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Published by SHEE YUEN LING Moe, 2021-01-21 09:59:57

English Plus 1 Workbook Year 5

English Plus 1 Workbook Year 5

pffiffi&mffi55 ffiffivBmw

. : ! c*uki ei* this [:*tter. ***ja;,t.,1...i.) ,,::;,) '\."..-:) t! d* this ver3r weii,

Wffi*&WwJL&WV W'**& L &WffiWL &ffiffi W ffi*W% **aamKmfu&* ers#
Complete the words in the texts.
wffi**w{a%efu*w m*wws * #*w&*? {&{8b$ {wa{*$r

*{e{'4& ffi &**

3 Choose the correct words.

My favourite meal is breakfast. I like all the 1 There aren't sweets in this bag.
a some b much c many
different food you can have! I often have an got2 I haven't
cheese with my burger.
t e _-with 3sjo-m-e--2wbi-th---athnatd. A I usually drink
good breakfast a any b some c many
some cold

is the best start to the day! My sister eats unhealthy snacks.

a much balotof c any

I like healthy food. I love eating o f - - - -, for There isn't soup in your bowl.
example, grapes, a pear or a nice
s a a some b much c many

For lunch, I often have a 6 s ---- Are there....... nice dishes on the menu?

with cucumber and a lot of other things a any b much c alot

in it. lf I make a pizza,l put a lot of We've got nice black grapes.

7 v on it and of course, some a some c much

JaSmine I ". - - - - b- -.-I-d-o-n-'t like unhealthy fast food b any

such as e and 1o c----.

I can talk about food and meals.

h4Y fiVALL,ATION Vr:7i'};{;57 ff}' Ufr


I can talk about the food I like and dislike. wffi{"&ffi13L&W:{ &Wffi L&%TffiW&XW&e ed

MY EvALUAIoN &l*{*W W*w&Etu

READIruG Sumo style & Wlisten and draw linesfrom namesl-7to
people a-g in the picture.
2. Complete the text with the words. 1 Dad 2 David 3 Helen 4

bowls desserts
dish enormous train vitamins

lrtenAser,siiino:,wrcstlb*,.have,ra,,Ve- d' fu- ht].lifastyle,,tq- ifilost

Ithem.rwel'gh 'aiodnd, !,.90.,ki los l They a lso h ave to get up \re1i.':''

earrlr'and11 a lot.

chanhaiabe;,Thelr,igften aat rsix.or,' Seven 1,.,,

rif, it ,in,,one m€all,:lllli ,quite':health, be€aurse theie are a lot of
fai n: if ,irnd,the-re, iSn lt rrn u ch,
Th ey don't

onty.,eaqahaakonshi,'' fhey,have diffeleittr th irngs such. as 5 Paul 6 Sarah

eggs;,salads and 9

I can summarize a text. I can understand specific information.

50 Food and health

ts qlleaq pue pool

1\t\)l :ry ! i I \il fi:], \ tl\;

'sp]o^ 6ur:uanbas 6u;sn 6o1q pooJ e alu^ ue) |

aAeH ) a)lt q Iolu3 e B **:*:tr-
Iue e L
auos ) {ueru q rauv P 9 BEL.;t3Vr t EWt\4 Alf\t
]srll q unl e s ..ilr'
(1;eur1 : iearb q
aleul oi e v 'aJe) e ur lurJp pue poo} rapro ue)
]ln)r#!p ) 6ur>1euu q
aleur ) lxoN e € ias;a 6urqv(uy ssarllPl
rauv ) ]srri q
{tsel q alqura] e z laseald ualtl rl
alqHror.l ) uaql e L ':a6:nq qLUel e aneq I ue) 'sai
}XAN q L__l
lsrl ) 'noI >1ueq1
sserrrerylf*] 6
'asea;d 'elol P aneq ll(l 'sa
)oaAA +xau aur urol ilooLu rno^'nuaLU loor0 roL.liou0 rol 'asea;d 'spunod uanas s(]eqf ')O uaill lE ,

'asea;d 'peles "' uril ssertre11t1[ a

I ino( dleq I uef .araq] lH uoill l**-ll P
'are no{ arag
isnorcrl0c iurLrJl^l LlJ0orc ocl ssarrre1y1l r
ira6rnq rno(
eL.l+ r.l+l/v\ o^ros puD Irnrl aLUos doq3 sluerpar0ut Llluv\ pelPs ro sdrqr a1r; noI plnoM ualH q

,lo0 l,usoLl lt osn0saq Asoo =
Auu'-sr srr.ll +rnrl q+!/n - uDl LU0orc ocr uorpul
s,ll if ossop - o+uno^0l e ssertre6[ e

s sols0l 'sa)ualua6

l! pu0 poo0 s)ool ll ocu Lllr/v\ furnc olqota0oA aql raqunN 'rapro l)oro) oql u! en6o;erp all lnc :

tror] o s,lr lopol osrnoc uloLU otl+ sl '+xoN ,:

, Isoe

ls.+r pu0 srrl+ 0ur)oLlr oAol p0orq Lllr/v\ lr oAOL]
-uoc no^ OllD/ pell0c s.+! Llslp roqLUncnc pu0

ynq0oA uorpul uo s,oror.ll'+otll

o^,l. PUD ACrU l'llooi er,IaLlI S)CDUS 'e)!^pp en;6 pue selrlsrp pue salrl lnoqe Ilel uer
uorpul ll0LUS ouros loCI r

'nuollr u0rpul uo roi soapr l ou ollros ar0 olaH'lH (op'purul ].uop)

g 197 raqLueldeg ')roMatuoq no
',1 plo) ur
'snq aLl].ro, (ur^ s'alrl ]ou) )ale^
:l +o srlua) aLl] u! a!pparj

*B&#sf;wEffi l aLl] ul (}ea'raJard)'soq)t^ pues
:',&&.,,*.,[email protected].#.#.@."e#-.f.f.-if..f,i.f'f--i. :.
uuv'q)unl Jol fr
'lxal aql a:a;duo: pue spto/v\ pailo) aql asoot{f {"
ffi*gqp**&W WW&&EWffi (unr 'alrllou)


(anrl 'purr.u ],uop) 'uA,c-


(dlaq'a1r1) 'auroq -.

ueLuso puP ue]]".' i
'u'e 9 ]e (dn ]a6 'ale -

slenn;e trtat-; l

lalsls ,,

-'sqlal aql 6ursn sa)ualuas al

[email protected] :r- mY4i5@h at sx"saqtu_*sbl1** &*'ji,i

Label the pictures 1-6 with the words. There ru withthe clues and write,,, Read-,;):,t.'.',t;1,i:1,:,';;i:;i', the words'


are nine extra words. q ball champion competition fan match

athletics basketball ruq.g '%. e+ympiegarnes player race stadium team
climbing cycling football .
These are every four years. You can watch them on TV.
golf gymnastics lno€key
#{ympr* &am**
horse-riding rugby sailing
1 This person likes a team a lot!
skiing swimming tennis &sek,ay 2 This is a game of tennis or football.
volleyball wrestling 3 You can play golf, tennis or hockey with this thing.

WKru*-w I 4 This person plays a sport like tennis, hockey or
-ffiffi You go to this very big place to watch a game of
football or rugby.
456 This person is the best at his or her sport.

7 This is a group of people in a game such as footbal

8 This is when people try to run or cycle the fastest.

3 ;iir;lir"'ii;t$,t$ Complete the dialogue with some of the g Wh;; . r", b"eipst."pperrs.oncoomr etetaoma. place and play

words in exercise 1. to find the

Johnny What's your favourite sPort? e- t:i;','.',liii' : ::it Co m p I et e t h e s e n t e n c e s.

Pete I like walking and jumping on things - so it's I like playing &axk*fball be,*are*c, it's fxct e&:d

gymma*tios , lthink. Or maybe exoif[itg.

because I love animals. 1 I love playing

What about you? 2 I like watching on

Johnnv llou""n nn "1,,ffi?:?:,]1,.,0o,, ,,, I don't like watching

at school we're learning a new team sport.
You use your hands to move the ball up in

the air. lt's called

Pete 0h l'm terrible at that! And what about I don't like playing

sport on TV? r;;;,i;;;;;,;;;

Johnny I iike watching japanese sumo

! But it isn't on TV

very often. My friend is really into

Pete Yes, that's really cool. I love watching fast

team games like s -my

favourite team is Chelsea. I also enjoy
it's great when

the players run with the ball. I'm into winter
sportslike1 .

Johnny Yeah, I like doing dangerous sports outside. I
love8 . .

in the mountains in


52 Sport

€s uods

I/a q)lPU aq] ur s;eo61o lol P

'{,{e+ 3s BS8 ?ed4 &F 5l$,Ee{44 A,Es4 s+il! ,q'}Es* sr*e I lf unrpels aql ol }xau doqs suods ]ear6 e 9

aqur palsaraiur olur (;;ear eq

I j,oouueP] ,eedaqq uudall//aduurluadrJad/^v\ da/Av\ /IuI uaoqt{M^ x unrpels aq] ul aler a)ru e 5

L s{epr;oq rouuns }sel ;o a6e aqt te

'no( dlaq ol splom aql asf'l ita6uno( y' weol.laqlo otl] uo ra(eld Poo6 tuene 1

a.rem noI uaLlA ur palsalalur nor( ataan 1rUM

';ood 6urtuutA S aLl] ]e ,te) s X fuea] rno u1
aq5 'Iepun5 uo {rerqrl aq} }P snotueg{1e

slrods aq] le {eq1 (epun5 uo >1red x unrpels aq] rPau uorlels urerl e u

aql ]e ,lnquv pue peulueqnw

'untpPls lleqlool aLl] ]P

ag 'Iepun5 uo eLuautf aq] ]e lluled €

'>1red aqi le Aey 7 /r suerr LlllM sasnq Jo ]ol P .

leaq5 'Ieprn1e5 uo fuerqr; aqt .PuauD aLlI -"rie+p6r,i ?qi +s sJ*+s+rads 3c 401 e fiJqta ?)a t
la LI)]PLU aq] ]e srole]:eds,o io .
]P {aq1'{eprn}es uo ar}ual s}rods
'J(uatatA ataql pu?
aLI] ]e lnquv pue peuueqnw t
ql' ln' at a at a J, tt s D AA a D Lll's D lA an q 6utsn sal u al u a s
te'orlua) suods aq] ssru
anlle6eu puea^ueurryJe alul'Ioo/v\ lsel unlppls :
lpa;1 ',(epln1e5 uo,te:qr; aq} +.uspm llu}pd le q)leu lleqtoo] lueuodrur up le ara^ no1 1"

'uorlrladuo: aq1 'Itp -' -

ur sLuea] poo6 L qlleLu lleqlooJ

nwy 9 -,re;n 6 J

I lernld

,rrro o,, 'uunrpels 6rq 'ureatlleq(a1lo'.-.

-lpeuueqnw i aql le sue; Xstou € raXeld 6ur1r:xa


,r,rrro I

E ](uara^ araql araM aJa[]I ](useM araql
r€rA-aJaqt auos ,(up uP P
'JlataAA )o aDrA'J,usDM'sDfl ql!/vl

sa)ualuas aql ala;duo)'alqer aql le lool { Wrc'sprom aql qlyv\ olqpl or.ll a1e1duo1 3

* g= *a f,rm*g &d8re exged*'Srfi a{j


3 Write,:\::t,:.;i:;::i!/lli::::;, the past simple form of the verbs. &d&,,,., "@tr .-^., sten a ga in a n d com p l ete th e

..,.:.,,,,.,.,,.",.1.,,. ffi,,1:,1"" Li

learn 3 do 6travel sentences with one, two or three words.
1 become 4 go
2 decide 5 start 7 watch isRyan .e-ev€tlfgg!3 .... years old.
8 win
1 Ryan is from the

2 Ryan went skiing every when he

leenxed 3 6 was younger.
1 .. 4 7
8 3 Ryan watched skijumping on TV when he was

2 ...... . 5 years old.

