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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-06 15:11:26

1932 October - To Dragma

Vol. 28, No 1


of A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi

Volume 28 1 | ( p c (! Number 1


Modernism in an AOII Office 3

Scholastic Leadership 9

Alpha Gamma Installed 12

Jessie Roane Child Welfare Clinic 15

Three Generations—All Gamma Alpha O's 16

Bicycles, Books, Briefcases 17

Novel Rushing Parties Tried by Alpha Phi 22

IS Phi Beta Kappas—7 Phi Kappa Phis 25

"Nurses on Horseback" Social Service Work Is Our Philanthropy 29

New Books Tell About "Nurses on Horseback" 30

Lo—Pity the Poor Housewives! 31

New Alpha O Manual of Information Aids Rushing 33

Alpha O's in the Advertisements 35

Alpha O's in the Daily Press 36

The World Looks at Alpha O's pictorial

Alumna; Notes 49

Directory of Officers 90

• O C T O B E R • 1932 •


A L P H A [A]—Barnard College—Inactive. NsuitOyM, INC aBsOhNvil[leN,OT]e—nnV.anderbilt Univer-
Pi [IT]—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial Psi [*]—University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pa.
College, New Orleans, La. P H I [<P]—University of Kansas, Law-
Nu [N]—New York University, New rence, Kan.
O MOE hG iAo. [Q]—Miami University, Oxford,
York City. O MgIaCnR,OAN nPnI A[Orbiol]r—, MUincihv.ersity of Michi-
O M I C R O N [O]—University of Tennessee, [A£]—University of Ore-
A LgPoHnA, ES uI GgMenAe, Ore.
Knoxville, Tenn. Xi [A]—University of Oklahoma, Nor-
K ACP PoAllege[K, ]L—ynRcahnbduorlpg,hV-Ma.acon Woman's man, Okla.
Z E T A [Z]—University of Nebraska, Lin- PilanDdE ,L TCAolle[gneA]P—arUk,nMivder.sity of Mary-
coln, Neb. T A CU olDleEgLeT, A Birmingham, Ala.
S I G M A [I]—University of California,
K AfPoPrAniaT H aEtT ALo[sK9A]—ngUelensi,veLrsoistyAonfgCelaelsi,-
Berkeley, Calif. Calif.
T HcEaTsAtle,[6I]n—d.DePauw University, Green- K AMP PeAmpOhMis,I CTReOnNn. [KO]—Southwestern,
B E T A [B]—Brown University—Inactive. A L CP HolAlegRe,H OCo[rAvPalIl—is,OOrergeo.n Agricultural
D E L T A [A]—Jackson College, Tufts Col- C HrI adoD,E BL ToAuld[eXr,AC]—oloU. niversity of Colo-
[B9]—Butler University,
lege, Mass. B E ITnAdiaTnHaEpToAlis, Ind.
G A M M A [I*]—University of Maine,
A L P H A P I [An]—Florida State College
Orono, Me. for Women, Tallahassee, Fla.
E P S I L O N [E]—Cornell University, Ithaca, E P SSItLaOteN ColAleLgPeH, AState[ECAo]—llegPee,nPnas.ylvania
T HnEaTtAi, CE TinAci[n0nHa]t—i, OUhniiov.ersity of Cincin-
N.Y. B ETT AoroTnAtoU, O[BnTt]—University of Toronto,
R H O CP]—Northwestern University, [AT]—Denison University,
A LGP HraAnvTilAleU, Ohio.
Evanston, 111.
L A M B D A [A]—Leland Stanford Univer- B E CT AoluKmA PbPiaA, [BK]—University of British
Vancouver, B.C.
sity, Palo Alto, Calif. A LCP HolAlegGe,A MPMuAllm[AanT,]—WWasha.shington State
I O T A [I]—University of Illinois, Cham-

paign, III.
T A U [T]—University of Minnesota, Min-

neapolis, Minn.
C H I [X]—Syracuse University, Syra-

cuse, N.Y.
U P tSoInL,O NSea[tTtleJ,—WUanshiv.ersity of Washing-
Nu K A P P A [NK]—Southern Methodist

University, Dallas, Tex.
B E T A P H I [B*]—Indiana University,

Bloomington, Ind.
E T A JH]—University of Wisconsin,

Madison, Wis.
A L P H A P H I [A*]—Montana State Col-

lege, Bozeman, Mont.


N E W Y O R K A L U M N A — N e w York City. O M A H A A L U M N A — O m a h a , Neb.
S A NciscoF,R CA NaCliIfS. C O A L U M N A — S a n Fran- S Y R A C U S E A L U M N A — S y r a c u s e , N.Y.
D E T R O I T A L U M N A — D e t r o i t , Mich.
P R RO VhIoDdEeN CIsElanAdL. U M N A — P r o v i d e n c e , ALUMNA—Nashville, Tenn.
ALUMN A —Boston, Mass. N ASHVIL L E ALUMNA—Cleveland, Ohio.
BOSTON ALUM N A—Lincol n. Neb. C LEVELA N D ALUMNA—Memphis, Tenn.
A LUMNA— Lo s Angeles, M EMPHI S E ALUMNA—Milwaukee, Wis.

Ala.B I R M I N G H A M ALUMNA—Birmingham,

CHICAGO ALUMN A—Chicag o ,InUdLianapolis, O KCL AitHy,O MOAkla.C I T Y ALUMNA—Oklahoma


La.N E W O R L E A N S A L U M N A — N e w Orleans, C HcI aCgAoG,O1-1S1.O U T H S H O R E A L U M N A — C h i -
A L U M N A — Minneapolis, M A D I S O N ALUMNA—Madison, Wis.
Minn.M I N N E A P O L I S Ind.B L O O M I N G T O N A L U M N A — Bloomington,
B A N D E N V E R A L U M N A — D e n v e r , Colo. Ohio.
S E A ' C I N C I N N A T I ALUMNA—Cincinnati,
K N O T U L S A A L U M N A — T u l s a , Okla.
L Y N ALUMNA—Washington, A N N A R B O R A L U M N A — A n n Arbor, Mich.

D.C.W A S H I N G T O N F O R T W A Y N E A L U M N A — F o r t Wayne,
D A L L A S A L U M N A — D a l l a s , Tex. Ind.
ST. L O U I S A L U M N A — S t . Louis, Mo.
Pa.P H I L A D E L P H I A ALUMNA—Philadelphia, ALUMNA—Roc h ester, N.Y.
UMNA—Dayton ,
K AMN SoA.S C I T Y A L U M N A — K a n s a s City, R O C H E ST ER Ohio.
S A N D I E G O A L U M N A — S a n Diego, Calif.

^ytlpha Omicron ^Pi

VOL. 28 O C T O B E R , 1932 NO. 1




Send all editorial material to

313 Twelfth Street,
Neenah, Wisconsin


Box 262

Masonic Bldg.
State College, Pa.

MenTaoshDaR, AWG MisAcoinssipnu,balinshdedis by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity, 450 Ahnaip Street,
printed by The George Banta Publishing Company.
Entered at the Post Office at Menasha, Wisconsin, as second class matter under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro-
vided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920.
TSoubDscRrAipG tMioAn is published four times a year, October, January, March and May.
price, SO cents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance; Life
Subscription $15.

One would expect to find the office of a modernistic photographer of the
first rank unusual—and so you find this office of that leading Alpha 0
photographer as unusual as her pictures. Note the chromium plated stair
leading to the outside terrace from which you get a good view of New
York—this being on the sixty-first floor.

o Pragma

(^Modernism in an AOFI Office

Office on the Sixty-first
Floor of New York's Chrysler Building

By H E L E N S P R A C K I N G
in the April "House Beautiful"

THROUGH traffic maze and city din—composite noise of clanging
bells, grinding brakes, the swearing of truck drivers, newsboys'
calls, honking horns, one voice talking to another—-we thread our
way to that breath-taking monument on the corner of Lexington Ave-
nue and Forty-second Street, the Chrysler Building, whose tall spire
loses itself in soft enfolding cloud or flashes the sunlight to a restless
city, a beacon of the physical heights of human achievement. Through
imposing doorway, high, shining black, and with metal brilliantly ar-
rayed, we pass into a foyer sleek with pink marble and the restrained
and lovely glow of concealed lighting, to pause a moment before ave-
nues of elevators: "1-12," "25-44," "44-57." A little to our left is
"61-65," and there we enter a cubicle the walls of which are an intricate
inlay of contrasting woods in the modern manner of design.

"The sixty-first floor, please." A button is pressed, the door si-
lently closed, and with effortless ease we rise. Once or twice I swallow
hard to rid myself of a slight pressure on the eardrums. There is no
way of knowing, but I think we must be going very fast. The glass
numerals above the door begin to flash—fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-
nine, sixty—as fast as we can say them. Sixty-one—and the door opens.
We have slid into place like the passing of the hand over a piece of
soft velvet. We step into a bright corridor—bright with daylight. At
our left a glass door with "Margaret Bourke-White" (Oil) in plain gold
letters apprises us of our destination.

I t has always seemed to me only consistent and right that so modern
a structure as the penthouse should be furnished in the spirit of the

twentieth century. Though
this is not a penthouse in the
strict architectural sense, I
have taken you to a dwelling
on unparalleled heights pos-
sible only in this second
quarter of the twentieth cen-
tury. Imagine if you can,
then, the denouement, the
anticlimax, the utter collapse
of quickening excitement and
anticipation if we had opened
that door and found—Early
American pine and maple!
With all respect to those
many efficient business men
who see no inconsistency
between the sturdy, splendid
furniture of a pioneer's hum-
ble home and the four walls
of a modern skyscraper, if
such incongruity had been
found here, this story never
would have been written.

