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The 2016 Summer issue is a two-sided issue. To read the entire magazine view Four Years as well as For Life.

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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-08-19 11:26:29

2016 Summer - To Dragma: Four Years

The 2016 Summer issue is a two-sided issue. To read the entire magazine view Four Years as well as For Life.

To of Alpha Omicron Pi
Vol. 80 No. 3

NEWS p.21


Kailey Fuller, Theta Omega
(Northern Arizona U)

2| Summer 2016

9 12 contents

21 32

4 Editor’s Letter 10 NPC News On the Cover:
5 Social Media Snapshots 12 Leadership Institute Recap Delta Delta (Auburn U)
6 AOII Emporium 19 Meet Rosie welcomes home their
8 Fraternity News 21 2015-2016 Collegiate News new members following
9 Beta Sigma Chapter 32 More Than Muscle formal recruitment 2015.

Four Years | 3

To DragmaofAlphaOmicronPi from the editor

About To Dragma: Hello! You may have noticed this issue looks a bit
To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron Pi different than usual... With the summer issue
Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The mission hitting mailboxes at the end of summer, I could
of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and not decide whether to create content which focused
inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, on life in AOII as an alumna for graduates, or to plan
our chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage content which would inspire collegiate members
lifetime AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve and new members to be the best AOIIs and women
as a permanent record of our Fraternity’s history. they can be as they kick off another school year.
Then I thought, ‘Why not both?’ That being said, I am
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor absolutely thrilled to present to you our very first special two-sided issue!
Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
You will see that this issue is divided between two sections: Four Years and
Graphic Designer For Life. The Four Years section is a celebration of the great accomplishments
Hillary Stewart, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U) of our collegiate chapters and members during the 2015-2016 academic
year, as well as upcoming events and news which affect our collegiate
View To Dragma Online: members. You can learn about future AOII chapter colonizations on page 8 of this section and the new Government Relations Platform adopted by
the National Panhellenic Conference on page 10. Next, find out what our
How to Contact To Dragma: collegiate chapters have achieved the past year on page 21. Did you miss
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 Leadership Institute this summer? On page 12, you will find the recap of LI,
(615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736,, or where our members learned how they can “Be the Story” of AOII. LI is such
[email protected]. a fantastic opportunity for our members because in addition to sharpening
their leadership skills, learning best practices, network and brainstorming
How to Update Your Name or Address: new ideas and strategies for the betterment of their chapter, members are
Go to Update Info tab on the AOII website also able to connect sisters from all across the United States and Canada
(, email your new address to for a special time of sisterhood. Finally, on page 32 you can read about one
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920. collegiate member who has changed her life and the life of many of her
AOII sisters in an unexpected way.
How to Subscribe to To Dragma:
Subscriptions are $25.00 annually and can be paid by check Flip this issue over and you will find so much great content on life in AOII
or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII, should be after graduation in the For Life section. Consider your volunteer options on
mailed to: page 10, and find an alumnae chapter near you on page 14. Check out the
amazing things three of our alumnae are up to in the three feature stories
Alpha Omicron Pi in this section beginning on page 20. Plus, you can meet the 2016-2017
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 Educational Leadership Consultant team starting on page 28.

Attn: Accounting Finally, whether you spend your days in class or on conference calls, check
out our favorite office supplies in Things We Love.
Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover only)
should email [email protected]. I hope you enjoy the contents of this issue and are inspired to continue to
make the most of your membership in AOII for Four Years and For Life.
Stay Connected: Happy reading!
Instagram: @alphaomicronpi

Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor

4| Summer 2016

We want to feature your AOII photos!

Tag @alphaomicronpi in your Instagram photos or email
your photos* to [email protected] to be
featured. Don’t forget to follow AOII to keep up with the
hashtag of the month!

*To be featured in To Dragma photos
must be emailed and 1 MB or larger.

Four Years | 5

FraternityNews Coming Fall 2016! AOII
We are very excited to have the opportunity to establish
five new chapters this semester! Missouri State University

To recommend a member visit Springfield, MO | Network 7
September 16-18
Happy 100th Anniversary to...
Portland (OR) Alumnae Chapter & ETSU
Installed November 18, 1916
East Tennessee State University
Happy 100th Anniversary to...
Johnson City, TN | Network 4
Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Chapter September 23-25
Installed October 7, 1916
Happy 50th Anniversary to... & UCONN

Kalamazoo Alumnae Chapter University of Connecticut
Installed June 1, 1966
Storrs, CT | Network 1
Fall 2016 Strike Out Arthritis! MLB Games September 23-25

New York Yankees - 9/10/2016 Detroit Tigers - 9/25/2016 AOII
Toronto Blue Jays - 9/11/2016 Los Angeles Dodgers - 9/25/2016 & A&M
Boston Red Sox - 9/14/2016 Arizona Diamondbacks - 10/1/2016
Cincinnati Reds - 9/17/2016 Colorado Rockies - 10/1/2016 Texas A&M University
San Francisco Giants - 9/17/2016 St. Louis Cardinals - 10/1/2016
Philadelphia Phillies - 9/17/2016 Seattle Mariners - 10/2/2016 College Station, TX | Network 6
Baltimore Orioles - 9/18/2016 September 30-October 2
Atlanta Braves - 9/18/2016
Kansas City Royals - 9/18/2016 AOII
Miami Marlins - 9/21/2016 & UM
Cleveland Indians - 9/24/2016
Houston Astros - 9/24/2016 University of Michigan
Milwaukee Brewers - 9/24/2016
Minnesota Twins - 9/24/2016 Ann Arbor, MI | Network 3
Pittsburgh Pirates - 9/24/2016 October 19-23
San Diego Padres - 9/24/2016
Tampa Bay Rays - 9/24/2016

for game specific information!

8 | Summer 2016

Beta Sigma at Boise State University

Reinstalling Chapter 110

January 30, 2016

Congratulations, Charter Members!

Amy Aiello Megan Lomas Naneli Rodriguez
Lexi Alikpala Erika Mattos Josie Santos
Sydney Chandler Guedes Correia McKenna Schrader
Holly Charboneau Erika Mullikin Amanda Skinner
Brook Chick Katie Mullnix Katie Skinner
Hannah Day Hailee Munoz Dakota Sloniker
Kati Durkin Madison Murray Brittany Smith
Katherine Flom Heather Neace Megan Spears
Sarah Fordham Kayleigh Nemeth Rachel Stanio
Cassondra Glaske Holly Norman Maddie Sullivan
Julia Gorman Katherine O’Brien Carli Testerman
Kmani Gray Megan Ogawa McKenna Walker
Kelsey Hammond Shayna Overbeck Kailey Williams
Kacey Huntington Adrianna Pascuzzo Nicole Wilmes
Georgia Keshian Natasha Pederson Keana Wininger
Erica Korbel Baylee Pfeil
Taylor Lee Nicole Prescaro
Rosalba Loera Adelaine Prinz

Submotto: Beauty Through Simplicity

Chapter accomplishments include raising $1,300 for Dance Marathon
less than a week after re-colonization, participating in Derby Days
philanthropy, and Greek Week.

Four Years | 9

Adopts Government As the premier advocacy and support
Relations Platform organization for the advancement of the
sorority experience, the National Panhellenic
Conference has a responsibility to regularly
monitor national issues and legislation
impacting NPC’s 26 member organizations and
their members. Educating, communicating
and updating the membership and other
key stakeholders is essential for advancing
successful advocacy efforts.

