Summer 2017
2017 International Alpha Omicron Pi’s Collegiate
Convention Recap Rebrand Chapter News
Theta Iota (California State U,
San Marcos) members, Sha-
non Khounborine and Elaine
Wise, in Julian, California.
2 | Summer 2017
12 28
54 60
4 Editor’s Letter 42 Collegiate Chapter News
7 Viewpoint 53 Life Loyal
8 Fraternity News 54 Meet Our 2017-2018 Educational
10 NPC News: Shaping The Sorority Leadership Consultants
Experience 58 Where In The World Is Delaney?
12 2017 International 60 Tot Squad To The Rescue
Convention Recap 62 Things We Love
28 Alpha Omicron Pi’s Rebrand 64 Shop The Emporium
38 AOII Foundation Focus
40 From The Archives: From Rush To 3
About Alpha Omicron Pi: from the editor
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College It has been such an exciting summer for AOII! Our
in New York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie
Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella 2017 Convention was a hit, and in case you missed it,
George Stern Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. AOII has a new brand. What do you think?
We are absolutely in love with our new logo, tagline,
The Object of the Fraternity: color palette and website! The new brand is fresh,
The object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage feminine and fun, and we hope you embrace it as
a spirit of Fraternity and love among its members; much as we have! I have particularly enjoyed incor-
to stand at all times for character, dignity, scholar- porting these elements into To Dragma. I am sure you
ship, and college loyalty; to strive for and support noticed the new cover design, and I hope you enjoy
the best interest of the colleges and universities the other great updates we have made throughout the magazine. Learn
in which chapters are installed, and in no way to more about AOII’s decision to rebrand and all the new elements on page
disregard, injure, or sacrifice those interests for the 28.
sake of prestige or advancement of the Fraternity Rolling out our new brand was just one of several highlights of our 2017
or any of its chapters. Convention in Washington, D.C. It was a week full of sisterhood, educa-
tion, celebration and recognition. For more details on the week’s events
Mission Statement: and winners of our 2017 awards, turn to page 12.
Women Enriched Through Lifelong Friendship. Speaking of recognition, our collegiate chapters have been busy this year
with philanthropy events, recruitment, sisterhood events and socials, and
Culture Principles: we are excited to recognize them for their great works in our collegiate
A look at “how” we do things: Accountability chapter news section starting on page 42. You may even find some great
& Ownership, Collaboration, Engagement, ideas for upcoming sisterhood or service events.
Innovation, Open & Honest Communication This issue also features two wonderful alumna members whose lives
have taken interesting routes since they graduated college. Read about
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: one sister’s mission work around the world on page 58, and check out the
Visit the AOII website (, or con- story about another sister’s innovative business and experience as a Tory
tact [email protected]. Burch Foundation Fellow on page 60.
Finally, be sure to also read about our 2017-2018 Educational Leadership
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter: Consultants on page 54. I hope you have the opportunity to meet some
Visit the AOII website for contact information on an of these amazing women throughout the course of the year. They are so
alumnae chapter near you. excited to hit the road and work alongside our collegiate chapters.
This summer has been full of exciting events, and I hope you enjoy read-
International President ing all about them in this issue. Though summer is winding down, I am
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) certain fall will see another season of growth, excitement and change as
we kick off another academic year!
Executive Director Happy reading,
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U)
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National
Panhellenic Conference and the Fraternity
Communications Association.
Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
4 | Summer 2017
We want to feature About To Dragma:
your AOII photos! To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron
Pi Fraternity, and has been published since 1905.
Tag @alphaomicronpi in your Instagram photos or email your photos to The mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is:
[email protected] to be featured.* Don’t forget to follow to inform, educate and inspire our readers on sub-
AOII to stay in the know! jects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our
members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOII
involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a
permanent record of our Fraternity’s history.
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Graphic Designer
Hillary Brewer, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
View To Dragma Online:
How to Contact To Dragma:
Mail: To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN
37027; phone: (615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736; or
email: [email protected].
How to Update Your Name or Address:
Go to the For Members page on the AOII website
(, email your new address to
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920.
How to Subscribe to To Dragma:
Subscriptions are $25 annually and can be paid by
check or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII,
should be mailed to:
Alpha Omicron Pi
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
Attn: Accounting
Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover
only) should email [email protected].
Stay Connected:
Instagram: @alphaomicronpi
*To be featured in To Dragma, photos 5
must be emailed and at least 1 MB.
Members of Beta Zeta
(Kennesaw State U),
April 2017
6 | Summer 2017
It is a great honor and privi- Third, learn to be a great communicator. Great com-
lege to continue serving AOII munication is the great connector, and clear com-
as International President for munication instills confidence and trust in our orga-
the 2017-2019 biennium. Dur- nizational values. It starts with every chapter building
ing International Convention in strong bonds of sisterhood with their members. It is
Washington, D.C., we had an important that every member understands that they
inspiring week of sisterhood. bring value to AOII and that AOII can be their home.
Highlights included the rollout This is where the foundation of lifelong friendships
of our new brand and celebrat- begins, which leads to lifetime engagement.
ing all the exceptional things Next, change is a must. Even Stella George Stern Per-
that AOII has accomplished ry advocated that we adapt to changes and modern
over the past biennium. We needs. I believe to advance AOII we must embrace
also experienced awesome the changing world while holding true to our found-
events in D.C. such as visiting ing principles. AOII is an ever-evolving and dynamic
the pandas at the Smithson- organization! Continued success is about who is able
ian’s National Zoo and attend- to learn from their experiences and take the initiative
ing the Strike Out Arthritis! to make it better. Every member, chapter and the Fra-
Nationals/Cubs game. As we reflect on our many ternity should be inspired to continually aspire to ex-
accomplishments of the past two years, it is through ceed their short and long-term goals.
friendships, sisterhood and our lifetime commitment Finally, handle success like you handle failure. The
to AOII that we have inspired each other to believe true test of character comes not when everything is
that we can do what we set our minds to, to advance going your way and you are experiencing great suc-
Alpha Omicron Pi. cess, but rather how you handle adversity. These mo-
As we advance AOII, I would like to share some prin- ments of adversity are great opportunities that give
ciples from Pat Summit, former coach of the Univer- you courage to learn and motivation to move forward.
sity of Tennessee Women’s Basketball team, that are When you achieve great success, keep doing what
highlighted in her book “Reach For The Summit.” Her got you there and continue to set new goals. Cel-
book focuses on how to be successful at whatever ebrate wins, embrace challenges, learn from experi-
you do in life and she defined her ‘Definite Dozen’ ences, dream big and count on our sisterhood and
for success. I would like to share five of my favorites friendships to inspire confidence in each other to aim
with you. high to achieve whatever dream you are following.
Her first focus for success: Take full responsibility. As Our Founders were women ahead of their time. They
a collegiate member, alumnae member or as a chap- were courageous women who dared to dream. For
ter, you represent AOII in all that you do. Be mindful to the past 120 years, we have been living their legacy
always reflect credit upon the Fraternity to the world of sisterhood, friendship and service to our members,
around you, and be accountable for your actions. chapters, communities and world. Our Founders
There are no shortcuts to success and you need to were filled with excitement for their future and what
take ownership of the outcomes of your actions. they envisioned AOII would be to those members
Second, develop and demonstrate loyalty. Loyalty who came after them. They dreamed big at not only
to AOII starts from your new member experience what AOII could be in the future but what they could
and extends through your lifetime engagement to accomplish in their lives with AOII sisters by their
AOII. As we know, ‘Loyalty’ is a key word in the Ob- sides. We are one badge, one motto and one bond.
ject of the Fraternity. AOII asks that you are loyal to May we be united together as we ‘Inspire Ambition’
your chapter, college and community. In return, each in each other.
member has the opportunity to build lifelong friend- Fraternally,
ships and sisterhood. Be loyal to your sisters by sup-
porting and encouraging them to achieve their life Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
aspirations. Be loyal to AOII by creating a connection AOII International President
to the Fraternity through service to our organization.
You never know where that connection will take you
or what impact you can have on the growth and suc-
cess of the Fraternity.
Fraternity News
2017 Milestone Anniversaries
Happy 100th Anniversary to Alpha Phi (Montana State U)
Installed February 23, 1917
Happy 100th Anniversary to Savannah Alumnae Chapter
Installed March 8, 1917
Happy 100th Anniversary to Seattle Alumnae Chapter
Installed March 8, 1917
Happy 100th Anniversary to Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U)
Installed April 28, 1917
Happy 100th Anniversary to Knoxville Alumnae Chapter
Installed October 13, 1917
Happy 50th Anniversary to Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Installed February 25, 1967
Happy 50th Anniversary to Sigma Phi (California State U, Northridge)
Installed April 22, 1967
Happy 50th Anniversary to Lehigh Alumnae Chapter
Installed September 8, 1967
Happy 25th Anniversary to Greater Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter
Installed February 2, 1992
Happy 25th Anniversary to Gamma Chi (Carleton U)
Installed November 21, 1992
Coming Fall 2017! Fall 2017 Strike Out Arthritis! MLB Games
We are thrilled to have the opportunity to charter two new St. Louis Cardinals - September 9
chapters this semester! Toronto Blue Jays - September 9
Chicago Cubs - September 10
Troy University Cleveland Indians - September 17
Troy U is located in Troy, Alabama, 145 miles New York Yankees - September 17
southwest of Birmingham. The university is Tampa Bay Rays - September 17
home to more than 7,000 students and AOII Detroit Tigers - September 22
will be the 6th NPC chapter on campus join- Baltimore Orioles - September 24
ing Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Chi Houston Astros - September 24
Omega, Kappa Delta and Phi Mu. Los Angeles Dodgers - September 24
Pittsburg Pirates - September 24
Arizona State University San Diego Padres - September 24
Home to more than 75,000 students and lo- Boston Red Sox - September 28
cated in Tempe, Arizona, Arizona State U sits San Francisco Giants - September 30
just 11 miles west of Phoenix and five miles Kansas City Royals - October 1
south of Scottsdale. AOII will join Alpha Chi Miami Marlins - October 1
Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Texas Rangers - October 1
Alpha Phi, Chi Omega, Delta Gamma, Delta
Zeta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi and Sigma Kappa
as the 13th NPC chapter on campus.
8 | Summer 2017
Women’s Health Week Recap cia did a social media takeover during the week and shared
workouts created just for AOIIs. She also selected winners
AOII celebrated Women’s Health Week May 14-20. Nutrition of the #AOIIHealthySelfie contest each day of the week to
and fitness webinars, live yoga on the AOII Instagram ac- receive prizes like skincare, healthy food and workout gear
count and giveaways were just a few of the highlights that from companies such as COOLA Suncare, Kind Snacks and
week. AOII was also proud to partner with Ailis Garcia, owner Headbands of Hope.
of The Strong Movement, a community that aims to inspire
women to be the best versions of themselves by building a
strong body and a strong mind through healthy living. Gar-
Thank You To Our 2017 Summer Interns!
McKenna Horsley, Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky), journalism major, communications department and To Dragma
Emily Lester, Pi Omicron (Austin Peay State U), public relations, events and engagment intern
Neale Grisham, Nu Beta (U of Mississippi), history major, archives intern
Alyssa Douglas, Lambda Sigma (U of Geogria), marketing major, education intern
Madison Roxbury, Sigma Rho (Slippery Rock U), non-profit major, AOII Foundation intern
JA Conferences In Indy & Houston
AOII International Headquarters staff members
attended the 2017 Juvenile Arthritis Conferences
in Houston, Texas and Indianapolis, Indiana this
summer. More than 800 pandas were distributed
to children in attendance.
