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Published by Halston Media, 2020-12-30 18:13:21

North Salem News 12.31.20

Vol. 6 No. 42 North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.
Visit for the latest news. Thursday, December 31, 2020
Kathleen Sullivan at
a book sale in 2017. Vox restaurant
on the path to

BY CAROL REIF contended that it necessitated

STAFF WRITER an “area” variance from the town

Zoning Board of Appeals.

e folks who want to revive a Area variances provide incre-

beloved North Salem restaurant ments of relief, normally minor,

have ditched their last-minute from physical dimensional re-

bid for an enclosed patio, which strictions such as building height

would have, they said, given or setback.

them ample room to distance However, the Planning Board

seating without increasing their said at its Dec. 2 meeting that it

numbers. thought a use variance would be

New owner Elizabeth Miller more appropriate.

has been before the town Plan- Although the Titicus Road

ning Board several times over building had been a restaurant

Involved volunteer recognized the past year to discuss plans for for years, it’s considered a non-
in Hall of Fame ceremony
reopening the former Vox Bar conforming use.

& Restaurant, located in a white In the 1970s, Bernard Le Bris

stuccoed building on Titicus opened the restaurant under the

Road. name Auberge Maxime, where

e permanent enclosure of tuxedoed waiters served canard

the eatery’s rear patio was among á la pressé, or pressed duck, and

recent changes that have been other French fare.

BY CAROL REIF dozens of others were inducted Mae Carpenter, commis- proposed. In 2004, Le Bris’s brother
STAFF WRITER into the Westchester County sioner of the county department
Senior Hall of Fame in a virtual of senior programs and services, Based on a zoning formula Jean took it over and renamed it
One proud North Salem se- ceremony on Friday, Dec. 4. said the growing roster of older
nior was among those honored re- good-deed-doers reminded her for building occupancy, it would Vox. He created a cinematic at-
cently for making giving to others According to County Execu- of the poignant Diana Ross lyrics,
the norm, not the exception. tive George Latimer, all “take provide more space for guests mosphere with photos of movie
great joy in stepping forward SEE SULLIVAN PAGE 2
Kathleen D. Sullivan and and giving back.” without adding more seating, stars and o ered popcorn to pa-

said Miller’s lawyer, Don Rossi. trons waiting to be seated.

Miller’s engineer, David Ses- SEE VOX PAGE 4
sions, called it a “bump-out,”

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20 Candy canes from Santa
pg 3

Page 2 – North Salem News Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Staff County warns against SULLIVAN Service Helping, she drives people
to medical appointments and co-
COVID-19 vaccine scams ordinates the ride program. Sulli-
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 “Reach out and touch/Somebody’s van also identi es other programs
[email protected] hand/Make this world a better and resources to aid clients.
place/If you can.” For more than a decade, she
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-302-5628 e Westchester County De- • Medicare or Social Security “Our seniors are safely reaching has served as vice president of the
[email protected]
partment of Consumer Protec- won’t be calling you about get- out to make a di erence and we North Salem League, an organi-
PAUL FORHAN tion is warning all Westches- ting your vaccine (scammers of- want them to know how much we zation that provides anksgiv-

(914) 806-3951 ter residents to be vigilant for ten act like they are calling from appreciated their good works,”she ing and Christmas food baskets
[email protected]
COVID-19 vaccine scams as government agencies). said Friday. to those in need, most of them
(914) 486-7608 we enter the next phase of the • You don’t need to give out Each and every honoree has, seniors. She coordinates the vol-
[email protected]
pandemic. SSN, credit card or bank info be- Carpenter said, a résumé of ser- unteers who sort, pack and deliver
(201) 317-1139 “If you get a call, text, email or fore you are able to get vaccine. vice that is “just amazing.” the baskets.
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON even someone knocking on door “Also, beware of scammers Raised in the Bronx, Sullivan Sullivan also is secretary of her
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] claiming they can get you early or even salespeople o ering to and her parents vacationed in a local community board in Peach

JAY GUSSAK access to the vaccine, hang up, sell you unnecessary products, cottage in Peach Lake during the Lake, Northern Westchester
(914) 299-4541
[email protected] delete or close the door—stop treatments or medicines to pre- 1950s. Country Club, “a wonderful com-
(917) 446-7757 all communication immediate- vent the virus,” Maisano said. “We never spent a summer in munity of 84 homes” where “most
[email protected]
SHELLEY KILCOYNE ly,” said Jim Maisano, director “Always check with your doctor the city,” she recalled recently. of the families voluntarily con-
(914) 924-9122
[email protected] of consumer protection. “It’s a rst.” e family nally bought a tribute money and e orts for the
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/DESIGNER scam every time.” If you are contacted by some- year-round home in the hamlet in good of our entire community.”
[email protected]
Tips for Westchester resi- one looking to sell you early 1961. Sullivan has also volunteered
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL dents based on tricks the scam- access to the vaccine, contact Employed by the Westchester at Pegasus erapeutic Riding

CREATIVE DIRECTOR mers are using: Westchester Consumer Pro- Department of Social Services for in nearby Brewster, working as
• Vaccine is expected to be free. tection at 914-995-2155 or at almost 30 years, Sullivan retired a “side-walker” to assist special-
[email protected]
CHRISTINA ROSE • ere are no sign-up lists for [email protected]. this year. But somehow, she has needs riders and their instructors.
vaccine. always managed to nd time out- And before the pandemic put
[email protected] • You can’t pay to get your vac- Information in this article was side of work to help others. a halt to many events at the Ruth

