(The ultimate aim of NSS)
National Service Scheme
Dyal Singh College (Morning)
From The desk of PAGE NO.1
1 Principal
2 Programme Officer
3 President
4 Vice President
5. Treasurer
6. Secretary
7. Joint Secretary
8. Editors
9. Our Team
1. Doctors
2. Police Officer
3. Teacher
4. Reporter
Creative Section
1. Poems
2. Essays
Nss Events' Reports
Arts corner
I am delighted to hear that the NSS unit of Dyal Singh College (Morning) is publishing its first
ever annual magazine “सद्भावना”, which refers to a sense of responsibility, benevolence. The name
precisely defines the aim of the National Service Scheme, especially during these arduous times.
It is appreciative that even during these hard times the volunteers have shown tremendous
courage, enthusiasm to help those in need and spread awareness even while being stranded at
their places. These volunteers are certainly inspired by the motto of NSS ‘NOT ME BUT YOU’
and demonstrate the same. It is rightly said that your attitude is reflected in your actions, and
this is true for everyone especially these young volunteers, who reflect the core values of Dyal
Singh College (M) that is converting the challenges into opportunities.
History has repeatedly demonstrated, humanity is the greatest virtue of all time. Our foremost
respect and gratitude goes to the frontline warriors and their families who even after knowing
all the risks, continued to serve their nation with full dedication.
We also extend our deepest condolences to the families of those who lost their lives serving the
nation. It’s impressive that the unit has come up with the interviews of frontline corona
worriers to acknowledge their work. It is imperative to mention that the achievements of the
unit throughout the year have been laudable, with many more to come. The difference we
made in the lives of the people is the real reason to continue noble deeds.
These young minds are the future of the nation and should be nurtured with full dedication
and as educators it’s our responsibility to provide a conducive environment for such learning. A
holistic development is the need of the hour as we try to get back to normalcy, it’s important to
inculcate the right attitude and approach towards our future endeavors. The past two years
have been tiring for everyone, and life has taught us all many lessons in perseverance,
resilience, self-reliance and the need for connecting with the community. It’s time to
channelize the potential of these young creative, dedicated, ambitious minds to become strong
individuals with deeply rooted values, of respect, humanity and compassion.
Lastly, I would like to congratulate the whole team and contributors for their continuous
efforts in launching this brilliant piece of work magazine.
I wish the Volunteers the very best for their future endeavors.
Prof. V. K. Paliwal
Principal (Officiating)
To serve is beautiful, but only if it is done with a whole heart and a free mind. In today’s
contemporary world the students are unable to move forward and look beyond studies. The
pandemic has worsened the situation and made us question our future. NSS imparts an individual
with a sense of welfare and develops an individual’s personality through community service. It is
my privilege of being the Programme Officer of the NSS Dyal Singh College (Morning), as I have
seen them grow commendably. I am proud enough to say that our volunteers are rigorously
adhering to the motto of “Not Me But You” and are giving in their best to make a positive change
in the society. They overcome all the obstacles faced by them with avidity and credence. As a team
they have continued working despite the constraint and barriers that came through the sudden
shift to digital platforms. The COVID even though made it difficult for us all but it also
strengthened the community networks without feeling socially isolated and helped us to spread
more awareness.
NSS helps the society to understand the conundrum and showcases the solution through their
tough grind and taking up the obligation that comes with it. Their motivation and spirit to serve
were unparalleled and kept the morale of the group high by their collective altruism and humanity
in dispensing their duties towards the society. Our social media handles have been always
dynamic and active throughout in creating optimistic content and spreading awareness. The
team’s aesthetic knack is also portrayed through all the events and competitions organized by
them and how they lead it by giving it their all. Our core team and all the post holders work with
full dedication and keep the volunteers exhilarated so that they excel in what they do.
The zeal and fortitude to serve the society has helped us as an individual to find self satisfaction
by making a change, which may be minute for us but can make an immense difference in
somebody’s life.
I congratulate the team on publishing the first ever magazine of NSS Dyal Singh College (Morning)
- "सद्भावना" I would like to acknowledge all the efforts put in by each volunteer of the society and
wish them luck for their life ahead.
Dr. Uma Shanker Singh
Programme Officer
NSS is not just a Society it’s a family. It has Right from the seniors, who have
not only helped me to do my bit for the constantly guided me, batchmates who
society but also groomed me as an have inspired and supported me, to the
Individual. Being in NSS for 3 years has been juniors who have been the primary
a wholesome journey, right from the time of component in strengthening the whole
induction when I was completely unaware of team - it's been fulfilling in every sense. I
its constituents to being the Event Co- have had the privilege to witness NSS
ordinator and now, leading the team as grow in the past three years. Words will
President. never be enough to express how grateful I
NSS has been a platform providing me the am to NSS and its members for giving me
space to discover myself, the means to the best possible time at Dyal Singh
improve, the shades of positivity and College, innuumerable experiences, and
satisfaction, intrinsically going through the lifelong memories.
transition while being able to add value to Due to Covid-19 pandemic a sudden shift
the causes, all under its ambit. These three from working on gound level to organizing
years of my college life were shaped entirely everything on digital platforms hasn't
by NSS and that is why we call it our "NSS been a cakewalk. But what didn't change
Family". It is because of NSS that today I aim was our dedication and commitment to
to serve society in a broader sense. aware and serve the society.
I am grateful and proud when I say that
Be it going in slums and Celebrating Diwali even in trying times, my entire NSS family
there, Cloth Distribution. Drive, Teaching the worked together and made people smile. I
kids and so on, our volunteers have tried to will always cherish the time here.
keep the motto - "Not Me But You" above
everything else. The value and role of social PAGE NO.4
service in society becomes all the more
important during such trying times. I have
seen my entire team giving their best to
achieve our shared goals.
It's nothing short of a privilege to write here, Our annual magazine सद्भावना' is a
If our team has created even the smallest reflection of our achievements and
positive impact in the lives of people. I'm successes and lets the readers get a
proud because I understand that every big feel of the work we do through words. I
change begins from the smallest efforts. NSS hope that सद्भावना will inspire you to
ended up being a place where I found come together and partake in an
myself, where found my tribe, and where I endeavour to speak the truths that you
found my heart that now beats for service carry in your hearts and minds, and I
and humanity. Leaving NSS would be hope it inspires you to uplift not only
difficult but I have full faith that the yourself, but also others.
upcoming team and team leaders will
definitely break previous records. With this, I wish everyone,
Happy Reading
Sonu Sharma
The happiest people I know are those
who lose themselves in the service of
— Gordon B. Hinckley
I am very delighted to be a part of this them, and then the feeling of receiving a
wonderful journey. NSS is not just a society state level award from the CEO office,
for me, it is like my family . Working with all Delhi is so profound that I would cherish
the enthusiastic juniors and batchmates is it forever.
something I really enjoyed. Being the vice Our first ever magazine "सद्भावना" is a
president of NSS is a responsibility, which I reflection of the dedication of our
tried to perform with full dedication. Still, I volunteers to "bring change with vision"
believe the real power lies within the in this society. I hope you all will find it
volunteers who with their continuous efforts creative, informative and engaging. Also,
can bring the change, and I have realised this I hope it will inspire you to uplift not
after being a volunteer. The NSS journey only yourself, but also others. I would
throughout has taught me many lessons and like to thank my Principal sir, PO sir and
carved me into a more courteous, my diligent team members for believing
courageous, visionary and committed social in me and letting me lead the team with
worker. Working offline for over two president Sonu Sharma. This may be my
semesters and then having to manage and last session with NSS but the bond I have
organise events remotely due to the created with the team would last forever.
pandemic had been a great challenge in itself
but it could not stop the zeal of our Anchal Dhama
volunteers to work for the society. Vice President
Also, I'd like to thank our core team for 2021-22
organising such engaging activities like
online competitions, webinars, and several
drives that drew hundreds of participants as
well as government offices, ministries, which
resulted in getting work opportunities from
Aayushi A single thought about NSS, and my brain releases the dopamine
in an amount that is sufficient to lighten up my mood for the whole
day. My journey in this esteemed organization started with a vision
of serving others is filling me with numerous teachings which I
want to hold tightly for my entire life and it was the support and
belief of all the volunteers that always inspired me to perform my
duty of a treasurer wholeheartedly. I know that the future is
unpredictable but I am sure that the motivation I get from the work
of NSS will not fade away with time, in fact I am grateful that it
assisted me with understanding my obligations towards society.
Joining NSS was among the top most priority in the beginning of
my college journey. I still remember how excited I was for the
recruitment process. I am heartily thankful to serve as a secretary.
I always endeavour to contribute with the best of my efforts and
potential through the opportunities provided by my society. A
sense of energy and enthusiasm has always been with me while
serving as one of the members of this unit and with the same zeal I
am looking forward to all the events which will come in the future.
Ritish NSS's ultimate goal is to spread kindness and work selflessly for
the greater good of humanity. NSS volunteers work day and night
for the benefit of society, as indicated by their logo. The
fundamental lesson that NSS has always strived to communicate is
that compassion comes at no cost. If one has a kind heart, a desire
to make the world a better place to live and the mental drive to
work towards that goal, then one can certainly achieve it.
