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Published by crhines, 2015-07-28 15:34:58


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

John Mabe (Maib, Maabe) & Lucy (Lucinda) Mabe, Revolutionary War soldier
(Designation File Number W04726)

Lucinda Maib - “Bounty Land Claim” for 160 acres of land


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Lucinda Maib - “Widows Pension” for $21.11 per anum, dated June 19th, 1847


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Lucy Maib - “Bounty Land Claim Letter”, dated February 5th, 1857 – Page 1


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Lucy Maib - “Bounty Land Claim Letter”, dated February 5th, 1857 – Page 2


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Lucy Maib - “Bounty Land Claim Letter”, dated February 5th, 1857

State of North Carolina, Stokes County

On this the 5th day of February A.D. 1857 personally appeared before me
*Fleming Priddy a Justice of the peace within and for the County and State
aforesaid Lucy Maib, widow of John Maib Senior deceased, who was
married to the said John Maib Sr., in January and about 1794 or 5 her
maiden name being Lucy Helton the marriage ceremony was performed by
one John Newman in this the County of Stokes and State of NC she
declares she was in her nineteenth year at the time of her marriage and my
said husband died in the aforesaid County of Stokes on 21st day of July
1843 and her present age being about Eighty two years and now a resident of
Stokes County North Carolina who being duly sworn according Law
declares that she is the widow of the identical John Maibe Senior who was
a private in the revolutionary war which will more fully appear by reference
to her declaration now on file in the pension office department recorded in
the pension office on the roll of pensioners under act of February 2nd, 1848
page 220 V. 1, That she is now enjoying a pension as widow of said John
Maibe deceased under the act of 2nd February 1848 of $21.11 per annum
and that she is now the widow of said John Maib she makes the declaration
for the purpose of obtaining the bounty land to which she is entitled to under
act approved the 3rd of March 1855. She made application about April 1855
and the case was suspended for the reason that the dates and place of
marriage was not set for which she avers was the negligence of her former

Lucy Maib, X her mark

*Fleming Priddy “(son of James Priddy and Elizabeth Hodges) was born 1799, and died 1880. He
married Margaret Unknown. His occupation was Justice of Peace. Fleming Priddy was worth $1,400
dollars when he was alive. Back then it was a lot of money. Later in life he is listed as "Squire Priddy". He
had owned over three thousand acres.”

Also see: Historic Priddy’s General Store ( ) located in the Danbury

community, Stokes County, North Carolina.


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Declaration of John Maib, Sen. dated September 9th, 1833 – Page 1


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Declaration of John Maib, Sen. dated September 9th, 1833 – Page 2


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Revolutionary War Pension Application
MAIB, John, Sr. W4726 BLWt. 59092-160-55
Declaration of John Maib, Sr. 9 Sept. 1833 Stokes Co., NC

John Maib, Sr., aged 75 years. He entered service as a drafted private
militia soldier in Surry County in a company commanded by Capt. Edwin
Hickman. He joined the company at the old Moravian Town in Surry and
from there to Surry Courthouse, called old Richmond. Col. Armstrong was
the commander, he believes. They marched under Capt. Hickman and his
brother Thomas Hickman (Lt.) to the Shallow Ford of the Yadkin River in
search of Tories. They marched towards the west a considerable distance
and crossed the Catawba River until we met the troops that had defeated the
British and Tories and taken them prisoners at the Battle of Kings Mountain.
This was about ten miles from the battleground, at which place the prisoners
were put under care of Capt. Hickman's and another company to guard and
run them to the old Moravian Town, crossing at the Shallow Ford of the
Yadkin River. Col. Cleveland and Major Winston were commanding the
troops from Kings Mountain that I saw. After remaining at the old Town, he
was marched as one of the guards of the prisoners to Guilford Courthouse,
where he was discharged, having served three months. This was in fall of
1780. John Maib was next called on as a minute man under Col. Martin
Armstrong. In this expedition he was marched from old Richmond Surry
Courthouse to the Brushy Mountains to route a set of Tories that "embodied"
about said mountains, but they could not find them. They returned home.
This service was at least ten days. John Maib next entered as a drafted
private in the Surry County militia. They met at old Richmond Surry County
Courthouse and marched under Capt. David Humphries to Guilford Court
House and then lay on the Battleground of Guilford. They joined the troops
under command of Col. James Martin and marched to or near Wilmington
after scouring the Raft Swamps after the Tories. In this expedition Maib
often times guarded the "markee" of his General Rutherford who was the
commander in chief of these troops. He served three months in this service,
which he can prove by William Southern and Edwin Hickman.
John Maib stated he was born in Albemarle County, VA. He was living in
Surry County at all times when he was called into service, and has resided in
the same neighborhood ever since the Revolution, which from the division
of Surry is now Stokes County. He was drafted on all of his tours of service.
(John Maib signed by mark.)


