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Brewing In The Land Of Devils by Ben Lawrence.
A directory of breweries in Van Diemens Land and Tasmania from settlement to 1939.
Originally published by Ben in 2016 as PDF, it was at the time the definitive guide and I don't think it has been bettered since.

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Published by Colin Savage, 2019-02-17 08:57:11


Brewing In The Land Of Devils by Ben Lawrence.
A directory of breweries in Van Diemens Land and Tasmania from settlement to 1939.
Originally published by Ben in 2016 as PDF, it was at the time the definitive guide and I don't think it has been bettered since.

Brewing in 1800 to
the land
of Devils 1939

The Breweries of Van Diemens Land and

Tasmania from settlement to 1939

Version 1.0c Brewing in the land of Devils | 1




TOWNSHIP MAP 06 Launceston
Tasmania’s second largest city,
INDEX 112 home to J Boag & Son, who is still
brewing beer today

37 29

Cascade Hobart
Brewery Breweries

Tasmania’s largest and Australia’s The states capital with a rich brewing history.
oldest operational brewery.

2 | Brewing in the land of Devils

History of Van Diemaens Land did not become an independent
Tasmania colony until 1825 when Major General Ralph Darling was
appointed Governor of New South Wales and proclaimed it
Dutch explorer Abel Tasman was the first European to set Australia’s second colony. The state was primarily a British
sight on the most southern part of Australia in 1642, penal colony from 1800 to 1853 and was the main convict
landing at Blackman’s Bay and proclaiming the landmass to settlement for the Australian colonies.
be known as Van Diemens Land, after Anthony van Diemen,
Governor General of the Dutch East Indies company at the

Van Diemens Land was first though to be attached In 1856 to colony of Van Diemens Land was renamed
to Australia, it wasn’t until Matthew Flinders circumnavigated to Tasmania, in honour of Able Tasman the first European to
the island in 1798 that it was found to be a island separate to step on the island. The main reason for the change of name
the Australian mainland. was Van Diemans Land was known as a convict settlement,
with a bad reputation of being nothing but criminals. The
Lieutenant John Bowen from New South Wales was name Diemen also had a negative Demon association which
sent to the Derwent River in 1803, to establish a military the settlers did not like.
outpost due to rising French activity in the pacific area at the

Unlike the main settlements in Australia, Van Most early brewers had problems sourcing raw
Diemens Land was slow to start brewing colonial ales. The ingredients for beer, the locally grown wheat and barley
first recorded brewery was James Austin who had a ferry was of very poor quality and hops were yet to be grown
north of Hobartown crossing the Derwent river. in Van Diemens Land. So most brewers tried to import the
ingredients from England, but some did try to use local
James Austin was a convict, transported to Port produce, with other herbs being used as a bittering agent
Phillip in 1803 and then shipped to Van Diemens Land in in beer. The Australian summer also hindered the brewers,
1804. After his sentence was expired, James was given with batches becoming undrinkable due to the heat. The
a small land grant on the Western Shore of the Derwent local drinkers did not enjoy these strange tasting brews and
between Hobartown and New Norfolk, and in 1818 hew built colonial beer was given a bad reputation, and to avoided at
a ferry service, crossing the Derwent. Along with the ferry, all costs.
James built a Inn and stabling for travelers, and to supply the
Inn with ale, James built a small brewery. As time went by and the locals learned how to
farm in Australia, and locally grown hops taking off in the
James’s ale was well received and would have been Tasmanian climate, Tasmania slowly grew to be the premier
much cheaper to buy than the imported English ales. The brewers in Australia, with Tasmanian brewed beer being
brewery was short lived, closing in 1824, but by then many available Australia wide.
new breweries had been established in both Hobartown and
Launceston, as well as several smaller country townships. The most famous Tasmanian brewery ‘The
Cascade Brewery’ was founded in 1832 by Peter Degraves.
The first brewer in Hobartown was George Peter arrived in Hobarton in 1824, he and Hugh McIntosh
Gatehouse at the New Town Brewery. George who was were granted 500 acres of land in the Cascades near Mount
originally known as John Simpsons was sentenced to Wellington, where the pair established a sawmill. After
transportation in 1803 for theft in Middlesex, England. John some legal problems Peter established a brewery to take
arrived in New South Wales in 1804, where he carried out advantage of the plentiful water supply on his land, the new
his sentence. By 1812 Johns sentence was finished and he brewery was named the Cascade Brewery.
could see the opportunities the new world could provide, so
he returned to England when he raised some money to fund After a period of time Peter was earning £100,000 a
his new life in Australia. year from his Sawmill, Brewery, Mill and Bakery. Peter died in
1842 at the age of 50, the brewery was passed on to his sons
When John returned to Australia in 1816 he changed and would become one of the largest breweries in Australia.
his name to George Gatehouse and he received 400 acres
of land near Hobartown. George quickly established a
mercantile business and quickly started to amass some
wealth, and with this new money George started to build
a brewery in Argyle Street. The brewery was completed in
1820, and with most early colonial brewers he had some
problems with quality of his ales.

Brewing in the land of Devils | 3

Brewery Index

1. Austin Ferry Kimbolton Brewery 1841 7.21.03

Austins Brewery 1819 to 1824 7.01.01 Lawrenny Brewery 1865 to 1870 7.21.04

2. Avoca Old Hamilton Inn and Brewery 1855 to 1859 7.21.05

Grays Arms Inn and Brewery 1840 to 1848 7.02.01 Rotherwood Brewery 1845 7.21.06

3. Bagdad 21. Hobart Town

Bagdad Brewery 1835 to 1848 7.03.01 Adams Brewery (See Punshons Brewery

4. Belle Vue Elizabeth Street)

Belle Vue Brewery 1840 to 1849 7.04.01 Albion Brewery 1839 to 1844 7.21.01

5. Bothwell Anchor Brewery (See Roberts Brewery)

Bothwell Brewery 1839 to 1902 7.05.01 Anchor Brewery (See Britania Brewery)

McDonalds Brewery 1845 to 1854 7.05.02 Artillery Brewery 1844 to 1883 7.21.02

McWaides Brewery 1856 to 1866 7.05.03 Artillery Brewery (See Globe Brewery)

6. Brighton Bevley Bank Brewery 1830 to 1855 7.21.03

Brighton Brewery 1835 to 1850 7.06.01 Blue Bells of Scotland Brewery 1855 7.21.04

7. Burnie William Blyths Brewery 1844 7.21.05

Burnie Inn and Brewery 1852 to 1857 7.07.01 Joseph Bonney 1822 7.21.06

Burnie Brewery 1860 to 1871 7.07.02 Britania Brewery 1833 to 1879 7.21.07

Tasmanian Brewing Co 1903 to 1913 7.07.03 Bucks Brewery 1845 to 1855 7.21.08

Tasman Brewery (See Tasmanian Brewing Co) Burton Brewery 1859 to 1866 7.21.09

8. Campbell Town Cascade Brewery 1832 to Present 7.21.10

Campbell Town Brewery 1832 to 1843 7.08.01 Commercial Brewery 1854 to 1857 7.21.11

Campbell Town Brewery 1846 to 1871 7.08.02 Co-Operative Breweries (See Punsuans Brewery

Criterion Brewery (See Turnbulls Brewery) Elizabeth Street)

Turnbulls Brewery 1849 to 1858 7.08.03 Dandelion Ale Brewing Co (See Globe Brewery)

9. Carrick Davey Street Brewery 1835 to 1865 7.21.12

Carrick Brewery 1845 to 1864 7.09.01 Derwent Brewery 1823 to 1849 7.21.13

10. Port Cygnet Derwent Brewery(James & Blake) (See Jolly Hatters Brewery)

Burslems Brewery 1855 7.10.01 Dusty Miller Brewery 1833 7.21.14

11. Deloraine Emerald Tavern and Brewery 1840 7.21.15

Deloraine Brewery 1856 to 1870 7.11.01 Ellis’s Brewery (See Roberts Brewery)

Deloraine Mill and Brewery 1864 to 1871 7.11.02 Fosters Brewery 1830 to 1833 7.21.16