It's an honour to be the editor of our much-awaited inaugural annual publication - "सद्भावना" . The name itself has been the
most deliberated one, that was found suitable keeping in mind the pandemic. Having said that, as we attempt to return to
normalcy, it's time to acknowledge the diligent efforts of our frontline workers. To honor them, we have dedicated a part of
our magazine to these frontline warriors who served the nation during these turbulent times.
Also, to make this publication more engaging, we have tried to address societal concerns in both Hindi and English, making it
bilingual and reader-friendly. It is pertinent to note that this magazine demonstrates our best efforts to bring positive
change to society.
Lastly, I would like to thank the whole team and the contributors for their fervent efforts.
We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed creating it.
Have a great read!
Social service for me is an emotion. It gives me self satisfaction and pleasure to help the
needy. Through the NSS platform I have explored and discovered an incognito side to me. I
feel truly glad to be the editor of the first ever magazine of NSS Dyal Singh College (M) which
is "सद्भावना".
This society makes you feel great about yourself and all the beautiful people here are full of
enthusiasm and strong spirit. Grateful that this society has taught me the meaning of true
service through teamwork, friendships, and more confidence. Each volunteer has contributed
towards this magazine in some or the other way and I hope that you can receive all the love
we wanted to reach to you through this magazine.
'सद्भावना' का संपादन करना बहुत अच्छा अनुभव रहा। भाषा भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने का माध्यम है
और जब यह भाषा हमारी मातृभाषा हो तो कार्य सरल और प्रवाभमय हो जाता है। मनुष्य के शब्द तथा
उसका उन्हें प्रस्तुत करने का ढं ग उनके व्यक्तित्व का प्रतिबिंब होता है। दयाल सिंह (प्रातः) महाविद्यालय
की राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना के बहुत से सदस्यों ने समाजिक विषयों को आधार बनाकर अपनी सृजनात्मक
कृ तियाँ, कविता, कहानी, निबंध, चित्र आदि के रूप में, प्रकाशन के लिए भेजे,जिनका संपादक कर
उत्तम प्रकार से आप सभी तक पहुँचाने का प्रयास रहे हैं । आशा करते हैं कि 'सद्भावना' पत्रिका को
पढ़ने में आपको आन्नद प्राप्त हो तथा इसके मर्म को आप अपनी चेतना से आत्मसात कर पाएँ।
Talk with our COVID
(PAGE.12 TO PAGE.13)
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(PAGE.18 TO PAGE.19)
Dr. Shivang Sharma Dr. Disha Chaudhary
Q1. War against the corona pandemic is all about challenges. How
would you like to describe it?
Dr. Shivang - It was a devastating situation where we were receiving a large number
of patients, around 200 -250 each day, their families were pleading to admit their
patient but we were helpless as we had setups for hundred beds only. Another major
challenge at the peak of covid had been the shortage of oxygen cylinders, equipments
and medicines. Along with that, we faced low salary packages, as doctors we are
obligated to perform but think of the fourth-grade staff who have been risking their
lives for say around six to seven thousand a month, many of them quit the job and we
faced staff shortage and increased workload. Lastly as an individual it was
exhausting both physically and mentally to be isolated from family, especially when
we have seen so many deaths on a daily basis. It was traumatising and many of us
had breakdowns. With all this we also faced the loss of our colleagues, seniors and
mentors. One of them was Dr. K.K Aggarwal who served the nation till his last breath.
Q2. Did you also get infected with the virus?
Dr. Disha - Yes, I was infected twice, and my situation was critical both times. When I
was initially infected, I was on oxygen for three days, but by God's grace, I am now
healthy and serving my country with zeal.
Q3. How according to you, can one maintain a healthy lifestyle?
Dr. Shivang- To stay safe, happy and healthy it is important to adopt a good lifestyle. Take
healthy food and a balanced diet because these are the basic sources of better functioning of
immune cells and for the students, eating enough nutrients in a diet with inclusion of physical
activities in daily life is a must thing especially in a time when all of you are stuck in online
classes. Also I would like to add that hand sanitation and mask wearing should not end with the
end of covid period, in fact it should be included in our daily life routine.
Q4. How challenging was it for you to give duty in these severe
corona waves?
Dr. Disha - When it first reached us, it was a difficult situation to deal with since in India,
the doctor-to-patient ratio is around 1:900, which was far exceeded in this pandemic.
Everyone worked in 48-hour shifts, wore masks and PPE kits for lengthy periods of time,
and suffered from facial cuts and allergies as a result of excessive perspiration while
DR. Disha Dhamawearing the PPE kits. People avoided us like we were corona virus hotspots during the
initial wave. They were very careful and guarded. Many people would close their doors
after seeing us, and I'm sure many more faced such scenarios.
(Designation )
Q5. What was the reaction of your family when they got to know
about your duty in the corona ward?
Dr. Shivang - My parents have been encouraging even after knowing the conditions they
motivated me to serve the nation. And I think it’s not just about my family, the families of
all the frontline warriors have kept a brave face. They are also warriors and deserve
appreciation. Along with that the faith the nation has shown in us is tremendous and I
vividly recall how on March 22, 2020 , the whole nation clapped for us and expressed their
admiration for our hard work, and this lasted for many days, making us feel like heroes
and boosting our self-confidence.
Q6. We observe that in this third corona wave people are more
careless than before. What do you want to say in this regard?
Dr. Disha - I'd want to emphasise the importance of carefully following all of the Covid
protocols, since I've noticed that 80 to 90% of patients do not wear masks properly, with
the mask remaining on their chin or below their nose. They keep touching and adjusting
their mask, which is very wrong. "Once you wear it, just remove it when you wish to
discard it," is the correct method to use a mask. People also use cloth masks, which are
completely ineffective and are frequently reused after washing. I urge everyone to wear
disposable surgical or N95 masks while visiting hospitals. A surgical mask may provide
up to 90% protection, and utilising two masks at the same time can provide up to 100%
प्रश्न १. पहली और दूसरी कोरोना लहर के समय आपको किन-किन परिस्थितियों का
सामना करना पड़ा?
उत्तर: अपनी ,३४ साल की पुलिस सर्विस में मैंने ऐसी परिस्थितियों की कभी कल्पना भी नहीं की थी लेकिन एक देश
सेवक होने के नाते हम अपने देश की जनता की सुरक्षा के लिए हर जोखिम उठाने को तैयार हैं। जब हमे कोरोना के
चलते २४-२४ घंटे की ड्यूटी देनी पड़ी, तब भी हमने ये खुशी-खुशी स्वीकार किया क्योंकि अगर पुलिस ही महामारी के
खिलाफ जंग में आगे नहीं रहेगी तो जनता-जनार्दन का मनोबल फ़ीका पड़ जाता। मुझे याद है, कोरोना की दूसरी लहर
जो की २०२१ के अप्रैल व मई में आई थी, के समय जब चारो तरफ हाहाकार मचा, व मृत्यु दर ४० फीसद तक बढ़ गया
था तब भी हम हर दिन बिना डरे आपने देश की और इस वर्दी की कसम खाकर निकल जाते थे। हर समय मास्क, फे स
शील्ड लगाए रखने की वजह से मुँह पर निशान पड़ गए थे और जब सबसे पहले सरकार द्वारा फ्रं ट लाइन वर्क र्स को
वैक्सिन की फर्स्ट डोज़ लगवाई गई तब मुझे ३ दिन बुखार आया लेकिन आराम करने की फ़ु रसत भी नहीं मिली। मेरी
ड्यूटी दयालपुर थाना(जोहरीपुर दिल्ली) पर थी जो की दिल्ली का रेड जोन था, तब जान का खतरा भी बहुत था लेकिन
ईश्वर और भारत माता की कृ पा से मैं आज भी अपने वतन की सेवा कर पा रहा हूँ।
प्रश्न २. क्या आपको लगता है कि इस तीसरी लहर के चलते लोग कोविड नियमों के
पालन में असावधानी बरत रहे हैं?
उत्तर: जी हाँ, हम यह कह सकते हैं कि जैसे-जैसे सरकार कोविड प्रतिबंधियाँ कम करती जा रही है वैसे-वैसे
जनता लहपरवाह हो रही है। समाज के कु छ लोगों की मानसिकता यह है कि, ये लॉकडाउन का हटना COVID
कम होने का प्रतीक है जबकि सच्चाई यह है कि कोरोना के चलते हमारे रुके हुए जीवन को धीरे-धीरे पटरी पर
लाने के लिए सरकार यह कदम उठा रही है। जनता को समझना होगा कि जब तक कोरोना का एक भी के स है
तब तक हम सबको, सभी कोरोना नियमों का पालन करना होगा।
प्रश्न ३. जनता को COVID नियमों के बारे में समझाना या उनसे COVID नियमों का
पालन करवाना कितना चुनौतीपूर्ण था?
