OCTOBER, 1932 40
In spite of the "depression" a good friends in Connecticut. Marian Moise
number of Pi alumna? managed to travel ('28), took a trip to New York and
during the summer. back by boat. While there she had the
pleasure of seeing Stella George Stern
Gladys Ann Renshaw ('14), conducted Perry, and Katherine Maclntyre.
a student tour of Europe this summer,
and remained over to travel in Spain Cecelia Slack Estes ('21), and her two
until the opening of Newcomb. Dag- children were here on a visit. Mary
mar Renshaw LeBreton ('12), taught in Bolton Brown ('24), gave a party for
Tulane Summer School, and then went Cecelia, which turned out to be a grand
to Oklahoma to visit Solidel Renshaw reunion. Sara Bres ('14), and Clara Hall
Fortier ('16), and her family. ('14), spent the summer in New Orleans,
but have returned to teach in Monroe,
Other European travelers were Odette Louisiana. Adele Foster ('30), spent her
Chalaron ('26), and Magda Chalaron vacation with relatives in Elhsville, Mis-
Green ('21), and her husband. Elizabeth sissippi.
Lyon ('27), Margaret Lyon Pedrick
('22), and other members of their family, Cora Heaslip Smith ('28), has just
went on a motor trip to Asheville, arrived in town with her small son,
North Carolina. Ernestine Bres McLel- Carl J r . , to be with her mother for a
lan ('06), and her two eldest sons, month. We expect to see a lot of Cora
motored to Florida for several weeks last while she is here.
We are very pleased to know that
Louise Church ('23), spent most of Andrea Martinez Jackson (Ex. '24),
the summer in Baton Rouge going to is back—her husband has been trans-
summer school at Louisiana State Uni- ferred here. Louise Adams Roddy ( I I ,
versity. Charlotte Voss Kearney ('26), I '24), is also back here to live, we are
has returned from a visit to her parents glad to say. Jerry and Dorothy Bene-
in Columbus, Tennessee, and will teach dict Dalrymple ('30), are again in New
again this winter. Margaret Folse ('29), Orleans, after spending a while in Holly-
spent part of the summer in New Or- wood where Jerry was in a picture.
leans, but has since returned to Oak
Ridge, Louisiana. Clara Mae Buchanan At the senior banquet in May the
('31), and her family have been spending alumnae were overjoyed at seeing so
the summer in Arkansas, but will be back many of the "Gulf Coast" alumnae in
for the opening of Tulane. Katherine town for the occasion: Nannette Tom-
Byrne ('31), was a counselor at a camp linson Carr ('29), who told us about
in Texas, and for the remainder of the her young daughter; Janie Price ('31);
summer was in Clermont Harbor, Missis- Susie Briggs Weston; Katrina Overall
sippi with her family. "Katie" expects McDonald ( N O ) ; and Maryem Colbert
to have an art school for children this Folkes ('30), who is living in Long
winter. "Betty" Quarles ('26), was a Beach, Mississippi.
counselor at Camp Pocahontas, where
she is "right hand man." We are sorry to lose Betty Johnston
Wright ('30), who with her husband
Lucy Sinclair ('30), sailed to New and small son, is no longer in New Or-
York, and from there went to visit leans.
Marriages son, Pi Kappa Phi, of Baton Rouge,
In San Antonio, Texas, February 27,
1932, Martha Bondurant ('29), to Har- Mary Renaud Owen ('25), to William
old Fredric Blackburn, of Los Angeles, Bradley of New Orleans, in July.
Dorothy Benedict ('30), and Gerald Nannette Tomlinson Carr ('29), and
Richard Dalrymple, Sigma Nu, were Jolley announce the birth of a daughter,
married March 30, 1932, in the presence Nannette, in January.
of a few friends and relatives. Tom and Gertrude Webb Smith ('28),
have a young son, bom in July.
Evelyn Magruder ('32), was married
June 9, 1932, the day after her gradua-
tion from Newcomb, to Tucker Daw-
Harriet C. Greve ('06), and Dorothy a week's visit with Margaret Rogers
Greve Jarnagin ('05), accompanied by Stone (Ex. '18), during the summer,
the three Jarnagin girls spent July and she will teach again in a private school
August in Europe. They were joined at Memphis this year.
abroad by Milton Jarnagin I I I who has
completed a year of study as a Rhodes Katherine Johnson Sprigg ('17),
Scholar at Oxford. Mrs. Jarnagin and Charles, and the three children made
the girls are back home in Athens, their annual pilgrimage from Little Rock,
Georgia, for the winter and Dean Greve Arkansas, to White Gate, Virginia, dur-
is again looking after the co-eds at Ten- ing July, stopping off in Knoxville
nessee in her official capacity. over night with Llewelyn Johnson
Thornton ('23), and John. Josephine
Edith Verran (Ex. '16), came down Johnson Hobson (Ex. '15), and the two
from Lynchburg, Virginia, to take a children also came up to Virginia from
course in Home Economics in the Uni- Forrest City, Arkansas, where they are
versity of Tennessee Summer School and living and paid Llewelyn a flying visit
stayed with Elizabeth Ayres Link (Ex. enroute. Llewelyn and young Ellen went
'15), while in Knoxville. Alice Calhoun to New York in May for a six weeks'
Cox ('13), had an informal gathering visit with Mary Taylor Johnson An-
of the alumna? one night in July to meet drews ('24), and Earle, who live in
Edith and Wista Braly Ogle ('17), who Babylon, Long Island, and "Llew" took
was in town for a brief visit from her in all the Broadway shows and viewed
home in Lewisburg, Tennessee, and the Manhattan from the vantage point of
"good old days" came in for much dis- the Empire State building. She and John
cussion. Edith will teach again in Lynch- live at 1105 W. Clinch, Knoxville.
burg this year and Wista will continue
helping her father with the drug store Ola Hancock Brooks ('23), Spence,
in Lewisburg. Alice's oldest daughter, and Spence Jr. were Knoxville visitors
Ida, is a senior this year at the Central during August enroute to Fayetteville,
High School at Fountain City and we Tennessee (Ola's home town), from
are counting on her coming to "the Jacksonville, Florida, where Spence Sr.,
H i l l " in 1933 and following in the foot- has been stationed for several years.
steps of her mother.
Louise Pope Swenning (Ex. '24), Karl
Ailcy Kyle Peet (Ex. '08), is another and their two small daughters, Anne
who has a daughter graduating from and Louise, have moved to Kingsport,
high school next June whose enrollment Tennessee, from Knoxville much to our
at Tennessee is a matter of course. Ailcy regret. Louise and the children spent
was councilor at a summer camp at a few days in Chattanooga with home-
White Sulphur Springs, Virginia, this folks the latter part of the summer.
year and came home with the inevitable Mary Moore Shanton Briscoe ('28), and
coat of tan and many reminiscences of Rogan are also residents of Kingsport
camp life to show for her two months' where Rogan is manager of the Stand-
absence. Polly Hobson ('16), came down ard Oil Company's branch. They often
from Memphis to Pulaski, Tennessee, for motor down for week-ends to visit their
OCTOBER, 1932 51
respective families so we feel that we porter at Jackson, Tennessee, and glow-
haven't entirely lost Mary Moore. ing reports of her efficiency come in
every so often. Virginia Everette ('29),
Margaret Smith Estes ('23), of San is another Jackson resident as is Lyna
Juan, Porto Rico, and Lillianne Smith Flowers Matthews (Ex. '30). Lyna came
Mclntyre (Ex. '29), of Penns Grove, up for a visit with Sarah Flowers Johns-
New Jersey, both returned to the old ton (Ex. 29), and "Boots" in July to
homestead at Newport, Tennessee, for enjoy the summer breezes of East Ten-
a visit during the summer. nessee and Sarah went back with her
as far as Covington, taking young
Christine Moore Inge (Ex. '23), came Tommy Johnston, aged two, along to
down to Cincinnati from New York to display him to the home town folks.
be with her mother during the vacation
period and though she has not yet re- Jennilee McCracken ('25), wended her
covered entirely from her recent illness way from the Arizona plains of Tucson
is well enough to return to New York to Memphis for a month's stay in Au-
for the coming winter. Dr. Inge joined gust, bringing her mother with her.
her in August for a brief rest from his
hospital duties. Elizabeth Christrup ('28), spent a few
days of her vacation in the East Tennes-
Helen Kennedy ('13), was another see hills and stopped over en route home
Knoxville vacationer during August driv- to Memphis with Lucille Coffey Dean
ing up from Auburn, Alabama, where (Ex '28). She has resumed her work
she is with the Extension Division of the as office assistant to Dr. Sammy Raines.
Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Her niece Frances Christrup (Ex. '31), is again try-
and namesake, Helen Camp, is head of ing her luck at truck farming at the
the Omicron active chapter this year. home place on Bartlett Road and in
spite of bugs, bad weather and the usual
Mildred (Ted) McKinney Young obstacles to agricultural success is beat-
('29), and Dick have moved to Fayette- ing the game in encouraging fashion.
ville, Tennessee, from Covington and
Dick is practising dentistry there. "Tillie" Elizabeth Clinton ('23), Martha Lou
Tuttle ('29), and Mary Klopp (Ex. Jones ('16), and Dorothy Nolan ('17)
'31), attended Summer School at Tennes- are back at their posts on the Central
see for the six weeks, "Tillie" doing High School faculty at Memphis. Eliza-
graduate work and Mary working to- beth Hale ('28), after a brief vaca-
ward her bachelor's degree in Home Eco- tion at the old family home near Colum-
nomics. "Tillie" will be located in Can- bus, Mississippi, is again answering ques-
ton, Mississippi, this year in Home Eco- tions at the reference desk of the Good-
nomics work at the high school there wyn Institute Library in Memphis. Lila
while Mary has resumed her teaching at Witsell ('28), is also calling the roll
Trenton, Tennessee. every morning as a member of the
Memphis city schools teaching force.
Elizabeth (Ted) Wallace ('29), spent
the summer in Tifton, Georgia, with her Frances Gunn ('32), and Isabel
mother but is back in LaFollette, Ten- (Tetie) Baptist ('32), both landed jobs
nessee, teaching science in the high with the Shelby county schools and have
school. embarked on their new duties. "Tetie" is
in charge of a library and at the last
Jane Zuccarello ('30), is sticking to report Gunn was not certain whether
the home town again this season and she was to teach Home Economics or
will teach in the Pulaski city schools. History but was hoping to coach the
basketball team at the Capleville Junior
Sue Rogers ('26), decided to get a High School as an extra-curricula ac-
first-hand impression of politics during tivity. Frances Scott ('32), is located at
the August primaries in Tennesseee and Smithville, Tennessee, in the Home Eco-
served as one of the checkers at the nomics department of the high school.
polls in Pulaski, reporting an exciting Anne Brakebill ('32), is on the faculty
time and several amusing incidents per- of the McCallie School at Knoxville.
taining to her job. She will be at home "Deke" Adams after receiving her di-
this winter. Vivian Logue Seymour ('22), ploma in June stayed on for the sum-
is living in Washington, D.C., where mer quarter to take extra work in Edu-
she is secretary to the secretary of the cation. Worth Mabry was one of the
American Association of University summer commencement graduates ac-
Women. Marian Logue ('25), is also quiring a Bachelor of Science degree from
connected with the same office.
Martha Baptist (Ex. '30), is making
a big success of her work as court re-
the College of Education. Christine Fos- down from Nashville over the week-
ter ('32), will take graduate work in ends whenever business will permit.
physical education at Columbia this year
which seems especially fitting in view of Marriages
her record as a member of Omicron's Frances (Daughter) Musgrave ('31),
various championship teams the past and Robert Frierson were married in
season. Chattanooga the past spring and are liv-
ing in Shelbyville, Tennessee, where Bob
"Pat" Cooper ('30), will be with the is located in business.
Nashville city schools for another ses-
sion this year. A rather serious illness Frances Prater (Ex. '31), and Mahan
early in the summer which forced "Pat" Pratt of Knoxville were married on
to take to her bed for several weeks July 27, at the Cedar Springs Presby-
threatened to interfere with scheduled terian Church. Mahan is a member of
plans but she has regained her strength Phi Gamma Delta. They are at home in
sufficiently to cope with her youthful the Timmons Apartments, 1920 White
charges, though is still forced to take Avenue.
things slowly.
Lucy Morgan ('22), received a Master Alice Calhoun Cox ('13), and "Mack"
of Science degree at the summer com- have a son, Newton Callaway, who was
mencement exercises at Tennessee in con- a March 9 arrival at their home on
nection with the work she has been Gibbs Road, Fountain City.
doing the past year for the Common-
wealth Foundation of New York. She Born to Jack and "Kakkie" Penny-
will spend most of the fall doing field backer Doughty ( E x . '31), of Knoxville,
work relating to health problems in the a daughter, Katheryne Hacker, on March
state. 11.
"Red" Young (Ex. '29), and Lucille Mary Rowe Moore Boyd ('26), and
Dean drove down to West Tennessee in Jack have a son, Robert Peebles, born in
July but were vanquished by the heat April, at their home, Orchard Acres,
so cut their trip short. "Red" has com- Rosemont, Virginia.
pleted her business course and is with
the Aetna Life Insurance Company of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Burnett (Anna
Knoxville. Stokely, '23), announce the birth of a
daughter on August 13, at their home
Grace McDougall ('19), has changed in Newport, Tennessee.
her residential headquarters to 291S E .
Fifth Avenue but is still instructing Mary Stokely Ebbets (Ex. '30), and
Knoxville High School students in the Ken have a son, Kenneth J r . , who was
mysteries of science. She has recovered also an August arrival at their home
from an appendicitis operation of sev- near Indianapolis, Indiana.
eral months ago to the extent of play-
ing tennis again on the local courts over Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M c -
which she once ruled as city champion. Clararoch, Jr. (Elizabeth McDonald, Ex.
'22), on September 1, a son, William
Ruth Moore ('25), took time off from Eugene I I I , at their home 3227 Wood-
her teaching duties at the Farragut High hill Drive, Knoxville.
School to participate in the wedding of
her sister Mary ('33), who was mar- Deaths
ried to Paul Dominick, brother of Eliza- Ada Lea ( E x . '25), died at her home
beth Dominick ('35), in September. We in Memphis on July 9, following a
will be unable to claim Mary as an month's illness with typhoid fever. For
alumna until next June as she plans to the past several years she had been a
complete her college career regardless member of the faculty of the Messick
of her newly-acquired housekeeping ac- School at Memphis. During her fresh-
tivities. man year at Tennessee she was awarded
the ring emblematic of the most out-
Virginia Black Snoddy ('26), E d and standing pledge and since leaving the
young Donald have moved back to University had kept up her fraternity
Knoxville from Winston-Salem, North affiliations through the Memphis Alum-
Carolina, and are making their home na? chapter. Our deep sympathy is ex-
with M r . Black at 2027 Terrace Avenue. tended her sister and brother.
Helen Hobson Sneed ( E x . '28), and The sympathy of the chapter is also
small Jack are temporarily residing in extended to Harriet C . Greve ('06), and
Somerville, Tennessee. "Romey" dashes Dorothy Greve Jamagin ('05), in the
death of their mother Mrs. Jeannette
Sterling Greve.
OCTOBER, 1932 53
The summer months have flown by second year of study on her Ph.D. in
and now we are back from our vaca- Latin and Greek. On her way to Balti-
tions at our jobs again. more she visited Eleanor Powell ('30),
in Richmond.
Madge Winslow ('23), spent part of
her summer in Maine and, incidentally, Anne Lamb ('28), is a psychologist
witnessed the total eclipse of the sun. with the State Mental Hygiene Clinic
She, Martha Craddock ('21), and Mary in Richmond.
Bailey Ragland ('21), had a one-day
"bull session" at Buckroe Beach in Virginia Blanton Broadus (Ex. '26),
August and, we hear, saw that quanti- had a lovely trip to Bermuda this sum-
ties of fried chicken disappeared. mer and later took her two little chil-
dren to Virginia Beach for a week. While
Jo Winslow ('26), reports a lovely there she saw Margaret Jones Field
summer in spite of the fact that it was ('26), and her young daughter, who,
one of the first that she did not spend she reports, is adorable. For the present
at a camp. She visited her sister in Ten- Virginia has moved to her farm at Bow-
nessee and her brother in Ohio. This ling Green, Virginia.
winter she will again lead young hope-
fuls into Latin. Louise Anderson Hodges ('28), has a
busy time dividing her time between her
Mabel Clark Rorer (Ex. '23), will be home at Richmond and her cottage near
in New York next winter while her Yorktown, Virginia. They say that her
husband works on his Ph.D. at Colum- little son Fred J r . , can swim at the age
bia. of eighteen months.
Jean Jones ('25), graduated last June Ann Anderson Sale ('26), went to
from the Medical School of the Univer- visit her family in Richmond during
sity of Virginia with many honors, elec- June.
tion to Phi Beta Kappa being one. She
is doing her interne's work at the Uni- Anne Jeter Nichols ('26), visited her
versity Hospital. father at Covington, Virginia, for a short
while this summer and then went to
Frances McFaden Witherspoon ('21), New York for a friend's wedding. This
has moved to Blacksburg, Virginia, where winter she will be back at her work at
her husband will be pastor of the Pres- our Central Office.
byterian Church.
Bessie Minor Davis ('24), spent her
Polly Vogelsong ('30), has a position vacation at her home in Lynchburg,
at the Fashion Academy in New York visiting in Bluefield and then for a few
City and is doing private dress designing days with Ann Sale ('26), in Welch,
in addition. West Virginia.
Fan White ('28), has a year's leave of Margaret Phillips ('24), has gone back
absence from Louisiana Polytechnic I n - to her home in Yazoo City, Mississippi,
stitute and sailed September 9 on the and may not return to New York.
Pennland for a year abroad.
Eugenia Moore Lipscomb ('22),
Julia White ('20), and Fanny Butter- visited in Lynchburg this summer.
field ('17), spent the summer in Eng-
land. On her way to New York to sail, Louise Sale DeLoach ('20), brought
Julia stopped at Lynchburg to visit E v e - her little daughter to visit her mother
lyn Allen ('20), and announced her en- in Richmond, Virginia, this summer and
gagement to Dr. Norman Files of Lynch- so to escape the Mississippi heat.
burg, Virginia.
Elizabeth Sale McRee ('19), with her
Sue Hall Morfit ('28), will spend the two sons was in Richmond also during
winter with her family in Esteva, Sas- the summer, visiting from Roanoke.
katchewan, Canada.
Margaret Gordon ('28), is working in
Elizabeth Call ('28), is a bookkeeper the interior decorating department of
for the Times-Dispatch in Richmond, Thalheimer Brothers in Richmond.
By graduation in June Kappa alum-
Sara Anderson ('30), spent her vaca- nae gained eleven new members. They
tion at Hot Springs, Virginia. are: Nancy Adams, of Lynchburg, Vir-
ginia ; Catherine Baugh, Gastonia, North
Rebecca Wright ('31), will be at Johns Carolina; Katherine Bean, Vinton, Vir-
Hopkins University this winter for a ginia; Virginia Boggess, Bristol, Tennes-
Bee; Annie Boisseau, Petersburg, V i r - Elizabeth Keller ('32), is spending the
ginia; Katherine Coulbourn, Suffolk, months at her home in Gastonia until
Virginia; Elizabeth Keller, Gastonia, after Christmas when she is going to en-
North Carolina; Sarah Hamner, Lynch- ter the Washington School for Secretaries
burg, Virginia; Jane Hardin, Monmouth, in Washington, D . C .
Illinois; Lydabelle Nantz, Owensboro,
Kentucky; and Louise Wolff, Peters- Virginia Allen ('16), is expected home
burg, Virginia. from Africa in November. We hope to
have more news of her later.
Virginia Boggess ('32), has spent the
summer doing welfare work with the Marriages
Family Welfare Association in Baltimore
and expects to remain throughout the Julia White ('20), was married to Dr.
winter. Her address is 14 E . Mt. Ver- Norman Files of Lynchburg, Virginia, on
non Place. September 7, at the Little Church
Around the Corner in New York City.
Annie Boisseau ('32), was appointed
by Governor Pollard of Virginia to rep- Julia Desha (Ex. '34), was married in
resent her state at the Rhododendron June to Reed Graves of Lynchburg, V i r -
Festival in North Carolina last summer. ginia.
Jane Hardin ('32), is working in the Births
First National Bank in Monmouth, Illi-
nois. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edmonds (Dolly
Bouldin), have a second little son, born
last May in Halifax, Virginia.
Early in the summer Grace Johnson Pauline Gellatly ('25), spent the sum-
Woods ('26), was the inspiration for mer in Ann Arbor, Michigan, doing post-
a lovely garden tea given at the home graduate work and also visited at her
of Bonnie Hess Drake ('24), by Bonnie former home in Indianapolis.
and Helen Reynolds Miller ('24). Grace
and her husband who is an army cap- Pauline Moore Ryman ('24), with her
tain are stationed at Fort Monmouth, husband flew to Chicago and spent their
New Jersey. vacation on a yachting trip.
Catherine Benner Barnett (Ex. '20), Lorene ('20), Madeline ('22), and L u -
with her small daughter from Washing- cile Hendricks ('33), with their father
ton, D . C , visited in Lincoln during June. and mother spent the summer in Estes
Several Lincoln girls who are out of
the city during the school year spent Annie Jones Rosborough with her hus-
the summer in Lincoln with their fam- band and two daughters also spent the
ilies. Among these were: Helen French summer at their mountain home in Estes
('23), Detroit; Margaret McNerney Park.
('22), Springfield, Illinois; Dorothy Gan-
non ('26), Denver; Ruth Hitchcock ( E x . Ethel Widener Bentley (Ex. '24), and
'30), Scottsbluff; LaVerne Wright ('26), John spent their vacation at Lake Oko-
Denver. boji.
