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Published by tranwil001, 2018-06-05 15:05:17


Everyday Courage

Table of Contents

**our book is alphabetized by author last name**


Forever Thankful Alyssa Agate Myah Perryman 4th 1

Courage is in the Little Things Kristen Bailey Emily Krimme 6th 4

Bravery is Selflessness Brooklyn Baldwin Jess Baldwin 4th 6

Not Taking “No” For Answer Lexie Barker Anne Barker 4th 8

Grandma Kath Haidynn Bentley Korri Bentley 4th 10
Protected, Adventure, Miraculous, Earnest, Lively, Bonglam-
Acclaimed Ashley Pamela Bonglamphone 6th

Battalions and Blessings Andrea Borders Travis Borders 4th 14

Lived her Adult Life as a Military Wife Hunter Bower Dorothy Van-Riper 6th 17

Faith Through a Heartbreak Ellie Bradford Jane Bauman 4th 19

Hayden Crossland Nykko Burden Hayden Crossland 6th 21

Courage from a Mother, a Sister, and a Friend Mackenzie Burgess Suzanne Burgess 4th 24

Change Megan Calhoun Tess Majerus 4th 26
Jodi Stevens Nevaeh 4th 28
A Firefighter’s Story Dezarae Cassidy Jodi Stevens 6th 31
Bob’s Tales Keith 6th 34
From Singapore to San Francisco Lauren Chang Kenneth Doane Jr. 4th 36
Jacob the GOAT Sean 4th 38
To My Dad Jeff Hayden Cockrell Bob Cockrell 6th 40
Growing Up Bella 4th 42
A Trek Through Life Andrew Cockrell Rachel Cockrell 6th 44
Richard Darland Camille 4th 46
How can a decision change your life forever? Angelica Cox Jacob Shore 6th 48
Miss Sousa’s Mother Sejla 4th 50
A Strong, Independent Woman Devon Crossland Jeff Crossland 6th 52

Culp Gene Holt

Curtland Julie Bradley

Darland Richard Darland

de la Fuente Sandra Palancares

Deronjic Miss Sousa’s mom

Friedman Jennifer

Unspoken Memories Samantha Graves Paul Clark 6th 55
Willy Vanilly Matthew 6th 57
The Life Of Mo Paz Aidan Ha Willy Ha 6th 59
Humanitarian Work in Third World Countries Rashad 4th 62
A Broken Heart Claire Hoyt Mo Paz 6th 65
TJ from Starbucks Hanna 6th 69
The Long Journey Logan Kabir Imteaz Mannan 4th 71
Why Not? Tess 6th 73
Leena Altamimi and Religion Angela Kelso Kevin Jones 4th 76
Jeff Christianson Cameron 6th 78
Endless Experiences Paige Le Toby Jeffrey 6th 81
Courage In A Lifetime Dominic 6th 83
Brenden’s Story! Emma Luangrath Teme Luangrath 4th 85

Majerus Megan Calhoun

Mashinski Leena Altamimi

Moore Jeff Christianson

Munsey Steve Allen

Ochoa Shirley Huyette

Potts Brenden potts

Following Your Dreams Alex Reid David 4th 87
Losing love Amella 6th 89
A Day in the Life of Landon Logan Renner Tommy Renner 4th 91
Courage is Independence Neriah 4th 92
New Peter in the New World Ryan Rogers Landon Rogers 6th 94
A Mother, A Wife, A Teacher Jon 4th 96
Parental Issues Zackary Shamsid-Dee 4th 98
Tough Times Tanner n Jennifer Scott 4th 100
Jana’s Journey From Home Deena 6th 102
Life of David William Statt Peter Moser 6th 104
Khoi: Man vs America Kalvin 6th 106
The Waltons Gracie Tevlin Jeanie Langley 6th 108

Thippraxay Ethan salie

toolson Andy Toolson

Townsen Jana luong

Tran David Tran

Trinh Khoi Trinh

Walton Jenifer Walton

Forever Thankful
By Alyssa Agate

“I wanted to tell her that bald is beautiful in more than just words.”

Myah Perryman, 15, is a student at San Joaquin Memorial High took a toll on me because of how close I got to so many people,
School in Fresno, California. She grew up in Vancouver, especially Sara.”
Washington with her mom, step-dad and older sister. When
asked to describe her mother and sister, she said “Well, my Myah and her sister participating in a cancer run
mom for starters, is by far the most inspiring, kind, big-hearted,
headstrong woman I have ever met. My sister is… well, she’s
been a pain in my butt, to say the least, but what sibling isn’t. I
don’t know where I would be without her either.”

As she was growing up, she was always the sweetest and most
helpful kid in the room. You would never catch her without a
smile on her face, and a yearning to help wherever possible.
From a very young age, Myah knew she wanted to help people,
and go into a career in the medical field. She was particularly
inspired by her grandmother’s doctor while she was in the
hospital with cancer.

At the age of twelve, she moved to Sacramento, California with
her mom and sister, leaving behind all of her friends and the
only life she ever knew. Naturally, this was really hard for a
twelve-year-old girl. Myah decided to start volunteering at a
hospital, to learn more about being an oncologist. This helped
her cope with the move, and made it possible for her to help
people the way she wanted to. “It was really heartwarming to
be able to help so many people at such a young age, but it also


Quickly after she started volunteering, Myah met a young to be so surprised!’ he said. We smiled at each other one
woman named Sara. They became really close, and Myah more time, and walked out of the shop.”
starting volunteering exclusively with Sara’s floor in the
hospital, spending most of her time in Sara’s room. Sara, who Myah shaved her head on August 26th, 2015. When asked
was 29 at the time, had been recently diagnosed with Acute how people reacted and how she dealt with it, she said “I
Myeloid Leukemia. Her and her husband, Luke, had gotten definitely got a lot of weird looks. People stared. I didn’t
married two weeks prior to her coming to the hospital, a week mind it though, because I was doing something to help,
after her diagnosis. Myah describes Sara as “super spontaneous even if it was small. People made fun of me, and that made
and quite the optimist. She was super active, and really lived me pretty mad. I just ignored them though, because their
her life to the fullest until she got diagnosed, and even after ignorance wasn’t worth my time.”
that she loved the thrill of life and thrived off of making her
own, and other people's, lives better. She loved, loved, loved Myah volunteered with Sara until October of 2015, when Sara
animals... She was so kind and free-spirited, and she made the passed away due to a tumor on her brain stem. Myah continued
best out of every single situation.” to volunteer at the hospital until December when she moved to
Fresno. In response to being asked how Sara inspired her,
Myah volunteered with Sara until early 2015, when Sara went Myah says that “Meeting Sara was I think the best thing that
into remission, and Myah went back to volunteering on the has ever happened to me. She came to me at a really tough time
oncology floor. Myah stated, “We were still close. I visited her in my life, and I think that we really helped each other... Even
as much as I could, which was a lot. She had to come back in though we only knew each other for a little over a year, she
July of 2015 because the cancer had spread to her brain.” When watched me grow, and she helped me through a lot. It seems
Sara was readmitted to the hospital, Myah went back to silly when she was the one with cancer, but she listened when I
spending most of her time volunteering in Sara’s room. Sara needed her to and she distracted me from everything I wanted
started chemo quickly after being readmitted, and by August to forget. She inspired me to go out and live my life to the
she had started to lose her hair. Myah wanted to help as much fullest every single day because I never knew what might be
as she could, and say she was there for her in more than just coming. She inspired me to be kind to everyone I met because I
words, so she decided to shave her head for cancer awareness. never knew what they might be going through... I will never
ever forget everything she did for me, and I will be forever
“I sat in the barbershop chair, nervously smiling at my thankful for that.”
mom who was taking pictures. Luke was sitting in the chair
with me, resting his hand on my chair. A silent ‘I’m here.
We’re in this together.’ It was over in 10 minutes. Luke and
I looked at each other, both completely bald. ‘She’s going


After Myah moved cities, she continued to volunteer wherever
she could, and actively participated in cancer awareness
activities around her. Shaving her head was the perfect act of
courage when she was trying to show Sara she was still there,
and she was standing with her no matter what was going to
happen. Sara was extremely courageous in fighting her battle
with cancer, and Myah was courageous in loving her
regardless. Myah is a kind-hearted, determined young woman,
she claims that she will “continue to help people who need it,
wherever and however I can. There's no greater feeling than
helping somebody who can’t help themselves, and I encourage
anyone capable to get out of their house and find somewhere to
get involved.”


Courage is in the Little Things
By Kristen Bailey

“Courage takes a certain strength of mind, and not everyone has that at the same time.”