उत्तर: यह सवाल बड़ा महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि इस कोरोना महामारी के चलते, यही हमारी पहली ज़िम्मेदारी है कि
किस तरह से जानता को COVID नियमों के पालन के लिए बाधित किया जाए। हमारे हर बार समझाने पर भी
कईं लोग लापरवाही बरतते हैं। सरकार ने मास्क न पहनने या २ गज़ की दूरी न बनाए रखने पर चलान काटना
ज़रूरी किया हुआ है, तो कम से कम लोग इसी ड़र से थोड़ा नियम पालन करते हैं। कोरोना की दूसरी लहर के
DR. Disha Dhamaपहले लोग फिर भी बहुत लापरवाही करते थे लेकिन दूसरी लहर के दौरान जब उन्हें ऑक्सीजन सिलेंडर लेने के
लिए लम्बी कतारों में लगना पड़ा तब उन्हें सही मायनों में इस घातक महामारी का पता चला। एक चुनौती यह
CभीOथVीIDकेनिकयईमंोंल(कोDेगeउअलsंंधiघgनवnिकशे्aवाकसtioईंवnकवा्ह)राणटो्सं मेऐं सपे के ग्रुप्स वाली झूठी खबरों पर ज्यादा यकीन करते हैं जो कि
के वल मास्क न पहनने की वजह से हो चुका है। एक है। अब तक दिल्ली में लगभग १.५ करोड़ रुपए का चलान
प्रश्न ४. हमारी पुलिस फ़ोर्स काफी जाबाज़ व मज़बूत है किंतु क्या कोई ऐसी घटना है
जिससे आप व आपकी टीम के मनोबल को क्षति पहुँची हो?
उत्तर: जी, आपने बिलकु ल सही कहा, हमारी पुलिस फोर्स का हर एक जवान, जज़्बे से भरा है लेकिन मनुष्य
भावनाओं का पुतला है। हम कितने भी मज़बूत क्यों न हो लेकिन समय ही सबसे बलवान है और यह कथन इस
कोरोना महामारी के चलते सिद्ध हुआ। आज मनुष्य ने विज्ञान में कितनी भी तरक्की क्यों न कर ली हो पर कु दरत
के आगे किसी का बस नहीं चल पाया। मुझे याद है,जब कोरोना की पहली लहर के समय हमने सबसे पहले अपने
साथी कांस्टेबल, 'अमित कु मार' (दिल्ली पुलिस पीएस भरत नगर ) को कोरोना की चपेट में आ जाने के कारण खो
दिया था, उन्हें पहले दीप चंद हस्पताल में ले जाया गया जहाँ उनकी ठीक तरीके से देखभाल नहीं हुई और उसके
बाद उन्हें अंत में दिल्ली के आर. एम. एल. हॉस्पिटल में ले जाया गया जहाँ उनकी कोरोना के चलते मृत्यु हो गई।
हमारी दिल्ली पुलिस फोर्स के लिए अपने एक ३१ वर्षीय जवान को खो देना एक बहुत ही दुखद घटना थी। हमारी
सांत्वना उनके व उन हज़ारों जवानों के परिवार के साथ है जिन्होंने उन्हें कोरोना के चलते खो दिया है।
प्रश्न ५. जनता की सुरक्षा को अपने परिवार की जिम्मेदारियों से ऊपर रखना एक सच्चे
पुलिस अधिकारी की पहचान है, किंतु कोरोना महामारी के समय जहाँ हर व्यक्ति अपने
परिवार के साथ रहना चाहता है , ऐसी भावुक व संकट की परिस्थितियों में अपने परिवार
से अलग रह पाना कितना कठिन था?
उत्तर: जब एक सुरक्षा बल का सैनिक, यह वर्दी पहन लेता है तब उसके लिए उसका फ़र्ज़ ही सबसे महत्वपूर्ण हो
जाता है। हमारे परिवार भी यह बात बहुत अच्छे से जानते व समझते हैं। उन्होंने भी इस मुश्किल घड़ी में बहुत
हौसले से काम लिया। अपने परिवार से अलग रहना बहुत मुश्किल होता है, ड्यूटी से आने के बाद मैं अलग
कमरे में रहता था मेरा खाना मेरे बच्चे दे जाया करते थे। पहली और दूसरी कोरोना लहर के दौरान तो मैंने कईं
दिनों तक अपने परिवार के साथ समय भी नहीं बिताया क्योंकि उनकी सुरक्षा भी मेरी ही ज़िम्मेदारी है। कईं बार
उनसे मिलने या साथ बैठकर खाना खाने का मन भी होता था लेकिन बहुत मुश्किल से अपने मन को समझाना
पड़ता था। हम ईश्वर के शुक्रगुज़ार हैं कि अब स्थिति पहले से कहीं बेहतर है और मैं अब अपने परिवार के साथ
समय बिता पा रहा हूँ।
(PGT English)
Q1. The pandemic has been Q2. Despite the fact that
challenging phase for online education has aided in
everyone, the transition to the remote learning, do you
online mode was demanding. believe it creates a conducive
What were the challenges you condition for students' holistic
as a teacher faced during this development and can it
process and how did you replace the pre-pandemic
cope up with them? learning environment?
In the initial stage, the pandemic Nothing can replace classroom,
was a nightmare for the entire physical learning and teaching. But
world. Being a teacher, it was the something is better than nothing.
greatest challenge to connect with During online teaching, we teachers
my students. I was aided by my conducted various activities to
husband, who is PGT mathematics enhance their interest for their
my son who is doing BTech in holistic development. Even yoga
computer software. They both classes, meditation, and seminars
taught me various facilities and were conducted for them online.
controls on the Zoom. I was Still, we prayed throughout for the
astonished the first time I saw my end to pandemic. The teacher
students on a zoom screen. Time community is extremely glad about
has proved nothing is impossible if the reopening of schools. I honestly
you really want to learn and this think online classes can be an
time has taught us to learn and alternative for a crisis but not a
connect with technology. permanent solution.
Q3. What are your thoughts Q4. What is your message to
on the National Education the students and teachers
Policy 2020? What are the who are stranded at home?
changes we can expect in How can they turn these
near future? unfortunate circumstances
into opportunities?
National Education Policy
On my personal experience, I
2020 sounds like a boon for can only say that do not lose
your patience and confidence
the upcoming future. The and positivity. Students and
teachers are two sides of a
policy aims to transform coin. They are incomplete
without each other. On one
India's education system and hand, students should
understand the situation and
is a comprehensive cooperate with teachers, on
the other hand, teachers
framework for elementary should try to create a
congenial environment in the
education to higher class. Instead of chasing
syllabus, they should give
education as well as their students time to speak
their heart and mind. Don't be
vocational training in both a lecturer or teacher only, be
a guide, motivator, friend and
rural and urban India. If this good listener. Students must
understand the condition of
policy is implemented in all their teachers and be humble
and cooperative.
aspects, India will get multi- Lastly, I would like to say may
Almighty shower his blessings
talented, knowledgeable on the entire humanity.
and technical youth who
have expertise in their
interest areas. They will be
techno-savvy from the
beginning and would have a
clear idea about their future
endeavours. National
Education Policy 2020 is the
need of the hour and should
be implemented on an early
basis so that we can witness
a new reformed India.
प्रश्न १. कोरोना के दौरान रिपोर्टिंग प्रश्न २. जिन चौंका देने वाली कोरोना
करना आम रिपोर्टिंग करने से खबरों को सुनने मात्र से ही हमारा दिल
कितना अलग और जोख़िम भरा बैठ जाता था, उन खबरों व उनके
रहा? आँकड़ों को जनता तक सही तरीके से
पहुँचना कितना चुनौतीपूर्ण रहा?
उत्तर: कोरोना के समय रिपोर्टिंग करना
सबसे अधिक चुनौतीपूर्ण रहा, जब उत्तर: मार्च २०२० में जब कोरोना ने देश में
कोरोना के के स मिलने की सूचना मिलती अपने पैर पसारने शुरू कर दिए थे तो हर
थी तो शुरूआत में तो वहाँ जाने से भी डर कोई कोरोना के नाम से भी डर रहा था। उस
लगता था, लेकिन समाज के प्रति अपनी समय सूचना मिली की एक ही परिवार के
ज़िम्मेदारी को देखकर डर पर काबू किया पाँच लोग कोरोना संक्रमित हो गए हैं।
और मौके पर जाकर रिपोर्टिंग की। उनकी गली को सैनिटाइज करने के लिए
कोरोना पॉजिटिव लोगों के घर जाकर स्वास्थ्य विभाग की टीम अपनी पूरी किट के
उनके परिवार के लोगों का हाल जानना साथ वहाँ पर पहुँची और हम लोग मात्र एक
पड़ रहा था। उन्हें किसी प्रकार की मास्क लगाकर वहाँ पहुँचे, जहाँ पुलिसकर्मी
असुविधा तो नहीं है। आसपास के लोगों और स्वास्थ्य विभाग के लोग भी कोरोना
का उनके प्रति व्यवाहर और प्रशासन से पॉजिटिव लोगों के परिवार के सदस्यों को
मिलने वाली मदद सब पर हर समय नजर बात तक करने से कतरा रहे थे, वहीं हमने
बनाकर रखनी पड़ती है। उनके घर के अंदर जाकर उनसे बात की
और रिपोर्टिंग की।
प्रश्न ३. आप उत्तर प्रदेश के जिले में प्रश्न ४. कोई कितना भी मज़बूत क्यों
रिपोर्टिंग करते हैं, वहाँ की आम जनता न हो किन्तु इस महामारी के समय
खबरों से ज्यादा अंधविश्वास व सभी ने बहुत उतार चढ़ाव देखे व दुख
आफ़वाहो में विश्वास करती है। क्या का सामना किया। कोई ऐसी घटना
यह जनता की मानसिकता आपके जिसने आपके मनोबल पर प्रहार
कार्य को अधिक कठिन बनाती है? किया हो?