Get the latest Fraternity News by visiting 9
NPC News
Shaping The Sorority Experience
by Kerry Soller, Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska at Kearney), AOII Second Alternate NPC Delegate
Pictured above: Carole Jones, Alpha Over the past year, AOII has been This history teaches us that the climate
Delta (U of Alabama), AOII NPC Del- preparing for an important moment on college and university campuses
egate; Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho in our history. It has been 52 years since around the turn of the 20th century was
(Oregon State U), AOII International the last AOII served as the Chair of the one that was openly hostile to women
President; and Natalie Averette, Sig- National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) in higher education. The necessity for
ma Sigma Sigma National President, and this October, Carole Jones, Alpha women’s fraternities was paramount to
at AOII’s 2017 International Conven- Delta (U of Alabama) will become the their continued persistence and success.
tion Panhellenic Luncheon. third AOII to serve in this position. Social organizations for women were
While much time has been spent cel- seen as antagonistic organizations that
ebrating our Panhellenic bonds and pushed the traditional boundaries of stu-
membership in NPC, it is important to dent groups. They were a bold vehicle
reflect on the role that NPC has played with the means to uplift women as they
in shaping opportunities for women. The pursued their education. As women’s
women’s fraternal movement is steeped fraternities continued to pop up across
in a rich history to advance women in the United States, it became apparent
higher education and beyond. The cur- they shared a mutual bond. By band-
rent zeitgeist shows us once again how ing together, we could raise the level
the shared Panhellenic history remains of support for the existence of women’s
relevant. fraternities and advocate for worthy and
10 | Summer 2017
honorable outcomes for women in higher education and During the 1960s, the right for women’s organizations to
beyond. In 1891, Kappa Kappa Gamma convened the first assemble once again came under duress. NPC was in-
meeting of inter-sorority women in Boston by inviting strumental then, as it is today, in promoting the values of
Alpha Phi, Delta Gamma, Delta Delta Delta, Gamma Phi the sorority experience and the right for us to assemble in
Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta and Pi Beta Phi. The initial meet- the face of heated debate and political pressure. In 1973,
ing focused on establishing common agreements regard- this NPC-led movement pursued the right to preserve the
ing recruitment, but the impact of that first meeting would single-sex status for women’s fraternities. Their goal was
shape the Panhellenic movement for years to come. to ensure that membership in our organizations remained
It is easy to dismiss those early meetings that focused on centered on the premise that all-women’s organizations
recruitment rules as frivolous considering the challenges remained a vital component of the higher education land-
being faced by women at that point in history. However, scape when it came to women helping other women suc-
when considering the importance of women agreeing ceed. This monumental effort was a precursor to the es-
to establish a more formal set of guidelines and rules tablishment of Title IX (1974), which formally recognized
for membership, recruitment and bid day, while also ac- these protections for women’s organizations. As colleges
knowledging the rights of sorority women through these and universities stepped away from practicing in loco pa-
fraternal organizations, women’s organizations can begin rentis, women’s fraternities stepped up, establishing reso-
to see how these women drew collective strength from lutions that sustained education for members on eating
one another to shape their future. Through mutual support disorders, substance abuse and healthy relationships. In
and inspiration, these women redefined friendship among recent years, NPC has continued to champion risk-reduc-
sorority women which opened the door to push forth the tion programs and policies including substance-free hous-
ideal that highly educated women had more to offer the ing.
world and would not be constrained by societal norms NPC remains at the forefront of advancing the sorority
or expectations. They accomplished this by establishing movement through lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill, cham-
College Panhellenics on campuses where two or more pioning anti-hazing legislation, identifying evolving top-
sororities existed and by only allowing membership at se- ics impacting our members including campus safety and
nior colleges and universities that conveyed bachelor de- gender-identity, engaging in efforts to address pay-equity
grees. By disallowing high school women to be recruited and increasing the number of women in senior leadership
in those early days, they helped drive women to pursue a roles. Whether through collegiate or alumnae member-
post-secondary education. This paved the way for setting ship, the National Panhellenic Conference continues to
academic standards for members. promote the sorority experience through the growth of the
As the Inter-Sorority Council (as it was originally called) finest ideals of friendship.
morphed into the National Panhellenic Conference, its As this historical milestone approaches, AOII is blessed to
membership exploded. The addition of more women’s fra- have Carole Jones leading the Conference. Her forward
ternities helped to establish policies and practices to help thinking and collaborative leadership style represents the
women set out to lead lives with great purpose, focusing very best of AOII and NPC. She has built strong relation-
on social, educational and health issues. In 1914, the Con- ships with and has earned the respect of other leaders
ference worked to empower women to explore careers through her passion, hard work, dedication and knowl-
outside of teaching. In 1923, the Conference began host- edge. Jones’ tireless work and determination to advance
ing speakers at its annual meeting on “social hygiene,” sorority echoes the ideals of those women who gathered,
which was a precursor to sex education for women. That in an underground room, 126 years ago.
same year, women’s fraternities, through NPC, accepted It is a time to be proud of AOII’s role over the years in the
an invitation from the League of Women’s Voters to assist National Panhellenic Conference. It is also a time to look
in the development and dissemination of educational proj- forward and identify the ways AOII can uphold the legacy
ects. A Panhellenic House was established in New York of those who have come before us. Today, the world des-
City to support both collegiate and alumnae women who perately needs women to stand up and lead through ser-
were pursuing careers in the city by providing them a safe vice and commitment to higher ideals. The time is now to
place to live. NPC continued to lead change for women show AOII’s steadfast support for women’s fraternities and
during World War II when it established the Committee on the contributions collegiate and alumnae members make
War and College Women, which sent representatives to in order to speak with one voice to shape AOII and NPC’s
the U.S. War Department. This opened the door for NPC to future.
advocate for further inclusion of women to join the armed
forces. These movements pushed the envelope by em-
powering a new generation of leaders.
Event Recap
The 2017 International Convention, June beautiful combination of the Candle Lighting
28 to July 2, in Washington, D.C. wel- Ceremony with Opening Ritual. Additionally,
comed the largest number of sisters since the Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Commit-
Centennial from across the United States tee Chairman and Past International Presi-
and Canada. The more than 900 sisters in at- dent Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa (U Texas Austin)
tendance experienced many wonderful, his- announced that the panda has moved from
toric moments for the Fraternity including an our unofficial to our official Fraternity mascot.
exciting launch of the new AOII brand and a
12 | Summer 2017
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28 applause that became a roar as attendees exited the
ballroom to see that AOII's new brand had taken over a
As members began pouring into the Washington Mar- greater part of the hotel.
riott Wardman Park hotel, shrieks followed by long em- With the excitement and sugar-rush from the Dessert
braces of sisters reuniting filled the enormous space. Reception still strong, sisters participated in one of the
Under the guise of the average Kickoff to Convention, most exciting convention traditions, the Candle Lighting
sisters began flooding into the ballroom unaware of the Ceremony, which honors each of Alpha Omicron Pi’s 212
surprises that were held within. International President collegiate chapters, and Opening Ritual. For the first time
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) welcomed in the Fraternity’s history, the two ceremonies were com-
all members in attendance before handing the stage bined in a well-orchestrated event that was the highlight
over to Troy LeForge, Executive Director, Beta Phi (In- of many attendee’s week.
diana U) for a walkthrough of where the Fraternity had
been and unveiled the extensive rebranding that would
further advance Alpha’s interest. A cohesive color pal-
ette to highlight technological advances and a new call
to action to inspire ambition were met with thunderous
THURSDAY, JUNE 29 erning Documents in a record-setting 11 hours of busi-
ness sessions throughout the week.The week was more
Thursday began with a breakfast program that introduced than hard work, however, as sisters were given the op-
the members of the 2015-2017 Foundation, Properties portunity to reconnect with old friends and celebrate
and Executive Board in the board precessional where Alpha Omicron Pi in new ways including a trip across
there was a second, exciting surprise in store to share with town to the Nationals' Stadium to Strike Out Arthritis!,
convention attendees. A special 75-year pin had been followed by a tour of the city’s numerous memorials and
created and the first recipient was none other than Past monuments. Prior to the first pitch, Fitzpatrick joined Ann
International President Margaret “Peg” Crawford, Iota, Palmer, Arthritis Foundation President and CEO, Laura
(U of Illinois). Larrimore; Arthritis Foundation Youth Ambassador; and
the Larrimore Family on the field to receive the Spirit
After enjoying a beautiful meal saluting the Convention Award, acknowledging the dedication of AOII to the Ar-
2017 host city, Fitzpatrick led Council as they conducted thritis Foundation.
the opening business for the Fraternity and deliberated
over a number of amendments to the Bylaws and Gov-
14 | Summer 2017
FRIDAY, JUNE 30 explored the creation and cultivation in successful men-
tor and mentee relationships and how to apply their new
Attendees took advantage of five enriching education knowledge into their personal lives.
tracks Friday morning. "Retention Intervention: Rethink The Way You Engage
"Finding Life Balance" led by Haley Cahill, Assistant Di- and Empower Members" reinforced the ideals that re-
rector of Communications/ Editor, Sigma Gamma (Appa- cruitment and engaging members is everyone’s respon-
lachian State U) and Lori Goede, Education Committee sibility to a standing room only crowd. Laura Dunlap,
Member, Gamma Omicron (U of Florida) shed light on Education Committee Member, Kappa Tau (Southeast-
an important topic in many collegian and alumnae lives: ern Louisiana U), and Troy LeForge explored different
exploring coping actions for stressful situations and en- methods to help keep all members engaged and create
gaging in personal, mental and spiritual health. quality membership experiences.
Rebecca Easterling, Assistant Director of Collegiate "AOII Branding And You" led by guest facilitators Karen
Experience, Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U) and McKenzie, Gamma Omicron (U of Florida) and Amanda
Sandy Stewart, Education Committee Chairman, Alpha Painter of Rhyme and Reason, provided insight to mem-
Chi (Western Kentucky U) facilitated the popular presen-
tation, "Mentor Me, Mentor You." Those in attendance
bers about how to infuse all elements of the new brand- The evening concluded under the grand chandelier with
ing initiative into their collegiate and alumnae chapter an autograph session of the composite-keepsake from
operations. Attendees received a hard copy of the Brand the PIPs.
Standards Guide to bring back to their chapters which
can also be found on AOII’s e-learning portal, Fulfilling SATURDAY, JULY 1
the Promise and AOII website.
"Ritual’s Relevance in Today’s World" had two sessions All members in attendance were able to celebrate 150
of attentive audiences led by Paula Daigle, Education years of Canada with a dessert bar featuring maple
Committee Member, Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana at Mon- treats of all kinds while they showed off their lapel pins
roe), Shokooh Miry, RT&J Committee Member, Sigma (U sent from the Canadian Embassy.
of California, Berkeley), and Kay Elam, RT&J Committee Prior to closing business session on the last day of Con-
Member, Sigma Delta (Huntingdon College). The two fa- vention, members of AOII were invited to take part in a
cilitators dug deep into how to carry out our Ritual ev- special moment at the Smithsonian's National Zoo. Al-
eryday without sharing the words held within the Rituals pha Omicron Pi was granted an amazing opportunity to
Book and apply the charitable themes in personal and enter the zoo prior to business hours for a reception in
professional lives. the Panda Exhibit. The audience was wowed as the last
Sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi were then joined by mem- piece of artwork painted by Bao Bao the Panda prior to
bers of other NPC Organizations during a lively brunch his return to China was gifted to hang in the halls of AOII
designed to celebrate the Panhellenic spirit and Past In- International Headquarters from the Zoo. It was the first
ternational President Carole Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Al- chance many had been given to see real pandas rolling
abama) coming into the rotation of NPC Chairman in the about inside their habitat. Pandas of all kinds enjoyed
fall. Entertaining keynote speaker, Lori Hart, Ph.D. Delta breakfast and AOII members were given the option to
Delta (Auburn U), then took the stage to speak about the feed some of the resident Pandas as well!
qualities that make sorority membership so great. The business of the Fraternity came to a close with great
After a marathon business session and quick-change applause for the newly elected 2017-2019 Executive
from members of Council, everyone descended upon the Board and Foundation Board. With an array of extremely
awards banquet to celebrate and reward the hard work passionate and talented women at the helm, Alpha Omi-
of numerous alumnae and collegiate chapters. Amongst cron Pi will undoubtedly continue to reach new heights
the jubilation and the recognition of a job well done, sis- in the coming years. Spirits were lifted even higher for
ters were graced with a wonderful look into AOII’s past what was to come in the next biennium as Council was
through a convention favorite- PIP storytelling. Laughter, treated to Barb Zipperian’s, Past International President,
tears and more tears from laughter consumed the room Kappa Kappa (Ball State U) rendition of "Take Me Out to
as each of the 11 Past International Presidents in atten- The Ballgame" during the Resolutions of Courtesy.
dance told stories of sisterhood and AOII experiences.