EXECUTIVE TEAM cine earlier. provided by Westchester County. A volunteer with Friends in Keeler Memorial Library, Sullivan
CEO & PUBLISHER helped out at its annual book sale.
She frequently o ered a hand, as
[email protected]
well, at the Putnam Humane So-
ciety’s thrift shop in Lake Carmel.
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS Sullivan, who has no plans to

AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR slow down, said she was “very

NORTH SALEM NEWS IS THE THURSDAY NHewaYppeyar pleased” to be inducted into the

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL “It’s nice to be recognized in
JODI WEINBERGER AT 914-302-5830 your own community as someone
that does good and helps others,”
OR EMAIL NORTHSALEMNEWS@ she said. “I’m happy to be in such
HALSTONMEDIA.COM good company.”

FOLLOW US e Senior Hall of Fame is now

Location in its 38th year. It is sponsored by
the Westchester County Depart-
PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT ment of Senior Programs and
SOMERS, NY AND AT Services; the Westchester County
Department of Parks, Recreation
ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. and Conservation; Westchester
County Livable Communities
SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO Good Health toA and the Westchester Public/Pri-
vate Partnership for Aging Ser-
e event also is supported by
SUITE 100 WPPP Annual Partner Spon-
in 2021! sors: Presenting Sponsor, United
North Salem News Hebrew; Partner Sponsors: Ag-
USPS #22110 ing in America; Age Well New
York, e Ambassador Scarsdale;
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY Friends: Concept Care; Enea,
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD Scanlan & Sirignano LLP; Phelps

SUITE 100 Northwell Hospital; Rosenthal
from a of us at & Markowitz; Sterling National
©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC Bank; and Wartburg, an assisted
living community.

e Class of 2020 included 25

Law O ces of Joseph J. Tock nominees over the age of 80 and
four over the age of 90.

To watch a video of the virtual

963 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 • 800-869-8080 ceremony, visit http://westches-


To find out how to nominate

TOCKLAW.COM someone for next year’s Senior
Hall of Fame, email Rose Cappa
at rose@theeventdepartmentny.

com or call 914-747-0519.

Thursday, December 31, 2020 North Salem News – Page 3

Here comes Santa Claus!

Croton Falls Fire Department safely gets Santa
around town to hand out candy canes and cheer

More photos
on pages


Page 4 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, December 31, 2020

Wreath Decorating VOX the building’s second oor by installing peal it, she said.
Contest FROM PAGE 1
lockers and a restroom for sta . Rossi worried about delaying the pro-
Wreaths will be on display outside of
the Town Hall and library campus for two Although this option also would free up cess, asking the board’s attorney, Roland A.
weeks until Jan. 3. All are welcome to stop
by to see the wreaths during this time and Guests partied on a globe-lit terrace and interior space, the number of seats would Baroni Jr., on Dec. 2 if the matter could be
vote online for your favorites. Prizes will
be awarded in three categories: People’s in its garden, holding noisy events such not increase, Miller’s team said. referred directly to the ZBA.
Choice, Most Creative and Best eme.
Prizes have been donated from local orga- as weddings that at times drew the ire of Rossi said Dec. 2 that his clients believed Baroni said he wasn’t sure exactly where
nizations like the Lions Club, Ruth Keeler
Memorial Library, North Salem Senior neighbors. they weren’t intensifying the use because the application stood if it didn’t have the
Citizens Club, the Athletic Booster Club
and more! Vox closed in 2019. they’ve agreed to not seek additional seat- building inspector’s decision in hand.

NS Improvement Society While some towns have allowed eateries ing. “If it’s determined you’re expanding an
Holiday Drive-by Event
struggling to survive during the pandemic Calling it a “unique” situation, he drew nonconforming use,” he said it would re-
In lieu of the usual Christmas Eve fes-
tivities at the North Salem Tree site, the to provide outdoor seating in tents and on attention to the restaurant’s “preexisting, quire another public notice and informing
Improvement Society is arranging an al-
ternative event for all town residents to sidewalks, the arrival of winter has put a nonconforming” use. immediate neighbors.
enjoy. Our tree will be lit; Santa will spread
holiday cheer atop a beautiful antique sleigh damper on those options.At the same time, It had, he added,“come under great scru- Regardless, no action could be taken
fully decorated for all to enjoy. e event on
Christmas Eve will be a Drive-By visit of these seating arrangements are considered tiny a number of years ago”when neighbors until January, Baroni said, explaining, “You
the magical North Salem Winter Wonder-
land with over a dozen additional trees dec- temporary. When the crisis is over, board had complained about noise. can’t just combine it with what’s already be-
orated by local organizations. Reservations
required for Christmas Eve via the North Chairwoman Cynthia Curtis told Miller, At that time,the patio was being used for fore the ZBA.”
Salem Recreation Dept. e decorated trees
will be up for two weeks beginning Mon- such special measures would be curtailed.. tented events. Permanently enclosing it, he Rossi seemed to ru e feathers by repeat-
day,December 21,coming down by January
3. Stop by any time to view them over the But Miller’s proposal entailed a perma- said, would resolve any future noise issues edly asking board members whether they
course of the two weeks and see all the dif-
ferent themes used by our local, community nent enclosure. and would “greatly improve the situation “liked” the proposal. Curtis reminded him
organizations.More details may be found at Rossi had argued the Planning Board for the neighborhood.” it was not the members’ role to reveal per-

had discretion to determine whether it re- “While the building is being expanded, I sonal preferences.