4 At first, Ryan did jumps of

textComplete the::;;;.t,,;',;;;.',,',l11ijl11l::' using the past simple metres.

form of the verbs. 5 Ryan went to a competition in

become compete do g@ learn he was sixteen.

start travel watch win 6 The Winter Olympics SpecialTV programme is

every day.

w*xt to my friend Sara's Tom';21' did a lot of different things last week.
IWhen I was eleven years old,
Look at the picture. Write sentences about Tom usi

wehouse one evening, and our homework. the past simple form of the verbs.
After that we 2
an Olympic basketball match on
3TV - it was really excitingl I then
abasketball in my PE lessons at school and I more about

interested in the sport. to play after school with my friends

After that, I 5

at the local sports centre. Soon, I was in the under-fourteens

basketball team in my town. by bus to a city 100 km
in a big competition. We
Last month, our team
away and we'

it and I now have a gold medal in my bedrooml

m .!::i#;:;ffi!,#:ffi.iW* Listen and choose the Last week ...

correct answers. Tcm d{d $t{s $to*saw*nk.

The programme is about ....

{firheWinter 0lympics

b the Summer Olympics
c the X Games

1 Ryan Jones is one of the . . . competitors.
a smallest b most successfui c youngest

2 Ryan learned to ski when he was ... years old.
a four b five c six

3 Ryan went skiing with his ... when he was younger.
a famiiyfriends b parents c grandparents

4 At first, Ryan's parents were ... about the ski

jumping lessons.

a excited b happy c unhappy
5 Ryan did ,.. jumps at first.

a small b bad c dangerous
6 Last year, Ryan won a ... medal.

a gold b silver c bronze

54 Sport

ss uods



}t' *s "*&kw * eW Ww dwm{ sl&W s

"fi?q+a4 paAsfi

Bi6 pr{s ArpJn'tB$ i$s} asfri**l $"pusr"A* 6*a *i +*aru |

I {**---'t,fl -* ' '-.6"1Lnaaaiq^r'e,Ts,'rlerpnr[It*IiL/AvlpL,n,o]ozati rtenue;
T:yj:l-,, \.- ;_ !
7 real 7 >;aaan / pua)aa^
j 1 fiepul/ )tl61u 1se;

u!/v\ q)leM la(e^;edrl lJe]s oro)s
unr esrpprd
aas o6 op

'no( dlaq o1 suogssardxa t9u' lepou e ur^ suorlrladuo) aql q)IeM

eru!t lsed pup sqra^ aql asn 'a;du;s tsed eql 6ursn sallau 002 r.ur/v\s

ffino{ rol enrt are leql salus}ues elu6 1eo6 e arors sarlau 00[ unr

'(eprn1e5 fuana (q6nr Ield I anop 11eqIa1;on r(e1d saa+tr+€AA+du*n{ ]

'uai Jo a6e aql 1e (qbnr paIeld I9 'saserqd aql 6ursn

.SLOZ uro; aldugs lsed aql qllm sa)ualuas alUM ,:*'i;,,;;.,,.,,., t

leparu plob e uom uordr-ueqr 6ur;lsarm snouel ]ptll S ur unrpels ^^eu eql ol {aqt
/ noL/ aM
'o6e 'lq6tu b
e s:rduu,{19 aL{} }noqe urlU Mau all} Mes sluared 16 y
sruua]lo aLueb 6urlr:xa ue paLl)]em I pue a)llv €
nI uo rulq poo6 e
srea( onn] lepaLu :rdLu(lO ue uoA aqS Z Z
']q6ra senn
s{ep om1 11eq{a1;on
]uam paq)]e^ pa(e1d $el ,(lnf 1 o6e
Iqrlpr.u lleqlooj ]sr!, {tu u1 pataduo: t
' l'.,{er*e,*e1- ul UnlpPls Mau aql pallsl^ aM 'spro^ aql qll/v\ olqel oql alalduof it:,ii,it/|;{iii:i::.'
(#&8BSeer"E E$#€ ;BAdeA$ g5 Bs e
uaqm IaaM lsel {*€flJ€f ur }sr!J obe

'spJoM aql qll/v\ sa)ualuas aql alagduol,l:1i:i:li:,".. F

sue!s$atdKa e[&r E& &ssd



3 text. theRead the;l:r',,,,::,;,:iii'.tii,:,,j::i;i,t,, ffiW Read the text again. Write frue or folse.
Choose correct answer.
Wheelchair basketball is slow.
The text is about...
1 Wheelchair basketball is never dangerous.
a famous wheelchair basketball players. 2 The first wheelchair basketball match was
b different information about
in 1950.
wheelchair basketball.
3 The first Paralympics were in ltaly.
c the history of British wheelchair basketball. 4 Swimming was one of the first Paralympic

ffi n'tone of the mos.t exciting sports.

mode.!:n sportS: fot:.boft',.plgr€{sl :r.:.l 5 Wheelchair basketball is very different to
and spectators. lt's fast, it's noisy
and sometimes dangerous. What
6 Wheelchair basketball is popular in different
i!: it?:.jtfS,:whAe,khair: basketbal:[;:,,, '

€ffi eutwheelchair basketball isn't Wheelchair basketball W**ffi;,W Answer the questions. Write complete
at the Paralympics sentences.
,4,.,hoW,'sp0it,,','ThQ,,f,i ist,.Otg,anlzed Why is wheelchair basketball good to watch?
If's fast ai?d exeifierg.
wheelchair basketball match was
in November 1946 and it was 1 Where was the first wheelchair basketball match?
betweeh tw0 teami,.ih th€:,[J.gft ,,',:,
2 When were the first Paralympic Games?
ffi nthe 1950s, wheelchair basketball became more and more
How many sports were in the first Paralympic
lrilp$pu!a!.,enU'.ina',.|:1@,,.,i1,,:W.a:,i,,one.,of .19!ghtsportsihthe,,f Games?

l,,q.l'a,lrn piCr'Fa,iltesl:i:h:rFq,me1,lla,l1r,Thr!,,winhels, of the fiist':

gold medalwere the British team.'

ffi Otrrrr sports at the firsi Paralympics were table tennis, Who were the winners of the first Paralympic
4th!!.ti$..,q:nrd1swifiimin:gi..:br]trfoi many people, basketbia[! basketballgold medal?
was perhaps one of the most exciting.
5 How long are wheelchair basketball matches?
ffi Wheelchair basketball isn't.very different to basketball. For
'bximpte,.,the1u.,a'i6.;flrelUtalt*.,.ih,:$ack'!e8m',a,nd the hoops 6 What other Paralympic sports do you know aboutl
are three metres high. The match is forty minutes long with
four parts of ten minutes. These things are all the same as

ffi thrrc are now around 100,000 wheelchair basketball WffiffivocABULARY PLUS complete the
player$,,.ih'd,iffg.ient :io*ntiies lome,,peryle play., foir:ftn'.Wlth
friends. Otherpeople play in national 0lympic teams. Watch with the correct form of the words.

them on TV at the next Olympics and enjoy the game! compete medal spectate switrr win

Look at that boy in the swimming pool. He's a fi

ffiffiW" Read the text again. Where can you find swllrilflgr .

the information? Write the paragraph. 1 Two thousand.. watched the race

The name of a fast and exciting sport. & yesterday.

1 The number of wheelchair basketball 2 She was a gold at the 2012 Olym

players in the world. 3 I was the best person in the competition. I was the

2 The date of the first wheelchair I

basketball match. 4 There were 150 in this marathon

3 The home city of the first Paralympics. last year.
4 The number of players in a basketball


5 The sports in the first Paralympics.

56 Sport

ga"FH t+sif!4,-rIeF(rl5 €

:,,,,,,,:,t,,,.:., ilia;eq.,c'r''!.latrite*g,'lt1;.it+i1nU,p, z
allJlreJ Jqr asp,,iqr,,6ufsh,,a111i[ort,inoq,e.91:1ye uoqs e
alUM 'Jels sUods snotueJ e are no{ aurbeut.r;; ;lj;.;;;" ".j:: 'i;26*$ *uo4 Jaeepd SlEE*os* r si arl palB
i0tup{'$6{&,sS Bilfl5 Cp ie*#Aaru $i *&i{s{* NimJ e"isr,r{Arl* t

'piro^/, a',l ur srerpqlooi
WtlllSS;)lrlS lSOL.ij

'ado;n1 ur ralleqloo+ ueilrzprB lsaq alil ro] EI0Z
ur^^E ploS EqLUes aq+ uoM osli? 3H 'zToz pue

IIOZ ul rea,( eq1 +o rallegloo+ uplr.iaLUV LllnoS
s pue'0I02 ur pzprg

;o1 pe{e1C 1s.rg;eu,(ayLUea} }srg so}upS eql

ur .ro,4e;d P aLr-letaq aq 600Z ur puE
soluPs roj
aH'solues Lueal uErlrzerB snoLUej aLll
ur r0o eq11o {rlouosrod suods 0uno13gg uom oslo I
L.itlan;a{eld rolunl p aLUefaq aq ualele
lsroaA ,{1ql)ro ur lsouuuA0 qsrlug rr oUl
, pue'rioq ituno,( E-r
uoll^-0LU030q I uoaluo^os soM I or
e sPM Jq ueqM
ur r,ro0so13 rJt soLU0o r.lll0aMUoulriJoS oL.ll +0
;eur{a11 'araq} llEq}oo1 s,(e1d pue;ado.ln] ut 14 :"''
6 uoM I uoq^\ s0M +uouJorx +se+oel0Ihl
sanrl ,t,nou oq lnq 'yzesg ur olned oes )eau z66T
sluauou Felner0 It t r 'lze)A
ri;en.rqa1 ,rE
uuo,rl;ai{eJd lleqloo} E sr aq puE rolu!r so}ues
i r.,rlUaOl-XlS:S0l{ |
E^lrS ep ;eu;,(ary $Z @W,gA #nj*;";gqA6,ey4
u0LlM 1 5q1u1'trsouuril0
.,:':::.;:,...' ...:' r,1 !|0QM
0,'orxooaq {sJl} |,pu0'pfo sffiaA

suorlr+edLrjos luoil0duJt ul oladuoc 0i pou0+s I'plo sr0o/1

e i uailfl\ s3tls0uLuI6 0p o+ ucoaq lslrl I

#ods AY6 I s+aure u 1ni.ry+tu*ap uo uloq spm aH

..n itt-u puo s+ucl0d /iLU aHaq] jo auo sr lleqlool pale;d lsrr;
, :., ,,:; Olj{ JO
q+rM 00rl lo+sug 0rl+ ut e^tl Mou l' leld o1 panurluo) 1o a6e aql le uoM arl ]eql raij

+soM or..l+ ur c'lolsug ur s laQo{cQ q1f[
uo zlls0urxlo^+rc
r 'aaJql pue onnl sqder6ered;o erualuas lslU aql alU^,
uaql'sasprr{d aql qlrm lxa} aq} a1a;duo1 ;;..;.,:-
:,.,,,,, :, : :,,,,r 0, ul;t,:,pun, ou0q0ts01 Ji. sf ilnnlc: sI rrauCIu /(y!

