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Published by Chelsea Hodge Bell, 2019-04-03 02:53:19


2.2 Other Portable Devices That Can Enhance Your Educational Experience

Smartphones have the potential to be both time wasters and time savers. You can distract
yourself for hours with a wide range of games and social media applications. On the other
hand, apps are available that allow you to log in to your online class, send e-mail, deposit
checks, identify where the cheapest gas in the neighborhood is sold, and read reviews of
nearly every business in town. While it is easy to access some of your course materials through
your phone, it is not recommended that you complete tasks related to your classes on a smart-
phone. The small screen limits functionality and may inhibit your ability to produce thorough,
accurate work.

A Closer Look: Augmented Reality

To augment reality means to add to or improve it. How could a smartphone improve
your reality? Augmented reality is a term used to describe an experience in which a
device such as a smartphone is used to add sound, video, graphics, or GPS data to the
physical world around you, in real time.

Imagine you are walking around Times Square in New York City for the first time, and
you are lost. You take out your smartphone and enter the augmented reality mode. You
aim your smartphone at various buildings, and the phone displays information about
each of them. Once you get your bearings, you realize you are hungry. You speak a com-
mand into the phone, such as “nearest pizza.” In the blink of an eye, directions to the clos-
est pizza shops appear on your screen, along with user reviews and recommendations.

You follow your smartphone to the front door of a nearby restaurant. You sit down at a
booth, enjoy a slice of authentic New York pizza, and observe the busy street outside.
You smile, take a selfie, and upload your photo and GPS coordinates to Facebook. Your
friends, who are also lost several blocks away, can now easily track you down. While you
enjoy your pizza, you use your smartphone to purchase theater tickets, reserve a room
for the night, and e-mail your parents that you are having a fabulous time. You have just
augmented your reality.

Technology such as this illustrates how we rely on electronic devices to maximize our
experiences, solve problems, and enhance our lives.

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2.3 Software: Your Tools for Success

At this point in the module, you should have a much better sense of how your hardware
choices will help you succeed in your online course work. Now we turn our attention to soft-
ware. Whereas hardware represents the physical devices and computer equipment, software
refers to the systems and programs that use digital technology to run on the computer hard-
ware. Software determines what you can accomplish with your computer. Therefore, it is just
as vital to your academic success as the computer itself. Recall Jason from the beginning of
this module. As he finishes up his degree program at Ashford University, he can attest to the
importance of software, which allowed him to gain access to his course materials, conduct
research, write papers, save files, and communicate with his instructors and classmates.

A wide variety of application software is available for educational, professional, and per-
sonal use on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices.
This software represents all the programs that allow you to do things on your computer. As
Jason has, you will be able to successfully write papers, present your ideas in table format and
presentation slides, and complete interactive activities and watch videos in Constellation—all
thanks to your software. The application software for desktop computers and laptops/note-
books is usually called a software program, whereas the application software for other mobile
devices is usually referred to by its shortened name, apps.

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2.3 Software: Your Tools for Success

Software You Will Need for Your Online Courses

In the following sections, we will
review the software programs that
must be installed on your computer
for your Ashford courses. These pro-
grams are also referred to as produc-
tivity software because they allow you
to produce or create new content and
documents. As an Ashford student, you
will receive Microsoft Word, Excel, and
PowerPoint for free as part of your
Office 365 package. After we review
these software requirements, we will
look at some interesting options you
Jacob Ammentorp Lund/iStock/Thinkstock
may also want to consider.
To complete your course assignments, you will need
to install certain software programs on your laptop
or desktop computer.
Word Processing Software

Your word processing software will be a vital part of your educational experience, since you
will probably use this application more than any other. Technology has made creating writ-
ten documents so much easier than it used to be. No longer do you have to handwrite notes
to friends or type your school papers on a typewriter and spend hours fixing mistakes with a
correction pen. Word processing software allows you to quickly and easily compose, edit, and
revise written documents such as class notes, outlines, essays, poems, short stories, books,
brochures, or flyers.

The most commonly used word processing software today is Microsoft Word, which is
required for your Ashford University classes. Word is part of the Microsoft Suite, which
includes software for creating presentation slides, making spreadsheets, and sending and
receiving e-mails. See Table 2.3 for the similarities in look and feel across these software pro-
grams. The Microsoft Suite can be installed on both PC and Mac computers. However, if you
decide to use the Mac version of Word (called Pages), to ensure compatibility in your classes,
you must submit your writing assignments in Word format. Learn how to convert Pages files
to Word files at

Some older computers were sold with smaller, less expensive word processing software
known as Microsoft Works, which did not have all the features of Microsoft Word. Microsoft
Works is not sufficient for your online classes and is not an acceptable alternative to Microsoft

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2.3 Software: Your Tools for Success

Table 2.3: Microsoft Suite





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2.3 Software: Your Tools for Success

Presentation Software

If at some point in your academic or professional life you need to give a speech or make a
public presentation, you will use presentation software. Modern presentation software has
revolutionized the possibilities for sharing information with an audience. It gives students,
teachers, and business professionals a way to easily use text, graphics, animation, sound, and
video to deliver educational, informative, and entertaining presentations. With this software,
you can create electronic slides that display text and incorporate multimedia (text, graphics,
and sound) and links to websites. These slides can be shared with others as attachments to an
e-mail; they can be printed; or, with a laptop and a projector, they can be displayed on a large
screen to create a visual presentation.

Microsoft PowerPoint is required for your Ashford courses and is included as part of the
Microsoft Office Suite. You may create presentations using Apple Keynote; however, to ensure
compatibility, the files must be converted to Microsoft PowerPoint slides prior to submitting
them to your instructor. Discover how to make this conversion at

Spreadsheet Software

Spreadsheets are a useful way to organize information. You can use spreadsheets to track your
class assignment due dates or to organize your ideas for a class project. Most spreadsheet
software includes graphing functions, so you can show numbers in a bar, line, or pie chart if
you wish. Spreadsheets can also be used to balance your personal checkbook and create and
monitor a family budget. Spreadsheets are widely used in the workplace in nearly every pro-
fession. For example, accountants use spreadsheets to prepare financial statements and plan
budgets, and financial planners use them to track investments and produce graphs that show
the rise and fall of stock prices over time. Salespeople also use spreadsheets to calculate the
relationship between sales and advertising dollars, and spreadsheets are important tools for
your college business and mathematics classes. The list of uses for spreadsheets is endless.

Microsoft Excel is required for your Ashford courses that use spreadsheets and is included as
part of the Microsoft Office Suite. You may create spreadsheets using Apple Numbers; how-
ever, to ensure compatibility, the files must be converted to Microsoft Excel prior to submit-
ting them to your instructor. A tutorial showing how to convert these files can be found at

Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader is a software program that allows you to view files created in a Portable Docu-
ment Format (PDF). PDF was created by the company Adobe in the early 1990s as a way for
computer users to share documents, even if they had computers that operated on different
platforms or operating systems. PDF documents are usually first created in a word processing
or graphics program, and then converted into a fixed-image format using a special software
program for this purpose. The fixed-image format means the document can be viewed by
anyone, but it cannot be edited except by using the special software to edit PDFs or converting
them back to their original text or graphic form.

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2.3 Software: Your Tools for Success

For your Ashford classes, you do not need to purchase any of the special software to create or
edit PDFs. The Ashford University Technology Requirements specify only that you have Adobe
Reader, software that allows you to view PDFs and that you can download free of charge at On that web page, to download the correct ver-
sion of Adobe Reader, use the drop-down menu to select your computer’s operating system.

Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash, formerly called Macromedia Flash and Shockwave Flash, is a software program
used to create certain types of graphics, animation, games, and other multimedia applica-
tions. Like PDF documents, special software is required to create Flash applications. You do
not have to purchase this software, however. The only requirement for your Ashford Univer-
sity classes is that you have the Adobe Flash Player, which allows you to view Flash content
and use the interactive features in your Constellation textbooks. Adobe Flash Player is a free
software program (often referred to as a plug-in) that plays through multiple web browsers.
You can obtain the latest version of this plug-in at
versions. Again, select your operating system from the drop-down menu to ensure that you
download the correct version of the Flash Player for your computer.

Using Google Drive to Collaborate With Your Classmates

Now that you are familiar with the productivity software required for your Ashford courses,
let’s take a look at another option you may enjoy using and exploring. Similar to Microsoft
and Apple, Google has developed its own set of productivity software called Docs, Sheets, and
Slides, which are part of a file storage, editing, and sharing service called Google Drive. You do
not have to purchase this Google software and install it on your computer. Instead, you simply
create a free Google account and access the applications directly from the following Google

Google Docs:
Google Sheets:
Google Slides:

The most exciting benefit of Google productivity software is the ability to collaborate. Once
you create a project, you can share it with your classmates, who can then make additions and
changes right along with you. All of your work is saved automatically and can be accessed any
time from any device with Internet access.

