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Published by Teacher Timmy, 2021-10-20 20:23:24

TB Super Minds LEVEL 1 Teacher's Book

TB Super Minds LEVEL 1 for teachers

Keywords: Teacher's book Supermind

Aim: 2 SB p20 Read and number the sentences from

• to stimulate the students’ imagination through the story.

listening and acting out Aim: to give students practice in reading for detail

New language: look down and catch it, on • Read the six instructions aloud.
• Students individually match the instructions with
your head, turn around, stretch, pencil holder,
toilet roll tube, scissors, cardboard, glue, animal the pictures.
magazines, cut flaps at the bottom, cut out
pictures, fold, on the tube, glue the flaps on the • They compare their answers in pairs.
piece of cardboard • Check by asking one student to read an instruction

Recycled language: classroom objects, imperatives aloud, another to mime the action and another to

say the letter.

Materials: CD, toilet roll tubes, scissors, Key: 6, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4

cardboard, glue, animal magazines

Language competences: Your students will

be able to listen and do actions to demonstrate
for tionWarm-up

Aim: to review instructions

trictly ca• Give students some simple instructions, e.g. Stand
up. Sit down. Pass the ruler to your friend. Close your
book. Put your pen in your bag.

u• Students take turns to give other instructions to
the class.
S Ed1 CD1 3 SB p20 Listen to your friend and act out.
istry of ysiaAim: to give students practice in following instructionsAim: to give students practice in giving and

and in sequencing information following instructions

• Students look at the pictures in their Student’s Books. • Demonstrate the activity by giving the instructions in
• Play the recording and mime the actions.
SB p20 Listen and act out with your teacher. random order for the class to follow.

Then listen again and number the pictures. • Students do the activity in pairs.
• Invite more confident students to role play their
CD1 Track 27
instructions in front of the class.
la1 Take out your pencil case.
1 WB p20 Make a pencil holder.
2 Stand up.
Aim: to enable students to follow a set of instructions
in a3 Put the pencil case on your head.
to make a pencil holder
4 Stretch.
5 Turn around. Ending the lesson

M6 Look down and catch it. Aim: to give students practice in writing instructions
M• Mime the actions without the recording and teach the • Students work in pairs. They write a set of four

instructions, similar to those in the Warm-up, to give
to another pair.

• Pairs swap instructions, read them silently and

then act them out.

Extension activity

Aim: to give students further practice in giving

and responding to instructions

• Students put their empty pencil holders on

their desks.

new language through mime. • In pairs, they take turns to tell each other what

• Play the recording again and mime the actions. Students to put in the pencil holder, e.g. Put three coloured

mime the actions with you. pencils, one pen, a rubber and a ruler in your pencil

• Students listen again and sequence the pictures. holder.
• They compare answers in pairs before the class check.
• Students then tell each other what to take out, e.g.
Key: 3, 6, 4, 2, 1, 5
Now take out your ruler and one coloured pencil.


Aims: • In pairs, they take turns to point to one of the

• to review language from the unit pictures and say the word.
• to encourage students to reflect on their learning
• Then students write the words under the pictures.

New language: poster 1 WB p21 Draw and write examples of what

Recycled language: vocabulary and grammar you know.

from the unit Aim: to enable students to demonstrate what they

Materials: poster paper for each pair/group have learnt

of students, felt tips, the Internet or brochures,

scissors, glue Ending the lesson

Language competences: Your students will be Aim: to enable students to express their preferences

able to use language from the unit to make and • Ask students what their favourite song, chant or
talk about a poster.
game is from the unit.
• Do the song, chant or game again with the class.
r nAim: to review colours
fo tio• Write the ten colours in scrambled letter order Extension activity

on the board. Aim: to enable students to share what they

• Students work in pairs and write each colour have learnt

trictly cacorrectly. • Put students into groups of four.
u1 SB p21 Make a poster. • Each student opens their Workbook at page 21.
• Students take turns to read aloud what they have
Aim: to enable students to consolidate their
written for number 2 and to say something about
dknowledge of colours and classroom objects their pictures.
S E• Read through all the stages of the poster activity with
• Encourage students to compare what they have
students first.
written and drawn.
istry of ysia• Makesuretheyknowwhattheyhavetodo.
• Students do the same for numbers 3 and 4.
• Hand out the poster paper to pairs of students. Students

complete Part a of the activity.

• Give one brochure to each pair/group. Alternatively, they

find pictures on the Internet. Students complete Part b
of the activity.

la• Give some scissors and glue to each pair/group. Students
complete Part c of the activity.
in a2 SB p21 Count the school objects. Close your
Meyes. What colour are they?

MAim: to give students practice with memorising
classroom objects and their colours

• Demonstrate the activity first with the class, using one of

the posters.

• Look at the poster, close your eyes and say, e.g. There

are two bags. One is red and one is green.

• Students do the same, talking about other pairs’ posters.

Picture dictionary

Aim: to review vocabulary for classroom objects
• Students look at the Picture dictionary page for

classroom objects (WB page 119).


1 Make a poster. Colours at school

a Write the colour b Think of school objects and find
words on your poster. pictures in different colours.

MiniSsttrryicMotlayf lEafodyrsuicaationc Cut out the pictures and stick them on your poster.

2 Count the school objects. Close your eyes.

What colour are they? There are nine pencils. Two

are blue and two are red …

Revision 21

Let’s play!

1 CD1 Listen and look. Then listen and say the words.

1 kite 2 doll
for tion3 monster
trictly ca5 computergame 4 plane
7 car
du6 train
MiniSstryMoaf lEaysia9 bike
8 ball

10 go-kart

2 CD1 Listen and chant.

Toy shop, toy shop, A b ll, computer g me,
Let’s go to the toy shop. A monster nd pl ne.
A doll, c r, bike, oh yes, And there’s kite!
A go-k rt and tr in, Th t’s right!

22 Toys

Aims: 2 CD1 SB p22 Listen and chant.

• to present and practise toys Aim: to give students further practice saying the toys

• to say a chant with the class • Students look at the chant.

New language: kite, doll, monster, plane, ball, • Play the recording. Students listen and follow the chant

computer game, train, car, bike, go-kart, let’s go, in their Student’s Books.

toy shop, that’s right, there’s a (kite), race • Play the recording again, pausing after each verse for

Recycled language: colours, numbers one–ten students to repeat.

Materials: CD, flashcards (toys) • Do the chant as a class and then in groups.
• Make ten groups. Hand out a flashcard to each group.
Language competences: Your students will be • Students do the chant again, holding up the relevant

able to identify and name toys. flashcard when they say the word.

Your students will be able to join in with a chant. 1 CD1
Warm-up WB p22 Listen and number.

r nAim: to review colours

• Tell students to point to different-coloured objects

fo tiointheroom.

• Say, e.g. Find something blue.

trictly ca• Repeat for the other known colours.

• Go around the room pointing to or touching objects

and asking What colour is it?
Aim: to give students practice in hearing the new words

CD1 Track 30

Number one: ball
Number two: car
Number three: computer game
Number four: bike
Number five: doll
Number six: plane
Number seven: kite
Number eight: go-kart
Number nine: monster
Number ten: train

Key: 2 car, 3 computer game, 4 bike, 5 doll, 6 plane,

7 kite, 8 go-kart, 9 monster, 10 train
Aim: to present toys

S E• Hold up each flashcard in turn. Say the word for
fstudents to repeat in chorus.
istry o ysia• Dothisthreeorfourtimes.

• Hold up each flashcard for students to say the word

in chorus.

• Stick the flashcards on the board or around the room.
2 WB p22 Join the dots. What is it?

Aim: to review toys
Key: A go-kart
la1 CD1
in aAim: to practise toys Ending the lesson

• Students look at the picture in their Student’s Books. Aim: to review key language from the lesson

M• Elicit who they can see (the four Super Friends) and • Display the flashcards on the board. Write a number
Mwhere they are (outside a toy shop).
SB p22 Listen and look. Then listen and say under each one.

the words. • Say the word, e.g. Doll. Students write the number in

their notebooks.

• Students compare answers in pairs before you elicit

• Play the recording. the words from the class.

CD1 Track 28 Extension activity

Thunder: Wow! Look at the go-kart! Aim: to play a game to practise the new vocabulary

Misty: Cool! It’s my favourite toy. • Students close their books.
• Display nine flashcards on the board.
Flash: It’s a go-kart race. Let’s join in! • Elicit what is missing.
• Collect the flashcards. Display eight, then seven,
Whisper: OK.
then six flashcards and repeat the activity.
Now say the words.

1 kite, 2 doll, 3 monster, 4 plane, 5 computer game,

6 train, 7 car, 8 ball, 9 bike, 10 go-kart

• Students point to the objects and the words when they

hear them.

• Play the recording again. Students repeat the words.
• Students practise pointing and naming in pairs.


Aims: 2 CD1 SB p23 Listen and say.

• to present and practise his, her, he, she, he’s, she’s Aim: to focus students on grammatical form
• to practise asking and answering questions
New language: his, her, he, she, he’s, she’s, • Play the first question and answer. Students repeat.

favourite Focus on his for a boy/man.

Recycled language: numbers one–ten, toys • Repeat for each question and answer. Focus on

Materials: CD, flashcards (toys), Unit 2 stickers, her, he / he’s, she / she’s.

scissors • Students practise the questions and answers in

open pairs.

