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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-17 16:26:54

1982 Winter - To Dragma

Vol. LXII, No. 5


P ofalpha omicron pi Vol.LXIINo.5

Winter 1982



The €b\tor$ Ptace

The following letter was sent to Alpha Spring Issue Historical Society
Gamma president, Karen Brown, shortly Looking ahead in the Spring issue, we seeks memberships
after her return from Convention last will plan to take time to discuss
summer. Superwomen. Know an AOn who quali- For those who didn't have time at Con-
fies? Remember everyone has her own vention to join—or for those who were
Dear Karen: definition of the term "Superwomen." unable to attend Convention—we invite
Let To Dragma know your feelings. all initiated members of AOIT to join the
I write to congratulate you and your Historical Society, reported Ruth Lee
fellow Alpha Omicron Pi sisters for To Those Abroad . . . Leichtamer.
winning the national award for the most We also are interested in hearing f r o m
outstanding collegiate chapter. I think collegians and alumnae who are living "We need your interest and financial
that is truly significant and great, and it and studying abroad. What is it like? help to organize and set up historical dis-
could not have happened to a finer group Helpful hints to sisters who are consider- plays in our new Headquarters building,"
of young women, than my neighbors, the ing doing the same. How do families ad- she explained.
AOPis. just? We would like to hear f r o m our
overseas sisters before M a y 1. The maga- Dues of $5 per biennium should be sent
Knowing you, and the others over the zine, too, would like to hear about mem- to Mrs. Leichtamer, secretary/treasurer
years from the A O P i house, has certainly bers in media and related areas—by May of the society, 3455 Goddard Road, Tole-
contributed to my pleasure as the 1, too. do, O H 43606.
President of Washington State As you can tell, the magazine wants to
University. I think, furthermore, the hear f r o m its readers. To Dragma wants For the society's records those who con-
sororities acted very wisely in choosing to feature you. tribute should be sure to include their
you as their leader during the coming name, home address, collegiate chapter
year. Deadline for and alumnae chapter (if appropriate).
the Spring issue
Again, my sincere congratulations to ANNUAL MEETING
all of you. You certainly are deserving of is Feb. 1 Alpha Sigma Corporation
the national acclaim that you are now
receiving. Sisterhood . . . March 6, 11 a.m.
it seems this word has grown to 1680 Alder St.
Have a good summer (the rest of the have meaning for each of us Eugene, Ore.
time), and I look forward to seeing you since the time we pledged.
in the fall. it is the sharing, the caring and For more information contact:
the warmth we feel among us, Anita Gibson
Sincerely yours, even on the coldest of days.
there are smiles and laughter and 3711 Pine Canyon Drive
Glenn Terrell even some tears shed each day of Eugene, OR 97405
President these wonderful years.
the spirit and enthusiasm always ANNUAL MEETING
The chapter at Washington State Uni- combine to bring forth a victory Alpha Rho Association
versity was awarded the JWH Cup dur- and win again this time.
ing convention. Alpha Gamma and nine from the gleaming pledge pin, our A p r i l 10, 9:30 a.m.
other outstanding chapters were honored sheaf of wheat to the ruby and pearl 2435 N W Harrison
as AOII's Distinguished Service chapters. and initiation week. Corvallis, OR 97330
the basis for all our A O I I pride For more information contact:
In this issue of To Dragma we will take are the feelings and love from
a closer look at those "qualities" which deep down inside. Idelle Derrickson
show in our DSA chapters. these are in the things that brought 153 NW Valley View Dr.
us together and they will
Also in the issue a number of A 0 I 1 continue to grow . . . forever. Corvallis, OR 97330
nurses share their feelings, etc., of the
nursing profession today. —Kristi Jackson ANNUAL MEETING
Alpha Gamma 78 Iota Corporation
Of course there are notes f r o m many March 7, 11 a.m.
collegiate chapters, but To Dragma has 706 S. Matthews
started a new feature: "Alumnae Ac- Urbana, IL 61801
cents." To introduce the reports from
alumnae chapters, the magazine will fea- For more information contact:
ture a short insight into the activities, Nell Shapland
etc., of one of our alumnae chapters.
First to be featured is the Knoxville A l u m - 3221 Stoneybrook
nae Chapter. Champaign, IL 61820

Zeta Corporation
Highlighting the issue is "The Move"— March 13, 3 p.m.
from offices to an International Head- 1541 "S"
quarters through pictures. Even though
most of us weren't able to be there at the Lincoln, Neb. 68508
N o v . 22 dedication, we all can become fa- For information contact:
miliar with our Headquarters.
Sue Roberts
4131 Pioneer
Lincoln, Neb. 68506
There also will be an open house to celebrate
the redecoration of the chapter house.


Published since January, 1905 by RAGMA

ALPHA OMICRON PI ofalpha omicron pL
Winter 1 982 Vol. LXII, No. 5
Founded at Barnard College,
January 2, 1897 ¥eMurm$

Founders Headquarters Dedication 4
Jessie Wallace Hughan Distinguished Service Awards 7
Helen St. Clair Mullan A Moment with JWH Chapter 8
Stella George Stern Perry Rose Award Winners 9
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman National Panhellenic Conference 11
The Founders were members of Alpha Alumnae Accents 12
Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia Making a Colony 16
University and all are deceased. A Look at Nursing—1980s Style 19

Alpha Omicron Pi MEMBER

3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, Tennessee 37215

Telephone: 615-383-1174


Sue Wayenberg Hinz, A T
N W 1445 K e n n y

Pullman, W A 99163
(509) 3 3 2 - 1 1 6 8 - H o m e
(509) 335-4527-Office


Sue Edmunds Lewis, T A
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, T N 37215

PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of
Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarter-
ly by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription
price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year.
Life subscription: $25.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave.,
Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all
editorial communications to the Editor,
Sue Hinz, NW 1445 Kenny, Pullman,
WA 99163. Second Class Postage paid at
Nashville, TN and additional mailing

On the Cover Departments 2
Members from Alpha Chi chap- The Editor's Place 24
ter, Western Kentucky University Alumnae Chapter Activity
joined hundreds of sisters to cel- Collegiate Chapter Commentaries
ebrate the dedication of our Inter-
national Headquarters, Novem-
ber 22, 1 9 8 1 .



The dedication of our Headquarters will certainly be remem- November 22, 1981, marked not only the formal dedication of
bered. Above: Nancy Clark, left, Vice President/Operations, Alpha Omicron Pi's newly acquired International Headquarters
Mary Louise Roller, Past International President and National building, but it also symbolized the strength of women working
Panhellenic Delegate, and Kay Sutherlin, Executive Board together i n a u n i t y of purpose a n d a sense of comradeship. T h i s
director "unwrapped our beautiful package." Below: June celebration was not only the grand opening of a building, but a cel-
Bogle, left, who chaired the hardworking committee that ebration of years of dedicated service and cooperation of colle-
made the event so special shares a moment with Ginger Banks gians and alumnae alike which preceeded its acquisition.
and Sue Lewis.
O u r Founders w o u l d be p r o u d to k n o w that the past is revered
here. Displays of our heritage—our leaders, convention, and tradi-
t i o n s — a b o u n d t h r o u g h o u t the b u i l d i n g . W h e n Bess W y m a n



started the f i r s t C e n t r a l O f f i c e i n her h o m e i n 1925, perhaps she 1
had a v i s i o n . The f u t u r e was represented here as w e l l , w i t h pledges
and colony members—our leaders of tomorrow—numbering 1981-1983 Executive Board (gathered for combination Board
among the 300 sisters and guests w h o attended the occasion. meeting and dedication ceremony) Standing left to right: Neen
Neale, director; Jo Beth Heflin, secretary/treasurer; Kay
This day marked not just a culmination of a dream, but a prom- Sutherlin, director; Sue Lewis, administrative director; Mari-
ise f o r the f u t u r e , f o r all A O I l s . A s n o t e d i n the D e d i c a t i o n Cere- lyn Herman, director. Seated left to right: Nancy Clark, vice
mony, " . . . may we in Alpha Omicron Pi ever gather in true president/operations; Ginger Banks, international president;
friendship. M a y the achievements displayed today inspire our Peg Crawford, vice president development.
f u t u r e endeavors. M a y h a r m o n y ever dwell w i t h i n these walls
throughout our beloved fraternity."


300 sisters and guests attended our celebration. Below left: Headquarters' Staff: standing left to right: Charlotte Sharpe,
Ginger Banks, International President welcomes Lissa Brad- Receptionist Secretary; Ben Hollins, Bookkeeper; Sandra
ford, Kappa Alpha Theta International President. Below right: Click, Secretary; Troy Johnson, Public Relations; Joe Kane,
The Founders' jewelry and original rollbook were among his- Shipping Clerk, Linda Holmes, Chapter Services; Mary Ann
torical displays enjoyed by visitors after being greeted by Caldwell, Membership. Seated left to right: Ann Reynolds,
Executive Board members. Accountant; Sue Lewis, Administrative Director; Jeanne
Ascolese, Office Manager.

FROM 2401 1

T O 3821 . .

The three and one half months between acqui-
sition and dedication of our headquarters' build-
ing were filled with hours of hard work spiced
with humor to complete the move to our new
home. (Pictures upperleft, clockwise) When this
building was located collegians and alumnae
united to step up fundraising efforts. We were
able to pay one third of the building cost the day
of closing.

Packing then began in earnest and staff mem-
bers chipped in to do much of the work them-
selves, keeping moving costs to a minimum.
Through it all office operations continued with
staff servicing the hundreds of requests that are
typical of each new academic year. A special
treat was the uncrating of the chandelier f r o m Pi
chapter which now graces the board room.

Renovation and decoration transformed this
building into our home as AOI1 volunteers, pro-
fessional craftsmen and staff worked together.
Now that the work is complete a tour awaits you
at 3821 . . . We invite you to visit personally
your International Headquarters.

Fraternity Honors Outstanding Chapters

One of the most exciting parts of our biennial convention is h o n o r i n g the outstanding collegiate chapters, reported
International President Ginger Banks. The Distinguished Service Awards for collegiate chapter not only recognize out-
standing achievement, but exemplify to the fraternity what we consider to be the best of A O I I .

Each chapter knows what is expected of i t . The Executive Board has prepared a "Performance Standards f o r Collegiate

"We hope the checklist w i l l help chapters make good things happen f o r themselves and take the "wonder out of suc-
cessful chapter operations," Ginger added.

Distinguished Service Awards were given to the following:


Washington State University U of Evansville Indiana State

. . . consistently above total and . . . consistently pledges quota . . . FIRST in campus scholarship
achieves quota during rush . . . well-rounded in all areas . . . good participation and leadership
. . . excellent chapter participation and . . . extensive file system which leads to . . . "a top notch chapter that is out-
involvement in campus activities continuity of effective leadership standing in all ways"
. . . "There is a feeling in the chapter . . . good pledge program . . . extensive involvement in campus or-
that radiates love, respect, pride and the . . . "projects an image and posture of ganizations
pleasure they are having. They are warm, excellence and outstanding achievement" . . . "an outstanding, very active chapter
loving, caring . . . a happy chapter with . . . "The chapter is always trying to respected by peers and administration for
oodles of manners, courtesy, excellent ap- reach perfection." their campus leadership."
pearances and campus respect." . . . "They show a continuing commit- . . . 'There is a strong feeling of sister-
. . . In four years, reported their region- ment to achievement, service and excel- hood. The members are attractive
al vice president, " I have never felt they lence" women who take pride in themselves and
have let down. They have such a deep Aon."
sense of pride. They constantly seek ways DELTA DELTA
to improve all phases of their operation, DELTA PI
to add new ideas to benefit by programs Auburn
of other chapters. They are so compati- Central Missouri
ble, so supportive of each other, so appre- . . . excellent rush organization and
ciative of their ever faithful alumnae." attitude . . . "Chapter has a very positive image
. . . good chapter operations on campus and an excellent open rush
BETA T A U . . . chapter members each "respects her- program which they follow even when
self, her sisters, her university and AOLT' they are at campus total."
U of Toronto . . . good chapter programming . . . strengths in chapter unity, a strong,
. . . "Delta Delta manages to promote ex- close sisterhood, good pledge program
. . . Excellence in programming, atten- ceptional unity and pride internally and . . . and their internal organization.
tion to detail externally. This is a chapter of distinc- . . . extensive philanthropic programs
. . . "above and beyond" innovation and tion—representing our fraternity with ele- . . . "Happiness is always being generat-
commitment gance, beauty, commitment, sincerity ed through the chapter members.
. . . highest scholarship among campus and love" Through the work of each officer and
sororities (3.1) member. The stability can be seen in the
. . . excellent alumnae/chapter relations TAU DELTA entire body. Each A O I I receives strength
and support from her other sisters."
. . . "These women are mature, gracious Birmingham Southern
hostesses, polished, incredibly scholar- ZETA
ship-oriented, innovative . . . " . . . pledged quota consistently
. . . extensive philanthropic activities Nebraska
BETA LAMBDA . . . highest GPA of any campus sorority
. . . good office training . . . high scholarship standards
Illinois Wesleyan . . . their word is "positive." They take . . . active alumnae relations program
that approach in everything. The women . . . extensive committee system
. . . Much time is spent formulating tackle new challenges with confidence— . . . active philanthropic program
goals. They cherish AOLT. . . . extensive network for obtaining
. . . good rush planning . . . The members are strong influences Membership Information Forms
. . . quality pledge program on pledges because of their achievements . . . "An old, well established chapter,
. . . extensive campus involvement and good study habits. yet they remain progressive and flexible,
. . . "In addition to the stable programs realizing that traditions must be built
they have always had, harmony, atti- LAMBDA SIGMA upon in the world of today, rather than
tude, cooperation, campus leadership all remaining laws unto themselves."
have risen to well above average." U of Georgia . . . They realize the need to grow and
. . . "This long time stable chapter has improve and are aware of the need to
matured over the last couple of years and . . . consistently good chapter change and are working on new ideas.
become an example of the excellence al- . . . use and follow all guidelines set be- . . . What really counts is the spirit of
ways strived for." fore them by AOII their members.
. . . achievers
. . . "outstanding rush and public rela- 7
tions programs"
. . . set goals for constant improvement

Bev Ash, Jennifer Girts, Jeanna Hill, Teresa Kjose. Aon

1J 1 "It's the house on Campus Street. You come out from the lane of maple trees . . .
and there it is. It's not a medieval type of building—it's brown brick in long straight
lines. Modern—no fancy trims or trappings. Simple, being itself . . . not pretend-
ing to be gingerbread. Inside the rugs are a warm rich gold color. Long windows to
let the sun shine in. Modest—the inside just serves to set off the warm vibrant peo-
ple inside. It's our home and we're just girls. We don't put on airs—and neither
does our house.

There's a lot of us in our family, all sisters! More than just friends, ordinary
friends just share an hour or two a day. We've got the rooms, the food, the studies,
and the fun between us. Even more than these, we share each other's ears. Long
talks in the hall, in our rooms on the stairs . . . We're just girls growing up and out
into the world. We're together, new sisters in the fall, a new class has graduated,
but never to be forgotten.

After the summer we're back again . . . back in our house for growing up and
out into the world."

Back to the house on
Campus Street . . .

Back to AO!!!

Terri Watson, Lisa Ludwig Karen Brown, Sue Rice Shafer, Kristi Jackson, & Sheri Wright.

The faces of Alpha Gamma members show the day-by-day
moments shared by the outstanding young women. Whether its
the anticipation which (top left) Bev Ash, left, Jennifer Girts,
Jeanna Hill and Teresa Kjose, right, show; the many activities
with Shanne Smith and Margo Myers (top right); the pride in
each other as Terri Watson and Lisa Ludwig feel (center left), or
just the "I like being around you feeling" constantly shared by
members like (bottom right) Karen Brown, Sue Rice Schaefer,
Kristi Jackson and Sheri Wright, the women use each day to
demonstrate pride in their sisterhood of Alpha Omicron Pi.