To describe adequately

is is what is called the "conversation alcove."
couch is upholstered in tan fabrikoid, the blinds
are aluminum the table chromium
black mirror top. with

this Olympic dwelling, small though it is, is to preface the description
with a word about its owner, since personality is considerably involved
in any right furnishing. I t belongs to a young woman still in her twen-
ties, adventure-loving, with vivid enthusiasms and extraordinarily suc-
cessful in her own peculiar work—industrial photography. The principal
room is a living-room, used also, when necessary, as a business recep-
tion room; hence, though it must be personal, it cannot be intimate.
From the main hall of the building it is reached through its own private
foyer, which is often used as a waiting-room, and adjoins a small office
and such other rooms as are necessary for the efficient pursuit of modern

John Vassos, well known as an illustrator, planned the room as a
whole and designed its furniture. Though he has not entirely forsaken
illustration, he has become increasingly interested in designing the mod-
ern interior, and it is interesting to note, as one examines the room,
that his design has an imaginative quality, a richness achieved through
texture and design—and color, too, when one can see it actually—
that is often absent from our modern scheme when its designer lacks
the background of actual art experience. This is modern functional fur-
niture, of course, but mere functional designing can be both dull and


uninteresting. Even in a mass-production age it must be coupled with
personality to transcend its practical everyday qualities.. The more
severely functional it becomes, the more does it need the enlivening
touch of the artist.

Note then the play of light and shade so quickly apparent in the
combination of woods used for the cabinet-work, tawny walnut panels
and a golden strip of maple; a contrast noted also in the high gloss
of the woods versus the soft and light-absorbing mottled brown of the
cork used as a background for the desk, for the triangular benches of
the minute bar, and as baseboards, in the soft suede-like quality of
the chamois velours used for certain of the chair coverings, and again
in the cold dust-resisting fabrikoid surface of desk chair and couches
as revealed against the warm depth of the carpet. Such decorative play
does not happen; it is a carefully thought out circumstance.

The color scheme is unusual. To offset the architectural severity
of the cream walls and ceiling, a raspberry-colored carpet has been used.
Striking color contrast is afforded by the metallic sheen of the stainless-
steel stair railing and the aluminum desk chair with its upholstery of
apple-green fabrikoid. Used as an accent, this arresting note of green
appears again only on the little wooden stool underneath one of the
windows. The window draperies are hung by huge metal rings on large
aluminum poles sunk in black pockets. The curtaining of the room,
though green, offers no sharp contrast to the carpet, since it is sub-
dued by interweaving threads of golden tan and brown, the predomi-
nating colors found in most of the furniture of the room. Venetian blinds

Tables, chairs, furniture, all in
keeping; the box at the right

houses a combination radio,
and phonograph.

of corrugated aluminum
control the sunlight, which
can be intensely bright up
here above the shadowy
chasms of the streets be-
low. Besides being deco-
rative and restful, they
are very light and easy to

The shape of the room
is quite irregular, follow-
ing as it does the exterior
lines of the tower of the
building. This proves a de-
cided decorative asset, pro-
viding interesting planes
of light and shade and


permitting delightful groupings of furniture. For instance, at the left
of the entrance to the room is the conversational unit slightly raised
on a dais. Comfortable couches covered with a light tan fabrikoid
and complemented by a metal table with a top of black mirror glass
make this an ideal spot in which to relax. Here Miss Bourke-White has
her breakfast tray. Outside the window on a small section of the bal-
cony two of her pets, a box turtle and a terrapin, consume their daily
head of lettuce in silent companionship with a contemplative gargoyle.

Beyond the little stair which leads to a wide balcony surrounding
the whole tower, and which counts as movable furniture, since it is
a part of M r . Vassos's scheme for the room, is a highly interesting
group consisting of a small sideboard, aquarium, and a victrola-radio.
Here you can easily discern the practical value of the cork backing
which serves to protect the wall and absorb the sound of bumping stools.
A glimpse of the cork baseboard is also shown in this picture. The aqua-
rium, with its frame of stainless steel, is of immense decorative interest.
The bottom is lined with glass pebbles in blues and greens, and a huge
piece of deep sea-green crystal is flanked by glass cylinders of varying
heights. A t night electric bulbs beneath the bottom illuminate the tank
with prismatic brilliance.

Some day perhaps we shall be able to buy radio cabinets like this
one without having them made to order. This particular one, in addi-
tion to the interest of its design, is a piece of cabinetwork so fine that
it is a joy to possess. L i f t the top, and there is the victrola. Slide back
the little door, and there are the radio dials. The loud speaker is
cleverly concealed behind the metal grille in the base. Certainly there
is no anachronism here! On the top, by the way, is one of Miss Bourke-
White's own pictures of a Russian industrial plant.

Designers of modern furniture enjoy particularly the problems pre-
sented by the desk, whose ramifications suggest many solutions waiting
to be evolved by functional experts. This particular desk is simple and
the more successful for that reason. Its arresting feature is the heavy
plate-glass writing slab, again with the pleasant-textured, practical cork
backing. On the right a telephone cabinet conceals the books within.
On the left are only those pigeon-holes necessary for a little note paper,
since there is an office in connection with this apartment which assumes
the burden of all detail. Note the long slender cabinet to hold maps,
portfolios, and large flat material. Heavy plate glass is also used for
the shelves in the adjoining book recess. Elsewhere in the room book-
shelves are of maple. The various walnut-paneled enclosures conceal
papers and supplies. A large one on the left of this group, and just
caught by the camera, holds flat trays for mounted photographs.

And with the lighting I conclude my story. Concealed lighting behind
frosted glass is of course used. That we take for granted as a modern
characteristic. But notice that there are no movable lamps; that all
lighting is incorporated in the design of the whole room; that wherever
you wish to read or write there is adequate and comfortable light. Notice
also that with the exception of the desk lighting all lights are placed

OCTOBER, 1932 7


A heavy slab of plate glass, a cork back, an oblong light box combine to make Miss Bourke-
White's desk. The chair of aluminum has apple-green fabrikoid upholstery.

approximately four feet high, "exactly," as Mr. Vassos told me, "like
the horizon of the sky when a man is walking." But there is still
another horizon. Just before we leave we take one more look out of
the windows. I t is a fascinating and ever-changing panorama, defying



Sally Sue White (T), in addition to [
Mortar Board, is a member of Phi Mu
Gamma, and Totem Pole. She coached Virginia Warner ( A * ) , is now vice
president of Mortar Board. She is also
the highly successful Junior Girls national editor of "Spurs," of which
yodvil last year. she was president last year. She is a

member of Eurodelphian.

The equivalent of Mortar Board on the Another A'pha Phi Mortar Board
Pcnn State College campus is Arch- member is Dorothy Ford, who is treas-
ousai, of which Aliriam Gaige (KA), urer. She was awarded the achievement
is a member. She is secretary of the cup on woman's day as the most out-
Women's Senate, chairman of tlie tea standing girl on the campus. She is
given by the Y.W., W.A.A. and president of Phi Upsilon Omicron,
W.S.G.A.; hostess at Mothers' Day member of the Home Be club and on
Tea. She is a member of both Home the staff for Woman's Day and the
Economics societies. Vocational Congress.


D E L T A and Omicron ranked first i n scholarship on their
campuses, while Alpha Phi, Theta Eta and Alpha Pi
ranked second. I n third place in their colleges were Beta
Theta, Kappa, Kappa Omicron, Tau, and Tau Delta. A l -
pha Tau and Pi ranked fourth. Sixteen chapters gained
in their averages last year, and seven maintained the


S cholastic leadership
—<$s z^flways the ^Aim of ^Alpha Omicron Vi

By A N N E J E T E R N I C H O L S , Kappa, Assistant Registrar

AWHOLESALE order for emotions has to be placed when one starts
organizing AO 11 scholarship reports. Excitement knows no bounds
* when Delta and Omicron data for the first semester of 1931-32
shows that they rank first on their campuses, and it is almost as thril-
ling to discover that Alpha Phi, Theta Eta, and Alpha Pi rank second;
particularly, when the latter has advanced from twelfth place since the
second semester of 1930-31. As we tally figures a little further we find
that Beta Theta, Kappa, Kappa Omicron, Tau and Tau Delta stand
third. Very special pride is felt for Nu Kappa who in one semester im-
proved its rating from thirteenth to fourth place, the greatest scholastic
advancement of any sorority on the S.M.U. campus. Alpha Tau and
Pi also ranked fourth.

I t is depressing, though, to see that we have chapters ranking as
low as thirteenth out of seventeen, twenty-first out of twenty-two,
eleventh out of fourteen, seventh out of eight, and fifteenth out of fifteen.
Too much space would be consumed in listing other individual ratings,
which you will be able to find for yourself on the cumulative chart. How-
ever, of twenty-nine chapters from which we have had reports for the
second semester of 1930-31 and the first semester of 1931-32 (several
colleges compute averages only once a year, which accounts for the
chapters not included) it is interesting to see that sixteen chapters gained

- - •-


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OCTOBER, 1932 11

over their 1930-31 (2nd semester) average, seven maintained the same
ranking, and six dropped back a notch or more. From the chart giving
scholarship records for the nine semesters from 1927-32, we find that
AOI1 chapters have ranked first eleven times, second twenty-one times
and third twenty-two times. The average ranking of all of our chapters
over that period has been sixth.

The rank of a chapter is not a perfect indication of its scholarship
average, however. A more accurate comparison can be gotten by ascer-
taining whether the AOII chapter falls in the first, second, or third place
of the groups on the campus. Rating by this method takes into con-
sideration the number of women's fraternities in the particular col-
lege, and the comparison shows that, although a chapter ranks 17th
among thirty-eight, it really is higher scholastically than a chapter which
ranks seventh among eight. Take this comparison—Sigma for the first
semester of 1931-32 ranks seventeenth out of thirty-eight groups on the
University of California campus and falls in the second third. On the
other hand Gamma, which ranks seven out of eight at Maine is in the
third third. Consequently in this particular case Sigma's rank is really
higher than Gamma's despite the fact that seventeenth appears lower
than seventh. At the end of the first semester of 1931-32, nine AOII
chapters are in the first third of the women's fraternities on their cam-
puses, fifteen in the second third and six in the third third. During the
period from 1927 to 1932 we find that out of the one hundred and
ninety-three cases in which our chapters are compared with other fra-
ternities at the various colleges AOII ranks in the first third fifty-eight
times, the second seventy-eight times, and the third fifty-seven times.

Data for the comparison of the averages of fraternity and non-fra-



Opal Pctrausch ( A * ) , had the highest -A
scholastic average of the initiates. -

Anita Prior ( X '33), had the highest
average of last year's pledges.

