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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-21 17:09:19

1993 Fall - To Dragma

Vol. LXVI, No. 4

Sponsor Madonna Stanislawski Frances Mclntyre Knig Tiffany Rowe (center) and Cheryl Wickstrom (right)
Paula Mudge Leroy-5 Sine Thongchua Julia GambiJl Ledyard present Elise Moss, Foundation President with a check,
Janet Bong Lockhart-5 Elizabeth Werhel Manerva Lescher for $1,831 from the Senior Challenge 1993 campaign.
Marcia Davis Moser Elizabeth Lichter
Cynthia Steckel-6 NU OM1CRON Anne Lyons SENIOR CHALLENGE '93
Carolyn Wartinbee-11 Vanderbilt U. Tricia Deegan McDowell
Cynthia Wayland-12 Madolyn Middlebrooks Tiffany Rowe, KK. and Cheryl Wickstrom, I, members of
()micron Circle Mary Muller-7 the Senior Challenge '93 Core Committeepresented the
Sustaining Member Natalie Overall Warren Cornelia Parkinson Foundation with a gift of Si,893 from the A 0 I 1 Class of
Jean LeGros Adduci-6 Alice Taylor Parks 1993.
Pamela Boyer-6 Rose Club Susan Pinckernell
Susan Buehlman-8 Mary Louise McMillan-6 Marcia Richmond Last year, through a collaborative effort of the A 0 I 1
Rosie Snyder Fisher-10 Gretchen Routzahn Foundation and Fraternity, the Senior Challenge '93 Cam-
Debra Tenkash Plazyk Wheat Club Martha Truett Sanders paign was kicked-off. Through the Senior Challenge
Mandy Barbara-9 Nita Lanier Shanks Campaign, all seniors were asked to contribute to the Foun-
Friend Alice Bratton-11 Barbara Benson Smith dation before their graduation.
Patricia Broggi-14 Bernice Huddleston Mary Trimble Smith
Audrael Chiricotti-8 Marianna LaRue-6 Mary Edwards Speed In addition to presenting the Senior Challenge gift,
Carol Relfson Frogue Alison Walton Macheras Margaret McKeel Tate Tiffany and Cheryl also recognized four outstanding chap-
Ardeen Weil Hoke Nina Martin-12 Christin Tinsworth ters who had 100% participation in Senior Challenge from
Sharon Dziubla Huxhold Katie McClendon-15 Beverly Cate Waites their senior members. Those chapters are Alpha Chi, Alpha
Joyce Keller Macal-5 Katherine Walsh Phi, Epsilon, and Theta Omega.
Lois Bender Merwin Sponsor Prudence Waters
Lynda Marie Pack- Joy Murphy Adams-6 This was the first time collegians were asked to con-
Alice Ann Barge NU SIGMA tribute to the Foundation and 216 members of the Class of
Dowell-5 Anne Beauchamp-6 Parsons College 1993 participated in Senior Challenge '93- Tiffany and
Janice Voight-13 June Greer Bogle Cheryl passed the torch to all AOFI sisters in the Class of
Iolis Robbins Carruthers Friend 1994 to carry on the "tradition" through a successful Senior
NU KAPPA Mary Means Cope Karen Steigmann-6 Challenge '94!
Southern Methodist U. Anne Meeks Davis-13
Katlieryn Dunn-10 OMEGA
Wheat Club Jayne Gordon-9 Miami U.
Helen Cummings Virginia Hofstetter-5
Siobhan Lesley-6 Rose Club
Graves-12 Patricia Rhodes-9 Margaret Barr Amos-15
Lucille Price Jones-11 Sara Robertson-9 Jean Ballinger King-11
Eva Wrather-15 Carol Stevenson-8
Sustaining Member Margaret Rawls Yoars
Frances Cummings Wheat Club
Eleanor King Blank-15
Swanson Mary Boles Folken
Frances Kende-9
NU LAMBDA Sustaining Member Hazel Engle Lowes-16 Marie Vrabel Burnett OMEGA OMICRON OMEGA UPSILON
U.. of Southern Mary Dorris Adair-5 Nancy Swisshelm-9 Nadine Warner Fichter Lamhuth U. OhioU.
Helen Tanley Afford Meredith Jones Galeano
California Lucy Mack Barrett-6 Sponsor Wendy Goldstine Sponsor Friend
Pamela Bell Barth Denise Fargo-13 Susan Palombo Groth Ruth Whitehead Shorter Linda Clark
Rose Club Nancy Perry Bowers Linda Fitzgerald Sandra Lang Helwig Barbara Nicol
Nancy Anderson Vivas Helen Grizzard Clark Mary Flory-9 Stephanie Hofner Sustaining Member Jennifer Pollock
Kay Davenport-8 Diane Gillian-9 Mary Suhs Holly Mildred Harris-9 Lisa Wolfe
Wheat Club Patricia Garman-8 Barbara Henritze Dorothy Johnson Norma Taylor
Carol Emmerling Nancy Goggans Carol Fiala Jacob-12 Paula Lydy Kube Rheaetta Farrar Wilson OMEGA XI
Edna Hastings-5 Deborah James-9 Sharon Lowiy Lang-13 Morehead State U.
Sawyer-7 Evelyn Kleber-6 Kay Lockridge-14 Mary Lindsey-7 Friend
Elizabeth Siegmund Nell Fain Lawrence-12 Lucy Shafer-6 Patricia McCandless Kathy Hunt Abrams Sustaining Member
Nancy Young-6 Ruth Stalnaker Markley Nancy Heil Vecere-9 Lisa Mitchell Elizabeth Brown Pamela Jibb-5
Martha Moore-9 Elizabeth Witt-11 Rene Olson Mortensen BeLsy Clayton Heaberg
Sponsor Katherine Morris-7 Gail Saville O'Brien Anne Hayes Lulloff Friend
Yvonne Spalding Banta Sally Baum Nordlund Sustaining Member Mary Lou Omeis Mary McCleIlan-7 Becky Albert-Darnell
Mary Booth Frances Owen-7 Estelle Carrel Baldwin Dianna Robinson Ann Yarbro McCoin Susan King
Janie Crawford-10 Gloria Walker Reed-9 Gerit Giesecke Bertsch Juliana Reese Schamp Anita High Myers Carla Demoss Sayler
Corinne McCann-7 Mildred Cisco Scobey Penny Blankenship Martlia Shablesky-6 Nancy Nourse Reiners
Joan Hoffman Smith Jane Smallwood Stearns Phyllis Farrell Forberg Jeri Emmert Stahr Janis Forsytlie Teer-5 OMICRON
Jane Snider-14 Rachel King Younger Virginia Getter-10 U. of Tennessee
Mary Haines-16
Sustaining Member Friend Alice Peterson Harrison
Jody Clark Bower Helen Dornbusch Beard Naomi McPherson-6
Ada Tolofson Brownell Sharon Bonte-12 Olive Jones Miller
Leslie Friedberg Mary Barnhart Boswell Nancy Doty Sirois
Juanita Haugen-7 Helen Dodd Carney Marilyn Sweeney-5
Juanita Lovret-9 Robin Clemmons Joyce Gniber Williams
Dorothy Robinson-6 Sandra Marchetti Click
Mildred Dodd Friend
Friend Jean Peery Eskew Shirley MacLean Aiken
Monique Ansolabehere Jane Menendez Fall Nancy March Andrews
Susan Pulone Carman Daisy Tucker Foster Ruth Kugele Baker-6
B. J. George Chandler Gigi Frei L. Jean Beckdahl
Cameron Evans Suzanne Metzger Haugh BarbaraBrough-15
Kimberly Fry-Ditmar Sarah Waites Hennig
Radene Gordon Elizabeth Huppler
Paula Conte Manheim Melinda Cross Kenan
Trish Shelton Moxon
Sharon Norambuena

