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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-17 17:05:06

1971 Winter - To Dragma

Vol. LVIII, No. 2

of Alpha Omicron Pi

Winter • 1971


Concrefe Plans REGION I Reservation Chairman:

Are Beginning June 9-11 Mrs. Larry Gibson
1403 G a r d e n Lane,
To Take Shape Pi Delta Chapter House C h a m p a i g n , III. 61820
University of Maryland
College Pari, Md.

Chairman: Mrs. John Haggarty
11450 Waterview Cluster,
Reston, Va. 22070 REGION V

For The Reservation Chairman: June 2-4
INTERNATIONAL Mrs. Lester Gilbert
REGIONAL 5909 Namakagan Road, lota Sigma Chapter House
CONVENTIONS Washington, D.C. 20016 2007 Greeley,
Ames, Iowa 50010

Chairman: Miss Jayne Hager
2823 W e s t Street, A p t . 3,
Ames, Iowa 50010
Tele: 515 292-5894


Aug. 18-20

Wisconsin State University-Whitewater REGION VI
Whitewater, Wis.
J u n e 9-11
PLAN NOW Chairman: Mrs. Eldon Barbieri
TO ATTEND 751 Highway 143 Rt. I Upsilon Chapter House
THE ONE Cedarburg, Wis. 53012 University of Washington
NEAREST YOU Seattle, Wash.

Reservation Chairman: Chairman: Mrs. Harlan Humason
Mrs. Arthur Stead 14548 Edgewater Lane. N.E.,
W 15 N 5503 Seattle. Wash. 98155
Kenmore Drive,
Menomonee Falls, W i s . 53051
Tele: 414 252-3042


PROMISE TO BE REGION III Alpha Omicron Chapter House
INFORMATIVE, Louisiana State University
SPRINKLED J u n e 9-11 Baton Rouge, La.
TRADITION Alpha Delta Chapter House Chairman: Mrs. Thomas Betts
University of Alabama 2408 Fairway Drive,
Tuscaloosa, Ala. Baton Rouge, La. 70809

Chairman: Mrs. D. Rundell Curtis Reservation Chairman:
3504 Mountain Lane Mrs. Harold Mele, Jr.,
Birmingham, Ala. 35213 343 West Chalfont Drive,
Baton Rouge, L a . 70815
Reservation Chairman: Tele: 504 275-4298
Mrs. Patrick H . Browne
l720Saluter Road. REGION VIII
Birmingham, Ala. 35209
Tele: 205 871-7927

Alumnae, Assistant Reservation Chairman: May 5-7
College Chapter Mrs. John Bruce
Presidents, Northport, Ala., or Reservation Deadline—April 5, 1972
Alumnae Advisers, Box 2407 Bahia Hotel
Regional Officers, University of Alabama, A l a . 35486 998 West Mission Bay Drive,
Official Delegates, San Diego, Calif.
Start Making
Arrangements Chairman: Mrs. W . Carton
Now To Attend 1262 U p a s Street
Everyone's Welcome! San Diego, Calif. 92103

REGION IV Co-Chairman:
Mrs. Phillip Holtkamp
June 14-16 6727 Radcliffe Court,
San Diego, Calif. 92122
lota Chapter House
University of Illinois Reservation Chairman:
Champaign, III. Mrs. Richard M. Histon
6051 Tamilynn Street
Chairman: Mrs. Robert Zolomij San Diego, Calif. 92122,
1902 Diana Lane, Tele: 714 453-5386
Champaign, III. 61820



Alpha Omicron Pi

Winter, 1971 Vol. LVIII, No.

published since January 1905 by

ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity, Inc.

Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897

Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Regional Conventions CONTENTS Second Cover
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 AOII's Traveling Secretaries-A History 34
Telephone: 317-545-6553 Why Not Fly For A O I I As A Traveling Secretary? 40
Sorority Girls Abandon Traditional House 41
Send All editorial material and corre- New Vice Presidents of Regions I I I , V and V I I I 42
spondence to the A O I I Action/Arthritis 1971-72 44
Notable News And Quotes From Alumnae Luminaries 45
EDITOR Florida Sojourn Highlights A O I I Bridge Club's 23 Years 46
Mrs. Robert C . Murphy Artistic A O I I Brings Raggedy Ann "To Life" 47
4534 Shy's Hill Road, Nu Beta Stages Exemplary Alumnae Day 48
Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Margaret Bourke-White, Photographer, A O I I , Dies 49
Florence Sanville Dies, Women's Rights Advocate 49
Send all changes of address, death no- In Memoriam 50
tices, magazine and T O D R A G M A sub- Alpha Omicron Pi Directory 52
scriptions to Alumnae Chapters To Sing! 64
A O I I Is Looking For Transfers or Graduate Students 64
CENTRAL OFFICE Martin, Tenn., Alumnae Chapter Installed 64
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway T O D R A G M A Copy Call, Change of Address Form.Third Cover
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205

T O D R A G M A is published by Alpha
Omicron Pi Fraternity with headquar-
ters at Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Park-
way, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205, Second
Class Postage paid at Indianapolis, In-
diana, and at additional mailing offices.
Send 3579 to above address.

T O D R A G M A is printed four times a
year in Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer
by Kable Printing Co., Mount Morris,
Illinois 61054. Deadline dates are June
15, Sept. 15, Dec. 15 and Feb. 15 for Fall,
Winter, Spring and Summer, respectively.

Subscription Price is $1.00 per copy,
$3.00 per year. Life Subscription, $25.00.

O n The C o v e r : The provocative design which leads off A O I I ' s brand new Slide Show for Rushing, executed by Karen G a m m 4>A upon the
request of International Rush Chairman Peg Kramer Crawford I . Karen utilized many of the slides from the popular P.R. show dreamed up by
Laura Perry AS for the International Convention in Los Angeles.

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971 33


About midway in 1970, the Ex- 27-Year Traveling Secretaries, past and
ecutive Committee came up with Saga Proves present.
the idea of researching an article on Fascinating
Alpha Omicron Pi's Traveling Sec- Nancy Moyer McCain (Mrs.
retaries, their tenures of office and We've Come A Walter M . - R h o ) was A O I I ' s first
current whereabouts. Long Way In Traveling Secretary.
Appointing And
The idea caught on like wild- Training These She recalls that Peggy Miller
fire and carbon copies of official Young Liaisons (Mrs. Justin-Rho) was one of the
memorandums flew hither and first A O I I executives on the inside
thither through the mails as the X C • of initial plans to innovate the pro-
reminisced and tried to recall spe- gram.
cific facts and details about the Nancy Moyer McCain P—Northwestern set
Traveling Secretary program since AOII's Traveling Secretary program in mo- "She let me know this was in the
its conception. tion in 1944 when she was the first named to wind, and I was being considered
this post by the fraternity. before I left for home following
Response from former Traveling graduation from Northwestern in
Secretaries was generally quick, en- By Maiie Milam Murphy NO 1944," says Nan.
thusiastic and proved fascinating Editor, T O D R A G M A
reading. Nan served as T.S. only one year,
who are believed to have served because in April, of 1945 when Walt
In gathering all their recollections, from 1945 to 1946, 1948 to 1949 McCain returned from service in the
comments and present activities to- and from 1949 to 1950, respec- Pacific with the Navy, they were
gether for a story, it was apparent tively. married.
that our fraternity's Traveling Sec-
retary program, indeed, has pro- No official explanation was given " I had no formal interview as the
gressed far in scope, breadth and for the gap of approximately seven girls do today," explains Nan, "how-
purpose. years in the Fifties and Sixties when ever I realize now that when Doro-
A O I I had no Traveling Secretaries, thy Dean, who was then Interna-
Generally, the original aims have but there was much speculation. tional President, visited Rho that
remained the same down through spring and we spent plenty of time
a 27-year period. These young I t seemed the consensus, that talking, she probably was sizing me
ladies serve as liaisons between the quite a bit of traveling was done up. I suppose my general expe-
collegiates and the Executive Com- during those days by the national rience in Rho at N . U . was the train-
mittee and Central Office. They officers, and frequently a collegiate ing ground. We had a large chapter
counsel collegiates on organiza- was sent to a college or university and there was always something
tional matters, rushing, ritual in- where colonization was underway. cooking."
struction, fraternity education and
such special assignments as directed. But here's the whole story told " A t any rate the offer came . . .
for you in the words of AOII's a meager salary, plus expenses . . .
They are of immeasurable aid and I accepted. Territory? The
during rushing periods and in mat- United States and Canada. Travel?
ters of extension, colonization and Mostly train with a lot of buses
installation. thrown in. Remember, this was the
1944-45 war year and travel was
I n the beautifully simple, concise, something else. That part of it was
but on point, summation of Interna- a real grind."
tional President Eleanore Mac-
Curdy, who has worked closely with " A t any rate, as T.S., I was re-
this particular program for a number sponsible to the Executive Secre-
of years, the 1971 picture is good. tary who, at that time was a mem-
ber of the Executive Committee. She
She states, "As I review the past was Helen Jo Scott Mann (Mrs.
eight years, it seems we've come a Robert-Omega), and C O was in
long way in the process of appoint- Oxford, Ohio. We had the second
ing and training our Traveling Sec- floor of a fraternity's headquarters."
"Helen Jo arranged my schedule.
"Two of our Traveling Secre- It was a killer because this was an
taries, Terry Howard and Karen experiment and we all had much to
Gamm, prepared the Traveling learn. There were few built-in rest
Secretaries' manual which was i n - days; travel was tiring and took so
troduced at the 1969 Training Ses- much time . . . but it was all such
sion." fun."

A l l known secretaries were heard "Remember, because of the war,
from with the exception of Adele chapters hadn't seen any A O I I save
Woessner-Chi, Nancy Beasley Cur- the local alums in years . . . so they
tis-Kappa and Logan Gardner-Rho, were starved for A O I I news, first

34 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971

hand . . . songs, ideas, rush party as advisers, district and international Gordon C.-Nu Omicron) assumed
plans and the like." officers." the post of Traveling Secretary in
Septmember, 1947, and served until
" I remember stopping at the Uni- The McCains, Nan and Walt, now March, 1948 when she resigned to
versity of North Carolina in Chapel live in Clinton Township, outside of follow in the footsteps of her pred-
Hill where there were a couple of Mount Clemens which is 25 miles ecessor, Nan MaCain, and get mar-
AOIIs, on campus, but no chapter. northeast of Detroit. He is a chem- ried.
After dinner that evening, the girls ical engineer in manufacturing en-
came to my room i n the inn and gineering for General Electric. From Margaret and Dr. Shivas, an op-
asked me whether I could remember time to time his work takes him to tometrist, have three children: 2 1 -
the formal ritual and repeat it for Europe, and sometimes Nan is able year-old Lucy, who graduated from
them . . . They had been away from to go with him. Vanderbilt Universtiy this past sum-
it and so badly missed it. I didn't mer where she majored in psycho-
travel with a ritual book, but I'd Nan says, " M y f u n these days is logy, held membership in N u
done enough initiations in my day the Macomb County Alumnae Omicron Chapter and served as
that I could remember it. So, there Chapter, small but mighty. I t is a A O I I philanthropic chairman; Andy,
we were, all kind of teary-eyed, but delightful group and we have a 18 a freshman at the University of
it was a happy time for each of us. marvelous time together." Tennessee in Knoxville, and Susan,
15, in high school. The Shivases re-
"Perhaps one of the highlights," As an indication of their might, side in Pulaski, Tenn.
Nan continues, "was the installation in spite of limited number, Nan
of Theta Psi Chapter at University points out that, during Omicron Pi Just as Nan recalled, Margaret
of Toleda in the spring of '45. AOIIs and the Detroit Alumnae Chapters, remembers quite vividly that most
joint 50th anniversary celebration, of her traveling was done by bus
and train. "The plane was only used
| i for long trips," she declares.

\ • " M y travels were limited to the
eastern part of the United States
Margaret Marshall Shivas NO—Vanderbilt was AOII's second Traveling Secretary. She's seen except for trips to Texas and Can-
here with her daughter, Lucy, also a member of Nu Omicron Chapter. Lucy graduated from ada," she said.
Vanderbilt this past June with a major in psychology.
" A O I I had fewer chapters in
hadn't added a chapter i n years and this alumnae group gave $50 to those days. The average visit was
years. Mary Dee Drummond was honor each group, or $100 in all, limited to four or five days. This
there, I recall, and, of course, every- to the Diamond Jubilee Foundation. was soon after World War I I and
one enjoyed the event. I t was very before the days of wash'n'wear and
special. I often run into those gals Nan also enjoys her association Perma-Prest. Laundry was a prob-
who were i n the charter group. with the Macomb County Historical lem as was trying to have the ward-
Dorothy Dean installed the chapter." Society which she declares "has been robe needed in two suitcases."
a delight because it has enabled me
" I adored the entire experience. to learn so much about this area and "Central Office was in the quaint
I t was a thrill to see other campuses meet people whose paths never town of Oxford, Ohio. I went there
and chapters. I t was fascinating to would have crossed mine otherwise." for training and then to Chicago
see how campuses vary with geo- for the gracious hospitality of Mary
graphic location and how chapters For many years A O I I was the Lindrooth and more training. ( A n d
reflect this. I also learned Rule One: main activity of Nan's extra-curric- Mary's meatloaf! Mama M i a ! ) "
The Goal is the best chapter of A O H ular life. She went on the Executive
which is possible on that campus i n Committee in 1951 as International "On to Texas and Pi Kappa Chap-
that location. The foundations of Secretary and served in that ca- ter. Dumb me—I only had woolen
A O I I remain the same; they are pacity until 1953. From 1953 until clothes along and sat in 102 degree
just in different settings." 1957 she did two terms as first vice heat to watch Texas slaughter North
president which, at that time, was Carolina. I visited many new chap-
"As the years have rolled by, it the collegiate department. Then she ters. They included Auburn's Delta
has been a real thrill to find the was International President f r o m Delta and Florida Southern's Kappa
names of the girls who were col- 1957 until 1959. Gamma."
legiates when I was a T.S. turn up
Margaret Marshall Shivas (Mrs. Janet Pierce Conway AT—Denison, 1956-57
Traveling Secretary, sent us the signature
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971 picture which appears with her column,
"Down the Block," which appears regularly
in The Norwalk, Ohio, Reflector.


Karen Peeler II—Newcomb, who traveled for involved, meaningful existence. She's Last year she was among one of
A O I I in 1964-65 after no Traveling Secretary been president of the local Episcopal the first women journalists in the
for several years, sent us this photo from Churchwomen, is a member of her country initiated into Sigma Delta
Austria where she was putting "the finishing church's Altar Guild, has served as Chi, professional society heretofore
touches" on her musical education. chairman of the PTA Halloween open only to men.
Carnival for three years, headed the
" I remember the intense winter Italian Street Fair for two years, and Since the birth in August, 1969,
cold in Toronto, Canada, East Lan- been Girl Scout Cookie Chairman of a daughter, Kathleen Louise,
sing and Ann Arbor, Mich. My for Giles County. Janet has curtailed her working
Southern blood wasn't up to it, but hours but continues to do special
the warmth of the people in our Five years ago she began giving feature work, investigative reporting
chapters there made the temperature perceptual motor training for Dr. and writes a weekly column, "Down
outside more than bearable." Shivas. Last year she was involved the Block."
in the pilot program of perceptual
" I still treasure some beautiful motor training in schools in Law- The picture of Janet is her column
guest towels the girls at Michigan rence County, which borders Giles. signature. The feature is devoted to
State gave me on my departure." A t present she is supervising this comings and goings, and the idea
program in six schools, plus kin- behind the art is that she makes her
" I have a vivid memory of the dergarten, in the Giles County trips down the block, picking up
train pulling out of Auburn's station school system with Dr. Shivas. column items in a 1922 Model T
and my suitcases still sitting on the Ford owned by the Conways.
platform. There also was a trek to Janet Pierce Conway (Mrs. Ken-
Gainesville to investigate colonizing neth E.-Alpha Tau) became Travel- A
at the University of Florida." ing Secretary in the fall of 1956.

" I usually was around when rush " I t seems that I was the first such
was taking place if at all possible. secretary in some years," recalls Anne Elizabeth Cannon EA—Penn State Uni-
One thing that stands out in my Janet, who doesn't remember hear- versity, who is seen here feeding the ducks
mind is the fear and trembling with ing about any T.S. during her un- on the campus of her alma mater, joined the
which I usually was met. This dis- dergraduate days at Denison. She ranks of A O I I Traveling Secretaries in 1967.
solved into warmth when it was dis- now makes her home in Norwalk,
covered that my purpose was to help Ohio. "Actually the picture," explains
and not to criticize." Janet, "is somewhat of a misrepre-
After graduating from Denison sentation, because I can't operate the
"Out of all my memories, I have where she was president of Alpha car. Those three pedals on the floor
only one unpleasant one. A chapter Tau Chapter, a member of Mortar drive me crazy."
that shall remain nameless failed to Board and editor of The Denisonian,
meet my train or to make any pro- Janet spent the summer in Europe Then followed another gap, this
visions for my stay. What a lonely before beginning her duties as T.S. time of approximately seven years,
feeling to be in a large city, know The next year was spent visiting and next in the line-up of Traveling
no one and have no place to go!" chapters "mainly in the East, South Secretaries was Karen Peeler-Pi, a
and Midwest." native of Jonesboro, A r k .
Margaret remembers that Nancy
Beasley Curtis succeeded her. When this job was completed, she She was delighted to have the
joined the women's page staff of opportunity of renewing contact
At Vanderbilt, Mag Shivas was the Elyria, Ohio, Chronicle Tele- with "some of the wonderful friends
a member of the yearbook staff, gram. made as T.S. from Sept., 1964, until
society editor of the campus news- Nov., 1965."
paper, The Hustler, a member of In October, 1957, after Kenneth
the Panhellenic Council and presi- Conway returned from a year in Her communique came from V i -
dent of N u Omicron Chapter. Korea with the A i r Force, he and enna, Austria, where she arrived i n
Janet were married. They headed September, 1970, to study, work and
In Pulaski she has continued her immediately for Spokane, Wash., generally "round out" her musical
where he completed his duties with education.
36 the Air Force.

He was discharged in February,
1958, and they returned to his home-
town, Norwalk, where he joined his
father in the family business, Nor-
walk Parts Company, a wholesale
distributing firm of automotive, truck
and tractor parts. Since his father's
death in 1966, he's been president
of the firm.

In the fall of 1962, volunteer
public relations work for the Cham-
ber of Commerce put Janet into
close contact with the local news-
paper and the publisher asked her
to become its women's editor.

" I took the job until he could find
someone else with experience," says
Janet, "and have been with the pa-
per, The Norwalk Reflector, ever

She's gone from women's editor
to city editor and county editor.

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971

IP caliber. She was A O I I secretary, I recently took up snow skiing which
house chairman and president, I started dreaming about when I
Wendie Nowlin All—Florida State Univer- named to Tulane's Hall of Fame was a T.S. traveling in the Midwest
sity has Trie distinction of having been a and listed in Who's Who in Ameri- during the winter."
Traveling Secretary for the longest period of can Colleges and Universities, she
time. wielded the gavel for Newcomb's Beginning in June, 1968, I be-
Honor Board and was secretary of came Collegiate Director for Dis-
Wendy Witham Willcerson F—University of the women resident students. trict V I I . A t the 1969 convention
Maine went on to be Executive Director of I was appointed as a Regional D i -
Central Office after traveling for AOII. It was after graduation and her rector in Region I I I . My territory
T.S. stint, while associated with covers the southern half of Alabama
This summer she planned to work AOII's Central Office in Cincinnati and the State of South Carolina.
in a summer theatre in New Orleans that she decided to follow a lifelong During the past year, I have been
and planned to return to Europe this urge to study music. As soon as pledge adviser for Gamma Sigma
fall. C O . found a replacement, she en- at Georgia State University. Re-
tered the College Conservatory of cently I was installation chairman
While opera and performance are Music there to work towards a for the new chapter at LaGrange
her first loves ("Anyone who knows Master's in Music. Up until the time College."
me, remembers I ' m a ham," she she completed these graduate studies
notes) her eventual goal is teaching in 1969, she also worked on the Wendie Nowlin was followed as
on the college level. dean's staff at the University of Cin- T.S. by another Wendy, however
cinati. she does spell her name differently.
Karen recalls that when she was
hired as Traveling Secretary, to her In 1969 she toured with the Na- Hip*
knowledge, she had no predecessor. tional Opera Company and did sum-
mer stock appearances. f1
" I was given the impression that t
hiring me was a resumption of the "Needless to say," declares Karen,
past after a long time and somewhat my A O I I work come to a screech- >
of a test," she declares. ing halt in Europe." But she prom-
ises fervently, whenever logistics Karen Gamm <hA—University of Wisconsin—
"Apparently, it worked. I was permit, to be as active and con- Milwaukee, did two stints as T.S.
followed by Wendie Nowlin from structive as possible once more in
Alpha Pi. Except briefly in the fall affairs of her fraternity. She is Wendy Witham Wilkerson
of 1965, I worked alone." (Mrs. L . Gale-Gamma), who is
She wants her hometown address alive, well and living at 7629 Ivy-
During collegiate days at New- published since her European one wood Drive, Indianapolis, Ind.
comb, Karen was of exceptional is constantly subjected to change. 46250.
It is: 504 Elm Avenue, Jonesboro.
Ark. 72401. She was Traveling Secretary in
1967 and 1968, and during January
Wendie Nowlin-Alpha Pi has the of 1968, Anne Elizabeth Cannon-
distinction of having toured for Epsilon Alpha also was added to the
A O I I longer than any other T.S. T.S. staff.

She applied for the job through Wendy was a 1966 graduate of
an advertisement in TO D R A G M A the University of Maine, where she
following graduation from Florida was philanthropy chairman and
State University. In October, 1965, president of Gamma Chapter. Then
she began two years of service in followed a year as A O I I graduate
the post. counselor at East Carolina Univer-
sity where she earned an M . A .
She states that her predecessor, degree just prior to becoming Trav-
Karen Peeler, was the first T.S. eling Secretary.
A O I I had had in the field for a
number of years, but like Karen, 37
doesn't offer an explanation.

"After my tour as T.S.," says
Wendie, " I began work in Atlanta
as a juvenile court probation officer.
This I did for more than three years.
February 22, 1971, I began a new
job as social worker-home teacher
for the Georgia Center for the Multi-
Handicapped Deaf-Blind. This is a
federally funded diagnostic program
for pre-school children who were
affected by the '64-65 Rubella Mea-
sles epidemic."

" I travel throughout the state
taking applications for prospective
patients. M y work also involves
follow-up on each child once the
evaluation is completed—to work
with the parents and community
agencies to find a suitable school
setting for the child."

" I live in Atlanta and am single.