In May 2016, the NPC Board of Directors approved a Government Relations
Platform, which begins with a preamble that consists of the NPC mission
statement and explains what premier advocacy looks like. The three pillars are
symbolic and serve as reminders that we value a society where
democracy prevails.

In developing these pillars, NPC’s Government Relations Task Force took great
care to incorporate the collective priorities of the member organizations.
Together, the three pillars will help ensure the long-term health of the sorority
experience, while also providing critical support for collegiate members. The
platform includes relevant topics that are part of the national conversation on
financial parity, college affordability, and student and campus safety.

Looking forward, the principles outlined in the pillars will guide NPC’s
government relations activities, shaping communication with key
government officials, in particular. Not only will they serve as a guide, but will
also assist NPC in evaluating opportunities for engagement.

10| Summer 2016

Government Relations Platform

The National Panhellenic Conference is the premier advocacy and support organization for the
advancement of the sorority experience. As such, NPC monitors national issues and legislation that
impacts it and its 26 member organizations; NPC encourages civic engagement from our members.
We call on sorority women to display courage and conviction in their support of our core principles
and to advocate for issues related to three legislative pillars that comprise the NPC government
relations agenda.

Pillar One: Preservation of the sorority experience
• Protect and defend our rights to operate and exist as single-gender organizations
• Protect and defend our freedom of association
• Monitor actions that threaten due process rights for organizations

Pillar Two: Financial parity and college affordability
• Support the Collegiate Housing Infrastructure Act (CHIA)
• Support efforts to preserve the current value of charitable deductions
• Monitor issues related to college affordability

Pillar Three: Student and campus safety

• Support CHIA

• Support efforts to discourage and prevent college/

university designation of collegiate students, alumnae

volunteers and sorority employees as Clery Act campus

security authorities (CSAs) and mandatory reporters

under Title IX legislation

• Monitor campus safety issues affecting our sorority

women and all students

• Encourage efforts to promote sexual assault awareness

Four Years | 11


AOII Foundation Board President Koren Phillips, Development Manager for the Nashville, TN Arthritis Foundation office Lauren McAllister, Managing
Director of Event Strategy and Training for the Arthritis Foundation Ashley Byrd and AOII International President Gayle Fitzpatrick pose with a check from
the AOII Foundation for $496,256 for the Arthritis Foundation.

Leadership Institute 2016

Collegiate and alumnae members of Alpha Omicron Pi Preconference Activities:
gathered for Leadership Institute 2016 at the Franklin Cool
Springs Marriott in Tennessee June 23 through June 26. Thursday, June 23
Through power sessions, learning paths and educational The Executive Board and Foundation Boards met during the
tracks at the hotel and AOII Headquarters, attendees were day and network gatherings kicked off in the evening.
able to gain new knowledge and skills in areas including
philanthropy, member retention, Ritual for new members Friday, June 24
and best archives practices. With the theme “Be the Story,” The Properties Board and Foundation Board gathered in
attendees learned how their membership in AOII contributes the morning before Network training and the Fraternity
to the Fraternity’s story as a whole. Management Committee meeting in the afternoon.

12| Summer 2016

LI Activities: Following dinner, members attended Philanthropy Fest, an
educational activity night with eight booths of resources
Friday, June 24 and activities related to our philanthropy, arthritis, to learn
new strategies to better their own philanthropy events and
The evening continued with dinner and the first power philanthropy-themed recruitment days. Members were able
session of LI. CEO of inGINuity Ginny Carroll, Alpha Xi Delta, to watch the new philanthropy video, take photos at the MLB
presented “The Gift of Sorority,” where she discussed the photo booth, get connected with their local chapter of the
historical context of sorority and the role our members play Arthritis Foundation, participate in activities wearing arthritis-
in the continued sorority experience. Rose Awards were also simulating gloves, and more.
presented to 14 outstanding alumnae women.
The night ended with alumnae gatherings and a collegiate
fire side chat with AOII’s Executive Director Troy LeForge.

FourYears | 13

Saturday, June 25 Following lunch, Ashley Byrd, Managing Director of Event
Strategy and Training for the Arthritis Foundation was
Vice President of Phired Up, Woody Woodcock, opened presented with a check for $496,256 which will assist with
the morning with power session two: “AOII’s Story and You,” arthritis research, summer camp programs and power packs
where he discussed the six spheres of influence which for children diagnosed with arthritis.
contribute to each member’s AOII story: passion, people,
places, your manner, your message and your moments. The afternoon continued with two more learning paths
and the Forever Friends reception. The evening ended
After the power session, members attended different with dinner and awards, where more than 25 categories of
learning paths in the morning and regrouped in the awards were presented to alumnae and collegiate chapters.
afternoon for lunch and power session three lead by the Sixteen collegiate and alumnae women were also recognized
Executive Board: “From Expectations to Celebrations.” During with an award for their exceptional accomplisments and
this presentation, members of the Executive Board discussed contributions to AOII. Finally, Carole Jones was presented with
the progress the Fraternity has made in the 2015-2019 a special edition AOII badge in recognition of her upcoming
Strategic Plan. rotation into Chairman of NPC. Turn to page 5 of the For Life
section of this issue to learn more about this badge.
14| Summer 2016

Sunday, June 26

Attendees gathered for breakfast
and power session four: “We ARE
the Story,” an engaging hour of
story-telling from Past International
Presidents about the various
chapters of their AOII lives.

The session came to a close with
the unveiling of a new social
media campaign: #WhereIsRosie.
See page 25 of the Four Years
section of this issue for more
information on Rosie!

Leadership Institute 2016 Awards


PHILOS AWARD Baton Rouge Beta Phi, Indiana U
Chicago West Suburban Bozeman Beta Upsilon, Bryant U
Chicago Northwest Suburban Calgary Chi Lambda, U of Evansville
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Houston Chicago West Suburban Delta Delta, Auburn U
Nashville Area Macomb County Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U
Philadelphia Gamma Chi, Carleton U
EXCELLENCE IN Iota, U of Illinois
Phi Gamma, Georgia College & State U
Bozeman Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Calgary Iota, U of Illinois Phi Lambda, Youngstown State U
Mahoning Valley Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U
Nashville Area EXCELLENCE IN
Rhode Island ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
State College
Atlanta Beta Chi, Kentucky Wesleyan College
EXCELLENCE IN Delta Delta, Auburn U
Chicago Northwest Suburban Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Delta Omega, Murray State U
Reno-Tahoe Iota, U of Illinois
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U
EXCELLENCE IN Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U Iota, U of Illinois
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Chicago West Suburban Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Xi Omicron, U of Arkansas
Reno-Tahoe Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
EXCELLENCE IN CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Alpha, Columbia U
Atlanta Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Baton Rouge
Reno-Tahoe Alpha Delta, U of Alabama EXCELLENCE IN FRATERNITY
Alpha Phi, Montana State U & SORORITY RELATIONS
EXCELLENCE IN OPERATIONS Beta Chi, Kentucky Wesleyan College
Baton Rouge Beta Kappa, U of British Columbia Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Alpha Phi, Montana State U
Chicago Northwest Suburban Beta Phi, Indiana U Chi Lambda, U of Evansville
Nashville Area Delta Delta, Auburn U Kappa Lambda, U of Calgary
Delta Omega, Murray State U Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
New Orleans Area Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Reno-Tahoe Epsilon Chi, Elon U Nu Omega, Northern Kentucky U
Toldeo Area Gamma Omicron, U of Florida
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Pi Delta, U of Maryland
16| Summer 2016 Nu Omega, Northern Kentucky U Tau Omicron, U of Tennessee at Martin

