valued for who you are. can take forward and look after
Why? Because I truly believe with care and pride.
that each of us has a core, which Charlotte Hall (Counsellor)
is precious and wholesome. With
time and consideration, through
talking, sharing and listening, I
can help you find more balance
and help you find your mental and
emotional ‘five a day’, which you
Stanford History Group
A Reminder: £65 the 10 lecture course or £10
Monday evenings at 7.30p.m. per lecture all payable at the
Stanford Village Hall, Stanford door.
Bridge, WR6 6ST Contact:
Do come and join us for a series Simon Marriott
of 10 lectures – there’s coffee, simon@adamswoodfarm.
biscuits and discussion too! We 01886 853412
start on October 7th at 7.30pm,
Training Course - We specialise to you? If so please contact one
in Bereavement Support covering of the below for further details,
the County of Worcestershire and we will be pleased to answer any
are now advertising for volunteers questions you may have:
to join our next training session Frances on email frannymead@
due to start in October. or...
We are especially looking for the Ring our Helpline on 01905
caring, empathetic person with 22223, leave a message on the
the ability to listen and commu- answer-phone and
nicate with people who are we will get back to you.
bereaved, helping and supporting Thank you
them to come to terms with their
loss of a loved one........does this
kind of voluntary work appeal
Mike Harley
On the 27th June 18 members made a them.
visit to Hartlebury Castle. Our visit A substantial grant was obtained from
was enhanced by a conducted tour the Heritage Lottery Fund in 2014 to
of the rooms in the Bishop’s Palace buy the castle and refurbish it. This
followed by another one in the Hurd has been done beautifully and the
Library. rooms that form the Bishop’s Palace
Part of the building is believed to date are exquisite. The Great Hall has
back to 1268 although the land was many portraits of the Bishops over the
given to the Bishop of Worcester in years and we were told stories about
the 9th Century. Certainly since the some of them. The tour was based on
13th Century, it has been a centre of historical facts taken from a journal
ecclesiastical power for the resident written by the daughter of a Bishop.
Bishops. Throughout the Civil War The Chapel was also a real gem.
of 1642-46 the Castle was held for The talk in the Hurd Library was
King Charles I but at the end of 1646 fascinating with some open books
the Roundheads took control of it being presented to us on a table. The
after a siege. However, in 1660 under stories about some of those books on
the reign of Charles II, the Castle display were excellent.
came back to the bishops when he Having had free time to wander
appointed James Fleetwood the new through the rooms, the County
Bishop. He had no need to live in it Museum and the grounds, we
but he restored it with some additions retired to the Bishop’s Table Café for
to the Palace we see today. afternoon tea and cake to round off a
In 1782, there was the founding of the very enjoyable visit.
Hurd Library. Richard Hurd who was Our next meeting will be held on
the Bishop at the time was an avid Tuesday 24th September 7.30pm
reader and had a fine collection, so at Abberley Village Hall when Ron
he planned the establishment of the Gallivan will be speaking to us about
library. It is the only example of its “Iron Maidens: Female Conscription
kind with the books on their original in WW2”. Everyone is welcome.
shelves in the room built especially for
Tenbury Wells
U3A is for retired people looking for
the company of other active minds.
Our groups include: Badminton,
Board Games, Book Club, Croquet,
Computer Use, Film Study, Garden
Visiting, Genealogy, Piano, Slimming,
Scottish Country Dancing, Spanish,
Ukulele and many more.
A desire to learn is all that’s needed
- if it’s not fun it’s not U3A!
Find out more at ‘Coffee & Chat’ in
The Pump Rooms 10am – 12noon
on the 1st Friday of every month
See details of all of our groups at:
Clows Top & District Gardening Club
Clows Top Village Hall, DY14 9HP
September, is a time to be gathering of flowers and foliage from her
in the harvest and autumn colours garden. She showed us some lovely
begin to appear with a distinct chill flower arranging displays, which
in the morning air. The shortening were later raffle prizes.
days are now quite noticeable, Gardening is one of the few hobbies
so it’s time to move frost-tender that are relaxing, enjoyable and
plants indoors. Summer seems very rewarding. The Garden Club
barely over before thoughts of next has a very friendly atmosphere,
spring begin. Buy spring bulbs for everyone is welcome. It’s a great
the garden early to get the best way for exchanging gardening
choice of varieties. Many jobs still knowledge, learning new ways
to be done. Deadhead Roses, cut of doing things and sharing tips.
back Perennials and fork over Don’t be afraid to come along, we
your beds and borders. A good are a garden club not a horticulture
round of thorough weeding should society. Non-members are very
keep them mostly tidy until the welcome to any monthly meeting.
following spring. Clean out cold Our next meeting will be on
frames and greenhouses ready for Wednesday 25th September,
autumn use. the speaker for the evening will
At the June meeting, earlier this be ‘Darren Rudge’, with a talk
year, it was the clubs Rose & Sweet entitled ‘Tea Bags, Bras & Tights,
Pea Show. There were some good Part 2’, and it will also be the clubs
specimens entered, many thanks Autumn Show.
to Anne for judging the show. The Darren Rudge, also known as ‘the
results were 1st & Best Exhibit laughing gardener’ has been a
Marion Wilson, Joint 2nd Dot BBC radio presenter/broadcaster
Cowdell & Bob Marriott & 3rd for over 15 years.
