jennings Ernst (24) Agatha Starczyk (5)
WHEAT CLUB Joanne Kern Vought ( I I ) Bethany Landon (2) Northwestern State University Louise Bennett Lingner (19) FRIEND
Nancy Mongerson Warner + (2) Heather Christiansen Segar Candacc Clark Seizert * (10) Megan Crockett (2)
Jcnn Fowler (7) Connie Prohaska Underwood + (2 SPONSOR Jane Crampton Weakley (13) Tiffany Watson Gilbey (4)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Beth Anne Merida * (4) Barb Dunn Zipperian * (2)
Gay Kresl Adams (7) SUSTAINING MEMBER mm
Juliannc Csizmadia Bishop (8) Alison Tribble Bachus (7) University of' Wisconsin Stout Amanda Killingsworth-Bylcs (5) University of Kentucky
Keri Krisline Dcwecse (12) Jaime Baldner (8)
Erin Golub Gaddis * (10) Suzanne Dawson + SPONSOR FRIEND SUSTAINING MEMBER
Michelle Alexander Lyons (9) Denise Stowell Dogadalski (8) Laura Armour (2) Charla Cobb Wagers (9)
Wendy Ellis (3) A l l y Schuetz McArdle (12)
Alison Cioctz (7) Sara Churchill Ingmire (3) Lcann Brashear
Kaya Gerberich Miller if (3) Melissa Johnson (4) Linda Prolhero Munson (8) Nancy Schoenbachler Brooks
Staccy Richards (6) Cathleen Kelly (4) Delorcs McCullick Parker (8) Jennifer Kremer (5)
Charlotte Schuetz Kulawmski (6i Nancy Loucks
Holly Bauer Chrissie Mikel (5) FRIEND Jane Connor
Jennifer Dennis Nikki Austin Moses (5) Pal Breider Floyd (3) Jennifer McCleese (3)
Natalie Popp +
Janette Harshrield Wilson ( 3 )
St Leo College Randolph-Macon Woman 's College Rhodes College
Mary Janas Ashby (3) Anne Riley Bourne * (20)
Nancy Meadc-Gold (X) Megan Meyer Blomenberg (3) Jane Mylander Wainwrighl if (21) Rachel Allen Lylcs + (7)
Amy Campbell (2)
IOTA Marilyn Picch Carter (2) WHEAT CLUB
Christine Corny (8) Ann Warren Fletcher (6)
University of Illinois Megan Ehrisman (3)
Shannon Fitzpatrick KAPPA ALPHA
OMICRON CIRCLE Holly Menshek Hamilton (2)
Katharine Hoogheem (2) Indiana State University
Peg Kramer Crawford * (18) Nicole Kosciuk if
Susan Lasher Kroll (2) GOLD CLUB
PEARL CLUB Katy Gordon MacGregor (2) Mary Ann Davies Jenkins * (17)
Kathleen Rippel Holmes • (25) Kat McDermont
Mary Beth Brown Hassclbrinck (2 KAPPA DELTA WHEAT CLUB
ROSE CLUB Sallie Edwards Montgomery (2) Carol Hammond Schnyder (22)
Robin Lee Beltramini (22) Nancy LcContc November (6) Wright State University Betty Isza Bairn (20)
Janet Hiser Bowsher * (13) Janet Pavcsc WHEAT CLUB Julie Robhins Burns (16)
Aileen Hagan (22) Annie Ksander Peyer (3) WHEAT CLUB Pamela Pratt Curtis (15)
Irene Davis Jansen (22) Nicole Spencer Patricia Armstrong (15) Susan Arnold Targove (11) Janet Ocstrike Gersteneckcr (15)
Barbara Morris Johnson (15) Janie Little Steckenrider Peggy Woolsey Campbell * (9) Susan Hughes Long (15)
Barbara Lesch McMillin + (15) Kathy Bryant Wendling Q n r i C M Weaver Kobida (15) KAPPA GAMMA Sue Trent O'Maley (25)
Alice Jo Ellis Rainvillc • (22) Anita Schlicr Whalen (2) Cath\ ( ampbeil Parker (23)
Michelle Kohncn Rowin (18) Phyllis Purccll Stewart (22) Florida Southern College Donna Fosnaugh Bockovcr (13)
Marjorie Lang Shipley (21) IOTA ALPHA Jill Zschau Stock (22) Sharon Janeway Boison (4)
Barbara Stchno * ( I 9 ) Karla Keller Trout (21) PEARL CLUB Millie J Cole Boring (18)
Idaho State University Victoria Sheffield • (2) Randi Carmiehael (9)
Lifetime Giving Levels Pamela Bonk Adams (5) Kimberly Indclicato (8)
WHEAT CLUB Patricia Light Bates (11) Ki IS! ( '! I IB Carolann Laskowski Mikescll (14)
Diamond Circle - $150,000 + * Patricia Buns (11) Anne Mayo Girata + (23) Phyllis Reeder Mueller (13)
Founder's Circle - $100.00 + Chcryle Geesey Barker (17) Monica Conrad (8) Barbara Jane Clifford Keller • (10) Barbara Johnson Ottingcr (19)
Karen StanturfFuru (8) Susan GilTel Douthit (14) Paula Adams Peterson (21)
Alpha Circle - $50,000 + Geri Rytkonen Espy (13) WHEAT CLUB Wendy Whittern Pollert (3)
Omicron Circle - $25,000 + Nancy Ellis Anthony (13) Barbara RingleGol! (11) Cynthia Wagcmann Cubberlcy (13) Zenel Knapp Schissler (13)
Elaine Pruett Smith (17) Julie Morris Malson (16) Anne Blue Waddell * (2)
Pi Circle-$15,000 + Chrisline Hoeing McKnight (7) Grace Schumacher Ward (13)
Gold Club-$10,000 + SUSTAINING MEMBER Carol Torie Pettit • (6)
Ruby Club-$5,000 + Kate Hulman Schoffstall (18)
Joan Miller Smith (24) Ann W uchner Sturm (21)
Pearl C l u b - $ 2 , 5 0 0 + Paulette Starcevich Surdzial (7)
Rose C l u b - $ 1 , 0 0 0 + FRIEND Marsha (iaisser Wingo i ] Hi
Wheal Club - S500 +
Orinda McKenney *
Sponsor - $250 +
Sustaining Member- $125 +
Friend-Up to $124
^indicates Deceased Member
* Anniversary Club Member
( } Number of years as Donor
+Due to space contraints, this report reflects only gifts of $25 or above made between luly 1, 2005 and lune 30, 2006. Gifts of any amount are
appreciated and are vital to the work of the Foundation. Gifts made after lune 30, 2006 will be recognized in next year's Annual Report.
Micah Ragusa Bujol (5) Stanford University LaGrange College
Frances Crouch Perkins (28) Western Michigan University Whitney Clark * Donna Gude Barwick (19)
Mollic Kendrick if PEARL CLUB SPONSOR CathrynH. Creasy (23)
WHEAT CLUB ROSE CLUB Shannon Kimball * Pamela Allen Parmer if Diane Evans Dooley (24)
Anne Lemoine Helene Wilkens Bartig • (13) Martha Leonard Harrison * (15)
Helen Deupree Brandon (11) Ann Laurimorc ~k (14) Marjorie Schlichtmann Herrero + (2 SUSTAINING MEMBER Katy Cox Johnson * (17)
Charlotte LcVecque * (21) KAPPA THETA Evelyn Pleasant Johnson * (17) Carol Armstrong Beard (12) Fifi Lamas Menzelos (26)
SPONSOR Rosemary Malish (22) University of California Muriel Boyd Longinolti (21) Ansley Harvey Hunt (5) Joyce Morway (24)
Roberta Ruth Peterson (17) Los Angeles Jean Hiler Maroder (23) Tammy Williams Perkins ~k (9)
Julie Decker Hendrick (7) Angie Spehar Zantjer-Fronczek (24) FRIEND Anne Wooten Ruzic * (18)
Rebecca Marshbanks Mushmgi (22) PI CIRCLE ROSE CLUB Tiffany Stenglein Hopkins
SUSTAINING MEMBER Thelma Culvcrson * < 10) Jackie Cannon Bonnett ( 2 4 ) L A M B D A ETA
Arlene Sirtola Kalis (15) Grand Valley State University Christine Collier Campbell (11)
Betty Shea Drummond (10) Joey Piatkowski Powell (13) PEARL CLUB WHEAT CLUB Dot Aycrs Compton (14)
Patricia Holt Brasfield (5) Sandy Kubiiz Tomlinson (14) WHEAT CLUB Karen Pope Hart (26)
Shelley Miller (5) Edith Belsher Butler * (20) Barbara Odenheimer Dority (16) Pauia Conaway Sandidge * (4)
Carole Montgomery (6) ROSE CLUB Mary Louise Sutter Tomblin (14) Rachel Maris • (4) Julia Wing (16)
Angela Kreuter Rogers (4)
Beryl E Arbit * (23) LAMBDA BETA SUSTAINING MEMBER Natalie King Clapp (10)
Myrna Schaap Fonts (4) Leslie Markle Hargett (9) Mary Leigh Walters Blek (24) California State University Penny Pattccuw if Susan Highsmith Graveline (8)
Gay Knight Gentry Tracy Kluge Jezewski if (7) Patricia Eggcrs Gerty (14) Long Beach Sara Tilli Tidrow (5) SueHardwick (3)