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971

3- •

IP £ > ^ JflP


Terry Howar d Grant IA—Idaho State University, is pictured with her husband, Ray, who is a Linda Seale Chauviere AO—L.S.U. resigned
mathema tics instructor. They reside in Boise, midway in her stint as Traveling Secretary.
She resides now in Leesville, La.
From 1968 until 1969 she served ganization dedicated to the training
as Executive Director of Central Of- of competent outdoor leaders and u- aiirmtiMfliinftMf«MBM
fice and attended convention in this the conservation of our recreational .;;
capacity. In December, '69, she mar- areas.
ried L . Gale Wilkerson, who is man- Beclty Thurston fiO—Lambuth College, lives
ager of Chapter Services for Delta In the summer, 1970, Anne went in Memphis and is a librarian.
Tau Delta in Indianapolis Head- with the school's first sailing and
quarters. camping, 15-day expedition to Baja, "This was a big year for Travel-
Calif., which was covered in the fall ing Secretaries," says Karen. "Truly
Since her marriage, Wendy has issue of Field and Stream. a year of firsts. I t was the first time
been teaching seventh grade social that three traveling secretaries com-
studies in Indianapolis and devoting She also was one of four women posed the crew. I t was the first
most of her leisure time to serving in the 24 members who comprised year for Traveling Secretaries to
as a docent at the new Indianapolis the 1970 winter expedition to climb have a solid training program. The
Museum of Art. the Grand Teton. Associated Press most outstanding accomplishment
and regional television went along to was that every single chapter for the
"It's a marvelous place and I report on these activities. first time in T.S. history, had at least
love every minute of i t , " declares one visit from a T.S."
Wendy. Karen Gamm—Phi Delta, says,
" A O I I has played a very active part Karen views the current T.S. Pro-
Joining forces with Wendy in in my life since I became a member gram set-up as "a total and superb
1968 was Anne Cannon—Epsilon seven short, but very full, years ago. program developed and directed in
Alpha. They were succeeded by Every minute of that time has been more recent years by Eleanore Mac-
Karen Gamm and Terry Howard. a tremendous living and learning ex- Curdy and, most recently, delivered
perience that only A O I I would have over to the guidance of current A d -
Anne, who earned her B.S. degree ability to bestow upon anyone. As ministrative Vice President Janie
in 1967 from Penn State in Health, to my A O I I involvement . . . I've Callaway.
Physical Education and Recreation, only just begun!"
continues to lead a busy, diversified
and actively interesting existence. She was an official T.S. from
September, 1968 through June,
Since January of this year, she 1969, when she worked with Terry
has been a Vista volunteer work- Howard Grant. They followed Anne
ing with the University Methodist Cannon and Wendy Wilkerson.
Church in Los Angeles, which in
turn has assigned her to work with " I t was this year," Karen muses,
a Chicago agency. Barrios Alianza "that the T.S. Program truly got off
de Latinos Americanos ( B A L A ) in the ground and an official T.S. Man-
Venice, Calif, in a housing project ual was written." Modestly, she fails
and community organization. to mention that she was one of its
Daughter of Elizabeth Cannon
E A '38, Anne was president of Ep- A t the end of 1969, when Linda
silon Alpha and she also dominated Seale resigned midway, Karen was
Naiads, synchronized swimming asked to pack her bags for a sec-
group. ond time to travel for A O I I in
the T.S. role. This she did from
In 1969 and '70, she attended January until June, 1970, and shared
National Outdoor Leaders School duties with Janlyn Moody and
in Lander, Wyo., a non-profit or- Becky Thurston.

38 To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971

i / her sister AOIIs to be the most out-
standing senior and served as rush
Mmim r chairman during a period when more
girls were pledged to A O I I than
The 1970-71 foursome of Traveling Secretaries as they appeared at convention in Dallas. Left ever in its history on that campus.
to right, they are: Dee Gardner AA—University of Alabama; Deb Mathis Aft—Murray State
University; Kris Wahlberg T—University of Washington, and Cindy Howland 2)A—Wisconsin I n July 25, 1969, she was mar-
State University. ried to "Chauvie" Chauviere, who
also graduated from L.S.U. where
After ending her second year as future as a result of our ex- he majored in finance and was com-
T.S., Karen went to work as A O I I perience, so we spent a month i n missioned an R.O.T.C. officer.
guidance counselor at Epsilon Alpha June at the end of the year, writing
Chapter at Penn State where she the first manual for traveling secre- They have been residing in Lees-
managed to sandwich in A O I I ex- taries." ville, La., where he's a company
tension work in Pennsylvania and commander at Ft. Polk and holds
New Jersey and help Gerry Fleagle "After a year as T.S., I came to the rank of first lieutenant.
work up the new A O I I Songbook. Boise, Idaho, to live. A year of
travel throughout the United States After being T.S., Linda worked
I n February, she returned home had convinced me that Idaho's clean with the Baton Rouge Alumnae
to Milwaukee where she tried to get air and mountains were for me. I Chapter until her marriage. But until
used to "the slower life" while living work as an interior decorator here. recently, she was the only A O I I
with her mother and poodle, Poopee. Nov. 21, 1970,1 married Ray Grant, residing in Leesville, but several
She attended convention in Dallas a native Boisean, I I K A and math months ago another sister did move
and has her eyes set on a collegiate teacher." into the community.
administrative position in student
affairs somewhere. "We have a puppy of indetermi- Becky Thurston currently resides
nate background, named Max, and in Memphis where she's an elemen-
Serving with Karen Gamm in we have spent the last four months tary school librarian. Her year as
1968-69 was Terry Howard Grant painting and decorating an ancient T.S. was preceded by two years as
(Mrs. Ray-Iota Alpha). apartment with a stairway that goes librarian at Sadler Elementary
nowhere." School in Orlando, Fla.
"That was the first year," says
Terry, "that there were more than "As an undergraduate, I held A t Lambuth College, she was an
one of us for the entire year." several chapter offices including exceptionally outstanding student
pledge trainer and president. Since and headed both her A O I I chapter
Karen and Terry started working being T.S., I have been a Regional and the campus Panhellenic group.
at different times and consequently Director for Region V I and have
trained separately. Terry notes that been in close contact with Beta She has continued in this vein in
her training consisted of a week in Sigma Chapter at Boise State. I am Memphis and in Region I I I by serv-
Central Office with Wendy Witham, a member of the Boise Alumnae ing as Regional Extension Officer
the immediate past T.S. Chapter and a delegate to Boise City and participating in A O I I activities
Panhellenic. Next year I will be at Memphis State, Southwestern
"Wendy shared an apartment with pledge adviser and rush adviser to University and with the local alum-
Jean Rogers, T O D R A G M A editor, Beta Sigma. I am also a member of nae chapter.
and an A O I I . Their apartment was, the International Nominating Com-
for Karen and I , a home away from mittee." Janlyn Moody, who served as
home. We stayed there during our Traveling Secretary with Becky
training, met there again just be- "Being a Traveling Secretary was Thurston and Linda Seale was un-
fore Christmas and stopped over a marvelous, unique experience for able to be contacted. But via the
everytime we had a chance. Things me. I still keep in touch with some A O I I grapevine comes information
were never dull in Indianapolis and of the A O I I friends I made and I that she originally was appointed as
a visit there was a real treat." always eagerly scan the newest T O a graduate counselor, but these
D R A G M A , hoping to see a familiar plans were changed.
" M y travels took me from A r i - face!"
zona to Montreal and from New She was appointed T.S. in August,
England to the Deep South and Serving as Traveling Secretaries 1969. I n preparation for the coun-
through the Midwest. I t was cer- during the period 1969-70 were seling post she had attended the
tainly an education for me. M y chap- Becky Thurston-Omega Omicron, 1969 convention. She received ad-
ter is Iota Alpha at Idaho State Uni- Janlyn Moody-Phi Alpha and Linda ditional training at Central Office.
versity, so I was almost always far, Seale-Alpha Omicron. She served until June, 1970.
far from home.
Linda now is Mrs. Arnold Charles According to the last word heard
"Karen and I , both enthusiastic Chauviere, Jr. A t Louisiana State from her by Eleanore MacCurdy,
supporters of the T.S. Program, felt University she was proclaimed by she was living at 11548 Magnolia,
we could contribute something to Apt. 105, North Hollywood, Calif.,
and working and attending graduate
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971 school.

It's interesting to note the ap-
proximate whereabouts of the ener-
getic, dynamic quartet of 1970-71
Traveling Secretaries, who scored
such a tremendous hit during their
tenure of office and at the Interna-
tional Convention in Dallas.

Dee Gardner-Alpha Delta, re-
portedly, is residing i n Mobile, Ala.,
where she's engaged in public rela-
tions work.


Kris Wahlberg-Upsilon is enrolled While attending Texas, she was Sue's two major interests are peo-
at the University of California at employed by the Austin Parks and ple and out-of-doors. She has
Irvine where she's working towards Recreation Department and has been worked with underprivileged chil-
her M.A. degree. named an outstanding Playground dren.
Leader for 1968, '69 and '70. This
Current news of Cindy Howland- summer she worked for the Recrea- Robin took part in numerous
Sigma Lambda is sketehy, but she's tion Department as the director of A O I I and Greek activities through-
employed in a collegiate administra- the federally-funded Summer Rec- out her college career. A few of
tive position at Northwest Missouri reation Support Program. these included serving on Junior
State College. Panhellenic and their public rela-
During her college years, she was tions committee during her pledge-
Deb Mathis-Delta Omega is at the a member of Orange Jackets, an ship. She served the chapter after
University of Mississippi at Oxford honorary for junior and senior initiation as corresponding secretary
where she is closely allied with the women, and a member of SPOOKS, and Standards Board member. Her
Dean of Women in a house-counsel- an honorary and service group for chapter service was crowned by the
ing position. freshmen and sophomore women chapter electing her to "Memory
and was chosen Outstanding SPOOK Board," their honor for outstanding
The current battery of Traveling 1970. She also was named Cactus members.
Secretaries, four strong, are Ginger Goodfellow, Who's Who at the Uni-
Banks and Michal Lord, both mem- versity of Texas this past spring. Robin's campus activities are in-
bers of Pi Kappa during their days numerable. They included commit-
at the University of Texas; Sue She has been named to Who's tee chairmanships for homecoming
Edmunds-Tau Delta, Birmingham Who in Sororities and Fraternities and Mom's Day, appointments made
Southern, and Robin Lee-Iota, Uni- of America and the National So- by the Illini Union Board. She was
versity of Illinois. rority Hall of Fame. Campus Girl Scouts president. Hon-
ors included selection to Shorter
The latter is the daughter of A O I I Sue is the Dixielander of the T.S. Board, senior women's activity hon-
luminary, Gwen Everetts Lee (Mrs. crew. She hails from Sylacauga, Ala. orary, and one of the 100 outstand-
William-Rho), currently Vice Presi- Graduating with a B.A. degree in ing seniors on campus.
dent of Region I V . psychology, Sue was treasurer of
Alpha Lambda Delta and a member In her community, Robin has
They assumed their duties in late of Mortar Board. She was on the been a Girl Scout leader through-
August after a vigorous, concise, dean's list throughout her days at out her college career, served on
but comprehensive, two-week inter- Birmingham Southern and graduated two council committees for the
national, national and regional train- cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. Scouts. She has worked as a camp
ing session held at the Nu Omicron counselor during the summer
Chapter House, Vanderbilt Univer- A member of the Triangle Club, months.
sity, Nashville, Tenn. an honorary service organization,
she served on a variety of campus Why Not Fly For AOII
Among those on hand for this committees. She was director of the
capsule training session were: Inter- campus beauty pageant during her As A Traveling Secretary?
national President Eleanore Mac- junior year and won the title herself
Curdy, Administrative Vice Presi- in her senior year. She's listed in If you are looking for travel,
dent Janie Callaway, Extension Vice Who's Who Among Students in change of scenery and pace, investi-
President Adele K . Hinton, Execu- American Colleges and Universities. gate the Traveling Secretary Pro-
tive Director Marie Hughes, T O gram of Alpha Omicron Pi.
D R A G M A Editor Millie Murphy, On the A O I I scene, Sue began as
Board of Director member Jean pledge president and Best Pledge If you've had previous officer
Whorley, Region I I I Vice President and served as Tau Delta's activities training, are a leader in your col-
Mary Ann Caldwell and immediate chairman, assistant rush chairman, legiate chapter and on the campus
past T.S. Deb Mathis and Kris second vice president and president. of your university or college, pos-
Wahlberg. She was selected one of the two out- sibly you qualify for this exciting
standing seniors in her chapter and position.
Ginger is a journalism major with is listed in Who's Who Among Stu-
a minor in history and education. dents In Sororities and Fraternities For further information, complete
She served her chapter as recording in America. the blank below and mail T O D A Y !
secretary, corresponding secretary,
house manager for two years, a Name
member of the Standards Committee
and chairman of the Pi Kappa's Chapter
Greek Relations Committee.
She received the chapter's Best
Big Sister and Best Active Awards (Street)
and is a member of the National So-
rority Hall of Fame. Secretary of (City) (State) (Zip Code/
Theta Sigma Phi, professional so-
rority for women in communications, Send Me Information Regarding
she was president of the campus AOII's Traveling Secretary Program
Girl Scouts for two years and was a
member of the Board of Directors Mail to:
of the local Girl Scout Council.
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
She has worked as a public rela- 3000 Meadows Parkway, Suite No. 109,
tions assistant to the Texas lieuten- Indianapolis, Indiana 46205
ant governor and as a writer for the
Texas Star Magazine. To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971

Michal received a Bachelor of
Science in Radio-Television-Film
with a double major in Speech.


Sorority girls abandon
traditional house for
luxury high-rise apartment

The invitation was embellished Mary Jo Evans, left, Jan Cook, center, and George Ann Harpole, students at the
with a full-blown rose and Alpha University of Texas, fine new high-rise apartment-dwelling a convenient way of life.
Omicron Pi in gold.
daughter, Ginger Banks was a mem- project.
I t bid the recipient come to an ber of Pi Kappa Chapter during "The girls I visited—Jan Cook
open house Sunday, Sept. 26, at her collegiate days at the University
Hardin North, 801 West 24th, Third of Texas, and currently is one of from Iowa, Susie May from Mont-
Floor, Tower A , Austin, Texas. AOII's quartet of Traveling Secre- gomery, Ala., George Ann Harpole
taries. of Uvalde, and Mary Jo Evans of
It also marked the fact that a new Houston—have developed quite a
experiment i n campus housing was Mr. Banks graciously has given practical system for cooking and
well underway for Pi Kappa Chapter us permission to rerun portions of cleaning. They plan their menus a
at the University of Texas. Mary Faulk Koock's feature and the week at a time. Then they shop once
photo which appeared with her ar- a week to save time and money and
This particular group had known ticle. She declared: provide a better balanced diet."
for several years that they were go-
ing to be forced to make other hous- "High-rise apartments have be- "The girls are history, music and
ing arrangements eventually since come so popular in Texas during Spanish majors; none is in home eco-
the land on which their chapter the last seven or eight years that it nomics. They rely on cookbooks,
house stood was being bought by no longer is uncommon to find col- gourmet magazines and Mother's
the university. lege students living in luxury apart- recipes. They eat wisely and well
ment buildings. I n many cases, and find they are able to control
After many months of worry and dormitories now primarily house their diets and meal schedules more
anxiety as to where they could live, freshman students, while upper class- successfully than they could while
Pi Kappa's corporation board came men prefer to do their own house- living at a dorm. I t seems incredible,
forth with a brilliant idea. They in- keeping." but their food budget runs only be-
vestigated a large, contemporary tween $5 and $6 per week per girl."
apartment complex just a stone's "One might think elaborate apart-
throw from campus called Hardin ment accommodations too extrava- "Susie was leaving after the first
House North, found it most appeal- gant for college students accustomed semester of summer school so she
ing and convenient for housing pur- to living on tight budgets, but I and a friend, Tom Tickner, were
poses and secured a whole wing on found in visiting with some tenants "special guests" for an early supper.
the third floor. that it can be a highly practical ar- Jan and Mary Jo prepared a deli-
rangement. Apartment-living can cious turkey dinner with lots of trim-
The arrangement included use of offer numerous advantages over dor- mings, such as broccoli with hol-
the swimming pool and recreational mitory life, according to four pretty landaise, and George A n n spruced
area. Each apartment has a balcony coeds who share a two-bedroom up the angel food cake (which Jan's
(just in case a sister might be sera- Hardin North apartment near the mother had sent) with whipped
naded). University of Texas in Austin." cream and fresh strawberries."

A l l apartments have their own "The four are members of Alpha " I t is always f u n to have parents
kitchens so residents do their own Omicron Pi Sorority, which this year visit, too, for the girls are then i n -
cooking. Chapter dinners are ca- is trying a new type of housing ar- vited out for dinner or, in some
tered. One of the apartments has rangement on the campus. Having cases, their parents bring in some of
been converted into "headquarters", secured a wing of the Hardin North their favorite food already prepared.
including an office, television room Apartment building, the sorority has Jan's family came for brunch one
and library. A n extra large living set up house there to replace its tra- Sunday morning. Her mother
room is used as a chapter room. ditional sorority house, which was brought frozen fruit and her marvel-
taken over by a university expansion ous sour cream coffee cake."
Pi Kappas moved into their new
facilities at the end of the spring
semester. Since then it has been de-
signated a pilot project for sororities
on the University of Texas campus.

The chapter was all settled in
their modern new quarters in plenty
of time for rushing, too.

The AOIIs new life style at the
University of Texas has attracted
wide interest.

It was the subject of reporter
Mary Faulk Koock's weekly feature,
"Star Hostess," in the Sept. 5 issue
of The Texas Star, Austin's all-
Texas Sunday magazine distributed
with the Lone Star State's leading
Sunday newspapers.

The Texas Star's Editor is none
other than M r . Jimmy Banks, whose

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI[—WINTER of 1971 41


At International Convention in

Dallas, Janie Callaway, Bob bye

MacCarter and Norma Ackel, Vice

Presidents of Region III, V, and

VIII, respectively, were elected In-

ternational Administrative Vice

President, Secretary and Treasurer

and, thereby became members of the

Executive Committee.

The top echelon regional posts

which they had held, in turn, were

filled by Mary Ann Caldwell (Mrs.

Robert T A J of Nashville, Tenn.,

Sharon Martin A n of Independence,

Mo., and Nancy Belk (Mrs. Robert

W. YA) of Oakland, Calif.

As a step towards getting better

acquainted with these new, major

regional officers, we have invited

them to talk about their respective

areas, their aspirations and long-

range plans, and tell us a bit about

themselves, too.

Mary Ann Caldwell Mary Ann Caldwell steps into
Vice President her new post after doing a stint
Region III as a Director in Region I I I .

A Nostalgically she recalls, "Being
a collegiate at Birmingham Southern
Sharon Martin too many years ago to mention
Vice President proved to be a most fortunate expe-
rience for me. It was there I became
Region V an A O I I , one of the loves of my life,
and while there, I met Robert, the
greatest love of my life. I have found
many years of happiness with both.

"After World War I I , Robert and
I decided that Nashville, Tenn., was
T H E place to live and raise a family.
That family consists of two daugh-
ters, Ann and Emily. Ann enlarged
the family three years ago by giving
us a lovely, but lively, granddaugh-
ter, Laura. They now live in Mary-
land where Ann's husband is sta-
tioned at the Patuxent Naval Base.

"Emily is a senior at the Univer-
sity of Mississippi where she, too,
has found much happiness by being
a member of Nu Beta Chapter of
A O I I . Having a legacy in the family
is great!

"Over the years I have worked
in many different organizations,
church, school, women's clubs, gar-
den club, etc., but I have never
found the work in any of them as re-
warding as my work in A O I I .

"Perhaps it is the common bond
we have or perhaps it is the capable
and dedicated people with whom I
work. Maybe it's both. While I was
a Regional Director, I enjoyed the
close contact with both the col-
legiates and the alumnae.

42 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971


Discuss Progress, Hopes, Aspirations

" I feel fortunate in being Vice ^^^^^
President of Region I I I . We truly
have the best regional officers that Nancy Belk
anyone could ask for. When you Vice President
have great officers, the RVP doesn't Region VIII
have much to worry about. I n addi-
tion to this fine regional personnel, writing for answers to questions; Nancy, who taught six years as
we also have, in my opinion, excel- for suggestions in coping with par- an assistant professor of English
lent chapters, both collegiate and ticular problems—AND we certainly and linguistics in a four-year, liberal
alumnae. want to hear about the honors, suc- arts institute, California Lutheran
cesses and joys. College, where there were no sorori-
"One of the goals of Region I I I ties, is convinced that Greeks defi-
this year was that every chapter " I wonder how many AOIIs nitely are needed today.
pledge quota and maintain limita- thoroughly read TO D R A G M A ?
tions. I am happy to say that many of Our magazine is a form of involve- "And because they have been
our chapters who have completed ment in 'what's happening' today in under constant challenge recently on
rush have reached this goal. AOII. the West Coast, I find that collegiate
members share this conviction. They
"Another goal was that every "How about the A O I I alumna have been forced to evaluate them-
chapter have a sound and workable who is not located near an alumnae selves to survive. They had to know
financial condition. This too has or collegiate chapter? Her main what they were in order to teach
been attained. These are just some source of A O I I news is T O others," she declares.
of the reasons why I am so happy D R A G M A . I f she doesn't thor-
with Region I I I and why it is such a oughly read each issue, how can she "As an alumna and a member of
pleasure to work with everyone in talk about AOII?" a chapter," she continues, "that grew
this area." from two members to more than 100
Sharon promises that this area's in four years the need for constant
Mary Ann anticipates another Regional Meeting will be an i n - cooperation and mutual support be-
highly successful Regional Meeting. formal, highly informative and fun- tween collegiates and alumnae is ap-
filled session. parent.
Stepping into her post as Region
V Vice President from the job of Nancy Belk returned from a visit "This month we're trying a pilot
Regional Rush Officer, Sharon to Kappa Theta Chapter in time to project—a workshop for alumnae
Martin declares, " I can narrow my answer our request for her current, who are interested in learning about
plans, views and thoughts about personal thoughts about Region being advisers. This will be a prac-
Region V into one word—Involve- VIII. tical session on techniques and phi-
ment. losophy. Too often women who
She observes that, with plans to would be excellent i n this capacity
" I feel that the upsurge of anti- return almost immediately to the hesitate to accept because they have
Greek feeling in recent years can be A O I I chapter at U.C.L.A. for still not been able to keep up to date on
curbed by alumnae and collegiates a longer sojourn of two weeks, her today's sorority life and on new ap-
being more involved in A O I I . days are generally "busy busy!" proaches to interpersonal relation-
Doesn't this involvement show your ships."
pride in being Greek; in being She was a charter member of
AOII? Upsilon Alpha at the University of
" I hope for an increase in active

alumnae chapters this year. Can you

believe that out of 200 AOIIs i n a

particular metropolitan area, only

40 are active? Hopefully, we can

get at the core of such problems.

" I ' m also aiming at more alum-

nae/collegiate involvement. It's so

fulfilling for both groups. Remem-

ber, this is a sisterhood—whether

you're 18 or 80. How about more

involvement with your Regional and

International Officers?

"We accept these positions solely
because we care. We want to be of
assistance in any way possible to our
alumnae and collegiate sisters and
we want to share with you what
we've gained from being A O I I .

