Pensax Temespan magazines September 2019
Due to the lack of a distributor
for those houses opposite the
Village Hall on the main road,
we have, for some months,
been leaving magazines in the
porch of the hall. No-one has
collected a magazine in that
In future, we will leave extra
copies on the table at the back
of the church and also at the
Bell Inn for anyone interested.
A & D Whymant
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Email: [email protected]
Index Editor’s
Page Number and Article
P4: July Church Service Times Here we are, crashing headlong
P5: Hospice Open Day into September - where has the
P7: Letter from The Archdeacon year gone? As I write this , many
P9: Letter from Harriet Baldwin of you will be on holiday, such as
P11: Knighton News and it is. I hope the weather and the
Cricket news exchange rates have been kind to
P13: Glasshampton News and you. For some of you, by the time
Lindridge B&T Group you read this, the holidays will
P15: Lindridge News be over and dare I say, the school
P17: Pensax Parish Council and term looms. So please, do write
Tote and tell me what you’ve been
P19: St Lawrence Club News up to and send me some photos.
P23: Lindridge Parish Hall News I’m soon headed off to Norfolk
P25-27: A worrying tale myself for a break and I may have
P27: Rock Pathfinders a picture or two I’ll share if the
P29: Pensax Thrift Shop & Pensax weather is at all kind. What else
Church News & July Tote does September bring? Well for
P31: Filling Sta. & Pensax Harvest some, there’s Michaelmas Day,
Supper and in Cumbria, there’s gurning!
P34-35: Stockton Summer Party There’s also Well Dressing, Horn
P37: Vacancy for Lindridge Dancing and the Widecombe
Parish Councillor and News Fair... If you’re off to a celebration
about Lindridge Parish Council somewhere, do let me know and
P39: Musical and Sale if you have pictures, well, all the
P41-43: TV Wildlife Group & better. I’ll thank you for sending
Coffee Morning your stories to me.
P45: Musical & Menith Wood WI This month there have been lots
P47: Lindridge Parish Council of contributions to the magazine
Chairmans Report for which we are all grateful.
P49: What is Health All you need is a hot drink, a
P51: Stanford History Group info comfy chair and the time to
P53: TVHS enjoy...
P55: Clows Top Gardening Club
P57: Lindridge Autumn Show 3
P61: Hagar and Ishmael, Bank
Here? & Ploughing
P65: Clubs and Societies
P66: Contacts List
Services in September 2019
Sunday 1st September – 11th Sunday of Trinity Holy Communion
8.15 a.m. Little Witley Holy Communion
9.30 a.m. Lindridge Family Service
9.30 a.m. Great Witley Village Hall Family Communion
11.00 a.m. Abberley St Mary Family Service
11.00 a.m. Shrawley Evening Prayer in Traditional Language
6.30 p.m. Abberley St Michael
Morning Worship
Sunday 8th September – 12th Sunday of Trinity Matins
9.30 a.m. Great Witley Church Holy Communion
11.00 a.m. Knighton Celtic Communion
11.00 a.m. Little Witley Evening Prayer in Traditional Language
5.00 p.m. Stockton
6.30 p.m. Abberley St Michael Holy Communion
Thursday 12th September Hallal and Communion
10.30 a.m. Old Chapel Hall, Menith Wood Matins
Holy Communion
Sunday 15th September – 13th Sunday of Trinity Holy Communion
9.00 a.m. Lindridge Evensong
11.00 a.m. Abberley St Mary Evening Prayer in Traditional Language
11.00 a.m. Pensax
11.00 a.m. Shrawley Choral Communion
5.00 p.m. Great Witley Church Holy Communion in Traditional Language
6.30 p.m. Abberley St Michael Family Service
Evening Prayer
Sunday 22nd September – 14th Sunday of Trinity Celtic Communion
9.30 a.m. Great Witley Church
11.00 a.m. Knighton Holy Communion
11.00 a.m. Little Witley United 4RIVERS CHURCH Service
5.00 p.m. Lindridge
6.30 p.m. Abberley St Michael
Sunday 29th September – Michaelmas
9.00 a.m. Great Witley Church
10.00 a.m. Great Witley Church
Churches in: Knighton, Lindridge, Pensax, Stockton, Abberley, Great Witley, Little Witley, Shrawley
View from the train
Archdeacon Robert Jones
I am writing this travelling on a train our unity
back from the Kirchentag church in Christ
convention in Germany. The Kirch- trumping
entag meets every other year in a political
different city in Germany and has differences.
done so since 1949. It is an amazing So my train
Christian event, drawing in 100,000 journey continues. We’ve just crossed
people from all over Germany, Europe the border from Germany into
and around the world. Every day there Belgium. There is no sign, but you
are Bible studies, lectures and discus- see the difference in the look of the
sions, surrounded by a whole host of buildings and the different road signs.
organised and impromptu concerts It occurs to me that the Belgians are
and street theatre.There is a carnival not any the less Belgian because of the
atmosphere with much laughter and European Union, nor the Germans
fun as people both young and old meet less German. They do not lose their
up, finding old friends and making national identity. And as I reflect on
new. the experience of the Kirchentag, it is
There is a serious side. The Kirchentag clear to me that our identity as Chris-
started as a lay movement, coming to tians comes before everything else as
terms with what happened during well.