Sigma Beta, St. Joseph’s U Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Zeta Pi, U of Alabama at Birmingham

Xi, U of Oklahoma
Zeta Pi, U of Alabama at Birmingham

Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Alpha, Columbia U
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Alpha Phi, Montana State U Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Delta Omega, Murray State U Delta Delta, Auburn U
Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri Alpha Phi, Montana State U
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U Gamma, U of Maine Chi Lambda, U of Evansville
Gamma Alpha, George Mason U Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U
Iota, U of Illinois
Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln Gamma, U of Maine
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U Kappa Kappa, Ball State U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U EXCELLENCE IN PHILANTHROPY Kappa Lambda, U of Calgary
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U Phi Sigma, U of Nebraska at Kearney
Omicron, U of Tennessee Delta Omega, Murray State U Pi Alpha, U of Louisville

Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Delta Tau, U of Alabama in Huntsville Rho Delta, Samford U
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama Sigma Beta, St. Joseph’s U
Iota Sigma, Iowa State U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Alpha Phi, Montana State U Lambda Iota, U of California, San Diego Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Nu Beta, U of Mississippi Beta Upsilon, Bryant U
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U
Delta Delta, Auburn U Omega, Miami U Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Omicron, U of Tennessee Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U
Pi Alpha, U of Louisville Delta Omega, Murray State U
Delta Omega, Murray State U Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U
Kappa Lambda, U of Calgary Sigma Gamma, Appalachian State U
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Theta Pi, Wagner College Delta Tau, U of Alabama in Huntsville
Xi Omicron, U of Arkansas Gamma, U of Maine
Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln EXCELLENCE IN Gamma Omicron, U of Florida
RISK MANAGEMENT Lambda Beta, California State U, Long Beach
NEW MEMBER EDUCATION Alpha Phi, Montana State U Lambda Omicron, Cumberland U
Beta Phi, Indiana U Omicron, U of Tennessee
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U Chi Phi, U of South Carolina Aiken Phi Sigma, U of Nebraska at Kearney
Kappa Phi, McGill U Pi Theta, Florida International U
Gamma Alpha, George Mason U
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama Phi Gamma, Georgia College & State U OUTSTANDING ALUMNAE
Pi Delta, U of Maryland ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Iota, U of Illinois
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Sigma Beta, St. Joseph’s U Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Phi Gamma, Georgia College & State U Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Kappa Lambda, U of Calgary
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Xi, U of Oklahoma Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U

Theta Pi, Wagner College Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Xi Omicron, U of Arkansas Sigma Beta, St. Joseph’s U
Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln

FourYears | 17

Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana LEADERSHIP AWARDS
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U U) and Hammond Area and Houston
Beta Phi, Indiana U Taryn Ashdown
Alumnae Chapters Gamma Chi (Carleton U)
Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Cher Kurek Serhal Anase Asom
Lambda Beta (California State U, Long Phi Chi (U of Chicago)
Delta Delta, Auburn U Beach) and Denver & Long Beach/South
Epsilon Chi, Elon U Melissa Bosem
Bay Alumnae Chapters Phi Chi (U of Chicago)
Lambda Delta, Dalton State College
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Britni DiGeorge Serou Rachel Gerald
Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U) Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U)
Sigma Beta, St. Joseph’s U and Hammond Area Alumnae Chapter
Sigma Phi, California State U, Northridge Kathryn Kennedy
Cat Aiple Smith Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U)
Tau Omega, Transylvania U Alpha Psi (Bowling Green State U) and
Elizabeth Nichols
PHILOS AWARD Southern Orange County Alumnae Delta Delta (Auburn U)
Gamma Chi, Carleton U Madison Turner
Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U Joyce Bryan Strout Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska at Kearney)
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U and Lincoln Alumnae Chapter
Emily Pride
Sigma Gamma, Appalachian State U Amy Hoffstetter Toth Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U)
Tau Omega, Transylvania U Tau Lambda (Shippensburg U)
and Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter Taylor Nalls
INDIVIDUAL AWARDS Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U)
Sharon Kern Weichman
ROSE AWARDS Iota (U of Illinois) and Chicago MURIEL T. MCKINNEY AWARD
West Suburban Alumnae Chapter
Nancy Berle Dowling Anne Jones
Theta Pi (Wagner College) ALUMNAE: WOMAN OF Omicron (U of Tennessee),
and Long Island Alumnae Chapter LEADERSHIP AWARDS Adviser to Epsilon Omega

Janet Shindler Evers Kerry S. Hanson (Eastern Kentucky U)
Theta Psi (U of Toledo) Alpha Phi (Montanta State U)
and Columbus Alumnae Chapter and Bozeman Alumnae Chapter STELLA GEORGE
Julie Mason Groob Julie Mason Groob
Theta Pi (Wagner College) and New Theta Pi (Wagner College) and New Shaill Vasavada
Pi Delta (U of Maryland)
York City Area and NY/NJ Metro York City Area and NY/NJ Metro
Alumnae Chapters Alumnae Chapters

Kerry S. Hanson Brittany Miller Spence
Alpha Phi (Montana State U) Omicron (U of Tennessee) and
and Bozeman Alumnae Chapter Memphis Area Alumnae Chapter

Karen Davis Jacobs Debbie Packard Tam
Gamma Alpha (George Mason U) Beta Phi (Indiana U)
and Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter and Denver Alumnae Chapter

Michelle Serrano Lopez Deidra Tidwell
Delta Theta (Texas Woman’s U) Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State U)
and Austin Alumnae Chapter and Greater Gadsden Alumnae Chapter

Stephanie Mete
Delta Rho (DePaul U) and Lake County

of Illinois and Chicago Northwest
Suburban Alumnae Chapters

18| Summer 2016

Meet Rosie!

Rosie is ready to see the world with
you this year! Snap a selfie with
Rosie relaxing in your hometown or
full of school spirit in your college
town. Grab a sister and pose with
Rosie during a chapter meeting or an
alumnae gathering. Include Rosie in
a photo or two of your summer study
abroad trip or weekend getaways
throughout the year. Wherever life
leads you from the time of Leadership
Institute 2016 in June to International
Convention 2017 next summer, take
Rosie along for the ride, and share your
adventures on Twitter or Instagram
using #WhereIsRosie. Be sure to check
out Rosie’s best moments on our AOII
Facebook album “Where Is Rosie?”

Alpha Omicron Pi

Everybody Loves a Panda!

While not an official symbol, the Fraternity
and most of our chapters consider the
panda to be AOII’s mascot. Known for
having no enemies, the panda was a great
choice to help define our desire to work for
the betterment of our college communities.
AOII is also well-known for our stuffed
panda donations to children! It was during
Convention 1995 in Scottsdale, Arizona
that AOII first donated hundreds of stuffed
pandas to the Teddy Bear Patrol Program
of the Phoenix and Scottsdale Police
Departments. Since then, thousands more
have been donated to local charities in
host cities for AOII events, arthritis summer
camps and to children attending the Juvenile
Arthritis National Conference. The smiles on
the kids’ faces tell the story best – everybody
loves a panda!

