2016-2017 Recap
1 Beta Upsilon (Bryant U)
2 Upsilon (U of Washington)
3 Delta Theta (Texas Woman’s U)
4 Tau Mu (Texas A&M U)
5 Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U)
6 Sigma Alpha (West Virginia U)
Collegiate Chapter News
Washington West Virginia
Alpha Gamma (Washington State U) held Take Their Keys to Sigma Alpha (West Virginia U) held AOPride week to pro-
raise awareness of the dangers of driving while intoxicated. mote AOII and positive Greek relations. During that week,
The event honors a member who passed away a few years Sigma Alpha raised WV Kids Cancer Crusaders with $1 do-
ago in a drunk driving accident. nations to pie sisters in the face at AOPie in the Face.
Tau Gamma (Eastern Washington U) held its annual Paint Wisconsin
Sisterhood event and philanthropic BBQ, Burgers and Fries
with the AOIIs. The latter brought in over $1,000 for arthritis Phi Delta (U of Wisconsin—Milwaukee) had a chapter GPA
research. that was above the All Women and All Greek Average for
Upsilon (U of Washington) raised $9,230 at its Ruby Red Fall 2016. The chapter had a Strike Out Arthritis! event with
Masquerade Auction for the Arthritis Foundation. Plus, it the Milwaukee Brewers in the fall with a great turnout from
raised $1,100 during its Popeye’s Chicken n’ Biscuits Feed. collegians and alumnae.
Upsilon hosted its Spike Out Arthritis! volleyball tournament
in April.
Alberta Ontario
Kappa Lambda (U of Calgary) has increased focus on men- Beta Tau (U of Toronto) held two fundraisers for the Cana-
tal health among members and within their community. They dian Arthritis Society. The chapter also won Outstanding
donated items such as stress balls, to the mental health Continuous Opening Bidding, alumnae appreciation and
wards at local hospitals and fundraised for Between Friends. multiple outstanding academic awards for individual sisters,
Kappa Lambda celebrated its 25th anniversary. including the Alpha Order award.
British Columbia Gamma Chi’s (Carleton U) Strike Out Arthrits! dodgeball
tournament raised over $500. The chapter also raised over
Beta Kappa (U of British Columbia) had a sisterhood retreat $5,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society during Carleton’s
where it recreated a classic birthday party. The chapter fall annual Relay for Life. Gamma Chi is preparing to celebrate
philanthropy event was Score Out Arthritis! soccer tourna- its 25th anniversary next fall.
ment and raised $1,900 for the Arthritis Society of Canada. The sisters of Lambda Epsilon (U of Waterloo) had great suc-
cess with their annual Pie Out Arthritis! event in the fall. They
1 Kappa Lambda (U of Calgary) also participated in Trick or Eat, a Halloween-themed charity
2 Lambda Epsilon (U of Waterloo) that raises money and collects food.
1 2
52 | Summer 2017
Life Loyal
With grateful appreciation, Alpha Omicron Pi recognizes the following
members who joined Life Loyal between April 4 and June 22, 2017.
Alpha Chi Epsilon Alpha Phi Gamma
Western Kentucky U Pennsylvania State U Georgia College & State U
Allison Kresslein Shira Zudkewich Alexandra Kennedy
Kaitlyn Fink
Deborah Yepsen Gamma Chi Phi Upsilon
Carleton U Purdue U
Alpha Delta Taryn Ashdown Andrea Strapulos
U of Alabama
Mary Carty Kappa Omega Pi Alpha
U of Kentucky U of Louisville
Alpha Lambda Amber Hall Chelsea Wright
Georgia Southern U
Heather Turner Kappa Sigma Sigma Chi
U of Wisconsin-River Falls Hartwick College
Alpha Rho Hailey Smallwood Caitlin Rejman
Oregon State U
Haley Fox Kappa Tau Theta Chi
Southeastern Louisiana U Morningside College
Beta Zeta Laura Litolff Kelsea Hoberg
Kennesaw State U
Sheree Danielle McCullough Lambda Alpha Theta Iota
U of La Verne California State U, San Marcos
Chi Psi Karen Yu Maria Macovichuk
California Polytechnic State U
Sofia Vincent Lambda Beta Theta Psi
California State U, Long Beach U of Toldeo
Chi Theta Kim Ellsworth Kathryn Harrington
Northeastern State U
Molly Bennett Lambda Eta Xi
Grand Valley State U U of Oklahoma
Delta Alpha Dana Gleeson-Evert Clara Wilson
U of Missouri
Stephanie Meyer Lambda Sigma Zeta
U of Georgia U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Delta Delta Olivia MacArthur Cindy Schmoker
Auburn U
Jamie Stephens Omicron
U of Tennessee
Delta Epsilon Amy Erickson
Jacksonville State U Suzan Moore
Meagan Harris
Erin Adderhold
Meet the ELCs
Meet Our 2017-2018
Educational Leadership Consultants
54 | Summer 2017
Chapter of Initiation: Gamma Alpha (George Mason U)
College Major: Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
Hometown: Virginia Beach, Virginia
Q: What was your dream job when you were Q: How many places have you lived?