Retreat Brewery 1850 to 1885 7.11.03 Globe Brewery 1884 to 1924 7.21.17

12. Devonport Golden Cross Hoteland Brewery 1847 7.21.18

Devonport Cordial Factory 1889 to Unknown 7.12.01 Hobart Town Brewery 1821 to 1835 7.21.19

Mersey Brewery 1856 to 1859 7.12.02 Hobart Town Brewery 1832 to 1834 7.21.20

13. Don J Boag & Son Brewery Hobart (See Globe Brewery)

North West Brewery 1889 to 1891 7.13.01 James & Blake (See Jolly Hatters Brewery)

14. Dundas Tasmanian Pale Ale Brewery (See Punshans Brewery)

West Coast Brewery 1891 7.14.01 Jolly Hatters Brewery 1845 to 1922 7.21.21

Zeehan and Dundas Brewery 1892 to 1898 7.14.02 Luckmans Brewery 1838 7.21.22

15. Evandale Nags Head Inn and Brewery 1853 7.21.23

Morrisons Brewery 1855 to 1861 7.15.01 New Brewery (See Bevley Bank Brewery)

Partiot King William the 4th 1841 to 1846 7.15.02 New Town Brewery 1820 to 1848 7.21.24

Tasmanian Brewery 1858 to 1866 7.15.03 Old Bell Inn and Brewery 1834 to 1835 7.21.25

16. Fingal Pack Horse Inna and Brewery1846 7.21.26

Fingal Brewery 1855 to 1874 7.16.01 Phoenix Brewery 1823 to 1827 7.21.27

Talbot Arms Hotel and Brewery 1845 to 1865 7.16.02 Presnells Brewery 1823 to 1835 7.21.28

17. Franklin Punshans Brewery 1838 to 1846 7.21.29

Franklin Brewery 1854 to 1872 7.17.01 Punshans Brewery 1849 to 1931 7.21.30

18. George Town Roberts’s Brewery 1834 to 1855 7.21.31

Freemasons Hotel and Brewery 1854 to 1856 7.18.01 Tasmanian Brewery (See Tasmans Brewery)

19. Hadspen Tasmanian Pale Ale Brewery (See Punshons Brewery

South Esk Brewery 1871 7.19.01 Elizabeth Street)

20. Hamilton Tasmans Brewery 1823 to 1839 7.21.32

Hit or Miss Brewery 1845 to 1880 7.21.01 John Walker’s Brewery 1845 to 1883 7.21.33

Jacksons Malt House 1850 to 1864 7.21.02 Robert Walker’s Brewery 1844 to 1853 7.21.34

White Horse Inn and Brewery 1838 to 1842 7.21.35

4 | Brewing in the land of Devils

22. Jerusalem 27. Lovely Banks

McCannons Brewery 1852 to 1858 7.22.01 Bisdee 1829 7.27.01

23. Kempton 28. Mangalore

Gorringes Brewery 1823 to 1829 7.23.01 Perrimans Brewery 1835 to 1863 7.28.01

Royal Oak Hotel and Brewery1856 to 1860 7.23.02 29. New Norfolk

Triumph Brewery 1856 to 1880 7.23.03 Crawthornes Brewery 1820 7.29.01

Victoria Hotel and Brewery 1845 to 1862 7.23.04 Derwent Brewery (See New Newfolk

24. Latrobe Brewery)

Latobe Brewery 1858 to 1881 7.24.01 Manns Brewery 1847 to 1863 7.29.02

25. Launceston New Norfolk Brewery 1824 to 1847 7.29.03

Adams Brewery (see Towers Brewery) Star and Garter Hotel 1830 7.29.04

Black Swan Brewery 1840 to 1846 7.25.01 30. Oatlands

Burton Brewery (See Wharf Brewery) Barwicks Brewery 1849 to 1885 7.30.01

Caledonian Brewery 1839 to 1842 7.25.02 Oatlands Brewery 1835 to 1876 7.30.02

Cataract Brewery 1835 to 1891 7.25.03 Oatlands Hotel and Brewery 1840 to 1880 7.30.03

CommercialTavern and Brewery 1827 7.25.04 31. Perth

Cornwall Brewery 1843 to 1859 7.25.05 Esk Brewery 1860 to 1880 7.31.01

Cornwall Brewery (See Fawns Brewery) Perth Brewery 1856 to 1860 7.31.02

Ditcham, Button and Co. 1858 to 1878 7.25.06 32. Restdown

Duke of Edinburgh (See Wharf Brewery) Restdown 1855 7.32.01

Esk Brewery 1881 to Present 7.25.07 33. Richmond

Fawns Brewery 1830 to 1895 7.25.08 Bridge Hotel and Brewery 1853 to 1857 7.33.01

Globe Tavern and Brewery 1828 to 1829 7.25.09 Richmond Brewery 1845 to 1852 7.33.02

Gunns Brewery 1865 7.25.10 Woodburn Brewery 1832 to 1843 7.33.03

J Boag and Son (See Esk Brewery) 34. Scottsdale

Horse and Jockey Inn 1848 to 1850 7.25.11 Scottsdale Brewery 1883 to 1893 7.34.01

Launceston Brewery (See Port Dalrymple Brewery) 35. Sorell

Phoenix Brewery 1891 to 1974 7.25.12 Downards Brewery 1824 to 1850 7.35.01

Port Dalrymple Brewery 1824 to 1858 7.25.13 Gordan Highlander Inn 1847 7.35.02

Rayners Brewery 1832 7.25.14 Reardons Brewery 1824 to 1865 7.35.03

Royal Hotel and Brewery 1852 to 1854 7.25.15 36. Spreyton

Scott and Griffiths (See Tamar Brewery) Devon Brewery (See Spreyton Brewery)

Sydney Place Brewery 1847 to 1873 7.25.16 Spreyton Brewery 1880 to 1893 7.36.01

Tamar Brewery 1855 to 1917 7.25.17 37. Stanley

Tasmanian Brewery 1832 7.25.18 Stanley Brewery 1852 to 1874 7.37.01

Tasmanian Brewery (See Cataract Brewery) 38. Swansea

Tasmanain Co-Op Brewery 1908 to 1911 7.25.19 Pier Hotel and Brewery 1857 to 1863 7.38.01

Three Grand Masters Hotel 1858 to 1863 7.25.20 Swansea Hotel and Brewery 1850 to 1855 7.38.02

Towers Brewery 1824 to 1847 7.25.21 39. Westbury

Townsend Brewery 1826 7.25.22 Westbury Brewery 1845 to 1848 7.39.01

Westcombe’s Brewery 1850 7.25.23 Westbury Brewery 1854 to 1866 7.39.02

Wharf Brewery 1841 to 1868 7.25.24 Westbury Brewery & Malt House 1864 to 1887 7.39.03

Whitchurch’s Brewery 1830 7.25.25 40. Wynyard

Union Brewery (See Towers Brewery) Wynyard Brewery 1864 to 1869 7.40.01

Union Brewery (SeeTasmanian Co-Op


26. Longford

Ayton’s Brewery 1855 to 1862 7.26.01

Clark’s Brewery 1866 to 1870 7.26.02

Evan’s Brewery 1847 7.26.03

Foresters Brewery 1879 to 1881 7.26.04

Longford Brewery 1836 to 1888 7.26.05

Noake’s Brewery (See Longford Brewery)

Whitchurch’s Brewery 1855 to 1856 7.26.06

Williams and Waddell Brewery 1834 to 1835 7.26.07

Williatt’s Inn and Brewery 1831 7.26.08


Brewing in the land of Devils | 5

Map of


40 7 18
14 13 12 36
24 25 34
22 39 19 15 4 16
11 9 31





5 27


20 3
28 6 33

29 35

21 32

6 | Brewing in the land of Devils

Brewery A To Z
Of Tassie


Beer Duty Stamp from Tasmania

Brewing in the land of Devils | 7

1. Austins Ferry

Austin’s Brewery

1819 to 1824

James Austin 1819 to 1824

MbmofeereG.tnlAaebunrarsaeptriwicndhi,nysA,aghleSav.seetrftyolerrgaorcoeosdnidspiindogertreianrb, ltewhtehimidcihestprhaiacsstt

