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Published by Teacher Timmy, 2021-10-20 20:23:24

TB Super Minds LEVEL 1 Teacher's Book

TB Super Minds LEVEL 1 for teachers

Keywords: Teacher's book Supermind

Quiz time

1 This is .

a a spider b a frog c a lizard

2 The cat is the bag.
for tion3 I rats.
a on b in c under a like b don’t like

trictly uca4 There are
da seven b eight c nine
iSstry of Eysia5 Whisper’s pet isducks in the song.

in ala6 Circle the word with the different sound. .
M Ma Tim b him c spider
a a rat b a spider c a frog

7 This is .

a a log b a leaf c grass

8 Tigers are .

a orange, white and black

b red, yellow and brown

c orange, black and brown

Revision 45


1 CD2 Listen and look. Then listen and say the words.

1 banana 2 cake

trictly for cation5 pizza3 cheese sandwich 4 apple

iniSstryMoaf lEadysuia2 CD26 sausage7 chicken 8 steak9 peas 10 carrots
Listen and chant.

Lunchtime! Lunchtime! Lunchtime! Lunchtime!
Wh t’s for lunch? Wh t’s for lunch?

I don’t like chicken, Oh, I like pples,
And I don’t like cheese. And I like ste k.
I don’t like pizz , Oh, I like c rrots,
And I don’t like pe s. And I like c ke!

46 Food

Aims: • Students practise pointing and naming the foods

• to present and practise vocabulary for food in pairs.

• to say a chant with the class 2 CD2 SB p46 Listen and chant.

New language: banana, cake, cheese, sandwich, Aim: to give students further practice saying the foods

apple, pizza, sausage, chicken, steak, peas, • Students look at the chant in the Student’s Book.
carrots, lunchtime, What’s for lunch? queue • Play the recording. Students listen and follow the chant

Recycled language: plurals, toys, animals in their Student’s Books.

Materials: CD, flashcards (food) • Play the recording again, pausing after each verse for

Language competences: Your students will be students to repeat.

able to identify and name different foods. • Make sure students use singulars, e.g. cake, and plurals,

e.g. carrots, correctly.


Aim: to activate vocabulary

r n• Draw a happy face and a sad face on the board.

• Say, e.g. I like … elephants. (Student name), what

fo tioaboutyou?

• Ask other students.
• Draw a picture of a cake on the board / show the

trictly caflashcard. Rub your tummy and say I like cake. Elicit

from students as above.
uPresentation • Do the chant as a class and then in groups.
dAim: to present foods • Make eight groups. Hand out a flashcard to each group.
S E• Hold up each flashcard in turn. Say the word for • Students do the chant again, holding up the relevant
fstudents to repeat in chorus.
istry o ysia• Dothisthreeorfourtimes. flashcard when they say the food.

• Hold up each flashcard for students to say the word in • Elicit which of the foods in the picture the students like

chorus. and don’t like.

• Write the word Food in the middle of the board and stick 1 WB p46 Write the numbers.

the flashcards around it to make a word map. Aim: to give students practice in matching words with
la1 CD2
02 pictures
in aAim: to practise foods
M• Students look at the picture in their Student’s Books. Key: b 3, c 7, d 2, e 4, f 5, g 6, h 8

• Elicit who they can see (the four Super Friends and other 2 Think! WB p46 Find the words.

Mchildren) and where they are (in the school canteen). Aim: to give practice in spelling and word recognition
SB p46 Listen and look. Then listen and say
Thinking skill: sequencing
the words. Key: steak, kite, carrot, train(s), sausage, elephant, pizza,


Ending the lesson

Aim: to review key language from the lesson
• Hold a flashcard so students cannot see it.
• Students try to guess, e.g. Is it cake?
• The student who guesses correctly comes and

chooses a flashcard for the class to guess.

Extension activity

• Pre-teach lunchtime. Aim: to personalise the chant

• Play the recording. Students point to the food and the • Students work in groups of four.
• They personalise the chant by changing the foods to
words when they hear them.

CD2 Track 02 ones they like and don’t like. Students practise the
chant in their groups.
Dinner lady: Steak, chicken, sausages and pizza!
Whisper: Pizza. Yum. • Volunteer groups perform their chants for the class.

Flash: Are you hungry, Thunder?

Thunder: Yes, I am.

Misty: Look at the queue!

Now say the words.

1 banana, 2 cake, 3 cheese sandwich, 4 apple, 5 pizza,

6 sausage, 7 chicken, 8 steak, 9 peas, 10 carrots

• Play the recording again. Students repeat the words.


Aim: • Students each choose their lunch and stick the sticker on
• to present and practise I’ve got, I haven’t got
New language: I’ve got, I haven’t got, the same their trays.

lunch • Demonstrate the activity first.
• Students do a mingling activity, but they don’t look at
Recycled language: food
each other’s books.
Materials: CD, flashcards (food), Unit 4 stickers
• They go around the room, taking turns to say what they
Language competences: Your students will be
have got to find a friend with the same lunch.
able to say which foods they’ve got and haven’t got.
1 CD2 WB p47 Listen and write the letters A–F on

the rats.

Aim: to give students extended practice with have got

Warm-up CD2 Track 05

Aim: to review food vocabulary

• Stick the flashcards around the room.
• Say food words at random, e.g. Sandwiches or

r nChicken and peas.

• Students point to the correct flashcard(s).
fo tioPresentation Rat A
trictly caAim: to present have got and haven’t got Rat A: I’ve got a banana and a carrot. I haven’t got an apple.
Rat B
• Present and teach have got and haven’t got using the Rat B: I’ve got a banana and an apple. I haven’t got a carrot.
Rat C
flashcards. Rat C: I’ve got an apple and a carrot. I haven’t got a banana.
Rat D
u• Take some in your hand and say what you have got. Rat D: I’ve got two bananas. I haven’t got a carrot and I haven’t
dThen say what you haven’t got. got an apple.
Rat E
• Hand flashcards to students for them to repeat the Rat E: I’ve got two apples. I haven’t got a carrot and I haven’t
got a banana.
S Estructure, substituting the food word for the flashcard Rat F
Rat F: I’ve got two carrots. I haven’t got a banana and I haven’t
they have/haven’t got. got an apple.
istry of ysia1 SBp47 Readanddrawlines.
Aim: to practise have got and haven’t got Key: 1 C, 2 B, 4 E, 5 D, 6 F

• Read the speech bubbles aloud with the students. 2 WB p47 Look and circle the words.
• Then give them time to look at the pictures and match.
Aim: to enable students to evidence their understanding
la• Students check in pairs. Key: 2 haven’t got, 3 ’ve got, 4 haven’t got, 5 ’ve got,

• Check with the class. 6 ’ve got

in aKey: 3, 4, 1, 2 Ending the lesson
M MAim: to focus students on grammatical form2 CD2
04 SB p47 Listen and say. Aim: to review new language from the lesson
• Make sentences using the flashcards. Some are true
• Play the first sentence.
and some are false.

• Hold up two or three flashcards and make a

sentence, e.g. I’ve got cake, cheese sandwiches
and apples.

• Hold up the flashcards of sandwiches and apple. • Students write Yes or No in their notebooks. Use all

Students point and repeat. the food words and have and haven’t got.

• Play the second sentence. Hold out your empty hands.

Students repeat. Extension activity

• Students practise in pairs. Aim: to give students a personal record of the new

3 SB p47 Choose your lunch. Find a friend with the language

same lunch. • Students choose their lunch and draw the food on

Aim: to give students further practice with I’ve got / a tray in their notebooks.

I haven’t got • They write sentences under the picture, e.g. I’ve got

• Students look at their stickers. steak and bananas. I haven’t got pizza.


1 Read and draw lines.

1 I’ve got a sandwich
and an apple.

2 I’ve got a sandwich
and a banana.

r n3
trictly fo catio4 I’vegotpizzaandI’ve got pizza and
an apple. I haven’ta banana. I haven’t
ugot a banana.
got an apple.

S f Ed2 CD2
istry o ysiaI’ve got a sandwich and an apple.Gr mm rListen and say.
I haven’t got a banana.
in ala3 Choose your lunch. Find a friend with the same lunch.
M MI’ve got …
Me too!

I’ve got / I haven’t got … 47

1 CD2 Listen and sing.

Tommy’s in the kitchen,
Come nd t ke him out!
Tommy’s in the kitchen,
Come nd t ke him out!

I’ve got n pple in my s ndwich.5 6
I’ve got milk on my pe s.

r nI’ve got juice on my s us ge.
fo tioHelp! Oh, help me, ple se!
trictly caTommy’s in the kitchen …
uI’ve got c rrots on my pizz .
dAnd b n n on my cheese.
S EI’ve got chicken with my c ke.
istry of ysiaHelp! Oh, help me, ple se!

Tommy’s in the kitchen …

Min Mala1 2 3 4

cd e f


2 CD2 Listen again and draw lines to match Tommy’s food.

48 Singing for pleasure

Aims: 1 WB p48 Number the pictures in the order of

• to sing a song with the class the song.
• to give further practice with countable and
Aim: to give further practice with food words and
uncountable nouns
New language: kitchen, come and take him out,
Key: 7, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 9, 10, (1), 8
milk, juice, help
2 WB p48 Look at the pictures and write the
Recycled language: food
Materials: CD
Aim: to review spelling of the food words
Language competences: Your students will be Key: 2 bananas, 3 cheese, 4 carrots

able to join in with a song.