Alpha Omicron Pi

UNITED STATES CollegiateNews

Alabama California

This past year, the Alpha Delta Chapter (U of Alabama) won the Chi Psi (California Polytechnic State U) was excited to initiate
Most Outstanding Panhellenic Chapter Award for 2015, as well more than 83 outstanding members during their fall quarter
as the Commitment to Diversity Award. Their biggest honor, and welcomed 19 new sisters in the spring. The chapter
though, was being awarded The Witt Cup, which recognizes partnered with Alpha Phi and Alpha Chi Omega for a Read for
the most excellent Greek organization on campus. Alpha Delta America event, where they wrote supportive letters to men
raised $22,262 during Run for Roses and $7,190 during their and women in uniform, and collected and donated items to
Strike Out Arthritis! event in the fall. the local women’s shelter. Some other highlights of the year
included a roller-skating sisterhood, trip to the beach and hikes
Delta Delta (Auburn U) raised nearly $30,000 in their annual with sisters. They also enjoyed their Founders’ Day Tea Party and
Run for Roses in the fall and also launched their first spring chapter-wide trip to Disneyland.
philanthropy event, Slice Out Arthritis. They received several
awards and honors at the most recent Panhellenic Convocation: Delta Sigma (San Jose State U) enjoyed a variety of sisterhood
placing third in grades out of all 17 sororities on campus and activities this year including a trip to a local pumpkin patch in
taking third place at the annual Greek Sing competition. October, indoor rock climbing and a beach trip in April. They
Additionally, more than 30 women in the chapter currently hold were proud to initiate 100% of their new member class. They
leadership positions in a variety of other campus organizations. also excelled academically with the highest new member
grades on campus.
Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State U) held their annual Strike Out
Arthritis! Softball Tournament and raised more than $5,000 for Sigma Chapter (U of California, Berkeley) was proud to receive
the Arthritis Foundation. They also hosted their Red Rose Ball the Excellence in Communication Award at 2015 Convention
formal, a special event they have every fourth year. They are in Los Angeles, and they hosted their third annual Spike Out
currently first in grades among the Panhellenic organizations at Arthritis event and Strike It Rich Casino Night. Academically,
Jacksonville State, and they were awarded the President’s Gold the chapter’s grade point average was higher than both the all
Cup for the 14th consecutive year. women campus average and the all-PHC average. Additionally,
three chapter members served on the Panhellenic Council for
Delta Tau (U of Alabama in Huntsville) hosted two philanthropy the 2015-2016 school year.
events last year. The first event, Pandas, Pikes and Puppies, raised
approximately $200, and four dogs from a local shelter were The Theta Iota Chapter (California State U San Marcos) held
adopted. They also held their annual Smoke Out Arthritis! Event, their third annual Strike Out Arthritis! dodgeball event, and
where they raised more than $4,000. focused on recruitment. They proudly welcomed eight new
sisters into the chapter in the fall and 37 new members in the
Arkansas spring.

The Sigma Omicron Chapter (Arkansas State U) had a great Over the past year, Xi Rho (Sonoma State U) enjoyed many
turnout at their Smoke Out Arthritis! event, and they raised sisterhoods, social events, a Strike Out Arthritis! event and made
$13,827. At their Greek awards ceremony, sister Karrie McCurry many advancements in their growing chapter. In the fall they
was awarded Outstanding Panhellenic Community Service, and initiated 49 new members, and this spring they recruited seven
sister Jenny Keller was awarded Outstanding New Member. new members.

The Xi Omicron Chapter (U of Arkansas) had a very successful Zeta Theta (California State U, Chico) enjoyed a house
AOII Goes Blue week bringing arthritis awareness to the dedication in October to officially celebrate their new home.
northwest Arkansas area. They also won first place in Greeks They also had a successful year of philanthropy events. They
Giving Back Day, second place in their campus recycling hosted one event, where items were donated to Catalyst, the
competition and a University of Arkansas Award of Excellence domestic abuse shelter in Chico. Also, during Greek Week, the
in 2016. chapter raised $2,865 for the American Cancer Society. They
celebrated Founders’ Day, where they recognized many sisters
in the chapter with awards for leadership and scholarship.

Four Years | 21

CollegiateNews Colorado won the float decorating competition with the help of their
partners, Sigma Nu. Additionally, they held their first Sisters for
Epsilon Gamma (U of Northern Colorado) held two Soldiers Glow Run 5K, where they raised $6,757.
philanthropy events this year: AOPi à la Mode in the fall, and
AOPizza Pi in the spring. They also helped raise money for the Delta Lambda (Columbus State U) enjoyed philanthropic work
medical bills of a chapter member who suffers from arthritis. with a local organization, Damascus Way, which is a local safe
haven for women and children of abusive families. They were
Florida also proud to log more than 1,000 community service hours for
the year as a chapter.
Alpha Pi (Florida State U) made a big change to their annual
Strike Out Arthritis! event by making this year’s tournament Lambda Delta (Dalton State College) welcomed 23 new
softball instead of whiffle ball, and they were able to raise members into their chapter throughout the year. The chapter
$3,500. enjoyed a successful Bid Day and also had a great time at their
Strike Out Arthritis! event.
Through their hard work during recruitment, Gamma Theta
(U of South Florida) welcomed more than 50 new members Phi Gamma (Georgia College and State U) created a program
to the chapter. To continue with the positive momentum, the called Shopping with Sisters with the help of a local service
chapter raised over $6,500 benefiting the Wounded Warriors organization, Communities in Schools. They collected toys
Project from their “Captain Omerica” fall philanthropy event. and money to give to kids and their parents as a way to help
disadvantaged families during the holidays. The money raised
Kappa Gamma (Florida Southern College) participated in was used to purchase Kroger gift cards, so that each family
several philanthropy events and raised $600 throughout their could have a holiday meal. Another philanthropy event that Phi
philanthropy week including a dodge ball Strike Out Arhritis! Gamma created was Cones for Communities in Schools, where
tournament. they sold ice cream to contribute to Communities in Schools’
mission of lowering school dropout rates.
Mu Lambda (Rollins College) won Greek Week for the second
year, maintained a 3.7 GPA, which was the highest of any Greek Illinois
organization at their school, and were honored with the 5 Star
Chapter Award, which is the highest level a chapter can reach January was an exciting month for Beta Nu (Illinois State U) as
on their campus. After a very successful Strike Out Arthritis! the chapter’s first officers were elected. Ninety-eight women
event in the fall, they introduced a new philanthropy for the were initiated and International President Gayle Fitzpatrick
spring semester—Slice of Pi. An all-you-can eat pizza party was the Installing Officer. Since initiation, Beta Nu has jumped
with pizzas donated from many vendors in the area. right in to Greek life involvement participating in many events
including Chi Omega’s March Madness event.
Pi Theta (Florida International U) hosted several fun events
throughout the year including a Valentine’s Day sisterhood Through Sisters for Soldiers, the Delta Rho Chapter (DePaul
dinner, Parents Barbecue and Ruby Splash, a fun synchronized U) collected more than 400 items for Soldiers’ Angels. They
swimming event. enjoyed ice-skating and skincare sisterhoods, while also
achieving a higher average GPA than the overall women’s
Georgia average at DePaul. Delta Rho hosted a great Founders’ Day
event, Sweet as Pi Bake Sale and Spike Out Arthritis, where they
Alpha Lambda (Georgia Southern U) teamed up with Delta were able to raise more than $1,000.
Tau Delta to host AOII Goes Blue! They had amazing support
from all the Greek organizations on campus and raised more Iota (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) enjoyed celebrating
money than they have in previous years. They also held fun Founders’ Day with chapter alumnae, as well as sisters from the
sisterhood events such as a Valentine’s Day movie night, a Beta Nu Chapter at Illinois State U. At the University of Illinois’
board-game night, bowling night, a workout class taught by a Greek Oscars event in March, the Iota Chapter received several
sister and a road trip to Savannah, Georgia. awards including Panhellenic Chapter of the Year, Executive
Board of the Year, Philanthropy of the Year and second place
Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U) was the homecoming champion for Outstanding Scholarship Programming. Their 2014 Chapter
for the third consecutive year on campus. Kennesaw State’s President, Emily Trifone, was awarded Panhellenic Greek
homecoming competition was composed of many small Woman of the Year, and 2015 Chapter President Sara Napoli was
events like dance contests and window decorating. Beta Zeta awarded the William Broom Award.

