1 > A.* * ' * J. Id
V O L . 72 No.2 SPRING 2008
Defend Yourself
Conquer Your Clutter
Be ProudTo Be Greek
Help Us Fund A Cure
mm Features
Departments 10 Defending Yourself
7 Viewpoint
8 Fraternity News Knowledge is the first line o f defense to avoid
22 Member Profile many o f the dangers on a college campus.
Sarah Meighen, Tau Omicron 21 Lambda Epsilon
( U o f Tennessee at Martin) (U ofWaterloo) Installation
38 Foundation Focus Welcome to A O I Is 184th collegiate chapter.
D o n o r Profile: Jean Whorley Tripp 24 Conquering Clutter
Helping Hands, Loving Hearts
A Different Kind o f Nest Egg Get a little more organized this spring by clearing
Money Well Spent out some o f the clutter that surrounds you.
48 Member Profile 30 One Heart and One M i n d
Jessica TenEyck Specht, Theta Psi, Be proud to be Greek. You're i n good company.
(U of Toledo)
34 NPC Report
50 Alumnae News
62 Collegiate Chapter Profiles A recap o f the 2007 N P C Biennial Session.
Sigma Beta (Saint Joseph's U) 44 Hope For A Cure
Delta Pi (U o f Central Missouri)
Learn more about Rheumatoid Arthritis and how
66 Things We Love A O I I dollars are helping build hope.
68 Life Loyal A O I I
70 From the A O I I Archives i
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2008 39
Of \ l PHA < )\1K K()\ I'l From the Qditor
To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron Pi I have a love/hate relationship with email - probably because I find it odd how
Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The mission email can be both a time saver and a time waster. While I always love hearing
of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and from our readers, I spend a lot of time answering a few of the same questions over
inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our and over. So, I thought it would be a wise use of this space to answer three o f
chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime your most commonly asked questions.
AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a
permanent record of our Fraternity's history. 1. Q : I have a great story idea for To Dragma. W i l l you use it?
How to Contact To Dragma: A: We love hearing your ideas and try to use them as often as space allows. I f
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 you look in the information box on the left-hand side of this page you w i l l see
(615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736, www.alphaomicronpi.org, " H o w to Contact To Dragma." The [email protected] address is
[email protected] the best way to submit a story idea to us. While we might not use all the great
ideas we receive, we do promise to seriously consider each one. You might also
How to Update Your Name or Address: notice our To Draff na Mission Statement at the top of that same column. We take
Go to Update Profile on the private side of the AOII website our mission to heart and hope that within these pages you w i l l find something
(www.alphaomicronpi.org), email your new address to that will inform, educate or inspire you.
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920.
2. Q : Why is my chapter never in Collegiate Chapter News?
How to Subscribe to To Dragma:
Beginning June 1, 2008, subscriptions are $25.00 annually. A: Every time your chapter submits a well written collegiate chapter news
Subscriptions are by check or credit card. Checks, made report by the report deadline, it is printed - we promise. I f your chapter has not
payable to AOII, should be mailed to 5390 Virginia Way, been represented, the report was not submitted, was not received on time, or was
Brentwood, TN 37027, Attn: Accounting. Credit card not well-written. We do not expect perfection, nor are we picky. Well-written
subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover only) should email simply means there was an attempt to use complete sentences, capitalization and
[email protected]. punctuation. " A A chap is o f f 2 a good start, we r # 1 on campus and proud 2 b
aopis" is not well-written, but is an example of what we sometimes receive. Also,
A Note to Parents of Collegians: all information for "Collegiate News" or "Alumnae News" must be submitted
Your daughter's magazine is b e i n g mailed t o her home through our online reporting system, Alphalink.
address while she is in college. If your daughter is no longer
in college or living at home, please send us her updated 3. Q : Attached are some photos of m y chapter. C a n you use them?
address, as indicated above.
A: We receive a different version of this question about 10 times a week and,
Managing Editor sadly, the answer is usually "no." Getting a high quality photo is easy w i t h
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) today's digital cameras, but getting them emailed to us correctly is the challenge.
More times than not, members use the "email" feature in their computer's
Assistant Editor photo software program (such as iPhoto, Kodak Gallery, Picasa, or your camera
Erin Burcham, Zeta (U of Nebraska - Lincoln) software) to send us pictures. Unless you indicate otherwise, the software usually
minimizes the photo for ease of Internet transmission. In order to print a photo
Creative Director in 7b Dragma, we need a 1 M B size photo or larger, but the above process usually
Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U) results in a photo size many times smaller. I f your photo is not digital, please mail
us the original photo. If your photo is digital, send the photo attachment i n an
Graphic Designer email to us from your regular email account. Wherever your photo resides (on
Whitney Frazier, Rho Omicron (Middle TN State U) your desktop, on a disc, in your computer software) make sure it is saved in its
largest size format. If your camera is at least a 1 megapixel or larger, the photo
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity should be large enough. The two photos on page five clearly show the difference
promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic in quality between the ideal 1 M B photo and the unusable K KI K B photo. We
excellence and lifelong learning, and developing leadership desperately need your photos, so please keep trying!
skills through service to the Fraternity and community.
Founded at Barnard College in New York City, January 2, Regards,
1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen,
George Stem Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. Managing Editor
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
International President
Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U) ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2008
Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Lampertz, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Panhellenic
Conference and the College Fraternity Editors Association.
Below is an e x c e l l e n t e x a m p l e o f h o w a 1 M B p h o t o looks w h e n p r i n t e d a n d h o w t h a t s a m e p h o t o a p p e a r s as 100 KB.
W h e n e m a i l i n g us d i g i t a l p h o t o s , please make sure t h e p h o t o is at least 1 M B in size b e f o r e s e n d i n g .
A Change is Coming - To Dragma Distribution Information
To Dragma will continue to be mailed to all collegiate members. Alumnae who join Life Loyal AOII, pay Alumnae Chapter Dues or
subscribe annually will also continue to receive the magazine. Beginning with the Fall 2008 issue, alumnae members not in one of
those groups will experience a reduction in the number of issues based on the schedule illustrated below. Detailed information on
each of the options is available under the To Dragma section of the AOII website.
Timeline for T ° Pragma 1T o Pragma
Collegiate Toc-2$ragina
Members, !
Life Loyal AOII
Dues Paying
Alumnae Chapter
and Annual
3 issues per year 3 issues per year 3 issues per year 3 issues per year
Timeline for To Qjragpna
anyone not
in one of the f^JjlW AOII
above groups SEP
Schedule 3 issues per year 2 issues per year 1 issue per year Access To Dragma feature
Through Summer 2008 Fall 2 0 0 8 - S u m m e r 2010 Fall 2 0 1 0 - S u m m e r 2012 stories via AOII website
Fall 2012 a n d forward
Sigma Chapter (U of California - Berkeley)
"Out w i t h the old and i n w i t h the new" is a phrase that we generally hear retorted over and
over again on our favorite home channels, especially during this time o f year. W i t h the arrival o f
spring in the not-too-distant future, making room for our changing wardrobes is just one aspect
of spring-cleaning that we all anxiously anticipate!
The same theories apply w i t h i n A O I I and how we often approach projects and events. We are
constantly looking at where we are and where the future w i l l take us. This empowers us to
continually analyze the current practices and procedures o f the organization, while ensuring
that the experience of all A O I I members is always the Fraternity's most important priority.
One o f the most exciting events w i t h i n A O I I this biennium is the collaborative strategic planning
process between the A O I I Foundation, A O I I Fraternity, and A O I I Properties. Began in August
2007, this shared initiative is designed to ensure that all three namesake organizations o f A O I I
have a collective role i n the direction of the overall organization.
It is, indeed, an excellent time to be involved w i t h A O I I . W i t h three new collegiate
chapters to be installed this semester and one new alumnae chapter j o i n i n g A O I I this
Spring, it shows that our membership is growing. W i t h over 1,800 Life Loyal members
to date, it shows that our membership is committed. W i t h the enhanced online training
systems i n current implementation, it shows that our membership is well-informed.
So, as you tackle your hallway closet, take a few tips f r o m the experts involving
organization. W h e n you finish organizing your closet and move into your personal
priorities, we hope that A O I I remains at the top o f your list!
Roses and my best,
Susan Danko, International President
Two New Alumnae Chapters Scholarship Available from CFEA
A O I I welcomes the Santa Barbara Alumnae The Board of Directors of the College Fraternity
Chapter that was installed on October 13, 2007. Editors Association established the CFEA
Phyllis Gilson, Vice President o f Collegians, served Scholarship Program in May 2005 to provide
as the installing officer and Pam Boehr was elected financial support to undergraduate members o f
as their new Chapter President. Greek organizations w h o are pursuing degrees i n
communication-related fields such as journalism,
graphic design, public relations, broadcasting, etc.
Juniors beginning their senior year in the Fall o f
2008 or seniors w h o w i l l complete their senior year
in the Fall o f 2008 are eligible to apply.
Applications must be postmarked by A p r i l 15,
2008. Successful applicants w i l l be notified by
June 15, 2008 and w i l l be awarded a m i n i m u m
amount o f $500. Questions should be directed to
CFEA Scholarship Committee Chairman Jean
Gileno at (317)875-8900, ext. 211. Established in
1923, the College Fraternity Editors Association is
composed of fraternities and sororities committed
to communicating the highest ideals o f the
fraternity system and its achievements. A link
to the application follows: http://cfea.org/wp-
content/uploads/2008/01 /2008-undergraduate-
Santa Barbara Alumnae Chapter Annual Subscriptions to To Dragma
A O I I is also proud to announce that the San AOII w i l l begin accepting annual subscriptions
Francisco Alumnae Chapter was installed on for To Dragma as o f j u n e 1, 2008. Subscriptions
January 27, 2008. Stephanie Murphy, Alumnae are $25.00 annually and are one o f three ways to
Network Specialist was the Installing Officer and guarantee that you w i l l continue to receive all
A r i n Johnson was elected Chapter President. three issues o f To Dragma each year. The other t w o
options include j o i n i n g a local alumnae chapter,
i f one is near you, or j o i n i n g Life Loyal A O I I .
Additionally, all initiated collegians w i l l receive the
magazine at their home address while they remain
collegiate members. Please refer to page five for
more specific information on how the distribution
changes for To Dragma w i l l progress. Subscriptions
are by check or credit card. Checks should be made
payable to A O I I and mailed to 5390 Virginia Way,
Brentwood, T N 37027, Attn: Accounting. Credit
card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover
only) should [email protected].
San Francisco Alumnae Chapter
Chi Psi recognized for J W H
Chi Psi Chapter (California Polytechnic U )
received the prestigious Jessie Wallace Hughan
(JWH) Award at International Convention last
Buy A Brick! summer. The J W H Award is the Fraternity's
Can't decide h o w to honor that special sister who most prominent and highly-recognized award for
has done so much? The A O I I Brick Walkway is
a wonderful testament to the friendship, love, and collegiate chapters. I n
sisterhood that Alpha O m i c r o n Pi advocates. Bricks
are beautifully engraved w i t h names o f chapters, celebration o f receiving
members, offices held, as well as thoughtful
messages o f gratitude for special sisters. You can the esteemed award,
purchase a brick for yourself to honor your o w n
membership i n Alpha O m i c r o n Pi or to pay the C h i Psi Chapter
tribute to an individual sister, collegiate or alumnae
chapter. For more information, contact Abby Epps, held a dessert reception
[email protected] or (615) 370-0920.
in conjunction with
What's Missing from your Mailbox?
AOII Day on October
D i d you k n o w AOIIs and their friends get up to
85% o f f newsstand prices by participating in the 6,2007. Susan Danko,
Rewards Magazine Program made available to
you by Alpha O m i c r o n Pi Fraternity and QSP? AOII International
Take advantage o f this opportunity to subscribe
or renew f r o m the over 650 titles available to President, attended
you. (Magazines may only be ordered i n the
United States. Efforts are being made to make this the event to formally
opportunity available in Canada).
H o w can you start buying? recognize the chapter's
L Visit aoiiefundraising.com.
achievements before
2. Type in your alumnae/
collegiate chapter numerous alumnae and
and click "Find."
3. Select the name guests. Congratulations
of your chapter.
4. Click "Buy a to the C h i Psi Chapter Chi Psi (California Polytechnic U)
Magazine" and start for their continued excellence
purchasing! For more
information, contact Abby Epps, ot the ideals and standards of
[email protected]
or (615) 370-0920. Alpha Omicron Pi.
Inquire, Inspire, Ignite!
This was the theme o f the 2008 Leadership
Academy held February 8-10 in Brentwood,
Tennessee. Over 250 AOIIs gathered for leadership
development to enhance their personal skills and
practical training to enrich their chapter operations.
This year, A O I I combined the Fall and Spring
Leadership Academies into one super academy and
invited the Chapter Presidents, Vice Presidents o f
Education, and Chapter Advisers to attend. The
theme explored the importance of communication
within an organization to know what members
want. Participants explored the difference between
motivating and inspiring as a means to build unity
and accomplish goals. Finally, attendees were
challenged to take the information and experiences
from the weekend and ignite the hearts and minds
of chapter members to feel empowered for success.
Leadership Academy is partially funded by the
AOII Foundation.
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8
Evilfrom the Its
on Campus
The current generation of college
women is intelligent, ambitious, and
invincible, right? Wrong. No one is
invincible, and it is their "It w o n ' t
happen to me," type of attitude that
puts many young women in danger.
It can happen to you, because ft can
happen to anyone. Fortunately, bad
things can often be prevented by
taking the time to protect yourself
from all of the its out there. Remember,
knowledge can be a powerful tool in
defending yourself from danger.