"There should be no hesitation i n

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI:—WINTER of 1971 43

AOII Action/Arthritis 1971-72



Arthritis research at the University of Minnesota includes the study of mice by Dr. Carlos Lopez (Kappa Sigma) for a possible virus. W i t h
him are new A O I I International Philanthropic Chairman Patti Batchelor Penning and Tau collegiate chairman, Linda Roos. NOTE THAT MOUSE
IS WHITE, however only beige mice are used for the study—but are too small to photograph well.

By Patti Batchelor Penning O at $60 per day). were encouraged to survey their
International Philanthropic A O I I and A D I I housemothers families and friends for problems
Chairman and to give help when possible.
joined the tour of new research facil-
SHEAF for A O I I is Share, Help, ities for Dr. Carlos Lopez, virologist, A O I I s designed a 4 ' x 8' traveling
Educate for the Arthritis Founda- who hopes to find the cause of ar- display and worked at senior citizens
tion, AOII's philanthropy in the thritis as a virus. White and beige information fairs and county fairs.
United States and Canada. mice are kept behind a series of "Sesame" type puppets were used to
locked doors and injected with syn- tell the story of arthritis.
To educate the public about ar- ovial fluid.
thritis AOIIs must first learn about AOIIs attended excellent United
the disease and its effects. Dr. Robert A. Good, national Fund seminars on designing dis-
figure in juvenile arthritis and bone plays, publicity and photographs for
New in 1970 was an edition of marrow transplant, gave an hour of public information.
BASIC FACTS available free from his time to AOIIs. The three Arthri-
your local Arthritis Foundation tis Foundation home nurses and Four A O I I s assisted The Arthritis
office. For specific information on physical therapist explained their Foundation in producing good pho-
the major kinds of the 100 rheu- jobs and experiences in helping the tographs for publicity with the help
matic diseases, order brochures on homebound. of a General Mills photographer.
Osteo, Rheumatoid, and Gout.
Attending Arthritis Foundation Planned for this fall was an evalu-
Minneapolis-St. Paul and the Uni- board meetings was essential i n ation of public library literature on
versity of Minnesota AOIIs this year learning about the needs of the com- arthritis. Collegiates will tell the
sponsored a three-month A O I I train- munity. One A O I I served on the arthritis story to A O I I mothers and
ing program. Officers received mate- A F executive committee. Panhellenic housemothers.
rials and guidance from Mrs. Shirley
Rodley, executive secretary of The Films were used for officers i n the Fund raising is badly needed for
Arthritis Foundation, Minnesota WCCO television preview room, and A O I I research fellowships and A r -
Chapter. at Founders' Day and the Tau chap- thritis Foundation activities, but col-
ter house. Favorites are "One in 16 lege trained women can also use
Members toured the U . of Minne- Million" and "Five Faces." their skills in public education.
sota juvenile arthritis clinic (gold
injections for a six year old) and the A young A O I I mother with chil- Victims need information to give
rehabilitation clinic (months of care dren under six years described her them hope . . . and to avoid the wide-
experiences with house work and spread quack cures and dangerous
44 control of pain and crippling. AOIIs delay.

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971

Notable News And Quotes
From Alumnae Luminaries


TERESA M A C R I defies the law of She studied marketing and ad- M A R Y E. HOWE, realtor, owner
averages that say only the most vertising, pursued them with great and operator of State Realty, Largo,
miniscule fraction of college women gusto and has left her imprint on Fla., has been accredited as a farm
pursue the career which was the T V , in magazines and radio, too. and land broker by the National
subject of their major studies at Association of Real Estate Boards.
school. "When recently I visited my dear She now becomes a member of an
old college pal, Clare Lewis Mac- exclusive association of which there
TERESA R I N A L D I GRASSO Donnell, I made a great hit with her are only a limited number in the
(Mrs. Ralph T A ) , a former Miss children," says Teresa. "They even United States.
Alabama and graduate of the Jul- asked me for my autograph . . .
liard Conservatory on a scholarship several times. A n d rumor has it, Mary has been named to the
won in the Miss America Pageant, they were trading my signature with board of directors of the Clearwater-
has won wide recognition in the en- their friends for objects of far, far Largo-Dunedin Board of Realtors
tertainment field. more intrinsic value." for 1971. She also is chairman of
the board's Division of Real Estate
Her beauty and vocal talent have What had she done to deserve Exchangers for the year.
carried her from New York across such attention? She'd written a
the country to California. She has jingle which was one of the first She is past president of the A O I I
performed at Carnegie Hall and ap- rhymes they'd ever committed to Clearwater Alumnae Chapter and
pears regularly at Caesar's Palace memory. The jingle: "You'll wonder president of the Science Center
in Las Vegas. where the yellow went when you Guild of the Clearwater area.
brush your teeth with Pepsodent."
She returned to Birmingham re- DOROTHY WALLIN LARSON
cently where collegiates at Birming- It was obvious that this sort of (Mrs. John J. P) was presented the
ham Southern were most happy to creativity left some of her adult A O I I Certificate of Honor by St.
have her as she visited her family friends politely skeptical, but the Louis Alumnae for her outstanding
between shots of "Brackin's World." kids at least loved it. ( A n d as a service and personal devotion to the
matter of fact so did Lever Bros. I t fraternity. She was cited especially
made them a fortune.) for her work with our new chapter,
Gamma Iota, at Southern Illinois
Starting as a copywriter, Teresa University.
spiraled upward in the Madison
Avenue jungle to posts of creative 45
director of several advertising
agencies celebrated for such clients
as Revlon, Playtex, Wrigley, Proctor
& Gamble and many others. She's
listed in Who's Who of American
Women, is a winner of numerous
advertising awards, and has been
guest lecturer in copy writing at
Hunter College.

Seen above at the Elcano Hotel in
Acapulco where she went for a hol-

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI-!—WINTER of 1971

Florida Sojourn Highlights
AOII Bridge Club's 23 Years

A Florida house party in January in the penthouse apartment at Margaret Young Milam, Virginia Carson Hofstetter, Evelyn Jones
Fort Lauderdale's Gold Coast was a recent highlight of Nashville's Petrucelli and Anne Cowan Beauchamp, also Nu Omicron mem-
23-year-old "AOII Bridge Club." Madolyn Bidwell Middlebrook of bers, went along on the seven-day junket. Current bridge club
Memphis, Millie Milam Murphy, Edna Murray Davy Wade and members unable to go to Florida with the group were: Margaret
Lulu Broclcman Estes, all members of Nu Omicron Chapter, were Fraser Bryan, Betty Brown Graves, both N O , and Adele Kuflewski
among eight guests of Andy Bagwell Noel N O , standing, whose Hinton P.
husband owns the resort apartment hotel.

Definite major highlight of almost now total 30. This means a wedding imminent.
a quarter of a century of fun, fellow- is always in the mill or the arrival There's never a dull moment
ship and frivolity which has dis- of another grand baby is usually
tinguished activities of the A O I I with Nashville's A O I I Bridge Club.
Bridge Club of Nashville, Tenn.,
came early this year. BARBARA JANE KELLER (Mrs. social event, staged for the benefit of
Bill H . KX) and Jan Zahrly (Mrs. a scholarship fund, surpassed the
It was instigated by Mrs. John Jack r o ) were chosen co-chairman goal by $700. Barbara recently was
Noel, Jr. (Andromedia Bagwell, Nu and chairman, respectively, of the installed as Panhellenic Association
Omicron), whose husband is owner South Brevard Panhellenic Associ- vice president in charge of member-
of the luxurious apartment hotel, ation's 12th, annual Christmas Ball ship and programs.
The Gold Coast, on the ocean at in Melbourne, Fla. This glittering
Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971
Andy invited the whole current
group, ten strong, to be her guests
for a week-long house party there.
This included Mrs. F. A. Petrucelli
(Evelyn Jones, N u Omicron), Mrs.
O. B. Hofstetter, Jr. (Virginia Car-
son, N u Omicron), Mrs. Harry
Estes (Lula Lake Brockman, N u
Omicron), Mrs. John S. Milam, Jr.,
(Margaret Young, Nu Omicron),
Mrs. Robert C. Murphy (Millie
Milam, Rho), Mrs. Anne Cowan
Beauchamp, Nu Omicron, Mrs.
Alex Wade (Edna Murray Davy,
Nu Omicron), Mrs. Fred W. Hinton
(Adele Kuflewski, Rho) Mrs. Betty
Brown Graves, Nu Omicron, and
Mrs. Thomas Bryan (Margaret Fra-
zer, Nu Omicron).

The bridge club roster, over a 23-
year period, has included 16 A O I I

Offspring of current members


Artistic AOII Brings
Raggedy Ann 'To Life'

Talented, creative artist, Lee Telfer H e a t h A22, working in the C r e a - G A F ' s L e e H e a t h gives final touch to a set before it is photographed
tive Department of the Consumer Photo Division of G A F Corpora- for View Master slides telling the adventures of Raggedy Ann. In-
tion in Progress, is responsible for 21 sets including all figures de- tricate accessories such as the parasol and flower-trimmed straw hat
picting a View Master packet depicting the adventures of Raggedy of French doll, give authenticity to scene. ( G A F Photo)
Ann. ( G A F Photo)

Editor's Note: The following article by First step i n the project, says Lee, Oregon where she majored i n
is making up the story board. Here sculpture, Lee has been creating
Lida Belle Swain appeared in The Valley the general outline of the seven scenes for the popular stereo picture
scenes making up each adventure is stories since September, 1957.
Times of Beaverton, Oregon, in the sub- depicted. "Bob Johnson, creative
director of the division, and I go "Shortly after I came back to
urbs of Portland. The personality fea- over the board, but how I interpret Portland from New York, where I
each scene is pretty much my own had done advertising layout and
tured, Lelia (Lee) Telfer Heath, Alpha idea," Lee explained. fashion design in a large depart-
ment store, I came through Sawyer's
Sigma, is a member of the Portland A great deal of research goes into (it was then) on a tour. The whole
each story. For Raggedy Ann, Lee concept fascinated me, so I applied
Alumnae Chapter. has copies of a number of editions, for a job—and I've been here
including the original published by since," she explained.
Next Christmas when little Jen- the author in 1918. Since each pub-
nifer receives a View Master packet lication is illustrated by a different " I t is really fantasy land, and I
depicting the adventures of Raggedy artist, there is considerable variety just love what I'm doing," Lee said
Ann, she will be enjoying the results from which to choose. with enthusiasm.
of about nine months of dedicated
work by artist Lelia Heath, working Lee's knowledge of sculpture and Her work area is "pretty messy,"
in the Creative Department of the perspective aids in creation of the she claims, but it includes tools and
Consumer Photo Division of G A F figures. "With Raggedy Ann, I materials she uses and reflects the
Corporation in Progress. make the figures in two scales— many aspects of her craft. Heads of
one when she is pictured with the "Snoopy" and "Charlie Brown",
The firm, G A F Corp., may not other dolls and a smaller scale little "Goldilocks" and three little
have as much meaning to readers when she is shown with Marcella Kiddie dolls riding a plastic frog
as the name, View Master, which and her father." are left-over reminders of past
is world renown. When the firm stories she has worked on. Also
changed hands recently, it assumed This accuracy is one of the quali- there are beginning ideas on her
the new name, G A F . But the name fications of all the artists working next project. "The Firemakers,"
View Master, goes on. The firm on View Master projects. While which will be a carefully researched
previously was known as Sawyer's. most of Lee's stories have been portrayal of early man.
adaptations of imaginary characters
Mother of two teen-agers, attrac- such as Snoopy and Charlie Brown, Lee's unique art is a blend of the
tive Lee, as her fellow workers call Barbie and Huckleberry Hound, discipline of science and the artistry
her, pursues her duties in a section she has worked also on scientifically of creativity. This combination
of the large north-lighted studio, accurate series such as the Apollo seems to have been passed on to her
surrounded by tools of her craft project and, earlier, the Wonders children, Charles, a senior and
which include, surprisingly enough, of the World. Cary, sophomore at Beaverton High
a small sewing machine. She is com- School.
pletely responsible for fabrication A graduate of the University of
of 21 sets including all the figures 47
which make up the scene depicting
the adventures of Raggedy Ann,
Raggedy Andy and the little girl,
Marcella, who found them in the

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971

Nu Beta Stages Exemplary Alumnae Day






> 1

i T

Nu Beta Chapter at O l e Miss recently staged a highly successful, second, annual Alumnae Day under the direction of Gail Yarbrough,
Margaret Kazan and Barbara Smith. Feature speaker was Past International President and Board of Director member, Carolyn Huey Harris (Mrs.
J . Rodney A22). The affair attracted a record-breaking number of other A O I I international dignitaries. Pictured on this festive occasion, front
row, left to right, are June G r e e r Bogle (Mrs. Robert B. N O ) , Region III Director; Barbara, Carolyn Harris, Margaret, Janie Callaway (Mrs.
G e o r g e B. O ) , now International Administrative Vice President; Mary Ann Caldwell (Mrs. Robert T A ) , Vice President, Region I I I ; and Lorena
Terry Quick ( M r s . Edward K ) , immediate past International Convention C h a i r m a n . In the back row are, left to right, Emily C a l d w e l l , Mary A n n
Caldwell's daughter and a member of Nu Beta; Sue C a b o c h e , Marsha Brown, Nu Beta president; Adele K. Hinton (Mrs. Fred W . R ) , Inter-
national Extension Vice President; Gail, and Millie Milam Murphy (Mrs. Robert C . NO), Editor, T O D R A G M A .

•I 1

nae Chapter's annual Book Fair for
the Northern California Chapter,
National Arthritis, is going to be-
come a tradition by virtue of its

Staged on the week end prior to
Mother's Day at Stanford Shopping
Center, the 1971 version attracted
shoppers from 60 miles around to
brouse through a 15,000 book bo-
nanza in spite of inclement weather.
After expenses were paid, Palo Alto
Alumnae sent almost $1,000 to the
Arthritis Foundation.

San Jose and San Mateo Alumnae
Chapters assisted in sorting, pricing
and selling at the fair and in the
final distribution of unsold books
- to Goodwill.

48 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971

Margaret Bourke-White, Her assignments included dust
bowls, riots, death camps and floods.
She was on a ship torpedoed off
North Africa during World War I I
Photographer, AOII, Dies and was ambushed in Korea.
She interviewed and photographed
Mahatma Gandhi just before he
was assassinated in India and was
the only foreign photographer in
mimm. She became a photographer by the Soviet Union in 1941 during the
necessity. She turned to taking pic-
tures with a second-hand camera battle for Moscow.
with a cracked lens.
Her subjects included many
Her first painfully taken photo- prominent, international figures.
graphs of Cornell's beautiful cam- Josef Stalin, Pope Pius X I I ,
pus sold well enough to encourage Haile Selassie, Franklin D . Roose-
her to become a professional pho- velt and Winston Churchill sat for
tographer. her. The latter gave her only 12
She gained her first recognition minutes.
in Cleveland as an architectural and A second marriage to Novelist
industrial photographer. Henry Luce Caldwell, ended in divorce in 1942
saw her pictures and asked her to after three years.
join the staff of his Fortune maga-
zine. Later she moved to Life. "She immersed herself in the
smallest detail and everything she
However she had not contrib- did was a challenge to her," said
uted to the magazine in many years long time friend and fellow photo-
and resigned from its staff two years grapher Alfred Eisenstadt in paying
ago. She resided in Darien, Conn. tribute to her. "She was great be-
Miss Bourke-White was one of cause there was no assignment, no
the first photo-journalists who told picture, that was unimportant to
news stories with pictures and text. her."
"The camera is a remarkable instru-
Stricken with Parkinson's Dis-
4m ment," she said. "Saturate yourself ease in 1952, Miss Bourke-White
with your subject and the camera underwent brain surgery twice, and
will all but take you by the hand." by the exercise of tremendous de-
termination managed to regain a
MARGARET BOURKE-WHITE, Maggie, as she was known to her measure of health.
on-University of Michigan, died contemporaries, was indeed taken
Friday, Aug. 27, at a Stanford, by her camera through most of the The illness recurred in recent
Conn., hospital from complications history and high adventure of the years and she was hospitalized three
resulting from a long battle with mid-Twentieth Century. weeks prior to her death.

Parkinson's Disease. Florence Sanville Expires,

She did not depart this life, how- Women's Rights Advocate
ever, at age 67, without waging a 19-

year battle against the progressive
nerve disorder with the same type

of aggressiveness and relentless de- Florence L . Sanville, Alpha-Bar- New York City before coming to
termination which made her one of nard College, a pioneer in the ad- Philadelphia.
the world's most famous photogra- vancement of women's rights, died
phers. Saturday, Sept. 11, at a nursing She devoted her lifetime to im-
home in West Chester, Pa., at the proving wages, hours and working
Life magazine for which she had age of 92. conditions for women as well as
worked since its conception (Her fighting for penal reform for women
picture of Fort Peck Dam appeared She was known personally and inmates. She also was active in or-
on the cover of the first issue in No- revered by many AOITs and should ganizing women to vote following
vember 1936), in a final tribute to be remembered by all members of the 19th (Susan B. Anthony) amend-
her tenacity of spirit and sheer ge- our fraternity as the author of the ment to the Constitution.
nius with a camera noted in the Sept. song, "Once More United."
10 issue that "Parkinson's Disease Miss Sanville served as executive
took a long time to kill her. Her home was in Westtown, Ches- secretary of the Consumers League
ter County, Pa. of Eastern Pennsylvania. She also
She had not had a story in Life served on the Pennsylvania Child
for 14 years. Following graduation from Bloom- Labor Committee, the Women's
field, N.J., High School and a two- Trade Union League of Philadel-
Born in New York, Miss Bourke- year course in kindergarten teaching phia and the Friends Social Order
White was the daughter of Joseph at the Ethical Cultural School of and Race Relations.
and Minnie Bourke White. Her Felix Adler in New York, Miss San-
father was naturalist, engineer and cille entered Barnard College in She was appointed by Gov. John
inventor. She attended six colleges, 1899 and was president of her grad- K. Tener (1911-1915) as chairman
winding up at Cornell. Meanwhile uating class in 1901. She was also of the committee on Labor for the
her father had died and her mar- editor of the annual Barnard Mortar Conservation and Welfare of Work-
riage at 19 to Everett Chapman, a Board, a school publication. ers.
college instructor, had broken up
and she was obliged to support her- Miss Sanville then spent two years She also was a board member of
self. as a tenement house inspector in the State Correctional Institute for
Women at Muncy,

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971 49


Deceased Members of Alpha Omicron Pi

It is with deep regret that TO DRAGMA announces the death of the following members.

ALABAMA AA Griswald, Mary Emily (Mrs. Gerald M. Weeks) May 8, 1970

Auburn University en Marinangel, Theodora Elsie Greaves (Mrs. Francis) May 16, 1971
S Bailey, Pearl Louise Pierce (Mrs. Oscar) Dec. 28, 1970
Northern Arizona U . (Flagstaff) 5 Berry, Gladys R. Holman (Mrs.) Oct 9, 1970
CALIFORNIA 2 Brown, Zoe King (Mrs. Thomas) Nov. 1970
2 Wier, Eleanor Claire Cramer (Mrs. Fred) Mar. 4, 1971
U . of California (Berkeley) A Britton, Gladys Dewey Courtian (Mrs. John A.) Oct. 5, 1970
A Clayton, Helen Dale Richardson (Mrs. Willis S.) Dec. 16, 1970
Stanford University (Palo Alto) A Griffin, Muriel Martin Spaulding (Mrs. Clare) July 2, 1971
A Hamlin, Laura Davis (Mrs. H . Howard) Dec. 1, 1968
COLORADO A Happy, Marjorie Sayre (Mrs. Cyrus, Jr.) May 4, 1969
U . of Colorado (Boulder) A Johnson, Muriel Pleasant (Mrs. Arthur L.) Oct. 5, 1970
A Orme, Minna Vrang (Mrs. Charles) Unknown
A Stevens, Reba Bland (Mrs. Lloyd C ) Nov. 6, 1970

XA Beet, Norrine N. Nelson (Mrs. George) Mar. 22, 1971
XA Littell, Sharon Elizabeth Hughes (Mrs. R. M.) July 18, 1970

FLORIDA AB Deschenes, Louise Marie Mar. 2, 1971
Florida Atlantic U . (Boca Raton) KT Scaggs, Sara Jane Carter (Mrs. Wade Franklin) 1969
Florida Southern College (Lakeland) A n Dudley, Eleanor Louise May 23, 1971
Florida State U . (Tallahassee)

GEORGIA TZ Floren, Rayellen Aug. 10, 1971
Georgia State U . (Atlanta) A2 Groover, Marian Llewellyn Slate (Mrs. Wm.) Feb. 1971
U. of Georgia (Athens)

ILLINOIS P Borigo, Lucille Schraeder (Mrs. Raymond) Mar. 3, 1971
Northwestern U . (Evanston) P Dorr, Carolyn Piper (Mrs. Louis Barto) Jan. 17, 1971
P Moore, Irene Marie Henderson (Mrs. Amos F.) Unknown
U . of Illinois (Urbana) P Pittman, Margaret Helen May 12, 1971
P Rettig, Eleanor E . M. Schultz (Mrs. Richard G.) Sept. 2, 1970
P Wilson, Kathryn Kendrick (Mrs. N. Robert) Jan. 7, 1971
I Engel, Grace Dorothy Gantz (Mrs. Arthur) June 1955
I Hagelrish, Marilynn Isley (Mrs. Willard) Unknown
I Rowland, Sarah Jana Wiley (Mrs. Russell) May 22,, 1971
I Stockton, Helen Parkinson (Mrs. John J.) May 2, 1971

INDIANA 6 Barnes, Carrie Leavell (Mrs. Claude) Unknown
DePauw U . (Greencastle) 6 Blair, Mary Dec. 10, 1970
6 Brennan, Joanne Mary Helmerich (Mrs. Francis) Unknown
Indiana State U . (Terre Haute) 6 Fouts, Mary Bess Levering (Mrs. Walter) Feb. 6, 1971
U . of Indiana (Bloomington) 6 Fosbrink, Ethel Van Cleave (Mrs. Roy L.) Feb. 1, 1971
6 Lewis, Beatrice Irene Woodard (Mrs. Alfred) Unknown
6 Norris, Grace Mae Nov. 12, 1970
KA Williams, Nola E . Dec. 2, 1970
Be Bouillet, Alice Lee Ward (Mrs. J . E . ) Unknown
Be Lockridge, Mary Kay Geake (Mrs. Shockley) Apr. 13, 1971
Be Steinert, Suzanne Delaney Hays (Mrs. Paul) July 5, 1969

MAINE r Ames, Frances Dorothea Bartlett (Mrs. Ivan Cecil) Unknown
U . of Maine (Orono) r Brewer, Alice Joseph Harvey (Mrs. Warren) Nov. 30, 1970
r Crowe, Edith D. Gammon (Mrs. Joseph W.) Aug. 9, 1970
r Herlihy, Madeline Frances Robinson (Mrs. Ed) Oct 31, 1970
r Hersey, Lilla Clarke July 8, 1971
T Lester, Marion Dickson (Mrs. Donald) Dec. 7, 1970
r Morse, Dorothea Hayward Stetson (Mrs. W. P.) Jan. 1, 1970
T Nutter, Gertrude May Jones (Mrs. Guy) Oct 31, 1970
r Packard, Fannie P. Flint (Mrs. Frank C.) Nov. 17, 1947
r Reed, Marion Balentine (Mrs. Lowell, Jr.) Unknown
T Wright, Mildred Louise Prentiss Apr. 8, 1970

MARYLAND HA Callegary, Catherine Lenore Briggs (Mrs. Claude) June 11, 1969
U . of Maryland (College Park) A Wasserman, Kathryn Holden Apr. 6, 1970

Jackson College, Tufts U . (Medford)

MICHIGAN On Bourke-White, Margaret Aug. 27, 1971
U . of Michigan (Ann Arbor) OH Walker, Louise Jamieson Duncan (Mrs. Donald) Unknown

50 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — W I N T E R of 1971


MINNESOTA T Bonde, Gertrude E . Falkenhagen (Mrs. Roy) Mar. 22, 1971
U . of Minnesota (Minneapolis) T Lewis, Margaret Craig (Mrs. George) Unknown

T Nelson, Margaret Rawson Howarth (Mrs. Norman E . ) Jan. 28, 1971

MONTANA A# Bolitho, Henriette Moebus (Mrs. Irving) July 29, 1970
Montana State College (Bozeman) BP Rose, Margaret Arbuckle (Mrs. Floyd) Unknown
U . of Montana (Missoula)

NEBRASKA 4>S Anderson, Wilma R. Crossley (Mrs. Ira C.) Aug. 7, 1971
Kearney State U . (Kearney) Z Hale, Cora Durbin (Mrs. Roland H.) Unknown
U . of Nebraska (Lincoln) Z Jorgenson, Alsamene S. King (Mrs. H.) Apr. 1965
Z Myers, Emily Trigg (Mrs. John Lloyd) Unknown
Z Ross, Katherine Sterling (Mrs. Ellison L . ) Unknown
Z Waters, Winifred B. Unknown

NEW YORK A Brown, Fannibelle Leland (Mrs. Oswald) Feb. 21, 1971
Barnard College (New York) A Drew, George Mary Unknown
A Frame, Jean Herring Loomis (Mrs. James E . ) Aug. 21, 1970
Cornell University (Ithaca) Sept. 11, 1971
Hartwick College (Oneonta) Sanville, Frances Oct. 9, 1970
New York U . E Mather, Irene Ella Green (Mrs. John L . ) Apr. 17, 1971
Syracuse University (Syracuse) S X Beir, Karen Unknown
N Bennett, Angeline Aug. 1, 1971
N Feer, Cecile Iselin (Mrs. H . E . ) Oct. 24, 1970
X Bowen, Patricia Ann 1970
X Frankum, Virginia Rose Wilson (Mrs. J . L . ) Sept. 7, 1970
X O'Leary, Florence Wright Gilger Mrs. Timothy) Dec. 1969
X Retan, Nellie B. 1968
X Wilson, Eugenia Anastasia Stasink (Mrs. E . J.)