the Second World War. Since then it The Kirchentag reminded me once
has always engaged with the issues again that this identity is expressed
affecting society, and is all about how above all in how we live out the love of
to live as Christians. The top politi- God in the world, wherever we happen
cians attend and you might even find to be. We take the world seriously
a member of the government leading because God does - indeed He made
a Bible study. it! In these troubled times perhaps we
I was involved in two particular acts need to be even more aware of that,
of worship. The first was the Meissen courageous enough to speak truth to
Eucharist, celebrating the partnership power, and hopeful enough to build up
between the Church of England and the bonds of affection between people
the German Protestant Church, which and nations.
is expressed in the links we have And now we’ve reached Brussels. It
with Magdeburg. The second was a still amazes me that I’ll get on another
service around the theme of Brexit, train here that will take me right
which concerns our German brothers through to London. Thankfully it is
and sisters as much as it does us. I not only bonds of affection that will
preached a sermon in dialogue with keep us connected; we always will be
a French pastor, in which we affirmed part of Europe.
the bonds of affection between us,
The Time is Now
Harriett Baldwin MP
Over recent months, we have seen does not
a number of major events aimed at come at the
raising the issue of climate change expense of
and protecting our environment. our natural
The protests in London and the heritage.
speeches of Greta Thunberg While we all accept the need
caught the media’s attention but for more housing, I have always
I was impressed by another group expressed a preference for small-
who travelled to meet me and scale developments by smaller
hundreds of other MPs one-to-one developers and local development
to talk about the issues facing our plans putting new homes where
environment. The Time Is Now communities actually want them.
campaign was well supported by I’ve always been concerned that
groups including the Women’s large housebuilders put profit
Institute and I was pleased to be before community responsibility
able to meet constituents who and the poor historical perfor-
travelled to Westminster to make mance of Persimmon across
their point. I took the opportunity West Worcestershire is evidence
to share with them some of the that we don’t often get the best
important steps this Government outcomes from largescale house-
has already taken including building.
action to reduce our reliance on Nevertheless, housebuilders
plastics, the net zero emissions make important contributions
commitment and the 25-year plan to the local infrastructure – the
to protect the environment. I’m new schools, new GP surgeries,
proud that this Government will improved roads and new leisure
be the first generation to leave facilities. The A4440 Southern
our natural environment in a Link Road improvements will
better state than we found it. come largely from housing
As well as acting on a global scale, developers’ cash. So this added
we must all support initiatives commitment to ensure that
which protect and improve our housebuilders think about the
rural spaces. Last month, the long-term impact of their develop-
Government set out how devel- ments on the local ecosystem, both
opers should protect much-loved during and after construction is
British wildlife, so that building important for us, our children
the homes this country needs and our grandchildren.
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St Michael and All Angels
8th Sept
Miss E Gittins Mr K Bunn
22nd Sept
Capt P Morgan Mr P Collins
8th Sept Mr A Bunn Knighton Friends
22nd Sept Miss E Gittins Please contact Sheila Bragger on
Flowers: 781190 for details about the enter-
Sept Mrs A Audsley tainment planned for September
Cleaning: which will be a visit to a Ludlow
Sept Mrs C Marsh garden.
This year St. Michael & All Angels, Knighton-on-Teme
will hold their Harvest Supper in the Parish Rooms on Saturday 28th September.
The Rooms will be open for the supper from 7.15pm.
Please bring your own drinks, plenty of glasses are available for wine, beer
and other drinks, in the Rooms. The price will be £12.50.
There will be a Raffle.
This time we will also be celebrating our Patron Saint’s Day, St. Michael,
so do come and join us for what is always a very happy evening.
To book places please contact:-
Sheila Hardiman on 01584-781442
Gill Morgan on 01584-781412
Glasshampton Quiet Day
Wednesday 18th September 2019, 10.00 am to 2.00 pm
at Glasshampton Monastery
A time of quiet and reflection
Tea and coffee are provided, but please bring a simple lunch, a bible
and something to read in the quiet time.
To reserve a place, please contact Vickie Melling (01584 881086/[email protected])
Knighton, Lindridge, Pensax, Stockton, Abberley, Great Witley, Little Witley, Shrawley
Lindridge Baby and Toddler Group
The Lindridge Baby and Toddler then went on a trip around the
Group is a Church-run baby farm on a trailer being pulled by
and toddler group and meets a tractor. Thankfully it was not
at Lindridge Parish Hall each raining! Some families stayed for
Thursday morning during term the day and had a picnic.
time - from 9.30am to 11am. If The Toddler Group starts again,
you have children between 0 and following the summer break, on
5 years, please do come and join Thursday September 5th at the
us for fun activities and to make usual time of 9.30am. There is a
some new friends. There is a charge of £1.50 for each family for
variety of toys, craft activities, each session attended.
and a mug of tea/coffee for carers If you have any questions, please
when they arrive. Be warned contact Vickie at lindridge-
- some activities are messy, so [email protected] or 01584
please come dressed with that 881086.
expectation! Everyone is welcome, no booking
We met during the summer break required.
for a trip to Top Barn Farm Park
and a fun time was had by all. We 13
fed goats, sheep and alpacas and
St Lawrence
At the end of the school term month - please see below and also
in July, Lindridge St Lawrence the Service Schedule elsewhere in
Church was full of children from Temespan.