Emily Krimme is the assistant librarian at Shahala Middle dismiss the idea. Courage is sometimes in the little things that
School. She used to work as a librarian at Illahee Elementary count.
before she worked at Shahala. She has two kids. Kaitlyn is Emily switched careers recently to do what she wanted to do,
thirteen and Matthew is eleven. She hopes to someday be a doing what she loved and was passionate about. It took some
head librarian. She is someone I look up to and she teaches us work and a large amount of courage. “Some days it took a lot
that you can be courageous without having to be in a war, to be of work.” Remember, she has two kids. She is a mom and has
a police officer, or to be in other dangerous jobs or situations. plenty of work to do, and to switch careers, to go back to
She is courageous for just being herself and doing things school really takes a great deal of courage, but she did it and it
people do everyday. is awesome! She loves to work in the library. She has said that
some days, it asks much of her. She is amazing to be able to
Her father had to quit his job because he began to have a lot of keep up with everything.
seizures. She and her siblings were young and their dad had to
go back to school to get his bachelor's degree so he could get a
new job to support his family. He was an amazing example
them and has influenced her in a way because she too went
back to school to switch her careers.

“It is really hard for me to get up in front of people and when
Kaitlyn wanted to do a duet with me, I would accompany her
on the piano while she plays the viola.” Courage can be
different for everyone. Not everyone could see getting up in
front of people as a courageous act for them. But it was for
Emily and it’s amazing she did it because most people, when
faced with something difficult would immediately say no and


Her kids also surprise her with their little acts of courage. Age
does not matter and kids can be courageous too. “My kids are
courageous. Kaitlynn, who used to be really shy, signed up for
a volleyball class. She also tried out for the play; the first time
she didn’t make it, but she still tried out the next time too! And
Matt is always trying new things.”

Courage can come from anyone. It's not all about the big acts,
like being in a war or saving someone's life. It can come from
the quiet person or the scared person. Emily Krimme is
courageous in her own way just like everyone is.

She also has a bunch of amazing ideas about courage, “A lot of
times people think its brave to do stupid things but a lot of
times they think peer pressure is bravery. It's not courageous to
do dumb things or to do harm someone else.” Things that harm
someone else are not courageous, or else murderers would be
considered courageous. “The best way to be courageous is to
just be true to yourself. If you can be courageous to just do that
then you will be ok.”

“My hands were sweating with nervousness. Was I really
doing this? When Kaitlyn asked me earlier that she wanted
to do a duet with me, I was excited! But now, I'm terrified.
Why am I doing this? I don’t perform in front of people! I
wiped my hands and took a deep breath. I could do this.
This is for my daughter. She asked me to do this for her. I
won’t back out now, I can’t back out now.”


Bravery is Selflessness
By Brooklyn Baldwin

“In my line of work it does not require bravery. It requires somebody who wants to make a positive change.”

Jess Baldwin grew up in Orem, Utah where he lived with his In his line of work, helping work with troubled youth, it takes a
eight siblings. When deciding what he wanted to do for his considerable amount of bravery to get up and do his job every
career, he realized that he had a talent for working with day. Although he doesn’t feel brave in the moment, people
children, especially those who were at risk. He himself had a close to him are able to see small acts of bravery and recognize
relatively good childhood with parents who cared for him and the courage put into his daily routine.
provided for him. He had his life figured out, and he wanted to
do whatever he could to help at risk children figure out their “In my line of work it does not require bravery. It requires
own. somebody who wants to make a positive change for
somebody. But… you will be placed into situations that can
Jess has had a few different jobs where he worked with be kind of scary. My wife could never do my job. She
children who were behind in school, gang affiliated, teenage doesn’t get how I do it sometimes. She thinks I’m crazy…
parents, e.t.c. In his career he does his best to improve the lives She knows what I do, she understands there’s times where
of these children. There are certain children he has worked with she was like, ‘Oh my gosh! I hope you don’t have to go! I
that have been in dangerous situations, or created dangerous hope you don’t have to do this!’ and to me it is not a big
situations for the people around them, but he still loves the kids deal, but sometimes, it kind of worries her so my wife might
he works with. feel like I’m really brave, but to me I’ve been doing it so
long I know how to handle these situations.”

Three years ago, Jess was put into a situation he will never
forget. While he was working at Summit High School in Utah,
he was working at a group home for the children attending that
school. The school had many children who find themselves in
unsafe situations and at-risk students who might be doing
poorly in school. In this group home there was a place called
the Green Room where kids can let out their frustration and


punch holes in the walls when they get mad. One day when going to lose my job because I’m not going to do this right,
Jess was working at that home one of the students became very because there are state laws of how you can actually put
angered. kids in holds, but I didn’t care. I straight-up just leaped
across the room and tackled this kid. I came from behind
“So this Green room, this kid is down there, he is just and just tackled him and just took him right down on the
angry and mad, then one of the staff members goes down couch. I was just yelling ‘Go call 911!’ and I was holding
into the room to check up on him, and it was a female staff this kid as tight as I could but the whole time he was trying
member. This is an all boys group home and they are all to head-butt me. I think I was holding him for a good two to
sex offenders. So this kid is just angry, the staff member three minutes and finally, I felt his body just collapse in my
goes down to check up on him and within a few minutes we arms.”
just started hearing voices raised. One of the other kids
said that I should probably check up on them, so I’m kind That is the kind of work Jess always did on a day to day basis.
of torn because I can’t really leave the other kids to be He found himself in situations where he could risk losing his
alone, because they will do sketchy things, but the other job, but he felt the need to jump in and help someone in need.
part of me wants to go check in on the girl, so I went down
the hall and checked on the room. As soon as I opened the When put in tough situations where Jess needed to know that
door it was just crazy. The kid was yelling, swearing, he’s he could be fired, but he accepted that and did whatever he
threatening the lady, then he looked at me and pointed and could to help the circumstances.
said, ‘You take one step and I’m going to chuck this…’ and
he picked up this big metal heavy chair and he said ‘I’m Today, Jess still works with at-risk children brave, he en, and
going to chuck this chair at you!’ So I said, ‘Hey, hold on. shows a considerable amount of bravery going into work each
I’m just making sure everything's okay.’ and then he took day. Each day, there is a new possibility for another frightening
the chair and chucked it at the girl. So it went by me and situation to happen, and every day Jess faces those possibilities
tried to hit the girl. The chair missed and then he picked up and goes on working with a brave face. In the end, he believes
his table and threw it to the ground. He was just going that true bravery is doing things for the sake of others and not
crazy and the female staff member tried to calm him down yourself. Bravery is selflessness.
and confronted him. So she was trying to be brave, but she
tried to calm him down, then the next thing you know he
grabs her and starts trying to throw her to the ground and
she was trying to get out. I didn’t know when I should have
intervened. Next thing you know he took a step and I saw
his hand come up and a fist form and I was like, he’s going
after her. I didn’t think twice. I was thinking, I’m probably


Not Taking ‘No’ For an Answer
By Alexia Barker

“We went from doctor to doctor to see what was wrong, and when the doctor and all the other doctors
went ‘oh she’s fine, she’s fine’ I basically left my job…”

Anne Terese Barker is a mother of three and has been happily knew in my gut that something wasn't right, but it explains
married for eighteen years. She grew up in West Linn, Oregon everything. What was I going to do now? My eldest
for the majority of her teen years and now lives in Camas, daughter was legally deaf. Was I going to learn sign
Washington. She has had numerous jobs before finding herself language? Was I going to put my daughter in a deaf
enjoying pediatrics for children at Story-Book Dental with an school? I would do anything for my daughter because that's
old friend that opened up his own practice. what mothers do. They love their children unconditionally.

Even with the happy life of a great job and a loving family, it “This scenario, as there are lots of parents, they're in it kinda
hasn't always been the easiest. Anne has had her fair share of on their own. They're having to figure out it all and to me,
fighting for her kids’ education so they would become that's very unfair for these people that are trying to give their
successful and benefit in the long run. kids the best. There is just negligence of resources. I pretty
much had to figure it out all on my own and it was very
One of the many struggles that the mother-of-three had to face frustrating. I always try to advocate and help other children and
was when her eldest daughter was legally deaf up until she was parents that don't know what to do because there’s not a lot of
five-years-old. “We went from doctor to doctor to see what information on how to help your kids out there.”
was wrong and when the doctor and all the other doctors went
‘oh she’s fine, she’s fine’ it wasn't until I basically left my job Anne has had to struggle with the education system with each
in retail so I could have a Monday through Friday job with of her kids for years and when she sees all kinds of patients at
normal hours to take you to different specialists to find out her job, she tries to help parents who are trying to advocate for
what was going on...” their kids. She tries her best to lead them to the right path due
to her own experiences in the past.
After all the trouble of going doctor to doctor, I sat in my
seat calmly, finally having the answers I was looking for. I


Anne shows great amounts of courage for not taking ‘no’ for
an answer. She believes that there will always be an answer to
when it comes to your kids and to keep pushing for what is
right. Even when it was difficult and frustrating during those
times, Anne did not stop fighting. She wants to spread her
message to parents who are having difficulties with their
children and are trying to benefit from the limited resources.

