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Published by SHEE YUEN LING Moe, 2021-01-21 09:59:57

English Plus 1 Workbook Year 5

English Plus 1 Workbook Year 5

Starter unit "'.-l::ll-.-...:'.:" Jl5.;i . x ..?:.\11*:f;'r':'I tlnit4

Tx$kixg x**urt h*b*!*s snS ir:t*r'*sts '::lli1itt.+;:,. li;,ir;',' : ;S.&e-t Yx$*<ir*g ebsx€ seh**$ swbjeats
...l'm interested in I've got no / a bit of / loads of (maths)
l'm not interested in ... L'.L^ri*I *rp^(:*{ :E*61*1* *}r5lrves 5
l'm into ... l'rn not into ... What have you got for number l? Our (art) teacher is / isn't very / quite (strict).
I think it's true / false. l'm great / not great at . . .
I like ... I don't iike ... What about you? l'm really good at ...
What do you think? I enjoy ...
l'm good at .. l'm not gocd at .. -fri6!^1- !rs s^{A!*0l4d-/riesK$e $ru&!3 l'm OK at ...
I prefer ...
My favourite ... is / are .. . ln the holidays I the summer /
Asking $*r h*ip rsith $emguxges
How are things? / How are you? the evening, ...
At6a.m. /2.30p.m.,... How do you spell that?
This is (Yasmin). On weekdays / lt4onday /Tuesday, . .. How do you say ('tomorrow' in French)?
At the weekend / NewYear ... Can you say that again, please?
(Yasmin) is into ... Can you help me with something, please?
See you later. Makir:g pBans and suEgestioms
Siv$ng in$*rntat$q:m xhq:*t y*ur seh***
&***crhx *$ S*$rx* What's on? l'm really (happy) that ...
What do you want to do / see? It's a small/ medium-sized / big school.
It isn't very (expensirre).
It's very (expensive). l'm not really interested in (the) ... Some subjects like (maths) and (English) are
It's quite (expensive). I like the sound of (the) . . . compulsory.
It's really (expensive). What about (the) ... ?
Let's go to (the) ... Other subjects are optional"
Y$:ir:kimg *f *xsiniers Here's a photo of ...
Talking ab*ut e ee[ebraticn
I think he / she / it's ... There's a celebration called ... ffiMaybe you can email me ...
People celebrate ...
And you? There are ... in the street. Lik*s amd dlslllces
l'm not sure. I love ...
Yes, that's right. It's a lot of (fun). I (quite / really) like ...
I don't know. I don't mind ...
$iffiiffi,liiia::it*,:1ig.i!lgts{t{ii}:;iii*:{1:ii5;iii:i]I*ri}$i***it*ii* I (really) don't like ...
Wg rdirrq ah*ttt i,,rlrEt'f I hate ...
l'm a student at ... ir{s*ti{srinm t!*inae
l'm into ... , especially ... Srd*rimg fcod
What do you think it is?
Email or message me in (English) It looks like a / an ... Can I help you?
It sounds like a / an ... Can I have (a cheese sandwich), please?
lspeak/study... l've got no idea. $lould you llke (salad or chips with that)?
Bye for now! Maybe it's a / an ... ? Anything else?
l'll have (a cola), please.
Unit 1 r-r:* -*l.^ ^ Thar's (15.50), please.

Yxlhi*g **q.:ul piei::lr (A new baby) is usually between (2.5) and k\tviti** * ***d $i*g
(4.5 kilos).
"..There's a / an There isn't a / an ... It's easy / fun / cheap / difficuit to make.
...There are some (Gorillas) can grow to around (250 kilos). They taste terrible I OK I great.
There aren't many ... (Camels) can survive about (6 months) Mmml Delicious!
Enjoy your meal!
My favourite place is . . . without water. Join me next month.

Ca*m'*par*m6 *pl*i*rxs R*efi l lpcf i g1f, nern* icciern

I think ... lsitOKif l/we...?
Can I /we/you ... ?
Yes, you're right.
utvlt tt* l.rgt tlttSStu!9
Really? I think ... Yes, of course you can.

&sk$xg nnd xx5r{a'ag wkevx p$***s nr* &*$usiarg penrx$xst*n
No, l'm afraid you can't"
Excuse me. Are we near the . . . here? l'm sorry, but ...
Yes, look, we're here.
How far is it / the . . . from here? ffese rifoirtg anirna3s ir: danEer
It's about ... minutes on foot / by bus. They can weigh / grow to / be . . .
Thanks for your help. It's one of the (biggest birds);
The ... is now in danger.
You're welcome. You can find information (on the website).

S*xerthi*xg * t*w* *r city

It's in the north / south / west / east / centre

It's a / an (interesting) town / city.
It's got a population of about (500,000).
My favourite places are ... and . . .
It's only (a few kilometres)from (the sea).