Frances King Weigel and her husband, Genevieve Calhoun who teaches at
Herman Weigel, were in Lincoln for sum- Beatrice was in California for the sum-
mer school at the University. mer and witnessed the Olympics.
Another summer visitor was Edvardine Jeannette Farquhar ('23), visited her
Hillyer who is with Tower Town Top- sister, Ruth Farquhar Knapp ('21), at
ics in Chicago. her home in Beverly Hills, California,
during the summer. Ruth and her small
Gladys Mankin of Oshkosh was in son, Bobby, accompanied her home to
Lincoln during the summer and has gone stay until Christmas.
to McFadden, Wyoming, where she is
teaching. Elsie Ford Piper and Jennie Lou Piper
drove to Roanoke, Virginia, where they
Beatrice Bryant was here from Kansas visited their sister, Helen Piper Hagen-
City and visited "Migs" Wright buch.
Lucy Lamme was home for a visit Dorothy Hoy Hubbard (Ex. '28),
from Washington, D . C . spent her vacation in Colorado and New
OCTOBER, 1932 55
Mildred Wright ('30), has gone to Mary Ellen Vallery (Ex. '28), and
Auburn where she will teach during the Burr Davis (4>rA), were married during
coming year. the summer. They are making their home
at Wayne where he is an attorney.
Florence Lee Hobbs has been elected
to teach at Stromsburg, Nebraska. Births
Katherine Williams ('31), is teaching Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wirsig (Esther
at Woodbine, Iowa, this year. Lakcman), Sargent, are the parents of a
son, Gary, born in February.
The brother of Florence Griswold
('21), Dwight Griswold, is a candidate Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Nuss (Mary
for governor of the state of Nebraska. Davis, '25), Sutton, announce the ar-
rival of Donald on August 12.
Edna Waite of McCook spent the sum-
mer abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Fay MacMangal (Irene
Brooks), Glenwood, Iowa, are the par-
Alma Burkner Rawlins' son, "Doc," ents of a son born May 30.
received an appointment to Annapolis
in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Barnard (Doro-
thy Woodward, '23), announce the birth
Helen Eckles Hoppe has been elected of a son, Hugh, born July 15.
president of the Sheridan school Parent
Teacher Association for the coming year. On May 1, a daughter, Julia Fay, to
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Parmalee, (Mary
Katherine Follmer has been on the Herzing, '22), of Carney's Point, New
western coast during the past summer Jersey.
with her sister.
Sherry Beth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Marriages Keith Demmon (Bethyne DeVore, '30),
arrived July 26. Their new home is N i -
Beulah Rush Collins was married in agara Falls.
April to J . H . Baldwin.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gorton (Mar-
Dorothy Jean Wilson (Ex. '32), was garet Moore, '28), are the parents of
married to Ray Otto ( B e n ) , at her Mary Sue born on Memorial Day.
home in Aurora, July 8. She was at-
tended by Virginia Gordon (Ex. '32). Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Austin (Marjoric
They are living on a farm near Aurora. Nelson Ex. '30), announce the arrival
of Marilyn Ann. They are living in
On August 6, Janice Foote ('26), be- Philadelphia.
came the bride of Jack Lulin (HK4»).
They are residing at St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Max Phlug (Frances
Aiken Ex. '28), Norfolk, welcomed Joan,
August was also the month chosen by their new daughter, September 4.
Eunice Gaskill, C30), for her marriage
to Dr. Kenneth Miller (Sigma Chi). I t Buddy Drake, four years old son of
took place at her home in Nebraska City, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Drake. (Bonnie
August 17. Hess, '24), has a new sister, Jean, born
Aufiust 24.
Beryl McClure ('28), and Don Wil-
liams ( B 0 I I ) , and a graduate of Carne- Mr. and Mrs. Fay Pollock (Gladys
gie Tech were married at Beryl's home Sherrar E x . '2S), announce the arrival
September 12. They are living at Streeter, of Judith.
By D O R O T H Y W I L L
Gautier Harris ('32), president of Sig- cille Clark E x . '31), who have been liv-
ma chapter last year, sailed on August ing in Cambridge for the last year where
11 on the President Hoover for New Dick attended the Harvard Business
York. After a few days in the metropo- School of Administration, motored west
lis, she will go to Boston, where she in July and spend the summer with
will attend Miss Prince's School for a Lucille's parents. There has been a con-
year. tinuous round of entertainment for them
including luncheons, swimming parties
During the summer Elizabeth Breen and dinners. They plan to leave for the
('29), of Hollister was married to Ellis east about the first of September.
Thornton at a lovely wedding in Mis-
sion San Juan Bautista. A number of Alpha O's spent the sum-
mer in Marin County, including Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McMath ( L u -
Frank Nibley (Ruth Boyd '29), Al- Beach, winning the Master Trophy.
freda Sbarbaro ('29), Mrs. Allen (Vir- He is the first one to bring this trophy
ginia Dwight '28), Dorothy Will ('32), to northern California.
and Mrs. Frances Stephen Ulrick (Vir-
ginia Barker E x . '31). Paula de Luca ('30), is planning a
trip to the South Seas in January, and
Rose Bell ('10), and her children of is to be away four or five months.
Peoria, Illinois, spent the summer in
California, and were entertained by sev- We are all very happy to hear that
eral of Sigma's alumna?. Daisy Shaw is so much better these days
and we do hope she will continue to
Emma Hunter, a University of Ne- improve.
braska graduate, but one who has al-
ways been interested in Sigma chapter, A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs.
also spent the summer in California. Kenneth Dawson (Kathleen Carey '30),
However, she and her husband have, on April 17 of this year. I n June, K a y
by now, returned to Denver where Mr. and Ken with their young daughter left
Hunter is President of the University for Annapolis where they will live for
of Denver. two years while Ken is taking a post-
graduate course.
Mary M . de Witt ('13), is now Mrs.
Robert Mitchell Angier, 1462 Angelus A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Street, Los Angeles, California. Creswell C . Cole (Lenore Selig '30),
on April 4, 1932. Mrs. Cole and her
Mr. and Mrs. John J . Hollenbeck and young son spent the summer in Carmel.
their three children spent a number of
weeks this summer cruising about E n - We are very grieved to hear of the
senada and Mexico on one of their sad death of Mrs. Clyde Edmundson
yachts. Mr. Hollenbeck is an owner of (Claire Crumb '22), of Palo Alto. The
several yachts, and recently sailed in a alumna? extend their heartfelt sympathies
race between San Francisco and Long to her husband and family.
By M I N N A M A E B A R T L E Y
Marriages ance Corporation. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt
have two children, Stephen and Natalie.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bohley have an-
nounced the marriage of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson R. Smith (Ach-
Lora ('32), to Wendell Stover of L i n - shah Foster '24), are living at 130 Way-
ton, Indiana. Mr. Stover is a member of side Drive, Amarillo, Texas.
Delta Upsilon and Nu Sigma Nu at I n -
diana University. Mrs. Lucile Kelley Hall ('20), is liv-
ing at 2507 Madison Road, Apt. 7,
Miss Margaret Norris ('20), was mar- Cincinnati, Ohio.
ried to Elmont Bowman of Pana, Illi-
nois, June 25, 1931. They are residing Deaths
at 609 Kitchell Avenue, Pana, Illinois.
Theta alumna? will be shocked to hear
Miss Florence Hughes ('15), became of the tragic death of Mrs. Maro Beck
the bride of Dr. Thomas Sigler of Merriman (Ex. '14), who was drowned
Greencastle, Indiana, on July 9, 1932. April 23, 1932, at Indianapolis, in an
unsuccessful attempt to save her older
Miscellaneous son, Joseph, who had fallen into a canal
while playing on its bank. A double
Margaret Bryan ('27), a teacher of funeral service was held.
speech and English in the high school at
Newcastle, Indiana, was honored by hav- Births
ing one of her pupils, Charles McDor-
man J r . , win first prize of $250 and a Mr. and Mrs. Harley West (Alice
$200 scholarship to Earlham college in a Reeves E x . '25), are the parents of a
constitutional oratorical contest. daughter Judith Ann, born in December.
Mr. and Mrs. West reside in Webster
Change of Address Groves, Missouri.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hunt (Mary A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Driscoll E x . '27) have moved to Okla- Lewis Essex of Columbus, Indiana. Mrs.
homa City, Oklahoma, where he is con- Essex was Lorene Golden ('27), before
nected with the General Motors Accept- her marriage.
OCTOBER, 1932 S7
Adelle Allen (Ex. '33), was married ing to the University of Maine this fall
last spring to Jack Longley, Beta Theta to take some courses. She will live in
Pi, at the University of Maine. They are Orono.
living at Hartford, Connecticut, where
Mr. Longley has employment. Olive Perkins ('32), is at Yale Uni-
versity taking a course in Chemical M i -
Hazel Parkhurst ('31), has begun her croscopy.
duties at the English teacher at the F a l -
mouth High School, Falmouth. Ellen Wareham ('31), is teaching Do-
mestic Science at the Robinson Female
Isabelle Robinson ('32), is going to Seminary, Exeter, New Hampshire. Her
be at the University of Maine this fall address is 39 Front Street, Exeter, New
studying for her M A . degree. Hampshire.
Margaret Merrill ('32), is employed as "Mamie" Fellows ('31), is returning
the English teacher in the Old Town to Vesper George Art School in Boston
High School, Old Town. She will live at where she has received a scholarship.
Beulah Osgood was instructor of Home
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Loring ("Polly" Economics at the University of Maine
Stearns '31), are living at Green Lake, summer session. She will also teach there
Maine. this fall.
Elizabeth Livingstone ('31), is return-
By E L I Z A B E T H J . L Y N A H A N
The new alumna? will be anxious to have. Mrs. Anna Wright and Mrs.
hear about the lovely wedding which Schmit were there, and made everyone
took place the day after commencement of us feel that we were back in the
at the Knoll, when Ruth Virginia Wash- right atmosphere again.
burn ('32), became the bride of Emer-
son Stewart Williams. The couple were It has come to my ears that Betty
married at eight o'clock at Sage chapel, Pratt Vail ('22), and her husband who
and a reception followed at the AOEI lived in California for some time have
house. Just thinking about it brings back returned to New York City. They
the perfect June evening, and the mem- brought with them their daughter, Mar-
ory of the solemn but beautiful cere- garet Jean who at the tender age of
mony. Ruth and Stewart left to attend three months has won the hearts of their
the Olympics at Los Angeles, but they New York friends.
will be living in Ithaca next year to the
combined joy of the AOII's and S A E ' s . One can't get away from reunion, but
I must mention that the 1927 girls looked
Reunion was pretty exciting especially as young and stunning as ever in their
for those of us who were attending our white dresses, and tailored blue blazers.
first. With the Dix plan in operation, we Herta (Mikki) Wilson is still in Chicago,
were back with other classes who were but contemplating a change she declares.
in college at the same time. Saturday af- Grace Hanson remains in New York, and
ternoon Mrs. Reed kindly arranged a maintains her interest in all things per-
tea for all returning "old grads." taining to Cornell, and particularly A 0 I I .
Carmen Savage, Ella Evans, Betty
At that time it was learned that Irma Brotherhood, and Muriel Drummond
Greenawalt ('21), of Denver will be back were all there. I wish space permitted
in Ithaca this year doing graduate work. to tell you all about them, but then you
All of us know the name of Mary know them so just use your imagina-
Donlon ('19), and it was with great tion, and grow green with envy if you
pleasure that we saw and talked with slipped up on coming.
her again. Some of the alumna? brought
their children, and it was unanimously The class of '30 did very well also—
carried that they were just the sort what we lacked in numbers, we made up
of adorable children that AOII's would in conversation. Betty Irish came from
Auburn, and told us that she planned to
spend the winter there with her father. The journalistic instinct has just won
Caroline Dwady is all set for her master's out over modesty so in case anyone
degree, but stated that her residence for is interested in finishing this, I'll just
the year is not yet decided upon. Ethel add that Mrs. Joel Sayre (Gertrude
Bissell Hanson (Ex. '30), journeyed all Lynahan '22), and her husband are
the way from Chicago to be with us. spending some time in Bermuda, and
I only hope Ruth Smith reads this and that Elizabeth Lynahan ('30), has taken
sighs because she spent all of her vaca- a position in the New Business Depart-
tion in Florida last winter instead of ment of Empire Gas and Electric Com-
saving a week-end for Ithaca. pany at Geneva, New York. All letters
addressed to the latter at that destina-
In July, Elinor Irish ('28), was mar- tion will be greatly appreciated. How
ried to Harry Case ('28). The cere-, can I dispense news if no one sends me
mony took place in Dr. Farrand's gar- any?
den before the immediate families.
Almost every week this summer I have ('27), was visiting in Chicago last spring,
promised myself a trip to the World's and now she is in Germany visiting
Fair grounds to see what progress has friends. She has made several short trips
been made. Finally last week, I went. through the continent and in England.
What I saw was really beyond my expec- When "Kay" returns home this fall, I
tations. The whole place is seething with understand she is to be married, but so
activity; buildings are going up with re- far I haven't been able to learn his
markable rapidity; gardens are being name. Since graduation, "Kay" has been
planned and arranged; enormous lighting working in a library in Buffalo, New
systems are under way, and the whole York.
atmosphere of the place is one of ex-
pectation—expectation of the greatest Last April, Nan Bolas (Ex. '30), was
World's Fair ever produced. The archi- married to Art Tatham; Phylis Voorhies
tecture of the buildings is decidedly mod- Lund ('29), and Dorothy Blair DeBere
ernistic. The whole scene is very effec- ('29), were bridesmaids in Nan's wed-
tive; looking toward the east, one sees ding. The Tathams are now living in
the ever blue Lake Michigan sketching Evanston, Illinois. June 11 saw the mar-
for a seemingly endless distance; look- riage of Eleanor Goodrich ('27), to
ing west and north, Chicago's famous Francis Martin. Francis is studying to
skyline stands out in contrasting relief. be a doctor, and Eleanor is going to
Stopping to look over the Administration continue her work in the personnel of-
Building, I found two most enthusiastic fice at Northwestern University. The
AOII's, Eleanor Johnson (Ex. '28), and Martins spent their honeymoon in Cali-
Marjorie Eldredge (Ex. '28). Both of the fornia.
girls have very nice positions as secre-
taries, and seem to be fairly carried away Anne McCabe ('25), surprised every-
by the spirit of the whole undertaking. one this spring; on May 14, she and Burt
Anyone who misses the World's Fair next Bryan were married. Florence Ross ('30),
summer is going to be sorry. Start plan- is now Mrs. Parkinson. Rita Biondi
ning and saving for it now! ('27), also gave some of us a surprise
this summer; in June, Rita and Dell Mc-
There seems to have been a good Gregor were married. Rita plans to keep
showing of Rho girls in Europe this on teaching at Alma College in Michi-
summer. Dorothy Duncan ('25), con- gan until Dell finishes his medic course
ducted a tour and brings back reports at Ann Arbor. Down in Berea, Ohio,
of a very good and successful time. this summer, Helen Street ('27), became
It is getting to be a habit with Dorothy, Mrs. Rochard Stocker. Richard is the
this being her third summer abroad. band teacher at Berea High School. Mae
"Peg" Wolfe ('28), also went to Europe; Halberg McKay (Ex. '30), is living in
she came back with some entertaining Evanston.
stories, and a special liking for England
and English people. Katherine Kendrick At Ruth Batterson Solheim's ('27),
this summer, I met Agnes Beisenraeier
Sleight ('25), who was visiting her
OCTOBER, 1932 59
family. Virgil, her husband, is professor Today I had luncheon at Katherine
at the University of Arizona. Agnes Hodgson Stocklin's ('27), home; she has
is just as pretty and as active as ever. two healthy looking children, Herbert,
Ruth Solheim just called to tell me who is three years old, and Peter, who is
that her sister Jane Batterson Buckley two months old. A year ago in June,
(Ex. '30), is living in New York. Jane Katherine received her Master of Sci-
is anxious to hear from her friends, so ence degree from Northwestern Univer-
I am enclosing her address: 831 Beverly sity. Frank and Dorothy Buskens ('28),
Road, Brooklyn, New York. Olive Fisher are the proud parents of a daughter,
('30), who works for The American born May IS and named Dorothy. Char-
Telegraph Association, has just been lotte Collins Silbaugh ('25), has a son,
promoted to a very nice position. Dauph born in May. Ruth McNamara Beck-
Hahn ('28), who spent last winter in man (Ex. '29), also has a young son.
New York, is back in Chicago. This
summer she took a course at the Univer- Dorothy Hills ('28), has been work-
sity of Chicago, and now Dauph is ing for the past six months in one of the
doing case work for Unemployment Re- clinics at Grant Hospital in Chicago;
lief Service. she has donated all of her services so
far, and seems to enjoy the work.
Antoinette Schulte ('30), took a two Lake. "Pat" Crofoot ('31), joined her
months' trip to Europe this summer there for some weeks, and together they
with her aunt, Miss Jane Lacoste. "hitch-hiked" to Yosemite Valley—fifty-
"Tonie" and Beth Pinkston ('31), plan seven miles. Lucile Morgan ('32), has
to return to the Stanford Medical School a steady position at the City of Paris
this October. Marion Littlefield ('31), in San Francisco. During August and
has a teaching position in a little town September she lived in Berkeley with
twenty miles from Paso Robles, Calif. Martha Nikirk, and commuted. Harriet
This town has twenty-one inhabitants; Day ('31), went to the Olympic Games,
Marion plans to live with the principal and on her return entered the Dorothy
and his wife. She will teach many sub- Durham Secretarial School. Doris Welch
jects, including algebra, French, and ('28), has a secretarial position with
physical education. Ruth Patterson ('30), the Sacramento Chamber of Commerce.
has been taking another librarian course Virginia Fischer Clapp ('28), is with
at the San Jose State Teachers College her husband in the Navy Yard near
this summer. She is returning to her Manila. Her two children, Justine and
work at the Newport Union High Cornelia, are with them. They have a
School. Claire McGregor ('29), has been large home, swimming-pool, tennis
very ill at her parents' home at Great court, five servants, and are living a
Falls, Montana. She has undergone a life of luxury generally! Dorothy Haw-
series of operations, and has been in the kins ('28), is at the University of
hospital practically all summer. She is California studying for a masters in
planning a short trip to Glacier Na- English. ADison Loeffler ('30), passed
tional Park to recuperate before com- through San Francisco in July on her
ing back to Stanford to resume her way home from a trip to the East.
work in public speaking at the univer- Alice Sohlinger ('28), plans to visit
sity, and to take up her position as Francis McNelly Johnsson ('28), in San
alumna? adviser for Lambda. Sydney Francisco during September. Helen
Davant ('30), took some work in die- Delatour ('28), divided her summer be-
tetics at the Stanford Hospital in San tween Long Beach, Watsonville, and
Francisco in June and July, and later Napa so effectively that her friends in
in the summer moved to Palo Alto, San Francisco saw little of her! Janette
where she kept house for Beatrice Hen- Durfey White ('30), is living at 2638
derson while the latter attended sum- Dwight Way, Berkeley. Her husband is
mer school. Jane Nikirk ('32), has attending the University of California,
spent the summer in the Sierras at Bass where he is taking work in mining en-
gineering. Dorothy Kimberlin Thayer Chandler Goodan's ('14), daughter
('29), and her husband enjoyed a three Ruth, the eldest of four children, is now
weeks' vacation at Donner Lake in ready to attend college. May's two
June. Doris Holston Prather ('28), is youngest children, Betty and Jean, and
living in Redwood City. Aileen Brown Lucile Curtis English's ('15), son Billy
Small ('29), her husband, and "Tiny" have been attending a very interesting
—the recent addition to the family— school together. All the work of this
are spending two months in Dunsmuir, school is conducted out-of-doors. Ruth
"spending most of the time going fish- Chandler William ('19), also has four
ing"; "Brownie" and "Mac" see a great children, including a pair of twins. Her
deal of Wana Keezling Kunzel ('25), and youngest child, a boy, was born this
her husband in San Diego. They also spring. Constance Chandler ('18), who
entertained Adele Gist Davis ('30), and lives with her family, is a special article
"Greg" on their trip south. Velda Han- reporter for the Los Angeles Times.
cock Berry ('24), has been very ill this Alice Moore Patten ('16), and her sis-
summer. She left early in September ter, Virginia Moore ('12), motored from
for a trip to Panama to recuperate. San Antonio to Washington this early
Lilian Force Fletcher ('28), was at Del summer. They stopped at many historic
Mar, near San Diego, for ten days in spots, and discovered many relatives of
July. Lilian stopped in L o s Angeles for their family living throughout the South.
some time, and saw a great deal of Alice Nora Blickfeldt ('30), has had a very
Sohlinger ('28). Wana Keezling Kunzel important position this summer as as-
('25), is taking a house at Del Mar for sistant campaign manager for Scott
several weeks in August. Meta McQuoid Hendricks, who ran for Congress. She
Glendenning ('22), has been spending worked very hard, and showed marvel-
most of her hummer with her children ous ability in a very difficult job. Lillie
at Boulder Creek, California. Madge Patrick Mahoney ('26), and her sister
Kemp Shoup ('12), has been entertain- Gladys Patrick ('25), attended the
ing out-of-town visitors most of the League of Western Writers' luncheon at
summer, and so has not been away this Stanford this summer. Lillie has been
summer. Francis Jongeneel Mohrhardt elected president of the Young Writers
('27), and her husband are planning to Round Table, an auxiliary of the Pacific
move to Atherton, California, on the Coast Womens Press Association. Gladys,
first of September. Lucile Curtis E n g - who for the last six years has been a
lish ('15), with her son Billy, and Alice fashion illustrator on the San Francisco
Moore Patten ('16), with her two chil- Examiner is at present free-lancing in
dren, Patricia and Jackie, spent fifteen the same line, and finds it very fascinat-
days together in the mountains in A u - ing work. Ellowene Delahoyde Evans
gust. They took all their food with ('24), took an extended trip to Los A n -
them, and had a grand time, although geles this summer. Grace Doughty ('32),
Lucile reports that she "killed a rattle- has a position in a store in Redwood
snake and burned myself on the wood- City. Frances Doughty ('32), is return-
stove!" Edna Morris Brown ( E x . 16), ing to Stanford to take her masters in
is building a large new home in Den- mathematics.
