Vol. 10 No. 42 Visit TapIntoSomers.net for the latest news. Thursday, February 4, 2021
Mask-making can’t hide the smiles at Opengate
Used since ancient times for ceremonial,
practical and entertainment reasons, masks
send many messages.
ey can say: “I’m hiding,” or “I’m telegraph-
ing who I want to be,” or, now, because of the
pandemic, “I’m wearing this to keep us both
e trouble is—whether made of colorful
fabric or surgical-blue paper—these now ubiq-
uitous coverings are depriving us humans of the
chance to read people’s expressions, the key to
a rst impression.
After all, a smile is the “friendliest” part of
our faces. Without it, part of our identity van-
Elizabeth Dama, head teacher at Opengate
Inc., a not-for-pro t that serves people with in-
tellectual and developmental disabilities, wasn’t
about to let that happen.
ere had been enough losses in 2020.
She and other teachers and support sta at
its Somers campus devised a relevant way for
clients to both unleash their creativity and let
their inner selves truly be seen.
And what more appropriate way than
through making art masks?
Snowy owls. Ornate Indian elephants. Gold-
en-horned bulls. Mustachioed mystics. Serene
soothsayers. Regal tribal chieftains. Futuristic
robots. Even a whiskery walrus and a pepper-
mint pink Peppa Pig of British animation fame
came to the masquerade.
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Thursday, February 4, 2021 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 9
Contact Us
Kindred Spirits The Somers Record is located at 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite
100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. You can contact us at 914-302-
5830 or email [email protected].
THE his own hands). I wanted a white other…but it wasn’t always copaset- E L &E P
SEASONED paneled bedroom. Took him a little ic. I questioned some of his values W ,T &E
CITIZEN longer than the bathroom ceiling, and he questioned some of mine. SB •R E
but get it I did. We weren’t afraid to disagree and to M •C
ADRIENNE the delight of our fellow members P I •C
KAVELLE I realize that whenever I men- always sat on opposite sides of the
tioned anything to him, he was room at the library board. We also SOMERS • YONKERS
I’ve been thinking lately about quick to make it happen. But weren’t afraid to agree and face oth-
all the little things Jason did to more important than ful lling my ers as a consolidated front. Evening Appointments & Home Visits
make me happy. e rst, of material desires was how he made
course, are the violets. I’d nd them me feel just by being there. Once, I miss him terribly. I miss the Tel: 914-964-6806
on my plate when we went out to when I had worked a 14 hour day, sound of his voice, the touch of his
dinner; on my pillow when I’d least and was so tired I felt like cry- hand, the feel of his body next to www.marralaw.com • [email protected]
expect them; whenever we had ing, the door opened and there he mine. I thought it would become
anything to celebrate there would stood, my prince charming. Just his easier with time, but it doesn’t. I
be violets. being there transformed me. e don’t like being alone, and be-
warmth of his smile, the touch of ing alone means without Jason. I
I’m remembering our rst Easter his hand and I was a new person. spent 18 years with my parents
together when I hinted about It was like magic. Seeing him gave and 62 years with my husband. I
wanting a rabbit…“Not a choco- me the con dence to go on. I felt, delighted in being his wife (keep-
late one,”I said.“A meat one.”(Silly, when he was with me, I could do ing my maiden name of course,
but that’s how newlyweds talk.) A anything and be anything. He was because I AM a liberated woman),
week before the holiday I answered my rock and then, in turn, I was his. the mother of his children, and his
a knock on my front door and forever love. I miss him terribly.
there, tethered to a pink leash, was Jason was a superb wood carver
an adorable tiny white rabbit we who loved art and music and also Contact Adrienne at: ergosum1@
later named fruitcake ‘cause he was something very di erent: soaring comcast.net
so nutty! (soaring is ying a plane without an
engine). On Sundays we’d drive to
I wanted a copper ceiling in an upstate airport where he’d rent a
my bathroom. I don’t remember glider, be drawn up by an airplane,
why…it may have been trendy at and just use the winds to guide his
the time…but as soon as I sug- ight. He said it made him feel
gested it he made it happen (with light and unencumbered by gravity,
sharing only the silence of clouds.