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRJNG 2 0 0 8 by Erin Burcham, Zeta (U of Nebraska-Lincoln), Assistant Editor
To DRAGMA • 11
D estimates that 1 0 0 to 1 2 5 cases annually occur on
ST college campuses. W h a t is scary about the disease
is that the symptoms can start out like the flu and
Residence Halls: turn deadly very fast. The disease can progress as
quickly as 1 2 hours, w h i c h does not give someone
Villain: Giant Germs much time to react. It is important to recognize the
symptoms and seek immediate medical treatment i f
Your greatest weapon of defense: A vaccine you experience t w o or more o f the same symptoms
at the same time.
D o r m life may be how you make some of your
favorite memories f r o m college, but it can also be a Meningitis is spread through the air and through
place o f many potential risks i f you are not careful. direct contact. You can contract it by sharing
The life of a college student is rarely routine and drinking glasses or silverware, sharing cigarettes,
usually consists o f late nights, new people and and kissing. I f caught early enough, aggressive
constant busyness. Unfortunately, this lifestyle puts treatment can treat the disease, but the rapid
students at risk for coming in contact with more progression o f the disease could prevent a patient
than just new friends. Living in crowded conditions, f r o m making a f u l l recovery. The disease blocks
interactions with many different people, and lack o f blood circulation to the limbs and shuts d o w n
sleep can lead to things much more serious than the major organs, and many survivors experience
common cold. Meningitis is a deadly disease that brain damage, hearing loss, kidney failure, and
can be common on a college campus, and the Center amputations. Fortunately, you can greatly reduce
for Disease Control believes that students living i n your chances o f contracting meningitis by receiving
dormitories are six times more likely to contract it the vaccine Menactra that is 83 percent successful
than other college students. in preventing four strands o f bacterial meningitis.
The Center for Disease Control recommends the
Meningococcal disease, or meningitis is a bacterial vaccine for anyone over the age o f eleven. The
infection that causes an inflammation o f the vaccine is effective for three to five years, so talk
membranes surrounding the brain and spinal to your doctor about how frequently you should
cord. A n estimated 3 , 0 0 0 Americans contract the be vaccinated i f you continue to live i n campus
disease each year and 3 0 0 o f these cases w i l l be housing. Many universities require incoming
fatal. The American College Health Association freshmen to be vaccinated, but even i f your school
does not mandate Menactra, it is your best weapon
to defend yourself against this scary disease.
Don't stop building your immunity
with Menactra. When you receive
the vaccine, ask your doctor about
other life saving vaccines including:
Symptoms of Gardasil: the cervical cancer vaccine
meningococcal meningitis: that protects you from strands of HPV
High fever Flu shot: usually can be taken care of
Headache with a quick stop at your health center.
Stiff neck
Nausea and vomiting Vaccinations for hepatitis A and B.
Purple rash
Sensitivity to light and confuiss i o n ^ ^
1 2 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8
Greek House, Dorm There are things that you can do, and there are
Room, and your Off- things you can make sure that your campus is
campus Apartment: doing to prevent fire and increase education.
Villain: Fatal Fire "The Fire Marshall is coming this week, so be
sure to hide your candles." Have you ever heard
Your greatest weapon of defense: A plan to get out this at a chapter meeting? Candles are not allowed
in campus housing for a reason. A l l it takes is a
One of the first things you learn when you begin forgotten candle for an entire building to go up i n
school is fire safety. By the time kids are able to read, flames. The point is, make sure your house really
most students k n o w what it means to "stop, drop, can pass a fire inspection, and keep it that way.
and roll." Unfortunately, fire safety is not taught
much after grade school, but college is the time when • Make sure there is a w o r k i n g smoke alarm i n
it may be the most important. Campus housing, each room.
apartments, and Greek chapter houses can be firetraps
i f the proper precautions have not been made. • Practice fire drills and k n o w o f at least two exits
on every floor.
The Center for Campus Fire Safety reports that
between 2 0 0 0 and 2 0 0 7 , there were 113 campus • Do not overload power strips w i t h too many
-related fire fatalities. The Center believes that the cords.
number is actually higher because several additional
fires may not have been reported as "student • I f you are leaving for the night, tell a friend or
related." The majority of the fires occurred in neighbor so that you are accounted for i n case
off-campus housing, where 7 3 % o f college students o f a fire.
live. Students who live o f f campus may need to
take extra precautions because smoke alarms, fire • Make sure there is an updated floor plan o f your
extinguishers, and other life saving devices may campus residence that is available to emergency
not be maintained and inspected as they would personnel and students.
if they were on university property. The bottom
line is that every student needs to be careful and do Sprinklers increase your chances
their part to ensure their residence is safe and their of survival
behavior is not increasing their risk for harm.
Automatic fire sprinklers are over 9 7 % effective i n
Alcohol is a major factor in college fires. It is controlling fires. W h i l e most sprinkler systems are
estimated that one-half of adults who die in fires installed i n businesses such as hospitals, plants, and
have a high blood alcohol count. N o t only does stores, 8 0 % o f fire related deaths occur i n residential
alcohol consumption impair judgment and hinder settings. Installing sprinklers in dormitories, Greek
one's ability to escape i n an emergency situation, housing, and off-campus college housing saves
but also parties w i t h d r i n k i n g lead to smoking and lives and money. It is believed that many o f the
cigarette disposal is another major cause o f fires. fire deaths that have occurred i n recent years could
have been prevented i f sprinklers had been present
Apathy also puts students at risk. H o w many to put out the flames. Sprinklers, i n addition to
times during your life i n the dorm did the fire smoke detectors, could reduce the fire death rate by
alarm sound a false alarm? That is exactly why 8 2 % . This statistic proves that it is w o r t h the time,
students don't expect the fire to ever be real and
often ignore alarms. Additionally, vandalized
smoke alarms (aka removing the battery to create
a smoking r o o m or at least one that is undetected)
delay fire detection.
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8
research, money, and legislation to ensure that / Fiirree safety is more than just
sprinkler systems are installed i n campus housing. knowing what to do in the event^^
Sprinklers not only control a fire, but also reduce of a fire, it is understanding your
the amount o f heat and toxic gases and improve resources and using your voice to
visibility, giving residents a greater chance o f ensure that your school has done
f i n d i n g a safe exit.
1 eeverything possible to prevent
O n a state and national level, there have been
many attempts to mandate sprinkler systems on \ a tragedy.
college campuses and to greatly reduce the cost o f
installation, but many states still have yet to pass The Parking Lot:
the legislation.
Villain: Shady Stranger
Currently only 1 8 A O I I chapters have reported
having sprinklers i n their living quarters. W i t h 67 Your greatest weapon of defense: Your instincts
chapters living in some type of campus housing,
this number is low. Fund raising, loans, and Often, the parking lot presents many dangers for
applying for a loan from A O I I Properties, via the young women. Let's just assume that parking is an
investment fee application, are ways to fund this issue on your campus. It w o u l d be nice i f every
much needed addition to your residence. time you went to your dorm or chapter house or
made a trip to the library that there was an open
The process of installing sprinklers can seem like spot i n the front row o f the lot, but the reality
an overwhelming process, but MJ Insurance, the is, there probably isn't. Depending on h o w the
company utilized by the majority o f N P C groups parking system is structured and what k i n d o f
has developed the "Fire Sprinkler Tool Box," as campus parking pass you have, could mean that
a valuable resource for groups wanting to learn you are parking several feet or even miles f r o m
more about their options. The "tool box" is a your destination. You may often find yourself
handbook that w i l l be available March 1, 2 0 0 8 parking i n a dark area or on a side street. Whether
and w i l l be distributed to each N P C headquarters. you are c o m i n g home late after w o r k , p u l l i n g an
The handbook w i l l better explain the benefits o f all-nighter at the computer lab, or heading back to
sprinklers, the different types and costs, negotiating the dorm after a party, from time to time you w i l l
bids like a pro, as well as what to look for when the f i n d yourself i n a situation where y o u are w a l k i n g
process begins. alone. The only thing you may be thinking after
a long night o f studying or w o r k i n g hard is getting
A O I I has invited Buddy Dewar, Director o f to your r o o m and i n to bed as soon as possible.
the Regional Operations for the National Fire Remember to use caution and practice safety tips to
Sprinkler Association to speak to attendees during ensure you w i l l arrive to your destination safely.
Leadership Institute 2 0 0 8 this June.
Try to avoid w a l k i n g alone i f at all possible. Use
the good-old-fashioned buddy system and take a
friend w i t h you. Many colleges and universities
have campus escorts w h o are available to walk w i t h
you and make sure you are safe. I f you do f i n d
yourself w a l k i n g alone, make sure that a friend
knows where y o u are and is expecting your call
when you return home.
14 • To DRAGMA ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8
Criminals are looking for an EASY
target, so follow these tips to reduce
your chances of being a victim:
• Keep your head up and your eyes on your If you are attacked, target your
surroundings. This means avoiding distractions attacker in these areas:
such as digging through your purse, listening to
your Ipod, or text messaging your roommate. Groin: don't try to kick the attacker with your
• Walk confidently and with a purpose. foot, because you could lose your balance or
• H o l d your keys i n your hand, not only w i l l you be grabbed; instead use your knee, one of the
strongest parts of your body. Angle yourself on
have them ready when you arrive at your car or one side of the attacker and not immediately in
your house, but you can use them as a weapon o f front of him, because he w i l l likely fall forward.
defense in an emergency.
• K n o w where emergency phones are located on E y e s : it's hard to think about doing this, but i n
your campus. They often are identified by a the heat of an attack, your last concern w i l l be
blue light. being grossed out. Pull d o w n at the neck and use
• Do not talk on your cell phone, while this may your opposite thumb to target the inside o f the
seem safe, i n reality it is a distraction and makes eye, grip your fingers around his face and dig
you a target for predators. hard with your thumb.
• Stay in well-lit areas and avoid bushes, alleys,
and doorways. Throat: use the back o f your hand and hit the
• I f it is cold outside, do not wear a hood or
anything that can prevent you f r o m hearing or middle of the throat w i t h f u l l force. I f you are
seeing around you. being held down, it may be easier to grab the
• I f you are being followed or encounter someone attacker's windpipe. Grip the middle of the
w h o makes you feel uncomfortable, make eye throat and pull as i f you are ripping out his
contact and ask a question or comment on the windpipe.... take that, creep.
weather. You now have a good look at the man's
face and could identify h i m in a line up, meaning
he is less likely to target you as a victim.
Before getting into your car:
• Check inside o f your car before you enter. Self-defense can best be taught
• Lock your door immediately upon entering by an expert, so it is always a
good idea to take a class or attend
your car. a seminar. AOII will have an
• I f your car has keyless entry, only unlock the opportunityformany to learn a
few moves at Leadership Institute
driver's door. 2008. LI will feature a general
• Don't sit i n your car to make a phone call, session on self-defense facilitated
by Officer Mark Wood of the
balance your check book, etc. Brentwood Police Department.
• I f there is a van or car w i t h dark windows on
your driver's side, enter through the passenger
side o f the car. Predators have been k n o w n to
grab victims and pull them into another vehicle.
• I f there is a suspicious person lingering i n the lot
or i f you feel uneasy, trust your instincts and find
the nearest safe building to find help.
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8
Computer Lab: Unfortunately, even when you
follow these tips, you can still fall
Villain: Cyber Criminal victim to Internet predators. One
common way for a thief to obtain
Your greatest weapon of defense: Eliminating your information is through
your electronic trail the installation of software that
records keystrokes and actually
Today's students have access to everything that emails the information back
is popular and up and coming i n the world o f to the thief. One thing to
technology. N o t only does the Internet make for remember is that a legitimate
quick research for a term paper, instant test results, business will not ask for your
and the advantage o f online classes, but computers, social security number or bank
especially computers used i n a public setting account information online.
increase the risk for identity theft and your personal
information getting into the wrong hands. Don't forget to follow common safety tips when
posting information about yourself online. Most,
Microsoft suggests the following okay every, college student has a Facebook or
safety tips when using a public MySpace account. These sites are a f u n way o f
computer: keeping up with your friends and showing off
pictures of your vacation, your new puppy, or a
• Don't save your logon information. Click the girls' night out, but they are also a tool used by
"log out" button to exit; simply closing the online predators. Protect your privacy
browser will not log you out of the program and yourself.
or web site.
• Never include information such as your address,
• Never leave your computer unattended w i t h phone number, etc. i n your profile.
personal or sensitive information on the screen.
• Don't include schedules or make reference to any
• Delete your Internet files and history of visited type o f routine. A n away message o f "off" to the
web sites. Web browsers keep a record of your gym," may tell the wrong person exactly where
passwords and each page you visit, even after you are.
you log out.
• Keep your profile "private," giving only viewing
• Beware of anyone reading over your shoulder. access to your friends and people y o u approve.
Make sure no one is trying to catch your
password or personal information o f f your screen. • Report any type o f Internet stalking to
campus police.
• Don't enter sensitive information on a
public computer. Online shopping:
• Use a credit card rather than a debit card when
you shop online. Credit cards are more secure
than debit, and i f your credit card number is
stolen, law mandates the most you can be held
responsible for by your card company is $50.
While most banks guarantee you won't be
responsible for fraudulent charges, investigations
could take weeks, and you may have to pay some
of the charges, depending on how soon you
reported the card number stolen.
