Summer 2018
Advocating or Women
Advocating For The 2018 Leadership Sisters Against
Sorority Experience Institute Recap Sexual Assault
Omicron (U of Tennessee)
2 | Summer 2018
14 18
22 32
4 Editor’s Letter 30 A Justified Moment In History
7 Viewpoint 32 Sisters Against Sexual Assault
8 Fraternity News 36 I Wanna Dance For Somebody
12 Alumnae Dues Information 38 Greetings From: Weekend Getaways
14 Advocating For The Value Of The 42 Collegiate Chapter News
Sorority Experience 62 Things We Love
16 Foundation Focus 64 Life Loyal AOIIs
18 Meet The 2018-2019 ELCs 66 Shop The Emporium
22 2018 Leadership Institute Recap
About Alpha Omicron Pi: from the editor
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College
in New York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie Girl, wash your face…. A somewhat brash call to
Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella action, but also the name of a book I recently read.
George Stern Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. “Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies
about Who You Are So You Can Become Who You
The Object of the Fraternity: Were Meant to Be” by Rachel Hollis was intended
The object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage to be a light beach read on my honeymoon, but
a spirit of Fraternity and love among its members; turned out to totally change my perspective on
to stand at all times for character, dignity, scholar- some of life’s biggest challenges. Tackling top-
ship, and college loyalty; to strive for and support ics ranging from careers and parenthood, to moving, relationships
the best interest of the colleges and universities and health, Hollis discusses the lies and misconceptions we have as
in which chapters are installed, and in no way to women that keep us from living joyful and successful lives. This book
disregard, injure, or sacrifice those interests for the is packed full of laugh out loud moments and entire paragraphs I
sake of prestige or advancement of the Fraternity highlighted for later reference. I could fill the pages of this magazine
or any of its chapters. with the “Ah-Ha!” moments I had in this book, but I’ll just share one
Mission Statement:
Women Enriched Through Lifelong Friendship. “Women judging other women. It’s been on my heart for a while. It’s
something I’ve tried to wrap my brain around fully, so I could put it
Culture Principles: into words. I see it all around me in so many different ways, and that
A look at “how” we do things: Accountability poor, tired mama on the flight to Chicago reminded me of what I want
& Ownership, Collaboration, Engagement, to say. What I want to say is that we all judge each other, but even
Innovation, Open & Honest Communication though we all do it, that’s not an excuse. Judging is still one of the
most hurtful, spiteful impulses we own, and our judgments keep us
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: from building a stronger tribe…or from having a tribe in the first place.
Visit the AOII website (, or Our judgment prohibits us from beautiful, life-affirming friendships.
contact [email protected]. Our judgment keeps us from connecting in deeper, richer ways be-
cause we’re too stuck on the surface-level assumptions we’ve made.
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter: Ladies, our judging has to stop. So does our compulsion to compete
Visit the Chapter Locator page on the AOII website with everyone around us.”
for contact information on an alumnae chapter
near you. Hollis went on to describe a memory of cheering on her friends along
the sidelines of a half marathon. A runner herself, she admits she
International President initially thought this would be a great experience, but quickly realized
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) she wanted to be in the race, not cheering on the sidelines. Her bitter
attitude, though, turned around, and she was a cheerleader for every
Executive Director woman who passed her.
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U)
This reminds me of the final Power Session at LI 2018, where speaker
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Erin Fischer discussed the story of marathon runner Desiree Linden
Panhellenic Conference and the Fraternity waiting for her friend and fellow runner to use the bathroom—a bold
Communications Association. move in a marathon, where every second matters. Even with the
bathroom break delay, the two pulled ahead and Linden won the
Boston Marathon. (Read more about Fischer’s message and other LI
highlights on page 22.)
The examples from Hollis and Fischer have me especially full of fire
for female empowerment right now and ready for a new life mis-
4 | Summer 2018
sion of sorts. I want to empower women. To restrain my judgments About To Dragma:
and replace them with love. To wait for them in times of need (or To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron
should I say times of pee?) and still win the race. Or to sit the race Pi Fraternity, and has been published since 1905.
out entirely and be the best cheerleader I can be. To understand The mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is:
that turning on the lights for another woman does not dim my own. to inform, educate and inspire our readers on sub-
Metaphors aside, I want to be a better woman to every woman. jects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our
As sorority women, we are in a very powerful position to support members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOII
other women. For reference, NPC sororities are on more than 670 involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a
campuses with well over 400,000 members in more than 3,200 permanent record of our Fraternity’s history.
chapters. And who could begin to count the number of alumnae Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
members? We belong to one of the largest organizations advocat- Haley Cahill-Teubert, Sigma Gamma
ing for women, and we are presented with opportunities daily to (Appalachian State U)
do just that—advocate for women. And that’s not limited to sorority Graphic Designer
women—we should advocate for women everywhere. Supporting Hillary Brewer, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
our fellow female friends will advance us much further and faster View To Dragma Online:
than casting judgment and tearing one another down. There is no
better time to start building women up than right now. There is no How to Contact To Dragma:
better time to cheer someone on or help someone find their stride Mail: To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN
than now. 37027; phone: (615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736; or
This issue is full of female empowerment. From the NPC Chairman email: [email protected].
message on page 14 and the sexual assault article on page 32, to How to Update Your Name or Address:
the incredible honor awarded to three AOII women for their work Go to the For Members page on the AOII website
with Dance Marathon on page 36. Plus, you can read all about (, email your new address to
successful women and their cheerleaders on page 30 and even in [email protected], or call (615) 370-0920.
the LI Recap on page 22. And of course I can’t neglect to mention How to Subscribe to To Dragma:*
all the amazing things our members accomplished in their chapters Subscriptions are $25 annually and can be paid by
and communities this year. Catch all their updates in the Collegiate check or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII,
Chapter News section starting on page 42. I hope you find some- should be mailed to:
thing that fuels your fire for furthering this fierce female tribe to
which we belong. Alpha Omicron Pi
Amazing things happen when empowered women empower 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
women. I want to feel empowered and to help as many women as Attn: Accounting
I possibly can feel the same way. What if each of us did the same? Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover
Wouldn’t that be powerful? only) should email [email protected].
Happy reading, Stay Connected:
Haley Cahill-Teubert, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor Instagram: @alphaomicronpi
* Collegiate members receive every copy of
To Dragma, as well as dues-paying alumnae
chapter members and Life Loyal members. All
other members receive the summer issue only.
Xi Omicron (U of Arkansas)
6 | Summer 2018
Happy Summer! It • Service – we are inspired to do so in
was another fantas- our Ritual
tic weekend of AOII - AOII chapters and members raised over
sisterhood at Leader- $850,000 in support of arthritis in 2017, cel-
ship Institute in late ebrated 50 years of partnership with the Arthri-
June. It was an inspir- tis Foundation, and Carole Jones, NPC Del-
ing time of learning, egate and PIP, was installed as NPC Chairman
sharing, making new in October 2017.
friends and celebrat-
ing great successes. • Advancement – the advancement of our
There were many Fraternity requires an ambitious mindset
phenomenal speakers - New AOII brand adoption through brand train-
and sessions over the ing at LA and LI 2018, the Inspire Ambition
weekend. Two that social media campaign, along with the new
stood out for me were fraternity, collegiate and alumnae websites, AOII
Ross Szabo’s session Properties delivered five-year plans for all chap-
on Behind Happy ters, and AOII received seven 2018 Fraternity
Faces: Taking Charge Communications Association awards including
of Your Mental Health, the 2018 William C. Lever Total Communication
and Erin Fischer’s on Award (for the brand launch).
Radically Unfinished. A couple of key takeaways
I had from these sessions that are applicable to • Growth – the growth of our Fraternity
both our collegians and alumnae are: the impor- through recruitment and retention is key to
tance of taking care of yourself, finding balance ensuring a lasting future
in your life (and knowing what that means to - Celebrated AOII Night Out Week in October,
you), helping your sisters on their journey, and rolled out eight new recruitment workshops, in-
having confidence in yourself to achieve your creased focus on established and new chapter
dreams. recruitment and retention, and the installation of
two new chapters (Theta Delta, Troy University
At Leadership Institute, the Executive Board had and Lambda Psi, Arizona State University).
the opportunity to share our progress so far dur-
ing this biennium framed within the four areas These are exceptional outcomes and in the next
of focus of our Fraternity’s 2015-2019 Strategic year we will continue to advance the Fraternity
Plan: Experience, Service, Advancement and as outlined in our Strategic Plan. It takes a col-
Growth. Some highlights of the outcomes during lective effort from all of us to move our beloved
the past year for each of the focus areas include: AOII forward. Together we can make a difference
in AOII and the world around us.
• Experience – the experience of being an AOII
should be exceptional In this edition of To Dragma, there are amazing
- Successful pilot and launch of Behind Happy stories of AOIIs who are inspiring ambition as
Faces mental health curriculum, completion of they make their mark on the world. We should
211 ELC visits to our chapters, presented the all feel empowered to believe that we can ac-
Women’s Health Week initiative, and completed complish our dreams with our AOII sisters by
the successful delivery of 35 training and 53 our sides. As Oprah Winfrey said, “Create the
recruitment ambassador visits. highest, grandest vision possible for your life,
because you become what you believe.” May we
inspire ambition in each other!
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
AOII International President
Fraternity News
AOII’s Brand Turns One! As sisters enter into a new school year
and the excitement of fall begins, the Fra-
Can you believe it has been a full year ternity encourages members to continue
since Alpha Omicron Pi launched its new to be brand ambassadors and weave
brand? Following the brand roll out at the the brand’s elements and materials into
2017 International Convention, the Frater- all aspects of the AOII journey. Featur-
nity launched a social media campaign to ing AOII’s new brand elements on social
further connect the new brand to mem- media accounts, throughout recruitment,
bers and their communities. Additionally, in PR efforts and sisterhood activities will
AOII developed new business systems advance the Fraternity. Please remember
to creatively market the brand elements. all brand related guidelines and tips can
Finally, the Fraternity designed custom be found on AOII’s website under the
apparel and merchandise for sisters to “About” tab in “The AOII Brand” section.
represent the brand proudly and edu-
cated members on the brands meaningful
ties to rituals. Perhaps one of the most
rewarding moments for AOII’s new brand
was winning two awards for brand excel-
lence at the 2018 Fraternity Communica-
tions Association Annual Meeting. (See
the full list of awards AOII won below.)
These exciting milestones would not have
been possible if it were not for AOII’s
membership embracing and championing
all of the brand’s components.
AOII Wins Big At FCA!
Each year, AOII staff members attend the Fraternity Communications Association Annual Meeting, alongside other
sorority and fraternity professionals. This year, AOII was recognized with seven awards in communications excellence.
Awards included:
• The 2018 Willliam C. Levere Total Communications Award - Brand Launch
• First place for Annual Report - 2015-2017 Biennial Report
• First place for Critic’s Choice Logo Design - pictured right
• Second place for eNewsletter - In The Loop
• Third place in Best Online Magazine or Blog - To Dragma, 2017 NPC Edition
• Third Place for Inter/National Website -
• Third place for Excellence in Digital Integrated Marketing - 2017 Women’s Health Week
In A Box Programs Available On Fulfilling The Promise
Have you accessed AOII’s In A Box programs? These great educational and promotional resources are available on
Fulfilling the Promise. Check these out today!