Whenever Jason’s instructors asked him to do a group paper, he and his classmates would
share a Google Docs project and work on it as they had time throughout the week. Jason never
had to wait for the others to complete their section before he could work on his, because he
always had real-time access to the most recent version of their shared project. When the proj-
ect was complete, the group members would save the project as a Word or PDF file and send
it to their instructor. The following link offers a thorough overview of what you can do with
Google Drive and how you can convert the Google files to Microsoft format to submit them as

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2.3 Software: Your Tools for Success

Google is able to offer its Drive applications for free because they are open-source software,
which means that they can be “freely used, changed, and shared (in modified or unmodified
form) by anyone” (Open Source Initiative, n.d., para. 2). Microsoft Office and Apple iWork, on
the other hand, are proprietary software, which means they are owned and controlled by
their creator. Open-source software has become very popular because it is also used on many
mobile devices. When you purchase proprietary software, you do not own it; you are buying
a license to use it under certain terms and restrictions (Savage & Vogel, 2009). It is illegal to
access, copy, modify, or share proprietary software. For example, if a friend wants a copy of
your Microsoft Word software, you would be breaking the law if you copied it or allowed them
to do so. This is not the case with open-source software. To learn more about open source
software, visit

Saving Your Work in the Cloud

Imagine you are writing a final paper for one of your classes. A big winter storm just blew
in, and you are afraid your computer might crash. You have been working on this paper for
weeks, and you want to make absolutely sure you do not lose it. You can always save your
work to a device like a computer hard drive, CD-ROM disk, or a USB memory device/flash
drive (be sure to complete the inter-
active feature in your e-book if you
are unfamiliar with these methods).
Another option is to save your work
to cloud storage, or the cloud, which
uses the Internet and remote servers
to store data. Cloud storage options
go by a number of different names,
including OpenDrive, OneDrive, iCloud
Drive, Google Drive, SkyDrive, Just-
Cloud, Bitcasa, and Dropbox.

Advantages of cloud storage are that
your information is password pro-
tected, you can make sure you always
have the latest version of a file, you milindri/iStock/Thinkstock
can access and edit files from different Storing work in the cloud means you can access the
electronic devices, and you can easily latest version of a file from a shared computer, per-
share files with others. sonal laptop, smartphone, or any electronic device.

Here are a few easy options for accessing cloud storage:

1. If your computer uses the Windows operating system, download OpenDrive from
the following website: Watch the video
at the following link to learn how to use OpenDrive:
2. If you use an Apple computer, save your files to the iCloud Drive for cloud storage.
The following video demonstrates the features of iCloud Drive:

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2.3 Software: Your Tools for Success

3. Save your files to the open-source product Google Drive. As we discussed in the previ-
ous section, the basic version software is free and available to anyone with Internet
access. Projects are saved on Google servers and can be shared with other users,
regardless of what type of electronic hardware they have. You can familiarize yourself
with the features of Google Drive by watching the following tutorial:

In addition to storing document files you have created, the cloud allows you to sync all elec-
tronic devices you may have. Jason uses cloud storage because he often logs in to his Ashford
course to check e-mail messages or to see replies to his discussion posts using his mobile
tablet device or his smartphone. Because he uses the cloud, he can sync the e-mail, calendar,
contacts, notes, and reminders on all his devices. When he makes changes to any of these
items, the changes are made across all devices.

Most cloud solutions provide other benefits as well. For example, many mobile devices have
cloud-based GPS capability, and you can purchase a mobile app to help you find a lost or stolen
mobile device. You can also save your passwords to the cloud, so you can access them when
you are not on your own computer. Or you can set your computer to perform automatic back-
ups of your data to cloud storage whenever the device is plugged in and connected to Wi-Fi.
This backup can even let you restore your device or set up a new device, if necessary. You can
explore the following web links for more information about cloud-based storage options:

OpenDrive for Windows:
Apple iCloud:
Click on the search icon (the magnifying glass in the upper right-hand corner), type
“iCloud,” and hit enter. Click “iCloud.”
Google Docs:

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Summary & Resources

Summary & Resources

Module Summary

Most people primarily use computers to consume content. In your college classes and in the
workplace, you will primarily use your computer to create content, such as writing academic
papers; participating in online discussions; creating professional slide presentations; and
analyzing, charting, or graphing data. To accomplish these tasks, you must have certain types
of computer hardware and software and know how to use these tools. Your Ashford Univer-
sity Technology Requirements (
-programs.htm#catalog11798) list the digital tools you must have to successfully complete
your Ashford courses, and this module contains information and tutorials to help you use
these tools effectively.

A powerful desktop or laptop computer is the most important tool for your college success.
With the prerequisites listed in the technology requirements, you will be able to access all
the features of your online classroom and your Constellation course materials. Other devices
such as tablets, netbooks, Chromebooks, and smartphones can help you use your time wisely,
reduce your stress, and complete your courses more efficiently. They will not substitute for
a more powerful desktop or laptop computer, but they will allow you to perform some class
functions and make good use of your free time and waiting time.

To determine the type of computer that is best for you, consider how and where you will do
your class assignments. Decide if you prefer the Mac or Windows operating system, and then
consider the speed, computer processing power, memory, and storage space you will need.
The device’s size and portability should also be a consideration, and of course, price is an
important factor.

You will also need application software for your Ashford courses. Specific word processing,
presentation, and spreadsheet software is required. As an Ashford student, you will receive
a free version of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as part of your Office 365 software
suite. You will also be required to download some free software such as the Adobe Reader
and Adobe Flash programs, and you may find that open-source software such as Google Drive
helps you collaborate with classmates on assignments. Like other cloud-based data options
available today, Google Drive lets you store your computer files remotely and lets you access
them if your computer malfunctions. Cloud-based storage also enables you to sync all your
electronic devices, so you can access your computer files from other stationary or portable
hardware devices.

Critical-Thinking Questions

1. Why is a desktop or laptop computer vital to your academic success? Why are devices
like tablets and smartphones not sufficient for completing your course work?
2. What types of productivity software will you use in your Ashford University course
work? What will you be able to accomplish by using this software?
3. How do open-source software applications, such as those offered by Google Drive,
allow you to collaborate with your classmates? For what type of assignments would
you use open-source software?

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Summary & Resources

Key Terms

application software Available for edu- mobile computing device A small, porta-
cational, professional, and personal use on ble computer such as a smartphone, laptop,
desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smart- or tablet.
phones, and other mobile devices, this soft-
ware represents all the programs that allow multimedia Text, graphics, and sound.
you to do things on your computer.
netbooks Sometimes referred to as mini
apps Short for applications, the software laptops or subnotebooks because they have
that runs on mobile devices. less computing power, these small, light-
weight computing devices are designed
bits Measurements of the speed at which primarily for consuming content. Google’s
the computer performs calculations or Chromebook is a type of netbook.
transfers data.
open-source software Software that can
bytes Pronounced “bites,” measurements be used, modified, and distributed by any-
of the size or capacity of a computer file and one. Google Drive applications are an exam-
the computer memory or storage devices. ple of open-source software.

cloud storage Also known as “the cloud,” platform Also known as the operating sys-
storage on the Internet and remote servers. tem, the software that runs all the programs
and applications on your device.
desktop computer Computing devices that
are designed to rest on a table or desk and presentation software Software that
be used in a single location. They are fairly allows the user to create electronic slides
large because they consist of several compo- that display text and incorporate multimedia
nents connected together to create a com- and links to websites.
plete computer system.
proprietary software Software that is
digital tools Electronic devices and pro- owned and controlled by its creator; for
grams that translate data into readable example, Microsoft Office and Apple iWork.
information, including documents, images,
videos, and games. software The systems and programs that
run on your computer hardware.
graphics Visual images.
spreadsheet software Software that
hardware Equipment associated with includes graphing functions, so you can
your electronic devices; in other words, show numbers in a bar, line, or pie chart.
the machinery, wiring, and other physical Spreadsheets can also be used to balance
components. your personal checkbook and create and
monitor a family budget.
laptop Also referred to as a notebook,
a portable computer that has the same sync The ability to synchronize all elec-
components and capabilities as a desktop tronic devices, so that when the user makes
computer. changes to any of these devices, the changes
are made everywhere.

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Summary & Resources

tablet computer A thin, flat slate that word processing software Software that
is small, lightweight, and portable. Users allows users to quickly and easily compose,
operate the tablet by touching the screen in edit, and revise written documents such as
various ways to perform different functions, class notes, outlines, essays, poems, short
although some tablets have a small keyboard stories, books, brochures, and flyers.
attached. Some tablets are simply electronic
reading devices; others perform additional
tasks, and some of the latest tablets allow
you to access the Internet and perform
some of the functions of a desktop or laptop

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Module 3

Getting Started With the Internet

Fancy Collection/SuperStock

By Kathy Sole, Ashford University

Learning Objectives

After reading this module, you should be able to

• Summarize your options for connecting to the Internet and explain how these can help you use free time
more effectively during the day.

• Explain how your browser allows you to get the most out of your Internet experience.
• Outline your options for troubleshooting computer issues.

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The Internet: Get Connected and Get Going!

Now that you are set up with your computer and the software you need to do well in your
classes, let’s make sure you’re connected! Having a secure and reliable connection to the
Internet is another critical component in your success in Ashford University’s online pro-
gram. In this module, we will help you get set up with your home network and discuss how
you can take advantage of public networks. We will also look at steps you can take to trouble-
shoot any technical difficulties you encounter.

