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Published by techaide2, 2015-10-16 11:22:31

TechnoCelebrity Guide xp03

TechnoCelebrity Guide xp03

A Camp Technology Project
Teacher Guide

For Microsoft Office XP and 2003

Copyright © 1993 – 2008 TechnoKids Inc.
All Rights Reserved

TechnoKids Inc.
TechnoCelebrity is published by TechnoKids Inc.
TechnoKids is a trademark of TechnoKids Inc. © Copyright 1993-2008. All Rights Reserved.
This book may not be duplicated in whole or in part without the expressed written consent of the
publisher, except in the form of brief excerpts or quotations for the purposes of review. The
information contained herein is for the personal use of the reader and may not be incorporated
in any other books, databases, or any kind of software without written consent of the publisher.
Making copies of this book or any portion for any purpose other than your own is a violation of
International copyright laws.
Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty
The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing the book and the
activities contained in it. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the
theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. The author and publisher make no
warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these programs or the documentation
contained in this book.
The author and publisher shall not be liable in the event of incidental or consequential damages
in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of the programs,
associated instructions, and/or claims of productivity gains.
Trademarked names appear throughout this book. Rather than list the names and entitles that
own trademarks or insert a trademark symbol with each mention of the trademarked name, the
publisher states that it is using the names for editorial purposes only and to the benefit of the
trademark owner, with no intention of infringing upon that trademark.

2097 Bates Common
Burlington, ON Canada L7R 0A5

[email protected]

From the Publisher
TechnoKids Inc. develops and publishes computer curriculum that provides a project-based
approach to learning. Students integrate the use of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) to complete innovate theme-related activities.
TechnoKids Computer Curriculum is available in five categories: Primary, Junior, Intermediate,
Senior, and Camp. Each category contains a set of projects designed to integrate a range of
ICT skills into student learning including word processing, programming, graphics, spreadsheets,
desktop publishing, applied technology, telecommunications, databases, operating systems,
and multimedia.
Projects are thoroughly evaluated and tested by certified teachers to ensure they teach
leading-edge ICT skills and are developmentally appropriate for students. Each project comes
complete with teacher resource materials, such as handouts, activity sheets, evaluation forms,
parent letters, extension activities, and certificates.
TechnoKids Inc. projects enable teachers to help students become powerful technology users
while developing the problem-solving skills, self-confidence, and positive attitudes that will make
them the social and business leaders of tomorrow.

Our mission is to combine education and technology
to provide children with the core computing skills
that will best prepare them for the future.

ISBN: 978-1-897383-13-1


Table of Contents

Introduction - Getting Started

How to Use This Guide ................................................................................................................................... i
How to Use the Resource Files ....................................................................................................................iii
Project Overview ...........................................................................................................................................v
Preparing to Teach TechnoCelebrity ...................................................................................................... vii
Routines .......................................................................................................................................................... xi

Make Introductions .................................................................................................................................. xi
Introduce Students to your Facility........................................................................................................ xi
Computer Lab Rules ................................................................................................................................ xi
Introduce TechnoTime.............................................................................................................................xii
One Hour Program ...................................................................................................................................xii
Single Day Routine ..................................................................................................................................xiii
Half Day Routine ..................................................................................................................................... xiv

Part 1 – Celebrity Sighting

Getting Started .......................................................................................................................................... 1-1

Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 1-1
Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 1-1
Teacher Preparation ............................................................................................................................. 1-1
Teaching Strategy ................................................................................................................................. 1-1
Lesson Plan.............................................................................................................................................. 1-4
Learning Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 1-4

Assignment 1: Watch E-Tabloid .............................................................................................................. 1-5

Open the Celebrity Folder ................................................................................................................... 1-5
Open the “TechnoStar” Sample File and Watch the Show .......................................................... 1-5
Add Comments ..................................................................................................................................... 1-5
End the Show.......................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Close the Celebrity Folder ................................................................................................................... 1-5
Discuss the Content of “TechnoStar” ................................................................................................ 1-6

Assignment 2: Find Celebrity Photos...................................................................................................... 1-7

Open Internet Explorer ......................................................................................................................... 1-7
Search for Images ................................................................................................................................. 1-7
Save a Picture as a Bitmap.................................................................................................................. 1-8
Save More Images ................................................................................................................................ 1-8
Exit Microsoft Internet Explorer ............................................................................................................ 1-8

Assignment 3: Research Celebrity Biography...................................................................................... 1-9

Open Internet Explo7rer ....................................................................................................................... 1-9
Research Biographical Facts............................................................................................................... 1-9
Exit Microsoft Internet Explorer .......................................................................................................... 1-10

Part 2 – Extreme Makeover

Getting Started .......................................................................................................................................... 2-1

Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Teacher Preparation ............................................................................................................................. 2-1
Teaching Strategy ................................................................................................................................. 2-1

Teaching the skills of tomorrow… today!


Lesson Plan.............................................................................................................................................. 2-3
Learning Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 2-5

Assignment 4: Extreme Makeover: Plastic Surgery.............................................................................. 2-7

Open Paint.............................................................................................................................................. 2-7
Explore the Paint Tools .......................................................................................................................... 2-7
Experiment with Paint ........................................................................................................................... 2-8
Open Celebrity Photo........................................................................................................................... 2-9
Save a Copy........................................................................................................................................... 2-9
Get a Close Look ................................................................................................................................. 2-10
Let the Plastic Surgery Begin.............................................................................................................. 2-10
Save the Changes and then Close Microsoft Paint ..................................................................... 2-10

Assignment 4: Extreme Makeover - Body Clinic ................................................................................ 2-11

Open Internet Explorer ....................................................................................................................... 2-11
Find a New Body Image..................................................................................................................... 2-11
Save a Picture as a Bitmap................................................................................................................ 2-12
Exit Microsoft Internet Explorer .......................................................................................................... 2-12
Open Paint............................................................................................................................................ 2-13
Open Celebrity Photo......................................................................................................................... 2-13
Does the Image Need to be Resized? (Optional) ........................................................................ 2-13
Select the Head ................................................................................................................................... 2-14
Copy the Selection to a File .............................................................................................................. 2-14
Open Picture of New Body Image................................................................................................... 2-14
Does the Body Need to be Resized? (Optional)........................................................................... 2-14
Paste "Head" into the Picture ............................................................................................................ 2-15
Resize the "Head" Picture and then Move it into Place ............................................................... 2-16
Make it Look Real (Optional) ............................................................................................................ 2-17
Save the New Look ............................................................................................................................. 2-18
Close Microsoft Paint .......................................................................................................................... 2-18