We not only shared each other’s
lives, we breathed life into each
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Thursday, February 4, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 17
Teatown BABY BOOM ily of nine, someone’s always preg- stuck to plans to start a family in think of is the lockdown when ev-
kicks off FROM PAGE 6
17th Annual nant,”she said. 2021. eryone had to remain at home …
Mass marking of life milestones Last year was supposed to be and guess what?”
Weeklong virtual
event Jan. 30 - Feb. 7 Nathan, 10; and Derek, 7. is one advantage to sibling syn- their last hurrah before parenthood. Big families are in the genes.
Teatown’s Hudson River Ea- Deanna always gives her in-laws chronicity. ey traveled to Ireland, but COV- Maryanne’s maternal grandmother
gleFest, the annual festival cel-
ebrating the bald eagle’s winter a calendar made personal with “Hopefully, we can coordinate ID-19 kiboshed plans to visit Spain was one of seven kids; her mother
migration to the Hudson Val-
ley, will kick o its 17th season family pictures. things, like have one baptism and and Hawaii. birthed ve, all girls.
on January 30 with a week of
exciting virtual programs and is year, she cleverly inserted call it a day,”she said. Having three sisters-in-law who “Even our dog was female,” she
limited in-person programs for
children, families, and birding a photo of her sonogram so when Everyone’s excited that the little are already mothers–and pregnant recalled, laughing.
the Mirases ipped to the month cousins will be so close in age that at the same time–means she has Is it easier to raise girls than boys?
From Saturday, January 30 to
Sunday, February 7, Teatown of June … surprise! “they can grow together.” easy access to advice and support. Nope. “ ey ALL drove me
will host a series of virtual pro-
grams featuring Connecticut e other pregnancies gave the Echoing that sentiment, Libby e moms-to-be even have a crazy,”Maryanne said.
falconer and wildlife rehabilita-
tor Christine Peyreigne of Cris- couple some pause. revealed that she and Eileen had texting thread—“Pregos 2021”— One perk of having a bunch of
tine’s Critters; Anne Swaim,
executive director of Saw Mill “We had no idea that anyone had their rst children just six where they share stories of aches, kids? Free babysitting.
River Audubon, and programs
by Zeiss Sports Optics, as well else was trying to have a baby,” months apart. pains and strange cravings. “ e oldest girl was very good
as Teatown’s own animal am-
bassadors. New this year will be said Steve Jr., who said they’d been Her husband, one of two chil- Not awaiting the stork—right with the younger ones; I didn’t trust
the highly anticipated presen-
tation on the healing nature of thinking about expanding their dren, ruefully jokes that her im- now—are: Karen, the youngest the boys too much.”
SEE TEATOWN PAGE 18 family for years. mediate kin outnumber his entire married daughter, who lives in Ha- Coincidentally, all four sons were
e ticking clock was just the extended family. waii with her husband,Tyrone, and born in July—two of them on the
push they needed. e Miras household was “loud 1-year-old son, Jackson; Cathleen same date. Two of the girls, Libby
“Time creeps up on you and we and messy but fun,” Libby recalled, and her husband, Chad, who have and Karen (KC), arrived on the
weren’t getting any younger,”he ex- adding: “ ere was always some- two girls: Abigail and Ava; and son same date in November.
plained. one to play with.” William and his wife, Lucia, who Libby doesn’t want to know the
Daughter Eileen, who lives in Gio, about to turn two, knows live in Washington D.C. with their gender of her baby beforehand.Her
Somers with husband Rob Smith, he’s going to be a big brother. How twins, Malcolm and Hugo. siblings either already do, or were
is due in July. ey have a 2-year- he’ll feel about having to share ( e oldest two siblings are set to nd out shortly.
old daughter, Reese. mommy and daddy after baby ar- Maryanne and John. ey live in Grandma Maryanne honestly
Reached in the middle of mak- rives, well, that’s another story. Brooklyn and Manhattan, respec- doesn’t care if the newbies sport
ing dinner, Eileen brushed aside a Son Karl and wife, Arielle, live tively.) pink or blue bonnets.
reporter’s apologies, assuring her in Stamford, Conn. ey are due in ere are NINE grandchil- “Just so long as they’re happy
that she was good at multi-tasking. August. dren—so far. With four more and healthy. at’s all we ask for,”
“I don’t stop moving until I pass An only child, Arielle feels “very on the way, there’ll be more than she said.
out in bed,”she joshed, peeling gar- lucky” to have married into a large enough for another Miras baseball Meanwhile, everyone’s looking
lic while her toddler giggled in the family. team. forward to a time when all genera-
background. Naturally, her parents are over What’s the reason—besides the tions can safely gather.