“It was good to finally get some answers when we learned that
you couldn't hear. We’ve been questioning doctors for years. It
was finally good to get that answer but now it was, ‘We know
this, but what are we going to do?’ Once you get answers, then
you get different variables, like questions come up when you
just start. It's like a math equation, you start tackling those
variables and see what works and what doesn't.”

The mother of three also wants to express that if you don't feel
that something isn't right, trust your gut and seek answers.
There's only a short amount of time before children start to
grow up. It’s best to intervene at a young age to able to get
phenomenal results in the future.

Anne’s children are all successful academically in school. She
is pleased with the outcomes that the past stress has brought
over time and is a happy and proud mother who works hard
every day.

She has shown how mothers around the world can be
courageous in day-to-day life. Be brave and keep moving
forward for what comes next.


Grandma Kath
By Haidynn Bentley

“I think I took it for granted, I just thought you were always gonna be around.”

My grandma, Kathleen Sturm, was 54 years old when she September 11th, 2014 is the day my grandma passed away; we
passed away. During her lifetime, she endured a great deal with all got to say our goodbyes. But that still doesn’t keep our
her health. When she was 17 years old, she was diagnosed with hearts from hurting. My grandma persevered through so much
ovarian cancer while pregnant with my mom. When she was 43 and for that she is my biggest admiration.
years old, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, then a few
years later when she was 47 years old, she was diagnosed with
kidney cancer. Her final cancer was when she was 54 years
old, and she was diagnosed with breast cancer again. My
grandma was a very very strong person and she was my mom’s
rock. In August 2014 she decided to come out, oxygen tank
and all, to Vancouver because she was living in Montana at the
time; it was her last visit here as well as our last time seeing

While she was visiting, we took her on a camping trip
which was one of her favorite things to do. When we got to
our spot we set up her oxygen station outside our trailer,
popped the window out and strung her oxygen cord
through the trailer window. That was an interesting
process. She had cracked open a bud-light and of course
she had to put Clamato in it because it wouldn’t be
grandma’s beer without it. She had her little Kindle and
was opened to her game of solitaire. Her smile, her laugh,
her voice - it’s just an impression that doesn’t leave your
head. She had so much fun with us and our group of
friends, it was a weekend to remember.


Protected, Adventure, Miraculous, Earnest, Lively, Acclaimed
By Ashley Bonglamphone

“We would get through this, rewinding the same five words over and over in my head nonstop, as if it was my
favorite song that I would play everytime it ended.”

Pamela Bonglamphone was born and raised in Vancouver, Although Pamela would be able to visit during Winter and
Washington throughout her life. She graduated from high Thanksgiving break, there were more days where she would be
school in 2016 and is currently in her second year at in Pullman due to the heavy amount of snow. During her first
Washington State University. As a high school student, Pamela year as a freshman she decided to try a sorority, a sisterhood
did not participate in any extracurricular activities, since she allowed her to make new relationships with her close friends.
wanted to focus on her school work. Every day after school she She wanted to try something new since she was not in any
would come home and do her homework and would have lunch clubs as a high school student.
with her mother.

After graduation, she was admitted to Washington State
University in Pullman which was six hours away by car.
Having to leave her hometown made Pamela nervous since it
was a new environment, but her older sister works as a nurse in
one of the hospitals there so she would have one very close
family member near her. After leaving Vancouver, she was
able to meet new people and developed a friendship with her
roommate, but she also missed home. Pamela missed her
family, the comfort of her house, and her mother’s cooking.

One of her favorite memories of her childhood was when her
family went to the river and had a picnic. It was filled with
laughter and smiles from each of her cousins, especially when
they played a game of baseball.


strong, that she was a warrior who would overcome and
fight cancer. I kept telling her that we would get through
this rewinding the same five words over and over in my
head nonstop as if it was my favorite song that I would
replay every time it ended.”

Pamela made a pros and cons list, and in the end, she decided
to return back to Vancouver to help her mother. At the end of
her first year at WSU, she packed up her things and left her
dorm. She left her sorority, friends, and the small town. She did
keep in contact with her friends she had met. Once she returned
home her parents welcomed her back.

As a child, Pamela’s mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, Now she takes her mom to the doctors and helps her mother
but it was at an early stage, and doctors were able to get rid of around the house. Pamela is also continuing her studies at
it. One day Pamela was informed that her mother’s cancer had Washington State University in Vancouver, she also joined the
returned she had to make a decision, either to stay in Pullman Asian Pacific Islander club where she met new people and
or return back to Vancouver to help her mother. reunited with her old friends from high school.

“I was Facetiming my mom after my classes like I usually “Leaving Vancouver and living in a different environment
do, just for us to check up on each other. She would ask me helped me be more independent, as well as shaped me into
how school was and if I had already eaten like any other who I am today. Leaving my home and parents was also a
mom would do. Then out of nowhere, she told me she was big change because I would have to look after myself to
diagnosed with breast cancer again. I didn’t know what to make sure I wouldn’t stress out too much from the
say. Deep down in my heart, I just wanted to let out all the workload; this included having to prepare meals for myself
tears, but I did not want to show them while I was on the every day. Change can be uncomfortable, but it’s important
phone with my mom. I wanted to show my mom that I was to embrace it because there is actually something to learn
out of it. Coming back to Vancouver was also difficult
because I had left many of my friends I had met in Pullman,
but using the skills I learned from there I was able to learn
more about myself as an individual, and I wanted to help
my mom as much as I could. Overall, I would say my


family, especially my mom, influenced me the most because
she pushes me to be the best version of myself I can be. My
mom is my role model. She has gone through mastectomy,
chemotherapy, and radiation. All these measures are scary
but she’s been so strong.”
Through the challenges and hardships Pamela has faced, she
was able to overcome them. She is the most caring person you
will ever meet. We can all learn so much from her. Pamela
describes courage as being able to ‘follow your heart’ and
‘being okay to stand up for what you believe or support,’ which
is exactly what she did. She followed her heart and did what
she thought was best.


Battalions and Blessings
By Andrea Borders

“When you’ve been in enough situations where there’s real pressure to perform, and you have a goal that needs
to be achieved, it doesn’t take you long to figure out that something is better than nothing in almost any

Travis described himself as a shy, quiet, and well-behaved boy Travis grew up in Lincoln, Illinois and later moved to
when he was young. He spent the first 12 years of his life in Vancouver.
Illinois with his family, where he passed the time with who he
describes as ‘the most important people’ he’s known. Travis While in high school Travis and his three closest friends felt a
stated during his interview that he’s been influenced the most draw to the military, but Travis explained that the main pull
in life by his aunt Carol, his sister Rhonda, and his father Ron. was to “the glory and comradery we saw in the movies.”
Before moving to Vancouver, Washington, Travis said he Travis’ friends enlisted in the army and later went to boot
learned strength and unconditional love from his aunt and camp. However, he stated in the interview that he had enlisted
sister, and said “They really let me know [in their actions] that to a different branch and explained, “I had to make my
they were going to love me no matter what.” Travis continued adventure grander than theirs so I enlisted in the marine corps.”
by saying that his father gave him his sense of duty and work Sadly, Travis failed to graduate high school. A high school
ethic, which lead to him respecting the military deeply. diploma was an obligation for anyone enlisted in the marine
corps, so Travis waited another few years before enlisting
again at the age of 23. Travis enlisted again, this time in the
army, and commented on the age difference between himself
and other recruits, “There was an age gap of at least 2 years
between myself and every other man there.”