Assignment 4: Extreme Makeover – Hair Salon.................................................................................. 2-19

Open Internet Explorer ....................................................................................................................... 2-19
Access an Online Makeover Website ............................................................................................. 2-19
Instructions for Makeover-O-Matic................................................................................................... 2-20
Print the Screen to Copy the Celebrity Makeover........................................................................ 2-21
Close All Open Programs ................................................................................................................... 2-22

Assignment 5: Morph a Celebrity ......................................................................................................... 2-23

Open FaceMorpher Lite..................................................................................................................... 2-23
Add Before and After Images........................................................................................................... 2-23
Play the Morph..................................................................................................................................... 2-24
Save the Morph ................................................................................................................................... 2-25
Close FaceMorpher Lite ..................................................................................................................... 2-25

Part 3 – The E-Tabloid

Getting Started .......................................................................................................................................... 3-1

Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
Teacher Preparation ............................................................................................................................. 3-1
Teaching Strategy ................................................................................................................................. 3-1
Lesson Plan.............................................................................................................................................. 3-2
Learning Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 3-4

Teaching the skills of tomorrow… today!


Assignment 6: Create a Multimedia Article about the New Look ................................................... 3-5

Open Microsoft PowerPoint................................................................................................................. 3-5
Create the Title Slide ............................................................................................................................. 3-5
Make the Celebrity Slide ...................................................................................................................... 3-6
Add the Morphing Video to a Slide ................................................................................................... 3-8
Create the Comment Slide ................................................................................................................. 3-9
View the Presentation......................................................................................................................... 3-11
Save the E-Tabloid............................................................................................................................... 3-11
Close Microsoft PowerPoint ............................................................................................................... 3-11

Assignment 7: Add Action Buttons....................................................................................................... 3-13

Open the Saved E-Tabloid in Microsoft PowerPoint ..................................................................... 3-13
Go to the Comment Slide.................................................................................................................. 3-13
Add the “Replay” Action Button ...................................................................................................... 3-13
Add the “End” Action Button............................................................................................................ 3-13
View the Presentation to “Test” the Action Buttons...................................................................... 3-14
Save the Changes to the E-Tabloid ................................................................................................. 3-14
Close Microsoft PowerPoint ............................................................................................................... 3-14

Assignment 8: Add Finishing Touches .................................................................................................. 3-15

Open the Saved E-Tabloid in Microsoft PowerPoint ..................................................................... 3-15
Add an Entrance Animation Effect to a Slide Object on the Title Slide ................................... 3-15
Modify the Animation Effect on the Title Slide ............................................................................... 3-17
Animate the Objects on the Celebrity and Before and After Slides......................................... 3-18
Watch the Animation ......................................................................................................................... 3-18
Add a Transition Effect between Slides........................................................................................... 3-19
Watch the Transitions .......................................................................................................................... 3-20
Save the Changes to the Presentation and then Exit Microsoft PowerPoint........................... 3-20

Part 4 – Fan Reaction

Getting Started .......................................................................................................................................... 4-1

Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 4-1
Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 4-1
Teacher Preparation ............................................................................................................................. 4-1
Teaching Strategy ................................................................................................................................. 4-1
Lesson Plan.............................................................................................................................................. 4-2
Learning Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 4-2

Assignment 9: Fan Reaction to the New Look..................................................................................... 4-1

Open the Saved E-Tabloid in Microsoft PowerPoint ....................................................................... 4-1
View E-Tabloids ...................................................................................................................................... 4-1
Read the Comments ............................................................................................................................ 4-2
Save the Changes to the E-Tabloid ................................................................................................... 4-2
Close Microsoft PowerPoint ................................................................................................................. 4-2


Appendix A: Summary of Skills ................................................................................................................A-1
Appendix B: Parent Letter........................................................................................................................ B-1
Appendix C: Certificate.......................................................................................................................... C-1
Appendix D: Software Application Tools ..............................................................................................D-1
Appendix E: Contact Information .......................................................................................................... E-1

Teaching the skills of tomorrow… today!

Teaching the skills of tomorrow… today!


Getting Started

Follow the instructions in this section to prepare materials necessary to
implement this project.

 How to Use this Guide
 How to Use Resource Files
 Project Overview
 Preparing to Teach
 Routines

3) Appendices
How to Use This Guide

This Teacher Guide contains the following three sections:

1) Getting Started 2) Project Instructions

Below is an explanation of each section.

1) Getting Started – This section contains the overview that provides a description of the project
theme, explanation of activities, instructions for preparing to teach the project, and routines
for computer camp.

2) Project Instructions – This section contains the project instructions. A project has four parts.
Each part includes a problem solving task that relates to the theme of the project. A part
includes the following:

 Overview – An explanation of the activities.

 Materials – A list of handouts, sample files, templates, flashcards, and teacher
resource materials.

 Teaching Strategies – Instructional methods recommended for teaching the

 Lesson Plan – A detailed list of each step.

 Learning Objectives – A summary of the content knowledge and technical
skills taught.

 Assignments – Instructions for completing a task. Actions to be performed on
the computer by the student are indicated with a mouse button ().
Background information and instructions are indicated with a dash (–).

3) Appendices – This section contains additional information or materials including the following

 Summary of Skills – An alphabetical list of the technology skills addressed
throughout the project.

 Parent Letter – A copy of the handout given to parents after the completion
of the project.

 Certificate – A copy of the certificates given to students after the completion
of the project.

 Software Application Tools – Additional information for teachers about the
software used to complete the project.

 Contact Information - Information about how to contact TechnoKids Inc. for
curriculum support.




How to Use the Resource Files

About the Resource Files

Accompanying the Teacher Guide in the TechnoCelebrity Resource folder are resource files.
These files are needed to complete the project activities. Below is a description of each

 Acceptable Use Policy is an agreement between the student and learning organization
giving expressed written consent for a child to use the Internet.

