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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-21 17:09:19

1993 Fall - To Dragma

Vol. LXVI, No. 4

F r o m T h e President's Desk:

Reach out AOI1!Reach out to your sisters, to your acquaintances, to your campuses, to your• ill
^4 /

rThis is the theme for our 1993-95 biennium.
Reach out to your sisters.

AOI1 provides the opportunity for sisterhood. However, we must con-
sciously seek sisterhood throughout our lives. It doesn't matter whether we are collegians or alumnae. We should

reach out to AOII sisters with the offer of our friendship, and we should respond favorably when the offer of friend-

ship is extended to us.

Our sisterhood is for a lifetime if we give it freely and welcome it warmly.

Reach out to your collegiate sisters to inspire and promote academic achievement. AOII's scholarship policy

requires every collegiate chapter to maintain the equivalent of a 2.75 grade point average or one that is equal to or
above the all-women's or all-sorority grade point average, whichever is higher. Include time for study in your chap-
ter's calendar, and reward both improvement and high achievement.

Reach out to your sisters to enhance leadership development. AOII provides a safe arena in which to test your
skills. Your AOII sisters will understand your practice runs. They will compliment your successes and be tolerant

of your failures. Reach out and encourage your sisters to develop their skills.

Reach out to your acquaintances.

Most of us have beautiful stories about a sister who reached out to us. I encourage all AOII chapters to come

up with a plan for reaching out to friends and acquaintances. For example, the women of Delta Sigma Chapter (San

Jose State U.) started a project to have each pledge bring a friend to meet the chapter members. They called the

project "Reach Out AOII!" I thought, "What a great phrase! How perfectly it relates what we want to achieve!"

Reach out to your campuses.

The relationship between the fraternity system and the universities is drawing more attention now than at any
other time in modern history. The Greek system is constantly under scrutiny. Many universities are investigating
every aspect of our operations and our philosophies. While we welcome the universities' support of our efforts to
emphasize scholarship and ethical behavior, we are in danger of losing our individual rights to govern ourselves.

To preserve our autonomy, we must make sure that our practices reflect our principles. We must not indulge
in hazing, and we must reach out and discourage it in others.

Embrace the BRIDGES program - it is the way of the fuaire. Think how much prouder we can be if we choose
to take this step, rather than being forced into it. The traditional pledge program began innocently and was based
on the premise that we earned our right to membership. But it was abused by many who translated "earning a right
to membership" as a time to perform tedious, frivolous, and often dangerous acts. These practices have no place in
today's world. "Pledge" education should not be an end in itself, but should continue throughout our lives as "mem-
ber" education.

Reach out to your communities.

Reach out to your communities. Be an active participant in local projects and good works. Our Ritual speaks

specifically about our involvement in the world outside our sheltered rooms. The better we understand the rela-

tionship between our membership in AOII and our membership in society, the more satisfying and meaningful our

direction will be.

As we "reach out," we must also reach a consensus within AOII. Our Fraternity must be forward thinking. We

were founded by women who dreamed, planned, and acted far beyond their time. We have been led by women

who were ahead of their time, and we must continue to anticipate the future. We must not fall victim to the status

quo. If an organization doesn't move forward, it will falter and stagnate. Our mission statement encourages growth.

During this biennium, I hope each of you will join with me to "Reach out AOII!"


Mary McCammon Williams,
International President

Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity whose purpose is to provide sisterhood for
a lifetime, promote academic excellence, enchance personal and leadership development, and encourage fra-
ternity and community service.


ALPHA OMICRON PI Fall 1993 oO yF (/ /j t&\LlPpHhAa OmmIicron Pi
Vol. LXVI, No.4
JANUARY 2, 1897 1993 Convention .60
'FOUNDERS Alpha Omicron Pi Directory 1993-94 .62
JESSIE WALLACE HUGHAN Installation at The Ohio State U
HELEN ST. CLAIR MULLAN Chapter Consultants
ELIZABETH HEYWOOD WYMAN "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" on your campus this fall

From the President's Desk 2
ARE ALL DECEASED. Collegiate Chapter News 12
Alumnae Chapter News 18
MARY MCCAMMON WILLIAMS, 4> Announcements 63

44 SUNSET ROAD O N THE COVER: Outgoing International President Barbara Hunt raises the
BLOOMINGTON, I I 61701 AOIl flag at the dedication o f the Founders' Circle and Inspiration
Walkway. Mary Anne Wolfersberger, AOII Property Coordinator, assists.
TELEPHONE 309/829-3656 The edge of the Founders' Circle can be seen to the right of the flag poles.

ALPHA OMICRON P I We're sorry about the errors in the Memorial List...
In the summer issue of To Dragma, three members were incorrectly list-
9025 OVERLOOK BLVD. ed as deceased. They are: Lois Summar Jones, Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.);
BRENTWOOD, TENNESSEE 37027 Roberta Jane Taylor Kilborn, Beta Phi (Indiana U.); and Traca Lynn Walker
Martin, Delta Omega (Murray State U.).
TELEPHONE 615/370-0920
We appreciate these women alerting us to our mistakes, and we sin-
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR cerely apologize. We make every effort to keep accurate records, but
MELANIE NIXON DOYLE, AL despite our best intentions we sometimes make mistakes.

EDITOR Another type of error occurred in the memorial list which resulted in the
BETH GRANTHAM, P O names of members who died many years ago being listed as having died
during the last two years. We regret this mistake. To the best of our knowl-
SUMMER INTERN edge, this is how it happened:
In the fall of 1992, AOn's membership records were converted to a new
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, computer system. At that time, many deceased members' files did not have
(USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha an exact date of death (because we did not have that information). When
Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha the computer consultants changed the files to our current system, the
Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN. records with no exact date of death were assigned the date of the comput-
Second class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, er conversion. When the memorial list was extracted from the membership
files, all of the deceased members whose records had been assigned the
and additional mailing offices. date of the conversion as the date of death were included in the list.
Subscription price is $1.00 per copy.
Unfortunately, we did not discover the error until after the memorial list
S3.00 per year. was printed in the summer issue of To Dragma and distributed in a book-
Life subscription: $75.00. let at Convention.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi. Please be assured that the mistake was unintentional and we will make
9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. every effort to avoid such errors in the future. Thanks to everyone who
Address all editorial communications to the alerted us to these facts, and, again, we apologize.
Editor at the same address.



Printed on recycled paper
Printed in the U.S.A.

Fall 1993

Collegiate Chapter Awards Aon

Chi Delta, U. of Colorado New programs,
Delta Delta, Auburn U. outstanding speakers
Delta. Tufts U. featured at '93 Convention
Lambda Sigma, U. of Georgia
Lambda Tau. Northeast Louisiana U. Sweeping changes in member/ Susan Komives who spoke about liv-
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U. pledge education, outstanding 'speak- ing in the rapidly changing world of
Omicron, U. of Tennessee ers, and informative workshops today.
Phi Sigma, U. of Nebraska-Kearney characterized the 1993 Alpha Omicron
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Pi International Convention at Opry- Following the brunch, convention-
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College land Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, goers had a choice of five VIP
Tau Omicron, U. of Tennessee-Martin June 20-25. breakout sessions covering motivation,
liability, personal financial manage-
Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U. pounders'^rcie ment, corporations, and spring break
r u With more alternatives. A sixth session, Achieving
L Excellence, was by invitation only.
than 800 registrants, it was the
McCausland Cup - Tau Omega, largest Convention in AOI1 history. The Achieving Excellence session
Transylvania U. was designed for chapters facing spe-
The Convention got off to a rous- cial challenges. Leigh Perry, Coordina-
Scholarship Cups: ing start when keynote-speaker Sarah tor for Programs and Training, present-
Chi Lambda, U. of Evansville Weddington challenged the audience ed the two-part session. She stressed
Delta Psi, State U. of New York at at the opening banquet to become the importance of focusing on die chal-
national and international leaders. lenges and setting attainable goals. The
Albany chapter representatives formed smaller
Delta Upsilon, Duke U. The well-known Texas lawyer and groups to discuss special situations and
Epsilon, Cornell U. educator pointed out that though brainstorm ways to confront them.
Iota, U. of Illinois women have always been leaders, they
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U. "didn't have the tide, position, and, yes, At the session on motivation, Susie
Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College the money that went with leadership." Craig told participants that "Life is a
Lambda Chi, LaGrange College game that goes on between your ears."
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U. Opening banquet was followed by Using examples from her own life, she
Omega, Miami U. the traditional Candlelighting Ceremony. talked about how her inaccurate per-
Phi Sigma, U. of Nebraska-Kearney ception of herself had held her back.
Theta,DePauwU. On Monday morning, Opening
Zeta, U. of Nebraska-Lincoln Ritual set the tone for the business "Reframing the way we think of
sessions which followed. The after- ourselves is hard work," she said, "but
•I noon featured Fraternity Development it can make a difference in the quality
Forums. A short period of free time
was followed by the Alumnae Cniise of your life."
on the General Jackson Showboat with
show-stopping entertainment. Many New CCtentennial Logo
alumnae awards were presented
during the cniise.

Tuesday was Image Day and it
began with a brunch featuring Dr.

To Dragma

Aon For campuses with 2 - 9 NPC groups:

With a band, glitzy-clad presenters, day evening, collegiate chapters that J
and AOIl-related inside jokes, the Stel- are outstanding in scholarship, rush,
la Awards Tuesday evening were faint- and service were recognized as more Lambda Tau, Northeast Louisiana State U.
ly reminiscent of the Academy Awards. than 70 awards were presented. The Citations: Alpha Chi,
More than 120 awards were presented theme for the banquet was "Come as
to collegiate and alumnae chapters. A your favorite country music star." Western Kentucky U.
highlight for outgoing International Tau Omega, Transylvania U.
President Barbara Hunt was being ser- On Thursday, approximately 800
enaded with an original song named convention-goers loaded onto 12 bus- For campuses with 10 or more NPC groups:
after her and sung to the tune of ''Bar- es for the drive to Brentwood where Omicron, U. of Tennessee-Knoxville
bara Ann." The evening ended with International Headquarters is located. Citation: Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U.
everyone participating in line dancing.
As the red-and-white clad AOIls Highest per chapter donation:
Line dancing Lambda Sigma, U. of Georgia
looked on. Centennial Committee Citations: Epsilon Alpha,
On Wednesday, delegates had Chair Nancy Clark dedicated the In-
another business session, followed by spiration Walkway and Founders' Cir- Pennsylvania State 11;
Educational Fonims in the afternoon. cle with the help of Canadian and Delta Delta, Auburn U.
American AOI1 sisters. International Highest per capita donation:
The second half of the Collegiate President Barbara Hunt raised the Delta Sigma, San Jose State U.
Educational Forum introduced the new Citations: Kappa Tau, Southeastern
BRIDGES program. This program calls AOIl flag to conclude the ceremony.
for total chapter programming and Louisiana State U.; Epsilon Alpha,
educating initiated members and Joe Sweeney, the mayor of Brent- Pennsylvania State U.
pledges together. Following the ses- wood, brought greetings from the city
sion, 67 percent of the chapters council. SxceZ/ence in zR,if^/i
volunteered to be a Beta Test Site for
the pilot program. The Headquarters Tour was fol- Category I: (106 members or more)
lowed by the Memorial Service. Offi- Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U.
At the Collegiate Banquet Wednes- cer Installation, and closing Ritual at 4 Citation: Alpha Chi,
p.m. The highlight of Convention, the
Rose Banquet, began at 8 p.m. in the Western Kentucky U.
Opryland Hotel ballroom. The four Category II: (76 to 105 members)
Founders' Awards, the highest indi- Tau Delta,

vidual awards in AOIl were present- Birmingham Southern College
Citation: Zeta, U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
ed following the meal. Other high- Category III: (75 members or fewer)
lights were the formal passing of the Lambda Tau, Northeast Louisiana State U.
gavel from Barbara Hunt to the new- Citation: Delta Psi,
ly-elected International President Mary
Williams. # State U. of New York at Albany

— Written by Beth Grantham Omicron, U. of Tennessee-Knoxville
and Ann Maxwell Citation: Lambda Sigma,

Dr. Patricia Howard-Peebles U. of Georgia
wins Wyman Award

Dr. Patricia Howard-Peebles, Chi humanity.
Omicron (Central State U . , Patricia, who received her Ph.D.
Edmond, Oklahoma), received the
1993 Elizabeth H e y w o o d Wyman from the University of Texas at Austin,
Award at the International Convention. is an internationally-known clinical
The Wyman Award honors an
alumna who has distinguished herself Patricia was among the first group
in her profession, the arts, or service to of board-certified clinical cytogeneti-
cists in the United States and was a

Fall 1993 5

wufotwndi r Aon

0> founding fellow of the American
"S. College of Medical Genetics. Clinical
cytogenetics is a subspecialty in the
Gamma Sigma, Georgia State (J.; clinical genetics field and is now
expanding into the active field of DNA
if}" and molecular structure studies.

•y She is the author or co-author of
over 80 publications, two books, and
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U. over 80 abstracts that have been pre-
sented at various scientific meetings.

"The awards, honors and profes-
sional recognition of our recipient have
garnered her acclaim and a lifetime of
commitment," said Linda Collier,
Executive Board Director/ Alumnae,
who presented the award. >H

Jo Beth Heflin receives Mullan Award

Wo^w^i<<jcM(m Seward Jo Beth Walling Heflin, Pi Kappa (U. ed the award.
of Texas), received the Helen St. Jo Beth's local AOI1 service in-
With a House: Lambda Sigma, Clair Mullan Award at the International
U. of Georgia Convention. cluded being a chapter adviser, corpo-
ration board member, alumnae chapter
Citations: Delta Sigma, The Mullan Award is given to an president, and a loyal alumnae chapter
San Jose State U.; Alpha Chi, Western alumna who has continually served Al- member. She held several regional po-
pha Omicron Pi over the years, dis- sitions, including Regional Finance Of-
Kentucky U. playing loyal, faithful and devoted ficer and Regional Vice President. In-
Without a House: Omicron, U. of commitment to the Fraternity. ternationally, she served AOI1 on both
the Executive Board and the Founda-
Tennessee-Rnoxville 'Jo Beth has served AOI1 through- tion Board. She has been the toast-
Citations: Delta, Tufts U.; Rho Beta, out her lifetime, from her initiation in mistress at Convention luncheons and
1945 to the present," said International the Rose Banquet and has served on
Virginia Commonwealth U. President Barbara Hunt, who present- the Constitution Interpretation and Re-
vision Committee since 1986.
Alumnae Awards
Earlier in the week, Jo Beth was
Atlanta, Georgia given emeritis status on the Founda-
Bloornington-Normal, Illinois tion Board. Elise Moss, President of the
Chicago Northwest Suburban, Illinois AOn Foundation, also presented Jo
Huntsville, Alabama Beth with a gift from the Foundation in
Indianapolis, Indiana appreciation for her service, particular-
Knoxville, Tennessee ly as Foundation Board Treasurer. She
Northern Virginia, Virginia officially retired from that office during
Palo Alto, California Convention.
San Diego, California
Southern Orange County, California Jo Beth graduated from the Uni-
versity of Texas in 1947 with a B.S. de-
gree in pharmacy. She worked as a
registered pharmacist until her retire-
ment in 1986. She is a member of Kap-
pa Epsilon pharmacy honorary and
various professional societies.

6 To Dragma


Chapter presidents care
extends beyond call of duty

Shrieks of excitement filled the room Lena is the 35th recipient of the San Diego Alumnae Chapter,
as Past International President Perry Award since its inception at the California
Ginger Banks described the 1993 Perry 1959 Convention. The award, which
Award winner. By the end of the pre- honors Founder Stella George Stem Citations:
sentation, Helena Hillinga, president of Perry, is administered by three Past St. Louis Alumnae Chapter, Missouri
Gamma Sigma Chapter at Georgia State International Presidents appointed by Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter,
U., was recognized as Alpha Omicron the Executive Board. Joan MacCallum.
Pi's most outstanding collegiate chapter Eleanore MacCurdy and Ginger Banks Florida
president. made up the 1993 Perry A w a r d West Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter,
"What distinguishes (Lena) is that California
there seems to be no aspect of the Lena's parents were present when
chapter's operations and life that she she received the award.-H Highest per chapter donation:
has not influenced in very positive, pro- Southern Orange County Alumnae
found, and progressive ways," Ginger
said. Chapter, California
Citations: Phoenix Alumnae Chapter,
Lena filled many roles. She acted
as an intermediary, facilitating commu- Arizona; Macomb County
nication with other groups on campus Alumnae Chapter, Michigan
and strengthening relationships be- Highest per capita donation:
tween the chapter and alumnae. She Macomb County Alumnae Chapter,
acted as a teacher, training each chap- Michigan
ter officer and bringing about a greater Citations: Southern Orange County
depth of understanding about the Alumnae Chapter, California;
meaning and performance of Ritual to Memphis Alumnae Chapter,
every member. She acted as a friend, Tennessee
taking chapter members into her home
when they had to move out of their Muncie Alumnae Chapter, Indiana
homes because of financial difficulties. Citation: Knoxville Alumnae Chapter,

Lambda Sigma wins JWH Cup Tennessee

Hard work and dedication paid off guished Service Award winner since
for Lambda Sigma Chapter at the 1985, "establishing its own tradition for
I I of Georgia, recipient of the 1993 excellence," said Elaine Kennedy,
JWH Cup at International Convention. Executive Board Director as she pre-
sented the award.
The chapter has been a Distin-
Lambda Sigma's accomplishments
include a chapter grade point average
of 3.03, leadership within the chapter,
on campus and in the community, and
involvement in Panhellenic.

The JWH Cup is given to the colle-
giate chapter chosen as AOIl's top
chapter from the list of Distinguished
Service Award winners. It is named
after Founder Jessie Wallace Hughan.-g

Fall 1993 7

/ / u c r t t f / / j h / i / • r /{nan/ AOfl

Under 30 members: Triangle Alumnae Hinton Award winner
Chapter, North Carolina still active 47 years after initiation

Over 31 members: Bloomington-Normal Mary Jane Bell Sharp received the
Alumnae Chapter, Illinois Adele K. Hinton Award at Inter-
national Convention.
Citations: San Diego Alumnae Chapter,
California; Houston Alumnae The award is named in honor of
Chapter, Texas; Palo Alto Alumnae Past International President Adele K.
Chapter, California Hinton and recognizes an alumna who
has set an outstanding personal exam-
///t,tHIHffC /{<'m/ier:>/tf/t ple for others in the Fraternity.

< <///, >///< ,i Since her initiation 47 years ago
into Omicron Chapter at the U. of Ten-
Under 30 members: Piedmont Alumnae nessee-Knoxville, Mary Jane has served
Chapter, North Carolina the Fraternity in many positions,
including collegiate chapter adviser,
Over 31 members: St. Louis Alumnae alumnae chapter officer, and corpora-
Chapter, Missouri tion board president.

Citation: Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter, For the past seven years, Mary
California Jane has served as Regional Director
for Region V. Her colleagues say it is in
0 , /V IK'Jt lion (r<f)t(/(<t:t this position that she has had the most
profound effect on the collegiate chap-
ters she oversees. for three years, the Knoxville City Pan-
hellenic and the University of
In addition to her inter-Fraternity Tennessee College of Human Ecology
work, Mary Jane served on the Smoky Alumni Council of Advisers.
Mountain Arthritis Foundation Board
Mary Jane is a member of the
Knoxville Alumnae Chapter. She has
three daughters who are AOFLs

Passing the sauel

Suzanne Inabnit Bowman wins RD Award

Suzanne Inabnit Bowman, Delta Up- Omicron Pi, her region, and her chap-
silon (Duke I I ) , received the Re- ters in an outstanding manner not
gional Director Award at International only in dedicating her time and ener-
Convention. gies but also in motivating her
chapters to achieve excellence and
This award recognizes a Regional high standards.
Director w h o has served Alpha
"Suzanne demonstrates special
ability in challenging chapters to face
their obstacles and develop plans of
action to overcome them," said Mary
Williams, Vice President/ Operations,
who presented the award.

She pointed out that although
Suzanne has served less than three
years, her talents have touched four
collegiate chapters and the results of
their cooperative relationship have
been very positive.

She described Suzanne as "a per-
fect example of a team player." ;g|

8 To Dragma


Gharlene Murray wins McKinney Award Vintage costumes

Charlene Ovelanci Murray, Alpha
Gamma (Washington State LL), won
the Muriel T. McKinney Award at Inter-
national Convention. Charlene is the
Chapter Adviser to Delta Sigma Chapter
at San Jose State U.

The McKinney Award is given
biennially in memory of Past Interna-
tional President Muriel T. McKinney.
The award honors an alumna adviser
for her outstanding guidance and
length of service to a collegiate chapter.

AOII honors 25 alumnae with Rose Award

Twenty-five alumnae were honored Herman, Upsilon (U. of Washington); "Come as your favorite country
with the Rose Award at Interna- Eleanor Becker Holtz, Nu Beta (U. of music star"
tional Covention. The Rose Award Mississippe); Terri Parker Marshall,
Lambda Tau (Northeast Louisiana LI.); More country costumes
recognizes service to AOII at the local Mary Ruth Whiteley McKnight, Beta
Phi (Indiana U.); Karen Ann Morauski. Renewing friendships
level; it was presented for the first time Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin-
at the 1957 Convention. Milwaukee); Katherine Elise Moss, Tau
Delta (Birmingham-Southern College);
The Rose Award is the Fraternity's Joanne Nelson Nowak, Beta Gamma
way of saying "thank you" to members (Michigan State U.); Lynne Anne
who have worked tirelessly to promote Radtke Ferger, Phi Delta (U. of
AOn and its ideals. Wisconsin-Milwaukee); Mary Jane
Refausse Jacobsen, Beta Tau (U. of
The winners of the 1993 Rose Toronto); Anne Hinkel Rohrbach,
Awards are: Gamma Beta (Indiana U. of
Pennsylvania); Linda Lattin Rust, Alpha
Merldee Eberhardt Allen, Lambda Rho (Oregon State U.); Julie Hansen
Sigma (U. of Georgia); Robin Lee Scherer. Upsilon (U. of Washington);
Beltramini, Iota (U. of Illinois); Jo Anne Jean Marcy Sells, Zeta (U. of
Breitmeyer, Pi Kappa (U. of Louisville); Nebraska); Ruth Whitehead Shorter,
Marie Howard Brown, Pi Kappa (U. of Omega Omicron (Lambuth U.);
Louisville); Blanche Franklin Chilcote,
Alpha Phi (Montana State U.); Huldah
Slagle Clark, Alpha Phi (Montana State
U.); Sandra Alford Gover, Alpha Chi
(Western Kentucky U.); Marilyn Rose

Beverly Landes

Townsend. Alpha Phi

(Montana State U.);

Robin Mansfield Wright,

Gamma Delta (U. of

South Alabama); Judith

Freundt Zawacke, Beta

Lambda (Illinois

Wesleyan U.); Joanne

Yonke Zunich, Iota (U.

of Illinois). #•

Fall 1993 9


Introducing your new Executive Board...

During the 1993 International Convention, a new Executive Board for Alpha Omicron Pi was elected. Three of the
women are returning board members. Six regions are represented on the board.

From left: Linda Collier. Robin Wright, Ann Gilchrist, Mary Williams, Mary Diaz, Elaine Kennedy, Card Stevenson, Dehora Harllee

Mary McCammon Williams Linda Peters Collier
International President Vice President/Finance

• Phi Chapter (U. of Kansas) • Chi Omicron Chapter (Central State U.)
• Executive Board member since 1984 • Executive Board member since 1991
• Member of Bloomington-Nonnal Alumnae Chapter • Member of Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter
• Freelance Graphic Designer • Paralegal
• Active in local Girl Scout Advisor)' Board, Day Center of McLean County • Active in Saratoga Community Association, Association

Board of Directors, and St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Legal Administrators, and Oklahoma State Society of
• Honors: Outstanding Pledge Award, Rose Award (1978) Washington, D.C.
• Lives in Bloomington, Illinois • Honors: Rose Award (1987) and Cardinal Circle (1989)
• Family: Husband Bob, two sons and a daughter who is an A O F l • Lives in Springfield, Virginia, with husband Charles
• Children: Charlotte (26), Keith (24)
Elaine James Kennedy
Vice President/Operations Robin Mansfield Wright
Director/Collegiate Chapters
• Alpha Chi Chapter (Western Kentucky U.)
• Executive Board member since 1991 • Gamma Delta Chapter (U. of South Alabama)
• Member of Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter • Appointed to Director's position i n 1992
• Active in American Cancer Society, Javanon Competitive Soccer Parents • Senior Deputy Court Administrator/Drug Court
• Active in Child Guardian, Inc. Board of Directors, Okaloosa County Judicial
Association, Louisville Fund for the Arts, and Crestwood Methodist Church
• Honors: Outstanding Young Woman of America, Outstanding RD Award Planning Committee, and First Baptist Church
• Lives in Shalimar, Florida, with husband Joseph
(1987), Rose Award (1989)
• Lives i n Goshen, Kentucky, with husband Phil and son Matthew Ann McClanahan Gilchrist
Director/Collegiate Programming
Carol Miller Stevenson
Vice President/Development • Theta Chapter (DePauwU.)
• Region f¥ Vice President prior to election to Executive Board
• Omega Chapter (Miami U.) • Member of Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter
• Vice President/Development since 1992 • Director of Chapter Services, The Fraternity of Alpha Kappa Lambda
• Member of Dallas Alumnae Chapter • Active in Senior Citizens Program, Pre-School Volunteer Program, Cub
• Active in Girl Scout and Boy Scout Troops, Junior
Scouts and Girl Scouts, and Volunteer Republican Party
League of Piano, Piano Panhellenic, and Christ United • Honors: RegionalDirectorAward(1983),RoseAward(1979),andCardinal
Methodist Church
• Honors: Alumnae Service Award (1988), Rose Award Circle
(1991) • Lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, with husband Keith
• Lives in Piano. Texas, with husband John, son Keith • Has four adult children: Kathy, Kent, Stuart, and Scott, and two grandsons
(17) and daughter Diane (14)

10 To Dragma


Mary Turner Diaz Debora Dellinger Harllee
Director/Collegiate Chapters Director/Alumnae

• Pi Kappa Chapter (U. of Texas-Austin) • Zeta Psi Chapter (East Carolina U.)
• Region VII Finance Officer prior to election to Executive Board • Served as International Standing Committee Chairperson, Alumnae
• Member of DeKalb/Kane County Alumnae Chapter
• Graduate Admissions Officer, Northern Illinois University Programming before being elected to Executive Board
• Active i n Illinois State University Women's Club, National Arthritis
• Member of North Carolina Piedmont Alumnae Chapter
Foundation, Sycamore/DeKalb Panhellenic, and Sycamore United Methodist • Creative Director/Design Director
Church • Active i n southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, National Society
• Honors: Rose Award (1979), Outstanding Teacher Award (1987—Northern
Illinois U.), Burton Award for Outstanding Volunteering in association with Daughters of the American Revolution, Junior League, Work/Family
Boy Scouts Resource Center, and Advent Moravian Church
• Lives in Sycamore, Illinois, with husband Angel • Honors: Award of Excellence from Epsilon Chi, international award of
• Has two sons, Michael, an industrial engineer and Marc, a junior at Northern lence for her brochure design for the Association of Junior Leagues, wrote
Illinois U. chapter titled "The Graphic Truth" for a public relations book
• Lives in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, with husband Victor

From Our Readers

Mullan Award winner says thanks

Jo Beth Heflin, winner of the Mullan Award sent the following letter to the Executive Board after Convention:
It is so difficult for me to realize that you have bestowed on me a Founders' Award. It is something that I nev<

my wildest dreams ever expected, and it seemed so much easier for me to be on the other side selecting the recipi
instead of receiving it. I'm still on cloud nine, and I may never come down!

I wish someone could have told me about the award, and perhaps I could have said something more profound.
you must know by now, I am not one who can speak extemporaneously and I really have no idea of what I said,
am sure it was something trite, to say the least. Ginger said that telling me about it would have spoiled the moment a:
that it was the only time she has seen me totally speechless.

You have no idea how much it means to me to have been selected. You know, of course, that anything I have been
able to accomplish has been for the love of AOI1 and its members, who are the only sisters I have ever known (since I
have no siblings). It is truly humbling to be recognized in such a marvelous manner. Since I have absolutely no idea who
nominated me, I can only say thanks to each of you and to all of the wonderful AOIls that I have known through the

Thanks especially to Barb for her kind words. This was truly the "icing on the cake" following the fabulous recog-
nition as a director emeritus by the Foundation Board. I wish I had the last 47 years since my initiation to live all over
again—I don't think that I would change a thing, except that I would take more time to appreciate the grand people that
helped me and that perhaps I influenced along the way.

Thanks again to each of you. I know that your task has been difficult and your decisions many, but I hope that the
convention was as grand an experience for you as for all of the others in attendance. I wish for each of you a happy and
fulfilling future in AOI1 and in your personal life.

-Jo Beth Walling Heflin, Pi Kappa (U. of Texas)

Loved Convention...

To the Editor:
Attending my first Convention (after being a member for 41 years) was an awesome experience. I would have loved

to come to past conventions, but work, circumstances, graduate studies, time or money prevented this from happening.
It was appropriate for me to have this experience in the headquarters city and attend the dedication of the Inspira-

tion Walkway and Founders' Circle. The honor of seeing my name in the circle of bricks was worth the sacrifice I made
to send the donation. Delivering personally my Love Print (a print made from a wood carving) and seeing it hanging on
the wall at Headquarters was truly a labor of love.

Being invited to the luncheon to honor the Second Century Club and share with others why I chose to give to AOFI
via my will convince me even more of the wisdom of leaving my entire estate to charity and making a bequest to AOIT.

The committee at Headquarters and Convention did a superlative job; each event was well organized and in good
taste. Thank you, sisters.

-Lorraine Chanatry, Chi (Syracuse U.)