Robin Sharp Howdershelt Judy Schincller Johnston * (3) Elsie Tomboulian Harulunian A* .(14) Rebecca Murrah Lovelace (13)
Michelle Angel Kelley (2) Mary Jane Palo Levi (12) Shirley Keyes Hastings * (11) FOUNDERS CIRCLE FRIEND Cecelia Shook McAuliffc (17)
Caitlin Rowland T*r Dorothy Baldwin Heide (9) Dianna Sweers Alderman Amy Vander Gheynst Nixon (6)
Cynthia Strong Thompson SUSTAINING MEMBER Joyce Baca Lacerte if (8) Alissa Dayringer Linda Blair Stooksbury (9)
Grace Williams (2) WHEAT CLUB Megan Donaldson * Andree Clark Terry (7)
Michelle Buhovccky (8) PI CIRCLE Sara Anne Wheeler Betty Hooks Underwood (6)
KAPPA PHI Laura Gcldhof (6)
Darcy Nickless (5) Caroline Craig Lazzara if (22) L A M B D A IOTA SUSTAINING M E M B E R
Julie Olszewski (7) University of California
Erika Dilts Sutton (7) GOLD CLUB San Diego Natalie Balyo Albert (4)
Donna Day Gall man (4)
McGill University FRIEND Kay Dooly Daugherty (10) Elizabeth Craig Amundson (24) WHEAT CLUB Edie Heston Harmon (13)
Amber Ackley Kanski Barbara Ryan Dunham (23) Lori L Curci-Reed (14) Katie Mathis (5)
PEARLCLUB Christina McMullen Judy Hasche (27) PEARLCLUB Laura Bloom Doyle (18) Marne Gfroerer Matthews (9)
Joan Deathe MacCallum if (18) Sarah Meekhof Adrienne Hunter-Walz * (8) Stephanie Putnoky Murphy (12) Julie Mickle Wade (6)
Audrey Telley Jonas-Strutt (18) Winona Johnson-Harding * (13) Susan Stone (19) Susan Finger Weidcman (7)
SPONSOR KAPPA SIGMA Patty Howell McCarrell (5) Jenni Williams if (2)
Alison Finncmorc (10) University- of Wisconsin River Falls Larie Elliott Smith (12) ROSE CLUB SPONSOR Betty Ann Ludwiek Zcrvas +
Karen Hall Moon (16) Sandra Henninger Thompson (11) Laurel Latto (8)
SPONSOR Jackie Scott Ullerich (16) Irene Johnson Fehr if (12) Kristen Peterson (15) FRIEND
SUSTAINING MEMBER Janet Karl Manor (9) Karen Van Dyke Watson (26)
Gail Blackwood (4) Elizabeth Wright Win (17) WHEAT CLUB FRIEND Patricia Andrews
SUSTAINING MEMBER Liz Smith Wright (27) Erin Collins (2) Bonny Lloyd Applcfield
FRIEND Sharon Zundel if (6) Susan Umphrcy Ballester * (2) Traci Malsunaga Donna Bracewetl Baumstark
Louise Karsh Archer (6) Marian Riegel Drum (10) Margaret Shank Sivertsen (3) Ann Pollock Bliss
JoanGnffin Russell (10) Sis Budd (3)
Melissa Joyce Stone (6) Anna Hillinger Shtnoda (6) LAMBDA PHI Nichole Mobley Lee
Julie Doran Springer (18) University of Wisconsin Jessica L . McClcllan (3)
KAPPA PI FRIEND Janice Bagge (10) Whitewater Jennifer Cain Richardson (3)
Ohio Northern University Kimberly Guyer-Swerkstrom (3) Helen Bradley Bristow (9) Betty Lummis Barnes * (2) Kim Crosland Vaughn (2)
Carole Bloom Dovala (10) Stacy Chaplin Bogin (9) WHEATCLUB Caroline Fricks Wood (3)
ROSE CLUB KAPPA TAU Ada Ecton Elliot (13) Karen Courtney Eckelbarger (8)
Southeastern Louisiana University Carol Stich Lamar (21) Regina Zofrea Fish (12) Mary Steele Bixby (11) LAMBDATAU
Pamela Norton Stan' * (18) Marti Martin (16) Veronica Luna Kentish (6)
RUBY CLUB Joan Landweer Waltz (13) Jodi Masumoto (13) SUSTAINING MEMBER The University of
WHEAT CLUB Cynthia Visot. Ed.D. * (20) Dorothy Clark Weinstock (12) Louisiana at Monroe
SUSTAINING MEMBER Jo Ann Strehlow Walker (7)
Debbie Hunter (27) Yvonne Daigre Landry (19) Kimberly Irby Grabowski (8) LAMBDA SIGMA
Kelly James Moore (19) Susan Gourdain Mcle (15) Angie Tosti Brazeal (14) Ali Mitchell Milobar (5) University of Georgia Tamcc Dark Kirkman * (18)
Rebecca Piazza Morris (13) Rosle Fehlman Kaston (4) Anne Koo Thomquist (4)
WHEAT CLUB Barbara Borcman Wallace (6) RUBY CLUB ROSE CLUB
SPONSOR Kalli Blackwell Peterman (8) FRIEND Melanie Nixon Doyle * (16)
FRIEND Lori Roberts Miller (12)
Amy Guthrie Junkins if (2) SUSTAINING MEMBER Megan Beddow (4) PEARLCLUB Kathy Brakcfield Sowell (12)
Kristina Sell Kiene (8) Michelle Charest Funk * (3) Ann Crawford Bailey (2) Shirley Williams Drake (4) Judy Bagby • (22) Lois Klemme Theriot (24)
Rachel Hunter Kistner (7) Kimberly Faust Hollis (6) Kemary Sitterley Crowdcr Diana Fernandez (3) Lisa Ackcrman Cheeley (17)
Connie Puterbaugh Sweet (13) Linda Siegrist Mahfouz (3) Sandra Adam Labrow Slaccy Morin (2) Lois Johnson Shortt if (26) WHEAT CLUB
Ellen Green Poso (4) Ruth Estcs Trager (18)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Patsy Weamer Stokes Calrina Oliszcwski Mayo (10)
Ruth Thomas Simker Elise Rawson Wyatt * (21)
Denise Trueman Clevcngcr (3)
Janet Cole Sekerak (14) SPONSOR
FRIEND Karen Shinn Bassett (12)
Theresa Gregorio-Torres (15)
Stacy Adams Wall (6) Anna Guerra (S)
Carol Smith Oman (15)
Sisters of Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky University) take time to enjoy each others As a parent of a freshman at
company as they raise money for arthritis. Auburn (Delta Delta), I can see
what an impact AOII had on
78 • To DRAGMA
IJennifers adjustment to college
life. She made the Dean's list her
first semester.
Dave Sawyer
ISSUE N O . 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6
erPuid scholars J
The Foundation/awarded forty scholarships, totaling $61,950, to undergraduate •
and graduate AOIIs. One scholarship recipient, Alison Antes, reflects on her
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship, "This scholarship was not only an honor; but made my The Paula Jones Salter Memorial
first year of graduate school a bit easier by providing some relief from financial concerns. Nu Beta Scholarship has been
I am working on a grant sponsored by the Office of Research Integrity and the National established by Mr. Salter and their
Institutes of Health exploring the ethical decision-making of health, biological, and social daughter, Katherine, who is also
scientists. AOII has been a great influence in my life. Thank you for this honor and your an AOII.
assistance in my educational endeavors. "
Helen Bell Dodds ( I I )
Nancy Franklin (9) Virginia Behan Mills 1101 Canisius College University of Southern Anne Cowen Beauchamp (24) Mary Johnson Arnett (3)
Jessica Lawrence Williams (6) California lolis Robbins Carruthers (17) Alii By rum
NU BETA SPONSOR Catherine Cox (6) Ashley Amos Clennan (4)
Stacey Stovall Burt (2) Janie Kesling Crawford (24) Anne Meeks Davis (25) Cynthia Wells DcSantis (2)
Mandy Davidson University of Mississippi Angel Hostettcr Schweikowsky (14) Penelope Benson Ferrell + (9) Susan P. Denccke ( I I ) Heidi Udouj Falconer
Sandra Pauli Gulley Juanita Sakajian Haugcn (24) Susan Thompson Derryberry + (15) Robin Fleishman (2)
Allison Harlwcll (2) ALPHA CIRCLE SUSTAINING MEMBER Corinne McCann (20) Julie Martin Effcrson (7) Whitney Gage *
Joan Mitchell Lee (2) Trish Shelton Moxon ir (8) Jane Menendez Fall (15) Lynn Dcrdall Gantt
Linda Marshall Morgan Frankie Frazier Nordlund * (I 5) Annette Keichcr Mueller (4) Dorothy Keen Robinson * (1 7) Palsy Simpkins Garman (22) Deborah Gensburg
Natasha Champlin Young (2) Renee Rocchio (3) Elizabeth Abbott Siegmund * (21) Virginia Carson Hofstetter (20) June Burks Geny