(^s4lpha §amma


By M A R Y O ' L E A R Y , Alpha Phi

HT^HE forty-third chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Gamma, was
L installed at the State College of Washington on May 20-22 with
Kathryn Bremer Matson (T), Grand President, and Betty Stow

Norgore ( E ) , Pacific Northwest District Superintendent, as the install-
ing officers. Other Alpha Omicron Pis who assisted during the week-end
were: Anita Pettibone Schnebly, Nellie McCall Owen, Ruth M . Quarry,
Susan P. Earhart, and Elinor Allen, Spokane alumna?; Gwendolyn
Showell and Hazel Britton, Seattle alumnae; Roma Whisnant, Portland
alumna;; Mary Lou Collins and Betty Israel (AP); Mildred Sutter,
Frances Maxson, Jean Bainbridge, Alice McLean, Mary MacArthur,
Ernestine Bilan, Margaret Reed, Fern Taft, and Ellen Mudgett ( Y ) ;
Mary O'Leary (A4»); Mary Latta ( B K ) ; and Edith Sinnett (AS).

Mrs. Matson and Mrs. Norgore arrived in Pullman, Friday, May 19.
Representatives from Alpha Sigma, Alpha Rho, Upsilon, and Beta Kappa
arrived on Friday.

Friday afternoon the group took the fraternity examination. Fri-
day evening they were formally pledged at the chapter house. Mrs.
Norgore in her sweet and impressive manner read the pledge service
and Alpha Omicron Pi received the following pledges: Actives, Lucille
Hibbard, Mabel Smithey, Ruby Hazlitt, Hazel Plaskett, Kathleen
Nealey, Adria Veleke, Carolyn Wolters, Lucille Buchholz, Lenore Morse,

Reading from left to right around table: Edith U. Davis, Ruth Robinson
Fischer, Adrxa Veleke, Ellen Mudgett, Kathleen Nealey, Mary Lou Collins,
Frances Maxson, Beulah Beedon, Anita P. Schnebly, Victoria Hansen, Betty
S. Norgore, Lucille Hibbard, Mary O'Leary, Kathryn Bremer Davis, Mildred
Hunt, Mrs. Mattie Ellsworth, HaeelPlaskett, Edna McKee, Edith Sinnett, Louise
Kahse, Stella Fraser Phelps, Irene Rude Edna Berkev, Elinor Allen, Marian
Taylor, Alice McLean, Vtvian Burgess n-'halen, Carolyn IVolters, Mary Mac-
Arthur, Lucille Buckhohs, Ernestine Bilan, Mildred Cuptil, Ruth Quarry, Mabel
Smythc, Betty Israel, Dorothy Clithero, Fern Taft, Lydia Palmer, Mildred Sut-
teri Rose Jones. Elisabeth lladdow, Floy Lewis, Gwendolyn Showell, Evelyn
Voge, Roma Wnisnant, Ken Bainbridge, Inez Ingling. Opal Jenkins. At table
in center of room (left to right): Mrs. Owen, Alma Schicrman, Aldrich, Lenore
Morse, Esther Roehr, Margaret Reed, Evelyn Krause, and Mary Latta.

Rose Jones, Inez Ingling, Evelyn Krause, Lydia Palmer, Evelyn Voge,
Alma Schierman, Edna Berkey, and Opal Jenkins. Alumna;, Beulah Bee-
don, Elizabeth Haddow, Mildred Guptil, Louise Kahse, Edith Davis,
Ruth Robertson Fischer, Stella Fraser Phelps, Mildred Hunt, Edna Mc-
Kee, Mattie Ellsworth, Florence Brock, Victoria Hansen, Marion Tay-
lor, Esther M . Roehr, Vivian Whalen Burgess.

Following pledging, refreshments were served by the members of A l -
pha Gamma chapter. Later in the evening Mrs. Matson had a meeting
with the chapter presidents in order that they might discuss chapter prob-
lems and become acquainted with Mrs. Norgore.

Saturday morning our Grand President revealed to the seventeen ac-
tives of Alpha Gamma chapter the ideals of Alpha Omicron Pi and with
each new sister we felt a feeling of loyal friendship tied up within our
—fraternal bond. Following initiation, installation of the chapter took
place which officially gave Alpha Omicron Pi its forty-third chapter.
• • • Mrs. Matson read the memorial services, in order that the girls might
understand the sacred significance, and explained to them the various
symbolic parts throughout.

Saturday afternoon the alumnae members were initiated and to many
of them, especially those who have been the founders of the local, a
dream thus came true which they had so loyally and faithfully worked
towards. Installation of the chapter officers followed initiation.

Saturday evening at the College Commons the three pledges of Alpha
Gamma were formally pledged. They were: Irene Rude, Floy Lewis,
and Dorothy Clithero.

Fifty-six members representing seven chapters gathered together at


the formal dinner to join with the other chapters and members of Alpha
Omicron Pi in welcoming our new sisters. During the dinner various
Alpha O's read the many letters and telegrams which had come from
our Founders, Officers, and chapters. Mary O'Leary ( A * ) , served as
toastmistress. Lucille Hibbard, president of Alpha Gamma chapter,
brought to the members of Alpha Omicron Pi the greetings of the
Alpha Gamma chapter and in like manner Miss Edna McKee brought
greetings from the alumna?.

From the active chapters in the Pacific Northwest District and alum-
nae the following greetings were brought: Alpha Rho through Mary Lou
Collins; Upsilon, Frances Maxson; Beta Kappa, Mary Latta; Alpha
Phi, Mary O'Leary; Alpha Sigma, Edith Sinnett; Spokane alumnae, Nel-
lie McCall Owen; Seattle alumnae, Betty Xorgore; and Portland alum-
nae, Roma Whisnant.

The red rose of Alpha Omicron Pi served as the theme of the toasts
which were given. Mrs. Matson took us into the rose garden and told
us about the founders of Alpha Omicron Pi and the ideals upon which
our fraternity was founded. Mrs. Norgore was the gardener and ex-
plained the part the executive committee plays. Our fraternity as a whole
and the function of all chapters were brought to us through Ellen Mudgett
when she told about the rose bush.

Mary Latta brought to us the true meaning of the value our pledges
play in the strength of our fraternity and how they played the part
as our spring showers i n the rose garden. Betty Israel told us what
part the rose buds played in the garden when she told us about the
actives. Through Anita P. Schnebly the alumnae told us the part of the
full blown rose in the garden.

"The Rose," written by Elizabeth F. Handy of Gamma chapter,
was read by Victoria Hansen, and with the singing of "Alpha Omicron
Pi" the banquet celebrating (he installation of the forty-third chapter
came to a close.

The installation ball at the Washington Hotel followed dinner which
marked a most eventful and happy ending to a day to be long remem-
bered. Representatives from the women's houses were present.

Sunday morning Mrs. Matson conducted a model chapter meeting
in order that the various officers might know their responsibilities and
the means of carrying them out.

Sunday afternoon the chapter entertained the faculty, sorority and
fraternity representatives, and townspeople at a formal tea in order to
introduce the visiting officers and members of Alpha Omicron Pi to
the campus. Quantities of flowers and greetings from the campus or-
ganizations and group houses showed the warm welcome which the
new group received as the newest national sorority to come to the campus.

To Mrs. Matson, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Norgore, and Upsilon chapter,
as well as the other chapters of the Pacific Northwest District, the mem-
bers of Alpha Gamma are highly indebted for the assistance which they
have given to them, and thank them with all the cordiality of a new
friendship and fellowship.

Jessie "T^oane Qhild "Welfare Qlinic


"Everybody was happy a few days ago," reported the "Sew Orleans Item," "when the
clinic for children at 1840 Desire street, closed recently for lack of funds, was reopened
by virtue of the generosity of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority of Newcomb College. At the
ceremonies were, left to riffht: Richard Murphy, of the Child Welfare association, who
accepted the offer on behalf of his association; Ruth Kastlcr (IT '20), of the sorority, who
made the presentation; Clara Mae Buchanan, secretary of the sorority; Winifred Foist
(IT), president of the active members of the sorority, and Mrs. Oscar Schneidau ( I I '14),
of the association, who presided at the ceremonies.

Dedicated by <9\(ew Orleans Alumnae

By M A R I O N M O I S E , Pi

FOR many years New Orleans Alumnae chapter has been interested in
child welfare work. Every few years a new clinic has been equipped
and maintained permanently, dedicated in the name of a deceased
member, until we now have four: the Helen Grevemberg ( I I ) , the Lucy
Renaud ( n ) , the Leigh Bres Moise ( I I ) , and the Jessie Roane ( I I )
clinics. The Child Welfare Association provides doctors and nurses who
administer aid to the children visiting the clinics and advice to the
parents. Several AOlTs do volunteer work at the clinics in order to
keep in active touch with the Association and its work.


For the past three years we have been earning and saving money
with the object of opening a fourth clinic in memory of Jessie Roane,
who died in 1926. She had always been a tireless worker in the fra-
ternity, and much interested in child welfare work. We remodeled an old
clinic at 1840 Desire street, which had been closed because of lack of funds.

The presentation speech was made by Ruth Kastler ( n '20), and
the clinic was accepted by Richard Murphy, Vice-President of the Board
of the Child Welfare Association. Ruth told of a recent visit to the
parents of Jessie Roane at Chatawa, Mississippi, and of their plan to
establish a welfare camp along a path near their estate.

Mary Railey, executive secretary of the Child Welfare Association,
congratulated the fraternity on its "sustained effort, good will, and
lack of friction among members" in aiding the association during the
past eight years. Rosamond Hill Schneidau ( I I '14), presided at the
ceremonies in the place of Gladys Anne Renshaw ( r i '14), our new
president, who was unavoidably absent. About twenty-five members of
Alpha Omicron Pi attended the dedication.



B A L E N T I N E (r)

Three generations—^All gamma Alpha O's

By B E T T Y B A R R O W S , Gamma

MI R I A M HANABURGH, a Gamma junior, is the third genera-
tion in her family to be a Gamma girl. Her grandmother, Eliza-
beth Abbott Balentine, who was at one time registrar at the
university, and her daughter Florence Balentine, were both members of
Phi Gamma, the original local sorority, Delta Sigma, the triad of Tufts,
Brown and Maine and finally of our national Alpha Omicron Pi.

In the fall of 1901, three were initiated into Phi Gamma. They were
Florence Balentine, Marion Wentworth Perkins, and Lennie Copeland.
Mrs. Hanaburgh and Mrs. Perkins have daughters in the active chapter.
Miriam is very active in athletics and a member of the German Club.
Olive is a senior, an All Maine Woman, and in various activities.