Ending the lesson

Aim: to review key language from the lesson
• Students sing the song from SB Activity 1 again.

Extension activity

Aim: to give students further practice with the new


• Students use WB Activity 2 as a model.
• They draw four strange food pictures in their

notebooks and write sentences underneath.

Aim: to review food words and have/haven’t got

r n• Demonstrate the game.

• Take, e.g. the cake flashcard, and say I haven’t got

fo tiocake.

• Students stand up if the sentence is true and sit if it

is false.

trictly ca• Repeat using have/haven’t got and other
u1 CD2
SB p48 Listen and sing.dAim: to sing a song with the class
S E• Students look at the picture in their Student’s Book.

Elicit what food they can see and who they can see

istry of ysiaonthechair(Tommy).

• Pre-teach kitchen, milk and juice.
• Play the recording. Students follow the song in their

Student’s Books.

• Play the recording again, pausing after each verse for

lastudents to repeat.

• When students have learnt the song, practise it with

in athe whole class.

• Use the karaoke version of the song for students to sing

in groups.
M2 CD2
SB p48 Listen again and draw lines to match

Tommy’s food.

Aim: to give further practice with food words

• Play the recording again. Students match the pictures.
• They draw lines and then check in pairs.
• Elicit and check.

Key: 1 b, 2 e, 3 c, 4 a, 5 f, 6 d


Aims: Girl: Have we got any sausages?

• to present and practise Have we got any Father: No, we haven’t.

(cheese)? Yes, we have, No, we haven’t Girl: Oh, dear. What a terrible pizza!

• to practise asking and answering questions • Play the recording again. Students tick or cross the

New language: Have we got any (cheese)? Yes, boxes.

we have, No, we haven’t, orange juice, great • Students check in pairs.
(juice), terrible • Play the recording again. Check with the class.

Recycled language: food Key: 1 apple ✓, orange juice ✓, banana ✓
Materials: CD
Language competences: Your students will be 2 cheese ✗, chicken ✗, sausage ✗

2 CD2 SB p49 Listen and say.

able to ask and answer using have got. Aim: to focus students on grammatical form


Aim: to review food and drink

r n• Draw two circles on the board. Write Food in one
fo tioand Drink in the other.

• In pairs, with books closed, students create word

maps using known words.

trictly ca• Elicit and complete word maps on the board to
uPresentation • Play the recording. Students listen and repeat in chorus.
dAim: to present Have you got ... ? Yes, we have. / No, • Repeat.
S Ewe haven’t.
f• Put five flashcards face up on a desk at the front. Two 3 SB p49 Ask and answer.
istry o ysiastudentscometothedesk.
Aim: to give students practice asking and answering
• Say, e.g. Have you got any cheese? Students look for the
questions using have got
card and hold it up if they have it.
• Demonstrate the activity with a student, using the
• Prompt the correct answer: Yes, we have. or No, we
picture in the Student’s Book.
• Give students more practice in open pairs.
la• Repeat with other students and other food words. • Students do the activity in closed pairs, e.g. Student A:

• Then students take turns to ask the questions and to Have we got any sausages? Student B: Yes, we have.
Student B: Have we got any pizza? Student A: No, we
in aanswer. haven’t.
1 CD2MAim: to practise Have we got any … ? Yes, we have. / No,
09Mwe haven’t. 1 WB p49 Look at the picture and answer the
SB p49 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗) the box.
• Students look at the pictures. Elicit what they can see.
Aim: to give students practice in reading and writing

the new language

Key: 3 Yes, we have. 4 Yes, we have. 5 No, we haven’t.

6 Yes, we have. 7 No, we haven’t. 8 Yes, we have.

Ending the lesson

Aim: to review new language from the lesson
• Ask questions about objects which are / are not in

the classroom, e.g. Have we got any animals in our

• Students respond.
• Students take turns to ask questions of the class

• Play the recording. Students listen and point. about what is in / not in the classroom, using their

own ideas.

CD2 Track 09 Extension activity
1 Boy: Have we got any apples?
Aim: to review vocabulary
Mother: Yes, we have.
Boy: Have we got any orange juice? • Students work in pairs. They make word sausages
Mother: Yes, we have.
Boy: Have we got any bananas? of at least six words, using WB page 46 Activity 2
Mother: Yes, we have. as a model.
Boy: What a great juice!
2 Girl: Have we got any cheese? • Pairs exchange word sausages with other pairs and
Father: No, we haven’t.
Girl: Have we got any chicken? circle the words.
Father: No, we haven’t.


1 CD2 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗) the box.


trictly forucation2 CD22
Gr mm rS EdHave we got any cheese? Yes, we have.
focus fNo, we haven’t.
Listen and say.

istry o ysia3 Ask and answer.
Min MalaHave we got any ... ?

Have … got any … ? 49

1 CD2 2 Mmm. Pizza.
11 My favourite!


Where’s Misty?

trictly for cation3 4
S EduLook at Misty!
istry of ysiaSorry,wehaven’tPizza, please.
got pizza.
in alaHey! That isn’t fair.
MOK. Sausages and peas, please.
6 Here you are.

Thank you.

50 Value: waiting your turn

Aims: 1 CD2 WB p50 Listen and tick (✓) the box.
• to present a picture story
• to review language from the unit Aim: to review the story

New language: Where’s (Misty)? please, CD2 Track 12
1 Thunder: Where’s Misty?
What have you got? hot 2 Flash: Hey! That isn’t fair.
3 Dinner lady: Here you are.
Recycled language: haven’t got, have got, nice,
Key: 1 Thunder (2nd picture), 2 Flash (1st picture),
fantastic, favourite, look at, that isn’t fair, new,
here you are, queue, character names 3 Dinner lady (2nd picture)

Materials: CD 2 WB p50 Match the pictures with the sentences.

Language competences: Your students will be Aim: to match phrases from the story with pictures

able to listen to and read a picture story. Key: b 4, c 2, d 1

Value: waiting your turnWarm-up 3 Think! WB p50 Write the numbers.

r nAim: to review the characters and the story Aim: to check comprehension of short dialogues
fo tio• Elicit from the students the names of the four Super
through pictures
Thinking skill: matching verbal and visual information
• Ask students to mime their special powers. Key: 2 Fantastic! 3 Here you are.

trictly ca• Elicit what the characters learnt in the last episode Ending the lesson
(to be brave and overcome their fear of spiders).
u1 CD2 Aim: to practise the story
11 • Put students in groups of five.
dAim: to present a picture storySB pp50–51 The pizza • Students each take a role of one of the characters.
S E• Elicit who the students can see in the first picture of the • Play the recording. Students repeat in role.
fStudent’s Book story (Whisper, Flash and Thunder) and • Students practise the role play in groups.
istry o ysiawhere they are (in the school canteen). Elicit what they • Volunteer groups role play for the class.

are doing (queuing for lunch). Extension activity

• Play the recording. Students listen and read to find out Aim: to discuss the value of waiting your turn
• Focus on the parts of the story where Misty jumped
what the friends have got at the end (a nice, hot pizza).
the queue and got her lunch before her friends.
• Students compare their ideas in pairs before the class
• Elicit from students why this value is important and
lacheck. Check understanding of hot.
elicit examples from the students of when they have
• Play the recording again. Pause after each frame to had to wait their turn or when other people haven’t
waited their turn.
in acheck comprehension. Note: This discussion will probably need to take place
in L1.
• Talk with the class about the value (waiting your turn)

and where it is in the story (frames 3 and 7).

M• Check understanding of What have you got?
M• Play the recording a third time. Students listen and


Aims: Key: The dinner lady

• to talk about the meaning of a story 4 CD2 SB p51 Listen and say.
• to practise saying the short vowel sound o 13
• to review language from the story and the unit
New language: Who says … ? sorry, stop, shop, Aim: to practise the letter sound o, a short vowel sound

hot dog • Play the recording. Students look at the picture, read

Recycled language: language from the story, and repeat.

food, colours, classroom objects, toys CD2 Track 13

Materials: CD o–o–o
Polly stops at the shop for a hot dog.
Polly stops at the shop for a hot dog!

Language competences: Your students will be • Repeat the sentence as a class without the recording.

able to interpret deeper meaning from a story. Say it loudly, slowly, quickly, whisper it, etc.
Phonics focus: Your students will be able to

identify and say the letter sound o and contrast it
with the previous units’ letter sounds a, e and i.

r nValue: waiting your turn
• Students take turns to repeat in pairs.

fo tioWarm-up
trictly caAim:toreviewthestory

• Write Misty on the board and draw a plate of

sausages and peas and a plate of pizza.

u• Elicit what Misty has got. Elicit why, to review the
value of waiting one’s turn.
1 WB p51 Look and circle.

Aim: to focus students on the value of waiting your turn
Key: Picture 1

2 CD2 WB p51 Say and colour. Listen, point and say.

Aim: to practise reading and saying words with the

letter sounds o, i, e and a
S Ed2 SB p51 Read and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
fAim: to check comprehension of the story CD2 Track 14
istry o ysia• Check students know what to do and their
Black: hat, bag Orange: doll, box
understanding of Who says … ? Red: desk, pen Pink: milk, sit

• Students read the five sentences silently.
• They tick or cross in the table and compare answers

in pairs.

la• Check with the class.