Cafeteria and Campus
Dining Hall:
Villain: Dangerous Diet
Your greatest weapon of defense: A balanced
meal plan
College eating can mean grabbing meals on the while cramming for an exam might be a needed
go, late night fast food runs, and endless options of pick-me-up, but if you skipped dinner, they can
unhealthy food i n the cafeteria. It is typically the turn into a calorie overload.
first time when young adults are responsible for • Exercise. Exercise increases endorphins, reduces
feeding themselves. Many go from eating home stress, and is a great way to spend time for you.
cooked meals to Easy M a c and pizza. You've You don't need to take a spinning class every day
heard of the freshman 15, or that sudden weight to exercise - walk to class rather than driving,
gain that many students experience when they first take a power walk with sisters after chapter
enter college. O f course, there are many other meeting, or play intramurals. Stay active by
factors than j u n k food that can cause weight gain doing things that you enjoy, because you want to,
in college - no more physical education classes, not because you have to.
no more daily soccer practice, and a routine that
is hardly regular. T h e r e are eating habits that y o u E v e n scarier than the cafeteria m e n u is the food
can practice that will keep you healthy and make that some women are not eating. College is a time
sure that you have enough energy to study for that when many women feel enormous pressure to look
exam and play third base in your chapter's Strike good. It is also a time w h e n w o m e n have a higher
Out Arthritis! tournament. risk of developing an eating disorder.
Healthy tips: Eating disorders are not black and white. There
are many different layers and levels of eating
• Don't skip breakfast. E v e n i f you don't have time disorders. E v e n w o m e n w h o are not classified as
to m a k e it to the d i n i n g hall, grab cereal or toast, having an eating disorder can still have disordered
and a piece of fruit. eating habits. O n e survey of college women found
that 91% had attempted to control their weight
• K e e p healthy snacks on hand. Don't get to the through dieting. Y o u can't just tell by looking at
point where you are starving by the time you someone that they have an eating disorder, as m u c h
sit d o w n to a meal. T h i s w i l l just cause you to o f the disordered behavior is hidden. M a n y young
overeat and to care less about the types of food women feel a loss of control in college and use food
y o u do eat. H e a l t h y snacks such as nuts, fruit, as a way to stay i n control o f something i n their life.
half a peanut butter sandwich, or string cheese Obsession with weight, eating minimally, fear of
will hold you until you can grab lunch. gaining weight, binge eating, compulsive exercise,
and purging are signs of an eating disorder.
• E a t balanced meals. Sure, the cafeteria gives us
the option of creating a meal of Lucky Charms, Talk to your campus health center about providing
a slice o f pizza, and some soft serve, but while it a speaker or an educational session on eating
is okay to occasionally eat your favorite foods, disorders for your chapter.
sticking to the food pyramid w i l l keep you
healthy. Make sure you include servings of
protein, vegetables and fruits, grains, and dairy.
• N o food is a bad food. Y o u can still be healthy
without restricting yourself. Y o u can eat foods
that you like i f you keep your diet balanced.
• Don't skip meals. This will just increase your
chances of overeating later. Late night snacks
ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8
v £2
18 • To DRAGMA The Party and Social R A I N N stresses the importance o f k n o w i n g these
Setting: w a r n i n g signs, as r e c o g n i z i n g them can prevent
sexual assault.
Villain: Friendly Foe
Despite the number of women w h o are victims of
Your greatest weapon of defense: Knowing and acquaintance rape, only 2 7 % of them considered
sticking to your limits themselves rape victims. M a n y times victims feel
like they should be blamed for the assault, and 4 2 %
College students attend parties where alcohol is of victims surveyed had sex with their attacker
involved. Responsible d r i n k i n g is an entirely again. By having consensual sex, many victims
different article and this one is about safety, w h i c h try to ignore the assault and tell themselves that
is exactly what you need to practice when you it was also consensual. Sexual assault victims feel
are out socializing. W h i l e most colleges and the impact o f their attack long after the act is over,
universities offer wonderful resources to educate many experiencing physical and mental health
students about date rape and violence, statistics problems. Survivors are more likely to drop out
still prove that it is a topic that can't be ignored. of school.
Approximately one in four women are victims o f
sexual assault and attempted sexual assault during P r e v e n t i o n a n d e d u c a t i o n is the o n l y w a y
their collegiate years and 7 5 % o f the time, alcohol
was a factor. W h e n most women think o f rape, to reduce the statistics:
they t h i n k o f attackers as strangers, but 9 0 % o f
victims actually k n o w their assailant. Because • Always pour your o w n beverage and never accept
w o m e n are more afraid of stranger rape, many do a d r i n k from a stranger. E v e n i f it is just a D i e t
not protect themselves from acquaintance rape. C o k e , the only way to k n o w what exactly is in
your cup, is if you pour it. R o h y p n o l or "roofies,
T h e Rape Abuse and Incest National date rape drug," is odorless and clear.
N e t w o r k ( R A 1 N N ) describes three stages
of acquaintance rape that women need • K n o w and be clear about your limits.
to understand: Don'tworry about offending someone if you
feel uncomfortable.
L I n t r u s i o n : T h i s is a violation o f a
victim's personal space. Intrusion makes you • At parties, travel in groups and keep each other
uncomfortable and can include, "accidental" in sight. Develop a signal with your friends i f
touching and stares. you are feeling uncomfortable. It also works i f
2 . D e s e n s i t i z a t i o n : T h i s is w h e n the you just need to get away from the guy w h o can't
offender has gained the trust of the victim. stop talking about his third place finish i n his
Although the offender's actions may make fantasy football league.
the victim feel uneasy, she convinces herself
that her feelings aren't valid. • K n o w that it is never too late to say No, or to hear No.
• Trust your intuition.
3 . I s o l a t i o n : T h e offender uses the victim's • Meet dates in a public and busy area and bring a
trust to isolate her from others.
cell phone. H e might be cute, but you have to
look out for number one!
ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8
There are dangers
everywhere you
go, but the more
you are, the more
powerful you
become. You might
not be invincible,
but you can be
better prepared for
the villains that may
come your way
. 2 • SPWNG 2 0 0 8
Where do the ultra fabulous AOIIs spend their summer?
Well, as an ultra fabulous AOII, you should Know!
LeInaTdunee wrsithhAiOpII
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Where better to become In Tune We can't guarantee
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Register March 3rd - May 1st! you will experience
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For more information about Leadership Institute 2008, visit www.alphaomicronpi.org & select
"Events," or contact AOII International HQ at (615)370-0920 or [email protected].
Cowboy boots are optional, but missing this event isn't!
• /A 111
Alpha O m i c r o n Pi recently welcomed the Lambda Friends, family members, multiple A O I I LAMBDA EPSILON
E p s i l o n C h a p t e r at the U o f W a t e r l o o as the 184th alumnae and other Greek guests attended the
chartered chapter of the Fraternity. The events Rose Banquet that followed the installation CHARTER MEMBERS
held in celebration of the installation occurred on ceremony i n celebration of the new initiates.
February 2, 2 0 0 8 at the W a t e r l o o I n n i n Waterloo, Susan D a n k o , Alpha O m i c r o n Pi International Rhiannon Kaila Marie Berthelot
Ontario, Canada. Twenty-six collegiate women, President, served as the i n s t a l l i n g officer. O t h e r Noemi Chibamba Chanda
i n a d d i t i o n t o five a l u m n a e initiates, were initiated special guests included: Christine Walters, Melissa Chen
as charter m e m b e r s o f the n e w chapter. Colony Development N e t w o r k Specialist; Lindsay Flora Chey
Allison Cheung, previous Lambda Epsilon Cassandra Leigh Corbett
T h i s g r o u p o f m u l t i - t a l e n t e d individuals has spent Resident Consultant; along with members o f the Kelly Cathryn Davis
the last year participating i n w e e k l y educational Lambda Epsilon Alumnae Advisory Committee. Kristina Lorene Fagan
sessions, countless sisterhood events, and a Roehelle Leanne Good
number o f philanthropic projects. In addition The installation o f the Lambda Epsilon Chapter Caroline Anne Colliding
to establishing procedures, writing bylaws, and at the U o f Waterloo marks the seventh Canadian Marie-Clare Frances Gross
electing officers, the chapter also selected the chapter for the Fraternity. W i t h the support o f Diana Ho
submotto, " L i v e elegantly, laugh easily, love so m a n y members i n the O n t a r i o area, w e are Courtney Dawn Holmes
eternally," as t h e phrase that identifies the chapter's certain o f the success o f L a m b d a Epsilon! Jingi/han Hu
unique character. Gillian Elizabeth Jaques
Sally Catherine Jurica
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2008 Jennifer Chi-Chen Lien
Jacqueline Kathleen McKoy
Kelly Heng Phan
Hilary Madeline Kathleen Poff
Andreea Popoviciu
Laura Antonia Roncone
Erin Lee Savage
Sabrina Nicole Sgroi
Emma Collette Surich
Lillian Li Een Tang
Aimee Lyn Villapando
Deborah Kuo
Jackie Hall
Lynn Spratt
Rachel Totanes
Susan Little
To DRAGMA • 21
PROFILE Sarah Meighen
Assistant to the Deen
22 • To DRAGMA
House Manager for the Queen of Cooking, Paula Deen
Sarah M e i g h e n , a Tau O m i c r o n ( U o f Tennessee at the early stages o f development b r i g h t e n e d Sarah's
M a r t i n ) alumna, has learned the trick to m a k i n g sure memories o f past collegiate experiences. " I always
that her scrambled eggs are moist. T h e secret is sour enjoyed being involved in group activities, and I
cream. T h i s ingenious c o o k i n g t i p wasn't passed d o w n have great memories o f each one," she states. " T o
three generations f r o m her maternal great-grandmother. this day, I hear certain music, and I t h i n k about
It came directly f r o m the expert - her boss, Paula Deen. the experiences that I had w i t h m y sisters d u r i n g
That's right. This 24-year-old Morganfield, Kentucky- p y r a m i d c o m p e t i t i o n . I see s o m e t h i n g that r e m i n d s
native has served as the House Manager for the Q u e e n m e o f Moulin Rouge a n d I a u t o m a t i c a l l y t h i n k o f the
o f Southern Cuisine for a year and a h a l f great t i m e s that w e shared i n o u r costumes as w e
competed in All-Sing Competitions."
Sarah's j o u r n e y to w o r k i n g i n one o f the most famous
kitchens i n A m e r i c a is an i n t e r e s t i n g c o m p i l a t i o n o f I n the midst o f Sarah's w o r k w i t h the n e w colony,
highly-entertaining twists and turns. After attending Sarah's college sweetheart relocated to Tybee Island,
U T M a r t i n where Sarah was first initiated into A O I I , Georgia t o be w i t h his f a m i l y i n the area. A few visits
she made the decision to transfer to Western K e n t u c k y U to the historic beach t o w n was enough to hook Sarah
where she later graduated w i t h a degree i n Broadcasting into enjoying the beach life full-time. So, after the
w i t h hopes o f w o r k i n g i n radio or television. C h i Phi Chapter was installed, Sarah moved to the
tiny beach community, found work, and then started
A f t e r graduation, Sarah moved into a position w i t h i n l o o k i n g for l o n g - t e r m career opportunities.
A l p h a O m i c r o n P i as the Resident Consultant f o r the
n e w l y - c o l o n i z e d C h i P h i Chapter at the U o f South Sarah met her destiny w h i l e stopping at Paula Deen's
Carolina, Aiken. As the Chapter's Resident Consultant, famous restaurant, " T h e Lady and Sons," one
Sarah worked tirelessly to ensure that the new members afternoon to pick up a catering order. W h e n small
were educated about A O I I , its standards, policies, and talk between she and the catering manager led Sarah
procedures, while guiding them through the beginning to learn that they shared roots i n a same small college
o f their amazing sisterhood experience. t o w n i n northwest Tennessee, the conversation
became more intriguing. After mentioning her
This first j o b w o u l d lay the educational background and desire to w o r k i n
f r a m e w o r k f o r Sarah's f u t u r e television, Sarah left w i t h the contact information for
employment. W h e n asked one o f Paula Deen's assistants. O n e conversation w i t h i n
about h o w her experiences the world o f the famous kitchen m o g u l turned into
w i t h i n A O I I have helped to another, and eventually Sarah was h i r e d t o w o r k as a
prepare her for the future, Production Assistant o n Paula's F o o d N e t w o r k shows:
she laughs a n d says, " I was Paula's Party and Paula's Home Cooking.
the girl w h o was always
happy with taking direction After months of working in the production
or being the leader, but realm, Sarah displayed interest to take on more
h a v i n g responsibility for an responsibility. Soon enough, Sarah had landed herself
entire colony o f girls w i l l a personal interview w i t h M s . Deen. As Paula offered
quickly teach y o u t o step Sarah this n e w o p p o r t u n i t y o f her personal House
up to the plate and be the Manager, she insisted, "It's domestic, but it c o u l d lead
leader. Y o u have to organize to other things." T r y i n g coyly to mask her complete
and delegate, be a role o v e r w h e l m i n g excitement, Sarah agreed to take o n
model, and communicate the new opportunity.
effectively and efficiently
to help steer them i n the You can imagine that Sarah's days aren't spent behind
right direction." Witnessing a desk. A s she says, there really isn't a r o u t i n e day.
the sisterhood practiced in However, she always begins her day b y m a k i n g
ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8
certain to feed Paula's five canines, ranging i n size Even w i t h all o f the once-in-a-litetime
f r o m an overweight Labrador retriever to a puppy the opportunities that accompany working for
size o f a guinea pig. I n addition, the five birds that a celebrity, Sarah's favorite times w i t h Paula
call Paula's house h o m e have to be f e d as w e l l . Plants generally occur i n the sweetest-smelling
always need watering i n the southern humidity, room in the house—the kitchen. "Paula
groceries must always be on hand, the kitchen should really has an interest i n food—she loves f o r
always be clean, and there are always other additions me to explain dishes that m y Grandmother
that arise o n an h o u r l y basis. cooks," Sarah says. "Paula reminds me a lot
of my mom. They both work extremely
Sarah and the rest o f the team were privileged to hard, b o t h care so m u c h about their f a m i l y
celebrate Paula's 6 0 t h birthday w i t h their beloved and their children, are b o t h f u n n y and silly
boss last year. T h e night's amazing festivities included and try to enjoy the little things in life, and
a private yacht shared by the close-knit group, w i t h both are grateful for what they have."
live musical entertainment and, o f course, great food.