16 | Summer 2017
The third outfit-change of the day saw members in their to the podium to begin her second term. She sang the
ritual white, ready for installation of the new Board mem- praises of all that had been accomplished in the past bi-
bers as well as paying homage to dear sisters no longer ennium and looked to the future to the excitement the
with us. As members solemnly exited the ballroom, the next biennium holds.
mad-dash to the rooms began for another quick-change
into formal attire. Alpha Omicron Pi’s International Convention 2017 most
Convention’s crescendo began as a parade of women definitely inspired all in attendance!
in beautiful, long gowns descended one final time to the
ballroom under the grand chandelier. One by one, the
new leadership of Alpha Omicron Pi entered the room
and made their way through the hundreds of sisters
applauding their dedication to the Fraternity. The final,
most prestigious awards were handed out including not
one, but two JWH winners. The squeals died down as
the last awards were dealt out, and Fitzpatrick returned
2017-2019 Executive Board
International President Vice President
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) Grace Houston, Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana at Monroe)
Vice President of Finance Vice President
Susan Bonifield, Nu Beta (U of Mississippi) Koren Phillips, Phi Chi (U of Chicago)
Vice President Vice President
Crystal Combs, Nu Beta (U of Mississippi) Debbie Tam, Beta Phi (Indiana U)
Vice President Vice President
Amber Countis, Pi (Tulane U) Jessie Wang-Grimm, Phi Chi (U of Chicago)
Past International Presidents
Joan MacCallum, 1979-1981, Kappa Phi (McGill U) (not pictured)
Ginger Banks, 1981-1985, Pi Kappa (U of Texas-Austin)
Peg Crawford, 1985-1989, Iota (U of Illinois)
Barbara Hunt, 1989-1993, Phi Delta (U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Mary Williams, 1993-1995, Phi (U of Kansas)
Ann Gilchrist, 1995-1997, Theta (DePauw U)
Linda Collier, 1997-1999, Chi Omicron (U of Central Oklahoma)
Carole Jones, 1999-2003, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Sally Wagaman, 2003-2005, Sigma Tau (Washington College)
Susan Danko, 2005-2009, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U)
Barb Zipperian, 2009-2011, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)
Allison Allgier, 2011-2015, Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U)
2017-2019 Foundation Board 2017-2019 Properties Board
Judy Flessner, President Julie Bishop, President
Iota (U of Illinois) Gamma Theta (U of South Florida)
Andrea Dill, Treasurer Lacey Bowman, Vice President
Chi Psi (California Polytechnic State U) Chi Delta (U of Colorado Boulder)
Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President Susan Bonifield, Vice President of Finance
Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) Nu Beta (U of Mississippi)
Michelle Lopez, Secretary Grace Houston, Director
Delta Theta (Texas Woman’s U) Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana at Monroe)
Kandy Bernskoetter, Director Caroline Craig Lazzara, Director
Sigma (U of California, Berkeley) Lambda Beta (California State U, Long Beach)
Meagan Davies, Director Cindy Visot, Director
Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U) Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U)
Kathy Jensen, Director
Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U)
Rissa Reddan, Director
Omega (Miami U)
Rose Awards
These awards honor alumnae who serve AOII solely because of their devotion to the Fraternity, its members and its ideals - whether or not they
hold a titled volunteer position. It is a “thank you” to these loyal alumnae for their lifetime commitment to continuing interest in, assistance for and
dedication to AOII.
Nancy Carlton Bendinger, Rho Delta (Samford U) Laurel Zeidman Keith, Delta (Tufts U)
Melanie Hein Blackwell, Delta Sigma (San Jose State U) Amy Kumpel, Delta (Tufts U)
"Sara" Nicole Hoefle Cronenwett, Delta Theta (Texas Woman's U) Julie Harlan O’Brien, Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana at Monroe)
Paula Bourgeois Daigle, Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana at Monroe) Christina Pastorello, Delta (Tufts U)
Sherry Haman Dutton, Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U) Dina Kanellos Roberts, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
Kay Gomillion Elam, Sigma Delta (Huntingdon College) Becki Simmons Scribner, Upsilon Lambda (U of Texas at San Antonio)
Wendy Farrell Espinoza, Delta Sigma (San Jose State U) Leslie Sponder Seagram, Kappa Phi (McGill U)
Anne Marie Toy Hall, Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U) Amy Dashiell Simonini, Beta Phi (Indiana U)
Heidi Hayes, Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U) Erin Tench, Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State U)
Kitty Walker Herndon, Nu Beta (U of Mississippi)
The JWH Cup is the Fraternity’s most prestigious and coveted award
and honors founder Jessie Wallace Hughan. It recognizes the most
outstanding collegiate chapter or chapters in the biennium. This year,
we are excited to present two outstanding and absolutely deserving
chapters with this award.
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Our first recipient of the 2017 JWH They also devote chapter time and re-
Cup is a phenomenal chapter. In sources to service events both on cam-
their application, they stated that pus and in their community, and have
among their highest aspirations maintained a great focus on helping
was a commitment to fostering others in need.
everlasting friendships, working Academic achievement within this
to benefit those in need, being large chapter has also been an ambi-
passionate about their academic tious goal that the chapter has set for
achievement, celebrating their di- themselves and achieved great suc-
verse membership and creating a cess in. They were honored with the
stellar chapter through exceptional McCausland Cup at Leadership Insti-
recruitment and retention. They tute 2016 and have maintained high
have made exceptional achieve- standards for themselves academical-
ments in all of these areas and ly. The women of this chapter also ex-
more. They make such a mark that cel in leadership positions on campus
on a campus of over 37,000 stu- as well, holding offices on their Panhel-
dents and more than 500 recog- lenic Executive Board, National Society
nized student organizations, their of Collegiate Scholars Honor Society,
university president took the time Dance Marathon and Student Govern-
to support their JWH application ment Association, among others.
In fostering everlasting friendships, Finally, in the areas of recruitment and
the women of this chapter focus on retention, this chapter has devoted
strengthening their sisterhood as a countless hours to planning and engag-
critical priority. With over 400 mem- ing all sisters in making a commitment
bers, this is an effort that involves to the maintenance and development
multifaceted leadership. Effective of their chapter. They work in “pods”
communication is key to ensure to ensure that all sisters are connected
that sisters know the opportunities to their newest members, and that their
for sisterhood events, and extra new members know they have found
care and attention is given to mak- a home within AOII. This has resulted
ing sure that every sister knows not in one of the highest retention rates on
only what is going on, but more im- campus and also a deep commitment
portantly, knows that her participa- to recruiting members that come from
tion is valued by her sisters. These various backgrounds, races, religions,
women also successfully create and interests.
fun and engaging programing, with Their university president wrote in his
sisterhood events including movie endorsement of this chapter that “The
nights, zip-lining, concerts and lake women of Alpha Omicron Pi regularly
trips. receive top honors within our fraternity
In the last two years, the women in and sorority community. At the 2017
this chapter have raised more than Greek Excellence awards ceremony,
$102,000 for the Arthritis Founda- the chapter was named the Most Out-
tion through events including Run standing Panhellenic Chapter, Most
for the Roses, Strike Out Arthri- Outstanding Scholarship and was the
tis! and the initiation of their own recipient of the Dr. Robert E. Witt Cup,
Jingle Bell Run on campus. They the highest award given, for the second
raised an additional $26,500 for consecutive year. This is no small feat,
additional philanthropies including considering the 62 ambitious sororities
Relay for Life and Dance Marathon. and fraternities on our campus.”
20 | Summer 2017
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
The second chapter receiving this and hosted several events to raise 21
award sets many goals both as a funds and awareness for arthritis. Be-
chapter and as individual mem- yond that, they have a deeply abiding
bers, and chief among them is to connection to organizations that are
project the spirit of our Fraternity’s meaningful to members, their families
motto into the world about us. and their community. This biennium,
They certainly do an exceptional they experienced the devastating
job of living our Ritual and our val- loss of a collegiate sister. In the grief
ues, as on their campus and within that followed her passing, this chap-
their community, AOIIs are well ter rose to support her family and also
known as charitable, hard work- to honor her legacy with a signature
ing, selfless and humble women. event on campus. They support a
However, as dedicated as they Mothers Against Drunk Driving 5K
are to accomplishing their goals, Race, Strike Out Arthritis! Bowling
their campus Assistant Vice Presi- Tournament and a Kendra Scott Gives
dent for Student Affairs also cites Back to Arthritis event, among various
that they also clearly have a lot of other campus service and philan-
fun together as well. They support thropic events planned or co-planned
one another and their fellow inter- by other fraternal groups.
fraternal brothers and sisters, they One of their most incredible acco-
get involved in numerous campus lades was receiving the Outstanding
activities, and they have shown Student Organization Award on cam-
that they are dedicated to creating pus for 15 consecutive years. That is
a better campus environment for the highest honor a chapter can re-
all, not just for members of AOII. ceive on that campus, and it speaks
The women in this chapter to their remarkable integrity and dedi-
make plenty of time to build and cation to always doing the right thing.
maintain their great sisterhood, They have also maintained a 3.2 GPA
through events like their retreats, or higher for the past six semesters,
sisterhood spa night and a tacky having the highest Greek GPA for
sweater Christmas party. They rel- three of those semesters. They play
ish close bonds with their alum- a monumental role in their campus
nae and enjoy dinner and kara- community, participating in University
oke night with them at their new events and supporting countless phi-
member retreat, and laser tag and lanthropies through event participa-
go cart racing bonding events. tion and fundraising. In the past two
Leaders in the chapter are always years, they have donated more than
brainstorming new ways to en- $80,000 to different causes, and par-
gage alumnae, whether through ticipated in 112 community service
their “Aunt Stella” alumnae/new events.
member connections or just by Jessie Wallace Hughan is often de-
showing their appreciation by writ- scribed as being “a dynamic leader,
ing "thank you" notes to alumnae true philanthropist and gallant cru-
that volunteer their time with the sader”, which describes this chapter’s
chapter. Their network volunteers continuous efforts to leave their mark
say that it is a pleasure to be with on campus, in the community, and on
this chapter, and they look for- their members. Their chapter adviser
ward to visits to witness firsthand said, “There is a spirit of excellence
their remarkable dynamic. that is engrained in the women. I am
This award-winning chapter also inspired daily through their dedication
shares a great deal of enthusiasm and determination to serve the world
for our international philanthropy, around them.”