NEW! Sisters for Soldiers In A Box | Strike Out Arthritis! In A Box | PR In A Box
8 | Summer 2018
Barb Zipperian Appointed To Executive Board
The AOII Executive Board has Barb Zipperian AOII Partners With PCI For Alumnae Directory
completed the process to fill Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)
the open Executive Board Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity has partnered with Pub-
Vice President position on the lishing Concepts (PCI) to create an inclusive alumnae
2017-2019 Executive Board. directory for our members. The project will also enable
We are pleased to announce AOII to receive important updated information for our
that Barbara (Barb) Zipperian, member database. It has been 15 years since AOII’s
Kappa Kappa (Ball State U, last directory project. We are excited about the ways
Past International President, this effort will help us better serve our members.
has been appointed to fill Over the next several months, members may receive
the position. Barb begins her postcards, emails or phone calls from PCI requesting
term immediately to fulfill the personal contact information. Security and privacy are
opening through the end of the important to AOII and PCI is a trusted partner of the
biennium. Fraternity. PCI is contractually obligated to keep all
personal information they receive confidential. Be-
Barb served as AOII Interna- cause member participation is essential for an accurate
tional President for the 2009-2011 biennium. She was and successful directory, members are encouraged to
first elected to the Executive Board in 2004 after a year respond by calling the number provided by PCI. Once
on the Budget/Finance Committee. She served two PCI collects the updated data, they will compile and
terms as Vice President of Finance before being elect- publish our 2019 AOII Alumnae Directory, expected to
ed International President. A native of Cincinnati, Ohio, be completed in the fall of 2019. This directory will be
Barb attended Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana available to purchase in a print or digital form only to
and was initiated into Kappa Kappa Chapter in 1977 AOII members.
where she served as Chapter Treasurer and Chapter For more information about the 2019 AOII Alumnae
President. She graduated from Ball State with a degree Directory, visit the Alumnae Opportunities page on the
in accounting and became a certified public accoun- AOII website.
tant. She has held numerous AOII volunteer positions At the conclusion of each call, AOII has asked PCI to
and has been a member of multiple alumnae chapters. ask members who are not already part of an alumnae
Most recently, Barb served as co-chair of the Resolu- chapter, if they are willing to pay 2018-2019 alumnae
tion 1 International Governance Practices, Review and dues. For more information on alumnae dues, please
Education Task Force after the 2017 Convention. read the information provided on page 12 or visit the
Alumnae Opportunities page on the AOII website.
Professionally, Barb is a retired banking/finance
executive with a 38-year career. Most recently she 9
worked for The Lawrence Group in Nashville, Tennes-
see where her primary responsibilities were Founder,
Board Director and Chief Financial Officer for the
group’s Nashville, Tennessee bank, Tennessee Bank
& Trust. She was formally the Executive Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer for Avenue Financial Hold-
ings, Inc. and one of the company’s four founders. She
is involved in many professional and civic organizations
and has been recognized for her leadership and work
in the banking field by Indianapolis Women Magazine,
Ball State University’s Miller College of Business and
the Nashville Business Journal.
Married to husband Ken for 38 years, the couple has
two grown sons, Phillip and Jason. Barb enjoys playing
golf, traveling, reading, boating and spending time with
her husband at the couple’s floating home on Norris
Lake in East Tennessee.
We welcome Barb to the AOII Executive Board.
Fraternity News
We Want To Feature Your AOII Photos!
Tag @alphaomicronpi in your Instagram photos or email your photos to
[email protected] to be featured.* Don’t forget to follow
AOII to stay in the know!
2018 Milestone Anniversaries
Congratulations to the following
chapters celebrating these milestone
50 Years
Iota Sigma
(Iowa State U)
Installed April 20, 1968
Tuscaloosa Alumnae Chapter
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Installed March 4, 1968
Athens Alumnae Chapter
Athens, Georgia
Installed March 31, 1968
25 Years
Kappa Sigma
(U of Wisconsin-River Falls)
Installed April 17, 1993
Chi Epsilon
(The Ohio State U)
Installed May 22, 1993
*To be featured in To Dragma, photos must be emailed and at least 1 MB.
10 | Summer 2018
Strike Out Arthritis! With AOII AOII & DignityU
And Major League Baseball!
AOII is proud to announce our official sponsorship, along-
Spring is here, which means baseball season side 23 other fraternities and sororities, of the DignityU on-
is in full swing! Mark your calendars for the 2018 line educational program. DignityU is designed to empower
Strike Out Arthritis! Major League Baseball games our members to make the choice, in every interaction, to
that started in April and is continuing through honor the inherent value and worth of another human being.
September. Up-to-date information can be found at The three workshops of 45, 60 and 90-minute lengths and 17 videos will go live in September on Fulfilling the Promise,
AOII’s e-learning website. Along with the Fraternity’s roll-out
San Francisco Giants September 1 of the mental health curriculum, Behind Happy Faces, this
Seattle Mariners September 7 education extends the focus on creating a culture of care
Arizona Diamondbacks September 8 and mindfulness.
Cincinnati Reds September 8 Mike Dilbeck founder of RESPONSE ABILITY — an award-
Milwaukee Brewers September 8 winning program on bystander intervention – has worked
Minnesota Twins September 8 with author and conflict resolution expert Dr. Donna Hicks
New York Mets September 8 to create said framework, built on lifting others up in frater-
Pittsburgh Pirates September 8 nal organizations. The primary objective of DignityU is to
Toronto Blue Jays September 8 identify and distinguish the essential elements of dignity with
Boston Red Sox September 14 the secondary objective being to understand how dignity
Atlanta Braves September 15 impacts a person’s own thoughts and actions.
Cleveland Indians September 15 While the word dignity is usually referenced in hazing and
Baltimore Orioles September 15 alcohol policies, it’s meaning is much broader. Acting with
Houston Astros September 15 dignity can make an immediate and meaningful difference
Los Angeles Angels September 15 in our relationships. The premise is simple: let all you do be
San Diego Padres September 15 done in love and be
St. Louis Cardinals September 15 mindful of yourself
Kansas City Royals September 16 and others. This is
New York Yankees September 16 the same message
Philadelphia Phillies September 16 our Founder’s passed
Miami Marlins September 21 down in our Rituals
Chicago White Sox September 22 book.
Detroit Tigers September 22 The creed (pictured
Texas Rangers September 22 right) serves as the
Washington Nationals September 22 ultimate educational
Colorado Rockies September 29 framework - aloud
Tampa Bay Rays September 30 and examine how you
are bringing dignity
to the people and
places in your life.
For more information
Get the latest Fraternity News by visiting 11
Fraternity News
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity is ALUMNAE DUES
dedicated to inspiring ambition
among all sisters through service, Alumnae dues will enhance engagement opportunities with the Fraternity and
advancement, growth and the support the following programs and initiatives:
overall AOII experience. To con-
tinue to provide an unparalleled • Development of alumnae specific programming and events
membership experience for both • Access to biannual alumnae newsletters and the AOII portal, AlphaLink
collegiate and alumnae members, • Growth of networking and mentoring opportunities including personal and
AOII launched a Fraternity-wide
model for consistent advance- professional advancement
ment by collecting alumnae • Establishment of new alumnae chapters
dues. After researching and col- • Increased involvement opportunities between collegiate and
laborating with NPC groups who
have experienced tremendous alumnae members
success through this alumnae • Support of international volunteers and staff for collegiate and
engagement initiative, AOII began
collecting a $35 annual fee from alumnae chapters
all alumnae members starting • Expansion of AOII’s brand and culture on campuses and within communities
August 2018; Life Loyal Members • Enhanced international events including Convention and Leadership Institute
will pay $19 annually. • Aid in recruitment and extension efforts for our collegiate chapters
• Care and preservation of archives and history
• Development of education programming including mental health initiatives
such as Behind Happy Faces
Alumnae chapter members will pay dues to their Alumnae Chapters. All other members
are able to pay alumnae dues online through the Alumnae Opportunities page of AOII’s website
( or through the PCI campaign referenced
on page 9. Either way, dues paid to the Fraternity are $35 or $19 for Life Loyal members.
12 | Summer 2018
1. Why does AOII ask alumnae members to pay dues?
AOII has, for many years, collected dues from alumnae through local alumnae chapters. Each
year, alumnae chapters submit a portion of each member’s payment to aid in supporting all alum-
nae areas such as programming and events. AOII is not changing the fee or introducing a new
fee, we are changing the process by which these fees are collected. AOII believes this change
ultimately will be easier for alumnae chapters once fully implemented, as our alumnae chapters
will only have to collect and manage the funds they need to operate their chapters.
2. Why is the Fraternity collecting dues from alumnae members?
After research and collaboration with other NPC groups, AOII has determined that their success
is a model we would like to follow. These groups have seven times the number of dues-paying
alumnae membership over AOII’s current dues-paying membership based on this collection
model. After additional collaboration with international and network leadership, AOII feels that the
growth of alumnae participation will continue to provide an unparalleled membership experience
for both alumnae and collegiate members.
3. How will this affect local alumnae chapters collecting dues?
For the 2018-2019 year, local alumnae chapters will continue their current schedule and process
for the billing and collection of alumnae dues. There will not be any change for local chapters until
after the 2018-2019 year. In the future, the model will suggest that local alumnae chapters will
not be responsible for the collection and payment of international fees. These fees will be billed
directly to alumnae members and collected by the Fraternity.
4. How will this affect me if I’m already a dues-paying alumnae
chapter member?
If you are already a dues paying member, you will not be affected in any way. For the 2018-2019
year, you will still pay your dues directly to your local alumnae chapter. Alumnae who are not
dues-paying members of a local alumnae chapter will pay the fee directly to the Fraternity via the
5. Is this new model in conflict with our Governing Documents?
Currently in the Bylaws, Article V, Sections 1 and 2, it specifically refers to alumnae chapters col-
lecting international fees from alumnae and then remitting those fees to the Fraternity. For 2018-
2019, we will continue this process for local alumnae chapter members. This new alumnae dues
model being implemented now is an outreach of close to 150,000 members who are not currently
members of an alumnae chapter.
6. How does this affect my Life Loyal membership?
Life Loyal members will pay a discounted rate of $19 for their alumnae dues through either a local
alumnae chapter or through this new alumnae model. You will still receive all the benefits of being
a Life Loyal member.
7. Will I be invoiced $35?
Alumnae members will NOT be invoiced $35 for 2018-2019. There will be email and mail com-
munication that will be sent to our alumnae as a reminder of the model along with details of how
to pay. This model is a voluntary ask for each of our alumnae members. AOII’s goal is to grow
involvement within our alumnae membership to support new initiatives for alumnae members.
AOII is looking forward to your continued support of our Fraternity-wide alumnae engagement.
For questions please contact AOII’s Assistant Director of Alumnae Engagement,
Kayla Reszka at [email protected] or 615-370-0920.
NPC Advocating for
the Value of the
Sorority Experience
by Carole Jones (Alpha Delta, U of Alabama), 2017-2019
National Panhellenic Conference Chairman
More than 235 fraternity and sorority constitutional right to freely assemble and
members, both alumni and students, associate, but there is a growing trend to
were on Capitol Hill on April 25 advocating punish single-sex organizations for exist-
for sororities and fraternities and the value ing by creating barriers and/or penalizing
they provide to our members. Our organiza- students who join such organizations. Har-
tions’ values of character and dignity guide vard University is just one example as that
our members in their daily lives as they serve institution is now blacklisting students who
their campus and local communities. choose to join single-sex social organiza-
Each year since 2002, the Fraternal Govern- tions and seeks to force groups to become
ment Relations Coalition (FGRC), which is co-ed against their will. The Harvard policy
a collaborative effort between the National affects this year’s freshman class and all
Panhellenic Conference (NPC), North-Amer- future students, penalizing those who join
ican Interfraternity Conference (NIC), Frater- single-sex organizations by rendering them
nity and Sorority Political Action Committee ineligible for leadership positions in recog-
(FSPAC) and Fraternity and Sorority Action nized student organizations, selection as a
Fund (FSAF), has lobbied in Washington, sports team captain and the Dean’s endorse-
D.C., to educate legislators on the value of ment for a Rhodes, Marshall or Fulbright
sororities and fraternities and the advocacy scholarship, where such an endorsement is a
issues important to NPC and NIC. prerequisite for consideration.
The FGRC represents 92 single-sex fraterni- But, it’s not just Harvard that is seeking
ties and sororities nationwide with more than new ways to restrict freedom of association
800,000 undergraduate members at over rights. It has become increasingly common
9,500 chapters on nearly 700 campuses, for institutions of higher education to regu-
as well as more than 9.1 million alumni. The late and propose policies aimed at forcing
NPC and NIC set and execute the advocacy single-sex social organizations to become
agenda for the FGRC. This year’s lobby- co-ed or imposing burdensome policies and
ing efforts, with more than 460 meetings restrictions that undermine a student’s right
between fraternity/sorority members and to freely associate. Examples include blanket
legislators or their staff members, focused on suspensions for all sororities and fraterni-
the value of the fraternity/sorority experience ties on a campus when one student or one
and our priorities for the reauthorization of organization is accused of misconduct and
the Higher Education Act (HEA). the adoption of operational restrictions that
This topic directly aligns with Pillar One of don’t apply to any other student organization
the NPC Government Relations Platform: on campus, such as not allowing first semes-
Preservation of the sorority experience. ter or first year students to choose to join a
Working together with the NIC, FSPAC and sorority or fraternity.