I n t a l k i n g w i t h Sarah, it is completely evident that Some o f life's greatest lessons are taught i n the k i t c h e n
she absolutely loves her j o b . As she says, " W e laugh a So, whether it's tips on seasoning y o u r food or h o w
l o t . " "Paula is a h o o t ! " Sarah is r i g h t at h o m e i n the to keep y o u r scrambled eggs f r o m being too dry,
w o r l d o f Paula Deem. " W e are like a f a m i l y ; she treats make sure to take the advice f r o m your m o m , your
us so w e l l , a n d w e are all so completely invested i n grandmother, a friend, or a cooking celebrity. You
the success o f the company." never k n o w h o w things w i l l turn out!
ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRJNC; 2 0 0 8
Clutter is the tangled heap of junk that surrounds us.
It robs our lives of time, space, energy, money and
our own self-esteem. Clutter invades our homes, our
workplaces and even our minds. At the start of every
new year most of us make a resolution to become more
organized. We usually fail by mid-January and become
more frustrated than ever because all we tried to do
was organize our clutter. Determined to find a simple
solution to conquering clutter, I poured through seven
books and more than a dozen magazines written by
authors and television divas who claim to be experts in
organization, clutter control and taming chaos. In the
end, I was inspired, because what I learned most was
my problem was not just a lack of organization, but
an abundance of clutter. The process of researching,
experiencing and writing this article has been a fun and
productive discovery for me. I n this season of spring
cleaning, I hope something of what follows inspires
you to conquer some of the clutter i n your life, too.
by Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen,
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), Managing Editor
ISSUE NO. 2 • S P W N G 2 0 0 8
ydords from vo'iser ones
It was a b o o k b y M a r i a G i l l e y called, Sink Reflections, Like both of the previously mentioned books,
that first caught my attention. The hot pink cover Absolutely Organized by Debbie Lillard, emphasized
screams, "Overwhelmed? Disorganized? Living simple approaches to o v e r w h e l m i n g tasks. T h i s
i n Chaos? T h e FlyLady's Simple F l y i n g Lessons small, attractive little book contained beautiful
w i l l show you h o w to get your home and your life photos and illustrations that made for an easy read. I
in order and it all starts w i t h shining your sink." particularly liked the title of one ot her chapters, " I
Well written and entertaining, this book had me Keep E v e r y t h i n g , B u t Treasure N o t h i n g , " where she
hooked cover to cover. She inspired me to grab a discusses h o w to display, store or even purge the items
k i t c h e n t i m e r , a trash bag and start flinging o u t m y w e hold o n to for memories. As A O I I ' s M a n a g i n g
clutter. O n e Saturday m o r n i n g 1 c o n v i n c e d (prims Editor and Archivist, that's a section I need to
it forced?) m y husband a n d three kids to j o i n m e i n memorize. She offered many helpful hints and stressed
collecting clutter from of our bedrooms. One o f there is no single r i g h t or w r o n g w a y to organize. Y o u
her seemingly q u i r k y ideas is called the " 2 7 F l i n g just have to f i n d w h a t w o r k s best for y o u .
Boogie." I instructed the family to quickly gather
27 needless pieces o f clutter - broken toys, old candy Organizing for Dummies by Eileen R o t h and Elizabeth
wrappers, mismatched socks, old books, etc., and Miles is a no nonsense approach to o r g a n i z i n g
deposit t h e m i n a b o x i n the hallway. "Everyone has e v e r y t h i n g . Guess w h a t the first chapter is about?
t e n m i n u t e s , " I exclaimed, and actually set a timer. Clutter. They note that we live in an overstuffed
Ten minutes later w e had 135 items piled i n a box i n w o r l d , and g e t t i n g organized is one o f the most
the hallway ready to be eliminated. W h y 27 items personal projects that any o f us w i l l ever undertake.
y o u m i g h t ask? M a r i a w r i t e s that is has s o m e t h i n g to This was by far the longest book I selected, but i f you
d o w i t h Feng Shui, b u t w h o cares? It w o r k s . A mere are l o o k i n g f o r a b o o k to easily w a l k y o u step-by-
ten minutes every day for t w o weeks in m y family step t h r o u g h any area o f y o u r l i f e , this is a g o o d one.
w i l l net m e nearly 2 0 0 0 less pieces o f clutter. W o w ! T h e r e is a simple h o w - t o f o r o r g a n i z i n g a n y t h i n g
E v i c t i n g clutter is one o f Maria's baby steps towards - rooms, closets, garages, attics, offices, personal
an organized life. Establishing a routine, breaking big time, photo storage, cyberstorage and even your o w n
jobs d o w n i n t o manageable tasks and, yes, keeping a mind. I'll be referring back to the chapter on h o w to
shining sink were a few of her most helpful hints. organize my mind, regularly!
Eliminate Chaos b y Laura Leist is another g o o d source. The Organizing Idea Book by J o h n Loecke is l i k e visual
I f o u n d m y s e l f h i g h l i g h t i n g m a n y o f her ideas and I eye candy for the organized wannabe. There were
f o u n d it h e l p f u l that she spelled out the costs involved more great ideas w r i t t e n here, b u t if y o u are like
w i t h some o f her project. She laid out in detail the me, you w i l l be more impressed with the beautiful
t e n steps she sees to o r g a n i z i n g any r o o m . I noticed photos o f organized rooms. M a n y o f these great ideas
the first six all had to do w i t h eliminating clutter! require redesigns or an investment of money. I have
It was becoming obvious that you could not get added several ideas to m y wish-list, but w i l l need to
organized without trudging through the clutter. I refer back to Eileen Roth's budgeting chapter i n the
t o o k it to heart w h e n she suggested that we multiply " D u m m y " book before tackling some of those.
by 2 the amount o f time you think it w i l l take to
complete a project or by 3 i f you have a hard time A couple more less m o t i v a t i n g books later, I t u r n e d to
m a k i n g decisions. She proved herself right w i t h the some o f m y favorite inspirational sources - magazines.
organization project I attempted for the purpose of As I am well aware ot, magazines can only scratch at
this article. M y anticipated all day kitchen makeover the surface ot a topic, but can still be amazingly helpful.
t u r n e d i n t o a three day project, so I guess I k n o w Real Simple, Domino, Blueprint and Woman's Day were
w h a t that says about m e . some o f m y favorites on this current quest and each
offered some great ideas. It was Domino that inspired
one ot my favorite new household additions, the
interior cabinet b u l l e t i n board (see photo o n page 28).
ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2008
Xke Uncluttered Kitchen
All of the experts had great original ideas, but the core points were clearly the same:
pick a task, make a plan and get started. I f the spring cleaning bug bites you this year,
maybe wise words from the experts can inspire you, too. I feel so good about my
completed project that I plan to move on to another room, or maybe even my office.
Good luck with your clutter!
Pick a "Cask lAake a PUn
I f the secret to organization M o s t o f the experts c l a i m that items should be organized and stored i n centers such as c o o k i n g ,
all starts w i t h a shiny sink as serving, cleaning, entertaining, etc. I liked this concept o f planning for like items to be placed
Maria Cilley claims i n "Sink m o r e efficiently together to save t i m e and unnecessary steps. I t h o u g h t t h r o u g h it carefully, and
Reflections," m y kitchen realized that placing items in "centers" was going to require many items to completely change
seems like the perfect place locations d u r i n g m y makeover. I have lots o f cabinet space, b u t few drawers, so that was g o i n g t o
to start. I could have picked be a challenge. T o create a serving center, I decided to earmark m y drawer nearest the table for
most any r o o m , but as the storage o f place mats and move kitchen utensils from that drawer to a crock o n the counter t o p
hub o f m y house, it is the near m y stove. T h a t w o u l d mean m y place mats, silverware, dishes, glasses and napkins c o u l d all
place that is most d i f f i c u l t be reached w i t h o u t even t a k i n g a step. M y 9-year-old daughter, w h o loves to set the table, should
to keep orderly. It was long n o w be able t o easily reach e v e r y t h i n g w i t h o u t us b u m p i n g i n t o each other. I mapped out a center
overdue for a makeover. for food preparation and another f o r c o o k i n g . Spices, f o r example w e r e g o i n g to m o v e f r o m the
pantry door to beside the stove where I use them. Seemed like an ingenious concept t o me.
!I!l!:i!llMI!:'! !'
Tke pantry - after
-Lazy SU&OYV before
2 6 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2008
I use casserole dishes all the t i m e and a great source o f frustration is b e n d i n g all the w a y to the Ten Gteps to
floor to l i f t heavy glass items out o f their stacks. I wanted to f i n d a better place to store t h e m .
O n e source suggested that a r m height i n a pantry is a g o o d storage place for these items, and room
I completely agreed. B u t , i f I d i d that, where w o u l d the canned goods go? Once I thought
t h r o u g h i t , that solution was simple. O n e o f the great assets o f m y k i t c h e n is a large lazy susan l Dedicate Tm&
i n a corner cabinet. I t was c u r r e n t l y b e i n g under-utilized as the catch-all o f an unsighdy mess 2. datker supplies
o f plastic containers. Surely I could get rid o f many o f those containers and f i n d them another 3- tetddssk a s t r i n g area
h o m e once the process got underway. H. Gort
I continued mapping out these changes for each drawer and cabinet t r y i n g to keep i n m i n d 6- Cxrowp
the idea o f k i t c h e n centers and h o w I use m y kitchen. I estimated that 1 was g o i n g to need 7. 'E&zwwe the space
several dedicated hours to this project and cleared m y schedule for an entire Saturday, just in "3. Shop
case. U s i n g Laura Leist's " T e n Step Plan to O r g a n i z i n g A n y R o o m " as m y guide, I had m y 9- Install and replace
plan and was ready t o start. H o w hard could this be? 10- 7Y\Antdm
Early Saturday m o r n i n g . I gathered together suggested supplies (several empty boxes, trash
bags, c l e a n i n g materials, etc.), set u p staging areas f o r items to be collected, and realized I was
already o n Step 4 o f the 10 step plan. So far, so good! For m e . Step 4 (sort) and Step 5 (purge)
happened together. I k n e w f r o m m y master plan that every item w o u l d need to be removed
3 i
LAZJA siAGAn - after "s
ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2008 To DRAG MA • 27
T(\ost of tke everts suQQ&st that f r o m every cabinet and drawer all at once. T h e initial
items should be stored in centers sort meant quickly separating items into piles to
keep, donate/sell o r trash. T h e staging areas held the
for cooking, serving, cleaning, keepers, large boxes held the give-aways, and large
entertaining, etc. Planning for trash bags contained the worthless j u n k . T h e a m o u n t
like items to be placed together o f stuff I had collected over the years was astonishing.
saves time and unnecessary steps. N o t even i n previous h o m e moves had it all been so
vividly displayed before me. D i d 1really need all this
3* * n r "1U r n I 1 kill stuff? Absolutely not! It even became f u n n y at times
as I f o u n d several l o n g lost items a n d realized h o w
3 many items I never even knew I still owned.
Step 6 (group) involved gathering like items together.
As this step progressed, i t was easier to part w i t h items
that made the initial cut i n the previous step. I had
e n o u g h glasses t o serve an army. D o I really need t w o
colanders the same size or f o u r 1 2 - c o u n t m u f f i n tins?
W h e n was the last t i m e I used that Espresso maker?
This step was slow and tiring, but m y progress was
rewarding w h e n 7 bags o f trash and f o u r o v e r f l o w i n g
boxes o f items to be donated were finally moved into
the garage. After a thorough cleaning inside and out,
all the drawers and cabinets were entirely empty and
w a i t i n g to be restocked. A t Step 7 (examine the space),
I compared m y keeper items that I n o w had grouped
together t o see i f they w o u l d still f i t i n the spaces I
previously m a p p e d out. I n most cases - yes. W h e r e i t
was not going to w o r k , I either refigured the plan or
purged some more.
Finally, I reached Step 8 (shop) - the f u n part o f all
this mess. T h e problem was it was nearly 1 1 : 0 0 p . m .
and I was c o m i n g to terms w i t h exactly h o w long this
UKi ft r 5B •
Mn— *<
n- A
Top photo above: This center is for my kids. It holds their
water bottles, paper plates/cups and snacks they love-
popcorn and hot chocolate. Above: Plastic crates and
stackable shelves keep the medicine center organized.
An interior cabinet bulletin board is one of many handy
new additions. At right: My kitchen during and done!
28 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8
The National Panhellenic Conference $K.<L C/^CKCJL
30 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8
task was g o i n g to take. Stores were closed, m y kitchen Tcp l#n Reasons
was a total wreck and I was exhausted. T h e shopping to Qiwiinate CUtter
w o u l d have to wait until tomorrow. W i t h specifics
and measurements i n mind, I made a trip to our local l Vpu can save Hume
dollar store the next a f t e r n o o n just t o see i f they had 2- Vjou. can. save money
any options. There I found a great $ 1 . 0 0 solution to 3- Vjou are running out of space
m y storage needs - 8 " x 8 " crates that were a perfect fit H. Vjou have [ess s t r ^ s voH.ch improves (jour ovon health
for m y cabinets. Cookie decorating supplies could be 5- Vjou can improve relationships being less Irritable
grouped i n one container, measuring cups and spoons 6- Vjou. use the storage space you. have more efficiently
in another, and drink lids i n yet another. 1 planned to 7. Vjou can have fronds over without being embarrassed
use t h e m for e v e r y t h i n g , so I b o u g h t 16 and received <2. Vjou can clean more easily because clutter attracts dust
change back f r o m a $ 2 0 . 0 0 bill. I picked up a few more 9- Vjou may find things you. thought i^ere lost
storage solutions at a local h o m e store and headed 10. Vjour parents are coming to visit
home to begin the transformation.