Stella George Stern Perry Award
Anase Asom, Phi Chi (U of Chicago) The chapter increased
their SOE achievement
The Perry Award is the most prestigious award presented to a from Gold to Ruby, a feat
collegiate member of Alpha Omicron Pi and honors Founder that is attributed to her fo-
Stella George Stern Perry. Since 1961, this annual award has cus on accountability and
been presented to the one collegiate president who, by out- engagement of every sis-
standing service to her chapter, exceptional inspiration to its ter playing a part in chapter
members, and recognition by administration and/or fellow stu- achievement. She helped
dents of her college or university, typifies Alpha Omicron Pi design and implement pro-
that was so beloved by Stella. grams to enhance a more
Asom is an inspiration to all who have had the opportunity to cohesive group dynamic,
work with her. Her time as Chapter President was met with sig- and she made everyone
nificant challenges, as fraternities and sororities on her college feel valued and valuable
campus lost recognition as campus organizations as a result of when contributing to the success of her chapter.
poor behavior that does not reflect the values and principles of Outside of AOII, this sister is a dedicated student who remained on
our organizations. Amidst tense and emotional conversations the Dean’s List, took the MCAT, and applied to and was accepted
with university administrators, this sister remained humbled by to medical school also during her tenure as Chapter President.
the incredible efforts of her peers advocating for institutional She has been recognized for her academic and civic leadership by
change, and she remained focused on our Ritual and values honor societies on campus, and overall, her many nominators em-
to set an example for positive change within her Greek com- phasize that she is a remarkable young woman who continuously
munity. Her fellow LC officers say she consistently went above leads by example, living our Ritual daily and representing the best
and beyond what was expected to engage members of the of what AOII has to offer the world.
chapter, encourage sisterhood, and remind them of the impor-
tance of Ritual.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Award
Martha Wright Suter, Alpha Phi (Montana State U) and Bozeman Alumnae
The Wyman Award is given in honor of Founder Eliza- ditions and to support
beth Heywood Wyman to one alumnae member who has excellence in financial
achieved outstanding success or acclaim in her profes- management for the
sion, the arts, or in service to humanity. This year’s recipi- chapters she supported.
ent is Martha Wright Suter, Alpha Phi (Montana State U). She also demonstrated
Suter has received national acclaim for her work as a great care for colle-
residential designer. She began her career in the early giate women, attending
1960s as one of few women in the job of draftsman, and dinners and alumnae
she quickly rose to prominence for her designs. At that events. At nearly 91
time, women’s careers were not usually a priority with years old, she is still en-
obligations at home and with their family, but this sister gaged in AOII! She par-
accepted the opportunities that came her way, and was ticipates in a program
fearless when facing these challenges. Her home de- with her chapter of initiation where she corresponds with
signs have been featured in the Lafayette Journal Cou- a new member as an “alum chum.” The lucky new member
rier and the San Antonio Express News. chosen to be this sister’s penpal received multiple letters,
While she was advancing her career and earning na- including one signed by one of our Founders.
tional recognition, she also remained a dedicated AOII Suter has remained dedicated to AOII, being a mentor to her
volunteer for not only her own chapter of initiation, but own collegiate chapter and others. She has also remained
others as well. She held multiple AAC and Corporation dedicated to preserving architecture, culture and history.
Board roles for decades, faithfully meeting with officers Over the years, she has shone the light of AOII through her
each week as an advisor and meticulous worker for AOII. talents and commitment to serving AOII and the communi-
She used her professional expertise to design home ad- ties where she has lived.
22 | Summer 2017
Helen St. Clair Mullan Award
Linda Peters Collier, Chi Omicron (U of Central Oklahoma)
and Northern Virginia Alumnae
The Helen St. Clair Mullan Award honors one alumna mem- “Pledge Class President” to
ber who has continually served AOII for several years, ex- alumnae chapter offices in-
emplifying loyalty, faithfulness and devotion to the Fraternity. cluding President and Alum-
Our 2017 winner is Linda Peters Collier, Chi Omicron (U of nae Panhellenic Delegate,
Central Oklahoma). to Regional leadership posi-
Collier has served the Fraternity in a variety of roles, and her tions, and contributions to
nominators write that she has been the epitome of AOII val- colonizations and installa-
ues and ideas for over 55 years. Since she began her AOII tions of multiple chapters.
journey in 1962, she has always encouraged a spirit of Fra- She also was elected to
ternity and Love at the collegiate, local, regional and interna- four International Executive
tional levels of the Fraternity. Like Helen, our winner worked Board Roles, served as a
until her retirement in a law firm, and is also a shining ex- Foundation Board Member
ample of excellence to family, AOII, and Panhellenic. She is and a Properties Board Member, has served on our Nominat-
a steady beacon of humility and service lighting the way for ing Trustees and volunteered for eight years on our AOII NPC
all who cross her path, and she has made a deep inpact on Delegation.
those sisters and on their AOII journeys. Her extensive resume reflects her constant readiness to serve
Her AOII resume lists service to nearly every aspect of our the Fraternity. Her positivity, knowledge, skills and compassion
Fraternity, from collegiate chapter offices including Sec- make her both a phenomenal leader and sister. She exudes love
retary, New Member Educator, and what was then called for AOII, always, and we love her in return.
Mary Ann Rice Caldwell Award
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae nized chapter events for
members to serve dinner
The Mary Ann Rice Caldwell (MARC) award is given in hon- at a local homeless shel-
or of a longtime AOII volunteer and staff member.The MARC ter, have collected items
award is one of the Fraternity’s most prestigious honors, and it such as winter coats, chil-
recognizes the alumnae chapter that is determined to be the dren’s birthday supplies,
most outstanding this biennium. This year’s recipient is very gift certificates for grocery
deserving of that praise and our appreciation for all of their and pharmacy items, and
good works: the Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter. books for those less fortu-
This alumnae chapter supports five collegiate chapters and nate, and support the mis-
considers themselves grateful to do so. They model lifetime sion of ending homeless-
engagement as active supporters of collegiate events includ- ness in their community.
ing initiation, recruitment events, workshops, and more. This They also recognize that
chapter values the relationship and support that they can pro- “their community” extends beyond the area they live in, and so
vide to collegiate members, as they contribute to their success they organize donations to support physicians in clinics in Africa,
chapters in a variety of ways. They support a scholarship for South and Central America, and members participated in their own
one local collegiate member, and they provide gifts and good- “Sisters for Soldiers” event, writing holiday cards to men and wom-
ies to our collegiate members such as post-recruitment pizza en serving in our Armed Forces.
dinners, handcrafted AOII keychains and notes of encourage- In addition to this exceptional commitment to hands-on service
ment and congratulations. They elect a collegiate liaison of- and engagement, they make philanthropy a priority, making an-
ficer to communicate with the collegiate chapters and keep nual chapter donations to eight different AOII Foundation scholar-
all parties appraised of opportunities to support one another. ship funds, their local Jingle Bell Run and Arthritis Walk, and they
Finally, their MIF committee sent an impressive 122 recommen- host a Strike Out Arthritis! fundraiser as well!
dations to 27 different AOII chapters, extending their influence Their dedication to their community, local collegiate chapters and
and support to chapters outside of their geographic location. our international philanthropy make them an excellent alumnae
In addition, the sisters who are members of this chapter are chapter. Their members value one another and what membership
dedicated to service and philanthropic work, demonstrated by in their chapter and AOII has to offer, and they focus on creating
their participation in activities and campaigns for local chari- and sustaining sisterhood for a lifetime.
table organizations, arthritis research, regular donations to
the AOII Foundation, global service initiatives and a variety 23
of organizations in their community as well. They have orga-
Alumnae Woman of Muriel T . McKinney Award
Leadership Awards
Angela Scott Lindauer, Beta Phi (Indiana
Anna Guerra U), Adviser to Beta Phi (Indiana U)
Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana at The Muriel T. McKinney award was first pre-
Monroe), Baton Rouge Alumnae sented in 1975 to a Chapter Adviser for out-
& New Orleans Alumnae standing guidance and length of service to a
Shari Blumhoff Kagan collegiate chapter. This award is given bienni-
Nu Iota (Northern Illinois U) ally in memory of Past International President
& Lake County of Illinois Muriel Turner McKinney.
Chantel McCormick Schieffer Adele K. Hinton Award
Alpha Phi (Montana State U)
& Bozeman Alumnae Patsy Faulk Vincent, Delta Delta (Auburn
U), Adviser to Delta Delta (Auburn U)
Collegiate Woman of This award honors an alumna who has set an
Leadership Awards outstanding example for sisters of our Frater-
nity. She exemplifies the ideals of AOII and in-
Sydney Colburn spires others to remain involved in Fraternity
Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U) service. This award is given in honor of Past
Jessica Hastings International President Adele K. Hinton.
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Ashley Katzenstein Mary Louise Roller Award
Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U)
Jacqueline Keck Ashleigh Bennett, Gamma Alpha
Delta Delta (Auburn U) (George Mason U)
Morgan Patrick Mary Louise was an AOII Past International
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) President and AOII’s most recent Chairman
Caroline Prichard of the National Panhellenic Conference. The
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) award that honors her recognizes a collegiate
Sarah Segner member for outstanding service and leader-
Xi (U of Oklahoma) ship to her Panhellenic, college campus and/
or community.
24 | Summer 2017
Barbara Daugs Hunt Award
Phyllis Austin, Nu Lambda (U of South-
ern California), Atlanta Alumnae
This award honors one outstanding AOII
alumna for her lifetime personal and financial
commitment to the Foundation, its vision, mis-
sion and programs. The Barbara Daugs Hunt
Award, named for this Past International Presi-
dent and Past Foundation President, is pre-
sented by the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
biennially at Convention.
Collegiate Chapter Awards Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Excellence in Fraternity
Theta Psi, U of Toledo & Sorority Relations
Chapter Excellence Award Zeta Pi, U of Alabama at Birmingham
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
This award honors the collegiate chapters Excellence in Communications Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
recognized to be AOII’s most outstanding in Alpha Phi, Montana State U
overall chapter excellence. Alpha Phi, Montana State U Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Beta Phi, Indiana U Delta Omega, Murray State U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U Gamma Alpha, George Mason U
Beta Phi, Indiana U Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Iota, U of Illinois
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U Delta Tau, U of Alabama in Huntsville Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Epsilon Chi, Elon U Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U
Delta Omega, Murray State U Gamma, U of Maine Nu Omega, Northern Kentucky U
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U Gamma Phi, Seton Hall U Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Iota, U of Illinois Iota, U of Illinois Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Kappa Phi, McGill U Sigma Beta, Saint Joseph’s U
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Xi, U of Oklahoma
Omicron, U of Tennessee Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U
Pi Delta, U of Maryland Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Excellence in Membership
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Tau Delta, Birmingham-Southern College Recruitment
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Theta Iota, California State U, San Marcos
Theta Psi, U of Toledo Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Alpha Phi, Montana State U
Excellence in Alumnae Excellence in Community Service Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U
Relations Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U
Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern U Delta Omega, Murray State U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U
Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U Delta Omega, Murray State U Gamma Alpha, George Mason U
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Gamma Alpha, George Mason U Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State U Kappa Lambda, U of Calgary
Iota, U of Illinois Iota, U of Illinois Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U Omicron, U of Tennessee
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Omicron, U of Tennessee Phi Sigma, U of Nebraska at Kearney Pi Theta, Florida International U
Pi Alpha, U of Louisville Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Sigma Beta, Saint Joseph’s U Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Theta Psi, U of Toledo
Sigma Gamma, Appalachian State U
Excellence in Campus Tau Delta, Birmingham-Southern College Excellence in Membership
Involvement Xi, U of Oklahoma Retention
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Excellence in Finance Alpha Phi, Montana State U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Beta Eta, Gettysburg College
Alpha Epsilon, Wingate U Alpha Phi, Montana State U Beta Phi, Indiana U
Alpha Phi, Montana State U Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U
Delta Delta, Auburn U Delta Delta, Auburn U Chi Lambda, U of Evansville
Kappa Lambda, U of Calgary Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Delta Delta, Auburn U
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Delta Omega, Murray State U Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U
Mu Lambda, Rollins College Iota, U of Illinois Delta Omega, Murray State U
Nu Beta, U of Mississippi Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Delta Tau, U of Alabama in Huntsville
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U
Omega, Miami U Phi Gamma, Georgia College & State U Gamma Alpha, George Mason U
Pi Delta, U of Maryland Pi Alpha, U of Louisville Omicron, U of Tennessee
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Rho Delta, Samford U Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Sigma Beta, Saint Joseph’s U Sigma Beta, Saint Joseph’s U Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
Tau Omega, Transylvania U Zeta Pi, U of Alabama at Birmingham
Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Excellence in New Beta Chi, Kentucky Wesleyan College Delta Omega, Murray State U
Member Education Beta Phi, Indiana U Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U Gamma Alpha, George Mason U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Iota, U of Illinois
Beta Phi, Indiana U Delta Omega, Murray State U Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Gamma, U of Maine Lambda Delta, Dalton State College
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U Kappa Lambda, U of Calgary Omega Sigma, Oklahoma State U
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Omicron, U of Tennessee
Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri Phi Gamma, Georgia College & State U Phi Lambda, Youngstown State U
Gamma Alpha, George Mason U Phi Lambda, Youngstown State U Phi Sigma, U of Nebraska at Kearney
Kappa Lambda, U of Calgary Phi Sigma, U of Nebraska at Kearney Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Pi Alpha, U of Louisville Sigma Beta, Saint Joseph’s U
Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State U Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Omicron, U of Tennessee Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Philos Award for Excellence
Pi Delta, U of Maryland Sigma Beta, Saint Joseph’s U in Panhellenic
Pi Theta, Florida International U
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Excellence in Sisterhood Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln Alpha Mu, Duquesne U
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Beta Phi, Indiana U
Excellence in Philanthropy Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern U Chi Lambda, U of Evansville
Alpha Phi, Montana State U Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Beta Upsilon, Bryant U Delta Delta, Auburn U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U
Delta Delta, Auburn U Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State U
Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Delta Tau, U of Alabama in Huntsville Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri Omicron, U of Tennessee
Gamma Alpha, George Mason U Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U Phi Sigma, U of Nebraska at Kearney
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Iota Sigma, Iowa State U Iota, U of Illinois Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Sigma Gamma, Appalachian State U
Kappa Phi, McGill U Lambda Rho, Texas Christian U Zeta Pi, U of Alabama in Birmingham
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Nu Beta, U of Mississippi
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Phi Lambda, Youngstown State U Alumnae Chapter Awards
Nu Beta, U of Mississippi Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
Omicron, U of Tennessee Chapter Excellence Award
Phi Delta, U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee McCausland Cup
Rho Delta, Samford U This award honors the alumnae chapters
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Alpha, Columbia U recognized to be AOII’s most outstanding in
Xi Omicron, U of Arkansas Beta Phi, Indiana U overall chapter excellence.