Fall 1993 11


Bowl-a-Thon. Epsilon continued its Accomplishments:
participation in Foodnet, a program
which promotes interaction between Trisha Pepe, Sports Woman
sisters and the low-income elderly. Award
The chapter received a $1,000 stipend
to continue the program. Elizabeth Gosen, Elaine Crow,
Noele Watson, elected to senate
Saron Sabo, president of Tau Beta
Highest GPA in Region I (3.37) Pi, Engineering Honor Society
Outstanding Service Award
Epsilon Outstanding Panhellenic Chapter Phi Beta
Cornell U. East Stroudsburg U.
Epsilon Chapter at Cornell U. had The past year was a busy time for
a busy fall semester, reports Jennifer Elise Rosenberg, one of two stu-
Blum. dents elected to Cornell's Board of Phi Beta Chapter of East Stroudsburg
Changes in Cornell's rush policies U., reports Joanne Redican.
made Rush 1992 a "no frills" event. Melissa Kanter, held four chapter
Theme parties and house decorations offices and volunteered at Health In the fall. Phi Beta pledged 21
were eliminated, placing greater Care Clinic for the Homeless
emphasis on getting to know the women. Eight more women pledged
rushees. TOCxioN n
in the spring.
In February, Epsilon held its Fam- Lambda Upsilon
ily Weekend and Scholarship Brunch. Lehigh U. During this time,
Ninety-seven sisters are members of
the "Strive for Pi" Club, with a fall Spring semester 1993 was produc- Phi Beta was the
GPA of at least a 3-14. tive for the Lambda Upsilon Chapter
at Lehigh U , reports Lauren LaCount. only sorority on
Members of Epsilon Chapter and
Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity raised In February, Lambda Upsilon sold campus to main-
money for Arthritis Research with a heart grams for Valentine's Day. The
sale raised $400 for the American tain quota.
Covered in paint and shaving cream, Cancer Society and earned the chap-
members of Epsilon Chapter (Cornell ter an award for selling the most Because of this,
U.) are pictured at Grudge Match. hearts in the area.
The two-day event, part of the Greek- Panhellenic low-
sponsored carnival, gave participants In April, 16 men from various fra-
a chance to release their hostilities in ternities and organizations on ered quota to 50,
a light-hearted way. campus competed for the Mr. Lehigh
title. The pageant raised $750 for making it impos- Lisa Tartaglia, Phi
Arthritis Research. sible for Phi Beta Beta, Panhellenic
to take a fall President at East
Awards: pledge class in Stroudsburg U.
All-Greek Awards Banquet:
Scholarship Programming; Pride Phi Beta will have its own chapter
Award for overall chapter excel-
lence (only 4 given) room by fall 1993- The room will be

located directly across from campus.

More than $1,000 was collected

during the annual 24-hour rock-a-

thon during Parents Weekend. The

money will go to the five funds of



Winner of Greek Week,
third consecutive year


Tammy Jarrett, Homecoming
Queen; Lisa Tartaglia, Panhellenic

Tori Arndt and Shelly Evers,
Rho Chis

6 members, Order of Omega

12 To Dragma

REGION First place in intramural soccer During Homecoming in October,
and basketball collegians and alumnae celebrated
Gamma Alpha the chapter's 40th Anniversary with
George Mason U. Accomplishments: an open house and a banquet. Chap-
ter members met Mary Lou Huber,
The sisters of Gamma Alpha at Chapter donated over $1,500 to one of the charter members of Kappa
George Mason U. celebrated their the Georgia Council on Child Kappa.
20th anniversary with honored guest Abuse and Scottish Rite Children's
Barbara Hunt, reports Negin Nazemi. Medical Center For the first time in many years,
the chapter took a spring pledge
Gamma Alpha participated in Kappa Alpha class. An eight-week pledge program
local hurricane relief efforts, the Indiana State U. was used for the eight-member
Washington, D.C. AIDS-Walkathon, spring group.
and campus-wide support of a bond Kappa Alpha Chapter at Indiana
referendum to secure additional State U. is proud of its achievements The annual Basketball Marathon
funds for GMU. this past year, reports Tracy Smith. for Arthritis Research was held in
March. Approximately $4,500 was
Gamma Alpha continued its par- Eighteen women were pledged raised from team participation, street
ticipation in annual events such as during fall rush and initiated in Janu- collections, and donations.
ary. Informal rush added another 11
the AOII campus serenade, the Dial- women who were initiated in April. About 30 members of Kappa
Kappa travelled to T h e O h i o State
a-Ride program, and the Halloween In February, Kappa Alpha held its University to help Chi Epsilon Chap-
Witch Watch. annual Rose Bowl fund-raiser. Sixty- ter with its first rush.
two teams participated in the event.
Awards: Kappa Pi
Three members of Kappa Alpha Ohio Northern U.
Second Place in Greek Week attended the MIFCA/MAPCA confer-
First Place in GAMMA relay ence in Columbus, Ohio. At the The sisters of Kappa Pi Chapter at
conference they learned about crisis Ohio Northern U. returned to campus
Accomplishments: management, alumnae relations, and last fall with a new Christmas-theme
leadership. rush party, reports Kristi Sell.
Darice Good, senator
Sarah Raskin, representative Awards: Kappa Pi is preparing for a busy
Sarah Raskin and Negin Nazemi, year. The chapter is looking forward
Outstanding Service to the Cooperation Award and Tandem to working with its new advisers.
Community and University Sweepstakes Award from Tandem
Kim Haddix, Homecoming Week Awards:
Queen All-Greek Awards Banquet:
Excellence in Finance; Excellence Greek Week: Second Place
Gamma Sigma in Rush Overall, Overall Participation
Georgia State U. Award, Sportsmanship Award,
Accomplishments: Greek Unity Award
Gamma Sigma Chapter at Georgia
State U. had a successful year, reports Tamera Shelton, Helen E. Reeves Accomplishments:
Kim Uchacz. Scholarship
Rebecca Jesse, Ann Eppert Nicole Lowery and Denise
Over $3,500 was raised for Arthri- Scholarship Award Fletcher, Mortar Board

tis Research in the annual "AOTI Kappa Kappa Amy Blythe, Melissa Cartwright,
Ball State U. and Jennifer Dieringer, Rho
Athletes" competition. Chapter mem- Gammas for fall rush
bers answered telephones during the Kappa Kappa Chapter at Ball
local Arthritis Foundation Telethon. State U. kept busy with chapter, cam- Stacy Adams, Student Senate
pus and community activities, reports President
Many Gamma Sigmas travelled to Ann Maxwell.
Missouri and Delaware as part of the Kappa Rho
International Rush Team. Western Michigan U.

Awards: Kappa Rho Chapter at Western
Michigan U. had an exciting year,
First place in Pike Bike, benefit- reports Michelle Buhovecky.
ting the Georgia Council on Child
Abuse The chapter pledged 28 women
after fall rush. Members moved into a
new chapter house which accommo-
dates 88 women.

Fall 1993 13

R E )G I O N Awards: The chapter held its first Trick-or-
Treat for Arthritis and its third annual
NTS, ^ ^ ^ S T ' " " 1 ' First Place, Homecoming display non-alcoholic Band Party for Arthritis
First Place, Kappa Delta's All-Sing Research.
Kappa Omega
U. of Kentucky Accomplishments: Awards:

Last year, Kappa Omega Chapter Nancy Turner, Student Assembly 1992-93 Outstanding Scholarship
at the U. of Kentucky pledged 45 President, Omicron Delta Kappa Award
women, the largest pledge class on
campus, reports Heather Hoelzer. Lelia Hood, president of Mortar Accomplishments:
Kappa Omega hosted a Comedy 12 members with 4.0 GPAs
Night with Sigma Pi fraternity and Lisa Mancini, Memphis
sponsored Greek Day at the Panhellenic Association Award for 6 members, Omicron Delta Kappa
Keeneland race track. Chapter mem- highest senior GPA among all leadership honor society
bers helped build Fayette County's campus seniors
Shilito Creative Playground and Kim Wright, Tammy McLean and
donated goods and clothes to aid Nu Omicron Judith Watson, Mortar Board
hurricane victims in southern Florida. Vanderbilt U.
The chapter participated in the Donna Shaw, Sally Cobb
Adopt-A-Highway program. Nu Omicron Chapter at Vander- Panhellenic Scholarship
bilt U. completed a successful year,
Kappa Omega joined Tau Omega reports Lisa Laws. Gamma Omicron
in a Founders' Day celebration. U. of Florida
Kappa Omega hosted a reception for The chapter raised over $3,000 for
all southeastern AOIls for the South- Arthritis Research through Fajita Fest, Gamma Omicron Chapter at the
eastern Panhellenic Conference. The a phone-a-thon, and a national U. of Florida had an exciting year and
chapter was honored to have Barbara telethon. It sponsored philanthropic pledged 49 women, reports Darcy
Hunt attend. events such as a sexual harassment Lewis.
discussion, a racial harmony discus-
Awards: sion, and a soup kitchen for Over $2,000 was raised for Arthri-
Nashville. tis Research through "SOUNDOFF!," a
Second Overall in sorority divi- lip sync contest. Megathon, an aero-
sion of Greek Week Awards: bic marathon, raised an additional
Accomplishments: Overall winner, Greek talent
show Chapter members hosted a Hal-
Monica Bryan, Kentucky loween party for local families and
Broadcasting Scholarship Undefeated, flag-football, volleyball invited the university president and
other campus leaders to dinner.
Laura Sauer, most outstanding UK Accomplishments:
English student A new program has been adopted
Marcia Parra, Young Alumni to get more alumnae involved with
Kappa Omicron Trustee, Lady of the Bracelet Gamma Omicron. The Greater Pinel-
Rhodes College (most outstanding Greek woman) las Area Alumnae Chapter has offered
to work with the chapter.
Kappa O m i c r o n Chapter at Amy Munninghoff, graduated as
Rhodes College had a busy year, highest ranking ROTC officer, Awards:
pledging 26 women, reports Cathy attending flight school next year
Carls. Outstanding Chapter
Danielle Robinson, organizer of Programming
In the spring, Kappa Omicron 1993 Greek Week
held the Heartthrob Contest which Outstanding Community Relations
benefitted the American Heart Associ- •^-v y
ation. The chapter held Parents' Day Panhellenic Program of the
Out for Rhodes professors and A0I1 J) Month, AOPride Program
alumnae in Memphis.
RBGION^VI Accomplishments:
Kappa Omicron held the first "A
O Mud Pi Sling" to benefit the AOU - Carlina Terrana and Beth Lowry,
Foundation. Homecoming Directors
Gamma Delta
14 U. of South Alabama Carlina Terrana, student senator
Tracy Chapin, Cathleen Smith and
Gamma Delta Chapter at the U. of Steffany Robinson, Order of
South Alabama began the year by
4 members named to Golden Key
pledging quota during fall rush, National Honor Society

reports Beth Hardy. Lynn Newberger, Most
Outstanding UF Graduate

To Dragma

Gamma Theta i v.. * i
U. of South Florida 1> J

Gamma Theta Chapter at the U. of Members of Phi Chi Chapter (U. of Chicago) pose during Rose Ball in May.
South Florida had an eventful year,
reports Jennifer Beiniger.

"The Search for the Ultimate
Greek Gladiator" raised nearly $1,000
for Arthritis Research. "Pie an AOFI in
the Face" earned approximately S200.
Gamma Theta participated in the
Arthritis Foundation telethon and
raised nearly $1,000.

Gamma Theta held a Parents'
Weekend and an alumnae reunion. It
participated in a tea hosted by local


Second overall in Greek Week


Tosha Marks, Panhellenic Council

Karen Jones and Kathy Leach.
Order of Omega

Kathy Leach, Business College
Council President

Joann Penicket, Rotoract

Following Iota Sigma's initiation banquet, (from left) Sarah Thier, Brenda
Watson, Jami McCurdy, Patty Scallon, and Angle Koenig pose for a picture. In
April, the chapter celebrated its 25th Anniversary on the Iowa State campus.

Phi Delta second semester. Following the fash- During Homecoming in November,
U. of Wisconsin- ion show, a silent auction of the chapter won first place in die dis-
Milwaukee limousine rides and luxury hotel play category and second place overall.
accommodations took place. In December, chapter members helped
The women of Phi Delta Chapter raise money for die American Cancer
at the U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ....... Society by participating in "Love Lights
had an eventful year, reports Tanya a Tree" at the Acadiana Mall. The chap-
Sautebin. ter had a clothes drive for the local
women's shelter. In the spring, the
After rush, the pledges participat- chapter held a blood drive to help
ed in hayrides, bonfires, and the Cindy Minnaert. a chapter member
Panhellenic Ball. The pledges attend- who was ill. The chapter participated in
ed a pledge retreat and hosted a the Multiple Sclerosis Walk-a-Thon.
Hawaiian dinner/dance.
Delta Beta Delta Pi
Phi Delta participated in bake U. of Southwestern Central Missouri State U.
sales, a Multiple Sclerosis walk, the Louisiana
Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis, and Toys Delta Pi Chapter at Central Mis-
for Tots. Delta Beta Chapter began its 1992- souri State U. had an eventful year,
93 year by pledging 23 women. reports Marie Meyer.
The second annual fashion show
to benefit Arthritis Research was held 15

Fall 1993

The chapter participated in Air Accomplishments: OION X
Band, the blood drive, and Greek-
Choir. 12 of 20 Diamond Girls are AOIIs Lambda Lota
7 Greekseekers U. of Califomia-
Over SI,500 was raised for Arthritis 4 members on Prep Staff San Diego
Research through events such as 3 Rho Obis
"Rock-a-Thon," "Run for the Roses" Lambda Iota Chapter members
raffle, and Car Hop at Sonic. REOION held a 1992 sisterhood retreat at Palo-
mar Mountain. The chapter celebrated
Awards: Kappa Lambda its 15th anniversary at the U. of Califor-
U. of Calgary nia-San Diego last November.
Second Place, Greek Week
Variety Show Kappa Lambda Chapter at the U. Awards:
of Calgary had a busy year, reports
Second Place, Greek Art Show Connie Riess. Second Place in Greek Week

Accomplishments: For the first time, the chapter initi- Accomplishments:
ated a married woman. She now
Jacque Stewart, frill scholarship serves as public relations chairperson. Elizabeth Lawson, Greek Woman
of the Year (second consecutive
Joanna Larson, full scholarship Kappa Lambda used the UNICEF AOIl to receive award)
and acceptance into McCap box to raise money for needy chil-
program dren. The chapter participated in the Participated in the presentation of
Super Cities Fun Walk in support of a $150,000 grant from the Arthritis
Stacy Duncan, Delta Pi adviser, Multiple Sclerosis. Research Fund of AOIl to a UCSD
received Outstanding Adviser professor for further arthritis
Award at Greek Awards Chapter members will be volun- research
teering in the fall when Calgary hosts
Lambda Tau the Grey Cup, the Canadian equiva- Upsilon Alpha
Northeast Louisiana U. lent of the Super Bowl. U. of Arizona

Lambda Tau Chapter at Northeast Awards: Upsilon Alpha Chapter at the U. of
Louisiana U. participated in campus Arizona had a successful year, reports
and community activities, reports Student Union's Most Visible Greta Fruhling.
Jenny Deal. Chapter on Campus
The fall pledge class helped raise
The chapter took part in the Penny Accomplishments: over four tons of food for the commu-
Pinch, raising money for the Ronald nity food bank. Chapter members
McDonald House. It sold M&Ms for Phaedra Burke, Pat Wrinch participated in fundraising for the Chil-
the Kidney Foundation. Honorarium dren's Miracle Network, the Tucson
AIDS Project, the Arizona Red Cross,
Each month. Lambda Tau gave a and the Arizona Cancer Center.
cake to a faculty department on cam-
pus which does an outstanding job. Two chapter retreats were held
The chapter participated in the Trash during the year. During the spring, the
Bash and the United Cerebral Palsy chapter hosted the Kappa Lambda
telethon. Chapter from Calgary.

Awards: Awards:

Alcohol Awareness Program of Best Internal Newsletter
the Year
Highest Pledge Class GPA
Debra Foster and Star Kearns,
Panhellenic Chapter of the Year Recruiting Hostesses
(4th consecutive year) Leslie Anderson, Panhellenic
6 Bobbie Nichols, Marching Band
Flag Captain
Members of Lambda Iota Chapter attend a sisterhood retreat at Palomar Mountain. Greta Fmhling, 1993 Yearbook
The chapter has been on the U. of California-San Diego campus for 15 years. editor ^

16 To Dragma

AOII's "Inspiration Walkway" to the "Founders' Circle"
. . . order your signature engraved brick now!

The Inspiration Walkway to i
the Founders' Circle at AOII
International Headquarters is now
a reality and was dedicated at
Convention 1993! We urge you to
take advantage of the opportunity
to become an everlasting part of
our Fraternity's history by
supporting AOII's Centennial
Celebration 1997. Send in
your order today for your own
personalized inscribed brick,
as well as for special AOII sisters
who will love your thoughtful
gift of their very own unique
permanent historic Walkway
or Circle marker.

Each recipient will be sent an
acknowledgement card, a map
showing the brick location, and
an official certificate of ownership
suitable for framing.

Supply UtfUfed W S T ^ L P H A 0M1CR0N PI
Order NOW!


Fill in the form and mail with INSPIRATION WALKWAY SINGLE BRICK 4 x 8-$50
your check to AOII Headquarters today! DOUBLE B R I C K 8 x 8-$100 or $200
• Single Brick $50.00
Ordered by
• Double Brick $100.00
Chapter of Initiation_

Address a Double Brick $200.00

City, State, Zip. D Founder's Plaque . . $5,000.00


• Visa o Mastercard o Discover • Check Total Amount $

Credit Card Account # Make Checks to:
AOII—Inspiration Walkway

Name on Card .Exp Date Mail to: Alpha Omicron Pi

International Headquarters

• Yes, I would like the Centennial Celebration Committee 9025 Overlook Boulevard

Brentwood, TN 37027

to send a card acknowledging the gift.
Send to ,
Only one characterfletter, number, or punctuation mark) or s p a c e per block. Position or center your name or m e s s a g e
Chapter of Initiation axactty a s you w a n t it to a p p e a r on your brick. H y p h e n s , periods, a p o s t r o p h e s , c o m m a s , the s y m b o l
and Greek

letters are available. T o order more than one of either size brick, print engraving information for each additional brick

Address on a separate sheet of paper and enclose with your order. Single brick c a n have 2*3 lines, doubles 4 - 5 lines with no

more than 1 3 c h a r a c t e r s per line, including s p a c e a . Please c o n s i d e r your wording carefully. N O T E : If using Greek

City, State, Zip letters for your chapter, spell out the Greek name in English on the following

line s o the engraver c a n verifyfi.e. for "I," 9pell out ' l o t a " on the line).


Champaign-Urbana restaurant in July and toured a the meeting. The program featured
museum and had lunch out in safety techniques and tips about how
The Champaign-Urbana Alumnae August. women can protect themselves. Chap-
Chapter had a wonderful year reports ter members worked hard preparing
Grace Niewold Funk. After two years of continued for their annual holiday brunch and
growth, chapter members are looking auction in early November. Their
Chapter members helped Iota (U. ahead. A retreat was held in July at crafts and handmade items helped
of Illinois) with rush, followed by a the lake home of Joyce Vietzke Allen raise $1,250 for Arthritis Research.
"Pampered Chef party in September. and each member had the opportuni-
In October, Iota seniors were guests at ty to help plan the chapter's 1993-94 A recipe and ornament exchange
a dessert party which featured a calendar. was featured at the December meet-
speaker who talked about resumes ing. Founders' Day was celebrated in
and job interviews. Work on the chap- Chicago/Beverly Hills January at the Como Inn. In February,
ter's annual fund raiser, the sale of chapter members signed valentines
survival kits for collegians, began in Members of the Chicago/Beverly which were sent to Children's Memor-
November. In December, the com- Hills Alumnae Chapter enjoyed a vari- ial Hospital. April's project was making
pleted kits were distributed and ety of programs this year, reports personal baskets for disabled adults at
chapter members celebrated with an Sandi Stevens. a local facility. At another spring meet-
ornament exchange. ing, chapter members made a wooden
A "Sparkle Plenty" evening fea- angel. The year ended with a potluck
January's meeting was dinner at a tured sequined appliques and dinner at Georgianna Macey's home.
local restaurant. In February, chapter designer clothes for sale. In Novem-
members joined Iota collegians and ber, each member brought an Chicago West Suburban
other Illinois AOELs for State Day, held appetizer and recipe to share. Other
at the U. of Illinois. Lynn Swetland and programs included "Buried Treasure" Fund raising, philanthropy, and
Cheryl Wickstrom co-chaired the (a review of current public library ser- fun highlighted the activities of the
event. A wine and cheese party with vices), and a t-shirt painting party. Chicago West Suburban Alumnae
FIOAs was held in March. Iota's new Founders' Day was celebrated in Chapter during the year, reports Joyce
initiates were guests in April. They December with a potluck and again in Deatrick Klouda.
joined with alumnae to work on place January at the Chicago Area Council
mats and a bulletin board for a local Luncheon. In Febniary, chapter mem- The chapter's fall programs
nursing home. May's meeting was a bers hand-wrote Valentine cards for included color analyses and a Cou-
salad and dessert dinner, and Region shut-ins. ples' Octoberfest. Members held a
V Rush Officer Tamee Dark was a spe- "Pampered Chef party to boost their
cial guest. The program year ended At the recent International fund-raising activities. The proceeds
with a Saturday brunch in July. Convention, the chapter received from the party, combined with the
three awards: the Alumnae Chapter chapter's traditional nut and candy
Charlotte Achievement Certificate, the sales and sales of other AOI1 items,
Centennial Celebration Certificate of brought the fund-raising total to
The Charlotte Alumnae Chapter Appreciation, and a Foundation $3,093- The chapter contributed to all
celebrated the end of its 1992-93 year Certificate. A O n funds, the Children's Research
with a May barbecue for members and Foundation, and Wylers' Children's
spouses, reports Chapter President Chicago Northwest Hospital.
Susan Cowick Hopkins who hosted Suburban
the event. Suzanne Sims Franklin was Other fall events included the
the winner of the Alumna of the Year Michelle Nikodem reports that an chapter's traditional holiday auction
Award. August "New Member Coffee" wel- and brunch and a potluck dinner.
comed nine new members to the
During the summer, the Chicago Northwest Suburban Alum- Members joined with alumnae
chapter's Moms & Kids Club met at nae Chapter. The chapter's from other Chicago area chapters for a
area parks and museums. Chapter membership now stands at 42. Founders' Day celebration at the
members had dinner at a local Como Inn restaurant in January. The
In September, Leslie Hall hosted guest speaker was Barbara Hunt.
To Dragma

Susan Barker was honored for her Chapter member Nanci Vukovich r
contributions to the chapter. was elected treasurer of the Detroit
Panhellenic Association. •-
In the spring, members crafted
polka-dot teddy bears to give to the Denver Altha Wargelin (left), OmicronPi(U. of
patients at Wylers' Children's Hospital. Michigan), and her daughter Stacey,
Other activities included learning Phyllis Stewart reports that the Beta Gamma (Michigan State UJ, are
about gardening techniques, installing Denver Area Alumnae Chapter contin- pictured with the roses they received at
officers, and enjoying ethnic desserts ues to support the Chi Delta the Detroit North Suburban Alumnae
at Judy Troyers' home. Members expansion program and the Arthritis Chapter's Founders' Day Celebration.
enjoyed their annual Ladies' Night Out Foundation. Chapter members have
at the Weinkeller Brewery in West- volunteered many hours to work on held at Forest Lake Country Club in
mont where they said goodby to Linda committees and others have made April, reports Altha Wargelin. Alumnae
Brown, who moved to Ohio. Summer generous financial donations. Current- from the Dearborn, Macomb, and
activities included a luau and the ly, chapter members and spouses or Farmington Hills chapters and colle-
annual salad supper. friends are ushering at several games gians from the U. of Michigan,
of the new Colorado Rockies baseball Michigan State U., and Western Michi-
Dearborn team and donating the money earned gan U. also attended.
to the Chi Delta Expansion Fund.
The Dearborn (Michigan) Alum- Linda Demske was honored for
nae Chapter had a busy year from In April, chapter members her outstanding contributions as chap-
September 1992 to June 1993, reports answered the phones for the Arthritis ter treasurer for nine years and for
Nancy Mack. Foundation National Telethon. In July, making all the program flyers for the
they assisted with the National Juve- Region IV Leadership Conference held
Among other activities, chapter nile Arthritis Convention which was in June 1992. Demske is also a choco-
members enjoyed a fall area potluck held in Denver. late candy maker par excellence, and
dinner with other AOris from the met- the alumnae have participated in
ropolitan Detroit area. The traditional At their January meeting, chapter candy-making classes under her guid-
Christmas potluck dinner in December members enjoyed the guest speaker, a ance and sampled her treats.
was held this year at the home of Joyce female FBI agent who talked about
Younk. The chapter also had a scarf the role of women in the FBI. Following Founders' Day was the
tying demonstration at the home of Exam Snacks Project. Twice a year
Nora Hankinson, a purse party at The chapter continues to sell its local collegiate chapter parents are
Nanci Vukovich's home, and a year- "Sheaf of Wheat" stationery and "Love" given the opportunity to purchase
end dinner at a local restaurant in May. boxes. Interested persons can contact treats for their daughters during exam
the Chapter President Karen Brooks week. Chapter members bake and
In April, members held a craft Rhea. buy goodies for as many as 54 boxes,
night at Rosemary Malish's home to which are delivered with ribbons (and
make an A 0 I 1 remembrance tree for Detroit North Suburban often personal messages from parents)
Anabell Kennedy. The chapter's April- attached. As a special gesture, the
May flower sale fund-raiser was a great Members of the Detroit North housemother is also included. The
success. Suburban Alumnae Chapter hosted Exam Snacks frequently contain
the 1993 Founders' Day at a luncheon Demske's candies.

wt \ As part of spring's activities, chap-
ter members sold flowers. The
* chapter's annual fall auction was
replaced with a May flower sale i n
Members of the Dearborn Alumnae Chapter work on crafts at the home of
Rosemary Malish. 19

Fall 1993

1990, and it has been a successful January to wrap prizes and gifts for Vicki Daniels received the chap-
fund-raiser. The sale brings in money bingo at the state hospital. Program ter's outstanding alumna award for
for philanthropies and collegiate Chairperson Ginny Meyer Kreke is 1992-93.
chapters. Sandy Tomlinson has planning other meetings that are "just
chaired this event since its inception for fun," including a luncheon at Hammond
in 1990, just after she retired from her Janet Walsh Baize's home in Novem-
second term as chapter president. ber. Ann Pampe Schleper is working The Hammond (Louisiana)
The flower sale is a huge task: over on an April meeting to re-activate Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 20th
200 flats, 30 hanging baskets, and 60 Evansville's Panhellenic. anniversary and Founders' Day last
potted geraniums are delivered to January with a party at Murphy's
Sandy's home. Greater Kansas City Seafood. The event also marked the
30th anniversary of Kappa Tau Chap-
Other activities have included Members of the Greater Kansas ter (Southeastern Louisiana U.).
hearing a book review by a chapter City Alumnae Chapter are busy con- Kappa Tau held initiation for its fall
member, having dinner out at a tacting alumnae in their metropolitan pledge class on the same day and
restaurant with an Australian theme, area to generate more participation in several alumnae attended. Corpora-
and making spring door decorations. meetings and chapter events, reports tion President Gayle Miller presented
Holly Hulfeld. scholastic achievement awards. At
EvansviUe Tri-State the party, Kappa Tau charter mem-
Multiple scholarships were bers, outstanding alumnae, and past
Rita Mendenhall Mengon reports awarded to members of Phi Chapter advisers were honored.
that the Evansville Tri-State Alumnae at the U. of Kansas and Delta Pi
Chapter is off to a great year with a Chapter at Central Missouri State U. The Hammond Alumnae Chap-
planning team already working on a These scholarships are awarded ter has participated in many
new philanthropic project for April annually in honor of Past Internation- philanthropic events held by the
1994. The chapter will be sponsoring al President Jessie Marie Cramer, a Arthritis Foundation chapters in New
a ballroom dance featuring a well Phi alumna. Orleans and Baton Rouge. Other
known group of retired musicians, events included a crawfish boil given
"The Temple Aires." The band plays The chapter year ended with a by Kappa Tau and the delivery of
only for philanthropic events. family picnic in May. Program topics survival kits to collegians.
this year included women's self
Last year, chapter members raised defense, cake decorating, gardening, Houston
about $600 with their dinner ticket raf- craft projects for collegians, a holiday
fle and another $200 w i t h their ornament exchange, and a love tree The Houston Alumnae Chapter
"Yummy Auction." The money was for needy children. Fund-raisers celebrated its 55th anniversary by
divided among the A O I I Arthritis included a spring plant sale and a launching a revitalization member-
Research fund, the local Arthritis Foun- silent auction with the proceeds ship drive in August 1992 which
dation Telethon, and a bingo party for going to Arthritis Research. Chapter more than doubled membership.
the women's ward at the Evansville members also donated to a local shel- New programs were planned
State Mental Health Hospital. ter for battered women and children. throughout the year.

Alumnae chapter members work .'ST;
closely with the Chi Lambda Chapter
at the U. of Evansville, furnishing "What AOII Means to Me" was the subject of speeches given by Missy Campbell
meals during msh, providing an initi- (from left), Past International President fessie Marie Cramer, Nancy Meditz,
ation dinner, and supervising the and Helen Johnson at the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter's Founders'
purchase of new furniture for the Day celebration.
A O I I suite. The furniture purchase
was handled by Kathy Lawson To Dragma
Bartlett, Chi Lambda Corporation
Board President.

Future plans include sponsoring
the Homecoming brunch at the Chi
Lambda suite in October, celebrating
Founders' Day with collegians in
December, and having a tea for grad-
uating seniors in April. Projects
Chairperson Charleen Macken Moore
will schedule a "wrapping" party in


During the Christmas holidays Houston Alumnae Chapter President KathyJensen, left, Theta Omega (Northern
the chapter held a "Christmas Senior Arizona U.) and her stepdaughter Chris Case (right) are pictured with
Tea" honoring special senior mem- International President Mary Williams prior to the Collegiate Banquet at the
bers and graduating seniors, other International Convention. Mary and Chris are both initiates of Phi (U. of
collegians, and their mothers. In the Kansas).
spirit of giving and remembering sis-
ters in need, alumnae and guests company at the annual City Panhel- years were reunited in the Omicron
clipped donations to an A O I I Foun- lenic Style Show and Luncheon. chapter room.
dation Christmas tree. Money was
also raised by raffling off a weekend The chapter closed its 1992-93 In November, alumna Melissa
at a Galveston beach house donated year by welcoming into alumnae sta- Gill, an interior designer, gave tips
by a generous alumna. tus three Pi Alpha seniors at the home about redecorating and revitalizing
of Carolyn Smith Diener. Philanthrop- favorite rooms. The Christmas spirit
Founders' Day was celebrated in ic activities included a Mad Hatter was abundant when KnoxviUe alum-
January with the North Houston Sub- Phantom Tea Party and contributing nae celebrated the season at the
urban Alumnae Chapter hosting. In paper goods to the Ronald McDonald annual "Alum-Mum" holiday party.
April, the chapter raised $1,100, House. Barbara Hunt was the honored guest
which was presented during the local at the chapter's Founders' Day and
broadcast of the Arthritis Telethon. In KnoxviUe 75th anniversary celebration in Janu-
May, chapter members volunteered ary. A Valentine celebration was held
to work at the Arthritis Foundation The KnoxviUe Alumnae Chapter in February and a business meet-
Mini Grand Prix which is becoming a had a great year, reports Amy Cathey. ing/dessert social took place in
popular Memorial Day weekend March. Chapter members entertained
event in Houston. Other community The 1992-93 year began with a the Omicron seniors and awarded
service events included participating salad supper in Omicron's newly dec- them alumnae status at a picnic in
in the Texas Beach Clean-Up and orated chapter room. Thirty alumnae April.
painting two houses in low income met their "adopted" pledges and wel-
areas. comed them to AOII. Another Virginia Tidewater
program was a Girls' Night Out for
In July a picnic for alumnae, col- young alumnae. The Virginia Tidewater Alumnae
legians, and their mothers was held. Chapter celebrated its tenth anniver-
At the picnic, President Kathy Jensen In October, the A O I I barbecue, sary last May at the Virginia Beach
announced that the chapter received sponsored jointly by Omicron Chap- Resort and Conference Center. The
a Certificate of Achievement and a ter, the KnoxviUe Alumnae Chapter, luncheon was followed by three
citation for its Alumnae Membership and the Omicron Mother's Club, guest speakers: Helen McMahon of
Recruitment/Retention Program at attracted about 5,000 fans on campus the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chap-
International Convention. It was also for the U. of Tennessee-Alabama ter; Joanne Earls, Region I I I Vice
recognized by the A O I I Foundation football game. Another fall event was President; and Kathryn Am, Region
and Centennial Celebration Commit- a tea honoring all 50-year alumnae in III Alumnae RD. Hud Slagle Clark,
tee for contributions this year. die area. The tea was hosted by Maiy one of the founding members of the
Jane Sharp and Holly Watts. Members
Kentuckiana who had not seen each other in 50 21

The Kentuckiana Alumnae Chap-
ter began the year with its annual
kick-off brunch held at the home of
Mary Matarazzo Bryant, reports Rob-
bie Steder.