PEARL CLUB Karen Beyca Schroedcr (5) Evelyn Coker Klcbcr (14) Betty Yancey Goodall
Crystal Grafton Combs ir (7) NU IOTA Elizabeth Huppler Lee (12) Amanda Havard #
Lehigh University Kitty St John Hinds (18) Phyllis Austin * (t U Sandra Norsworthy
Heidi Herlong McFarlin * (8) Northern Illinois University B J George Chandler (14) Elaine llurrell McConnaughhay ir (7) Sydney Larsen ir
Judith O'Neill Benedict (16) Judy Thompson Moore (22) MonkjUC Ansolabcherc Roberts (16) Margaret Milam (10) Dorcen Linneman (3)
RUBY CLUB Anne Hattery Stevens (10) Martha Peeler Moore (22) Helen Wagner McAfee
SUSTAINING MEMBER ROSE CLUB Patricia B. Rhodes (25) Mary Drury McKuhen
Carolyn Wartinbee * (24) Jennifer Shapiro (10) Jenni Miller (3)
Marty Gill # (2) Mary Elizabeth Barrett * (20) Kenny Smallwood Steams (14) Anne Rountree Mitchell
Lisa King Vanderbeek * Kelli Daniels Harris * (13) PEARLCLUB Carroll McCuIlough O'Brien (2)
Lisa Brown Pearson * ( 16) Carolyn Cooper (6) SPONSOP. Addie Sherwood ir
FRIEND Edith Perry • (2) Linda Schwartz Grandolfo + (17) Mary Lou Schwamm Dclpcch (9) Barbie Babes Strole
Ellen Roberts Russell • (19) Dottie Fline Eckcr * Gayle Grizzard Allen (20) Megan Stuk
Libby Gill • Vickie Wills S h a w * (2) ROSI- ci i n Katherine Gulmcrt (9) Luey Maek Barrett (14) Sarah Sullivan ir
Brittany Grier Phyllis (irant Taylor (23) Beth Moshcr (14) Kitty Bankston Cross ( I I ) Mary MeClureTaylor (2)
Kim Smith (2) M Kathleen Conver * (22) Marilyn Lyman Palmer (6) Elizabeth Cox Duke (10) Samanlha Tyson (2)
WHEAT CLUB Dorothy Hayes Cutlip ir (7) Susie Butler Prows (12) Christy Eayrs • (3) Robin Bieket White (3)
MU LAMBDA Paula MudgcLeRoy (16) Elaine Soost (15) Mary Rust Ellis (13) Laura Wieklander (2)
Rollins College Sharon Recce N e f f (17) Janet Bong Lockhart (20) Helen Waterbury ( I I ) Laurie Fisher (9) Mary Raby Wright (3)
Marcia Davis Moser • (22) Marian Burnett Ford (5) Arina Zonncnberg (5)
SUSTAINING MEMBER SPONSOR Cynthia Stcekcl (21) Carole Hooper Francis (7)
M . E. Langston if Rebecca Johnson Calvert ( I I ) WHEATCLUB SUSTAINING MEMBER Mclna Smith Henderson (9)
Laura Pope * (2) Elizabeth Silva Congemi (8) Meredith Anne Higgs, Ed.D. (4) Parsons College
Kylen Wijayasuriya + (2) Merry Cooper Falkc (12) Jennifer Rachael Smith Hill (7) Carrol McElroy Irwin (7) Barb Hill (6)
Vicki Hammack (17) Judy Kosmak Kolstad (9) Cindy Nolting Krol (9) Katherine Hortberg (10) SPONSOR
FRIEND Kayc Brown Martin (21) Paula Conte Manheim (7) Linda Shipman Landgraf (12)
Debbie Monroe * (4) Patricia Annen Broggi (27) Beverly Bell Marks (4) Leslie Potter Lawley (5) Carol D Strong (18)
Carrie Capron Linda Price Sullivan (22) Evie Gaudutis • (8) Carolyn Haase Mayes (3) Amic Boyd Marks (13)
Ellen Sumner (9) Ardeen Weil Hoke (9) NU ZETA
NU Sharon Dziubla Huxhold (12) Kathryn McClure-Ruiz (7)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Shari Blumhoff Kagan • ( 6 ) Chadron State College
Nw York University Eloise Skulborstad Rogers (4) Marilyn Frencttc Fabre (2) Kathie Payne Morris (14)
Laurie Duplantis Baugh (4) Marilynn Pemberton Schroedcr (9) Beth Olson Sally Baum Nordlund (9) SPONSOR
PEARL CLUB Jennifer Hayes Bubrig (d) Susan Poezekaj Trump (8) Dorenc Opava Ruttcr (3) Alice Taylor Parks (23)
Elaine Poyntcr Rwing (8) Janice Wostratzky Voight (26) Sarah Parker Pcay (13) AnaLee Roberts (9)
Helen Moore * (111 Katherine Muller (6) Sally Marker Wcssels * (6)
Bonnie Siebert * NU OMICRON Amanda Dickinson Pommcrenck (8) OMEGA
ROSE CLUB Sarah Siebert SUSTAINING MEMBER Vemdei -h ift University Gloria Walker Reed (20)
Marcia Richmond (10) Miami University
Miriam Paliwoda Moody (18) FRIEND Becky Chu (5) RUBY CLUB Frances Tartaglione (8)
Angie Dimmig Flannery ir (5) Margie Me Keel Tate (13) OMICRON CIRCLE
WHEAT CLUB Dcanna Denley Adams Jamie Sciler Gunter (6) June Greer Bogle (12) Joan Mclnlosh Van Hulzen (19)
Allison Balducci Barbara Tcnzi Hryekewicz (2) Marianna McAllister LaRue * (20) Carol Miller Stevenson * (24)
Dorothy Mciscl Partridge (23) Marylee Appleby Booth Patricia Grundmeier Juza ( I I ) Joyce Hailey Proctor (14) Beverly Cute Waites (21)
Cathy Wills Carter Claudia Cieciwa McGrath (13) PI C I R C L E
tifetime Giving tevels Becky House Dewan Lois Bender Merwin (6) SUSTAINING MEMBER
Amanda Eamshaw (2) Melissa Russell (2) Krista Malmquisl Whipple * (11
Diamond Circle - $130,000 + Mary Harlin Fisher Susan Hanson Ryckman * PEARL CLUB Mclinda Ford Boumc (8)
Founder's Circle -$100.00 + Suzanne Ciardincr (3) Carol Norton Serfling (5) Robin Clemmons (6) PEARL CLUB
—Judy Higdon Gray Anne I lolloway Bachman ir (4) Taylor Davis • (2)
Alpha Circle - $50,000 + Janet Sue Rhodes Hcggic (3) FRIEND Anne Lyons Kuhns + (13) Alice Mitchum Fitts (5) Molly Boles Folken (20)
Omicron Circle - $25,000 + Katherine Walker Herndon Mary Louise Lakoff McMillan * (25) Kimberly Noble Joggersl (6)
Alicia Hightower (2) Judith Bubna Gerretse Lisa Becker Lawhon (4) ROSE CLUB
Pi Circle-$15,000 + Lori Williams Holland Cherie Williams Grcnnan (4) Mary Dorris Adair (17) Clare Heburn Mieheis (6)
Gold Club -$10,000 + Linda Hurley Tiffany Mover Grund (2) Joy Murphy Adams (22) Pat Palumbo (2) Estcllc Carrel Baldwin * (20)
Ruby Club - $5,(KX) + Vieki Hurley Rita Hansen Jones Melissa Daniels it (3) Caity Prouty * (2) Linda Fitzgerald (16)
Emily Colbert Lehr (4) Kristen Larson ir Suzy Duke Orebaugh (18) M.R. R o w e * ( 2 ) Melissa Parsons Hcaly ir (X)
Pearl Club - $2,500 + Stacy Mahr (2) Tameka McGee (2) Mary Riley Michel (18) Tina Schumacher + Frances Boothc Kende (21)
Rose Club - $ 1.000 + Debbie Hays Powers Sandi McMahan (2) Stephanie Crews Sundock ir (10) Sara Christine Copeland Shalin (8) Gail Savillc O'Brien (14)
Wheat Club - $500 + Elizabeth Rainey Michelle Rasmussen (3) Patricia Murphey Tunno (13) Katherine Shister * Barbara Wahls Seaman ir (9)
Mary Routine Alii Rennick (2) Virginia Osborn Warner * (8) Stephanie Snced (6)
Sponsor - $250 + Kristic King Soehovka Jackie Riplinger
Sustaining Member - $125 + Dana Wood Stokes Lesley Raymond Rokaitis Susan Hoffman Walker (3)
Angela Summers Janice Shimokubo (3)
Friend - U p to $124 Kerri Turner (2) WHEATCLUB
Andrea Mobley Woods ((•>)
"Indicates Deceased Member Ruth Kugelc Baker (23)
* Anniversary Club Member Carol Fiala Jacob (23)
( 1 Number o f years as Donor Kalhryn Lockridgc (27)
Sandra Merry Nix (26)
Frances Page Porter * (5)
Joyce Gruber Williams (20)
+Due to space contraints, this report reflects only gifts of $25 or above made between luly 1, 2005 and lune 30, 2006. Gifts of any amount are
appreciated and are vital to the work of the Foundation. Gifts made after lune 30, 2006 will be recognized in next year's Annual Report.
SPONSOR OMICRON SPONSOR Gamma Alpha (George Mason University) members show that
sisterhood and philanthropy go hand in hand.