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Baton Rouge Alumnae
Calgary Alumnae
Excellence in Risk Management Excellence in Academic Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae
Achievement Chicago West Suburban Alumnae
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Hammond Area Alumnae
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Beta Upsilon, Bryant U Houston Alumnae
Alpha Pi, Florida State U Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U Nashville Area Alumnae
Beta Phi, Indiana U Mu Lambda, Rollins College Reno-Tahoe Alumnae
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Delta Delta, Auburn U Theta Psi, U of Toledo Excellence in Collegiate
Delta Omega, Murray State U Relations
Lambda Alpha, U of La Verne Outstanding Alumnae
Nu Beta, U of Mississippi Advisory Committee Calgary Alumnae
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U Hammond Area Alumnae
Omega, Miami U Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Jersey Shore Alumnae
Phi Lambda, Youngstown State U Nu Omega, Northern Kentucky U Mahoning Valley Alumnae
Pi Alpha, U of Louisville Omicron, U of Tennessee
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Pi Alpha, U of Louisville Excellence in Communications
Sigma Beta, Saint Joseph’s U Theta Iota, California State U, San Marcos
Tau Delta, Birmingham-Southern College Theta Pi, Wagner College Atlanta Alumnae
Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U Baton Rouge Alumnae
Outstanding Leaders’ Council Bozeman Alumnae
Excellence in Rituals Kentuckiana Alumnae
Beta Phi, Indiana U
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Delta Delta, Auburn U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Alpha Phi, Montana State U
Nashville Area Alumnae Hammond Area Alumnae Collegiate Recognition
Northwest Georgia Alumnae Madison Area Alumnae
Rhode Island Alumnae Mahoning Valley Alumnae Small Category (campuses with 1-5 NPC groups)
Nashville Area Alumnae Phi Chi, U of Chicago
Excellence in Community Philadelphia Alumnae Honorable Mention:
Involvement Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Philos Award for Excellence
Baton Rouge Alumnae in Panhellenic Medium Category (campuses with 6-9 NPC groups)
Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern U
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Honorable Mention:
Madison Area Alumnae Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Delta Sigma, San Jose State U
Toledo Area Alumnae Reno-Tahoe Alumnae
Vancouver Alumnae Large Category (campuses with 10+ NPC groups)
Excellence in Membership Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Recruitment Alpha Omicron Pi Honorable Mention:
Foundation Awards Delta Delta, Auburn U
Austin Alumnae Iota, U of Illinois
Baton Rouge Alumnae Iota Sigma, Iowa State U
Bozeman Alumnae Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Calgary Alumnae
Kentuckiana Alumnae Barbara Daugs Hunt 27
Northern NJ Alumnae Award
Reno-Tahoe Alumnae
Read more about the Hunt recipient on page 24.
Excellence in Operations Phyllis Austin, Nu Lambda
Atlanta Alumnae Excellence in Fundraising
Delaware Alumnae
Hammond Area Alumnae These awards honor alumnae and collegiate
Kentuckiana Alumnae chapters who are Securing the Future of Alpha
Madison Area Alumnae Omicron Pi through their annual fundraising
Philadelphia Alumnae efforts. This award is given based on total
Reno-Tahoe Alumnae amount of dollars raised by chapters for the AOII
Southern Orange County Alumnae Foundation as of May 15, 2017.
Excellence in Sisterhood Alumnae Recognition
Atlanta Alumnae Toledo Area Alumnae
Bozeman Alumnae Honorable Mention:
Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Indianapolis Alumnae
Reno-Tahoe Alumnae
Four years ago, a simple question was bers and the lives they touch. Our brand
asked: “What is the Fraternity doing is the symbol of where we have been
to intentionally help the new chapters and where we are going.
establish a strong brand identity?” Our brand, core values and reputation
That single question led to a significant are a powerful triad and representation
discussion and plan to truly elevate of AOII’s commitment to provide an ex-
AOII’s brand. ceptional and compelling membership
When you hear the word “brand,” you experience rooted in the vision of our
think of marketing materials, colors, lo- four founders. Their legacy remains rele-
gos and taglines, but it is so much great- vant and steadfast for our members and
er than that. the world around us to inspire lifelong
Our brand is who we are to our external friendships, to inspire hope, to inspire
publics, stakeholders and, most impor- love, to Inspire Ambition.
tantly, to our membership. Our brand
is the promise and the reflection of our
core values, our reputation and the im-
pact we make on the hearts of our mem-
28 | Summer 2017
The AOII Brand:
Stella, Jessie, Helen and Bess founded Alpha Omicron Identity guidelines, located within the Brand Standards
Pi in an effort to develop lifelong friendships while en- Guide, have been established as a foundation for build-
hancing one another’s lives through scholarship and ing brand recognition for Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity.
service. Extensive research and planning have gone into shap-
The simplicity of their message has crossed genera- ing the voice and visuals that form the brand personal-
tions, and now as the image of Alpha Omicron Pi con- ity of Alpha Omicron Pi. These guidelines will help indi-
tinues to evolve through campus growth across the viduals both inside and outside Alpha Omicron Pi work
United States and Canada, a bold brand identity will together to deliver cohesive, consistently designed
help communicate the Fraternity’s purpose and create messages about the Fraternity, as well as, help ensure
an image that sisters will embrace. The brand identity communications are effective, attractive and fully repre-
will aim to tell the story of Alpha Omicron Pi and shape sent the brand of the organization.
the perception of who an Alpha Omicron Pi member is
and who she will be in the future.
Research & Background Info:
For several months Alpha Omicron Pi partnered with Board, Foundation Board, Properties Board, ELCs, Vol-
Rhyme and Reason Design to conduct research on the unteers, Staff, Chapter Advisors and collegiate chap-
AOII brand by looking inward at the Fraternity’s print ter officers. Through these discussions we opened up
and digital platforms and how the materials were be- meaningful conversations about where AOII has been
ing executed and used. The overall consensus was and where we see it in the future. A few of the most
that AOII’s material was inconsistent and not cohesive. common words used to describe AOII were: inspire,
Members of the Fraternity were creating their own bold, ambition, promise, intentional, enriching, friend-
marks using different variations of the rose, sheaf of ship and love. These words created AOII’s brand per-
wheat and panda which made it difficult to align AOII’s sonality. Discussions were had with high school seniors
sub brands and external communications. The result to gather feedback on words and phrases that are reso-
was a diluted brand. nating with today’s potential new members. The results
The two also looked further at the competitive land- showed that powerful and strong words that are short,
scape among the other 25 NPC organizations. The simple and easy to connect to real life resonated with
Greek community as a whole had been experiencing young women. Surveys were also sent to Headquarters
a period of rebranding over the past couple of years Staff to see if the international brand was being utilized
which elevated the opportunity for AOII to begin creat- at the local level and 90 percent said no with the re-
ing an aesthetic that appealed to the members and set maining 10 percent being indifferent.
them apart from the other Panhellenic groups. From these results, Rhyme and Reason complied all of
In addition, focus groups and surveys were conduct- the research into a Research Deck and Creative Brief
ed to gather quantitative and qualitative data. Focus to begin the design process. Rhyme and Reason de-
groups were led by Rhyme and Reason at AOII’s Lead- signed, sketched, erased, revised and refined until they
ership Institute 2016 and participants were strategically were able to narrow to a handful of logo options. From
selected to survey a wide variety of members in terms there they worked with the Fraternity to narrow and re-
of AOII involvement level, chapter size and geographic fine even further until ‘the one’ was selected.
location. Included in these groups were the Executive
Inspire • Ambition • Bold • Promise • Intentional • Celebrate •
Enriching • Friendship • Love
Primary Logomark
The primary logomark of Alpha Omicron Pi captures the valiant spirit of the Fraternity and commands
attention with the use of a bold, condensed sans serif font accompanied by the “Inspire Ambition”
tagline, which delivers a touch of elegance.
Primary Logomark Alternatives
It is recommended that the international Fraternity logo is used whenever possible. There may be
times, however, when cost, print requirements or other specifications require use of a patterned,
one-color, black or reversed version of the logo. Examples are provided below, but background
colors are not limited to what is displayed on this page. For more information, review the Brand
Standards Guide on the Officer Resource Library or the AOII website.
One-Color, Cardinal: For communication pieces restrict- One-Color, Pink: For communication pieces restricted
ed to one color, the logomark should only appear in Al- to one color, the logomark should only appear in Alpha
pha Omicron Pi’s primary colors. The example shown Omicron Pi’s primary colors. The example shown here is
here is cardinal (PMS 200C). pink (PMS 191C)
Patterned: For a touch of texture, it’s acceptable to use Reversed: It is acceptable to use the primary logomark
the logomark with the vector rose pattern in the letters. reversed out on a solid or patterned background when a
one-color, reversed-logo option is needed.
30 | Summer 2017
The tagline “Inspire Ambition” was crafted to en- The tagline speaks to this mission and communi-
compass the mission of the Fraternity into two cates to members and non-members that Alpha
impactful and intentional words. Alpha Omicron Omicron Pi is filled with passionate and powerful
Pi not only provides the tools for academic and women — women who are impacting the world
personal achievement, we inspire the courage to through a shared vision of inspiring ambition to
reach these objectives and beyond. The words achieve what the heart desires. Sisters who are
inspire, innovate, hope and love are all words living these values are changing the future.
used to describe Alpha Omicron Pi. The word
ambition was drawn from these four character-
istics and indicates a strong desire for success
through hard work and determination.