.:'.,:,:: ,.:::::'.::.:: ,::'",,::l . 'Qfli:,([ll

V nZ )eo1aql 10,[rleuos;a; 'uaalrno, ]o a6e aqt ]e 0l0z ul ,
suorlrleduo: ]ueuodLur ur aladuo: o] uebaq aqS
spcdg 0uno13gg 'sreel\ 4]Ll0re ur lseuLrAO lnlssolons I
aqS'a^r; seA aqs uaqM 6urr"uuurnns pauels ]sltJ
lsolr-r ', L0Z soue3 q]leomuoli-rLxoO ]e slepau.r p1o0 rnol ,1,f
'operolo) ut sa^tl Mou aLls pue vsn oql L
:slusru0rrl lsolEar9 erurolrle) u! S66L (pW q,0L uo uroq spm aqs 'salpt!
plo sree,{ uoe}xrs :ueal scrlseuu{0 qsrllrg
pallun aql ul04 Jauur^ s e sr aqs pue url)up,:
plo sreo,{ LioAOio :uor}rlodruoc luepodrur 1sl11
,.,apaueaf essrla6 sr aueu 11n; s.ur11uer1 ,(ss
plo srea,{ xrs :paup}s lslq
'plloM aL{} ur sraurLl.r '.'l
srelsrs'sluored :[1rue3
6unoI ]saq all],o auo s,: - :
earE iOlsuB :so^rl 'srrdLuI;g uopuol a,- -.

Luop0ur) pelrun slepaLu plob rno; uo^' : -.

!,rz'l01suE 1661iaqolco :uro8 pue'sarlau 002 aq] rol LLi: -

lseuilI0 :yodg :plo)al pUoA e a)iolq lsl L, = -

qstlug :t{1rleuorlep auede0erl ErpnelC :auEN

ulllusu (sstyq :relsracj"; r*mW

I'g-l sqderbered aql raqunN 'lxol aql pea5

sagdwx&ex*d :&arEod


3 Complete the words. ru Complete the sentences with the words.

1 There are eleven players on a h ' There was There wasn't There were

team. There weren't was wasn't were weren't

2 The ]00 metres and 200 metres races are

Machester United is a famous football . ... many fans at the match on Satu

t... .. ... . Only five or six.

4 TheO Games take place every four They don't like sport so they......
interested in the golf on TV last night.

The Tour de France is a famous c My favourite football player at the World Cup

race, Mesut Ozil.

cWimbledon is a famous tennis in ..... five hundred runners in the

London. marathon.

S is a good sport to do in the a really exciting film at the cinema

mountains when it's snowing. last week.

The World Cup is a famous f We ...6 .. .. .. .. very happy on our fantastic

competition. holiday in August.

I can talk about different sports. 7 a train station in this town 300
r&Y *1deL*#"Ta*bt
ago. in the race.

8 James is ill, so he

READING The *lympics then end nCIw I can talk about past events.

MY EVALUATEOhT {;*ffi# @

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

words. V&C&BLJL&mY erruffi LSSTEIU*gU& X Games

... . ..1 aHe's got a gold medal. He was ...... &. ffi,iL\i: Listen and write true or false.
. at
Hannah Burton...
the last Olympics Games. (medal)
1 won the silver medal last night.
She was the first person in the marathon. She was 2 did one very difficult trick last night.
3 started to snowboard at the age of fifteen.
the . (win) 4 became interested in the sport on holiday.
5 learned to snowboard in two months.
I wasn't in the race. I was only a 6 did gymnastics when she was younger.

. (spectate) in I can understand a programme about the X Games.

Usain Bolt was the most famous

the 0lympic 100 metres race. (compete)

She's the best in Australia. (swim)

I can read for specific information.
,.., {"w:

58 Sport

6S UodS

\'.:-5.',..'".,t .:;:'s fr'nrlvnlvA3Aw

'puelea^^ or,{} le prp I leq/vr }noqp
,.*. )tet up) IiilllIIl

ar,nol 6 aur ]xal itou {qn7i'sa1 alnl

lxau auo: no( , (qryi'pezpaL(U6l]1 aruef

noX arann oqln ; L

, poo6 s.]eq1 alnl
'pua aq] ur 9-1 uonn sra611
euolqbug 's1eo61o 1o;

araql' seM ]t 'saA a!uer

L , ]! se7171 2I11eag arn-l

'(epun5 uo q)]eu (a1roq a:r ue

E | 's)ueql']uerlluq seM ]l e!uer
2pualaam rno{

MoH'sIUeLl]gearg'aruep'Ia;1 alnl

Atn,W& NorrvnlvAa . *r'' ,',ffi 2s6urql are L'aInl !H atuer

e-{:41 q]!nn uaqM araM ]uaM spM ]ou sMau
/noq ollaq o6 poob ](uop peq
L I'aUsqe^ eroJrelsslrods e;oalgord,ualpm ue: i

. 'spJoA erlxa

S.OH rnoJ aJp araql'sprol^ aql qlr^ an6o;erp aql ela;duuo3 :

Jols(aq/sluual pLEffiHffi#*e esryT *ru{HUl c -:
/ aql / auo /
7 sra(e1o I u:t1lts i tsoLu / lnJssar)ns

aH t ruO;XVftIYA3 AN4'
'lsed aqt ur sluene lnoqe Ilel uE
]e/s)1dtu,t1o aUl/aq7 e7 pyo6/ lepaLU/ uo ^ 9

}V 'lea,( 1se1

7 uad6 51 rolunf aq] / uo M lo aq] / aq uotltladr.uor sruua] e ur I

l:I / veeluenas 7 e6e g

11ear6 s.1eq1

(errn61 ;{epralsa{ ;eob e no
'obe sreal
se^ / Iooll)s / aq /w / uoqM

/ saq)]eLu uuar / ul 7 paiaduo: TIernw / ? oM] snouej lsrrrt ra{e1d sruuo} }elll
'reaI1sel uedef ot
11:f roqtorq dyg

aH ur11 '(epretsa{ eas aq} 'plo) sEM

Iuo / se n Leot A,e,w q$[ / aq / uroq E ai,,

''S,oH 'tq6qu lse; uoqlereW )rc.
MaN aq] ]noqe auuei6ord 111eql
LUorJ/ puello)S / e / s(aq / sruuat 1 nrtep 7
q)le^ la^er] uilMs
arols aleduo: auo)eq

uorsg MaJpuV / iln, / sr 7 s.{ern61 r(puy 7 aweu L :;'sqJa/,
*:;,o ruJoJ a;durs lsed aq1 6ursn sarualuas aql a1a1d
: : :salu?luas a{,Pru ol sproJn aq} Japro &
$ffiffigsse-6dxe eL{,rl}

x*ve&g&€"s*6#* ;#Edee*Fs assd sffi3ffid

' :i.',,iiii:iiiili;li;, M a t c h se n t e n c e h a I ve s'l -7 w i t h a - g. & ,,,;,;';';;L,'-),,;ii:;;ii;,Complete the text with the words.

1 Your face isn't round, il's-"...----"..,,,. a tall. bald blue glasses light +,rftg
2 Jack's eyes aren't brown, '.'---b square.
moustache overweight round
they're c straight.
short slim spiky tall
d blue.
3 That singer isn't short, she's

4 Daisy's hair isn't dark, it's e slim. & 6mmH&y ph*t#
5 Ed hasn't got a beard,
f blonde. ,?hi$..ris,A.,,,ph0td- flom'seVen, )rCarS].ag0-:lr'm the girl in

he's got a g moustache. ihe ptroto.andd$atrtimal.trad,,.:..,,.....,.,rt,:,..,.,,t* i;;,..:.:,. hair,

6 That man isn't overweight, he's ,NoWl., rny, hal i :!s diff er:eht.;.irs,short and,1 ..,,:,.,:,: .:;,, .

7 My hair isn't curly, it's brown ;,i0f ,i6ilise;,,.my'Crei',aii,th'e,l,ame.,i,6ibur, - they' re
, and my face isn't very different - it's
4 'i:j:,,:l;!;i;lt1;tirtl;it Which word is the odd one out?
My dad is really different nowl ln the photo, he had
blonde, light brown,'blue;fair ffiifflAtli;,Andln0w1;4;;.:;.';;,',,;;;.';;;;,:,:,:,t:.:::::-::::.:;.,.t..,,.r,:;:*atk;g.fe,y,.ha]f1p
hg.traS*:fg'birrr,}rr:h"Alirheh:.ieal1y,,,.?;:;';,,;,,;;;,,:;:.:,,,,;,,,':r,,,,,, , ,,,,, .bd
t blue, gi..n, U,.o*ilr.i
?always eats healthy food so he's and he
2 thin, short, average height, tall
3 beard, bald, glasses, moustache iSfi,lt'9..,,t;.r.,:,,,., ...-::..:,:::,.1.,',.....:,-..,.,::.:::.;:.,,:.Hgr':uSgSl,1: when
4 curly, straight, spiky, round
5 blonde, round, square, thin he reads now.
6 grey, sunglasses, dark, black

,{"|:ijiii. i,,#t, Look at the pictures and complete And,my::bi6u1era?.Hiq Haii'jsfiCIre,,mcdern:and
the words.
now. lt's the same colour - dark brown

46d:h6l$t.Very,,t.1;.:::::':.::'::,,,,,:,,',:',:,:;,,:.'.,;.:-::.,r;;,:{l0ir$ t,1hlS:h€ight,!S.,One

.metr:0,,nihgl&:,,HglS,big0gr,:thaii,Oil.f,:dadl .,:.:,,,::r:',",: -"';,,;.,;,,,., ,,..,.,,,

W;,;#;ffi;!# Describe some of your friends and family,
ffiy a*amt &{eliea ite* got dark *urtv kai}"" bnow* *yes

amd a s*uar* fa*a-

J3Btiogcsehh-t-nbi-sirsot-w5*na-{l-h:-aai iiarr,,bn7iggdb's*ro-w*hn-w-eyietsha'snad-n-da--w-oasi8t-ht--6-d-s-a-r-l*<--ffaaccee.-.

60 Growing up

t9 dn 6urnno.r9

'Bsii?!^J auoqd t.uFlF aU$ 'Sururoru
slql soloqd ,(ue
']*afoid sc uare$ @t/,+ paq$r ur; aq$
'Xeprloq uo rLUZI
400q aDy )tJ\) J0 1r0t1t, ytfil t^j 'reaX lse; {eq17 no17e6

v.tu.ttJs 47tt11 stwal fiv14 ,a r\. uMo] slql ul ]t/eqs/aH
l.too1zsno\ -r4l 4ltu dleg '6uru.rolu srq] no
t soloqd alru aLuos
/yv tol so1o4r) zwos nlal i(aq17 no17 ;
tJunl) tn}qv s110v ryaw uo lnquelsl
'rea{ 1se; a6e;;rn
l..fll,XJ Jlllll4.l Jl1}.{r1., .rsl,t,ru y' luere#rp P ur

tJs\aw )u04ct

l.r;lo.r,l ;:u,rr:s ?W 1etutl y'

t llleLis :-

t b. I:, r.: X

paA!, no.