OCTOBER, 1932 17

^Bicycles, books, briefcases—

an Impression of Danish University Life

By E L I Z A B E T H E B E L I N G , Tau

A D A N I S H professor of my acquaintance gave his impression of
American university life in the following characterization: foot-
ball, fraternities, and Ford roadsters. I f I were to answer him,
and be allowed the same alliteration, I should sum up my impression
of Danish student life in the three words: bicycles, books, and brief

Practically the only likeness between the American universities
with which I am acquainted and the European one with which I am
now associated is in name and plkpose. And even that is saying too
much, as the purpose, theoretical at least, of the American system is
to fit students for life, that of the European to make scholars out of
everyone. But perhaps I had better confine myself to the adjective
Danish, as things which are true of the University of Copenhagen may
not be of others. These differences are not only in such external mat-
ters as courses and degrees but lie as deep as the social and economic
structure of the country, and of course the national character.

Perhaps these differences may best be understood by following a
Danish student through his daily life. University education is as demo-
cratic as everything else in this most democratic of countries, and most
of the students come from middle class, even lower middle class fami-
lies. This means that the students work enormously hard, for the more
intensely they work the sooner they can get through and obtain a
position. The average day of a student would, I suppose, be something
like this: He arises at 7:30, eats his light breakfast, and takes an hour of
gymnastics. There are no athletic competitions at the university, sports
being very expensive to participate in, so most of the Danes go in for
gymnastics—of which there are highly perfected systems—for both


men and women. Classes usually begin at nine, and the morning is spent
in attendance at them and in studying. At twelve comes the great hour
of the day—lunch, which is brought from home in packages, and fol-
lowed by an hour's relaxation or very earnest conversation. I n the after-
noon most students go to their pupils to give a lesson, usually in the
foreign language which they are studying. Most of them must work a
little, but this work never takes the form of clerking, or waiting on
table, or part-time housework, as it so often does in America. For the
Danish students consider themselves members of a distinct professional
class and would not step out of it to do work which they consider
belongs to a commercial or domestic class. The rest of the afternoon
is consumed in study and lectures, while the evening is usually spent
at home, sometimes with books, often with a group of friends. The
Danish students are not given to studying late at night as Americans
do, periodically, at least, for there is no time when these students must
have anything done, and therein lies the greatest difference in the two

The Danish student is entirely on his own. He is never compelled to
do anything, never has to attend a lecture, is never marked down for
failing to hand in a paper. To the American student who must get
to her 8:30 the morning after a prom because she has already had
three cuts or must stay up all night to complete a term paper, this sounds

The round tower (an observatory),
and the Regensen (right), the men's
dormitory, were both built by Den-
mark's hero-king, Christian IV, in the
early part of the 17th century. The
first womeni dormitory, just com-
pleted, is a striking contrast to the
men's dwelling, for it is constructed
in the modernistic style. (Below) The
Alpha O author of this article on the
steps of the main building of the

University of Copenhagen.

OCTOBER, 1932 19

- r


"The main building of the University was rebuilt in 1S03 after being destroyed, like
most of Copenhagen, by the British bombardment. The only remaining part of the old
building is at the back of the court around which the structure is built; it is a quaint
little place with small Gothic arches and a dissy, winding staircase, at the top of which

I have my classes. Established in 1479, the University now has 5,000 students."

quite idyllic. But that is only one side of the story. For the Danish
student never knows how he stands, is never once examined in the five
and a half to seven years he studies. He must remember everything he
has heard until the end of his career and then be examined, both in
writing and orally, on all the material, and be either passed or failed.
This means of course that he must have a much better comprehensive
view of his whole subject than an American student who may register
for a course in Chaucer, cram at the last minute for the term exam, and
then proceed to forget about it. On the other hand this entire emphasis
on the final exam rather stunts the intellectual interest of the student.
Because it means everything to him, and even his position depends
entirely on what mark he receives in it, he is too likely to be more in-
terested in what he will be asked in that exam than in material for its
own sake. For this reason I have found, quite contrary to what I ex-
pected, less of true liberal education in Europe than in America. After
seven years in which he is confronted by the black bogey of the final
exam the student hasn't must intellectual curiosity left.

If the American ideal is liberal education, the Danish is thorough
education. The students study only two subjects; all background ma-
terial is supposed to be gained in the high schools or gymnasiums,
which are at least a year ahead of ours. Of course they are enabled to
know these subjects from the ground up, in all their finest details, so
that the Danish student who is studying English knows far more about
Anglo-Saxon and Middle English than the average American M.A. I
never attempt to go into the etymologies of English words with my stu-


dents for they know more than I do about such matters. There is no
doubt of the fact that the Danish student is much more painstaking,
much more accurate, much more the real student than the American
undergraduate. On the other hand he is not so keen, not so attractive, not
so original, and though you never find a stupid or lazy student here,
you never come across the occasional brilliant student you find in the
American classroom. They are pretty much on a level, just as their
opinions are almost all the same, and their general outlook.

Just as the whole tempo of life here is so much slower than in
America, the leisureliness of the university existence strikes one at once.
Though the buildings are so compact it couldn't possibly take more
than three minutes to get from any part of them to another, there are
fifteen minutes between the lectures, so that for a quarter of each hour
the court is filled with slowly sauntering students. But the lunch room
is the most revealing. There are two of these important places, large
rooms filled with tables and benches, and for almost the whole day with
laughing and talking students, with smoke, with noise. A l l Danes eat
sm0rrebr0d for lunch, pieces of dark bread spread with the most un-
believable mixtures—herring, cold fish, queer meats, pickled beets,
cheese, figs, bananas, to mention just a few—and as a crowning treat,
goose grease or pork lard, though the Danish butter is perhaps the
best in the world. All of the students bring at least one of these Pandora
box-like packages: those who take tea bring another, and those who
are "studying for their exams" a revered and hard-worked group of
last year students, bring at least three, to be eaten at 10:30, 1:30 and
4:00', it being a time-cherished belief that studying for exams requires
as much food as digging ditches.

At least an hour is spent after lunch in talking and very earnest
are these discussions. As in all continental universities, there is a
great interest in politics and a student attaches himself to the radicals
or conservatives immediately upon matriculating. The only university
paper is a political one, edited by a former student and containing
almost no university news but world events colored by the political
views of the editor. Until this month the paper was in the hands of
the conservatives, but the radicals have just obtained hold of i t , and
great is the rejoicing in their midst. The only organizations among the
students, and the only extra-curricular activities, are the political groups
and the language societies; sometimes the two are unofficially connected.
Only last month a new society was formed among the English students.
Its organizers were of the radical group, and the meeting was held in
the rooms of the communist society. Also the three speakers were of
that group, but when one of them read an original poem desecrating
the Danish flag, the more conservative element revolted, put up a can-
didate for president and got him elected.

The social life of the students is not at all confined, though their
amusements are rather simple ones and inexpensive. They play a good
deal of bridge, go to an occasional movie, to the theater when they
have money, and to the Saturday night dances at the Students' Union

OCTOBER, 1932 21

(Studenter Forening), an organization of all Danish students, past and
present, with a large club house, which serves as the center of all stu-
dent activities, social and intellectual. This last autumn some wealthy
townspeople presented the students with a spacious and rather luxurious
cottage situated on a lake north of town; each of the societies takes its
turn having a week-end there. The last of March the English students
took their turn and I with them; although I was the closest there was
to a chaperon I know I was not asked as such, as that institution is
unknown in Denmark. I n fact, the social activities of the students are
absolutely unsupervised, and a Dean of men or women would find
him or herself with nothing to do, as the students seem to present no
disciplinary problem of any kind. This week-end was rather typical of
the social life among the students, in its simplicity and its heartiness.
Unfortunately that very Saturday we had the first snow of the winter
and were prevented from biking up as we had planned, and as the
Danes do everywhere. The whole week-end, including everything, cost
only two and a half kroner, or about fifty cents. For supper, which
we didn't have till 10:30, as the baker's van couldn't get through the
drifts and the boys had to put on their skis and go for the food, there
was only tea, bread and butter and cheese, but plenty of it. Then at
midnight we had hot dogs and beer around the fireplace, where we sat
for many hours talking, composing limericks, telling stories, and singing
songs, most of them American ones like " M y Darling Clementine" and
"Polly Wolly Doodle." After a few hours of sleep, of which the Danes
seem to require almost none, we were up and out again, skating, skiing,
and hiking which with more singing and'some bridge, completed the day.
I couldn't help contrasting the affair with a fraternity week-end with its
expensive hotels and formal dances, and wondered what these students
would think of such luxury, and if they would have any better time.

One of the most looked-forward to events of a student's life is a
trip into a foreign country or to another university. There is a good
deal of visiting with the students from the University of Lund across
in Sweden, only about an hour and a half's trip from Copenhagen. Once
a year the German students go into that country with one of their pro-
fessors and stay for a week. And every language student feels he ab-
solutely must go to the country whose language he is studying before
going up for his exams. All of my older students have been in England
for a considerable period, many of them at Oxford or Cambridge. These
students, who write rather advanced papers on literary subjects with me,
speak and write remarkably good English with quite the purest pro-
nunciation I have ever heard from foreigners. The younger students
range upwards in quality from the boy who assured me he had gone to
an English school and should go into an advanced class, and then de-
scribed Denmark as the land where "the beacon and eggs are growing."

Altogether I have found my Danish students very attentive, very
hard-working, very pleasant to deal with, and almost embarrassingly
polite. ( I shall never forget the shock of coming into my first class and
having the twenty of them rise to greet me and remain standing till


I was seated. Nor would they ever think of leaving the lecture room
before the instructor had done so.) But they have also taught me, quite
incidentally, to appreciate the American student, and many of the fea-
tures of American education. Just as there is no better way of learning
your own language than teaching it to foreigners—as I have some-
times found to my amazement and chagrin—so there is no better way
of evaluating your own country and customs than living among foreign

<0A(ovel 'Rushing Parties Tried by ^Alpha Thi

By F R A N C E S T A Y L O R , Alpha Phi

EACH YEAR Alpha Phi changes parties that have been given two pre-
vious years. I n this way, we rushers don't get tired of the parties and
have as much fun out of them as the rushees. We feel that the parties
do not get stale then and we can have more pep and personality.