Chapter members enjoyed a vari-
ety of programs this year, such as
touring Locust Grove, a local historic
site; entertaining Pi Alpha's pledges
at a dessert party where each pledge
received a "goody bag"; taking a "per-
sonality test" at the home of Natalie
Cowan Scharre; celebrating Founders'
Day with Pi Alpha at a local restau-
rant; and enjoying each other's

Fall 1993

chapter, provided thoughtful reflec- 1993 Graduates, AOTIHas a Giftfor You...
tions about sisters who had come
and gone during the life of the chap- YOUR FIRST
ter. Cynthia Whorl Sidner recited an YEAR'S ON US!
original poem, "Reflections of an
Alumna," which she had written for Congratulations on your graduation! Welcome to A0I1 alumnae status.
the chapter's installation in 1983. Though you're juggling lots of things right now, wherever you go your
involvement as an alumna can easily be tailored to fit your needs and balanced
The 20-member chapter is proud with your work, family and community activities. Most alumnae groups meet just
of its contributions to AOE1 and the once a month and dues are usually $20 to $30 annually. As AOLTs gift to new
community during its first ten years. graduates, we are exempting the International Operations and Conference Fees
Though there is no local collegiate from your local dues (a savings of $17)! Along with the benefits of a lifetime of
chapter, members have supported supportive and caring sisterhood, you'll experience the advantages of
Zeta Psi at East Carolina State U., Rho networking, fun, friendship and sharing your commitment to AOI1. Plus, your
Beta at Virginia Commonwealth U., local alumnae group will benefit from your skills, knowledge, time, energy and
and Chi Beta at the U. of Virginia. enthusiasm! Please contact your local AOI1 Alumnae Chapter today.
Philanthropic support for the Arthritis
Foundation has been the focus of the Name
chapter's community involvement.
Chapter members organized the suc- Address
cessful 8K "Run for the Roses" from
1982-87 which netted over $10,000 City State/Prov. .Zip/Postal.
for the foundation, and they have
provided over 350 volunteer hours to Country Phone(
the Arthritis Foundation Telethon and
other fund-raising events. Sidner, the Collegiate Chapter Initiation Date
chapter's philanthropic chairperson,
is a member of the board of directors Call us at International AOII Headquarters—615/370-0920 or use this form to
of the Tidewater Branch of die Arthri- request information about the chapter nearest you. Fill in and send to: Phylis
tis Foundation. She is currently Garrison, Alumnae Services Coordinator; AOII Headquarters; 9025 Overlook
secretary of that board. The chapter Boulevard; Brentwood, TN 37027.
was honored on the local Arthritis
Telethon last April in recognition of •
its ten years of service.
West Los Angeles
Three Tyler reports that mem-
bers of the West Los Angeles Members of the Viginia Tidewater Alumnae Chapter pictured at the chapter's
Alumnae Chapter were excited to be 10th anniversary celebration are (front row, from left) Pam Pugh Wiltshire,
represented at International Conven- Cynthia Whorl Sidner, Hud Slagle Clark, Kathy Hume Am, Mary Gentry; (back
tion for the first time. row, from left) Heather Stewart Cook, Michelle Smith, Diane Miller Clear, Brenda
Stocks Ellixson, Leslea Clement, and Heidi Pfeil Dougherty.
The chapter was honored with
an Alumnae Certificate of Achieve- for the chapter's second annual Out- recently named YWCA Woman of the
ment, a Philos Award honorable standing Sophomore Award to be Year. Chapter members also enjoyed
mention, and regional recognition for presented at Founders' Day 1994. theater outings to "Forever Plaid" and
Panhellenic involvement. the Santa Monica Playhouse and pro-
Highlights from 1992-93 included viding rush support to Lambda Beta
After a summer filled with guest speakers Nan Fuchs, profiled in and Sigma Phi Chapters.
brunches and Hollywood Bowl out- Allure magazine, and Jean McNeil,
ings, chapter members began their To Dragma
regular meetings with a celebration
party in September. Their first "Shop
Till You Drop Outlet Expedition"
(with chartered buses) is planned for
October. In December, chapter
members will be participating in Pro-
ject Warm and Fuzzy. Members will
then be busy reviewing nominations



Save this section. The Directory isprinted only once a year. You may wish to detach the Directory and the Emporium
pages to keep as a separate booklet. You can do that by turning to page 42 and gently separatingpages 23 through
42from the center staples.

PAST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENTS: Edith Huntington Debora Dellinger Harllee, 2133 Bethabara Road, Winston Salem,
Anderson (Beta Phi) 1933-37; Dorothy Bruniga Dean (Rho) NC 27106, (HX919) 924-5621 (F)(919) 924-4739. After Nov. 1,
1943-46: Mary Louise Filer Roller (Alpha Pi) 1955-57; Nancy area code will be (910)
Moyer McCain (Rho) 1957-59; Jessie Marie Senor Cramer
(Phi) 1961-63; Jessie McAdam Larned (Tau) 1965-67; Eleanor Robin Mansfield Wight, P.O. Box 383, Shalimar, FL 32579,
Dietrich MacCurdy (Iota Alpha) 1971-73; Janirae Linebaugh (HX904) 897-6621 (W) (904) 651-7292 (FX904) 897-2149
Callaway (Omicron) 1975-76; Norma Marshall Ackel (Kappa
Theta) 1976-79; Joan Deathe MacCallum (Kappa Phi) 1979-81; FOUNDATION BOARD
Ginger Banks (Pi Kappa) 1981-85: Peg Kramer Crawford Foundation Board President: Elise Moss, 7808 Cadillac Dr.,
(Iota) 1985-89; Barbara Daugs Hunt (Phi Delta) 1989-93 Huntsville, AL 35802, (FO205/880-1275 (W) 205/536-9645
Foundation Vice President: Becky Shook Weinberg, 4163 N
INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Lomond, Mesa, AZ 85205, (H)(602) 924-1442
Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027, 615/370-0920. FAX: Foundation Secretary: Patricia Jacobs Mottweiler, 504 S. Owen,
615/371-9736 Mt. Prospect, IL 60056, (H)708/259-2288
Foundation Treasurer: Mary Batman Converse, 4916
STAFF Chanticleer Ave., Annandale. VA'22003, (H)703/978-96l7 (W)
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Executive Director; Sandra Click, Office
Manager; Beth Swaitz, Controller; Mary Anne Wolfersberger. DIRECTORS
Property Coordinator; Theresa Davis, Finance Coordinator;
Donna Kumar, Chapter Services Coordinator; Leigh Perry, Rosalie Gorham Barber, 1713 Mac Arthur Park, Jonesboro, AR
Coordinator for Programs and Training/Human Resources; Dina 72401, (FO501/935-3393 (W) 501/972-1890
D'Gerolamo, Membership Development Coordinator; Beth Linda Peters Collier (See Executive Board listing)
Grantham, Coordinator of Editorial Services; Jackie Lynch. Barbara Daugs Hunt, 930 17th Ave., Grafton, WI 53024, (H)(4l4)
Accounting Coordinator; Mary Ann Caldwell, Information and 377-7766 (W) (414) 238-4900 (FX414) 238-4949
Hospitality Coordinator; Linda Fuson, Emporium Coordinator;
Rebecca Brown, Emporium Marketing & Sales Assistant; Ann Jean Marcy Sells, 29 Parker Rd., Framingham, MA 01701,
Conlon Griesmer, Chapter Consultant Coordinator; Phylis (H)508/879-7094
Garrison, Alumnae Services Coordinator; Dianne White,
Administrative Assistant; Colleen Caban, Receptionist/Archive Kay Hansen Sutherlin, 2239 Rome Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46208,
Coordinator; Marshall Latimer, Shipping/Receiving Assistant (H)317/293-0894 (W) 317/226-4196
Mary McCammon Williams (See Executive Board listing)
Foundation Staff: Patricia Helland, Director of Development;
Karen Seezen, Secretary; David Parsons, Bookkeeper Development Fund Chair: Jean Marcy Sells (See listing above)

Chapter Consultants: Beth Holderfield. Tiffany Calvert, Abby Endowment Fund Chair: Barbara Daugs Hunt (See listing
Aldrich, Tracy Maxwell, Diane Fuhrer, Beth Johnson, Jessica above)
McCauley, Michelle Serrano, Allison McKinney, Katie Walsh Arthritis Research Grants Chair: Elise Moss (See listing above)
(Resident Consultant).
Ruby Fund Chair: Marianne Davies Carton, 1262 Upas St, San
EXECUTIVE BOARD Diego, CA 92103, (H)6l9/298-2150

International President: Mary McCammon Williams, 44 Sunset Scholarship Chair: Rosalie Barber (See listing above)
Rd, Bloomington, IL 61701, (HX309) 829-3656 (WX309) 827- Foundation Grants Chair: Kay Sutherlin (See listing above)
4371 (FX309) 829-1499
Assurance Review Chair: Dorothy Winn, 2601 Verona Rd.,
Vice President/Operations: Elaine James Kennedy, 12900 Mission Hills, KS 66208, (H)(913) 677-3866
Settlers Point Tr., Goshen, KY 40026, (HX502) 228-0200 (W)(502)
241-2292 (FX502) 228-2757 INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEES

Vice President/Development: Carol Miller Stevenson, 2524 (For additional information contact the committee chair.)
Belmont Place, Piano, TX 75023, (H)(214) 596-3266 (F)(2l4) 596-6587
CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION: Nancy Anderson Clark, 1207 W.
Vice President/Finance: Linda Peters Collier, 7840 Attleboro Haven Dr., Arlington Hts., IL 60005, (H)(708) 392-1936 (W) (708)
Dr., Springfield, VA 22153, (HX703) 455-9743 (W) (703) 684-1111 255-7010
Shaw Shaheen, 2101 Tree House Ln., Piano, T X 75023,
DIRECTORS (H)2l4/867-0819 (W) 214/323-6655

Mary Turner Diaz, 1428 Larson St., Sycamore, IL 60178, (HX815)
895-6667 (F)(815) 895-9335

Ann McClanahan Gilchrist, 5613 Skyridge Dr., Indianapolis, IN
46250, QH)C3f7) 849-6142 (W)(317) 924-4265 (FX317) 924-4271

Fall 1993 23

Sharp, 245 Peters Road SW, KnoxviUe, TN 37923, (H)6l5/693-3579
FRATERNITY DEVELOPMENT: Marsha Guenzler, 5311 Regional Vice President,
Wakefield Road, Bethesda, MD 20816, (FD301/951-8774 (W) Gretchen Beling Zollendeck, 3648
301/314-8505 Eckhardt Rd, Hamburg, NY 14075,
(H) 716/648-6056
CORPORATION SUPERVISOR: Kristi Farmer Lykins, 4129 Regional Finance Officer, Sharon
Clearwater Way, Lexington, KY 40515, (H)(606) 271-7540 (W) LaFlamme, 497 Westbrook St. Apt. #308 D. South Portland,
(606) 266-6241 ME 04106, (HX207) 774-9244 (W) (207) 775-2371
Regional Rush Officer Kay Kettering Welch, 24-E Franklin Lane,
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Dorothy Waters Williams, 6521 Rivoli Dr., Staten Island, NY 10306, (H)718/979-6789 (W) 718/270-7263
Macon, GA 31210, (FD912/477-1742 (W) 912/745-5822 Public Relations Officer, Ann Sincavage McGlinchey, 1034
S. Thompson Dr., Bay Shore, NY 11706, (H)(5l6) 968-5776
COLLEGIATE PROGRAMMING: Phyllis Casteel Gilson, 6628 (W) (718) 557-3612
Woodlake Ave., West Hills, CA 91307, (H)818/887-9344 (W)
818/885-3740 Regional Directors

CONSTITION INTERPRETATION AND REVISION (CIRC): Michelle Labbett Dawson, 211 Woodswoith Road. Willowdale,
Karen Norene Mills, 20 Sage River Or., Sacramento, CA 95831, ON CANADA M2L 2T5, (H)4l6/444-3481 (W) 416/396-6030.
(H)9l6/393-73H (W) 916/924-4039 Chapters: Chi, Iota Chi.
HISTORIAN/ARCHIVIST: Nancy Moyer McCain, 38775 Byriver
Dr., Clinton Township, MI 48036, (H)313/463-4l24 Rita Conway Hurtt, 477 Kinderkamack Rd, Westwood, NJ 07675,
(H)201/664-9H9 (W). Chapters: Epsilon, Sigma Chi.
NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE: Pamela Warner Hill. 1600 N
Street, Gering, NE 69341, (H)308/436-7189 Mary Jane Refausse Jacobsen, 27 Burndale Road, Gloucester. ON
CANADA K1B 3Y4, (H)(6l3) 837-3361 (W) (613) 837-3361.
RUSH: Carole Jurenko Jones, 119 Wellington Drive, Madison, AL Chapters: Gamma Chi, Kappa Phi.
35758, (HX205) 461-4831 (W) (205) 532-4526
SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE: Jan Johnson Slagowski, 903 Carrie Heary Lockwood, 11284 Moore Road, Springville, NY
Longview Terrace, P O Box 388, Waverly, PA 18471, (H)717/586- 14141, (HX716) 941-5363 (W) (716) 941-6141. Chapters: Delta,
6895 Delta Psi.
ALUMNAE MEMBERSHIP: Linda Martin McLaughlin, 1308
Somerset Ct., Colleyville, TX 76034, (HX817) 788-8856 Susan Prochnow Story, 476 Ely Harmony Road, Freehold, NJ
07728, (HX908) 462-2783 (W) (201) 828-4488. Chapters: all
ALUMNAE PROGRAMMING: Janis Tremble Nelson, 42 San Juan alumnae chapters.
Ct, Los Altos, CA 94022, (H)415/948-6583 (W) 415/855-5649
Lynn Swetland, 1 Severn Ct, Medford, NJ 08055, (HX609) 654-
CHAPTER FINANCIAL SUPERVISOR: Joanne Williamson Earls, 5698. Chapters: Psi Delta, Theta Pi
P.O. Box 313, Cattett, VA 22019, (HX703) 788-9051
Barbara Koeritz Wentworth, 11 Country Woods Rd, Saco, ME
LEADERSHIP CONFERENCES: Janet Jensen Dallas, 1779 Trihute 04072, (HX207) 283-0071 (W) (207) 985-6869. Chapter: Gamma.
Road, Suite J, Sacramento, CA 95815, (H)(9l6) 649-2089 (W) (916)
649-2551 (F)(9l6)649-2089 Gretchen Beling Zollendeck, 3648 Eckhardt Rd, Hamburg, NY
NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE 14075, (H)7l6/648-6056. Chapters: Beta Tau, Nu Delta.

(Collegiate conespondence should be directed to the Delegate.) Collegiate Chapter Presidents

Delegate: Barbara Daugs Hunt, 930 17th Ave., Grafton, WI53024, Beta Tau, University of Toronto, Reesa Dowe, 24 Madison Avenue,
(H)(414) 377-7766, (W)(4l4) 238-4900(F)(414) 238-4949 Toronto, ON CANADA, M5R 2S1, (C)(4l6) 922-3646

1st Alternate: Peg Kramer Crawford, 9113 S. Massasoit Ave., Oak Chi, Syracuse University, Cori Ranzer, 106 Walnut Place, Syracuse,
Lawn, IL 60453 (H)(708) 422-5244, (W)(312) 702-6569 NY 13210, (CX315) 443-3798
2nd Alternate: Troy J. LeForge, 210 Barnes Mill Rd, Richmond,
KY 40475, (H) (606) 624-3186 (W)(606) 622-3855 Delta, Tufts University, Allyson Perry, 25 Whitfield Rd, Somerville,
MA 02144, (HX617) 629-8487 (C) (617) 629-9763
3rd Alternate: Mary McCammon Williams, (See Executive Board Delta Psi, State University of New York, Wendy Wainoris, Box
listing) 22627,1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222, (H)(518) 465-
2868 (C) (518) 465-2868
PERRY AWARD: Ginger Banks, 3108 W. Tenace Dr., Austin, TX
78757, (HX512) 454-8572 (W)(512) 463-1415 Epsilon, Cornell University, Jessica Gamo, 14 South Avenue, Ithaca,
NY 14850, (HX607) 256-2851 (C) (607) 272-9618
STRUCTURE COMMITTEE: Rosemary Schwierjohn, 11213 N. 51st
Dr., Glendale, AZ 85304, (H)(602) 979-8299 Gamma, University of Maine-Orono, Ellen Walsh, University of
Maine-Orono, 380 College Avenue, Orono, ME 04473, (H)207/827-
4401 (C) 207/866-7104

24 To Dragma

Gamma Chi, Carleton University, Trina Lenyk, Alpha Omicron Pi, Delta, Tufts University, Margie Arbaugh Lamar, 16 Dartmouth St,
245 Powell Ave, Ottawa, ON K1S 2A4 CANADA, (H)(6l3) 230- Winchester, MA 01890, (H)6l7/729-1517
Epsilon, Cornell University, Erin McDonnell, 134 Judd Falls Rd,
Iota Chi, U. of Western Ontario, Grainne McGlynn, 222 Ithaca, NY 14850 (H)(607) 257-8549
Broughdale Avenue, London, ON N6A 2K9 CANADA, (HX519)
660-0383 (C) (519) 660-0383 Gamma, University of Maine-Orono, Karen Leupold Demaso, 18
Clinton Avenue #3, Winslow, ME 04901, (H)(207) 877-7321 (W)
Kappa Phi, McGill U , Laurie Brown, 3663 Lome Crescent #3, (207) 938-2616
Montreal, QU H2X 2B2 CANADA, (H)(5l4) 284-4893 (C) (514)
284-4893 Gamma Chi, Carleton U , Ruta Whittaker, 6515 Bunker Rd,
Manotick, ON CANADA K0A 2N0, (H)(6l3) 692-3712
Nu Delta, Canisius College, Heather Trosin, Canisius College,
Canisius, 2001 Main St, Buffalo, NY14208-1098, (H)(7l6) 693- Iota Chi, U. of Western Ontario, Janice Collins, 1481 Glenora Drive,
6812 (C) (716) 888-2627 London, ON CANADA N5X 1V4, (H) 519/667-4928

Psi Delta, CW. Post Campus of Long Island U , Rosa Perez, Box Kappa Phi, McGill U , Sandra Keymer Temple, 46 Chartres, Dollard
026, Hillwood Commons, Brookeville, NY 11548 Des Ormeau, QU CANADA H9A 1J5, (H)514/421-0804

Sigma Chi, Hartwick College, Kara Jessup, 17 Maple St, Oneonta, Nu Delta, Canisius College, Andrea Milka Cumming, 222 Floss
NY 13820, (HX607) 432-4271 (C) (607) 432-4271 Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14215,(H)(716) 893-3908

Theta Pi, Wagner College, Meredith Mass, 631 Howard Avenue Psi Delta, CW. Post Campus of Long Island U, Dolletta Whitford
P.O. Box 269 - Wagner College, Staten Island, NY 10301, Kalberer, 356 Carnation Avenue, Floral Park, NY 11001,
(HX718) 876-5701 (C) (718) 876-5701 (F0516/775-3938

Collegiate Chapter Advisers Sigma Chi, Hartwick College, Jeanne Rockwell Martin, P.O. Box
222, Morris, NY13808, (H)607/263-5775 (W) 607/432-1163
Beta Tau, University of Toronto, Marlene Kissoon, 306 Chartland
Boulevard, Scarborough, ON CANADA MIS 3L7, (H) (4l6) 292- Theta Pi, Wagner College, Caryle Goldsack Wolahan, 115 Atlantic
2818 (W) (416) 974-4117 Ave. Apt IB, Hempstead, NY11550, (H)(5l6) 483-4124 (W) (516)
Chi, Syracuse University, Marjorie Turrell Julian, 104 Concord PI,
Fayetteville, NY 13066, (H)315/637-5460 Alumnae Chapter Presidents

Delta, Tufts University, Jean Marcy Sells, 29 Parker R d , Boston, Jodi Epstein Harger, 16 Santa Fe Rd, Chelmsford, MA
Framingham, MA 01701, (H)508/879-7094 01824, (HX508) 250-9186 (W) (508) 682-5500

Delta Psi, State University of New York, Mary Weaver Frewin, 2 Bellaire Buffalo, Wendy Hoke Evenden, S. 6690 Taylor Road, Hamburg, NY
Drive, Scotia, NY 12302, (HX518) 399-7736 (W) (518) 262-5667 14075, (HX716) 648-0838 (W) (716) 648-4546 (FX716) 648-6065

Epsilon, Cornell University, Jani Miller, University Apts, K-104, 87 Greater Portland, Claudette Powers Simms, 169 Depot Rd, Gray,
Uptown Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850, (H) 607/257-9104 ME 04039, (HX207) 657-2301

Gamma, University of Maine-Orono, Lisa Fox Gallant, 193 West Jersey Shore, Kathy Kwaak, 15 Lancelot Rd, Englishtown, NJ
Broadway, Bangor, ME 04402, 00(207) 947-0111 07726, (H) 908/536-3127.

Gamma Chi, Carleton University, Dorothy Breeze, Unit 2-125 Long Island, Kathryn Tomsula Priven, 254-23 Walden Ave, Great
Springfield Road, Ottawa, ON CANADA KIM 1C5, (H) (613) 744-8862 Neck, NY 11020, (H)5l6/829-8563

Iota Chi, U. of Western Ontario, Mary Wong, 111 Pine Valley Drive, London (ON) Colony, Nancy Osier, 11 Weyboume Cres. London,
London, ON Canada N6j 4M1, (H) 519/685-6787 (weekends) (W) ON CANADA N6H 4H2, (H)(519) 471-4530
416/881-2104 (weekdays).
Manhattan/New York City, Diane Sandoval, 650 West End Ave,
Kappa Phi, McGill U , Cheryl Rost,'34l0 Rosedale Apt 6, Montreal, #11B, New York, NY 10025, (H) 212/799-4072
QU CANADA H4B 2G6, (H) (514) 487-9020 (W) (514) 422-7140
Middle Jersey, Jennifer Dorfield, 5B Oak Terrace, Sommerville, NJ
Nu Delta, Canisius College, Kristin Lowicki, 65 North Lincoln 08876, (H) 908/725-4819
Avenue, Orchard Park, NY 14127, (H) (716) 662-7283
Montreal, Louise Lamoureux Meldrum, 727 Millington St,
Psi Delta, CW. Post Campus of Long Island. U, Cyndy Swan, 838 Greenfield Park, QU CANADA J4V 1R6, (H)(514) 671-6742
Park Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590, (H) 516/333-4933
New Hampshire, Beth Krewson, 71 High St. #T-1, Exeter, NH
Sigma Chi, Hartwick College, Bonnie Evans Nobiling, 6 West End 03833, (H) 603/772-3985.
Ave, Oneonta, NY 13820, (H)607/432-6431 (W) 607/431-4176
New York/New Jersey, Bridget Pfeiffer Scanlon, 272 Lathrop
Theta Pi, Wagner College, position vacant at time of publication. Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314, 00718/981-8318
Ottawa, Mary Jane Refausse Jacobsen, 27 Bumdale Road, Gloucester,
Corporation Presidents ON CANADA K1B 3Y4, (H)(6l3) 837-3361 (W) (613) 837-3361
Southern Connecticut, Cathy Quine Carter, 221 Highland Avenue,
Beta Tau, University of Toronto, Karin Galonski, 21 Olive Avenue Meriden, CT 06450, 00(203) 634-3783
Apt #2, Toronto, ON CANADA M6G 1T7, (H) 416/530-0648
Toronto, Lydia Charalambakis, 42 Lambeth Square, Scarborough,
Chi, Syracuse University, Marie Howard Brown, 302 Westholm ON CANADA M1W 3B4, (H) (416) 492-7248
Blvd., Syracuse, NY 13219 (H)315/468-6380

Fall 1993 25

REGION TWO Sigma Tau, Washington College, Julia Merrell, Washington College,
300 Washington Ave, Chestertown, MD 21620, (H)(410) 778-8532
n JiRegional Vice President, Cathy (C) (410) 778-8532
Connelly Wieand, 1538 N Valley
/ Road, Pottstown, PA 19464, Tau Lambda, Shippensburg U., Cathleen Curchin, AOII,
s fr-*~>\ (H)215/970-0385. Shippensburg U. Cumberland Union Building, Shippensburg, PA
17257, (HX717) 530-9569 (C) (717) 530-9569
Regional Finance Officer, Carla
Caimi, 4500 S. Four Mile Run Dr, #613, Arlington, VA 22204, Theta Beta, Towson State U , Linda Phillips, Towson State U , P.O.
(FO703/578-3258 (W) 202/874-7090. Box 1955, Towson, MD 21204, (H)(410) 821-9313 (C) (410) 821-
Regional Rush Officer, Karen Weigel, 131 Huntley Dr.,
Harrisburg, PA 17112, (H)717/657-9809 (W) 717/737-4810. Collegiate Chapter Advisers

Public Relations Officer, Tracy Tucker, 4511 Knox Road, Delta Chi, University of Delaware, Sandra Altemus, 17 Matthews
College Park, MD 20740, (H)(301) 277-0930 (W) (301) 907-2862. Rd, Newark, DE 19713,(H) 302/368-3062

Regional Directors Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State University, Patricia Rine
Antolosky, 1260 Fairview Dr, Bellefonte, PA 16823, (H)8l4/355-
Phyllis Zaremba Aguilar, 25 Blondell Ct, Lutherville. MD 21093, 2776 (W) 814/364-1481
(H)(410) 252-2215 (W) (410) 887-3549. Chapters: Sigma Rho.
Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U , Debra Xander O'Donnell, 1325 Ridge
Laura Buchtel, 39 E. Windsor, Alexandria, VA 22301, (H)703/684- Trail, Easton, PA 18042,(H)(215) 253-7978 (W) (215) 820-5450
6237 (W) 202/626-5619. Chapters: Pi Delta, Sigma Alpha.
Kim Carson McGowan, 9 Mill Creek Lane, Malvern, PA 19355, Phi Beta, East Stroudsburg State U , Jaynellen Behre, 9 Hooper
(H)215/647-0667 (W) 215/647-6644. Chapters: all alumnae chapters. Avenue, West Orange, NJ 07052, (H) (201) 736-8149 (W) (201) 736-
Leigh Remy, P.O. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA 17604, (HX717) 399-
6242 (W) (717) 291-4340. Chapters: Lambda Upsilon, Theta Beta. Pi Delta, U. of Maryland, Pamela Myers Nason, 4609 Highland Ave,
Bethesda, MD 20814,(H)(301) 907-8807 (W) (202) 632-7031
Donna Steibel, 7228 Hillmead Court, Springfield, VA 22150,
(H)703/569-5l42 (W) 703/750-0510. Chapters: Sigma Tau, Tau Sigma Alpha, West Virginia University, Beth McCloy McCuskey,
Lambda. 421 Cedar Street, Morgantown, WV 26505, (H)304/291-3939 (W)
Nancy Grimley Van Eron, 10512 Gateridge Rd., Cockeysville, MD
21030, (H)4l0/666-1820. Chapters: Epsilon Alpha, Phi Beta. Sigma Rho, Slippery Rock U , Barbara Gilbert Davies, 643 Sunset
Circle, Evans City, PA 16033, (HX412) 452-3982
Sally Wagaman, 2507 Mount Carmel Ave, Glenside, PA 19038,
(H)215/887-6235 (W) 215/464-7100. Chapters: Delta Chi. Sigma Tau, Washington College, Sheri Noble Hardesty, 10-G
Greystone Court, Annapolis, MD 21403, (H)(410) 263-7641 (W)
Collegiate Chapter Presidents (301) 229-9007

Delta Chi, University of Delaware, Lisa Roe, 155 S Chapel Street, Tau Lambda, Shippensburg U , position vacant at time of publicaiton
Newark, DE 19711, (H)(302) 455-1163 (C) (302) 737-2989
Theta Beta, Towson State U , Kelly Moran, 1514 Rolling Road, Bel
Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State University, Annette Capetola, Air, MD 21014, (H) 410/879-0467
Epsilon Alpha Chapter of AOII 15-S Hiester Hall, University Park,
PA 16802, (HX814) 862-6762 (C) (814) 865-7863 Corporation Presidents

Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh II., Elizabeth Gosen, Alpha Omicron Pi Beta Delta, Villanova University, Wendy Kunzman, 3208 Hayes
Box F-41/Lehigh U., Bethlehem, PA 18015, (HX215) 758-0726 (C) Road, Norristown, PA 19403, (H) 215/584-5189
(215) 758-2564
Delta Chi, University of Delaware, Kim Wheatley, 1413 Christina
Phi Beta, East Stroudsburg State U., Kathleen Hill, East Stroudsburg Mill Dr, Newark, DE 19711, (H) (302) 737-2492
State U. University Center Box #48, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301,
(HX717) 420-2225 (C) (717) 420-2225 Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State University, Lois Kober Klotz,
506 Shannon Lane, State College, PA 16803, (H)(8l4) 238-1274
Pi Delta, U. of Maryland, Kelly Bassett, Alpha Omicron Pi 4517
College Ave., College Park, MD 20740, (HX301) 779-3598 (C) (301) Gamma Beta, Indiana U. of Pennsylvania, Melanie Nestor Tmmp,
927-9871 1741 Norwood Blvd, Zanesville, OH 43701, (H)(6l4) 454-1062 (W)
(614) 455-2978
Sigma Alpha, West Virginia University, Kristin Dainty, 299 Prospect
St., Morgantown, WV 26505, (HX304) 296-9691 (C) (304) 291-1433 Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U , Christine Knudson Forsfhorfel, 1114
Sigma Rho, Slippery Rock U., Cathy Sivy, Greek Affairs - Univ. Union Tremont Or, Whitehall, PA 18052, (H)215/432-2277
Slippery Rock U, Slippery Rock, PA 16057, (H)(412) 794-1611
Phi Beta, East Stroudsburg State U , Shari Regina, 16 Franklin Ct,
Newtown, PA 18940, (H) (215) 579-0488

Pi Delta, U. of Maryland, Jane Williams Williams-Ward, 7818
Breakstone Ct, Ellicott City, MD 21043, (HX410) 796-0809 (W)
(202) 2084006

Sigma Alpha, West Virginia University, Linda Ceccarelli Trent, 1821
Martha Ave, Fairmont, WV 26554, (H)304/599-O042

26 To Dragma

Sigma Rho, Slippery Rock U , Darla Wimer Kightlinger, 637 Lord Susan Reid Mattern, 204 Lake Ct, Chapel Hill, NC 27516, (H)(919)
St, Meadville, PA 16335,(H)(814) 333-6303 9424308. Chapters: Rho Beta, Zeta Psi.