Lindridge St Lawrence Primary
School for their Leavers’ Service. Services in September 2019
We said our farewells to Year 6 and All are welcome on:
offered prayers and thanks for all Sunday 1st September, 9.30am -
they had achieved at Lindridge Holy Communion (with Choir)
and for their next steps at High Sunday 15th September,
School. We also said our farewells 9.00am - Hallal (Hallelujah) and
to some of the staff, and finally to Communion
the swallows in the church porch Sunday 22nd September 5.00pm
that fledged at about the same - Evening Prayer
The church was then relatively On Thursday 12th September at
quiet over August with its 10.30am, there is a mid-week Holy
regular services and the band of Communion service at Menith
volunteers tending the grounds, Wood Old Chapel Hall.
cleaning and generally caring for
the church. ‘Pointless’ Quiz
September starts the journey
towards Harvest, and there is Saturday October 5th 7.30 pm
also a change to one of the service Teams of 4
times on the 3rd Sunday of the
Tickets £10 each to include a
LINDRIDGE C OF E Fish and Chip Supper
During June and July, events Bring your own drinks or collect a
at the school have been busier drink from the Eardiston
than usual. The whole school
visited the Three Counties Show To book your places please call
on what was a rather wet Friday, 01584 881615
however, despite the rain the
children had an amazing time. (at least seven days before
Kite Class (Year 5 & 6) even the quiz as we have
managed a photo opportunity to order the suppers).
with Adam Henson from BBC
Pensax Parish Council
Next PC meeting Monday 16th wish to be trained to do CPR and
SEPTEMBER at 7pm in PENSAX when/how to use the Defib please
VILLAGE HALL contact the Clerk as training is
Your Parish Council – Chairman available.
- Alistair Keron, David Abraham, Broadband – Residents can go
George Rudd, Heather Weston, to WCC website and enter their
Sharon Sanders and Tim Wood. postcode to get an update on the
There is one vacancy left, if you are service status in the area. There is
interested in becoming a Cllr please a voucher scheme for some areas,
contact the Clerk for details. details on WCC website.
Malvern Hills District Cllr - Paul BT Box – Shelving for the Box is
Cumming - paul.cumming@ being priced. Grants – Grants Policy and Grant
Worcestershire County Cllr - Ken Application Form can be found on
Pollock - kpollock2@worcester- the website or contact Clerk. Email Communication with
Pensax Village Hall – The Hall residents – If you wish to be included
Trustees have been advised the in Parish emails, have views on
Thrift Shop will close at the end of items above or have other concerns
2019. This is the only regular user of please contact Clerk.
the Hall. If you wish to support the Clerk - Sue Burrows, 5 Summit
Hall please contact Clerk. Road, Clows Top DY14 9HN
NOVEMBER 2019 – A short service [email protected]
will be held at 3pm, all welcome. http://e-services.worcestershire.
Defibrillator Training – If residents
Teme Valley Tote
August’s Draw (the fifth in this series) The £30 winner is Maggie Kingston
August’s prize draw of the Tote was of Stoke Bliss (Draw no 765)
decided when Rev’d Julia Curtis rolled The £20 winner is Neenie Tangye of
the dice on 6th August to select the set Stanford (Draw no 498)
of random numbers and the starting If you have not entered and still
point. As a result, the prize winners wish to join – please contact Robin
are as follows: Dean on 01886 853295 or by email
The £50 winners are Mr and Mrs ([email protected]) or your
David Spilsbury of Eastham (Draw local co-ordinator.
no 279)
St Lawrence Clubs at
Lindridge CE Primary
Liz Whitehead, Children’s Worker
gentleness and self-control, and
how we can all use these gifts in
our everyday lives.
Our weekly clubs run each We looked at our responsibility
Thursday during term time, and towards planet earth and towards
are open to all ages and classes, each other, and thought of many
from Reception through to Year 6. examples of how we can care for
We’ve had a busy year, celebrating God’s world. We talked about
many different occasions, enjoying endangered species from home
stories, games, song, dance praise, and abroad, and it was decided to
creative prayer and craft activities. adopt the magnificent Susa group
This term we have been learning of mountain gorillas. The children
British Sign Language through love receiving updates from
song and prayer, which has been WWF-UK.
thoroughly enjoyed by all. We talked about Fair trade Certified
We explored many topics including products, and how the Foundation
the celebration of the feast of was formed, especially for the
Pentecost, when we read in the poor countries, and how we can
Bible that Jesus followers were all make a difference in reducing
filled with God’s power and they poverty and improve working
rushed out into the street to tell conditions through our everyday
everyone about him, this power shopping. We were surprised at
gave them the strength to continue the huge range of products that
the work that Jesus had started. are available to purchase marked
We thought about the gifts of the Fair trade.
Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, Special thanks go to all of our
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, volunteers for their dedicated help
and support at both lunchtime
and after school cubs, and we look
forward to meeting once again for
lunchtime club during the autumn
New faster Broadband (exceeding 20Mbps) now available
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Maylite Limited, Maylite Trading Estate, Martley, Worcestershire WR6 6PQ
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Audio & Video Systems
Happy hour every day
Domestic, Commercial from 4pm to 6pm
and Agricultural £2.50 a pint
Wednesday nights
“Serving The Teme Valley & Beyond” curry and a pint
for £10.00
Tel: 07951 07 48 64
Thursday steak night
elevate Tel: 07773 63 69 09 just £10.00
[email protected]
Technical Solutions Sunday lunch served
12pm to 6pm
We have a great
takeaway menu
served every day
Lindridge Parish Hall
National Lottery players have Dumbo(U).
raised more than £39 billion for Wednesday 2pm November 6th
good causes over the last 25 years. What We Did On Our Holiday(12A)
At Lindridge Parish Hall we are (lunch beforehand at 1pm £2.50 )
thrilled to have been one of them. Friday 7.30 pm November 15th
Following our successful bid for Wild Rose (15)
funding from the National Lottery Wed. 2pm December 4th Calamity
‘Awards for All’ scheme the hall Jane (Singalong version) (Cowboy
now has a state of the art audio- lunch beforehand at 1pm £2.50)
visual system plus 70 new chairs. Friday 7.30pm December 20th
It means that the hall is now an Yesterday (TBC)
ideal venue for lectures, presenta- Other dates for your diary:
tions, corporate training seminars Saturday September 7th
etc. as it also has excellent Lindridge Autumn Show (please
refreshment facilities, good see poster).
parking and easy access being on Saturday September 28th 10-12.30
the A443 Worcester -Tenbury road Saturday Market and Village
in the centre of Eardiston. Full Breakfast
hiring details on our website www. Saturday October 5th Pointless Quiz with Fish and Chip Supper
The hall is now a member of Tickets £10
‘Rural Reels’ and will be showing Saturday October 26th 10-12.30
a full program of films on the Saturday Market and Village
third Friday each month from Breakfast
September to May plus children’s Saturday November 9th Murder
holiday films at half term and in Mystery Evening (Detection plus
school holidays. In the winter delicious 2 course dinner £20)
there will be a monthly ‘First Saturday November 30th 10-12.30
Wednesday Food and Flicks’ -1 Saturday Market and Village
pm. lunch followed by a film. Breakfast
Autumn Film Program : (Tickets Saturday December 21st 10-12.30
at the door Adults £4 Chilndren Saturday Market and Village
£2) Breakfast
Friday 7.30 September 20th And finally ….
Fisherman’s Friends (12A) Are you interested in Tai Chi or
Friday 7.30 October 18th Green a game of table tennis? We have
Book (12A) several people keen to get started
Wednesday 2.30 30th October but need a few more to make it
Half term treat -Toy Story 4 (U) viable -please call 01584 881615
if available by then, otherwise
On the hottest night of the year
Remember the hottest night on By Edith M. Tart
record? How was it for you? Did the insects seemed to have settled
you have a really good fan to keep on the floor, so I started bashing
you cool so that you managed to indiscriminately quickly moving
sleep? Did you try, possibly for the from one to the next. I realised
first time, sleeping naked? With that I was making a dreadful
your windows open? noise thumping on the floor, and
I managed to sleep until 3.a.m. then wondered if Judy, my neighbour
gave up. Genii, my 18 year old cat could hear, and wonder what on
however had no such problems. He earth was going on. When I saw
lay at the foot of the bed snoring that most of the ones on the floor
gently. I put on the light, reached were dead or dying I fetched the
for my book and specs and settled vacuum cleaner and sucked them
down to a good read. After only a up. But the insects were still
few moments a couple of moths getting in, so I decided that I had to
appeared and fluttered round my get help. I headed for my stair-lift
head. “Bother”, I thought, “the wondering where I had last used
window’s open.” the fly spray, and if I would have to
I got out of bed and went to close the search for it. It could be anywhere.
window, grumbling to myself that But for once it was in the proper
I still hadn’t asked David to trim place... the cupboard. Back to the
the climbing hydrangea which has bedroom. I could hardly bare to
been trying to gain entry for ages. open the door. I did. To my horror
He’d have done it in no time last they were everywhere... on the bed,
week when he came to cut the lawn. the pillows, the table, the floor. I
I got back in bed and again settled gave the fly spray an almighty blast,
back with my book. But there was slammed the door shut, and got to
to be no peace for me that night... my stair-lift. When I reached the
the hottest night on record. I’d no kitchen there was only one thing I
sooner found my place in the book needed.
than I was invaded by a number of Coffee. I made myself a cup and
flying insects. I didn’t know what flopped into a chair with my iPad.
they were, but they were buzzing I was curious to know what sort of
round my head and round the room. creatures I’d been killing in large
Genii fled the room. numbers.
