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Brewing In The Land Of Devils by Ben Lawrence.
A directory of breweries in Van Diemens Land and Tasmania from settlement to 1939.
Originally published by Ben in 2016 as PDF, it was at the time the definitive guide and I don't think it has been bettered since.

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Published by Colin Savage, 2019-02-17 08:57:11


Brewing In The Land Of Devils by Ben Lawrence.
A directory of breweries in Van Diemens Land and Tasmania from settlement to 1939.
Originally published by Ben in 2016 as PDF, it was at the time the definitive guide and I don't think it has been bettered since.

New Norfolk Brewery
(Derwent Brewery)

1824 to 1847

Henry R Oakes 1824 to 1834

John & George Cope 1834 to 1840

John Cope 1840 to 1847

M New Norfolk Brewery
R. COPE begs to inform his Friends and Customers in general, that
he can supply them with Ale and Beer far superior to any to be got in
the Colony, and that he intends to make preparations for manufacturing
Porter, which he presumes will be found superior to any that can be
imported from Home, as the water he uses is taken from the Derwent,
which is far superior to any in the .Colony, from its being free from
impregnations of mineral substances.
N.B.-Barley taken in exchange for Beer, Ale, &c, and Malted on
moderate terms ; or Malt exchanged for Barley.
Dec. 26, 1834

Colonial Times
Tuesday 20th December 1834

Star and Garter Hotel and Brewery


John Martin 1830

Star and Garter Hotel c1888
Anson Bros SD_ILS:197136

Brewing in the land of Devils | 101

30. Oatlands

Barwick’s Brewery

c1849 to 1885
Corner High and Dulverton Streets

Joseph Barwick c1849 to 1856

William Barwick 1856 to 1858

Robert & Esther Spencer 1866

Esther Spencer 1866 to 1870

William Barwick 1873 to 1885

Oatlands Brewery

1835 to 1876
Corner High and Church Streets

Joseph McEwan 1835 to 1838
Joseph Boreham 1838 to 1842
Henry Coop 1855 to 1856
John Bailey 1857 to 1868
William Barwick 1868 to 1873
John Bailey 1873 to 1876

OSEPH McEWAN, of the Inverary Castle, in IMPORTANT TO PUBLICANS AND BREWERY, situated in High-street, Oatlands.
returning thanks to a discerning public, for Tenders to be addressed to Mr. JOHN BAILY,
the unprecedented run of business he has had PRIVATE FAMILIES. Oatlands, up to the 31st December,
through their kindness since he has conducted Within the vicinity of Oatlands and on 1876.
the above inn, has now the pleasure to acquaint the Main Line of Road. H COOP has
them that his Brewery and Malt Manufactory now on hand a supply of, beautiful The Mercury
are in full operation, and invites them to a trial sparkling Colonial Ale known as Thursday 21st December 1876
of his manufactures. As it is the produce of the possessing superior qualities and
colony, there being no sugar used; he hopes it brewed under his own immediate Under instructions from Mr. Bailey,
will be found an acquisition to the settlers in superintendence. The whole of Coop’s THE RENTAL IF HIS BREWERY at
Oatlands and its vicinity, as they can have a dmeaslctrilpiqtiuoonrasnadrfelavoof r,aanvderwyherensctohetrhhies OATLANDS, with all the plant (particulars at
good beverage at any price either in ale, or beer; is added a great moderation in charges, sale), on a lease for three or five years.
or they can have malt and brew for themselves. there is every opportunity offered
Produce taken in exchange. both to settlers, private families and The Mercury
Wanted to purchase any quantity of good publicans. Wednesday 18th April 1877
malting barley.
Has on hand his usual stock of wines, The Hobarton Mercury
spirits, porter, ale, cordials, &c. of best quality. Wednesday 1st August 1855
N.B. his blacksmith’s shop is occupied
by on of the best tradesman on the island.

The Hobart town courier
Friday 29th May 1835

Oatlands Hotel and Brewery

1840 to 1880
Corner High and Barrack Streets

Samuel Page 1840 to 1855
Nicholas A Woods 1855 to 1858
Joseph McEwan 1858 to 1866
Edward Currie 1866 to 1873
George Rodda 1873 to 1879
Thomas E Bagley 1879 to 1880

TO LET, the “OATLANDS HOTEL,” situated
in the Township of Oatlands, with BREWERY,
&c., adjoining. The above Hotel will be let either
furnished or unfurnished, according to the wish of
the party entering. Immediate possession will be
given, and for further particulars apply to S. PAGE,
Belle Vue, New Town.