For Step 9 (install and replace), I assembled t w o small
under the sink organizers, a spice shelf, a plastic bag
collector and a f e w hooks. Dishes, glassware, pots,
pans, bakeware, etc. all begin to fall neady into
place and the $ 1 . 0 0 crates were easily put to use. I n
the pantry, 1 filled a few clear stackable dry good
containers and added a stand up rack for the top shelf
M y f a m i l y was amazed, and so was I , as e v e r y t h i n g
was b e g i n n i n g to take shape. D a y t w o ended w i t h me
needing to f i n d storage for just a few m o r e homeless
items - like the bread. After work on day three, I
purchased the f i n a l i t e m , an i r o n stacking basket for
bread storage and went home to an organized kitchen.
M y kitchen is n o w clutter free and organized for
less than $ 1 7 5 . W h i l e I a m still feeling pretty g o o d
about Steps 1-9. Step 1 0 is g o i n g t o be an o n - g o i n g
challenge, but one I plan to M A I N T A I N !
• HI
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8 To DRAGMA • 2 9
N P C is an u m b r e l l a o r g a n i z a t i o n f o r the 26 Greek organizations? A n d while our badges,
national and international women's fraternities colors and rituals may vary, the core o f our
and sororities. W h e n A O I I was founded e x i s t e n c e is e x a c t l y t h e same. T h i s is w h a t w e ,
i n 1897, the w o r d " s o r o r i t y " had not been as N P C w o m e n , b e l i e v e : A f r a t e r n i t y is a s o c i a l
c o i n e d y e t , t h u s w e w e r e f o u n d e d as a w o m e n ' s experience based on the fundamental right o f a
f r a t e r n i t y . Each m e m b e r g r o u p is a u t o n o m o u s f r e e people to f o r m v o l u n t a r y associations. I t is
as a s o c i a l , G r e e k - l e t t e r s o c i e t y o f c o l l e g e one o f the enrichments o f college life. Fraternity
w o m e n and alumnae. M e m b e r s are represented m e m b e r s h i p is a social experience a r r i v e d at b y
on more than 650 college and university mutual choice and selection.
campuses i n the U n i t e d States and Canada and
in over 4,500 alumnae associations. Fraternities exist because they f u l f i l l the
important need o f belonging, provide a good
N P C is a " c o n f e r e n c e , " w h i c h m e a n s i t enacts democratic social experience, give value beyond
no legislation except for the conduct o f its o w n college years, create an e v e r - w i d e n i n g circle o f
meetings. O t h e r than the basic U n a n i m o u s service beyond the membership, and develop
Agreements w h i c h all members groups have the individual's potential through leadership
voted to observe, N P C recommends and opportunities and group effort.
advises, a n d acts as a c o u r t o f f i n a l a p p e a l i n
College Panhellenic challenges. Fraternities continue because y o u n g w o m e n feel
a continuing need to belong. Parents appreciate
O n e o f N P C ' s greatest champions is M a u r e e n fraternity values and standards and cooperate
Sweeney Syring, a bubbly Delta Gamma and to make membership possible. College
past N P C Executive C o m m i t t e e M e m b e r . T h i s administrations, recognizing the values o f
proud D G and Greek sister recently shared fraternities, continue to welcome them on their
w i t h the conference that N P C gives us the campuses and invite them to establish
energy to cherish our o w n Greek experiences, new chapters.
enthusiastically proclaiming, " O n e sorority does
not a Greek experience make. It's a w o n d e r f u l Although early histories o f women's
l i f e . " W h o o f us can n o t c o u n t a m o n g o u r fraternities contain accounts o f cooperation
life-long friends, several members o f other among fraternities on various campuses, the
Photos left to right: National Panhellenic Conference Editors in 1912 and the 1943 NPC delegation in Chicago, Illinois.
ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2008 To DRAGMA • 3 1
Panhellenic organization did not exist and Being one o f the largest leadership and life
u n i f o r m practices were not observed until 1902 skills training forces for w o m e n on university
when Alpha Phi invited eight other sororities campuses, sororities train tomorrow's leaders.
to meet i n Chicago o n M a y 24th. T h e session N P C continues to support "Something
resulted in the organization of the first inter- ol Value" risk management education,
fraternity association and the first inter-group "Something to Talk About - Confrontation"
organization on college campuses. A O I I joined and "Focus on Self-Esteem" programs designed
the association i n 1905. to help collegiate members. N P C member
organizations supplement academics w i t h
In 1915, a similar organization — the Association programs and activities that teach essential
o f Pedagogical Sororities - was f o r m e d business skills including ethics, accountability,
representing sororities that were primarily cooperation, comportment and etiquette.
i n the educational field and located o n state Sororities are c o m m i t t e d to helping members
campuses. T h e group later changed its name achieve more, have better opportunities and
to the Association o f Education Sororities. In raise significant funds for a wide range o f
the late 1940s the t w o organizations began w o r t h y causes as m e m b e r s r e m a i n c o n s t a n t l y
to merge. T h e merger was complete in 1951, active i n c o m m u n i t y service. So, next time
and additional sororities were added to the s o m e o n e asks w h y y o u w e r e Greek - tell t h e m !
organization that is, today, nearly 106 years old.
As members o f A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi, w e are
N P C helps all w o m e n grow, give, lead and proud o f our o w n rich Greek heritage.
succeed. They hold individual members Maureen Syring shared her hope that N P C
and chapters to high standards o f academic s h o u l d f u n c t i o n as " o n e h e a r t a n d o n e m i n d . "
excellence, cooperation with universities, Appropriately, A O I I Founder Stella Perry once
personal integrity, health and safety o f members, d e s c r i b e d o u r o w n G r e e k e x p e r i e n c e as, " O n e
leadership development, and c o m m u n i t y m o t t o , one badge, one b o n d , and singleness
service. The Conference partnered w i t h o f heart." I n A O I I , w e are b o u n d by our
several organizations including CampusSpeak motto, our badge and our bond. In N P C , we
in 2006 and 2007 to promote National Hazing recognize that 25 other member organizations
Awareness Week, and with World Wide share similar bonds. Together, w e all drive
Marketing to promote the Merck & Co. "Tell change that improves women's lives and enriches
Someone" advertising campaign. This highly society. W e A R E m a k i n g a difference, and
effective campaign provided health education A O I I proudlyjoins Maureen Syring in vowing
materials to N P C members, their families and to "Let the N P C journey continue."
friends about cervical cancer.
32 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2008
1955 NPC Conference, White Sulpher Springs, West Virginia
ISSUE NO. 2 • .SPRJNG 2008 To DRAGMA • 33
By Eleanor Borbas Williams Patricia Disque, C h i Omega. Elizabeth Quick
Alpha Sigma Alpha. 3rd Alternate Delegate began her state o f the Conference address by
noting that "Partnerships, internal and external,
"Partnerships ... The Direction of the Future" are part o f the strategic plan and have been a
was the theme o f the National Panhellenic primary focus o f the 2005-2007 biennium." N P C
Conference 2007 Biennial Session, Oct. 26- has partnered w i t h four interfraternal coordinating
27 at the Westin Chicago N o r t h Shore in organizations to develop the tools and action
Wheeling, I L . Delegates and representatives o f plans necessary to implement the directives f r o m
the 26 member groups convened as partners i n the Franklin Square group: North-American
helping N P C "grow, give, lead and succeed." Interfraternity Conference (NIC), National
I n addition to committee meetings, separate I'an-Hellemc Council Inc. (NPHC), National
sessions for inter/national presidents, executive Association o f Latino Fraternal Organizations
directors and editors, general sessions were (NALFO), and Association of Fraternity Advisors
devoted to Conference business. Delegates (AFA). N P C and its member groups also
debated and voted on several resolutions that participated in the NIC-sponsored 2006 and 2007
centered on recruitment, extension and congressional visits.
N P C finances.
Other external partnerships include the
The 2005-2007 N P C Executive Committee Center for the Study of the College Fraternity,
members include Chairman Elizabeth Quick, Fraternity Executives Association, Inter-
Gamma Phi Beta; Secretary Julie Burkhard, Association Task Force and National Association
Alpha C h i Omega; Treasurer Eve Riley, Delta of Student Personnel Administrators. N P C
Delta Delta; Alumnae Panhellenics Committee also partners w i t h B A C C H U S / G A M M A
Chairman Linda Collier. Alpha Omicron Pi; by distributing information to Alumnae and
and College Panhellenics Committee Chairman College Panhellenics about Alcohol Awareness
C^f^&.trcOl*&.£ CP{kl-i^^&C<Lt (pOK%.>lt.l*L<L
• T o DRAGMA ISSUE N O . 2 • SPIUNC; 2 0 0 8
Week. Further, the Conference partnered with 2007-2009
CampusSpeak in 2006 and 2007 to promote N P C AREAS OF FOCUS
National Hazing Awareness Week, and the
2006 agreement with World Wide Marketing ~ IMPROVE OPERATIONS
to promote the Merck & Co. "Tell Someone" ~ CONTINUE TO SERVE AND PROVIDE SUPPORT
campaign helps provide valuable health ~ CHANGE THE PERCEPTION
education materials to N P C members, their ~ PARTNER AND COLLABORATE
families and friends. ~ INFLUENCE THE FUTURE
Internal partnerships included communication El
and programming for both Alumnae and
College Panhellenic members. N P C continues w
to support the "Something o f Value,"
"Something to Talk About" and "Focus on Self- \
Esteem" programs designed to help collegiate
members. To further its communication efforts,
N P C has hired A P C O W o r l d w i d e for public-
relations and marketing and Global Magic to
revamp the N P C Web site.
A n interfraternal panel discussion of the
Coalition Task Force discussed the question
" H o w w i l l university administration and
coalition partners help sorority and fraternity
collegiate members become change agents
for a values-based community?" After the
panel presentation, a lively discussion centered
on the next steps to take in the f r a t e r n i t y /
sorority assessment project. T h e purpose
o f these on-site visits is to assess the overall
health o f the fraternity/sorority community.
T h e 60th Biennial Session concluded w i t h
a moving memorial service, awards banquet
and installation o f the 2007-2009 Executive
Committee: Chairman Julie Burkhard, Alpha
C h i Omega; Secretary Eve Riley, Delta Delta
Delta; Treasurer Jane Sutton, Alpha X i Delta;
Alumnae Panhellenics Committee Chairman
Gina Kerley, Phi Sigma Sigma; and College
Panhellenics Committee Chairman Kris
Bridges, Phi M u .
A O I I is pleased to recognize the w i n n e r o f
the N P C Public Relations Award, sponsored
each year by Alpha O m i c r o n Pi. This year's
recipient was B i r m i n g h a m Southern University,
Birmingham, Alabama.
ISSUE NO. 2 • .SPRING 2.008
_ ~" V^A/ J 0 7 Diamond Accent Watch with
^ /l^^
JS^' — c a l e n d a r feature (Battery included.)
Stainless steel $135
~ ""~S2¥ Mt^i^r \ JT \AI I Nv\/ I J08 Vintage Rose Pendant with cubic zirconia
^^y^?/^^ \g J11 Vintage Rose Earrings with cubic zirconia
/ ^\ J35 Alumnae Interchangeable Badge Ring
(Badge sold separately.)
/fflDs |I 10K, 10KW $200
^'%P3« |I 14K $250
* J58 J36 Solid Alumnae Badge Charm (not shown)
GP $55
10K, 10KW $250
o^^iSar _ _ ^: J36P Pierced Chased Alumnae Badge Charm
I J0M I (not shown)
GP $55
10K, 10KW $190
T % .« ^X L J36T Pierced Plain Alumnae Badge Charm
$ GP $55
* 10K, 10KW $190
^•^Zj^^V- J47 Eternity Toggle Bracelet
S S $80
J73 ( | p
J50 J50 Edwardian Ring with four cubic zirconi
r• and center garnet
' &tosS>\ SS $127
I/ 10K, 10KW $210
— j I L ""*" J52 Faith, Hope, and Charity Ring
X\\ S S $-.15
10K, 10KW $255
^ ^ ^ | f . J. CI t V t l ^ ^ ' ^ J i / » > * ^ — j - g -irVy ^J 6 Edwardian Necklace with four cubic
T V«L | W - ^«BHH zirconia and center garnet
SS $127 y£W-.
i 'i^gg§SB '10K 10KW
J58 Vintage Rose Ring (Whole sizes only.)
M J63 Rose Bangle Bracelet
m i - . -wm ss $5.
^ f c / . ..^ W\ \ J73 Rose and Pearl Bracelet with Mini Tag
Ik S S $70
a J 7 7 Snake Chain, 18" $15
,| n GF $25
"^^f j^m^^^^m U K $180
" s i t : www.aoiiemporium.com fem
1.800.746.7264 5==2=j-
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2008 In each issue of 7o Dragma, we have fun
featuring "Things We Love." In our next issue,
we want to showcase the "Places You Love."
Where would you recommend a sister to eat,
shop or play in your hometown? When you
hang out with your collegiate or alumnae
sisters, where do you love to go? Share your
ideas with us and we will share a few of the
best in die Summer 2008 Issue of To Dragma.
I f we select your entry, we'll ask you to grab some AOI1 sisters
and head o f f to your suggested location to capture a photo, or
you can send the photo along with your entry. Either way, here's
a chance for you and your A O I I sisters to show o f f a f u n aspect
of your town in To Dragma. Let your creativity shine!
You may submit only one entry per category and the location
must be in the city where you currently live. Entries can be made
by individual members or chapters and should be submitted by
email to: [email protected] by April 1,2008.