You may already be familiar with some
of the information in this module, but
it is always a good idea to be aware of
all your options in case the network
you use most often is unavailable or
you travel to a place with a different
type of connection. More importantly,
digital literacy involves developing a
general understanding of how tech-
nology works, all the way down to
the different types of connections.
As you proceed with your education
and your career, you can build on
this knowledge and keep up with the Monkeybusinessimages/iStock/Thinkstock
changing technologies you will inevi- Once you have a computer or laptop, the next step is
tably encounter in the years to come. to get connected to the Internet.

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©Credit Goes Here

Title Goes
3.1 What Is a Network, and How Do

You Join One?

A computer network is a group of computers that connects with other computer networks
and individual electronic devices, so each computer can send and receive information to and
from other computers and peripheral devices. The Internet is a massive global computer
network of other computers and other, smaller networks.

Each time you purchase a new electronic device that connects to the Internet, you create a
new link to this worldwide community. This connection becomes a window through which
you can see and communicate with every other online user on the planet and contribute to
the world’s vast web of knowledge (Okin, 2005).

Networks are essential in the 21st century. Businesses use their own internal networks, called
intranets, to share files and information among employees, develop collaborative projects,
and share computer applications. The network also enables computers to share hardware. For
example, instead of having a printer connected to each computer, in a network all the comput-
ers can share the same printer. You can even create your own network called a local area net-
work (LAN) to connect several computers in your own home so they can communicate with
one another. (See
and additional information later in this module on how to create a LAN.) Then, when you are
off work, you can retreat to a friend’s house with your laptop and play multiplayer-networked
computer games on the world’s largest network, the Internet.

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3.1 What Is a Network, and How Do You Join One?

A 2014 Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. census data showed that 84% of U.S. households
own a computer, and 73% of U.S. households have a computer with a broadband Internet
connection. However, there is a wide variance across the country; 21% of households have
no regular Internet access at all, although they may have free access at a local library or else-
where (Rainie & Cohn, 2014). A Closer Look: Wait. The Internet and the World Wide Web Aren’t
the Same Thing? outlines the differences between what are known, respectively, as the Inter-
net and the World Wide Web.

Everywhere you go, people are connected to the Internet. This is a good indicator that getting
online is pretty quick and easy to do. To use the Internet, your computer must be Internet
ready. This means the computer must have hardware such as an Ethernet card that allows it
to connect to the Internet. The vast majority of computers available today are Internet ready.
If you have any questions about your computer, however, be sure to check with the computer
sales or service person where you purchased your device. The type of connection you have
depends, in part, on where you want to use the device: at home, at a library or coffee shop, or
even wherever you are at any given moment. Let’s take a look at your options.

Internet Access at Home

Given the sheer amount of time you will
spend working on your Ashford Uni-
versity courses, it is necessary to set
up a home network. To do so, you will
need to contact a local Internet service
provider (ISP) to set up an account. In
most instances, a technician will come
to your home and install a modem
and a router. The modem is the device
that connects with your ISP through
a telephone landline; the router con-
nects the computer to the modem, to
other computers in the home, or to
a printer and other devices to share Caia Images/SuperStock
data and information. This connection To have Internet access at home, you will need a
of devices provides you with a home modem and router, both of which can be installed by
network, or LAN. The router examines a technician.
data coming into or going out of your
home network to determine where it should go and the route the data will take to get there.
The router also provides security for your network and contains a firewall to protect your
LAN from threats.

Once you have this hardware in place, you can then connect to the Internet through a wired
connection, which uses copper wires or fiber-optic cables to carry the digital signal, or
through a wireless connection, which uses radio waves or microwaves to carry the signal. It
is important to ask the Internet service technician to set up a secure connection that no one
outside your home can access. In Module 6 we will discuss more ways to ensure your privacy,
safety, and security online.

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3.1 What Is a Network, and How Do You Join One?

A Closer Look:
Wait. The Internet and the
World Wide Web Aren’t the Same Thing?

Many people use the terms Internet and World Wide Web interchangeably, but they are
different. The Internet is a gigantic global network of networks that connects millions of
computers together, so any computer can communicate with any other computer in the
world. The World Wide Web, known commonly as “the web,” is one method of accessing
and sharing information on the Internet and is probably the part of the Internet with
which people are most familiar.

The web uses software tools called browsers to access web pages that are linked to one
another via hyperlinks and web documents that contain text, graphics, video, and sound.
The web also uses a special protocol, or set of rules for sending information between
computers, called hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). So the web address of all sites on
the World Wide Web begin with http: or https: (for secure websites).

However, you use other parts of the Internet as well. E-mail, for example, uses the Inter-
net, not the web, to send and retrieve messages between computers. E-mail uses a dif-
ferent protocol, called simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP), to send e-mail messages
and other protocols to retrieve those messages. Instant messaging and Usenet news
groups operate on still different parts of the Internet. So think of the Internet as a mas-
sive universe, with the web, e-mail, instant messaging, and other galaxies within it.

Jumpeestudio/iStock/Thinkstock filborg/iStock/Thinkstock

The Internet and the World Wide Web are not the same thing. The Internet is a global
system of interconnected computer networks that all use the same rules, or protocols,
to communicate with one another. The web is simply a part of the Internet that uses one
protocol to enable you to access information on web pages.

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3.1 What Is a Network, and How Do You Join One?

Types of wired and wireless Internet services are summarized in Table 3.1. The primary dif-
ferences among these types of services are the speed at which the data can travel and the cost
of the Internet service. The choice, however, is not always up to the consumer. Not all places
in the United States, and certainly not in the world, have all these options available. You may
have none of them available in your specific area. Talk to your neighbors and friends to find

Table 3.1: Wired and wireless Internet connections

Description Pros and cons

Wired Internet services
Dial-up service Using a modem, the computer dials a • Slowest
telephone number provided by your ISP • Least expensive
to connect to the Internet. A dial-up con- • Offered in remote, rural areas
nection occupies a phone line, and you • Not recommended for online course
will not be able to use the phone for voice work
communications while on the Internet.

Integrated ISDN transmits data and phone conver- • Better quality and faster speed than
service digital sations together on a single telephone dial-up
network (ISDN) wire. ISDN offers a better quality Internet • Requires installation of an ISDN
service connection and faster speed than a dial- phone line
up service. Special ISDN phone lines need • Being replaced in some areas by
to be installed, and a phone number still other technology, but still offered in
must be dialed. places
Digital sub- DSL uses two fiber-optic telephone • Typically offered by telephone
scriber line (DSL) lines to give you telephone and Internet companies
service service, so you can send and receive • Generally faster and less expensive
telephone calls and use the Internet at than ISDN
the same time.
Cable Internet Cable connections use a modem to con- • Typically offered by cable companies
service nect to the Internet through fiber-optic • The fastest of the wired services
cable television lines.
Wireless Internet services

Wireless network Verizon and AT&T are the leading wire- • High rates of data transfer with new
service less Internet providers; however, Sprint 4G and 5G technologies, meaning
and T-Mobile also provide wireless Inter- faster Internet service
net networks in some geographic areas. • Offers greater security than earlier
wireless networks

Wi-Fi network This type of wireless network is used • Multiple computers and devices con-
in coffee shops, bookstores, and other nect simultaneously
hotspots. • Limited geographic range of use

Bluetooth service Bluetooth transmits data over short • Not recommended for online course
distances using short-wavelength ultra- work
high-frequency radio waves and creates • Best suited for use with mobile
a “shared” Internet connection across devices such as smartphones, tablets,
devices. and gaming consoles
Internet over Internet over satellite service allows • Usually more expensive and slower
satellite service users to access the Internet via a satellite than most other options
that is orbiting the earth. • Available only in certain areas

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3.1 What Is a Network, and How Do You Join One?

out which ISP companies they use and what their experiences have been. Your home network
will likely be your primary means of accessing the Internet, so make sure the service you
choose fits both your academic needs and your budget. Be sure to ask about bundling options,
too, since some providers will give you a discounted Internet rate if you sign up for a package
(for example, cable television, Internet, and phone service).

Internet Access Around Town

Every coffee shop in town these days seems to be full of people working on their laptops or
smartphones. They are taking advantage of Wi-Fi Internet service, which is a LAN that has
been established by the coffee shop. Patrons then connect to the Internet access point in the
LAN, called a hotspot. You will also create a hotspot in your home if you elect to set up Wi-Fi
for your home network. Wi-Fi is available in a growing number of establishments through-
out cities and towns, from bookstores and hotels to laundromats, airport terminals, and the
airplanes themselves. Even entire cities are starting to offer free, citywide Internet service,
which is usually supported by local advertisers (Kinney, 2006). These networks are created
by moving the digital signal from one access point to another, thereby overlapping coverage
and expanding the network. Public Wi-Fi makes accessing cellular applications—including
your Ashford apps—easy and convenient. Learn more in Strategies for Success: Getting the
Most Out of Your Ashford Apps.

Some of these places offer free Internet access, but others charge a nominal fee for connec-
tion. Getting online at a hotspot requires that you be in range of the hotspot access point. Click
the setting on your Windows or Mac operating system to view available wireless networks
in your area. If you see a network available, click its name. This action will open the hotspot
network connection site and give you information about how to connect, the terms and condi-
tions of use of the network, and the fees, if any, associated with network access.