Language competences: Your students will be 3 SB p23 Ask and answer.

able to ask and answer simple questions. Aim: to give students practice in asking and

Warm-up answering questions

Aim: to review toys • Demonstrate the activity by drawing two pictures,

r n• Flash each flashcard very quickly in front of the class. of a boy and a girl, on the board and responding to
students’ questions.
• Elicit what the word is and give the flashcard to
• Students draw a picture of a female friend or a
fo tiothe student who says it correctly.
male friend.
• Invite the ten students to come and stick the
• They go around the class taking turns to ask and answer
flashcards on the board, repeating the word.
about the friends.
trictly ca• Pre-teach favourite by asking students which their
favourite toy is. 1 WB p23 Follow the lines. Write the words.
u1 CD1
31 Aim: to practise writing the toys
dAim: to present his, her, he, she, he’s, she’s Key: 2 bike, 3 computer game, 4 car
S ENote: In order to carry out this activity, students will firstSB p23 Listen and stick.
2 WB p23 Read and match. Write numbers.
need to cut out their stickers with the backs attached.
Aim: to give students practice in matching questions
istry of ysia• Give students time to look at the pictures. Point to each
child and say his/her name. and answers

• Students prepare their stickers and look at them. Key: 2, 3, (1), 4, 6, 5
• Play the recording. Students listen and choose the
Ending the lesson
correct stickers.
laCD1 Track 31 Aim: to review new language from the lesson
in aThisisSophie. • Invite a boy to come to the front and choose
MWhat’s her favourite toy?
1 What’s her name? 3 What’s her name? a flashcard.

MHer favourite toy is her bike. Her favourite toy is her ball.This is Olivia.• The student holds it up. Ask What’s his favourite

How old is she? How old is she? toy? What’s his name? How old is he?

She’s seven. She’s six. • Repeat with a girl.
• Repeat with other boys and girls and have students
What’s her favourite toy?
ask and answer the questions in open pairs.

2 What’s his name? 4 What’s his name?

This is Alex. This is Mark. Extension activity

How old is he? How old is he? Aim: to give students practice in word order of

He’s six. He’s seven. questions and answers

What’s his favourite toy? What’s his favourite toy? • Write some of the questions and answers from the

His favourite toy is his train. His favourite toy is his kite. lesson on the board in jumbled word order, e.g. his
toy computer game His favourite is.
• Students check in pairs.
• Students work in pairs to unjumble the questions
• Play the recording again and check answers with
and answers and then to match them with each
the class. other.

• Students stick the stickers under the pictures.

• Play the recording again with the stickers in place.

Key: 1 bike, 2 train, 3 ball, 4 kite


1 CD1 Listen and stick.

12 3 4

trictly fodrucation2 CD1SophieAlex Olivia Mark
iSstry of EysiaWhat’shisname?Gr mm rListen and say.

His name’s Ben.

laWhat’s her name?
How old is he? He’s seven.

What’s his favourite toy? His favourite toy’s his ball.
in aHow old is she?
M MWhat’s her favourite toy? Her favourite toy’s her doll.
Her name’s Lisa.

She’s six.

3 Ask and answer.

What’s … ? How … ?

What’s his / her … ? How old is he / she? 23

1 CD1 Listen and sing.

Hey, Emm ! Wh t’s your f vourite toy? …

My f vourite toy isn’t pl ne.
It isn’t kite or computer g me.
My f vourite toy!

r nHey, Mike! Wh t’s your f vourite number? …
fo tioMy f vourite number isn’t three.
trictly caC n you find it? Look t me!
uMy f vourite number!
dHey, Emm ! Wh t’s your f vourite toy? …
iSstry of EysiaMy f vourite toy …

My f vourite toy’s go-k rt.
Th t’s sm rt!

laHey, Mike! Wh t’s your f vourite number? …
in aMy f vourite number …
M MMy f vourite number’s eight.

Th t’s gre t!

2 Look at the picture. Find and circle Emma and Mike.

24 Singing for pleasure

Aims: 2 WB p24 Write a new verse about you. Draw

• to sing a song with the class a picture.
• to practise talking about favourite things
New language: that’s smart, that’s great Aim: to enable students to personalise what they

have learnt

Recycled language: numbers one–ten, toys Ending the lesson

Materials: CD Aim: to review key language from the lesson
• Students sing the song from SB Activity 1 again.
Language competences: Your students will be • Alternatively, in groups of four, students take turns

able to join in with a song.

to sing their new verses from WB Activity 2 to

the class.

Aim: to review toys
• Tell students you are thinking of a toy. They have

to guess.

r n• Say, e.g. It isn’t a monster. It isn’t a go-kart. Mime to
help them guess.

fo tio• The student who guesses correctly thinks of the next
Extension activity

Aim: to give students practice in ranking

• Demonstrate the activity for the class.
• Write the toys and games on the board and write

1, 2, 3 next to the ones you like best (1 being your


• Students do the same individually and then

compare their answers in threes.

• Elicit from students which their favourites are.
• Make a bar chart on the board or on a piece of

paper displaying this information.
trictly ca1CD1
u• Students look at the picture. Elicit what toys andSB p24 Listen and sing.
dnumbers they can see.
Aim: to sing a song with the class
• Play the recording. Students follow the song in their

S EStudent’s Books.
f• Play the recording again, pausing after each verse for
istry o ysiastudentstorepeat.

• When students have learnt the song, practise it with the

whole class and then in groups.

• Use the karaoke version of the song for students to sing

in three groups.
la2 SB p24 Look at the picture. Find and circle
Emma and Mike.

in aAim: to check students’ comprehension of the song
M• Students read the song silently to find Emma and Mike.
M• They check in pairs and then in fours before the
class check.

Key: Emma is the girl walking towards the go-kart.

Mike is the boy with ‘8’ on his T-shirt.

1 WB p24 Look at the song. Circle the picture.

Aim: to further check students’ comprehension of

the song

Key: Emma – a go-kart, Mike – 8


Aims: 2 CD1 SB p25 Listen and say.
• to present and practise adjective order with nouns
• to present and practise a/an Aim: to focus students on grammatical form
• to practise asking and answering questions
New language: a/an, long, short, big, small, ugly, • Play the recording. Students listen and repeat in chorus.
• Ask students to guess why a is used in one and an in
beautiful, old, new
the other.
Recycled language: numbers one–ten, toys
• Ask students to find the other use of an in SB Activity 1
Materials: CD
(with old).
Language competences: Your students will be
• Give the reason if they don’t guess, e.g. We use an
able to use adjectives to describe objects.
before words beginning with a, e, i, o or u (vowels).

• Play the recording again for students to repeat a

second time.

Warm-up 3 SB p25 Draw a toy. Ask and answer.

Aim: to review toys and games

r n• Do a clapping game to review the vocabulary.
fo tio• Clap twice and then say a toy.

• Students repeat.
• Clap twice and repeat the toy. Clap twice more and

trictly caaddanothertoy.

• Students repeat.
• Continue until all the toys are in the chain.
Aim: to give students practice asking and

answering questions

• Demonstrate the activity by secretly drawing a toy.
• Students ask questions to guess.
• Students do the activity in pairs. Remind them not to

show their picture to their friend.
du1 CD1
35 1 CD1
37 WB p25 Listen and tick (✓) the box.

Aim: to give students practice in listening and matching

Aim: to present the new set of adjectives CD1 Track 37
1 A beautiful boat.
S E• Give students time to look at the pictures and to say 2 A small book.
fwhat they can see. 3 A short ruler.
istry o ysia• Play the recording. Students listen and number. 4 A big plane.
SB p25 Listen and number the pictures. 5 An ugly doll.

Key: 2 1st picture, 3 2nd picture, 4 2nd picture,

5 2nd picture
CD1 Track 35
2 WB p25 Write the words in order.
1 A small yellow ball.
2 An ugly purple monster. Aim: to practise adjective/noun order
3 A new pink go-kart. Key: 2 a long train, 3 an ugly monster, 4 a new bike

la4 A big green ball. Ending the lesson

5 A long blue train. Aim: to practise memory strategies

in a6 An old black go-kart. • Together with students, create a mime for each of

7 A short red train. the new adjectives: long, short, big, small, ugly,
8 A beautiful orange monster. beautiful, old, new.

M• Students check in pairs. Play the recording again. • Do each mime together as a class.
M• Check with the class.

• Encourage students to guess what the new adjectives

mean by looking at the pictures.

Key: 5, 7, 4, 1, 2, 8, 6, 3

Practice Extension activity

Aim: to give students practice with adjectives and Aim: to give further practice with adjectives

adjective order • Have students look again at WB Activity 1.
• They write the correct phrases for the objects they
• Give students 30 seconds to look at the pictures in
didn’t tick, e.g. An ugly boat.
SB Activity 1.

• They close their Student’s Books.
• In pairs, they try to remember the pictures.
• Elicit from the class, gently correcting adjective order.


1 CD1 Listen and number the pictures.

trictly fodrucationAn ugly purple A beautifulA longA shortA bigA small
blue train. red train. green ball. yellow ball.

S Emonster.
istry of ysia2 CD1 An old black A new pink
36 go-kart.
orange monster. go-kart.

laIt’s a new kite. It’s an ugly monster.Gr mm r
focus Listen and say.
Min Ma3 Draw a toy. Ask and answer.
Is it a monster?