Madge Edwards.
There was a slight change to the Diary Dates
July meeting when unfortunately Wednesday 25th September, Tea
the proposed speaker was unwell Bags, Bras & Tights, part 2, Darren
and unable to attend due to Rudge, Autumn Show,
illness that morning. However, Wednesday 23rd October, The Rise
Elva worked her magic and after & Fall of Witley Court, Ray Sturdy
several phone calls, she make sure Wednesday 27th November, AGM
there was something to entertain & Social Evening.
us. A lovely lady called Bridget
Manson, came along with buckets Cont/...
For the treatment of general aches To book an appointment please call
and pains including arthritic pain and ( Claire Wall) and leave a mes-
minor sports injuries for people and sage and I will get back to you very soon.
animals of all ages.
WR15 8JA, Mathon, Newnham Bridge, Tenbury
Wells, Worcestershire
For more information please visit my
website or Facebook
Clows Top and District Gardening swop. Members Flower of the
Club meet the 4th Wednesday in Month Competition.
the calendar month Further Details Telephone Marion
at Clows Top Victory Hall; Doors Wilson 01299 270475.
open 7.30pm, for the speaker at 8 Or email: clowstopdistrictgarden-
o’clock. [email protected]
Admission Fee: Members £2 or All enquires to Marion Wilson
Non-Members £4. 01299 270475.
Free Refreshments. Magazine
Spring Clean
Builders Clean
Weekly or fortnightly
Spit & Polish
tel. 01584 781719
Lynne Evans
Hagar and Ishmael
Have you visited the Tea in Worcester where
Room gardens at Great it was finished. It is
Witley lately? If so, you a depiction of Hagar
may have noticed a new and Ishmael from the
addition in the shape biblical story where
of a beautiful marble they are wandering in
statue of a woman and the desert. The statue
child. This is a copy of was paid for by the
one that used to stand Witley Court Society
in the Winter Garden and is on a long loan
at Witley Court but is from them. The Witley
now at Harlaxton Hall Court Society meet
in Lincolnshire. Most quarterly at Charlies
of it was carved about Bar in the Village Hall
twenty years ago by and their next meeting
Steve McCarron and will be on Thursday 5th
then wandered around September at 8.00pm.
the West Midlands for years before New members are welcome.
ending up at the stonemasons
Do you bank with Cater Allen?
If so you successfully set up a phone Robin on 01886 853295 or
Standing Order for the Teme Valley email him at robin.c.dean@gmail.
Tote but did not include your name com with your name and area so that
in the reference. Please could you he can contact you should you win?
Stoke Bliss and District A.I.S.
Saturday 28th September 2019
(By kind permission of B.T.Edwards& Sons)
Underhill Farm. Collington. HR7 4NB Entry Adults £3. Children Free
More details and schedule on website.
or.Tel. Hazel Farrant 01885 410510
Call The Foot Nurse
• Routine Nail trimming
• InGrowing Toenails
• Hard Skin reduction
• Verrucae
• Diabetic Footcare
• Fungal Nails
• Corn Reduction
• Cracked Dry Heels
Contact: Anne Hull, BA(Hons), RN,
DipCFHP, MPSPract.
Anne is a registered nurse and foot health
E: [email protected]
Complete Footcare - Nurse your feet at home
Area covered: Tenbury Wells, Ludlow, Cleobury Mortimer, Bromyard, Leominster,
Far Forest and surrounding areas
Tel: 07929 115 084
Clubs and Societies
I: Information - T: Telephone - E: Email - W: Web
Abberley Angling Club Coarse the month at St Lawrence’s church,
fishing club with own pool in Abberley. Lindridge, 7.30-8.30pm, singing at
Seniors - I: Dave Yemm Parish communion on the first Sunday
T: 01299 896 737. of the month, plus other special
Juniors - I: Colin Bates services. We are a friendly group, no
T: 01905 798 225 prior experience is required, so if you
Clows Top Garden Club meet on the love singing why not come and join us?
4th Wednesday of each month at the I: Andrew Barker
Victory Hall, Clows Top. E: [email protected]
I: Marion Wilson T: 01299 270 475 Teme Valley Childrens Centre
E:clowstopdistrictgardeningclub@ run a number of relevant events for children and parents.