If you are unable to use your own computer, another way to get online is by taking advantage
of shared computers at your local public library, Internet café or other local business (usually
at an hourly rate), public school computer lab, or government facility. Remember, however,
that you cannot save documents on these computers (unless you use a USB memory device/
flash drive or cloud storage), and the connection is not necessarily secure or private. With
that in mind, knowing what the options are in your community is a good idea in case you ever
need a backup plan.

Strategies for Success:
Getting the Most Out of Your Ashford Apps

Important note: Did you know you can get a free Ashford University Mobile Classroom
app and a free mobile Constellation app for both Android and iPhone devices? These
let you access your Ashford classroom and Constellation course materials from your
mobile device and do class work from a local hotspot. See
/student_services/ashford_mobile.htm for more information, including a list of all
the tasks you can perform with the Ashford mobile app.

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3.1 What Is a Network, and How Do You Join One?

Internet Access on the Go

Another popular option is to have a
mobile or portable hotspot, which
allows you to connect digital devices
such as your computer or tablet to the
Internet—to create a traveling hotspot
you can use whenever you are in the cell
phone company’s service area. A USB
Internet device, called a USB Inter-
net stick, acts like a modem and plugs
into your laptop computer through a
USB port, giving you wireless Internet
service. In some instances, even your
smartphone can serve as the wireless
Sean Gallup/Getty Images News/Getty Images
hotspot to your computer.
USB Internet sticks give you wireless Internet
These services use mobile broadband
telephone services from your cellular
service provider, such as Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, or U.S. Cellular, for Internet access.
A USB Internet stick looks similar to a USB memory device/USB stick/flash drive, and not
every USB Internet stick works with all cellular phone provider networks. Contact your cel-
lular phone company to obtain more information about devices that are compatible with that
company’s network.

Remember that cell company data usage fees apply, and you will use your minutes when you
use a mobile hotspot. Some hotspots can be expensive if you use them for any length of time.
When deciding whether to use a local hotspot or a mobile hotspot through your phone, con-
sider all the options available to you. In a large city where other hotspots are readily avail-
able, using your smartphone mobile hotspot may be more expensive. In a rural area, though,
a mobile hotspot may be the best option when running a wired connection would be very
expensive and there aren’t many other choices.

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3.2 Getting the Most From

Your Browser

You now know all the various ways you can access the Internet. However, you may not be
aware of the many features of the browser you use to access the World Wide Web. Your
browser lets you access your online class, keep up with the latest world news, watch videos,
play games, use social media, and more. Typically available for free, the browser is the gate-
way to everything you might want to do online.

Like the debates about which computer is best, people often have strong opinions about
which browser they like best. As we discuss later in this section, it is a good idea to have more
than one browser on your computer anyway, as a backup to your favorite one.

All browsers connect to the web in a similar way; the differences between them usually
boil down to whether you like the interface—the look and feel of the browser, how easy
it is for you to use it to navigate the web, the special features it offers, and the reliability
and speed of that browser on your computer. The article at http://articles.centennialarts
-firefox-and-google-chrome discusses the opinions of one writer about different browsers.

The list on the next page shows some of the most common browsers used today. Note that
Ashford University Technology Requirements mandate that you use one of the first four
browsers on the list.

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3.2 Getting the Most From Your Browser

• Internet Explorer:
• Safari: Click on the search icon (magnifying glass)
in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and type “Safari.” Click on
“OS X – Safari – Apple.”
• Chrome:
• Firefox:
• Opera:
• Dolphin:

Because browsers are free, download two or three of them and try them out to see if you like
the interface and the way they work with your computer. You can always uninstall a program
and install a different browser if you later decide you do not like the one you originally chose.

To experience the look and feel of the many browsers available, check out the tutorials and
information at the following links.

• Internet Explorer: “Getting Started With Internet Explorer 11” (included in tutorial
titled “Browsing the Web”) is available at
• Safari: “Mac Apps Support” provides an overview of new features in Safari and help
with solving common problems and learning more about the browser on the Apple
website. Click on the search icon (magnifying glass) in the upper right-hand corner
of the screen and type “Safari support.” Click “Support” under the search bar. Click
on “Safari Support – Browse featured articles, software updates, and other helpful
• Chrome: “Google Chrome Tutorial Index” provides a comprehensive list of
resources to learn more about using the Google Chrome browser at http://
• Firefox: “Get Started With Firefox: An Overview of the Main Features” (https:// lists
a table of contents with links to help you get started using the Firefox browser. You
can also find links to additional articles and topics from Mozilla support at https://

It is a good idea, though, to have two browser programs loaded on your computer. Because
browsers all search the web a little differently, you may find information searching on one
browser that you do not find as easily on another. Browsers can also crash, and you may also
occasionally get a message that your browser is “down,” a phrase that means it is inactive
or nonoperational. When you install a browser on your computer, you will usually receive a
message asking if you want to designate it as your default, or primary, browser. Choose one
browser as your default and just leave the other browser installed as a backup. That way, if a
problem occurs with your default browser, you will still be able to access the Internet.

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3.3 Troubleshooting and

Getting Help

It is nearly inevitable that at some point during your degree program, you will run into some
sort of technical difficulty. Whatever you do, don’t panic! You have a lot of resources at your
disposal, the most important of which can be found at the Ashford University Student Portal
home page. There you will find links on your home page for technical assistance with any
hardware, software, or Internet issues you may encounter. However, here are some options
to keep in mind and try before you contact the Ashford University Technical Support team.

Solving Computer Technical Problems

It is after midnight. You need help with a computer problem, and everyone in your family is
fast asleep (or you know more about the computer than others in your household). Maybe
you are in a different time zone from your instructors and fellow students. It may be 12 hours
or more before you can get a response from anyone about a technical issue you face. Or per-
haps you are just stumped or frustrated about a recurring problem in one of your software
programs that you do not know how to fix. What do you do?

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3.3 Troubleshooting and Getting Help

You will be happy to know that you have 24-hours-
a-day, 7-days-a-week technical support at Ashford
University, so you are never completely on your
own. However, if you try to find the answer to the
problem first, you may have the satisfaction of solv-
ing it and may learn more in the process. Here are
some suggestions you may consider for solving
technical issues that might arise during your Ash-
ford courses:

1. Ask your classmates. Don’t be afraid to reach out to
fellow students for assistance with technical prob-
Become familiar with your resources
lems. Others may be having the same problem and
for solving technical issues before a
may benefit from your questions and answers. The
problem occurs, so you know where to
Ashford Café and its links to social media sites are
go for help.
great ways to share computer technical knowledge
with others.
2. Use your software Help menu. In most software programs, you will notice a question mark
enclosed in a circle at the top of the page. Click this question mark to open the software pro-
gram’s Help menu. You will generally see a search box where you can type a word or phrase
that describes your problem, such as “indenting a paragraph in Microsoft Word.” Press the
Enter key, and the software will provide suggestions or topics that may help you solve the

3. Review software tutorials. Open your browser and search the web using the name of the
software program and the word “tutorial.” For example, you may type “PowerPoint tutorial”
and find step-by-step guides for how to navigate through a software program with which you
are unfamiliar.

4. Search the web for help. Again, open your browser and, on your home page, describe the
problem you are facing. You can type words, phrases, complete sentences, or questions. For
example, you might type: “Internet Explorer keeps giving me the message 404 file not found.
What does this mean?” Try typing these sentences on your browser home page now, and see
what happens. You should see links to websites with lists of answers and explanations from
various individuals and companies for what the problem means and how to solve it. Try their
suggestions to see if one works.

5. Use Windows Task Manager. Sometimes too many software programs or screens open on
your computer use a lot of memory, which can cause your computer to slow down, freeze, or
lock up completely, so you cannot continue to work. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Del.
A menu should appear. Click “Start Task Manager,” and the Windows Task Manager window
will open and display all the software programs that are currently running on your computer.
Right-click on the name of any program you recognize but are not using at this time, and
a drop-down menu will appear. Then, click “End Task.” Repeat this process until you have

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3.3 Troubleshooting and Getting Help

closed any programs you currently don’t need. To close the Windows Task Manager, click the
X button in the upper right corner of the window.

6. Force Quit on Mac OS. A function similar to End Task in Microsoft Windows is Force Quit,
which is available on Mac computers. There are four ways to Force Quit a software applica-
tion on the Mac OS: (a) Click the icon for any software you are not using and hold down the
left mouse button, then click “Force Quit” from the pop-up menu; (b) right-click on a software
icon and choose “Force Quit” from the pop-up menu; (c) select from a list of applications to
quit by clicking the Apple icon in the menu bar, then clicking “Force Quit”; and (d) use the
keyboard shortcut Cmd+Opt+Shift+Esc to quit a software application you are currently using.

7. Reboot your computer or modem and router. If the processes described in steps 5 or 6 do
not solve your problem, try saving any files you are working on and restarting your computer.
This action will close the open programs on your computer, shut it down, and then restart it.
Note that when you turn off a computer, all the data that has not been saved is lost. So remem-
ber to save your work regularly and save and close any open files before you shut down your
computer. If your computer is working but you cannot access the Internet, try rebooting your
modem and router. (You may need to contact your Internet service provider to do this, not the
Ashford Help Desk.)

