Short Stories Maham Talha-6A
Short Stories
Short Stories Moving Away by Ayeka Fulo- 8G2
Short Stories
Biography of a famous musician
Mariana 9G
-Girisha Gupta Y6B
ORIGINAL JOKES What do you call a lizard that disappears? A dra-gone What do you call a knife that looks backwards? A backstabber What do you call your office friend who works in department and his head is cut off? Behead of Department What do use to open a door made out of chickens? A tur-key What do you use to open a door made out of chickens but a horse is trying to open it? A don-key Why can't a man with no shoes or socks go to the arctic? He couldn't bare the cold. What do you call a fish action figure? A doll-fin What do you call a tortoise that became a giraffe? A tur-tall Raleigh Keith D. Sacramento 7B2
HPL IN SCHOOL Science: Creating simple machines using levers. 8G1 8G2
HPL IN SCHOOL Science: Creating simple machines using levers. 8B2 8B2
Tips for Students from a student ’s perspective RAFIA ISMAIL 9G1
Tips for Students from a student ’s perspective 1. Distractions When your trying to focus on something, avoid anything that distracts you. At school, it could be the people who sit beside you. At home, it could be your phone. 2. Quality over Quantity This can be applied in many situations- for example, friends. Prioritize spending time with people who care about you, rather than knowing many people who do not. 3. Manage your Time Understand how much time you have and what you need to do. Also, give yourself some time- talk to your friends, or do something fun. ~Shraddha, 8G2
Empowering Quotes 1. "When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let go." — Carol Burnett 2. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." — Winston Churchill 3. "You define your own life. Don't let other people write your script." — Oprah Winfrey 4. "Not having the best situation, but seeing the best in your situation is the key to happiness." — Marie Forleo 5. "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." — Albert Einstein ~ Bilal Talha, 8B1
Facts to End This Issue
END CREDITS Thank you for your time! “If you have any concerns or submissions for the WSA TIMES Student Magazine, then please contact our email!” Email: Credits: Main Directors and Editors, Give a SPECIAL thank you to the main editors Congratulations to all of you for your excellent contributions! Year 2: Hamdan Rafay Year 5: Vinisha, Samiyakhon, Swastika Year 6: Haaniyah, Maham Talha, Darika, Elinsis,Dorcas,Rachitjit, Saara, Isabella,Girisha Year 7: Sri Varshini, Suzanne, Raleigh, Hiba Year 8: Bilal Talha, Shraddha, Rayyan, Zyesha Sayyed, Fathima Saif Year 9: Rafia, Mariana,Lyan,Safaa Nahas, Haaniyah Shamshad,Odira,Tsatsi, Sarah Homam, Bryce Supported by the English Department and Editorial Team. “And Remember to be the best version of yourself!” Teacher in charge: Ms.Sonia, Ms.Udhya, Ms.Ened, Mr.Juvenal, Ms.Mary, Ms.Marivic