'e;durs )oo] palrsr^ PaAtt

lsed aql,o sruroJ anrle6au pue anrleurrge aq1 6ursn ]rsr^ ](uprp ale] ](uprp a^rl l(uplp
sa)ualuas alrr1 'lle uoql op l,uplp aqs lnq 'Iepralsa(
W*'spro/v\ oql ql!/vl olqel oql a1e1duol
,s6urql luaralJrp op ol papaau er6roeg "". """ :" #
afi!*86e&, p{.,! e ts&!&Br.E r,, !$*8 :atd u !s
'1;ru {ue aleq }(up!p no,( 1nq

'lsqlearq rnor( ql;rvr a>rnf auos noi I


aq lnq lea,( tsel rfio1s;q lqbnel ro;,(eg ry11 L laLl ) qLUaLI] LUlq P

'unasnu aq] I; 1nq'1ted aq] paltstl I i l ou)i no( o6 '1116 nnau ]eq] MouI ](uop I a

'sueaq {ue aul ) sn q nor( e

]pa ](uprp aLls ]nq 'e1sed;o 1o1 e Ier(ar1 uo'Iepug o] ]r anr6 ue: I '6eq lnoI lo6 an,; g

'aJrel) (aql lnq 'el6 pauoqd {aq1 n sn ) uaql q LUILI e

'ueuso aas ](uprp aM ]nq ' o)ll l.uop ; asnp)aq s:a6lnq ]pa ](uop 7

';ood buruururMs aqi ie ]aLUqaW aM € no( r ulq q uaq] e

'q)uarl ' s(]eql'arnpld slq] ursra;:un,(rrr, i

aqs ]nq ';ooqrs ]p uptilrag parpnls raqloupuer6 {y1 7 sn ) raq q uaq] e

'Uassap aqt Iofua t.uprp Hllnn auo)'euaur) aql o] 6uro6 ar.a4, ;

| ]nq 'leaur ftu,to asrnor ureu aq] It ulq ) uaq] q ]l E

'Ieprntes uo IJo^ i aas o] ]ueM no( o6 'o1oqd poo6 e sr srr_
l,up;p {aqt 1nq Xepul uo paryisr,l sro})e aLlI ]!) raqq
'Puaur) aqt o]
06 +.idB!p i dlaq aseald ']lnrUJrp sr ) -

aM ]nq '1aann 1se1 arleaq] aq] o] ]ua^ aM w'sral sue l)arro) aql asoor,l)

'a;durs lsed aq1;o sturo; enrle6au pue tr sL{m{B&B#,{d

'.aluetuJr#p eql 6ursn sa)ualuas aql ala;duo) '. . .

3 ,:',t:::itiltt!,t;iiii:i Put the life events in the correct order. m ,|;:.:.,,:!i':tli;7ii;i; ffi.y/*r Listen and complete the answers to

Number the phrases 1-8. the questions.

,a lget a university qualification[,,yy6s Piulint,,Mriiuru,$:t y6?":',' , :,,;',',' ,' ,',
b r? beborn
;''', ., ','She gia*' up,,i vi|tase in,qhe.'...,,-,,,,.,,,,.:,',,.':,,,.i' ol
c : lgetajob the Netherlands.
d tieave school
e , ldie ,t',:,,1t;*tiiltrwairiii. *lie*,ih;'w;irt;t,iJult?',5ie was
f r- lhave children
cm tall,
g i,,'g"t married
h - -1gotoschool

7" ';;..,,iii,',,-',$i;,!|r, Complete the text using the past sirnple Did she travel?
Yes, she did. She went to different
form of the verbs.
, countriei s,uth ;'Gariia nir.l.tFrEnee,, ,,,,,;,
get a job graw-W go to school leave school
Britain and
rcrenot go not get a qualification travel
Tollestreffi I895.

a, & ;.;,.:ti:,:;il ;i ffi;i*#} L i ste n a g a i n a n d w r i te tr u e or fa l s e .

ll The world's tallest iiving man is Sr"rltan l(osen. Pauline "..

tal was thirty-six centimetres long when she was
a baby.
He was born in 7982 and he {i{evi uP in
1 was good at dancing.
a: Ir/lardin in south east Turl<ey. When he was a 2 often had very nice clothes.
3 only became famous when she was older.
boy he 1 near his home. But he 4 appeared at a theatre in NewYork on

early i:ecause it was difficult for NewYear's Day.
him bccause of his helghl. He 3
university and he a tc 5 died because she became ill.
6 was eighteen when she died.
. After schocl, he
and he r,vorl<ed from time to time
l m a g i n e y o u a r e ve r y f a m o u s. W r i t e
as a fai'mer.
He first became famous
your life using the past simple. Use the verbs to
in 2009.This was when you.

he first got the title be born get a job grow up

of 'The World's Tallest go to school leave school go to universit)

Living Man'. In March inget a qualification travel

2014 he visited Australia, { w*s fu*rm im &qr*a amd I gr*w up th*,r*"

and in November 201-4,

he6 to

London and he met

the world's shortesL

living man at the time

- Chandra Bahaclur

Dangi from Nepal.

Sadly, Chandra died in

September 2075.

62 Growing up

€9 dn 6urnno.r9

{ :j

ef 5-6 'yes' answers. You had a great day!
i e a-o'yes' answers. Your day was oK.

@ 2 'yes' answers. You didn't have a very good

I day! There's always tomorrow!

zloor.lrs r)]Je eJos Eq] uo

;*p sgaa-**d J$#& plp taq*A resimrlqn5riiitn.Q^q]:t;r:niO,;u:1,:,(pipe1i

noIl;tiorM,iruoU,,5,U1'lSeiaiut Aue ti,.,:,,,,:',,;,,;;.''

lanpJ) (pnls laquaual [e;d dn anor6
oblrom / looq:s ot
suotle:gl;enb 1a6
qof e 1a6 a^!l loor{)s a^eal op

'no( dlaq ol spJol^ oql (dn 1a6 / noA) 2eu11 lJalor eql ]e

as61 'a;durs lsed eq1 6ursn suorlsanb a1rr1y1'altlJtoql eJru(}^eq / noA) 2qrung roj poo+ .plp es?A

lnoqp uostad laplo up A atntalut ol paau no 'loot{)s tr

fuo1srq 6urop ale no( eur6eu; @*,v\in*A piq
l>afold e i:li.i."':.. .,":,.:: i.: w


.Zo] .'6urp;no9 allll 6uos y,

^q ]egm,

.'6uruJoLu srql )tsnu 1eat6 auos o] paualstl l, 9

.'0t't ]v, 'sraMsup lJoqs allrfi

( atut] leqM, uaql'e;duns lsed eq1 6utsn suollsanb a4tylWl*

.'i(epo1{;rea alrnb looqls paLlstuU aM, S L e xaql 1 no( 1 aM /\ leLls / aq / nc'

.'Iurq] upq] alow, ' ;{eqtlno(lal'l./\/aLls/aq 1no(11'q

,i {ueu mo;1, en;p6aa
t',(epo1 ssel: ut sprom Mau Jo ]ol e pauipal aM,
' .[aq1j no( 1 oM/]l /aqs/aq 7 no{7 1'q
.'Iaryn1ur e{;eluy ol,
i t{aq17no(1am/\/eqs/aq1no(11 r-
,i alaqM ilealD,
,;{epr;oq )t}se}ue} e uo }ual aM, E
]eq^ ul/v\ ulM ].uplp plp plp ptp
WD'sprom aql qll^ alqpl aql ela;duro1
,L uaLlM,

,'Iepol a1e1 (ran dn lo6 plnpc, Z

('Uassap alplo)o11) e pue ezzrd snoutoua uV,


l,('rauurp ]e poo,,o ]ol e alP I
('uoJ}l )pZ, ,L *ws &*qlr:iw oqM,

('latllpa lo])e snoupl e mes spuau; 161,

'a;durs lsed aql
ur suorlsanb 6ursn san6olelp aq] a1e;duo1 i,,.....-'," .,"." .,

wor.ds.,ti:':|i?iiliiiW; Read the text. Choose the correct z ii'.,'l:iiiri, Read the text again. Put the story in the
r"-"-This is a story about a 1 phone / camera. The end of the
correct orJe,' UrrU"r afre sentences.
story is , sad / happy.
a ,,.,, chris's friend saw the photos on Facebook.
b Chris went on a boat in Byron BaY.

c I t rChris Hesford visited the USA.

A tfUg StOfV d stevl carmody found the camera.

i,e rChris's camera went into the water.
Eii Bffiffi;ffig ft:i:::?g::W
g il--_]ttowchrisisintheuK.He'ssotthephotos.
E'&*,$#:i Wj ii:,:;l:!k& :steve put the photos on Facebook.

W 3+*tii:U* :5+4l1..sqnr"lef h,$" 4e,.r:*'pt ofps i.j. 1. 4 lh l Next, Chris went to Byron Bay in Australia.

,"n"*t #l;:r-E:.w*rrgo'.p::ri".e:+e"rttitc;'it#rs,"" ,':'* WffiRead the text again. Write rrue or false.
Chris Hesford is a teacher.
l chris's holiday was long. falsP

W,: 2 Chris went on a boat with Steve.
Sii.dii#'#$Aet,$6#dti ib*';i,effiA,Wefu{j,4 :.9
itirifte,vrat6*'.Cra1*i1qioe-bi ii;i, ,@$ tri:biif]:,;!;.$;,,;,$ 3 Steve is from Australia.
he didn't flnd it. He was sad because his hoiiday
photos were on it. 4 Chris is a short man.

: 5 Steve put five photos on Facebook.

Srx months laler, an AustraLian man, Steve ' i; /f"t& "))': ''t"': ""';:''':i:';t' Answer the questions' Write
complete sentences.
carmody. found. the camera' But he didn't i How old was Chris Hesford?

flnd it in Byron Bay, he found it ninety-seven 1 Why was Chris very sad about the camera?

kilometres awayl

llei49,1ied,a!,thglghotos'1tlr_r,9;*,gta,a, qtgt'

- sometirnes with sunglasses. He was often in
ffffii\#lE; t *E$1i;;;;:,i7t;;;;;;;$7;;$ 2 Where was the camera when Steve found it?

$!p,.v.e.,,w,.Q{}.t-e.e.,!a*giv.,ejh9'p.IlglgF,'bap,i.L!"9,!hg 3 Where was Chris in a lot of the photos?

'#-and asked 1Do yoa,know' thisiman?l'rMo1e 4 Where is Chris now?

.C.t'r:r.isW's,Wsawhtahetmtyrapned ohefptoe-ldrsChorins doyouthinkSteveis?

Chris is at home in the UK. Because of Steve's
help he's now got ail his amazing photos.
Thank you, Steve!

fWfi:,W6ffi Therearethreeextraverbs.

ff heWnen Dad was young Elad curly hair.
ffi He1 Paul is tall.
WW. I.z anicepresentforJane.
a lot last year.

W 3 My aunt
me some money.

+ Mymum a photo of me.
photos of my favourite film star.
Wffi s r

l've got a lot of them!

64 Growing

59 dn 6urnno.r9

'nort dlaq ol € as!)Jaxa ut lxal oql

asn 'alupp noi( uoslad e lnoqe al)lue JaAAsup

pue uollsanb 1e:r qd e.r 6o!q e alunltlit,,.,::,,,.li,,,::.r

r.ulU Mau e ro1 lro1s aq1 nul| r,r s,aUS


uaisnv 3uu I sl sr0ilr,{^ e} rn0^?}.taq +0 0u0


1006 ul rxtu

E 0r!?c0q l00q lslU lsq u0ql s?t^ ]u0rLt0rx luEU0dut Li?'s0A

I ?,=_-< oo] LulLl a)11 nor on s
'rzlndod oLu!ooq ou0lS s )atld0s0ttrld oql pue t0ll0d
il.teg ryoq tsrU roq u0qM 166 L ut r01t,tm u su 0rq lt ap?u 0qS iu, ]ot e qilurs lll^.)il I o

Ln *olll^ s1 aLueu raq ralq6nep e 1o6 seq g

,lo srte,( x s sE,A 0qs uoq/r l00q lsrU roq 0l0r^ oLlS


/r11s-tarlun t? sc ss!lc puE Llcu0rl pstpnis 0qS l uplp aqs'0N


's0lEM ut,r,ro1sdeq3 +0 umo] aq1 ur dn /,\o_10 0qS


tnB 61q0ll'puEl]0cs ll'aroor p";;; ' ;'; ; ;";"";;i saq z
q0rnqurpl ut sa^tl oqS ecey,{lpuer.r1e pue sela 0nlq ,nEq