उत्तर: कोरोना काल में यहाँ पर रिपोटिंग उत्तर: जी हाँ, हमारे यहाँ पर एक व्यापारी
करने में सबसे अधिक समस्या इसी बात के मकान की तीसरी मंजिल पर कोरोना
को लेकर हुई। हमारे आसपास रहने वाले से मौत हो गई। परिवार के लोगों ने भी
लोग भी हमसे दूरी बनाने लगे थे। कहते थे उसे हाथ लगाने से मना कर दिया।
कि ये तो सारा दिन कोरोना संक्रमित लोगों व्यापारी में वजन अधिक होने के कारण
के आसपास रहते हैं, जहाँ लोग घरों के उसे आसानी से नीचे नहीं उतारा जा रहा
अंदर रहते हैं, ये सड़कों पर घूमते रहते हैं, था। इस पर उनके शव को नीचे उतारने
जिस कारण हमारे घर के आसपास रहने के लिए क्रे न बुलाई गई। मकान का लेंटर
वाले लोग भी हमसे दूरी बनाने लगे थे। तक काटा गया, लेकिन इसके बाद भी
जे.सी.बी. मशीन वहाँ तक नहीं पहुँच
पाई। परिवार के लोगों ने मजदूर बुलाए।
उन्हें अच्छा पैसा देने का लालच दिया।
इसके बाद वे मजदूर व्यापारी के शव को
कपड़ें में बाँधकर सीड़ियों से घसीटते हुए
नीचे लेकर आए। उस दृश्य को देखकर
सभी के मुँह से एक ही आवाज आई कि
भगवान ऐसी मौत किसी को न दे। कई
दिनों तक वह दृश्य आँखों के सामने
घूमता रहा।
Groaning women and wandering spirits, Again gathers her broken strength.
Slaughtered babies and begging hands. Caresses her angel and adores her with love.
Huge destruction and throbbing hearts The angel all grown up,
asking all you, Has turned into a beautiful school girl.
Asking you all a hand. But alas! WHICH school? And WHAT books?
A hand that can support them, There is nothing for her, still she learns all.
to breath, to feel an emotion, and to have a But again, there is a sudden fall,
grin. She is a girl after all!
But Alas! She is married even without her consent to a man
We still live in a male dominated society, of her father’s age.
Her journey begins with her birth. She fakes a smile and leaves her home, for a man
Where women are overburdened with unknown.
vigour and power. She is tortured, raped and all her charm fades.
A mother is stressed, forced to be blessed She is a mother now, worried to be blessed with
with a baby boy. her own image.
Terribly she passes her nine months, In a short while she comprehends, this wretched
Crosses her fingers and begs for a healthy life is gifted by men.
child. She discerns and rises, to challenge all.
The Doctor announces congrats! An Angel Dare not to touch her, she has learnt to fight.
is born, It's time for men to wake up and salute her
Father’s expectations are torn. courage.
Mother fears and father tears, curses, Above all your MOTHER LAND,
abuses and leaves his own daughter that teaches one to grab their,
untouched. rights and spread only light.
Mother— so great, patient and full of love,
- Priyanka Bazad
My Friend
I saw her, Eighteen days I got,
A familiar smile welcomed me, to live my dream.
Yet it seemed new to me. My dream to be with my friend,
A feeling which was old, My friend that I had missed.
Yet this feeling is new. My friend who is my dream.
The everyday talk kept us close, My friend whose dream I lived in.
Yet the two years distance between us,
Felt like the sky and the earth. - Avita Walkhom
To see her again was a dream,
A dream come true.
She stepped out of her house wearing a tiny skirt
Her legs were on display like a total flirt.
So, yes you were right in treating her as you deemed fit.
Of course, she was asking for it!
She was in her office, doing her job
It was past midnight when she heard the turning knob
You had warned her and she still didn't quit
Of course, she was asking for it!
She was sitting at a bar in a low cut top
You offered her a drink and she said NO
How could she, a whore, hurt his ego?
Obviously, you didn't have time to deal with her shit.
Of course, she was asking for it!
She was so excited to be the main actor
However, her talent was not the deciding factor
You made it clear why she was leading the skit,
Of course, she was asking for it!
How did you feel after assaulting an infant who couldn't even speak?
For you she was a toy; submissive and meek.
Because of you, she couldn't wear the sweater her granny had knit.
Was she also asking for it?
You treated them like nothing but a hole,
To use and to take control
Didn’t care about hurting their bodies and breaking their souls,
They screamed and cried looking at you in terror,
I wonder how you meet your eyes in the mirror.
- Satakshi Kaushik
There’s a pleasure in the path of Naturehood, -Gokul S S
Sayings of untold nature’s tears,
Burst out with the destruction of nature,
And, she says to man, she fears!
Global warming might be near,
Climate change is already here,
But humans getting more selfish every year!
The serene skies howling through wrathful storms,
Luscious green lands cracking into barren land,
Soothing warmth of the sun turning into torrid heat waves,
Innocent creatures being deprived of their habitat a reality today,
It's high time that we rearrange and readdress all the wrongs,
And express gratitude to mother nature!
The only Mission and Goal of our tenure,
Is to protect and hand over Our planet to future,
Be a Change, to be the Change-maker!
Relating a sprout to grow with humans
The task is daunting, that now has five branches
the road is long. instead of three
And while it feels and roots
Like I’ve done nothing that are digging in
but repeat the same song becoming stronger
and swim enduring longer
in my pool of shame the greater storms
within the blurry frame while blooming brighter
of the bigger picture and requiring less
I can perceive to be at peace.
he subtitle evolution
of a young tree - Chhavi Mukim
Selfie, selfie, everywhere,
But not an emotion anywhere.
Children know how to take a selfie they love,
But do not know how to button up their shirts.
Gone are the days when children used to enjoy every moment
Now the craze is for selfie to showcase their enjoyment.
Teens don’t like learning new things
Bravo! I got 100 likes,
That’s all they want to sing.
No doubt they think of working hard
But selfie take their precious time.
‘SMART’ is the one who knows how to take a selfie,
And ‘FOOLS’ are the one who care about feelings.
But the ‘smart’ should know that
There are 100 selfie deaths,
Every year and many more accidents.
The world would soon become dead,
If selfie mania is not put to an end!
In all her years, when she was alive, She tried explaining to her parents,
Was looked upon with disgusted eyes, Who were busy running errands.
Was told that she is a shame, Was told it’s just a phase,
Hence, she ended the game. Hence, she ended the race.
No, it wasn't depression, She told, she couldn't focus,
But her passive regression. In answer was called a bogus.
Swollen eyes told a story, And now,
Nobody understood her theory. The eyes are wet and heart is numb,
Big dreams got shattered, Looking at the body which
Emptiness served in her platter. succumbed.
The fairytale turned into a They were numb with regret,
nightmare, Of course, they had to pay the debt.
She couldn't fly anywhere.
- Prashasti
Why some people regret,
and blame their fate,
due to the birth of a girl,
they believe her to be the reason, of their destiny's curl,
what if, a boy opens his eyes,
in this beautiful yet judgmental world of spies.
They celebrate with infinite perseverance,
with utter negligence.
Why the difference exists,
even in techno-paced era of finding meaningful and crisp gists.
Orthodoxy, May be a crucial reason,
which has engulfed the thought process in a four chambered
It might be their fear of giving reason,
for how they’ll be aggregating their future generation.
It might be their fear of arranging huge money,
for the marriage of their dear.
There may be pain innumerable,
churning in their mind incomparable.
But they must understand, the scenario has changed,
no more dependency is a fact, with complete freedom and
They should understand the hour's need,
that the days are gone when people paid heed,
dowry is no more necessary for the bride
to exit the home with full pride
Variety of anomalies have ended,
with absolute reason stated.
Empowerment, Empowerment, Empowerment
A pre-requisite in today's era to make, the position prominent.
World has paved ahead, lifestyle has advanced.
Then, what’s stopping your thought process?
What’s hindering its exercise?
Widen your perspective.
Come out and contribute something effective.
And make the world a beautiful place by
Empowering girl, Empowering Women and Henceforth,
Empowering Mother Earth.
-Ritik Gupta
She bleeds - Prashasti
She was told to hide,
Wrapped in papers and black sheets,
Wasn't allowed to tell anyone, that she bleeds,
A fact known by the entire human creed.
Was told not to enter temple,
She was considered impure,
Is it some disease that needs a cure?
A twelve year old, so unsure.
The shopkeeper wrapped the pads,
Layers after layers,
Was he ashamed?
Or is this what society framed?
Oh, she has a stain.
Why is it a shame?
Why is she getting blamed?
No war, no violence,
The only pure blood to name.
Criticism One Faces When They Are Different
Let me guess! Genuinely speaks who are you?
Apparently, I don’t want to be attracted You won’t care where your bra strips go,
But her rough jeans it seems you took some doze.
and looks attract people You look like a tom boy
she is not keen of making gangs But you’re rather than that.
but she had her own style of bangs. Wearing a cap instead a scarf
Uff, your piercing tells that It seems you are hiding your dye hair.
you love caring, You mind your job,
you want to show that you are rude Trying to want to be a bob.
but actually, not everyone viewed. Let me guess,
You hate being selfish and girlish That makes you different.
but you love being childish.
Skin full of tattoos! - Chhavi Mukim
Forced Sanity
A deafening fall at a rosy night, - Anjali
For all I knew I could crawl alright.
