IntroducinĀ WSA TIMES, the one and only Āenuine student maĀazine. Delve into our enĀaĀinĀ new columns, class experiences, student works, stories, and discover a wealth oÿ important inÿormation.
Introduction: Upcoming events Achieve 3000 Birthdays of October Beauty of Sustainability Celebrations at WSA Specials: Recommendations by us Articles of the Time An Exclusive Interview Language Starters WSA Why & Welcomes Facts and Efforts: Trivias and the Times Art Entries Entertainers Around WSA Literature Music Column HPL works Until the End: Fun & Jokes Tech Bytes Wellness Tips for students How-To and DIY’s Empowering Quote Ending Facts End Credits Table Of Contents
Events for this month:- ● Mental Health day 10th Oct ● We just finished our midterm break which began at 16th oct to 20th oct. ● Theatre Production for Year 6 on 25th Oct Events Haniya Iqbal Y9G
In this month’s issue of the WSA Times Magazine, we introduce to you the weekly winners and daily toppers. Congrats to all the winners! Achieve 3000
Birthdays Of SEPTEMBER! Happy Birthday to you! Rayyan - 31 October 6B
Sustainability Isabella y6B
How do we help the environment? Here is a hint, Search a solution to stop pollution, Have a heart and help earth since it has helped you since your birth. We love mother nature but see what has happened to her temperature. Stop global warming you know it’s a warning. Let’s make a bet, let’s make this year the best one yet! And remember you are a member of mother natures environment so take care of her. Thank you for your time , this poem could change your life. - Elinsis Y6B Sustainability week poem-
Keeping our surroundings clean and healthy is like taking care of our planet, and uae students can help make a big difference! We can start by picking up trash in our neighborhood and at school to keep our streets and parks clean. Turn off the lights and TV when you're not using them, and remind your family to do the same to save energy. Be mindful of water by not letting it run while brushing your teeth or taking shorter showers. Reusing things like containers for art projects or school supplies is another way to help the environment. And, remember to recycle paper, plastic, and cardboard to give them a new life. By doing these things, we can be Earth's little helpers and make our world a better place for everyone! Gems Winchester Sustainability Week By Saara from Y6B
Why to be Sustainable?
Sustainability Project Hamdan Rafay Siddiqui
Celebrations at WSA
Book of the month Suzanne-7G2
Book Recommendations 4.5
Book Recommendations 4.5 -Girisha Gupta Y6B
Book Recommendations : JUNIOR HIGH DRAMAA GRAPHIC NOVEL Maletsatsi: 9G Are you a person who truly enjoys drama books and movies about teenagers going to high school? Here is a perfect book for that. It even has 4 series! And I love this book and Im sure you will too! It’s about a teenage girl who goes to this school and is insecure because a group of girls make fun of her but eventually decides to ignore them and to live her life with her friends who truly adore her the way she is.
Who Was Napoleon? By: Jim Gigliotti “Who Was Napoleon?” is a fantastic history book about the whole detailed life of one of the greatest commanders, who is usually compared to other legendary people like Alexander The Great. Whether you’re a history fan or not, I believe that once you start reading this book, you wouldn't want to leave it aside unless you’re done. I know this because I have experienced it! When I bought this book from a book fair a few months ago and started reading it, I, as a history fan, couldn’t leave it because it just seemed so fascinating! So much so that in fact I read all 104 pages in about 30-45 minutes! I would DEFINITELY recommend this book. 5/5 stars for me. Book Recommendation Article By: Rachitjit Singh Y6B
Movie Recommendations: YOU ARE SO NOT INVITED TO MY BAT MITZVAH: TSATSI 9G This movie at first it looks boring and nothing good, well it’s the same mistake i did I thought it was gonna be boring after hearing about it from my friends and online. But i decided to watch it anyways. AND OMG YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED It basically is about two girls, who are best friends, and they were close to being adults. In their culture once to turn 18(adult) you will have a grand celebration and have to say a verse in the book. And the two best friends were really excited about it, they’ve been planning it since the beginning. But then one of the girls developed a little something which caused a fight between them and their Batmitzvah were close. They ruined each others Batmizvah but the other friend didn’t dare give up so she surprised her friend with her dream party. And in the end, they became friends and celebrated together with their families and friends. 10/10
Game of the month Brawl stars is a really fun multiplayer game with several game modes. You can play with upto 10 friends. You can even play solo, duo, or trio. I would 100% recommend it to people willing to play deathmatch games. Last one standing wins! There’s also a brawl pass that you can get rewards from. You can collect credits to buy better brawlers! By: Bilal Talha, Y8-B1
Music Column By Amogh 9B1
Extra Additions: Learning a new language CHINESE - LANGUAGE By - Rachitjit Singh Y6B -Hello! - 你好!/nihao/ -Yes - 是 /shi/ -No - 不 /bu/ -What is your name? - 你叫什么名 字? /ni-jiao-shen-me-ming-zi/ -How are you? - 你好吗?/ni-hao-ma/ -My name is (__) - 我叫(__) /wo-jiao (_)/
3 Facts about the UAE that’ll blow your socks off! ● The UAE Population Is 9.8 Million, Made up of 200+ Nationalities. ● The UAE Is the World's Third Largest Oil Producer. The UAE used to be called the “Trucial States” during British rule Rachitjit Singh Y6B and Saara Shadiq Y6B UAE?
● Us Students at WSA have the HPL skills while studying and interacting. ● Teachers make learning fun for all ages. Why Choose Us? We take sustainability very seriously, we would like to ensure that our surroundings are sustainable for us students and nature. We are what we repeatedly do, excellence therefore is not an act but a habit. -Elinsis Kiara Almeida y6B
Class Experiences
where where .
☆Class Experiences☆In science we are learning about ears and sound it's quite a challenging topic as you have to identify the parts of an ear and then lable the soundwaves. Term 1 has been off to a great start. This week in maths we have started algebra and to be honest it's pretty easy if you understand the concept. We just finished a novel 'The Good theives’ by Katherine Rundell. The novel was Amazing! I hope to read more novels like them in the future. Currently we are using textbooks to study. Zyesha Sayyed 8G1
Class Experiences
Museum Of Art Samiyakhon 5E Swastika 5E
Museum Of Art Haniya Salman Sri Varshini 7G2 Saadhvimn Ashith 8B1
Museum Of Art Lyan Ysabelle - 9G Mohsin Shahzad
Museum Of Art Diamond Art By: Hamdan Rafay Siddiqui Y2C
Museum Of Art Hamdan Rafay Siddiqui Y2C
Museum Of Art Miles Eli Yao Bigcas Y4F