quired area relief or a use variance. don’t believe that the use is being expand- She also said she thought it seemed like

Curtis, recalling that the previous owners ed,” Rossi argued. Rossi was trying to “position” himself and

had not always operated according to code, e ZBA was “very clear that it’s a pa- his clients for future ZBA appearances.

countered that the board was “trying to do tio,” countered Curtis. e applicants will still need the green

this correctly.” Even if the seating would not increase, light from the ZBA before the Planning

“ e town attorney has pointed out to us she said, “the expansion of a building rep- Board can enter the State Environmental

the channels we must follow, and that’s to resents occupancy, which could mean a lot Quality Review Act process.

make, as quickly as we can, a referral to the more people standing around waiting for Apparently the Dec. 2 exchange about

building inspector,” she added. seats.” the board’s role didn’t sit well with cer-

Only the building inspector can deter- She added that she’d be “curious to tain members of the public. Reacting to

mine the appropriate relief, Curtis said. know how the building inspector interprets the grumblings, Curtis opened the Dec.

And by the Planning Board’s meeting on buildings versus patios.” 16 discussion by apologizing to those who

Wednesday, Dec. 16, he had—it required a When looking at the way a building is thought it was “out of line.”

use variance. assessed for tax purposes, a patio is just a However, she reemphasized that it is not

Already apprised of that decision, Mill- patio, Curtis said, adding, “It’s not an in- the board’s role “to take a position on what

er’s team announced that was eliminating terior use.” it likes or doesn’t like.”

the enclosed patio from the plans, and If Rossi’s clients disagreed with the “We represent the people and the appli-

would seek instead approval to re-purpose building inspector’s decision, they can ap- cant,” she said. “We have a tough job here.”


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Page 5 – North Salem News Thursday, December 31, 2020


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Page 6 – North Salem News Thursday, December 31, 2020

Opening on horizon for Temporary
long-awaited gas station COVID testing
site coming to
BY CAROL REIF gotten another green light from the According to Petroro, the environ-
STAFF WRITER Planning Board, and in 2019, site prep- mental authorities want the position of Somers
arations for construction began. When the project’s water ltration system to
ere’s been one or two bumps in a leaking fuel tank left by the previous be changed. BY CAROL REIF
the road, but things seem to be inch- business was found, the state Depart- STAFF WRITER
ing closer to the nish line for North ment of Environmental Conservation Work also has been delayed by the
Salem’s long-awaited gas station/con- required remediation. In March, the discovery of buried debris. To make A new COVID-19 testing site will soon be
venience store. DEC gave development the all-clear matters worse, according to Planning opening in downtown Somers.
and work began in earnest. Board Chair Cynthia Curtis, “ e
Marc Petroro of JMC, site develop- whole area was clear-cut for no reason. e temporary medical facility will be locat-
ment consultants, recently gave the By mid-December, the blacktop was ed at 265 Route 202, aka the Kurutz Building,
town Planning Board an overview of down, the gas pumps were in and a pre- e town wasn’t noti ed; no permits in a space previously occupied by Chase Bank.
its latest site plan amendments. fab building was up. were sought; the building inspector
wasn’t told. It was woods and now it’s Proposed by Dr. Randolph H. Taylor of the
He was joined at the board’s meet- General manager Issa Issa said Fri- an open lawn.” start-up Healthy erapeutics, it has been al-
ing on Wednesday, Dec. 16, by Bryan day, Dec. 18, that counters and shelves lowed to waive the normal site-plan process by
Orser, the supervisor of environmen- were going in and the store’s interior e amended plan also calls for the Planning Board.
tal issues and construction for the ap- was taking shape. He said he hoped to plantings, re-vegetation and natural
plicant Fuelco, aka North Salem Food open by mid-January. screening of the shed. Last week, the Zoning Board of Appeals
Mart Inc. granted similar relief by letting it skip having to
Petroro, however, still has to formally Curtis, however, said she would like clear the plan with other committees or boards
Residents have been champing at the submit the newest amended site plan to see deciduous trees and native vege- with vested interests in the town’s Business/
bit for a gas station at Exit 8 for years. to Will Agresta, the town’s director tation re-planted so the property could Historic Preservation District.
of planning, for review. e Planning look more like “the way it was.”
e project has been languishing since Board could discuss it at its meeting on Taylor, along with building owner Donato
2017,when the Planning Board approved Wednesday, Jan. 6. Otherwise, the ear- She added that she’s heard that some Settanni, appeared before the ZBA on Tuesday,
a site plan for Joseph Bryson’s property liest a motion to approve it would be residents are “upset” about the clear- Dec. 15, with the latter’s lawyer, Rebecca Valk.
at the corner of Hardscrabble Road and at its meeting on Jan. 20. It also needs cutting, mainly because it removed
Fields Lane. en, in early 2018, Petroro the building inspector to issue the ap- much of the visual bu er between that Valk made the same argument she had aired
came in with an amended plan. propriate permits and a certi cate of corner and the highway. at the Planning Board, namely that the number
occupancy. of positive cases is skyrocketing and that there
e changes were minor and tra c Still, board members appeared to be is a crying need for more testing sites.
studies and stormwater management e main changes to the site plan in- relieved that the gas station’s o cial
plans were intact, but variances were volve wells, land disturbance for a water opening could be sooner rather than ZBA members raised basically the same
needed from the Zoning Board of Ap- later.
peals. ltration system and shed and a larger SEE TESTING SITE PAGE 18
trash and recycling enclosure. “I’m just glad to see construction
By that summer, the proposal had taking place after all these years,” said
Christopher Brockmeyer.