ver, Colorado. Emily Poindexter ('15),
spent a quiet summer this year in con-
trast to last year, when she took a During Senior Week this June sev-
marvelous trip to Mexico City. She says eral alumnae visited the Lambda chap-
that the trip made the teaching of ter house. Among them were Dorothy
Spanish much more interesting, and Bogen Farrington ('30), Marion Little-
threatens to take a trip to Germany next, field ('31), Dorothy Williams ('31), and
as her other subject is German! Emily Francis McNelly Johnsson ('28).
and Dorothy Herrington ('23), should The last spring meeting of the Penin-
get together, as I understand that Doro- sula Alumnae association took place at
thy has just returned from a trip to Katherine Barnes Hibbs' ('10), Sun-
Mexico herself. Beatrice Freuler C y k - shine Farm at Los Gatos, where we en-
ler ('13), is living with her father at joyed a delicious out-of-doors barbecue.
her old home in Berkeley at 2946 Russel We had the pleasure of having Edith
Street. H e r son is attending a private Moore Nott ('07), Martha Wolfe Ben-
military school in Los Angeles. May kert ('14), and Persana Deimling Weil
('26), with us. T h e first fall meeting
will take place at the Lambda chapter
OCTOBER, 1932 61
house on September 24, with Harriet Margaret Main ('31), to William A n -
Day ('31), and Dorothy Bogen Far- derson Glen on July 22 at San Diego.
rington ('30), as hostesses. Jean Bishop (T) was the maid of honor.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen plan to make their
Many Alpha O reunions, large and home in San Diego, where M r . Glen
small, took place in San Francisco dur- will practice law.
ing the summer. One, a luncheon, took
place at the home of Greta Reed Cowan Florence Stanley ('26), to Glenn Lee
(Ex. '32). Another, a tea, was held at Markley on August 27 at the home of
the apartment of Jane Nikirk ('32). her brother, John Stanley J r . Grace
Jane was not yet back from the moun- Read ('25), was her maid of honor.
tains, but Ruth Patterson ('30), and The young couple plan a motoring trip
Dorothy Bogen Farrington ('30), acted through the northwest for their honey-
as hostesses. And, late in August, Har- moon. Mr. Markley is a graduate of the
riet Day ('31), gave a very lovely tea University of Kansas, and his parents
honoring Frances Worthington ('29), her live in Wichita.
house guest. At one or more of these
affairs, as time or circumstances per- Beth Pinkston ('31), to Thomas
mitted, were the following alumnae: Schulte on September 7 in San Fran-
Francis McNelly ohnsson ('28), Elyse cisco. They both plan to continue their
Braunsweiger Conner ( E x . '28), Fran- medical work at Stanford.
ces Jongeneel Mohrhardt ('27), Doro-
thea Hawkins ('28), Frances Doughty Births
('32), Adlel Gist Davis ('30), Pat Cro-
foot ('31), Lucile Morgan ('32), Doro- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williamson (Ruth
thy Kimberlin Thayer ('31), Marion Chandler '19), announce the birth of a
Littlefield ('31), Jeanette Owens Peden son early this spring in Los Angeles.
('29), with her little daughter Nancy
Jean, Janette Durfey White ('30), Syd- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Macauley Small
ney Davant ('30), Dorothy Quinn ('29), (Aileen Brown '28), announce the birth
Antoinette Schulte ('30), Jane Nikirk of a son, Francis Macauley J r . , in San
('32), and Greta Reed Cowan ( E x . Diego on April 7.
'32), with her son Reed; and many
others, including many of the active girls Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brand (Nan Sur-
in the house. B y the way, Frances face T ) , announce the birth of a son,
Worthington ('29), is vice-president of Charles Macey, at Stanford on April 7.
the San Diego Alumnae association.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cowan
Marriages (Greta Reed E x . '32), announce the
birth of a son, Reed, in San Francisco.
Francis McNelly ('28), to Ivar Johns-
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Clayton Jr.
son on April 13 at the Swedish Lutheran (Helen Richardson '25), announce the
birth of a daughter, Marguerite Ann, in
Church in San Francisco. They are liv- San Jose on July 31.
ing at 246 Staples Street, San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tuttle (Kath-
erine Boynton '27), announce the birth
of a second son, Peter Boynton, in
Alexandria, Virginia, on August 4.
Mr. and Mrs. L . S. Foote (Martha ing the late summer and called on Anna
Hedgecock '15), and three sons are liv- Kirk. "Aunt Betty," he told Anna, was
ing on East Washington Street in U r - now matron of a boys orphanage and
bana. The Champaign-Urbana alums will she would be very happy to have any
be happy to have Martha with them. of the girls write to her at Andrus Mem-
orial, Yonkers, New York.
Emma Morrison ('25), who was seri-
ously ill with double pneumonia, is Pauline Thompson Urban ('26), is liv-
reported to be improving. We hear that ing in Portsmouth, Virginia. Dr. Urban is
Hortense Roll ('25), of Blue Island is a Navy physician and they have a young
engaged to Emma's brother. daughter about fifteen months old.
Laura Rose (Ex. '30), spent the sum- Jane and Earl Schoening ('21), at-
mer in Minnesota and Wisconsin. tended the Phi Sig convention at Ashe-
ville, North Carolina, in August. Jane
Willard Pettit was in Champaign dur-
wrote that she played golf on a course Helen Grimes Engelhart ('26), spent
where she could hardly keep her eyes several weeks in Urbana this summer.
on the ball for looking at the lovely She was visiting her parents who are
mountain peaks. moving to Oak Park. Helen was a guest
at the alum picnic in Urbana. Capt.
During the summer Angeline Saleng and Mrs. Englehart are stationed at Fort
Mitchem ('28), paid Bonita Busian Leavenworth, Kansas, after several years
('28), a visit in Chicago. While there in the Philippines.
Angeline also visited the A O I I house
at Northwestern. Frances Trost ('14), was registered in
the Graduate School at Illinois during
Mary Leslie Robison ('24), was regis- the summer, working toward her mas-
tered in the School of Journalism at ter's degree. She is teaching in the high
Northwestern during the summer ses- school at Maywood. Opal Frost Shep-
sion. herd's two young daughters, Patricia and
Jean Kathryn, were the guests of their
Mr. and Mrs. L . R. Tehon (Mary aunts in Urbana dnring the summer.
Bruner '13), and children Atha and
Stephen, spent an enjoyable two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Robert Browne (Fran-
at Morrison Camp, near Pentwater, ces Fowler '19), and sons, Bobby and
Michigan. Mervin, spent one week at Devil's Lake,
Wisconsin, and another at her home in
Mabel Dallenbach Denhart ('17), and Marion, Blinois.
family enjoyed a vacation in the Adiron-
dacks. Marriages
Did you ever spend a lovely vacation Wilma Haeger ('32), to John K e n -
some place and then wish you might drick ('33), February 12, 1932. Mr.
go right back to the same place again? and Mrs. Kendrick are at home in U r -
But you didn't get to do it, did you? bana, where Wilma will do work toward
Well I know someone who did—and her master's degree and Jack will com-
that was Marion Kenney ('19). With plete his college work.
her mother and Vera Bassett, whom
many of you know, she went to Luding- Mary Fernholz ('32), to Stanley
ton, Michigan, for a short stay; and Swanson on November 28, 1931.
then almost as soon as she was home,
Marion went back to Michigan with Mary Krieger ('34), to Vincent Night-
eight other girls for another vacation. ingale, December 28, 1931.
Jean Gregg Main ('23), is living in Champaign-Urbana alums were guests
Casey, Illinois. at the lovely church wedding of Bernice
Dickerson ('28), to Dr. Lorin Whittaker
Nettie Stevens Shute ('12), paid her on June IS.
father a visit in Champaign while her
sixteen year old daughter was attending Deaths
the Lake Geneva Conference.
Mothers' Day was a bit sad for all
Esther Van Doren Malcolmson ('21), of us in Champaign-Urbana because of
and daughter Molly were the guests of the death of Mrs. Thomas Stevens—
her parents during the month of June. mother of Nettie Stevens Shute ('12),
Earl Van Doren drove them back to and Hazel Stevens Bodenschotz ('19).
their home in California.
Our deepest sympathy is extended to
A group of Urbana alums enjoyed a Margaret Heller ('28), whose mother
pot luck luncheon at the home of Fran died last May. Marguerite is keeping
Fowler Browne ('19), one very warm house for her father in Chicago.
July day, but the weather was forgotten
while they gossiped and hemmed napkins We were all shocked to hear of the
for the house. death of Hart G . Smith—husband of
Esther Wertz Smith ('27). He was fa-
Lucy Burwash ('20), spent her second tally injured when he was struck by
consecutive summer abroad! This sea- the propeller of his plane, August 14.
son she visited mostly in Germany. Esther is living in Chicago.
Fredericka Schrumpf ('32), is teaching1
mathematics and bookkeeping in the A r -
genta, Illinois, high school.
OCTOBER, 1932 63
From afar I hear "whoever suggested zone meeting of the teachers of this dis-
a school teacher for an alumna? editor trict is held here in Elmira. And so by
to T o D R A G M A ? " You'll have to hold saying I am spending another year here
Thelma Robertson Mitchell to account at the Thomas A: Edison High School
because she resigned and suggested me being librarian and supervisor of dra-
as a successor. matics, let that suffice for the teaching
news of Chi.
The first week of the new school term
is over and with my mind filled with This summer it was delightful to have
"where will I find room for that late a chat with Mary Williams Sutliff ('25).
registrant?" and "how will I ever make Roger Leon, whose birth is announced
Johnny and Bobbie and Mike keep their later in this column, was a most consid-
feet off the rungs of the new library erate chap to bring his mother to Syra-
chairs?" and other seemingly perplexing cuse while I was there. We surely had
problems I have to stop all business a fine visit as the nurses and other pa-
and summon from the corners of my tients on that floor will testify.
brain and the corners of the earth some
news from you. Well, most of you are Grace Jungen ('28), spent the sum-
former or active pedagogs so bear with mer at the Huntington Club came acting
me and off we go. as dietitian. Which reminds me that 1
was told that Marcia Rosbrook is now
After having dabbled about with dra- chief dietitian at Syracuse Memorial Hos-
matic are for a few years as a sort of pital. Y o u who have not been in Syra-
avocation I decided to really try and cuse in some time must be told that
know something about it so I went to Memorial Hospital is now one of the
"where the vale of Onondaga meets the important hospitals which forms a part
eastern sky" and spent six weeks this of the new medical center located on
summer. I enjoyed my work immensely Renwick Avenue just in back of Yates
and it seemed grand to be back on cam- Castle. Betty Sadelmeyer French ('29),
pus. The very few times I drove down one of our recent brides is living in
University Avenue, "603" looked very Endicott, New York. Emily Tarbell is
lonesome with all the shades drawn. as peppy and enthusiastic as ever. She
is engaged in a most unusual piece of
Mary L o u Kelley entertained the work, but I promised her I would not
Alumna? chapter at her home while I tell you anything about it until it is
was in Syracuse, so I was able to see completed. Emily had been in touch
people and hear lots of news. Katherine with Ruth Walker Oyer who had just
Murtaugh ('30), who has been doing returned from a western trip. Ruth had
substitute work in Syracuse for a cou- a grand time and reported seeing Clarita
ple of years is teaching Latin and French Moore and Alice Bronson in Seattle.
at Aurora-on-Cayuga. Katherine Tracy
C32), is organizing a new commercial Alice Foote Gwynn ('27), and her
department in the high school at York- husband have returned to Syracuse after
town Heights. Phoebe Goodwin ('31), spending some time in New York. Dr.
has a job supervising music in the Gwynn has opened an office in the city.
schools of South Onondaga. I saw Olive When I asked Grace Oberlander what
MacDonald ('30), in the library several she was doing she said she was working
times this summer. She has spent three for her father who owns and operates
summers at Syracuse working for her the Oberlander Press. I was interested
library degree. She resigned her posi- and asked her what her position was.
tion at Warner's and is teaching with She quickly replied, "General nuisance."
Louise Dickerson ('31), at Springville. Grace took special training in this work
in Ithaca, and I guess Mr. Oberlander
At the meeting I sat next to Anne regards her as a very necessary nuisance.
Spaulding ('26). She is as charming as
ever. We managed to do plenty of chat- Your former editor came to my aid
ting even while the meeting was in ses- and supplied me with many bits of
sion. She is teaching a second year at news. "Robby" or "Bunny" was visiting
Cortland. I hope to have her as my near Redbank, New Jersey, this sum-
guest a few days next month when the mer and talked on the telephone with
Marion Mount Adams. She tried to reach factures in Auburn, New York. Just
Ruth Dibben but was unsuccessful. after Norma had explained all this we
Robby says that she has spent much went to a movie and lo! and behold I
time this summer learning to swim cor- the heroine was wearing a pair of these
rectly. On Labor Day she participated famous sandals. So my dear sisters, if
in a swimming relay and according to you see an attractive young lady mod-
her she has a story that will rival the eling sandals in your city "she's an AOII
one about the tortoise and the hare. I n sure as you're born." Chichee Lewis
June she bid "bon voyage" to Thelma Schutt ('28), and her little daughter,
Vinal who has spent the summer in Jean, have been spending the summer
Europe. Elizabeth French Kelly has at the Lewis summer home at the Thou-
bought a lovely new home on Long sand Islands. Jessie's little girl has been
Island and has given up her work as very ill with pneumonia.
librarian. Helen Lutz ('27), is living in
Brooklyn and is the vice president of This being my first contribution to
the New York Alumna; chapter. Esther T o D R A C M A I'm not at all sure what
Baker spent a couple of months abroad the space limit may be so perhaps I
this year. She traveled through Germany better cease rambling and leave some-
with a friend who formerly lived there. thing for another time.
Consequently she had an especially fine
trip. Norma Baker has an art studio Marriages
somewhere in Georgia. Helen Schrack is Alice ("Sally") Reeve (Ex. '26), be-
a busy doctor in Camden, New Jersey. came the bride of Mr. Phillip David
Alice Reeve Cannon and Thelma Robert- Cannon on Saturday, July 9, at Bound
son Mitchell were luncheon guests this Brook, New Jersey. They are living at
summer at the home of Ted Petri 01- 501 West 7th Street, Plainficld, New
rich ('24). Ted's young daughter, Joan, Jersey.
is now sixteen months old. Robby says
that she is such a good baby and talks Births
very plainly.
Announcing the arrival of Roger Leon,
I am expecting Norma Plamer ('32), on July 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sut-
the president of Chi last year, to spend liff (Mary Williams '25), of Morris-
a week with me. The last time she was villc, New York.
down she told me that Lucille Dcwitt
('32), has been doing some very inter- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell (Peg
esting advertising work for her father! Kreisel '21) are the parents of a second
She has been traveling around Ohio, New son. Lee Roy, born April 19.
York and other points modeling the
Dunde sandals which Mr. Dewitt manu- Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas (Mary
Harper '27), of Bethlehem, Pennsylva-
nia, announce the birth of Mary Eliza-
beth Thomas, July 30.
By O L I V E F I T Z
We are looking forward to our first will return to be with her sister, Roberta
alum meeting this year, not only because Mudgett Karrcr ('29).
each meeting is more like a party than
anything else, where we dine, talk, play Margaret Reid is working for her fa-
bridge and finally have a business ses- ther who owns the University Herald, a
sion, but also because at this meeting large suburban newspaper in Seattle.
we hope to be able to welcome the new Who knows, perhaps Margaret is one of
alums into the group. There were ten the future famous journalists of the
in the graduating class last June and country.
each is to have an interesting future.
I will introduce them one by one with The Beeuwkes twins, Martha and
little speeches about the coming activi- Marjory, have separate plans for this
ties of each. coming year. We've been so used to
seeing them together it will seem strange.
Ellen Mudgett's plans for the winter Marjory will return to the University
include two months in Sacramento, Cali- for a quarter and Martha plans to go
fornia, visiting friends. After that she to business college, but in the strictest
confidence I'll tell you that I heard
OCTOBER, 1932 65
something about a lot of interest on office of the Washington State Hospital
the part of Martha in a hope chest. at Stillicum, Washington.
Promise not to tell.
Melanie Peterson ('29), is back at
Frances Stauffer is a business woman Reed College, Portland, as librarian.
on the "Avenue." She was very busy
being bridesmaid for Dorothy Benton Virginia Parrish ('31), is back at her
this summer. teaching in Sunnyside, Washington.
Ho Carey plans to attend business col- Mary Genevieve Scott ('30), left Sep-
lege, but we are a little skeptical how tember 1 for San Francisco to enter
long that will last for Ilo wears a the California State Teacher's CoDege to
lovely diamond on her left hand. Per- take a course in Kindergarten. She will
haps it's to happen next summer. be missed at St. Joseph's Church
where she directed the choir every Sun-
Virginia Beatty is at home in Wcnat- day last year.
chee, where she plans to rest for a while.
Her plans after that arc indefinite. Marian Elder ('31), decided at the
last moment to motor to the Olympic
Aletha Huffman Wiehl, who really games. She was most enthusiastic about
graduated in December '31, and her hus- them. We arc anxiously waiting for M a -
band Lloyd, have moved to Yakima rian to "announce it."
where Lloyd will open his law offices.
Peggy Ann Griffiths ("31), is busy po-
Edna Mae Bidwcll is at home in litically now, helping to re-elect her
Wrangcll, Alaska, where she will spend father as judge in the Superior Court.
the winter. Sounds pretty cold for a
winter, doesn't it? Barbara Clark (Ex. '32), spent the
summer motoring in the East. As I write
Mary Hilke recently announced her this she is in Roswell, New Mexico. She
engagement to John Nattingcr of Ari- expects to winter in San Diego.
zona, who plans to practice medicine
in Seattle. The wedding date is not set. Elizabeth Reeves (Ex. '30), has re-
turned to San Francisco after visiting in
The rest of us have had time to Seattle for the summer. A year ago
scatter quite widely and are doing a Elizabeth won second place in a na-
variety of things. Some have changed tional contest sponsored by the National
occupations permanently and others have Federation of Music Clubs. She will
been engaged in temporary interesting continue her study of the cello this
activities. We are all thrilled that Alice winter and has several engagements
Stuntz Morionneaux (Ex. '30), and her scheduled.
husband "B.V." are in Seattle again, this
time to stay. Since their wedding in Ruby Clift Glocklar ("14), is visiting
1929, their home has been in Jobabo, in Seattle. Her husband is on the staff
Cuba. at the University of Minnesota.
Sally Sue Allen ( E x . '32), graduated Marie Bower ('28), who came to Up-
from Mt. Holyoke College in June and silon from the University of Montana,
after spending the summer with rela- has been visiting in Seattle.
tives in Charlestown, Prince Edward
Island, plans to be in Seattle for the Esther Fleming ('14), spent her vaca-
winter. tion in the West this year. She works
in the library in Pittsburgh, Pennsyl-
Julia Nichols ('29), has spent the sum- vania.
mer in Seattle going to summer school
and living with Olive Fitz ('29). Julia Births
has returned to Wapato to teach there
in the Junior High School. To Mr. and Mrs. J . Harold Anderson
(Jcanic Grant '27), a daughter, Margaret
Maxine Norris Knosher ( E x . '30), is Jean.
working for Warner Brothers in Wash-
ington, D . C . , and loves it. She says she To Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Watkins (Mar-
always did like to "figger" and does all guerite Reichert '28), a daughter, Bar-
the figuring for 32 theatres and 5 com- bara Jean.
mercial properties in that zone. Her
husband is getting his law degree at To Mr. and Mrs. Ted Carlson (Irene
George Washington University. This Baker '29), a son, Richard Allen.
summer they have been busy showing
Washington, D . C . , to Maxine's Mother To Mr. and Mrs. Donald M . Kane
and Father. (Peggy Yeaman Ex. '33), a son.
Helen Lea ('30), is working in the To Mr. and Mrs. Nels Johanson (Sue
Scoficld '26), a daughter, Susan.
Barbara Sue Johanscn, in January, to
Mr. and Mrs. Johansen (Sue Schofield),
Tacoma, Washington.
Also a daughter to the home of Mr. Marian Janeck ('25), was married in
and Mrs. W. Cooper (Betty Ben). Texas in July to Bob King, formerly of
Seattle. They are living there for the
Engagements present.
Helen Nims ('25), has announced her Dorothy Smith ('28), is Mrs. Merle
engagement to Vernor John Fitzgerald. Faulkenburg and is living in Seattle.
The wedding will take place in October.
L o u Moore ( E x . '32), is Mrs. Carl
Dorothy Hall ('30), has announced Wolters. Their home is in Tacoma.
her engagement to Charles Campbell.
At a lovely wedding this evening
Marriages (April 9) Jean Gilbreath became the
Charlotte Nelson ('31), was married bride of Mr. Edward Arville Niemcier.
to Alvin J . Chanda on, Wednesday, July
27, in Yakima. They will leave Septem- Deaths
ber 15 to make their home in Cleveland,
Ohio. Sincere sympathy is extended to R o -
berta Mudgctt Karrer and Ellen Mudgett
Beryl Dee Glasgow ("31), was mar- in the death of their mother. Also we
ried on New Years day to C . Lathrop extend our sympathy to Julia Nichols,
Herold. Mr. Herold has a scholarship whose brother was tragically killed in
at the University of California at Berke- the Taurus Mountains in Turkey this
ley, working for his doctor's degree in summer.