Sigma Tau, Washington College, Sandy Reeder, 708 Camberley Cir. Michelle Monnett, 412 N. Jordan Apt. 404, Alexandria, VA 22304,
Apt. B-3, Baltimore, MD 21204, (H) 301/296-7713 (HX703) 370-3539 (W) (703) 3514210. Chapters: Alpha Lambda,
Tau Lambda, Shippensburg U , Traci King, 3531 Holly Road, Chi Beta.
Dover, PA 17315, (H) 717/292-6570
Pamela Mathis Thomas, P O Box 280, Colbert, GA 30628,
Theta Beta, Towson State U , Carmel Gabriele Kaiser, 115 Bosley (H)706/788-3771 (W) 706/542-0466. Chapters: Epsilon Chi, Gamma
Ave, Cockeysville, MD 21030, (H)4l0/666-7756 (W) 410/225-5445 Alpha.

Alumnae Chapter Presidents Collegiate Chapter Presidents

Baltimore, Billie Jo Carter Kreps, 344 Stratford Rd, Baltimore, MD Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern University, Julie Hawkins,
21228, (H)(410) 744-8705 (W) (410) 955-6839 Georgia Southern University Landrum Box 15402, Statesboro, GA
Charleston Colony, Glenna Wolman Wagner, 4833 1/2 MacCorkle 30460, (H)912/681-2404 (C) 912/681-2404
Ave, South Charleston, WV 25309, (HX304) 768-5806
Greater AIlentown/Bethlehem, JoAnn Kach Knerr, 2906 Klein St, Chi Beta, University of Virginia, Karin Levenberg, 518 17th Street,
Allentown, PA 18103, (H)215/791-4651 NW, Charlottesville, VA 22903, (H)(804) 971-1151 (C) (804) 979-3594
Greater Harrisburg, Dawn George Eichelberger, 3224 Scenic Rd N,
Harrisburg, PA 17109,(H)(717) 652-2198 (W) (717) 255-7807 Delta Upsilon, Duke University, Meredith Sasser, Alpha Omicron Pi
Box 98333, Durham, NC 27708-8333, (H)(919) 684-1402
Northern West Virginia Colony, Paula Moore Thorn, RR #4 Box 330A, Epsilon Chi, Elon College, Mehgan Connolly, P.O. Box 846, Elon
Morgantown, WV 26505, (H)(304) 598-2165 (W) (304) 2934191 College, NC 27244-0846, (H)(919) 538-3851 (C) (919) 538-3849
Philadelphia, Lisa Kampf, 622 Manchester Rd, Norristown, PA
19403, (H) (215) 5394812 (W) (215) 935-2725 Gamma Alpha, George Mason University, Suzanne Bohn, Alpha
Pittsburgh, Nena Krivosic Jovonovich, 2452 Wedgewood Drive, Omicron Pi, 4301 Bellavia Lane, Fairfax, VA 22030, (H)(703) 385-8182
Pittsburg, PA 15090, (H)4l2/934-1889
Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U , Pamela Pierotti, Georgia State U ,
State College, Nancy Mellinger Zendt, RD #lBox 346, Port Matilda, University Plaza, Box 1897, Atlanta, GA 30303-3083, (H)(404) 875-
PA 16870, (H)8l4/692-8346 1687 (C) (404) 659-1743
Washington, Heidi Marinaccio-Opet, 20306 Markettree Place,
Gaithersburg, MD 20879, (H)(703) 276-1611 (W) (301) 8694950 Lambda Chi, LaGrange College, Karla Reese, Alpha Omicron Pi
York County, Marilyn Healy Anderson, 137 A S. Market Ave, Fraternity LaGrange College, Box 171, LaGrange, GA 30240,
Mount Joy, PA 17552, (H)717/653-5848 (HX706) 883-1335

REGION THREE Lambda Sigma, U. of Georgia, Mary Anne Morgan, 1190 S. Milledge
Avenue, Athens, GA 30609-2400, (HX706) 353-3454 (C) (706) 548-
Regional Vice President, 4108
Suzanne Inabnit Bowman, 3108
Truitt Drive, Burlington, NC 27215, Rho Beta, Virginia Commonwealth U , Margaret Haywood, VCU
(HX919) 584-3757. Student Org. Area/AOII 907 Floyd Ave, Box 66, Richmond, VA
Regional Finance Officer, Eleanor 23220, (H)(804) 3584065 (C) (804) 647-5500
Becker Holtz, 245 S. Church St, Athens, GA 30605, (H)404/548-
5709. Zeta Psi, East Carolina U , Jana Holland, 805 Johnston St,
Regional Rush Officer, Mary Ann Vaughan Stark, 1505 Greenville, NC 27858, (H)919/757-0769
Northcliff Trace, Roswell, GA 30076, (H)404/998-6659.
Regional Public Relations Officer, Barbara Card Lansford, 6 Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Linden Dr., Savannah, GA 31405, (H)912/352-0220 (W)
912/925-8800, Ext. 150. Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern University, Lynn Coombs Vogel,
340 South Rountree, Metter, GA 30439, (H)(912) 685-3484 (W)
Regional Directors (912) 764-6297

Kathryn Hume Arn, 936 Stockbridge Dr., Virginia Bch, VA 23464, Chi Beta, University of Virginia, Jane Crawford Franklin, 6 Watts
(H)804/495-0096 (W) 804/366-4570. Circle, Palmyra, VA 22963, (H)804/589-2460 (W) 804/295-3161
Denise Denkinger, 9401-1 Cypress Spring Ct, Richmond, VA 23294,
(H)804/270-9603 (W) 804/747-3700, Ext. 1223. Chapters: Delta Delta Upsilon, Duke University, position vacant at publicaiton date
Upsilon, Gamma Sigma.
Position vacant at publication date. Chapters: Lambda Chi, Lambda Epsilon Chi, Elon College, Lark Ramsay Johnston, 2809 Regent
Sigma. Park Lane, Burlington, NC 27217, (H)(919) 227-6508

Gamma Alpha, George Mason University, Sherri Gill, 1030 Charles
St, Herndon, VA 22070,(H) (703) 904-8321 (W) (703) 603-9043

Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U , Malinda Sharp, 4662 Orchard
Street NW, Norcross, GA 30092, (H) (404) 368-8886

Lambda Chi, LaGrange College, Elizabeth George, 1515
Hogansville Rd #34, La Grange, GA 30240, (H) (706) 882-7065 (W)
(706) 6374351

Lambda Sigma, U. of Georgia, Deedee Walker Bell, 245 Ashton
Dr., Athens, GA 30606, (H)(706) 543-3533 (W) (706) 542-8776

Fall 1993 27

Rho Beta. Virginia Commonwealth U., Donna Russell, 2124 Floyd REGION FOUR
Ave, Richmond, VA 23220, (H) (804) 358-2824
Regional Vice President,
Zeta Psi, East Carolina U , Myra Winget, 322 Haven Dr. #N-5, f Louanne Watson, 206 Westview
Greenville, NC 27834, (H) (919) 355-2736 (W) (919) 756-3140 / Cir, W. Lafayette, IN 47906, (HX317)
\ 463-4692 (W) (317) 449-3400.
Corporation Presidents
Regional Finance Officer, Becki
Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern University, Sharon Nash Pratt, Braatz Bair, 8124 Kevin Lane, Sylvania, OH 43560, (HX419)
238 Donaldson St, Statesboro, GA 30458, (H)912/764-7326 (W) 885-3363 (W) 419/885-3363.
912/681-5555 Regional Rush Officer, Patricia Curran Dengler, 4018
Benjamin St., Cincinnati, OH 45245, (H)513/753-0860 (W)
Chi Beta, University of Virginia, Shirley Stilwell Sale, 365 Piedmont 513/561-6020.
St., Orange, VA 22960, (H)703/672-4732
Assistant Regional Rush Officer, Jenny Ribley, 2923 Makely
Delta Phi, University of South Carolina, Margie Arbaugh Lamar, 16 Dr.. Lima, OH 45805, (HX419) 999-1766.
Dartmouth St, Winchester, MA 01890, (H)6l7/729-1517 Public Relations Officer, Sandee Bums, 3767 Lake Run Blvd.
Stow, OH 44224, (HX216) 686-2681 (W) (216) 673-9515;349.
Delta Upsilon, Duke University, Barbara Grant Schliebe, 140
Stateside Dr., Chapel Hill. NC 27514, (H)919/967-3070 Regional Directors

Epsilon Chi, Elon College, Betty Howell Gay, 1606 Forest Valley Lisa Alte, 227 N Petemian, Greenwood, IN 46142, (H)317/881-
Rd, Greensboro, NC 27410, (H)919/288-5960 6406, (W) 317/663-8203. Chapters: Bloomington, Cincinnati,
Dayton, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Michiana-
Gamma Alpha, George Mason University, Dawne Bennett Ward, South Bend, Muncie, South Central Indiana, Terre Haute.
7605 Maritime Lane, Springfield, VA 22153, (H)(703) 569-5922 (W)
(202) 857-8828 Kelly Hervey Brooks, 3707 Chadam Lane Apt. 1-D, Muncie, IN
47304, (HX317) 741-8413 (W) (219) 543-2218. Chapters: Chi
Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U, Lee Saylors, 612 Wedgewood Drive, Lambda, Kappa Kappa.
Woodstock, GA 30188, (H) (404) 591-7995 (W) (404) 984-4176
Linda Clark, 7560 C Mill Bench Court. Dublin, OH 43017, (H)(6l4)
Lambda Chi, LaGrange College, Sheryl Starlings Erickson, 116 792-1562 (W) (614) 793-5023. Chapter: Chi Epsilon.
Brookwood Drive, LaGrange, GA 30240, (HX706) 882-4856 (W)
(706) 8834000 Lisa butt, 31741 Marquette, Garden City, MI 48135, (H) (W) (313)
380-4431. Chapters: Beta Gamma, Lambda Eta.
Lambda Sigma, U. of Georgia, Pamela Mathis Thomas, P O Box
280. Colbert, GA 30628,(H)706/788-3771 (W) 706/542-0466 Barbara Acton Harnish, 3423 Burch Ave #5, Cincinnati, OH 45208,
(H)513/871-0827. Chapters: Omega, Omega Upsilon.
Rho Beta, Virginia Commonwealth U , Ruth Whitehead Shorter.
2544 Lochness Road, Richmond, VA 23235, (H)804/272-5213 (W) Beverly Hatcher Kirby, 2218 Portsmouth, Toledo, OH 43613,
804/272-5213 (HX419) 474-6444 (W) (419) 241-8181. Chapters: Alpha Psi, Kappa
Zeta Psi, East Carolina LI, Cheryl Swanson Stephenson, 102 Prince
Road. Greenville. NC 27858, (HX919) 752-5602 (W) (919) 830-3426 Robbi Ruth Peterson, 45788 Drexel Rd, Canton, MI 48187,
(H)313/455-5963 (W) 313/595-2605. Chapters: Akron/Canton, Ann
Alumnae Chapter Presidents Arbor, Cleveland, Columbus, Dearborn, Detroit North Suburban,
Farmington Hills. Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Macomb County,
Atlanta, Dee Eberhardt Allen, 566 Lorell Terrace N.E, Atlanta, GA Toledo.
30328, (H)404/255-8l63
Gina Bucci Schenk, 2275 N. Cable #155, Lima, OH 45807, (H)(4l9)
Charlotte, Susan Cowick Hopkins, 4840 GolfView Ct, Charlotte, NC 331-7365 (W) (419) 227-0113. Chapters: Kappa Pi, Theta Psi.
28227, (HX704) 573-9080
Renee Pugh Smith, 3205 Hensel Dr., Carmel, IN 46033, (H)317/846-
Hilton Head, Samantha Edgin Neville, 4 Woodstork Way, Bluffton. 6246 (W) 317/872-8113. Chapters: Beta Phi, Phi Upsilon.
SC 29910, (HX803) 837-7250 (W) (803) 837-6000 Judith Melvin Thornburg, 2804 W. Purdue Rd, Muncie, IN 47304,
(H)317/284-3277 (W) 317/285-8173. Chapters: Kappa Alpha. Theta.
Northern Virginia, Jennie Woods Hibbert, 8304 Pinyon Pine Ct,
Fairfax Station, VA 22039, (HX703) 250-4561 Collegiate Chapter Presidents

Piedmont Area, Beverley Gass, 2104 Rolling Rd, Greensboro, NC Alpha Psi, BowJing Green State University, Tina Hite, Alpha
27403, (H) (919) 379-0252 (W) (919) 334-4822 ext 2434 Omicron Pi, 425 Student Services Bldg./BGSU, Bowling Green, OH
43402, (HX419) 372-3206 (C) (419) 372-2840
Richmond, Robin Peoples, 4715 Park Avenue, Richmond, VA
23226, (H) (804) 359-5815 Beta Gamma. Michigan State University, Rebecca Bartlett, 445
Abbott Road, East Lansing, MI 48823, (HX517) 336-9138 (C) (517)
Triangle, Laura Harschbarger Coble, 5215 Coronado Dr., Raleigh, 336-0601
NC 27609, (H)919/787-13H (W) 919/872-5339

Virginia Tidewater, Ann Leigh Schlechter, 3009 Emerald Cove,
#101, Virginia Beach, VA 23452,(H) (804) 486-4180

28 To Dragma

Beta Phi, Indiana University, Sonya Rasmussen, 901 E. 10th Street, Omega, Miami U , Natalie Ross Adkins, 11755 Norbourne Drive
Bloomington, IN 47408,(H)812/332-66l6 (C) 812/332-7296 #1112, Forest Park, OH 45240, (H)513/851-6998 (W) 513/589-3890

Chi Epsilon, The Ohio State University, Melissa Biehl, Alpha Phi Upsilon, Purdue U , Sue Watson Hammel, 820 So 16th Street,
Omicron Pi, 84 East 15th, Columbus, OH 43201, (H)(6l4) 294-0762 Lafayette, IN 47905, (H)(317) 742-6150 (W) (317) 449-3860
(C) (614) 291-8415
Theta, DePauw U , Audrey Thomas Pelham, 4740 E 71st St,
Chi Lambda, University of Evansville, Laura Harrell, AOII-Chi Indianapolis, IN 46220, (HX317) 849-1853 (W) (317) 849-1853
Lambda Chapter, 400 S. Rotherwood Ave, Evansville, IN 47714- Theta Psi, U. of Toledo, Traci Hershberger Cox, 3226-A Middlesex,
1557, 00(812) 425-5818 (C) (812) 477-6838 Toledo, Ohio 43606, (H) 419/531-7585

Kappa Alpha, Indiana State University, Betsy Cox, AOH-Indiana Corporation Presidents
State University, 122 Lincoln Quad, Terre Haute, IN 47809,
(HX812) 237-6928 (C) (812) 237-6926 Alpha Psi, Bowling Green State University, Janet Pierce Conway,
2285 New State Rd N, Norwalk, OH 44857, (H)4l9/668-5286 (W)
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U , Molly Pence, Ball State U , P.O. Box 419/668-3774
250, Student Center, Muncie, IN 47306, (H)(317) 741-0744 (C) (317)
285-7953 Beta Gamma, Michigan State University, Joanne Nelson Nowak,
17288 Tremlett, Clinton Township, MI 48035, (H)313/791-3914
Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern U , Rhonda McKee, 116 W. Highland,
Ada, OH 45810-1384, (H)(419) 634-0012 (C) (419) 772-1144 Beta Phi, Indiana University, Ed Smith, 3205 Hensel Drive, Carmel,
IN 46032, (HX317) 846-6246 (W) (317)632-9431
Kappa Rho, Western Michigan University, Jessica Bastien, 3301
West Michigan Apts. #308, Kalamazoo, MI 49007, (H)(6l6) 388- Chi Epsilon, The Ohio State University, Leslie Fair Enoch, 2810
6004 Chateau Circle, Columbus, OH 43221, (H)6l4/488-6835

Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State U , Donna Yesh, 4820 West Chi Lambda, University of Evansville, Kathryn Lawson Bartelt, 418
Campus Dr., #102, Allendale, Ml 49401, (H)(6l6) 895-9537 Darby Dr, Newburgh, IN 47630, (H)812/853-6l36 (W) 812/479-2486

Omega, Miami U , Amy Scholl, Miami U. 180-C Richard Hall, Box Kappa Alpha, Indiana State University, Suzanne Atkinson Helt,
221, Oxford, OH 45056, (H)(513) 523-9399 (C) (513) 529-7389 1000 S. 6th Street, Terre Haute, IN 47807, (H)812/232-8503
Omega Upsilon, Ohio U , Tracey Jewell, 24 E. Washington, Athens,
OH 45701, (HX614) 594-7935 (C) (614) 593-6095 Kappa Kappa, Ball State U, Barbara Johnson Ottinger, 509 S. Rambler
Rd, Muncie, IN 47304, (H)(317) 289-4080 (W) (317) 285-5227
Phi Upsilon, Purdue U , Lisa Ivkanec, 1001 David Ross Road, West
Lafayette, IN 47906, (H)(812) 463-9566 (C) (317) 463-9566 Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern U, Alice Robinson, 63 E High St, London,
OH 43140, (H) 614/852-2614 (W) 614/852-1370
Theta, DePauw U , Heidi Gaston, 225 S. Bloomington St,
Greencastle, IN 46135, (H)317/658-5035 Kappa Rho, Western Michigan University, Gloria Schaefer Walters,
2503 W. Main St, Kalamazoo, MI 49006, (H)(6l6) 349-3801 (W)
Theta Psi, U. of Toledo, Jill Oakley, 2999 W. BancroftF-1, Toledo, (616) 385-2665
OH 43606, (HX419) 537-3297 (C) (419) 537-3261
Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State U , Gwendolyn Hooper Combs,
Collegiate Chapter Advisers 8725 Conservation NE, Ada, MI 49301, (H)(6l6) 676-9104 (W)
(616) 456-5405
Alpha Psi, Bowling Green State University, Jennifer Stewart, 1058
Carol Road, Bowling Green, OH 43402, (H) (419) 352-1741 (W) Omega, Miami U , Fred Dengler, 4018 Benjamin Street, Cincinnati,
(419) 885-8505 OH 45245

Beta Gamma, Michigan State University, Sue Elder, 6213 Cobblers Omega Upsilon, Ohio U , Stephanie Tresso, 934 Neil Avenue,
Drive, E. Lansing, MI 48823, (H) 517/351-5270 (W) 517/373-1254 Columbus, OH 43201, (H) (614) 294-8676 (W) 614/487-2050

Beta Phi, Indiana University, position vacant at publication date Omicron Pi, U. of Michigan, Lisa Aupperle Hudy, 10269 Stark,
Livonia, MI 48150, (H)(313) 425-3368 (W) (313) 358-5170
Chi Epsilon, The Ohio State University, Charlene Brown Potter, 1468
Briarmeadow Dr., W. Worthington, OH 43235, (H)(6l4) 888-0695 Phi Upsilon, Purdue U , Lillian McHenry, 1011 Oakhurst, W.
Lafayette, IN 47906, (H) 317/463-6716 (W) 317/463-6716
Chi Lambda, University of Evansville, Karen Morauski, 5711 Fiesta
Dr., Newburgh, IN 47630, (H) (812) 858-9553 (W) (812) 468-5554 Theta, DePauw U , Kay Hansen Sutherlin, 2239 Rome Dr,
Indianapolis, IN 46208, (H)317/293-0894 (W) 317/226-4196
Kappa Alpha, Indiana State University, Glenna Hammond Theta Psi, U. of Toledo, LeAnn Fitch Schoenfelt, 4026 Grantley
Timmons, 408 S. 34th St, Terre Haute, IN 47803, (H)(812) 238-4377 Road, Toledo, OH 436l3,(H)4l9/471-l633 (W) 419/475-9359
(W) (812) 235-1656
Alumnae Chapter Presidents
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U , Becky Shipley Ziga, 4609 W Sandpiper
Dr, Muncie, IN 47303, (W) (317) 282-7626 Akron-Canton Colony, Janelle Eddey Esker, 2462 21st Street,
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223,
Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern U , position vacant at publicaiton date
Ann Arbor, Lisa Aupperle Hudy, 10269 Stark, Livonia, MI 48150,
Kappa Rho, Western Michigan University, Annette Martz Daniel, (HX313) 425-3368 (W) (313) 358-5170
2129 Ridgefield Rd, Portage, Ml 49002, (H)6l6/329-1182
Bloomington, Donna Doss Hales, 1802 Wilton Dr, Bloomington,
Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State U, Charlotte Bruner Philpot, 455 IN 47401, (H)812/332-5764
Prospect Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, (H)(6l6) 774-2232 (W)
(616) 453-6549 Cincinnati, Barbara Acton Hamish, 3423 Burch Ave #5, Cincinnati,
OH 45208, (H)513/871-0827

Fall 1993 29

Cleveland Area, Beth Barry, 35 Fircrest Lane, Moreland Hills, OH Regional Directors
44022, (H) (216) 247-1550 (W) (216) 461-0900
Debi Allen, 2101 Saratoga Drive, Louisville, KY 40205, (HX502)
Columbus, Jenney Knight Seely, 8719 Winooski St, Powell, OH 451-9687. Chapters: Kappa Omega, Tau Omega.
43065, (HX614) 764-8971 (W) (614) 239-2982
Dayton, Amy Wiedeman, 322 Willowood Dr., Dayton, OH 45405, Taina Hampton Edwards, 315 Windy City Road, Jackson, TN
(H) (513) 277-2831 (W) (513) 225-4565 38305, (H)901/664-5322. Chapters: Tau Omicron, Omega Omicron.

Dearborn, Rosemary Malish, 1008 N. Inkster Rd, Dearborn Hts, MI Susan Ward Nally, 713 Shenandoah Dr., Brentwood. TN 37027,
48127, (H) 313/278-7268 (W) 313/383-3308 (H)615/373-3475. Chapters: Rho Omicron, Omicron.
Mary Jane Bell Sharp, 245 Peters Road SW, Knoxville, TN 37923,
Detroit North Suburban, Mary Palo Levi, 1592 Henrietta, (H)6l5/693-3579- Chapters: Nu Omicron, Kappa Omicron.
Binningham, MI 48009, (H)313/645-5471 (W) 313/857-8460
Karen Fiddelke Towell, 711 Newman Drive, Bowling Green, KY
Evansville Tri-State, Jane Mengon Bernhardt, PO Box 116, 42104, (H) 502/843-1231 (W) 502/781-7680. Chapters: Pi Alpha,
Elberfeld, IN 47613, (HX812) 983-4966 (W) (812) 465-8283 Epsilon Omega.
Farmington Hills Colony, Katherine Mueting, ll606 Plymouth
Woods Drive, Livonia, MI 48150, (H) (313) 462-1243 (W) (313) 451- Talley Perry Wanen, 1795 Cour de Canal, Gemiantown, TN 38138,
2020 (HX901) 759-0146 (W) (901) 767-6532. Chapters: Delta Omega,
Alpha Chi.
Indianapolis, Diana Danowski McGuire, 1802 Misty Lake Dr.,
Indianapolis, IN 46260, (H)(317) 876-7282 (W) (317) 257-7775 Paula Daigle, 605 Say Brook Circle, Nashville, TN 37221,
(H)6l 5/662-2814. Chapters: all alumnae chapters.
Kalamazoo, Marilyn Gruhl Brownell, 10173 Woodlawn,
Kalamazoo, MI 49002, (H)6l6/327-206l (W) 616/388-2037 Collegiate Chapter Presidents

Lafayette, Ann Wagoner White, 212 Newton Court, W. LaFayette, Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky University, Kristin Armstrong, 1566
IN 47906, (HB17/497-9212 Normal Drive, Bowling Green, KY 42101, (H)(502) 842-6235

Macomb County, Patricia Kowalchuk Wilson, 20661 Wedgewood, Delta Omega, Murray State University, Mallory McClure, 603 North
Grosse Pointe Wood, MI 48236, (H)313/882-0578 16th Street, Murray, KY 42071, (H)502/759-l657

Michiana-South Bend, Trina Ringenberg Miller, 10443 Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky University, Molly McDermott,
Whippoorwill Ct, Granger, IN 46530,(H)(219) 674-6730 (W) (219) Eastern Kentucky University Box 128, Powell Building, Richmond,
674-6730 KY 40475, (HX606) 622-5586

Muncie, Vicki Galbreth Shipley, 4010 Coventry Dr., Muncie, IN Kappa Omega, U. of Kentucky, Monica Bryan, 132, 368 Rose Street
47304, (H)317/289-7350 (W) 317/285-5114
AOII House, Lexington, KY 40508, (HX6O6) 258-2293
South Central Indiana, Sheryl Perkins Wright, 6105 S. Homestead
Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46227, (H)317/788-1283 (W) 317/226-4249 Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College, Carol Culpepper, Alpha
Omicron Pi-Rhodes College, 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN
Tene Haute, Carol Oxford Wetherell, RR 4 Box 210, Marshall, IL 38112, (HX901) 726-3098
62441, (HX217) 826-6191 (W) (812) 877-8468
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U , Katie Friedman, AOII House, 2415
Toledo, Cynthia Gehrls Skiver, 1129 Shelly Ave, Maumee. OH Kensington Place, Nashville, TN 37212, (H)(6l5) 421-4222 (C)
43537, (HX419) 893-3576 (W) (419) 885-7921 (615) 329-3760

K REGION FIVE Omega Omicron, Lambuth U , Michelle Dally, Omega Omicron
Chapter of AOII. P.O. Box 3086, Jackson, TN 38303, (H)901/424-
\ l y Regional Vice President, Mary 5782 (C) 901/422-4963
\ % M a t a r a z z o Bryant, 2113 Maryland
Omicron, U. of Tennessee, Melinda Franklin, 1531W. Cumberland
\^ \ ' ' - 40205,A v e Ave, Knoxville, TN 37916, (H)(6l5) 595-6265 (C) (615) 525-3752
Louisville KY Pi Alpha, U. of Louisville, Lucinda Thurman, AOII, U. of Louisville
Student Activity Center, Louisville, KY 40292, (H)(502) 8524041 (C)
* - / " 3 r " \ (H)502/458-1202. (502) 852-3773

Assistant Regional Finance Officer. Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U , Melissa Hudson, Middle
TN State U , P.O. Box 613, Murfreesboro, TN 37132, (H)(6l5) 896-
Lisa Cook Robertson, 3906 Hobbs Road, Nashville, TN 37215, 6272 (C) (615) 898-3503

(F0615/292-5728 (W) 615/259-1800. Tau Omega, Transylvania U , Elizabeth Harvey, Transylvania U. Forrer
Hall, 300 N. Broadway, Lexington, KY 40508, (HX606) 233-8651
Regional Finance Officer, Missy Watson Taylor, 1104 Teal
Ridge Court, New Albany, IN 47150, (H)(812) 945-6482 (W) Tau Omicron, U. of Tennessee - Martin, Kathy Drewry, U. of
(812) 246-3391. Tennessee - Martin Box 126, Martin, TN 38238, (H)901/587-6817

Regional Rush Officer. Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, 1704 Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Champions Drive, Nashville, TN 37211, (HX615) 331-8079 (W)
(615) 255-6694. Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky University, Robbin Morrison, 145
Westwood Circle #A, Bowling Green, KY 42101, (H) (W)
Public Relations Officer, Sandy Afford Gover, 608 Pine Court, 502/781-1673
Bowling Green, KY 42103, (H)(502) 843-6158.

30 To Dragma




fashions Mr
155 are proudly
shown by

our '93-94

.174 Chapter

who travel



Chapters ft


the US and



^64 177
104 A

104A Hunter Green Floral Tote .22.00

127B Rio-style Shorts,

A. OVERSIZED JACKETS- Burgundy L, XL 20.00

155 Gear Red Windbreaker L, XL 50.00 164 Heavyweight Cotton

174 Lined Anorack Jacket, Hunter w/Navy Stripe, Embroidered

Embroidered L, XL 50.00 Sweatshirt, Natural

175 Lined Anorack Jacket, Navy Embroidered w/ w/Paistey L, XL 52.00

Nautical Design L, XL 50.00 177 "Alumna" Sweatshirt, Ivory

w/Paisley on Forest

L, XL 38.00

178 Tone-on-Tone Sweatshirt

"Est. 1897 Barnard College,"

Hunter L, XL 38.00

164N 127B

131A Flannel Boxers, Red Plaid 173
L, XL 16.00

131B Flannel Boxers, Black

Watch Plaid L, XL . 16.00

164N Heavyweight Cotton


Navy w/Red Plaid

L,XL 52.00

176 Grey Sweatshirt/Black

Watch Plaid L, XL . . 36.00


127 Ric-styie Shorts, Red

131B M,L,XL 20.00

127B Rio-style Shorts,

Burgundy L, XL . . . .20.00

144 Forest Sweatshirt w/Paisley

Letters L, XL 36.00

173 Sweatshirt, Embroidered 127B
Red Rose w/Navy &

Forest Letters L, XL .40.00
179 Burgundy Sweatshirt/Plaid

Banner & Metallic Gold

Letters L, XL 48.00

14 Panda T-Shirt Bubble Letters L, XL . . 16.00 157 Melon T-Shirt w/Madras
74 Stuffed Panda Bear w/AOII Ribbon . . .14.00
11 OA AOII Sorority Cap . .3.50 AOII Letters L, XL 18.00
121B AOII 'Friends' Squeeze Bottle, 32 oz. .19.00 158 Teal T-Shirt w/Madras
146A White 'Red Rose' T-Shirt L, XL . . . . .24.00
166 Embroidered Zig-Zag T-Shirt L, XL . . .18.50 AOII Letters L. XL 18 00
170 Flag T-Shirt(U.S. & Canada) L, XL .15.00
171 AOII 'Friends' T-Shirt L, XL
172 Red T-Shirt Embroidered in Navy .19.00

w/Gold Stars L, XL

on Aon ton



127F Rio-style Shorts, Forest Green

L, XL 20.00

150 Ecology T-Shirt, on front; "AOII

Cares about the World/on back:

"Caring for Our World Today is

a Gift to Our Legacies of

Tomorrow' L, XL 12.00

150A Ecology Shopping Bag. .10.00

150B Ecology Bumper Sticker,

Reg. 1.00 Sale! .80


127 Rio-style Shorts,

Red M, L, XL 20.00
127B Rio-style Shorts.