I got out of bed and grabbed the Siri was no use. It just wouldn’t
nearest thing I could use as a speak to me. But who could blame
weapon... it was the ‘thing’ I use to it at 4 o’clock in the morning?
get cat hairs off material. Most of I tried Google, which gave me
so much information that it was
宄宵宦宫宬宥室宯宧季宗宫宲宵宥宸宵宱孯季宺室宷宨宵宦宲宯宲宸宵孯季宆宲宰宰宲宱季 • 安宵宨宨季 室宸宦宷宬宲宱季 宨家宷宬宰室宷宨家季 宲宱季 宬宷宨宰家季 宼宲宸季
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almost worthless, (or I was just altogether with their mates waiting
incapable of taking it in). The for them in the cleaner, there must
‘things’ looked exactly like wasps, have been about 160.
but they were tiny. And why, if they If anyone had told me I had to go
were wasps, did they seem unable into a room with 160 wasps I would
to fly after a few moments? They have run a mile… and I have trouble
needed to settle. I gave it half an walking!
hour, then went to see what was At six o’clock when everything was
what. back in shape, I was showered and
The wasps(?) were all exactly where dressed and ready for yet another
I’d left them, and they were all dead. boring day, but I said to myself
Before I started cleaning up, I went “well old girl, you didn’t do badly for
to the window and slipped some a decrepit 88 year old woman. And
strips of cardboard in the crack in look on the bright side, I only got
the window frame to prevent any stung twice......once on my arm, and
more invaders. On the other side once where my waist used to be”!
of the glass I could see a crowd of My memory’s not too good these
them almost as it were, queuing to days, but I shall never forget THE
I started the clean-up. As I How was it for you.?
vacuumed I couldn’t resist counting
the little bodies… there were 127
Rock Pathfinders
Free guided walks along our 19.09.19 from
footpaths and bridleways The Mare & Colt
taking 2-3 hours, off Worcester Road
the roads and into the Kidderminster
The September walks will DY11 7RF
SO Reference 840736
be on Thursdays starting at
10.30am Everyone welcome
For our full program visit
05.09.19 from
Lyth Hill Country Park,
Please note the
Car Park new web address
Nr Baston Hill
Shrewsbury SY3 0BT Or ring
SO Reference SJ472069 Alan on 01299 400304
Jan on 01299 832571
Pensax Thrift Shop
It is hard to believe that on many of our customers, past and
Wednesday 23rd October this present, at Pensax Village Hall on
year it will be 45 years since 23rd October (we are open 9-11am)
Pensax Thrift Shop first opened in for a glass of something bubbly
1974. Life has certainly changed and the chance to share memories.
so much since then and, sadly, The scrapbooks that Nerys
the end of October this year will kept over the years with happy
mark our last session. Although reminders of past events will be
the Thrift Shop continues to available to browse through. We
offer somewhere to buy and sell hope very much that we will have
bargains of many kinds and the the pleasure of seeing you then.
mornings still buzz with friendly For our current customers who
chat and exchange of news, we have items entered for sale at
are finding it a struggle to keep the Thrift Shop, please note
opening each week. In addition, that you will need to collect any
we are now pretty much the sole money owing to you and anything
users of Pensax Village Hall – we unsold on or before Wednesday 30
feel that the writing is on the wall. October, after which what remains
As a small thank you for your will be passed on to charity shops
support, we would love to see as in the area.
Pensax Church News Teme Valley Tote
July’s Draw
Congratulations to the Bonus
Ball winners. Lynn Nunn in July July’s prize draw of the Tote was decided
and Liv Evans in August. when Rev’d Robert Barlow rolled the
Thank you to all who support us. dice on 2nd July to select the set of
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY. random numbers and the starting point.
• HARVEST SUPPER As a result, the prize winners are as
Friday. 18th October at 7pm. follows:
Clows Top Village Hall. The £50 winners are Mr and Mrs Rob
Please book your tickets a.s.a.p. Scriven of Pensax (Draw no 367)
St. James the Great Church The £30 winner is Carol Bridges of
• HARVEST FESTIVAL Lindridge (Draw no 151)
Sunday 20th 11am. Do join us. The £20 winner is David Evington of
• CHRISTMAS BINGO Stanford (Draw no 573)
Saturday December 7th 2019 If you have not entered and still wish
6.30pm - 9.30pm at to join – please contact Robin Dean on
Clows Top Village Hall. 01886 853295 or by email (robin.c.dean@ or your local co-ordinator.
Interior Designers • Commercial Interiors • Residential Interiors
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The next meeting of the above For further information ring
will be held on Thursday 19th Kate Harley on 01584 881194
September when Bob Lillyman or email me on kate.harley6@
will be speaking to us.