But baroque figures with ringing glances,
Prodding a brawn real nice.
Break the beauty into a bruised kite,
Sired to fear, I and more
Calling out in silence or in vain
Check the sides, check the hall inside.
The floor, the restroom and every man upright,
falling to petals of a summer vile,
Bustle or no bustle, it’s all alike.
The night is dark, devoid of couth,
Savoring loathly desires, cloistered and un-mouthed.
She walks with flesh and not the brain,
For not knitting physical steps, call her not insane.
Still sailing through the veneer of clothes jailing my skin,
Afraid, are we? To touch ourselves,
To succumb to passion or the mere walking out.
Or to turn about and look, to answer the disgust,
To not peruse over it again,
To chain our bosoms out,
To not laugh when nudged,
To extol our wit,
Or all of it?
A Consent.
Ironic, paradox, dilemma;
The chanting of the wedding Every literary device played part;
Filled the atmosphere with a sacred
Marriage meant a union of souls;
bond; Figured out to be nothing but lust at
Out of seven promises; last.
He took four of them. No one helped , no one stepped up;
I was very happy and life was fun; Because this is the destiny of a Bride;
A random day came in; The calmness in me was lost;
Where he wanted more of me; Yes, I was raped by my husband.
And I wasn't ready. It sounded silly to them;
He looked at me differently after that; But felt genuine to me;
His eyes didn't convey love; How dare he touch me;
The moment I said no; It’s me with the consent.
he acted deaf. With anger in my eyes;
He fulfilled his desire ; And disappointment in my heart;
And I was still balancing myself; I slapped him and walked away;
Where my happiness went? Sued the family in their own rules.
With swollen eyes, I cried. No one decides for me;
I told my mother-in-law; Beware society, I'm coming for you
You are meant for this girl; now;
She replied without remorse; He is behind bars;
And I saw the glimpse of society. Many more will join him.
-Juhi Jha
Dumb Humanity
We have big brain , Animals do cry with tears,
In terms of compassion, But we are dumb and blind,
Every sense goes to drain, A human is what it fears ,
And abusing animals is a fashion. They should be treated as one of a kind.
Our loyal friend is our protector , Humans are also animals ,
His language is a bark, Proven by the science,
When in need , everyone becomes We think we are great mammals,
objector, It's just an act of defiance.
His loyalty always remains in dark.
Pain is what we feel,
Often regarded as our mother , When we get hurt ,
Gets injected and abused, Scars are those that don’t heal,
But we do take milk and butter , Our mind is covered with dirt.
And leave them like an object used .
All they need is love ,
Kids beat them with stick, The least we can give is love ,
Adults satisfy their ego , The same we want from the Above,
Is this humanity or are they sick?, Humanity is all about to serve.
They are just like our friends and
You are their guardian,
Because you got big mind,
So get out of the fashion,
And open the eyes that got blind.
-Juhi Jha
कोरोना--एक दास्तान
कोरोना--एक दास्तान डगर-डगर भटक रहे थे ,
बच्चे ,बूढ़े और जनानी।
आओ एक दास्तान सुनाते हैं । आखों में अश्रु लिए थे,
गरीब एवं मज़लूमों का दर्द बताते हैं। जैसे बहता ओझल पानी।
समय अभी तो भोर हुआ था, पग-पग पर खड़े हुए थे,
पनघट में एक शोर हुआ था। जान-माल के रखवाले ।
मंद-मंद मुस्कान लिए, खाकी ओढ़े, तप रहे थे,
आँगन में अज़ोर हुआ था। हमारे प्रिय पुलिसवाले।
दिन ढला वो रात ढली, हाथों में मरहम लिए,
खुशियों की बरसात ढली । दिल में लिए एक जज़्बात।
आगामी लहरों के संग, डटकर लड़े महामारी से,
इच्छाओं की बात ढली। मन में लिए हौसले हज़ार।
कहते हैं.... जगह-जगह पर दूत बने थे,
खुशी आती है तो ग़म भी आता है, सैकड़ों नर्मदिल इंसान।
जीवन हर रंग दिखाता है । बाँट रहे थे इस तपिश में,
हँसते चेहरे कब मुरझा जाएँ, खाना, कपड़ा और जलपान।
ये तो वक्त ही बताता है।
सिमट गई ये जिंदगी,
आओ एक दास्तान सुनाते हैं । है हौसले की एक आस।
गरीब एवं मज़लूमों का दर्द बताते हैं। चलो इन्हें हम राह दिखाएँ,
राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना के साथ।
कितनों की नौकरी गई,
कितने हुए अशिक्षित । आओ एक दास्तान सुनाते हैं ।
घर-घर में मातम पसरा, गरीब एवं मजलूमों को उन्नत बनाते हैं।
जीवन बन गया भिक्षित।
- महताब
वह वीर योद्धा कहलाते हैं!
दिन तो हमारा भी कु छ अलग नहीं रहता,
अपनी और अपनो की परवाह किए बिना, अखबारों में नाम और जगह बदल जाते हैं,
हमारे लिए बाॅडर पर डटकर खड़े रहते हैं, उनसे नज़रें कै से मिलाते हैं हम,
करते हैं पूरी कोशिश हमें सुरक्षित रखने की, उन्हें भूलकर कै से सो पाते हैं हम,
खुद को पीछे रख हमें पहले देखने की। पलक झपकते ही सब खत्म हो जाता है।
उनकी बहादुरी के किस्सों के सिवा,
हर मिशन में उनका नाम होता है, हमारे पास क्या रह जाता है?
हमारे ख़ातिर उनका ये काम होता है,
बहादुरी के किस्सों में उनका ज़िक्र रहता है, "वो वीर योद्धा गिर कर फिर उठते हैं,
हमारी नज़रों में उनका सबूत रहता है। अपनी वर्दी की शान के खातिर,
उनका सपना होता है…बढ़ते देखना,
वो कई-कई दिनों तक हमारे लिए, अपने देश को सम्मान के साथ।"
तूफ़ान बारिश से जूझकर,
भूख-प्यास सब भूल कर, 'वो दूर रहकर भी हमें, कितना
सवेरे से सांझ तक, रोशनी से अंधेरे के नज़दीक महसूस कराते हैं।'
इंतजार में, सरहद पर रहकर वो मौत को गले लगाते हैं
कु छ इस तरह ढलता है उनका हर एक दिन। हाँ,
इस जहान में वह वीर योद्धा कहलाते है।
- मान्या शर्मा
क्या दर्द हुआ?
वो पूछ रहा था मुझसे, क्या तुम्हें दर्द हुआ? वो उठा वहाँ से और चला गया,
मुझे छिन्न करने के बाद, मेरी दुनिया उजाड़कर!
मेरे टुकड़े करने के बाद वो मुझसे पूछ रहा उसने बेमक़सद ही मुझे मार डाला,
था… मेरी गुड़िया सामने उछालकर।
क्या दर्द हुआ?
था ख़ौफ़नाक वो मंज़र इतना,
वो लम्हा आज भी ठहरा है, ख़ुदा भी शायद रोया होगा,
वो घाव आज भी गहरा है, इंसान की शक़्ल में था हैवान वो,
वो वक़्त के साथ भी मिटा नहीं, क्या ख़ुदा ने ही यह बोया होगा?
उस लाश की कोई चिता नहीं, थे कई सवाल ज़हन में मेरे…
वो नन्ही सी इक जान, क्यूँ वो जफ़ा थी मेरी?
जिसने कल ही मुसकाना सीखा था, इल्म मुझे इस बात का नहीं,
उसकी मुस्कानों की क़ब्र बनी, कि आख़िर क्या ख़ता थी मेरी!
अरमानों पे फू ल चढ़ाना भी सीखा था! क्यों नोचा उसने मुझे?
ये बात मुझे मालूम नहीं!
क्या मेरा दिल तोड़ा था उसने? क्यूँ माँ ने भी मुझे मारा?
मेरी धड़कनें मुझपे ही उधार हुईं! ये बात भी मुझे मालूम नहीं!
साँसें चल रही थीं फिर भी मेरी, मालूम मुझे तो बस इतना,
पर जान वो तार-तार हुई, की कु छ तो मुझमें टूटा था।
उसने छु आ था मुझसे पूछे बिना, क्या टूटा और कितना ख़बर नहीं,
मेरे जिस्म को उसने नोचा था, पर मेरा गुड़ियों से नाता टूटा था।
मैं हाड़-मांस की मूरत थी, उस दिन से लेके आज तलक,
उसने मिट्टी का ढ़ेरा सोचा था। एक गुड़िया भी न ली मैंने।
वो क़ातिल है मेरा!
रूह को मेरी जिसने मौत के घाट उतारा था। इंसान ही तो हैवान होता है,
फू ल सी नाज़ुक ६ साल की मैंने, उस दिन ये बात थी जानी मैंने।
अभी तो खुद को सँवारा था। उस दिन ये बात थी मानी मैंने।।
मैं पड़ी हुई इक कोने में,
था बदन मेरा बेजान पड़ा, - प्रिया सहानी
मेरा जिस्म ढका ज़ख्मों में,
था सामने मेरे हैवान खड़ा,
हाँ हम हिंदुस्तानी हैं!