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

John Maib Sen. – “Revolutionary Claim” dated October 22nd, 1833, to pay $21.11 per anum


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Mabe family graveyard in rural Stokes County, NC contains graves of Long John
Mabe and, probably, his wife, Lucinda Hylton Mabe. Other graves are unmarked.

* Courtesy of Stokes County Historical Society
EXCERPTS FROM: Mabe Family Book—Authors Virginia Mabe King
and Maria Mabe Thomas.
John Mabe received a pension for his services as a private in the North
Carolina Militia during the Revolutionary War. On September 9th 1833,
when he made his declaration of service, he stated he was living in Surry
County, North Carolina at the time he was called and has resided in the same
neighborhood since the end of the war (now Stokes County). He was first
drafted for a three month term in the late summer of 1780. He served under
Captain Edwin Hickman and his brother Lieutenant Thomas Hickman. They
marched to Old Moravin (Moravian) Town, and then to the courthouse at
Old Richmond; then to Shallowford on the Yadkin River and continued
marching until they were within 10 miles of the battleground at King's
Mountain. There they met the troops that had just defeated the British and
the Tories. That was October 7, 1780. They assumed control of the prisoners
and marched them to Old Moravin (Moravian) Town.


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Long John’s next service was as a Minuteman. He was called for a ten day
tour under Col. Martin Armstrong for the purpose of routing a group of
Tories on Brushy Mountain but none were found. His last tour was for three
months. He served under Colonel John Martin. They marched almost to
Wilmington, North Carolina and searched the Raft Swamps for tories.

John and his wife, Lucinda, were members of the Snow Creek Baptist
Church in Stokes Co. ( GPS: 36.4869, -80.2291 )

John's nickname was “Long John” because of his alleged height of seven

In 1975 the James Hunter Chapter of the Daughters of the American
Revolution (DAR) dedicated a marker that was placed at Long John’s
grave in the vicinity of his home-place in Stokes County.

John “Long John” Mabe was born ca 1758 in Albemarle County, Virginia
and died July 21, 1843 in Stokes County, North Carolina. He was the son of
John William Mabe and his wife, Nannie. He married Lucinda Hylton
(Hilton) on December 25, 1781 in Stokes County. They were married
on Beaver Island Creek, now Rockingham County, North Carolina, by the
Reverend John Newman. Lucinda was born ca 1761 and died 1861 in
Stokes County.

The 1850 Buck Island District, Stokes County, North Carolina census
Mabe, Lucy (80), Patty (46), Mary (36), Nelly (36), Aggy (Agnes) (34),
Marlin (Martin) (12), Cortes (Carter) (12), Matilda (6), Sidney B. (5), and
Caleb (2). Lucy's daughters, Patty, Nellie, Mary, Agnes, and her
grandchildren, Martin, Carter, Matilda, Sidney B. and Caleb were living
with her. She has no occupation and her real estate has no value. Her
daughters can all read and write. She, her children, and grandchildren were
all born in North Carolina. Various dates have been mentioned as the death
year for Lucinda, one as late as 1861. This would have made her 100 years
of age. Even the date of 1857 indicates age 96. In any case, she appears to
have lived well beyond John. The 1860 North Carolina census shows her as
“Age 92” and living alone.

Source: Mabe Family Book by Virginia Mabe King & Maria Mabe Thomas
Ronnie Craddock - Great, great, great, great grandson of Long John Mabe
Revolutionary War Pension Application of John Maib 9 September 1833,

*This article compiled by Charles Farlow, Stokes Historical Society


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Will of John Mabe – September 8, 1836