FSAF, our goal is to gain support for protec- The House Committee on Education and
tion of our experience through the reautho- the Workforce has taken the first step to
rization of the HEA. Our members have a protect every student’s freedom of associa-
tion rights, including with single-sex social
14 | Summer 2018
organizations. The committee’s HEA reau- Troy LeForge, AOII
thorization bill – the PROSPER Act – includes
language on this issue, but does not address
or prevent actions taken by Harvard or a few
other campuses that do not already recog-
nize single-sex organizations.
That was our task on April 25 – to encour-
age House members to perfect the pending
language in the PROSPER Act to include all
students and to ask senators to include this
same language in their own HEA reauthoriza-
tion bill.
The value of protecting our single-sex expe-
rience now and for generations to come can-
not be understated. Our organizations create
a unique community of support. They are
the one place on a college campus, where
through a shared single-sex experience,
young women or men can enjoy a sense
of belonging, empowerment and personal
development. NPC and NIC are committed
to continuing to advocate for freedom of as-
sociation rights for our organizations, and we
invite you to join us by contacting your repre-
sentatives and visiting
AOII Foundation Focus
to the following chapters for your donations to the
Ruby Fund for the 2017-2018 fiscal year!
Collegiate Chapters
Alpha Pi (Florida State U) Delta Rho (DePaul U) Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U)
Alpha Psi (Bowling Green State U) Delta Sigma (San Jose State U) Phi Delta (U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) Delta Tau (U of Alabama in Huntsville) Phi Upsilon (Purdue U)
Beta Gamma (Michigan State U) Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State U) Pi Theta (Florida International U)
Beta Tau (U of Toronto) Gamma Delta (U of South Alabama) Rho Beta (Virginia Commonwealth U)
Beta Upsilon (Bryant U) Gamma Phi (Seton Hall U) Sigma Beta (St. Joseph’s U)
Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U) Gamma Sigma (Georgia State U) Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U)
Chi Lambda (U of Evansville) Iota Theta (Monmouth U) Tau Gamma (Eastern Washington U)
Delta Beta (U of Louisiana at Lafayette) Kappa Chi (Northwestern State U) Tau Omicron (U of Tennessee at Martin)
Delta Kappa (Washington U in St. Louis) Kappa Delta (Wright State U) Theta Psi (U of Toledo)
Delta Nu (U of Nevada Reno) Kappa Kappa (Ball State U) Theta Sigma (Tarleton State U)
Acadiana Alumnae Alumnae Chapters Northern Orange County Alumnae
AOII Milwaukee Alumnae Orlando Area Alumnae
Athens Alumnae Denver Alumnae Palo Alto Alumnae
Atlanta Alumnae Detroit North Suburban Alumnae Philadelphia Alumnae
Austin Alumnae East Bay Alumnae Portland (OR) Alumnae
Baton Rouge Alumnae Fort Lauderdale Alumnae Reno-Tahoe Alumnae
Bloomington-Normal Alumnae Great Kansas City Alumnae Sacramento Valley Alumnae
Buffalo Alumnae Greater Pinellas Alumnae San Jose Alumnae
Calgary Alumnae Houston Alumnae San Mateo Alumnae
Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Huntsville Alumnae Sarasota Area Alumnae
Chicago South Suburban Alumnae Indianapolis Alumnae Seattle Alumnae
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Jersey Shore Alumnae Southern Orange County Alumnae
Cleveland Area Alumnae Kentuckiana Alumnae St. Louis Alumnae
Columbus Alumnae Lake County of Illinois Alumnae Tampa Bay Alumnae
Dallas Alumnae Long Island Alumnae Toledo Area Alumnae
Dayton Alumnae Macomb County Alumnae Triangle Alumnae
Dearborn Alumnae Mobile Alumnae Ventura County Alumnae
Delaware Alumnae Nashville Area Alumnae
New Orleans Area Alumnae
North Texas Alumnae
16 | Summer 2018
An Immeasurable Gift
Benjamin Marcum Photography by Kathryn Rae Zeigler, Pi Alpha (U of Louisville), Ruby Fund recipient
In life, there are moments for which you cannot plan. You Focusing on recovery was difficult knowing I couldn’t sup-
work hard and try to support your family. You budget for port our family financially. My husband, the hardest work-
vacations, pick up a side job to pay for school uniforms, ing man I know, was already stretched thin. Our parents,
and put gas in your car. In an instant, that planning and who had already given help were on fixed incomes. Now,
foresight can be dashed to bits. there we were, facing not only the greatest challenge of
On April 30, 2018, I was admitted to the hospital after a our marriage, but also literally fighting for my life.
nasty cough brought me to my knees as I was trying to put I sat for days looking out of the hospital window praying
my infant son to bed. As I stood to lift him, the pain in my for an answer. I felt so lost and the burden weighed heavy
chest seized my breathing. Lightning seemed to strike my on my heart. How could we have planned for this one-in-a-
shoulder blade and down my left arm. My husband rushed million diagnosis?
me to the ER. And then, a glimmer of hope. While scrolling through mem-
Hours flew by filled with CT scans, x-rays, blood work and ories on social media, I saw my AOII sisters. I remembered
physical exams. A lesion was discovered on the upper the Ruby Fund. I contacted one of our former chapter ad-
quadrant of my left lung. I was admitted. I was informed I visers for information and shared my story. In a short time,
either had tuberculosis or cancer and placed in quarantine. my application was on its way. We were approved, which
I still don’t have the words to describe hearing that from a gave us the chance to breathe and collect ourselves to find
person dressed head to toe in hazmat gear. our footing again.
A biopsy was performed. Time slowed to a snail’s pace I’m still in recovery. A nearly two-foot scar runs from my left
waiting for those results to come in. shoulder blade down my back and under my left breast.
Wednesday morning, the infectious disease doctor came But because we were granted the chance to breathe and
in. He wasn’t wearing a mask or hazmat gear. Neither was focus on the matter at hand, I no longer see that scar as a
the nurse or the pulmonologist who came in with him. It burden. It serves as a reminder that in times of great need
wasn’t tuberculosis. He shut the door and sat on the edge and distress, there is no shame in asking for help.
of the bed.
He took my hand, “Mrs. Zeigler, it’s not cancer. But, we Yes, the money was a blessing. It kept a roof over our
have to remove your lung, and we have to act fast.” heads, diapers on bottoms and gas in the tank. But the
I was diagnosed with mucormycosis, a rare fungal infection peace of knowing that in our time of need AOII was there,
with less than 100 documented cases in the United States that there was no shame in asking for help, that is what I
since the 1940s. Mucor is aggressive and fatal. Surgery have carried with me through recovery. To Christin, thank
was scheduled to remove the upper lobe of my left lung. you for reminding me
Post-op therapy and treatment would take at least two about the Ruby Fund. To
months, if I was lucky. Dori, thank you for your
The timing could not have been more stressful. We’d letter of support and your
uprooted our four children from Kentucky to Florida for job continued love and sup-
opportunities, which I had to decline after my diagnosis. port. And to AOII and the
We had already planned this move to the penny with any administrators of the fund,
savings going toward filling the gap of my being unable to thank you for reminding
work. Our two-person income was now down to one, and me that asking for help is
we were hemorrhaging money. not shameful. Charity is
not only an immeasurable
gift, but is also love in its
purest form.
Kathryn Zeigler’s children visiting
the hospital during her recovery.
Meet The ELCs
AOII is thrilled to announce we
have once again assembled an
extraordinary ELC team for the
2018-2019 academic year. These 10
outstanding consultants attended
AOII’s 2018 Leadership Institute
and have spent many weeks train-
ing at AOII Headquarters. They are
excited to hit the road and meet our
collegiate and alumnae members
across North America!
18 | Summer 2018
Sigma Alpha (West Virginia U)
Jordan served the Sigma Alpha Chapter as President, Vice President
of Communication and To Dragma Reporter, among various committee
assignments. Jordan was born and raised in West Virginia and earned a
Bachelor of Arts in psychology with a concentration in military science.
“My mom definitely inspires me because she was able to raise three
healthy, educated and strong-willed children, all while gracefully maneu-
vering her own trials and tribulations of life. Without the influence of my
mom, I would not be the woman I am today.”
Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U)
Anna’s roles in Rho Omicron included Chapter President, Vice President
of Chapter Development and To Dragma Reporter. Anna also served
MTSU’s campus as an Orientation Assistant and a Blue Elite Campus Visit
Leader in the Office of Admissions. She earned her Bachelor of Science
in family and consumer sciences in May.
“I applied to be an ELC because I knew I wasn’t ready to take time
away from AOII just yet. I wanted to stretch myself and grow individually
and help others do the same. This year, I am most looking forward to
connecting with sisters from all over and having a small part in their AOII
Lambda Eta (Grand Valley State U)
Beth earned Bachelor of Science degrees in both political science and eco-
nomics from Grand Valley State University. She has a passion for recruitment
and served as Vice President of Membership Recruitment for Lambda Eta, in
addition to Panhellenic Delegate and various committee and cabinet roles.
“On the road, the advice I hope to share with collegians is not to be afraid
to make mistakes. Being in AOII, an organization founded on unconditional
love, provides the perfect opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and
take a chance, knowing that even if you fail, your sisters will be still be there
for you.”
Beta Eta (Gettysburg College)
Renn was a charter member who joined AOII in fall 2016. She earned a Bach-
elor of Arts in history, with minors in political science and educational studies
from Gettysburg College. Additionally, she served the Beta Eta Chapter as
Vice President of Administration and Assistant Keeper of the Ritual.
“Growing up, I was always inspired by Hermione Granger from the Harry Pot-
ter books. She was an example of what a smart, confident, and empowered
woman was, and I look up to her example to this day.”
Lambda Eta (Grand Valley State U)
Shaunna served Lambda Eta as New Member Educator and Chapter Presi-
dent. She earned a degree in communication and multimedia journalism,
with a minor in hospitality and tourism management. She also served as the
President of Order of Omega and held various jobs and internships, including
one that allowed her to travel to Cannes, France.
“The ELCs I met as a collegian made such a positive impact on me that I
wanted to apply to be an ELC in hopes that I would get the opportunity to be
that role model for someone else. My ELC teammates inspire me; they are
a constant support system who encourage and motivate me to be the best
version of myself.”
Gamma Delta (U of South Alabama)
Brook served Gamma Delta as Chapter President and Vice President of Fi-
nance during her collegiate career. She was a member of six different honor
societies at South Alabama, and earned a Bachelor of Arts in history with a
minor in general business this spring.
“The advice that I hope to share with collegians on the road is that some-
times it only takes the kindness of one sister to create a lasting memory for
another and those memories that you make as a collegiate are ones that
you will be able to cherish for the rest of your life. Four years is such a short
amount of time in the long run, so enjoy it and always try to be kind to one
Delta Omega (Murray State U)
Rachel is the past Chapter President and Vice President of Communications
for Delta Omega and also served her chapter in many committee roles since
her initiation. She was selected to attend the Disney College Program as an
undergraduate and earned a Bachelor of Science in graphic communications
media with a minor in advertising this May.
“The best advice I hope to share with collegiate members on the road about
the AOII collegiate experience is to always encourage sisters, whether it be
within AOII or not.”
Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska at Kearney)
Alexis served Phi Sigma as Chapter President, Vice President of Administra-
tion and Assistant New Member Educator during her time as a collegiate
member. She earned a degree in May in education as a mathematics major.
She was also a member of multiple honor societies on her campus, in addi-
tion to various AOII committee and community volunteer roles.
“The advice I hope to share with collegiate members this year is that you can
make a much bigger difference in your own AOII chapter than you think. If
you put in the effort you can effect change in your chapter.”
Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)
Hallie served the Kappa Kappa Chapter as Vice President of Communication,
among various recruitment committee roles. Hallie also held several profes-
sional internships over her academic career. She graduated with a degree in
public relations with a concentration in event planning from Ball State in May.
“I am inspired, always, by Olivia Pope. She never lets anyone intimidate her
and she’s always willing to take on a challenge. And in everything she does,
she does it with poise and tact.”
Nu Beta (U of Mississippi)
Sara served Nu Beta as Vice President of Communication as a collegiate
member. She is originally from Connecticut, but moved to Mississippi to earn
a Bachelor of Arts in history from Ole Miss. Sara dedicated her time to mul-
tiple community service projects at home and at school, and she also served
in multiple recruitment-related, academic and service committee roles during
her busy collegiate career.
“The importance of the AOII experience is to truly understand and appreci-
ate the friendships that you will make and to be there for each other through
loving and accepting one another. If it were not for the relationships that I
made through AOII in college, I would truly not be who I am today or have
the support system that I do.”