One of the parties last year which we thought was the most suc-
cessful was the International Dinner. The invitations consisted of small
worlds with an invitation to take a trip around the world with the
Alpha O's. Different rooms of the house represented various nations
and one of the girls dressed up as a tourist guide to conduct the tour.
The dorm represented the bar of an American steamship where cocktails
were served. The first stop was in China where soup was enjoyed, but
the travelers soon landed in Italy to partake of raviolas. We ended our
journey at a cabaret in Paris and the rest of the evening was spent in

Our K - 9 party has always been great fun. To enter the house it
was necessary to go through a dog house guarded by a large bull-dog.
After entering one finds oneself surrounded on all sides by dogs of
every degree and pedigree. Appropriate food was served and the place
cards consisted of small woolly dogs with the name of the girl on the

In order to become better acquainted with the rushees and they
with us, we have a plain luncheon. Decorations are autumn leaves and
flowers with invitations and placecards the same. Candles are used to
reflect a soft glow around the room and everything is cosy and confiding.

This year we are going to have an old fashioned luncheon, beach
breakfast and a hotel luncheon, also, but as the plans for these have not
been worked out completely, I ' l l have to wait until after rush week
to write about those. We hope they will be successful and I ' m sure
they will be. .

We still use our old idea for preference as we love it too much to
ever discard it. The board with AOII in candles and the story of the
founding of Alpha O always remains clear in the memory of all who
have seen it long after the rest is forgotten.

introducing 1
Cfive of Our
^(etvest Thi

"Beta Kappas


Geneva Woodward (XA), ts also Phi is very proud of this Phi
a member of £ H E , KAII Bneetiaa Ki\aapppaf,",M-a>rv'arvHnooerenrnigxg CLo-nOkIIR-
W.A.A. and the History lin (4> D'3o2n)o,vaans is(cePnitero).f Cerda


Florence Hook ( I ) , in addition to Josephine Esterly (£), Phi Beta
Kappa in hMeredJiucnailor Sycehaoro,l. is
1Phi Beta Kappa is business entering
manager u The Ilho.


6I Thi *Beta Kappas in $yrs. 5 <Phi


Alpha Phi 4 AX1P H A OMICRON
Alpha Sigma 2 P I is proud of
Alpha Tau . . .
Beta Phi . . . . the IS members
Beta Theta . .
Chi who were elected "to
Chi Delta . .
Delta that highest of all

Epsilon scholastic societies, Phi
Gamma 3 Beta Kappa, last year.
Iota 2 Add to this number the
Kappa 7 seven who made Phi
Kappa Phi and you

Lambda 3 have 22 who rate

Nu 3 among the h i g h e s t
Nu Omicron 9 scholars in the nation.
Add to this group
Omicron Pi 2

Phi 2 the achievements of 53
Pi 4 other Alpha O's who
Pi Delta were elected to 36 other
Sigma 1 honorary societies and
Tau 2

Theta 2 you have a record of

Upsilon 2 which we can well be
Xi 1 enthusiastic. There are
Zeta 2 perhaps others that

Total 61 32 should be added to this

Nu Kappa—Alpha Theta Phi (petitioning report because this
Phi Beta Kappa)—4. number is taken from

the annual reports

made in May, 1932.

Our record for the last five years in this respect, too, is interesting

and, we believe, unusual, for 27 of our chapters had 61 members of

Phi Beta Kappa, eight had 32 members of Phi Kappa Phi, one chapter

had one member of Sigma X i , and another had four members of Alpha

Theta Phi, a local honorary petitioning Phi Beta Kappa, making

a total of 98. Out of this number Nu Omicron had the largest number

of Phi Beta Kappas with 9, with Kappa a close second with 7, and Pi,

third, with 4. Beta Phi, Delta, Epsilon, Gamma, Lambda, Nu, each

had three. Pi Delta leads with 9 Phi Kappa Phis, with Omicron and

Beta Theta trailing with 7 and 5 respectively.

This year's members of Phi Beta Kappa are:

E D N A K L I N E , Iota

OCTOBER, 1932 25

'Beta Kappas—7 WKappa This

V I R G I N I A BOGGESS, Kappa Alpha O's Sleeted
to 75 Jfonoraries
in 1931^1932
J A N E H A R D I N , Kappa
Alpha Epsilon Epsilon
Alpha Lambda Delta
Beta Phi Theta
Beta Pi Theta
Delta Mu Delta

E V E L Y N MAGRUDER, Pi Eta Sigma Upsilon


GENEVA WOODWARD, Chi Delta Kappa Beta Pi

The members of our fraternity Kappa Delta Pi
who were elected to Phi Kappa Phi
last spring include: Kappa Tau Alpha

PEARL H I R S H , Alpha Phi Lambda Phi Kappa

M A R Y VCORHEES, Alpha Phi Mortar Board
National Collegiate Players .
Omicron Nu
Phi Alpha Theta
R U T H CURTIS, Pi Delta
Phi Beta Kappa 1
Phi Chi Theta
DOROTHY ADAMS, Omicron Phi Kappa Phi

Kappa leads this year's Phi Phi Sigma lota
Beta Kappa class with three, while
Iota, Pi and Nu Omicron each Phi Upsilon
have two. Alpha Phi and Pi Delta
each have two Phi Kappa Phis. Pi Gamma Mu

In these days when our opti- Pi Lambda Theta
mism needs a few prods and jerks
to keep it functioning, it is more Pi Mu
than gratifying to know that some
of us are reaching the heights. I t Sigma Chi Alpha
is to these seniors to a large ex- Sigma Pi Sigma
tent that the credit for the high
rating of several of our chapters is Sigma Delta Pi
due; it is to you undergraduates
who aspire to similar achievements Sphinx 1
that your fraternity looks for
the attainment of higher national Tau Epsilon 1
Tau Kappa Alpha 1
The individual records of some
of those elected to these high hon- Tau Pi 1
ors are always interesting, so let Theta Alpha Phi 1

Theta Gamma 1

Theta Sigma Phi 1

Wywern 1

Zeta Phi Eta 1

Total 75

Out of 224 Alpha Omi-
cron Pi seniors graduating
in 1932 from colleges and
universities which have a
chapter of Phi Beta Kappa,
15 (6.3 percent) were elected
to that organization.


us examine the college careers of some of those elected to Phi Beta Kappa
and Phi Kappa Phi:

"Cerda Donovan (U), has a record of which anyone would be proud.
She is a brilliant student, an outstanding athlete, an accomplished
pianist, she sings and dances, is attractive in both looks and personal-
ity, and above all—she is modest," says June Rawley ( n ) . "There is
no definite order in which we could possibly list Cerda's talents and
achievements. She is a good swimmer, diver, basketball and baseball
player; she was individual high point scorer in Newcomb Field Day
in her Sophomore and Senior years, and tied for third place in her Fresh-
man year. As a Junior she did not enter the meet, because she was out
of town winning first place in the State Music Contest, and third place
in the National. Last year Cerda was one of the feature dancers in
Newcomb May Day and this year she has danced at Gym Night, and
at the concert of the Glee Club and Newcomb Orchestra, of which
she is pianist. Her talents do not stop here, as she will be remembered
for her important part in the Senior Class Play. This past spring she
was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and was awarded the Pi Chapter Scholar-
ship Cup at the Spring Banquet. In addition to extra-curricular activiti-
ties, Cerda has been a student assistant in Physics all year, and has
been awarded a teaching fellowship in that department for next year.
Incidentally she is one of the two women entered in the annual New
Orleans Chess Tournament."

Evelyn Magruder's ( n '32), four years at Newcomb College have
run smoothly and profitably, beginning with her presidency of the fresh-
man class and culminating in her election to Phi Beta Kappa; her
graduation on June 8; and her marriage to Tucker Dawson on June 9.
Evelyn's interests in AOII have been enthusiastic, and her literary con-
tributions to To DRAGMA many. For two consecutive years, Pi chapter
awarded her the Scholarship cup for the highest attained average in
the chapter. Evelyn is the sort of girl that we all love, and everyone
wishes her all the happiness in her new endeavor—Matrimony.

Dorothy Adams (O), Phi Kappa Phi, has taken an active part in
school and chapter activities at Tennessee. She was on the staff of the
school newspaper and was literary editor of the school magazine. She
was vice president of the chapter.

Pearl Hirsh's (A«I>), activities include the vice presidency of Pi
Delta N u , chemical society for girls. She has been both scholarship
officer and To DRAGMA chapter editor.

Mary Voorhees (A<I>), attended M.S.C. from 1916 to 1919. Last fall
she returned to receive her degree and she received it with high honors.
She is greatly interested in tennis.

Besides Phi Beta Kappa, Geneva Woodward ( X A ) , is a member
of Kappa Delta Pi, national educational society, and Sigma Epsilon
Sigma, freshman honorary scholastic society. She was very active in

Sigma is proud of their newest Phi Beta Kappa, Josephine Esterly


J{ere Are Cjfour of Our Vhi Kappa This



Dorothy Adams ( O ) , University Eloyse Sargent (17A), University
of Tennessee. of Maryland.


Pearl Hirsh ( A * ) , Montana Mary Voorhees (A*), Montana
State College. S ' a t e College.

purses on Jforseback " ^ocial

•* V

Mary Breckinridge, founder
of the Nursing Service popu
larly known as Nurses on

OCTOBER, 1932 29

Service Workers Our 'Philanthropy


I TAKE a great pleasure in announcing to Alpha Omicron Pi that Marion
Abele Franco-Ferreira was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Frontier
Nursing Service last spring. Among the Trustees are many well known per-
sonages nationally prominent in various fields, such as Education, Medicine,
Philanthropy, Finance, and Social Service. We can congratulate Marion and
through her ourselves, by this distinction.

Our Work 3s Under "Way

Says M A R Y D . D R U M M O N D , Alpha Phi

IT IS gratifying to be able to announce that Alpha Omicron Pi is ac-
tually launched upon a great career in the field of Social Service.
Bland Morrow, whom you know through her splendid article in
To DRAGMA last spring, began her work in July. After carefully looking
over the field and doing the most essential as far as the budget permits,
she will, aside from her regular reports, keep us informed of people and
interesting events.

Our Grand President will make a short visit to Wendover in Octo-
ber before she begins her tour of the chapters. She will then have a
vivid and personal impression to impart to the chapters both active and

A system is being worked out whereby you yourself will come in
closer contact with the work. Vera Riebel is in charge of collecting
and distributing clothes and other necessary material. You will receive
information and instruction directly from her even before you read this
brief article.