8. Make sure you have installed all updates. Computer manufacturers issue regular updates
to correct problems with their software and to make sure it is compatible with other new
technologies. You will see a number of icons at the bottom right of the menu of your Windows
computer screen. One of these icons will let you know if there are available updates to your
software that have not yet been installed. Make sure to install them; they may correct a prob-
lem you are having. Also, run a virus and malware scan using your security protection soft-
ware. (See Module 6 for more information about this type of software.) On Mac computers, we
recommend you set your system preferences to automatically install app updates whenever
they are available.

9. Delete cookies and temporary Internet files. In Module 6 we will discuss ways in which your
activities on the Internet are tracked. This tracking results in small data files called cookies
and temporary or temp files being created and stored on your computer. If you do not delete
these files regularly, they can slow down your computer, cause it to freeze, or create other
problems. You can purchase computer cleanup or “optimizing” software programs to improve
your computer’s performance. However, research such programs and read the reviews before
purchasing them. You can also easily clean up your computer yourself and improve its perfor-
mance by deleting cookies and temporary files. Use the Help menu to search for instructions
on how to perform these tasks on your computer.

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3.3 Troubleshooting and Getting Help

If the listed actions do not successfully resolve your problems, don’t hesitate to contact your
Ashford University Technical Support team for help. The following are some contact options
available to you.

Contacting Ashford Technical Support

On your Ashford University Student Portal home page, you will find the following two catego-
ries on the left navigation bar where you can access technical support:

1. Technical Support
This category gives you the following two options:

a) Contact Info displays the information you need to access the Ashford Live Chat
Help, hyperlinks for web support and Ashford support, and technical support
telephone numbers.
b) Ashford University Phone Menu displays a menu for accessing technical support
by phone for various types of technical issues you may encounter.

2. Live Chat Help
Live Chat Help is available during normal business hours (Pacific Time). If you click
this link during these hours, you will be connected to the technical support team. If
you click at a time other than normal business hours, you will receive a message to
contact your advisor by e-mail. Because e-mail responses can take up to two busi-
ness days, you may want to try some of the other technical support options outlined

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Summary & Resources

Summary & Resources

Module Summary

A critical component in your academic success is to have a secure and reliable Internet con-
nection. The Internet is the world’s largest computer network, and it allows you to connect
with any other computer on the planet. Networks are essential communication channels.
They allow individuals in businesses and other organizations to share information and files
and to collaborate, even though they may be separated by distance and time zones.

This module described the many options you have for connecting to the Internet, whether
you are at home, at a specific location in town, or on the go. We also discussed steps you can
take on your own to resolve technical problems you might encounter with your computer or
online class. If you are not able to resolve problems using these ideas, don’t worry. Your Ash-
ford University Technical Support team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to guide you
through other possible solutions. We hope the information in this module and the support
available to you from your course instructors, your Ashford advisors, your classmates, and
the Ashford University Technical Support team gives you confidence that assistance is always
available to help you succeed at Ashford University. Don’t hesitate to ask for it!

Critical-Thinking Questions

1. What type of computer network do you use to gain access to the Internet and com-
plete your course work? What are your options for connecting outside a home
2. Which four browsers are acceptable for completing your courses? What does your
browser enable you to do?
3. What steps should you take if you have computer problems or experience difficulty
connecting to the Internet?

Key Terms

computer network A group of computers intranets Internal networks that busi-
that connects with other computer networks nesses and organizations use to share
and individual electronic devices, so each files and information among stakeholders,
computer can send and receive information develop collaborative projects, and share
to and from other computers and peripheral computer applications.
modem In a home or office network, the
interface The point where the user and the device that connects with the Internet
device interact. The interface is represented through a telephone landline.
by the look, feel, and overall user experience
of a device, browser, or operating system. router In a home or office computer net-
work, the device that connects the computer
Internet A massive global computer net- to the modem, other computers in the home,
work of other computers and other, smaller and/or a printer or other devices to share
networks. data and information.

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Summary & Resources

USB Internet stick A small device that World Wide Web Commonly known as
acts like a modem, plugs into your laptop “the web,” a method of accessing and shar-
computer through a USB port, and gives you ing information on the Internet. The web
wireless Internet service. These services use is likely the part of the Internet with which
mobile broadband telephone services from people are most familiar.
cellular service providers.

Wi-Fi Internet service Wireless access to
the Internet, whether in a home, business, or
public space.

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Module 4
Your Online Social Life

Caia Images/Caia Images/SuperStock

By Kathy Sole, Ashford University

Learning Objectives

After reading this module, you should be able to

• Explain what is required to be considered a good digital citizen.
• Outline the potential consequences of plagiarism at Ashford University and state how you can avoid it in
your assignments and online discussions.
• Describe how blogs can be used to enhance your academic, professional, and personal life, and identify at
least two precautions you can take to ensure that your blog comments are kept private.

• Describe how social media can be used to enhance your academic, professional, and personal life, and iden-
tify at least two precautions you can take to ensure that your social media comments are kept private.

• Explain some of the ways people inadvertently share more information online than they should.

What Are Your Responsibilities Online?

The digital world hosts a seemingly infinite number of possibilities and opportunities. People
from all over the world go online to seek information, take classes, conduct business, shop,
socialize, and even inspire social change. When you use a computer, smartphone, tablet, or
other online device, you become a member of this digital community.

As in any community, citizens have both
rights and responsibilities. Our society
permits us to have freedom of speech,
assemble with other people, and pursue
activities that make us happy. However,
with these rights come responsibilities
to obey the law, respect our neighbors,
refrain from littering, and participate
in community activities such as Neigh-
borhood Watch or cleanup days to keep
our community safe and pleasant. Good
community citizens accept their respon-
sibility to help keep the community safe
and beneficial for all its members.

Like most societies, the digital commu-
nity has certain rules of etiquette and
good citizenship. The information in the
following sections outlines your rights Lesia_G/iStock/Thinkstock
and responsibilities as you navigate the Being part of a digital community means know-

online world and gives you the knowl- ing and following the rules of etiquette and good
edge and skills to participate responsibly citizenship.
in this online society.


©Credit Goes Here

Title Goes
4.1 Digital Citizenship and

Etiquette Awareness

In the 1960s Canadian theorist Marshall McLuhan recognized that technology and media
allowed people to share ideas and interests in ways that were previously unknown. McLu-
han coined the term global village to describe how we are connected with others through
technology. McLuhan, of course, wrote long before the Internet had been invented, but he
recognized the fact that when we engage with other people, no matter the context, we have
shared rights and responsibilities. A digital citizen can be defined as a person who uses digi-
tal resources to engage in society (Mossberger, Tolbert, & McNeal, 2008).

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has developed standards for
identifying a good digital student–citizen. The society defines digital citizenship among stu-
dents in the following way: “Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related
to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior” (ISTE, 2007, p. 2). Good digital student–
citizens, in the ISTE’s (2007) view, conform to the following four actions:

1. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
2. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity.
3. Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
4. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship. (p. 2)


4.1 Digital Citizenship and Etiquette Awareness

What type of digital citizen are you? Do you meet the criteria listed? In what areas could you
improve to be a better digital citizen?

A Good Digital Citizen Understands and Avoids Plagiarism

Digital citizenship translates to your online college classroom in that good digital student–
citizens practice academic integrity. They conform to the academic integrity policies and stu-
dent community standards in the university catalog available on the Student Portal home
page. They avoid plagiarism, which occurs when a writer uses someone else’s language,
ideas, or other original (non-common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source
(Council of Writing Program Administrators, 2003). They use critical thinking to formulate
responses to assignments and to develop academic papers.

Plagiarism is a serious offense. When you repre-
sent another’s work as your own or closely copy the
language or arrangement of a document that is not
yours, you are stealing other people’s work. Most
organizations and academic institutions, including
Ashford University, have strict policies prohibiting
plagiarism. Faculty members are required to report
suspected plagiarism, and a formal investigation
is conducted. If you are found guilty, the penalties
are severe and may result in a failing grade on the
assignment, a failing grade for the class, suspen-
sion from the university, or expulsion. Such conse-
quences are a stain on your academic record and
a blemish on your integrity and your reputation.
You must be extremely careful to give other people Danae Munoz/Ikon Images/SuperStock
credit when you use their ideas, because forgetting Plagiarism is a serious offense that
to give credit to others is not a valid excuse. Some includes using someone else’s lan-
examples of actions that would be considered pla- guage, ideas, or other original material
giarism are as follows: without acknowledging the source.

• Submitting a paper written by someone other than yourself, such as a friend, family
member, or a previous student.
• Submitting a paper written by you for another class, unless you have permission
from your instructor and clearly indicate that the paper was submitted previously
for another purpose. Ashford University’s policy on recycling your assignments can
be found in the “Student Responsibilities and Policies” link in the classroom.
• Submitting a paper you found online or purchased on the Internet.
• Copying partial or complete sentences or paragraphs from the work of others with-
out giving them credit.
• Changing only a few words from another person’s work and then passing it off as
your own idea.
• Forgetting to include the source of other people’s ideas you used in your paper.