110 Key phrases

LLI soserqd /(a)

.. ,,,,,. fttuqpddv

i(all leu.'o,6s;uaodssraltlq) lnoqe Iet{A r


ino^ are MoH "'ur (s)alor raq / srq lo} uMoul Isaq s.aqs / s.aH
z3laql poo6 ]l sl "' u^ oul-llaM arue)aq 3qs / aH
2 (1}:exa moH / uaLlM/ erallA
(3"77) saar6ap (o^ l-&uaMl) iall lpat urelrl (r.luoMsuaH suq]) s.leq^
lseo) (quou) aql uo 'llel e eu a^lD 6s.!ar&s&rs A3&"{e se"ralg&semb :di.gdwx S*1q
innou no,( are alaqM
]saM / lsea / qlnos / Lluou aLl] u! ilalel laau ol lueM. no( o6 'eutl tno{ lo; s1ueq1
'(utel) auos aq ll.alaql ex*qc$ *e.{& r$$ $wq:nne;
i(Mororuol) a)rl aq lallleaM aql lllM lPqM € l;u11
iS!,{3*};;1 i*1,} l{!(}q! fiue41f1 luorlsanb poog
'({epuo6y) 'peaqP 09'alns
Se l''t-u'rnr ')O s.teq],1 'noI ro; suollsanb ana; e 1o6 an,1
uo (xts lsed talrenb) ot (anr; o) ralrenb) uoll r{ealr{.xs&&r ! *"le 6u3o6
'Ileq aq] le ' ' '
'(pol),o rq6ra)ty "' s,lr arns u.l
"''(UeW) ot lxau ir..lslu!l / uels l! saop aLuli lPqM "' s.11 sdeqra6 7 aqleyy
"''ual 3ql uo
'lqbU aql uo "' rasol) "' )ulq] t.uop I
7 uado (lood 6uturtutrus) aql saop aull ]eLlM
"''alpplLu aql u! 'erns lou tu.l
se ;fi9:.&.i.r ::! .1 e'tufi tr liut 5 I o'.1 ... s.ltlulLl] |
*g*q$ * ime:qs $*94119
z rlun Wsi&rins&xp 6ulgsswng
a llun
Zsralsrs ro sraqlolq {ue lob no{ aneg
uallo lno (lq6ra; = 6Y1t; i a)tl (u^ o]) lno{ s,1eqn1 ;,0:,;,,,j:j:x;i:X
i ll ro] orols rno( s,1eq6 idepqulq rno{ s,uaqln ' " uo uloq seM aqs / aH
2uol; noI ale alaq6
']ualor^ / alqlllal anol ate Plo MoH ul''' ' ' ' ur pa(egd 7 paladuor lsrt] aqs / aH
7 paletr;durot 7 6uuoq seM / sl ll iauleurns lno{ s.1eqry1 " 1o fuo1srq aql

'6u1tpxe 7 leat6 7 un; senn 7 st 11 Zaureu ]srU.lnoI s,1eqry1

illlo )ultll no( PtP / oP tPqM {rsttel**r*g*f 1mx*xt** ;*3 Sx14sY
ar:.ll{- t;}pi.. b''}&r, firi {lYI
[ ]!un
9 rlun
6:ii!W* *rqui:lalsii*
ZleLll s! Ll)nu MoH r] lnlssa))ns lsou aq]Jo euo s.aLls /s.eH

"'aqs/aq "';oa6eaqlly

i'6auserqa/;rda' n"a' leqt s1 lnol( aas ot }lPM },uP) | ' ' ' sl aueu lln, laH / slH
alll p,l
xe*s s&xods e,o elgdrd
" ' are Iaq1 7 s,ll "'
aq llr^A raqlear,n aql i(epun5 ug '6uro6 ar.noI uaqM a[ - .
i'"' de lsl Ll)nu MoH oi 6uro6 al,am {eprn1e5 u6
"' 2lou lq,',' =. -
"' ol 6uto6 t-u.1 6utuana IePul ug
2a>1r1 no{ plnoivr 1eq171'6uluroul pooD "' asnetaq noI 6ut;leua u,; r.?Zaur r] lxau autot no,( ]. u c :
i qllM noI
$*xl*u"i *qx 3u $si.!1Ep s*lgng