 Flashcards are enlarged pictures of program commands. Designed on 3.75" x 3.75" cards,
they provide an essential visual aid while teaching.

 Handouts are documents that must be printed or photocopied, and distributed to each
student. These can be modified by the teacher as necessary, such as the parent letter
and project certificate.

 Internet Favorites are bookmarked Internet addresses made available to students to
assist in completing activities and for use during TechnoTime (free time).

 Sample Files are examples of a finished product. They are provided to allow teachers the
opportunity to assess the components that complete the project and the computer tools
used during its creation. Sample files are designed to model activities and set a standard
upon which students should strive to achieve.

List of TechnoCelebrity Resources

The following is a list of the necessary materials for this project. A digital copy of each appears in
the TechnoCelebrity Resource folder as indicated below. Read the Preparing to Teach
TechnoCelebrity instructions to prepare each resource for teaching.

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Part 1 Internet Parent Letter

\Acceptable Use Policy\Internet Parent Letter

Internet User Agreement
\Acceptable Use Policy\Internet User Agreement

Student AUP
\Acceptable Use Policy\Student AUP

Teacher AUP
\Acceptable Use Policy\Teacher AUP

TechnoKids Internet Policy
\Acceptable Use Policy\TechnoKids Internet Policy

Your Child and the Internet
\Acceptable Use Policy\Your Child and the Internet

Flashcards Internet Explorer 7
Part 1 \Flashcards\Internet Explorer\Internet Explorer 7

Part 2 Paint Vista or XP
\Flashcards\Paint\Paint Vista
\Flashcards\Paint\Paint XP



Handouts Celebrity Biography
Part 1 \Handouts\ Celebrity Biography
Part 4
Celebrity Certificate
Sample Files \Handouts\Celebrity Certificate
Part 1
Part 3 TechnoCamp Certificate
\Handouts\TechnoCamp Certificate

Celebrity Parent Letter
\Handouts\Celebrity Parent Letter

TechnoStar sample file

Morph sample file

Celebrity Folder Celebrity Icon
Preparation \Celebrity\Icon\celebrity.ico

Part 1, 4 TechnoStar sample file
Part 3
Morph sample file

FaceMorpher Lite Software

Part 3 FaceMorpherLiteSetup

\FaceMorpher Lite\FaceMorpherLiteSetup

FaceMorpher Link to download software
\FaceMorpher Lite\FaceMorpher - Download



Project Overview

Introduction to TechnoCelebrity

In this project, students work for the e-tabloid TechnoStar. As celebrity reporters,
they write about a sports hero, model, pop idol, or movie star. Their publication
keeps people up-to-date on what the rich and famous are saying, doing, and
wearing. A popular celebrity has just gone for a makeover. Students will
showcase and report on the new look!

Students complete the following tasks:

 In Part 1, celebrities have just been spotted! First, students gather photos of a
famous personality using Internet Explorer. Then they research biographical
facts to tell the audience why this person ranks “celebrity status.”

 In Part 2, a celebrity is undergoing an extreme makeover. Students are at the
scene capturing this amazing transformation. Whether the superstar chooses
to visit a plastic surgeon, body clinic, or hair salon, it is certain they will walk
away with an entirely new look. Get your camera ready - you do not want to
miss a thing!

 In Part 3, the development of the multimedia e-tabloid gets under way.
Students arrange their photos and facts about the famous personality. This
exciting digital report features the "before" and "after" look.

 In Part 4, the e-tabloid is released to the public. Fans read the article on the
EXTREME makeover. What do they think of the new look for the celebrity?
Viewers express their opinions.




Preparing to Teach TechnoCelebrity

In preparation of this project, ensure that each workstation is ready for students. Follow the
outlined steps below to prepare ALL necessary materials.

Complete the following:

Step 1: Install Software
Step 2: Copy the Celebrity Folder
Step 3: Create a Shortcut to the Celebrity Folder (Optional)
Step 4: Modify the Shortcut Icon (Optional)
Step 5: Print Handouts
Step 6: Create Program Shortcuts (Optional)
Step 7: Prepare Flashcards (Optional)
Step 8: Internet Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) (Optional)
Step 9: Copy Internet Favorites

Step 1: Install Software

Install the following software on workstations used by students:
 Internet Explorer
 Paint
 Microsoft PowerPoint
 FaceMorpher Lite (provided in the TechnoCelebrity Resources folder or available for free download at

 Adobe Reader (download from - only needed on the teacher’s workstation)

Step 2: Copy the Celebrity Folder

The contents of the Celebrity folder must be placed on each computer workstation. The
Celebrity folder contains a sample e-tabloid, a sample morph video and the project icon.

1. If you have a CD, place it into the cd-drive. View the contents by double clicking My
Computer and then double click the cd drive letter. Then double click the
TechnoCelebrity Resource folder.

If you do not have a CD, go to where the project files are stored, and double click the
TechnoCelebrity Resource folder.
2. Right click on the Celebrity folder and choose Copy.
3. Go to the location where you want to place the folder; for example, workstation or
network share. (see your System Administrator if using a server).
4. Right click at this location and choose Paste.


Step 3: Create a Shortcut to the Celebrity Folder (Optional)
Create a shortcut to create quick and easy access to the project files.

1. Right click on the newly pasted Celebrity folder (see step 2 above).
2. Select Copy.
3. Go to the location where students will have access to project files.
4. Right click and choose Paste Shortcut.

Step 4: Modify the Shortcut Icon (Optional)
Modify the icon to create quick easy recognition of project files.

1. Right click on the Celebrity Shortcut icon and select Properties.
2. Click Change Icon.
3. Click Browse and go to the Icon folder within the Celebrity folder pasted in Step 2.
4. Click to select the icon and then click Open.
5. Click OK to close the Change Icon dialog box.
6. Click Apply to close the Properties dialog box and apply the changes.

Step 5: Print Handouts
From the TechnoCelebrity Resources folder, open the Handouts folder. Print the following:

 TechnoCelebrity or TechnoCamp Certificate (Part 4)
 TechnoCelebrity Parent Letter (Part 4)

Step 6: Create Program Shortcuts (Optional)
A program shortcut will help students quickly open programs rather than using the Start menu.

