CHAPTER 25 THE NEXT STEP The next step is by far the easiest part of this entire process, yet for many people it is the most difficult one to take. And that is to TAKE ACTION! There is a Chinese proverb that says: “A journey of a thousands miles starts with the first step!”. Walking a thousand miles may seem a daunting task but until you take that first step you will most definitely never finish the course. The same applies to The Law of Selfishness and it begins with you taking your first step. Start to implement The Law of Selfishness in your own life today. Apply the rules I teach you. Even if at first you don't feel comfortable or things don't go exactly as you want, stick to it. Practice does make perfect! It's a fact. Every new step you take will lead you closer to your goal: to become a confident individual who feels good about himself, knows what he wants from life and knows how to get what's rightfully his to have. Living your life by The Law of Selfishness is nowhere near as difficult or as complicated as you may think it is. All it really takes is a shift in your believe system. Let me spell it out for you:
Others matter but you matter too! I intentionally didn't say … you matter more! That thinking makes you selfish and that's not what you are after. You want to become a selfishness person, not a greedy bastard. Here's a little exercise that will put you on the path of becoming a selfishness person: 1. Stand in front of a mirror. 2. Stand erect with shoulders back, not hunched over. 3. Look yourself in the eye. 4. Say with a serious face and a strong, firm voice: “I matter!”. 5. Repeat step 4 three times. You can repeat this exercise any time you doubt yourself that you must take care of your own well-being first. Just saying those two words with true believe that you indeed matter, is all that's required to put you in the right frame of mind to start applying The Law of Selfishness to your own life. So what are you waiting for? Do the simple exercise right now, then mark today's date on your calendar. Start applying the principles you learned in this book immediately. In just a few months from now look back at today's date. You'll notice how much you've improved, how much better you've become in every area of your life. And that's only for starters. Get ready to embrace a whole new you with an entirely new life. Dreams you had in the past will now get rekindled and be brought to life once again. New dreams, the kind that you never envisioned before, will now become part of your daily life.
Of course those changes can only happen when you apply the code and live by it, day in and day out. My mom use to tell me time and again: “You Will Never Hit The Target If You Don't Take A Shot First!” Are you ready to take your shot at changing your life for the better? Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved Lode Maria Loyens