2017-2018 Recap
Kappa Tau Chapter (Southeastern Louisiana U) started 1
the fall semester by bonding at their sisterhood retreat
at Camp Istruma, a local campsite. During Homecoming
week, the chapter exhibited outstanding involvement in
activities and placed second. Their Philanthropy Chair also
planned the annual MADD Dash where they raised more
than $4,000 in honor of their late sister who passed away
after being hit by a drunk driver. They also gathered with
their families before Thanksgiving break for Thanksgiving
dinner. Kappa Tau was humbled to end the academic year
by being honored as the JHW Cup recipients at their JHW
Cup and Founders’ Day weekend in March. The chapter
also held the annual Strike Out Arthritis! bowling tourna-
ment in April! The event raised more than $20,000.
The Beta Gamma Chapter (Michigan State U) had an out- 2
standing year for both fundraising and recruitment. They
hosted their annual Strike Out Arthritis! Dodgeball Tourna-
ment, as well as a new event called Smash Out Arthritis! in
the fall. Smash Out Arthritis! was a pumpkin carving, pump-
kin smashing and craft event. In March, the sisters of the
Beta Gamma Chapter also had the opportunity to take part
in a self-defense class where they learned valuable informa-
tion on how to protect themselves.
The Kappa Rho Chapter (Western Michigan U) adopted two
miles on Highway 94 in December take care of and pick up
litter on the side of the road. The chapter also was proud to
receive the Outstanding Scholarship Program, Outstanding
Membership Development Program, Outstanding Safety,
Health and Wellness Program awards!
The Omicron Pi Chapter (University of Michigan) hosted its 3
first Smoke Out Arthritis! barbecue fundraiser. The event
was a huge success and the chapter raised $1,000 for
arthritis. The chapter also co-hosted an event called Take
Back the Night that supported survivors of sexual assault.
There was a huge turnout of sisters that showed up to
provide their love and support. The chapter also had a barn
dance, along with an amazing Mardi Gras themed date
party and a spring formal at El Club. The chapter took a trip
to the cider mill where sisters ate donuts, went on hayrides
and bought pumpkins. The chapter had an amazing chap-
ter retreat to Emrich retreat center where sisters bonded
and slept overnight in a cabin. The chapter also hosted a
fabulous Dad’s Day brunch and a Mom’s Day scavenger
hunt at Matthaei Botanical Gardens.
A very successful recruitment season kicked off what was 1 - Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky)
a great year for Tau Chapter (U of Minnesota). Their annual 2 - Nu Omega (Northern Kentucky U)
AOPizzeria fundraising event raised over $1,500, and they 3 - Beta Gamma (Michigan State U)
also raised over $2,000 for Walk to Cure Arthritis. They had
a beautiful formal in downtown Minneapolis, and the chap-
ter made some great memories at the many sisterhood and
Collegiate Chapter News 1 - Tau (U of Minnesota)
2 - Delta Gamma (Missouri State U)
1 3 - Kappa Rho (Western Michigan U)
4 - Iota Theta (Monmouth U)
2 5 - Theta Pi (Wagner College)
social events. Some of their favorites included a chapter This semester, Delta Kappa (Washington U in St. Louis)
retreat at a hotel outside the city, an afternoon at an apple added a Diversity and Inclusion Chair to their leadership.
orchard, roller skating, kickboxing and a sisterhood with The chair will add diversity and inclusion elements to
brunch, facials and makeovers from a fellow sister and her weekly chapter meetings, promote diversity in member-
mom, who works for a beauty company. ship, and act as a liaison between AOII and diversity-
related groups on campus. In March, they had a successful
Missouri Strike Out Arthritis! Despite the rain, members had a blast
inside with cotton candy machines, a cappella group per-
The Delta Gamma Chapter (Missouri State U) jumped into formances and more. Plus, they raised nearly $2,000. Oth-
spring semester by placing second in Greek Week, and er highlights this year include amazing sisterhood events
one sister won Greek Goddess. This semester they really such as crafting, rafting and many late-night donut runs,
wanted to focus on philanthropy, and that is just what they all of which have brought sisters closer together. Another
did. The chapter kicked off the semester by partnering with incredible example of our sisterhood was a GoFundMe
another chapter on campus for Sweet Tea Tuesday and fundraiser for a sister in need. Almost $5,000 was raised.
wrapped up their main event for the semester, Pie an AOII. Finally, they ran a booth alongside several other Greek
With these events, along with winning a local social media organizations at their school’s annual carnival, ThurtenE.
challenge, they raised over $6,000. The chapter painted ThurtenE is the nation’s largest and oldest student-run
pumpkins and roasted marshmallows during their sister- carnival. They sold several fun flavors of cookie dough and
hood retreat at the Rutledge-Wilson Farm Park, a local raised over $1,500 to donate to the Women’s Safe House.
pumpkin patch and corn maze. The chapter also hosted The ladies of Delta Pi (U of Central Missouri) and men of
their annual Mom’s Day, where they enjoyed a yoga class Sigma Pi held the annual Pie a Pi event. Students pied an
in the park, along with a delicious picnic.
