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Published by tranwil001, 2018-06-05 15:05:17


Everyday Courage

around seemed strange. It was cold and dark by the time
we claimed our bags and went outside to wait for our ride.
We were all bundled up pressed together to keep warm.
When the car arrived we noticed that it looked rather small
to carry all of our bags. The first trip was taken by my
father and brother, leaving me and my mom to wait in the
airport with the rest of the bags. We stayed for what
seemed like hours and sleep took us several times. It was a
wonder no one took our bags. When my father came back
we loaded up and left, destined for a hotel in Vancouver,
Washington. This was a new start for me. Everything about
this place seems weird and strange I don't know how I’ll
ever adjust. But those thoughts are for tomorrow, tonight I
need to sleep.

One of the many challenges Peter had to overcome when living
in Vancouver was the sheer weather contrast. Peter was used to
scorching hot temperatures at all times with little to no rain or
cold days. However when Peter came to Vancouver he was
greeted with rain, snow, and clouds. The bright beautiful days
that lasted for months on end were gone, and he he admitted to
feeling a little depressed by it. The biggest challenge for him,
even now, is to keep his spirits up during the cold days, and the
rainy days and the many months where the sun hides away. In
his words, “the summers here make it worth all the rain.”


A Mother, A Wife, A Teacher
By Jonathan Tevlin

“Out of everything I do, being a mother takes the most courage. I’m fairly new at being a mother - it’s only been
three years. It took a lot of courage and seven years for me to finally become a mother.”

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little When I asked Mrs. Langley what her personal definition of
voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.” courage was, she said ‘courage is taking a risk and persevering
-Mary Anne Radmacher through it.’ When I asked Jeanie using this definition how she
shows courage, she hesitated. She was at a loss for words. She
Jeanie Langley is a math teacher at Union High School. She’s couldn’t think of how she showed courage.
been teaching at Union for two years now. Before she started
working at Union, she taught at other schools with younger
kids. Her classes currently consist mostly of freshmen, but she
also teaches alternative math classes for older students. The
freshman she teaches are new to the school and she often has to
condition them out of the middle-school mindset and into a
more mature mindset. She teaches five classes a day and she
gets second period as a prep hour. Jeanie gets a 30-minute
lunch which she normally spends mentoring students. She also
dedicates hours throughout the week in which students can
work with her before and after school. She dedicates hours of
her own time to her students.

When Mrs. Langley gets home from work, she starts another
job. Mrs. Langley is a mother of twins. She has a daughter
named Bristol and a son named Elliot. Bristol is one minute
older than her brother Elliot; her kids are three years old. Her
son Elliot was diagnosed with Autism at age two. Even though
Elliot is high functioning, he keeps Mrs. Langley busy.


It took me 7 years to get pregnant. It was horrible, I was
constantly trying new things. I saw many different doctors.
I had surgeries, but nothing seemed to work. That time of
my life was hard for me. My friends were having kids, they
were always jealous of me for not having any kids, but I
was jealous of them because they did have kids. Not to
mention throughout those years I had doubts about being a
mother. I feel a lot of guilt, I spent so many years trying to
be a parent and I’m not sure that I’m enjoying it. I asked
for this, I fought for this, and I’m not sure where it’s going.
Out of everything I do, being a mother takes the most
courage. I’m fairly new at being a mother; it’s only been
three years. Being a mother keeps me busy. My son Elliot
was diagnosed with high functioning autism. That amounts
to a lot of appointments with doctors and trying to find the
right schools. It’s hard, especially with twins, but I am
passionate about being a mother.


Parental Issues
By Zackary Thippraxay

“I sat there while the fear rushed through my veins as my parents were arguing."

Ethan Salie is similar to all sophomores in high school. He had did separate he ended up being with his mom full-time and
a caring grandmother, he enjoys being with his friends, and he hardly seeing his father because he would never come to see
enjoys listening to music such as Logic and Kendrick Lamar. his son. He and his mom lived with his grandmother and the
But Ethan has been through a lot of problems throughout his thing that gave him the courage to get the thought of not seeing
life, and each one of these things burrow fear into his mind and his dad was the music that played through the house. Some
body. Some of those challenges is his parents being divorced, songs he remembers was the older songs such as Vanilla ice’s
moving from house to house, and hearing his parents arguing “Ice Ice baby” and “As Long As You Love Me” by the
every night. Backstreet Boys.