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Page 7 – North Salem News Thursday, December 31, 2020

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Page 8 – North Salem News Opinion Thursday, December 31, 2020


Holiday exhale e Age of Asparagus

MAN a Santa, some reindeer, a Grinch, a snowman TRACY countless dinner with asparagus?”
OVERBOARD and I think there’s some stu he forgot to take BECKERMAN “I didn’t want to hurt your feel-
down from Halloween. I have a fantasy that a
RICK huge Nor’easter blows in from the Sou’west on Irecently took a food test online. ings,” he said.
MELÉN Christmas Eve and the Santa and the reindeer ere was a list of 50 foods, I shook my head. Over the years
go airborne, with all that hot air inside them. and you got one point for every
As much as I love Christmas (it’s my food you wouldn’t eat. I got a zero. I’d made a huge variety of asparagus
birthday after all), there’s a little part ey travel for a few hundred miles and end I actually wasn’t surprised. ere dishes for my family. I’d made grilled
of me that’s thankful that it’s all over. up above a house in the suburbs of Cleveland, aren’t many foods I won’t eat except asparagus, steamed asparagus, aspara-
“ ere’s a lot of planning and stress mixed up and inside the house a husband and wife are maybe sh eyeballs, and fortunately, gus au gratin, and asparagus soup. I’d
in one single day,”that part of me says, so it trying to break it to their son that Santa Claus those weren’t on the test. Of course, tried my hand at lemon asparagus,
must be my mouth. For one thing, exchanging is just a story that parents make up to prepare there are some foods I prefer not to shrimp and asparagus, asparagus
gifts is a two-part process with me. I exchange their kids for the many disappointments of eat. But if the planet was attacked by carbonara, and asparagus risotto. I
them once with my recipients, and then they life. ey’re enjoying the reality check a little aliens and our continued existence became a master at asparagus dip,
exchange them once more with the store I too much, because the kid is always rubbing hinged on me eating a root vegetable, garlic parmesan asparagus, bacon-
bought them from so that they can get what it in their faces that they don’t understand the I suppose I could manage to scarf wrapped asparagus, and asparagus
they really want, and in their own size, not down a plate of beets. pilaf. I whipped up an asparagus
the insulting size I thought they were. In my rst thing about his math homework. But he omelet, asparagus quiche, pesto as-
defense, something as simple as buying a dress has the last laugh when he wanders over to the But I draw the line at moose nose. paragus, asparagus tempura, and even
is fraught with confusion and despair, because window and points up at the sky, and there’s And yes, that’s a real thing. an asparagus smoothie, which, unlike
whoever thought up dress sizing is an idiot. Santa and the reindeer oating along, as plain My husband is also an adventurous the rest, was not a big hit, but one
Size zero? An entire person who is not a para- as the red-nose on my face. Okay this story eater, which works out well when we out of a hundred isn’t bad. In nearly
mecium with literally NO size? at de es went on for too long but it has a happy end- travel and must decide which one of all instances, my husband seemed to
physics. Where would you sew the buttons? ing when the kid ends up in the military. All us is going to eat the fried cricket on eat my dishes with gusto and compli-
I’m revamping the system: Reese Wither- because of these lawns full of blow-up dolls. If a stick. mented my cooking enthusiastically.
spoon would be a size 13 because she’s about I ordered a blow-up doll and I couldn’t make it (Spoiler alert: It was him). But now, it seemed, our whole aspara-
the size of an average 13-year old. If you’re a explode, I’d send it back. gus relationship was a lie. I wasn’t
size 50, that means you’re a little bigger here, at’s why it came as a complete sure if I should just stop cooking
and a little smaller there than you used to be, When I was a kid we used to set up our surprise to me when, after nearly 30 asparagus or if we needed asparagus
and now we all know what size everybody is. tree on Christmas Eve, put the lights on and years of marriage, he admitted this mediation with a vegetable specialist.
No more “plus sizes.”Mathematically, how do decorate it. e trick was not to be too heavy- shocking piece of information.
I know how much you started with, and how handed with the tinsel. Just a couple strands e real problem was not so much
much you added to it? From now on,“bootyli- on each bough should do it. Unfortunately, “I don’t really like asparagus,” he that he didn’t like asparagus. e
cious”describes it much better. Sizing solved, we always bought the tree from a sale at our said one night at dinner with aspara- problem was that I did. I love aspara-
you’re welcome. church about a month before Christmas, and gus on the menu. gus in any form, even raw, as long as
by the time Jesus was ready to be born there it isn’t cooked to mush because I’d
I’m not so great at decorating for the occa- wasn’t a needle left on the tree, just the orna- I was stunned. rather eat a fried cricket than mushy
sion either. e guy down the street from us ments and tinsel. I asked my Mom if there “You’ve been eating asparagus with asparagus.
has a teeny-tiny yard and a zillion blow-up was something we could put in the water to me for 30years and you’re just telling
characters crammed onto it. If I had to blow make the tree last longer, and she told me to me now?” I said incredulously. “You Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, I
up that many PSIs worth of crap I’d be in an bring her six aspirins.Turns out the aspirins couldn’t have told me maybe 20years contemplated this cooking conun-
oxygen tent at the hospital right now. He’s got were for her and had nothing to do with the ago? Or even 10? Before I made drum and wondered how I could
tree; she had six children. keep asparagus on the menu without
o ending my husband. I scoured the
I’m so glad my Mom never made me go internet for recipes and nally found
sit on a Santa’s lap at the mall. Even as a kid I an asparagus curry that I thought


BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
JODI WEINBERGER, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR necessarily those of North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC must include a phone number and address for verification. Not
[email protected] all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail

to [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.

Thursday, December 31, 2020 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9

2020: e Good, e Bad, e Masks

JUST just told Terry that you love Fun Facts by Jo Ann
JO ANN her?”
The 1st New Year celebration dates back 4,000 years. Julius Caesar was the 1st to
JO ANN “What? I did not!” declare January 1 a holiday. Forty-five percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions,
FRANCELLA “Oh yes you did and I think
you should call her back to see and poet, Robert Burns wrote Auld Lang Syne in 1788. Happy New Year!
Like many of you, I too if she’s okay.”
can’t wait for 2020 to be “Nah, I’m too embarrassed. Winter slowly turned into In October we all took a took down the decorations
over and done with. What if you’re mistaken and I spring as we continued to stay trip to Vermont. e crisp air and put away the turkey hats.
For me, it all began when never said it?” at home with the baby. Kim and the stunning foliage were I polished the dining room
I lost my precious Coco just “You absolutely did say it, and I took Drew for long well-deserved after about 7 table and laid out the Spode
2 weeks before Christmas of now call her back.” walks around her neighbor- months at home, and Drew Christmas Tree runner and
2019. I’m not going to sugar “Hi Ter, Jo Ann said that I hood and we learned how was introduced to his rst just like that, it was Christmas.
coat it, that was a pretty sad told you I love you when I hung awkward it is to wear a mask pumpkin patch. Is it my imagination or is time
time for me, but with the beau- up and I’m supposed to call to all the time.
tiful, caring emails I received, I see if you fell o your seat or anksgiving was at our ying?
knew that Ken and I were not something. Are you okay?” When summer rolled home in Granite Springs. It My family and I sincerely
alone in our sadness. ank you “Yep, you said it, and yes, I’m around, we enjoyed barbecues was just the ve of us, but I wish you a wonderful holiday
for getting us through a di cult ne.” and swimming with Drew. By decorated the whole house season and good health, peace
time. “Jeez T, I apologize.” that time, we were becoming for fall and made the same and happiness in the coming
“No problem. I gured that a well-oiled machine, each of exact meal as I have done for year.
In January, Ken retired, either you thought you were us taking turns feeding and about 40 years. at night
but with the arrival of our talking to Jo Ann or you’ve - changing the baby. we put away the good dishes, [email protected]
grandchild on the horizon, we nally completely lost your mind.
decided to wait to have a big Tell Jo I said hi.” NOW OPEN IN SOMERS!
celebration with family and We had a good laugh about it
friends. e party never took all over again when we told Kim
place, but a funny incident did: and Seth the next day.
Ken and his assistant, Terry, Several weeks later at the
were still tying up loose ends end of January 2020, the stork
of the business and spoke on dropped a beautiful baby boy at
the phone daily. Imagine my my daughter’s front door. What
surprise when I heard him end a blessing and what fun we’ve
a call one night by saying to her, had watching him grow and
“ anks, I love you.” learn. Ken and I were lucky
enough to be staying at Kim’s
I walked into his o ce and house when the pandemic hit,
said, “Um, do you realize you so we just stayed. at was
pretty cool for two brand new

Editorial Submissions Season's
Press releases and photos should be submitted to North Greetings
Salem News by the Thursday before the next publication
date. Submissons can be emailed to northsalemnews@ to our Friends or mail it to North Salem News, 118 N. and Patients!
Bedford Road, Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. Send a
self-addressed stamped envelope if you’d like your photo