1. From the Start menu, point to All Programs.
2. Point to Internet Explorer.
3. Right click on Internet Explorer and click Copy.
4. Go to the desired location. Right click and select Paste Shortcut.
5. Repeat for Paint, FaceMorpher Lite, and Microsoft Office PowerPoint.


Step 7: Prepare Flashcards (Optional)

Flashcards can be used to help students identify a command. Images have been enlarged to
3.75" x 3.75" cards, with approximately 4 cards per page. Adobe Reader is required to open
these files and can be downloaded from or

Print the following flashcards:

 Vista or XP tools
 Text

Internet Explorer 7

1. Open the TechnoCelebrity Resource folder and double click the Flashcards folder.
2. Open each document and print to a color printer if available.
3. Cut along the dotted guidelines to separate each card.
4. Process through electric laminating machine to coat each card in a plastic film, or

mount onto sturdy paper to increase durability.
5. Keep available as a teaching tool, or affix to surface for easy reference by students.

Step 8: Internet Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) (Optional)

The Internet Acceptable Use Policy is provided for schools or learning centers that do not have a
policy. It provides information to children and their parents about how the Internet is used in the
academic program. It is recommended that these documents be sent home to allow children
and their parents/guardians to review the information and sign the permission forms. Students
must follow these guidelines outlined in the Student Agreement when using the Internet in the
computer lab. For students who do not have a signed form, it is suggested that books,
magazines or CD-ROM encyclopedias be provided as alternate information sources.

1. Open the TechnoCelebrity Resources folder.

2. Double click the Acceptable Use Policy folder.

Print the following:  Student Acceptable Use Policy
 Your Child and the Internet
 Internet Parent Letter
 Internet User Agreement

3. These documents should be sent home with students, signed, and returned.

4. Review the remaining documents if your school or learning center does not have an
existing Acceptable Use Policy.


Step 9: Copy Internet Favorites
The contents of the Celebrity Internet Favorites folder must be placed on each computer
workstation. It contains links to search engines for finding celebrity information, links to image
search sites to find celebrity pictures, and links to makeover sites used in the hair salon activity in
Part 2. It is recommended that these websites be reviewed prior to teaching to ensure the
content remains appropriate and that the websites are active.
Follow these instructions to copy the Celebrity Sites folder:

1. Open the TechnoCelebrity Resources folder. Open the Internet Favorites folder.
2. Right click on the Celebrity Sites folder and select Copy from the menu.
3. Navigate to the Favorites folder on the workstation.
4. From the Edit menu, select Paste.
The Internet Favorites folder may be made available to each workstation. The folder contains
links to celebrity sites, online games, search engines, dictionary, thesaurus, and maps.
1. Open the TechnoCelebrity Resources folder.
2. Open the Internet Favorites folder.
3. Right click on the Camp Internet Favorites folder and select Copy from the menu.
4. Navigate to the Favorites folder on the workstation or other desired location.
5. From the Edit menu, select Paste.

At the time of this writing, the bookmarked websites were current and deemed age appropriate. Since that time they may have become
inactive or the content of the website may have changed. TechnoKids Inc. is not responsible for authoring of the subject matter on these
websites where modifications result in content becoming unsuitable for children. TechnoKids Inc. is not responsible for the content of
banner ads or popup windows that may appear on the screen when visiting a bookmarked website. If you are unable to use any of the
bookmarked sites due to any or all of the above conditions, please contact TechnoKids Inc. We will make every attempt to replace these
bookmarked sites with updated links.




Make Introductions
Teachers should introduce themselves to students. Have each
child stand and introduce themselves to the rest of the students.

Introduce Students to your Facility

Be certain to introduce the camp facility and make students feel welcome. Consider the tips
and suggestions below:

 Point out emergency exits and rest room facilities.
 If on a network, instruct students how to "log on" and "log off."
 If chairs are adjustable, explain to students how to adjust them to the correct height.
 If anyone is left-handed, the mouse can be customized. (Refer to the Mouse area in the

Control Panel to change settings).
 If using the Internet, distribute the Your Child and the Internet brochure to students. This

brochure is a brief but informative look at the Internet and how steps are taken to ensure
Internet safety in the camp. Consider having students sign an Internet Acceptable Use
Policy. These documents and others are available on the Camp Resource CD-ROM.
 Let students know when breaks/lunch are scheduled.
 Explain arrival and departure procedures.
 Outline the day's activities. These can be written on the white board for the day, so that
students can see how the day progresses.

Computer Lab Rules

Explain the rules of the computer lab to students and the importance of respecting the
computer equipment.

 No food or drinks permitted in the lab.
 Do not pound keyboards or mice.
 Be gentle if using headsets. The wires are delicate and easily destroyed.
 Clarify how each workstation must be left at the end of the day.
 All students must WASH their hands after each break.
 Always leave workstation neat and tidy.



Introduce TechnoTime

Students may have TechnoTime throughout the day. TechnoTime is free time where it is
acceptable for students to use approved software and explore their interests. When students
have completed an activity, they can have TechnoTime.

There are many bookmarked online activities for students. These are located in the Camp
Internet Favorites folder. There are links to games for TechnoTime (free time), search engines,
dictionary, thesaurus, e-cards, webcams and maps.

Teachers may also wish to have software that is fully installed on the computers, as this is another
method of offering TechnoTime.

TechnoTime software does not appear in the software list. It is
recommended that you purchase inexpensive programs that will
appeal to your students. This software can be obtained from
clearance bins, software discount stores, and manufacturer vouchers.

One Hour Program

If you are running TechnoCelebrity as a computer class that students attend for an hour, you
may wish to organize the class in the following manner:

Arrival: When students arrive have them select a computer. They can engage in
TechnoTime activities such as playing online games, until all the students arrive.

Greetings: Once everyone has arrived, it is time for an "official welcome." Introduce
students to the staff. Describe the facility, rules, and schedule. As well, explain
the use of TechnoTime.

Part 1: Complete the activities.

End of Day: Explain to students the end of day routine:

 Students may engage in TechnoTime activities until it is time to go home.

 Before leaving the lab, they should tuck in their chairs and replace their
headsets neatly, log off their computers, organize printouts, and store
personal media devices.

 Shut down the computers.

Note: Complete one Part during each computer class.