22| Summer 2016

12 2015-2016 Recap

4 3

5 6 Four Years | 23

1 Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
2 Delta Tau (U of Alabama in Huntsville)
3 Sigma (U of California, Berkeley)
4 Theta Iota (California State U, San Marcos)
5 Chi Psi (California Polytechnic State U)
6 Delta Delta (Auburn U)
7 Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State U)


CollegiateNews 1



1 Chi Lambda (U of Evansville)
2 Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)
3 Pi Alpha (U of Louisville)
4 Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U)
5 Zeta Theta (California State U, Chico)
6 Epsilon Gamma (U of Northern Colorado)
7 Delta Rho (DePaul U)



24| Summer 2016

2015-2016 Recap

Phi Chi (U of Chicago) raised $25,736 for the Arthritis Kentucky
Foundation through their annual philanthropy event, Alpha
Games. They asked fellow Greek organizations on their campus Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U) had many exciting events
to choose two members of their chapter who are best friends including their largest philanthropy event, WKU’s Got Talent.
to compete for the title of Alpha Games Champions. The event They held AOII State Day, where Alpha Omicron Pi chapters
was just one accomplishment of the chapter during the year. from Kentucky and Indiana joined at WKU for a celebration.
Alpha Chi participated in Greek Week with events including
Indiana a blood drive and a canned goods donation structure
competition. They ended with year with Senior Sendoff
Beta Phi (Indiana U) held a successful fall philanthropy celebrations.
event with Delta Zeta, earning about $5,500 for the Arthritis
Foundation. Forty chapter members participated in Indiana Beta Chi (Kentucky Wesleyan College) was proud to have many
University Dance Marathon and collectively raised more than sisters filling several spots on homecoming court last year. They
$35,000 for the kids at Riley Hospital. The chapter was honored also enjoyed their Alumnae Breakfast, a Spook Out Arthritis
with the highest Panhellenic GPA for the third semester in a row event, a Strike Out Arthritis! event and a Cincinnati Reds game.
at Indiana University. In September, the Panhellenic Association
awarded the Beta Phi Chapter with Chapter of the Month, Delta Omega (Murray State U) kicked off the school year with
and later in November, the chapter won the Energy Challenge Mr. MSU, a male beauty pageant which raised more than $5,000.
competition between Greek houses on campus. The chapter They raised $2,020 at their Strike Out Arthritis! event. Delta
also has a bike team that participated in the annual Little 500 Omega Chapter participated in Breaking Barriers, a project to
Race, and the team was proud to have won the Fall Series this show how sisters are overcoming stereotypes. They posted
past semester! the album on their Delta Omega Facebook page and received
positive feedback with more than 3,500 shares.
Chi Lambda (U of Evansville) held a male beauty pageant to
raise money and awareness for arthritis; however, this year they Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U) held their annual Lip
hosted a baseball game, where they also organized a silent Sync philanthropy event which raised more than $11,000 for the
auction, and accepted many donations from the community. Arthritis Foundation. This event is the largest philanthropy event
The event raised more than $2,000. Chi Lambda got to on campus with the highest Greek participation rate. Epsilon
experience a very touching and emotional initiation when Omega also had five sisters on the Homecoming Court in the
Chapter President Kaylee Hanson’s grandmother became an fall. During the spring, they placed 2nd during Greek Week’s
alumna initiate. Greek Sing competition. They also held their first Rose Bowl
kickball and volleyball tournament for Strike Out Arthritis!, where
Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U) received three excellence they raised $1,500. They ended the academic year with the
awards at their campus awards ceremony in the areas of highest GPA of campus organizations for the 11th consecutive
community engagement, new member programs and semester.
academic development. One sister was crowned Miss Indiana
State University and another was elected Panhellenic President. Pi Alpha (U of Louisville) had many exciting and fun memories
like their annual Thanksgiving Dinner. They also enjoyed a photo
Kappa Kappa (Ball State U) have raised nearly $14,500 for the shoot around campus, spending time with sisters at Founders’
Arthritis Foundation over the past year. They also completed Day, and winning first place at Greek Sing.
nearly 160 hours of community service in just seven days during
their week of service event. Furthermore, 63 percent of their Louisiana
members are involved in one or more organizations outside
of Alpha Omicron Pi and six sisters are serving as organization Delta Beta (U of Louisiana at Lafayette) participated in many
presidents. fun and philanthropic events starting with a Founders’ Day,
where they had a silent auction and luncheon. They really
Phi Upsilon (Purdue U) focused on philanthropy during the enjoyed their sisterhood retreat in March as well. At the end of
last year. Before Valentine’s Day, members sold and delivered the year, they participated in Greek Week, where one sister was
roses to raise money for the Arthritis Foundation. Overall, rose named Greek Woman of the Year.
sales raised more than $1,600. Leftover roses were delivered to
local nursing home residents. In April, Phi Upsilon held Kick Out Kappa Chi (Northwestern State U of Louisiana) members were
Arthritis. Additionally, Phi Upsilon co-sponsored a fraternity’s thrilled to host their first Alpha Man of the Year Pageant. It was
philanthropy that benefited the Humane Society of Lafayette. a successful philanthropic event, and they look forward to
continuing the event for years to come. They have also become