Infinity Rose
The infinity rose was created exclusively for Our four Founders: Stella, Helen, Jessie and
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. The Jacqueminot Bess.
rose is a prominent symbol of Alpha Omicron Pi, The four pillars of the Fraternity: Live, learn, lead
and its thornless nature connects with the sim- and serve.
plicity and timelessness of the Fraternity’s found- The four principals within the Object of the Fra-
ing values. ternity: character, dignity, scholarship and col-
The infinity symbol is subtly intertwined, recog- lege loyalty.
nizing the lifelong bond of friendship and mem- AOII’s timeless and relevant Ritual; teaching us to
bership in Alpha Omicron Pi. There are four dis- let our light shine, to strive for that which is virtu-
tinct infinity signs woven throughout the infinity ous, to practice kindness and tolerance, and to
rose to create each of the petals. Each infinity guard what we love.
sign symbolizes a specific meaning within Alpha
Omicron Pi.
Greek Letters
For a more traditional aesthetic, It is appropriate to use this Greek
the Greek letter mark can be dis- letter mark in two-color, one-color,
played without the infinity rose patterned, black, reversed and
using the same bold, condensed sans-script versions. Usage exam-
font visible in the primary mark. ples are provided on the left, but
This Greek letter version can also background colors are not limited
be used with the “Inspire Ambi- to what is displayed on this page.
tion” tagline or “Fraternity” script.
Greek Letters: Infinity Rose Version
As a Greek organization, one of ter mark, which subtly ties in the
the most identifiable brand ele- Fraternity’s mission and tagline.
ments should be its Greek letters. It is acceptable to use the Greek
Just like the primary logomark, the letters in a two-color, one-color,
Greek letters can be used with the black or reversed version follow-
“Inspire Ambition” tagline or “Fra- ing the primary color palette, as
ternity” script. well as the vector rose pattern.
The infinity rose symbol is used in The mark can also be used with-
place of the “O” in the Greek let- out the “Fraternity” script when
space does not allow its use.
32 | Summer 2017
Sub Branding: Entities of Alpha Omicron Pi
The script tagline on the primary logomark is long Friendship. The Fraternity, Foundation and
used to differentiate the three entities of Alpha Properties share the primary mark of Alpha Omi-
Omicron Pi: Fraternity, Foundation and Proper- cron Pi with differing taglines to create consis-
ties. These three entities are individually unique tency and brand recognition among each branch
but together pursue the overarching mission of of the organization.
the Fraternity: Women Enriched Through Life-
AOII Foundation
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is committed nity and carries a similar look and feel in its sub-
to ensuring the future of the organization through branding elements.
funding leadership development programs, aca- The Foundation logos are for Foundation use
demic scholarships and assistance grants, all only. Collegiate and alumnae members and
while supporting the Fraternity’s philanthropic chapters should use the Fraternity logos, sym-
efforts. While the Foundation is a separate legal bols and patterns.
entity, it fully supports the mission of the Frater-
AOII Properties
As an entity of the Fraternity, Properties carries Pi Fraternity. Alpha Omicron Pi Properties are
the same look and feel in this sub-brand. Alpha leaders in quality facility management, property
Omicron Pi Properties serves to enhance the col- maintenance and safe collegiate housing and
legiate experience by providing safe and com- other on-campus facilities.
petitive housing for members of Alpha Omicron
Antonio Beloved Script Proxima Nova
Font choice can strongly influence the person- When abbreviating Alpha Omicron Pi, it should
ality of a brand, and because of this, careful at- always be written as AOII or AOΠ. Do not use
tention has been paid to the versatility of Alpha AOPi.
Omicron Pi’s primary and secondary fonts. It is Examples of how to use the recommended pri-
important to see how font size, color and weight mary and secondary fonts from AOII when for-
can work together to create a hierarchy of in- matting copy and where to download/purchase
formation within a document. Three fonts have these fonts can be found in the Brand Standards
been chosen to work together to create Alpha Guide on AOII’s new website.
Omicron Pi’s typography.
Primary Color Palatte
PMS 200C PMS 191C
Alpha Omicron Pi’s primary color palette is made International Fraternity logomark and Greek let-
up of cardinal and pink. Whether on screen, in ters should always appear in the primary color
a brochure or printed on a t-shirt, these colors palette. Black is acceptable when grayscale
should be rendered as closely as possible. The printing is the only available option.
Secondary Color Palatte
PMS 7416C PMS Cool Gray 11C PMS Cool Gray 1C
The secondary color palette of Alpha Omicron use in marketing and communications efforts. As
Pi’s brand includes coral, dark gray and light secondary colors, these should be used as ac-
gray. This secondary color palette has been es- cents in materials, not as primary colors.
tablished to provide complementary colors for
34 | Summer 2017
In addition to the main logo, colors and typog- nization’s image from competitors and increase
raphy, the Alpha Omicron Pi brand has several the reach of the mark and its complementary
distinct patterns. These graphic elements have graphics across constituent groups. Opportuni-
been created to help build greater awareness of ties exist to use these patterns in marketing ma-
the new brand, continue to distinguish the orga- terials both on digital and printed pieces.
It is essential that AOII’s logos and marks are through an official, licensed Greek vendor. The
used in a way that reflects credit upon the Fra- Greek Licensed Product seal is an indicator that
ternity. This includes, but is not limited to attire, companies are approved vendors by our partner
promotional items, decor, social media images, Affinity Consultants.
etc. All AOII merchandise must be purchased
Interested in donating to the
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation?
Follow the “Donate” link for
more information.
Check out the newest mer-
chandise in the AOII Emporium
as well as other AOII programs
and Greek Licensed vendors
by clicking on the “Shop” icon.
Log in to all your AOII accounts,
from Billhighway to Alphalink,
using our new single sign-
on feature by selecting the
“Member Login” icon.
Find the latest Fraternity news
and events here. You can
also access these updates
and more by clicking “Frater-
nity News” under the “News
& Events” tab at the top of the
The Find a Sister feature is also
live on our homepage. Mem-
bers are able to log in through
this link to search for sisters!
Stay connected through the
Sisters on Social section of our
website, where you can view
our latest social media posts.
Click the links at the bottom of
the page to follow us on Face-
book, Twitter, Instagram and
Our Chapter Locator is new,
improved and available for visi-
tors to access from the home
page. Now you can search
by address or zip code, state,
alumnae or collegiate chapter!
It can also be found through
the the Chapter Locator page
under the “For Members” tab.
You can also find our Member-
ship Information Forms (MIFs),
Alumnae and Life Loyal infor-
mation, and the AOII Career
Center under “For Members.”
Today we are opening a new chapter in AOII history!
We challenge you to be champions of the new AOII brand.
We would also like to thank Rhyme & Reason De- Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters at
sign for their partnership and creation of these (615) 370-0920 or [email protected]
materials. More information on proper utilization should you need further instruction regarding the
of AOII’s new brand materials can be found in the use of these specific identity guidelines or assis-
Brand Standards Guide located on Alpha Omicron tance developing your Alpha Omicron Pi commu-
Pi’s website, Please contact nication pieces.
AOII Foundation Focus
First Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Recipients 2017 Arthritis Foundation Check Presentation at AOII International Convention in
Washington, D.C. in June.
Then & Now
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Al- The first Fraternity grant was $8,000 for educa-
pha Omicron Pi Foundation. The Foundation tional purposes. This year the Fraternity grant
has experienced significant growth in the last totals $92,200, which supports the Educational
four decades, particularly in the area of scholar- Leadership Consultants Program and Training,
ship funding. Leadership Institute Educational Programs and
The first scholarship the Foundation ever award- Leadership Academy, and Arthritis Foundation
ed was in the amount of $50 to Jeanine Hess Partnership and Events.
Smith, Alpha Phi (Montana State U). For the 2017- Finally, Strike Out Arthritis! events by AOII chap-
2018 academic year, the Foundation is proud to ters in 2002 raised $16,848. Fifteen years later,
award $230,560 in scholarships. our chapters have increased that number to an
impressive $667,165.
38 | Summer 2017
Our New Look!
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is commit- The Foundation rose is a prominent symbol in
ted to securing the future of the organization this sub-brand and is used in place of the “O” in
through funding leadership development pro- the Foundation’s Greek letter mark.
grams, academic scholarships and assistance The Foundation logos are for Foundation use
grants, all while supporting the Fraternity’s phil- only. Collegiate and alumnae members and
anthropic efforts. While the Foundation is a sepa- chapters should use the Fraternity logos, sym-
rate legal entity, it fully supports the mission of bols and patterns.
the Fraternity and carries a similar look and feel Contact the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation at
in its sub-branding elements. [email protected] with questions
The primary Foundation logomark follows the regarding the Foundation brand and appropriate
primary Fraternity logomark with the inclusion of usage.
the “Foundation” script below the primary Alpha
Omicron Pi wordmark.
Primary Logomark For The AOII Foundation
Greek Letter Mark & Rose
From The Archives
From Rush
To Recruitment
by Neale Grisham, Nu Beta (U of Mississippi), AOII Intern
With fall recruitment right around outfits were a hit, and chants were so loud
the corner for many schools, AOIIs they might be heard down the block. At
across North America are gearing up to larger universities, the number of women
welcome home their new member class- participating grew significantly, and it be-
es. When it comes to recruitment, some came less common for rushee to meet ev-
things never change, but the recruitment ery member of each chapter until Bid Day.
experience for AOII sisters in 2017 will be While the excitement and fun of matching
vastly different than it was 25, 50 or 100 outfits, glitter and perfectly harmonized
years ago. songs were extremely popular, it took
In the early days of sorority, new mem- away the heart of recruitment – choosing
bers were referred to as pledges and new members with the same values of the
were hand-picked by sisters in an informal organization through genuine connec-
basis. Women were chosen and agreed tions and conversations.
upon by every sister in the chapter and Recruitment today is a no frills style pro-
pledge classes were comprised of just a cess known as values-based recruitment.
few members. New members were cho- This recruitment style focuses on mean-
sen based on values and character, and ingful conversations between active mem-
would likely be “rushed” by a single chap- bers and potential new members who are
ter, as there was not a formal recruitment no longer referred to as rushees. Nones-
process to meet every sorority on campus sential features such as skits, elaborate
until many years later. decorations and costumes are removed
As time passed, more and more women from the process, and the focus returned
became interested in Greek life, so the to the values, benefits and obligations of
“rush” process became more formalized membership for each organization. Re-
and regulated on campuses. From the cruitment still looks quite different from
1970s to the present, sorority recruitment the days of our founding, but at its very
took on a new identity. Chapters pre- core it remains the same. It is about find-
formed skits and songs, often with elabo- ing women who share our values; who up-
rate staging and costumes, which they hold our principles; and whom we wish to
hoped communicated the fun and sister- share a lifelong bond.
hood they shared. Matching t-shirts or
40 | Summer 2017
1 2
56 41
1 Beta Kappa (U of British Columbia), Round Up Rush Party 1953
2 Nu Beta (U of Mississippi), Bid Day 1999
3 Upsilon (U of Washington), Pledges 1966
4 Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), Theme Night 1982
5 Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia), Bid Day 1975
6 Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia), Bid Day 2001
Collegiate Chapter News
Alabama California
Delta Tau’s (U of Alabama in Huntsville) fall sisterhood re- Chi Psi (California Polytechnic State U) hosted many sister-
treat was the Atlanta Braves’ Strike Out Arthritis! game. The hood events like a pumpkin patch visit, movie night, ginger-
chapter hosted a Run for Roses 5K as its fall philanthropy bread house decorating, yoga on the beach and a visit to the
event, and raised $7,888 with 200 registered runners for its local hot springs. The chapter has been working hard to plan
Color Run. Delta Tau’s spring philanthropy event, Smoke Out an annual walk to benefit the Arthritis Foundation.