Event Recap
22 | Summer 2018
Alpha Omicron Pi members across the United
States and Canada gathered for Leadership In-
stitute 2018 at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs
in Tennessee June 28 through July 1. With power
sessions, learning paths and educational tracks
on topics ranging from mental health awareness
and physical fitness to servant leadership and
Governing Documents education, attendees were
offered a wide variety of programming through-
out the weekend. Coupled with opportunities for
networking and sisterhood, Leadership Institute
2018 was a great success.
Thursday, June 28
The Executive Board and Foundation Boards
met throughout the day and network gatherings
kicked off that evening.
Friday, June 29
The Properties Board, Foundation Board and
Fraternity Management Committee gathered on
Friday, and Network trainings began as well.
The evening started with the Leadership Institute
Kick Off and dinner, followed by Network gath-
erings and inspirational activities including Past
International President autograph signing and
a promise activity where members could share
their promise for their year alongside a polaroid
of themselves on a large display wall for mem-
bers to view.
Power Session One was also held Friday eve-
ning, with entrepreneur Sam Davidson present-
ing “What My Second Grade Girlfriend Taught
Me About Leadership.” With practical advice for
shaping an organization, growing a following and
sharing passions with others, Davidson’s comical
and engaging presentation was a hit to all.
The evening concluded with a dessert reception
and shopping in the AOII Emporium.
Saturday, June 30
Ross Szabo, pioneer of the mental health move-
ment, blogger and co-author of Behind Happy
Faces: Taking Charge of Your Mental Health,
kicked off the morning with Power Session Two,
where he discussed the mental health challenges
facing college students and sorority members
today. His session focused on methods for de-
veloping balanced mental health and effective
coping mechanism.
Learning paths rounded out the morning before
breaking for lunch. Following the meal, AOII
Foundation Board President Judy Flessner and
AOII International President Gayle Fitzpatrick in-
vited Saylor Schalk, a juvenile arthritis patient and
the 2016 Walk to Cure Arthritis youth honoree to
the stage with her mother Marya, an AOII alumna
from the Nu Omicron Chapter at Vanderbilt Uni-
versity. Fitzpatrick discussed AOII's annual panda
donation and the Fraternity's commitment to
donating 800 pandas to the Arthritis Foundation
for each child attending one of the two juvenile
arthritis conferences held this summer. Addition-
ally, Flessner spoke about AOII's financial com-
mittment to the Arthritis Foundation, reflecting
upon AOII's goal at Convention 2017 of donating
$500,000 to the Arthritis Foundation for 2017-
2018. Through impressive fundraising efforts,
the 2017-2018 contribution totaled an incredible
$680,000. Flessner and Fitzpatrick then pre-
sented a check in the amount of $541,000 for the
Arthritis Foundation to Marya and Saylor.
Power Session Three by the AOII Boards fol-
lowed the check presentation. The Executive
Board, Foundation Board and Properties Board
each shared updates and reflections from the first
year of the biennium, along with a Nominating
Trustee update.
Learning paths continued Saturday afternoon,
along with Emporium shopping. The Education
Committee chose to expand the breakout top-
ics offered to all attendees by bringing in four
non-member facilitators devoted to women’s
leadership, personal growth and confidence. At
the foundation of all of their messages was the
idea that a community built on mutual female sup-
port is what inspires our women to be their best
The evening opened with dinner and awards. It
was a great night to recognize our outstanding
chapters and members for their exceptional work
and efforts to inspire ambition throughout the
year. For a full list of award winners, see page 26.
24 | Summer 2018
Sunday, July 1
The last day of Leadership Institute opened with
breakfast and the final Power Session of the
event. Owner and CEO of The Leadership and
Training Studio, Erin Fischer opened a dialogue
about confidence, resiliency and authenticity.
She also explored the absolute need for women
to support other women—a favorite moment
to many attendees. Fischer shared the story of
American runner Desiree Linden waiting for fel-
low runner Shalene Flanagan to stop for a quick
bathroom break along the course of the 2018
Boston Marathon. Her display of great sportsman-
ship and friendship delayed her 10 to 15 seconds,
but the two made their way back to the head of
the pack and Linden still won the race—becom-
ing the first American woman to win the Boston
Marathon since 1985. Her thought-provoking and
inspiring presentation ended with an all-member
dance party to the tune of Can’t Stop The Feeling
by Justin Timberlake.
A sneak peek at Convention 2019 in Orlando,
Florida and the traditional singing of the Epsilon
Chapter song brought this great event to a close.
Mark your calendars for Convention 2019! We
look forward to seeing you in Orlando June 26-
30, 2019!
Leadership Institute 2018 was partially funded by the
AOII Foundation. Thank you to the AOII Foundation
for the support and partnership!
Leadership Institute Award Winners
Individual Awards Rose Awards Excellence in Campus Involvement
Alumnae Woman of Leadership Mary Ann Manfredini Bellazzini, Beta Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern U
Lambda (Illinois Wesleyan U) Beta Chi, Kentucky Wesleyan College
Cori Cuttler Henderson, Gamma Debbie Emerson Carter, Delta Beta Phi, Indiana U
Omicron (U of Florida) Omega, (Murray State U) Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Cheryl Hernandez, Kappa Sigma Jessie Casteel, Phi Chi Delta Delta, Auburn U
(U of Wisconsin-River Falls) (U of Chicago) Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U
Sidonie Sansom, Kappa Omicron Delta Kappa, Washington U in St. Louis
(Rhodes College) Renee Charek Claar, Theta Psi Delta Omega, Murray State U
(U of Toledo) Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri
Collegiate Woman of Leadership Delta Tau, U of Alabama in Huntsville
Andrea Dill, Chi Psi Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U
Rachel Casey, Alpha Phi (California Polytechnic State U) Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
(Montana State U) Gamma Omicron, U of Florida
Courtney Casselman, Phi Upsilon Ashley Barnes Dumat, Rho Omicron Kappa Kappa, Ball State U
(Purdue U) (Middle Tennessee State U) Lambda Chi, LaGrange College
Samantha Clark, Alpha Phi Mu Lambda, Rollins College
(Montana State U) Melody Mitchell Gholson, Kappa Nu Beta, U of Mississippi
Caitlyn Clegg, Nu Beta Omicron (Rhodes College) Omega, Miami U
(U of Mississippi) Sarah Arnold Gondek, Iota Phi Upsilon, Purdue U
Kayleigh Crane, Omega Sigma (U of Illinois) Pi Delta, U of Maryland
(Oklahoma State U) Tau Delta, Birmingham-Southern College
Audra DeLaney, Alpha Psi Jennifer Hennes Grainger, Theta Psi Theta Psi, U of Toledo
(Bowling Green State U) (U of Toledo) Xi, U of Oklahoma
Lyndsey DeVaney, Kappa Tau Xi Omicron, U of Arkansas
(Southeastern Louisiana U) Joni Farmer Ingram, Lambda Sigma Zeta Pi, U of Alabama at Birmingham
Nathalie Flores, Omicron (U of Georgia)
(U of Tennessee) Excellence in Communication
Julia Freet, Chi Psi Christina Kraft-Andersen, Kappa
(California Polytechnic State U) Lambda (U of Calgary) Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Ali Lebourgeois, Kappa Tau Donna Nellums Kumar, Rho Omicron Alpha Mu, Duquesne U
(Southeastern Louisiana U) (Middle Tennessee State U) Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Ingrid Valbuena, Nu Beta Epsilon Chi, Elon U
(U of Mississippi) Michele Bickford Luthnin, Gamma Iota, U of Illinois
Jaclyn Wing, Alpha Phi Omicron (U of Florida) Iota Theta, Monmouth U
(Montana State U) Jackie Lynch, Rho Omicron Kappa Lambda, U of Calgary
(Middle Tennessee State U) Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U
Mary Louise Roller Award Omega Sigma, Oklahoma State U
Ashley Johnson Sarna, Sigma Alpha Phi Gamma, Georgia College & State U
Rachel Martin, Omega Sigma (West Virginia U) Phi Lambda, Youngstown State U
(Oklahoma State U) Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Salena Sandford Staub, Sigma Alpha Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
Muriel T. McKinney Award (West Virginia U) Sigma Gamma, Appalachian State U
Tau Delta, Birmingham-Southern College
Sarah Elliott, Delta Omega Collegiate Awards Theta Psi, U of Toledo
(Murray State U) Upsilon, U of Washington
Excellence in Alumnae Relations Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Stella George Stern Perry Award
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U Excellence in Community Service
Briana Barganier, Xi Omicron Delta Delta, Auburn U
(U of Arkansas) Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Alpha Phi, Montana State U
Delta Tau, U of Alabama in Huntsville Beta Eta, Gettysburg College
26 | Summer 2018 Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U
Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U
Kappa Lambda, U of Calgary Gamma Alpha, George Mason U
Pi Alpha, U of Louisville
Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Iota, U of Illinois Excellence in Membership Retention Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Beta Phi, Indiana U Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lambda Rho, Texas Christian U Chi Lambda, U of Evansville
Omicron, U of Tennessee Delta Omega, Murray State U Excellence in Rituals
Phi Delta, U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Iota, U of Illinois Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Upsilon, U of Washington Kappa Delta, Wright State U Delta Delta, Auburn U
Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U Delta Omega, Murray State U
Omicron, U of Tennessee Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri
Excellence in Finance Phi Lambda, Youngstown State U Lambda Chi, LaGrange College
Pi Delta, U of Maryland Lambda Epsilon, U of Waterloo
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Lambda Iota, U of California, San Diego
Alpha Phi, Montana State U Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U
Alpha Psi, Bowling Green State U Tau Delta, Birmingham-Southern College Excellence in Sisterhood
Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Delta Rho, DePaul U Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Gamma Alpha, George Mason U Excellence in New Member Alpha Phi, Montana State U
Iota, U of Illinois Education Beta Phi, Indiana U
Phi Gamma, Georgia College & State U Chi Lambda, U of Evansville
Rho Beta, Virginia Commonwealth U Alpha, Columbia U Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U
Tau Omicron, U of Tennessee at Martin Alpha Pi, Florida State U Delta Omega, Murray State U
Upsilon, U of Washington Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U Gamma Phi, Seton Hall U
Excellence in Fraternity Delta Delta, Auburn U Kappa Kappa, Ball State U
& Sorority Relations Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Gamma Alpha, George Mason U Nu Beta, U of Mississippi
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Iota, U of Illinois Omicron, U of Tennessee
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Kappa Kappa, Ball State U Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Alpha Gamma, Washington State U Kappa Phi, McGill U Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U Phi Sigma, U of Nebraska at Kearney Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U
Delta Delta, Auburn U Theta Iota, California State U, San Marcos McCausland Cup
Gamma, U of Maine
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U Excellence in Philanthropy Beta Phi, Indiana U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Lambda Rho, Texas Christian U Alpha Phi, Montana State U Excellence in Academic Achievement
Phi Gamma, Georgia College & State U Beta Phi, Indiana U
Pi Alpha, U of Louisville Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U Alpha, Columbia U
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Delta Omega, Murray State U Chi Lambda, U of Evansville
Excellence in Membership Gamma Alpha, George Mason U Delta Delta, Auburn U
Recruitment Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State U
Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Kappa Phi, McGill U Kappa Kappa, Ball State U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern U Nu Beta, U of Mississippi Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Alpha Pi, Florida State U Omicron, U of Tennessee Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Phi Chi, U of Chicago
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Pi Alpha, U of Louisville Outstanding Alumnae Advisory
Delta Omega, Murray State U Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U Committee
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U Xi, U of Oklahoma
Gamma Alpha, George Mason U Zeta Pi, U of Alabama at Birmingham Alpha Phi, Montana State U
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama Delta Rho, DePaul U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Excellence in Risk Management Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Omicron, U of Tennessee
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Phi Upsilon, Purdue U
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Theta Iota, California State U, San Marcos
Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U Gamma Alpha, George Mason U Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Tau Omicron, U of Tennessee at Martin Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U
Xi Omicron, U of Arkansas Kappa Delta, Wright State U 27
Zeta Pi, U of Alabama at Birmingham Nu Omega, Northern Kentucky U
Outstanding Leaders Council Excellence in Communication Green Bay-Fox Cities Alumnae
Kentuckiana Alumnae
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Atlanta Alumnae Reno-Tahoe Alumnae
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Baton Rouge Alumnae Nashville Area Alumnae
Alpha Mu, Duquesne U Calgary Alumnae NY/NJ Metro Alumnae
Alpha Phi, Montana State U Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Mahoning Valley Alumnae
Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U Denver Alumnae
Delta Omega, Murray State U Hammond Area Alumnae Philos: Excellence in Panhellenic
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Nashville Area Alumnae
Nu Beta, U of Mississippi Southern Orange County Alumnae Atlanta Alumnae
Nu Omega, Northern Kentucky U Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Excellence in Community Involvement Dallas Alumnae
Greater Vancouver Region Alumnae
Philos: Excellence in Panhellenic Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Reno-Tahoe Alumnae
Madison Area Alumnae
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Nashville Area Alumnae Foundation Awards
Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State U Reno-Tahoe Alumnae
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Toronto Area Alumnae These awards honor alumnae and collegiate
Omicron, U of Tennessee chapters who are Securing the Future of Alpha
Phi Sigma, U of Nebraska at Kearney Excellence in Membership Omicron Pi through their annual fundraising
Xi, U of Oklahoma Recruitment efforts. This award is given based on total
amount of dollars raised by chapters for the
Alumnae Awards Austin Alumnae AOII Foundation as of May 15, 2018.