Eileen wasn’t shocked that she the moon at the prospect of having obvious—behind this bouncing “We’re excited about maybe hav-
and three of her siblings were ex- a grandchild to spoil. bundle of blessings? ing a family get-together in Au-
pecting at the same time. “It’s been a crazy year,” she said, “I’m dumbfounded,” admitted gust. It’ll be a real baby screamfest,”
“When you come from a fam- but pandemic or not, she and Karl Steven Sr. “ e only reason I can Libby said.
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Page 18 – The Somers Record Thursday, February 4, 2021
The Somers Record is located at 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite
100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. You can contact us at 914-302- Milde-Kolba Kisco Elementary School in Mt.
5830 or email [email protected]. Kisco.
Caterina and omas Sexton
WWhahtaist itshethmeomstocsotmcmomonmon of Mahopac, and Robert Kolba Jason is a graduate of Mahopac
myoisummsaeinseam?gtahenadatcygooenuddistcieooenn?dthitaiot n Jr. of Somers, are happy to an- High School and Quinnipiac
nounce the engagement of their University where he received a
TThheeItIctchhy yDoDgo!g! daughter, Grace Christine Kolba, Bachelor of Arts in history and
IIssyyoouurrppetetscsractrcahticnhg,inligck, ilnicgk, ing, to Jason Christopher Milde, son Master of Arts in teaching, sec-
cchheewwinigngfefeeteotrohravhianvginchgrocnhicronic skin of Cheryl and Karl Milde of sional studies in special education ondary education. He also holds a
sinkfinecintifoenctsio?ns? Somers. and literacy from Manhattanville Master of Science in history from
College. She is employed as a the University of Edinburgh. He
Stop taresaicmtiaSnputgolsepethbtwreleoittasohhatydeiannmdgtfserpiestmsthtqotoe.pumplGesestynehbmtatelonptyfrodtroiodepumqfstriuenstpesdoatne.ntottGhdtufreeetfiitpentvyslhdeiontetuoog.ruutphtbneetedhttevetfreeelutyre.nliaindnngegdrclbyaseitnutotgseper Grace is a graduate of Ma- fourth-grade teacher at Mount is employed as associate director
with hopac High School and the State and director of sta ng at Breeze-
University of New York College mont Day Camp in Armonk.
at Oneonta where she received
a Bachelor of Science degree in Grace and Jason will be mar-
childhood education. She also ried on Aug. 13, 2022 at Glen
holds a master’s degree of profes- Island Harbour Club in New
PPrrooggrreesDssr.siAvinevdreAewnAiFnmriisamhml aHanlosHpoistaplital TEATOWN tended EagleFest to include an
149 Route9D210r.24A&-n2Ldov4reel8l wS-t.6FSor2mise2rhs0,mNYa1n0589 entire week of really exciting hy-
brid programming we hope will
2N6o8wRwAowcuwct.eperpo2tg0irne2sgsSivCoea-mvreeteC.crorsme,dNitY! 10589 bird watching by Holly Merker, inspire families and bird enthu-
a cancer survivor who credits or- siasts until we can return to Cro-
914-248-6220$25 OFF First Exam for new clients, just bring in this ad! nitherapy as a tool in her recovery. ton Point Park next year.’’
Discount only applies to in office visits.