Arthritis!, raised $9,033. Delta Sigma (San Jose State U) hosted Mr. and Mrs. Greek
in the fall and raised around $19,550 for the Arthritis Founda-
This year, Sigma Delta (Huntingdon College) raised over tion. The chapter’s sisterhood retreat was held in Santa Cruz
$9,000 with for annual Jingle Bell Run. In the spring, the during April. Delta Sigma hosted its Arthritis Walk in early
chapter held its first Spirit Night at Moe’s Southwest Grill and May.
raised over $200 and then finished off the semester with Lambda Beta (California State U, Long Beach) raised over
Strike Out Arthritis! $2,000 for its spaghetti dinner and brinner event. Sisters
were proud to further support the Arthritis Foundation by
Tau Delta (Birmingham-Southern College) hosted the 76th joining the Inland Empire Alumnae Chapter at the Los Ange-
annual Mr. Hilltopper male pageant and raised almost les Angels’ Strike Out Arthritis! baseball game.
$5,000 for the Arthritis Foundation. The chapter raised over Lambda Iota (U of California, San Diego) hosted AOPalooza,
$1,000 for the Arthritis Foundation at its Taco Mama percent- a festival themed night market. Different chapters teamed
age night in February. Tau Delta enjoyed a movie night, pizza up to sell food on library walk and live bands set the atmo-
dinner, yoga in the park and other sisterhood activities. sphere. All proceeds went to the Arthritis Foundation.
Theta Iota (California State U, San Marcos) had a successful
Arizona Strike Out Arthritis!, and Greek organizations competed in a
kickball tournament to raise money for the Arthritis Founda-
Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U) started the school year tion. Sisters also sent out multiple care packages and letters
off with countless sisterhood activities to help bring mem- to soldiers for Theta Iota’s Sisters for Soldiers.
bers together. Then in the spring, the chapter held Strike Out
Arthritis! and the campus’ Greek community worked with
the chapter to raise enough money to exceed the goal of
Arkansas Throughout the year, Zeta Theta (California State U, Chico)
has engaged in a variety of philanthropy, sisterhood and
Sigma Omicron Chapter (Arkansas State U) had a Sisters recruitment events. In October, the chapter participated in
for Soldiers event and the chapter packed 10 care pack- Greek Week where chapters on campus pair up to raise
ages. The chapter also hosted a Color Run with a fraternity money for their respective philanthropies and the Breast
on campus and raised over $14,000 for Arkansas Children’s Cancer Walk in Chico, California. Zeta Theta raised over
Hospital. Sigma Omicron’s annual Smoke Out Arthritis! event $1,500 for the Arthritis Foundation.
raised over $15,000 for the Arthritis Foundation and Finley
Jane Hiron, a young girl recently diagnosed with Leukemia. Connecticut
Upsilon Beta (U of Arkansas-Fort Smith) hosted a Hallow- Lambda Lambda (U of Connecticut) enjoyed their first se-
een Murder Mystery sisterhood event and members wore mester as an initiated sisterhood. The chapter elected its
costumes. Upsilon Beta’s sisterhood retreat was at Mount first officers and participated in sisterhood events to develop
Magazine, the highest point in Arkansas. Sisters enjoyed the closer bonds within the Greek community. The chapter also
hike, had s’mores and bonding. For philanthropy events, Up- raised $9,086.43 for Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
silon Beta held Smash Out Arthritis! where others paid to hit in HuskyTHON, an annual 18-hour dance marathon.
a donated car.
The Xi Omicron Chapter (U of Arkansas) had a successful
school year. The chapter’s new member retreat was held Alpha Pi (Florida State U) raised $11,300 for the Arthritis
at Mount Sequoya, with an all-night dance party and lots of Foundation through Strike Out Arthritis. It also hosted its an-
yummy food. For a sisterhood event, sisters visited a pump- nual event Sisters for Soldiers where members sent boxes
kin patch. Xi Omicron had a blast creating lasting bonds. of food, toiletries and other necessities to soldiers overseas.
42 | Summer 2017
2016-2017 Recap
1 3
1 Alpha Pi (Florida State U)
2 Lambda Iota (U of California, San
3 Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U)
4 Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U)
5 Chi Psi (California Polytechnic State U)
Collegiate Chapter News Idaho
Kappa Gamma’s (Florida Southern College) year began with Beta Sigma (Boise State U) participated in a campus-wide
initiation of new sisters and continued with the chapter’s Homecoming Parade where its float won the Creativity
participation in Sisters for Soldiers. To ring in the new year, Award. The chapter hosted Pi Day and raised over $300 for
Kappa Gamma spread awareness about arthritis through a the Arthritis Foundation by selling chances to pie members
tabling event. The chapter raised over $900 at Strike Out in the face.
Arthritis! Run for Roses 5K glow run.
Mu Lambda (Rollins College) kicked off the semester with
Spike Out Arthritis! The chapter won overall first place at In fall of 2016, Beta Nu (Illinois State U) had its first formal
Greek Summit with activities like dodgeball and a competi- recruitment. Sisters had fun at barn dance at Farm Lakes in
tive cookout. Mu Lambda won second place in an annual Lip Champaign, Mom’s Day, Founders’ Day and Spike Out Ar-
Sync competition. thritis!
Pi Theta (Florida International U) had philanthropy events Delta Rho (DePaul U) welcomed a wonderful 2016 new
like Rose Ruck, which benefits Soldier’s Angels; Marry Me member class. For sisterhood events, Delta Rho picked ap-
Valentine, which sends wedding packages to couples and ples, made pottery, ice skated and went rock climbing. The
raises money for the AOII Foundation; and Ruby Splash for chapter hosted Spike Out Arthritis! for 18 teams and raised
the Arthritis Foundation. over $1,300.
Georgia Iota (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) won Chapter of the
Year, Philanthropy of the Year, Outstanding Program Award
Alpha Lambda (Georgia Southern U) held many philanthro- and third place for the Outstanding New Member Program-
py events such as Strike Out Arthritis!, spirit nights at Moe’s, ming Award at Greek Oscars. Iota also participated in Illini-
Eagles for Eagles Fund, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes and AOII thon and raised $8,931.
Goes Blue. Sisterhood events included Sister Study Nights,
Ice Cream Social, Easter Egg Dye and Pi Dye.
Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U) held Run for the Roses to Phi Chi (U of Chicago) hosted Alpha Games dance competi-
benefit Sisters for Soldiers. The chapter raised $13,583 and tion, a pie eating contest and a newlyweds question game
packed 20 care packages. Beta Zeta was honored to have to raise over $30,000. The chapter held other events like
a group of sisters participate in another care packaging day making dog toys for a dog shelter and tutoring children at
for Treat the Troops as well. The chapter was also able to the local Hyde Park Club. Phi Chi’s annual rose sale raised
raise $11,807 for KSU Miracle. $1,787 for the Arthritis Foundation.
This February, Delta Lambda (Columbus State U) had a won- Indiana
derful time at its annual Founders’ Day. The chapter had fun
meeting and catching up with alumnae. The day was filled Chi Lambda (U of Evansville) hosted a new philanthropy
with laughter and good food. event this year called Spike Out Arthritis! This event was a
Lambda Chi (LaGrange College) held Rock Out Arthritis!, huge success and involved many organizations, both Greek
where sisters took shifts filling five rocking chairs for 24 and non-Greek, in the volleyball tournament.
hours to raise money for arthritis research. In November,
Lambda Chi headed off to Tennessee and northern Georgia Delta Xi (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology) held its Mr.
for its sisterhood retreat. Rose Male Pageant and Strike Out Arthritis! kickball tourna-
Lambda Delta (Dalton State College) enjoyed spending ment that raised over $1,000. The chapter had a galaxy Bid
time together and creating closer bonds with one another at Day theme for new members. Delta Xi’s sisterhood retreat
several sisterhood events. One of the highlights of the year was at a local park where the chapter played games, talked
included earning the prestigious Registered Student Organi- with sisters and bonded.
zation of the Year award. The chapter was proud to receive
this recognition on campus. Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U) put on three philanthropy
Phi Gamma (Georgia College & State U) added a Mother/ events this school year: Paint a Pi, Strike Out Arthritis! and
Daughter Luncheon in the spring and sisters brought their Pi Olympics. At Indiana State’s Fraternity and Sorority Life
mothers and grandmothers. Phi Gamma also has the highest Awards Night, Kappa Alpha received achievement awards
GPA on campus with an overall 3.6. in numerous categories and excellence awards in alumnae
engagement and academic development.
44 | Summer 2017
Phi Upsilon (Purdue U) was very involved with Sisters for
Soldiers last fall. The chapter collected items ranging from
board games to beef jerky to send in 13 packages to soldiers
serving overseas.
2 2016-2017 Recap
1 3
1 Beta Sigma (Boise State U)
2 Delta Tau (U of Alabama in Huntsville)
3 Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State U)
4 Delta Rho (DePaul U)
5 Alpha Lambda (Georgia Southern U)
6 Mu Lambda (Rollins College)
7 Lambda Delta (Dalton State College)
Collegiate Chapter News Blue Week and raised over $500. Some sisterhood events
included Twister Sister and Slip ‘n’ Slide Kickball.
Alpha Theta (Coe College) hosted Smoke Out Arthritis! Bar-
becue to benefit the Arthritis Foundation. The chapter’s larg- Sigma Tau (Washington College) started the year with its
est sisterhood event was an all-member retreat to Blooms- annual Blue Week to benefit the Arthritis Foundation. The
burry Farm in the fall. Before Valentine’s Day, the chapter chapter held its ninth annual Queen of the Roses 5K in the
held Crush Sale to benefit the Arthritis Foundation. memory of sister Jasmine Dora Queen. The chapter held a
dodgeball tournament to raise money for the Arthritis Foun-
Theta Chi (Morningside College) had its first family event of dation. The chapter ended the year with an ultimate frisbee
the year in October. Sisters and their families had a lunch tournament to support the Chris Miller Fund with EROS, a
that the chapter made and then went to a football game. For LGBTQ+ alliance group on campus.
a sisterhood event, the chapter visited Scarecrow Farm in
Sioux City. In April, the chapter held its philanthropy event, Michigan
Hop Out Arthritis!, and had an Easter egg hunt, silent auc-
tion, face painting and a bake sale. In March, Beta Gamma (Michigan State U) hosted a recruit-
ment workshop at Michigan State with the sisters of Omi-
Kentucky cron and Kappa Rho. During the workshop, members inter-
acted with one another, practiced recruitment strategies and
Delta Omega (Murray State U) started off the year with its shared why they chose AOII. Beta Gamma also held their
annual canoe trip in August. Then the chapter hosted its Strike Out Arthritis! dodgeball tournament and raised $1,600.
philanthropy event, Mr. MSU, where each fraternity picked Kappa Rho (Western Michigan U) had a study date in April
a member and competed for the title by showing off their to prepare for final exams with Alpha Chi Omega and Chi
talents. The event raised over $9,000 for arthritis research. Omega. Kappa Rho visited a cider mill near Kalamazoo last
Delta Omega’s sisterhood retreat took place in October and fall for delicious Michigan apple cider and donuts— but the
the women camped outside, roasted marshmallows and sweetest part was spending time with sisters.
took hay bale rides. Omicron Pi (U of Michigan) was reinstalled on campus in Jan-
uary. The chapter had lots of fun getting to know each other
Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky) raised $6,697 for the Lex- through events such as sisterhood retreat, study events, re-
ington Walk to Cure Arthritis, the second highest out of all cruitment workshops, Parents’ Day and a sister sleepover.
AOII teams. Kappa Omega celebrated its 35th anniversary
in March. The chapter hosted a gala for the occasion with Missouri
alumnae and collegiate members representing every de-
cade present. In December, Kappa Omega gave 30 Lexing- Delta Gamma (Missouri State U) had a fantastic second se-
ton area families Christmas gifts with its Christmas with the mester with spring recruitment, bid day, and formal to sis-
Kids night and partnered with UK’s Phi Gamma Delta frater- terhood events like an A-O-Pizza Pi at a local arcade. Delta
nity for the event. Gamma also hosted its first Strike Out Arthritis! bowling tour-
nament and Alumnae Brunch in April.