At Kansas City convention alumnae

Rose Awards recognize

The Rose Awards are presented to Rita Mendenhall Mengon, Beta Phi, for 15 years. Her leadership, organiza-
alumnae who have gone above and Evansville, Ind., has been involved in tional ability and hours of dedication to
beyond the call of duty in serving the alumnae service 34 years. She is one of A O n are endless. She has held every
Fraternity. The award is a gold charm in the chapter members of a very strong office in her alumnae chapter, in fact
the configuration of our symbolic sheaf alumnae chapter and was its first presi- she has been president of t w o different
of wheat. dent. She was also treasurer, vice presi- alumnae chapters.
dent, program chairman, publicity
The challenges facing us today and chairman, ways and means chairman, She was a collegiate adviser for six
t o m o r r o w w i l l be met so long as all of secretary, historian and public relations years and a corporation board president
us continue to have pride in A O l Y s officer. She has served on many com- for three years. Diana has served as an
Heritage, Loyalty to her Ideals and the mittees, chairing several. officer of one of our area councils and
Fraternity as a whole, and commitment on regional committees. She has also
and determination to Strive for Excel- She helped organize her city's a l u m - been International Convention
lence. nae Panhellenic and helped organize Chairman.
one of our first collegiate chapters in the
Mary Batman Converse, Phi Kappa, early '50s. One of the treasurers of this Barbara Owens Kramer, Beta Phi,
Annandale, Va., has been president of chapter is its beautiful ritual table Dallas, Texas, has held five different of-
both her collegiate and alumnae chap- which was hand-made by Rita. fices in her collegiate chapter and has
ters, in addition to holding numerous been a member of five different alum-
other offices. She gave invaluable assist- Diana Sweeder Carleton, Alpha Tau, nae chapters. She has been active i n t w o
ance to a new collegiate colony, served Chicago, 111., has given extensive service
on its installation committee, and has (continued on page 10)
been a member of its corporation since
its f o u n d i n g . M a r y is also active i n her Rose Award winners who were at Convention included, seated from the left, Carolyn Swindle
community. She has been a session Wyatt, Sigma Omicron; Nancy Bates-Lane Heard, Chi Delta; Constance Fullmer Hixson, Alpha
leader at Regional Meetings and con- Sigma; Joanne Elkinton Kemp, Alpha Rho; standing, Karen Montgomery Smith, Delta Pi; Barbara
ventions. Owens Kramer, Beta Phi; Ingrid Latimer Schulz, Beta Lambda; Becky Shook Weinberg, Chi Delta;
Lynn Stouse Redmon, Kappa Kappa; and Rita Mendenhall Mengon, Beta Phi.
Jane Watwood Gibbs, Tau Delta, Bir-
mingham, Ala., served as a chapter
adviser for nine years. She was one of
the founders of the chapter's corpora-
tion board and is currently the board
president. She is also an excellent chap-
ter relations adviser an active member
of her alumnae chapter and has served
i n the past as a regional director. Jane is
a past recipient of the Perry Award.

Frances Suydam Chappie, Theta Psi,
Toledo, Ohio, has participated actively
i n alumnae activities for 37 years. She,
too, serves on many local committees
and has held numerous chapter offices.
Frances was instrumental in estab-
lishing the corporation board for one
collegiate chapters. She is a strong sup-
porter of the Arthritis Foundation and
has been a collegiate adviser.

Carolyn Swindle Wyatt, Sigma Omi-
cron, Jonesboro, A r k . , has scarcely
missed a meeting i n the past 15 years.
She has been secretary, vice president
and president of her alumnae chapter.
She supports all philanthropic and Pan-
hellenic projects. Carolyn has been an
adviser to one of our collegiate chapters
since 1969. She is currently chapter
adviser. She has been a member of the
corporation board for 13 years. Carolyn
and her husband help sponsor annually
the collegiate chapter's only and most
successful money-making project. The
A O f l s w h o w o r k locally w i t h her use
three adjectives to describe her: dedi-
cated, loving and respected.


(continued from page 9) as an N P C delegate. In addition she is Constance Fullmer Hixson, Alpha
city Panhellenics and was a charter an involved member of her church and Sigma, Eugene, Ore., has spent the past
member of one of them. She also char- the League of Women Voters. 15 years in diligent service to a colle-
tered an alum club in 1965. giate chapter. She has been an active
Virginia Ann Meyer Kreke, Chi and vital corporation board member.
She has been publicity chairman, sec- Lambda, Newburgh, Ind., has held just She served very effectively as rush
retary and president of her current about every position there is at the local adviser, and for the past five years,
alum chapter. Barbara has conducted level becoming active immediately after chapter adviser.
Convention workshops, been a Conven- her graduation. The alumnae chapter
tion publicity chairman, and a member flourished and grew 33 percent in mem- With her fine sense of humor and a
of the International Nominating Com- bership under her leadership. She has firm commitment to the standards and
mittee. She has been Region VII's exten- been mailings chairman, telephone principles of Alpha Omicron Pi, she has
sion officer for the past nine years. chairman, collegiate liaison chairman, carefully guided Alpha Sigma chapter
secretary, vice president and president. to its position of prominence on its
Ingrid Latimer Schulz, Beta Lambda, She has chaired and served on numer- campus.
Wilmette, 111., has given 15 years of ous committees and philanthropic proj-
dedicated service to her alumnae chap- ects. Lynn Stouse Redmon, Kappa Kappa,
ter and a collegiate chapter. In addition Lafayette, Ind., like many other alum-
to committee work, she has been second She served one of our collegiate chap- nae, has managed to devote many hours
vice president for programming, first ters as chapter adviser for four years. to A O n and her community while
vice president for membership, benefits Virginia has been an officer of the cor- pursuing her profession and tending to
chairman and president twice. She has poration board—director, secretary, family needs. She is an active member
been Panhellenic delegate for four years vice president and president since 1970. of her alumnae chapter having filled
and is presently its publicity chairman. She was an alumnae Panhellenic rush two-year terms as treasurer and presi-
chairman for four years and chairman dent. She was a chapter adviser for five
She served a collegiate chapter as of a Regional Meeting. years and has served as a regional direc-
pledge adviser and chapter adviser and tor for the past six years. She has also
as a member of the corporation board Becky Shook Weinberg, Chi Delta, chaired several fund-raising drives.
for four years. Mesa, Ari., supports all of her alumnae
chapter's functions and projects. She Joanne Elkinton Kemp, Alpha Rho,
Karen Montgomery Smith, Delta Pi, has been chairman of several events and Menlo Park, Calif., finds service to City
Raytown, Mo., was a charter member of president. Although 90 miles from the Panhellenic important for her. She was
her collegiate chapter. As an alumna closest collegiate chapter, she has her alumnae chapter's delegate for four
she has helped with the installation of served on the corporation board of one years and is currently vice president
two other collegiate chapters and has chapter and as rush adviser to another. and president-elect of the Panhellenic
served on her own chapter's corpora- Her involvement in City Panhellenic is Council. During the past 11 years she
tion board. Membership in her alumnae also extensive. has also served as vice president for
chapter spans 16 years, including nu- philanthropy, membership chairman,
merous chairmanships and offices—one She was a regional director for two and president of her chapter. She was
being president. years, a local Convention chairman, and rush chairman for her area council.
is currently International Regional Joanne also has worked with collegiate
She has also served extensively on the Meetings Chairman. chapters and was a colony adviser. She
regional level: chairing a Regional has chaired many large and successful
Meeting, serving four years as regional Patricia Grundmeier Juza, Nu Iota, projects to which she has devoted
extension officer and three years as re- Palatine, 111., has been an adviser and a countless hours of her time and talents.
gional vice president. Karen was corporation board member for her col-
Awards Chairman for '81 Convention. legiate chapter. She served three years Nancy Bates-Lane Heard, Chi Delta,
as corporation board president and Fountain Valley, Calif., has served
Alice Foote Gwynn, Chi, Syracuse, coordinated the purchase of a new A O n consistently since her initiation
N.Y., has given 53 years of service to chapter house which necessitated 20 in 1953. She was secretary, rush chair-
A O n . She was a chapter adviser for 11 100-mile round trips during one sum- man, Panhellenic delegate and presi-
years, a member of a corporation board mer alone for her. dent of her collegiate chapter. She has
for ten years, and has served more than served as a collegiate adviser and a cor-
a decade as an alumnae chapter officer, She has been a member of her alum- poration board member. She has held
including the presidency for four years. nae chapter for ten years supporting nine different offices in two different
She has been president of her City Pan- every activity held. Patricia held nu- alumnae chapters. She has been an
hellenic and a university Interfraternity merous committee chairmanships and active member of the Diamond Jubilee
Council. She spent two years as a dis- the offices of secretary, membership Foundation for the past seven years.
trict director for A O n . Her community chairman and president. She is also sec-
service, honors and academic and pro- retary and now vice president of the Elinor Sakrison Bjorklund, Alpha
fessional achievements are truly excep- Chicago Area Council. Sigma, Portland, Ore., has been an
tional. active alum for 30 years. She has held
Mary Lou Kierdorf Sloss, Omicron just about every office in her alumnae
{Catherine Davis Carter, Theta, Way- Pi, Gross Pointe, Mich., was a charter chapter, some more than once, and held
land, Mass. has been an active alumnae member of her alumnae chapter eight- four different positions in her city Pan-
for 56 years. She served her collegiate een years ago. She has initiated and hellenic. She has attended just about all
chapter as treasurer and president. She directed numerous successful projects. her chapter's meetings in those 30 years
has served her alumna chapter in many She has twice held among other offices and served on numerous committees.
capacities, including president. She was the presidency of her chapter.
a chapter adviser and housemother for She has served on a corporation
a chapter during its formative years. She has served on the corporation board and as a collegiate director. In
board of a collegiate chapter several addition, Elinor is extremely active in
She was a district director for four times and is currently its vice president. her community.
years, national publicity chairman for Mary Lou has personally completed re-
four years and editor of To Dragma for decorating and repair projects for the
ten years. Katherine also served A O IT. chapter house.


Sorority world can be critical influence

The sorority world can—if it will—be- Panhellenic Conference delegates last No- creasing responsibilities in the world of
come along with family and college, a vember in Denver. work.
critical influence on the women of the f u -
ture, Cynthia Clark Wedel, told National "Since women are the majority of the "Hopefully, she added, many will enter
world's population, anything we are able the professions, others will go into poli-
Edith Cope Lockard, Omega to do to prepare them adequately—not tics. The entire world of the future is
only to cope with their own lives, but to open to women today, as it has never
Alumna leads make needed contributions to the world been before.
Denver Greeks of the future—will pay great dividends
for our society, and for the whole "Let's all begin to look for ways to
During the year Denver Panhellenic is world," she said. demonstrate our real concern for women
being led by its president, Edith Cope of tomorrow," she told her audience.
Lockard, Omega '35. In the beginning sororities filled a need "Let's give them an example of unselfish
for girls in higher education, Mrs. Wedel, caring and help. A n d , let's do it—not as a
During the National Panhellenic Con- a member of Kappa Delta sorority said. grim duty, but with the job and excite-
ference (NPC) last fall in Denver Edith Sororities were started 100 years ago—an ment of knowing that every step we take
and a committee hosted a Panhellenic innovation itself—to have a congenial is a very real investment in the future—
Luncheon which NPC delegates rated as protected atmosphere in which to live our future, their future, the future of the
superior. and a place where they would learn the sorority movement and the future of civ-
arts of gracious living and the skill of de- ilization."
"Alpha Omicron Pi has been my fami- veloping lasting friendships.
ly," Edith commented. A n only child, she Linda Pyle, Upsilon, was among a delegation
pledged Omega chapter, Miami Universi- "This was very important—and to an from the University of Washington who at-
ty, Oxford, Ohio, in the fall of 1931. extent it still is," Mrs. Wedel continued. tended the NPC Awards Banquet at the Den-
"But the challenge to the sorority is much ver conference. The UW Panhellenic won an
"It was a university rule that every so- greater today. Not only must we fill the award of excellence. Linda serves as the Pan-
rority pledge had to have been pledged needs of the past, but today we are re- hellenic assistant rush chairman.
one year before she would be initiated," sponsible for preparing girls and young
she explained. "You can imagine how women to live creatively in a global soci- To Dragma article
many fine pledges were never initiated be- ety in which most of them will carry in- earns award
cause of the depression years."
AOII delegates To Dragma has received a second
When she moved, Edith took AOII place award in a writing contest
with her. She founded the Alumnae Club give years to NPC sponsored by the National Interfra-
in Albuquerque in 1950. On the interna- ternity Foundation, Inc.
tional AOLT level Edith was treasurer The National Panhellenic Conference,
1943-45, a member of the National Sur- held in Denver last November was well The award was announced during
vey Committee in addition to being a organized and spent considerable time the Awards Banquet which highlight-
member of CIRC 1963-65. discussing scholarly issues, reported ed the National Panhellenic Confer-
AOLTs delegation to the biennial meet- ence in Denver in early November.
She has been adviser to Chi Delta chap- ings.
ter and served as president of the A l u m - The honor to the magazine was
nae Chapter three times. She, too, has It was the 22nd conference for Mary given for the article "Greeks in the
been president of the Chi Delta corpora- Louise Roller, past international AOII Years Ahead, Success Must N o t
tion for six years. president and the fraternity's official dele- Cause Isolation," published in the
gate. First alternate Janie Callaway, also Summer 1981 issue.
Edith and area AOIT alumnae hosted a a past international president, has been to
reception for the fraternity's delegation to five while AOLTs Immediate Past Presi- 11
the NPC conference. dent Joan MacCallum now has been to
two. Also attending the week-long confer-
ence were Administrative Director Sue
Lewis, Ginger Banks, International Presi-
dent, and Sue Hinz, editor, To Dragma.

During the meetings the delegation was
assigned parts of the country to serve as
NPC area advisers. Janie will help Panhel-
lenic groups in the state of Tennessee
while Joan will work with alumnae
groups in the New England states, Cana-
da, Germany, Alaska, the United King-
dom and Saudi Arabia. Mary Louise will
serve on the Research and Education
Committee and serve as secretary of the
Advisory Committee, made up of six past
chairmen of NPC.

From the left, Janet Crawley, Omicron, alumnae assistant chairman and assistant philanthropic Editor's Note: To Dragma begins
chairman; Maggie Alston, Omicron, alumnae philanthropic chairman, and Cynthia Comer, Moth- another feature "Alumnae Accents"
ers' Club chairman, were in charge of plans for the 21st annual fund raiser held last fall. which will salute outstanding alum-
nae chapters. Our first salute will be
Knoxville Alumnae Chapter members Letty Taylor, Omicron, left, and DiAnne McMillen, Omi- to the Knoxville Alumnae Chapter.
cron, right, both rush advisers, joined forces with Linda Hampton, rush chairman for Omicron
chapter at the University of Tennessee, to celebrate yet another successful season. The chapter was chartered in 1917.
12 About 74 AOIls in the area are members
of the busy group, reported Becky Dun-
can Massey, Omega, president of the
alumnae chapter.

Its meetings revolve around Omicron
chapter at the University of Tennessee at
Knoxville. The typical year contains our
organization meeting and a helpful hand
to the collegiate chapter during its fall

During the football season the chapter
in cooperation with collegians and Moth-
ers' Club the alumnae host a barbeque to
raise funds for Arthritis Research and a
local scholarship.

November brings a joint meeting with
the collegians—this year a dessert party.
Of course, January is a Founders' Day
banquet with Omicron collegians.

In March the group sponsors a guest
luncheon with a fashion show. April
finds the chapter inducting new officers
while in M a y the chapter honors graduat-
ing seniors from Omicron chapter.