Key: 2 black, 3 orange, 4 red, 5 red, 6 pink, 7 orange,

8 pink

in aWho says … ? Ending the lesson
M MI’ve got pizza.
Misty Whisper Flash Thunder Aim: to review and write decodable words with the

✗ ✓✓✓ letter sound o and distinguish it from the previous
letter sounds a, e and i

• Students close their Student’s Books.
• Dictate the sound sentence while students write.

They compare their sentences with a partner before
checking in the Student’s Book.

• Write these sentences on the board: A pink pig with

red legs. An orange dog with a black hat. Students
draw and colour their pictures.

I’ve got an apple. ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓

I’ve got a sausage. ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ Extension activity

I’ve got peas. ✓✓✗ ✗ Aim: to create a pizza

I’ve got a banana. ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ • Students draw their ideal pizza in their notebooks.

3 SB p51 Find who says ... They add the toppings they like.

Aim: to present the letter sound o • Go around the class, supplying words as necessary.
• Write sorry and got on the board, using a red pen for • Students label their pizzas.
• More confident students present their pizzas to the
the o. Point out that the o is the same sound as in on
class, e.g. I’ve got a pizza with …

and off.

• Students repeat Sorry, we haven’t got pizza after you.
• Students find the speech bubble in the story (frame 4).



Look! A new pizza. What have
Nice and hot. you got?


for tion2 Read and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
trictly caWho says … ? We’ve got pizza. Nice and hot!
duI’ve got pizza.
S EI’ve got an apple.
istry of ysiaI’ve got a sausage.

I’ve got peas.
I’ve got a banana.
in ala3 Find who says … Sorry, we haven’t got pizza.
M M4 CD2
Listen and say.

Polly stops at the shop for a hot dog.

Phonics focus 51

1 CD2 Listen and say the numbers.

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen

trictly for cationsixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen
u2 CD2 twenty
iSstry of EdysiaShopping list
Min Mala 12 apples
Listen and complete the shopping list.

3 Write a shopping list.

Shopping list
13 steaks

4 Listen to your partner’s list and write it down.
Check your list.

52 Listening and writing

Aims: Waiter: 18 steaks. Waiter: 14 carrots. Cook,

• to practise listening, speaking and writing skills Cook: Have we got any cheese? we haven’t got any pizzas!
• to review the vocabulary for food and have got Waiter: Yes, we’ve got lots of Cook: No pizzas! Put 15
• to present numbers 11–20
cheese. pizzas on the list.
Cook: OK, no cheese. What Waiter: So that’s 12 apples,

Skills: listening for specific information, spelling about carrots? 20 sausages, 18 steaks,
Waiter: No, we haven’t got any 14 carrots and 15 pizzas.
New language: write a shopping list, put (carrots) Cook: That’s right. Thank
carrots. you.
on the list, waiter, cook Cook: OK, put 14 carrots on the

Recycled language: food list.

Materials: CD, flashcards (numbers 11–20, food) • Play the recording again.

Language competences: Your students will be • Students complete the list.

able to listen for specific information. • They compare answers in pairs before the class check.
• If necessary, play the recording again.
Your students will be able to say and write Key: 20 sausages, 18 steaks, 14 carrots, 15 pizzas
numbers 11–20.
r nWarm-up 3 SB p52 Write a shopping list.
fo tioAim: to review numbers one–ten
Aim: to enable students to personalise the language
• Make circles of ten students and make a ball out of • Students work individually to complete a shopping list

trictly capaperforeachgroup. for lunch. They write six items.

• Hand a ball to a student. He/She says One and then 4 SB p52 Listen to your partner’s list and write it

throws the ball to a student who says Two. down. Check your list.

u• When students get to Ten, they count backwards. Aim: to give students practice in saying and
d1 CD2
15 understanding food words
S EAim: to present and practise numbers 11–20
f• Students look at the pictures in the Student’s Book. • In pairs, students take turns to say their complete list for
istry o ysia• Play the recording twice. Students listen and repeat.
their friend to try to write it down.
• Use the flashcards to practise the numbers.
• Show them first in sequence and then at random and • Then students check that their partner’s list is correct.

elicit the numbers from students. 1 WB p52 Look at the numbers. Look at the
SB p52 Listen and say the numbers.
letters. Write the words.
la2 CD2
16 Aim: to practise spelling numbers 11–20 LE
Aim: to practise listening for specific information Key: 2 seventeen, 3 fifteen, 4 eleven, 5 twenty,

in a• Pre-teach shopping list. 6 eighteen

• Tell students they are going to hear a conversation Ending the lesson

Mbetween a waiter and a cook. Aim: to give students practice in sequencing numbers
M• Stick the food flashcards on the board. • Call 20 students to the front of the class.
SB p52 Listen and complete the shopping list. • Say a number between 1 and 20 to each student at

• Play the recording. Students listen for the foods. random.

• Students quickly sequence themselves into a number

CD2 Track 16 line.

Cook: Waiter, look in the fridge Waiter: We’ve got lots Extension activity
and write a shopping list of bananas.
for me, please. Aim: to practise alphabet skills
Cook: OK, no bananas. Have • In pairs, students put the food words from SB
Waiter: Yes, cook. we got any sausages?
Cook: Have we got Activity 3 into alphabetical order.
Waiter: No. We haven’t got
any apples? any sausages.
Waiter: No.
Cook: OK, put 12 apples Cook: OK, put 20 sausages
on the list.
on the list.
Waiter: 12 apples. Waiter: 20 sausages. Oh, and
Cook: Hmm. What we haven’t got any steaks.

about bananas? Cook: OK, put 18 steaks on
the list.


Aims: 1 WB p53 Look at the menu and choose food

• to practise reading and speaking skills you like.
• to present or in negative sentences: I don’t like
Aim: to give students practice in expressing preferences
milk or cheese.
2 Think! WB p53 Match the sentences with the
pictures. Write numbers.
• reading for specific information
• productive speaking Aim: to give students practice in close reading
New language: menu, basket, sausage sandwich,
Thinking skills: matching linguistic and visual
chicken pizza, or
information, searching systematically
Recycled language: food, numbers 11–20
Key: a 2, b 3, c 4

Materials: flashcards (numbers 11–20) Ending the lesson

Language competences: Your students will be Aim: to practise writing a description from a spoken

able to read for specific information. model

Your students will be able to talk about a picture • Students write a description of what is in their

r nthey have drawn. baskets from SB Activity 2. They write the text under
fo tioWarm-up the picture.
trictly caAim: toreviewnumbers11–20
Extension activity
• Stick the number flashcards on the board.
• Students close their Student’s Books. Aim: to practise listening for detail
• Play a chain game. Say, e.g. In my basket I’ve got 12
u• Pairs of students come up in turn to write the
dnumber in words under the flashcard. bananas.

• The rest of the class help with the spelling if the • Student A says: In my basket I’ve got 12 bananas

S Ewriting pair get stuck. and 16 cakes.
istry of ysia1 SBp53 Look and read. Write yes or no.
• Continue the chain around the class, choosing
Aim: to give students practice in reading for specific
students at random. They cannot repeat food or
information LE numbers.

• Tell students to look carefully at the picture and at the• Start another chain when you have eight foods in

sentences. the basket.

la• Make sure they know what to do. Read the instructions

in a• Students do the activity silently and on their own.

• They compare their answers in pairs and re-read to

Mcheck when they differ.
M• Check with the class.
Key: 1 no, 2 yes, 3 no, 4 yes, 5 no, 6 yes

2 SB p53 Draw your basket. Say what’s in it.

Aim: to personalise the language and give students

speaking practice

• Pre-teach basket.
• Check students know what to do. Set a limit for drawing

time and for the number of things in the basket.

• Students draw their baskets in their notebooks.
• Monitor and check.
• Make groups of four. Students take turns to say what is

in their basket, using the model.


1 Look and read. Write yes or no.

Mark Tony Lynn

trictly fodrucation1 Mark: I’ve got eleven sausages in my basket.
S E2 Tony: I’ve got fourteen apples in my basket.
istry of ysia3 Lynn: I haven’t got any bananas in my basket.

4 Mark: I’ve got chicken in my basket.

la5 Tony: I’ve got a cheese sandwich in my basket.
in a6 Lynn: I’ve got twelve carrots in my basket.
M M2 Draw your basket. Say what’s in it.

I’ve got ten cakes
in my basket!

Reading and speaking 53

1 Look at the fruit and vegetables. Which are your

It is important to eat fruit and vegetables to be healthy.

Strictlyf EfodrucationbroccoliPears are myCorn is my favourite
favourite fruit. vegetable.

istry o ysiamushroomsonionspeachespineapples
lagreen beans
in apotatoes pears oranges
M Mcorn tomatoes

vegetables fruit

2 Think! Look and stick. Are they fruit or vegetables?

54 Science

Aims: 2 Think! SB p54 Look and stick. Are they fruit

• to integrate other areas of the curriculum or vegetables?

through English: Science Aim: to encourage students to use their own

• to practise classifying and categorising experience and knowledge of the world

New language: fruit, broccoli, onions, green Thinking skill: categorising

beans, mushrooms, potatoes, corn, peaches, Note: In order to carry out this activity, students will first
pineapples, pears, oranges, coconuts, tomatoes, need to cut out their stickers with the backs attached.
• Read the activity instruction aloud.
Recycled language: food • Check students know what to do.
• They place the stickers in the crates first and then
Materials: flashcards (food), Unit 4 stickers,
compare ideas in pairs.