Mary Reed Barth (5) University of Tennessee Knu.xville Judith Sweet Barnes (3)
Jean Daugherty Beckdahl (10) Ruth Cameron Bonelli * SPONSOP. PHI KAPPA SUSTAINING MEMBER
Susan Palombo Groth (14) PI CIRCLE Carol Callanan-Uhl (10)
Barbara Durr Gniver (11) Sue Dickson (14) Jayncllcn Behre Jenkins (9) Morris Harvey College Jen Clausen (5)
Bcttic Bocsche Keating (20) Anne Witt Allison (23) Christine Kaczmareck Graham (10) MarjieGageLaBella (22) GOLD CLUB Kathleen Paprocki Dimmitt (7)
Mareia Warner Kleinschmidl (4) Yvonne Johnson (20) Dcbra XandcrO'Donnell (17) Mary Batman Converse * (16) Jodi Boughtin Meyer (9)
Patricia McCandlcss (10) Linda Ftison (15) Cindy Zehner Kendall (13) Miehele Droney Turner (9) SUSTAINING MEMBER Kelly Davis Milner (5)
Olive Jones Miller (22) Joan Moore Hancock ( I I ) Diana kimkcl (3) Mary Hague Girod (18) Joyce Bryan Strom (4)
Kimbcrly Franz Newcomb (2) Patricia Johnston Matthews ( I I ) SI S I \ | \ | \ ( , M E M B E R Kathleen Trout (4)
Mary Lou Caldwell Pross (14) ROSE CLUB Janet Ross Mott (9) PHI LAMBDA
Carol Nuughtrip Richards (2) Judy Blackburn Phillips (18) Thea Slcidingcr Scioscia ( I I ) FRIEND
Marilyn Zielke Sweeney (16) Janet Williams Crawley (13) Katherine McConkcy Quale (17) Pam Francis Wilson (13) Youngstown State University
Laurie Wysocki Wallace (8) Joy Warren Matthews (16) Cynthia Gchrls Skiver (9) PEARLCLUB Jill Badjc (2)
Ruby Lawson Robertson (15) Mary Kicrdorf Sloss (8) Deborah Kintner Bryan I'aincia McAtee McNieholas + (21) Jeannie Kacr Barry (4)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Marjorie Letzgus Sutton (17) Courtney Coccaro * ROSECLUB Amy Christenscn if
WHEAT CLUB Janet Harris Yaman (6) Maria Hubler (3) Karen Snyder Galehan if (12) Julie Krehmkc C lassen (4)
Sarah Belew + Patrice Ryan Janus SPONSOR Kerry Fleming (3)
Jeanne Grigsby Bookwalter (10) Christine Abbay (12) SUSTAINING MEMBER Deborah Laskowski Jami Hockenbary *
Barbara Rowe Chernus (7) Kathleen Goodwin Brown (4) Jeanetle Malinas Rosemary Donahue Moore (16) Debra Dales Jacobs ( I I )
Nancy Biddle Doan (5) Janella Carpenter (23) Lots Mills DeBrock (5) Dr. Becky Schoonovcr (4) Danni Krcher
Jen Miller Hcndrickson (8) Jane Fagg Francis (2) Kay Kindy Gleeson * (4) PHI OMICRON Julie Thompson Krupicka (7)
Helen Danaher Lancaster (3) Kandyee Morgan Harber * (2) Lynn Gualdoni (6) PHI CHI Julie Schaekel
Norma Johnslonc Lewis (7) Annabcll AilorHarr (10) Margaret Anne Penney (9) Hanover College
N. Anne Bach Mayfield (5) Kay Carpenter Jowcrs (21) Susan Ripson Zimmerman (3) Umvers in • of Chicago \« >SI CLUB PHI UPSILON
Ann Fletcher Olejko (4) Donna Miles McCollum (23)
Lauren Senile* (2) Lois Randall Taylor (14) Lucy Savona O'Meara ROM- ( T I H Barbara Kryter Ackeiman if (28) Purdue University
Nancy Doty Sirois (11) Lcc Archer Wyatt (14) Jennifer Strezo (4) Marge Zeller Gillum * (5)
Betsy Boles Smith (14) Pamela Webb Mearsheimer * (15) Karen Parson * (21) GOLD CLUB
Julie Anne Walter (3) SPONSOR PHI WHEAT CLUB Virginia Hayworth Wilcox (29) Susan Danko * (17)
Chris Graves • (9)
FRIEND Roberta Neblctt Andrews (4) University of Kansas SPONSOR WHEAT CLUB PEARL CLUB
Jenny Scruggs Bacr (5) Jessie Wang-Grimm (9) Dottic Pickens Addison (13) Louannc Watson Cundreay it (20)
Andrea DiGiannantonio (2) Lina Matthews Bowyer (17) GOLD CLUB SUSTAINING MEMBER
Elizabeth Weaver Joyee Amy Stevenson Cathey (10) Linda Vandaele DeCherrie (12) SPONSOR ROSE CLUB
Julie Katz Nancy Crosslin Davis (10) Mary MeCammon Williams * (19) Colleen Dilenschneider (2) Debbie Wisner Bunger ( I I ) Nancy Perko Bussing if (18)
Laura Mowrcr Manes (5) Sandra Duncan (14) Andrea Barylak Lyons (3) Barbara Eskcw Cannon (23) Laura Kummcrcr Clcgg (6)
Ashley Meade (2) Haley Haas * (2) PEARLCLUB Tammie Miller (4) Alice Van Voorst Harrison (9) Jodi Epstein Hargcr * (!4)
Laura Billig Switzcr (3) Lyndsey Johnson * (2) Doris Francke Schippcr (15) Patricia Noble Kunklc * (7)
Laurclic Wallace (3) Barbara Cargilc Kidwell (5) Ann Schmidt Lampc * (14) FRIEND Jane Cieigcr Nicmcicr (26)
Theresa Weedon (2) Julie Barker Lcbo (3) Be\crly Emerson Locke (24) SUSTAINING MEMBER
Jenn Winter Helen Smythe Lovell ( I I ) Stacy Van Pelt Pickering * (9) JenniferGlickci (2) Mildred Lenten (8) Lifetime Giving Levels
Allison Wnoroski * Sue Workman McDearman (12) Lina Fcrnald Ngwe
Margaret Mcllwaine Peacock (10) Eisha Tierney Armstrong * (7) Korcn Phillips (2) PHI SIGMA Diamond Circle - $150,000 +
OMEGA OMICRON Constance Bufkin Rizncr (12) Courtney Crablc Eiterich * (4) Amy Schau (2) Founder's Circle-$100.00 +
Meg Fitzgerald Sisk University of Nebraska Kearney
Lambuth University SUSTAINING MEMBER WHEAT CLUB PEARL CLUB Alpha Circle - 550.000 +
PHI DELTA Omicron Circle -$25,000 +
ROSECLUB Andrea Burek * (2) Dolores Grossenbaeher Aul (21) Lisa Dutt (19)
Gwyiine Runner Chyle * (2) Janctha Sehmalzried Girotto (14) University of Wisconsin Milwaukee WHEAT CLUB Pi Circle -$15,000 +
Vauneida Mitchell Henton (7) Leigh Pitts Herber (3) Katherine Bickel Swingle (7) PI CIRCLE Gold Club-$10,000 +
Barbara Wilson Higgs (7) Cindy Shada Burns (19) Ruby Club - $5,000 +
WHEAT CLUB Anne Smith Jones (5) SPONSOR Barbara Daugs Hunt • (24) Linda W'cstman Collins ( I I )
Rhea Farrar Wilson (19) Virginia Johnson Tyler (4) Pearl Club - $2,500 +
Mary Beth Chunn West (8) Patricia Young Barrett (13) PI: \ R I CI U P . Vicki Finicl (7) Rose Club $1,000 +
SPONSOR Connie Wilson (3) Melania Harris (9) Mary Newlon Harms (18) Wheat Club - $500 +
DeAnna Hcnslcy (9) Karen Morauski * (8)
Lee Boone (4) FRIEND Helen Calkins Kurtz ( I I ) Sponsor - $250 +
Elizabeth Moore Keltner (9) Teresa Mitchiner (8) WHEAT CLUB Sustaining Member - $ 125 +
Suzanne Brown Link (6) Carol Nation Beard (2) Kay Kenyon Shiner (15)
Ann Myers Lowcry (15) Hailey Bright LynneThoIen (7) Gretchen Beiing Zollcndcck (15) Friend-Up to $124
Anne Hayes LullotT (10) Jordan Crihfield (3) Elisabeth Otto Wisemiller (6)
Janis Forsythc Tccr (12) Lmelyn Davies * SPi )\S« >l< *lndieme.\ Deeea.\ed Member
Patsy Worley Dumbleton (2) SUSTAINING MEMBER Mary Ann Hunl Halvorson (19) * Anniversary Club Member
SUSTAINING MEMBER Lisa O'Kctley Hoover Christine Sehwendel (12) ( ) Number o f years as Donor
Betsy Compcrry Little (2) Nancy Johannsen Medit/ (9)
Kristy Dyer-Shcrrod * (3) Kelli Corbitt Mormon (3) * Florence Searcy Morton +
Amanda Russell Smith (5) Carolyn Craig Morrison (2) Anne Bucher Moser (7)
Trish Leathers Stephenson (4) Angela Muterspaugh Linda Torcom Pacini (9)
Brittany Ryan *
Susan Bryan Brewer (2) Mimi Hull Taylor FRIEND
Jessica Craig Brandy Miller Vacbtsevanos (4)
Meredith Richards Whitehead (4) Ann Sutler Anthan (5)
OMEGA UPSILON Sarah Wilson (2) Jane Lagcs (2)
Virginia Welch Roder (2)
Ohio University OMICRON PI
SPONSOR University of Michigan
East Tennessee State University
Carly Bella • (8) RUBY CLUB
Ersuela Marquart "A- (3) PEARLCLUB
Jeanne Lindsey Butler * (25)
FRIEND O Jean Seal * (17)
Margie Grube * Esther Bradley Ayres * (17)
Cori Hoover Judy Lacina (18) Sharon Russell (5)
Patricia Davis Vandc Hey (2)
OMEGA XI Sarah Burroughs (16)
Doric Hash Harrison (25) PHI BETA
Morehead State University Carol Sue Ivory-Carlinc (19)
Virginia A. Weadock (16) East Stroudshurg University
Betsy Payne Watson (10)
Nancy Jaeh Aupperle (26) Kimbcrly Carson McGowan (23)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Carol McMackcn Hcnnecke (22)
Joan Higgins Kcndzior (15) WHEAT CLUB
Deborah Parsons Castle (6) Diana Khachaturian * (10)
Pamela Smith Mooradian (27) Judith Motrin Lee (10)
Elizabeth Taylor Walle • (7) Ann Sincavage McGlinchcy 117)
Mary Gordon Widrig (23) Suzanne Yankiv Raphaels (17)
Marion Stepanauskas Yuhn (15) Lisa Springer Sneddon (20)
•i-Due to space contraints, this report reflects only gifts of $25 or above made between luly 1, 2005 and lune 30, 2006. Gifts of any amount are
appreciated and are vital to the work of the Foundation. Gifts made after lune 30, 2006 will be recognized in next year's Annual Report.
C/TU educational goals "After returning from Leadership
Academy, I made sheets for each officer
"Gamma AtaWis a testament to the good that can be accomplished by the with all the new ideas that I learned at
collective action of intelligent, enthusiastic, and committed young women, said LA. I met with them and we reviewed
Laura Pascarella, President of Gamma Alpha, who received funding to attend the all the new operations. A l l the officers
2006 Leadership Academy. Leadership Academy provided her with many new really liked ail the new operations and
ideas that her chapter is eager to implement. The Foundation granted $80,786 to were excited to put them into work."
this and several other educational programs.