A ctivities
Dorothy Benton (Ex. '31), was mar-
ried in August to Cecil Powell. They Mary Genevieve Scott, president of
are making their home in Cccur d'Alene, Tau chapter of M u Phi Epsilon, was
Idaho. in charge of the Musical Soiree given at
the home of Mrs. Charles Peabody in
Grace Ginger (Ex. '30), is Mrs. Don- honor of the patrons and patronesses of
ald McDonald and is living in Chicago. Mu Phi. It was a formal affair open to
They have moved from their original university faculty members and to mem-
apartment. Grace reports that Chicago is bers of the organization.
a fine place.
Nu Kappa
With the customary vacation season The Great Southwest received due rec-
nearing its end Alpha O's arc return- ognition from many vacationists this
ing from far and near, to prepare for year. Those who enjoyed the beauty
a busy fall and winter season. and interest of New Mexico and Arizona
were Gladys Castle Smith ( E x . '29),
Numa Surgeon ('32), returned from Lucy Tucker Taland (Ex. '29).
Los Angeles where she attended the
Olympic games. Her brother, Edgar Ab- During the summer months several of
lowich, was a member of the team that our alumna? visited in Dallas. L u r a Tem-
broke the world's record in the sixteen ple Henry ('20), of Nashville, Tennes-
hundred meter relay. see, and her daughter, Elizabeth, spent
several weeks with her parents, Mr. and
Lucille Pepple Robcrds (Ex. '24), is Mrs. W. C . Temple. Zelia Blanche Moore
expected to return to Dallas after an ('28), and Doyle Cunningham Crofton
extended motor trip to the West Coast. ( E x . '27), were in the city for a brief
Marjorie Sigler (Ex. '32), recently re- visit during August. Mary Osborne ( E x .
turned from Kansas City to resume her '29), plans to return to Southern Meth-
work in the Dallas City schools. Gladys odist University this fall.
Bandy Bush ( E x . '30), spent July and
August in North Carolina. Alice Rey- Births
nolds terminated her visit in California
in order to resume her duties as alumna To Doris Dowling Palmer (Ex. '27),
adviser. Dorothy Killion (Ex. '29), who a daughter, Dorothy, August 9.
is connected with the Sherwin-Williams
Company as interior decorator, enjoyed To Lillian Cox Ashby ('30), a daugh-
an extended visit to Chicago and Lake ter, Nancy Jane, August 3.
OCTOBER, 1932 c>7
Engagements Pauline Graham (Ex. '32), to E . Cow-
Margaret Harris ( E x . '31), to W. den Henry, Farris, Texas, September 8.
Howard Weddington.
Marriages Dr. E . L . Spurlock, father of Elizabeth
Virginia Lefler (Ex. '32), to Dr. Lewis and Mary Spurlock and Mrs. W. R.
Travis at Jacksonville, August 3. Sutherland, passed away on August 30.
Beta Phi
By J E N N I E C A R P E N T E R B O W E N
Mrs. Shockley Lockridge (Mary Kay Mary Gertrude Manley ('24), was
Geake '28), lives in Des Moines, Iowa. married to Theodore Marbaugh in Jan-
Shockley travels for the World Book uary. Mr. Marbaugh is recovering from
Company. They spent the summer in a serious automobile accident. They are
Indiana. living in Indianapolis.
Helen Armstrong is Physiotherapist in Evelyn McFerrin Taylor (Mrs. Fred
Columbus, Ohio. '23), is living in Indianapolis. M r . Tay-
lor is attending the Medical School at
Dr. Shirley Armstrong is the medical Indiana University this year. They have
adviser at Ohio State University. two children.
Gail Glenn ('29), has been assistant Mary Fletcher Parthamer (Mrs. Har-
in the Botany Department of Indiana old) has three daughters: Suzanne, Mary
University since her graduation. Wade, and Jane Richmond. They arc
living in Oak Park, Illinois.
Ellen Stott Bolitho (Mrs. L . M . '29),
is living in Omaha, Nebraska. Jane Sickles Mitchell (Mrs. Philip R.
'23), has a daughter Marjorie. M r .
"Tony" is in the offices of the Allied Mitchell has been dismissed from the
Mills. Address: 3106 Dodge Street. Rockville Sanitarium and the family are
happy to be together again. They arc
Mildred Schneider Eichenseher (Ex. living in Mansfield, Ohio.
'25), has a new baby daughter, Carol.
Miriam McCoy McBride ('24), has
Jean Green ('29), and Miriam Combs a daughter Marcia. Her husband teaches
('29), spent a few weeks in Michigan 'in Evanston, Illinois.
during the summer.
Emma McClain Hauswald (Mrs.
Roma Anderson ('28), will teach in Richard '20), lives in Berwyn, Illinois.
Gary this fall. Mr. Hauswald is teaching English in
Argo High School. They lived at the
Marjorie Uecker Shoemaker ('28), A O I I house during the summer.
and her husband Ted are living in Pitts-
burgh, Pennsylvania. Helen Snoddy Stevens (Mrs. Myles)
is living in Chicago.
Louise Hutt Jenkinson (Mrs. Wm.
'24), is living in Mt. Vernon, Indiana. Virginia Cox Nicholson (Mrs. Robert
Her husband is a physician. '28), has a daughter Lois Anne. They
are living at 4146 Winthrop Avenue,
Martha Stone Abbott (Mrs. John Ex. Indianapolis.
'33), has a new daughter Patricia Louise,
born August 2. They are living at 1500 Helen Duncan had charge of the E x -
East Third Street, Bloomington, Indiana. tension Division of Indiana University
John is a Delta T a u Delta from Wash- at Gary this summer.
ington Lee University and is attending
the University of Michigan to study Adeline Hughes ('28), married Ted
architecture. Wood. They are living in Angola, I n -
diana, where Mr. Wood is prosecuting
Ethel Mae Mobley Anderson (Mrs. attorney. Ted is a Phi Psi from Indiana
Charles '29), and her husband were in University.
Athol, Massachusetts, during the sum-
mer. In September they went to Trin- Dorothy Long Newman (Mrs. Ken-
idad, British West Indies. neth '32), has a son Keith.
Mary Frances Marxson Wylie (Ex. Kathryn Hoadley Fell (Mrs. John
'33), and her husband, Dr. Chas. Wylie, '29), has a baby boy named Bert Hoad-
are living in Bloomington, Indiana. Dr. ley. He was born July 18.
Wylie will practice dentistry here. They
were married July 31, 1931. Dr. Wylie Vivian Ellis Howard (Mrs. Vane '28),
is a Sigma Chi from Indiana University.
has a son, Ellis Vane. The Howards are '30), is Mrs. Leon Summy. The Fiedekes
living in Remington, Indiana. and the Summys live in Goshen, I n -
Mrs. Hazard Whittmore (Dorothy
Clarke '26), has a son Clarke. Anne McFall Meek (Mrs. Sam '27),
has two children, Barbara Ann, two
Margaret Coombs ('27), is teaching years old, and Betty Jean, five months
in San Diego, California. old. They are living in Grand Rapids,
Gladys Weeks ('28), is living in Lafay-
ette, where she is tutoring French. Clco Thomas Butts (Ex. '29), is living
in Terre Haute. She has a daughter,
Bernice Coffin ('28), married Harold Patty Mae.
Bettman, a Sigma Chi from Indiana
University. They arc living at 208 Union Rosella Smith Meisner (Mrs. Jon), is
Street, Schenectady, New York. living in Tampa, Fla.
Florence Morris ('26), is at her home Annabelle O'Connor Jeffries (Mrs.
in Salem, Indiana. Kenneth Ex. '33), has a baby, Kenneth,
Jr. They live in Indianapolis.
Allison Bolitho Heaton (Mrs. Kenneth
'25), has two daughters, Betty K a y and Emily Foster (Ex. '32), married Rob-
Janet. ert Williams, who was a Kappa Sig at
Indiana University. They are living in
Kathryn Bolitho ('26), is teaching in Marion, Indiana.
Ligonier, Indiana.
Pauline Hindslcy ('30), is teaching
Rosalind Beal ('26), is attendance of- music in the Union City Schools.
ficer for Technical High School in I n -
dianapolis. Alice Moomaw ('30), married Robert
Barton in September, 1931. They are
Joyce Armstrong ('30), was married living in Springfield, Ohio, where Mr.
to John Creasy in June. They are living Barton is with the Springfield Times.
in Cleveland. John is a member of Their address is 215 McCreight Street.
Lambda Chi.
Naomi Nash ('30), is teaching Latin
Jewell Oliver (Ex. '29), is assistant and English in the high school at Wal-
manager of a tea room in the Statlcr dron, Indiana.
Hotel in St. Louis. She spent the sum-
mer at her home in Mt. Vernon. Three of the girls of the class of '31
were married in January, 1931. Howarda
Grace Drabing is supervisor of Music Clarke married Andrew Van Sickle,
and Art in the Wea Schools. Delta Tau. Doris Bopp married W. L a n -
nis Green, a Phi Delt. Virginia Gentry
Mary Neal Mcllvean (Mrs. Albert married John Schwinn, Delta Upsilon.
'25), and two of her children, Mary The Van Sickles are living in Bloom-
Elizabeth and Victor, motored to Cali- ington, Indiana. The Greens are living
fornia in July. They spent a few weeks in Indianapolis, where Bill is attending
visiting Jane Cline Macphcrson ('23). Indiana University Medical School. The
Jane lives in Beaumont. Schwinns are also living in Indianapolis.
Edna Sheets ( E x . '29), married E d Junia Blair ('25), is recuperating in
Haerle, who is an attorney in Indian- Colorado Springs. She expects to return
apolis. to Bloomington this fall.
Edyth Mallory (Ex. '32), married Marie Sullivan ('25), is teaching com-
Wendell Jarrard June 5. He is a mem- mercial work in Technical High School,
ber of Delta Upsilon. Indianapolis.
Loretta Hulman ('28), is Mrs. Rich- Ruth Faris Wooten lives in Winter
ard Taft. They have been living in Haven, Florida. Her husband is princi-
Elmira and Fredonia, New York. pal in the high school there. She has
three children.
Kathryn McFall ('24), is in Lancaster,
Pennsylvania, doing social service work. Marjorie Ashley Owen (Mrs. H . A.
E x . '27), lives on Fox Avenue, Fort
Catherine Lawrence ('27), married Wayne, Indiana. They have a son,
Edwin O. Graeffe. Mr. Graeffe is a pro- Bobby.
fessor in the Lawrence Institute of
Technology, Detroit, Michigan. Cather- Dorothy Nash Carpenter ('25), has a
ine's brother was a founder of the school. son, Carl Nash, who is four years old.
Carl, Sr., is City Engineer of Bloom-
Bernice Anglin is teaching in Argus, ington, Indiana. Their address is 812
Indiana. South Park Avenue.
Kathryn Anderson ('26), married
Clyde R . Richardson, J r . , on April 29.
They are living in Indianapolis.
Isabelle Holsinger (Ex. '30), is Mrs.
William Fiedeke. Florell Holsinger (Ex.
OCTOBER, 1932 69
Helen Nash Hunt (Mrs. Edgar J . '25), Mt. Vernon, Indiana. Mary Louise is
lives in Terre Haute. Her husband is a librarian at Hanover College. Louise
physician. They have recently moved to also visited Mildred Douglas ('21), whose
1322 South Center Street. home is in Poseyville, Indiana. Mildred
is teaching.
Gertrude Bailey Huntington's son,
Junior, is in the Rockville Sanitarium. Merceda Covalt Bloxsome ('22), is
They have another son, John Tommy. living in Terre Haute, where her hus-
Mr. Huntington is the deputy prosecutor band is connected with Rose Polytech-
of Monroe and Owen counties. nic Institute.
Esther McClellan Lindquist ('24), has Grace Miller ('25), is spending the
a baby girl, Carol Ann. The Lindquists winter in Miami, Florida.
live in Evansvillc, Indiana.
Mary Elizabeth Miller Routon (Mrs.
Margaret Schmalschried Ballenger (Mrs. S. J . '20), her husband and daughter,
Wm. '23), lives in Hubbard Woods, Illi- Betty, who live in Miami, Florida, spent
nois. Dr. Ballenger is an eye, ear, nose, the summer in Indiana.
and throat specialist. They have a
daughter, Rachel Jane. Margie Weybright Loudcrmilk (Mrs.
Al '25), has moved from Chicago to I n -
Daisy Hinkle ('29), studied cello in dianapolis, where A l will be an attor-
Switzerland last summer. She also spent ney for the Indianapolis branch of the
some time in Naples and Tangiers. Medical Protective Association of Chi-
cago. He has been the attorney for this
During the summer Louise Rogers company for four years. They will live
('23), visited Marion Koegel Cox ('23), at 14 Irvin Court, Irvington, Indiana.
who lives in Newburgh, Indiana, and They have a daughter, Margie Ann.
Mary Louise Fitten ('23), who lives in
Alpha Phi
It seems as though weddings have Thompson ('31), have had a wonderful
been most prominent among our alumna; trip to California to see the Olympic
this summer. Bernice Crane ('29), and games. Hazel stayed in California to
Harold Lowman ('30), started the ball work and Erma has returned to Deer
rolling early in June. Their new home Lodge, Montana, to resume her teach-
is in Poison, where Harold is the Smith- ing in the Powell County High School.
Hughes man.
Helen Waite has been in Bozeman this
Polly Wisner (Ex. '32), received her summer with her family. She will return
degree from the University of Wiscon- to Iowa City, Iowa, where she teaches
sin at the end of summer school, re- in the home economics department of
turned to Bozeman and was married to the training school of the University of
Dr. Roland R . Renne, a member of the Iowa. Marie Jorgensen is teaching in an
faculty of Montana State College, August Indian school in Arizona. Ruth Bo-
9. After two months' auto trip, they linger ('31), has given up teaching as a
will return to Bozeman. profession and has gone to Seattle to
work in a bookshop. Martha Johnson
Mary Taylor ('31), and Martin J . Haynes ('18, '32), is teaching in Big T i m -
Fjeld ('29), were married in Bozeman ber this year. Choel Cox Lyndon of
August IS. Martin is a consulting engi- Lyndon, Alberta, Canada, was in Boze-
neer for the New York Public Utility man for a very short time this summer.
Company in Albany, New York, where
they are making their new home. Azalia L i n field Sager ('19), and Leila
Linfield Nye ('20), and their families
Elizabeth (Beth) Graham (Ex. '33), visited their father, who is Dean of Ag-
and Dorothy Hanson ('32), both of riculture at the State College, this sum-
Butte, were married the latter part of mer. Mary O'Leary ('30), who is a
August. Beth is now Mrs. J . Ralph Sco- dietitian in one of the dormitories at
vil and Dorothy, Mrs. Dexter Moser. Washington State College, Pullman,
The Scovils arc living in Butte and spent a few days in Bozeman during her
Dorothy and Dexter in Belgrade, where vacation.
Dexter is teaching. May we wish you
all the best of success and happiness. Every one will be interested to know
where our recent alumna; are going to
Erma Monroe ('30), and Hazel
be teaching this year. Evelyn Mattmil- at the Union Building at the University
ler is teaching at Elliston, Montana; of Michigan at Ann Arbor under Alta
Virginia Keyes, Camas Prairie; Pearl Atkinson ('27).
Hirsh. Sheridan; Eleanor Rice, Dixon;
and Elizabeth (Betty) McNeil, Bear Marlyn (Judy) Hauscman says the
Creek. Peggy Scott ('31), will be teach- chapter house is being prepared for the
ing in Ennis this year, and Carolyn coming school year. It is being freshly
Haley ('30, '32), in Belgrade. papered and cleaned so that the girls
will not have to spend the first week
Dorothy Baker ('32), has gone into in manual labor before rush week.
business in Ennis. Caroline Busch <'32),
has just returned from her summer study Atta Haynes Dobbin ('19), of Califor-
at Booth Bay, Maine. She plans to take nia, has been visiting her home in Hel-
graduate work this year. ena this summer, and found her way
over to Bozeman a few times. Alice
Marcella Schneider ('29), has just McCone Farris of Helena has also been
completed a year's study at the Prince visiting in Bozeman.
School in Boston, and is now working
Nu Omicron
Have you ever seen a summer slip by at the sorority lodge with Frances Ro-
so rapidly! Many who would have gone denhauser ('32), Josephine Hawkins,
places stayed at home and this old town Corrine Martin and Florence Hayes
was kept in a whirl with informal get- ('30), as hostesses. It was great to be
to-gcthers and occasionally a few large back in the lodge again. The subject
parties. The "depression" isn't so bad of conversation was about the new
after all. rushing plan and about our prospects.
We are looking forward to a good sea-
The Alpha O's here have been meet- son and with every one pulling together
ing every two weeks. We have had lovely we hope to have a lot of "to be alums."
times together and particularly have we Laura Ellen Wallace, Helen Bramwell,
enjoyed having sisters from out of town Sue and Nita Lanier, and Minnie Hayes
come to see us. One of our first parties ('32), invited us to Laura Ellen's home.
was at our president's home, Mary L o u This was the last of our bridge parties
Faulkner ( E x . *26). Robbie Allison and was a fine finishing touch to an
Shackleford ('26), Mary B. Allison (Ex. enjoyable summer. On September 10 we
'23), and Dora Dean Newman (Xi) were all motored to Franklin to take a swim
joint hostesses. Bridge and contract were and have a picnic supper. A grand time
played. B y the way, contract is the was had by all.
thing here. I think it is much more
interesting than bridge and you can Our philanthropic work has continued
have more fun arguing about Culbert- throughout the summer. Every Monday
son, Lenz, Worth and the other systems, and Thursday we have visited the wards,
but I dare say most people use their pushing our wheel library around. It
own individual system—a little common certainly does your heart good to see
sense—most of the times. the faces of the patients brighten as we
take them books and pictures to amuse
Our next party was at the home of them.
Grace Fricrson Walker (Ex. '27), with
May Rawls ('32), Margaret Rawls ('30, Florence Hayes ('30), Minnie Hayes
'32), and Kathleen Magruder ('30), as ('32), Helen Bramwell, Josephine Mc-
hostesses. Grace has an attractive new Kelvcy ('32), and Fannie McKee ('27),
home—ideal for a party. were members of a house party at Rock
Island. My, but you should hear of the
Martha Harrington, our most efficient great fun they had!
secretary, and Ruth Thomas (Ex. '25),
Elizabeth Tichenor ('24), and Augusta Marianne Turpin Burke has just
Shoffner entertained the alums at an at- moved into the most adorable new home
tractive party at Martha's home. Y o u on Cantrell Lane. It is ideal for parties
must say we were party conscious this and the luncheons that are prepared in
summer. that cute kitchen! They make you want
to stay for dinner.
The next meeting that we had was
OCTOBER, 1932 71
This summer my sister, May Rawls teresting exhibitions were shown at the
('32), and I took our annual trip to home of Mrs. J . C . Bradford, second
Virginia. We went by to see Jessie vice president of the Southern States
Garnett ('30), and her mother and fa- Art League, according to the Nashville
ther at their summer home near Char- (Tennessee) Banner.
lottesville. We had a grand visit and
Jessie is coming to Nashville to see us Weddings
at Thanksgiving. We also saw Edith Ad-
kins Pfciffer and Katherine Coulbourne, Virginia Theresa Goddard ('29),
Alpha O's at our Randolph-Macon daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E . O. God-
chapter, and exchanged ideas. dard, Nashville, Tennessee, became the
bride of Embree DuBose, son of Bishop
Harriett Chappell Owsley has been in and Mrs. H . M . DuBose, in August. The
England all summer. Her husband, Dr. ceremony was performed by Bishop D u
Frank L . Owsley (Tau Delta '23), is Bose at Wightman Chapel, Scarritt Col-
compiling material for his new book lege. The groom is associated with his
and Harriett and little Larry accompa- brother in business in the firm of D u -
nied him abroad. Bose and Kellum, Collecting Agency,
Seen about town: "Sis" Staley all
dressed up in a perky new fall hat, Mar- Births
garet Hearn (Ex. '23), shopping, also
Bessie White ('22). Margaret Jane Linebaugh born April 8
to Mr. and Mrs. Mack Linebaugh (Jane
Marie Taylor Barton (Ex. '24), was Beasley).
one of the six most promising young
artists of Nashville, Tennessee, whose in-
A great hubbub of moving went on her Ph.D. in anthropology at the Uni-
among our young married set this versity of Pennsylvania. She has done
spring. Paint and its accompanying acrid wonderful work in her chosen field and
odor was everywhere present. Gossip is widely known for her part in Speicer's
gave way to earnest discussions of refrig- Expedition to Iraq. She deserves high
erators, stoves, and the more artistic praise.
items of interior decoration. A visit to
a neighboring sister necessitated old Emily Niblock Guest ('29), and her
clothes and a willingness to work. But husband are living in Bridgeport, New
out of the turmoil and disorder grew Jersey, after an all summer honeymoon
the following charming homes. In Ger- in the West. Dorothy Masterson ('31),
mantown, Marion Simons Willis's ('28), has Emily's former position at Highland
and Helen Wallauer Horner's ('27); in School, Abington, teaching the Ortho-
Merchantville, New Jersey, Margaret genic Backward.
Scott Grciner's ('28); in Mercer, Penn-
sylvania, Evelyn Stevenson Webster's Helen W. Horner (•)!, moved into her
('28); and way out West, in Shaker new home at 523 Glen Echo Road, Ger-
Heights, Ohio, Helen Brennan Mur- mantown, on May 1.
phy's ('28).