2017-2018 Recap
5 for arthritis. The event was a great success! The chapter
also held a new member dance, as well as semi-formal and
New Jersey
The Alpha Nu Chapter (Ramapo College) had multiple phi-
lanthropy events this year including Alpha Male, the Skull
and Rose Ball and Spike Out Arthritis! Spike Out was a
volleyball tournament with 10 registered teams where they
raised almost $800. In addition to philanthropic events, the
chapter spent quality time together at sisterhoods such as
going to a sunflower maze, ice skating and movie nights.
The chapter is also proud to hold one of the highest GPAs
on campus.
The sisters of Gamma Phi (Seton Hall U) are more involved
than ever. They have a sister as the president of CPC,
president of the student council, and sisters going on many
service retreats around the world. The year started with
Spike Out Arthritis!, a charity volleyball tournament where
they raised $1,000. They are looking forward to joining the
Walk to Cure Arthritis here in South Orange, NJ. The year
also included a great two-day camping retreat.
AOII, which raised funds for arthritis. At their Ladies’ Day, The Iota Theta Chapter (Monmouth U) had new sister-
they celebrated with delicious food and an intense round hoods including their first weekend retreat to the Poconos.
of trivia. An even bigger celebration happened when all the Other sisterhood events that the chapter experienced
seniors gathered around to listen to letters written to them were Friends-giving, Secret Santa, Galantine’s-Day and an
in honor of their upcoming graduation. With Theta Chi and Under the Star’s themed spring formal. Iota Theta had its
Delta Chi as their partners, AOII went back to the ‘90s for annual New Member/Alumnae Brunch where they raised
Greek Week 2018. Not only did they win first place overall, $998.50. The chapter is looking forward to their Strike Out
the hard-working members of all three chapters celebrated Arthritis! whiffle ball tournament along with participating in
these wins: first place in lip sync, first place in Quidditch- their Greek Week!
Sorority, first place in kiddie carnival and many more.
New York
Alpha (Columbia U) celebrated their fifth year back on
The Zeta Chapter (U of Nebraska) most recently had close Columbia’s campus with many sisterhood events like Olym-
to 50 women participate in The Big Event, a university- pics watching parties and a bagel brunch before initiation.
wide day of volunteering. They rounded out the year with After raising $2,000 at their fall philanthropy event, AOKa-
spring formal and Greek Weekend. raoke, the chapter also planned a new spring philanthropy
event called War of the Roses where teams raise money
Nevada for arthritis by competing in a trivia challenge.
Theta Pi Chapter (Wagner College) competed in the
The Delta Nu Chapter (U of Nevada Reno) made this year Songfest 2018 competition winning best choreography
one for the books. They started off with their Smoke Out and most spirited! The women partnered with Tau Kappa
Arthritis! philanthropy event that consisted of a basket- Epsilon from both Wagner College and College of Staten
ball tournament with a great turn out of 15+ teams. They Island to play in a charity softball game to raise money for
simultaneously held Dad’s Day and provided barbecue. Chrohn’s and Colitis.
Their annual haunted house also allowed them to provide
the Reno food banks with a generous donation during the North Carolina
holiday season. They held sisterhood events including
their fall retreat which was held at the end of our their big/ Epsilon Chi (Elon U) worked actively throughout the past
little week. Other fun sisterhood activities included Zumba, year to increase its sisterhood and philanthropy efforts. In
iHop dates, ice skating and game nights. They also held the fall, the chapter had the Jingle Bell Run and AOII Goes
their spring philanthropy Cookies for a Cause which was Blue Week. Sisterhood events from the fall included a date
an all-you-can-eat ice cream/cookie event to raise money
Collegiate Chapter News Out Arthritis! The chapter was thrilled to partner with Beta
Theta Pi to put on Can You Kick It in the spring. Through
party, fall formal and a high-tea sisterhood event filled these events, the chapter raised over $5,500. The chapter
with catered Panera Bread and tons of sisterhood bond- enjoyed sisterhood events including a high ropes course
ing activities. For a secondary philanthropy to support, the retreat, drive in movies, laser tag, and a pirate themed
chapter decided to support the “invisible illness,” in the AOPirate date party. Omega has also enjoyed social events
hopes to raise awareness on Elon’s campus about mental such as a 1920s themed fall semi-formal, a Halloween date
health. In the spring, the chapter participated in Men Who party, and various socials.