Bozeman Alumnae
Excellence in Collegiate Relations Dallas Alumnae Alumnae Excellence in Fundraising
Milwaukee Alumnae
Acadiana Alumnae NY/NJ Metro Alumnae Indianapolis Alumnae
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Toledo Area Alumnae
Hammond Area Alumnae Collegiate Excellence in Fundraising
Kentuckiana Alumnae Excellence in Sisterhood
Mahoning Valley Alumnae Campuses with 1-5 NPC Chapters
State College Alumnae Acadiana Alumnae Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Toledo Area Alumnae Athens Alumnae Campuses with 6-9 NPC Chapters
Atlanta Alumnae Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Calgary Alumnae Campuses with 10+ NPC Chapters
Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae
28 | Summer 2018
Every member of AOII has a story, and
we love to share them! Story submis-
sions about yourself or another sister
are always accepted. Email your article
ideas to [email protected]
to potentially be featured in an upcom-
ing issue of To Dragma!
Mini Feature
A Justiied
Moment In History
by Ali Kresslein, Assistant Director of Collegiate Experience
And they’re off! These three little words signal the start said. “To have two horses in Derby that were first and
of the race that has been dubbed “The Most Exciting third [Derby winner, Justify and Audible], and to have the
Two Minutes In Sports”—the Kentucky Derby. While most winner go on to win the Triple Crown—it just doesn’t
spectators gather around to cheer for their favorite horse, feel real!”
one AOII alumna had even more to cheer about this year! A native of Lexington, Kentucky, Nixon has always loved
“The moment they’re coming out of the gate… that’s horses. During high school you could find Nixon taking
probably when you can hardly breathe for a minute or care of her horse when she was not in class. Her love of
two, you’re watching the race and very seldom do horses horses was even taken into consideration when choosing
stay in the lead when they’re wire to wire, then they which university to attend. “Western Kentucky University
come around and they’re heading in the final stretch of was the only place I could find to take my horse, which is
the race…it’s insane, you’re screaming your head off, why I ended up there,” Nixon said.
throwing your fists in the air,” AOII alumna Mary Nixon, Nixon decided to go through sorority recruitment be-
Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U) recalled. cause she only knew a few people at Western Kentucky
Nixon is one of 10 investors in the Starlight Racing group University and thought it would be a great way to meet
who co-owns Triple Crown winner, Justify. In the nearly people and get involved.
100-year history of the Triple Crown, only 13 horses have “AOII was my top choice and it was a great choice for me.
earned the coveted title by winning all three Triple Crown I made a lot of great friends and still keep in contact with
races in a single season: the Kentucky Derby, the Preak- many sorority sisters,” Nixon said.
ness and the Belmont Stakes. Sisters near and far were certainly following the excit-
“It’s just statistically impossible; we’ve been racing fans ment and supporting Nixon every step of the way.
for years but we only started investing in 2015,” Nixon
30 | Summer 2018
Mary Nixon with her husband
Ted in the Winner’s Circle after
the Preakness win on May 19.
Mary Nixon with Justify at Churchill Downs. Mary Nixon’s grandson, Jack Hyatt,
with Justify’s jockey, Mike Smith.
“During the Preakness, on May 19th, we were having a Furthering her involvement in the horse racing industry,
“sisters of the seventies” reunion in Louisville and a lot of Nixon was invited to join StarLadies Racing, a partnership
us were able to watch the race together,” Sandy Stewart, only available to female investors that races fillies (female
Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U) recalled. Considering all horses) in 2015. Her husband and father-in-law later
of us knew Mary in college--we called her Reeder, her joined Starlight Racing in 2017. Following Justify’s Triple
maiden name--it was so exciting! She was always so kind Crown win Nixon said, “They’re pretty encouraged with
to everyone in college and was a great leader, Panhel- how that went. We’ve always loved the racing industry
lenic President!” and this is another level of involvement that we hope to
Nixon discussed her time as a leader on the Panhellenic be able to continue to enjoy.”
Council and as a member in AOII, sharing how those ex- One thing that made the Triple Crown win even more
periences transcended well beyond her collegiate years. exciting was being able to share this experience with her
“My time with AOII and getting involved with Panhellenic family. “My 90-year-old father-in-law is able to have this
was a great way to learn leadership skills that have paid experience and our daughters and their husbands and
off over the course of my career.” kids who live across the country were all with us for the
The leadership and philanthropic skills Nixon devel- Derby. They were all with us for the Belmont too. It was
oped during her collegiate days have remained with an exciting time for family, and that makes it more spe-
her throughout the years. Nixon has volunteered with cial,” Nixon said.
Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby, for 25 When thinking about the future, Nixon said, “It’s been fun.
years through the Churchill Downs Host Program. We’ll cheer on whoever we’ve got running!”
Sisters Aainst
by Amanda Highland, Assistant Director of Education and Training
“An Alpha Phi and a Pi Phi walk into an AOII con- to recognize the battles happening in their sisters’
ference”—that was the leading pun Kimberly lives. Collegians and alumnae alike shared how their
Corban and Kirsta Rinehart delivered in the “It’s All understanding of advocacy and ways to strengthen a
Greek To Me” episode of their hit podcast ‘Life As victim’s sense of self was broadened. One Alumnae
She Knows It.’ The two Panhellenic women recorded Chapter President was so moved by Corban and
this segment in their hotel room during their time Rinehart’s message that she shared plans to make
at the 2018 AOII Leadership Institute this summer. the “Life As She Knows It” podcast the feature of the
Corban—an Alpha Phi, and Rinehart—a Pi Beta Phi, chapter’s book club. It is easy to see how a deeper
spoke with roughly 150 women during a learning sense of sisterhood can result from discussing criti-
path at this year’s Leadership Institute. With an inno- cal women’s issues.
vative focus on mental health and wellbeing, attend- In Rinehart and Corban’s presentation, they iden-
ees came to their 45-minute session to learn about tified signs of intimate partner violence, shared
supporting sisters who have experienced sexual specific ways to respond when a sister shares she
victimizations and traumas. The audience left with has been sexually assaulted or experienced intimate
a renewed sense of sympathy and a simple charge partner violence, and highlighted typical behav-
32 | Summer 2018
iors of women after being sexually assaulted. Their to repre-
presentation came with a significant “Trigger Warn- sent the
ing,” as Corban shared personal details from the 75 per-
morning she was raped by a stranger who broke cent that
into her college apartment. Corban’s assault is a will not be
statistical minority given that her assailant was not assaulted.
an acquaintance. Yet both women recognize the is- I want
sues she encountered in the aftermath of the trauma to be a
are shared by all kinds of victims—regardless of the fierce war-
circumstances surrounding the commission of the rior and
crime itself. support
As a 20-year old assault victim, Corban shared, for other
“My sorority sisters and I were thrust into the jus- women.
tice system. It was 2006 and we had to have deep One does
conversations about post-traumatic stress disorder not have Kimberly Corban (left) and Kirsta Rinehart
(PTSD), binge drinking, promiscuity and all the cop- to be (right) at AOII Leadership Institute 2018.
ing mechanisms you check off after dealing with an
event such as this.” victim to
The entirety of the legal process took 16 months, support and to understand.”
from assault to sentencing, she said. “We were learn-
ing alongside one another what campus and com- She shares this empowering message with collegiate
munity resources were available in our college town women in her volunteer role with Pi Beta Phi, as a
of 80,000.” Critical Conversations Facilitator.
Corban has emerged from this trauma with immense
strength and channels her efforts towards educating These two women are the definition of Panhellenic
women and men about sexual assault. She specifi- friendship in action, as they lift one another up and
cally breaks down stigmas surrounding Greek com- laugh at one another’s jokes when presenting and
munities, illustrating how they can rally around and on-air. Their friendship began when Rinehart was
support victims, not shame and silence them. Corban part of a panel interviewing Corban for her first post-
lends credit to surviving this life and perspective- grad professional job, running the Weld District Attor-
altering event to the support of her family, friends, ney’s Office’s adult diversion program.
sisters and law enforcement.
As Corban recounted the day of her assailant’s sen- “I pulled for Corban to fill the position because al-
tencing, she said “The court room was packed. You though she did not yet have a ton of job experience,
could hear the clicking heels of my sorority sisters in I saw on her resume that she was an Alpha Phi. The
their pin attire walking down the halls of the court- recruitment experience and conversation skill set
house. Everyone experienced this right along with one gains from Panhellenic recruitment is tough to
me.” teach. It is vital in criminal justice to have listening
Today, she shares her story because she knows skills and to ask open-ended questions.”
there are other women out there who cannot—who
are going through this alone and still living in a state The interview panel understood what effective
of shame. This is exactly why Corban and Rinehart communication skills were gained from having face-
sacrifice their limited free time away from their fami- to-face conversations with collegiate women of all
lies blogging, podcasting and speaking to women all backgrounds and interests. Being Greek was Cor-
across North America. When asked about the role ban’s greatest competitive advantage in getting her
Rinehart plays as a co-presenter and close friend of first job.
Corban’s, Rinehart shared:
“Kimberly is supporting me greatly because she’s Although the two were working with different demo-
lived it. I learn from Kim when she speaks to what graphics—one with adults and one with juveniles in
she needed from other people after her rape. I want the diversion department—everything they worked
on was with a collaborative and inquisitive spirit.
“We were constantly going to one another to for in-
sight and motivation. In the field we work in you must
be able to “dump your bucket” and address and real-
ize how you see the world,” Corban explained.
Resources Their water cooler breaks in the office turned into
conversations on subjects they may not have seen
SACHA eye to eye on and it was a result of their vulnerability
with one another in the workplace that they forged
The Sexualt Assalt Centre (SACHA) is a United a deeper friendship. “You’re talking about really
Way Member Agency, member of the Ontario messed up things at work and working with people
Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres and member on the worst day of their lives,” was Rinehart’s
of the Women Abuse Working Group. Their ser- response to how her relationship with Corban took
vices are confidential and free of charge. root at Weld County.
Their missions reads, “SACHA is a feminist, Typical with friends such as these two, when one
non-profit, communty-based organization that offers a wild and crazy idea, the other gets behind it
provides support to people who have experi- and propels it even further. That’s how the #LASKI
enced sexualized violence at any point in their podcast came to be. “Let’s start a podcast,” Corban
lives. We work to end violence and oppression said. “We can do this in three days,” Corban said. “It
through education, advocacy, outreach, coali- will be fun,” Corban said. And Rinehart supported
tion building, community partnerships and activ- this idea 110%. The dynamic duo’s passion project
ism.” They have a multitude of online resources began very suddenly as they agreed to be guinea
and a 24-hour support hotline. pigs for another friend testing out podcasts. Now
it’s almost become a part-time job for the two. They
Visit or call 905-525-4162 even have an intern, Caroline, who is just as fierce a
for more information. spokesperson as they are on domestic violence and
sexual assault. Since the podcast’s start in January
RAINN 2018, the two have recorded 25 podcasts reflecting
on topics such as: how to facilitate crucial conversa-
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) tions in your personal life and workplace, cyberbul-
is the United States' largest anti-sexual violence lying, assault crisis services and strong female role
organization. RAINN has many programs for models in society. It is not always about the heavy
survivors and for prevention, in addition to their issues.
assault hotline. RAINN partners with more than “We love the community #LASKI has created. We
1,000 local sexual assault service providers have a private Facebook group that has really taken
across the United States. off! It’s been amazing to get the feedback, become
ingrained in women’s lives and expand our Google
Visit or call 800-656-HOPE (4673) Drive of things to talk about on future podcasts,”
for more information. Corban shared with much optimism for the future.