Yes, it is. Is it green?
No, it isn’t.
Adjectives 25

1 CD1 2 1, 2, 3 – Go! Go!

1 This is Ben from the Red
team and this is Misty
from the Green team!

for tionHa ha ha! What an ugly old go-kart!4 Oh no!
trictly ca3 Great,Misty!

duShe’s first! Stop her!
iniSstry oaf lEaysiaHahaha!NowI’mfirst! Help!
M5 6 Hold on, Misty!
M Just a minute.
That isn’t fair!

26 Value: fair play – cheating is wrong

Aims: 2 Think! WB p26 Put the story in order.

• to present a picture story Aim: to review the storyline
• to review language from the unit
New language: What a/an (ugly old go-kart)! Thinking skills: paying attention to visual

first, go, that isn’t fair, just a minute, hold on, detail, sequencing
Key: a Picture 3, b Picture 6, c Picture 5, e Picture 8,
Recycled language: colours, numbers, toys
f Picture 2, g Picture 7, h Picture 4

Materials: CD Ending the lesson

Language competences: Your students will be Aim: to practise the story

able to listen to and read a story. • Put students in groups of six.

Your students will be able to act out the story. • Students each take a role of one of the characters.
Value: fair play – cheating is wrong • Play the recording. Students repeat in role.
• Students practise the role play in groups.
• Volunteer groups role play for the class.

Extension activity

Aim: to discuss the values of fair play and cheating

being wrong

• Focus on the parts of the story where Ben tries

to cheat.

• Elicit from students why the value of fairness is

important and elicit examples from the students of
when they have experienced unfairness.
Note: This discussion will probably need to take
place in L1.
r nWarm-up

Aim: to review the characters and the story

fo tio• Elicit from the students the names of the four Super

trictly ca• Ask students to mime their special powers.

• Prompt what Flash said in the previous episode:

I’m (sorry).
du1 CD1
Aim: to present a picture storySB pp26–27 The go-kart race

M1 CD1 S E• Check understanding of go-kart race.
39f• Elicit which characters students can see in the pictures.
istry o ysia• Play the recording. Students listen and read to find out

who wins the race (Misty).

• Students compare their ideas in pairs before the

class check.

• Play the recording again. Pause after each frame to

lacheck comprehension.

• Talk briefly with the class about the value (fair play –

in acheating is wrong).

• Play the recording a third time. Students listen

Mand repeat.
WB p26 Listen and tick (✓) the box.

Aim: to review phrases from the story

CD1 Track 39
1 Misty: That isn’t fair!
2 Ben: What an ugly old go-kart!
3 Thunder: Hold on, Misty!

Key: 1 Misty – 1st picture, 2 Ben – 1st picture,

3 Thunder – 1st picture


Aims: 4 CD1 SB p27 Listen and say.

• to talk about the meaning of a story Aim: to practise the letter sound e, a short vowel
• to practise saying the short vowel sound e

• to review language from the story and the unit • Play the recording. Students look at the picture, read
New language: nouns
and repeat.

Recycled language: language from the story CD1 Track 40
Materials: CD
Ken and his ten red pens.

Language competences: Your students will be Ken and his ten red pens!

able to interpret deeper meaning from a story. • Repeat the sentence as a class without the recording.

Phonics focus: Your students will be able to Say it loudly, slowly, quickly, whisper it, etc.

• Students take turns to repeat in pairs.
identify and say the letter sound e and contrast it
with the previously learned letter sound a. 1 WB p27 Look and circle.

Value: fair play – cheating is wrong Aim: to focus students on the value of fair play and

r nWarm-up cheating being wrong
fo tioAim: to review the story
Key: Picture 2
• Write Ben and Misty on the board.
2 CD1 WB p27 Write e or a. Listen and say.
trictly ca• Say phrases from the story, spoken by Ben or Misty. 41

• Students call out either Ben or Misty. Aim: to practise reading and saying words with the

u2 Think! SB p27 Read and number the go-karts. letter sounds e and a
dAim: to review adjectives
S EThinking skills: comparative thinking, analysis of CD1 Track 41

statements 1 cat, 2 pen, 3 pencil, 4 bag, 5 desk, 6 ten, 7 black, 8 Flash

istry of ysia• Students look at the pictures and read the threeKey: See CD script above.
phrases silently.

• They match phrases with pictures and compare answers

in pairs.

• Check with the class. Elicit why an is used in phrase 2.

laKey: 3, 1, 2
in a3 SB p27 Find who says ...

Aim: to present the letter sound e

M• Write Ben and red on the board, using a red pen for the
Me. Separate out the three phonemes in the words and
Ending the lesson

Aim: to review and write decodable words with the

letter sound e and distinguish it from the previous
letter sound a

• Students close their Student’s Books.
• Dictate the sound sentence while students write.

They compare their sentences with a partner before
checking in the Student’s Book.

• Students write two columns in their notebooks: e

and a. Say the words cat, red, pen, hat, black, ten,
desk, bag. Pupils write the words in the correct
column. You could also use the CD script for WB
Activity 2 for this exercise.

say each one separately (e.g. B – e – n) before saying

the whole word. Extension activity

• Students repeat This is Ben from the Red team Aim: to discuss the values of fair play and cheating

after you. being wrong

• Students find the speech bubble in the story (frame 1). • Focus students on the pictures in WB Activity 1.
• Elicit why this value is important and elicit examples
Key: The man in the orange sweater

from them.

Note: This discussion will probably need to take
place in L1.


7 Woah! 8 Congratulations, Misty!
You’re first!

Thank you!

for tion2 Think! Read and number the go-karts.
trictly ca1 A small go-kart.
iniSstry oaf lEadysuia3 Findwhosays…2 An old go-kart.3 A big go-kart.

M M4 CD1 This is Ben from
40 the Red team.

Listen and say.

Ken and his ten red pens.

Phonics focus 27

1 Look and read. Tick (✓) or cross (✗) the box.

It’s a long train.


r nIt’s a new kite.
trictly fo catio3

duIt’s a big boat.
iSstry of Eysia4

It’s an ugly doll.

Min Mala5
It’s an old bike.
It’s a short train.

28 Reading

Aims: 1 CD1 WB p28 Listen and colour.

• to practise reading and listening skills Aim: to practise listening for specific information LE
• to review the vocabulary for toys and games CD1 Track 42

Skills: reading and listening for specific information Man: OK, look at the bike. Colour it grey.

New language: colour it (grey), What colour? Girl: OK.
Man: Now, the train. Can you see it?
show me (the computer game), fantastic, Girl: Yes.
very good Man: Colour it yellow.
Girl: OK. A yellow train. Great.
Recycled language: toys, adjectives

Materials: CD, flashcards (toys) Man: Now find the plane.

Language competences: Your students will be Girl: The plane. Here it is.

able to read and listen for specific information. Man: Good. Colour the plane blue.
Girl: A blue plane. That’s cool.
Warm-up Man: Next, colour the car.
Girl: What colour?
r nAim: to review toys Man: Orange.
fo tio• Place the flashcards in a row on the board. Draw Girl: OK, an orange car.
Man: And now show me the computer game.
a square around each one. Girl: The computer game. Here it is.
Man: Good. Colour it green.
• Elicit the word for each one, working from left Girl: OK. A green computer game.
Man: And now look for the go-kart and colour it red.
to right. Girl: A red go-kart. Fantastic!
Man: Very good. Thank you.
trictly ca• Takeoneflashcardaway.
Key: train: yellow, plane: blue, car: orange, computer
• Elicit the word for each one, working from left to
game: green, go-kart: red
uright, including the missing flashcard.
Ending the lesson
• Continue until all the flashcards are missing.
Aim: to give students speaking and writing practice
d• Hand out the flashcards to ten students.
S E• They come and place them in the correct space through a game

on the board. • In pairs, students draw four pictures using the

istry of ysia1 SBp28 Look and read. Tick (✓) or cross (✗) Student’s Book activity as a model.
the box.
• They colour the pictures and then write four
Aim: to practise reading LE
• Tell students to look carefully at the pictures and sentences, one about each picture. Some are true
and some are false.
lathe sentences.
• Pairs swap pictures with another pair and tick or
• Pre-teach boat.
cross the sentences.
in a• Read the instructions aloud.
Extension activity
• Make sure students know what to do. Do an example

Mwith the class.
M• Students complete the activity individually and silently.
• Give students time to compare answers with their Aim: to play a game

friends. • Review with students the mimes from Ending the

• Check with the class. lesson on page T25 for the new set of adjectives.

Key: 1 ✓, 2 ✗, 3 ✗, 4 ✓, 5 ✗, 6 ✓ • Demonstrate the game. Mime, e.g. an old plane.
• Students ask yes/no questions to try to guess, e.g.

Is it big? Is it a plane?

• The student who guesses correctly and who says the

sentence correctly comes to the front to mime.


Aims: 2 SB p29 Ask and answer.

• to practise listening, speaking, writing and Aim: to give students practice in asking and

reading skills answering questions

• to present What’s your favourite (colour/ • Demonstrate the activity.
• Give students thinking time to prepare their ideas.
number/toy)? • Students take turns to ask and answer in pairs.
• Check and give further practice in open pairs.
• to review the vocabulary for toys


• reading and listening for specific information 3 SB p29 Draw and write about your favourite toy.