Language competences: Your students will have • Check with the class before students stick their stickers

learnt specific language to be able to talk about in place.
Science in English.
• Elicit other fruit or vegetables that they know.
for tionWarm-up Key: Fruit: pineapples, coconuts

Aim: to raise awareness of fruit and vegetables Vegetables: broccoli, mushrooms
• Stick the flashcards on the board in three groups:
1 WB p54 Find the fruit and vegetables.
trictly cafruit, vegetables and ‘other’. Put the ‘other’ words
Look k and U.
down the side of the board.
Aim: to give students practice in spelling and in
• Focus students on the fruit and vegetable groups
searching systematically
uand elicit why you have grouped the flashcards like
Key: Across – tomato, potato, pear, peach, peas,
this (don’t tell them).
d• Prompt students if they need it and then write Fruit Down – onion, carrot, apple, orange, banana
S Eabove one list and Vegetables above another.
Ending the lesson
• Elicit other fruit and vegetables that they know.
Aim: to review what students have learnt in the
istry of ysia1 SBp54 Look at the fruit and vegetables.
Which are your favourites? lesson

Aim: to extend students’ vocabulary for fruit and • Write the following prompt on the board: Today

vegetables I’ve learnt about:

la• Students look at the picture. Read each word aloud. • Elicit from students what they learnt about today,
Students repeat.
e.g. fruit and vegetables and how to classify them.
in a• Read the activity instruction aloud and check students
know what to do. • Write it on the board. Students copy it into their

M• Provide the language: … is/are my favourite fruit/ notebooks.
Extension activity

Aim: to discuss fruit and vegetables students have

• Students discuss their ideas in groups of three. in their country

• Check and discuss as a class. • Focus students on the fruit and vegetables from the

unit and this lesson.

• Tell them to think of other fruit and vegetables

which they have in their country and which they eat

at different times of year.

• Elicit these fruit and vegetables and supply words

in English if possible.

• Discuss how people eat different foods around

the world.

Note: This discussion will probably need to take place 
in L1.


Aims: 1 Think! WB p55 Colour the fruit red. Colour the
• to extend the focus on Science through English
vegetables green.

• to complete a project Aim: to enable students to apply real-world

New language: Where do they grow? They grow knowledge

in the ground, on trees, on plants, diary, day, Thinking skills: applying knowledge and experience,
how many, every day

Recycled language: food Note: Tomatoes and peppers are fruits (they contain
seeds), but they are used as vegetables.
Materials: paper, some fruit (optional)
Key: Red: peppers, apples, oranges, strawberries,
Language competences: Your students will be
peaches, tomatoes, bananas, pears
able to talk about Science in English. Green: carrots, onions, peas, potatoes

Warm-up 2 WB p55 Draw the fruit and vegetables on the

Aim: to review the classification of fruit and trees, in the ground or on the plants.

vegetables Aim: to enable students to apply real-world

r n• Draw two circles on the board. Write Fruit in one knowledge
fo tioand Vegetables in the other.
Key: On the trees: pear, apple; in the ground: onion,
• Brainstorm words for each to create word maps.
potato; on the plants: pepper, tomato
trictly ca1 Think! SBp55 Where do they grow? Follow
the lines and say. Ending the lesson

uAim: to enable students to apply their own knowledge Aim: to review what students have learnt in the

and experience lesson

dThinking skills: applying world knowledge, matching • Write the following prompt on the board: Today
S E• Read the instruction aloud and check understanding.
f• Check understanding of ground and grow and that I’ve …
istry o ysiastudentsknowwhattodo.
• Elicit from students what they learnt today, e.g.
• In pairs, they try to match the food with where it grows.
• They compare their ideas in pairs. learnt where food grows and made a fruit and
• Elicit sentences from the students and write them on the vegetable diary.

board. • Write it on the board. Students copy it into their

la• Check understanding of new words and concepts. notebooks.

Key: 1 d, 2 a, 3 e, 4 b, 5 c Extension activity

in a2 Project SB p55 Make a fruit and vegetable Aim: to reinforce and extend students’
understanding of fruit and how it grows
MAim: to enable students to apply what they have
Mlearnt about fruit and vegetables • Cut one of the fruits, e.g. kiwi, strawberry, peach,

apple or pear, in half and show students the
different parts of the fruit.

• Draw the section of fruit on the board and label it,

e.g. skin or flesh, stone or seeds.

• Read the introduction to the activity with the class. • Put students into groups of four. Hand out a halved
• Make groups of four. Hand out paper to each group.
• Students copy the diary on to the paper and complete fruit to each group.

• They draw it in their notebooks and label it.

the diary.

• Groups can decide if they want to focus on fruit or

vegetables or both.

• Groups display their diaries around the room and

students walk around to read other groups’ diaries.


1 Think! Where do they grow? Follow the lines and say.

Onions grow in the ground. Coconuts grow on trees.
123 45

trictly for cationa b c d e
iSstry of Edysuiatree
2 Project Make a fruit and vegetable diary.treeplantgroundplant

Min MalaHow many fruits and vegetables do you eat every day?

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7


Science 55

1 CD2 Listen and imagine. Then draw your picture.

trictly forucation2 Write about your picture. Then listen to your friends
MiniSstryMoaf lEadysiaandguess.

Hi, I’m Pop. I’m a monster. Here’s my sandwich.
I’ve got a plane, a train and a go-kart in it. Yummy!

56 Creativity

Aims: 2 SB p56 Write about your picture. Then listen

• to draw out the students’ creativity through to your friends and guess.

mental imagery Aim: to give students practice in writing about a picture
• Look at the picture and read the example from the
• to practise following a set of instructions
Student’s Book with the class.
New language: lots of, all the food you like, card,

cut out, core, top, bottom, seeds, 3-D, yummy • Students write their descriptions. Monitor and help.
• Display the pictures on the wall of the classroom.
Recycled language: toys, food, imperatives • Ask a student to read out one of the descriptions.

Materials: CD, card, scissors, coloured pens, Students look at the pictures on the wall to guess which

coloured paper, glue one is being described.

Language competences: Your students will be • Students do not read their own descriptions aloud.

able to listen to ideas and respond creatively.


Aim: to review vocabulary

r n• Tell students it is lunchtime. Ask What’s for lunch
fo tiotoday?

• Elicit their ideas / what their favourite foods are.
trictly ca1CD2 1 WB p56 Make a 3-D apple.
uAim: to enable students to listen and visualise and toSB p56 Listen and imagine. Then drawAim: to enable students to follow a set of instructions

create their own picturesyour picture. to make a 3-D apple

d• Pre-teach lots of. Ending the lesson
S E• Tell students to put their heads on their desks, close their
Aim: to enable students to compare favourite foods
eyes and listen. • Elicit what the monster’s favourite food is. Write

istry of ysia• Play the recording. At the end of the recording, speak some other animals on the board, e.g. dog, cat,
quietly and tell students to listen again and imagine. elephant, lizard.
Tell them they are going to draw the picture from their
heads. • Elicit students’ ideas of what their favourite foods
CD2 Track 17
laClose your eyes and listen.
Extension activity
Imagine you’re a monster.
It’s lunchtime. You’re hungry. You’re very hungry. Aim: to enable students to use their imagination
• In groups of four, students take on the role of one of
in aWhat’s for lunch today?
the animals from the Ending the lesson activity. They
Ah, your favourite food. Lots of toys in a sandwich! don’t tell the rest of the class.

MYummy! All the food you like! • Write the following text on the board: It’s lunchtime.
MWhat’s in your monster sandwich?
I’m very hungry. What’s for lunch today? Ah, my
favourite food … Lots of _____ – yummy. Lots of ______
– yummy. Lots of _____ – yucky! I don’t like ______ .

• Groups use the text as a model to write a thought

bubble for their animal.

• Groups read their thought bubbles aloud to the

class for the class to guess which animal they are.

A train? A plane? A ball? Yummy!

Now draw your monster sandwich.

• Play the recording again.
• Students draw their own pictures of what they


• Go around the class and encourage students.
• Talk to them about their ideas and help if necessary.


Aims: 1 WB p57 Draw and write examples of what
you know.
• to review language from the unit
• to encourage students to reflect on their learning Aim: to enable students to demonstrate what they
New language: lunchbox, no food
have learnt
Recycled language: vocabulary and grammar
Ending the lesson
from the unit
Aim: to enable students to express their preferences
Materials: dice and counters • Ask students what their favourite song, chant or

Language competences: Your students will be game is from the unit.

able to use language from the unit to play a game. • Do the song, chant or game again with the class.

Warm-up Extension activity

Aim: to review food Aim: to enable students to share what they

• Write ten food words from the unit (at least one for have learnt

r neach of the four categories in the lunchbox game) in • Put students into groups of four.
• Each student opens their Workbook at page 57.
scrambled letter order on the board. • Students take turns to read aloud what they have

fo tio• Students work in pairs and write each word correctly. written for number 2 and to say something about
their pictures.
• When checking with the class, elicit which foods go
• Encourage students to compare what they have
in which categories.
written and drawn.
trictly ca1 SBp57 Thelunchboxgame
uAim: to enable students to review vocabulary by • Students do the same for numbers 3 and 4.
dplaying a game

• Demonstrate the game for students by playing it with

S Eone or two students at the front.
f• Students take turns to roll the dice. The first dice shows

their position on the horizontal scale, the second their

istry o ysiaposition on the vertical scale. They find the food item,

say I've got a/some … and draw it in their lunchbox.
They must fill their lunchbox with one thing from each
of the four food categories. If they land on, e.g. fruit
twice, then their go is wasted. The student who fills his/

laher lunchbox first is the winner.