In the name of God, Amen. I John Mabe Sen. of the County of Stokes in the State of
North Carolina, being weak in body, but of sound and disposing mind and memory,
thanks to the Almighty God for the same do this Eight day of September in the year of our
Lord One thousand eight hundred & thirty six make and publish this my last Will and
Testament in Manner & form following that is to say, first of all I recommend my Soul to
God who gave it and my body to the dust from whence it came to be buried in a Christian
like manner - and as touching such worldly state as it has pleased God to bless me with I
give bequeath & dispose of as follows, to wit, I will & bequeath to my beloved wife,
Lucinda, Twenty acres of Land to be layed off my two hundred acres so as to include the
dwelling house where I now live to have to hold during her life & at her death to be
equally divided among eleven of my Children, Namely, Taylor, Bryson, John, Phillip,
Nancy, Susan Hall , who intermarried Joseph Hall , Lucinda who intermarried
Johnson George (sic), Patsy, Nellie, Mary, and Anges Mabe to them and their heirs
forever . I will and bequeath to my said wife Lucinda all stock, cattle, hogs, and
household and kitchen furniture to have and hold during her natural life & at her death
to go to my daughters above named except Susan Hall whom I consider has received her
portion of my stock and household furniture. –I will and bequeath that the balance of my
tract of land on the waters of Buck Island creek after taking off the above mentioned
twenty acres for my wife be equally divided among the eleven children above named to
them and their heirs forever and as for my sons and Lewis Mabe I have heretofore given
them their proportional part of my estate and therefore I have thought proper not to make
----- further provision in my last Will and Testament – And lastly I do hereby appoint my
friend John Banner, Executor to this my Last Will and Testament. The will is signed
by John Mabe's mark and witnessed by Leroy Nelson .

Ronnie Craddock kneels at the grave marker of his great, great, great, great
grandfather, Long John Mabe. The marker was placed by the James Hunter

Chapter of the DAR. (Photo by Kyle Dalton)


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

James and Lutisha Mabe standing with great, granddaughter, Jeanie Ruth Mabe.
James was the grandson of Long John Mabe.

Restored cabin built by James Mabe (1856-1946). Located in Stokes County, NC.
(Photo by Kyle Dalton)

(*End of Stokes County Historical Society Document)


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

John “Long John” N. Mabe marker located off Old Cabin Trail Road, in Stokes
County near Danbury, North Carolina.

GPS: 36.447148,-80.208768 ( )

John “Long John” N. Mabe marker placed by the James Hunter Chapter of the
DAR in 1975.

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Unmarked grave beside of John “Long John” N. Mabe grave marker is probably
his wife, Lucinda Hylton Mabe.

John and Lucinda Mabe, were members of the Snow Creek Primitive Baptist Church in
Stokes Co., established in 1802. ( GPS: 36.4869, -80.2291 )


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

6th Generation – 3rd Great Grandfather - Taylor Mabe (AKA
‘Maib’) (son of John ’Long John’ Mabe and Lucinda Hylton) was born
Abt. 1796 in Stokes County, North Carolina, and died June 15, 1866 in
Hillsville, Carroll County, Virginia. He married Juda (Judia) George on
September 16, 1817 in Stokes County, North Carolina.

More about Taylor Mabe and Juda (Judia) George:
Marriage: September 16, 1817, Stokes County, North Carolina.

(Record #: 02 191, Bondsman: John Tilley, Bond #: 000140123)

Juda (Judia) George was born December 9, 1799, daughter of (Unknown
George and Unknown) and died March 8, 1882, in Carroll County,
Virginia. Burial: Ayers-Duncan Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.

Children of Taylor Mabe and Juda (Judia) George are:

1. Ephraim Jackson Mabe, SR., b. 1818, Danbury, Stokes County,
North Carolina; d. 1862, Danbury, Stokes County, North Carolina;
Burial: Danbury, Stokes County, North Carolina. [m. his 1st cousin,
Pauline (Paulina) Mabe (daughter of Alexander Mabe and Frances
“Fanny” Lawson) on September 5, 1841, Stokes County, North
Carolina. b. 1820, Stokes County, North Carolina; d. 1903, Alleghany
County, North Carolina] They had seven children:

1. Solomon Mabe b: 17 Apr 1839 in Alleghany County, NC
2. Judith Mabe b: 1841 in Alleghany County, NC
3. Frances Mabe b: 1848 in Alleghany County, NC
4. Ephraim Jackson Mabe, Jr. b: 1850 in Alleghany County, NC
5. Alex Mabe b: 1853 in Alleghany County, NC
6. Amanda Mabe b: 1853 in Alleghany County, NC
7. John Mabe b: 1854 in Alleghany County, NC (In 1934, he, or his son, was
robbed at gunpoint. *Source:;

*[[The Alleghany Times (Vol 9, No 50), May 3, 1934 - Page 1
Court To Convene Here Monday For Regular May Term
Important Criminal Cases Are Scheduled For Trial During Sessions. Judge
McElroy To Preside]]

The spring term of Alleghany County Superior Court will convene at Sparta on
Monday of next week with Judge McElroy presiding. It is expected that a record
breaking crowd will be in Sparta next week since many cases of wide-spread
interest will come up for trial. Both civil and criminal cases will be tried, the


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

criminal cases coming up on the first days of the week and the civil cases coming
up after all the criminal cases are disposed of.