OVER $30,000 DONATED TO Omicron Circle Wheat Club Sponsor
FOUNDATION AT 1993 Caterine Daughety Cifers Marjory Harrington-9 Dolores Aul-10
Doris Eash Hanison-11 Maxine Earhart Dees
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION Rose Club ElizalTeth Lambertson-6 Patricia Patchin Hoffman
Anne Witt Allison-9 Linda Lanigan Moss Ann Vaughn Logoreci
International Convention 1993 was a time for celebra- Anna Burnett-7 Elizabeth Pentrop
tion as the Foundation honored sisters, chapters and Emily Mahan Faust Mary Tower-10 Sustaining Member
friends who have donated to the Foundation over the Mattie Sammons-13 Judith Lacina West Judy Lind Alkire
past biennium. Adding to the celebration were the Josephine Fugate
announcements of gifts and pledges made during the five Wheat Club Sponsor Susan Glad-7
day Convention. By the end of Convention, $30,527 had Trish Cosby Nancy Aupperle-9 Patricia Howard-
been raised for the Foundation including a number of Holly Watts-10 Esther Ayres-15
large gifts to the Endowment Fund....AOITs future. Sherrill Nicholls Beck Peebles-8
Sponsor Carol Hennecke Rachel Shetlar Irwin-6
Carol Stevenson, Vice President of Development, Nancy Bettis-11 Jean Hennessy-9 Priscilla Kannarr-11
began the week by contributing to the Development Janella Carpenter-6 Mildred Hutcherson Helen Calkins Kurtz
Fund and asked that her gift specifically be used for the Mary Beth Cooney Sally Eckwall Jarvis-8 Margaret Lanoue-6
Fraternity's BRIDGES program. BRIDGES is a new Janet Williams Crawley Joan Kendzior-6 Veda Russell Lewis-lS
membership program designed to strengthen sisterhood Connie Gwinn-9 Nancy Kuchta Mack-l6 Margaret Mills-7
while offering individuals invaluable educational training. Nell Haberley-7 Pamela Mooradian-14 Anne Smith-8
Carol encouraged others to contribute to the program as Becky Watts Ragsdale Fern Wunluck Spooner Mildred Durham Valla
well. Ruby Rol)ertson-5 Patricia Swanson-10
Vivian Seymour-7 Marion Yuhn Friend
A surprise announcement was made as Elise Moss, Sherry Tarwater-11 Oletie Markham Beck
Foundation President, informed Karen Tucker her Sustaining Member Anne Stucker Buzbee
husband had pledged $10,000 to endow the Karen Sustaining Member Laura Andersen-9 Helen Cleveland-S
Tucker Centennial Scholarship in the Diamond Jubilee Chris Abbay Margaret Barnett-9 Jo Waylan Denton
Scholarship Fund. The pledge was made in honor of the Elizabeth Walker Bailey Henninia Perez Bierema Mary Gilles Johnson-11
couple's twentieth wedding anniversary. Mary Clark Blakeman Virginia Heymoss-15 Peggy Konen
Virginia Hasson Bruner Carol Sue Ivory-Carline Laurie Labarca
Scholarship recipients were recognized during the Mary Curry Burncrlt Yvonne Johnson May Ireland Lamb-9
Foundation Luncheon and for the first time, the Carolyn Elizabeth Callaway Norma Rowe Kiesel-I4 Robyn Link
Huey Harris Memorial Scholarship, Edith Anderson Aubrey Cantrell-5 Karen Jorissen Pakkala Elyse McBride
Scholarship and Kerri Keith Memorial Scholarships were Mary Trotter Curtin-7 Elizabeth Rogers-9 Katy McClure
awarded. Sandy McPeeks, mother of Kerri, was on hand Linda Hendrixson Fuson Lois Baxter Shinault-5 Jean Morehead
to present the first Kerri Keith scholarship award and she Kay Jowers-9 Marjorie Letzgus Sutton Nancy Morris-5
took a few minutes to tell everyone of the love Kerri had Dottie Whelen Leek-6 Lora Wheeler Wever Heidi Johnson Puckett
for AOn. Donna McCoIlum-10 Mary Widrig-9 Nancy Rehfeld
Ellen Goodrich Morgan Patricia Wilson Leeann Robertson
Announcement of the named scholarships prompted Margaret Ramseur-5 Ann Schmidt
the members of Beta Phi and the Beta Phi Corporation Constance Bufkin Rizner Friend Cherie Wray Smith-7
Board to announce the establishment of the Beta Phi Malinda Sharp-7 Mary Sing Austin-6 Karin LeVeau Soper
Scholarship to honor Edith Huntington Anderson, Past Lois Randall Taylor Barbara Bowman Catherine Swanson
International President. This scholarship will be Ann Rountree Wallace Michele Wagner Burke Vikki Vaughn
endowed at $10,000. Carol Leslie Wilson Carol Callanan Kelly Wiedt
Janeen Ellis Constantine Norma Deem Wilmuth
Ginger Banks' contribution to the Endowment Fund Friend Susan Dickson Rebecca Wilson
fully established the Pi Kappa Scholarship. Major contrib- Paige Abernathy Constance Ellis-5 Amy Wolf
utors to the Pi Kappa scholarship have been Ginger, Jo Julie Martin Altenbach Julie Feldman
Beth Heflin and the Pi Kappa Corporation Board. The Virginia Arnold-6 Derith Lane Garrison Taryn Van Gilder Yates
first scholarship from this fund will be awarded at the Freda Bailes Mary Grove Goll
1994 Leadership Conference. Pamela Terry Barbey Christine Graham PHI BETA
Annie Wade Bearden Dorothy Gates Johnson East Stroudsburg State U.
For five days in June, over seven hundred sisters remi- Karen Cross Bloodworm Cindy Zehner Kendall Wheat Club
nisced and made new memories at AOII International Lina Matthews Bowyer Mary Lamoreux-6 Anonymous
Convention. Stories from years gone by were shared, Helen Bryan-8 Martha Lanphear-5
always with a reminder of the need to look ahead and Amy Steveason Carney Carol Schmoekel Loessel Sponsor
prepare for AOITs future. Never was it more evident of Johnna Comer Patricia Matthews Kim McGowan-10
the significant role the Foundation will play in that future. Nancy Compton Elizabeth McCoy Joanne Yuro-10
Thanks to everyone for their commitment and dedication Caroline Dunn Eckles Janet Ross Mott
to Alpha Omicron Pi. Elizabeth Harley Patricia Nicholas Sustaining Member
Carole Thomas Harreld Judith Blackburn Phillips Michele McClarin-5
Jennifer Howard Katherine Quale Ann McGlinchey-5
Katherine Jameson Rita Jaski Reese Cell Quider-7
Mary Ikard Massengale Betsy Whitehouse Rutter Suzanne Raphaels-5
Joy Warren Matthews Cyntliia Gehrls Skiver Lisa Sneddon-6
Wendy Matthews Beverly Vuono Stouky
Anne McGowan Friend
Patricia Campen Medley PHI Amy Agnesini
Suzanne McMillen Ott U. of Kansas Barbara Check
Priscilla Moulton Pames Kathleen Jordan
Jacqueline Royster Rose Club Kimberly Kenney
Joy Black Thunnond Beverly Locke-9 Katherine Kukan
Margaret Waller Mary Williams Cathie Young Labar
Helen Hobson West Marjorie Labella-9
Wheat Club Laura Basile McCrone
OMICRON PI Beatrice Amyx-8 Kelly McShea
U. of Michigan Glee Starr Bloomer Christine Moffett
Lisa Kivett Gilbreath-9 Beth Throne Stump
Rose Club
Jeanne Butler-9
Irene Matheson-7

Development Fund • Endowment Fund • Arthritis Research Fund • Ruby Fund • Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund

PHI CHI Vicki DeNardo Lewis Sponsor Eva Magiros RHO Elizabeth Turner
U. of Chicago Doris Francke Schipper Mary Bolton Brown Alexandra Mathers
Shirley Selz Priscilla Mims-5 Betty Law McWilliams Northwestern U. RHO OMICRON
Sustaining Member Ethel Young-7 Beverly Ashwell Newell Middle Tennessee State
Christina Tavares PHI SIGMA Jean Engelbach Ftatti Pi Circle
U. of Nebraska at Friend Kitty Pollard Smith Phyllis Westerman-11 U.
Friend Katherine Cordova Margaret Temple Wade Rose Club
Pamela Webb Kearney Diane Wells Lois Falkner Griffith Sustaining Member
Dalton Frances Loeppert-14 Patricia Helland
PHI DELTA Sponsor Beth DeVeer PI KAPPA Angela Metzger-13
U. of Wisconsin - Linda Troester-12 Helen Carney Evans K of Texas - Austin Maxine Pusinelli-16 Friend
Christine Giusio Carole Merrick Ringer Carol Birdsong
Milwaukee Sustaining Member Charlotte Stemmans Ruby Club Margaret Schutt-11 Susan Coleman
Karen Caniglia Delgado Jo Beth Heflin-12 Virginia Snook Tell Marcia Granade Wehrle
Omicron Circle Lisa Dutt-6 Hales Allison Dean Wright
Barbara Hunt-9 Mary Bourne Johnson-5 Rose Club
Friend Stephanie Leggett Ginger Banks-11 Wheat Club RHO SIGMA
Sponsor Jana Klover Atchison Sky Louapre-14 Jo Anne Breitmeyer Portland State U.
Mary Hall Valeri Diller Caldwell Connie Keeling Marks Barbara Bowennaster-l6
Lindy Motl Legener-8 Linda Westman Collins Amy Smith Marzullo Sponsor Nancy Clark-5 Sponsor
Mary Harms-5 Michelle Monnett Jean Beshell Benton-11 Patricia Handtmann-10 Allison Dumble Mudrick
Sustaining Member Debra Johnson Emily Carter Ra titer Phyllis Kemp Carter-9 Emily Jonas HiIl-7
Lynne Ferger-s Marci Marshall Lynda Sabga Barbara Bealor Hines Gwendolyn Everetts Lee Friend
Christine Groh-5 Lori Moore Patricia Sarabia Michal Lord Nancy Moyer McCain Sandra Brooks
Patricia Sell Shaw-8 Helen Schneidau Mary Orem-6 Marilyn Shortridge-13 Barbara Jones Conner
Gretchen Zollendeck PfflUPSRON Leo Wolf-Martin-12 Donna Broderick Gavac
Purdue U. PI ALPHA Sustaining Member Brooky Zajac-6
Friend U. of Louisville Barbara Seim Campbell
Bunny Dejno Wheat Club Ruth Neel Miller Sponsor SIGMA
Amy Fowler Renee Pugh Smith Sustaining Member Mary Carolyn Saxon-10 Dorothy Andreu-12 U. of California -
Susan Wolf Laatsch Amy Doerhoefer Harris Jeanne Brennan-15
Karen Morauski Sponsor Lucie McCreary-5 Friend Nancy Colpaert-9 Berkeley
Sharon Roegner Jane Niemeier-5 Ruth Rumse Bandy Joanne Dunn
Irene Schneider- Judith Saxton-8 Friend Betty Daniel Lesley Dunn Ewald Rose Club
Judi Tucker-9 Kathleen Bethge Mary Turner Diaz Muriel Johnson Irish-9 Maiy Fulton Cuthbertson
Steinliorn-8 Helen Keely Childress Emily Flachmeier Engel Cary l Krueger-14 Marion Haswell-12
Sustaining Member Holly Pfeiffer Powell Theda Nelson Hoyt Dorothy Larson-13 Louise Kramer Mills-14
PHI KAPPA Mary Anne Ashwoith Julia Sellins Sherilyn Grimes Quick Queenie Rosendahl Traude Kriz Valachi-11
Morris Harvey College Joanne Carper Cline Deborah Shaikun Jerrilee Parker Sutherlin Janet Spomer-9
Mary Hoffer Eagin Barbara Huber Ward Bonnie Wolfgram-15 Wheat Club
Rose Club Susan Fields Fruit PI DELTA Katherine Graham Shirley Jumper Boberg
Karen Geiger-6 U. of Maryland PI OMICRON Patricia Burd-12
Mary Batman Converse Janet Griscom-7 Austin Peay State Li. Young Marguerite Butler-13
Sandra Mitton-6 Wheat Club Joanne Fenner Hays-14
Sponsor Sandra Norris-8 Mary Farrington Chaney Friend Sustaining Member Claudine Lynch-5
Margaret Unavage-9 Leslie Welch Pohli Edna Devereux-6 Elizabeth Dougherty Cynthia Raymond-8
Sustaining Member Louise Ristow-Miller-6 Theresa HongeIl-7 Heather Kaser Murphy Adele Greenwood Mildred Taylor-l6
Joan Banks-Miller-8 Lisa Hershman Schwartz Jeanne Bassett Jones
Lisa Vestal Sheets Sponsor PSI Louise Rath Miget-9 Sponsor
PHI LAMBDA Louanne Watson-7 Sarah Bissell Ervin-5 Jessalyn Nicklas Dorothy Baxter-9
Youngstown State U. Robbye Wilson Fox-5 U. of Pennsylvania Margery Pflughaupt Sandra Bemiss-5
Rose Club Friend Jane Mooney McCarl Evalyn Thumm-9 Marie Benedict-10
Patricia McAtee Nancy Perko Bussing Irene Schumacher-6 Sponsor Marilyn Loeppert Thurau Helen Blaschke-12
Lisa Butz Nancy Tacchetti-9 Barbara Johnson-12 Jane Rea Duveneck-10
McNicholas Elizabeth Eisele-5 Rebekah Wharton-10 Carolyn Kitchin-6 Friend Elizabeth Glenn-10
Kelli Kerr Ellison Gertrude Paton-10 Gayle Riepe Burnette June Deny Hodge
Sponsor Jodi Epstein Harger Sustaining Member Margaret Wisner-16 Belle Chenault Jean Kennedy Innes
Mary Goncz Krauss-11 Stephanie Hockema Gethine Brown-11 Sustaining Member Jeannette Cook Dahl Deanna Parrish-6
Angie Hirsch Holman Madeline Cecil-5 Carmel Kaiser-7 Nancy Sutton Elson Virginia Persons-8
Sustaining Member Barbara Cooper Janicki Marguerite Cosgrove-6 Trudy Slaven-14 Susan Drobnis Gohl Carol Pettijohn-7
Winifred Poor-9 Karen Johnson Kristine Coughlan Friend Joanne Kirchoff Griffith Diane Sandoval-9
Nancy Benskin Lambert Rosalia Gcxxihart Dietz Johanna Adamczyk Vivian Ryser Jansen-6 Virginia Lane Steckmest
Friend Sharon Kulanko Moke EUen Gladding-13 Elinor Fisher Shoop-9 Jean Landau Nystrom Noreen Stoner-14
Zlypha Best Andrea Mitchell Moore Maryanne Hobbs-6 Joan Krause Simonin Merry Johnson Opitz
Sandra Smoyer Frasch Lorrie McMinn Packard Carolyn Mahon Clarice Swanson Parker Sustaining Member
Patrice Radzinski Dorothy Hobbs Maurer PSI DELTA Alma Tomlinson Vanhull Janet Anderson
PHI OMICRON Mary Richardson Helen Sheats-9 C.W. Post Campus of Carol Huber Von Hoist Dian Barth-8
Hanover College Kim Kuykendall Sharpe Martha Cannon Strange Ruth Piper Winzeler Jean Baxter
Ann Wagoner White Michael Ann Wells-6 Long Is. U Delight Bennett
Sponsor Jane Williams-Ward-6 RHO ALPHA Merrilee Corley
Barbara Ackerman-16 PI Audrey Bosley Wright Friend Pan American U. Gladys Dowden-15
Karen Parson-8 Newcomb College - Beth Cochems Linda Taylor Drew-7
Nancee Vine Friend Michelle Milom Sustaining Member Ruth Tisher Hobar
Virginia Wilcox-16 Tulane Betty Tovell Belt Rosa Perez Diane Cameron-8 Janice Kline Jones-5
Arlene Dillon Shari Perlmutter Alice Hill Nelson
Sustaining Member Wheat Club Aimee Jennings Grant Joanne Torelli RHO BETA Dorothy Kyle Pryor-ls
Barbara Cannon-10 Gayle Marschall Beverly Green-5 Virginia Claudia Bishop Samson
Wilma Miller-5 Carolyn Eble Hillis Charlotte Whedon-12
Nissa Nack-6 Cosgrove-7 Linda Lucas Commonwealth U.
Margaret Lyon Pedrick-9
Friend Friend Friend
Linda Hunsucker Harris Beverly Burnley Joy Martin Ashley-15
Robin Peoples Peggy Aspinwall


Carol Chaffee Spoasor Minnie Lamberth Sponsor Friend SIGMA TAU
Teresa Chan Christine Franke-10 Monica Sims Lott Rosalie Gorham Barber Lisa Gomez Berger Washington College
Kathryn Curry EHzabeda Sawicki-6 Judy Immler Martinez Dorothy Kinman-14 Jevaye Bmner
Karla DiGrazia Donna McCall Elizabeth Yount-9 Stephanie Carr Sponsor
Suzanne Evans Sustaining Member Angela Morris Betty Bond Colby Bonny Hamson-14
Elizabeth Fassett Eleanor Hickein-9 Elizabeth Couey Sustaining Member Giselle Corona Carolyn Brant Lense-9
Pamela Dennis Geer Leslie Lafferandre Frances Burns Lisa Dunn Elizabeth McGinniss-14
Orit Goldberg Margo McMahon-9 Smithart Carol Cormier Ellis Amy Schloss Foster Hilda Ott Micari-12
Cheryl Hanson Nancy Leib Reeves Brenda Ferralasco-7 Bonnie Frank Elizabeth ThilTodeau-9
Vivian Knudsen Johsens Marilyn Sagan-7 SIGMA IOTA Nancy Metaxas-8 Nancy Harbin
Penny Carlson Lucas Ann Timinons-10 Western Illinois U. Bemee Jackson NaVal Debbie Honda Sustaining Member
Carol Cole Maurer-S Barbara Reng-7 Juliann Jones Jean Leland Smith-14
Lisa Nelson Friend Sponsor Sandra Osborn Steele Julie Collins Macy Sally Wagaman-8
Joan Carr Olsson Margaret Bergen- Lynn Koenig Martin Amy Marks
Margaret McCarty Planka Christina Wilson-10 Friend Kimberly Preston Friend
Edwina Robie Robbins Pavelka-8 Shelly Holle Haury Sherilyn Schwartz Sherri Duffield
Ann Root Lisa Bernstein Coyne Friend Gail Province Osborn Molly Smith-Olsson-5 Alden Caldwell Gaines
Lisa DiClemente Debra Cecil Jacobs-5 Erin Raymond Natalie Svider Maryanna Reed Maguire
Alisia Trejo Roozen Katlierine Hayes Debra K3iser-6 Mary Massey Reed Cynthia Varner Mary Brown Moore
Lorna Sitlinger Sorgen Carolyn Weschrob Katz Judy Rogers Frances Villalobos Eleanor Savage
Betty Stofle Willis Diane Smith Kitson-6 SIGMA PHI Tonia Webb Marilou Sinclair
Melissa Yee Jeanne Rockwell Martin SIGMA LAMBDA California State Tracey Weisheit Jessie Doukas Stahl
Carolyn Monahan Li., of Wisconsin-LaCrosse Audrey Sutherland
SIGMA ALPHA Kim Schnable Mordick Northridge SIGMA RHO Victoria Vahos
West Virginia U. Suzanne Rhatigan Slippery Rock U. Margaret Van Gilder
Joanne Squilla-7 Sustaining Member Wheat Club Virginia White
Friend Donna Butterfield-11 Phyllis Gilson-10 Sustaining Member Judith Yoskosky
Gwen Arenson SIGMA DELTA Karen Caesar-7 Beverly Faux
Wendy BickeU Huntingdon College Sally Huck Drea Sponsor Cynthia Lambing-5 TAU
Nicky LaRosa Bogart Ingrid Bans Gribble Pamela Abbott-10 Joan Piper Shepherd U. of Minnesota
Megan Devenney Wheat Club Lisa Caulum Jahnke Barbara Stark Clark
Lori Engott Kay Jones-6 Peggy Lipke Wiley-5 Mary Reiser-8 Friend Rose Club
Lisa Kelley Susan Rubin-7 Cheryl Attridge Amon Dorothy Anderson
Margaret Raby Stump Sustaining Member Kathleen Anysz-7 Lois Kroeger-5
Lisa Lacy White Friend Sustaining Member Barbara Bell Inez Kolar Petrok-16
SIGMA CHI Veronica Clark June Sherry Dunn-5
Hartwick College Friend Jill Cross Du Mez Kathleen Herron Babbitt Kimberly McCuIli >ugh Wheat Club
Heather Andreae Janet Gabrielson Kreider Vivian Fuller Cline-8 Christine Sementelli-8 Beverly Harris-12
Wheat Club Misty Edwards Marg-aret Martinez-9 Patricia Hugon-5 Alice Pass McHugh-16
Sigrid Stewart-9 LcAnn Holifield Melinda Kelly Marie Bremer Reim-14
SIGMA OMICRON Lori Tucker Sarfaty Marry Taylor-7
Arkansas State U. Naomi Segal
Three Tyler