Represented by 31 collegiate chapters,
the Knoxville alumnae group is headed
by Mrs. Massey; Kathy Brennan, Alpha
Phi; vice president; Cheryl Slayden,
Omega, treasurer, and Louise Fogarty,
Omega, secretary.

According to Nancy Bowers, regional
director, Region III, the only word that
really describes the alumnae chapter
members is busy.

"They set their goals and map out their
plan for reaching them," Nancy ex-
plained. "Although they need many vol-
unteers, they manage to find time for just
having f u n and just being 'sisters in

"They are a close group and concerned

about the individual member. They are a
shining example for other alumnae chap-
ters," she added.

They truly recognize their responsibili-
ty to the collegians.

"Their emphasis on the continued use
of Membership Information Forms
(MIFs) has helped the Omicron chapter
become the outstanding leader that it is

"Without any reservation, the Knox-
ville Alumnae Chapter is most deserving
of the Distinguished Service Award,"
Nancy earlier reported.

And the chapter was awarded the alum-
nae DSA during Convention last sum-
mer—the f i f t h time out of the past seven

Alumnae Activity

TERRE HAUTE eyelet lace and red AOII letters was pre- SAN MATEO
sented to each pledge.
The Terre Haute Alumnae Chapter has Members of the San Mateo Alumnae
been busy f r o m the word go! The November meeting was the Talent Chapter opened their 1981-82 season of
Auction held at the home of Valerie activities with a September Salad Lunch-
The first meeting was held at the home Walker, where alums brought handcraft- eon featuring D o r o t h y Farrington as
of MaryAnn Clark and the topic was phil- ed gifts and baked goods for auction. guest speaker.
anthropic. M a r y A n n , who is philan-
thropic chairman, had two projects in The December meeting celebrated In October several members participat-
mind. One was to sell raffle tickets for a Founders' Day, with the active chapter, ed in The Presidio's "Health Faire" by v o l -
basket of "Christmas Cheer." Another at Indiana University. unteering at- the Arthritis Foundation's
money maker was selling of Santa Claus booth, where they distributed Founda-
letters. Parents of little ones purchased a The February meeting w i l l be the Se- tion information to participants. A fund
letter f r o m Santa and had it sent to them cret alum Sister party, where the newly raiser, a Tupperware Party, was held in
several days before Christmas. initiated members will have the chance to November, with profits going to the A r -
meet the alum who acted as her "Slightly thritis Foundation. A Christmas luncheon
The October meeting and Pledge Re- Older Sister" throughout her pledgeship. and ornament exchange was held in De-
ception was held at the Home of A l u m cember, and members attended festivities
President Marilyn Faris. The alums gath- Election of new officers is planned for in the East Bay in January to celebrate
ered to meet Kappa Alpha's 19 new "an- the March meeting and the April meeting both Founder's Day and Sigma chapter's
gels" and to enjoy an evening of getting will be the installation of the officers. 75th birthday!
acquainted and creating their own ice
cream sundaes. A traditional gift of a The May meeting will be an officer Since the San Mateo chapter is com-
blue denim pillow, trimmed with white workshop, and the July meeting will be prised of alums from cities on the "penin-
the annual summer luncheon and swim sula" and San Francisco, the chapter
party at the home of collegiate chapter sends delegates to both the San Mateo
adviser, Joanne Gibbons. and San Francisco Alumnae Panhellenic
organizations. The current SFAP presi-
I dent, Chris Schaezlein, and the founder
i of the newly-organized San Mateo Junior
Panhellenic, Virginia DePue, both are
i chapter members.

i i .J "3 PORTLAND

Dayton Alumnae Chapter charter members who helped celebrate the chapter's golden anniversary The Portland Alumnae Chapter contin-
ues to support the Arthritis Foundation in
included (from the left) Esther Bohlender, Hazel Lowes, Eleanor Blank, Lucy Shafer and Martha many ways. The Oregon Chapter of the
Arthritis Foundation now issues a news-
Fry. letter "Arth-A-Facts."

Dayton alumnae celebrate 50 years Last Fall, as in previous years, the
chapter gave the University of Oregon
In connection with the Kappa Delta each of the charter members, Esther Health Sciences Center a $600 donation
Initiation, the Dayton Alumnae Chap- Schmidt Bohlender, Martha Hughes to support arthritis research.
ter celebrated its 50th year of service to Fry, Hazel Engle Lowes, and Lucy Mc-
the community. It was founded on Cabe Shafer, pride of their years of serv- In early September, our philanthropic
March 29, 1931. ice to Alpha Omicron Pi, and happiness chairman, Thalia Maginnis, was ap-
of the new chapter at Wright State U n i - proached by the Oregon Chapter/
Those charter members not able to at- versity. Arthritis Foundation to add chapter sup-
tend were McVee Lindsay and Thelma port to a silent auction and wine tasting
Sortman Ekberg. Members of Alpha The Alumnae chapter serves the com- event.
Omicron Pi for 50 years, but unable to munity via Federation of Women's
attend were Gertrude A. Bucher, Clubs of Dayton, Miami Valley Chapter PULLMAN
Eleanor Eaton Cavanaugh, Frances Mc- of the Arthritis Foundation, and of the
Nutt Jackson, Zola Zell Kaylor, Lillian board of Arthritis Volunteer Action Pullman Alumnae Chapter members
Spouce Shaffer, Peg Cornell Sheriff, Committee. It gives the Kay Rice Memo- joined Alpha Gamma's spirit of the Hal-
Florence Rench Smith, Edna Marie rial A l l Ruby badge to the Outstanding loween season and sold Witches' Brew
Studebaker, and Louise Herbert Van- Omega Sophomore and the Dayton and Glob-lems (better known as hot ap-
norsdale. Alumnae Scholarship Bowl for the most ple cider and donuts) at the collegiate
improved grades. A picnic i n early chapter's Haunted House.
Those who had been in Alpha Omi- Summer provides for arthritic patients
cron Pi 50 years or more and charter of Dayton including lunch and enter- In mid-November the alumnae hosted
members in attendance were Eleanor tainment. the Pledge class for a fondue party at the
Blank, who spoke of a remembrance of chapter house. Just before Christmas
Break members celebrated Founders' Day
and the Holiday Season at a collegiate/
alumnae dinner and program.

(continued on page 14)


(continued from page 13) adult schools in the area. Over the years ROCHESTER ALUMNAE COLONY
he has shared this talent to f i l l our pro- In September the Rochester (New
For more than 30 years Florence Miller Lynch, gram needs and entertainment, reported
Chi Delta, and husband Dick, have hosted the Gina Strauchon. York) Colony of AOn alumnae was host-
New Jersey Alumnae chapter and spouses for ess at a luncheon held at the Geneva
the group's annual, husbands-wives picnic at The chapter would like to salute AOII County Club for luncheon and a tour of
their home. husbands like Dick and Larry, who care. Rose H i l l , a Greek Revival mansion.
Some 32 alumnae attended.
In October 11 G-PAC AOIIs, with four The Rose Hill Tour capped off an en-
4 I* I joyable afternoon. The elegant country
IIOAs, met in Lakeland with five Lake- estate reflects the environment in Geneva
Longtime New Jersey Alumnae chapter "ac- land alumnae to discuss the possibility of in the 1840s. Built in 1839, it is one of
tives" Jane, Rho, and Larry Dickman. them starting an alumnae colony. Marga- America's best examples of Greek Reviv-
ret McArdle, Delta; Marion Clouse, Chi; al architecture. Restoration began in 1966
NEW JERSEY and Barbara Baust, Chi provided decora- and tours now give a view of America in
"Just one more time, Flossie and I tions for the luncheon, and Linda the early 19th century.
McLaughlin, Alpha Theta spoke, report-
would like to have the party just one ed Betsy Smith. The day was symbolic of AOII. We
more time," Dick Lynch laughingly an- were able to share in the past and renew
swered Dan and Barbara Sturke After lunch the group visited the Kap- acquaintances with old friends while
Smerald's, Beta Phi, suggestion that they pa Gamma house at Florida Southern. forming new friendships, explained Bar-
"carry on" with the year's most popular bara DeYoung Gibson.
social event for the N.J. alumnae, the an- SAN ANTONIO
nual husbands-wives picnic. It would be LAFAYETTE
just a matter of moving the function two September was a busy month for the The LaFayette Alumnae Chapter is try-
houses away at M t . Kemble Lake where San Antonio Alumnae chapter. Members
the Smeralds recently bought a house. were actively involved in assisting Upsi- ing a new concept in membership this
lon Lambda with its highly successful year.
For thirty years Dick and Florence M i l l - 1981 formal rush.
er Lynch, C h i Delta, have been the Naturally they hope every member
group's hosts at this picnic of picnics. In November the chapter hosted a wants to participate in all alumnae activi-
Dick's enthusiasm reaches a high point birthday party f o r Upsilon Lambda as it ties, but officers, too, realized that may
when it's time for him to preside over the celebrated a third birthday. In December, not be possible.
large built-in grill he designed for the far members planned a fun and festive Christ-
end of fhe enclosed porch which over- mas party. The chapter is encouraging those mem-
looks the lake. Dick never fails to men- bers with only a little time to get in-
tion how much he misses the support of Seasonal volved in just a couple of activities. Mem-
his co-chef Larry Dickman since he and member offers bers are being encouraged to get involved
Jane Batterson Dickman, Rho, moved to her touch in just one or two projects they pick—
Florida. like making cookies for collegians during
Babs Carle Collins, O m i c r o n Pi, finals, adopting a pledge or working at
Dick Lynch has won the chapter's adu- c o u l d be classified as N e w Jersey's the chapter's garage sale.
lation over the years by being far more seasonal member. W h i l e she has been
than an AOII husband and a gracious with the alumnae group for more O n Dec. 7, the chapter celebrated
host. Since his retirement he has become than 30 years, her increasing skill as Founders' Day with Phi Upsilon chapter.
a popular travel lecturer at museums and a golfer placed her in the tournament
class w i t h N e w Jersey's foremost Peggy Scott, 1980-81 president of Lambda Sig-
women golfers. ma chapter at the University of Georgia, and
her mother, Zadie Averill Scott (Mrs. Julian),
A member of the N e w Jersey State 1979-81 president of Atlanta Alumnae Chapter
Women's Golf Committee, she was of A O P i , were winners at the fraternity's bien-
in charge of running the N.J. State nial convention in Kansas City last summer.
Senior Amateur Golf Tournament. Peggy, a University of Georgia senior with a
double major in Home Economics and Edu-
"We've come to count on Babs to cation, accepted the chapter's Distinguished
book our Founders' D a y luncheon at Service Award, a Philos Award and a Rush Ex-
her club, Rock Spring Country Club, cellence Award. Zadie's alumnae chapter re-
where w e have, as we gather, the ceived a certificate of achievement as an Out-
view of a lake and the club greens; standing Alumnae Chapter.
our luncheon tables command a view
of the New York skyline," added
Gina Strauchon. The club's location
is near a highway that's quite conven-
ient for our Theta Pi collegians.

Jewelry m a k i n g is one of Bab's
many "busy" hobbies. Both Bonnie
Brae Farms, a facility for troubled
young people, and AOII have prof-
ited f r o m this craft. She donated over
$2,000 to Bonnie Brae f r o m the sale
of her jewelry.


San Diego commemorates chapter founding

More than sixty AOIIs, TlOAs and viding a backdrop for the red and white Foundation; and San Diego alumnae
guests met in September for a brunch to table decor and the bowls of red roses chapter members Sue Holtkamp, current-
commemorate the 50th anniversary of and golden wheat; the guest list was i m - ly serving as international alumnae mem-
the founding of the San Diego Alumnae pressive with two International Directors b e r s h i p c h a i r m a n , w h o served as
Chapter. to bring greetings; the program was inter- toastmistress, and Marianne Carton, in-
esting and timely; and the brunch, deli- ternational chairman of the Ruby Fund,
The setting was perfect with the lovely cious. who arranged the flowers. Collegians
blue sky and sailboats in the harbor pro- f r o m Lambda Iota and Lambda Beta also
helped celebrate.
EVANSVILLE—TRI-STATE International Directors Teri Anderson,
who flew in from Arizona for the occa- Teri presented a crystal gavel along
Evansville Tri-State Alumnae started sion, and Marilyn Herman headed the list with congratulations from the Executive
the year with an interesting and busy of AOII "celebrities" which included Board to Alumnae President Reba Traber
schedule. Gayle Fitzpatrick, a director of Region in honor of the chapter's 50 years. A
VIII; Olga Vatcher and Margot Butler, proclamation f r o m the San Diego County
At the lakeside home of Annamargaret representing the Southern California Board of Supervisors, too, commended
Clutter, Theta, the chapter entertained a Council and also the Diamond Jubilee the group for its f i f t y years of service to
full quota of new Chi Lambda pledges the San Diego Area.
and the collegians in September with a DJF seeks support
swimming party and picnic. This was fol- Featured as the speaker on the program
lowed by a Saturday Kick-Off Brunch The Diamond Jubilee Foundation con- was Jane Booth, photo-archivist f o r the
which brought out 35 alumnae for fellow- tinues to receive contributions f r o m the San Diego Historical Society, whose talk
ship and a review of the year's plans. membership to provide scholarships for and slide presentation was entitled
educational advancement. "Women in San Diego History—the Gen-
In October the chapter's Open House tle Strength." During the celebration the
held at the AOII Suite on the University The Board of Trustees includes Elea- chapter recognized fifty year members of
of Evansville campus saw another group nore Dietrich MacCurdy, Iota Alpha, AOIL. Those members who were present
of eighty alumnae and families. president; Lynne Irish Johnston, Epsilon, and received certificates and a standing
first vice president and chairman of pub- ovation were Elizabeth Evans Hummel,
Many groups of alumnae worked lic relations; Dorothy House Winn, Tau, Zeta '28, Gethine Williams Brown, Pi Del-
many hours at craft workshops preparing treasurer; Nancy Bates-Lane Heard, Chi ta, '29, Roberta Creason Fifield, Phi '28,
for the Holiday Craft and Baked Goods Delta, second vice president; Caren Marian Hawkes Hemingson, Gamma '26,
Auction held in November. Gundberg Carpenter, Theta, secretary; and Constance Kenney Chace, Delta '31,
Patricia Jacobs Mottweiler, Theta, assist- a past president of the San Diego Alums.
Founders' Day was celebrated in De- ant treasurer; Karen Thomas Tucker, Del- Those who received certificates by mail
cember with a joint Luncheon with Chi ta Delta, scholarship; and Marguerite were Jane Campbell Stevens, Beta Phi
Lambda collegians. The program fea- Gist Butler, Sigma, seals project. '31, Kathryn Longmire Barnes, Pi '31,
tured alumnae from various collegiate Mary Perkins Gunnerod, Rho '30, and
chapters who told something about their Other committees include Rosalie Bernice Lembcke Matthiesen, Eta '31.
chapters and collegiate days. Gorham Barber, Sigma Omicron; Mil-
dred Ward Eldridge, Delta; Olga Seibert "After our bang-up beginning, San Die-
Baseball fans Vatcher, Lambda; Wilma Smith Leland, go Alums are looking forward to an excit-
share moment Tau; Susanna Tyler Hadley, Kappa The- ing and rewarding fifty-first year and the
ta; Dorothy Woodbury Linn, Kappa The- beginning of our second semi-centennial
Nearly 24,000 were present as Balti- ta, and Marion Grassmuck Clouse, Chi. of dedicated alumnae participation," Mar-
more Alumna Barbara Anne Green re- garet Schalk Barnett, Omicron Pi '46,
ceived a marriage proposal. added.