Travis didn’t feel one way or another about basic training. He “In the spring of 2004, I was attached to an armored
laughed to himself when describing the role his age and battalion of the army charged with patrolling an area south
maturity played in his attitude, saying, “When you’re being of Baghdad that had formerly been home to one of the
told to do one thing for the sake of a lesson and you can largest installations of Saddam Hussein’s republican
already see the obvious conclusion of the exercise, you don’t guard. We were encamped a short distance from the main
need to be taught an object lesson. It’s a little more north-south roadway used to transfer troops, rations, and
frustrating.” Travis fondly remembers the people he met while supplies between locations in central Iraq at a location
in the military, some of whom lost their lives during their known as forward operating base Kalsu. Ensuring that our
service. When asked about friends and acquaintances in the segment of the roadway was free of explosives and ambush
service he replied, “Dozens. Hundreds of people I served with was our responsibility. There was a great deal of
that I remember very fondly.” Travis described his time on corruption in the remnants of the Iraqi police force and an
deployments as fairly average. The main focus when asked active insurgency within the area and we were frequently
about deployments was fun and games. “We mostly stayed attacked via rocket as well as mortared and fired on with
happy by making sarcastic jokes and going through it small arms. It was dangerous to move supplies on the
together.” roadway and we were never short of ammunition, but we
were often short of food and water for bathing. Canned and
15 bagged rations were mostly what we received and after a
couple of months of those it didn’t matter how hungry you
were, they were pretty unappetizing. When I was ordered to
travel north to Baghdad to deliver a briefing at the main
task headquarters I was somewhat eager. Camp Anaconda
was the name of the installation located at Baghdad airport
where all the highest ranking individuals from the armed
forces of all the nation participating in the occupation of
Iraq were housed. With that much brass comes things like
fast food, a swimming pool, convenience stores, real
bathrooms, and a movie theater. I hadn’t had a shower
other than pouring a bucket over my head in about two
weeks so I thought that sounded pretty good. When my
superior and I arrived we went straight to the operations
center for the briefing but it was too late in the evening to
travel back to our post. We wandered the installation on

foot with plans to stop at the nearest dining facility and Travis is now a veteran and is living with his wife and two
binge but as we were walking by the swimming pool we daughters. He stated that he was very thankful for his
spied a bit of heaven. There was a round table pizza booth efficiency and sense of duty that he’s retained from being in
with about fifty troopies standing in line in front of it. the military, saying, “I don’t think I regret a single thing I’ve
Waiting is second nature in the Army so we thought nothing picked up.” After being in the military Travis believes the
of jumping in a line that size. We’d been there about twenty experience has made him a more level-headed man and is
minutes when there was a mortar impact about 200 meters thankful for the time he served. Travis attributes his good
from the line. There were the usual shouts of “incoming!” fortune to God, and was confirmed in the Catholic church on
and almost everybody broke into a run for the nearby Easter 2017.
bunkers. Some of us were pretty used to being shot at and
were reluctant to abandon the line but as the rounds got
closer the line kept getting shorter. There are actions
you’re supposed to take in these situations and there were
soldiers shouting at us to get in the bunkers. I strongly
considered getting in the bunker, I even discussed it with
my buddy who was in line with me, but we decided that we
were a long way from our immediate superior and we
wanted some pizza. The last round of the attack landed
about a hundred meters from us and by then there were
only four guys standing there. We were first in line. Best
pizza I will ever eat.”

Travis spoke about his gratitude to his wife, Heather, for caring
for him after his deployments. He said, “My wife was just very
understanding, she didn’t condemn me for it even before I had
any kind of idea of how extreme my behavior was, because I
didn’t realize it until years later.”


Dorothy Van-Riper: Lived Her Adult Life as a Military Wife
By Hunter Bower

“Enjoy what you have, and always remember no matter where you are you will always return home, it isn’t
forever, and just accept and enjoy the rare experience that you have.”

Living as an adult as a military spouse can be hard. Dorothy is
one of those military wives, she lived her adult life with her
husband serving in the U.S. Army. Life is not only hard, but it's
also stressful for both parties. Dorothy had to be at home with
the three kids, worrying about her husband at the same time
and wondering if he was alright, while her husband is also
overseas serving his country.

She said not all of it is dark and scary, there are bright sides to When asked if she had any advice she had quite a bit to say. To
being a military wife. She couldn’t have done it by herself, start off with the advice, she had for military couples was that
though. Help from her mother-in-law, her sister, and her no matter where you are, it isn't going to last your whole life.
parents helped her get through the pain. Even though all of You have to bring in the rare experience that you have and
those things did help her, she still was scared for her husband's enjoy it. Then she had advice for teenagers that are looking at
sake, because of the fact that she had no idea what was joining. She says there are great opportunities and career fields,
happening overseas. as well as your college has the potential to be paid for,“Enjoy
what you have, and always remember no matter where you are
With all of the different things that were happening since her
husband was in the military, she had to adapt. Though with all
of the adapting they had to do during their life, she never
thought anything was a burden to them.

She loved the opportunities to travel and meet all the different
people. She was embracing the new lifestyle instead of looking
at it as dragging her down.


you will always return home. It isn’t forever, and just accepts after minutes of squeezing my way through I got out of
and enjoys the rare experience that you have.” cherry tree. We all hopped in the car and drove to the
airport to pick him up. He lost so much weight, that he
You would think after what she knows about war that she didn’t even look the same. I almost didn’t recognize him. I
would be against her kids going into the war, but you would be had to do a double take, he looked that different.”
wrong. When asked if she was in support of her kids joining
the military, she said her husband would only let them join the
military if they went into the Air Force.

One of her favorite memories from being a military wife is
from the years of when they were stationed in Germany. The
reason why is because they didn’t have military housing, so
they lived on what they called Economy in the German
neighborhood. They were very fortunate with the people they
lived with, because they were always inviting them to
gatherings and making sure that I was never left out.

She also said some of the hardest things about him being away
is having sole responsibility for the kids and their safety. The
Vietnam war was especially tough, she was always wondering
about his safety.The second time he was deployed in Vietnam,
she saw on the news that his motor pool had been bombed, but
he called her as soon as possible to let her know everyone was
alright, and that they brought cars out as soon as it happened to
get everyone out.

“I was out in the yard, picking cherries from a cherry tree.
Then I overheard someone yelling from the top of their
lungs DADDY'S HOME. For the life of me though I could
not get out of that tree. It felt like someone had placed
gorilla glue on me. I was fighting with myself over, and
over again to get out of that tree and move my legs. Finally,


Faith Through a Heartbreak
By Ellie Bradford

“If you can be positive, if you can be an optimist, it usually works for you. It doesn’t mean you totally forget
about it, but you learn from it, and you learn to appreciate the good even more once you’re through it.”

What does it take for someone to have courage? Does it take In 2008, she went through a divorce with her husband. In 2015,
fear? Experience? Age? How can someone be able to face the she was remarried in Bountiful, Utah to her husband, Charles
challenges in their life fearlessly, with a smile on their face? Bauman. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2016,
How is it possible to suffer so deeply and still be able to get up and passed away on Mother’s Day of 2017.
every day?

Jane Bauman has had to practice courage many times in her
entire life, in situations when she has had to make a big change,
or move away to the unknown. When she had to push through
something that could have put her past her breaking point, she
was able to stay strong and endure courageously through her

Jane Bauman was born in 1940, in the city of Akron, Ohio. She
grew up in Ogden, Utah in a nice, quiet neighborhood. She
played outside in the summer, had friends that she played dolls
with, or went riding bikes with. She moved to Pleasant View
when she was 10, and lived there until she was married to her
husband, Robert Rhees.

She is blessed with eight children, 35 grandchildren, and 13
great grandchildren. She loves art and music, spending time
with her neighbors and friends, and gardening. She goes to the
gym everyday, and even enjoys dabbling in interior decorating.


What helped Jane get through such a hard experience? When important it is to count your blessings, even in the midst of a
asked this question, she said that it was her family, her friends, trial. “Know that there are people pulling for you, there are
her religion, her scriptures, and simply trying to keep a positive people praying for you, and to enjoy the good things you do
perspective. She needed to have the courage to get up and go have in life while you’re going through it, so you can continue
every day, no matter the heartache that she was feeling. to keep a perspective.”
She defines courage as, “the strength to do the things you know
are right; to follow through with your convictions.” She says She stresses the importance of finding the happy in life, and to,
that it means having the strength and also the commitment to “realize that everything happens in your life for a reason. I
do what’s right, no matter how hard it is or how many won’t say for good, but I’ll say for a reason. And the reason
hardships it might bring. When her husband passed away, Jane usually is that you will learn something from it, and you will
needed this courage everyday. She was committed to getting up eventually get through it.” The positive in your life can then
and loving and serving everybody around her. overpower the negative - because there is always something
positive to look forward to.
In order to have this courage, she
needed something to rely on, and It’s human nature to want to hide the pain, to want to
she needed to trust that there put it away in a cubby hole and visit it only once in a
would be light at the end of this while. You’ll never really truly forget about the pain;
dark tunnel. She has, “always felt the feelings of sorrow and sadness can never really
that doing the right thing, if not leave. But, with time, you learn from it. You appreciate
immediately, will eventually the good and the happiness and the beauty in your life
prove to be the right choice.” even more. You see how amazing trials can be in your
Jane has also had to stay positive, life. Sometimes you need to embrace the pain, realize
not only for herself, but also for that sorrows will come. But open up to happiness… and
everybody else around her that felt the pain that she did. She when it’s all over, you’ll realize how amazing the good
had to think outside of herself, and see the need of people really is.
around her that needed love and support just as much as she
did. Jane Bauman had the strength she needed to endure the loss of
her husband. She is a light to everyone around her with her
She encourages people to focus on all of the good in their lives service and her example of courage. She encourages everyone
instead of dwelling on the sadness. She talks about how around her to look for the good in their world, even when
everything seems to be going downhill. She is an example to
me of how to be brave.