One of the struggles that he faced was his parents being The major
divorced. As a kid, Ethan would go to his room as he pretended incident he
to sleep under his coral reef themed blanket. He could hear his has to face to
mother and his father screaming at each other. During the this day is
interview he stated that he could feel the anger in his mom's moving
voice screaming at his father such things as “don’t touch me” around to
and “I am going to leave because I can’t handle your attitude.” different
Hearing things fly across the kitchen and hitting the walls with places to
a loud thud. Something that gave him the courage to keep his sleep. When
hands over his ears and to try and block everything out was his his mom
loving grandmother. She gave him the courage to not cry every decided to
night. move out of
her parents'
Another thing that would bring fear into his innocent mind was home, Ethan
when his parents went through a divorce, not knowing if he would live in
would be staying at his dad's house or his mom’s house. Would small
he get to choose which parent he would stay with? When they


one-story houses in neighborhoods that didn’t always feel
safe,where there would be crimes every four hours such as
fourth plain and the drug infested areas of downtown
Vancouver. any hour there could be a robbery to a gang
shooting (and this was all happening a block away from where
he slept). Ethan also moved a lot because his mom could not
pay the rent while she was trying to keep her child fed. At
times he and his mother were forced to live in small
one-bedroom apartments. One thing now that rips the fear
away from his skin is his friends that bring joy and help him
forget about moving from house to house.

“To me what I went through would not be considered an
act of courage. It feels like it was just something that I had
to live through because I can’t not do anything to help out
my mom to pay the rent, because I was not old enough to
work. To me, courage is standing up for someone who
needs it, and I could not help my own mother when she
was at her worst. When I hear that someone stood in front
of a knife for two strangers and sacrificed his own body to
save them, at that moment I think damn that is what real
courage is.... But when I hear someone say my name and
relate it to courage, I don’t know why they would say that I
was courageous because all I did was sit there. I did
nothing to help my mom in those hard times.”

Today, Ethan Salie has changed quite a bit from
when he was younger. He now is a respectful young man
who now knows about other people and how feel .He also
learned what they are going through because of his own
experiences. So what you do if you were in Ethan’s shoes
or his mom’s shoes?


Tough Times
By Tanner Toolson

“Take one day at a time do the best you can. Look at things with a positive outlook when it seems like dreary

Andy Toolson is a ordinary person in the eyes of some, but in provide for. He was looking for any and every job he could
others he is anything but ordinary. What he loves most are his find to support for his family and pay for his house, “It was a
family, basketball, and his job. He has played basketball since he hard time for me and my family but I had to work multiple jobs
could remember. He would do anything for his family and he tries because I couldn't have my family struggle.” He showed
to do his best at his job. These things bring out the courage in him courage because no matter what, he was dedicated to finding as
because he had to work very hard to make it to the NBA. He had to many jobs as he needed to pay the bills when he could have
support for his family and went to any means necessary to support just quit and struggled through it. He did not give up, and he
his family, and tries to help his coworkers at his job. kept fighting to keep his job alive. When asked how he
responded to these events he said, “I took one day at a time,
and did the best I could to dig out of a hole. I looked at things
with a positive outlook when it seemed like dreary times.” He
showed courage through this tough time because he looked at it
as a challenge that could be taken on and tried to look at
everything with a positive outlook. Andy also takes his job
very seriously he would do any job to get the bills paid. When
asked if he considers himself courageous he says, “Yes,
because I am willing to fight through difficult challenges and
am committed to work hard each day to succeed.” This shows
how committed he is to any of his jobs.

During the economic downturn of 2008-2009 he was put into a These were tough times with our financial situation, and I
very tough situation having to do anything to support his had to provide. I was willing to do anything for our family.
family. He was especially targeted because he had stocks in I had to have the courage to keep working to get us out of
the stock market and had six children at that time that he had to this slump. This was a hard trial, but I know that I have


grown because of this. I have come out a more courageous Throughout his lifetime he has had plenty of ups and downs,
and an emotionally stronger person because of these trials. but these trials are only opportunities to grow as a person and
show your courage. His love for his family, basketball, and his
One other thing Andy values is his basketball career. He played job has made him show courage throughout his life. All of
from when he was young through high school and more. He these experiences have not all been easy, but have drawn the
went to college at BYU and played all four years of eligibility. courage out of him and now he is a better man than ever
After college he then signed with the Utah Jazz for an NBA before.
one year contract and that is when his basketball career started.
His hope of playing in the NBA was high, but then his hopes
were suddenly squashed when he got cut after his rookie year
with the Jazz. He returned stronger and made it to the NBA
five years after his rookie year. He played 11 additional years
in many different countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain. He
showed courage throughout his career because he played for
many a variety of ball clubs. When he was cut by one team he
would have to have courage to bounce back and get back to
playing on a different team.