Burgundy M, L, XL 20.00

127F Rio-style Shorts, Forest

Green M, L, XL 20.00

142A Long Sleeve Tee

w/Campbell Plaid L, XL . . .25.00

167 Natural T-Shirt w/Navy,

Hunter & Burgundy J . AOII ALUMNA T-SHIRT-
145 Navy T-Shirt w/Official Alumna Logo
Embroidered Letters L, XL .19.00
XL 15.00
168 Grey Tee w/Grey Embroidered (Modeled by Nan McCain,
Past International President)
Letters L,XL 19.00

169 Long Sleeve Hunter

T-Shirt w/Tone-on-Tone

Laurel Leaf Embroidered

Design L, XL 22.00

K. , 142A

168 *



103 Champion Sweat Shirt, Grey/Red L, XL 38.00
146 Navy "Red Rose'Sweat Shirt L, XL 36.00
151 Burgundy Sweatshirt w/Plaid Letters L, XL

123A Throw, Rfcbons & Roses

Design (Reversible),
Lush 100% Three-Ply Cotton

5W. I * ; " " '


N. AOII KEYCHAINS- 1 1 9 C _ _ 1191 27 Chocolate Rose Candy 1.50
32 Keychain with AOII, 36P Pillow Cross Stitch Kit 12.00
36H Heart Frame Cross Stitch Kit 6.00
Lucite 4.50 AQ 107JB Engraved Silver Jewelry Box 25.00
107H Ecru Moire Heart Shaped Pin Box
32A Keychain with AOII, 24 -__ 7 7 f i r 107L AOII Battenburg Lace Pillow 9.00
107N Navy Wool Felt Pillow w/Red Plaid 30.00
Red 4.50 107P Moire Pin Pillow. Ecru w/lace 30.00

70A Official "AOII Alumna" y^ ^ 9.00

Corian Keychain .. 5.00

70B "AOII" Corian Key Chain.

Birch/Red A O I I . . . . 5.00


Ring w/Gift Box... 5.00 Q BUSINESS EXECUTIVE-
119BBrass Engraved Keychain

w/Gift Box 7.50 57A Burgundy Pen by Garland, Alpha Omicron Pi

119C Burgundy Card Holder in Gold Letters & Rose at End 16.00

Keychain 5.00 92 Writing Folder w/Gold Letters, 8 1/2x11 18.00

1191 Identification Holder 92A Writing Folder/Gold Letters, 5 x 7 15.00

Key Chain 2.50 119C Burgundy Card Holder Keychain 5.00

71 Acrylic Frame,
Reversible Mat, 3 x 5 4.50
71A Ceramic Frame.

4 x 6 15.00
71B Engraved Brass

Frame, 3 x 5 . . . 16.00
71C Engraved Brass

Frame, 5 x 3 . . . 16.00
71D Engraved Silver

Frame. 3 x 5 . . . 16.00
71R Cardinal Moire

Fabric Frame .. . .5.00
117 Small Rose

Frame, 5 x 7 . . . .6.00

19G "My Grandmother's an AOII" Tee,

Navy 2-4,6-8,10-12, 14-16

(also in Pink 19GP) 8.00

19W "My Mom's an AOII" Tee,

White 2-4, 6-8, 10-12,14-16 .10.00

42 Baby Bib "An AOII Loves Me" .5.00

135 Mom T-Shirt, White w/Red

Letters L, XL 18.00

135A Mom Sweatshirt, Grey

w/Campbell Plaid L,XL . . . . 38.00

136 Dad T-Shirt, White/Navy

Letters L, XL 18.00

136B Dad Sweatshirt, Grey

w/Campbell Plaid L,XL . . . . 38.00


22 Balloons, White w/Red, Red

w/White 25

22C "Confetti'Balloons 40

39 Golf/Beach Umbrella 16.50

45 Laundry Bag w/Panda 15.00

64 Navy Folding Umbrella.

Automatic Open 14.00

64B Red Folding Umbrella, S. MUGS & TUMBLERS-

Automatic Open 14.00 37A Insulated Mug, Official Logo 4.00
43L Stadium Cup, 32 oz 1.50
91 Gift Bag, Red w/White Letters .2.00 43S Stadium Cup, 22 oz 1.25
68 Ceramic Mug w/Roses 6.00
123 Wool Stadium Blanket 30.00 121 32 oz. Plastic Squeeze Bottle 3.50
121A AOII Kool Kan(Huggie) 4.00
104 Large Red Canvas Book Bag .16.00 121B AOII "Friends" Squeeze Bottle, 32 oz 3.50

11 OA AOII Sorority Cap 14.00

149 Drawstring Shorts, Pockets,

Grey w/Navy L.XL 16.00


I Love AOII Button 50

OJVf AOII License Plate 4.50
AOII License Frame 5.50
U. 154
4 Rose AOII Bumper Sticker 1.50

AOII Decal 50

AOII Bumper Sticker - Classic Style 1.50

New Alpha Omicron Pi Window Decal 1.00

AOII Stickers w/Rose 1.50

Alumna Decal/Official Alumna Logo 1.00

Notepad, White with Red Letters 1.00

AOII Alumna Notepad w/Ofticial

Alumna Logo 1.00

Graphic Notepad 4.00

Embossed Notecards w/Envelopes

20 per Pack 10.00

Enclosure Cards w/Envelopes 10

per Pack 2.50
AOII Toothbrush 2.00
Die Cut AOII Notepad 4.50
"New" Die Cut Notepad 4.50
Pen, White w/Red AOII & Rose 1.00

Notepad, Panda Footprints 3.50

New Panda Magnetic Notepad 5.00

AOII Memo Cube 3.50

200 C AOil Calendar, 12 Month w/Address

1 & Telephone Directory 4.00
AOII For A Lifetime Button 1.00
Panda Foldover Notes/20 per Pkg 5.00
AOII "Friends" Notepad 3.50

Panda Bookmarker 1.00

Panda Print 10.00
AOII Pencils 30

AOII Pencils wBubble Letters 50

Panda Pencil Eraser 60
Mini Panda Eraser 20
Notepad. Things To Do 4.00
Rose Notes w/Envelopes 10 per Pkg 5.00

98 AOII Sweat Shirt, White on White L, XL, 108A Ribbon & Rose Notecards, Red

Reg. 34.00 Sale! 26.00 Envelopes 10 per Box 5.00

98A AOII Sweat Shirt, Grey on Grey L, XL, 108S Ribbon & Rose Stationery, Red

Reg.34 00 Sale! 26.00 Envelopes 10 per Pkg 5.00

105 Peach T-shirt/Navy Letters M, L, XL, 113 AOII Planner/Organizer 10.00

Reg. 18.00 Sale! 10.00 114F AOII "Friends" Memo Board

153 Gear T-Shirt, Grey w/Roll Sleeve, Oversized (Magnet/Sticker) 2.00

M L, XL, Reg. 22.00 Sale! 18.00 122 AOII Ribbon 100 yds./45.00 or 1 yd/.50

154 Gear Panel Crew Sweat Shirt, Oversized 200 Gilt Certificate, No Limit $$

M, L, Reg. 38.00 Sale! 28.00

i 34A 34B

34 Socks, White w/Red Rose 5.00
34A Socks. White Crew w/Red AOII 5.00
34B Socks, White w/Red Panda 5.00
34E Socks, Turn Down White w/Red AOII

QifOtiun AOII Emporium offers you quality merchandise, affordable prices and prompt service. Support our 201 AOII Greek Letter Watch 60.00
sisterhood-shop the Emporium. Send check and completed form to: AOII Emporium; AOII International
Ship to: _ Headquarters; 9025 Overlook Blvd.; Brentwood, TN 37027 or phone 615-370-0920 Monday through 202 Official AOII Rose Watch 60.00
Address: Friday 9-5 est. 203 Citizen Quartz Watch,14k Gold Finish 130.00
City: All w/Genuine Leather Band.
Ordered by: Phone
Reinforced Stainless Steel Backing,
Full 2-year Unconditional Warranty
St/Prov: Zip. Region:
o Parent o Alumna • Collegian o Friend

Item # City. Description Size Price Ea. Total Price

• check l. ^ i p f5S00* H " v " i n ' ; Subtotal

DD 00 3 m00 „ . j
° 2"5. 25 M00OO <o5o0C0 aUnOaUdiDantes jow r1,0, W U I I d l u y
wdlldUICMIo rtUU L-AWianyc

750, ,0000 7oo T N Residents Add 8.25% Sales Tax

CIardI# I I I I I I I I I I EIxp.IDateI I I Shipping & Handling(see chart) X. AOII CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS- 7.50
TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED 56 Satin Ball Christmas Ornament 7.50
r-7—r-i—i 56B Hand Painted Ball/Plaid Bow 7.50
56L Hand Painted AOII Lavaliere 7.50
56P Hand Painted Panda

Delta Omega, Murray State University, Vicki Jones, 714 Main Street, Alumnae Chapter Presidents
Murray, KY 42071,(H) (502) 753-1863 (W) (502) 762-3470
Bowling Green, Nancy Spires Norris, 2557 Morning Glory, Bowling
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky University, Mary Evans Dewey, Green, KY 42104, (H)(502) 782-8341
316 S. Third St., Richmond, KY 40475, (H)(606) 623-8277 (W) (606)
622-1472 Dyersburg Colony, Pattye Johnson Williams, 309 W. Main,
Newbem, TN 38059, (H)901/627-9517 (W) 901/627-3236
Kappa Omega, U. of Kentucky, Melanie Sublett, 1776 South Prairie Hopkinsville, Susan Mabry, 114 Skylark Drive, Hopkinsville, KY
Circle, Lexington, KY 40515, (H) (606) 272-1211 42240, (H) (502) 886-0959 (W) (502) 439-7766

Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College, Lisa Brown, 6930 Red Oak Circle Jackson, Anna Bray, 13 Sunset Drive, Jackson, TN 38301, (H) (901)
#2, Memphis, TN 38115, (H) 901/363-7012 (W) 901/363-6351 422-6646 (W) (901) 4274581

Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U., Dottie Whelen Leek, 6338 Johnsons Kentuckiana, Roberta Steder, 1005 Stivers Rd., Louisville, KY 40207,
Chapel Rd., Brentwood, TN 37027, (H)6l5/373-5701 (H) (502) 893-0703 (W) (502) 473-8270
Knoxville, Amy Stevenson Cathey, 7327 Lawford Road, Knoxville,
Omega Omicron, Lambuth U., Melinda Clarke, Creekside L84 102 TN 37919, (H)6l5/531-9059
Murray Guard Dr., Jackson, TN 38305, (H) (901) 661-9215 Lexington, Jana Davis, 632 Lombardy Drive, Lexington, KY 40505,
(H) (606) 299-7594 (W) (606) 254-7343
Omicron, U. of Tennessee, Suzanne McMillen Ott, 1514 Agawela Memphis, Jennifer Jenson, 1883 Rainbow Dr. N , Memphis, TN
Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37919, (H)(6l5) 525-1900 38107, (H) (901) 276-9000 (W) (901) 323-6760
Nashville, Patsy Waters Anderson, 106 Suffolk Crescent,
Pi Alpha, U. of Louisville, Julie Sellins, 8109 Lake Ave. *S, Brentwood, TN 37027, (H)615/661-5443
Lousiville, KY 40222, (H) 502/339-8270, (W) 502/266-6990 Northern Kentucky, Rebecca Greer, 5356 Pinecastle Court, West
Chester, OH 45069, (H) (513) 860-9577 (W) (513) 860-9577
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U., Theresa Dover
Chandler, 2520 Regency Park Drive, Murfreesboro, TN 37129, REGION SIX
(H)6l 5/896-6611
Regional Vice President, Julie
Tau Omega, Transylvania U , Karen Halcomb, 3453 Redcoach / Brining, 5851 Overlook Rd., Mobile,
Trail, Lexington, KY 40517,(H) (606) 272-5389 (W) (606) 233-6987
AL 36618, (H)205/344-0649 (W)
Tau Omicron, U. of Tennessee - Martin, Sandra Turner Belote, 109 205/432-9741.
Van Cleave, Martin, TN 38237, (H)901/587-9054 (W) 901/587-7080
Regional Finance Officer, Judi
Corporation Presidents Foster Gulledge, 102 Sintabouge Circle, Daphne, AL 36526,
(H)(205) 626-5355 (W) 205/438-4000.
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky University, Elizabeth Smith Wilkins,
820 Wakefield Drive, Bowling Green, KY 42103, (H)502/782-9525 Regional Rush Officer. Laurie Arnold Curtis, 4617 Tennyson
(W) 502/782-3600 Ave, Tampa, FL 33629, (H)813/837-0567 (W) 813/239-1179.

Delta Omega, Murray State University, Carmen Arnold Garland, Public Relations Officer, Dolores Rhodes, 14979 Hwy. 69
Rte. 7, Box 886, Murray, KY 42071, (H)502/753-0810 (W) 502/762- North, Northport, AL 35476, (H)205/339-7721 (W) 205/348-5522.
Regional Directors
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky University, Jill Allgier, 114
Frankie Drive, Richmond, KY 40475, (H) 606/623-5270 Laura Baish Burcham, 1905 Carlisle Drive, Birmingham, AL 35235,
(H)205/854-8711 (W) 205/934-3599. Chapters: Kappa Gamma,
Kappa Omega, U. of Kentucky, Lea Schnellenberger, 1067 Forest Decatur, Greater Pensacola, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery.
Lake Drive, Lexington, KY 40517, (H) (606) 271-8959
Lori Hart, Station 6565, Montivallo, AL 35115, (H)(205) 665-8589,
Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College, Sharon Bridger, 1296 Essex (W)(205) 665-6565. Chapters: Gamma Omicron, Tau Delta
Drive, Memphis, TN 38119,(H) (W) (901) 367-4536
Kay Gomillion Jones, 2 Sunset Pass, Anniston, AL 36201, (HX205)
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U , Pat Helland, 422 Hickory Highlands 238-1975 (W) (205) 236-1313. Chapters: Nu Beta, Zeta Pi.
Drive, Antioch, TN 37013, (H) 615/731-5154 (W) 615/370-0920
Julie Guengerich Martin, 1611 Hood Avenue, Scottsboro, AL 35768,
Omega Omicron, Lambuth U , Leanne Casey, 720 South Highland, (H)205/259-5586. Chapters: Gamma Delta, Sigma Delta.
Jackson, TN 38302, (H) 901/668-7692
Elaine Ockajik McCraney, 6952 124th Terrace North, Largo, FL
Omicron, U. of Tennessee, Ann Rountree Wallace, 5805 Glen Cove 34643, (H)813/536-9977 (W) 813/393-4619. Chapters: Birmingham,
Dr., Knoxville, TN 37919, (H)6l5/584-5813 Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Greater Jackson Area, Greater
Pi Alpha, U. of Louisville, Linda Steder, 1005 Stivers Rd., Louisville, Pinellas, Jacksonville, Mid-Delta, Orlando, Palm Beach County,
KY 40207, (H) 502/893-0703 (W) 812/952-2555 Sarasota, Southeast Alabama, Tampa Bay.

Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U , Frances Woodfin Follis, Toni Flowers Morgan, 2228 Southpark Blvd, Huntsville, AL 35803,
1907 Riverview Drive, Murfreesboro, TN 37129, (H)615/893-3260 (H)205/880-1544 (W) 205/895-6445. Chapters: Alpha Delta,
Gamma Theta.
Tau Omega, Transylvania U , Paulette Camuel, 636 Wichita Dr.,
Lexington, KY 40503, (H) 606/277-5972 (W) 606/223-3112

Tau Omicron, U. of Tennessee - Martin. Judy Broadstreet Barker,
P O Box 771, Union City, TN 38261, (H)901/885-8032

Fall 1993 35

Cindy Swartzfager, 15210 Amberly Drive #2014, Tampa, FL 33647, Nu Beta, U. of Mississippi, Melody Mitchell Gholson, 215 East Van
00(813) 978-9834 (W) (813) 974-3060. Chapters: Delta Delta, Delta Dorn Ave., Holly Springs, MS 38635, (H)(601) 255-7554 (W) (901)
Epsilon. 767-3103

Collegiate Chapter Presidents Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College, Mary Fife Kyser, 3210
Cloverdale Rd, Montgomery, AL 36106, (H)(205) 265-1837 (W)
Alpha Delta, University of Alabama, Kimberly Yeager, Alpha (208) 269-3870
Omicron Pi Sorority, P.O.Box 1948, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486, (H)(205)
348-2616 (C) (205) 348-8805 Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College, Mindy Van Matre
McDonald, 222 Westcliffe Circle, Birmingham, AL 35226, (H)(205)
Delta Delta, Auburn University, Wynne Driskell, AOII/Auburn 822-6124 (W) (205) 923-4434
University, Toomer Hall (Dorm C), Auburn, AL 36830-5835,
(H)(205) 844-7145 (C) (205) 844-7131 Zeta Pi, U. of Alabama - Birmingham, Tami St Clair Puchta, 2350
Locke Lane, Birmingham, AL 35226, (H)205/823-2643 (W) 205/987-
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State University, Jennifer Pettyjohn, Box 1551
3012 Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL 36265, (H)(205)
435-2307 (C) (205) 782-6705 Corporation Presidents

Gamma Delta, U. of South Alabama, Donna Shaw, Gamma Delta Alpha Delta, University of Alabama, Lois Lafollette Lewis, 5517
Chapter of AOII, P.O. Box U-1178, Mobile, AL 36688-0001, Woodberry Ln., Tuscaloosa, AL 35405, (H)205/556-2207
00(205) 341-4651 (C) (205) 341-3073
Delta Delta, Auburn University, Lori Thornton Henry, 1408
Gamma Omicron, University of Florida, Carlina Terrana, 819 W. Pinkston Ct, Auburn, AL 36830,
Panhellenic Drive, Gainesville, FL 32601, (HX904) 371-4483 (C)
(904) 3734550 Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State University, Kathleen Friery, 3430
Nesbit Lake Rd, Jacksonville, AL 36265, (H) (205) 435-7837 (W)
Gamma Theta, U. of South Florida, Camille Cervantes, AOII-U. of (205) 435-5288
South Florida, 4202 E. Fowler Ave./CTR 2377, Tampa, FL 33620,
(HX813) 971-6778 Gamma Delta, U. of South Alabama, Diane Brining Gano, 3580
Country Ct. N., Mobile, AL 36619, (H)205/633-4l4l (W) 205/432-
Kappa Gamma, Florida Southern College, Theresa Oakley, Florida 9741
Southern College Box 15218, Lakeland, FL 33802, (H)(813) 680-
4362 (C) (813) 680-4361 Gamma Omicron, University of Florida, Peggy Henderson, 3611
SW 63rd Lane, Gainesville, FL 32608, (H) (904) 376-1659
Nu Beta, U. of Mississippi, Shanna Bartlett, U. of Mississippi P.O. Box
7987, University, MS 38677, (H)(601) 236-1930 (C) (601) 234-2718 Gamma Theta, U. of South Florida, Jane Breckenridge Tessmer,
314 W Main Street, Inverness, FL 32650, (H)(904) 726-0157 (W)
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College, Erin Mahavier, Huntingdon 904/726-9533
College, 1500 E. Fairview Ave., Box 65, Montgomery, AL 36106-
2148, (H)205/269-0898 (C) 205/265-4314 Kappa Gamma, Florida Southern College, Vicki Urban, 4444 N
Winston Ln, Sarasota, FL 34235, (H) 813/355-6990
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College, Lauren Hawkins,
Birmingham Southern College, Box A-56, Birmingham, AL 35254, Nu Beta, U. of Mississippi, Wanda Chamberlin Lyle, 3973 Almond
(H)205/458-6783 (C) 205/458-6787 Cove, Memphis, TN 38115, (H)901/794-4912 (W) 800/937-0319

Zeta Pi, U. of Alabama - Birmingham, Melissa Ferry, 1130 Ski Lodge Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College, Cindy Simmons Wilson, 2626
#3, Birmingham, AL 35209, (H)(205) 942-8718 (C) (205) 934-8399 Carlton Lane, Montgomery, AL 36106, (H)205/263-l442 (W)
Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Tau Delta, Binningham Southern College, Lynn Hughes Spires,
Alpha Delta, University of Alabama, Pamela Cooney Brock, 11727 3523 Tanglecreek Circle, Birmingham, AL 35243, (H)205/870-1226
KnoUwood Rd, Northport, AL 35476, (HX205) 339-4868 (W) (205) Zeta Pi, U. of Alabama - Birmingham, Lee Smith Taylor, 5505
339-0313 Parkside Drive, Birmingham, AL 35242, (H)205/991-6649 (W)
Delta Delta, Auburn University, Patsy Faulk Vincent, 3321 King
Ave., Opelika, AL 36801, (H)(205) 749-2277 (W) (205) 844-4597 Alumnae Chapter Presidents

Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State University, Sharon Dasinger, 3410 Birmingham, Jana Heaps Branch, 2567 Royal Way, Helena, AL
Nisbet Lake Rd, Jacksonville, AL 36265, (H) 205/435-5904 35080, (H)(205) 733-1200 (W) (205) 823-5100

Gamma Delta, U. of South Alabama, Renee Busby Phelps, 6612 Boca Raton, Tara Stavola Petracco, 1256 S Military Trail #926,
Autumn Ridge, Mobile, AL 36695, (H)(205) 611-8072 (W) 205/342- Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, (H)(305) 570-6364 (W) (305) 942-5530
DeSoto County Colony, Margaret Heiskell Jefferson, 195 Palisade
Gamma Omicron, University of Florida, Ann Henry, 720 SW 34th Street, Memphis, TN 38111, (W) 901/682-5517
St., Apt B2, Gainesville, FL 32607, (H) 904/373-6255
Decatur Area, Mary Louise Barnes Ogle, 430 Jackson St. SE,
Gamma Theta, U. of South Florida, Carol Holman, 9612 Fox Hearst Decatur, AL 35601, (H)205/350-2936 (W) 205/773-4741
Road, Tampa, FL 33647, (H) (813) 973-0849 (W) (813) 987-8561
Fort Lauderdale, Rebecca Miller Rountree, 6149 Pine Terrace,
Kappa Gamma, Florida Southern College, Lisa Akers, 261 Saxony Plantation, FL 33317, 00(305) 791-9139 (W) (305) 739-7660
Court, Winter Springs, FL 32708, (H) (407) 696-5430 (W) (800) 523- Greater Pensacola, Jean Norris Brown, 1475 Finley Drive,
3247 Pensacola, FL 32514, 00904/476-8291 (W) 904/434-5592

36 To Dragma

Greater Pinellas, Marion Grassmuck Clouse, 1530 86th Ave. N., St. Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Petersburg, FL 33702, (H)813/577-086l (W) 813/577-0861
Alpha Theta, Coe College, Stephanie Nave, AOII/Coe College,
Huntsville, Kitty St. John Pettus, 1101 Appalachee Dr., Huntsville, 1220 1st Ave NE. GMU Box 554, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, (HX319)
AL 35801, (HX205) 883-0020 (W) (205) 971-6494 399-8414 (C) (319) 399-8488

Jacksonville, Laura Freville. 847 Century 21 Drive, Jacksonville, FL Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan University, Kate Conway, 1314
32216, (H) 904/727-3916 North Fell Avenue, Bloomington, EL 61701, (HX309) 556-2131
Iota, U. of Illinois, Christina Mantis, 706 S. Mathews, Urbana, IL
Mid-Delta Colony, Margaret Kazan Karr, 1261 Wortham Dr., 61801, (HX217) 344-0136 (C) (217) 344-0136
Greenville, MS 38701, (H)601/349-1367 (W) 601/378-2617
Iota Sigma, Iowa State U., Aimee Knipper, 2007 Greeley, Ames, IA
Mobile, Alicia Wendling Simms, 303 Levert Street, Mobile, AL 50010, (H)515/292-3993 (C) 515/292-3993
36607, (HX205) 478-2873
Montgomery, Sandra Brill Tousignant, 425 N Burbank Dr #111, Kappa Sigma, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, Cassandra
Montgomery, AL 36117, (H)(205) 244-2912 (W) (205) 283-9296 Mickelson, c/o Cassandra Mickelson, CP 514 River Road, Hudson,
Orlando, Marty Leonard Harrison, 1231 Lake Piedmont Circle, WI 54016, (HX715) 425-4166 (C) (715) 386-1575
Apopka, FL 32703, (H)407/886-1922
Nu Iota. Northern Illinois U., Jennifer Ugorek, 918 Kimberly Dr., De
Palm Beach County. Helen Lawton Zientek, 4125 Hickory Drive, Kalb, IL 60115, (HX815) 748-3996 (C) (815) 748-4505
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418, (H)(407) 624-2018
Phi Chi, U. of Chicago, Jill Uylaki, 1005 East 60th St. #322, Chicago,
Sarasota Area, Sharon Gibbs Newberger, 1431 George Towne Dr, IL 60637, (HX312) 702-5182 (C) (312) 702-5182
Sarasota, FL 34232, (H)813/371-4782
Phi Delta, U. Of Wiscoasin - Milwaukee, Michelle Vukovich, Phi
Southeast Alabama, Twyla Froman Brammell. 19 Diamond Circle, Delta of AOII, Union Box 6 U. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee,
Ft Rucker, AL 36362, (H)205/598-4304 Milwaukee, WI 53211, (HX414) 332-2483 (C) (414) 332-2483
Phi Sigma, U. of Nebraska at Kearney, Michelle Hrbek, U.
Tampa Bay. Jennifer Qualey Roberts, 1701 Sakura Dr., Valrico, FL Residence South #101 C, U. of Nebraska-Kearney, Kearney, NE
33594, (H)813/681-6078 68849, (HX308) 233-9548 (C) (308) 233-9598

Tuscaloosa, Gloria Hamner, 4221 Spring Valley Drive, Mobile, AL Tau, U. of Minnesota. Karla Johnson, Alpha Omicron Pi-Tau
36693, (H) 205/661-2838 Chapter, 1121 5th St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414, (H)(6l2) 623-
9140 (C) (612) 623-9140
Theta Chi, Morningside College, Julia Smith, Morningside College,
/ Regional Vice President, Judy 3609 Peters Ave./Box 1523, Sioux City, IA 51106, (HX712) 274-
~/~*~*\ Gambrel Flessner, 1604 E. 3265 (C) (712) 274-3257
Frederick, Arlington His., IL 60004,
(H)708/253-6459. Upsilon Epsilon, Parks College, Karla Braeuninger, Box 1107 Parks
College, 500 Falling Springs Rd., Cahokia, IL 62206, (HX618) 337-
Regional Finance Officer, Shirley 0179 (C) (618) 337-0200
Pinneke Knipfel, 4615 Toronto, Ames, IA 50010, (HX515) 292-
5805 (W) (515) 239-5190. Zeta, U. of Nebraska - Lincoln, Megan Kenedy, 1541 "S" Street,
Lincoln, NE 68508, (HX402) 435-9445 (C) (402) 435-9445
Regional Rush Officer. Tamee Dark, 3003 Providence Drive,
Bloomington, IL 61704, (HX309) 662-5580 (W) (309) 766-0790. Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Public Relations Officer, Lynne Radtke Ferger, 8121 W.
Portland Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213, (H)4l4/778-2028. Alpha Theta, Coe College. Barbara Ernst Tupper. 5510 Kirkwood
Blvd. SW #10, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404, (HX319) 363-8005 (W)
Regional Directors 319/335-1023

Patricia Hiller Akin, 201 S. East Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302, Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan University, Sheila Starkey, 300
(H)708/848-6676 (W) 708/383-8200. Chapters: all alumnae chapters. South Orr Drive, Normal, IL 61761, (H) (309) 452-5259 (W) (309)
Jane Vanroo Crawley, 9 Shadywoods Ln., Highland, IL 62249,
(H)6l8/654-5139. Chapters: Iota, Upsilon Epsilon. Iota, U. of Illinois, JoAnne Yonke Zunich, 2606 Cherry Hills Dr.,
Champaign, IL 61821, (HX217) 352-3299 (W) (217) 352-5700
Jennifer Jons, 933 23rd Avenue, Coralville, IA 52241, (H)(319) 351-
7011. Chapters: Beta Lambda, Phi Sigma. Iota Sigma, Iowa State U., Regina Frandson Ellingson, 3008
Eisenhower Or., Ames, IA 50010, (H)515/233-1921 (W) 515/292-
Linda Mansur, 9153 N 70th, Milwaukee, WI 53223, (H)4l4/354- 1542
6759 (W) 414/351-5500. Chapters: Zeta, Kappa Sigma.
Kappa Sigma, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, Diane Prindle
Elizabeth Hairier Pietsch, 1220 Millet Street, Naperville, IL 60563, Lanphear, 514 River Road, Hudson, WI 54016, (HX715) 386-1575
(H)708/357-6974. Chapters: Nu Iota, Phi Chi.
Nu Iota, Northern Illinois U., Donise Marshall, 4702 Arbor Dr. Apt.
Judy Freundt Zawacke, 1302 W. Palatine Rd, Arlington Heiglus, IL 108, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008, (H) (708) 397-0748
60004, (H)708/253-5538. Chapters: Alpha Theta, Phi Delta, Theta Chi.