To make the programming acces- Bird photographers may be
sible to all, Teatown is charging a interested in entering a bird-of-
minimal registration fee per pro- prey photography contest, with
gram ($5 for members and $7 for the top prize sponsored by Zeiss
Rooney Orthodontics non-members). Sports Optics. e contest is in
Children & Adults
Teatown also plans to host lim- memory of nature photographer
ited in-person family-fun activi- and long-time Teatown sup-
ties including the “Golden Feath- porter Ed Mertz, who died in
er” treasure hunt, with Teatown 2020. Visit the website for con-
swag bags as prizes. Adding some test rules, instructions, and prize
“virtual reality” to the virtual information. Entry is free.
world will be a new map of view- Teatown is also collaborating
ing sites and virtual visits to select with Pleasantville-based brew-
viewing locations developed in ing company Soul Brewing. A
collaboration with virtual reality percentage of the sales of Blonde
company A&R360. and Marzen beers at Soul Brew-
“Last year’s EagleFest had the ing’s Pleasantville location dur- PHOTO COURTESY OF OPENGATE
highest attendance ever so we ing EagleFest ( January 30-Feb- OPENGATE
know that there is great enthusi- ruary 7) will go to support FROM PAGE 1
asm for the bald eagle and wild- Teatown. Also, Teatown will sell e 15 works could equally
be described as fantastical, fe-
life conservation programming “Eagle Bundles” gift sets on its rocious, dreamlike, comical, ab-
stract, emphatic and just plain
that Teatown provides to families e-Store starting January 19 , in- beautiful.
17 Miller Rd. throughout the Hudson Valley cluding a special Eaglet bundle Crafted of paper, glue, fabric,
Mahopac paint, twigs, yarn, string, faux
and beyond,’’ said Kevin Carter, with unique learning activities fur, discarded laundry detergent
845-621-1222 bottles and egg cartons, and
Teatown’s executive director. for children created by Teatown random bits of costume jew-
RooneyOrtho.com elry—they are now being exhib-
“While COVID is preventing educators. ited at Opengate’s campus o
• In Home Electrical Upgrade • the in-person festival at Croton Visit teatown.org for a com-
e collaborative process,
• Smart Home Setup • Point Park this year, we have ex- plete schedule of programs . said Dama, “allowed our essen-
• Electric Car Chargers • tial workers and the people we
Excellence in Dentistry support to nd their own inner
• Generators • spirits by simply working to-
• All of Your Electric Needs! • In Somers Since 1990 gether and leaving the past nine
Paul D. Harbottle, DDS months far behind.”
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Licenses in Westchester, Putnam, NYC & CT! faces, the smiles were still there
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Page 19 – The Somers Record Thursday, February 4, 2021
Somers track shines
at Yorktown meet
BY ROB DIANTONIO Torre won the 1,000 meters in 3
Winter Track Somers’ 4x400-meter relay
and Field team of Joe Torre, Brian Halper,
Colin Brooks and Hayden Klein
took rst in 3:58.4. Klein had the
top split with a 57.4.
YORKTOWN nish in the 55-meter hurdles Somers’ Jay Wilkinson
Saturday, Jan. 30 (8.7). Klein secured second in FILE PHOTO/ROB DIANTONIO
Somers’ girls track and eld the 1,000 meters (3:03.1). e FILE PHOTO/ROB DIANTONIO Somers’ Corryn Watt
team had a strong showing in a 4x200-meter relay squad ran to
Nadia Pennella
meet at Yorktown, led by a rst- second in 1:47.6 with a quartet
place nish from Corryn Watt in of Brandon Armstrong, Connor
the 55-meter hurdles (10.7) and Fucci, Kieran Gill and Weinberg.
a rst in the 4x400-meter relay. Evan Rich was third in the
e relay team, which posted a 55-meter hurdles (9.8). Taking
time of 4:41, featured a foursome third in the 1,600 meters was
of Nieve Mahood, Ella Kittredge Brooks, who posted a time of
(68.7), Bella Viscovich (66.8) and 5:06.5.
Tori Olsen. Boys Swimming (0-2)
Olsen was also second in the
1,500 meters in a clocking of
5:26.8. Mahood took second in ARLINGTON 94, YORKTOWN/
the 1,000 meters (3:23.8). SOMERS 76
e 4x200-meter relay nished Wednesday, Jan. 27
second in 2:10. Ciara Murphy Jay Wilkinson of Somers won
(31.9), Noelle DeMarinis, Gabby the 100-yard butter y (1:00.28)
Parisi (31.7) and Chelsea Lewitt in Yorktown/Somers’ 94-76 loss
comprised the team. to Arlington.