During an early October baseball game Officers honored
between the Baltimore Orioles and the
New York Yankees, Dennis Kurgansky A brunch honoring Jo Beth Heflin
arranged to have his proposal appear on and Ginger Banks, AOII internation-
the stadium scoreboard. al officers, was held on Oct. 3, at the
Westwood Country Club in Austin,
As the top of the f i f t h the scoreboard Texas. Hostesses were the members
read: "Barb, I love you very much. Will of the Pi Kappa Corporation board.
you marry me? Dennis."
Guests were City Panhellenic dele-
However, when the proposal crossed gates, collegiate Panhellenic dele-
the scoreboard, Barb was watching the gates f r o m the University of Texas,
flight of a helicopter overhead. Finally and the presidents of sororities at the
Dennis got her attention . . . university.

Barb initiated into Sigma Tau chapter Also present were members of the
at Washington College, she served as its Austin Alumnae Chapter, 35 mem-
president in 1976-77. Now, a personnel bers f r o m Upsilon Lambda collegiate
assistant in the Johns Hopkins Oncology chapter in San Antonio, San A n t o -
Center, Baltimore, she was president of nio alumnae, and Lynn Garvey, re-
the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter from gional rush officer.
Oh yes, Barb accepted the novel pro-
posal. Their wedding is planned for next
winter—after the 1982 baseball season.

Colonies added

UK colony off after strong start
Editor's Note: Few members have a.m. Wednesday in vans and trucks full
had the pleasure (probably better de- International Vice President shows new colony of costumes, sets, and very "energetic"
scribed as the responsibility) of help- members where to put their AOI1 pins. AOIIs. After only "ten" winks of sleep at
ing to establish a collegiate colony. alums' homes, the N u Beta women with
Recently Melinda Lawrie, coloniza- The rush week, Sept. 23-27, was the help of Lexington alums began a
tion chairperson, provided many in- packed fully with much activity and as- L-O-N-G day of constructing sets, several
sights into the recent activities at the sistance f r o m every group and person hours of practicing, "being interviewed
Kappa Omega colony at the Univer- raising their volunteering hands. and filmed for the 6 p.m. news—state-
sity of Kentucky, Lexington. To bet- wide," performing the AOI1 FOLLIES skit
ter see the efforts alumnae and colle- The week began eventfully with the Nu that is ready for the big time, disas-
gians have unselfishly given during Beta women f r o m Ole Miss arriving at 4 sembling sets, and starting out on a trek
the colonization at UK, Pennsylva- back to Dixieland in time for 8 (a.m.,
nia State University and the Universi- that is!) classes on Thursday. Whew!
ty of Louisville To Dragma would What troopers!
like to share an in-depth look at
"building a colony." The day's agenda was additionally
highlighted by the arrivals of the
THEY'RE OFF!!! The new Kappa Ome- interview team members: Ginger Banks—
ga colony—87 members strong—is now a International President; Peg Crawford—
contender in the "Run for the (AOI1) Ros- International Vice-President; Sue Lewis—
es." The colony members decided on the administrative director, Headquarters;
Kappa Omega name of the colony/ Troy Johnson—public relations coordina-
chapter for K representing Kentucky and tor; Marian Hutchinson — regional
f l representing a horseshoe as a symbol of director, Region IV; and Joan Piper Shep-
the horse industry uniquely famous to herd—regional director, Region I I I . In
(continued on page 17)

Epsilon Alpha recolonizes at Penn State

Epsilon Alpha lives again at Penn The day was a celebration of the Preceding the Pledging-In Cere-
State University. Sunday, M a y 17, efforts of many collegians and alum- m o n y was a luncheon held at the
1981, a day filled with w a r m sun- nae w h o worked diligently to get the Nittany Lion Inn. In addition to the
shine, marked the installation of 26 recolonization vote passed through 26 collegians i n attendance, there
collegians to the Epsilon Alpha Col- the Panhellenic Council. Marie were 25 alumnae f r o m the State Col-
ony. Two more collegians were Wrobleski Fedon, Epsilon Alpha '50, lege and Harrisburg Alumnae
pledged to the colony the following helped lead the effort to get the col- Chapters. Also in attendance were
Thursday for a grand total of 28 col- ony started by hosting various Wendy Oakes, the Panhellenic pres-
ony members. brunches and meetings at her home. ident, and Pam Santoro, the Panhel-
lenic vice-president. Wendy and the
f Panhellenic Council were extremely
helpful in getting the recolonization
Epsilon Alpha Colony's first members were photographed last spring. Front Row: Leslie Wildman, vote passed, explained Colony presi-
Jeanmarie Sarcone, Robin Sander, Meg Parker, Laura Griswold, Lydia Clark, Becky Feikles, dent Lisa A. Lundy.
Megan Rose Leuschner. Second Row: Kris Volpe, Stacey Kieshauer, Beth Kinder, Del Miskie,
Jeanne O'Connell, Jan Kovarick, Kate Mueller, Kathy Kilkenny, Felice Srolis. Third Row: Posie Peg C r a w f o r d , vice-president de-
O'Neill, Lynda Cloud, Lynn Napkori, Vicki Spiller, Celeste Piombino, Connie Pappas, Lisa velopment, flew in from Chicago for
Lundy, Jill Rogers, Jenny Dellaport. Missing from picture: Maureen Haley and Gina Scrudato. the luncheon and Pledging-In Cere-
During the fall the colony membership jumped to 65, the campus total. mony. Peg was assisted by R D Leslie
W e l c h w h o drove f r o m N e w Jersey.
Lois Klotz, regional extension of-
ficer and a State College resident,
was also present.

After the Pledging-In Ceremony
State College alumnae presented
each colony member w i t h her AOn
T-shirt. The girls also received
hand-made ceramic vases contain-
ing a red rose f r o m Nancy
Leuschner whose daughter is one of
the colony members.


(continued f r o m page 16) ered we were being filmed and inter- established a strengthened atmosphere of
viewed again . . . for the 11 p.m. news! sisterhood. After the excitement calmed
addition to being obviously effective as Stars? down to "Cloud 9," we delivered the A l -
interviewers; they along with the rest of pha Chi's to the houses of some of the so-
us, became rather good "makeshift" car- Thursday and Friday were filled with rorities who so graciously extended their
penters, costume assistants, key grips, interviewing the charming and ambitious hospitality as part of their contribution of
etc. young women. This gave AOI1 an oppor- our colonization rush, which was greatly
tunity to learn f r o m the rushees what appreciated.
THE PRESENTATION PARTY they were expecting from AOII and what
At 7 p.m.—Ready, Anxious, and they had to offer AOII. The interviewers THE PREFERENCE PARTY
NERVOUS; we opened the doors of the discovered these young women had so Saturday began with the Preference
King Alumni House to 130 young UK much mental and physical vim and vigor Party done beautifully in the true AOII
women who were quite eager to learn to offer AOII that, once established; they style. The content of the Preference Party
about what we all love so dearly. The N u would be an enriching entity of our so- was enhanced by the long, white dresses,
Beta skit was a "smash hit" convincing rority. white candles, and of course, red roses.
the rushees to sign up for the interviews The rushees then went immediately to
on Thursday and Friday. Some members The interview days were topped off Fri- preference card signing in the lobby of
from the Chi Lambda chapter at the Uni- day night with Preference Party invita- the King Alumni House while we were
versity of Evansville came down to ably tions being extended. We alums shed nos- frantically rearranging everything for For-
assist in the rushing and strongly contrib- talgic tears remembering very fondly mal Pledging.
uted in the success of the large turn-out those years of seeing the brilliantly-lit
for the interviews. The rushees signed up face of the girl receiving and cautiously Ginger and Peg conducted the Formal
for their interviews after the party with opening her preference invitation. During Pledging which, a heart-warming ceremo-
help from the Panhellenic advisor, rush this time, the Alpha Chis f r o m Western ny in its own right, was accentuated by
chairman, president, and rush counselors Kentucky University arrived en masse in the fact it was Kappa Omega's first and
whom we genuinely consider a vital rea- jerseys and began serenading all f r o m the that our International and Regional O f f i -
son for our tremendous success. During lobby balcony with an impromptu con- cers were so much a part of i t .
the "hub-bub" of the sign-up, we discov- cert of AOII's "all-time favorites" which
Following the Formal Pledging, the
: whole AOII entourage went to Lexing-
ton's Hyatt Regency Hotel for the ban-
• quet.

University of Kentucky colony members following formal pledging. SUNDAY—It's not over yet!
Sunday afternoon, we hosted a recep-
tion presenting our new colony members
and honoring the University administra-
tion who have been so supportive since
we were invited last Spring to come on
campus at the University of Kentucky.
The reception gave all of us the opportu-
nity to meet and establish contact w i t h
the U K Greek Community: the parents,
relatives, & friends of the colony mem-
bers; and the administrators at U K . A l l
appeared to enjoy the festivities after
which we hesitantly said our "good-byes"
to the last group leaving Lexington who
had had such an impact on the great suc-
cess of combined efforts. Even the weath-
er cooperated with us all week!

. . . .and more!
The enthusiasm seen in the colony
members when they were rushees hasn't
diminished one iota. Since September,
they have attended countless mixers,
been invited to dinner by all the sororities
on campus, and won the Homecoming
Pep Rally — t h e i r first silver cup!

. . . in closing—

The spirit and vitality of our four
founders is more and more visible in the
young women of Kappa Omega colony
with each new activity, each meeting,
and each moment of recognition as a f u -
ture member of Alpha Omicron Pi. The
abundant pride that we all have in them
and that they have in themselves as a rep-
resentative of Kappa Omega will only
strengthen their founding fervor.

In the spirit of our Founders—Stella,
Helen, Jess, and Bess.


Nu Betas find traveling filled with challenges

by Nancy Finerty, Nu Beta

The lights dim. A hush falls over the audience. A l l eyes are
focused on the darkened stage before them.

Suddenly a voice booms, "Good evening, ladies, and welcome
to the 1981 edition of the A O n Follies!" Within seconds the stage
is alive as lights, music and dancers exclaim, "Everything's com-
ing up roses."

Yes, the N u Beta production of the A 0 I 1 Follies had arrived at
the University of Kentucky. However, the 200 rushees who sat
enjoying the skit had little way of knowing the many difficulties
the 23 cast members had faced the night before.

The N u Beta women, who made the trip in two rented vans—

which later came to be affectionately known as the party van

and the gray van—and a 22-foot truck, had no idea of the prob-

lems they would later encounter as they loaded the vans and pre-

pared to make the eight hour trip. The truck, which carried the

stage, lights, sound equipment and costumes, and displayed the

sign that read "UK or Bust," had left Ole Miss several hours


After discussing the directions to UK, the women piled into

the vans and settled in for their long trip. The trip wasn't as long

as they anticipated, however, because the gray van would not

start. Mechanics that they were, the women tried everything—

even kicking the tires—to get the van started. A l l their efforts

were in vain—the van simply refused to start. Finally, a call was

made to the Rent-a-Car Agency who sent a repairman. After

Nu Betas begin trek to UK campus. Photo by Ruth Ingram, Nu Beta. working for 45 minutes, the repairman jump-started the van

and the women were on their way—

only an hour and a half behind sched-

Pledge sisters accept roles ule!

Once on the road, the gray van en-
countered further mechanical difficul-

to advise nearby colonies ties. About an hour outside campus, the
van overheated. Stopping at the nearest

gas station, the women were informed

Their f r i e n d s h i p began 14 years and Terri is the adviser for the U n i - that the van had a broken alternator
ago when the two young women versity of Louisville colony which belt. The next hour and a half was spent
from the southern Indiana towns of started in June. locating and installing a new belt.
Tell City and Clarksville went to
Terre Haute to attend Indiana State "We began a wonderful friend- Meanwhile, the true*, was experienc-
University. ship through A O n and now have ing problems of its own. The women
the opportunity to show our ap- knew the truck could only attain a maxi-
They both went through rush and preciation," Sara and Terri ex- mum speed of 50 mph. What they
didn't know was that it had no second

pledged the new colony of A O n . claimed. gear! Nu Beta's resident trucker, Kris

The two became acquainted during McConnell, recalls, "We had to go
the first pledge class gathering through a weigh station with all the 18-
December 1967. wheelers and we didn't know what to
do! A l l the truckers were honking at us!
The pledgeship marked the begin- We stopped to get gas and didn't know
ning of a very close friendship what kind of gas it took or where to put
that—to this day—has not faltered. it. We just pulled up and said 'fill it up!'
We finally had to smell it to decide
After graduation in 1971, thou-

sands of miles separated Sara Simms what kind to use." The truck arrived at

and Terri Hill Harrison, both Kappa UK about 12:30 a.m.

Alpha charter members of '68, from Terri Hill Harrison and Sara Simms, both The vans, in the meantime, were a
time to time, but the pair kept in charter member of Kappa Alpha '68, will long way from Lexington. The gray
close touch and visited each other as continue a close friendship since pledging van, which had lost its sideview mirror
often as possible. as they both accept advisory roles with new during the trip, managed to take a
colonies at the University of Kentucky and wrong turn. The error took the women
Now the two of them live only Louisville. an hour out of their way. Needless to
one hour apart, and discovered they say the party van didn't catch the mis-
are embarking on a new venture not take and followed the gray van into the
shared by very many pledge sisters: wilds of Kentucky.
Sara w i l l be the chapter adviser for
the University of Kentucky colony The vans arrived at UK around 5
a.m.—only five hours late!


AOII Career Series

Nurses are asking more from the 1980s

The f i r s t profession w h i c h To sistants, etc.—is becoming more realize that they must continue to
Dmgma w i l l highlight in its careers aware of the needs patients have be- w o r k hard to become recognized as
series is nursing. yond the cure. Many times nurses health professionals. A number of
have been left to deal w i t h every- AOIIs have candidly shared their feel-
Note the term "profession"? If one thing but the surgery. Now observers ings about the profession they chose.
would take the time to visit AOII are finding that medical teams are A n d they are quick to add they chose
nurses—or any nurse—she w i l l f i n d a sharing responsibilities to help a pa- the profession.
healthy mixture of pride and frustra- tient throughout his/her medical or-
tion. Nursing is a profession not to deal. No one who shared comments
deal with lightly. w i t h To Dragma said they would
The idea of "sharing" has brought really rather become physicians,
Its membership includes hundreds new life to today's nurses. Student or . . . .
of thousands of individuals who are nurses are encouraged to learn of the
involved in a profession—a profes- responsibilities ahead of them. It will They wanted to become nurses
sion which demands qualified, re- not be a job of just keeping patients . . . good nurses . . . professionals.
sponsible and compassionate people comfortable, but a profession of
to fill its ranks. health care. We must salute their decision and
offer our support as they do their
The medical field—which nurses A O I I nurses know they are part of part to improve the quality of life for
share w i t h physicians, technicians, an invaluable profession. They also us all.
health care specialists, physicians' as-

With a choice—Why nursing?