क्यों न करें अपने इतिहास पर अभिमान, और क्यों न करें अपने इतिहास पर अभिमान,
जो है माउंट एवरेस्ट से भी ऊँ चा, वृहत और यहाँ अनपढ़-अबोध परंतु देशभक्त होता है किसान,
महान, तिरंगा है सर्वोपरि और है देश की आन, बान और
जिसमें करोड़ों सेनानियों के खून का रहा है शान,
योगदान, जिस धरा ने जने हैं कईं वीर, बलिदानी और महान,
सीना तान कर चढ़े थे सूली और हंँस कर दी जहाँ अंग्रेजों के लिए काफी झाँसी की मर्दानी है,
थी जान, हाँ हम हिंदुस्तानी हैं - हाँ हम अभिमानी हैं।
आज़ादी के लिए पूर्वजों ने, जहाँ गर्व से दी
बलिदानी है, और क्यों न करें अपने इतिहास पर अभिमान,
हाँ हम हिंदुस्तानी हैं - हाँ हम अभिमानी हैं। सन् १९४७ में दिलाया भारत माता को पुनः सम्मान,
गर्व से गाते थे, हैं, और रहेंगे अपना प्यारा राष्ट्रगान,
और क्यों न करें अपने इतिहास पर अंग्रेज क्या करते...हमने कर दिया था उन्हें परेशान,
अभिमान, खत्म की हमनें, गोरों की उपनिवेशवाद की कहानी
हिंदू-मुस्लिम-सिख के अंग्रेजों ने भरे थे कान, है,
'फू ट डालो राज करो' नीति थी जिन दुष्टों की हाँ हम हिंदुस्तानी हैं - हाँ हम अभिमानी हैं।
परंतु हमने गाया था ग्रंथ साहिब, गीता और - ऋतिक राज
कु रान,
जिसे सुनकर गोरों की याद आई तब नानी है,
हाँ हम हिंदुस्तानी हैं - हाँ हम अभिमानी हैं।
"हम भी हैं - प्रकृ ति की शान"
आज ये शाम कु छ अलग सी है
कु छ अलग है ये नज़ारा भी,
आज उन बेजुबानों के चेहरों पर
कु छ उदासी सी छायी है।
वो मासूम इंतज़ार में बेठे हैं
अपनो से पनाह की उम्मीद में,
कु छ हैं घायल-जख्मी, खून से लथपथ
कु छ हैं भूख-प्यासे, नादान भी।
हो सर्दी-गर्मी या बारिश का मौसम
वो बेज़ुबान भटक रहें हैं,
दर-बदर ठोकरे खाकर,
क्योकिं आस है उन्हें, मानवता की।
हमें क्यों नहीं हैं, उनकी परवहा?
आखिर कौन है, उन बेज़ुबानों का सहारा?
हम कै से कर देते हैं, उन्हें नज़र-अन्दाज़?
आखिर कौन है उनकी हालत का जिम्मेदार ?
वो नादान लग रहे हैं,
अपनी आज़ादी की गुहार,
"कहकर हमें भी है जीने का अधिकार
अब न करो हम पर ज़ुल्मो का प्रहार,
हम भी तो हैं, इस प्रकृ ति की शान"।
-मान्या शर्मा
वह वीर योद्धा कहलाते हैं!
मेरा भी एक वेश था, मेरा भी एक भेष था।
हरे-भरे इन जंगलों में, मेरा भी एक देश था ।
नहीं कोई बाधा इस पथ में, सब मेरा संसार था ।
इस जगह से उस जगह तक, सब-जन अपना राज था।
तमु ने अपने हित के हेतु, मेरा संसार उजाड़ा है।
कर बेघर मुझको इन जगहों से, अपना आशिया बनाया है।
कर वर्षों से शोषण मेरा, मेरी खाल भी तुने ढाली है।
मेरी बेज़ुबानी की कीमत, तूने हथियारों से निकाली है।
कल तक जहाँ अपार हुआ था, वहाँ आज लाचार क्यों?
तमु मनुष्य के लालच से, आज मेरा आजाऱ क्यों?
क्यों तोला इस जीवन को , मेरे जीवन का मोल नहीं?
क्या बेज़ुबान हूँ इसलिए, मेरा जीवन अनमोल नहीं?
आज याद हूँ कल भूल जाओगे, मझु जैसे अन्यों को मार गिराओगे।
कब खत्म होगा स्वार्थ तुम्हारा, हम बेज़ुबानों को कब-तक सताओगे?
बदं करो यह अधिग्रहण, हमें चैन से जीने दो।
है विनती यह हाथ जोड़कर, हमें भी पलने-बढ़ने दो।
- महताब अनवर
मैं आन दूँ, मैं जान दूँ, मैं सुरपुर का वासी न,
मैं अस्थियों का दान दूँ, न माही का अंश हूँ,
मैं चरण भी हूँ, कर्ण भी हूँ, जन्मा न अणु से,
शीश भी हूँ, स्वर्ण भी हूँ। मैं ब्रह्माण्ड का विध्वंस हूँ।
मैं शिव की आग भी, दधीचि की राख भी, मैं ब्रह्मा का वर नहीं,
विष्णु का शंख भी हूँ, दुर्गा की अकं भी हूँ। मैं विष्णु का सुदर्शन हूँ,
मैं आदि हूँ मैं अंत भी, राख-राख होकर,
मैं शषे हूँ अनतं भी। महाकाल का दर्शन हूँ!
स्वर्ग का द्वार भी मैं, मैं अर्जुन का गाण्डीव भी,
गीता का सार भी मैं, कर्ण का कवच-कु ण्डल हूँ,
सूक्ष्म-सा विचार भी हूँ, एकलव्य भी मैं,
अनतं संसार भी मैं। मैं नारायणी का झुंड हूँ।
वायु का वेग भी हूँ, मैं शूद्र हूँ, विप्र भी मैं,
सूर्य का तेज भी हूँ। मलीच हूँ, नृप भी मैं।
सबसे दरिद्र भी मैं हूँ, इस राज्य का सब धन मेरा,
विचित्र चरित्र ही मैं, फिर भी सदियों की भूख है...
शमशान का अतिंम वस्त्र भी मैं, कु लवधू का चीरहरण !
इंद्रा का गजस्त्र भी मैं। और पितामहः मूक है!
मैं ही रगों में प्राण हूँ, मैं उठ पड़ा जो अब,
मैं ही यह थमती जान हूँ। महाभारत-सा विध्वसं हो,
मैं ही तो अभी जन्मा हूँ, कु रुराज छोड़ें आप,
मेरी मृत्यु का ही तो शोक है, सुरताज भी ध्वसं हो !
यह अशं मेरे ही हैं सब, मेरे आगमन के वेग से,
यह मेरा ही त्रिलोक है। गण कहें मैं संत हूँ।
मैं विष्णु का अवतार हूँ,
मैं कलयगु का अतं हूँ।
सिद्धार्थ पोखरियाल
मैंने संकल्प लिया है !
आंधियों ने उजाड़ दिया था इस चमन को,
मैंने फिर से एक पौधा रूप दिया है,
मैं बाग़बान हूॅं, मैंने संकल्प लिया है।
तूफान अक्सर भारी रहे हैं मंजिलों पर,
मैंने फिर भी मझधार में नाव को छोड़ दिया है,
मैं नाविक हूॅं मैंने संकल्प लिया है।
रोज देखती हूँ इस ज़माने की हैवानियत को,
फिर भी मैंने एक बच्ची को जन्म दिया है,
मैं माँ हूॅं मैंने संकल्प लिया है।
नाड़ी बयान कर रही है हालात नाज़ुक हैं,
अभी एक पुडिया सुबह एक शाम का
इंतजाम किया है,
मैं वैद्य हूॅं मैंने संकल्प लिया है।
पत्थर से हालात तलाशने होंगे मुझको,
'अ' से 'अभी', 'आ' से 'आज' पढ़ाना शुरू
किया है,
मैं हूॅं शिक्षक मैंने संकल्प लिया है।
- विहाना
मासिक महीना !
वह मासिक महीना कु छ इस प्रकार आता मासिक महीना आने पर उसका बाहर जाना
है, वर्जित करना,
लाल रंग अपने साथ लेकर आता है, राष्ट्र को एक करने की बात में महिलाओं को
माँ तुम कहती हो ,लाल रंग शुभ होता है, अब भी पिछड़ा समझना,
तो फिर क्यों मासिक धर्म होने पर, क्या इसे ही कहते है महिला सशक्तिकरण
समाज का सिर शर्म से झुक जाता है? का दावा करना?
क्यों हमेशा मासिक धर्म पर कोई बात नहीं है
वो भाई-पापा के सामने मासिक महीने का करना चाहता?
न बताना, क्यों हमेशा महिलाओं को इस मामले में
वो शर्म से सिर झुकाकर कभी इधर-उधर पुरुषों से नीचा है समझा जाता?
छु प जाना, क्यों एक पुरुष उसे समय पर एक नैपकिन
वो पूजाघर में जाने से माँ तुम्हारा टोक लाकर नहीं है दे पाता?
लगाना, इन सवालों के कटघरे में हम सब आते हैं,
इन सब का असर मुझ पर क्या होता है, क्यों न इस बार महिला सशक्तिकरण की राह
यह तुम्हारा भी नसमझ पाना, में एक पहलू और जोड़ जाते है
क्या यही है महिलाओं को पुरुषों के बराबर हर पुरुष महिला को तोहफे में एक नैपकिन
समझा जाना? दें यह हम उन्हें बतलाते हैं!!