In presenting the AOI1 Fraternity with a check for Fraternity Educational Grants, Elise Moss, Foundation President

stated, "One of the pleasures of being President of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is carrying out our mission which

is to continue the great legacy of Alpha Omicron Pi." In

saying that, she reminded Convention delegates that the

Foundation funds programs which promote the intellectual,

ethical and leadership development of members of Alpha

Omicron Pi Fraternity.

During the past Biennium, the Foundation helped hind

the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle program, a video to be distrib-

uted to all our chapters on Risk Management, speakers at

this C o n v e n t i o n as w e l l as at the Panhellenic

Conference:Fomm 2000 and AOI1 archival preservation. We

also continued to fund training programs for Chapter

Advisers, Chapter Consultants, Regional Directors, Regional

Public Relations Officers, Regional Rush Officers and

Regional Finance Officers. In 1991, at the recommendation

of the Executive Board, the Foundation offered grants for

regional educational programs. Regions receiving grants

included Region I, Region II, Region III, and Region X. Elise Moss, right, Foundation President, presents a check for
Grants to the Fraternity for 1991/92 totaled $39,152. This $51,460 to Barbara Hunt, Past International Presiderit and

year, Elise presented a Foundation check for educational
and archival grants, to Barbara Hunt, Past International Pres- Melanie Doyle. Fraternity Executive Director. This check is the
ident, and Melanie Doyle, Fraternity Executive Director for total amount of grant aivards given by the Foundation to the
Fraternityfor the 1992/93fiscal year.

Development Fund • Endowment Fund • Arthritis Research Fund • Ruby Fund • DiamondJubilee Scholarship Fund

Sponsor Sustaining Member Janet Hay Lyons Erica Felix Friend Tammy Martin
Carol Formo Ackles-15 Wilburta Ken Brinson Julie King Norville-5 Margery Freshley-7 Lysa Jacobson
Dorotliy Long Angwin Ernestine Chappie Laura Frey Julie Richardson Sustaining Member
Barbara Curry-8 Annie Davis-10 THETA Jean Taylor Furrow Lucinda Cusliman Tufts Jessica Barlow Daniels
Helen Erickson-11 Marylee Ransom Davis DePauw U. Elizabeth Garrison Janet Ohms Kimmell
Colleen Frojen-8 Martha Paul Finlay-5 Jean Bosenbuiy Gross THETA ETA Stacy Kluckman-8
Jane Cracraft Ganyo-7 Donna Brown Joffrion Ruby Club Mary Sears Haake V. of Cincinnati Joanne Foltz Lewis-6
Donis Bowers Garton I lelen Borchers Rea Dorothy Shepard-9 Tara Hanley Patricia Piper-11
Barbara Quick Hancock Mary Reese Polly Harrold Wheat Club Eileen Freeman Pleticha
Marilyn Haugen-11 Rose Club Mary Henrichs-9 Lou Anne Bunnel-11 Katiileen Tillman-9
Jean Ashton Hollister Friend Sarah Domian Bailey Molly Munn Hensley Mary Light Meyer-16
Glenda Jungquist-8 Deedee Walker Bell Carol Roesener Jackson Jane Smith Hughes-5 Friend
Sally Lohmann Laue-9 Melanie Berry Marilyn Poluzzi-15 Janette Fisher Johnson Sponsor Gretchen DeFord
Patricia Johnson Lill-15 Elizabeth Patton Brock Kay Sutherlin-14 Mary Homer Jones Doris Eberhardt Stephanie Drees
Nancy Lund JoAnn Cook Lila Dayhoff Kalm-6 Ruth Eldridge-8 Carrie Eddy
Sandra Markel-13 Ginger Gannon Wheat Club Catlierine Kennedy- Maxine MacDowell-9 Laura Gahtan
Shirley McDonald Betty Howell Gay- La Verne Coffin-5 Christina Hill Koukola Maureen Tokar-9 Shannon Goodpasture
Marsha Page-6 Anne Greene Jane Harders Cox Nancy Cain Matheny Alisha Hartman
Dorothy Pearson-6 Jane Hake Marilyn Faris-5 Dora Meredith Sustaining Member Marianne Johnson
Helen Stnible Regan Heidi Herlong Deanne Schild Kimbel Mindy Montgomery- Elsbeth Fisher-5 Susan Justus
Kathleen Rosenblum-11 Robin Homer Eunice Lanzl-10 Joyce Moore Alice Muller-9 .Andrea Kiernan
Jean Rotegard-9 Leigh Jeffrey Lois Smart Lehner Mary Knapp Murch Wynona Rogers-9 Sonya Kim
.Annette Scroggins Mindy McDonald Mary Stoudenmire Susan Phillips Leona Hering Shawver Melissa Korte
Eddice Sullivan-13 Noelle Milby Miriam Oilar Woods-9 Kelly Rathje Hope Tiemeyer-9 Shaylee Kotsakis
Sonya Thomas Wachter Virginia Risser Susan Lockwood
Sustaining Member Mary Wade Sponsor Michelle Silkowski Friend Kathryn Fuller Macken
Donna Baty Virginia Harper Baer Doris Southerland Ruth Woolley Brumble Jennifer McGrew
Marion Bilger-10 TAU GAMMA Jane Briner Beavers-9 Mary Stephens Miriam Hatton Lukens Kathryn Corzine Milich
Maxine Blackmer-13 Eastern Washington U. Marilyn Davis Boles-7 Joan Guthrie Swartz Ruth Maxson-5 Nancy Parker-5
Nancy Frank F.ngle-8 Lenore Coon-16 Marilyn Earle Thrall Mary Meyer Tara Reyno
Charlotte Prescott Evans Friend Pauline Schmidt Englert Myrna Trowbridge Lib Francis Stillwell Bridget Rush
Dorothy Galarneault-6 Jennifer Heimbigner Margaret Foster-9 Elizabeth Ayres Tucker Mary Bailey Walcwyk Karen Sampsel
Laurie Kinney-8 Tanya Jevne Ann Gilchrist Dawn Van DeKeere Tonia Sanchez
Suzanne Zuehlke Larsen Jean Live Hawley Joan Fetzer Wilks THETA KAPPA Janine Sandoval
Ludmilla Milnar-10 TAU LAMBDA Ann Harger Hinds-6 Marietta May Willman West Chester State College Comdu Serpas
Olive Oliver Moffett Shippensburg U. Elizalx-th Huckleberry-10 Laurel Ritchey Stokes
Sheila Olson-5 Mary Hughbanks-9 THETA BETA Friend Victoria Thomson
Margaret Sampson-8 Sustaining Member Elizabeth Julian-9 Towson State U. Maeneen Klein Jennifer Todd
Joan Commer Stanisha Joan Krayeski Margaret Kent-9 Kelly Walser
Carol Stephens-8 Jane Clements King-11 Friend THETA OMEGA Stacy Wheeler
Beverly Ness Thorson Friend Marion Wrege May-6 Nancy Kamita Northern Arizona U.
Lorraine Whitney Candace Conway Barbara Lesch McMillin Georgette Perna THETA PI
Jane Mason Wright Carla Geary Patricia Mottweiler Wheat Club Wagner College
Michele Smaller Horst Frances Poole-9 THETA CHI Debra Ladehoff-Guiles-13
Friend Suzanne Leshinskie Catherine Raisor-9 Momingside College Nanette Tewksbury-12 Wheat Club
Bonnie Somers Berger Patricia Patton Martin Norma Roberts-12 Phyllis Hobbs Cauffiel
Patricia Bergstrom-7 Jennifer Paul Troutman DeAlba Robertson Sustaining Member Sponsor Pincy Dikeman Polese
Margaret Bjorndahl Donna Vought Shirley Shazer Connie Diekema Jana Beets-10
Alison Englund Burns Nancy Williams Stevens Katliy Jensen
Mary Pettit Grangaard TAU OMEGA Elizabeth Tounelot-9 Carolyn Leonard-9
Mary Dayhuff Hall Transylvania U. Harriett Veach-8
Lynne Hardey Hansen
Mary Hebberd Friend Sustaining Member i
Emily Bremer Johnson Cynthia Ganote Diane Anderson
Barbara Kohler Hope Hurst Lancy Babcock-6 (I tor) Eleanore MacCurdy, IA; Nancy Bowers, NO, and Mary
Beth Kovala-Nuutinen Catherine Stavros Beth Behrendt Converse, <&K celebrate sisterhood at the Second Century
Barbara March Luella Btxmstra Boaz Luncheon held during Convention. Charter members of the
Lanette Olson TAU OMICRON Jean Bolyard-7 Second Century Society were honored for their planned gift
Bessie Dornberg Pettit ('. of Tennessee - Martin Sheny Keaton Brennan commitments to the Foundation and presented with keepsake
Karen Rowe Kathryn Brown-9 pewter jefferson cups.
Mary Putnam West Wheat Club Helen Marxer Bryant
Lori Kessler Beverly Baird Bugher
TAU DELTA Dorothy Chambers-7
Birmingham Southern Sponsor Kathryn Schwarz Colten
Barbara Brake-9 Lorene Essex-7
College Cora Grossman-9
Sustaining Member Joan Hoch-8
Omicron Circle Glenda Eastridge-15 Kristin Johnson-5
Elise Moss-8 Cyntliia March Harwell Janet Crowder King-7
Sydney MacRae Kirby Barbara Krause-12
Rose Club Leslee Renner-12 Sally Terry Morris
Sue Edmunds Lewis Theresa Weathers Wanda King Sabien-7
Joan Zagar Severns-9
Wheat Club Friend Elizabeth Sullivan-5
Lynn Martin Anderson Linda Morrison Branltley Helen Wenrich Wood
Sheila Friedmann Dyer
Sponsor Kristy Hawkins Friend
Wanda Boutwell Huston Carol Glasgow Kirkland Sheila Tourtelot Bunis
Christina Lech Martha Downie