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Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, December 31, 2020

e three styles of learning

STRONG yet many others nd art more child the material by talking to science in a lab? Draw, or doodle, to “feel” what
LEARNING bene cial and others nd simply them. en the child gets a low If you or your child answered you need to learn. Role play.
talking about the material raises grade. It means, the child prob- Act out what you are learning.
DR. LINDA their grades. ably has to learn the material by yes to 1 and 5, the following will Write, write, write! Or if you
SILBERT seeing it or playing with it. ey be bene cial: Listen in class. prefer, scribble, scribble, scribble.
Just as people have di erent can’t learn it by simply hearing it. Teachers tell you what they want Use dolls, gurines, or whatever
Dear Dr. Linda, hairstyles or clothing styles, Another example is when parents you to learn.Talk to yourself physical things you can manipu-
I thoroughly enjoyed your ar- people have di erent learning have their child read and then re- when learning new information. late to learn the material. Years
styles. ere are many types of read the material to learn it. If the If you can’t talk out loud, just ago, I worked with a child who
ticle about singing to learn. I was learning styles, but the three child gets a low grade on the test, move your lips. Make up stories used small plastic gurines to
known in my school (Lewisboro main types are: visual, auditory, it may be telling the parent that about what you’re learning and learn about the Civil War.
Elementary) for writing song and kinesthetic/tactile. If you the child doesn’t learn that way. tell them to your mom, dad, sister
parodies for teacher or principal learn better by seeing the mate- or brother. And if no one else will Once you and your child
retirements and for subjects in rial, you may be a visual learner. It’s bene cial for parents to listen, tell them to your pet! Make know how each one learns, it will
classes. I enjoyed writing the If you learn better by listening know how they learn, and then up songs and rhymes and sing the be much easier and more enjoy-
parodies but was particularly to what others say, you may be help their children learn how they new material to yourself. able working together. Finally,
challenged one day when a third- an auditory learner. If you learn learn. no matter what anyone’s learning
grade teacher asked me to write better by writing things down, If you or your child answered style is, it’s important that the
a song about the cold deserts. making models, and drawing Find out what kind of learner yes to 3 and 4, the following will material is understood rst and
No matter how I tried, that song pictures of what you’re learning, you and your children are by an- be bene cial: Follow along in a then chunked into smaller pieces
never became a third-grade hit. you may be a kinesthetic/tactile swering yes or no to the following book or online while the teacher before attempting to memorize
learner. questions: is speaking. Go over your class it. ree to ve chunks is usually
Fran Head notes. Read them to yourself comfortable for most people.
Retired Music Teacher Perhaps your learning style is a 1. Do you understand better several times. Use the textbook
combination of all three. ere is if someone tells you something and any other written material as Have fun singing, drawing,
Dear Fran, no right or wrong when it comes than if you read it? much as possible. Create graphic reading and talking your way to
anks so much for shar- to learning styles. Everyone is organizers, using a variety of high grades!
di erent. e important thing 2. Is it easier for you to learn colors. Use graphs, charts, maps,
ing how you used songs during is to discover how you and your something if you make a model timelines, or any image or Happy Holidays,
your years as a music teacher. children learn best and try to of it? graphic that will help you see the Dr. Linda
It’s amazing how easy learning use the learning methods that information.
becomes when material is put to work best for each one. Many 3. Do you do better if you read Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why
song. Fortunately, most students parents learn one way and insist the material to yourself? If you or your child answered Bad Grades Happen to Good Kids”
bene t learning through song, that their children follow their yes to 2 and 6, the following and director of Strong Learning
example. For example, many par- 4. Do you nd it easy to learn will be bene cial: Make models Tutoring and SAT/ACT Test Prep.
ents sit for hours teaching their new things by reading about to help you learn new material. Send your questions to Linda@
them? Use globes, maps, and charts.

5. Do you take good notes by
listening in class?

6. Do you nd it easy to learn

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Thursday, December 31, 2020 OPINION North Salem News – Page 11

It’s New Year’s Eve: Give out the trophies

als. In fact, we could not even the youngsters when they didn’t character, sportsmanship, team at Herb’s trophy shop, planning
succeed; I used those opportunities spirit and hard work. I know my your own party. Who are the fam-
MY visit our family and friends to praise their e orts, discuss how small gesture pales in comparison ily, friends, mentors, and acquain-
PERSPECTIVE in the hospital or nursing they could improve, and downplay to the e orts of so many of our tances you wish to honor in your
home. For most of us, this their disappointment. I remem- wonderful coaches and teachers, life? ese are the people who
ber one particular championship but I felt it was important to make have stood by you, cared about you,
JAMES year meant giving up on our game that we were lucky enough the e ort, nonetheless. loved you, supported you, taught
MARTORANO cherished holiday gather- to win. As I was walking to my you and inspired you. On each
ings, from our Fourth of July car at the end of the game, I saw a As a criminal defense attorney of your imaginary trophies, what
boy from the opposing team cry- for the past 45 years with the Le- would their personal inscription
barbeques to our anksgiv- ing his eyes out as his grandfather gal Aid Society in New York City, say?
held him. I approached them and I’ve represented countless young-
ing turkeys to Christmas, told the sobbing youngster that, in sters who nd themselves in a peck On the last day of this dreadful
time, he would not recall if he had of trouble. More often than not, year, I think we should try some-
Hanukah, and the New Year. won or lost; what he’d remember after the court proceeding, I end thing uplifting. Just as I instruct
is that his grandfather came to his up sitting with my young clients my young clients outside of the
Last week, I asked you to Given everything we have games, supported him and loved outside of the arraignment court arraignment part, let us honor the
engage in storytelling in him very much. part next to their sobbing parents. important people in our lives, past
honor of Christmas Eve. been through, how can we mark During those times, I always and present. If they have passed,
the end of this bleak year, and the After each season’s nal game, make it a point to tell my young then take a moment to toast them
beginning of what will hopefully I always threw a party in honor clients that they should thank their for the important role they played
of my team. In preparation for lucky stars that they have parents in your life. If you’re really fortu-
is week, as we celebrate the New prove to be a better one? the big shindig, I would visit my who love them so much and are nate and they are still with you, tell
friend, Herb, who managed the dedicated to their well being. In them, in person or virtually, how
Year, I wondered what other task e more I think about it, the local trophy shop. Not everyone an e ort to comfort them, as they much they mean to you.
could get the MVP trophy or the face the criminal justice system, I
I could propose to enhance your more I am reminded of a time, best pitcher award, but I always remind them that they have people My dear friends, I want you to
found some outstanding attribute who love and support them. ese know how much I appreciate you
holiday season. Given the nature of decades ago, when I coached for each player. And, I had it are not idle words. Although my for taking the time to read these
inscribed on their personal trophy. parents passed away 22 years ago, columns. It is my honor to be able
the past year, this undertaking has baseball at the Shrub Oak Ath- On party day, each of my young what wouldn’t I give to see them to share my thoughts and feelings
players was told how important again to tell them how grateful I with you all year long. Indeed, if we
not been so simple. letic Club. Each year, for almost he was to the team and how am for everything they gave me? were in Herb’s Trophy Shop, you
proud I and the assistant coaches would all receive trophies from me!
You don’t need me to tell you 20 years, I was responsible for were not only of his accomplish- So, the task for this New Year’s I wish you and yours safety, health,
ments on the eld but of his Eve is simple: as you celebrate the and happiness in 2021.
that 2020 was like no other time molding a competitive team out holiday this year, imagine yourself
Happy New Year!
we have ever experienced. Lives of a group of amazing youngsters