OHIO a Dennison, Mildred L . E . Rothhaar (Mrs. Belden) July 19, 1971
Miami University (Oxford)

OKLAHOMA Xi Sharpe, Virginia Annette Black (Mrs. Richard) Unknown
U . of Oklahoma (Norman)

OREGON AP Preble, Marjorie Stone (Mrs. James) May 13, 1971
Oregon State College (Corvallis) AS Nellist, Mary Elizabeth Gayhart (Mrs. Wesley) Aug. 1971
University of Oregon (Eugene) A2 Thompson, Barbara Jean Rampe (Mrs. Jerry) 1971
PENNSYLVANIA Jarden, Mary Louise May 22, 1971
U . of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) *• Shields, Virginia L . Snyder (Mrs. Carl) Apr. 17, 1971
*• Webster, Evelyn V . Stevenson (Mrs. David R.)

TENNESSEE KO Rollow, Louise Mayo Unknown
Southwestern U . (Memphis) 0 Jennings, Aubry Faulkner (Mrs. Joseph) Apr. 1971
U . of Tennessee (Knoxville) 0 Knox, Elinor Faxon (Mrs. Ira) May 26, 1971
Vanderbilt U . (Nashville) Sparkman, Margaret Louise Fraser (Mrs. W. F.) 1970
NO Thompson, Sarah Hopkins (Mrs. Roy)
NO Decker, Marzi Elizabeth Cummings (Mrs. Nelson) Apr. 1966
Brainard, Mary Jane Hardin (Mrs. W. Robert)
TEXAS NK Feild, Margaret Boiling Jones (Mrs. T. A.) Dec. 25, 1969
Southern Methodist U . (Dallas) McNeill, Linna Mae McBride (Mrs. Angus A.) Nov. 30, 1970
Sanford, Frances Louise Swift (Mrs. E . W.) Unknown
VIRGINIA K Dec. 28, 1970
Randolph-Macon Woman's College (Lynchburg) K Unknown

WASHINGTON T Gregory, Margaret Shotwell (Mrs. Joseph C.) June 9, 1970
U . of Washington (Seattle) T McBrawn, Vivian Lavonia Thomas (Mrs. James) Feb. 28, 1971
T Pearson, Margaret Caughey (Mrs. Conrad) May 25, 1971
T Warren, Ernestine Bilan (Mrs. Vernon) Apr. 1, 1971

WISCONSIN H Dorsey, Madeline (Mrs.) Mar. 1971
U . of Wisconsin (Madison) H Fisher, Lorena Sue Kious (Mrs. Paul) May 15, 1970
H King, Katherine Jane s Apr. 5, 1971
H Ross, Ruth Sarah Nicely (Mrs. Glenn B.) Nov. 16, 1970

CANADA K<t> Terroux, Barbara Jill McMurtry (Mrs.) Mar. 18, 1971
McGill University (Montreal) K«I> Ward, Sheila Anna Feb. 2, 1971

As the In Memoriam section is prepared by Central Office, please send all death
notices giving full name and verification of date of death to Central Office, Suite
109, 3000 Meadows Parkway, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971 51


Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Send ALL Directory Changes and Keep This Directory.
Founded At Barnard College Personal Address Changes t o : The Directory will not
Alpha Omicron Pi be printed next issue
January 2,1897 Central Office
Snife No. 109. Mrs. Walter C . Mylander, J r . (Virginia Boggess
FOUNDERS 3000 Meadows Parkway K) Stevensville, M D 21666
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205
Jessie Wallace Hughan Ex-officio Members
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) CENTRAL OFFICE Mrs. Robert D. MacCurdy, International Presi-
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . )
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman dent
The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter Miss Glenna Treat (Ar)
at Barnard College of Columbia University and
all are deceased. 1551 Madison St., Apt. 219, Oakland, C A
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Indianapolis, RUSH
President 3000 Meadows Pkwy., Suite 109,
Mrs. Robert D . MacCurdy (Eleanore Dietrich IA) Chairman—Mrs. Richard C . Crawford, J r . (Peg
100 Norlen Park, Bridgewater, M A 02324 I N 46205 Kramer I ) 9113 Massasoit, O a k L a w n , I L
Telephone: 617-697-7855 Tele.: 317-545-6553 60453
Administrative Vice President
Mrs. George B . Callaway (Janirae Linebaugh 0 ) Executive Director—Mrs. Marie E . Hughes (B*) SCHOLARSHIP
2400 Craghead Lane. Knoxville, T N 37920 Financial Secretary—Mrs. Forrest Smith (Nell Chairman—Mrs. J . Bruce Holland (Marcia J a -
Telephone: 615-573-7558
Executive Vice President B4>) cobson T ) 11855 163 St., Norwalk, C A 90650
Mrs. Wilbur R. Mottweiler, Jr. (Patricia Jacobs Tra\-eling Secretaries
6) Miss Sue Edmunds ( T i )
504 South Owen, Mount Prospect, I L 60056 Miss Robin Lee (I) AWARDS
Telephone: 312-259-2288 Miss Michal Lord (IIK) Mrs. R. Keith Gilchrist (Ann Griffin, McClana-
Extension Vice President
Mrs. Frederick W. Himon (Adele K. P) TO DRAGMA han 6 ) 5613 Skyridge R d . , Indianapolis, I N
6128 Hillsboro Road, Nashville, T N 37215 46250
Telephone: 615-297-8022 Editor—Mrs. Robert C . Murphy (Millie Milam
Secretary NO) Chairman—Miss Carol Sullivan (Region I )
Miss Bobbye L . McCarter (NO)
Box 2436, Stephens College, Columbia, M O 65201 4534 Shy's Hill R d . , Nashville, T N 37215 B 5 Lynstan Apts., 85 Smith St., East Strouds-
Telephone: 314-449-5811 Tele.: 615-269-6563 burg, P A 18301
Treasurer CIRC—Miss Lois Ashley (Region V I I I )
Mrs. August Ackel (Norma Marshall K 0 )
12218 Sarazen Place, Granada Hills, C A 91344 STANDING COMMITTEES 15 West Juniper, Flagstaff, A Z 86001
Telephone: 213-363-0271 Fraternity Education—Miss Cindy Truxton ( R e -
Mrs. Willard D. Berry (Norma Nierstheimer P) AND REVISION gion V I I )
3030 West Laurelhurst Drive, N . E . , Seattle, W A
Chairman—Mrs. Robert L . Lockard (Edith R . Box 928, Arkansas State U . , State University,
98105 Cope £2) A R 72467
Telephone: 206-523-9763 3128 South Y o r k , Englewood, C O 80110
Liaison to Executive Committee—Miss Frances
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Members—Mrs. Arthur Anderson (Edith Hunt- Pillow (Region I I I ) Box 514, Southwestern
ington B<t>)
Chairman 836 So. Henderson St., Apt. 1, Bloomington, University, Memphis, T N 38112
Mrs. T . K . Farrington (Dorothy Bogen A) I N 47401
1615 Dry Creek Road, San Jose, C A 95125 Mrs. William Huitt (Marsha Anderson TA) Philanthropy—Miss Judy Pohl (Region V )
Telephone: 408-269-5809 3461 220 S W 2nd Ave., Gainesville, F L 32601
Box 431, Carhelian Bay, C A 95711 A 106 Panhellenic Hall, Central Missouri State
Telephone: 961-583-3026 (June-October) CONVENTION
Chairman—Mrs. Jack K i n g (Geraldine Martin- College, Warrensburg, M O 64093
Mrs. Wesley G . Cramer (Jessie Marie Senor $ ) dale CO) 9029 Maple Grove D r . , St. Louis, Public Relations—Miss Cindy Anderson (Region
M O 63126
(Treasurer, Loan Committee Chairman) VI)
8830 Delmar, Prairie Village, K S 66207
Telephone: 913-648-5335 1906 N E 45th St., Seattle, W A 98105
Mrs. J . Rodney Harris (Carolyn Huey A£)
( C O . Adviser) Rush and Headquarters—Miss Cathy Plant (Re-
2965 Pharr Court South, N W , Atlanta, G A
gion I V )
Telephone: 404-237-1487 706 South Mathews, Urbana, I L 61801
Miss Martha Hilands (AP)
(Secretary) FRATERNITY EDUCATION AND Scholarship—Miss Maureen Peterson (Region I I )
547 No. Bundy Drive, L o s Angeles, C A 90049 PLEDGE TRAINING
Telephone: 213-472-8733 1818 6th St., Menomonie, W I 54751
Mrs. Charles J . Kallevang (Fern Robinson H) Chairman—Mrs. Gilbert R . Haugen (Juanita
(Vice Chairman- and Loan Committee) Sakajian NA) 3845 Pinot Court, Pleasahtoh, GRADUATE COUNSELORS AND
147 South Lincoln Ave., Park Ridge, I L 60068 C A 94566 TRANSFER STUDENTS
Telephone: 312-823-7477 Mrs. Joseph Sweeder (Millie Hull AT) (until
Mrs. Robert F . Lindrooth (Mary Paschen P ) Member—Mrs. D a n L . Hansen (Judith Zadina May 1972 ) 3150 North L a k e Shore D r . , C h i -
(Investment Program) Z ) 8539 West Vassar D r . , Denver, C O 80227 cago, I L 60657
1241 Burr Oak Lane, Barrington, I L 60010
Miss Dorothy Matchett (AT) Chairman—Mrs. Warren C . Drummond (Mary
(Expediter of New Projects) President—Mrs. Verne W . McKinney (Muriel
10000 South Bell Ave., Chicago, I L 60643 Danielson A*) 610 Hinman Ave., Evanston, Turner A) 528 North Formosa Ave., Los A n -
Telephone: 312-238-3923 I L 60202 geles, C A 90036
Mrs. George C . Miller (Verginia Long I )
(Corporations) NOMINATIONS Vice President; Scholarship Committee—Miss
5776 N . E . Circle Ave., Chicago, I L 60631 Chairman—Mrs. Stephen C . Clouse, J r . (Marion Helen M . Haller, (£2) 904 Kendall Ave., So.
Telephone: 312-631-6864 Pasadena, C A 91030
Mrs. George K . Roller (Mary Louise Filer AH) Grassmuck X) 170 Larchmont Ave., L a r c h -
(Housing Director) mom, N Y 10538 Secretary; Scholarship Committee—-Mrs. Mar-
4261 Palm Lane, Bay Point, Miami, F L 33137 shall J . Vatcher (Olga Seibert A) 12038 Rivas
Telephone: 305-759-5227 PARLIAMENTARIAN Ave., Downey, C A 90242
Box 198, Balsam, N C 28797 Mrs. John D . Ennis (Florence Dodge KA) 200
Telephone: Waynesville 456-6284 (June-Sep- Treasurer—Mrs. Justin Miller (Margaret Wolf
Gardendale, Terre Haute, I N 47803 P) 3913 N . Hoyne Ave., Chicago, I L 60618
Miss Jean Graham Whorley (NO) PHILANTHROPIC Blouse Project Chairman—Mrs. Wilma Smith
Chairman—Mrs. D a v i d Penning (Patricia Bat- Leland (T) 4330 Minnetonka Blvd., Apt. 310
(Loan Committee) A , Minneapolis, M N 55416
2010 Overhill Drive, Nashville, T N 37215 chelor 0 ) 1021 Deer Path R d . , Blue Bell, P A
Telephone: 615-292-1652 19422 Corresponding Secretary—Mis. Grafton Linn
(Dorothy Woodbury K©) 1720 Bates C t . ,
Ex-officio Members Thousand Oaks, C A 91360
Mrs. Robert D. MacCurdy, International Presi- PUBLIC RELATIONS
Publciity Chairman—Mrs. John T . Butler (Mar-
dent Chairman—Mrs. Frederick Lindholm (Jayne guerite Gist 2 ) 1935 Highland D r _ Newport
Mrs. August Ackel, International Treasurer Beach, C A 92660
Thiele T) 2304 Oakcrest Drive, Riverside, C A
92506 Scholarship Committee Chairman—Mis. Vernon
G . Rose (Jane Durham I ) P.O. Box 381, Bor-
Sound and Light Show— rego Springs, C A 92004

Miss L a u r a Perry (AS) 209 Shawnee R o a d , A r d - Scholarship Committee—Mrs. Rudyard K . Stiek-
more, P A 19003 ney (Lillian Herman O i l ) P . O . Box 591, Y u c c a
Valley, C A 92284
Chairman—Mrs. Lawrence Frerk (Peg Malecki Seals Project Chairman—Mrs. J . Maurice Jones
(Marlyn Judd A*) P . O . Box 578, Bozeman,
(I) 1523 N . Douglas Ave., Arlington Hgts., I L M T 59715

RITUALS AND TRADITIONS Tape Recordings Chairman—Mrs. C a r l B . John-
AND JEWELRY ston (Helene Irish E ) 1600 Royal Blvd., G l e n -
Chairman—Mrs. Walter M. McCain (Nancy dale, C A 91207
Moyer P) 38775 Byriver D r . , M t Clemens, M I
Members—Mrs. Warren C . Drummond (Mary
Danielson * ) 610 Hinman Ave., Evanston, I L Chairman—Mrs. George P . Dean (Dorothy B r u -
60202 niga P) 2219 Country Club Drive, Montgom-
ery, A L 36106
Miss L a u r a A . H u r d (T) 101 Olympic Place, Apt.
409, Seattle, W A 98119 Members—Mrs. L . A . Newman ( D o r a Dean
Childress XI) 2210 Lebanon R d . , Nashville,
Mrs. Wilma Smith Leland (T) 4330 Minnetonka T N 37214
Blvd., Apt. 310 A , Minneapolis, M N 55416
Miss Melita Skillen ( E ) St. Martins-by-the-Sea,
Mrs. Robert F . Lindrooth (Mary Paschen P) New Brunswick, Canada
1241 Burr O a k Lane, Barrington, I L 60010

To Dmgma of A L P H A OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971


Vice President—Mrs. Del Keller ( r )
78 Beverley Road, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

Tele: 201-744-6106

Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New
York, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Quebec, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia.

Extension Officer—-Mrs. Rose Neale (Anita K $ ) , 391 Brookhaven Ave., Dorval, Quebec Tele: 514-631-9796

Finance Officer—Mrs. Kenneth Christian (Helen N ) , 1040 Forest Ave., Staten Island, N Y 10301 Tele: 212-442-5289

Meetings Chairman—Mrs. John Haggerty (Ruth X ) , 11450 Waterview Cluster, Reston, V A 22070 Tele: 702-471-

Philanthropic Coordinator—Mrs. John Amos (Sandy K $ ) , 24 Dobie Ave., Mount Royal, 304 Quebec Tele: 514-

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Beta Tau Miss Helen. Elliot, 16 Doon R d . , Willowdale, Mrs. John Wrigley (Karen BT), 16 Mrs. F a y Brown (Marie * ) , 302 West-
Ont., Can., U N I V E R S I T Y O F T O R O N T O , St. Joseph St. # 4 2 , Toronto 5, holm Blvd., Syracuse, N Y 13219 Tele:
Epsilon Alpha Tele: 416-223-7511 Ont., Can. 315-468-6380
Gamma Miss Carol Murphy, 78 Fellsmere R d . , M a i - Miss Natalie Robar (XII), 141 Sea Mrs. Raymon Eldridge (Millie A), 27
Gamma Beta den, M A 02148 Tele: 617-322-8989 S t , Quincy, M A 02169 Mountfort R d , Newton Highlands, M A
Kappa Phi Miss L i n d a Clare, 139 High St., Winchester, 02161 Tele: 617-332-4964
Phi Beta M A 01890, N O R T H E A S T E R N U N I V E R - Mrs. Harold Klotz (Lois X ) , 506
S I T Y Tele: 617-729-5551 Shannon Lane, State College, P A Mrs. Harold Klotz (Lois X ) , 506 Shannon
Phi Kappa Miss Debby Trueax, 15 Ritner Hall, Univer- 16801 Lane, State College, P A 16801 Tele:
sity Park, P A 16802, P E N N S Y L V A N I A 814-238-1274
Pi Delta S T A T E Tele: 814-865-6432 Mrs. Geoffrey Rice (Harriet r ) ,
Sigma Chi Miss Norma Coates, Penobscot Hall, Univer- 57-B College A v e , Orono, M E Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard
Sigma Rho sity of Maine, Orono, M E 04473, U N I V E R - 04473 Place, Fairlawn, N J 07410 Tele: 201-
Sigma Tau S I T Y O F M A I N E , Tele: 207-866-7629 796-5664
Theta Kappa Miss Deborah Petak, 126 Carriage House, Dr. Joan Yanuzzi, 150 Dolores C i r -
Theta Pi Indiana, P A 15701, I N D I A N A U N . O F cle, Indiana, P A 15701 Mrs. Harold Klotz (Lois X ) , 506 Shannon
P E N N S Y L V A N I A , Tele: 412-465-5825 Lane, State College, P A 16801 Tele:
Miss Kathy Desmond, 3570 University St., Mrs. David Moon (Karen K * ) , 225 814-238-1274
Montreal, 112, Que., C a n . , M c G I L L U N I - Olivier A v e , #105, Westmount,
V E R S I T Y , Tele: 514-392-4311 P.Q, Can. Mrs. Fay Brown (Marie ¥ ) , 302 West-
Miss Georgine Fidmik, Lynstan Apt., B 9, 85 holm Blvd., Syracuse, N Y 13219 Tele:
Smith St., East Stroudsburg, P A 18301, E . Mrs. James L i n d (Nettie * B ) , 420 315-468-6380
STROUDSBURG STATE COLLEGE, Fremont A v e , Stroudsburg, P A
Tele: 717-421-4266 18360 Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard Place,
Mrs. Audrey Todd Baecker, Box 136, Dick- . Fairlawn, N J 07410 Tele: 201-796-5664
inson Hall, Morris Harvey College, Charles- Miss Yvonne Taylor ( * ! £ ) , 305
ton, W V 25404, M O R R I S H A R V E Y C O L - Scenic D r , St. Albans, W V 25177 Mrs. F a y Brown (Marie ¥ ) , 302 Westholm
L E G E , Tele: 304-346-2801 Blvd., Syracuse, N Y 13219 Tele: 315-
Miss Deborah Hesse, 4517 College Ave., Col- Miss Pat Voneiff (IIA), 700 7th St. 468-6380
lege Park, M D 20740, U N I V E R S I T Y O F S.W., Apt. 315, Washington, D C
M A R Y L A N D , Tele: 301-864-6022 20024 Miss Elaine Holden (ST), Betterton, M D
Miss Carol Kimber. 17 Maple St., Oneonta, 21610 Tele: 301-348-5824
N Y 13820, H A R T W I C K C O L L E G E , Tele: Mrs. Fred Hickein (Eleanor S X ) , 82
607-432-4271 E l m S t , Oneonta, N Y 13820 Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard Place,
Miss Sandra Kloos, 139 Towers Hall, Slip- Fairlawn, N J 07410 Tele: 201-796-5664
pery Rock, P A 16057, S L I P P E R Y R O C K Mrs. Joseph C . Marks (Ramona
S T A T E , Tele: 412-794-9916 SP), Rt. 4, Slippery Rock, P A Mrs. Harold Klotz (Lois X ) , 506 Shannon
Miss Ellen Rohrbacher, Box 184, Wash. C o l l , 16057 Lane, State College, P A 16801 Tele:
Chestertown, M D 21620, W A S H I N G T O N 814-238-1274
C O L L E G E , Tele: 301-778-2800 Mrs. Kenneth Stein (Patty ST) 118
Miss Bonita Sanders, 453 W . Gay St., West N. Water S t , Chesetertown, M D Miss Elaine Holden (ST), Betterton, M D
Chester, P A 19380, W E S T C H E S T E R 21620 21610 Tele: 301-348-5824
S T A T E C O L L E G E , Tele: 215-692-8236
Miss Nancy Bennett, AOII Wagner College, Miss Irene Pugh (@K) Rosehill Miss Elaine Holden (ST) Betterton, M D
Harbor View Hall, Staten Island, N Y A p i s , H 7, 1316 W . Chester Pike, 21610 Tele: 301-348-5824
10301, W A G N E R C O L L E G E , Tele: 212- West Chester, P A 19380
447-9005 Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard Place.
Mrs. Warren Schueler (Linda 611), Fairlawn, N J 07410 Tele: 201-796-5664
14 Bermarin Way, Middleton, N J