0pu0lq ]00 s aqg'(erg-Ayts 0t10r1l 0u0)]q0r0q aoera,^? s,0LlS

ds$l p*r ut ext, 5{{,1,q*X")'l s.itpqjl,l

Iooq ]srlJ loq / aluM / 3qs / uaqM sale6ue so;1o {1rr aq} ul sa^!l aq t I
(lrsranrun 1e 7 6ullunn / {pnis 7 aqs 6
')ol?e uex!)owv sn,u.4e] ? si r{+trlt' ilt/V
raale) 6urllnn JOpe ue)uaule snoulej e st Jlrn,

'uoltenpund qllm so)ualuas aql allr/v\ou ffil

raq ur / sluauoul ]ue]:odrur raqto i{ue / alaLl} / aq } I'CAC eq] Ll)]eM uaq] Slooq / Iooq all] peou
ralirm e sp / 6tq ]l a)eu / aqs /uaq^ a
.)n aLl]
slalljM aulnoAeJ laq
r.uorJ s(aH Jol)p /'tol)p snorueJ e st a#tl)peu latuec /
]noqe / 6urqilue I moul / aM p
&#Jps*"{q-g),tl.t/.6qp*og,y++*eqnn r 'sauas Al Llstlrnl / qsllrnl re;ndod e st stq_L g
2aurze6eu Mau ]eq] e>1r1 no,( oO / op S
dn mo;6^ ou/aluM Iaqs/ ]eqM q
I aL$ lI;nexa / araq^ 'Lu;;11ear6 e sr uol6ulppe4 1 uo16u1ppo4 s
'6uos allrnone, s(eqses / spr{sps sl slql E
'6ul;r'nog'y'1 lnoqe tr ;t
sJamsue pue suotlsanb ;e:rqde;6orq aq1 a1a;duor 21e;nb 7;1ernb aB 'orper aqi o] 6urualsll ru,l Z

ol uaq] asn uaql.suollsanb allJ,.lA :iiilli: iaJll / ia,!l lear u! a)ll ro]re ]eq) s! lpllM .
'els /t-9 polle) sr lg uo raburs 1er*

ffiW.sprom t)orro) aql asooq)

xsw-q &r0!*en&3e, md :lr.!!sd a6en 6rr1

r,:.. ,:-' .-., r;, i ne*sl t* iry {:his ag*i*. .!.. i *m happy urith th!s.

i;,t.:', rr'.i i i e*xld d* thls betten i..!r, i qam d* th!s veny we*!.
.:--l t i

W**-eWWL&,ffiY Sescx'*fu $rng Pe*P&* LANGUAGE F*CUS Fast s ! r:: pEe: a$$irsxat&we
em* se€$ex&x\s*
Complete the words. S Write affirmative and negative sentences using

1 My uncle is average h -----. He isn't very t ---. the past simple.

2 My hair ulasn't straight and dark when I was young. 1 I /see/a nice photo ofyou

Itwasc andb* 2 we I not enjoY / that boring film
g3 Our grandmother had
eYes and 3 ;.,;..; , ;;;;;;;;;;,h.;;;;, .;';;;;;

l----brownhair. 4 you I eat I abigpizza last night

4 'What colour is your dad's hair?"He hasn't got 5 he / not read / that old book

any hair now - he's b - - -. But his hair was I can talk about situations and events in the past'
5 Tony does a lot of exercise. He isn't
o--- *--he'ss---.
r6 My mum's face is quite
She's got some new

g ------for reading.

I can describe people.

, SffiS &#:' ruY EVAr-LJ.ATIoN

ffi K&ffi $&qS eh&$d*x*md P*"a*€*s &k$*e&ffi &i $-&, mY e&q m €-$ SYKN X €\{ tu6$* &}"r*$}t s

3 Complete the sentences using the past simple form of 4. W Listen and choose the correct answers.

the verbs. 1 Where was Jeanne Calment born? She was born in

change collect have give the.. of France.
grow make take
a north b south c east

Why was she an amazing person?
theShe was special because she was
1 When the girl was young she big person

brown eyes and dark hair. ever lived.
2 Her father . .
a photo of her every day. a tallest b richest c oldest

girl3 Every year, the bigger and she What type of food did she eat a lot of?

a little. ofShe ate a lot .

He all the Photos and he a pasta b crisps c chocolate
He an enormous Picture from them.
4 What did she appear in? She appeared in a film
the big Picture to his daughter.

I can understand the general idea ofa text. a asinger b anartist c ateacher
lnWhen did she die?
..,::::.:. s ffitlllY EVAL1,&T[6N; {$ .

a 1995 b 1996 c 1997

I can understand a podcast about an amazing person.


66 Growing up

Lg dn 6urnno,r9

ai{!t!t{tt!v4l llt" 'uos;ad snoueJ e qy^ a!^Ja1ur ue (e;d-alor ue)

'aulze6eftuu . ^
p Jol sJa^ sue pue suorlsanb 1e:rqder6o!q elrJ/v\ upl))l| ,
I auo }lnruJrp e s(IPqf H )

'peaqe 09'arns I

W ,,'ff[il:l#i;x1'Jt i
'Surcuep pue 3ur>1ooc 'uorlsanb arou au6 O

selrl eqs ,1 )')o s(IeqlJ! 'no/( roJ suorlsanb A aJ e ]06 a^(l
Ii6urs ol ureal no^ plp uaql
isatqq0q raq fi0qe
luorlsanb pooD V
er/vl0u\ A/il 00
ieql tji;
'oo1 'sp,leme reqlo {ueu
'utD)tts,trrxoq rqr rr^;l,r,,ir]PM
1oB anou sell aLlS 'OIOZ ur spJeme
ujerc rno+ zr auS ]pgM uu;r; 6urlsaralu! ]soru rno( senn

ut sluaw)w uaues )aq 'o)sr)uerl ues ul a)Pl
rt )aLlJ0 Iue ant1tr ata1y1
ilootl)s o] ob no{ prp araq6 iloof elIe'1
I'looq)s le se^ | uaqM papr)ap r alp[
'MueJW LulJ- pallec Suos eq1 .rol)e ue auolaq oi ap!)ap noi( prp uaq6 e1^e"]

qlrM ln+ssa3f,ns seM aqs uaLlM 'uaalxrs 1o e8e aq1 .! ]aau o1 poo6 s.]l alpl-

le 9ooz ur uMoul or et!eJaq eg(e-1

L. .,J! alea, fi1eat atls plp uaLtAL 'slal sue

'3uno{ sel aqs uaqm erlxa oA l are aJaql'romsue q)eo JoJ (g-y) tag1al e
alUM'ra/nsue lsaq aqt asooq) pue an6o;elp aql ppau g
suossal 3u rlce pue s peq eqs 'se^

iJa?u$ e LoJ fpn4s aLls prg u0sJad SnoLL e-
e qa*&q &4a!&ia*&ex es8:K*xd eteM srxxxxv!c5
'uaeuno] 1o eBe aLl] ]e aessauuol

allr^LlseNl o] pa^our orls ]nq 'vsn aLl] Jo ]sea

aq+ ur erue^;{suua; ur dn s aUS

idn saLls ptp 'v aJaLl/U r':.',:, l{*!:Yn-}Yr\3 At&}
'1sed eql ur sluala lnoqe suorlsanb 4se ue:
I anlq pue req opuolq 1oB s,eqs

pue lAlqEra arleLU euo) . elrnb s,aqg

i 1leil ut atl!l ll/vls n1r{e1s,\et1t i rorpea 6uos poo6 e o1

#-.E *,S"ofiyl ilq6lu tsPl paq o] uaLlM
i-; uoM lla/v\ llP] Sur6urs iburuane aq] ur Af uo lPqtu\
,(a) mor6 nnar6 {;uexa sa(a
iloorlls rouP lleqlalseq ]eqAt
i 6tq aurolaq ,(;luaredde 6urqV(ue zulPxa stq] ro,

2{epo1 }se})iearq ro}

! o6 T relsrs rno{ q)}em / spuarrtr rno{ astnar i r:
ualsr;7 no{ lea 7 noI Ield 7 euuy
'spJo/v\ aql qllirn sra/vlsue pue suollsanb aqt ala;duo1 d 'sprol/\ aql 6ursn suorlsanb aql ata;dtuc; ;

SJE i{t}r,&tf iJeiH }Lr"q*,"!-lr}*r,*I!r-L,*r-","-nIt*f.,*{I(4trc!J"eL^,},t-H *}l\tI I I}dfin s&xe$&see'?h :e$de&$$s &s€d s$33s* xsvng

P';{$Si,iJ r.:!*ie^$ r;x Ur,&

SaSl }$",*f.t:i .$,;*]ii
| . ._:' .t

3,fr.WCompletethe crossword. 3 flKW Read the clues and write the objects.

guidebook phrasebook geeping+'&g
insect spray shampoo swimming costume

waterproofs sun cream toothbrush

You sleep in this when you are camping.

1 This helps you to say words in a different language'

2 When you wash your hair, you need this.

3 Y; r.uJ ir,r,t *t''.n yo, want to learn more about a


4 Girls wear this when they swim in the sea.

5 You use this when you brush your teeth.

O fUosquitos don't like this.

7 These clothes are useful when it is raining.

8 When it's hot, people put this on their face.

2 ffi Complete the sentences with the words. 4" ffiffiffim Complete the sentences with some of the

penknife sleeping bag soap tem+ words from this page and your own ideas.
toothpaste towel water bottle One of the nicest things for a camping holiday is

On the camping holiday, there were six of us in our nice a good sloaping bag because ylu can sfaap waf l itt it.

new .,tg,!tt- 1 The most useful thing for a camping holiday is

1 Remember to put your toothbrush and some The best thing for a beach holiday is

. .. in your washbag. tfre most important thing for a visit to a aifferent
country is
2 I'm very thirsty and I need a drink. Where is
* il;; ;;;;i; ;;i;il.;;;il,;i.v,."0
my ......... ........ ?
*i." p.lor;;;i;.."0 ,.r .,il, rirl,.";;,;; '
3 Be carefulwith your . Don't play
with it.
with4 I always wash my face When I go on holiday, I always take
. ...

and water.

5 'Did Alex get up early today?"No, he didn't. He's in

his over there.'

6 I want to go for a swim. I need my trunks and

4 . ....... .

68 Going away

69 Aenne 6uro9

aM I AL I 6u1o6 7 o] / q)]em / l.uare g

tphts (it trritoo lueJs d^,l 'r]td a$ U! llB4l00] sr 7 soloqd I ot I a\et I 6uyo6 1 A,w lralsls Z

I?id 0i 611100 oi,ovtpn| Spurtll lur +ra*r of 6u;06 rir.g ot I op l6u1o6 7 ,:l/ rou 1 A,ue llromauoLl 9

qrle^ Ils!^ trpnts lels ]ls xelar (tu 71.usr 7Ipn1s / raLlloJq 7 6u;o6 7 o1 g
peal (e1d ]aau o] ualsrl ur aladuor
tob 7 6uro6 7 sluared 14ton 1 A,w I ol l\uare / ot
'seapl uI o rno( ro sp,rol aql asn epualaa/v\
,(rre: 7 ;;er"us / e I ot />peErytm / wrl l6u1o6 e
Woql te op ol 6uro6 no( 1.uare/ erp leq1

(i!sl^ / a/v\) ot / e ls / ase)t ns7 a>1er7 6u1o6 1 1 wnw Z

s |w
(d;aq 7 no{)
auA ol lsaleau aql ol7 6u1o6 1 Aq 1 at,am/ lo^er] / uter] t
iI)Pq)nJ {uu q}rnn au b
'ADprl0r{ ub o0 oi 6uto6 u,r.l
1(op 7 ann) I
.o6 7 uo I ol / w,l 1 6uto6 7,{eprloq
sarlr^r])e rooplno )erlM €
'sa)ualuas aleu ol spJoM aql lapJo J
i(aq / ol) ]ua] (u ur o, r{aql I
1 no(,7 am 7 nor('op
2(daels 7 1) araqM t f