We meet at our usual venue of TEME VALLEY AccoUNTS
Penlu Sports Club, Tenbury
Wells, at 7.20pm. Come along Book-keeping PAYE, VAT,
and enjoy this regular get-to- Sage, Tax Returns.
gether with local Christians
and be blessed by the encour- Cost effective rates and friendly advice.
agement and support we always For no obligation discussion or visit call:
experience during our evenings
together. Claire Elliott
01584 881708 07731 010099
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to Amanda Greenow-Langford
Lindridge St. In a world where you canHebaedanTyetahcihnegr,
Lawrence be kind
Primary School
invested in.
We are a small rural school set in ‘Speech and Language’ specialist
the beautiful Teme Valley. Our goal support to ensure children are
is to ensure that every child makes assessed quickly and intervention
the most of his or her talents both and support is maximised.
socially and academically. We pride From September we will also offer
ourselves on our Christian distinc- Wrap Around Care where children
tiveness, welcoming children from can meet with their friends, have
all faiths or no faith. fun and unwind before or after a
Our school values of ‘Friendship, busy day in school. LinDkidZ is for:
Respect, Courage, Trust and • children, aged 4-11 years old.
Compassion’ are the core of our • From 7.45am in the morning
nurturing ethos. until 5.30pm in the evening. (Term-
Since I joined the school in time only)
September last year the Governing • Breakfast, Snacks and High
Body and I have made significant Tea available depending on what
changes. This September we have sessions are booked.
three new teachers joining our team • Sessions will cost from
including two who between them £2.50
have over 18 years’ experience. If you are interested in your children
Mark Pickford will look after our coming to the school or taking
early years foundation class; Kate advantage of LinDkidZ contact
Harry will lead Key Stage 1, while Mrs Katy Hurst in the school office.
Sheryl Oakes and Sarah Sneyd take 01584 881466
care of Key Stage 2. They will be I look forward to showing you
supported by our amazing teaching around. We encourage all new
assistants. All classes will be taught students to join us for a taster day.
by full-time teaching staff so that
we deliver a creative, exciting and 33
personalised curriculum tailored to
meet the needs of all our children.
We will also have a specialist
teacher, Polly Montague, to ensure
that pupils with a variety of special
needs including our gifted and
talented children receive the best
possible provision and we have
Stockton Summer Party
What lovely people, what a lovely evening. Can’t wait for next year!!
Lesley Beesley
Well, once again Stockton had its
summer supper at Chris and June’s I’ve eaten in some pretty nice
magnificent home, and what an places in my life, Michelin starred,
evening it was! The weather was and in some pretty settings, but
glorious, the food superb, and the truly, nothing compares to this! It’s
setting couldn’t be bettered! very generous of June and Chris to
Imagine a dinner in Tuscany, a give over their home to this very
fabulous outdoor restaurant with special night and to work so very
unrivalled views over a valley hard to give us all a splendid dinner.
bathed in sunshine, stunning food Everybody enjoyed it enormously
(particular mention here of Susan and i know we were very lucky with
Duftons salad - I don’t know all the the weather, but it truly wouldn’t
ingredients, but it was a delicious have mattered if it had rained!
meal in itself!) - Denise Cooper s Chris was assiduously pouring fizz
fabulous vegetarian pie encased for all and all those lovely people
in gorgeous shortcrust pastry, worked so hard to set the scene and
Sandra s puddings (her roulade is provide the food. It was wonderful!!
my favourite), cooked to perfection Aren’t we blessed to live here and
salmon..........honestly, the food at to have such folk, who give so
our village suppers is better and generously of their time and effort,
more abundant than ANYTHING purely to entertain us all?
you will get in any restaurant. I suspect that next year even more
Since last year, Chris has built an people will want to come and places
outdoor kitchen, then he and June will be limited! Who wouldn’t want
and all their helpers erected a huge to eat delicious food in a lovely
gazebo, set out tables and chairs place with their friends, and all for
with tablecloths and flowers.......the a price I am embarrassed to admit,
work involved was tremendous..... because frankly it was worth twice
and all to entertain their fellow that!!
villagers to supper, I think there Thank you seems almost inade-
were 47 of us in the end. quate, nonetheless THANK YOU
It was a truly lovely evening in a to Sandra and Derek, Susan,
stunning setting, warm and balmy Denise and Clive, June and Chris
and a great opportunity for folk to and all the unnamed helpers who
come together. I cannot emphasise worked like things possessed to
how hard all these people worked! give us all such a fantastic night.
As the sun went down, the lights Me - I just turned up and enjoyed it,
came on around the pond adjacent, from the food to the company to the
twinkling and just setting the scene magical setting - I told June that if I
so beautifully. had that view from MY kitchen, I’d
never get anything done!
Lindridge Parish Council
The Parish Council of Lindridge
has a vacancy for a Councillor
to be filled by co-option.
Those who are interested in serving the community
in this way and want to become a candidate for
co-option should obtain an application form
from the Clerk, Miss Rachel Lambert.