Margaret Tesch, Beta Gamma 04
WHEAT C L U B PI DELTA PI OMICRON SUSTAINING MEMBER Megan Fraley Ik- Phyllis Foulkcs Anderson (17)
Elizabeth Peterson Eisclc (18) Beth Franklin (4) Stephanie Garcia-Vausc (8)
Karen Ashman Geiger (15) University of Maryland Austin Peay Stale University Mary Thomas Fazzini (8) Whitney Frazier (3) Leslie Bchnke Hall * (5)
Angic Hirseh Holman (14) Carol HuberVon Hoist (15) Katie Hagan (4) Vivian Knudsen Johsens (18)
Stephanie Hockema Rasieh * (11) RUBY CLUB FRIEND Shirley Jones Weismantel (5) Katherinc Lewis (6) Anita Scarpa Laird ( I I )
Lisa Hcrshman Schwartz (18) Joanne Ross W i l d e r * (20) Emi Webster Nash Liz Newnam (2) Marion Atkinson Langley (9)
Lisa Vesta! Sheets (12) FRIEND Linda Stepp Pearcy Carolyn Alvord Nickcrson * (3)
ROSE CLUB PI THETA Sarah Margaret Sterns * Judith Parker Payne (14)
Kristi Rose Jackson + (4) Patricia Colbert Dcnise Casanave Ryan (12)
Roxanne Bcnskin Lambert ( I I ) Pamela Bresnahan * 117) Florida International Gcorgiana Matus Macey (3) Dorothy Warenskjold (7)
Meredith Hockema Maggiacomo ir (3) University Sylvia Morgan (3)
Anne Williams Smith (6) Sarah BisseH Ervin (19) Jessica Jamanca (4) Patricia Granl Bentlcy (7)
Bev Huddles ton Green (18) Virginia Commonwealth University Portland State University Nancy Bracken Holleman (12)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Maryanne Pitcher Hobbs (18) PSI Kimbcrly Lau (3)
Erin Clem Black (6) Jane Mooney McCarl (21) SPONSOR SPONSOR Katherinc Anderson Markgraf *
Jennifer Jones + Diane Wells (14) L PI n v r :,vv of Pennsylvania Robin Till Conner ( I I ) Sandra Westerberg Brooks (10) Macgan Sauvageau * (2)
Emily Marek Montgomery (8) Marny Sillinger Sorgen (3)
Knstine Frasicr Mueller (5) SPONSOR WHEAT CLUB Janet Ramos Scales * SUSTAINING MEMBER
Jennifer Siekafoose Rice (4) Ida Freeborn Sellingcr (21) Sharron Williams Shorlall Patricia UojinotT (5) FRIEND
Gethine Williams Brown (25)
FRIEND Lillian Hendrickson Fisher * (6) SPONSOR RHO DELTA SIGMA Mary Ann Gunder Bcccio
Patricia Phifer Baker Dolores Bryant Hammelt (16) Eleanor Dore Holland (8) Dodie Burnett Haskell (3)
Linda Crawshaw Bird (4) Kristine Coughlan Lisi (13) Ellic Fisher Shoop (26) Sa/nford University University of California Berkeley Mary Bagnaschi Morris (12)
Beth Fyc Lori Goodc McArthur (10) Betty Franks Sykcs (9) Jeanne Smith Murray
Rene Summerville Jacobson (3) Norma Kelley McDonald ( I I ) SUSTAINING MEMBER Kl C L U B Michcle Pcrussina
Suzanne Uammcrle Kawaters SUSTAINING MEMBER Jackie Mitchell * ( 2 ) Mary Fulton Cuthbenson * (17) Elizabeth Schabcr
Lori Von Dielingen McCain (2) SUSTAINING MEMBER Eleanor Beshgctoor DiLuigi (8) Cynthia Buchholz Powers * (7) Chalys Martin Stephens (2)
Liana Dutchcr Morris (4) Genevieve Dufry Filzpatrick 110) Joan Krause Simonin (22) Michelle Tsai +
Jenny Nellans (4) Jean Scheller Hollyday (5) FRIEND PEARL C L U B
Lori Sehrimshaw Jean Engclbach Ratti (9) RHO Kerry Corves (2) SIGMA ALPHA
Amy Vanourek (2) Marguerite KiefTer Shoop (7) Lauren Jaekle + Doriel Goltz Parkinson * (19)
Sara Weaver (2) Kitty Pollard Smith (7) North H *es fern Un ivers in1 Kalhryn Lamb * West Virginia University
Shari Navis Willy (2) Sara Marshall (2) ROSE CLUB
PI RHO OMICRON Janice Melton Adams * (21)
Michelle Mahon Brooks Margaret Dorr Schutt • (27) Margol Ciisl Butler • (27) Beth McCloy McCuskcy • (9)
Tulane University Clare Cavakero * Middle Tennessee State University Karla DiCirazia • (9)
Donna Calabresc Culan RI m c i i B Helen Basler Fletcher (15) ROSE CLUB
Gayle Marsehall Cosgtove (26) Vema Brown Hincs Nancy Mover McCain * (18) Donna Nellums Kumar (13) June Dcrry Hodge • (13)
Sky Ruhlman Louapre (28) Frances Bradley Mills Maxine Griffith Pusinelli * (29) Marcia Granade Wehrle * (17) Liz Paul Hook (21) Lori Engott-Spaulding * (12)
Bccca Newberger Claudine Fisher Lynch (19)
SPONSOR Christina Puglisi PEARLCLUB Deanna Lynn Parrish (23) WHEAT CLUB
Mildred Kettlcr Twilley (7) Lois Falkner Griffith • (21) Ginny Lane Steckmest (19)
Belh DeVcer (12) Ellen English Julian • (23) Suzy Sundick Balamaci (12)
Catherine Hodges Hamilton (16) PI KAPPA Gwendolyn Everetts Lee * (13) WHEAT CLUB A in- vrci.t'B Nicky LaRosa Bogart (15)
Dona C'ambre Kiesel * (2) Frances Schnitzcr Loeppert * (23) Chrissy Szemcs Williams ( I I )
Michelle Monnett * (7) University of Texas Austin Carole Merrick Ringer (24) Grace Turner Day (6) Janet Stockand Anderson (23)
Patricia Helland (16) Merrilee Uoushaw Corley (12) SUSTAINING MEMBER
SUSTAINING MEMBER PI CIRCLE ROSE CLUB Jackie Lynch (12) Rebecca Fnmark De Luca *
Barbara Crycr Bowermasler (29) Anne Marie Toy (9) Linda Taylor Drew (23) Margaret Raby (4)
Lynn Bina Burnsed * Ginger Banks * (24) Lesley Dunn Ewald (20) Karla I lenning * (8) JodyTressler (4)
Elizabeth Fontaine Reynolds (2) Helen Claire McMahon * (13) SUSTAINING MEMBER Christine Bothwell Pedroncelli (14)
GOLD CLUB Brooky Calhoun Zajac * (21) Carol Spies Pettijohn (17) Courtney i lanuig *
Lisa Sehluekbier Hostler Rene Strong Fitzgerald * (12) Abby Epps (5) Orit Goldberg Rappaport * (11) Kelly Ann Sloll Hcspel (3)
Barbra Schwartz (2) Martha Griffith Houston * (19) WHEAT CLUB Jennifer Kennedy (8) Diane Sandoval (20) Emily M i l l e r *
Dana Park Langfitt (5) Kara Manzo Smith
PI ALPHA ROSE CLUB Rrandi Nunnery (4)
University of Louisville Judith Rose (9)
WHEAT CLUB WHEAT CLUB Jeannetle Cook Dahl (11) loyalty fund
Tara Spencer Singer (12) Margaret Daly Hayes (8)
Dana Adams Clark * (12) Vivian RyserJansen (21) Your support determines the future of A O I I —
SPONSOR Roni Morel Gicscckc • (7) Caryl Waller Krucgcr (25) make your 2006-2007 Loyalty Fund gift today!
Gwyn McCullough Gillespie (9) Rita Pelz Lucas (6)
Christin O'Bryan Pratt • (7) Sherilyn Grimes Quick (13) Carolyn D'Eath McConnell (13) Loyalty Fund gifts enable the Foundation to provide
Linda Madden Stroud (7) Carolyn Stone Saxon (26) Louise Rath Miget (22) grants for educational training, arthritis research and
Bonnie Jean Mondl Wolfgram (28) support, scholarships and sisters i n dire need.
Laura Baade Gracy (7) SPONSOR Thank you for remembering your commitment to
Candi Allen (7) Sue Holland Mosser (10) Alpha Omicron Pi!
Nadine Spring Nickeson (5) Gayle Ricpe Burnctte (16)
FRIEND Edith Alexander Shields (11) Belle Chenault (12)
Angela Marshall Hardin (2) Elizabeth Gardner Dougherty (10)
Heather Same SUSTAINING MEMBER Nancy Sutton Elson (12)
Dorothy Bartholomew Gustafson (19)
Rosemary Daniel Haley (4) Virginia Wolscy Huizinga ( I I )
Christine Conlon Hollingshcad (4) Harriett Peterson Hulbert (4)
Virginia Slavik-Koch (7)
FRIEND Merry Kay Johnson Opitz (16)
Ellen Page Sarturc (13)
Mildred Eckcrt Carder
Nancy Patterson Jipp [4)
ISSUE NO.1 • FALL 2 0 0 6 To DRAGMA • 81
Hartwick College I'm so exi ited, my husband and f have decided to leave a g i f t to the Foundation in ottrwilL
How many (imes in life do you get a chance to truly leave something behind that you know
PEARLCLUB will help somebody a f t e r you are gone? We w o r k so hard l hroughout our lives to make a
Elizabeth Thompson Sawieki * (19) difference and its nice to know that after they lay me for my final rest that someone will
Sigrid Wcstcott Stewart (25)
WHEAT CLUB benefit still, even just a little b i t I want you to know how much the Foundation means to me
and how i m p o r t a n t i t is, more t h a nj u s t money, to leave a legacy of goodness behind, and in
Christine Okula Franke • (20) trust, f o r a w o r l d t h a t can encompass so much grief darkness, and strife.This is h o w we let
Eleanor Broun Hickein (22) our lights shine.