Matter Weekend in March, where sisters’ family members Theta Psi Chapter (U of Toledo) had an extremely fun-filled
could participate in various activities. Sisters participated in school year. To kick off the school year, they recruited 24
the annual Greek Dance competition to support all of Pan- new members and won the homecoming parade float
hellenic groups’ philanthropies. The chapter also enjoyed contest. They had a fun date night of apple picking and
a picnic in April with Delta Delta Delta sorority to help bring then also a Dad’s Day event where they watched a walleye
together the Panhellenic community at Elon. Sisters also game. The new members had a bonding sleepover before
participated in Elon’s annual Dance Marathon for the Chil- they became initiated. At the sleepover, sisters made care
dren’s Miracle Network and Relay for Life events. To date, packages for Sisters for Solders that were sent overseas
the chapter has raised more than $8,000. to our troops. Our pierogi philanthropy dinners were a
The Alpha Epsilon Chapter (Wingate U) said a heartfelt success along with the Jingle Bell Run. Many sisters also
goodbye to its graduating seniors who were chartering participated in Relay For Life to help support finding a cure
members of the chapter. They also won Chapter of the for cancer. Additionally, many sisters attended Rockethon
Year in 2017. and participated in songfest. The chapter won first place
in songfest this year. Most recently, they had Parents’ Day,
Ohio where parents and family came to the Alpha Omicron Pi
house for a family game night.
The Chi Epsilon Chapter (Ohio State U) completed their
first philanthropy event by hosting the annual Spike Out Oklahoma
Arthritis! volleyball competition. Chi Epsilon also held the
AOPIerogies event, where they sold pierogies on campus. The Chi Theta Chapter (Northeastern State U) started
They formed a team at BuckeyeThon, a 24-hour dance off the year with their annual Pie-a-Pi event in which they
marathon that raises money for pediatric cancer. The chap- raised $180 in a few hours. In October, they held a pageant
ter raised $10,000. Chi Epsilon engaged in several sister- that raised $640 and found our Mr. Chi Theta. In the month
hood events, including a Woodstock-themed formal and a of November, some of the members participated in Kappa
Zumba workout class. They competed in the Variety Show Sigma’s annual powder puff tournament and helped them
this year with throwback songs as the theme. Chi Epsilon raise $4,100 for their philanthropy. To round off a great fall
held a brunch this spring and AOII alumnae came from semester, the chapter then sold flowers at fall graduation
many different college in the United States. The chapter and raised $625. The spring semester started off strong
also held Ohio State Day at the Chi Epsilon house, where with a friendly competition between Greek life in penny
AOII members from other chapters came to have a catered wars and $135 was raised. As the semester progressed,
lunch and tour the house. they had a social with Phi Lambda Chi at the Tulsa Drive-In
The Kappa Delta Chapter (Wright State U) started the and enjoyed spending time with other members of Greek
spring semester by celebrating Founders’ Day at the life. In the month of April, they teamed up with Pi Kappa
Dayton Women’s Club. In February, the Chapter President, Alpha and Phi Lambda Chi to raise nearly $2,000 during
Vice President of Communications and Chapter Adviser Greek Sing. At Greek Sing, they were awarded as crowd
traveled to Brentwood, Tennessee for Leadership Acad- favorite for raising the most money and put on a terrific
emy 2018 where they gained knowledge as to how they musical of the movie Frozen.
can improve in their position as well as development in the The Omega Sigma Chapter (Oklahoma State U) had a
chapter. The chapter enjoyed a spring sisterhood retreat, phenomenal year. The chapter transitioned from hosting
developing more closeness and trust within the chapter. a Strike Out Arthritis! Bowling Tournament to a Kickball
The Kappa Delta Chapter individually collected service Tournament. Greek life all across campus got involved to
hours and has gained more involvement within the commu- help support arthritis research and get competitive with
nity. A Strike Out Arthritis! event with the Dayton Dragons kickball. Omega Sigma also volunteered weekly year-
baseball team, which sold over 200 tickets and raised over round with the Saville Center to support their community.
$1,700 for arthritis was held a week before an Enchanted Omega Sigma also participated in the Freshman Follies
Forest themed formal where the chapter recognized their competition, won viewer’s choice for Varsity Revue and just
first Alpha Male. finished an amazing show for Spring Sing with the theme
The Omega Chapter (Miami U) had an outstanding year of Laundry. They rounded out the year with a sisterhood
for philanthropy. It hosted three events: Their third annual retreat at a trampoline park.
Rock on Omicron a cappella concert, their second annual
Can You Kick It kickball tournament and the annual Strike
2017-2018 Recap
1 - Alpha (Columbia U)
2 - Epsilon Chi (Elon U)
3 - Theta Psi (U of Toledo)
4 - Omega (Miami U)
5 - Kappa Delta (Wright State U)
Collegiate Chapter News Xi Chapter (U of Oklahoma) helped make history all over
campus this year. In the fall, they paired up with two stu-
1 - Alpha Mu (Duquesne U) 3 - Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) dent organizations to win first and third in multiple small
2 - Lambda Epsilon (Lehigh U) 4 - Xi (U of Oklahoma) competitions throughout Homecoming week, ultimately
winning third overall in the competition against eleven
1 other teams. They also put on successful events such as
Barbecue for a Cure, which raised $5,500, and Unity Day.
2 Additionally, they held sisterhoods and participated in
mixers with both social, service and multicultural organiza-
tions on campus. In the spring, Xi took part in Soonerthon
benefiting Children’s Miracle Network. They reached their
goal of $20,000 and helped the university break a record
of over $1 million for the kids. Xi also paired up with the
Lambda Rho Chapter at Texas Christian University for a
joint sisterhood recruitment workshop. At the annual Strike
Out Arthritis! event, six teams competed in the kickball
tournament while their spotlight child and other children
from the Arthritis Foundation had fun at the mini carnival. Xi
Chapter also had two groups participate in the Big Event,
was honored with superior excellence in the President’s
Trophy competition and won Gamma Phi Beta’s
Chili Cook-off.