Included in the criminal cases will be the trial of Vance Lane and George
Upchurch, of Laurel Springs, who are charged with holding up at the point of a
gun, and robbing, John Mabe, an aged resident of the Stratford section.
Governor Doughton and Sidney Gambill will assist Solicitor Higgins in the
prosecution, and the defendants are being represented by Attorney R. F. Crouse.

2. Columbus David Mabe, (Pvt. Co. C 28 Va. Inf., CSA 1861-1863, &
13th Virginia Reserves Home Guard CSA 1864) b. April 17, 1821,
Stokes County, North Carolina, d. October 06, 1864, Washington
County, Virginia. [m. Elizabeth Gregory] They had nine children:

1. Henry Mabe, b. September 19, 1845, d. June 4, 1932.
2. Martha Mabe, (McGee) b. January 27, 1848, d. July 30, 1909.
3. Caroline Mabe, b. November 16, 1849, d. October 08, 1957.
4. Margaret Mabe, (Gilley) b. September 1, 1852, d. October 18, 1928.
5. Juda Mabe, b. December 17, 1854, d. September 23, 1856.
6. Ira Mabe, b. May 9, 1857, d. August 2, 1940.
7. John David Mabe, b. October 15, 1859, d. February 13, 1945.
8. Elizabeth Mabe, (Franklin) b. March 25, 1862, d. June 1, 1929.
9. Hulda Mabe, b. April 22, 1865, d. August 15, 1866.

3. Martha Mabe (Newman), b. August 02, 1829, Stokes County, North
Carolina; d. June 10, 1889, Carroll County, Virginia. [m. 2nd wife of
Jesse Newman (son of Nimrod Newman Jr. and Deborah Wileman),
March 17, 1852, Carroll County, Virginia; b. November 12, 1810,
Grayson County, Virginia, d. June 10, 1889, Carroll County, Virginia.
Burial: Ayers-Duncan Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia] They had
six children:

1. Pennella Newman (1853-1857)
2. Ephraim Newman (1855-1857)
3. Nancy Margaret Newman Ayers (1857-1903) m. William Riley Ayers, (Pvt.
Co. F, 29th Virginia Vol. Inf., CSA enl. Salem 3/17/1863) b. October 18, 1846, d,
May 13, 1905. Burials: Both buried at Ayers-Duncan Cemetery, Carroll County,
4. Juda Frances Newman Duncan (1860-1922) Burial: Ayers-Duncan Cemetery,
Carroll County, Virginia.
5. Urina E. Newman (1862-1901) Burial: Ayers-Duncan Cemetery, Carroll
County, Virginia.
6. James Ellis Newman (1865-1942) Burial: Laclede Cemetery, Linn County,


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

“JUDIA MABE WAS BORN DES 9, 1799 – DIED MACH 8, 1882” - Juda (Judia)
George Mabe marker located in Ayers-Duncan Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Ayers-Duncan Cemetery in Carroll County, Virginia.

Ayers-Duncan Cemetery in Carroll County, Virginia.
Located at the top of the hill behind and to the right of Everett Sharp’s property on

Monorat Road, Woodlawn, Virginia.
GPS: 36.779687,-80.862198 ( Source: )


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Stokes County, North Carolina Deeds 1795 – 1858 (Mabe, Maib, Mayab, Mayabb)

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Taylor Mabe ‘Maib’ deed March 23, 1841 to Alexander & Ephraim – Page 1

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Taylor Mabe ‘Maib’ deed March 23, 1841 to Alexander & Ephraim – Page 2

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

5th Generation – 2nd Great Grandfather - Columbus David Mabe (AKA
‘Maib’) (son of Taylor Mabe and Juda (Judia) George) was born April 17,
1821 in Stokes County, North Carolina, and died October 06, 1864 in
Washington County, Virginia. He married Elizabeth Gregory on December
08, 1844 in Stokes County, North Carolina, daughter of George Alexander
Gregory and Margaret Unknown.
More about Columbus David Mabe and Elizabeth Gregory:
Marriage: December 08, 1844, Stokes County, North Carolina.