The Social Service Committee is most desirous that each of you
re-acquaint yourself with the social service work as presented in the last
four issues of To DRAGMA and your Grand Council letters. A l l of you
will have this Fall's letter before you have To DRAGMA at hand. Get
this letter out again and study it. Each of you must be given the oppor-
tunity to aid in this fine work. We must all think of it as something
of vital importance to ourselves both as individuals and as a group.
Be sure then, that you are well informed about your work, what you
are doing, where you are doing i t and with whom you are doing it. Being
vitally interested yourself, you will interest others both in and out of
the fraternity.

3\ew Hooks


C o u n t r y•""loin





zAbout "3\urses on Jforseback"

ER N E S T POOLE has told again the story of the Frontier Nursing
Service* after a visit to the mountains and to the nine nursing
centers. He states the history of the Service in a concise man-
ner, and then goes on to tell the experiences he had as he and Dr.
Mary Breckinridge rode from center to center or as he went on calls
with the nurses. His book is really a chain of stories which he found or
which were told him by the nurses. Some of these you will recognize as
stories told you by Carolyn Gardner or by our own Mary D. Drummond.
Like all stories told by various tellers each is colored by the personality
of the teller so one doesn't tire reading it over several times. We needn't
take space to tell you that Poole is an excellent story-teller.

We suggest that alumna? chapters might include portions or all of
the book in their winter programs. It will serve to give a splendid under-
standing and a renewed interest to members. Undergraduate chapters
would do well to include it in their chapter house libraries.

Another book which describes this unusual nursing service is Clever
Country, by Caroline Gardner, Executive Secretary in Chicago for the
Service, and which was reviewed in these columns some months ago. The
work of Alpha Omicron Pi in this connection is mentioned in Miss Gard-
ner's book. Both books will make excellent additions to the chapter

* Nurses On Horseback, by Ernest Poole (The Macmillan Company $1.50).

OCTOBER, 1932 3i

J^o—Wity the Toor Jfousewives!

They J^ead

zjlll Others in -.
tAlpha 0

"Washing, cooking, making beds,
Soothing cuts and poor bumped heads—
Washing dishes! What a life!
My occupation? Mere Housewife."

THUS reported Margaret Jean Kutner /
Ritter (A '12), when queried recently
by the central office about her voca-

tion or profession. And so it is with 297

of a total of 1125 checked, this number

leading all others. Perhaps we should qualify

this statement somewhat for there are 411

who do not list any occupation for them-


The list presents some interesting facts

about what AOH's are doing. There are 197

who are teachers, a field of endeavor that is usual for women. Secre-

taries take the next highest total with 27, while librarians are a close

fourth with 24. Eighteen are office workers and the same number are

engaged in social work. Thirteen are graduate students pursuing higher

education while 13 are also engaged in their own business. There are

11 lawyers and 11 who are in newspaper work. We have seven statis-

ticians, six researchers, and the same number of dietitians. Five are

laboratory workers and technicians, five are doing educational work,

four are full-fledged physicians, and four are home demonstration agents.

Narrowing the field, we find three in advertising work, three girl re-

serve secretaries, and three in dramatic work. There are two bacteri-

ologists, two deans of women, two designers and two engineer's assistants,

two interior decorators, and two writers. In the lone field record, list

an artist, an auditor, an author's agent, a Biometric assistant, a Chau-

tauqua worker, a clinical psychiatrist, an ethnologist, an insurance

agent, a missionary, a Red Cross worker, a silversmith, and a theatrical

manager. All in all, a fascinating list. For further study here is the list

tabulated alphabetically:


Advertising 3 Lawyer 11
Artist 1 Librarian 24
Auditor 1 Missionary 1
Author's Agent 1 Musician 10
Bacteriologist 2 Newspaper Work 11
Biometric Ass't 1 Nurse
Business 13 Office Work 4
Chautauqua 1 Pharmacist 18
1 Physician 11
Clinical Psych 2 Red Cross
Dean of Women 2 Research 4
Designer 6 Secretary 1
Dietitian 3 Silversmith 6
Dramatics 5 Social Worker 27
Ed. Worker 2 Statistician 1
Engineer's Ass't 1 Student (Grad.) 18
Ethnologist 3 Theatrical Mgr 7
Girl Reserve Sec 297 Teacher 13
Housewife 4 Writer 1
Home Demost. Agt 1 None 197
Insurance 2
Interior Decorator 2 411
Lab. Technician 5 Total

These Two Jttade "Both Thi "Beta Kappa
and Thi Kappa "Phi

A member of both Phi Beta Kappa and Muriel Freeman ( T ) , graduated in three
Phi Kappa Phi is Isabclle Robinson (J), and one-half years, is also a member of
who made the highest rank in finals of both Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Beta Kappa.
any English major at the University of She received her letter for major par-
Maine. She is a member of Neat Mather- ticipation in hockey, basketball, baseball,
tai, Glee Club, Rifle Team, Der Deutscher soccer and volley ball. She was president

Verein, and Contributor's Club. of the German Club last year.

^\ew zAlpha 0 ^Manual of

information ^Aids Ityshing

By E D I T H H U N T I N G T O N A N D E R S O N , Beta Phi

TH E R E V I S E D Manual of Information of Alpha Omicron Pi, now
printed for the first time, will be off the press in October. It presents
an attractive appearance, bound in red paper with silver lettering.
The inside front cover page contains the Greek Alphabet with some sug-
gestions regarding pronunciation. The inside back cover includes "A
Code for Pledges."

The booklet proper contains a brief history of the fraternity, includ-
ing biographies of the four founders, data on the founding and extension
policy. Other headings include organization, chapter roll, insignia and
symbols, The Anniversary Endowment Fund, list of chapters which own
their houses or lodges, the development of National Philanthropic Work,
the J.W.H. Cup, publications, conventions, both national and district,
National Panhellenic Congress, with a condensed history of each fra-
ternity which is a member of the Congress, honor societies open to women,
Banta's Greek Exchange, an outline of chapter history suitable for any
chapter, and a section devoted to national luminaries. Here are included
by chapters all persons for whom data was sent to Central Office or who
were known there to have achievements worthy of note. The list is by
no means exhaustive.


The booklet is designed primarily for the use of the pledges in their
course of training, but will be useful to actives and alumna? as well. Under
the section on pledges—the goal of pledge training, object of Alpha
Omicron Pi and requirements for initiation are given. An outline of twelve
meetings for the pledge group is printed, together with an examination
to be passed by pledges before they are eligible for initiation.

The Executive Committee is very glad to offer this publication to the
members of the fraternity. It was first issued in 1930 in mimeographed
form, and found very useful. Its new form and revised contents should
make it even more valuable than the first publication which members
of Grand Council compiled and made available to the chapters. Members
of the fraternity interested in securing copies of the Manual of Informa-
tion should address their requests to the Central Office.

75 Make T>ki "Beta Kappa—f Thi Kappa Phi


(2), daughter of our well-known Virginia Judy Esterly (S '06). Joseph-
ine was elected at the end of her junior year. She is vice president of
the Pre-Medic Club and is on the woman's advisory board of the cam-
pus Y.W.C.A. She will enter medical school this fall.

"Mary Hoerning Conklin (<£ '32), is an example of beauty and
brains," says the chapter editor. She is prominent socially and is a mem-
ber of the Spanish Club. She is 100 per cent self supporting. On De-
cember 2, 1931, she was married to Quinton Conklin ( A T A ) .

Florence Hook ( I ) , is business manager of the lllio, literary maga-
zine of the University of Illinois, a rare distinction, for this is a job
usually held by men.

Scholastic Readership Is cjllways zjllpha Otytim


ternity women is not always available, and, for this reason, the material
given on the subject is not as complete as we would wish. In 1930-31
out of the twenty-four cases which were on record, the averages for
fraternity women were higher in fourteen instances, those for non-
fraternity women higher in nine cases, and the two the same in one.
Over the nine semesters with which the cumulative chart deals, we have
seventy-one reports in which the averages for both fraternity and non-
fraternity women are given. Out of these seventy-one the fraternity
women's average was higher in forty-three cases, the non-fratemity
women's in twenty-six, and the average was identical in two.

^Modernism in an ^Alpha O Office in <5h(ew R/ork


description; brilliant and stimulating in the sunshine of a blue sky,
gray and obscure through the low-hanging smoke of a listless, humid
day, or completely obliterated as soft white vapor shuts out the world
below, leaving one isolated and alone, a dweller on Mount Olympus,
sixty-one stories high.

(^Alpha O's in the ^Advertisements

This photograph of the Hupmobile sport roadster GOAFLEX
appeared in the "Saturday livening Post" and was
taken by Margaret Bourke-White (Oil). Used TW ( b r a of M p m u . t\%M p - i u r c .
••••Mil < . . | . . — . . fal rfUlMd
through the courtesy of tlie Hupp Motor
Company, Detroit, Michigan.

ALPHA O'S in the Advertisements as
( well as Alpha O's in the Daily Press,
s might be the title of this page, for
within the period of a week we spotted these
two advertising features in the Saturday
Evening Post and in the Magazine Section
of the New York Times. The top shows two
girls (they may be Alpha O's) with a sport
model Hupmobile roadster; below was the
prominent cutline, "Photograph by Mar-
garet Bourke-White." Miss Bourke-White's
photographs are currently also appearing in
Fortune, Apparel Arts, Sunday Times roto-
gravure section, Vanity Fair, Vogue, and
many others. Her work is in great demand
and she is now known as the premier pho-
tographer of the United States. The other
advertisement pictured here features that
adorable baby daughter of Marion Staples
Haller ( E ) , whose amateur photography
won her $3,100 in prizes with photographs
of this same baby, and appeared in the N.Y.


Two High in <HA(ewcomb Cfield cfMeet

F R I D A Y was one of Newcomb's festive days, the annual field day. Each year
the seniors from the various girls' high schools in the city visit Newcomb that
they may see for themselves Newcomb buildings, activities, faculty and students.
On arrival the visitors were entertained in Dixon hall with songs by the Glee club
and several appropriate addresses. The triple trio of the Glee club sang negro

About 3 P . M . the whole student body marched out onto the athletic field with
those participating in the track meet leading the procession. The seniors won the
class honors with 71 points, freshmen second with 38 points, juniors third with 32
points and sophomores last with 25 points. The individual honors went to Cerda
Donovan ( I I ) , senior, who accumulated 35 points, enough to win the meet for the
seniors. Second honors went to Phala Hale, junior, with 17 points. Third place was
a tie between Beverly Walton ( I I ) , senior, Matha Westfeldt, junior, and Leone
Maas, sophomore, with 15 points each.