a kid? A: I’m a United Kingdom military daughter:
A: When I was a kid, I wanted to be an actress I was born and raised in England until I was
so badly after playing Dorothy in the “Wizard 10, then we moved to Abu Dhabi and UAE.
of Oz” school production. My acting career We moved to America when I was 13, which
came to an abrupt end when 10-year-old me included three years in Virginia Beach, Vir-
was cast as Cleopatra’s handmaid, rather ginia and two years in Palm Springs, Califor-
than Cleo herself. nia, where I graduated high school. We then
moved back to Virginia Beach while I did my
Beth Case undergrad at GMU, during which I was able to
Kaitlyn Fink live in Australia for a semester.
Ramsey Folb
Chapter of Initiation: Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U)
College Major: Dance
Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky
Q: What is the most ambitious thing you Q: Why did you apply to be an ELC?
have ever done? A: Alpha Omicron Pi is what made these past
A: The most ambitious thing I’ve ever done four years the best. I owe everything to this
was going on a road trip to Colorado with my organization and still feel I have so much
best friend during our last spring break. We more to give. AOII is what made me who I am
booked our trip a week before we left and today. I can only hope to make an impact by
drove sixteen hours straight, but it was the showing others how truly special this second
most amazing week of my life. I appreciated home is.
life so much more because of it! Life’s too
short to stay in one place.
Chapter of Initiation: Tau (U of Minnesota) Q: What is the best piece of advice you have
College Major: Psychology ever been given?
Hometown: Boyds, Maryland A: Embrace change. I usually stick with a cer-
Q: What are you most looking forward to as tain schedule and changing course from a
an ELC? desired path is something that has not come
A: I can’t just name one. For me it’s traveling easily to me. However, over the past year, I
and making a difference. I have not explored have really appreciated the value in change.
much of the U.S. and Canada, so I am very
excited about being able to see new parts of
the country and meet and positively influence
amazing women along the way!
Chapter of Initiation: Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
College Major: Public Health
Hometown: Central Point, Oregon
Q: What would you call your autobiography Q: Who is your hero?
and why? A: My aunt because no matter what life throws
A: “How to be Snapchat Famous,” because at her, she continues to stay strong and puts
during my time in Alpha Rho, I was known for others before herself. I hope to be half the
my snapchats and won “Funniest Snapchat” woman she is.
two years in a row.
Haley Fox Chapter of Initiation: Theta Psi (U of Toledo) A: What is the most ambitious thing you
Katie Harrington College Major: Business and Communication have ever done?
Hometown: Columbus, Ohio A few years ago, I spent a week in Washing-
Q: What are you most looking forward to as ton D.C. lobbying for a healthcare related is-
an ELC? sue with some of my classmates.
I am so excited to visit each campus and
learn about the chapter. I hope to provide
them with a unique perspective and outlook
on the organization, but I am also excited to
learn and grow from them as well!
Chapter of Initiation: Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State U)
College Major: Business Management
Hometown: Alabaster, Alabama
Q: Would you travel to the future or to the Q: Why did you apply to be an ELC?
past, where would you go and why? A: I applied to be an ELC because I enjoyed
A: I would travel to the past, go back to the my time as a collegian and learned a lot as
‘90s and live in New York or California! The an officer, and I did not want it to end once I
‘90s decade is definitely my favorite because graduated. AOII has given me so much and
of the fashion, music and the culture. being an ELC will allow me to give back to
the Fraternity.