(rnd 7 1; 2araq sburqt,{uu ;md c4 Sl,lios, I *ly zr I! / aqs / aq 'oN Aaql 1 no( laan 7 no,{ 'sq1
,tana26ururoru (dn 1a6 7 am) ' " 'ru 1!/ aqs / oq'st
a"ipdn +aS o+ S&rro6 ars aLul] ]pqg an11e6ap

'),lse sluapnls aql suollsanb * iloo) o] 6ur::
,(aqf 7 nor( 1 a^ry no(
oql olu1 'dupr loor.{)s e;o Iep }s4 aLl} s! }l : ' ..'" . .' iuels ot6uro6U/oLls/aq
ino{ aas
'qurl) oI Ierllsv puerelso s ol 6uro6
(sre6 7 I
'sutelunou aql u! rP)so €
.6ur1oo: eql qllm

'sruua] ralad pue er(e61 'an3 7

'qurl) ol aler I 'pPor oi 6upl
ra^u orll ur rfl,r,ts 0t 6'ut0s, alg Jerqsv pue re)so (e1d
',(pn1s o] 6uro6 ,ll / eL{S / ail
ol6uro6 -11

/nDd | 6ur1oo: aqr qrrnn d;eq

a\'Jf qurllf, o1 ureal 'lual e ur Xels ol 6ufl

$lntea surelunour oL{} ur )leM 'ees aql u! LurMs .{aql /no1/elrynC

j' n1a4'a,(ayy'ao1 sruuel Xe;d ,(eprloq uo ))eq)nJ e elel ol 6uro6 /{L it / aqs
Jo^rJ aLl+ ur LIIMS
I r-' Jott4sV lolr7

,.,il; 'op ol lup^ noA {11lrlce aq1 S( OJ. lOU LU( IOU tU( t*l? ].USl l(USl
:@t:l o1 lxau seupu rnol allran asEald
sl sr l(uare ](uare olv alP ulv ue
iduer filnl1re pue erntue^pe eql le 'splo/v\ orll rlllM alqel aql a1a;duo1w3 r

ffiop o1 6u;o6 uarplr.l) osaql t(uarp / aJe leql €

X r,.ii:llllil* Look at the pictures' Choose the correct 3 ffi*tii:]$$ Andy, Andv's mum and Ben are

words. talking about their holiday plans. Read the sentences

#d# ,d-wwdwx d first. Can you guess any of the answers? Then listen

kw ddd*# and answer the questions.

inBen is going to visit San Franclsco ')tlly"

1 The temperature in 5an Francisco will be about

1 lt's stormY I icY. "C in JulY.

It's foggy {ainY} 2 ln the morning, the weather will probably be

in 5an Francisco.

3 ln the afternoon, the weather will sometimes be

2 lt'ssunny lfoggY. 3 lt's snowy I rainY. + se; *'rl ...J ," i.r.. holiday in
il ),Afrt San Francisco.

o 5 Andy is going to go on a


6 The weather willbe

rII4 lt's hot / cold. IW5 lt's cloudY / sunnY. & tr,..i:,.,l: ffi'.:] Listen again. Correct the

6 lt's snowy / windy. 7 lt's icy / stormY. information in the sentences.
Ben is going to visit his grandmother's b{otl1e{.
8 lt's windy / cloudY. 9 lt's cold / hot.
rr.-':,.r l Complete the dialogues with the adjectives
1 Andy's mum worked in San Francisco for two years'
in exercise 1.
2 The weather in San Francisco never changes'
'l think it'll rain Iater this afternoon.''Yes, it's clark and
I rn iun, it's sunnier in December than in
e ic*dy outside.'
1 'Are you going to go skiing in the mountains?''Yes,
it's very ... . there now.' 4 The weather is sometimes snowy in San Francisco

2 'ls it a good idea to put sun cream on my face?' 'Yes' too.

It's very today.' 5 Andy is going to stay in the north of ltaly.
6 Andy's tent is verY small.
lt's .. ..3 'We're going out in the car now."Be careful'You. .'
can't see far todaY. S {;}#1$;i Complete the sentences about the weathe'

4 'ls it cold in your area in May?''No. lt's quite at different times.
ln the summer holidays, -t'e really $tot axd sfirltty
.. .... sometimes.'
1 This morning / afternoon / evening,
5 'Do I need my waterproofs today?"Yes, it's really
2 This week,
,.,,,,,'..,, outside.,
3 At New Year,
6 It's very cold - it's -4"C. The roads are very
4 On my birthdaY,
. todaY.
5 ln April,

6 ln the winter holidaYs,

70 Going away

LL fenne 6uro9

Iy' Lawwe]5ord AI ]eq] alrl spuauJ rnol llr^^

x'Moilouro] looq)s ]P aq llrM ulsl /

7r'Ieprloq uo raLllea^ a)ru aneq l(uol aM 9

;*as* Apva; s.+r * ?r?ri paayaLlL ?Ill ll.n0.4 i sbeq eql qt$ dlaq ll1 pfe6 t

'l(uorL pue illlvl tll!/\A sa)ualuas x ralel q)eaq aq] o] o6 !1:.M ,

oluM'rourruns srql aur] lsr!, aqt rol r(rlunor rno( S

V]!sr^ ol 6uro6 sr yn aql uorJ puau]

r' zsuexa raL{ ul llaM op /islea lliM €

,,{s1e6 luny , 'lru)rd aq] roJ sdsu) or.uos 6uuq ;;.no1 7
')eeM lxeu nor( ee5

, nor{ pue Iy''no( q)!M eruau!l aq] ol auo) ].uoM t
e-req {e1s rno{ ({ofue)
'rAolJcr*{o* x&nr}?s 8q +"no*.r1
L nor( e;ns
el,e7171 LUoLll 6urlrsrn (enol) x 'A oilotuol aq 11,11
, no{ -
{eup{5 ur seceld leerO eqt;1e o+ no,,t o)e} upf aM 'ruroJ uollsonb ro anrleoou^'uau^nllPs rur!#E

os 'oroq e;,noX uaqM oo-lrr. ore I pue olf un rno1 Waql 6ulsn sa)ualuos oql alp/vrou I

ipoo6 X1leor s.1r - z(e.rds r ' ,(aql/noi/aM o(aql -:
rno +o euros noX (enr6) /Il/aqsTaqTnor(71'op aur/ll/aqs7aq7nol :
soM anrle6ap
esneloq ,(erds lcesur ,(ue 6ur"rq +.uop ]ng I
'oLr-.rnlsol 6urr-ur.urans e osle pue soqlolr .roLUurns

jo lol e (peou) o no,{'se1

}e asoql a^eal ilaMo]e €r(aql 7no' =
ueo nnooz{d-os5lo'o(.urdrreel.ern)n r{ue €
z ]r
pue euJr] eql : illaqs 1aq1no(11

11e {uuns pue }oLl fuen (eq) L }l

)ulr.{} I '}uoLuour oql }e poo6 sr roq}eoM eL1I 'euoq ]e r(els

;{eprloq e "ro1 eoeld 1ee;6 , /aM/llleqs /ai -

n s,1! -,{eup{5 (e)ll) s{l}i!, nol, 'no{ ees o} }reM
].uef eM 'eleq ltstn.;noi( lnoqe {ddeq {1;eej a-].ery1

'{;r1 reeq /a^ /l;";Jlj:Hl

'qra^ aql pue g It? ](uoM aI el

JltorL )o ll< t{l!M lteua aqt a}alduo)'ellpJ}snv'(aup^5 'spro^ aql qllM olqet aql alaldLuo) .:-,r

Wu!ol)un pup lune laq l!s!^ ol6u!o6 st4n

Broi,t'illree $clrool 3 tl] Read the text again. Complete the sentence

Wednesdoy 5th June with one or two words from the text.

Deor students ond Porents, ofThe adventure day is in the month '}utls

A l'm writing to tell you oboui the plons for our exciiing 1 They're going to meet at the

odventure Ooy on Fridoy 14th June ot the Woodlonds 0utdoor 2 The students are going to travel in
Adventure Centre in Ashom.
different buses.
B We're going to leove from outside the school ot B o'm' Pleose
3 lt's important for students to wear
con oll stJOents be ot the school a|7.45.D0n't be lotelWe're
goinglogorntwobusesondweneedtimeforollthestudents 4 Students don't need to carry
ond teochers to get on the buses.
IX**s ni,r.,l uJ"..,r,.'LtLiX .an learn to ctimb
C Students need to weor ouldoor clothes ond toke o smoll
rucksock with woterproofs, sun creom 0nd some sondwiches
& laj*$ Answer the questions. Write
in it. Don't toke woter bottles - you con get drinks ot the
complete sentences.
outdoor centre.
What is the teacher writing about?
DWe'regoingtoorriveotoboutg.l5ondbegintheoctivities Tlr* p{ams ferr ths advant{,{r* SaY"
oi 9.30. getore tuncf,, oll the stucients ore going to leorn iree
1 Why do the students need to be at the school
climbing This is o sofe octivity - the students oll weor helmets
ond they con leorn to climb wilh the speciol teochers ot
The cen'"e 2 Who is going to teach the students about
E After lunch, the students ore going to study mop reoding ond
ihen spend the ofternoon wolking in the huge woods oround tree climbing?
the centre.
3 Where are they going to walk after lunch?
ot oround S.i-S.We think you'll oll hove on omozing doy - we + wr.,.t, ;;.;;;h; 1,"0.'i' s"';; i" n" ur.r. u,
hope the weother isn'i
their school?
going to be wetl
5 Do you like the sound of the adventure day?
See you oll on FridoY 14rh
Why /Why not?
/^ ll

C,- i=oUu.t

Mr Collins -Yeor 5 teocher

W Read the letter. Choose the correct words. W vocABULARY PLUS complete the

A very I small / big group of students are going to go by dialogues with the words.

2train / bus to an adventure centre with their 3teachers / boring cold €o€+ expensive huge new

parents. 'We went to a great clothes shop in Paris.''Yes, it wa:

really **ol

Wi Read the text again. Match questions 1 'This Olympic swimming pool is very big."That's
1-5 with paragraphs A-F. true. lt's

be?Where is the adventure day going to 2 'That guidebook is a lot of money.''Yes, it's

1 What time are we going to come home? A . Don't buy it.'
2 What do I need to take?
3 What am I going to do in the afternoon? 3 'My school bag is old.''Maybe you can buy a
4 How are we going to travel?
5 What activity am I going to do before rucksack.'

lunch? \.'4 'ThatTV programme about skiing holidays was
long.''Yes, it was reallY
72 Going away !'

5 'Do I need to take my winter clothes on

holiday?"Yes, it'll be

€.L Aenne 6urog

:no,( dlrr,l,ol € as!).laxa

esf] '[lrure; rno( q11m dpl pUalaam
ot 6uro6 s! puatJl
e aut6eu; .- '
u! lxal eql e

, ' .uo auo) V

fmfffffiiiffi iMou r"op+eaL,{jgf m
o,}e ffi
ffi aLuoq aq ll(aM 1urrll I ltann 1eE s{enn;e ean asne:eq ffi
ffi ',,;no{ 1a6to1 },uo6
Ii(qder6oa6,(o[ua si{ennle z
m amffi
ffi _ar.oM' uOffi ur +no o6 of 6uro6 ^ opurM aql uado o1 6uto6 tu,; 9
ffi lpooo oq lllM aqr edoq I
ffffiiuo o, tnor( peeu rar.lleoM 'qceaq aqt ffi
;1,nor{ os ffi

ffi 6ar(oMt euo ffi
I 'ute6e o6 o] +te,rn 1(uef, | ;er-ur11eat6 e Peq m ,IooqaserLld p lo6 an,l

Iffffgffiii Leu!& o]1;r,rn {eurnof ol1] )urtl] | 'oLUloH e ar(aM ffi saq) Mpues auros 6u1leu aJ(aM €
Idoqs slrods ipU] o] ob ranau Z
)rom ]P l(ust pep IW t
b al,aM uaq] pue $ '?let?r.oN osnexaq 6utuunt al.a','
oluol ol 6uro6
€ }e asnoq rno{ o} $ allsq1-+l.;aAA fubunq
z uO $
ar,aM' 'du1 aq1ro1 i enrsuadxxaa f(lian s.Ig 6urlr:xa I;1ear sem u

'r lno ]noqe e,rout no{ lla} or ruenn ; ]:afqns 6ur1trsare1u1 ue s.I1 loq (;1eal u.1
Iue!leilleeeeddss 1.uel lll s.aLl 1r; rfuan
asneraq no,{ 6urileuua LU.l puo\ooil $au sn Ll}!^^ {
'saserqd au:
,(enne euro: o] 6uro6 ol,no{ teql ,iddeq {11ea; Ll.; r pue arnprag ql!l,Mr sa)ualuas aql e1alduo1$1;:.