Pi Alpha (U of Louisville) was proud to hold its first annual Delta Kappa (Washington U in St. Louis) held a Strike Out Ar-
Grill Masters philanthropy where it raised $1,300 for the Ar- thritis! carnival, participated in a chapter-wide Day of Service
thritis Foundation and won an award in Outstanding Alumni and celebrated the many sisters with GPAs of 3.14 or above
Relations. Along with those accomplishments, the chapter at a Pi Party. Sisters wrote dozens of letters for members of
placed third in Fryberger, a Greek competition. the Armed Services, helped care for animals at a shelter,
cleaned bus stops in the St. Louis area and raised money for
Louisiana Relay for Life.
Delta Pi (U of Central Missouri) held its fourth Strike Out Ar-
Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U) hosted a MADD Dash thritis! Kickball Tournament in April. Other chapters came to
5K glow run, which took a stand against drunk driving, and support by playing a game of kickball and others donated
Swinging for the Fight whiffle ball tournament to support funds to arthritis research.
lymphoma cancer research. The chapter partnered with
the SELU athletics to host a Smoke Out Arthritis! baseball
tailgate and Kendra Scott of Louisiana for a “Kendra Gives
Back” fundraiser. Kappa Tau raised over $21,000 for the Ar-
thritis Foundation. The chapter has contributed 4,753 hours
to the community, including 700 hours to aid flood relief.
Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana at Monroe) held its Run for Ros- Montana
es 5K, which had about 200 runners and gathered just over
$13,000. In March, the chapter held its annual AOII goes The sisters of Alpha Phi (Montana State U) celebrated 100
successful years together. The chapter raised nearly $2,000
46 | Summer 2017
2016-2017 Recap
1 Delta Omega (Murray State U)
2 Pi Alpha (U of Louisville)
3 Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky)
4 Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U)
5 Delta Gamma (Missouri State U)
6 Omicron Pi (U of Michigan)
7 Sigma Tau (Washington College)
6 7
Collegiate Chapter News
for the Arthritis Foundation in Run for the Roses and hosted while enjoying live music. All profits funded arthritis research.
its first ever Dodge Out Arthritis! event. The chapter’s favorite sisterhood events were a self-defense
class and camping in rural Greensboro.
Nebraska Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U) raised $9,342 at the
chapter’s Spaghetti Dinner. Leftovers were donated to the
This past year has been an excited year for Zeta (U of Ne- Hunger and Health Coalition. The sisters’ favorite sisterhood
braska Lincoln). Zeta hosted Hungry Hungry Huskers and event of the year was a retreat to Carowinds in Charlotte,
served pulled pork sandwiches, beans, chips and drinks. In North Carolina. The chapter donated nearly 1,500 cans to
the spring, it hosted Hoop-It, a basketball tournament. Both the Hunger and Health Coalition.
profited the Arthritis Foundation. The chapter went to the
Henry Doorly Zoo, Vala’s Pumpkin Patch and played intra- Ohio
mural sports.
Chi Epsilon (The Ohio State U) partnered with other Greek
New Jersey chapters to increase its public relations and philanthropy
presence. The chapter’s former Vice President of Member-
Alpha Nu (Ramapo College of New Jersey) held its annual ship Recruitment was elected to Vice President of Member-
Skull and Rose Dance in February and raised $1,584. The ship Development on the campus’ Panhellenic Association.
chapter also came in second place at the Relay for Life at Ra- Omega (Miami U) hosted several fundraisers for the Arthri-
mapo College and raised $3,792. Alpha Nu held its annual tis Foundation and partnered with Miami Baseball and the
Strike Out Arthritis! kickball tournament as well. Cincinnati Reds. The chapter hosted its annual Rock on Omi-
cron acapella concert, and its first Can You Kick It kickball
Gamma Phi (Seton Hall U) strengthened its bond by holding tournament. In total, the chapter raised over $6,500. Sister-
multiple sisterhood events, including Escape the Room and hood events included a trip to Butterfield Farms, campfires,
Secret Santa. The sisterhood hosted Spike Out Arthritis! in dinner and laser tag during Sisterhood Week.
October. A group of sisters also attended the Yankees Strike
Out Arthritis! game in August.
Iota Theta’s (Monmouth U) annual Strike Out Arthritis! raised Phi Lambda (Youngstown State U) held its annual Sisters for
nearly $1,200 for the Arthritis Foundation, and the chapter Soldiers philanthropy event in March and April and raised
also completed a successful Sisters for Soldiers campaign. over $2,000. In its annual Greek Sing competition, the chap-
At Relay for Life, Iota Theta raised more than $1,000. Iota ter won third place overall. For campus awards, Phi Lambda
Theta won Chapter of the Year award for the second year won the Kessler Award for philanthropy work.
in a row. Theta Psi (U of Toledo) went to a Strike Out Arthritis! game
with the Detroit Tigers versus Kansas City Royals. Theta
New York Psi had two AOPierogies dinners and fundraised around
$2,500 for the Arthritis Foundation and $2,000 for Rocketh-
Alpha (Columbia U) raised $690 for the LOVE Olivia V. Er- on Dance Marathon. Theta Psi packed 16 boxes for Sisters
hardt Memorial fund, a scholarship program for undergradu- for Soldiers.
ate research fellows. The fund is in honor of Olivia, who
passed away in 2017. Alpha honors her memory each day Oklahoma
through its commitment to service, one of Olivia’s passions.
It has been a successful year for Theta Pi (Wagner College). Omega Sigma (Oklahoma State U) hosted Spaghetti for Sav-
The chapter raised over $400 at its Shake Off Arthritis! ille which raised money for a local charity, the Saville center.
event, which was a barre work-out class open to all. Count- The chapter held Strike Out Arthritis! in the spring and raised
less hours of hard work paid off when the chapter received $3,500 for the Arthritis Foundation.
four awards at the Songfest Competition. Xi (U of Oklahoma) did Soonerthon, a dance marathon for
the Children’s Miracle Network. Ninty-eight sisters raised
North Carolina $26,846. Xi partnered with OU’s Panhellenic Association to
host Safebreak, an event that promotes safe Spring Breaks.
Alpha Epsilon (Wingate U) raised money for the Arthritis The chapter ended the year with a Strike Out Arthritis! event,
Foundation with Pretzel with the Pi’s events and Strike Out a kickball tournament.
Arthritis! After winter break, it held an officer’s retreat.To sup-
port the Arthritis Foundation in the spring, the chapter part- Oregon
nered with the Wingate baseball team to sell concessions at
games. Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) hosted a Founders’ Day brunch
Epsilon Chi (Elon U) held AOPig Out in the fall and spring with great success. Local alumnae and collegiate members
and the chapter sold tickets to eat BBQ and mac and cheese
2016-2017 Recap
3 4
5 7
1 Iota Theta (Monmouth U)
2 Delta Kappa (Washington U in St. Louis)
3 Alpha Nu (Ramapo College of NJ)
4 Omega (Miami U)
5 Chi Phi (U of South Carolina Aiken)
6 Delta Pi (U of Central Missouri)
7 Xi (U of Oklahoma)
Collegiate Chapter News South Carolina
gathered together to honor AOII’s founders. Alpha Rho Chi Phi (U of South Carolina Aiken) celebrated the 120th year
chapter was honored to have chapter alumna and Interna- of AOII with its annual Founders’ Day dinner with alumnae.
tional President Gayle Fitzpatrick at the event. In April, the chapter celebrated 11 years on campus. Chi Phi
hosted Strike-Out Arthritis! with the USC-Aiken baseball
Pennsylvania team to raise money for arthritis research and education.
The sisters of Alpha Mu (Duquesne U) hosted its annual Tennessee
Spike Out Arthritis! volleyball tournament and participated in
the Jingle Bell Run. The sisters of Alpha Mu held a Lip Sync Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U) proudly celebrated their
Battle to benefit Variety the Children’s Charity. The chapter centennial at Vanderbilt U, welcoming alumnae to the
participated in the university’s Greek Week and raised mon- event, including International President Gayle Fitzpatrick.
ey towards the Ronald McDonald House. Nu Omicron also raised nearly $3,000 at its Strike Out
In March, Beta Eta (Gettysburg College) held its Strike Out Arthritis!
Arthritis! event, Capture the Cure, a campus-wide capture Pi Omicron (Austin Peay State U) held Spike Out Arthritis!
the flag tournament, and raised over $1,000 for the Arthritis volleyball tournament and co-hosted a Womanless Beauty
Foundation. Pageant with Kappa Alpha Order to raise money for the Ar-
The highlight of Epsilon Alpha’s (Pennsylvania State U) thritis Foundation. Pi Omicron collected Sisters for Soldiers
spring semester was Penn State THON 2017. The chapter items to send letters and care packages.
had many events to raise money to go to its total, including Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U) held its Red Rose
selling fried Oreos during “Oreo Frenzy” and “A-O-Pie a Sis- Ball in Murfreesboro. The chapter hosted All Sing and raised
ter,” where sisters throw plates full of whipped cream at each over $10,000 for the Arthritis Foundation and raised $14,000
other. Epsilon Alpha, along with Sigma Chi Fraternity, raised from its BBQ to help the Foundation and Special Kids.
a total of $151,499.56.
Lambda Upsilon (Lehigh U) hosted its seesaw event that Texas
raised $12,558 for the Lung Cancer Alliance. Each year, par-
ticipants seesaw on the front lawn of Lehigh University for Delta Theta (Texas Woman’s U) spent its spring sisterhood
50 straight hours. day playing games and relaxing by the pool. The chapter
Phi Beta (East Stroudsburg U) recently received the campus’ also hosted Top Golf for Dad’s Day. Delta Theta received an
highest GPA as a group. The chapter did a raffle for Strike award for outstanding academic work.
Out Arthritis and made over $500. Lambda Rho (Texas Christian U) was the second highest
Sigma Beta (Saint Joseph’s U) celebrated the founding of contributor to TCU Dance Marathon, an event that benefits
Alpha Omicron Pi with Carol Jones. She gave a speech on Cook’s Children’s Medical Center. In April, the chapter held
how the fraternity shaped her life. At their sisterhood retreat, its third annual Sink Out Arthritis!, a volley-pong tournament.
sisters were given the opportunity get to know one another Sigma Theta (Sam Houston State U) held its spring sister-
better and have pizza. Sigma Beta also went to the Philadel- hood retreat at Incredible Pizza. Sisters came to eat great
phia Phillies Strike Out Arthritis! game. food, play in the arcade, share experiences and strengthen
This semester Sigma Rho (Slippery Rock U) had great turn- friendships.
outs for all events supporting arthritis research. The chapter As a new chapter, Tau Mu (Texas A&M U) held weekly sis-
did “Pie an AOII,” where students donated money to pie a terhoods activities such as visiting a pumpkin patch, a yoga
sister. Sigma Rho held Smoke Out Arthritis! session on campus and private shopping at a local boutique.
Theta Sigma (Tarleton State U) has participated in Home-
Rhode Island coming Week, went to the pumpkin patch, had Founders’
Day, held a mother-daughter tea party, did Tarleton’s annual
Beta Upsilon (Bryant U) recently held its annual Spaghetti community service day and had sisterhood retreat to the
for Scleroderma and raised $2,330 for the New England Fort Worth Zoo. Theta Sigma also hosted Smoke Out Arthri-
Scleroderma Foundation. The chapter sent care packages tis!, raising over $1,000.
to overseas troops for Sisters for Soldiers.
Upsilon Lambda (U of Texas at San Antonio) held social
events like laser tag, hiking, balloon fights, movie nights and
a Strike Out Arthritis! event.
50 | Summer 2017