Alumnae Chapter President Meetings Regional Director
Albany Mrs. John G . Daly (Susan SX), 48 North- Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard Place,
Monthly, 2nd Wed.
Baltimore gate Drive, Albany, N Y 12203 Tele: 518- Call President Fairlawn, N J 07410 Tele: 201-796-5664
Boston 438-0858
Mrs. Gary Dando (Marilyn IIA), 108 Rock- Miss Elaine Holden (ST), Betterton, M D
rimmon Road, Reisterstown, M D 21136 21610 Tele: 301-348-5824
Tele: 301-833-7453
Miss L i n d a Dixon (A), 300 Park Terrace D r , Mrs. Raymon Eldridge (Millie A), 27
Stoneham, M A 02180 Tele: 617-662-7863 Mountfort Road, Newton Highlands, M A
02161 Tele: 617-332-4964
Buffalo Mrs. Richard Smalter (Dorothy O i l ) , 114 Monthly, 4th Mon.
Camden, N J Woodgate Road, Tonawanda, N Y 14150 Mrs. F a y Brown (Marie * ) , 302 Westholm
Charleston, W V Tele: 716-833-0308 Blvd., Syracuse, N Y 13219 Tele: 315-
Mrs. Robert McLean (Gail EA), 418 Edge-
moor D r , Moorestown, N J 08057 Tele: Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard Place,
609-235-1869 Fairlawn, N J 07410 Tele: 201-796-5664

Mrs. Herbert Miller (Pat * K ) , 926 Ridge- Mrs. F a y Brown (Marie * ) , 302 West-
mont Road, Charlestown, W V 25314 Tele: holm Blvd., Syracuse, N Y 13219 Tele:
304-346-4378 315-468-6380

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971 53

REGION I (Continued)

Alumnae Chapter President Meetings Regional Director
Greater Bethlehem/ Mrs. Edwin Yeager, J r (Barbara EA), 2552 Call President Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard Place,

Allentown South St., Allentown, P A 18103 Tele: 215- Fairlawn, N J 07410 Tele: 201-796-5664
Greater Harrisburg 435-7005
Hartford, C T Mrs. Harold Klotz (Lois X ) , 506 Shannon
Long Island Mrs. Edward Book (Inga EA), Hotel Her- Monthly, 3rd Thurs. Lane, State College, P A 16801 Tele:
Middle New Jersey shey, Hershey, P A 17033 Tele: 717-534- 814-238-1274
Montreal 1749
Northern New Mrs. Raymon Eldridge (Millie A), 27
Mrs. Andrew Winans (Carolyn D , Kozley Call President Mountfort Road, Newton Highland, M A
Jersey Road—R. 2, Toland, C T 06084 Tele: 203- 02161 Tele: 617-332-4964
Northern Virginia 875-8566
Ottawa Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard Place,
Philadelphia Mrs. William Lindahl (Virginia 611), 1752 2nd Tuesday Fairlawn, N J 07410 Tele: 201-796-5664
Providence Jefferson St., Seaford, L . I . , N Y 17783
Rochester Tele: 516-826-6954 Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard Place,
Southern Fairlawn, N J 07410 Tele: 201-796-5664
Mrs. Donald G . Hiatt (Sara K A ) , 1395
Connecticut Chapel Hill, Mountainside, N J 07092 Tele: Mrs. F a y Brown (Marie * ) , 302 West-
State College, P A 201-232-6437 holm Blvd., Syracuse, N Y 13219 Tele:
Syracuse 315-468-6380
Toronto Mrs. Ross Neale (Anita K $ ) , 391 Brook-
Washington, D C haven, Dorval, Quebec, C a n . Tele: 514- Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard Place,
Wilmington 631-9796 Fairlawn, N J 07410 Tele: 201-796-5664

Mrs. Richard Lynch (Florence XA), Mt. 4th Tuesday Miss Elaine Holden (ST), Betterton, M D
Kemble Lake, Morristown, N J 07960 Tele: 21610 Tele: 301-348-5824
Mrs. F a y Brown (Marie * ) , 302 West-
Miss Helen McMahon ( P ) , 7515 Ambergate MonthIy-4th Thurs. holm Blvd., Syracuse, N Y 13219 Tele:
Place, Apt. 5, McLean, V A 22101 Tele: Call President 315-468-6380
Miss Elaine Holden (ST), Betterton, M D
Mrs. D . J . Archer (Louise K * ) , 29 North- Monthly-No Specific Date 21610 Tele: 301-348-5824
park Dr., Ottawa, Ont., Can. Tele: 613- Call President
824-5234 Mrs. Raymon Eldridge (Millie A), 27
Mountfort Road, Newton Highlands,
Mrs. David Walters (Carole E A ) , 801 Monthly-3rd Wednesday M A 02161 Tele: 617-332-4964
Schwenkmill R d . , Ridgeview Apt. # 6, Call Sec. T U 4-6961
Perkasie, P A 18944 Tele: 215-257-4880 Mrs. Fay Brown (Marie •*), 5 Ballard
Place. Fairlawn, N J 07410 Tele: 315-
Mrs. Philip R . Siener, J r . (Virginia K ) , 78 Call President 468-6380
East Orchard Ave., Providence, R I 09206
Tele: 401-521-2346 Mrs. Raymon Eldridge (Millie A), 27
Mountfort Road, Newton Highlands,
Mrs. Bruce Gibson (Barbara E ) , 161 Ban- M A 02161 Tele: 617-332-4964
croft Drive, Lanvale Park, Rochester, N Y
14616 Tele: 716-544-8713 Mrs. Harold Klotz (Lois X ) , 506 Shannon
Lane, State College, P A 16801 Tele:
Mrs. Robert Lewis (Norma Q), Kreiner Lane, 814-238-1274
Norwalk, C T 06854 Tele: 203-846-1739
Mrs. Fay Brown (Marie * ) , 5 Ballard
Mrs. James Lundy (Jean E A ) , 435 W . Fair- Monthly-3rd Thursday Place, Fairlawn, N J 07410 Tele: 315-
mount Ave., State College, P A 16801 Tele: Call President 468-6380
814-238-0245 Monthly
Mrs. Fay Brown (Marie * ) , 5 Ballard
Mrs. Arthur Oliver (Ellen O i l ) , 123 Bramely Place, Fairlawn, N J 07410 Tele: 315-
Dr., Carhillus, N Y 13031 Tele: 315-488-5904 468-6380

Miss Ruth Bolsby ( B T ) , 90 Heath St. W . , No Specific Date Miss Elaine Holden ( S T ) , Betterton, M D
Apt. 301, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Tele: No Regular Date 21610 Tele: 301-348-5824
416-925-8113 Call President
Monthly, 2nd Monday Miss Elaine Holden. (ST), Betterton, M D
Mrs. Robert Flather (Mary • * ) , 3718 C u m - 21610 Tele: 301-348-5824
berland St. N . W . , Washington, D C 20016
Tele: 202-966-6407

Mrs. Don A . Boyd (Bonnie Z ) , 2008 K y n -
wyd Road, Wilmington, D E 19810 Tele:


Vice President—Mrs. Thomas S. McMillan (Mary Louise NO)
28331 Forestbrook Dr., Farmington, MI 48024
Tele: 313-477-2545

Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin

Extension Officer—Mrs. John Kreasky (Vivian ¥ ) , 1867 Raymond Place, Bloomfield Hills, M I 48013 Tele:

Finance Officer—Mrs. Leo Morton (Helen T ) , 2224 Crosby Road, Wazata, M N 55391 Tele: 612-473-9888

Meetings Chairman—Mrs. Eldon Barbieri (Carolyn $ A ) , 751 Highway 143, R . I . , Cedarburg, WI 53012 Tele:

Philanthropic Coordinator—Mrs. Tim Favorite (Linda N 2 ) , 893 Cherry Blossom Dr., West Carrollton, O H 45449
Tele: 513-859-5055

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Beta Epsilon Miss L i n d a Vilven, 1013 Dewey, Bemidji, Mrs. Charles C a r r (Betty B E ) , R t . 1, Mrs. Kathryn Searight ( T ) , 6405 Barrie

Beta Pi M N 56601, B E M I D J I S T A T E , Tele: 218- Bemidji, M N 56601 R d . , Edina, M N 55435 Tele: 612-920-
751-8016 6740
Miss Marcia Young, 125 Perrin, Kenmar Mrs. Kenneth Paulin (Mary Ann Mrs. Martin Hawley (Jean 6 ) , 343 M c -
Apt. 14, Ypsilanti, M I 48197, E A S T E R N K P ) , 2166 Yorktown, A n n Arbor, Millan, Grosse Pointe Farms, M I 48236
M I C H I G A N U N I V E R S I T Y , Tele.: 313- M I 48104 Tele: 313-882-6085

54 To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI—WINTER qf 1971

REGION I I (Continued)

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Iota Tau Miss Maureen Peterson, 1818 Sixth St., Me- Mrs. Sten Pierce (Janis I T ) , 214 13th Mrs. Ralph Aderman (Alice 9 * ) , 2302 E .

nominie, W I 54751, S T O U T S T A T E U N I - St., Menomonie, W I 54751 Newberry Blvd., Milwaukee, W I 53211
V E R S I T Y , Tele: 715-235-9197 Tele: 414-962-3804
Mrs. Richard Stitt (Jane AT), 75 Lochspur
Kappa Pi Miss Nancy Cunningham, Box 17 Clark H a l L Miss Janet Arlene Cowell (KII), 614 Lane, Chagrin Falls, O H 44022 Tele:
Ada, O H 45810, O H I O N O R T H E R N U N I - West Wayne S t , L i m a , O H 45801 216-248-0391
V E R S I T Y , Tele: 419-634-4761 Mrs. Ralph Aderman (Alice 6 * ) , 2302 E .
Newberry Blvd., Milwaukee, W I 53211
Lambda Phi Miss Darlene Rupert, 1107 W . Main St., Mrs. Jay Winn (Margaret H ) , Route Tele: 414-962-3804
Whitewater, W I 53190, W I S C O N S I N # 2 , Whitewater, W I 53190 Mrs. Samuel Billig (Lois 9 * ) , 3772
STATE—Whitewater, Tele: 414-473-3479 Schneider R d , Toledo, O H 43614 Tele:
Omega Miss Margi Berbari, 546 South Campus, Apt. Mrs. John Hendry (Lorraine 0 ) , 30 Mrs. Martin Hawley (Jean 8 ) , 343 M c -
41, Miami University, Oxford, O H , M I A M I Panda Lane, Oxford, O H 45066 Millan, Grosse Pointe Farms, M I 48236
U N I V E R S I T Y , Tele: 513-523-4491 Tele: 313-882-6085
Mrs. Ralph Aderman (Alice © * ) , 2302 E .
Omicron Pi Miss Joan E . Harris, 800 Oxford R d . , A n n Mrs. Lawrence Bassett (Margaret Newberry Blvd., Milwaukee, W I 53211
Phi Delta Arbor, M I 48104, U N I V E R S I T Y O F O i l ) , 609 Cloverdale, A n n Arbor, Tele: 414-962-3804
Phi Lambda M I C H I G A N , Tele: 313-761-1130 M I 48102 Mrs. Samuel Billig (Lois 6 * ) , 3772
Sigma Lambda Schneider R d , Toledo, O H 43614 Tele:
Tau Miss Nancy Gilmore, 4913 Custer W . , M i l - Mrs. Jerry Enloe (Lynn T ) , 3723 419-385-5802
waukee, W I 53218, U N I V E R S I T Y O F Badger Rd. R . 2, Kewaskum, W I Mrs. Ralph Aderman (Alice 0 * ) , 2302 E .
W I S C O N S I N , Tele: 414-964-5869 53040 Newberry Blvd., Milwaukee, W I 53211
Tele: 414-962-3804
Miss Mary Airato, 204 Broadway Ave., Miss Sally R . Dunn ($A), 442 M a - Mrs. Kathryn Searight ( T ) , 6405 Barrie
Youngstowm, O H 44505, Y O U N G S T O W N dera A v e , Youngstown, O H 44505 R d , Edina, M N 55435 Tele: 612-920-
S T A T E , Tele: 216-545-2435 6740
Mrs. Richard Stitt (Jane AT), 75 Lochspur
Miss Wendy Barber, Cartwright Center, L a - Mrs. Gary Teschner (Kathryn A*), Lane, Chagrin Falls, O H 44022 Tele:
Crosse, W I 54601, W I S C O N S I N S T A T E — 3825 Cliffside P I , LaCrosse, W I 216-248-0391
LaCrosse, Tele: 608-782-9854 54601 Regional Director
Mrs. Richard A . Stitt (Jane AT), 75 L o c k -
Miss Barbara Dellago, 1121 F i f t h S t S . E . , Mrs. Paul Schroeder (Marilynn NI), spur Lane, Chagrin Falls, O H 44022
Minneapolis, M N 55414, U N I V E R S I T Y 4309 Oregon Ave. N , New Hope, Tele: 216-248-0391
O F M I N N E S O T A , Tele: 612-331-1381 M N 55428 Mrs. Martin Hawley (Jean 0 ) , 343 M c -
Millan, Grosse Pointe Farms, M I 48236
Theta Psi Miss Virginia Conlisk, 2708 Robinwood, Mrs. C a r l Hayes (Mamell TO), 3744 Tele: 313-882-6085
Toledo, O H 43610, U N I V E R S I T Y O F T O - Garrison "Dr., Toledo, O H 43613 Mrs. Samuel Billig (Lois 6 * ) , 3772
L E D O , Tele: 419-246-5927 Schneider R d , Toledo, O H 43614 Tele:
Alumnae Chapter President Meeting Date Mrs. Richard Stitt (Jane AT), 75 Lochspur
Akron Mrs. Harry Duffy (Helen All), 122 Whitehall Call President Lane, Chagrin Falls, O H 44022 Tele:
Dr., Tallmadge, O H 44278 Tele: 216-633- Mrs. Richard Stitt (Jane AT), 75 Lochspur
2506 Lane, Chagrin Falls, O H 44022 Tele:
Ann Arbor Mrs. John Jarrett (Mary Helen O i l ) , 2931 Monthly Mrs. Richard Stitt (Jane AT), 75 Lochspur
Cincinnati Burlington Ct., A n n Arbor, M I 48105 Tele: Call President Lane, Chagrin Falls, O H 44022 Tele:
313-663-3254 216-248-0391
Mrs. Samuel Billig (Lois 0 * ) , 3772
Miss Janice Slater (<i>0), 1117 H i l l Crest R d . , Monthly, 2nd Monday Schneider R d , Toledo, O H 43614 Tele:
Cincinnati, O H 45224 Tele: 513-542-2151 Call President 419-385-5802
Mrs. Samuel Billig (Lois 9 * ) , 3772
Cleveland Council Mrs. L e o Matthews (Cherry K r ) , 3778 Monthly Schneider R d , Toledo, O H 43614 Tele:
Cleveland East Princeton Blvd., South Euclid, O H 44121 Monthly 419-385-5802
Cleveland West Tele: 216-381-0351 Mrs. Martin Hawley (Jean. 0 ) , 343 M c -
Millan, Grosse Pointe Farms, M I 48236
Mrs. Donald Schad (Jan AT), 5605 Ridge- Tele: 313-882-6085
bury Blvd., Lyndhurst, O H 44124 Tele: Mrs. Martin Hawley (Jean 0 ) , 343 M c -
216-442-4238 Millan, Grosse Pointe Farms, M l 48236
Tele: 313-882-6085
Mrs. R . I . Allen (Patricia X ) , 483 Bridle Mrs. Martin Hawley (Jean 9 ) , 343 M c -
Lane, Berea, O H 44017 Tele: 216-243-1574 Millan, Grosse Pointe Farms, M I 48236
Tele: 313-882-6085
Columbus Mrs. James Griffith (Sherry KA), 6885 Allo- Monthly, 1st Tues. Mrs. Martin Hawley (Jean 9 ) , 343 M c -
Dayton way St. W . , Worthington, O H 43085 Tele: except January Millan, Grosse Pointe Farms, M I 48236
Dearborn 614-888-4460 Tele: 313-882-6085
Detroit Monthly, 2nd Wednesday Mrs. Martin Hawley (Jean. 9 ) , 343 M c -
Detroit Council Mrs. George L . Fulton I I (Diana Si), 5514 Millan, Grosse Pointe Farms, M I 48236
Detroit-North Napanee Dr., Dayton, O H 45430 Tele: Monthly, 2nd Tuesday Tele: 313-882-6085
513-426-1121 Call President Mrs. Richard A . Stitt (Jane AT), 75
Suburban Monthly, 2nd Thursday Lochspur Lane, Chagrin Falls, O H
Detroit-NW Mrs. Richard P. Shefferly (Peggy P ) , 1360 Call President 44022 Tele: 216-248-0391"
Nightingale, Dearborn, M I 48128 Tele: Oct, D e c , F e b , A p r , June Mrs. Martin Hawley (Jean. 0 ) , 343 M c -
Suburban 313-563-3786 Millan, Grosse Pointe Farms, M I 48236
Findlay, O H Tele: 313-882-6085
Grand Rapids Miss Barbara Jean Zolnierczak ( B I I ) , 29165 Mrs. Martin Hawley (Jean. 0 ) , 343 M c -
Kalamazoo Hayes, Apt. 10, Warren, M I 48093 Tele: Millan, Grosse Pointe Farms, M I 48236
Lansing 313-776-9502 Tele: 313-882-6085
Mrs. Martin Hawley (Jean 0 ) , 343 M c -
Mrs. Ross Wagner (Phyllis KP), 35233 Gary Millan, Grosse Pointe Farms, M I 48236
Drive, Farmington, M I 48024 Tele: 313- Tele: 313-882-6085
476-8293 Mrs. Martin Hawley (Jean 0 ) , 343 M c -
Millan, Grosse Pointe Farms, M I 48236
Mrs. James Parrish (Deanna £ ) , 3003 Claw- Tele: 313-882-6085
son, Royal Oak, M I 48073 Tele: 313-588-
9111 55

Mrs. Peter M . Ross, J r . (Karen O i l ) , 36126
Roycroft, Livonia, M I 48154 Tele: 313-

Mrs. Robert Wilson (Jo A n n * 0 ) , 201 Esther
Lane, Findlay, O H 45840 Tele: 419-423-

Mrs. Robert Nelson (Ellen B r ) , 908 Maxwell
S . E . , Grand Rapids, M I 49506 Tele: 616-
C H 5-6729

Mrs. Robert J . Haithwaite (Jeanne KP), 4021
Canterbury, Kalamazoo, M I 49007 Tele:

Mrs. E r i c T . Roach (Susan. B r ) , 534 Bailey,
East Lansing, M I 48823 Tele: 517-351-2175

Macomb County, Miss Sandra K a y Kubitz (KP), 8337 Busko Monthly, 2nd Wed.
MI Circle, Warren, M l 48093 Tele: 313-756- Call President

To Drdgma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971

REGION II (Continued)

Alumnae Chapter President Meeting Date Regional Director
Madison, W I Mrs. Ralph Aderman (Alice 6 * ) , 2302
Mrs. Harlow Halvorsin (Mary #A), 11 L a r - Call President
Milwaukee kin S t , Madison, W I 53705 Tele: 608-233- East Newberry Blvd., Milwaukee, W I
2839 53211 Tele: 414-962-3804
Minneapolis- Mrs. Ralph Aderman (Alice 6 * ) , 2302
St. Paul Mrs. Cecil Hunt (Barbara * A ) , 930-17th Monthly, 4th Tues. East Newberry Blvd, Milwaukee, W I
A v e , Grafton, W I 53024 Tele: 414-377-7766 53211 Tele: 414-962-3804
Monroe C o , M l Mrs. Kathryn Searight ( T ) , 6405 Barrie
Mrs. R . B . Searight (Kathryn T ) , 6405 Barrie R d , Edina, M N 55435 Tele: 612-920-
Toledo R d , Edina, M N 55435 Tele: 612-920-6740 6740
Youngstown Mrs. Martin Hawley (Jean 9 ) , 343 M c -
Mrs. Robert Maurer (Carol B D , 2369 Holly- Monthly Millan, Grosse Pointe Farms, M I 48236
wood Golf crest, Monroe, M l 48161 Tele: Call President Tele: 313-882-6085
313-241-1059 Mrs. Richard A . Stitt (Jane A T ) , 75 L o c h -
spur Lane, Chagrin Falls, O H 44022
Mrs. Michael J . Bowman (Janice 6 * ) , 2323 Tele: 216-248-0391
Carriage Dr., Toledo, O H 43615 Tele: Mrs. Samuel Billig (Lois 9 * ) , 3772
419-536-7680 Schneider R d , Toledo, O H 43614 Tele:
Mrs. Russell Swegan (Joan * A ) , 1572 Cas-
cade D r , Youngstown, O H 44511 Tele:


Vice President—Mrs. Robert Caldwell (Mary Ann T A )
215 Rolling Fork Court, Nashville, T N 37205
Tele: 615-352-2646

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
Extension Officer—Miss Becky Thurston ( f i O ) , 5841 Poplar Pike Ext., Apt. 6, Memphis, T N 38117 Tele: 901-682-
Finance Officer—Miss Jean Whorley ( N O ) , 2010 Overhill Dr., Nashville, T N 37215 Tele: 615-292-3164
Meetings Chairman—Mrs. D. Rundell Curtis (Nancy K ) , 3504 Mountain Lane, Birmingham, A L 35213 Tele:
Philanthropic Coordinator—Mrs. Charles Bettis (Nancy O ) , 7709 Bennington Dr., Knoxville, T N 37919 Tele:

