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Published by thainznews, 2022-09-10 21:59:56

Interview Infinity Clinic

Interview Infinity Clinic

Interview with Beauty Business Owner

Onpreeya (Evelyn)



Interview with Beauty Business Owner



Ms Most

CEO of Infinity Clinic

Hi, my name is Most. I’ve been living in Nevertheless, I never did discovered my passion
New Zealand for 14 years - since 2008. despite different jobs. But deep down, I knew
Prior to my arrival, my father and that I wanted to own a business one day. This
brother migrated to NZ in 2003 and was passion started when I growing up, most of my
awarded with NZ citizenship, which at relatives are very successful businessowners in
the time, wasn’t difficult. Bangkok, Thailand. I thought that if I were to one
day own my own business, I can learn a lot from
~ Before coming to New Zealand. their advice.

When I was in Thailand, I went to a bilingual ~ Starting a family and the beginning
school. Therefore, English language wasn’t of my business.
such a barrier for me. After arriving in New
Zealand, I attended Mt Albert Grammar Once I have a family and my first daughter was
School and further my tertiary education at born into the world in the year 2015. I started to
the University of Auckland, in Bachelor of look more into the future and seriously started
Arts faculty, Major in Mathematics. Not at all planning. I collected money and took a tooth
related to the field of Beauty. whitening class. I see it as a business
opportunity that can be built upon with other
~ Before finding my passion. beauty businesses. Thus, I used all my
experience and start a business. From website
There has been a lot of trial and error, making to designing logos, name cards, and
even during school. I was a part-time flyers, I did all by myself.
restaurant waitress, designed and sold
3D postcards, manufactured homemade
soap, exported vitamin supplements, and
even worked at the airline check-in

There was also an online booking system, ~ Working can be both hard and easy.
and I even opened a small clinic named My
Smile Clinic which was a room rented in If we put ourselves in the customer’s shoes
Healthcare Clinic. Teeth whitening in New then fixing problems becomes much easier.
Zealand is considered to be a beauty However, language is still a big problem,
category, under Medical Spa. You don’t because Medical Spa isn’t like any general
have to be a certified doctor to do teeth beauty business. It’s a mixture between
whitening. However, you have to limit the Science and Beauty. A detailed explanation
percentage of Hydrogen Peroxide used. must be made to the customer about the
procedure before and also during the
While conducting this business, process. Most important is that we have to
there have been both opportunities actually know and continuously study. We also
and obstacles thrown my way. have to constantly improve ourselves,
Numerous problems must be because new beauty technology is being
solved, especially in the service developed every day. We have to be up to
sector which we have to pay special date to provide the best quality service and
attention to, in order to keep the safety to our customers. Since I already love
service quality up to standard. this field of work, studying became an
enjoyment for me as well.
~ Service business isn’t like
selling products. ~ The effort being put into the
If we misplaced or accidentally change
the products we shipped, then we can My personal belief from experience is, good
just replace them. However, in the service input will result in good output. We only select
business, we are dealing with the quality machines from the manufacturing
customer’s feelings. If mistakes were company directly. These companies will also
made, then their feelings would be send a Clinical Trainer, which is really
broken, and it could directly affect the important and it’s the reason we only
business. On the contrary, a positive purchase authentic machines. We don’t want
effect can also fully give business support to do trial and error by ourselves. They have a
as well. When the customer stood up team of researchers, and testers, they provide
from the chair and look in the mirror at demos and focus on safety. They will also
the results. They might happily smile and periodically give us updated training which
thank us for the work. saves us time and give us the correct
information. We only have to control the
But in our hearts, we’re 10 times quality of our service according to how we
happier that they like it. were trained.

That’s why I will personally come to the
clinic regularly to control the service quality
and directly chat with the customers. This
really helps improve our work, because
knowing the problems faster means solving
them faster.

Happily working

I really enjoy working every day. It’s not
like a job at all because I’m having fun
every day. The reward we get back is the
customer’s smiles when we finish our job.
When we see them happy, we feel happy
along with them.

It's like getting recharged with
positive energy every day.

The most popular treatment would Finally, I would like everyone to check out
be the hydrafacial, PiQo4 removing Infinity Clinic.
blemishes and freckles. Many New
Zealanders have blemishes and If you ever have any skin problems then
freckles because of the sun. feel free to come in for a chat and receive
Another one is the Sygnmalift – free consultations.
HIFU, which is the same as the one
at Yanhee Hospital. They don’t hurt You can contact us at
like other HIFU.
027 909 9098

Hydrodermabrasion Or book online at

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