Jana’s Journey From Home
By Deena Townsen

“To jump over your fear and do that thing you are afraid of, that is courage.”

Jana was born the oldest of three children. She lived in among them. The people spoke quickly and it sounded
Germany and often visited her family in Vietnam over the like gibberish. I could only identify a couple words.
summer. She decided in her high school career that she would “Gate, Flight,Time” I needed to find my gate to get
like to go on exchange in America. Her junior year she went onto my flight to Portland. Time was running out from
from her hometown Hamburg to Vancouver Washington to under me. The impending fear of missing my flight grew
start her academic adventure to experience American high as I desperately searched for my gate. I spotted a nice
school and the American way of living. looking woman who was a flight attendant and
immediately went to her like a moth to a fire. “Excuse
me? Do you know the gate to get to the Portland
airport?”. She happily pointed me in the right direction
and I swiftly ran to my gate. My heart finally stopped
beating out of my chest, the fear I once felt was gone
with a snap of a finger . A wave of calmness fell over
me like a blanket as I spotted my gate headed to
Portland International Airport.

When arriving in America she was greeted warmly by her host
family at the Portland international airport. She would begin
her adventures by going home with her host family to their
home in Maple Crest.

I was surrounded by a sea of people who continued to Her high school’s name was Union located in Camas
pass by me as if I was invisible. I was a mere stone in Washington. When going to high school she would soon
the ever flowing river. Small and forgettable. Lost learn the hardships of homesickness and loneliness. She had
though signed up for a class called Leadership where she
would make friends with fellow exchange students Dominica


and Camilla who were from Italy and the Czech Republic. who shows courage everyday by being open and friendly to all
Though the first months were lonely she would eventually that comes her way. By welcoming the new and foreign with
make many friendships that would last a lifetime. open arms.

By the end of her journey Jana would decide to join the Union
girls’ softball team and make many friends with her teammates.
She would thrive among her new found American
colleagues,family, teachers, friends, and have to face the new
courage and heartache of leaving her new home behind for her
old one.

Jana has shown big and small acts of courage throughout her
time in America. The biggest one though was jumping over her
fear of leaving everything behind and jumping into the
unknown . To leave family, friends, and everything one has
known for their entire life, for a year, takes a great amount of
courage. To be able to push through homesickness and
loneliness through the first few months is an admirable act of
strength. Jana is no superman or wonder woman, but she is a
person who you cannot help but admire for their kindness,
strength, friendliness, ambition, and courage. She is a person


Life of David
By William Tran

“I didn’t want to fall behind him and be known as the ‘fat twin’. I just wanted to be noticed, not just the fat kid,
but as David.”

David Tran is a senior at Union High School who lives in he should have because he was still young and growing. Due to
Vancouver, Washington. David has lived in Vancouver for the lack of knowledge that he was obese, he weighed 170
most of his life, with two loving parents and two younger pounds by the eighth grade of middle school. That year, he
brothers, his twin brother Paul, born fifteen minutes earlier, realized that he needed to make a change in his lifestyle. The
and his youngest brother William (that’s me). Even though summer after his freshman year, David decided he would turn
David is the oldest brother, he always follows his twin Paul and his life around and start eating healthier food and exercise
looks up to him. They both inspired each other to live a healthy more.
“My brother Paul was already losing weight before me and
As he was growing up, David wasn’t always the social type, in people were talking about how good he looks and I don’t
fact, David was socially awkward. He was shy and quiet. know, I didn’t want to fall behind him and be known as the
David was born in Portland, Oregon and was raised there until ‘fat twin’. I just wanted to be noticed, not just the fat kid,
second grade when he moved to Vancouver, Washington. but as David. No girls would also talk to me either. Then
David is currently living with his parents, Luc Tran and Chi one day, I was just eating chips on the couch and watching
Nguyen, twin brother Paul Tran, and youngest brother William TV like I usually do, but my heart started to ache. I didn’t
Tran. wanna die so I jumped on the treadmill and ate half of what
I usually ate from that day on. It started with running a
Growing up, David had a pretty nice lifestyle. Two loving mile and plants every day. By the end of summer, I was 40
parents, his little brother, and his best friend, which was his pounds lighter. 170 pounds at the beginning and I weighed
twin. He lived close to his cousins, aunt, and uncle. 130 pounds by the end of summer. I don’t think my ways of
losing weight was healthy, some days I would wake up sore
Ever since he was young, he always ate more food than he and tired, but I kinda just forced myself on the treadmill. It
should have, which resulted in him being on the heavier side wasn’t easy losing all that weight, at points I wanted to
and a bit obese. No one really told him he was eating more than give up, it was hard to resist and imagine starving yourself,