• interactive speaking Aim: to give students practice in writing from a model

• writing about favourite things from a model • Read the text to the class.
• Elicit from some students what their favourite toys are.
New language: things, What’s your favourite • Remind them to use adjectives.
• Students draw a picture of their favourite toy and write
about it on paper.
Recycled language: toys, adjectives
• Check students’ descriptions before they write a final
Materials: CD, coloured pencils
version next to their picture.
r nLanguage competences: Your students will be
1 WB p29 Read, number and colour.
able to listen and read for specific information.
Aim: to practise reading for detail
fo tioYour students will be able to write about Key: 3, 7; (1), 8; 2, 5; 4, 6

favourite things from a model. Ending the lesson

trictly caYour students will be able to ask and answer Aim: to practise productive speaking
• Volunteer students take turns to show their
about their favourite things.
uWarm-up pictures from SB Activity 3 and to read out what
dAim: to review colours they have written.
S E• Say I can see something in this room. It’s (red).
f• Students take turns to guess. • Set a listening activity to keep students’ attention,
istry o ysia• Repeatwiththeothercolours.
1 CD1Aim: to give students practice in listening for specific e.g. the number of toys/games mentioned.
lainformation Extension activity

• Tell students to look carefully at the two monsters Aim: to practise listening for detail
• Do a simple colour dictation with the class, e.g.
in aand the two cars.
On the desk there’s a big blue ruler, a green book,
• Read the four names aloud. a small red toy train and a beautiful yellow monster.

M• Make sure students know what to do. Read the • Read the dictation through once while students
instructions aloud.
M• Tell students to write just the first letter of the names.
SB p29 Listen and write the names.

• Play the recording through once without stopping. • Read it a second time in short phrases for them

CD1 Track 43 to draw and colour.

Boy: My favourite toy is Beep. Beep’s a big red car. Beep’s friend

is a blue car. The blue car is Star.

Girl: My favourite toy is Nessie. Nessie’s a red and pink monster.

Nessie’s friend is Dino. Dino’s green and yellow, and Dino’s

small and ugly!

• Students compare their ideas in pairs.
• Play the recording again. Check with the class.

Key: 1 Nessie, 2 Star, 3 Dino, 4 Beep


1 CD1 Listen and write the names.

Beep Dino Nessie Star


for tion3 4
iSsttrryicotlyf Edysuicaa2 Askandanswer.
in alatoy?

What’s your favourite colour?

M Mnumber?
My favourite …

3 Draw and write about your favourite toy.

My favourite things. blue doll.
My favourite toy is my

Listening, speaking and writing 29

1 CD1 Listen and look at the shapes.

Can you see them in your classroom?

My book is a
1 2 rectangle.
r ntriangle
fo tio3
trictly ducacirclesquare 5


iSstry of Eysia2 Readandanswer.parallelogram rectangle
The tangram is an old Chinese toy.
Look at the tangram. What shapes can
layou see? What shapes can’t you see?

Min MaI can see a square. I can’t see a circle.
3 Think! Look at the tangrams. What shapes are missing?

The blue triangle is missing.

30 Maths

Aims: 3 Think! SB p30 Look at the tangrams.

• to integrate other areas of the curriculum What shapes are missing?

through English: Maths Aim: to encourage students to pay close attention

• to practise reading for information and to visual images

instruction Thinking skill: analysing
• Read the instruction aloud.
New language: tangram, shape, Chinese, What • Elicit what students think are missing means.
• Students do the activity individually and then compare
shapes are missing? triangle, square, circle,
parallelogram, rectangle what they notice in fours.

Recycled language: colours, toys

Materials: CD • Check and discuss with the class.

Language competences: Your students will have Key: the blue parallelogram; the green square and the

r nWarm-up
fo tioAim: to raise awareness of shapes

• Draw a circle and a square on the board.
• Elicit/Teach the word shape.

trictly ca• Ask students what other shapes they know.
Volunteer students come and draw them.

• If students don’t come to the board, draw a triangle,

ua parallelogram and a rectangle.
d• Write the words under the shapes.
learnt specific language to be able to talk about yellow triangle; the blue and the green triangles
Maths in English.
1 CD1 WB p30 Listen and number.

Aim: to enable students to make use of their

world knowledge

CD1 Track 45

Write number 1 in the square.
Write number 2 in the circle.
Write number 3 in the parallelogram.
Write number 4 in the rectangle.
Write number 5 in the triangle.

Key: 5, (1), 4, 3, 2
S E1 CD1
fAim: to enable students to identify shapes
istry o ysia• Read the activity instruction aloud.

• Elicit from students what the shapes are.
• Students look for the shapes in the classroom and

compare in threes.

la• Check and discuss as a class.
2 WB p30 Read and draw.
Aim: to give practice in reading for detail

SB p30 Listen and look at the shapes.

in aAim: to enable students to learn about tangrams Ending the lesson
M• Read the first sentence aloud and check students
Aim: to review what students have learnt in
understand what a tangram is.
the lesson
M• Use the picture to support understanding.
2 SB p30 Read and answer. • Write the following prompt on the board: Today

I’ve learnt about:

• Elicit from students what they learnt today, e.g.

shapes and tangrams.

• Write it on the board. Students copy it into

their notebooks.

Extension activity

• Check students know what to do. Aim: to reinforce students’ awareness of shapes

• Elicit one or two shapes they can see. • Put students into pairs.

• Students look for more shapes in pairs. • Students look around the room and write down

• Check answers with the class. all the shapes they can see in two minutes.

Key: I can see a triangle, a square, a parallelogram. • Give one or two examples to help them, e.g. the

I can't see a circle, a rectangle. board, the door (rectangle).

• Elicit ideas and encourage students to compare

their ideas.



• to extend the focus on Maths through English Ending the lesson
• to practise reading for information and
Aim: to review what students have learnt in
the lesson
• to complete a project
• Write the following prompt on the board:
New language: fish, bird
Today I’ve …

Recycled language: tangram, shape, triangle, • Elicit from students what they learnt today, e.g.

square, circle, parallelogram, rectangle made a tangram and made pictures from the

Materials: Unit 2 cut-outs SB page 125, paper for different shapes.

the project • Write it on the board. Students copy it into their

Language competences: Your students will be notebooks.

able to talk about Maths in English. Extension activity

Warm-up Aim: to make a shape picture

r nAim: to review shapes • Students use the shapes from their tangram to
fo tio• Write the words for the shapes in jumbled letter
make their own picture.
order on the board.
• They stick the shapes in their notebooks and write
• Students unjumble them and then draw the shapes
what the picture is underneath.
trictly caintheirnotebooks.
u1 Project SB p31 Make a tangram.
dAim: to enable students to apply what they have

learnt about shapes and tangrams

S E• Elicit what students can see in the four pictures.
f• Encourage them to use their imagination, e.g. a fish,
istry o ysiaa bird,a kite,aboat.

• Provide words in English if students do not know them.
• Each student prepares a set of Unit 2 cut-outs. They cut

the tangram up and try to make the four pictures
in turn.

la• Students then try to make other things from the
tangram, e.g. a car, a rocket, a monster.

in a• Students show each other their pictures and they
guess what they are.
M1 Think! WB p31 Tick (✓) the picture you can

M make with the pieces of the tangram.
Aim: to promote thinking and analytical skills

Thinking skill: analysing
Key: Picture a


1 Project Make a tangram.

Page a Use your tangram to make the pictures.


MibnUtosemiySaoskuerattatnnerrgwrayimcMotlayf lEafodyrsuicaation

Maths 31

1 CD1 Listen and imagine. Then draw your picture.

MiniSsttrryicMotlayf lEafodyrsuicaation2 Showyourpicturetoyourfriends.This is my
fantastic toy.
It’s a train.
It’s short.
It’s red and

32 Creativity

Aims: 2 SB p32 Show your picture to your friends.

• to draw out the students’ creativity through Aim: to give students practice in describing a picture

mental imagery • Read the example from the Student’s Book with

• to practise following a set of instructions the class.

New language: screen, imagine, string, stapler, • Remind them to use adjectives and other words to make

hole punch, fold in half, bend one side, corner, their talk more interesting.
hole, tie a knot
• Put students into groups of four for the descriptions.
Recycled language: colours, toys, imperatives • Volunteer students describe their pictures to the class.

Materials: CD, paper, coloured pens, staplers, 1 WB p32 Make a paper kite.

hole punches, string

Language competences: Your students will be Aim: to enable students to follow a set of instructions

to make a kite

Ending the lesson

Aim: to enable students to compare their pictures
• Display students’ pictures from SB Activity 1 on

tables or on the walls.

• Have students go around and see how many

different things they can find.

• Ask the students which pictures are similar and

which are very different.

Extension activity

Aim: to enable students to try out their kites
• Go into the school playground with the students.
• Let them try out their kites in small groups.
• Talk with each group about how the kites fly.

r nAim: to review instructions
fo tio• Give students some simple instructions, e.g. Point

to a square. Hold up a rectangle.

• Students take turns to give other instructions to

trictly catheclass.
able to listen to ideas and respond creatively.

u1 CD1
dAim: to enable students to listen and visualise and toSB p32 Listen and imagine. Then draw

create their own picturesyour picture.

S E• Pre-teach screen.
f• Tell students to put their heads on their desks, close their
istry o ysiaeyesandlisten.

• Play the recording. At the end of the recording, speak

quietly and tell students to listen again and imagine.

Tell them they are going to draw the picture from their

laCD1 Track 46

Close your eyes and listen.

in aImagine a computer.

Look at the screen.

MDraw a toy on the computer screen.
MWhat is it? Is it a monster? A car? A doll?
What colour is your toy? Is it big or small?