4.1 Digital Citizenship and Etiquette Awareness

It is important to refrain from plagiarism under any circumstance, whether academic, profes-
sional, or personal. This includes when you are writing a paper for class, making a comment
in a discussion forum, doing a presentation, or engaging in social media. It is never appropri-
ate to present someone else’s ideas as your own.

A Good Digital Citizen Respects Copyright Laws

To be a good digital citizen in your Ashford University classes, you will be required to under-
stand and respect copyright laws and make sure you do not violate them by using others’
materials either inappropriately or without written permission. The following resource pro-
vides a brief overview of these laws and how to observe them: http://www.whoishostingthis

A Good Digital Citizen Practices Online Etiquette

In any society, having good man-
ners and being polite are important
to ensure that people respect one
another and treat others appropri-
ately. As a good digital citizen, you
must also practice good manners. Over
the past few years, a system of online
etiquette has evolved about what is
considered polite and professional
behavior when using digital resources.

In the physical world, etiquette includes
unwritten rules of good behavior such
Iain Masterton/age fotostock/SuperStock
as holding the door open for the person With so many new forums for social networking, it’s
entering a building behind you, not important to learn the rules for online etiquette.
shouting or being rude in public, and
showing respect for your colleagues.
Online, similar rules are important to maintain a positive shared environment. Digital citi-
zens are careful not only about what they say online, but how they say it. One of the big-
gest problems with online communication is interpreting the writer’s tone. What we think is
short, sweet, and to the point, other people might interpret as rude, abrupt, or condescend-
ing. Always reread what you write before posting online to reduce the likelihood that what
you have written will be misunderstood.

The following is a brief list of ground rules for communicating in any online environment. In
the remainder of the module, we will look more closely at digital citizenship and etiquette in
the classroom, at work, and on social media.

• Always avoid offensive language, and reread what you write so it is unlikely to be
interpreted as offensive.
• Never share personal information or material about other people.


4.1 Digital Citizenship and Etiquette Awareness

• Never distribute pornographic or slanderous material.
• Don’t engage in flaming, a term that describes an increasingly intense and vicious
debate. If it appears that a discussion is headed in this direction, simply stop.
• Remember the Golden Rule: Treat people the way you would like to be treated.

Have you ever displayed negative etiquette online? What steps can you take to improve in this
area? Are there any tips on etiquette you would add to this list?

In addition to avoiding plagiarism and displaying appropriate etiquette, a good digital citi-
zen protects the online community by making sure to guard against transmitting computer
viruses and other threats by installing antivirus and security software on his or her computer.
We will discuss this topic in more detail in Module 6. A good digital citizen also exhibits a posi-
tive attitude toward the use of technology, supports others in the community, takes personal
responsibility for lifelong learning, and acts as a role model for other students.

These rules are easy to learn and will quickly become second nature. This course is designed
to make your online experiences fun, useful, and as positive as possible.


4.2 Communicating Through Blogs

The ability to collaborate with others on the web is often called collective intelligence, and
it has created opportunities and forums for people to instantly share information with others
around the world—via online communities—that were previously impossible. This collective
intelligence is open to anyone who logs in or creates an account on the site. This means, how-
ever, that nothing you write is private. As one observer wrote:

In the late 1990’s, the head of a large Internet computer company made the
statement, “Privacy is dead, get over it.” There’s some truth to that statement,
that in order to ensure one’s privacy, one should never make a single pub-
lic utterance or statement. For absolute privacy, say nothing online. However,
that is not a realistic strategy in this day and age. The Internet is the great
communicator vehicle, and it will not be silenced simply because of privacy
issues. (Grohol, 2005, para. 11)

Simply said, if you want privacy, don’t use the web. Most would agree, however, that the web
is a wonderful tool for learning, sharing, and interacting with others. You must be aware that
everything you say and share on the web is public information. This is especially true when
you post to blogs and social media sites, which we will discuss in this section and in Section
4.3. Your college class assignments will rarely require you to post information on a blog or on
social media. However, using these types of websites can be an excellent way to connect with


4.2 Communicating Through Blogs

your classmates and share information with them outside of class. Some social media sites,
such as LinkedIn, are also great ways to connect with people in professional careers you may
plan to pursue.

Do you remember Chantal from Module 1? She participates in several blogs and social media
websites. She follows the blogs of people in the marketing industry, where she hopes to work
after she graduates. She also uses LinkedIn to connect with people in the marketing field and
is hoping to apply for an internship through someone she met on the site. Chantal uses Face-
book to keep in touch with her friends and connects with several classmates she met in her
college courses through Ashford Café. These classmates are single moms, like herself, and
they understand the difficulties of attending school while caring for children, so they have
created a type of online support system for themselves. Let’s look at some specifics regard-
ing blogs.

Blog is a word created using the b
from the word web and the term log,
and refers to a discussion or infor-
mational website where you can usu-
ally post comments or questions and
responses to the comments or ques-
tions of others on various topics. The
first blog made its debut around the
year 2000, and by the end of 2011,
a national survey firm reported that
181 million blogs could be found on
the web. These numbers included
6.7 million people who publish their
blogs as websites, altogether known g-stockstudio/iStock/Thinkstock
as the blogosphere, and another 12 Blogs allow people to publish photos and chronicle
million people who wrote their blogs trips or life events and are accessible to billions of
on social networks (Nielson Company, people.

Blogs are a form of social networking, where you can connect with people who have inter-
ests similar to your own or exchange information and learn from others. WordPress, Blog-
ger, Quora, and Tumblr are four popular blog sites. These blogs often have a combination of
serious and more trivial topics. Tumblr (2016), for example, explains the content of its web-
site this way: “Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, dumb jokes, smart jokes, Spotify
tracks, mp3s, videos, fashion, art, deep stuff. Tumblr is 244 million different blogs, filled with
literally whatever” (para. 2).

Some personal blogs are like a diary; people use them to chronicle a trip they are taking or
to update people about family events. Blogs are also used by political candidates and state
and local governments to reach out to constituents and gather opinions on important issues.
Clubs, businesses, and other organizations use them, as well, to report on their activities or
share information they believe is important to those who subscribe to the blog and follow it


4.2 Communicating Through Blogs

The terms and conditions of many blogs require people to use their own names, which can
open you up to personal safety risks if others do not agree with your opinions. Other blogs
allow users to remain anonymous, which can also be dangerous because some people are
willing to say things anonymously that they would not say if their name was attached to the
comment. A good rule to follow for posting comments on any type of blog is not to say some-
thing online that you would not say if you were talking with someone face-to-face.

Decades ago, when many people kept diaries, they poured their deepest thoughts and desires
onto the pages, but the diary had very secure privacy settings. The book had a key lock, there
was only one copy, and the copy was usually hidden somewhere, away from prying eyes. Of
course, web blogging is entirely different, since it is accessible to billions of people.

Thus, the first thing to remember is that what you write will likely be accessible by someone
forever. This means that something you might casually compose and post at a younger age
might resurface when you are looking for a job later in life. Employers often scour the web to
learn about you as a person. To make sure they do not find anything unsavory about you, keep
your posts clean and appropriate.

Second, even if you use a pseudonym for your blog, it does not mean you are completely pro-
tected or private. If the pseudonym is ever connected to your real name in any online activity,
it becomes quite easy to match your online posts together. Similarly, any photographs of you
with a pseudonym can be associated with photographs with your real name, because photo-
graphic face recognition software is advancing very quickly and may soon replace a password
as the way you log in to a computer.

Third, by providing personal information about yourself in a post, you may inadvertently
make yourself a target. For example, let’s say your friend writes a post about his surprise
30th birthday bash last Saturday. He posts pictures of the gorgeous decorations his friends
and family put on the outside of his house, as well as the new car he bought for himself. He has
now publicly announced his birth date, provided information about what his neighborhood
looks like, and given out his license plate number, all of which may put him at serious risk for
both identity theft and robbery. Let’s hope his next post isn’t about an upcoming vacation,
because then everyone will know when he won’t be home to safeguard his house.

Fourth, there are privacy controls you can use while blogging. For example, you can set your
blog to remain private and allow only people you know to read it (such as family or class-
mates). However, keep in mind that if any of these accounts are compromised and a password
is hacked, all of your posts could suddenly become public.

Just because you have to be aware of privacy issues does not mean you cannot have fun and
make productive use of the web to connect with other people. One way to do this is through
social media, which is discussed in Section 4.3.


4.3 Communicating Through

Social Media

Think for a moment about the people in your life. They typically fall into two groups. The first
are your friends and family, with whom you share your innermost secrets, dreams, desires,
and aspirations. The second group of people you associate with are your colleagues and
acquaintances at work. Of course, many of them might become friends, too, but in general,
you share different aspects of your life with them. For most of us, these two main groups
define most of our daily interactions. Today, through social media, we can stay connected with
these two primary groups. Just as in face-to-face conversations, what we choose to share with
these two groups may be very different, so you will want to ensure that what you share on
social media is appropriate for each audience.

Dozens of social media or social networking sites can be found on the web for connecting
with friends and family. Some of the most popular sites are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Ins-
tagram, and Snapchat. For expanding your business contacts, LinkedIn has become the most
popular networking site. The social media sites used most often by adults from 2012 to 2014
are shown in Figure 4.1.