1hi -

Sponsor Sustaining Member Caroline Butler-9 Sustaining Member Sponsor Mary Clearman Johnson
Diana Engel-6 Amy Fadel Bryan Mary Fahey Chesley-11 Mary Ebert Virginia Nelson Bass Sara Lytic Martin
Joan Engong-Weider-5 Betty Wilson Reithel-9 Eileen Gillespie-9 Karin Carlson Roby Bonnie Boyd-10 Tracy Moore
Lori Mayercik Virginia Blanchard Smith Jane Elder Hough Suzanne Bryson-9 Holly Thibault Morgan
Patsy Dietz Tadlock-7 Mabel Knight-9 Friend Margaret Cheney-9 Mary Davis Nuss-9
Sustaining Member Lylia MiUer-10 Marilyn Bloomberg Phyllis Dunlap-9 Jane Jenkins Olson
Barbara Bnibaker-9 Friend Sharon Peel Neglay Lynne Chrisenberry Kathryn Fairchild-11 Mary Schmidt Pohlenz
Eileen McDowall Hyle Pauline County Adams Candace Norquist Dianne Cooper Bette Wefso Hagel-15 Charol Smitli Shakeshaft
Claire Kispert-8 Barbara Kormanyos Marjorie Passler-14 Susan Klemes Gordon Jane Hart Betty Wegener
Kathy Kleinlein-11 Renee Medvik Betty Attlesey Roundhill Debra Hugo Opal Janelle-11 Janet Douthit Weir
Barbara Vroom-7 Joan Parasiliti O'Shea Betty Taylor-8 Diane Byrne Janicke Elizabeth Jensen-10 Jonell Wanen Ziola
Amy Ribley Susanne Wakefield-16 Carla Keegan Margaret Capron Jones Cynthia Zitterkopf
Friend Mary Van Brackel Elizabeth Wilhelmi-6 Jane McCormick Lola Lamme-8
Nancy Berle Dowling Jeanne Vargo Gwenavere Worrick-14 Susan Prater Measures Janice Foote Luhn ZETA KAPPA
Nancy Hupprich Francis Susan Young-9 Freddie Kalil Schutten June Wilson Marron-10 Southwest Texas State U.
Ruth Furhovden-11 UPSILON Carole Haines Smith Jean Marcy Sells
Kathleen Gessner V. of Washington Friend Sandra Campbell Wayne Dorotliy Smiland-11 Friend
Patricia Hill Graeff Dawn Anderson Nonna BUIT Warren Kim Chiles
Caryl Hoffman Rose Club Zarina Chishtl-Miller UPSILON LAMBDA Dawn Edwards
Elaine Meluso Marianne Carton-Is Kathryn Farrell Coski U. of Texas-San Antonio Sustaining Member
Victoria Sabbagh .Vienna Alverna Swan-8 Nancy McHenry Dirks Sandra Albertson-14 ZETA PI
Alexandra Mijs Reba Traber-16 Diane Bradbury Fredrich Sustaining Member Barbara Armstrong-9 U. of Alabama -
Karen Peterson-6 Frances Slauffer Hanson Beth Herford Helen Gogela Austin
Maria Rotberg-8 Wheat Club Neysa Elwell Hickok Margaret Upson Barber Birmingham
Janice O'Connor Gloria Cauble-5 Ba rbara Higinbotham Friend Mary Fitzgerald-6
Ann Schultz Pare-11 Marolyn Hilbert-7 Amy Adams Joan Miller Foote Friend
Rubano Dorotliy Walker-9 Audrey Hopkins Elizabeth Bostic Mariellen Jacobson Melissa Ferry
Leslie Keast Leigh Perry Elma Pospisil Knott Tami St Clair Puchta
THETAPSI Sponsor Rachel Morrisette Anne Figge Laugharn Tammy Wisdom Ravens
U. of Toledo Edith Davisson Brewer Mary Niedenneier-5 ZETA Ruby Peterson-9 Jodie Thomason
Mama Burkhalter-8 Anne Pallinger U. of Nebraska - Lincoln Jennifer Phillip
Rose Club Ruth Gaughan-5 Lisa Mansfield Reinhard Cynthia Scobie ZETAPSI
Lois Zetgler Billig-7 Cannen Gibbons-9 Lula Bettridge Satterfield Rose Club Dorothy Gannon Smith East Carolina
Marilyn Rose Herman Joan Soderling Elizabeth Evans Judith Stuthman
Wheat Club Marcia Holland-6 Roberta Swenson-9 Victoria VanRoy Friend
Wilma Lupe-11 Barbara Marsh-14 .Annette Wendel-5 Hummel Laura Waters-14 Jcxli Gear
Marie McFarland-10 Betty Wright Wing Jane Kessler Kurtiss-10 Mary Glover-8
Sponsor Phyllis Morgan-9 Lucile Spencer-14 Friend Anna Haire
Helen Benschoter-9 Beatrice Nowogroski-9 UPSILON ALPHA Sara Abler Suzanne LaCroix
Sharon Fickel-11 Louise Benton Oliver U. of Arizona Wheat Club Larainc Chant Castle Teresa Morse
Gwen Geis-14 Eileen Thorpe Pauline Carman-15 Catherine Comstock-11 Leanne Shaw
Beverly Hatcher Kirby Harriet Wolverton Sponsor Bertha Carr Miller-15 Jean Meents France Merry Warfield Szczech
Maryhelen Meyers-9 Chris Flores-Low-7 Carole Jansen Hall
Lavella Stone-9 Sustaining Member Janis Nelson-12
Thelma Waigand-lS


YES, I want my name to appear in next year's donor list.

Enclosed is my contribution of $ to the AOFI Foundation.

I would like • Development Fund • Endowment Fund • Arthritis Research Grants
my gift

designated for: • Ruby Fund • Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund • Unrestricted

I wish to charge my gift to • Visa • MasterCard Signature Exp. Date
Credit Card Account Number Chapter Phone .
Name on Card

Name Zip
City State/Province

Please make checks payable to: Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, 9025 Overlook Boulevard
Brentwood. TN, 37027, 615/370-0920

I have made provisions for AOII in my will or other estate plans.
I would like more information on naming AOII as a beneficiary of my estate.