Is it ugly or is it beautiful?

Is it old or is it new?

Now draw your fantastic toy.

• Play the recording again.
• Students draw their own pictures of what they


• Go around the class and encourage students.
• Talk to them about their ideas and help if necessary.


Aims: 1 WB p33 Draw and write examples of what

• to review language from the unit you know.
• to encourage students to reflect on their learning
New language: start, finish Aim: to enable students to demonstrate what they

Recycled language: vocabulary and grammar have learnt

from the unit Ending the lesson

Materials: dice and counters Aim: to enable students to express their preferences
• Ask students what their favourite song, chant or
Language competences: Your students will be
game is from the unit.
able to use language from the unit to play a game.
• Do the song, chant or game again with the class.

Warm-up Extension activity

Aim: to review toys Aim: to enable students to share what they
• Write the toys in scrambled letter order on
have learnt
r nthe board.
• Put students into groups of four.
• Students work in pairs and write each word correctly. • Each student opens their Workbook at page 33.
• Students take turns to read aloud what they have
fo tio1 SB p33 The spelling game
trictly caAim: to enable students to review vocabulary and written for number 2 and to say something about

spelling by playing a game their pictures.

• Demonstrate the game for students by playing it with • Encourage students to compare what they have

uone or two students at the front. written and drawn.
d• Students take turns to roll the dice and then say and
• Students do the same for numbers 3 and 4.
spell the word in the square they land on. If they can’t

S Esay the word or spell it correctly, they miss a turn.

• Students play the game in groups of four.

f• Monitor and help as and when necessary.
istry o ysia• If time, make new groups for students to play the

game again.

Key: book, one, computer game, pen, ten, four, bike,

seven, ruler, eight, go-kart, bag, pencil case, train, six,
plane, kite, five, monster, pencil, doll, three, car, two,

larubber, nine, notebook, ball
in aPicture dictionary

Aim: to review vocabulary for toys

M• Students look at the Picture dictionary page for toys
M(WB page 120).
• In pairs, they take turns to point to one of the pictures

and say the word.

• Then students write the words under the pictures.


The spelling game

MiniSsttrryicSMtuotdelnatyf’s BolEoafk poadygersuicaation

Revision 33

Pet show

1 CD1 Listen and look. Then listen and say the words.

Strictly Efodrucation2 rat 1 elephant

3 lizard

4 frog
MinistryMoaf laysia6 duck
5 spider

7 dog 8 cat

2 CD1 Listen and chant.

Pet show, pet show, Donnie nd his duck,
Look t ll the pets. K tie nd her c t,
Thunder nd his eleph nt,
Whisper nd his spider, Misty nd her r t.
D isy nd her dog,
Lenny nd his liz rd, Pet show, pet show,
S ndr nd her frog. Look t ll the pets …

34 Animals

Aims: CD1 Track 47

• to present and practise vocabulary for animals Teacher: Welcome to the pet show.
• to say a chant with the class Flash: A spider! Aagh!
Flash, Thunder, Misty, Teacher: Aagh!
New language: elephant, rat, lizard, frog, spider, Spider: What’s the problem?
Whisper: I don’t know.
duck, pet show, all, bring your pets, What’s the Now say the words.
problem? I don’t know

Recycled language: look at (all the pets), and, 1 elephant, 2 rat, 3 lizard, 4 frog, 5 spider, 6 duck, 7 dog, 8 cat

his, her, animals, favourite • Play the recording again. Students repeat the words.
• Students practise pointing and naming in pairs.
Materials: CD, flashcards (animals)

Language competences: Your students will be 2 CD1 SB p34 Listen and chant.

able to identify and name real animals and Aim: to give students further practice saying the
toy animals.
Warm-up animals

r nAim: to activate vocabulary • Students look at the chant.
fo tio• Elicit the names of the four Super Friends and their • Play the recording. Students listen and follow the chant

powers. in their Student’s Books.

• Focus on what Whisper can do (speak to animals). • Play the recording again, pausing after each verse for

trictly ca• Write Animals on the board in a circle. students to repeat.

• Elicit the animal he speaks to on SB page 8 (a cat) • Do the chant as a class and then in groups.
• Make eight groups. Hand out a flashcard to each group.
and start a word map. • Students do the chant again, holding up the relevant

u• Elicit other animals students know and write them flashcard when they say the animal.
don the board.
S EPresentation • Elicit which of the animals in the picture isn't a pet (the
istry of ysiaAim:topresentanimals
toy elephant) and which one everyone in the picture is
• Hold up each flashcard in turn. Say the word for frightened of (the spider).

students to repeat in chorus. 1 WB p34 Look and write the words.

• Do this three or four times. Aim: to give students practice in writing the new words
• Hold up each flashcard for students to say the word
Key: 2 lizard, 3 frog, 4 spider, 5 duck, 6 cat, 7 dog,
lain chorus.
8 rat
• Stick the flashcards on the board or around the room.
in a1 CD1 2 WB p34 Write and draw.
MAim: to practise animals Aim: to enable students to personalise the language
M• Students look at the picture in their Student’s Books.
Ending the lesson
• Elicit who they can see (the four Super Friends) and that
SB p34 Listen and look. Then listen and say Aim: to review key language from the lesson
• Hold a flashcard so students cannot see it.
the words. • Students try to guess, e.g. Is it a frog?
• The student who guesses correctly comes and

chooses a flashcard for the class to guess.

there are other children and an adult there. Elicit where

they are (at the pet show). Extension activity

• Pre-teach pet and pet show. Aim: to personalise the chant
• Play the recording. Students point to the animals and • Elicit which students want their names in the chant.

the words when they hear them.

• Do the chant again with the class, substituting

students’ names, e.g. Paolo for Daisy.

• When students hear their names, they mime holding

the animal.


Aims: • Play the recording again with the stickers in place.

• to present and practise the prepositions in, Key: 1 green frog on desk, 2 yellow frog in desk, 3 red

on, under frog under desk

• to play a game with the class 2 CD1 SB p35 Listen and say.
New language: in, on, under, draw (a rat)
Aim: to focus students on grammatical form
Recycled language: numbers one–ten, toys,
• Play the first sentence.
classroom objects, animals • Students mime where the lizard is, e.g. they put their

Materials: CD, flashcards (animals), Unit 3 hands in their bags, and say the sentence.

stickers, scissors • Repeat for the other two sentences.

Language competences: Your students will be • Students practise in pairs. One says a sentence and

able to say where things are using in, on, under. the other mimes in, on or under.


Aim: to review animal vocabulary

r n• Make four teams. Students in each team stand one
fo tiobehind the other facing the board.

• Whisper a different animal to the first student in

each team. They whisper it back to the end of

trictly catheline.

• The student at the end of the line runs to the board

and writes the animal.

u• This student then stands at the front of the line.
d• Repeat for different animals three or four times.

• The team(s) who wrote the most animal names

S Ecorrectly is/are the winners.
istry of ysiaPresentation 3 SB p35 Play the description game.
Aim: to present in, on, under
Aim: to give students further practice with the
• Present and teach the prepositions using a classroom
object, e.g. a pencil.
• Demonstrate the activity by making a statement about
la• Put the pencil on, in and under a bag and say the
relevant sentence each time, e.g. It’s on the bag. a picture for students to say the number, e.g. The spider
is under the book (Number five).
in a• Students repeat.
• Students practise in open pairs and then in closed pairs.
• Then place the pencil on, in and under the bag again
1 WB p35 Look and tick (✓) the box.
and elicit the sentence.
M1 CD1 Aim: to give students extended practice with
SB p35 Listen, read and stick. prepositions

Key: 2 No, 3 No, 4 Yes, 5 Yes

2 WB p35 Read and draw.

Aim: to enable students to evidence their understanding

Ending the lesson

Aim: to review new language from the lesson
• A student turns to face the board and closes

his/her eyes.

• Hide an animal flashcard in, on or under a known

object, e.g. a book.

• The student walks around the room. Say No/Yes to

indicate when they are near the object.

• The student tries to guess, e.g. Is it under the desk?
• Repeat with other students and flashcards.

Aim: to practise in, on, under

Note: In order to carry out this activity, students will first Extension activity

need to cut out their stickers with the backs attached. Aim: to give students a personal record of

• Give students time to look at the pictures in the the prepositions

Student’s Book. • Students each write three sentences about three

• Students prepare their stickers. animals in their notebooks, e.g. The elephant is
• Play the recording. Students listen and choose the under the desk.

correct stickers. • Students don’t write the same sentences as are in

• Students check in pairs. the Workbook.
• Play the recording again and check answers.
• Students stick the stickers on the pictures. • Students draw pictures to illustrate their sentences.


1 CD1 Listen, read and stick.

12 3

r nThe green frog is on The yellow frog is in The red frog is
fo tiothe desk.
trictly ca2 CD1 the desk. under the desk.
Gr mm riSstry of EdysuiaThelizardisListen and say.

in the bag.


3 Play the description game. The spider … Number …
4 5
Min Mala1 2 3

6 7 8 9 10

Prepositions: in, on, under 35

1 CD1 Listen and sing.

Look t the spiders,

Look t the r ts,

Look t the liz rds,

r nAnd look t the c ts!
trictly fo catioLook t the eleph nts,
iSstry of EdysuiaLook t the dogs,

Look t the ducks,

laAnd look t the frogs!
Min MaSpiders, c ts,

Liz rds nd r ts.
Ducks, dogs,
Eleph nts nd frogs.