The Alpha Rho Chapter (Oregon State U) started off the
year by moving into their new house on campus. The
women kicked off fall term with their Smoke Out Arthritis!
barbecue and ended winter term with the Alphas for Sol-
diers mud run where they gave all the proceeds to Forward
3 Assist, a local and statewide nonprofit organization to help
combat-injured veterans. In February, Alpha Rho hosted
the Portland Alumnae chapter in a Founders’ Day brunch
to celebrate the 121 years of existence of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Alpha Rho alumnae and International President Gayle Fitz-
patrick gave a heartwarming and compelling speech at our
brunch. One sister won both Underclassmen of the Year for
the Panhellenic Council at Oregon State and the Miss Linn-
Benton 2018 scholarship competition.
56 | Summer 2018
Pennsylvania 2017-2018 Recap
Alpha Mu (Duquesne U) entered the school year as Sigma Beta (St. Joseph’s U) began the academic year
Duquesne’s Student Organization of the Year. In the fall se- strong with a great turnout out Strike Out Arthritis! in
mester, they raised money in their annual Spike Out Arthri- October. As recruitment approached, sisters prepared for
tis! volleyball tournament and participated in the Jingle Bell their first event, Meet the Sisters, which brought in over 50
run with other local chapters. The chapter enjoyed various PNMs. Sigma Beta and Philadelphia alumnae celebrated
events including sisterhood bowling, a day at the pumpkin Founders’ Day with a delicious brunch at the Hilton. Sigma
patch and the Strike Out Arthritis! Pittsburgh Pirates game. Beta concluded the semester with a Sisters for Soldiers
The chapter was proud to win Greek Life Carnival in the fall event. Additionally, they teamed up SJU ROTC for the first
and Greek Games during Greek Week. Sisters for Soldiers Obstacle Course.
The Beta Eta Chapter (Gettysburg College) had an amaz- A member of the Sigma Rho (Slippery Rock U) was re-
ing year filled with accomplishments, philanthropy and cently acknowledged for her hard work in breaking gender
sisterhood. They kicked off the academic year with two barriers. Sigma Rho’s, Isti Istrefi, is one of two women
philanthropy events: the Antica Napoli 5k, co-sponsored headed into combat roles involved with ROTC. She is the
with Lambda Chi Alpha and Alpha Chi Rho, and their first woman from Slippery Rock to push through and show
second annual Smoke Out Arthritis! event. Together, they her strength since the ban on woman in combat roles
raised a total of $3,987. They had sisterhood retreats in was lifted in 2016. Within the ROTC program, cadets are
both semesters, where they did a Secret Santa exchange chosen for active duty based on many things, such as
and a yoga class. Additionally, they received recognition GPA, involvement on campus, and physical fitness tests.
at the annual campus Greek Awards where they received Isti scored so high, she was able to go into active duty and
honors for Highest New Member GPA, Outstanding Sopho- get her first choice. She is proving women are more than
more, Outstanding Junior, Outstanding Senior, and Chapter capable of doing things once thought of as a man’s role. As
Advisor of the Year. a sister of Alpha Omicron Pi, Sigma Rho, Isti has made the
The Epsilon Alpha Chapter (Penn State U) welcomed the chapter so proud.
fall semester with their annual Strike Out Arthritis! baseball The sisters of the Tau Lambda Chapter (Shippensburg U)
game. The event took place at the Medlar Field with the partnered with Lambda Chi Alpha to participate in Relay
State College Spikes and ticket sales from the game ben- for Life. Through canning and asking for donations, the
efitted arthritis research. Chapter members, alumnae and chapters raised $3,661 for the American Cancer Society.
local families were in attendance and Epsilon Alpha raised The chapter had a blast celebrating Founders’ Day with the
nearly $2,000 for the cause. The chapter was also ranked Beta Eta Chapter of Gettysburg College, strengthening the
third highest average GPA of all 22 Panhellenic sororities at idea that sisterhood is a lifetime. The sisters also enjoyed
Penn State. One member was also named Sorority Woman a relaxing yoga sisterhood instructed by a recent alumna.
of the Year at the 2017 Greek Column Awards, as well as In the Greek community, they placed third overall in Greek
one of their advisors for Outstanding advisor. Later in the Week with wins in soccer, the eating contest, penny wars,
year, Epsilon Alpha and their fraternity partner were named trivia, basketball, lip sync and the costume contest.
third highest fundraising organization at Penn State’s 2018
Dance Marathon. South Carolina
Lambda Upsilon Chapter (Lehigh U) raised over $2,000 at
their Smoke Out Arthritis! spring event and over $10,000 Chi Phi Chapter (U of South Carolina Aiken) enjoyed
for multiple sclerosis with their partners, Sigma Chi. The spending time together during all sisterhoods over the
week one of their sisters lost her mother to cancer, they year along with their fall chapter retreat. For the fall chap-
raised over $9,000 for Relay for Life. They also had a suc- ter retreat, they traveled to Charleston, South Carolina.