Four Years | 25

CollegiateNews more involved in the community, visiting nursing homes and Montana
participating in Hope for Paws. They also delivered handmade
bracelets to Shreveport Health patients. Each bracelet was Alpha Phi (Montana State U) had a great year of philanthropy
made with beads representing the Arthritis Foundation and sisterhood, but one of the highlights was hosting an ELC
colors. Kappa Chi has also become more involved around during their Founders’ Day celebration with many alumnae in
campus, winning awards during Homecoming Week and also attendance as well.
supporting other organizations with their philanthropy events.
Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U) was proud to receive
several university awards including the Division of Student Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska Kearney) received an award for the
Affairs Organization of Excellence, the highest Panhellenic and second highest chapter GPA on campus. Their chapter also
Greek GPA in the fall and spring, the Vice President’s Award of received second place during homecoming week earlier in
Excellence and the President’s Medal Award of Excellence. They the semester, winning many of the homecoming events. Phi
have been very active in their philanthropic endeavors including Sigma held their Sisters for Soldiers event in November, where
their MADD Dash 5k, which promotes a stand against drunk they collected several donations and sent packages to soldiers
driving and their annual whiffle ball tournament, Swinging overseas. They also had Family Day in November with more
for the Fight, which aims to support and bring awareness to than 200 people in attendance.
lymphoma cancer research. Kappa Tau also organized their
annual Strike Out Arthritis! Bowling Tournament. They raised Nevada
$5,500 at their MADD Dash 5k and $19,488 for Strike Out
Arthritis! Delta Nu (U of Nevada Reno) held their first philanthropy
week Game of Roses, which raised more than $3,500 for the
Maine Arthritis Foundation. Their spring philanthropy event was with
the Reno Big Horns, which raised $1,700. One member was
Gamma (U of Maine) had a very successful philanthropy event named Homecoming Queen and another member received
last year. They raised $3,619 for the Arthritis Foundation with Panhellenic Woman of the Year award. Finally, Delta Nu won first
their Strike Out Arthritis! event, Mr. Fraternity, which is a male place in the Lip Sync competition.
beauty pageant. Gamma Chapter also had the top sorority GPA.
New Jersey
Alpha Nu (Ramapo College of New Jersey) held their first
Beta Gamma (Michigan State U) raised $1,197 at their first event Auction for Arthritis where they raised $1,300. They also raised
of the year, Smoke Out Arthritis. The sisters continued to exceed $1,3000 at their annual Skull and Rose Dance. Alpha Nu enjoyed
the expectation when they raised their cumulative GPA by 20% co-sponsoring events with the College Programming Board
from spring semester 2015 to fall semester 2015. They finished and other clubs and organizations. They also participated in
the year with their spring Strike Out Arthritis event in April. Relay for Life and raised $7,216, placing third out of 37 teams. The
chapter helped organize a campus cleanup in March to kick off
Missouri Greek Week. Finally, the Alpha Nu Chapter held their Strike Out
Arthritis kickball tournament in April, raising $580.
Delta Kappa (Washington U) had a great Bid Day, complete
with cosmic bowling and a universe-themed celebration. They New York
also celebrated sisters with grade point averages above 3.14
with a Pi Party with donuts from a local business. They also Alpha (Columbia U) worked diligently to expand their chapter
enjoyed an ice skating trip and trip to the zoo. over the past year. They proudly welcomed 56 new members,
reaching total for the first time.
Delta Pi (U of Central Missouri) was proud to have many
members excell academically in the last year by making the During the spring semester, Sigma Chi (Hartwick College)
Dean’s List. They were also proud to have many sisters involved started composting. The chapter aims to reduce the wasted
with the Honor’s College. produced by its members. In addition to recycling glass, paper
and plastic, they are now composting natural items such as
vegetable clippings to better dispose of natural waste.

26| Summer 2016

2015-2016 Recap




1 Alpha Phi (Montana State U)
2 Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U)
3 Kappa Chi (Northwestern State U)
4 Delta Kappa (Washington U)
5 Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
6 Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U)
7 Iota (U of Illinois)


Four Years | 27

CollegiateNews 1

1 Alpha Psi (Bowling Green State U)
2 Delta Nu (U of Nevada, Reno)
3 Phi Lambda (Youngstown State U)
4 Alpha (Columbia U)
5 Alpha Nu (Ramapo College of NJ)
6 Sigma Theta (Sam Houston State U)




28| Summer 2016

2015-2016 Recap

North Carolina Theta Psi (U of Toledo) celebrated Founders’ Day with the
Alpha Psi Chapter. The Theta Psi Chapter hosted AOPierogies
One of the many highlights of Alpha Epsilon’s (Wingate U) and raised $2,037 for the Children’s Miracle Network. They also
year was a retreat to a local beach. Each newly elected LC and hosted their annual Spike Out Arthritis! Volleyball Tournament,
Cabinet officer enjoyed a weekend away to learn the skills and raising $250 for the Arthritis Foundation. At Greek awards, Theta
duties within their new office. Psi received Excellence in Scholarship, Leadership, Values, and
Recruitment and Retention.
Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U) increased their social
media outreach last year with Senior Spotlight posts and Oklahoma
#MeetanAOII posts. They had a great time at their annual
Spaghetti Dinner. They also hosted two new philanthropic Xi (U of Oklahoma) began the fall semester by hosting their
events during the year as well: Run for the Roses for the Arthritis second annual BBQ for a Cure to raise awareness for arthritis.
Foundation and Can Slam Basketball Tournament for the In March, 90 of their members participated in their school’s
Hunger and Health Coalition. dance marathon benefitting the Children’s Miracle Network,
which collectively raised $16,658, placing among the top ten
Ohio campus organizations for fundraising. They finished out the
year by hosting a kickball tournament for their annual Strike Out
Alpha Psi (Bowling Green State U) had a particularly successful Arthritis! event.
year of philanthropy events. Overall they have raised $2,195 from
three events: Strike out Arthritis!, AOII Presents Family Feud and Oregon
Alpha Male. Alpha Psi strived to become more involved with the
Toledo Alumnae Chapter. With the TAC and Theta Psi Chapter, At the start of the school year, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
they united for some amazing mixers throughout the year. hosted a formal reception to congratulate Alpha Omicron Pi’s
International President and Alpha Rho alumna, Gayle Fitzpatrick,
Chi Epsilon (The Ohio State U) won Ohio State Panhellenic on her new position. It was an honor for their chapter to host
Council’s Award for Outstanding New Member Program, in the event as well as meeting the newly elected International
recognition of their efforts in anti-hazing. One member was President and other Alpha Rho alumnae. Their chapter also
also recently elected Panhellenic Chief Justice. Chi Epsilon was had the wonderful opportunity to have Chairman of Ritual,
also recognized by Panhellenic for Most Improved GPA. Their Traditions and Jewelry Committee, and Past International
members completed service hours in partnership with the Ohio President Ginger Banks visit their chapter to host an AOII Ritual
State University campus Buck-I-Serve program and within the workshop at the start of winter quarter.
greater Columbus community.
Kappa Delta (Wright State U) recently completed a
photography project in which their sisters displayed all the From a successful fall Bid Day, to the Jingle Bell Run, the Alpha
different ways in which they are shattering the “sorority girl” Mu Chapter (Duquesne U) had a great year. They particularly
stereotype. In November, they successfully hosted their Rose enjoyed their Spike Out Arthritis event and big/little reveal.
Bowl Bowling Tournament, through which they raised funds for
their Sisters for Soldiers event. Lambda Upsilon (Lehigh U) excelled in their philanthropic
efforts by raising $10,800 for Wilson’s Disease through their
Omega Upsilon’s (Ohio U) Strike Out Arthritis Dodgeball annual fall See-Saw event with Lehigh University’s Sigma Chi
Tournament raised $1,700 and broke the record for the amount Fraternity. Lambda Upsilon also held their first Knock Out
of teams in attendance within their chapter. They won Greek Arthritis Basketball Tournament.
Week and Homecoming for the second year in a row. One
member received the Deppen Award for Outstanding Greek This year was an exciting year for Sigma Beta (Saint Joseph’s U).
Leadership. They really enjoyed a visit from ELC Taylor Donahue in January,
who gave the chapter tips and encouragement throughout
Phi Lambda (Youngstown State U) raised $700 for Sisters for recruitment. International Vice President Crystal Combs came
Soldiers and received copious amounts of items that were to their Founders’ Day celebration and spoke to Sigma Beta and
sent to the military men and women deployed overseas. Phi AOII alumnae about recruitment. Their Sisters for Soldiers event
Lambda put on a Founders’ Day celebration with food, crafts was their most successful one yet. They raised nearly $2,200 and
and an information session about the AOII Foundation. collected enough supplies to fill 31 boxes.