Hayden Crossland
By Nekolyous Burden

“I remember one time I got fed up with all the homework so I went into the school bathroom and tried to flush it
all down, which only clogged the toilet.”

At the first glance, Hayden Crossland would seem to be your schools piling up with what seemed like endless hours of
typical high school student. Hayden lives in Vancouver, homework, Hayden finally snapped.
Washington and attends Union High School as a sophomore.
The recent years of his life has been spent here in Vancouver. After class, I gathered the endless stacks of homework I
The first 8 eight years however, Hayden was located had received for the day. The usual routine was becoming
elsewhere. harder and harder to cope with, the amount of stress I
gathered at school just to bring it home with me was
Hayden lived in the closely built homes of Japan for 8 years insane. I felt a little voice in the back of my mind say, ‘You
until finally moving to the United States. While living in Japan, don’t have to do it if it’s gone.’ With a mischievous smile
he lived an average life there. He attended school then after on my face, I raced towards the nearest bathroom. I slowly
that, attended another school which created two school days in opened the door, hoping not to get caught I cautiously
just 24 hours. He played instruments just like the other checked every other stall. Yes! No one else is in here. Then
children, he had to do countless hours of homework at night I headed into the largest one in the back corner. I open my
just like the other children. bag and took the hours of homework my teachers had
assigned. I quickly dumped it all in the toilet. Then I
Growing up in Japan, Hayden’s family refused to allow flushed it. I felt a wave of horror and regret as the water
internet in their home, which forced Hayden to wander outside started rising and eventually overflowed the toilet.
and follow his curiosities throughout his local cities to explore
every nook and cranny that he could possibly find. Along with the stressful hours of school and homework,
Hayden struggled to be accepted into the popular kids. There
Life in Japan wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, Hayden was were many instances where Hayden was laughed at and teased
plagued with hours upon hours of homework, after leaving for being bigger than the other kids. However, he eventually
those long, drawn out hours at school, Hayden was forced to figured out that their words meant nothing( of course he had
attend another school, that same day! With both of those gotten into one or two fistfights before then).


This all changed when his family announced that they were None of his friends lived within walking distance anymore; he
moving to the United States. This was a whole new world for had to call them to see if they were home before he even
Hayden. He had many conflicting emotions as he so thought about making the long trek to their house.
desperately wanted to stay with his friends. He was also
excited to experience the new unfamiliar world of America.

One of the first things Hayden was faced with was the
language barriers. He was confused why no one else spoke
Japanese. He was placed in classes that would help him learn
English and catch up to the other students.

His normal ways of life were turned upside down. His parents The school system was completely different. Hayden wasn’t
finally got internet so he could explore anything he wanted, drowning in work as much as he was in Japan. He also felt
whenever he wanted. The way he met up with his friends were extremely empathetic for the janitors here in America because
completely different. He walked out of his house trying to visit they had to clean everything. It seemed as though the kids
his local store, then noticed that it was 6 six miles down the would just make messes but never clean them up.
road from his house.
To help adjust to these new and strange changes, Hayden
adopted the hobby of model making. He would make models
of airplanes, both military and commercial. This would remind
him of Japan because he always had a special connection with
his father through the military. Hayden’s father’s presence was
scarce but impactful as he was enlisted in the military.


To this day, Hayden still creates model planes that represent
his strong bond with his father as well as his militaristic past
and future. These planes are just one of the many escapes from
the new, strange world which he lives in.


Courage from a Mother, a Sister, and a Friend
By Mackenzie Burgess

“I knew I would always have my family to be there and support me when they knew I needed some guidance.”

Suzanne Burgess is my mother. She is the mother of two. Even through all the positive memories her family and her
Suzanne was raised in Wenatchee, Washington in a small share, every family has their rough spots or situations that may
house of five. She lived in Wenatchee up until she went to cause some disagreement. When Suzanne was a kid she had a
college at the University of Washington where she met her small eating disorder called tongue thrusting which ended up
husband, Aryn Burgess. She went through college with many causing stress and controversy in their household. She had to
positive experiences that have shaped who she is today. do lots of exercises at home that she would not want to do.

Suzanne has always been super close to her family, Father,
Mother, and two siblings, Ella and Jeremy. Up until today, they
share a bond my mother has cherished for her whole life. As a
child her family would take long road trips across the US,
stopping at many landmarks and visiting family.

I remember sitting in the car windows rolled down as I got
sandwiched between Jeremy and Ella in our little compact
car, Mom and Dad singing some 80’s pop while the three
of us hum to the rhythm. We would have times where we
could just talk and be open about everything. Or we could
be as silly as we wanted, playing games, laughing at dad's
not-so-funny dad jokes, and watch mom sing to her heart's
content. Knowing we were about to reach a breathtaking
landmark, all the limited space I was able to stretch out
was all worth it. Just sitting in this car, all five of us
together, was one of my favorite moments we all shared


I would always despise the thought of having to do special
exercises to fix my swallowing habit. There was one
exercise I had to do that I absolutely hated. I would have to
tie a string to a button and put it between my lips to see
how much strength I could pull with my lips. That feeling
was just uncomfortable and felt like it wasn’t even helping.

Growing up, she always had many friends who pushed her to
do her best as well as her family. When Suzanne was in
elementary school she was very reserved. She didn't like to be
center of attention but liked to be around many people. When
she was about nine years old, she joined a circus arts group
where she learned to juggle, tumble, and perform in front of
people. She remembers that she had pushed herself on her own
to try something new and from doing that she learned a good
life lesson, that you should always try new things because you
never know if you will like it until you try it. Suzanne has
carried that mindset and has shared it with her kids. Suzanne
has helped both of her kids find a passion that they love doing
and being involved in.

As she got older she realized how many people had impacted
her life and helped her become a strong, independent, and
smart woman.


By Megan Calhoun

“I regret not standing up for myself more in middle school or being more confident.”

Tess Majerus is a sixteen-year-old girl who has lived in Despite the drastic changes, she went from a sheltered life to
Vancouver, Washington for her whole life. She currently one where she learned about the world. Tess discovered
attends Union High School as a sophomore. She enjoys volleyball in middle school, which lead to her realizing the
listening to music and experimenting with mixed media in her people around her changes and affects what kind of person she
free time. is.

Tess had an uneventful elementary school life until she had to “​The people you're around can affect who you are,” Tess
move. This led to her griping about having to leave her ‘little professes. “For example, if I’m on the court and I'm
neighborhood’. She had a hard time accepting change and the playing with varsity level players, I'm going to play up to
fact that she had to leave her friends and their quality bike time that level because they're there to support me and I can get
behind. Although opposing the change in school life, Tess set up for better hits. They have a higher skill level and they
successfully integrated herself into her new elementary school, can pass that on to me and I can learn from what they’re
Illahee. She made some new friends there and adapted to her doing to better myself. So I feel like when you're around
new life until she graduated from elementary school. people with that higher mindset, I don't need to be mean,
and I don't need to dress super well or spend a ton of
Once again, Tess had internal struggles of accepting the truth money on clothes and stuff like that to be a good person. If
that she had to go to yet another new school with few friends. you surround yourself with those people I feel like they'll
This led to panicking and reading many books on what authors affect you and change you to be the best version of
think middle school is like for teens. By the end of summer, yourself.”
she feared middle school due to how adults had portrayed
middle school and the ongoings of what may happen. She Throughout middle school, Tess’s friend group slowly changed
assumed that people were all rude and popularity was for the better. She asserted that certain friends have changed
something really important. One of the reasons why she was so her views and opened her eyes to new topics of interest. Tess
worried was because she had no friends at the new school. This showed herself that change doesn’t necessarily mean
is due to the fact that she was told by a friend that she didn’t unpleasant results, and can end in satisfactory reactions.
want to be friends with her anymore.


Starting high school, Tess is much more prepared and ready for
changes. She is able to create more meaningful relationships
with people she actually cares about and has cut out the toxic
people previously in her life.

Tess was able to learn from her mistakes of despising change
to being able to more easily accept the consequences of what
change can bring. In her high school career, she has many
goals and prioritizes her schoolwork to better her future. Tess
aspires to be a role model, to be an example to younger people,
and to know what to do with her life.