Fall 1993 37

Phi Chi, U. of Chicago, Christine Graves, 780 S. Federal #804, Chicago Beverly Hills, Sandra Dawson Stevens, 1125 Olive Rd,
Chicago, IL 60605, (H) 312/922-5691 Homewood, IL 60430, (HX708) 798-1351 (W) (708) 798-0121

Phi Delta, U. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Wendy Klotsche Kohler, Chicago Loop Colony, Terri Mascherin, 2801 Lincoln Street,
4848 N Lydell #130, Glendale, WI 53217, (H)(4l4) 332-0999 (W) Evanston, IL 60201, (W) 312/222-9350
Chicago NW Suburban, Martha Hennemuth Schroeder, 2404 Robin
Phi Sigma, U. of Nebraska at Kearney, Lori Moore, 1925 W 37th St., Lane. Rolling Meadows, IL 60008, (H)708/577-26l6
Kearney, NE 68847,(H) (308) 234-1935 (W) (308) 234-1911
Chicago West Suburban, Nancy Perko Bussing, 465 Repton Rd,
Tau, U. of Minnesota, Krista Kleemann Beyers, 6756 Stratford Bay, Riverside, IL 60546, (H)708/442-8319
Woodbury, MN 55125,(H)6l2/735-8007
DeKalb-Kane, Linda Prothero Munson, 2838 Greenwood Acres Dr,
Theta Chi, Morningside College, Marsha Newman, 3218 Garretson DeKalb, IL 60115, (H)815/756-3366 (W) 815/756-8565
Ave., Sioux City, IA 51106, (H) (712) 276-2015 (W) (712) 274-5309
Des Moines, Rhonda Stevenson Bjornsen, 3912 78th St, Des
Upsilon Epsilon, Parks College, Rene Milander, 1694 E Swan Circle, Moines, IA 50322, (H)(515) 276-5975 (W) (515) 271-4252
Brentwood, MO 63144,(H) (314) 963-0250 (W) (314) 889-1564
Kearney, Jacqueline Hutsell, 2022 1/2 W. 39th St. Apt. #1, Kearney,
Zeta, U. of Nebraska - Lincoln, Mary Mead James, 1710 St. James NE 68847, (H) (308) 236-6193 (W) (308) 236-4442
Rd, Lincoln, NE 68506,(H)402/489-3686 (W) 402/269-2381
Lake County of Illinois, Linda Schwartz McElhany, 1336 Cavell,
Corporation Presidents Highland Park, IL 60035, (H)(708) 831-0295 (W) (708) 831-9152

Alpha Theta, Coe College, Barbara Ernst Tupper, 5510 Kirkwood Lincoln, Monica Sicner Rigoni, 2210 S. 37th St, Lincoln, NE 68506,
Blvd. SW #10, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404, (HX319) 363-8005 (W) (H)402/488-3680 (W) 402/473-8406
Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan University, Marci Anleitner Joseph, Milwaukee, Susan Hlavka Cornwell, 2090 Le Jardin Ct, Brookfield,
110 Shorewood Dr., Bloomington, IL 61704, (H)309/663-2935 (W) WI 53005, (HX414) 784-5699 (W) (414) 785-3940
309/557-2304 Minneapolis/St. Paul, Debra Sit, 7601 Edinborough Wy #6205,
Edina, MN 55435, (H) (612) 835-4471 (W) (612) 332-3223
Iota, U. of Illinois, Judith Irle Thompson, 4011 Lake Point Rd.,
Champaign, IL 61821, (H)217/352-5300 (W) 217/356-7221 Omaha, Sheryl Grau Hamilton, 705 N 155th Ave, Omaha, NE
68154, (H)402/498-4489
Iota Sigma, Iowa State U , Eileen Aksamit Muff, 1312 Scott Cir.,
Ames, IA 50010, (H)515/292-2725 (W) 515/294-3909 Rockford, Sheri Ott Clay, 2924 Edelweiss, Rockford, IL 61109,
(HX815) 874-1724 (W) (815) 633-5484
Kappa Sigma, U. of Wisconsin—River Falls, Judy Tostrud, N8257
950th St, River Falls, WI 54022, (H) 715/425-1040 VIII REGION EIGHT

Nu Iota, Northern Illinois U , Lois Bender Merwin, 1602 Mayflower / Regional Vice President. Kathy
Dr., De Kalb, IL 60115, (H)815/756-6569 (W) 815/756-3661
Brakefield Sowell, 5424 Mona Lane,
Phi Chi, U. of Chicago, Jo Ann Macander, 15807 Woodbridge St, Dallas, TX 75236 (H)(214) 780-0619
Harvey, IL 60426, (H) (708) 333-4369 (W) (708) 841-5180 ext 2568 (WX817) 277-0377.

Phi Delta, U. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Pat Vioni Benson, 435 Regional Finance Officer, Gloria Cunningham Rowland, 240
Bunker Hill Dr., Brookfield, WI 53005, (H)4l4/782-1711 Sunray Drive Cherokee Shores, Mabank, TX 75147,
Phi Sigma, U. of Nebraska at Kearney, Cynthia Lichtenberg
Rademacher, 1312 E 33rd Drive, Kearney, NE 68847, (H)308/236- Regional Rush Officer, Lori Miller, 7062 Perkins Pi. Ct, Apt. D,
5986 (W) 308/237-3467 Baton Rouge, LA 70808 (H)(504) 767-4742 (W)(504) 929-5243.

Tau, U. of Minnesota, Betty-Ann March Kleinschmidt, 919 Rae Court, Public Relations Officer, Kathryn Jensen, 201 Vanderpool
Mendota Heights, MN 55118, (H)6l2/681-0064 (W) 612/542-9801 Lane, #121, Houston, TX 77024, (H) 713/467-5987.

Zeta, U. of Nebraska - Lincoln, Judi Zadina Hansen, 4000 S. 56th St. Regional Directors
Unit 262C, Lincoln, NE 68506, (H)(402) 489-8509 (W) (402) 477-4102
Elaine DeFrances Ellis, 4713 Beech Harbor, Baton Rouge, LA
Alumnae Chapter Presidents 70817, (H)504/751-5517 (W) 504/752-2590. Chapters: Delta Beta,
Delta Theta.
Ames, Malisa Word Matties, Schiletter Vilage Apt 15D. Ames, IA
50010, (H)515/296-8470 (W) 515/232-3379 Lynn Koenig Martin, 17 Stephen F Austin Dr, Conroe, TX 77302,
(H)409/321-3559 (W) 713/483-3991. Chapters: Kappa Tau, Phi.
Bloomington-Normal, Carroll Mites Bross, 202 Sherwood Way,
Bloomington, IL 61701, (H)309/663-1865 (W) 309/827-0041 Position vacant at time of publicaiton. Chapters: San Antonio, Fort
Worth, Arlington-Mid Cities, Houston North Suburban, Dallas,
Champaign-Urbana, Jamie Wuttke Kocher, 107 E Willard, Urbana, Austin, Greater Lafayette, Hammond, New Orleans, Baton Rouge,
IL 61801, (HX217) 344-7931 (W) (217) 383-3088 Beaumont, Houston, Alexandria, LA Colony.
Chicago Area Alum Council, Lisa Hahn O'Reilly, 5225 Park Avenue,
Downers Grove, IL 60516, (H)708/852-2237 (W) 312/294-3045

38 To Dragma

Gail Province Osborn, 1124 Warner, Jonesboro, AR 72401, Collegiate Chapter Advisers
(H)501/932-2942. Chapters: Denver, Mid-Missouri, Little Rock,
Northwest Arkansas, St. Louis, Jonesboro, Topeka, Greater Kansas Chi Delta, U. of Colorado, Janie Norris Franklin, 7958 S Wabash
City, Tulsa, Shreveport, Monroe, Oklahoma City, Rio Grande/El Court, Englewood, CO 80112, (H)(303) 741-6360
Paso Colony.
Delta Alpha, U. of Missouri-Columbia, Stephanie Danbom
Lynette Thomas Personett, 2804 Julies Trail, Edmond, OK 73034, Chandler, 6402 North Clover Court, Columbia, MO 65202, (H)(314)
(HX405) 359-0283. 474-3505

Marty Erickson Taylor, 2501 E Rivercrest, Fayetteville, AR 72703, Delta Beta, U. of Southwest Louisiana, Jerelyn Schuetz Miles, 104
(H)501/521-2441. Chapters: Delta Pi, Sigma Omicron. Legacy Lane, Youngsville, LA 70592, (H)318/856-7000 (W)
Carolyn Swindle Wyatt, 3629 Blueridge Circle, Jonesboro, AR
72401, QHD501/932-1155 (W) 501/935-1120. Chapters: Lambda Tau, Delta Pi, Central Missouri State U., Paula Fisher, 1220: SE 8th Street,
Upsilon Lambda. Lees Summit, MO 64063, (H) (816) 246-8354

Pam Hathcock deZevallos, 12020 Naughton Drive, Houston, TX Delta Theta, Texas Woman's U., Kim Johnson Luton, 2601 Boulder
77024, (H)713/467-8560 (W) 713/758-3832. Chapters: Chi Delta, Pi. Dr., Corinth, TX 76205, (H) 214/321-4624

Susan Danko, 15221 Berry Trail, #105, Dallas, TX 75248, (H) Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U., Benicia Cognevich, 712
214/788-2172, (W) 214/997-7720. Chapters: Zeta Kappa. Michelle Ct., Gretna, LA 70056, (H) (504) 393-2926 (W) (504) 469-
Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Lambda Tau, Northeast Louisiana U., Jonna Helton, 4321 Churchill
Chi Delta, U. of Colorado, Nicole Pelletiere, 1015 15th St., Boulder, Circle, Monroe, LA 71203, (H) 318/343-5738 (W) 318/3424080
CO 80302-7313, (H)(303) 442-5210 (C) (303) 443-0546
Delta Alpha, U. of Missouri-Columbia, Kimberly Pawlak, Delta Phi, U. of Kansas, Lenna Mallin Mallin-Levitch, 1103 N. Sunset Dr.,
Alpha Chapter of AOII, 601 E. Rollins, Columbia, MO 65201, Olathe, KS 66061, (H)(913) 782-3332 (W) (913) 588-6260
(HX314) 875-8742 (C) (314) 443-6681
Pi, Newcomb College - Tulane, Andrea Tirva, 621 Broadway Apt.
Delta Beta, U. of Southwest Louisiana, Amy Livaudais, Alpha B, New Orleans, LA 70118, (H) (504) 866-8788
Omicron Pi-Delta Beta U.S.L. Box 40235, Lafayette, LA 70504-0235,
(HX318) 988-2076 (C) (318) 237-8655 Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U., Judy Rogers, 2916 Greenbriar
Dr., Jonesboro, AR 72401, (H) (501) 932-8419 (W) (501) 972-3806
Delta Pi, Central Missouri State U., Joanna Larson, Central Missouri
State U., A100 Panhellenic Hall, Warrensburg, MO 64093, Upsilon Lambda, U. of Texas-San Antonio, Melissa Nollen, 12110
(H)8l6/543-0898 (C) 816/747-2454 Ridge Summit, San Antonio, TX 78247, (H) 512/496-2252

Delta Theta, Texas Woman's U., Jeanine Moragues, AOII - Delta Zeta Kappa, Southwest Texas State U., Rene Strong Fitzgerald,
Theta Chapter TWU, Box 22291, Denton, TX 76204, (H)(817) 898- 2201 Spring Creek Dr, Austin, TX 78704, (H)512/4424l81
4390 (C) (817) 898-4309
Corporation Presidents
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U., Sharon Hebert,
Southeastern Louisiana U. SLU 948, Hammond, LA 70402, Chi Delta, U. of Colorado, Karen Haller Butler, 17414 E. Ford Dr,
(H)504/549-3676 (C) 504/542-9514 Aurora, CO 80017, (H)303/752-0862 (W) 303/752-0862

Lambda Tau, Northeast Louisiana U., Kristin Duhe, Box 4173, Delta Alpha, U. of Missouri-Columbia, Ellen Friesen, 557 Stoddards
Monroe, LA 71211, (H)(318) 345-3507 (C) (318) 3424375 Mill Dr, Ballwin, MO 63011, (H)(3l4) 391-9425 (W) (314) 821-8444

Phi, U. of Kansas, Heather Haydock, 1510 Sigma Nu Place, Delta Beta, U. of Southwest Louisiana, Harriet Tate Wilkins, 118
Lawrence, KS 66044-2591, (H)(913) 842-9731 ( 0 (913) 749-1103 Claremont Circle, Lafayette, LA 70508, (H)(318) 269-0360 (W) (318)
Pi, Newcomb College - Tulane, Gwen Bernardo, 922 Broadway, 984-3391
New Orleans, LA 70118, (H)(504) 865-1780 (C) (504) 865-8299
Delta Pi, Central Missouri State U , Debra Eggen Heiser, 4908
Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U., Robin Bobbitt, AOII Sigma Coachman Ct, Independence, MO 64055, (H)(8l6) 478-1584 (W)
Omicron Chapter, P.O. Box 928, State University, AR 72467, (913) 451-3949
(HX501) 972-2184 (C) (501) 972-1556
Delta Theta, Texas Woman's U , Audrey Herbster Lueth, 1009
Upsilon Lambda, U. of Texas-San Antonio, Jennifer Stewart, Alpha Pinetree Ln, DeSoto, TX 75115, (H)2l4/224-2285 (W)2l4/224-0960
Omicron Pi, UTSA Student Activities, San Antonio, TX 78285, Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U , Gayle Robinson Miller,
(HX210) 690-8630 (C) (210) 691-4160 1300 Old Covington Hwy, Hammond, LA 70403, (H)504/345-8211

Zeta Kappa, Southwest Texas State U., Alison Rahm, Alpha Lambda Tau, Northeast Louisiana U , Pat Turner Petrus, 2700
Omicron Pi, 401 N. Comanche, San Marcos, TX 78666, (H)(512) Bramble Dr, Monroe, LA 71201, (H)318/3224755
396-8588 (C) (512) 353-2674 Pi, Newcomb College - Tulane, Louise Ferrand Hemard, 871 Jewell,
New Orleans, LA 70124, (H)504/282-8299 (W) 504/587-1335

Pi Kappa, University of Texas - Austin, Ginger Banks, 3108 W.
Terrace Dr, Austin, TX 78757, (H) (512) 454-8572 (W) (512) 463-1415

Fall 1993 39

Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State IX, Marlene Gamec Brown, 303 San Antonio, Susanne Trevino Alessi, 447 Shadywood Lane, San
Cloverdale Cove, Jonesboro, AR 72401. (H)501/933-8971 Antonio. TX 78216, (H)(210) 805-8623

Upsilon Lambda, U. of Texas-San Antonio, PrisdDa Ingle, 2326 Shreveport, Mary Van Osdell, 153 Kayla St., Shreveport, LA 71105.
Texas Ave., San Antonio, TX 78228, (H) 512/432-7607 (W) (H) 318/868-2909 (W) 318/425-5000
St. Louis, Harriett Hesslin Crum. 838 Eaglebrooke Dr, Manchester,
Zeta Kappa, Southwest Texas State I t , Jo Beth Walling Heflin. MO 63021, (H)3l4/225-8760
11200 Pinehurst Dr., Austin, TX 78747, (H)512/282-2655
Topeka-Lawrence, Karen Basey, 237 Deerfield Lane, Lawrence, KS
Alumnae Chapter Presidents 66049, (H) 913/843-1952 (W) 913/774-2000

Arlington/Mid-Cities, Martha Johnston Priska, 521 Highland Park Tulsa, Kathleen Golm, 4849 S 69th East, Tulsa, OK 74145, (H)
Dr., Hurst, TX 76054, (H)817/656-5987 (W) 214/655-8710 918/627-5325

Austin, Nita Knox Wathen, 2501 Coatbridge Drive, Austin, TX REGION NINE
78745, (HX512) 444-4112 (W) (512) 444-3930
T^V" £ Regional Vice President,
Baton Rouge, Susan Gourdain Mele, 2038 Palmwood Dr., Baton x Beverly Landes Townsend, 8040
Rouge, LA 70816, (H)(504) 752-4638 (W) 504/926-3421 / Lupine Ln., Bozeman, MT 59715,

Beaumont, Janet Case Graham, 6220 Bedford, Beaumont, TX (H)(406) 586-6422.
77708, (H)(409) 899-4890 (W) (409) 835-4921 ext 208
Regional Finance Officer, Pam
Dallas, Karen Olsen Peterson, 401 Deer Creek Dr., De Soto, TX Davenport Howard, 542 W Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE,
75115, (H)2l4/223-4674 Bellevue, WA 98008, (HX206) 747-8504.

Denver, Karen Brooks Rhea, 6983 S. Dahlia St., Littleton, CO 80122, Regional Rush Officer, Kathy Oliver Busch, 5700 29th Ave.
(H)303/850-7355 NE, Seattle, WA 98105, (H)206/522-1239 (W) 206/483-5000.

Fort Worth, April Westbrook Roberts, 3801 Carolyn Road, Fort Public Relations Officer, Lorri Walden Nelson, 2922
Worth, TX 76109, (H)817/927-5346 Vermillion Drive, Billings, MT 59102, (H)406/652-9276 (W)
Greater Kansas City, Kendall Davis Born, 6014 W 124 Terrace,
Overland Park, KS 66209,(H)(913) 451-4709 (W) (913) 231-5276 Regional Directors
Greater Lafayette, Melissa Ragan Myers, P O Box 81503, Lafayette,
LA 70598, (HX318) 234-3989 (W) (318) 231-5276 Heidi Pfeil Dougherty, 3679 Smcky Road, Bozeman, MT 59715,
(H)(406) 585-0712. Chapters: Alpha Phi.
Hammond Area, Patti Thompson Dowie, 33 I . Woodlawn Dr.,
Destrehan, LA 70047, (H)(504) 764-1589 (W) (504) 465-3130 Brenda Philp, 5164 Stoker Lane #203, Boise, ID 83705, (HX208)
853-6039. Chapters: Alpha Gamma, Kappa Lambda.
Houston, Kathy Jensen, 201 Vanderpool Ln#121, Houston, TX
77024, 0D (713) 467-5987 Sandy Nellis Thiesen, 1097 NW Charlamagne Place, Corvallis, OR
97330, (H)503/758-7606 (W) 503/758-4142. Chapters: Tau Gamma,
Jonesboro, Amy Shelton, 612 W Cherry#D, Jonesboro, AR 72401, Upsilon.
(H) (501) 972-9530 (W) (501) 932-4514
Linda Tur Wickswat, 17505 SE 47th St., Issaquah, WA 98027,
Little Rock, Jane Kenner Prather, 1000 N Cleveland, Little Rock, AR (H)206/643-9791 (W) 206/643-9791. Chapters: all alumnae chapters.
72207, (HX501) 663-2473 (W) (501) 868-8800
Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Mid-Missouri, Lisa Franklin Randazzo, 910 El Cerrito Court,
Jefferson City, MO 65101, (H)(314) 636-9153 (W) (314) 635-7642 Alpha Gamma, Washington State University, Jennifer Powers, NE
ext 2400 820 Campus Ave.. Pullman, WA 99163, (HX509) 335-8502 (C) (509)
Monroe, Lillian Inzina Brown, PO Box 1936, West Monroe, LA
71294, (HX318) 343-9147 (W) (318) 322-8181 Alpha Phi, Montana State University, Cindy Eisenman, 1119 South Fifth
Ave., Bozeman. MT 59715, (HX406) 587-0691 (C) (406) 587-0691
N Houston Suburban, Barbara Schmidt Kenny, 16422 Rhinefield St,
Tomball, TX 77375, (HX713) 370-6779 (W) (713) 591-3642 Kappa Lambda, U. of Calgary, Christina Kraft, Box MH13,
Northwest Arkansas, Elaine Olszewski, 11403 Pleasant Hill Road, MacEwan Student Center 2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, AB
Lincoln, AR 72744, (H) (501) 824-5759 (W) (501) 824-3196 CANADA T2N 1N4, (H)(403) 278-9436 (C) (403) 278-9436

Oklahoma City, Mary Westendorf Richardson, 12301 SE 71st, Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U., Angela Hayes, 964 Pence
Oklahoma City. OK 73150, (HX405) 732-6577 Union Building, Eastern Washington U„ Cheney, WA 99004,
Rio Grande/El Paso Colony, Jo Ann King Hendrix, 5429 La Estancia (HX509) 235-5481 (C) (509) 235-5481
Or., El Paso, TX 79932, (H)915/584-0719
Upsilon, U. of Washington, Shannon Briggs, 1906 NE 45th, Seattle,
WA 98105, (H)206/526-7325 (C) 206/526-7325

40 To Dragma

Collegiate Chapter Advisers REGION TEN

Alpha Gamma, Washington State University, Nancy Shrope, NW 910 / ~V7" C Regional Vice President,
Bryant, Pullman, WA 99163, (H) (509) 332-6253 (W) (509) 3354572 I ' j~L
_/\_ if Bonnie Somers Berger, 13112
Alpha Phi, Montana State University, Marlene Cotton Abercrombie,
2720 Outlaw Dr, Belgrade, MT 59714, (H)(406) 388-6949 (W) (406) ) Woodmont St, Poway, CA 92064,
^ - j r - , ^ (HX619) 748-8854.
Kappa Lambda, U. of Calgary, Melissa Powell Hadford, #305 -234-
90 Avenue S E, Calgary, AB CANADA T2J 6P6, (H)403/640-0744 Regional Finance Officer, Judith
Lacina West, 24715 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, CA 94552,
Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U., Catherine O'Connell, S. 2414 (H) 510/537-0149.
Balfour, Spokane, WA 99206, (H) (509) 924-2992 (W) (509) 353-2507
Regional Rush Officer, Andrea Dill, 1833 Dale Street #3, San
Upsilon, U. of Washington, Kris Hanson Rouse, 1271 SW Orchard Diego, CA 92102, (H)(6l9) 239-0802 (W) (619) 236-9099.
St., Seattle, WA 98100, (H)(206) 767-7696 (W) (206) 270-4517 Public Relations Officer, Bobbi Chilcote, 4016-B Mahaila Ave,
San Diego, CA 92122, (H)(6l9) 535-1569 (W) (619) 487-7948.
Corporation Presidents
Regional Directors
Alpha Gamma, Washington State University, Sue Wayenberg Hinz,
NW 1445 Kenny Dr., Pullman, WA 99163, (H)509/332-ll68 (W) Judy Lind Alkire, 11474 Tunnel Hill Way, Gold River, CA 95670,
509/335-4527 (HX916) 635-7306. Chapters: Sigma, Theta Omega.

Alpha Phi, Montana State University, Charlotte Quigley Orr, 205 W. Elizabeth Craig Amundson, 2136 Fountain View Drive, Las Vegas,
Arnold, Bozeman, MT 59715, (H)406/587-3312 NV 89134, (HX702) 254-2419 (W) (702) 878-9788. Chapters: Chi
Alpha Rho, Oregon State University, Patricia Mills Moody, 3329 SW
Cascade Dr, Corvallis, OR 97333, (H)503/753-ll62 (W) 503/754-2722 Caroline Craig, 13822 Locust #1, Westminster, CA 92683, (H)(7l4)
895-3027 (W) (213) 346-1323. Chapters: Upsilon Alpha, Sigma Phi.
Kappa Lambda, U. of Calgary, Nicole Wyatt, 12 Hawksley Cr NW,
Calgary, AB CANADA T3G 3B9, (H) (403) 289-5257 Jennifer Osborn DeGuardi, 22525 Sherman Way, Unit 807, West
Hills, CA 91307, (HX818) 883-5444 (W) (818) 543-3332. Chapters:
Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U , Michelle Stipe Riggs, S. 7810 Chi Psi, Lambda Beta.
Pineview Lane, Spokane, WA 99206, (H)509/928-6983
Barbara Ringle Goll, 5671 Sierra Cielo Rd, Irvine, CA 92715,
Upsilon, U. of Washington, Alyson Turner, 7219 29th Ave. NE, (HX714) 854-9594 (W) (714) 564-3203. Chapters: Bakersfield
Seattle, WA 98115, (H) 206/523-2146 (W) 206/244-6622 Colony, Fullerton, Glendale, Las Vegas, Long Beach, Los Angeles,
Northern Orange County, Pasadena, Riverside, San Bernardino,
Alumnae Chapter Presidents San Diego, San Fernando Valley, Santa Barbara, South Bay/Palos
Verdes, Southern Orange County, Ventura County, West Los
Alaska Colony, Deborah Griffith Foster, 5901E 6th Ave. .Space A39, Angeles, Southern California Council.
Anchorage, AK 99504,(H)907/338-4453
Melinda Kelly, 11150 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049,
Billings, Audrey Scifres Skinner, 900 Sargeant at Arms, Billings, MT (HX310) 472-2436 (W) (310) 472-6570. Chapters: Lambda Iota,
59105, (H)406/248-3123 (W) 406/255-2515 Delta Sigma.

Boise Valley, Renee Knudsen, 3714 Minuteman Way, Boise, ID Sandy Henninger Thompson, 119 Venado Corte, Walnut Creek, CA
83706, (H) (208) 344-9917 (W) 208/345-2041 94598, (HX510) 934-2037 (W) (510) 947-1702. Chapters: Diablo
Valley, East Bay, Marin County, Monterey, Palo Alto, Sacramento
Bozeman, Elizabeth Reinke, 5454 Blackwood Road, Bozeman, MT Valley, San Francisco, San Jose, San Mateo, Northern California
59715, (H) (406) 587-5640 Council, Flagstaff, Phoenix, Tucson, Hawaii.

Calgary, Leanne Lawrence, 1118 Casson Green N.W. Varsity Court, Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Calgary, AB CANADA T3B 2V6, (H) (403) 284-5418
Chi Alpha, U. of California-Davis, Dawn Guerreiro, Bianco Drive,
Eugene-Springfield, Kelley Norrell Dodge, 77784 Chisholm Trail, Davis, CA 956l6,(H)(9l6) 758-0146 (C) (916) 756-9889
Cottage Grove, OR 97424,(H)503/942-9488
Chi Psi, Ca Polytechnic State Univ., Dawnya Wildes, 570 Pacific,
Pocatello, Rae Pharris Turner, 2650 S. Fairway Dr, Pocatello, ID San Luis Obispo, CA 93405, (HX805) 547-0652 (C) (805) 547-0652
83201, (H)208/233-1287
Delta Sigma, San Jose State University, Danielle Foss, 373 East San
Portland, Susan Saunders Dalrymple, 3653 SE Tenino St, Portland, Fernando Street, San Jose, CA 95112-3510, (HX408) 947-8474 (C)
OR 97202, (H)503/774-5472 (408) 998-9330

Pullman, Susan Daiger Schell, SE 915 Skylark Ct, Pullman, WA Lambda Beta, California State - Long Beach, Cher Kurek, 3980 East
99163, (HX509) 3324923 (W) (509) 334-5641 8th St, Long Beach, CA 90804, (H)(310) 433-7661 (C) (310) 433-
Seattle, Kimberly McCormick Class, 6840 Oswego Place NE #108,
Seattle, WA 98115, (H)206/522-2225 (W) 206/524-5369

Vancouver, Marjorie Stevens, 809 Sawcut, Vancouver, BC CANADA
V5Z 4A2, (H) (604) 879-0255 (W) (604) 775-6592

Fall 1993 41

Lambda Iota, U. of California-San Diego, Martha Aldridge, AOLT - Upsilon Alpha, U. of Arizona, Lynne Wood Dusenberry, 308 E. 2nd
Lambda Iota Chapter, P.O. Box 12067, La Jolla, CA 90037-0605, St, Tucson, AZ 85705, (H)602/792-l625 (W) 602/621-3175
00(619) 582-5706 (C) (619) 455-1949
Alumnae Chapter Presidents
Sigma, U. of California - Berkeley, Orit Goldberg, 2311 Prospect
Street, Berkeley, CA 94704, (H)(510) 644-0512 (C) (510) 540-9152 Diablo Valley, Claudia Bishop Samson, 761 El Cerro Blvd.,
Danville, CA 94526, 00415/831-9231
Sigma Phi, California State Northridge, Tracy Jones, 9210 Zelzah
Ave, Northridge, CA 91325, 00(818) 727-7676 (C) (818) 885-9994 East Bay, Barbara Stehno, 2101 Shoreline Dr #231, Alameda, CA
94501, (H) 510/523-0706 (W) 415/768-1234
Theta Omega, Northern Arizona U , Bridget Rush, Alpha Omicron
Pi, 1109 S. Plaza Way#255, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, (H)(602) 523-1409 Hawaii, Mary Schwamm Delpech, 444 Lunalilo Home Rd. #329,
Honolulu, HI 96825,00808/395-3534 (W) 808/926-1211
Upsilon Alpha, U. of Arizona, Samantha Monzingo, 1731E. 2nd St,
Tucson, AZ 85719,00602/325-4844 (C) 602/325-4844 Las Vegas, Elizabeth Craig Amundson, 2136 Fountain View Drive,
Las Vegas, NV 89134,00(702) 254-2419 (W) (702) 878-9788
Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Long Beach, Christine Evans Vargas, 420 Delphine, Fullerton, CA
Chi Alpha, U. of California-Davis, position vacant at publicaiton 92633, 00714/870-9310 (W) 714/535-2183
date Monterey, Edith Anderson Ramsey, 4034 Mora Lane, Pebble Beach,
CA 93953, 00(408) 626-1833
Chi Psi, Ca Polytechnic State U , Kathi Niffenegger, 453 Tulare Ave, Northern California Council, Marlou Weinzerl Joseph, 3331 Lake
Morro Bay, CA 93442,00 (805) 772-9078 (W) (805) 544-1441 Albano Circle, San Jose, CA 95135, O0408/223-7137

Delta Sigma, San Jose State University, Charlene Oveland Murray, Northern Orange County, Lisa Robinson Sakrison, 635 N
6124 Cecala, San Jose, CA 95120, OO408/997-2544 Wrightwood, Orange, CA 92669,00714/538-9238 (W) 714/633-
Lambda Beta, California State - Long Beach, Shari Farineau, 69
Granada Apt G, Long Beach, CA 90803, (H) (310) 987-4034 Palo Alto, Jo Anne Breitmeyer, 209 Horizon Ave, Mountain View,
Lambda Iota, U. of California-San Diego, Rebecca Admire Herman, CA 94043, (H) (415) 940-1441 (W) (408) 432-0270
8536-G Via MoUorca, La Jolla, CA 92037, (H) 619/457-7886
Phoenix, Pincy Dikeman Polese, 5924 E. Calle Del Norte, Phoenix,
Sigma, U. of California - Berkeley, Kathy Fitzgerald, 2061 AZ 85018, 00(602) 945-2063 (W) (602) 945-2063
Monticello Rd, Napa, CA 94558, (H) 707/259-0626
Riverside, Dee Dart, 32247 Avenue E, Yucaipa, CA 92399, (W)
Sigma Phi, California State Northridge, Missy Baiunco, 1148 714/793-1903
Oakwood Dr, Arcadia, CA 91006, (H) 818/446-4305 (W) 818/796-
8742 Sacramento Valley, Janet Jensen Dallas, 1779 Tribute Road Suite J,
Sacramento, CA 95815,00(916) 649-2089 (W) (916) 649-2551
Theta Omega, Northern Arizona U , Lillian Palmer Baker, 1508 N.
Aztec, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, OO602/774-3659 (W) 602/779-6480 San Diego, Andrea Dill, 1833 Dale Street #3, San Diego, CA 92102,
(H) (619) 239-0802 (W) (619) 236-9099
Upsilon Alpha, U. of Arizona, Kathleen Quigley, 200 Sierra Vista
Dr, Tucson, AZ 85719;00 602/326-3349 (W) 602/792-8411 San Fernando Valley, Natalie Svider, 22137 Sonoma Place,
Chatsworth, CA 91311, 0 0 (818) 998-3517 (W) (818) 998-3517
Corporation Presidents
San Jose, Regina Zofrea Fish, 1473 Shaffer Dr, San Jose, CA 95132,
Chi Alpha, U. of California-Davis, Jennifer Lacy Howell, 5309 00(408) 259-1643 (W) (408) 251-1740
Bootjack Drive, Sacramento, CA 95842, (H)9l6/349-l675 (W)
916/757-8686 San Mateo, Cindy Ruskin Castle, 1731 Lexington, San Mateo, CA
94402, 00(415) 349-8913
Chi Psi, Ca Polytechnic State Univ., Maureen Crough Forgeng, 2250
King St. # 6, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, 00805/541-2682 South Bay/Palos Verdes, Francine Layns, 2615 Gates Avenue #C,
Redondo Beach, CA 90278, (H) (310) 371-3899 (W) (310) 781-2622
Delta Sigma, San Jose State University, Karen Youngman Ryan,
5978 Thorntree Dr, San Jose, CA 95120, OO408/268-2831 Southern California Council, Carla KramerJesse, 10870 El Mar Ave,
Fountain Vly, CA 92708, 00(714) 968-0090 (W) (714) 996-5770
Lambda Beta, California State - Long Beach, Kristie Macken, 9331
Southshore Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646, (H) (714) 962- Southern Orange County, Pamela Bedgood, 108 East Junipero, San
8159 (W) (714) 727-8165 Clemente, CA 92672, (H) (714) 498-6046 (W) (714) 755-4717

Nu Lambda, Univ. of Southern California, Phyllis Austin, 1441 Brett Tucson, Chris Flores Flores-Low, 424 E. Yvon Pi, Tucson, AZ
PI. #129, San Pedro, CA 90732, (H) 310/547-5572 (W) 818/7754221 85704, 00(602) 293-9683 (W) (602) 795-2396

Sigma, U. of California - Berkeley, Leah Hardcastle MacNeil, 7033 Ventura County, Paulette Starcevich Surdzial, 1080 Calle Pinata,
Hemlock St, Oakland, CA 94611, OO510/339-0312 (W) 415/864- Thousand Oaks, CA 91360,(H)805/529-1802 (W) 805/495-6494
West Los Angeles, Ann Schmidt, 7718 W Norton #7, Los Angeles,
Sigma Phi, California State Northridge, Judith Kosmak Kolstad, CA 90046, (H) 213/656-9499
19219 Ballinger St, Northridge, CA 91324, 00818/886-4959 (W)

Theta Omega, Northern Arizona U , Stephanie Cunningham, 4014
E Cortez, Phoenix, AZ 85028, (H) (602) 953-2973

42 To Dragma

Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
Gift Support

In the 1992-1993 fiscal year alumnae, parents, and friends of Alpha Omicron Pi, along with alumnae and

collegiate chapters gave over $350,000 in support of one of our five funds: the Development Fund, the

Endowment Fund, the Arthritis Research Fund, the Ruby Fund and the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund.