To DRAGMA • 37
OUNDATION r o c u s
Building Good Foundations
It was 1920 when Jean Whorley Tripp attended her first A O I I event did not have a stick of furniture i n it. The Chapter President and I
with her older sister Lou Ella Whorley. The occasion was Lou marched down to Castner Knott Department Store and purchased
Ella's pledging of AOII's young N u Omicron Chapter at Vanderbilt wicker furniture for our chapter room. It was a huge expense in
University. At the ripe old age of five, Jean was surely destined to those days, you can't even imagine," she exclaimed. The early money
become an A O I I . Twelve years later in 1932, she followed in her management experience with her A O I I chapter parlayed into her
sister's footsteps and proudly pledged at N u Omicron. professional career, first in the Registrar's Office at Vanderbilt, then
later as Assistant Manager of Financial Planning for Stinson Aircraft
The 11 new members i n her class were quite close and Jean embraced Company. W W I I was raging by this point and she was proud to do
her collegiate years with gusto. She was Chapter Treasurer her senior her part for the war effort.
year and vividly recalls stressing over a major chapter purchase.
"We hadjust bought the house on 23rd Street for $10,000 and it As an alumna through the years, Jean has always remained dedicated.
A long time member and Chapter Treasurer of the Nashville
Alumnae Chapter, she also served as Alumnae President and was a
regular at meetings for many decades. For more years than she can
remember, she has participated in birthday lunch outings with A O I I
sisters June Bogle, Linda Fuson, Sue Lewis and the late Mary A n n
Caldwell. At the age of 93, Jean fondly recalls a lengthy list of special
sisters and dear friends that she credits to her A O I I sisterhood.
Juggling her career w i t h volunteer activities, she also served on
AOII's International Loan Committee and is one o f the seven
"incorporators" who signed the charter of the A O I I Foundation.
Jean confidently stated, " I believe in A O I I . I like that we teach
a lot about character and the ways you ought to live your life."
She adds, "Giving to A O I I helps me believe that I can be a good
influence on young people."
In 1974, she met and married the love o f her life, Harry Tripp. She
was a first time bride at the age of 60 and promptly retired to spend
time with Harry i n Florida and at a lake house i n Tennessee. After
21 years of wedded bliss, Harry passed away i n 1995. Jean now
enjoys life in a retirement community in Franklin, just south o f
Nashville. "Every day is a good day," she says, adding, "I've never
even had a bad day."
Jean has included the A O I I Foundation in her w i l l . She did so
because she believes anything we can do to help young people w i l l
benefit us all. She profoundly adds, "The foundation that a person
gets in life determines what their future w i l l be. I f we don't help build
good foundations, our civilization is doomed."
Still maintaining a priceless w i t at 9 3 years old, Jean acknowledges
"I believe in AOII. I lih that we teach a lot about her many blessings by stating, "At my age, I can hardly remember
what I had for breakfast, but I am so very blessed in life and through
character and the waysyou ought to liveyour life.' A O I I . I can never forget that."
3 8 • T o DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2008
i 5
"A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world." If that Dance Marathon is a major philanthropic event held on numerous
famous Chinese proverb is true, then AOII's Gamma Omicron college campuses. A jaw dropping number of dollars is raised to
Chapter ( U o f Florida) is wealthy, indeed. These busy women benefit the Children's Miracle Network and dozens of AOIIs are very
participate in more than 20 philanthropic projects each year, involved in the U of Florida event each year, including 30 "dancers,"
contribute thousands o f dollars and work untold hours for worthy eight captains and numerous event organizers for this coming year.
causes. While other A O I I chapters contribute more philanthropic In 2007, Dance Marathon at the U of Florida raised a record breaking
money, few A O I I chapters consistently keep the philanthropic bar $370,693.70, making this the largest and most successful student-run
raised to this level year round. philanthropy in the Southeastern United States.
It's not about the awards for Gamma Omicron. It's about giving Philanthropy is not always about raising money. Sometimes it is
back to the community and supporting a good cause. Last year, they about service and putting their hands and hearts to work. The work
supported the Ronald McDonald House, the American Red Cross, can be exhausting and dirty like it was while cleaning, vacuuming,
Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and painting, and replacing old mattresses at the Ronald McDonald
the North American Food Drive. Additional support went to the House last spring. The work can be humbling and reflective like
Alzheimer's Association, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation, PUSH it was to feed the local homeless of Alachua County and spending
America, other various scholarships and foundations and the cause time talking to them. But work like that is service and is one o f
nearest and dearest to their hearts - arthritis. the founding principles of A O I I - to bring into the world around
us a spirit of love, not for self-glory, but as an opportunity to give
The M r . U F pageant, a male beauty pageant, Ls Gamma Omicron's something back to our communities.
signature event that usually takes place in February. Proceeds
from the event support arthritis research with a gift to the A O I I The A O I I Foundation is grateful for all the many chapters, like
Foundation. Fraternities and Sororities enter a contestant and small Gamma Omicron, who have hearts of gold. We applaud every
groups o f AOIIs "coach" each contestant to perfect their routines philanthropic effort, no matter the size or the recipient of the
and costumes. In its 14th year, this highly entertaining event packs gift. A n d when it comes to supporting the causes of the AOII
the grand ballroom every year. Raising nearly $7,000 last year, the Foundation, the women of Gamma Omicron consistently keep
chapter's goal to benefit arthritis is set even higher for 2008. their light shining bright. The chapter recently raised over $33,000
to endow the Lauren Weiss Memorial/Gamma Omicron Chapter
They also support arthritis by
participating in their local Arthritis Scholarship, which is an outstanding
Foundation's 5KJingle Bell Run. example o f continuing service to
This community wide event is one future scholarship recipients of their
the chapter enjoys participating in chapter. Their love for a member
every Fall. Whether running or tragically lost i n a car accident w i l l
volunteering, the chapter can be provide help for many Gamma
counted on to support their local Omicron sisters in the years to come.
Arthritis Foundation. Philanthropy is the desire to promote
the welfare o f others and Gamma
Omicron does it very well.
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2008 To DRAGMA • 39
Just what is a nest egg? It is a special sum of money saved or invested for one specific future purpose.
Examples of the purposesforwhich nest eggs are usually intended include retirement, education, and
even entertainment (vacations and cruises). The main idea is that the money in the nest egg shouldn't be
touched except for the purpose for which you saved it.
Open a magazine, read a newspaper, listen to talk radio or watch Financially healthy organizations have a nest egg, too. The A O I I
the news, and it's common to find something about the economy, Foundation isn't planning to retire any time soon, but nevertheless,
planning and saving for the future, building a nest egg and preparing has been building and caring for a nest egg for 20 years to secure the
for retirement. Especially as we get closer to April 15, it seems that future for Alpha Omicron Pi.
financial topics are on everyone's mind.
AOII's nest egg is our Endowment Fund
With the Baby Boomer generation planning for retirement, this
is an even more important topic for those over 60. But for every Charitable organizations like the A O I I Foundation don't have Social
generation, thinking about the financial future is important. H o w Security, a pension or retirement fund to prepare for the future.
early should I start saving? Is Social Security going to be there when Instead, the Foundation has created an Endowment Fund.
it's time to retire? Can I afford to retire early or even at all? Is my
I R A or 401K investment growing or shrinking? In the future will I Simply put, the basic concept of an endowment fund means that a
be able to enjoy the kind of lifestyle I want, or w i l l I be restricted to a donor makes a gift to the A O I I Foundation with the understanding
fixed budget? that the original gift cannot be spent. The Foundation invests that
gift and receives annual income or earnings to spend for programs
Planning for what's ahead can be challenging and even stressful. and services, or other needs that have been agreed on at the time o f
Retirement isn't the only life event that could affect your nest egg. the initial gift.
The economy, college expenses, a change in employment, marriage,
birth of a child or grandchild - all of life's little and big emergencies The Foundation Endowment supports the long-term financial
may depend on, and sometimes deplete that nest egg. And i f you stability of Alpha Omicron Pi because of this unique philosophy.
don't have one, options may be gready limited. It's just a different kind of nest egg!
*1 Caring for this important nest egg, adding on to its value to keep up
with inflation over the long term, and preparing for increased future
costs of programming, is a significant part of what the Foundation
does in planning for what's ahead for A O I I . Emerging programs or
organizational needs, increased applications for scholarships and Ruby
Fund grants, and fraternity expansion are at the center of investment
goals and building the Endowment fund.
v Without something like Social Security, the Foundation depends on
endowment giving that is invested to generate the money that w i l l be
u i needed for future A O I I activities.
AOIIs who are interested i n a gift to this different kind of nest egg
can support a variety of named funds, program areas, the Diamond
Jubilee Scholarship Endowment or the General Endowment. Gifts
of any size are welcome and contribute to securing the future for
Alpha Omicron Pi.
40 • T o DRACMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2008
Feathering the Nest Sharing the Legacy of Sisterhood Campaign — from 2003-2007, with
a goal of $400,000 in new gifts over that 4 year period, exceeded the
So how do you make a gift to the A O I I Endowment Fund? Cash goal with a campaign total of $474,000.
is always welcome, of course, but there are many ways to approach
endowment giving, especially over a long term or in the future. This What's next for the Endowment in 2008? Fund raising never really
is called a p l a n n e d g i f t . The Second Century Society is AOII's comes to an end. As one set of goals is achieved, a new vision and set
special recognition club for donors of future, or planned gifts. of goals w i l l result i n planning that provides for the needs of AOIIs
today and in the future. The endowment nest egg must continue to
D o y o u have a w i l l ? Name the A O I I Foundation as a beneficiary grow to meet these needs.
and designate your bequest to the Endowment. I f you don't have a
w i l l , add this to your N e w Year's resolutions!
D o y o u have a life insurance p o l i c y that is paid u p or that Support for the Endowment also broadens our possibilities. A strong
y o u n o longer need for i n c o m e replacement o r to provide Endowment extends the horizon from narrowly focused program
for heirs? Consider donating the policy to the A O I I Foundation funding to funding that addresses the financial and organizational
or take out a new policy and name the Foundation as both owner needs of A O I I as a whole. The next step for the Endowment is to
and beneficiary. There can be significant tax benefits in addition to increase available resources that support every facet of AOII's mission:
"insuring" the future of A O I I . Women Enriched Through Lifelong Friendship.
D o y o u have h i g h l y appreciated stock? Your cost basis vs.
capital gains can make a gift of stock an affordable and attractive
option for endowment giving.
D o y o u have an I R A o r 401k? You can make the A O I I "As an only child, the sisters
Foundation a beneficiary. that I have made through
Alpha Omicron Pi truly are my
Would you like to make a larger gift in the future, but you family. During my lifetime, I
need i n c o m e now? A charitable gift annuity may be the solution have enjoyed being a collegiate
for you. member, an alumna member and
an active volunteer. Being an
Are you intrigued? Perhaps you have a specific goal in mind such as A O I I has literally changed my life. Making a bequest to the
a scholarship fund for your chapter or a special program you want to Endowment Fund has allowed me to be a part of securing a
support. There are naming opportunities within the Endowment. legacy that w i l l provide these opportunities to other young
women like me, even after I am gone. It is a legacy that I am
Please contact the Foundation office at 615-370-0920 or privileged to be a part of and a sisterhood that I am proud to
[email protected] i f you would like someone to call my own."
call you with more information. Don't forget to consult widi your
personal financial adviser when making charitable gift decisions that ~ Crystal Grafton Combs
may have tax implications for you and your family. Nu Beta (U of Mississippi)
An Endowment History of Egg-cellence It's Totally Automatic
Decade of Endowment Campaign — officially launched the Gift Express is a way to make your
Endowment Fund in 1987 with a goal of one million dollars by 1997, giving more convenient. Sign up for
and exceeded this goal with a campaign total of $1,221,000. monthly automatic bank draft as a way
to show your support. You can direct
Millennium Endowment Campaign - followed the Decade o f your Gift Express gift to a particular
Endowment from 1999 to 2001 with a goal of increasing the program or to the Loyalty Fund. Gifts
endowment by $750,000. During the three year period, over can also be made monthly by credit
$800,000 was raised including $321,119 for the General Endowment card. Contact the Foundation for a
and Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Endowment, and $491,185 was form or with questions.
contributed to the A O I I Foundation on behalf of the Fraternity's
Headquarters Capital Campaign. T o DRAGMA • 4 1
Silver Anniversary Endowment Campaign - asked for gifts in
recognition of the Foundation's 25th anniversary in 2003, and raised
over $100,000 for the General Endowment and for the Diamond
Jubilee Scholarship Endowment.
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 X
For nearly 4 0 years, A O I I has proudly been doing
our part in the efforts to find a cure for arthritis
- the leading cause o f disability in the United States
and Canada. 4 6 million Americans and 4 million
Canadians battle some form o f arthritis. To date,
the A O I I Foundation has granted $ 1 , 4 0 7 , 3 9 3
dollars to many o f the 2 , 0 0 0 researchers who have
committed their lives to trying to find a cause and
cure for this crippling disease. Arthritis doesn't
play fair when it comes to the sexes - affecting
women at a much higher rate than men. As
compassionate women, all AOIIs can be confident
that your money has, and w i l l continue to be,
well spent.