She reminds both herself and others to embrace change and
take a step into the unknowns to take initiative. Tess proclaims
that courage doesn’t have to be a big event, but can be the little
things that remind people of how big of an impact they can
have on one person’s life. She stresses the fact that people
should be reminded that they are of value to themselves and
others. Their impact on themselves and others provides a
unique experience for everyone around them. She claims that
the people around you will often be very different and can
result in big changes.


A Mother’s Job
By Nevaeh Cassidy

“How do you model that everything will be alright in that kind of a situation?”

Jodi Stevens was a teacher and a single mother to teacher said that they were a great
her son Jamison. She was a loving mother who did because they were intelligent animals
everything that she could for him. She took good (versus something like a gerbil). His
care of him despite being on her own She raised him name was Luke Skywalker. He escaped
well, to be a good student and athlete. Jamison was a three times, and we got him back with a
very good strong athlete, but one day was hit with a live trap and peanut butter.The third time
curveball. Luke Skywalker was too smart and didn't
come back.
Jodi raised Jamison to be a strong good person. She ;Jamison found him in the toilet
always fixed it when things went wrong, making her drowned. As a mom I remember just
son her main priority in life. Being a parent in wanting to save :Luke Skywalker and fix
general is hard, and although she doesn’t consider him, and make it better. It was dead.”
being a single parent any different Despite this Jodi
made the best life possible for Jamison. This story may seem small and slightly
silly, but it took courage to have to be
Stevens was new teacher and worked hard to give there and say that everything is alright
her son the support and care that he needed. She had because to little Jamison this was sad and
already been through some struggles in life such as an emotional time he didn't understand
dealing with her dad's alcoholism. Despite this Stevens was a what was going on. Jodi had to model for him that it was okay
happy, outgoing, and loving person. Her and her son did well and that they could get over it.
on their own living in an apartment in Vancouver for the first
part of Jamison’s life. Jodi recalled a story of what she Jodi was a role model for Jamison. She modeled for him how
considered a small life change from when her son was little. to get through hard situations, how to be cheerful in even the
worst of times and how to see the good in everything. Jamison
“Then he was four and we couldn’t have pets in the house went through his life learning all of this and worked hard to
that we were renting and so he; I got him a rat because his make his mom proud. Jodi put Jamison in sports like most


parents do, and he loved them. He especially had a knack for and distraught. She wanted to fix everything, make it better
basketball and football. He played them all through middle for him, but there was nothing that she could do except be
school and high school. But then his senior year Jamison got there for him. However, this was hard because this was a
hit with some painful and unexpected news. tough situation. She couldn’t make this go away. All she
could do is be as supportive and loving and help him
Jamison went in for his sports physical his senior year and through it.
that's when he got the unexpected news. He learned that he has
Long QT, a heart condition where athletes get a rush of
adrenaline to their heart and go into cardiac arrest. The
condition is very scary and Jodi had to show large amounts of
courage for him when she learned this.

“H​ e went in to get a sports physical like normal, and they
did a EKG because they started this new program where
they gave everyone EKG’s. He called me and told me he
had to go to a heart specialist. They diagnosed him with
something called Long QT and he had to immediately stop
playing sports.long QT is not curable. That's all he knew
his whole life. The news was devastating. He immediately
lost his identity. He had always identified as being an
athlete. His future goals revolved around college and
playing. His friends were all athletes. Now, suddenly...he
wasn’t that anymore. It took a very long time for Jamison
to adjust to this diagnosis. He was angry for a long time.
He started hanging out with friends that didn’t play sports,
and who didn’t really like school. Maybe he felt
comfortable with them during this time? ​Of course Jamison
was devastated as this was his senior year. This was the
year he was supposed to play varsity sports for everything,
and the fact that he had to stop hurt him. It was extremely
hard for Jodi as well seeing her son, her child that she
wanted to protect and make as happy as possible, so upset


silver lining to every bad situation. She’s still not sure if
they’ve seen all the good from this situation, but they’ve seen
some of it.

Jamison is now 26 and has a son of his own named Chancellor.
He knew that there’d be a 50/50 chance that his son would
have it. They hoped for the best but the adorable three year old
tested positive for Long QT. At first the family was of course
upset but they decided to make the best of it and they knew
how to handle it since they went through it with Jamison. They
now have him in music lessons. As a grandmother to him Jodi
has to show courage for the both of them. As Chancellor gets
older, and doesn’t understand why he can’t play physically
straining sports, she will have to show courage and support for
him like she had to with her son.

“I remember the drive home from Seattle after the first visit With everything that Jodi has been through positive and
to the Children’s Hospital, I cried and cried. I didn’t know negative shes seen the silver lining and and made something
how to make this go away for my son. He didn’t say a word good out of even the worst situations. Everything that she’s
in that car ride back to Olympia. I knew we had a journey been through has made her a better parent, teacher and overall
ahead of us. And how do you go forward from that. How do person and if anything else in life hits her she will make the
you model we can get through this?” best of it and make sure that something positive comes out of

This wasn't some little situation that could be easily overcome.
This was something that took time for Jodi and Jamison to get
over and become okay with. Ms. Stevens now sees this as a
good thing that happened. She believes that her and Jamison
are both stronger because they went through this. During our
She believes everything happens for a reason and that there’s a


A Firefighter’s Story
By Dezarae Chang

“Firefighters put their lives in other people’s hands. They have to go put their lives on the spot.”

Each hero comes from a place called home. Kenneth Doane Jr. He didn’t realize that he wanted to be a firefighter until he was
came from Honolulu, the age of 35. As a child, he didn’t have a dream to be anything
Hawaii. Kenneth had a as an adult. He had just gone with the flow of life. The people
very adventurous life. whom he had grown up with like his brothers, cousins, and
Growing up, he had uncles had all been firefighters. Captain Doane then made the
moved to many places decision about becoming a firefighter when he was about 35
around the world. years of age. Captain Doane chose to be a firefighter because
Kenneth moved around he loved to work as a team. As a person, he didn’t only think
the world because his about himself, but he also thought about other people and how
father was in the Air he could help them if they were in need of help.
Force. He was forced to
move to different places After about a year of training, Doane finally became a
when his father was firefighter, and he would be so for another 35 years. He loved
transferred to another the people that he worked with and the people who made him
base. He first moved to happy that he was a firefighter. When he has to go into a
building, he has to think about all the things that he has to do to
Baltimore, Maryland right outside of Washington D.C. for two get the people in the building out safely and get him and his
and a half years. After that, he then moved back to Honolulu partners out also. He loved being a firefighter. He was a great
for four years. He then moved to a city right outside of Tokyo. firefighter, and that’s why years after being a firefighter he
He lived there for about four years and he really enjoyed it. became a fire captain and enjoyed being the fire captain in the
While he was there, the 1964 Summer Olympics had taken house he was placed in.
place. After living in Japan for four years, he then moved to
Montgomery, Alabama. When he left Alabama and moved I woke up and it was already a great day. The sun was
back to Honolulu for the last time he was at the age of shining through the windows. I had gone downstairs to go
seventeen. He then lived in Honolulu for 48 years. Now he is say good morning to my wife, Stephanie, and my grandson,
67 living in Vancouver, Washington, a place that he now calls


Alex. I had gone to the station and everything was going Now, he’s making the people in the station put passion into
well. Then, there’s a little boy that walks into the station their job. Sometimes, he has to be the bigger person by going
and that yells “My cousin, please help my cousin!” All of into the building himself and looking at what actually is
us were confused, so all of the firefighters that were on the happening inside of the burning building. At times, he has to
truck had rushed and we went to a waterfall. We couldn’t think about how to get the people out of the room and outside
find the boy that the other boy was talking about. After before the building burns down so they don’t burn down with
about fifteen minutes, we found the boy that had been the house.
sucked down under the waterfall. We brought the boy out of
the water and starting to give CPR. After five minutes At times, there were moments
passed of giving CPR the EMT had shown up and they had when he didn’t know how the
done CPR also. After a while, we wondered where the little people were going to get out
boy that got us to help his cousin was and he got the boy’s and how he was going to get
mom. We had already known that the boy was announced out himself. He thought that
dead. EMT still took them to the nearby hospital. his life was going to end right
at that moment. He thought
Firefighters are the people who help us in the world that we that there wasn’t a way out,
live in, not only in fires but also when you need some medical but then he found some way
help. Kenneth was going through so much, shown by the calls out and got out safely.
that he had received during his time of being a firefighter.
As a firefighter, you know
that you’re putting yourself
out there into a building that
you don’t know what’s inside.
That’s what makes firefighters the safe people and the people
who help other people.