Pam Pepper graduated f r o m high four days a week. I have every other
school in 1976. The same year she began weekend off. I was married shortly after
college at the University of Evansville graduation. We have our evenings togeth-
and was enrolled in the B.S. nursing pro- er and so far our schedules have meshed
gram. well even though he works days," she
" I found nursing school difficult and
time-consuming. For a reason I cannot de- "The work is extremely stress-
fine, I thought nursing would make a re- ful, but also rewarding."
warding career and I stuck with i t , " she
said. Pam Pepper Pam works in a High Risk unit—for
premature and sick infants. "The work is
Pam pledged Chi Lambda her sopho- Now for the drawback. The majority extremely stressful, but also rewarding,"
more year. of people who graduated with Pam had she added. " I may care for an infant f o r
to begin working night shift. Transfers to the first three months of his life. After
" I appreciated sorority very much for day shift may take as long as several spending ten hours with a critical baby, I
the fact that it gave me other things to do months to several years. Many nurses be- may dream about reading IVs and doing
besides nursing," she said. "Too often I come disgusted with this situation and vital signs. But when we get a picture
found myself in classes with other student leave the hospital for community health back f r o m a first birthday party of one of
nurses, eating my meals with other stu- or nursing education positions. the little ones—well, it's impossible to de-
dent nurses and going to clinics with still scribe how proud and thankful I feel."
other student nurses. AOII gave me a "For myself I like night work. Probably
chance to meet different people. It also because I hate getting up early. I work in Pam and other nurses work with all
gave me the chance to socialize with up- a unit that has ten hour shifts. I work kinds of modern technical equipment:
per and lower classmembers. I could re- f r o m 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. and I only work monitors, ventilators, tubes and pumps—
ceive help f r o m older sisters in my field all are part of the High Risk unit.
and give some help to younger sisters."
A t first it was difficult not to be over-
The AOII graduated from the B.S. pro- whelmed by this, Pam admitted. " I quick-
gram in 1980. ly learned not to focus my attention on
the equipment. If an alarm sounds I can't
" M y classmates and I were very look at a monitor to see what the prob-
pleased with the job market. While our lem is. I am not there to treat a monitor. I
friends who were in education and busi- have to treat the infant—immediately.
ness were trying to sell themselves to po-
tential employers, we already had jobs. (continued on page 20)

"In my case I interviewed with two hos-
pitals, I received job offers from both and
simply chose the offer I wanted. The
whole process took about a week," Pam


(continued from page 19) was prepared to stand up for my rights Nurses have broken into some adminis-
and not act like a second class citizen. trative positions. Unfortunately, Pam
The infant and his/her family are always Fortunately, the majority of work I do said, to make it many have forgotten
the focus of my care. with doctors has been pleasant. We work their roots and picked up the ideas of the
as a team to save infants. I do what I am people they now work with. The staff
"Besides the babies, I also love working capable of doing and the doctor does nurse still functions at the whims of ad-
with the parents. Without encouragement what he/she is capable of doing." ministration:
many parents would be too scared even
to touch a tiny, two-pound baby. I'm in a However, she sometimes does feel like It's a rather love/hate relationship,
position where I can help foster the very a "second class citizen." isn't it?
beginnings of the parent-child relation-
ship," she said. "I am treated as a second class citizen "I would never
by another member of the hospital—ad- encourage someone
Pam, too, had some negative com- ministration," Pam said. "Administration
ments about the career of her choice. is concerned with keeping costs down. to pick nursing
One way to do this is to treat nurses as a as a career."
"I make about $17,500 a year, a decent labor force.
salary for my needs. However, my hus- "I would never encourage someone to
band—a starting engineer—makes much "We are not blue collar workers. We pick nursing as a career," Pam said.
more. Why? are professionals. We are not interchange- "However, after someone has picked
able parts. A High-Risk nurse cannot be nursing, I would dp everything I could to
Both have B.S. degrees. Pam certainly expected to function competently in a car- support him/her. I enjoy the other nurses
feels like she has just as much responsibili- diac care unit. We are specialized," she I work with. Their support and encour-
ty as he does . . . added. agement is a wonderful feeling.

"Respect means Pam said administration believes a "We know we're doing something posi-
more to me than does money." nurse is a nurse. They see no problem in tive for society," Pam stressed. "We're
juggling staffing to keep the hospital just having trouble convincing others of
A second major complaint of Pam's "cost efficient." our worth."
has to do with respect and power.
"It is so disgusting to try to explain
"This means more to me than the mon- that they are compromising patient care
ey does," she stressed. "In school I stud- only to confront a patronizing attitude
ied about the doctor-nurse relationship. I that says, 'Do what I say and be a good
little girl.' "

Nursing described 'exciting, fulfilling career.'

Leslie Riggins Carswell, Delta Omega, and the use of a secretary! A different as- part, or none of these. I can decline at
was an AOII at Murray State for two pect for a lot of nurses. anytime or choose to work. It is nice with
years before transferring to U N C and re- a small child," she explained. "Of course,
ceiving a B.S. in Nursing in 1977. "I was my 'own boss' and great hours there are no benefits, but I am still in-
with decent (?) pay," Leslie said. volved in my career on a part-time basis
"I have found nursing to be an exciting with hours basically to suit me."
and very fulfilling career as well as diver- After taking a year off to do maternal-
sified and challenging," she said. "I see it child nursing (she had a beautiful baby The pay in Southwestern Virginia is
to be one of a few professional careers girl about 16 months ago) at home, she $2-3 below the national average, but
that you can do so many varied things. now has, for her, a perfect situation. She gradually improving.
In my 4Vi years of practice, I have done is a working "PRN" in intensive care at
one year in critical-coronary care and the local hospital. "Nurses in our intensive care are re-
two years in the mental health field." spected by the doctors and are recognized
"The supervisor calls and tells me what as I feel they should be," she added. "The
In mental health she had her own office shifts they need someone on each sched- morale here is good, too, and I feel pa-
ule, and I have the choice of working all, tients are getting good care using the 'ho-
listic' approach, which makes me feel
A O I I helped through the bad times good. I am glad to have chosen nursing
and I still have a goal of attaining my
"There were many times I was into it," Gina said. master's someday, if the opportunity
frustrated to the point of changing "For me it has taken six years to
my major," admitted Gina Zofrea Students comment
Fish, a Lambda Beta alumna. "Our complete the program due to mar-
program was tough and there was riage and having a baby," she added. Nursing students at Chi Lambda
never much encouragement from our "There are many lows in being a chapter, University of Evansville,
instructors during the first two nurse but there are so many more had several comments on their cho-
years. high and it is these highs that nurses sen profession.
thrive on.
"However, my sisters always were Nursing students seemed to agree
there to give me that positive feed- "Just knowing that I helped some- that they enjoy thinking about a ca-
back I so desperately needed," she one in some small way to recovery is reer of helping people. As a nurse
added. all the reward I need. It has to be — they felt they could learn as much
nurses' salaries are so small," Gina from the patients as the patients
Gina believes that five years is not said. could learn from them.
too long to sacrifice in order to get a
nursing degree. "Money doesn't keep nurses in They feel an important role will be
nursing anyway," she added. "Pa- to provide equality health care, ex-
"If it is something you want then tients keep nurses in nursing." . plained Dee Foley.
any amount of time is worth putting


Student reviews her chosen 'profession'

June 1982. That month marks not only There is a shortage of qualified profes- I ~4
the close of my collegiate career as an sional nurses today—one that has been
AOII but also draws to a close the four highly publicized and discussed. * T """"
years I have spent preparing myself for a
career in professional nursing, remarked " I feel that there are many reasons for Sally Stewart
Sally A. Stewart, Gamma Sigma. the shortage and some of them are not
readily known to the public," Sally said. laws in the making to require all RNs to
"Much of that time has been spent un- "People are living longer today and the have their Bachelor of Science. The level
der frustrating and trying circumstances number of chronic illnesses has increased, of training that these students receive also
but some of this time has also brought a thereby increasing the need for qualified make them eligible to move up in salary
sense of joy to me and it has given me a nurses. There is a relatively new empha- and career opportunities more quickly
real sense of accomplishment," she sis on public and community health care than diploma and associate RNs. While
added. and other health care professionals have the amount of clinical training in a bacca-
not responded to this need as nurses laureate program is somewhat limited
The choice of nursing as a career has a have. The cut-backs in federal and state (and I am speaking from experience), I
very obvious and natural one to Sally. monies in the funding of nursing schools feel that in order for nurses to be thought
and educational grants have lowered the of as true professionals, we need the type
" I have always liked people and have number of people who can afford the nec- of training this program has to offer."
always been interested in medicine. essary education it requires to become a
When you combine the two, you have professional nurse." Sally also mentions the rewards.
nursing," she said. "In my opinion, nurs- "When you see a person come in for open
ing is the only health care profession And finally, there are the well publi- heart surgery and leave in ten days look-
where you deal with people in all aspects cized reasons for the shortage of nurses, ing and feeling better than he has in years
of their life—not just physically, but emo- she added: the low pay, bad working because of the quality of the nursing care
tionally and intellectually as well." hours with very little flexibility, a feeling he has received (and yes, nursing care is
of a lack of control in decision making in primarily responsible for his health—in
Sally has not yet decided in what she most clinical settings, and the lack of re- the pre- and post-operative teaching and
will specialize, but the field of profession- spect f r o m other health team members the care given during this time), you must
al nursing is virtually wide open. and the public. A l l of these have helped realize the contribution you have made to
to contribute to the nursing shortage. the quality of that person's life.
"Job opportunities are greater than
ever before," she added. "Whether you Those who do choose nursing as a pro- "When you see a new baby born, and
are interested in primary care—working fession will find that job opportunity and witness the joy and excitement on the
in a hospital or a doctor's office directly salary range vary, depending upon what new mother's face, you realize that you
with patients, or administration, educa- region of the country you work in, what have just seen one of the greatest joys in
tion or public health, there are job open- specialty you choose, what type of insti- life. When you help a depressed or suici-
ings in almost every region of the coun- tution you work in and how that institu- dal patient hang on to his life long
try." tion is funded. enough to begin to get himself in order
just by being there to listen . . . or when
Why are the opportunities so great? According to RN magazine there is a you stay with a patient that has had all of
greater number of positions available in the pain medication that he is allowed
Poor salaries, the Western and Pacific states, and more and is still in pain . . . when you share
positions available in inner city and rural of yourself just by being there and maybe
little respect areas as well. Salaries range f r o m $9.94 holding his hand, you are his pain relief
an hour in the Far West states to $7.69 an and you have to know that you have per-
cause shortage hour in the M i d South states according to formed a very valuable function in his
1980 figures. life.
" I certainly have considered leav-
ing nursing and becoming another Salary, too, is dependent upon what "And sometimes, when you can com-
shortage statistic, too," added area of nursing an individual chooses as a fort a family and a patient when he is
Jannell Knox, Lambda Sigma. "The specialty. In 1980, the average salary for dying, when you can help him leave this
reason is monetary compensation a hospital staff nurse was $7.95 an hour life in peace, you realize," Sally added,
and professional acknowledgement." while the average nursing director made "that there is no greater reward."
$9.65 an hour. These are just a few of the
Unfortunately hospitals where variables to consider when making a deci- (theme continued on page 22)
"burnout" is prevalent, offer the sion about where to work and the special-
highest salaries. ty you would like to work in. 21

" I have decided to remain at my For a person who wants to prepare
present hospital position, but will be him/herself for a career in nursing there
looking continually, including non- are several ways to go about doing so.
nursing areas," Jannell added. There are two, three and four undergrad-
uate programs in which a person may be
She feels that nursing education eligible to take the state boards and
suffers because two-, three- and become a Registered Nurse, as well as
four-year programs are available. As graduate programs in nursing in which to
a graduate of a three-year program, prepare oneself for an administrative or
she feels that a major portion of the educational position.
nursing school should be clinical.
"My suggestion to anyone considering
Yet a bachelor's degree offers addi- a nursing profession is a baccalaureate
tional insights. program," she said. "Many states have

Nursing undergoing 'much needed change9

Lucie Agosta is a nursing student at The field of nursing has and currently one is to meet the requirements for a de-
Southeastern Louisiana University and a is experiencing tremendous modification. gree in nursing. Before pursuing a career
collegiate alumnae member of Alpha Om- It may take several more years, but RNs in nursing, I never knew what baggy eyes
icron chapter at Louisiana State Universi- will no longer be regarded as servants of meant. But then again, I never knew
ty in Baton Rouge. the sick, Lucie said. "The definition of a what 'nursing' meant. Hopefully a larger
nurse as a maid, hopefully, can one day public sector will come to realize today's
"The field of nursing currently is under- be changed to that of a dedicated, caring, definition of 'a nurse.'
going a much needed change process," educated professional."
Lucie said. "Today's registered nurse "Only then will nurses obtain the bene-
(RN) is a person who has undergone ex- The change must begin with nurses fits currently held by other profession-
tensive educational preparation. The themselves and the view they convey to als," Lucie added.
young man or woman entering the field the public.
of nursing today finds at his/her finger- /
tips the key to a very diversified profes- "With the influx of male RNs willing
sion. Nurses currently are employed in a and ready to uphold the view of profes- Bonnie Bennett, Beta Lambda
wide variety of areas, such as physician's sionalism, I feel this task eventually can Nurse of the Year
office, rural communities, hospital criti- be accomplished," she said.
cal care units, supervisory positions and Member receives
school systems, as well as the traditional " M y own view of nursing has changed nursing honor
patient's care. radically within the last three years. The
educational requirements are demanding. The Champaign-Urbana Alumnae at
. . . nursing is As is any other profession, much care, the University of Illinois are proud to call
no longer just dedication and perseverance is required if the "Nurse of the Year" at Carle Founda-
an occupation; it's tion Hospital in Urbana one of its mem-
a profession." Mother's finger bers.

The field of nursing is no longer just an helped Lisa pick Bonnie Bennett, Beta Lambda '76, a
occupation; it's a profession, Lucie em- Registered Nurse, was chosen f r o m more
phasized. When Tau pledge Lisa Schroeder was than 400 nurses during Nurse's Week in
12-years-old her mother entered the kitch- March. Bonnie presently is the assistant
"Students like myself pursue careers in en h o l d i n g her finger she had just nurse manager of a 20-bed surgical unit
nursing and take more than four years of slammed in a car door. Lisa helped piece and five-bed surgical intensive care area.
college-level preparation. However, at the finger back together and wrapped it
graduation we will be faced with many of up with gauze. A 1979 graduate of Illinois Wesleyan
the same problems confronting nurses to- University, she was an active member of
day," she said. "Many will be underpaid, Her mother commented that Lisa could Beta Lambda chapter serving as scholar-
overworked and will rapidly lose their make a good nurse . . . and Lisa said, ship and social chairman and Panhellenic
dedication to what could be an extremely might have triggered the initial thought president her senior year. She now is
rewarding career. One can only wonder of entering the field of nursing. vice-president of the Champaign-Urbana
what happens to a profession which con- Alumnae chapter.
tains so much potential f o r its entrants?" In junior high she made the decision to
study nursing in college. Bonnie's interests include photography,
Why are there so many RNs today raquetball and planning for a June 1982
leaving their professions and assuming "Nurses are always with the patients wedding. She, too, plans to earn a Mas-
roles completely unrelated to the role and that's where I want to be," Lisa ter of Science degree in Nursing.
they were educationally prepared? Why shared. She chose to study nursing as op-
aren't the nurses of today receiving the posed to "doctoring" because she has
recognition that other four-year college found many doctors are egocentric and a
graduates receive? W h y do people hold- lot of them think they are super-human.
ing baccalaureate degrees in nursing find
themselves in positions inferior to other "Right now nurses are taken for grant-
degree recipients? ed like many secretaries," she com-
" I feel that part of the answer ideas in
the public's interpretation of a nurse.' Lisa is currently a nursing assistant in a
Many see nurses as maids and servants care center. She has worked with the el-
catering to the every need of a patient," derly for four years and also has been a
Lucie said. "However, those with a deep- dietary assistant.
er understanding of nursing realize that
these views MUST and currently are un- She has not decided on what field of
dergoing radical change. The profession- nursing in which she will specialize.
al nurse of today should be reviewed by
the patient and the public as a person pos- Common sense is essential to nursing;
sessing and upholding a certain level of it's the most important thing, Lisa said.
professionalism. "I've watched a lot of girls get straight
A's on their lab work, but when it comes
to talking face-to-face with another per-
son they panic."

The idea of male nurses makes sense to
Lisa. Lots of men prefer to have a man
taking care of them, she said and the care
of the patient is what nurses are hired for
in the first place.


There is something for everyone

The field offers challenging options

"Unless we can create a world which Dale works with the nursing staff change and grow.
to identify the normal physical, psy- "The impact of the role of Clinical
offers the possibility of aging, chological and social changes associ-
ated with aging. The nurse with this Specialist can best be measured in the
With grace, honor and meaningful- knowledge can help the aged retain staff's recognition that the elderly per-
their individuality and develop cre- son exists. Much thought on the nor-
ness, ativity to maximize physical and psy- mal as opposed to pathological
chological potential—and older peo- changes associated with aging has
no one can look forward to the fu- ple do have the potential because no been stimulated and incorporated
matter what the age, people do into the priorities of care," Dale
ture. " explained.