Meagan Harris Chapter of Initiation: Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U)
Courtney Hart College Major: Communication Sciences and Disorder
Hometown: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Q:What would you call your autobiography Q: Who is your hero?
and why? A: My mom is my hero because she continu-
A: “Sunshine in the Deep South.” I would call ously puts others before herself and is truly a
my autobiography this because my nickname loving and caring individual. I look up to her
throughout my family is “Sunshine” and I am a in so many other ways and hope to be half
very happy person. The “Deep South” comes as amazing as she is as I continue to grow in
from the fact that I live below sea level in adulthood.
Chapter of Initiation: Beta Phi (Indiana U)
College Majors: Interior Design, Liberal Arts and Management
Hometown: Coatesville, Indiana
Q: What is the most ambitious thing you Q: What was your dream job when you were
have ever done? a kid?
A: Indiana University is home to the Little A: My childhood dream was to be the next
500, the largest collegiate bike race in the Vera Wang. Turns out the world is better off if
United States. Each year, over 25,000 peo- I let Vera be Vera.
ple reunite in Bloomington, Indiana as spec-
Audrey Healey tators during the “greatest college weekend.”
After watching the race my freshman year, I
decided I wanted to ride. I raced for the next
three years for Team AOII.
Chapter of Initiation: Tau Delta (Birmingham-Southern College)
College Major: Business Administration
Hometown: Selma, Alabama
Q: Would you travel to the future or to the Q: What is your hidden talent?
past, where would you go and why? A: Turning average radio hits from the ‘90s
A: The past. I want to revisit the hair stylist to now into recruitment songs. Ask me about
who assured me bangs straight across my my medley.
forehead would look good on my face shape.
Jordan Porter Chapter of Initiation: Gamma Delta (U of South Alabama)
Mary Grace Staples College Major: Fine Arts
Hometown: Dadeville, Alabama
Brittany Wagner
Q: What is the best piece of advice you have Q: What is the one thing you can’t travel
ever been given? without and why?
A: In order to gain the best possible AOII A: Calligraphy pens because I love making all
experience, treat your relationship with the typography beautiful!
Fraternity as you do all other relationships
in your life. Relationships cannot thrive on
only two hours per week alone; they re-
quire constant nurturing, communication and
Chapter of Initiation: Xi (U of Oklahoma) Q: Would you travel to the future or to the
College Major: Communication past, where would you go and why?
Hometown: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma A: I have always been obsessed with the
Q: Who is your hero? 1940s and I would love to understand more
A: I wouldn’t consider her my hero, per say, about the fashion and culture of the time.
but Amy Poehler’s book, “Yes Please,” has
changed my life. Not only is it the funniest 57
memoir I have read, it also opened my eyes
to new ideas and thoughts. Her quote, “Good
for her, not me,” constantly reminds me that
we are all on different paths. Celebrate her
success with her, but remember that your
path to success will look much different than
the woman next to you.
Where In The World Is Delaney?
by McKenna Horsley, Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky), AOII Intern
The average graduate does not travel to 10 countries “It was really cool that we not only had AOII in common,
in 11 months with $9 a day for room and board and but that we also had this desire to serve in common as
one backpack. World Race participant Delaney Bondi, Nu well,” Bondi said.
Beta, (U of Mississippi) is not the average graduate. Bondi’s desire to serve stems from a mission trip she took
During chapter one evening shortly before graduation, a to the Dominican Republic with her campus ministry dur-
sister announced that Bondi was selected to participate in ing her junior year. In only one week’s time, she fell in love
the World Race, a Christian-based mission trip that aims to with the culture and its many differences from her own.
visit and serve 11 countries in 11 months that partners with She took another mission trip to Jamaica in January of her
ministries around the world. Bondi found the chapter to senior year, which led her desire for another mission trip.
be supportive with some sisters sending her encouraging Soon after, she learned about the World Race.