• Students play the game in groups of four.

in a• Monitor and help as and when necessary.

• If time, make new groups for students to play the game

M Magain.
Picture dictionary

Aim: to review vocabulary for food

• Students look at the Picture dictionary page for food

(WB page 122).

• In pairs, they take turns to point to one of the pictures

and say/spell the word.

• Then students write the words under the pictures.
• Students look at the numbers (WB page 123).
• Students take turns to point to the numbers and

say/spell the word.

• Then they write the words under the numbers.


The lunchbox game

I’ve got a …

fruit Fruit vegetable
trictly for cationsandwich
S EduDice1
istry of ysiaDice

la1 Sorry,
no food. Sorry, Sorry,
no food. no food.
in Ma2
M3 Sorry, Sorry,
no food.
no food.

4 Sorry,
no food.

5 Sorry,
no food.

6 Sorry,
no food.

Revision 57

Free time

1 CD2 Listen and look. Then listen and say the words.

1 MiniSsttrryicMotlayf67 lEafodyrsuicaation

2 CD2 Listen and chant.

Hurr y, hurr y! On S turd y nd Sund y,
School on Mond y, More time to pl y.
School on Tuesd y,
School on Wednesd y, School is cool.
Thursd y, Frid y. Hurr y, hurr y!

58 Days of the week

Aims: Now say the words.

• to present and practise vocabulary for days of 1 Monday, 2 Tuesday, 3 Wednesday, 4 Thursday, 5 Friday,

the week 6 Saturday, 7 Sunday

• to say a chant with the class • Play the recording again. Students repeat the words.
• to raise awareness of the present simple • Students practise pointing to and naming the days

New language: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, in pairs.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, football 2 CD2 SB p58 Listen and chant.

match, trip to the lake, hurray, more time to play, Aim: to give students further practice saying the days
week, free time
of the week
Materials: CD, flashcards (days of the week)
• Students look at the chant.
Language competences: Your students will be
• Play the recording. Students listen and follow the chant
Warm-upable to name the days of the week.

r nAim: to activate vocabulary
fo tio• Point to the top of the board where you write the

day and the date.

• Elicit what day it is today, e.g. It’s Monday.

trictly ca• Try to elicit the other days of the week.

• Elicit which day is the students’ favourite.
uPresentation in their Student’s Books.
dAim: to present the days of the week
S E• Hold up each flashcard in turn and in sequence. Say the• Play the recording again, pausing after each verse for

word for students to repeat in chorus. students to repeat.

istry of ysia• Dothisthreeorfourtimes. • Do the chant as a class and then in groups.
• Make seven groups. Hand out a flashcard to each
• Hold up each flashcard for students to say the word in
• Students do the chant again, holding up the relevant
• Write Days of the week in the middle of the board and
flashcard when they say the day.
stick the flashcards around it to make a word map.
la1 CD2 1 WB p58 Write the days of the week.
in aAim: to practise days of the week Aim: to give students practice in writing the days of
M• Students look at the picture in their Student’s Books.
M• Elicit who they can see (the Super Friends) and where the week
SB p58 Listen and look. Then listen and say
Key: 2 Sunday, 3 Wednesday, 4 Saturday, 5 Tuesday,
the words.
6 Thursday, 7 Monday

2 WB p58 Draw your favourite day and write.

Aim: to enable students to personalise the language

Ending the lesson

Aim: to review key language from the lesson
• Hold a flashcard so that students cannot see it.
• Students try to guess, e.g. Is it Monday?
• The student who guesses correctly comes and

chooses a flashcard for the class to guess.

Extension activity

they are (next to the school noticeboard). Aim: to find out favourite days and favourite

• Elicit what they have got on Saturday and Sunday. activities

Check understanding of vocabulary. • Put the flashcards around the room.
• Students stand under their favourite day, according
• Play the recording. Students point to the days when
to WB Activity 2.
they hear them.

CD2 Track 18 • These groups exchange information about why they

Misty: School on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday chose that day.

and Friday. • Draw a bar chart on the board to show how many
Thunder: Football match on Saturday!
Four Super Friends: Hurray! students chose which days.
Flash: Trip to the lake on Sunday!
• Make a bar chart of favourite activities too, if time.

Four Super Friends: Hurray, hurray!


Aims: 2 CD2 SB p59 Listen and say.
• to present and practise the present simple first
Aim: to focus students on grammatical form
person singular for free time activities
• Play the first sentence. Students repeat.
• to review days of the week • Check they understand that it is every Monday and that
New language: present simple: I ride, play, go;
they say Mondays.
bike, piano, pony, go swimming, on (Mondays)
• Play the second sentence. Students repeat.
Recycled language: days of the week • Students practise in pairs.

Materials: CD, flashcards (days of the week), 3 SB p59 Ask and answer.

Unit 5 stickers, scissors Aim: to give students further practice with the present

Language competences: Your students will be simple

able to talk about what they do in their free time • Write the options for free time activities on the board,

e.g. I play football on ______ .

• Demonstrate the activity first with one or two students.
• Students take turns to ask and answer about the

different days of the week.
Warm-upduring the week.

r nAim: to review days of the week 1 CD2
fo tio• Clap twice and say a day of the week, e.g. Tuesday. 22

• The class claps twice and says Wednesday.
• Students continue until they get to Monday.

trictly ca• A student starts the clapping game again by saying
another day.
WB p59 Listen and tick (✓) the box.

Aim: to give students extended practice with

vocabulary for free time activities
dAim: to present the present simple CD2 Track 22
S E• Write the days of the week on the board.
f• Under each day write an activity, e.g. go swimming, and Interviewer: Sue, what do you do on Saturdays?
istry o ysiamimeit. Sue: On Saturdays I play with my toys.
Interviewer: Bob, what about you?
• Point to each day and say, e.g. Monday. I go swimming. Bob: On Saturdays I play computer games.
Interviewer: Right. And what about you, Kate?
Students repeat. Kate: I ride my pony on Saturdays.
Interviewer: And you, Tim?
Tim: I go swimming.

Key: Bob: play computer games (2nd picture), Kate: ride

my pony (1st picture), Tim: go swimming (3rd picture)
laAim: to practise the present simple
1 CD2Note: In order to carry out this activity, students will firstSB p59 Listen and stick.2 WB p59 Put the words in order.
in aneed to cut out their stickers with the backs attached. Aim: to enable students to evidence their

• Students prepare their stickers and look at them. understanding of word order of sentences

M• Read the names aloud so students know what they Key: 2 I play football on Fridays. 3 I play the piano on
sound like.
Sundays. 4 I ride my pony on Tuesdays. 5 I ride my bike
M• Play the recording. Students choose the stickers. on Wednesdays.

Ending the lesson

CD2 Track 20 Aim: to review new language from the lesson

Sandra: Hi, I’m Sandra. I ride my bike on Sundays. • Mime one of the actions for students to guess.
Pat: I’m Pat. I play the piano on Mondays and Fridays. • Students take turns to mime and guess in pairs.

Maria: My name’s Maria. I play football on Thursdays.

Oliver: My name’s Oliver. I ride my pony on Tuesdays and

Saturdays. Extension activity

Bill: Hi, I’m Bill. I go swimming on Wednesdays and Fridays. Aim: to give students a personal record of the

• They compare in pairs. new language
• Play the recording again and check with the class.
• Say each sentence for students to repeat. • Students write in their notebooks three true

sentences about what they do during the week.

It can be on the same day or on different days.


1 CD2 Listen and stick.

for tion2 CD2Sandra Pat Maria Oliver Bill
Gr mm r
trictly caI go swimming on Mondays.Listen and say.

I play football on Saturdays.
S Edu3 Ask and answer.
istry of ysiaI…onMondays. I … on Mondays.
Min MalaWhat about you?

Free time activities 59

1 CD2 Listen and sing.

It’s busy, busy, busy, busy,
Busy, busy, busy week …

for tionOn Mond ys we go swimming.
On Tuesd ys we pl y b ll.

trictly caOn Wednesd ys nd on Thursd ys,
We pl y computer g mes.
duOn Frid ys we pl y footb ll.

S EOn S turd ys we sing.
istry of ysiaOn Sund ys we pl y hide- nd-seek.

Oh, wh t busy week!
It’s busy, busy, busy, busy,

Min MalaBusy, busy, busy week …
Oh, ye h!

2 Point to the pictures and say the day of the week.

It’s Friday.

60 Singing for pleasure

Aims: 1 WB p60 Read the song and tick (✓) the box.

• to sing a song with the class Aim: to give further practice with reading skills and
• to review the present simple
New language: present simple, e.g. we play; busy, vocabulary for free time activities

play ball, sing, hide-and-seek, What a busy week! Key: 2 play computer games (2nd picture), 3 play

Recycled language: days of the week football (1st picture), 4 play hide-and-seek (2nd
Materials: CD
2 WB p60 Write a new verse about you. Draw a
Language competences: Your students will be
able to join in with a song.
Aim: to encourage student creativity

Ending the lesson

Aim: to review key language from the lesson
• Students sing the song from SB Activity 1 again.