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Delta Miss Sue Ellen Sitz, Box 2407, University, Mrs. Riggs Stephenson (Alma AA), Mrs. Robert S. Bogle (June NO), 6037
Alpha Pi
Delta Delta A L 35486, U N I V E R S I T Y O F A L A B A M A , 917 Indian Hills D r , Tuscaloosa, Sherwood D r , Nashville, T N 37215
Gamma Delta Tele: 205-348-4921 A L 35401 Tele: 615-269-4479
Gamma Omicron Miss Anne Louise Lowell, 123 N . Copeland, Mrs. Thomas Anderson (Lynn TA), Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel TO), P . O .
Gamma Sigma Tallahassee, F L 32304, F L O R I D A S T A T E , 2317 Kilkenny W , Tallahassee, F L Box 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952 Tele:
Kappa Gamma Tele: 904-222-3524 32301 305-636-0848
Miss Dee Lee, AOTI Box—Dorm C , Auburn Mrs. K . R . Odom (Betty TO), 2601 Mrs. James Hardy (Pat T S ) , 3465 Somer-
Kappa Omicron University, Auburn, A L 36830. A U B U R N Stell S t , Opelika, A L 36801 set Trail, Atlanta, G A 30331 Tele: 404-
Lambda Chi U N I V E R S I T Y , Tele: 205-826-6754 344-2091
Lambda Sigma Miss Anna Hearn, 327 Arbor S t , Pritchard, Mrs. R . W . Self (Dale TA), 5759 Mrs. James Hardy (Pat T I ) , 3465 Somer-
Nu Beta A L 36610, U N I V E R S I T Y O F S O U T H - St. Gallen, Mobile, A L 36608 set T r a i l , Atlanta, G A 30331 Tele: 404-
Nu Omicron E R N A L A B A M A , Tele: 205-457-9816 344-2091
Omega Omicron Miss Nina Casey, 819 W . Panhellic D r , Mrs. William Huitt (Marsha TO), Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel TO), P . O .
Gainesville, F L 32601, U N I V E R S I T Y O F 3461 220 S W 2nd A v e , Gainsville, Box 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952 Tele:
56 F L O R I D A , Tele: 904-373-1048 F L 32601 305-636-0848
Miss V i c k i Reeves, 33 Gilmer S t S E , A t - Mrs. A . Don Fuson ( L i n d a 0 ) , 1110 Stone-
lanta, G A 30303, G E O R G I A S T A T E , Tele: Miss Gail Thompson ( T 2 ) , 4329 N . wall D r , Nashville, T N 37220 Tele: 615-
404-659-1743 Shallowford Rd. Chamblee, G A 297-7166
Miss Cindy Smith, AOII Panhellenic Dormi- 30005 Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel TO), P.O.
tory, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Box 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952 Tele:
F L 33802, F L O R I D A S O U T H E R N C O L - Mrs. Edward F . Maassen (Jill K T ) , 305-636-0848
L E G E , Tele: Florida Southern College— 601 McRory, Lakeland, F L 33802
Ext. 355
Miss G w e n Martin, AOII at Southwestern Mrs. Brian Rushton (Priscilla KO), Mrs. Robert Bogle (June NO), 6037 Sher-
Memphis, T N 38112, S O U T H W E S T E R N 3403 Walnut Grove R d , Memphis, wood D r , Nashville, T N 37215 Tele:
M E M P H I S , Tele: 901-458-5669 T N 38111 615-269-4479
Miss Sally Little, LaGrange College, L a -
Grange, G A 30240, L A G R A N G E C O L - Mrs. Raymond Burgess (Virginia Mrs. James Hardy (Pat T 2 ) , 3465 Somer-
L E G E , Tele: 404-882-0761 AX), Hamilton R d , LaGrange, set D r , Atlanta, G A 30331 Tele: 404-
Miss Noelle Jane Mills, 1190 S. Milledge, G A 30240 344-2091
Athens, G A 30601, U N I V E R S I T Y O F
G E O R G I A , Tele: 404-546-6057 Mrs. Alonzo Wade Parr, Jr. (An- Mrs. A . Don Fuson ( L i n d a 0 ) , 1110 Stone-
Miss Marsha Brown, Box 4415 U of M S , nette AS), 1065 College Sta. R d , wall D r , Nashville, T N 37220 Tele: 615-
University, M S 38677, U N I V E R S I T Y O F Athens, G A 30601 297-7166
M I S S I S S I P P I , Tele: 601-234-2135
Miss Barbara Benson, 2415 Kensington P I , Mrs. Richard Krayer (Jerry NB), Mrs. Robert Bogle (June NO), 6037 Sher-
Nashville, T N 37212, V A N D E R B I L T U N I - Box 3898, University, M S 38677 wood D r , Nashville, T N 37215 Tele:
V E R S I T Y , Tele: 615-297-3648 615-269-4479
Miss Jean Reid, Lambuth College Box 373, Mrs. David Beauchamp (Anne NO),
Jackson, T N 38301, L A M B U T H C O L - 3117 Forrest Park, Nashville, T N Miss Wendie Nowlin (ATI), 1152 Green-
L E G E , Tele: 901-422-9311 37215 leaf R d , Atlanta, G A 30316 Tele: 404-
Mrs. Clarence O. Hampton, Sr.
(Rena GO) 575 Lambuth B l v d , Mrs. Clarence O. Hampton, Sr. (Rena
Jackson, T N 38301 0 0 ) , 575 Lambuth B l v d , Jackson, T N
38301 Tele: 901-427-6743-Ex. 12 ( d a y ) ,
901-422-3791 (night & weekend)

To Dmgma of A L P H A OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971

REGION I I I (Continued)

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
O micron Miss Wendie Nowlin ( A l l ) , 1152 Green-
Miss Beth Walker, 1531 W . Cumberland Mrs. Charles Bettis (Nancy 0 ) , 7709
Ave., Knoxville, T N 37916, U N I V E R S I T Y Bennington Dr., Knoxville, T N leaf R d . , Atlanta, G A 30316 Tele: 404-
O F T E N N E S S E E , Tele: 615-974-5825 37916 622-2018
Mrs. A . Don Fuson (Linda 0 ) , 1110
Phi Alpha Miss Phyllis Dodd, Box 2, E . T . S . U . , Johnson Mrs. James F o x (Delores * A ) , 600 Stonewall D r . , Nashville, T N 37220
City, T N 37601, E A S T T E N N E S S E E W . Pine, Johnson City, T N 37601 Tele: 615-297-7166
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , Tele: 615-928-9891 Miss Wendie Nowlin ( A l l ) , 1152 Green-
leaf R d . , Atlanta, G A 30316 Tele: 404-
Tau Delta Miss Jane McClure, Box A-56 B.S.U., Bir- Mrs. Thomas Gibbs, Jr. (Jane T A ) , 622-2018
mingham, A L 35204, B I R M I N G H A M 1217 Greensboro R d . , Birmingham,
S O U T H E R N U N I V E R S I T Y , Tele: 205- A L 35208 Mrs. Clarence O. Hampton, Sr., (Rena
252-4806 QO), 575 Lambuth Blvd., Jackson, T N
38301 Tele: 901-427-6743 E x . 12 ( d a y ) ,
Tau Omicron Miss Barbara Anne Scott, Box 126, U . T . M . , Mrs. James M. Mitchell (Mary Jane 90M22-3791 (Night & weekend)
Martin, T N 38237, U N I V E R S I T Y O F T O ) , 114 Eunice, Martin, T N 38237
T E N N E S S E E - M a r t i n , Tele: 901-587-7801 Mrs. James Dinwiddie (Jacquelyn E A ) ,
1118-1 Columbus Circle, Andrews A F B ,
Zeta Psi Miss Sheila Spuill, 805 Johnston St., Green- Mrs. Allen E . Cox (Nancy Z ) , #15 M D 20331 Tele: 301-981-2054
ville, N C 27834, E A S T C A R O L I N A , Tele: Carriage House Apts., Greenville,
Alumnae Chapter 919-758-4209 N C 27834 Regional Director
Athens Mrs. A . Don Fuson (Linda 0 ) , 1110
President Meeting
Atlanta Mrs. Hunter Taylor, J r . (Barbara 0 0 ) , 125 Stonewall D r . , Nashville, T N 37220
Monthly, 3rd Wed. Tele: 615-297-7166
Atlanta-Southwest Hickman D r . , Apt. 1, Athens, G A 30601 Mrs. A . Don Fuson (Linda 0 ) , 1110
Suburban Tele: Unavailable Monthly Stonewall D r . , Nashville, T N 37220
Mrs. Grant E . Allen, J r . (Dee A S ) , 566 Call President Tele: 615-297-7166
Atlanta-Tri County Lorell Terrace. N . E . , Atlanta, G A 30328 Mrs. A . Don Fuson (Linda 0 ) , 1110
Tele: 404-255-8163 Monthly Stonewall D r . , Nashville, T N 37220
Auburn, A L Mrs. Lawrence Haynie (Elizabeth A A ) , 6565 Call Meetings Tele: 615-297-7166
Wendell Circle, Morrow, G A 30260 Tele: Monthly Mrs. A . Don Fuson (Linda 0 ) , 1110
Birmingham 404-363-8835 3rd Monday Stonewall D r . , Nashville, T N 37220
Mrs. Jack Johnson ( N i n a ) , 1566 Runny- Monthly Tele: 615-297-7166
Broward Co., F L meade R d . N . E . , Atlanta, G A 30319 Tele: Call President Mrs. James Hardy (Pat T S ) , 3465 Somer-
Unavailable Monthly set Trail, Atlanta, G A 30331 Tele: 404-
Charleston, S C Mrs. Marshall Smitherman (Patty T A ) , 881 344-2091
Cherokee, Auburn, A L 36830 Tele: 205- Miss Wendie Nowlin ( A l l ) , 1152 Green-
Clearwater 821-2050 leaf R d . , Atlanta, G A 30316 Tele: 404-
Mrs. B . L a m a r Waldrop (Nancy A A ) , 1536 622-2018
Cocoa-Melbourne Highland D r . , Birmingham, A L 35235 Tele: Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel T O ) , P.O.
Unavailable Box 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952 Tele:
Daytona Beach Mrs. Frank Shull (Marjorie N ) , 3333 N . E . 303-636-0848
Area 34th, F t . Lauderdale, F L 33308 Tele: 305- Miss Wendie Nowlin ( A n ) , 1152 Green-
566-5386 leaf R d . , Atlanta, G A 30316 Tele: 4Q4-
Gainesville, F L Mrs. Larry C . Millhouse (Mary Ellen AS2), 622-2018
Huntsville 55 Mueller Drive, Charleston, S C 29407 Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel PO), P.O.
Jackson, MS Tele: 803-766-4528 Box 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952 Tele:
Jackson, T N Mrs. G . P. Jennings (Patricia O i l ) , 158 305-636-0848
Buena Vista D r . , Dunedin, F L 33528 Tele: Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel T O ) , P.O.
813-733-9106 Box 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952 Tele:
Mrs. Peter Guzak Joanne S ) , 120 Anona 305-636-0848
Place, Indian Harbor Beach, F L 32935 Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel T O ) , P.O.
Tele: 305-773-3229 Box 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952 Tele:
Mrs. James Wisner (Peggy * ) , 369 Hartford 305-636-0848
Ave., Daytona Beach, F L 32018 Tele: 904- Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel T O ) , P.O.
253- 3724 Box 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952 Tele:
Miss Priscilla West, 708 S W 16th Ave., Apt. 305-636-0848
214, Gainesville, F L 32601 Tele: 904-376- Miss Wendie Nowlin (AIT), 1152 Green-
1986 leaf R d . , Atlanta, G A 30316 Tele: 404-
Mrs. J . P. Lindberg (Mary Alice A A ) , 1101 622-2018
Rockcliff D r . , N . W . , Huntsville, A L 35810 Mrs. Robert B. Bogle (June N O ) , 6037
Tele: 205-852-7115 Sherwood D r . , Nashville, T N 37215
Mrs. Richard McMullan ( J u d i ) , 5133 Pkwy. Tele: 615-269-4479
Dr., Jackson, M S 39201 Tele: 601-362-1161 Mrs. Clarence O. Hampton, Sr. (Rena
f.'0), 575 Lambuth Blvd., Jackson, T N
Mrs. Gene Davenport ( K a y N O ) , 211 Roland, 38301 Tele: 901-427-6743-Ex. 12 ( d a y ) ,
Jackson, T N 38301 Tele: 901-424-9713 901-422-3791 (Night & weekend)
Mrs. A . Don Fuson (Linda O ) , 1110 Stone-
Johnson City, T N Miss Debbie Irwin * A , 412 W . Maple St., wall D r . , Nashville, T N 37220 Tele: 615-
Johnson City, T N 37601 Tele: 615-926-5688 297-7166
Miss Wendie Nowlin ( A l l ) , 1152 Green-
Knoxville Mrs. Evan S. Bowers (Mary C . $ A ) , 5616 Monthly leaf R d . , Atlanta, G A 30316 Tele: 404-
Memphis Briscoe Circle, Knoxville, T N 37919 Tele: 622-2018
Miami 615-687-5699 Call President Mrs. Robert B . Bogle (June N O ) , 6037
Mobile 2nd Tuesday Sherwood Drive, Nashville, T N 37215
Montgomery Miss Rosemary Wood ( K O ) , 2079 Cabana Tele: 615-269-4479
Nashville Circle North # 1 , Memphis, T N 38107 Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel T O ) , P.O.
North Mississippi Tele: 901-272-3577 Box 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952 Tele:
Mrs. Richard Sherin (Carolyn TO), 7611 Mrs. James Hardy (Pat T S ) , 3465 Somer-
S.W. 65th PI., South Miami, F L 33143 set Trail, Atlanta, G A 30331 Tele: 404-
Tele: 305-665-7186 344-2091
Mrs. James Hardy (Pat F Z ) , 3465 Somer-
Mrs. Frederick Langworthy (Jennie A A ) , 518 set T r a i l , Atlanta, G A 30331 Tele: 404-
W. Barksdale D r . , Mobile, A L 36606 Tele: 344-2091
205-478-1660 Miss Wendie Nowlin, 1152 Greenleaf R d . ,
Atlanta, G A 30316 Tele: 404-622-2018
Mrs. J . Aronstein (Adrienne A B ) , 3132
Woodfern Dr., Montgomery, A L 36111 Mrs. Robert B . Bogle (June N O ) , 6037
Tele: 205-281-2771 Sherwood Drive, Nashville, T N 37215
Tele: 615-269-4479
Mrs. Gordon Dickerson, Jr. (Patricia NO),
311 Jocelyn Hollow Circle, Nashville, T N 57
37205 Tele: 615-352-1765

Mrs. Sam Godbold (Betsy NB), Ellis Arms,
Apt. 212, Clarksdale, M S 38614 Tele: 601-

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — W I N T E R of 1971

REGION I I I (Continued)

Alumnae Chapter President Meeting Regional Director
Orlando-Winter Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel TO), P . O .
Mrs. William Slavens (Collyn A * ) , 414 Park Monthly, 3rd Wed.
Park North Court, Winter Park, F L 32789 Tele: Call President Box 892, Merritt Island, F l 32952 Tele:
Oxford, MS 305-644-4350 305-636-0848
Mrs. Robert B . Bogle (June NO), 6037
Palm Beach County Mrs. Donald M . Smith (Martha NB), 562 Sherwood D r . , Nashville, T N 37215
Chulahoma Ave., Holly Springs M S 38635 Tele: 615-269-4479
Tele: 601-252-3838 Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel TO), P . O .
Box 892, Merritt Island, F l 32952 Tele:
Mrs. R . W . Rutter, J r . , 1575 40th St., W . 305-636-0848
Palm Beach, F L 33407 Tele: 305-842-6208 Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel TO), P.O.
Box 892, Merritt Island, F l 32952 Tele:
St. Petersburg Mrs. John McBath (Margot TO), 3705 Belle Monthly, 3rd Thurs. 305-636-0848
Tallahassee Vista D r . E . , Treasure Island, F L 33740 Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel TO), P . O .
Tampa Tele: 813-360-8803 Box 892, Merritt Island, F l 32952 Tele:
Tuscaloosa 305-636-0848
Mrs. Wendel Kiser (Barbara TO), 101 Crest Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel TO), P . O .
St., Tallahassee, F L 32301 Tele: 904-224- Box 892, Merritt Island, F l 32952 Tele:
4085 305-636^)848
Mrs. Robert B . Bogle (June NO), 6037
Mrs. Robert Uiterwyk (Drucilla A I T ) , 834 S. Sherwood D r . , Nashville, T N 37215
Willow, Tampa, F L 33606 Tele: 813-949- Tele: 615-269-4479

Mrs. Monty D . McKinley (Joan TA), Route
1, Box 445, Coker, A L 35452 Tele: 205-


Vice President—Mrs. William D . Lee (Gwendolyn P )
1004 Eliot Drive, Urbana, I L 61801
Tele: 217-328-3154

Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky

Extension Officer—Mrs. Stephen W. Sutherlin (Kay 0 ) , 4723 East Round Lake Rd., Indianapolis, I N 46205
Tele: 317-251-4203
Finance Officer—Mrs. Victor Brown (Ruth B 0 ) , 811 East 80th St., Indianapolis, I N 46240 Tele: 317-255-3422
Meetings Chairman—Mrs. Robert Zolomij (Joanne E A ) , 803 Breen, Champaign, I L 61820 Tel: 217-352-3001
Philanthropic Coordinator—Mrs. William Coffey (Elizabeth X A ) , 7754 Whittier PL, Indianapolis, I N 46250 Tele:

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Chi Miss Dolly Carlisle, AOII Box 291, College Mrs. Neil Allen (Rachel AX), 459 Miss Marilann. Jo Melton (BX), 437 North

Hts., P . O . , Bowling Green, K Y 42101 Brentmoor, Bowling Green, K Y Main, Smiths Grove, K Y 42171 Tele:
Tele: 502-748-2622

Beta Chi Miss Kathy Heimlich, Box 301, Peeples Mrs. G a y Peyton (BX), 217 E . 22nd, Mrs. Jerry Purdie (Jane XA), 18 N . Oak-
Beta Lambda Dorm, Owensboro, K Y 42301, K E N - Owensboro, K Y 42301 land, Evansville, I N 47711 Tele: 812-
Beta Phi T U C K Y , Tele: 502-683-9459 477-4418
Chi Lambda Mrs. Robert E . Williams (Mary <f>),
Delta Omega Miss Sidney Voss, 1314 North F e l l A v e , 1112 Elmwood R d . , Bloomington, Mrs. Robert Zolomij (Joanne E A ) , 803
Epsilon Iota Colony Bloomington, I L 61701, I L L I N O I S W E S - I L 61701 Breen, Champaign, I L 61820 Tele: 217-
Gamma Iota L E Y A N , Tele: 309-829-1890 352-3001
Mrs. Arthur Anderson (Edith B4>),
Iota Miss L i n d a Runkle, 901 E . 10th, Blooming- 836 South Henderson, Blooming- Mrs. William Rinne (Anne B4>), 711
Kappa Alpha ton, I N 47401, I N D I A N A U N I V E R S I T Y , ton, I N 47401 Pleasant Ridge Rd., Bloomington, I N
Kappa Kappa Tele: 814-332-7296 47403 Tele: 812-253-2866
Nu Iota Miss Antoinette Reitz (XA), 521
Omega X i Mrs. Rebecca Nimnicht, 1653 C . Division Runnymede Ave., Evansville, I N Mrs. Jerry Purdie (Jane XA), 18 N . Oak-
St., Evansville, I N 47714, U N I V E R S I T Y 47714 land, Evansville, I N 47711 Tele: 812-
O F E V A N S V I L L E , Tele: 812-422-1880 477-4418
Mrs. Kenneth Harrell (Ellen KO),
Miss Nancy Jo James, 823 A Regents Hall, Box 1026, University Station, Mur- Miss Marilann Jo Melton (BX), 437 North
Murray, K Y 42071, M U R R A Y S T A T E , ray, K Y 42071 Main, Smiths Grove, K Y 42171 Tele:
Tele: 502-767-4513 502-563-2861
Mrs. Michael Goodrich (Suzanne
Miss Patricia Ryan, Lawson Hall—E.I.U., E I ) , 1712 McComb St., Charleston, Mrs. Robert Zolomij (Joanna E A ) , 803
Charleston, I L 61920, E A S T E R N I L L I - I L 61920 Breen, Champaign, I L 61820 Tele: 217-
N O I S U N I V E R S I T Y , Tele: 217-581-3836 352-3001
Miss Carol Cooper (AP), 704 Taylor
Miss Mary Jo Teague, 109 Small Group Drive, Women's Physical Educa- Mrs. Jerry Purdie (Jane XA), 18 N . Oak-
Housing S . I . U . , Carbondale, I L 62901, tion S . I . U . , Carbondale, I L 62901 land, Evansville, I N 47711 Tele: 812-
Tele: 618-453-5781 Mrs. Robert Riggs (Judy K A ) , 501
Windsor Road, Champaign, I L Mrs. Robert Zolomij (Joanne E A ) , 803
Miss Carolyn Dalley, 706 S. Mathews, U r - 61820 Breen, Champaign, I L 61820 Tele: 217-
bana, I L 61801, U N I V E R S I T Y O F I L L I - 352-3001
N O I S , Tele: 217-344-0136 Mrs. Paul Gibbons (JoAnn K A ) , 35
Gardendale Road, Terre Haute, I N Mrs. William Rinne (Anne B#), 711
Miss Angela Gayle Hustedt, 122 Lincoln 47809 Pleasant Ridge R d . , Bloomington, I N
Quad, Terre Haute, I N 47809, I N D I A N A 47403 Tele: 812-336^556
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , Tele: 812-232-1051 Mrs. William Huber (Mary KK).
2000 West Jackson, Muncie, I N Mrs. Keith Gilchrist ( A n n B * ) , 5613 Sky-
Miss Angie Derheimer, Box 219, Student 47306 ridge Road, Indianapolis, I N 46250 Tele:
Center, Munde, I N 47306, B A L L S T A T E 317-849-3061
U N I V E R S I T Y , Tele: 317-288-0511 Mrs. Donald Merwin (Lois NI), 197
Hollister, D e K a l b , I L 60115 Mrs. D a n Pellettiere (Diane I ) , 1132 Sky-
Miss Susan Doering, 920 Hillcrest, DeKalb, lark Drive, Palatine, I L 60067 Tele: 312-
I L 60115, N O R T H E R N I L L I N O I S U N I - Mrs. Charles Thompson (Betty 0 ) , 359-7358
V E R S I T Y , Tele: 815-758-7656 1217 Knapp Ave., Morehead, K Y
40351 Miss Marilann Jo Melton (BX), 437 North
Miss Glenna Christman, 803 Nunn Hall, Main, Smiths Grove, K Y 42171 Tele:
Morehead, K Y 40351, M O R E H E A D 502-563-2861
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , Tele: 606-783-3600

58 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971

REGION IV (Continued)