Who can apply? What’s involved?
sYou must be a British subject or Are you interested in local issues?
citizen of the Republic of Ireland, You will be part of a team of nine
over 18 and other councillors who are working to
sA local government elector improve our community.
of the parish, or Meetings are held 6 times a year and
sHave, during the previous 12 months, open to the public. They take place in
occupied as owner or tenant any land Lindridge Parish Hall.
or premises in the parish, or These meetings are usually attended
sYour principal or only place of work by our County and District Councillors,
during that 12 months has been and there is an opportunity to engage
in the area, or with them.
sHave, during the whole of those
12 months, resided in the area, The Role
or within 3 miles (4.8 kilometres) of it, Consulting on planning and
sAnd must not be disqualified from licensing applications.
holding office as a Councillor (more Liaising with WCC on highways and
details from the Clerk). drainage issues.
Engaging with the Public Path Warden.
Previous experience is not required as Maintaining the Lengthsman’s Scheme.
training will be given. Addressing traffic speed issues.
Liaising with County and District
Contact Details Councillors.
Clerk Other Involvements
Miss R S Lambert Maintaining an emergency plan.
01584 881599 and risk assessment policy.
[email protected] Ensuring compliance with statutory
Chairman Engaging and communicating
Mr S Workman with residents.
01584 781094
[email protected]
Join our local team
Become a Councillor
The date of our next meeting Parish Council meeting is on Wednesday
11th September at 7.00 pm to be held at Lindridge Village Hall Eardiston.
Teme Valley Wildlife
At Easter by Stephanie Mocroft
the potential turn carbon
risks of global dioxide and
warming were water into
brought into sugars, which
sharp focus they used,
when climate and oxygen,
change which they
protesters released into
took to the the air. Only
streets to then could
raise their evolution
concerns. exploit
They called for less carbon dioxide oxygen to
to be emitted into the earth’s atmos-
phere and for Britain to lead the create oxygen-breathing creatures.
way in bringing about world-wide During the Carboniferous Period
change. The Government passed oxygen levels are thought to have
legislation to reduce net carbon been much higher than today and
emissions to zero by 2050. huge amounts of plant material
From a geological point of view, were laid down and compressed to
global climate change is nothing form oil, gas, coal and peat. These
new. Our species, Homo sapiens, has energy stores, when burned in the
endured and survived many climatic presence of oxygen, release those
upheavals, of which the last, the carbon dioxide and water molecules
last Ice Age, was only 10,000 years back into the atmosphere, whilst
ago. Looking back much further emitting the stored energy of the
into our planet’s history, long sun. The carbon dioxide from these
before man walked the earth, there burnt fuels has increased atmos-
was a time when the atmosphere pheric carbon dioxide levels which,
contained plenty of carbon dioxide, in turn, have caused heat to be
but no oxygen. Life on earth began retained and warmed the planet.
about 4 billion years ago and the To replace all energy sources
development of photosynthesis, by with non-carbon alternatives
cyanobacteria about half a billion will be a huge undertaking. The
years later, brought the first oxygen UK is doing well at the moment,
molecules into the atmosphere. successfully using wind and solar
Plants then came along and used power to replace coal and gas in
the process of photosynthesis our electricity generation. We now
to harness the sun’s energy to have little heavy industry, so our
power requirement, and hence our
emissions, have fallen. But to meet
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our goals all of our energy needs a tree. No-one says it will be easy,
will need to be renewable or nuclear, but every little helps!
and all countries, including those The next meeting of the Teme Valley
to whom we have out-sourced our Wildlife Group is on Thursday
manufacturing, will need to do the September 12th 2019 when we
same. All transport will need to use welcome Tony Simpson whose talk is
electricity and as there are currently entitled “An introduction to moths”.
no alternative power sources for Do join us at 7:30pm at Stoke Bliss
aeroplanes, ships or lorries, massive and Kyre village hall, WR15 8RR. It
innovation will be needed by 2050. is just £2 on the door and everybody
Warming our homes will need to is most welcome.
rely on electricity too. There’s lots For up-to-date information on
to do. what wildlife is being seen in the
Man has ingenuity and, if deter- area, or to give us your sightings
mined, can develop new technology. or comments, visit our Facebook
But in the meantime is there page. Our programme of events,
anything we, as individuals, can do bird survey and archive photo-
to lessen the effects of burning fossil graphs are available on our website
fuel? Yes. We can buy less, use less, We
drive less, travel less, eat less meat, normally holds meetings on the
fly not at all, recycle more, switch second Thursday of the month.
off more, “grow-your-own” more, All are welcome. Contact us by
eat more locally-produced food, and telephone on 01584 881397 or by
wear more jumpers in winter to turn email at [email protected]
the thermostat down. Oh, and plant
100 CLUB Carols 18th Dec.
June 1st - 64 Graham Job, Boleros HOLY COMMUNION
voucher. 10.30am, second Thursday of the
2nd - 8 Debbie Wooton, Wine. month. Old Chapel Hall. All welcome.
July 1st - 3 Mike Hole, Boleros MENITH WOOD MEETS
voucher. 10.30- 12 noon last
2nd - 17 Paula Carrol, Wine. Thursday of month.