Austin’s Ferry c1820
Archives Office of Tasmania AB713-1-5034

8 | Brewing in the land of Devils

2. Avoca

Gray’s Arms Inn and Brewery

1840 to 1844

Charles Peters 1840 to 1844

Inn, at Avoca.

aP t uwMc1i mool7peisgamtloomrleelontrtfbahehoos,tedo,trmetaiouthroaacsrsabtbwh,eettNATTtwle,oaieohotOBdpoii.hMlntocpvrdhtceseeloBariuedwmce.bcEtpesaSohhsbtlatlhluaoLeioPteaobsiotuErarRoenlussn2Ti1nE,esple,3dhn,(M1r,a./iGfeoe2fasoadImtrAreSabasAxEIicyuissBnpnAvrSuieenRetole,scleasnsr.cEhtbaoysatoWlt,ee,c.enfSrotAhu,oELtTnaavmpRaesLsbonnioYeblsbcedas,ttaee,t,inar,n-eaatbpncgntotooaadasfilufpdclfSyeteoha)hder2fre.aeetdtrTo1ddh/s2hsDteib,henaawweeGscHrrreeeRecmellontallsAiouandqno.YdseugfeAber’aSLielcntiaLoAfoHgaininegRctodtJdheraMoueneaifhsenomsrSendeers,,
SaturTdhaeyC14otrhnwofaNll oCvhermonbiecrle1840

3. Bagdad

Bagdad Brewery

1835 to 1848

William Mawle 1835 to 1844
Jacab Wing 1844 to 1848
Robert Stodart 1848


Tofheenreclios saendelxacnedlleantttaGchaerddetno, twhiethptrwemenistyesa.cres
A FMTporoloelrwmrlengptia.astneerrt,sisc;OaputMolcasttrroth.sbp,eEeaalrilTpdi5srp.,,ul1yGm8rt4peo4eetnMerPr.oOnWfdfisicn;ego,,rHotonobMtahrret.

TuesdaCy o8tlohnoifalOTcitmobeesr 1844

Brewing in the land of Devils | 9

4. Belle Vue

Belle Vue Brewery

1840 to 1849

Wickham Whitchurch 1840 to 1849

Belle Vue Brewery, South Esk

THE undersigned begs to inform his friends
and the public, that Ale and Beer of the very
best quality is now on sale at the above-
mentioned establishment. Any orders that he
may be favoured with will be most punctually
attended to.
N. B. — Yeast always on sale
November 18.

WedneTshdeayC1o8rtnhwoafllNCohvreomnbicelre 1840

5. Bothwell

Bothwell Brewery

c1839 to 1902
Patrick Street

William Dyke c1839
George Larkins 1839 to 1846
Robert Whiteway 1846 to 1854
William Horne 1854 to 1859
Robert Whiteway 1859 to 1864
Issac Blake 1864 to 1888
William Blake 1888 to 1902


IT is requested that all Persons having in their
possession any cask or casks belonging to
William Dyke, late of the Bothwell Brewery,
will cause the same to be returned immediately
to the undersigned, such having become my
property from the 12th day of February last.

TuesdaCyo1lo9nthiaMl Tairmches1839

10 | Brewing in the land of Devils

MacDonalds Brewery

1845 to 1854
Alexander Street

James MacDonald 1845 to 1854

McWaide’s Brewery

1856 to 1866
Hope Street

John McWaide 1856 to 1862
Esther McWaide 1862 to 1864
John Easton 1864 to 1866

6. Brighton

Brighton Brewery

1835 to 1850

James Evans 1835 to 1842
Edward Rand 1842 to 1845
J Davis 1845 to 1850

Harvest Beer,

AT the BRIGHTON BREWERY, at £2 10s. by the
hogshead, delivered free of expence at any reasonable

January 4, 1841

TuesdaCyo1l2otnhiaJal nTuimareys1841

T Brighton Brewery.
HE undersigned begs to inform the public that he
hits put the Brighton Brewery into operation, and
that, on and after the 16th instant, PALE ALE, in barrels,
and BEER, in hogsheads, will be on sale there; and to
relieve common carriers and others from the necessity
of leaving the high road, they may take up at the store
of Mr. Davis, Castle Inn, Pontville Bridge, who will have
authority to deliver on the undersigned’s account.

Nov. 4

TuesdayC1o5ltohnNiaolvTeimmbeesr 1842

Brewing in the land of Devils | 11

7. Burnie

Burnie Inn Brewery

1852 to 1857
Marine Terrace

Joseph Law 1852 to 1856
Thomas Wisemen 1856 to 1857

FOR SALE by Private Contract, that well
known establishment, the
situated in the township of Burnie at Emu
Bay, doing at present a first rate business,
together with all the brewing materials. Let
for 6 months from the 1st of January 1855, at
a rental of £60 a year.

The Licenced House and goodwill adjoining
the brewery, called



Burnie Brewery

1860 to 1871
North Terrace

Joseph Law 1860 to 1871

12 | Brewing in the land of Devils

Tasmanian Brewery Co.
Later Tasman Brewery

1903 to 1913
Wivenhoe Near Burnie

Public Company 1903 to 1907
Public Company 1911 to 1913

Tasmanian Brewery Co. 1903
Australian Brewers Journal - April 1903

An extraordinaryBmUeRetNinIgE,.of the Tasmanian
Brewery Company. Limited. was held on
Wednesday. Mr. A. E. Camp in the chair. The
business was to considerate present position
of the company, and a proposal that the
unallotted shares be taken up by shareholders
was not entertained, the proposal not
receiving an absolute majority of votes, as
required. This means that shareholders are not
desirous of continuing the business and in all
probability the concern, which has not been
so far a successful venture, will be conducted
by a private syndicate.

Friday 3T0thheSEexpatmeminbeerr 1904
Brewing in the land of Devils | 13

8. Campbell Town

Campbell Town Brewery

1832 to 1843

John Hume 1832
Richard Hume 1832 to 1836
Unknown 1836 to 1843

TChta trhnaauanxmstHoidCtossppEuu,fAbeobpsrerMyaptllUotrokiGePTorneaaotRnBecddwpwqsAyeEuinrhinImLsni,NirgiLcJgoetuShan.hnTleyeseeaOduyv3anpe1obWdre,noyhr1vliNaYyon8ev.r3eE.iBEnw2AAsJ.gRArtSuatTEMinbccWdllioEeaesm,ShlrEwttmoHmRaakeyYUeminsnn.MtecgorehEiindets. AogpCaC panaaarpremmdtaaDieorppcnarVubbBt,lAeeumarfllsrNelluosCwtlrTowltaeayeoAwpimrwlysGnpletpnBlwoEaybbbrcrOrieeestkbeBlwhUelwyarldeteesSeolrtwaer,wymwytet.ntiwlreatoiy,yrhmio,DtL(hbpiteptewrepetceo.tdoi.eashtrs2thget,6rcupe&.anhatephiicoddtie.tuy)ao&,haTFtoffnhhoooldeeerrr

TueLsaduanyc2e1sstot nAuAgduvsetr1ti8s3e2r TFhreidHaoyb6atrht JTaonwunarCy o1u8r3i7er

Campbell Town Brewery

1846 to 1871

Hugh Kean 1846 to 1848

Mary Kean 1848 to 1852

James McNeal 1852 to 1855

Hubert Kean 1855 to 1860

James E Bonney 1860 to 1864

Hubert Kean 1864 to 1868

Robert Spencer 1870 to 1871

ENGLISH BCAARMLEPYB. TEhLeLuTndOeWrsiNgn.ed is a cash
purchaser of good samples.

Campbell Town Brewery.
March 11

TuLeasudnacye1st9otnh AMdavrecrhti1s8er61

TO BE LET OR SOLD. The Campbell Town Campbell Town Brewery c1920
Brewery, including valuable plant, consisting SD_ILS:914783
of 500 gallon copper, pumps, coolers, vat, &c.
Admirably suited either for the brewery trade
or for a bark mill, or factory of any kind. Apply
to A. B. Biggs, Campbell Town; or to the
ACTUARY, Savings Bank, Launceston.