From N e w York to Los Angeles, Toronto to work studying cost as a factor i n communicating
San Antonio, a quick review o f the list at right medication management between the rheumatoid
proves that the A O I I Foundation has granted arthritis patient and his/her rheumatologist. (See
money to doctors at some o f the greatest research page 4 7 for more details on the latter study.)
and teaching institutions in the world. Studies This past year, in addition to the grant recipients
at these institutions fund research for numerous specified, the A O I I Foundation also provided a
arthritis related illnesses for both children and $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 educational grant to the National Juvenile
adults. Back in 1968, the A O I I Foundation Arthritis Organization's Annual Conference to
presented our first arthritis research grant in the fund children's activities and programs, and another
amount of $5,000 to Naomi Rothfield M l ) , $ 5 , 0 0 0 was granted i n the f o r m o f scholarships to
New York U / U of Connecticut. Dr. Rothfield send families to the national conference. 2 0 0 7 was
fondly recalls receiving that grant which set her AOII's most generous philanthropic year ever.
on the path to reach the scientific breakthroughs
There is power i n numbers. These numbers prove
that are occurring today. it is worthwhile to be doing something collectively
Inspiration for our future that makes a difference in the lives o f millions.
good work comes from Today, people battling arthritis have a better
the continual increase in lifestyle thanks, in part, to the philanthropic good
annual grants presented, works o f AOIIs all across the world. The A O I I
as evidenced by the Foundation continues to work hard to provide the
A O I I Foundation's 2 0 0 7 framework for our members to all pitch in together
grant total of $90,000. - such as through our signature A O I I Strike O u t
This total included a Arthritis! programming. The Arthritis Foundation
$ 7 5 , 0 0 0 grant to Emily honored AOII's long standing commitment in 1998
Gillespie for research on with a Corporate Hero Award. This prestigious
genomics of systemic award recognizes our mutual commitments to
lupus erythematosus, reaching our goal o f one day striking out
arthritis forever.
and $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 to Ashley
J. Beard, M P H , for her
4 2 • T o DRAG MA ISSUE NO. 2 • .SPRING 2 0 0 8
1968 1984 1995
$5,(100 to Naomi Rothfield M D , New York U / $10,000 to Dr. Eric Getshwin, U of California - Davis; $4().()()() to Megan Robinson, U of California at San Diego.
U of Connecticut. $10,000 to Dr. George Moxley. U of Virginia; and
$10,000 to Dr. Jerold Woodward, U of 1996
1969 Southern California.
$15,000 to Dr. Rose Goldstein, U of Ottawa; and $15,000
$6,000 to Gail Ann Theis Ph.D., N Y U School 1985 to I )r. Megan Robinson, U of Texas - Southwestern
of Medicine. Medical Center
$15,000 to Dr. Patience White, Childrens Hospital
1970 National Medical Center, Washington, DC. 1997
$6,000 to Carol Smith M D , Albert Einstein College 1986 $15,000 to Dr. Sharon Danoff-Burg, CUNY, New
of Medicine (NY). York; and $30,000 to Megan Robinson, U of Texas -
$15,000 to Judith Falconer Ph.D.. Northwestern U Southwestern Medical Center
1971 Medical School; and $36,000 to Paula Susan Hochman
Ph.D., Tufts U School of Medicine. 1998
$8,000 to Jane Schaller M D , U of Washington; and
$8,000 to Henri-Andre Menard M D , U of Montreal. 1987 $15,000 to Dr. Sharon Danoff-Burg, CUNY, New
York; and $15,000 to Canadian researcher: Dr. Marianna
1972 $18,500 to Lisa Matovcik Ph.D., Yale U School of Newkirk, Ph.D., McGill U , Montreal, Quebec.
Medicine; $17,000 to Patience White M D , Childrens
$7,5(>(I to Vera Byers Ph.D., U of California - Hospital National Medical Center, Washington, DC; 1999
Los Angeles; and $5,738 to Jane Lian Ph.D., Boston and $25,000 to Dr. Bevra Hahn, U of California -
U School of Medicine. Los Angeles. $10,000 to Dr. Sharon Danoff-Burg, CUNY, New York;
$](),()()() to 1 )r. Susan Reisine, U of Connecticut; and
1973 1988 $10,000 to Dr. Laura Schanberg, Duke U Medical School.
$7,500 to Jean Russell Ph.D., Rice U; and $7,500 to $15,000 to Dr. Lois Verbrugge, U of Michigan, Ann 2000
Joan Linda Press Ph.D., U of Pennsylvania. Arbor; and $25,0(10 to Dr. David E. Yocum and
Melissa Halpem, U of Arizona. Tucson. $7,500 to Dr. Bernard Dardzinski, Children's Hospital
1974 Medical ('enter, Cincinnati, Ohio; $15,000 to Laura
1989 Schanberg, M D , Duke U Medical School; and $7,500
$7,5( II) to Dr Eric Gall, U of Arizona Medical School. to Charlcnc Williams, PhD, Thomas Jetferson U,
$18,500 to Dr. Janet Anderson, SUNY Stoneybrook, Philadelphia. PA
1975 New York; $12,000 to the Arthritis Foundation,
Louisiana Chapter; $7,500 to Dr. Robert S. Lane, U 2001
$7,500 to Dr. Martha Kopper Lee, Johns Hopkins U of California at Berkeley; and $12,000 to Dr Henry
School of Medicine. Buchwald, Dr. Elizabeth Arendt, Dr. Theodore $10,000 torjuvenile arthritis research to the Wasie
Oegema and Dr. Harry Robinson, U of Minnesota, Foundation Matching Grant Challenge; $11,250 to Dr.
1976 Minneapolis. Violeta Rus, PhD, U of Maryland Medical School; and
$11,250 to Leslie Aaron. PhD. MPH. U of Washington.
$23,008 to U of Southern California College 1990
of Medicine. 2002
$22,500 to Dr. Janet Anderson; SUNY Stoneybrook;
1977 $23,500 to Dr. Janet Davis, Duke U; and $23,457 to $10,000 to Pamela J. Degotardi, PhD, Schneider Children's
1 )r. Judy Feinberg, Indiana U . Hospital in New York; $10,000 to Julie Babensee, PhD,
$7,500 to Linda Thompson, 1 )ept of Medicine, Lajolla. Georgia Tech; and $10,000 to Dr. Liana Fraenkel. MPH.
CA; and $15,000 to Drs Peter Daddona, Phillip Cohen, 1991 Yale U
and W Dodson Creighton. U of California -
San 1 )iego. $10,000 to Dr. John Esdalie, The Montreal General 2003
Hospital. Given through the Canadian
1978 Arthritis Society, Toronto, Ontario; $21,690 to Dr. $35,()()() per yearfor3 years to Dr. Natalie LeClerc at the
Mary Catherine Wacholtz, U of Texas Southwestern U of Southern California.
$15,000 to Sharyn Marie Walker, Ph.D. and Candace Medical Center; $15,000 to Dr. Robert S. Lane, U of
Cragen McCombs, Ph.D., LSU Medical Center. California-Berkeley; and $25,000 to Dr. Saralynn Jean 2004
Allaire, Boston U School of Medicine.
1980 Continuation grant, $35,000 to Dr. LeClerc; $35,500 to
1992-1994 Dr. Lisa Christopher-Stine. Johns Hopkins U. Baltimore.
$10,000 to Dr. Jason Rosenbaum, Stanford U Division Maryland.
of Immunology; $10,000 to Gail McCarty M D , Duke $50,000 installment on the Alpha Omicron Pi Arthritis
U; and $10,000 to Carol Tipton M D , U of Colorado. Research Investigator Award. A $150,1 >( XI grant was 2005
awarded by the AOII Foundation to the Arthritis
1981 Foundation to establish the award. This grant is to be Continuation grant, $35,000 to Dr. LeClerc; $15,000 to
paid over three years and has been given to Dr. Linda Dr. Caroline Kalinowski, U N C Chapel Hill.
$15,000 to Dr. C. William Castor, U of Michigan; and Louise MacPherson Bradley. Ph.D., U of California,
$15,000 to Dr. DJ Stechschulte, Kansas U San Diego. 2006
1982 1993 $50,000 to Christina Charles, UCLA; $10,000 in
additional research support to the Arthritis Foundation.
$15,000 to Dr. Nobuyuki Miyasaka, U of Texas $20,000 to Dr. NancyJ. Olsen, Vanderbilt U; and
Health Center-San Antonio, T X , $15,000 to M Teresa $50,000 installment on the AOII Arthritis Research 2007
Aquado-Celada Ph.D., U of Washington; and $10,000 Investigator Award.
to Steven Mizel Ph.D., Pennsylvania State. $75,000 to Emily Gillespie, U of Minnesota; $15,000 for
1994 one year of support for Ashley Beard, U of N C Chapel Hill.
$20,000 to Dr. George Moxley, Medical College of TOTAL ARTHRITIS GRANTS
$10,000 to Dr. M . Aldo Benson, Indiana U Medical Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth U; and $50,000 FROM 4968-2OO7
Center, and $10,000 to Dr. Joseph Biundo, LSU installment 011 the AOII Arthritis Research
Medical Center. Investigator Award.
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8 To DRAGMA • 4 3
m )
\1 \
AOIIs have long been committed to finding a cure for arthritis. Approximately 2.1
million Americans and 300,000 Canadians, or 1% of the North American population,
experience rheumatoid arthritis (RA) - one of the most common and crippling forms
of arthritis. Seventy percent of RA patients are women and while most are struck with
this disease in the prime of life, it can also attack the very young and the very old.
What is it? Some physicians and scientists believe that R A
is triggered by a kind o f infection. Rheumatoid
Rheumatoid arthritis is a type o f chronic arthritis arthritis is not contagious, although it is possible
that typically occurs i n joints on both sides o f that a germ to which almost everyone is exposed
the body (such as hands, wrists or knees). This may cause an abnormal reaction f r o m the
symmetry helps distinguish rheumatoid arthritis immune system in people who already carry a
from other types o f arthritis. In addition to susceptibility for R A .
affecting the joints, rheumatoid arthritis is a
systemic disease, w h i c h means it can affect the Women get rheumatoid arthritis two to three
skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood, or nerves. times more often then men and their R A typically
goes into remission when they get pregnant.
R A progresses i n three stages. The first stage Women develop R A more often than expected
is the swelling of the synovial lining, causing in the year after pregnancy and symptoms can
pain, w a r m t h , stiffness, redness and swelling increase after a baby is born. These facts lead
around the j o i n t . Second is the rapid division researchers to believe that gender might play a role
and g r o w t h o f cells, or pannus, w h i c h causes the in the development and progression o f R A . Many
l i n i n g to thicken. I n the t h i r d stage, the inflamed are also t r y i n g to understand how hormones are
cells release enzymes that may digest bone and involved in the development o f the disease.
cartilage, often causing the involved j o i n t to lose
its shape and alignment, more pain, and loss What are the effects?
of movement.
Rheumatoid arthritis can start in any joint, but
Early diagnosis and treatment o f R A is critical it most commonly begins in the smaller joints of
if you want to continue living a productive the fingers, hands and wrists. Joint involvement
lifestyle. Studies have shown that early aggressive is usually symmetrical, meaning that i f a j o i n t
treatment of R A can limit j o i n t damage, which hurts on the left hand, the same j o i n t w i l l hurt
in t u r n reduces loss o f movement, ability to work, on the right hand. In general, more joint erosion
medical costs and potential surgery. indicates more severe disease activity.
What causes it? Common physical symptoms include:
W h i l e the exact cause o f rheumatoid arthritis Fatigue
is u n k n o w n , it is thought to be due to a Stiffness or pain, particularly in the morning
combination of genetic, environmental and
hormonal factors. and when sitting for long periods of time
Flu-like symptoms, including a low-grade fever
Most researchers believe there are genes involved Flare-up o f the disease followed by remission
in the cause o f R A . The specific genetic marker Lumps o f tissue under the skin
associated w i t h R A , H L A - D R 4 , is found i n Muscle pain
more than two-thirds o f Caucasians with R A Loss o f appetite-
while it is only f o u n d i n 20 percent o f the general Depression
population. W h i l e people w i t h this marker have Weight loss
an increased risk o f developing R A , it is not Anemia
a diagnostic tool. M a n y people w h o have the Cold and/or sweaty hands and feet
marker either don't have or w i l l never get R A . Decreased production o f tears and saliva.
W h i l e this marker can be passed f r o m parent to
child, it is not definite that i f you have R A , your
child will too.
How is it diagnosed? Your dollars at work for
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis is a process,
because there is not a single definitive test that Researchers, like those funded with AOII member
w i l l diagnose it. Instead, your doctor relies on a dollars, are making great strides in the advancement of
number o f tools to help h i m determine the best understanding rheumatoid arthritis and other arthritis
treatment for your symptoms. A diagnosis w i l l diseases. From researching the causes, developing
be made f r o m a medical history, a physical exam, pain therapy to streamlining drug management for the
numerous potential lab tests and X-rays. elderly, there is much being accomplished every year.
How do you treat it? Case 1
Because rheumatoid arthritis presents itself on In 2006, the A O I I Foundation granted funds to
many different fronts and in many different ways, two arthritis researchers. One, i n the amount
treatment must be tailored to the individual, of $50,000, went to Dr. Christina M . Charles-
taking into account the severity of your arthritis, Schoeman, a U of California - Los Angeles
other medical conditions you may have and your researcher to study "The Evaluation o f Abnormal
individual lifestyle. Current treatment methods HDL Function in Rheumatoid Arthritis."
focus on relieving pain, reducing inflammation, Christina recently provided A O I I with a brief
stopping or slowing joint damage and improving summary o f her research and progress o f A O I I
your functioning and sense o f well-being. dollars hard at work:
Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious disease. It is Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) die 3-18
crucial that you get an early diagnosis and work years earlier then members of the general population.
w i t h doctors to f i n d the best treatment so that Cardiovascular disease is reported to he the most common
you can live well w i t h it. Just a few years ago, cause of death, occurring in 42% of RA patients, and
your doctor might have only prescribed an over- has been recognized as a major co-morbidity in patients
the-counter pain reliever, like an analgesic or with rheumatoid arthritis. In order to improve the
non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug, until you cardiovascular outcome of patients with RA, more about
experienced increased disease progression. W i t h the cause of early atherosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritis
the improvement o f available medications, doctors must be understood. Normally, HDL cholesterol, the so-
are now more aggressive early on i n order to called "good cholesterol," protects against cardiovascular
prevent severe deformity and j o i n t erosion. disease by preventing the changes in LDL which lead to
inflammation and hardening of the arteries, fin our study]
we hypothesized that the increase in heart disease in RA
patients may be caused by thefailure of the HDL cholesterol
to prevent the changes in the LDL cholesterol. In this
way, the HDL or "good cholesterol" is dysfunctional; it
does not act in its normal protective capacity. Preliminary
data in a small number of RA patients suggests there is
a significant increased frequency of dysfunctional HDL
in patients with RA when compared to normal healthy
patients without RA.