Four Years | 29

CollegiateNews Rhode Island Washington

Beta Upsilon (Bryant U) held their annual Strike Out Arthritis! Tau Gamma (Eastern Washington U) had a successful formal
event, Survival of the Fittest and Spaghetti for Scleroderma recruitment this fall and looks forward to further growing the
philanthropy events during the year. Their promotion efforts sisterhood next year.
and the participation of other organizations on campus helped
them beat the amount of money they raised last year. In Many of Upsilon’s (U of Washington) members are highly
support of a sister recently diagnosed with Lymphoma, Beta involved within their chapter and on campus. They have many
Upsilon sold bracelets and t-shirts to fundraise for the Light the members participating in intramural teams and clubs. Upsilon
Night Walk, which is now an annual event they participate in. recently hosted its annual Strawberry Shortcake Feed and raised
Beta Upsilon was also proud to maintain the highest GPA on $1,210 for the Arthritis Foundation.
campus as well.
West Virginia
South Carolina
Last semester, the Sigma Alpha Chapter (West Virginia U)
Chi Phi (U of South Carolina Aiken) had a successful recruitment hosted a Volly-Cup Tournament. This philanthropy gave
and year full of great events. Most notably, was the celebration them the opportunity to include both the fraternities and the
of their 10th year as a chapter since colonization. sororities on campus, which helped create positive connections
with many different members of the Greek life community,
Tennessee while raising funds and awareness for the Arthritis Foundation.

In the fall, many Lambda Omicron (Cumberland U) sisters were Wisconsin
on homecoming court, including a sister who was crowned
Homecoming Queen. Many of their sisters have become Phi Delta (U of Wisconsin, Milwaukee) hosted their first Strike
presidents and vice presidents of other organizations on Out Arthritis! event and raised $1,100 for the Arthritis Foundation.
campus as well. They started a Strike Out Arthritis! Photo Series, which captured
UW-Milwaukee students and Greek organization members
Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U) won many awards at Vanderbilt’s holding signs of why they “Strike Out Arthritis.” Founders’
Greek Life awards, including House Director of the Year, Day at the Women’s Club of Wisconsin was a success, as they
Outstanding Alumnae Relations and Most Improved Chapter. celebrated with Phi Delta collegians, alumnae and members
of the Madison, Wisconsin Alumnae Chapter. Additionally, four
Texas new Phi Delta members were initiated into Order of Omega.

Over the course of the academic year, Sigma Theta (Sam CANADA
Houston State U) competed in Kappa Sigma’s philanthropy
week, Sigma Chi Derby Days, where they placed first in three Beta Kappa (U of British Columbia) hosted a karaoke night with
events; and placed first in the Phi Delta Theta ASL banner all-you-can-eat frozen yogurt during their AOII Goes Blue event
competition. In their own philanthropic efforts, they held this year. This marks the third year that Beta Kappa has hosted
their annual Sisters for Soldiers event with the help of the Sam a live performance night for AOII Goes Blue. The event raised
Houston community. This semester, they partnered with the $900 in support of the Arthritis Society of Canada. Beta Kappa
Bearkat Baseball team to host a Strike Out Arthritis! game. Sigma was honored with the Panhellenic Leadership and Activities
Theta was recognized by the University with the Outstanding Award from their Panhellenic for the second year in a row in
Social Sorority Award. In addition, Sigma Theta was recognized recognition of their members’ extensive involvement and
as a four star chapter within the Greek community with leadership in the community.
excellence in many categories.
Gamma Chi (Carleton U) has sought to improve its
Theta Sigma (Tarleton State U) was very excited to hold its philanthropic presence on campus in the last year. Active
first Smoke Out Arthritis! event as a chapter. The event was a participation in events like the Ottawa Food Bank Food Drive,
carnival and BBQ cook off and they raised $2,000 for the Arthritis AOII’s Park Clean Up and Strike Out Arthritis! allowed sisters to
Foundation. create good memories while also contributing to great causes.
Alumnae relations were significantly improved this year as
alumnae participated in the first AOII Day in February.

30| Summer 2016

2015-2016 Recap


1 Beta Upsilon (Bryant U)
2 Alpha Mu (Duquesne U)
3 Theta Sigma (Tarleton State U)
4 Upsilon (U of Washington)
5 Omicron (U of Tennessee)




Four Years | 31


by Haley Cahill, Assistant Director of Communications/Editor

Rachel Williams, Delta Pi (U of Central Missouri) struggled with her self-
image as a freshman and sophomore in college until she started lifting
weights and studying nutrition. Just a few months after lifting her first
dumbbell, she entered a bodybuilding contest, made peace with her
body and found the confidence to live her life to the fullest.

Throughout high school, Williams was Just a few months later, Williams decided to take
extremely active and excelled in sports. her weight lifting to the next level, and she began
However, when she started college in 2013, she bodybuilding in February 2015.
stopped playing team sports and struggled
to find ways to stay in shape that were just as “I was seeing the changes of it all and realized this
enjoyable and engaging. is what I wanted to do,” she said. “When I was just
starting to lift, I was doing it to get skinnier, but
THE IRON JUNGLE when I started bodybuilding, it was so I could be
stronger and healthier.”
Lack of physical activity coupled with a typical
college student diet left Williams feeling self- It was important to Williams to know how to
conscious about the changes she saw in her body. properly train and fuel her body for optimal health,
She spent all her free time on cardio machines so she spent significant time researching nutrition
and ate as little as she could, but she continued to and exercise. She checked out books from her
become unhappier with herself and her lifestyle campus library, consulted with professors at her
each day. university and shadowed fellow students in the
weight room who were also bodybuilding. She
In November 2014, she took her first step into developed more extensive workout plans which
the weight room. focused on different muscle groups each day. She
learned what her caloric needs were and began
This particular recreation center on her campus meal prepping in her own dorm room to ensure
was known as “The Underground” by the she was reaching her macronutrient goals each
students, and the atmosphere of the gym day.
was everything you may imagine from an
underground facility. Williams described it as a bit Asking for help in the weight room was a leap of
dark and dingy; full of old equipment with football faith, but it was the new diet Willliams struggled
players and seasoned lifters performing exercises with the most.
with extreme intensity and significant amounts of

Between rusted, iron barbells and Macronutrients, or
dumbbells, and male athletes two macros, are nutritional
or three times her size, Williams components of the
found herself in the minority at the human diet, which are
gym as a female, but it was not her
required for proper
gender or the atmosphere which

intimidated her. function. The three

“I am that athlete who was good main macronutrients are
at all the sports I did,” Williams said. carbohydrates, protein
“So to go down there and not and fats.