— Seymour Halleck

The number of elderly people living Volunteerism in nursing . . .
in the United States has increased sig-
nificantly in the last few years. Not all nurses that work are on sal- added. " I can do my volunteering on
About 11 percent of the population— ary. There are many nurses out in my own time, set my own schedule,
22 million people—are age 60 and the community doing much needed and not adhere to a 40 hour per week
older. The change has resulted in the volunteer work in their profession. job."

greater utilization of health care facil- They volunteer for different rea- There are many areas in which
sons—they are raising a family but nurses can volunteer. In the Portland
ities by the elderly and has required still want to keep active in nursing, area Elizabeth Corlett, Rho Sigma,
that health care providers become others have health reasons, some are and president of Portland Alumnae
more knowledgable and sensitive to retired nurses willing to give their Chapter is involved in three different
their needs. time, and many nurses volunteer programs that utilize volunteer nurs-
even though they have a full-time es. They are:
The nursing profession recognizes job. Also, in some states, like Ore-
the specialized nursing knowledge gon, in order to be relicensed every The American Red Cross Nursing
and care required to effectively work two years, a volunteer nurse must and Health Services. Nursing and
with the older adult, explained Dale volunteer a certain number of hours Health Services provides many op-
(960 hours every 5 years) to retain portunities for the volunteer regis-
Kehoe-Lohmann, Sigma C h i , whose his/her license. tered nurse to use his/her skills.
position of Clinical Nurse Specialist
"Volunteerism in nursing gives me Oregon Chapter of the Arthritis
in Gerontology has been designed to a sense of accomplishment, a sense of Foundation. She volunteers as a
function as a leader within the spe- community service, and the gratifica- nurse, as an AOII and as a concerned
cialty. tion that I am helping others," she individual for the local chapter of the
Arthritis Foundation. Elizabeth, too,
" I am a Registered Nurse with a serves on the Patient/Community
Services Committee and is on the
Master's Degree in Nursing specializ- Speakers Bureau list.

ing in Primary Health Care of the Volunteer Registered Nurse Pro-
gram or High School Health Services
Aged. I entered this position with sev- in the Portland area. This is an inno-
eral years clinical experience in the vative program in which the regis-
hospital, nursing home and communi- tered nurse works one day a week as
ty settings," she said. Her prepara- a school nurse in one of the high
tion at the Master's level is also as a schools. These nurses are in the
health room taking care of injuries,
Gerontological Nurse Practitioner. illness, counsel students, and do
health screenings. This program
Dale also has a private practice in the takes a load off the paid school nurs-
es who are understaffed due to bud-
community to evaluate and manage get cuts. The paid nurses work in the
the elderly in their home environ- elementary schools and the volunteer
ment. nurses in the high schools.

"Normal old age is a period of
enormous learning and growth. This
task is often complicated by the con-

flict that exists between cultural atti-

tudes and the realities of old age,"

Dale added. "So long as society may
believe that old persons are poor, iso-
lated, i l l and unhappy, we find the
prospect of old age unattractive."

Old age receives its special charac-
teristics from the state of one's own

mind and the interpersonal relation-

ships w i t h society. Stereotypes are " I feel it is a privilege and honor to
volunteer," Elizabeth said. "When
difficult to dispel as they often end Elizabeth Corlett taking a look at the nursing profes-
up to be self-perpetuating. These sion today, the volunteer nurse
myths influence our thoughts and should not be left out!!"
subsequent behaviors, she said.


Collegiate Commentaries

KAPPA TAU out, too, when the chapter won its first Before the homecoming game the chap-
Southeastern Louisiana trophy! The many hours and fine work ter hosted the alumnae brunch organized
paid off with a successful window dis- by Cyndee Cheesman. After the event ev-
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana play. The women had a great time and eryone walked over to Florida Field to see
University, really has kept active this great results, reported Joanne O'Connell. the Gators beat Ole Miss 49-3.
school year.
Presently, the women are preparing Later in October, Susan Mordue and
During Greek week the chapter won new campus activities such as a "Keg her committee turned the chapter house
the Songfest Award and its president, Roll" f r o m Hershey, Penn., to Beaver Sta- into a theatre and showed the movie
Sharon Thompson, won the Most Out- dium at PSU. It's more than 100 miles "Hanover Street." Proceeds from the
standing Greek Award. and contributions are going toward the movie went to the new Headquarters
American Heart Association. There are building.
Five members were elected to the also 100 hours of community service in-
Homecoming Court: Ginger Black, Ann volved. The December Christmas Party A spaghetti dinner for Arthritis, head-
Blaize, Kimberly Belcher, Risa Richard- is a special party for the underprivileged ed by Mary Leuders, was held in Novem-
son and Becky Heap. children in the area. The women were go- ber. Many extra runs to the local store
ing as elves to distribute toys to the were needed because of the huge demand
Kappa Tau's annual Keg Roll for A r - children. for Gamma Omicron's spaghetti which
thritis again was a success. Breaking last was cooked by Susan Elmore and Susie
year's record, the pledges and members Alpha C h i Nancy Spires is District 12 Balch.
rolled the keg 220 miles which brought in Sweetheart of Sigma Phi Epsilon. The dis-
about $4,000, announced Ginger Ales. trict includes Tennessee, Kentucky, Virgin- For Florida/Georgia weekend the chap-
ia and North Carolina. ter sponsored a football run for Muscular
The chapter, too, sponsored a Hallow- Dystrophy with Lambda Chi Alpha.
een party for handicapped children. GAMMA OMICRON Both AOIIs and Lambda Chi Alphas ran
U of Florida the game ball f r o m Gainesville to Jackson-
Youngstown State University of Florida is under a new se-
mester system. One thing that it gives The chapter also participated in the
Phi Lambda at Youngstown State Gamma Omicron is more time to be ac- Panhellenic/IFC United Way Drive be-
seems to have adopted "Toward Tomor- tive—and that is just what it's been. Ac- fore and after a late fall football game.
row Together" as its own personal theme tive! Meg Mitchell organized a clothes drive
for the 1981-82 school year, reported for the Salvation A r m y which began in
Mimi Bienko. Oct. 13-17 was homecoming week. the middle of November.
The entire chapter, lead by Lisa George,
After Traveling Consultant Katherine showed up at Sigma Chi to turn chicken NU LAMBDA
Wilson's visit, the chapter started work- wire and petal paper into a float. The USC
ing on the goals she helped it set. Phi groups worked hard but also had time for
Lambda moved up one place in scholar- impromptu football games and a barbe- After a hot, but not long enough sum-
ship on campus in one quarter and contin- que. The night before the parade many mer, the Nu Lambda chapter of A O n re-
ues to be a major force on Panhellenic. stayed up all night putting finishing turned to the USC campus with the
touches on the float. thought of rush on its mind.
Members planned a M r . and Miss YSU
contest with N u Sigma Tau local fraterni- "Celebrate, Celebrate, dance to the mu-
ty to benefit Arthritis Research. The con- sic" were the words that echoed down the
test and dance is scheduled for the winter Greek row last fall as the AOIIs present-
quarter. ed the row with its new theme day, AOPI
It hasn't been all work for the women.
They have planned mixers, their Rose Many hours of hard work kept many
Weekend, and a chapter retreat for mem- AOIIs busy during the summer season,
bers and pledges shortly before initiation. but the w o r k proved successful, as N u
L a m b d a gained 22 pledges, Lori
EPSILON ALPHA COLONY Strakosch reported.
Penn State
As the word school came back into re-
May of 1981 was just the beginning of ality, so did the idea of exchanges, par-
something great at Penn State. The Epsi- ties, pinnings, etc.
lon Alpha Colony recolonized and has
been getting stronger everyday. Begin- AOPIRATES was the theme of the Fall
ning with 26 determined females, they've event, and on Dec. 3, the Candlelights
taken themselves 'to the limit' (total 65) and Roses Formal was held. Members
with a tremendous informal rush! and pledges danced as they enjoyed a
breathtaking view of the city atop the
Informal rush began with an " O l d Fash- Universal Sheraton Hotel.
ioned Candy Shop" and had a fabulous
turnout. Sisters of Omega chapter, M i - As the school year rolls on, the AOIIs
ami University, came and provided the will find themselves busy with numerous
entertainment. activities. To top the year off, the chapter
will be participating in Songfest with Phi
When the women became involved Kappa Tau fraternity and will enchant
with Homecoming, they knew they were the judges with their beautiful voices.
winners. The rest of the campus found


T H E T A PSI Pam Rosenau, Zeta CHI DELTA

U of Toledo Laura JoAnne Johnson, Zeta U of Colorado

Refreshed f r o m the summer, the sisters Zeta members The Chi Delta chapter is continuing to
were ready and waiting for rush to start. represent towns grow. During fall rush it more than dou-
The theme for rush was "We've Got Mag- bled in size. The diversity of our group
ic to D o . " Rush chairman Raye A n n Two Zeta members Laura Jo Anne seemed to appeal to many of the pledges,
Watkeys combined successful elements Johnson and Pam Rosenau represented explained Jean Schmidt.
f r o m last year and added new ones to their hometowns last fall during Nebras-
make rush a new and exciting event. ka's state-wide Ak-Sar-Ben (Nebraska Homecoming was special. The new
spelled backwards) coronation and ball. chapter float, developed with Phi Kappa
For informal preference parties, Raye Tau fraternity won first place in the A l l -
Ann wanted to stay away from doing A former president of Zeta chapter, Greek division and second place overall.
what all the others were doing and de- Pam was graduated last May from the
signed a slide show which more clearly University of Nebraska with a double ma- The chapter is involved in many differ-
depicted the sisterhood and events than jor in music and elementary education. ent activities. Several members are on the
words could. The hard work and excite- Laura is a senior at the university and is CU debating team. AOIIs are on the year-
ment more than paid. Theta Psi took a majoring in consumer affairs. book staff, the Greek newspaper staff
pledge class of 23. and several other academic groups.
Ak-Sar-Ben operates as a civic, philan- Along with many academic groups, mem-
ZETA thropic, education and charitable corpo- bers are involved with other clubs. Some
ration. Each year 16 young women are of these groups include the CU cheerlead-
U of Nebraska chosen f r o m communities across the state ing squad, the women's field hockey
to be part of the court. team, and the diving team. A l l of these
What's happening with Zeta chapter? activities are only a small portion of the
Just about everything under the sun! The two are second generation Zetas. activities of actives and 33 pledges.
Laura's mother is Mary Clearman John-
Seems like everybody is involved in son. Pam's mother is Virginia McPeck The chapter's calendar was full during
something. Mindy Sutton was selected as Rosenau. Laura represented Fremont, the fall. Activities included a Western par-
a Homecoming Queen finalist. Shelly Neb., while Pam represented her commu- ty, several study breaks, song sessions, a
Kolb was on the Phi Gamma Delta A l l - nity of York. "Little K i d " party, Pledge Olympics, a
University calendar, and Michelle Norris couple of surprise wake-up breakfasts,
was elected M u Epsilon Nu education and a Formal.
honorary president. Zeta also had 13 rep-
resentatives in ASUN (student govern- SIGMA PHI
ment), and members in cheerleading, Cal. State—Northridge
Huskerettes (dance/drill squad), scholas-
tic honoraries and clubs, even a finalist in Hard work, spirit and involvement
the A1I-U spaghetti eating contest! have really paid off for the Sigma Phi
chapter at C S U N during the Fall semes-
Actives aren't the only ones involved. ter. AOIIs began the semester with the
Thirty pledges have been busy with all second highest GPA of all sororities on
the sorority contests, campus activities, campus. They celebrated with their annu-
and studying for their 2.5 initiation goal. al Scholarship dessert—the better the
GPA, the more spectacular the dessert!
Scholarship and philanthropy both
have improved, added Angie Allison. Sigma Phi has been active in Panhel-
Scholarship chairman Lori Moles has lenic. Diane DeGuardi is 2nd Vice-
helped motivate and set goals for Zeta. President and Lisa Weisbrod is president
AH her effort was worth it when the chap- of Junior Panhellenic.
ter raised its house GPA f r o m a 3.028 to
a 3.211. The chapter also has excelled in intra-
murals. It took first place in all-sorority
This year's philanthropy projects have volleyball and second in the annual A l l -
produced great results! About $1700 was Greek tug-of-war.
raised during Rock-a-thon, a $500 boost
f r o m last year! Christmas caroling at a Last and most exciting of all, the AOIIs
senior citizen's home and CPR are just of CSUN walked away with nearly all of
two of other activities to help benefit the the trophies awarded at Homecoming, re-
Arthritis Foundation. ported Debbie Barrett. Homecoming ef-
forts were combined with Zeta Beta Tau
Social life has to come in somewhere. fraternity and together the two Greek
The year started off with an Animal houses took first place in publicity, sec-
House (toga) Party and ended in Christ- ond place Float Entry, and second place
mas Formal. In between, the chapter en- Non-Float Entry. The latter included A n -
joyed Parents' Night, Mother's Brunch, a dre Landzaat (Tony Cassadine) and Ilene
Western and Gangster's Party, and vari- Dietz (Sarah Abbot), both of the favorite
ous functions. soap opera "General Hospital," which
was quite fitting considering that the
A l u m chairman Patty Paulick has theme was "CSUN Salutes the Soaps."
worked hard in Zeta's alumnae relations.
A collegian-alumnae picnic at an alum- The highlight of Homecoming Week
na's house was relished with all the lasa- came during halftime when Eryn
gna, salad, dessert, and games to f i l l up Stratmann, the AOII candidate, was
anybody. Patty also started a new tradi- crowned Queen!
tion in having alumnae over to formal
dinner once a month. (continued on page 26)


(continued from page 25) • and first place in the Veishea float compe-
tition, reported Jan Beska.
GAMMA DELTA Johanna Stein
U of S. Alabama Dressed in Halloween costumes, the
Selected Pan head AOIIs took trick-or-treat goodies to the
The AOIIs at the University of South children in the pediatrics ward of the hos-
Alabama were so excited f r o m their University of South Alabama (USA) pital. The women also made their annual
spring quarter accomplishments, that A O I I Johanna Stein has been selected to pumpkin run, delivering pumpkins decor-
they felt their dreams had come true serve as Panhellenic president for the ated by the pledge class, to area alumnae.
when Fall Rush 1981 rolled around. 1982 school term. The Gamma Delta
chapter junior has served as alternate pan- "Sock-it-to-Arthritis" was the theme of
The Gamma Deltas had again placed hellenic delegate and Panhellenic Dele- a holiday philanthropy project as mem-
first in the annual Songfest. In addition, gate. bers sold personalized Christmas stock-
the group won the SAE Bedrace. The Der- ings to the community.
by Darling Title was awarded to A m y As the USA Panhellenic president, Jo-
Schock. Pike Calendar Dream Girl was hanna w i l l head such functions as the In addition to being active, the AOIIs
Beth Polovich and three other members Spring Red Cross Blood Drive, Panhel- strive for high academic achievements.
were selected as fraternity sweethearts. lenic Workshop, Rush and the annual Iota Sigma was recognized f o r having the
Panhellenic Banquet. second highest grade point average
When the 1981 Formal Rush began, the among the 16 sororities at Iowa State.
Gamma Delta chapter joined the ranks of IOTA SIGMA
Mickey Mouse, Cinderalla, King Louie, Iowa State The chapter's continuous enthusiasm
and the entire Walt Disney gang. Skit and high spirits help them to grow indi-
day carried the theme of "AOII Magical Filled with enthusiasm, the women at vidually and strengthen the common
Kingdom," and everyone from Baloo to Iota Sigma began the year on a winning bond of sisterhood. For Iota Sigma, liv-
the wicked stepsisters was present. note by receiving five trophies and a first ing together is an opportunity and work-
place victory in the Sigma Chi Derby ing together is a success.
Nineteen pledges were picked up dur- Days. Of course they didn't let their win-
ing fall rush and have been on the go ning streak stop as they went on to tie for TAU OMICRON
since. The Alpha Os held their annual first place in the Phi Psi 500, while their U of Tennessee-Martin
Halloween Pumpkin Cut, which netted a homecoming lawn display with the Sig-
contribution for the Arthritis Founda- ma Chis brought in a third place trophy. Tau Omicron celebrated a great Rush
tion. last fall, pledging 30 women.
The overwhelming spirit is merely a
Portrayed as clowns, to entertain the continuation of last spring when the The members have kept very busy with
children on the pediatrics ward, the wom- AOIIs took first place in the Mary House the pledges: a cookout after pledges
en of AOII visit local hospitals once a Tau Kappa Epsilon softball tournament picked up bids; intramural football; sack
month as a new project. Thanksgiving supper f o r a friend; breakfast at 5:30
Food Drive and a Christmas Party for or- a.m. with little sisters, etc.
phans also were held during fall quarter.
Around Halloween Big Sisters and Lit-
UPSILON tle Sisters attended a local haunted house
U of Washington and then went out to dinner. The night of
Halloween was a Fall Social for Tau Omi-
"We are family. I got all m y sisters cron and a costume party. Killer Bees,
with me." This was a type of feeling held Dracula and his wife, and Laurel and Har-
by the AOIIs at Upsilon chapter during dy were just a few of the costumes
rush. planned for the party!