I t:t r tr.l trf) it.l 'Lutr lH

& t=t &i.-:sw.*-*-*-.eeff*xi*dw;,*wi:tir'a":.

oo'g 1e awaq (epun5 roJ sueld ra^u aql uo ]poc

asoo.tdnleta 7wtq e aIe) osne)oq1 7/ ro 6urddoqs o6 uet noI',(eptt1 u6 ;

+€aq llewe o ,PeP Rvu ut 1no oE 'q)uarl 1:a;rad s>1eac ;

e\unrl?oaD aq os / asne)oqq 'a)ue.rJ ur uroq s?M raqlplpuer6 ,(;', ;
qceoqaqluo awgpuado
l(ep,tnge5 Jol sueld 'uns aLl] ut6utpts pu:

eos oq1_ al6ururlurms {o[ua) II lnq / asne)aq si(eprloq q)eaq r

r€auasnoqleweeaf,exa (e1s o1 a:e;6 'sluaunuou snotueJ atuos puP / asne)ac

)noque - feu::nol ,, -vrpd rnrnnpee; q p ]rsrn oi 6uro6'uopuol J

owloAolo^tr? 'araq] IleM l(uP) aM asne)ai
OS' g - aonoq Lnof, o+ owoc 6uluena (ePtr1 lol sueld
--7 os'(emeI ssiarlaulolrl xrs sr ;ood 6urtul,utms : ;
uoll)nporlul :,
'I1r: aqt Moul ](uop aM pu:
du1 eq1 ns oue4 - ?uo\aaM +xau / asnP)aq lnquueetsl ro1 looqaprn6 e {nq ol paau :','

'lleua aql 'rauuns slq] 6burddtuuee)r o06 otl ;;--. (

alaldtuor ueql'salou aql peag 'A11ue; s(allreq) -:aq{asne:eqJ7 os 6eq 6urdaals nnau p }o6 seL -.
'sproM l)aJlo) aql asooq) ,fl
1$$ [q1/vl dlrl puataerv\ e uo o6 o1 6ulo6 s; ulf

xs,vi" asnrrsaq:lulod a6er'

I need to try this again. '- It O-"*rli lhrGa^pnFrry \vrv.rrtthlr tthllit)..

,,.:-l,l ..:.; l l;:l l;i;i i eou$d d* t!'lis bettcr. .- I r:n rin rhi<.rot., trroll

V&C&BUt&RY Thirags for a koXiday LANGUA&b !-,ULU5 be gotng fo: attt
riesettve emd q$€stxons
3 Complete the words.

1 'l need to learn some French words for my trip 3 Complete the sentences using affirmative, negative

pto Paris.' 'Have you got a or question forms of be going to and the verb.
- -?'2 'l think it's going to rain a lot on holiday!"Take your
I1 (visit) my grandparents
on Friday. (meet) his friend at
3 'lt's going to be dark outsid-we iotuhrytoeunt.'at nightl''lt's
2 Jack. .. . .... .. ..

- - - -.'OK, you can use my new t 5.00. (travel)to I

4 'l'll need to wash my hair on holiday."Put some 3 My friends .

s--- inyourrucksack.' this summer.

'We're going to visit a country with a lot of mosquitos.' 4 We... ... ... (not learn)German

-'Take some i -- -- s -mo-rn-ing-..'''Did next year.

'l didn't brush my teeth this you leave Ella (not take) a rucksacl

yourt- athome?' on holiday.

'We need to wash our hands.' 'l think Tereza has got I (not stay) at home this

some s in her washbag.' afternoon.

(your sister / buy)

I can talk about the things I need for a holiday. a guidebook?

\J V'C/ror\ /r.1/.i\ I can talk about future plans and intentions.

RgAPlruS Sr,xlrsmer $a*!idxys VOCABULARY ANE LISTENING

X Choose the correct words. Weather conditions

1 This summer we're going to stay in a hotel with 500 4 W Listen and match the places 1-6 with pictu
rooms! lt's huge I cold lboring!
a-f. a
I don't want to visit that old museum with my parents.
.'r :At
It looks really cool / new /boring. C12 rnosrtchooftSracontlianfdlrl-*-{,rrlr{-I:i'lL:l

'ls the weather going to be hot in Canada?' +; ffulw:loarleEsnsrand *gd #6*dd
'No, it's going to be expensive / cold / new.'
o fllondon ;ffi":; qel I
Ed is going to swim in the boring / expensive / r5F ."
new swimming pool - it opened last week and it's .! : - " ,1. -va'

really cheap.

We want to visit that small skatepark - people say it's

fantastic and really cool / huge / cold.
My holiday is in Switzerland. It isn't a cheap country.

It's very expensive / new / cool.

I can read for detailed information.

MY EvALL'A,flOhr kft$tr1#nu\ $#;\ .4:\ I can understand a weatherforecast.
sssnfiY EVAL{.'AfloN

74 Going away

'sasruord pue sJa#o elPrx uP) |

U.) aq ll. q aqe9
a^rJp l a^our e I
]!s!^ q

/vloul ) aas q ualsrl e ,

palse ) ISP q Ise ll( P €

[le: : aIeLU q o^eq e z

uP) f ].uoM q ](uef e L

'IL ]e ]PU ino^ ]P s | ']eal9 trqnu

'lood 6urrulurMs aq] o1sn
s(}alue) tunru {yX 'll }e }pU lno,( }e }aau
srr i 'oo1 aulo) o] slue^ aie)

v aqsJ!, , pue Prssa; auoqd 11,1 (qnu
uuv I'sdsr.r: aruos 6uuq o]
& auos iloof:saq:rmpues ole)
e {qn6
zue) |

'pPlPs e pue ual)rq) auos

6uuq L I 'eapr poo6 e s(]PqI ale)

'rru:rd e alel pue lood
ll,}lbururlurnns aq] o106 s.la1 '{epun5 uo }oq aq

ueg{6 'saull oqt uo uroql alu/'/\ pue spJo^ pailo) aql asoor.l) 9

lirnou -ro1 a{g sssteersrd p&.e8 $xa$** sNlx}dxds

ino,{ ees o1 8 ],uef I
'spuer.l1 {ru

qlrm uap-re6 aq] ut rrurtd e a^eq L

aM ro osnoLl {u reeu qleaq ol1} o} o6 ue: oM os 'arnln, aql tnoqe suorlrlpald alpu ue) |

'{uuns eq lllM , aqt ',(epun5 ug

;]eal6 are za)uerl ur

a;eq] sdoqs aL{} - solquJeqs aql palletr s}aor}s aM poo}lPqM

plo auros ur , oO o1 6uro6 a;,ann 2(eprgoq uo 6ururor"u
']eq] ra]+v iurer , +1 adoul | 'asno
,tana a1e; noI
ra^ru oil+ uo ]eoq e oo1)e6]uuroaOll]aPr(UaeMa,'l)arLoll LunasnLU
urerl 6rq aq] ]rsr^ '{epo1 eas aqi u1
ol a^up
| ,I os aurnlsor 6urr.ururms ILU lo6 l(uaneq
, 6uro6 a-l,er,,r 'r(ep;nles uO
'00't' ie eroLll 'no,( qtlm uearf uns auos a)iP1

sen ure snq rnod asnef aq uorlels snq aL{} }e no{ 'MorJotuo] q)eaq aq] ]e {uuns fuan ]t E

]aeui o] z u,l 'uooura]+e {epu1 u6 'ltl6!u te p;o: s,ll 'puello)S o]
edu] rnol uo 6eq 6urdaa;s poo6
'pua)aenn aq] ro+ sueld rno lnoqp no{ ;1a1 o1 no1 Z

]uem | , noX EutlreLra LU(l 'uoos sn '11eq e io6 ](ua^eq aM

qlrnn r{e}s o} 6uro6 e.l,no{ }eq} pa}trxa {11eer u,; asnelaq (eprloq rno uo llpqlooJ aM

ue{y r;1 r.url s lou {e;d iou
t: paau dn le6 1ea aq

'aullq)Pa uo ploM 'sqro^ aql pue r/rn lo surJo; uollsanb
ro anl1e6au 'onllprurlJJe 6ursn sarueluas oql a1a1duro1 S
auo alu1 'lxal aq] a1e;duor pue lteua aql pea5 g
I&{{,{s,se p$",x $$$d14 Sf}3&S XSWfISN V']
$$we&ee a.&w *ru$_ilgw&

'CUMULAIIVE REVIEW Starter unlt - Unit 2

Speaking i.

1 Look at the photo of a city in the UK. What things do

you see in the photo? What words describe

the city?


2 Read Holly's email. What thing in the photo does she

talk about?

Hi Katarina, Listening

How are you? l'm really happy because there's 4 eW Holly is on the schooltrip in Chester. Listen to
a school trip on Friday. Every year, we visit a conversation between Holly and her friend 5arah.
different city with our class. We haven't got any two places do theY want to visit?

lessons for the day and itt always a lot of fun! ffi Listen again and complete the sentences with
This year, the trip is to Chester in the north of
England. lt's smaller and older than our city, likeHolly doesn't shoPPitts

E briorr teacher, Mr Swift, says it's really nice. In 1 Sarah likes the sound of the
.2 There'sa ....
the centre, there's a castle, a big market, a new in Sarah's bag.
shopping centre, a park and a very famous clock
on a bridgel 3 The castle is about minutes on foo;

Every year, there are two exciting parades in the 4 Sarah's wants a photo of the clock
city. There's a parade in June called Midsummer ,, , .:5 The girls are very near to the .. .
Watch and a parade in December called Winter , ,
Watch. People play music, and sing and dance in
the streets. Writing rr

Email me or message me soon. ,

Bye for now! 6 A TASK lmagine there is a schooltrip neitweek:

Holly an emailto a friend about the triP.

Read Holly's email again. Then find six more mistakes B THINK AND PLAN
in the text below.
1 What is the name of the town or city? Where is it?
2 What is it like?
3 What can you see or do there?
4 Give one more piece of information about the towr


C WRITE Use the text in exercise 2 and the writing

#S*ah"r,". i, o r"qy city in the south o[.Engl."d {

with interesting plo.", to visit. There's o costle, o smollfr

morket, o por[ ond o shop on o bridge. You con see {
three porodes eyery yeor in the city, ond people sing, {

; tf'r, g.:*: ::9. 1,::::, ::, 1!:l, P:::1....,,.,.. .,,.,,.,,. .,.,.,1 Ir Paragraph 3: Thsre ara "". Thsre is '..

14 Didyou know...

25 There are about six hundred castles in the UK, including
Chester castle.

Find the name of the famous castle in the
centre of London.

75 CUMULATIVE REVIEW ' Starter unit - Unit 2

LL ' llun - llun rauels . A llnlu lnllvlnwn) iP]ll}Vula]aLl}alesagett6.-,.-,..,,.-,...