cessful turnout at their alumnae tailgate event. During retreat their big/little reveal occurred, there was
The Phi Beta Chapter (East Stroudsburg U) started the swimming and riding jet skis, along with a trip to the South
school year off with their first ever Shake-Off Arthritis! Carolina Aquarium. In late October, they held a week full
event. The participants and sisters had a blast dancing to of philanthropy events for AOII Goes Blue Week, at their
raise money for arthritis. Also, the chapter actively raised student activities center. The chapter also participated in
money for arthritis through their annual Pie an AOII event. the USCA homecoming week and took the title of the 2018
Outside of fundraising, the chaptes enjoyed sisterhood Homecoming champions. Spring chapter retreat was held
events such as visiting Mazezilla, trips to the movies and at their university and consisted of an evening filled with
rollerblading. The Phi Beta Chapter was honored for hav- pastries and painting. Also, in the spring the chapter had a
ing the highest GPA on campus during the fall semester. Great Gatsby themed formal for Roseball. During the for-
The chapter also actively raised money for their local phi- mal, awards were presented to outstanding members from
lanthropy, diabetes research. within the chapter.
Collegiate Chapter News
Tennessee One of the year’s highlights for the Sigma Theta Chapter
(Sam Houston State U) was their spring sisterhood retreat
The Phi Alpha Chapter (East Tennessee State U) kicked in Conroe, Texas. The members bonded over food, bowl-
off the school year with their Smoke Out Arthritis! tailgate ing, laser tag, games and even karaoke.
event. Family members and collegiate members were The Tau Mu Chapter (Texas A&M U) started off their school
able to participate in this barbecue fundraiser. The chapter year with their first formal recruitment as a chapter. They
enjoyed many sisterhood events including their sisterhood enjoyed sisterhoods throughout the fall semester including
retreat. The Phi Alpha Chapter also had a Panda Drive a pumpkin patch event and their new members enjoyed
where they donated over 100 pandas to the local children’s doing goat yoga. They ended fall semester with semi-
hospital. To end the school year, they hosted their second formal. In the spring semester, they hosted their first Strike
annual Spike Out Arthritis! Volleyball Tournament where Out Arthritis! event, the Rose Bowl, where they raised
more than 10 teams participated to take home the Golden $19,250. They also enjoyed Zumba with another Panhel-
Volleyball. For this event, they raised $2,200. lenic sorority and had an ice cream social after chapter.
The Pi Omicron Chapter (Austin Peay State U) began the They also enjoyed a game night chapter retreat and giving
fall semester with a Strike Out Arthritis! Softball Tourna- back to community along with many other Aggies during
ment, raising a grand total of $8,000. At the start of the the Big Event.
spring semester, the chapter partnered with Kappa Alpha The Theta Sigma Chapter (Tarleton State U) enjoyed start-
Order for the fourth annual KAOII Womanless Pageant, ing their year off with fall recruitment! Sisters also enjoyed
which raised a total of $3,500. The Pi Omicron Chapter a Texas Rangers baseball game in their annual Strike Out
was also proud to partner with APSU ROTC for the first Arthritis! event. Their chapter also enjoyed many sister-
ever AOII Bootcamp; not only raising $2,800 for its local hood events including a potluck Thanksgiving where girls
philanthropy Sisters for Soldiers, but also providing 270 were able to eat good food, vote on their favorite dish
soldiers with care packages. The academic year has allowed and bond with each other. The chapter had a blast at their
the chapter to enjoy sisterhood events, volunteer for the com- Hollywood-themed spring formal at a beautiful venue in
munity, and enjoy a retro Hollywood-themed spring formal. Granbury, Texas. Members loved supporting their many sis-
ters involved in intramural sports. The chapter participated
Texas in their school’s community service event called Tarleton
Round Up. Members did yard work at houses whose own-
The Delta Theta Chapter (Texas Woman’s U) coordinated a ers could not do the work themselves. Finally, the chapter
Sisters for Soldier events where students wrote encourag- also enjoyed their Smoke Out Arthritis! event. There was
ing letters for soldiers and created care packages. They music, food and games, as well as a barbecue competition
also collaborated with the Animal Rescue Foundation, Brian with prizes.
the Animal Guy and Beth Marie’s Ice Cream Parlor to host This year, the Upsilon Lambda Chapter (U of Texas San
a dog adoption event in the Denton community. They were Antonio) enjoyed fall retreat at Mo Ranch with lots of sis-
able to see six dogs and one cat adopted by loving fami- terhood bonding and spring retreat at a day ranch doing
lies. Delta Theta also collaborated with Envy Boutique for many team building activities and even ventured onto the
their Strike a Pose event where proceeds of the boutique’s ropes course 50 feet in the air. Semi-formal was Las Vegas-
revenue supported arthritis. They enjoyed fall and spring themed and all of the new LC and Cabinet positions were
sisterhood retreats where they stayed overnight in a cabin, announced, and the chapter proudly represented its newly
hiked, rock climbed, competed in an obstacle course and inducted officers. The chapter was proud to have the sec-
more. ond highest GPA on campus. The chapter celebrated many
The Lambda Rho Chapter (Texas Christian U) celebrated wins in the fraternity philanthropy weeks on campus and
AOII Goes Blue Week by hosting the annual Slice Out Ar- also being very successful in both philanthropy weeks.