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Phi Omicron Mrs. William Rinne (Anne B * ) . 711
Miss Nadine Petters, AOIT House, Hanover, Mrs. Fred Mullett (Thelma * 0 ) , Box
Phi Upsilon I N 47243, H A N O V E R C O L L E G E , Tele: 73, Hanover, I N 47243 Pleasant Ridge Road, Bloomington, I N
812-866-3327 47403 Tele: 812-253-2866
Rho Mrs. Stephen W. Sutherlin ( K a y ft), 4723
Sigma Iota Miss Charlene Thoman, 1001 David Ross Mrs. Thomas Redmon (Lynn K K ) , E . Round Lake Rd., Indianapolis, IN
Theta Road, Lafayette. I N 47906, P U R D U E 1709 Carlsbad Dr., Lafayette, I N 46205 Tele: 317-251-4203
Alumnae Chapters U N I V E R S I T Y , Tele: 317-743-9525 47905 Mrs. Dan Pellettiere (Diane I ) , 1132 Sky-
Bloomington, I N lark D i , Palatine, I L 60067 Tele: 312-
Bloomington- Miss D'Ann Roch, 626 Emerson, Evanston, Mrs. Carl Schulz, Jr. (Ingrid BA), 359-7358
I L 60201, N O R T H W E S T E R N U N I V E R - 1627 Forest Ave., Wilmette, I L Mrs. Robert Zolomij (Joanne E A ) , 803
Normal, I L S I T Y , Tele: 312^75-3454 60091 Breen, Champaign, I L 61820 Tele: 217-
Bowling Green 352-3001
Champaign-Urbana Miss Jean Severson, 1116 Wetzel Hall W . I . U . . Mrs. James Conley (June S I ) , 152 Mrs. Keith Gilchrist (Ann ft), 5613 Sky-
Chicago-Beverly Macomb, I L 61455, W E S T E R N I L L I N O I S Penny Lane Macomb, I L 61455 ridge R d . , Indianapolis, I N 46250 Tele:
U N I V E R S I T Y , Tele: 309-899-5813 317-849-3061
Hills Regional Director
Miss Chris Latondress, AOIT, So. Blooming- Mrs. James Johnson (Martha ft), Mrs. William Rinne (Anne B<£), 711
ton St., Greencastle, I N 46135, D E P A U W 314 Highfall, Greencastle, I N 46135 Pleasant Ridge R d , Bloomington, I N
U N I V E R S I T Y , Tele: 317-653-4319 47403 Tele: 812-336-»556
Mrs. Robert Zolomij (Joanne E A ) , 803
President Meetings Breen. Champaign, I L 61820 Tele: 217-
Mrs. Nathan Hall (Ruth B * ) , 3418 Allendale Monthly, 2nd Wed. Miss Marilann Jo Melton ( B X ) , 437 North
Dr.. Bloomington, I N 47401 Tele: 812-336- Main S t , Smiths Grove, K Y 42171 Tele:
3873 502-563-2861
Mrs. Robert Zolomij (Joanne E A ) . 803
Mrs. Francis Foltz (Hazel B A ) , 703 Moore Monthly, 1st Tues. Breen, Champaign, I L 61820 Tele: 217-
R d . . Bloomington, I L 61701 Tele: 309-663- 352-3001
1785 Mrs. Dan Pellettiere (Diane I ) , 1132 Sky-
lark Drive, Palatine, I L 60067 Tele: 312-
Mrs. John Cates (Clyde P ) , 1218 State St., Monthly, 2nd Tues. 359-7358
Bowling Green, K Y 42101 Tele: 502-842- Mrs. Dan Pellettiere (Diane I ) , 1132 Sky-
7164 lark Drive, Palatine, I L 60067 Tele: 312-
Mrs. Michael Thompson (Judy I ) , 103 Green- Monthly, 3rd Mon. Mrs. Dan Pellettiere (Diane I ) , 1132 Sky-
croft, Champaign, I L 61820 Tele.: 217-352- lark Drive. Palatine, I L 60067 Tele: 312-
3421 359-7358
Mrs. Dan Pellettiere (Diane T), 1132 Sky-
Mrs. R . Rokaitis (Lesley N I ) , 8409 S. Merri- lark Drive. Palatine. I L 60067 Tele: 312-
mac, Burbank, I L 60459 Tele: 312-636-3744 359-7358
Mrs. Dan Pellettiere (Diane T). 1132 Sky-
Chicago Council Mrs. Laurence Frerk (Peg I ) , 1523 North lark Drive, Palatine, I L 60067 Tele: 312-
Chicago-Far West Douglas Ave., Arlington Heights, I L 60004 359-7358
Tele: 312-392-1656 Mrs. Dan Pellettiere (Diane 1), 1132 Sky-
Suburban lark Drive, Palatine, I L 60067 Tele: 312-
Mrs. Harry Luxen (Linda I ) , 1557 Jill C t , 359-7358
Glendale Heights, I L Tele: 312-766-0022 Mrs. Dan Pellettiere (Diane 1). 1132 Sky-
lark Drive, Palatine, I L 60067 Tele: 312-
Chicago North Mrs. Garth Conley, Jr. (Martha K K ) , 2228 Monthly, 2nd Tuesday 359-7358
Shore Central Park, Evanston, I L Tele: 312-GR5- Monthly, 2nd Wed. Mrs. Keith Gilchrist (Ann ft), 5613 Sky-
4373 ridge Road, Indianapolis, I N 46250
Chicago Northwest Tele: 317-849-3061
Mrs. F . R . Burghard (Valerie P ) , 940 Sylvia Mrs. Jerry Purdie (Jane X A ) , 18 N . Oak-
Chicago-Southwest Wood. Park Ridge, I L 60068 Tele: 312- land, Evansville, I N 47711 Tele: 812-
823-2625 477-4418
Mrs. Keith Gilchrist (Ann ft), 5613 Sky-
Mrs. Jack Rolf (Joan I ) , 3 Dover Drive, Oak ridge Road, Indianapolis. I N 46250
Brook, I L 60521 Tele: 312-654-0479 Tele: 317-849-3061
Mrs. Keith Gilchrist (Ann ft), 5613 Sky-
Chicago-West Mrs. Larry Crippin (Jeanne B A ) , 534 South Monthly ridge Road. Indianapolis, I N 46250
Suburban East, Oak Park, I L 60304 Tele: 312-383- Monthly, 1st Thurs. Tele: 317-849-3061
9627 Monthly Miss Marilann Jo Melton ( B X ) . 437 N .
Elkhart, I N Monthly Main St.. Smiths Grove, K Y 42171 Tele:
Evansville, I N Mrs. Robert Atkinson (Judy K K ) , 1724 Prai- 502-563-2861
Fort Wayne, I N rie S t , Elkhart, I N 56514 Tele: 219-522- Call President Mrs. Keith Gilchrist (Ann 9 ) , 5613 Sky-
Indianapolis, I N 5639 Monthly, 3rd Mon. ridge Road. Indianapolis. I N 46250
Kentuckiana Tele: 317-849-3061
Kokomo, I N Mrs. Charles Wright (Marilyn X A ) , 1917 Mrs. Stephen W . Sutherlin ( K a y ft). 4723
Lafayette, I N Southeast Blvd., Evansville, I N 47714 Tele: East Round Lake Rd., Indianapolis, I N
Muncie 812-476-6535 46205 Tele: 317-251-4203
Paducah-Murray Mrs. Keith Gilchrist (Ann ft), 5613 Sky-
Rockford, I L Mrs. Larry Thornburg (Judy 6 ) , 2734 N . ridge Road. Indianapolis, I N 46250
South Bend Clinton S t , Fort Wayne, I N 46805 Tele: Tele: 317-849-3061
Terre Haute 219-184-7458 Miss Marilann Jo Melton ( B X ) , 437 N .
Main St.. Smiths Grove, K y 42171 Tele:
Mrs. William L y n n (Rosemary B * ) , 6403 502-563-2861
Green Leaves R d , Indianapolis, I N 46220 Mrs. Dan Pellettiere (Diane I ) , 1132 Sky-
Tele: 317-251-9700 lark R d , Palatine, I L 60067 Tele: 312-
Mrs. Charles Henne (Jerri 4C2), 11103 H a l - Mrs. Keith Gilchrist (Ann ft), 5613 Sky-
kirk PI.. Middletown, K Y 42043 Tela: 502- ridge Road, Indianapolis, I N 46250
245-9330 Tele: 317-849-3061
Mrs. William Rinne (Anne B'!>), 711
Mrs. Larry Ingle (Judy B * ) , 1541 W . Mul- Pleasant Ridge Road, Bloomington, I N
berry S t , Kokomo, I N 46901 Tele: 317- 47403 Tele: 812-253-2866
Mrs. Jerome Bean (Aileen A B ) , 716 Sugar
Hill Lane, West Lafayette, I N 46906 Tele:

Mrs. Jack McFarland (Judy K K ) , 204 S.
Morrison R d , Muncie, I n 47304 Tele:

Mrs. T o m Posey (Marion Afi), 1702 Keen-
land, Murray, K y . 42071 Tele: 502-753-

Mrs. James Smith (Martha I ) . 2215 Silver-
thorn D r . , Rockford, I L 61107 Tele: 815-

Mrs. James Kiel (Jane S * ) , 54583 Cornell
Dr., Mishawaka, I N 46544 Tele: 219-255-

Mrs. Rudy Sontag (Betty K A ) , 6147 Fruit-
ridge A v e , Terre Haute, I N 47805 Tele:

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — W I N T E R of 1971


Vice President—Miss Sharon D. Martin (ALT)
Queen City Village Apts., 1301 Scott S t , Apt. E , Independence, M O 64052

Tele: 816-254-3396
Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Manitoba
Extension Officer—Mrs. John Oyer, Jr. (Eleanor $ ) , 523 Westvale Rd., Kansas City, K S 66102 Tele: 913-321-9085
Finance Officer—Mrs. Carl Glen (Marlene Z ) , 3900 South 42nd St., Lincoln, N B 68506 Tele: 402-489-2688
Meetings Chairman—Miss Jayne Hager ( I S ) , 2823 West St., Apt. 3, Ames, I A 50010 Tele: 515-292-5894

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Theta Miss Sandra Given, Box 101, Coe College, Mrs. Malcolm Peel (Ruth * 0 ) , 3918 Mrs. Mike Mitchell (Suzanne 2 0 ) , 3231

Delta Pi Cedar Rapids, I A 52402, C O E C O L L E G E Wenig Road, N E Cedar Rapids, South Clifton, Lot #22, Wichita, Kansas
Tele: 319-364-1511 I A 52402 67216 Tele: 316^83-5113
Iota Sigma Miss Judy Pohl, A-106 Panhellenic Hall, Mrs. James R. Chrisman (Barbara Miss Nancy Johannsen ( * ) , 4744 Haskell,
Lambda Omega Central M O St. Coll., Warrensburg, M O A n ) , 508 Streck D r . , R t . 2, W a r - Kansas City, K S 66104 Tele: 913-287-
64093, C E N T R A L M I S S O U R I S T A T E rensburg, M O 64093 5714
Nu Zeta C O L L E G E Tele: 816-747-5101 Mrs. Theodore Heggen (Betty I S ) ,
Phi Sigma Miss Barbara Snethen, 2007 Greeley, Ames, 2611 Kellogg, Ames, I A 50010 Mrs. Mike Mitchell (Suzanne £ 0 ) , 3231
Theta Chi I A 50(H0, I O W A S T A T E C O L L E G E Tele: Miss L u A n n Lewright, 819 S. F i l l - South Clifton, Lot #22, Wichita, Kansas
Zeta 515-232-1520 more, Maryville, M O 64468 67216 Tele: 316-683-5113
Miss Nancy Fletcher, AOTI Annex, Roberta
Alumnae Chapter Hall, N W M O St. College, Maryville, M O Mrs. William Giesler (Elaine Z ) , Miss Nancy Johannsen ( $ ) , 4744 Haskell,
Ames 64468. N O R T H W E S T M I S S O U R I S T A T E 845 Bordeau St., Chadron, N B Kansas City, K S 66104 Tele: 913-287-
C O L L E G E Tele: 816-582-8453 69337 5714
Des Moines Miss Angie Condy, 215 High Rise, C S C ,
Chadron, N B 69337, C H A D R O N S T A T E Miss Janet L i n d ( Z ) , 1709 W . 38th Mrs. Stephen Nielsen (Nancy Z ) , 9244
Greater Kansas C O L L E G E Tele: 308-432-4233 St., # 9 Keamey, N B 68847 Spaulding, Omaha, N B 68134 Tele: 402-
City Miss Cindy Lichtenberg, AOn C . T . W . 740, 572-7058
Kearney, N B 68847, K E A R N E Y S T A T E Miss Pat Mahoney ( # 2 ) , 2935 Park
Kearney Tri-City C O L L E G E Tele: College Operator Ave., Apt 15 B , Sioux City, I A Mrs. Stephen Nielsen (Nancy Z ) , 9244
Miss Sue Hanneman, 3301 Laurel Ave., Sioux 51104 Spaulding, Omaha, N B 68134 Tele: 402-
Lincoln City, I A 51106, M O R N I N G S I D E C O L -
L E G E Tele: 712-276-1737 Miss Kathy Pfund ( Z ) , 1343 C St., 572-7058
Omaha Miss Geri McGowan, 1541 S St., Lincoln, N B Apt. B , Lincoln, N B 68502 Miss Nancy Johannsen ( * ) , 4744 Haskell,
68508, U N I V E R S I T Y of N E B R A S K A
Tele: 402-477-9749 Meeting Kansas City K S 66104 Tele: 913-287-
Monthly 5714
President Call President Mrs. Stephen Nielsen (Nancy Z ) , 9244
Mrs. Leon Charity (Maxine T ) , Route 4, Monthly Spaulding, Omaha, N B 68134 Tele: 402-
Call President 572-7058
Ames, I A 50010 Tele: 515-232-4003 Regional Director
Monthly Mrs. Mike Mitchell (Suzanne 1 0 ) , 3231
Mrs. Roy Gustafson (Wilma Z ) , 832 15th St., Call President South Clifton, Lot #22, Wichita, Kansas
West Des Moines, I A 50265 Tele: 515-255- Monthly 67216 Tele: 316-683-5113
5305 Call President Mrs. Mike Mitchell (Suzanne 2 0 ) , 3231
Monthly South Clifton, Lot #22, Wichita, Kansas
Miss Sharon Martin ( A l l ) , 1301 Scott Ave., Call President 67216 Tele: 316-683-5113
Apt. # E , Independence, M O 64052 Tele: Miss Nancy Johannsen ( * ) , 4744 Haskell,
St. Louis 816-254-3396 Kansas City, K S 66104 Tele: 913-287-
Mrs. Robert L . Walker (Shirley Z ) , 15 H i l l - Mrs. Stephen Nielsen (Nancy Z ) , 9244
crest Dr., Kearney, N B 68847 Tele: 308- Spaulding, Omaha, N B 68134 Tele: 402-
234-9524 572-7058
Mrs. Stephen Nielsen (Nancy Z ) , 9244
Mrs. Ronald Merry (Connie Z ) , 2508 South Spaulding, Omaha, N B 68134 Tele: 402-
35th St., Lincoln, N B 68506 Tele: 402-489- 572-7058
4228 Mrs. Stephen Nielsen (Nancy Z ) , 9244
Spaulding, Omaha, N B 68134 Tele: 402-
Mrs. Gerald J . Brandenburg (Sharon. Z) 932 572-7058
Pacific St., E l k h o m , N B 68022 Tele: 402- Miss Nancy Johannsen, 4744 Haskell, K a n -
289-2418 sas City, K S 66104 Tele: 913-287-5714

Mrs. Jack King (Gerry G O ) , 9029 Maple
Grove Drive St. Louis, M O 63126 Tele:


Vice President—Mrs. Morris L . Quick (Jane I A )
930 Park, Pocatello, I D 83201
Tele: 208-233-2725

Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Saskatchewan, Washington, Wyoming

Extension Officer—Mrs. W. Keith Gould (JoAnn y ) , 7851 N E 21st, Medina, W A 98039 Tele: 206-GL4-8481

Finance Officer—-Mrs. Harlan Humason (Audrey y ) , 14548 Edgewater Lane N E , Seattle, W A 98155 Tele: 206-

Meetings Chairman—Philanthropic Coordinator—Mrs. Douglas McDonald (Carolyn $ ) , 7620 East Oxford Ave.,
Denver, C O 80237 Tele: 303-771-6086

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Gamma Miss Joyce Korus 702 Campus Ave. Pullman, Mrs. Robert Jones (Doreen T ) , 1414 Mrs. Forest Swan (Alverna T ) , 7406 78th

W A 99163 W A S H I N G T O N S T A T E Tele: E . 1st St., Moscow, I D 83843 S E , Mercer Island, W A 98040 Tele: 206-
509-355-8502 AD2-3721

60 To Dmgma of A L P H A OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971

REGION VI (Continued)

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Phi Mrs. Terry Haggardt ( R i t a I A ) , 523 N .
Alpha Rho Miss Donna Clark 1119 South F i f t h S t , Mrs. Arthur Hulett (Sharon Z * ) , R .
Alpha Sigma Bozeman, M T 59713 M O N T A N A S T A T E 2, Box 246, Bozeman, M T 59715 13th, Pocatello, I D 83201 Tele: 208-232-
Beta Kappa Tele: 406-587*691 4073
Beta Rho Mrs. Delmer M . Furrow (Jean 9 ) , 14321
Beta Sigma Miss Rinda McNay 2435 Harrison Blvd. N W Mrs. John R . Baines (Ruth AP), 204 S E Oakwood, Portland, O R 97222 Tele:
Iota Alpha Corvallis, O R 97330 O R E G O N S T A T E N W 27th S t , Corvallis, O R 97330 503-659-4033
Rho Sigma Tele: 503-752-2494 Mrs. Delmer M . Furrow (Jean 6 ) , 14321
Upsilon S E Oakwood Portland, O R 97222 Tele:
Miss Linda Thiel 1680 Alder Eugene, O R Mrs. Donna Chandler, 1394 L a w - 503-659-4033
97401 U N I V E R S I T Y of O R E G O N Tele: rence, Eugene, O R 97401 Mrs. Forest Swan (Alverna T ) , 7406 78th
503-345-9677 S E , Mercer Island, W A 98040 Tele:
206-AD 2-3721
Miss Diane Champion 3190 Benbow R d . W . Mrs. Eugene Ruelle (Lorna BK), Mrs. Forest Swan (Alverna T ) , 7406 78th
Vancouver, B . C . , Can. U N I V E R S I T Y of # 9 0 21st S t , W . Vancouver, B . C . , S E , Mercer Island, W A 98040 Tele: 206-
B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A Tele: 604-922-8442 Can. AD2-3721
Mrs. Terry Haggardt (Rita I A ) , 523 N .
Miss Patty Kelly 220 Daly A v e , Missoula, Mrs. Richard A. Faust (Bonnie P), 13th, Pocatello, I D 83201 Tele: 208-232-
M T 59801 U N I V E R S I T Y of M O N T A N A 6710 Siesta D r , Missoula, M T 4073
Tele: 406-728-2151 59801 Mrs. Terry Haggardt ( R i t a I A ) , 523 N .
13th, Pocatello, I D 83201 Tele: 208-232-
Miss Janice Grant 1617 Taggart Boise, I D Miss Nadine Yingst ( I A ) , 300 S. 4073
83705 B O I S E S T A T E Tele: 208-345-2930 Straughan # 8 0 4 , Boise, I D 83702 Mrs. Delmer M . Furrow (Jean 8 ) , 14321
S E Oakwood A v e , Portland, O R 97222
Alumnae Chapter Miss Phyllis Stanger 612 Turner House Po- Mrs. James Jones (Catherine IA), Tele: 503-659-4033
Billings catello, I D 83201 I D A H O S T A T E Tele: 1238 E . Bonneville, Pocatello, I D Mrs. Forest Swan (Alverna T ) , 7406 78th
208-236-3377 83201 S E , Mercer Island, W A 98040 Tele: 206-
Boise AD2-3721
Miss Dorothy Selenius 7135 18th A v e , S E Miss Allison Dumble (PS), 7306 N .
Bozeman Portland, O R 97202 P O R T L A N D S T A T E Newell, Portland, O R 97203 Regional Director
Tele: 503-223-7955 Mrs. Terry Haggardt, Rita I A ) , 523 North
Eugene Mrs. Bruce Busch (Kathleen T ) ,
Miss Cyndi Anderson 1906 N E 45th Seattle, 5700 29th N E , Seattle, W A 98105 13th, Pocatello, I D 83201 Tele: 208-232-
Missoula W A 98105 U N I V E R S I T Y of W A S H I N G - 4073
T O N Tele: 206-525-6547 Meeting Mrs. Terry Haggardt, Rita IA), 523 North
Pocatello Call President 13th, Pocatello, I D 83201 Tele: 208-232-
President Monthly 4073
Portland Mrs. Robert Sanderson, J R . (Pamela A*) Monthly Mrs. Terry Haggardt, Rita A), 523 North
As called 13th, Pocatello, I D 83201 Tele: 208-232-
2607 Beartooth Drive Billings, M T 59102 Monthly 4073
Tele: 406-656-5510 Third Tuesday Mrs. Delmer M . Furrow, 14321 S . E . Oak-
Mrs. Jerome Beeson ( L i l a P) 1205 W a r m As called wood A v e , Portland, O R 97222 Tele:
Springs Boise, I D 83702 Tele: 208-343-4264 503-659-4033
Pullman Mrs. Forest Swan, (Alverna T ) , 7406 78th
Mrs. Monte Eliason (Sheryle A*) 905 West S E , Mercer Island, W A 98040, Tele:
Seattle Villard Bozeman, M T 59715 Tele: 406- 206-AD2-3721
587-7335 Mrs. Terry Haggardt, Rita IA), 523 North
Spokane 13th, Pocatello, I D 83201 Tele: 208-232-
Mrs. Theron V . Rust (Linda AP) 2270 4073
Vancouver, B . C . , Elysium Eugene, O R 97401 Tele: 503-345- Mrs. Delmer M . Furrow, 14321 S . E . Oak-
Can. 0626 wood A v e , Portland, O R 97222 Tele:
Mrs. Glen Klofstad (Charlene BP) 2131 S. Mrs. Delmer M . Furrow (Jean 0 ) , 14321
Sixth St. W . Missoula, M T 59801 Tele: S E Oakwood A v e , Portland, O R 97222
406-543-7345 Tele: 503-659-4033
Mrs. Forest Swan (Alverna T ) , 7406 78th
Mrs. Joe Crawford (Arlis IA) South Main S E , Mercer Island, W A 98040 Tele: 206-
Extension Pocatello, I D 83291 Tele: 208- AD2-3721
232-4987 Mrs. Forest Swan (Alverna T ) , 7406 78th
S E , Mercer Island, W A 98040 Tele: 206-
Mrs. Harry E . Dereiko (Maxine AS) 10110 AD2-3721
S.W. 62nd Ave. Portland, O R 97219 Tele: Mrs. Forest Swan (Alverna T ) , 7406 78th
503-246-1522 S E , Mercer Island, W A 98040 Tele: 206-
Mrs. James Hoffman (Phyllis Ar) East 201
Janet Pullman, W A 99163 Tele: 503-665-

Mrs. Melvin Moore, Jr. (Sonjia T) 4516
N . E . 50th Seattle, W A 98105 Tele: U n -

Mrs. Jas. J . Elsensohn (Gladys T) 10111
Huntington D r , Spokane, W A 99218 Tele:

Mrs. Roland Pierrot (Sharon BK) 5612
Olympic St, Vancouver, B.C., Can. Tele:


Vice President—Mrs. Michie Barber (Rosalie 2 0 )
605 West Thomas, Jonesboro, A R 72401
Tele: 501-935-3393

Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas

Extension Officer—Mis. Roy Jolly (Marion SO), 514 W. College, Jonesboro, A R 72401 Tele: 501-932-6941
Finance Officer—Mrs. Hugh W. Heflin (Jo Beth I I K ) , 1403 Northridge Dr., Austin, T X 78723 Tele: 512-565-0746

Meetings Chairman—Mrs. Thomas Betts (Judi B 0 ) , 2408 Fairway Drive, Baton Rouge, L A 70809 Tele: 504-924-
Philanthropic Coordinator—Mrs. Skip Heard (Carol A T ) , P.O. Box 4983, Monroe, L A 71201 Tele: 318-373-5389

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director

Alpha Omicron Miss Mary Catherine Greco Box 16990 A Mrs. Jack A. Weisenthal (Ellen * T ) , Mrs. Anthony P. LaMarca (Grace AT),
University Station Baton Rouge, L A 70803 12647 E . Sheraton A v e , Baton 2610 Wilshire, Monroe, L A 71201 Tele:
L O U I S I A N A S T A T E Tele: 504-348-1927 Rouge, L A 70815 318-387-3573