It was a long night and a long day before. I knew that when
I had to go back to the station it wasn’t going to be for a
good reason. When I got to the station the firefighters were
anxious. We had to go to a fire that was on the mountain.
When we got there, there was the truck that my brother
rode on to get to the mountain. The truck was in the way of


the fire. We had tried to move the truck but the mud that building to help the people that are in there or if he would have
was under the truck had made it stuck. After trying to move to pull anyone out of the building.
the truck, the fire got to close to the people and they were
forced to move out of the way. The truck then caught on As Kenneth got older, he did everything that everyone else was
fire. No one was hurt, but I still think about who could have doing, but as he got too old he had to retire. After 35 years of
been hurt. pain and sorrow, he retired. Kenneth is now in Vancouver,

Going into a fire may sound courageous to some, but when Washington, living with his
many go into a burning building, they just do it because it’s family and living life to the
their job. On the flip side, there are some people just like fullest. He has worked so hard
Kenneth that have a big heart and do it because they can help to put himself out there to help
people in need. the people in his community
for that long. He has had to
Firefighters put their lives in other people’s hands. They have move all over the place but still
to go put their lives on the spot. They all have different aspects manages to be a hero. Kenneth
of life and how they want to live. Firefighters try their best to Doane, thank you for your
help not injure the world with what they're trying to do with service.
their lives on hold. Kenneth still takes charge when being a
firefighter. When he changed into a different position, Fire
Captain, he had to make sure everyone was doing their jobs
and had their head in the game when doing the things that they
do on shift. On an everyday basis, the firemen have to clean
and change everything to see if all works correctly. While
everyone is working, Kenneth comes in and he sees if the
equipment is good enough to use while they are on a call.

When Kenneth gets a call he has to be in charge of the people
that are on the truck with him. He has to think about all the
people that are in the building. The firemen have their radios
that they use to communicate with each other. Captain Doane
has to decide if they would need to send anyone into the


Bob's Tales
by ​Keith Cockrell

¨I looked down at the view of the entire city, and that was one of the most comforting and relaxing moments I´ve ever had in my

Bob Cockrell

Bob Cockrell was born in Kansas City, Missouri, and he was butt of jokes, and he was picked on for his size. He was often
one of the three kids. He was the middle sibling of two sisters, encouraged by his parents and mentors to find friends, even if
one older, and one younger. He was always small growing up, he wasn't accepted at first. Bob used this advice and gained the
and he was always the smallest kid in class. Being introverted courage to gain friends later in high school, and he joined a few
as a kid, he made a few friends here and there. He enjoyed clubs here and there. His favorite subjects were math, science,
simple hobbies with his few friends, such as model cars, cap and history, so he focused on a future in engineering. One of
guns, and building structures out of craft materials. the biggest hardships in his life was when he applied to MIT
for college, but he received a rejection letter instead of being
However, making friends became even more difficult when his accepted. This opened up an opportunity though, because he
family started moving, after almost every year. His father was went to Northwestern University instead with his older sister.
in the military, being the sole reason of the family moving so Bob later graduated Northwestern University in 1972, spending
often. His father was in the military because of no formal five years in their engineering program. This opened up doors
education as a kid. He quit school in the ninth grade to find for him, leading to a job right out of college. He was a hard
work to support the family, which his father couldn't do worker, and he knew he had to save money right away in case
properly. Since his grandpa was an alcoholic, Bob´s father of emergencies.
learned to stay away from alcohol, and teaching the same to
Bob as a kid. Bob´s father also knew the true meaning of hard Later on in his life, he moved to California, and he stayed in a
work, since his family went through life poor, and they house in Hunters Point, San Francisco. The house was nice,
experienced the worst of the Depression. and it sat on top of a hill, overlooking the city. It was a rougher
area in the city, and Bob learned about what went on there. As
Growing up while changing schools was particularly hard for life went on, he recalled one of the times he was troubled, and
Bob as a kid. Since he didn't have many friends or extra how he couldn't sleep that night.
curricular activities, he focused on his school work and then his
hobbies. Since Bob was a small kid, so he was sometimes the


It was around 2 or 3:00 in the morning, and I was restless.
So I went upstairs and found my comfortable chair. I
looked down at the view of the entire city, and that was one
of the most comforting and relaxing moments I´ve ever had
in my life.

Bob lived his life in the city of San Francisco, moving around
jobs as a civil engineer. He enjoyed his job, and he finally
landed a solid career at a company called BCCI. It developed
buildings in the city; this included helping with the
construction of the Palace of Fine Arts, a popular tourist sight
in the city. As an introvert, this helped him focus on himself,
even as an adult. However, if his boss needed him to talk to
new coworkers, he was shy but he found the courage to do so.

Opening up to people wasn't one of Bob´s strengths, but as he
grew up, he realized how important friendships were, and how
real friends and family would help him in a time of need. Bob
also liked to have closer friends, rather than a group of distant
people that felt like associates. This realization also helped him
gain a better work attitude, and he developed better social skills
that were needed for his job.


From Singapore to San Francisco
By Lauren Cockrell

“I lived with strangers I had never met before.”

My mom, Rachel Cockrell, was born in Singapore and raised the United States. After the long 18 hour flight, I was
there until the age of 17. She had trouble in school, as the driven from SFO (San Francisco International Airport) to a
education system was very rigorous from third grade forward. small rural town two hours north called Ukiah, California.
This is her story about how one American teacher was able to I didn’t talk at all on the drive up, as I was overwhelmed by
transform her life, by helping her transfer her education to the how different everything was. One main difference that
United States. shocked me, was seeing dead grass and brown fields on
either side of the road. It was so dry, that if a lit match was
She met an American teacher at her school in Singapore while dropped, the whole terrain would be in flames. I had come
he was visiting to learn more about international schooling. He from lush and beautifully green Singapore. I had never
realized what position my mom was in and immediately seen dead plants, let alone such dry barren land. Soon,
wanted to help. She would soon be kicked out of school and when I arrived at the sponsor family’s home, and they
have no options for work - had he not been brought into her greeted me with open arms. They were a Christian family
life. Like I said before, she was a horrible student, and had bad that housed, fed, and took care of me while I finished my
study habits. Singapore’s education system does not offer last two years of high school.”
second chances. After years of not meeting high standards,
they give up on trying to help a student through. His plan was Continuing her life away from home was pretty challenging
to take my mom to the United States, so she could continue her and difficult, even after finishing high school. Some days my
education and succeed later on in life. mom had extreme homesickness, and it was rough getting
through the day, but in the end it was all worth it.
He willingly arranged for a sponsor family in California
through a church to take care of her while she could continue Rachel never regretted coming to the United States alone at a
her education. young age. If she hadn’t made the trip with the help of that
American teacher, she would not have made it far in the
“It was my first time away from my family, and my first workforce, because of her lack of a strong educational
time riding an airplane. I was just 17 years old and was foundation.
leaving my country of Singapore to further my education in


Once she finished college, my mom settled down with a job
and house in San Francisco. She’s gone back to visit Singapore
ten times in the last thirty years. Every time my mom goes
back, it brings feelings of joy and of sadness. All of this would
never have happened if Rachel didn’t have the help from a
selfless man, a loving second family, and the courage to leave
her home, for a better future she didn’t know existed.
From Singapore to San Francisco...


Jacob the GOAT
By Sean Cox

“I don’t consider myself a hero. I consider myself a GOAT."

Jacob Shore is just an ordinary person just like everyone else, But of course, the thing he takes the most seriously is
but he has a few things that he takes the most seriously, video basketball. He has liked basketball since he could remember.
games, basketball, and school. Those things are the what he Jacob has been playing on a recreational team with all of his
relies the most on as his source of courage and happiness. He friends for about a year because of the competitive nature and
isn’t the most outgoing person out there, but when he’s around he is able to play with his friends. He always tries his best and
his friends he’s often more outgoing than usual. Jacob doesn’t gets frustrated when he has a bad game or when he loses. After
really like others, and it’s hard for him to make friends because those bad games, he works harder than he did the week before
of his shyness. so it won’t happen again.

Something that Jacob takes seriously was school. He takes a
few hard classes like AP Biology which means lots of
homework and dedication to get good grades. Jacob eventually
wants to go to college and that is the reason he has enough
courage to get through all of his classes for the benefit of his
career and lifestyle.

Video games is something Jacob values a lot. A few games
Jacob enjoys is Fortnite and NBA 2K. These games allow him
to interact with people all around and be able to make new
friends. This is a way Jacob gains courage because he usually
isn’t as outgoing in things but when he does things he likes and
is good at, it allows him to become more confident and be able
to use the things he learns in these games in the real world, for
example, his ability to show courage in talking to others and
making new friends.