know what I was doing physically

and needing help made me feel

weak. That gave me more motivation to better MASS, MAINTENANCE, CUT
myself because I didn’t want to be like that. I

should not be afraid to do something.” Williams began to follow a traditional

Williams stepped out of her comfort zone and bodybuilder’s diet with three phases. Her goals for
asked some of the men to teach her how to each phase were tailored to fit her specific body.
properly lift. She learned movements like squats, Not every human body requires the same number
deadlifts and bench press, as well as how much of calories, macronutrients or amount of exercise.

weight she should lift during each exercise and The first phase is called the mass phase. During
when to increase it. this phase, Williams said her goal was to increase

“It was kind of like a weight training class in high her weight in a healthy way by gaining one pound
school,” Williams said. “It was nothing extravagant, per week for four to eight weeks. She increased
but it was enough to get my muscles swelling.” her caloric intake to 2,500-3,000 calories per day,

eating approximately 250 grams of carbohydrates, additional sodium and additives. By no means,
150 grams of protein and 60 grams of fat. She though, does she deprive herself.
refrained from cardiovascular exercise, but lifted
weights five days per week. “If I’m craving a pop tart, I’ll have a pop tart. If I
want Chick-fil-A, I’ll get it. I can splurge, but I don’t
“When I went through the weight gain phase, overdo it.”
that was the hardest part for me,” Williams said.
“I was used to trying to force myself not to eat It took Williams about eight months to grasp the
[in order] to not gain weight. It was really hard, right diet for her body, and she continues to learn
because I had to force myself to eat all this food. what her body best responds to through trial and
It transformed me. All along, it was the right way error.
to do it—I just had to trust the people around me
and the plans. Now, I eat more food than I ever “What I need may not be what somebody who
did before; I am still losing weight, and I look a lot is 6 feet [tall] and 140 pounds may need because
better.” I’m 5 feet [tall] and 112 pounds. It is a whole variety
of things and a way bigger part of bodybuilding
The second phase is the mid-phase, which lasted than just going to the gym.”
four weeks. Williams ate slightly fewer calories
by cutting her carbohydrates down to 200 THE NEXT STAGE
grams and incorporating occasional moderate
cardiovascular exercise, while still weightlifting With increased knowledge about nutrition and
four or five days per week. Williams said her goal weightlifting, Williams was ready to take the next
in this phase was to maintain her weight and plunge. In August 2015, just six months after she
muscular strength, so that when she began the began bodybuilding, Williams decided to train
third phase, she would lose fat instead of lean for a bodybuilding contest. Though she was still
muscle mass. learning the best diet for her body and pushing
herself in the weight room, one of her biggest
The third phase is the cut phase, which lasted hurdles along her journey was overcoming the
four to six months. During this phase, Williams doubt and criticism she faced from many of
decreased her caloric intake to 1400-1500, her peers about her decision to compete. That
consuming 150 grams of carbohydrates, 120 negativity pushed her to train even harder.
grams of protein and 40 grams of fat. She
increased her cardiovascular exercise to 30 “I dealt with negativity for eight or nine months,”
minutes, three or four days per week, and her Williams said. “It is not until people can actually
weightlifting to six days per week. Her goal was see what it has done for you that they realize it is
to lose approximately one pound of fat per week, not what they thought because they are blinded
while maintaining lean muscle tissue. by people on steroids.”

“I learned that exercise is actually only equivalent After months of training “Bodybuilding is about
to 10 to 20 percent of the process; the rest of and meticulous meal building your body. It is about
it depends on what you put into your body,” prepping under her wanting to make yourself feel
Williams said. “What you are putting into your belt, Williams knew happy and healthy.”
body is what is going to fuel you to continue on she was ready for her
at the gym.” first contest. On June
25, 2016, Williams
She stays on track by using the MyFitnessPal app confidently stepped on
on her phone to track her macronutrients each stage at the St. Louis
day. She also prepares her meals for the week in Natural Classic hosted
her dorm room from food she can pick up using by the North American
her meal plan funds from the campus dining Natural Bodybuilding
facilities or markets. Some of her go-to foods are Federation. With
portable tuna packets, whole grain pasta, instant a fresh spray tan,
rice, vegetables, fruit and turkey burgers. She professional hairdo
also likes grilled chicken with ramen noodles, but and makeup,
tosses out the seasoning packet to cut down on and a rhinestone
competition suit

glued snug in demands of being a resident assistant, full-time
place, she nailed student and sorority woman became too much
every pose. to juggle.

Williams In addition to studying economics and finance,
Williams added a third major to her coursework—
competed in the corporate fitness—a program which also affords
her the opportunity to become a certified
figure beginner personal trainer.

and figure novice Between classes and work, she continues to
challenge herself in the weight room and
categories, and encourages other women to do the same.

Williams, far left, pictured was proud to take fifth “I want to see women in there, empowering
with other competitors at place in the figure themselves to feel stronger,” she said. “I see girls
the NANBF St. Louis Natural beginner category. who are scared to go in there because there are
guys lifting heavy, or because they do not know
Classic on June 25, 2016. “I hate being on stage, what they are doing. I want to get those women
in there and let them know it is ok—I was there
but I went on stage and too. I started bench pressing a bar that was eight
pounds, and now I bench press 110 [pounds.] I
I rocked it,” she said. “I can say I overcame one of was scared when I started, but look how far I have
my fears and that improved my confidence.”
Williams recognizes competitive bodybuilding
BEYOND THE MEDAL may not be for everyone, but said that much like
Greek life, she wishes people would not judge it
Winning a medal at her first competition solidified until they have tried it and seen the effect it has
to Williams that months of dedication in the on their outlook on themselves and on their life.
weight room had totally transformed her body.
However, she also realized that bodybuilding is “I know that an hour or two out of my day is
about more than muscle. The confidence she enough to transform my life every day. Along that
found through the sport, changed her life. way is where you find yourself,” Williams said. “It
brings out something else within you—it brings
“I had no self-esteem until I was 20 years old, and out that confidence. I see the transformation, and I
I did not feel beautiful until I was 20 years old,” know I’m never going to go back. I’m never going
Williams said. “Nobody made me feel beautiful—I to be unhappy again.”
made myself feel beautiful and I found what
makes me happy.” There are several amateur and
professional bodybuilding federations
With a new sense of self-assurance, she has found with their own rules, membership
herself speaking up more in her college classes requirements and show schedules.
and trying new things she has always wanted Rachel Williams chose to compete in
to do, but never had the confidence, like taking a competition hosted by the North
dancing lessons and vocal lessons. American Natural Bodybuilding
Federation, an organization which
“It has given me an urge to keep learning,” she requires natural, drug-free bodybuilding,
said. “There are so many things I am driven to do as opposed to other federations whose
now because I know I can do anything that I set contestants may use performance
my mind to.” enhancing drugs.

Williams also takes strides to inspire confidence Four Years | 35
in others through healthy lifestyles. When she
first started weight lifting, she relied on nutrition
advice and workout routines from other friends
at the gym. Now, Williams is designing plans for
many of her friends, including her AOII sisters.

“It is cool to have sisters who want to change their
diet around and be healthy because they saw me
stick with it and be patient,” she said.

Williams loves helping her AOII sisters, in part
because they played a key role in her journey,
offering encouragement and support when the

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