Deborah Adams ('30), is doing edi-
Speaking of Evelyn reminds me that torial work at Curtis Publishing Com-
in May, Margaret Peirce ('28), and I pany in Philadelphia.
cranked up the Ford and went out to
Mercer to sec her. We would like to Elizabeth Hcrbst Truitt ('30), and her
state here and now that the great num- husband are stationed at Quantico, Vir-
ber of hours spent in making the trip ginia. We never have been able to think
both there and back was due to heavy of Betty without thinking of uniforms.
rains. Evelyn is fine and has a small
son who toddles all over the house gur- Charlotte Easby Graves ('21), left re-
gling and laughing to himself. After Mer- cently for Europe where she will study
cer, Peg spent several weeks in Chicago. foreign clinics.
Dorothy Cross ('28), is studying for For most of us, I think the summer
has not been prolific with lengthy trips
or unusual events. They are just not
in order this year, but living so near
the seaboard, we have all spent some
be teaching this year. Evelyn Mattmil- at the Union Building at the University
ler is teaching at Elliston, Montana; of Michigan at Ann Arbor under Alta
Virginia Keyes, Camas Prairie; Pearl Atkinson ('27).
Hirsh. Sheridan; Eleanor Rice, Dixon;
and Elizabeth (Betty) McNeil, Bear Marlyn (Judy) Hauseman says the
Creek. Peggy Scott ('31), will be teach- chapter house is being prepared for the
ing in Ennis this year, and Carolyn coming school year. It is being freshly
Haley ('30, '32), in Belgrade. papered and cleaned so that the girls
will not have to spend the first week
Dorothy Baker ('32), has gone into in manual labor before rush week.
business in Ennis. Caroline Busch ('32),
has just returned from her summer study Atta Haynes Dobbin ('19), of Califor-
at Booth Bay, Maine. She plans to take nia, has been visiting her home in Hel-
graduate work this year. ena this summer, and found her way
over to Bozeman a few times. Alice
Marcella Schneider ('29), has just McCone Farris of Helena has also been
completed a year's study at the Prince visiting in Bozeman.
School in Boston, and is now working
Nu Omicron
Have you ever seen a summer slip by at the sorority lodge with Frances Ro-
so rapidly! Many who would have gone denhauser ('32), Josephine Hawkins,
places stayed at home and this old town Corrine Martin and Florence Hayes
was kept in a whirl with informal get- ('30), as hostesses. I t was great to be
to-gethers and occasionally a few large back in the lodge again. The subject
parties. The "depression" isn't so bad of conversation was about the new
after all. rushing plan and about our prospects.
We are looking forward to a good sea-
The Alpha O's here have been meet- son and with every one pulling together
ing every two weeks. We have had lovely we hope to have a lot of "to be alums."
times together and particularly have we Laura Ellen Wallace, Helen Bramwell,
enjoyed having sisters from out of town Sue and Nita Lanier, and Minnie Hayes
come to see us. One of our first parties ('32), invited us to Laura Ellen's home.
was at our president's home, Mary L o u This was the last of our bridge parties
Faulkner (Ex. '26). Robbie Allison and was a fine finishing touch to an
Shackleford ('26), Mary B.Allison (Ex. enjoyable summer. On September 10 we
'23), and Dora Dean Newman (Xi) were all motored to Franklin to take a swim
joint hostesses. Bridge and contract were and have a picnic supper. A grand time
played. B y the way, contract is the was had by all.
thing here. I think it is much more
interesting than bridge and you can Our philanthropic work has continued
have more fun arguing about Culbcrt- throughout the summer. Every Monday
son, Lenz, Worth and the other systems, and Thursday we have visited the wards,
but I dare say most people use their pushing our wheel library around. I t
own individual system—a little common certainly does your heart good to see
sense—most of the times. the faces of the patients brighten as we
take them books and pictures to amuse
Our next party was at the home of them.
Grace Frierson Walker (Ex. '27), with
May Rawls ('32), Margaret Rawls ('30, Florence Hayes ('30), Minnie Hayes
'32), and Kathleen Magruder ('30), as ('32), Helen Bramwell, Josephine M c -
hostesses. Grace has an attractive new Kelvey ('32), and Fannie McKee ('27),
home—ideal for a party. were members of a house party at Rock
Island. My, but you should hear of the
Martha Harrington, our most efficient great fun they had!
secretary, and Ruth Thomas ( E x . '25),
Elizabeth Tichenor ('24), and Augusta Marianne Turpin Burke has just
Shoffner entertained the alums at an at- moved into the most adorable new home
tractive party at Martha's home. Y o u on Cantrell Lane. It is ideal for parties
must say we were party conscious this and the luncheons that are prepared in
summer. that cute kitchen! They make you want
to stay for dinner.
The next meeting that we had was
OCTOBER, 1932 71
This summer my sister, May Rawls teresting exhibitions were shown at the
('32), and I took our annual trip to home of Mrs. J . C . Bradford, second
Virginia. We went by to see Jessie vice president of the Southern States
Garnett ('30), and her mother and fa- Art League, according to the Nashville
ther at their summer home near Char- (Tennessee) Banner.
lottesville. We had a grand visit and
Jessie is coming to Nashville to see us Weddings
at Thanksgiving. We also saw Edith Ad-
kins Pfeiffer and Katherine Coulboume, Virginia Theresa Goddard ('29),
Alpha O's at our Randolph-Macon daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E . O. God-
chapter, and exchanged ideas. dard, Nashville, Tennessee, became the
bride of Embree DuBose, son of Bishop
Harriett Chappell Owsley has been in and Mrs. H . M . DuBose, in August. The
England all summer. Her husband, Dr. ceremony was performed by Bishop D u
Frank L . Owsley (Tau Delta '23), is Bosc at Wightman Chapel, Scarritt Col-
compiling material for his new book lege. The groom is associated with his
and Harriett and little Larry accompa- brother in business in the firm of D u -
nied him abroad. Bose and Kellum, Collecting Agency,
Seen about town: "Sis" Staley all
dressed up in a perky new fall hat, Mar- Births
garet Heam ( E x . '23), shopping, also
Bessie White ('22). Margaret Jane Linebaugh born April 8
to Mr. and Mrs. Mack Linebaugh (Jane
Marie Taylor Barton (Ex. '24), was Beasley).
one of the six most promising young
artists of Nashville, Tennessee, whose in-
A great hubbub of moving went on her Ph.D. in anthropology at the Uni-
among our young married set this versity of Pennsylvania. She has done
spring. Paint and its accompanying acrid wonderful work in her chosen field and
odor was everywhere present. Gossip is widely known for her part in Speicer's
gave way to earnest discussions of refrig- Expedition to Iraq. She deserves high
erators, stoves, and the more artistic praise.
items of interior decoration. A visit to
a neighboring sister necessitated old Emily Niblock Guest ('29), and her
clothes and a willingness to work. But husband are living in Bridgeport, New
out of the turmoil and disorder grew Jersey, after an all summer honeymoon
the following charming homes. In Ger- in the West. Dorothy Masterson ('31),
mantown, Marion Simons Willis's ('28), has Emily's former position at Highland
and Helen Wallaucr Horner's ('27); in School, Abington, teaching the Ortho-
Merchantville, New Jersey, Margaret genic Backward.
Scott Greiner's ('28); in Mercer, Penn-
sylvania, Evelyn Stevenson Webster's Helen W. Horner ( * ) , moved into her
('28); and way out West, in Shaker new home at 523 Glen Echo Road, Ger-
Heights, Ohio, Helen Brennan Mur- mantown, on May L
phy's ('28).
Deborah Adams ('30), is doing edi-
Speaking of Evelyn reminds me that torial! work at Curtis Publishing Com-
in May, Margaret Peirce ('28), and I pany in Philadelphia.
cranked up the Ford and went out to
Mercer to see her. We would like to Elizabeth Herbst Truitt ('30), and her
state here and now that the great num- husband are stationed at Quantico, Vir-
ber of hours spent in making the trip ginia. We never have been able to think
both there and back was due to heavy of Betty without thinking of uniforms.
rains. Evelyn is fine and has a small
son who toddles all over the house gur- Charlotte Easby Graves ('21), left re-
gling and laughing to himself. After Mer- cently for Europe where she will study
cer, Peg spent several weeks in Chicago. foreign clinics.
Dorothy Cross ('28), is studying for For most of us, I think the summer
has not been prolific with lengthy trips
or unusual events. They are just not
in order this year, but living so near
the seaboard, we have all spent some
time at the shore, and Eleanor Partridge Elizabeth Herbst ('30), to Lieut. Bir-
has the most glorious tan that it has ney Truitt, U.S.M.C.R., at Pensacola,
ever been my pleasure to look upon. Florida, on August 16.
Marriages Births
Emily Niblock ('29), to Richard
Guest at Abington, on June 29. Mr. Elizabeth Anne to Mary Fahnestock
Guest is physical instructor at the Flather ('24), and Robert Flather on
Bridgeport High School, Bridgeport, New May 23, 1932, at Washington, D . C . Good
Jersey. luck little girl; may your life be long
and happy.
Wanted: Any and all news of Phi school at Lawrence gave at Katherine
girls. Send to 2443 Monroe Street, K a n - Mix's house.
sas City, Missouri, and Bobby Swenson
will see that it is broadcast. Amelia Woodward and Ruth Elledge
were in summer school in Lawrence this
Several Phi girls have been added to summer and each made eight hours of
our list of Kansas Citians in the last A. Congratulations, girls! Amelia and
year. Marie Isern Waggoner lives at Lucile Clippinger spent the last week
2138 Orville, Kansas City, Kansas, and in August at Rockaway Beach in the
is a full-fledged member of our alumna: Ozarks.
chapter. Glenna Myers is a dietitian at
Bethany Hospital, Kansas City, Kansas. Margaret Elledge Foreman has a
Helen Tatum Huyck lives in Welborn young daughter, Margaret Ann, born
where her husband is a coach, but man- July 16, and incidentally Ruth Elledge
ages to keep up with her Kansas City has a young niece!
sisters in regards to activities. Last year's
graduating class gives us Dorothea Hig- Kathryn Koons Smith and young
gins, who is at present visiting in Seat- Patrick, now nearly a year old, spent
tle and Vancouver; Hazelle Hedges, who several months in Denver this summer.
plans to attend Art Institute next year; Frances Wilson Cash and her year old
and Mary Hoernig Conklin, whose hus- son, George J r . , of Charleston, West
band will be at Bell Memorial Hospital Virginia, visited her parents in Lawrence
Interning. this spring and summer.
The other new Phi alumnae are Faire How many of you knew that little
Voran who plans to teach piano in her Linda Lou had come to live with Ida
home town of Pretty Prairie, Laureen Logue and Ted Sanborn in Bellevil'e,
Swedlund and Kathleen McMorran of Kansas? That Betty Goldsmith Boyle of
Macksville who will remain at home, Cimarron has two little boys, the young-
Olga Wallace, the only woman member est being William Delbert born last
of the graduating class in architectural November 19? That Carroll McDowell
engineering, plans to work in her fa- did graduate work at the University of
ther's office in Yates Center, while Paul- Chicago last winter? That Lucille Ingram
ine Orr and Josephine Henry hope to Weldon and Dave live in Omaha, Ne-
teach. braska? That Freda Backeberg Vander-
cook has a little daughter named
Pearl Otto was successful in getting Gretchen? That Marian Bolinger May-
her same position back in the Kansas berry of Elkhart, Kansas, has a daugh-
City Schools after her year's leave of ter born on Christmas day? That Dana
absence to attend Kansas University. Norton Dowd now lives with Hazel
Some people get all the luck! Dugger and Norton Dowd? And that
Jessie Kinman had married "Bud" M c -
Roberta Woods, who teaches school in Kelvey, a brother of Marjorie McKelvey,
Chicago, spent the summer with her who is still in New York City with
brother in Kansas City. We are sorry Frances Smith, we believe. I f not, let
she didn't get to come to our rush par- us hear from you.
ties. I understand that Edith Phenicie
attended one which the girls in summer Of course, everyone knows that Mary
Rose Barrons is Mrs. Harold von Furs-
OCTOBER, 1932 73
tenau and lives at 1940 North Prospect Dorothy Miller Slasor has two charm-
Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. ing children. Dorothy junior goes to
kindergarten this fall and Sonny or Floyd
Alice Ward Bowdish and Glenn have Manning J r . , has to wait a year or two
moved to 2314 North West Twelfth before he starts. Dorothy always man-
Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; May ages to patronize all alumna; meetings
Ireland Lamb is in Solvang, California; and rush parties and even ran away for
"Jack" Gilmore Miller has moved to a week in St. Louis this summer.
320 South Willaman Drive, Los Angeles,
California; but still teaches at the Uni- Icy Purcell MacCracken came to us
versity there; and Harriet Penny Roop from Eldorado a year ago last Christ-
lives at 3551 East Douglas, Wichita, mas but since has moved to Pennsylvania.
Kansas. She's another one I would like to hear
Gladys Ferris was married to Clarence
D . (Jack) Hunter on July 14. They Nadine Hodges is the busiest person
will live in Stafford, Kansas. I know. She is the foreign correspondent
and export manager for the Southwestern
Ruth Bennett was married to Dr. J . G . Milling Co. during the day and super-
Kelly the latter part of August in Cape vises the affairs of her Linwood Book-
Cod, Massachusetts. They will return to shop in the evenings.
the Desert Sanatorium, Tucson, Arizona,
where Ruth is the dietitian and We extend our sympathy to Evelyn
Dr. Kelly, the resident doctor, after a Purkaple McConnell of Winfield, Kan-
honeymoon in the East. Ruth was in sas, whose husband, the superintendent
Kansas City several days en route and of schools there, was killed last spring.
those who saw her reported' that she Evelyn was in summer school at Kan-
had never looked better. Who wouldn't sas University this summer and plans
after such a thrilling romance as she to teach in Winfield next year. She has
has had! two little children.
Mr. and Mrs. Junius Underwood ( L u - Florence Longnecker Langford has for-
cille Evans) announce the birth of a saken teaching for the more lasting job
son, Junius David, April 17. of homemaking. She is in Elsmore, K a n -
sas, with her folks.
Glee Starr Bloomer and her mother
drove East in August to get Betty Jo, Helen Gragg Fairchild and her hus-
Evelyn Starr Bloomer's little girl, so band, Dr. Harold Fairchild, are living
that Evelyn and Jody might go on a in the resort town of Carlsbad, Califor-
fishing trip in Canada. Jody played base- nia. Lena Loomis McFarlane has moved
ball for Buffalo in the International from Independence to 226 West Ninth,
League again this summer. Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Myrtle Webber Brown lives in Den- The end of the summer always marks
ver, Colorado. I do wish she would the checking of Phi's alumnae files with
write me so that I would have more those kept by the Kansas City Alumna;
news of her. More* people have asked and we have many a squabble over
about Myrtle and her daughters, Jeanne which file is correct. Let us hear from
Marie and Lavon. you, Phi alumna;!
By J E A N R U S T
Weddings assume the most important Jane Crider also surprised us all by
role in the alumna; news. announcing her marriage to Dr. William
Humphries, which took place in March,
Coming as a surprise to the majority 1932. Jane and "Doc" are now living
of her friends was the announcement, in Upper Sandusky, where Dr. Hum-
this summer, of the marriage of Mildred phries has his dental offices. The newest
Riegle ('31), to Thomas Browder (Tau addition to the family is "Snops," a
Kappa Epsilon), which occurred in Oc- darling fox terrier.
tober, 1930, in Columbus, Ohio. Mr. and
Mrs. Browder are now living in A r - I n May, 1932, Catherine Taylor ( E x .
canum where Mrs. Browder will teach in '32), and Donald Riffle (Sigma Alpha
the High School this winter. Epsilon), took a trip to Kentucky and
came back Mr. and Mrs. Kate is living the lovely home of Mrs. Ruth Corwin.
in Arcanum until Don finishes his Mo Vee Lindsey has recently accept-
schooling in Indianapolis.
ed the position of hat buyer in the Mear-
Another couple who thought it fun ick-Ames Store in Dayton.
to keep a secret for awhile was Mildred
Young (Ex. '33), and Howard Gallaher Lois King Dangler and family are now
(Phi Kappa Tau), who were married residing in Greenville.
in October, 1931, and announced it in
June, 1932. Mr. and Mrs. Gallaher are Mary Trout Butler ('30), will assist
living in Dayton where "Monk" is em- in a private kindergarten in Findlay this
ployed in a Kroger store. winter.
The springtime also brought forth the Martha Jaques and her brother did
announcement of Isabel Gledhill's (Ex. some touring this summer and en route
'34), marriage to Robert Corry (Sigma visited Adelaide Graham in St. Marys,
Chi), which was solemnized last sum- Ontario.
Mary Collins ('32), will teach in Riley,
Dame Rumor says Martina Brenner Ohio, this winter. Roberta Bayman and
('31), and Delmar Bordner (Beta Omi- Arvilla Bayman Albaugh are also in
cron Pi), will soon join the "ball and Riley.
chain" brigade.
Lois Eastman Davis of Cleveland paid
Nine of the Alpha O's in Greenville Omega chapter a visit last spring.
recently enjoyed a picnic at the home
of Helen Lindsey in Piqua. While in The last we heard from Alice Brown
Piqua we heard, much to our regret ('31), she was teaching in Chicago.
that the Trowbridge girls had been called
home by the serious illness of their Helen Albright ('30), is teaching in
mother. Sandusky.
Several AOII's from Greenville and We hear that M r . and Mrs. Arthur
surrounding towns attended the rose tea Scheffer (nee "Peg" Pflug), are expect-
given by Dayton Alumna; chapter at ing the stork in November.
Pauline Priest ('28), recently returned
from a summer's tour of Europe. She
will resume her teaching in Marion, I n -
diana, this winter.
Omicron Pi
Ann Arbor seems to be the most logi- Carr Ruble ('27), will be in Ann Arbor
cal place for a take-off on a trip in for another year at least while "B i l l"
search of Omicron Pi news. There were finishes his law course. Esther Bradley
three senior graduates to be duly con- Ham ('28), now making her home in
gratulated and sent on their way with Ann Arbor, has gone to Grand Haven
best wishes. Sarah Bond ('32), returned for the summer. AfteV receiving her mas-
to her home in Grand Rapids and won ter's degree, Helen Belcher ('28), re-
her way to the finals in the State Tennis turned to her home in Manistique to
Tournament. She later entertained spend the summer. She will teach there
Judith Wilkinson ('32), who came from in the fall. Josephine Norton ('28), and
Lakeside to visit with Sarah at Torch her sister, Elizabeth, were married at a
Lake. Geneva Ginn ('32), vacationed to double wedding ceremony. Josephine be-
California. came Mrs. John Haussman and will
reside in Wyandotte, Michigan. Another
The Ann Arbor town alumna; found addition to the alumnae roll is Ruth
some time in between vacation plans to Kimberly Witter (Ex. '30), who was
enjoy tea with each other. Margaret married on the evening of June 21 in
Hanselman Underwood ('25), and Merle Detroit. She and Gordon are to be living
forsook their usual northern haunt and in Ann Arbor while Gordon completes
spent their free days in Washington and his medical course. Charlotta Ewing
Atlantic City. Jane Webster Wilson Wagner ('24), Blossom Bacon ('30), and
('30), wrote that she expected to be in Ruth Van Tuyal ('30), have been in
Detroit after her European travel of town for the summer. Marian Van
the summer. Dr. Luvern Hayes ('26), Tuyal ('28), spent her summer in an
will leave early in the fall for a year eastern camp. Mary Kent Miller Ten-
on the continent. Elva Langdon Capeling nant ('26), Jack I I , and Jack I I I made
(Ex. '26), attended summer school. Mary
OCTOBER, 1932 75
a trip east to settle a location in New Alice Wessels Burlingame ('28), and they
York where they will live in the fall. manage to see much of each other. Alice
They made good an opportunity and has broken the summer with several
spent several weeks at a mountain camp, visits to Detroit. Marian Murray Elliott
as the guest of Mary's uncle. Margaret ('24), hurried to Cleveland as soon as
Wuerfel (Ex. '31), has returned from school was out to spend the summer.
Beriut and will move to Montclair, New She has been taking some courses in
Jersey. the University there as well as keep-
ing house. I n April, Dorothy Hall ('31),
No one seems to stay settled! Lucille was married to Lawrence VanTuyal and
Bellamy Van Antwerp ('25), will be they are making their home in Detroit.
leaving Grand Rapids soon to settle in Grace Manbeck ('31), rested from her
Meridan, Connecticut, where Lee is to store work by visiting Doris Kuhn
be connected with a tuberculosis hos- ('30). Muriel Ray Gray ('25), has been
pital. Florence Fiebig ('25), and Louise busy planning Cleveland Alumnae activ-
Boer ('25), attended the Olympic Games ities for fall, as she is now president of
and returned home via Vancouver and the chapter. Alda Webber (Ex. '26), and
the Canadian Rockies. Helen Boorman Velma Leigh Carter ('23), were in town
Gettings ('25), visited Elizabeth Monag- for the summer.
han ('25), for several weeks and this
fall Helen will begin her duties as gover- Eleanor Eaton Cavanaugh ('21), sur-
ness in the home of Irene Castle denly moved to Canton, Ohio. She visits
McLaughlin. home in Jackson frequently and Gene-
vive Eaton Sharpe (Ex. '27), spends,
Beatrice Hoek Finley ('23), has spent some time with her. Genevive still lives
most of her vacation resting as a result in Munroe.
of an operation late in spring. She and
Catherine Swayze Monroe ('23), see The East seems to be quite popular.
each other often in Kalamazoo. Leone Margaret Smith Davis ('29), is happily
Lee ('28), has been in Ann Arbor for settled in Buffalo. Abigal Roberts Van
the summer and in fall will be teaching Wagenin ('23), is active in Rochester
again. Molly Peckham Locke ('27), has and State Alumnae affairs. New York
spent the summer in Grand Rapids. City seems to be the magnet that at-
Mary Ellen Appelton Fralich ('26), has tracts all. Albertena Maslin ('30), has
returned to Ann Arbor from Chicago. been working there all winter and
Bruce is an instructor in the University planned to be at Smith for summer
Hospital. school. Fall should find her returning to
Detroit. Adele Ewing ('33), has enjoyed
Our three Lansing residents are all in- a visit with Arlene Ewing Elliott ('26).
terested in Beta Gamma, local, which is Arlene and John have gone for a motor
to petition AOII. Sally Knox ('27), is trip through more Eastern sections.
busily employed gathering news for the Elizabeth Cody Breckenridge ('27), has
Lansing paper. Eleanor Boyer Waldo is given Montreal the slip and loves living
to settle permanently there as soon as in New York. She had a surprise visit
her furniture arrives from Belgium, Brus- from Cynthia Hawkins ('29). Dorothy
sels. Harriett Weston Ansely ('26), at- Nix Hauf (Ex. '26), makes frequent
tended the Camp Fire Girl Conference trips to New York where she and
in Indiana. There she met Marva Hough "Haufie" enjoy the plays and shopping.