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971 61

REGION VII (Continued)

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Delta Beta Miss Carmen Sievert Box 2130, U . S . L . L a - Miss Barbara Abdalla (AB), P.O. Mrs. Thomas Betts (Judi B<I>), 2408 F a i r -
Kappa Tau
Lambda Tau fayette, L A 70501 U N I V E R S I T Y of S W Box 51348, Lafayette, L A 70501 way D r . . Baton Rouge, L A 70809 Tele:
Pi L O U I S I A N A Tele: 318-233-0134 504-924-3329
Pi Kappa Miss Allyson Villars 2433 College Sta. Ham- Mrs. Lionel Borden (Vonnie K T ) , Mrs. T o m Spencer (Jan SO), 115 E . 22nd
Sigma Omicron mond, L A 80401 S O U T H E A S T E R N 905 Western Ave., Hammond, L A St., Lombard, I L 60148 Tele: 312-495-
L O U I S I A N A Tele: 504-345-3964 70401 2186 (Until December)
Alumnae Chapters Mrs. T o m Spencer (Jan SO), 115 E . 22nd
Arlington Mid- Miss Mittie King Madison Hall N . L . U . Mon- Mrs. Kenneth Herbert (Julia A T ) , St.. Lombard. I L 60148 Tele: 312-495-
roe, L A 71201 N O R T H E A S T L O U I S I - 2301 Bienville, Monroe, L A 71201 2186 (Until December)
Cities A N A Tele: 318-372-2658 Mrs. Thomas R . Betts (Judi B<f>), 2408
Austin Fairway D r . , Baton Rouge, L A 70809
Baton Rouge Miss A m y Knight 1013 Broadway New Or- Mrs. Adelaide Falgout (4>), 101 N . Tele: 504-924-3329
Dallas leans, L A 70118 H . S O P H I E N E W C O M B Gatehouse D r . , Metairie, L A 70001 Mrs. Francis G . Bryan ( L i z * ) , 2606
Fort Worth C O L L E G E Tele: 504-861-3812 Mrs. Bill Fitzgerald ( E r n a S K ) , 2408 Whisper Leaves, San Antonio, T X 78230
Houston Tele: 512-692-1128
Jonesboro Miss Deb Stanley Hardin North Apts. 801 Bluffview, Austin, T X 78704 Mrs. Anthony P. LaMarca (Grace A T ) ,
Lafayette, L A W. 24th St. Austin, T X 78705 U N I V E R - 2610 Wilshire, Monroe, L A 71201 Tele:
Little Rock S I T Y of T E X A S Tele: 512-476-7043 318-387-3573
Lower Rio Grande
Miss Cindy Truxton Box 928, State U State Mrs. Joe Clay Young (Nancy 2 0 ) , Regional Director
Valley University, A R 72467 A R K A N S A S 1215 Country Club Terrace, Jones- Mrs. Francis G . Bryan ( L i z 4>), 2606
Monroe S T A T E Tele: 501-972-2184 boro, A R 72401
New Orleans Whisper Leaves, San Antonio, T X 78230
Oklahoma City President Meeting Tele: 512-692-1128
Permian Basin Mrs. Francis Bryan ( L i z 4*), 2606 Whisper
San Antonio Mrs. J . Patrick Spencer (Phyllis * 0 ) 1901 Third Monday Leaves, San Antonio, T X 78230 Tele:
Shreveport Signet Euless, T X 76039 Tele: 817-283-6082 512-692-1128
Tulsa Mrs. Anthony P. LaMarca (Grace A T ) ,
Mrs. Richard Wrentz (Isabelle U K ) 1605 Monthly 2610 Wilshire, Monroe, L A 71201 Tele:
Enfield Austin, T X 78703 Tele: 512-472- Monthly 318-387-3573
1221 Call President Mrs. Francis G . Bryan ( L i z 4>), 2606
Monthly Whisper Leaves, San Antonio, T X 78230
Mrs. Randel J . Abshire (Margaret AO) 1640 2nd Thursday Tele: 512-692-1128
Avondale D r . Baton Rouge, L A 70808 Mrs. Francis G . Bryan ( L i z 4>). 2606
Tele: 504-924-3795 Call President Whisper Leaves, San Antonio, T X 78230
Tele: 512-692-1128
Mrs. Raymond Kramer (Barbara B * ) 7516 Mrs. Francis G . Bryan ( L i z * ) , 2606 Whis-
Chattington Dallas, T X 75240 Tele: 214- per Leaves, San Antonio, T X 78230
233-6495 Tele: 512-692-1128
Mrs. Anthony P. LaMarca (Grace AT),
Mrs. Milton E . Aldrich (Mary I ) 3917 Clay- 2610 Wilshire, Monroe, L a 71201 Tele:
ton R d . E . F t . Worth, T X 76116 Tele: 817- 318-387-3573
737-6925 Mrs. Thomas R . Betts (Judi B4>), 2408
Fairway Drive, Baton Rouge, L A 70809
Mrs. Richard Hulbert (Harriet I>) 12215 Tele: 504-924-3329
Taylor Crest Houston, T X 77024 Tele: Mrs. Anthony P. LaMarca (Grace AT),
713-464-3553 2610 Wilshire, Monroe, L A 71201 Tele:
Mrs. Jack Griffin (Cathryn SO) Lake City, Mrs. Francis G . Bryan, 2606 Whisper
A R 72437 Tele: 501-237-4516 Leaves, San Antonio, T X 78230 Tele:
Mrs. Wayne L . C o m e (Judith E . AB) 1500 Monthly Mrs. T o m Spencer (Jan SO), 115 E . 22nd
Myrtle Place Lafayette, L A 70501 Tele: Call President S t , Lombard, I L 60148 Tele: 312-495-
318-232-6070 2186 (Until December)
Mrs. Thomas R . Betts (Judy B * ) , 2408
Miss Patsy James 6200 Asher Apt. 270 Little Fairway Dr., Baton Rouge, L A 70809
Rock, A R 72204 Tele: 501-565-5891 Tele: 504-924-3329
Mrs. Anthony P. LaMarca (Grace AT),
Mrs. L . Walker (Janet NK) Route 2 Box 2610 Wilshire, Monroe, L A 71201 Tele:
101 Mission, T X 78572 Tele: Unavailable 318-387-3573
Mrs. Francis G . Bryan ( L i z * ) , 2606
Mrs. Calvin B . Folds (Peggy AT) 2503 P a r - Quarterly Whisper Leaves, San Antonio, T X 78230
goud Blvd. Monroe, L A 71201 Tele: 314- No Regular Date Tele: 512-692-1128
323-0255 Call President Mrs. Francis G . Bryan ( L i x * ) , 2606
Whisper Leaves, San Antonio, T X 78230
Mrs. William C . Lowry (Donna n ) 1442 Tele: 512-692-1128
Focis S t , Metairie, L A 70005 Tele: 504- Mrs. Anthony P. LaMarca (Grace AT),
835-7625 2610 Wilshire, Monroe, L A 71201, Tele:
Mrs. John W . Hunt (Elizabeth O) 3216 N W Mrs. Anthony M . LaMarca (Grace AT),
22nd Oklahoma City, O K 73107 Tele: 405- 2610 Wilshire, Monroe, L A 71201 Tele:
946-7189 318-387-3573

Mrs. James M . Humble (Jo AO) 3108 H u m -
ble Midland, T X 79701 Tele: 915-694-6335

Mrs. Ralph Cornwell (Virginia (4>0) 3642
Richwood Drive San Antonio, T X 78230
Tele: 512-696-1261

Mrs. Ogan W . Gajdos (XS) 257 E . Linden
Shreveport, L A 71104 Tele: 318-868-0242

Mrs. Norman Barrow (Carole K 9 ) 6010 Monthly
South 75th E a s t Ave. Tulsa, O K 74145 Call President
Tele: 918-627-5267


Vice. President—Mrs. Robert W. Belk (Nancy y A )
255 Jayne Ave., Oakland, C A 94610
Tele: 415-451-4430

Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah

Extension Officer—Mrs. R . W. Spencer (Lucile Z ) , P.O. Drawer B, Scottsdale, A Z 85252 Tele: 602-947-6391

Finance Officer—-Mrs. Francis Lipscomb (Pat K 0 ) , 19901 Sheffield Lane, Huntington Beach, C A 92646 Tele: 714-

62 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971

Meetings Chairman- -Mrs. W. Carton (Marianne y ) , 1262 Upas St., San Diego, C A 92103 Tele: 714-298-2150
Mrs. Philip Holtkamp (Susan Q), 485 Santa Dominga, Solana Beach, C A 92075 Tele: 714-

Philanthropic Coordinator—Miss Janlyn Moody, 11548 Magnolia, Apt. 105, North Hollywood, C A Tele: Un-

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Chi Delta Miss Beth Lewis 1015 15th St. Boulder, C O M r s . Charles Bailey (Julie K * ) , 1436 Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
Kappa Theta
Lambda Beta 80302 U N I V E R S I T Y of C O L O R A D O Monroe, Denver, C O 80239 1812 O a k w o o d A v e . , A r c a d i a , C A 91006
Sigma Tele: 303-443-3396 Miss Jessica Lane ( K O ) , 1328 M i d - Tele: 213-355-2884
Sigma Phi Miss Judy L a y t o n 894 H i l g a r d A v e . Los Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
Theta Omega Angeles, C A 90024 U C L A Tele: 213-474- vale Ave., Los Angeles, C A 90024 1812 Oakwood A v e . , A r c a d i a , C A 91006
4602 Mrs. Philip Slep (Mildred P ) , 15321 Tele: 213-355-2884
Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
Miss Barbara Kramer 210 Temple St. Long Vermont St., Westminster, C A 1812 O a k w o o d A v e . , A r c a d i a , C A 91006
Beach, C A 90803 C A L I F O R N I A S T A T E 92683 Tele: 213-355-2884
Tele: 213-434-9213 Mrs. Thomas Thompson (Joann £ ) , Miss Lynne Rumsey ( 6 0 ) , 15601 N o . 19th
312 Camino Sobrante, Orinda, C A A v e . # 2 8 , Phoenix, A Z 85023 Tele: 602-
Miss Gail Pilchman 2311 Prospect St. Berke- 94563 263-5600
ley, C A 94704 U N I V E R S I T Y o f C A L - Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
I F O R N I A Tele: 415-845-9077 M r s . Douglas K a d e l ( G i n n y BP.), 1812 O a k w o o d A v e . , A r c a d i a , C A 91006
665 Campus Heights, Flagstaff, A Z Tele: 213-355-2884
Miss Kathy Herron 6715 Bianca Ave. V a n 86001 M r s . F r a n k Weinberg (Becky X A ) , 859 E .
Nuys, C A 91406 S A N F E R N A N D O V A L - 9th Place, Mesa, A Z 85203 Tele: 602-
L E Y C O L L E G E Tele: 213-344-6196 Mrs. Daniel H . Campbell (Sharon 969-0114
T A ) , 4426 E. LaJolla Circle, Tuc-
Upsilon Alpha Miss Deborah Combs C . U . Box 7617 N o r t h - son, A Z 85711 M r s . F r a n k Weinberg (Becky X A ) , 859 E .
ern Arizona University Flagstaff, A Z 86001 9th Place, Mesa, A Z 85203 Tele: 602-
Tele: 602-523-4302
Alumnae chapter Monthly, 2nd Tuesday Regional Director
Miss Candice Scott 1731 East Second St. Call President
Albuquerque Tucson, A Z 85719 U N I V E R S I T Y of A R I - Mrs. Frank Weinberg (Becky X A ) , 859 E.
Z O N A Tele: 602-793-7161 Monthly, 2nd Monday 9th Place, Mesa, A Z 85203 Tele: 602-
Call President 969-0114
President Monthly, 2nd Wednesday
Contra Costa M r s . Jack Trenkle (Rosemarie Z) 3305 Black Miss Lynne Rumsey ( 6 0 ) , 15601 N . 19th
Call President Ave. # 2 8 , Phoenix, A Z 85023 Tele: 602-
Hills Ct. N E Albuquerque, N M 87111 263-5600
Tele: 505-299-7333 Call President
Denver Mrs. G . T . Root, Jr. (Connie 2 ) 731 E l Monthly, 3rd Wednesday Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
Verano D r . Walnut Creek, C A 95898 Tele: Call President 1812 Oakwood Ave., Arcadia, C A 91006
415-932-2229 Third Monday, Oct., Dec, Tele: 213-355-2884
M r s . D a n Hansen (Judith Z ) 8539 West Vas-
East Bay sar Drive Denver, C O 80227 Tele: 303-985- Feb., Apr., Call President Miss Lynne Rumsey (©£2). 15601 N . 19th
2203 Meeting Ave. # 2 8 , Phoenix, A Z 85023 Tele: 602-
M r s . Walter Taylor (Rodna 2 ) 5954 Rincon Monthly, 3rd Thursday 263-5600
Drive Oakland, C A 94611 Tele: 415-339- Call President
Flagstaff 0130 Monthly, 2nd Thursday M r s . F r a n k Weinberg (Becky X A ) , 859 E .
M r s . W i l l i a m Epperson (Suzan 6 0 ) 1720 9th Place, Mesa, A Z 85203 Tele: 602-
N o r t h Navajo Flagstaff, A Z 86001 Tele: 969-0114
Ft. Collins-Creeley M r s . Sydney Anders ( M e r l e T ) 1913 M o - Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
hawk Ft. Collins, CO 80521 Tele: 303-482- 1812 O a k w o o d A v e . , A r c a d i a , C A 91006
6276 Tele: 213-355-2884
M r s . A . M . C r a w f o r d (Georgina O) 1181 E .
Fresno Ashlan Ave. Fresno, C A 93704 Tele: 204- Miss Lynne Rumsey ( 6 0 ) , 15601 N . 19th
224-4622 Ave. # 2 8 , Phoenix, A Z 85023 Tele: 602-
M r s . Perry Hadley (Sue K 6 ) 1314 D o r o t h y 263-5600
Drive Glendale, C A 91202 Tele: 213-244-
Glendale 7368 Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
Miss D i x i e D o n o h o (AB) 3055 H o l l i n g e r St. 1812 O a k w o q d A v e . , Arcadia, C A 91006
Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 Tele: Unavailable Tele: 213-355-2884

Honolulu M r s . W i l l i a m Parson (Sherlene A l l ) 5625 Miss Lynne Rumsey ( 8 0 ) , 15601 N . 19th
Reiter Ave. Las Vagas, N V 89108 Tele: A v e . # 2 8 , Phoenix, A Z 85023 Tele: 602-
702-648-2944 263-5600

Las Vegas M r s . Charles Blackwell (Claudia I T ) 149 So. Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
M a i n # 7 Smithfield, U T 84335 Tele: U n - 1812 O a k w o o d A v e . , Arcadia, C A 91006,
available Tele: 213-355-2884

Logan M r s . John F . McDowell ( M a r i l y n A B ) 2950 Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
Deerford Lakewood, C A 90712 Tele: 213- 1812 O a k w o o d A v e . , Arcadia, C A 91006,
423-2595 Tele: 213-355-2884

Long Beach M r s . T r u d y Lockwood ( K 6 ) 11931 D o r o t h y Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
Drive Los Angeles, C A 90049 Tele: 213- 1812 O a k w o o d A v e . , A r c a d i a , C A 91006,
Los Angeles 826-7279 Tele: 213-355-2884
Marin County
Mrs. Ruthann Cantel ( £ ) 2 Allensby Lane Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
San Rafael, C A 94901 Tele: 415-456-4926 1812 O a k w o o d A v e . , A r c a d i a , C A 91006,
Tele: 213-355-2884
Mrs. James D . Palmer (Marilyn NA) 8 Hes- Miss Lynne Rumsey ( 6 0 ) , 15601 N . 19th
Ave., # 2 8 , Phoenix, A Z 85023 Tele:
keth Drive Menlo Park, Ca 94025 Tele: 602-263-5600
Alumnae Chapter M r s . Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) 1182 Regional Advisor
Oakwood Ave. Arcadia, C A 91006 Tele:
Palo Alto 213-355-2884 Miss Lynne Rumsey ( 6 0 ) , 15601 N . 19th
M r s . Robert Lindley (Pam T A ) 3815 E . Ave.. # 2 8 , P h o e n i x , - A Z 85023 Tele:
Pasadena Shangrila Phoenix, A Z 85028 Tele: 602- 602-263-5600
Phoenix Mrs. Thomas Longmire ( N o r m a K P ) 6783 Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
Oleander Ct. Riverside, C A 92506 Tele: 1812 O a k w o o d A v e . , Arcadia, C A 91006
Riverside 714-683-0222 Tele: 213-355-2884
Mrs. A . L . Blubaugh (Esse X A ) 3010 D o r -
Sacramento laine Ct. Sacramento, C A 95821 Tele: 916- M r s . Frank Weinberg (Becky X A ) , 859 E .
482-7327 9th Place, Mesa, A Z 85203 Tele: 602-

Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
1812 O a k w o o d A v e . , Arcadia, C A 91006
Tele: 213-355-2884

Miss Lynne Rumsey ( 6 0 ) , 15601 N . 19th
Ave., # 2 8 Phoenix, A Z 85023 Tele:

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—WINTER of 1971 63

Salt Lake City REGION VIII (Continned) Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
San Diego 1812 Oakwood Ave., Arcadia, C A 91006
San Fernando M r s . Glen O. Jensen ( K a t h y I T ) 320 W . 100 Tele: 213-355-2884
N o r t h Logan, U T 84321 Tele: 801-752-9019
Valley Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
San Jose Mrs. Edward Sutor (Terry E A ) 5727 Honors Monthly—2nd Thursday 1812 O a k w o o d A v e . , Arcadia, C A 91006
San Mateo Dr. San Diego, C A 92122 Tele: 714-453- Monthly, 3rd Wednesday Tele: 213-355-2884
Southern C A 3051
Call President Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
Council Mrs. Donald Zeledon (Melnida 2 ) Monthly, Call President 1812 Oakwood A v e . , Arcadia, C A 91006
Southern Orange 3rd Wednesday 5101 D e l Morino D r . 4th Tuesday Tele: 213-355-2884
Woodland Hills, C A 91364 Tele: 213-348- Monthly, 4th Wednesday
County 7581 Miss Lynne Rumsey ( 6 0 ) , 15601 N . 19th
Tucson Ave., # 2 8 Phoenix, A Z 85023 Tele:
Mrs. H a r r y L . Evans (Charlotte T ) 553 Car- 602-263-5600
rick Ct. Sunnyvale, C A 94087 Tele: 408-
739-3983 Miss Lynne Rumsey ( 6 0 ) , 15601 N . 19th
A v e . . # 2 8 Phoenix, A Z 85023 Tele:
Mrs. John Silliman (Carol AS) 264 Arundel 602-263-5600
Road San Carlos, C A 94070 Tele: 415-593-
5323 Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
1812 O a k w o o d A v e . , Arcadia, C A 91006
Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) 1812 Tele: 213-355-2884
Oakwood Ave. Arcadia, C A 91006 Tele:
213-355-2884 Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene X A ) ,
1812 O a k w o o d A v e . , Arcadia, C A 91006
Mrs. James Ferrell (Penne NA) 21152 Bing- Tele: 213-355-2884
hampton Circle Huntington Beach, C A
92646 Tele: 714-968-3243 Mrs. Frank Weinberg (Becky X A ) , 859 E .
9th Place, Mesa, A Z 85203 Tele: 602-
M r s . J . F . H o r n ( M a r g a r e t T A ) Route 8, B o x 969-0114
382 Tucson, A Z 85702 Tele: 602-298-6871


Is Looking Have some fun singing at your Lee Swing with lyrics like this—
alumnae chapter meetings! To AOLT I pledge my loyalty, For
for it is my ideal sorority, And though
Yes, you gals who haven't sung I leave, etc.
Transfers an A o n song since you finished col-
lege, can sing now with the words (Now you do remember some
or and music of the new Songbook. of these good old songs, don't you?)
And for those of you who might And, wait 'til you see some of the
Graduate be tempted to say, "I'm sure they N E W ones! Guaranteed (almost)
don't sing the songs I know any to be very easy to learn and to
Students more," you are invited to buy this sound absolutely beautiful!
new song edition which contains
Our sorority is looking for girls who those old favorites like Girl of AOII Send just $2.50 to Central Office
might enjoy working with another (to the tune of In the Garden of for each copy plus postage. AOIIs
A O I I chapter, either as a transfer Tomorrow), Once More United, singing at alumnae meetings might
student, or as a graduate student. Here's to the Freshmen, Toast to help to create some more of that
AOII sung to the Washington and wonderful AOII feeling! At only
For additional information, write: $2.50 each for the Songbooks.

Mrs. Joseph Sweeder
3150 N. Lake Shore Drive

Chicago, Illinois 60657

The And here's a handy coupon to clip and mail to Central Office just
Executive Committee to make sure that you have your new AOII Songbook while it's hot off
the presses. Remember that the price is $2.50 plus postage.
The Installation Alpha Omicron Pi for AOII Songbooks
Suite No. 109, STATE ZIP
of an 3000 Meadows Parkway,
Alumnae Chapter Indianapolis, Indiana 46205

Martin, Tenn.,
Oct. 15

Vice President, ADDRESS
Region III,
Mary Ann Caldwell
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — W I N T E R of 1971

Copy Call For TO DRAGMA Reporters For
Spring And Summer, Editions

Collegiate Reporters Alumnae Reporters

Nov. 1, 1971, your material and feature stories Nov. 1, 1971, your material and feature stories
for the Spring issue of T O D R A G M A are due to for the Spring issue of T O D R A G M A are due to
the editor. Copy for the summer issue, 1972, is the editor. Copy for the Summer issue, 1972, is
due Feb. 1-15. due Feb. 1-15.

Write 1-2 pages on traditions of your chapter, Send report on chapter's activities, special
or describe practices, customs and events that events.
have become traditional.
Send report or story on any individual mem-
Send reports on chapter achievements, honors, ber of the chapter who has gained special recog-
participation in chapter, campus-wide events and nition in your community either in connection
individual honors of chapter members. Please, with your alumnae chapter or in other fields. Send
send good black and white photographs whenever good black and white photographs when avail-
possible to illustrate both assignments. able to illustrate your reports.

T O D R A G M A R E P O R T E R S : Please, type all stories and letters, double or triple space on one side of paper only. If
sending newspaper clippings, please note the names of the publication, location and date news appeared. Sign your
name and chapter.

eiuHupoiAMteuQvun S E E OTHER SIDE


Central Office
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205

Please Note: Self-addressed (see other side) Change
of Address or Name C a r d .

Cut out! Fill In! Mail!

To AOII Parents

Your daughter's magazine is sent to her home address
until graduation so you can learn more about AOII and
TO DRAGMA. If she is no longer in college and is not
living at home, please send her present address to
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Address on the form below


To: Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office (Street)
Husband's Name
Maiden Name
Collegiate Chapter
New Address

(City) _of (State| (Zip I
New Address Effective For speedier service
Present Office Held Attach Old T.D. Label


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