The Book Sale raised £65. Thank A very enjoyable evening was had at
you for your support. Surplus books the Garden Meeting in July. Thank
go to local charities but if you missed you Kate and Mike for sharing your
the sale and would like to purchase beautiful garden and house with us.
books contact Lynda B or Janet F. It was delightful.
(881 384/102). Books are 50p each In August we met at The Mill Farm,
or 3 for £1. Stockton. We were told about up
cycling furniture by Mandy Parker.
EVENTS But the main event was decorating
Curry Night a flower pot with special paints
Friday, 27th September. and decoupage with expert tuition
WINE & CHEESE with WAITROSE, from Karen of The French Nest,
Friday, 8th November in Bromyard. Every one was very
Both 7 for 7.30 pm., and cost £10. proud of their completed, expensive
MUST BE BOOKED. Phone Sharon and antique looking flower pot.
on. 01584 881744 Mon. 2nd Sept Cookery demon-
CHRISTMAS CRACKERS. Will be stration at OCH Menith Wood.
on Friday, 13th December.
Opening times: Edgar Estate
Monday-Friday: 8am Berrow Green Road
until 5pm Martley
Saturday: 8.30am WR6 6PQ
until 1pm Tel: 01886 888948
At our feed mill in Martley, we have a convenient country store
which stocks a full range of specialist feeds, supplements, and a
variety of parasite treatments for all animals including horses, dogs
and cats, as well as a large variety of farm animals.
We pride ourselves on our friendly yet professional reputation,
building strong relationships with our customers.
Our qualified staff are available to offer nutritional advice as well as
holding an SQP licence to sell animal health products.
Improvements for Home & Garden
Painting - Timber Structures
Fencing - Decking
Wooden Flooring -Re-pointing
Domestic & Commercial Customers
-Teme Valley & Beyond -
Property Maintenance
Tel: 07773 63 69 09
[email protected]
Working alongside Angela, our like to thank for her involvement
previous chairman, I was aware during the year. We go forward
of the many hours that she to the next year with 4 vacancies
spent fulfilling her role, and I am for co-option and I encourage
grateful to have the opportunity residents to consider applying
to acknowledge her work and for Parish Council membership.
express thanks on behalf of the Anyone interested should contact
Parish Council for all that she has our Parish Clerk, Miss Rachel
done in representing the interests Lambert, 01584 881599 or e mail
of the parish and its residents. - [email protected]
Angela stands down and retires This is an abbreviated report, the
from the Parish Council after 8 full version covering the following
years of service. items is available at:
In my role as Chairman I am http://e-services.worcestershire.
conscious of the professionalism
and enthusiasm members bring South Worcestershire Devel-
to the Parish Council, and I am opment Review
grateful for their support, in Planning and Licencing Applica-
particular my vice Chairman, tions
David Evans, and of course Parish Council Procedures
our Clerk Rachel Lambert. Financial
Throughout the year we have Footpaths
been 2 members short and I am District and County Councillors
aware of the extra work and Parish Hall
responsibility the remaining Website and Facebook
members have undertaken.
Two members will not be standing Steve Workman
for re-election; Angela Winwood I Chairman,
have already mentioned, and also
Gill Hazeldine who I would also Lindridge Parish Council
TEL: 01584 811228
Located in the old workhouse and council building, next to the river
Teme. Here we have beautiful appointed treatment rooms, studio,
sound sanctuary, shop, library and café offering light refreshments.
Charlotte Hall
Sometimes talking to someone Mental Health – listen, connect,
we are not directly connected communicate, reflect, and
to can be a blessing, the fear of respond
offending those we are closest to Emotional Health - Self-respect,
is removed, the ability to speak self-awareness, feeling good
out what we don’t usually give about oneself, being heard feeling
ourselves the time for - and to be valued.
listened to objectively is a rarity.
Do you think about counselling I consider those above to be my
and wonder if it might be helpful staples to help me through the
to you? What is counselling all challenges of life.
about? Every counsellor will However, like fruit and vegetables,
have their own interpretation, as your own five a day will be chosen
there is no-one definite answer to suit you; your tastes, mood,
to these questions. We are all personality etc. Each of us has the
unique, as are our clients. ability and capability to develop
So, I thought I would give you my our own mental and emotional
interpretation. Firstly, what is the health. However, when we are
difference between mental health feeling low, confused, under-
and emotional health? Mental valued and so on, we are unlikely
health is the ability to process to choose things that are healthy
information and emotional health for us. Using food as an example,
is the ability to express feelings when we make unhealthy food
based on the information. So, choices, our emotions are likely
how can we incorporate both of to be unhealthy, perhaps feelings
these elements into our daily life of shame and despair and then
healthily? When you think of the we process the information
saying ‘five a day’, the first thing negatively and end up in a vicious
you probably think of is food! The cycle.
staple fruit and vegetables we are Counselling is a place where,
encouraged to have in our daily if you can step into the room,
diet to keep us healthy. I consider knowing that no matter how you
mental and emotional health to are feeling, you will be met with
be equally important to physical respect, offered understanding
health, so what could the ‘five a and if needed, insight into yourself
day’ staples be for these? and others, you will be heard and