Extension activity

Aim: to play a game with the class
• Play a game of ‘Hide-and-seek’, using, e.g. a ruler.
• A student faces the wall and closes his/her eyes.
• Hide the ruler in the classroom.
• The student walks around the class.
• When he/she gets near the ruler, students take turns

to say You’re warm. When he/she goes away from it,
students take turns to say You’re cold.

• Hide other objects for students to take turns playing

the game.

• Students can play the game in groups.

Aim: to review free time activities
• Demonstrate the game.

r n• Mime six activities. Students write each one in their

fo tio• They compare with a partner and check each other’s

• Check with the class.
trictly ca1CD2
uAim: to sing a song with the class
d• Students look at the picture in the Student’s Book. ElicitSB p60 Listen and sing.
who they can see (lots of children) and that they are
S Edoing lots of different activities. Pre-teach busy.

f• Play the recording. Students follow the song in their
istry o ysiaStudent’sBooks.

• Play the recording again, pausing after each verse for

students to repeat.

• When students have learnt the song, practise it with the

whole class.

la• Use the karaoke version of the song for students to sing
in groups.

in a• Elicit / Check students’ understanding of other
vocabulary using the pictures.
M2 SB p60 Point to the pictures and say the day of
Mthe week.
Aim: to check comprehension of the song

• Play the recording again. Students listen, read and point

to the day of the week.

• In pairs, they point to the pictures and say the days of

the week.

• Elicit from the students what the children are doing that

day, e.g. On Saturdays they sing.


Aim: 3 SB p61 Play the question game.

• to present and practise present simple Aim: to give students practice asking and answering

questions: Do you … ? Yes, I do, No, I don’t questions using Do you … ? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

New language: present simple questions: • Make groups of four to six. Demonstrate the activity.
• Ask a Do you … ? question to the student on your left.
Do you … ? Yes, I do, No, I don’t, at the weekend
If he/she answers Yes, I do, he/she asks another
Recycled language: free time activities question to the person on their left. If he/she answers
No, I don’t, the game changes direction and he/she asks
Materials: CD the student on their right.

Language competences: Your students will be 1 WB p61 Write the words and tick (✓) the box.

able to ask and answer about free time activities
using the present simple.

Aim: to give students practice in free time activities

Aim: to review free time activities

r n• Divide the class into days of the week.

• Each group sings their line(s) from the song in the

fo tioprevious lesson. Everyone sings the chorus.
trictly caAim: to present Do you … ? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.Presentationand using the present simple

• Say, e.g. I go swimming at the weekend. Ask a student Key: 2 ride, 3 play, 4 play, 5 play, 6 watch

uDo you? Do you go swimming at the weekend? 2 WB p61 Follow the lines and find the answers
d• Prompt a short answer: Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
to the questions.
• Students ask and answer the same question around the
Aim: to give further practice with the new language
S Eclass in open pairs.
through a game
• Provide another statement, e.g. I play the piano on
Key: 2 No, 3 Yes, 4 Yes, 5 No, 6 No
fTuesdays, and continue.
istry o ysia1CD2 Ending the lesson
Aim: to practise Do you … ? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Aim: to review word order in question forms
• Write on the board a question from the lesson in
• Students look at the pictures. Elicit what they can see to
jumbled word order for students to unjumble.
check understanding of watch TV.
Extension activity
la• Play the recording. Students point.
SB p61 Listen and circle the answer. Aim: to do a survey about free time activities
• Draw a simple 5 x 5 grid on the board. Head it
in aCD2 Track 25
At weekends.
Boy: Do you watch TV at the weekend?
Girl: No, I don’t. • Down the left side write four activities, e.g.

MBoy: Do you play computer games at the weekend? play football.
MGirl: Yes, I do.
• Students copy it into their notebooks, adding the

names of four friends to the top of each column.

• They ask and answer in groups of four and record

answers with a tick or cross.

• Play the recording again. Students circle the correct


• They compare answers in pairs.
• Check with the class.

Key: No, I don’t. Yes, I do.

2 CD2 SB p61 Listen and say.

Aim: to focus students on grammatical form

• Play the recording. Students listen and repeat in chorus.
• Repeat.
• Students take turns to practise the question and answers

in pairs.


1 CD2 Listen and circle the answer.

Do you watch TV
at the weekend?

Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Do you play

r ncomputer games
trictly fo catioat the weekend?
u2 CD2 Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Gr mm rS E Yes, I do.Listen and say.
focusfDo you watch TV at the weekend?
istry o ysiaNo,Idon’t.
la3 Play the question game.
Min MaDo you … at the weekend?
Yes, I do.

Do you ... ? Yes, I do / No, I don’t 61

1 CD2

1 Where’s the lake? 2 What?
I don’t know. I’ve got an idea.

We’re lost.

trictly for cation3
uWait and
This isn’t 4
much fun.
Rabbit, we’re lost.
Where’s the lake?
MiniSstryMoaf lEaysia5 Thankyouverymuch.
Come with me.

6 Yippee!

Here you are, rabbit. Watch out!
62 Value: asking for help when you need it

Aims: 2 WB p62 Circle the words.
Aim: to check understanding of key words in the story
• to present a picture story Key: 2 see, 3 me, 4 rabbit
• to review language from the unit
3 Think! WB p62 Write the sentences.
New language: we’re lost, Where’s … ?, lake, this Aim: to check comprehension of short dialogues

isn’t much fun, thank you very much, come with through pictures
me, wait and see, I’ve got an idea, I don’t know,
Are you OK?

Recycled language: character names Thinking skill: matching words and pictures
Materials: CD Key: 2 Yes, I am. 3 Come with me.

Language competences: Your students will be

able to listen and read a picture story. Ending the lesson
r nWarm-up
fo tioAim: to review the characters and the story

• Elicit from the students the names of the four

Super Friends.

trictly ca• Ask students to mime their special powers.

• Elicit what happened in the last episode (Misty

udidn’t wait her turn).

• Elicit who can speak to animals (Whisper).
Your students will be able to act out a story. Aim: to practise the story
• Put students in groups of five.
Value: asking for help when you need it • Students each take a role of one of the characters.
• Play the recording. Students repeat in role.
S Ed1 CD2 • Students practise the role play in groups.
27 • Volunteer groups role play for the class.

Extension activity

Aim: to stimulate students’ creativity
• Students each choose one of the short dialogues

from WB Activity 3. They make up a little, silent role
play and include their short dialogue at the end.

• Help students with vocabulary. They can change

words, e.g. Where’s my toy car?, if they want.

• Students perform their short dialogues for the class.
fAim: to present a picture storySB pp62–63 We’re lost!
istry o ysia• Elicit where the four friends are (in the woods/forest).

Pre-teach lake and lost.

• Play the recording. Students listen and read to find out

who helps them (rabbit).

• Students compare their ideas in pairs before the class

lacheck. Check understanding of This isn’t much fun.

• Play the recording again. Pause after each frame to

in acheck comprehension.

• Talk with the class about the value (asking for help

Mwhen you need it) and who does it in the story (Whisper
Min frame 4). Elicit what he says.
• Play the recording a third time. Students listen and


1 CD2 WB p62 Listen and tick (✓) the box.

Aim: to review the story

CD2 Track 28
1 Misty: Where’s the lake?
2 Whisper: I’ve got an idea.
3 Rabbit: Come with me.

Key: 1 Misty (2nd picture), 2 Whisper (2nd picture),

3 Rabbit (1st picture)


Aims: CD2 Track 29

• to talk about the meaning of a story u–u–u
• to practise saying the short vowel sound u Mum jumps in the mud with the ducks.
• to review language from the story and the unit Mum jumps in the mud with the ducks!
New language: jump, mud
• Repeat the sentence as a class without the recording.
Recycled language: language from the story
Say it loudly, slowly, quickly, whisper it, etc.

• Students take turns to repeat in pairs.

Materials: CD 1 WB p63 Look and circle.

Language competences: Your students will be Aim: to focus students on the value of asking for help

able to interpret deeper meaning from a story. when you need it

Phonics focus: Your students will be able to Key: Picture 2

identify and say the letter sound u and contrast it 2 CD2 WB p63 Write the words. Listen and say.
with the previous units’ letter sounds a, e, i and o. 30

Value: asking for help when you need it Aim: to practise reading and saying words with the

r nWarm-up letter sounds u, o, i, e and a
fo tioAim: to review the story
CD2 Track 30
• Write Where’s the _____ ? We’re _____ . I’ve got 1 Mum and her duck.
2 Ken and his pens.
trictly caan _____ . on the board and elicit the complete 3 Jill and her milk.
4 Polly and her hot dog.
sentences. 5 Sam and his rat.
6 Thunder and his rubber.
• Use these to recap the story.
Key: 2 pens, 3 milk, 4 hot dog, 5 rat, 6 rubber
du2 Think! SB p63 Look at the picture and choose
the correct sentence.

S EAim: to check comprehension of the story
fThinking skills: interpreting and understanding
istry o ysia• Checkstudentsknowwhattodo.

• Students read the four sentences silently and choose

the best one.

• They compare their answer in pairs.

la• Check with the class.

Key: 2 Come with me.

in a3 SB p63 Find who says ...
MAim: to present the letter sound u
M• Write much and fun on the board, using a red pen for
Ending the lesson

Aim: to review and write decodable words with the

letter sound u and distinguish it from the previous
letter sounds a, e, i and o

• Students close their Student’s Books.
• Dictate the sound sentence while students write.