Taking third for the Tusker Wilkinson, a sophomore, was
girls were Parisi (1,500 meters, also a member of the 200 medley
5:37) and Murphy (1,000 meters, relay, which took rst in 1:58.31.
3:39.5). Lexi Quigley, Jess Mas- He placed second in the 200-
terson, Nadia Pennella (31.9) and yard freestyle (2:06.12) and a was
Watt teamed up to take third in a member of the second-place
the 4x200. squad in the 200 freestyle re-
e Tusker boys squad also lay with Somers freshman Luke
posted a number of notable re- Hopper (1:52.70).
sults. omas Vecciarelli won the Hopper also swam to sec-
shot put with a heave of 35-7 ond in the 100-yard backstroke
1/2. Lawrence Weinberg won the (1:13.23). FILE PHOTO/ROB DIANTONIO
55-meter dash in 6.8 seconds. Joe
Lawrence Weinberg
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Page 20 – The Somers Record SPORTS Thursday, February 4, 2021
Safe ways to celebrate the Super Bowl
e Super Bowl is the culmination of deavor, with capacity restrictions for this PHOTO: METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION • Order in. e Super Bowl is one of
the National Football League season, year’s game it likely will be even more dif- the biggest nights for pizza sales and other
which traditionally begins in early Sep- • Go cashless. For those who will be takeout. Fans can make it even more so by
tember and ends in late December or cult for diehard fans to attend the game at Raymond James Stadium for the big ordering from their favorite restaurants -
early January. e Super Bowl is one of in person. Instead, individuals can view game, cash is not king. e NFL has part- many of which have been hit hard during
the most anticipated professional sporting the game on CBS or stream it through nered with Visa to employ cashless pay- the pandemic.
events each year. CBS All Access. ment systems for everything at the venue.
In addition, there will be reverse ATMs • Keep gatherings small. e Centers
In most years, around 75,000 fans pack Here are some ways to safely celebrate to turn cash into pre-paid cards to use for for Disease Control and Prevention, the
the stadium hosting the game to watch while enjoying the game. purchases. World Health Organization and other
the Super Bowl in person, and millions of public health advisory groups continue
people around the globe tune in to view to maintain that social distancing is the
the live simulcast, typically at private par- best way to help curb the spread of COV-
ties with friends or alongside fellow fans in ID-19. at means keeping crowds small
sports bars. However, this year Super Bowl and separate. If possible, host the party
watch parties are expected to look quite a outside, as the virus does not spread as eas-
bit di erent. ily outdoors as it does indoors. Encourage
guests to dress warmly and provide heat
e 2021 Super Bowl may set the re- sources, like re pits or propane heaters.
cord for the smallest crowd in attendance
due to the COVID-19 virus. e game is • Host a digital watch party. Video
slated to be played at Raymond James Sta- conferencing apps have been used for ev-
dium in Tampa, Fla., and ESPN reports erything from work to school. Fans can
that the NFL is planning for 20 percent gather online and watch the game simul-
seating capacity at the game. Fans are ex- taneously, but in their own homes. Share
pected to wear masks and will sit in pods the cheers, jeers and some beers over an
separated by six feet. at capacity restric- internet connection.
tion would place around 13,000 fans in the
stadium. Super Bowl I, which took place e Super Bowl may be a bit di erent
in 1967, was the only Super Bowl in his- this year, but fans can still root for their
tory not to sell out, and that drew a crowd favorite teams and enjoy this often thrill-
of 61,946 fans. ing game.
While scoring a ticket to the hottest is article was provided by Metro Creative
game in town is often an expensive en- Connection.