Elizabeth Gregory Mabe in about 1899

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Elizabeth Gregory was born October 1826 in Scott County, Virginia, and
died April 26, 1906 in Carroll County, Virginia, Burial: Mabe Cemetery,
Carroll County, Virginia.

Children of Columbus David Mabe and Elizabeth Gregory are:

1. Henry Mabe, b. September 19, 1845, d. June 4, 1932.
2. Martha Mabe, (McGee) b. January 27, 1848, d. July 30, 1909.
3. Caroline Mabe, b. November 16, 1849, d. October 08, 1957.
4. Margaret Mabe, (Gilley) b. September 1, 1852, d. October 18,

5. Juda Mabe, b. December 17, 1854, d. September 23, 1856.
6. Ira Mabe, b. May 9, 1857, d. August 2, 1940.
7. John David Mabe, b. October 15, 1859, d. February 13, 1945.
8. Elizabeth Mabe, (Franklin) b. March 25, 1862, d. June 1, 1929.
9. Hulda Mabe, b. April 22, 1865, d. August 15, 1866.

Holston Conference Cemetery, Emory, Virginia
Grave #: 195 Name: David Mabe Remarks: Kent's Batt Reserves Co. B, Oct. 6th
wounded at Saltville Source:

Monument located in Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.

On front of stone - David Mabe was born 17 Apr 1821, Stokes County N. C.
married Elizabeth Gregory 08 Dec 1844. 29th Virginia Infantry CSA 1861-
1863. 13th Virginia Reserves Home Guard CSA 1864. Mortally wounded in
Battle of Saltville Va. Oct 2 1864. Died Oct 6 1864 at Confederate Hospital
Emory and Henry College. Buried in Holston Conference Cemetery Emory

On rear of stone - Children of David & Elizabeth Mabe
Henry 19 Sep 1845-03 Jun 1932
Martha {McGee) 27-Jan 1848 30 Jul 1909
Caroline 16 Nov 1849-08 Oct 1957
Margaret (Gilley) 01 Sep 1852-18 Oct 1928
Juda 17 Dec 1854-23 Sep 1856
Ira 09 May 1857-02 Aug 1940
John 15 Oct 1859-13 Feb 1945
Elizabeth (Franklin) 25 Mar 1862-01 Jun 1929
Hulda 22 Apr 1865-15 Aug 1866


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Monument located in Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Monument located in Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Elizabeth Gregory Mabe marker located in the Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.

The Saltville Battle-field, October 2, 1864, at Saltville, Virginia, the date that David
Mabe was wounded.

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Land Grant to David Mabe, July 11, 1844 in Carroll County, Virginia.

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

4th Generation – Great Grandfather - John David Mabe (son
of Columbus David Mabe and Elizabeth Gregory) was born October 15,
1859, died February 13, 1945. Burial: Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County,

More about John David Mabe and Hulda A. Farmer:
Marriage: August 24, 1882, Carroll County, Virginia
John David Mabe was born October 15, 1859 in Carroll County, Virginia
and died February 13, 1945 in Carroll County, Virginia.

More about the three wives of John David Mabe:

He married (1) Hulda A. Farmer August 24, 1882 in Carroll County,
Virginia, daughter of [[ Eli Farmer and Sena Melton m. April 4, 1854 in
Ashe County, NC by Justus of the Peace, Hiram Higgins ]]. She was born
Abt. 1865 in Carroll County, Virginia and died October 07, 1889 in Carroll
County, Virginia. Burial: Melton Cemetery – Mt. Zion, Carroll County,

He married (2) Lydia E. Mabry December 18, 1890 in Carroll County,
Virginia, daughter of [[ Loira “Ira” Mabry (( son of John Wesley Mabry
and Nancy Dalton )) and Malinda Duncan (( daughter of Reed Duncan
and Sarah Dickenson )) ]]. She was born Abt. 1868 in Carroll County,
Virginia, and died 1901 in Carroll County, Virginia. Burial: Mabe Cemetery,
Carroll County, Virginia.