Eastham Garden Club this has T: 01905 622 354
been recently set up with occasional E: [email protected].
meetings at Eastham Village Hall uk
I: Diana Clarke, Secretary Teme Valley Geological Society meet
T: 01584 781 505 monthly at the
E: [email protected] Martley Memorial Hall
Lindridge Art Group Art for I: John Nicklin T:01886 888 318
everyone - meetings at Lindridge E: [email protected]
Parish Hall every Tuesday at 3.00pm. blog:
We have an excellent tutor and your Teme Valley Historical Society meet
first lesson is free. monthly on the last Tuesday in the
E: [email protected] month at Abberley Village Hall I:Mike
Knighton Friends meet 3rd Harley T: 01584 881 194
Wednesday of each month in the Teme Valley Wildlife Group
afternoon for meals, garden visits, boat meet 2nd Thursday each month at
trips etc. I: Sheila Bragger Stoke Bliss and Kyre Village Hall
T: 01584 781 190 Stoke Bliss WR15 8RR
Menith Wood WI meet generally on I: C. Roseman T: 01584 881397
the first Monday in the month at the E: [email protected]
Old Chapel Hall T: 01584 881 102 W:
Rock Bridge Club We meet every Tenbury Rambling Club
Sunday at Rock Village Hall at 7.00 I: Ian T: 01584 876 698.
pm. New members welcome whether Tenbury Town Band meet for
on own or with partner. The meetings rehearsals at Penlu Sports Club on
are very sociable and relaxed. We do Sundays (Apprentices 4 – 4:30 and full
not play Duplicate Bridge. band 4:30 – 7:00)
I: Luke Grant T: 07854 951 330 I: Mel Parker
St Lawrence’s Church Choir meet T: 01584 881 683.
for rehearsals the last Wednesday of W:
The Parish of Teme Valley North
Priest in Charge of the churches of Knighton, Lindridge, Pensax, Stockton,
Abberley, Great and Little Witley, Shrawley
Reverend Ted Whittaker
The Rectory, 1 Chiltern Close, Great Witley, Worcester. WR6 6HL
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01299 890100 or 07791 484774
Reader 01584 781094 [email protected]
Marjorie Workman
Church Wardens Lindridge St Lawrence
Vickie Melling 01584 881086 [email protected]
Dianne Smith 01584 881893 [email protected]
Church Wardens
Knighton St Michael and All Angels Vacant
Pensax St James the Great Vacant
Stockton St Andrew Vacant
Church Contacts: Gill Morgan 01584 781412
Sandra Jabbett 01584 881 217
Knighton-on-Teme Jean Rudd 01299 832 513
PCC Details above [email protected] Chair
01584 881086 [email protected] Lay Chair
Revd Ted Whittaker 01584 881086 [email protected] Secretary
Vickie Melling 01584 881274 Treasurer
Chris Melling
Bill Andrews
Baptisms Weddings and Funerals
See page 27
Children's Worker
Elizabeth Whitehead 01584 781651 [email protected]
Stourport Deanery Church Officer
Ms Vikki Day 01905 621022 [email protected]
Mission Developer
Temespan 07917 783159 [email protected]
01584 881274 [email protected] Editor
Pete Thorp 01584 781230 [email protected] Advertising
Bill Andrewes 01584 881086 [email protected] Knighton Church
Jane Hogan 01584 881563 [email protected] Lindridge Church
Stockton Church
Vickie Melling
Sally Webb
Robin Dean 01886 853295 [email protected] Teme Valley Tote
Parish Website - Webmaster
Chris Melling 01584 881086 [email protected]
Wyre Forest
‘your local expert’
Call: Ross
Office: 01562 747210
Mobile: 07890 048362
Email: [email protected]
One Course £14 | Two Course £18 | Three Courses £22
Roast Sirloin of Herefordshire beef, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, horseradish, vegetables
Roast Pork, roast potatoes, stuffing, apple sauce, vegetables
Whole roast chicken to feed a family of 4 for £22.00 with all the trimmings
(booking is essential)
Giant fish finger, chunky chips, sauteed samphire and pak choi, lemon & caper hollandaise.
Strawberry and vanilla cheesecake, shortbread boulders, balsamic strawberries, vanilla and strawberry ripple ice cream
Chocolate and passion fruit dome, rich chocolate sponge, mango sorbet
Warm treacle tart, clotted cream, lemon curd, honeycomb
Local cheese board
M O N D A Y - Kitchen Closed 01584 781 941
TUESDAY-SATURDAY [email protected]
Lunch | 12 - 2:30pm | Dinner | 6 - 9pm
12 - 4pm