The reception committee was Miss Anna Many, dean of women, and Lydia
Frotscher; honorary referees, A. B . Dinwiddie, Brandt V . B . Dixon, Clara Gregory
Baer; referees, Peirce Butler, Florence Ambrose Smith, Claude Simmons; judges,
Philip Adams, Ted Banks, Frank J . Beier, Clarence Bonnett, Daniel Camp, Ted
Cox, Xavier Gonzales, Harley Gould, J . B . Hunt, Lester Lautenschleager, Horald
Lee, Leon Maxwell, Stuart Noble, Forest Oakes, George Rody, Claude Simons,
Kenneth Smith, James Winston and Ellsworth Woodward; clerk of course, Lucy C .
Richardson; scorers, Lionel Durel, J . Adair Lyon, Anna Many Marshalls, Elizabeth
Malone and Mary Virginia Sloan; custodians, Ethel Ketcham '32, Kitty Logan '33,
June Reilley ( I I ) '34 and Corinne Claiborne '35.

The various winners are:
50-Yard Dash—Ccrda Donovan, senior; Leone Maas, sophomore; Vassar Moulock,
sophomore. Time, 7 seconds.
Putting the Shot—Elise McGehee, senior; Celeste Lyons, freshman; Phala Hale,
junior. Distance, 39 feet 10 1-2 inches.
Throwing the Discus—Phala Hale, junior; Methat Westfeldt, junior; Lucy Weed,
freshman. Distance, 56 feet 9 inches.
Standing Broad Jump—Beverly Walton, senior; Vassar Morelock, and Mary Helen
Dohan, sophomore, tied for second. Distance, 7 feet 5 1-2 inches.
'Ihrowing the Javelin—Lucy Weed, freshman; Celeste Lyons, freshman; Frances
Evans, sophomore. Distance 72 feet 8 inches.
Running High Jump—Ccrda Donovan, senior; Phala Hale, junior; Mary Helen Dohan,
sophomore. Height, 4 feet 6 inches.
Walking balance beam: Beverly Walton, senior; Metha Westfelt, junior; Amelia
Plant, freshman. Judged by grace and accuracy.
Running hop, step and jump: Cerda Donovan, senior; Mary Belle Rogan, senior;
Eleanor Plamisana, freshman. Distance 32 feet 3 3-4 inches.
Relay race: Freshmen and seniors judged by time and absence of fouls.
Running broad jump: Leone Maas, sophomore; Cerda Donovan, senior; Vassar More-
lock, sophomore. Distance, 13 feet 6 1-2 inches.—New Orleans State.

^Mrs. (§pengler ^(amed Menasha Chemist

"KjTRS. S. L . S P E N G L E R ( I I ) , of Menasha, was named chemist for the city

iVJL water and light plant at a meeting of the water and light commission at the

plant Monday afternoon. Mrs. Spengler, who was chemist at the plant in 1927,
replaced the late A. J . Hall of Appleton.—Appleton Post-Crescent

OCTOBER, 1932 37

Mrs. 'Donald Jennings J£eads "Woman s Qlub

" W " R S . D O N A L D J E N N I N G S (Genevieve Greenman, H '19), of 6119 Barrows
JLVJL drive, Carthay center, is today the new president of the Wilshire Woman's
club, heading a new group of officers including Mrs. Mary Beelby, first vice presi-
dent; Mrs. Frank E . Payne, second vice president; Mrs. Rhoda Atwood, third vice
president; Mrs. Scott J . Campbell, 1626 Victoria avenue, fourth vice president;
Mrs. Phreda M . Seymour, fifth vice president; Mrs. Hazel Montgomery, recording
secretary; Mrs. Charles Lara way, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Mary E . Cooper,
financial secretary; Mrs. F . W. Gregg, treasurer.—Hancock Park Press

Theta St a Sleets Two Alpha O's

| j r O M E E C O N O M I C S students gathered last Wednesday at a general assembly
JLJL in the Home Economics building to witness the tapping ceremony of Theta
Gamma, Honorary Home Economics Fraternity. Mrs. Alban, Betty Smaltz, Margaret
White and Ruth Gilbert (ILA) were the four women to receive the Theta Gamma
insignia. Formal initiation services will be held on Thursday afternoon.

Kathryn Siehler ( I I A ) , president of Theta Gamma, suggested the forming of a
new organization of Home Economics women to promote an interest in Vocational
Home Economics. Dean Marie Mount expressed her opinion that there should be
some medium through which Home Economics students could become better ac-
quainted. Esther Hughes was elected to lead the new organization, while Elsie
Oberland as vice president and Ruth Gilbert as secretary-treasurer will constitute
the other officers.—Maryland Diamondback

Two Members £tar in Stanford Comedy

H P H E dramatic council of Stanford University will present a three-act comedy,
A "Parade," Friday night in Assembly Hall on the campus, first play of the sum-
mer session. Elaine Ryan Wallace of San Francisco, is the author of this play, which
will have its first production anywhere Friday night. The theme of the comedy fits
admirably with the Olympic Games tryouts which will be held that day at Stanford.
Mrs. Wallace has taken for her hero a successful Mid-Western athlete returning to
his home town covered with honors, and made a demi-god by the people of the
place. In the cast will be Terrence Geddis, Marion Littlefield (A '31), Myna Hughes,
Sheridan Hegland, Joe Wolf and Beulah Dimmitt (A '33).

Marjorie Jensen Jfeads Minnesota W. A. A.

J A P A N E S E lanterns and cherry blossoms will transform the main dining room of
Shevlin hall into an Oriental pagoda for the annual spring banquet of the Wom-
en's Athletic association, Tuesday at 6:30 P . M . Marjorie Jensen ( T ) , president
of W.A.A., will act as toastmistress and will award the merit badges earned by
coed athletes. Approximately six "M's," the highest participation award made by
the association, will be presented to women who have completed nine seasons of
W-A.A. activities. In addition, a large number of numerals, given for five seasons
of participation, and chevrons, will be presented.—Minnesota Daily

Hijou Urinkop <#s U.C.QA. Prom ^Beauty

• J U N I O R and senior classes of the LTniversity of California at Los Angeles held
I their annual prom in the Fiesta Ballroom of the Ambassador, Friday evening,

April 22. Four hundred couples attended the affair, which was arranged by John
Mclleany, prominent member of Phi Kappa Psi at the university. The nine prom
misses, picked by a board of judges on the basis of beauty, scholarship and campus
activities, were presented during the evening. Those selected were Misses Betty
Fowler, Lula Mae Lloyd, Bijou Brinkop ( K G ) , Jean Hodgeman, Mabel Griffith,
Gulita Caperton, Madilyn Pugh, Betty Prettyman, and Mary Clark Shelton.—Los
Angeles Times


£\(ora Ulichfeldt Tleads for Prosperity Honds

MISS NORA B L I C H F E L D T (A '30),
Stanford graduate and chairman of the
civic section of the Business and Professional
Women's Club of San Francisco, today was
on record as heartily endorsing the proposed
f $5,000,000,000 prosperity loan bond issue, as
suggested more than a year ago by William
Randolph Hearst.

Speaking from The Call-Bulletin-KFRC
radio station, Miss Blichfeldt said:

" I certainly appreciate this opportunity to
express my full support of the five billion dollar
prosperity loan.

"It is true that I , ]ike so many others, am
usually opposed to increasing governmental bonded
indebtedness; that I believe relief is fundamentally
the problem of local communities. But our city,
county and state agencies are today finding them-
selves incapable of meeting the tremendous and
increasing demands for relief of our starving, for
our unemployed eight millions.

"Private business is also finding itself in-
capable of halting the lengthening procession of
our unemployed. There is no greater proof of this
fact than the appall'mg figures released by our labor bureau a few davs ago, showing that
in sixteen major industries employment decreased 2.7 per cent ana earning power 5.2
per cent in April as compared with March.
"We must face the fact that in this crisis it devolves upon our federal government to
put into effect a comprehensive relief program of such gigantic size that it will put to work
hundreds of thousands; that it will put the wealth of this nation again into circulation.
"England has proven the dole unsuccessful. As Americans we do not want charity.
We simply want the opportunity to exchange our labor for the necessities of life.
"There are several relief measures now before the Congress, but most of them either
are too small or too partisan to give immediate, adequate relief,' or they are not econom-
ically sound.
"The five billion dollar prosperity loan is adequate in size. It is not partisan. It
provides for necessary public works at a time when materials are at a low cost. It provides
for the employment of hundreds of thousands and would put their earnings into circula-
tion and relieve practically every type of business.
"Surely in the face of this crisis we have as much courage, as much faith in our
nation, as great an ability and willingness to handle these bonds in a war against the suffer-
ing of our people, against the economic chaos threatening our nation as we had when we
took up Liberty Bond issues during the World War.
"Let me urge every one of you to sit down at once and write to your congressman
that you add your voice to that of millions of others in this nation who are supporting
the five billion prosperity loan."

Alpha O an Officer of liaison J-fospitaliere

T ^ H E new infirmary at Maison Hospitaliere will be opened Sunday at 4:30 P.M.
JL at the institution, 822 Barracks street, according to Mrs. Dupuy Lee Harrison,
president of L a Society des Dames Hospitaliere.

Made possible through a gift of $300, the infirmary adds materially to the
institution, it is pointed out. The funds were donated in memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Theard and their children, Laure, Nemea, and Irene, by the late Irene
Theard, Mrs. Harrison points out.