notes and supporting her with donations towards her trip. She treks the globe with a squad of 54 people, and she
From January to July of this year, she visited Columbia, Ec- spends every day with a team of seven. Bondi explained
uador, Peru, Cote d’Ivorie, Ghana and Montenegro. Even that the others in the squad are a diverse group with dif-
seven months into her race, her chapter sisters continue ferent backgrounds and different religious experiences.
to send her words of encouragement. ‘I’m so proud of you’ They range in age from 21 to 35, with many different life
and ‘Keep it up’ flood her inbox from Oxford, Mississippi. experiences and religious affiliations. Bondi has thus been
AOII connections continue to emerge during Bondi’s trav- able to expand her point-of-view by learning from others
els. In Cote d’Ivorie, she was able to stay with the family of with contrasting perspectives.
a sister who was initiated 17 years ago. The two were able The squad partners with various non-profits organizations
to meet and bond over Skype. and ministries in each country they visit. Thus far in her
One of Bondi’s chapter sisters previously participated in journey, she has helped with flood relief in Peru, evange-
the World Race program and was able to offer Bondi ad- lized truck drivers in Cote d’Ivoire and was a mentor in an
vice of what was to come. She prepared Bondi for the in- afterschool program in Ecuador.
terview process, advised her on what to bring along, and While working in Ecuador, Bondi bonded with a young girl
assured her that she would answer and questions that named Gabby. Bondi helped Gabby with her homework,
arose along the way. but it was quite a challenge. The young girl only spoke
San Andres Island, Columbia. Quito, Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador.
58 | Summer 2017
Spanish, and Bondi is not fluent in the language. Even so, a month in Romania, she will conclude her travels across
they were able to break language barriers and teach one the globe this year with stops in Cambodia, Thailand and
another simple words and phrases. Malaysia.
Another impactful moment for Bondi was her trip to “It’s not like a glamour trip by any means,” she said. “In-
Peru. As Peru saw historic flooding that was creating an stagram makes it feel that way many times but that’s not
emergency crisis throughout the country, Bondi’s squad always reality.”
visited a seminary, and the moment was moving. Volun- The amount of poverty Bondi witnessed in Africa pro-
teers stood side by side with Peruvians and aided those vided the biggest shock of her experience so far. It has
in need with complete disregard for themselves. changed her perspective on things she needs versus
“Standing there and seeing how much of the ground things she wants, she said.
and buildings had been taken away by water was heart- “[By] living out of a backpack, you realize how little you
breaking but beautiful at the same time to see everybody actually need,” she said. “Everything I need is in a little
coming together for the common good,” Bondi recalled. 40-pound backpack.”
“People weren’t necessarily worried about their own While traveling to Montenegro, Bondi caught a connect-
things, but they were worried about everyone else and ing flight in Rome and became overwhelmed with ex-
that was really beautiful.” citement with the items in the airport. Discovering Dove
Before this trip, Bondi always knew she wanted to travel, shampoo and conditioner for sale was a delight.
but she had no idea that she would live in other countries With her trip ending in November, Bondi is contemplating
and become a part of the culture. For each day, she has her next steps. When she returns stateside, she wants to
a $9 budget for food and accommodations. Bondi said continue living with a missional mindset and serve oth-
she and her team sometimes pool their money together ers. For those who might be considering a service trip
to buy food in bulk. like the World Race, she advises to be fully committed
Finances are just one element of the trip; there are also to the experience. It will surely be the experiene of a life-
emotional and physical challenges as well. She has not time.
seen her family since her trip began in January, and she “Whatever you are going to do, do it with the intention of
has very little contact with her loved ones at home due doing it with your whole heart. Don’t do anything if your
to very limited cell phone service and Wi-Fi accessibility. whole heart isn’t in it because when it gets really hard,
She also suffered from malaria twice while in Africa along you’ll want to quit, but if your heart is totally in it, you’re
with the rest of her team. In June, Bondi’s grandmother going to know why you are doing it.”
passed away while Bondi was in Ghana.