He married (3) Lillie Frances Coulson June 03, 1903 in Carroll County,
Virginia, daughter of Unknown and Ruth A. Coulson. She was born
December 25, 1878 in Virginia, and died May 09, 1942 in Carroll County,
Virginia. Burial: Coulson Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

John David Mabe and Hulda A. Farmer Mabe [John’s first wife] in the 1880’s

Children of John David Mabe and (1) Hulda A. Farmer are:
1. James Madison Mabe, b. December 10, 1884, Carroll County,
Virginia; d. October 06, 1932, Carroll County, Virginia.
2. Mary Sena “Ella” Mabe, b. September 07, 1886, Carroll County,
Virginia; d. February 03, 1937, Spartanburg, South Carolina.
3. Caroline Elizabeth “Callie” Mabe, b. September 07, 1886, Carroll
County, Virginia; d. December 22, 1916, Carroll County, Virginia.
4. Isaac Emanuel ‘Manuel’ Mabe, b. July 25, 1889 – d. April 28, 1962.
Burial: Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Hulda A. Farmer Mabe marker located in the Melton Cemetery, Carroll County,

Melton Cemetery on Mt. Zion Road in Carroll County, Virginia.
GPS: 36.746583,-80.852171 ( Source: )


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Mabe Family Photo taken about 1899
Front Row: John David Mabe, Isaac Emanuel Mabe, Lydia (Mabry) Mabe [John’s
second wife], Ira David Mabe, Caroline Elizabeth “Callie” Mabe.
Back Row: James Madison Mabe, Elizabeth Gregory Mabe [John’s Mother], Mary
Sena “Ella” Mabe, Elizabeth (Mabe) Franklin [John’s sister].

Children of John David Mabe and (2) Lydia E. Mabry are:
1. Ira David Mabe, (Pvt. U. S. Army, WW I) b. May 26, 1898,
Carroll County, Virginia; d. February 05, 1985, Carroll County,
Virginia. m. Verna W. b. August 6, 1903, d. December 16, 1986.
2. Winnie Pauline Mabe, b. April 06, 1900, Carroll County,
Virginia; d. December 22, 1991, Radford Community Hospital,
Radford, Va.


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

John David Mabe and Lydia E, Mabry Mabe marker located in the Mabe
Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia

Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia
GPS: 36.772799,-80.850216 ( Source: )


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Children of John David Mabe and (3) Lillie Frances Coulson are:

1. Mary Ruth Mabe (Shepherd), b. 1904, Carroll County, Virginia;
d. July 15, 1997, Dublin, Virginia. [m. Lee E. Shepherd (brother
of Bessie Emmeline Shepherd Mabe)] Burial: Mabe Cemetery,
Carroll County, Virginia.

2. Bert A. Mabe, b.1906, d. date unknown
3. Tabitha Ellen Mabe (Mancini), b. September 17, 1907, Carroll

County, Virginia; d. July 09, 1972, Carroll County, Virginia; [m.
Antonio Mancini.]
4. John Henry Mabe, b. April 02, 1908, Virginia; d. March 16,
1977, Carroll County, Virginia.
5. Fred Alonzo Mabe, b. May 14, 1911, Virginia; d. October 21,
1948, McDowell, West Virginia. Burial: Coulson Cemetery,
Carroll County, Virginia
6. Sidney Mabe, b. October 02, 1913, Virginia; d. June 1968.
7. Garland Summers Mabe, b. February 14, 1917, Shorts Creek,
Virginia; d. May 30, 1953, McDowell County, West Virginia.
Burial: Coulson Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia. [m. Laura
Jane Gilbert, March 22, 1943, McDowell County, West Virginia;
b. Abt. 1924, Big Sandy, Kentucky.]


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Lillie Frances Coulson Mabe marker located in the Coulson Church of the Brethren
Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia

Coulson Church of the Brethren Cemetery in Carroll County, Virginia.
GPS: 36.769802,-80.843663 ( Source: )

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

John David Mabe in the 1940’s

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

3rd Generation – Grandfather - Isaac Emanuel “Manuel” Mabe (son
of John David Mabe and Hulda A. Farmer [ John’s 1st wife ]) was born
July 25, 1889 – died April 28, 1962. Burial: Mabe Cemetery, Carroll
County, Virginia. He married Bessie Emmeline Shepherd on December 3,
1915, in McDowell County, West Virginia.

More about Isaac Emanuel Mabe and Bessie Emmeline Shepherd:
Marriage: December 3, 1915, McDowell County, West Virginia. Bessie
Emmeline Shepherd, daughter of John Eli Shepherd and Betty Lundy.
She was born 1896 in Carroll County, Virginia, and died April 29, 1971 in
Carroll County, Burial: Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.

(Green text denotes “living” persons)

Children of Isaac Emanuel Mabe and Bessie Emmeline Shepherd are:

1. (*Rev.) Walter Eli Mabe, b. July 10, 1917, West Virginia, d. July
30, 1992, Burial: Washington/Scott County, Virginia. [m. Louise
Wyatt, Abt. 1938 or 1939, b. Abt. 1915, d. Abt. 1992.]