Single Day Routine

If you are running TechnoCelebrity as a one day camp, you may wish to organize the day in the
following manner:

Arrival: When students arrive have them select a computer. They can engage in
TechnoTime activities such as playing online games, until all the students arrive.

Greetings: Once everyone has arrived, it is time for an "official welcome." Introduce
students to the staff. Describe the facility, rules, and schedule. As well, explain
the use of TechnoTime.

Part 1: Complete the activities.

Break: After Part 1 is a good time to take a break. All students should take a fifteen-
minute break from the computer. Young children can easily develop eyestrain
when sitting in front of a computer screen. Students should have a snack.
Teachers should make available books, playing cards, balls, and board games
to allow the students an opportunity to play a game with the other children. If
possible, the students should go outside to get fresh air. When students return
from break, they should wash their hands before returning to their workstation.

Part 2: Complete the activities.

Lunch: After Part 2 is a good time to have a lunch break. Explain to students the lunch
hour procedure:

 Establish the designated eating areas.
 Identify the appropriate disposal of garbage.
 Remind students of the location of washroom facilities.
 Where supervised indoor/outdoor activities are planned for a portion of

the lunch hour, explain to students where they are to proceed when they
have finished eating.
 Ensure all students wash their hands before returning to their computers.
 No food in the computer lab.

Part 3: Complete the activities.

Break: After Part 3 is a good time to take a second break.

Part 4: Complete the activities.

End of Day: Explain to students the end of day routine:

 Students may engage in TechnoTime activities until it is time to go home.

 Before leaving the lab, they should tuck in their chairs and replace their
headsets neatly, log off their computers, organize printouts, and store
personal media devices.

 Shut down the computers.



Half Day Routine

If you are running TechnoCelebrity as a half day camp, you may wish to organize the day in the
following manner:

Arrival: When students arrive have them select a computer. They can engage in
TechnoTime activities such as playing online games, until all the students arrive.

Greetings: Once everyone has arrived, it is time for an "official welcome." Introduce
students to the staff. Describe the facility, rules, and schedule. As well, explain
the use of TechnoTime.

Part 1: Complete the activities.

Break: After Part 1 is a good time to take a break. All students should take a fifteen-
minute break from the computer. Young children can easily develop eyestrain
when sitting in front of a computer screen. Students should have a snack.
Teachers should make available books, playing cards, balls, and board games
to allow the students an opportunity to play a game with the other children. If
possible, the students should go outside to get fresh air. When students return
from break, they should wash their hands before returning to their workstation.

Part 2: Complete the activities.

End of Day: Explain to students the end of day routine:

 Students may engage in TechnoTime activities until it is time to go home.

 Before leaving the lab, they should tuck in their chairs and replace their
headsets neatly, log off their computers, organize printouts, and store
personal media devices.

 Shut down the computers.

Note: Complete the remaining activities the following day.



Celebrity Sighting

Celebrities have just been spotted! First, students gather photos of a famous
personality using Internet Explorer. Then they research biographical facts to tell
the audience why this person ranks “celebrity status.”

Assignment 1: Watch E-Tabloid
Assignment 2: Find Celebrity Photos
Assignment 3: Research Celebrity Biography


Part 1: Celebrity Sighting

Getting Started


Celebrities have just been spotted! First, students gather photos of a famous personality using
Internet Explorer. Then they research biographical facts to tell the audience why this person
ranks “celebrity status.”

 Microsoft PowerPoint
 Microsoft Internet Explorer
 Celebrity Biography handout
 TechnoStar sample file
 Celebrity Internet Favorites
 Microsoft Internet Explorer Flashcards (Optional)

Teacher Preparation

 Establish a location where the students will save their work.

 Copy the Celebrity Internet Favorites to each computer in the Favorites location. Follow
instructions listed in the Preparing to Teach section of the teacher guide.

 Copy the Celebrity folder for users before instruction. It contains the TechnoStar sample
file. Follow instructions listed in the Preparing to Teach section of the teacher guide.

 Print the handout Celebrity Biography to be used in Assignment 3.

 Print the flashcards listed in the materials list. (Optional)

Teaching Strategy

In this project, students create an e-tabloid about a celebrity makeover in the form of a
presentation. Explain scenario to students:

In this project, you work for the e-tabloid TechnoStar. As a celebrity
reporter, you write about the activities of a sports hero, model, pop idol,
or movie star. Your article keeps people up-to-date on what the rich and
famous are saying, doing, and wearing. A popular celebrity is going for
an EXTREME makeover. You have been asked to cover the story.

In this part, students look for photos and facts about their chosen celebrity. Explain scenario to

In this part, you gather some “before” shots, as your readers will want to
compare the OLD look to the NEW one. You also research basic
information about the celebrity to include in the article.


Assignment 1 Watch E-Tabloid
In this assignment, students view a sample file of a completed e-tabloid story about an EXTREME
makeover. After viewing the sample, discuss the content of the article.
Summary of Slides

Slide 1: On the title slide is the name of the digital magazine,
TechnoStar, and a byline. Notice the design applied to the

Slide 2: On the second slide is a picture of the celebrity and a short
biography that provides information about the person and why they
rank “celebrity status.” Celebrity pictures and facts are gathered
using the Internet.

Slide 3: On the third slide is a video clip of the extreme makeover,
showing the “before” and “after” images. To create the EXTREME
makeover, students digitally edit celebrity pictures and then morph
the images using FaceMorpher Lite.

Slide 4: The last slide is a text box where viewers can express their
opinions of the EXTREME makeover. Notice the buttons at the
bottom of the slide. They will end or replay the article.

Assignment 2 Find Celebrity Photos
In this assignment, students use Microsoft Internet Explorer to gather celebrity photos. They must
find at least TWO pictures – one image of the celebrity in any pose, and a second photo that
has the celebrity looking directly at the camera. Encourage students to find multiple images, so
that they can pick the “best one.”
When students save the images they must change the file type to Bitmap.

TIP: For students who have never used the Internet, spend a few minutes introducing the



Assignment 3 Research Celebrity Biography

Some background information about the celebrity is required. In this assignment, students gather
basic facts such as name, age or birthday, residence, profession, marital or dating status, and
the person’s "claim to fame." Please note the biographical information is brief in the final article,
only 3 or 4 sentences. For this reason, encourage students to keep it brief. Students complete the
Celebrity Biography handout.