Development Fund • Endowment Fund • Arthritis Research Fund • Ruby Fund • DiamondJubilee Scholarship Fund

Collegiate Chapters, Alumnae Chapters, Regions, and Corporations, continue to be important Contibutors to the A0I1
Foundation. From July 1992 through June 1993, $159,547 was given by these four groups as their way of continuing to support
Arthritis Research and the important educational work of the Fraternity. Shown before each listing is the amount given for each
hind and the total amount contributed to the Foundation during the 1992-1993 fiscal year.


Development Fund $7,937 Delta Tufts U. Omega Omicron Lambuth U.
Endowment Fund $8,668
Arthritis Research Fund $65,054 Delta Upsilon Duke U. Omega LIpsilon Ohio U.
Ruby Fund $15,696
Diamond Jubilee Epsilon Alpha Pennsylvania State U. Omicron U. of Tennessee
$7,859 Epsilon Chi Won College Phi U. of Kansas
Scholarship Fund $12,443 Epsilon Cornell U.
General Operating Fund Epsilon Omega Eastern Kentucky U. Phi Beta East Stroudsbuig State U.
TOTAL 1992-1993 $117,657 Gamma Alpha George Mason U. Phi Chi U. of Chicago
Gamma Chi Carleton U. Phi Delta V. Of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
COLLEGIATE Gamma Delta U. of South Alabama Phi Sigma U. of Nebraska at Kearney
CHAPTER GIVING Phi Upsilon Purdue U.
Gamma Omicron U. Of Florida Pi Newcomb College - Tidane
Alpha Chi Western Kentucky V. Pi Alpha U. ofLouisville
Gamma Sigma Georgia State U.
Alpha Delta U. Of Alabama Gamma Theta U. of South Florida Pi Delta U. of Maryland
Iota U. of Illinois
Alpha Gamma Washington State U. Iota Sigma Iowa State U. Psi Delta CM. Post Campus of Long Is. U
Alpha Lambda Georgia Southern U. Kappa Alpha Indiana State U. Rho Beta Virginia Commonwealth U.
Alpha Phi Montana State U. Kappa Gamma Florida Southern College Rho Omicron Middle Tennessee State U.
Alpha Psi Bowling Green Slate K Kappa Kappa Ball State U. Sigma U. of California - Berkeley
Alpha Rho Oregon State U. Sigma Alpha U. of West Vilginia
Kappa Lambda U. of Calgary Sigma Chi Hartwick College
Alpha Theta Coe College Sigma Delta Huntingdon College
Kappa Omega U. of Kentucky Sigma Omicron Arkansas State U.
Beta Delta Villanova U. Sigma Phi California State Northridge
Kappa Omicron Rhodes College Sigma Rho Slippery Rock U.
Beta Gamma Michigan State U. Tau U. of Minnesota
Beta Lambda Illinois Wesleyan U. Kappa Pi Ohio Northern U. Tau Delta Birmingham Southern College
Beta Phi Indiana U. Tau Gamma Eastern Washington U.
Chi Alpha U. of California-Davis Kappa Rho Western Michigan U. Tau Lambda Shippenshurg U.
Chi Delta U. of Colorado
Chi Epsilon Colony The Ohio State U. Kappa Sigma Colony Univ. of Wisconsin- Tau Omicron U. of Tennessee - Martin
Chi Lambda K OfEvansville Theta DePauw U.
Chi Psi Cal. Polytechnic State Univ. River Falls Theta Omega Northern Arizona U.
Chi Syracuse U. Kappa Tau Southeastern Louisiana U. Theta Pi Wagner College
Lambda Beta California State - Long Beach Theta Psi U. of Toledo
Delta Alpha U. of Missouri-Columbia Lambda Chi LaGrange College Upsilon U. of Washington
Lambda Eta Grand Valley State U.
Delta Beta U. of Southwest Louisiana Lambda Iota U. of California-San Diego LIpsilon Alpha U. of Arizona
Delta Chi U. Of Delaware
Lambda Sigma U. of Georgia Upsilon Lambda U. of Texas-San Antonio
Delta Delta Auburn V. Zeta U. of Nebraska - Lincoln
Lambda Tau Northeast Louisiana U. Zeta Kappa Southwest Texas State U.
Delta Epsilon Jacksonville State U. Zeta Pi U. ofAlabama - Birmingham
Delta Omega Murray State U. Lambda Upsilon Lehigh U. Zeta Psi East Carolina U.
Delta Pi Central Missouri State U.
Delta Sigma San Jose State V. Nu Beta V. ofMississippi
Nu Delta Canisius College
Nu Iota Northern Illinois U.
Nu Lambda Univ. of Southern California
Nu Omicron Vanderbilt U.
Omega Miami U.


Development Fund $3,411 Ann Arbor, MI Champaign-Urbana, IL
Endowment Fund $4,354 Atlanta, GA Charlotte, NC
Arthritis Research Fund $7,795 Austin, TX Chicago Beverly Hills, IL
Ruby Fund $9,772 Baltimore, MD Chicago NW Suburban. IL
Diamond Jubilee Baton Rouge, LA Chicago West Suburban, IL
$4,317 Birmingham, AL Cincinnati, OH
Scholarship Fund $2,294 Blooiriington, IN Cleveland Area, OH
General Operating Fund Bloomington-Nonnal, IL Columbus Alum Club, IN
TOTAL 1992-1993 $31,943 Boca Raton, FL Columbus, OH
Boise Valley. ID Dallas, TX
ALUMNAE Bowling Green, KY Dayton, OH
CHAPTER GIVING Buffalo, NY Dearborn, MI

Decatur Area, AL Long Island, NY Riverside, CA
DeKalb-Kane, IL Macomb County, MI Rockford, IL
Denver, CO Marin County, CA Sacramento Valley, CA
Des Moines, IA Memphis, TN San Antonio, TX
Detroit N Suburban, MI Michiana-South Bend, IN San Diego, CA
Mid-Missouri, MO San Fernando Valley, CA
Diablo Valley, CA Milwaukee, WI San Jose, CA
East Bay, CA Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN San Mateo, CA
Evansville Tri-State, IN Monterey, CA Sarasota Area, FL
Fort Lauderdale, FL Muncie, IN Seattle, WA

Greater Allentown/Bethlehem, PA N Houston Suburban, TX South Bay/Palos Verdes, CA
Greater Harrisburg. PA Naples, FL South Central Indiana, I N
Southern Connecticut, CT
Greater Kansas City, MO Nashville, TN Southern Orange Co., CA
Greater Lafayette, LA New Jersey, NJ St. Louis, MO
New York/New Jersey, NY State College, PA
Greater Pinellas, FL Northern Kentucky, KY Sun City, AZ
Greater Portland, ME Northern Orange Co., CA Syracuse, NY
Hammond Area, LA Tampa Bay, FL
Hilton Head Alum Colony, SC Northern Virginia, VA Toledo, OH
Northwest Arkansas, AR Topeka-Lawrence, KS
Houston, TX Omaha, NE Triangle, NC
Huntsville, AL Orlando, FL Tucson, AZ
Indianapolis, IN Ottawa, ON Tulsa, OK
Jonesboro, AR Palm Beach County, FL Vancouver, BC
Kalamazoo, MI Palo Alto, CA Ventura County, CA
Kentuckiana, KY Philadelphia, PA Virginia Tidewater, VA
Knoxville, TN Phoenix. AZ West Los Angeles, CA
Lafayette, IN Piedmont Area, NC Wilmington, DE
Lake County, IL Pocatello. ID York, PA
Las Vegas, NV Portland, OR
Lexington. KY Pullman, WA
Little Rock, AR
Long Beach, CA

Development Fund $500
Development Fund $200 Endowment Fund $182
Endowment Fund $7,300 Ruby Fund
Arthritis Research Fund Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund $50
Ruby Fund $350 TOTAL 1992-1993 $465
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund $525
General Operating Fund $350 REGIONAL GIVING $1,197
TOTAL 1992-1993
$25 Region I I
$8,750 Region VII
Region VIII
Alpha Chi Corporation Nu Beta Corporation Region X
Alpha Gamma Corporation Pi Kappa Coiporation
Alpha O Corporation Sigma Corporation
Beta Phi Corporation Theta Corporation

This list includes friends, parents, businesses and corporations, and other organizations which have donated to the AOII Foundation.

Tom Andersen * Freeport-McMoRan * May Dept. Stores Fnd. John Stevenson
Austin Parenteral Services Sandra Stahl Gabbard Betty McCord J. Carson Stone
Ann Wilhoite Brilley George Miller Mary Sullivan
Debra Stahl Chaney * Glaxo, Inc. Barbara Mohlere Beth Swartz
Wanda Stahl Chapman Jacob Goldberg Claire Peterson Jerri Tarpley
* The Coca Cola Co. Carol Green Joseph Re Third National Bank
Norma Coleman Ross Marsh Foster Patti Horn Weiss
Judy Cook Mr. & Mrs. Jay Greene Myers & Quiggle Frank Whalen
Creative Business Alan Harless Mary Russell Adrian Wilhoite
Jimmie T. Day Mary Kavanaugh Bob Williams
George Dobson Robert Krebs * Salomon Brothers, Inc. Mary Ann Wolfersberger
Naomi Draheim Chiswell Langhorne Frank Schollett Janet Woodhull
W. Russell Duke Phyllis Lehmberg Karen Roenfanz Seezen
Sandra Vasquez Evans Chun-Jo Liu Floyd Stafford * Matching Gifts
Helen Foreman Lawrence Malkuch Jack Stafford
Sandy McPeeks Jimmy Stahl
Richard Marsh

Development Fund • Endowment Fund • Arthritis Research Fund • Ruby Fund • Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund

Chi Epsilon installed at The Ohio State U.