I got in the car after the game, being frustrated and I
couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was one of the worst
games I’ve ever played. I kept thinking about how I let my
team down and how it was all my fault. As we got home my
dad called me into his room to have a talk with him. He
encouraged me and said, “These games happen, try not to
hang everything on yourself.” He also wanted me to start
thinking more about others and to be more engaged with
the team and people in general. After we got done talking, I
immediately went to the park with some of my teammates
and practiced the whole rest of the day. It felt good to gain
courage from someone else other than myself. Now,
whenever I get the chance, I always make sure that I try to
encourage others that may be going through a tough time
or need to have more courage.

It’s not just basketball that allows Jacob to gain courage. He
has gained courage in helping and standing up for others
instead of keeping to himself. That one talk with his dad
allowed him to not get too down on himself, to stand up, and to
keep practicing basketball and courage.

Today, Jacob has changed a lot in the past few years. People
wouldn't recognize him from before - that’s how different he is.
He has taken more of a leadership role in some clubs,
especially basketball, and this allows him to be more
courageous than he was before. As well as him gaining more
courage and getting better at showing it, he has become much
better at basketball and school because of the new courage he
has found.


To My Dad, Jeff
By Hayden Crossland

“People are doing things they don't want to do every day. Some people don't have courage, some people can't
even go out of the house.”

Growing up in Japan with Hayden’s father being in the Navy Jeff would tell his son how tough it was growing up; kids
was a bit hard. Jeff lived on base whilst his son stayed at his would resolve things with their fists and fight over everything.
grandparent’s house with his mother off base. Hayden visited However, because of his childhood, and the unfortunate events
him every weekend, but it felt like it wasn’t enough. When that happened, it made him who he is today. Jeff, a humble,
Hayden was little, he didn’t know why his dad was always understanding, and caring person with a big heart.
gone; his mom told him he was deployed doing a mission, but
Hayden didn’t know why. When his dad wasn’t deployed, they June 3rd, 2008. Location: Unknown. Jeff posing in front of an
would usually go out for lunch every weekend and spend as amazing view of the ocean during one of his deployments.
much time together in the two day time frame. It wasn’t until Growing up as a rebellious daredevil, the Navy sounded like
Hayden was older that he got a clear grasp of why his father the last place he’d want to be. After asking why he joined,
was gone all this time. “I wanted to put a better structure on my life and I wanted to
start over and learn a new career.”
Jeff had a pretty rough childhood growing up. He made it
sound like it was nothing in this interview but there’s a whole
lot more to it. He said…

“I was adopted actually, when I was a three month old by
my mom. I lived in North Hollywood for about eight years,
and my parents divorced. I went from there to Woodland
Hills with my new new step-father and my mom. And we
lived there for about eight years and I ended up moving
(to) San Diego, then Colorado and just went on my own for
a little while. I started building houses and learned
construction and I enjoyed it, I had a good time.”


When Jeff was younger, he made choices many would people when they need my help, and the freeways man, it takes
probably avoid due to how dangerous it was or because some courage to drive on one of those. Some days are good and
thought it was stupid. Given he was a daredevil, it had to come some days are horrible and you wish you never even woken up
to an end sooner or later. After feeling hopeless and lost, he that day.”
saw the Navy as an opportunity.
After Jeff said that, it made sense now. Courage isn’t always
“Well... accepting the things that you cannot change, you something extravagant like Chris Kyle or being a hero.
have to do what they want you to do and you have to do it Courage is conquering your own obstacles, whether that’s
how they want you to do it. It’s a big blow on somebody doing something you’d see in a ​Mission Impossible ​movie or
especially that wasn't used to that. I wasn't used to that sort something as simple as getting up and leaving your bed.
of treatment. I knew it was going to be challenging, but it Courage is what you make of it, it comes in all shapes and
didn't stop me.” sizes. It’s a matter of how you see courage.

This was his response after asking him what the hardest thing
was about the Navy. He spoke with a humble tone, as if he
already knew what to say. A genuine response.

Jeff was asked what his definition of courage is shortly after.

“Courage is to do the things you are afraid to do and to accept
the consequences whether they’re good or bad.”

After chatting for a bit, Jeff was asked where he sees everyday
courage, he responded…
“Everywhere. People are doing things they don't want to do
every day. Some people don't have courage, some people can't
even go out of the house.”

The response wasn’t very clear so a follow up question was
asked on how he displays everyday courage.
“Well... I get up and I go to work everyday, I don't want to, but
I do. I go to work and I do the best I can and I do my job. I help


Growing Up
By Bella Culp

“I had been wandering the streets of Portland alone since second grade. I pretty much grew up without

Gene Holt grew up just over the bridge in the heart of Portland, “This morning was the wet run. We had to crawl under 100
Oregon. His mother had recently divorced his father who had meters of barb wire fencing as they shot machine guns off
been sent overseas to fight in World War II. With his father out above and had small explosions next to us. We had to do
of the picture and his mother running the boarding house, Gene two wet runs in a day. It's a lesson easy to remember when
Holt was left to wander the streets of Portland with his friends. you're crawling through the mud: keep your head and keep
At age nine his mother passed away. He and his sisters spent a
small stint in foster care, but eventually, he moved in with his
grandmother because no one would adopt him, only his sisters.
Life never drastically changed; he still lived in Portland and in
a house with borders in it. His father was still deployed at the
time and had no interest in discharging to take care of him and
his two sisters.

Growing up, all Gene Holt did was play basketball and roam
the streets of Portland. He always had a hot meal at home
waiting for him, but unfortunately, many of the meals were
tasteless due to food shortages because of the war effort.

In high school, Gene was never the star student because no one Gene grew up struggling to find a purpose or reason to try with
cared if he was. Part of the reason his grandmother never cared no one there to push him when he wanted to quit or to
was it is a cultural thing. Gene and his family are German. If he encourage him to be his best. He never made it to any civil
failed or if he succeeded, it never mattered to him. Finally, he rights movements and when he said no, I asked, “Why? Why
decided to enlist in the army like his father.


not? This was an amazing part of history. How could you miss
it?” Gene simply responded, “I had to work for every penny
that I had. I didn't have time to help. I had to survive. I didn't
have parents or family that could support me it was just me.
Clocking in. Day in and day out.”
Courage. It is such a unique term, so complex yet so simple.
Courage comes in all different shapes and sizes. Some courage
is saving a life, protesting for equality, some courage is going
off on your own in life with no one but yourself to depend on,
or working four jobs so you can pay rent and eat. The smallest
act of courage is simply trying to live your best life.


A Trek Through Life
By Andrew Curtland

“I realized I'd forgotten to have fun, and I think that kind of flipped the switch in me, that I was having
fun and even though I was a little bit scared.”

Julie is the previous scoutmaster of my Boy Scouts troop. The quote above is her description of one of the excursions
Throughout her life, she has gone from learning a love of with her father when she was younger.
outdoors and adventure to experiencing it in many different
ways. In doing so she has learned skills both for use outdoors As well as being a scoutmaster, she was a member of a hotshot
and her daily life. This is only a portion of her story. fire crew. On this crew, she had to work hard to keep up with
others who had worked with fire for years, in cases where a
Early in life, Julie hiked a lot with her dad and his club that single mistake could mean the death of a crew member.
went on different adventures in the outdoors. However, the times that she was scared more than any other
were in treks with the crew when they were low or out of food
“In that group, we used to go up the gorge just a little bit and water instead of fire. This is due to the excitement that the
and go rock climbing onto private property, and my dad firefighting caused and the joy that she gained from doing that
has some very good friends that I knew quite well, one of work.
them Don Kemper, and we go rock climbing, my dad was
there, and we were as well, I remember. I was up on this As a parent, she has raised a son, Liam, into a proud Eagle
little space, and I was breathing hard, and I could smell the Scout. She described raising her son as being both something
dust, and then I could see the ants, and I was just very that made her fearful and that made her grow as a person, and
aware of how I was clinging to this rock, and I think I was she learned to see the opportunities her son would get and
a little bit fearful, and Don yells up to me, ‘Julie are you accept the differences between them.
having fun?’ And was all of a sudden I realized I'd
forgotten to have fun, and I think that kind of flipped the Another avenue for courage in Julie’s life is her experience as a
switch in me, that I was having fun and even though I was a scoutmaster of a Boy Scouts troop. This avenue was different
little bit scared.” from all other places she had worked before because in this
one, she was in charge. At first, she didn’t want to take the
role, but it came down to someone with a part-time job and a
single kid versus someone with five kids and a full-time job.


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