(ep hana pa6uo1 aql daa;s sleultue q)tqM lno puU 2sagerl6lq ualOold aql sr
isaS4ot16 uoqlnbuoldaaF spwwDw nqlo ry'rtop larualradxa ,sagerr6 aql laat^J,
lnrra stnoq ont puD salnulw ual uaalLlaq lol daals sa74ot19
aql le srolts!^ aql:dlaq z
wrou4 no{ p1q


(lana ooz aq] ot ob aldoad t

i.:.rrrl,rrl.u::,il,ll't,.t,:i,l:,:ir:,t:::ri:ltllr,tt:,,:,:li::,t,:::1:,1,i,l:Ih04B,6U1U;f,.qLO1;'6.l1, slploill' siq6:l; 0 8l Ueqi o i; aN
iooz uopuol ,ud[
l;*ns$Ci,',,,,:,lrl ti6or$,:itt6,,Aj,]€rUrdej6e:f ,Ed.:'

i:,:, r{?r,.ti0l!31/t, l00: : :r: rnOqCr, g!: *raf0;d lPrlm {uer.u moq (qrt
or{M }eqm {ueu moq r*eq
,61ft,iV::Z ltdel6o;pd , .': " {la} il,!.ldeJ6erPd

'no[ d;aq ol rvro;aq aPln6 'sproM erua oMl

Furlgrrr aqt pup Z as!)laxe ut lxal aql asn IIIUM ) ate oraql'suoglsanb aql ra/v\sue pue ule6e lxol aLll
peat uaql'spro/vl aql qllivr suorlsanb aql e1aldtuo1 g

ilooq)s ]e u,aql gnoqe 6utulea; no,( aly ipllM aq] u! Zlooq)s lp ]noqe 6urureap aqs s! lpql

,sleutup asaq] ro, sualqotd aql Jo auos ale ]eLIM ilnoqe l>aford s(qeuueH sl teq6'lxat aql peau I

ipool uaql ant6 noI ue3 isotoqd 6ulpeag

a1e1 no( ue) isleurue.qt..i no( uaqnn op no( uel ]PqM € it.usl l! lnq'tq !D spunos - otl[v w saJJottb u,. v

iooz sltl] ]noqP

lerrads sl leq6 ile sleutue asaql aas no{ ue: ooz }eq6 z
ilnoqe ]lafotd tnor( st leulue ]eq6 t


'l>afotd rno(;o sqderbered aalqt lsllJ punofi [1uo utou aJo aDqT puo iuqunq st saJJr.,'f .,,r,

aqt alpn 'allua) arllpl!tul e to ooz e lP sleuluP 6ullsaralut twalqotd lsabdrq aqt'nbuop ut slou.luo tunyodut; : - w

auos lnoqp ]raford e 6u1op ale no( eut6eu; )SVI V I aq1 ]o avtos lnoqo buutaal upw'suossal fi,1dot6oab : w
'safiotrb aI477noqo s>1tCIypuD sJolis ' rr4.
sdpq ndaa4oaz aql'waq] qyau ndaa4ooz o p22u S-t -'*t"

'sagerr6 eqt at4f 'asffico Jo lns i6urll:xa rtyoa.t 'poo} wat4l a^!e ::M
sdnotb llows ut sallottb aqt )oau ob uot {aq1 - a:u;-;;*m'
q]!M salnulu io6 aneq sluapnls aL{I S
,saJJotA aqJTaaw, pnads o eADq uDl sJoJlstl 'ooz :.- $ti

'aul] e ]e poo, :,'aJaqt sloutuo Auqaxa paD aJoJ aq] w pa$alalul ;,d,r.
trluo U
isagerr6 aql an16 uel sluapnls ainmaa';nar{ ltitw,aaz,avll rlsn aldoad ua$tw o )ant

'rnoLl ue ;6l,.:]tlefsa{.oslr,,*otli,raJor,u sJ - aq],,q!,,;solrz'lsap Jo a q1 3;

sarlauroM o] dn unr ue) agerr6 Y € tillliloOi:li .,.ro..oz, uop.ulot1b:, o;16,!winoqn st pafo,l
'se;guob ueq] latleaLl st a;rtetr6 Y 7. ,l.atart:t,u.riit$.ii.i.r. ...,.&rlst*tl'r',,,,. , . --.._-. ...............:...........-

'6>t ]noqe ale sa#PllD t

'ooz aq] 1e sa;ettb d:ilt41 alp araql

000'[ anrl-{ryg &uaan} a^U aorq} oM}

'sraqunu aql

ffiqlliv\ sa)ualuas aql alalduor pue ute6e uersrl

lsagelr6 aqt i - rla[o"

;o soloqd alel qeuueH ue1'radaa>;ooz 26u1op,(aql a.:
aql qllM uo!]esJa^uo) laq ol ualsll 'ooz aql lP
i1eq1y1 2eldoad aql aloq1 'otoqd oql IP )ioc-
aruelradxa.sagerl6 aql leary, aql le s! qpuueH ffi@

? llun - llun ra&re*$ t MXIASH X&XAYlnAIn)

*Lf*lUliltrilfl iul[!-sA{"rraiqvrrb. F}"!*{'k,vghvv e 5ttrru*".r- *---f^f:ritt LI IJ-*f:frirt br

Speakimg Listening

1 took at the photo. What are the people doing? Do 4 # fS Jasmine talks to her friend Sia about the

you like the look of this sport? Why / Why not? beach volleyball competition. Who were the


Soturdoy 25th June 5 ffi.*&l Listen again and write true or false. frue

Todoy wcs an importont doy - we trsined ,Jasmine ,.. ,'

for seven hours! Why? We've got a big had fun at the competition.
beoch volleyboll competition fomorrowl
There ore eighl teoms in the competition wilh 1 went with her parents and her brother.
the best young ployers in the country. Every 2 was at the competition all day.
leom hos got two ployers, l'm in o teom wiih 3 won the first four matches with her

Noomi - she's reol/y good! team.

We storted ot 8.30 this morning - I don't 4 was in the finalof the competition.
5 is in a beach volleyball competition in
mind getting up eorly! First, we wenl on our
bikes for two hours. I love cycling - ii s good
exercise ond you con become very fit. Next,
* A TASK lmagine you are in a big competition. Write a
we proctised beoch volleyboll - it's o fost
blog about the day before the competition and how
gome ond you need to move ond jump oll the prepare for it.
At 12.30 we were lired, hungry ond thirsfi, so we hod o heolthy
1 What competition are you in?
lunch' it's impofionl lo,hove o good diel when you're doing o 2 How long did you prepare for it?
3 How many people and fans are at the competition?
lot of sporl! 4 What did you do in the morning and the afternoon t:

ln lhe oflemoon, we ployedrmclches wiih friends, ond we prepare?
wolched some other ployers. l'm very exciied obout lhe
compelition tomorrow! C WRITE Use the text in exercise 2 and the writing g
below to help you.
,tdtLe*ul=t!f*,{ r ftd"!

X Read the sports blog. Why is Jasmine training?

3 Read the text again. Correct the sentences. Paragraph 1: Iaday was alr importaxt day ...
Paragraph 2:We startee at " .. First, . ".
ln the competition, there are seve{1 teams.
Paragraph 3: At {X"$$, - ".
e.ig&lt Paragraph 4:ln the afier*oon. . , .

1 Naomi is quite good at beach volleyball. I Mostvolleyball playersjump about 300times a

2 Jasmine hates getting up early in the morning. match!

Jasmine loves swimming because she wants to be fit. ; Find out how long the longest volleyball game

4 Beach volleyball is a slow sport. lasted.
5 Jasmine had unhealthy food for lunch. \j

Jasmine and Naomi played matches in the morning.

Jasmine isn't very excited about the cornpetition.

78 CUMULATIVE REVIEW o Starter unit - Unit 6

6L 8 llun - llun lauels . Mllnlu lnllvlnwn) 'uoouJaue aql u! I ale] ol 6ugo6 1.usr uepy 9
'00'B ]e a ale] ol 6uro6 sr uepy S
'806 I u! pauols lsr!] slnoDs aql
's;ooldralean p ra)u aq lllM raqleaM aql b
"' /v\oul no( pt6 aql(uoMJaqlea^ aql €
e'al]Ioq laleM )
u;are aJaq]'ureal fuala Z
.laM q ur6aq o1 6uro6 sr)lP^ aql t

'slno)s xrs e


r.lll/vl9-L salleq a)ualuas q)lew 'urp6e txal oql peau E

'-' ?q l,!,r{ )aq'J./?N?til :t qdPl6Pled UCPV

'- .l* ;*ep 13 Su;*$ *;.*,4,1 :g qdet6ele6 isueld ino ]noqe )le] o1{epu3 uo no{ llel I uel

": l$s, d!.,r*. isoluoq ralem 6rq fure: o1 6uro6
ar,ann lnq 'sloord-ra1e,rn rno o)e] o1 6uro6 1,ua;:
Sqtl&r sq* &ssqg 6u;4aarx c n4 4xaa I:1 qdel6ere4, eM'uoouraue aq] ur ,{uuns Pue }oq oq ll,}r 'uot_
'urer l,uoM 1r lnq ']srl,L 1e {pnol: oq llllrn raq}eann aL_
"" 'lft it Lldel6erej
iLUea] lsalsel a--
'no( dlaq ol r'no1aq aptn6 ur eldoed aq] ore suorduueq: aLl] pue of,er e sl )l€

)6u11;rrvr aq] pue Z as!)raxa ut lxal aql asn IIIU/I aq1 'deLu e osn o] 6uro6 a;.e11 '.red;eq e LllM r :
+o slueal ur )leM pue 'LlJ'e B ]e uels o] 6uro6 ar e,'.'
iraquraurar o1 s6urq] +o lol e araM are -_
ot 6urob ]ou no{ are }eqM ZaIe} o} 6urob no( are }eq6 S 'uorleLurolur luepodu-;r +o ]ol e sn ene6 sradloq lnc-.
aq1 {epsanl }sel )leM oLl} }noqe 6ut}aar-u e o} }ue'.'
,zalll aq raqleaM aq] lllM ]eqM
u)aL{} Ll}rnn )leM ipua>loeM srrl] slnc: :
idnolO Jo [upa] rno( ut ale aldoad Iueu nnog g
2dul tno{ ue}s o} 6uro6 no,( alp aut} }eqM Z E L rno ro} }tem 1,ue: 1 ;6ur1 : . =
idul 6ur1:I: aqt sr 6uo; nnog t aq lllnn pua)aaM srtl] )urtll | 'lreura rno{ rol s)u: -_
ev -:.\$] *s S &S ,',
'sue;d rno( lnoqe ursno) lo puau, e ol
lreula up alrJn 'loor.l)s rno( Jo slno)S aql q]!n pualoo/v\ iop oI

srql dpt 6urpr(> e uo 6uto6 a;e noI aut6eu; )ISVI V $ 6uro6 uepy sl leqfl 'u!sno) srq ol lreua s(uepv ppag

pu!l!rAA Surpe:3




sdt|1, PoqtrN
k :'iik
-.'ree. ..t

'6uuq o1 6u;o6 a;e eldoed leql Iutrp pue pooJ

ffiffiaql lnoqe salou aq] e1a;druor pue ure6e ualsll S

io{ll aq ,aq}ea^ oL{} lllM }eqM aEurop (eq1 a'te leq1 iul are a;doad ;-"
1u;qr no( op uorlpzruebro 1eq6'oloqd oql ]e lc :-
'sue;d .r1aql ]noqe laeq)l6 o1 6ur1;e1s! ulepv ffi..€} p

nl*ffi 3,$*str3 &$txvx i*&"$*&$ s ,&&X$&XX X-s{$&Wlny!

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