thritis! event. The TCU campus was welcomed into the AOII
house for pizza and facts about arthritis. The chapter held Virginia
many sisterhood events such as movie nights in the house,
a sleepover-themed retreat, a fall masquerade formal, and At the beginning of the academic year, the Gamma Alpha
even attended a Texas Rangers game. The chapter also Chapter (George Mason U) enjoyed a sisterhood retreat
hosted Crystal Grafton Combs, AOII Executive Board Vice at Cox Farms where sisters enjoyed pumpkin picking
President, at their Founders’ Day Brunch and Ginny Carroll, and hayrides. During the George Mason FSL SOE Award
founder of Circle of Sisterhood, for dinner in the house. The Ceremony, Gamma Alpha won five awards: 4-Star Chapter
chapter was proud to raise one of the highest amounts for of Excellence, Scholarship, Responsible Social Conduct,
TCU’s Dance Marathon supporting Cook Children’s Hos- Leadership and Engagement, and Chapter Management
pitals, and also raised over $1,700 at their annual Sink Out and Self Governance. In addition to the previous five, two
Arthritis! Volleypong Tournament with 18 teams registered sisters won individual awards for efforts in philanthropy and
for the event.
2017-2018 Recap
1 - Tau Mu (Texas A&M U) 2
2 - Delta Theta (Texas Woman’s U)
3 - Phi Alpha (East Tennessee State U)
4 - Sigma Beta (St. Joseph’s U)
service. Gamma Alpha won the Philanthropic Program of Washington
the Year award for work during Arthritis Week and Strike
Out Arthritis! The chapter also received the Community In November, the Alpha Gamma Chapter (Washington
Service Program of the Year award for the Be the Match ki- State U) was honored to be recognized at the annual Arete
osk event that benefited The National Bone Marrow Donor Awards for best in Panhellenic for Leadership Develop-
Program. They partnered with the Washington Nationals for ment and Membership Advancement and placed silver for
their annual SOA! baseball game to raise money for arthri- the Greek Pillars of Excellence. The Alpha Gamma Chapter
tis and topped previous year’s fundraising with a chapter hosted four philanthropy events throughout the year. At the
record of $3,000. annual AOPie Trivia Night, the chapter sold and served a
This year, the Rho Beta Chapter (Virginia Commonwealth variety of slices of flavored pie, hosted trivia for many dif-
U) participated in many philanthropy and sisterhood events ferent teams, where they raised $897. Eight teams partici-
that allowed them to grow together as a chapter. Last pated in Alpha Male event where one person represents
semester, they volunteered at the annual Richmond Jingle their chapter to compete in the following events: Strike Out
Bell Run and sold tickets to support it. This semester, they Arthritis!, a picture competition, serenades and answering
had a great turnout at Pie an AOII and were excited to host questions about their character and why they should be
the Alpha Male pageant as well as Strike Out Arthritis! They the Alpha Gamma Chapter Alpha Male. The event raised
also enjoyed an overnight sisterhood retreat in the moun- $1,121.
tains of Virginia.
Collegiate Chapter News
1 - Gamma Alpha (George Mason U)
2 - Rho Beta (Virginia Commonwealth U)
3 - Upsilon (U of Washington)
4 - Lambda Epsilon (U of Waterloo)
5 - Beta Kappa (U of British Columbia)
2017-2018 Recap
The Tau Gamma Chapter (Eastern Washington U) partici- West Virginia
pated in the annual Jingle Bell Run in Spokane to raise
money for arthritis. They also hosted their annual blood The Sigma Alpha Chapter (West Virginia U) chapter at-
drive on campus during Valentine’s Day. The chapter had tened a Panhellenic-sponsored Phired Up event with other
a great Founders’ Day event, and they placed first in their Panhellenic women at WVU to get the entire sorority com-
Homecoming Spirit Splash event this year. munity ready for formal recruitment. Sigma Alpha also sent
The Upsilon Chapter (U of Washington) had a success- 19 sisters to AOII State Day at Ohio University. The chapter
ful Spike Out Arthritis! Volleyball Tournament. Eight teams hosted a Strike Out Arthritis! whiffle ball tournament during
participated, and it was a huge success. The week culmi- the spring semester and raised $1,500 for arthritis. Big/
nated in a chicken and waffles feed. Throughout the year, little reveal days, a Rock-n-Roll themed bid day and various
the chapter raised money for arthritis in other ways as well, sisterhood retreats all led up to the chapter’s Red Carpet
including hosting a strawberry shortcake feed in February. themed spring formal. The chapter also hosted its third
The chapter hosted several other events as well, includ- annual Rose Dinner, where parents and alumnae got the
ing a Founders’ Day Brunch and a Career Night, where the opportunity to connect with the chapter.