14 | Brewing in the land of Devils

Turnbulls Brewery

Later known as Criterion Brewery

1849 to 1858

Francis M Turnbull 1849 to 1857
Edwin & Albert Whitchurch 1857 to 1857
Adam B Turnbull 1857 to 1858

(Late Mr. Turubnll’s),

THE undersigned beg to announce to
the public that having taken the above
establishment they are now prepared to supply
private families and others with ale of excellent
quality at 2a, and superior (equal to Burton)
at Is. per gallon, warranted to contain no
deleterious ingredients. In quantities not less
than 5 gallons.


Campbell Town Mill, the site of Mr Turnbulls Brewery
Tasmanian Archive PH30/1/7764

Brewing in the land of Devils | 15

9. Carrick

Carrick Brewery

1845 to 1864

John Rudge 1845 to 1845
Frederick Rudge 1847 to 1864

WANTED, a single man who has been
accustomed to work In a brewery t also,
a steady man as carter. Recommendations
from last employers, for sobriety and honesty,
indispensable. Apply at the Carrick Brewery.
Carrick, August 17.

SaLtuarudnacyes2t1osnt AAudgvuersttis1e8r58

Carrick Steam MIll and Brewery
Archives Office of Tasmania PH30-1-7692

16 | Brewing in the land of Devils

10. Port Cygnet

Burslem’s Brewery


Francis H Burslem 1855

INTERNAL REVENUE. - A brewer’s license
has been issued to Francis Henry Burslem,
Port Cygnet.

ThuLrasudnacye1sstot nFeEbxraumariyne1r855

11. Deloraine

Deloraine Brewery

1856 to 1870
Goderich Street

John Nunn 1856 to 1861
George Whiley 1862 to 1863
Frederick Rudge 1870

MB. JOHN BARBER DhaEsLbOeeRnAiInNstrEu.cted by J. F. Hobkirk,
Esq. (Assignee in the Insolvent Estate of John Nun) to Sell by
Public Auction, on the Premises, at Deloraine, on FRIDAY,
25th instant, at 12 o’clock chirp, without reserve, the Lease and
good-will of the Deloraine Brewery, together with the whole of
Brewery Utensils, consisting of coppers, vats, beer coolers, beer
tons, weighing-machine, 50 empty casks, malt, bops, dray, two
horses, harness, one lady’s saddle and bridle, one gent’s saddle,
wheel barrow, grind-stone, ladders. &c, &c.
The Brewery, which is complete with every requisite
for carrying on an extensive business, is in perfect order, and
acknowledged to be the best country brewery in Tasmania, and
nearly all built of stone, 88 feet, by 26 feet.
There is also a good substantial four roomed Cottage,
detached, and a paddock of 71/2 acres of good land.
The lease has 14 years to run, from the 1st July; 1802,
with a ground-rent of £16 per annum only.
The property may fee viewed any day previous to the
Terms liberal, at Sale,
Oct 19.

SaTtuhredCayor1n9wthalOl Ccthorboenri1cl8e61

Brewing in the land of Devils | 17

Deloraine Mill and Brewery

1864 to 1871

Frederick Rudge 1864 to 1867

Adolphus Rooke 1867 to 1871


ThLuarsudnacyes2t0otnh EMxaarmchin1e8r 73

Retreat Brewery

1850 to 1885

Adolphus Rooke 1850 to 1881
Richard Jamieson 1881 to 1885

WANTED, A Malster, either Free, Ticket-of-Leave, or
Pass-holder, to whom liberal wages will be given’

A. F. Rooke.
Retreat Brewery, near Delonune.
June 11.

STahteurCdoaryn1w2atlhl CJuhnreon18ic5l2e
FIRE AT RETREAT FARM.--Our Doloraine correspondent writes
:-The large wooden buildings comprising the homestead and brewery
at the Retreat farm, close to Deloraine, formerly occupied by the
late Mr. A. F. Rooke, were burnt to the ground on Sunday forenoon.
The farm was purchased after Mr. Rooke’s death by Mr. John Hall, of
Bishopsbourne, and Mr. Geo. Hall resides on it. The fire broke out
shortly before noon on Sunday, when all except four men and two
or three females were absent at church or elsewhere, and had more
assistance been promptly at hand, the fire could have been mastered
in a few minutes after its discovery. As it was, the dwelling-house,
brewery, and some out-buildings were destroyed, the only portion
saved being the store and malt house, in which Mr. Hall has his grain
stored, and a portion used by Messre, Dim mock and Jamieson as a
cordial manufactory; the portion used by them for a residence being
destroyed, though nearly all their furniture was saved. It was from a
chimney in the cordial factory that the fire originated. I believe the
buildings and household furniture were partly insured. The brewery
with its valuable plant, and the residence with some of Mr. Geo. Hall’s
furniture, were totally destroyed.


18 | Brewing in the land of Devils

12. Devonport

Devonport Cordial Factory

1899 to Unknown

Maddern Brothers 1899 to 1903

George Pearce 1903 to 1924

H H Quilliam 1924

A & Edward G Edwards 1924 to Unknown †
c1924 c1926 †

Brewing in the land of Devils | 19

Mersey Brewery

1856 to 1859

Bartholomew W Thomas 1856 to 1859

B.rt6wrJTTtoaeadohrHontte.rauertp.wqEtshkr1eu.n,eir0MsaGrgttpyyohhEeo,.ioreneosTPsmdttdaeaMa,PryrboaflutealerrtiBibetelrst2eorlsshhsisehnceem.hw,iwypyaraeeoveeiBernrrlarielyatnrso,grtgeblnhabiawaeelecreltlisraeohwenBtesnregcba.kdr,yoyeWycsencqsnolaboi.uivavosnewTeseehnlfthnsor,otieoainhaneredtmtmgdanffnitcauanehtdaeisdlogertl,.. MPbp aUE*aA*nsueod*pssWdrnumpitssacltaeeuStlsEaWnuadepoonRtdacoprneteSuleersldiEiseoltrtYel,yb,eYrdeadJudaaaaanrensnstydrwtdh,)BsB1aieb,Ntct6Rrleyhewe.s.aEtrweshdaWtWtrfayeyeeiv.isrranEisCcmoptlRy(ey-nuoloesYr.aabrauBht.osltena.itefcnWgso-MduAf.c!prTmalL.penHh,oalHoiannemewvnddnioioanrtaawsnhgyss. BNAWoBLlrpeeraartlos.desru,pvTsRotwen.eiearhcEfce1vc,louoeerWe9twrmaylsr.oat.bsiyEorrtaalhsRensIlatef.oeYsatLansesli.bqngesoPHututoalLadnsiot.nAryh,tdeTc.eNthebpoAipmTourfwlilmllWacelioFnenla.lccOtsooFk,rbowRmleEdeefaxrsiitsSnaqgnmhoAyi.gen,v.awLMeoaonMEnobrn,er.le.Eterktros;FFosisenqeooByigy.arrf,.,
WeTdhneesCdoaryn1w4athll JCahnruoanryic1le857
SaTtuhredCayor2n3wrdalJlaCnhuraoryni1c8le58 ThurLsdauaync2e4stthonNEovxeammbineerr1859

13. Don

North West Brewery

1889 to 1891

John G Pierce 1889 to 1890

Gregory S Gardiner 1890

John A Campbell 1891


ThursdayT2h8ethMNerocvuermy ber 1889

20 | Brewing in the land of Devils

14. Dundas

West Coast Brewery


A proposal for a brewery to be built on the Zeehan and Dundas
railway was put forward in 1891, the brewery never eventuated
and soon after the proposal another brewery was built in the

Zeehan and Dundas Brewery

1892 to 1898

Investment Group 1892 to 1894

Renamed to West Coast Brewery Company
Burgess Brothers 1896 to 1898


Are Now Supplying the Trade with Ales
of Unequalled Quality.