The Chi Epsilon Chapter at The dinner, the new initiates and their Nadine Homka, Laura Kessler, Kirsten
Ohio State University was installed guests learned about the rose and its Kluge, Susan Kollias. Amy LaFerve,
on May 22, 1993. by International parts. The new members sang "Toast Shannon Mabry, Kerri Marcinko, Beth
President Barbara Daugs Hunt. She to AOI1," "Bring Me a Rose," and Mattingly, Emily Mattingly, Emily
was assisted by Linda Clark, Regional '"Rose Ever Blooming." Amy LaFevre, Merritt, Wendy Messer, Kathryn
Director, and Louanne Watson, Kerri Marcinko, and Laura Hart sang Miller, Deena Morgan, Cynthia
Regional Vice President. Members of Amy Grant's "Arms of Love" accom- Moskosky, Lana Myers, Eileen Nerida,
the Omega Upsilon Chapter (Ohio U.) panied by pianist Laura Kessler. Krista Newhard, Jennifer Obringer,
also assisted. Marlene Obringer, Jennifer Oyakawa,
The charter members of Chi Susan Parlette, Karyn Pfister, Christina
The Rose Inspirtation Night on Epsilon are: Paula A d k i n s , Mary- Randolph, Stacy Riehl, Nicole Rogier,
May 21 marked the beginning of the Amos, Heather Barlow, Wendy Beil, Rachel Sapp, Elizabeth Savely, Sarah
weekend celebration. The ceremony Michelle Bernard, Rachel Bernard, Schantz, Kari Scott, Trisha Seiler,
was conducted by Barbara Hunt, Heather Beutel, Melissa Biehl, Jennie Denise Skingle, Melissa Thiel, Alicia
Jennifer Little (Rose Inspiration Night Brundage, Kimberly Brunner, Tricarichi. Amy Troxel, Lea Anne
Chairperson), and Charlene Potter Kimberly Burns, Kristie Campbell, Turner, Melanie Violand, Michele
(Colony Adviser). Robin Campbell, Sheila Carey, Wethington, and Lisa Winterich.
Kimberly Carter, Anne Casto, Victoria
The night of the installation, Chafin, Catharine Clark, Jean Cooper. The chapter's first pledge is Kelcey
chapter members attended the Rose Kristin Cox, Jennifer Dieterich, Tekla O'Neill. <#
Banquet and dance with their families Dillinger, Amy Doggett, Jane Doty,
and friends. The toastmistress was Maria Duro, Leigh Ann Ervin, Alyson Contributed by Kristie Campbell
Jenney Seely, president of the Harding, Laura Hart, Amanda Hateley,
Columbus Alumnae Chapter. After the

mmm M

Chi Epsilon Chapter at The Ohio State University 59
Fall 1993

1993-94 Chapter Consultants

Alpha Omicron Pi's nine Chapter Consultants are now "on the road," traveling to various collegiate chapters to lend their
expertise where needed. Here's a brief introduction to these outstanding young women:

Abby Aid rich Tiffany Calvert Diane Fuhrer

• From Somerville, MA • From Louisville, KY • From Cochrane, Alberta, Canada
• Delta (Tufts U.) • Kappa Omega (U. of Kentucky) • Kappa Lambda (U. of Calgary)
• B.A., English/Art History • B.A., psychology • B.A., women's studies
• Chapter President • Chapter President • Chapter President
• Social-Chair • 1991-1992 Collegiate Leadership Award • Founders' Day Certificate of Achievement
• JV Lacrosse • Lexington Creative Playground • Citizenship Award
• Senior Class Council • Enjoys scuba diving, photography • Girl Guides of Canada
• Plavs the flute • Enjoys writing, golf

Beth Holderfield. Beth Johnson Tracy Maxwell

• From Biloxi, MS • From Bloomington, MN • From Grand Rivers, KY
• Gamma Delta (U. of South Alabama) • Chi Delta (U. of Colorado) • Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U.)
• B.A., political science • B.S., business • B.A., journalism; M.A., English
• Alpha Lambda Delta & Phi Eta Sigma, Honor • Most Outstanding Pledge and Member Awards • WKU Student Ambassador
• President Service Award • Golden Key National Honor Society
Societies • Sewall Scholarship • Associated Student Government
• Recipient of 3 university scholarships • Adopt-a-grandparent program • Girl Scout Leader
• Volunteer tutor at Saint Mary's Home • Enjoys skiing, theater • Enjoys water and snow skiing
• Scholastic Achievement Award
• Enjoys writing, baby-sitting To Dragma


•» -


Jessica McCauley Allison McKinney Michelle Serrano

• From Washington, NC • From Dublin, OH • From Austin, TX
• Epsilon Chi (Elon College) • Alpha Psi (Bowling Green State U.) • Delta Theta (Texas Women's U.)
• B.A., economics • B.A., psychology • B.S., government services
• Chapter President • Chapter President • Student Government President
• Most Outstanding Rush Chair • Most Outstanding Member • Panhellenic President
• Elon College Honors Scholarship • Nominated for Outstanding Greek Woman • Outstanding Student Leader of the Year Award
• Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society • Greek Woman of the Year
• Enjoys swimming, roller-blading Award • Joint University Student's Committee to the
• Volunteer at local soup kitchen
• Enjoys poetry, swimming Denton City Council
• Enjoys step-aerobics

200 A O n s enjoy Illinois State Day campus of the U. of Illinois. This was
followed by a Ritual workshop, small
n group brainstorming sessions, and a
song workshop presented by Beta
• Lambda Chapter (Illinois Wesleyan U.).
"Applying Greek life to the Real World"
¥ was die subject of a presentation given
by Mark Robinson of The Edge. The
AOfls at Illinois State Day included (front row, from left) Christina Mantis, Cheryl highlight of the afternoon was a special
Wickstrom, Shea Gamble, Lynn Swetland; (second row, from left) Judy Zawacke, presentation by (then) International
Peg Crawford, Barbara Hunt, Mary Williams, Gwen Lee, Joanne Zunich: (back President Barbara Daugs Hunt.
row, from left) Nancy Clark, Judy Flessner, Jane Crawley, Mary Diaz, Lynne
Ferger, Tamee Dark, Linda Mansur, Liz Pietsch, and Martha Schroeder. Six collegiate and nine alumnae
chapters were represented.
-rota Chapter hosted Illinois State Day The day began with a continental
-Llast February in Champaign-Urbana. breakfast at the chapter house on the Iota Chapter presented Past
International President Peg Kramer
Crawford with a brick that will be
placed in her honor in the Founders'
Circle of the Inspiration Walkway at
International Headquarters. Iota's
Encore singing group sang The Rose
in Barbara H u n t ' s h o n o r at the

Contributed by Lynn Swetland
and Cheryl Wickstorm, co-chairs
of Illinois State Day £ i

Fall 1993 61

"Reduce, Reuse and Recycle"
on your campus this fall

By Carol Miller Stevenson practical advice for anyone interested mends a third committee with one
Omega (Miami U.) in starting or improving a waste full-time paid staff person and volun-
Vice President/Development reduction program on campus. The teers to implement pilot recycling
program can be used by students, projects. It lists the kinds of items to
"Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" isn't faculty members, and college admin- recycle (plastic, cardboard, paper,
istrators. glass, cans, etc.) and describes how
just a catchy '90s phrase. To AOU to collect, store, and sell them.
R-? is more than just a simple recy-
collegians, it now refers to the cling program. "Reduce, Reuse, and The guidebook also gives sugges-
Recycle" is a prioritized order of daily tions for generating public support
Fraternity's environmental program. life routines that can be followed to through promotion and education.
reduce waste. Copies of the program were distrib-
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity and uted to all collegiate chapter presi-
REDUCE is the first priority because dents at International Convention and
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation it is more efficient to stop waste at the w i l l be sent to approximately 150
source. The R-? Program suggests the expansion target campuses and to all
proudly introduced Reduce, Reuse, formation of an advisory committee to National Panhellenic Conference
analyze source reduction possibilities. groups. Keep Texas Beautiful will
and Recycle R$: A Guide to It demonstrates how to set up pilot send an additional 250 copies to their
waste-reduction projects, control Keep America Beautiful affiliates
Establishing Waste Reduction purchasing and packaging, and throughout the United States. By the
perform waste stream analysis and end of this year, 500 copies of the R-?
Programs in Colleges and Universities tracking. Program will have been distributed.

at the 1993 International Convention. REUSE is defined as using some- Alpha Omicron Pi is dedicated to
thing as many times and ways as serving others through a variety of
Produced with 1990-91 Year of possible before recycling or disposing community, national, and interna-
of it. Again, the R-^ Program suggests tional service projects. In 1990, the
Service Project pennies and a the formation of a "brainstorm" Fraternity adopted the protection of
committee for discovering possible our global environment as a concen-
generous AOII Foundation grant, this reuses of products. It gives sugges- tration of service for the 1990s with
tions for reusable items, such as poly- the theme AOII Cares About the
program is the product of a two-year styrene mugs, air conditioning filters, World. The goal for AOITs sponsor-
and towels. Creative ways to reuse ship of the R3 Program is to enable
partnership between Keep Texas waste include setting up waste collegians everywhere to enhance the
"exchanges," reusing kitchen waste to environment on their campuses and
Beautiful and Alpha Omicron Pi make animal feed, and using both in their communities.
yard and food waste to make
Fraternity. compost. A special thanks to Christine Priznar,
Omicron Pi (U. of Michigan), for her
The goal o f the R3 Program is RECYCLE is the collection of mate- assistance in editing this program for
rials for reprocessing so that they can publication. ?H
simple: to assist colleges and univer- be used again in the manufacture of a
new product. The R-^ Program recom-
sities in reducing their solid waste.