In the first year of the award we have enrolled over 90 RA
patients in a clinical study which further evaluates HDLs
anti-inflammatory function. We have obtained clinical
information on all patients including measures of arthritis
activity, disease disability, joint damage, and cardiac
health information including cardiac risk factors such
as high blood pressure, diabetes, family history of heart
disease and smoking. Analysis is ongoing to determine
46 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8
which patients with RA are at highest riskfor poor HDL between rheumatoid arthritis patients and rheumatologists
function. Samples for genetic analysis of markers linked in routine clinic visits, (2) to describe relationships among
to heart disease have also been obtained. Identification and patient characteristics, physician characteristics, and
characterization of a laboratory test such as HDL function patient-physician communication about medication cost
which may indicate a mechanism for early atherosclerosis and medication management, and (3) to examine how
in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is an important first discussions of medication cost and medication management
step in preventing future morbidity from cardiovascular affect subsequent patient-reported medication adherence.
disease. High risk RA patients may be more easily
identified and thereby treated with aggressive primary Better understanding physician-patient communication
prevention to improve outcome. about medication costs, medication management, and
the relationship between such discussions and adherence
Case 2 can help provide guidance for interventions to improve
communication. These interventions could be targeted at
In 2 0 0 7 , the A O I I Foundation once again patients who may be especially unlikely to discuss cost or
awarded one o f two grants to a rheumatoid medication management, and especially likely to be poorly
arthritis researcher. Ashley Beard, U o f N C adherent with their medications. Such communication
Chapel H i l l studied "Cost as a Feature o f interventions may facilitate patients' adherence and
Medication Management Communication in ultimately improve health.
Medical Visits." Ashley recently summarized her
t w o year study as follows: These two recent rheumatoid arthritis
grants represent dozens of research studies
The cost of prescription medication in the United States that AOII has funded through the years. To
is a critical health and policy issue. Prescription drug the average AOII member, it is often difficult
costs continue to account for increasing proportions of to appreciate how and where the money
US health expenditures. There are several consequences goes. Each dollar is thoughtfully and
of high prescription medication costs, one of which is expertly placed into the hands of men and
poor medication adherence. One major contributor to women across the US and Canada who are
poor adherence is the lack of discussion between patients helping us, help them, make a difference.
and physicians about medication costs. If patients and
physicians do not communicate about, medication costs
during medical visits, patients may incorrectly take their
medications, modify their regimens without physician
input, or not take their medications at all.
The predominance of medication therapy, the need for
continuous treatment, and the variation in medication
costs make it especially important to examine the extent
to which rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients discuss issues
related to medication cost and medication management
with their physicians, as well as the extent to which
this affects their medication adherence. The proposed
study will be conducted using existing survey and clinic
audiotape data collected in North Carolina from 2003 to
2006from eight rheumatologists and 200 of their adult
patients with RA. The primary aims of the project are
(1) to qualitatively examine the content of discussions
regarding medication cost and medication management
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8 To DRAGMA • 47
Life is what happens to you while
At the age of 20, Jessica TenEyck Specht, As the couple attempted to pass another down, so it felt like I was floating. I n
Theta Psi ( U of Toledo) had big plans. She car, it made a sudden left turn, hitting the addition, it felt like there were red 'fire'
was planning her career in finance as she passenger side of the truck and sendingJefFs ants crawling all over me. It burned, and it
attended classes at the U of Toledo. As a new truck into a utility pole, collapsing it onto messed w i t h my nerves. I remember seeing
mom, she was planning her four- month- the vehicle. What happened next would be Jeff and the kids, who were going crazy
old son Jonathon's future. Like many new the scariest few minutes of Jessica's life and because they were so scared. Jeff had lost
parents, she and her fiance Jeff had planned would threaten to drastically change all o f his dad just a year before, and he had told
to have pictures taken of him as he grew to Jessica's well made plans. me that i f it hadn't been for me, he probably
commemorate every milestone. The couple would have lost everything."
was also making plans to add to their family " I saw electric wire flying all over the
by two. They had opened their home to place," she recalls. "So I hurried up and Jessica was afraid she was going to lose
two ofJeffs young nephews, Justin, 8, and got the boys out of the truck first. As soon everything, too. Jeff frantically tried to pull
Brian, 5 and had plans to adopt them. Then, as Jeff got out of the truck, the electric wire Jessica o f f of the car, but she began to lose
of course, there were wedding plans. The connected w i t h his door. I was only a few hope. "People think that others are crazy
music, colors, cake flavors, dress and flowers seconds behind him, but I was still touching when they talk about the 'white lights' when
are all things every bride-to-be must plan the truck when the wire connected. The they are near death, but it is real," shares
for, but sometimes plans change. electricity hit me almost immediately, Jessica. " I definitely saw white lights, and I
causing me to stop mid step. 1 remember was just about to follow them. One o f my
The day before their wedding on May 10, thinking instantly, 'oh man, I'm a goner.' last thoughts was that I wish I could have
2007 Jessica and Jeff set out i n their truck It was a very scary few seconds, and for me, held my baby one last time." Just when
to meet with the musician who would time seemed to stand still." Jessica was about to give up, Jeffsuccessfully
perform the ceremony music. W i t h Justin pulled her from the truck.
and Brian in the car, what started o f f as a Jessica adds, "The feeling of electricity
happy day finalizing wedding plans, took a running through your body is not pleasant. Jessica has trouble recalling everything
tragic turn less than a mile into the drive. I completely lost feeling f r o m the knees that happened next, but remembers laying
on the ground and screaming because
i - the road felt so hot. W h a t Jessica didn't
realize until later was that the burning was
not coming from the road, but from the
electricity still inside her body. She looked
d o w n at her feet to see her toes, that she
described as "shriveled up." Doctors later
determined that Jessica's feet had been the
site o f the exit wounds, and her thigh, the
entrance wound.
i4 Paramedics arrived on the scene, and Jessica
was life flighted to the hospital where doctors
• performed her first surgery, a fasciotomy, that
released pressure f r o m her thigh.
Jessica and Jeff spent Jessica's first Mothers' Day in the hospital
with their three boys: Justin, Brian, and Jonathan. When Jessica woke up the next morning,
her dad was there. It was the day she was
48 • To DRAGMA supposed to be getting married, but instead
she was told that 42% o f her body had been
burned and that she would be spending a
long time i n the hospital. Instead o f walking
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2.008
you're busy making other plans
- John Lennon
d o w n the aisle, she learned she w o u l d have A few days later, Jessica was released o u t o f "We are thankful to all of
to learn to walk again. That weekend, the hospital to a rehabilitation center. W h a t my sisters that prayed for me,
Jessica celebrated her first M o t h e r s ' D a y i n was supposed to be an exciting day turned sent me cards, and visited me
her hospital r o o m . She was able t o see all i n t o Jessica's w o r s t day since the accident. while I was in the hospital. It
three children, w h i c h she considered the Jessica's nerve and sleep m e d i c a t i o n d i d helped me a lot to know that
best g i f t she c o u l d receive. not properly transfer over and she c o u l d people all over the United
not sleep. She desperately missed her son, States and Canada were
The next few months would prove to and J e f f was unable to get o f f w o r k to stay keeping me in their thoughts
test Jessica's strengths, b o t h physically and the night w i t h her. She struggled, but her and prayers, and I just want
mentally. "1 started physical therapy about strong will and spirit helped her through the to say thank you to everyone.
a week after the accident," she said. " T h e y night. She spent the next week attending It helped reassure me that I
mostly worked on m y a r m strength, for the physical therapy sessions four times a day. made the right decision when
first m o n t h , a n d b y early J u n e , I was able She w o r k e d to p e r f o r m m o r e routine I joined Alpha Omicron Pi."
to start the physical therapy o n m y legs and activities such as g a r d e n i n g and w a l k i n g
feet. A b o u t m i d - J u n e , I t o o k m y first step. Jonathon i n a stroller. K n o w i n g that so m a n y people were b e h i n d
T h e y had already amputated nine toes, her helped Jessica to recover m u c h quicker
and the top portion of m y right foot. M y T w o weeks later, Jessica was back home. than doctors had anticipated. With only half
balance was a little shaky, but I was able She had t w o goals w h e n she left the the t i m e spent i n the b u r n u n i t as expected,
to w a l k w i t h assistance." hospital. H e r first p r i o r i t y was t o have and less t h a n t w o weeks o f rehabilitation,
Jonathon's pictures taken. He had changed Jessica was able t o w a l k w i t h o u t assistance.
Jessica spent the n e x t m o n t h u n d e r g o i n g a so m u c h f r o m the first t i m e she had t h e m E v e n m o r e amazingly, she stayed i n school
total o f eight surgeries and intense physical taken. Second, she was d e t e r m i n e d t o see and plans to graduate i n December w i t h a
therapy. Simple tasks that one w o u l d the movie "Harry Potter and the Order o f double m a j o r i n finance and m a r k e t i n g .
n o r m a l l y take for granted l i k e s h o w e r i n g and the Phoenix" i n the theater. A huge fan o f
getting in and out o f a chair were extremely the books, Jessica had read the most recent Jessica and J e f f rescheduled their w e d d i n g
p a i n f u l . Jessica h a d endured three skin grafts, H a r r y Potter b o o k w h i l e she was i n the and were m a r r i e d last October. A m o n g
which added to her pain. Using skin from hospital. She completed b o t h o f her goals the guests witnessing t h e m take their vows
her stomach, back, and upper thigh, doctors o n her first day back. were several o f the E M T s , nurses, police
repaired Jessica's w o u n d s . T h e grafts added officers, and firefighters that helped t o save
even m o r e bandages t o Jessica's b o d y , and the Jessica admits that life outside o f the Jessica. As the music played, the w a l k d o w n
doctors cut back on her medication, which hospital has been stressful at times. She the aisle symbolized a much bigger j o u r n e y
worsened the pain. Despite h o w her body went f r o m being taken care of, to being for the couple. N o w that all ofjessica's
felt, Jessica d i d n ' t give u p o n herself, and b y the caretaker of three young children. plans are b e g i n n i n g to come together once
July, she was m a k i n g a m a z i n g progress: "There were several times w h e n I again, she considers the accident as just one
wondered i f I was g o i n g to be able to small chapter o f her life. " I t has been a long,
" O n July 13,1 was able to w a l k again i n make it work, but I just had to keep d i f f i c u l t j o u r n e y , b u t I have finally b e g u n to
P T . T h e v e r y n e x t day, I was so p u m p e d up p u s h i n g o n , " she says. W h e n m a n y people accept w h a t happened t o m e , " she says. " I
about everything I could do again that they w o u l d have given up, Jessica refused to have beat all the odds, and I k n o w that G o d
actually made me stop m y physical therapy. quit. She remained positive. She wasn't has bigger plans f o r me."
W e were w o r k i n g in the wheelchair that day just doing it for herself, but for her son,
and doing a few lengths o f the hallway. M y her family, and all o f the people w h o were
doctor told me to do ten laps i n the hallway; supporting her. M a n y o f those supporters
the P T A stopped m e at six laps. T h a t was were A O I I s . Jessica and her A O I I m o m ,
also the first day that I was able t o keep m y Susan, were touched at the n u m b e r o f
feet d o w n all day. Also, that was the first day sisters w h o responded to her story:
that I t o o k a shower by myself, and I also
l o o k e d at m y feet f o r the first t i m e that day."
ISSUE N O . 2 • S P R I N G 'zoott T o URAGMA • 4 9
^ ^ ^ U M N A E A/EWS
AOII Alumnae Chapter members have a lot to talk about. Whether
sisters come together for a service project, a social event, or just to catch
up, our alumnae are never at a loss for words when it comes to AOII. We
just couldn't resist including these memorable quotes from each chapter
as they describe what has been keeping them busy. They say it best!
Alberta British Columbia
Calgary Vancouver
"We definitely keep ourselves busy 'After a successful bocce
and noticed in the Calgary community
while shamelessly flaunting our AOU tournament in the summer,
letters and AOII ideals."
we are planning to make it a
A O I I has been a r o u n d since 1 8 9 7 and
the C a l g a r y A l u m n a e Chapter has been regular philanthropic activity
kicking it into gear i n Calgary since 1 9 8 5
and is still g o i n g strong. W i t h a calendar for the chapter."
packed f u l l o f fantastic events such as o u r
annual Silent Auction, where proceeds I n addition t o p l a y i n g bocce for ^
go to Canadian arthritis research, we're charity, w e support m a n y causes
keeping the spirit o f A O I I alive. Last year's nationally and internationally,
auction was our most successful by raising including the Panda Project and a
over $ 3 , 0 0 0 . book drive for Afretech, a charity
founded b y t w o members o f the
9> Vancouver Alumnae Chapter
- the late Joanne Phillips and
h- Bonnie Sutherland.
50* T o DRAGMA (
i London Area
"We are the AOII Shopping Elves."
This year w e are initiating a n e w role w i t h the L o n d o n D a i l y
Bread Christmas Share program. This program provides gift
and food hampers to over 2 0 0 families. W e w i l l be taking
their lists, checking t h e m twice, then power shopping u n t i l
we have obtained all the items required by the program to
meet the wishes o f some very deserving families.
ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 8