एक ओर देश, महिला सशक्तिकरण की - संधली पाठक
मुहिम चलाता है,
तो दूसरी ओर,
उसकी ज़रुरत को काली पन्नी में लपेटकर
दिया जाता है।
मुझे समझ नहीं आता
क्यों मासिक धर्म को इतना गंदा समझा
जाता है?
Essay #1
There are days when you are just sad and there are days when you are at your worst. We somehow
convinced ourselves that to be sad is the biggest sign of weakness. Who wants to be weak? So, we fought
and avoided it but who knows it might be the worst to suppress it? Remember that it is okay to be sad
because after all, sadness exists for us to be able to feel and appreciate happiness. sometimes we feel
tired to such an extent that we don’t even try to get our life together. We feel this way because we had
expectations on what the world should be and what life should look like and when that all fell short, we
lost our sense of control and didn’t know how to handle it. We feel stuck by letting people handle our
happiness when it is our job to take care and understand ourselves. Start writing journal, treat yourself
with your favorite food, go for a walk with your pet, work on improving your hobbies. When you focus on
good things in life the good gets better. Don’t look for peace, don’t look for any other state other than you
are in right now, sit on your feelings by becoming more aware of it. We are often too busy to take time to
listen to what is going inside us. The truth is everything will be okay in the end if it is not okay it is not
the end remember this. People around us might get disappointed but don't force yourself to do things
you don’t want to you are not born in this beautiful yet challenging world to please people. You are here
to write your own stories. In life, happiness doesn’t require success and success doesn’t require
happiness. Everyone in this world have their own space, time and success so it is not necessary that you
must have an alignment with the person next to you. We should enjoy the difference among us, it’s
beautiful and unique. You might not get what you desire for in the time frame you created no matter how
hard or smart work you do but the time of waiting usually teach you something which you find out after
the waiting period is over. It’s hard to know when you are in it and why it is happening. That is why there
is a word called DESTINY meant to be it will be. And once you come out on the other side then you are
able to look back and say “Okay, I know why I went through that” and that made you stronger and
appreciate life even more. Since our days are numbered so why not treat ourselves with acceptance and
compassion. People might not understand what you feel, why you feel, how you feel and that’s perfectly
okay because it is you who need to understand and accept who you are and be happy with it.
Let it go, do your thing as everything happens for a reason.
-Superrica Roy Talem
Essay #2
COVID Situation: A Deterrent to Learning
for the Underprivileged Children
The objective of this report is to investigate the impact of COVID pandemic on the education of underprivileged
children who are deprived of access to the online education. The report is aunthenticated by the case studies
carried out by me, as a member of NSS team of Dyal Singh college (M), through direct interviews.Prior to
pandemic, online education was utilized to a very limited scale. Universities around the world were offering
massive open online courses (MOOCs) as an addition to physical teaching and learning. Pandemic forced the
online education to become mainstream to school and university teaching. As per a report by UNESCO, COVID
forced around 850 million children out of school. Nearly 32 crores students in India were affected by closing
down of schools and colleges and more that 80% belong to rural areas. Among these children, most of the
underprivileged kids face tremendous difficulties in continuing their normal education. The prominent reasons
for this being Loss of jobs of the parents and they are unable to meet the basic needs of food, clothing and
shelter. Under such circumstances, spending on education seems a distant dream. As a result, children are being
forced to work as a labour to support the family. Majority of the poor kids in India come to school just because
they can get midday meal. Because of the closure of the schools, many students are suffering from not having
enough food for their survival.The scenario gets even worse for the girl child. The entire burden of the household
responsibilities has been shifted to the shoulder of a girl child as both parents have to go out and earn to cope
with the economic distress. These uneducated girl child are facing situations like child marriage, domestic
violence, early pregnancies and other embarrassments.Data collected by me for the NSS unit of Dyal Singh
College, DU, during December 20, 2021 and January10, 2022. Some of these case studies are given below:
i) Umesh, is a son of a contract mess worker and a student of class X at a Delhi Government school. Due to the
present pandemic situation didn’t meet him physically. During the telephonic conversation I could make out the
problem Umesh is facing in his study. As he doesn’t have any laptop and the old mobile phone, which he could
manage to get, creates very frequent signal problem. So, it became very difficult for him to keep pace with the
school. Also, it was not possible for him to get the hard copies of the study materials. He felt that the present
pandemic situation is really hampering his education.
ii) Khushi, is a daughter of a daily wage gardener of and a student of class IV at a MCD school. Khushi’s situation
is really very bad. She even was not able to understand what is going on and what will be its impact. She even
forgot about the school activities. They have only one old Smartphone and most of the time that phone is with
her father. Due to lack of faculities, she is not able to follow the school teaching. Though, she manages to get the
study materials from a neighbouring kid of her class.
iii) Ratan, a son of our housemaid, Preeti didi, and a student of class VII at a Delhi Government School. Ratan’s
situation is very sad. His father, a daily wage earner who lost his job during pandemic, doesn’t want to continue
Ratan’s study. He wants that Ratan should start earning for his family. But, his mother wants that Ratan to
continue his study and become an officer. She gave her mobile phone to Ratan, so that Ratan can continue his
study. We also try to help them as much as we can.
Following are the several measures required to be taken to improve learning and to bring children to school in
present situation. We should try to bring all these underprivileged kids to informal education system util the
schools open.initiatives are also required to support the poor families financially and discourage the use of child
labour along with ensuring the children remain in school, whenever the schools re-open.
-Deboleena Das
Essay #3
“If a woman is sexually assaulted, Is it because of her dressing sense? Is it because of her beauty? Is it
because she asked for it? Is it because of her fault? or... Is it because of some wicked-minded people? Yes,
the perpetrator is responsible for this and not a victim”. Well when we talk about education, we mean proper
knowledge, moral values, good manners and girls’ education. But today I’m going to discuss Men’s
Education.... Yes, Men’s education. In such a competitive world, it is a must for all to have proper education.
Proper education makes us strong socially, mentally and intellectually by increasing our knowledge level,
and it helps us in taking wise and appropriate decision. One must not delve into emotions but have a wider
prospect of seeing if it's right or wrong. We as humans are the only creatures who can attend in knowledge
and utilize it properly. Well-educated man is well aware of ‘Equality before Law’ and ‘Feminism’. It's all about
respecting diverse women’s experiences, identities, knowledge and striving to empower all women to realize
their full rights. When it comes to making sacrifices, Indian women seem to have a monopoly on the matter.
Why do always women need to sacrifice their passion, aim, lifestyle? And not men. It's all about mindset and
capability to make a decision that leads to wrong doing or criminal activities. And what about their
upbringing and the type of environment in which they live? Right from the time of her birth or even before...
a girl could become a victim of a crime or a target of a crime. Recent reports from The BBC show an increase
in incidents of sexual violence against children, with reporting doubling between 2012 and 2016. Current
estimates hold that 4 out of 10 rape survivors in India are minors. Every day we come to hear cases of Sexual
assault, Rape, Dowry Homicide, Domestic cruelty, and other means of sexual violence, for which none other
than a few barbarous people or uncouth men are responsible. According to Fox News- “Humans remains
were collected as a way of supporting academic arguments at the time, that ranked some societies as savage
and ‘barbarous’ and others as 'civilized’,” a message on the museum’s website. The most important thing we
need to understand is that – Not victims are responsible for sexual violence, but perpetrators are
responsible. Perpetrators have a strong sense of entitlement and use power and control to commit acts of
sexual violence. It usually happens when people objectify women and consider them as personalized objects
for sexual gratification. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence revealed that one in three women
will be subjected to some type of abuse which could stem from being objectified. As a society, we have
become desensitized to using women as sexual objects in our Ads, our media, and even hyper-sexualized
Halloween costumes. Gender-based stereotypes reinforce inequality between genders which in turn leads to
consideration of one as superior and another as inferior. Don’t you think there is an urgent need to control
sexual violence? Now the question is- How can we control it.
There are various ways to control it but the most important and basic factor to control sexual violence is –
(Yes, your guess it was right) “Let's Educate Men”. The great philosopher of India, Swami Vivekananda has
said- like a bird can fly in the sky by its two feathers, the society is also run by the same participation of
both the male and female. LET’S EDUCATE MENThey think they are superior, Let education help them to
understand- We all are equal They think they always do the right things, let education help them to
understand- sexual assault is a crime. They used to objectify women (sexual objectification). Let education
help them to understand – she is a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a nurse, a caretaker, etc. The main
objective of Education is to inculcate moral values, the values of nationhood and family, a sense of unity, a
sense of equality and respect towards women. Men have to be taught that harming woman under any
circumstances is unlawful. Educate men in a way that they can take a stand for women whenever they need
your support, whenever they face problems like- Gender inequality, child marriage, sexual assault,
domestic violence, sexual harassment, acid attack, or any other heinous atrocities. While there are efforts
to ensure women do have the tools to make themselves safe and secure, there is, however, more than could
be done in educating men on what is right and to avoid harming women. It is equally important for parents
to teach their children- what is right and what is wrong, to respect people regardless of their gender
identity, equality and a positive attitude towards girls and women. Your child needs to understand that any
type of violence- verbal, physical, social, or emotional- is wrong and unfair.