Officers of Maison Hospitaliere, which is a Community Chest institution, are
Mrs. Harrison, president; Mrs. L . E . Rabouin, vice president; Mrs. F . Lemieux,
vice president; Miss Lolita Locarne, treasurer; Miss Gladys Rcnshaw ( I I ) , corre-
sponding secretary; and Mrs. Pierre Olivier, recording secretary.—New Orleans

Tau Wins Snterhouse baseball Qup

ME M B E R S of Alpha Omicron Pi won the interhouse baseball tournament and
were awarded a silver loving cup by Eleanor Fournet, president of the
council, at the annual W.A.A. spring banquet.—Minnesota Daily

OCTOBER, 1932 39

Mary Jo Snochs, Most T^epresentative Qirl

MA R Y JO ENOCHS ( 6 ) , and Eliza-
beth Lupton will be presented with
the two class rings at the annual May Day
ceremony at 9 o'clock at the boulder. These
two women have been selected by their
classmates as the most representative coeds
of the junior and sophomore classes respec-

The wearers of these rings are chosen
on the basis of their character, activities,
and scholarship. Clare M c K i m will present
the senior ring to the new wearer as she
has worn it this year. The junior ring will
be presented by Margaret Clawson, who
has worn it since last May Day.

Mary Jo Enochs is a member of Theta
Sigma Phi and Alpha Omicron Pi. She holds
a position as the society editor of The
DePamv. She is president of A.W.S. and
served as Big Sister chairman on that board
this year.—The DePauw

Two on Champ Rational cRifle Team

DU R I N G the last seven years, the coed rifle team of the University of Maryland
has chalked up an enviable record. I n that period, four national individual
championships have been won—two in succession by Margaret Mitchell, one by
Alice Orton, and this past season's victory by Irene Knox. The latter likewise holds
the national indoor 50-foot Open Championship.

1921 saw the first national crown won by Terp gungirls as a team, 1931 and
1932 have seen duplications of the feat. During the 1930-31 season, 28 intercollegiate
matches were fired without a single defeat. Frances McCubbin won second honors
in the national Individual shooting in 1931; first place was taken by the University
of Vermont.

During his sojourn as coach of the coed squad, Sergeant Earl Hendricks has
brought national fame to the university, and a prestige to the rifle team which can
scarcely be equalled by a major sport other than lacrosse.

The best shooting of the 1932 campaign, according to Sergeant Hendricks, was
done by Irene and Josephine Knox, Hoffman, Burdette ( H A ) , and Owens. Minna
Cannon (ITA) is manager of the team.—Maryland Diamondback

£tudent Journalists £ell Class Articles

" p \ O E S Toothpaste Advertising Pay?" "Spring Tonic—Spinach," "To Control
1—" Grasshoppers," and "Student Government," are the titles of a few of the
articles which have been sold and published in several magazines and newspapers
by journalism students in Fred L . Kildow's class in newspaper magazine articles.

Their stories have appeared in Minneapolis and St. Paul papers, The Inland
Printer, The Capper's Farmer, Successful Farming, the Hokah Chief newspaper, the
Alumni Weekly and other magazines.

Students who have sold one or more articles arc Dorothy Clark ( T ) , Elsie
Buchanan, Richard Hanger, Elmo Allen, William Baker, Wanda Fundberg, Ruth
Davis, Carlyle E . Anderson, David Donovan, L . R . Kaplan, Kermit Bierkamp, and
Strand Hilleboe. Other pieces are expected to be sold.—Minnesota Daily


J^enore TSlount (§ings Title 'Ifgle in ^how

n p H E evening of April 28 will find the curtain rising once again on the annual
JL presentation of the Maryland University Opera Club, which will enact the hilari-
ous Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, "The Princess Ida, or Castle Adamant," with
Lenore Blount and Kenneth Spessard singing the title roles.

The plot of the production is taken directly from Tennyson's epic poem, "The
Princess," which unfolds the story of a strong-minded princess, Ida, who estab-
lishes a college for women, only to have it attended by three men disguised in wom-
en's clothes. The subsequent situations which arise when the true identity of the
men is discovered by several of the women, who in turn keep the secret from the
princess, are extraordinarily humorous.

Lenore Blount ( I I A ) , and Kenneth Spessard will interpret the characters of
the princess and the prince, while the remaining roles will be sung by Olive Kelk,
Alice Brennan, Thelma Stamper, Doris Lanahan, E d . Barron, Rosswell Bryant,
Eugene Kressin, Frank Leach, Thomas Zepp, Warren Tydings, and Winslow Bur-
hans.—Maryland Diamondback

Carolyn ^Bellamy Jfas Cjfamous brother

AL T H O U G H relatives of famous people are usually not inclined toward being
. regarded in that capacity, preferring to speak of their own laurels, Carolyn
Bellamy ( A T ) , sophomore, and sister of cinema-actor Ralph Bellamy is an excep-
tion to the rule. "I'm thrilled at his success, and think he's wonderful," she said
today in an exclusive interview.

"Of course, it wouldn't be fair to ask me to say whether I think he's a good
actor or not, because I can't look at the pictures he makes impersonally. How-
ever," she smiled, " I think that the firm rank he has achieved speaks for itself."

Asked whether she intended to "follow in her brother's footsteps" by going on
the stage or into films, Miss Bellamy stated that she enjoyed acting, but would
not continue her career after college. She has had two years of experience acting
on the local collegiate stage.

Ralph Bellamy, famed brother, has worked on stage and screen for the last
nine years, achieving the rating of star in pictures shown within the last two years.
Other members of the family have not been connected with acting.—Denisonian

Zeta Phi Sta Jfonors Alpha 0 sponsor

Z E T A P H I E T A , women's speech society, entertained Mrs. Mary Kent-Miller
Tennant ( O i l ) , sponsor of the local chapter, and associate member, at an
informal surprise party May 26 at the League. Mrs. Tennant, who is moving to New
York, was presented with the pin of the society. At the same time plans for next
year's work were discussed and social announcements made. The members plan
to present a series of children's plays, and organize a verse-reading chorus.—Michi-
gan Daily

Alpha 0 fainting Vraised

wields paint brush and a garden
trowel with equal facility. Her portrait of
Miss Frances Kerr made Frances think she
was looking in a mirror, and her garden is
the pride of her life—and the neighbors.—
New Orleans Times-Picayune

EDITOR'S N O T E . — T h i s sketching of Mrs.

McLellan appeared in the Times-Picayune
in connection with the article reproduced
here, which in turn appeared in the society

J^ooking at vjllpha 0




Beverly Walton (II), senior last spring, won the Archery Championship of
Sophie Newcomb college during the annual tournament held on May 6.

The World Jfyoks at ^Alpha O's

The leading freshman in activities
at University of Kansas last
year was Ruth Pyle (*).

An Alpha O mother and her two Alpha O daugh-
ters—Mrs. L. B. Door (Carolyn Piper V), and
Margaret (right), and Carol (left), from Rho

and Alpha Tau cliapters respectively.

Brilliant and beautiful is the title applied by Nu Harriet Nesladek (Z), was Prom
Kappa chapter to its president, Enid Mayer. She girl at the Junior-Senior Prom
is a riding instructor, member of the English so- last spring. She is a member of
ciety, and made nine hours of "A" last semester.
Tassels, Gamma Alpha Chi
and Kosmet Club.

The World J^poks at Alpha 0 s

One of the six most beautiful girls at Another Beauty Queen is Betty Lou
Birmingham Southern College. is Mary Liles (NK), entered in the Southern
Cade Aldridge (TA), selected and entered Methodist yearbook. She was selected for

by Sigma Nu fraternity at Howard this post last year also.
Co II eg


Blythe Rindquest (KG), is Women's Margaret McNiven, president of Beta
Athletic Association president, W.A.A. Tau is an expert golfer and long dis-
eligibility chairman, captain class hockey, tance swimmer. She is also in the Honour
Y.W.C.A. hostess and personnel cap- French and English course at the Uni-

tain, chairman of Playday, et al. versify of Toronto.

The World J^poks at <Alpha O's

Helen Camp, Omicron chapter president, Minna Cannon (TIA), is easily the most
is the new president of Cap and Gown. popular girl at University of Maryland.
She is a member of the senior women's
She is also Women's Panhellenic honorary society and manager of the
Rifle team, U. S. Champions.


These four members of Alpha Omicron Pi's Kappa Theta chapter are all

affiliated xvith Phi Beta, honorary musical fraternity.

The World Jfyoks at Alpha O's



Neptune's Daughters, University of Washington, two of whom are Alpha O's, in-
cluding Edna Mae Bidtvell and Nurdette Mason (T), front rozv, left
and right respectively.

Mary Poulton (KG), is orientation chair- The youngest member of the June gradu-
man, Panhellenic vice president, Daily ating class at Southern Methodist Uni-
Bruin society staff, voted one _ of the versity was none other than Ernestine
Bruin-ettes, chairman, Panhellenic schol- Shotwell (NK). She received her degree
arship committee, and many other hon- when only 18 years. She is a member
of Beta Phi Theta, and Gamma Sigma.
ors, too numerous to mention.

P I The World J^poks at Alpha O's

Chi Delta's new president, Alice .Wal- Leads in campus dramatic events and
ter, is a member of Hesferia, junior in a recent U.C.L.A. motion picture are
honorary; Spur and president of Big everyday accomplishments for Florence
Sisters. She is active in W.A.A., the Tobin (KG), who is a member of the
Women's League Vaudeville, and is a University Dramatic society and Zeta

member of the Glee Club. Phi Eta.


Eatily the most outstanding girl at Newcomb College is Cerda Donovan (II), who
won the Newcomb spring athletic meet, is a brilliant student always ranking among

the highest in scholarship, a pianist of note, and a skilled dancer.


The World Jfyoks at Alpha 0 s


r .4-



Eleanor Furst (A *33), fifth from the left, is dancing manager at Stanford. She is
here pictured with the other sport managers, including basketball, archery, riding,

swimming, golf, and hockey.

"Blossom Princess" of Maryland was Edna L. Kline (I) of Chicago, led the
the title bestowed upon Alice Cohill Grand March at the University of Hit-
(KO), by Governor Ritchie. She took nois Senior Prom, as Prom Queen, unth
part in Virginia's annual Apple Blossom the senior president, R. D. Jones, Belle-

Festival at Winchester, Virginia. ville, Illinois.


The World Jfyoks at <Alpha O's


Very actwe is Peg Barr (O), represen- lack Home (EA), is president of Worn
tative junior at Miami University. She en's Athletic Association at State Col

is Woman s League Chairman. lege, Pennsylvania.

Another Omicron leader is Rowena Pearle Dcmpsey (T), is the only woman
Kruesi, Prom Queen, who led the Jun- leader of KJR radio musical programs.
ior Prom at University of Tennessee. She conducts the Whirlwind Dance or-
chestra and oth-er orchestrations over the

Northwest Broadcasting System

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