Fortunately, her parents had the opportunity to be part
of the mission trip for a week in August in Romania. After
Sunyani, Ghana. Sunyani, Ghana Mole National Park in Ghana
Tot Squad
To The Rescue
by Haley Cahill, Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
Imagine this: You are boarding a plane for vacation and that day. The mobile team travels to a new retail store ev-
check your child’s stroller at the gate. When your flight ery day. If neither of those options are feasible, you can
arrives at your destination, you pick up the stroller at the request a house call and Tot Squad will come to you. Their
gate only to discover one of the wheels has been dam- New York City location, though, operates a drop-off or
aged. What do you do? What about this scenario: Your courier service model.
daughter got car sick and now your previously immacu- Private events are also growing in popularity. Simply take
late, brand new car seat is in desperate need of immediate your baby gear to the playdate and Tot Squad will clean
deep cleaning or even total replacement. Or how about your gear.
this: You are expecting your first child, but do not know “We do a lot of those with Fit4Mom, which owns a workout
the first thing about installing a car seat. Who do you call program called Stroller Strides,” Saxton said. “Those are
for help? really fun private events, where the moms are doing their
Tot Squad to the rescue. workout with their stroller, and we’re cleaning the car seat.
Tot Squad is a mobile service that specializes in baby gear After the workout is over, we clean the stroller while they
cleaning, car seat safety and stroller repair. Launched in play and hang out.”
2011 by Jennifer Saxton, Delta Upsilon (Duke U), the baby You can currently find Tot Squad in Los Angeles, San Di-
gear services provider started as an idea for a business ego, New York City and Washington, D.C. Not in one of
plan competition at the Kellogg School of Management at these cities? No worries. Saxton believes the company will
Northwestern University, where Saxton was earning her see significant continued growth and expansion to other
MBA. major cities.
It was during her time in graduate school that Saxton “One of the things I would love for the AOII sisters to know
observed women in their 20s and 30s having difficulty is that we’re growing through the franchise system, which
achieving work-life balance as they were trying to ad- kind of fits into that vision of saving moms time and frus-
vance their career and start a family simultaneously. tration, and improving work-life balance for them because
“I spent my whole first year in business school looking for there are so many women that are exiting the work force
business ideas—anything that would save moms time or because they can’t have the flexibility they want to have a
frustration,” Saxton said. “This idea that baby car seats are career and a family at the same time,” she said. “By own-
hard to clean and hard to install quickly floated to the sur- ing a franchise, they can be their own boss.”
face. Everybody that I talked to wanted it and nobody out Saxton has certainly learned the ropes of being her own
there was doing anything about it.” boss; so much so that in April, she was selected as one
Saxton recruited several of her graduate school class- of 10 winners in the 2017 Tory Burch Foundation Annual
mates, wrote a business plan, won first place in the Kel- Fellowship Program. In addition to a three-day trip to New
logg Cup Business Plan Competition and launched the York for educational workshops from professionals on the
company in 2011. Leadership Team at Tory Burch, a pitch competition, net-
So how does it work? working opportunities and meeting with Tory Burch, she
Tot Squad has three service options. You can drop your received a $10,000 business education grant.
baby gear off at one of their offices. You can also take Saxton was chosen from a pool of more than 800 other
your items to the retail store where Tot Squad is set up candidates, all of which were female business owners.
She said the application process was very similar to apply-
60 | Summer 2017
ing to college, with countless essays, who serves as the liaison to the Nation-
interviews and letters of recommenda- al Child Passenger Safety Board for the
tion. American Academy of Pediatrics.
The workshops, which ranged in topics “She has been an amazing advisor.
from hiring strategies and public rela- I will see her at conferences around
tions to building a team culture and fi- the country and we’ll get together and
nancial metrics, were a particular high- have our little AOII moments and take
light for Saxton. pictures together,” she said. “She’s just
“It’s hard when you’re in the trenches, got great advice about the car seat
day to day, running your business to industry. As somebody just starting
take time away to work on your busi- a business out, I probably could have
ness instead of in your business where never gotten access to a pediatrician
you’re thinking about the strategy, big who’s on the board of the AAP. It’s such
picture ideas and really getting out of a high-level contact for me, and the fact
your comfort zone of answering that that she thinks of me so fondly and
next customer phone call or running warmly because of the AOII connection
that next errand.” has been phenomenal.”