Upon completion of the merger of the Diamond Jublilee Foundation into the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation,

giving was expanded to include gifts to the newly-formed Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund.

This report is intended to recognize the many individuals whose financial contributions support the mission

of Alpha Omicron Pi and the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation.
Board of Directors Committees

EliseMoss,TA'70 Assurance Review Committee

President Dorothy House Winn, Chairperson

Huntsville, Alabama Foundation Ann Galvani
Becky Shook Weinberg, XA '60 Statement Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy
Vice President
Scottsdale, Arizona Budget/Finance Committee

Mary Batman Converse, Chairperson

Mary Batman Converse, OK '62 Patricia Jacobs Mottweiler

Treasurer The mission of the Kay Hansen Sutherlin
Annandale, Virginia

Patricia Jacobs Mottweiler, 0 '48 Alpha Omicron Pi Development Fund Committee
Secretary Foundation is to Jeanie Marcy Sells, Chairperson

Arlington Heights, Illinois ensure the continuation Endowment Committee

Rosalie Gorham Barber, ZO '57 of Alpha Omicron Pi Barbara Daugs Hunt, Chairperson
Jonesboro, Arkansas Fraternity as we look
Grants Committee
Linda Peters Collier, XO '62 ahead to the challenges Kay Hansen Sutherlin, Chairperson
Springfield, Virginia of the 21st Century. Elise Moss, Arthritis Research Grants
Jo Beth Walling Heflin
Barbara Daugs Hunt, OA '60 The Alpha Omicron Pi Linda Peters Collier
Grafton, Wisconsin Foundation funds

Jeanie Marcy Sells. Z '69 programs which Ruby Fund Committee
Framingham, Massachusetts promote the intellec- Marianne Davies Carton, Chairperson
Tricia Gay Conover
Kay Hansen Sutherlin, 0 '57 tual, ethical and Audrey Hoenshell Hopkins
Indianapolis, Indiana leadership develop- Becky Shook Weinberg

Mary McCammon Williams, O ' 59 ment of members of Scholarship Selection
International President Alpha Omicron Pi
Bloomington, Illinois Fraternity and Committee
through its philan-
Trustees Emeritae Rosalie Gorham Barber, Chairperson

Anne Worsham Game

Marilyn Rose Herman

Marianne Davies Carton thropic efforts, Structure Review Committee
Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie benefits the larger
Jo Beth Walling Heflin society. Becky Shook Weinberg, Chairperson
Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy
Mary Hansuld Moore Rosalie Gorham Barber

Barbara Daugs Hunt

Mary McCammon Williams

Fall 1993 43


Hie following list of contributors includes all alumnae and collegians who made gifts to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation during the fiscal year beginning
July 1,1992 and ending June 30,1993. Sisters who have given consecutively for five or more years are acknowledged by the number of years of contribu-
tions listed after their name. The success of the Foundation is due to all sisters and friends who contributed generously this past year and whose names are
listed on the following pages. To these individuals a special thank you is extended on behalf of all who are associated with Alpha Omicron Pi.

ALPHA Margaret Damm ALPHA DELTA Julie Bishop ALPHA PHI Audrey Scifres Skinner
Barnard College. Angela U. Of Alabama Julie Elsensohn Montana State U. Rachel Stapleton
Cathy Buckles Dosch Kathryn Hennessey Heather Stephens
Columbia Li. De Anna East Sponsor Phyllis Hoffmann Rose Club Mary Liquin Taylor
Kelly Elliott Melissa Barton Hagopian Gayle Home Blanche Chilcote-12 Betty Scott Thompson
Wheat Club Kate Flaugher Carole Jurenko Jones-9 Adria Hubbard-10 Kathleen Holm-14 Shanda Traux
Hester Rusk-7 Lindy Foster Catherine Taylor Moore Donna Johnson Jody Verploegen
Mary Gillenwater Virginia Lewis Rhea-11 Ruby Hazlett Parker Wheat Club Kelly Voorhees
ALPHA BETA TAU Laura Gipe Lydia Denson Staples-6 Erin Byrne Ruehl Diane Granger-6
Thomas More College Anita Gosser-Hall Sharon Dinning Salzberg Katherine Helppie-11 ALPHA PI
Cassandra Henry Gray Sustaining Member Stephanie Sansom Florida State U.
Friend Emily Hazelrigg Mary Stinson Bell Susie Anderson Shinn Sponsor
Angela Diebold Amanda Heltsley Mary Buffler Bryant-6 Leslie Simanton Nancy Dear-14 Wheat Club
Buffie Rains Katherine Heltsley Pamela Eastwold-5 Sally Ness Simonson Jean Hansen-l6 Angela Griley Creed-10
Jennifer Henrickson Sherri Freeman-5 Danielle Steele Diana Lentz Hart-6 Lucile Dale Haag-9
ALPHA CHI Barbara Koehler Higdon Priscilla Troup Herring Patricia Vallandigham Helen Hoffman-7
Western Kentucky U. Meagan Hoff Connie Pickett Karynn Waas Lillian Hughes-9 Sponsor
Dana Horner Susan Jones Rohrer Leola Russ Wheeler Mary Francesca Palffy Karen Givens-11
Wheat Club Angela Hoten Susan Shenefield Margaret Wallace-7 Robyn Green-9
Karen Towell-6 Christy Jones Denise Simmons ALPHA KAPPA Betty Miller Holshouser
Elaine James Kennedy K of North Alabama Sustaining Member Bobbie James-11
Sponsor Traci Kutas Friend Jane Ahrendes-7 Carol Membert-6
Rachel AUen-13 Tamara Brown Atkins Wheat Club Jacqueline Bean-8 Pamela Thomas-9
Brenda Gottula-5 Nancy Lottes Luetkehans Jennifer Baker Laura Brush Burcham Margrette Gray Brown
Sandy Alford Gover Tracy Maxwell Christine Bell Judith Doering Carlsson Sustaining Member
Debra Stahl Halbig Barbara McReynolds Mary Schifano Brown Sponsor Margaret Crennen-9 Joyce Dannecker-8
Elaine Kennedy-8 Jennifer Mize Stephanie Daly Linda Hyde-10 Grctchen Frisby-9 Lucinda Filomio-11
Mary Rousseau-6 Anne Moore Rebecca Gillette Virginia Good-11 Sara Parise Ridolph-10
Toni Flowers Morgan Kimberlee Helbling Sustaining Member Dorothy Dell Lough-6 Marjorie Wessel-8
Sustaining Member Beth Bachman Morris Suzanne Jackson Theresa Collins Davis Marjory Mayfield
Juanita Brown-11 Robbin Morrison Amy Jones Tena Graben Nancy Moore-10 Friend
Debra Wade Gray Nancy Spires Norris Joy McNees Lambert Maiy Louise Barnes Ogle Margaret Simpson Nolan Nancy Bodiford
Ronda Finley Harmon Stephanie Nunn Lisa Markland Lorene Stranahan-9 Dianne Clarke
Sheila Henderson Laura Phillips Pace Linda Cuny Miller Friend Marillyn Thomas Marjorie Dillingham
Susan Ward Nally-5 Debra Jones Rieke Carol Bruno Rumore Janice Smedley Daryl Davis Todd Paula Walker Dorris-5
Linda Steder Shannon Roberts Stephanie Anderson Beverly Townsend-5 Gail Hibbe Ewing
Julie Ross-Siepman ALPHA LAMBDA Debra Tuomi-7 Martlia Fleming
Friend Jana Sawyers Sheppard Georgia Southern U. Ginger Walter-6 Nancy Isenberg
Ronnah Bowles Alexander Jennifer Sine Sabrina Rawlinson Carolyn Kiphuih
Leslie Armstrong Rosie Rigdon Stahl Friend Friend Janice Dunn McNeely
Linda Alford Baker Jill Ubelhor Sherrill Tanya Arauz Lea Anderson Michele Purdy Noullet
Paula Benson Jamie Watts Laura Smith Kristin Bichel Graham Jennifer Breeden Mary Cecil Rankin
Teresa Jewell Bewley Elizabeth Smith Wilkins Katherine Walker Buffie Johnson Marilyn Carpenter Gwendolyn Tenold
Jerrie Caney Bradshaw Emily Willis Kimberly Center Ailsa Tjaden-9
Trade Brandon JoAnne wimpelberg ALPHA GAMMA ALPHA OMICRON Joanne Coleman Ruth Skacil Valois
Angela Burnett Jennifer Winfrey Washington State U. Louisiana State U. Jennifer Coufal
Emily Burton Amy Wood Aimee Coughenour ALPHA PSI
Juliane Carter Wheat Club Wheat Club Colleen Crosby Bowling Green State U.
Marion Ciciarelli Deborah Weimar Yepsen Deborah Hemas-14 Margaret Abshire-5 Kyrre Culver
Michelle Cobb Sue Wayenberg Hinz Nancy Mouliere Kellie Denier Friend
Vicki Price Gilman Becky Lyons Ackley
For the Record Sponsor Sponsor Andrea Grover Julie Arkangel
Trudy Roberts Abrams Lyle Maier Bayle Colleen Gustafson Lara Lee
If we made a mistake in the way Nora Carlson Elaine Ellis-6 Andrine Wheeler Hall Heather Marshall
you are identified, or if your name was Judy Stein Falk-8 Irma Kenney Gilmer Susan Horrom Hampton Tamara Sippy
omitted from the gift list, we apolo- Peggy Ostrander-12 Louise Smith Hall Kerry Hanson
gize. Help us set the record straight. Susan Daiger Schell Gayle Ahern Keller Vicki Hawkesworth ALPHA RHO
Please notify the Foundation Office. Denise Sprague-9 Marjorie Sanders-5 Linda Bourdet Hurless Oregon State U.
Allie Kalin Thiel Sheila Trahan-7 Eunice Hunt Hutton-9
Gifts made between July 1, 1992 Denise Jacobson Rose Club
and June 30,1993 should be included Sustaining Member Sustaining Member Janet Russell Jolmston Carol Cooper-8
in this issue of To Dragma. Where it Janice Amsberry-7 Marilyn Larson Bordelon Patricia Kelly Veroka Monison
is clear that a donor wanted to be Suzanne Colgan Vijean Piazza Burden Cynthia Martin Audrey Smith-9
included in the 1992-1993 listing, Opaljenkin Hill-9 Virginia Shepherd-6 Kimberli McCullough
even though the gift was received Rose Jones Mackie Jane Marker Snook-9 Jean Stehlik Miller-5 Wheat Club
after July 1, 1993, we have tried to Joanne Brown Robison Lou Montgomery-9 Carol Clark-16
honor that wish. However, for Linda Seibold-5 Friend Rachel Morrison
accounting purposes, those gifts will Pamela Teglovic-9 Sue Metz Dornier Lorri Walden Nelson Sponsor
be counted in the 1993-94 fiscal year. Mary Benton Murphy Mary Morton Olson Jeannette Hewict-15
Friend Cecilia Petrocco Ethel Rend Orlich-7 Barb Bierer Long-5
Anonymous Brenda Philp Kathleen Petrucela-5
Shama Bergquist Michelle Rice

Sustaining Member Giving clubs were designed to honor individuals whose cumulative giving to Barbara Aman-9
Monte Campbell the Foundation reaches certain levels. Cumulative gifts to any of the Linda Munro Bewley
Cynthia Cummings Foundation's funds are counted toward membership in a giving club. The Alpha Kristen Emsting Bowes
Janet Doeneka Smith Omicron Pi Foundation would like to thank all our donors and congratulate Eleanor Garber-9
those who have membership in a giving club. The giving club levels are: Sally Gray Gies
Friend Lyn Keasbey Green
Dorothy Wright Alvord Founders' Roll $100,000 or more Jane Teeple Guthrie-10
Edith Tuttle Frame Alpha Circle $50,000 to $99,999 Mary Hartley
Sally Galver-9 Omicron Circle $25,000 to $49,999 Phyllis Henderson-5
Rosemary Roth Miller Pi Circle $10,000 to $24,999 Wanita Hinshaw
Marilyn Sanders Norris Ruby Club Peggy Hernicz Kilmer
Wendolyn Hongo Peace Rose Club $5,000 to $9,999 Ryta Craig Lett
Colleen Hise Tilney Wheat Club $1,000 to $4,999 Lucy Long-8
Kimra Warren Sponsor Susan Roach Mann-5
$500 to $999 Alice Baylor Martindale
ALPHA SIGMA Sustaining Member $250 to $499 Juanita Ringer-5
U. of Oregon Friend $125 to $249 Marjorie Stump-6
Rae Davis Walk-9
Sponsor $1 to $124 Jane Koval Young
Joyce Allen-11
Signe Asendorf-7 Grace Smith Greene-9 Friend Constance Overby BETA PHI Friend
Edith Laborde-10 Beverly Mack-9 Laura Redick Sallea Moore Tisch Indiana 0. Carol East Bauer
Dorothy Hallin Miller Barbara O'Connor Carol Trotter Berkey
Luola Rehfeld-11 Dorothy Funk Sisson BETA EPSHX>N BETA KAPPA Rose Club Lorene Biberdorf
Jean Carkin Sanesi-11 Marjorie Walker-13 Bemidji State U. U. of British Columbia Edith Anderson Laurel Breniman Blewett
Barbara Seymour-7 Joan Wolsiefer Ruth Kleymeyer-14 Dawn Pearce Bley
Friend Sponsor Lynda McCain Brooks
Sustaining Member Friend Theresa Simon Barbara Thurston Wheat Club Lynne Cory
Joan Agerter-9 Mary Lay Barhoover Lucille Gust Bluhm Mary Griffidis Cross
Jeanette Anderson Barbara Richards Ban BETA GAMMA Friend Margaret Bowles-14 Marilee Evans
Helen Chown-5 Edith Breining Michigan State U. Lavenie Dean Perkins Patricia Golgart-7 Antonietta Femminella
Evelyn Hogue Dickson Diana Sweeder Carleton Elizabeth Bown Wolfe Mary Kitchel-9 Elizabeth Hacker
Cheryl Filer Hallquist Joanne Kunz-5 Rose Club Margery Laycock-9 Marthanelle Hantz-7
Jane Abriel Jones-8 Marjorie Roeder-6 Helen Lee Foster-9 BETA LAMBDA Laura McDowelI-12 Christa Hart
Phyllis Bryan Ken- Doris Gregg Smith-5 Patricia Koproski-10 Illinois Wesleyan U. Catherine McGowan-9 Marjan Healy
Carrol Pageler Kirk-6 Catherine Tilton Surbey Irene Oestrike-l6 Mary Whiteley McKnight Marilynn Hodges
Helen Hoefer Olsen-6 Wheat Club Nona Neff Oesterle-11 Billie Marsh Hurt
ALPHA THETA Wheat Club Michelle Sadler Williams Nancy Singleton-9 Christine Kennedy
Friend Coe College Wilma Pinch Peek-8 Geneva Wiseman-15 Carole Krug Kirkpatrick
Hildur Warner Bailey Charlene Brown Potter Sponsor Vivian Hurst Kistler
Angela Belding Sponsor Stephanie Gutner-8 Sponsor Mazie Kilgus Kreicker
Helen Cochran Linda McLaughlin-5 Sponsor Cynthia Ritzier Pulick Juliana Bordner-14 Lisa Loehr
Mary Stein Goetz Rose Boalbey Rudin-8 Nancy Griffiths-7 Elinor Thorstenson-9 Mona Dees Clare-7 Cynthia Mainord
Mary Sexton Gordon Carol Mendrick-10 Karen Young-5 Huldah Slagle Clark-6 Dolores Miller-6
Vauna Pipal Sustaining Member Joanne Nelson Nowak Anna Diggins-9 Janet Neely
Gladys Tupling Cathleen Munay Huning Donna Rowe-15 Sustaining Member Jean Drevenstedt Carol Kuder Pictor
Mary Vaillancourt Sharon Van Fleet Jeanne Stauffer-6 Canoll Mites Bross Elizabedi Eskew-9 Elizabeth Hafner Pietsch
Margaret Seymour Wade Annabelle Cordes-5 Dorothy Gebbie-6 Jamie Mittiga Powell
Barbara Wood-6 Friend Sustaining Member Suan Guess-Hanson Rosemary Hannell-9 Mary Shroyer Riser
Jann Erickson Beckham Jane Engel Allen-6 Vera Killion Joan Heaston-5 Frances Proud Saunders
ALPHA TAU Melisa Gunther Margaret George Cynthia Nessler Audrey Smith Hiller-10 Martha Houlehan Sayler
Denison U. Sara Habeck Sally Vegors Janis-7 Linda Wulff Norton Marie Holbrooke-11 Cheryl Regan Sharps
Laura Friday Hefta Mart Larsen Kelley-5 Joan Pettis Priest Janice Keucher-9 Pamela Norton Shelby
Rose Club Pamela Peterson Ann Reed Meredith-5 Lisa Setlak Roth-7 Mary Seiple Kilman-5 Matilda Lybrook Smith
Janet Conway-14 Jennifer Smith Barbara Millington-9 Sheila Starkey Diane Leland-7 Kelley Callender St Clair
Jane Sweeder-16 Milly Schiele Neuder Marjorie Boyd Lind Michelle Thomas
BETA CHI Judy Swope Packard Friend Rosemary Lynn-8 Rosalice Watson
Wheat Club Kentucky Wesleyan College Mary Dierker Reiter-5 Lorie Bergstrom Bleyer Pamela Macri-9
Alice Fujimoto-6 Marcia Ruhling-9 Cheryl MacTavish Burke Marjorie McCague-10 BETA PI
Dorothy Kortepeter Sustaining Member Mildred Pickett Scheele Jean Wyman Cirigliano Josephine McConnell-5 Eastern Michigan U.
Irma Hudson Morrow Barbara Nass Gatz-5 Barbara Sterling Dorodiy Ehmke Rita Mengon-6
Barbara Schwarting-10 Barbara Verral Stowitts Patricia Etnyre-Zacher Donna Meyerhoven-10 Sustaining Member
Jane Wonders Stitt-5 Friend Marsha Guenzler Kathiyn Morningstar Sally Taylor-9
Elizabedi Lyons Roy Friend Judith Harding Jay May Patterson-8
Sponsor Marietta Spring Bonnie Scudder Baker Pamela Johnson Helen Semmer-6 Friend
Jean King Brown-l6 Sally Standiford-6 Marilynn Heim Kendra Redfern Jones Gwendolyn Sharp Janet Sewell Chapin
Natalie Del Porte-6 Susan Stoke Thatcher Annabell Kennedy-5 Mary Manfredini Winifred Spaulding-9 Lynn Collins Chanon
Josephine Hedges-16 Janet Knopf Lincoln Julie Fedder Olberding Joanne Speyer-9 Susan Stoddard Emerick
Irene Koerner-8 BETA DELTA Wilma Helfrich Malarik Carolyn Snyder Ruth Thompson-6 Ingrid Sheldon-5
Lillian King Nicholl-9 Villanova U. Carol Rans Marsh Gay Malewicki Sweely Nancy Stiles Wagoner Mary Ann Stephens-10
Natalie Scharre-10 Dorothy McCleman Sandra Thornton-7 Joyce Szymanski
Margaret Stearns-11 Sustaining Member Julia Merriman Julia Clemens Winters Sustaining Member
Mildred Sweeder-6 Linda Norton Suzann Price Norton Mary Parker Yount Mildred Akey Acker BETA RHO
Jane Scully Taylor-14 Lynn Adamson-6 U. of Montana
Wilda Webster-10
Sustaining Member Barbara Wilson Ifft-9
Lucy Bell-6
Virginia Detzel-9


Sustaining Member Helen Marriner Eldredge Friend Alberta Nicholson-5 Wilhelmine Borders CHI PI
Debra Riefflin Helen Panebaker Fanell Laura DeLuca Mary Sewell-8 Cecile Klamer
Elaine Whitley-8 Rita Dunn Ludden Judith Fridella Suzanne Brown Slade Ginny Meyer Kreke-6 Northeastern U.
Alice Watson Marcy Shelly Nielsen Marlyn Atkinson Taylor Corian Lundquist
Friend Jill Millrnan Jennifer Peasback Mary Rose White-9 Margaret McKinney Friend
Kathryn Tiinm Jeanette Collier Newell Christine Smith Nancy Bates-Lane Sharon Miller Judith Egan Oles
Christine O'Brien Debra Price Moore Joanne Rizzo
BETA SIGMA Dawn Penniman CHI DEETA Yankura Lois Ryon Schmidt-5 CHI PSI
Boise State U. Karen Poppenberg U. of Colorado Marilyn Simms-14 Cal. Polytechnic State U..
Deborah Tabs Prince Friend Jane Steinkamp-5
Friend Rose Milwick Riley-6 Wheat Club Ada Smith Anderson Mary Flo Wilsbacher Sustaining Member
Kelly Jackson Easton Stephanie Souza Jane Beard-14 Martha Idell Anderson Becky Shipley Ziga-5 Denise Ansolabehere
Jennifer Kester Nicolin Gloria Millett Unger Beverly Lutz Morse Eleanor Yockers Becher
Joan Wallick Vanzo-9 Diane Rouman-15 Cheryl Blasdel-6 Friend Friend
BETA TAU Dolores Schooley-5 Barbara Borenstein Becky Admire Lori Ananos
U. Of Toronto Cffl ALPHA Elizal>eth Tolson Julie Adam Burnside Janet Walsh Baize Deborah Burtchaell
U. of California-Davis Becky Weinberg-15 Dawn Cedervall Virginia Beesley-8 Andrea Dill
Sustaining Member Mary Kasic Duffy-9 Headier Bruce Becky Downs
Diana Pilsworth Sponsor Sponsor Kathryn Stevens Dyson Sara Cotham Helene Finger
Susan Appleton Sydney Arner Lynda Brown Grayson Heidi Rogovich Dees Amanda Hendrix
Friend Karen Norene Mills Paula Barta Carolyn Howerton Meredith Helmerich Tracy Less
Lydia Charalambaltis Katherine White-9 Marcia Hunt Brewer-13 Charlotte Huddleson Karen Holscher Sandra Wong Tovey
Jean Snider Hoadley Irene Yamamoto-7 Gail Englehart Bromgard Elizabeth Johnson-6 Anita Horn
Cheryl Ray Camien Coghlan Elaine Sterling Lindquist DELTA
Agnes Wilson Sustaining Member Abby Fisher-7 Nicole Pelletiere Sandra Droll Lawrence Tufts U.
Janellen Quisenberry-8 Carole Krez Foran Annette Riggs Evette Meagher-7
BETA THETA Ruth Olson Gatchell Frances Shallenberger June Meyer-5 Rose Club
Butler U. Friend Ann Morgan Hayslip Alexa Newman
Wendy Bowles Marjorie Herzberger-7 CHI LAMBDA Rachel Miller Oppman Annabelle Robbins-10
Rose Club Sarah Christol Paula Holcomb-9 U. Of Evansville Stacey Quigle
Mary-Alice Fizer-7 Jonni Ferguson Conway Nancy Setter Karl-9 Lynn Foshee Reed Sponsor
Janet Jensen Dallas Susan Reid Mattern-5 Rose Club Emily Hard Sanderson Constance Blanchard
Sponsor Pamela Feldstein Joanne O'Dwyer Liz Romine Coffey-7 Mary Snyder Marie Barrett Carney
Virginia Thompson-l6 Christine Weber Hale Norma Riffel-9 Maliel Landis-11 Kathleen Swenson Marian Sears Chaffin
Lucile Wright-11 Michele Ignoffo Joan Lott Starika Judy Torrence Ruth Bloy Ely-6
Joan Launier Wheat Club Mellvina Tromly Ruth Dresser Metcalfe
Sustaining Member Lori Cox Nyblom Sustaining Member Toni Reitz-5 Sue Blaine Wehrman Blanche Penniman-9
Jasemine Bush Donahue Barbara Wiswell Stella White Fitts-8 Sustaining Member
Frances Shera Fessler Judith Hutchison-9 Sponsor CHI OMICRON Eleanor Richardson Daly
CHI BETA Dolores Oparil Jones Margaret Kinkel Central State U. Joan Morey Holland
Friend U. Of Virginia Margie Lamar-8 Linda Capin Paine-Ll Ellen Cogen Lewis
Frances McCuIly Florence Lynch-9 Anne Powell-7 Wheat Club Evelyn Adams Lindquist
Katherine Pelham-6 Sustaining Member Beth Lewis Milam-9 Ruth Trott-6 Linda Braden-11 Caroline Norrington
Mary Dalton Baril Mary Bristow Mizer Linda Peters Collier-5
cm Karin Guslafson Nelson Sustaining Member Friend
Marianna Andres Jean Ahearn
Syracuse U. Caryl Boyden-7
JO BETH HEFLIN Barbara Clarke
Rose Club NAMED FOUNDATION Dorothy Hilton Downs
Martha Hazard-6 DIRECTOR EMERITA Emilie Farnsworth
Beverly Datlo Martino Marie Kean Hewey
Jo Beth Heflin, Foundation Director Jo Beth Walling Heflin, IlK, was Julie Jones
Wheat Club honored during the Alumnae Cruise Marie Ledden-7
Ada Fearon-6 at International Convention for her Caroline Minnisch
outstanding dedication and service Beth Ringer Moran
Sponsor to the Foundation and was named a Sharon Wainright
Phoebe Bibbens Foundation Board Director Emerita.
Barbara Bniening-10 D u r i n g her ten years as a DELTA ALPHA
Amelita Colangelo-10 Foundation Board Director, Jo Beth U. of Missouri-Columbia
Norma Palmer Cole-5 served as Treasurer and Arthritis
Adell Meacham-7 Research Grants Chairman. In addi- Sponsor
Dorothy Oliver-15 tion to working with the Rochelle Rasnic-5
Mildred Olsen-14 Foundation, she also served the
Mary Peterson-10 Fraternity for many years most Sustaining Member
notably as the Vice President of Sharon Angle
Sustaining Member Finance on the Executive Board.
Lucille Dewitt Brink Friend
Marie Dixon-7 Jo Beth joins the other Directors Pamela Crake
Margaret Dow-5 Emeritae, Marianne Carton, Y; Nancy Friesen
Jane Flynn-11 Jacquelyn Dinwiddie, EA; Eleanore Gina Goede
Ruth Marsh Haggerty Emerita. MacCurdy, IA; and Mary Moore, IS. Pamela Jennings
Frances Hanington-9 Lori Kinder Layton
Joyce Martin-8 Laura LeGrand
Shirley Sears Mills-11 Shirley Lin
Mary Rowley-8 Nicole Riggins
Gloria Sandstrom-6
Helen Janota Taylor DELTA BETA
Jo WallaceFriend U. of Southwest
Ann Palisi Bogert
Lorraine Chanatry Louisiana

Wheat Club
Nancy Boisture-10

Development Fund • Endowment Fund • Arthritis Research Fund • Ruby Fund • Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund