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Thursday, February 4, 2021 LEISURE The Somers Record – Page 21
CLUES ACROSS 26. One who provides food seventh 13. Frenetically For puzzle solutions, please see
1. Nuclear near reach 30. St. __ Girl, brand of beer theparamountrehab.com
weapon 31. Walking slowly 56. Maori war dance 17. Small integer
5. Of she 32. Wood
8. Hyperbolic function 33. Semitic gods 57. Precious or semiprecious 24. Unit of energy
12. Rice dish 34. Bugle
14. A team’s best pitcher 39. 60-minute periods (abbr.) stone 25. Studies of culture
15. Strong and healthy 42. Congressman
16. Induces 44. Plant of the heath family 58. Teeter totter 26. Taxi
18. Popular manga series 46. Subdivision of an army
19. From a distance 47. Having many different 59. Deity 27. Doctors’ group
20. Split forms
21. Consumed 49. Shellfish 60. A major division of 28. Don’t know when yet
22. Cushions 50. Latin for hail
23. All over 51. Between sixth and geological time 29. Former measure of
61. Fishing net length
62. Small Caribbean bird 35. Popular CBS series
63. Field force unit 36. Skin condition
64. Japanese beverage 37. Christian creator and
ruler of the universe
CLUES DOWN 38. They __
1. Prevents oil spills 40. Caused severe damage
2. Monetary unit 41. Work done under harsh
3. The color of the sky conditions for no pay
4. Dough used to make 42. One point east of due
tortillas south
5. Popular comic strip 43. Sea eagles
character 44. Drenched
6. Distinct form of a 45. State capital
plant 47. Italian city
7. Replenishment 48. Sweetheart (archaic)
8. Has its own altar 49. Brief talk
9. Expedition to see 52. Popular disco group:
animals Bee __
10. Group of related 53. First Chinese dynasty
organisms 54. Military vehicle
11. His and __ 55. Chinese Moslem
To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
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Page 22 – The Somers Record Thursday, February 4, 2021
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Thursday, February 4, 2021 LEGAL NOTICES The Somers Record – Page 23
LLC FORMATION NOTICE process against may be served Notice of Formation of Elias Eon. Notice of Formation of Boring Photo Submissions
Articles of Organization filed with Justice LLC. Articles of Photos submitted to The
Satin & Swoon, LLC, Arts & shall mail process to 402 Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) Organization filed with Secretary Somers Record need to
on 12/19/2020. Office location: of State of NY (SSNY) on be high-resolution. Images
of Org. led with Sec. of State Mamaroneck Rd., Scarsdale, Westchester County. SSNY 1/29/2021. Office location: that are submitted at a low
designated as agent of LLC upon Westchester County. SSNY resolution cannot be published.
of NY (SSNY) 1/22/2021. Cty: NY 10583. General Purpose whom process against it may be designated as agent of LLC upon Submit photos to The Somers
served. SSNY should mail whom process against it may be Record by the Thursday before
Westchester. SSNY desig. as LLC FORMATION NOTICE process to; 22 Quincy Court N served. SSNY should mail the next publication date.
agent upon whom process against Goldens Bridge NY 10526. process to; 169 Arbor Crest Submissons can be emailed to
Purpose: Any lawful purpose Somers NY 10589. Purpose: Any somersrecord@halstonmedia.
may be served & shall mail pro- Omnia Advisory Partners, Notice of Formation of Jessica lawful purpose com or mail it to The Somers
Massi Hair . Articles of Notice of Formation of Sherman Record, 118 N. Bedford Road,
cess to 1039 Quaker Bridge Rd. LLC, Arts of Org. led with Organization filed with Secretary Place Development LLC. Articles Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY
of State of NY (SSNY) on of Organization filed with 10549. Send a self-addressed
E, Croton On e Hudson, NY Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 9/16/2020. Office location: Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) stamped envelope if you’d like
Westchester County. SSNY on 1/19/2021. Office location: your photo returned.