2 Look at the picture. Count the animals. Where are they?

Six spiders are on the pencil case.

36 Singing for pleasure

Aims: 1 WB p36 Match the pictures with the words.

• to sing a song with the class Aim: to give further practice with plurals
• to present and practise regular plurals
• to present and practise are Key: 2 cats, 3 dogs, 4 a rat, 5 rats, 6 elephants,

7 an elephant, 8 frogs, 9 a frog, 10 a dog

New language: plural nouns, e.g. rats Ending the lesson

Recycled language: animals, numbers, Aim: to review key language from the lesson


Materials: CD • Students sing the song from SB Activity 1 again.

Language competences: Your students will be

able to join in with a song.

Your students will be able to use plural nouns. Extension activity

Aim: to give students practice in distinguishing

between singular and plural

• Students stand up.
• Say an animal. When you say the plural, e.g. dogs,

students hold their hands in the air.

• When you say a singular, e.g. elephant, they put

their hands by their sides.

• Repeat for other animals, singular and plural.

r nAim: to review animals
fo tio• In pairs, students take turns to mime one of the

animals for their partner to guess.
trictly ca1CD1
u• Students look at the picture in the Student’s Book. ElicitSB p36 Listen and sing.
what animals they can see and where some of them
dare. Play the recording. Students follow the song in theirAim: to sing a song with the class
Student’s Books.

S E• Play the recording again, pausing after every four lines
ffor students to repeat.
istry o ysia• When students have learnt the song, practise it with

the whole class and then in groups.

• Focus students on the plural nouns. Write, e.g. one

elephant, two elephants on the board.

• Write the s for the plural using a different colour.

la• Say each plural noun for students to repeat.

• Use the karaoke version of the song for students to

in asing in groups.
2 SB p36 Look at the picture. Count the animals.

M MWhere are they?
Aim: to practise plural nouns and to review


• Students read the song silently and count the animals.
• Elicit one or two statements about the animals from

different students.

• In pairs, students make sentences about the other


• Elicit and check. Listen for correct pronunciation of

the plural form.

Key: Nine rats are in the desk. Three lizards are in the

bag. Seven cats are under the table. Two elephants are
on the ruler. Four dogs are on the table. Eight ducks are
on the books. Ten frogs are under the chair.


Aims: 3 CD1 SB p37 Listen and say.
• to present and practise I like / don’t like
• to practise asking and answering questions Aim: to focus students on grammatical form
• Play the recording. Students listen and repeat in chorus.

New language: I like / don’t like, happy mouth, 4 SB p37 Ask and answer.

sad mouth, What about you?

Recycled language: plural nouns, animals Aim: to give students practice asking and answering

Materials: CD, coloured pencils questions and expressing preferences

Language competences: Your students will be • Demonstrate the activity with a student, e.g. Teacher:

able to express preferences using like and don’t like. I like frogs. What about you? Student: I like frogs too.

• Give students more practice in open pairs.

• Students do the activity in closed pairs.

Warm-up 1 CD1
Aim: to review plurals of animals
• Write the plurals of the animals on the board in

r njumbled letter order.

• Students unjumble the words in pairs.
WB p37 Listen and draw a happy mouth or
fo tioPractice
a sad mouth.

Aim: to give practice in hearing like and don’t like

CD1 Track 56

Boy: Fiona, I like dogs. What about you?
Girl: Dogs? No, I don’t like dogs. I like cats.
Boy: Cats? I don’t like cats. What about spiders?
Girl: No, no. I don’t like spiders. What about you?
Boy: I like spiders. Spiders are great.
Girl: I like elephants. They are great.
Boy: Yes. I like elephants too.

Key: Fiona: , ☺, , ☺; Andrew: ☺, , ☺, ☺
trictly caAim: topresentlikeanddon’tlike

• Hold the flashcard of, e.g. the lizard, close to you and

usay I like lizards. Look happy.

• Put the flashcard of, e.g. the cat, on the other side of

dthe room and say I don’t like cats. Look unhappy.

• Repeat for two other animals.
S E1 CD1
istry of ysiaAim: topractiselikeanddon’tlike

• Students look at the pictures in their Student’s Book.

Elicit who and what they can see.

• Play the recording. Students listen and point.
SB p37 Listen and point to the pictures. 2 WB p37 Match the pictures with the sentences.

Colour the circles.

Aim: to give further practice with the concept of like

and don’t like

Key (from left to right): I don’t like lizards. I like frogs.

I don’t like ducks. I like lizards. I don’t like frogs. (I like
la1 Girl: I like cats.
CD1 Track 53in a• Play the recording again. Students repeat.

• Say I like cats. Elicit the concept from students. Ending the lesson

M• Repeat for the other sentences. Aim: to review new language from the lesson
2 Girl: I don’t like spiders.
• Practise gestures with the class to show like
Boy: I don’t like cats. Boy: I like spiders.
M2 CD1 and don’t like.
54 SB p37 Listen and circle what the spider says.
• Say an animal, e.g. Dogs. Students mime

their preference.

Aim: to give students practice with like and don’t like Extension activity

• Elicit what is in the picture (a spider). Tell students the Aim: to play a game

spider is speaking. • Students draw a grid as for WB Activity 1. They

• Check students understand the happy mouth means include four animals (of their choice), their own
name and the names of three friends.
like and the sad mouth means don’t like.
• They complete the faces with their own preferences.
• Students predict the answers before they listen. • They ask their friends (as in SB Activity 4) and record
• Play the recording. Students check in pairs.
the information on their grids.
CD1 Track 54 3 Spider: I don’t like lizards.
1 Spider: I like dogs. 4 Spider: I like spiders! • Collate the information onto a bar chart.
2 Spider: I don’t like cats.

• Play the recording again. Elicit, e.g. I like dogs.
Key: 1 ☺, 2 , 3 , 4 ☺


1 CD1 Listen and point to the pictures.

I like cats. I don’t like spiders.

for tion2 CD1
I don’t like cats. I like spiders.

trictly ca? 1
Listen and circle what the spider says.

iSstry of Eysia4
3 CD1

Min MaI like dogs.Gr mm r
focus Listen and say.

I like dogs too.
I don’t like dogs.

4 Ask and answer.

I like … What about you?


I like / I don’t like … 37

1 CD1

1 Come back, he’s 2 Touch him, Misty.
beautiful. Look!
Oh no. I don’t
like spiders.

trictly for cation3 4 He’sclever.
duLook, he’s under

the table.
MiniSstryMoaf lEaysia5 Ilikespiders. He’s amazing!

They’re great. 6

They like
spiders! I’ve
got an idea.


38 Value: being brave

Aims: 2 WB p38 Look at the story. Find the pictures

• to present a picture story and write the number.
• to review language from the unit
Aim: to review the storyline
New language: touch (him), clever, amazing, I’ve Key: b 3, c 8, d 7

got an idea, brothers and sisters, tree, they like 3 Think! WB p38 Match the pictures with the
Recycled language: character names, under, in,
Aim: to check comprehension of text and pictures
spider, beautiful

Materials: CD Thinking skill: matching linguistic and visual

Language competences: Your students will be information

able to listen to and read a picture story. Key: b 6, c 1, d 5, e 2, f 3

r nWarm-up
fo tioAim: to review the characters and the story

• Elicit from the students the names of the four Super


trictly ca• Ask students to mime their special powers.

• Elicit what Whisper can do (speak to animals).

u• Write I like animals and I don’t like animals on the
board. Elicit which Whisper says.
Your students will be able to act out the story. Ending the lesson

Value: being brave Aim: to practise the story
• Put students in groups of five.
S Ed1 CD1 • Students each take a role of one of the characters.
57 • Play the recording. Students repeat in role.
• Students practise the role play in groups.
• Volunteer groups role play for the class.

Extension activity

Aim: to discuss the value of being brave
• Focus on the parts of the story where the characters

overcome their fear of spiders and how they do it.

• Elicit from students why this value is important and

elicit examples from the students of when they have
been brave.
Note: This discussion will probably need to take
place in L1.
fAim: to present a picture storySB pp38–39 The spider
istry o ysia• Checkunderstandingoftree.

• Play the recording. Students listen and read to find out

what is in the tree (spiders).

• Students compare their ideas in pairs before the

class check.

la• Play the recording again. Pause after each frame to
check comprehension.

in a• Talk with the class about the value (being brave) and
where it is in the story (frame 2).

M• Check understanding of clever, amazing, brothers
Mand sisters.
• Play the recording a third time. Students listen

and repeat.

1 CD1 WB p38 Listen and tick (✓) the box.

Aim: to review phrases from the story

CD1 Track 58
1 Whisper: Come back. He’s beautiful.
2 Spider: I’ve got an idea.
3 Flash: He’s clever.

Key: 1 Whisper – 2nd picture, 2 Spider – 1st picture,

3 Flash – 2nd picture


Aims: 4 CD1 SB p39 Listen and say.
• to talk about the meaning of a story
• to practise saying the short vowel sound i Aim: to practise the letter sound i, a short vowel sound
• to review language from the story and the unit
• Play the recording. Students look at the picture, read

and repeat.

New language: In picture (eight) … , silly sister CD1 Track 59

Recycled language: language from the story, i–i–i

animals, classroom objects, colours This is Tim and his silly sister Kim.