Doris Eit/cn Howard (15)
Michelle Eliuk Parker (8) Audi LaFleur, CM)
Kimberly Spiak (12)
Marjoric Turrell Julian (19) Arkansas State University California State University Slippery Rock University University of Minnesota Benna Jarrard Hamilton (4)
Diane Smith Kitson (17) Northrkige Meredilh Hanson + (2)
Jeanne Roekwell Martin (13) ROSE CLUB WHEAT CLUB ALPHA CIRCLE Melissa Doggctt Hudson (7)
Margo McMahon (18) K l 1(1 (T.I it Joan Piper Shepherd (19) Sara Lesucur Moore (5)
Ann Timmons (26) Brenda Gordon Ferralasco (IS) Margaret Damon Goodlund * (12) Sheri Scholl Salmon (5)
Ann Matthews Ford * (8) Phyllis Casteel Gilson * (23) SUSTAINING MEMBER Karen Cory Stewart (4)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Dorothy Kinman (28) Janene Aleott Bowden (M PEARL CLUB
Myriah Reed (4) Elizabeth Cameron Yount (20) PEARL CLUB Meghan Dannemiller (2)
FRIEND Beverly Hayer Harris * (23) Julie Dickard
FRIEND WHEAT CLUB Bonnie Frank Troceoli (13) Mara Mannella (2) Lynne LangstalT Frederick (5)
Beeky Caehat Dungey (3) ROSECLUB Brooke Goodson *
Carolyn Wesehrob Katz (4) Fran Burris (18) ROSE CLUB SIGMA SIGMA Cameron Jones (2)
Luella Abbott Oakes (3) Barbara Marconi Curry (22) Beverly Johnson Coulter (16) Gene Akin Martin (2)
Sueann Teal (2) Vicki Forrester Downs (4) Pamela Harbin Abbott (23) St Norbert College Barbara Williams Curry * (23) Elizabeth McCain Miller (4)
Megan Tweedie Robin Besancon Gibson (5) Kathleen Herron Babbitt • (15) Audrey Graupmann Eickhof * (6) Betty Taylor Nash (2)
Vivian FullerCline (22) FRIEND Barbara Quick Hancock * (15) Cathryn Shinkle
SIGMA DELTA Charlotte Duniphan Beck * (3) Barbara Laemmrich Hartman Patricia Johnson Lill (28) Jennifer Joseph Smith (4)
Marilyn Reng Bell * (4) WHEAT CLUB Nancy Lund • (20) Tara Watts •
Huntingdon College Brenda Welch Coop * (5) SIGMA TAU Marie Bremer Reim (25) Ruth Warliek White *
Carol Cormier Ellis (9) Carin SielTAdler (1(1) Shcryl Wallace Rogers • (8) Blaire Wilters
PEARL CLUB Janet Konig (8) Carly Petersen * (11) Washington College • Jean Behrends Rotegard * (25)
Barbara Reng (19) Susan Rubin (14) Joan Commer Stanisha (19) TAU GAMMA
Kay dominion Jones Elam * (24) Mary Lancaster Walton (7) Karen Smith (9) PI CIRCLE Carol Matson Trunk * (9)
Lisa Montes VandergrilT (9) Sally Wagaman * (20) Eastern Washington University
Mary D a y * (17) Rachel Lewis Davis (3) Betty Thibodeau (24) Mary DayhuH Hall (11)
Debbie Morrison Hinz (5) Kelly Abbott (9) Bonnie Olsen Kramer * (6) Kristinc Hanson Rouse (7)
WHEAT CLUB Dcanna Allgier Shaver (6) Barbara Stark Clark (18) WHEAT CLUB Sheila Olson (19)
GlcndaAtwellAllrcd*(5) Charlotte Barkley Thompson (ft) Ellen Mercer Press (9) Chrissy DeNayer Donahue • (8) Kathleen O'Shuughnessy Roscnblum (23) FRIEND
Lisa Laey White (13) Janet Shepherd Utlcy (5) Naomi Segal Shapiro (12) Carol Oberbillig Stephens (21) Angela Kirkman-Johnson (3)
Elizabeth Cooper Zimmer (3) Cindy Cocoles Striegel * (6) SPONSOR Lynn Ncitzel-Cleavenger
Lisa Brooks Daniel (5) Kari Wcis (13) Virginia While Murphy (7) SPONSOR Emily Nelson
Carrie MeDonough * (5) l-'RIHND
SUSTAINING MEMBER Meghan Hackney (3) Audrey Latham Sutherland (19) Janice Robinson Grcig (17)
Barbara J Cart (2) Vicki Barkan (10) Judith McCready Yoskosky (10) Laurie Kinney (19) Shippensburg University
Shanna Spurlin Culpepper (6) Lindsey Davidson * Carol Bates Brown (8) Suzanne Zuehlke Larsen (24)
Bridget Criddle Sentcr (6) Rochelle Connelly (4) Linda Kennedy (2) Margaret Nelson Moulthrop (14) SPONSOR
FRIEND Michelle Luster Smart (4) Amy Schloss Foster (7) Sarah Polhamus (2)
Amy Crew (2) CJ Smith (2) Heather Spurrier (3) SUSTAINING MEMBER Beth Metzgcr Conrad (8)
Kate Harrcll FRIEND
Evelyn Harvey * Jess Homer Cramer (4) SUSTAINING MEMBER
Jennifer Kendriek (3) Eleesa Smith Aimaq Sandra Rugg Elmstrom (12)
Carta Golson St. Peter Hillary Greenbaum Wilson Janet Nier Marx (3) Karen Allen Anthony (8)
Jane Williams Erica Sendros * Karen Ochs Woodard (6)
Western Illinois University Kristina Boraas Leah Birck (2)
Jeanne Larson I lodge Amelia HotTstettcr Toth (4)
ROSECLUB Andrea Andrews Lofye (4) Linda Weakland Weseoe (5)
Jo Ann Maeander (10) Suzanne Elliott Manko (6)
Jean Severson Twyning ( I I ) Cathy O'Connell (3) TAU OMEGA
Carrie Sakki
WHEAT CLUB Katie Thies * Transylvania University
Jeannie Apostole-Holden * (7) Margaret Torreano (5)
Christina Mosher Wilson * (13) WHEAT CLUB
SPONSOR Natasa Pajic (12)
Georgia Peterson DeClark (14) Birmingham Southern College
Debra Cecil Jacobs (21) SPONSOR
Lynn Koenig Martin (12) OMICRON CIRCLE
Ginnia Bills (7)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Dian Poole Volkmer * (9) Stacy Buckles (12)
Pamela Allen (8) Rose Stamlcr Dow *
WHEAT CLUB Jennifer Ochsner Lamkin (3)
FRIEND Alison Redford Smiley (11)
Deletes Porch Loretta Graves Brown * (6)
Angela Camp Marrow * (1 8) SUSTAINING MEMBER
SIGMA LAMBDA Fayc Hendrix Thames * (10)
Jayme Gower (5)
University of Wisconsin LaCross SPONSOR Karen Wall Hughes (7)
Melissa Keaeh Underwood (9)
SPONSOR Jaydie Gamble Fay (13)
Donna Buttertield (21) Jane Ruesehenberg Hake (13)
Jill Cross Du Mez (15) Julia Van Valkenburgh Loekwood (8)
Noelle Milby • (4)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Amelia Cox Wilters (13)
Susan Corona Lynch (8)
Alumnae members in Atlanta presented pandas to the American
Juvenile Arthritis Organization (AJAO) for children's workshops
at the national conference.
4*Oue to space contraints, (his report reflects only gilts of $25 or above made between }uly 1, 2005 and June 30, 2006. Gifts of any amount are
appreciated and are vital to the work of the Foundation. Gifts made after lune 30, 2006 will be recognized in next year's Annual Report.
Colene Elridge (2) Joyce Vietzke Allen (19) WHEAT CLUB Allison Allgier
Elizabeth Harvey Matson (5) Beverly Baird Bugher (16) Teri Thomas Anderson (14) Anne Witt Allison
Mary Kathryn Pcndlcy (6) Virginia Colten-Bradley (12) Jennifer Macey Burchard (15) 'Esther Bradley Ayres
Christie Herring Shrader (2) Dorothy Gardner Goodnough (7) Nancy McConaha (15) Jeanne Hays Crippin
Emily Reed Zwieker Jan Taverner Juckett (13)
Ruth Dodge Larson (7) SPONSOR Susan Danko
TAU OMICRON Joyce Mendenhall Moore (16) Jane Morton Foster
Carolyn Hosietter Smith (10) Jessica Barlow Daniels (16) *Ruth Marsh Haggerty
University of Tennessee Martin Joan Fetzer WiIks-Ahlstrand (14) Laurel Ritchey Stokes (11)
Ann W i s e * (4) Andrea LaFleur
Lori Kesslcr Mitchell (16) Dana Varbel Curtis (4) Lisa Niedenthal
Mary Beth Hall Bernheisel {5) Lindy Harrison (9) Mandy Burgess-Proctor
WHEAT CLUB Joan Callahan Bigge (8) Kathy Kravos Haywood (5)
Harriett Hesslin Crum (7) Donna Love Keyes (4) *Rae Rogers
Barbara Whitaker Brake (23) Diane Mound Doner (9) Kathryn Corzine Milich (9) *Jean Behrends Rotegard
Mary Obear MaeDougall (4) Patricia Morison-Holmes (7)
SPONSOR Virginia Mays Taylor * Brenda Lebrun Wallace * Carol Cotten Smith
Hope Parish Brazzeli (9) Betty Ayrcs Tucker (10) Virginia A. Weadock
Janet Hay Lyons (7) FRIEND
Janet Johns Moore (6) Rosalie DeYoung Carolyn Whittier
Cathy Strickland Vest (8) Jennifer Smith (2) Jane Haver Behrens (3) Barb Dunn Zipperian
Carri Stabenow Strauss (2) Heidi Bunkowske
SUSTAINING MEMBER Amanda Lauer-Lewis *denotes deceased member
THETA BETA Sharon Price Trible *
Laurie Gibson Carpenter (3) The above Second Century Society members joined
Julie Beth Exum Cox (5) Towson University THETA PI during 2005-2006 fiscal year. To date, over 130 sisters
Cheryl Davis Moses (6) have gained membership to the Second Century Society.