('27), who was a director in camp. Later They often see Sue Storke Scott (Ex.
in the summer Harriett visited in Fenton. '27), in Darien and visit each other
frequently. Sue's second baby was a
Jean Boswell ('31), summered at Long little girl and arrived about Christmas
Lake, near Flint. A new home pleased time. Binghamton is still the home of
Winifred Benedict Dudley ('26), and Beatrice Bunting Scott ('21), and this
her family so much that they took only summer she is entertaining her mother.
a week at an Indiana summer resort.
Going home is always a vacation to It's a long hop now down to the
Mary Lawton ('27), as home is none Eastern Coast to Florida, where we find
other than the famous Traverse City. Helen Frost Rath ('21), and Patricia
Brown Wisdom ('25), still living in M i -
And from Michigan it is only a short ami. Helen made a hurried trip North
skip to Cleveland. There Majore Miller last summer but was too busy to see
Kellar ('26), has been at home to all us. Geraldine Wilkinson ('30), spent the
friends and relatives who came to ad-
mire Charles Warren Kellar who ar-
rived in May. Majore lives rather near
winter in Florida and returned to Lake- an early summer trip to visit Ernestine
side for the summer. Wagner in Detroit.
From there we can hurry to St. Louis, Nan Gabler Sparrow ('23), will be in
but the Newby family has fooled us and England with her young son and Fred.
returned to Houston, Texas. Beverly Fred, now Professor, has a fellowship
Jule Newby arrived June 3 and now at Cambridge and will later study on
the family is quite complete. the continent. They will be abroad for
about a year.
Not much has been heard from Ruth
Morey Eisele since the arrival of Sally Probably earliest of the Detroit va-
Ann in January. We do know that Ruth cationists were the Dieterles (Lorraine
had plenty of interests in Phoenix and O'Bryan, '24), and Ralph who left Jane
that she is now probably more busy in care of the grandmothers and mo-
than ever. tored South after Christmas. They made
a thorough investigation of Florida arid
Our California Alumna? manage to see then crossed over to Louisiana and later
each other often. The fact that Dorothy visited the Newbys in St. Louis. Mar-
Wylie Martin ('25), moved up the coast jorie Webber Bleakley made a flying vis-
to Washington was the reason for one of it to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Her second
their gatherings. Louise Duncan Walker trip was postponed because of influenza.
('21), Lillian Herman Stickney ('23), Cottages were in popular favor. Gladys
Dorothy Jacobs Moore ('23), were there Hinman Hirt ('23), spent the season on
for the farewell. Marjorie Wylie ('21), Lake St. Clair, Irena Lutz Dunham
drove Dorothy up to Sumner. Dorothy ('24), summered on Lake Erie, Ruth
describes the trip in glowing terms. Sum- Weiler (Ex. '30), was at Torch Lake,
ner is near Seattle, and of course, Doro- Frances Barrett ('25), was North, and
thy looked up Erma Schnauffer Tomlin- Doris Kuhn ('29), was at her summer
son ('22), and they have enjoyed fre- home. Frances Sackett ('28), and Sarah
quent visits. Kathleen Clifford ('30), has Banene Morrison ('27), sought rest in
attended the University of Washington Northern Michigan.
and until this summer Mary Louise
Behymer ('30), has lived at the chapter Directly after the close of school,
house. Mrs. Behymer is visiting "Mary Frances Norton Saxton ('26), motored
Lou." "Mary Lou" started with Jour- North as far as Mackinaw. Marian T a n -
nalism and now holds a fine secretarial ner ('24), went to California and then
position. up the coast to Seattle. Another long
western trek was taken by Virginia
Back again through the West we land Crossman Maguire (Ex. '26), who drove
in Milwaukee. Here Annette Burkhardt to Western Canada. Isabelle Waterworth
Brown ('26), has finished her course at Vandeveer ('25), spent another season
Downer and in fall she will be busy at Goodhart. Elizabeth Cossitt Fricker
keeping house in a big home they have ('27), and Lois Cossitt ('29), visited in
rented. She writes that Nell Gratton Conneaut. Marjorie Kerr Lanning ('24),
Kaufman ('27), has moved to Evanston. made several trips to Wisconsin and then
There Nell expects to take some ad- spent a week resting at a cottage north
vance courses. of Sarnia. Summer always means many
guests for Elizabeth Hayes Monayhan
Irene Swain ('24), expected to leave ('25), as their home on Lake Erie is so
Chicago for a few weeks in the East. attractive and the hospitality so cordial.
Jessamine Gray ('26), gave us all a Helen Baughey Nolan (Ex. '28), was at
pleasant surprise by spending a month Pointe Aux Barques for several weeks.
in Detroit on business. One can always Marie Eddington ('28), enjoyed Can-
combine pleasure with business so we all adian scenery. Later she was bridesmaid
enjoyed her visit. Early in June Jean for Elizabeth Heminger ('30), who was
Greenshields Rex ('28), and her young married to Ernest McCoy at an evening
son visited in Romeo. It was quite a re- wedding, August 27. Alline Stewart
union as Mary Greenshields ('27), was ('29), was the maid of honor and Eliza-
home from Detroit and Martha ('34), beth Morley ('29), was also a brides-
was home from school. At the same time maid.
Dorothy Letts Wylie (Ex. '29), was in
Romeo for a stay of several weeks. Spring meant vacation to Josephine
Weiler Armantrout ('26), as in May she
But back to Chicago again. Irene re- journeyed to Indiana to celebrate Jack's
ports that Sue Crawford Williams ( E x .
'25), is fine. Elizabeth Cutter ('30), made
OCTOBER, 1932 77
first birthday with his great-grandmoth- ing ('21), was another Canadian visitor.
er. Dorothy Oodle Burger motored And so ends the Omicron P i jaunt
East to Buffalo. As usual Helen Dye
(Ex. '28), returned to Bais Blanc and for news.
Jaenette McCall ('26), collected notes Just before I mailed this letter, a flash
for her silhouette column at Mullett
Lake. Ernestine Wagner ('30), went of news came with the information that
North to stay ten days and remained the Maguires are off to Vienna where
more than ten weeks. Helen Maynard Clarence is to study. They sail Octo-
('29), was married to Marsden Hubbard ber 5, and for Virginia there is no end
at a quiet ceremony on the last of July. of excitement.
They spent a two months honeymoon
in northern Michigan. Ruth McBryde M arriages
Hall ('27), and "Al" motored to Que-
bec. After spending some of the winter Dorothy Hull to Lawrence Van Tuyal
in Detroit, Helen Gay ('31), went back on April 30.
to the home town in Indiana.
Josephine Norton to John Hausman
It was almost as fashionable and in June.
popular to remain in town as to vaca-
tion. Golf, picnics, and week-end trips Ruth Kimberly to Gordon Wetter on
sufficed to help one forget the lack of a June 21.
trip. The Detroit home-towners were
Mary Howlett Barrett ('23), who did Helen Maynard to Marsden Hubbard
not mind a bit as she had so much fun on July 31.
taking care of young Milton, Emma J a -
cobs Bergman ('21), Frances Murray Elizabeth Heminger to Ernest McCay
Burridge ('25), Doris Bessinger Howlett on August 27.
('25), Jane McBryde Preish ('27), June
Davis Thisted ('27), Thelma Shaw (Ex. Lucille Hittle to Mark Harrington on
'31), Marie Wagner (Ex. '31), Virginia August 27.
Smith Keltz ('24), and Elizabeth Grat-
ton Youngjohn ('21). Frances Sackett to Walter Patton on
September 17.
Even though few of us hear from
Helen Silver ('21), the rushing captain Births
was most pleased to receive her check
from far distant California. Helen Whip- Deborah born to Mr. and Mrs. Philip
ple ('26), keeps herself busy writing at- Scott (Sue Storke), December 22, Dar-
tractive ads for J . L . Hudson Company. ien, Connecticut.
Hildah Bateman ( E x . '24), keeps us in-
formed that she is to continue teaching Milton Frederic born to Mr. and Mrs.
on St. Claire Shores. Margaret Bonine Milton Barrett (Mary Howlett), Janu-
Fox ('25), has been living in Iowa where ary 3, Detroit, Michigan.
her husband teaches.
Sally Ann born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Mary Roach ('30), drove to New Eisele (Ruth Morey), January 20, Phoe-
York and Atlantic City. It is with pleas- nix, Arizona.
ure that we look forward to having
Harriet Arnold ('32), in Detroit after William Allen born to Mr. and Mrs.
her marriage. The latest flash of news James Preish (Jane McBryde), April 3,
reveals that Sally Knox has left Lansing Detroit, Michigan.
and returned to Detroit. Dorothea Com-
fort ('21), "gained pounds" she claims Charles Warren born to Mr. and Mrs.
just resting at the Comfort summer home Karl Kellar (Marjorie Miller), May 19,
in Georgian Bay. Ruth Sargeant Hard- Cleveland, Ohio.
Beverly Jule born to Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Newby (Helen Howard), June 3, Hous-
ton, Texas.
Maryilan born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Howlett (Doris Bessinger), August 28,
Detroit, Michigan.
Our sincere sympathy is expressed to
Dorothy Nix Hauf and Helen Maynard
Hubbard in the death of their fathers.
Alpha Sigma
Summer vacations have been the cen- doubtedly, ocean voyages were the fa-
ter of interest for the past few months, vorite.
and from the bits of news gathered, un-
Lynn Jackson ('29), with her sister
and a party of friends, left immediately Agnes Palmer ('29), and Alice Gor-
after the close of school for a trip man ('29), attended summer school this
through the Panama Canal. They had a summer; Agnes at the University of
marvelous ocean trip, saw the sights in California, and Alice at Northwestern
New York, visited in the east with University.
friends and relatives and have just re-
turned to the Pacific Coast. For detailed Elizabeth Plummer ('31), has accepted
information as to how to stop a ship a position in the Ontario schools where
write Lynn Jackson, Eugene, Oregon. she will teach the primary grades. E v e -
We understand she found so much to lyn Hollis ('30), will be in the Eugene
see at one of the ports that she missed public schools this year and will be liv-
her boat. ing with her family there. We will miss
not having Evelyn come through Port-
George Davidson ('27), who is still land occasionally, as she did last year
making her home in Canada, enjoyed a when at Clatskanie.
two weeks' trip to Cuba and Panama
early in the summer season. Chloethiel Woodard ('32), has ac-
cepted a teaching assistantship at Wash-
Met Peg Livesly ('25), returning on ington University, St. Louis. She plans
the train from a week-end visit in Seat- to be there at least a year and to get
tle, and she told me of the interesting her M.A. degree in architecture. Doro-
trip she and her sister had to Honolulu thy Hallin ('32), will leave shortly for
this summer. Cleveland, Ohio, where she will attend
Western Reserve University. Dorothy
Helen Cantine ('26), saw Evelyn has a two year scholarship and will con-
Hogue ('25), during her brief stop in tinue her social welfare work and work
New York early in June. Evelyn was for her M.A. degree. Write Dorothy,
sailing in a few days to spend the sum- care of League House, Cleveland.
mer in Europe. She is expected back in
Portland in time to resume her teach- In a letter from Carol Clark Shaw
ing duties when the fall term opens. ('29), to Helen Cantine, Carol writes
Helen is spending her six weeks' vacation that she and Doug are now located at
visiting in Portland, and it is grand to Grass Valley, California, "a very pic-
have her in our midst again. For the turesque, gold mining town about sixty
past two years Helen has been director miles from Sacramento." They left Mex-
of the Bronx Girl Scouts, New York ico last October.
City, and she expects to return to her
work there about the fifteenth of Octo- Virginia Vaughan (Ex. '33), was
ber. She will take the southern route judged third for her original dress de-
back and visit in California on her way. sign in a state-wide contest sponsored
by Bergs and R . K . O . Evidently, Virginia
Roberta Wilcox Robnett ('29), and is right at home with her work. She is
"Doc" visited Barnie ('29), and Per in the ready-to-wear shop at Lipmans
Skottowe in Tacoma this summer, on and has been modelling the fall fashions
their way to Victoria, B . C . Barnie and in the college teas at the store.
Per are now living about eight miles
south of Tacoma, and have a very ar- Marian and Tommy Fay ('23), are
tistic house with a lovely yard and pri- located in Los Angeles. The last time
vate lake in front of their home. we heard from Marian she was answer-
ing fan mail for one of your favorite
Marg Seymour Wade ('25), stopped stars.
in Portland for a few days the latter
part of August on her way to Gardner A note from Werdna Wyatt ('29), re-
for a visit with her family. Dorothy ports her whereabouts. She and Dale
Dodge Olson ('25), and her small son, are living in Cottage Grove, and Werdna
have been in Portland this summer with sees the girls in Eugene frequently.
Dottie's father and mother. She expects
to return to Idaho early this fall. Our deepest sympathy is extended to
Dot Ward Renshaw ('27), on the re-
Jane Dudley Epley ('26), visited in cent death of her father; to Dora M c -
Portland for a week with Laura Kilham Lain (Ex. '30), in the loss of her father;
and Ruth Hansen ('29). Mac and Jane and to Mildred Vaughan ('29), in the
are making their home in Klamath loss of her father. Dot is now in Port-
Falls. Ruth is working on the Oregonian land with her mother and expects to
news staff and handles special news as- be here for several weeks. Dora is now
signments and is church editor. making her home in Reno, Nevada.
An engagement of interest announced
OCTOBER, 1932 79
early this summer was that of Mar- Smullin were married early in June at
garet (Bobby) Reid ('31), to Bob Allen her home in Hood River. Mr. Smullin is
of Eugene. Bobby is working in Med- advertising manager of the Oregon
ford as society editor on the paper there. Grange Bulletin and they are living in
Barbara Crowell ('31), has returned
to Portland and is working at the Sell- Helen Ashliman and Edward Sieg-
wood Public Library. mund were married at Salem, Oregon,
the latter part of July. Their present ad-
Marriages dress is Eugene, Oregon.
Marguerite Hill and Jefferson Nelson Births
were married April 2. They are making
their home in Portland. To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Olson (Dot-
tie Dodge '25), a son, David Ralph,
Henriette Hansen and Irvin Jetter March 2, at Boise, Idaho.
were married May 28. They are living
in Santa Rosa, California. To Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell Travis (Dor-
othy Carter '27), a daughter early in
Marian McGowan ('31), and Carl March. Dorothy and Travis are living
Werner were married May 21 at her in Georgetown, California, just out of
home in Portland. Carl is connected with San Francisco.
the publicity staff at the Paramount
Theater, Portland. T o Dr. and Mrs. Melville Hibbard
(Lorna Raney E x . '31), a daughter.
Harriet Fuller ('29), and William B.
News of real interest to alumnae of time Dr. Parks will continue his study
X i chapter is the marriage of Elsie Faye at the University of Pennsylvania.
Newby ( E x . '23), to James Norman
Welch, which took place on June 25 in Kathryn Douglas Loring (Ex. '28),
the pastor's study of Crown Heights spent the month of July touring Colo-
Christian Church. After returning from rado. Kathryn reported a very enjoyable
a short wedding trip, the couple were trip. Recently Kathryn had as her guest,
entertained with an informal reception Kathryn Depew of Tulsa.
in the home of Helene Godwin. Many
A. O. Pis called to wish them happiness. Mary Louise Squyres ('24), accom-
Faye and Norman will continue to make panied her husband to San Francisco
their home in Oklahoma City. where the two attended the national con-
vention of the Veterans of Foreign
We are glad to have with us this Wars.
autumn Dorothy Fuller Parks (Ex. '24),
who is visiting her mother, Mrs. Guy Mary Driscoll Hunt ( 0 ) , and family
Fuller of Oklahoma City. Dorothy and left on September 1 for a month's visit
little daughter, Dorothy Anne, have to Evansville, Indiana, the home of
spent the spring and summer months in Mary's parents.
the East with Dr. Parks who has been
taking a special course in ear, eye, nose, A O I I alumnae attending summer school
and throat at the University of Penn- at the state university at Norman were
sylvania, Philadelphia, later going to Virginia Black ('30), and Margie Belle
Bellevue Hospital, New York City, for Yerby ('28). Virginia and Margie Belle
additional work. Between his work at will teach again this year—the former
the university and the hospital, Dr. returns to Borger, Texas, and the latter
Parks and his family took a delightful to Poteau, Oklahoma.
motor trip, touring the New England
states and Canada. Their travels aren't Marian Vare Griethuyen ('28), at-
completed yet, as they plan to leave tended the summer session at the Uni-
soon with Mrs. Fuller for California to versity of Colorado at Boulder. Marian
visit Dr. Parks' brother. After the will return to E l k City where she
California trip, they will return to teaches in the high school.
Oklahoma City until November at which
Mary Beth Grisso ('25), of Seminole
has been a frequent visitor to Oklahoma
City this summer.
We hear rumors to the effect that
Bernice Barry ('31), is married, but do
not know the name of the lucky man at under her maiden name.
the present writing. Another coming lawyer from X i chap-
According to reports, Bernice will con- ter is Rosemary Rawls who recently
tinue to practice law in Enid, Oklahoma, passed the state bar examination.
Pi Delta
The unexpected touch of autumn Naudia Wright ('26), and Lucile for
weather which has surprised Washing- Alice and Alice Cushman for Lucile.
ton lately has awakened us from our
dreams of summer vacation—water, Nova Thompson Maclsaac ('28), pre-
mountains, skies, people, fun—and has sented a tiny A 0 I I to us this summer,
brought us to our senses with a jar. as did Phyllis Harbaugh Hood ('29), and
Back to work again, but it also means "Kitty" Williams Robinson (Ex. '30).
getting together again and hearing ac- However, we didn't tell you before that
counts of what each has been doing. "Eddie" Bernside Howard ('29), an-
nounced her tiny daughter last winter.
We Pi Delta alumna? are proud to
have had masters degrees conferred on As for summer vacationings, Mildred
three of our sisters in June—Madeline Kettler ('31), and Ruth Mi'es ('31),
Bernard ('31), Martha Ross Temple went to Bermuda. Some of the sisters
('31), and Virginia Smith ('31). Mildred and many friends went to New York to
Kettler ('31), has begun work on hers, wave bon voyage to them, among whom
and Eloyse Sargent ('32), and "Buddy" were Norma Person (Ex. '31), who is
Cook ('31), expect to begin theirs this returning to Maryland this year, May
fall. Dezendorf Fouts ('32), and "Buddy"
Cook ('31).
Our summer weddings consisted of
Margaret E . Temple ('29), to William Madeline "Muggie" Bernard ('31), at-
Wade on June 25. "Bill" is from Illi- tended summer school at Harvard Uni-
nois, and they are living in Pittsburgh, versity and later visited in Maine.
Pennsylvania. They were married at "Eddie" Bernside Howard, her husband,
Margaret's home, which was beautifully and baby daughter toured the south, in-
decorated for the occasion. May Dezen- cluding South Carolina, in their new car.
dorf ('32), was married to "Charlie" Libby Taylor ('28), went to Atlantic
Fouts ('32), on June 4, the day after City, Jane Hammack ('31), to Virginia
they both graduated from the University Beach and the Shenandoah Valley;
of Maryland. The pretty wedding took "Gene" Wright also went to Virginia
place at our chapter house in College Beach. Martha Ross Temple ('31) to
Park, and they are living in East Orange, Cumberland, and "Buddy" Cook took a
New Jersey. Barbara Schilling ('30), was boat trip to Boston and also visited May
married to Carl Everstein ('30), the in l i s t Orange. "Betty" McCall Roberts
wedding taking place in Cumberland, is still visiting in Ohio.
where they are living. Lucile Hill ('25),
was married to Wilfred Day. The wed- Many of the sisters came back to
ding took place in Washington, and they Washington to visit this summer, among
are living in Chicago. Alice Cushman them were:. Grace Laleger Schneider
('25), was married to Robert Eliot and ('28) (whom we congratulate as being
Margaret Leighton ('30), was married to one of the five candidates to receive posi-
W. Day Mullinix and incidentally, we tions in the New York City teachers'
haven't told that "Dee" Bemside ('29), examination), "Budgie" Behring Ford
started the new year off right by marry- ('27), Margaret Temple Wade ('29),
ing Roger Whiteford ('27), on New Phyllis Harbaugh Hood ('29), "Jo"
Year's Day. She wore the same beauti- Blandford ('27), and May Dezendorf
ful wedding gown which her twin sister Fouts ('32).
"Eddie" graced some months before. All
of our brides chose Alpha O sisters for Phyllis Kress Dodson ('28), and her
attendants: Martha Ross Temple ('31), husband "Charlie" ('29), left for the
for Margaret, Ruth Miles ('31), for May, west coast where he is teaching at the
Grace Maxwell ('30), for Barbara, University of California.