were changed, distorted, stretched, who varied in size, temperament,

inconvenienced, and in many and ability, but who presumably all

cases ended by a virus that is still shared a love of the game. For me,

ravaging the world. In spite of the primary goal as coach was not

misinformation to the contrary, we to eld a winning team but, more

were faced with a real and heartless importantly, to instill in the young

enemy. But we made adjustments. boys a real sense of sportsmanship,

We wore masks, kept our distance camaraderie, and self-respect.

and learned to live in a “Zoom” I promoted these values through

world. example. I made it a point not

No more movie theatres, indoor to argue with umpire’s calls that

dining, parties, weddings, or funer- didn’t go our way. I never yelled at

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Page 12 North Salem News – Thur


rsday, December 31, 2020 Page 13

Happy holidays!

Mor phot
o page

Page 14 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, December 31, 2020

Good luck

Janet. I don’t know where Neil a symbol of good fortune. Of- of iron so that they kept away Pennies (preferably face up)
was sourcing these garishly ten associated with the spring
READING, dyed rabbit’s feet (in orange, season of renewal and fertility, from houses with iron horse- are considered lucky. “Find a
WRITING & green, blue), but this became this easy to carry trinket was
CHOCOLATE his suave modus operandi, even exported to Britain and shoes tacked up on the walls penny, pick it up, and all the
KIM working his way through the advertised to bring good luck.
KOVACH girls in our third grade class. or doorframes. Make sure the day you’ll have good luck!”
According to the History
When I was a shy stu- When people cannot explain Channel, President Franklin horseshoe is pointed up so that Observing a rainbow in the
dent in third grade, a their bad luck, they sometimes Delano Roosevelt carried a
boy named Neil gave resort to talismans and lucky rabbit’s foot for good luck. it can ll with good luck. sky after a rainy day can be a
me a rabbit’s foot keychain. I charms to try to tilt the favor Supposedly, FDR also sub-
think this meant that he was of Lady Luck onto their side. scribed to the notion of saying, In Irish and Celtic traditions, sign of good luck. Gold sh
my “boyfriend.” I was attered A four leaf clover, the number “rabbits” on the rst day of
to receive this special gift. It seven, a special coin, we tell each new month for good luck. the four-leaf clover was a sign (the actual sh, not the crack-
was also a little creepy since ourselves that these random Some people to this day say,
my family had a pet rabbit at objects are special. Athletes can “rabbit, rabbit” to start a new of good luck. e four leaves ers!) are said to attract luck and
home. Apparently rabbit’s feet be superstitious, only wearing month.
were good luck. their lucky jersey or other items of the clover plant were said to prosperity. Wearing the color
on game day to ensure good Another popular good luck
I remember inviting Neil luck. charm is the horseshoe. is represent faith, hope, love and red is believed to attract wealth
over to my house one day after superstition began in England
school to play on the swing set In doing a little research, I and Europe where residents luck. and abundance.
in my backyard. e next week learned that third grader, Neil, placed an iron horseshoe on
in school, Neil gave a di erent was tapping into a popular the outside of their homes Ladybugs are considered to Find a horseshoe, a lucky
rabbit’s foot to a girl named American superstition that to ward o bad luck. Legend
began in the early 1900’s. e has it that mischievous fair- bring good luck. Known in penny or a four-leaf clover and
rabbit’s foot was considered as ies were repulsed by the touch
German-speaking countries as try to stay positive. After the

“Glueckskaefer” or lucky bugs, year we’ve had, we need all of

if you let a ladybug land on the luck we can get heading

your hand and don’t brush it into 2021!

o , your luck will improve.