SPONSOR Wagner College
Ginger Mylander Swift * (6) GOLD CLUB Renee Charck *
Lillie Brewer Becky Weidel (3) Marna Ellsperman Burkhalter + (21)
Maribeth Cashon Fowlkes (4) SUSTAINING MEMBER Phyllis Hobbs Cauffiel * (18) Susan Smith Dunmead (2) Kathleen Oliver Busch (17)
Amanda Garner Haneline (3) Michelle Namvary Bat-wick (6) Barb Graver Gillmore (5) Ruth Hellenthal Gaughan • (18)
Stephanie Hunt (6) LizTayman (3) WHEAT CLUB Helen Hocl Hatcher (3) Herberta Howe Gray * (5)
Selena Sedberry (2) Barbara Sprunk Patroulis (2 ) Joy Tollman Lashley (14)
Lauren J. Sims (3) FRIEND Barbara Noack Brubaker (23) Susanne Mygatt Wakefield Ph.D. * (29)
AmyD'Alto (9) UPSILON Susan Bayley Young * (23)
THETA Shelly Holland (3) Beverly Fraser Dalzell (23)
Brooke Willson (2) Claire Eilenberger Kispert (18) University of Washington W H E A T CLUB
DePauw University Karen Olsen Peterson (18)
THETA CHI Bridget Pfeiffer Scanlon (12) OMICRON CIRCLE Tish Kelsey Burg (11)
Ann McClanahan Gilchrist * (20) Kay Kettering Welch * (16) Patricia Guettel Clifford (21)
Kay Hansen Sutherlin • (27) Morningside College * Catherine Evans Vasquez * (8) Carmen Baker Gibbons (24)
SPONSOR Marcia Jacobson Holland (17)
PEARLCLUB SPONSOR GOLD CLUB Ruth Matson Matchette (20)
Gale Tollefsen Bellafiore (15) Phyllis Ocker*(13)
Sarah Dornian Bailey * (22) Tracy Brown Jones (6) Nancy Berle Dowiing (13) Reba Shannon Traber * (30) KrisWahlberg (15)
Carol Roesener Jackson (17) Ruth Mealy Furhovden (23) Betty Wright Wing (12)
Beth Behrendt Lundy * (16) SUSTAINING MEMBER Laura Monegan Haran (5) RUBY CLUB Janet Pond Wright (14)
Heidi Pfeil Dougherty (14) Suzanne Fitzpatrick Hooper * (5)
ROSE CLUB Jamie Robeson Hackett (8) Stephanie Jiannetto-Alesi (10) Marilyn Rose Herman (22)
Sara Burkhart Hotchkiss (6) Kathy Perriconc Kleinlein (21)
Karen Krukowski Hickman (12) Carolyn McCabe Miller (12)
Catherine Davis Kennedy * (15) FRIEND Carylc Goldsack Wolahan (6)
Barbara Cash LaVelle (21)
Doris Roesner Soulhertand * (15) Penny Skaugc (6) SUSTAINING MEMBER
Marilyn Earle T h r a l l * (13)
Harriett Dugan Veach (21) THETA ETA Barbara Bellesi (6)
Carolyn W h i t t i e r * ( I I ) Joan Ritzheimer Munzing (13)
University of Cincinnati Dee Hanley Navarino (6)
WHEAT C L U B Christine Fiorito Schneider (8)
PEARL CLUB Arlene Endee Towse (7)
Diane Anderson (17) Lou Anne Moon Bunnel (25)
Captain F.E. Bcatty, USN (Ret.) • (8) FRIEND
Jane Briner Beavers (24) ROSE CLUB
Luelta Boonstra Boaz (20) Dagney Cassclla
Kathryn Schwarz Colten (17) Carol Fries Caywood * (5) Lauren Pizzariello
Wendy Rogers Farnsworth (13) Audrey Deas Kemper * (12) Lee Robinson (2)
Michelle Silkowski Hackett (12) Mary Light Meyer (29)
Chris Hill Koukola (13) THETA PSI
Pat Jacobs Mottweiler-Jenkins (20) SPONSOR
Marcia Jensen Nelson (20) Doris Ebcrhardt (18) University of Toledo
Norma Oburn Roberts (15) Virginia Bruce Wuenschcl (9)
Laura Thurmond Sehellenhach * (6) PEARL CLUB
Shirley Shazer (21) SUSTAINING MEMBER
Lois Eberhard Brammcr (6) Lois Zeigler Billig * (26)
Lifetime Giving Levels West Chester University Rebecca Braatz Bair * (14) Kimberly Campbell Hamilton * (13)
Beverly Hatcher • (17) Ann Schultz Pare • (26)
Diamond Circle - $150,000 + WHEAT CLUB Wilma Diegelman Lupe (27)
Founder's Circle-$100,00 + Elizabeth Steele (11) sisters in dire need
Alpha Circle - $50,000 + THETA OMEGA This yearuS24,036 was granted in Ruby Fund gifts. Five o f
Omicron Circle-$25,000 + Helen Schcidler Benschoter (22) those grants were to Hurricane Katrina victims. Many sisters
Northern Arizona University Julie Szczechowski + (5) lost everything they owned during the hurricane season, and
Pi Circle -$15,000 + the Foundation was there to help them start anew.
Gold Club-$10,000 + GOLD CLUB Amy Fadel Bryan (12)
Ruby Club - $5,000 + Kathy Jensen * (13) Kelly Lang-Ramirez (11)
Janet Sutton Orlowski (8)
Pearl Club - $2,500 + ROSE CLUB Diane Beckman Radabaugh (14)
Rose C l u b - $ 1 , 0 0 0 + Eileen Freeman Pleticha * (13) Delores Kuntz Schwalbe * (3)
Wheat Club - $500 + Cynthia Skaff (10)
Karen Rudnicki Steele * (12)
Sponsor-$250 +
Sustaining Member - $125 + SUSTAINING MEMBER
Friend-Up to $124 Pauline County-Adams (9)
Jae Ann Newton McNay (6)
Melissa R. Tisi-Spiller (3)
'^Indicates Deceased Member
•k Anniversary Club Member
( ) Number of years as Donor
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2006 To DRAGMA • 83
Janice MeCullyAllen (10) (II) XI
Dawn Anderson ( 51
Ann Brislawn Beardsley (7) University ofOklahoma
Marilcc Bostic * (8)
Mary Belle Wickers ham Niedermeier
Beatrice Heitmann Nowogroski (16) Taylor Hcatlv *
Julie Pare (6)
Belly Ray Person ( u ) Amanda Arnold
Sherri Schlegd Stein ( I I ) Heather Matthews *
Gwenavere Wilnurn Worrick (27) Aimee McDaniel
Stacey Otzmann (2)
SUSTAINING MEMBER Michelle Overstreel
Doris Wells Bishop (7) ZETA
Nancy Russell Focht (11)
Barbara Hamas Hiyinbotham (13) University of Nebraska Lincoln
Baihara llolman Quinn (Si
Betty Wilson Thomas (5) RUBY CLUB
FRIEND Jean Marcy Sells * (23)
Carol (iojenola Clayton ROSE CLUB Kappa Tau members help "Strike Out Arthritis!
Michelle Barren Graunke
Doreen Sot'tky Jones Margaret L'pson Barber (21)
Joan Van Denburgh Knight Loui Nelson Bass • (17)
Norma Carter Sherwood Christina Carlson Dodds • (17)
Jane Hart (15)
UPSILON ALPHA Lucile Hendricks Spencer (23) FRIEND SUSTAINING MEMBER "Some sessions were geared
Kathryn Rolfsmeier Baumbach (2) Ashley Uhrich * (2) toward the whole chapter and
University of Arizona WHEAT CLUB Pat Mulligan Downey (3) improvement of the chapter, yet
Scarletl Herring FRIEND others were on an individual basis
PEARL CLUB Barbara 1 icke Armstrong l 2 l ) Page Baumbach Holmes (6) Katie Maloncy Ceasar (4) in helping us to become better
Bette Wefso Hagcl (26) Evelyn Obrist Newman (4) Cfaeri Williams Cunningham (3i presidents and officers. I liked the
Marianne Hicks Kiler * (13) Peggy Capron Jones (22) Mary Mulligan Shuey (3) Krystal Hsu session on confrontation. This
Jan is Tremble Nelson (27) * Alice Wenzlatr Knapp • (16) Klca Sellmcycr Walin Mandy Sanders Kilpatrick (4) is definitely a weakness o f mine
Anne Figge Laugharn (17) Nancy Davis Wolfe (2) Sara Beth Omcnski (2) that I am working to overcome.
ROSE CLUB Diana Rasmussen Meiehes (22) Jennifer Davidson Oradat (2) Using these confrontation tips
Alycc Bassett Schuldt * (8) ZETA KAPPA Anne Marie Zana (5) will definitely help me improve
Lisa Tewksbury Hauscr (9) Judith Mikkieson Stuthman (IX) officer and member commitment,
Jean Sundcll Tinstman (10) Southwest Texas State ZETA PSI as well as morale in the chapter.
WHEAT CLUB University Using these techniques, I will lead
SPONSOR East Carolina University by example."