Zeehan and Dundas Herald
7th November 1892

Brewing in the land of Devils | 21

15. Evandale

Morrison’s Brewery

1855 to 1861

Eleanor Morrison 1855 to 1858
William Perkins 1858
Henry Gee 1858 to 1861
D Whitchurch 1861

Sketch of Morrisons Brewery c1855
by John Glover

National Library Australia 1122 #PIC/13589/27
license has been issued to Eleanor Morrison
of Evandale.
TuesdayTh1e4tChoAuurigeurst 1855

22 | Brewing in the land of Devils

Patriot King William
the Fourth Inn and Brewery

1841 to 1846

John Williatt 1841 to 1843
Thomas Fall 1843 to 1846

Blenheim House (Previously the Patriot
King William the 4th Inn)

Archives Office of Tasmania PH30-1-4702

For particulars, and to treat for the same, apply personally, or by letter
post-paid, to the undersigned.
Elkington, near Evandale, June 11.

WednesTdhaeyC13otuhriJeurne 1849

Tasmanian Brewery

1858 to 1866

William East 1858 to 1866

TASMANIAN BREWERY, Tasmanian Brewery,

(Adjoining Mr. Fall’s Hotel,) THE UAndDeJrOsigInNeIdN, GinMreRtu. rFnAinLgL’hSisHOsinTcEerLe. thanks
ALE OF A FIRST CLASS QUALITY for the very liberal support he has received since his
commencement in business, begs respectfully to inform
ALWAYS ON HAND. HppthruAeebmRliincVisheiEnasSb,TgihteaeBnniEetsrsEapRlor,efitpnhEaaarvtneadhynadqtvoauilnasenugtpaminptidleaysd,itetahstearmnveiacawsidnoidnitthiyati,boAlaneLnrEtdaotaethnsh.ides
Orders punctually attended to. WILLIAM EAST

WILLIAM EAST. SaTthuerdCaoyr2n1wstalJlaCnuharroyni1c8le60
April 27

WeTdhneeCsdoarynw3radll ACuhgruosntic1l8e59

Brewing in the land of Devils | 23

16. Fingal

fingal Brewery

1855 to 1874

Daniel Pestell 1855 to 1859

Frederick Rudge (Leased) 1859 to 1860


Daniel Pestell 1862 to 1870

William East (Perth Brewery) 1870 to 1872

Frederick C Greene 1872 to 1874

WANTED a brewer that is perfectly acquainted FINGAL BREWERY, FINGAL. Mr. William East
with his business, for a small brewery, gives notice in another column of his having taken
situated at Fingal. To a steady man constant this Fingal brewery in connection with the Perth
employment and liberal wages wilt be given. Apply establishment.
to Daniel Pestell,
Highlander Inn, Fingall.
Feb. 7


Talbot Arms Hotel
and Brewery

1845 to 1865

Charles Peters 1845 to 1854

William Duncan Jr 1854 to 1862

John Getty 1862 to c1865

Talbot Arms Hotel c1920

24 | Brewing in the land of Devils

17. Franklin

franklin Brewery

1854 to 1872

Thomas Spooner 1854 to 1859

Elijah Brown 1859 to 1863

John Tambor 1863 to 1871

James Griggs 1871 to 1872

THOMAS SPOONHEURONb.egs to inform the The Brewery, MAaTlt-FhRouAseN, KanLdINla.rgo brick built
Publicans and other inhabitants of the Huon Dwelling House, with garden, situate at the Franklin,
that he has now commenced business on the now in occupation of Mr. John Tabor. These Promises
premises lately erected adjoining Messrs. Merry and are to let in consequence of Mr. Tabor removing to
Dunn’s store, and trusts, by being able lo supply a the “Longley Inn.” Possession can be given on the 1st
good article of Ale and Beer, to merit the patronage February. Rent, £40 per annum, payable quarterly;
of the inhabitants generally. Parties supplied with and the brewing plant can be purchased for a small
any quantities , not less than five gallons. outlay. Apply to
ROBERTS & CO , Auctioneers,
Advance, Huon!
FridaTyhe5tChoMuraiyer1854 Murray-street.
FridayT2h7ethMJearncuuarryy 2871

18. George Town

Freemason’s Hotel and Brewery

1854 to 1856

Benjamin Hyrons 1854 to 1856

Freemason Hotel

Brewing in the land of Devils | 25

19. Hadspen

South Esk Brewery


Frederick C Greene 1871

F OR SALE. on the most favorable terms. The newly
erected brewery at Hadspen, without the plant,
admirably adapted for a fellmongery business. The
promises consist of spacious building, two stories,
about 40 feet by 20, together with sever room
cottage, pantry, dairy, stable, sheds, piggeries,
and garden; and about 10 acres of land, township
allotments, well fenced and divided into four
paddocks. The above premises are all in first-class
Tenders to be addressed to the undersigned on or
before the 8lt day of January. The highest or any
tender not necessarily no accepted.


20. Hamilton

Hit or Miss Brewery

1845 to 1880

James Middleton 1845 to 1850

Andrew Robertson 1852 to 1853

John Robertson 1854 to 1857

Jacob Trott 1857 to 1858

Henry Jackson 1858 to 1864


Edwin G Hooke 1870 to 1874

James Bryant 1874 to 1875

James Bryant Jr 1875 to 1880

Hit or Miss Hotel, The brewery was located in a
building at the rear of the hotel. c1966

Archives Office of Tasmania - NS165-1-159

Jacksons Malt-House
c1850 to 1864

James Jackson c1850 to 1858

Jacob Trott 1858 to 1864

Kimbolton Brewery

George Bilton 1841

Lawrenny Brewery
1865 to 1870

Jacob Trott 1865 to 1867

Edwin G Hooke 1867 to 1870

Old Hamilton Inn and Brewery

1855 to 1859

Richard Baldwin 1855 to 1858
Oliver Lang 1858 to 1859

Old Hamilton Inn c1966
Archives Office of Tasmania - NS165-1-163

Rotherwood Brewery

George T Pogson 1845

28 | Brewing in the land of Devils

21. Hobart

Brewing in the land of Devils | 29

Adams Brewery
1902 to 1905
Refer Punshons Brewery (Elizabeth Street)

Albion Brewery
1839 to 1844
Argyle Street

John Clark 1839 to 1840

Andrew F Angus 1840 to 1843

William J Disher 1843 to 1844

THE Public AarlebrieosnpeBctfruelwlyeirnyfo.rmed, that the W.J. DISHER begs to intimate that the Albion
Undersigned (in addition to his Wine and Brewery is now in full operation, and
Spirit Store) has erected the above establishment respectfully requests a trial of his beers and ales,
adjoining his present premises, where he has now which will be found to give entire satisfaction.
Albion Brewery, Argyle-street, next to
for Sale, ALE AND BEER, Mr. Duncan’s, Auctioneer, Feb. 24

of a description and quality, which cannot fail to Friday 2T4hteh CFeoburruiearry 1843
give satisfaction to those who may favor him with
their orders.