I started to feel depressed but once I lost all that weight enjoys reading books and just really loves the outdoors. Every
over the summer, I felt really happy that I accomplished year he goes hiking with his girlfriend and every year it’s a
something so meaningful. I stuck with it, and once I walked different place. He also enjoys playing and watching
in junior year, my friends couldn’t even recognize me. basketball, football, and soccer.
That’s when you know it wasn’t all for nothing, for living a
better healthier lifestyle.” Even with all the challenges and difficult experiences he has
gone through, he has always managed to persevere through
Suddenly, his uncle unexpectedly passed away at 40 years old thick and thin. David is smart, caring, and a courageous young
and that impacted his life big time. He was depressed, couldn’t man who is determined. He will definitely have a bright future
focus in school, was eating more than usual, and didn’t ahead of him.
exercise regularly like usual. Times like this were when his
girlfriend Tiffany, and his family, of course, were there for
him. It was like they were all supporting each other because his
dad took it the hardest. He had lost his mother, David’s
grandma in 2011, and now he lost his only brother in 2017.
Since David was the oldest he helped his dad grow through the
tough times and David learned new things by going through
difficult experiences.

Now working out and exercising is an everyday lifestyle for
David and Paul. They motivate each other to do better
physically and mentally, as well as academically. David is still
dating his sweet and caring girlfriend Tiffany. They’ve been
happily dating for a little over a year now and he said Tiffany’s
always there for him when times are rough and aren’t always
the best.

David is going to graduate on June 8th, 2018 and will be
attending the University of Washington next year. He has
recently been employed and has been developing into a real
adult. In the summer David likes to spend most of his time with
his family, for example, going fishing and camping. He also


Khoi: Man vs. America
By Kalvin Trinh

“In life, people are striving for survival, and being courageous will help them proceed in life.”

Khoi V. Trinh spent his early life in Vietnam with his family of people around him. The next objective for Khoi was to learn
nine in its capital city, Hanoi. During his first 23 years, he had how to drive a car for personal transportation. The last goal that
seen many of the bad events that had ever happened in his Khoi was looking forward to the most was a job. These goals
country, including the infamous Vietnam War. It was that Khoi made were not going to be easy for him. It took Khoi
something that no one would ever forget in their life; the a few years to become fluent in English. He passed the driving
destructions led people to suffer. When the war was about to test with a high score, which got him his driver’s license.
end, Khoi’s adventure would change directions as he and his
family would get sponsored by Khoi’s brother and sister, who Khoi found a job opportunity at the postal office, specifically
lived in America. USPS. He sent his application to the office and Khoi received
some training from professionals. After Khoi finished his
When Khoi’s family saw the two siblings who sponsored training, he took the skills test and passed it. Days later, he
them, they all hugged each other with joy, reuniting all started working his job in the postal office. During the three
members at last. Afterwards, they went to a restaurant for months of probation, Khoi had made mistakes in his job and
the celebration. With all the foods on the menu, the whole his supervisors advised him not to make mistakes. After
family (except for the two siblings who have lived in probation was done, Khoi was able to work with the least
America) had nothing but surprised looks on their faces. amount of mistakes possible.

“Wow! These are American food? They look delicious!” I hung out with my friends during lunch at the postal office.
Khoi exclaimed. With the new, delicious food being eaten We were talking about our families who lived in Vietnam
and the fun conversations they had, it was time for them to and what their life was like after the war. One of my friends
experience all that America has to offer. introduced me to a woman who lived in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. When I heard about what happened to her
As each family member went on their separate ways to live through the past few years, all I wanted to do was to give
their own lives, Khoi and his parents would find a house in her the freedom she deserves. So, I contacted her through
Longview, Washington and then start doing some work. Khoi the mail, had the best conversations, and I flew over to
would first start by learning English in order to understand the Malaysia. When I saw her I instantly felt love in my soul.