4.3 Communicating Through Social Media

Figure 4.1: Social media sites, 2012–2014

Many people use a variety of social networking sites to stay connected with friends, family, former
classmates, and colleagues.

From “Social Media Update 2014,” by M. Duggan, N. B. Ellison, C. Lampe, and A. Lenhart, 2015 (http://www.pewinternet
.org/2015/01/09/social-media-update-2014). Copyright Pew Research Center. Reprinted with permission. More recent data can be
found at

Social media websites generate massive volumes of data, including text, photos, and videos.
Studies show that more than 300 million photos are uploaded daily to Facebook, 72 hours of
video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, and Twitter receives almost 400 million tweets
per day (Tsukayama, 2013). The International Data Corporation estimated that in 2011 the
equivalent of 200 billion 60-minute high-definition movies were created—a number that
would take one person 47 million years to watch (as cited in Heisterberg & Verma, 2014).

Social media is a wonderful way to stay in touch with your fellow students as you continue
your degree program. You won’t always be in the same classes with people you meet now, and
you may want to stay connected, grow your friendships, and help each other in the future.
Social media can also facilitate social learning. Some theorists believe that learning takes
place in a social context, and the influence of our peers is an important form of learning. Like
all forms of communication, however, it is important to be respectful of others on social media.


4.3 Communicating Through Social Media

To get a general idea of how these collaborative sites operate and how they and other social
networking sites can affect your privacy, let’s look at three examples: Twitter, Facebook, and


Twitter is an alternative to posting long entries on a blog and allows you to post short state-
ments about what you are doing or thinking at any given time of the day. You have a maximum
of 280 characters for each post, which is called a tweet. Visit to
explore the social media platform.

Given how short they are, who would
care about these tiny tweets? You may
be surprised. In early 2012 Twitter was
generating excitement over who would
become its 500 millionth user. Twitter
can be used to share interesting places
you found on the web, ideas you have,
a life event (someone tweeted at the
altar as he was about to kiss his bride),
a frustration, or a question. Registered
users can read and post tweets, but
unregistered users can only read them.
Steven Bernard/age fotostock/SuperStock
But Twitter is for more than just shar- As a registered Twitter user, you can send
ing personal details. Twitter can help 280-character tweets to Ashford University class-
you connect specifically to people who mates, celebrities, or any of the social media site’s
most interest you. You can follow other millions of users.
people’s posts, create and participate
in polls, and track celebrity posts.
(Singer Katy Perry was among the first to have 100 million followers on Twitter.) You might
use Twitter as a way to get to know your Ashford University classmates better outside of
class. Through the Ashford Café, many students establish relationships and use Twitter to
keep in contact throughout their college programs.

Twitter also has a practical benefit for businesses to promote their products, for theologians
to discuss faith, and for scientists to announce their latest discoveries. Twitter has been used
to organize gatherings, sometimes called flash mobs or tweetups. If you wish, you can have
conversations about specific subjects using “hashtags.” A hashtag is a word or phrase pre-
ceded by a pound sign (#) and is used to identify, describe, and organize messages on a cer-
tain topic. You can add hashtags to your own tweets or click on hashtags in others’ tweets
to see all the tweets on that topic. For example, if you wanted to make a comment about the
Super Bowl, you might include #SuperBowl in your tweet. If you wanted to see what other
people were saying about the Super Bowl, you might click on #SuperBowl in someone else’s
tweet (or in Twitter’s list of trending topics) or search for #SuperBowl using the search bar.
Some have used Twitter to encourage political engagement and social activism: Hashtags
such as #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, and #MAGA (Make America Great Again) have been used
to facilitate discussion, diatribes, and debate.


4.3 Communicating Through Social Media

What you may not know about Twitter is that the site automatically includes location data
when the Twitter setting geotagging is enabled, which is a feature that allows a website to
identify information about your location. In 2013 a University of Southern California graduate
student built an application that analyzed more than 15 million tweets over a 1-week period.
The study revealed that 20% of tweets revealed the users’ locations, and the information was
publicly available. The researchers found that even when users chose to disable this setting,
many revealed their location by name-dropping something such as a restaurant or through
metadata in photos (Gates, 2013). Metadata might be defined as “data about other data.” For
example, metadata might be information about a picture such as who took the photograph,
where it was taken, a street sign, or other identifiable information in the photo itself. Corpora-
tions and intelligence groups use this information to create user or target profiles.

Fortunately, these researchers also developed a tool to give users the ability to review their
own Twitter accounts, view their own risk, and manage it (see Strategies for Success: Keeping
Your Location Private on Twitter). If the tweets have any location data in them, they will show
up as points on a zoomable Google map, and users can retrieve information about where they
were when they revealed their location. You can view these combined bits of location infor-
mation, called your geosocial footprint, to learn about your past sharing habits and privacy.
If you have a Twitter account, you can use this free tool at

Strategies for Success:
Keeping Your Location Private on Twitter

To avoid giving up too much information, an article in the Huffington Post, an online news
aggregator and blog, suggests the following:

• Check your Twitter account security and privacy setting to see if you have checked “Add
a location to my Tweets.” If you have, uncheck that box and save changes or delete all
location information on your account.
• On your Twitter settings page, view other applications you may have authorized to
access your Twitter account, such as Foursquare, a social network website that helps
users find places to connect with other people. You can revoke the authorization for
individual apps, if you wish.
• Be careful when posting photos you take with your smartphone. GPS coordinates
are usually embedded in the photo metadata, unless you disable geotagging on your
• Be careful about tweeting an image that identifies you at a specific location (Gates,
Reflection Questions

1. What are some of the pros and cons of having GPS coordinates enabled on your
2. What types of problems have you or someone you know had with unauthorized access
to your social media accounts?
3. What are some advantages of geotagging?


4.3 Communicating Through Social Media


If you have not used Facebook, it can be difficult to understand. Using Facebook is not like
transforming a paper diary into digital text and putting it on the web, as with a blog. Instead,
it is an entirely new communication environment. Websites such as Friendster and Myspace
originally defined this genre of web applications. Friendster no longer exists, and Facebook
has now trampled Myspace to become the leading social networking site (Chaffey, 2016).

So, what is Facebook, exactly? Facebook (which can be found at
originated in 2004. This free web application allows you to find people you know and request
to add them as friends (“friend” them), allowing you to communicate and share information
with each other. Each user gets a personal profile and “timeline,” where she or he can post
public messages—called status updates—and share photos, videos, and web links. You can
also post public messages on a friend’s timeline, comment and “react” to posts using emojis,
and “tag” your friends in posts, which
lets them know you’re posting about
them. Your customizable news feed
will highlight your friends’ activities
for you, as well as upcoming events
and other information.

But Facebook’s features do not end
there. You can use Facebook to live
chat, send private messages, orga-
nize events, create or join groups,
live stream yourself or an event, fol-
low pages that interest you, and blog.
Regardless, it is important to remem-
ber that almost everything you do on Facebook is visible to all of your friends.

If, on Facebook, you complain about your coworkers to your friends or disclose family secrets
to your coworkers, everyone in your network can read it. Bad behavior on Facebook can have
real-world consequences. For example, there have been cases of colleges rejecting a student’s
application based on inappropriate postings on Facebook. Use your privacy settings to adjust
what shows up on your timeline and who can see posts that you’re tagged in. Facebook also
allows you to select your audience when you make a post—is your post for the broader pub-
lic, only your Facebook friends, or only a few specific friends? Even so, as a general rule, it is
good to remember that if you post something on Facebook, there are no secrets.


4.3 Communicating Through Social Media


LinkedIn, a business-oriented social
networking website, has become the
most popular networking site for
expanding business contacts. In 2017
the website hit 500 million users, who
hail from more than 200 countries
(Darrow, 2017).

On LinkedIn, users create profiles and
make connections with one another,
which often represent real-world pro
fessional relationships. They then
invite people to join their network and
Bloomberg/Contributor/Getty Images
introduce people in their network to
LinkedIn is a great tool for connecting with other
one another to find jobs and arrange
professionals, applying for jobs, or posting a job
business opportunities. Employers
application through your business profile.
also use LinkedIn to post job listings
and find employees. Potential employ-
ees can use LinkedIn to apply for these jobs, and employers can review applicants’ profiles
much like they would read a résumé. We will discuss how you can use LinkedIn as an employ-
ment tool in Module 8.


4.4 Sharing Personal Information

on the Internet

As mentioned earlier, you can sometimes take personal actions online without fully realizing
the consequences of these actions. Once you know these risks, however, you can take steps to
protect yourself. Let’s take a look at common ways many people often disclose more personal
information than they should.

It may surprise you to learn that people you have never met may know where you live and
how long you have lived there. They may also know your past residences, your phone number,
your age and income, the number of children you have, their names and those of other rela-
tives, the products you buy, the magazines you read, your political views, your hobbies, and
the movies and games you enjoy.

Most of the people and companies who gather this information about you do not use it for
fraudulent purposes. They generally use it to create advertisements or special offers for prod-
ucts and services you might like. They may also be political pollsters or campaign workers
who use the information to solicit your support for their candidate, or they may be charitable
organizations that want you to contribute to a cause you care about or supported in the past.
However, they often entice you to disclose personal information by tying that personal infor-
mation to the possibility of winning a prize or helping others by completing surveys. They
may also play on your fear of not being able to return a product or obtain service if you do not
register a product.