2. Gertrude Pauline Mabe, b. May 28, 1919, Carroll County,
Virginia, d. December 9, 1983, Burial: Mabe Cemetery, Carroll
County, Virginia.

3. James Elwood Mabe, Sr., (Sgt. U. S. Army, WW II) b. February
17, 1922, West Virginia d. October 18, 1986, Burial: Mabe
Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia. [m. Lula M. Combs (b.
September 8, 1937, d. December 16, 1979, Burial: Mabe
Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.) on date unknown. One son;
James “Jamie” Elwood Mabe, Jr.]

4. Billy Burke Mabe, (Pvt. U. S. Army, WW II) b. December 29,
1923, West Virginia, d. June 12, 1989, Burial: Mabe Cemetery,
Carroll County, Virginia.

5. Betty Louise Mabe (Hines), b. April 29, 1926, West Virginia, d.
(Living), Burial: Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia. [m.
Bernett Eugene Hines (b. September 9, 1930, d. August 14, 1989,
Burial: River Hill Christian Church Cemetery, Carroll County,
Virginia.) on May 15, 1958, in Carroll County, Virginia., Two
sons; Charles Randall Hines and Kenneth Alan Hines.]

6. John Lee Mabe, (Pvt. U. S. Army, WW II) born May 18, 1928 in
Carroll County, VA, d. January 13, 2012, Ridgeway, VA, Burial:
Roselawn Burial Park, Martinsville, Virginia. [m. Juanita Black b.


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

May 5, 1931, Virginia, d. (Living) on December 28, 1951. Two
daughters; Carolyn Mabe Gullion and Teresa Mabe Workman. ]
7. Robert Lewis Mabe b. Abt. 1930, Carroll County, Virginia, d.
1930, Burial: Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.
8. Ray Daniel “Danny” Mabe, (Sgt. U. S. Air Force, 1951-1972) b.
April 9, 1933, Carroll County, Virginia, d. June 16, 2012, Galax,
Virginia, Burial: Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia. [m.
Faye Christine McLure (b. March 29, 1931, in Scotland, d.
August 25, 1996, Burial: Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County,
Virginia.) on May 6, 1955, in New York, New York., Two sons;
Timothy Ray Mabe and Michael Ray Mabe.]
9. Noah Paul Mabe b. Abt. 1936, Carroll County, Virginia, d. 1936,
Burial: Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia
10.Clyde J Mabe b. Abt. 1938, Carroll County, Virginia, d. 1940,
Burial: Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.

(*Rev.) Reverend Walter Eli Mabe was a Methodist Preacher in Southwest Virginia for
most of his life. He resided in Nickelsville, located in Scott County, Virginia at his death
on July 30, 1992. He married Louise Wyatt in about 1938 or 1939.

Isaac Emanuel Mabe and Bessie Emmeline Shepherd Mabe in the 1950’s


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Isaac Emanuel “Manuel” Mabe and Bessie Emmeline Shepherd Mabe marker
located in the Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia

Seated: Juanita Black Mabe, Charles Randall Hines
Standing Left to Right: Kenneth Alan Hines, Teresa Mabe Workman, Michael Ray

Mabe, Carolyn Mabe Gullion, Timothy Ray Mabe

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

1940 U.S. Census – Mabe Family on Pipers Gap, Carroll County, Virginia.

Isaac Manuel Mabe - World War Two Registration Card – 1942 with June 21, 1891
(51 years old) as his birth date? He was actually born on July 25, 1889 (53 years old).


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

2nd Generation – Mother - Betty Louise (Mabe) Hines (daughter of Isaac
Emanuel “Manuel” Mabe and Bessie Emmeline Shepherd) was born April
29, 1926 – died (Living). Burial: Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.
She married Bernett Eugene Hines (b. September 9, 1930, d. August 14,
1989, Burial: River Hill Christian Church Cemetery, Carroll County,
Virginia.) on May 15, 1958, in Carroll County, Virginia.
More about Bernett Eugene Hines and Betty Louise (Mabe) Hines:
Marriage: May 15, 1958, Carroll County, Virginia. Bernett Eugene Hines,
is the son of Francis Eugene Hines and Lola E. (Cox) Hines.
Children of Bernett Eugene Hines and Betty Louise (Mabe) Hines are:

1. Charles Randall Hines, b. August 15, 1959, Galax, Virginia.
d. (Living). Burial: River Hill Christian Church Cemetery,
Carroll County, Virginia.