The Mercury
Friday 2th July 1866

Oatlands Hotel c1930

31. Perth

Esk Brewery1860 to 1880 RIP Cox East

George Ingham 1860 to 1866
William East 1867 to 1880

A Shocking accident happened at the Perth
brewery on the 23rd ult. to Mr Wm. East’s youngest c1880
child, a fine little boy two years of age. He was
playing with the other children in the kitchen
when he unfortunately fell backward into a pot of
boiling water, severely scalding the lower part of
his back and abdomen. Dr. Appleyard was soon in
attendance but his efforts were unavailing, as the
poor child gradually sank, and died next evening.

Launceston Examiner
Saturday 11th July 1874

Perth Brewery

1856 to 1860

Edward Sherwood 1856

Edward Sherwood & George Ingham 1859 to 1860

Edward Sherwood 1860

104 | Brewing in the land of Devils

32. Restdown

Restdown Brewery


Thomas G Gregson 1855

33. Richmond

Bridge Hotel and Brewery

1853 to 1857

Daniel Murphy 1853 to 1857

Richmond Brewery

1845 to 1852

Richard Ockerby 1845 to 1852

RICHMOND BREWERY.- Every effort to en-crease
our home resources, and to shut out as much as
possible every other produce than that of the British
Australian Colonies, is deserving notice, and we are
therefore glad to make known that Mr. Ockerby, of
the Lennox Arms, Richmond, has opened a small
brewery at his place, where he is producing an article
from malt and hops only, of excellent quality, and with
a stronger sample of which he intends astonishing the
public generally when his proposed arrangements
are completed. These country breweries, if properly
worked by their proprietors, and supported by the
public, will very soon drive the Cape wine used in
harvest time, out of the market, and it is to such
means of relief, rather than Legislative measures, the
colonists ought to look for assistance.

Colonial Times
Saturday 11th January 1845

Brewing in the land of Devils | 105

Woodburn Brewery

1832 to 1843

Gilbert Robertson 1832 to 1834
William Stallard 1834 to 1843

THAT well established Public-house, known as WOODBURN
the PACKET INN. The Richmond Brewery TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION
being for Sale at the same time, an opportunity Lot 5. - Woodburn brewery, and 3½ acres of
like the present seldom offers to establish a most excellent cultivated ground, having 6 chains
lucrative Public Business, by combining both frontage on the Coal river, and now let to a most
Properties. respectable tenant for a term of 9 years, at a rent
Should it be found that there will not be averaging 40l. per annum.
sufficient time for the Sale before the starting of the.
Races on Thursday, it will be postponed until 12 The Hobart Town Courier
o’Clock on Friday, when it will be positively Sold, Friday 14th March 1834
without reserve.
The Colonist and Van Diemen’s Land Commercial

and Agricultural Advertiser
Tuesday 31st December 1833

34. Scottsdale

Scottsdale Brewery

1883 to 1893

Charles Button 1883 to 1893

35. Sorell

Downward’s Brewery

1824 to 1850

Richard Downward 1824 to 1841
Joseph Downward 1841 to 1850

106 | Brewing in the land of Devils

Gordon Highlander Inn and Brewery


Johnathon Watson 1847

Reardon’s Brewery

1824 to 1865

Bartholomew Reardon 1824 to 1849

Edward L Reardon 1849 to 1857

Samuel Parsons 1857 to 1864

Elizabeth Parsons 1864 to 1865

Brewing in the land of Devils | 107

36. Spreyton

Spreyton Brewery
(Devon Brewery)

1880 to 1893

Charles S Button 1880 to 1882

Edmund Button 1882 to 1883

William Metcalf 1883 to 1885

Edwin Cleaver 1885 to 1888

Richard Jamieson 1888

Mary Devine 1888

William E Devine 1888 to 1889

Richard Jamieson 1889

William A Allen & Albert E Kellam 1889

Albert E Kellam & William T Crick 1889 to 1890

Charles Forrester 1890

Frederick Barnes 1892 to 1893

DEVON BREWERY, SPREYTON We have received from Messrs Crick & Kellam,
I hereby give notice that I have always carried on, of the Devon Brewery, Spreyton, a sample of 1890
and am STILL CARRYING on, the BUSINESS porter now being sent out from the brewery.
at the above Brewery as a Brewer and Cordial While not deeming the porter up to the high
Manufacturer, on my own account solely, and standard of excellence which characterises the
that, PAYMENTS made of MONEYS owing ale brewed by the firm, it is never the less a
to me to any person not holding my written fairly good porter, and superior to much that
authority, will NOT BE RECOGNISED. we have tasted from colonial breweries.