Saxton said the workshop rooms had Saxton can certainly attest to the truth
a quote printed on the wall which also that AOII is for a lifetime from both a
made a lasting impression: “Empow- professional and personal standpoint.
ered women empower women.” She recalled that several AOIIs from
“I really like this idea that a rising tide across the United States attended her
floats all boats,” she said. “I think that wedding last year; she even had an
resonates well with the AOII values— AOII sister fly in from London.
women helping women.” “It’s just been a really wonderful way
Saxton said many women have helped to navigate the university and stay in-
her and her business along the way, es- volved after the fact,” she said. “I found
pecially AOII women. Through an AOII it to be a great community and network
friend in Chicago, Saxton met Linda that you get out of it what you put in. If
Grandolfo, Nu Iota (Northern Illinois U) you stay in touch with people, if you’re
who introduced Saxton to Marilyn Bull, networking, if you’re volunteering and
M.D., Beta Gamma (Michigan State U) giving back, it will give back to you in
spades in unexpected ways always.”
Top photo: Jennifer Saxton, Delta Upsi- 61
lon (Duke U)
Middle photo: Tot Squad employee re-
pairing stroller wheels
Bottom photo: 2017 Tory Burch Founda-
tion Fellows in New York
Photos courtesy of Tot Squad
Things We Love
Pampered Chef Bamboo Tablet Stand Le Creuset Cookware
With so many recipes and cooking tips online, Brighten up your kitchen with some colorful
tablets certainly have their place in the kitchen. If cookware! These heavy cast iron pots come in
you use your tablet while preparing meals, pick several different colors. We love these pots for
up a tablet stand. This bamboo tablet is cute and homemade soups, spaghetti sauce, braising
functional. The adjustable stand allows you to meats and more.
better display internet recipes while cooking and Food Delivery Services
baking. Regular cookbooks are also compatible AOIIs are always on the go, which can make find-
with the stand, as the bottom holders can act as ing time to grocery shop and prepare healthy
page holders. meals for you and your family difficult. We love
Kaptron Collapsible Measuring Cups food delivery companies like Home Chef, Hello
Measuring cups and spoons are an essential for Fresh and Blue Apron. They deliver all the ingre-
any kitchen, but the cups can be cumbersome dients and easy-to-follow instructions you need
and the spoons can be easily lost. With collaps- for delicious, healthy and homemade meals right
ible kitchen tools, you can save room in drawers to your front door. Say goodbye to the days of
and cabinets. This set comes in bold colors and never-ending searches for new dinner ideas;
a ring to keep the tools attached, making them navigating every aisle of the grocery store for
easy to find in any kitchen drawer. that one ingredient you have never heard of; and
GoWISE Electric Air Fryer spending your entire evening preparing a meal.
Love the crisp texture of fried foods, but hate the KitchenAid Mini Food Processor
caloric punch they pack? You might consider in- How cute is this mini food processor? Plus, it’s
vesting in an air fryer. Whether you crave fries, the perfect size for any kitchen short on coun-
chicken wings or something in between, these ter or cabinet space. This little guy is great for
appliances cook all your favorite crispy dishes whipping up your favorite sauces, dressings, nut
with little to no oil. You can find this air fryer and butters, homemade ice cream and more. Not to
others on Amazon. mention, it comes in several great colors.
62 | Summer 2017
Shop The Emporium
Live A
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Palm Tree Lettered V-Neck - $26.50 Heather Established Long Sleeve - $27.50
64 | Summer 2017
White Tie Dye Sub Tank - $26.50
Shop The Emporium Red Triblend Short Sleeve Shirt - $22.50
66 | Summer 2017
New AOII Gear
White Tee with Full Color Logo - $22.50
Infinity Rose Sewn on Letter Shirt - $20.50 Infinity Rose Key Fob - $12.50
AOII Logo Decal - $4.50 White AOII Logo Hat - $19.50
aoiiemporium.com 67
Nonprofit Organization
Bolingbrook, IL
Permit No. 374
International Headquarters
5390 Virginia Way
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
In this issue, you read about one alum-
na member’s mission trip around the
world and another sister’s growing
business and experience as a Tory
Burch Foundation Fellow.
We believe all of our member have
incredible stories. Share yours or an-
other sister’s story with us by emailing
[email protected].
Read more profiles of other ambitious
AOIIs from archived To Dragmas on-
line at www.alphaomicronpi.org.