Name: What is their name? Do Age: What is their birthday? To
they have a "professional" name? find out how old they are,
For example: Sean Combs subtract the current year from
(singer, movie and television their year of birth.
actor) is also known as P. Diddy,
Puff Daddy and Puffy. Claim to Fame: What makes this
person a celebrity? Did they
Live/From: Where did they grow make a movie, sing a hit song, or
up? Where do they live now? Do hit a home run?
they have several homes in
different locations? Interesting Facts: What else is
known about this person? For
Profession: Are they an example: What are their likes and
actor/actress, model, sports hero, dislikes?
or rock star?

Marital/Dating Status: Are they
married, dating, or single? Who
are they seeing and for how
long? Is the relationship serious?



Lesson Plan

Assignment 1 - Watch E-Tabloid
 Open the sample file TechnoStar inside the Celebrity folder.
 View the extreme makeover article and add your comments on the “new look.”
 End the show and close the Celebrity folder.
 Discuss the article to generate ideas for students’ own celebrity makeover stories.

Assignment 2 - Find Celebrity Photos
 Open Microsoft Internet Explorer.
 Use search engines to locate celebrity photos. One image can be the celebrity in any
pose. The other image must be of the person looking directly at the camera.
 Save the pictures to a folder in Bitmap file type.
 Close Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Assignment 3 - Research Celebrity Biography
 Open Microsoft Internet Explorer.
 Use search engines to locate information about celebrities including name, age,
profession, residence, relationship status, claim to fame, and other interesting facts.
 Record the data on the Celebrity Biography handout.
 Close Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Learning Objectives
Below is a list of the learning objectives. Students should be able to independently complete
each task.

Content Knowledge:
 generate key words to conduct searches using the Internet
 research interesting facts about a celebrity
 understand the concept of a “makeover”
 understand the term “celebrity”

Technical Skills:

Operating Environment
 open and close a folder
 open a program shortcut
 exit a program
 save an image to a folder

 navigate to a bookmarked website
 locate images and information on the World Wide Web using search terms
 save an image on a web page as a picture file

Applied Technology
 view a sample presentation and write a comment on it
 use the World Wide Web to research facts and locate pictures of a celebrity



Assignment 1: Watch E-Tabloid

Students view the sample e-tabloid file "TechnoStar" to gain
an understanding of the final product and to generate
ideas for their own article about an EXTREME makeover.

Open the Celebrity Folder
 Open the Celebrity folder. Double click the Celebrity shortcut if available.

Open the “TechnoStar” Sample File and Watch the Show
 Double click the file called TechnoStar.
 If necessary, click Enable Macros. The presentation will run on its own.

Add Comments
 Click inside the text box. Type a comment about the celebrity makeover.

Possible comments: Ask students,
 I like the blue hair. "Do you like the
 The hat really suits Simon. new look?"
 Now Simon will be stylish on American Idol.
 What a disaster!
 Simon should fire his stylist.

End the Show
 Click the End button in the bottom right corner of the last screen to exit the show.

Replay button End button

Close the Celebrity Folder
 If asked to Save, click No.
 Click the Close button (X) in the top right corner of the Celebrity folder.


Discuss the Content of “TechnoStar”
Discuss the content of TechnoStar:

 What did this article include?
 Did you like the new look?
 What were your comments?
 What did you like about the e-tabloid article?
 What could make this article even better?



Assignment 2: Find Celebrity Photos

Students use the Internet to find images of a
celebrity. They need to save at least two pictures:

 celebrity in any pose
 celebrity looking directly at the camera

Open Internet Explorer
 Double click the Internet Explorer shortcut

Search for Images
 Click the Favorites Center.
 Click the Celebrity Internet Favorites folder in the Favorites pane.
 Click the Images folder to expand it.
 Click one of the image search links.

 Type celebrity name in the search box and then click the search button.

Simon Cowell Search

 Review the search results.
 If necessary, click on a picture to see the full size image.


Save a Picture as a Bitmap

 When a desired image is found, right click on it and select Save Picture As…

Save the picture
as a bitmap.

Save Picture As…

 When the Save Picture box opens, go to the place where work is saved.
 Type celebrity name 1.
 Click the drop down arrow beside Save as type and change to Bitmap (*.bmp).

 Click Save.

Save More Images
 Students apply knowledge to save more pictures of the celebrity. The more gathered,
the easier it is to select the perfect one to make over in Part 2.

Exit Microsoft Internet Explorer
 Click the File menu and choose Exit or click the Close button.



Assignment 3: Research Celebrity Biography

Students will write a short introduction for the TechnoStar that
lets readers know about the celebrity. Students research facts
using the Internet and record the information on the Celebrity
Biography handout. Students will research the following facts:

 name
 age
 from/live
 profession
 marital/dating status
 claim to fame
 interesting facts

Open Internet Explo7rer

 Double click the Explorer shortcut

Research Biographical Facts

Give each student a Celebrity Biography handout. Discuss how to use
the Internet to find facts. By the end of the assignment the research must
be finished. It is a good idea to review each biography to make sure
each student has completed the handout.

TIP: Younger students often need help finding facts. You may wish to give
these students search tips, keywords, or pair them with a friend who is a
strong reader.

 Click the Favorites Center.
 Click the Celebrity Internet Favorites folder in the Favorites frame.
 Click the Biography folder.
 Choose either of the search engine links that are listed.

 Type celebrity name in the search box. Click the Search button.

Simon Cowell Search


 View the results. Many of them will list a short summary of what the page contains. Read
the summary to determine which site might best provide interesting facts.
 Go to a site by clicking on the hyperlink.

 Read the information on the site.

 Record facts on the Celebrity Biography handout:

 If the site does not provide enough information, use the browser's Back button to return
to the search results and try another link.

Exit Microsoft Internet Explorer
 Click the File menu and choose Exit or click the Close button.