Martha Ross Temple ('31), has ac-
cepted an interesting demonstrating posi-
tion at McCormick Company, Balti- Ruth Bernard ('28), entertained the girls
more; Grace Laleger Schneider continues at her cottage early in the summer.
her teaching in New York City; Mildred
Kettler ('31), has become one of the staff Many delightful showers were given
at the National Child Research Center; for the brides, among which was one
Ruth Miles ('31), is managing her cafe- given by the twins, "Dee" and "Eddie"
teria; Madeline Bernard ('31), is teach- in Baltimore. This not only afforded fun
ing at the University of Maryland; Elgar in getting together, but gave us an op-
Jones ('31), is teaching at Rockville High portunity to visit the girls in their pretty
School; "Gene" Wright is teaching at new homes.
Chevy Chase (Bethesda High School);
Charlotte "Bucky" Clemson ('32), is We alumnae are looking forward to
teaching near Baltimore; Virginia Smith some good times this year under the able
('31), is teaching at Maryland Park leadership of "Betty" Michael Brother-
High School; Rosalie Goodhart ('32), is hood ( E '27). Last year a number of
attending commercial school, as is Vir- Pi Delta alums found an effective way
ginia Blount ('31); Minna Cannon ('32), of keeping together by organizing a
is employed in a law office; Alma Hickox bridge club which met once a month. I t
('32), is teaching at Cherrydale; and was quite a success, was a means of be-
Lenore Blount is teaching in Carol ing sure of seeing each other aside from
County. alumna? meetings, and it meant many
ideas were formulated for alumna? ac-
Many of the Pi Deltas enjoyed a pic- tivities. We will continue this year with
nic on Labor Day at "Muggie" Bernard's the addition of a few of last year's
cottage at South River, Maryland. Also graduates to take the place of our brides
who left the city.
Tau Delta
Elizabeth ("E") Crabbe ('30), is home more than happy in her new role.
after a visit in Atlanta. Evelyn Coffin Everette Elliott ('30), is wearing a pret-
('29), spent Labor Day week-end at ty diamond, and the lucky man is Mon-
Camp Walton, Florida. Helen Johnston roe Clark.
('31), has returned from F t . Oglethorpe
where she spent a few weeks this sum- Helen Crain Goodner ('27), has a
mer. Christine Saunders Benson ('28), new arrival—a little daughter—born In
and her husband, Enoch, Kappa Alpha the early summer. Elizabeth Reynolds
from Georgia, and little Beverly, their Ellisor ( E x . '32), is the mother of a fine
daughter, have just returned from Hart- son.
well, Georgia, having spent the summer
there with his parents. Gertrude Moore Annie Lou Fletcher Yielding (Ex. '30),
('30), spent her vacation in Atlantic has recently moved into her new home,
City. Mary Mabry has returned after an attractive bungalow. Elizabeth (Lib)
spending several weeks in New York, Logan Hackney ('29), also has a new
and while there Mary visited Blanton home.
Sanders (Ex. '32). Elizabeth (Betty)
Bowen ('32), spent most of the summer Lorena Norton Moore ('24), from
in school. Afterwards, however, she en- New York, spent the summer in Bir-
joyed several weeks on the Gulf. mingham with her mother. Clara Pritch-
ett Rogers Lotte ( E x . '31), also visited
Knoxie Faulk ('26), was married June relatives in Birmingham recently. Her
18 to Eugene Johnson. They have a home is now in Anniston, Alabama.
lovely apartment at 2165 South 16th
Ave., Birmingham, and Knoxie seems It has been grand to have Mamie
Baskerville here with us all summer;
but she will leave again soon for Arling-
ton Hall in Washington.
Kappa Theta
I n spite of the Olympic Games in Los pie seem to have gone elsewhere. L i l -
Angeles this summer, a good many peo- lian Byrne ('27), went to Europe and
from all I hear is having a very mar- never knows where she will be next.
velous time. She is visiting friends in However, Margaret has been at Long
France and they are driving all over Beach for the past month or so.
France and Switzerland. " L i l " will be
back in time to teach in Alhambra again Mary Poulton ('32), announced her
this fall. engagement this summer to Kenneth Pin-
gree, and is to be married sometime in
Marche Agens ('31), was married November.
early this summer to Kitty Christopher-
son Griswold's brother "Bud*' and is liv- Saw Gloria King Morris ('25), at a
ing in Baker, Nevada, where she taught party and was surprised to hear that she
school last year. Marche made a flying and her husband have been living in
trip to Los Angeles just before her wed- Los Angeles for about a year.
ding, and was given a shower by Doro-
thy Striff ('29). I ran into Florence Clendennan ('26),
at one of the Olympic events and she
Virginia Battey ('31), announced her made many promises to get in touch
engagement in the spring and was mar- with some of the girls this fall, but I
ried August 13 to Leonard Daniels, a suppose we won't see any more of her
Kappa Sigma from U.C.L.A. After a for another six months now, although,
week at Catalina they took an apart- having lost her job in Long Beach, she
ment in the same place as Helen and might be in Los Angeles this coming
Warren Wilson in Montebello Park. year.
Kathryn Wasserburger ('27), and Helen
Wilson ( E x . '32), each entertained with Alice and Felix Werner and their
a shower for Virginia before her mar- young son, Billy, who is a year old now,
riage. have moved to Santa Monica, where
Felix teaches school.
Josephine Darnell Pinkerton ('31), has
a baby boy born last May. Florence Summerbell ('31), has com-
pleted her course in photography, I hear,
Betty McWilliams Smith ('29), and and may come back home and open a
her husband spent a month at Lake T a - studio in Hollywood. She has been
hoe this summer. spending the summer at a girl's camp
near New York, and teaching some
Lucile Derr ('26), married Jack Rems- photography there. Betty Scott Bulkley's
berg, a Sigma Pi from U . C . L . A . , on Sep- husband had some bad luck this sum-
tember 3. I think they are planning to mer. He had his wrist broken at the
live in Glendale. lumber yard where he works and had his
arm in a cast most of the summer.
One of the first spring weddings was
that of Margaret Schlinkman ('25), to Lorna Orr ( E x . '28), is back working
Robert Stoever on March 19. Margaret in Huntington Park after having spent
was married very quietly at home, hav- the summer at home in Porterville.
ing Eleanor Corwin ('26), as her only
attendant. Eleanor and her mother gave Alma Young Moore ('30), is going to
a very lovely afternoon bridge tea and teach in Inglewood again this fall for at
shower for Margaret at the Woman's least one term and perhaps longer.
Athletic Club the week before the wed-
ding. Amber Young Clark ('26), went up
to San Francisco for over Labor Day to
Helen Dixon ('27), entertained the visit a friend. She said she would try
graduating Kappa Thetas with a tea at and get in touch with Mildred Porter
her home just after school was out Winterbotham ('27), while she was there
this spring, having each graduate spon- and bring us some news of her. Grace
sored by one of the older alumnae mem- Summerbell ('30), spent most of the
bers. summer in San Francisco, having just
returned to Los Angeles to continue her
Louise Newbold ('30), announced her art work at Otis this fall, but I haven't
marriage to Bill Dohrmann early in the heard whether or not she saw "Por-
spring. Margaret Poulton (Ex. '32), ter."
was married last March to Ensign Ray
Needham of the United States Navy. I f you want the "low down" on the
The wedding took place at Wilshire movie stars, just ask Betty Bulkley
Ward Chapel and was surely thrilling, ('29), or Lillian Vander Laan (Ex. '27).
with all the ushers in their naval attire They have been working this summer at
and of course Margaret' looking very the bank in Beverly Hills that closed,
beautiful. I suppose we won't see very and I think about all they did was
much of her any more, as a navy wife watch for celebrities.
OCTOBER, 1932 85
I just heard that Audrey Buratti the news I could gather for this letter.
('29), also went north to San Francisco I think the rest of us who were in Los
for over Labor Day. That certainly is Angeles all summer, were busy trying to
a popular place. see all we could of the Olympic Games
and entertaining out-of-town guests.
Well, that seems to be about all the
Kappa Theta
Cornelia Christmas ('29), and her sis- Virginia Johnson (Ex. '32), Beth
ter went to the High Sierras for several Caldwell ('32), and "Kay" Rutherford
weeks in August. "Christmas" tells me (Ex. '32), went to Catalina Island for
that she isn't going to teach in Nevada the last week in August and spent most
this year but is planning to stay in Hol- of their time there acquiring a deep
lywood. Jerelene Haddock ('31), was sun-tan. "Rip" Van Winkle ('32), took
seen at one of the Olympic events, but, a cruise to Alaska for the summer.
due to the mob-scene, no one could get Marcia Huber ('32), is one of the for-
near enough to talk to her. tunate ones of this year's graduates. She
has found herself a nice position in spite
Margaret Poulton Needham (Ex. '30), of the depression and is going to teach
one of Kappa Theta's loveliest of recent in E l Segundo for the coming year.
brides, is living in Long Beach; her hus-
band has d u t y on the U.S.S. Saratoga, Marriages
which is stationed in the harbor for the
present. "Gwen" Thompson ('32), is Louise Newbold ('31), became the
studying at the Hollywood Secretarial bride of William Dohrman on May 23,
School. at a surprise wedding in Santa Barbara.
I hear from Muriel McKinney that Dorothy Woodbury (Ex. '32), was
Lill Byrne ('27), has been spending the married on April 26, to Grafton (Bud)
summer in Europe and, that when last Linn at the Westwood Community
heard from, she was having a glorious Church.
time visiting the Riviera. "Flo" Sum-
merbell ('31), is expected back in Los Virginia Battey ('31), and Frank
Angeles in September; she has been Leonard Jr., Sigma Pi, were married on
studying photography in New York August 13 in the Rosewood Methodist
City, where her work has attracted fa- Church. Her sister, Dorothy Battey
vorable attention from well-known au- Striff ('29), was her only attendant.
thorities. Grace Summerbell ('31), her
sister, is studying sculpture at the Otis Marche Agens ('30), was married in
Art Institute here. Nevada last June to Dwight Christ-
opherson. He is the brother of Kappa
Dorothy Ortman Ruff (Ex. '32), and Theta's Kitty Christopherson Griswold
her husband "Dick" spent his vacation (Ex. '29).
at their cabin in Malibu Beach. While
there, they celebrated their second wed- Engagements
ding anniversary and we hope that they Mary Poulton ('32), announced her
have many more happy years together. engagement to Kenneth Pingree at the
Leonore Edwards (Ex. '32), who has a Senior Banquet last June. Mary expects
position at the Retail Credit Company to be married sometime during the late
went to San Francisco for her well- fall or early winter.
earned vacation and visited with friends
and relatives. "Mari" Brecht ( E x . '32), Deaths
expects to continue her art studies at
the Chouinard School of Art. Kappa Theta offers sympathy to Vir-
ginia Johnson ( E x . '23), whose father
passed away last spring.
Kappa Omicron
By M I N N I E L U N D Y
Kappa Omicron has only sixteen my efforts to find news about them met
alumnas living away from Memphis, and with very little success.
Katherine Kelly DuBose (Ex. '28), writes that she is glad not to have spent
lives at Thomaston, Georgia. Friends the summer away because "I would have
are expecting a visit here in the fall missed so much fun." Betty Hagan (Ex.
from her. Martha Ambrose Nunnally '33), moved to Seattle, Washington, last
(Ex. '27), is now living in Oklahoma summer. She was present at the in-
City, Oklahoma, and writes that she ex- stallation of Beta Kappa chapter, and
pects to be in Memphis during the fall. this summer was one of the visitors in
Bennie Belle McCraw McMullen (Ex. California for. the Olympic Games. Elea-
'28), lives in Sumner, Mississippi, and nor Tucker Cameron, now living in
is in a very much better state of health Little Rock, Arkansas, has been here for
than she was when we last heard from several short visits during the summer.
her. Marguerite Pride (Ex. '29), is
teaching school near Blytheville, Arkan- Marriages
sas. Her sister, Carolyn (Ex. '30), is Elizabeth McLaren Williams ('30),
working in a business office in Blythe- and Aubra Bennett Cooper were married
ville. Carol Hewitt (Ex. '31), teaches on June 18. They spent the summer at
dancing in Marianna, Arkansas. Harriet the University of Michigan, working
Shepherd Pond (Ex. '31), New Orleans, on their Master of Arts degrees.
visited her family here in June for two Virginia Marie Winkelman ('28), and
weeks. She and her husband, Harry, have James Ron Lee were married on June
been chaperoning groups of young people 27. Both are connected with Memphis
on week-end trips to the Gulf. She newspapers.
Alpha Rho
By A L T H E A B R U H L
Dorothy Metsker Coshow ('26), and Margaret Dawley Davies ('31), and
Horace announce the birth of a daughter, her husband, Gail, have spent the sum-
Sally May, early in March. Dorothy has mer in Seattle, where Gail was attend-
been employed at the Cottage Hospital ing summer school. For the coming
Santa Barbara, California. school year they will be located at Grass
Valley, Oregon, where Gail is to teach.
Audrey Wood Puntenney ('29), writes
that her small son keeps her pretty busy Alice Smith Reid (Ex. '30), has spent
these days. She is living in Johnstown, the summer with her mother at Marsh-
Colorado. field. She has now returned to her home
in Virginia, where her husband, Allan
Betty Israel (Ex. '33), is at home at teaches at the university.
Dayton, Washington. She is entering a
radio audition contest at Walla Walla Irene Griggs ('31), announced Septem-
the first part of September. Betty has ber 12 for her marriage to J . Kermit
had some previous radio experience and Brandeberry. Kermit is a member of
has been practicing up for this contest. Lambda Chi Alpha and is on the faculty
at Oregon State College teaching in the
Delva Chandler (Ex. '32), is again at school of forestry.
work after recuperating from a serious
injury due to an automobile accident Wythle Fitzpatrick Brown ('29), is
last Christmas. She is living at 601 Olive living at the Government Experiment
Street, Inglewood, California. Station at Hemlock, Washington, where
Lloyd is employed by the United States
Bessie Stout ('31), was forced to give Forest Service.
up her work at Meier and Frank Com-
pany in Portland because of poor health. Florence Pearson (Ex. '31), was mar-
She has spent the summer resting and ried on September 3 to George Richard
vacationing in Junction City, Kansas. Gronvold.
Betty Smith Elliot ('28), is living in Ruth Gillmore Baines (Ex. '31), and
Corvallis, having motored there about John announce the birth of twin daugh-
the first of March. Betty is now head of ters, Joan and Jean, in March.
the ready-to-wear department in the lo-
cal J . C. Penny store. She reports liking Helen Churchill Trueblood ('29), and
her work very much. her husband, Paul, have a new baby
OCTOBER, 1932 85
girl named Pauline. Helen is of Friend's Florence Wade McKinstry (Ex. '31),
College, Wichita, Kansas, but has been of California and her husband, Tom,
visiting her father in Roseburg, Oregon, have been visiting Florence's mother in
this summer. Portland, Oregon, this summer.
Chi Delta
By E U G E N A W I L K I N S O N
Marriages there. Dolores Zemke ('27), is teaching in
Lois Hobson ('26), to C. R. Swope St. Louis.
at Pueblo last fall. Her address is 839
Sheridan, Chicago, Illinois. Lois is now Blanche Clark Waters ('27), and son,
doing social service work. Donald, are visiting her parents at Route
Beulah Wylie ('28), to Addison 2, Box 9SA, Arvada, Colorado.
Becker who is also a Colorado Uni-
versity graduate. They are living in Bos- Constance Goodner Frost ('27), may
ton, Massachusetts. be in the U.S.A. by now, but for awhile
Catherine Roff ('27), to Clark Clark. she was the only Chi Delta alumna who
Both have been teaching at Wheat- lived outside the states. Her address was
ridge the past school year. Clark is also c/o A.S. and R., Angangueo, Michoaian,
a Colorado University graduate. Mexico.
Jeanette Gooch (Ex. '32), to Arthur
Yahn of Wisconsin University in June Luella Koerner Tucker ('28), will
at the Boulder Congregational Church. teach again at Colorado Aggies in the
"Most of the chapter attended the wed- Psychology Department. Luella and Mr.
ding and threw rice. Harriet Burke (Ex. Tucker spent part of their vacation in
'32), of Silverton was Jeanette's only Yellowstone this summer. Their address
attendant. The Yahns are making their is 324 W. Laurel, Fort Collins, Colorado.
home in Silverton, Colorado.
Effie L u Gleason ('32), to Eric Miles Audrey Lamont ('28), x-ray technician
('31), a Phi Tau from Colorado Uni- in Dayton, Ohio, has recently announced
versity at a beautiful church wedding on her engagement to Dr. Gregg. They plan
June 28, in Fort Collins. Effie L u wore to be married this fall. They will live
a lovely coral gown and the traditional in Illinois.
white veil. There were three attendants
of the bride who live in Fort Collins. Winifred Ralph ('30), attended Den-
Many lovely showers, dinners, and teas ver University summer school for both
were given in her honor by her friends. terms, and plans to teach again at La
Jacqueminot roses were used as a center Junta, Colorado.
decoration at the altar. Several of the
girls and Mrs. Running, our house Pauline Kanavel Wolfe (Ex. '30), spent
mother, attended the ceremony. most of the summer in the mountains
and in Fort Collins with relatives.
Harriett Burke (Ex. '32), announced
her intention to wed Howard Histed Alice Westerlund ('26), will teach next
of Silverton this summer at a dinner year at the University Hill School in
party with the traditional "five pounds" Boulder.
at the house before commencement.
Eva Boillet Markley ('28), has been
Imogene Hadley Dodson ('28), who teaching at Weldona, Colorado, near
lives in Florence, Colorado, at 219 East Fort Morgan where her husband is in
Fourth Street spen some time in Los An- business. Eva was at the chapter, house
geles last Fall, and while she was there last spring with her senior girls on their
she was a guest of Dorothy Foster ('29), sneak day.
who lives in Westwood. Dorothy's ad-
dress is 910 Hilts Avenue, West Los An- Ruth Ward while not an AOII was
geles. one of the Chi Delta petitioners. She
has been studying voice in Boston and
Mae Ethna Dowd (Ex. '28), is also has become a member of the Boston
living in Westwood. She is practicing law Opera Company. She spent her vacation
in Boulder and was the guest of the
chapter on several occasions. She also
entertained the girls at her home.
Margaret Emmanuel Watson ('27),
will probably be in Boulder again next
year. We hope so, for she is a great is the pharmacist at the Dolby Drug
helper of the chapter. Store.
Anna K . Barker (Ex. '33), has been Julia Scilly ('31), spent part of the
living in Colorado Springs at the summer with Mrs. Luyties, one of our
Y . W . C . A . while her parents have been former house mothers, at her mountain
traveling extensively in the East. Anna home. Julia was at home last year in
K . visited several times at the house the Loveland.
last year.
Laura Kennish ('31), taught school
Ruth Schwabenland ( E x . '32), has last year near her home at Orchard, Colo-
been teaching near Fort Morgan the past rado.
year. She may return to finish and get
her degree this year. Leatrice Smith ('31), has been assis-
tant dean at the University of Wyoming
Ruth Costello ('31), was at home in for the past year. She was very success-
Salida last year, but came up for Rush ful, and will probably go back this year.
Week and for several visits.
Gladys Hart ( E x . '33), taught in As-
Ruth Thompson ('31), has been at- pen, Colorado, last year.
tending a Boulder business school for the
past year. Allean Johnson ('30), taught in Flem-
ing, Colorado, last year. She was in
Melba Fuller (Ex. '32), dropped out charge of all the music in the school.
of school because of ill health and spent
the remainder of the year in Schotts- I shall be happy to get any news that
bluffs, Nebraska. She was a guest at the you alums know, so write me and tell me
house several times the past year. what you've been doing and what you're
going to do. Thanks.
Alberta Meyers ('31), taught at Krem-
mling, Colorado, last year. She has an- Deaths
nounced her intentions to be married
some time soon to Jimmy Nicholson of Mrs. L . V. Emanuel, one of our most
Denver. Jimmy was a Sigma Phi Epsi- loyal mothers, died on January 6, 1932,
lon at Colorado University. in Denver. Even though her daughter,
Margaret Watson ('27), was not in
Kathleen Johnson Plymell ( E x . '34), is school, Mrs. Emanuel took a great in-
living in Brighton, Colorado, where Ross terest in our chapter and helped us in
every possible way.
Beta Theta
lone Agnew ('27), still doing place- excursion trip to New York this summer
ment work at the Chicago Orphan Asyl- during her vacation.
um, spent her vacation recuperating from
over work at the home of her parents in Lucille Wright ('31), who has been
Frankfort, Indiana. She came up to I n - living at Laurelton, New Jersey, has re-
dianapolis for a day and visited Ruth turned to the middle west, and is now
McClurg Brown ('31). Ruth turned her living at 1313 W. 112th Street, Cleve-
husband out for the night and invited land, Ohio. She visited Lucille Bauern-
all the girls who had been at Ione's feind (Ex. '31), this September and
house party the summer before to come helped with Beta Theta Rush. She and
over. We had a very happy time and Ruth Brown and Alice Hill ('31), drove
thought of all the old crowd, wishing down to Russville, Indiana, to see
that we all could get together again, Frances Richardson McCully (Ex. '32),
lone left next day for a lake cruise be- and report a very delightful afternoon
fore going back to work. spent with "the same old Fran."
Ruth and Vic left September 10 for Frances Shera ('30), has undertaken
a trip to the East, planning to stay for a new teaching position, being in the
two weeks, and visiting Ruth's sister. Junior High School of Washington
Dorothy Boyle ('32), also had a trip to Township just north of Broad Ripple.
the East this summer, visiting Boston and She is teaching Domestic Arts, French,
New York and spending a week with and History. Quite a schedule for little
Betty Hall ('33), in New Jersey. Ethel F r a n ! Princess Finney (Ex. '33), is also
Malloch ('29), took a very interesting teaching—her subject is Public School
OCTOBER, 1932 S7
Ellen MacLean ('28), spent a few days Purdue in June, 1933, and Arzella Magel
in July with Ruth Lindenborg ('29), ( E x . '33), is wearing Robert Osier's
bringing with her Virginia Fortner, one Delt pin. Robert is graduating from De-
of the girls who signed Beta Theta's Pauw in January. Katherine Murphy
petition to A O I I , but has not been ini- ('30), has been wearing a Beta pin for
tiated. We were very glad to see Virginia some time and speaks of a certain
and feel very sorry that she was not able "Jerry" but we must confess, much to
to come back and be with us when our embarrassment that the report can-
we were installed. She is now a reporter not be official as we do not remember
on a Newark, New Jersey, paper. the last name.