Materials: CD, flashcards (animals) This is Tim and his silly sister Kim!
Language competences: Your students will be
• Repeat the sentence as a class without the recording.
able to interpret deeper meaning from a story.
Say it loudly, slowly, quickly, whisper it, etc.

• Students take turns to repeat in pairs.
Phonics focus: Your students will be able to
1 WB p39 Look and circle.
identify and say the letter sound i and contrast it
with the previous units’ letter sounds a and e. Aim: to focus students on the value of being brave
Key: Picture 2
Value: being brave
2 CD1 WB p39 Read, draw and colour. Listen
for tionWarm-up 60

Aim: to review the story and say.

trictly ca• Write Whisper and Flash on the board and draw Aim: to practise reading and saying words with the
a spider.
letter sounds i, e and a
• Say phrases from the story, spoken by Whisper,
CD1 Track 60
uMisty, Flash and the spider, e.g. I like spiders. I don’t
1 a big pan, 2 six pens, 3 a pink desk, 4 a black rat, 5 a red cat,
like spiders. They like spiders. 6 ten bags

d• Students call out Whisper, Flash or Spider. Key: See CD script above.
S E2 SB p39 Read and circle yes or no.
istry of ysiaAim: to check comprehension of pictures in the story

• Check students know what to do.
• Students read the four sentences silently.
• They circle yes or no and compare answers in pairs.
• Check with the class.

laKey: 1 no, 2 yes, 3 yes, 4 no
in a3 SB p39 Find who says ...

Aim: to present the letter sound i

M• Write him and Misty on the board, using a red pen
Mfor the i.
Ending the lesson

Aim: to review and write decodable words with the

letter sound i and distinguish it from the previous
letter sounds a and e

• Students close their Student’s Books.
• Dictate the sound sentence while students write.

They compare their sentences with a partner before
checking in the Student’s Book.

• Dictate the following words: big, bag, sit, bad, bed,

ten, pet, six, rat. Students write them under columns
marked a, e or i.

Extension activity

Note: Touch is pronounced /tutʃ/ and is a special word Aim: to play a game
which must be learnt as a whole.
• Make one corner of the room the I like corner
• Students repeat Touch him, Misty after you.
• Students find the speech bubble in the story (frame 2). and another the I don’t like corner.
Key: Whisper
• Say, e.g. Lizards. Students run to the appropriate


• Repeat for the other animals.


7 8 Oh no!

My brothers
and sisters
are in the tree!

for tion2 Read and circle yes or no.
trictly ca1 In picture one Flash and Whisper like the spider.yes / no
u2 In picture three the spider is under the table. yes / no
S Ed3 In picture four the spider is clever. yes / no
istry of ysia4 In picture eight Misty, Thunder and Flash likeyes / no

the spiders.
la3 Find who says …
in Ma4 CD1 Touch him, Misty.
Listen and say.

This is Tim and his silly sister Kim.

Phonics focus 39

1 Think! Read and circle the correct picture.

Pet Show

Come and see the cats, dogs, rats, ducks and lizards.

M2 C6Di11nListeiSnsantdtsrrticyik.cMotlayf lEafodyrsuicaation

3 Write about the animals you like and don’t like.

I like rats and ducks. Ducks are my favourite!
I don’t like dogs.

40 Reading, listening and writing

Aims: CD1 Track 61

• to practise listening and reading skills Welcome to the pet show!
• to practise writing from a model Our number one animal in first place is Lucy the lizard!
• to review the vocabulary for animals and Our number two animal in second place is Donald the dog!
Our number three animal in third place is Sally the spider!
expressing preferences
• Play the recording again. Check with the class.
Skills: listening and reading for specific information Key: lizard 1, dog 2, spider 3

New language: come and see, you like, you don’t 3 SB p40 Write about the animals you like and

like, first place, second place, third place, our don’t like.

Recycled language: classroom objects, animals Aim: to enable students to personalise the language

Materials: CD, flashcards (animals), Unit 3 page • Read the model sentences with the class.

40 stickers, scissors (optional)
Language competences: Your students will be • Check they know what to do and remind them to choose

able to listen and read for specific information. animals.

r nWarm-up • Go around the class to check and help.
fo tioAim: to review animals
1 CD1 WB p40 Listen and draw lines.
• Place the flashcards on the board and write a 62

trictly canumber between 1 and 8 under each one. Aim: to practise listening for specific information LE

• Students draw a 2 x 2 grid in their notebooks and CD1 Track 62

write a number of their choice in each square. Woman: Put the ruler in the bag. Woman: Put the pen in
Boy: Sorry? the pencil case.
u• Call out the animals at random. Students cross out Woman: Put the ruler in the bag.
the numbers as they hear the animals. Boy: OK. Boy: Right.
Woman: Now put the Woman: And put the
d• The first student(s) to cross out all four is/are the
winner(s). notebook on the desk. pencil under the bag.
Boy: Right. Boy: Sorry?
S f E1 Think! SB p40 Read and circle the correct Woman: Put the book Woman: Put the pencil
istry o ysiapicture.
under the desk. under the bag.
Aim: to practise reading and finding information in Boy: OK. Boy: OK.

a picture

Thinking skill: matching verbal and visual


• Tell students to look carefully at the pictures and at

in athe sentence.

• Read the instructions aloud. Make sure students know

Mwhat to do.
M• Students complete the activity individually and silently.
Key: notebook on the desk, book under the desk, pen in

the pencil case, pencil under the bag

Ending the lesson

Aim: to give students speaking and writing practice

through a game

• In pairs, students draw three pictures and write one

sentence using SB Activity 1 as a model.

• Pairs swap their pictures and sentence with another

pair and circle the correct picture.

• Give students time to compare answers with their

friends. Extension activity

• Check with the class. Aim: to practise information transfer and
Key: 2nd picture
organisational strategies

2 CD1 SB p40 Listen and stick. • Draw two circles on the board. Write like in one and
don’t like in the other. Create word maps of animal
Aim: to practise listening and matching
words to show which animals you like and don’t like.
Note: You may wish students to cut out their stickers with
the backs attached before carrying out this activity. • Students do the same in their notebooks, using their

• Students look carefully at the picture in the Student’s texts from SB Activity 3 as a starting point. They can

extend the information to include other animals.

Book and the stickers.

• Make sure students know what to do.

• Play the recording. Students check their work in pairs.


Aims: 1 WB p41 Look and write the numbers.

• to practise listening, speaking, reading and Aim: to give students practice in paying close attention

writing skills to pictures and in writing key information

• to practise the vocabulary for animals Key: nine ducks, eight frogs, six lizards, one spider
• to practise plurals

Skills: Ending the lesson

• listening and reading for specific information Aim: to practise productive speaking

• talking about a picture • Students try to remember where they placed their

New language: zoo stickers for SB Activity 1.

Recycled language: animals, plurals, toys • Elicit from the class where the stickers are, e.g.

The cat is in the tree.
Materials: Unit 3 page 41 stickers, scissors
• Give the instructions from SB Activity 1 again if
Language competences: Your students will be
able to listen and read for specific information.
• Students stick the stickers in the correct places in
Your students will be able to talk about a picture.
the Student’s Books.
for tionWarm-up
Extension activity
Aim: to review toys and games
Aim: to practise listening for detail
trictly ca• Students write down as many toys and games as • Play a chain game. Say, e.g. In the zoo there are
they can in one minute.
four elephants.
• Pairs and then fours compare their lists.
• Student A says: In the zoo there are four elephants
u• Elicit from the class onto a word map on the board.
dCheck spelling. and six lizards.
S E1 SB p41 Listen to your teacher and stick.
fAim: to give students practice in listening for specific • Continue the chain around the class, choosing
istry o ysiainformation LE
students at random. They can’t repeat animals
Note: In order to carry out Activities 1 and 2, students will or numbers.
first need to cut out their stickers with the backs attached.
• Start another chain when all eight animals have
• Students prepare the following Unit 3 stickers: cat, dog,
been mentioned.
lalizard, rat, duck.

• Elicit what each one is.

in a• Give instructions to students, e.g. Put the cat in the tree.
Students place the cat sticker in the tree in the picture.

• Continue with other instructions for the other stickers

Musing different prepositions, e.g. Put the duck on the
Mwater. Put the lizard under the bag. Put the rat under
the ball. Put the dog on the grass.

• Students listen and place the stickers on the picture.

They do not stick them down yet.

2 SB p41 Look and say.

Aim: to give students practice in speaking LE

• In pairs, students look at their pictures and say where

the animal stickers are, e.g. The cat is in the bag.

• Students can continue the game in pairs: Student A

places the stickers secretly on his/her picture and tells
Student B where each one is. Student B places them on
his/her picture. Then they look and check.


1 Listen to your teacher and stick.

MiniSsttrryicMotlayf lEafodyrsuicaation

2 Look and say. The cat is …

Speaking 41

1 What colours are the animals? Ask and answer.

What colour is the snake? The snake is green and black.

for tionsnake
trictly ca2 What animals are in the pictures? There’s a … in picture 1!
crocodile butterfly tiger giraffe

MiniSstryMoaf lEadysuia3 4

3 Say why it is difficult to see the animals. The crocodile is
green and the

water is green.

42 Science

Aims: • Elicit what animals they can see.
• Check understanding of new words.
• to integrate other areas of the curriculum
Key: 1 crocodile, 2 spider, 3 frog, 4 snake
through English: Science

• to practise interactive speaking and information 3 SB p42 Say why it is difficult to see the animals.