They compare their sentences with a partner before
checking in the Student’s Book.

• Write the names from WB Activity 2 on the board

(Mum, Ken, Jill, Polly, Sam, Thunder). Students try to
remember what belonged to each. They open the
Workbook to page 63 to check their answers (duck,
pens, milk, hot dog, rat, rubber).

the u. Separate out the three phonemes in the words Extension activity
and say each one separately (e.g. m – u – ch) before
saying the whole word. Aim: to discuss the value of asking for help when

• Students repeat This isn’t much fun after you. you need it
• Students find the speech bubble in the story (frame 3).
• Focus on the part of the story where Whisper asked
Key: Thunder
for help.

• Elicit from students why this value is important and

4 CD2 SB p63 Listen and say. elicit from the students examples of when they have
29 had to ask for help and why they needed it.

Aim: to practise the letter sound u, a short vowel Note: This discussion will probably need to take place
in L1.

• Play the recording. Students look at the picture, read

and repeat.


7 Are you OK, rabbit? 8
Now, I’m lost.

r nNow, he’s lost!
fo tio2 Think! Look at the picture and choose the correct sentence.
trictly ca? 1 Are you OK?
u2 Come with me.

S Ed 3 Here you are.
istry of ysia4 I’m lost.
la4 CD2
Min Ma29
3 Find who says … This isn’t much fun.

Listen and say.

Mum jumps in the mud with the ducks.

Phonics focus 63

1 CD2 Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or

a number.

iniSsttrryicotlayf lEafodyrsuicaation1 What is the name of Mark’s school?
M M2 What is the name of Mark’s brother?

3 What is the name of Mark’s teacher?

4 How many days do Mark and his
friends play football?

5 How many days do Mark and his
friends go swimming?

6 How many days do Mark and his
friends play computer games?

64 Listening

Aims: 3 Woman: Is that your 5 Woman: Do you go

• to practise listening skills teacher? swimming?
Boy: Yes! That’s Mrs Boy: Yes, we do. We go
• to present question words what, how many,
Green. swimming on Tuesdays,
possessive ’s and present simple questions Woman: Is that G R E E N? Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Boy: Yes. Woman: Wow! You go
with do

Skills: listening for specific information 4 Woman: Do you play swimming three days a

New language: how many, possessive ’s, present football with your week.
friends every day? 6 Boy: On Sundays we play
simple questions with do Boy: No, I play football
computer games at my

Recycled language: days of the week, free time on Mondays and house.

activities, present simple affirmative, first person Thursdays. Woman: Do you?

singular and plural Woman: You play football Boy: Yes. We play computer

two days a week. games one day a week.
Boy: Yes. Woman: That’s great!
for tionWarm-up

Aim: to review the days of the week

• Make circles of seven students and make a ball out

trictly caofpaperforeachgroup.

• Hand a ball to a student. He/She says a day of the

week and then throws the ball to a student who

usays the following day and so on.
Materials: CD • Students compare their answers in pairs.
• Check with the class, playing the recording a third time.
Language competences: Your students will be

able to listen for specific information.

Key: 1 Park, 2 Ben, 3 Mrs Green, 4 two, 5 three, 6 one

1 WB p64 Draw lines.

Aim: to give students practice with collocations
Key: 2 my bike, 3 computer games, 4 swimming,

5 pony, 6 piano, 7 TV
S EAim: to present possessive ’s 2 WB p64 Look at Activity 1. Write the days.
istry of ysia• Hold up a student’s pencil and say This is (name)’s
Aim: to give students practice in matching words with
pencil. Students repeat.
• Repeat with other objects and other students.
• Write an example sentence on the board. Key: b Friday, c Saturday, d Thursday, e Monday,

f Wednesday, g Sunday

laa name or a number. Ending the lesson
1 CD2in aAim: to practise listening for specific information LE
31 Aim: to review free time activities
• Elicit where the children are in the picture (in a school
• Mime one of the free time activities.
playground). • The student who guesses what it is comes and does

M• Read through the questions with students, checking a mime for others to guess.
Munderstanding of new language (possessive ’s, do,
SB p64 Look at the picture. Listen and write

Extension activity

Aim: to play a game
• Make four teams. Teams stand one behind the other

how many). in a line, facing the board.

• Play the recording through twice, pausing in between • Whisper a different day of the week to the student

to give students thinking time. at the back of each line.

CD2 Track 31 • Students whisper it to the front and the student at

1 Woman: Hello, Mark. Is this 2 Woman: Are you and your the front writes it on the board.

your school? brother in this picture? • This student then goes to the back of the line.

Boy: Yes. Boy: Yes. • Repeat with different free time activities.

Woman: What’s it called? Woman: And what’s your

Boy: Park School. brother’s name?

Woman: Is that P A R K? Boy: His name’s Ben.

Boy: Yes. Woman: How do you spell that?

Boy: B E N.


Aim: 1 CD2 WB p65 Listen and tick (✓) the box.

• to practise reading and writing skills Aim: to practise listening for specific information

Skills: CD2 Track 32

• reading for specific information Man: James, do you play the piano on Mondays?

• writing a poem from a model James: No, I don’t play the piano in the week. I play football.
New language: sleep, perfect, poem Man: Emma, do you ride your bike on Tuesdays?
Emma: No, I don’t. I play with my friends.

Recycled language: present simple, days of the Man: David, do you play computer games on Wednesdays?

week, free time activities David: Yes, I do.

Language competences: Your students will be Man: Amy, do you go swimming on Thursdays?

able to read for specific information. Amy: No, I ride my pony.
Man: Charles, do you watch TV on Fridays?
Your students will be able to write a poem from
Charles: Yes, I do.
a model. Man: Hannah, do you ride your bike on Saturdays?
Hannah: Yes, I do. I ride my bike on Saturdays and Sundays.
r nWarm-up
Key: 2 plays with friends (3rd picture), 3 plays computer
Aim: to review free time activities with play
games (1st picture), 4 rides her pony (3rd picture),
fo tio• Write play in a circle on the board. 5 watches TV (3rd picture), 6 rides her bike (1st picture)

• Elicit free time activities which use the verb play, e.g. Ending the lesson

trictly caplaythepiano. Aim: to practise spoken production
• In groups of six, students take turns to read their
• Create a word map around play with these
poems to their friends.
• Students say Snap! when they have the same
u• Students copy the word map into their notebooks.
d1 SB p65 Read and say the poem. activity for the same day.
S EAim: to give students practice in reading for specific
finformation LE Extension activity
istry o ysia• Students look at the text. Elicit/Pre-teach poem.
Aim: to practise speaking and writing skills about
• Tell students to look carefully at the pictures and at
Sunday routines
the poem.
• Students look at the free time activities in WB page
• Elicit what activities they can see. Elicit/Teach sleep and
65 Activity 1.
• Ask a student What do you do on Sundays? The
la• Students read the poem silently to find out what days
the boy does the activities. student replies.

in a• They check in pairs. • Students continue to practise questions and answers

• Read the poem aloud. Students listen. in open pairs.

M• Read the poem in sections. Students repeat. • Students then write three sentences in their
M• Read the whole poem with the students.
notebooks about what they do on Sundays.

• Go around the class and help with vocabulary if


2 SB p65 Write your poem.

Aim: to enable students to write their own poem from

a model

• Next to the play word map on the board, brainstorm all

the other free time activities from the unit.

• Elicit from students what they do on different days to

demonstrate the activity.

• Students write a poem, using the SB Activity 1 text as

a model.

• Go around the class to check and help as students are


• Students illustrate their poems.


1 Read and say the poem.

My perfect week

r nOn Mondays
fo tioI play with friends.
trictly caOn Tuesdays

I ride my bike.

uOn Wednesdays
dI play computer games.
S f EOn Thursdays
istry o ysiaI play with toys.

On Fridays
I go swimming.

laOn Saturdays and Sundays
in aI watch TV and sleep.
M MThat’s my perfect week.

2 Write your poem.

My perfect week
On Mondays
I watch TV …

Reading, speaking and writing 65

1 CD2 Listen and read. Ask and answer.

For he lthy life, it is import nt to:

• H ve fun
• E t he lthy food

r n• Keep fit
fo tio• Dosport

• Le rn new things

trictly ca• Sleep
S Edu1 How do you have fun? I play with my friends.
f2 How do you keep fit?
istry o ysia3 How do you learn new things?
Min Mala1 2 3
2 Look at the pictures and draw lines.

healthy unhealthy


66 Social science

Aims: 2 SB p66 Look at the pictures and draw lines.

• to integrate other areas of the curriculum Aim: to raise students’ awareness of what is healthy

through English: Social science and what is unhealthy

• to practise classifying and categorising • Students look at the pictures to see if any are the same

New language: healthy, unhealthy, eat healthy as in the Warm-up.

food, how, for a healthy life, keep fit, have fun, • Read the activity instruction aloud and check students
do sport, learn new things, sleep
know what to do.

Recycled language: food, free time activities • Students draw lines to match.

Materials: CD • Check and elicit the activities. Elicit why they are healthy

Language competences: Your students will have or unhealthy.

learnt specific language to be able to talk about Key: healthy – 1, 2, 3, unhealthy – 4, 5, 6

Social science in English.Warm-up

r nAim: to review free time activities
fo tio• Mime free time activities from the unit for students

to guess.