Juno 15, 1888 Tuesday 26th November 1889

Saturday 16th June 1888 CHARLES FORRESTER

DISSOLUTION OF Begs to intimate that he has purchased the old-
THE PARTNPAERRTSHNIEPRhSeHreItPo.fore existing established DEVON BREWERY, at Spreyton,
between WILLIAM ALBERT ALLEN And and will he prepared in a few days to supply
ALBERT EDWARD KELLAM, As Brewers, etc., Ale, Beer, and Stout, in bulk and bottle. C. F. is
at SPREYTON, in Tasmania, has THIS DAY a Practical Brewer, and has every confidence in
BEEN DISSOLVED By mutual consent The recommending his Liquors to the trade and
BUSINESS in future will be CARRIED ON by others, and respectfully solicits a share of
the said A. E. KELLAM, who will receive and public support in his effort to firmly establish
an industry on the Coast.
discharge all debts of the Arm. Sea future advertisement.
W. A. Allen.
A. E. Kellam. The North West Post
Saturday 6th September 1890
Witness to the signatures of the said William
Albert Allen and Albert Edward Kellam— W. MERSEY BREWERY,
T. Chick.
September 16, 1889. F. BARNES & CO.,
Referring to the above notice, I beg to inform the PROPRIETORS,
public that I have this day I taken Mr William
Throne Crick into partnership, and that the Beg to announce that the Brewery will be
business will in future be carried on in the opened during the present week.
name of CRICK AND KELLAM, BREWEBS, Orders will receive our best attention.
The North Coast Standard
Spreyton. Friday 28th October 1892
A. E. Kellam, Formby.
September 17, 1889.

Daily Telegraph
Wednesday 18th September 1889

108 | Brewing in the land of Devils

37. Stanley

Stanley Brewery
1852 to 1874
Rougermont Street

Robert Nunn 1852 to 1856

Robert & Allen Nunn 1856 to 1872

Allen Nunn 1872 to 1874

38. Swansea

Pier Hotel and Brewery
1857 to 1863
James Hurst 1857 to 1863

Swansea Hotel and Brewery
1850 to 1855

Samuel N Wellard 1850 to 1855

39. Westbury

Westbury Brewery
1845 to 1848
Shadforth Street

Henry Godfrey 1845 to 1848

Brewing in the land of Devils | 109

Westbury Brewery
1854 to 1866
William Street

Moore Simmons 1854 to 1856
Alfred Edmeades 1856 to 1862
Henry Edmeades 1862 to 1864
Moore Simmons 1864 to 1866

WESTBURY BREWERY. WANTED immediately A strong, active young
man, of good character, willing to make
A. EDMEADES having completed his arrangements himself generally useful in a brewery. A married
at the above brewery, begs to state that he is now man without incumbrance preferred.
prepared to supply his friends and the public Apply to H. EDMEADES, Westbury Brewery.
generally with a genuine article, and hopes by strict March 27.
attention to business to share in their patronage and
support. Private families supplied with any quantity Launceston Examiner
not less than five gallons. All orders will be Tuesday 31st March 1863
promptly attended to.

Launceston Examiner
Saturday 9th February 1856

Westbury Brewery & Malt House

1864 to 1887
King Street

Robert Lyall 1864 to 1875

William L Webb 1880

Alexander D Duncan 1886 to 1887

Tuesday, September 6.
(Before the Warden (C. J. L. Smith), Messrs. J, The PREMISES situated in King-street, Westbuiy,
Hart, Wm. Bonnily, and W. Abey, J.’sP.) known as the WESTBURY BREWERY AND
Alexander Dillon Duncan, of Westbury Brewery, MALT HOUSE.
was charged by the Superintendent of Police, Apply
Deloraine, under No. 10 43 Victoria, section 21,
that on the 25th day of August he did cause to be Mrs L. Phillips,
removed unlawfully one keg of beer without being Westbury Inn, Westbury.
duly stamped Plea— Not guilty. Daily Telegraph
Tuesday 9th October 1888
Daily Telegraph
Wednesday 7th September 1887

110 | Brewing in the land of Devils

40. Wynyard

Wynyard Brewery
1864 to 1869

John Quinn 1864 to 1865
Joseph Alexander 1865 to 1868
William Garner 1868 to 1869

Label Number ing

The first digit is are State The third digits are the The last digits are the label
code, the postcode prefix is brewery codes, listed in code for the beer listed.
used. alphabetical order in the Usually listed in steps of 10
town or city. to allow for new labels to be
2. New South Wales / ACT inserted in future revisions.
3. Victoria
4. Queensland K - Keg Label
5. South Australia B - Back Label
6. Western Australia N - Neck Label
7. Tasmania S - Special Label
8. Northern Territory H - Hotel Label

The second digits are the The forth digits are the beer
location codes, a code for type code. usually listed in
each town or city in the age order, with the oldest
state, listed alphabetically. known beer listed first.

Other label code details

Δ A Black and White copy of the original label, colours unknown.
† Digitally redrawn label from a partially recovered label, colours and design might vary slightly.
# Digitally redrawn from a period hand drawn design, colours either unknown or referenced from similar
labels, and the main design is not 100% accurate.

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