0llI P io laltenb e = 6411, "' leq] Pall)xo fuan u.; '
soll) JieLl P pue o^^l = 6>1qre
i;9iA 5.;.)U.:);.18 Y 1,":{}qo l}B}tJA Lf {iUr1,*""6 isMau peq I Pa'.4 .
olU e]leq =6421, !'apua)iaaM tnol
'astuotd|'"'].uoA "-'1 !. i r,:r ";- -. :
olr) auo le =64Y I
sLuer6 art;-Iiua^as pue palpunq xls = 6 Sl9 f'l;:.,*
'(autu ]e asnoq lno{ }e) aq 1;.;
suer6 anr;-ftuam) pue parpunq aalLl] = 6 5Z€ '(Llleaq aLll ol) sn a^rlp ue) (runu) (y1 o6e qluotu e/qae^ oA ]/saln

suet6 parpung.*ro f n: 6!01 'ool aLUol ol slueM aLl ]t aas pue (Lulf) ]xal ll,l uel se
'(sIUup atuos 6utrq) oi (qeuueg)1se 11,1
$3q*1es& $qi$&s5 '(saqltMpues aluos) a)eLU uP) | {epun5 7{t
'(ezztd auos) 6uttq ue: ,LAZIlf,
s llun
; 1sn6ny TreaI 7)ee^ / pualaa n 1 Aeg
"' Iue 7 auos g,uate
x*s1m**d pe$* $i*gg* $xaqmPq ${*e}$*s,!c}:-; ? *

/ arP araql / ue / e s.araql'alnptd {uu u1 "' a^eq o1 poo6 s{enn1e s,1; '(6utt1s'--
"''eapr poo6 e (dlqeqord) arP / sr
26utl eann 'uel (lieq-:'
"'']uellodutl ale / sl 'Lueal (loour '-
7 6urop (sluapnls /"r'aLaLllie] aalt)e aql ale / sl lPqM
/ st lnolo) ]eqM ]o ]ol e 1o6 aneq sa:e;d aLlo5
i rirana (uee dn 6utliaf - ,.
"'Zalaql ale (suad) (ueul ntog "'no{ uaqan 7 araqrt spuadap };
'qng: 6- ^ - .;:- --
aarnlrtd lno,( ul ue I P alaql sl uo 6utob a)tll a^ol I
"{ .
i(llPM aLli uo) aas no( ue) leq6 s$eprl*q an*q& $u1qgx;

{rrst}!* sqll rt*$itu{}J

, uun

be /bir, br/ was lwoz,wazl ,were /w:r(r), we(r)/ been lbitnl

become /br'k,tm/ became /bl'kerm/ become /br'krr.m/
begin /br'grn/ began lbr' begun /br'g.tnl
break lbretkl broke /breok/
broken /'breuken/
build /brld/ built lbtltl
buy lbatl built lb]/ltl
can /kren/ bought ht'^tl
catch lkerfl could /kud/ bought lbc'^tl
come /k,nm/ caught /kcrt/ could /kud/
came /kerm/ caught /kcrt/
do ldu'^l come /krrm/
did ldtdl done ldl'lrrl
drink /drrrjk/ drunk idr,rgk/
drank /dre1k/ eaten li]"nl
eat li.^tl found lfaundl
ate le:rtl flown /fleun/
find lfandl
fly lflatl found lfaundl gct lgotl
get lgetl flew lflu'^l
get up I'get tpl got up I'got npl
got lgoll
give lgwl got up /'got ,tp/ grven lglnl

go lgarsl gave lgervl gone lgonl
had lhedl
have lhnvl went lwentl hidden ihrdn/
hide lhaldl had lhr,dl known lneunl
know lneol hid lhrdl learnt / learned lls'^ntl
learn i1:rn/ knew /njur/
leave lliwl left lleftl
lose llu'^zl learnt / learned lls\ntl lost /lnst/
make /merk/
meet lmi1l left lleftl made lmetdl
read lritdl met /met/
lost /lost/ read lredl
run k,nl made lmetdl
met lmetl run htnl
say /ser/ read lredl
see lsll ran lranl said /sed/
send /send/ said /sedi seen /sirn/
sent /sent/
slt I srtl saw lsttl
sent /scnt/ sat lsr,tl
sleep /slirp/
speak /spirk/ sat /s:et/ slept /slept/
spend /spend/ slept /slept/
swim /swrm/ spoken /'speuken/
spoke /speuk/ spent /spent/
take ltetkl spent /spent/ swum /swrrm/
teach ltitfl taken /'terken/
swam /swaem/
tell lteU taught ltcJ.l
took ltukl
think /0rgk/ taught ltcttl told ltauldl
wear /wee(r)/ told ltauldl
write lra:Jl thought l0c;tl
thought l0tltl worn lwtnl
112 lrregular verbs wore /wr:(r)/ written lntnl
wrote hautl

f n@
f.4.*.:E-*,eEE- '-'...,'.''


. Six pages of additional practice per unit of the Student's Book
. All core unit exercises at three levels of difficulty
. Workbook listening activities allow students to listen at their own pace
. Two-page review after every unit with self-assessment
. Regular cumulative reviews of language and skills
. Language focus reference with additional practice exercises

rsBN 978-967 -7A342-2-0

lllt illlllt lilllll I lll ililil|I
Pen. M'sio : RMl5.90
E. M'sio : RMl7.50

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