Extreme Makeover

A celebrity is undergoing an extreme makeover. Students are at the scene
capturing this amazing transformation. Whether the superstar chooses to visit a
plastic surgeon, body clinic, or hair salon, it is certain they will walk away with
an entirely new look. Get your camera ready - you do not want to miss a

Assignment 4: Extreme Makeover - Plastic Surgeon
Assignment 4: Extreme Makeover - Body Clinic
Assignment 4: Extreme Makeover - Hair Salon
Assignment 5: Morph a Celebrity


Part 2: Extreme Makeover

Getting Started


A celebrity is undergoing an extreme makeover. Students are at the scene capturing this
amazing transformation. Whether the superstar chooses to visit a plastic surgeon, body clinic, or
hair salon, it is certain they will walk away with an entirely new look. Get your camera ready -
you do not want to miss a thing!

 FaceMorpher Lite
 Saved bitmapped files of celebrity photos (gathered in Part 1)
 Morph sample file
 Celebrity Internet Favorites
 Microsoft Paint(Optional)
 Microsoft Internet Explorer (Optional)
 Microsoft Paint Flashcards (Optional)

Teacher Preparation

 Part 2 Extreme Makeover offers three different types of activities for a fun makeover.
Each activity can be done in isolation or in combination. Review the activities to select
the one(s) most appropriate for your situation.

 The instructions in Assignment 4 Extreme Makeover - Hair Salon are based on the current
status of the makeover websites provided in the Celebrity Internet Favorites. However,
companies do update their web pages, and for this reason it is advisable to “test” these
instructions and make the necessary modifications.

 Each of the bookmarked websites in Assignment 4 Extreme Makeover - Hair Salon
requires registration. For this reason, the teacher should pre-register as a user. Students
can then use the teacher’s username and password.

 Install FaceMorpher Lite on each workstation (provided in the TechnoCelebrity Resources folder or

available for free download at

 Print the flashcards listed in the materials list. (Optional)

Teaching Strategy

As celebrity reporters, students have been assigned the story of a celebrity makeover. In this
part, they design and capture images of the transformation. Explain scenario to students:

You have been assigned the task of reporting on a celebrity EXTREME
makeover. You arrive on the scene to find the person undergoing
tremendous change to their appearance. Grab your camera! You will
want to capture the transformation.



Assignment 4 Extreme Makeover

In this assignment there are three different types of activities for an EXTREME makeover. Each
activity can be done in isolation or in combination. Review the activities to select the one(s)
most appropriate for your situation, student skills, and time available.

The three makeover activities may be combined in any order. If time is limited, choose just one
makeover activity that will be most appropriate for the age and abilities of the group of
students. If students have sufficient time and skills, you may wish to allow them to combine any
two or all three activities in any order:

Plastic Surgery Body Clinic Hair Salon
Celebrity Transformation Celebrity Body Sculpting Celebrity Makeover

Description: Draw, paint, and Description: Select the head of the Description: Visit makeover
airbrush over the celebrity picture celebrity and paste it onto another websites to apply makeup, style
in Microsoft Paint. body using Microsoft Paint. hair, and add accessories to the
For example: For example:
For example:



Assignment 5 Morph a Celebrity

In this assignment, students use the program FaceMorpher Lite to transform the “old look” of the
celebrity into the “new look” that students have just created. To morph two images together,
the “before” image is selected and the “after” or makeover image is selected. The
FaceMorpher Lite software creates a smooth video transition from one photo to the other. The
video is saved as a movie file so that it can be added to the e-tabloid in Part 3.


 Make sure that FaceMorpher Lite is installed on each computer used by students.

 To make the program easy to find, you may wish to place a shortcut on the desktop, as
described in the Getting Started section at the beginning of this guide.

 In order to create a smooth morph of the makeover, both poses of the celebrity should
be full face, or facing the camera directly.

Lesson Plan
Assignment 4 - Extreme Makeover Plastic Surgery

 Open Microsoft Paint.
 Experiment with the paint tools: Pencil, Brush, Line, Curve, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Fill

with Color, Airbrush, Magnifier, Eraser, and Text.
 Open a saved celebrity photo from Part 1.
 Save a copy as plastic surgery.
 Use the Magnifier tool to get a closer look.
 Use the Paint tools to change facial features and hair styles.
 Save the changes.
 Close Microsoft Paint.

Assignment 4 – Extreme Makeover Body Clinic
 Open Internet Explorer.
 Find a new body image for the celebrity.
 Save the picture as a bitmap image.
 Exit Internet Explorer.
 Open Microsoft Paint.
 Open a saved celebrity picture from Part 1.
 Select the head using the Free-Form Select tool.
 Copy the selection to a file. Save the file as head.
 Open the saved new body image picture.
 Paste the head onto the body picture.
 Resize the head and move it into place.
 Save the new look as body clinic.
 Close Microsoft Paint.


Assignment 4 – Extreme Makeover: Hair Salon

 Open Internet Explorer.
 Access an online makeover website using the Celebrity Internet Favorites.
 Follow online instructions for Makeover-O-Matic.
 Print the screen to copy the celebrity makeover.
 Open Microsoft Paint.
 Paste the screen shot into Microsoft Paint.
 Select the celebrity image with the Select tool.
 Save the selection as hair salon.
 Close all open programs.
Assignment 5 - Morph a Celebrity
 Open FaceMorpher Lite.
 Add “before” and “after” images.
 Play the morph video.
 Save the morph video as an avi file.
 Exit FaceMorpher.



Learning Objectives

Below is a list of the learning objectives. Students should be able to independently complete
each task.

Content Knowledge:
 generate key words to conduct searches using the Internet
 understand the concept of a “makeover”
 understand the concept of morphing

Technical Skills:

Operating Environment
 open and close a program
 open a saved image
 use Save As to save a copy of an image

 resize the drawing canvas
 draw freehand using the Pencil, Brush, or Airbrush tools
 select a color from the Color Box
 create shapes using the Line, Curve, Rectangle, Ellipse, or Polygon tools
 fill an area with color using the Fill with Color tool
 adjust the zoom level of an image using the Magnifier tool
 erase an area using the Eraser tool
 add text using the Text tool
 resize and reposition a selection
 select an area to copy using the Select or Free-Form Select tools
 copy and paste a selection to a new canvas
 insert an image onto a canvas using the Paste From feature
 make a selection transparent

 select the before and after images to be morphed
 select a portion of an image
 play a morph video file
 save the morph as an movie file

 navigate to a bookmarked website
 locate images on the World Wide Web using search terms
 save an image on a web page as a picture file

Applied Technology
 give a celebrity an EXTREME makeover
 morph two images using the program FaceMorpher Lite




Assignment 4: Extreme Makeover: Plastic Surgery

For the Plastic Surgery option, students open one of
the saved photos of the celebrity and draw, paint,
and airbrush over the features to create a new look.