4.4 Sharing Personal Information on the Internet

Before you participate in a sweepstakes, survey, “free gift,” or trial offer, make sure you know
that the company sponsoring the sweepstakes is reputable. Do not respond to an e-mail mes-
sage or click a link in the message unless you are sure the message is legitimate. If possible,
go directly to the organization’s website to participate, rather than responding through an
e-mail message or link. Also, read the terms and conditions of the sweepstakes or survey to
determine what the company will do with the information it collects.

Similarly, when you purchase products and the manufacturer asks you to register your prod-
uct, either online or by mailing a registration card, determine if registration is necessary. To
do so, consider the following three questions:

1. Is this information required for you to be protected by the product warranty? If not,
the company may want the information to inform you of product updates or for mar-
keting purposes. Decide if those are important enough reasons for you to register.
2. Is the information the company requests reasonable and related to the product you
purchased? Look at the type of information you have been requested to provide and
decide if you would be willing to share this information with family or close friends.
3. Can the information you provide be shared with third parties? Read the terms and
conditions instead of just automatically clicking “I accept.” Make sure you fully under-
stand what you are agreeing to. If the information will be shared with others, decide if
you are willing for it to become public knowledge.

Sometimes the information we voluntarily provide online may actually be helpful to us, such
as when a company learns that we subscribe to a certain magazine and sends us a promo-
tion to save money when we renew
our subscription. However, remem-
ber that electronic data can be per-
manent. We never know where this
information goes, who will obtain it,
how reputable they are, and what they
might do with that information. So
think carefully before clicking every
sweepstakes, survey, or promotional
offer presented to you.

Note that sweepstakes, surveys, and
promotional offers are not the only
methods criminals try to steal our Chairboy/iStock/Thinkstock
information. Check out A Closer Look: Be careful when listing your address, phone num-
Top Five Social Media Scams for other ber, or other personal information on sweepstakes
potential social media scams you or contest forms. This information could potentially
might see. be shared with third parties.


4.4 Sharing Personal Information on the Internet

A Closer Look: Top Five Social Media Scams

Social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook are great ways to connect with family and
friends. However, it is important to be cautious about blindly posting on social media without
considering possible consequences of what you reveal. Ideally, by learning more about ways
your personal information can be used, you will make more informed choices about what to
share about yourself and your family and avoid being the victim of a scam. Recently, the digital
security company Symantec, makers of the Norton brand security programs, published the
following list of the top five social media scams on social media websites (ClubNorton, 2015):

1. Chain messages. You have surely seen posts like this one: “Children in foreign countries
desperately need shelter, water, or school supplies. A rich individual or large company
will donate money if you retweet the post to five of your friends.” Don’t do it! Rich
individuals do not need your support to donate, and reputable charities have their own
fund-raising efforts. Messages such as this one are often gathering names of people to
contact later for other reasons. Break the chain and don’t respond to or pass on these
2. Requests for money.You are contacted by a friend or a relative who lost his wallet on
vacation and needs money sent immediately. Or, someone “friended” you on Facebook
and now has a problem she hopes you can help her solve with a financial contribution.
Perhaps a message arrives from your bank that you must make an online deposit
right away to cover an overdraft. These are all examples of stories thieves use to
solicit money through social media. Never respond to online requests for money or
information about your credit cards or other financial matters, even from people
you know or companies you think are legitimate. Unscrupulous people can infect a
computer with malware (discussed in Module 6) to steal e-mail addresses or social
media contact lists by sending these messages. Contact the person or company by
phone before you send any money based on a written message. Once you have opened
a message like this, run a scan, using the security software we discuss in Module 6, to
make sure your computer is free of any tracking cookies or other remnants of this type
of scam.
3. Hidden charges. You come across a “free” personality quiz to learn which Hollywood
celebrity you most resemble. You enter some personal information, including your cell
phone number, and your next cell phone bill shows that you have signed up for a $9.95
monthly subscription to an online service that will send quizzes to you every month.
Trial offers for products and services and supposedly free games and quizzes can
pressure you to purchase other goods or result in unsolicited products arriving by mail
that you did not know you ordered. Read all the terms and conditions carefully before
you enter any personal information for what seems to be a free or inexpensive offer on
any website.



4.4 Sharing Personal Information on the Internet

A Closer Look: Top Five Social Media Scams (Continued)

4. Phishing requests. “You have to see these
photos of you I found on social media!”
Many of us would be tempted to click
on the link in that message, which takes
you to what looks like your Facebook
or Twitter log-in page. There you enter
your log-in ID and password, and a
cybercriminal now has control of your
account. This type of scheme is known
as phishing (pronounced “fishing”).
Don’t fall for it. Make sure you have
installed Internet security software on
your computer that defends against this
type of attempt to gain your personal
information. We discuss such software
later in Module 6.
5. Hidden URLs. People would rather copy
As the name suggests, phishing
and paste a short URL than a long one,
requests try to get you to take the bait
and some social media sites such as
and hand over personal information.
Twitter limit the number of characters in
links you post in messages on the site. For
these reasons, online URL shortening services are popular today. These services allow
you to input a long URL and then convert it to a much shorter one. For example, the
URL to find San Diego, California, on Google Maps is
9530fad921e4b:0x0d3a21fdfd15df79. Using one of these services, the URL can be
shortened to

In this example, the shortened URL eliminates all the information that helps you identify the
site. For this reason, shortened URLs can be used by scammers to redirect you to an unsafe
website. You can recognize shortened or hidden URLs by the name of the shorter service (
in the previous example) or by the seemingly random mix of letters and numbers at the end.
Be careful of clicking on these URLs, unless you trust the sender. Twitter users post these links
frequently. Learn to recognize the parts of a URL shown earlier in this module and be aware
that you will not know the actual destination of a shortened URL.
In Module 6, we will discuss the importance of installing Internet security software on your
computer to guard against accidentally installing malware on your computer if you click on a
malicious shortened URL.
Reflection Questions

1. Have you encountered any of these online scams? How did you react?
2. After reading about common social media scams, will you change any of your online
behaviors? If so, which ones?


Summary & Resources

Summary & Resources

Module Summary

By joining the vast global community of Internet users, you become a digital citizen. As with
any community, digital citizens have both rights and responsibilities. These include the

• Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
• Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity.
• Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
• Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship. (ISTE, 2007, p. 2)

As a digital citizen, you also respect copyright laws and refrain from practicing plagiarism.
Finally, you employ online etiquette by being polite, professional, and considerate of others
when using digital resources.

While the web is a wonderful tool for learning, sharing, and interacting with others, nearly
everything you write online is public. This is especially true when you are expressing your-
self in a blog or on social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. It is
important to familiarize yourself with the privacy settings in each platform you intend to use,
understand who will be able to read your posts, and use online etiquette when sharing your
ideas and opinions.

Having an online social life also means taking responsibility for the information you share and
ensuring that it isn’t used against you. By understanding the risks of providing personal infor-
mation through sweepstakes, surveys, free offers, and product registrations, you can avoid
being a victim of identity theft or computer viruses.

Critical-Thinking Questions

1. What are your responsibilities as a digital citizen?
2. What are the consequences of committing plagiarism, and how can you avoid it?
3. How is a blog different from a personal journal or diary?
4. What are some of the positive aspects of using social media?
5. How can you ensure that your professors or future employers won’t discover any-
thing damaging about you online?
6. Describe a situation in which you or someone you know was a victim of an online
scam or had a problem due to something he or she posted on social media.


Summary & Resources

Key Terms

blog An online journal or personal writing online etiquette Polite and professional
platform. behavior that is appropriate when you use
digital resources.
blogosphere The worldwide community of
bloggers. phishing An attempt to obtain sensitive
information from another computer user,
collective intelligence The ability to col- often for malicious or fraudulent purposes
laborate with others on the web. such as identity theft, by masquerading as a
trustworthy source.
digital citizen A person who participates
productively, safely, and responsibly in plagiarism The use of someone else’s
today’s technological society. language, ideas, or other original (non-com-
mon-knowledge) material without acknowl-
flaming An increasingly intense and vicious edging its source.
online debate.
recycling The act of submitting a paper
flash mobs Similar to tweetups, gatherings written by you for another Ashford Univer-
of people organized through social media. sity class. This is not condoned unless you
have permission from your instructor and
geosocial footprint The location informa- clearly indicate that the paper was submit-
tion revealed by users through social media. ted previously for another purpose. The
university’s policy on recycling is detailed in
geotagging A feature that allows a website the “Student Responsibilities and Policies”
to identify information about your location. link in the classroom.

global village The shared human connec- social learning Learning that takes place in
tion through technology. a social context through the influence of our
hashtag On social media, a word or phrase
preceded by a pound sign (#) and used to social networking A method of building
identify, describe, and organize messages on networks or social relationships among
a certain topic. people who share common interests, back-
grounds, or activities.
metadata Big-picture data that is compiled
from many smaller data points; often used tweetups Similar to flash mobs, gatherings
by corporations and intelligence groups to of people organized through social media or,
create user or target profiles. in this case, Twitter.


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