The pair relies heavily on their followers to drive
Access Kirsta & Kimberly’s podcast what comes next on their show. They shared the in-
by visiting side scoop on what future episodes hold, including:
how to speak kindly to yourself, positive and suc-
cessful methods for helping with trauma and stories
from a local news anchor who experiences vicarious
trauma from reporting.
When asked how they
decided upon their
voice for the podcast
the pair answered,
“Our approach is to
always imagine we’re
just sitting around in
the sorority house
with four other sisters
34 | Summer 2018
or friends. Approximately one in four women will be Kirsta
sexually assaulted in her lifetime. We have and al-
ways will aim to be a steadfast beacon of support for RINEHART
our victims, our survivors, and the friends and allies
of our one in four. Our hope is that we draw out that Kirsta is a Pi Beta
same sense of connection women feel being a part Phi from Colorado
of a sorority in the formative years of college.” State University.
The two try to cover advice they wish they would She was involved in
have taken in their life - in a big sister manner. They multiple leadership
end every podcast reading aloud submissions and positions in Pi Phi and Order of Omega
addressing profound questions from people who while in school and has been working
are “asking for a friend…” Rinehart further explained in the criminal justice field since 2001.
that when she and Corban speak, people are always Recently, her professional focus has
asking questions and this routine ending to their been on sexting and cyber safety. She
podcast was a way to play up all the questions they is a Critical Conversation facilitator for Pi
get after speaking engagements. Beta Phi, traveling to speak to collegians
“We live in echo chambers of our own thoughts and on important issues that support living
views and we noticed that it is hard to ask burning Pi Phi values. She is the co-host of the
questions, so we wanted to remove the judgement podcast Life As She Knows It.
lens by allowing people to say they are “asking for a
friend.” Kimberly
It works in their favor that the podcast form of media
is directly appealing to and relatable to emerging CORBAN
generations, composed of social activists who rally
behind national campaigns such as “It’s On Us” and Kimberly is an Alpha
“Me Too.” Grassroots organizing techniques and in- Phi from the Uni-
novative creative content are the main ways Rinehart versity of Northern
and Corban are reaching future leaders. Imagine Colorado. While liv-
seeing their hashtag #LASKI trending in several ing in an off-campus
countries, like the international response gained apartment the summer following her
from the #MeToo movement. Their future goal is to sophomore year, a stranger broke in and
obtain additional sponsors, so they can do more, say raped her. She has become an advocate
more and listen more. They would love to host high- for victims as she took the journey from
profile speakers on their weekly show to give people victim to survivor. She has worked in
a sense of the magnitude of the problem. criminal justice and the private sector
If you are looking for a new voice to listen to in where she gets the job done. She travels
your car or on long runs, check out these inspiring the country speaking about her experi-
Panhellenic sisters’ podcast. You will likely find their ence with sexual assault on college cam-
humor is a direct line into the feelings, behaviors puses. She is the co-host of the podcast
and thoughts many of us experience daily. Plus, with Life As She Knows It.
episodes “brought to you by bloody marys and dry
shampoo”, how can you say no? Subscribe, rate and
review “Life As She Knows It” on iTunes, Spotify,
Stitcher and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.
You can also connect with them on Instagram, Twit-
ter, and Facebook @LASKIpodcast. And above all
else, bring other people in to talk about these topics.
Find your voice by listening to theirs.
Mini Feature
I wanna
with somebody
Three Alpha Omicron Pi graduating seniors have Kat Alderguia, Alpha Pi (Florida State U), Hailey
been selected among a group of 20 student Cooper, Nu Beta (U of Mississippi), and Morgan Po-
recipients of the 2018 Miracle Network Dance lizzi, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U) were three of the
Marathon Distinguished Leadership Award. Each students honored with this prestigious award.
year, thousands of students from over 300 col- Serving the world around us is one of AOII’s found-
leges and universities across the U.S. and Canada ing principles. AOII is proud to highlight these
participate in Dance Marathon. Needless to say, to women for their passion for philanthropy and dedi-
be selected as one of the 20 award recipients is an cation to giving back to their community through
incredible accomplishment. their selfless and diligent work with Dance Mara-
thon on their respective campuses.
Serving the world around us is one of AOII’s founding principles.
Miracle Network Dance Marathon is a movement uniting college, university and high school students across North America.
Students involved in a campus’ dance marathon organization spend a year gaining leadership, teamwork, and nonprofit
business experience while raising funds and awareness for their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. The year culmi-
nates with an 8-40 hour event (the dance marathon) on each campus where students get to meet patient families treated
at their local hospital, participate in games and dancing, enjoy entertainment, and reveal their annual fundraising total. Each
organization is entirely student-run and 100% of all funds raised go directly to the school’s local Children’s Miracle Network
In 2017, $38,060,679 was raised from more than 300 Dance Marthon programs with over 250,000 student participaants
across North America with hundreds of AOIIs at various chapters participating.
The collective efforts of Miracle Network Dance Marathon events have raised nearly $220 million since 1991 for Children’s
Miracle Network Hospitals, a nonprofit organization that raises funds and awareness for 170 pediatric hospitals across
North America.
36 | Summer 2018
Alderguia raised more than $8,000 Cooper was involved in Dance Mar- Polizzi served on the Dance
during her four years with Dance thon for three years and served as Marathon Executive Board at Ball
Marathon. She served at the Out- the president of RebelTHON at Ole State U for three years and was
reach Chair on the Executive Board Miss during her senior year. The AOII the president during her senior
from 2017-2018, and helped Dance team was the top fundraising team, year. She personally fundraised
Marathon at Florida State U raise raising over $35,000 for RebelTHON more than $13,600 during her
over $2 million. in 2018. four years in college for Dance
In addition to her Dance Marathon Outside of her work with RebelTHON,
involvement, Alderguia served as a Cooper was the Keeper of the Ritual “Receiving this award meant
Panhellenic Delegate and Panhel- for her chapter from 2015-2017 and so much to me because it was
lenic Recruitment Counselor. a recipient of an AOII Foundation an incredible way to celebrate
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship. my collegiate years of being
“Receiving this award is so much involved with Dance Marathon
more than a symbol of the time “To be recognized by an organization while supporting my brother who
and hard work put into this cause like Miracle Network Dance Marathon was treated at my local Children’s
year after year. It all-around en- and Children’s Miracle Network is Miracle Network Hospital.”
compasses what it means to be a incredible. This movement is made
student leader and the impact one up of such hardworking, passionate
can make to stand up for those people, so to be recognized with this
who can’t.” award is such an honor.”
Whether you just returned from a summer of adventures, or you are lusting for your
next getaway, we have rounded up a list of six incredible destinations to consider
for your next vacation or trip with your AOII sisters. If you are looking for one last sum-
mer hurrah, planning a fall road trip or looking ahead to a winter or spring vacation, these
destinations across the United States and Canada have much to offer year-round for
every kind of adventure-seeker!
38 | Summer2018
naISMftwftsieeJthiwnonykmTncanyounheeoegyoahgoiocolujentuwy,obirguhwBsnssrcat!ayiealehvti—ntabbaIalgsafnoiycbsmssrootyoeiiykknlrenrnsioepvaotrpoveag.geouidhlwteofuagoCwhioeuoiwnrnttcahnoeahearohthtaligkoitrktnt.reutLinmhnhealihiswoenadosekgetovtketgairahvitrnrrinuBeanaGayesoeiogtlgnkdndaovlwuLlpra,saitenoinnsoadgtaevuhcfltiwcdgiuioaofehrmiinnrkeec.icnGgeessigtetmhnrRnauaoleoasSeaiStiiblacew.tdninlxnudhokesliTreodinvndnpyetnndhmmhingowweougdieenweng.loowrpaiaanaeCntisnrwtaslptsjtetaknhgtohatuhntuihonveiarnyertneyonsvsidfhatrxhiraVneeooseslaSopdeiirktawfnnvccunofeeiailsentoemlgiloJurr9hprneeresizutnteees0yhgtya,ynoudtkannu,0ssidgverfmeaetctorhqiioBtvarrettanae-uhseorea,rn,g.oece-ntdeitasfiofokeuNnewsayinatloaitoutekhnerteausmlrvsPnaiueakacwrenkhssybafotosoifmraLspseantokososewftthcMy-ceaeiarnadp-r-ped moun-
140 acres of trails.
Collegiate Chapter News
United States Collegiate Chapters
Alabama The Sigma Delta Chapter (Huntingdon College) enjoyed a
sisterhood event at Lake Martin in Alabama, as well as vari-
The Alpha Delta Chapter (U of Alabama) participated in ous college events like Watermelon Bust and Greek Week.
Homecoming week with activities including the parade They also won nine awards at the campus Greek Awards.
around Tuscaloosa. The chapter raised $21,853 at their In the spring, they enjoyed the Red Rose Formal and host-
yearly Strike Out Arthritis! Kickball Tournament and ended ed their annual Strike Out Arthritis! They also partnered
2017 with their Jingle Bell Run, bringing their annual fun- with Sigma Phi Epsilon on campus to host a Sand Slam.
draising total to $50,633 for arthritis. In the fall semester, Theta Delta (Troy U) raised $164 for arthritis during their
over 80 members earned a 4.0 GPA and 80 more earned philanthropy week in addition to funds donated to other
a 3.75 or higher. The chapter hosted sisterhood events in- Greek groups’ philanthropies. The chapter hosted a volley-
cluding a sisterhood skate at the roller rink and the ice rink ball tournament involving many other organizations. From
and a trip to a pumpkin patch. They were awarded the Jes- the money raised during this event, the winning team was
sie Wallace Hughan Cup last June at International Conven- rewarded with a donation to their philanthropy, and the
tion. They started off the 2018 fundraising year with their rest was given to support arthritis. Theta Delta sponsored
annual philanthropy week and fundraised another $28,539 a spirit night at the local Panda Express, and the sisters of
for arthritis. this chapter also gave the students of Troy University the
The Delta Delta Chapter at Auburn University supported a opportunity to recognize anyone affected by the debilitat-
sister participating in the Miss Auburn campaign. Miss Au- ing conditions of arthritis by writing their name down and
burn is a tradition on campus, and the female student who pinning it to a display for all students and faculty to see.
is selected for this title works alongside the SGA president, After their first ever spring recruitment, the women of this
executive board and other on-campus organizations. Her chapter have welcomed many new sisters. Despite all the
platform was focused on a part of the Auburn Creed that events hosted by the chapter, the sisters have also been
states, “I believe in the human touch, which cultivates involved with other Greek organizations, supporting philan-
sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and thropies and participating in events. Theta Delta collected
brings happiness for all.” Her slogan was ‘Kathryn Kennedy 371 cans for Backpacks for Kids. After participating in their
Can,’ and the Delta Delta Chapter members campaigned first Greek Week, the Theta Delta chapter placed third
all week long by standing out on the main concourse dur- overall for best team and won first place for best sports-
ing the day creating posters and talking to other students manship.
about Kathryn, her platform and why she would be fit for The Zeta Pi Chapter (U of Alabama at Birmingham) kicked
the Miss Auburn title. The diligent effort paid off because off an amazing year with their annual Strike Out Arthritis!
Kathryn Kennedy won Miss Auburn of 2018. event. Nearly 20 teams registered for the event, and they
The Delta Epsilon Chapter (Jacksonville State U) kicked off raised over $1,000! The chapter enjoyed sisterhood events
the school year with its annual Smoke Out Arthritis! tailgate including a trip to the Georgia Aquarium, an overnight
where they sold barbecue plates and raised $3,000. They stay in the beautiful fish filled tanks, and a very successful
also held their Pandapalooza 5k in the fall, which raised spring formal. The chapter was proud to receive an award
more than $6,000, and their Mardi Gras Parade in the recognizing our Excellence in Community, Philanthropy and
spring, which raised more than $7,000. The chapter has Service, and was also recognized as having the New Mem-
also participated in sisterhood events at Camp Skyline, ber of the Year. The Zeta Pi Chapter also partnered with
hosted an AOII Thanksgiving dinner and semi-formal in the the surrounding Birmingham chapters to celebrate Found-
fall! The chapter has also received various awards such as ers’ Day. The chapter rounded out the year with a week full
the Gold Cup, first place in Greek Sing and first place over- of fundraising opportunities. Their Slice Out Arthritis! event
all in Greek Week. One chapter sister won Greek Woman raised nearly $1,000.
of the Year and another was crowned Miss Jacksonville
State University! Arizona
Delta Tau’s (U of Alabama in Huntsville) spring sisterhood
retreat was a trip to Nashville where they toured AOII The Lambda Psi Chapter (Arizona State U) was installed on
International Headquarters and visited the Parthenon and January 21. The chapter members enjoyed the Shamrock
Nashville Zoo. For their fall philanthropy event, the chapter ‘n’ Roll date party in March and participated in their campus
hosted their fourth annual Run for Roses 5K, which raised Greek Week in April. They hosted their first philanthropy
over $6,000. Delta Tau’s spring philanthropy event, Smoke event in April called Strike A Pose, which was a ‘90s
Out Arthritis!, raised $5,447. themed fashion show.