A new party theme of "Bye-Bye Birdie" Last fall Tau Omicron had a Road-
was used very successfully. Fifteen mem- block planned in two towns to be our
bers f r o m Alpha Gamma chapter at WSU Philanthropic project for Fall Quarter.
came to help with rush.
Tau Omicron won first place this year
Sixteen new faces pledged AOII late in in the annual Sorority Feud. Fall Fashion
September. Harvest was the theme for this year's Pan-
hellenic Fashion Show and five women
A retreat was held in October on represented Alpha Omicron Pi as models.
Camano Island just before the chapter be-
gan its Homecoming Week. U T M Homecoming was N o v . 14 and
the chapter joined with Kappa Alpha fra-
The pledge class provided a goodnight ternity to build a homecoming float.
tuck-in service for fraternities on campus
as a successful fund raiser. Cornell scholarship available

The traditional pledge class Halloween Applications for the Alpha Omicron Pi Graduate Woman's Fellowship to
party was held in late October and cos- Cornell University must be completed by March 1 for consideration for the
tumes ranging from punk to western were 1982-83 academic year.
The fellowship was established in 1966 by Epsilon chapter. It is available to
The pledge dance was scheduled for a woman graduate student f r o m any accredited college or university, with pref-
late November. Pixie Week was held in erence (other qualifications being equal) to a member of Alpha Omicron Pi.
December and many girls camped out un-
der the Christmas tree at night. For further information one can write to The Graduate School, Cornell Uni-
versity, Ithaca, N . Y . 14853. The application should include a statement of
Senior Dana Newman recently was AOII membership.
elected to Sigma Lambda Chi, an honor-
ary building construction fraternity.


T H E T A PI gram, P . M . Magazine, cover the actual UPSILON LAMBDA
Wagner College competition.
U of Texas-San Antonio
Exhausting, tiring, time-consuming Community business men and women
. . . When do these three terms add up not affiliated with the school were asked AOIIs at the University of Texas at San
to teamwork leading to success? When to judge the men. A large and enthusias- Antonio report a great fall semester.
members of the small Theta Pi chapter of tic crowd of nearly 600 attended the pre-
A O I I at Wagner College work together miere of this annual event. The chapter is very satisfied with the
preparing for homecoming and rush after results from all the hard work during for-
rush and ending up with 11 pledges in an The winner received $60 cash, and sev- mal and informal rush. Upsilon Lambda
organization with only 15 sisters at the eral gift certificates donated from local has 20 new pledges and is the sorority
time. businesses. Two runners-up winners in closest to campus total—only two mem-
the talent and sportswear competitions bers from total.
The ever popular Friendship Week in- were awarded prizes also.
cluded such activities as a Pajama and The UTSA festival, also known as
Stuffing Party to help get the float for Delta Omega pledged 21 to reach its "Best Fest" was in late October. A O I I has
Homecoming Day on its way. quota for the fall semester. The pledges been activitely involved in promoting a
later sponsored a cookout at the nearby brand new Roadrunner basketball team.
"Technology on Parade" the theme for lakes for the whole sorority. They also Since the chapter is also the Athletic
1981 Homecoming Day, led the chapter celebrated planned a Halloween party, Booster Club, members sold Roadrunner
to the idea of an old fashioned telephone giving prizes for best costumes. basketball team buttons at Best Fest.
and costumes of telephone books. AOII actives were also in charge of the
Also, the chapter had an appreciation f u n games and obstacle courses that f o l -
It seemed unending to members who week for its chapter advisor, Mrs. Ken lowed during the day.
also had to put together their four rush Harrel. They, too, honored their parents
parties that same week. at Parent Day Luncheon. A n d we cannot ALPHA GAMMA
forget their participation in the Campus Washington State
During the weekend of Oct. 9-11 Theta Intramural Program with a softball and
Pi joined in activities of the first "Greek an undefeated football team, added Caro- With 31 enthusiastic pledges, the A l -
Weekend," arranged by the Pan Presi- lyn Ledford. pha Gamma chapter at Washington State
dent who doubles as an A O I I sister, re- University experienced a full and reward-
ported Susan Schreiber. The chapter had Six Delta Omegas were nominated for ing fall semester.
many activities planned for the term and Homecoming Court from various organi-
were looking forward to spending Found- zations across the campus: Tonia Bar- The pledge class was actively involved
ers' Day with the N.J. alums. nett, Debbie Foster, Debbie Lewellyn, Re- in AOII projects, from a fourth place f i n -
nee Overby, Danna Shipley and Loretta ish in Lambda Chi Alpha's Watermelon
NU BETA Wagner. Debbie, the reigning Miss How- Bust, to Homecoming competition with
U of Mississippi ard County (Ind.), was chosen to be one Phi Delta Theta, and the highlight of our
of the top five candidates for MSU philanthropy projects—our annual
The N u Betas kicked off the fall semes- Homecoming. Haunted House, reported Margo Myers.
ter by extending bids to 50 enthusiastic
pledges! But the excitement did not stop. it The Haunted House, sponsored by the
chapter and Sigma Nu fraternity, netted
Active in sports, the Ole Miss AOIIs Use Minovits and her Panda Patter approximately $1100, half of which went
boast about their pledge Jenny Rhoads, a to the National Arthritis Foundation, and
Lady Rebel Volleyball star. N u Beta's i n - Chapter officer the other half to UNICEF.
tramural volleyball team basked in a first starts weekly
place overall championship for the BK newsletter Cathy Anhorn, a newly-elected cheer-
second year in a row, Ellen Summer leader, helped cheer the Cougar football
reported. Lise M i n o v i t z , h i s t o r i a n and To team to one of its best football seasons
Dragma reporter, is using a weekly news- ever, a trip to the Holiday Bowl, Dec. 18,
W i n or lose, N u Betas have that spirit! letter to keep Beta Kappa members at the at San Diego.
The pledges won the weekly spirit University of British Columbia informed
trophey in recognition for their hard of AOII news. LAMBDA CHI
work of painting signs and cheering at LaGrange College
football pep rallies. Laura Smith, a for- Panda Patter is published each week
mer Ole Miss freshman cheerleader, co- for the chapter. The publication com- When it comes to breaking records, the
chairs the ASB Spirit Committee. bines news notes, congratulatory messag- Lambda Chi chapter is an expert! In the
es and activity notices. past two quarters members have been
DELTA OMEGA able to break three records at LaGrange
Murray State College: The chapter has won Step Sing-
ing two years in a row; the scholarship
The AOPis of Delta Omega at Murray cup four quarters in a row, and has
State University have sponsored several reached quota two years in a row.
fund-raising and campus-involved activi-
ties. Members honored the 18-member
pledge class with a luau. Besides enjoying
One of the successful activities was the great dates, food, and music we all
First M r . MSU Competition. learned how to dance Hawaiian-style,
Lynne Carter added.
Delta Omega sent invitations to all so-
rorities, fraternities, and other campus Lambda Chi, too, has been active in
organizations to sponsor one candidate the community. Its service projects have
to be the first M r . M S U . Each competitor included collecting money for muscular
was judged in four categories: interviews, dystrophy, taking decorated trash cans
sportswear, talent and suit and tie. The stuffed with toys to the children's ward at
chapter was able to get a regional pro- the hospital, and giving a Halloween par-
ty at the local nursing home.

(continued on page 28)


(continued from page 27) OMEGA XI October and November were especially
busy. A Halloween sisterhood party and
Pingry re-elected Morehead State a Halloween dance were two such Octo-
ber activities. In November the chapter
Sarah Pingry, a senior at Illinois Omega Xi chapter at Morehead State had Parent's Day at the Holiday Inn in
Wesleyan, is in the midst of her second University returned for the fall semester Jonesboro. Pledges scheduled a fundrais-
year as Panhellenic president. with much enthusiasm. Rush parties in- ing dance and later the entire chapter
cluded a hayride, followed by an ice held its Roseball, explained Christy
Sarah has accomplished many goals in cream social. The rose ceremony ended Satterfield.
her two years as president. One of her the main rush which added five pledges
biggest goals was to deal with deferred to the chapter number. GAMMA ALPHA
Rush. She wanted to w o r k on improve-
ments with Rush as far as the faculty was The actives planned a tea for Parents George Mason
concerned. Panhellenic reworked the Weekend. It was a great opportunity for
Rush Booklet, increasing the Rush infor- families to see what we have been doing Imagine a chapter where very few sis-
mation. It put out a flyer and reminder and where we spend some of our time, ex- ters share the same roof over their heads,
and reorganized Panhel-Preview, a meet- plained Laurie Patton. yet where the sisterhood and closeness
ing to inform the rushees of additional in- that is AOII is not missing. Further imag-
formation and to assign them to their Omega Xi with partners Alpha Gamma ine a rapidly growing, young commuter
Rush Counselor. Rho won the first place trophy and $200 campus in the heart of Fairfax, Va.,
each for their homecoming float. which attracts students from both the
Sarah Pingry nearby country and city.
Sarah's latest accomplishment has been KAPPA ALPHA
the installation of a Greek Newsletter. If you can put these two pictures to-
The first letter went out at the end of Oc- Indiana State gether, explained Reporter Cindy
tober included all of the fraternities and Lintner, you will have an idea of the
sororities on the campus. Rush signaled the start of a busy Fall Gamma Alpha AOIIs at George Mason
for the Kappa Alphas at Indiana State University.
PHI University and resulted in the addition of
U of Kansas 19 pledges to the chapter. Since Gamma Alpha's installation in
1978, the chapter has been very busy es-
Everyone knows how important it is to Its rush program was also successful in tablishing a stable foothold in Greek life.
plan ahead. Phi chapter, at the University a special way. One skit, charting the We have grown to a strong sisterhood of
of Kansas anticipated losing ten graduat- growth of AOII from our four founders 29 members, with a fall pledge class of
ing seniors in December, so they conduct- to the present through several musical ten members.
ed open rush activities in September. Its mini-skits, was selected for presentation
efforts paid off, with four new women. to all the campus sororities. There are only four sororities on cam-
Spring rush plans are in the making as pus. Currently, G M U lacks any form of
the members practice their skits and rush- Numerous members were recognized Greek housing. Since the Greek system
ing skills. Phi, without its own chapter for their academic achievement during may not be as visible as at other schools,
house, is grateful to future neighbors, Sig- the spring semester, and Laurie Allen, each sister must continue to promote the
ma Nu fraternity, for graciously lending outgoing Panhellenic president, received Greek spirit throughout the school year.
its house for rush parties. a standing ovation for her dedication and
service to the sorority system during a One AOII, Frances Collins, is president
AOII teamed up with the Pi Kappa Phi fall All-Sorority meeting, reported Nancy of the Panhellenic Association and re-
fraternity in the float competition to first Gerdink. ceived much support f r o m her AOII sis-
place in the non-moving structure cate- ters during Rush. This year the Panhellen-
gory. The spirit of the Kappa Alphas was ic Association operated the Used Book-
readily evident in its annual Cart-a-thon store on campus and A O I I was very ac-
28 with Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. This tive. As a result, the chapter earned much
event involved playing basketball in respect f r o m not only students on cam-
shopping carts and was chaired by Carol pus, but also from the other sororities,
Oxford. More than $250 was raised for Cindy said.
Arthritis Research.
Through other activities, such as giv-
The AOII energy then was redirected to ing campus tours to prospective students,
Homecoming activities. and mailing out 20,000 academic calen-
ders each month, A O I I was the only
Liz Cole was first runner-up for ISU Greek group on campus to earn a service
Homecoming Queen while the chapter, award from the university.
paired with Alpha Tau Omega fraternity,
earned first place for its float, which was THETA OMEGA
composed of large building blocks, tinker
toys, and lollipops pulled by a giant jack- Northern Arizona
in-the-box. It was entitled "We Don't Tin-
ker Around." Theta Omega is on the move! Starting
off by pledging nine young women in fall
Kappa Alpha also took first place in rush and then four during open bidding,
the window decoration contest, second AOII at Northern Arizona University is
place in a cheer contest and third place really spreading. During Homecoming,
for its banner. the chapter joined the men of Sigma A l -
pha Epsilon in the building of a second
SIGMA OMICRON place organizational float.

Arkansas State The fall term, too, was filled with ex-
changes, the Scholarship Banquet, Senior
The Sigma Omicron chapter at Arkan- Banquet, the Christmas . . . and a lot of
sas State University reported a rewarding studying, Lucia Bramanti added.

Becky Grace, last year's Homecoming
Queen, was honored to keep the crown
in the family by passing it on to AOII
Sandy Statler.