Miriam Schad (Ex. '31), was maid of Helen Jane Brown (Ex. '33), finished
honor at her sister Jean's wedding last the Library Training Course this Spring
June. Jean was an AOII pledge during making five Beta Theta librarians.
the year of 1928-29 but did not return Miriam Cosand ('31), has been living
to be initiated in her sophomore year. in Mooresville this last year, commuting
She married John Thatcher of Indian- to the city daily. Bertha Furstenberg
apolis. (Ex. '31), has been campaigning busily
to keep her position as secretary to the
Doris Speaker Coblentz ('29), has a Prosecuting Attorney of Marion County.
red haired, blue eyed baby girl according She finds the work very interesting.
to latest report, but I have been unable
to find out the baby's name so far. I Geneva Robertson Fischer ('28), has
hope to be able to publish it in my next been living with her family in Kokomo,
letter. Indiana, while convalescing from her ill-
ness. She was in Indianapolis for a short
We know of two new fraternity pins time but left so soon that none of us
to the chapter's credit. Jaque Lacker were able to see her. We are hoping to
('32), is wearing a Delta Gamma Rho hear more from her later on.
pin belonging to Robert Cantley of
Cleveland, Ohio, who graduates from
Alpha Pi
By C H R I S T E N E R I D G E L L
Dorothy Boyce ('29), was married to Julie Geehan ('32), and Helen Davis
Ray Daniels in Barre, Florida, about the are connected with Florida State College
first of August. They are making their for Women for the coming year. Both
home at the Ocala Country Club, Ocala, are acting in the capacity of assistant
Florida. dietitians.
Rosebud DeMilly ('31), was married Merle McDermid ('31), of Okeechobee,
to Bert Willard the latter part of May. Florida, is teaching music in Mount
It is interesting to know that they spent Verde, Florida.
the first three months of their married
life in our sorority house in Tallahas- Louise Worrell of St. Petersburg,
see. Florida, is operating a Junior Studio of
Music, Dancing and Art.
Epsilon Alpha
E . Louise Hoffeditz ('31), who acted Elsie Jane Weaver ('30), who teaches
as chaperon for the Epsilon Alpha girls Latin and English in the Meyer High
during last year, continued on in the School in her home city, Wilkes-Barre,
same capacity this past Summer. Several attended the 1932 Summer Session at
graduate and undergraduate Epsilon A l - Penn State. She lived in the AOII House
phas were members of the group living and when she was not concentrating on
in the house and taking college work. her work in the advanced Latin courses,
Louise acquired her master's degree from she was spinning over the well-known
the School of Education at the close of mountain roads in a new Ford coupe.
the summer session.
Sara (Sally) Lowenberg ('31), who
spent part of her vacation at her home Agnes Geary ('29), continued her work
in Bloomsburg, visited Louise Hoffeditz toward a master's degree at Penn State
in State College during the latter part of this Summer, driving over from Centre
July. Sally is returning to her work Hall every day. She is teaching in the
in New York City this Fall. latter place again this year.
Theta Eta
By D O R O T H Y D O R S E Y
Mary Booker, one of the founders, is Mariemae Forbus has announced her
working in Cincinnati, and is renewing engagement to W. J . Schwarz, Phi Delta
her old friendships at our rush parties Theta, of Cincinnati.
after having been gone for a number of
years. Frances Morris Elliot announced that
her new baby is an A O I I although her
Pauline Clark, old. president of Theta husband was pulling hard for the Beta's.
Eta, has moved to Lexington, Kentucky.
Beta Tan
Of the newest members of our alumna? in Manitoba. This coming season we un-
three are taking pupil work in hospitals, derstand will find her home in Inger-
Kathrine Gleeson at Detroit, Alice Grant soll. Betty Potter is now a full-fledged
at the Montreal General and Nancy school teacher and is going to teach in
Drummond at Johns Hopkins, Balti- St. Catherines.
more. Jean Fraser who spent the sum-
mer at Tottenham is going to be in Tor- Donalda McCharles completed the L i -
onto this winter taking a business course. brarian's Course at Varsity and has re-
Isabel Frasser expects to be in the city, turned to Vancouver. Douglas Milne is
too, doing commercial dietetic work. carrying on Sodial Service work in Tor-
onto. Helen Crosby ('32), looked after
Winnifred Barlow ('31), and Jessie the daily dietary requirements of a Girl
Grant ('30), are with the Manufac- Guide Camp this summer. Billie Wright
turer's Life Insurance Company. Else ('32), and I spent five weeks summer
Sumner ('31), successfully completed the coursing in Hamilton. This year will find
Librarian's Course, and spent the summer us at the Ontario College of Education.
Alpha Tau
By H E L E N G . L A Y C O C K
Announcement has been made of the company of Edna Kline ( I '32), who at
engagement of Harriet Fellman ('30), to present is doing volunteer work at the
Mr. Charles David Meissner, of Mil- same station.
waukee. Mr. Meissner is connected with
a Milwaukee advertising agency in an Several Alpha T a u alumnae have re-
executive capacity. The date for the sumed teaching positions, but in new
wedding has not as yet been set. Har- places. Virginia Wilson ('30), is teach-
riet's address has recently been changed ing physical education in the Pittsburgh
to S418 North Lake Drive, Milwaukee. system, and living at home. Antoinette
Shaw ('30), is teaching Latin and French
Jimmy Moore J r . , son of Margaret in Aurora, Ohio. Helen Wyeth ('30), is
Montgomery Moore ('30), Canton, Ohio, at Struthers, Ohio, again this year.
is the most recent Alpha T a u baby.
"Monty" claims he breaks all records Betty Jackson ('31), writes of the
for bigger and better babies. party she and Jane Scully ('31), gave at
her home for the small colony of Alpha
Helen Laycock ('27), is working for Tau alumnae in New York, and of the
the Unemployment Relief Service in grand time which was had by all. Ap-
Chicago, and enjoying particularly the parently there was nothing of particu-
OCTOBER, 1932 89
lar interest disclosed publicly—if so, it make herself indispensable to the needy.
is being withheld. Betty will continue her She is doing social service work in Can-
work as technician in the Swedish Hos- ton, Ohio.
pital in Brooklyn.
Irma Hudson ('31), has completed a
Mary Case Amner ('28), upheld her year of graduate study in Library Train-
traditional scholastic record by getting ing (children's room work) at Western
herself appointed for the summer term Reserve University, Cleveland. Pending
on the Denison faculty in the capacity an official "job," she is doing volunteer
of instructor in Spanish. Which, we think, work in branches of the Cleveland Public
very commendable for one who has two Library.
quite small, very interesting daughters,
Lucy Elizabeth and Mary Alice, to oc- Dorothy Weichman ('31), is doing pri-
cupy her time and thoughts. vate secretarial work in New York City,
but no one has enlightened us as to the
Jessie Hardman ('28), continues to fortunate employer.
Beta Kappa
Jeah Whyte ('31), who was swimming teaching at Sayward, Vancouver Island,
director at the Gyro playgrounds for the Kathleen Curaming ('31), has been ap-
summer, is teaching at Templeton Junior pointed Chairman of Alumna? for West-
High School. Elizabeth Ball ('31), is era Canada.
Kappa Theta
Philanthropic work was the keynote Two new girls affiliated with the chap-
of the spring and summer meetings. I t ter in April: Wynne Meredith Harlowe
took constant effort but we made our ( 2 '13), living at 827 S. Gramercy
quota 100 per cent thanks to the special Place, Los Angeles, and Calista Hoffman
efforts of some of our members. Four ( E '18), whose address is 2470 Catherine
Lambda girls conducted classes in Con- Road, Altadena, California. We hope
tract Bridge. They were Helene Mon- everyone coming to Los Angeles will be-
tague Collin ('13), Alice Moore Patten come acquainted with us and become
('16), Sheda Lowman Kline ('13), and active in our chapter.
Erna Taylor (Ex.'19). We had a Bridge
Benefit, too. Then Muriel McKinney in- Congratulations are in order for sever-
troduced a punch board and the stray al girls. Florence Alvarez ( 2 E x . ' l l ) ,
nickels and dimes were taken care of. is now Mrs. Spaulding. Her address is
144 S. Plymouth Blvd. Lucille English
Most of the meetings were held Satur- entertained for Florence. She had twelve
day afternoon with luncheon at the girls for luncheon and bridge.
chapter house. I n April we were enter-
tained by Sheda Kline, in Brentwood, Mary de Witt ( 2 '13), married Robert
with an outdoor barbecue. Her yard Angier.
was aj. most delightful array of color and
those who could not attend that day Lucille Derr ( K T '26), married Jack
were much disappointed. Remsburg. They are living in Glendale
and Lucille plans to continue her teach-
The May meeting was in the form of ing of art.
a beach party for the seniors. A late
breakfast was served followed by swim- Virginia Battley ( K T '31), is now Mrs.
ming and bridge. Leonard Daniels. Their home is at 1440
S. Vancouver St., Los Angeles.
90 C ©D n To DRAGMA
I /I
z S l l p h a Omicron *Pl ( f r a t e r n i t y
Founded at Barnard College, New York City, January 2, 1897
Masonic Building, Box 262, State College, Pa.
Registrar—Alice Cullnane, B4>.
Assistant Registrar—Mrs. Edward J . Nichols, K.
Jessie Wallace Hughan, A, 171 West 12th Street, New York, N.Y.
Mrs. George V. Mullan, A, 149 Broadway, New York, N.Y.
Mrs. George H. Perry, A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N.Y.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge, N.J.
Grand President—Mrs. Franklyn H. Matson, T, 881 Fairmont Avenue, St. Paul,
Grand Vice President—Mrs. Verne W. McKinney, A, 528 North Formosa Avenue,
Los Angeles, Calif.
Grand Secretary—Mrs. Arthur K. Anderson, B*, 127 South Sparks Street, State
College, Pa.
Grand Treasurer—Helen Haller, ft, 2138 La Salle Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif.
Grand Historian—Mrs. George H. Perry, A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N.Y.
Assistant Historian—Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge,
Extension Officer—Mrs. George B. Baskervill Jr., K, Arlington Hall, Pennsylvania
Station, Washington, D.C.
Examining Officer—Mrs. Eugene H. Johnston, TA, 2165 South 16th Avenue, Bir-
mingham, Ala.
Editor o) To DRAGMA—Mrs. Leland F. Leland, T, 313 12th Street, Neenah, Wis.
Chairman—Mrs. Edward D. Prince, Webster City, Iowa.
A O n Panhellenic Delegate—Mrs. Ernst Glantzberg, 35 Claremont Avenue, New
York, N.Y.
Atlantic District (N, A, T, E , X , IIA, EA)—Mrs. G. Rowland Collins, N, 302
West 12th Street, New York, N.Y.
Southern District (IIA, K, O, All)—
South Central District (IIK, I I , TA, KO, NK)—Mrs. Edward G. Surgeon, NK,
5625 McComas Avenue, Dallas, Tex.
Ohio Valley District (8, B4>, ft, B0, 011, AT)—Mrs. Theodore P. Marbaugh, B4>,
5105 Washington Boulevard, Indianapolis, Ind.
Great Lakes District (P, T, H , O H , BT, I)—Mrs. Silas Spengler, H, 342 Park
Street, Menasha, Wis.
Mid-Western District (Z, 4>, 3, XA)—
OCTOBER, 1932 91
Pacific District (2, A, K0)—Mrs. Michel H. Etcheverry, 2, 3233 Jackson Street,
San Francisco, Calif.
Pacific Northwest District (T, A*, A2, AP, BK, Ar)—Mrs. Martin Norgore, E,
3403 West 71st Street, Seattle, Wash.
Atlantic District (New York, Boston, Providence, Bangor, Washington, Philadelphia,
Syracuse, Rochester)—Alice J. Spear, A, 32 Pierce Street, Hyde Park, Mass.
Southern District (New Orleans, Knoxville, Lynchburg, Nashville, Memphis, Bir-
mingham, Dallas)—Louise Church, II, 1719 Valence Street, New Orleans, La.
Ohio Valley District (Indianapolis, Cleveland, Bloomington, Cincinnati, Fort Wayne,
Dayton)—Mrs. Lester A. Smith, 4>, 126 Berkeley Road, Indianapolis, Ind.
Great Lakes District (Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago South
Shore, Madison, Ann Arbor)—Mrs. William S. Thomson, A, 926 Forest Ave.,
Evanston, 111.
Mid-Western District (Lincoln, Kansas City, Omaha, Oklahoma City, Denver, Tulsa,
St. Louis)—Elsie Ford Piper, Z, 1731 D Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Pacific District (San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego)—Mrs. Walter A. English,
A, 502 North Plymouth Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.
Pacific Northwest District (Portland, Seattle)—Roma Whisnant, A2, Route 2, Box
14, Portland, Ore.
Alabama (Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina)—Mrs. Walter B. Rountree,
NO, 216 2nd Street, Thomas Station, Birmingham, Ala.
California—Mrs. Walter A. English, A, 502 North Plymouth Boulevard, Los Angeles,
Calif.)—Ass't.—Mrs. Alfred L. Ricconi, 2, 1755 Van Ness Avenue, San Fran-
cisco, Calif.
Canada (Eastern)—Jessie I. Grant, BT, 49 Dundonald Street, Apt. 55, Toronto,
Ont., Canada.
Canada (Western)—Kathleen Cumming, BK, 1017 Craigderroch, Victoria, B.C.,
Illinois—Mrs. E. P. Willerton, 911 East Virginia Street, Peoria, 111.
Indiana (Kentucky)—Mrs. A. L. Eichenseher, B4>, 2940 Oliver Street, Fort Wayne,
Kansas (Missouri)—Mrs. M. H. Stacey, «t>, 42 West 73rd Terrace, Kansas City, Mo.
Louisiana (Arkansas, Mississippi)—Mrs. P. B. Pedrick, n , 5673 West End Boule-
vard, New Orleans, La.
Maine (New Hampshire, Vermont)—Ruth Meservey, T, 44 Webster Avenue, North,
Bangor, Me.
Maryland (Delaware, District of Columbia)—
Massachusetts (Connecticut, Rhode Island)—Jeanne W. Relyea, A, 18 Bainbridge
Road, West Hartford, Conn.
Michigan—Mrs. George R. Snider, Oil, 11950 Ohio Avenue, Detroit, Mich.
Minnesota—Mrs. Victor P. Reim, T, 304 South German Street, New Ulm, Minn.
Montana (North and South Dakota, Wyoming)—Mrs. Harold Lowman, A*, Man-
hattan, Mont.
Nebraska (Iowa)—Mrs. Donald Gorton, Z, 3432 South Street, Lincoln, Neb.
New York City (New Jersey)—Mrs. Edward Mitchell, X, 9 Berkeley Place, Rad-
burn, N.J.
New York (Exclusive of New York City)—Mrs. W. P. Van Wagenen, OH, 186
Summit Drive, Rochester, N.Y.
Ohio—Mrs. William Segar, ft, 1931 Benson Drive, Dayton, Ohio.
Oklahoma (Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Arizona)—Mrs. Warren H. Ed-
wards, 3, 1220 West 39th, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Oregon (Idaho)—Elizabeth Plummer, A2, 252 Radcliffe Road, Portland, Ore.
Pennsylvania—Mrs. Floyd T. Crawford, E, 930 Hiland Avenue, Coraopolis, Pa.
Tennessee—Mary B. Allison, NO, 1109B 18th Avenue South, Nashville, Tenn.
Texas—Mrs. Allen Flythe, NK, 4524 Edmondson, Dallas, Tex.
Virginia (West Virginia)—Mrs. W. Goodridge Sale Jr., K, Welch, W.Va.
Washington—Margaret V. Evans, T, 602 32nd Avenue, Seattle, Wash.
Wisconsin—Mis. Fred H. Dorner, 0, 1107 East Knapp Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
Pi Sev- LAMBDA Stanford
President—Marietta Griffen, 1418 Mailing Address—Box 1367,
enth Street, New Orleans, L a . University, Calif.
Meetings—Mondays at 4:30. President—Eunice H . Force.
President—Dorothy Roth, 31 Amherst TAU
Street, Williston Park, L . I . , N.Y.
House Address—1121 5th Street S . E . ,
Meetings—Mondays at 6:00. Minneapolis, Minn.
OMICRON Clinch President—Dorothy Verrell.
Meetings—Mondays at 5:30.
President—Helen Camp, 1900
Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. CHI
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. House Address—603 University Avenue,
Syracuse, N . Y .
President—Hazel Jordan.
President—Lida Duke Stokes,R.-M.W.C, Meetings—Monday evenings.
Lynchburg, Va.
Meetings—Thursdays at 5:00.
ZETA House Address—1906 East 45th Street,
Seattle, Wash.
House Address—1541 S Street, Lincoln,
Neb. President—Frances Maxson.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
President—Lucille Hitchcock.
Meetings—Mondays at 7 :00. Nu KAPPA
SIGMA President—Enid Mayer, AOII Box,
S.M.U., Dallas, Tex. at 3529 Mc-
House Address—2311 Prospect Avenue,
Berkeley, Calif. Meetings—Monday at 7:00
President—Jane Rea.
M eetings—Mondays. BETA P H I
THETA House Address—703 East 7th Street,
House Address—AOII House, Greencas- Bloomington, Ind.
tle, Ind. President—Mildred Frazee.
Meetings—Monday evenings.
President—Mary Jo Enochs.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. ETA
DELTA House Address—636 Langdon Street,
Madison, Wis.
President—Elinor Clark, Stratton Hall,
Tufts College, Mass. President—Sarah Rogers.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:15.
GAMMA Street,
House Address—119 South 6th
President—Jeanne Kennedy, North Main Bozeman, Mont.
Street, Orono, Me.
President—Margaret Winters.
M eetings—Mondays. Meetings—Tuesday evenings.
House Address—The Knoll, Ithaca, N . Y . President—Sue Lanier, 111 23rd Avenue
President—Ethel Kellinger.
Meetings—No set time. North, Nashville, Tenn.
Meetings—Saturday afternoons.
RHO Street, Psi Street,
House Address—626 Emerson House Address—3412 Sansom
Evanston, 111. Philadelphia, Pa.
President—Clara Kuhn. President—Vivian Falk.
Meetings—Monday evenings. Meetings—Monday evenings.
IOTA PHI Street,
House Address—704 South Mathews House Address—1144 Louisiana
Street, Urbana, 111. Lawrence, Kan.
President—Katherine Altorfer. President—Anita Munford.
Meetings—Monday evenings. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
OCTOBER, 1932 93
President—Phyllis Jaycox, Hepburn Hall, House Address—1407 Opal Street, Pull-
Oxford, Ohio. man, Wash.
Meetings—Wednesday evenings. President—Lucille Hibbard.
M eetings—
House Address—1052 Baldwin
Ann Arbor, Mich. House Address—1015 15th Street, Boul-
der, Colo.
President—Adele Ewing.
Meetings—Monday evenings. President—Alice Wolter.
M eetings—Mondays.
House Address—1680 Alder Street, E u - House Address—714 Berkeley Road, In-
gene, Ore. dianapolis, Ind. Peele.
President—Edith Sinnett. President—Charlotte
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
Meetings—Wednesdays at 7:30.
President—Mildred Hurst, 524 West Hoiise Address—AOII House, Tallahas-
Boyd, Norman, Okla. see, Fla.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. President—Lenore Altman.
Meetings—Mondays at 9:00.
House Address—AOH" House,
Park, Md. House Address—AOII House, State Col-
lege, Pa.
President—Marian Bates.
Meetings—Tuesdays at 7 :00. President—Elizabeth Preston.
Meetings—Wednesday evenings.
President—Alice Burton, 2516 Aberdeen President—Marjorie Dewey, 200 Hill-
Road, Birmingham, Ala. crest Drive, Wyoming, Cincinnati,
Meetings—Every other Wednesday at
supper. Meetings—Mondays at 7:30.
House Address—894 Hilgard, West Los President—Margaret MacNiven, 141 Isa-
Blank. bella Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Angeles, Calif.
President—Henrietta Meetings—Mondays at 5 :30.
President—Frances Bingham, Stone Hall,
President—Elizabeth Ann Mahan,
North McLean, Memphis, Tenn. Granville, Ohio.
Meetings—Monday afternoons.
Meetings—Fridays at 2:30.
President—F. Mary Latta, 1325 15th
House Address—560 Madison Avenue West, Vancouver, B . C . , Can-
Corvallis, Ore. ada.
President—Mary Lou Collins. Meetings—First and third Tuesday of
Meetings—Mondays at 7 :30. month at 4:30.
NEW YORK Meetings—Second Saturday of month,
President—Eloise Tessier, N, 136 Madi- October to June.
son Street, Brooklyn, N . Y . BOSTON
Meetings—Arranged by Executive Com-
mittee. President—Mrs. Ray Eldridge, A, 108
SAN FRANCISCO Tappan Street, Brooklyn, Mass.
President—Delight Frederick, 2, 2929 Meetings—
Ashby Avenue, Berkeley, Calif. LINCOLN
Meetings—First Monday of month.
President—Mrs. Floyd Ryman, Z, 2350
PROVIDENCE South 48th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
President—Mrs. Alanson D . Rose, B , 27 Meetings—Second Saturday noon, Octo-
Fruit Hill Avenue, Providence, R . I . ber to June.