Sponsor Linda Morse May Sponsor Elinor Baier Kennedy Sponsor Friend
Bene Armentor-9 Corinne Morales Moore LaRea Wells Caneer-9 Dorothy Shaffer Mary Bachmann-14
Karen Bernard-14 Tracey Baynes Oprandy Juditli Pearson Delrio Ruth Smith Wilson-l6 Shirley Camp Belke-8 Elizabeth Alexander
Lorelei Dehart-9 Robyn Bolton Speakman Nancy Dunn-14 Kathryn Yohn-9 Gladys Raemsch Betts Edra Bechtel-6
Florence Jones-11 Carta Lauruhn Valdes Marguerite Lloyd-7 Inga Scheyer Book-15 Margaret Biederman
Alison Wedgworth Barbara O'Brien-10 Friend Lenore Freitag-10 Judith Stout Brumbaugh
Sustaining Member Carol Silliman-10 Kim Airman Nancy Baier Gilbert Traci Perkins Caplan
Bonnie Brady DELTA OMEGA Alison Amsterdam Catherine Greider-10 Lizann Davis
Murray State U. Sustaining Member Melissa Baal Marilyn Minor Haas Anne Lebreton Dawson
Friend Maty Bihler Bacigalupi Jessica Benjoya Doris Hellmund-8 Mary DiMartino
Camille Johnson-Foret Sustaining Member Lori Dickman Castellucci Jill Bernstein Margaret Hursh-10 Marilyn Dickinson-6
Pauline Racherbaumer Came Brookshire-13 Cathy DeWolfe Joan Unkelbach Bnins Dorothy Jennings-5 Dawn Eichelberger
Jeanene Edwards Angela Ernstrom-5 Lucinda Burke Betty WidgerJohler-12 Nancy Baier Gilbert
DELTA CHI Angela Hester Lawrence Mabel Gomes Frelier Melissa Butler Marion Johnson-16 Ann Morris Hibbard
U. Of Delaware Linda Ledford-10 Janice Gilman-S Michelle Callot Barbara Nelson Ruth Francis Huling
Dorothy Hassur-5 Catherine Cavanaugh E. Louise Porter-9 Agnes Geary Jamison
Sponsor Friend Amy Church Alyce Schnabel-6 Laurie Heaslip Johnson
Jill Costigan Sherri Baker-7 Friend Dariene Colasuonno Madge Terwilliger Ethel Filbert Kearns
Sara Bernhardt Nancy Adams Mary Hanshaw Collins Louise Zimmerman-10 Vera Trester Kelly
Sustaining Member Jill Childress Dorothy Llcovich Banker Megan Concannon Mary Beth Parrish Kester
Lynley Fow Mary Clark Jennifer Devlin Krishna Dash Sustaining Member Liselotte Kinaman-8
Katherine Graham-ll Ginna Curling Patricia Dubrow-5 Elizabetli Davis Ruth Davis Bartlett Molly Larkin
Gail Knecht-5 Carolyn Graddy Fiasco Barbara Serpa Macario Amy Dillon Rosamond Bratton Lisa Lundy
Kathleen Phillips Jo Heibert Fields Patricia Welch Newton Betty Weldgen Eddins Emma-Jean Way Cole Kelley Lynch
Nancy Gallo Speake-8 Beverly Hickey Janet Queen Oatman Beth Fisch Virginia Detwiler Day Marilyn Roberts Lynch
Leslie Young Wayment Laurie Marvin Latham Diane Harlow Powell Luisa Fundora Dorothy Jeter Denison Jane Schlosser Martindell
Amy Ledford Martha Newman Ramsey June Jacobi Gillin Maybelle Dowden-6 Amy Nadley
Friend Karen Pinson Re Marilyn San Martin Arlene Hanley-15 Anna Preston Eagelman Marjorie Penrod
Kimberly Altemus Stqjhanie Van Laningham Elizabeth Vander Esch Jennifer Haynes Doris Johnston-6 Lillian Hofmeister Purely
Sandra Altemus Catherine Hegarty Barbara Junker-10 Mary Taylor Rose-8
Tricia Tobiasz Brink DELTA PHI DELTA THETA Ruth Hubbard Mary Pickens Landis Marlene Neff Run
Pamela Falle Clay U. of South Carolina Texas Woman s U, Melissa Kanter Janet Linsenmaier Jacquelene Savage
Jennifer Fisk Cutler Linda Kletzkin Barbara Mattern Mary Alice Smith
Tracy Kincaid Grisham Sustaining Member Friend Alice Quinn Lee Eleanor Merrifield Virginia Brown Taricco
Kristen Halvorsen Grace Watts-5 Stephanie Espinoza Jacqueline Ling Jo Proudfoot Rahn Karla Thas Williamson
Andrea Hausner Michelle Serrano Daphne Liu Edna Stephens-9 lane Romig Wilson
Georgiana Wall Ibacb DELTA PI Mary Spencer Kathleen Neuhaus Long Delxirah Vandenl3erg-8 Helen Wise Wylie
Susan Murphy Central Missouri State U. Joanna Luty Gayle Wliitley-5 Nancy Mellinger Zendt
Karenanne O'Brien DELTA UPSILON Meredith McAlear Kenlyn Ziegler-5
Michelle Obitz Wheat Club DukeU. Brenda Mikolajczyk
Joy Ashin Ozer Sharon Martin-IS Joan Minnock PSJ2Hfi
Lisa Rirthaler Sustaining Member Allison Morton
Lisa Schmalbach Sponsor Suzanne Bowman-5 Carol Winter Mund V. j
Sarah Connolly Stewart Rebecca Koelling-9 Leora Ger Virginia Dahm Myles
Margaret Stoddard Kristen Mysen Riley-5 Dr. Lori Hillman Tlui-Trang Nguyen Tracy Real, TA, former Chapter
Jennifer Mason Watson Mary Levin Lapham-5 Lydia Kett Norton Consultant, places roses on the
Sustaining Member Beth Peters-6 Jennifer O'Brien Foundation Rose Tribute Trellis. For
DFXTA DELTA Linda Mansur-9 Karen Semper-5 Katherine Orfanakos the third consecutive Convention, the
Auburn U. Lisa Randazzo-5 Michelle Ottemian Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
Friend Shari Presworsky offered Rose Tributes to honor those
Rose Club Friend Karen Bidlingmeyer Annmarie Reilly attending Convention.
Windy Perkins Cyntliia Christopher Sara Bidlingmeyer Elise Rosenberg
Lisa Norris Duede Wendy Erlenbach-6 Amy Shane A record number 1,516 Rose
Wheat Club Sheny Reeter Jones-6 Paula Litner Friedman Barbara Parker Shephard Tributes were sold raising $7,580 for
Nancy Carr Garrett-7 Lisa Pohl Prenger-8 Stephanie Green Debra Silverman the Foundation's general operating
Mary Rutledge-7 Amy Steinberger Kishter Muriel Swezey Snider fund.
Sponsor Julia Christian Zvacek Elizabeth Leverage Eva Stern Steadman
Katherine Leaver-9 Karen Marden Jean Tansey
Angela Payne-14 DELTA PSI Anna McWane Cassie Trombly
Mary Ann Vaughan Stark State U. Kristin Steckler Rose Lisa Trovato
Adrianne Wallace-9 Meredith Sasser .Amanda Urish
Virginia West-9 Of New York Hollace Shantz Stephanie Weiss
Teni Wetherbee Yolanda Smith Elizabeth Wilson
Friend Paige Tobias Bonnie Zucker
Sustaining Member Colleen Cronin Karen-Marie Tracy-6 Maria Zufall
Louise Jackson Cole Andrea Harris
Reta McKannan-5 DELTA SIGMA Cornell U. Pennsylvania State U.
Marie McLeod San Jose State U.
Rose Club Rose Club
Friend Rose Club Caroline Kramer Neu Jacquelyn Dinwiddie-9
Mary Adams Marilyn Lieber-11 Enid Townsend-5
Joann Murphy Burke Leah MacNeil-5 Sponsor
Belinda Rolfe Cabral Margaret Hendrickson-15 Wheat Club
Robyne Weir Gowens Wheat Club Debra Trueax Eilert-11
Lori Han Marlene Adams-5 Sustaining Member Hazel Davis Heaton-14
Margaret Henderson Bene Belda-9 Helen Mordoff Campbell Barbara Schumacher-6
Cynthia Huggins Irene Shephard-16 Marjorie Winkler-10
Ruth Jones

HONORED AT 1993 CONVENTION Jacqueline Arnold St. Leo College Laura Hansen
Cecelia Byrd Donna Brelim Healy
Each Convention, the Foundation honors collegiate Dianna Ellis Ciletti Friend Ann Horvath
and alumnae chapters for their outstanding contributions Susan Figuerao DuBose Kimberly Arthur Dorothy Kelly-8
to the Foundation during the preceding biennium. Top Diane Brining Gano Karen Lyons Kami Koenig
awards are given in two categories, Highest Per Member Connie Lawrence Nancy Meade Lucie Meyer Kreidler
Giving and Highest Total Giving for the biennium. Laura Wagner Sergeant Marcella Sadler Kuhn
IOTA Suzanne Lauterbach
A w a r d w i n n e r s w e r e : Highest Per Member GAMMA OMICRON V. of Illinois Mary Lee
Giving/Alumnae Chapter - award, Macomb County U. Of Florida
Alumnae Chapter; citations, Memphis Alumnae Chapter Rose Club Helen Granger Moore
and Southern Orange County Alumnae Chapter. Highest Wheat Club Kathleen Holmes-12 Mary Beth O'Connor
Total Giving/Alumnae Chapter- award, Southern Orange Charlotte Bray-14 Joan Ryan Wickham-9 Deborah Read-8
County Alumnae Chapter; citations, Macomb County Elizabeth Schulz-8 Diana Klugiewicz Reed
Alumnae Chapter and Phoenix Alumnae Chapter. Georgina Wiborg-9 Wheat Club Headier Russell-5
Paula Naffziger Hoerner Tara Salisbury
Highest Per Member Giving/Collegiate Chapter - Sponsor Irene Davis Jansen Kathy Scallon
award, Delta Sigma; citations, Epsilon Alpha and Kappa Carolyn Driscoll-8 Betty Lumbattis-7 Alice Ellis Shannon-9
Tau. Highest Total Giving/Collegiate Chapter - award, Sandra Fuller Jewell-5 Gertrude Pierce-9 Lori Simon
Lambda Sigma; citations, Delta Delta and Epsilon Alpha. Kim Bechamps Perez Virginia Schroeder
Carolyn Richards-11 Charlotte Schuetz Storer
Certificates were also distributed to all chapters who Marilyn Walton-10 Sponsor Denise Stowell
met giving criteria for the 1992/93 fiscal year. The Robin Lee Beltramini Susan Street
Foundation extends appreciation to all collegiate and Sustaining Member Lois Dungan Bohon-8 Margaret McGarry Struyk
alumnae chapters for outstanding support. Laura Cassady-7 Barbara Brekke Cabay Marilyn Sucoe-5
Lisa Maleski-5 Audrey Dusendschon-9 Lynn Swetland
EPSILON cm Elynore Bell Wegner Thelma Robie-5 Pamela Mittleman Freda Ebert-9 Zoe Nelson Todd
Elon College Alice Webster Sinclair Maureen Nemcik-8 Shirley Gillette Patricia Kocour Week
Sustaining Member Debora Sprague-8 Evelyn Kulp Noblit-7 Rachel Jamerson Cheryl Wickstrom
Friend Julia Carr Crenshaw-9 Pamela Rehm Rum Page Kepliart-9 Katherine Wilson
Mehgan Connolly Evelyn Lundsted GAMMA ALPHA Marilyn Rogers Thomas Bonnie Kohl-6 Mary Rennick Wilson
Rebecca Crowe Mary Starr Raup George Mason U. Michelle Kohnen Kari Zeid
Stephanie Dawkins Dorothy Stege Friend Bette Busch Maniscalco JoAnne Yonke Zunich
Leela Dawson-Hamm Sarah Hardy Ward Friend Deborah Bums Gwendolyn Rudd-5
Denise Denkinger Suzanne Bohn Susan Niergarth Fischer Marjorie Shipley-7 IOTA ALPHA
Staci Hibner Friend Ann Cordon Griesmer Catherine Gray Mary Jens Williams-11 Idaho State U.
Cynthia Huber Marian Hamilton Doyon Jody Jones Dana Nelson Miller Dorothy Yonker-9
Sandra Mascali Elizabeth King Ellert Gay Trumbull Porter Sarah Jagade Nightingale Rose Club
Jessica McCauley Margaret Kloeckl Kerry Hibbert Ross Penny Ritenbaugh-5 Sustaining Member Eleanore MacCurdy-12
Naomi Hanna Midgett Mary Meek Grace LeBaron Sandefur Winifred Baker-l6
Molly Rollins GAMMA BETA Roberta Selman Catherine Benjamin Sponsor
Melissa Poling Serra GAMMA Indiana U. Of Stephanie Sia Jan Hiser Bowsher-5 Mary Daly Enwall
Reagan Smithdeal U. of Maine-Orono Rosa Soltesz Carol Cox Buelow-7
Lisa Sowards Pennsylvania Gay Voss Lois Davis Caldwell Sustaining Member
Wheat Club Marian Olive Calvin-S Cheryle Geesey Barker
EPSILON IOTA Mary McClure-15 Sponsor Sena Hinnant Zane Barbara Downey-5 Elaine Pniett Smith
Eastern Illinois U. Karen Weigel-6 Catherine Zombar-5 Mary Otwell Hall-6 Joan Miller Smith-7
Sponsor Phyllis Floyd Hall-5 Cheryl Zaladonis-9
Friend Barbara Bodwell-8 Sustaining Member GAMMA SIGMA June Nelson Kemler
Dixie Alms Catharine Rowe-12 Celeste Kososki Georgia State U. Cynthia Kennedy Friend
Patricia Ryan Lenhoff Hannah Kim-Rohrer-6 Barbara Andre Maxwell
Sustaining Member Friend Wheat Club Linda Liennann
EPSILON OMEGA Mildred Berdeen-9 Phyllis Zaremba Aguilar Marcia Welch Davis Kathryn Mayer-7 IOTA SIGMA
Eastern Kentucky U. Arlene eleven Connie Anderson Cynthia Young Spence Mary McNickle-5 Iowa State U.
Jennifer Patel Cousins Carla Caimi Elizabeth Muhlke-6
Sustaining Member Elaine Magnuson Elliott Terri Doughty Sustaining Member Janice Wright Pechauer Rose Club
Rebecca Greer Nancy Chase Koeritz Wendy Hoke Evenden Polly Hollenbach Willis Elizabeth Ridder-Smith Mary Moore-8
Katherine Stewart-14 Donna Steibel Lorraine Rodgers-6
Friend Fern Allen Turbyne-10 Cathy Connelly Wieand Friend Jean Wood Steiner-8 Wheat Club
Carol Freytag Ruth Holland Walsh-8 Kristin Curesky Kathy Janvrin-7
Wendy Wilkerson-5 GAMMA DELTA Lena Hillinga Friend
ETA U. of South Alabama Sherrie Myers Tracy Aller Sustaining Member
U. of Wisconsin-Madison Friend Stephanie O'Shields Jeanne Balaty Laura Anderson
Joan Harvey Bither Wheat Club Michelle Johnson Pope Julie Whalen Basting Barbara Schink Christian
Rose Club Joan Drake Julie Brining-6 Tara Richards Victoria Castle Biarnesen Kimberly Portz Curtis
Margaret Ladwig-14 Ellen Wareham Holmer Patricia Campanile Rene Rozen
Sharon LaFlamme Sponsor GAMMA THETA Christine Conry
Sponsor Marjorie Young Lees Robin Mansfield Wright U. of South Florida Maria Levie Craven Friend
Katherine Dole-5 Ruth McAllian McKay Dorothy Miller Crouch Ann Vandervelde Appel
Elizabeth McKenna Wilma Brown Miller-5 Sustaining Member Friend Doris Larsen Drow Rlionda Bjornsen-9
Cheryl Driver Davis Jennifer Carito Jean France Ellis Melinda Coogan-7
Susan Yonehiro-6 Ann Muenzmay Childs Hedvic Lenc Farrar Pamela Flom-5
Stephanie Hannett Pamela Kissel Filer Nancy Klindt Gabriel
Laura Mitulinsky Judy Gambrel Flessner Pamela Patterson Harris
Susan Sapolsky Kathleen Hackett Forse Helen Krejci-10
Susan Schwartz Emily Tonsberg Gates Joni Lytle Larsen
Carlina Terrana Michele Gemskie Marjorie Mangum
Kathleen Golm Headier Martin
Kira Taylor Peterson
Deborah Pullin

Development Fund • Endowment Fund • Arthritis Research Fund • Ruby Fund • Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund

Jane Jarsko Scheraldi Geri Rytkonen Espy KAPPA KAPPA Sponsor Wynne Driskell, Delta Delta
Betty Sharkey-7 Elizabeth Hein Farley Ball State U. Anne Riley Bourne-6 Chapter President, shows off her
Jeanne Freeman Martha Cage F,dge-12 western wear as she represents Delta
IOTA TAU Helen Gambaiana Rose Club Rebecca Mushingi-12 Delta's Stick-Up for Arthritis fund
Barbara Ringle Goll Jan Johnson Slagowski Frances Perkins-15 raiser in the 1993 Foundation Fund
U.. of Wisconsin - Stout Shirley Olivero Green Mary Willoughby-7 Raising Fashion Show. Ten colle-
Jane Grob Wheat Club giate and alumnae chapters
Friend Kelli Burrill-9 Sustaining Member participated in the Fund Raising
Veronica Kozlowski Hilary Hollis Hamilton Isobel Bowden-6 Fashion show held during the Foun-
Delores Parker Beth Banning Hitch Sponsor Terri Wilhite Johnson dation Luncheon at International
KAPPA Sonya Black Hoevener Linda Johnston Crews Kimberly McDaniel-7 Convention. If you would like more
Randolph-Macon Gretchen Horton Deborah Ernst-10 Carole Montgomery information on fund raising events
Suzanne Humphrey Rachel Bennett Lingner Mary Norton-S for your chapter, contact the
Woman s College Karla Baming Kappler Karen Ripberger-15 Lillian Gilfillan Seabrook Foundation Office at Headquarters.
Headier Miller Kidwell Candace Clark Seizert
Rose Club Diane Killingsback Jane Vigus Steiner-10 Friend Sustaining Member Margaret Capdevielle
Charlsie Berly Barbara Kinzer Cynthia Allen Arlene Sirtola Kalis-S Kimberlea Carr
Lisa McGucken Kristy Sustaining Member Tracy Boney Rebecca Massie-9 Dina D'Gerolamo
Sponsor Karin LaFrance Betty Isza Baim-8 Betty Shea Drummond Joanne Powell-9 Bambi St Angelo Hawk
Carleton Sterne Lentz Catherine Flock Lewis E. Kathryn Burris-5 Mary Cobb Home Marilyn Taylor-11 Melissa Lanaux Kennedy
Jane Wainwright Ronda Sinclair Lintz Marysia Klus Bussard Rosemary Wood Potter Susan Gourdain Mele
Annette Hall Litchfield Pamela Pratt Curtis-5 Toni Reclmon Rose Friend Susan LeStage Monistere
Sustaining Member Patricia Abel Lowery Janet Gerstenecker Heather Stewart Michelle Byl Benson
Alice Turner-5 Valerie Walker Marietta Beverly Hoffman Betty Schneider Williams Marilyn Gruhl Brownell KAPPA THETA
Adair Williams-10 Susan Llewellyn Man- Phyllis Reeder Mueller Gwendolyn Young Suzanne Gatton U. of Californ ia/IA
Kathleen Maxwell Connie O'Maley-9 Laura Geldhoff
Friend Jeanine McGuire Barbara Ottinger-7 KAPPA PHI Leslie Markle Hargett Rose Club
Katharine Land-7 Heather McKee Paula Peterson-9 McGill U. Jane Hopkins Jane Keenan Andre-14
Nancy Leland Poland Nancy Soliday McKee Zeenat Knapp Schissler Mary Palo Levi Dorothy Linn-15
Laura Saunders-11 Deborah McKenney Margaret Stokel Friend Carter Maysilles
Carolyn Baker Mears Carmen Lewman Suess Julie Beecher Robbi Ruth Peterson Wheat Club
KAPPA ALPHA Carolyn Mueller Mohr Jill Moll Hampson Amy Stablein Edith Belsher Butler
indiana State U. Joyce Mattice Ottinger Friend Catherine Lesiw Joyce Nevaril Sustr Patricia F.ggers Gerry
Stephanie Gentry Oyler Carla B<x-henek-6 Helen Kydd Rintala Joyce Gribbell Walser Jane Leininger-14
Rose Club Monica Pearman Jean Cole Boring Stephanie Williams Marjorie Lupton
Helen Reitzel Jane Kenner Prather Lois Gatchell Brown KAPPA PI Eva McGuire
Connie Quaglia Judith Charnley Ohio Northern U. KAPPA TAU
Wheat Club Jennifer Light Ransford Tanya Koontz Southeastern Sponsor
Mary Ann Jenkins-5 Monique Rembold Susan Hughes Ley Sponsor Beryl Arbit-5
Gail Showers Roberts Carolann Mikesell-5 Sandee Burns-7 Louisiana U. Carol Spence Barrow-
Sponsor Nita Craig Rutherford Kathleen Metzger O'Dell Kimberly Doeringer Betty Schwab Bilyeu
Mary Hasselbrinck-S Kate Hulman Schoffstall Stacia Peterson Deborah Hunter-13 Sponsor Mary Cullom-10
Stephanie Hendricks-7 Theresa Secondino Melissa Hensley Ransdell Lori Nelson-8 Yvonne Landry-6 Elsie Harutunian
Arlene McDonald Patricia Uhde Spencer Tiffany Rowe Pamela Norton Starr-5 Judith Hasche-13
Norah Bush McKay-14 Linda Jaynes Stephen Ann Edens Sanderson Sustaining Member Barbara Dean Kapell
Carol Schnyder Marsha Sullivan Stone Sharla Shipley Sustaining Member Dorothy Robinson-6 Frances Mcllwain
Jill Zschau Stock-9 Kelly Stultz Vicki Galbreth Sliipley Sandra Beichler-5 Cindy Swartzfager Evelyn Ostrander-14
Karla Keller Trout-8 Kimberly Travis Donna Dawson Steger Carol Cover Susan Parr Pardee
Nancy Heck Ward Amber Tresso Roxanne Crews-14 Friend
Sustaining Member Constance Whittington Susan Williams-5 Nancy Fenner-9 Melinda Barrilleaux
Lynn Barnaby Branson Marsha Gaisser Wingo Victoria Barr Willis Anne Frederick
Sheryle Bridge Buck Brenda Lambright Wylie Kelly James Moore-7
Patricia Butts KAPPA DELTA Jane Mowder
Florence Dodge Ennis Wright Slate U. KAPPA LAMBDA Connie Sweet-9
Nancy Gerdink V. of Calgary Marcia Weinland
Teresa Hill Harrison-10 Friend
Carolyn Motsinger Hays Amy Wiedeman Friend Friend
Rita Conway Hum Phaedra Burke Karen Shimmin Archer
Betty Weaver Kobida KAPPA GAMMA Diane Fuhrer Mary Dunham Cilles
Veronica Oros-6 Florida Southern College Annick Brais Grover Charlotte Deiderich
Cathy Parker-10 Laurinda Zboya Sandi Feltz
Phyllis Stewart-9 Wheat Club Robin Merrill-10
Emalee Vanscyoc-9 Donna Kuiken-14 KAPPA OMEGA Marsha Bricker Ricker
U. of Kentucky Lisa Schaller
Friend Sponsor Janet Cole Sekerak-6
Catherine Armstrong Ruth Ellis McKeown Sponsor Mary Temple
Patricia Armstrong
Patsy Dunlap Bendix Sustaining Member Kathryn Hibbs Senter KAPPA RHO
Carolyn Benjamin Laura Cox Lindsey-8 Western Michigan [,'.
Theresa Blankenship Daryl Meyer-9 Friend
Dena Braekney Karen Krieger Seal Marilyn Mees Doerr Wheat Club
Sally Rupel Brodkorb Susan Jaworski Angeline Zantjer-10
Kelly Hervey Brooks Friend Dana McCarty
Kelly Butler April Edwards KAPPA OMICRON Sponsor
Joy Welch Campbell Anne Mayo Girata-5 Rhodes College Ann Laurimore
Carrie Baming Carlson Kathleen Holwell Charlotte LeVecque
Gene Cobb Katherine Mulcay Lowe Wheat Club Rosemary Malish-7
Chris Conrad Tracey McPharlin Helen McClure-15 Doris McKenzie-9
Susan Giffel Douthit Many Smith Miller
Christine Pence Ellis Sharon Newberger
Marjorie Maypole Payton

Karen Tucker, AA and former Diamond Jubilee Foun- Sponsor Colleen Burns Sponsor
dation Board member, is all smiles as she receives a Bobbi Chilcote-8 Mary McDermid Carley Helen Aimes-15
congratulatory hug from Foundation President Elise Moss. Amy Jackson Cox Martha Albert-9
Karen had just learned that her husband Jim Tucker Sustaining Member Cary Cunninghamo Elizabeth Chisholm-9
pledged a gift of $10,000 to endow the Karen Tucker Ilene Berson Bagula Francis Salisbury Davis Priscilla Loomis-10
Centennial Scholarship i n the AOIT Foundation's Susan Stone Stephanie Dayhoff Miriam Moody-5
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund. Mr. Tucker is giving Lauri DeGuenther Muriel Teemsma-9
this gift in honor of their 20th wedding anniversary. Friend Steplianie Dutko
Lynn Baird June Haines Edwards Friend
Josephine Pelletier Pryor Rose Club Tracy Crandall Lori Curci Lori Ellex Barbara Arnsdorf Collins
Jean Steinberger-9 June Miller Lighty Marian Riegel Daim Tracy Emper Marty Leonard Harrison Irene Balthazar Daw
Jacqueline Ullerich-9 Muriel Longinotti-10 Regina Zofrea Fish Wendy Gallup Geis Kelly Hawkins Florence Denagy
Gwendolyn Ward Norma Taylor-14 Lynnette McMahon Renee Herstoff Julie Curry Holloway Mary Deniff
Ann Perry Webster Michelle Merwitzer Erika Hoy Mary Lenio Miller
Sustaining Member Wheat Club Aimee Nielsen Jennifer Jowers Virginia Behan Mills
Norma Marshall Ackel Dorothy Bishop Garber Friend Kristen Peterson Marne Matthews Dorothy Partridge-9
Marilyn Braun Born Geraldine Hicks-9 Laura Jacques Boyer Heather Scott Cecelia Shook McAuliffe
Barbara Ponto Cato Jean Hiler Maroder-14 Celeste Brandlin Alicia Tobey Samantha Edgin Neville NU BETA
Edna Hart Doumakes Shirley Williams Drake Silvia Yan Laurie Rhoades U. of Mississippi
Barbara Dunham-12 Sponsor Robin Holt-MacDonald Sherry Sponseller
Ada Ecton Elliot-6 Helen Peterson Ard-6 Winona Johnson LAMBDA PHI Shelley Standard Wheat Club
Sharon Gayton-5 Jacquelyn Bonnett-11 Adrienne Noles Kimball U.. ofWisconsin- Julia Wing Laura Justice
Florence Holden-14 Marjorie Herrero-7 Andrea Lackey
Lois Quinn Roskam-11 Beverly Ottem Mohr Jodi Masumoto Whiteivater LAMBDA TAU Sponsor
Mignon Stannard-6 Lisa Robinson Sakrison Northeast Louisiana U. Mary Barrett-8
Mary Vest-5 Sustaining Member Juliana Springer-7 Sponsor Patricia Bendall-8
Joan Landweer Waltz Sigrid Beuche Allen Monica Zepeda Jeanne Fischer-16 Sponsor Catherine Hirsch
Karen Watson-11 Dorothy Evans Cheryl Larrieu Bourg Eleanor Holtz-7
Loma Wright Witt Anna Kenmore LAMBDA CHI Friend Terri Marshall-12 Rita Johnson-7
Elizabeth Wright-13 Frances Kirkwood LaGrange College Rose Macander Hunter Lois Theriot-l l Jeanne Carter Luckey
Dorothea Ruud-11 Ann White-13 Judy Moore-9
Friend Mary Louise Tomblin Wheat Club LAMBDA SIGMA Kitty St. John Pettus
Angela Tosti Brazeal Ronda Holloway-9 U. of Georgia Sustaining Member Ellen Roberts Russell
Sue Campbell-5 Friend Sally Berkowitz
Susanna Tyler Hadley Barbara Dority Sustaining Member RoseChib Alison Crowe-6 Sustaining Member
Shirley Keyes Hastings Marny Say Jones Carol Bozeman-12 Judith Bagby-11 Tamee Dark-5 Leslie Fan' Enoch
Lois Davy Jackson Gloria Knickerbocker Angela Fronek-7 Nancy Franklin-6 Sarah French
Audrey Telley Jonas Martha Shutts Orr Wheat Club Alidii Lewis-8 Rosemary Stoltz Hill
Carol Stich Lamar Friend Donna Gude Barwick Carol Smith Oman-7 Paula Naremore Hoge
Gertrude Lockwood LAMBDA BETA Karen Cooper Lisa Ackerman Cheeley Kathryn Schauf-5 Phyllis Phillips-10
Patricia Lang Miller California State - Long Laura Genung Joni Farmer Frobos-9 Rosalie Womack Ginger Richardson
Marion Elliott Smith Under Bearden Snider Anne Wooten Ruzic Elise Rawson Wyatt-9 Linda Price Sullivan-8
Sandy Thompson Beach Ruth Estes Trager
Virginia Stanton t'pham LAMBDA ETA Friend Friend
Nancy Ashford Watts Wheat Club Grand Valley State U. Sponsor Kimberly Ashley Pamela Bedgood
Elizabeth Amundson-11 Dorothy Barrow Atwell Teresa Carroll Phyllis Lawrence Buck
LAMBDA Leeanne Berry Friend Cathryn Creasy-8 Rhonda Evans-5 Sonya Mason Edwards
Stanford U. Carla Kramer Jesse Jennifer Moak Diane Dooley-12 Denise Benoit Gilbert Merry Cooper Falke
Barbara Kramer Rinehart Heather Needham Melanie Nixon Doyle Theresa Gregorio-8 Margaret Fl<x>k Haig
Ruby Club Ann Edwards-10 Penny Hakim-7 Victoria Hammack-7
Dorothy Farrington-11 Sponsor LAMBDA IOTA Sarah Lemmond Green Stephanie Hull Lu Hill Harding
Merilee Bennett-8 U. of California-San Betty Long Mathis Dani Lamana Nancy Imre
Caroline Craig Fifi Lamas Menzelos-14 Catrina Oliszewski Mayo Mandy Martin
April Monroe-9 Diego Elinor Milikin-6 Laura Mihailoff Connie McCarley
Joyce Morway-10 Dianne Adams Parker Anne McLaughlin
Sustaining Member Wheat Club Elizabeth Ruh-s Angelle Sciortino Pamela Lyons M<x)re
Karen Cook Batt-6 Susan Dairies Lois Johnson Shortt-10 Michelle Bulot Sexton Susan Norwcxxl-5
Brenda Smith Kathy Brakefield Sowell Mary O'Ryan
Peggy Scott SpiUane Sherry Lee Spector Katliryn Richardson
Dorothy Williams Carolyn Causey Sterne Betty Shaw Tutor
Gretchen Stuebben .Andrea Mobley W<xxis
Sustaining Member Frances Trousdale-9
Caroline Adams NU DELTA
Margaret Byrum Auclair LAMBDA UPSELON Canisius College
Zelma Bannister-S Lehigh U.
Marie Shirley Binder Friend
Stacy Ayers Chick Friend Angelique Hostetter
Carole Thomas Davis Carole Lepore Donovan Colleen Lynch
Jill Johnson Frawley Judith O'Neill Kim Sardina
Janelle Hammett Denise Serewicz Deborah Schott
Karen Pope Hart-11 Kelly Mitchell Trunzo Rhonda Trosin
Rhonda McLean Holmes Marci Wolff
Christina Major Quinn NUIOTA
Zadie Avrett Scott NU Northern Illinois U.
Marianne Seiz-11 .\'eu' York U.
Teresa King Shaper Wheat Club
Wheat Club Elisabeth Hasser-7
Friend Helen Moore-5 Judy Young Huss-11
Dee Eberhardt Allen Elise Rebaza Oswald
Virginia Broderick

Development Fund • Endowment Fund • Arthritis Research Fund • Ruby Fund • DiamondJubilee Scholarship Fund

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