Parents and other family members need to be aware of their language and avoid saying things like ‘Don’t act
like a girl or ‘Man up’ to boys. These statements reinforce unhelpful messages about how boys and girls
should feel and behave. People indulge themselves in various criminal activities and heinous atrocities,
either they are forced to do so or intentionally, but once they are properly educated in a sophisticated
manner they can differentiate between right and wrong, they can take wise and sensible decision, and ...I’m
sure before doing any criminal activity, first they will think of its future outcome....Sexual crimes do happen
but the world has taken passive actions to reduce the incidents of such acts in public space. The use of
technology in documenting such incidents is important. The majority of rapes and sexual crimes go
unreported because of the shame and stigma associated with such acts. Educate men in a sense so that
they can realize their potential to do good things, social welfare and to take themselves on the correct path
(path of success).
-Aniket Gupta
Menstruation: A Taboo
Stereotypes and prejudice, no matter where we go and where we are, we cannot completely escape from
people full of such attributes. And this is the reality, though we cannot generalize everyone being
judgmental or stereotypical, we cannot completely deny their existence as well. There are numerous things
which are happening and are not at all wrong but society simply cannot accept it and reason being their
narrow mindset, not that particular happening. People are ashamed to accept their mere existence. And
one of many such important things is the most common and underrated topic, i.e., “Menstruation”.
Everyone knows but no-one talks. And this is where the problem arises. No issue can be solved without
But people are just not ready to accept it. Talking about menstruation is a thing way ahead, as for now the
attention should be first drawn towards just accepting it as a natural and biological process. People even
consider it as a taboo, and in our country, menstruators are often considered as untouchables. A negative
stigma shrouds what should be perceived as a natural, beautiful and profound female process in a veil of
shame. Menstruators are often excluded from various religious events, denied entry to temples and shrines
and even kept out of kitchens. At many instances, they are said even not to bath, as they would remain
impure for upcoming seven days, despite of the fact that hygiene should be the priority during
menstruation period. This all because of the mindset of menstruations being impure and menstrual blood
being the same. It is said that a menstruating woman is perceived unclean for seven days and whoever
touches her shall be just because of her mere touch. She is said to keep a distance from men of her family,
to keep a distance form all venerations and auspicious rituals going on, to keep a distance from plants,
kitchens, etc. Every culture has made its own rules and regulations about menstruation.
-Juhi Jha
“24.9 million people around the globe are victims of forced labor.” (ILO).
Human trafficking is one of the many issues that has brought shame and embarrassment to the human
race. Children, women and men of all ages have become victims of this act. In the modern history, first
traces of global human trafficking is found when African ‘black’ people were sold in American and
European markets like commodities. Yes, one could buy humans in the open market! They were called
slaves. Further, global trade of slaves made in roads in regions of Southeast Asian and Eastern Europe. This
became an evil for the entire world. Although COVID-19 brought the entire world to the standstill,
unfortunately it could hardly put an end to human trafficking. On the contary, data suggests COVID-19 has
caused a sharpen rise in the no. of cases related to human trafficking. People were extremely vulnerable
after losing the job or life of the breadwinners of their family due to the virus and engulfed easily by
predators. Due to lockdowns and limitations on anti-trafficking services, victims had even less chance of
escaping from their traffickers.
Understanding the market To begin with, we need to understand why this disgraceful act has become
prevalent inour world. This is not a mere small find, capture and sell game, there is a huge mechanism
involved in it which later connects to a large business and economic system. Like any other business, this
also runs on the simple demand and supply chain basis but the chain is connected to the entire world-
from big to small, from west to east. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked
worldwide. According to a study, the global human trafficking market is worth USD 32 billion. And to our
surprise, more than 50% of the money mad from modern slavery ends up in countries with high GDP.
How is it done?
Further, another interesting point to explore would be the procedure to capture humans. It is a
misconception that people are only captured by the use of force. They have various ways to trap their
prey. For example, enticing their victims by false promises of job and money, threatening to harm them
or their family, withholding documents which restricts them to travel, confining them to unknown
places. In a matter of some time, traffickers develop full control over the minds of the victim which
helps them to rule over them for life.
Who are the victims?
Having said that, children, women and men of all ages have become victims of this act. Women and
young girls are the prime sufferer of this crime. Females account for 75% of humans trafficked. They are
forced to work as sex workers/slaves to earn profits to their masters. According to “Legal Services” in
India, every hour, four girls in India enter into prostitution, three of them against their will. Trafficked
females are also subjected to forced marriage, data suggests that there was a spike of 17% in the cases
of forced child marriages once the lockdowns were eased in July 2020. Another study states that there
globally could be 5 lakh cases of forced marriage in 2020. Another type of victims: refugees across the
globe, they are trouble-free targets for the smugglers. Already facing hardships of life, refugees are easy
to lure and also smuggling country-less people saves them from legal complications. Trafficking of men
is done mainly for forced labour, organs and sex. The highest percentage of female victims can be found
in the 14-24 age group, while the highest percentage of male victims can be boys of below 12 or mature
men of 35+ age group. Organ smuggling is a huge market of its own. Liver and kidney are the most
sought for organs. People are even thrown into the begging racket. Men trafficking for sex in an
unknown phenomenon for many, but it’s true. A study revealed that out of the children sexually
Exploited in New York state, 50% were boys.
-Aryan Thakur
Everyone is possibly aware of the LGBTQ community, which is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender and Queer. Though widely accepted, individuals of LGBTQ community still face so many hurdles or
barriers in their life. In our routine life, we see numerous placards, videos, and many other visual or other
representations which give voice about equality and rise voice against discrimination and prejudice, but when it
comes to carry out these ideologies in practice, there is everywhere 'hypocrisy'.
Whenever people randomly listen about or see any person of LGBT, there is everywhere an ambience of
stereotype and prejudice, people turn out to be as judgemental and as captious as possible. The foremost
obstacle that the people of LGBT face in their life is that of 'acceptance'., Acceptance in their family, in public
places, in the whole society and this problem of acceptance of theirs starts from their parenting and continues
everywhere. They are regularly targeted as victims of hate crimes and discrimination across their life spans.
They continuously face the threat of violence due to their sexual orientation. From being discriminated in
schools, in employment sectors, in criminal justice, in housing, in healthcare to any other accommodations,
wherever they make their way, they face afflicted.
There is a constant struggle in their lives of demonstrating themselves as someone who is not wrong, who is just
as human as anyone else. They have always been marginalised and face social exclusion and are harassed at
numerous instances. People choose to give them numerous terms of slangs, rather than taking their name, they
feel a veil of shame in being associated with them. Their mere existence in public is often a matter of joke or
embarrassment to people.
Though facing all these hurdles, the community of LGBTQ is magnifying its presence. They are fighting for
their existence, happiness and security. The community even has its own flag that is “a rainbow flag” and it
has recognition as well. Even the Supreme Court of India has provided them with numerous rights. For
instances, they have Constitutional right to change their gender and a third gender is recognised, there is
a right to adoption by single LGBT individual, same sex marriage is also under consideration. And the best
known among us is the “struck down of Article 377” by the Supreme Court. Article 377 criminalised gay and
declared that “carnal intercourse against the order of nature”. Removing this was a breakthrough for the
LGBTQ community and one of the best ways to recognise them as citizens of our country. There are many
other demands under consideration for the uplifting of the community.
All these attempts are collectively a course to prov
ide them a better present and future and all the
opportunities which they deserve. But in their and our routine lives, there is a dire need of making the
LGBTQ community as normal as any other men or women. There is a need to consider LGBTQ issues as a
central theme in all economic and racial justice works. We need to make more and more people aware that
“existence of all” matters and marginalising of discriminating any community is a heinous crime. And to
make our country a safe place for all is a dream of many eyes and to make it a success, we need to make
everyone feel secure and safe by our efforts and to uplift all the marginalised groups out there.
-Juhi Jha
Marriage is a union between two people who have mutual regard for each other. However, in India's
highly patriarchal society women are made to feel obliged to perform unfair duties and sacrifices for
their husbands to be good wives. Women of most patriarchal hegemonies are even taught that it is their
responsibility to provide their bodies for their husband's sexual satisfaction and failing to do so would
be considered an act against the societal and cultural norms.
Marriages in India are mostly arranged, where the family members act as matchmakers. The bride and
the groom may be asked for their opinions however the final say is that of the parents. In such setting
women feel uncomfortable in approaching their parents with anything that may be bothering them.
Rape is the most heinous crime of all. According to the 2019 annual report of the National Crime
Records Bureau (NCRB), an average of 88 cases were reported every day resulting in 32033 rape cases
registered in a year. Rape is a social issue that stems from the social disparities between a man and a
Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code defines rape as "non-consensual sexual intercourse with a woman"
but exempts the husband from any penal consequences if he forces his wife to have sex with him. This
means that according to our constitution, a married woman cannot be raped by her husband. As our
penal code framed by the British remains intact, the English criminalized marital rape back in 1991.
Today, marital rape has been criminalized in over 100 countries, but India stands tall among 32
countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Nigeria, where marital rape is still legal.
A few loopholes are still noticed in our constitution regarding the case of marital rape. Article 21
encompasses that the right to live with dignity is the most important aspect of the right to life. The
supreme court has ruled that rape is unlawful as it violates this fundamental right of a woman. But the
question that arises here is that “doesn’t marital rape also violate a woman’s right to live with dignity?”.