A. F. Angus.
N.B. — Families supplied in quantities from five
gallons upwards. :
4, Argyle Street, August 10, 1840.

TuesdaCyo1lo1nthiaAl Tugimuset 1840

Anchor Brewery
1842 to 1855
Refer Roberts’s Brewery, Macquarie Street

Anchor Brewery
1865 to 1879
Refer Britannia Brewery, Liverpool Street

30 | Brewing in the land of Devils

Artillery Brewery
1844 to 1883
Macquarie Street

William J Disher 1844 to 1848

Thomas Pascoe 1849 to 1860

John L Stewart 1861 to 1863

William Gracie 1873 to 1883

Sold to Syme & Co’s Cascade Brewery

WTo AHNoTldEeDr,s by othf e UEndnegrlsisighned, BTaWrleOy ttrottabcabthlopthbsrmtfMShsbthtmtatcwibasfhtcmsarbwwptpofctibcbaaf2fswWpbannllliuuorhhhhhhhhahhoootuuiiooooonrnrnt5yrrnfureeeeeeaaoeoaaeooonttforroaihpeeenneeeeeeeeeaarieloioocfuusrrmnmploeetnrasssdddhRetgwpgootesltucmrpfhorooeismmashelwaahssevrr.hmmtetaapalCtisecdtseatuckpasrrumhehaopsbnewiwpeanunocmahdppifrobturitt.wmTheuhdiontoeeineeolsctnndewdapragsiileecbdtoiaestniagsssellteFo.getrwreaslerre,anahpv,dhnpaereerwulegooddoheecueredep,ohipn.whonmeeoslernr,oavrounhbenstTttpgeoaptfepgoenendtdempanaeurrTheoo.kensotoeeukttsilotdirerrhtfosuoeintrlstdilfteenhnwfheilhnahnooIaprf,e.,kvenmlowleunyhis.hhgfpoenlffr,stfvteaattidlamalfarfdtgnyse.edorure,Wgcarewrttaan,efohecalhn’eamhsreeTenesirdnhelaihoaoihghi.oooeaWaordrynhngsaiattapcg,nstdrosterabdontecehaoplnthqmwnyestidmpouphroffmtreTlhnhrhstie,atiodrasgh1natdowdebaadharwefodbhdqeauupntodeeret.algftaeoohprlwecshoneoetngse2nhedbmgaglnehtuhtroesooyurfuetaatirohtihtsoAautneoneott,woaotewd0tepuslsteirecnn.oefoethhevelsorwensrtoMhahgtohrcs.mhon3iolbroenueawintonwfadhainoweflfueTodsaeaeibatishhcioNerrTsheitlegspc0eitilrwobsctamndarcsnthdtecesynuwtr.atltnofetttrateaoahh.ottretahokaeodhs,hwlreprfhshenocnyfrfitaeh.htrerchrnrchtcgsoshfws2whnttoiitnfoiloTwuoswionr,eooeeeeGbwlokpaeefstpcGoohioxeaerechaedttgmof0osiloiabrfeumonlfsfahseneposhhaipbiiuonsinlephhlptrtrhoeotilvaerkrebgrfltswohpiwgrqgeos.eouitmracegocnWanoiidaesmteueerhettiiadgeeeilarmiaoesysoeqtinthyputaeerrtorigg,sToehgiccamtrevhrrhrdnnrcahsstahfrenlh,hlanbrahbrfhlultbswrhgebetnheeeoesffosuidhwsiqhtehiphlelanisiaotvle,8ebmoeegxwoedeheeyraor.olrowectetcoieorlvtfdiitoewnilaoultaegayhtaawrnahdchhofaaeiyh.srlhrlonhlnhTeowoimorttoeue.chtrdnaftrayishutrso,edhalttttsenssigwaghhhedreih.egtvffOhyrsieohTotrhtobeotttrnoiorgacbeerntamswnveie,a,rtnibeab6eehiohstdhceeathwa2sefcemiyrierehhywd,otnhciwthcswtawrmetkhenberclgslliittdiecsutefhse,haidehc0oiiolbtsumhaaefitnaenoedtcesaoh2rhielbylonteoehoenanvnaottmootin0ronfiytotiincacoopreohortultthehs.4ihriinqcnnmieohsooentwoirfrppuertlotnonoufirlddcccdasvmdttdan,techfltbfihebeeashekhuaaeiiuhuenetlthoahphaltqonnnodrtatralsorhRibnslemntdsnhorbalearqleteciin.roeoolaceamttnogtncesngtaleechnuleetlvvsiinnduuhyeidltstoidmhioeio.eohodutooegsnitorfsacihcrce,agrqsaninegeeptesohdhatOgenectnostubnsibnewiebuoreinippoenietmhppglhslynchdstou,sxtlvcgrlslnsaoenalehzbluoaaogwotoisvhaeooofgetoolnpsuoapeuneesosoisoaerniieciacsovthpaoecsogsfuglytfeanshfleniaerafiueeldrnvihltveoilodsiotawtnietiteeetnlrteoooalhifbepeotuutlkycrctonaatdmthahoaigeiirtttttfelvdrseeonlrhyeunmoooaofinnfnlaaln22eeeehhhhbhbleleeninudgokrctuyiiittaeoorrxnoawlllltiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnhdddddroroor54gggyyyyyyyaaaaeeeeeeeeeerrssssrsssssssssstttffi,.,., tosostfaaIscbusfwtrbw8luotrhetuumrllyffepaeotlihqubehppnghttahcmcoehuwhseppottgcmcoolarhhooseieereallhhuensr.iitiesawdseeee.ynhigvetNjnktcsdxdeehahehghlAwshepypat,etpyeiw,ed,hrrcaeiefiooa.itttelShsiaernwcdthhahynwvtsncahsrseeeehtdoihoheseedtshnnrwrohkerottaefeftkptcomarsrowothonshhiilomntesrzaegaawrhatamenowocesieriflmiumn,alutefelnqngcaaobtsdaewheiultraetece8rnyenoale.grdildhifelreitntreTdestesh.heniiiha.dohtscsBaidsdeeniasihvnestaifzyordsnvewovceooetieebtpttravhauehdhtfdoxhttrrewtsdhdenaieeohr.iwikwnicoesiiktdiviaTnabwast,,.rnobuosuihlmaohedaratTtsostdoiheinegpsethtwdelhGspwrhneoadudteseteuibertpea-gootaernclrheewrlwlipilrldabl,paonssaowtayroio,fchaumodetwaeuaauseaihnisrflennulseclssaotseoeklaeiishhddpooyyaerrsssfl,.,
THOUSAND BUSHELS ENGLISH styflhltwTcooias2waawbhotpftaaFtTeMwghpw“hacToanllhhhhhcqqttoonnnbvei0fftrreaoeoaoohhreoiiilvnhheeeereuuteirmrtttotvrfedddagppgooeepoedereihhhrrrtkgfereeabeaapulneberrkk.rrsseoneereacGlyrm,ttsorrreee,tsbCeetrldatiihhyneeitsbeeitqediaafufncshgarsarasnimiheiilsi1efeue.eoiaaysrlbnsaufe2lnabzauncngiesasestgiaa0naoTerdclaunneycpai4cndiaeaolagncndlyd”rbe0domeerAc2lahsi.rsegrntlrltt,rtgsdeaotsstoebrltn.whei4Teoihstbierpot,trhbteet,ohsedbawdphdssuofaefihwofheterhsyhaoiru,eemtFni.teeeioeenasenthadrn,teaiao.celIrwiaottsetrderdrhwwlnninansvfolehhkt.ua2lhlsefebamsweko,aaoaeworonehaaTwlahree0imtstetrattnrrirayeirnp,trriirohaiygieochlsmhfliuhigdgmsoidailwkinsdnlntge,efvgeaeoneopwomeeeeeai.rdBnleedoasgceelsrdoiwarfsctungerEaat.adisrbpirq,ahonef,raacmyftrtowanfsaeqepsenhbritigiuuhTilelubsahtnorlbftstohwetdtsuop1nmvgseeeieefoaashaot.throphtinwnalifia8oraaeel.ioalesecnnhomsilBoueuiiebecrtseattrr4astorseMhgriwit,teoilttaflswshyteinTnohrwoe3nysiedoohrinjaemaescrh,taula.antgaygacaor3nrredyabaselstoiswhnootaantTs.lnslisreuhc.etm,0orwdeharcsGmntntensepcfmdiOdoiahatOmeo0hatkdesalntslerehnddeisseeosrpnrlosrernineablmetveeuvrwayzseebiloninbobiorsrnnecuunaneetnfsTlheecsmreioewbuireoeiifeiowimsrindi,iserinrn.alafdriduaozsixebleusrlienobnssitaeondssetTtntaeneehoenntgahastdrsoemurihtrhnshls9it,ndhnaetfolehllaeennttifiitgseteeeewww0wboassceswiog.lsed1oaifsidlrgnscsnclbsfnfktfaienianmmni22hohhhontloalostkiswkTanpdrasglgo.ennpi00ttwvisiiiierlewnfiogaaaeeehehhccccbbseaookfftttoaleeoedlissnnnnhhhhdddddllooottyyyyeeeeerrrrrssstttf.,...
BARLEY; Seven Shillings per bushel will be
given for first-rate samples. The Mercury
Friday 6th June 1873
Artillery Brewery
Macquarie-street, nov 12, 1847
TuesdayC1o6lothniNaloTveimmebser 1847


7s. 6d per dozen.