members were able to ask alumnae about their current
and past careers. The chapter also enjoyed recreational Wisconsin
events such as a boat formal, an ice skating Grab-a-Date
and a retreat at Camp Orkila in Orcas Island. The members This year, the Kappa Sigma Chapter (U of Wisconsin-River
also frequently participate in fun sisterhood events such as Falls) participated in Jingle Bell Run in November, then
movie nights, spa nights and photoshoots. The chapter was raised $460 during their Pancake Feed in December. They
proud to receive two awards at the University of Washing- had a Strike Out Arthritis! Golf event where they raised
ton’s Greek Awards Ceremony, an award for Excellence over $1,000. They participated in JAMS where they raised
in Campus Involvement and an award for Excellence in $2,539 for arthritis. Many sisters traveled far and wide for
Diversity and Inclusion Efforts. spring break to places including Argentina and Las Vegas,
and even had one sister who is a part of Students Today
Leaders Forever completed a Pay It Forward volunteer tour.
Finally, they had a very successful Founders’ Day in March.
Canadian Collegiate Chapters
Alberta Ontario
The Kappa Lambda Chapter (U of Calgary) started the year It was an eventful year for the Beta Tau Chapter (University
strong with a sisterhood recruitment retreat in Invermere, of Toronto). The chapter held two philanthropy events in
which heavily aided in the chapter’s transition into an suc- the fall and winter semesters: AOPie Day and Frost Your-
cessful recruitment. self. The annual AOPie Day raised over $1,200, while Frost
Yourself raised well over $1,700 to support arthritis. The
British Columbia chapter was proud to receive three Panhellenic awards
for Panhellenic Spirit, Best Continuous Open Recruitment
The Beta Kappa Chapter (U of British Columbia) had a (COR) and Alpha Order, an award given to sisters who
busy and exciting year. They participated in one of the achieved a GPA of 3.5 or over.
biggest Greek events on campus this year, Songfest. The Lambda Epsilon (U of Waterloo) held their first Strike Out
theme was Hollywood and the chapter had a blast dancing Arthritis! in October, which raised about $2,000. They also
and singing Mama Mia. In February, they had a ballroom collaborated with Jack.org for Bell Let’s Talk Day to support
dance competition and AOII sisters ran a bake sale and mental health awareness. The chapter partook in countless
raised funds for the Arthritis Society during the event. sisterhoods, including spending an afternoon at a pumpkin
There were also numerous sisterhood events, from hot patch, painting cute mugs, and enjoyed a delicious potluck.
yoga retreats to board game nights to gingerbread house
and cookie decorating. Their AOII Goes Blue was a huge 61
success. Over 10 teams participated in the blueberry pie
eating relay race and the chapter raised over $600. To
end the term, the chapter held formal in the Vancouver
Law Courts and it was a beautiful night of memories with a
lovely view in the heart of downtown.
Things We Love: For Women, By Women
62 | Summer 2018
Beautiful Rights Lip Products Girlboss Radio
Pucker up! Beautiful Rights cosmetics donates 20 percent This podcast from the founder and owner of Nasty Gal,
of all sales to support women’s rights and gender justice Sophia Amoruso, is a series of interviews with successful
initiatives. With product names like “Pantsuit Pink” and women including award winning journalist Katie Couric,
“Change Maker,” these lipsticks and glosses certainly make supermodel Miranda Kerr and Rent the Runway CEO Jenn
a statement. Hyman. The free podcasts are a mixture of hilarious and
honest conversations about how these women made their
Wild Ophelia Chocolates mark, along with advice and lessons they have learned
along the way.
Chocolate that supports a good cause? Yes, please! Wild
Ophelia is a fair trade, non-GMO chocolate company that La Petite Écolière
contributes a portion of its sales to the Wild Ophelia Ac-
celerator Program, which educates and supports female Founded by AOII member Roberta Lindal, Iota Chi (U of
high school and college student entrepreneurs in the food Western Ontario), this apparel company donates a portion
industry with grants and mentorship. Did we mention their of its sales to charities that advance education for girls and
yummy confections? Wild Ophelia has chocolate bars in women. For every 10 products sold, they proudly donate
flavors including confetti cake and sprinkles and hazelnut school supplies and meal programs for one female student
cocoa toast, among others. Plus, their decadent cold brew in a developing country. Along with supporting a great
chocolate coffee bites come in flavors such as white mo- cause, the products are sourced from ethical companies
cha and sea salt caramel. And we can’t forget to mention and created from super soft, certified-organic bamboo and
their peanut butter cups… The caramelized banana flavor is cotton.
calling our name! With hard-to-resist desserts, you can feel
good about reaching for these chocolates knowing a por- Girl, Wash Your Face
tion of your money is supporting female entrepreneurs!
Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis dives right into 20
Awe Inspired Jewelry lies and misconceptions so many of us believe that keep
us from living joyful and successful lives. Equal parts pain-
Beautiful and thoughtful all at the same time, this line of fully honest confessions and laugh-out-loud stories, each
jewelry is designed to celebrate women’s strength and chapter will help you move beyond the lies you tell yourself
resilience. Twenty percent of all AWE sales support one of about who you are and help you become the best version
four partner charities. You can choose which you would like of yourself.
to support directly at checkout.
Life Loyal
With grateful appreciation, Alpha Omicron Pi recognizes the
following members who joined Life Loyal between March 15,
2018 and July 11, 2018.
Alpha Delta Delta Beta Kappa Alpha
U of Alabama U of Louisiana at Lafayette Indiana State U
Gabriella Brown Rachel Abraham Diann Bowers
Ashlee Vickers
Delta Delta Kappa Chi
Alpha Gamma
Auburn U Northwestern State U
Washington State U Mary Woodward Candice Fisher
Susan Ambler Tamara Woodward
Kappa Delta
Alpha Phi Delta Omega
Wright State U
Montana State U Murray State U Jennifer Humston
Esther Nickelson Rachel Solomon
Kappa Omega
Alpha Psi Delta Rho
U of Kentucky
Bowling Green State U DePaul U AnneMarie Victoria Hoopes
Megan Quimby Nora Behan Elizabeth McSparin
Alpha Rho Epsilon Alpha Lambda Alpha
Oregon State U Pennsylvania State U U of La Verne
Catherine Wells Gabrielle Baum Emilie Brekke
Rachel Weintraub Taylor Francis
Beta Gamma
Epsilon Chi Lambda Beta
Michigan State U
Stefanie Howard Elon U California State U, Long Beach
Jenine Lizzio Melissa Rogers Anastasia Dolan
Rosa Zermeno-Martinez
Beta Lambda Epsilon Gamma
Lambda Chi
Illinois Wesleyan U U of Northern Colorado
Suan Guess-Hanson Alexandria Jackson LaGrange College
Laura Smith
Chi Epsilon Gamma Theta
Lambda Eta
The Ohio State U U of South Florida
Rustyn Stoner Katherine Allen Grand Valley State U
Elizabeth Hopkins
Chi Phi Iota
Lambda Tau
U of South Carolina Aiken U of Illinois
Deanna Webb Natalie Rupert U of Louisiana at Monroe
Rhonda Evans
Chi Psi Iota Sigma Dana Chambliss
California Polytechnic State U Iowa State U
Sierra Davis Sarah Dvorsky
64 | Summer 2018
Join life loyal today!
The Life Loyal AOII program is for all collegiate and alumnae members of AOII and is a fabulous way
to give back to the Fraternity! AOII’s membership is constantly growing, and connectivity with our
membership is key to AOII’s success.
Once a member of Life Loyal, you will receive a beautiful lapel pin (pictured below) to wear alongside
your AOII badge, an AOII Life Loyal gift, a lifetime subscription to To Dragma, and discounted local alumnae
chapter membership.
To join Life Loyal AOII there is a onetime fee of $299. If you are a 50+ year member, you receive a discounted
one-time rate of $189. Payment plans are also offered for 12 installments at $29 per month. Please note, Life
Loyal membership fees help pay for the production of To Dragma, a program of the Fraternity, and as a result
are not tax-deductible.
To become a member today visit
Nu Beta Phi Chi Sigma Lambda
U of Mississippi U of Chicago U of Wisconsin-LaCrosse
Susan McKay Crispin Corrado Deanna Fischer
Nu Iota Phi Sigma Sigma Phi
Northern Illinois U U of Nebraska at Kearney California State U, Northridge
Katherine Moritz Kylie Kenedy Denise Reader
Sarah Kirchner Alexis Stockton
Amber Stover Tau Lambda
Nu Omega
Phi Upsilon Shippensburg U
Northern Kentucky U Sarah Tuttle
Brook Clifford Purdue U
Madelyn LaDow Tau Omicron
Pi Alpha U of Tennessee at Martin
U of Tennessee Stacie Britt
Kasha Shaw U of Louisville
Hannah Rosenhamer Theta Omega
Omicron Pi
Rho Delta Northern Arizona U
U of Michigan Mignon Gould
Carol Callanan-Uhl Samford U Danielle Barkley
Rachel Ziglar
Phi Xi Omicron
U of Kansas U of Arkansas
Lenna Levitch U of California, Berkeley Rylee Grover
Angela Swanson
Phi Beta
Sigma Alpha
East Stroudsburg U
Barbara Dannenberg West Virginia U
Kirsten Kron
Stephanie Brown Dougan
Jordan Devine
Shop The Emporium
Always AOII Shirt - $19.50 Acid Wash Tee - $24.50
Alpha O Script Hat - $18.50 aoiiemporium.com
66 | Summer 2018
Omega Sigma (Oklahoma State U)
International Headquarters
5390 Virginia Way
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
AOII is undertaking an Alumnae
Directory project with PCI, Inc.,
and we need your updated
contact information. Turn to
page 9 for more details!