In today's increasingly environ-

mentally-conscious society, student

and public interest is directed toward

the impact of solid waste on our envi-

ronment. In fact, a recent American

Council on Education study indicates

that environmental issues are the top

concern of first-year college students.

Colleges and universities want to

be environmentally responsible, yet

they are under pressure to tighten

their budgets. How can they be sensi-

tive to the environment while trying

to save money?

The R-3 Program answers this ques-

tion. It is a guidebook filled w i t h

62 To Dragma

Announcements Reservations are not necessary but Corporation meetings:
preferred. For more information,
Alpha Kappa Chapter (U. of contact Carol Oxford Wetherell, (217) Kappa Kappa, November 7, 1993, 2
North Alabama) invites all alumnae 826-6191. p.m., AOII Suite, Rogers Hall, Ball
to attend H o m e c o m i n g 1993 on State U., Muncie IN. For information,
October 30. This year the theme will Omega Chapter (Miami U.) w i l l contact Mrs. Barbara Ottinger, 509
be "20 Years of Greek Life on have a reunion during Miami U.'s Rambler Rd., Muncie, IN 47304.
Campus." After the parade, AOI1 Alumni Weekend, June 10-12, 1994, Lambda Sigma ( U . o f G e o r g i a ) ,
alumnae will gather at Rogers Hall to in Oxford, Ohio. AOIIs wishing to Sunday, October 24 at 2 p.m. at the
visit with each other before lunch. help plan this event are asked to chapter house.
After the 3 p-m. football game, a contact Heidi Holland Theis, 7079
barbecue supper will be held in the Saeger Ave., Oconomowoc, WI Pi Kappa andZeta Kappa, October 23
downstairs of Colby Hall (entrance on 53066, (414) 474-4988. Omega at 9:30 a.m., Room 400 of the Texas
the Pine Street side of the building). alumnae, watch for more information Law Center, 1414 Colorado, Austin,
For more information, contact Debbie about this event and plan to attend! Texas. For more information, contact
Lovelady Rains, 2006 Woodmead St., Ginger Banks at (512) 454-8572 or Jo
Decatur, AL 35601 or Tina Thornton The New York (Manhattan) Beth Heflin at (512) 282-2655.
Orman, 401 West 9th St., Columbia,
TN 38401. Alumnae Chapter is being reorga- Classified

Kappa Alpha Chapter (Indiana nized. If you live or work in College Survival Cookbook. By
State U.) w i l l celebrate its 40th Nadine Z. Ujevich. Includes more
Anniversary with a cocktail party on Manhattan and are interested in than 150 recipes for simple-to-prepare
Friday, October 22, from 7 to 11 p.m. meals and snacks. Ideal for fund-
at the Holiday Inn of Terre Haute. becoming a member, please contact: raising and gifts! $9-95 at bookstores,
or write University of Pittsburgh Press,
Diane Sandoval, 650 West End Ave., c/o CUP Services, Box 6525, Ithaca,
NY 14851. Call toll-free 800-666-2211.
#11B, New York, NY 10025, (212)


Name and/or Address Change
Send to AOII International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027

(please print)

Name at Initiation Chapter

Current Office. FIRST .Initiation Year.

Change? Preferred Name
| | New Name If Different From Attached Label

• New Home Address


Special Interest

Occupation Title

| | Place of Employment

CITY 111 1 1111 1 1 11 | 111 1 JOB


• I am a member o f . Ahimnae Chapter.

Deceased Date of Death. • Please inform me about the nearest Alumnae Chapter.

Fall 1993 63

J02 J

OFFICIAL JEWELRY 14K 10K GK ss Accessories 14K 10K GK SS
$-.- $-.- $—-..—-
J09 Monogram Recognition Iln $7.00 77.00 J07 Monogram Stickpin —.— $7.00 S—.—
J10 Rose Recognition Pin 115.00 35.00 7.50 22.00 140.00 110.00 7.00 —.—
J l l SOYearPin 45.00 45.00 14.00 22.00 J08 Rose Stickpin —.— 52.00 —.—
J12A Mother's Club Pin • Hain 55.00 60.00 22.00 —.—
J12B Mothers Club Pin-Jeweled 55.00 3.00 22.00 J36 Badge Charm (Alumnae Only) * 36.00 —.—
J14 Pledge Pin 55.00 108.00 65.00 22.00
J17 Plain Badge 55.00 22.00 J45 Beveled Edge Glass
55.00 108.00 35.00
(A, 0 and II Polished) —•— Box with Rose
J18 Plain Badge 166.00 ——
—.— Send with payment to: M M International Headquarters 9025
(Polished A and II: Chased 0) 185.01) 60.00 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027 USA (615) 370-0920
J19 Jeweled Badge —— ——
—.— 90.00 Item* Description Qty Si/.,. 3 Initials Initiation Initiation Price
(Crown Pearl 0: Chased A and 11) —•—
J20 Jeweled Badge 85.00 Date Chapter
160.00 75.00
(Crown Pearl A and 0: Pearl on tips of II) 155.00 55.00
140.00 55.00
EMPORIUMJEWELRY 140.00 95.00 75.00 55.00 Notice: October 31, 1993 will be the last day to place Christmas orders.
Lavalieres/Pendants 140.00 30.00 20.00 35.00
95.00 35.00 20.00 55.00 Shipping & Handling Subtotal _
J01 Pearl Vertical Letter Uvaliere 140.00 35.00 20.00 50.00 Canadians Add 25%.
J02 Mini Vertical Letter Uvaliere 110.00 35.00 20.00 —,— Up to $ 5.00 Add $ 3.00 TN residents Add 8.25%.
220.00 35.00 20.00 —.— Add $ 4.00 Shipping and Handling _
J03 Rose Lavaliere 195.00 35.00 20.00 65.00 Add $ 5.00 Total Amount Enclosed.
140.00 —•— 34.00 Add $ 6.00
J04 Vertical Letter Uvaliere Add $ 7.00 "Badge Not Included
—.— 30.00 Add $ 8.00 Add $10 for White Gold. Rings, Badges.
J05 Heart Uvaliere Add $ 9.00 14Kand Charms not returnable.
J06 Circle Uvaliere Add $10.00 Allow 6-8 wks. for manufacturing
Add $11.00 All lavalieres include GI-" or SS 18" chain.
J37 Octagon Rose Uvaliere
J44 GF or SS Round Filigree Border Charm

Bracelets $ 5.01 - $ 25.00

J16 GF Double Festoon Bracelet $ 25.01 - $ 50.00
with Octagon Rose Charm
$ 50.01 - $ 75.00
J41 GF or SS Single Link Bracelet $100.00
Horizontal Greek Letters with S 75.01 -
Pearls and Rose Dangle
—— 60.00 $100.01 - $125.00
J42 GF Festoon Bracelet
—,— 55.00 $125.01 - $150.00
Greek Letters with Rose Dangle 185.00 90.00
J43 Uvaliere Bracelet with Rose Dangle $150.01 - $175.00
130.00 —.—
$175.01 - $200.00
115.00 —.—
Rings Onyx Imperial Ring 110.00 —— • Check • MC DVisa • Discover Exp. Date.
with Pearl Shanks 110.00 —.— Card N o : . . State . Zip.
J24 Wide Band Crest Ring 110.00 —.— Name
Raised Letter Remembrance Ring 62.00 —— Address _
J25 Raised Letter Signature Ring 110.00 —.— City
J27 80.00 —.— Phone
J28 Oval Incised Letter Ring 160.00 —.—
J29 Dangle Ring 140.00 —,—
J30 Vertical Incised Lener Ring
J31 Mini Monogram Ring 110.00 —.—
J32 President's Ring
J34 Badge Ring (Alumnae Only)*
J35 Diamond Shaped Onyx
J40 Imperial Ring

POSTMASTER—Please send notice Second Class
of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 Postage Paid
to Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook at Brentwood,
Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027 Tennessee

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