Brewing in the land of Devils | 31

Artillery Brewery site in 1936
Archives Office of Tasmania - NS1013-1-136

Artillery Brewery site in 1936
Archives Office of Tasmania - NS1013-1-137

32 | Brewing in the land of Devils †

Artillery Brewery

1892 to 1894
Refer Globe Brewery

Brewing in the land of Devils | 33

Bevley Bank Brewery
1830 to 1839
New Brewery
1851 to 1855
Burnett Street, North Hobart

Bevley Bank Brewery
Henry Condell 1830 to 1839

New Brewery
A. McRae 1851 to 1853
Richard Green 1853 to 1855
Joseph Clarke 1855 to 1855

Bevley Bank Brewery, TNew Brewery, Burnett-street.
HE undersigned begs to inform his friends and
NEW TOWN ROAD. the public generally, that he has commenced
MR. CONDELL begs to intimate, that from this business as a BREWER in Burnett-street, where
date, he will supply his Customers, and such others the best article can be procured at the lowest
as may favour him with their Orders, with his best possible price.
strong Ale at £4 per hogshead, and the second N.B.-Orders in town or country punctually
quality ditto, at £3 per ditto. attended to.
March 1, 1833.
The Colonist and Van Diemen’s Land Burnett-street, Oct. 3, 1851.
Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser
Colonial Times
Friday 8th March 1833 Friday 3rd October 1851

Blue Bells of Scotland
Public house and Brewery

Murray Street

George Wickins 1855

34 | Brewing in the land of Devils

William Blyths Brewery
Macquarie Street
William Blyth 1844


The Undersigned has received for SALE,


A SMALL quantity of TARRAGONA WINE, in
Pipes, Hhds., and Quarter Casks, at £14 per Pipe,

6, Macquarie-street,
Feb. 20, 1846.

Colonial Times
Tuesday 10th March 1846

Joseph Bonney

Joseph Bonney 1822

Britannia Brewery
1833 to 1862
Anchor Brewery
1865 to 1879
Liverpool Street

Britannia Brewery
Stephen Coombs 1833 to 1840
Frederick Paterson 1842 to 1862

Anchor Brewery 1865 to 1874
Richard R Wood & Thomas Spencer 1874 to 1879
Richard R Wood

Brewing in the land of Devils | 35

announcing to the public, that having taken
M Liverpool-street. the brewery, (formerly known as Paterson’s) and
R. COOMBS begs to inform his customers had it put in thorough repair, are now prepared to
and innkeepers in general, that he has receive and execute orders for ALE and BEER, and
commenced Brewing at his new establishment as by keeping always a good stock on hand they trust
above, And from the extent of the premises and to meet with a fair share of patronage.
other conveniences, together with the present low Superior bottled Ale in quarts and pints.
price of barley, he has reduced his Ale to £3 0s. WOOD & SPENCER,
0d. per hhd., allowed to be superior to any in the Anchor Brewery,
colony. Liverpool-street.
N. B.-Grains 8d per bushel, prime yeast 4d per Hobart Town,
quart. 12th August, 1865,
February 22, 1833.
The Mercury
Hobart Town Courier Wednesday 16th August 1865
Friday 22nd February 1833

Bucks Brewery
1845 to 1855
Argyle Street

John Buck 1845 to 1854
William Champion 1854 to 1855

Colonial Produce. — We are happy to, find that
several of our old colonists are exerting themselves
by industry, which is the main stay, which will tend
to the salvation of the Colony. Several , respectable
publicans are, now brewing the most wholesome
ale in the Colony. Mr. Buck, a small brewer and
malster, in Argyle street, has recommenced
brewing a most wholesome and unadulterated
beverage,which meets with ;a great demand among
many of our respectable licensed victuallers.

Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania
Saturday 3rd July 1847

Burton Brewery
1859 to 1866
Cascade Road

Edward Coates 1859 to 1866

36 | Brewing in the land of Devils

C ascade BrewerY



Cascade Brewery
1832 to 1883

Cascade Brewery Ltd
1883 to 1922

Tasmanian Breweries Pty Ltd
1922 to 1990
Cascade Group Ltd
1990 to 1993

Cascade Brewery Co. Pty Ltd (CUB Ltd)

1993 to Present

Cascade Brewery

Peter Degraves 1832 to 1852

Henry & Charles Degraves 1852 to 1854

Charles & John Degraves 1854 to 1858

James M Wilson 1858 to 1872

Charles & John Degraves 1872 to 1874

John Degraves 1874 to 1880

Syme & Co 1880 to 1883

Cascade Brewery Ltd

Tasmanian Breweries Pty Ltd

Cascade Group Ltd

Cascade Brewery Co. Pty Ltd

Brewing in the land of Devils | 37

38 | Brewing in the land of Devils

Cascade Brewery c1880
State Library of Tasmania - SD_ILS:185336

Brewing in the land of Devils | 39

We are happy to observe that the THE CASCADES BREWERY. the patent from the inventor, M r. James
The machinery imported by the Messrs. Harrison, formerly proprietor and editor
labouring classes of the community now Degraves for the purpose of producing of the Geelong Advertiser, Victoria. As
generally prefer drinking Colonial-brewed ice at the Cascades Brewery is attracting has been stated on a previous occasion,
malt liquors, in preference to English porter, general attention, and since the machinery great difficulties had been experienced
and almost any other liquor. This change has been set in motion, each day brings a by the proprietors in the erection of the
appears’ to be chiefly owing to the care taken number of visitors to witness the curious machinery, but their efforts have been
by several of our brewers in producing beer of a process. Although the ostensible motive attended with success, partly through their
superior quality to what we have hitherto been for visiting the premises is to have a own engineering skill, and partly by the
supplied with. Mr. Degraves, in particular, peep at the new machinery, which was assistance of Mr. G. A. Bond, engineer,
does not only brew beer of a nutritious and yesterday formally set to work, visitors, who has had considerable experience in the
wholesome, kind, but also pays much attention before departing, express astonishment manufacture of ice in India. At Cawnpore
that his bear is always clear. and admiration at the vastness and and Lucknow Mr. Bond erected no less
compactness of the establishment. The than four machines in one year. The process
The Colonist and Van Diemen’s Land new pile of buildings has been erected of used at the Cascades is that known as ether.
Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser solid cut stone, by Mr. Duncan, a native The ether is contained in a largo cylinder,
of Dundee, Scotland, who also holds the which, under the operation of a powerful
Friday 1st March 1833 position of overseer of the work in the air pump, is transferred to a series of pipes
brewery. The artistic skill and professional where it becomes condensed by cold water.
INotice to Licensed Victuallers- judgment displayed by Mr. Duncan in the Having passed through a number of tubes,
N Consequence of the underhand proceedings execution of the work become doubly it returns in a liquid state; it then passes
of certain of the Brewers of Hobart Town, the enhanced when it ¡B understood that into a series of zinc moulds, about twenty-
undersigned hereby notify their customers and he is a stonemason by trade, and works six inches square, and two or three inches
to the trade generally that on and from this day daily on the premises in that capacity. thick. These moulds are filled with the
the prices of their BEER WILL BE REDUCED Immediately surmounting the entrance purest filtered water, which, in about four
to Two Pounds Ten Shillings (£2 10s. 0d.) per gate are two casks cut from solid stone, hours time, is converted into blocks of ice.
hogshead, and One Pound Thirteen Shillings bat perfect in every respect, both as The motive power necessary for driving
and sixpence per barrel. regards hoops and taps. On the cask-ends the entire powerful apparatus is obtained
facing the road are clear and well-cut by the action of a turbine wheel, which has
H. & C. DEGRAVES, & Co. incriptions, setting forth that the brewery been on the premises for a considerable
Cascade Brewery Office, Collins-street, was established by Mr. Peter Degraves in time past, but which Mr. Bond has utilised
16th July, 1853. 1824, and that the present buildings were for tile purpose specified. All doubts as
Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of erected by Mr. Duncan. The whole of to the success of the undertaking has
the new premises are not yet completed now been dispelled, and the enterprising
Tasmania internally, but the massive masonry proprietors can congratulate themselves on
Saturday 23rd July 1853 and extensive floors of concrete speak having introduced and established another
volumes for their durability and utility. important industry in Tasmania. The ice
T ASMANIAN BOTTLED ALE In the unfinished portion of the premises will be extensively used on the premises
W. H . S M I T H is also erected a now copper recently for the purpose of cooling down the
Begs to notify that he has for sale a choice imported from England, and which cost wort during the summer months; but the
lot of ALE from the Cascade Brewery, which £1,200. When this is in working order surplus stock will either be retailed to local
has been bottled by himself with the greatest it is anticipated that the proprietors will customers or exported to neighbouring
care. The above is equal (if not superior) to be able to turn out twice the quantity of colonies. Of course, its importance as a
any English bottled, the price 25 per cent, malt liquors with which they at present medical restorative will be duly appreciated
less, and the public are respectfully invited supply their customers. By this means a by the faculty in Hobart Town. We wish the
to come and judge for themselves. very large business will be developed, as undertaking every possible success.
For the convenience of purchasers within the intercolonial demand for , “ Cascades
the city, the empty bottles will be removed nectar “ is daily increasing, particularly so The Mercury
at regular intervals, and a fair allowance in New South Wales, the demand from Thursday 12th November 1874
made for them. Orders received at the Sydney being almost in excess of the
Bottling Cellars in rear of his late premises, supply. On entering the brewery proper CASCADE NEW BEER BREWED
35, Murray-street (entrance through gates the visitor is at once lowered-by means of
opposite door of Club Hotel), and a patent “lift” which works from the upper FOR THE
also at No. 27, Davey-street. to the basement storeys -to regions below, WINTER MONTHS.
where huge casks of ale and porter are Specially high standard.
TERMS CASH. quietly fermenting through the bunghole. Absolutely the very best beer in the
The Mercury The flooring, as before mentioned, is
concrete, and the drainage is complete in universe.
Tuesday 16th March 1869 every respect. In this last-named respect, Quite equal to any ordinary ale
the Cascades brewery is far superior to a nice warm winter drink of pure malt and
any kindred establishment in Victoria,
a fact of which the proprietors are fully hops.
conscious and appreciate according to
its full value. The refrigerating apparatus, THE CASCADE BREWERY CO.
and hot and colt water pipes, malt kilns,
&c. are all in apple-pie order, and are after Daily Post
the first models. The ice house is detached Wednesday 23rd June 1909
from the brewing premises, and stands
on the left of the private residence of the
Messrs. Degraves. The machinery has
been manufactured by Siebe Brothers, of
London the English firm who purchased