ALPHA PHI Sigma Pi fraternity really gave it the old SIGMA CHI
college try as the stage was set f o r a
Montana State "Broadway" theme. The chapter won Hartwick
first place in both Clowns and Scavenger
The members of Alpha Phi chapter at Hunt contests and came in second overall Eleven pledges and 39 members and
Montana State University, Bozeman, re- in the competition. Sigma Chi is proud as can be!
turned to school in September f u l l of ener-
gy and excitement about AOII. A t the Before cold weather really set in, mem- "AOII O N BROADWAY" filled the
completion of fall Rush the chapter bers and pledges jogged for Arthritis Re- house to standing room only with a per-
pledged 24. search in its annual 100 mile Jog-a-thon. formance that brought the house down,
during formal rush.
Halloween was made especially spooky DELTA PI
this year when the chapter turned its Central Missouri W i t h seventeen pledges last spring and
"home sweet home into a mad house." eleven pledges this fall, AOII continues to
Seven hundred very "spooked" people Delta Pi started fall term by taking 20 be a large and stable sorority on campus.
went through the house. Proceeds f r o m pledges. It is now the largest of the eight
the Spook House were sent to the A r t h r i - NPC sororities on our campus. Once again AOFl was presented with
tis Foundation. the Panhellenic Council Scholarship Cup
Sandy Hazell and Nettie Cecil went to for the highest GPA of Hartwick sorori-
Another successful event last fall was University of Colorado in Boulder to help ties. AOII has earned the honor five times
Parents' Day, which was held in conjunc- Chi Deltas with their rush program. It previously.
tion with Homecoming. Many parents was another opportunity to learn and
and alumni attended. share rush programs with other chapters. PHI UPSILON

SIGMA 5 Purdue

U of California Paula Foster The fall semester began with 76 women
Homecoming Queen moving into Phi Upsilon chapter house
The women have been very enthusias- and getting prepared for the year. A first
tic and have already plunged into During homecoming three AOPis were annual canoe trip was the chapter's way
fundraisers. They have finished one phil- nominated for the title of homecoming to start the semester.
anthropic project in giving candy treats queen. They were A m y Forsythe, nomi-
to local orphanages. nated by Delta Pi; Jeanna Gagne, nomi- Eight members of Phi Upsilon traveled
nated by the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraterni- to Northern Illinois University on one fall
The biggest event of the year arrives ty, and Paula Foster who represented the Saturday as a rush team to the N u Iota
soon—Sigma chapter's 75th Anniversary. Delta Chi fraternity. Jeanna Gagne and chapter. Many ideas were exchanged dur-
The women are planning their Rose Ban- Paula Foster placed in the top ten. Paula ing the short visit.
quet, Feb. 6, at the Claremont Resort Ho- was crowned 1981-1982 Homecoming
tel in Berkeley. The celebration will in- queen of Central Missouri State Universi- Just as things were quieting down, the
clude an open house for the campus held ty. Another homecoming honor was re- 1981 Pledge Class went on walkout to the
at the AOII house inviting all of the other ceived by Delta Pi for placing third in the Iota chapter at the University of Illinois.
Greek Presidents, the dean of Panhel- homecoming parade with our theme the
lenic, and the chancellor. Great Gatsby, reported Carol Bruce. O n the sports scene, the AOIIs finished
the Softball season making it into the
With preparations for its anniversary, The chapter was selected for outstand- playoffs, added Barb Robertson.
studying, BBQs, the big-little sister pro- ing spirit and enthusiasm to sponsor a
gram and many social functions, the Sig- university concert and w i l l soon be spon- Other community projects have includ-
ma chapter moved through the fall quar- soring a rally night. ed a Halloween Party for underprivileged
ter in full force quickly, successfully, and children, and as always, its philanthropic
enjoying each moment, added Kelly Erb. Ten of our AOPis received invitations project for the fall was selling Submarine
to participate in the 1981 Miss Missouri sandwiches.
BETA LAMBDA Pageant held at the Lodge of the Four Sea-
sons at the Lake of the Ozarks. TAU
Illinois Wesleyan
Nov. 13 and 14 the f i f t h annual Rock- University of Minnesota
This year Beta Lambda traveled "be- a-thon was held. Delta Pis w i l l rock at
yond the rainbow" with the Wizard of the town square for 24 hours raising mon- Up in the northland, where cold winds
Oz in its search for what turned out to be ey for arthritis. Balloons will be sold at blow, hockey is one of the events Minne-
a ten-member pledge class. the football game also for donations. sotans look forward to each year. The
Minnesota Northstars are the state's pro-
We once again have found ourselves to The chapter will be celebrating its 20th fessional hockey team based in Minneap-
be leaders on campus, explained Jeannie anniversary on M a y 5. olis.
Gorman. Sarah Pingry was re-elected
Panhellenic president. Liz Greaton has Last fall, as a fundraiser, Tau chapter
been selected as a para-professional in ca- pledges sold tickets to the N o v . 19 game.
reer counseling here on campus while the Usually the tickets cost $12, but the pledg-
yearbook editor of the Wesleyana is Bet- es were able to purchase them for $8
ty Gislason. Chapter President Julie Reed each. By selling the tickets $10 each, they
is the chairman of a new Greek Newslet- made a $2 profit (guaranteed) on each
ter on campus. ticket sold.

Beta Lambda was very proud to have W i t h the exception of a few ads placed
four sisters on the Homecoming Commit- in the campus newspaper, there was no
tee: Pat Wenzelman, Susan Hamadyk, cash outlay. The Northstar office provid-
Cheryl MacTavish and Darcy Decker. ed the promotional posters and pledges
Chapter representative on the Homecom- placed one at each fraternity and
ing Queen court was senior Sarah Pingry. sorority.

Every Homecoming brings with it a lot We realize this specific fundraiser
of AOII ingenuity, cooperation, and en- might not work in every community. It
thusiasm. The combination of AOII and might, however, be possible to apply
these same fundraising ideas to another
sport event, a theatre production, or a
movie, added Cheryl Sutton.

(continued on page 30)


Phoebe Stone For a philanthropic project, the chap- KAPPA OMICRON
ter teamed up with the Sigma Chis and
Tau Delta member had a pig roast and square dance. It sold Southwestern at Memphis
represents state about 125 tickets and the proceeds were
divided among the Arthritis Foundation, The key word for Kappa Omicron this
There were enough Tau Deltas at this the Diamond Jubilee Foundation and the year has been involvement. Each mem-
year's Miss Alabama Pageant to hold a Ruby Fund. ber's involvement in campus activities
chapter meeting—and for a good reason! makes AOII look good and the chapter
They cheered for three sisters—Elizabeth During Hanover's Greek Week, a pen- looks wonderful at Southwestern! Carol
Lester, Margaret Ann Renneker, and ny drive was the main money-making Marsh '80 played a part in the play
Phoebe Stone—as they competed for the project for the year. The object was to "Round and Round the Garden" earlier
title of Miss Alabama. put down as many pennies as you could this year. M a r y Barrett '78 and Sidonic
in a certain amount of time. Phi Omicron Sansom '78 are dorm representatives.
And what a night it was! All three won came in third with a donation of $75. The Donna Schardt is a Board of Trustees Stu-
preliminaries (Elizabeth—talent, Marga- donations went to the State Hospital at dent Representative, reported Debra
ret Ann—swimsuit, and Phoebe—talent) Madison, I N . Walker.
and all finished in the top ten. We were
especially thrilled when the judges deci- BETA RHO Kappa Omicron also is getting i n -
sion was read and announced Phoebe volved with the national philanthropy.
Stone as the 1981 Miss Alabama. U of Montana Laura Frase '78 is on the Board of Direc-
tors for the Memphis Chapter of the Ar-
But perhaps the most special thing Fall quarter was busy, but fun for thritis Foundation. To raise money for
about Phoebe is that she always found AOIIs in Beta Rho chapter at the Universi- the Arthritis Foundation a contest was
time to contribute to A0I1. Beginning ty of Montana. Formal rush started planned for late November. Money was
with an active pledgeship as pledge class things rolling with the chapter pledging donated in the name of selected members
president, she also received the A 0 I 1 five. It was also announced that Beta Rho representing fraternities and organiza-
Scholarship Pin and served as vice presi- had tied with the Delta Gamma chapter tions on campus. Whichever name re-
dent pledge trainer in 1979. She was al- at the U of M for the Panhellenic scholar- ceived the most money was named "The
ways an active and interested member, ship trophy. This was the second consecu- Greatest Turkey on Campus." Other ac-
an integral part in a very loving and car- tive quarter that Beta Rho won this tivities planned are a raffle to benefit the
ing sisterhood, added Tau Delta Report- award for the highest cumulative grade Arthritis Foundation and many parties
er, Gail Livingston. point average of all sororities on campus. with the pledges.

(continued f r o m page 29) In the Sigma Chi Derby Daze AOII LAMBDA SIGMA
placed in all but two events. Rhona Ring,
PHI OMICRON the AOII Sweetheart of Sigma Chi candi- U of Georgia
Hanover College date, came in second in the contest.
Walt Disney would have been proud!
Getting involved, that is the secret of A new tradition was also started at The wonderful w o r l d of A O I I descended
any organization! And, Phi Omicrons of Beta Rho in conjunction with Homecom- on the University of Georgia campus for
Hanover College worked hard all fall. ing. Family Appreciation Weekend was Fall Rush—with a vengeance! That was
held with parents coming from all over the Lambda Sigma theme for Rush this
They received first place for participa- the state to get acquainted with the girls year, and the chapter did its best to carry
tion in our Faculty Office Building clean in the chapter and with each other, ex- it out in grand fashion.
up. It was a school project to get the plained Sheryl Zehntner.
building in order. The chapter had the For the Second Round, the AOII house
most participants and got the most work DELTA CHI converted to the Magic Kingdom; bal-
done in the least amount of time, report- U of Delaware loons filled the front yard, Disney charac-
ed Sandy Capps. ters such as D o n a l d D u c k , M i c k e y
"AWESOME"!!! This is the only way Mouse, and Dumbo were stationed in
30 to describe Delta Chi's rekindled spirit. and around the house, and a huge banner
that proclaimed The Wonderful World of
A retreat kicked off the beginning of AOII was stretched across the columns of
the year. It was an opportunity to catch the house.
up on the summer news and to start plan-
ning for the coming months. Everyone en- Senior brochure
joyed the laughing, singing, and talking ready for use
during the three-day retreat.
Remember one newly developed pam-
The chapter's first activity was a crab phlet "You Can Take It W i t h You" is de-
feast tailgate at the Lehigh University/ signed for AOII graduating seniors. It
University of Delaware football game. highlights the opportunities for growth
The next weekend, Delta Chi hit the trail and involvement as an alumna member
for a hayride. of the fraternity.

When Traveling Consultant Nina Mar- Written by Becky Montgomery, for-
tin arrived the chapter wisked her off on mer editor of To Dragma, and now a re-
a road trip to Wagner College, home of gional director for Region I I I , and de-
Theta Pi. The chapter had a fantastic signed by Mary Williams, regional vice
time visiting New York sisters. president, Region IV, it was conceived by
Executive Board Member Nancy Clark.
Delta Chi boasts an undefeated volley-
ball team with the men of Phi Kappa The pamphlets should be given to all of
Tau. The biggest project of the semester our graduating seniors and help us build
is a 24-hour Wiffleball Marathon. Mem- our network of alumnae, emphasized
bers, too, are planning to face other cam- Nancy.
pus organizations in an attempt to help
the Arthritis Foundation.

U of Maine—Orono Duke University U of Illinois

Gamma chapter arrived on the Univer- Delta Upsilon chapter at Duke Univer- The date . . . August 29, 1981. The
sity of Maine campus in full swing imple- sity reports a busy and exciting fall se- event . . . Bid Night for the new pledge
menting ideas gained by its four represen- mester. class.
tatives at convention.
Duke's informal rush period was ex- Under the direction of Joyce Deatrick,
Under the leadership of Rush Officer tremely successful, Ronni Zimbler ex- formal sorority rush found Iota grabbing
Paula Smith and her Beach Party theme, claimed. With the leadership of Rush 40 pledges as hard work, enthusiasm and
the chapter pledged above quota. Chairman Allison Massey, the chapter smiling faces produced great results, re-
pledged eight women—the largest fall ported Linda Kleczewski.
In late October the chapter, with Phi rush class at Duke!
Kappa Sigma, hosted a Halloween Party Ann Schoen, philanthropy chair-
for neighborhood children. Members During Oktoberfest, the chapter had woman, organized a Taffy Apple Sale for
have visited the children's ward at a local its annual booth to support the National Arthritis.
hospital, had a food sale, and are consid- Arthritis Foundation. Nearby alumnae
ering the idea of a raffle. So far Gamma were helpful in baking cupcakes, and the East Bay plans
chapter has donated money to Diamond chapter earned a substantial sum of mon- anniversary fete
Jubilee Fund, Ruby Fund, American Can- ey by accepting donations to the Arthritis
cer Society and Arthritis. Foundation and giving out cupcakes in re- East Bay Alumnae Chapter will be
turn. holding a Rose Banquet on Feb. 8 at
To welcome the new colony at Penn the Claremont Hotel in honor of the
State to AOII Gamma Songleader Claire Delta Upsilon found time for an excit- 75th Anniversary of Sigma chapter.
O'Connor led the members in making a ing social schedule, too! Numerous suc-
tape of some of the chapter's favorite cessful mixers and a Halloween Mixer Jo Beth Heflin, international secre-
songs. with the Kappa Sigma Fraterniy, where tary-treasurer, will be the guest
some unusual costumes were found! speaker.
Gamma chapter has taken three honors
so far this year. On Parents Weekend it Beta Lambda The collegiate chapter will hold a
won the Punt, Pass and Kick contest celebrates reception tea at the Sigma Chapter
thanks to the help of Mary Szumowski,. 25th anniversary house from 2-4 p.m. for the universi-
Kim O'Brien, and Cynthia Murphy. The ty community and any alumna who
chapter, too, was voted the sorority with Beta Lambda chapter celebrated its wish to attend.
the most Greek Spirit on campus. It also 25th anniversary at the Illinois State Uni-
had the distinguished honor of having its versity Union last October. Sigma, the seventh chapter of
treasurer, Donna Gregoire, elected as AOn installed on Feb. 6, 1907, had
Panhellenic president. Guest speakers for the occasion were its origins in Alpha Beta Sigma estab-
Nancy Clark, international vice president lished in 1901 and the only "local"
Alumnae Relations Chairman Sheri of operations; Lucille Klauser, a founder on Berkeley campus. At that time
Conte and Activities Chairman Karen of Beta Lambda; Susan Getz, regional di- there were already chapters of seven
Tammarow directed a number of activi- rector; Jeanne Crippen, past regional di- other women's fraternal groups on
ties including a wine and cheese party for rector, and Rosanne West, fraternity edu- campus.
Parents Weekend, an alumnae newslet- cation officer.
ter, painting and cleaning the room, and Hattie Backus, a member of Alpha
a spaghetti dinner for Alumnae The plans for an AOII Chapter on the Beta Sigma, later initiated into AOII
Weekend. Illinois Wesleyan University campus be- on her return to Berkeley, gave a
gan in 1955. word picture of the group before it
TO PRAGMA Of ALPHA OKICRON PI s | i l i l > l A °l j 9/23/81 became Sigma chapter.
$3.00 Lucile Klauser recalled her memories of
Quarterly 4 the beginnings of Beta Lambda: "I was ap- "We were small, but we had mem-
proached by a committee including the bers of whom we were very proud.
1821 Cleghorn Ave. , N a » h v U l e , TM 37215 (Davidson) Dean of Students asking me if I would One of them was the President of the
support a chapter of AOII at the universi- Associated Women Students, whose
383] Claohorn Ava., N a » h v i l l e . TO 37215 (DavidaOn) ty. I told them I would do everything I advice was often sought by President
could to help." Benjamin Wheeler. One married a
ALPHA OHICKON ?l FRATERNITY, INC., 1821 Cleghorn Ave., N a s h v i l l e , TN 37215 college classmate who became the
Sue, IW 14*5 Kenny, Pullman. HA • » ! « } The lease was signed and returned for U.S. Commercial Attache and lived
Sua Lewis. Administrative D i r e c t o r , 3821 Cleghorn Ave,, Nashville, TN 1721! renting Gulick Hall, a residence hall on in China for many years. One be-
campus, in late July of 1956. The 18 colo- came the author of a successful book
ALPHA OH1CHOK PI FttATyHWTTV . THft. (, IflreBS aa above) ny women were settled in their new "Lantern of China." One married
house before the last of August. one of the two architects who de-
SEE ATTACHED LIST :ted bv membership) signed the present Sigma Chapter
Rush started on Sept. 5. The drapes house and another married the re-
•assj&gsggs were finished and hung about an hour be- nowned poet Robinson Jeffers."
fore the first party. There was a rug on
t— 46.268 45,771 the floor and the dining room tables, The first home of Alpha Beta Sig-
None None chairs, and lamps were in the living room ma was owned by one of the mem-
...__»_..__ 45.150 44.457 since no other furniture had arrived. The bers. It was on Dana Street and they
45.150 44.457 rest of the furniture was delivered the rented it from her for $50 a month.
••ase?"*— Hone Nor,. morning before preferential parties. In August 1928, plans were being
45,150 44 ,4S7 made to purchase a lot, and the chap-
-'—— 1.118 1,114 The colony women were initiated and ter sold its house (now on Haste
None None installed into their offices on the morning Street) and moved to temporary
•i M t « » i a n > i i a { \ j s r a r 45.771 of Oct. 13, 1956. Beta Lambda chapter quarters. In fall of 1929, the new and
46.2GB had become a reality. present chapter house was occupied.

7*T 31

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