2. Kenneth Alan Hines, b. September 22, 1965, Galax, Virginia.
d. (Living). Burial: River Hill Christian Church Cemetery,
Carroll County, Virginia.

Betty Louise Mabe Hines in the 1940’s Bernett Eugene Hines in the 1980’s.


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Betty Louise Mabe Hines marker located in the Mabe Cemetery, Carroll County,
Virginia. As of this writing, she is the last surviving Mabe child of Manuel Mabe
and Bessie Emmeline Shepherd Mabe, at 86 years old. She still lives alone in her
home, drives her car, in good health, attends church, and is self sufficient on a daily
basis. The Mabe surname will be carried on by the descendants of James Elwood

Mabe, Sr. and Ray Daniel “Danny” Mabe.

Bernett Eugene Hines marker located in the River Hill Christian Church Cemetery,
Carroll County, Virginia

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

1st Generation – Charles Randall Hines (son of Bernett Eugene Hines
and Betty Louise (Mabe) Hines) was born August 15, 1959, Galax,
Virginia. – died (Living). Burial: River Hill Christian Church Cemetery,
Carroll County, Virginia. He married Mary Sue Caudill on March 20, 2001
in Carroll County, Virginia.
More about Randall Hines and Mary Sue Caudill:
Marriage: March 20, 2001, Carroll County, Virginia. Mary Sue Caudill is
the daughter of Walter Claude Caudill and Nina Louise (Wiles) Caudill.
Charles Randall Hines first name was derived from his 6th Great
grandfather’s brother, Charles M. Mabe (1735-1803).
Children of Charles Randall Hines and Mary Sue Caudill are:
No children from marriage and two step-children.

1. Jonathan Ray Roberts, b. February 6, 1982, Galax, Virginia, d.
(Living), Burial: unknown.

2. Christopher Lee Roberts, b. June 15, 1985, Galax, Virginia, d.
(Living), Burial: unknown.

Charles Randall Hines and Mary Sue Caudill Hines on May 10, 2009

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

A collage of old photos taken in the 1960’s. The top two photos are of Charles
Randall Hines with his dad’s (Bernett Eugene Hines) dirt track race car in 1965.
The bottom left photo is of Charles Randall Hines and his mother (Betty Louise
Mabe Hines) taken in 1962. The bottom right photo is of Charles Randall Hines on
his new bicycle taken about 1968. (…I still have the bicycle!)


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

1st Generation – Brother - Kenneth Alan Hines (son of Bernett Eugene
Hines and Betty Louise (Mabe) Hines) was born September 22, 1965,
Galax, Virginia – died (Living). Burial: River Hill Christian Church
Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia. He married Sherrie Lea Faulkner on
July 29, 1983 in Carroll County, Virginia.
More about Kenneth Alan Hines and Sherrie Lea Faulkner:
Marriage: July 29, 1983, Carroll County, Virginia. Sherrie Lea Faulkner is
the daughter of Rufus Faulkner and Shirley Hash.
Children of Kenneth Alan Hines and Sherrie Lea Faulkner are:
No children from marriage and two step-children.

1. Nikki Hawks, b. August 23, 1979, Mount Airy, North Carolina, d.
(Living), Burial: unknown.

2. Fieldyn Hawks, b. March 11, 1981, Mount Airy, North Carolina,
d. (Living), Burial: unknown.

Kenneth Alan Hines and Sherrie Lea Faulkner Hines


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

Photo taken at Tweetsie Railroad of Kenneth Alan Hines and Charles Randall Hines in 1967

Photo taken at Tabb,Virginia of Michael Ray Mabe, Timothy Ray Mabe, Charles Randall Hines, and
Kenneth Alan Hines taken in 1968


The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

River Hill Christian Church Cemetery located in Carroll County, Virginia.
GPS: 36.757111,-80.935775 ( Source: )

The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.

1st Edition -- My -- To Do List:

1) Visit, GPS, & take photos of other grave sites.
2) Locate more documentation and images.
3) Verify unproven lines.
4) Check data over & over, for omissions, errors, and facts.
5) Get more input from family sources, the internet, other

genealogists, historical societies, etc.
6) Update any “unknown” info as it becomes available.

Please use the notes area on the next few pages to make any
additions, corrections, or to fill in your lineage from any point
in this genealogy.




The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.




The Mabe genealogy line, from England (1600’s) to the United States (1700’s), Virginia and North Carolina.




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