New language: camouflage, snake, crocodile, Aim: to promote thinking and reasoning skills

butterfly, tiger, giraffe, say why it is difficult to • Read the instruction aloud and check understanding.
(see the animals), hide, grass, leaf, ground, find • Students compare their ideas in fours.
the differences • Check and discuss with the class.

Recycled language: animals, colours Key: The spider is white and the ground is white. The frog

Materials: strips of green paper, flashcard of is brown and the leaf is brown. The snake is brown and

frog, coloured pencils the ground is brown.

Language competences: Your students will have 1 Think! WB p42 Colour the picture. Hide the

learnt specific language to be able to talk about lizard.
Science in English.
Aim: to enable students to apply what they have
r nValue: animals and their environments
fo tioWarm-up learnt about camouflage
trictly caAim: toraiseawarenessofcamouflage
Thinking skills: searching systematically
• Stick the flashcard of the frog on the board.
• Elicit what it is. 2 WB p42 Find the differences.
Aim: to promote thinking and analytical skills
u• Stick some green strips of paper (like grass) over Key: Picture one. Three birds. Picture two. Two birds.
dthe frog to hide it.
Picture one. One giraffe. Picture two. Two giraffes.
• Tell students this is grass and the frog is hiding. Picture one. Five tigers. Picture two. Three tigers.
Picture one. Eight crocodiles. Picture two. Ten crocodiles.
S E• Elicit/teach the word camouflage. Write it on
the board. Ending the lesson

istry of ysia• Ask students what other animals use camouflage, Aim: to review what students have learnt in
e.g. zebras and tigers.
the lesson
• Pre-teach hide.
• Write the following prompt on the board: Today
1 SB p42 What colours are the animals?
I’ve learnt about:
laAsk and answer.
in aAim: to consolidate students’ understanding of • Elicit from students what they learnt today, e.g.

camouflage camouflage and animal colours.

• Elicit/teach the five animals. • Write it on the board for students to copy.

M• Read out the activity instructions and example. Extension activity
M• Students ask and answer about the other animals
Aim: to discuss the value of animals and their


in pairs. • Focus on the topic of animals and their

• Check and discuss as a class. environments, using the pictures in the Student’s

Key: The crocodile is green. The butterfly is blue, yellow, Book and Workbook.

red and black. The tiger is orange, white and black. • Elicit from students why it is important for animals
The giraffe is brown and white.
to remain in their environments.

2 SB p42 What animals are in the pictures? Note: This discussion will probably need to take
place in L1.
Aim: to encourage students to pay close attention to

visual images

• Read the instruction aloud.
• Check students know what to do.
• They look for the animals individually first and then

talk about their ideas in pairs.


Aims: 2 WB p43 Match the pictures with the words.

• to extend the focus on Science through English Aim: to enable students to consolidate new vocabulary
• to complete a project Key: 2 d, 3 b, 4 e, 5 a

New language: leaves, logs, tall (grass), Where

do the animals hide? Ending the lesson

Recycled language: camouflage, animals Aim: to review what students have learnt in
Materials: paper, coloured pens
the lesson

Language competences: Your students will be • Write the following prompt on the board:

able to talk about Science in English. Today I’ve …

• Elicit from students what they learnt today,

e.g. made a camouflage and learnt where
animals hide.
Aim: to review the concept of camouflage
• Elicit some of the examples of camouflage from • Write it on the board. Students copy it into

r nthe previous lesson. their notebooks.

• Encourage students to add other examples they Extension activity

fo tiomay have thought of since then. Aim: to reinforce and extend students’
trictly ca1 Think! SBp43 Where do the animals hide?
understanding of camouflage
Aim: to enable students to apply their knowledge
• Put students into pairs.
and experience • They think about other examples of camouflage.

uThinking skills: applying world knowledge, matching Give them examples/prompts to help them, e.g.
d• Read the instruction aloud and check understanding. soldiers’ clothes, green tents (in green fields).

• Check students know what to do. • Elicit ideas and encourage students to compare

S E• They match the animals with the places and talk about their ideas.
ftheir ideas in pairs.
istry o ysia• Elicit sentences from the students and write them on

the board.

• Check understanding of new words.
Key: 2 Lizards hide on leaves. 3 Birds hide in trees.

4 Spiders hide in logs.

la2 Project SB p43 Draw a camouflage.
in aShow it to your friends.

Aim: to enable students to apply what they have

Mlearnt about camouflage
M• Hand out paper to the students.
• Tell them to think carefully about what they are going to

draw before they do it.

• Elicit/provide some ideas.

• Students draw and colour their pictures and camouflage

their animals.

• They compare and investigate each other’s pictures in

pairs or small groups, using the prompt provided.

1 WB p43 Find the animals and write the words.

Aim: to give practice in paying close attention to

visual images

Key: 2 bird, 3 frog, 4 butterfly


Tigers hide

1 Think! Where do the animals hide? in tall grass.

1 234

Strictly Efodrucationlogs
istry of ysia2 Project Draw a camouflage. Show it to your friends.treesleaves tall grass
laFind and count

in athe butterflies
M Min my picture.

Science 43

1 CD1 Listen and act out with your teacher. Then listen

again and number the pictures.

Strictly Efodrucation2 Read and number the sentences from the story.
istry of ysiaHug the little dog.
He’s cold. Pick him up. Listen. Go to the door.
laOpen the door.
in a3 Listen to your friend There’s a little dog under a tree.
M Mand act out.

There’s a big spider
under your book!

44 Creativity

Aims: 2 SB p44 Read and number the sentences from

• to stimulate the students’ imagination through the story.

listening and acting out Aim: to enable students to match sentences

• to practise following a set of instructions with pictures
New language: hug, cold, pick him up, go to,
• Students look at the sentences and try to match them
open, paper plate, elastic, face, mark, eyes, hole,
side, tie, nose, mask, now with the pictures.

Recycled language: animals, imperatives • They compare their ideas in pairs.
• Play the recording again for them to check their
Materials: CD, music CD (optional), paper plates,
pencils, scissors, coloured pens, elastic
Key: 6, 1, 2, 5, 4, 3

Language competences: Your students will 3 SB p44 Listen to your friend and act out.

r nWarm-up
fo tioAim: to review instructions

• Give students some simple instructions for them to

carry out, e.g. Point to the door. Put your book on

trictly cayourdesk.

• Students take turns to give other instructions to

the class.
be able to listen and do actions to demonstrate Aim: to give students practice in saying sentences
and acting out
du1 CD1
63 • Demonstrate the activity for the class. Students say
S EAim: to enable students to listen and mime
f• Pre-teach cold and hug. a sentence for their partner to act out. They don’t tell
istry o ysia• Play the recording. Act out the story to the class. a story.
SB p44 Listen and act out with your teacher.
• Give students time to prepare their sentences.
Then listen again and number the pictures. • Do the activity first in open pairs.
• Then students practise in closed pairs.
CD1 Track 63
1 Listen. 1 WB p44 Make an animal mask.
2 Go to the door.
3 Open the door. Aim: to enable students to follow a set of instructions

la4 There’s a little dog under a tree. to make a mask

5 He’s cold. Pick him up. Ending the lesson

in a6 Hug the little dog. Aim: to enable students to create their own stories

• Play the recording again. Students act out the story from a model

Mwith you. • Students work in groups of four. They adapt the

• Students look at the pictures in their Student’s Books story from SB Activity 1, changing the animal or
some of the instructions, e.g. Open your desk.
Mand try to sequence them. Pick up the big spider.

• Groups mime and then read their stories.

Extension activity

Aim: to enable students to use their masks
• Find a large space, e.g. the gymnasium.
• Play the music CD. Say, e.g. Let’s see the tigers.

• Play the recording a third time for students to sequence • The tigers come to the middle of the room and

the pictures. parade around.

• They compare the order in pairs. Check with the class. • Repeat for the other animal masks that students

Key: 5, 3, 6, 2, 1, 4 have made.


Aims: 1 WB p45 Draw and write examples of what

• to review language from the unit you know.

• to encourage students to reflect on their learning Aim: to enable students to demonstrate what they

Recycled language: vocabulary and grammar have learnt

from the unit

Language competences: Your students will be Ending the lesson

able to use language from the unit to do a quiz. Aim: to enable students to express their preferences

• Ask students what their favourite song, chant or

Warm-up game is from the unit.

• Do the song, chant or game again with the class.

Aim: to review animals

• Write the animals in scrambled letter order on Extension activity

the board. Aim: to enable students to discuss and share what

• Students work in pairs and write each word correctly.they have learnt

r n1 SB p45 Quiz time • Put the students into groups of four.
fo tioAim: to enable students to review language from the• Each student opens their Workbook at page 45.
• Students take turns to read aloud what they have
unit by doing a quiz
written for number 2 and to say something about
trictly ca• Students do the quiz in pairs. The first time, they do ittheir pictures.
without looking back through the unit.
• Encourage students to compare what they have
• Pairs check their work with other pairs.
written and drawn.
u• Students then look back to check questions they did
not know. • Students do the same for numbers 3 and 4.

d• Check answers with the class.

Key: 1 c, 2 b, 3 b, 4 b, 5 b, 6 c, 7 a, 8 a

S f EPicture dictionary
istry o ysiaAim: toreviewvocabularyforanimals

• Students look at the Picture dictionary page for animals

(WB page 121).

• In pairs, they take turns to point to one of the pictures

and say the word.

Min Mala• Then students write the words under the pictures.


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