2017-2018 Recap
1 - Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
2 - Delta Tau (U of Alabama in Huntsville)
3 - Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State U)
4 - Zeta Pi (U of Alabama at Birmingham)
5 - Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U)
Collegiate Chapter News 2 1 - Sigma Phi (California State U, Northridge)
2 - Theta Iota (California State U, San Marcos)
1 3 - Zeta Theta (California State U, Chico)
4 - Xi Rho (Sonoma State U)
3 5 - Xi Omicron (U of Arkansas)
6 - Epsilon Gamma (U of Northern Colorado)
The Theta Omega Chapter (Northern Arizona U) had their California
annual Strike Out Arthritis! event in October which raised
$3,300 with many Greek organizations in attendance. The The Chi Psi Chapter (California Polytechnic U) began the
chapter enjoyed various socials with different Greek orga- year with a fundraiser to benefit arthritis. The women of
nizations which included ice skating and tie dye. They also Chi Psi also raised money through several local restaurant
had a sisterhood event in the fall semester in the woods fundraisers, as well as selling and hand-delivering pies for
with s’mores. In the spring they went to Cabin Fever and the holidays and cookies during the weeks of finals. The
played laser tag together. The chapter also loves to work annual visit to the pumpkin patch, lake retreat, aerial yoga
together to clean up trails, participate in dance marathons in downtown San Luis Obispo, yoga classes at the AOII
and many other philanthropy events. house, cookie exchanges and the very popular Disneyland
trip were just some of the exciting sisterhood events that
Arkansas took place. The women supported other philanthropies as
they took third place in Sorority’s Best Dance Crew and
The Xi Omicron Chapter (U of Arkansas) began the year represented AOII in AEPhi’s Greek Goddess. They enjoyed
with a retreat for the new members which involved float- a Mom’s Weekend and participating in the Walk To Cure
ing down the river while enjoying quality time with sisters. Arthritis in the spring.
They also hosted their annual Strike Out Arthritis! Baseball The Lambda Alpha Chapter (U of La Verne) had an exciting
Tournament where they raised $2,600. In the fall, they year full of accomplishments. The women proudly earned
had a sisterhood event at a local pumpkin patch where the title of the highest GPA for the 2017 school year out of
they roasted s’mores and went on a haunted hay ride. The all Greek life. Roseball was a union of collegiates, alumnae
chapter won first place overall in a volleyball tournament and their guests for a time of dancing the night away. Their
for an event called Watermelon Bust, which earned them Sisters for Soldiers event raised a total of $100 for our men
$100 towards their philanthropy. Additionally, they won and women in the military. The chapter also donated over
third place in a pep rally on campus. Recently, the chapter 100 Valentine’s Day cards to children in the Pomona Valley
had a Valentine’s Day sisterhood where they painted cute Hospital Medical Center.
canvases together.
44 | Summer 2018
2017-2018 Recap
The Sigma Phi Chapter (California State U, Northridge) the power of trust in their sisters. In addition, they teamed
kicked off the year at a local pumpkin patch for a fall sister- up with Sigma Nu and Lambda Chi Alpha for Greek Week
hood activity. They had a very successful fall formal hosted in order to give back to their surrounding community. They
at the Knollwood Country Club. The chapter also held its enjoyed their retro roller skating Grab-A-Date, and many
annual philanthropy event, Mr. CSUN where they raised alumnae came to Founders’ Day, which was filled with
$6,000. The members also attended a Founders’ Day laughs, photography, finger food and awards. Zeta Theta
event in Pomona where they celebrated 121 years of Alpha hosted the spring philanthropy event Scoop Out Arthritis!
Omicron Pi with sisters from all over southern California. at Homicron in April, where ice cream was served, and a
They also had a great fundraiser at Skateland and par- sundae bar was available. Members’ moms attended their
ticipated in many intramural sports. They closed out the Mom’s Day for the weekend, and they concluded the se-
academic year with the annual Strike Out Arthritis! event. mester with their formal.
Theta Iota (California State U, San Marcos) had three suc-
cessful philanthropy events this year. The chapter held Colorado
their fifth annual Strike Out Arthritis! event where other
Greek and campus organizations played kickball, ate deli- During the fall semester, sisters of Epsilon Gamma (U of
cious food and came together to raise money for arthritis. Northern Colorado) ice skated at the Ice Haus in down-
Additionally, the chapter sent multiple care packages and town, where many smiles and many laughs were shared
letters to soldiers as part of the Sisters for Soldiers pro- as sisters bonded on ice. Additionally, their sisters raised
gram. In the spring, the chapter held their annual Pie an money for athritis in November through a volleyball tour-
AOII Day where sisters volunteered to get pied and sold nament, Spike Out Arthritis! During the spring semester,
small cakes to support arthritis. In March, chapter members sisters met with the Denver Alumnae Chapter for Found-
enjoyed a fun camping themed spring retreat weekend ers’ Day. AOPizzaPi, Epsilon Gamma’s major philanthropy
that included games and sisterhood bonding. event for arthritis, raised $2,500 during a night of eating
The Xi Rho Chapter (Sonoma State U) came together this pizza, gathering online donations and fun. They had a suc-
year to overcome devastation in their community. The cessful sisterhood retreat in the mountains where sisters
North Bay fires brought great tragedy to their area and sis- bonded over bean bag toss, a picture scavenger hunt,
ters wanted to help in any way possible. Via a GoFundMe sharing goals, taking photos, an emotional panda pass and
page, $1,240 was raised for Roseland Collegiate Prep in hiking.
order to help rebuild their campus. Xi Rho was also very
active in various Greek life philanthropies on SSU’s campus Connecticut
and won Gamma Phi Beta’s Moonball, Kappa Delta Zeta’s
Kickin’ It With Kappa and Greek Weekend. Sisters also got The Lambda Lambda Chapter (U of Connecticut) had a
the opportunity to strengthen and create news bonds at year of firsts! The chapter started the fall semester with
spring retreat in Half Moon Bay, spending a beautiful day at their first formal recruitment and Bid Day. In December,
the beach and making terrariums. they hosted their first philanthropy event, Run for the
Zeta Theta (California State U, Chico) had a year filled with Roses, which participants really enjoyed. In February, the
a lot of sisterhood events, including a fall retreat consisting chapter hosted Mozz for Tots where they raised money for
of climbing trees, navigating a ropes course and learning the school-wide annual Huskython which supports Con-
necticut Children’s Medical Center. Lambda Lambda alone
raised $12,000. At the end of the spring semester, they
Collegiate Chapter News Georgia
hosted their first Strike Out Arthritis! event, with spike ball The Alpha Lambda Chapter (Georgia Southern U) had
and lawn bowling. As for achievements, last semester nine many great chapter activities, philanthropy events and
sisters had a 4.0 GPA and 24 had at least a 3.75 GPA. They sisterhood gatherings. They started the fall school year
also won first place in Pi Kappa Phi’s Rose Queen tourna- with sisterhood bonding for the new members. A little bit
ment supporting the Ability Experience. later in the year, they hosted their annual Run for the Roses
event. The chapter had many more sisterhood events such
Florida as pumpkin carving, a day trip to Tybee Island and a trip to
their local indoor trampoline park.
Alpha Pi (Florida State U) hosted two philanthropy events The Beta Zeta Chapter (Kennesaw State U) started off
in the fall. Their first was a successful Pasta at the Pi dinner the fall semester with several awesome social activities,
followed by their spooky AOPocalypse 5k. With these phi- including their new member retreat, Braves date night
lanthropy events, including Strike Out Arthritis! from spring and Boo Bash Halloween social. They participated in KSU
2017, they raised $11,600. This spring, sisters hosted Strike homecoming week, where their float won first place in the
Out Arthritis! with a giant, inflatable bowling competition contest. They also hosted their annual Run for the Roses
where they raised over $9,900. During their chapter trip to 5K, raising over $24,000 for arthritis. They enjoyed several
Islands of Adventure in Orlando, Florida, their sisterhood winter events such as the “Merry Thanksmas” potluck,
grew even stronger amid all the touristy fun. semi-formal and crush party. Beta Zeta proudly hosted
The Gamma Omicron Chapter (U of Florida) had an event- a state day event, gathering collegiate sisters and alum-
ful year with Dance Marathon, bi-annual service projects, nae from across the state of Georgia to meet and attend
alumnae brunch and a trip to AOII International Headquar- workshops together. The event was a great success with
ters in Brentwood. The chapter raised close to $75,000 over 100 sisters in attendance. Several sisters participated
for Dance Marathon, had 29 members stand on their feet in KSU Miracle’s Dance Marathon, which raised money
for over 26.2 hours to benefit a local children’s hospital, for Children’s Miracle Network. The chapter raised over
and had over 15 members holding leadership positions $15,000 at this event. Beta Zeta also recently had their
within the event itself. Additionally, the chapter also held annual Toss Out Arthritis! event, a cornhole tournament
two service projects this academic year, working in tandem where they raised over $1,500 for arthritis. The chapter is
with local county organizations to clean up local rivers and proud to have earned the second highest GPA on cam-
parks, as well as with a local Special Olympics division to pus and received gold status in their Greek Accreditation
help their annual Special Olympic Games for children with Program.
disabilities. Furthermore, they had their first Gamma Omi- The Delta Lambda Chapter (Columbus State U) had a ter-
cron Alumnae BBQ. rific year. Most recently, the chapter won first place in the
The Kappa Gamma Chapter (Florida Southern College) en- Greek Week Variety Show and was awarded $150 for ar-
gaged in several sisterhood activities this year; specifically thritis. In April, the chapter celebrated 10 years on campus
going on a roller-skating trip to a nearby rink, a yacht lunch and hosted their annual Strike Out Arthritis! softball tourna-
cruise, a picnic on the green and food truck rally. Three of ment. Later that evening, alumnae and collegiate members
their collegiate sisters and two new members performed in joined together for a formal at the historic Springer Opera
FSC’s production of Julius Caesar, and the chapter showed House in downtown Columbus.
up to support. The sisters of Kappa Gamma held an alum- The Lambda Chi Chapter (LaGrange College) held a male
nae picnic on St. Patrick’s Day and a wiffleball tournament beauty pageant called King of the Hill and raised over $100
for their Strike Out Arthritis! philanthropy week. A Fly Me To for arthritis. Also, the chapter competed alongside the Pi
The Moon themed formal in late spring rounded out their Kappa Phi fraternity and claimed first place in the Greek
year. Week competition.
The past two semesters have been great for growth for the The Lambda Delta Chapter (Dalton State College) started
Mu Lambda Chapter (Rollins College). In the fall semester, off the school year with their annual Smoke Out Arthritis!
they supported a sister in need who was recently diag- barbecue. Families from all around Dalton attended this
nosed with thyroid cancer. They hosted the Alpha O Donut event and enjoyed live music and great barbecue! The
Drive and donated the funds to the sister and thyroid chapter has enjoyed multiple sisterhood events including
cancer research. They also hosted Slice of Pi in the spring, a paint party, game nights and a retreat to Gatlinburg, Ten-
which all proceeds went to support arthritis. When Greek nessee. The chapter also partnered with local alumnae to
Week came around, the chapter came in first place in both celebrate Founders’ Day.
Lip Sync and Greek Week as a whole, making it their fourth
year winning Greek Week. For a fun sisterhood retreat this
year, they all went ice-skating, and enjoyed their Great
Gatsby spring formal.