• Write them on the board as students guess.

trictly ca• Mime the new activities play badminton and
swimming and write these on the board.

• Pre-teach healthy / good for you. Pre-teach

uunhealthy and elicit examples from students.
d1 CD2 1 WB p66 Write h (healthy) or u (unhealthy).
S EAim: to enable students to apply their own knowledgeSB p66 Listen and read. Ask and answer.Aim: to encourage students to use their own
fand experience
istry o ysia• Read the activity instruction aloud and check experience and knowledge of the world

understanding. Key: 2 u, 3 u, 4 h, 5 h, 6 u, 7 h, 8 h

• Play the recording. Students listen and read. Ending the lesson
• Elicit if students agree with the six points and check
Aim: to review what students have learnt in the
launderstanding of new vocabulary.
• Focus on the three questions and teach the meaning of
• Write the following prompt on the board: Today
How … ?
I’ve learnt about:
in a• Discuss the answers to the three questions as a class.
• Elicit from students what they learnt about today,
• Write any new words on the board for students to write
e.g. things that are healthy and things that are
M Min their vocabulary books. unhealthy.

• Write it on the board. Students copy it into their


Extension activity

Aim: to discuss the healthy things students do in

a day

• Write healthy in a circle on the board.
• In pairs, students think about what they do during

the day that is healthy.

• Elicit their ideas and create a word map. Focus in

particular on the importance of being healthy.
Note: This discussion will probably need to take

place in L1.



• to extend the focus on Social science through Ending the lesson

English Aim: to review what students have learnt in the

• to complete a project lesson

New language: hour, for, but, do nothing, read • Write the following prompt on the board: Today

books, swim I’ve …

Recycled language: free time activities, days of • Elicit from students what they have done today,

the week e.g. done a class survey.

Materials: paper • Write it on the board. Students copy it into their

Language competences: Your students will be notebooks.

able to talk about Social science in English.

Warm-up Extension activity

Aim: to review healthy and unhealthy activities Aim: to give further practice in writing from a model

r n• Say some of the activities from the previous lesson.• Students use the activities from the class survey
fo tio• Students write u or h in their notebooks to show if
and the text from WB Activity 1 as a model to write
they are unhealthy or healthy. a text about their own week.

trictly ca1 Project SBp67 Do the class survey. • Students write individually.
• Go around the class to check their work before they
Aim: to enable students to exchange information to
write a final draft.
ucomplete a survey
d• Read the activity instructions with the class and make• Display their texts on the wall of the classroom.

sure they know what to do. Pre-teach/Elicit hours.

S E• Students ask six friends and record their answers in
the table.

istry of ysia• Discusstheresultsasaclass.

• Show students how to make a bar chart. Make an

example one on the board.

• Students make bar charts of their results individually.
• Talk about your bar chart on the board, adapting the

laspeech bubble as appropriate.

• Students take turns to hold up their charts and repeat

one piece of information.

in a1 Think! WB p67 Read and write the numbers.
MAim: to enable students to practise reading for specific
Minformation (scanning)
Thinking skill: logical-mathematical
Key: 2 eight, 3 six


1 Project Do the class survey.

a Ask and answer. How many

Tick ( ) the hours a I do sport
boxes. week do four hours
you do a week.
r nHow many hours a
fo tioweek do you …1–2 3–4 5–6 7+
hours hours hours hours
do sport?

trictly cawatch TV?
uplay with friends?
S Edread books?
fplay computer games?
istry o ysiab Make a bar chart and show it to your friends.
in alaFour people
Mdo sport
Mthree or
four hours

a week.

Social science 67

1 CD2 Listen and act out with your teacher. Then listen

again and number the pictures.

Strictly Efodrucation2 Read and number the sentences from the story.
istry of ysiaOh no! Cover your ears.
Sit down at the piano.
laOpen the piano.
in a3 Listen to your friend Start playing the piano.
M Mand act out. Put it on the floor.
Look! Your cat is in the piano.

Start riding
your bike.

68 Creativity

Aims: 2 SB p68 Read and number the sentences from

• to stimulate the students’ imagination through the story.

listening and acting out Aim: to enable students to match sentences with

• to practise following a set of instructions pictures

New language: cover, ears, sit down, floor, start, • Students look at the sentences and try to match them

guitar, plastic, tissue box, elastic bands, brushes, with the pictures in SB Activity 1.

paint • They compare their ideas in pairs.
• Play the recording again for them to check their
Recycled language: imperatives
Materials: CD, tissue boxes, paint and brushes,
Key: 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5
elastic bands of different sizes, recorded

(classical) guitar music 3 SB p68 Listen to your friend and act out.

r nWarm-up
fo tioAim: to review instructions

• Pretend you have lost your voice. Mime the

trictly cabeginning of the lesson instructions, e.g. Give

me your homework. Open your books, and have
students repeat them for you.
Language competences: Your students will Aim: to give students practice in saying sentences and

be able to listen and do actions to demonstrate acting out
• Demonstrate the activity for the class. Students say
du1 CD2
34 a sentence for their partner to act out. They don’t tell
S EAim: to enable students to listen and mime a story.
f• Pre-teach start and cover.
istry o ysia• Play the recording. Act out the story to the class.• Give students time to prepare their sentences.
SB p68 Listen and act out with your teacher. • Do the activity first in open pairs.
• Then students practise in closed pairs.
Then listen again and number the pictures.
1 WB p68 Make a guitar.
CD2 Track 34
1 Sit down at the piano. Aim: to enable students to follow a set of instructions
2 Start playing the piano.
3 Oh no! Cover your ears. to make a guitar

la4 Open the piano. Ending the lesson

5 Look! Your cat is in the piano. Aim: to enable students to create their own stories

in a6 Put it on the floor. from a model

• Play the recording again. Students act out the story with • Students work in groups of four. They adapt the

Myou. story from SB Activity 1, changing the instrument,
M• Students look at the pictures in their Student’s Books activity or some of the instructions, e.g. Sit down
under a tree. Start eating your ice cream.

• Groups mime and then read their stories.

Extension activity

Aim: to enable students to try their guitars
• Play the recorded guitar music.

and try to sequence them. • Tell students they are going to play their guitars to

• Play the recording a third time for students to sequence the music.

the pictures. • Play the recording and conduct students to play

• They compare the order in pairs. Check with the class. along.

Key: 3, 5, 6, 4, 1, 2


Aims: 1 WB p69 Draw and write examples of what

• to review language from the unit you know.
• to encourage students to reflect on their learning
New language: poster, stick Aim: to enable students to demonstrate what they

have learnt

Recycled language: vocabulary and grammar Ending the lesson

from the unit

Materials: poster paper, magazines or the Aim: to enable students to express their preferences

Internet, felt tip pens, rulers, glue • Ask students what their favourite song, chant or

Language competences: Your students will be game is from the unit.

able to use language from the unit to make and • Do the song, chant or game again with the class.

talk about a poster.

Warm-up Extension activity

Aim: to review days of the week Aim: to enable students to discuss and share what

r n• Write the days of the week in scrambled letter order they have learnt
fo tioontheboard.
• Put students into groups of four.
• Students work in pairs and write each word correctly. • Each student opens their Workbook at page 69.
• When checking with the class, elicit what free time • Students take turns to read aloud what they have

trictly caactivitiestheydoeachday. written for number 2 and to say something about
u1 SB p69 Make a poster. their pictures.

Aim: to enable students to review vocabulary by • Encourage students to compare what they have

dmaking a poster written and drawn.
S E• Talk through the instructions with students and make
• Students do the same for numbers 3 and 4.
sure they know what to do.

f• Students work in pairs.
istry o ysia• Hand out the materials in stages, so that students don’t

rush to stick pictures on before they have written the
days of the week and before you have checked their

• Monitor and help as and when necessary.

la• Students write their names on the posters.

• Display the posters on the walls of the classroom.

in a2 SB p69 Look at the posters. Ask and answer.
MAim: to enable students to deduce information and
Mmake guesses
• Demonstrate the activity for the class.

• Students work in groups. They take turns to make

statements for the others to guess.

Picture dictionary

Aim: to review vocabulary for days of the week

• Students look at the Picture dictionary page for days of

the week (WB page 124).

• In pairs, they take turns to point to one of the pictures

and say/spell the word.

• Then students write the words under the pictures.


1 Make a poster. Our week

a Write the days of the b Think of things you do in
week on your poster. the week and find pictures.

MiniSsttrryicMotlayf lEafodyrsuicaationc Cut out the pictures and stick them on your poster.

2 Look at the posters. Ask and answer. It’s Tuesday.

I play football. What day of the week is it? Revision 69

The old house

1 CD2 Listen and look. Then listen and say the words.

1 bathroomtrictly for cation3 living room 4 hall 5 dining room 6 kitchen2 bedroom

S f Edu7 stairs
inistry oalaysia2 8 cellar

CD 2M MLet’s go to the old house,
36 Listen and chant.

Wh t’s in the living room?

The old house, the old house. Wh t’s in the dining room?

Let’s go to the old house, Wh t’s in the cell r?

Let’s go now! Let’s find out!

Wh t’s in the bedroom? Down the st irs,
Wh t’s in the b throom? Open the door,
Wh t’s in the kitchen? A gh!
Let’s find out!

70 The home

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