10520. General Purpose 8/07/2020. Cty: Westchester. designated as agent of LLC upon Westchester County. SSNY
whom process against it may be designated as agent of LLC upon
LLC FORMATION NOTICE SSNY desig. as agent upon served. SSNY should mail whom process against it may be
whom process against may be process to; 4 Brick Hill Road served. SSNY should mail
Somers NY 10589. Purpose: Any process to; 159 Main Street
Fort Germicide, LLC, Arts served & shall mail process to lawful purpose Ossining NY 10562. Purpose: Any
lawful purpose
of Org. led with Sec. of State Ira Grossbach, 6 International
of NY (SSNY) 9/25/2020. Dr., Ste. 130, Rye Brook, NY
Cty: Westchester. SSNY 10573. General Purpose
desig. as agent upon whom
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Somers will conduct a public hearing on February 11, 2021 at 7:00
Your ad p.m. via Remote Access on the proposed revisions to Town of Somers Comprehensive Plan Update adopted
could be here. February 11, 2016 with regard to the creation of a new MFR-100 Zoning District in the Town of Somers.
Call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 Meeting Access details are as follows:
to find out how.
View on TV:
Residents can view the meeting live on the Town's local Cablevision ChTaonnaedl v2e0rtoisr eCionmTchaestSCohmanenresl 12
(Heritage Hills). Record, call Brett Freeman
at 845-208-8151 or email
View on the Internet:
The meeting will be streamed live on the Town of [email protected].:
Call In during designated time during the meeting to provide comments and ask questions:
Dial any of the following Zoom phone numbers:
1 253-215-8782, 1 301-718-8592, 1 312-626-6799, 1 346-248-7799, 1 408-638-0968, 1 646-876-9923, 1 669-
Enter Meeting ID: 599 874 6566 Advertise With Us
Please wait in the queue for your call to be answered. When you advertise with
The Somers Record, you
Text comments/questions:
914-804-6613 are reaching thousands of
households and businesses
Email comments/questions:
T aAfolflowprndeerBsdooanarnsdoh-pa-pvtbionmrgtueanenittiyningtot@erbseoesmtheeinarsrtndhy.e .cAporcmooppoysoedf thloecparl olapwosaerdeloincvailteladwtowialltbtehStehnaomdrmmoatulhedegerethssap,ovuaiunabnticlldiatclhubHlehdeeeiTnbaroiygrtiwnacaggnollenaootnaHffdciitltliwsnsgi.ll
WHY DO WE Office of the Town Clerk during regular business hours. be
ADVERTISE By Order of the Town Board To advertise or to place a
of the Town of Somers classified, call Brett Freeman
IN HALSTON at 845-208-8151 or email
Patricia Kalba [email protected].
Town Clerk
Dated: February 2, 2021
Advertising in Halston SLoomcaelrsLawwilltoc oanmduecntdaCphuabplticerh1e7a0riSPneegrnontoidmtnleuFdosetZbaeorupnYairnroeygsu,1sr1Sr,eCec2lhte0io2aan1sreia1tt7ay07t-:0103
Media is being part of a PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of of Code the Town of Somers.
community. While walking through p.m. via Remote Access on a proposed
different towns, people recognized entitled Multifamily Residence MFR Districts of somersrecord@halstonmedia.
our picture and connected it to the follows: com, or give us a call at 914-
services promoted. It was a great way Meeting Access details are as 302-5830.
to get new customers while validating
our work with current clients. View on TV:
Residents can view the meeting live on the Town's local Cablevision Channel 20 or Comcast Channel 12
Dr. Deborah Hardy (Heritage Hills).
Student Support and Educational Consultant
View on the Internet:
GuidED Consulting, LLC The meeting will be streamed live on the Town of Somers NY YouTube page:
CALL BRETT FREEMAN AT (845) 208-8151 Call In during designated time during the meeting to provide comments and ask questions:
Dial any of the following Zoom phone numbers:
1 253-215-8782, 1 301-718-8592, 1 312-626-6799, 1 346-248-7799, 1 408-638-0968, 1 646-876-9923, 1 669-
Enter Meeting ID: 599 874 6566
Please wait in the queue for your call to be answered.
Text comments/questions:
Email comments/questions:
Town Board -- [email protected]
All persons having an interest in the proposed local law are invited to attend the public hearing and will be
afforded an opportunity to be heard. A copy of the proposed local law will be made available by contacting the
Office of the Town Clerk during regular business hours.
By Order of the Town Board
of the Town of Somers
Patricia Kalba
Town Clerk
Dated: February 2, 2021
Page 24 – The Somers Record Thursday, February 4, 2021