46 | Summer 2018
2017-2018 Recap
1 - Lambda Lambda (U of Connecticut) 4
2 - Alpha Pi (Florida State U)
3 - Kappa Gamma (Florida Southern College)
4 - Alpha Lambda (Georgia Southern U)
One of the highlights of the year for Phi Gamma (Geor- activities for all ages and included writing letter to troops
gia College and State U) was their newest philanthropy and donating money to the Million Thanks Scholarship
event, Splash Out Arthritis! Hosted at the campus wellness fund. Going along with supporting the troops and soldiers,
center, students participated in a water polo tournament one sister sponsored a soldier overseas through a program
and were also entered into a raffle to win concert tickets called Adopt a US Soldier (AAUSS). The chapter raised
for Judah and the Lion as well as to win various restaurant over $360 dollars in donations and put together five care
gift cards. Phi Gamma has raised a total of $7,160 this year packages. Each member in the chapter wrote a letter to a
for the arthritis, and over $600 for their local philanthropy, U.S. soldier and that was sent in the care packages as well.
Communities in Schools. Their fall sisterhood retreat to
Stone Mountain strengthened the bonds of new sisters Illinois
to our older sisters, and the chapter enjoyed celebrating
Founders’ Day together. This spring, Georgia College and Delta Rho (DePaul U) strengthened their sisterhood
State University awarded the chapter with the Fraternity through fun events a corn maze together, got to know their
and Sorority Leadership Award and their Chapter Adviser new members at a pumpkin patch, went ice skating, ate
received the Advisor of the Year award. cupcakes with Panhellenic sisters, and shopped at Athleta
to benefit Girl Forward. They sailed away with their sisters
Idaho for semi-formal which was held on a boat on the Chicago
River. In February, the DePaul community supported Delta
This year the Beta Sigma Chapter (Boise State U) really Rho’s Spike Out Arthritis! event. Sixteen teams competed,
focused on trying to find and start a project that they could and they raised a total of $1,367. They celebrated Found-
shape and make their own. They participated in a project ers’ Day with the Chicago alumnae chapters, as well as the
called Support Our Troops which is through the Million Phi Chi Chapter from the University of Chicago.
Thanks Scholarship fund. For their event, they had various
Collegiate Chapter News 2
3 5
1 - Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)
48 | Summer 2018 2 - Delta Rho (DePaul U)
3 - Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U)
4 - Iota (U of Illinois)
5 - Alpha Theta (Coe College)
Epsilon Sigma (Quincy U) kicked off the school year with 2017-2018 Recap
many fun activities this year, including their annual Strike
Out Arthritis! event. They enjoyed many sisterhoods includ- the year, including a Barn Blitz, earned the second
ing a movie night and sleepover, as well as the the spring highest GPA on campus, and showed their appreciation for
glow color run and family weekend. UE professors on their very own Rosa-A-Professor day.
The Iota Chapter (U of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) start-
ed off the year with a food packing event for the local food The women of the Kappa Alpha Chapter (Indiana State U)
bank in Champaign with other chapters in the Panhellenic had a very prosperous year packed with amazing growth
community. The chosen fall philanthropy raised money for as well as memories. The chapter held three philanthropic
Lyme disease which personally effects one of the chapter events during the school year: Strike Out Arthritis! Paint
members. The chapter held a Mud-Olympics where teams a Pi and Smoke Out Arthritis! The chapter held a formal
signed up and participated in various athletic competitions. in the fall and spring. Last semester, the chapter excelled
The chapter also participated in sisterhood events includ- academically and was second in grades out of all of Greek
ing face mask and study parties in the fall and Olympic life. Sisterhoods this year included a Valentine’s Day card
viewing parties and a masquerade-themed semi-formal in making night, game nights, movie nights, a parents’ day
the winter. As spring came around, the chapter was proud brunch and a mixture of activities at chapter that helped
to receive first place in outstanding New Member Educa- the sisters bond.
tion, third in risk management and Chapter Advisor of the
year. The chapter got involved in the Illinois body project The Kappa Kappa Chapter (Ball State U) had an extremely
where 20 members trained on how to a facilitate a pro- successful year with many sisterhood events, including
gram to bring body positive messages and mindsets back retreats, as well as kicking off the Hold Fast Chronicles, a
to the chapter. The whole chapter participated in Behind program created by one of their sisters to connect them
Happy Faces workshops during chapter meetings that with other chapters around the country. Two groups of
started a discussion about mental health. The chapter held Kappa Kappa members went to visit sisters at Purdue
its annual Strike Out Arthritis! barbecue which went off with University and Indiana University to get a taste of AOII on
a bang raising $19,025 to date. their campuses. Kappa Kappa Chapter was proud to be
The Phi Chi Chapter (U of Chicago) enjoyed many sis- awarded the highest Greek organization GPA of 3.23. Their
terhoods such as donating blood to the local UChicago annual Strike Out Arthritis! Dodgeball event was a huge
hospital, organizing a TITLE Boxing group class, and success, raising over $15,000 for arthritis. The chapter also
attending performances by MAYA, an on-campus dance paired with different fraternities for a variety of social, ser-
group, to support fellow sisters. The chapter was fortunate vice and philanthropic events to encourage Greek unity.
to celebrate Founders’ Day with the Delta Rho Chapter
at DePaul University, and also participated in their annual The sisters of Phi Upsilon Chapter (Purdue U) are beyond
Spike Out Arthritis! tournament. The chapter also held a thrilled to call 242 Grant Street their new home. Sisters can
rose sale in order to fundraise money on behalf of the frequently be found in the house doing activities ranging
Chicago Foundation for Women and the Alexandra Frizzell from studying in the hangout room, to having a spa night.
Memorial Fund. They have enjoyed giving alumnae, family and fellow
students tours of the home and are so proud to show off
Indiana their house. Phi Upsilon’s new philanthropy, AOPotato, was
held in the home in April with over 300 attendees and over
The Chi Lambda Chapter (U of Evansville) began the $5,000 raised. The home will have an official dedication
school year with many sisterhood events including a re- ceremony in September 2018.
treat to Camp Carson, a day full of fall fun at Mayse Farm
Market, a Secret Santa and Study day, a Valentine’s sister- Iowa
hood celebration, and so much more. To kick off second
semester, the chapter held their second annual Spike Out For the year of 2017-18, the Alpha Theta Chapter (Coe
Arthritis! philanthropy event. The women of Chi Lambda College) had a very successful year with chapter goals and
enjoyed spending many weekends throughout the semes- philanthropic events. They had a wonderful time at their
ter participating in and supporting other chapters’ philan- annual Smoke out Arthritis! barbecue, raising money for the
thropy events including Zeta Tau Alpha’s Tackle for the Arthritis Foundation while also creating a fun event for their
Cure, Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s Paddy Murphy, Chi Omega’s campus. The chapter also had other fundraisers through-
Dishes for Wishes and others. The ladies even earned first out the year, including a Valentine’s crush sale, pizza ranch
place and crowd pleaser in two philanthropy events: Sigma fundraiser and a Teeter-Totter-A-Thon with another campus
Phi Epsilon’s Sig Ep-a-go-go and a Greek-wide event called fraternity. Besides philanthropy events, the chapter also
Musical Madness, in which a chapter member also earned had an abundance of sisterhood events. In the fall, they
an award for best director. The chapter consistently part- had a chilly, yet fun sisterhood outing at Bloomsbury Farm,
nered with their university in volunteer events throughout where they got to pet goats, walk a corn maze and experi-
ence a haunted house. The chapter members also had
their annual Panda Lock In event where they spent quality
time together by working on building relationships with
each other through group bonding activities.
Collegiate Chapter News and Kappa Delta’s Bring It On. They also had an amazing
time at their sisterhood retreat at Nacome Camp where
The Theta Chi Chapter (Morningside College) has been they participated in archery, canoeing and many more fun
busy this academic school year. The chapter partnered activities.
with Firehouse Subs in the fall for a philanthropy event The Nu Omega Chapter (Northern Kentucky U) hosted
that helped raise money for the Montana Wildfire Relief their third annual Strike Out Arthritis! Wiffle Ball Tourna-
Fund. The women of Theta Chi also gave back in the fall ment. Nu Omega also had their second annual Sisters for
by participating in Into the Streets (an all campus event Soldiers Boot Camp in partnership with the United States
day for volunteering), volunteering at an off-site adoption Army Reserves. All money raised at the Sisters for Soldiers
event with Noah’s Hope Animal Rescue, and by partici- event goes towards the Yellow Ribbon Foundation, which
pating in a stand against breast cancer. In the spring, the sends care packages overseas. Nu Omega placed third in
ladies geared up for their fourth annual Hop Out Arthritis! Air Bands during Greek Week. They also received awards
event. Hop Out Arthritis! is an Easter egg hunt the chapter from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life for Fellowship
has on Morningside’s campus that is open to the Siouxland and Leadership. Nu Omega and the local alumnae chapter
community. Along with the Easter egg hunt, there was face celebrated the fifth anniversary as an established colle-
painting, egg dyeing, a silent auction and a bake sale. The giate chapter by bowling together. This will be the first year
chapter has also enjoyed sisterhood activities throughout Nu Omega has utilized an Adopt-a-Senior program where
the year along with a formal in the fall that was held in a younger members will put on a “reverse Big/Little week”
restaurant downtown. for their older mentors.
The Pi Alpha Chapter (U of Louisville) has had quite the
Kentucky busy year. Last semester they hosted their first Inspire
Ambition Week leading up to their annual Strike Out Arthri-
The Alpha Chi Chapter (Western Kentucky U) kicked off tis! Softball Tournament. They had a fantastic sisterhood
the school year with its annual sisterhood retreat at the retreat in Elizabethtown, Founders’ Day brunch with the
ropes course of WKU. Another way they welcomed new Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter, and danced the night away
members was with their annual New Member Dance at at their Rose Formal.
Mariah’s restaurant downtown. One of the ways they raised
money for arthritis was their week-long philanthropy, Knock Louisiana
Out Arthritis! They also raised money for St. Jude’s Chil-
dren’s Hospital by hosting a golf scramble with the frater- The Delta Beta Chapter at the (U of Louisiana at Lafayette)
nity Pi Kappa Alpha. The chapter took home first place for hosted their annual Rose Week during the fall semester
the third consecutive year at the highly anticipated event consisting of fundraising events like Pie a Pi, a rose sale
put on by Kappa Delta called Shenanigans. Their sister- and a Smoke Out Arthritis! barbecue cook-off. During this
hood event for the spring was PJs and Waffles, which week they raised $2,000. The chapter also had a great
included eating waffles, piecing together a quilt and bond- time during their overnight sisterhood retreat at First Bap-
ing with sisters. A fun and enjoyable event their sisters look tist Church of New Iberia. They enjoyed a fun-filled night of
forward to everywhere is the Roseball dance and Found- bonding through creating skits and singing along to acous-
ers’ Day. tic guitar played by sisters. In the spring semester, the
This year, the Delta Omega Chapter (Murray State U) chapter hosted their annual Spike Out Arthritis! event. Eigh-
kicked off the school year with its annual Mr. MSU event, teen teams registered, and they raised $1,300. The chapter
which is now recognized as an official Murray State Uni- is proud to announce that they increased their chapter GPA
versity event for Parent’s Weekend. They raised almost to a 3.06 and surpassed the all-women’s average of 3.03.
$9,000 this year at this event. Their Red Rose formal was Kappa Chi (Northwestern State U) members were very
Beauty and the Beast themed and it was titled Be Our involved in other Greek organizations on the campus. They
Guest. Their sisters love spending time with each other participated in the Kappa Sigma campus volleyball tourna-
and going to places around Murray to help and spread ment and also attended Sigma Sigma Sigma’s Dancing
love in any way that we can. At Christmas time, members with the Sigmas. Kappa Chi also participated in NSU home-
went to Hickory Woods nursing home and sang Christmas coming week winning awards for their efforts. They partici-
carols. They finished up the semester with their Strike Out pated in a float decorating contests, lipsync competition
Arthritis! event, which included human bowling. and showed out at the homecoming football game. Kappa
Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky) had a jam-packed year filled Chi also focused heavily on community service this year
with philanthropy and sisterhood events. In the fall, they through Hope for Paws, a campus road clean-up, as well
held their annual Strike Out Arthritis! philanthropy event, as a park clean-up in the town of Natchitoches. Kappa Chi
which was a kickball tournament. They participated in the also focused on building their sisterhood through enjoying
Lexington Walk to Cure Arthritis as our spring philanthropy a chapter retreat and other sisterhood activities, including
event where they raised more than $3,456 and are going hiking, picnics and intramurals.
to continue putting efforts in raising more money. They
also have participated in philanthropy events from other
organizations on campus such as Chi Omega’s Greek Sing