Ancient Greeks referred to Kim Kovach is teaching several

the number seven as “the per- ction and non ction writing

fect number.” ere are seven classes starting in mid-January.

days in a week, seven colors in Join her via Zoom to write short

a rainbow, and the seventh son stories, personal family essays and

of a seventh son is considered more! www.kimkovachwrites.

to be especially lucky. com

Letters and Op-Ed Policy
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those of North Salem
News or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters
and op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail at northsalemnews@ For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.

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Thursday, December 31, 2020 OPINION North Salem News – Page 15

MELEN the perfect way to get wallet sized "Sorry, Dude...Invitation only."
shots of your kid with a look of abject
FROM PAGE 8 sorrow on his face. My Dad would
take home movies of us Christmas
would have found the whole experi- morning, coming down the stairs to
ence demeaning for both of us. What open our presents. After staying up
kind of conversation would I have all night too amped up to sleep, he’d
had with him? We have nothing in hit us with about 3 billion lumens of
common, he’s just trying to ply me photography lighting, and there I am,
for information so he can tell my immortalized at age six looking like
parents what gifts I want, but I may Peter Lorre in “Hotel Berlin.”
have already mentioned it to them in
passing two or seven times. ey’re Okay, I will confess to being a bit
over there snapping pictures that of a Christmas curmudgeon, but the
they can embarrass me with in the only so I can plead down to a lesser
future, goading me to do something charge. Whenever a Christmas carol
I’ll regret or say something about plays during a car commercial I run
his breath. I’m trying my best to for the remote control mute but-
make small talk about free agents the ton, because I don’t want to forever
Yankees might pursue but my mind associate my love of Subarus with
is already on line at the pizza place in my hatred of “Carol of the Bells.”
the food court. But I still love hearing a choir sing
something majestic, and I still love the
ere’s also so much pressure to smell of a real Christmas tree, and I
look good. Everything that occurs still love getting together with friends
between parents and children during and family when we’re able to again,
the holidays is based on capturing a and I still love getting a year older.
timeless photo of the event. Remem- Maybe I should have ended with the
ber when parents used to take their family and friends. Happy holidays to
kids to the portrait studio for photos? everyone, and please stay safe!
Here, sit on the sled in front of the
tree and play with the presents, but Say hello at: [email protected]
you’re not allowed to open them. It’s

BECKERMAN the secret asparagus dish and “How could you know?” I said. “Sorry honey,” he said. “I’m “Lost in Suburbia,” she is “Lost in
waited. “It’s buried in curry.” just not an asparagi.” Midlife.” Life is just as funny…
FROM PAGE 8 but with a lot less laundry. For
He took a bite and put his for “I can taste it,” he said. Tracy Beckerman is embarking more midlife humor, you can follow
would mask the taste of the down. I shook my head. “I thought I on a new adventure as an empty her on Facebook at
asparagus for him. could get you to eat asparagus if nester. Now, instead of being LostinsuburbiaFanPage.
“ ere’s asparagus in here,” he I hid it.”
at night at dinner I served said.

5 Questions Women Should Ask
About Breast Cancer Surgery

Ask the Doctor Q: What stage is my cancer? Q: How do I choose a surgeon?
A: Breast cancer stages are represented on a scale A: Seek a fellowship-trained breast surgeon. These
Ranjana Chaterji, DO of 0 to 4, with 4 being the most serious. Stage 0, are surgeons who, after their residency, do a fellowship
Breast Surgeon also called ductal carcinoma in situ, means that your speci c to oncologic breast surgery. At Northern
Northwell Health Breast Care Center cancer is contained in a milk duct and has a low risk Westchester Hospital, we work as a team to care for
Northern Westchester Hospital of spreading. Stage 4 breast cancer means the cancer you through surgery, medical oncology, radiation
has spread to other parts of your body. If your cancer is oncology, genetics and plastic surgery.
Learn more about stage 4, seeking treatment immediately may improve
Dr. Chaterji, visit your outcome and ultimate quality of life. Q: How can I nd support during this difficult time?
chaterji Q. How do I decide whether a lumpectomy or A: Northern Westchester Hospital’s Bruce and
mastectomy is the best option? Andrea Yablon Cancer Health and Wellness Program
A: More often than not, you will choose the type of provides supportive care and holistic treatments that
surgery you feel most comfortable with. The survival complement medical treatment. You can choose
data of lumpectomy with radiation is equivalent to free integrative medicine services, including reiki,
that of a mastectomy, so we’ve learned that more acupuncture, massage, nutrition planning, tness
surgery is not necessarily better. and exercise plans, mindful wellness and emotional
support, and a survivorship program.
Q. How soon does surgery need to be done?
A: Typically, we try to operate within a month of a We also partner with Support Connection, a group
diagnosis – you don’t have to decide immediately. that offers free emotional, social and educational
You can learn about breast cancer, understand your support services to women and their families
options, and then make a decision you’re comfortable and friends affected by breast and ovarian cancer.
with. A woman’s gut feeling is most important. My I encourage my patients to take part in these
patients often ask me, “What would you do?” But programs. The support enables women to help
it’s not about me — it’s what the woman wants and each other and empowers them to become their
what makes sense for her, her family, and her life. own health care advocates.

Page 16 – North Salem News Thursday, December 31, 2020

Continue fro

Candy Cane Run pag 13

WHY DO WE Mor phot
o pag 17




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