40 | Brewing in the land of Devils Δ
c1874 c1874 †
1876 †
c1890 c1900 †
c1900 1910

Brewing in the land of Devils | 41
c1922 c1925
c1895 c1901

42 | Brewing in the land of Devils
c1924 c1900 Δ
c1920 c1910

Brewing in the land of Devils | 43
c1890 c1890 †
c1920 c1925
c1928 c1930

44 | Brewing in the land of Devils
c1928 c1930
c1928 c1930

Commercial Brewery
1854 to 1857
Old Wharf

William Green 1854 to 1857

Brewing in the land of Devils | 45

Co-Operative Breweries of Tasmania

1927 to 1931
Refer Punshons Brewery (Elizabeth Street)

Dandelion Ale Brewing Company

1884 to 1892
Refer Globe Brewery

Davey Street Brewery
1835 to 1865
Davey Street

William Wilson 1835 to 1846

Anne Wilson 1846 to 1853

John L Stewart 1853 to 1861

W. J. T. Clarke 1861

John & Robert Walker 1861 to 1864

William B Watchorn 1864 to 1865

Wanted, Rear of the Davey Street Brewery 1857
State Library of Tasmania - SD_ILS:132303
BARLEY of last, year’s growth, to be delivered
within six weeks from this date at Hobart Town, in
quantities not less than 50 bushels. No barley will
be received that has been thrashed by a thrashing

Davey-street Brewery.
Hobart Town, Dec. 12, 1843

Colonial Times
Tuesday 12th December 1843

In Quarts and Pints.

THIS ALE, having been brewed especially to
compete with the imported Ale, has been found,
on trial, to surpass in flavor and condition the best
English brands, arid is sold at a far lower price.

The Mercury
Thursday 7th January 1864

46 | Brewing in the land of Devils

Derwent Brewery

1823 to 1849
Collins Street

James Ogilvie 1823 to 1826

Peter Dudgeon & Frederick Bell 1826 to 1827

Peter Dudgeon 1827 to 1832

William A Brodribb (Leased) 1832 to 1836

T Knight 1836

Reeves & Boreham 1836 to 1839

David Lord 1839

Lewis J Prentis & Son 1842 to 1844

Blackburn & Charles Bilton 1844 to 1849

DERWENT BREWERY. - Mr. OGILVIE T Derwent Brewery. £5 Pounds Reward.
requests those who are indebted to him, HE undersigned begs to return his WHEREAS, about the month of January
and who have promised to pay in Barley, to sincere thanks to the Public, for last, some person or persons, did feloniously
send in the same without delay, otherwise the very liberal encouragement he has cut, steal, and take away a Privy, at the back
he will be under the disagreeable necessity received for his much admired Ale, and of the Derwent Brewery, this is to notify,
of prosecuting, without respect of persons, solicits a further continuance of their the above reward will be paid to any person
all who shall not attend to this notice. patronage. giving such information as brings the
A good Cook wanted, apply at the British offender or offenders to conviction.
Hotel. P. DUDGEON. Derwent Brewery, July 15,1833
Grains Is. per bushel, Yeast, 2s. per gallon.
Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen’s Colonial Times
Land Advertiser Colonial Times Tuesday 30th July 1833
Friday 11th September 1829
Friday 23rd April 1824

Derwent Brewery (James & Blake)

1911 to 1922
Refer Jolly Hatters Brewery



Brewing in the land of Devils | 47

Dusty MIller Brewery
Liverpool and Harrington Streets

Luke Milward 1833

Emerald Tavern and Brewery
Molle Street
Anne Downes 1840
A Public Rouse to Let.
THAT Old Established House known as the
EMERALD TAVERN, in Molle-street, which
commands a first-rate business. Rent moderate.
For further particulars, apply to Edward Howe, 68,
N.B.-A Brewery attached, with utensils complete,
will be let with the House.
Hobart Town, June 28, 1841
Colonial Times
Tuesday 29th June 1841

Ellis’s Brewery
1842 to 1845
Refer Robert’s Brewery

Foster’s Brewery
1830 to 1832

Thomas Foster 1830 to 1832

48 | Brewing in the land of Devils

Globe Brewery

(Tasmanian Dandelion Ale Company Ltd)

1884 to 1892

Artillery Brewery
1892 to 1894

James Boag and Son (Hobart BRewery)

1894 to 1924
Murray Street, later Antill Street

Globe Brewery
George Nicholls 1884 to 1892

Artillery Brewery 1892 to 1894
John H Gracie

James Boag & Son (Hobart Brewery)


Antill Street.

The undersigned invites inspection of h it really Prime MALT LIQUORS,
brewed specially for family use.
ALE AND B E E R may be had in wood, or bottled in pints and quarts.

A specially—in wood, bottled in pints or quarts. This Ale is extensively
used in the Australian Colonies, and highly recommended by the Medical
Profession as a life-preserving and invigorating tonic.

MELBOURNE.— W. C. SANDER AND CO., 144 Little Collins street West.
OFFICE : No. 113 COLLINS STREET. Office Telephone, 181. Brewery Do., 126.

G. NICHOLLS, Proprietor.

Tasmanian News
Thursday 13th September 1888

Brewing in the land of Devils | 49

50 | Brewing in the land of Devils

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