Gretta Blatner * (6) SPONSOR
Christina Florcs (16) Valeric Wicsncth Downs (4) Jennifer Stangle DeRoussc * (4) Rl BY CLUB
Cynthia Graves (7) Joan Miller Foote (16)
Jane McCormick * (13) Pollyanna Stratton Franzen (14) SUSTAINING MEMBER Joanne Williamson Earls * (14)
V irginia Nordstrom Grewcll (6) Jacque Lucian Cashdollar * (2)
SPONSOR Patricia Jensen Marvin * (4) Heather Heitcr (2) SPONSOR
Elinor Fidler Newman * (4)
Karin Carlson Roby (16) Virginia Mel'eck Rosenau (10) FRIEND Lcannc Shaw Skinner (7)
Leslie Rhoades Wheeler (6) Dorothy Farris Santi (10) Cheryl Swanson Stephenson (X)
Laura SchertT Waters (27) Kristin Shockley Godwin (3)
Martha Shideler Betts (S) Doris Willcts Rudisill * (5)
Corky Corkhill Bloomberg (6) Nancy Taylor Bunney (5) University of Alabama Birmingham
Louise Chadwiek Clay (9) Gretchen Hein Crusiek (X) I-RIEND
Jennifer Dalessandro (5) Geri McGowan Frost (8) SPONSOR Mindy Schaefer Gibbs (3)
Carole Haines Smith (4) Sheila Tate Garvcy (11) Lydia Jolly Morgan
Hlizabeth Spencer Walters (10) Eleanor Pifer Hamilton (2) Amanda Jeffreys Smith (5) Sara Van Arsdel
Chandra Yeoman Whaley (3) Muriel Hook Johnson (2)
Jean Gieselman Jones (X)
Alison Ohl Bewlacqua (2) Katie Sup (6)
Cami Wacker (6)
Lyme Dean Chrisenberry (7) Janice Wagner West (6)
Jane Thomas Rlliott. PhD (2)
Carla Keegan (2)
Coreen (iunnarson Kremer
Sandra Stanford Loeffler
Susan Knoeppel Myers (4)
UPSILON EPSILON My experiences cit tamp Wekandu has opened new doors in my life Jackie Riplinger, Nu lota
and has given me the opportunity to express myself and learn new
St Louis University things through the fun loving environment it provides. Lifetime Giving Levels
With nil the kids being affected byarthritis everyone can
SPONSOR understand each other's "Hate tips' and offer support wit h the feeling Diamond Circle - $150,000 +
DeChelle Duran Summers (5) ofTve been there before". Between the campers and the counselors I Founder's Circle - $100.00 +
feel right at home every time I go.
UPSILON LAMBDA During the week many activities are offered.The activities help Alpha Circle • S50.000 +
you expand your limits/capabilities and the counselors help you to Omicron Circle - $25,000 +
The University of Texas, the best of their ability to help you do itjust to see you smile. All the
San Antonio counselors are like big balls ofenergyand always goof around, for Pi Circle -$15,000 +
instance, when I was feeling a little homesick, t hey cheered me right Gold Club-$10,000 +
WHEAT CLUB up with their wacky sense of humor. Ruby Club - $5,000 +
Leigh Perry (14)
By the end of the week I go home with more confidence in myself Pearl Club - $2,500 +
SPONSOR because I learned through the meetings, activities and friends, I have Rose Club -$1,000 +
Beth Herford Shadron ( I I ) learned how to be more independent, and how to accomplish what I Wheal Club - $500 +
want in life without anything stopping me.
SUSTAINING MEMBER Sponsor - $250 +
Milana, AJAOcamper Sustaining Member - $125 +
Rachel Chavira Rivas (3)
Friend-Up lo $124
Jennifer Koch *
Jen Marshall *
Tiffany Plumb *
Samanlha Short
*lndieates Deeettsetl Member
* Anniversary Club Member
( i Number of years as Donor
+Due to space contraints, this report reflects only gifts of $25 or above made between luly I, 2005 and lune 30, 2006. Gifts of any amount are
appreciated and are vital to the work of the Foundation. Gifts made after lune 30, 2006 will be recognized in next year's Annual Report.
A Year in Review
The Major Gifts Committee welcomed 17 new members into th.
A O I I Foundation's Second Century Society. These 17 women chose to make a J
planned gift to support the Foundation. The "Sharing the Legacy of Sisterhood"
campaign was advanced by securing over $80,000 this year in endowment gifts and
pledges. Seventy-two major donors were welcomed into the President's Club. These
women made a gift this year of $1,000 or more. A new SHEAF Society donor
designation was introduced, recognizing donors who commit to making significanntt
multi-year gifts. 2>
The Scholarship Committee awarded 38 scholarships totaling
$58,000 for the 2006-07 school year. Two new scholarships were endowed this
year - the Alumnae Chapter Honor Scholarship and the Paula Salter Memorial-Nu
Beta Scholarship. Two new scholarships are in the process of becoming endowed
- the Shirley A. Lee Memorial-Lambda Sigma Scholarship and the Sabrina Keene
Memorial Scholarship.
The Marketing Committee introduced Foundation Forum, a bi-
monthly electronic communication piece. The 1897 Club was re-introduced for
new alumnae. Membership can be obtained in this giving club by donating $18.97
quarterly The Foundation website was redesigned this year. Sixty-five panda bears
were presented to children attending the American Juvenile Arthritis Conference.
The Ruby Fund Committee awarded eight grants to sisters in need,
totaling $21,036. O f these recipients, five were Disaster Relief Grants for victi
of Hurricane Katrina.
The Grants Committee funded two arthritis research projects in
the amounts of $35,000 to Dr. Natalie LeClerc, and $15,000 to Dr. Carolyn
Kalinowski. $14,500 funded juvenile arthritis-related projects on the local anc
national levels. Additionally, $80,786 was granted to the A O I I Fraternity for
education and training purposes.
The Budget/Finance Committee reported that the Foundation
received an unqualified opinion for 2004-05 audit. The 2005 tax return, and
all regulatory filings and permits were filed on time. The committee presented
to the Board a balanced budget for 2005-06. Investments grew by 9%. A new
Foundation Controller was hired. The Foundation changed banks to receive
better services.
lssui; NO.1 • FALL 2006 I'o DRAGMA • 8 5
*For Year Ended June 30, 2006
REVENUES: $ 642,627 PROGRAM SERVICES: Ruby Fund grants
23,012 Scholarships
Contributions/Bequests 87,331 Education/
Sales of Merchandise 49,832 training grants
Interest & Dividends 69,637
Realized Gain on Investments
Unrealized Gain on Investments
Total Revenues $ 872,445
EXPENSES: $ 247,757 Arthritis grants
Grants & Scholarships 28,948 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:
Marketing & Solicitation 56,538
Professional Fees • Gifts to the Foundation are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Occupancy Agreement 177,637 • The A O I I Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Personnel 63,601 • The fiscal year reported is July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006.
Meetings, travel, general office 7,830 • The annual audit is performed by Mullins, Clemmons & Mayes, PLLC.
Other • Investment assets are managed by Lee, Danner & Bass, Inc.
$ 673,702 • The Foundation's federal tax I.D. number is 58-1343315.
Total Expenses • The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation's IRS-990 may be viewed at www.
• Financial information is also available in the AOII Biennial Report.
* This Statement of Revenues & Expenses for year ended
lune 30, 2006 is un-audited. An audited statement will
be available for review by December I, 2006.
7 v ( / ( H i / for helping us provide service to our sisters.
Through y e w continued support, we can help AOIIs succeed in
life, so they will be able to serve others.
"Meeting all the other chapter presidents at Leadership Academy "Goal setting will prove to be very helpful to our chapter
that encompass Alpha O m i c r o n Pi Fraternity as a whole has changed in the coming months. The S.M.A.R.T. goals formatting
my perspective on what i t means to be a member o f this sisterhood that we learned on the Friday night o f Leadership
and has forced my chapter to scrutinize our behavior. We now t h i n k Academy will really help us to focus our efforts. The
o f ourselves as a representation o f a greater entity. M y chapter has short term emphasis o f the S.M.A.R.T. goals make them
begun to think more before they act and are much more careful about realistic enough to be more easily obtained."
weighing the consequences. We are instilling this respect and attitude
in the new members w h o are about to be initiated in hopes that they Monica C.E. Hernandez, Epsilon Gamma
will continue to further this sentiment and fully understand that they
are now part o f a greater organization."
Blair Judson, Pi Delta
PRIVACY STATEMENT: Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
5390 Virginia Way
Charitable organizations are occasionally asked ro sell or lease the names and addresses o f donors to other parties. As determined P.O. Box 395
by the Foundation Board o f Directors, the policy o f the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation strictly prohibits such action. A O I I Brentwood, T N 37024
Foundation donor records are not sold, bartered, leased, exchanged or otherwise provided by the Foundation to outside Phone (615) 370-0920
organizations. Fax (615) 370-4424
[email protected]
86 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 6
•W J01CZ Crown Pearl $115
J01D GG $115
SS $140
J92R 10K
J 3 6 T (Also offered in pierced chased and solid 14K
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10K $130 SS $60
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10K $275
10KW $275 Rose Garnet Pendant
14K $395 SS/T.../ *..*....$100
14KW $395 I OK ,7*S17C
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Traditional Lavaliere Pearl and Garnet Necklace
GG $22
SS $25 with rose
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10K J.«r$24G
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with engraving
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10K $150
Badge Ring 10KW $150
10K $190
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Side pockets and front pouch. XS, S, M, L, XL. $48.00"
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253 Heather Side-Striped Crop Pants w white
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176 "The Boy Has Good Taste" T-shirt. 209 Red Hooded Sweatshirt w/whitc screen print. 204 Red Vintage Fitted Tee.
Left chest design reads, "AOl I-1 he Ri^ht Choice Front pocket. S,M,L,XL $32.00 S,M,L,XL. $16.00
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and snap closure. $26.00
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and outside front ket. Z )C1 ciosuic• $26.00
134 Oxford Long Sleeve 125 "I Love A O I I " Fitted Tee. 191 Chocolate Brown Hooded Sweatshirt w/pink
T-shirt w naw screen print S,M,L,XL. $19.00 gingham letters. S, M , L,XL, XXL(add S2.00). $40.00
220 Oxford Hooded Sweatshirt \v/pink and white
S . M L . X L $19.50 letters. S,M,L,XL,XXL(add$2.00). $40.00