To prepare for this activity students experiment with
the Microsoft Paint tools. Afterwards, they use their
skills to give the celebrity a transformation.

Plastic Surgery
Celebrity Transformation

Open Paint OR

 Double click the Paint shortcut
or click Start – All Programs – Accessories –Paint.

 Click on the Maximize () button to enlarge the window to full screen.

Explore the Paint Tools

Using the Paint flashcards discuss the function of each of the tools. As you introduce each tool,
ask students to try it out in order to gain confidence with using Paint. Follow these steps:

Predict - What do you think this tool will do?
Explore - Let’s find out if you are right by trying it out.
Confirm - Were you right? What did the tool do?

Vista XP Steps

Pencil Draw freehand :
1. Click on a color in the Color Box.
2. Click and drag the mouse to draw.

Paint with a brush :

Brush 1. Click on a color in the Color Box.
2. Pick a brush style from the Options Box.
3. Click and drag the mouse to paint.

Pencil Airbrush paint using a spray can :

1. Click on a color in the Color Box.
2. Pick an airbrush style from the Options Box.
3. Click and drag the mouse to paint.

Type words onto the canvas:

Text 1. Click on the canvas to create a text box.
2. Click the transparent style from the Options Box.
3. Use the keyboard to type.



Vista XP Steps

Line Draw a straight line:
1. Click on a color in the Color Box.
Curve 2. Pick a line weight from the Options Box.
3. Click and drag to draw a line.

Draw a wavy line:
1. Click on a color in the Color Box.
2. Pick a line weight from the Options Box.
3. Click and drag to draw a line.
4. Click and drag on the middle of the line to form a curve.

Rectangle Draw a rectangle:

1. Click on a color in the Color Box.
2. Pick a shape style from the Options Box.
3. Click and drag to draw a rectangle.

Polygon Draw a polygon:

1. Click on a color in the Color Box.
2. Pick a shape style from the Options Box.
3. Click and drag the mouse to draw a line.
4. Click the mouse on the canvas to form line segments.
5. Double click to close the shape.

Ellipse Draw an ellipse:

1. Click on a color in the Color Box.
2. Pick a shape style from the Options Box.
3. Click and drag to draw a circle.

Eraser/Color Erase a portion of the picture:
Eraser 1. Click and drag the mouse to erase a part of the picture.

Fill With Color Fill an area with color:

1. Click on a color in the Color Box.
2. Click on an area to fill it with color.

Pick Color Copy a color:

1. Click on a color in the picture.
2. Click Fill With Color.
3. Click to fill an area with the copied color.

Magnifier Increase or decrease magnification:

1. Left click on the picture to zoom in.
2. Right click on the picture to zoom out.

Experiment with Paint

Students should experiment with the paint tools.



Now that students are confident with the Paint tools, they are ready to
give their celebrity an EXTREME makeover!

Open Celebrity Photo
 The Paint program should already be open.
 Click the File menu and choose Open. IF THE MESSAGE, Save changes to untitled
APPEARS, click No.
 Go to the place where the celebrity photos were saved.
 Select an image.
 Click Open.

Save a Copy

Students should immediately save the image giving it a new name so
that when they begin their makeover they do not accidentally
overwrite the original image.

 Click the File menu and choose Save As…
 In the File name box, type plastic surgery.
 Click Save.

Students should have saved the original
image as a Bitmap. If they forgot, now is
the time to select Bitmap from the Save
as type options.



Get a Close Look

It is a good idea to magnify a part of the celebrity photo. That way it
is easier to change.

 Click the Magnifier tool. or

 Position the mouse pointer over the area of the image that needs to be enlarged.

 Click the mouse. If this magnification is not suitable, click the Magnifier tool again and
choose a zoom level from the Magnifier options.


 Use the mouse to drag the scroll bars at the right and bottom of the drawing canvas to
bring a particular part of the image into view.

Drag the vertical or
horizontal scroll bars to
bring the desired area of
the image into view.

Let the Plastic Surgery Begin
Have fun giving the celebrity a "new look".

 Change eye color  Grow a beard
 Change hair color  Add a mustache
 Create a new hair style  Change the shape or color of eyebrows
 Draw eye glasses  Reshape the nose
 Add earrings  Add lipstick
 Make a tattoo  Add or remove blemishes or moles

Save the Changes and then Close Microsoft Paint TECHNOKIDS INC.
 Click the File menu, select Save from the list.
 Click the File menu and select Exit from the list.
 If prompted, click Yes to save any changes.



Assignment 4: Extreme Makeover - Body Clinic

In this activity, students select the head of the celebrity Body Clinic
and paste it onto another body to give them an EXTREME Celebrity Body Sculpting

To prepare for this activity students use the Internet to find
a replacement body. Afterwards, they will use Microsoft
Paint to place the celebrity head into a new body.

For example:

Open Internet Explorer

 Double click the Internet Explorer shortcut

Find a New Body Image

 Click the Favorites Center.

 Click the Celebrity Internet Favorites folder in the Favorites pane.

 Click the Images folder to expand it.

 Click one of the image search links.

Students may wish to search for a
body "type" such as surfer,
dancer, model, or athlete.

They can also search for a
certain article of clothing such as
formal wear, golf wear, or

Or they can look for an activity
such as sky diving, body building,
singing, skipping, or dancing.

 Type search word in the search box and then click the search button.

parka Search


 Find a new body image for the celebrity.

When finding a replacement
body, look for one that is
facing forward. This will make
it easier to place the head
into the new form.

 If necessary, click on a picture to see the full size image.

Save a Picture as a Bitmap
 Right click on the image and select Save Picture As…

Save the
picture as
a bitmap.

Save Picture As…

 Go to the same location as the other saved images.
 Name this file body.
 Change the file type to read Bitmap.

 Click Save.

Exit Microsoft Internet Explorer
 Click the File menu and choose Exit.


Click to View FlipBook Version