We greeted each other in Vietnamese and I told her that dreams that I always wanted to accomplish. But now, I am
she was getting sponsored. A second later, she was very old. The best thing that I can do right now is to help other
joyful and hugged me with all her strength. people live their own lives and achieve their goals. Even
though I have completed my goals, I had to put time and
The woman whom Khoi met was named Phuong Tam T. effort into it and use all my heart in order to make the
Nguyen. Both Khoi and Tam went to America together and dream come true. In life, people are striving for survival,
lived their own lives. Eight years later, Khoi proposed to Tam and being courageous helps them proceed in life. Some of
and got married months later. When the twenty-first century the goals can be daunting and scary, but I had done enough
came, Tam and Khoi added a new member to their family, a fearless acts to face those kinds of goals, which helped me
baby boy. The parents named their kid Kalvin. With this new become successful. I hope that someday, people can change
life Khoi was living in, it was all Khoi wanted in his life and by putting their efforts into working on the goals they make.
everything he needed to keep. They will be successful.

The one thing Khoi has always enjoyed throughout his life was
music. As a guitarist, he makes covers on classical music he
loves and performs in front of people in parties and ceremonial
events. The first time he performed, he was nervous and he
stood frozen with his guitar. As he and the band started
playing, Khoi felt less nervous and his energy rose. As he
performed more often, he became used to the whole musical
tradition. Eventually, he would teach his own son about music
and performing in front of people.

I am living my life to the fullest right now. I know my
experiences in Vietnam and America. I have seen what
happened to many good people. All the bad events I have
seen. It was like a dragon invading a village full of
innocent people. Until decades later, I was able to live
through freedom and do whatever I could to benefit my life.
With a job and a family now, I have fulfilled my own


The Waltons
By Gracie Walton

“I truly believe that courage is something that takes you through situations that maybe you are unsure of or
that you fear or you’re the minority in. And so it takes courage to go through those types of events.”

“My phone vibrated on the table one day. It was my sister’s
then-husband calling me, and as nervous as I was I picked
up the phone with sweaty hands. He broke the news to me
in a panicked voice that my drug-addicted sister was in jail
because she became too aggressive and tore up many of
their belongings. He informed me that Jobe, my nephew,
was not safe and he needed to get out of there fast. I was
frantically getting ready for work when I sat down on the
couch to think about what had just happened. I took many
deep breaths and finally said, ‘Collect his belongings and
take him to Robert’s, I'll pick him up when I get the
chance.’ I thought to myself, ‘What had just happened?’ I
was going to have to take my eleven-year-old nephew. I
already had a little seven-year-old girl who was a bundle of
energy. How could I be a single mother of two?”

Jenifer Walton was courageous when she took custody of her
nephew Jobe Walton. Jenifer grew up in the countryside of
Bellingham, Washington. She lived on many acres and had
many cattle. Walton grew up with a mother, father, and
adopted sister named Kristin, who was 6 years younger than
Jenifer. Her father was an alcoholic, which led him to develop
lung and throat cancer. Not only was he a drunk, but he was
also blind. Jenifer had a very close relationship with him, but


not her mother. Jenifer and Kristin's parents slowly became Today, Jobe is attending Whatcom Community College up in
unhappy. When Walton was thirteen her parents decided to get Bellingham, Washington. He is also working a full-time job
a divorce. The divorce affected their family tremendously. drywalling for his Godfather. Jobe has come a long way, he
Shortly after the divorce Jenifer's sister, Kristin, got in with the will be moving back down this summer to his very own
wrong crowd. She started using drugs and drinking alcohol. apartment.
She used these substances for quite awhile. There were bumps
along the road after the divorce for Kristin. When Kristin was
29 she became pregnant.

The Waltons’ family changed after this major event. Kristin
kept using the substances after her child Jobe, was born. Jobe
didn't live the easiest life, and in 4th grade, Jobe and Kristin
ended up being homeless. This is the beginning of Jobe and
Jenifer's journey. Jenifer drove up to Bellingham, Washington
and brought him home with her. He stayed with her the whole
4th grade until Kristin got herself together. Jobe ended up
going back in the summer going into 5th grade. A year later
everything changed.

A week later Jenifer drove up to Bellingham, Washington to
pick up her nephew from his Godfather’s place. She brought
him to her house and tried to make him feel as comfortable as
possible. This was the turning point in their journey. He needed
a safe place that he could call home. In June of 2009 they went
down to the courthouse and Jenifer took custody of Jobe
Walton. The years between 2009 and now were not the easiest,
and Jobe got in with a bad crowd but eventually found his way

Eight years later Jobe Walton graduated from Union High


Despite all of the challenges that Jobe and Jenifer faced, they
have always turned the bad situations around. Jobe is a smart,
hard-working kid, who has completely turned his life around.
Jobe wouldn't have got this far without the help of his aunt
Jenifer Walton.


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